Makalah Bahasa Inggris TENSES 1 Update [PDF]

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A. DEFINITION A verb form that indicates, or can indicate, a relationship between the time the action in a verb occurs and the time the verb is uttered. A verb tense can also give an indication of the duration of the verb’s action and when or if it is completed.


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1. Simple Present Tense In English Language, Present Tense or Simple Present Tense is used to express incident or events, activities, activity and etc what happens today. Present Tense is also used to express a fact, or something that happens repeatdly future NOW. Simple Present Tense used "TO BE 1" and "VERB 1" TO BE 1 consists of: am, is, are (Look at the table) I


You Are

They We He


She It I You They

Do / Don't



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DO and DOES used in the interrogative sentence. DON'T (DO NOT) and DOESN'T (DOES NOT) used

He She


in the negative sentence. Does / Doesn't

TO BE 1 (am, is, are) used when a sentence is no element verb (NON VERB).

Formula and Example in Simple Present Tense sentences To express Simple Present Tense Sentences using VERB +

Subject + Verb 1 + Object


Subject + DON'T / DOESN'T + Verb 1 + Object


DO / DOES + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?


Question Word + DO/ DOES + Subject + Verb 1?

Example : +

I speak English everyday She speaks English everyday


I don't speak English She doesn't speak English Do you speak English?


Answer: Yes I do, atau No, I don't Does she speak English? Answer: Yes She does, atau No, She doesn’t


Why do you speak English everyday ?

IMPORTANT : Only in Positive Sentence, for subject "He, She, It", the use of the VERB must end with "s/es." Increase “s/es” in the verb (inifinitive) that is: In general, the verb is directly coupled with the suffix “-s”, example: 

Work – Works

Write – Writes

Speak – Speaks

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Verbs ending in the letters of “ch, o, s, sh, x” plus the suffix “-es”, example: 

Pass - Passes

Finish - Finishes

Teach - Teaches

Go - Goes

Fix - Fixes

Verbs ending with the letter “-y” and begins with a consonant “-y” modified become “-i” and then plus “-es”, example: 

Study - Studies

Carry - Carries

Cry - Cries

While the verbs ending with the letters “-y” beginning with a vowel, enough coupled with the suffix “-s”, example: 

Buy - Buys

Play - Plays

Say - Says

If the verb begins with the Modal Auxiliaries, then don’t get extra “s/es”,example:

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He Will work

She Can open

He Must close

 Function Simple Present Tense in verbal sentence Claim an act that become Habitual Action at certain times, example: 

We study hard everyday.

She visits the library twice a month.

Claim The General Truth, or a truth that is considered to be continuous, example: 

A year has twelve months.

The sun rises in the East.

To express Simple Present Tense Sentence which use Non VERB. +

Subject + To be 1 + Non Verb + Object


Subject + To be 1 + NOT + Non Verb + Object


To be 1 + Subject + Non Verb + Object?


Question Word + To be 1 + Subject + Non Verb + Object?

Example : +

I am a teacher. She is a teacher.


I am not a teacher. She is not a teacher. Are you a teacher?


Answer: Yes I am, atau No, I am not Is she a teacher? Answer: Yes She is, atau No, She is not What are you ?


Answer: I am a teacher Where is your sister ? Answer: She is here

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 Function Simple Present Tense at the nominal sentence To claim a state of ongoing or current or act which is a habit, example: 

I am a teacher.

They are here now.

Claim The General Truth, but in nominal sentence is not used adverbs of time, example: 

Ice is cold.

Fire is hot.

Remarks time For Simple Present Tense uses are: Every hour (setiap jam), every minute (setiap menit), every morning (setiap pagi), everyday (setiap hari), always (selalu), as a rule (pada lazimnya), at night (pada malam hari), sometime (kadangkadang),usually (biasanya),often (seringkali),seldom (jarang).

2. Present Continuous Tense Present Continuous Tense also called Present Progressive Tense is form of time used to claim an act, condition or event that is happening at the time discussed. NOTE: In used Present Continuous Tense verb used must end with -ing / (Verb + ing). Form time Present Continuous Tense use kind "TO BE 1".

