Soal Narrative Text [PDF]

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Text 1 A long time ago, there lived an old man in the Penanggungan Mountain. His name was Kiai Gede Penanggungan. He had supernatural power. Kiai Gede Penanggungan had a beautiful daughter named Dewi Walangangin who was not married yet. Kiai Gede Penanggungan prayed days and nights for her daughter to have a husband. One day, a young handsome man came to his place. The name of the man was Jaka Pandelengan. He wanted to be Kiai Gede Penanggungan's student. Kiai Gede agreed to have Jaka as his student with one condition that he would marry her daughter. Jaka Pandelengan and Dewi Walangangin soon got married. Kiai Gede Penanggungan taught Jaka many things. After several years, now it was time for the couple to live separately from Kiai Gede Penanggungan. They would move to another village. Kiai Gede gave some seeds of pari or paddy to the couple. He asked the couple to plant the seeds. He also warned the couple not to be arrogant when they were rich. He wanted the couple to help poor people. The couple started a new life. They planted the seed. Soon, the seeds grew and became a lot of rice. Now the couple became very rich. The poor neighbors came to the couple to ask for some pari seeds, but the couple refused to help them. Kiai Gede heard about the couple's bad behavior. Soon he visited the couple. He met them when the couple was working in the field. Kiai Gede talked to the couple. He reminded the couple not to be arrogant, but the couple ignored him. They said nothing to Kiai Gede. Kiai Gede got very angry. Then he said, "You two are like temples. You do not listen to me". Right after he said those words, an incredible thing happened. Slowly, Jaka and Dewi turned into temples. Because the temples stood among the pari, people then named them as Pari Temples. A. Find the closest meaning! No Words Meaning Closest meaning 1. Condition Isolate, remote, cut apart 2. Couple Living close by, nearby resident 3. Separate, separately Manner, attitude, etiquette, moral 4. Warned, warn, warning Notify, signal, alert 5. Arrogant Unbelievable, ridiculous, absurd, impossible 6. Neighbors Circumstance, situation, predicament 7. Refuse Neglect, reject, forget 8. Behavior Decline 9. Ignore, ignored Haughty, cocky, bossy 10. Incredible Pair, team, duo, set B. Multiple choice! 1. What did Jaka Pandelengan and his wife do to be rich? a. Helped b. Poor people. c. Had a great power. d. Planted pari seeds 2. The couple becomes temples because .... a. They were rich b. Kiai Gede said so c. Kiai Gede liked them d. They were good people 3. “... , an incredible thing happened." The underlined word means .... a. Untouchable b. Unbelievable c. Common d. Usual 4. What can we learn from the story? a. We should live separately from our parents. b. We have to listen to our parent's advice. c. We have to prepare a good paddy field. d. We should refuse other people's help.

