Global Peace Youth Corps - Nepal. Essay Writing Competition [PDF]

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Global Peace Youth Corps- Nepal (GPYC- Nepal)

Essay Writing Competition

On the topic of

What Should Be the Legacy of Our Motherland? (xfd| xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] lj/f;t s:tf] x'g'kb{50f x'g' ckl/xfo{ x'G5 . To;}u/L …klxrfgÚ eg]sf] lrgf/L xf] . lrgf/L ta dfq x'\G5 ha s'g} j:t'df s'g} u'0f x'G5 . xfd|f] /fi6« …g]kfnÚ ef}lts ?kn] gh/cGbfh ubf{ cjZo klg ;'Gb/ 5, :ju{eGbf klg Hofb} t/ klxrfg oL ;'Gb/ j:t'sf] pkl:yltn] dfq sxfF x'G5 / < klxrfg lbgsf nflu t oL ;'Gb/ j:t'nfO{ bf]xg ug'{k5{ h;n] ubf{ Pp6f /fi6«nfO{ dfq geP/ ljZjnfO{ g} nfeflGjt ug{ ;sf];\ . ctM xfd|f] /fi6«n] klxrfg kfpgsf lgldQ 5]p5fpsf x/]s j:t'nfO{ gh/cGbfh ub}{ To;nfO{ ;'wfb}{ b]znfO{ cu|udgsf] af6f]tkm{ pGd'v u/fpg'k5{ h;n] ubf{ /fi6«n] cl:tTjk"0f{ / klxrfgo'Qm hLjg kfcf];\ . ;j{k|yd, xfdLn] of] s'/fnfO{ cf}FNofpg' k¥of] h;n] b]znfO{ cwf]ulttkm{ ws]ln/x]sf] 5 . To;kl5 tL ;a} tTjnfO{ h/}b]lv pv]nL o;nfO{ cfjZos dn nufpg' k5{ . xfd|f] b]zsf] d"n ;d:of eg]sf, ul/aL, bl/b|tf, e|i6frf/, clzIff cflb x'g\ . ha dflg; lzlIft x'Fb}g ta dflg;sn] ;xL lg0f{o lng ;Sb}g, pm cGwljZjf;L x'G5, pm cfˆgf k'vf{x? s} af6f]df cl3 a9\5 cyf{t\ clzIff / cr]tgftkm{ . oL ljljw j:t'n] ubf{ pm ;dfhdf kl/jt{g rfxFb}g . csf{lt/ ul/aL klg Pp6f dxflkzfr xf] h;n] b]zsf] ljsf;df afwf k'¥ofPsf] 5, cGttM b]znfO{ klxrfgo'Qm hLjg k|fKt ug{af6 alGrt t'NofPsf] 5 . ha dflg; ul/a x'G5 ta p;nfO{ xftd'v hf]g{ afx]s s]xL s'/fdf klg rf;f] /xFb}g ta sxfF b]z cl3 ;5{ < sxfF /fi6«n] klxrfgo'Qm hLjg kfpF5 < o;afx]s e|i6frf/ klg /fi6«nfO{ klxrfg lbgaf6 ljd'v u/fpg] tTj xf] . ha /fhgLlt eGg] zAb ;'G5 ta g]kfnLn] s]jn o;nfO{ l3gnfUbf] v]n 7fG5g\ . g]kfnsf] 5]p5fpdf Toqf ljzfn /fi6«x? ePsf] kmfObf p7fpg' kg]{ ;dodf g]kfnn] ltg} b]zsf] lzsf/ aGg'k/]sf] 5 . g]kfnn] zflGtk"0f{ tl/sfn] slxNo} klg s'g} sfo{ ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g . g]kfnsf] d"ntM zflGtk"0f{ /fhgLlts ofqfdf ljb]zL tTjx? vngfos eP/ pleG5g\ / g]kfn To;s} O;f/fdf gfRg afWo x'G5 . of] ;+:ff/s} lgod xf], 7"nf] zlQm ;bf cufl8 / zlQmxLg ;bf k5fl8 . t;y{ n]vgfy kf}8\ofnn] eg] xf]nfg\ M h'g xfjf lyof] ldq kf]Nbf h8\un clUgsf], ToxL u5{ bLksf] gfz lgwf{sf] ldq x'G5 sf] < o;sf] cy{ x'G5, ToxL xfjfn] 7"nf] h8\unsf] cfuf]nfO{ emg\ k|f]T;fxg u5{ eg] ToxL xfjfn] Pp6f ;fgf] bLknfO{ lgefpF5 . o;/L 7"nf] /fi6« ;bf cu|ufdL clg ;fgf] h'Qfd'lg . oxL k|lqmof qmdzM rln/xg] x]f eg] b]zsf] pRr cl:dtf / klxrfg x'g' eg]sf] æcfsfzsf] kmn cfFvft/L d/Æ eg]h:tf] d} ;Lldt /xG5 . b]zdf ePsf kfFrj6f …hÚ nfO{ klg plrt ?kdf k|of]u ug'{k5{ h;n] b]z ljsf;sf] r/d lzv/df k'Ug ;S5 . tL kfFrj6f …hÚ x'g\ M hn, hldg, hª\un, hl8a'6L / hgzlQm . hnsf] k|of]uaf6 b]zn] ljB't phf{ pTkfbg ug{ ;S5 h;sf dfWodaf6 b]zn] ljb]zL d'b|f cfh{g ug{;S5 . To;}u/L hldgsf dfWodaf6 cToflws pTkfbg u/L cGt/fli6«o ahf/ lng ;ls|G5 / hgzlQm dfkm{t tL ;a}nfO{ k|of]u ug'{k5{ . To;}n] g]kfnnfO{ ljsf; k|bfg u5{ / ljsf;sf] r/d lzv/df k'uL g]kfnn] emG8f kmkm{/fpg ;s]f;\ . g]kfn ;u/dfyfsf] b]z, k|fs[lts ;'Gb/tfsf] vfgL dfq geO{ ;'Gb/, zfGt / ljZjs} ;j{>]i7 /fi6«sf] ?kdf :yflkt x'g'k5{ . g]kfndf ;+:ff/sf] ;a}eGbf a9L 8fS6/ / OlGhlgo/ dfq x}g dfgjtfjfbL Pjd\ /fi6«eQm /fhgLlt1x? hGdfpg'k5{ . ;Dk"0f{ hfthflt ;dfg / ;Dk"0f{ wd{nfO{ plQs} OHot lbg] /fi6«sf ?kdf g]kfn :yflkt x'g'k5{ . g]kfn ;+:ff/sf] ;a}eGbf lzlIft, dfgjtfjfbL, /fi6«eQm ePsf] b]z egL lrlgg' kb{5 .

t;y{ g]kfn pxL k'/fgf] z}nLsf] clzlIft, ceb|, c/fhs, ul/a / ljkmn /fi6« eP/ lrlgg' x'Fb}g . o;df t oL s'tTjnfO{ gf; u/L /fi6«sf] dfof ug]{, kl/jt{g rfxg], /fhgLlt Pjd\ k|zf;gnfO{ cfbz{ dfGg] >i6fx? hGdg'k5{ h;n] b]znfO{ cu|udgtkm{ nfg ;sf];, b]znfO{ cl:tTjk"0f{ hLjg lbcf];\ / /fi6«sf] klxrfgnfO{ pRr t'Nofcf];\ . oL ;a} j:t'n] k"0f{ eP dfq b]zn] ;'gf}nf] klxrfg lng ;S5 .

k"hf kf08] lgi6 sn]h sIff !@ ;Dks{ ;Dks{ g+ (&$!!##&^^ xfd|f] /fi6«sf] kl/ro s] x'g'k5{ < /fhf lxdfn ;u/dfyfsf] tfh klxl/P/ kxf8sf ;'uf/ËL k6'sL afFw]sL g]kfn cfdfnfO{ nfnLu'F/f;?kL 9'+u|L d'Gb|L ag]/ ;hfpF5, ;'gufef / rd]nL cTt/ agL ;'jf; 55{g\ eg] emem{/ emg]{ em/gf rfFbgL /ftdf rdsbf/ s]z ;/L emem{/fpF5g\ . oxfF x/]s k|fs[lts laDax? g]kfn cfdfnfO{ ;hfpg tlNng 5g\ . To;}n] g} xfd|f] g]kfnnfO{ ;'Gb/ gfdn] cfe'lift u/]sf] 5 . xf] of] ToxL e"ld xf] hxfF k'vf{n] cfˆgf] /utsf] v]tL u/]/ :jtGqtf hGdfPsf lyP, of] ToxL e"ld xf] hxfF ;Ltfsf] kljqtfsf] aofg ul/G5 clg a'4sf pkb]zx? u'~hfodfg x'G5g\ . jL/tfsf] ufyfn] el/k"0f{ o; b]zdf Pstfsf] Pp6f o:tf] dGq 5 h;n] ubf{ km"n cg]sf}F ePtf klg Pp6} dfnfdf ufFl;P/ g]kfnnfO{ ;'Gb/ / ljzfn agfpg ;kmn ePsf] 5 . To;}n] t cfh tL v}/]x? klg xfd|f] jL/tfnfO{ ;nfd lbG5g\ clg o;/L g} ag]sf] 5 xfd|f] b]z . g]kfn Pp6f :jtGq, ax'eflifs, ax'hftLo, wd{ lg/k]If /fi6« xf] . t/ klg of] cg]stfdf hfb'do Pstf 5 . emg} xfd|f k'vf{n] uf]/fx?sf] cufl8 5flt yfk]sf jL/tfsf s'/fx? xfd|f] Oltxf; ;hfpg tlNng 5 . xfd|f zxLbx? xfd|f] nflu k|]/0ffsf] ;|f]t ag]sf 5g\ h;n] JoflQmut :jfy{nfO{ Tofu u/]/ cfˆgf] b]zk|]dsf] efjgfnfO{ ;flat u/] . of] xf] b]zelQm h;df b]zsf] nflu cGTo;Dd klg nl8G5 clg b]zsf] gfddf alnbfg lbOG5, h;sf sf/0fn] b]zn] gf}nf] cfofd kfpF5 . lxdfnsf 5flt kmf]/]/ lgZrn clg ;bfaxf/ aUg] lxd gbLx? klg ko{6sx?;Fu ldt]/L ufF;L cd/ gftf hf]8\g l;kfn' 5g\ . otf gbLgfnf ;';fpF5g\ eg] 8fFkm] d'gfn cfˆgf g[To k|:t't u5{g\, g]kfn cfdfsf] ;'Gb/tf b]v]/, g]kfnLsf] Pstf b]v]/ . g]kfn snf / ;+:s[ltsf] Ps cg'kd k'~h xf] . oxfFsf 3/, rfnrng / njfOvjfO{ ;a}df snfTdstf 5 . xfdLn] ug]{ gd:sf/n] d]xgL nufpg] snf af]s]sf]5 . xfd|f cg]s snfn] ubf{ g} xfd|f lje"ltx?n] ljb]zdf ;d]t o;sf k|rf/ k|;f/ u/L g]kfnsf] gfdnfO{ ch/ cd/ agfPsf 5g\ . g]kfn e"–efusf] lx;fan] ;fgf] 5 t/ oxfFsf k|fs[lts k|ltlaDj, uf}/jdo Oltxf;, wfld{s ;lxi0f'[tf, hftLo ljljwtf, ;fF:s[lts / k'/ftflTjs w/f]x/ cflbn] g]kfnnfO{ Pp6f 5'6\6} em08f k|bfg u/]sf] 5 h;n] g]kfn / g]kfnLsf] ljz]iftf af]s]sf] 5 . oL t lyP xfd|f k'vf{sf l;h{gf . of] ;do xfd|f] xf] . To;}n] ca ;do cfPsf] 5 xfd|f] ;ª\3if{sf], xfd|f lk9LnfO{ l;sfpg] xfdL x'g'df uj{ u/fpg] . To;}n] ;'? ug'{5 xfdLn] xfd|f] g]kfn cfdfnfO{ cem ;'Gb/ agfpg . Toltdfq xf]Og cfGtl/s ?kdf alnof] / ;an agfpg] . xfdL s'x]sf] wfgsf] nf]edf g]kfn cfdfsf] 5fltdf nft xfg]/ ljb]lzg] xf]Og ls ca g]kfn cfdfsf] uj{nfO{ el/k"0f{ kfg'{k5{ . ;u/dfyfsf] prfOnfO{ cem} r'Nofpg' k5{ clg l/;fPsf vf]nf, gbLgfnfnfO{ ;b'kof]u ug'{k5{ . xfdL g]kfnsf] gfdn] lrlgg] xf]Og ls ca xfd|f] gfdn] g]kfnnfO{ lrgfpg' k5{ .

/fi6«sf] ul/jLdf ;fy lbg' g} xfdL g]kfnLsf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] st{Jo xf] . /fi6«sf] af/]df ljrf/ ug]{ lbdfunfO{ hGdfpg' cfhsf] cfjZostf xf] . Pp6f cfdfn] cfh 8fS6/, OlGhlgo/ hGdfpg' k5{ h;n] g]kfnsf x/]s s'gf sfKrfdf /x]sf] a];fxf/fsf] ;xof]u ug{ ;sf];\, h;n] g]kfnsf] kfgL h:tf] lx/fnfO{ lah'lndf kl/jt{g ug{ ;sf];\ / g]kfnsf x/]s s'gf sfKrf klg ljsf;sf k"jf{wf/x?n] el/e/fp x'g ;s'g\ . oxfF o:tf] lzIfssf] cfjZostf 5 h;n] n'nfnË8fnfO{ klg lxF8\g l;sfpg\, cfGwfn] klg g]kfnsf x/]s :yfgdf ;xefuL aGg ;sf];\ / alx/fn] klg /fli6«o ufg ;'g]/ uj{ ug{ ;sf];\ . o:tf] ;kmf / ;'Gb/ agf];\ g]kfn ljb]zLx?n] x:tIf]k ug]{ / s'Nrg] cfF6 g} gu?g\ . g]kfnsf] /fhgLlt o:tf] xf];\ h;n] ubf{ ljb]zL klg xfd|f] b]zsf] /fhgLlts Joj:yfkg b]v]/ 8fx u?g\ . g]kfnsf cd[t ;dfg hl8a'6L klg s'g} 5nsk6ljgf g} k|of]udf cfcf];\ clg t chDa/L aG5g\ g]kfnL klg . cnf}lss ;'Gb/tf / ljz]iftfn] ubf{ g} g]kfnn] s'g} klg s'j]/nfO{ x/fpg ;S5 . oxL g]kfnsf ;'gf}nf lxd>ª\vnf, ;'gsf afnf ;/L em'n]sf wfg, x[bo g} k|km'lNnt kfg]{ 8fF8fsfF8f, ;DkGg / ljkGg ju{sf] d]nldnfk, uf}/jdo Oltxf;, lje"ltsf k]|/0ffbfoL sfo{ cflbn] g} g]kfnnfO{ cnsfk'/L agfOlbG5 . xfd|f] b]z kSs} klg ljb]zLsf] cfsif{0fsf] ljifo aGg ;S5 olb xfdLdf b]z k|]dsf] efjgfn] a;f]af; u/], xfdLdf Pstfsf] cfefif ldn], clg xfd|f] l;h{gfnfO{ lhjGt t'Nofpg ;s] . clg aGg]5 8fS6/ Ol~hlgo/sf] b]z lah'nL a]r]/ klg cfly{s ?kdf ;an ePsf] b]z, oxfF cftª\ssf] s'g} klg 36gf 36\g] 5}g / ljlng aGb} uPsf] xfd|f] ;'Gb/, zfGt / ljzfn kl/ro km]l/ hGdg]5 . clg xfdL ufpg] 5f}+ ;'Gb/, zfGt / ljzfn .

Gff/fo0f k|;fb kf}8]n la|lnoG6 dlN6kn sn]h,sf7df08f} :gfts bf] bf]>f] jif{ ;Dks{ (*$!(#^^#! xfd|f] /fi6«sf] kl/ro s] x'g'k5{ < æhggL hGde"ldZr :juf{blk ul/ol;Æ cyf{t\ cfkm"nfO{ hGd lbP/ o; wtL{df kfOnf /fVg] ;f}efUo k|bfg u/]sL, b'wsf]] d'06f] r';fP/ hjfg t'NofPsL, cfkm" ef]s}–hfu} a;] tfklg cfˆgf] lgbf{]if O{Zj/ :j?k ;GtfgnfO{ s]xL ug]{ ;fx; k|bfg ug]{ cfdf tyf cfkm" hlGdPsf] 7fpF, cfkm" x'ls{sPsf] 7fpF, Tof] 7fpF hxfFsf] xfjf, kfgL, df6f] / kof{j/0fn] cfˆgf] /Qm ;~rf/ ePsf] x'G5, z/L/sf ;f/f sf]ifx? rn]sf x'G5g\, ;FfRr} g} :ju{ eGbf cjZo Kof/f x'G5g\ . cem egf}+ k|f0flk|o g} x'G5g\ . t;y{ dftf tyf dft[e"ld ;a}eGbf Kof/f tyf ;+;f/ xNnfpg] ;Gtfg k}bf ug]{ o:tf x:tL x'g\ h;sf] ;]jfefj, u'0fufgn] kSs} klg :juf{g'e"lt k|fKt x'G5 . ;a} /fi6«k|]dLnfO{ æcfdf eGb} ?g kfpmF la/fpFbf af6f]Æ, cfw'lgs uLtsf] Ps c+zn] ;j{bf dnfO{ 3R3RofO/xG5, /fi6« lgdf{0ffy{ s;/t ug{ emSemsfO/xG5 . dft[e"ldsf] hlGh/n] afFlwPsf], lga'jf em}+ ;fFlwPsf], u'Gb|'s em}+ vfFlbPsf] tyf bn bndf nflbPsf] bb{gfs Pjd\ sf?l0fs kl/l:ytaf6 dft[e"ldnfO{ dfly p7fpg ;fFRr} eGg'kb{f …dÚ Ps kfq x'F g]kfndf hlGdPsf], ToxL klg g]kfnsf] k"jL{ e]usf] Ps s'gfdf . ljZjsf] s"n e"–efusf] )=)# k|ltzt tyf Plzofsf] )=# k|ltzt e"–efu cf]u6]/ klg h]g t]g 5flt km'nfO a;]sf] d]/f] /fi6« g]kfnsf] Ps ;fgf] a:tLdf hlGdPsf] d km'Rr] dfgjlrqsf] ;kgf, OR5f, rfxgf Pjd\ cfsfª\Iff eg] cyfx 5, Jofks 5, cem eGg'kbf{ ;j{Jofks g} 5 . dft[e"ldsf] dfq pTyfgfy{ geP/ ljZjs} pTyfgfy{ tNnLg Pjd\ tgdgsf ;fy nflu kg{ d k|To]s kn ;f]rdUg x'G5' . lsgls ljZjsf ;a} /fi6«sf ;j} If]q s;} g s;}sf dft[e"ld x'g\ g} .

d}n] *–!) lbg cl3 sËf]df zflGt ;''/Iffy{ vl6Psf] g]kfnL ;]gfn] lvr]sf] lel8of] 6]k x]/]sf] lyPF, h;df lvlrPsf b[Zox?df b'w r':b} u/]sf aRrfsf] cfdf ;fy} x'Fbfsf] d'To'j/0f, o'jtLsf u'KtfËdfly ePsf b'/frf/, s;}sf] 6fpsf] lagfsf] z/L/, gf/Lsf :tgljxLg zf/Ll/s cj:yf, k'?ifsf cw{z/L/ lrqx? nufot x]bf{ cfFz'sf wf/f 5'6]sf lyP . crfSnL 5 ljZjdf g ls g]kfndf dfq . hGdn] d g]kfnL / d]/f] dft[e"ld g]kfn . ev{/} !) jif]{ hgo'4sf] ef/df clNemP/ lemgf] lgsf;sf] cfzf /x]sf] /fi6«sf] gful/s . st{Jo clg bfloTj 5 d dfly . lhDd]jf/L jxg ug'{5 d}n] clg Tofu, alnbfg, of]ubfg tyf tgdgsf ;fy dft[e"ldk|ltsf] cfˆgf] st{Jo k"/f ug'{ g} 5 . ul/a, gfËf, b'MvLsf] cfFz' x]g'{5 d}n], t];|f] ljZjsf] ;"rLdf /x]sf] g]kfn ofg]ls d]/f] dft[e"lddf kl/jt{gsf] lau'n 5g'{5 d}n] . ljR5]b cËdf dnd nufpg'5 , /fi6«b|f]x, b|JolkzfrL, e|i6frf/Lsf] hdft eufpg'5 . glgbfP klg ;'lt/x]sf ;d:t dft[e"ld k|]dL hg;fu/sf] hdftnfO{ hufpg'5 . zflGtsf k|lts uf}td a'4sf] zflGt ;Gb]z k|To]s dg dl:tisdf 5g{ ;s], e[s'6L, ;Ltf clg kf;fË Nxfd'sf] Tofu, ;dk{0f / ;fx; k|To]ssf] /Qm s0fs0fdf eg{ ;s], ;u/dfyfsf] em}+ c6ntf / cv08tfsf] lah hgdfg;df 5g{;s] kSs} klg hfUy] ;f/f hggf . 5n, sk6, Oiof{, 8fx, l/;, /fu clg dbdfZro{n] s'lxPsL, ;8]sL, un]sL dft[e"ldnfO{ xFl;nL, gl;nL, /l;nL clg ee{/fpFbL agfpg ;s] kf] dft[e"ldk|ltsf] bfloTj k"/f x'GYof] x/]s b]zeQmsf], z'4 x'Gy] s0f s0f /Qmsf] clg x/fpFy] ;f]r ljrf/ / Jojxf/ ljeQmsf] . ;"o{, rGb| clg tf/fsf] em}+ Jojxf/ rl/q / sfo{ eP ;f/fsf], xTof, lx+;f aGb x'Gy], b|Jo lkrfz, kfkL / /fi6«3ftL knfog x'Gy] clg /fi6«eQm clg ;Rrf /fi6«;]js ;j{bfsf] nflu Tof] dflysf] uug r'Dy] cyf{t\ Zjf; km]y]{ zLtntsf], d':s'/fpFy] cfgGbn] clg v'zL ;f6f;f6 uy]{ cfTdLotfn] . ;a}df dft[Tj, lkt[Tj, k|]dTj, eft[Tj tyf ljZjaGw'Tjsf] efj pdfg{ ;s] dft[e"ldsf] ;]jfdf ;a}n] cfkm"nfO{ ;dflxt uy]{ kSs} klg . æ;f]r]h:tf] x'Gg hLjgÆ of] c+z xf] Ps cfw'lgs uLtsf] pQm c+zdfq geP/ of] oyfy{ xf] . o; a|Dxf08 d]/f] eGg'sf] tfTko{ of] ;+:ff/ kl/jt{gzLn 5 / d]/L dft[e"ld klg kl/jt{g ePsL l5g\ . logsf] cl:tTj nfdf] 5 . 6]ly; ;fu/df Ps s/f]8 bz nfv jif{ klxn] ePsf] xnrnn] hlGdPsf] e"efusL Ps c+z x'g\ d]/L cfdf . ljleGg cf/f]x cj/f]x kf/ u/]sL d]/L cfdfdfly ljleGg zf;sn] zf;g u/] ljleGg sfndf . dxfg\ x:tL klg k}bf u/]sL l5g\ d]/L dft[e"ldn] . em'lSsP/ egf}+ of hGdhft g} /f6«3ftL klg k}bf ePsf 5g\ d]/L dft[e"ldsf] sf]vaf6 . sltn] lognfO{ xfF;f] 5g{ cfˆgf] alnbfg lbP eg] sltn] oL cd/, ch/ clg cv08 cfdfsf] cl:tTj eTsfpg RofFv] klg yfk] . k|yd ljZjo'4, låtLo ljZjo4, bz jif]{ hgo'4, ;fgf–ltgf, u[xo'4, em} emu8f, sf6df/, xTof lx+;f, n'5frF'8L, k|fs[lts ljklQ cflbaf6 d'QmeP/ cfdf xFl;nf] d'xf/df xfF:g]l5g\, gfRg]l5g pdËn] clg efFRg]l5g\ sDd/ . xfd|L dft[e"ldn] dnfO{ hGdfPsL l5g\, y'k}| /fi6«k|]dL dft[eQmnfO{ k}bf u/fPsL l5g\, ca d clg xfdL ldn]/ cfdf dft[e"ldsf] l/Qm cf]7df nfnL nufOlbg'k5{ . r'k nfu]sf] cf]7df d':sfgsf] axf/ NofOlbg'k5{, lalu|Psf] d'nfod skfndf sf]l/afl6 ul/lbg'k5{, lsgls xfd|L dft[e"lddf v'zL 5fpg' g} xfdLdf :juf{g'e"lt x'g' xf] . cfdfdf d':sfg 5l/lbg' eg]sf] g} ul/a, gfËf, n'nf, nË8fsf] k]6df cGg el/lbP/ cfTdfnfO{ ;Gt'li6 t'Nofpg' xf] . cfdfnfO{ sf]l/afl6 ul/lbg' eg]sf] g} ;sn If]qLo, ;dflhs, cfly{s, ;f+:s[lts, z}lIfs, /fhg}lts k|ult, pGglt / ;d[l4 ;fsf/ x'g' xf] . ;Dk"0f{ gful/s j}rfl/s tj/n] ;DkGg eP, gsf/fTdstf, s'efj, s'b[li6 clg j}dg:otf Tofu]/ ;fdflhs, ;fF:s[lts nufotsf If]qdf tg, dg, jrg / sd{n] klg cfkm"nfO{ ;dflxt u/fP/ dft[e"ldsf] enfO{ tkm{ cfˆgf] Wofg s]lGb|t u/] dxTjk"0f{ pknAwL xFfl;n ug{ ;lsG5 . xfdL ;Dk"0f{df xfdL eGg] efjgf x'g'k5{ . cxdtf, v]nfFrL tyf lhl:sg] :jefj x}g, ;f]r / b[li6sf]0f x'g'k5{ uxgtfsf] . 7"nf–7"nf dxfhgb]lv tNnf /}tL;Ddn] cf–cfˆgf] st{Jo, bfloTj tyf lhDd]jf/Laf]w ub}{ æd} vfpmF d} nfpmF ;'v ;on jf df]h d u?FÆ eGg] s'efjsf] kbf{nfO{ cGt/x[boaf6} unTofP/ æ;To+ jb, wd{+ r/, :jfWofofGdf k|bÆ, æb'/frf/L gu/Æ, æ7"nfsf] ;Ddfg u/, ;fgfnfO{ dfof u/, u'?ju{nfO{ lz/f]wfo{ u/, b'MvLsf] ;]jf u/Æ oL /

o:tf g}lts tyf cfbzf{Tds 1fg, j'l4 / ljj]ssf] k|r'/ k|of]u ub}{ dft[e"ldsf] ;]jfdf ljgfO{iof{, 8fx / n]fen] nfu] ;Rrf dft[e"ldsf] ;]jf x'g] lyof] cfjZod]j . g]tfdf g]t[Tjsf] kl/efiff tyf k|s[of ;xL x'g'k¥of], 8fS6/df lj/fdLk|lt æˆnf]/]G; gfOl6ª\u]nÆ sf] em}F ;x[boL ;]jfefj x'g'k¥of], tyf k|To]s If]qsf hgdfg;df cf–cfˆgf] st{TJosf] ;xL cfFsng / Jojxf/ x'g'k¥of] / lgsfNg'k¥of] hf];, hfFu/, kl;gf clg lvofpg' k¥of] lbdfu, xfd|L dft[e"ld g]kfnnfO{ ;F;f/d} cem lrgfpg . xfd|L dft[e"ld k|fs[lts 56f, 5x/f, ;F:s[lt clg ;u/dfyfn] t lrlgPsL l5g\ g}, ca lognfO{ ljsf;sf] r/dr'nLdf lj/fhdfg u/fpg] lhDd]jf/L xfdL ;Rrf o'jfsf] sfFwdf /x]sf] 5 . xfdL /f6«eQm hfUg} kg]{ ePsf] 5, /fi6«df cdg–rog, zflGt, ;'/Iff tyf ;lxi0f'tfsf] lau'n 5g{ .

