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Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. D

5. TheA waters of theB Chattahoochee RiverC fillsD Lake Lanier.

B 6.The first set of false teethA similar to those in use today itB wasC madeD in France in the 1780s. B 7. The term “Yankee” wasA originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone from the United States areB referredC to asD a Yankee. A 8. A network of small arteries, mostly sandwichedA between the skin and the underlyingB muscles, supplyC bloodD to the face and scalp. C

9. Mesquite isA a smallB tree in the Southwest whoC can withstandD the severest drought.

D 10. At the endA of the Revolution, most of the army units of the young nation wasB almost entirely disbandedC, leavingD a total national military force of eighty men in 1784. EXERCISE 14: Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the word that indicates that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I

1. The pastries in that shop are very expensive but quite deliciously.

C jar.

2. You can find some change to buy a paper in the drawer, on top of the dresser, or in the


3. The living room was decorated with expensive paintings and elegance lamps.

C 4.He knew that the financial problems were serious, that the situation was not going to improve, and that he needed to get a job. C 5. All day long during the trip to the mountain, they were skiing, sledding, or played in the snow. C

6. The car needs new tires but not a new engine.


7. He stops working when he gets too tired to continue or when he has finished.

C 8. To get to the office, you should go through this door, turn to the left, and continuation down the hall. C

9. For dessert we could serve lemon pie, fruit tarts, chocolate cake, or butter cookies.


10. The sick child needs some medicine, some juice, and to rest.

EXERCISE 15: Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the words that indicate that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I

1. He either lied or telling an unbelievable story.


2. The music at the concert was neither well played nor well liked.


3. He regularly studies both in the morning or in the evening.

C 4. The play that we saw last night was not only rather delightful but also quite meaningful. C

5. He married her neither for her ability to cook nor her ability to clean house.


6. The discussion was both exciting and interest.

C 7. He withdrew all the money not only from the checking account but also from the savings account. I

8. Neither the teacher or the students are ready to leave the classroom.


9. You can meet with me either in the next few minutes or at 4:00.

I 10. John is an adventurous person who enjoys not only skydiving but also goes parasailing. EXERCISE (Skills 14-15): Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the word that indicates that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). C

1. The advertisements appeared in the newspaper and on the radio.


2. She is trained as both an accountant and in nursing.


3. We can take either my car or yours to the party.


4. The coffee is too hot, too bitter, and too strength.


5. He not only passed the test but also receiving the highest score in the class.


6. Your ideas are neither more important or less important than the ideas of the others.


7. The meeting lasted only an hour but still seeming too long.


8. The novel was both emotional and description.


9. Either the counselor or her secretary can help you with that problem.

C 10. The leaves from the tree fell in the yard, in the pool, the driveway, and on the sidewalk. TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 14-15): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. C

1. Ballpoint pens areA less versatile butB more populationC than fountain pensD.


2. Riddles varyA greatlyB in both grammatical and phonologyC formD.


3. Blood pressure is measuredA by feeling the pulse and applyB a forceC to the armD.


4. The Moon hasA no atmosphere, no airB, andC no wateryD.


5. The first matchesA wereB too hard to ignite, a messC, or too dangerouslyD easy to ignite.

B 6. A 1971 U.S. governmentA policy not only put warnings on cigarette packsB but also banningC television advertisingD of cigarettes. B 7. DemandA, beauty, durability, rareB, and perfection of cutting determineC the valueD of a gemstone. D 8. The Harvard Yard, whichA was Harvard’s originalB campus, is still a majorC attraction for both students and visitingD. D 9. InA 1862, the American Confederacy raisedB the Merrimack, renamed it Virginia, covered it with iron platesC, and an outfitD it with ten guns. D 10. The liquid crystals in a liquid crystal displayA (LCD) affectB the polarizedC light so that it is either blocked andD reflected by the segments of the display. TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-15): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that best completes the sentence. 1.

Most cells in multicelled organisms perform specialized functions.

(A) specialize (B) specialized (C) they specialize

(D) specialization 2. The big island of Hawaii, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, was created by five volcanoes. (A) creation (B) it was created (C) creating (D) was created 3. The Sun uses up over four million tons of hydrogen per second, but it still has enough hydrogen to last for the next five billion years. (A) it does not (B) it (C) but it (D) to it 4. For Katherine L. Bates, who reached the top of Pikes Peak in 1893, the view provided the inspiration for her hymn “ America the Beautiful”. (A) reached (B) she reached (C) reaching (D) she was reaching Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. C

5. Coal, petroleum, andA natural gaseousB are allC fossil fuelsD.

C Sun.

6. The mass of neutron starsA generally rangeB from one-tenth to twiceC the massD of the


7. Grasses growA in waysB that help them to surviveC being nibbled, chillyD, or dried.

A 8. Most of Hemingway’s novels glorifiesA heroic exploitsB such as bullfightingC or boxingD.

D 9. Paleographers studyA ancient and medievalB handwriting in order to establishC not only its age andD also its background. C 10. The sounds producedA by bullfrogs and toads varyB greatly because each species haveC its own particular callD. EXERCISE 16: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with have. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I

1. We have already hearing the good news.


2. She has ridden her bicycle to school every day.


3. I have always believe you.


4. He has find the missing car keys.


5. They have put their money in a savings account.


6. Their parents have allowed them to stay up late.


7. She has never ran away from home before.


8. Have you ever saw a ghost?


9. They have taken three tests already this weeks.


10. He has offer me a high-paying job.

EXERCISE 17: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with be. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I

1. She was study the textbooks all night long.


2. The pie was cut into six equal pieces.


3. Today the teacher is allow the students to leave class a few minutes early.


4. The class is teach every other semester.


5. Tom is bringing some drinks to the party.


6. The sick child was taken to see a doctor.


7. The children are swim in the backyard pool.


8. The diamond jewelry is always keep in a safe place.


9. The teacher is preparing a difficult exam for the students.


10. Dinner is served from 6:00 to 8:00.

EXERCISE 18: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with a modal. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). C

1. You should try to respond politely.


2. Everyone must leaves the room immediately.


3. I could sat on the beach for hours.


4. She will asking you many difficult questions.


5. You can look at the book, but you cannot borrow it.


6. He may lies to you because he is not very truthful.


7. He knew that he would forgot the phone number.


8. The weatherman said that it might snowing tonight.


9. Perhaps we could bought a new car this year.


10. This course will satisfy the graduation requirement.

EXERCISE (Skills 16-18): Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with several parts. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I

1. We have became good friends in the last year.


2. Your name will be list in the new directory.


3. The new movie is receive good reviews.


4. She must have feel sorry about her bad behavior.


5. They have always given their family many presents.


6. We may be taking a vacation next week.


7. We could have taking a vacation last week.


8. The package might had been deliver by an express mail service.


9. I have not wrote very many letters to my friends.


10. The car should not have be drive anymore yesterday

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 16-18): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. D

1. By the 1920s, manyA radio transmittersB hadC been buildD.


2. FishA farmingB has roseC in the United States in recentD years.

D 3. In areasA of volcanic activity, beach sandB may containsC dark minerals and littleD quartz. A 4. Cro-Magnon man was namesA after the cavesB in southwest France where the first remainsC were discoveredD. D 5. Lassie, the famous collie who madeA her first screenB appearance in 1943, has always beC playedD by a male dog. D 6. A blue bigwig lizard stakesA out a territoryB and will defendingC females within it against courtingD males. A 7. President George Washington was inauguratesA on the stepsB of theC Federal BuildingD in New York City. A 8. ByA 1627, Plymouth had becameB a viable and growingC community of fifty families, twenty-two goats, fifteen cows, and more thanD fifty pigs. D 9. Tobacco wasA the crop on which the eminenceB of Williamsburg and the prosperityC of Virginia were baseD. A 10. Because there may beA scores of genes in each suspect DNA region, scientists must identifyingB and sequenceC the actual genes contributingD to type I diabetes. TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-18): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that best completes the sentence. 1.

The Pacific Ocean has the deepest valleys and canyons on the Earth.

(A) In the Pacific Ocean with (B) In the Pacific Ocean

(C) The Pacific Ocean (D) The Pacific Ocean has 2. In the United States, the participation of females in the labor force jumped from 37 percent in 1965 to 51 percent in 1980. (A) it jumped (B) jump (C) jumping (D) jumped 3. Some composers, such as Richard Wagner, have felt that arias interrupt the action of the opera too much and have written operas without them. (A) arias interrupt (B) interrupt arias (C) the interruption of arias (D) areas of interruption Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. B

4. Water storedA behind a damB can usedC to driveD turbines.


5. Our universe may continueA to expandB as it getsC colder, emptyD, and deader.


6. Every formA of matter in the world areB made upC of atomsD.


7. The lensA and cornea are supplyB with nutrientsC and oxygen by the aqueousD fluid.

D 8. Dodge City, laid out in 1872, owedA both its prosperity and its famousB to the buffalo in itsC early yearsD. C 9. The amount of the two kindsA of cholesterol in the blood haveB been shownC to have an effectD on the risk of hearth attack. B 10. By the time Noah Webster reachedA hisB mid-twenties, he had already publishC an elementaryD speller.

EXERCISE 19: Each of the following sentences contains at least one key word to tell you if a noun should be singular or plural. Circle the key words. Draw arrows to the nouns they describe. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I

1. She talked to each people in the room.


2. There is not a single bit of food in the refrigerator.


3. You need two piece of identification to cash a check.

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EXERCISE 3 AND 4 April 8, 2011

EXERCISE 11: Each of the following sentences has one or more prepositional phrases between the subject and verb. Put parentheses around the prepositional phrases. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The subject (of the lectures) was quite interesting. I 2. The supplies (for the camping trip) needs to be packed. I 3. The chairs (under the table) (in the dinning room) is quite comfortable. C 4. The players (on the winning team) (in the competition) put forth a lot of effort. I 5. The food (for the guests) (at the party) are on the long tables. C 6. The cost (of the clothes) was higher than I had expected. C 7. The rugs (in the front rooms) (of the house) are going to be washed today. I 8. The waiters and waitresses (in this restaurant) always servers the food efficiently. C 9. The lights (in the corner) (of the room) need to be kept on all night. C 10. The meeting (of the members) (of the council) begins at 3:00 in the afternoon.

EXERCISE 12: Each of the following sentences has a quantity expression as the subject. Underline the subject once and the verbs twice. Circle the object that the verbs agree with. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I).

C 1. Half of the students in the class arrive early I 2. Some of the fruit are rotten. C 3. All of the next chapter contains very important information. I 4. Most of the people in the room is paying attention. C 5. Part of the soup is left on the stove. I 6. Some of the movie were just too violent for me. I 7. All of the details in the report needs to be checked. C 8. Most of the money is needed to pay the bills. C 9. The first half of the class consists of lecture and note-taking. I 10. Some of the questions on the test was impossible to answer.

EXERCISE 13: Each of the following sentences contains one of the words that are grammatically singular but have a plural meaning. Underline the words once and underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). I 1. Anybody are welcome at the party. C 2. No one here is afraid of skydiving. C 3. Everyone in the word needs love and respect. I 4. Someone have to clean up the house. I 5. Each plant in the garden appear healthy and strong. C 6. You should understand that anything is possible. I 7. Everything in the salad are good for you. I 8. Nobody in the class have completed the assignment on time. I 9. I am sure that every detail have been considered. I 10. Everybody know the rules, but somebody is not following them.

EXERCISE (Skills 11-13): Each of the following sentences may have a problem with subject/verb agreement. Underline the subject once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The receptionist (in the entryway) (to the offices) is able to answer your questions. C 2. All of the information in the documents are important. C 3. Anyone in one of the classes has to take the final exam. I 4. The coordinator (of community services) are arranging the program. I 5. Most of the car are covered with mud. C 6. Nothing more is going to be completed today. I 7. The drinks (in the pitchers) (on the table) (in the ballroom) is for everyone. I 8. Everybody were told to be here at 8:00, but somebody is not here. C 9. Some of the meetings at the conference are limited to ten participants. C 10. The sauce (on the vegetable) (in the yellow bowl) taste really delicious.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 11-13): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. A 1. Nobody knowA when the processB of glass-making wasC inventedD. D 2. Sugars likeA glucose isB madeC up ofD carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. A 3. Part of the electricity usedA in the United State todayB comeC from hydroelectric sourcesD. A 4. The languages of the world presentsA a vast arrayB of structural similaritiesC and differencesD. D 5. The rise of multinationals haveA resultedB in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals canC operateD in so many jurisdictions. A 6. All of the east-west interstate highways in the United State hasA even numberB, while northsouth interstate highway areC odd-numberD.

C 7. WhenA a massive star in the large Magellanic Cloud explodedB in 1987, a waveof neutrinos wereC detectedD on Earth. B 8. Some of the agricultural practicesA usedB today isC responsible for fosteringD desertification. C 9. Every open space in the targetedA area that hasB grass and a few bushes areC occupiedD by the white-crowned sparrow. C 10. Krakatoa is rememberedA as the volcano that putB so much as into the air that sunsets around the world was effectedC for two years afterwardD.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-13): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that best completes the sentence. 1.

Pictograms constitute the earliest system of writing.

(A) The constitution of pictograms. (B) Pictograms in the constitution. (C) Constitute the pictograms. (D) Pictograms constitute. 2.

At temperatures approaching absolute zero, substances possess minimal energy.

(A) approach (B) approaches (C) approaching (D) they approach 3. The Earth’s one-year revolution around the Sun changes how sunlight falls on one hemisphere or the other. (A) falling sunlight (B) the fall of sunlight (C) sunlight in the fall (D) sunlight falls

4. Though sporadic interest in regional dialects has existed for centuries, the first large-scale systematic studies did not take place until the nineteenth century. (A) has existed (B) it existed (C) has it existed (D) existing with it

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. D 5. TheA waters of theB Chattahoochee RiverC fillsD Lake Lanier. B 6.The first set of false teethA similar to those in use today itB wasC madeD in France in the 1780s. B 7. The term “Yankee” wasA originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone from the United States areB referredC to asD a Yankee. A 8. A network of small arteries, mostly sandwichedA between the skin and the underlyingB muscles, supplyC bloodD to the face and scalp. C 9. Mesquite isA a smallB tree in the Southwest whoC can withstandD the severest drought. D 10. At the endA of the Revolution, most of the army units of the young nation wasB almost entirely disbandedC, leavingD a total national military force of eighty men in 1784.

EXERCISE 14: Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the word that indicates that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. The pastries in that shop are very expensive but quite deliciously. C 2. You can find some change to buy a paper in the drawer, on top of the dresser, or in the jar. C 3. The living room was decorated with expensive paintings and elegance lamps. C 4.He knew that the financial problems were serious, that the situation was not going to improve, and that he needed to get a job.

C 5. All day long during the trip to the mountain, they were skiing, sledding, or played in the snow. C 6. The car needs new tires but not a new engine. C 7. He stops working when he gets too tired to continue or when he has finished. C 8. To get to the office, you should go through this door, turn to the left, and continuation down the hall. C 9. For dessert we could serve lemon pie, fruit tarts, chocolate cake, or butter cookies. I 10. The sick child needs some medicine, some juice, and to rest.

EXERCISE 15: Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the words that indicate that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. He either lied or telling an unbelievable story. C 2. The music at the concert was neither well played nor well liked. I 3. He regularly studies both in the morning or in the evening. C 4. The play that we saw last night was not only rather delightful but also quite meaningful. C 5. He married her neither for her ability to cook nor her ability to clean house. I 6. The discussion was both exciting and interest. C 7. He withdrew all the money not only from the checking account but also from the savings account. I 8. Neither the teacher or the students are ready to leave the classroom. I 9. You can meet with me either in the next few minutes or at 4:00. I 10. John is an adventurous person who enjoys not only skydiving but also goes parasailing.