Text 2 The Magic Box Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer who lived with his wife. One day, he dug up his field and found a big box. He took it home with him and showed it to his wife. His wife cleaned the box and kept it in their house. One sunny morning his wife dropped an apple into it. Suddenly the box began fill up with apples. No matter how many the apples were taken out, more apples took their place, So the farmer and his wife decide to sell the apples and in short time they were able to live quite comfortably. One day, the farmer dropped a gold coin into the box. At once, apples disappeared and the box began to fill itself with coins. Everyday, the farmer and his wife collected hundreds of gold coins from the box. Soon they became very rich. Having heard that his son had gone rich, the farmer’s grandfather visited the couple. He was not very strong and he could not go out to work anymore. So the farmer asked the old man to help him take the money out of the box. When his grandfather told his son that he was tired and wanted to have a rest, the farmer shouted at him,” why are you so lazy? Why can’t you work harder?” The old man didn’t say anything, and continued to work until he fell into the box and suddenly died. At once, the money disappeared and the box began to fill up with dead grandfathers. The farmer had to pull them out and bury them. To do this, he had to spend all the money he had collected. When he had used up all the money, the box broke and the farmer was just as poor as he was before. A. Find the closest meaning! No Words Meaning Closest meaning 1. Find, Found Fall, bring down, overthrow 2. Drop, dropped Gather, accumulate, come together 3. Decide Vanish, cease, fade away 4. Collected Depart secretly 5. Tired Will, determine, choose, select 6. Shouted Discover, treasure, meet with 7. Sudden, suddenly Unexpect, happening quickly, immediately 8. Disappear Give, pay out, use time, contribute 9. Spend Call out, scream, yell, raise, voice 10. Break, broke Exhausted, weary, overworked B. Multiple choice! 5. How was the farmer according to the writer ? He was…. a. mean c. generous b. humorous d. rich 6. The complication started when …… a. the farmer dug up a big box in his field, took it home, and showed it to his wife. b. his wife dropped an apple into a big box and suddenly the box filled up with apples. c. the farmer dropped a gold coin into the box d. the apple disappeared and the box began to fill itself with coins. 7. Which statement is TRUE according to the story ? a. His wife cleaned and kept the box for her. b. The farmer spent all his money to bury the dead grandfather c. The poor farmer was finally killed by his grandfather d. The farmer’s wife was happy after the grandfather passed away 8. What did we learn from the story ? a. Being honest is not always wise b. All that glitters is not good c. We must respect our parents d. Being a miser is sometimes important. Text 3 A long time ago, there was a village in East Kalimantan. The village was near the Mahakam River. The villagers always worked hard. Although they were poor, they were very happy. They also helped each other. In the village, there was a rich family. The head of the family was Pak Pesut. Everybody knew Pak Pesut. He was known not because of his wealth, but because his stinginess. He did not like to help

others. His family always ignored people. That’s why Pak Pesut’s family always lived alone and never mingled with others. It was a very long dry season. All the rice fields could not get water properly. The villagers could not harvest the rice. Therefore, all villagers were planning to leave their village and find other place to stay. Then they sent some young men to look for a place that had enough water for their rice fields. After several weeks looked for a new place. Finally those young men arrived. They brought good news. There was a waterfall and it was enough to water their rice fields. Later, all the villagers rushed to the new place. Some villagers went to Pak Pesut’s house to inform about the waterfall. Although Pak Pesut was stingy, the villagers did not hate him. “I’m not going with you! I will stay here. I have enough rice for my family. We will survive!” said Pak Pesut arrogantly. The villagers knew it was useless to ask Pak Pesut to join them. So, they all left him and his family alone in the village. When they arrived at the new place, they all were very happy. They had enough water from the waterfall. In the mean time, Pak Pesut and his family were beginning to worry. Their rice slowly was gone. Soon they would not have enough rice to eat. It was in the morning when Pak Pesut’s wife was cooking their last portion of rice. Suddenly, someone knocked the door. A beggar came to his house. “Go out! I don’t have enough rice,” said Pak Pesut. He was lying. “Please mercy me. I’m so hungry. Give me a little rice please,” asked the beggar. Pak Pesut immediately asked his family to eat the rice. He was worried the beggar would enter his house and stole the rice. “But the rice is still in the cooking pot. Mother is still cooking it. If we eat the rice, it will be very hot,” said his son. “I don’t care! If you all don’t eat now, you will never eat again,” said Pak Pesut. Later, Pak Pesut and his family ate the rice. It was very hot. They needed water to drink. They rushed to Mahakam River. It was so hot that they finally jumped to the river. The beggar saw the incident. He then prayed to God. Amazingly, Pak Pesut family slowly changed into fish. The fish looked like dolphin. Since then, everybody named the fish as Pesut fish. A. Find the closest meaning! No Words Meaning Closest meaning 1. Stingy, stinginess Suitable, applicable, fit, appropriate 2. Mingle, mingled Hurry, urgency, swiftness, dash 3. Proper, properly At once, right away, directly 4. Look for, looked for Hunt out, search, seek, take something without permission 5. Rush, rushed Blend, join, mix, unite, compound 6. Beg, beggar, begging Require, want, wish 7. Immediately Request, apply to, demand, propose to 8. Steal, stole, stolen Kidnap, thieve 9. Need, needed Ungenerous, miserly, greedy, penny pinching 10. Looked like, look like Seem, resemble, look as if, imitate B. Multiple choice! 9. What is the text about? a. The villagers of Mahakam b. The rich and arrogant family c. The story of poor villagers d. The legend of Pesut Mahakam 10. From the text above, we know that …. a. Pak Pesut was rich and helpful b. The villagers were rich and live happily c. There were lots of fish in Mahakam river d. The villagers had a big problem with the water 11. Paragraph four tells us that …. a. The villagers were all very happy b. Pak Pesut refused to join the villagers c. The villagers moved to a new place d. Pak Pesut and his family lived alone in the village