lglsz lg/f}nf sf]nDa; sn]h, gofF afg]Zj/ Od]n: [email protected] ;Dks{ (*)*#@%$!%

g]kfnL ;+:s[lt / Oltxf;k|lt dnfO{ uj{ 5 . g]kfn ljleGg km"n}–km"nsf Pp6} l;+Ëf] au}Frf eg]/ lrlgG5 . g]kfnsf x/]s km"nx?sf jf:gf plQs} km}ln/x]sf x'G5g\ . g]kfn / g]kfnLaLr Ps–cfk;df cufw ;DaGw 5 . x/]s g]kfnL gful/sn] csf]{ gful/ssf] b'Mv / kL8f sbflk e'Ng ;Sb}gg\ . ;kmntf / zflGt t g]kfnsf kof{ojfrL eGbf cGt/ gknf{ . Psn] csf{sf] b'Mvdf ;xof]u ul/lbg / v'zLdf xfFl;lbg] u/]sf 5g\ . g]kfn eg]s} log} uf}/jzfnL ufyfn] ;lhPsf] b]z xf] . g]kfn ef}uf]lns, ;f+:s[lts kf}/fl0fs tyf P]ltxfl;s ljljwtfn] el/k"0f{ b]z xf] . g]kfnsf] ljleGg ;xh u'0fx? kl/jt{g eP klg g]kfnsf] cyf{t xfd|f] ;+:s[ltn] cem klg a]Un} zfg / klxrfg lbG5 . af]6], sfdL, du/, bdfO{ cflb ;fgf hfltsf ePtfklg ;Fu} cfˆg} g]kfnL bfh'–efO tyf lbbL–alxgL x'g eGg] efj 5 . pm 7"nf] jf ;fgf] hftsf] egL af]Ng] sbflk ub}{gg\ . g]kfnsf] ;+:s[lt kf}/fl0fs sfnb]lv g} lgs} ;kmntfk"j{s g/f]lsO{ al9/x]sf] 5 . wfld{s b[li6sf]0fn] klg xfdL kSs} klg k5fl8 kb{}gf+} . xfd|f b]jtfx? klg Ps dfq x}gg\,## sf]6L] 5g\ . kfOnf kfOnfdf dlGb/}–dlGb/ tyf wfld{s cf:yfsf :ynx? 5g\ . tL ;a} :ynx?sf s]xL g s]xL ljz]iftf t kSs} klg 5g\ . xfdL hlt kl/jt{g x'g vf]h] klg xfd|f] ;+:s[ltnfO{ xfdLn] cfTd;fy u/]sf 5f}F . g]kfnaf6 aflx/L d"n'sdf hfG5f}F tyf hlt;'s} 6f9f ePklg xfd|f] ;+:s[lt tyf k/Dk/fnfO{ hf]ufpg xfdL g]kfnLx? 86]/ cl3 a9]sf 5f}F . ca ptf xfd|f] Oltxf;s} s'/f ug]{ xf] eg] g]kfn P]ltxfl;s ufyfn] el/Psf] 5 . g]kfnsf] Oltxf; lgs} g} hl6n / ljz]iok"0f{ 5 . xfdLn] xfd|f] Oltxf; eGg] ljlQs} xfd|f] k"j{hx? Hf;n] cfˆgf] Hofg–Wofg ;a} lbP/ xfdLnfO{ hufP/ cfkm"x? rflxF zlxbsf ;"lrdf em"l08P . logLx?nfO{ sbflk la;{g x'Gg . >L % k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx h;n] Ps–Ps ;–;fgf 6'qmf 6'qmf hf]8L Pp6f l;Ëf] g]kfn xfdLnfO{ 5f8L uP . To;kl5 Pskl5 csf]{ ub}{ ljleGg zf;sx?n] zf;g u/] . ljleGg ;fgf tyf sdhf]/ b]zx? 7"nf–7"nf b]zx?af6 ;lsP, bflaP / :jtGqtf vf]l;of], h:t} ef/tnfO{ a]nfotåf/f sAhf / ltAatnfO{ klg a]nfotåf/f / c? klg ljleGg 7"nf–7"nf /fi6«x?n] ;fgf / sdhf]/ /fi6«x?nfO{ sAhf u/] . t/ xfd|f] b]z s'g} klg zf;sLo gLltsf ;fd' cfˆgf] lz/ em'sfPsf] 5}g . la;{g} g;lsg] led;]g yfkf, cd/l;+x yfkf, aneb| s'Fj/, axfb'/ zfx, sfn' kf08] cflb h:tf jL/ of]4fx? s'g} klg gLlt;fd' em's]gg\ . ;f/f g]kfnLx?sf] Pp6} efj lyof] csf{sf] ;fd' gem'Sg] / g]kfn /fi6«tkm{ h;n] lz/ p7fP/ x]5{ p;sf] lz/ s6fOlbg] . o;}aLr slt cfdfx?sf sfv l/lQof] slt r]nLx?sf] l;Fpbf]sf] l;Gb'/ k'l5of] / slt 6'x'/f eP t/ klg xfd|f] zfg sbflk em'Sg lbPgg\ . ;du|df eGg] xf] eg] a]nfot xf];\ of ef/t xfd|f] lz/ sbflk tn ePg . s'g} klg qm'/ tyf

xfdL g]kfnLsf] xs tyf clwsf/ vf]:g vf]Hg] of] rfx] /f0ffx? g} lsg gxf]pg\ ltgLx?nfO{ klg d]6fP/ k|hftGq ax'bn clg clxn] xfdL nf]stflGqs eg]/ 5flt km'nfpF5f}F . oL ;a}sf lgldQ xfd|f] Oltxf; ;fIfL 5. t;y{ g]kfnsf] ;+s[lt / Oltxf;k|lt dnfO{ c;fWo} uj{ 5 . tL jL/ zxLb of]4fx?nfO d]/f] ;nfd 5.

Kf|sfz uf}td P;=cf]=P;= sn]h xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg s] x'g'k5{ < æg]kfn Û of] ef/tsf] Pp6f k|fGt xf]nf Û of] b]zsf] gfd t d}n] ;'g]sf] 5}gÆ oL / o:tf cGo w]/} egfOx? ljb]zLx?n] g]kfnsf af/]df ;do ;dodf eg]sf] ;'Gg kfOG5 . ljZjsf sltko b]zn] cfkm"nfO{ ;fd|fHoaf6 d'Qm u/]/ klg s'g} vf; ljifosf] kof{ojfrL agfO;Sbf klg Oltxf;sf] s'g} klg sfnv08df ljb]zL pklgj];sf] l;sf/ x'g gk/]sf] xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfnsf] cfˆgf] klxrfg ;+s6sf] w/ftndf 5 eGg] ;fdfGo b[i6fGt xf] . oL jL/, jL/fËgfn] Oltxf;b]lv cfh;Dd cfˆgf] vf; klxrfg agfpg c;kmn ePsf x'g\ . x'g t ;u/dfyfsf] b]z, jL/ uf]vf{nLx?f] b]z, of cGo ljleGg ljz]iftf cem} afFsL /x] klg ;do;Fu} tL lvOFb} 5g\ of xfdL ltgnfO{ hf]ufpg c;kmn 5f}+ . jf:tjd} xfd|f] g]kfn cfh cfˆgf] leGg} klxrfgsf] ;Í6df 5 . xfdL g]kfnLx?n] cfˆgf] klxrfg xf] eg]/ k|:t't ug]{ w/} ljifodWo] jL/ uf]vf{nLsf] b]z klg Ps xf] . kl5Nnf] ;do ;g\ !(*@ df kmsNof08 o'4df ;fd]n jL/ uf]vf{nL ;]gf ljZjn] cem} klg dfGg] xfd|f] klxrfg xf] . a]nfotL dxf/fgLsf] ;'/Iffsf] lhDdf cem} klg xfd|f uf]vf{nL ;]gfn] g} u5{g\ . kl5nf] ;do a|'gfOsf /fi6«k|d'v / ljZjs} rlr{t km'6an v]nf8L …jfOg] ?gLÚ n] klg uf]vf{nL ;]gfnfO{ cfˆgf] ;'/Iffy{ /fVg rfx]sf] atfPsf lyP . t/ v's'/L, af?b / t/jf/sf] kl/ro af]Sg] uf]vf{nL ;]gf ca cTofw'lgs xftxltof/ / P6d adsf] 5fFofdf ws]lnO;s] . ;u/dfyfnfO{ xfd|f] ljlzi6 klxrfg dfGg ;lsG5 . ;Lldt kl/lwd} eP klg g]kfn eg]/ s'g} ljb]zL gful/snfO{ ;f]lwof] eg], dGb d':sfgsf ;fy æjf] Û lb sG6«L ckm lb lxdfnfofÆ eG5g\ . jif]{gL xhf/f}+ ko{6sn] o; If]qsf] e|d0f u5{g clg ;of}+n] ;u/dfyf cf/f]x0f u5{g, o;n] ljZj;d'bfodf xfd|f] klxrfg :yflkt ug{ ;xof]u k'¥ofPs} 5 . t/ kl5Nn]f ;do df};d kl/jt{gsf] rk]6fdf k/]/ ;u/dfyfn] cfˆgf] cfno u'dfpg yfn]sf] 5 . lxhf] Hofgsf] afhL nufP/ cf/f]x0f ug]{ lxdfn cfh ljgf clS;hg r'r'/f]d} w06f}+ latfpg nfos eO;s]sf] 5, cem of] klxrfg xfdLnfO{ k|s[ltn] lbPsf] ljifo xf], g xfdLn] o;sf] lgdf{0fdf s]xL u/]sf 5f}+ pN6f] o;sf] cl:tTjdf xfdL cfkm}+ wfjf af]Nb} 5f}+ . …a'4sf] hGde"ldÚ xfdLn] uj{ ug]{ / ljZjn] lrGg] csf]{ klxrfg xf] . t/ of] klxrfgnfO{ ef/tn] cem} ljjfbdf tfGg] k|of; ub}{5 . kl5Nnf] ;do ljZj;d'bfosf] cfFvfdf 5f/f] xfNg ef/tn] cfˆg} b]zdf gSsnL a'4sf] hGde"ld v8f ubf{ klg xfd|f] :jflwgtf d'sbz{s dfq} aGg ljjz 5 . of] klxrfg ca wd{nfO{ dxTj glbg] o'udf w]/} ;do l6S5 eg]/ ls6fg ug{ ufx|f] 5 . ;Ltf clg e[s'6Lsf] b]z, hn;|f]tsf] wgL b]z oL cflb xfdLn] eGg] u/]sf xfd|f klxrfg x'g\ . t/ ;Fw} uf}/jzfnL Oltxf;nfO{ a]r]/ vfg ;lsGg . vfnL uf}/jzfnL Oltxf;sf] gd'gf b]vfpg] t/ To;nfO{ hf]ufpg s'g} klg sbd grfNg] g]kfnL k|j[ltn] yf]/} ePsf xfd|f klxrfgsf ljifox? klg cf]em]ndf kb}{ uPsf 5g\ . jf:tjd} uf}/jzfnL Oltxf;nfO{ hf]ufP/ cfˆgf] ljlzi6 klxrfg bzf{pg] a]nf cfPsf] 5 .

dfly eg]h:t} klxrfg ;+s6 ePsf] d'n's g]kfn cfˆgf] klxrfg agfpg} g;Sg] l:yltdf 5 t < s] xfdL ca s]xL ug{ g;Sg] cj:yfd} k'u]sf xf}F t < kSs} xf]Og, xfdL s]xL ug{ ;S5f}+ . Oltxf; a]r]/ ;'t]/ vfg] k|j[lt TofUg], AolQm–AolQm g} hfu?s eP/ nfUg] xf] eg] xfdL kSs} gofF prfOdf k'Ug ;S5f}+ . csf{sf] v'§f tfGg] k|j[ltnfO{ ltnf~hnL lbP/ Ps–csf{sf] ;Ddfg ug]{ afgLsf] ljsf; ug{;s] xfdL gofF ult lng kSs} ;S5f}+ . lxhf] cfh e|i6frf/Lsf] b]z, r/d ul/aLsf] b]z, aGb x8\tfnsf] b]z eg]/ h'g lsl;dsf]] gsf/fTds k|rf/afhL ul/Fb} 5 To;nfO{ k"0f{?kn] kvfNg xfdL ;Ifd 5f}+ . o;sf nflu xfdL k"0f{?kdf g}lts eP/ lhDd]jf/L af]wsf ;fy cl3 a9\g'k5{ . dft[e"ldsf] dfof / cfˆgf] df6f]sf nflu rflxg] kl;gf aufpg xfdL tTk/ x'g'k5{ . ;g\ !($% df k"0f{ ?kdf Wj:t ePsf hfkfgsf] …lx/f]l;dfÚ / …gfuf;fsLÚ cfkm}+ cfh ljZjs} gd'gf :yn ag]sf xf]Ogg\ . To;df b]zsf gful/ssf] nug / Tofu 5 . ToxL lsl;dsf] nugsf] ljsf; xfdLn] ug'{k5{ . cfTd;dk{0fjfbL lrGtg af]s]/ emf]ln yfKb} lxF8\g] xf] eg] eljiodf klxrfg ;+s6 dfq xf]Og cl:tTj ;+s6 g} cfOkg{ ;S5 . of] cj:yfdf ca xfdLn] s:tf] klxrfg agfpg'k5{ t < ;xh} eGg ;lsG5 . h'g sdhf]/Ln] xfdLnfO{ uf}/jzfnL Oltxf;sf] r'r'/f]af6 klxrfg ;+s6sf] cfhsf] w/ftndf pEofOlbof] To;nfO{ ;'wfg'{ k5{ . cTofw'lgs xftxltof/;Fu v's'/L / t/jf/sf e/df n8\g h'g ;fx; uf]vf{nLdf lyof] Tof] ;fx; km]l/ bf]xf]¥ofpg' k5{ . s'g} klg ;fd|fHosf] cufl8 gem'Sg] h'g cfF6 lyof] clg h'g kl/>dL g]kfnL klxrfg lyof] Tof] km]l/ phfu/ ug'{k5{ . ;du|df /fi6«k|]dnfO{ d"n ljGb'df /fv]/ kl/>dL kl;gf aufpg'k5{ . xfdLn] km]l/ ljZjnfO{ g]kfn eg]sf] …kl/>dLÚsf] b]z xf] eg]/ lrgfpg'k5{ . *#,))) d]3fjf6 ljB'tsf] zlQm lsg pTkfbg geP/ b}lgs 306f}+ nf]8;]l8Ësf] df/ v]Kg'k/]sf] 5 < lsg pj{/ e"ld afFem} /fv]/ ef]s} dg'{k/]sf] 5 < cem} klg xfd|f] ;/sf/ ah]6 ljlgof]hg ug]{ ;dodf ljb]zL b'tsf] 9f]sfdf rxf5{ . ljb]zL ;xof]uljgf s]xL ug{ ;lsFb}g eGg] bl/b| dfgl;stf xfd|f g]tfdf 5 . ;FfRr} /fi6«eQm eg]/ xfd|f g]tf ulgg rfxG5g\ eg] cyfx hn;|f]tnfO{ ljB'tdf kl/jt{g u/L ljb]z lgsf;L u/f,}F xfdL Tof] cj:yfdf emf]nL yfKg] xf]Og emf]nLdf xflnlbg] cj:yfdf k'Ug]5f}+ . kl/>d u/f}+, xfd|f gbLgfnf k|of]u u/L t/fO{sf] ;Dk"0f{ e"lddf ;'g kmnfcf}+ . xfdL 8f]Nkfsf] ef]sfnfO{ dfq xf]Og cd]l/sfsf] v}/]nfO{ klg bfneftsf] :jfb rvfOlbg ;S5f}+ . Efmf]nL yfKg] cfTd;dk{0fjfbL lrGtg Tofuf}+, clg e|i6frf/ lgd'{n kf/f}+ . o;sf nflu dfq O{R5fzlQm rflxG5 . kl/>d u/] s] x'Gg / vGtL r'6L l;of] agfpg ;lsG5 . a? af]Ng] dfq afgL Tofu}F+f, u/]/ b]vfcf}+ . …8fFkm]Ú ljdfg agfpg] k'Nrf]ssf] ljBfyL{n] s] hfkfgsf] h:tf] /f]af]6 agfpg ;Sb}g < kSs} ;S5 , sfdsf] ;Ddfg ug]{, clg v'§f tfGg] sfd TofUg] u/f}+ . o:tf] xf]; ljZjdf o:tf] klg b]z 5 hxfFsf dfG5] lgs} kl/l>dL 5g\ eg]/ g]kfnnfO{ lrgfpg ;lsof];\ . lrgf];\ ljZjn] k|fs[lts ;'Gb/tfdf ljZjd} cu|:yfgdf cfpg] g]kfnL gful/sn] k|fs[lts ;Dkbfsf] k|of]u u/L wg cfh{g ug{ dfq xf]Og kl/>d u/]/ To;sf] ;+/If0f klg w]/} /fd|f];Fu u5{g\ /] . Ps–csf{sf] k];fsf] ;Ddfg ub{} s'g} klg sfdnfO{ 7"nf] ;fgf] gegL vfln kl/>d d} Wofg lbg ;s] ko{6g / hn;f|f]taf6} cly{s ljsf; tyf ;Df[l4 xfl;n ug{ ;lsG5 . gofF 3f]if0ff–kqdf kfFr jif{df !),))) d]3fjf6 lah'nL lgsfN5' eg]/ n]Vg]n] ePsf hnljB'tsf cfof]hgf dfq} aGb gul/ ;fFRr} hf]8tf]8sf ;fy sfd u/] To]f nIo xfFl;n x'G5 . /fhgLlts ?kdf klg k/lge{/ x'g]eGbf a? Ps b'O{ jif{sf] gfsfaGbL g} vk]/ ePklg cfˆgf] :jfwLgtfsf] kl/ro lbg ;Sg'k5{ . lgs} kl/>d u¥of}+ eg] ljB'tLo 6«nL rnfpg ;lsG5 clg lsg rflxof] dxFuf] / k|b'if0fsf] >f]t k]6«f]n, clg gfsfaGbL nfpg] cfkm}+ em'S5 . o;sf nflu dfq rflxG5 ‘kl/>d’ . d slxn]sfxLF ;kgf b]V5' g]kfn ljZjs} ;d[4 / ljsl;t d'n's ePsf] . ;kgfd} klg d]/f v'§fn] e'OF 5f]8\5g\, lsg g5f]8'g\ So} gu/L Ps}rf]6L cfˆgf] b]z ljsl;t ePkl5 . dh:t] w]/}] o:t} ;kgf b]Vbfx'g\ ;fx|}

v';L x'Fbfx'g\ . t/ ha laxfg lapFlemG5' cf]5\ofg\ 5f]8\g} cN5L u5'{ / b]V5' ToxL klxrfg wldlnPsf] g]kfn . cFx ca d klg kl/>d u5'{, cfkm}+ cfˆgf] b]z agfpF5' . kl/>dsf] ;'?jft cfkm+}af6 u5'{ .

Gffd M lbk]z vltj8f l;= h]= Pd\= ;L sn]h kmf]g= g+ M (*$!)^&#(@ dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg d k'q ltd|f] ltdL wtL{ dftf c6'6 df6f] d'6'sf] 5 gftf Û -dfwj l3ld/]_ Dfg, d'6' / dftf k|f0feGbf klg Kof/f] x'G5 . b]z /x]dfq b]zsf hgtf /xG5g\ / xfd|f] cl:tTj /xG5 . elgG5, æhggL hGde"ldZr :juf{blk ul/o;LÆ— cfdf / cfkm" hGd]sf] 7fpF :ju{h:t} Kof/f] x'G5 . b]zsf sd{7 xft / kfOnfx? ;b}j b]z / hgtfsf] klxrfg agfpg] qmddf lxhf] klg ;+3if{ ub}{ lyP cfhsf lbgdf klg ub}{ 5g\ / ef]lnsf lbgdf klg lg/Gt/ ul/ g} /xg]5g\ . …jL/ uf]vf{nLÚ egL gfd sdfPsf xfd|f cu|hx?sf] nuglzntf, st{Jok/fo0ftfsf sf/0f cfh klg xfdL g]kfnL ljZjdf lg8/ / ;Tosfdsf nflu 86]/ a9\g] ;fx;Lsf ?kdf lrlgG5f}+ . Plzofsf tf/f uf}td a'4sf] b]z, ;u/dfyfsf] b]z / ljZj ljVoft eujfg kz'kltgfysf] b]z xf] of] . xfd|f] klxrfg agfpg] y'k}| ;Dkbfx?s]f vfgL g} 5 of] d'n'sdf, To;}n] g]kfnL ;d'bfodf xfd|f] klxrfg ljZjsf ;fd' ;lhn} cd/ /xg ;Sg]5 . c+u|]h n8fFOdf jL/ g]kfnL-k'?if / dlxnf_ n] b]vfPsf] pT;fx / cfF6sf] k|z+;f ub}{ sof}+ lznfn]v / Oltxf;sf kfgfx? sf]l/Psf 5g\ . o;}sf sf/0f cfh g]kfn ljZjdf 'Land of Gorkhas' cyf{t …jL/ uf]vf{nLsf] b]z egL lrlgG5 . c+u|]hsf d]h/, sKtfg h:tf dxfg x:tLx? g]kfnL;+usf] xf/ kl5 klg g]kfnLsf] jL/tfsf] ufyf a'Gg r's]gg\ . o;sf/0f, s] k|:6 x'G5 eg] g]kfnsf cu|h k':tfx?n] cfˆgf] klxrfg an, pT;fx / ;fx;sf dfWodaf6 agfpg ;kmn eP . t;y{, cfh g]kfn ljZjsf dfem oxL sf/0f klg kl/lrt aGg k'u]sf] 5 . zflGtsf cu|b"t eujfg uf}td a'4n] hGd lnPsf] b]z xf] g]kfn . zlQmzfnL Pj+ 1fgjfg /fhf cfzf]sn] zflGtsf] bLk hnfPsf] b]z xf] of] g]kfn . 1fg / dflg;aLr eujfg uf}tda'4n] ;Tosf] dfu{ sf]/]sf] b]z g]kfn xf] . g]kfnaf6 g} ;Dk"0f{ ljZjdf zflGtsf] bLk hnfpg eujfg uf}td a'4 ;kmn eP . cfh g]kfn ljZjdf eujfg uf}td a'4sf] b]z eg]/ lrlgG5 . g]kfnsf r]nLx? ;Ltf / e[s'6Lsf] b]z xf] of] . ;Ltfsf] lgi7fjfg rl/q, kljq efjgf / cfˆgf] b]z g]kfnk|ltsf] ddtfsf] sf/0f o; dxfg u|Gy /fdfo0fsf x/kmx?df pgsf] ufyf sf]l/Psf 5g\ . ;fy} hgs /fhfsf] /fHo ;~rfng / hgtfk|ltsf] df]x ;b}j Oltxf;df ;a}sf nflu pTk|]/0ff eP/ afFlr/xg] 5 . e[s'6Ln] g]kfnL snf, ;+:s[lt / klxrfg ltAatdf nuL /fi6« / /fli6«otf b'j} hf]ufPsf] Oltxf; cfh xfdL;Fu tfh} 5 . To;}n] xfdL g]kfnL uj{ ug{ ;S5f}+, of] b]z g]kfnL gf/L ;Ltf / e[s'6Lsf] xf] . cfhsf] PsfO;f}+ ztfAbLdf g]kfn klg j}1flgs o'udf sf]N6] km]b}{ 5 . cfhsf] ljZjsf] e"uf]n / o;sf] dxfgtfdf g]kfn stf xf] stf x/fPsf], 5lnPsf] / ba]sf] cg'e"lt e}/x]5 ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnLx?nfO{ . p;}dfly e"kl/j]li6t /fi6« e|i6frf/, /fhgLlts rnv]n, ;Ldf ;d:ofsf sf/0f gkfnsf] klxrfg wldnf] aGg k'u]sf] 5 . tyflk, g]kfndf nfdf] ;dob]lv /x]sf] /fhtGqsf] cGTo eP/ of] d'n's cfh ;+3Lo nf]stflGqs u0ftGqfTds d'n's 3f]lift ePsf] 5 . hgtfn] af]Ng / :jfwLg eP/ afFRg kfpg] clwsf/ kfPsf 5g\ . t/ klg, cfˆg}–cfˆg}df ;xsfo{ x'g g;Sbf ljZjdfem g]kfn abgfd x'g yfn]sf] 5 .

