Quizlet-Outsystems Quiz Questions [PDF]

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Outsystems Quiz Questions Study online at quizlet.com/_6y43uw 1.

can style classes be overridden?



how do you consume a SOAP web service

provide the WSDL (the endpoint URL or upload file) choose the binding (if there's more than 1) and choose the methods to consume


can the value of a site property be modified in service center to change the application behavior at runtime?



the check box widget is bound to a variable of type.....



how do you create a menu option for a screen

you can just drag and drop that screen onto the menu


the combo box widget allows selecting one value out of possible alternatives in a drop down list. what ways can you do this

use source entity property to get choices from entity or static use source record list property to get choices from list of records use special list section to manually set special alternatives


how do you replace data on a widget using the automatic way?

drag your entity and drop it onto the widget


if an attribute is names "totalcount" then outsystems will auto set its data type to....



if we have multiple exception handlers in an action flow and an exception is raised...

the execution is moved to the exception handler that is most specific to the exception


if you have the same style class defined in a web block, screen, and the theme, which definition is applied?

the one in the screen; the style sheet of a screen is the last one to be loaded


the image widget

displays static images, images in an URL, and images in the database


in a many to many relationship, the junction entity must have at least these attributes

an identifier and foreign keys to each parent entity


in an aggregate, the purpose of the test values section is....

define values for testing the preview data of the aggregate


in an aggregate, the sources section is used for

define the entities we want to retrieve records from


in an SQL query, the output entities/structures must always be defined to know the output type

yes; must always be defined using entities or structures and match the columns in the SELECT clause


in a switch statement, what happens?

the first branch that the condition evaluates to true is executed if no branch evaluates to true, the otherwise branch is executed the otherwise branch is required


in rich widgets, the list_sortColumn widget does what

allows sorting by column in a table records by clicking on that column


does outsystems manage the underlying database tables for the developer?

no, developers don't need access to the database server


ending a screen action with an end element or a destination to the current screen yields the same result

false end preserves the values of the screen variables and widgets destination resets them to their defaults


entities and attributes are created in the database as....

tables and columns


entities are created with a set of entity actions for CRUD operations. What are they?

create, createOrUpdate, Update, Get, Delete, GetForUpdate


the expression widget

displays text calculated at runtime


how are users and roles managed

roles are created in applications user authorizations are managed manually in the users app or programmatically -authorizations can also be set using custom logic


how can we limit the number of records returned by an aggregate?

use the max records property


how do you auto create a list screen along with a details screen

drag and drop an entity to the UI flow to create the list screen and repeat it to create the detail screen


an instance of a web block is a widget and when refreshing it with an ajax refresh....

the web block preparation is executed and the web block is updated


some widgets can trigger screen actions with ajax. this can be defined in a section in their properties that is called

on click or on change, depending on the widget


in the outsystems debugger, which one the following commands in not available in outsystems?

restart debugging ones that are available: -step over -stop debugging


the SQL query only allows executing SELECT statements



a structure can have attributes of the following data types:

basic, structure, entity, and list

in the web blocks section of the theme properties, does changing the layout web block mean changing the layout of existing screens?

no; screens that are already created with the previous layout web block are not impacted


the table records widget

displays records in a tabular layout, one per row




in what order are style sheets loaded?

web block is first, then theme, then screen

T/F: consumer modules can only reuse elements from producer modules of the same application


is it possible to expose a REST API in outsystems?



T/F: entity identifiers can be simple primary keys or composite keys



is it possible to see the SQL generated by an aggregate?

Yes in the executed SQL property


T/F: in OutSystems, it is possible to inspect the values of variables while debugging



the lifecycle of a user sessions

starts on the first access to the application (even if anonymous) and ends with a logout or a timeout


T/F: input parameters are always mandatory



T/F: In the screen lifecycle, the preparation runs on the browser.

