Kumpulan Soal Simple Past Tense Dalam Bahasa Inggris [PDF]

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Kumpulan Soal Simple Past Tense Dalam Bahasa Inggris Simple past tense merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak tenses yang penting untuk dipelajari, fungsi dari past tense sendiri tentu saja untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lalu atau waktu lampau dalam bahasa inggris. Berikut ini beberapa contoh soal nya berupa pilihan ganda untuk sahabat SBI semua, langsung kita simak ya sahabat SBI

1.I………to the school alone yesterday a.walk b.walked c.walks d.walking

2.we……in this restaurant 2 days ago a.ate b.eaten c.eating d.eat

3.I……in this sofa with him a.sleeping b.sleep c.slept d.sleped

4.We…… each other 2 years ago a.love b.be loving c.are love d.loved

5.I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday a.cuted b.cuting c.cut d.be cutted

6………he read novel last night? a.do b.did c.done d.are

7.We….. to aceh two weeks ago a.gone b.come c.went d.go

8.They……. this musc two hours ago

a.listened b.listen c.listening d.be listen

9.Anita……me in this market yesterday a.meeting b.meets c.met d.meet

10.Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago a.cooking b.cooked c.cooks d.cook

11.I….. this floor yesterday a.swept b.sweep c.sweeps d.sweeped

12.My brother…….this novel yesterday a.reading

b.reads c.read d.readed

13.We……to the collage yesterday a.walking b.walk c.walked d.be walking

14.My lil bro……..a new motorcycle yesterday a.has b.have c.having d.had

15.I….. sad when my bestfriend left me yesterday a.am sad b.were c.was d.did

16.I……in this office 2 years ago a.working b.worked

c.work d.be working

17.I……my wallet in this market two months ago a.loose b.losed c.lose d.lossing

18.My brother…….a letter for me a.write b.wrote c.writing d.was writting

19.My students……hard last night a.study b.studied c.was study d.studying

20.When I…….it is raining 5 minutes ago a.got up b.getting up c.gets up

d.get up

21.They……about this project in this restaurant yesterday a.talking b.talked c.talk d.talks

22.I…….an elephant last night a.draw b.drew c.drawn d.drawing

23.My teacher……..me about this mathematic last year a.taught b.teaching c.teaches d.teach

24.I……a cake to your house last night a.bring b.brought c.brings d.bringing

25.Julio…….an active student last year a.were b.was c.is d.are

Kunci Jawaban 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.


1. 1. Question I ……….. to your party tomorrow. o

Am coming






Will coming


Was coming

2. 2. Question We …………… football next week. o

Are going to playing


Going to playing


Going to play


Go to play


Are going to play

3. 3. Question She ……….. in tokyo. o

Will be









4. 4. Question He ………………….. a prosecutor. o

Is going to


Going to


Were going to


Was going to


Is going to be

5. 5. Question We ……………. you later. o

Shall caling


Had call


Shall call


Have call



2. The mechanic will have checked my car. 

A. Will the mechanic checked my car?  B. Will the mechanic check my car?  C. Will the mechanic have check my car? 3. Apakah kamu tidak akan makan? 

A. Will you not eaten?  B. Will not you eat?  C. Will you not eat? 4. I wasn’t studying English with my friend. 

A. I will not be studying English with my friend. B. I will be not studying English with my friend.  C. I not will be studying English with my friend. 5. Budi will have finished his report. 

A. Will not Budi be finishing his report? B. Will Budi not be finishing his report?  C. Will Budi be not finishing his report? 6. Telpon Shinta jam 9 besok sore! Dia tidak akan sedang melaksanakan ujian pada jam itu. 

A. Call Shinta at 9 tomorrow morning! She will be doing the test at that time. B. Call Shinta at 9 tomorrow morning! She won’t be do testing at that time.  C. Call Shinta at 9 tomorrow morning! She won’t be doing the test at that time. 7. We will be studying English. 

A. We will have been study English. B. We will have studied English.  C. We will have be study English. 8. My father will have been sleeping. 

