Final Ubd Signature Assignment [PDF]

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ED 420 Fall 2014: UbD/SLO Unit Plan Template Teacher’s Name: Keke Powell Grade Level: 3rd

Content Areas to be Integrated: Science, Math, and Language Arts

CLASSROOM COMMUNITY PROFILE Prompt 1: What are the physical factors of the school and classroom? The school is located in a good community of the Waipio Gentry. The school is kept in nice shape, but it still looks like it could use more if an appealing appearance. The classroom is very organized. There are an assortment of books for the students to read from for all reading levels. Prompt 2: What are the intellectual and academic development levels of this class? This class has a lot of different types of learners. There are about 5 students that are at a higher level of thinking than the other students. There is one students that is below the grade reading level. The students are able to grasp the concept of the teachers teaching. The students reading level is at a D. The rest of the class are at a J-N right now. The students that need extra assistance get pulled out every day to get one on one assistance from a tutor. It nice that they get pulled out, but then they miss the lesson. When they come back, the teacher has to reteach the lesson to the students that were pulled out. Prompt 3: What are the collective language development characteristics of this class? All of the student’s first language is English. They can speak the language fluently and there are no ELL’s in the classroom. Prompt 4: What are the social dynamics of this class? The students will be using a lot of group work. If I think a worksheet may be too hard to do individually, then I don’t mind making it a partner assignment. The students will always have the option to working alone. Prompt 5: What socio-economic and cultural factors characterize this class? The classrooms are not very well funded. They always have to make use of what they already have and make it last as long as they can. The students have laptops in the classroom, but they are not very up to date with technology. The students are always fundraising trying to get new things for the classrooms.

Essential Vocabulary: (List key terms tied to the subject areas you are integrating into the unit.) Universe, Galaxy, Solar System, Sun, Gravity, Force, Revolution, Rotation, System, Moon, Asteroid Belt, inner planets, outer planets

STAGE 1: Desired Results

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Learning Goal(s): Students will be able to . . . . (Tied to the standards and benchmarks, these learning goal statements should be clearly addressed in this unit of study.)

For each learning goal statement provide:  Deconstructed standards/benchmarks (content and performance standards): Students will be able to know/understand…(content knowledge and concepts) Students will be able to [verb(s)]…(skills and processes)

- Students will be able to illustrate the size of the Earth in relation to other planets. - Students will be able to relate the size of the Earth to the sun. - Students will be able to relate the size of the Earth to other planets. - Students will be able to illustrate the size of our universe overall, comparing planets, stars and distances. - Students will understand the importance of the Solar System. 

Rationale (Explain why this standard was selected for this unit of study, and how it connects to the Big Idea(s) of the unit.)

The Solar system is made up of the sun and the objects are held in orbit by its gravitational force. Our solar system is an unexplored frontier. The Sun is the center of our Solar System in which 9 large, diverse planets are positioned in a specific order. The students will understand why the earth is titled on it axis for a specific reason.

Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DoK) Level (circle one): 1




Requires reasoning, developing a plan or a sequence of steps, some complexity. Items have more than one possible answer and require students to justify their response.

Big Idea(s): Students will understand that . . . . (Two to three declarative, generalized statements describing connected ideas and concepts that transcend the grade levels in the content area, and are tied to the learning goals.)

Essential Question(s): (Thought-provoking, engaging, broad, and probing questions that will encourage students to uncover the Big Ideas.)

Students will understand to name and label all the planets in our solar system. Students will understand to find distances between planets and stars. Students will understand to compare and contrast characteristics of planets. Students will understand the research and report information on given planets. Students will understand to create displays of given planets.

Why is the sun, earth, and the moon so important in the solar system? What predictable, observable patterns of movement in the sun, earth, moon system occur between gravity and energy from the sun? How is the Solar System like a family?

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How are the inner and outer planets different? Why do some objects have more gravity than others? Why is the earth tilted on its axis? Overarching Essential Questions:

How do objects in the solar system differ in terms of size, composition, features, distance, movement, and apparent motion? How does an object’s size and position affect the conditions on the planet itself and other objects in the solar system? Standards/Benchmarks: HCPS III, Common Core State Standards (CCSS), C3 (Social Studies), NGSS (Science)

SC.3.8.1 Physical, Earth, and Space Sciences: EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE: Understand the Earth and its processes, the solar system, and the universe and its contents 3.RL.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. 3.RL.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text distinguishing literal from nonliteral language. 3.RL.7 Explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character of setting). CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step "how many more" and "how many less" problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. 5-PS2-1.

