Final Semester Test: Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Pati [PDF]

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SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS NEGERI 2 PATI Jln. Jenderal Achmad Yani Nomor 4 Pati Kode Pos 59112 Telepon (0295) 381211, 381212

Faximile 0295-381211 Surat Elektronik [email protected] Website :

FINAL SEMESTER TEST A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D or E!

1. Man

: Excuse me. I am filling out this form. What does “MM/DD/YY” mean?

Woman: That means Month/Date/Year. Use number to fill it. Man

: Oh, Thank you.

What part of the form does the man want to fill? A. B. C. D. E.

The address. The birth date. The full name. The account number. The phone number.

2. Man

: What should I fill in this box?

Woman: You are Male, so you should write “M”. Man

: Thank you.

What information does the woman not understand about? A. B. C. D. E.

E-mail. Marital Status. Qualification. Gender. Postal code.

This text is for questions 3 to 5.

Moto Magazine Subscription Form NAME

: Alicyatun Nisa


: Vallery Avenus 30, Aledonia, Ohio


: 43902


: +6285641234567


: [email protected]

$25.00 One year subscription. Send check or money order to: Moto Magazine Official Company PO BOX 8822 Lehren Road 320, Amiin, Ohio

3. What is the purpose of the form above? A. To request a subscription of magazine. B. To register as a member of motor club. C. To purchase a magazine. D. To return magazines that has been bought. E. To apply as an employee in the magazine company. 4. What should the writer do after filling out the form? A. Go to the company. B. Buy the magazine. C. Pay $25.00. D. Send an E-mail. E. Click the website. 5. From the form above, we know that . . . . A. Alicya cannot get the old magazine. B. Alicya wants to join a motor club. C. Alicya wants to read the magazine regularly. D. Alicya does not have money to buy the magazine. E. Alicya will be employee of the company for one year.

6. Doctor : You should try to reduce taking medicine for slight headache. Patient : Okay, Doctor. Thank you very much.

What is the patient’s problem? A. B. C. D. E.

She gets a headache. She got an accident. She is in the hospital. She has a mental problem. She gets a slight toothache.

7. The railway station is too far from here. You . . . a taxi to get there. A. Should take. B. Should not be taking. C. Should have taken. D. Should be taking. E. Should be taken. 8. Man

: I got a constipation.

Woman: . . . . .

What is the suitable advice? A. B. C. D. E.

You should eat less. You should eat more vegetables. You should drink all medicine. You should not eat too much. You should change your habit.

9. Man

: I have a very bad cold.

Woman: . . . .

What is the best response to say next? A. B. C. D. E.

You should have gone out until last night. You should go out until late last night. You should be going home until late last night. You should not have gone out until late last night. You should not go out late at night.



: I did not know there was a quiz yesterday.

Woman: . . . .

What is the most appropriate response to say next? A. B. C. D. E.

I should tell you about it. I should have told you about it. I should not have told you about it. I should be telling you about it. I should not tell you about it.

This incomplete text is for numbers 11 to 13. Dear Jihan, I am going to see you next week. Do you think your parents 11) ________ me to stay overnight at your house? I hope so. I will go there by bus. You 12) ______ me a train ticket. It is more expensive. When I arrive there, I will wait in the hall until the taxi comes. So, you 13) ________ pick me up.

11. A. allow B. will allow C. will be allowing D. will have allowed E. will have been allowing. 12. A. buy B. should buy C. should not buy D. will buy E. will not buy 13. A. should B. need to C. have to D. should have to E. do not have to


Woman: The museum is free. You do not have to pay. Man

: Really? I am glad to hear it.

Woman: But, you should obey all the regulation. Man

: Of course.

Why does the Man feel glad? A. B. C. D. E.

He does not need to pay to enter the museum. He will enter the museum with the woman. He must obey all the regulation of the museum. He got the ticket to enter the museum. He really wants to visit the museum.

15. Man

: can I ask your proposal?

Woman: I am sorry, sir. I have not finished it yet. By 3 p.m., I will have finished it. Man

: Alright.

What can we learn from the dialog? A. B. C. D. E.

