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Pre-Test and Post-Test Pre-Test Name : Class



: 60 minutes

A. Multiple Choice Give a cross (x) on the correct answer ! The following text is for question 1 to 4 One holiday, Vandra visited his aunt in a village. It was his first experience of traveling by train, but he enjoyed it. He arrived at the railway station at 3 p.m. His uncle’s house was not far from the railways station, so he decided to go there by horse cart. Vandra stopped a horse cart. To his surprise, the rider was a woman. She was dark skinned and looked strong. Along the journey, they had a chit-chat. The rider told him about her life. She is a wife with three children. She was simple, but had a great dream. She wanted her children to be successful. As a mother, she was willing to work hard for her children’s education. She never gave up. She belived that her hard work would be paid off. Vandra was amazed at the horse cart rider’s story. What a great woman. 1. What is the text about? a. A horse cart rider’s hard work.

c. Vandra’s travelling experience.

b. Vandra’s experience on a train.

d. The life story of a horse cart rider.

2. What was the horse cart’s rider like? a. Honest

c. kindhearted

b. Generous

d. Hard working

3. Why did Vandra take a great respect to the horse cart’s rider? a. She struggled for the success

c. She was simple, but had a great dream

b. he lived with her three children

d. She was the only woman who rode a horse card

4. “She never gave up.“ What is the closest meaning of the bolded phrase? a. Felt sorry

c. Complained

b. Surrendered

d. Fought against

The following text is for question 5 to 8 At the frist break, Arin went to the school library. As usual, she walked towrds she fiction section, her favourite one. She took an interesting storybook from the shelf, then sat at the corner. The book was about a handsome and brave prince who tried to free a princess from a giant. Arin way very sleepy. She didn’t realise that she fell asleep while reading. On her dream, she was the princess who was saved by the prince. The giant didn’t let Arin go. He held her strongly and she struggled to get loose. Consequently she fell down to the ground. Suddenly, Arin heard people laughing. She opened her eyes and saw several students looking and laughing at her. Arin was confused, but she finaly realised what had happened. She dreamt about the story in the book she read. For matters wors, she tell down from the chair due to her dream. 5. Why is the text written? a. To relate Arin’s experience

c. To describe Arin’s activity during the break

b. To amuse readers by telling a story

d. To tell readers the story of a giant and a princess

6. In Arins’s dream, the giant …. her. a. Pulled

c. Captured

b. Pushed

d. Released

7. What kind of books does Arin like to read? a. Storybooks

c. Science books

b. Biography books

d. Engineering books

8. What did Arin probably feel when her schoolmates laughed at her? a. Bored

c. Jealous

b. Upsed

d. Embarrassed

The following text is for question 9 to 12 On Monday morning Adi woke up late.. Before leaving for school, his mother reminded him of having breakfast, but he refused. He was afraid of being late. Adi arrived at school only one minute before the bell rang. All students walked towards the school yard. They would have a flag hoisting ceremony. It was very hot and the sun shone very brightly. During the ceremony, Adi felt dizzy and his eyes were blurred. He tried to stand up still, but he could bot hold on. He trembled and fainted. He didm’t know what happened next . When he opened her eyes, he was in the medical room with his class teacher and Riski, his best friend. Riski gave him a glass of hot tea and a piece of bread.

9. What is the main idea of paragraph one? a. Adi woke up late.

c. Adi was afraid of arriving late at school.

b. Adi skipped breakfast.

d. Adi’s mother reminded him of having breakfast.

