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II. VOCABULARY VOCABULARY SET I Find the best alternative 1. His parents died when he was a baby and he was _______ by his aunt. a) brought out b) brought up c) grown d) grown up e) taken out 2. Don’t take what he says so seriously. He was only _______ . a) amusing b) enjoying c) funny d) joking e) tricking 3. The fundamental reason for his illness has never been discovered. "Fundamental' means: a) basic b) severe c) obvious d) physical e) serious 4. Jim had his first opportunity to attend a baseball game when he was only six. "Opportunity" means: a) wish b) luck c) ticket d) chance e) fortune 5. If you find something interesting, it attracts your attention. The opposite of interesting" is: a) exciting b) unusual c) awful d) unpleasant e) dull

6. The insufficient water supply gave rise to cholera in the town. The opposite of "insufficient" is: a) numerous b) necessary c) polluted d) varied e) enough 7. When you are unfamiliar with the customs of a country it is easy to make a blunder. "Blunder" means: a) profit b) badge c) mistake d) deal e) contact 8. A good student is eager to learn and does not need to be admonished for being absent too much. "Admonish" means: a) benefit b) warn c) deserve d) withdraw e) threaten 9. My grandfather, who could do everything by himself, has become very feeble since he turned eighty. "Feeble" means: a) healthy b) shy c) wealthy d) weak e) dependent 10. Bob loves his fiancée so much that he endorses whatever she says or does. The opposite of endorse is: a) discharge b) follow c) put up with d) disapprove e) disappoint 11. As she has amicable relationships with people she is highly admired by everybody. The opposite of "amicable" is: a) decisive b) agreeable c) unfriendly d) unchanging e) consistent

12. A politician who is corrupt a not fit to represent the public. The opposite of "corrupt" is: a) honest b) well-off c) careless d) embarrassed e) favored 13) People who contravene the traffic laws should be fined heavily. "To contravene" means: a) obey b) break c) react d) disagree e) object 14) As he felt very ashamed , he tried to efface the memory of an embarrassing incident. The opposite of "efface" is: a) refuse b) realize c) remember d) recognize e) replace 15) I can't put up with this noise. Please turn off the record-player. a) tolerate b) postpone c) approve d) cancel e) accommodate 16) The car suddenly stopped and I realized that we had no petrol. a) went off b) ran out of c) came down d) thrown out e) put away 17) After leaving a note of goodbye, Rufus vanished without leaving a trace, and nobody could locate him for years. The opposite of "vanish" is: a) extinguish b) appear c) discontinue d) remove e) exclude

18) The businessman was very hesitant to invest all his money in wool business because of the high rate of inflation. The opposite of "hesitant" is : a) willing b) urged c) reluctant d) uncertain e) indecisive 19) Because the mechanic was negligent about fixing the brakes on her car, she was involved in a serious accident. The opposite "of negligent" is : a) careful b) inexperienced c) conscious d) disabled e) indifferent 20) I thought the problem of pollution would ______ at the meeting , but no one mentioned it. a) come in b) come over c) come to d) come up e) come round 21) It was fascinating to see how the earliest fish _____ into various species. a) abandoned b) evolved c) revealed d) involved e) appealed 22) The ______ of the prominent businessmen helped the government to overcome the economic crisis. a) support b) symbol c) dependence d) difference e) structure 23) Photosynthesis causes compounds to be decomposed. The decomposition ______ photosynthesis. a) is due to b) brings about

c) leads to d) the reason of e) results in

24) If we don't have some rain soon, there will be a serious shortage of rainwater in the west of England, "shortage of rainwater" means : a) drought b) famine c) flood d) dehydration e) infertility 25) The government's decision to close the factory ____ a series of protest meetings. a) put up, b) got away c) cut down d) set off e) come at 26) "She was worthy of getting the cup because she was the best." means : She ______ the cup. a) deserved b) despised c) was deprived of d) deserted e) detect 27) The high hills surrounding the city ___ winds from carrying away the polluted air. a) prevent b) protect c) preserve d) permit e) pretend 28) He won't ____ to buy some bread unless İ tell him again. a) remind b) realize a) remember d) refuse e) record 29) Although he faced too many misfortunes, he carried on his research decisively. The opposite of "decisively" is :

a) willingly b) eagerly c) hopelessly d) hesitantly e) impatiently 30) Lawrence Oliver gave an excellent………….. in the film. a) cast

b) act

c) performance

d) play

e) character

31) The proposals included the nationalization of major industries. The opposite of "included' is : a) dismissed b) mentioned c) composed d) gave out e) left out 32) There are enormous and unpredictable risks in an African jungle. The opposite of unpredictable" is: a) impossible b) dangerous c) foreseeable d) special e) known 33) These calculations should be correct______ you have checked them carefully. a) unless b) provided c) that d) though e) because of 34) Some of the crowd______ to break through police cordons. a) enabled b) performed c) recorded d) attempted e) supported 35) If you never do any work, you'll only have yourself to blame when you fail your examination, "to blame" means : a) to fault b) to mistake c) to accuse d) to approve e) to appreciate

VOCABULARY SET II Find the best alternative 1) Although the town has changed since he last went there, much of it is still______ to him. a) ancient b) accustomed c) attracted d) favorable e) familiar 2) I always______ asleep as soon as I get into bed. a) take b) go c) get d) fail e) fall 3) You will have to ______ as Aunt Mary is rather deaf. a) turn down t») run out c) buy up d) speak up e) go ahead 4) I’ve put the medicine on the top shelf out of a) order b) place c) reach d) way e) touch 5) The child is cold , hungry and tired , so of course he is feeling miserable. "Miserable" means: a) unhappy b) thirsty c) satisfied

d) fit e) badly 6) They were both in their early forties , but that was the only resemblance. ”Resemblance" means: a) equality b) singularity c) variety d) similarity e) unity 7) He refused to answer the questions concerning his private life. "Concerning" means: a) from b) with c) about d) for e) at 8) It really wasn't such a revolutionary idea as it had seemed ______. a) at last b) firstly c) lastly d) at first e) in the end 9) It is difficult to get on well with John because he gets ______ and loses his temper quickly. a) patience b) impatience c) impatient d) patient e) patiently 10) The government is planning to ____ the supply of oil to his neighboring enemy. a) cutoff b) break up c) cut up d) break off e) take after 11) When the factory closed down several people were made................. a) resigned b) redundant c) discharged d) replaced e) obedient 12) Helga was bewildered by the new customs when she first arrived in the USA but got used to them in a few months . "Bewildered" means.