g]kfn k|fs[lts ;Dkbfdf wgL b]z xf] . oxfFsf h8La'6L, jg:klt ljZjsf cnf}lss ;Dkbfdf ;"lrs[t 5g\ . g]kfndf pTkfbg x'g] h8La'6L / jg:klt k|f0fk|bfos 5g\ o:tf jg:kltsf] pTkfbg ljZjdf cGoq st} x'g} ;Sb}g . To;}n] o:tf jg:klt x?sf] j}1flgs tj/n] pTkfbg ug{;s] g]kfn ljZjdf h8La'6Lsf] b]z egL lrlgg ;S5 . g]kfnnfO{ k[YjLsf] cK;/fsf] ?kdf lgofNg ;lsG5 . Pp6} /fi6«df lxdfn, kxf8 / t/fO{sf] ;dfud x'g'n] of] b]z ljZjdf ko{6sLo b[li6sf]0faf6 lgs} cfzf af]s]sf] b]z xf] . cfGtl/s / afXo ko{6gsf] ljsf; u/L g]kfnnfO{ cGt/fli6«o ?kdf lrgfpg ;s] xfdL k|fs[ltsf sf/0f ljZjdf wgL x'g] lyof}+ . ljZjsf] ;jf]{Rr lzv/ ;u/dfyfsf] b]z xf] g]kfn . s/Lj cf7 ;o y/Lsf r/f, ljZjdf nf]kf]Gd'v hLj tyf jg:kltsf] b]z klg oxL xf] . ;of}+ gbLgfnf, vf]nf, kj{t >[vnfsf] b]z xf] g]kfn . hn;|f]tsf sf/0f g]kfnn] clws ljB't pTkfbg ug{ ;s] g]kfnn] ljB't lgof{t u/L cfly{s cfDbfgL ug{ ;S5 . tyflk, g]kfnsf gbLgfnfdf ¥ofkm\l6ª\, af]l6ª sf] ljsf; ug{ ;lsG5 . ljljw gf}nf / /f]rs v]nx?sf] ljsf; u/fpg ;lsG5 . g]kfndf o:tf y'k|} lrgf/Lx? 5g\ o;sf] klxrfg u/fpg ;lsPsf] 5}g . o;y{, o:tf y'k|} ljsNkx?sf] vf]hL u/L g]kfnsf] klxrfg ljZjdf agfpg ;lsG5 . elgG5, ;+:s[taf6 g} ljZjsf] Oltxf; ;'? x'G5 / oxL ;Gbe{af6 g]kfn / g]kfnLsf] klxrfg ;'? x'G5 . o;y{, ljljw ljsNkx?sf] vf]hL u/L g]kfnsf] cl:tTj / klxrfg /fVg' cfh ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnLsf] st{Jo ePsf] 5 . g]kfn cfkm}+df ljsl;t x'g ;Sof] eg] o;sf] klxrfg aGg] s'/fdf s'g} ;Gb]x g} 5}g . t;y{, g]kfnL sd{7 xftx? g]kfnsf nflu ;b}j cl3 ;l/xg]5g\, h'l6/xg]5g\ .

c+snfn rnfpg] l;= h]= Pd= lh sn]h ;Dks{ M (*$(@)^#)#

xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg s] x'g'k5{ < cg]stfleq Pstf xfdL g]kfnLsf] ljz]iftf xf] . xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfn ax'hflt, ax'efiff, ax'e]ife'iff / /xg;xgn] dfq cg]s 5}g oxfF leqsf ;fdflhs, ;fF:s[lts /xg ;xg, rfnrng / /Llt l/jfhn] klg Tolts} ;DkGg 5 . p;f] t ef}uf]lns ljjwtfdf klg sdL 5}g . Tolt dfq geO{ oxfFsf afl;Gbfaf6 l;lh{t÷lgld{t ljleGg ef}lts kIfx?n] klg cfˆgf] klxrfg agfPsf] 5 . log} ef}lts, ;fdflhs, ;fF:s[lts, P]ltxfl;s, ef}uf]lns cflb kIfx? x'g;S5g\ cfˆgf] dft[e"ld klxrfgsf ljifoj:t' . cªu|]hx?n] g]kfn e"lddfly cfqmd0f u/L cfˆgf] ;fd|fHo nfb\g vf]Hbfsf] ;dodf To; lj?4 k|ltcfqmd0f u/L g]kfn e"ldsf] cl:tTj hf]ufP/ axfb'/Lsf] klxrfg agfP . t/ b'ef{Uo of] ;do;Dd cfOk'Ubf Tof] klxrfg v'Oln;s]sf] 5 . axfb'/x?sf] b]z eg]/ kfPsf] klxrfg clxn] lgj{n / ef]sfx?sf] b]z eg]/ lrlgg yfns]sf] 5 . gfnfkfgLdf b]vfPsf] dft[e"ldsf] dfofeGbf knfogjfbL dfofn] a9fjf kfPsf] 5 . b]zs]f dfof u5'{ eg]/ knfogsf] af6f] /f]Hg] b]zsf ;Eo gful/s egfpFbfx?n] c?nfO{ bf]if nfpg] t/ cfkm"n] lg0f{osf] af6f] lbg slxNo} ;s]gg\ . bf]if nfP/ dxfg 7fGg] g]tfx?n] ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg s] xf] slxNo} a'em]gg\ . a'em\g] k|oTg;Dd u/]gg\ . xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfnsf] klxrfg lxdfnosf] b]z klg xf] . h;sf] kl/0ffd ;u/dfyf xfd|f] 9's9'sL xf] . g]kfnnfO{ ;fu/dfyfsf] b]z eg]/ lrgfpg xfdL ;a} nflu kg'{k5{ . Unf]jn jfld{ªsf] sf/0f ;u/dfyfsf cfl:tTjdf w]/yf]/ cfFr kb}{ cfPsf] 5 . o;sf] ;dfwfgsf nflu /fHon] kxn ug{'kb{5 . cf}wf]lus /fi6x?nfO{ ;hu u/fpg xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfnsf] klxrfg xfd|f] ;+:s[lt / ;fdflhs /xg;xg klg x'g'k5{ .

cfw'lgstfsf] gfpFdf kfZrfTo z}nL lelqPsf] 5 . ljz]if u/]/ zx/L Onfsfdf . o;n] xfd|f] klxrfg agfPsf] ;+:s[ltnfO{ nTofPsf] 5 . xfdL o;df ;hu x'g'sf] ;§f k/;+:s[ltnfO{ cg';/0f ug'{ g} uf}/jdo 7fGg] cj:yfdf k'u]sf 5f}+ . of] ;fx|} b'vbfoL s'/f xf] . cltly b]jf] ej, u'? b]jf] ej, lkt[ b]jf] ej, dft[b]j ej cflb h:tf ;Eotfd"n 5f8]/ :jtGqtfsf] gfpFdf Psnsf6] hLjg hLpg nfnflot x'g' sxfF;Ddsf] d'v{tf xf] . To;}n] xfd|f] ;+:s[lt xfd|f] klxrfg eGg] d"ndGqnfO{ xfdL ;a}n] cfTdf;fy u/f}+ . xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfn clxn] ;fx|} kL8fdo cj:yfdf 56\k6fO/x]sf] 5 . a'4sf] b]z, zflGtsf] b]z eg]/ klxrfg agfPsf] xfd|f] dft[e"ld clxn] lsg oxL+ zflGtsf] nflu kL8fdf 56k6fPsf] 5 < d'n'sdf /fhg}lts l:y/tf 5}g, b]zsf] k|d'v 5gf]6d} lvrftflg eO/x]sf] 5 . xTof, lx+;f, 8s}ltn] k|f]T;fxg kfO/x]sf] 5 . o; ;dodf ;dfwfgsf] cfwf/ laGb' eg]sf] kl/jf/df zflGt x'g' xf] . cfk;L d]nldnfksf] af/]df klxrfg x'g' cfjZos 5 . lsgsL d'n's zflGtsf] cfwf/ kl/jf/ zflGt xf] . ca xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg eg]sf] d'Vo ?kdf zflGtsf] b]z eg]/ lrlgof];\ . /fhg}lts cl:y/tfsf] d'n's, dxËLsf] d'n's eg]/ slxNo} klg ;'Gg gk/f];\ oxL d]/f] cfsf+Iff xf] .

k|sfz kl08t æcs]nfÆ d+un ax'd'vL SofDk;, lslt{k'/

xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg s] x'g'kb{5 < ljZjsf] ;fgf] s'gf], Pl;ofsf] dfem / lxdfnsf] sfvdf cjl:yt ;'Gb/ / zfGt g]kfn rLg / ef/tsf] aLrdf k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] eg]em}+ b'O{ 9'ËaLrsf] t?n cj:yfdf /x]sf] 5 . g]kfn rlDsnf tf/f e[s'6L / ;Ltfn] 1fg / cfbz{sf] ;'jf; 5/s]f b]z xf] . cd/l;+x, aneb| / led;]g yfkfh:tf jL/x?n] n8fO{sf] d}bfgdf s|flGtsf] ljun km's]sf] / wd{eQm, bz/y, z'qm/fh / u+ufnfn h:tf jL/ ;k'tx?n] k|hftGqsf] ljg /f]k]sf] b]z xf] g]kfn . zflGtsf] b"t uf}td a'4n] wg / ljnfl;tfnfO{ ltnfGhnL lbP/ dfgjnfO{ zflGt / clx+;f tkm{ nDsg k|]l/t u/] h;n]ubf{ g]kfn zfGt / ;d[4 b]zn] lrlgG5 . ljZjsf] ;jf]{Rr lzv/ h;n] ;u/dfyf gfd kfP/ g]kfnnfO{ cfˆgf] lz/ pRr agfpg / ljZj;fd" g]kfnnfO{ kl/lrt agfpg ;kmn eof], h;sf] sf/0fn] nfvf}+ ko{6s g]kfnsf] d'6'nfO{ x]g{, cWoog ug{ nfnlot eP/ cfˆgf] Hofg hf]lvddf df]Ng klg kl5 x6\b}gg\ ToxL b]zsf] gfd xf] g]kfn . ef}uf]lns cjl:yltn] c? b]zeGbf ;fgf] ePtfklg ;f+:s[lts, hftLo, ;fdflhs, wfld{s, hn ;Dkbf, jg–h+un cflbsf] ljlebtfn] ubf{ ljljwtfdf Pstf eGg] ;Gb]z ljZjd} km}nfpg ;kmn 5 xfd|f] b]z g]kfn . oxfF ePsf k|fs[lts dgf]/d 56fn] dgleq af; u/]/ k[YjLnf]sdf a;]/ klg :ju{df k'u]/ a;]sf] efg u/fpFb5g\ . g]kfn cfdfn] b]zsf] enfOsf nflu zfGt, ;d[4 / ;'Gb/ g]kfnsf] nflu cfˆgf] k|f0fsf] anL lbg;Sg] h:tf jL/ k/fqmdL of]4f 5f]/fx? hGdfPsL 5g\ . cfh jL/ uf]vf{nL, ;fx;L uf]vf{nLsf gfdn] ;+:ff/} 8udufOlbg] of]4fsf gfdn] ;+:ff/n] lrG5 g]kfnLnfO{ . xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfnsf] cfˆg} ljlzi6 klxrfg / cl:tTj 5 . g]kfnLx?sf] cfˆg} k|sf/sf] df}lns hLjgz}nL, /xg;xg / afFRg] cfwf/ 5 . g]kfnL u'Gb|'ssf] emf]n, ux'Fsf] l98f], d"nfsf] ;fFw]sf] crf/n] t emg\ ;+;f/sf dflg;x?nfO{ nf]Eofpg] agfpFb5 . u'Gb|'s / l9+8f]] b'O{ 5fs vfP/ ;+:ff/ lhTg] ;fx;L g]kfnLx? cfh cfˆgf] df}lnstf, klxrfg, l/ltl/jfh, cl:tTjnfO{ nTofpFb} klZrdL hLjgz}nLdf ?dlng k'u]sf 5g\ . cfw'lgsLs/0f / kl/jt{gsf] gfddf cGo b]zsf] km];g / hLjgz}nL cªl\usf/ ug{ cufl8 a9]sf] efg x'g yfn]sf] 5 . /fhg}lts cl:y/tf, ;fdflhs p>[ª\vntf, ;f+:s[lts ljrng, b}lj k|s]fk cflbn] klg h/f] ufl8/x]sf] o; cj:yfdf e|i6frf/, åGå, n'6kf6, lx+;f, ckx/0f, jg ljgfz h:tf ;d:ofn] pBf]u snsf/vfgfx? aGb x'g] l:yltdf

k'lu;s]sf 5g\ . b]z ljsf;sf] lgdf{0f sfo{ 7Kk ePsf] 5 . emg\ xKt} lkR5] x'g] ljleGg /fhg}lts bnx?n] ug]{ jGb / x8\tfnn] o; b]zsf u/Lj hgtfsf]] hglhjgnfO{ yk si6s/ / nyfln+u kf/]sf] s'/f t ;j{ljlbt} 5 . cem b]z ;+l3otfdf cufl8 a9\g nfu]sf] kl/if]Ifdf yk åGb / lx+zf glgDTofpnf eGg ;ls+b}g . t;y{ xfd|f] b]zn] ljZj;fd" agfPsf] ljlzi6 klxrfg / uf}/anfO{ ToxL :yfgdf /flv/fVg xfd|f k'vf{n] b]vfPsf] af6f]nfO{ cfTdf;fy ug'{kb{5 . :yfgLo ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] clwstd k|of]u u/L b]z lgdf{0f ug'{kb{5 . b]zdf ePsf] /fhlglts cl:yt/tfnfO{ cGt u/L, zflGt / ;'–Joj:yf sfod ug'{kb{5 . ljutdf ePsf] efOrf/fsf] 8f]/LnfO{ km]l/ Ps k6s bnx?aLrsf] t5f8–d5f8sf] /fhgLltnfO{ ltnf~hnL lbP/ ;xsfo{, ;xdtL / Pstfsf] ;'qnfO{ clu+sf/ ub}{ :jb]zd} o'jfx?nfO{ /f]huf/sf] cj;/ ldnfpg' kb{5 . ljb]zL gSsnnfO{ lg?T;flxt ub}{ cfˆg} df}lnstfdf /dfpg' kb{5 . cfˆg} b]zsf] ;+f:s[lts, wfld{s, rfnrng, l/ltl/jfh, rf8kj{, hLjg z}nLnfO{ hf]ufpFb} k'vf{x?n] b]vfPsf] af6f]df lxF8\g ;lsof] eg] dfq xfdL cfˆgf] cl:tTj k|fKt u/]sf] cg'e"lt ug{ ;Sb5f}+ / clg dfq ljZj;fd" klxn]sf] h:t} cfˆg} df}lns cl:tTj / klxrfgsf] pbfx/0f k|:t't ug{;S5f}+ .

zflxn v8\sf l;= lk= P; sn]h xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfnsf] klxrfg s:tf] x'g'k5{ < …hggL hGde"ldZr :juf{blk ul/o;LÚ cyf{t\ hggL / hGde"ld :ju{eGbf klg 7"nL l5g\ . b]z cfdf x'g\ . cfdf ;+:ff/df ;a}eGbf k"Ho x'lG5g\ . cfkm" hGd]sf] hGde"ld÷dft[e"ld ;a}nfO{ k|f0f eGbf Kof/f] nfU5 . xfd|f] dft[e"ld …g]kfnÚ g]kfnLsf] zfg, dfg, clg Pj+ k[ys klxrfg af]s]sf] ljZjs} clt ul/a d'n's ePtf klg oxfFsf k|r'/ hn, vlgh, jg:klt, lxdfn, kljq kz'klt / dlGb/} dlGb/ tyf b]jt} b]jtfsf] b]z, kxf8 t/fO{ / lxdfnsf] cg'kd ;ª\udsf] b]z, uf]vf{nLsf] cbe't zfx;, zflGtsf pkh uf}td a'4 hGd]sf] b]z xf] xfd|f] dft[e"ld b]z g]kfn h:sf] klxrfg ljZjsf ljsl;t /fi6«sf] h:tf] x'g'kb{5 . g]kfnsf] klxrfg df}/Lsf] uf]n h:t} ;a} hft, hflt, lnË, k]zf wd{ cflb hf] ;'s} rfx] t/fO{sf dw]zL, kxf8sf kxfl8of, lxdfnsf lxdfnL ePtf klg g]kfnLsf] Ps l;+uf] ;+ud x'g'k5{, ldn]/ a:g'k5{, cfk;df xftdf xft, sfFwdf sfFw, cfkt ljktdf ;fy lbO{ ljZjd} gd'gfsf] ?kdf lrlgg'kb{5 . jftfj/0faf6 zflGt e'ldsf ?kdf kl/lrt u/fpg' kb{5 . hxfF zflGt x'G5, ToxfF ljsf; x'G5 . zflGte"ldnfO{ ck/fw, cg}lts sfo{, rf]/L, xTof, lxF;f, cfGbf]ng cflb If]qaf6 d'Qm ug{ ;s]df b]zn] z}lIfs, k|zf;lgs If]qdf e|i6frf/d'Qm b]zx?, bIf sd{rf/Lx? ePsf, 3';k]7df ;fd]n gx'g] /fi6«jfbL ;Tojfg JolQmTj af]s]s]f b]zx?df lrlgof];, cf}wf]lus If]qdf rfOgf, hfkfg h:tf ljsl;t /fi6«x?df lrlgof];\ . gofF gofF cf}hf/ ;fdfu|L pTkfbg ug{ ;lsof];, /f]huf/sf] sdL gxf];, s[lif If]qdf ;b}j cGo b]zeGbf cufl8 xf];, oftfoft, af6f]3f6f] lah'nL , vfg]kfgL s'g}klg cfwf/e't cfjZostfsf] sdL gePsf] ;'–;DkGg b]zsf ?kdf kl/lrt xf];\ . cfly{s If]qdf ;b}j cufl8 /xf];\ . s'g}klg ;d:of af6 g;tfcf];, cd]l/sf, a]nfot h:tf b]zx?asf] h:t]f zfg xf];\, dfg xf];\ . /fhg}lts If]qdf klg ljZjnfO{ rlst kfg{ ;Sg] /fhg]tf ePsf], ljZjnfO{ rnfpg ;Sg] Ifdtf af]s]sf] jL/ ;fx;L g]kfnLsf] klxrfg af]s]s]f JolQm xf];\ . jf:tjdf cfkm" hGd]sf] b]z dft[e"ldsf] ljZjsf ljsl;t /fi6«x? sf] h:tf] klxrfg x'g'kb{5 . v]ns'bdf klg ljZj rr{f a6'Ng ;kmn xf];\, s'g} v]ndf sld gxf];\ . v]nf8Lsf] sdL gxf]; . cf]nlDks, lkmkmf jN8{ sk h:tf v]nx? Kflg xfd|f b]zdf v]nfpg ;Sg] ;fdy{ xf];\ . ;of+} km"nsf y"Fuf xfdL g]kfnL Ps cfbz{ k'~hsf dfnf agL g]kfnL dfg a9fpg ;Sg], ;fy} xfF;L v';L s'g} s'/fsf] sdL gePsf] 8/

qf;d'Qm v'nf cfsfzdf p8\g kfpg], h] rfXof] Tof] kfpg ;Sg,] ;'ulGwt km"nsf] af:gf h:tf] x'g'kb{5 . xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg . jt{dfg kl/j]znfO{ s]nfpg] xf] eg] xfd|f] b]zsf] tfhf cj:yfnfO{ v'nfpg] xf] eg] czflGtsf] sfnf] afbnn] 9fs]sf] 5, cg]sf}+ hfnem]n ;d:of g} ;d:ofn] ufFh]sf] 5 g]kfnnfO{ . oxfF g]kfnLn] g]kfnL eO{ 9'Ss;Fu lhpg ;s]sf 5}gg\ . zx/lt/ kfgLsf] xfxfsf/ 5 . ;'v zflGtsf] ?k klg b]Vg ;s]sf 5}gg\, ljsf;sf sfo{ x'g kfPsf] 5}g, /fhg}lts cl:y/tfn] lgsf; kfpg ;s]sf] 5}g . x/]s g]kfnLn] g]kfn cfdfsf] ;'gf}nf] eljiosf] sNkgf ul//x]sf 5g\ . ;Defjgfsf cg]sf}+ xfFufx? 5g\ t/ klg h/f]d} /f]lsPsf] 5 g]kfnsf] ljsf; . h}ljs ljljwtfsf] b]z g]kfn, hn;|f]tsf] b]f;|f] wgL b]z g]kfn, ljZjsf] ;af]{Rr lzv/ ;u/dfyf ePsf] b]z g]kfn, dlGb/} dlGb/ wfld{s ;fF:s[lts afx'Notf /x]sf b]z g]kfn, jg:klt hl8a'6Lsf k|z:t ;Dkbf ePsf] b]z g]kfn, ko{6sLo Wofgfsif{0f ug{ ;Sg] b]z g]kfn cfˆgf] ;DklQsf] e/k"/ plrt Joj:yfkg / pkof]u lagf g} aFflr/x]sf] 5 . log} wg ;DklQ b]zsf k|d'v klxrfg af]s]sf ;Dkbfx? x'g\ . t/ log}sf] ;xL ;b'kof]u gx'gfn] b]zsf] b'ef{Uosf sf/0f, /fhg}lts c:tJotsf sf/0f, ;xL Joj:yfkssf] sf/0f of] ;Rrf /fi6« cf]em]ndf 5 . ;of}+ y'Fuf km"nsf xfdL Pp6} dfnf g]kfnL ldn]/ a:g'k5{, b]z agfpg'k5{ . b]znfO{ cfdf ;dfg dfGg'k5{ eGg] s'/fsf] Jojxfl/s ?k gofF g]kfndf b]vfpg'kb{5 . dflg;x? s]jn cfkm\gf] b'g]f ;f]‰ofpg dfq hfGg', oyfy{ k|s6 gug'{, csf{sf] cfFvf 5Ng', b]z dftfsf nflu ;f]Rg] dfq ;do gx'g', lgod sfg'gsf] pn+3g ug'{ h:tf sfo{ ;d:ofsf cWof/f ?kx? x'g\ h;n] ljsf;sf] af6f]df cfFwL NofO/x]sf] 5 . ljsf; x'g' eg]sf] gfd x'g' xf] . gfd x'g' ljZjdf klxrfg af]Sg' xf] . o;y{df ljZjdf cfˆgf] klxrfg lbnfpg g;Sg] sf/0fx? g} log} x'g\ h;n]ubf{ w/tLdftf, dft[e"ld g]kfnsL cfdf cfFvfdf ;kgfsf gf}nf ;+:ff/nfO{ tx;gx; eO/x]sf] j]bgfdf cfFz' l6nlkn el//x]sL l5g\ . b]z aGg ;S5, Oltxf; /lrg ;S5, rGb|df slxn]sfFxL bflxg] kg{ ;S5 . ;don] sf]N6f] km]g{ ;S5, gofF g]kfn u0ftflGqs g]kfn lnlvt xf]Og Jojxf/df b]lvg ;S5 . ljZjdf g]kfnsf] gfd cufl8 /xg ;Sg . oxfF rfx] s] g} x'g ;Sb}g / < hxfF OR5f ToxfF pkfo . g]kfn agfpg hgtf cfkm}+ sl;g'k5{ . xftdf xft sfFwdf sfFw /fv]/ o'jfju{sf] hf]z zfx;nfO{ cfTd;fy u/]df, x/ g]kfnLn] cfdf ;dfg dfg]/, h;/L cfdfnfO{ dfof u5f}{ To;/L dfof ;b\efj /fv]df, ;Dk'0f{ g]tfx?sf] plrt cleofg a'l4lhjLx?sf] ckf/ 1fg ldnfPdf, ;a} hflt, efiff, lnË, ju{ cfbL aLr ;Gt'ng jf ;dfg'kflts ljsf; ug{ ;s]df, ;Dk'0f{ ;d:ofnfO{ aftf{åf/f xn u/]df, xfd|f k"Vof}nL wg ;DklQsf] plrt ;Dj4{g u/]df, oxfFsf ;Dkbfxf?sf] ljZj ahf/df k|;f/ k|rf/ u/]df, xfd|f] IfdtfnfO{ ljZjdf b]vfpg ;s]df, b]znfO{ ;xL tl/sfn] ;~rfng Joj:yfkg clg ljsf; ug{ ;s]df Ps ;' ;DkGg /fi6«sf ?kdf lrlgg s'g} ;do nfUb}g xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfn . lj1fgsf] o'udf lj1fg zf:qnfO{ cufl8 n}hfg ;s]df, ljZj Jofkf/df /fd|f] gfd sdfpg ;s]df, g]kfnLsf] cfFz' xfF;f]df kl/0ft ug{;s]df cjZo g]kfn ljZjdf kl/lrt l56f] ljsf; x'g] /fi6«x?df lrlgg] lyof] . o;y{df g]kfnsf] klxrfg ;b}j cl3 a9\g], 86L n8\g] zL/ p7fO/xg], /ftf] / rGb| ;"o{ k|lts /fli6«o em08f h:t} slxNo} gem'Sg] alnof] /fi6« xf];\ . ef]lnsf] g]kfn /fd|f] g]kfn, /fd|f] g]kfn xfd|f] g]kfnÆ oxL OR5f cfsf+Iff x/ g]kfnLdf k'lu/fvf];\ . g]kfn / g]kfnLsf] klxrfg ljZjdf lslt{dfgL xf];\ . xfd|f] dft[e"ld ;b}j ljZj;fd' lz/ p7fP/ a:g ;sf];\ . slxNo} b':dgsf] cufl8 gem's]f;\ . zlQmzfnL Pjd\ ;';DkGg x/]s If]qdf cufl8 xf];\ . oxL g} xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfnsf] cd'No klxrfg xf];\ . o'u abNg] b]z agfpg' 5, ljZjd} lrgfpg' 5 . g]kfnLsf] ;fdy{ b]vfpg' 5 . g]kfn s:tf] /fi6« lyof] / s:tf] eof] clg g]kfnL s:tf efjgf af]s]sf dflg;x? x'g\ eGg] g]kfn / g]kfnLsf] kl/ro klxrfg ef]lnsf] gofF g]kfnn] lbg ;sf];\ . lnlvt / efif0fdf dfq xf]Og gofF g]kfn Jojxf/df sfo{fGjog xf];\ o;sf nflu ;a} g]kfnL Ps eO{ df}/Lsf] uf]n em}+ ldn]/ a:g' h?/L 5 . xfdL ljwfyL{ klg lzIff If]qdf pbfpg ;Sg], g]kfnnfO{ cem rDsfpg ;Sg] x'g'kb{5 . oxL g} dft[e"ld g]kfnsf] klxrfg x'g'kb{5 .

;Demgf clwsf/L s'df/L cfjf;Lo pRr dfWoflds ljBfno(KEBS) Od]n M [email protected] Df]fjfOn g+ M (*$(%)!$(!

æxfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg s:tf] x'g'k5{Æ< ædft[e"ldÆ h'g zAb rf/j6f cIf/x? ldn]/ ag]sf] 5 . h;nfO{ xfdL ;fwf/0f cy{df hGde"ld eg]/ lrGb5f}+ . cfˆg]f hGde"ldsf] dfof t hf] s;}nfO{ klg nfUg' :jefljs xf] . elgG5 lg æhggL hGd e"ldZr :juf{blk ul/ol;Æ cyf{t cfˆgf] hGde"ld k|f0f eGbf klg Kof/f] x'G5 . cfkm" hGd]sf] 7fpF cfkm}FnfO{ clt dg kb{5 . cfˆgf] dft[e"ld ;a}n] aofg ug{ nfos xf];\ eg]/ t hf] sf]xL JolQmn] klg ;f]Rg] ub{5g\ . cfˆgf] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg emNsfpg] sfd ;a}nfO{ ug{ dg nfU5 . t;y{ xfdL xfd|f] dft[e"ld eg]/ g]kfnnfO{ lrGb5f}+ h'g Pl;of dxfb]zdf kb{5 . xfd|f] dft[e"ld t'ngfTds ?kdf t c? eGbf ;fgf] 5 t/ oxfF k|fs[lts ;Dkbfx? olt g} ljzfn / dxfg\ 5g\ . xfd|f] b]zsf] If]qkmn ! nfv $& xhf/ ! ;o *! ju{ ls=dL= /x]sf] 5 . cfly{s l:yltn] ul/j ePtf klg ;Dkbfx?sf] wgL 5 xfd|f] dft[e"ld . xfd|f] b]z g]kfndf w]/} lrhx? 5g\ h;n] xfd|f] klxrfgnfO{ emNsfpF5 . xfd|f] b]zsf] ef}uf]lns ljefhg x]g]{ xf] eg] lxdfn, kxf8 / t/fO{ u/L tLg If]qdf ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 . oltdfq sxfF xf] / o;df ;'gdfly ;'uGw yKgsf nflu t ljleGg gbLx?, lxdfnx?, tfn–tn}of, jghª\un, /fli6«o lgs'~h ;+/If0f If]qx? klg Tolts} dfqfdf /x]sf 5g\ . ;Ktsf]zL, ;Ktu08sL, s0ff{nL, e]/L h:tf gbLx?n] xfd|f] klxrfgnfO{ emNsfPsf 5g\ . cem zflGtsf cu|b't uf}td a'4 klg t xfd|f] b]zdf hlGdPsf lyP lg . uf}td a'4 hlGdPsf] b]z eg]/ lrlgG5 xfd|f] b]z g]kfn . oxfF s~rg snsn aUg] gbLsf ;fydf ljleGg s'jf tyf tfntn}ofx? Kflg /x]sf 5g\ . ;u/dfyf, wf}nflu/L, cGgk"0f{, s~rghª\uf h:tf lxdfnx?n] klg xfd|f] lz/nfO{ pRr /fv]sf] 5 . cfheGbf tLg bzs cufl8 g]kfndf $) k|ltzt e"–efu aghª\nn] 9fs]sf] lyof] clxn] eg] Tof] ;ª\Vof 36\bf] l:yltdf uO/x]sf] 5 . xfd|f] b]z ef}uf]lns, ;fdflhs, /fhgLlts, ;fF:s[lts, cfly{s, k|fs[lts ;Dkbfx?n] klg wgL /x]sf] 5 . xfdL g]kfnL k|fs[lts ;Dkbfx?df wgL 5f}+ . oxfF c;ª\Vo hfthfltx? Af;]faf; ug]{ u5{g\ h;sf] cfˆg} klxrfg 5, wd{ 5 . g]kfnnfO{ ;F:s[ltsf] wgL b]z eg]/ klg lrlgg] ub{5 . oxfF jif]{gL xhf/f}+ ko{6sx? xfd|f] ;F:s[lt / ;Eotfsf] cjnf]sg ug{ cfpg] ub{5g\ . xfd|f] b]zdf o:tf j:t'x? 5g\ h'g ;+;f/sf] s'g}klg 7fpFdf kfOFb}gg\ . nK;L h'g Psdfq kmn xf] h'g g]kfn afx]s cGt sxLF kfOFb}g . o:t} of;f{u'Daf klg cGt kfOFb}g . sfF8]Eofs'/ klg cGt kfOFb}g . o:t} ;'Gb/tf yKgsf nflu bf]nvfsf] …R5f] /f]NkfÚ klg sd 5}g . xfd|f] b]zdf k|To]s rLhx? aofg u/]/ ;fWo g} 5}gg\ h;n] g]kflnTj emNsfpF5 . æl;ufg{ ;s] Tofu / ann] g]kfn :ju{ xf]Æ . cj:o klg xfdL ;a} Psh'6 eP/ Tofu / ann] l;Fufg{ ;s]df g]kfn :ju{ xf] . oxfFsf k|To]s j:t'sf] klxrfg a]Un} 5 t/ b'Mvsf] s'/f k|fs[lts ;Dkbf, wd{ ;+:s[lt tyf cGo s'/fx?df wgL x'Fbf x'Fb} klg xfd|f] b]z g]kfn cufl8 a9\g ;s]sf] 5}g . xfd|f] b]z g]kfn kfgLdf ljZjs} wgL b]z ePtf klg g]kfns} hgtfx?n] z'4 kfgL lkpg kfPsf 5}gg\ . cem sf7df8f}+df a;f]af; ug]{ dflg;n] t kfgL vfg g} kfPsf 5}gg\ eGbf klg km/s gknf{ . kfgLdf wgL b]z eP klg g]kfndf hlt nf]8;]l8ª c? b]zdf x'Fb}g . hlt jghª\unx? xfd|f] b]zdf klxnf lyP clxn] Tof] km8fgL x'Fb} uO/xs]f 5 . hnfjfo" kl/jt{sf sf/0fn] ubf{ ljleg /f]u nflu/x]sf 5g\ . jghª\unx? Dff;]/ lbglbg} 3/x? alg/x]sf 5g\ . ;a}eGbf b'MvnfUbf] s'/f t of] 5 ls g]kfndf clxn]sf] cj:yfdf b]zsf] d"n sfg"g cy{ft ;+ljwfg g} aGg ;s]sf] 5}g . g]kfnsf] klxrfg lbgfg'lbg v:sFb} uO{/x]sf] 5 . g]tfx? 6f]kL 9NsfO{ 9NsfO{ dft[e"ldsf] klxrfgsf] af/]df efif0f u5{g\ . gofF g]kfn agfpF5' eG5g\ t/ of] pgLx?sf] efif0fdf dfq ;Lldt x'G5 . k};fsf] nflu b]zsf] df6f] klg a]Rg kl5 kb}{gg\ g]tfx? . x'g t xftdf xft / sfFwdf

sfFw yfk]/ cl3 a9\g] xf] eg] xfdLn] klg xfd|f] klxrfgnfO{ pRr /fVg g;Sg] t xf]Og t/ cfˆg} b]zdf u'Gb|'s / l9F8f] vfP/ x's{g]x? cfh pgLx?sf] annfO{ csf{sf] e"lddf uP/ kf]lv/x]sf 5g\ . slt b'Mv nfU5 o:tf] s'/f ;'Gbf . s] ca g]kfnLx?nfO{ g]kfnsf] dfof 5}g t < olb 5 eg] cfˆgf] e"ldsf] lsg o;/L x]/rfx gu/]sf] < Psrf]l6 a'4 ef/tdf hlGdPsf] xf] eGg] va/ cfPsf] lyof] ;a} r'k, lbglbg} ;Ldfgf ldlrPsf] va/ ;'Gbf klg ;a} r'k 5f}+ . Pslbg g]kfn eGg] b]z g} 5}g eGg] va/ cfof] eg] sxfF hfG5 xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg < ;FfRr} xfdL g]kfnLx?sf] x[bo lsg olt s7f]/ ePsf] < xfdLnfO{ xfd|f] e"ldsf] dfof 5}g lsg < of] k|Zgsf] hjfkm sf] ;Fu 5 < 6fps] g]tfx?;Fu < s] ca ;Fw} tL g]tfx?s} e/ kl//x]/ x'G5 t < dft[e"ld t ;a}hgf hGd]sf] 7fpF xf] lg < o;sf] ;+/If0f ug]{ lhDdf t xfd}| sfFwdf 5 lg t/ b'O{ rf/ k};f sdfP/ ljb]zL e"lddf cfˆgf] an vr{ ug]{ tL g]kfnLnfO{ lwSsf/ 5 h;n] æ5\of s] a:g' of] g]kfndfÆ egL ljb]lzG5g\ . s] xfd|f zxLbx?n] cfˆgf] Hofgsf] afhL /fv]sf o;s} nflu xf] t < zxLbsf tL cfTdfx?n] klg zflGt kfpFb}gg\ xf]nf xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] cj:yf b]v]/ t . æ;+;f/nfO{ abNg' 5 eg] ;'?jft cfkmF}af6 ug'{k5{Æ eg]sf] s'/f ;fFrf] xf] . To;}n] ca dft[e"ldsf] /Iff ug]{ lhDd]af/L xfd|f] sfFwdf ylkPsf] 5 . xfdL o'jfx?n] g} of] b]zdf s]xL ug]{ a]nf ePsf] 5 . æg'gsf] ;f]emf]Æ ug'{kb{5 eg] em}+ oxL b]zdf hlGdP/ oxL s]xL ug'{ xfd|f] st{Jo xf] . æxhf/ dfO{nsf] ofqf klg Ps kfOnfaf6 ;'? x'G5Æ eg]em}+ xfdL PSn} 5f}+ eGg] efjgf xfdLn] slxNo} /fVg'x'Gg . xhf/}+f ko{6sx? cfO{ b]zsf] cy{tGq a9fpg ;xof]u ug]{ k|fs[lts ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f ugf{sf] nflu ca xfdL cfkm}F cufl8 a9\g'kb{5 . g]kfndf ljleGg d7–dlGb/x? 5g\ o;sf] xfdLn] /fd|f] Vofn /fVg'kb{5 . xfd|f] dft[efiffsf] klxrfgnfO{ xfdLn] emNsfpg' kb{5 . xfdLn] csf{sf] ;+:s[lt / k/Dk/fnfO{ k5\ofpg] xf]Og cfˆg} ;+:s[lt / k/Dk/fnfO{ cem /fd|f] agfpg' kb{5 . xfd|f] b]zdf cem;Dd klg ;+ljwfg aGg ;s]sf] 5}g . xfdL ;a g]kfnL Psh'6 eP/ ;+ljwfg agfpg cufl8 ;g{'k5{ / cfhsf] sfdnfO{ ef]ln u5'{ eg]/ slxNo} klg ;FfRg' x'Gg . xd|f] b]znfO{ k|b'if0f /lxt b]z agfpg'kb{5 . xfd|f] b]znfO{ klxnf a'4 hGd]sf] b]z, ;F:s[ltdf wgL b]z, k|fs[lts ;Dkbfx? Wf]/} ePsf] b]z eg]/ lrlgGYof] eg] clxn] r]lna]6L a]rlavg ug]{ b]z, em}–emu8f ug]{ b]z, >ldsx? ;KnfO{ ug]{ b]z, eg]/ lrlgG5 . ca xfdLn] of] klxrfgnfO{ d]6fpglt/ nfUg'kb{5 . xfd|f] b]zsf] cy{tGq s[lifdf lge{/ /x]sf sf/0fn] ubf{ s[lif If]qdf xfdLn] a9L nufgL u/L a9L ;do lbg lgtfGt cfjZos 5 . xfd|f] dft[e"ldn] c? s;}nfO{ geP/ xfdLnfO{ k'sf/L /x]sf] 5 . xfd|f] b]znfO{ xfdLn] ljZjd} Ps b]z eg]/ lrgfpg' kb{5 . lxdfn, kxf8, kfvf kv]/f, 5x/f, 5xf/L g} t x'g\ tL xfd|f ;DklQ o;nfO{ xfdLn] slxNo} la;{g' x'Gg . olb xfdL Psh'6 ePdf xfd|f] b]znfO{ xfdL l;ª\ufk'/ h:tf] agfpg ;Sb}gf}+ t < cjZo ;S5f}+ t/ ef]ln To;nfO{ Roft]/ kmflnlbg] u/]/ slxNo} klg x'Fb}g . xfdLn] l;4fGtnfO{ ca oyfy{df kl/0ft u/]/ b]vfpg' k5{ . k|To]s g]kfn cfdfsf] cfFvfsf] cfF;'nfO{ k'5]/ cf]7df xfF;f] Nofpg ;Sg'kb{5 xfdLn] . xfdLn] xfd|f] b]zleq /x]sf k|To]s s'/fsf] ;+/If0f ug'{kb5{ . xfdLn] ca g]kfndf n6/Dd wfgsf afnf em'nfpg ;Sg'k5{, 8fFkm] / d'gfnnfO{ zflGt;+u gfRg lbg'kb{5 . s'F–s'F sf]OnLn] ufpg kfpg' k5{ clg x'G5 lg xfd|f] b]z g]kfnsf] ;xL klxrfg . ;fFRr} 9sdSs nfnLu'F/f; km'Nbf xfd|f] dg klg slt cfglGbt x'G5 To;}n] ca nfnLu'F/f; km'nfpg] lhDd]af/L klg xfd|} xf] . xfdLn] hGd]sf] e"ldsf] klxrfgnfO{ ca cfFkm}n] ;'lglZrg agfpg kb{5 . olb xfdLn] To;f] ug{ ;s]df xfdL ;Fw} ;a}sf nflu cd/ aGg ;S5f}+ . t;y{, xfd|f] dft[e"ldnfO{ ca cFWof/f] kbf{af6 pHofnf]df Nofpg] lhDd]af/L xfdL o'jfx?sf] sfFwdf ylkPsf] 5 . ca xfdL csf{n] s] u¥of] eGg] s'/fnfO{ lal;{P/ d}n] cfˆgf] b]zsf] nflu s] u/]F / d}n] s] ubf{ /fd|f] x'G5 eGg] s'/f ;f]r]/ cufl8 dgg\ u/L lsg ;dfhdf q'l6x? al9/x]sf 5g\ eGg] s'/f xfdLn] a'em]/ ;a}hgf Ps cfk;df ldn]/ cufl8 a9\g'k5{ . ca xfd|f] r'k nfu]/ a:g] a]nf 5}g . hlt r'k nfUg' lyof] xfdL nflu;Sof}+ . ca of] b]zsf] /Iffsf] lglDt Hofgsf] afhL yfk]/ cufl8 a9\g'kb{5 . olb xfdL o;f] ugf{sf] nflu ;kmn ePdf xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg cjZo klg xfdLn] ;f]r] h:tf] x'G5 t/ of] sfuhdf dfq ;Lldt x'g' r} cjZo x'Fb}g . o;nfO{ xfdLn] cfh}af6 Jojxf/df kl/0ft ug{lt/ nfUg'kb{5 . olb g]kfn agfpg g]kfnLx? Ps x'g] xf] eg] xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg cjZo klg ;'lglZrt x'g ;Sb5 . æho b]z ho g/]zÆ

;To/fh hf]zL hgd}qL ax'd'vL SofDk; g]kfnsf] /fli6«o klxrfg Psk6s xfd|f] ;dfhnfO{ cfˆgf efjgfsf ;+j]uaf6 cfbz{do agfpg] qmddf g]kfnL ;flxTosf dxfslj b]asf]6fn] eg]sf lyP M– xfdL ljZjsf] To:tf] gfgL xf}F hxfFaf6 ;Dk"0f{ ;+;f/ b]Vg ;lsG5 / xfdL sdf08/sf] To:tf] s'~h xf}F hxfFaf6 ljZj kl/j]zn] dfgljotfsf] :kz{ ug{ ;S5 . h}ljs ljljwtf leqsf] Pstf, Pstfleqsf] ldqtf / ldqtf leqsf] ;xsfo{tfaf6 cfˆgf] :j0fL{d Oltxf; sf]/f}+ . ljZjdf km/s klxrfg /fVg ;kmn ePsf] /fi6« xf] d]/f] b]z g]kfn . uf}/jzfnL Oltxf; af]s]sf] /fi6«sf] Ps gful/s x'F d g]kfnL, hxfF d]/f] cfˆg} :jtGqtf 5 / hxfF d]/f] cfˆg} uf}/jzfnL Oltxf; 5 . k|flrgsfnb]lv g} a|Xdf08sf] Ps ;fgf] tkf]e"ldsf ?kdf /x]sf] d]/f] b]z g]kfn Ps kljq uËf xf] hxfF c7f/ xhf/ k'/f0fsf jStf Jof;n] cfˆgf] l;h{gf kf]v]sf lyP . lji0f'n] k|s[ltsf] sf]zdf ;og u/]sf lyP / s[i0fn] uf]7nfsf ?kdf k|sl[t;Fu ;fOgf] ufF;]sf lyP / hxfF a|Xdf08sf sGw/faf6 lgl:sg] k|f0fLn] :jtGq :gfg ul//x]sf x'G5g\ . tkf]jgsf] e"lddf zflGtb't uf}td a'4nfO{ ;DemFb} eG5g\ d ljZjsf] zflGtb't x'F / d]/f b]jtf dxfdfgj eujfg uf}td a'4sf] k"vf{ x'F . To;}n] cfcf] d]/f] b]zsf] zflGt dfu{df ;xefuL ag / egM ljZj zflGtsf] k|0f]tfsf] hGd g]kfnd} ePsf] lyof] . d]/f] b]z Oltxf;b]lv g} :jtGq /fi6«sf] ?kdf /x]sf] b]z xf] . ;f]w Û gfnfkfgLsf tL 9'ËfnfO, hxfF d]/f] b]zsf alnbfgL zxLbx? Uf}/jsf ;fy cfˆgf] hLjgfd[t /utn] nTkltb} elg/x]sf x'G5g\ M– xfdL jL/ 5f}+ / xfdL dxfg g]kfnL xf}+ . ;f]w tL ljZj v]ns'bsf gfos Dof/f8f]gfnfO{ h;n] g]kfn /fi6« k[YjLsf] s'g If]qdf k5{ eGg] g} yfxf gkfO{ eg]sf lyP M– xfdLn] d}bfgdf uf]v{fnL;Fu n8\g' k/]g To;}n] xfdL ljh]tf aGof}+ / xfdL ljh]tf dfq xfOgf}+ ljZjsf ljh]tf xf}+ lsgsL xfd|f] cufl8 Tof] uf]vf{ / uf]v{fnL lyPg . Oltxf;nfO{ kmsf{P/ x]g]{ xf] eg] d]/f] b]z g]kfn hxfF ljZnfO{ ;xf/f lbg] 5fgf -;u/dfyf_ / ljZjnfO{ pHofnf] lbg ;Sg] hn;|f]t 5 . oltdfq xf]Og ljZjnfO{ 1fg lbg;Sg] uf}td j'4x? klg 5g\ d]/} b]z g]kfndf . lj8Dagf Û clxn]sf] d]/f] b]z / k|frLg d]/f] b]zsf] af/]df d} Ps g]kfnL eP/ klg km/s 5'6\ofpg' k/]sf] 5 / eGg' k/]sf] 5 d]/f] b]z k|frLgdf o:tf] lyof] eg]/ . :d/0f ub}{ ca Tof] Oltxf;df dfq l;ldt x'g] xf] sL eGg] lrGtf lng' k/]sf] 5 . Oltxf;b]lv g} cfkm+}n] :jtGq /fi6«sf] Oltxf; af]Sb} cfPsf] /fi6«df r/d ul/jL, e|i6frf/ / ljb]zL /fi6«x?sf] 7f8f] x:tIf]k a9\b} uPsf] 5 . led;]g yfkf, k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx h:tf s'zn /fhgLlt1 hGdfpg] b]zdf /fi6« gfossf] vfFrf] b]lvFb}5 / /fi6« :jtGq xf] sL xf]Og eGg] ltv] k|Zg k|To]s af}l4s /fi6«k|]dL g]kfnL gful/ssxfF t]:of{Ob}+ 5 . :jtGq ;~rf/df x:tIf]kb]lv lnP/ g]kfnL hgtfn] k|ltlglw agfP/ k7fPsf hgtfnfO{ g} d]/f] b]zdf wDsL cfpg yfn]sf] 5 / st} aflx/sf cfjfhaf6 elg+b}5 – g]kfn ca :jtGq cl:tTj af]s]sf] /fi6« xf]Og . o;/L ljut / jt{dfgsfaLr d]/f] b]zdf ulx/f] vf8n 5 / jt{dfgdf lautsf s'/fx?sf] s]jn :d/0f dfq afFsL 5 . gf/Lx?sf] k'~h b]z g]kfn hxfF xhf/f}+ jif{ klxn]b]lv g} gf/LnfO{ cfdf dflgGYof] t elgGYof] –;Ltf g]kfnsL r]nL x'g\ / g]kfnLsf] alxgL x'g\ / ljgd|tfsL vfgL x'g\ . e[s'6L g]kfnsL kl/kfl6 x'g\ h;n] cfˆgf] b]z g]kfnnfO{ / g]kfnsf] snfnfO{ ljZj ;dIf pkxf/ lbOg\ . t/ lj8Djgf g]kfnLsf] 7"nf] cfTdfUnfgL s] 5 eg] clxn] d]/f] b]z g]kfn r]nLj]6L / j]Zofj[lt a]rljvgsf] cv8f /fi6«, hxfF lbgx' ;of}+

xhf/f}+ r]nLx? a]lrG5g\ / s}of}+ r]nLx?sf] anTsf/ u/]/ xTof ul/G5 . hxfF lbgx' k|f0f3ftL /f]u AIDS n] ;ªqmldt g]kfnLsf] tYofÍ ahf/sf k|d'v ;dfrf/kqdf 5flkG5 / Jofkfl/s d;nf agfOG5 . d]/f] bz g]kfn Pp6f To:tf] s'zn cfdf lyOg\ h;n] s'zn aRrf hGdfpg ;lS5g\ eg]/ uj{ ug'{ stf xf] stf xf] g]kfnL Ps hfz'; aGb}5f}F cfˆg} r]nLsf] OHht n'6\gsf nflu / aGb}5f}F Ps Jofkf/L . d]/f] b]z gkfndf xhf/f}+ jif{ klxn] /f]huf/Lsf nflu ef/t / rLgsf] :jzfl;t If]q ltAataf6 dflg;x? cfpFy] t/ jt{dfgdf d]/f] b]zsf o'jfx? s'g} /fi6«sf v]tfnf x'G5g\ / >dsf] d"No :yflkt ug{ g;sL eGb}5g\M– g]kfndf a;]/ s] ug'{ / of/ o;f] ljb]z hfg kfP t eOxfNYof] / Green Card agfpg kfP t of/ s] ul/GYof] ul/GYof] . o;/L cfˆgf] Ps 5'6\6} :jtGq, ;fj{ef}d Oltxf; af]s]sf] d]/f] dft[e"dL g]kfn jt{dfg cj:yfdf Ps ljifd kl/l:yltaf6 cufl8 a9\b}5 . x/]s ;r]t g]kfNfL xg'sf] gftfn] d s] eG5' eg] g]kfn xf]d|f] /fi6« xf] / xfdL bfh'efOaLrsf] snxn] ubf{ xfd|f JoflQmut d"Nosf] r/d ktgn] ubf{ dfq xfdL ;a}n] kl5 kg{' k/]sf] xf] . xfdL kl5 k/sf 5}gf}+, s]an c? /fi6« cufl8 a9]sf 5g\ / xfdL Oltxf; sf]g]{ rflxF s'Des0f{ lgGb|fdf 5f}+ . To;}n] cfp ldnfp xfd|f tL a'4n], ;Ltfn] / dxlif{n] lbPsf xftx? / sNkgf u/f}+ zflGt, ;d[4L / pRRftd hLjg k4ltsf] . xfdL ca e"kLn] eg] em}+ jL/ eP/ a'4' xfOgf+} ls a'4 EfP/ klg jL/ x'g' kb{5 . xfdL st} Sof/dsf uf]6L xfOgf}+ . Sof/d xfd|f] sd{ynf] xf] / ToxfF ePsf xftx? g]kfnL cfdfsf ;Gtfg x'g\ . xfdL sfnLbf;n] h:tf] d'v{tf u/]/ cfˆgf] v'§fdf cfFkm} a~r/f] xfGg] xf]Og a? sfnLbf;df klg a'l4 / dfgljotfsf] ljsf; ePsf] lyof] eGg] a'emf}+ / pHhn eljiosf nflu sfdgf u/f}+ . d]/f] b]zdf ;tLsf dlGb/x?df 306L alh/xg]5 / c+z'jdf{sf] ;lxi0f'tf /lx/xg]5 . hok[YjLaxfb'/ l;+xdf df}nfPsf] dfgljotf /lx/xg]5 . g]kfnL gf/L ;Ltf h:t} cfbz{ / e[s'6L h:t} s'zn kl/rflnsf aGg]5g\ . cfzf u/f}+– dfgjLo d"Nosf] ;aeGbf cfbz{ ?k g]kfnL ;dfh / /fi6«k|lt akmfbf/ /lx/xg] 5 . dfgjLo d"Nosf] ;j}eGbf 7"nf] ?k kl/jt{glzntf / ;r]ttf g} xf] . To;}n] cfzf ug'{ s'g} d'v{tf x'g]5}g d]/f] b]zsf] k|lti7fsf nflu .

