Modul B Inggris-8 SMPIS Ability and Willingness [PDF]

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1 Ability and Willingness Basic Competence 3.2. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kemampuan dan kemauan, melakukan suatu tindakan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan can, will). 4.2. Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kemampuan dan kemauan, melakukan suatu tindakan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

What Will We Learn

2 One Minute English

Day/Date: __________________________

Pray first before doing! Words

Quiz 1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Score:

Activity 1 A. Goal : analyzing the video about the expression of ability and differenciate between ability and disability, and also make the sentences related to them. B.

Equipments: Video, pictures.

C. Procedure: 1. Watch the video, and analyze how do we show our abilty and disability. Write down the examples of the expressions in these column.

3 Asking ability


Showing ability

Showing disability

Conclusion (formula)

Pay attention to the picture, and make the sentences based on the picture. Number one has been done for you.


Vani’s mother can ride the horse and drive a car, but she can’t cook.

4 Vani ...


Vani’s father ...


Vani’s grand mother ...


Vanis sister ...


5 Vani’s brother ...


My friend ...


I ... 8.

She ... 9.

You and I ... 10.

6 3.

Now, interview your friends about their ability in certain activities! Ride a No Name Dive Swim Cook cycle 1

Play guitar

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4.

Make a graph based on the table above. Analyze how many of your friends who can do each activities.

7 5.

Write at least 3 paragaphs describing the graph, consisting the opening of paragraph, the content of the paragraph and the closing of paragraph!

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Score: Sign: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

8 Activity 2 A. Goal : differenciate between “will” and “be going to”, both in purpose and in how to use. B.

Equipments: Videos and pictures.

C. Procedure: 1. Observe these videos, than fill the table below! No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



9 2.

Write down your conclusion about how to use ‘will’ and ‘be going to’ and give some another examples.


Pay attention to these sentences, than decide whether they should use ‘will’ or ‘be going to’! 1) The house is dirty. I _________________ (clean) it on Monday. 2) ____________________(You/cook) on Tuesday, please? 3) It looks like the washer is broken. I ________________ (ask) a repair man to come Wednesday. 4) Okay then, our group ___________________ (meet) on Thursday. 5) Helga, ____________________ (you /hike) with us on Friday?

10 6) If necessary, we ____________________ (carry) the supplies in our car Saturday. 7) John and Wes, _____________________ (you /read) to the children on Sunday? 8) I guess I _____________________ (ride) the bus to save gas. 9) The cookies are all gone. _____________________ (you /buy) some, please? 10) Listen, team: we ___________________ (win) the trophy this year! 3. Response to the statements, using “will”! Example: I have a party tonight. (join me). Will you join me? 1. We want to go swimming. (come with us) _____________________________________________________________________________? 2. I am very hungry. (get me something to eat) _____________________________________________________________________________? 3. Our teacher is sick. (visit her) _____________________________________________________________________________? 4. I will move to Surabaya. (write a letter) _____________________________________________________________________________? 5. I will have an English test tomorrow. (study tonight) _____________________________________________________________________________?

4. Arrange these words into a good sentences! 1. Bali – uncle – my – go – to – will – morning – tomorrow. _______________________________________________________________________________


2. Do – this – Sunday – what – will – you ? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. A – computer – my – parents – will – buy – me – for. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Birthday – party – next – week – I – come – will – to – your. _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. I – to – school – will – not – come – late. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Sally – do – will – her – tonight – homework. _______________________________________________________________________________

5. Make the positive (+), negative (-), and question (?) from the sentence given! Number one has been done for you. 1) (+) He will sing a song. (-) He will not (won’t) sing a song. (?) Will he sing a song? 2) (+) __________________________________________________________________ (-) Mary won’t buy some food in the supermarket. (?) __________________________________________________________________ 3) (+) __________________________________________________________________ (-) ___________________________________________________________________ (?) Will you accompany me to go to the canteen?

12 4) (+) My parents will move to another city, and I will follow them. (-) ___________________________________________________________________ (?) __________________________________________________________________ 5) (+) __________________________________________________________________ (-) I and my friends won’t play football at the break time. (?) __________________________________________________________________ 6. Look at the picture, and write down what will the person do?