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Formula and Example Present Continuous Tense Sentence +

Subject + To be 1 + (Verb + ing) + Object


Subject + To be 1 + NOT + (Verb + ing) + Object


To be 1 + Subject + (Verb + ing) + Object ?


Question Word + To be 1 + Subject + (Verb + ing) + Object ?

Example : +

We are studying now.


We are not (aren't) studying now.


Are you studying now? Answer: Yes I am, atau I, am not


What are you doing? Answer: I am studying now Who is studying English? Answer: She is studying English

Remarks Time for Present Continuous Tense uses are: Now (sekarang), at present (pada saat ini), right now (saat ini), this afternoon (siang ini), this morning (pagi ini), today (hari ini) and so on.

3. Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Tense is the tense used to express an act, condition or event that happened in the past. And when speaking of activities / actions have been completed.

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Present Perfect Tense used kind "TO BE 3" and "VERB 3" TO BE 3 is: been (Look at the table) I You



You They






He She




It NOTE: TO BE 3 (been) used when a sentence is no element verb (NON VERB). For all types of sentences, whether positive, negative or interrogative sentence on Present Perfect Tense used VERB 3. Formula and Example Present Perfect Tense Sentence To express Present Perfect Tense Sentence using VERB

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Subject + Have/Has + Verb 3 + Object


Subject + Have/Has + NOT + Verb 3 + Object


Have/Has + Subject + Verb 3 + Object?


Question Word + Have/Has + Subject + Verb 3 + Object?

Example : +

I have lived here for 2 years.


I have not (haven't) lived here for 2 years.


Have you lived here for 2 years? Answer: Yes, I have, atau No, I have not (haven't)


Why Have you lived here for 2 years? Who has killed her father?

To express Present Perfect Tense Sentence using Non VERB +

Subject + Have/Has + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object


Subject + (Have/Has + NOT) + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object


Have/Has + Subject + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object?


Question Word + Have/Has + Subject + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object?

Example : +

She has been here for 4 hours


She has not (hasn't) been here for 4 hours


Has she been here for 4 hours?


Where have you been for the last 4 hours?

 Function Present Perfect Tense  Stating an activity that just happens to the results or consequences of such actions can still be seen until today discussed, example: 

She has written a letter. Artinya: dia sudah menulis surat.

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 Stating an activity that has been completed at the time when the past is not certain, but the time of the incident is not overlooked. The most important thing is the result of this actions now, example: 

She has locked the door, and now we can’t open it. Artinya: dia sudah mengunci pintu, dan sekarang kita tidak dapat membuka pintunya.

 Stating an activity that has taken place but the timing of these events hasn’t been finished, example: 

I have written this letter this week. Artinya: Saya sudah menulis surat ini pada minggu ini (tidak tepat kapan hari/jam

pebuatannya).  Stating a non-specific test activities before now. In general form this sentence is often followed by before, ever, already, never, yet, example: 

I have heard this before. Artinya: saya sudah mendengar ini sebelumnya.

 Stating an activity that has occurred in the past and is still happening in the present and future, example: 

I have been here since yesterday. Artinya: saya sudah di sini sejak kemarin (dan sampai sekarang masih tetap disini/ di

lokasi yg sama).  Indicates an activity that is completed in a short time. In general, the use of words at last, finally, just, example: 

I have just met him. Artinya: saya sudah (baru saja) bertemu dia.

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Remaks time for Present Perfect Tense uses are: Once (sekali), so far (hingga sekarang), twice (dua kali), at last (akhirnya), several times (beberapa kali), this week (minggu ini), never (tidak pernah),already (sudah),this year (tahun ini),as yet (sampai sekarang), ever (pernah), just (baru saja), since 2004 (sejak 2004).