What can we learn from the passage above? a. We have to care and share to anyone needs b. We must be careful with the strange man c. We must work hard to get success d. We must be patient to face our life

Text 4 Long time ago, there was a good looking girl. She had white and reddish skin like ripe areca nut color. The people there called it ripe areca nut princess. His beauty spread everywhere. So many boys came to suit her, but the ripe areca nut princess did not intend to get married with anyone. The beauty of ripe areca nut princess was also heard by bad-faced King in Java Island. The King was well-known as strong, rich and respected King. The bad-faced King had a very wide territory under his authority, but she was still single. He came to suit ripe areca nut princess after hearing that she was very pretty. The ripe areca nut princess was very confused, if she refused him, he would be very angry and the war would be happened. In the other hand, she did not want to be bad-faced king’s wife. Afterwards, the princess sought a way to defeat his marriage proposal. Finally, she answered, “I am agree to be your wife if you build me a big palace completed with household furnishing, swimming pool, and beautiful garden in one night. She gave him time from the sunset until the sunrise the day after. If you fall, you will not get married with me, and you have to give me all of your wealth.” The bad-faced king agreed to fill her requirement. His asked his troops to gather immediately. When sun had set, they started to build the palace. At midnight, their job to build the palace almost finished. Now, the job left was to build the beautiful garden. Ripe areca nut princess was very afraid. All night long, she could not sleep tightly. She looked for a way to defeat the king’s effort. After that, she went to the chicken coop and brought several bright lamps. Those chickens assumed that the sun had risen. They crowd and called back and forth. Because of the crowd, the king asked his troops to stop their jobs shortly. “Why we must stop this job, Your Majesty? Our job is almost finished and the sun has not risen yet,” the troops said. “But the crowds of chicken have heard. That’s my promise to the princess. As a knight, I must be consistent with my promise!” the kings said. All of the troops stopped their job at that moment. Therefore, he gave all of his wealth to the ripe areca nut princess. The king was very sad and his heart had broken because he had failed to suit the beautiful princess. He even became impoverished. However, by realizing the king’s sincerity and honesty, ripe areca nut princess changed her words. She finally accepted the king’s married proposal to her. “Sincerity, honesty, and consistency of Your Majesty make me accept Your Majesty’s married proposal,” ripe areca nut princess said. The bad-faced king was very aghast; he did not believe with the princess statement. Because of his happiness, the bad-faced king jumped down to the swimming pool he had made. His face changed to be handsome at the time. In the end, ripe areca nut princess had lived then called areca nut country. Areca nut in javanese was jambe. The Kings in Java Island called it Jambe city and now it becomes Jambi Province. A. Find the closest meaning! No Words Meaning 1. Spread 2. Suit 3. Intend 4. Sought 5. Bring, brought 6. Troop 7. Impoverished 8. Sincere, sincerity 9. Honest, honesty 10. Aghast B. Multiple choice 13. What does the text tell us about? a. A beautiful prince from Sumatra b. A bad face king from jambi c. A handsome king from jambi d. The origin of Jambi

Closest meaning Carry, convey, take Weaken, ruin Propose, apply Faithful, trustworthy, open minded Transfuse, disseminate, expanse Shocked, very surprised, amazed Desired, wanted, wished Truthfulness, incorrupttibility Determine, expect, dedicate, aim, plan, mean Military, squad, crew, contingent, soldiers