EXERCISE (Skills 14-15): Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the word that indicates that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). C 1. The advertisements appeared in the newspaper and on the radio. I 2. She is trained as both an accountant and in nursing. I 3. We can take either my car or yours to the party. C 4. The coffee is too hot, too bitter, and too strength. C 5. He not only passed the test but also receiving the highest score in the class. I 6. Your ideas are neither more important or less important than the ideas of the others. I 7. The meeting lasted only an hour but still seeming too long. C 8. The novel was both emotional and description. C 9. Either the counselor or her secretary can help you with that problem. C 10. The leaves from the tree fell in the yard, in the pool, the driveway, and on the sidewalk.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 14-15): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. C 1. Ballpoint pens areA less versatile butB more populationC than fountain pensD. D 2. Riddles varyA greatlyB in both grammatical and phonologyC formD. B 3. Blood pressure is measuredA by feeling the pulse and applyB a forceC to the armD. D 4. The Moon hasA no atmosphere, no airB, andC no wateryD. C 5. The first matchesA wereB too hard to ignite, a messC, or too dangerouslyD easy to ignite. B 6. A 1971 U.S. governmentA policy not only put warnings on cigarette packsB but also banningC television advertisingD of cigarettes.

B 7. DemandA, beauty, durability, rareB, and perfection of cutting determineC the valueD of a gemstone. D 8. The Harvard Yard, whichA was Harvard’s originalB campus, is still a majorC attraction for both students and visitingD. D 9. InA 1862, the American Confederacy raisedB the Merrimack, renamed it Virginia, covered it with iron platesC, and an outfitD it with ten guns. D 10. The liquid crystals in a liquid crystal displayA (LCD) affectB the polarizedC light so that it is either blocked andD reflected by the segments of the display.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-15): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that best completes the sentence. 1.

Most cells in multicelled organisms perform specialized functions.

(A) specialize (B) specialized (C) they specialize (D) specialization 2. The big island of Hawaii, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, was created by five volcanoes. (A) creation (B) it was created (C) creating (D) was created 3. The Sun uses up over four million tons of hydrogen per second, but it still has enough hydrogen to last for the next five billion years. (A) it does not (B) it

(C) but it (D) to it 4. For Katherine L. Bates, who reached the top of Pikes Peak in 1893, the view provided the inspiration for her hymn “ America the Beautiful”. (A) reached (B) she reached (C) reaching (D) she was reaching

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. C 5. Coal, petroleum, andA natural gaseousB are allC fossil fuelsD. C 6. The mass of neutron starsA generally rangeB from one-tenth to twiceC the massD of the Sun. D 7. Grasses growA in waysB that help them to surviveC being nibbled, chillyD, or dried. A 8. Most of Hemingway’s novels glorifiesA heroic exploitsB such as bullfightingC or boxingD. D 9. Paleographers studyA ancient and medievalB handwriting in order to establishC not only its age andD also its background. C 10. The sounds producedA by bullfrogs and toads varyB greatly because each species haveC its own particular callD.

EXERCISE 16: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with have. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. We have already hearing the good news. C 2. She has ridden her bicycle to school every day. I 3. I have always believe you.

I 4. He has find the missing car keys. C 5. They have put their money in a savings account. C 6. Their parents have allowed them to stay up late. I 7. She has never ran away from home before. I 8. Have you ever saw a ghost? C 9. They have taken three tests already this weeks. I 10. He has offer me a high-paying job.

EXERCISE 17: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with be. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. She was study the textbooks all night long. C 2. The pie was cut into six equal pieces. I 3. Today the teacher is allow the students to leave class a few minutes early. I 4. The class is teach every other semester. I 5. Tom is bringing some drinks to the party. C 6. The sick child was taken to see a doctor. I 7. The children are swim in the backyard pool. I 8. The diamond jewelry is always keep in a safe place. I 9. The teacher is preparing a difficult exam for the students. C 10. Dinner is served from 6:00 to 8:00.

EXERCISE 18: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with a modal. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). C 1. You should try to respond politely. I 2. Everyone must leaves the room immediately. I 3. I could sat on the beach for hours. I 4. She will asking you many difficult questions. C 5. You can look at the book, but you cannot borrow it. I 6. He may lies to you because he is not very truthful. I 7. He knew that he would forgot the phone number. I 8. The weatherman said that it might snowing tonight. I 9. Perhaps we could bought a new car this year. C 10. This course will satisfy the graduation requirement.

EXERCISE (Skills 16-18): Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with several parts. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. We have became good friends in the last year. I 2. Your name will be list in the new directory. I 3. The new movie is receive good reviews. I 4. She must have feel sorry about her bad behavior. C 5. They have always given their family many presents. C 6. We may be taking a vacation next week. I 7. We could have taking a vacation last week. I 8. The package might had been deliver by an express mail service.

I 9. I have not wrote very many letters to my friends. I 10. The car should not have be drive anymore yesterday

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 16-18): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. D 1. By the 1920s, manyA radio transmittersB hadC been buildD. C 2. FishA farmingB has roseC in the United States in recentD years. D 3. In areasA of volcanic activity, beach sandB may containsC dark minerals and littleD quartz. A 4. Cro-Magnon man was namesA after the cavesB in southwest France where the first remainsC were discoveredD. D 5. Lassie, the famous collie who madeA her first screenB appearance in 1943, has always beC playedD by a male dog. D 6. A blue bigwig lizard stakesA out a territoryB and will defendingC females within it against courtingD males. A 7. President George Washington was inauguratesA on the stepsB of theC Federal BuildingD in New York City. A 8. ByA 1627, Plymouth had becameB a viable and growingC community of fifty families, twenty-two goats, fifteen cows, and more thanD fifty pigs. D 9. Tobacco wasA the crop on which the eminenceB of Williamsburg and the prosperityC of Virginia were baseD. A 10. Because there may beA scores of genes in each suspect DNA region, scientists must identifyingB and sequenceC the actual genes contributingD to type I diabetes.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-18): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that best completes the sentence. 1.

The Pacific Ocean has the deepest valleys and canyons on the Earth.

(A) In the Pacific Ocean with

(B) In the Pacific Ocean (C) The Pacific Ocean (D) The Pacific Ocean has 2. In the United States, the participation of females in the labor force jumped from 37 percent in 1965 to 51 percent in 1980. (A) it jumped (B) jump (C) jumping (D) jumped 3. Some composers, such as Richard Wagner, have felt that arias interrupt the action of the opera too much and have written operas without them. (A) arias interrupt (B) interrupt arias (C) the interruption of arias (D) areas of interruption

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. B 4. Water storedA behind a damB can usedC to driveD turbines. A 5. Our universe may continueA to expandB as it getsC colder, emptyD, and deader. B 6. Every formA of matter in the world areB made upC of atomsD. B 7. The lensA and cornea are supplyB with nutrientsC and oxygen by the aqueousD fluid. D 8. Dodge City, laid out in 1872, owedA both its prosperity and its famousB to the buffalo in itsC early yearsD. C 9. The amount of the two kindsA of cholesterol in the blood haveB been shownC to have an effectD on the risk of hearth attack.

B 10. By the time Noah Webster reachedA hisB mid-twenties, he had already publishC an elementaryD speller.

EXERCISE 19: Each of the following sentences contains at least one key word to tell you if a noun should be singular or plural. Circle the key words. Draw arrows to the nouns they describe. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. She talked to each people in the room. C 2. There is not a single bit of food in the refrigerator. I 3. You need two piece of identification to cash a check.

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Social responsibility or corporate social responsibility is essential, a corporation not only is a unit of economistic human activity, but also a unit of action, then by itself is also a social unit. As a social unit, a company is a relation of action both internally and externally, in which the interests of all parties united in one single interest, improving living standards through maximizing profits. Manifestation of corporate social responsibility or corporate social responcibility assume the existence of a reliable resource, programmed activities and a clear orientation. The resources were certainly reliable human resources or HR professionals who have adequate competition has a high commitment and loyalty.

One concrete manifestation of the purpose of CSR is to improve the welfare of the community both internally and externally at the level of society. According to The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (TWBCSD) social responsibility is to continue commitment businesses to behave ethically and contribute to the actual order to develop the economy by improving the quality of life of workers and their families, communities around the company, and the wider community.

According to Greenberg, Baron, corporate social responsibility in a hierarchical order as follows.


Economic responsibility

Placement of economic responsibility as the first dimension of CSR associated with the most essential purpose of any business. Based on the logic of Friedman can be said of social responsibility can be observed through the following sub-dimensions and indicators: a. Sub financial dimensions b. Sub dimensions of responsibility to customers and suppliers c. Sub dimensions responsibility for internal business processes This dimension is indicated by the presence of innovation, operational effectiveness and achievement motivation management audit functions. 2.

Legal responsibility

All indicators for the dimension of legal responsibility refers to the formal juridical key issues that must be obeyed by every company. Other problems mentioned were adherence, as citizens, equality before the law, enforcement of rights and obligations, and equal treatment. 3.

Ethical responsibility

Indicators ethical dimensions: a. Fairly in any transaction b. Adheres to the content of all contracts that have been agreed c. Carry out all duties and obligations of a conscious d. Accept and perform all duties freely and without pressure e. Accept and perform all the tasks on the basis of willingness and availability f. Receive and consider each task as a means of self-development g. Involving the whole disposition of the mind and integrate the meaning of life with the intrinsic value of workers h. Creating a comfort zone for ourselves and for co-workers 4. Philanthropic responsibilities Philanthropic responsibilities arise because the businessmen had managed to interpret contemporary in precise meaning of their business success (economic dimension) and managed

to give an exact answer why the business or the business they should always heed the rules and regulations (legal dimension) in a critical reflection that adequate (ethical dimension). Ditulis dalam Uncategorized | Leave a Comment »

Business Cookies for Idul Fitri Maret 29, 2011

In business, we rightly know the rules, ethics, or the prevailing ethos in the business world. Business I think is an activity that very cool, because businesses can develop a hobby and also a very valuable experience in our lives.

I think that business can be classified in many kinds. For instance the apparel business, culinary business, business vehicle showroom, business valuables, and many more other businesses that are very fortunately for yourself.

My experience during the plunge in the world of small business during the coming month of Ramadan (ahead of Idul Fitri). When I was in junior high school, I saw a friend who is making a cake, I thought “why me ‘ do not try”, and my own practice at home and work. Eid my ideas come to sell cakes I have ever tried to make earlier. Consumer market share at that time I fantasy mothers around my house. Any business ethics arise and should I use for consumers what I believe, are interested in, and buy a cake that I make. Yes … very true in the past two weeks, almost 4 dozen jars sold out. This small business was continued until the next Eid-widths.

But unlike this year’s “Lebaran” (10/9/10), the market share that had been addressed to my mother and people around, changed drastically to zero sales. I also turn the brain, so I can bake sales made in such behavior before Eid-widths. The idea had emerged that I had to find and change the market share. Yes … even the office employees became my target. My sister and her boyfriend became a liaison between me and my new customers (this is because my friends after my brother and his girlfriend to buy a cake made by me). That business ethics must I go through, by changing the appearance of the jar to be polite (in the office environment) and attractive in the eyes of my new customers, which is certainly more to see the outside view. Because the taste of mothers and employees is very different. Thank God I was able to sell cakes widths nearly 3 ½ dozen jars. Fortunately I can also very pretty (in my bag like this student.) Ditulis dalam Uncategorized | Leave a Comment »

Say No To Drugs

Maret 29, 2011

The young generation today is very susceptible to drugs. Drug is short for NARCOTICS AND DRUG / HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Drugs is a “vicious circle” which is very destructive. Drugs in Indonesia, never mind no stranger. Users been indiscriminately. From elementary school-aged children to old many people who use these illicit goods.

Recently, just a lot of public figures who get caught for illegal goods serve targeted. Call it Yoyo “drummer Pady”, Iyut Bing Slamet, and most surprising is the great-grandson of former Indonesian first president the late Suharto, who at once the daughter of businessman Ari Sigit that is Putri who was caught in a hotel in the area of Jakarta.

Drug use is dangerous. Like the Depression (the user will be unconscious for a moment), hallucinations (seeing things that are not there), stimulants (speed up the heart and brain organs, if allowed to continue then the user will experience the disorder to result in death), and addictive (users will be hooked and if left too long will result in over-dose).

We as young people should be very sensitive to the dangers of drugs. If the younger generation now is addicted to drugs what will happen to younger generations the next 10-20 years. For that we must think before we do something, so as not to caught up in the abyss of drugs.

The family is actively involved in efforts to save the young generation today. Because many survey says that most drug users are children who lack attention from parents (broken home) and from the people closest.

Let us as the future generation, must be spirit of combating drugs and live life without drugs. Say No To Drugs.

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EXERCISE Maret 11, 2011

EXERCISE 1: Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. My best friend always helpful with problems. C 2. The bus schedule has changed since last week. I 3. Accidentally dropped the glass on the floor. C 4. The customer paying the clerk for the clothes. C 5. The professor handed the syllabus to the students. I 6. Each day practiced the piano for hours. C 7. The basketball player tossed the ball into the hoop. I 8. The new student in the class very talkative and friendly. I 9. Walking with the children to school. C 10. The whales headed south for the winter.

EXERCISE 2: Each of the following sentences contains one or more prepositional phrases. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the prepositional phrases that come before the verb. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The name of the baby in the crib is Jack. I 2. By the next meeting of the class need to turn in the papers. I 3. The directions to the exercise on page twenty unclear. C 4. Because of the heavy rain throughout the night, the walkways are muddy. I 5. During the week cat lunch in the school cafeteria . I 6. In the morning after the correct was tired. C 7. In the summer the trip to the mountain is our favorite trip. I 8. In a box on the top shelf of the cabinet in the hallway of the house. I 9. With her purse in her hand ran through the door.

C 10. At 1:00 in the morning the alarm clock on the table beside the bed rang.

EXERCISE (Skills 1-2): Underline the subjects once and the vebrs twice. Circle the propositional phrases that come before the verb. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). I 1. During the meeting in the office discussed the schedule. I 2. The doctor gave the patient a prescription. I 3. The tall evergreen tress along the road. C 4. The watch in the jewelry box needs a new battery. I 5. Pleasantly greets everyone in all the offices every morning. I 6. In the office of the building across the street from the park on the corner. C 7. The dishes in the sink really need to be washed as soon as possible. I 8. In a moment of worry about the problem with the cash in the account. C 9. The plane from New York circling the airport. C 10. On a regular basis the plants is the boxes under the window in the kitchen are watered and fed.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 1-2): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completers the sentence. 1. Mark Twain called the years after the Civil War the “Gilded Age.” 2. Early horses had toes instead of hooves on their feet. 3. Tundra plants grow close to the ground in the short Arctic summer. 4. In 1867, the United State purchase Alaska from the Russian for $7.2 million. 5. Between 1725 and 1750, New England witnessed an increase in the specialization of occupations . 6. The large carotid artery carrying bloods to she main parts of the brain.

7. Marconi development radio as the first practical system of wireless telegraphy. 8. In 1975, the first successful space probe to Venus was beginning to send information back to Earth. 9. The two biggest resort in Arkansas are Hot Springs and Eureka Springs. 10. NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center was the control center for the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo Space flights.

EXERCISE 3: Each of the following sentence contains one or more present participles. Underline the subjects once and the verb twice. Circle the present participles and label them as adjectives or verbs. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The crying baby needs to be picked up. I 2. The clothes are lying on the floor should go into the washing machine. C 3. The waitress bringing the steaming soup to the waiting diners. C 4. Most of the striking workers are walking the picket line. C 5. For her birthday, the child is getting a talking doll. C 6. The setting sun creating a rainbow of colors in the sky. I 7. The ship is sailing to Mexico is leaving tonight. C 8. The letters needing immediate answers are on the desk. I 9. The boring class just ending a few minutes ago. C 10. The vast-moving clouds are bringing freezing rain to the area.

EXERCISE 4: Each of the following sentences contains one or more past participles. Underline the subject once and the verbs twice. Circles the past participles and label them as adjectives or verbs. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). I 1. The food is served in this restaurant is delicious. C 2. The plane landed on the deserted runway.