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense Present Perfect Continuous Tense or Present Perfect Progressive Tense is a form of time used to stating an event or action that began in the past and continues to this day or an event or action that began in the past and have just completed at the time talking. Present Perfect Continuous Tense used kind "TO BE 3" (been), Look at the table : I You I


You They






He She




It NOTE: For all types of sentences, whether positive, negative or interrogative sentence on Present Perfect Continuous Tense used TO BE 3 (been) following with VERB + ING.

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Formula and Example Present Perfect Continuous Tense Sentence +

Subject + Have/Has + been + (Verb + ING) + Object


Subject + Have/Has + NOT + been + (Verb + ING) + Object


Have/Has + Subject + been + (Verb + ING) + Object?


Question Word + Have/Has + Subject + been + (Verb + ING) + Object?

Example: +

It has been raining all day. It is still raining right now.


We have not been swimming in pool for this day.


Has he been returning money that he borrowed this day? Answer: Yes, he has, atau No, he has not.


How long has she been teaching at the university?

Another Function of Present Perfect Continuous Tense When the sentences used don’t include time-definite description, Present Perfect Continuous Tense can serve to express a common activity that is still in the process of this background or recently, example: 

All of the students have been studying hard. Final exams start next week. Artinya: Semua siswa sudah (sedang) belajar dengan giat. Ujian akhir dimulai minggu

depan. 

My back hurts, so I have been sleeping on the floor lately. The bed is too soft. Artinya: Punggungku sakit, jadi saya sudah (sedang) tidur di lantai belakangan ini.

Karena dikasur terlalu lembut. Remarks time for Present Perfect Continuous Tense uses are: For (selama), since (sejak), all morning (sepanjang pagi), all day (sepanjang hari), all week (sepanjang minggu), all month (sepanjang bulan), etc.

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5. Simple Past Tense Simple Past Tense is a form of time used to declare an act or activity that occurred in the past and the time it has been known incident. Simple Past Tense used kind "TO BE 2" and "VERB 2" TO BE 2 consists of: was & were (Look at the table) I


You They


We He She


It I

NOTE: DID used in the interrogative sentence.

You They We He She It

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Did / Didn't

DID NOT (DIDN'T) used in negative sentences. TO BE 2 (Was & Were) used when a sentence is NON VERB VERB 2 only used in a positive sentence alone.

Formula and Example Simple Past Tense Sentence To express Simple Past Tense Sentence using VERB +

Subject + Verb 2 + Object


Subject + DID NOT (DIDN'T) + Verb 1 + Object


DID + Subject + Verb 1 + Object ?


Question Word + DID + Subject + Verb 1 ?

Example : +

He bought a pair of shoes yesterday.


He didn't buy a pair of shoes yesterday. Did he buy a pair of shoes yesterday?


Answer : Yes He did, atau No, He did not (didn't)


Why did he buy a pair of shoes yesterday?

In the example above positive sentences using the verb bought (form Verb 2 of the words buy). Only on a positive sentence using Verb 2. Function Simple Past Tense at the verbal sentence Usually used to stating a state that has been done in the past and finished at that moment or to describe an incident that occurred at a specific moment in the past, example:

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She finished my homework in the library yesterday.

They worked with me two months ago.

To express Simple Past Tense Sentence using Non VERB +

Subject + To be 2 + Non Verb + Object


Subject + To be 2 + NOT + Non Verb + Object


To be 2 + Subject + Non Verb + Object?


Question Word + To be 2 + Subject + Non Verb + Object?


I was a singer 5 years ago.

Contoh : We were a singer 5 years ago. -

I was not a singer 5 years ago. We were not a singer 5 years ago.


Were you a singer 5 years ago? Answer: Yes I was, atau No, I was not Where were you last night?


Answer: I was at home. Why was she absent yesterday? Answer: She was sick yesterday

Function Simple Past Tense at the nominal sentence Usually used to express a habit in the past but don’t take place anymore, example: 

When I was young, I worked hard

Remarks time for Simple Past Tense uses are : Yesterday (kemarin), last night (tadi malam), last week (minggu lalu), yesterday morning (kemarin pagi), an hour ago (sejam yang lalu), two days ago (dua hari lalu), and so on.