Support an argument that the gravitational force exerted by Earth on objects is directed down. [Clarification Statement: “Down” is a local description of the direction that points toward the center of the spherical Earth.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include mathematical representation of gravitational force.]


Analyze and interpret data to determine scale properties of objects in the solar system. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the analysis of data from Earth-based instruments, space-based telescopes, and spacecraft to determine similarities and differences among solar system objects. Examples of scale properties include the sizes of an object’s layers (such as crust and atmosphere), surface features (such as volcanoes), and orbital radius. Examples of data include statistical information, drawings and photographs, and models.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include recalling facts about properties of the planets and other solar system bodies.]

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GLOs, Core Values, 6-Facets of Understanding:

General Learner Outcomes, Na Honua Mauli Ola (NHMO), 1-6 Facets of Understanding

GLO 1.2 Plans and manages time and resources to achieve goals GLO 3.1 Applies prior learning experiences to new situations GLO 4.1 Recognizes and understands what quality performances and products are GLO 5.5 Observes and makes sense of visual information Learning Outcomes: 1. Learn that the Earth is one of eight planets orbiting the sun varying in size, structure, appearance, and distance from the sun. 2. Design representations in conventional and creative ways to answer spatial and relational questions between objects in our solar system. 3 of the 6 Facets: Explanation Provide thorough and justifiable accounts of phenomena, facts, and data. The students will be giving oral presentation of their solar systems to the class. They each will all make the solar system and will each be given one planet to focus on and share with the class. Knowledge Perceive the personal style, prejudices, projections, and habits of mind that both shape and impede our own understanding; they are aware of what they do not understand and why understanding is so hard. The students will have prior knowledge of the solar system and then gain more to build off of. Application Effectively use and adapt what they know in diverse contexts. The students will have integrated subjects causing them to adapt to different types of context that is given to them.


Standard #1: Learner Development

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State Teacher Standards (InTASC)

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements develop mentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences. Standard #5: Application of Content The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and Collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues. Standard #7: Planning for Instruction The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, crossdisciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

Interval of Instruction Necessary to address Goals:

_____ Yearlong

______ Semester

___X___ Other: 5 Weeks

STAGE 2: Assessment Evidence

Culminating Performance Task and Summative Assessment: Briefly describe how students will show you that they have met the learning goals (Stage 1), by providing real-world tools, resources, roles, and challenges to reveal that they can apply, reason, solve problems, etc. to reflect deeper understandings. Decide upon an authentic and relevant audience for this task. Think about whom can students show their understandings to in order to make an impact beyond the walls of the classroom.

Goal(s): The goals is for the students to understand the importance of the Solar System and create a display for these understandings. The will be completing a series of task (lessons/activities) to help them get a deeper understanding of these concepts. Role: You have been asked to explore the Solar System and detect the different plants, stars, and the moon. Other science explorers will be presenting you their ideas of how they see these planets from their own research. Audience: Your target audience are students from a 2nd grade classroom. Let the students be as fascinated as you with all this new information you obtained. Situation: The context you find yourself is there are other scientist trying to find out the same information as you. Make sure you take down important notes that you can work off of. The solar system is huge and put the solar system into your own words. Performance:

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Identify selected standards & benchmarks from Stage 1, including any GLOs and other key values that clearly connect to the culminating performance task. Consider only those indicators/learning goals that reflect what students should be able to know and do by the end of the unit, knowing that they’ve met the other learning goals along the span of the unit.

You will create a presentation on a planet and present it on a poster with the class. Then you will make a planet report with all your findings that you have learned. Standards: Your product must meet the following standards: SC.3.8.1 Physical, Earth, and Space Sciences: EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE: Understand the Earth and its processes, the solar system, and the universe and its contents 3.RL.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. 5-PS2-1.

Support an argument that the gravitational force exerted by Earth on objects is directed down. [Clarification Statement: “Down” is a local description of the direction that points toward the center of the spherical Earth.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include mathematical representation of gravitational force.]

Authentic culminating performance task: The teacher will collect their daily journals and evaluate them. The teacher will collect the student’s model of the solar system and evaluate them on the correct placement and location of the planets.

