Pocket Book Poultry Diseases [PDF]

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Pg. No. 1

Broiler birds will have diseases manifestations like ND, IB, IBD, CRD, IBH, Coccidiosis & E.Coli and some of the metabolic disturbances like Ascites, Gout, leg weaks, etc., Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention is more important in controlling the disease. NO TREATMENT OR PREVENTION WITHOUT A PROPER DIAGNOSIS. At field level initial diagnosis based on Post Mortem Lesion and Treatment based on the initial diagnosis plays vital role in reduction of mortality and in turn disease occurrence. The following basic details will throw some light on PM lesions and differentiation between important diseases and the primary treatment to be followed without any compromise and delay:

Pg. No. 2

I. Bacterial Diseases 1. Colibacillosis 2. Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) 3. Necrotic Enteritis

II. Viral Diseases 1. Newcastle disease (ND)/ Ranikhet Disease (RD) 2. Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) 3. Infectious Bronchitis (IB) 4. Inclusion Body Hepatitis (IBH)

III. Protozoan Diseases 1. Coccidiosis

IV. Fungal Disease 1. Brooder Pneumonia

V. Metabolic Diseases 1. Gout 2. Heat Stroke 3. Ascites

Pg. No. 3

Bacterial Diseases 1. Colibacillosis –(E.Coli) • Caused by Escherichia coli • Possible routes of infection were –– improper shed cleaning; Contaminated water & Feed (MBM, Fish meal) –– Improper cleaning of water lines from Main tank, pipeline and drinkers or nipples –– Wet litter and improper litter racking –– Contaminated hatching eggs –– Improper hatcher hygiene • Infected chicks exhibit dullness, diarrhoea, mortality, crackling respiratory sound • Post mortem of dead birds reveals air sacculitis, Pericarditis & perihepatitis (white slimy layer on liver and heart) and unabsorbed yolk.

Pg. No. 4

Treatment: • Antibiotics like Colistin sulphate, Neomycin, levofloxacin, Enrofloxacin, oxytetracycline, Gentamicin, Amikacin & OTC LA can be given. • Add the water sanitiser with the adequate contact time.

Pericarditis & perihepatitis


Pericarditis & Perihepatitis Pg. No. 5

2. Chronic Respiratory diseases (CRD) • Caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) & Mycoplasma synoviae (MS). • Possible routes of infection –– Vertically transmitted from infected parents –– Horizontally transmitted because of improper shed cleaning • The infected birds shows crackling respiratory sound, Tracheal rales, Ocular and nasal discharge, swollen head and difficulty in breathing • Post mortem of initial phase of diseases shows air sacs foamy with specks (appearing like fat drop) • Later phase of disease shows air sacs and trachea are filled with exudate/cheesy flakes in air sacs & tracheal, airsacculitis, perihepatitis & pericarditis Pg. No. 6

Treatment: • Tylosin injection or in feed • Effective anti-mycoplasmal treatment in breeders. • Disinfection spray in early morning and late evening to reduce the respiratory sound

Pericarditis & perihepatitis



Abdominal airsacculitis Pg. No. 7

3. Necrotic enteritis: • Caused by Clostridium perfringens of soil & gut inhabiting • Predisposing factors - Intestinal coccidiosis, Change of feed, litter pecking, poor ventilation, poor litter condition, over stocking density, insufficient down period, stress and immunosuppression. • Birds not take feed, enteritis, orange droppings, unevens more, poor growth and FCR high • Focal red spots or ulcerations in intestinal mucosa

Treatment • Neoguard/Neooxy – 0.5 g/lit in 24 hrs water for 3 days • ProbioWS – 100 g for 1000 birds for 2 days after antibiotic treatment.

Pg. No. 8

Turkey towel appearance of the intestine

Pg. No. 9

Viral Diseases 1. Newcastle disease (RD) or Newcastle disease (ND) • Caused by Paramyxovirus • Infected birds shows Torticolis (Twisted neck), star gazing, circling movement and greenish diarrhoea • Post mortem of the dead birds reveals Tracheitis, Papillary pinpoint haemorrhages in proventriculus, Haemorrhagic caecal tonsils and ulcers in intestinal mucosa.