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6. Past Continuous Tense Past Continuous Tense or Past Progressive Tense is a form of time used to show these two events occurring at the same time , but single incident occur earlier and are still takes place when the second one took place. NOTE: on the use of continuous tense past verbs used must end with -ing / (Verb + ing). Its forms of his time past continuous tense use of "TO BE 2" (was/ were). Was for subject: I, she, he, it. Were for subject: you, they, we. Formula and Example Past Continuous Tense +

Subject + To be 2 + (Verb + ing) + Object


Subject + To be 2 + NOT + (Verb + ing) + Object


To be 2 + Subject + (Verb + ing( + Object ?


Question Word + To be 2 + Subject + (Verb + ing) + Object ?

Example : +

I was walking down the street when it began to rain. When i was in the park, the sun was shining.


It was not raining when i went to the market last night. They were not playing football when you were not at home.


Was he studying when I arrived at home? Answer: Yes he was, atau he, was not


Why were you reading that book? What was she doing with this document when all the staff went home?

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Function of Past Continuous Tense Sometimes past continuous tense is used in two places in one sentence where when two events sama-sama held simultaneously, example: 

While I was studying in one room of our apartment, my roomate was having a party in the other room.

(Artinya: Ketika saya sedang belajar di salah satu kamar di apartemen kita, teman sekamar saya sedang berpesta di ruangan lainnya.) In some cases, Simple Past Tense and Past Continuous Tense tense is almost giving the meaning of the same, example:

It rained this morning. (Artinya: tadi pagi hujan)

It was raining this morning. (tadi pagi sedang hujan)

Remarks time : when (ketika), while (selagi), as (ketika), al day yesterday (sepanjang hari kemarin), the whole day last Sunday (sepanjang hari minggu yang lalu).

7. Past Perfect Tense Past perfect tense Is a form of verbs used to claim that a action had been finished at a point in the past before other action happened.The action that has been completed in which tense it will repeatedly or only once.In addition, past the perfect tense can also be used to form if conditional type 3 and reported speech.

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Formula of Past Perfect Tense Past perfect tense is used to declare deeds ( event ) that has been done at the time of tense.Past perfect tense is formed with auxiliary verb had, and the past participle ( verb-3 ). Had Used for both singular and plural subject .While the past participle could include and regular irregular verb .Thus formula past the perfect tense to sentence positive , negative , and interrogative is as follows. Sentence

Formula Past Perfect Tense

positif (+)

S + had + Verb-3/past participle

negatif (-)

S + had + not + Verb-3/past participle

interogatif (?) had + S + Verb-3/past participle

Example Past Perfect Tense My brother had slept They had come My brother hadn’t slept They hadn’t come Had my brother come Had they come

Example Past Perfect Tense Some examples sentence past the perfect tense with fungsi-fungsinya seen in table as follows. Function

Example Sentence Past Perfect Tense When he came last night, the cake had run out. (Ketika dia datang semalam, kue sudah habis.) The student had gotten a verbal warning before his parents were called.

Past perfect tense To express (Siswa tersebut telah mendapat peringatan verbal sebelum orangtuanya action in the past that has been ditelepon.) completed happen before past

I had already had breakfast by the time he picked me up.

the other.

(Saya telah sarapan ketika dia menjemput.) Prior to the proclamation, Indonesia had been colonized by Japan for 3 years. (Sebelum proklamasi, Indonesia telah dijajah Jepang selama 3 tahun.)

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I had read the book three times. Past perfect tense To show you how often something happened in the past .

(Saya membaca buku itu tiga kali.) They had met twice before married. (Mereka bertemu dua kali sebelum menikah.) Yulia had gone to the gym every two days until 2012. (Yulia telah pergi ke gym setiap dua hari sampai tahun 2012.)

Past perfect tense Used in reported speech after verbs: said, told, asked, thought, wondered.