C 3. The unexpected guests arrived just at dinnertime. I 4. The courses are listed in the catalogue are required courses. I 5. The teacher found the lost exam. I 6. The small apartment very crowded and disorganized. I 7. The photographs developed yesterday shoed Sam and his friends. C 8. The locked drawer contained the unworn jewels. I 9. The tree was blown over in the storm was cut into logs. C 10. The students registered in this course are listed on that sheet of paper.

EXERCISE (Skills 3-4): Each of the following sentences contains one or more participles. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the participles and label them as adjective or verbs. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. Our hosts are serving drinks on the tiled patio. C 2. The tired woman taking a much-needed nap. C 3. The letters were sent on Monday arrived on Wednesday. C 4. The winners deserved the big prize. I 5. The plants are growing in the garden need a loot of water. I 6. The shining stars lit up the darkened sky. I 7. The driver rapidly increased the speed of the racing car. C 8. the excited children trying to build a snowman in the falling snow. I 9. The students are completing the course will graduate in June. C 10. The dissatisfied customer is returning the broken toaster to the store.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 3-4): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. The first plants flowers appeared during the last period of the dinosaurs’ reign. 2. The earliest medicines were obtained from plants of various sorts. 3. Simple sails were made from canvas stretched aver a frame. 4. Pluto’s moon Charon is moving in a slightly elliptical path around the planet. 5. Techniques of breath control from an essential part of any training program to improve the voice. 6. Robert E. Lee surrendered the Confederate Army to General Grant in 1865 at the Appomattox Courthouse. 7. The pituitary gland, found below the brain releases hormones to control other glands. 8. At around two years of age, many children regularly produce sentences containing Three or four words. 9. Multinational companies are finding it increasingly important to employ internationally acceptable brand names. 10. The cornea is located under the conjunctiva, on the exposed part of the eye.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. The Polynesians first settled the Hawaiian Island between A.D. 300 and 750. 2. In 1066, a bright comet was appearing in the sky attracted much attention. 3. In some daguerreotype cameras, The object was viewed through a hole in the back of the box the object 4. In the Stone Age, stone tools were polished with other rock materials. 5. The first steamship to cross the Atlantic was the Savannah, in 1819. 6. The Earth’s planets meet each other at cracks in the Earth called faults. 7. The first plant-like organisms probably lived in the sea, perhaps three billion years ago.

8. In male pattern baldness, heredity has strongly influences the degree of hair loss. 9. In Watch the Skies, Curtis Peebles making a fascinating Attempt to explain America’s belief in flying saucers. 10. The irregular coastline of Massachusetts is a succession of bays and inlets, with the book of the Cape Cod peninsula in the southeast.

EXERCISE 5: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The lawn needs water every day, or it will turn brown. I 2. The book was not long, but it difficult to read. I 3. It was raining, so decided not to go camping. C 4. The material has been cut, and the pieces have been sewn together. I 5. The patient took all the medicine, he did not feel much better. C 6. The bill must be paid immediately, or the electricity will turned off. C 7. The furnace broke so the house got quite cold. C 8. The dress did not cost to much, but the quality it seemed excellent. C 9. The leaves kept falling off the trees, and the boys kept raking them up, but the yard was still covered. C 10. The postman has already delivered the mail, so the letter is not going to arrive today, it probably will arrive tomorrow.

EXERCISE 6: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. After the plane circle the airport, it landed on the main runway. I 2. The registration process took many hours since the lines so long.

I 3. This type of medicine can be helpful, it can also have some bad side effects. C 4. The waves were amazingly high when the storm hit the coastal town. I 5. We need to get a new car whether is on sale or not. C 6. Just as the bread came out of the oven, while a wonderful aroma filled the kitchen. C 7. Everyone has spent time unpacking boxes since the family moved into the new house. C 8. Although the area is a desert many plants bloom there in the springtime. I 9. The drivers on the freeway drove slowly and carefully while the rain was falling heavily because they did not want to have an accident. I 10. If you plan carefully before you take a trip, will have a much better time because the small details will not cause problems.

EXERCISE (Skill 5-6): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). I 1. The lawyer presented a strong case, but the client was still found guilty. I 2. After the children read some stories before they went to bed. I 3. The report needed to be completed, the workers stayed late every night for a week. C 4. If you do not turn on the light, you will trip in the dark. I 5. A thick fog come rolling in, so plans unable to land. C 6. All of the shoes are on sale until the current stock in gone. C 7. The ship leaving the dock even though some passengers were not or board. C 8. The outline must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due, and must approve it. I 9. Because the food was cold when it was served the dinners sent it back to the kitchen. C 10. You should slow down while you are driving, or the police will pull your car over.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skill 5-6): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. A spacecraft is freed from friction after it is Launched into space. 2. Lobsters blend with their surroundings, or they hide in crevices for protection. 3. While the shoulder is a ball and socket joint, the elbow is a simple hinge joint. 4. A car has several sections with moving parts, and good lubrication of those parts is essential. 5. Bears cannot see well because they have small eyes. 6. A land bridge existed at the Isthmus of Panama, so animals were able to migrate between North and South America. 7. Although the Empire State Building is mostly made of granite, it also contains some human made materials. 8. Pressure differences make the eardrum vibrate as sound waves enter the car. 9. An optical microscope magnifies as much as 2,000 times, but an electron microscope can magnify as much as a million times. 10. If scientific estimates are accurate, the Canon Diablo meteorite collided with the Earth about 20.000 years ago.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skill 1-6) : Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. The economic activity of the Pueblo Indians centered on intensive agriculture. 2. In popular terminology, any long snowstorm with a large amount of wind is called a blizzard. 3. Nuclear power can be produced by fusion, and it can also be produced by fission. 4. If the temperature , igneous rocks may be changed into gneisses. 5. In 1905, Henry Flagfer announced his plans to extend his Florida East Coast Railway out across the sea to Key West.

6. The sound is coming from a vibrating object will be high or low depending on the number of vibrations. 7. During the late 1880s, urban streetcars were electrified through the use of large motors. 8. Although Biscayne National Park encompasses almost 274 square miles, but 96 percent of the park is under water. 9. Legislation was passed in 1916 and 1917 gave the Wilson administration authority to intervene in the national economy if it proved necessary. 10. Because a family of birds set up housekeeping in Joel Chandler Harri’s mailbox when the birds were in need of a place to stay, so the home was named the Wren’s Nest.

EXERCISE 7: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. It is unfortunate that the meal is not ready yet. I 2. She told me when should pick her up. I 3. The instructor explained where was the computer lab located. C 4. We could not believe what he did to us. I 5. Do you want to know if it going to rain tomorrow. C 6. We never know whether we will get paid or not. I 7. This evening you can decided what do you want to do. I 8. The manager explained how wanted the work done. C 9. The map showed where the party would be held. I 10. Can you tell me why was the mail not delivered today?

EXERCISE 8: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I).

C 1. The teacher heard who answered the question. I 2. I do not understand what it went wrong. I 3. Of the three movies, I can’t decided which is the best. I 4. She did not remember who in her class. C 5. No one is sure what did it happen in front of the building. C 6. We found out which was her favorite type of candy. I 7. Do you know what caused the plants to die? I 8. I am not sure which it is the most important course in the program. C 9. We thought about who would be the best vice president. I 10. She saw what in the box in the closet.

EXERCISE (Skill 7-8): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). I 1. It doubtful whether he will pass the test or not. I 2. The group discusses who he should receive the prize. I 3. It is not certain why the class was canceled. I 4. I will do what does it need to be done. C 5. We forgot when did the movie start. C 6. I would like to ask if you could come over for dinner this weekend. I 7. The children knew which the best game to plan. C 8. The advisor informed her that needed to add another class. C 9. He saw who took the money. I 10. It is unclear how the window got broken.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skill 7-8): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. Today the true story of what happened at Little Bignorn remains a mystery. 2. For more than a decade, bird watchers have warned that certain species are becoming scarce. 3. Early in the eighteenth century, Halley accurately predicted when the comet of 1682. 4. No single factor explains why aging has an affect vary so greatly among individuals. 5. Lack of clarity about who will lead the party in the coming year will be removed at the party’s convention. 6. We do not know whether the bow drill was first developed for woodworking or fire making. 7. Minute Man National Historical Park is a monument to where the beginning of the Revolutionary War. 8. Test on the colors of cars were conducted at the University of California to determine which the safest colors for cars. 9. The National Institute of Dental Research estimates that school children in fluoridated areas have about 25 percent less tooth decay than children elsewhere. 10. The process of photosynthesis explain how green plants are able to use the energy in sunlight to manufacture foods from the simple chemicals in air and water.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skill 1-8): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. Air near the equator has a faster west-to-east motion than air farther from the equator. 2. About 4000 B.C., humans discovered that metals could be obtained from special rocks called ores. 3. DNA degrades quickly after an animal dies.

4. Improvement aerodynamic design has contributed a major part in reancing resistance to motion. 5. The southern part of Florida is much warmer in the winter than the northern part, so more flocking tourists to the south. 6. The Moon’s gravity pull’s water on the near side of the Earth toward the Moon, and this is what causing tides to occur. 7. They were glaciers , they pick up fragments of rock which become frozen into the base of the ice. 8. The tape measure first evolved from the chains measure used by the Egyptians. 9. A typical Atlantic hurricane starts as a low pressure system near Africa coasts . 10. It is not clear whether the subdivisions of the neocortex are individual units.

EXERCISE 9 : Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. I did not believe the story that he told me. I 2. Ms. Brown, whom did you recommend for the job, will start work tomorrow. I 3. The lecture notes which lent me were not clearly written. C 4. Sally has an appointment with the hairdresser whom you recommended. C 5. The phone number that you gave me. I 6. She is able to solve all the problems which did she cause. C 7. The day that she spent on the beach left her sunburned. C 8. Next week I am going to visit my cousins, whom have not seen in several years. I 9. Did you forget the promise whom you made? C 10. The teacher whom the students like the most is their history teacher.

EXERCISE 10 : Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The children that were vaccinated did not get sick. I 2. I did not vote for the politician who he just won the election. I 3. The dog that barking belongs to my neighbor. C 4. I took two of the blue pills, which were very effective. C 5. We rented an apartment from the landlord who does he own the buildings on Maple Street. I 6. She forgot to attend the meeting which it began at 11:00. C 7. Any student who does not turn in the paper by Friday will fail the class. C 8. The people which came in late had to sit at the back. I 9. The courses that satisfy the graduation requirements they are difficult. C 10. After dinner she went to visit her parents, who were living down the street.

EXERCISE (Skills 9-10): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. My sisters prefer to eat food that have cooked themselves. C 2. The boat the hit the underwater rock sank. C 3. The car which he was driving could not possibly be his. I 4. The children built a house in the tree that in the backyard. I 5. The cost of the trip which we wanted to take. C 6. The children are playing with the toys which their mother told them to put away. C 7. The guest who were seated around the dinner table. C 8. The students have to read all the chapters which are on the test.

I 9. I really do not like the artist which you like. C 10. The stone that they were set in the ring were quite valuable.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 9-10): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. Modern humans, who first appeared about 600,000 years ago, were called Homosapiens. 2. The first writing that we have evidence of is on Mesopotamian clay tables. 3. Succulents are drought resistant plants which store water in fleshly tissue. 4. Benjamin Kabelsky, whom most people know as Jack Benny, was a famous comedian in vaudeville and radio and television. 5. Dinosaurs that hunted other animals tender to have very narrow, sharp, curved claws. 6. The first eyeglasses had convex lenses for the aged who had become farsighted. 7. Chimney Rock, which stands 500 feet above the North Platte River, has croded considerably in the last two centuries. 8. The hormones change that accompany recurring bouts of severe depression reduce bone density. 9. Willa Cather is an author whom praisings for her evocative and memorable vision of frontier prairie life. 10. Mars’s tiny moon Phobos is a small mountain of rock that was probably captured from the asteroid belt by Mars’s gravitational pull.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-10): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. Annapolis is famous the home of the United State Naval Academy. 2. Some scientists think that Pluto might not be a planet but a moon of Neptune. 3. With the appearance of sophisticated oil lamps, elaborate tools were made to cut the wicks.

4. Fort Union was the site of what was the principal fur trading post on the upper Missouri River. 5. Since the face of the movie commercial risk, it has to appeal to a large audience to justify its cost. 6. A current of water known as the Gulf Stream comes up from the Gulf of Mexico, and then it crosses the North Atlantic toward Europe. 7. Systems using the two symbols 0 and I are called binary numbers systems. 8. Genes, which are the blueprints for cell construction, exist in tightly organized packages called chromosomes. 9. The Earth’s atmosphere consists of gases held in place around the Earth by the gravitational pull of the planet. 10. Oscar Hammerstein II collaborated with a number of composers including Jerome Kern, whom he joined in writing the musical Shown Boath.

EXERCISE 4 Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. D

5. TheA waters of theB Chattahoochee RiverC fillsD Lake Lanier.

B 6.The first set of false teethA similar to those in use today itB wasC madeD in France in the 1780s. B 7. The term “Yankee” wasA originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone from the United States areB referredC to asD a Yankee. A 8. A network of small arteries, mostly sandwichedA between the skin and the underlyingB muscles, supplyC bloodD to the face and scalp. C

9. Mesquite isA a smallB tree in the Southwest whoC can withstandD the severest drought.

D 10. At the endA of the Revolution, most of the army units of the young nation wasB almost entirely disbandedC, leavingD a total national military force of eighty men in 1784. EXERCISE 14: Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the word that indicates that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I

1. The pastries in that shop are very expensive but quite deliciously.

C jar.

2. You can find some change to buy a paper in the drawer, on top of the dresser, or in the


3. The living room was decorated with expensive paintings and elegance lamps.

C 4.He knew that the financial problems were serious, that the situation was not going to improve, and that he needed to get a job. C 5. All day long during the trip to the mountain, they were skiing, sledding, or played in the snow. C

6. The car needs new tires but not a new engine.


7. He stops working when he gets too tired to continue or when he has finished.

C 8. To get to the office, you should go through this door, turn to the left, and continuation down the hall. C

9. For dessert we could serve lemon pie, fruit tarts, chocolate cake, or butter cookies.


10. The sick child needs some medicine, some juice, and to rest.

EXERCISE 15: Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the words that indicate that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I

1. He either lied or telling an unbelievable story.


2. The music at the concert was neither well played nor well liked.


3. He regularly studies both in the morning or in the evening.

C 4. The play that we saw last night was not only rather delightful but also quite meaningful. C

5. He married her neither for her ability to cook nor her ability to clean house.


6. The discussion was both exciting and interest.

C 7. He withdrew all the money not only from the checking account but also from the savings account.


8. Neither the teacher or the students are ready to leave the classroom.


9. You can meet with me either in the next few minutes or at 4:00.

I 10. John is an adventurous person who enjoys not only skydiving but also goes parasailing. EXERCISE (Skills 14-15): Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the word that indicates that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). C

1. The advertisements appeared in the newspaper and on the radio.


2. She is trained as both an accountant and in nursing.


3. We can take either my car or yours to the party.


4. The coffee is too hot, too bitter, and too strength.


5. He not only passed the test but also receiving the highest score in the class.


6. Your ideas are neither more important or less important than the ideas of the others.


7. The meeting lasted only an hour but still seeming too long.


8. The novel was both emotional and description.


9. Either the counselor or her secretary can help you with that problem.

C 10. The leaves from the tree fell in the yard, in the pool, the driveway, and on the sidewalk. TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 14-15): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. C

1. Ballpoint pens areA less versatile butB more populationC than fountain pensD.


2. Riddles varyA greatlyB in both grammatical and phonologyC formD.


3. Blood pressure is measuredA by feeling the pulse and applyB a forceC to the armD.


4. The Moon hasA no atmosphere, no airB, andC no wateryD.


5. The first matchesA wereB too hard to ignite, a messC, or too dangerouslyD easy to ignite.

B 6. A 1971 U.S. governmentA policy not only put warnings on cigarette packsB but also banningC television advertisingD of cigarettes. B 7. DemandA, beauty, durability, rareB, and perfection of cutting determineC the valueD of a gemstone. D 8. The Harvard Yard, whichA was Harvard’s originalB campus, is still a majorC attraction for both students and visitingD. D 9. InA 1862, the American Confederacy raisedB the Merrimack, renamed it Virginia, covered it with iron platesC, and an outfitD it with ten guns. D 10. The liquid crystals in a liquid crystal displayA (LCD) affectB the polarizedC light so that it is either blocked andD reflected by the segments of the display. TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-15): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that best completes the sentence. 1.