a) accustomed b) impressed c) confused d) persuaded e) surprised 13) The young boy was sent to prison for assaulting the old lady and wounding her badly "Assaulting* means: a) assisting b) attempting c) assuring d)attacking e) robbing 14) She is a timid little gin , she has no confidence in herself. 'Timid" means; a) b) c) b) e)

determined shy tough lively indecisive

15) The vacuum cleaner is a valuable labor saving ______ for the busy house wife. a) piece b) motor c) engine a) device e) instrument 16) There were so many different signs and indicators at the station that I was a) ashamed b) disappointed c) embarrassed d) amused e) confused 17) The contract will be signed prior to the ceremony. a) after b) during c) instead of d) before e) since 18) The price _____ both accommodation and food. a) constitutes b) costs c) consists d) indicates e) includes

19) As the weather became warmer, all the ice and snow began to thaw . "Thaw" means : a) melt b) freeze c) dissolve d) spread e) float 20) In his country scientists get a lot of government _____. a) benefit b) advantage c) support d) profit e) offer 21) He _____ his son ____ the dangers of driving too fast in his new car. a) warned/of b) explained/ about c) threatened/against d) concerned/for e) Inquired/ about 22) They started with just a brief description of their work. The opposite of "brief is : a) short b) rough c) detailed d) complex e) accurate 23) The bus conductor told him to get off at the first stop because he couldn't pay the a) fare b) bill c) fee d) fine e) tip 24) I _____ to inform you that we cannot exchange articles once they have left the shop. a) ignore b) regret c) confess d) respect e) dislike 25) You should ______ a lawyer before you sign the contract. a) counsel

b) communicate c) check d) consult e) correspond 26) A glass of wine now and then won't _______ you any harm. a) make b) do c) take d) bring e) result 27) I would like to drive across the Sahara Desert next year, but my wife is not ______ in the idea. a) happy b) enthusiastic c) interested d) keen e) fond 28) Why did you make me get mixed up in this matter?" means: Why did you _____ me in this matter? a) involve b) arrange c) interest d) contain e) disregard 29) _______ the ship's crew consisted' of seven men. a) Entirely b) Completely c) Wholly d) Only e) Altogether 30) We've _______ sugar. Ask Mrs. Jones to lend us some. a) run away with b) run down c) run off d) run out off e) run into 31) Camilla is very extravagant, she is always buying clothes she can't really afford. "Extravagant" means: a) expensive b) mean c) stingily d) extrovert e) wasteful

32) You can't smoke here. It’s prohibited. The opposite of "prohibited" is: a) prevented b) forbidden c) permitted d) ceased e) stopped 33) We occasionally see John here in town. The opposite of occasionally is: a) often b) now and then c) seldom d) sometimes e) rarely 34) Criminals need treatment and education instead of _______. a) compliment b) prevention c) punishment d) solution e) judgement 35) He got up and got ready to _______ at the next bus stop. a) take away

b) get out

c) get off

KEY TO VOCABULARY SET I 1. B 2. D 3. A 4.D 5. E 6. E 7. C 8. B 9.D 10. D 11-C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. D

SET II 1. E 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. B 15: A 16. E 17. D 18. E 19. A 20. C

d) take off

e) call off

21. B 22. A 23. A 24. A 25. D 26. A 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. C 31. E 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. C STRUCTURE (General Tests)

21. A 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. C 28: A 29. E 30. D 31. E 32. C 33. A 34. C 35. C

SET 1 Choose the best alternative. 1. ........ Freud and Marx were motivated from each others is well known by the scientists. a. Both are b. What both c. Both d. That both 2. Scientists have peculated that the destruction of the earth’s ozone layer would ......... us to damaging ultra violet rays. a. exposed b. have been exposed c. expose d. have been exposing 3............ Latin speakers originally borrowed the word "caupo" meaning "merchant" from Germanic speakers or vice versa is not clear. a. Then b. Whether c. Because d. Which 4. The world still admires ........... great Doric temples in Greece.

a. that b. those c. when d. how 5. The problem facing most tourists is............ among so many possibilities.

a. what they should see b. what should they see c. should they see what d. they should see what 6. That acne ....... by daily consumption of zinc sulfate tablets gives patients much encouragement. a. has been controlled b. controlled c. will have been controlled d. had controlled 7. One of the lesser well-known treasures of Paris is ................ Parisians call "La Mosques Islam." a. that b) why c) what d) where

8................ patients should try to reduce needless office visits for colds and minor respiratory illnesses. a. Doctors that agree b. That doctors agree c. Doctors agreeing that d. Doctors agree that 9. Differences among environmental groups philosophies and tactics a. that is b. that is there c. that there d. that there is 10. ............half the world's tropical forests destruction of Earth's ozone layer would have vanished since the 1940s. a. World Wildlife Fund statistics show that b. World Wildlife Fund statistics showing that c. That showing World Wildlife Fund statistic d. That World Wildlife Fund statistics show 11. Stall holders in the old market wondered how much ............ be able to stay there. a. would they longer b. they would longer c. longer they would d. they longer would 12.......... disabled children cannot enjoy toys designed for nondisabled youngsters is the subject of the report. a. What b. Those c. That d. Because

13. ..............capable of machine automation and parts handling has been developed. a. A robot b. That a robot c. These robots d. Robots 14. NASA reported ......a hypersonic aircraft is being designed for military missions and as a space launch vehicle to carry supplies. a. there is b. both c. not only d. that

a. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.

15. Science has not yet made a machine that can learn ..... a young child can learn in a few days – how to tie a pair of shoes. Where b) what c) which d) when 16. I think that man is a burglar............. I call the police? Could Will Shall Had better 17. Many people who suffer from poor health wish they ..... smoking long before. had given up gave up would give up must have given 18. Spanish culture ..... the New World by Sixteenth-century conquistadors was brought to be brought to brought to brought 19. By the end of the year, the speed limit in many states ..... 55 miles per hour.

a. was reducing b. had reduced to c. had been reduced to d. was being 20. In the late 1980s several of Van Goth’s paintings ..... off, each valued, at more than ten million dollars. a. were auctioned b. will auction c. auctioning d. auctioned 21. Not until a frog develops lungs ............ the water and live on the land.

a. that it leaves b. it leaves c. leaves it

d. does it leave 22. Only after they are identified as non toxic ...... be eaten.

a. b. c. d.

should wild mushrooms wild mushrooms should when wild mushrooms should then should wild mushrooms 23. Experiments in the sonic imaging of moving objects ........ in both the United States and Europe well before the Second World War.

a. b. c. d.

were conduct have being conducted had been conducted being conducted 24. Water safety experts feel we should as young an age as possible.

a. b. c. d.

begin to teach children to swim begins taught children to swim beginning to teach children to swim began to teach children to swim 25. The U.S. legislative system ............based upon a multiparty system, but historically, the serious candidates have come from only two parties.

