Handout Model Assure Dan Addie [PDF]

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Desain Pembelajaran  Pengembangan pengajaran secara sistematik yang

digunakan secara khusus teori-teori pembelajaran unuk menjamin kualitas pembelajaran.  Praktek penyusunan media teknologi komunikasi dan isi untuk membantu agar dapat terjadi transfer pengetahuan secara efektif antara guru dan peserta didik. “ Proses ini berisi penentuan status awal dari pemahaman peserta didik, perumusan tujuan pembelajaran, dan merancang "perlakuan" berbasis-media untuk membantu terjadinya transisi. Idealnya proses ini berdasar pada informasi dari teori belajar yang sudah teruji secara pedagogis dan dapat terjadi hanya pada siswa, dipandu oleh guru, atau dalam latar

Desain Pembelajaran  Sebagai sistem, desain pembelajaran merupakan

pengembangan sistem pembelajaran dan sistem pelaksanaannya termasuk sarana serta prosedur untuk meningkatkan mutu belajar.  Sebagai disiplin, desain pembelajaran membahas berbagai penelitian dan teori tentang strategi serta proses pengembangan pembelajaran dan pelaksanaannya.  Sebagai ilmu, desain pembelajaran merupakan ilmu untuk menciptakan spesifikasi pengembangan, pelaksanaan, penilaian, serta pengelolaan situasi yang memberikan fasilitas pelayanan pembelajaran dalam skala makro dan mikro untuk berbagai mata pelajaran pada berbagai tingkatan kompleksitas.  Sebagai Proses

Komponen Utama Desain Pembelajaran  Pembelajar (Siswa)

 Tujuan Pembelajaran  Analisis Materi

 Strategi pembelajaran  Bahan Ajar

 Penilaian Belajar

Teori-teori Pembelajaran  Desain Pembelajaran  Teori behaviorisme

Memandang tingkah laku yang dapat diobservasi dan diukur sebagai indikator belajar.  Teori kognitifisme Tipe pengalaman konkret, observasi reflektif, konseptual, ekperimentasi  Teori konstruktivisme. Situasi belajar, yang memandang belajar sebagai kontekstual  meng-konstruk pengetahuan siswa

Macam Desain Pembelajaran  Model ASSURE (Berorientasi

Kelas)  Model Dick dan Carey (Prosedural)  Model Kemp (Melingkar)  Model ADDIE (Berorientasi Sistem/sifatnya generik (Umum)  Model Hanafin dan Peck (Berorientasi Produk)

The Model of ASSURE Analyz e Learner s

State Objective s

Utilize Media and Materials


Select Methods, Media and Materials

Require Learner Participation

Evaluate and

 Merupakan

salah satu petunjuk dan perencanaan yang bisa membantu untuk bagaimana cara merencanakan, mengidentifikasi, menentukan tujuan, memilih metode dan bahan, serta evaluasi.  Rujukan bagi pendidik dalam membelajarkan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran yang direncanakan dan disusun secara sistematis dengan mengintegrasikan teknologi dan media sehingga pembelajaran menjadi lebih efektif dan bermakna bagi peserta didik.

Analyze the Learners Tujuan utama dalam menganalisa termasuk pendidik dapat menemui kebutuhan belajar siswa yang urgen sehingga mereka mampu mendapatkan tingkatan pengetahuan dalam pembelajaran secara maksimal.

Analyze Learners  

Identify learners General characteristics Jenis kelamin, umur, tingkat perkembangan, budaya dan faktor sosial ekonomi serta etnik.

Specific entry competencies Mendiagnosis kemampuan pembelajar


Learning style (Gaya Belajar) Audio, Visual, Kinestetik

how an individual perceives, interacts with and responds emotionally to the learning environment

Gardner says, “not all people have the same abilities; not all people learn in the same way.”

Information Processing Habits  Concrete Sequential-direct hands-on experiences

in logical order  Workbooks

 Programmed instruction  Demonstrations  Structured laboratory approaches

Information Processing Habits  Concrete Random-lean toward a trial and error

approach  Games

 Simulations  Independent study projects  Discovery Learning

Information Processing Habits 

Abstract Sequential-learners decode verbal and symbolic messages adeptly  Reading

presentations  Listening to presentations

Information Processing Habits  Abstract Random-draw meaning from human

mediated presentations respond to tone and style of speakers  Group discussions  Lectures with question answer periods  Videotapes  Television

Analyze Learners  Gregorc’s Model of mind styles: abstract Decode verbal and symbolic messages adeptly, especially when presented in a logical order

Draw meaning from humanmediated presentation; respond to the tone and style of the speaker


sequential Direct hands-on experiences presented in a logical order

Trial and error approach; quickly reach conclusion from exploratory experiences.



Analyze Learners

 Gregorc’s Model of mind styles (preferred ways of



Reading and Group discussions, lecture listening to with listen and answer presentations periods, films and random sequential televisions Games, simulations, Workbooks, individual study project, programmed discovery method. instruction, demonstrations. concrete 18

State the Objectives merumuskan tujuan dan standar. Dengan demikian diharapkan peserta didik dapat memperoleh suatu kemampuan dan kompetensi tertentu dari pembelajaran.

State Objectives

A statement of what will be achieved, not how it will be achieved


- learning takes place when learners are active, mentally processing an idea, or physically practicing a skill.


-the verb describing the new capabilities that the audience will have after instruction


-the performance that is to be observed by the learners


-the standard by which acceptable performance will be judged

Select Method, Media, and Materials Mendukung pembelajaran dengan menggunakan teknologi dan media dalam sistematika pemilihan strategi, teknologi , media dan bahan ajar.