Most cells in multicelled organisms perform specialized functions.

(A) specialize (B) specialized (C) they specialize (D) specialization 2. The big island of Hawaii, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, was created by five volcanoes. (A) creation (B) it was created (C) creating (D) was created

3. The Sun uses up over four million tons of hydrogen per second, but it still has enough hydrogen to last for the next five billion years. (A) it does not (B) it (C) but it (D) to it 4. For Katherine L. Bates, who reached the top of Pikes Peak in 1893, the view provided the inspiration for her hymn “ America the Beautiful”. (A) reached (B) she reached (C) reaching (D) she was reaching Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. C

5. Coal, petroleum, andA natural gaseousB are allC fossil fuelsD.

C Sun.

6. The mass of neutron starsA generally rangeB from one-tenth to twiceC the massD of the


7. Grasses growA in waysB that help them to surviveC being nibbled, chillyD, or dried.

A 8. Most of Hemingway’s novels glorifiesA heroic exploitsB such as bullfightingC or boxingD. D 9. Paleographers studyA ancient and medievalB handwriting in order to establishC not only its age andD also its background. C 10. The sounds producedA by bullfrogs and toads varyB greatly because each species haveC its own particular callD. EXERCISE 16: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with have. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).


1. We have already hearing the good news.


2. She has ridden her bicycle to school every day.


3. I have always believe you.


4. He has find the missing car keys.


5. They have put their money in a savings account.


6. Their parents have allowed them to stay up late.


7. She has never ran away from home before.


8. Have you ever saw a ghost?


9. They have taken three tests already this weeks.


10. He has offer me a high-paying job.

EXERCISE 17: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with be. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I

1. She was study the textbooks all night long.


2. The pie was cut into six equal pieces.


3. Today the teacher is allow the students to leave class a few minutes early.


4. The class is teach every other semester.


5. Tom is bringing some drinks to the party.


6. The sick child was taken to see a doctor.


7. The children are swim in the backyard pool.


8. The diamond jewelry is always keep in a safe place.


9. The teacher is preparing a difficult exam for the students.


10. Dinner is served from 6:00 to 8:00.

EXERCISE 18: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with a modal. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). C

1. You should try to respond politely.


2. Everyone must leaves the room immediately.


3. I could sat on the beach for hours.


4. She will asking you many difficult questions.


5. You can look at the book, but you cannot borrow it.


6. He may lies to you because he is not very truthful.


7. He knew that he would forgot the phone number.


8. The weatherman said that it might snowing tonight.


9. Perhaps we could bought a new car this year.


10. This course will satisfy the graduation requirement.

EXERCISE (Skills 16-18): Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with several parts. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I

1. We have became good friends in the last year.


2. Your name will be list in the new directory.


3. The new movie is receive good reviews.


4. She must have feel sorry about her bad behavior.


5. They have always given their family many presents.


6. We may be taking a vacation next week.


7. We could have taking a vacation last week.


8. The package might had been deliver by an express mail service.


9. I have not wrote very many letters to my friends.


10. The car should not have be drive anymore yesterday

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 16-18): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. D

1. By the 1920s, manyA radio transmittersB hadC been buildD.


2. FishA farmingB has roseC in the United States in recentD years.

D 3. In areasA of volcanic activity, beach sandB may containsC dark minerals and littleD quartz. A 4. Cro-Magnon man was namesA after the cavesB in southwest France where the first remainsC were discoveredD. D 5. Lassie, the famous collie who madeA her first screenB appearance in 1943, has always beC playedD by a male dog. D 6. A blue bigwig lizard stakesA out a territoryB and will defendingC females within it against courtingD males. A 7. President George Washington was inauguratesA on the stepsB of theC Federal BuildingD in New York City. A 8. ByA 1627, Plymouth had becameB a viable and growingC community of fifty families, twenty-two goats, fifteen cows, and more thanD fifty pigs. D 9. Tobacco wasA the crop on which the eminenceB of Williamsburg and the prosperityC of Virginia were baseD. A 10. Because there may beA scores of genes in each suspect DNA region, scientists must identifyingB and sequenceC the actual genes contributingD to type I diabetes. TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-18): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that best completes the sentence. 1.

The Pacific Ocean has the deepest valleys and canyons on the Earth.

(A) In the Pacific Ocean with (B) In the Pacific Ocean

(C) The Pacific Ocean (D) The Pacific Ocean has 2. In the United States, the participation of females in the labor force jumped from 37 percent in 1965 to 51 percent in 1980. (A) it jumped (B) jump (C) jumping (D) jumped 3. Some composers, such as Richard Wagner, have felt that arias interrupt the action of the opera too much and have written operas without them. (A) arias interrupt (B) interrupt arias (C) the interruption of arias (D) areas of interruption Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. B

4. Water storedA behind a damB can usedC to driveD turbines.


5. Our universe may continueA to expandB as it getsC colder, emptyD, and deader.


6. Every formA of matter in the world areB made upC of atomsD.


7. The lensA and cornea are supplyB with nutrientsC and oxygen by the aqueousD fluid.

D 8. Dodge City, laid out in 1872, owedA both its prosperity and its famousB to the buffalo in itsC early yearsD. C 9. The amount of the two kindsA of cholesterol in the blood haveB been shownC to have an effectD on the risk of hearth attack.

B 10. By the time Noah Webster reachedA hisB mid-twenties, he had already publishC an elementaryD speller. EXERCISE 19: Each of the following sentences contains at least one key word to tell you if a noun should be singular or plural. Circle the key words. Draw arrows to the nouns they describe. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I

1. She talked to each people in the room.


2. There is not a single bit of food in the refrigerator.


3. You need two piece of identification to cash a check.

EXERCISE 11: Each of the following sentences has one or more prepositional phrases between the subject and verb. Put parentheses around the prepositional phrases. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The subject (of the lectures) was quite interesting. I 2. The supplies (for the camping trip) needs to be packed. I 3. The chairs (under the table) (in the dinning room) is quite comfortable. C 4. The players (on the winning team) (in the competition) put forth a lot of effort. I 5. The food (for the guests) (at the party) are on the long tables. C 6. The cost (of the clothes) was higher than I had expected. C 7. The rugs (in the front rooms) (of the house) are going to be washed today. I 8. The waiters and waitresses (in this restaurant) always servers the food efficiently. C 9. The lights (in the corner) (of the room) need to be kept on all night. C 10. The meeting (of the members) (of the council) begins at 3:00 in the afternoon.

EXERCISE 12: Each of the following sentences has a quantity expression as the subject. Underline the subject once and the verbs twice. Circle the object that the verbs agree with. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. Half of the students in the class arrive early

I 2. Some of the fruit are rotten. C 3. All of the next chapter contains very important information. I 4. Most of the people in the room is paying attention. C 5. Part of the soup is left on the stove. I 6. Some of the movie were just too violent for me. I 7. All of the details in the report needs to be checked. C 8. Most of the money is needed to pay the bills. C 9. The first half of the class consists of lecture and note-taking. I 10. Some of the questions on the test was impossible to answer.

EXERCISE 13: Each of the following sentences contains one of the words that are grammatically singular but have a plural meaning. Underline the words once and underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). I 1. Anybody are welcome at the party. C 2. No one here is afraid of skydiving. C 3. Everyone in the word needs love and respect. I 4. Someone have to clean up the house. I 5. Each plant in the garden appear healthy and strong. C 6. You should understand that anything is possible. I 7. Everything in the salad are good for you. I 8. Nobody in the class have completed the assignment on time. I 9. I am sure that every detail have been considered. I 10. Everybody know the rules, but somebody is not following them.

EXERCISE (Skills 11-13): Each of the following sentences may have a problem with subject/verb agreement. Underline the subject once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The receptionist (in the entryway) (to the offices) is able to answer your questions. C 2. All of the information in the documents are important. C 3. Anyone in one of the classes has to take the final exam. I 4. The coordinator (of community services) are arranging the program. I 5. Most of the car are covered with mud. C 6. Nothing more is going to be completed today. I 7. The drinks (in the pitchers) (on the table) (in the ballroom) is for everyone. I 8. Everybody were told to be here at 8:00, but somebody is not here. C 9. Some of the meetings at the conference are limited to ten participants. C 10. The sauce (on the vegetable) (in the yellow bowl) taste really delicious.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 11-13): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. A 1. Nobody knowA when the processB of glass-making wasC inventedD. D 2. Sugars likeA glucose isB madeC up ofD carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. A 3. Part of the electricity usedA in the United State todayB comeC from hydroelectric sourcesD. A 4. The languages of the world presentsA a vast arrayB of structural similaritiesC and differencesD. D 5. The rise of multinationals haveA resultedB in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals canC operateD in so many jurisdictions. A 6. All of the east-west interstate highways in the United State hasA even numberB, while northsouth interstate highway areC odd-numberD. C 7. WhenA a massive star in the large Magellanic Cloud explodedB in 1987, a waveof neutrinos wereC detectedD on Earth.

B 8. Some of the agricultural practicesA usedB today isC responsible for fosteringD desertification. C 9. Every open space in the targetedA area that hasB grass and a few bushes areC occupiedD by the white-crowned sparrow. C 10. Krakatoa is rememberedA as the volcano that putB so much as into the air that sunsets around the world was effectedC for two years afterwardD.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-13): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that best completes the sentence. 1.

Pictograms constitute the earliest system of writing.

(A) The constitution of pictograms. (B) Pictograms in the constitution. (C) Constitute the pictograms. (D) Pictograms constitute. 2.

At temperatures approaching absolute zero, substances possess minimal energy.

(A) approach (B) approaches (C) approaching (D) they approach 3. The Earth’s one-year revolution around the Sun changes how sunlight falls on one hemisphere or the other. (A) falling sunlight (B) the fall of sunlight (C) sunlight in the fall (D) sunlight falls 4. Though sporadic interest in regional dialects has existed for centuries, the first large-scale systematic studies did not take place until the nineteenth century.

(A) has existed (B) it existed (C) has it existed (D) existing with it

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. D 5. TheA waters of theB Chattahoochee RiverC fillsD Lake Lanier. B 6.The first set of false teethA similar to those in use today itB wasC madeD in France in the 1780s. B 7. The term “Yankee” wasA originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone from the United States areB referredC to asD a Yankee. A 8. A network of small arteries, mostly sandwichedA between the skin and the underlyingB muscles, supplyC bloodD to the face and scalp. C 9. Mesquite isA a smallB tree in the Southwest whoC can withstandD the severest drought. D 10. At the endA of the Revolution, most of the army units of the young nation wasB almost entirely disbandedC, leavingD a total national military force of eighty men in 1784.

EXERCISE 14: Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the word that indicates that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. The pastries in that shop are very expensive but quite deliciously. C 2. You can find some change to buy a paper in the drawer, on top of the dresser, or in the jar. C 3. The living room was decorated with expensive paintings and elegance lamps. C 4.He knew that the financial problems were serious, that the situation was not going to improve, and that he needed to get a job. C 5. All day long during the trip to the mountain, they were skiing, sledding, or played in the snow.

C 6. The car needs new tires but not a new engine. C 7. He stops working when he gets too tired to continue or when he has finished. C 8. To get to the office, you should go through this door, turn to the left, and continuation down the hall. C 9. For dessert we could serve lemon pie, fruit tarts, chocolate cake, or butter cookies. I 10. The sick child needs some medicine, some juice, and to rest.

EXERCISE 15: Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the words that indicate that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. He either lied or telling an unbelievable story. C 2. The music at the concert was neither well played nor well liked. I 3. He regularly studies both in the morning or in the evening. C 4. The play that we saw last night was not only rather delightful but also quite meaningful. C 5. He married her neither for her ability to cook nor her ability to clean house. I 6. The discussion was both exciting and interest. C 7. He withdrew all the money not only from the checking account but also from the savings account. I 8. Neither the teacher or the students are ready to leave the classroom. I 9. You can meet with me either in the next few minutes or at 4:00. I 10. John is an adventurous person who enjoys not only skydiving but also goes parasailing.

EXERCISE (Skills 14-15): Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the word that indicates that the sentence should have parallel parts.

Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). C 1. The advertisements appeared in the newspaper and on the radio. I 2. She is trained as both an accountant and in nursing. I 3. We can take either my car or yours to the party. C 4. The coffee is too hot, too bitter, and too strength. C 5. He not only passed the test but also receiving the highest score in the class. I 6. Your ideas are neither more important or less important than the ideas of the others. I 7. The meeting lasted only an hour but still seeming too long. C 8. The novel was both emotional and description. C 9. Either the counselor or her secretary can help you with that problem. C 10. The leaves from the tree fell in the yard, in the pool, the driveway, and on the sidewalk.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 14-15): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. C 1. Ballpoint pens areA less versatile butB more populationC than fountain pensD. D 2. Riddles varyA greatlyB in both grammatical and phonologyC formD. B 3. Blood pressure is measuredA by feeling the pulse and applyB a forceC to the armD. D 4. The Moon hasA no atmosphere, no airB, andC no wateryD. C 5. The first matchesA wereB too hard to ignite, a messC, or too dangerouslyD easy to ignite. B 6. A 1971 U.S. governmentA policy not only put warnings on cigarette packsB but also banningC television advertisingD of cigarettes. B 7. DemandA, beauty, durability, rareB, and perfection of cutting determineC the valueD of a gemstone.

D 8. The Harvard Yard, whichA was Harvard’s originalB campus, is still a majorC attraction for both students and visitingD. D 9. InA 1862, the American Confederacy raisedB the Merrimack, renamed it Virginia, covered it with iron platesC, and an outfitD it with ten guns. D 10. The liquid crystals in a liquid crystal displayA (LCD) affectB the polarizedC light so that it is either blocked andD reflected by the segments of the display.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-15): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that best completes the sentence. 1.

Most cells in multicelled organisms perform specialized functions.

(A) specialize (B) specialized (C) they specialize (D) specialization 2. The big island of Hawaii, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, was created by five volcanoes. (A) creation (B) it was created (C) creating (D) was created 3. The Sun uses up over four million tons of hydrogen per second, but it still has enough hydrogen to last for the next five billion years. (A) it does not (B) it (C) but it

(D) to it 4. For Katherine L. Bates, who reached the top of Pikes Peak in 1893, the view provided the inspiration for her hymn “ America the Beautiful”. (A) reached (B) she reached (C) reaching (D) she was reaching

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. C 5. Coal, petroleum, andA natural gaseousB are allC fossil fuelsD. C 6. The mass of neutron starsA generally rangeB from one-tenth to twiceC the massD of the Sun. D 7. Grasses growA in waysB that help them to surviveC being nibbled, chillyD, or dried. A 8. Most of Hemingway’s novels glorifiesA heroic exploitsB such as bullfightingC or boxingD. D 9. Paleographers studyA ancient and medievalB handwriting in order to establishC not only its age andD also its background. C 10. The sounds producedA by bullfrogs and toads varyB greatly because each species haveC its own particular callD.

EXERCISE 16: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with have. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. We have already hearing the good news. C 2. She has ridden her bicycle to school every day. I 3. I have always believe you. I 4. He has find the missing car keys.

C 5. They have put their money in a savings account. C 6. Their parents have allowed them to stay up late. I 7. She has never ran away from home before. I 8. Have you ever saw a ghost? C 9. They have taken three tests already this weeks. I 10. He has offer me a high-paying job.