The woman cannot finish her proposal. The woman will ask the proposal at 3 p.m. The woman will submit the proposal at 3 p.m. The woman will not finish the proposal at 3 p.m. The woman apologizes because she cannot do the proposal.

16. Woman: it is time for me to leave now. The train departs at 10 o’clock. I do not want to be late. Man

A. B. C. D. E.

: Wait! I . . . . . you to the railway station.

Will have been driven Will have driven Will be driving Will drive Drive

Dialogue for questions 17 and 18 Putra

: Hi, Arini!


: Hi, Putra!


: Have you already have any plan for this holiday?


: I haven’t decided yet whether to Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Raja Ampat or Bali. I wish I had a chance. How about you?


: I am planning to visit my sister’s shoe-store.


: Great! Where is it?


: Surakarta. I also want to help my sister to keep her store.

17. What is Putra planning for this holiday? A. He is planning to visit his friends. B. He is planning to stay at home. C. He is planning to visit a shoe-store in her city. D. He is planning to help his sister in her shoe-store. E. He is planning to spend his holiday at Arini’s hometown. 18. Where is the shoe-store situated? A. Bali B. Jakarta C. Raja Ampat D. Yogyakarta E. Surakarta 19. My new record was …… in its jacket nor on the gramophone. A. Not only B. Neither C. Both D. Either E. So 20. You may have … chocolate ice cream . . . a caramel sundae for dessert as a reward. Which correlative conjunction best completes the sentence? A. Not only, but also B. Neither, nor C. Both, and D. Either, or E. So, as

21. Mr. Purbo is a good public speaker. He speaks . . . fluently . . . clearly in his presentation. A. Not only, but also B. Neither, nor C. Both, and D. Either, or E. So, as 22. Eric lost the game. He never studies his opponent . . . before . . . after a game. A. Whether / or B. Both / and C. Neither / nor D. Either / or E. Whether / or 23. It is hard to say . . . . Eric . . . . Aaron is the better player. A. Whether / or B. Both / and C. Neither / nor D. Either / or E. Whether / or 24. We will send only one person to the dancer competition . . . . Rani . . . . Rina. A. Not only, but also B. Neither, nor C. Both, and D. Either, or E. So, as

This text is for number questions 25 and 29.

Clara Barton was born on December 25, 1821 in Massachusetts. When she was 11 years old, her brother, David, fell of a roof. Clara stayed home from school for two years to care for him and discovered that she enjoyed nursing. The Civil War started in 1861. At that time, there were no trained nurses in America. Clara took food and medicine to wounded soldiers. Clara was called “the Angel of the Battlefield”. She took care of soldiers who were injured or ill. She burned her hand frostbitten fingers. Twice her clothing was struck by bullets. When President Lincoln heard about her hard work, he gave her a medal. Later, Clara took a trip to Europa. Then, she learned about the Geneva Convention a treaty that made it so that hospitals flying a Red Cross flag could not be fired upon. Red Cross workers would help any soldier. It didn’t matter which side her was on. Clara believed in the Geneva Convention and wanted the United State to sign it. Clara worked so hard in the battlefield that she became ill and almost went blind. Clara wanted to bring the Red Cross to America. But Americans didn’t think that they needed it. People said there would never be another war. Clara responded that the group could help with any kind of disaster. Clara started the Americans Red Cross in 1881. Just a month after she established the group, terrible fires broke out. They left more than 5,000 people homeless. The American Red Cross handed out food and supplies. News of the group’s good work spread fast. Just six months later, the U.S. president signed the Geneva Convention. Clara led the American Red Cross for 22 years. On April 12, 1912, she died in her home. The cause of death was tuberculosis. Today the American Red Cross still helps those in needs. Taken from, Leveled Texts for Social Studies: American Biographies.

25. What made Clara enjoy nursing? A. She participated in nursing in battlefields. B. She lived in battle. C. She stayed home from school to treat his brother for two years. D. She was left by her parents to take care of her siblings. E. She was appointed by the president to a nurse for the battle.

