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1/Examples of Question Types The questions in the Success Drivers Assessment are presented in the formats described belo

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1/Examples of Question Types The questions in the Success Drivers Assessment are presented in the formats described below. Multiple-choice questions Multiple-choice questions present a problem and a list of responses from which you select one. To select a response, click the radio button a black circle

to the left of the response. When selected, the radio button shows

. To deselect a response, click a different response. You can select one response.

Multiple-choice example In social settings, what have you been most likely to do? Introduce yourself to others. Accept introductions from others but don’t initiate them. Ask someone else to introduce you. Enjoy the function by yourself trying not to disturb others.

Text box questions Text box questions present a question and a box in which you type a response. Depending on the type of question, your response may be one sentence or a paragraph. To type your response, first move the cursor into the box and click the left mouse button. This activates the box and enables you to begin typing. To delete anything you typed, use the backspace key. Text box example Please list the volunteer activities in which you have participated.

List box questions List box questions present a question and a list of responses. To view the list of responses, click the arrow ▼. To select a response, move your cursor over the response and click with the left mouse button. The list closes and your response appears in the box. List box example Are you usually satisfied to let someone else take the lead in group activities?

Rating questions Rating questions ask you to rate a statement or a series of statements using a scale. For each statement, you refer to the scale and then click the radio button

that corresponds to your rating of that item.

When selected, the radio button shows a black circle response. You can select one response.

. To deselect a response, click a different

Rating example Using the scale below, respond to each statement by clicking the radio button that best corresponds to how each

statement describes you. 1 = Very Untrue

2 = Somewhat Untrue

3 = Undecided

4 = Somewhat True 1

5 = Very True 2




I enjoy reading or listening to the daily news.

I evaluate ideas before putting them into practice.

I get excited about new ideas.

We appreciate your interest in Procter & Gamble, and are pleased to have this opportunity to learn more about you. 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/

* How would others describe the quality of your work? Always submitted on time but overlooked some small details Sometimes submitted late but all of the small details were correct Sometimes submitted late and overlooked some small details Always submitted on time and all of the small details were correct


* In the past, when needing to make a difficult decision, what have you typically done? Made the decision yourself Asked the advice of co-workers, then made the decision Asked the advice of co-workers, then went with majority vote Asked the advice of an expert, then made the decision Asked your supervisor to decide


* What kinds of problems do you most enjoy solving? Problems where it is difficult to define the issues Problems when the issues have been well defined, but finding the solution is difficult

Problems where the probability of failure is very low Problems that can be delegated to others None, I prefer not to solve problems


* How have you been able to take ideas in your work and turn them into reality? By using my unique strengths By removing barriers By being patient By being assertive By ensuring everyone is engaged in the vision 12/

In your current or previous work, how frequently have others asked for your advice because of your expertise? Not at all Not quite as often as they asked others About as often as they asked others More often than they asked others All of the time 13/

* How effective have you been at changing the thinking of a group you were working with? Not very effective Somewhat effective Very effective Extremely effective Never had the opportunity 14/

* In school/university, how many times have you been involved in defining the key goals of a group (e.g., service group, department, organization, etc.)? Never 1 time 2 times

3 times 4 or more times 15/

What was your academic standing for all of your school years combined? In the top 5% In the top 10% In the top 25% In the top 50% Not in the top 50% Do not know and cannot estimate 16/ Tutored students for an exam for free Been paid to tutor Formed a study group Participated in a study group Organized a group project None of the above 17/

* In the past, how have you gotten important work done? Fast, but didn't mind rework Slow, but thorough Fast and thorough Do not know 18/

* How effective are you in persuading others to accept your point of view in a group discussion? Extremely effective Very effective Somewhat effective Not very effective

Never had the opportunity 19/

Which of the following statements best describes the level to which you have used your knowledge and/or skills to complete the work in your current or previous job? Require assistance to complete assignments in my specialty area Occasionally complete assignments independently in my specialty area Independently complete all assignments in my specialty area Mentor others on how to complete assignments in my specialty area I've never had a job 20/

* Which of these do you consider to be the most important in trying to solve problems? Analyzing information Formulating alternative actions Being well-informed Challenging assumptions Taking a broad view Creating innovative solutions Focusing on the key issues Probing for more information Something else

42/ What has been the first question you have asked when faced with a difficult decision? What are your options? What other information do you need? What are the risks? What is your primary objective? What are your resources?

43/ What is most important for getting things done in a company? The company's rules and procedures

How decisions are made The company's purpose/mission How the informal organization works


* Which of these have bothered you the most when working on a task? Having to finish someone else's work Getting work assigned at the last minute Having to find and fix someone else's mistakes Being taken off a task before it is finished Receiving incomplete or inaccurate instructions None of these have bothered you

45/ Compared to others, how well have you managed interruptions while working under pressure? Much better than others Better than others About as well as others Not quite as well as others Much worse than others

46/ Which of the following has helped you the most in getting along with others? Please respond to all questions.

Always being honest, including criticism Treating others the way they would like to be treated Standing my ground when I am right Compromising when appropriate


* Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business success * Working for an established company that offers long term employment * Working with no interruptions * Having decision-making authority * Becoming a manager of others * Having the opportunity for fast advancement 47/ -Subject Project : All members always choose me team leader.Because I am not only good at Mechanical,Electronic but also good at finding new ideas or new information. -Making Printer for company : During I took part in Youth Scientist Club in my University I got many experiences in designing electric board.So,they also choose me leader. 56/ Which of the following did you do during your school years? (Mark ALL that apply) Completed a special degree program for the academically gifted Attended a university that accepts only the best students Received recognition for academic achievement Received recognition for attendance record Studied at more than one university Received recognition as one of the best students academically None of the above

* Turn plans into actions * Take no time for others * Start people working toward a goal * Believe most people will take advantage of you if you let them * Come up with alternatives

62/ One of your co-workers is copying company software at work and taking it home. This is against company policy in your region. You need the same software for your personal use and are having problems saving the money to buy it. What would you most likely do? Ask other co-workers to see if it is a norm to copy the software in this group. Discuss the matter with your manager, and ask whether you can copy the software for personal use. Copy the software yourself. Contact your IT representative for guidance.

63/ Your work team is discussing when to sell a new product. Everyone including your boss seems to agree that the product should be offered to customers within the month. You know your boss does not like public disagreements. However, you have concerns because a recent report from the research department points to potential safety problems with the product. What would you most likely do? Try to understand why everyone else wants to offer the product to customers this month. Maybe your concerns are misplaced. Voice your concerns with the product and explain why you believe the safety issues need to be addressed. Support what others want to do so that everyone feels good about the team. Keep your concerns to yourself.

64/ A number of your family and friends who live far away have told you that the best way to reach them is via the telephone. You do not have long distance telephone service at home, and you believe that many of your colleagues use the company long distance service for extensive personal communications. You are aware that long distance calling has an expense for the company. What would you most likely do? Use your company long distance service for personal calls, but only after work hours. Ask your manager whether it is okay to use the telephone in this way. You believe that others in the office use the company long distance service for extensive personal use, and so you would too. Purchase a long distance calling card to accommodate the wishes of your friends and family.


You are the only person who orders office supplies and are responsible for the supply budget for your group. You need some supplies for your personal use at home and can get them cheaper through your work's vendor account. The cost of these supplies will go unnoticed on the budget. What would you most likely do? Order the supplies on your organization's budget and take them home. Ask your manager if you can order the supplies and pay for them with your own money. Do not order the supplies, since the account is for business-related supplies only. At lunch, casually ask other coworkers what they would do.