EXERCISE 17: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with be. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. She was study the textbooks all night long. C 2. The pie was cut into six equal pieces. I 3. Today the teacher is allow the students to leave class a few minutes early. I 4. The class is teach every other semester. I 5. Tom is bringing some drinks to the party. C 6. The sick child was taken to see a doctor. I 7. The children are swim in the backyard pool. I 8. The diamond jewelry is always keep in a safe place. I 9. The teacher is preparing a difficult exam for the students. C 10. Dinner is served from 6:00 to 8:00.

EXERCISE 18: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with a modal. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

C 1. You should try to respond politely. I 2. Everyone must leaves the room immediately. I 3. I could sat on the beach for hours. I 4. She will asking you many difficult questions. C 5. You can look at the book, but you cannot borrow it. I 6. He may lies to you because he is not very truthful. I 7. He knew that he would forgot the phone number. I 8. The weatherman said that it might snowing tonight. I 9. Perhaps we could bought a new car this year. C 10. This course will satisfy the graduation requirement.

EXERCISE (Skills 16-18): Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with several parts. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. We have became good friends in the last year. I 2. Your name will be list in the new directory. I 3. The new movie is receive good reviews. I 4. She must have feel sorry about her bad behavior. C 5. They have always given their family many presents. C 6. We may be taking a vacation next week. I 7. We could have taking a vacation last week. I 8. The package might had been deliver by an express mail service. I 9. I have not wrote very many letters to my friends. I 10. The car should not have be drive anymore yesterday

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 16-18): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. D 1. By the 1920s, manyA radio transmittersB hadC been buildD. C 2. FishA farmingB has roseC in the United States in recentD years. D 3. In areasA of volcanic activity, beach sandB may containsC dark minerals and littleD quartz. A 4. Cro-Magnon man was namesA after the cavesB in southwest France where the first remainsC were discoveredD. D 5. Lassie, the famous collie who madeA her first screenB appearance in 1943, has always beC playedD by a male dog. D 6. A blue bigwig lizard stakesA out a territoryB and will defendingC females within it against courtingD males. A 7. President George Washington was inauguratesA on the stepsB of theC Federal BuildingD in New York City. A 8. ByA 1627, Plymouth had becameB a viable and growingC community of fifty families, twenty-two goats, fifteen cows, and more thanD fifty pigs. D 9. Tobacco wasA the crop on which the eminenceB of Williamsburg and the prosperityC of Virginia were baseD. A 10. Because there may beA scores of genes in each suspect DNA region, scientists must identifyingB and sequenceC the actual genes contributingD to type I diabetes.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-18): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that best completes the sentence. 1.

The Pacific Ocean has the deepest valleys and canyons on the Earth.

(A) In the Pacific Ocean with (B) In the Pacific Ocean (C) The Pacific Ocean

(D) The Pacific Ocean has 2. In the United States, the participation of females in the labor force jumped from 37 percent in 1965 to 51 percent in 1980. (A) it jumped (B) jump (C) jumping (D) jumped 3. Some composers, such as Richard Wagner, have felt that arias interrupt the action of the opera too much and have written operas without them. (A) arias interrupt (B) interrupt arias (C) the interruption of arias (D) areas of interruption

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. B 4. Water storedA behind a damB can usedC to driveD turbines. A 5. Our universe may continueA to expandB as it getsC colder, emptyD, and deader. B 6. Every formA of matter in the world areB made upC of atomsD. B 7. The lensA and cornea are supplyB with nutrientsC and oxygen by the aqueousD fluid. D 8. Dodge City, laid out in 1872, owedA both its prosperity and its famousB to the buffalo in itsC early yearsD. C 9. The amount of the two kindsA of cholesterol in the blood haveB been shownC to have an effectD on the risk of hearth attack. B 10. By the time Noah Webster reachedA hisB mid-twenties, he had already publishC an elementaryD speller.

EXERCISE 19: Each of the following sentences contains at least one key word to tell you if a noun should be singular or plural. Circle the key words. Draw arrows to the nouns they describe. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. She talked to each people in the room. C 2. There is not a single bit of food in the refrigerator. I 3. You need two piece of identification to cash a check. EXERCISE 1: Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. My best friend always helpful with problems. C 2. The bus schedule has changed since last week. I 3. Accidentally dropped the glass on the floor. C 4. The customer paying the clerk for the clothes. C 5. The professor handed the syllabus to the students. I 6. Each day practiced the piano for hours. C 7. The basketball player tossed the ball into the hoop. I 8. The new student in the class very talkative and friendly. I 9. Walking with the children to school. C 10. The whales headed south for the winter.

EXERCISE 2: Each of the following sentences contains one or more prepositional phrases. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the prepositional phrases that come before the verb. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The name of the baby in the crib is Jack. I 2. By the next meeting of the class need to turn in the papers. I 3. The directions to the exercise on page twenty unclear.

C 4. Because of the heavy rain throughout the night, the walkways are muddy. I 5. During the week cat lunch in the school cafeteria . I 6. In the morning after the correct was tired. C 7. In the summer the trip to the mountain is our favorite trip. I 8. In a box on the top shelf of the cabinet in the hallway of the house. I 9. With her purse in her hand ran through the door. C 10. At 1:00 in the morning the alarm clock on the table beside the bed rang.

EXERCISE (Skills 1-2): Underline the subjects once and the vebrs twice. Circle the propositional phrases that come before the verb. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). I 1. During the meeting in the office discussed the schedule. I 2. The doctor gave the patient a prescription. I 3. The tall evergreen tress along the road. C 4. The watch in the jewelry box needs a new battery. I 5. Pleasantly greets everyone in all the offices every morning. I 6. In the office of the building across the street from the park on the corner. C 7. The dishes in the sink really need to be washed as soon as possible. I 8. In a moment of worry about the problem with the cash in the account. C 9. The plane from New York circling the airport. C 10. On a regular basis the plants is the boxes under the window in the kitchen are watered and fed.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 1-2): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completers the sentence.

1. Mark Twain called the years after the Civil War the “Gilded Age.” 2. Early horses had toes instead of hooves on their feet. 3. Tundra plants grow close to the ground in the short Arctic summer. 4. In 1867, the United State purchase Alaska from the Russian for $7.2 million. 5. Between 1725 and 1750, New England witnessed an increase in the specialization of occupations . 6. The large carotid artery carrying bloods to she main parts of the brain. 7. Marconi development radio as the first practical system of wireless telegraphy. 8. In 1975, the first successful space probe to Venus was beginning to send information back to Earth. 9. The two biggest resort in Arkansas are Hot Springs and Eureka Springs. 10. NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center was the control center for the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo Space flights.

EXERCISE 3: Each of the following sentence contains one or more present participles. Underline the subjects once and the verb twice. Circle the present participles and label them as adjectives or verbs. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The crying baby needs to be picked up. I 2. The clothes are lying on the floor should go into the washing machine. C 3. The waitress bringing the steaming soup to the waiting diners. C 4. Most of the striking workers are walking the picket line. C 5. For her birthday, the child is getting a talking doll. C 6. The setting sun creating a rainbow of colors in the sky. I 7. The ship is sailing to Mexico is leaving tonight. C 8. The letters needing immediate answers are on the desk. I 9. The boring class just ending a few minutes ago.

C 10. The vast-moving clouds are bringing freezing rain to the area.

EXERCISE 4: Each of the following sentences contains one or more past participles. Underline the subject once and the verbs twice. Circles the past participles and label them as adjectives or verbs. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). I 1. The food is served in this restaurant is delicious. C 2. The plane landed on the deserted runway. C 3. The unexpected guests arrived just at dinnertime. I 4. The courses are listed in the catalogue are required courses. I 5. The teacher found the lost exam. I 6. The small apartment very crowded and disorganized. I 7. The photographs developed yesterday shoed Sam and his friends. C 8. The locked drawer contained the unworn jewels. I 9. The tree was blown over in the storm was cut into logs. C 10. The students registered in this course are listed on that sheet of paper.

EXERCISE (Skills 3-4): Each of the following sentences contains one or more participles. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the participles and label them as adjective or verbs. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. Our hosts are serving drinks on the tiled patio. C 2. The tired woman taking a much-needed nap. C 3. The letters were sent on Monday arrived on Wednesday. C 4. The winners deserved the big prize. I 5. The plants are growing in the garden need a loot of water. I 6. The shining stars lit up the darkened sky.

I 7. The driver rapidly increased the speed of the racing car. C 8. the excited children trying to build a snowman in the falling snow. I 9. The students are completing the course will graduate in June. C 10. The dissatisfied customer is returning the broken toaster to the store.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 3-4): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. The first plants flowers appeared during the last period of the dinosaurs’ reign. 2. The earliest medicines were obtained from plants of various sorts. 3. Simple sails were made from canvas stretched aver a frame. 4. Pluto’s moon Charon is moving in a slightly elliptical path around the planet. 5. Techniques of breath control from an essential part of any training program to improve the voice. 6. Robert E. Lee surrendered the Confederate Army to General Grant in 1865 at the Appomattox Courthouse. 7. The pituitary gland, found below the brain releases hormones to control other glands. 8. At around two years of age, many children regularly produce sentences containing Three or four words. 9. Multinational companies are finding it increasingly important to employ internationally acceptable brand names. 10. The cornea is located under the conjunctiva, on the exposed part of the eye.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. The Polynesians first settled the Hawaiian Island between A.D. 300 and 750.

2. In 1066, a bright comet was appearing in the sky attracted much attention. 3. In some daguerreotype cameras, The object was viewed through a hole in the back of the box the object 4. In the Stone Age, stone tools were polished with other rock materials. 5. The first steamship to cross the Atlantic was the Savannah, in 1819. 6. The Earth’s planets meet each other at cracks in the Earth called faults. 7. The first plant-like organisms probably lived in the sea, perhaps three billion years ago. 8. In male pattern baldness, heredity has strongly influences the degree of hair loss. 9. In Watch the Skies, Curtis Peebles making a fascinating Attempt to explain America’s belief in flying saucers. 10. The irregular coastline of Massachusetts is a succession of bays and inlets, with the book of the Cape Cod peninsula in the southeast.

EXERCISE 5: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The lawn needs water every day, or it will turn brown. I 2. The book was not long, but it difficult to read. I 3. It was raining, so decided not to go camping. C 4. The material has been cut, and the pieces have been sewn together. I 5. The patient took all the medicine, he did not feel much better. C 6. The bill must be paid immediately, or the electricity will turned off. C 7. The furnace broke so the house got quite cold. C 8. The dress did not cost to much, but the quality it seemed excellent. C 9. The leaves kept falling off the trees, and the boys kept raking them up, but the yard was still covered.

C 10. The postman has already delivered the mail, so the letter is not going to arrive today, it probably will arrive tomorrow.

EXERCISE 6: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. After the plane circle the airport, it landed on the main runway. I 2. The registration process took many hours since the lines so long. I 3. This type of medicine can be helpful, it can also have some bad side effects. C 4. The waves were amazingly high when the storm hit the coastal town. I 5. We need to get a new car whether is on sale or not. C 6. Just as the bread came out of the oven, while a wonderful aroma filled the kitchen. C 7. Everyone has spent time unpacking boxes since the family moved into the new house. C 8. Although the area is a desert many plants bloom there in the springtime. I 9. The drivers on the freeway drove slowly and carefully while the rain was falling heavily because they did not want to have an accident. I 10. If you plan carefully before you take a trip, will have a much better time because the small details will not cause problems.

EXERCISE (Skill 5-6): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). I 1. The lawyer presented a strong case, but the client was still found guilty. I 2. After the children read some stories before they went to bed. I 3. The report needed to be completed, the workers stayed late every night for a week. C 4. If you do not turn on the light, you will trip in the dark.

I 5. A thick fog come rolling in, so plans unable to land. C 6. All of the shoes are on sale until the current stock in gone. C 7. The ship leaving the dock even though some passengers were not or board. C 8. The outline must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due, and must approve it. I 9. Because the food was cold when it was served the dinners sent it back to the kitchen. C 10. You should slow down while you are driving, or the police will pull your car over.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skill 5-6): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. A spacecraft is freed from friction after it is Launched into space. 2. Lobsters blend with their surroundings, or they hide in crevices for protection. 3. While the shoulder is a ball and socket joint, the elbow is a simple hinge joint. 4. A car has several sections with moving parts, and good lubrication of those parts is essential. 5. Bears cannot see well because they have small eyes. 6. A land bridge existed at the Isthmus of Panama, so animals were able to migrate between North and South America. 7. Although the Empire State Building is mostly made of granite, it also contains some human made materials. 8. Pressure differences make the eardrum vibrate as sound waves enter the car. 9. An optical microscope magnifies as much as 2,000 times, but an electron microscope can magnify as much as a million times. 10. If scientific estimates are accurate, the Canon Diablo meteorite collided with the Earth about 20.000 years ago.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skill 1-6) : Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. The economic activity of the Pueblo Indians centered on intensive agriculture. 2. In popular terminology, any long snowstorm with a large amount of wind is called a blizzard. 3. Nuclear power can be produced by fusion, and it can also be produced by fission. 4. If the temperature , igneous rocks may be changed into gneisses. 5. In 1905, Henry Flagfer announced his plans to extend his Florida East Coast Railway out across the sea to Key West. 6. The sound is coming from a vibrating object will be high or low depending on the number of vibrations. 7. During the late 1880s, urban streetcars were electrified through the use of large motors. 8. Although Biscayne National Park encompasses almost 274 square miles, but 96 percent of the park is under water. 9. Legislation was passed in 1916 and 1917 gave the Wilson administration authority to intervene in the national economy if it proved necessary. 10. Because a family of birds set up housekeeping in Joel Chandler Harri’s mailbox when the birds were in need of a place to stay, so the home was named the Wren’s Nest.

EXERCISE 7: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. It is unfortunate that the meal is not ready yet. I 2. She told me when should pick her up. I 3. The instructor explained where was the computer lab located. C 4. We could not believe what he did to us. I 5. Do you want to know if it going to rain tomorrow. C 6. We never know whether we will get paid or not.

I 7. This evening you can decided what do you want to do. I 8. The manager explained how wanted the work done. C 9. The map showed where the party would be held. I 10. Can you tell me why was the mail not delivered today?

EXERCISE 8: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The teacher heard who answered the question. I 2. I do not understand what it went wrong. I 3. Of the three movies, I can’t decided which is the best. I 4. She did not remember who in her class. C 5. No one is sure what did it happen in front of the building. C 6. We found out which was her favorite type of candy. I 7. Do you know what caused the plants to die? I 8. I am not sure which it is the most important course in the program. C 9. We thought about who would be the best vice president. I 10. She saw what in the box in the closet.

EXERCISE (Skill 7-8): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). I 1. It doubtful whether he will pass the test or not. I 2. The group discusses who he should receive the prize. I 3. It is not certain why the class was canceled.

I 4. I will do what does it need to be done. C 5. We forgot when did the movie start. C 6. I would like to ask if you could come over for dinner this weekend. I 7. The children knew which the best game to plan. C 8. The advisor informed her that needed to add another class. C 9. He saw who took the money. I 10. It is unclear how the window got broken.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skill 7-8): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. Today the true story of what happened at Little Bignorn remains a mystery. 2. For more than a decade, bird watchers have warned that certain species are becoming scarce. 3. Early in the eighteenth century, Halley accurately predicted when the comet of 1682. 4. No single factor explains why aging has an affect vary so greatly among individuals. 5. Lack of clarity about who will lead the party in the coming year will be removed at the party’s convention. 6. We do not know whether the bow drill was first developed for woodworking or fire making. 7. Minute Man National Historical Park is a monument to where the beginning of the Revolutionary War. 8. Test on the colors of cars were conducted at the University of California to determine which the safest colors for cars. 9. The National Institute of Dental Research estimates that school children in fluoridated areas have about 25 percent less tooth decay than children elsewhere.

