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INTRODUCTION Praise and thank God Almighty for His blessings and mercy so that I am still given the opportunity to be able to complete this idea engineering task with the title "UTILIZING AUDIO AND VIDEO MEDIA TO IMPROVE LISTENING ABILITIES (LISTENING) OF STUDENTS IN LANGUAGE LEARNING. ENGLISH "I created this idea engineering to fulfill the completion of an English course assignment, I hope that this idea engineering can add insight and knowledge to readers. In writing this idea engineering, I do not forget to thank the lecturer and friends who have motivated me, so that I can finish on time. I realize that the engineering of this idea is far from perfect. Therefore, I apologize for the criticism and constructive suggestions for future improvements and enhancements. Finally, I say happy reading and I hope that the material in the engineering of ideas in the form of this paper can be useful for readers.

Medan, December 2020     Rasvina Mastari Matondang                     


ABSTRACT Development in the field of education is one of the sectors of the National Development Program, therefore the development of education with all the expansion of its land must be given top priority in order to improve the quality of education itself and minimize the problems in it. The quality of education in Indonesia is still of great concern. This is reflected in, among others, the results of the reading ability study for the Elementary School (SD) level carried out by the International Educational Achievement (IEA) organization which shows that elementary school students in Indonesia rank 38 out of 39 study participating countries. Meanwhile, for the Junior High School (SLTP) level, the study for mathematics students' ability for junior high school students in Indonesia is only 39 out of 42 countries and English language skills is only 40 out of 42 participating countries.   Keywords: Learning English, Listening, and learning outcomes.


TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... i ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................................................... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................... iii CHAPTER I PREFACE................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background............................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Purpose.................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Benefits.................................................................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Study of Learning English Learning............................................................................................. 2 2.2 Study of English Learning Outcomes........................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER III DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................ 4 3.1 Experience in Implementing Learning Innovations..............................................................4-6 CHAPTER IV CLOSING............................................................................................................................... 7 4.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................. 7 4.2 Suggestion.............................................................................................................................................. 7 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................ 8


CHAPTER I PREFACE 1.1 Background In the language learning process, the media is used to make it easier for students to learn the language itself. However, a learning can be said to be successful when students are able to absorb all information in the form of knowledge and skills conveyed by educators properly, so they can remember and apply it in various branches of knowledge. Apart from listening exams or tests in English, every English learner certainly wants to be able to understand what other people say in English, either directly (face to face), television, radio, film, CD, or recording media are also good for pronunciation ( pronunciation) learners. However, students' listening skills need to be developed by listening to the voice or speech of a native English speaker considering that the English speaker's accent can vary depending on where the speaker is from. Therefore students / students need to be trained in their listening skills with native speaker voices. one of them is through music and songs. In addition, videos containing English-language films can also be used as a medium for learning listening and pronunciation. From these problems, I raise the title of my idea engineering utilization of audio and video media to improve listening ability (listening to students in english learning " 1.2 Purpose Describe real experiences in applying the use of audio and video media to improve student listening skills Describe supporting factors and obstacles in implementing the use of audio and video media to improve students' listening skills Describe RPPM and RPPH in one unit / standard and basic elements / competencies 1.3 Benefits 1. Benefits for writers This idea engineering is expected to train writers in issuing ideas and creative side so that contributes a benefit to the development of science, especially regarding the problem of how innovation is suitable for low-grade elementary school children 2. Benefits for readers This idea engineering is expected to provide information and input for readers in general mnya, especially in order to find out the problem of innovation in learning English, especially for low-grade elementary school children and how to engineer this so that it is easier to apply for themselves.



