مرجع کامل  Red Hat Linux - جلد دوم [Mastering Red Hat Linux 9, 2003] [PDF]

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Red Hat Linux J.o!S' ~ y. C"'~ ,).,~

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Red Hat Linux j.ots" C:"r


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ISBN 964-354-705-1


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ISBN 964-354-700-0


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ISBN 964-354-701-9 ~~


ISBN: 964-354-701-9(Vol. SET)

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nus progra11 Wlll create a baSlc JCF815COnflg f1llo, based on rtenu selections you 11ake.

The XF86Config file usually res1des in /u.sr/Xl.l.R.el/etc/Xll or /etc/Xl.l A Slllpl• XF86C.Onfl.g file is supplied ~rr~ith XPreeas; 1t 18 confli\U'td tor a standard VGA card and 110nitor with 640x480 resolution pati'Vla11e when l.t 19 ready to 'IITite the fib.

This progra11 will ask for a

it for your con.fl.gutation, or let this progra11 produce a base XPS6Config file for your configuration and fine-tune j.t,

You can either take the suple XFS6Contlg aa 1 baae and ed1.t

Before contl.Ilurng with this progra~:~, rtake sure you know what video card you have, and preferably also the chipscn it. une and tha IIIOW1t. of video 11e11ory on your video card supe.rPTobe nay be able to help lrith this Press enter to continue, or etrl-c: to abort.O


2. J. 4. S. 6.

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M1c:rosoft conpatible (2-button protocol) Mouse Syste11a (J-button protocol) Bus lfouse PS/2 Mouse Logitech Nous& (serial, old type, Logitech protocol) Log1tech MouseKan (Ml.croaoft coqlat1ble) MM Serles MJI. Hit'rablet Ml.croaoft Intell1KOuse

If you have a tw:o-button 110use, 1.t J.S IIOSt l.lkely of type 1, and if you have a three-button 11ouse, it can probably support both protocol l. and 2. There are two llaln varietli!S of the latter type ru.ce W1th a switch to select the protocol, and ~ice that default to 1 and require a button to be held at boot-tiae to select protocol 2. Stme a1ce can be conv:mced to do 2 by serulJ.n& a special sequence t:o the serul port (see the ClearDTR/ClearRIS options). Enter a protocol rw11ber: 4

If your IIOUSe has only !IIIUlateaButtons


buttons, it is recoiiiK!nded that you enable

Pl.as• anwer the following question w:l.th either 'y' or 'n'. Dn you w:ant to enable Elrulate38ut:tons? y Now Cl-Ve the full device nane that the aouse is connected to, for exaJJple /dev/ttyOO. Just pressiJlg: enter will use the default, /dev/aouse.

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Please answer the following question with either 'y' or 'n'. Do you want to select additional XKB options (group switcher, group indicator, etc)? ~ .s.L>~ ""'-'.a ) o).!, "-!

,, JIL4

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I am go1ng to hTlte the XF86Conftg file now overwrite a previously conf1gured one.

Nake sure you don't acc1dently

Shall I wr1te lt to /etc/X11/XFS6Config' n Please answer th• following question with ~uther 'y' or 'n'. Shall I ~ttlte u to the default location. /usr/XllR6/etc/XU/XF86Config? n Do you want it written to the current directory as 'XF86Config'? y File has been written. Take a look at it before running 'startx' Note that the XF86tonfig file nust be 10 one of the d1rector1es searched by the server (e g /etc/Xll) ~ order to be used ~ithin the servet press ctrl, alt and '+' staultaneously to cycle vtdeo resolutions Pressing ctrl. alt and backspace SlRUltaneously !MMediately exits the server (use 1f the aon1tor doesn't sync for a particular mode). For further configuration. refer to the XF86Config(S) aanual page {rooUntH9rest root)f


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