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RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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Satuan Pendidikan Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester Pertemuan keMateri Pokok Tahun Pelajaran Alokasi Waktu

: SMP Muhammadiyah Jayapura : Bahasa Inggris : IX/Genap : 1 (satu) : Narrative Text (Fairy tales) : 2019/2020 : 2 JP x 40 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti  KI-1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.  KI-2: Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleransi dan gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya. KOMPETENSI INTI 3 (PENGETAHUAN) Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasaingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

KOMPETENSI INTI 4 (KETERAMPILAN) Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung,menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumberlain yang sama dalam sudut pandang / teori

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi KOMPETENSI DASAR (KD) 3.7 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

INDIKATOR PENCAPAIAN KOMPETENSI (IPK) 3.7.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. 3.7.2 Menganalisis Struktur teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

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informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Menganalisis Unsur Kebahasaan teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Membandingkan fungsi sosial teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Membandingkan struktur teks teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Membandingkan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.7. Menangkap makna secara 4.7.1 Menceritakan ulang teks naratif kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, lisan sangat pendek dan struktur teks, dan unsur sederhana terkait fairy tales kebahasaan teks naratif lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan 4.7.2 Meringkas teks naratif tulis sederhana, terkait fairy tales sangat pendek dan sederhana terkait fairy tales

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C. Tujuan Pembelajaran Melalui pendekatan saintifik dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning, peserta didik dapat menganalisis, membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks serta unsur-unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif fairy tales dan menceritakan ulang dan meringkas teks naratif dengan terampil. Fokus Penguatan Karakter: Percaya diri, kerjasama

D. Materi Pembelajaran 1. Materi Pembelajaran Reguler 1.1. Fungsi sosial teks Narrative  Menghibur pembaca  Mengambil teladan nilai-nilai luhur/ pesan moral 1.2.

Struktur teks Narrative  Orientation (Orientasi)  Complication (Konflik/ Krisis)  Resolution (Resolusi)

1.3. Unsur-unsur kebahasaan teks Narrative  Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam simple past tense  Frasa adverbia: a long time ago, once upon a time, in the end, happily ever after  Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.  Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

2. Materi Pembelajaran Pengayaan Menyadur sebuah teks narrative dengan tema Papua Folktale dengan menggunakan bahasa sendiri lalu menentukan fungsi sosial, pesan moral, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan berupa conjuction dan daftar kata kerja bentuk past. 3. Materi Pembelajaran Remedial Mengidentifikasi dan menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif dengan benar.

E. Metode Pembelajaran Pendekatan : Saintifik Model Pembelajaran : Discovery Learning Metode : Diskusi, Tanya jawab, Penugasan, Presentasi RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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F. Media Pembelajaran Media: 1. Lembar Kerja Siswa 2. Video Animasi Alat/Bahan: 1. Laptop 2. LCD Proyektor 3. Whiteboard 4. Kertas Plano 5. Spidol 6. Sticky notes 7. Lem

G. Sumber Belajar 1. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Buku Siswa Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2. Pusat Perbukuan. Contextual Teaching and Learning Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs Kelas IX Edisi 4. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 3. Wigati Yektiningtyas-Modouw. Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa – Seri 1 Pelangi Papua. 2018. UNY Press. Yogyakarta. 4. Wigati Yektiningtyas-Modouw. Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa – Seri 3 Pelangi Papua. 2018. UNY Press. Yogyakarta. 5. Wigati Yektiningtyas-Modouw. Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa – Seri 4 Pelangi Papua. 2018. UNY Press. Yogyakarta. 6. Wigati Yektiningtyas-Modouw. Asal Mula Nama Kota Abepura. 2018. Yogyakarta-LPPM Uncen-LP4. Yogyakarta H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran Fokus Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi pada pertemuan ini: 3.7.7 Menganalisis fungsi sosial teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. 3.7.8 Menganalisis Struktur teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. 3.7.9 Menganalisis Unsur Kebahasaan teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. 3.7.10 Membandingkan fungsi sosial teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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3.7.11 Membandingkan struktur teks teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. 3.7.12 Membandingkan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Tahap Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan Orientasi - Guru mengucapkan salam dan bertegur sapa dengan peserta didik. - Peserta didik berdoa sebelum memulai kegiatan. - Peserta didik bersama-sama menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya (jika pembelajaran dimulai pada jam pertama). - Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik Apersepsi


- Mengaitkan materi dengan pengalaman peserta didik atau dengan tema sebelumnya (buku cerita yang pernah mereka baca/ peristiwa diwaktu lampau) - Mengingatkan kembali materi prasyarat (simple past tense) - Mengajukan pertanyaan pendahuluan: 1. When you were a child, did your parents tell you stories? 2. What story did you like most? 3. Now, do you like reading stories or watching movies? 4. What was the last story you read? 5. Do you enjoy reading the stories or watching the movies? - Menginformasikan materi yang akan dipelajari - Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari materi yang akan dipelajari - Menyampaikan tujuan dan strategi pembelajaran - Menyampaikan teknik penilaian yang akan dipakai dalam pembelajaran ini.

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Tahap Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran -

Menyampaikan penilaian sikap yang akan ditekankan dalam pembelajaran ini.