Treatment • Effective vaccination and good bio security at farm level are the preventive measures • Disinfectant spray (Sugi Ox/Sugi TH extra) should be done regularly. • Sugi Ox (1g/lit) can be given orally in drinking water in 12 hrs night water once suspected ND outbreak. • Immunostimulators like Sugi Vit SE, Aloe Vera, Immuno care, etc., can be given. Pg. No. 10

Papillary pinpoint haemorrhages in proventriculus


Papillary pinpoint haemorrhages in proventriculus

Caecal tonsil haemorrhage

Pg. No. 11

2. Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) • Caused by Birnavirus • Infection mostly seen between 3 to 4 wks of age • Infected birds go off feed, dullness, ruffled feathers, whitish diarrhoea • Post mortem of dead birds reveals the following lesions –– Muscular haemorrhages in breast & thigh –– Bursa - Enlarged or atrophied, Haemorrhagic, mucus, gelatinous exudates or cheesy mass –– Haemorrhages between proventriculus & gizzard junction.

Treatment: • Sugi Ox orally - 1 g/lit. in 24 hrs water • Sugi Ox spray - 5-10g/lit.of water • Aloe vera- 250g for every 1000 chicks in 8 hrs water • Immunostimulants like Sugi Vit Se, ImmunoCare, etc... can be given. Pg. No. 12

Muscular haemorrhages in thigh

Bursa - Enlarged

Bursa - mucus, gelatinous exudates or cheesy mass

Haemorrhagic Bursa

Haemorrhages between proventriculus & gizzard junction. Pg. No. 13

3. Infectious bronchitis (IB): • Caused by Corona virus and affects both Respiratory and Kidney. • All ages are susceptible but most severe in young chicks. • Kidney form leads up to 30% mortality in broilers. • Marked depression, respiratory signs with high mortality • Lesions - Excess mucus in the respiratory tract, air sacs cloudy, thickened, yellow cheese like mass and in severe cases, caseous plug in the lower trachea or bronchi. • Kidney - Swollen, pale and distended tubules are white with urates.

Control: • IB live vaccination at hatchery and at 18 days of age based on lesions and symptoms. • Administration of electrolytes in drinking water Pg. No. 14

Mucus deposit in the bronchiole

Tracheitis with mucus deposit

Pg. No. 15

4. IBH/ Hydropericardium syndrome • Caused by Fowl Adeno virus • Inclusion Body Hepatitis - Serotype 2 & 11 of Adeno virus after 3 wks of age • Hydropericardium - Serotype 4 of adeno virus less than 3 weeks of age • High temperature, IBD & Coccidiosis are predisposing factors • Dullness, Off feed, ruffled feathers and uneveness • Post mortem of the dead birds reveals the following –– Clear, yellow tinged fluid in the pericardium around heart –– Pale yellow (icteric), friable and enlarged liver with haemorrhages –– Yellow Kidney (icteric) enlarged and haemorrhagic –– Yellowish tinged subcutaneous and peritoneal fat deposition. Pg. No. 16

Treatment: • Keezhanelli powder + Jaggery 250g + 250g for 1000 birds in 8 hrs water + Aloe vera - 250g for 1000 birds in 8 hrs water, Jaundex100ml for 1000 birds in 8 hrs water. • Other liver supplements like Hepatocare, Hepaprime, Liv 52. • Strong disinfectant spray to contain the spread of disease. • IBH killed vaccination at hatchery or within 5 days of age at farm level as preventive measure

Pg. No. 17

Yellowish tinged subcutaneous fat deposition.

Pale yellow, friable and enlarged liver

Pale yellow, friable and enlarged liver with haemorrhages

Pale yellow, friable and enlarged liver with haemorrhages

Pg. No. 18

Protozoan Disease 1. Coccidiosis: • Caused by Eimeria Sp. • Mostly seen between 4-6 wks of age • Predisposing Factors – Improper shed cleaning, Wet litter, immunosuppression, reduced feed intake, feed control • The infected shows Bloody droppings and huddling in severe outbreaks • The dead birds reveals the following lesions in post mortem –– Caeca - Enlarged and clotted blood noticed. –– Ballooning of the intestine and lumen filled with blood.

Pg. No. 19

Treatment: • Sugi ampro - 1.2 g /lit in 24 hrs water for 3 days • Sugi Menacon - 0.6 g/lit in 24 hrs water for 3 days • Sugi VitA forte – 100 ml/1000 chicks in 24 hrs water for 3 days • Racking of litter and replace wet with new litter

Caeca - Enlarged and clotted blood

Pg. No. 20

Fungal Disease 1. Aspergillosis (Brooder Pneumonia) • Caused by Aspergillus fumigatus and affects both Respiratory and Nervous System • Mostly noticed in chicks – Within 1-3 days after hatch • Common in warm humid climate; improper shed cleaning; hatchery contamination and poor quality litter material • Laboured breathing, gasping, whistling rales, lateral recumbency incoordination, tremors and paralysis • Whitish/Yellowish white nodules in lungs & air sacs.