26. Why was Clara called as “the Angel of battlefield”? Because . . . A. She took care of soldiers who were injured of ill. B. She was a woman soldier in the battlefields. C. She was not afraid of the situation of battlefields. D. She was the only nurse in the battlefields. E. President Lincoln was proud of her. 27. From the text, Americans did not accept the Geneva Convention because . . . A. They didn’t need them B. They could not treat them as well C. They did not know about nursing D. They did not like the Europe’s treaty E. There would never be another war 28. What made the American president sign the Geneva Convention? A. The president recognized Clara Barton. B. A sudden war happened in America. C. Many people were homeless because of poverty. D. Red Cross helped when the terrible fires broke out. E. No one helped when Americans got disasters. 29. From the text, we know that Clara Barton was . . . A. Diligent and helpful B. Stubborn and clever C. Friendly and famous D. Rich and famous E. Clever and punctual 30. There were ……………….. many questions to answer so I ran out of time. A. too B. enough C. too hot D. hot enough E. too cool 31. She is old ………………… to make her own bed now. A. too B. enough C. too hot D. hot enough E. too cool

32. The tea was ………………….. hot for me to drink. A. Enough B. Too C. Too small D. Enough small E. Just enough 33. The room was …………………. so I turned the heating off. A. too hot B. hot enough C. Too small D. Enough small E. Just enough 34. I didn’t buy the laptop because it was ………………… A. Too hot B. Hot enough C. too expensive D. expensive enough E. too small 35. The shirt was ………………. so I didn’t buy it. A. too small B. small enough C. too money D. enough money E. too hot 36. The tablet is ……………… to fit inside your pocket. A. too small B. small enough C. too money D. enough money E. too hot 37. It is ………………. to start a new lesson now. A. a too small B. small enough C. too money D. too late E. enough late

38. I haven’t got …………………. to buy the tickets. A. too money B. enough money C. small enough D. too money E. too late 39. . It was ……………… to carry. A. light enough B. too light C. small enough D. too money E. too late 40. Rearrange the following sentences into a good paragraph! 1) At that time, the girls were forbidden by law to leave their own homes from the age of 12 to 14 until their marriage. 2) Raden Ajeng Kartini was a Javanese princess and educator. 3) Kartini herself bagged to be sent to college in Jakarta, and was at last allowed to go. 4) She was the daughter of the Regent of Jepara in Java. 5) His husband supported her progressive views about women, and they started a school for native girls, but she died shortly after the birth of their son, at the age of 25. 6) However, she was then ordered to return to marry the Regent of Rembang in Central Java. The best arrangement is . . . . A. 2) - 1) – 5) – 3) – 4) – 6) B. 2) – 4) - 3) – 1) - 6) – 5) C. 2) – 1) - 4) – 3) – 5) – 6) D. 2) – 4) – 5) – 1) – 3) – 6) E. 2) – 4) – 1) – 3) – 6) – 5) Read the following text to answer questions number 41 to 44. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. He graduated from the University of Zurich in Switzerland in 1905. In 1905 he also did some of his famous work in Physics. In 1919 he won the Noble Prize for Physics. Between 1919 and 1933 he lived in Germany and traveled a lot to talk to other scientists. Then, in 1933 he had to leave Germany because of Hitler and the Nazy Party. He moved to United States from 1933 until his death. He lived in Princetown, New Jersey. He died on 18th April 1955. 41. What is the topic of the text? A. Albert Einstein’s home town B. The life of Albert Einstein                           C. Albert Einstein’s childhood D. The achievement of Albert Einstein E. The profession of Albert Einstein

42. When did Albert Einstein win the Noble Prize? A. In 1905 B. In 1919 C. In 1955 D. In 1933 E. In 1879 43. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? A. Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prizes for Chemistry B. Albert Einstein had done some famous work in Physics before 1905 C. Albert Einstein had spent the rest of his life in America for 21 years D. Albert Einstein died on age of 78 years of age E. He left Germany not because of Hitler and the Nazy Party 44. “In 1905 he also did some of his famous work in physics.”  What is the similar meaning of the underlined word? A. Familiar   B. Excellent C. Very good  D. Well known E. Excitement                                                       Read the following text to answer questions number 45 to 48. SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER FORM Subscribe to “WOMAN’S LIBERTY” magazine that recently received the TOP Brand Award from the Society of Fashion Designers. YES! Send me “WOMAN’S LIBERTY” megazine for 1 year (12 issues) at just RP288.000, a saving of 20% off the full cover price of RP 30.000. Payment enclosed Bill me Name: Intan PermataTitle: Batik Designer Company: Kencana Sari Batik Boutique Adress: Bancar Asri Street II/16 Semarang Please allow four weeks for first issue.