B. Kegiatan Inti Stimulation 1. Peserta didik dibagi dalam beberapa (pemberian kelompok (masing-masing terdiri dari 4-6 rangsangan) orang). 2. Peserta didik mengamati dan menyimak tayangan video / bacaan (jika listrik sedang bermasalah) tentang salah satu cerita rakyat Papua yang berjudul The Origin of Abepura’s Name. 3. Peserta didik bersama guru melakukan tanya jawab secara lisan terkait dengan informasi tertentu dari isi cerita yang ditayangkan.  What is the title of the story?  How many characters are there in the story?  Who is the main character in the story?  What problem did the character face?  How did she solve the problem?  etc. 4. Dengan bimbingan guru, peserta didik menjelaskan informasi tertentu terkait topik dan fungsi sosial dari video yang ditayangkan. Guru memberikan penguatan konsep kepada peserta didik terkait materi yang dipelajari. Problem 1. Masing-masing kelompok diberikan dan statement membaca teks narrative yang berbeda untuk (identifikasi dianalisis. masalah) 2. Guru melakukan penilaian sikap melalui observasi saat peserta didik melakukan kegiatan dalam kelompok. Data collection 1. Peserta didik menuliskan kosa kata sulit pada (pengumpulan sticky notes dan menempelkannya di papan data) tulis nanti akan dicari bersama-sama dengan guru jika peserta didik membawa kamus maka peserta didik dalam kelompok harus mencari arti kosa kata sulit tersebut di kamus.

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Tahap Pembelajaran

Data processing (pengolahan Data)

Verification (pembuktian)

Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2. Peserta didik mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan dari isi teks untuk menentukan fungsi sosial dari cerita tersebut dalam kelompok dengan bimbingan guru. 3. Peserta didik mencari dan mengumpulkan informasi tentang struktur teks naratif dari teks tersebut. 4. Peserta didik menentukan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif dengan menggaris bawahi kata hubung, dan kata kerja dalam bentuk past (relevan dengan pencarian kosakata sulit pada kegiatan sebelumnya).

1. Peserta didik bersama sama dalam kelompok dengan bimbingan guru mengolah informasi dari hasil identifikasi tentang fungsi sosial dan struktur teks naratif sebagai bahan presentasi dengan cara: - Menentukan salah satu anggota kelompok untuk menjadi juru bicara (speaker) yang bertugas mempreentasikan hasil kerja kelompoknya. - Berlatih mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok dengan membaca isi cerita tersebut (story telling) kepada anggota kelompok dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang tepat. - Berlatih menjelaskan fungsi sosial dan struktur teks dari cerita tersebut di dalam kelompok masing-masing. - Menempelkan hasil kerja kelompok di dinding kelas.

1. Juru bicara tiap kelompok mempresentasikan hasil kerja di depan hasil kerjanya selama 3 menit. 2. Kelompok lainnya menyimak isi penjelasan dari presentasi kelompok lainnya.

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Tahap Pembelajaran

Generalization (menarik kesimpulan)

Kegiatan Pembelajaran 3. Berlangsung Tanya jawab dalam waktu 2 menit setiap kelompok 4. Dengan bimbingan guru, peserta didik membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari masing-masing teks naratif yang telah dianalisis sebelumnya dengan cara saling mengunjungi hasil kerja kelompok lainnya. (window shopping) 1. Peserta didik dengan bimbingan guru, menyimpulkan hasil observasi mereka dari seluruh kelompok yang mereka kunjungi dengan membandingkan: - Fungsi sosial dan Struktur teks, dari beberapa teks narrative yang telah mereka pelajari. Sampai pada menemukan pesan moral di tiap-tiap ceritanya. 2. Guru memberikan apresiasi terhadap hasil pekerjaan dan penampilan peserta didik 3. Peserta didik menuliskan kembali hasil kesimpulan dalam buku catatan masingmasing sebagai bahan belajar. 4. Peserta didik menjawab beberapa pertanyaan terkait fungsi sosial dan struktur teks narrative dari lembar soal yang disediakan oleh guru.

C. Kegiatan Penutup 1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, membuat resume tentang poin-poin penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan. 2. Peserta didik menyampaikan kesulitan yang mereka hadapi saat pembelajaran di dalam kelas. 3. Guru memberikan apresiasi kepada seluruh peserta didik yang telah bekerjasama dengan baik dalam kelompok. 4. Peserta didik diberi tugas mencari contoh teks naratif lain dan membacanya di rumah sebagai tugas mandiri.

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Tahap Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

5. Guru menginformasikan kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan pada pertemuan berikutnya. I. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran 1. Teknik Penilaian (terlampir) a. Sikap Penilaian sikap dalam pembelajaran KD ini meliputi : 1. Penilaian Observasi Guru

Aloka si Wakt u

b. Keterampilan Teknik Penilaian keterampilan dalam pembelajaran KD ini adalah kinerja proses yang meliputi: 1. Penilaian unjuk kerja 2. Penilaian presentasi c. Pengetahuan Teknik Penilaian pengetahuan dalam pembelajaran KD ini meliputi: 1. Penugasan 2. Tes Tulis

2. Pembelajaran Remedial dan Pengayaan a. Remedial Bagi peserta didik yang belum mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) setelah dilakukan penilaian maka akan diberikan pembelajaran tambahan (Remedial Teaching) terhadap IPK yang belum tuntas kemudian dilakukan penilaian lagi dengan ketentuan: - Soal yang diberikan berbeda dengan soal sebelumya namun setara. - Nilai akhir yang akan diambil adalah nilai awal di tambah dengan nilai remedial dibagi dua. CONTOH PROGRAM REMIDIAL

Sekolah Kelas/Semester Mata Pelajaran Ulangan Harian Ke Tanggal Ulangan Harian Bentuk Ulangan Harian Materi Ulangan Harian (KD / Indikator) KKM

RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

: : : : : : : : :

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Nama Nilai Peserta Ulangan Didik