Treatment: • Copper Sulphate - 1g/2L of drinking water for 8 to 10 days (1:2000 concentration) • Spray on litter & shed - 1g/lit. of water Pg. No. 21

Gasping – Open mouth breathing with extended

Yellowish nodules over the abdominal airsacs

Miliary nodules over the lungs

Pg. No. 22

Metabolic Disease 1. Gout • Occurs because of increased uric acid production or decreased excretion of uric acid and leading to deposition of urate crystals in renal tubules, viscera and joints. • Occurs at any age but mostly seen at age - 1-3 wks • Dehydration, Excess dietary calcium, Vit. A deficiency, Excess protein, Excess salt intake, Infectious bronchitis, Excess or deficient of electrolytes, high brooding temperature and water starvation • White chalky coating - Kidney, Heart, proventriculus & lungs • White urate deposition on joints

Pg. No. 23

Treatment: • Providing additional drinkers and avoid overheating of chicks. • IB Vaccination on1st day if infectious cause was suspected • Anti-gout preparation - Nephrotec, Nephrocare, Jaggery + Beetal leaf juice, Sugi Renal care

White chalky deposition – Heart

White chalky deposition - Kidney Pg. No. 24

2. Heat stress • High temperature with high humidity • Panting, stretching the wings • Reduced feed intake and increased water intake • High mortality suddenly at about 3-4 pm on a hot day.

Treatment./Prevention: • Providing cool water during hot hours of the day • Frequent changing of water in the tank • Providing medicines like Summer cool - 1g/lit. Of water, Paracetamol - 1 tab/1 drinker, Herbal C / Vit C / Activ C - 100 ml for 1000 birds during hot time.

Pg. No. 25

3. Ascites: • Accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity. • Causes – Excess body weight, improper brooding, increased bird density, improper ventilation, Salt toxicity & hypoxia (insufficient oxygen) • Lesions - Enlargement and dilatation of heart, yellowish tinged water fluid in abdominal cavity with liver small and rounded edges.

Treatment/Prevention: • Remove excess salt content in feed • Improved ventilation • Restricted feed or adding rice bran to dilute the feed and decrease energy level. • Good brooding

Pg. No. 26

Straw yellow colour fluid in the pericardial sac

Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity

Dilatation of the Right ventricle (Left - normal) Pg. No. 27

Recommended S.No Antibiotic Name Dose (mg / Kg Bw) 1







Ceftiofur Sodium
























Colistin sulphate

6 or 75000 IU




Antibiotic Dose Calculation: Amount of antibiotic required (ml) = Average Bw (Kg) x Dose (mg/Kg Bw) x No.of Birds Concentration of medicine (mg/ml) Pg. No. 28

Dose Calculation for Gentamicin injection: For Example, we will see how to prepare the amount of amikacin antibiotic required for the following broiler farm:   Average Body Weight - 250g (0.25 kg)  Dose for Amikacin - 20 mg/kg B. wt.  No.of Birds - 1000   Concentration of medicine in 1 ml - 250 mg Amount of amikacin required = 0.25 x 20 x1000

ml 250 • Amount of amikacin required = 20 ml • Amount of amikacin required for 1000 birds @ 20 mg/kg B. wt. dose is 20 ml. Now mix 20 ml of amikacin with 180 ml of sterile normal saline and inject 0.2ml/ bird. Pg. No. 29

Dose Calculation for Gentamicin injection: • Average Body Weight of chick at hatchery - 40 g (0.04 kg) • Dose of Gentamicin - 10 mg/kg B. wt. • No. of Birds - 1000 • Concentration of medicine in 1 ml - 40 mg Amount of gentamicin required = 0.04 x 10 x 1000

ml 40 • Amount of Gentamicin required = 10 ml • Amount of Gentamicin required for 1000 birds @ 10 mg/kg B. wt. dose is 10 ml. Now mix 10 ml of Gentamicin with 190 ml of sterile normal saline and inject 0.2ml/ bird.

Pg. No. 30


Pg. No. 31


5th Floor, Jaya Enclave, 1057, Avinashi Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, Pincode - 641 018. Toll Free: 1800 103 4343
