Orthodontic [PDF]

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Orthodontic [PDF]

1. Ackerman dan Proffit mengklasifikasikan insisivus dalam 3 kelas berbeda, yaitu : (1) Klas I tepi insisal insisivus se

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1. Ackerman dan Proffit mengklasifikasikan insisivus dalam 3 kelas berbeda, yaitu : (1) Klas I tepi insisal insisivus sentralis rahang bawah berkontak di bawah cingulum tertinggi dari insisivus sentralis rahang atas. (2) Klas II tepi insisal insisivus sentralis rahang bawah berkontak di belakang cingulum tertinggi insisivus sentralis rahang atas, Klas II kemudian dibagi lagi menjadi 2 divisi, yaitu divisi 1 : insisivus sentralis rahang atas mengalami proklinasi dan divisi 2 : insisivus sentralis rahang atas mengalami retroklinasi. (3) Klas III tepi insisal insisivus rahang bawah berada di di depan puncak cingulum insisivus sentralis rahang atas, sehingga gigitan terbalik atau overjet negatif

7. Analisis jaringan lunak wajah a. Glabella (G) : titik paling anterior dari dahi pada dataran midsagital. b. Nasion kulit (N’) : titik paling cekung pada pertengahan dahi dan hidung. c. Pronasale (Pr) : titik paling anterior dari hidung. d. Subnasale (Sn) : titik dimana septum nasal berbatasan dengan bibir atas.

e. Labrale superior (Ls) : titik perbatasan mukokutaneus dari bibir atas. f. Superior labial sulcus (SLS) : titik tercekung diantara Sn dan Ls. g. Stomion superius (Stms) : titik paling bawah dari vermillion bibir atas. h. Stomion inferius (Stmi) : titik paling atas dari vermillion bibir bawah. i. Labrale inferius (Li) : titik perbatasan dari membran bibir bawah. j. Inferior labial sulcus (ILS) : titik paling cekung di antara Li dan Pog’. k. Pogonion kulit (Pog’) : titik paling anterior jaringan lunak dagu. l. Menton kulit (Me’) : titik paling inferior dari jaringan lunak dagu.

Oklusi sentris adalah hubungan kontak maksimal dari gigi-gigi rahang atas dan rahang bawah waktu rahang bawah dalam keadaan relasi sentris. Relasi sentris adalah hubungan rahang bawah dengan rahang atas pada mana kepala sendi/condyle berada dalam keadaan paling dorsal dalam cekungan sendi/ glenoid fossa tanpa mengurangi kebebasannya untuk bergerak ke lateral.

In the maxillary anterior region, premature loss is usually caused by trauma. In the deciduous dentition, one or two maxillary central incisors are most frequently involved. An intruding movement of a maxillary central deciduous incisor may result in a displacement of the superiorly located crown of the corresponding central permanent incisor. Delayed emergence or no spontaneous emergence at all of the latter may be the result. The situation is even worse when the inclination of the permanent tooth germ becomes changed. As a result, the crown may attain an abnormal position, usually a more or less horizontal one with its incisal edge directed ventrally. The formation of the tooth is completed in the original setting. The crown may become misshapen. However, in most instances, trauma takes place after root formation of the permanent central incisor has already commenced. The deviation in the tooth will then be located at the root. No—or only slight—displacement of the central permanent incisor occurs when the trauma does not involve an intruding movement of its predecessor. This is frequently the case when the deciduous central incisor is lost in an accident, as often happens in the last phase of the complete deciduous dentition stage. Then the consequences of the trauma are generally limited to a more labial eruption and emergence of the central permanent incisor involved and a considerable delay in its piercing of the gingival tissue—often more than one year.48 The presence of the maxillary central deciduous incisors is not essential in the maintenance of space for their successors in the dental arch. Further, maxillary central deciduous incisors do not play a role, like the lateral ones, in the increase of the transverse intercanine distance (Fig. 15-1A). A maxillary lateral deciduous incisor is most frequently lost prematurely by too early resorption of its root in association with the eruption of the adjacent central permanent incisor. As has been explained, this type of premature loss usually takes place only in cases of crowding. It often occurs bilaterally (Fig. 151B). After premature loss of a maxillary lateral deciduous incisor, the deciduous canine on that side will not become displaced laterally during the eruption of the maxillary central permanent incisor in the way explained in Chapter 4. In cases of bilateral premature loss of maxillary lateral deciduous incisors, the intercanine distance does not increase. After unilateral premature loss, both maxillary central permanent incisor crowns will migrate in the direction where the extra space in the dental arch has become available. This movement will result in a discordance of the medians of the two dental arches. The maxillary and mandibular contact points between the central incisors or the midpoints of the central diastema will no longer match. The dentition shows midline deviation. The eruption of a maxillary lateral permanent incisor may be associated with premature loss of the adjacent deciduous canine in a similar way as indicated above (Figs. 15-1C and D). Unilateral premature loss will be followed by migration of the four maxillary permanent incisors toward the site of the loss. A midline deviation will result. Later, insufficient space will be available for the permanent canine in the dental arch, which will emerge in a buccal position and become located outside the dental arch. Bilateral premature loss of deciduous canines in crowding usually will lead to buccal position of both maxillary permanent canines. http://pocketdentistry.com/15-results-of-premature-loss-of-deciduousteeth/#fig1501-A

http://www.indjos.com/article.asp?issn=09766944;year=2012;volume=3;issue=1;spage=13;epage=18;aulast=Pasricha Centric Relation (Latest) • The maxillomandibular relationship in which the condyles articulate with the thinnest avascular portion of their respective disks with the complex in the anterior-superior position against the slopes of the articular eminences. This occurs with a purely rotary movement about a transverse (terminal hinge) horizontal axis, independent of tooth contact.

Centric Occlusion • New – C.O. is the occlusion of opposing teeth when the mandible is in centric relation. This may or may not coincide with the maximum intercuspation position.