He said that he had listened carefully the instruction. (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia telah mendengarkan instruksi dengan penuh perhatian.) I thought he had changed to be better man. (Saya pikir dia telah berubah menjadi pria yang lebih baik.) If he had taken a bath fast, he would have missed the train.

Past perfect tense To express (Jika dia telah mandi cepat, dia tidak akan ketinggalan kereta.) the hope and dreams that no

Rina would been the same level with me if she had studied harder.

kesampaian (conditional type 3) (Rina akan berasa pada level yang sama dengan saya jika dia belajar lebih keras.) Remarks Time : before (sebelum), after (setelah),until (hingga),as soon as (secepat).

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense Past Perfect Continuous Tense or Past Perfect Progressive Tense is progressive is the kind of time used to declare an event or deed that has been going on for a few moments when accident occurs or deed dimasa other tense .Event that happen or take place ahead of them expressed in the form of continuous past perfect tense , while the events that occurred next ( of events ) expressed in the form of simple past tense. .

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Past Perfect Continuous Tense using "TO BE 3" (been), Look at the table: I I





We Had








It NOTE For all kinds of sentence , either positive , negative , or sentence ask past the perfect continuous tense use TO BE 3 (been) followed by VERB + ING. Formula and Example Past Perfect Continuous Tense Sentence +

Subject + Had + been + (Verb + ING) + Object


Subject + Had + NOT + been + (Verb + ING) + Object


Had + Subject + been + (Verb + ING) + Object?


Question Word + Had + Subject + been + (Verb + ING) + Object?

Example: +

He had been looking for the thief for two years before he caught him.


I had not been feeling so good, my body was tired.


Had you been looking news on television for this evening? Answer: Yes, I had, atau No, I had not.


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How long had he been playing Xbox when his mother went to market?

NOTE: The use of the word “had” here to brief in penulisannya same as said “have”, example: 

I’d been = I had been

I’ve been = I have been

It is important to note that abbreviation in writing not all his mean the same, we must comply with the existing context.Try comparing example below : 

I’d been here = I had been here (‘d + TO BE 3 / VERB 3 = Past Perfect)

I’d like = I would like (‘d + VERB 1 = would)

9. Simple Future Tense / Present Future Tense Simple Future Tense or Present Future Tense is the time used to declare an act or activity is going to happen oil will come. Formula and Example Simple Future Tense Sentence To express Simple Future Tense is using VERB

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Subject + WILL / SHALL + Verb 1 + Object


Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + Verb 1 + Object


WILL / SHALL + Subject + Verb 1 + Object ?


Question Word + WILL / SHALL + Subject + Verb 1 ?

Example : +

She will go to Paris tomorrow.


She will not (won't) go to Paris tomorrow.


Will she go to Paris tomorrow ? Answer: Yes She will, atau She, will not (won't)


When will she go to Paris? Who will come here?

To Express Simple Future Tense Sentence is using NON VERB +

Subject + WILL / SHALL + be + Non Verb + Object


Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + be + Non Verb + Object


WILL / SHALL + Subject + be + Non Verb + Object ?


Question Word + WILL/SHALL + Subject + be + Non Verb + Object ?

Example : +

He will be alone tomorrow.


He will not (won't) be alone tomorrow.


Will he be alone tomorrow? Answer: Yes he will, atau No, she will not (won't)


When will he be in Las Vegas? Why will you be here tomorrow night?

Use "To Be Going To" The sentence verbal Simple Future Tense can be replaced with the words that uses to to be + going to to replaced shall and will.

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Formula and Example using "To Be Going To" +

Subject + To be + going to + Verb 1 + Object


Subject + To be + Not + going to + Verb 1 + Object


To be + Subject + going to + Verb 1 + Object ?


Question Word + To be + Subject + going to + verb 1 +?

Example : +

I am going to read a newspaper tomorrow.


I am not going to read a newspaper tomorrow.


Are you going to read a newspaper tomorrow? What are you going to read?


Who is going to come here tomorrow?