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dst

Indikator yang Belum Dikuasai

Bentuk Nilai Tindakan Setelah Ket Remedial Remedial

b. Pengayaan Guru memberikan penguatan dan apresiasi seperlunya karena peserta didik telah mencapai KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal). Guru memberikan materi pengayaan berupa penugasan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dan / atau mendongeng cerita naratif lain dengan cara mencari di internet tentang berbagai macam teks naratif untuk kemudian dianalisa dan dibandingkan fungsi sosialnya, struktur teksnya, dan unsur kebahasaannya. Jayapura,

November 2019

Mengetahui Kepala SMP Muhammadiyah Abepura,

Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Abu Nawas, M.Pd. NIP. 19681231 199803 1 021

Yuli Sulistiyowati, M.Pd NIP. 19800701 200909 2 002

Catatan Kepala Sekolah: ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................... RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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Activity 1

Answer the following questions. Discuss the answers with your friend next to you. 1. When you were still a little child, did your parents tell you stories? 2. What story did you like most? 3. Now, do you like to watch movies, or read story books? 4. Have you seen the Cinderella movie? How about the Princess and the Frog?

Activity 2

Watch the video with the title The Origin of Abepura’s Name Here is in the form of written text. THE ORIGIN OF ABEPURA’S NAME According to an old story, the ancestors of Hebeibulu were originally from Papua New Guinea. They left their place because of tribal war. They looked for a new place to live They travelled around the slopes and through the valleys of Fonem Mountain. They then arrived at Umabo Mountain. They felt comfortable in that area. They then began to make huts to settle in. their chief was named Yakohireuw and his brother was Hiriew. One day, they wanted to move to a new place. They argued about the destination. Finally they separated. Yakohireuw went to the west. Hiriew walked to the north. The place where they separated is now called Abepura. It is from the word “Abe”. “A” means “word/opinion” and “be” means “two”. So, Abepura means a place where once two different opinions were discussed. Yakohireuw became one of the tribes in Sentani. Hiriew became one of the tribes in Tobati. Sentani people have a good relationship with Tobati people. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa – Seri 3 Pelangi Papua. Explanation: Narrative Text When we tell a story, we use a narrative text. A narrative text can be a fairy tale, fable, folktale, legend, myth, romance, science fiction, or others. The Social Function The social functions of narrative text are: - to entertain the listeners or readers; - to give moral lesson/ moral value. RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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The Generic Structures  In the orientation, you tell the listeners or readers the characters, the place, the time (if possible) and other things to make your readers understand the story.  In the complication, you tell the listeners or readers the problem that happened in the story. Usually you should tell the steps starting from how the problem arises up to the climax.  Finally, in the resolution, you tell the listeners or readers the anti-climax or the answer to the problem.  Re-Orientation (optional) it tells you about how the story is ended whether it is happy ending or ending for worse.

Activity 3

To analyze the social function of the text The social function of the text is to entertain or to amuse the reader

Activity 4

To analyze the generic structure of the text The Origin of Abepura’s Name

Generic structure/ text structure According to an old story, the ancestors of Orientation sets the scene Hebeibulu were originally from Papua New and introduces the characGuinea. They left their place because of tribal war. ters and what happened to They looked for a new place to live them.

Complication tells the crisis that arises. In telling the crisis, it starts by telling when the problem begins to occur. Then, it increases. And finally, it reaches the climax. One day, they wanted to move to a new Complication place. They argued about the destination. Finally they separated. They travelled around the slopes and through the valleys of Fonem Mountain. They then arrived at Umabo Mountain. They felt comfortable in that area. They then began to make huts to settle in. their chief was named Yakohireuw and his brother was Hiriew.

Yakohireuw went to the west. Hiriew Complication walked to the north. The place where they separated is now Resolution called Abepura. It is from the word “Abe”. “A” means “word/opinion” and “be” means “two”. So, RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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Abepura means a place where once two different opinions were discussed.

Yakohireuw became one of the tribes in Re-Orientation Sentani. Hiriew became one of the tribes in Tobati. Sentani people have a good relationship with Tobati people.

Activity 5

To analyze the language feature of the text by underlining and making a list of the conjunctions in the text and the verb past appears in the text.

Activity 6

Distribute the text to every group. Here are the texts Text for group 1

The Origin of Wamena’s Name

According to the story, there was a place that had valleys, fertile, prosperous, and was surrounded by beautiful rivers and high mountains. It was said that the place was occupied by people who still hold animistic beliefs. May people who lived there believe that the place was full of gifts. Like gardening and raising wam (pig, a word of Dani tribe). In their life, the girls were given special duties to take care of pigs. They worked every day. One day as usual, the girls took care of the pigs at the edge of a river. They kept on eye on the pigs all day. When these girls wanted to bathe in the river, suddenly there was a white man appeared at the edge of the river. The girls were startled and ran into the jungle because they were afraid of him. Among the girls, there was one brave girl who dared to approach the white man. She was curious and did not care about what would happen later. The white man knew if the girl was actually afraid of him. Thus, he kept the distance and made some hand gestures telling the young girl not to be afraid. But the girl did not understand it. Finally, the white man approaches and greeted her by shaking the hand of the girl. After shaking hands, the white man asked the girl, “What is the name of this place?” When the white man was asking the place, suddenly appeared a little pig and the girl pointed spontaneously to the little pig and said ”wamena” which meant “little pig”. The white man directly recorded it in his agenda and told the story to other people. RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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So, there had been a misunderstanding between the girl and the white man but it was not realized by both of them. Not long afterwards there came a group of Dutch people who came to the place by airplane. They came continuously, so that the area was controlled by the Dutch. Dutch people began settling in the area and named the place Wamena, which means little pig. This name was a result of the misunderstanding between the girl and the white man. Now Wamena is the name of the town as the capital of Jaya Wijaya Regency. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa

Activity 7

Fill in this column based on the text you have read. The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past Group 2 The Origin of Salt in Kurulu, Wamena

In a village called Sali, there lived a grandmother. She lived alone in a small hut. Nobody liked her because she was dirty and stink. She was very sad since she was treated badly by the villagers. She finally left her village. She was hurt. She wandered alone. She went to the jungle, crossed the river, climbed the mountain, passed through the valleys. She just followed where the wind blew. Finally, she stopped in a village named Kurulu, near Wamena. She was lucky. In the village she was very welcome by all people. They gave her food and a hut to stay. RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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But at night, the grand mother left the village silently. She went to the jungle. But magically, she changed to become a well. It was located in between two big stones. Early in the morning, villagers did not see the grandmother. They then were busy seeking her. They checked her in every corner of the hut and the yard. They could not find her. They only found a well in between two big stones – a well that they never found before. They then took the water and tasted it. The water was salty. Finally the villagers utilized the water to cook. They used stem of the banana bunch to take the water. They dried the stem for some time. After it was dried the stem would produce salt for cooking food. The people believed that the well was the essence of the old lady. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa Activity 7 Fill in this column based on the text you have read. The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 - Paragraph 7 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past Group 3 The Legend of Youtefa Bay

Once upon a time there was an ondoafi lived in Mer Mountain. The ondoafi had traditional wealth from his parents: beads, glass bracelet, there tifas and an axe stone. He was still single. Ondoafi always saw a fire smoke when he got up every morning. The fire smoke appeared from the west, the east, the north, and the south of the island. The ondoafi thought that he had to save his wealth and to unite four villages became a big village. One day, the ondoafi went down from the mountain to the valley bringing his wealth along. Then he built a traditional house namely mau. From his house, the ondoafi sang a ria song while he was bearing a tifa. The sound of the RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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tifa echoed around the whole island. Suddenly, many people from the east, west, south, and north of the island came into that place. The ondoafi and the people gathered and made agreement to build a big village named Tbatie (Tobati). One day, the people inaugurated the ondoafi as Ondoafi Yai. Ondoafi Yai married two girls from Malo ethnic, from Skouw Yambe. From their marriage, Ondoafi Yai had six children: Three children from the first wife and another three children from the second wife. One day, Ondoafi Yai and his sons invited all people from the four directions to gather in a traditional para-para (a traditional meeting place) named Ria Reetj. From that meeting Ondoafi Yai and the people agreed to divide the big village into two areas: Tobati Laut and Tobati Darat. Then unfortunately, there was a tribal war between two villages. The war destroyed both villages. In the war, each tribe used magic. Suddenly the storms and the thunder came. This caused the Ria Valley sank. Now the place is famous with with Youtefa Bay. There are two villages: Injros and Tbatie living there. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa

Activity 7

Fill in this column based on the text you have read. The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past

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Group 4 The Legend of Sentani Lake

Long time ago, when the Wali tribe wandered, they lived in a hill, named Wali Mokho. In that hill they did not find water. They heard the sound of swishing water, even though they knew that they did not have source of water because there was no rivers around the hill. The lowland plain is always covered by fog. One day, both the ondoafi’s sons, named Wali and Haphoye went to the Cyclop’s mountain to look for the source of the water swishing. After they arrived at the top of the mountain, they found a hut. Wali asked to his younger brother to hide, and then he went to the hut to know who lived at the hut. When he arrived there, he saw that the dwellers of the hut were an old married couple. The grandmother said: “Why did you come here silently? So far, there were no people visited us”. Then Wali approached the hut, and the grandmother gave him a bunch of bananas. The old grandmother was suspicious something because Wali are only the upper part of the bananas and left the under part of the bananas. The grandmother asked Wali: “With whom do you come here?” “ I come here alone,” answered Wali. “From the way you eat the bananas, I know that you hide somebody, Why do your younger brother hide?” call him!” said the grandmother. Then Wali called his younger brother. The grandfather asked Wali and Hapyohe about their purpose. The two brothers told them that they wanted to look for the source of the water near the mountain. The grandfrather asked them to see the first pool. The two brothers wanted to take the water from the pool, but the grandfather forbade them because his wife used the water for cleaning the dishes. Then they went to the second pool. The grandfather forbade them again to take water from the pool, because the water was used specially for their animals. The grandfather asked them to go to the third pool. The grandfather forbade them again to take the water, because the water was used by his wife and children for bathing. Then the grandfather invited them to the last pool. “You can take the water from this pool, as much as you like!, but remember, during the trip you are not allowed to shoot animals that you meet on the way home, because they just want to say good bye to the water that you take!”, the grandfather said. Wali and Haphoye agreed. Then they asked permission to take the water and went home. On the way home, they saw a cassowary, Haphoye wanted to shoot it. Wali forbade and reminded him about the grandfather’s command. Haphoye canceled his plan. Then they went down the mountain, suddenly, they saw a striped wild big pig. The two brothers could not stand to stop their desire to shoot the tempting wild pig. The two brothers put the water on the ground and then shot RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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the pig. At the same moment, the water poured out and flew. The longer the water poured out, the wider the pool it became. The water flooded all the valleys. Finally it became a big lake, and now we know it as Sentani Lake. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa

Activity 7

Fill in this column based on the text you have read. The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 - Paragraph 7 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past

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Activity 1

Answer the following questions. Discuss the answers with your friend next to you. 1. When you were still a little child, did your parents tell you stories? 2. What story did you like most? 3. Now, do you like to watch movies, or read story books? 4. Have you seen the Cinderella movie? How about the Princess and the Frog?

