Ilmu Pelayaran Datar Silabus [PDF]

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SILABUS ILMU PELAYARAN DATAR Program Diklat Bidang Keahlian Fungsi Mata Pelajaran Kode Mata Pelajaran Deskripsi Mata Pelajaran

: : : : : :

Standar Kompetensi

: Plan and Conduct a Passage and Determine Position

Semester Alokasi Waktu

: : 26 T ; 61 P

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Diklat Pelaut – IV (DP – IV) Pembentukan Nautika Navigation at Operasional Level Ilmu Pelayaran Datar (Terrestrial Navigation) Merupakan pelajaran untuk peserta diklat pada tingkat ANT – III pembentukan dalam mempelajari tentang pengetahuan ilmu pelayaran datar sehingga mampu melakukan pelayaran secara baik dan benar serta bernavigasi yang aman

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar



Kompetensi Dasar

Plan and Conduct a Passage and Determine Position

Materi Pokok

Definition - Earth

Aloka si waktu T P

Metode Pembelajar an

 Ceramah  Diskusi  Pemberi an tugas  Praktium


defines 'great circle', 'small circle', 'spherical angle', 'spherical triangle', 'poles of a great circle'

Pengalaman Belajar Thorough knowledge of and ability to use nautical charts, and publications, such as sailing directions, tide

defines 'earth's poles','equator' and 'meridians' defines 'latitude' and 'parallels of latitude', 'prime meridian' and 'longitude' defines 'difference of latitude' and 'difference of longitude' describes the earth as an ellipsoid defines 'compression', and states its value defines 'international nautical mile', 'cable' and 'knot'

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian

- Mendefinisikan - menyebutkan


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Aloka si waktu T P

Metode Pembelajar an


Pengalaman Belajar

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok


Aloka si waktu T P

Metode Pembelajar an Ceramah Diskusi Observas i


demonstrates basic knowledge of chart projections defines 'natural scale' of a chart describes the requirements of a chart appropriate for marine navigation identifies the Mercator chart as a mathematical projection and understands the principles of its construction

Pengalaman Belajar tables, notices to mariners, radio navigational warnings and ships’ routeing information

describes the properties of the chart and the degree to which it meets navigational requirements and also its limitations demonstrates the use of a chart catalogue

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

demonstrates the correcting of charts according to Notices to Mariners

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian

- mendemonstrasik an - menyebutkan - mendefinisikan


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok

Electronic Charts

Aloka si waktu T P

Metode Pembelajar an Ceramah Diskusi Observas i


demonstrates knowledge of electronic charts (see also section 1 . 5} describes the differences between Vector and Raster electronic charts

Pengalaman Belajar Thorough knowledge of and ability to use nautical charts, and publications, such as sailing directions, tide

explains the major characteristics of ECDIS and ECS data such as data term and definition; data contents; data structure; attribute; data quality and its accuracy describes the terms and definitions used in the context of ECDIS and ECS describes ECDIS and ECS display characteristics explains the scope and selection of chart data display categories

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian

- mendemonstrasik an - menggambarkan - menjelaskan


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok


Aloka si waktu T P

Metode Pembelajar an Ceramah Diskusi Observas i


explains the rotation of the earth about its axis describes the directions on the earth's surface describes the direction of the ship's head on a gyrocompass (gyro course)

Pengalaman Belajar

 Mendengar kan penjelasan dosen  Berdiskusi  Mengerjaka n tugas  Praktikum

describes the direction of the ship's head on a magnetic compass (compass course)

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian

The primary method of fixing the ship’s position is the most appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following: .1 approve d inservice experien ce .2 approved training ship experience .3 approved simulator training, where appropriate .4 approved laboratory equipment

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok


Aloka si waktu T P

Metode Pembelajar an Ceramah Diskusi Observas i


describes the approximate polar and equatorial circumferences of the earth demonstrates how to measure the distance between two positions on a Mercator chart based on the latitude of the two positions