Remarks time for Simple Future Tense uses are: tomorrow morning (besok pagi), tomorrow night (besok malam), next week (minggu depan), next year (tahun depan) and so on.

10. Future Continuous Tense Future Continuous Tense or Future Progressive Tense is the time used to declare an event or surely being held in a particular time in the future. Formula and Example Future Continuous Tense Sentence

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Subject + WILL / SHALL + be + (Verb + ING) + Object


Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + be + (Verb + ING) + Object


WILL / SHALL + Subject + be + (Verb + ING) + Object ?


Question Word + WILL / SHALL + Subject + be + (Verb + ING) + Object?

Example : +

He will be talking for the business until ten o’clock. I will be working at 10 am.


You will not be leaving at this time. Because the car will be taken to repair.








Answer: Yes I will, atau No, I will not (won't) ?

What will you be doing at 10 pm tonight?

NOTE: Said "Shall" only usefor Subject “I” and “we’’. Sometimes there is little or even there is no difference between the use of Future Continuous Tense with Simple Future Tense, especially when coming events had happened when no of .Watch example below: Don’t get impatient. She will be coming soon. Don’t get impatient. She will come soon. 

Remarks Time for Future Continuous Tense uses are : At this time tomorrow, from seven to nine tonight, soon, etc.

11. Future Perfect Tense Future Perfect Tense is the time used to declare an event or surely have happened or would have done in particular in the future.

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NOTE: In Future Perfect Tense all of subject using “Have” by Auxiliary Verb. Said "Shall" only use for Subject “I” and “we” . Formula and Example Future Perfect Tense Sentence To express Future Perfect Tense Sentence is use VERB +

Subject + WILL / SHALL + Have + Verb 3 + Object


Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + HAVE + Verb 3 + Object


WILL / SHALL + Subject + HAVE + Verb 3 + Object ?


Question Word + WILL / SHALL + Subject + HAVE + Verb 3 + Object ?

Example : +

You will have finished the work, by the end of this month.


She will not have gone to home by 10 am.


Will you have finished your work by tomorrow? Answer: Yes I will, atau No, I will not (won't) Shall he have prepared my motorcycle if all of my friends will go by next day? Answer: Yes he shall, atau No, he shall not


When will they have arrived ?

To express Future Perfect Tense Sentence is use NON VERB

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Subject + WILL / SHALL + HAVE + Been + Non Verb + Object


Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + HAVE + Been + Non Verb + Object


WILL / SHALL + Subject + HAVE + Been + Non Verb + Object ?


Question Word + WILL/SHALL + Subject + be + Non Verb + Object ?

Example : +

By next year, I will have been here for work


He will not (won't) have been by the end of this day.


Will you have been there by tomorrow morning? Answer: Yes I will, atau No, I will not (won't) Shall he have been at home by the dinner time? Answer: Yes he shall, atau No, he shall not

? 

When will he have been in New York?

Remarks time for Future Perfect Tense Sentence uses are: By next month, by the next year, by the end of this month, by the end of this day, by the end of this year, etc.

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense Future Perfect Continuous Tense or Future Perfect Progressive Tense is a form used to express an event that will have a certain time when ongoing in the future. Future Perfect Continuous Tense stressed duration of an activity that will take place before another time or event in the future. NOTE Sometimes between Future Perfect Tense by Future Perfect Continuous Tense give the same meaning. Note that the activities disclosed by one or two tenses may start in the past, such as: 

When Professor Jones retires next month, he will have taught for 45 years.

When Professor Jones retires next month, he will have been teaching for 45 years.

“sometimes we used the word Shall only for Subject “I” and “we”.

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Formula and Example Future Perfect Continuous Tense Sentence +

Subject + Will / Shall + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object


Subject + Will / Shall + NOT + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object


Will / Shall + Subject + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object ?


Question Word + Will / Shall + Subject + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object ?

Example : +

We will have been practicing the examination by next month. We shall have been sleeping before the morning comes.


She will not have been going for one year.