A. Will have my father sleep?  B. Will my father have sleeped?  C. Will my father have slept? 9. Saya akan telah mandi sebelum ayahku datang. 

A. I will have take a bath before my father come.  B. I will have taken a bath before my father come.  C. I will have took a bath before my father come. 10. Budi sleeps. 

A. Budi will has been sleeping.

B. Budi will have been sleeping.  C. Budi will had been sleeping. 11. Dina has visited Bali. 

A. Will Dina have been visiting Bali?  B. Will Dina has been visiting Bali?  C. Will Dina had been visiting Bali? 12. They are discussing a problem.   

A. Will not they have been discussing a problem? B. Will they have not been discussing a problem? C. Will they not have been discussing a problem?

Soal Latihan dan Kunci Jawaban | Direct and Indirect Speech SOAL LATIHAN MATERI DIRECT DAN INDIRECT SPEECH. Ubahlah kalimat direct speech di bawah ini menjadi kalimat indirect speech.

1. Did they eat out together yesterday? a. He asked me if they had eaten out yesterday. b. He asked me if they had eaten out together the day before. c. He asked me if they has eaten out together the day before. d. He asked me if they have eaten out together the day before.

2. Don’t turn off the light now. a. He told me don’t turn off the light at that time. b. He told me not to turn off the light at that time. c. He told me didn’t turn off the light at that time. d. He told me didn’t turn off the light at now.

3. What’s your passion? a. She wanted to know what is my passion.

b. She wanted to know what was my passion. c. She wanted to know what my passion was. d. She wanted to know what was my passion.

4. I begin to understand the concept of biodiversity. a. He asked me that he began to understand the concept of biodiversity. b. He wanted to know if he began to understand the concept of biodiversity. c. He said that he began to understand the concept of biodiversity. d. He said that I began to understand the concept of biodiversity.

5. Your friend has just left. a. He told me that your friend had just left. b. He told me that my friend has just left. c. He told me that my friend had just left. d. He told me that my friend have just left.

6. Can I borrow your pencil for a moment? a. She asked me if she can borrow my pencil for a moment. b. She asked me whether she can borrow my pencil for a moment. c. She asked me whether she could borrow my pencil for a moment. d. She asked me whether I could borrow her pencil for a moment.

7. Why are you staring at my feet? a. He asked her why she is staring at his feet. b. He asked her why she was staring at his feet. c. He asked her why was she staring at his feet.

d. He asked her why is she staring at his feet.

8. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. a. He said that the sun rose in the east and sets in the west. b. He said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. c. He asked if the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. d. He said that the sun rise in the east and set in the west.

9. I’m going to meet my penpal for the first time tomorrow. a. She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time the next day. b. She said she was going to meet my penpal for the first time tomorrow. c. She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time tomorrow. d. She said she is going to meet her penpal for the first time the next day.

10. We have been here for a week. a. They said they had been there for a week. b. They said they had been here for a week. c. They said we had been there for a week. d. They said they has been here for a week.

11. Who is sitting beside Tom? a. He asked me who was sitting beside Tom that time. b. He asked me was sitting beside Tom that time. c. He asked me who is sitting beside Tom. d. He asked me who is Tom sitting beside.

12. Please wait for me at the bus stop. a. Endy told me to wating her at the bus stop. b. Endy told me waited for her at the bus stop that time. c. Endy told me waited for me at the bus stop that time. d. Endy told me waits for her at the bus stop that time.

13. Window-shopping is my favorite hobby. a. Septi said that window-shopping is her favorite hobby. b. Septi said that if window-shopping was my favorite hobby. c. Septi said that window-shopping was my favorite hobby. d. Septi said that window-shopping was her favorite hobby.

14. I ate some beef burgers yesterday. a. Jean said that she have eat some beef burgers the day before. b. Jean said that she has ate some beef burgers the day before. c. Jean said that she had been eaten some beef burgers the day before. d. Jean said that she had been eat some beef burgers yesterday.

15. This is the bag which I bought yesterday. a. He said that was the bag which he had been bought the day before. b. He said that was the bag which I bought the day before. c. He said that the bag was which he had buy the day before. d. He said that was the bag which I had been bought the day before.