10. Where did Adi tremble and faint? a. At home

c. At the school yard

b. In his classroom

d. In the medical room

11. What would happen if Adi had breakfast? a. His mother would be angry with him c. He would arrive at school early b. He could attend the ceremony well d. He missed the hoisting flag ceremony 12. .From the text we know that … a. nobody cared about Adi

c. Adi felt unwell during the ceremony

b. Adi arrived late at school

d. Riski stood up next to Adi during the ceremony

The following text is for question 13 to 16 I just returned from my holiday in my uncle’s house in Malang. During the time, i visited many interesting places, such as Jatim Park 1 and 2, Museum Angkut, Batu Night Spectacular and Mount Bromo. However, the most memorable is my trip to mount Bromo. However, the most memorable is my trip to Mount Bromo. It is the most exotic place i’ve ever seen. At that time i went with my uncle’s family. We went there by car in middle of night and arrived at around 3:30 a.m. There were already many people there. They all wore thick jackets, gloves and beanies, so did we. It was so cold that we were going to freeze. Soon, we could adapt to the weather. Later on we moved to Penanjakan Peak to see the sunrise. Later on we withnessed such a magnificent sunrise. Luckily, the weather was so fine that we all could see that shinning golden ball very clearly. Then, we walked up to the top of Mount Bromo. It was really hard because we had to walk through thick sand desert while it was rather cold. Arriving at the top, it was so amazing! Trush me, you should go there one day. What a wonderful place! Overall my last holiday is the best moment of my life. I wash i have another chance to explore Malang City. 13. What is the next mainly about? a. The writer’s experience in Mount Bromo. b. The writer’s impression about the sunrise. c. The writer’s unforgettable holiday in Malang. d. The writer’s trip to climb a mount for the first time.

14. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? a. The place was full of visitors.

c. The writer arrived at her destination

b. The writer went to Bromo by car.

d. The weather at the moment awas very cold.

15. From the text we know that… a. The writer went Bromo with her cousin b. It is quite easy to pass through the sand c. The sky was cloudy when the morning broke d. The writer wore a thick jacket and beanie 16. “They all wore thick jackets, gloves and beanies, so did we.” ( Paragraph 2 ) What does the bolded word refer to? a. The writer’s uncle family

c. The writer and her uncle’s family

b. The visitors of Mount Bromo

d. The people who the writer saw on her arrival.

The following text is for question 17 to 23 Bandung fire sea of fire

Bandung as Sea of Fire was a fire that occurred in the city of Bandung on March 24, 1946. Within seven hours, about 200,000 residents of Bandung burned their homes. British troops as part of the Brigade MacDonald arrived in Bandung on October 12, 1945. Bandung was deliberately burned by TRI and local people. There were black smoke billowing high into the air everywhere. The British Army began to attack so fierce. The greatest battle happened in the Village name Dayeuh Kolot, in South Bandung, where there were a large ammunition depot belonging to British. In this battle, Barisan Rakyat Indonesia destroyed the ammunition depot.

The strategy to fire Bandung was considered because the power of TRI and people’s militia was not comparable to the British forces and NICA. This incident inspired to create the famous song “Halo Halo Bandung”. To remember what they did and struggled, they built the Bandung Lautan Api monument. 17. Whats is the text about ? a. About the story of Brigade MacDonald b. About the residents of bandung c. About was a fire that occurred in Bandung d. About the history of Bandung as Sea of Fire 18. Where did the Bandung as Sea of Fire? a. In the city of Bandung

c. In the Government of Bandung

b. In the villages of Bandung

d. In the sea of Bandung

19. What can we learn? a. The strong army

c. The wise of local people

b. The comfort of living in Bandung

d. The spirit of never giving up

20. How was the Bandung as Sea of Fire! a. It was deliberately burned

c. It was supported by NICA

b. It was built by local people

d. It was fought by militia

21. Why did people build the BLA monument? a. To commemorate a historical event that took place in the city on the evening of July 24th, 1946. b. To commemorate Indonesian awakening day. c. To commemorate a historical event that took place in the city on the evening of March 24th, 1946 d. To commemorate a historical event that took place in the city on the evening of March 24, 1944. 22. What's kind of text that you have already read? a. Historical recount

c. Imaginative recount

b. Personal recount

d. Fantastic recount

23. What is the social function of the text… a. To entertain the reader about fairy tale b. To tell the reader about a historical even c. To inform about last historical story d. To review about historical movie