45. Why did Intan complete this form? A. To enrol in a design course B. To apply for a designer's job C. To receive magazine

D. To win an award E. To join that event 46. How much is the full cover price for each issue? A. Rp. 24.000 B. Rp. 30.000 C. Rp. 288.000 D. Rp. 300.000 E. Rp. 240.000 47. How long will it take for the first issue to be delivered? A. One month B. Two weeks C. One week D. One year E. Two month 48. The magazine comes.... A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Every three months E. Everyday Read the following text to fill in the blanks number 49 and 50. To           : All staff From     : Personnel Department Date      : 14 October Subject: Questionnaire It’s time of year again : time for the annual employee survey! Please take the time to fill out this questionnaire. All responses will be kept (49)_______. Your opinions will become part of the overall group response. You will notice that this year there are additional question referring to the new alternative work week that is being considered. The administrative needs to ascertain the degree of employee support before embarking on a revised schedule. Results of this portion of the survey will be represented (50)__________the executive vice president. All surveys must be returned by 2nd November. Just drop them in the box marked “Employee Survey” Thank you! 49. A. Confident B. Confidential C. Confidentially D. Self-confidence E. Unconfident ally

50. A. B. C. D. E.

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B. Answer the following questions clearly and correctly! 1. Mention tree kinds of forms serving different function that you know! Answer: ____________________________________________ 2. Please, change these sentences into positive, negative, and finite! a. He should go to the beach with us. Answer: __________________________________________ b. She should spend more time on his English. Answer: __________________________________________ 3. Please, change these sentences into positive, negative, and finite! a. Rachma will invite all of his friends to the celebration next week. Answer: ____________________________________________ b. Will Rama give back Syifa’s phone? Answer: ____________________________________________ 4. Write sentences with correlative conjunction and Too or Enough! a. Both/and+noun Answer: _________________________________________ b. Too+adjective Answer: _________________________________________ 5. Arrange the following sentences into a brief biographical recount! i. With his vision of affordable personal computers, he launched one of the largest industries of the past decades while still in his early twenties. ii. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, on February24, 1956. iii. His father showed his son how to take apart and reconstruct electronics. iv. He remains one of the most inventive and energetic minds in American technology. v. As a boy, Jobs and his father worked on electronics in the family garage. Answer: ____________________________________________


A. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. B

11.B 12.C 13.E 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.D 18.E 19.B 20.D

21.C 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.A 26.A 27.E 28.D 29.A 30.B

31.B 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.A 36.B 37.D 38.B 39.A 40.E

41.E 42.B 43.C 44.D 45.C 46.B 47.A 48.C 49.B 50.C

B. 1. Kinds of form: - Purchase form - Order form - Withdrawal slip - Deposit slip - Reservation form - Medical form 2. a. (+) He should go to the beach with us. (-) He should not go to the beach with us. (?) Should he go to the beach with us? b. (+) She should spend more time on his English. (-) She should not spend more time on his English. (?) Should she spend more time on his English? 3.

a. (+) Rachma will invite all of his friends to the celebration next week. (-) Rachma will not invite all of his friends to the celebration next week. (?) Will Rachma invite all of his friends to the celebration next week?

b. (+) Rama will give back Syifa’s phone. (-) Rama will not give back Syifa’s phone. (?) Will Rama give back Syifa’s phone?

4. Depends on the students. Examples: a. Both Ardi and Rendi have come to join the competition. b. She sleeps too long in the morning. 5. 2) – 5) – 3) – 4) – 1)