Activity 2

Watch the video with the title The Origin of Abepura’s Name Here is in the form of written text (it is read if there is a trouble in electricity or in in focus). THE ORIGIN OF ABEPURA’S NAME According to an old story, the ancestors of Hebeibulu were originally from Papua New Guinea. They left their place because of tribal war. They looked for a new place to live They travelled around the slopes and through the valleys of Fonem Mountain. They then arrived at Umabo Mountain. They felt comfortable in that area. They then began to make huts to settle in. their chief was named Yakohireuw and his brother was Hiriew. One day, they wanted to move to a new place. They argued about the destination. Finally they separated. Yakohireuw went to the west. Hiriew walked to the north. The place where they separated is now called Abepura. It is from the word “Abe”. “A” means “word/opinion” and “be” means “two”. So, Abepura means a place where once two different opinions were discussed. Yakohireuw became one of the tribes in Sentani. Hiriew became one of the tribes in Tobati. Sentani people have a good relationship with Tobati people. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa

Activity 3

To analyze the social function of the text The social function of the text is ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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Activity 4

Analyze the generic structure of the text above and fill this table! The title of the text

The generic structure of the text According to an old story, the ancestors of Hebeibulu were originally from Papua New Guinea. They left their place because of tribal war. They looked for a new place to live They travelled around the slopes and through the valleys of Fonem Mountain. They then arrived at Umabo Mountain. They felt comfortable in that area. They then began to make huts to settle in. their chief was named Yakohireuw and his brother was Hiriew. One day, they wanted to move to a new place. They argued about the destination. Finally they separated.

Yakohireuw went to the west. Hiriew walked to the north. The place where they separated is now called Abepura. It is from the word “Abe”. “A” means “word/opinion” and “be” means “two”. So, Abepura means a place where once two different opinions were discussed.

Yakohireuw became one of the tribes in Sentani. Hiriew became one of the tribes in Tobati. Sentani people have a good relationship with Tobati people.

Activity 5

Analyze the language feature of the text by underlining and making a list of the conjunctions in the text and the verb past appears in the text. Verb past: ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Conjuction: ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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Activity 6

Distribute the text to every group. Here are the texts Text for group 1

The Origin of Wamena’s Name

According to the story, there was a place that had valleys, fertile, prosperous, and was surrounded by beautiful rivers and high mountains. It was said that the place was occupied by people who still hold animistic beliefs. May people who lived there believe that the place was full of gifts. Like gardening and raising wam (pig, a word of Dani tribe). In their life, the girls were given special duties to take care of pigs. They worked every day. One day as usual, the girls took care of the pigs at the edge of a river. They kept on eye on the pigs all day. When these girls wanted to bathe in the river, suddenly there was a white man appeared at the edge of the river. The girls were startled and ran into the jungle because they were afraid of him. Among the girls, there was one brave girl who dared to approach the white man. She was curious and did not care about what would happen later. The white man knew if the girl was actually afraid of him. Thus, he kept the distance and made some hand gestures telling the young girl not to be afraid. But the girl did not understand it. Finally, the white man approaches and greeted her by shaking the hand of the girl. After shaking hands, the white man asked the girl, “What is the name of this place?” When the white man was asking the place, suddenly appeared a little pig and the girl pointed spontaneously to the little pig and said ”wamena” which meant “little pig”. The white man directly recorded it in his agenda and told the story to other people. So, there had been a misunderstanding between the girl and the white man but it was not realized by both of them. Not long afterwards there came a group of Dutch people who came to the place by airplane. They came continuously, so that the area was controlled by the Dutch. Dutch people began settling in the area and named the place Wamena, which means little pig. This name was a result of the misunderstanding between the girl and the white man. Now Wamena is the name of the town as the capital of Jaya Wijaya Regency. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa – Seri 4 Pelangi Papua-Wigati Y. Modouw.

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Activity 7

Read and analyze the text above then fill this table below! The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past

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Group 2 The Origin of Salt in Kurulu, Wamena

In a village called Sali, there lived a grandmother. She lived alone in a small hut. Nobody liked her because she was dirty and stink. She was very sad since she was treated badly by the villagers. She finally left her village. She was hurt. She wandered alone. She went to the jungle, crossed the river, climbed the mountain, passed through the valleys. She just followed where the wind blew. Finally, she stopped in a village named Kurulu, near Wamena. She was lucky. In the village she was very welcome by all people. They gave her food and a hut to stay. But at night, the grand mother left the village silently. She went to the jungle. But magically, she changed to become a well. It was located in between two big stones. Early in the morning, villagers did not see the grandmother. They then were busy seeking her. They checked her in every corner of the hut and the yard. They could not find her. They only found a well in between two big stones – a well that they never found before. They then took the water and tasted it. The water was salty. Finally the villagers utilized the water to cook. They used stem of the banana bunch to take the water. They dried the stem for some time. After it was dried the stem would produce salt for cooking food. The people believed that the well was the essence of the old lady. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa – Seri 3 Pelangi Papua – Wigati Yektiningtyas – Modouw.