The following text is for question 24 to 27 Order of March the Eleventh

The Supersemar, the Indonesian abbreviation for “Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret” ( Order of March the Eleventh), was a document signed by the Indonesian President Sukarno on 11 March 1966. It is said that it was giving the army commander Lt. General Soeharto authority to take whatever measures he ”deemed necessary” to restore order to the chaotic situation during the Indonesian killings of 1965-1966. The abbreviation of “Supersemar” is a play on the name of Semar, the mystic and powerful figure who commonly appears in Javanese mythology including wayang puppet shows. The invocation of Semar was presumably intended to help draw on Javanese mythology to lend support to Soeharto’s legitimacy during the period of the transition of authority from Soekarno to Soeharto. 24. What is actually Supersemar? a. Agreement between Soekarno and Suharto in 1966 b. Soekarno's legal order to give Suharto authority in 1966 c. Official letter from Suharto to take the immediate action d. Formal decree of Suharto to President in March 1965 25. It is said that it was…..(second paragraph line 1). What does the word “it” refer to? a. Authority

c. Instruction

b. Documents

d. Supersemar

26. What does the last paragraph tell us about? a. The origin of word supersemar b. The history of supersemar

c. The spirits of supersemar d. The effect of supersemar The expectation of supersemar 27. How long was the chaotic situation happened? a. one month

c. Three months

b. Six month

d. One year

The following text is for question 28 to 30 Indonesian independence

On August 6, 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima by the United States. It demoralized the spirit of the Japanese army in the world. The following day, The Committee for Indonesian Independence confirmed the wish to achieve the Independence of Indonesia. On August 9, 1945, the second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, causing the Japanese surrendered to the United States and its allies. On 14 August 1945, Japan formally surrendered to the Allies on board the USS Missouri. hearing this, a young group urged elderly to immediately proclaim the independence of Indonesia. However, the elderly did not want group did want to rush. Some consultation was conducted in days of meeting. They then prepared the text of the proclamation of Indonesian Independence. The next morning, on 17 August 1945, Soekarno read the text of the proclamation of Indonesian independence. Then the flag of Indonesia was raised-followed by a speech by Soewirijo, deputy mayor of Jakarta. It was the mark of the next morning ,on 17 August 1945, Soekarno read the text of the proclamation of Indonesia independence. Then the flag of Indonesia was raisedfollowed by a speech by soewirijo, deputy mayor of Jakarta. It was the mark of the independence of a country.

28. When did Indonesian Independence proclamation happen? a. On 17 August 1945

c. On 9 August 1945

b. On 6 August 1945

d. On 14 August 1945

29. What is not the background event? a. The bombing in Hiroshima

c. Japan surrendered to the Allies

b. The bombing in Nagasaki

d. The flag of Indonesia was raised

30. How is the date 17 August 1945 for Indonesia? a. Usual

c. Unspecial

b. Common

d. significant

B. Essay Below are instructions that must follow: 1.

Write a recount text about your last travelling.


The text must contain orientation, a series of events, and re-orientation.


The text must have at least 3 paragraphs. Title  Orientation- setting in details. The writer must provide the information about: Who ?, What?, Where?, When?, Why?  Series of events It must provide events chronologically it can start from first, second, third, next, last, etc.  Re-orientation This is a conclusion from the story, it involves feeling of the writer, opinion, and the value of subject.

Answer: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Post-test Name : Class



: 60 minutes

A. Multiple Choice Give a cross (x) on the correct answer ! The following text is for question 1 to 3 I usually woke up at 8 a.m. and went to the press center to check the daily schedule of briefings and press conferences, usually held by the United Nations officials or disaster mitigation team chief, Alwi Shihab. It was challenging to visit different refugee camps to find soft stories, human interest stories. Then, I went back to the press center in between to cover the press conferences of the day. It was heart breaking when I saw these survivors fight for food and secondhand clothing, which they said were limited and inadequate. Emerging to a glaring, full noon, it was time to go back to the press center to write stories and race against time, always fearing that the internet connection would come crashing down. And after everything was done, only then I remembered to eat. Most times, I only ate once a day because you always had to rush and it was difficult to find food. You had to travel quite far, about a 30-to 45-minute trip by car to find fresh food. 1. How often did the writer eat a day.... a. Three times