14. What did the princess do when she knew the palace was almost finished? a. She was very afraid and could not sleep tightly b. She woke up all the crows as if the sun had risen c. She went to the coop and brought several bright lamps d. She went to the palace and asked the troop to stop working 15. The second paragraph tells us about …. a. The man who liked the Princess very much b. The condition to marry the princess c. The king’s wife who disliked the princess d. The troops that wanted to help the king 16. What is the moral value of telling the text? a. The beauty can replace tha man like a woman b. We may not force someone in life c. Strength can make all people fall in love d. Sincerity, honesty and consistency can change one’s feeling Text 5 Once, there lived a widow of a rich man in a village on Tanimbar island, Maluku. She had two children, who had already grown into a young man and a young woman they were both very mean and spoiled. They used to have sevants when their father was still alive, but the servants left after the man died. Now, it was their mother who took care of them and did all the house hold chores ,from coking the food to washing their clothes. The two children treated their mother like a slave. One day the two lazy young people woke up late. there was no food served on the table, which was very unusual. instead, the food was still cooking on the stove .their mother was nowhere to be seen .the children got so angry that they smashed the cooking pots on floor . They then went out look for their mother. they suspected that she was still washing their laundry and the dishes at the river near their house. True enough, they soon saw her scrubbing their dirty clothes on the river stones. They went to her, and while one of them held back her arms, the other started to beat her up viciously. The mother cried piteously and begged for mercy, but the two wicked children didn’t pay attention to her cries. They hit her again and again. The poor women kept on crying and struggling to free herself but it was in vain. Suddenly she stopped crying and her body went limp. The children heard her say in a low voice, “your father left us a lot of riches, but it won’t last forever. Even though it was only I who brought you into this word, from now on you are no longer my children. You are the incarnation of the devil himself. I won’t go back to our home. Do whatever you want, I don’t care.” After the said this, she dragged herself to a big boulder on the riverbank and said, “dear big stone, please open yourself. Let me come inside you. Let me become a white sweet smelling jasmine to prove and lay herself down. Slowly the stone closed over her. After a few days a small beautiful plant started to grow from under the big stone. It grew and grew. It had plenty of leaves and its flowers were white and sweet smelling. The people from the surrounding villages called the big stone “Batu Badaun”. And what became of the two wicked children? After the people found out what they had done, the angry villagers threw them out of the village. The riches were taken away and given to the poor and needy. The wicked children were never heard from again. A. Find the closest meaning! No Words 1. Mean and spoiled 2. Unusual 3. Smash, smashed 4. Suspect, suspected 5. Pity, piteously 6. Wicked 7. Struggle, struggling 8. Dragged 9. Smell 10. Riverbank


Closest meaning Ungenerous, selfish, miser, turn bad Evil, amoral, naughty, bad Bang, hit Trial, battle, combat, conflict, fight Odor, perfume, essence, fragrance Incredible, remarkable, astonishing Move, pull Sorrow, mercy, sadness Edge, seam, border Curious, distrustful, accuse