Will the students have been working without their teacher at the time? Answer: Yes, they will / No, they will not (won’t)


How long will you have been studying when you graduate?

Remarks Time : by the end of..(menjelang akhir…)

13. Past Future Tense Past Future Tense is used to express an action or event that will happen in the past. Formula : S+should, would+VI (be)+ ...

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Example : (+) I should be there day before "saya mestinya berada disana kemarin dulu" (-) You would not come here with him "kamu semestinya tidak kesini bersamanya" (?) Would be day a house last year ? "akankah dia membeli sebuah rumah tahun lalu ?" Used to : 1. Used to stating an act to be performed in the past. Example : I should go to Malang next day "saya akan pergi ke malang pada hari berikutnya" 2. Used to stating an act to be carried out when the conditions are met in the past. example : I would give you something if tou come "saya akan memberimu sesuatu jika kau datang" 3. Used to express an offer of help to others. Example : Would you like a cup of tea? "maukah kau minum secangkir air teh ?" 4. Used to stating a necessity that is used as a means to be or should be. Example : I should know that voice"saya mesti mengenal suara itu"

NOTE : 

Should and Would we put infront the subject if we want to form interrogative sentence (introgative).

Example : Should we be there last night ? "apakah kita akan berada disini tadi malam?" 

We add a note on the back should and would if we form a negative sentence (deny). Example : I

should not buy a car the day before "saya tidak akan membeli sebuah mobil kemarin dulu" 

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Signs of time that we can find in this form are : The next time - keesokan harinya

The day before – kemarin dulu

The week before – minggu sebelumnya

The month before – bulan sebelumnya

14. Past Future Continuous Tense Past Future Continuous Tense or Past Future Progressive Tense is used to express an event or action that will be ongoing or will being done at a certain time in the future. Past Future Continuous Tense using shaped main clause Simple Past Tense to declare an act that will be taking place at a certain time in the past or to express a hunch or estimates will be an event or action that will be taking place at a certain time in the past. Formula and Example Past Future Continuous Tense Sentence

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Subject + Should / Would + be + (Verb + ING) + Object


Subject + Should / Would + NOT + be + (Verb + ING) + Object


Should / Would + Subject + be + (Verb + ING) + Object?


Question Word + Should / Would + Subject + be + (Verb + ING) + Object?

Example : He would be preparing his car from twelve with Jack to three yesterday +

noon. They should be studying the lesson in my college for examination last hours. My mother would be cooking vegetables at this hour yesterday morning.


They told me that they wouldn’t be giving the present yesterday morning. They shouldn’t be sleeping here. They should be studying the lesson now. Would you be going with Mrs. Anna yesterday evening for studying? Answer: Yes, I would be going with Mrs. Anna from six to seven yesterday for studying.

? When your mother cooked. Should you be helping her busy to nine yesterday morning? Answer: No, I shouldn’t be helping my mother. I should be studying to nine at this yesterday morning. ? 

When you should be studying mathematics last night?

Remarks Time for Past Future Continuous Tense yang uses are: yesterday, last night, last week, last year, yesterday evening, yesterday night and so on.

pg. 30

15. Past Future Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Tense is used to express an event or action that would have occurred or would have been done at a certain time in the past.

NOTE: In Past Future Perfect Tense all of Subject using “Have” as Auxiliary Verb. Formula and Example Past Future Perfect Tense Sentence To Express Past Future Perfect Tense Sentence that uses the VERB +

Subject + Would / Should + Have + Verb 3 + Object


Subject + Would / Should + NOT + Have + Verb 3 + Object


Would / Should + Subject + Have + Verb 3 + Object?


Question Word + Would / Should + Subject + Have + Verb 3 + Object?

Example : +

Anna would have finished her college by the time. I finished my college in the university two years ago.


I would not have sent her a letter yesterday.


Should my father have worn jeans to the party yesterday night?