Hof]tL u}/] /Tg/fHo p=df=lj=, afg]Zj/ ;Dks{ (*$!@&$@## xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg Dfft[e"ld dftf x'g\, hxfF xfdL vfg], a:g]b]lv ;a} lqmofsnfk ;DkGg ub{5f}+ . ;a}sf] ef/ ;x]/ ufF;, af; / skf;sf] ;d:ofaf6 cfˆgf ;a} ;GtfgnfO{ 5'6sf/f lblG5g\ dft[e"ld . xfdL ;a} g]kfnLsf] dft[e"ld x'g\ g]kfn . g]kfn xfd|f] klxrfg xf], uf}/a xf] . s'g} klg sf/0fn] olb s;}nfO{ ljZj;fd' lrlgG5 eg] To;nfO{ klxrfg elgG5 . klxrfgn] k|To]snfO{ ljZj;fd' lrgfpF5 . o:t} klxrfgsf] s'/f ubf{ xfd|f] /fi6« g]kfnnfO{ w]/} ?kdf lrlgG5 –jL/ uf}/jzfnLsf] b]z, uf}td a'4sf] b]z, hgs–;Ltf / e[s'6Lsf] b]z, e'kl/j]li6t b]z, dlGb/} dlGb/sf] b]z, Clifd'lg / tkf]e"ldsf] b]z, ;u/dfyfsf] b]z h:tf sof}+ pkgfdn] xfd|f] /fi6« ljZj dfglrqdf lrlgPsf] 5 . g]kfn ljZj e"uf]ndf )=)# k|ltzt :yfg cf]u6]sf] ;fgf] /fi6« ePtfklg cfˆgf] jL/ k/fqmd / sd{ afgLn] ljZjdf 7"nf] :yfg xfFl;n u/]sf] 5 . Gf]kfn k|fs[lts ;f}Gbo{n] el/k"0f{ Ps ;'Gb/ /fi6« xf], jghª\un, 8fF8fsfF8f, 5x/f / vf]nf gfnfsf] /fi6« xf] g]kfn . k|fs[ltsf] sfvdf ljr/0f ug]{ xfd|f] /fi6« k|fs[lts ;hfj6n] ljZj;fd' lrlgPsf] 5 . jghËn / 8fF8fsfF8f clg vnvn aUg] vf]nfn] xfd|f] b]znfO{ k|fs[lts /fi6«sf] klxrfg lbG5 . dftf k|s[ltsf] sfvdf rog ug]{ xfd|f] b]z ;f}Gbo{sf] cd[t b'Uwwf/f lkP/ x'ls{Pls 5g\ . To;}n] t xfd|f] /fi6« ljZj;fd' ;f}Gbo{sf] vflgsf] ?kdf lrlgPsf] 5 .

Gf]kfn ;f+:s[lts d"No / dfGotf af]s]sf] k'/ftflTjs /fi6« xf] . cgflbsfnb]lv /lxcfPsf] b/af/ / u'kmfn] g]kfnsf] klxrfg u/fPsf] 5 . ;f+:s[lts d"No / dfGotfn] el/k"0f{ of] /fi6« /fhf hgs / klta|tf gf/L ;Ltfsf] hGde"ld xf] . k'/fgf d"No / dfGotf af]sL cfPsf] xfd|f] /fi6«n] cfˆgf ;fF:s[lts tj/n] ljZjnfO{ lrgfPsf] 5 . rf/ hft / #^ j0f{sf] ;femf km"naf/L dflgPsf] /fi6« g]kfn cfˆgf] df}lns e]if–e'iff / efiffn] kl/lrt 5 . g]kfndf sl/j ^* efiffx? Af]flng] ub{5g\ . k|To]s hft cg';f/ cfˆgf] km/s e]if, e'iff / ;+:s[lt x'G5 / ltg} ;fF:s[lts d"No / dfGotfn] xfd|f] /fi6« ljZj;fd' lrlgPsf] 5 . cflbd Clifd'lg / k|frLg tkf]e"ldsf] /fi6« xf] g]kfn . cgflb sfnb]lv Clifd'lgsf] ho / tksf] /f]ugn] hufPsf] /fi6« g]kfn Clifd'lg Pj+ xf]ds'08sf] Ps pTs[i6 gd'gf xf] . b]zsf] 8fF8fsfF8fdf u'l~h/x]sf] 1fgL dxfk'?ifx?sf] wfld{s emª\sf/n] xfd|f] /fi6« u'~hfodfg 5 . wfld{s d"No / dfGotf af]sL cfPsf] xfd|f] /fi6« u'~hodfg 5 . Psfbz lzjlnËx?sf] lz/ dflgPsf] kz'kltgfy xfd|f] /fi6«df lj/fhdfg 5g\ . :jod\ lqb]j a|Dxf, lji0f' / dx]z Zn]ifdfGts gfds jgdf Ps d[usf] ?kdf dlxgf}+ ljtfPsf] s'/f klg k'/f0fx?df pNn]v 5 . s'08 / 3f6x?n] ;';lHht xfd|f] /fi6« wfld{s d''No jf dfGotf af]s]sf] Ps wfld{s /fi6« xf] . Uff];fOs'08, gfubx, hgsk'/, n'lDagL, u}f/L3f6, 5fofIf]q h:tf ;fF:s[lts d"No / dfGotf af]s]sf] wfld{s :ynn] t g]kfnnfO{ ljZj;fd" cem a9L lrgfPsf] 5 . ljZj dfglrqdf hn;|f]tsf] lx;fan] bf];|f] 7"nf] /fi6«sf] ?kdf kl/lrt /fi6« xf] g]kfn . *# xhf/ d]3fjf6 ljB't lgof{t ug{] tfst 5 xfdLdf . lah'nL / kfgLsf] /fd|f] lgof{t ug{ ;S5f}+ xfdL t/ la8Dagf ;jf}{Rr lzv/ ;u/dfyfsf] /fi6« g]kfn hn;|f]tdf ljZjsf] bf];|f] wgL /fi6« g]kfn, *# xhf/ d]3fjf6 lah'nL cfk"lt{ ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf ePsf] /fi6« g]kfn cfh cGwsf/ / ef]sd/Lsf] h~hfndf km;]sf] 5 . ;fdflhs, cfly{s / /fhgLlts ;a} b[li6sf]0fn] cfh xfd|f] d'n's lk5l8Psf] 5 . zflGtsf] b]z eg]/ lrlgg] /fi6« g]kfn cfh aGb, x8tfn, rf]/L, 8s}lt / cfGbf]ng g} cfGbf]ngsf] /fi6« eg]/ lrlgPsf] 5 . k|fs[lts ;f}Gbo{n] el/k"0f{ lyof] xfd|f] /fi6« t/ clxn] jg km8flgn] gfª\uf] / lj/fgf] ePsf] 5 . /fhgLlts cl:y/tf, ;fdflhs b'Jo{jxf/, s'l/lt / s';+:s[ltsf] rk]6fdf k/]sf] 5 xd|f] b]z . hl~h/n] afFlwPsL 5g\ g]kfn cfdf . b]zdf eO/x]sf] hNbf] aNbf] kl/l:yltnfO{ ;Gt'lnt kfg{ hf]lznf o'jf ju{ rf]/L, 8s}tL, ckx/0f, r]lna]6L a]rlavg, ufFhf, r/]z h:tf nfu' cf}ifwsf] k|of]u h:tf cg}lts lqmofsnfkdf nflu k/]sf 5g\ . clzIff, ef]sd/L / ul/aLsf] rk]6fdf cfh xfd|f] d'n's efl;Psf] 5 . xfNf} ;fj{hlgs ePsf] tYofÍ cg';f/ sl/j $* k|ltzt dflg;x? ul/jLsf] /]vfd'lg k/]sf 5g\ . cem} klg $@=%# k|ltzt dflg;x? xfd|f] b]zdf clzlIft 5g\ . s[lif k|wfg /fi6« ePtfklg xfd|f b]zsf gful/sn] kof{Kt vfBfGg kfO/x]sf 5}gg\ . cem klg lk5l8Psf], cljsl;t ufpFdf vfgfsf] k|ltIffdf al;/x]sf 5g\ dflg;x? . af9L, klx/f] h:tf k|fs[lts k|sf]kn] lylrPsf] 5 xfd|f] /fi6« . cflv/ xfd|f] /fi6«df o:tf] v'b leGgtf (Gross Imbalance) lsg < cufl8 cfOk/]sf] r'gf}ltsf] s;n] ;fdgf ug]{ < s;sf] ck]Iff ug]{=======< o'jf zlQmn] dfq of] r'gf}lt l:jsfg{ ;S5 . /fhgLlts cl:y/tf / e|i6frf/nfO{ h/}b]lv lgd"{n kfg]{ lxDdt s]jn o'jfdf x'G5 . zflGtsf] b]zsf] gfdn] lrlgg] /fi6« clxn] aGb / x8tfnsf] /fi6«sf] ?kdf lrlgPsf] 5 . of] ;a} /fhgLlts cl:y/tfsf] sf/0fn] ubf{ xf] . gofF g]t[Tj / gofF lgod nfu' ul/g'k5{ . rf]/L, 8s}lt, sf6df/ h:tf ;fdflhs b'\/Jojxf/ h/}b]lv lgd"{n kfl/g['k5{ . ;a}df …xfdL ;a} Ps xf}+Ú sf] efjgf hfu[t ul/g' k5{ . ;dembf/L ljZjf;sf] af6f]df ;a} lxF8\g' k5{ . aGb, x8tfn / h'n'z h:tf gsf/fTds s[ofsnfk aGb ul/g' k5{ . qmflGtsf/L ;f]rn] cufl8 a9\g'k5{ . s8f kl/>d, ;xof]usf] efjgf, lgZjfy{ efjgf, of]ubfg / h] af]Nof] Tof] ug]{ afgLsf] ljsf; ug'{kb{5 . ;fbf hLjg pRr ljrf/sf] efjgf hfu[t eP/ cufl8 a9\g'k5{ . g}lts ljrf/ / efjgf hfu[t x'g'kb{5 . lgZjfy{ ejfgfn] b]zdf cfOk/]sf s'gLlt / s';+:s[ltnfO{ h/}b]lv lgd"{n kfg'{k5{ clg dfq xfd|f] /fi6«n] gofF af6f] b]Vg]5 . …zflGtsf] b]zÚ eg]/ km]l/ lrlgg ;S5 g]kfn===. To;}n] cfh xfdL ;a} Psh'6 eP/ xftdf xft ldnfP/ cufl8 a9\g'kb{5 . clg ;a}sf] Pp6} nIf x'g'k5{ b]znfO{ ;d[4 kfg]{ . g]kfnsf] klxrfg d]/f] klxrfg ÛÛÛ

Gffd M ;ljg 9sfn Go'6g OG6/g] OG6/g]Zfgn sn]h, rfjlxn, l;kmn kmf]= g+ M (*$!!^*&!$, )!– )!–@)&@*$!

dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg æufpF5 uLt g]kfnL, Hof]ltsf] k+vf prfnL Û ho, ho x] g]kfn, ;'Gb/ zfGt ljzfn ÛÛ of] s'g} ;flxlTos ;h{sn] cfˆgf] sfJo, s[ltnfO{ ;hfpg aflx/jf6 n]lkt zflAbs hnk kSs} xf]Og, xf] t s]jn g]kfnsf] oyfy{k/s l:yltdf Ps ;flxlTos ;|h{sn] /fli6«otf emNsfpFb} g]kfn cfdfk|lt u/]sf] lznf]ls efiffsf] Gofof]lrt efj dfq xf] . lz/df 6nSs 6lNsg] df]lt ;/x xf/ nufP/ clg kljq :j?k /];dL ?kdf d]rL, dxfsfnL / u08sL ;/sf a:q klx/]/ Gofo, ;dfgtf / ;lx;'i0ftf ;lxt k'zklt, :joDe' / lk08]Zj/LnfO{ cfˆgf] 5f]/f5f]/Lsf ?kdf cfFufnf] xfnL ;u/dfyfsf] sfvdf a;]sL d]/L g]kfn cfdf, g]kfn cfdf ÛÛÛ 5Ë, 5Ë u/L aUg] tL /]zdL s]z ;/L emgf{x?, xl/ofnL b'af] af]sL t/fO{ kmfF6df km}lnPsf tL /fujx? clg cl8s /xL bGt nx/ ldnfP/ xfFl;/x]sf] cGgk"0f{ / wf}nflu/Ln] d]/L g]kfn cfdfsf] kfpdf lz/ em'sfP/ lgx'l//x]sf 5g\ . cgs}f+ of]4fsf] nflu, ltg} k'vf{x?sf] ;fx;, /fli6«otf clg Pstf l;df+lst eO{ snfTds ?kdf s'FlbPsf] k"0f{ d"lt{sf] cfsf/ xf] g]kfn . c;f/ df;df kfgLn] l6Nn lkNn el/Psf] xl/of] kmfF6sf] ;fgf] zfGt / ljzfn u/f xf] xfd|f] b]z g]kfn, hxfF jL/ k'?if k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx, led;]g yfkf, jneb| cflbn] z]ifx? 5f]8]/ uPsf 5g\ . v's'/L / sndsf] 1fgaf6 ;[lht ;Ltf / hgssf] k'0o:yn e]usf] Oltxf; af]s]/ a;]sf] 5 . Pstf / ;dembf/Ldf xft]dfnf] ub}{ wfdL{s ;dy{g nfO{ ;xof]u / j}rfl/stf cfbfg k|bfg / ;xof]uL efjgf k|hfdf n's]sf] u'0fn] cfh ;f/f ljZjnfO{ g} OZof{n'[ agfOlbPsf] 5 . snf / ;+:s[ltn] lj1fkgsf] /fli6«otf abNg Pp6f v'8lsnf] ag]sf] 5 . clg u'? b]jf] ej, lkt[ b]jf] ej n] k|;|o kfPsf] 5 d]/L g]kfn cfdfsf] sfvdf . s]jn d]/L cfdfsf] sfvdf . laxfgL ;"o{sf] Tof] zfGt / zLtn ls/0fn] d]/f] 3/sf] b}nf]df dnfO{ :jfut ug{ al;/x]sf] x'G5 . clg tL cGgk"0f{, dgf;'n ltg} km]jf / /f/fdf cfkm\gf] cg'xf/ x]g{ cfOk'U5g\ clg kz'klt / af}4sf 3G6 / Wjlgn] tL ;':tfPsf 8fFkm] / d'gfnnfO{ km]l/ grfOlbG5g\ clg d]/L cfdf ToxL rlDsnf] / ldhfl;nf] cg'xf/df sf]zL;Fu ldt]/L nfpg cfOkl'U5g\ . t/ s]xL ;do otf d]/L cfdfsf ;k'tx?df s]xL ljUg kl/jt{g 5fPsf] 5 clg d]/L g]kfn cfdf cfˆgf alnGb| cfF;' wf/f v;fP/ k"0f{ klxn]s} ?kdf kms{g / kmsf{pg nfUb}l5g\ . cfh d]/L g]kfn cfdfsf] d'xf/df /f]:fgL x/fPsf] 5 clg l5g l5gdf kn kndf cfˆg} cfkmGtx?af6 anfTs[t x'g ljj; l5g\, clg vfFb} gvfPsf] ljifn] ;dfPsf] 5 . tLg} cfˆgf 5f]/f 5f]/Ln] pgsf] k5f}/Ldf /utsf yf]kf k'5\g yfn]sf 5g\ clg xTof, lx+;f / /fhgLlts lvrftflgn] pgsf lz/ r'lnFb} uPsf] 5 . cfˆg} 5f]/f 5f]/Lx? cfh ltgs} ;+:sf/, l/ltl/jfh nTofP/, /ftel/ z/L/ dTofP/ l8:sf] / af/df dl:tis yRofpg yfn]sf 5g\ . clxn] cfˆg} lbbL alxgLx?sf] b]xsf] Jofkf/ km:6fpg yfn]sf] 5 . clg gftfjfb, s[kfjfbn] dfq} x}g oxfF kml/ofjfbn] klg ;dfh gfËluFb} uPsf] 5 . /fi6«elQm cfh oxfF :j?kL efsfdf dfq u'~hg yfn]sf 5g\, sd{?lk xftx? plkofF ;/L ljb]zL ?lkof ;dfpFb} sª\s|6 ?kL dxnx? sdfpg Jo:t 5g\ . s, v, u k9fpg] u'? lzIfsnfO{ oxFf 7f8} ;8sdf df];f] blnG5 . 1fg, u'g, clt{ pkb]z g ;'Gg] e]l6G5g\ g t 6]g]{ g}, s]jn /fj0f?kL cljhfn a]g]{ cFufnfx? Dffq . ljZjf; ?kL efj 6fl9b}+ uPsf 5g\ clg tL 8Dkm' / d'r'{Ëfsf :j/x? kmfFl8b} / gfl;Fb} uPsf 5g\ . oxfF kk / ¥ofkn] b]p8f / jfngsf] ufO{hfqf agfO /x]sf] 5 . d]/L cfdf cfh ;'Ss, ;'Ss ?Fb} 3f]K6L /x]sL

l5g\ . k'j{hn] 5f8]sf] Tof] xfd|f] u}/L v]tsf] sfGnfdf l5d]sLn] tf/ a]bf{ ;d]t d]/f sfsf / afp cfˆg} yfKnf]df t]t] gfgL t]t] ug{ Jo:t 5g\ clg d]/L sfsL / cfdf tfnf, rfjL xTofpg} d:t 5g\ . hfg] a'em]sf eGg]x?n] 3/ 5]f8\g yfn]sf 5g\ clg xTof / ckx/0f / lkm/f}ltn] k|;o kfpg yfn]sf] 5 . cem eGg' kbf{ b]zsf 6fps]x? o;df h'6]sf 5g\ /] clg cfˆgf] £ofDk] e'F8L a9fpg df6f] a]Rg yfns]sf 5g\ /] rf/}lt/ af6 kmf]x]/ / d}nfn] bf}/f / 6f]kL 5f]kL ;Sbf klg cem} a]d]n / s'l/lt /f]Kg Jo:t 5g\ d]/f sfsf afpx? . lxhf] sf]bf] / kmfk/ pd|g] 7fpFdf cfh ufFhf / clkmd af]6 x's{g yfn]sf] 5 . clg ;dfhdf n'6kf6, wfdL{s lx+;f / 5'jf5'tn] h/f uf8]sf] 5 . sfsf / afp s:n] 3/ rnfpg] s;/L cem} 6'Ëf]df k'uL 9'Ëf] ;dfTg ;s]sf 5}gg\ vfln rfdn rkfpg xfjL eO{ s';L{sf] rfFbL ;dfTg nl8/x]sf5g\, j; cfˆgf] b'g]f ;f]‰ofpg . uxe/L cfF;' kf/L lg–a:q n8L /x]sL d]/L g]kfn cfdfdf cem} lg/fzfjfbn] cf]5\ofg nfpg kfPsf] 5}g clg cem} Tof] zfGt / kljq g]kfnsf] kl/sNkgfdf c;dfgtf / ?9LafbLn] eTsfP/ 6f6La]/f lnk–kf]t ug{ Jo:t l5g\ . clg km]l/ Tof] ;'Gb/ / zfGt g]kfn ;kgfdf -jj{/fpFb} l5g\_–@ kmls{G5, kmls{G5 Tof] d]/f] zfGt g]kfn, d]/f] g]kfn Hfo g]kfn . -dWo/ftdf d ;kgfdf jj{/fO/x]sf] x'G5' ._

;'lgtf yfkf Uf|Lgljr Ps]8]dL, k]K;Lsf]nf ;Dks{ (*)*!!^)^& æxfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg s:tf] x'g'k5{Æ
o :yn dfg]/ cfl>t ePsf efiff, wd{, ;+:s[lt, k]zf hft hflt, rfnrng, l/ltl/jfh, zf;g k|0ffnL e]ife'iff, k/Dk/fut d"No / dfGotf, nufot ufF;, af; skf;sf] ;fy} k|fs[lts / s[ltd ?kdf k[YjLsf] e"–agf]6 cg';f/ ef}uf]lns agfj6 d7dlGb/, kf6Lkf}jf, rf]s, ;8s rf}tf/L, gbL gfnf, u'Daf af}4, rr{\, dl:hb e"ldyfg, tfn, tn}of, ljBfno, :jf:Yo rf}sL 3/, clkm;, xl:k6n b/af/ lxdfno kj{t hl8a'6L b]ljyfg, wf/f] kFw]/f], nufot

;lhj / lglh{j j:t'af6 ag]sf] k'/ftflTjs j:t'x?sf] cjz]ifx? klg kb{5g\ . o;sf ;fy} ;+:s[ltsdf rl08gfr, wfggfr, df?gL gfr, ;]n]fgfr, ;]? Gffr, nfv]gfr h:tf cGo y'k|} n]fs ;F:s[ltx? k"j]{nL nf]s uLtx?, klZrd] efsfsf nf]s uLtx?, :jb]zufg nufot cGo y'k|} uLtx?sf] ;fy ;fy} nf]s ;fF:s[lts afhfsf w'gx? Kflg o; P]ltxfl;s cGtu{t kb{5g\ . clg wfld{s cGtu{t u'Daf, rr{, dl:hb, dlGb/, b]jL, b]p/fnL, b]jLyfg, clg e"ldyfgx? Kflg kb{5g\ . k|fs[lts cGtu{t jgh+un, vf]nf gfnf OToflb kb{5g\ . ;fy} h}ljs ;Dkbf cGtu{t lhj hgfj/ nufot dfgj klg kb{5 / ;fgf] 7"nf] h}ljs jg:kltx? Kflg kb{5g\ . o;sf ;fy} dfgjnfO{ dfq geP/ cGo k|f0fLx?nfO{ klg afFRgsf lglDt cf]t nfUg] :yn, cf>o :yn, 3/, uf]7, cf]8f/ OToflb :yfgx?sf] cfjZostf kb{5g . nfpgsf] nflu nQfsk8f, k|f0fnfO{ arfpgsf] lglDt xfjf kfgL nufot b}lgs pkef]Uo vfBfGo ;fdfu|Lx? Kflg dfgj nufot hLjx?sf] cfjZostf cGtu{t kb{5g\ . hj dfgjsf] hGde'ldsf] Oltxf; cGtu{t oL ;Dk"0f{ j:t' jf ;Dkbfx? klg kb{5g\ ta xfdLn] dfq geP/ ;Dk"0f{ k|f0fL / ;lhj j:t'x?n] cfˆgf] Pp6f cl:tTj / klxrfg lrgf/Lx? Nff]k geO{ kl5 ;Dd slxNo} gd]6\g] u/L cd/ :d[ltsf kfgf ?kL ;hfP/ cd/ eO{ /fVg cfˆgf] ;Dk"0f{ cl:tTj / Oltxf; hf]ufpg' / arfpg' cfjZos kb{5 . h; cGtu{t d Pp6f egfO /fVg rfxG5' h'g egfO dxfdlj nIdL k|;fb b]jsf]6fsf] d'gfdbgaf6 ;fef/ c+z xf] . h'g o; ks|f/ 5 – O{Zj/ t}n] /r]/ km]l/ s;/L laufl/;\ ;[li6sf] km"n /r]/ t}n] s;/L k5fl/; h'g egfOsf] tfTko{ h'g xfdLnfO{ hGdlbg] / x's{fpg] / lgdf{0f ug]{ ;[li6 jf hGd e"ldnfO{ g} xfdLn] ;+/If0f ug{ 5f]8]/ laufg]{ / gf; ug]{ tkm{ nfUb5f}+ . h'g k|s[ltsf] ;[li6sf] cgdf]n cg'kd km"n h:t} xfdL cd"No pkxf/ h:t} xf] . cfkm}+n] cfkm"nfO{ lsg bf]if lbP/ x]nf u/]/ Ps cfk;df hGde"ldsf] Oltxf; / xfd|f]aLr Pp6f hGd lbg] cfdfafa' / To;sf] ;Gtltsf] pkdf h:tf] kl/jf/sf] 3lgi6 ;DaGw 5 . h'g ;DaGwnfO{ hf]ufpg xfdLn] Ps csf{df l/; / b]fif lbP/ b]vfP/ xf]Og h;nfO{ cem glhs ;DaGw /fv]/ h;sf] Oltxf; hf]ufpg ;lsG5 . o:tf egfOx? xfdLn] ulxl/P/ cWoog ug{ cfjZos 5 . o; cGtu{t xfdLn] cfkm"n] hGd e"ldsf] Oltxf; hf]ufpg / arfpg x/]s kIfaf6 dfgj ;Eotf x]/]/ hg;+Vof a9\bf] nfO{ lgoGq0f u/]/ ljleGg xfjf, kfgL, wfld{s ;fF:s[lts / k|fs[lts kIfnfO{ ;'/Iff u/]/ h'g b]zsf] /fhgLlts zf;g k|0ffnLx? ;Eo / ;'Gb/ agfP/ klg cfˆgf] hGd e"ldsf] Oltxf; arfpg ;lsG5 . x/]s JolQm, ;dfh / /fHodf /fd|f] 1fg u'0fsf lzIff lbP/ bIf gful/s pTkfbg u/]/ x/]s kIfaf6 jftfj/0fnfO{ ;kmf / :jR5 e"ld agfP/ nf]kf]Gd'v / lh0f{ /x]sf] P]ltxfl;s ;DkbfnfO{ hf]ufP/ ;Dk"0f{ JolQm ;dfhnfO{ ;r]t gful/s agfP/ o;/L xfdLn] cfˆgf] hGde"ldsf] Oltxf; ;fbaxf/ ;+/If0f ug{ ;lsG5 . To;}n] oL dflysf ;Dk"0f{ s'/fx?sf] ;+/If0f ug{ dfgj ;dfh ;r]t x'g' cfjZos 5 . To; kl5 dfq ;Dk"0f{ oL dflysf dxTjk"0f{ xf/ x?sf] ;+/If0f u/]/ g} xfdLn] cfˆgf] hGde"ldsf] Oltxf; hf]ufpg / arfpg ;lsG5 . To;sf/0f lgDg dflysf x/km x?sf] e"ldsf lgjf{x ug'{ kb{5 . To;}n] hGde"ldsf] Oltxf; / xfd|f] ;DaGw 3lgi6 5 .