16. Who is hiding under the bed?

a. Mom wanted to know why was hiding under the bed. b. Mom said she was hiding under the bed. c.

Mom wanted to hiding under the bed.

d. Mom wanted to know who was hiding under the bed.

17. Elisa had been living in Bangok before she moved to Jakarta. a. Firmansyah said that Elisa have live in Bangkok before she moved to Jakarta. b. Firmansyah said that Elisa had been living in Bangkok before she moved to Jakarta. c. Firmansyah said that Elisa is living in Bangkok before she moved to Jakarta. d. Firmansyah said that Elisa was in Bangkok before she move to Jakarta.

18. I have been travelling around the world for over three years. a. Grandpa said he had been travelling around the world for over three years. b. Grandpa said he have been travel around the world for over three years. c. Grandpa said he was travel around the world for over three years. d. Grandpa said he is travelling around the world for over three years.

19. When you pushed me, I was holding my phone. a. Keyza said when you push him, he was holding my phone. b. Keyza said when I push him, he was holding his phone. c. Keyza said when I pushed him, he was holding his phone. d. Keyza said when I pushed him, he is holding my phone.

20. My name is Harry. a. He said his name is Harry. b. He said his name might Harry.


He said his name will Harry.

d. He said his name has Harry.



Pembahasan : Time dalam kalimat direct speech “yesterday” perlu diubah menjadi “the day before” dalam kalimat indirect/reported speech.

2. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Kata kerja (verb) diubah menjadi infinitive (verb 1) pada reporting command (perintah).

3. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Direct speech berupa wh- question (information request) -> pindahkan verb ke belakang subject (word order).

4. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Direct speech berupa pernyataan (statement) dengan pola simple present, verb diubah ke pola simple past dalam kalimat indirect speech.

5. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Pola kalimat present perfect tense pada kalimat direct speech disesuaikan menjadi past perfect tense pada kalimat indirect speech.

6. Jawaban Benar Pembahasan

7. Jawaban Benar

:C : Modal verb “can” (present) diubah menjadi “could” (past).


Pembahasan : Verb present continous tense pada direct speech diubah menjadi past continous tense pada indirect speech.

8. Jawaban Benar Pembahasan truth.

9. Jawaban Benar Pembahasan following day”.

10. Jawaban Benar Pembahasan

11. Jawaban Benar

:B : Verb tidak berubah menjadi past karena pernyataan berupa general

:A : Time reference “tomorrow” disesuaikan menjadi “the next day” atau “the

:A : “Here” pada direct diubah menjadi “there” di Indirect speech.


Pembahasan : Pola present continous tense pada direct speech diubah menjadi pola past continous tense. Ditandai dengan berubahnya tobe dan keterangan waktu.

12. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Pola simple present tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi simple past tense di kalimat indirect speech.

13. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Pola simple present tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi simple past tense di kalimat indirect speech.

14. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Pola simple past tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi past perfect tense di kalimat indirect speech. Ditandai dengan tobe “had been” dan verb 3 “eaten”.

15. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Pola simple present tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi simple past tense di kalimat indirect speech. danpola simple past tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi past perfect tense di kalimat indirect speech. Ditandai dengan tobe “is” diubah menjadi “was” dan penambahan tobe “had been” sebelum verb 3 “bought”.

16. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Pola present continous tense pada direct speech diubah menjadi pola past continous tense. Ditandai dengan berubahnya tobe.

17. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Karena pada direct speech yang pola kalimatnya past continous tense, pada kalimat indirect speech-nya, pola kalimat tidak berubah.

18. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Pola present perfect tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi past perfect tense di kalimat indirect speech.

19. Jawaban Benar


Pembahasan : Pola yang dipakai dalam direct speech diatas adalah past continous tense, jika diubah menjadi indirect speech, maka polanya tidak berubah. Yang perlu diubah hanya subject-nya saja.

20. Jawaban Benar



: Pola kalimat tidak berubah karena pernyataan berupa general truth.