B. Multiple choice 17. What did the two children do to the mother? a. They took care of her b. They smashed her c. They loved her d. They help her 18. Why did the children get angry to the mother? a. There was no meal served on the table b. There was no servant to take care of them c. Their mother did all the house cores herself d. Their mother was still washing their clothes in the river bank 19. The main idea of the third paragraph is …. a. The children asked some food from their mother b. The wicked children beat their mother many times c. The poor woman kept crying and struggling for free d. The woman was washing their laundry and dishes 20. What can we learn from the story above? a. The man should be careful with their actions b. We may not force someone else in life c. A good son will help their parents d. We must respect and obey our parents Text 6 Once upon a time, a long time ago, in Han times, lived an emperor who loved his wife very much. They spent happy times together. The wife liked to tell stories. She liked to talk about their happy life. And it made the emperor happy. Unfortunately, one day the wife was ill. The emperor tried hard to find the doctor to cure her. But no doctor could cure her and finally she died. The emperor was very sad. He missed his wife every time. He missed hearing stories about her day. He missed hearing stories of their life together. Everyone in the land thought time would heal his heavy heart. But as time went on, the emperor cared less and less about the activities of the court and of his people. Everyone wanted to help the emperor, but nothing seemed to work. One day, a priest in the palace passed some children playing with dolls. The dolls made shadows on the floor, shadows that seemed to dance as the children played. The dancing shadows gave the priest an idea. He hurried away to work on his idea. First, he made a puppet from cotton balls. He painted the puppet to look somewhat like the emperor's wife. When his puppet was ready, he invited the emperor to a special puppet show. The emperor appreciated all the things his court had done to cheer him up, but really, all the emperor wanted was to be left alone. He knew the priest would be insistent. The priest was a old friend. With a sigh, a very deep sigh, the emperor agreed to attend the show. That evening, the priest placed a light behind a curtain, along with himself and his puppet. As he moved the puppet behind the curtain, it cast a dancing shadow. The priest told stories of the emperor's wife. They were wonderful stories, wonderful memories. Even though the priest was there, and the puppet was there, it seemed as if the shadow was telling the story. The emperor was delighted. He clapped his hands in joy. Every night, after a busy day of taking care of the business of being emperor, the emperor looked forward to hearing "shadow stories" about his wife, and her day, and of their life together. And that, according to legend, is how shadow puppets were born. A. Find the closest meaning! No Words Meaning Closest meaning 1. Unfortunately Rashly, urgency, quick, precipitance 2. Cure Resemble, look, show, look like 3. Thought Preventive, relief, doctor, fix, heal 4. Cared less Awesome, fabulous, outstanding, incredible 5. Seem, seemed Go through, go across, get beyond 6. Pass, passed Idea, assume, suppose 7. Shadows Seem, resemble 8. Hurried away Unhappily, horribly, sadly, unsuccessfully

9. Look like Shade, dusk, reflect 10. Wonderful Wasteful, negligent, hasty, irresponsible B. Multiple choice 21. What does the text tells us about? a. Shadow puppet b. The clever priest c. The emperor and his wife d. The legend of shadow puppet 22. What made the pries get an idea to make shadow puppet? a. The sad emperor b. The sick emperor’s wife c. The shadow of the cotton ball d. The shadow of the dolls when the children played them 23. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? a. The emperor recovered from his sadness because of shadow puppets b. The priest could make the story of the life of the wife’s emperor c. The priest was not sad anymore because of the shadow puppet d. The children played the shadow puppet happily 24. What can we learn from the story above? a. We must be creative b. We can learn from children c. People must not be sad d. Sadness could not relieve the pain Text 2 Among the Aztec people of Mexico, it is said that a long time ago there was a great fire in the forests that covered our Earth. People and animals started to run, trying to escape from the fire. Our brother owl, Tecolotl, was running away also when he noticed a small bird hurrying back and forth between the nearest river and the fire. He headed towards this small bird. He noticed that it was his brother the Quetzal bird, Quetzaltototl, running to the river, picking up small drops of water in his beak, then returning to the fire to throw that tiny bit of water on the flame. Owl approached Quetsal bird and yelled at him: "What are you doing brother? Are you stupid? You are not going to achieve anything by doing this. What are you trying to do? You must run for your life!" Quetzal bird stopped for a moment and looked at owl, and then answered: "I am doing the best I can with what I have." It is remembered by our Grandparents that a long time ago the forests that covered our Earth were saved from a great fire by a small Quetzal bird, an owl, and many other animals and people who got together to put out the fire 25. Who was trying to put out the fire? a. People b. Tecolotl c. An owl d. Quetzal 26. What was Quetzaltototl doing while the other animals were running away to save their life? a. He noticed them sadly b. He was struggling to put out the fire c. He was drinking some water d. He was hurriedly returning to the rivers 27. At first an owl regarded the small bird …. a. Innocent b. Foolish c. Negligent d. Weary 28. Who finally saved the forest from the massive fire? a. Quetzal b. All animals c. Animals together with men d. An owl and a quetzal bird

