Pertemuan 2 - Konsep Pengembangan Produk [PDF]

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TI21W6506 PERANCANGAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PRODUK Teknik Industri-Universitas Pasundan Dosen: Ir.Dedeh Kurniasih, MT E-mail: [email protected]


CPL 2 : Mampu merumuskan solusi untuk masalah rekayasa kompleks pada sistem terintegrasi dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor ekonomi, kesehatan, dan keselamatan publik, kultural, sosial dan lingkungan CPL 4 : Mampu mengidentifikasi, memformulasikan, dan menganalisis masalah rekayasa kompleks pada sistem terintegrasi berdasarkan pendekatan analitik, komputasional maupun eksperimental CPL-7 : Menguasai prinsip dan isu-isu terkini dalam ekonomi, sosial, ekologi secara umum

REFERENSI: 1. Crawford, C. Merle; New Product Management; Irwin; Illinois; 1983 2. Ulrich, Karl T. and Steven D. Eppinger; Product Design And Development; McGraw-Hill: Singapore; 1995 3. Urban, Glen L. and John R. Hauser; Design And Marketing Of New Products; PrenticeHill; New Jersey; 1993 4. Wind, Yoram J. ; Product Policy : Concepts, Methods, and Strategy; Addison -Wesley; Massachusetts; 1982 5. Clark, Kim B., and Steven C. Wheelwright; Managing New Product Ard. Process Development-, The Free Press; New York; 1993 6. Lehman, Donald R. and Russell S. Winer; Product Management; McGraw Hill; New York; 2005 7. Thomke, Stefan H.; Managing Product and Service Development; McGraw Hill; 8. Bloom, Paul N. and Louise N. Boone; Strategi Pemasaran Produk; Prestasi Pustaka; Jakarta; 2006 9. Inwood, David, and Jean Hammond; Pengembangan Produk; Pustaka Binaman Pressindo; Jakarta 1995

Classifying Goods and Services Convenience Item yang relatif murah yang memanfaatkan usaha perbelanjaan yang kecil. Product Shopping Product Specialty Product

Unsought Product

Sebuah produk yang memerlukan perbandingan belanja, karena biasanya lebih mahal dan ditemukan dilebih sedikit toko Sebuah item tertentu yang konsumen berusaha mencari secara luas untuk dan enggan untuk menerima pengganti. Sebuah produk yang tidak diketahui oleh pembeli potensial atau produk yang diketahui yang pembelinya tidak secara aktif mencari.

Classification of Consumer Goods


Pembeli potensial tdk mempunyai kebutuhan riil atau keinginan untuk produk baru - Too Little Market Attractiveness - No Access to Buyers

Produk baru tdk memenuhi kebutuhan user atau banyak memiliki banyak kelemahan - Insignificant Point of Difference - Poor Product Quality - Insensitivity to Customer Needs on Critical Factors

Upaya pemasaran tdk sesuai, terutama dlm mengkomunikasikan sifat produk pada konsumen yg dituju - Poor Execution of the Marketing Mix: Name, Price, Promotion, and Distribution - Bad Timing

New-Product Development Process Idea Generation

Prototype Development Idea Screening Test Marketing Concept Development & Testing

Commercialization Business Analysis

New-Product Development Approaches

Idea Generation • Idea Generation: – The initial stage for the new-product development process. Systematic search for new ideas – Internal sources: brainstorming – External sources: customers, competitors, distributors and suppliers

Ideas vs Opportunities Ideas Become Opportunities Only If They Have a Chance to Succeed

STAGE THREE Exploring New Business Ideas and Opportunities Search for a product or service idea

From your previous employment

From hobbies

From casual observation

Magazines and other publications

From a deliberate search

Trade shows and conventions

Evaluate the possible alternatives

Determine your preferences

Product licensing information services

Government agencies and departments

Use creative thinking

Sources of Ideas for a New Business Your Job Your Hobbies Personal Observation Casual Observation Deliberate Search

Publications Inventor’s Shows, Trade Shows and Conventions Patent Brokers and Product Licensing Information Services Friends, Acquaintances, and Other Social Contacts Federal and Provincial Government Agencies and Departments Using Creative Thinking

Where Do Entrepreneurs Get Their Ideas? ◼

◼ ◼

Discovered through systematic research for opportunities Swept into the PC revolution Discovered serendipitously: ◼ Built temporary or casual job into a business (7%) ◼ Wanted as an individual consumer (6%) ◼ Happened to read about the industry (4%) ◼ Developed family member’s idea (2%) ◼ Thought up during honeymoon in Italy (1%)





Replicated or modified an idea encountered through previous employment 1st Qtr

2nd Qtr

3rd Qtr

Source: 100 founders of the 1989 Inc. *500* fastest growing private companies.