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Activity 7

Read and analyze the text above then fill this table below! The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 - Paragraph 7 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past

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Group 3 The Legend of Youtefa Bay

Once upon a time there was an ondoafi lived in Mer Mountain. The ondoafi had traditional wealth from his parents: beads, glass bracelet, there tifas and an axe stone. He was still single. Ondoafi always saw a fire smoke when he got up every morning. The fire smoke appeared from the west, the east, the north, and the south of the island. The ondoafi thought that he had to save his wealth and to unite four villages became a big village. One day, the ondoafi went down from the mountain to the valley bringing his wealth along. Then he built a traditional house namely mau. From his house, the ondoafi sang a ria song while he was bearing a tifa. The sound of the tifa echoed around the whole island. Suddenly, many people from the east, west, south, and north of the island came into that place. The ondoafi and the people gathered and made agreement to build a big village named Tbatie (Tobati). One day, the people inaugurated the ondoafi as Ondoafi Yai. Ondoafi Yai married two girls from Malo ethnic, from Skouw Yambe. From their marriage, Ondoafi Yai had six children: Three children from the first wife and another three children from the second wife. One day, Ondoafi Yai and his sons invited all people from the four directions to gather in a traditional para-para (a traditional meeting place) named Ria Reetj. From that meeting Ondoafi Yai and the people agreed to divide the big village into two areas: Tobati Laut and Tobati Darat. Then unfortunately, there was a tribal war between two villages. The war destroyed both villages. In the war, each tribe used magic. Suddenly the storms and the thunder came. This caused the Ria Valley sank. Now the place is famous with with Youtefa Bay. There are two villages: Injros and Tbatie living there. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa – Seri 2 Pelangi Papua. Wigati Yektiningtyas – Modouw.

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Activity 7

Read and analyze the text above then fill this table below! The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past

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Group 4 The Legend of Sentani Lake

Long time ago, when the Wali tribe wandered, they lived in a hill, named Wali Mokho. In that hill they did not find water. They heard the sound of swishing water, even though they knew that they did not have source of water because there was no rivers around the hill. The lowland plain is always covered by fog. One day, both the ondoafi’s sons, named Wali and Haphoye went to the Cyclop’s mountain to look for the source of the water swishing. After they arrived at the top of the mountain, they found a hut. Wali asked to his younger brother to hide, and then he went to the hut to know who lived at the hut. When he arrived there, he saw that the dwellers of the hut were an old married couple. The grandmother said: “Why did you come here silently? So far, there were no people visited us”. Then Wali approached the hut, and the grandmother gave him a bunch of bananas. The old grandmother was suspicious something because Wali are only the upper part of the bananas and left the under part of the bananas. The grandmother asked Wali: “With whom do you come here?” “ I come here alone,” answered Wali. “From the way you eat the bananas, I know that you hide somebody, Why do your younger brother hide?” call him!” said the grandmother. Then Wali called his younger brother. The grandfather asked Wali and Hapyohe about their purpose. The two brothers told them that they wanted to look for the source of the water near the mountain. The grandfrather asked them to see the first pool. The two brothers wanted to take the water from the pool, but the grandfather forbade them because his wife used the water for cleaning the dishes. Then they went to the second pool. The grandfather forbade them again to take water from the pool, because the water was used specially for their animals. The grandfather asked them to go to the third pool. The grandfather forbade them again to take the water, because the water was used by his wife and children for bathing. Then the grandfather invited them to the last pool. “You can take the water from this pool, as much as you like!, but remember, during the trip you are not allowed to shoot animals that you meet on the way home, because they just want to say good bye to the water that you take!”, the grandfather said. Wali and Haphoye agreed. Then they asked permission to take the water and went home. On the way home, they saw a cassowary, Haphoye wanted to shoot it. Wali forbade and reminded him about the grandfather’s command. Haphoye canceled his plan. Then they went down the mountain, suddenly, they saw a striped wild big pig. The two brothers could not stand to stop their desire to shoot the tempting wild pig. The two brothers put the water on the ground and then shot RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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the pig. At the same moment, the water poured out and flew. The longer the water poured out, the wider the pool it became. The water flooded all the valleys. Finally it became a big lake, and now we know it as Sentani Lake. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa – Seri 2 Pelangi Papua. Wigati Yektiningtyas – Modouw.

Activity 7

Read and analyze the text above then fill this table below! The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 - Paragraph 7 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past

Activity 8

Present your work in front of the class confidently, after that, show your result of your work to another group. The other group will visit your work and they may ask you something about your work.

Activity 9

Go visit the other group, learn the other group’s work then compare to your work

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Activity 10

Make summary of today’s lesson by filling this table below

Generic structure of the text:___________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ___

The purpose of the text: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________


The conjunction: _________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________

Verbs__________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Mention some kinds of narrative texts: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

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Teknik Penilaian 1. Penilaian Sikap 2. Penilaian Pengetahuan 3. Penilaian Keterampilan


Rubrik Penilaian 1. Penilaian Sikap Lembar observasi guru: No.

: Observasi guru : Tes tulis : Kinerja Proses

Sikap yang dinilai Percaya Disiplin Keterangan diri


1 2 3 4 5 Dst

Predikat A B C D

Deskripsi Sangat baik dalam bekerjasama dalam kelompok, dan percaya diri membaca/ mencari informasi dari sumber lain dan presentasi. Baik dalam bekerjasama dalam kelompok, dan percaya diri membaca/ mencari informasi dari sumber lain dan presentasi. Cukup baik dalam bekerjasama dalam kelompok, dan percaya diri membaca/ mencari informasi dari sumber lain dan presentasi. Kurang baik dalam bekerjasama dalam kelompok, dan percaya diri membaca/ mencari informasi dari sumber lain dan presentasi.