a) it is

b) since it is

c) being

d) is

SET II ( Choose the best alternative ) 1. ................are low in cholesterol and often come from corn, soybeans, or olives. a. There are vegetable oils b. Vegetable oils c. The oil in vegetables d. While vegetable oils 2. Wood that has been specially treated is......... regular wood. a. as water resistant much more than b. water resistant much more than c. more than water resistant d. much more water resistant than 3. By the process of evaporation, humans lose water....... their skin. a. through b. but c. of d. at 4. A large corporation is broken down into many departments, each of which has......

a. b. c. d.

responsibly unique the unique responsibility uniquely responsibility a unique responsibility

5. In 1875, white living in Paterson N.J., ..... his first plans for the submarine. a. submitted inventor John Holland b. inventor submitted John Holland c. inventor John Holland submitted d. d. John Holland submitted inventor 6.The Babylonians invented a system of, ..... the Mayan Indians of America. a. so b. and did c. as did d. so did


7. The flamingo is related to the heron, stork and spoonbill, but ..... a longer neck and webbed feet. a. which has b. has c. have d. Having 8. In 1938, many people listening to the radio heard a report ........ had landed in New Jersey. a. how beings from Mars b. being from Mars c. that being from Mars d. that beings from Mars 9. For professional athletes, constant practice is required....... in condition. a. in order to stay b. that a player stay c. for to stay d. to be staying 10. ....... was the meeting place of the Continental Congress. a. In 1732, constructing Independence Hall b. Constructing Independence Hall in 1732 c. Independence Hall was constructed in 1732 d. Constructed in 1732, Independence Hall 11. Even in the United States, Chinese food is often........... with chopsticks. a. eaten b. ate c. eating d. being eaten

12. All the members of Congress wanted to know........ the president planned on postponing the vote on health care reform. a. whether b. will c. what d. would 13. On summer weekends there are ........ cars on the road that public transportation becomes a better alternative. a. so much b. so many c. such a lot d. too many 14. ......... residents of this district will be voting on whether they should become independent of the rest of the city. a. In a few years b. Last years c. For following year d. With the past year 15. William Jennings Bryan was....... rigid in his beliefs that not even losing three presidential bids could change him. a. too b. very c. so d. such 16. A thick layer of fat called blubber keeps whales warm even.............. coldest water. a. although the b. in the c. the d. of the 17. ........ the United states, the general movement of air masses is from west to east. a. Across b. To cross c. They cross d. It’s across 18. Dynamite is ordinarily detonated....... called a blasting cap. a. a device is used b. that a device c. with a device d. the use of a device 19. ..............1900 there were some 300 bicycle factories in the United States, and they produced over a million bicycles. a. In

b. Because in c. It was in d. That in 20. Most crustacean's live in the sea,............. some live in fresh water and a few have ventured onto land. a. both b. also c. but d. and 21. Photographers choice of a camera depends on what kind of pictures they want to take, how much control they want over exposure, and.......... they want to spend. a. the amount of money b. what money c. how much money d. so much money that 22. Atlanta is the commercial, financial, and........... of Georgia. a. center of administration b. administrative center c. center for administering d. administering center 23. Even after the Revolutionary War, American importers obtained merchandise from Britain because British merchants understood American tastes, offered attractive prices, and .......... . a. easy credit was provided b. because of easy credit c. easy credit d. provided easy credit 24. An acoustic engineer’s purpose in designing a factory is to suppress sound,...... his purpose in designing a concert hall is to transmit sound faithfully. a. Or b. So c. But d. Which 25. Demographers believe most metropolitan are as will continue to grow in..... population and area in the future. a. moreover b. both c. together d. besides SET III ( Choose the best alternative ) 1. Early carpenters, having .....nails, had to use wooden pegs to secure their constructions.

a. b. c. d.

no not without neither

2. Old Faithful is the most famous but..... the most powerful geyser in Yellowstone after National Park. a. none of b. no c. nothing d. not 3. Joseph Priestly, the discoverer of oxygen, had little ..... interest in science until he met Benjamin Franklin in Paris a. and not b. or no c. but not d. nor any 4. Mobile homes were ..... counted as permanent houses until the 1960 census. a. not b. nor c. no d. none 5. Most solo musicians play ..... sheet music in front of them. a. without b. b. not having c. lacking d. and no 6. ..... Mary Ann Shadd famous for helping escaped slaves, she was also the first African Canadian woman to establish a newspaper. a. Was only not b. Not only was c. Was not only d. Not only

7. Meriwether Lewis and William dark made their epic journey across North America in the years 1804 ..... 1806. a. to b. between c. over d. for 8. Clay incense burners................. effigy lids were excavated near Becan.

a. b. c. d.

out from with before

9. The black bear suddenly appeared from.......... the tent. a. behind b. out c. with d. after 10. Wilbur Wright flew his airplane........... France in 1909. a. on b. upon c. until d. over 11. ....... two fingerprints have ever been found to be exactly the same. a. No b. Never c. Not d. None 12. One of the few stands of forest on the East Coast of the United States that has...... been harvested is Hutcheson Forest in New Jersey. a. no b. never c. none d. nothing 13. On the eastern tip of Long Island........, a major tourist and recreation destination. a. lies the town of Montauk b. the town of Montauk lies there c. around the town of Montauk d. there lies the town of Montauk around

14. Desertification is the creation of deserts where........ had existed before. a. never b. no one c. none d. not one

15. Glass snakes are actually legless lizards,.............snakes. a. no b. not c. nor d. none 16. There is ...........truth to the old expression "Lightning never strikes the same place twice." a. without b. none c. no d. not 17. .................single person can be said to have invented the automobile. a. There was not a b. Nor a c. Not one of d. No 18. ............ expended by hurricanes that they have been known to lift houses off their foundations. a. So great power is b. How great the power is c. The power is great d. So great is the power 19. Customers could, until the 1960’s, open small savings accounts at U.S. Post Offices, but that services is ..........offered. a. no longer b. not longer c. no long d. not along 20. .............the reptiles alive today is capable of flight. a. No b. None of c. Not one d. Not 21. A serious study of physics is impossible.............some knowledge of mathematics. a. not with b. no c. not having d. without 22. A: She has to be taken to the hospital ver soon,.............she? B: I............ There is nothing they can do at home. She needs hospital treatment.

a. b. c. d.

hasn’t / am afraid not does / hope not doesn’t / am afraid so has / hope so

23. She got married because she preferred bringing...........children...............teaching. a. up/ for b. about / to c. about / for d. up / to 24. I always look..........words İ don’t know............ a dictionary. a. up / in b. after / from c. up / from d. after / in 25. Our ideas differ.........those............our parents. a. from /of b. of / from c. as / with d. with / as

SET IV ( Choose the best alternative ) 1.........infinitely large number of undiscovered galaxies. a. An b. There are an c. From an d. Since there are 2. ........perhaps the most awe inspiring among the great structures of the world. a. The Great Wall of China b. The Great Wall of China which is c. The Great Wall of China is d. The Great Wall of China is 3. No matter ...........,Mozart was an accomplished composer while still a child. a. how remarkable it seems b. how it seems remarkable c. how seems it remarkable d. how it remarkable seems 4. Novelist Jane Austen ........ the first twenty six years of her life in the village of Stevenson, Hampshire. a. living b. was lived c. lived

d. who lived a. b. c. d.