c. Twice

b. Never

d. Once

2. " mitigation team chief Alwi Shihab ." (Paragraph 1) The synonym of the underlined word is .... a. Decreases

c. Reliever

b. Lightener

d. Developer

3. What is the writer's occupation.... a. A social worker

c. A volunteer

b. A journalist

d. Presenter

The following text is for question 4 to 6 Pindo, my roommate, and I had a great weekend. Last Saturday we got up early and had a big breakfast. Then we took the bus to go downtown and went to an art museum. The museum opened at nine o'clock and we stayed there all morning. We saw some beautiful paintings. We had a guide who explained everything to us. I liked all the art, but Pindo didn't like the modern art very much. I bought copies of two paintings. I'm going to put them on the wall of my bedroom. At one o'clock, we were hungry so we had lunch at the museum cafeteria. After lunch, we took a walk in the park near the museum. We went home at five o'clock. We were very tired, but we had a good time. On Sunday we stayed home and studied. 4. What did the writer and his roommate do last weekend? a. They had a big dinner

c. They went to an art museum

b. They watched people painting

d. They worked part time as a guide

5. The main idea of the second paragraph is .... a. The museum only displayed modern art b. A guide accompanied the visitors c. The writer liked all the art displayed at the museum d. The guide helped visitors to buy the paintings displayed 6. Which of the following you don't agree with about Pindo? a. Pindo liked all the art displayed b. Pindo was the writer's roommate c. Pindo and the writer had a great weekend d. Pindo and the writer went to an art museum The following text is for question 7 to 9 I'll never forget May 3, 1990, the dat Tien- Tien came into our lives. Ahong , the wife of my youngest brother Ajing, gave birth after a very difficult labor of five hours. We already had a name for the baby before she was born. She would be called Tien-Tien which meant 'sweetness'. As we waited at the hospital, our joy quickly turned to grief when the attending physician announced that he could detect no signs of life in Tien-Tien. There was no breathing, no heartbeat, so he finally declared the baby dead. Ajing decides to lay the body next to the Taizi River. To outsiders, this might be strange: to us, a Chinese family with almost no money or resources, the prospect of encouraging the baby's

spirit slip away to a better world in a beautiful setting made a great deal of sense. We planned to return later to bury Tien-Tien's remains and pay honor to her. Dog wrapped his child in a red fl oral quilt and set off for the river. He gently laid his baby in a patch of grass along the bank of the river. A week later, while I was walking home from work, I overheard several women talking about one of her friends. They said their friend heard a baby crying and the sound came from a patch of grass along the river bank. They further explained that the baby had been placed in a local orphanage. Something inside me said it must have been Tien-Tien. Without waiting any longer, I ran to the orphanage. In the room I saw Tien-Tien in a crib covered in dirt but very much alive. 7. What is the best title for the text? a. The dead baby

c. The baby in a crib

b. The poor crying baby

d. The baby by the river

8. Why did they suddenly become unhappy? a. The baby was heartless

c. The baby was already dead

b. The baby was declared alive

d. The baby had no sign of life

9. From paragraph 3, we can conclude that …. a. Ajiang came from a poor family b. The baby was buried by the river c. Ajiang's family lived by Taizi River d. The baby's spirit would go to a better life The following text is for question 10 to 12 Born into a family of doctors in Kampung Ketapang, West Kwitang, Jakarta, Abdulrachman Saleh also became a doctor. After finishing MULO, he studied at STOVIA. While still a student, he was appointed assistant at the laboratory of physiology. Graduating from STOVIA, Abdulrachman Saleh continued his work at the lab while having his own medical practice. Abdulrachman Saleh's role in medicine was significant. He became a lecturer in Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang, and Klaten. For his meritorious service in medicine, specifically in physiology, in 1958, the University of Indonesia bestowed him the title of Father of Physiology. Abdulrachman Saleh was a man of many interests. He was involved in youth organizations like Boy Scouts and Indonesia Muda. He was also a member of Aeroclub, and co-founded the