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan : Tes tulis Kisi- kisi penilaian pengetahuan No 1

Kompetensi Dasar

3.7 Membanding kan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Membandingk an fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks tulis

RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

Level Indikator Soal Kognit if Disajikan teks C5/L naratif yang 3 berbeda pada tiap kelompok, Peserta didik dapat

Bentu No. k Soal Soal Tes Tulis (Essai)


Page 34


Kompetensi Dasar kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaann ya

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi berbentuk narrative.

Level Bentu No. Indikator Soal Kognit k Soal Soal if membandingka n fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari beberapa teks tersebut dengan tepat.

Rubrik penilaian pengetahuan: No. Uraian 1 1. Judul Text  Sangat tepat  Tepat  Cukup tepat  Kurang tepat  Tidak tepat  Tidak menjawab 2. Tujuan komunikatif  Sangat tepat  Tepat  Cukup tepat  Kurang tepat  Tidak tepat  Tidak menjawab 3. Pesan Moral  Sangat tepat  Tepat  Cukup tepat  Kurang tepat  Tidak tepat  Tidak menjawab 5. Verb dan Conjunction of the text  Sangat tepat  Tepat  Cukup tepat  Kurang tepat  Tidak tepat

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20 15-18 10-14 5-9 1 0 20 15-18 10-14 5-9 1 0 20 15-18 10-14 5-9 1 0 20 15-18 10-14 5-9 1

Page 35

 Tidak menjawab


Skor maksimal 1 soal dengan 5 sub bagian x skor 20 = 100 Skor perolehan dengan menjumlahkan semua skor pada tiap butir so al.

3. Penilaian Keterampilan Rubrik Penilaian Aktifitas Kriteria Penilaian 1. Mahir


2. Memuaskan

3. Terbatas


Sangat lancar, topic jelas, menggunakan slide presentasi dan menarik Lancar, topic jelas, dan menggunakan slide presentasi yang kurang menarik Tidak lancer, topic kurang jelas dan tidak menggunakan slide presentasi

Skor 3 2


Skor maksimum: 3 Nilai Perolehan: skor perolehan : skor maksimal x 100

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Format kartu soal 1. Soal Essai KARTU SOAL Jenis Sekolah : SMP Bahan Kelas/Semester : 9/ 2 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum : 2013 Kompetensi Dasar 3.7 membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Nama Penyusun: Yuli Sulistiyowati Unit Kerja : SMP Muhammadiyah Jayapura

Buku Sumber

Pelangi Papua, 2018



Rumusan Butir Soal No soal 1 Text for group 1 The Origin of Wamena’s Name

According to the story, there was a place that had valleys, fertile, prosperous, and was surrounded by beautiful rivers and high mountains. It was said that the place was occupied by people who still hold animistic beliefs. May people who lived there believe that the place was full of gifts. Like gardening and raising wam (pig, a word of Dani tribe). In their life, the girls were given special duties to take care of pigs. They worked every day. One day as usual, the girls took care of the pigs at the edge of a river. They kept on eye on the pigs all day. When these girls wanted to bathe in the river, suddenly there was a white man appeared at the edge of the river. The girls were startled and ran into the jungle because they were afraid of him. Among the girls, there was one brave girl who dared to approach the white man. She was curious and did not care about what would happen later. The white man knew if the girl was actually afraid of him. Thus, he kept the distance and made some hand gestures telling the young girl not to be afraid. But the girl did not understand it. Finally, the white man approaches and greeted her by shaking the hand of the girl.

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After shaking hands, the white man asked the girl, “What is the name of this place?” When the white man was asking the place, suddenly appeared a little pig and the girl pointed spontaneously to the little pig and said ”wamena” which meant “little pig”. The white man directly recorded it in his agenda and told the story to other people. So, there had been a misunderstanding between the girl and the white man but it was not realized by both of them. Not long afterwards there came a group of Dutch people who came to the place by airplane. They came continuously, so that the area was controlled by the Dutch. Dutch people began settling in the area and named the place Wamena, which means little pig. This name was a result of the misunderstanding between the girl and the white man. Now Wamena is the name of the town as the capital of Jaya Wijaya Regency. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa – Seri 4 Pelangi Papua.

Read and analyze the text above then fill this table below! The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story

The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past KUNCI JAWABAN:

The title of the text

The social function of the text -

The moral value of the story

The generic structure of the

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The Origin of Wamena’s Name To entertain or to amuse the reader 1. We have to be brave 2. Avoid misunderstanding Page 38

text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past

Orientation Complication Complication Resolution So Realized, dared, knew, etc.

Text for group 2 The Origin of Salt in Kurulu, Wamena

In a village called Sali, there lived a grandmother. She lived alone in a small hut. Nobody liked her because she was dirty and stink. She was very sad since she was treated badly by the villagers. She finally left her village. She was hurt. She wandered alone. She went to the jungle, crossed the river, climbed the mountain, passed through the valleys. She just followed where the wind blew. Finally, she stopped in a village named Kurulu, near Wamena. She was lucky. In the village she was very welcome by all people. They gave her food and a hut to stay. But at night, the grand mother left the village silently. She went to the jungle. But magically, she changed to become a well. It was located in between two big stones. Early in the morning, villagers did not see the grandmother. They then were busy seeking her. They checked her in every corner of the hut and the yard. They could not find her. They only found a well in between two big stones – a well that they never found before. They then took the water and tasted it. The water was salty. Finally the villagers utilized the water to cook. They used stem of the banana bunch to take the water. They dried the stem for some time. After it was dried the stem would produce salt for cooking food. The people believed that the well was the essence of the old lady. Source: Antologi Cerita Papua Dwi Bahasa – Seri 3 Pelangi Papua.