5. By far ................... of Saudi Arabia is oil. It is the most important export the most important export is that is the most important export the most important export 6. Yellowstone National Park’s attractions include the famous Old Faithful geyser, vast forests, plentiful wildlife, and............... . a. campgrounds are well maintained b. well-maintained campgrounds c. campgrounds are maintained well d. maintains campgrounds well 7. ...........the Dartmoor ewe and the Dumpy hen, the Tamworth pig is a rare breed of farm animal. a. How b. Like c. The d. Even 8. ..........often serve as places of public entertainment and festivals, they can also be places where people can find peace and solitude. a. Even though city parks b. City parks c. City parks that d. There are city parks which 9. the planet Uranus dates from its discover in 1781 is not surprising. a. That scientific interest b. It was scientific interest c. Though scientific interest d. Scientific interest 10. The Himalayan Mountains are the......... . a. height of world extensive ranges b. ranges of the most extensive world c. world’s most extensive ranges d. extensive ranges of the world 11. ..........,Luxor did not reach reeminence until about 2000 BC a. Many centuries earlier it was founded b. The city founded centuries earlier c. Although founded many centuries earlier d. Founding the city centuries earlier

a. b.

12. A fine tomb,........., marks the grave of the poet Chaucer. which in the fifteenth century was erecting erected in the fifteenth century

c. d.

erecting in the fifteenth century being erected in the fifteenth century 13. Not until about a century after Julius Caesar landed in Britain ..... actually conquer the island. a. the Romans did b. did the Romans c. the Romans d. Romans that 14. ......... is as simple as it looks. a. Adobe houses building b. Adobe houses which are built c. Building adobe houses d. Adobe houses built 15. Square-rigged ships, ..... high speeds only when traveling with the trade winds, are not used commercially nowadays. a. can attain b. when attaining c. they can attain d. which can attain 16. The treasures came from a second, a. the smallest b. as small as c. much smaller d. more small 17. In 1923 Jean Toomer wrote a book titled Cane which combined fiction .......... poetry to describe the experience of being Black in the United States. a. and b. to c. also d. or 18. Endive can be used ............. as a salad green or as a cooking vegetable. a. such b. both c. either d. neither 19. Throughout history, trade routes have increased contact between people, ............ , and greatly affected the growth of civilization. a. have resulted in an exchange of ideas b. an exchange if ideas has resulted c. resulted in an exchange of ideas d. resulting in an exchange of ideas

20. Walt Disney made many technical advances in the use of sound, color, and........ in animated films. a. photographing b. using photography c. photography d. use of photographs 21. Artist Paul Kane traveled throughout Northwest Canada on foot, by canoe, and .... to sketch Native Canadians going about their ordinary lives. a. on horseback b. riding a horse c. was on horseback d. by a horse 22. Barbara Jordan was the first woman in the South to win an election to the House of Representatives, ........ as Congress woman from Texas from 1973 to 1979. a. to serve b. served c. serving d. has served 23. Glucose does not have to be digested, can be put directly into the bloodstream. a. so b. while c. and since d. nor 24. Natural fiber comes from either animal .......... plant sources. a. or b. otherwise c. and d. nor 25. Paint is ........ used to protect wood. a. not only the substance b. the substance which is not only c. not only a substance which is d. not the only substance



1. d 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a

7. c 8. d 9. d 10.a 11.c 12.c

13. a 14. d 15. b 16. c 17. a 18. a

19. c 20. a 21. d 22. a 23. c 24. a

25. d


1. b 2. d 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. c

7. b 8. d 9. a 1O.d 11. a 12. a

13. b 14. a 15. c 16. b 17. a 18. c

19. a 20. b 21. c 22. b 23. d 24. c

25. b


1. a 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b SET IV

7. a 8. c 9. a l0.d 11.a 12.b

13. a 14. c 15. b 16. c 17. d 18. d

19. a 20. b 21. d 22. c 23. d 24. a

25. a

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. b

7. b 8. a 9. a 10.c 11.c 12.b

13. b 14. c 15. d 16. c 17. a 18. c

19. c 20. c 21. a 22. c 23. a 24. a

25. d

STRUCTURE (General Tests) SET V Choose the best alternative, 1. Potatoes and onions ........... from sprouting by a new technology using radiation. a. are preventing b. prevention is c. are prevented d. prevented 2. Only if.......... will proper labeling be essential. a. the law is changed b. is changed the law c. is the law changed d. the law being changed 3. The sulky, a horse-drawn carriage, ........ to have been invented in the early nineteenth century by an English physician. a. believed b. was believing c. is believed d. is believing 4.......... a herd of horses on Assateague island. a. The pirate Blackboard reputedly left b. The pirate Blackboard reputedly leaving

c. Had the pirate Blackboard reputedly left d. No sooner did the pirate Blackboard reputedly leave 5. Lack of exercise and high fat diets have .... to be factors in heart attacks a. long been known b. been long known c. known been long d. long known been 6......... the water clear but also prevent the river from overflowing. a. Not only the hippo's eating habits keep b. Keep not only the hippo's eating habits c. The hippo's eating habits not only keep d. Not only keep the hippo's eating habit 7. Not until 1865 the first antiseptic, treatment on a compound fracture. a. when Joseph Lister tried b. when did Joseph Lister try c. did Joseph Lister try d. that Joseph Lister tried 8. At each end of the tube.............. one which gathers light and one which magnifies the image. a. b. c. d.

are two lenses there two lenses are are two lenses two lenses are there

9. When ............. into the Colorado wilderness, no one could have predicted how popular the animal would become. a. llamas first bring b. were llamas first brought c. first bringing llamas d. llamas were first brought 10. Centuries ago,......... known source of frankincense and myrrh was Yemen. a. not only b. the only c. only d. only the 11. Noise pollution generally receives less attention than ........ air pollution




it does




it does over 12. During the investigations, those questioned included ....... top officials, but also the minor employees who earned out the orders. a. when b. both c. without d. not only 13. Putrefaction ............ by bacteria and not by a chemical process. a. to be caused b. causing c. caused d. is caused 14. West of Newport ........ one of the many mansions surrounded by acres of gardens. where the Aston stately home stands the stately home stands of Aston the stately home of Aston stands stands the stately home of Aston 15. In the Sonora desert, the daytime temperatures ..... to 50 degrees Celsius. rise rising to rise risen 16. The shrinking range poses ........ to Africa's elephants.


