Soal-Soal Test Masuk Obsgyn: D. Cardinal Ligaments [PDF]

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SOAL-SOAL TEST MASUK OBSGYN 1. A patient present approxiamately 10 years post menopausal with complaints of pressure vaginallua and the sensation that something is falling out. When told she has fallen uterus, she wonders if it is due to the damage from her ligaments since she had a great deal of round ligament pain during her pregnancies. Which of the following ligaments provide the most support to the uterus in terms of prenventing prolapse? a. Broad ligaments b. Round ligament c. Utero ovarian ligaments d. Cardinal ligaments e. Arcuate ligament 2. A 63 Y.o patient is seen for routine examination,. An excoriated 2 cm lesion is found on her left labium majus, which she states, has been present for at least 3 months. What is the next best step in the management of this patient? a. Prescribe hydrocortisone cream b. Schedule colposcopy c. Perform excisional biopsy d. Prescribe burrow solution soaks e. Paint the are with toluidine blue stain 3. The motor supply of the levator ani muscle derived predominantly from which spinal segment? a. L5 b. S1 c. S2 d. S3 e. S4 4. Progesteron refractory layer endometrium 5. Terapi DUB 6. Normal menstrual cycle 7. HcG 8. Diagnosis uterine cavity and tubal 9. Diagnosis endometriosis 10. Cara mendiagnosis kehamilan 11. FSH menstrual à FSH induces granulosa cell LH reseptor within dominant follicle 12. Yang menstimulasi sekresi GnRH 13. Prolactin serum meningkat pada keadaan à parturition 14. Marthin theyer agar 15. misoprostol 16. fungsi hematologi yang menurun 17. serum yang paling meningkat selama kehamilan 18. yang menurun di respirasi 19. asam folat yang diperlukan untuk mencegah kejang 20. system cardio dibentuk mulai minggu ke 21. bromocriptin selektif terhadap….. 22. ureter adalah …. à receive blood supply from ovarian vessel

23. cervical cancer 24. gejala vulvar carcinoma pada orang tua 25. CIN didiagnosis dengan 26. Endometriosis carcinoma 27. Ovarian cancer pada usia 20 tahun 28. Hcg simillar to…. 29. Ovarian cancer 30. Delay fetal lung shown….. 31. Hematopoiesis awal dibentuk dari 32. Normal pH 33. Buffer terpenting adalah…. 34. Common cause of hipotiroid 35. Salbutamol 36. Bromocriptin golongan obat 37. Half life of oxytocin 38. Pasien yang tidak respon terhadap MgSO4 pada eklampsi diberi 39. Hasil EKG pada orang hamil 40. Blood /min at term uterus 41. Hormone yang meningkatkan oksitosin pada akhir kehamilan adalah 42. Main estrogen during pregnancy….. 43. Yang menghambat sekresi prolactin 44. FSH pada menstrual 45. Cara pemberian ASI pada ibu dengan proses sesar 46. Puerperium normal 47. Chronic anemic pada akhir kehamilan terkait dengan penyakit 48. Pasien hamil dengan obesitas, mengalami gatal, mekanisme yang menyebabkan adalah…… 49. Tanda pasti kehamilan 50. Yang termasuk perdarahan kehamilan pada trimester III 51. Penyebab ISK 52. Flora normal usus 53. Which of the following 25 y.o patient is most likely to developed endometrial carcinoma? à a married woman with PCOs 54. CA125 dan CA 19.9 berfungsi untuk… 55. Sechan syndrome 56. Prinsip autonomi 57. Apa yang tidak harus diketahui pasien saat informed consent 58. Hb pada pasien hamil dikatakan anemia jika 59. Late pregnancy ika usia kandungan 60. Precursor semua hormone steroid 61. Pelvic inlet wanita à oval 62. Penurunan kepala bayi 63. Immunoglobulin yang ada di ASI 64. Cara melakukan breastfeeding dengan mengoreksi 65. Postpartum desidua become necrotic……. à lochia rubra 66. Penatalaksanaan DUB terkait dengan 67. cavum tetani didepan vesika urinaria wanita dewasa 68. pudendum 69. sekresi GnRH dipengaruhi oleh à Norepinefrin

70. which of the following disease is the most common skin disease or condition affect the vulva? à contact dermatitis 71. normal capacity bladder à 500 ml 72. the uterus à by full term pregnancy weight about 900 gr 73. a patient most delivered baby/ she anxous of breastfeed as part of her postpartum discharge counseling. She should be told that few thing interfere lactation. She should avoid ? à Hi dose oval contraception (estradiol > 50ug)