Verenigde Oosterse Radio Omroep (VORO), an organization of broadcasters. It was he who established the Voice of Free Indonesia, the radio station which spreads the proclamation of Indonesia's independence to the world. 10. Abdulrachman Saleh was bestowed the title Father of Physiology because…. a. He was a lecturer in the Medical faculty of the University of Indonesia b. He was a lecturer as well as a doctor c. He had significant contribution in physiology d. He was a lecturer in many parts of Indonesia 11. The main idea of the first paragraph is that Abdulrachman Saleh … a. Had his own medical practice b. Studied at the medical school in STOVIA c. Became a doctor because of his family d. Started his career as a doctor in STOVIA. 12. Besides medicine, Abdulrachman also had a special interest in …. a. Laboratory assistance

c. Student organizations

b. Aeroplane designing

d. Broadcasting

The following text is for question 13 to 16 Kang Chol Hwan was born into a loyal family that had once lived in the large Korean community of Japan. In Kyoto, his grandfather had been a supporter of Kim II Sung, North Korean's Great Leader since 1945. In 1961 the grandfather returned with his family to North Korea and had important government post. Within months, however, he was complaining to friends that North Korea was not the country he had expecteD. He was shocked to see so much poverty, which he eventually came to blame on the government's stifle ing left for work and never returneD. One morning in July 1977, when Kang was nine, his grandfather left for work and never returned. A few weeks later, seven plain clothes security guard stormed into Kang’s house “Your grandfather betrayed the fatherland,” one of them stated” You must be punished.” Kang's parents and grandmother sobbed as they forced to pack their belongings into two army trucks. The family was driven off, but Kang's mother was left behind, “spared” because her own father was regarded as a revolutionary hero. That was the last Kang ever saw her.

13. What was a reason for Kang's grandfather never returned to Kang's house? a. A supporter of Kim II Sung

c. Accused of betraying North Korea

b. Regarded as a hero

d. As an important person in Korea

14. What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph? a. The last minutes Kang gathered together with his mother b. The day Kang ever saw his grandma and grandpa c. The moment Kang's father was regarded as a hero d. The last day Kang's parents and his grandma sobbed 15. Why did Kang's grandfather disappear? a. He left for work and went somewhere else b. He returned to North Korea c. He was supporter of Kim II Sung d. He was kidnapped and punished by the security guards 16. A few weeks later, seven plain clothes security guards stormed into Kang's houseE. The word “stormed” has the same meaning as …. a. Destroyed

c. Attacked

b. Knocked

d. Involved

The following text is for question 17 to 20 My sister had a graduation ceremony last week. I was sad because I could not attend the ceremony. I had to attend a robotic competition to represent my school. Finally, I was the runner up and received the silver medal. When I arrived home, my sister and parents had not arrived yet. I planned to make a gift for my sister, but I was confused about what I should make to surprise her. Then, I got an idea. I would make tartcake because my mom still had a sponge cake. However, I did not know how to decorate a cake. I browsed the internet for the inredients needed. Lucky for me, I had all the ingredients. I followed the instructions, I made butter cream using a mixer and then add food coloring. Then, I decorated the cake. Well, it was done. A few minutes later, my parents and sister arrived. I took out the tart cake and said, “Congratulations!” Surprisingly, they also said, “Congratulations!” while bringing a box of chocolate. They hugged me and gave the chocolate to me. They knew that I was the runner up in the robotic competition. Finally, we ate the cake and chocolate together.

17. Why did the writer and his/her family give surprise to each other? a. To welcome the writer's family b. To celebrate their achievement c. To praise his/her sister's graduation d. To fete the writer's winning in a competition 18. What did the writer's feel in the end of the story? a. Glad

c. Satisfied

b. Confused

d. Surprised

19. From the text we can conclude that ….. a. The writer arrived home late

c. The writer made chocolate

b. The writer's family care for each other

d. The writer is good at decorating cakes

20. “Finally, I was the runner up and received the silver medal.” a. The first place