a graver threat that is long term


the gravest long-term threat


long term the gravest threat


a long-term threat graver 17.......... in astronomy, the discovery of Uranus was by accident. It was like many finds Like many finds Alike many finds Many alike finds 18........ the condor in Peru is threatened by the rapid encroachment of humans.

a. As isolated as its few remaining habitats b. As its few remaining isolated habitats may be c. Way its few remaining habitats be as isolated d. Its few remaining habitats may be as isolated as 19. The stories show how ......... humans have been trying to live in harmony with nature. during the earliest times that the earliest times from the earliest times because earliest times 20.............. Mozart had already written his first composition. a. His age was six b. By the age of six c

c. He was six d. Six years old

21. Julius Caesar did not conquer Britain but instead stayed a few weeks, took some hostages and ............ a. before returning to Bolougne b. he returned to Bolougne c. then to Bolougne d. returned to Bolougne 22. Today shire horses are seen more and more in their traditional role horses. a. alike b. as c. like d. as if 23.......... was debated, the more people became involved. The longer the issue The longer issue The long issue The longest issue 24. The Viking Ship Museum houses ....... ever recovered. a.

three finest funeral ships


the finest three funeral ships


the three finest funeral ships


the three funeral finest ships 25............. black bears climb trees. Unlike grizzly bears are Grizzly bears are Grizzly unlike bears Unlike grizzly bears STRUCTURE (General Test) SET VI Choose the best alternative. 1. ................ by Anna Baldwin. The invention of the vacuum milking machine That the vacuum milking machine was invented The vacuum milking machine, which was invented The vacuum milking machine was invented 2. Dry cleaning is the process ............ clothes are cleaned in liquids other than water. a. by d

b. which through


c. by which


d. through

3. Sand dunes are made of loose sand .............. up by the action of the wind. a. it builds b. builds c. is building d. built 4. ............ book Jubilee, which was based on the life of her great-grandmother, Margaret Walker was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. a. For her b. Her c. It was her d. That her

5. Job specialization takes place............... of production is separated into occupations. a. whenever the work is b. when the work c. is when the work d. whenever working 6. ............... are hot is a common misconception. a. All deserts b. All deserts which c. Of all deserts d. That all deserts 7. ..............imaginative stories about the origin of the game of chess. Many of the Many There are many Of the many Of the many 8. of Canada’s greatest engineering projects, is a 27 mile long waterway between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Because the Welland Ship Canal is b. The Welland Ship Canal is c. That the Welland Ship Canal is d. The Welland Ship Canal 9. A deep-tissue massage is a type of massage therapy ............. on one part of the body, such as the lower back. a.

its concentration


is concentrate


why it concentrates


to be concentrated 10. One of the most powerful optical telescopes, the "Big Eye" at Mt. Palomar, ............. a 200-inch mirror has that has with which 11. Alfego Baca,.............. legendary Mexican-American folk hero, was a lawman in New Mexico in the late 1880s. a. a

b. who, as a c. was a d. and he was a 12. ............... relatively inexpensive, the metal pewter can be fashioned into beautiful and useful objects. Even it is Despite Nevertheless, it is Although 13. .......... is a general category that includes all mental states and activities. g

a. What do psychologists call cognition e. Psychologists call it cognition c. What psychologists call cognition


d. Cognition, as it is called by psychologists, which

14. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote four novels,......... The Scarlet Letter, became an American Literary classic. of which one, which one one of which, one was 15.......... ... about four years for a new aircraft model to move from the preliminary design stage to the full-production stage. c. That takes

It takes d. To take

b. Taking

16. Roger Williams was a clergyman,........... the colony of Rhode Island, and an outspoken advocate of religious and political freedom. a. founded b. the founder of c. was the founder of d. he founded 17. Paint can be applied to a surface with rollers,.............. or spray guns. a. brushes b. brushes can be used c. with brushes d. by brush

18. The use of labor-saving devices in homes, ............., and in factories added to the amount of leisure time people had. a.

at office


used in offices




in offices 19. A dulcimer can be played by either striking its strings with a hammer or........... . to pluck the with the fingers fingers are used to pluck them they are plucked with the fingers plucking them with the fingers 21. Do you know................ hours he works a week and...............he earns? a. how much / how much b. how many / how much c. how much / how many d. how many / how many 22. I.... be shy in front of large groups of people but now I....... speaking to large audience. was used to / am used to used to / am used to got used to / used to was used to / got used to 23. I might have got the job if I................. late for the interview.


couldn't be




wouldn't be


hadn't been 24. Where were you, I... the math’s exam the other day. As it was so easy, you ............ would take / might've passed should've taken / could pass could've taken / must’ve passed

would've taken / could've passed 25. If only she............ me the truth, I................. what happened. told / wouldn't have known didn't tell / would know had told / would have known hadn't told / would have known STRUCTURE (General Tests) SET VIII Choose the best alternative

a. b. c. d.

1. ................ an organism must be able to adapt to changing factors in its environment. If survival For surviving To survive It survives 2. The art of landscape architecture is ................ that of architecture itself. almost as old as as almost old almost as old than old as almost 3. The Mummer's Parade has.................every year in Philadelphia on New Year's Day since 1901. Holding been holding held been held 4. Rarely .............. more than fifty miles from the coast. a. redwood trees grow b. redwood trees do grow c. grow redwood trees d. do redwood trees grow 5. Microorganisms live in extreme conditions where...............other organisms can survive.












None 6. The higher one rises in the atmosphere, ................ the temperature generally becomes. a. colder than b. the colder c. the colder as d. is colder 7. Medical researchers are constantly looking , for ways to control,...................., and cure diseases. a. Prevention b. Preventing c. Prevent d. To prevent 8. Nerve cells, or neurons, the human body. the most complex cells are are the most complex cells most complex the cells are most are the complex cells 9. Released in 1915, a. D.W. Griffith's made an epic film about the Civil War, Birth of a Nation. b. The Civil War was the subject of D.W. Griffith's epic film. Birth of a Nation c. D.W. Griffith's epic film Birth of a Nation was about the Civil War d. The subject of D.W. Griffith's epic film Birth of a Nation was the Civil War

10. ................... on barren slopes can help prevent erosion. Planting trees For trees to be planted in order to plant trees Trees are planted 11. Vermont is the only state in New England .................. an Atlantic coastline.

a. without b. not with c. which not having d. doesn't have

a. b. c. d.