How long would you have waited her in in the park? The weather was very cool last night.

pg. 31

To express Past Future Perfect Tense that using NON VERB +

Subject + Would / Should + Have + been + Object


Subject + Would / Should + NOT + Have + been + Object


Would / Should + Subject + Have + been + Object?


Question Word + Would / Should + Subject + Have + been + Object?

Example : +

My brother looked for his stuff. He would have been here yesterday night


The flowers should not have been wilted last night.


Would this novel have been here?


How many hours should Mr. Jim have been at the office by the end of this week?

 Remarks Time for Past Future Perfect Tense uses are: By next month, by the next year, by the end of this month, by the end of this day, by the end of this year, etc.

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense or Past Future Perfect Progressive Tense is a form used to express an event or action that would have been ongoing in the future in the past. NOTE: In Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense all of subject used “Have” as Auxiliary Verb.

pg. 32

Formula and Example Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Sentence +

Subject + Would / Should + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object


Subject + Would / Should + NOT + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object


Would / Should + Subject + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object?


Question Word + Would / Should + Subject + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object?

Example : My mother would have been resigning in this institute for two months by the +

time, I finished the college three months ago. The road was dark. By the time we should have been arriving to home last night. Sarah should have been looking happy for the gift last night. He would not have been staying for live in here for two years ago.


When it rain. I should not have been going to the cinema at time ago. You shouldn’t have been sleeping here last night?


Would they have been surrendering their country for the world peace in the last year ago? Answer: No, they wouldn’t have been surrendering. They would have been defending their country for the world peace in the last year ago.


When should john have been climbing a big mountain? Answer: John should have been climbing a big mountain with his friends last year.

Remarks time for Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense uses are: For, By next month, by the next year, by the end of this month, by the end of this day, by the end of this year, etc.

pg. 33


Formula Tenses General is : 1.Present Simple Tense S + V1. 2. Present Continuous Tense S + to be (is, am, are) + V-ing. 3. Present Perfect Tense S + have/has + V3. 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense S + have/has + been + V-ing. 5. Past Simple Tense S + V2. 6. Past Continuous Tense S + was/were + V-ing. 7. Past Perfect Tense S + had + V3. 8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense S + had + been + V-ing. 9. Future Simple Tense S + will + V1. 10. Future Continuous Tense S + will + be + V-ing. 11. Future Perfect Tense S + will + have + V3. 12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense S + will + have + been + V-ing. 13. Past Future Simple Tense S + would + V1. 14. Past Future Continuous Tense S + would + be + V-ing. 15. Past Future Perfect Tense S + would + have + V3. 16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense S + would + have + been + V-ing.

pg. 34


PRE-TEST 1. How many tenses ? a. 3 tenses b. 7 tenses c. 16 tenses

2. Subject + … + Object (in Simple present Tense) a. Verb 1 b. Verb 2 c. Verb 3

3. 2 days ago I ….. scientific research (Simple Past Tense) a. Were borrowed b. Were borrow c. was borrowed

pg. 35

POST-TEST 1. Below which the Past Perfect Continuous Tense Formula is…. a. S + would + have + been + V-ing b. S + had + been + V-ing c. S + would + V1

2. he wants to buy a Honda, or she wants to buy a Suzuki” Paralelll conjunction sentence of the example above is…………. a. He wants to buying a Honda or she wants to buy a Suzuki b. He wants to buy a Honda c. He wants to buy either a Honda or a Suzuki

3. Someone ….. service my computer next week a. Would b. Is c. will

pg. 36




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

pg. 37



GAME 1. I do not have a husband but I have children. I am a mother of four children. I am a part of your body. Answer : Thumb 2. There are 5 birds in a tree. Ahunter shoots 2 of them dead. How many birds are left? Answer : 2 birds. The other 3 fly away! 3. What starts with "P", ends with "E", and has millions of letters ) Answer : Post Office

pg. 38

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Santi, Inez. 2009. ENGLISH FOR TEEN 2. Yogyakarta: C.V ANDI OFFSET. 6.

Hadianti, Afiyah. 2013.

7. 8. 9. 10.

pg. 39