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Example of discussion text School Uniforms Policy

School uniforms are uniforms worn by parents primarily for a school or otherwise educational institution. In Indonesia, school uniforms tell many things such as students' grade level and school or institution. In elementary school level for instance, students are asked to wear ‘red-white’ uniforms; while junior high school students are asked to wear 'blue-white' uniforms; and for senior high school, students are asked to wear 'blue sky-white' uniforms. Except those formal-uniforms, there are others such as scout uniforms and school or institutional uniforms. School uniforms become a debate issue among parents nowadays. Some of them think that school uniforms are necessary, while others think that they are not.

Some parents believe that school uniforms will make such good advantages to their children while learning at school. First, school uniforms can keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. Students will not concern on clothes color, clothes style, or clothes brand, if they wear same school uniforms. Second, school uniforms may improve attendance and discipline. A 2010 study by researchers at the University of Houston found that the average absence rate for girls in middle and high school decreased by 7% after the introduction of uniforms. It is because school uniforms make getting ready for school easier, which can improve punctuality. When uniforms are mandatory, parents and students do not spend time choosing appropriate outfits for the school day. The last, school uniforms are a symbol that every student is equal in getting same education. School uniforms will not differentiate whether the students are rich or not and students’ economic or social class.

In other hand, school uniforms can affect negatively on students psychology and performance in learning at school. First, school uniforms restrict students' freedom of expression. Students cannot express themselves through clothes they wear. Second, uniforms also may have a detrimental effect on students' self-image. When students have to wear the same outfits, rather than being allowed to select clothes that suit their body types, they can suffer embarrassment at school. A 2003 study by researchers at Arizona State University found that "students from schools without uniforms reported higher selfperception scores than students from schools with uniform policies." Third, some students also find uniforms less comfortable than their regular clothes, which may not be conducive to learning. The last, school uniforms in public schools undermine the promise of a free education by imposing an extra expense on families. Parents already pay taxes, and they still need to buy regular clothes for their children to wear when they are out of school and for dress-down days.

In conclusion, school uniforms remain important of the students’ forsakes. Students will be discipline and will focus more on learning. School uniforms also will show them that they are equal in learning. However, to cover all disadvantages of school uniforms such as restriction of students’ freedom of expression, students’ self-image, students’ comfort, and school uniforms’ extra expense, there are several recommendations that need to be considered. First, allow the students to wear or use some accessories as long as they are not break the regulation. Accessories usage can free their expression, self-image, and promote their comfort in learning. Second, use two kinds of school uniforms only; the formal school uniforms and scout uniforms. It is because extra school or institutional uniforms will require extra money from parents.

Contoh Discussion Text tentang Seragam Sekolah | www.belajarbahasainggris.us


Kebijakan Seragam Sekolah

Seragam sekolah adalah seragam yang dikenakan oleh siswa terutama untuk sekolah atau lembaga pendidikan. Di Indonesia, seragam sekolah memberitahu banyak hal seperti tingkat dan sekolah atau lembaga siswa. Dalam tingkat sekolah dasar misalnya, siswa diminta untuk memakai seragam 'merahputih'; sementara siswa SMP diminta untuk mengenakan seragam 'biru-putih'; dan untuk SMA, siswa diminta untuk memakai 'biru langit-putih' seragam. Selain seragam formal tersebut, ada jenis seragam lainnya seperti seragam pramuka dan seragam sekolah atau institusi. Seragam sekolah menjadi isu perdebatan di kalangan orang tua saat ini. Beberapa dari mereka berpikir bahwa seragam sekolah itu diperlukan, sementara yang lain berpikir bahwa seragam sekolah itu tidak perlu.

Beberapa orang tua percaya bahwa seragam sekolah akan memberikan beberapa kelebihan untuk anakanak mereka ketika belajar di sekolah. Pertama, seragam sekolah dapat membuat siswa fokus pada pendidikan mereka, tidak pada pakaian mereka. Siswa tidak akan memikirkan warna pakaianya, gaya pakaiannya, atau merek pakaian, jika mereka mengenakan seragam sekolah yang sama. Kedua, seragam sekolah dapat meningkatkan tingkat kehadiran dan kedisiplinan. Sebuah studi 2010 oleh para peneliti di University of Houston menemukan bahwa tingkat ketidakhadiran rata-rata untuk anak perempuan di sekolah menengah dan tinggi mengalami penurunan sebesar 7% setelah mengenakan seragam. Hal ini karena seragam sekolah membuat bersiap-siap untuk sekolah lebih mudah, yang mana dapat