12. In 1867, Hiram R. Revels ............... the first Black to be elected to the U.S. Senate. Becoming Became To have become Has become 13. Jupiter’s moons can be easily seen through ........... binoculars or a small telescope. a. either b. if c. whether d. or 14. The Colorado beetle is a beautiful insect, .......... it causes a great deal of damage to food crops. but what or that 15. Judge Francis Hopkins is probably best known as a singer of the Declaration of Independence, but he also excelled as a poet, ........... , and an orator. as a musician by playing music a musician he played music 16. The bark of a tree thickens ...........


a. with age b. it gets older c. as older d. by age

17...................... seed of a flowering plant is covered by a dense protective coat. On each Each Each of

That each 18. Blind fish, which spend their whole lives in caves, have ........ eyes nor body pigments. a.

not any






without 19. Specialty stores, unlike department stores, handle only one line merchandise,.......... a limited number of closely-related lines. either but instead or 20. Thomas Eakins studied not only painting ........... anatomy when he was training to become an artist. Moreover but also as well and 21. Although topology is the youngest branch of geometry .................. is considered the most sophisticated.


but it






however it 22. Insects provide many beneficial services, such as ............., breaking down deadwood, and pollinating plants. they condition soils to condition soil conditioning the soil soil conditioned 23. Frozen orange juice must be packed, ...... , and stored when the fruit is ripe. be frozen

must be frozen frozen it must be frozen 24. The Sioux language is spoken not only ............ Sioux but also by the Crow and Osage tribes. by the the do the and the 25. In 1900, electrically powered cars were more popular than gasoline powered cars because they were quiet, operated smoothly and ............ . a. handled easily b. ease of handling c. handling easily d. easy to handle STRUCTURE (General Tests) SET VIII Choose the best alternative. 1. Deep in the Reo Bec area of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.................. does a 1.250 -year-old pyramid lie a 1,250-year-old pyramid lie lies a 1,250-year-old pyramid is a 1,250-year-old pyramid lying 2. The architecture and pottery uncovered in .............. revealed Middle Eastern cultural relationships. this area has the areas has area have this area have 3. The Pacific Crest Trail is America's .............. . a. longest footpath b. the long footpath c. footpath the longest one d. the longest footpath 4. .......... almost every major city in the worlds

a. Air pollution that now afflicts b. Not only does air pollution now afflict c. Air pollution now afflicts d. Air pollution what now afflicts 5. Today, "carpet'' refers to floor coverings that reach from wall to wall,................... "rug'" refers to a piece of material that covers only one section of the, floor. a. therefore b. whereas c. in as much as d. among 6. The triple function of Bodiam Castle's moat was to be defensive, decorative and ............. . a. to double the impression of impregnability b. to be double the; impression of impregnability c. double the impression of impregnability d. for doubling the impression of impregnability 7. ...................... is that a chicken stands up to lay its eggs. Many people don't realize What many people don't realize It is that many people don't realize Because many people don't realize 8. The tiger heard the splashing, rolled into ambush position, and crouched down in the grass.................. readied itself to attack made itself ready for :the attack to ready itself and attacked to ready itself for the attack 9 ............... before the stork chick moves even 6 inches in the nest. a. Just over 5 months is b. It takes just over 5 months c. When just 5 months are over d. That it takes just over 5 months 10. Thor Heyerdahl,.............. from Peru in a frail balsa craft, attempted to prove his theory of South American migration to Polynesia. set sail has set sail he set sail setting sail

11. Napoleon İİİ eventually landed in England ............... not only as a dethroned exile but only as a dethroned exile but a dethroned exile but being only a dethroned exile 12. Jacob Lawrence is considered by many critics.................. a. to be the foremost African-American artist b. the foremost African-American artist is c. foremost African-American artist d. is the foremost African-American artist 13. Braille is a system of raised dots developed for blind people.......... with their fingers. a. they read b. who read c. who reading d. read 14. .... of true seals, the monk seals are considered to be the most primitive. a. The 18 species b. 18 species are c. There are 18 species d. Of the 18 species 15. Traditional sailors ..... many of the same dangers as their predecessors. face is is facing face are faced 16. It is now known that Saturn ... not the only planet in our solar system with rings. a. which b. be c. so d. is 17. ................ is essential for the plant life of the Amazon Basin. It is an adequate rainfall An adequate rainfall Though an adequate rainfall Although an adequate rainfall 18. The Mediterranean monk seal is distinguished from the more familiar gray seal by.................

is a size

b. its size

c. is its size

d. is size

19. .... places which attract so many art lovers as Florence, Italy. a. Fewer b. As few c. There are few d. That fewer 20. .... numerous at the turn of the century, the number of tigers in India had fallen to 2,500 by 1969. They were It was Although Not only 21. .... .......that F.W. Frohawk made his greatest contribution to the field of natural history during the Victorian period. a. It was as a butterfly illustrator j

b. He was as a butterfly illustrator c. A butterfly illustrator d. When he was a butterfly illustrator

22. Anthony Burgess,.... as a novelist, was originally a student of music. because of being famous who achieved fame who because he was famous he achieved fame 23. Not until Edward Jenner developed the first anti-smallpox serum in 1796 .... against this terrible disease. a. protection was b. protection was given c. it was protected d. was there protection 24. Early sailing ships,..... sometimes in uncharted seas, faced many hazards in reaching their destination. a. navigating b. were navigated c. navigate

d. and navigates 25. Not every plan that was presented ...... of suitability b. was suitable

c. to be suited

d. Suitable

26. Today the cotton textile industry is ..................important for the economy as it was a century ago. a. so b. more c. as d. An 27. ............... first three years of the war with Germany and Austria-Hungary left 1.8 million Russian soldiers dead. a. The b. In the c. It was the d. When the 28. Grace Kelly was first famous as a Hollywood actress and then .... Prince Rainier of Monaco. to be the wife of she was the wife of the wife of as the wife of, 29. .................break, they can be joined with a touch of nail polish. For tapes from a cassette to Tapes from a cassette that With tapes from a cassette It tapes from a cassette 30. Not only are reindeer used for their hides and milk......................... a.

but for pulling sleighs as well


as well as pulling sleighs


but they pull sleighs


also to pull sleighs

KEY TO STRUCTURE (General Tests) SET V C 1. D

1. C

1. C


A 2. C

2. A

2. D

27. A

C 3. D

3. D

3. A

28. D

A 4. A

4. D

4. C

29. D

A 5. B

5. C

5. B

30. A

C 6. D

6. B

6. A

C 7. C

7. C

7. B

C 8. D

8. B

8. D

D 9. B

9. C

9. B

B 10. A

10. A

10. B

A 11. A

11. A

11. B

D 12. D

12. B

12. A

D 13. C

13. A

13. B

D 14. C

14. A

14. D

A 15. A

15. C

15. C

B 16. B

16. A

16. D

B 17. A

17. B

17. B

A 18. D

18. B

18. B

C 19. D

19. D

19. C

B 20. B

20. B

20. C

D 21. B

21. C

21. A

B 22. B

22. C

22. B

A 23. D

23. C

23. D

C 24. D

24. A

24. A

C 25. C

25. A

25. B




STRUCTURE (General Tests) Set IX Choose the best alternative. 1. Sharp knives are actually safer to use a) as dull ones b) as ones that are dull c) than dull ones d) that are dull ones 2. Daniel Webster, Thaddeus Stevens, and many others _____. prominent in public life began their careers by teaching school. a) they became b) once they became c) became d) who became 3. As coal mines became deeper, the problems of draining water, bringing in fresh air, and ___ to the surface increased. a) transporting ore b) to transport ore c) how ore is transported d) ore is transporting 4 _____ because of the complexity of his writing, Henry James never became a popular writer, but his works are admired by critics and other writers. a) It may be b) Perhaps c) Besides d) Why is it 5. Piedmont glaciers are formed ______several valley glaciers join and spread out over a plain. a) by b) when c) from d) that 6. As late as 1890, Key West, with a population of 18,000, Florida's largest city. a) that was b) to be