Select Method, Media, and Materials Choosing a Method

-any given lesson will probably incorporate two or more methods to serve different purposes at a different points in the progression of the lesson

Choosing a Media

-the physical form in which a message is incorporated and displayed - still images, text, voice, music, etc.

Selecting Materials -available -modify existing -design new

Utilize Media and Materials a) Mengecek bahan (masih layak pakai atau tidak) b). Mempersiapkan bahan c). Mempersiapkan lingkungan belajar d). Mempersiapkan pembelajar e). Menyediakan pengalaman belajar (terpusat pada pengajar atau pembelajar)

Utilize Media and Materials Use of media and materials by the students and teachers.

Preview the materials

-always preview instruction materials before using them -materials should be appropriate for your audience and objectives

Prepare the materials

-gather all of the equipment you and the students will need -determine the sequence

Prepare the environment

-arrange the facilities for proper student use of the materials and media

Utilize Media and Materials Use of media and materials by the students and teachers.

Prepare the learners

-give a broad overview of the content and lesson or -tell how the lesson relates to the topic being studied or -give a motivating statement that creates a need to know by telling learners how they will profit from the lesson -give cues directing attention to specific aspects of the lesson

Provide the learning Experience -direct attention to the classroom

Require Learner Participation

Keterangan...  adanya partisipasi siswa terhadap materi dan media

yang kita tampilkan. Seorang guru pada era teknologi sekarang dituntut untuk memiliki pengalaman dan praktik menerapkan, menganalisis, mensintesis, dan mengevaluasi ketimbang sekedar memahami dan member informasi kepada siswa. Ini sejalan dengan gagasan konstruktivis bahwa belajar merupakan proses mental aktif yang dibangun berdasarkan pengalaman yang autentik, diman para siswa akan menerima umpan balik informative untuk mencapai tujuan mereka dalam belajar.

Require Learner Participation Active participation in the learning process enhances learning.

Behaviorist Perspective

-learning is a process of trying various behaviors and keeping those that lead to favorable results.

Cognitivists Perspective

-learners build up a mental schemata when their minds are actively engaged in struggling to remember or apply a new concept or principle

Constructivists Perspective

-learning is an active process where knowledge is built on the basis of experience

Social Psychologists Perspective

-interpersonal communication as the social basis for knowledge acquisition


Productive critical evaluative response

 Oneself  Print Sources  Devices  Other People

Evaluate and Revise

Penilaian dan perbaikan dapat berdasarkan dua tahapan yaitu: a. Penilaian Hasil Belajar Siswa,  Penilaian Hasil Belajar Siswa yang Otentik,  Penilaian Hasil Belajar Portofolio  Penilaian Hasil Belajar yang Tradisional / Elektronik. b. Menilai dan Memperbaiki Strategi, teknologi dan Media c. Revisi Strategi, Teknologi, dan Media.

Evaluate and Revise Designed to detect and correct learning/teaching problems and difficulties with the instruction that may interfere with student achievement

Assessment of Learner Achievement -Did students learn what they were suppose to learn? Evaluation of Methods and Media -Were the instructional methods and materials effective? Revision -What changes need to be made in the lesson?

Manfaat Model ASSURE  Secara sederhana manfaat dari model ASSURE

Sederhana, relatif mudah untuk diterapkan.  Karena sederhana, maka dapat dikembangkan sendiri oleh pengajar.  Komponen KBM (Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar) lengkap.  Peserta didik dapat dilibatkan dalam persiapan untuk KBM.

The ADDIE Model

ADDIE an acronym for:

Analysis Design  Development Implementation Evaluation  ADDIE is the basis for almost all Instructional Systems Design.

The steps do not always fall in the same order. For instance, evaluation may take place after any phase of the model. This flexibility balances the systematic linear approach. Analyze Evaluate




Implement Develop Evaluate

The Instructional Designer works with  the Instructor  a subject matter expert  an assessment team or an evaluator Together, they take into account the needs of the student and the goals of the course. Student evaluations and peer reviews may be utilized at this stage.

In the 1960’s efforts to find solutions for the failings of the educational system found instructionally designed courses twice as successful as an otherwise designed course four times more successful than courses with no systematic training or design. http://www.pignc-ispi.com/articles/education/brief%20history.htm A Brief History of Instructional Design By Douglas Leigh

80 70 60 50

ADDIE Other Models No Model

40 30 20 10 0 Success Rate for Instructional Design

Almost all successful instructional design systems use some form of ADDIE

Advantages of









Kelebihan Model ADDIE •Cost effective •Saves time •Promotes effective learning •Consistent •Effective in training •Represent a dynamic •flexible guideline

ADDIE “Model” Design




Implementation 43

ADDIE Model Analysis


• Analisis Kebutuhan • Analisis tugas • Identifikasi Masalah



Implementation 44

ADDIE Model Analysis

Design • Tujuan Pembelajaran • Objectives • Task Analysis • Strategy • Reference • Prototypes

•Analisis Kebutuhan • Analisis tugas • Identifikasi Masalah



Implementation 45

ADDIE Model Analysis

• Needs Assessment • Project Plan • Goals

Design • • • • •


Audiences Objectives Task Analysis Strategy Prototypes Development

(Tahap Uji Coba) • Outline Content • Select Delivery • “Programming” Implementation 46

ADDIE Model Analysis

• Needs Assessment • Project Plan • Goals

Design • • • • •


Audiences Objectives Task Analysis Strategy Prototypes Development

• Outline Content • Select Delivery • “Programming” Implementation

• Delivery • Integration • LMS 47

ADDIE Model Analysis

• Needs Assessment • Project Plan • Goals

Design • • • • •


Audiences Objectives Task Analysis Strategy Prototypes Development

• Evaluation Plan • Testing • Reviews

• Outline Content • Select Delivery • “Programming” Implementation

• Delivery • Integration • LMS 48