Name______________ Date_______________

Planet Name___________

Planet Report ________________ is the ______________ planet from the Sun. (Name of Planet) (1st, 2nd, etc.) It is one of the ____________ planets because it is located ____________ the asteroid belt. (inner or outer) (inside or outside) ____________ has a ______________ gravity than earth. (Name of Planet) (stronger or weaker) My Planet is known for ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ (Describe a unique feature about your planet) Describe how your Planet was named. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ Fall ED 420 Course (S. Fitzgerald)

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Can your Planet be seen at night without a telescope? ________________ Is your planet made up of mostly gas or rock? ______________________ Does your Planet have clouds? ____________________ List 5 interesting facts about your Planet? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Draw your planet and be creative. Bibliography List the books and websites where you found your information. When you list a book, include the author’s name and the title of the book. When you list a website, list the url and a title of the article.

Authentic Audience: The student shows outside level thinking by building up questions while learning. The students show an understanding by telling their partner about what they have learned. If the students have further questions then they can ask. Summative Assessment: (How will you measure this culminating performance task?) My summative assessment is going to be a test. I will take different questions from the students Planet reports and then go from there. I wouldn’t throw anything they didn’t learn on the test. I would tell the students to pay close attention to the Planet Presentations because they could see some answers on a test. The test below, I would add pictures of each of the planets with the word on the word bank. I could not add it on because it would mess up the organization of the test. This is my general idea of how I would start my test and I would add or delete anything as we start to learn more about the unit.

Date: __________________________

Solar System Test 1. What is the result of the earth’s rotation? a. Four Seasons b. Day and Night c. The calendar year d. The moon’s changing in size 2. Which best describes the earth’s orbit around the sun? a. Zig-zag b. Elliptical Fall ED 420 Course (S. Fitzgerald)

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c. Rectangular d. Triangular 3. The planets farthest from the sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are known as: a. Outer b. Inner c. Solar d. Phases 4. A large object that moves around a star is a/an: a. Revolution b. Orbits c. Planet d. Sun 5. The planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are large spheres mainly made up of ____________. a. Gas b. Hydrogen c. Helium d. Water 6. The largest planet in the solar system is: a. Jupiter b. Neptune c. Venus d. Earth 7. Write the name of the planet in the blanks below. A. B. C. D. E. F.

_______ The brightest object in the sky. _______ The biggest planet in the solar system. _______ The coldest planet in the solar system. ______ The planet with the most life forms. ______ The planest nearest to the sun. ______ Hottest planet in the solar system.

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G. H. I. J.

______ ______ ______ ______

The planet with the nickname “The Red Planet”. Planet farthest from the sun This planet is so light that it could float in water. The seventh planet from the sun.

Word Bank: Saturn, Mars, Neptune, Earth, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter 8. Name one interesting fact that you have learned. 9. Name the planets in order from the sun. 10. Explain what you will remember the most about this unit.

Rubric(s) for Summative Assessment/ Culminating Performance Task:

Attach a rubric to this unit plan document that connects the selected standards/benchmarks, GLOs, values, etc. as criteria, along with clear descriptors for each level of proficiency/quality/understanding. Assign points for the different levels with descriptors in your rubrics. This culminating performance task rubric should be an analytical rubric.

Planet Report Grading ___________ Accuracy of Information All blank lines, questions, and tables in the packet are answered accurately. Student has carefully researched all necessary information. (5 points) ___________Picture on Cover The picture on the cover page is accurate and neatly drawn. It includes any applicable moons, rings, and colors. Moons are labeled. (5 points)

_________ Presentation

Handwriting is clear and easy to read. Words are spelled correctly. There are no wrinkled or ripped pages in the packet. (10 points)

___________Sources Sources should be accurate and there should at least used information from one book. (5 points) ___________Total Grade (Out of 25) Fall ED 420 Course (S. Fitzgerald)