hd'gf bfxfn ;]lG6lgon pRr df=lj=, skg sf7f08f} ;+ks{ g+M (*$!)#*&! xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg hgs / a'4 h:tf 1fgL JoflQm ePsf]

e[s'6L / ;Ltf h:tf cfbz{ gf/L /x]sf] k"j{ d]rL / klZrd dxfsfnL pQ/ rLg / blIf0f ef/t /x]sf] Plzofsf] sfvdf cal:yt ljZj lzv/ ;u/dfyf /x]sf] d]/f] Kof/f] dft[e"ld g]kfn ÛÛ dft[ eg]sf] hggL / e"ld eg]sf] :yfg xf] . dft[±e"ld b'O{ zAbsf ldng eO dft[e"ld zAbsf] lgdf{0f ePsf] 5 . o;sf] zflAbs cy{ cfkm"n] wlt{df kfOnf 6]s]sf] :yfg xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfn Pl;ofsf] dfemdf /x]sf] ljZj lzv/ ;u/dfyfsf] sfvdf cjl:yt d]/f] dft[e"ld d]/f] x[bosf] w8\sg xf], 9's9'sL xf] . lxdfn, kxf8 / t/fO{n] 9flsPsf] d]/f] dft[e"lddf zflGtsf cu|b't efujfg uf}td a'4sf] hGd:yn, ;Ltf / e[s'6Lsf] dfOtL /xs]f d]/f] dft[e"ld clt kljq 5 . wfld{s ;lxi0f'tfsf] pTs[i6 pbfx/0f oxL g} kfpg ;lsG5 . xfd|f] dft[e"ld ;+;f/sf] cGf'kd /fi6«sf ?kdf /x]sf] 5 . ljZj lzv/ ;u/dfyf, axfb''/ g]kfnL 5f]/f tyf cfbz{ hGdfpg] g]kfn :juL{o cfgGbsf] cg'e"lt lbg] kljq e"ld xf] . rf/ hft 5QL; j0f{sf] ;femf t/ ;'Gb/ ;fg]f km"naf/L xf] . xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfnnfO{ a'4sf] b]z, ;u/dfyfsf] b]zsf] gfdn] klg klxrfg ug{ ;lsG5 . xfd|f] dft[e"ld rf/hft 5QL; j0f{sf] km'naf/L xf] . hxfF laleGg hfthflt?kL k'ikx? kNnljt 5g\ . z]kf{, lnDa', g]jf/x?sf] cnu–cnu ;+:s[lt / hfthftLsf] em–emNsf] lbG5 . oxfF k|To]s hfthflt ?kL /ËL–la/ËL km"nx?sf aLraf6 leGg ;+:s[ltsf] dfemaf6 g]kfnL ;+:s[ltsf] hGd ePsf] xf] . ;fDk|bflos Pstf d]nldnfk / ;+/If0fsf nflu h'6]sf] xfd|f] dft[e"ld ;f}Gbo{sf] vflg xf] . ;Eotfsf] ldld{/]b]lv g} lgdf{0f ePsf] ljzfn ;+f:s[lts ;ª\u|xfno xf] . xfd|f] dft[e"ld g} xfd|f] ;j{:j kl/ro xf] . xfd|f] dft[e"ldnfO{ k|s[lt b]ljn] lbPsf cg'kd a/bfgx? dWosf] Ps pkxf/ lxdfno klg xf] . dft[e"ldsf] pQ/L efudf a;]/ d':sfg 5b}+ ljZjsf] ko{6sx?nfO{ k|]dk"j{s 8fls/x]sf lxdfn kj{tx?n] ub{f xfd|f] dft[e"ldnfO{ lxdfnosf] b]z eg]/ klg lrlgG5 . k|s[ltsf k]6df n's]/ a:g ?rfpg] dft[e"ldnfO{ ljZje/ rlr{t agfpg g]kfns} dfgsf ?kdf cjl:yt ;u/dfyfn] dft[e"ldsf] uf}/jdf csf]{ ;u/dfyf v8f ul/lbPsf] 5 . g]kfnsf] pQ/tkm{ nx/} lxdfnosf lz/x? plePsf 5g\ . g]kfnsf] gfd g;'Gg] ljZjsf dflg;x?n] klg ;u/dfyfsf] dfWodaf6 g]kfnnfO{ lrGg] :j0f{–cj;/ k|fKt u/]sf 5g\ . xd|f] b]z g]kfn uf}td a'4sf] b]z eg]/ klg plQs} k|Voft 5 . xfd|f] dft[e"ld zflGtsf] k|lts eujfg uf}td a'4n] cfFvf vf]n]sf] b]z xf] . of] ljleGg zxLbx?n] cfˆgf] /ut aufP/ cfh]{sf] / /Iff u/]sf] b]z x]f . :jfledfgL ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnLx?n] dft[e"ldsf] nflu cªu|]hx?;Fu lgxTyf n8]sf 5g\ . g]kfnL jL/ ;}{lgs hjfg dfq geP/ s]6fs]6L / dlxnfx?n] ;d]t hLjg} pT;u{ u/]sf 5g\ . t]lGhªn] ljZj lzv/df g]kfnsf] e08f kmx/fPsf 5g\ .clg kf;fª\ Nxfd', e[s'6L, ;Ltf ;fx;L 5f]/Lx? klg hlGdPsf 5g\ . xfd|f jL/ k"vf{x?n] cfhsf] w/f]x/nfO{ ;'/lIft /fVg g;Sg' xfdLx?s} gfbflg kg xf] . xfd|f k"vf{x?n] hlt /ut aufP/ b]zs]f nflu cfˆgf] alnbfg ck{0f u/]tf klg xfd|f clxn]sf /fi6«jfbL egfpFbf nhf:kb g]tfx?n] b]znfO{ ljsf; u5f}+, b]z agfpF5' eGb} e|i6frf/ u/]/ cfˆgf] OHht kmfln/x]sf 5g\ . xfd|f b]zsf g]tfx? cfˆgf] :ju{sf nflu cfˆgf] OHht kmfln/x]sf 5g\ . xfd|f b]zsf g]tfx? cfˆgf] :ju{sf] nflu Pp6f l;ª\uf] dft[e"ldnfO{ v]nfpgfsf ?kdf v]nfO /x]sf 5g\ / xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfn k|fs[lts ;f]Gbo{n] :jR5 / wgL ePtf klg xfdLx?n] To;nfO{ ;b'kof]u gu/L 5f8]sf] sf/0fn] ubf{ ltgLx? cfh nf]k x'g] cj:yfdf /x]sf 5g\ . h:t} ;u/dfyfsf] prfO{ sd x'Fb} hfg', u}ftd a'4sf] hGd:yn ef/tn] klg agfpg', hf] dflg; cfh of] b]zsf] gful/s x'F eG5 t/ cfˆgf] dft[e"ldnfO{ lal;{of] eg] xfdL dfgj eP/ hGd lng'sf] s'g} cy{ x'Fb}g . elgG5 æhggL hGde"ldZr :juf{blk ul/o;LÆ

Hf;/L xfd|f] hGde"ld xfdL ;anfO{ :ju{eGbf klg Kof/f] nfU5 To;/L g} xfdLn] o;sf] dxTjnfO{ a'em]/ xfd|f zxLbx?n] aufPsf] /utnfO{ ;Ddfg u/]/ xfd|f] dft[e"ld xfd|f l5d]sL /fi6«x?nfO{ s6fg ug{ glbP/ o;nfO{ ;'/lIft;Fu /fVg' k5{ . dft[e"ldn] xfdLnfO{ tft] ug{, tf]t] af]Ng l;sfpg] b]lv lnP/ a'4 t'Nofpg] dftfk|lt xfdLn] hlxn] klg :g]x / dfof ug'{ k5{ . dft[e"ldsf] dfofnfO{ cfdfsf] dfof;Fu klg t'ngf ug{ ;lsG5 . xfd|f] dft[e"ld ;u/dfyf ePsf], a'4, ;Ltf, e[s'6L h:tf dxfg JolQmn] cfFvf vf]n]sf], ljZjdf rlr{t b]z xf] . h;n] xfdLnfO{ klg lrgfpg ;kmn ePsf] 5 . To;}n] xfdL klg ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnL Ps eO xfd|f] dft[e"ld nfO{ rlr{t / ;'Gb/ agfpg'k5{ . xfd|f] dft[e"ld cg]stfdf Pstf / Pstfdf cg]stf ePsf] ljZjdf uf}/jdo eP/ cgflbsfnb]lv cfˆgf] cl:tTj arfP/ xfFl;/xs]f dft[e"ld xf] .

;l/tf l/dfn ;dtf lzIff lgs]tg ;Dks{ (*%!)$$@#$ xfd| k5{ < xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg s] x'g'k5{ xfdL g]kfnL xf,}+ hf] slxNo} em'Sg ?rfpFbgf}, xfdL uf]/vfnL xf}F xfdL slxNo} xf/ dfGg hfGb}gf}+ . o;}sf/0f cfh xfd|f] of] dft[e"ld g]kfn klg ljZjdf lrgfpg ;kmn ePsf 5fF}+ . o;}n] xf]nf xfdL xfd|f] lz/ ;w}+ 7f8f] kf/]/ lxF8\g ;S5f}+ . xfdLn] o:tf] s'g} sfd u/]sf 5}gf} h;sf] sf/0f xfdL c?s]f ;fd' em'Sg afWo x'g'k/f];\ . xfdL Ps ;fx;L /fi6«eQm xf}+, cfˆgf] d'6'sf] clGtd w8\sg w8\lspGh]n;Dd klg cfˆgf] b]zsf nflu n8\5f}+ t/ c?sf ;fd' slxNo} e''mSb}gf}+ . clxn];Dd o:tf] s'g} Oltxf; e]l6Psf] 5}g h;df g]kfnLx? em's]sf s'/f n]lvPsf] 5 . Gf]kfnLx? :jfledflg clg uf}/jzfnL 5g\, pgLx? cfˆgf] Odfg a]r]/ s'g} sfd ub}{gg\ h;n] ubf{ cfˆgf] dft[e"lds]f cledfgdf 7f]; k'uf];\ . xfdLn] xfd|f] dft[e"ld cl:tTjsf] klxrfg / /Iff ug'{ h?/L 5 . xfd|f] dft[e"ldsf] klxrfg eg]sf] g} g]kfnLkg, k|fs[lts ;f}Gbo{tf / ;Dkbf, g]kfnLx?df /x]sf] /fli6«otf / jL/tf clg oxfsf k|fs[lts w/ftnx? x'g\ . oL afx]s klg o:tf w]/} klxrfgx? xfdL;+u 5g\ . h'g xfdLn] e'Ng ;ls+b}g . g]kfnL klxrfg eg]s} g]kfnL kg xf] . olb xfdLdf g]kfnLkg g} geP xfdL s;/L g]kfnL x'G5f}+ clg g]kfn} g/x] s;/L g]kfn /xG5 < g]kfn sxfF k'U5 < g]kfn s] x'G5 < g]kfnsf] cledfg df6f]df ldNg]5 . oltj]nf dnfO{ dfwj l3ld/]sf] …g]kfn} g/x]Ú eGg] lutLsfJo ofb cfof] – æg]kfnL xfdL /xf}nf sxfF g]kfn} g/x]Æ . olb g]kfn 5}g eg] xfdL sxf /xf}nf t < xfdL sf] xf}F t < xfd|f] klxrfg s] xf] t < xfd|f] g]kfnL kg sxfF uof] t < xfdLn] g]kfn clg g]kfnL kgnfO{ hf]ufO/fVg' kb{5 . clxn] cfP/ g]kfnLkg nf]k x'Fb} uO/x]sf] 5 . g]kfnLx? cfˆgf] df}lnstfnfO{ e'n]/ klZrdL klx/glt/ nlDs/x]sf 5g\ . h;n] ubf{ xfd|f] ;+:s[lt tyf klxrfg nf]k x'g] 8/ eO/x]sf] 5 . cfˆgf] u'Go' rf]nL clfb b}f/f ;'?jfn 5f8]/ clxn] g]kfnLx? klZrdL ;+:s[ltnfO{ cª\ufNb} 5g\ . ;fob of] pgLx?sf] c~hfg x'g;S5 . xfdLn] c~hfgdf klg c?sf] ;Eotfsf] l;sf] ug]{ x'Fb}g / cfˆgf] kgd} /dfpg' kb{5 . k'vf{sf] cledfgsf vf]6 nfUg] s'g} sfo{ ug'{ x'Fb}g . xfd|f] cfˆg} :jt tyf df}lns klxrfg 5, h;df s;}sf] x:tIf]k 5}g xfdL :jtGq 5f}+ . xfd|f] cfcfˆg} k}tfnfsf] ;+:sf/ / kfv'/Lsf] cfwf/ 5 . h;sf/0f xfd|f] hLjg cem} pRr aGg ;kmn ePsf] 5 . g]kfnL k'vf{n] uf}/j / Oltxf; af]s]sf] 5 . xfdL;+u jL/, ;fx;L / lg8/ k'vf{x?sf] /utsf] yf]kf yf]kf ldn]/ ag]sf] Pp6f dxfg\ g]kfn 5 . h'g cfkm+}df u}f/jzfnL 5 . cfkm}+df kl/k"0{f 5 Hf;nfO{ xfdLn] l;+uf/ u/]/ /fd|f] kfl//xg' kg]{ h?/t 5}g . g]kfnsf k|To]s b]zeQmsf] x[bo dg / dlit:sdf /fi6«k|ltsf] cyfx clg c6'6 cf:yfn] jf; u/]sf 5 / pgLx?sf] /Qmwdlgx?df /fli6«otfsf] efjgf pln{O/x]sf] 5 . pgLx?sf] x[bodf /fli6«otf 38\sg alg w8\lslbG5 . pgLx?n] slxNo} klg cfˆg]f dft[e"ldk|ltsf] bfloTj e'Ng] 5}gg\ . ;Fw}

cfˆgf] st{Jodf nflu/xg] 5g\ . g]kfnLx? ljZj;fd" cfˆgf] jL/tf k|bz{g ul//x]sf 5g\ . g]kfnLx? cfˆgf] dft[e"ldsf nflUf lg/Gt/ nl8/xg] 5g\ . pgLx? k/fO zq'sf ;fd' em's]/ affFRg' eGbf a? cfˆgf] dft[e"ldsf] nflu alnbfg lbg tof/ x'G5g\ . ;f+:s[lts ;Dkbf tyf k|fs[lts ;Dkbfx? xfd|f cd"No lglw x'g\ . xfdLn] logsf] ;+/If0f tyf ;Daw{g ug'{kb{5 . Kf|fs[lts ;Dkbf / ;f}Gbo{tf g} xfd|f] ljZj;fd' lrgfpg] klxrfg xf] . log} klxrfglagf of] e"ld l/Qf] x'g;S5 . xfdL;+u ljZjsf] ;jf]{Rr lzv/ ;u/dfyf, ljZjs} ;aeGbf ulx/f] uN5L, ljZjs} ;j{flws prfOdf /x]sf] ltlnrf] tfn, ljZjs} ;aeGbf xf]rf] pkTosf c?0f pkTosf cflb o:tf y'k|} ;Dkbfx? 5g\ . ljZjsf] ;aeGbf cUnf] lz/ ;u/dfyf xfd|f] dft[e"lddf 7l8g' of] xfd|f] nflu uf}/jsf] ljifo x]f . ;kmf / ;Fw} tfhf b]lvg] lxdfnL ;f}Gbo{tfsf] ldof] xf], ef}uf]lns cjl:ylt, k|r'/ k|fs[lts ;Dkbf clg h}ljs ljljwtf, ;dlztf]i0f hnjfo' / k'jL{ uf]nfb{sf] dWoljGb' cfxf Û slt /dfOnf] d]/f] dft[e"ld . cem} eg}f+ eg] Clifd'lgsf] tkf]e'dL g]kfn, clx+;f / ;Tosf] k|lts eujfg Uff}td a'4sf] b]z g]kfn, wfld{s ;fF:s[lts, k|fs[lts tyf k'/ftflTjs ;Dkbfn] el/k"0f{ / ;DkGg b]z g]kfn . xfd|f] dft[e"lddf st} lxdfn, st} kxf8 t st} t/fO{ 5 . oxFf pQ/tkm{ x]g]{ xf] eg] uug r'Dg] cUnf cUnf lxdlzv/, kxf8df x]g]{ xf] eg] st} 8Ff8fsfF8f, pkTosf st} ulx/f uN5L / t/fOdf x]g]{ xf] eg] ;dy/ e'–efu . emg xfd|f] nflu s'g} ;'gsf] 6'qmf eGbf sd 5}g . kSs} log} x'g ;S5g\ xfd|f] lhpg] cfwf/ clg g]kfn / g]kfnL x'g'sf] jf:tljs klxrfg .

Name: Sunita Singh Yadav Roll No: 547 (BCT II/II) College: ACEM What should be the Legacy of Our Motherland? Every person in this world is known by their name is the first identity to themselves. But before it we have the identity given to us by birth by our land where we are born. We call it our motherland as we are very closely connected with it by birth emotions and identity. If we go outside the country, people are able to know us by the name of our motherland where we were belonged. So, the first identity of a person should be the motherland and everyone should feel proud for it. I was born in Nepal and therefore my identity is Nepali and I feel proud to be called a Nepali My motherland Nepal, being smaller in area but richer in cultural aspect and natural diversity is a Hindu Kingdom. Different Kings have ruled Nepal and they gave their contribution in various ways. Firstly, Nepal is renowned for the bravery shown by the Gorkhas in the war between Nepal and British people. At that time, Nepalese were not being well-trained and did not have sufficient tools and machines to fight with British. But the bravery warriors of Nepal were enough to defeat them. Nepal is a more and more popular country in the world for the cultural and natural diversity. Here, the people have their own religion, tradition, culture, language etc. People still have the feeling of brotherhood among them. Like in other countries, Nepalese people do not fight regarding in the context of caste, religion, culture, etc. Everyone has deep respect towards each others' culture & tradition. The greatest poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota, Bhimsen Thapa are the pillars of literature in Nepal. They have contributed so much in the field of literature which can never be forgotten.

Nepal is known also for the peace. Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal who believed in peace rather than war & violence. Lord Gautam Buddha is known as Light of Asia which is the best legacy or our motherland. The seven wonders of world consist of Mount Everest which is also lies in Nepal. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain all over the world. In this world, Nepal is the second richest country in water resources. The art and architecture, sculpture, temples etc. are the cultural wealth of our motherland which is as precious as a diamond. But these are somewhere lost in today's contest. We Nepalese have forgotten our responsibility towards our motherland. That is why, because of our carelessness the valuable aspects of our motherland are deteriorating. But if we youth raise our hands for the improvement then there are still better possibilities of our motherland to be known all over the world, we have the highest potential for water resource in one hand and on the other there is a crisis of water in Nepal especially in Kathmandu valley. If we can use our intelligence and effort to get the better water resources and utilize them then we can not only generate electricity but also sell them to other countries. In this way, our motherland will earn respect. Likewise, greenery is also the legacy of our motherland but only if we do not destroy the forest for our own purpose. The other thing is that the people in Nepal go abroad for studies and settle there. Going abroad for getting experience and skill is not bad unless they return to their motherland and serve it with their works. If the youths are encouraged to walk side by side for developing our motherland and protecting it from being destroyed then our motherland can not only grow in terms of development but also in terms of popularity. The enthusiasm in today' youths is also considered as the most important legacy of our motherland. In this way, if we try to give life to the lost legacy to our motherland then we can reintroduce our motherland with new legacies and sovereignty. There are a lot to do but it just needs the unity and little effort for the enthusiastic Nepalese people.

Name: Vivek Sharma Dhakal Mgmt XII, A Cosmopolitian College Chabahil, Ktm Ph: 01-4462867, 4481893 What should be the legacy of our motherland? Legacy is the pride of the country and everyone should appreciate it. It gives the identity of the country and of its citizen. Thus everyone should embrace the legacy of the country. Every Country has different legacy by which they are known all over the world. There are different factors that contrive the legacy of our motherland. We are proud that the 'Light of Asia' Gautam Buddha was born in our country. Our legacy as a brave remarkable combatant warriors-Gurkhas-recognized by British army is really praiseworthy. Our warriors were used by British most recently during Fakland war in 1982 and Indian army still uses our warrior in Pakistani border areas as a shield in the front line. Nepalese soldiers are sincere, fearless, unselfish and brave. These qualities are our legacy. Our Gurkas still protect Queen Elizabeth

and other royalty in England. Similarly, the third pole of the world 'Mt. Everest' the majestic peak of the world lies in our motherland. Let us contemplate ourselves: Are we really content and proud of the prevailing circumstances in the country and with the political leaders handling the situation. Aren't we ashamed to recognize as a land of peace and birth place of Buddha? Needless to say in the country there is no peace rather kidnapping murder and so on is prevailing in the country. Mutual respect and trust among people is dispelling in the land of Buddha's birth. Mere possession of the Mt. Everest or having Buddha born in our Country (that too have been otherwise claimed by neighboring country in the south), we cannot portray our country's positive image to the outside world. Nepal's legacy is affected by its ludicrous politics too. It is getting apparent day by day that politics in Nepal is developing into a mixture of joke and ludicrousness. Most of the people in our country do not have enough for a day's meal and our politicians aim to make this country as Switzerland! What a joke. They give speeches promising, to create 'New Nepal' contrary to this they always fight for the chair. Shameful to say that our southern border is being encroached day by day but the concerned authority is seemed to be insensitive about it. Is this way of making 'New Nepal'? I just wonder myself. Recently one of my foreign friend visited Nepal for the first time and different parts of it. I asked him "How do you feel about Nepal? He replied that Nepal is a beautiful country as it has got plenty of natural gifts. Again curiously I asked him. Do you love Nepal? He said smiling; I fell in love with Nepal not because of its beautiful places but because of the hospitality of people as they treated much better than I expected. I was proud to hear that and I was proud to be called 'Nepali'. There's a golden chance to portray Nepal's positive legacy to the world as we are going to celebrate 'Nepal Tourism Year 2011: Hence, alertness among young people is required at the moment so that people should not feel ashamed of calling themselves as "Nepali" we have breathtaking scene, tremendous rich culture and religious traditions, besides this we need to reveal positive to the world. As I am committed to freedom, justice and equality irrespective of race, religion and birth. I just want my country to be known for good causes rather than being ignored where there will be order and prosperity, peace and development in so called 'New Nepal' in my perspectivemy major concerns. Name: Sonam Subba (Limbu) Xavier International College Faculty: Science What should be the legacy of our motherland? We Nepali are autonomous from our birth and origin nobody has been braved enough to breakout unification and out integrity since our unification to now. We seek unity in diversity and politically stable nation for freedom and sovereignty of nation when foreign, this highness and Excellency tried their level best to form their supremacy and colony in this nation, national heroes scarified their life for the sake of nation integrity, sovereignty and freedom that is in our blood that we are autonomous since along history. Nepal a state of

territory was not defined by any nations. It is in existence since its unification and it is not grant by any country. We are the sovereign people of this nation, "as knowledge and eastern literature says that detachment from material reality". We have a unique national emotion which is undeniable fact that nationality and freedom are interlinked with this emotional value and beliefs of the people of Nepal. Many tyrants ruled and even foreign eagles tried to invade us for their individual interest. They tried to dominate us, but everything went in vain. And this is just because of the life scarified by our brave ancestry. Today our motherland Nepal has successfully stood up in front of world with her head held high. Our ancestors hadn't sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty, integrity and freedom of our motherland then we would not be able to stand you in front of those tyrants Britishers. The freedom that we are enjoying today is just because of the blood that they have sacrificed by them. Our sovereignty, Self-respect and dignity are the bigger asset to us which is the greatest legacy. The nationality has remained as legacy which is being passed from generation to generation as it is our common understanding. Now it is our duty to provide asylum to the sovereignty and freedom of a nation and do the same deed as our ancestors did to us. Instead of having a lot of political turmoil and instability and unpeaceful environment at present situation, our dignity and sovereignty had enable us to stand up with our height high up. It has encouraged us to restore everything again in tight condition. Today we are known to the world as “Brave Gorkhali" just because of our sovereignty and dignity which was protected by our ancestors. We don't have anything at the present situation with no peace, no prospect development, no better life etc. But we have our dignity, integrity and sovereignty should be the legacy of our motherland, Nepal. We Nepali are rich in our culture and tradition. Our culture and tradition have enriched the beauty and significant of our nation. Nepal has about thirty six different ethnic group and multiple religions languages. All ethnic groups have their respective culture and traditions and rituals. So, there is vast diversity in Nepalese culture which really has become one of the stupendous and prominent characteristic of Nepal. Nepalese cultures are known in the world. Foreigners wonder to see diversity of Nepal in terms of culture, climate, land, people, language etc. The cultural diversity that has been inherited by our ancestors and forefather's is a big and significant asset to us. Today we are known in the world by our culture and tradition. Foreigners come here to see our culture and tradition without our calling but the possible danger that may occur in our country. Instead of having political instability, safe and sound environment, lack of security many tourist from different part of world come here to see and experience our culture and tradition. So, I don't see any doubt to consider our culture and tradition as our legacy. For the independent Nepali their sovereignty and dignity is the greatest asset. We are the culture loving people from our origin. We respect and must respect our culture and tradition which have become as symbolism for Nepal in the world. Instead of having a fragile situation of our country, we are living life of dignity just because of our sovereignty, culture and tradition. So, I truly feel our sovereignty and culture should be the legacy of our motherland which has protected the name of Nepal and Nepali till now.

Name: Bibek Shrestha Class: XII

Texas International College Contact: 9849236183 What should be the Legacy of Our Motherland? Literally, 'legacy' is something that is a part of our history of which exists from an earlier time. Our motherland, Nepal has a great legacy of peace. It is richer, healthier and happier in the aspects of Nature and Natural heritages, culture and cultural heritages, Man and Architecture. So, it can also be given a nice synonym; 'a paradise on earth'. Nepal is an earthly paradise of many exemplary souls who have held high the ranking image of the nation as same as the top of the world, Mount Everest (Sagarmatha). Many nature souls have made much contribution this holy land. They emerged with awakening power given through they were born as of luminary human beings. We, the Homo-sapiens are blessed to be born in such a paradise. Nepal is the paradise of Lord Gautam Buddha, the light of Asia, King Janak, Sita, Anshuvarma, Prithivi Narayan Shah, Bhanu Bhakta, Arniko, Pasanglhamu Sherpa, Amar Singh Thapa, Bir Bal Bhadra Kumar and Bir Gorkhalies. Thus history speaks up itself about our bravery. These people present a rosy picture of various legacies of Nepal whether it is in terms of Bravery, Creation, Innovation, Literature or wholesome beauty. While talking about the legacy of Nepal's natural beauty, we can describe Nepal as an evergreen queen with its crown of Everest along with the world's top eight mountains in the world. Furthermore, she is dressed up in a green dazzling uniform of the hills in which the rivers, brooks shiver as the clustering stripes on it while flowing last but not the least. She is the god of productivity regarding the fertile and green terai. There goes a famous statement of Ramayan Epic, "Janani Janmabhumisch Swargadapi Gariyasi". It clearly means that mother and motherland are greater than heaven. A true son of the soil is the one who understands its admonition. He is focused on his duties towards his nation. He is thus patriotic and loyalty prevails. The legacy of our motherland should be our national sovereignty. We should discourage extreme nationalism. We should punish those wrong doer's who say "My country is great whether right of wrong". We should follow the footsteps of our patriotic ancestors. They were the one who fought against the enemy soldiers who had wrong intensions. In the past, the enemies were afraid of our brave and courageous ancestors. Who fought with a Khukuri until their last breathe with the enemies who had modern ammonites and were lace with powerful weapons? On the obverse, in this nuclear-era of twenty first century, we should fight against the invaders with our intellectual power rather weapons. We are being materialistic these days. The foreign countries have been luring us by various aids and donations but their intension is beyond the regional boundaries. They want to gulp us and merge us along within their countries boundaries. In fact, 'Politics' is a dirty game in Nepal. Even the matters of health and sanitation are adversely affected by it. Politicians are navel-gazing and thus they are the root cause of regional disputes, centralization, unemployment, violent criminal offences, poverty, hunger, strikes and under development. Contrary we the citizens of this holy motherland are lacking to preserve its sovereignty from foreign invasion. We are adopting both good and bad attitudes of our neighbor countries. Attitude, a small thing that makes a great difference, is crucial is solving our home problem.