c) was d) it was 7. A mastery of calculus depends on _____of algebra. a) an understanding b) is understood c) to understand d) understand 8. _______ he was not a musician himself, Lawrence Hammond developed an electronic keyboard instrument salted the Hammond organa) Although b) That c) Despite d) For 9. Agnes De Mile's landmark musical play Oklahoma! was _______ of story, music, and dance. a) successfully combined b) a successful combination c) to combine successfully d) successful combining 10 _______ single dialect of American English has ever become dominant. a) No b) Not only a c) Not d) Nora 11. In 1837 the University of Michigan became the first state university___ by a board of regents elected by the voters of' the state a) under the control b) it was controlled c) being controlled d) to be controlled 12. Indoor heating systems have made ______ for people to live and work comfortably in temperate climates. a) it is possible b) possible c) it possible d) possibly 13. Certain fish eggs contain droplets of oil, ____to float on the surface of the water. a) allowing them b) allows them

c) they are allowed d) this allows them 14. Considered America's first great architect, a) many of the buildings at Harvard University were designed by Henry Hobson Richardson b) Henry Hobson Richardson designed many of the buildings at Harvard University c) Harvard University has many buildings that were designed by Henry Hobson Richardson d) it was Henry Hobson Richardson who designed many of the buildings at Harvard University

15. ______ is caused by a virus was not known until 1911. a) That measles b) As measles c) Measles d) What if measles 16. ______ team sports require cooperation. a) Of all b) They are all c) All d) Why are all 17. A-medical emergency is a sudden or unexpected condition _____ immediate care to prevent death or serious harm. a) it requires b) to require c) that requires d) a requirement of 18. Centuries of erosion have exposed ______ rock surfaces in the Painted Desert of northern Arizona. a) in colors of the rainbow b) colored like a rainbow c) rainbow-colored d) a rainbow's coloring 19. The higher the temperature of a molecule, a) the more energy it has b) than it has more energy c) more energy has it d) it has more energy 20. Frontier surgeon Ephraim Mac Donald had to perform operations ___ anesthesia. a) no b) not having

c) without d) there wasn't 21. ___ young, chimpanzees are easily trained. a) When are b) When c) They are d) When they 22. A person of _____ age may suffer from defects of vision. a) every b) any c) certain d) some 23. ______ have settled, one of their first concerns has been to locate an adequate water supply. a) Wherever people b) There are people who c) Whether people d) People 24. If a bar magnet is _____, the two pieces form two complete magnets, each with a north and south pole. a) broken b) broke c) breaking d) break 25. The type of plant and animal life living in and around a pond depends on the soil of the pond, _____, and the pond's location. a) what the quality of the water is b) how is the water quality c) the quality of the water d) what is the water quality 26 Clifford Holland, _____________civil engineer was in charge of the construction of; the first tunnel under the Hudson River: a) he was a b) a c) being a d) who was, as a 27. _________parrots are native to tropical regions is untrue. a) That all b) All c) Why all d) Since all

28. A major concern among archaeologists today is the preservation of archaeological sites, ______ are threatened by development. a) of which many b) b) many of them c) many of which d) which many 29. In 1775, Daniel Boone opened the Wilderness Trail and made _____ the first settlements in Kentucky a) possibly it was b) as possible c) possible d) it possible 30. Rarely ______ seen far from water. a) spotted turtles turtles

b) spotted turtles are

c) have spotted turtles

d) are spotted

STRUCTURE (General Tests) SET X Choose the best alternative 1. ______ was a wife and mother, Anne Bradstreet found time to write poetry about her life in the American colonies. a) She b) Despite she c) Although she d) Though both she 2. The worst snowstorm in American history was _____. a) of 1888 a three-day blizzard b) b) in 1888 there was three-day blizzard c) three-day blizzard in 1888 d) the three-day blizzard of 1888 3. Tombstone, Arizona, ______ the OK Corral shoot-out, is a well-known tourist attraction. a) the scene of b) that is the scene of c) where was the scene of d) there the scene of 4. Glassware is formed either by blowing the molten glass into shape _____ it into a mold. a) and by pouring b) or by pouring

c) besides pouring d) or to pour 5. Luxury items in medieval times, _________ . a) only the nobility used forks b) only the nobility's using of forks c) forks were used only by the nobility d) forks used only by the nobility 6. There was no official quartermaster in the Revolutionary Army, so everyone carried ______ own provisions. a) theirs b) his or her c) its d) our 7. ______ the president's appearance and his charisma that gave him his initial honeymoon period with the voters. a) It seems to have been b) It seems c) There seems to have been d) There seems to be 8. ____ from the cash machine, you must have a valid card and the proper cede number. a) Forgetting b) To get money c) Having got money d) To have gotten 9. To Vice President Agnew, resignation, rather than impeachment, seemed ______ . a) the only thing doing b) the thing only doing c) the only thing to do d) the thing only to do 10. ______ Nebraska nor Iowa has any coastline. a) Either b) Neither c) Both d) Together 11. The Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest were excellent artisans, designing pottery, cloth, household items, and ____________. a) goods leather b) good in leather c) leathers good d) leather goods

12. Only infrequently ____ arthritis lead to total incapacitation. a) is b) are c) does d) such 13. Not all historical sites that are found ______ a) are highly publicized b) highly publicized c) of high publicity d) to be highly publicized 14. Photographs should ______ only under proper conditions. a) exposure b) to be exposed c) exposes d) be exposed 15. Theodore Hesburgh is well known as the president of the University of Notre Dame, but _____ an accomplished athlete, traveler, and author. a) additionally he b) he is also c) is more d) is too including