Pengalaman Belajar

 Mendengar kan penjelasan dosen  Berdiskusi  Mengerjaka n tugas  Praktikum

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian

The primary method of fixing the ship’s position is the most appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following: .1 approve d inservice experien ce .2 approved training ship experience .3 approved simulator training, where appropriate .4 approved laboratory equipment

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok

Aloka si waktu T P

Position lines and Positions

Metode Pembelajar an Ceramah Diskusi Observas i


defines a position

Pengalaman Belajar T7, T8

gives the radar distance off a charted object and plots its position circle on a chart plots a position on the chart from simultaneous cross bearings and from bearing and distance off explains the methods used to obtain simultaneous cross bearings with least error defines 'dead reckoning position (DR)', 'estimated position (EP)' and 'fixed position' plots a dead reckoning position on the chart and marks accordingly plots an estimated position on the chart

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian

The primary method of fixing the ship’s position is the most appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following: .1 approve d inservice experien ce .2 approved training ship experience .3 approved simulator training, where appropriate .4 approved laboratory equipment


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok


Aloka si waktu T P

Metode Pembelajar an Ceramah Diskusi Observas i


defines 'departure' and states the relationship to difference of longitude

Pengalaman Belajar T7, T8

defines 'true course' and 'rhumb line' derives the plane sailing formulae explains the relationship between departure and difference of longitude in cases involving a change of latitude, by using mean latitude uses the parallel sailing formula: departure = cosine of latitude diff.: of longitude calculates the distance between two positions on the same parallel of latitude

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian

The primary method of fixing the ship’s position is the most appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following: .1 approve d inservice experien ce .2 approved training ship experience .3 approved simulator training, where appropriate .4 approved laboratory equipment


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok

Aloka si waktu T P

Information from charts, lists of lights and other publications

Metode Pembelajar an


Ceramah Diskusi Observas i

recognizes and demonstrates the use of the symbols and abbreviations on a chart, especially lighthouses, buoys, beacons, radio beacons and other navigational marks

Pengalaman Belajar T7, T8

identifies the characteristics and range of lights calculates the distances of sighting lights and dipping distances identifies the symbols for chart depths and nature of the bottom and explains the use of soundings

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

recognizes coastlines, coast and radar-responsive targets Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok

IALA Maritime Buoyage System

Aloka si waktu T P

Metode Pembelajar an Ceramah Diskusi Observas i


explains the principles and rules of the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Maritim~ Buoyage System, Systems "A" and "B"

Pengalaman Belajar T7, T8

recognizes the lights and shapes displayed on lateral and cardinal marks recognizes the lights and shapes displayed on other types of buoys in the system

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok


Aloka si waktu T P

Metode Pembelajar an Ceramah Diskusi Observas i


explains the basic theory oftides

Pengalaman Belajar T7, T8, T9

defines 'spring tides', 'neap tides', 'height of tide', 'high water' and 'low water', 'mean high water springs', 'mean high water neaps', 'mean low water springs', 'mean low water neaps', 'range', 'chart datum', 'highest astronomical tide' calculates the spring and neap ranges for standard and secondary ports finds the predicted time and height of high and low water a! standard and secondary ports finds the time of a

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian



Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok

Keeping a log

Aloka si waktu T P

Metode Pembelajar an Ceramah Diskusi Observas i


Pengalaman Belajar

describes the rules, regulations and common practice regarding keeping of a navigational log and voyage records describes the proper keeping of different kinds of log during ocean passages, coastal navigation and in port in line with the requirement in the company's ISM Safety Management System

SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar

Sumber/ bahan/ Alat

Metode Penilaian

Keterangan : Penilaian : Komponen penilaian diklat ini meliputi kehadiran peserta diklat, keaktifan di kelas, pemahaman dan penyelesaian studi kasus, kegiatan individu, keaktifan diskusi dan tes akhir diklat : 1. Ujian Semester


50 %

2. Ujian Tengah Semester


20 %

3. Tugas – tugas


20 %

4. Kehadiran


10 %

Sumber Pustaka : Jakarta, 10 Juli 2017 Kepala Sekolah SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta


SMK Pelayaran Dewaruci Jakarta

Slabus Ilmu Pelayaran Datar