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Activity 7 Fill in this column based on the text you have read. The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past KUNCI JAWABAN: The title of the text

The social function of the text -

The moral value of the story

The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past

RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

The Origin of Salt in Kurulu, Wamena To entertain or to amuse the reader 1. Don’t treat anybody badly 2. Be kind to everyone need your help. Orientation Complication Resolution Complication Complication Resolution Finally, after it, then, etc. Called, lived, was, wandered, etc.

Page 40

Group 3 The Legend of Youtefa Bay

Once upon a time there was an ondoafi lived in Mer Mountain. The ondoafi had traditional wealth from his parents: beads, glass bracelet, there tifas and an axe stone. He was still single. Ondoafi always saw a fire smoke when he got up every morning. The fire smoke appeared from the west, the east, the north, and the south of the island. The ondoafi thought that he had to save his wealth and to unite four villages became a big village. One day, the ondoafi went down from the mountain to the valley bringing his wealth along. Then he built a traditional house namely mau. From his house, the ondoafi sang a ria song while he was bearing a tifa. The sound of the tifa echoed around the whole island. Suddenly, many people from the east, west, south, and north of the island came into that place. The ondoafi and the people gathered and made agreement to build a big village named Tbatie (Tobati). One day, the people inaugurated the ondoafi as Ondoafi Yai. Ondoafi Yai married two girls from Malo ethnic, from Skouw Yambe. From their marriage, Ondoafi Yai had six children: Three children from the first wife and another three children from the second wife. One day, Ondoafi Yai and his sons invited all people from the four directions to gather in a traditional para-para (a traditional meeting place) named Ria Reetj. From that meeting Ondoafi Yai and the people agreed to divide the big village into two areas: Tobati Laut and Tobati Darat. Then unfortunately, there was a tribal war between two villages. The war destroyed both villages. In the war, each tribe used magic. Suddenly the storms and the thunder came. This caused the Ria Valley sank. Now the place is famous with with Youtefa Bay. There are two villages: Injros and Tbatie living there.

Activity 7

Read and analyze the text above then fill this table below! RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

Page 41

The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story

The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past KUNCI JAWABAN: The title of the text The social function of the text -

The moral value of the story

The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past

The Legend of Youtefa Bay To entertain or to amuse the reader. 1. War causes division. 2. War destroys many things. Orientation Complication Complication Complication Complication Re-orientation Then Was, appeared, sang, etc.

Group 4 The Legend of Sentani Lake

Long time ago, when the Wali tribe wandered, they lived in a hill, named Wali Mokho. In that hill they did not find water.

RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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They heard the sound of swishing water, even though they knew that they did not have source of water because there was no rivers around the hill. The lowland plain is always covered by fog. One day, both the ondoafi’s sons, named Wali and Haphoye went to the Cyclop’s mountain to look for the source of the water swishing. After they arrived at the top of the mountain, they found a hut. Wali asked to his younger brother to hide, and then he went to the hut to know who lived at the hut. When he arrived there, he saw that the dwellers of the hut were an old married couple. The grandmother said: “Why did you come here silently? So far, there were no people visited us”. Then Wali approached the hut, and the grandmother gave him a bunch of bananas. The old grandmother was suspicious something because Wali are only the upper part of the bananas and left the under part of the bananas. The grandmother asked Wali: “With whom do you come here?” “ I come here alone,” answered Wali. “From the way you eat the bananas, I know that you hide somebody, Why do your younger brother hide?” call him!” said the grandmother. Then Wali called his younger brother. The grandfather asked Wali and Hapyohe about their purpose. The two brothers told them that they wanted to look for the source of the water near the mountain. The grandfrather asked them to see the first pool. The two brothers wanted to take the water from the pool, but the grandfather forbade them because his wife used the water for cleaning the dishes. Then they went to the second pool. The grandfather forbade them again to take water from the pool, because the water was used specially for their animals. The grandfather asked them to go to the third pool. The grandfather forbade them again to take the water, because the water was used by his wife and children for bathing. Then the grandfather invited them to the last pool. “You can take the water from this pool, as much as you like!, but remember, during the trip you are not allowed to shoot animals that you meet on the way home, because they just want to say good bye to the water that you take!”, the grandfather said. Wali and Haphoye agreed. Then they asked permission to take the water and went home. On the way home, they saw a cassowary, Haphoye wanted to shoot it. Wali forbade and reminded him about the grandfather’s command. Haphoye canceled his plan.

RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

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Then they went down the mountain, suddenly, they saw a striped wild big pig. The two brothers could not stand to stop their desire to shoot the tempting wild pig. The two brothers put the water on the ground and then shot the pig. At the same moment, the water poured out and flew. The longer the water poured out, the wider the pool it became. The water flooded all the valleys. Finally it became a big lake, and now we know it as Sentani Lake.

Activity 7

Read and analyze the text above then fill this table below! The title of the text The social function of the text - The moral value of the story

The generic structure of the text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 - Paragraph 7 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past Kunci jawaban: The title of the text The social function of the text -

The moral value of the story

The generic structure of the

RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

The Legend of Sentani Lake To entertain or to amuse the reader 1. Carry out the commitment gently. 2. Do not give up 3. Help others is good 4. Etc.

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text - Paragraph 1 - Paragraph 2 - Paragraph 3 - Paragraph 4 - Paragraph 5 - Paragraph 6 - Paragraph 7 The language feature of the text - Conjunctions - Verb past

RPP ON2 PKP-Y. Sulistiyowati

Orientation Complication Complication Complication Complication Complication Re-orientation Then, finally, etc. Arrived, saw, gave, etc.

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