A. Read the passage and fill the blanks with “will” or “won’t”! Will people live on the moon? Someday people will live on the moon. Scientist now believe that by the year 2010 this will be possible. A group of astronauts will leave the earth to live on the dark side of the moon. The journey will take them four days. The astronauts will live on the dark side of the moon, because this side has water Scientists now believe there is a large ice lake on the dark side of the moon. This ice will be melted to provide water. The astronauts will live in special buildings. These buildings will have air so that they can breathe. They won’t have to wear their spacesuits inside the buildings. They won’t have to do the housework but robots will. They will take a pill three times a day. Each group of four astronauts will live on the moon for six months then they will return to earth. 1. The journey to the moon ___________ takes them four days. 2. The astronauts _____________ live on the dark side of the moon. 3. The special buildings ___________ have air. 4. The astronauts _____________ have to wear spacesuits inside the special buildings. 5. Ice ______________ be melted to provide water. 6. The astronauts _____________ do the housework. 7. The astronauts _____________ eat any food. 8. The astronauts _____________ take a pill three times a day. 9. The astronauts _____________ stay for their live on the moon. 10. Each group of astronauts _____________ live on the moon for six months.

14 B. Answer the questions based on your own activity! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Will you watch TV this evening? ___________________________________________________________________________ Where will you go this coming holiday? ___________________________________________________________________________ Will you swim next Sunday? ___________________________________________________________________________ What will you do on Sunday? ___________________________________________________________________________ Will you do your homework tonight? ___________________________________________________________________________

C. These kids are talking about their New Year’s Resolutions. Complete the dialogue below with the “will” of the verbs in brackets. Hey, Tom, have you already thought about your New Year’s Resolutions? I bet I can guess one of them. Hehe... “I ___________ (not bring) my yoyo to school!” Hehe…

Oh, I was just kidding!

Of course, my dolls ____________ (stay) at home.

As a matter of fact, I’ve decided that this year I ______________ (not spend) so much time

“I _________ ____________ (leave) my dolls at home.” Hehe...

Why not? Do you think you’re too old to play with them? I don’t care what other people think. I love my yoyo!

playing with my dolls. You’re right Tom.

Yeah, I know. But this year I _______ ___________ (spend) more time in the school library.

Kate, you should do the same.

Oh, how nice! I also need to improve my reading skills. I guess I ___________________ (go) with you.

I___________________ (also/go) to the library, but for another reason. I want to be good at Maths and Physics.

15 D. Complete these sentence with “will” or “won’t”! 1) I don't have enough money to buy lunch. _____________ you lend me a couple of Rupiahs? 2) I _____________ sing a song just for you. 3) My little brother _____________ stop crying. I have tried everything and I’m really exhausted. 4) This bag is very heavy, _____________ you give me a hand? 5) Anthony _____________ have his birthday party, but unfortuonately I ____________ come.

E. Fill the blanks in the sentences using “will” or “be going to”! 1. When we get home, we _________________ (have) dinner. 2. I know they _________________ (feel) very happy if they win the match. 3. They’ve already decided on their next summer holiday. They __________________ (do) a tour of Norway. 4. She thinks that the Take That concert _______________ (be) really exciting. 5. “What are your plans for this evening?” I ______________ (meet) my friends and then go to a birthday party. 6. If you revise for the exam , I’m sure you ________________ (get) a good result. 7. The weather forecast is good for the next few days. It _____________ (be) very sunny. 8. I can’t come on the march tomorrow. I ________________ (look after) my cousins. 9. In the future, I think humans ________________ (wipe out) many different species. 10. He is buying some butter and eggs because he ______________ (make) a cake later.

F. Read the situation below, and give response to them using “will”! 1)

It is hot and sunny outside. There is a man selling ice-cream outside your house. What will you do? ___________________________________________________________________________

16 2)




You are buying a car toys that costs 78,000 but you only have 70,000. What will you do? ___________________________________________________________________________ You will meet your friend at the café at 7pm. It is 6:30pm already. The distance between your house and the cafe is 10km. How will you get there on time? ___________________________________________________________________________ Your friend and you are very hungry. You only have Rp. 2.000. What will you eat with your friend to make you full? ___________________________________________________________________________ You need to get “A”s in your classes. What will you do? ___________________________________________________________________________

4R Reasoning Complete analogous pair Melt : Liquid Freeze : ?

A. B. C. D.

Ice Sollid Condensed Crystal

Reading Jimmy dropped a piece of paper on the floor. He bent over and picked it up. He folded the piece of paper in two. He put it on the table. He picked up a pencil. He wrote a phone number on the piece of paper. He put the pencil on the table. He picked up the scissors. He picked up the piece of paper. He cut the paper in half. He put one-half of the paper on the table. He put the other half with the phone number in his shirt pocket. He put the scissors on the table.

wRiting Dropped : Piece : Floor : Bent over : Picked :

Folded : Scissors : in half : shirt pocket : one-half :

Say hamdallah and check again before submitting it! SCOR E


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