10. The process of photosynthesis explain how green plants are able to use the energy in sunlight to manufacture foods from the simple chemicals in air and water.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skill 1-8): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. Air near the equator has a faster west-to-east motion than air farther from the equator. 2. About 4000 B.C., humans discovered that metals could be obtained from special rocks called ores. 3. DNA degrades quickly after an animal dies. 4. Improvement aerodynamic design has contributed a major part in reancing resistance to motion. 5. The southern part of Florida is much warmer in the winter than the northern part, so more flocking tourists to the south. 6. The Moon’s gravity pull’s water on the near side of the Earth toward the Moon, and this is what causing tides to occur. 7. They were glaciers , they pick up fragments of rock which become frozen into the base of the ice. 8. The tape measure first evolved from the chains measure used by the Egyptians. 9. A typical Atlantic hurricane starts as a low pressure system near Africa coasts . 10. It is not clear whether the subdivisions of the neocortex are individual units.

EXERCISE 9 : Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. I did not believe the story that he told me. I 2. Ms. Brown, whom did you recommend for the job, will start work tomorrow. I 3. The lecture notes which lent me were not clearly written. C 4. Sally has an appointment with the hairdresser whom you recommended.

C 5. The phone number that you gave me. I 6. She is able to solve all the problems which did she cause. C 7. The day that she spent on the beach left her sunburned. C 8. Next week I am going to visit my cousins, whom have not seen in several years. I 9. Did you forget the promise whom you made? C 10. The teacher whom the students like the most is their history teacher.

EXERCISE 10 : Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. The children that were vaccinated did not get sick. I 2. I did not vote for the politician who he just won the election. I 3. The dog that barking belongs to my neighbor. C 4. I took two of the blue pills, which were very effective. C 5. We rented an apartment from the landlord who does he own the buildings on Maple Street. I 6. She forgot to attend the meeting which it began at 11:00. C 7. Any student who does not turn in the paper by Friday will fail the class. C 8. The people which came in late had to sit at the back. I 9. The courses that satisfy the graduation requirements they are difficult. C 10. After dinner she went to visit her parents, who were living down the street.

EXERCISE (Skills 9-10): Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I). C 1. My sisters prefer to eat food that have cooked themselves.

C 2. The boat the hit the underwater rock sank. C 3. The car which he was driving could not possibly be his. I 4. The children built a house in the tree that in the backyard. I 5. The cost of the trip which we wanted to take. C 6. The children are playing with the toys which their mother told them to put away. C 7. The guest who were seated around the dinner table. C 8. The students have to read all the chapters which are on the test. I 9. I really do not like the artist which you like. C 10. The stone that they were set in the ring were quite valuable.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 9-10): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. Modern humans, who first appeared about 600,000 years ago, were called Homosapiens. 2. The first writing that we have evidence of is on Mesopotamian clay tables. 3. Succulents are drought resistant plants which store water in fleshly tissue. 4. Benjamin Kabelsky, whom most people know as Jack Benny, was a famous comedian in vaudeville and radio and television. 5. Dinosaurs that hunted other animals tender to have very narrow, sharp, curved claws. 6. The first eyeglasses had convex lenses for the aged who had become farsighted. 7. Chimney Rock, which stands 500 feet above the North Platte River, has croded considerably in the last two centuries. 8. The hormones change that accompany recurring bouts of severe depression reduce bone density. 9. Willa Cather is an author whom praisings for her evocative and memorable vision of frontier prairie life.

10. Mars’s tiny moon Phobos is a small mountain of rock that was probably captured from the asteroid belt by Mars’s gravitational pull.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-10): Choose the letter of the word groups of words that best completes the sentence. 1. Annapolis is famous the home of the United State Naval Academy. 2. Some scientists think that Pluto might not be a planet but a moon of Neptune. 3. With the appearance of sophisticated oil lamps, elaborate tools were made to cut the wicks. 4. Fort Union was the site of what was the principal fur trading post on the upper Missouri River. 5. Since the face of the movie commercial risk, it has to appeal to a large audience to justify its cost. 6. A current of water known as the Gulf Stream comes up from the Gulf of Mexico, and then it crosses the North Atlantic toward Europe. 7. Systems using the two symbols 0 and I are called binary numbers systems. 8. Genes, which are the blueprints for cell construction, exist in tightly organized packages called chromosomes. 9. The Earth’s atmosphere consists of gases held in place around the Earth by the gravitational pull of the planet. 10. Oscar Hammerstein II collaborated with a number of composers including Jerome Kern, whom he joined in writing the musical Shown Boath. 11.In just 20 minutes after a person smoked his last cigarette, their bodies start to experience a beneficial change in stage: 20 Minutes Blood pressure drops to normal. Pulse rate drops to normal. Temperature of hands and feet increase to normal 8 Hours Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal. The level of oxygen in the blood rises to normal.

24 Hours The possibility of heart attack decreases 48 Hours The ends of the nerves begin to grow again. Ability to kiss and feel increases. Walking is easy to grow. 3 Months 2 Weeks Improves blood circulation. Lung function up to 30% 19 Months Coughing, sinus blockage, fatigue, shortness of breath decrease. Cilia grow back in lungs, increasing ability to handle mucus, clean lungs, reduce infection. 1 Year Risk of coronary heart disease got half of the smokers. 12.Diposkan oleh Dimas Permadi di 16.47 Tidak ada komentar: 13.Tulisan Bahasa Inggris 2 14.7 Tips for Maintaining Consumer There are 2 things that can not be separated in operations, that is sellers and buyers to each other interact. Whatever type of business that we run both in services and trade can not be separated from the two earlier elements. There is a saying that the consumer is king. Proverb that I think is still relevant to the present, or even universal. The seller will not be able to sell if there were no consumers, consumer vice versa will not be able to meet all keperluannya if there are no sellers. I think the effort to maintain consumer is far more difficult than getting new customers. Every business activity everyone will be competing to retain customers in ways to make the consumer does not move to another customer. Treat the consumer as king over many perceived by companies engaged in services. Let us look at how a bank, between banks and the one with the other banks competing to provide services to its customers with the best. Start with the entrance opened, saying good morning pa .. bu, a friendly face smiling officer until things offer other assistance. Then we saw also how the company car dealership providing service, starting with the entrance be opened with a friendly face of customer service, given various explanations about a product that he sold, giving congratulations to diantarkannya back to

the exit while the consumer home. Such tricks of how they attempt to win the hearts of its customers to become partners. If you want to survive, that is indeed demands. I have the experience which might be of benefit to you how to retain customers. Look, I have a small business run from home since early 2001 in the field of computer rental and services that then I developed typing by adding new types of Internet cafe business, computer courses and computer services. I am a small business scale is still alive until now because I apply the concept of a trivial, "Giving Consumers Make the Best Service." For those of you who have the same business as me or any business that you run the middle, there is a simple way how to retain customers in order to always give money to us. Here are tips for you: 1. Greet customers well. The point is, when consumers come to our place, welcome with a smile, as far as possible Selamet say morning or afternoon .. bu pa. The first point we have get an impression of "friendly". 2. Ask what needs. We must pro-actively ask first advance what the consumer needs by saying "there's nothing to me help you? ". 3. Provide the best quality. Every product that we give must be the best. Never we give to consumers from random. This will create a bad impression for the customers of our products selling. 4. Give a reasonable price. In the highly competitive price an product or service is critical. To buy something consumers usually choosy where a cheaper place. Give them with a reasonable price but still accompanied by good quality, basanya consumers will return again to our place. 5. Stay on Appointments. Strive every promise we give to consumers to always keep. Never give a promise to our consumers if we can not fulfill. Do not Avoid until consumers back and forth to the place where we not only because it promises we can Stay, time and money already because they waste our promises inappropriate. Consumers will be disappointed and move to another place. Edgethe loss of our own end, the consumer loses. 6. Create family. At the moment we are providing services,

do not tend to focus on the final sale only. I mean during the process of service delivery took place, we should not be monotonous. Involve them in a chat that light-light, for example asking the residence or can also inquire about their families. This is intended to create relationships. 7. Create a psychological bond. This can be done if we are able to creating a familial bond with the consumer. To create I do spiritual bond by giving speech on monen certain moments, such as birthday, congratulations holidays and so forth. Quite a way to send sms. These tips enough powerful because consumers feel cared for. Well if the inner bond has been formed is difficult for consumers to move to another place. Seven tips that I did for the sake of keeping customers. This concept because I have always maintained the principle that the customer is the lifeblood of my business. Very simple but the result was good enough for a small business can survive until now despite the economic crisis struck. Well how about you?; Probably have a better experience than from me, let's share experiences. 15.Diposkan oleh Dimas Permadi di 16.45 Tidak ada komentar: 16.EXCERCISE 3&4 Page 189 17.*EXCERCISE (Skills 11-13) Page 189 C 1. The receptionist in the entryway to the offices is able to answer you questions. I 2. All of the information in the documents are important. C 3. Anyone in one of the classes has to take the final exam. I 4. The coordinator of community services are arranging the program. C 5. Most of the car are covered with mud. C 6. Nothing more is going to be completed today. I 7. The drinks in the pitchers on the table in the ballroom is for everyone. I 8. Everybody were told to be here at 8.00, but somebody is not here. C 9. Some of the meetings at the conference are limited to ten participants. I 10. The sauce on the vegetables in the yellow bowl taste really delicious.

*TOEFL EXCERCISE (Skills 11-13) Page 189 A 1. No body know A when the process B of glass making was c invented D. B 2. Sugars like A glucose is B made C up of D carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. A 3. Part of the electricity used A in the United States today B come C from hydroelectric sources D.

A 4. The languages of the world presents A a vast array B of structural similarities C and differences D. A 5. The rise of multinasionals have A¬ resulted B in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinasionals can C operate D in so many jurisdictions. C 6. All of the east-west interstate highways in the United States has A even numbers B , while north-south interstate highways ¬are C odd-numbered D. C 7. When A a massive star in the large Magellanic Cloud exploded B in 1987, a wave of neutrinos were C detected D on Earth. C 8. Some of the agricultural practices A used B today is C responsible for fostering D desertification. C 9. Every open space in the targeted A area that has B grass and a few bushes are C occupied D by the white-crowned sparrow. C 10. Krakatoa is remembered A as the volcano that put B so much ash into the air that sunsets around the world was affected C for two years afterward D.

*TOEFL REVIEW EXCERCISE (Skills 1-13) 1. D Pictograms constitute the earliest system of writing. 2. At temperatures A. approach absolute zero, substances posses minimal energy. 3. The Earth’s one-year evolution around the Sun changes how B. the fall of sunlight on one hemisphere or the other. 4. Though sporadic interest in regional dialects A. has existed for centuries, the first large-scale systematic studies did not take place until the nineteenth century. 18.Diposkan oleh Dimas Permadi di 16.37 Tidak ada komentar:


Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

20.Tulisan Bahasa Inggris 2 (TOEFL) 21.About TOEFL Definition : TOEFL stands for Test Of Home as a Foreign Language. TOEFL is a standardized English language ability of a person in writing (de jure), which covers four aspects of mastery: Listening, Writing, and Reading. TOEFL scoring system using the conversion of each correct answer. The highest TOEFL score one can achieve is 675. TOEFL Test Objectives TOEFL has two general objectives are: Academic and General. In the same form, TOEFL certification recommendation could use for both.

Academic tests are used for educational purposes, research or related academic activities abroad, or in Indonesia. For post-graduate, usually a minimum value is 550. while for S1 is 500 General is generally used for the purpose of employment, promotion or job assignment. Many companies that install the English language standard employees by looking at TOEFL score - his. Generally, a minimum TOEFL score is 500 for a standard promoted. As far as I encountered, the range of TOEFL scores - average Indonesian people with minimal education level S1 is very volatile.There are even some who do not know what and for what it is TOEFL (they read: "tufl"). Not so with the decision-English majors in college. At least they know what is a TOEFL. However, TOEFL score of a student or graduate English majors does not guarantee high. In some cases recruiment times, I found some applicants get the TOEFL score of 300, whereas in the proposal, the person concerned is an alumni of the ABA (Foreign Language Academy). While in general, fluctuations in the average TOEFL score - rating ranges from 300 to 600. Did someone guarantee the TOEFL English language skills a person? Generally, people understand that language is English speaking, conversation, cas cis cus and so on. English cover four main skills: Listening (digestion word through hearing), Writing (digestion words through writing and grammar), reading (digestive meaning of a text language) and speaking (able to pronounce it). 22.Diposkan oleh Dimas Permadi di 08.10 Tidak ada komentar: 23.Tugas Excercise Bahasa Inggris 24.EXERCISE 1 page 157 : I 1. My best friend always helpful with problems. C 2. The bus schedule has changed since last week. I 3. Accidentally dropped the glass on the floor. C 4. The customer paying the clerk for the clothes. C 5. The professor handed the syllabus to the students. I 6. Each day practiced the piano for hours. C 7. The basketball player tossed the ball into the hoop. I 8. The new student in the class very talkative and friendly.

I 9. Walking with the children to school. C 10. The whales headed south for the winter. EXERCISE 2 page 158 : C 1. The name of the baby in the crib is Jack. I 2. By the next meeting of the class need to turn in the papers. C 3. The directions to the on page twenty unclear. C 4. Because of the heavy rain throughout the night the walkways are muddy. I 5. During the week eat lunch in the school cafeteria . I 6. In the morning after the concert was tired. C 7. In the summer the trip to the mountains is our favorite trip. I 8. In a box on the top shelf of the cabinet in the hallway of the house. C 9. With her purse in her hand ran through the door . C 10. At 1:00 in the morning the alarm clock on the table beside the bed rang. EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) page 158 C 1. During the meeting in the office discussed the schedule. C 2. The doctor gave the patient a prescription. I 3. The tall evergreen trees along the road. C 4. The watch in the jewelry box needs a new battery. I 5. Pleasantly greets everyone in all the offices every morning. I 6. In the office of the building across the street from the park on the corner. C 7. The dishes in the sink really need to be washed as soon as possible.

I 8. In a moment of worry about the problem with the cash in the account. C 9. The plane from New York circling the airport. C 10. On a regular basis the plants in the boxes under the window in the kitchen are watered and fed. TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) page 159 1. Mark Twain called the years after the Civil War the "Gilded Age". 2. Early horses had toes instead of hooves on their feet. 3. Tundra plants grow close to the ground in the short Arctic summer. 4. In 1867, the United States purchase of Alaska from the Russians for $ 7.2 million. 5. Between 1725 and 1750, New England witnessed an increase in the specialization of occupations. 6. The large carotid artery carrying blood to the main parts of the brain. 7. Marconi developed radio as the first practical system of wireless telegraphy. 8. In 1975, the first successful space probe to Venus was beginning to send information back to Earth. 9. The two biggest resort in Arkansas are Hot Spring and Eureka Springs. 10. NASA's Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center was the control center for the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space flights. EXERCISE 3 page 161 C 1. The crying baby needs to be picked up. ADJ. I 2. The clothes are lying on the floor should go into the washing machine.

VERB C 3. The waitress bringing the steaming soup to the waiting diners. ADJ. ADJ. I 4. Most of the striking workers are walking the picket line. ADJ. VERB I 5. For her brithday, the child is getting a talking doll. VERB ADJ. C 6. The setting sun creating a rainbow of colors in the sky. ADJ. I 7. The ship is sailing to Mexico is leaving tonight. VERB VERB C 8. The letters needing immediate answers are on the desk. ADJ. C 9. The boring class just ending a few minutes ago. ADJ. VERB C 10. The fast moving clouds are bringing freezing rain to the area. ADJ. VERB EXERCISE 4 page 162 I 1. The food is served in this restaurant is delicious. VERB C 2. The plane landed on the deserted runway. ADJ.

C 3. The unexpected guests arrived just at dinnertime. ADJ. I 4. The courses are listed in the catalogue are required courses. VERB VERB C 5. The teacher found the lost exam. ADJ. I 6. The small apartment very crowded and disorganized. ADJ ADJ. ADJ,. I 7. The photographs developed yesterday showed Sam and his friends. C 8. The locked drawer contained the unworn jewels. ADJ. I 9. The tree was blown over in the storm was cut into logs. VERB VERB I 10. The students registered in this course are listed on that sheet of paper. VERB

EXERCISE (Skills 3-4) page 163 C 1. Our hosts are serving drinks on the tiled patio. I 2. The tired woman taking a much needed nap. C 3. The letters were sent on Monday arrived on Wednesday. C 4. The winners deserved the big prize. I 5. The plants are growing in the garden need a lot of water. I 6. The shining stars lit up the darkened sky.