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Exceeds Average Minimal Needs 4 3 of assessments2to use throughout Improveme Formative Consider multiple formats the interval of instruction, and how nt can include: selected Assessments: (List often each type will be collected. Formative assessment methods other evidence and response, constructed response, observations, and individual1communication. assessments Poster 4+ accurate 3 accurate 1-2 No facts are beyond those for the Content facts are facts are accurate provided culminating provided provided facts are about the performance task, to provided measure student about theUse a about graphicthe organizer to compare andplanet contrast the attributes of 2 planets growth and masteryplanet planet about the during the and Earth of benchmarks.) during the during the planet presentatio presentatio presentatio during the n. distances in the Solar System  Construct models to demonstrate size and n. n. presentatio n.  Design a space suit to keep an astronaut alive on any planet in our Solar Graphics There areSystem There are 1 There is 1 There are and several to 2 graphic no graphics Originality graphics graphics used to to reflect  Create a screencast to explain and defend spacesuit features used reflect used to reflect the the model. the model reflect the model. and the model and the Rubric(s)/Scoring student Presentation of Criteria for used students their Planet Formative creativity has some Rubric: Assessments: creativity (Holistic (single- for the display. for the point rubric that I would use the rubric assesses student display. below to grade the work as a whole) There are Grammar There is 1 There are 3 There are student’s rubrics, criterion and Labels no to 2 to 4 more than 4 presentations on the checklists planet of their choice. grammatica grammatica grammatica grammatica (“met”/”not met” the I would also give my l errors on l errors on l errors on l errors on specific students my rubric so benchmarks), and the poster. the poster. the poster. the poster. they know what I am other formal tools The labels Some labels Labels are There are expecting from them. can be attached are posted are hard to find no labels. here to assess accurately accurate and not students for learning throughout the spanand are but not all. clarified. of the unit.) easy to find. Student The student The student will be given after each topic has been There coveredare (the sun, the moon, and the Other Evidence TheQuizzes Presentatio is speaking has 1 or 2 has 3 or 4 multiple (including prestars) assessments): n clearly and mistakes mistakes mistakes (Describe (and the while and is a and the attach, if any) pre Constructed Response Questions presenting, little hard to audience is assessment tool foraudience is able to but understand confused on beginning this unit o How is a planet different from a star? of study to assess follow students them and the students for prior along. are still able follow presentatio knowledge and o to How are the orbits of Earth around follow along. n. the sun and the orbit of the understandings, moons around planets alike? along. levels of understanding,

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current skill levels, and any misconceptions. Also list any informal formative assessment methods (observation, individual communication, etc.) here.)

Expected Targets: (Identify expected student learning outcomes (SLOs) with respect to all learning goals listed in Stage 1, and what (content, process, product) and how (based upon student readiness, interest, learning profile) differentiation will take place.)

o Pick a planet (other than Earth) and describe 5 characteristics that you know about it. Be as specific as possible. o How is spinning a weight tied to a string around your head similar to the orbit of a planet around the sun? The students will self-asses themselves after presenting to the class about their planet. The student will be given a check-list because I want to see how the student think they did. I want give feedback on the checklist and then tell them there grade later on.

Learning Goal #1: (Restate the deconstructed standard from Stage 1 to reveal proficiency (skill), quality, and/or knowledge/understanding and DoK level.) Students will be able to relate the size of the Earth in relation to other planets.

What is being differentiated to meet the needs of all students: Content: The students will receive handouts of all the information needed. They will use the internet to find more. Process: Product: The students will be creating a solar system of their own.

How differentiation will take place, based upon student readiness, interest, and/or learning profile: My goal is to find a visual that helps the student understand just how big the earth is in the solar system and compare it to the other planets.

Learning Goal #2: Students will be able to relate the size of Earth to the Sun. 

What is being differentiated to meet the needs of all students: Content: Process: Product: The students will compare size of the earth and Sun.

How differentiation will take place, based upon student readiness, interest, and/or learning profile: The students will learn the importance of the Sun and the Earth. Then they will learn the size of both and make their own model of this.

Learning Goal #3: Students will be able illustrate the size of our universe overall, comparing planets, stars, and distances. 

What is being differentiated to meet the needs of all students: Content: Process: Product:

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How differentiation will take place, based upon student readiness, interest, and/or learning profile: This will tie in our own creation of the solar system. If a student does not understand how to make this, then I can work with them or have them make a visual with only 4 planets. I can accommodate the lesson for the student.

Learning Goal #4: Students will understand the importance of the solar system. 

What is being differentiated to meet the needs of all students: Content: Process: Product: All of the projects put together.

How differentiation will take place, based upon student readiness, interest, and/or learning profile: The students will have a better understanding of how the solar system works and can tell their peers about what they have learned. Some students can focus on a few planets rather than all 9.