meningkatkan ketepatan waktu. Ketika seragam sekolah itu wajib, orang tua dan siswa juga tidak menghabiskan waktu untuk memilih pakaian yang tepat untuk pergi ke sekolah. Terakhir, seragam sekolah adalah simbol bahwa setiap siswa adalah setara dalam mendapatkan pendidikan yang sama. Seragam sekolah tidak akan membedakan apakah siswa itu kaya atau tidak dan kelas ekonomi atau kelas sosial siswa.

Di sisi lain, seragam sekolah dapat berpengaruh negatif pada psikologi dan tindakan siswa dalam belajar di sekolah. Pertama, seragam sekolah membatasi kebebasan siswa untuk berekspresi. Siswa tidak dapat mengekspresikan diri melalui pakaian yang mereka kenakan. Kedua, seragam juga mungkin memiliki efek yang merugikan pada citra diri siswa. Ketika siswa harus memakai pakaian yang sama, bukannya diperbolehkan untuk memilih pakaian yang sesuai dengan jenis tubuh mereka, mereka dapat merasa malu di sekolah. Sebuah studi tahun 2003 oleh para peneliti di Arizona State University menemukan bahwa "siswa dari sekolah tanpa seragam melaporkan skor persepsi diri yang lebih tinggi daripada siswa dari sekolah dengan kebijakan seragam sekolah." Ketiga, beberapa siswa juga menemukan seragam kurang nyaman daripada pakaian yang biasa mereka kenakan, yang mungkin tidak kondusif untuk belajar. Terakhir, seragam sekolah di sekolah umum merusak janji pendidikan gratis dengan memberlakukan beban ekstra pada keluarga. Orang tua sudah membayar pajak, dan mereka masih perlu membeli pakaian biasa untuk anak-anak mereka untuk memakai ketika mereka pulang dari sekolah dan untuk pakaian sehari-hari.

Kesimpulannya, seragam sekolah tetap penting untuk kebaikan siswa. Siswa akan disiplin dan akan lebih fokus pada pelajaran. Seragam sekolah juga akan menunjukkan kepada mereka bahwa mereka itu setara dalam belajar. Namun, untuk menutup semua kekurangan dari seragam sekolah seperti pembatasan kebebasan siswa dalam berekspresi, citra diri siswa, kenyamanan siswa, dan biaya tambahan seragam sekolah, ada beberapa rekomendasi yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Pertama, bolehkan siswa untuk memakai atau menggunakan beberapa aksesoris selama mereka tidak melanggar peraturan. Penggunaan aksesoris dapat membebaskan ekspresi mereka, citra diri, dan mempromosikan kenyamanan mereka dalam belajar. Kedua, gunakan dua jenis seragam sekolah saja; seragam sekolah formal dan seragam pramuka. Hal ini karena seragam sekolah tambahan atau akan membutuhkan uang ekstra dari orang tua.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Gift Cards

contoh teks discussion gift card Paparan yang bagus tentang baik buruknya gift card disusun sebagai contoh discussion text bahasa Inggris Gift cards become more popular during recent years. For example, in one season of holiday, sales reach $19 billion in United Stated and seem to grow more in the following season due to their convenience in the side of consumers and retailers. It has some advantages and disadvantages.

In retailers side, gift cards bring them some benefits. Selling gift card can be in simply selling product. When the cards are sold, they will get benefit. Additionally, gift card tends to be a matter of image and trend which means it is not strictly influenced by the functionality. Since gift card is the trend, the sales will increase significantly.

However, there is potential disadvantages in the side of consumers. For example, itune gift cards apply process in the way of completing the shopping. they need do one step to another steps in processing the shopping. Likely, most of the steps apply time and date of validity or expiration. When certain step loose that validating date, the gift cards may be in risk. The gift card can be rejected to redeem. Again, in retailers side, producing card its self is costly. It means that there is additional cost which retailers have to pay.

In whatever thing, we need to be wise. If we can use that gift card effectively, the disadvantages can be reduced.

Generic Structure of Discussion Text about Advantages and Disadvantages of Gift Cards Hampir semua teks dengan jenis discusion yang mengangkat problematic issue akan memenuhi 4 unsur generic structure nya yaitu: 1. Stating issue It has some advantages and disadvantages.