In conclusion, our attitude should be positive towards our motherland. We should do whatever possible in our own country rather than migrating abroad in foreign land. We should stop being readymade manpower for them. That is to say that we are educated, skilled and produced in our motherland but we have obligation to work in foreign land. So, to develop Nepal as Switzerland or other developed countries, we should have our intellectual, attitudinal and interdisciplinary sovereign legacy of our motherland. Thanking you in Anticipation. "Let's Good and Smart People"

Name: Navneet Jha AJ. Wild Institute of Advance Studies Maharajgung, Ktm Ph: 9845409005 What should be the legacy of our motherland? Our motherland Nepal despite being a country full of diversities including physical, geographical and religious is a common homeland to all the Nepalese bearing and feeling of respect and sense of patriotism regarding the country. Known as the divine land of peace, our motherland is the place where the light of Asia and symbol of world peace lord Buddha was born. Our mother land the place where lies the greatest peace of all the Mount Everest. Nepal, a symbolic world for all those enter ding to achieve meditational education and enlightenment is a beautiful country emerged with a panoramic representation by the nature itself, snowy white mountains, amazing wildlife, pleasant stream of water providing the scarce level of satisfaction to all human beings that one can ever have also known as the country of temples and monasteries. Nepal, our motherland is really a wonderful land where every soul can achieve true satisfaction. So far our motherland's legacy is concerned its truly fascinating and is really historic our motherlands legacy reveals that being a small country it is the place where everlasting peace flows like the pure water of Bagmati, Koshi and Karnali forming a lake compared to the manasarowar where every human can be full with peace and can achieve the optimum level of satisfaction that they want to get. Similarly, our country is remembered to be the place where Lord Buddha's first steps were landed reflecting the massage of world peace and brotherhood. Our country has also quoted its name in golden letter for being a country of brave Gorkhas. This is because our motherland has continuously given birth to a freedom lover which is globally appreciated. In addition to these natural beauty is what forms the legacy of our mother. Our motherland a god blessed wonderland of peace where nature comes into life has been able to produce most stunning and spell binding beauties ever

produced, even itself by nature. Likewise it can be said that our motherland's legacy up to this period is quite impressive and is truly amazing and also can be said as a theme of national pride to be discussed. Our motherland, Nepal, currently is facing great sort of trouble and instability starting from the political situation. The country is never gonna found a rhythm of development if current political upheaval remains unsolved and it a more reliable approach is unless made. Legacy is what something or someone is remembered for their deeds, for the achievements that one attains. "Are we gonna remember our motherland as a place equivalent to hell?" It means our country's present situation is not a penny better in comparison to hell. Then the question arises what? Is it for because our country's facing anarchy, political upheavals and economic crisis we are gonna remembered our country? Is this the legacy of same we've gonna bad in our future? The choice is entirely our's whether to uplift and promote our country or to leave it where it is….dying…..crashing each days. Ever day's strike, pen down, processing is uprooting country's peace. Country is compelled to loose the contemporary rhythm to continue on the track of development. The socio-economic status is declining and worsening each day but who cares it. Our motherland Nepal has now become one among the poorest country in the world. Economic recession is hammering the civilian's life. Even there occurs crisis of food stuffs and energy. But truly speaking in comparing to our past legacy, our present one is more disgusting. "Then what should be the legacy of motherland?" to this question only one answer comes in my mind "Better, than we ever had". Change is what we require at present. A dramatic replacement forming a historic present so that we can remembers proudly say that yes, this is our legacy. For this purpose, first and foremost the position of land of peace should be reachieved through the means our political rehabilitation. Though our country has achieved much through revolution and all these we should never forget that the way adopting change can create history. So, we can restructure our economy for the proper development of our socio-economic status. Every civilian should bear the highest level of quality of life. Industrialization, employment, decentralization of development is what actually meant for dramatic change and a great change is what we need to form our legacy. As an extraction it can be said that actually a legacy that we've had is not sufficient enough to be proud of. So, we should concentrate on forming a more relevant future so that it can accomplish the wish of forming a legacy of change. So, it can be said that being a country of peace, political stability and socio-economic equilibrium should be the legacy of our motherland, Nepal. Name: Priyanka Kapar Grade: XII Bagmati Modern College Sukedhara, Kathmandu Our Legacy towards our Motherland Motherland refers to place where we are born. Motherland is also referred to as a homeland or native land. The word motherland gives us the concept of the place to which an ethnic group holds a long history and deep cultural bond, with-the country in which a particular natural identity began. As a common noun, it simply connotes the county of one's origin. But

here, by motherland I mean the earth, our loving mother earth. We are the children of our motherland. The human mother merely gives birth, but the motherland looks after us nourishes us, and protects us. She not only gives us shelter for living, we get food-grains, water, fruits, medicines, vegetables, animals, weather all this form our motherland. In her healthy protection, we achieve physical, mental and spiritual progress. There is no end to her unlimited benevolence. Our loving motherland, today is suffering she is having a lot of problems. She is suffering from ecological imbalance, pollution, and other environmental problems. Our motherland is weeping because her children are falling in the ditch of drug addiction and abuse, smoking and alcoholism, sex business……etc. Her teenage children are caring her the wrong way. And she is helpless. We her own children are making her to suffer with these problems. We cannot falsify with the fact that all the problems our motherland is going through is the outcome of our activities. We have disturbed the ecological balance of our motherland. We go on taking out every type of minerals, vegetables and medicinal plants from the earth but also not pay attention to nourishing her. Not only that we go on spreading more and more pollution by spreading various kinds of filth in all direction. Actually, our motherland is also suffering from the pain that her children are being misled to the wrong path. Youth like us are being attracted towards drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism. Her teenage children are going through the problems like early pregnancy, abortion and other problems. Just imagine the pain our motherland is bearing seeing this condition of her children. Even imagining is such a tough job here. How can a mother bear all these? And who is giving all these problems? It’s by her children. This is a grave sin against mother-earth and we must immediately repent for it. This is the cry of our motherland, by not hearing it; we are hitting the axe on our own fate. When will our senses of duty be awakened? When will we develop the good sense to be eager to surrender our all for the sake of our motherland? It is high time we think of our duty in reducing the pain of our motherland. The most important philosophy in maintaining ecological balance in planting more and more trees and their protection, for protecting our motherland from the problems like global warming, ozone layer depletion, drought and desertification, etc. We should not carry out any activity that would trouble our motherland. Our decent activity can help lessen the pain of our motherland. Furthermore, when, we, her children come out from problems like drug abuse, Smoking, alcoholism, sex business, and then we can wipe the tears of our motherland. No motherland can bear her children in problems. Isn't this our lack of conscience that is dragging youth like us onto these paths? Drug abuse control is possible only when abuse wills for it. They should be a good environment in the family with teachers and friends to control falling of youths in drug abuse, smoking, alcoholism sex business etc. Awareness among each individual is necessary. If we think twice about the consequences of taking any stop then these problems will get reduced. Moreover when in need, we should be able to devote our life and everything for our motherland. If we able to control the exercise mental and social problems that we can reduce the pain of our motherland. Only these who understand the importance of the necessity of sentimental regeneration and having courage to renounce and sacrifice for can discharge their obligation to their motherland. Only those gems of men achieve fulfillment in their lives hearts resurge

with the enthusiastic sentiment of patriotism, service to the society, helping others and working for the welfare of the people are true sons of motherland. Let us fulfill our duty to our motherland which gives us strength, intelligence, longevity, happiness, wealth and everything. Let us make her free from all kinds of problems. Let us make our motherland a better place to live in. After all it is our legacy towards our motherland, our mother earth.

Name: Sagar Kafle St. Lawrence College Class: XI (Science) E Roll No: 16 Phone: 01-4487864/4460996 "What Should Be the Legacy of Our Motherland?" Legacies are about life and living. They are about learning from the past, living in the present and building platform for the future. For instance, where do you think it is best to plant a young tree or a clearing in an old grown forest or an open field? Ecologists tell us that a young tree grows better when it's planted in an area with older trees. The reason, it seems, is that the roots of the young trees are able to follow the pathways created by former trees, and implant themselves more deeply. Overtime, the roots of many trees actually graphed themselves to one another, creating and intricate, interdependent foundation hidden under the ground. In this way, stronger trees share resources with weaker walls so that the whole forest becomes healthier. That's legacy: an interconnection across time, with a need for those who have come before us and a responsibility to those who come after us. The idea of legacy may remind of u death, but it's not about death. It's all about life and living. It helps us decide the kind of life we want to live and kind of world we want to live in. Our legacy is the pride of our country which has brought us international prestige and has given us a global reputable identification. As our ancestors had the sense of working hard to create a positive legacy and preserve meaning of their lives, we have few legacies which are there forever and will remain with us for a long time to come. The only thing to distress is that we are neglecting some special legacies that our ancestors had provided us as a gift and had given the obligation to pass it from one generation to another generation. The most peculiar legacy that made Nepal, our motherland, recognized throughout the world was a great and brave remarkable "combatant warrior-Gorkhas". The Nepalese soldiers were too much sincere, fearless, brave and unselfish. Due to all these specialties, the British and Indian were certainly stunned. Even today, the Nepalese are able to spread their bravery in international arena which is a matter of great pride to all the Nepalese. However, the status of the army before some decades was much more courageous than that of today. So, it is our

prime duty to enhance the status of army and pass the very status to our upcoming generation as a 'booster'. In addition to this, we are proud that Gautam Buddha, 'the light of Asia' was born in our motherland whose teachings of 'peace and love' are embraced by 300 million worldwide. But have we done anything to keep Buddha's massage alive? Are we not ashamed to recognize as a 'land of peace' and 'birth place of Buddha'? It seems that we have forgotten all his teachings and his message of peace. We are busy quarrelling among ourselves for no good reasons. It's matter of shame to us that his eight noble paths "right view, thoughts, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and concentration," and his 5 practices such as "Love, generosity, contentment, truthfulness and awareness" are hardly practiced only by few peoples. It is to be noted that the ten years armed revolution conducted by (CPN) Maoist, however, brought drastic change in history of politics but totally violated the preaching of Buddha, and shattered his peace message. Now, it is the essence to maintain the permanent peace in the country by stopping to quarrel among ourselves and by working to build up a peaceful and positive nation and pass the very attitude to future generations as the legacy. Furthermore, our another legacy is of existence of 'Mt. Everest' in natural form. We were proud when Tensing Norgay scaled the Everest in 1953 for the first time through his tireless effort which ultimately represented the whole country's effort to load towards perfection. In Present context we should have the same attitude in order to eye-focus our country to the whole world and handover this legacy to our successors. Our ancestors had handed us the legacy of culture that was really appreciable. It is amazing and gratifying for us to be extremely happy on our legendary ancestors who had provided us with tremendous rich culture, breathtaking harmony, religious traditions and wise thoughts and behaviors. The most noticeable aspect was the diversity amongst different cultures, languages, religions, ethics, customs and style of livening in a unified form i.e. 'unity in diversity' but due to the western influence, the unity is being weaker and weaker day by day. The violence based on the religion, culture, tradition and languages are frequently seen in the present context. Now, the legal system should be formed to regain the unity amongst all this diversity and it should be developed as one of the legacy of our country, Nepal. Moreover, a few decades ago the political system of our country was very much stable and strong as well. The political policies were unbiased and impartial and all the citizens were satisfied with the leaders of the country. The very system was handed to us as the legacies. But, unlike that that political system is very unstable and un-realistic in the present context. The political parties are not able to provide right path to the political parties, are not able to provide right path to the political situation and the country’s whole. It should be well managed according to present situation as it is the time for creating a new constitution for a 'New Nepal'. The right constitution with right parts and articles should be formulated and effectively implemented and should be passed as a legacy to the upcoming generation. To sum up, legacy actually means hoping for the future. It means developing the passing on a timeless part of you. We should understand that the world will leave behind is the country. Our children and future generation inherit. We should realize that we have an obligation to make a future better. For a purely practical standpoint, if you don't pass on your life experience by leaving a legacy, the wisdom you've gained through decades of difficult learning call will disappear as your physical body wears out.

In conclusion, we are badlyinned of new legacy that will give us a name, recognition and prestige in international arena, our educational institutions, ingenuity, talent of youth, government, teachers and parents, should divert our energy in creating appropriate atmosphere and develop creative education to reach the goal and generate such legacy.

Name: Nisha Shrestha Permanent Address: Chandole, Kathamdu Email: [email protected] Faculty: Science Level: XII Hobby: Dancing and Travelling Phone: 4442796 Mobile: 9841914163 Aim: surgeon College Name: Universal Higher Secondary School (U2) College Address: Saraswotinagar, Chabahil College Phone: 4822911 "Let's Be Good and Smart People" "What should be the Legacy of our Motherland?" Every country has its own unique identity and pride. They have their own legacy that is handed down to them by their ancestors. A country carries a great responsibility to protect, preserve and promote their legacy. Our motherland Nepal possesses its own uniqueness in the world. It is recognized as one of the poor but steadily developing country that is trying its every effort for progress with each passing day. However, Nepal is mainly known for its richness in terms of natural and cultural aspects. Moreover, it has its priceless legacies in its treasure. Nepal has its remarkable history for which it is well-known. Nepal is embellished with eyeopening sight of glorious Himalayas including the world's highest peak, Mt. Everest for which it is well-known. Our predecessors had decorated our motherland with many cultural and religious heritages that have become the pride of Nepal. Among all, the Pashupatinath temple, the Swayambhunth, the Bouddhanath, the Hanumandhoka Durbar Square, the Patan Durbar Square, the Bhakatapur Durbar Square and the Changu Narayan are worth-noting as they are enlisted as the world Heritage sites by the UNESCO. Besides that, Nepal is wellknown in the world as the birthplace of Lord Buddha whose eight fold pates and preaching are praised and followed the world over. Nepal is also the place where brightest daughters like Sita and Bhrikuti were born. Nepalese had left their special landmark in the history of the world as "Brave Gorkhalis" and were recruited in various countries. Nepal, being a small and poor county, however, holds immense potential in its natural, social and cultural aspects. Our ancestors took good care of our motherland, being very much concerned and aware about the natural, social and cultural values and making every attempt

to preserve them. The predecessors were even aware about their environment and took care of it very responsibly. They took great care to inculcate good social and moral values in their children. Our ancestors had an immense respect towards their cultural dances, folk songs and musical instruments. The environment wasn't polluted as it is now and Nepal was a better place to live in. Our ancestors handed down all these elements to us with a great expectation that we would preserve them. It is our responsibility to take care of these legacies. But the change in generation has consequently changed the attitudes and feelings of people toward their culture, society and the environment too. Nowadays, we hardly see youngsters seriously concerned about the socio-cultural norms and values. Instead of being proud of our legacies, people are being hypnotized by the western culture, songs and dances. The cultural heritages that we see around are in a very miserable condition and are in a serious need of renovation and repairmen. The moral and social values that are handed down to this generation are hardly seen in the youngsters today. Though today's generations have become modern and competent, they have become equally negligible towards the social and moral limitations and the youngsters are facing serious social problems. Drug addictions, HIV/AIDS, teenage depression, etc. have become the burning social issues. Teenage pregnancy is no more a new thing in the society. Moreover, they have no feeling of respect and passiveness towards their environment. Not only that, we can't ignore and forget the fact that many martyrs have sacrificed their lives with a hope to see a better tomorrow. The political instability, protests, strikes and the nation's miserable condition are going to bring tears to the spirit of all those martyrs, for sure. Therefore, it is high time that each and every Nepalese are aware about the legacy try our best pay off to these inheritances handed down by our predecessors. Such legacies are our asset and so we must try to form every perspective to preserve and promote these properties. We must keep up to the expectations that our ancestors had in us and respect our socio-cultural heritages and work to retain and pass them over to our following generations too. We should be socially aware and should respect the social and moral values. We must understand the essence of such legacies and work united for the motherland's progress and prosperity. Only thinking and saying will not do, we must bring these into action. If we realize this and act accordingly, then our motherland will be a heavenly place and Lord Buddha will be the happiest of all. Name: Mohan Pyakurel Permanent Address: Parsa, Narayani Email: [email protected] Faculty: Mgmt Level: BBS 1st year Hobby: Basket ball Phone: 2070495 Mobile: 9803318464 Aim: To be successful College Name: Jaya Multiple Campus College Address: Jorpati-5, Kathmandu College Phone: 01491340 "Let's Be Good and Smart People" "What should be the Legacy of our Mother Land?"

"Ask not what your country can do for you Ask what you can do for your country." -John F. Kennedy These truthful words speaking from the depth of heart evokes the sense of nation as body and citizens binding with soul principle. Nation fails to function in lack of legacy established with shared values, norms, morality land soul principle. Our hearts embedded with self motives turn eyes blind to the gesture the nation as motherland seeks from her citizens. With a lame excuse of not being able to sing the national anthem with the empty belly, every individuals run after the material prosperity to quench their thirst for so called valuable paper notes right on the wounded bosom of the Mother Earth. Because of this, there are social evils, crimes and terror. Death is inevitable after birth. So, what are we going to leave behind for our mother land when we are gone? Guns or Roses? Procrastination or Promptitude? Enthusiasm or Reluctance? Peace or Violence? The time has come to rise up with a thought, what should be the legacy of our motherland? Today, the whole world as a small family is linked with nooks and corners with sophisticated means of transportation, communication and other various infrastructures. With this technocratic relation family members are being strangers and apart. People are being selfcentered. Our mother land has enough resources to join hands and mouth of every one in her womb but she can't afford to quench the thirst of greedy ones. Greed, thirst and hunger are guiding the present society, where we are living with the beastly habit of grabbing all for ourselves depriving others of their due share. Because of the same fact, there are social evils, crimes and terror which has made our motherland break into tears. Each day, number of children, women, men and adults are being morsel of death. We are still unaware about the agony of our mother land. We never tried to seek our mother's tear under the canopy of smokes of explosion, gunpowder's and pollutions. We should bear in mind that Gautam Buddha, as the symbol of enlightenment and knowledge spread the gospel of love and peace throughout the world is the son of our motherland born here in our territory. As Buddha philosophies "Hatred does not cease by hatred, but love. This is the eternal rule." We should nurture the feeling of love and fraternity in our heart and mind to soothe the mother's agony and to establish eternal peace in our motherland. Peace should be the greatest legacy for our motherland. Racial injustice, religious disputes, untouchables and other various forms of social evils has turned our identity which has made our land a hell. Today, we have forgotten that we are the dweller of the country where Sita, Janak, Bhrikuti and Araniko were born and renowned the country with their great deeds. It’s our duty to nurture motherland where the first light of civilization asked for shelter in the evening we should know that. "Little deeds of kindness, little words of love Make this earth an Eden, like the heaven above" We should not see person by his religion and way of faith to god, which form of god he celebrates, what color his complexion is or what creed the falls on. Our thoughts and action should be conducive and we should go hand in hand to elevate the peace, prosperity, economic standard, education rate etc. The day we accomplish this pious mission, our motherland will be delighted with gaiety. And this will be her greatest legacy.

Today we as a child what he would like to be in future, he answers doctor, engineer, pilot, business man etc. But he won't desire to be a politician. He holds a desire to live a life with a cup of coffee in one hand and newspaper on the other lying on a lane chain in his garden in front of his house saying wife, "Dear, politics has deteriorated our country." Damn his thought, he has no right to say so. If everyone starts to believe politics as gutter, who will dive in to clean it? This misconception has to be abolished as political stability is the only solution to the present chaos we have in social, racial, economic, political and religious sectors. We should let our mother feel secure and homely at her own home. For this, bribery has to play no role in politics procrastination in government and private official works has to be replaced with promptitude. Sense of responsibility should ooze in the social servents. Enthusiams in youths for a new beginning has to be achieved as the youths are the future pillars of the nation. Reluctance has to have no role in the works one performs. The day, we achieve all these fairness, we can be proud to die offering this legacy or our motherland. Once for all, the time has come for us to think what we are going to leave behind for our motherland and future generation after we are gone. Have we thought of making peace, fraternity, promptitude, enthusiasm, development, political stability, education and economic growth rate and other various positive factors, the legacy of our mother land, yet?? If no, let's not wait till it's too late. Name: Eliz Parajuli GCE A-Level Chelsea International Academy Kathmandu Nepal Phone: 9808693800 What should be the legacy of our motherland? When foreign powers tried their best to form the supremacy and colony in our motherland Nepal, national heroes sacrificed their life for the sake of nation's integrity, sovereignty and freedom. Legacy, of these feelings and emotions which have engraved the glorious history of our independence is our courageously earned asset on international background, can further contributes to our nation's progress. On the contrary, internal discord, frustration of youths with current political instability and worries about the lack of economic opportunities has challenged the hope to improve on the nation and make a difference. Hence, conversion of nationality feeling into nation-building energy and development of mutual understanding among the countrymen adhered by a bit of tolerance, little patience and positive attitude should be the requisite legacy of our motherland. Likely to many south Asian and African nations, Nepal has faced numerous challenges in governance matters at a crucial time in its history. Just as it needed to consolidate the democratic gains, various underlying conflicts have manifested themselves and made deep wounds in the society. Political instability and weak governance have breed and given continuity to economic disparity and marginalization of minority politics making it a huge challenge for the handling of political sector which leaves no field untouched. Unemployment and poverty, along with the lacking patriotism, have led to the brain-drain of

different human powers while the current national requirement is to pour our skills here and contribute to the progress of our motherland in all possible ways. Despite being the peerless landmark of Lord Buddha whose preaching soothes the soul of the whole world, Nepal has not been able to experience the long—lasting peace within itself. Hence everlasting peace that creates the basis for all kinds of improvements, should be the legacy our motherland. This is possible through the amelioration of political situation and general consensus. Furthermore, political parties should not use youths as a medium to make their so called strikes and agitations successful, usually with the intervention in educational institutes since it darkens the nation's future. Instead they should lead the youths to mobilize their potentiality for paving new track of development so that it can be helpful for our coming generation to lead our nation on the same track. In spite of being a small land-locked country situated between two South Asian economic superpowers: India and China, Nepal is still lagging behind to explore the unlimited potentiality of its own natural and economic resources. So, in other words, we should take the advantage of being a land linked country rather than regarding us a land-locked nation between the two giant nations in order to optimize the existing resources for the prosperity of our motherland. We should make the maximum utilization or our unbeatable combination of amazingly abundant natural resources like water bodies, forest resources, fertile land etc. to create the follow-worthy history of economic success. Corruption is one of the root causes for which we have been unable to raise our country's socio-economic status. For instance, misuse of donated funds due to the greed of politicians and authorized bodies have not led the targeted field prosper. However, if such donations are utilized with selfless service, it will not take much time to change the face of our motherland. Thus to speed up the progress, everyone from general people to political activists should be imbued with feeling of patriotism and give up personal selfishness. Though the critical situations of political uncertainty of our nation have created daunting picture, it does not mean that we youths cannot achieve a dream to better the nation. It does mean, however, that we may have to bring and imply greater commitments to our existing effort, more importantly; such type of obstacles should not be our excuses not to try. Our motherland needs our toil and sweat. So, now it the time for us to build the future we want, rather than waiting for others to define it. It's a turn to take our responsibility to fulfill our motherland's expectation of advancing and embracing the democratic values of "New Nepal" through the legacy of social conscience, political awareness, self-confidence and the true heart rooted patriotic feeling.

Name: Sabina Shah NIMS College What should be the Legacy or Our Motherland?