False preparation contains server-side logic that is executed before rendering the screen


T/F: outsystems has pre-built screens with logic and data for typical scenarios to speed up application development



T/F: the form widget only allows input and label widgets

false layout of the widget is flexible, allowing to add and organize many different widgets the way you need


T/F: the list of values displayed on the combo box widget can be a combination of entity and special list



T/F to design screens with great UI patterns, outsystems UI and rich widgets provide widgets that are available in the service studio toolbox



to restrict access to a web screen, you should...

select the role in the web screen properties pane and outsystems will automatically check the role at runtime





a list in outsystems is

the on click properties allow defining the behavior of links and buttons and... output parameters are available where?

a collection of elements of the same data type links and buttons can either navigate to screens or submit requests both inside and outside of their implementation scope a value must be assigned to the output param inside to be returned to the outside


the recommended data types for session variables are

basic and entity identifier types


regarding exposing elements in producer modules, what property must be set to yes? Then what modules can the exposed elements be used by?

only elements with the public property set to yes can be exposed and reused by modules of any application


server actions can have the following variables...

input, output, local


a web block can be used where

inside web screens and web blocks, except on itself


what are outsystems two built in roles?

anonymous for unknown users registered for users registered in the users application

what are the types of relationships that can implemented in OutSystems?

1to1, 1tomany,manyTomany


what can directly apply a theme to?

module or UI flow


what does ajax refresh do and what do you have to do to make it work?

it allows refreshing of a specific widget the widget must have a name and the screen action must be executed with ajax submit it is ignored if the method is not ajax submit



what does a theme do

defines the look and feel of application screens


what does the list_navigation widget do

it is a navigator for table records with multiple pages, showing a defined number of elements per page


what does the refresh data in the flow of a screen action do?

refreshes the data of a specific query that is present in the preparation it re-executes the specified aggregate or sql query


what does the widget tree represent?

the hierarchy of the widgets on the screen


what is a web block

reusable UI component develop once and reuse many times encapsulates its own logic improves maintainability -if you change the design or functionality then it affects all usages of the web block


what is the correct syntax for writing names of entities and attributes in an SQL query?

{Entity} and {Entity}.[Attribute]


what is the main purpose of the screen preparation?

fetch data from the databases


what is the users application

application that outsystems provides to create and manage users and their roles within applications


what's the correct screen lifecycle order after clicking a button with the navigate method

run preparation then render the destination screen


what's the interface behavior when a widget is not valid

displays the regular widget, applied specific styling, and displays the validation error message when it gains focus


what's the name of the web console that can be accessed to check log reports and environment health information?

service center


what type of variables can be created inside a screen?

input parameters and local variables screens do not have output params


what types of applications can be created in outsystems?

web, mobile, and service


when columns are hidden in an aggregate

they are still part of the output of the aggregate


when consuming a REST API we can consume a single REST method by doing what

provide the method's URL, fill the parameter values (if there are any), test it to get the JSON response and copy the JSON response to the body


when consuming a REST service, what callback action should be used to customize a request sent to the external service?

on before request


when data is sent to the server with the submit method, outsystems has built in validations that validate

mandatory values and correct data types


when deleting a record form an entity, it deletes all records of an entity with foreign key references. what is the delete rule that's happening



when designing the flow of a server action

it can have one start node and multiple (as long as they're different) end nodes like end and raise exception


when doing a "with or without" join between two entities, it returns

all records from the left entity even if there is no match in the right entity LEFT JOIN


when the validation is set to client and server

build in validations are first checked on the client side and if not valid the user gets error messages immediately


when using an aggregate function like Sum, average, min, max, or count on an attribute

only the resulting aggregated attribute is part of the aggregate output when aggregating attributes, the aggregate changes its output and only return the computed aggregated columns


when you use a template to create a screen, what does it do?

it makes a copy of the template to create the screen with sample data that can be replaced by real data -the created screen is a copy of the template including all of the layouts, widgets, styles, and logic


which HTTP request method does the submit method use?