4th Qtr


Brainstroming Attribute Listing

BRAINSTROMING Sebuah proses memisahkan analisis ide dari perkembangan aktual ide (Usually done in a group) ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

No criticism during idea generation Don’t try to sell or explain an idea Free-flowing, seeking a large quantity of ideas “weird” and “silly” ideas are encouraged and may lead to new and better ideas After a list has been generated, analysis of each idea can take place

ATTRIBUTE LISTING Mengubah cara Anda melihat sesuatu dalam rangka untuk menemukan penggunaan baru untuk itu. ▪ ▪

Does its shape, weight, colour, textures, or properties suggest other uses? What could you do if you reversed it, combined it with something else, multiplied it, shrunk it, enlarged it, rearranged it?

Recognizing Trends Mengantisipasi kebutuhan dan mengembangkan visi yang jelas tentang masa depan yang dapat membantu Anda mengantisipasi produk yang sukses, jasa atau arah untuk mengambil dan mendapatkan lompatan dalam kompetisi

Idea Screening • Idea Screening: – Mengevaluasi kumpulan ide dan mengurangi ke satu set yang lebih kecil dan lebih menarik dari produk baru yang potensial. Identify good ideas and drop poor ones – Usefulness to consumers – Good for company – Fit with objectives and strategies – Have the resources – Add value

Concept Development and Testing • Concept Development: Proses membentuk dan

menyempurnakan ide menjadi konsep produk yang lebih lengkap.

• Concept testing: testing new-product concepts for consumer appeal

Business Analysis • Business Analysis: – Tahap proses pengembangan baru yang diadakan untuk mempersiapkan rencana pemasaran awal untuk produk. • Marketing strategy: initial strategy for product concept: – Target market, positioning, and sales, market share, and profit goals – Price, distribution, and marketing budget – Strategy statement, long-run sales, profit goals, and marketing mix

Prototype Development • Prototype Development: Mengkonversi konsep menjadi produk yang sebenarnya

Test Marketing • Test Marketing: Menguji prototipe produk dan strategi pemasaran dalam situasi pasar simulasi atau aktual.

• Simulated Test Marketing: Mengevaluasi produk baru dalam situasi dibuat mirip dengan bagaimana konsumen akan membeli dan menggunakannya.

Test Marketing • Standard Test Marketing: – Pengujian produk baru dan strategi pemasaran dalam situasi pasar yang sebenarnya.

Commercialization The firm introduces the product on a full-scale basis, involving: • Understanding Consumer Adoption • Timing • Coordination

Product Life Cycle Strategies Product life cycle (PLC): the course of a product’s sales and profits over its life

Summary of PLC

Product Development Phase Phase Goal

0 Sell Ideas Generate many ideas

1 Plan

2 Develop

3 Validate

4 Qualify

5 Produce

Develop Plan

Advance idea to product

Proof of specs

Proof of build

Robust process

Process Develop

Plan the work for the Team

Engineer Functional Models

Test Proto units

Build & Test Pilot units

Release Product to Sell

Main Initial Artifact Project

Gantt Chart

Working Modules & Prototypes

Solid System Proto

Working Product

Quality Product

Owner Project

Core Team

Ideas into Proposal

Summary Champion

Extended or Core Team Member

Process Step 1. Present an Idea Phase 0 • • • •

Collect ideas Consider customers Know stakeholders Write proposal (Initial Project Summary)

Ideas come from Many Sources • Customer wants • Customer needs • Competitor products • Competitor plans • Marketing/sales logs • Organizational strategies • Society attitudes and opinions

Develop the Initial Project Summary (IPS) ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Goal Product Roadmap Key Selling Points Key Customers Proposed Team Business Case Recommendation to decision-makers

Process Step 2. Plan the work Phase 1 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Incorporate new organizational input Select the team Identify tasks Link deliverables to milestones Anticipate showstoppers Define tradeoffs Freeze the plan

Process Step 3. Work the plan Phase 2-5 • The teams for Work the Plan include: – Commit and deliver to plan – Monitor and report metrics with data – Discuss obstacles and engage stakeholders – Communicate change – Recommit and deliver to change

Process Step 4. Learn from experiance Phase 0-5 • Professionals use well-documented events to reinforce good behaviors and discourage bad ones. • Continuous improvement discipline demands everyone to learn from past experiences – shed the bad and share the good.

Shirley Robert’s Best Businesses for Beyond the Year 2000 1. Self-diagnostic medical tools 2. Affordable organic foods 3. Educational books, videos, and CD-ROMs 4. Technology-training centres 5. Customized information services 6. Anti-aging cosmetics 7. Pet-related products and services 8. Financial services tailored to women 9. Activewear for aging adults 10. Home-safety devices

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