2. Supporting arguments

Selling gift card in simply selling product.

3. Against arguments itune gift cards apply process in the way of completing the shopping.

4. Recommendation or Conclusion If we can use that gift card effectively, the disadvantages can be reduced.

Baiklah saya kira cukup, tentang contoh discusion text bahasa Inggris tentang advantaes dan diasdvantages of gift card tela dilengkapai dengan analisa generic structurenya. Semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menamaba wawasan keimuan kita khususnya tentang bahasa Inggris konteks dan teks.

Advantages and Disadvantage of Facebook

Everything which we have in the world has two sides; good aspect and bad one. It is also definitely true for the phenomenon of facebook. There are a large number of people who have facebook account. If we see closely, facebook also has some pros and cons. Certainly, facebook has many advantages. The easiness of communication is what most people agree. We have had old friends and we are being separated by time and distance. Facebook is a great way to reconnect us again. We have a family who lives far away. Again, Facebook can helps us to stay connected. We can send news and share pictures with them of recent family activities. This easy communication makes us get together though we ar not. Another advantage of facebook is for bussiness purpose. Some companies use facebook to promote their products and services. They will make Facebook page and write about their product and services and will be easily connected to millions of people in the world. Facebook is a great outlet for companies which needs to find new clients and keep contact with them easily. This is actually the biggest selling point to facebook. Besides the advantages, facebook has also disadvantages. Facebook is sometime scaring and annoying. It is about a “virtual” friend. Facebook makes such friend connection exist, though may not in fact. Fake

Identity is another disadvantage. Who can guarantee that your friends in facebook have used the real identity?

Facebook newsfeed can also become annoying. There are a lot of people who just want to talk everything which sometimes makes no sense for us. Spamming is another problem with facebook. We often receive invitations to games or things which we don’t like but we feel to be forced to like them too.

According to me, facebook is not as an entirely bad thing or a completely good thing. Facebook is absolutely about how we can use it wisely and safely.

Apa Generic Structure Teks Discussion Itu? Pertanyaan diatas adalah hal yang paling mendasar ketika belajar genre suatu teks. dari sanalah identifikasi jenis bacaan itu bisa dilakukan dengan mudah. Sera uum teks discussion itu terdiri dari: 1. Pernyataan suatu issu: dalam contoh diatas muncunya situs jejaring sosial facebook menjadi isu utama.

facebook also has some pros and cons. 2. Argument yang mendukung: Setelah melemparkan suatu gagasan atau isu kepada pembaca, penulis harus memberikan satu alasan bukti, atau argumentasi yang mendukung adanya isu diatas

The easiness of communication is what most people agree. facebook is for bussiness purpose 3. Arument yang menolak: Ini adalah wujud keseimbangan sudut pandang yang dianut penusi dan perlu disampaikan kepada pembacanya

Facebook is sometime scaring and annoying. Facebook newsfeed can also become annoying.

4. Adanya rcommendation: Kesimpulan yang perlu ditidaklanjuti oleh pembaca setelah memahami isi tulisan bahasa Inggris tersebut

Facebook is absolutely about how we can use it wisely and safely.

The Advantage and Disadvantage of Nuclear Power

(Issue) Nuclear power is a kind power supply that is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part of the world. Nuclear power becomes the answer to produce clean and efficient energy that will make this world better. However, not all people agree with that. Some of them believe that nuclear power supply is dangerous. Pro-contra of building nuclear power supply becomes a major topic to discuss among society.

(Supporting Points) Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needed, and produces huge amounts of energy. It cause no pollution as we would get when burning fossil fuels. The advantages of nuclear plant are as follow:

It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. It produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uranium. It produces small amount of waste. It is reliable.

(Contrasting Points) On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. If the nuclear power supply is leak off or blow up, the radiation can bring harm to any living being surrounding. Nuclear radiation is deadly which can make people physically defect. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity

to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident ca be a major accident.

(Conclusion or Recommendation) Nuclear power is a better alternative energy supply to replace fossil fuels energy supply. However, nuclear power is also dangerous if it is not built properly. In conclusion, nuclear power is the best answer to fulfill our needs of clean and efficient energy which is sustainable in the future. Government should make careful constructions and good maintains to make nuclear power save.