16. Go out, ______ ? a) Shall we? b) will you c) do you d) don't you 17. Though İ tried _____, I could _____ get any work _____ as the room was noisy. a) hard/hardly/done b) hardly / with hardness / to do c) hard / hardly / to be done d) hardly/hardly/done 18. ______ had he left the house ______ it began to rain. a) - / b) Hardly/than c) No sooner / than d) Seldom / providing 19. Ellen Swallow Richards became the first women to enter, graduate from, and _____ at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. a) teach b) a teacher

c) who taught d) to teach 20. Coins last approximately twenty times ____ paper bills. a) longer b) as long as c) long d) longer than 21. It has been estimated that ______ species of animals. a) more than a million b) it is a million or more c) there are over a million d) are over a million of 22. Dr. Seuss______was Theodore Seuss Geisel wrote and illustrated delightfully humorous books for children. a) his real name b) who had as his real name c) with his real name d) whose real name 23. _____American landscape architects was Hideo Sasaki. a) The most famous one of b) One of the most famous c) Of the one most famous d) The one most famous of 24. Most young geese leave their nests at early age, and young snow geese are ______ exception. a) not b) no c) none d) never 25. Vancouver, British Columbia, has a temperate climate for a city situated _____ far north. a) as b) so c) very d) by 26. ______ in 1849, Manuel a Alonso recorded the customs, language, and songs of the people of Puerto Rico in his poetry and prose. a) Beginning b) He began c) Having begun

d) The beginning was 27. ______ the sails of a distant ship are visible before the body of the ship. a) The curve of the Earth makes b) The Earth, in that it curves, makes c) Because the curve of the Earth, d) Because of the curve of the Earth, 28. Printing ink is made _____ of a paste that is applied to the printing surface with rollers. a) to form b) the form c) in the form d) so that it forms 29. Although _____ cold climates, they can thrive in hot, dry climates as well. a) sheep adapted well b) well-adapted sheep c) sheep, well adapted to d) sheep are well adapted to 30. Professional people appreciate ____ when it is necessary to cancel an appointment. a) you to call them b) that you would call them c) your calling them d) that you are calling them

STRUCTURE (General Tests) SET X1 Choose the best alternative 1. Hills known as land islands, or salt- domes, are ______ Louisiana's marshlands.

a) extremely interesting features of . b) of extremely interesting features c) interesting extremely features of d) extremely interesting of features 2. ___________ of chamber music is the string ' quartet; a) The famous most form b) The most famous form c) The form most famous

d) Most the form famous 3. Not until the seventeenth century

' to measure the speed of light.

a) did anyone even attempt b) anyone did even attempt c) did anyone attempt even d) did even attempt anyone 4. Alfalfa is ______ for livestock. a) a primary grown crop b) grown primary a crop c) a crop grown primarily d) a grown crop primarily 5. The Franklin stove, which became common in the 1790s, burned wood _______an open fireplace. a) efficiently more than much b) much more efficiently than c) much more than efficiently d) more efficiently much than 6. Reinforced concrete is concrete that is strengthened by metal bars ________. a) in it that are embedded b) embedded that are in it c) are that it embedded in d) that are embedded in it 7. The type of clothing people wear tells others a lot about_________ . a) who they are b) are they who c) they are who d) who are they 8. Most southern states had set up primary school systems by the late eighteenth " century, but only in New England ________ and open to all students. a) primary schools were free c) free were primary schools

b) were primary schools free d) were free primary schools

9. Fungi, ______, do not produce chlorophyll. a) as such mushrooms b) mushrooms as such c) such as mushrooms d) mushrooms such as 10. Seldom ______ more than 20 minutes a night. a) sleep giraffes b) do giraffes sleep

c) giraffes do sleep d) giraffes sleep 11. ________ of the early years of space exploration was the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt in 1958. a) Perhaps the greatest triumph . b) The triumph perhaps greatest c) The greatest perhaps triumph d) The triumph greatest perhaps 12. Today _____ major new products without conducting' elaborate rnarket research a) corporations hardly introduce ever b) hardly ever corporations introduce c) hardly ever introduce corporations d) corporations hardly ever introduce 13. Across the Chesapeake Bay from the rest of the state ______ , whose farms produce beans, tomatoes, and other garden vegetables. a) there lies Maryland's Eastern Shore b) lies Maryland's Eastern Shore c) Maryland's Eastern Shore lies there d) Maryland's Eastern Shore lies 14. Acidophilus bacteria are _______ in an acid medium. a) those that grow best b) those grow best that c) that those grow best d) grow best those that 15. ______ of great apes, the gibbon is the smallest. a) Four of the types b) The four of types c) Four types of the d) Of the four types 16. It is difficult ______ through swamps because of tangled roots and shallow waterways. a) to navigate even the small boats b) for even small boats to navigate c) even small boats for to navigate d) even to navigate for small boats 17. A loadstone is a) an occurring naturally magnet b) a magnet naturally occurring c) naturally a magnet occurring

d) a naturally occurring magnet 18. So complicated ____ that consumers who use a product are seldom aware of where all ifs components come from. a) today trade is international b) today international trade is c) is international trade today d) international trade is today 19. The snow bunting is __________ winter birds in Canada. a) one most of the common b) the most common one of c) one of the most common d) the one of most common 20. Nashville has __________ the capital of country music. a) as long been known b) been known long as c) long been known as d) long as been known 21. Answer the phone, __________? a) could you b) don't you c) do you d) should you 22. The function ____. the brain is to control the nervous system. One part of its responsible __ learning, another serves __ regulate the activities of internal organs. a) about / by / for b) between / with / in c) of/for/to d) off/to/for 23. I hope you've made the necessary arrangements a) haven't you

b) don't you

c) didn't you

d) weren't you

24. In 1886 a number national unions formed the American Federation of Labor ______. a) Samuel Gompers was its leader b) under the leadership of Samuel Gompers c) which, under Samuel Gompers leadership d)Samuel Gompers led it

25. Harmonicas, autoharps, and kazoos ______ folk instruments. a) are examples b) for example c) are examples of d) as examples of 26. _____________ charming shops and restaurants, Old Town is the most picturesque section of Albuquerque. a) With its b) Its c) Because its d) For its 27. Mount Rainer towers nearly three miles ____________ Sea level. c) up d) at e) along f) above 28. The winter snow was __________ 16 feet deep in places. a) across from b) up to c) out from d) out of 29. While ________ a visit to Georgia, Eli Whitney learned of the need for a machine that could clean cotton. b) of c) on d) above e) for 30. As densely populated as the city is, there are surprisingly few people seen ______ the streets. a) to b) at c) of d) on.


7. C

13. A

19. C

2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B

8. D 9. D 10. A 11. C 12. C

14. D 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. A

20. A 21. D 23. A 24. C 25. A

26. D

SET II 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. C

7. B 8. D 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. A

13. B 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. C

19. A 20. B 21-C 23. B 24. D 25. C

26. B

SET III 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B

7. A 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. B

13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. D

19. A 20. B 21. D 23. C 24. D 25. A

26. A

7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. C 12- B

13. B 14. C 15. D 16. C 17. A 18. C

19. C 20. C 21. A 23. C 24. A 25. A

26. D

SET IV 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. B