STAGE 3: Learning Plan Include activities, instructions, groupings, differentiated instructional and engagement strategies, digital literacy tool(s), and resources used (This learning plan should address how learning events will spiral and scaffold to build up to the culminating assessment. Give students multiple opportunities to practice all skills needed to accomplish the final performance task. Utilize instructional strategies that help students make connections between discrete knowledge and deeper understandings and themes often.) Summary of Key Learning Events, Instructional Strategies, and Assessments Learning Events, Instructional Strategies, Assessments Day 1: Pre-Assessment & KWHL Chart Day 2: Moon and Stars Day 3: Bottle Activity Day 4: Magic School Bus Lesson Day 5: Solar System Visual Day 6: Quiz, Assign Planet Report Day 7: Math Lesson Day 8: Class time for the Planet Report Day 9: Planet Report Due Day 10: Solar System cont. Day 11: Field Trip to the Bishop Museum Day 12: Quiz, Planet Walk, Assign Poster Presentation Day 13: Class time for Poster Presentation Day 14: Present Poster Presentation Day 15: Solar System Test and Science Night

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Targeted Learning Goal # (From Stage 1/2)

- Students will be able to illustrate the size of the Earth in relation to other planets. - Students will be able to relate the size of the Earth to the sun. - Students will be able to relate the size of the Earth to other planets. - Students will be able to illustrate the size of our universe overall, comparing planets, stars and

distances. - Students will understand the importance of the Solar System.

5-Week Calendar of Learning Events, Instructional Strategies, and Assessments (Briefly note the events for each day across a 5-week period, referring to your Learning Plan above, here in Stage 3.) Monday Day 1


Wednesday Day 2

Introduction of the lesson. Asking the students what they know and what they want to learn. (KWL) The KWL will do as a class and I will answer all the questions that they want to learn throughout the unit.

Start with learning about the moon and the stars. Ask questions about the moon.

Day 4

Day 5

Magic School Bus Lesson

The class will create a visual of the solar system together. The teacher will guide it and do the first one as an example. The students can work in groups and then present it to the class.

This is a good book to read to the class. I wouldn’t read the whole book, but the important pages. It explains the solar system in Mrs. Frizzle’s words. HW: Bring items for the solar system visual for Wednesday. Day 7 Math lesson The students will find out just how far apart the planets are from one another. HW: Math homework will be

HW: Take a look at the moon and stars and take notes of what you see.


Friday Day 3 Bottle Activity The students are each given a bottle and will fill it with glitter and other miscellaneous things. This will be an example of what our galaxy will look like. HW: None Day 6 Assign Planet report. The students will each focus on one planet and fill out the report to be graded. Quiz #1 HW: Start on Planet Report.

HW: Decide on which planet you would like to focus on. Day 8

Day 9

The class will have time to work on the planet report. They will go to the computer lab and use their finding. Some may want to go to the library and use a book to find their research

Planet Report due

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Focus on the Sun and its importance HW: None

tied in with this.


Day 10

HW: Finish Planet Report Day 11

Focus on why we are learning about the solar system. Answer all the questions at the beginning of the lesson, but see if they can do it themselves.

Class Field trip to the Bishop Museum. The students will have a worksheet to fill out while they are there. HW: Reflect on what you learned at the museum.

Day 12 Planet Walk Everyone will be something in the galaxy. As a class we will demonstrate the solar system. So one persons will be the sun, etc.

HW: None Work on all the information for the Poster Presentation. Ask the teacher for help and explain the class the importance of citing your resources.

Present Poster presentation to the class. They can focus on the planet for their planet report or learn about a new one.

Quiz #2 Solar System Test. Science Night

HW: Checklist on theur presentation.

HW: Finish Poster Materials and Supplies Needed: All of the supplies will be provided by the teacher. Resources Needed: Information about the planets: Field Trip Information: Results and Reflection: Overall, I feel that I have written a strong lesson plan. I have enjoyed the time thinking everything over and I will look forward to teaching this lesson one day. I have taken experiences from when I was in elementary school and have the students do the same thing. I remember making a visual of my own of the solar system and I want my students to have the same experience. I think the class will enjoy the field trip the most because they can make more connections with actual visuals.

Template is adapted from the ONR-STEM UBD Template and the DOE EES-SLO Template for SY 2014-2015 Fall ED 420 Course (S. Fitzgerald) Page 14

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