I 7. The driver rapidly increased the speed of the racing car. I 8. The excited children trying to build a snowman in the falling snow. I 9. The students are completing the course will graduate in June. C 10. The dissatisfied customer is returning the broken toaster to the store. TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 3-4) page 163 1. The first (D) flowering plants appeared during the last period of the dinosaurs’ reign. 2. The earlist medicines (C) were obtained from plants of various sorts. 3. Simple sails were made from canvas (B) stretched over a frame. 4. Pluto’s moon Charon (B) is moving in a slightly elliptical path around the planet. 5. Techniques of breath control form an essential of any (D) training program to improve the voice. 6. Robert E. Lee (A) surrendered the confederate Army to General Grant in 1865 at the Appomattox Courthouse. 7. The pituitary, (A) found below the brain, releases hormones to control other glands. 8. At ground two years of age, many children regularly produce sentences (B) containing three or four words. 9. Multinational companies (B) are finding it increasingly important to employ internationally acceptable brand names. 10. The cornea is located under the conjunctiva, on (C) the exposed part of the eye. TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4) page 164 1. (B) The Polynesians arrived first settled the Hawaiian Island between A.D. 3000 and 750.

2. In 1066, a bright comet (A) was appearing in the sky attracted much attention. 3. In some daguerreotype cameras, (C) from the view of the object through a hole in the back of the box. 4. In the Stone Age, stone tools (B) they polished with other rock materials. 5. The first steamship to cross the Atlantic (A) was the Savannah, in 1819. 6. The Earth’s plates meet each other at cracks in the Earth (C) called faults. 7. The first plant like organisms probably (B) living in the sea, perhaps three billion years ago. 8. In male pattern baldness, (D) heredity has strongly influences the degree of hair loss. 9. In Watch the Skies, Curtis Peebles (A) makes a fascinating attempt to explain America’s belief in fling saucers. 10. The irregular coastline of (B) Massachusetts is a succession of bays and inlets, with the hook of the Cape Cod peninsula in the southheast. EXERCISE 5 page 166 C 1. The lawn needs water every day, or it will turn brown. I 2. The book was not long, but it difficult to read. I 3. It was raining, so decided not to go camping. C 4. The material has been cut, and the pieces have been sewn together. I 5. The patient took all the medicine, he did not feel much better. C 6. The bill must be paid immediately, or the electricity will turned off. C 7. The furnace broke so the house got quite cold. C 8. The dress did not cost too much, but the quality it seemed excellent. C 9. The leaves kept falling off thr trees, and the boys kept raking them up, but the yard was still covered.

C 10. The postman has already delivered the mail, so the letter is not going to arrive today, it probably will arrive tomorrow. EXERCISE 6 page 168 : C 1. After the plane circled the airport, it landed on the main runway. I 2. The registration process took many hours since the lines so long. C 3. This type of medicine can be helpful, it can also have some bad side effects. C 4. The waves were amazingly high when were the storm hit the coastal town. I 5. We need to get a new car whether is on sale or not. C 6. Just as the bread came out of the oven, while a wonderful aroma filled the kitchen. C 7. Everyone has spent time unpacking boxes since the family moved into the new house. I 8. Although the area is a desert many plants bloom there in the springtime. C 9. The drivers on the freeway drove slowly and carefully while the rain was falling heavily because they did not want to have an accident. I 10. If you plan carefully before you take a trip, will have a much better time because the small details will not cause problems. EXERCISE (Skills 5-6) page 169 : C 1. The lawyer presented a strong case, but the client was still found guilty. C 2. After the children read some stories before they went to bed.

I 3. The report needed to be completed, the workers stayed late every night for a week. C 4. If you do not turn on the lights, you will trip in the dark. C 5. A thick fog came rolling in, so planes unable to land. C 6. All of the shoes are on sale until the current stock is gone. C 7. The ship leaving the dock even though some passenger were not on board. C 8. The outline must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due, and must approve it. I 9. Because the food was cold when it was served the dinners sent it back to the kitchen. C 10. You should slow down while you are driving, or the police will pull your car over. TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 5-6) page 169 1. A spaceraft is freed from friction after it is launched into space. 2. Because lobsters blend with their surroundings, or they hide in crevices for protection. 3. While the shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint, the elbow is a simple hinge joint. 4. A car has several section with moving parts, good lubrication of those parts is essential. 5. Bears cannot see well bacause they have small eyes. 6. A land bridge existed at the Isthmus of Panama, so animals were able to

migrate between North and South America. 7. The Empire State Building is mostly made of granite, it also contains some human-made materials. 8. Pressure differences make the eardrum vibrate as sound wavesenter the ear. 9. An optical microscope magnifies as much as 2,000 times, but an electron microscope can magnify as much as a million times. 10. If scientific estimates are accurate, the Canon Diablo meteorite collided with the Earth about 20,000 years ago. TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-6) page 170 -171. 1. The economic activity of the Pueblo Indians centered on intensive agriculture. 2. In popular terminology, any long snowtorm with a large amount of wind is called a blizzard. 3. Nuclear power can be produced by fusion, it can also be produced by fission. 4. If the temperature is high, igneous rocks may be changed into gneisses. 5. In 1905, Henry Flagler announced his plants to extend his Florida East Coast Railway out across the sea to Key West. 6. The sound comes from a vibrating object will be high or low depending on the number of vibration. 7. During the late 1880s, urban streetcars were electrified through the use of large motors. 8. Biscayne National Park encompasses almost 274 square miles, but 96 percent of the park is under water. 9. Legislation was passed in 1916 and 1917 gave the Wilson administration authority to intervene in the national economy if it proved necessary. 10. Because a family of birds set up housekeeping in Joel Chandler Harri’s mailbox when the birds were in need of a place to stay, so the home was

named the Wren’s Nest. EXERCISE 7 page 172-173 C 1. It is unfortunate that the meal is not ready yet. I 2. She told me when should pick her up. I 3. The instructor explained where was the computer lab located. C 4. We could not believe what he did to us. I 5. Do you want to know if it going to rain tomorrow? C 6. We never know wheter we will get paid or not. I 7. This evening you can decide what do you want to do. I 8. The manager explained how wanted the work done. C 9. The map showed where the party would be held. I 10. Can you tell me why was the mail not delivered today? EXERCISE 8 page 174 C 1. The teacher heard who answered the question. I 2. I do not understand what it went wrong. I 3. Of the three movies. I can’t decide which is the best. I 4. She did not remember who in her class. I 5. No one is sure what did it happen in front of the building. I 6. We found out which was her favorite type of candy. C 7. Do you know what caused the plants to die? C 8. I am not sure which it is the most important course in the program. C 9. We thought about who would be the best vice president.

I 10. She saw what in the box in the closet. EXERCISE (Skills 7-8) page 174-175 I 1. It doubtful wheter he will pass the test or not. C 2. The group discussed who he should receive the prize. C 3. It is not certain why the class was cancelled. I 4. I will do what does it need to be done. I 5. We forgot when did the movie start. C 6. I would like to ask if you could come over for dinner this weekend. C 7. The children knew which the best game to play. C 8. The advisor informed her that needed to add another class. C 9. He saw who took the money. C 10. It is unclear how the window got broken. EXERCISE (Skills 7-8) page 175 1. Today the true story of what happened at Little Bignorn remains mystery. 2. For more than a decade, bird-watchers have warned that certain species are becoming scarce. 3. Early in the eighteenth century, Halley accurately predicted when the comet of 1682 would return. 4. No single factor explains why aging has an effect vary so greatly among individuals. 5. Lack of clarity about who will lead the party in the coming year will be removed at the party’s convention. 6. We do not know whether the bow drill was first developed for woodworking or fire making. 7. Minute Man National Historical park is a monument to where the beginning

of the Revolutionary War 8. Tests on the colors of cars were conducted at the University of California to determine which the safest colors for cars. 9. The National Institute of Dental Research estimates for school children in fluoridated areas have about 25 percent less tooth decay than children elsewhere. 10. The process of photosynthesis explains how with green plants are able to use the energy in sunlight to manufacture food from the simple chemicals in air and water. TOEFL REVIEW EXCERCISE (Skills 1-8) page 176 1. Air near the equator (C) has a faster west-to-east motion than air farther from the equator. 2. About 4000 B.C humans discovered that (A) metals could be obtained from special rocks called ores. 3. (C) DNA degrades quickly after an animal dies. 4. (C) Improvement aerodynamic design has contributed a major part in reducing resistance to motion. 5. The southern part of Florida is much warmer in the winter than the northern part, so more (A) flocking tourists to the south. 6. The Moon’s gravity pulls water on the near side of the Earth toward the Moon, and this is what (C) causing tides to occur. 7. (D) As glaciers move, they pick up fragments of rock which become frozen into the base of the ice. 8. The tape measure first evolved from (D) the measuring chains used by the Egyptians. 9. A typical Atlantic hurricane starts as a low pressure system near (A) Africa coasts . 10. It is not clear whether the subdivisions of the neocortex (A) individual units. EXCERCISE 9 page 178 C 1. I did not believe the story that he told me. I 2. Ms. Brown, whom did you recommended for the job, will start work for tomorrow. I 3. The lectur notes which lent me were not clearly written.

C 4. Sally has an appointment with the hairdresser whom you recommended. C 5. The phone number that you gave me. I 6. She is able to solve all the problems which did she cause. C 7. The day that she spent on the beach left her sunburned. C 8. Next week i am going to visit my cousins, whom have not seen in several years. I 9. Did you forget the promise whom you made? I 10. The teacher whom the students like the most is their history teacher. EXCERCISE 10 page 180 C 1. The children that were vaccinated did not get sick. I 2. I did not vote for the politician who he just won the election. C 3. The dog that barking belongs to my neighbor. C 4. I took two of the blue pills, which were very effective. I 5. We rented an apartement from the lanlord who does he own the buildings on Maple Street. I 6. She forgot to attend the meeting which it began at 11:00. C 7. Any student who does not turn in the paper by Friday will fail the class. I 8. The people which came in late had to sit at the back. I 9. The courses that satisfy the graduation requirements they are difficult. C 10. After dinner she went to visit her parents, who were living down the street. EXCERCISE (Skills 9-10) page 181 C 1. My sister prefer to eat food that have cooked themselves.

C 2. The boat that hit the underwater rock sank. I 3. The car which he was driving could not possibly be his I 4. The children built a house in the tree that in the backyard. I 5. The cost of the trip which we wanted to take. C 6. The children are playing with the toys which their mother told them to put away. C 7. The guests who were seated around the dinner table. C 8. The students have to read all the chapters which are on the test. I 9. I really do not like the artist which you like. C 10. The stone that they were set in the ring were quite valuable. TOEFL EXCERCISE (Skills 9-10) page 181 1. Modern human, who first appeared about 600,000 years ago, B. were called homo sapiens. 2. The first writing C. has evidence of his on Mesopotanian clay tablets. 3. A. Succulent are drought-resistant plants which store water in fleshy tissue. 4. Benjamin Kabelsky, whom B. most people know as Jack Benny, was a famous comedian in vaudeville and on radio and television . 5. B. Dinosaurs are known that haunted other animals tended to have very narrow, sharp, curved claws. 6. The first eyeglasses had convex lenses for the aged who A. had become farsighted. 7. Chimney Rock, D. which stands 500 feet above the North Platte River, has croded considerably in the last two centuries. 8. A. It changes hormones that accompany recurring bouts of severe depression reduce bone density. 9. Willa Cather is an author B. the praise of readers for her evocative and

vision or frontier prairie life. 10. Mars’s tiny moon Phobos is a small mountain of rock that A. was probably captured from the asteroid belt by Mars’s gravitational pull. TOEFL REVIEW EXCERCISE (Skills 1-10) page 182 1. A. Annapolis is famous as the home af the United States Naval Academy. 2. Some scientist think D. that Pluto might not be a planet but a moon of Neptune. 3. With B. the appearance of sophisticatd oil lamps, elaborate tools were made to cut the wicks. 4. Fort Union was the site of what A. the principal fur-trading post on the upper Missouri River. 5. Since A. the face of the movie commercial risk, it has to appeal to a large audience to justify its cost. 6. A current of water known as the Gulf Stream comes up from the Gulf of Mexico, and then A. it crosses the North Atlantic toward Europe. 7. Systems D. using the two symbols0 and 1 are called binary number systems 8. Genes, C. which the blueprints for cell construction, exist in tightly organized packages called choromosome 9. The Earth’s atmosphere consist of gases B. hold in place around the Earth by the gravitational pull of the planet. 10. Oscar Hammerstein II collaborated with a number composers including Jeromi Kern, whom B. was joined in writing the musical Show Boat.

25. EXERCISE 1 page 157 : 26. I 1. My best friend always helpful with problems. 27. C 2. The bus schedule has changed since last week. 28. I 3. Accidentally dropped the glass on the floor. 29. I 4. The customer paying the clerk for the clothes. 30. C 5. The professor handed the syllabus to the students. 31. I 6.Each day practiced the piano for hours. 32. C 7.The basketball player tossed the ball into the hoop. 33. I 8.The new student in the class very talkative and friendly.

34. I 9.Walking with the children to school. 35. C 10.The whales headed south for the winter. 36. 37. EXERCISE 2 page 158 : 38. C 1. The name of the baby in the crib is Jack. 39. I 2. By the next meeting of the class need to turn in the papers. 40. I 3. The directions to the exercise on page twenty unclear. 41. C 4. Because of the heavy rain throughout the night, the walkways are muddy. 42. I 5. During the week eat lunch in the school cafeteria. 43. I 6. In the morning after the concert was tired. 44. C 7. In the summer the trip to the mountains is our favorite trip. 45. I 8. In a box on the top shelf of the cabinet in the hallway of the house. 46. I 9. With her purse in her hand ran through the door. 47. C 10. At 1:00 in the morning the alarm clock on the table beside the bed rang. 48. 49. EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) page 158 : 50. I 1. During the meeting in the office discussed the schedule. 51. I 2. The doctor gave the patient a prescription. 52. I 3. The tall evergreen trees along the road. 53. C 4. The watch in the jewelry box needs a new battery. 54. I 5. Pleasantly greets everyone in all the offices every morning. 55. I 6. In the office of the building across the street from the park on the corner. 56. C 7. The dishes in the sink really need to be washed as soon as possible. 57. I 8. In a moment of worry about the problem with the cash in the account. 58. I 9. The plane from New York circling the airport. 59. C 10.On a regular basis the plants in the boxes under the window in the kitchen are watered and fed. 60. TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 1-2) page 159 : 61. 1. Mark Twain A. called the years after the Civil War the "Gilded Age". 62. 2. Early C. horses had toes instead of hooves on their feet. 63. 3. B. Tundra plants grow close to the ground in the short Arctic summer. 64. 4. In 1867, C. the United States purchase of Alaska from the Russians for $7.2 million. 65. 5. Between 1725 and 1750, New England witnessed an increase in the specialization of A. occupations. 66. 6. The large carotid artery A. carrying blood to the main parts of the brain. 67. 7. D. Marconi developed radio as the first practical system of wireless telegraphy. 68. 8. In 1975, the first successful space probe to C. Venus was beginning to send information back to Earth. 69. 9. The two biggest resort A. in Arkansas are Hot Spring and Eureka Springs. 70. 10.NASA's Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center C. was the control center for the Mercury,Gemini, and Apollo space flights. 71. EXERCISE 3 page 161 : 72. C 1. The crying baby needs to be picked up. ADJ. 73. 74. I 2. The clothes are lying on the floor should go into the washing machine.

