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MULAILAH DENGAN MENULIS PEMBUKAAN Menulis pembukaan essay tidaklah sesulit yang Anda bayangkan. Misalnya, Anda ingin menulis tentang Yogyakarta. Tulislah kalimat pertama Anda. O ya, kalimat pertama Anda tentunya merupakan „topic sentence‟ dalam pembukaan Anda. Contoh: “Yogyakarta is one of the most interesting tourism places in Indonesia”. Nah, mungkin Anda bingung, “Kalimat selanjutnya apa ya?”. Nggak usah bingung! Untuk kalimat selanjutnya, sebutkan saja contoh-contoh tempat wisata di Yogya yang membuat Yogya menjadi salah satu tempat wisata menarik. Contoh: “Yogyakarta has the most beautiful temple in Indonesia, namely Prambanan Temple. Another tourism destination that people can visit is the Parangtritis Beach. Tourists can also visit Yogyakarta Palace for their vacation agenda”. Jika kalimat pertama Anda digabung dengan kalimat-kalimat di atas dalam pembukaan, paragraf Anda akan menjadi begini: Yogyakarta is one of the most interesting tourism places in Indonesia. Yogyakarta has the most beautiful temple in Indonesia, namely Prambanan Temple. Another tourism destination that people can visit is the Parangtritis Beach. Tourists can also visit Yogyakarta Palace for their vacation agenda. Ingat, Anda masih memerlukan satu kalimat akhir dalam pembukaan Anda. Gampang! Anda dapat mengulangi topic sentence Anda dengan kalimat lain untuk digunakan sebagai kalimat akhir dalam pembukaan essay Anda. Contoh: “There is no better interesting tourism place like Yogyakarta”. Nah kalimat inilah yang akan Anda jadikan thesis statement dalam essay Anda. Mari kita lihat paragraf pembukaan kita secara utuh: Yogyakarta is one of the most interesting tourism places in Indonesia. Yogyakarta has the most beautiful temple in Indonesia, namely Prambanan Temple. Another tourism destination that people can visit is the Parangtritis Beach. Tourists can also visit Yogyakarta Palace for their vacation agenda. There is no better interesting tourism place like Yogyakarta. TULISLAH ‘BODY OF PARAGRAPH’ ANDA Tantangan Anda selanjutnya adalah menulis batang tubuh essay Anda. Jangan dibuat sulit! Ingat body of paragraph adalah pengembangan dari thesis statement Anda. O ya, ada satu lagi trik yang sangat gampang: “Kembangkan body of paragraph Anda dengan kalimat-kalimat pembukaan Anda”! Ingat, dalam pembukaan Anda menyebut tempat wisata Prambanan, pantai Parangtritis dan Keraton Yogyakarta. Nah, tempat-tempat wisata inilah yang harus Anda tulis dalam 3 bodies of paragraph Anda. Lihat contoh berikut: Firstly, Prambanan temple can be one of the most attractive places in Yogyakarta, even Indonesia. Prambanan was built up by the Mataram King thousand of years ago. Hence, people can learn about the history of the Mataram Kingdom through Prambanan temple. The story in the temple’s wall which depicts the story of Ramayana adds to the opportunity for people to learn the history. Additionally, the government has built up some facilities for the

visitors such as shopping centers and parks. Thus, tourists can easily buy handicrafts before they go home in the shops. Visitors can also take a walk with their family in the comfortable park. No wonder, more and more tourists come and see the Prambanan temple. Secondly, if tourists want to enjoy the beauty and facilities of the beach, Parangtritis beach can be the best option. Located in the southern part of Yogyakarta city and surrounded by the hill, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the south sea. Some facilities such as hotels and motels have also been built up by investors along the beach. Visitors can rent hotel rooms if they want to stay overnight in Parangtritis. Indeed the combination of beauty and facilities make Parangtritis an attractive tourism destination for many people. Finally, Yogyakarta Palace is the ultimate tourism destination due to its cultural and artistic values. It is said that Yogyakarta palace is one the palaces in still existing in Indonesia. The Yogyakarta King is believed to descend from the Mataram Kings and he has responsibility to preserve the Javanese Cultural values. Because of this, people nowadays can still enjoy some cultural celebration in the Yogyakarta palace. Entering Yogyakarta palace, visitors can also the state of the arts of the palace building and its ornaments. Cultural and artistic elements are, indeed, a good combination to attract more visitors to come to Yogyakarta palace. TULIS KESIMPULAN ANDA Kita sudah selesai menulis the body of essay. Tinggal satu langkah lagi: Tulis conclusion atau kesimpulan Anda. Inilah cara termudah membuat paragraf kesimpulan: Tulis kembali paragraph pembukaan dengan kalimat lain!

Lihat contoh: In conclusion, Yogyakarta is one of the most attractive tourism destinations in Indonesia. Some factors dealing with the history, culture, art and beauty of nature are fulfilled by Prambanan temple, Parangtritis and Yogyakarta palace. Yogyakarta will remain the best tourism attraction for tourists. TULISAN LENGKAP Nah selesailah essay kita. Silakan lihat tulisan lengkapnya. Pahami sekali lagi dan praktekkan. Yogyakarta is one of the most interesting tourism places in Indonesia. Yogyakarta has the most beautiful temple in Indonesia, namely Prambanan Temple. Another tourism destination that people can visit is the Parangtritis Beach. Tourists can also visit Yogyakarta Palace for their vacation agenda. There is no better interesting tourism place like Yogyakarta. Firstly, Prambanan temple can be one of the most attractive places in Yogyakarta, even Indonesia. Prambanan was built up by the Mataram King thousand of years ago. Hence, people can learn about the history of the Mataram Kingdom through Prambanan temple. The

story in the temple’s wall which depicts the story of Ramayana adds to the opportunity for people to learn the history. Additionally, the government has built up some facilities for the visitors such as shopping centers and parks. Thus, tourists can easily buy handicrafts before they go home in the shops. Visitors can also take a walk with their family in the comfortable park. No wonder, more and more tourists come and see the Prambanan temple. Secondly, if tourists want to enjoy the beauty and facilities of the beach, Parangtritis beach can be the best option. Located in the southern part of Yogyakarta city and surrounded by the hill, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the south sea. Some facilities such as hotels and motels have also been built up by investors along the beach. Visitors can rent hotel rooms if they want to stay overnight in Parangtritis. Indeed the combination of beauty and facilities make Parangtritis an attractive tourism destination for many people. Finally, Yogyakarta Palace is the ultimate tourism destination due to its cultural and artistic values. It is said that Yogyakarta palace is one the palaces in still existing in Indonesia. The Yogyakarta King is believed to descend from the Mataram Kings and he has responsibility to preserve the Javanese Cultural values. Because of this, people nowadays can still enjoy some cultural celebration in the Yogyakarta palace. Entering Yogyakarta palace, visitors can also the state of the arts of the palace building and its ornaments. Cultural and artistic elements are, indeed, a good combination to attract more visitors to come to Yogyakarta palace. In conclusion, Yogyakarta is one of the most attractive tourism destinations in Indonesia. Some factors dealing with the history, culture, art and beauty of nature are fulfilled by Prambanan temple, Parangtritis and Yogyakarta palace. Yogyakarta will remain the best tourism attraction for tourists.