29. What can we learn from the story? a. Never mock something from its appearance b. Save our forest c. Big things starts a small case d. Give the best and never give up Text 3 There was a horse which was walking through the woods one dark night. The horse was somewhat upset that he had to walk home so late, and the darkness made him a little down. All of a sudden, out of nowhere it seemed, the horse fell into a deep dark hole. The horse screamed out, “ Help! It is so dark down here, and I can’t get out .” no oe answered the horse back. The horse screamed out once more, “Please someone help me!” “I have fallen down into a deep dark pit and I can’t get out of here.” Still no one answered the horse. The horse then started to panic. He thought “I’m never going to get out of the hole.” The horse started to fight against the darkness, he started to kick and screamed, “Help me!” The dirt was flying everywhere. He kicked and screamed more and more. Before the horse realized it he was staring at the top of the hole. The horse dug himself out of the predicament he was in. he necer ever gave up. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.

30. While walking, the horse fell into …. A deep river A dirt A deep dark pit A bright hole 31. The text is about …. A horse which struggled out of a hole A horse screaming for help An unlucky horse who never get out of a pit A horse walking through a wood at a dark night 32. How did finally the horse succeed out of the hole? No one heard his screaming He helped himself out by kicking the dirt unconsciously By giving up kicking the dirt everywhere By running out of the darkness 33. The story teaches us …. to fight the darkness to keep struggling in facing problems not to be upset count on others to encourage us 34. The horse dug himself out of the predicament he was in. the underlined word means Sad event Comfortable place Harmless circumstance Difficult situation

Text 4 A Mouse who always lived on the land, by an unlucky chance, formed an intimate acquaintance with a Frog, who lived, for the most part, in the water. One day, the Frog was intent on mischief. He tied the foot of the Mouse tightly to his own. Thus joined together, the Frog led his friend the Mouse to the meadow where they usually searched for food. After this, he gradually led him towards the pond in which he lived, until reaching the banks of the water, he suddenly jumped in, dragging the Mouse with him. The Frog enjoyed the water amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done a good deed. The unhappy Mouse was soon sputtered and drowned in the water, and his poor dead body floating about on the surface. A Hawk observed the foating Mouse from the sky, and dove down and grabbed it with his talons, carrying it back to his nest. The Frog, being still fastened to the leg of the Mouse, was also carried off a prisoner, and was eaten by the Hawk.

a. b. c. d. e. a. b. c. d. e. a. b. c. d. e. Text 5

35. Where did the frog lead the mouse? To the meadow To the water To the land To the sky To the food 36. What did the frog do in the banks of the water? He played He walked He jumped in He ran quickly Ho observed 37. What did the hawk observe from the sky? The frog The fish The floating mouse The floating frog The talons

Long time ago, in Japan several children were playing at a seaside when they found a turtle. They began to abuse the turtle. After a while, a young man came and said to them, “Stop it!” The children went away. “I really appreciate your kindness. I really would like to invite you to a wonderful palace now,” the turtle said. As soon as the young man got on the back of the turtle, he was taken to a secret place under the sea. When he arrived, he was very surprised and said , “What a nice place!”. The palace was very beautiful and the king of the turtled hosted a feast for him.. he had never experienced such a grand feast. He received a warm welcome and he was very satisfied with everything. He thought there no other place nicer than that. He said to the turtle, “Thank you, I am glad to have met you.” When he left, the turtle said,”I am going to give you two boxes, but you can only open one of the boxes. You must not open both. Don’t forget!” “Allright. I will open only one,” he promised. After saying goodbye, he returned to land. On arrival home, he opened the bigger box. To his amazement, there was a great deal of gold in it. “Heavens!”he said loudly. He was rich now. He thought, “The other one must also be full of money.” He could not refrain from opening the other box, so he opened it. As soon as he opened the box, he became an old man. His hair turned white and he was wrinkled, like an old man of over eighty years of age. It all happened in an instant. After that he regretted what he did. “Just because I broke my promise,” he said, but it was too late. 38. How did the young man save the turtle? a. He scolded the boys b. He released it from a net. c. He bought it back from the boys d. He asked the boys to put it back into the water. 39. Where did the turtle carry the young man to? a. To a big rock at the shore b. To its simple hut in the ocean c. To a beautiful palace d. To a big cave 40. What is the moral value of the story? a. We should respect to each other’s b. Feeling sincere gives us happiness c. Let’s do anything whole heartedly d. We should always keep our words 41. To his amazement, there was a great deal of gold in it. It refers to …. a. The land b. The turtle