Is the legacy an important for the country? This question answer will be definitely yes because legacy is the pride of each country which should be embraced by everyone. On the motherland considered to be our mother possesses legacy and makes our identity before others. So it's our duty to form good legacy and we should protect it. First of all, I want to remind about HOLOCAUST (a tragic legacy) which separated many families, causes many death and made many children orphan. Thus this type of legacy should not be let to happen. It is full of blood, sound of helpless people. Similarly, the dreadful world war has not been fully erased. Especially the sufferers are facing a great loss. The condition leading to poverty, hunger, food malnutrition, political unrest and disunity, development of new viruses is not good for any country. Still in Nepal more than half people are under poverty line. The main cause in political unrest because leaders are only moving for the seats not for the development. They form great hope for us but result is empty. As Laxmi Prasad Devekota said diamond, hearts look small but according to the importance it is every expensive for us. Our motherland is also small in territory but equally rich in the world. The location of Mt. Everest, the birthplace of Gautam Buddha, second richest in water resources makes our country popular. The brave, remarkable combatant warriors Gurkhas have done many things for the protection our country. They had protected Queen Elizabeth and other royalty in England, Brunai and gave name and fame to us. But now new and modern weapons reduced old weapons used by Gurkhas. Being the second richest country we are facing load shedding crimes like murder, kidnapping, thefts can be seen everyday newspaper. Mutual respect and trust is dispelling. The belief in own relatives is also decreasing. Before engaging with any others cooperatively they think two times. So in today's world where is our legacy? What is our pride? Hence for making our pride we should control our activities and be a human. If our motherland is giving us identity then we must not forget our role with the flourishment of tourism we can get remittance and foreign dollars. Nothing last in universe and everything changes. We should bring that change and gain a global reputable identification. Our motherland is rich in culture, customs natural things which should be used in a systematic way. Having the motto "One Family Under God", we should give a new legacy to our country which will be remembered from generations to generations. Name: Siddhi Laxmi Shrestha Faculty PBN 1st year Contact No: 9841755294, 6638006 College: Asian college for advance studies Satdobato, Lalitpur "Legacy of Our Motherland" Preface Nepal is sovereign independent land locked country between China in the north and India in the south, east and west. It occupies 147,181 sq km land in the global territory. The northern sections of Nepal is dominated by the Himalayas, seven of the world's ten highest mountains are located within Nepalese territory. The south consists of fertile and humid plains with great rivers running north to south. Until 2006, Nepal was the world's only country with Hinduism. The Nepalese are descendents of immigrants from India, china (Tibet and Yunan)

and north Burma, creating an ethnically diverse society. The majority of the population (80.6%) is Hindu but there are also a large Buddhist minority (10.7%) together with a Muslim and other minorities of 4.2% and 3.6% respectively. Nepal has always been an independent country with glorious history, culture and tradition that date back to time immemorial. Before the campaign of national integration was launched by King Prithvi Narayan Shah, the present great Nepal was divided into several states. In 1768 AD, the shah dynasty ascended the throne of the unified Nepal. Nepal has a population of more than 29 million people made a different races and ethnic groups living in different regions. Here there are more than 101 ethnic groups and 92 spoken languages. Social indicators Nepal has many of the demographic characteristics of the developing country it has a large youth bulge with 38% of the population under the age of 15 a high population growth rate of 2.17% and almost one in the five is undernourished. Nepal is no one to over 100,000 Bhutanese refugees of Nepalese descent who were forced out of the country by the Bhutanese government in the early 1990s. These are also between 50,000 and 70,000 IDPs remaining from the civil war that officially ended in 2006. Although the abolition of these grievances, the launch of a new democratic government was intended to relieve some of these grievances, the different ethnic groups have now started to reassert their ethnic identities. Remittances are a major economic factor, constituting a vital source of income for more than a third of Nepali households. Economic Indicators Even though the degree of poverty has been slowly declining, around 30% of the population is still living below the poverty line. It is considered one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world with a GDP per capita of $ 1000, similar to the GDP Per Capita of many sub-saharan African countries. Agriculture remains the primary occupation and the Nepalese industrial activity mainly involves the processing of agricultural products. Textiles such as carpets and clothing are the main export commodities. The tourism sector, once an important part of the economy, has suffered significantly due to the insecurity brought on by the civil war. Political indicators The people movement of 1990 enforced Nepal to be multi parties’ democratic nation. After that many governments were formed as the parliamentary democratic norms but all government was unstable. In 1996 a maoist insurgency erupted and caused 13000 deaths before a permanent cease fire was declared in 2006. In 2002 King Gyanendra assumed executive power he declared a state of emergency and suspended basic fundamental right. This action caused political instability and violence in the country. Democracy was restored after massive country wide demonstrations. An interim constitution replaced the constitution of 1990 by the parliament. On April 1st, 2007, the ruling eight-party government formed an interim council of ministers through political consensus, including maoist ministers. This restoration brought a kind of enthusiasm and happiness. But it does not last for many days. On June 2006, Loktantra Madhesi Allaiance began a movement with key demand of proportional representation for madhesi in all state structure and separate autonomous

madhesi Region, madhes revolution facilitated to wide spread the use of "identity politics", it also motivated other ethnic minorities pressurize the government to address their voice. This phenomenology made everybody doubt that the ongoing peace process would be stopped and the proposed constituent assembly would uncertain. Later these were an agreement between those groups and the government to resolve everything with new constitution. In 2008 election of constituent assembly formed an assembly representing all groups and sectors and also gave an outlet of forming new government. Accordingly Maoists led the government with support of various parties. After nine months another coalition government formed. The few years of experience after the election show that Nepal's interim leadership has apparent weaknesses and lack the unity to bring stability to the county. Conclusion Nepal is in a period of transition to peace and democracy. Progressing on many fronts but is encountering many challenges and threats to sustainable peace along the way. At this moment the understanding space between major political parties is growing day by day. Everyone is focusing to get done their own interests. They are lingering the peace process debating on already agreed issues. The major problem of preset political parties is different interpretation of same issue. No they should come into common understanding as soon as possible and be dedicated to draft new constitution. In fact the key national demand of present time is drafting new constitution. It is a ground reality that until and unless the new constitution is declared, the transition period prolongs constitution is the foundation of national law and order. It systematizes all bodies of the nation. It ensures the civic right and liberties. The new constitution should address voice of all parties’ madness, ethnic groups, marginalized groups and civic society as it can. Before drafting the constitution there should be rational discussions and consensus among those group especially political parties representing in constituent assembly. If it does not happen this document will be a messy compromise. It will not satisfy anyone. It just brings political and social conflict. And such turmoil stops the pace of economic development and takes the nation to backward. And the greater concern is this environment facilitates to characterize Nepal as a failure state in the world. Name: Anu Joshi BBS 1st year Seabird Int'l College What should be the Legacy of our Motherland? 'Nepal’ which means Never Ends Peace and Love, has shown its glorious history of the world. The country is small in its geographic area but rich in natural resources. It’s just the beautiful rivers, highest mountains, varieties of flora and fauna and the birth of wonderful personalities which gives the legacy to our motherland. Nepal had lots of memorable facts that changed it and people came to know about it. One was that Nepalese warriors were the lions of Nepal. They had shown their bravery and they had patriotism to protect Nepal from their enemies. Our Motherland was well-known by them. Their patience, cooperation and their intelligence had given the face to Nepal. The warriors had shown their bravery in such a way that not only the Nepalese but the opponent armies

had praised them. Not only this, the diversity of Nepal, ethnic culture, social status and the different geographical conditions of Nepal were or we can say still, they are the prestigious ornaments of Nepal. Today, the world is competing to have certain faces. But Nepal doesn't need any kinds of introduction as the country has the world's highest peak Mount Everest along with other Himalayan ranges. It consists of the piece of land, Lumbini and Janakpur, where Lord Buddha and Sita ( Janaki) took birth. Their presence show a kind of truthfulness, as Gautam Buddha shows the path of peace, truthfulness and selflessness and Sita has shown the duty of humans. The art and culture of Nepal is different for rest of countries. It is rich in culture, the changunarayan Temple of Bhaktapur, The Pashupatinath, Swayambhunatyh and Bouddhanath Stupa are the examples of Nepalese art. The thing which Nepal should feel pride is that along with the art land culture, it has protected the relation of brotherhood. They enjoy their life living in harmony and sharing their happiness and sorrows. The true love of Nepalese people and their cooperation can be well figured by the people's movement in 2046 and 2062/063 B.S. They have a kind of bond to tie, they don't need to say but the feelings can be known. Now, having the glorious history, there is a unity in diversity and beauty of nature. Nepal is facing some unforgettable troubles like the way of girls trafficking, corruption, threats and insecurity. Even though, Nepal had the fame of Gutam Buddha, Sita and the brave warriors. The image of Nepal is being negative or it is collapsing its fame. It’s our turns to change the feelings of other towards Nepal. There should be peace, which the Gautam Buddha had respected to us. To feeling of me and my property should be thrown away and the synergy should be created. It's time to give back that is giving proper care and love towards our motherland. Our Mother is waiting for love, but not the hurts, development of her children's life standard but not the fragments among them. Our country, our love and our life that is our motherland should be given the memorable name. For this, we, the people of Nepal need to wake up, should move forward by the path shown by our great martyrs who had sacrificed their life. The feeling of responsibility should be grasped and again there is a need of brotherhood, no change of mind according to others only love, honesty, peace and harmony are required. Our motherland is waiting for her true children, the property of mother to enhance the development by doing hard labor. For this Nepalese people who had gone to abroad for thinking about oneself should come back and work for their country. Nepal is searching for its identity. The identity can be preserved through the laborious hands, careful hands and lovely heart. Unity should be bonded by the hearts of love. No feeling of superior and inferior but country only needs the case. So, working for the world, thinking for home is world and give up for the violent actions considered true legacy of Nepal. The true name for the Nepal our motherland can be given by the utilization of natural resources properly, preservation of art and culture along with peace, harmony and love. So, the pride of Nepal is the Nepalese people and their relation to their Motherland.

Name: Rajesh Khakurel NR College What should be the Legacy of Our Motherland? The word legacy means the property left after the will. Every country has its own legacy. The legacy can be considered as the hidden property of any country. The legacy is the old heritage which is to be protected for future reform. The word legacy and motherland are closely related to each other, with the property of any country. The motherland can be made a renounced popular among the other country. Today the legacy of our motherland is being in rapid destruction (deterioration) process due to many factors like economic factor, political instability, poverty, negative thinking of people for the motherland. Due to weak economic condition of our country the past property of country cannot be managed in a systematic way e.g. there may be economic crisis to repair any monuments, temples etc. The second factor is political instability. The main part for development of any country depends upon the politicians who are leading the country. On our country there are many types of conflicts among the different political parties which have a serious and negative effect among many fields like education, economic condition of our country, health sector is also affected. It has also serious effect in the tourism industry, the all negative effects on the country. We can take one example that when there is political instability in country, there may fake strikes which will have adverse effect on the education system. The whole education system of the country will be ruined. So to overcome all these obstacles from any country there should be a youth power which can take lead to the country. Today's youth are can also be called the manpower who can run the country in a well systematic and effective way. The many brilliant works done by youths are they have made different Roberts which has reduces the time of works to be done. There are many example done by youth in different period of time in present and past and will be done in future also. So it is necessary that all the youths of country need to be educated and well skilled so that they are able to do any type of task in any condition. Now it's our (youth) main responsibility is to protect the old heritage which has been given to us by our ancestor. The old heritages are considered to be the best technique design which needs some specific skills. So there are to be protected so that many of our generation can take better idea and to some new technique from them. The youths are also responsible for the development of any country. The youth should overcome different struggles for their win. At last this essay about LEGACY TO MOTHERLAND gives us knowledge that we should protect our old heritages which are by will. And we should try our best to protect the legacy of our motherland with our best we can do.

Name: Shrinkhala Joshi

Class: XII Commerce College: Bhanubhakta Memorial College What should be Legacy of Our Motherland? Motherland refers to the place where we were born. Our home country, homeland is known to the motherland Nepal belongs to our motherland. The word motherland is made up of two certain words that are mother and land. Mother is the most precious word to each and every individual because they come into this world by mother. Every baby as they come into this earth firstly they take off something form this soul neck and finally from their lips that is "MOTHER". Similarly land is the place where we are living in land is lap for every human being as they live, sit, eat, do various types of activity in land. Land has been shelter for every people living in this earth. Here, mother has symbolic meaning. Here, mother means love. Motherland is loved land where we were formed in. Apart from this, we can also say that we came into this earth by the mother into a land. And the mother means country. Hence, by this we come into the conclusion that our motherland is Nepal. Our identity is shown by our motherland Nepal. Moving towards legacy, the meaning of legacy is very vast. As a student I've known in three ways. Firstly, legacy means a gift of personal property. Secondly legacy means a legal work as the word itself has been derived from legal. And thirdly legacy means vision. According to the question "vision" refers to the future vision. How have youth seen their motherland in future, by observing the past and present. This is the focused point in the given article. Every people born into this earth will have vision. It depends upon the one whether they will have self-vision or the broad one. It depends upon the people to be self-motivated or to have global vision. We should believe in global vision. Past there was a lot of conflict in the world nothing was managed. Hitlar ruled for many years. During his period death penalty was given, children rather going to school they were compelled to get involved in war. War had taken place in all over the world. Towns of many countries like Korea, Thailand, USA, Nepal and so on had suffered from internal and external war. People had been suffering from various diseases such as malnutrition, AIDS, Poverty, Hunger etc. Even Nepal was victim of it. Nepal was known to be a country of Mt. Everest, country of Lord Buddha, Sita, and Virkuti etc in the past. Country wasn't developed at all. There was no development in political, economical and social sector. There was no education facility, due to this people were so much unaware about the resources animals, food product we get it over her. As they were uneducated they were innocent too. It can be easily stated through the article written by American geographers M. Lilla and Bishop Barry. Due to lack of education, people couldn't get the proper job and facilities. So they were economically backward. It was hampering the country. Country was full of dense forest and natural resources as people didn't have any job to do they would take their occupation as cutting trees, hunting animals and so on. It was also due to undulation. This was economic side. Moving towards political side, country was fully autocratic. Only the children of king or the palace family would get to go to school and high schools so that general people wouldn't know about their autocratic. The social side would be women empowerment, gender discrimination, conservative thinking and so on. These, all things took place due to lack of infrastructure. But those lacking also contents some positive aspects. As there was no transportation and communication, there wasn't any

pollution. People never want and desire as they have now. They are very innocent and helping too. But those past has directly affected present. Now people are educated and that education is not being used in proper place. The growth of population has been increasing day by day. And migration and deforestation has crossed the limit. People have started earning by doing criminal activities. They simply cut down the trees, hurt animals illegally. Only the youth are educated their education is hot utilized properly. It’s only used for making weapons, homeless, drugs and many more. Our motherland is no more known as country of Lord Buddha, Sita and country of Mt. Everest. These all economic activities have been taken place due to political aspects. Politicians are the people who guide country. There are teacher and we, general people are the learner. We learn whatever they teach. The political activities brought education, awareness up to the people, which also made people selfish, but yet people were aware about autocratic and democratic. They produced youth but couldn't utilize their efficiency properly. So they are all abroad. After political change in 2046 B.S people got so much awareness but that awareness also brought selfishness. Similarly 2nd mass movement gave the changes for youth like Gagan Thapa, Pradeep Gyanwali, Khim Lal Devkota. Political leaders just want past not more than that. They take nearly one month to select prime minister and don't care about the changes made in other sector. Coming to the first point, overall my motherland will be beautiful. Deforestation will no longer last and aforestation will start. Every people will learn to leave for others. New/youth politician will use their new techniques and will make effort for the development of their motherland. Each and every people will stop criminal activities as strict rules and regulations will be made. As politician have been failures, that failureness has become lesson for them. Now, in order to achieve optimism, they'll work hard, make proper rules, stop strikes and bandas and also compel each and every individual to follow the given rules in proper manner. It is said only to think positive. So, thinking positively each and every sector will achieve goal. Even technological side will get improved with utilization of resources. No selfishness will ever last. Everyone will start living for others. Youth will have vision which that provides ability to work ahead and vision which make the way for success. Corruption will be stopped and there occurs simple living high thinking. Conflict will be stopped and once again my country will known as the country of Lord Buddha. And finally it'll be known as: N- Never E- Ends P- Peace A- And L- Love That is "NEPAL

Name: Ranjana Giri SAIPAL AACADEMY Sukedhara, kathmandu, Nepal

Class P2 Roll No: 131 Subject: GP What should be the Legacy of Our Motherland? “You reap what you sow”. In the past, Gorkhalis proved to be the brave warriors. They envied one antoher to do a heroic death. “You alone will fight with the foreigners and create a history of bravery. No, it’s not fair. So, let me give you a company”. These used to be the words of the Nepali people. As a consequence Nepal is a proud to hold its head high as no foreigner could ever reign Nepal. This very pride should test forever. This should be the legacy of our motherland. No matter what, Nepal should always be known in the world for its bravery and unity. Every Nepali should realize that Nepal is the best place to show ones’ potential. When all the physically able children of mother leave her and start their living in a foreign land then the mother should toiling day and night to foster her disabled children. Actually the children should have strived to make her mother happy but in this context, they are simply a burden to their mother. However, as they grow up, they’ll have to run their house themselves which they won’t be effectively doing. This makes a mother feel guilty of reproducing such incompetent children. This sort of attitude should never be allowed to sow in our motherland’s mind. “She has reproduced us and we are not going to make her feel guilty of giving us birth as we’ll contribute anything for her happiness”. This thinking must be sowed in each mind of every Nepali. They must thus, realize that. Nepal is the place which should be developed by them but not a foreign land. Similarly, future generation must be made proud of their former generation by paving the right path for them. As the Gorkhalis showed their bravery in the world, even the present generations are being benefitted by getting the popularity of their bravery. Though now-adays, not all Nepalese are brave as they fear to die, still they are termed to be the brave Gorkhalies all over the world. The very glory of bravery must glow forever and even the future generation should benefit from the same. As some people might argue that their nation is not giving them anything that they should be getting from it. But they must realize that they should contribute for their nation then only they can expect it to give them back. They should complete all the duties towards the nation and then they’ll surely get the rights. So, everyone should work uniting with one another to develop their common motherland. Thus, the legacy of our motherland should be taken into consideration by all the Nepalese. They should sow good things so will they reap. Their motherland must be made proud of them and everyone should realize their responsibilities towards their nation. This will reap good result and motherland would smile for that.


What should be the Legacy of our Motherland? Legacy is the pride of the country and everyone should embrace it. We have but only a few legacies which are there forever and will remain with us for a long time to come. Our legacy is as a brave remarkable “combatant warrior” – Gurkhas – recognized by British Army is surely and slowly disappearing in the background of modern weapons used during war. Our warriors were used by British most recently during the Falkland war in 1982 and Indian army still uses our warrior in Pakistani border area as a shield in the front line. Nepalese soldiers are sincere, fearless, brave and unselfish. These qualities are our legacy, the reason why both British and Indian army appreciate, recognized and provided source of employment for our youth. British used to have recruiting camp, one in the East of Nepal at Dharan and Bhairahawa in the west. Both camps were active to recruit the youth until early part of 1970. Our Gurkhas still protect Queen Elizabeth and other royalty in England. Similarly, they are the pride of protection to the royalty in Brunei. This is our legacy which generates an employment and it is a source of our foreign exchange earnings and help to boost the country’s economy by the way of remittance. It gives us pride for this legacy but let us admit this is a dying breed. Other legacy is “Birth place of Buddha” although Buddha was born in Nepal but to establish this legacy. We had a long fight with India and now a whole world come to know the fact. We are proud that Buddha was born in our motherland around 566 BC and his teachings of “Peace and Love” embrace by over 300 million worldwide. Buddha predicted “Nothing last in the universe, everything changes and there is a law of cause and effects.” Similarly, his eight fold paths are also popular. Our proud motherland gave birth of such a person who enlightened to the world and brought immense message of “Love and Peace” throughout the world. But let us evaluate ourselves; Are we really content and proud of the circumstances prevailing in the country and with our political leaders handling the situation? Are not we ashamed to recognize as land of peace and birth place of Buddha? In fact in the country there is no peace. Kidnapping murders, bandha hartal, crippled the economy with acute load shedding, shortages of food, gas, water and other essentials are lacking. Mutual respect and trust among people is dispelling in the land of place of Buddha back. The Lumbini project that draws the world attention over twenty years back is still in such a mess. Have we done anything to keep Buddha message alive? Where is our legacy? Where is our pride? Our other legacy is existence of “Mt. Everest” of our country. We were proud when Tenjing Norgay scaled the Everest in 1953 with Edmund Hillary. It was pompous moment in our history. In fact, Mt. Everest the majestic peak of the world was virgin until 1953. It was great challenge to mankind to conquer the summit. Different members of British expedition attempted the summit difficulty. It is interesting to learn the reaction of early climber when Press asked them the “reason” to climb Everest, Hillary answer is famous for his retort “Because it’s there…………”. Challenges of Everest possesses enormous difficulties and it is amazing and grating for us to be extremely happy because such a wonder lies in our motherland. It is a fact, our country rank among the poorest countries in the world, tourism is critical economic life line. Although we have tremendous rich culture, breathtaking scene and religious traditions are to be precise best paying tourist travel for mountain climbing and

trekking purpose. However, tourism carries its own price as well in the form of environmental destructions. There has developed a rush to climb Mt. Everest but with thousands of strong pair of westerner feet pounding its foot path for decades, environmental advocate Everest region needs a rest. Further, global climatic changes impacted Everest’s geography as some of its glacier has retracted as much as three miles in past twenty years. If the trend continues to recede, it could further endanger the local Sherpa who have already experienced flooding from the meeting of ice. Similarly, trash remains problematic in Everest region; energy sources are in declining stage as firewood is burnt for heating, looking and hot showers. As we can see these problem has created in the further development of Mt. Everest tourism. It is a reliable source of income for the government and some of the poorest people of Nepal. Its success could be a path of destruction as well. What our Government and we, the people have done so far to control the destruction? Not only that the youths are falling themselves in harsh teenagers’ problems like drug abuse, sex abuse, prostitution, early pregnancy, etc. Why are we not serious and heading towards to kill the goose? Should not we have the responsibilities to protect our legacy? We have seen our legacy such as “Combat warrior”; “Birth place of Buddha” and “Mt Everest”. Similarly, “Land of Peace and Love” brought us international prestige and gave us reputable identification. But they are in terrible shape. A declining myth of “warrior”, the country not anymore of “Land of Peace” and “Everest region” is in danger of environmental destruction. In conclusion, we are badly indeed of new legacy that will give us a name, recognition, and prestige in international arena. In order to have such legacy, the modern phenomenon is to get a “Noble Prize” that we undoubtedly give us tremendous moral impact and our country could also be a part of such prestigious award which we lack so far. I have confident and great aspiration in competent and talented youth of current generation; they may introduce new legacy. We have a quote ‘live for the greater good’. Youths, being the pillars of the nation, are liable to implement the same quote in action. Not to live for oneself, but to think about others as well, must be the motto of the youths, so that, they can develop themselves as well as others. They must have the sense of ownership that this county belongs to them land its development and care are their own duties and responsibilities, and they are its citizens. Not only this, we have heard “United we stand, divided we fall”, which expresses that team work is necessary in all sectors. Likewise, dreaming helps to achieve what we want for. Positive attitude, far-sightedness, local participation, unity, all these qualities enhance the new legacy. Thus, our new legacy must be far advanced and modern, which will represent our beautiful motherland Nepal and identification will be all over the world. It must be different form the past as well as present legacy, may be ‘problem less New Nepal’.

Orient College Name: Shaba D. C. Stream: Management Class: XII What should be the Legacy of Our Motherland?

When considering what a legacy is or might be it is helpful to create a distinction between living a legacy and leaving a legacy. Living a legacy could be termed as combination of various aspects in the day to day living, such as practice of providing forgiveness, perseverance, generosity, etc. While practicing this we create a serious experience between us and others in an influencing way. Now, leaving a legacy would be any physical or nonphysical property passed to somebody by the people who live before them or to leave something to the future generation. In the context of our topic, the second meaning that is the “leaving a legacy” is more applicable. As mentioned above, leaving a legacy would be passing any physical or non-physical aspects by the past generation and to the upcoming generation. While talking about leaving a legacy, it could be the legacy of our history, the legacy of art and architecture, the legacy of the preaching of lord Buddha, the legacy of the multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-racial aspects, the legacy of the harmonic relationship between each are very people, the legacy of brotherhood, the legacy of national integrity and sovereignty and so on. All these various legacies that were passed on to us try our ancestors should be preserved and maintained and should be safely handed to our future generation. But in today’s context, the only legacy that we will hand to our upcoming generation will be the legacy of pollution, the legacy of inharmonic relation between various, cultures races etc, the legacy of wars, the legacy of illiteracy and poverty, the legacy of inequality, the legacy of violence, the legacy dirty politics etc. In present this has been the legacy of our motherland. These aspects are being preserved and will be passed to our future generation. We are the once who have created these negative legacies and we are the once who should change it to be a positive legacy so that we can pass better environment to our posterity. Here, people are killing each other for their happiness or pleasure. Developmental works are not coming into actions because when one tries to other pull them back. No one can see other people’s development, but what about the positive result that will be created not only for the mentors but also the other people that gets the positive effect of the development. The religious tolerance is flown away. People want to be the rulers only for power fame and money not for the development and the one who can’t fight are left far behind in the darkness of inequality. So, to leave a positive legacy we should live a positive legacy, a positive life. It is not compulsory to intentionally leave a legacy but we must live a legacy most probably the positive legacy, it will itself create an environment to leave a legacy. So, the legacy of one motherland should be positive and we can make it positive only by the joint effort of all the people living in our motherland. For thus the citizens should have a patriotic feeling within them and instead for fighting for power, face and money, we should stand for equality, development and preservation of all the legacies that were handed over to us try our forefathers ancestors. We should leave a perfect environment to our future generation so that even they possess the same legacy to their posterity.

Name: Rubina Shrestha Holy Vision International School Class: XII Address: Tahachal, Ktm Contact No: 9849300858 Email id: [email protected] What should be the Legacy of Our Motherland? Our Mother Land, Nepal is economically poor country. But it is rich in natural resources. It is a mountainous country. So, the world’s largest peak Mt. Everest is located in Nepal. The legend and mediator of peace Lord Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal who had spent his whole life on spreading peace and working against non-violence. Our different brave and national hero like Prithivi Narayan Shah, Amar Shign Thapa, Balbhadra Kunwar, Bhimsen Thapa etc had sacrificed their lives for the reputation and security of a country. Nepal is a birth place of such brave persons. That’s why; Nepal is popular all over the world. Nepal looks very fine and beautiful, internally but if we look and analyze it internally then Nepal looks very ugly and unfortunate country. It’s both political and economical condition is very poor. Nepali politics is very unsystematic and unmanaged. As a driver drives his/her bus and reaches his/her passengers to their destination. Similarly, our politicians are the drivers of our country who have to drive the country properly in a right way. As a driver need proper training to drive a bus properly. Similarly, the driver of our country also needs proper training, knowledge and ideas to run the nation properly. But here, there are even such politicians who had never been to school and the persons who are uneducated ignorant then they don’t have any sense of duty and consciousness towards the issue of nation then now could they drive our country properly they will just strike here and there and spoiled our nation. Our politicians are very selfish, arrogant, who just think about oneself that, how to reach to the highest post and earns lots of money for luxurious. Yes, they talk about good of our county from outside but internally they are making our county hollow. The corruption is the main problems of our country which don’t letting us to develop the country. Almost every one, in government offices, the staffs is corrupted. Because of this the unskilled and uneducated people will get chance to go forward but the youth who are skilled and educated they remain back. In Nepal, youth aren’t properly utilized and they are going in a wrong track. Nobody knows that only the youth can take challenges and easily face the challenge with full strength. But here, the young people are wasting their life without doing anything. Our lots of youth were intoxicated on drugs, alcohol and spoiling their life. Our lots of young girls are pregnant even in an early teenage. Lots of people are engulfed by HIV/AIDS through unsafe sexual intercourse. About 85% of people are suffered by HIV/AIDS through sexual relationship. According to the estimation of 2003, 62000 of people were highly affected by HIV/AIDS. We are one family beyond caste, colour, religion and nationality. All the Nepalese should live with harmony, love and affection with each other and generosity is also needed. In other

country, lots of war had been taken in the name of caste and religion and also due to the political issues. The First World War and Second World War had brought Holocaust a tragic legacy. Lots of people were suffered from starvation, malnutrition, children are highly affected by war. These all happen due to political unrest and disunity and corruption. If such political unrest, disunity and corruption go on increasing then nobody can give guarantee about the future of Nepal and there also can give guarantee about the future of Nepal and there also will be heavy chances of war and same things will happen as happened to other countries like U.S.A, British, France etc. As our cultural heritages show, we Nepalese have inherited from a rich legacy. However, with our own mix doing seems to be on the path of destroying such a unique legacy of our motherland. The fact of not having a proper government for almost 2 years was the ghastly scenes of murder. Looking, kidnapping, drug abusing, human trafficking and so on do never give a good identity for our country. But if the youth of Nepal united, they will start to work for making Nepal a better place, it will not be an impossible thing to change the scenario of hatred and disunity to that of unity of peacefulness generation. The peaceful land of Buddha can still be peaceful provided we act now towards it. So, all the Nepalese should act now or never because tomorrow, it will be too later.