VERB 75. 76. I 3. The waitress bringing the steaming soup to the waiting diners. VERB ADJ. VERB 77. 78. C 4. Most of the striking workers are walking the picket line. ADJ. VERB 79. 80. C 5. For her brithday, the child is getting a talking doll. VERB ADJ. 81. 82. I 6. The setting sun creating a rainbow of colors in the sky. ADJ. VERB 83. 84. I 7. The ship is sailing to Mexico is leaving tonight. VERB VERB 85. 86. C 8. The letters needing immediate answers are on the desk. VERB 87. 88. I 9. The boring class just ending a few minutes ago. ADJ. VERB 89. 90. C 10. The fast moving clouds are bringing freezing rain to the area. ADJ. VERB ADJ. 91. 92. EXERCISE 4 page 162 : 93. I 1. The food is served in this restaurant is delicious. VERB 94. 95. C 2. The plane landed on the deserted runway. ADJ. 96. 97. C 3. The unexpected guests arrived just at dinnertime. ADJ. VERB 98. 99. I 4. The courses are listed in the catalogue are required courses. VERB VERB 100. 101. C 5. The teacher found the lost exam. VERB ADJ. 102. 103. I 6. The small apartment very crowded and disorganized. ADJ. ADJ. 104. 105. I 7. The photographs developed yesterday showed Sam and his friends. ADJ. VERB 106. 107. C 8. The locked drawer contained the unworn jewels. ADJ. VERB 108. 109. I 9.The tree was blown over in the storm was cut into logs. VERB VERB 110. 111. I 10. The students registered in this course are listed on that sheet of paper. ADJ. VERB 112. 113. EXERCISE (Skills 3-4) page 163 : 114. C 1. Our hosts are serving drinks on the tiled patio. VERB ADJ. 115. 116. I 2. The tired woman taking a much needed nap. ADJ. VERB VERB 117. 118. I 3. The letters were sent on Monday arrived on Wednesday. VERB VERB 119.

120. C 4. The winners deserved the big prize. VERB 121. 122. I 5. The plants are growing in the garden need a lot of water. VERB VERB 123. 124. C 6. The shining stars lit up the darkened sky. ADJ. VERB ADJ. 125. 126. C 7. The driver rapidly increased the speed of the racing car. VERB ADJ. 127. 128. I 8. The excited children trying to build a snowman in the falling snow. VERB ADJ. 129. 130. I 9. The students are completing the course will graduate in June. VERB VERB 131. 132. C 10. The dissatisfied customer is returning the broken toaster to the store. ADJ. VERB ADJ. 133. 134. TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 3-4) page 163 : 135. 1. The first D. flowering plants appeared during the last period of the dinosaurs’ reign. 136. 2. The earlist medicines C. were obtained from plants of various sorts. 137. 3. Simple sails were made from canvas B. stretched over a frame. 138. 4. Pluto’s moon Charon B. is moving in a slightly elliptical path around the planet. 139. 5. Techniques of breath control form an essential of any D. training program to improve the voice. 140. 6. Robert E. Lee A. surrendered the confederate Army to General Grant in 1865 at the Appomattox Courthouse. 141. 7. The pituitary, A. found below the brain, releases hormones to control other glands. 142. 8. At ground two years of age, many children regularly produce sentences B. containing three or four words. 143. 9. Multinational companies B. are finding it increasingly important to employ internationally acceptable brand names. 144. 10. The cornea is located under the conjunctiva, on C. the exposed part of the eye. 145. TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-4) page 164 : 146. 1. D. It was the Polynesians first settled the Hawaiian Island between A.D. 3000 and 750. 147. 2. In 1066, a bright comet D. appearing in the sky attracted much attention. 148. 3. In some daguerreotype cameras, D. viewed the object through a hole in the back of the box. 149. 4. In the Stone Age, stone tools D. were polished with other rock materials. 150. 5. The first steamship to cross the Atlantic A. was the Savannah, in 1819. 151. 6. The Earth’s plates meet each other at cracks in the Earth C. called faults. 152. 7. The first plant like organisms probably C.lived in the sea, perhaps three billion years ago. 153. 8. In male pattern baldness, D. heredity has strongly influences the degree of hair loss.

154. 9. In Watch the Skies, Curtis Peebles A. makes a fascinating attempt to explain America’s belief in fling saucers. 155. 10. The irregular coastline of B. Massachusetts is a succession of bays and inlets, with the hook of the Cape Cod peninsula in the southheast. 156. EXERCISE 5 page 166 : 157. C 1. The lawn needs water every day, or it will turn brown. 158. I 2. The book was not long, but it difficult to read. 159. I 3. It was raining, so decided not to go camping. 160. C 4. The material has been cut, and the pieces have been sewn together. 161. I 5. The patient took all the medicine, he did not feel much better. 162. C 6. The bill must be paid immediately, or the electricity will turned off. 163. C 7. The furnace broke so the house got quite cold. 164. C 8. The dress did not cost too much, but the quality it seemed excellent. 165. C 9. The leaves kept falling off the trees, and the boys kept raking them up, but the yard was still covered. 166. C 10. The postman has already delivered the mail, so the letter is not going to arrive today, it probably will arrive tomorrow. 167. EXERCISE 6 page 168 : 168. C 1. After the plane circled the airport, it landed on the main runway. 169. I 2. The registration process took many hours since the lines so long. 170. C 3. This type of medicine can be helpful, it can also have some bad side effects. 171. C 4. The waves were amizingly high when the storm hit the coastal town. 172. I 5. We need to get a new car whether is on sale or not. 173. C 6. Just as the bread came out of the oven, while a wonderful aroma filled the kitchen. 174. C 7. Everyone has spent time unpacking boxes since the family moved into the new house. 175. I 8. Although the area is a desert many plants bloom there in the spring time. 176. C 9. The drivers on the freeway drove slowly and carefully while the rain was falling havily because they did not want to have an accident. 177. I 10. If you plan carefully before you take a trip, will have a much better time because the small details will not cause problems. 178. EXERCISE ( Skills 5-6) page 169 179. I 1. The lawyer presented a strong case, but the client was still found guilty. 180. I 2. After the children read some stories before they want to bed. 181. C 3. The report needed to be completed, the workers stayed late every night for a week. 182. C 4. If you do not turn on the lights, you wiil trip in the dark. 183. I 5. A thick fog came rolling in, so planes unable to land. 184. C 6. All of the shoes are on sale until the current stock is gone. 185. C 7. The ship leaving the dock even though some passengers were not on board.

186. C 8. The outline must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due, and must approve it. 187. C 9. Because the food was cold when it was served the diners sent it back to the kitchen. 188. I 10. You should slow down while you are driving, or the police will pull your car over. 189. TOEFL EXERCISE ( Skills 5-6 ) page 169 : 190. 1. A spacecraft is freed from friction D. after it is launched into space. 191. 2. D. Because lobsters blend with their surroundings, or they hide in crevices for protection. 192. 3. B. While the shoulder is a ball-socket joint, the elbow is a simple hinge joint. 193. 4. A car has several sections with moving parts, A. good lubrication of those parts is essential. 194. 5. Bears cannot see well C. because they have small eyes. 195. 6. A. A land bridge existed at last the Isthmus of Panama, so animals were able to migrate between North and South Amerca. 196. 7. B. The Empire State Building is mostly made of granite, it also countains some human-made materials. 197. 8. Pressure differences make the eardrum vibrate D. as sound waves enter the car. 198. 9. An optical microscope magnifies as much as 2,000 times, but an electron microscope C. can magnify as much as a million times. 199. 10. If scientific astimates are accurate, 200. TOELF REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-6) page 170 : 201. 1. A. The economic activity of the Pueblo Indians centered on intensive agriculture. 202. 2. In popular terminology, any long snowstorm with B. a large amount of wind as called a blizzard. 203. 3. Nuclear power can be produced by fusion, A. it can also be produced by fision. 204. 4. B. If the temperature is high, igneous rocks may be changed into gneisses. 205. 5. In 1905, Henry Flager D. announced his plants to extend his Florida East Coast Railway out across he sea to Key West. 206. 6. The sound A. comes from a vibrating object will be high or low depending on the number of vibrations. 207. 7. During the late 1880s, urban streetcars were elecfied through C. the use of large motors. 208. 8. B. Biscayne National Park encompasses almost 274 square miles, but 96 percent of the park is under water. 209. 9. Legislation B. was passed in 1916 and 1917 gave the Wilson administration authority to intervene in the national economy if it proved necessary. 210. 10. Because a family of birds set up housekeeping in Joel Chandler Harris’s mailbox when the birds were in need of a place to say, B. so the home was named the Wren’s Nest. 211. EXERCISE 7 page 172 : 212. C 1. It is unfortunate that the meal is not ready yet. 213. I 2. She told me when should pick her up. 214. I 3. The instructor explained where was the computer lab located.

215. C 4. We could not believe what he did to us. 216. C 5. Do you want to know if it going to rain tomorrow? 217. C 6. We never know whether we will get paid or not. 218. I 7. This evening you can decide what do you want to do. 219. I 8. The manager explained how wanted the work done. 220. C 9. The map showed where the party would be held. 221. I 10. Can you tell me why was the mail not delivered today? 222. EXERCISE 8 page 174 : 223. C 1. The teacher heard who answered the question. 224. I 2. I do not understand what it went wrong. 225. C 3. Of the three movies. I can’t decide which is the best. 226. I 4. She did not remember who in her class. 227. I 5. No one is sure what did it happen in front of the building. 228. C 6. We found out which was her favorite type of candy. 229. C 7. Do you know what caused the plants to die? 230. I 8. I am not sure which it is the most important course in the program. 231. C 9. We thought about who would be the best vice president. 232. I 10. She saw what in the box in the closet. 233. EXERCISE (Skills 7-8) page 174 : 234. C 1. It doubtful whether he will pass the test or not. 235. I 2. The group discussed who he should receive the prize. 236. C 3. It is not certain why the class was cancelled. 237. I 4. I will do what does it need to be done. 238. I 5. We forgot when did the movie start. 239. C 6. I would like to ask if you could come over for dinner this weekend. 240. C 7. The children knew which the best game to play. 241. I 8. The advisor informed her that needed to add another class. 242. C 9. He saw who took the money. 243. C 10. It is unclear how the window got broken. 244. EXERCISE (Skills 7-8) page 175 : 245. 1. Today the true story of C. what happened at Little Bignorn remains mystery. 246. 2. For more than a decade, C. bird-watchers have warned that certain species are becoming scarce. 247. 3. Early in the eighteenth century, Halley accurately predicted when A. the comet of 1682 would return. 248. 4. No single factor explains why C. aging has an effect vary so greatly among individuals. 249. 5. Lack of clarity about D. who will lead the party in the coming year will be removed at the party’s convention. 250. 6. We do not C. know whether the bow drill was first developed for woodworking or fire making. 251. 7. Minute Man National Historical park is a monument to where A. the beginning of the Revolutionary War 252. 8. Tests on the colors of cars were conducted at the University of California to determine A. which the safest colors for cars.

253. 9. The National Institute of Dental Research estimates C. that school children in fluoridated areas have about 25 percent less tooth decay than children elsewhere. 254. 10. The process of photosynthesis explains how B. green plants are able to use the energy in sunlight to manufacture food from the simple chemicals in air and water. 255. TOELF REVIEW EXERCISE PAGE 176 : 256. 1. Air near the equator C. has a faster west-to-east motion than air farther from the equator. 257. 2. About 4000 B.C humans discovered that A. metlas could be obtained from special rocks called ores. 258. 3. C. DNA degreades quickly after an animal dies. 259. 4.C. Improvement aerodynamic design has contributed a major part in reducing resistance to motion. 260. 5. The southern part of Florida is much warmer in the winter than the northern part, so more A. flocking tourists to the south. 261. 6. The Moon’s gravity pulls water on the near side of the Earth toward the Moon, and this is what C. causing tides to occur. 262. 7. D. As glaciers move, they pick up fragments of rock which become frozen into the base of the ice. 263. 8. The tape measure first evolved from D. the measuring chains used by the Egyptians. 9. A typical Atlantic hurricane starts as a low pressure system near A. Africa coasts. 264. 10. It is not clear whether the subdivisions of the neocortex A. individual units. 265. EXERCISE 9 Page 178 : 266. C 1. I did not believe the story that he told me. 267. I 2. Ms. Brown, whom did you recommended for the job, will start work for tomorrow. 268. I 3. The lecture notes which lent me were not clearly written. 269. C 4. Sally has an appointment with the hairdresser whom you recommended. 270. C 5. The phone number that you gave me. 271. I 6. She is able to solve all the problems which did she cause. 272. C 7. The day that she spent on the beach left her sunburned. 273. C 8. Next week I am going to visit my cousins, whom have not seen in several years. 274. I 9. Did you forget the promise whom you made? 275. C 10. The teacher whom the students like the most is their history teacher. 276. EXERCISE 10 Page 180 : 277. C 1. The children that were vaccinated did not get sick. 278. I 2. I did not vote for the politician who he just won the election. 279. I 3. The dog that barking belongs to my neighbor. 280. C 4. I took two of the blue pills, which were very effective. 281. I 5. We rented an apartement from the lanlord who does he own the buildings on Maple Street. 282. I 6. She forgot to attend the meeting which it began at 11:00. 283. C 7. Any student who does not turn in the paper by Friday will fail the class. 284. I 8. The people which came in late had to sit at the back.

285. I 9. The courses that satisfy the graduation requirements they are difficult. 286. C 10. After dinner she went to visit her parents, who were living down the street. 287. EXERCISE (skill 9- 10) Page 181 : 288. C 1. My sister prefer to eat food that have cooked themselves. 289. C 2. The boat that hit the underwater rock sank. 290. I 3. The car which he was driving could not possibly be his 291. I 4. The children built a house in the tree that in the backyard. 292. I 5. The cost of the trip which we wanted to take. 293. C 6. The children are playing with the toys which their mother told them to put away. 294. C 7. The guests who were seated around the dinner table. 295. C 8. The students have to read all the chapters which are on the test. 296. I 9. I really do not like the artist which you like. 297. C 10. The stone that they were set in the ring were quite valuable. 298. TOELF EXERCISE 299. 1. Modern human, who first appeared about 600,000 years ago, B. were called homo sapiens. 300. 2. The first writing C. has evidence of his on Mesopotanian clay tablets. 301. 3. A. Succulent are drought-resistant plants which store water in fleshy tissue. 302. 4. Benjamin Kabelsky, whom B. most people know as Jack Benny, was a famous comedian in vaudeville and on radio and television . 303. 5. B. Dinosaurs are known that haunted other animals tended to have very narrow, sharp, curved claws. 304. 6. The first eyeglasses had convex lenses for the aged who A. had become farsighted. 305. 7. Chimney Rock, D. which stands 500 feet above the North Platte River, has croded considerably in the last two centuries. 306. 8. A. It changes hormones that accompany recurring bouts of severe depression reduce bone density. 307. 9. Willa Cather is an author B. the praise of readers for her evocative and vision or frontier prairie life. 308. 10. Mars’s tiny moon Phobos is a small mountain of rock that A. was probably captured from the asteroid belt by Mars’s gravitational pull. 309. TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skill 1-10) : 310. 1. A. Annapolis is famous as the home af the United States Naval Academy. 311. 2. Some scientist think D. that Pluto might not be a planet but a moon of Neptune. 312. 3. With B. the appearance of sophisticatd oil lamps, elaborate tools were made to cut the wicks. 313. 4. Fort Union was the site of what A. the principal fur-trading post on the upper Missouri River. 314. 5. Since A. the face of the movie commercial risk, it has to appeal to a large audience to justify its cost. 315. 6. A current of water known as the Gulf Stream comes up from the Gulf of Mexico, and then A. it crosses the North Atlantic toward Europe. 316. 7. Systems D. using the two symbols0 and 1 are called binary number systems

317. 8. Genes, C. which the blueprints for cell construction, exist in tightly organized packages called choromosome 318. 9. The Earth’s atmosphere consist of gases B. hold in place around the Earth by the gravitational pull of the planet. 319. 10. Oscar Hammerstein II collaborated with a number composers including Jeromi Kern, whom B. was joined in writing the musical Show Boat.