c. The big box d. The small box Text 6 A long time ago, there was an orchard owned by a rich couple and filled with the most delicious tamarind trees. One day, a fairy decided to test the couple’s generosity. She arrived at the orchard, dressed as a poor, an old woman and begged for a few fruits since she was very hungry. The selfish couple let their dogs loose on her. The old woman was bitten by the dogs and badly injured. She touch the giant tamarind tree and cursed, “Your greed shall be punished!” As the woman walked away, the sky darkened and a ferocious storm broke out. The downpour continued until late at night. The next morning, the sky was clear and blue. The couple came to tend their orchard and they were bewildered to find their entire orchard gone. Instead, there was water everywhere. When they looked down into the water, they could still see their precious tree at the bottom of the lake. People call the lake “Sampaloc Lake” which means Tamarind Lake in English. 42. What is the text about? a. The most delicious tamarind fruit b. A rich couple and old woman c. A very poor, hungry old woman d. The legend of Sampaloc Lake 43. Why did the fairy decide to change herself into a poor old woman? a. She wanted to taste the delicious tamarind trees b. She wanted to test the rich couple’s generosity c. She needed help from the orchard’s owner d. Knew that the rich couple was greedy 44. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? a. The orchard was buried at the bottom of the lake b. The orchard had gone before the heavy rain fell down c. The rich couple was glad to see the sky was clear and blue d. The disappearance of the orchard made the couple confused 45. What can we learn from the story above? a. We must share with others and should not be stingy b. We must be extra careful with strangers c. We must work hard to be successful d. Be patient in our lives Text 7 Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Maria. She was tall, with black eyes, and long shining hair. The color of her skin was a clear light brown. One morning, while she was collecting firewood, she met a young man. He looked like a hunter. He was tall, handsome and very neatly dressed. No one knew who he was or where he came from nor did anyone know his name. Maria did not know this but he was an anito or a spirit from the sky. They became friends. Although they were good friends for a long time, the young man never asked Maria to became his wife. This made Maria very unhappy. “I have no parents or brothers or sisters,” she said. “You too are alone. I am sure we could be happy together.” “I didn’t want to tell you this,” the young man said, “but I am an anito. I cannot marry a human being. I have to return to the sky.” Maria was surprised. She did not know what to say. She held his hands tightly. “Please let me go,” said the young man. “I had hoped you would never find out who I am.” There was a blinding flash of light and the young man disappeared. But as Maria was holding on to his hands so tightly, he left them behind. Of course, Maria was frightened. She ran home and buried them in her garden. Soon she saw a strange plant growing where she had buried them. The plant grew fast. Then some fruit appeared. It was yellow and shaped like a man’s hand with fingers on it. It was the first banana, originated according to the legend. 46. The text mainly tells us about …. a. The origin of the banana legend b. Share experience about Maria’s sad love story

c. Tell reader about banana in general d. Young couple’s dream 47. What happened to the man after the flash? a. Died b. Disappeared c. Ran to the moon d. Hid behind the tree 48. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? a. The young man proposed to Maria b. Maria was a spirit from the sky c. The young man was not a human being d. Mary did not want to marry the young man 49. From the story we can learn that …. a. You should get to know your friend well b. You should not trust strangers completely c. You should not marry other creatures d. You should never tell the truth

VOCABBBBB 1. Search 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Trust 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Look For, investigate