2.1 Study of Learning English Learning Study of Learning English Learning a language has been carried out by humans since birth. Learning a language starts with learning the mother tongue, which is natural and natural. But it is different with learning a second language or a foreign language. Briefly, Littlewood (1984: 3) distinguishes these two terms, namely "a" second "language has social functions within the community where it is learned (eg, as a lingua franca or as the language of another social group), where as a" foreign "language is learned primarily for contact outside one's own community". This opinion implies that a second language has a social function in the society in which it is studied (for example, as the lingua franca or language of other social groups), whereas foreign languages are studied primarily for relationships in outside the community itself. Meanwhile (Quirk 1972: 32) provides a definition of a second language, "a language necessary for certain official, social, commercial or educational activities within their own country" while foreign languages are: "a language used by persons for communication across frontier or with others who are not from their country ". This opinion means that the second language is the language that is needed during form activities al, social, trade or education in their own country "while foreign language is:" the language used by people to communicate between borders or with other people who are not from their country ". Nunan (2005: 9) states "the ability to use a second language (knowing" how ") would develop automatically if the learner were required to focus on meaning in the process of using the language to communicate." This opinion implies that the ability to using a second language (knowing how) will develop automatically if learners are directed to focus on meaning in the process of using language to communicate. The second language referred to here is a foreign language that is generally learned by students in a school. environmentHarmer (2007: 15) classifies three age groups of learners, namely children (children), adolescents (adolescents), and adults (adults) .Children are a group of learners aged 2 to 14 years, adolescents are a group of learners with ages between 12 to 17 years , and adults generally those aged between 16 years and over. Specifically for the term children (children), Harmer classified 8 two age groups of children -children, namely young learners are those aged between 5 to 9 years, and very young learners are usually between 2 to 5 years. " The quotation confirms that what is meant by child learners are those who learn English as a foreign or second language in the first six or seven years of learning in formal schools and are usually taught in primary schools.


2.2 Study of English Learning Outcomes 1. Understanding Learning According to Aunurrahman (2010: 32), learning can be interpreted as a change in behavior. Change is not only related to the addition of knowledge, but also in the form of skills, attitudes, understanding, self-esteem, interests, character, and self-adjustment. Sugihartono et al, (2007: 7) argue that learning is a process of gaining knowledge and experience in the form of changes in behavior and the ability to react relatively permanently or permanently due to individual interactions with their environment. Slameto (2003: 2) states that learning is a process of effort carried out by a person to obtain a whole new change in behavior as a result of his own experiences in interaction with his environment. Based on the learning theory above, it can be concluded that learning is the process of making changes in a person by interacting with the environment to get changes in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. 2. Understanding Learning Outcomes Learning outcomes are very important in the learning process because they can be used as a guide to determine the extent of student success in learning. Nana Sudjana (2006: 3) says that student learning outcomes are essentially changes in behavior which include cognitive, affective, and psychomotor fields. Mulyono Abdurahman (2003: 37-38) argues that learning outcomes are abilities that children acquire after going through learning activities. Learning is a process of someone trying to obtain a relatively permanent form of behavior change. Programmed and controlled learning activities are called learning activities or instructional activities, the learning objectives have been predetermined by the teacher. Children who succeed are children who succeed in achieving goals.                  


CHAPTER III DISCUSSION 3.2 Experience in Implementing Learning Innovations There are four skills / competencies that must be mastered by students in learning English, namely active skills or commonly called productiveskills. Productive skills include speaking (speaking) and writing (writing). Meanwhile, other skills are receptive skills which include reading and listening. Of the four skills, listening is considered the most difficult by students. This is generally due to the lack of native speaker teachers (native English speakers) and also listening practice which is considered difficult and boring. However, this can be tricked if the teacher / educator is able to read the interests or hobbies of students and is also able to use the media to support learning. The use of audio and video media is very useful to train students' listening skills. The material for this listening practice is English songs that are currently popular with or without video clips. Besides being familiar and easy to capture, playing songs makes students feel happy and comfortable. While the criteria for songs that are used as material for listening are: 1. In accordance with the material in the syllabus 2. Songs that are popular (latest) 3. Singed by native spakers The following is a description of the experience in implementing this learning system using audio and video media 1. Planning Planning starts from the syllabus and RPPM (Weekly Learning Program Plan), then determines the music and songs that will be played to students. The song text must be adjusted to the material in the RPPM. Example of RPPM material: Simple Pas Tense Song selection is adjusted to the material to be taught, so that what students catch in the song through listening activities can be applied. In addition, the selection of song material is also adjusted to the age of the students so that it is interesting to follow because it suits their taste. After determining the songs that will be used as study material, the tutor prepares text that contains song lyrics that have one or more words removed in each sentence. The text containing the song's lyrics is duplicated to be shared with students while the song is played. The use of audio and video media has been carried out in stages, namely:


a. The use of audio media only to play English songs by providing text containing incomplete song lyrics; b The use of video media only without voice so that students observe the singer's lips; c The use of audio media with full video with lyrics text contains incomplete 2. Implementation Steps: a. After recording the song and the lyrics text was prepared, tutors setting up hardware in the form of a laptop and speakers to play songs that have been determined. Students do not wear headphones due to limited facilities. b. Print out contains the text of the song lyrics to be played and distributed to students to be observed first (because students are in pre-intermediate class so it needs initial preparation) c. Tutors ask students to listen carefully to the song to be played and fill in the points / spaces the words they heard in the song that was playing. d. The tutor plays the song up to 2 times so that students can fill in the points provided e. Students are asked to name the words that have been written in the blank lyrics in turns, the tutor matches the correct answer while assessing which students can say the word -words at most. f. After writing the words in blank lyrics, the educator plays a video clip of the song that has     been played without sound and the students are asked to observe the lips of the singer. g. The next step is showing a video clip of a song accompanied by the voice of the singer and the students are again asked to observe and listen carefully. h. Because each song has lyrics that are adjusted to the material in the RPPM, students can be asked to make examples of sentences that match the grammar in song i. After the student completes his assignment, the tutor plays the song back and sings it together. 3. Results a. Make it easier for students to make sentences in English according to the specified tenses because there are direct examples of song lyrics: b.Students learn to understand literary language such as those in song lyrics which are rarely used in daily conversations;


c.Improve the pronunciation of students by directly listening to the pronunciation of native speakers (native English speakers) through video clip songs that are played 4. Impact of listening in English classes using interactive and empirical learning systems where this strategy invites students to be more active and be sensitive to any problems discussed in the learning and also emphasize the activities carried out by students during learning. This is shown in the activities of students listening and saying / saying the words obtained from the songs and videos that were played. Therefore the learning system using audio and video devices has the following impacts: a For students: 1) Increased activity of students in learning because activities require students to be directly involved; 2) The increased enthusiasm of students in every listening activity because what they do is in accordance with their hobbies: b. For Educators: 1) Make it easier for educators to motivate students to take part in learning 2) Increase knowledge of educators in different variations of English grammar                     


CHAPTER IV CLOSING 4.3 Conclusion In general, innovation is defined as a different condition from the previous situation. Change is almost the same as innovation or renewal. In thechange process ofthe occurrence can take place naturally. But a change is said to be an innovation if the change is carried out intentionally to improve the previous situation so that it is more profitable for improving the quality of life, especially in the world of education which is closely related to the progress of a nation. Learning innovation is something that is important and must be owned or done by teachers. Innovations in education are carried out to change the quality of education for the better than the previous situation. 4.1 Suggestion In planning this learning innovation should be done not only to reduce cases of students who are often sleepy in the classroom.                             


REFERENCES Asih et al and Sulistyowati, Eka. 2014. Learning Methodology. Yogyakarta: PT Bumi Aksara. Purwanto. 2010. Evaluation of Learning Outcomes. Yogyakarta: Learning Library. Trianto, 2013. Integrated Learning Model. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara. Din Azwar et al, 2015. learning innovation. Journal of UNY Vol 1 No.2 Sri Wurtastuti, 2008. Innovation of English learning in elementary schools. Journal of basic education No. 9