c. The second place

b. The third place

d. The fourth place

The following text is for question 21 to 30 Heroes Day

On 10 November, Indonesia celebrates Hari Pahlawan or Heroes Day in remembrance of the Battle of Surabaya which started on that very date in the year 1945. The bloody battle took place because Indonesians refused to surrender their weaponry to British army. British Army at that time was part of the Allied Forces. The defiant Bung Tomo is the well-known revolutionary leader who played a very important role in this battle. It all started because of a misunderstanding between British troops in Jakarta and those in Surabaya, under the command of Brigadier A.W.WS. Mallaby. Brigadier Mallaby already had an

agreement with Governor of East Java Mr. Surya. The agreement stated that British would not ask Indonesian troops and militia to surrender their weapons. However, a British plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets all over Surabaya. The leaflet told Indonesians to do otherwise on 27 October 1945. This action angered the Indonesian troops and militia leaders because they felt betrayed. On 30 October 1945, Brigadier Mallaby was killed as he was approaching the British troops’ post near Jembatan Merah or Red Bridge, Surabaya. There were many reports about the death, but it was widely believed that the Brigadier was murdered by Indonesian militia. Looking at this situation, Lieutenant General Sir Philip Christison brought in reinforcements to siege the city. In the early morning of 10 November 1945, British troops began to advance into Surabaya with cover from both naval and air bombardment. Although the Indonesians defended the city heroically, the city was conquered within 3 days and the whole battle lasted for 3 weeks. In total, between 6,000 and 16,000 Indonesians died while casualties on the British side were about 600 to 2000. Battle of Surabaya caused Indonesia to lose weaponry which hampered the country’s independence struggle. However, the battle provoked Indonesian and international mass to rally for the country’s independence which made this battle especially important for Indonesian national revolution. 21. What is the passage about? a. About the battle of Surabaya

c. About the leaflet of Indonesia

b. About the story of surabaya

d. About the biography of Brigadier Mallaby

22. When did the battle take place? a. November 10, 1945

c. 27 October 194

b. 53 days after 10 November 1945

d. 3 weeks before 27 October 1945

23. Where did it happen? a. In Surabaya

c. In Jakarta

b. In the sea of surabaya

d. In the land of Jakarta

24. What caused the battle? a. British supported Indonesia to attack NICA b. British asked Indonesian troops and militia to surrender their weapons c. The militia refused to sign the agreement d. The Indonesia troop is very strong army in that time

25. What do think about the Indonesian military power compared to that of the British army at that time? a. The Indonesian troop was more powerful and more modern b. The British Army was more powerful and modern c. Indonesian artmy has had more complete weaponry d. Surabaya was only attacked from the sea. 26. What made the Indonesians dare to face the British army military aggression? a. Indonesia liked fighting b. Indonesia misunderstood about the power of British army c. Indonesia wanted to be remmbered as hereos in the Battle of Surabaya d. The spirit to defend the country's independence encouraged Indonesia 27. Did the Indonesian lose or win the battle? Why do you think so? a. Yes, Indonesia did

c. Yes, Indonesia does

b. Yes, Indonesian do

d. No, Indonesian didn't

28. How did the battle influence the national revolution at that time? a. The battle provoked international communities to rally to support the independence movement of Indonesia. b. The battle did not provoke international communities to rally to support the independence movement of Indonesia. c. The battle provokes international communities to rally to support the independence movement of Indonesia. d. The battle had provoked international communities to rally to support the independence movement of Indonesia. 29. Who was the prominent figure in the battle? a. Governor of East Java

c. Mr. Sun

b. Brigadier Mallaby

d. Brother Tomo

30. Describe in one word the Indonesians who defended their city at that time. a. Courageous

c. Fearless

b. Lazy

d. Relaxed

B. Essay Below are instructions that must follow: 1. Write a recount text about the most embarrassing story in your life. 2. The text must contain orientation, a series of events, and re-orientation. 3. The text must have at least 3 paragraphs. Title 

Orientation- setting in details. The writer must provide the information about: Who ?, What?, Where?, When?, Why?

Series of events It must provide events chronologically it can start from first, second, third, next, last, etc.

Re-orientation This is a conclusion from the story, it involves feeling of the writer, opinion, and the value of subject.

Answer: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------