Soal Tes TOEFL Dan Pembahasan Jawaban Structure [PDF]

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Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban Structure (Model Test 1) Soal-soal TOEFL dan pembahasan kunci jawabannya kini sedang gencar dicari oleh para pelajar yang ingin mengikut tes TOEFL. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ini maka melalui tulisan ini kami akan membahas terkait soal TOEFL structure dan pembahasan. Soal TOEFL Structure 1. Amanda Way's career as a social reformer____ in 1851 when, at an antislavery meeting in Indiana, she called for a state woman's rights convention. (A) begin (B) began (C) have begun (D) to have begun 2. The celesta, an orchestral percussion instrument, resembles___. (A) a small upright piano (B) how a small upright piano (C) a small upright piano is (D) as a small upright piano 3. Thomas Paine, _____, wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that identified the American colonies with the cause of liberty. (A) writer of eloquent (B) whose eloquent writing (C) an eloquent writer (D) writing eloquent 4. Although beavers rarely remain submerged for more than two minutes, they can stay underwater ___fifteen minutes before having to surface for air. (A) as long (B) as long as (C) so long (D) so long that 5. Protein digestion begins in the stomach ____ends in the small intestine. (A) while (B) and (C) how (D) because 6. When natural gas burns, its___ into atoms of carbon and hydrogen. (A) hydrocarbon molecules, breaking up (B) broke up by hydrocarbon molecules (C) hydrocarbon molecules break up (D) broken up hydrocarbon molecules 7. _____ ballet dancers learn five basic positions for the arms and feet. (A) All of (B) Of every (C) All (D) Every 8. Some colonies of bryozoans, small marine animals, form ___with trailing stems. (A) creeping colonies (B) which colonies creep (C) creeping colonies are (D) colonies creep 9. Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued six women's rights cases before the United States Supreme Court in

the 1970's,____ (A) of five winning them (B) five winning of them (C) of them five winning (D) winning five of them 10. Natural selection is defined as the process ___the course of evolution by preserving those traits best adapted for an organism's survival. (A) to which directs (B) of which directs it (C) directs it (D) that directs 11. ____ 363 miles between the cities of Albany and Buffalo in New York State, the Eric Canal helped link the Atlantic Ocean with the Great Lakes. (A) The extension of (B) The extension (C) Extending (D) Extends 12.The chief sources of B12, a water-soluble vitamin ____ stored in the body, include meat, milk and eggs. (A) is not (B) that is not (C) not that is (D) that not 13. ____ is rooted in experiments in iron and steel conducted in the nineteenth century. (A) While the history of twentieth-century architecture (B) The history of twentieth-century architecture (C) That the history of twentieth-century architecture (D) Both twentieth-century architecture and its history 14.The primary source of energy for tropical cyclones is the latent heat released when ____ (A) does water vapor condense (B) condensed water vapor (C) water vapor condenses (D) the condensation of water vapor 15. Maufacturing is Canada's most important economic activity, ____17 percent of the workforce. (A) engages (B) and to engage (C) that it engage (D) engaging Kunci jawaban dari soal TOEFL structure di atas yaitu: BACBB CCADD CBBCD. Di bawah kami telah berikan pembahasan terkait soal-soal TOEFL tersebut. Semoga dapat membantu kecakapan Anda dalam menajwab soal-soal TOEFL ke depannya terutama pada hari ujian.

Pembahasan Soal TOEFL 1. Jawaban (B) began. Kalimat tersebut terdiri dari dua clause: 1. Amanda Way's career as a social reformer____ in 1851 when 2. she called for a state woman's rights convention. Anda bisa lihat bahwa clause pertama kehilangan verb (kata kerja) olehnya yang harus kita cari yaitu verb yang bisa mengisi clause tersebut. Jawaban A salah. Clause ke dua menggunakan kata kerja bentuk past (called) jadi begin yang berbentuk present tidak paralel dengan clause ke dua tersebut.

Kalimat harus paralel. Jawaban C berbentu past perfect. Ingat past perfect tak akan menggunakan kata keterangan waktu yang pasti seperti pada kalimat ini. Kata keterangan waktu yang pasti pada klaimat ini yaitu in 1851. Jawaban D lebih jelas tak sesuai. 2. Jawaban (A) a small upright piano. Kalimat ini membutuhkan objek dari kata kerja resemble = mirip. 3. Jawaban (C) an eloquent writer. Di antara ke dua koma stelah subject itu membutuhkan appositive yang menjelaskan terkait identitas subject Thomas Paine. 4. Jawaban (B) as long as. as long as = and. 5. Jawaban (B) and. dua kata kerja begins dan ends. jadi dibutuhkan kata penghubung and untuk menghubungkannya. 6. Jawaban (C) hydrocarbon molecules break up. Kata its membutuhkan Noun (phrase) setelahnya. Phrase hydrocarbon molecules sesuai dengan persyaratan in, sementara kata break up menjadi verb dari its hydrocarbon molecules. 7. kunci jawaban (C) All. Jika menggunakan jawaban A maka seharusya all of the ballet dancers. Jawaban D salah. Kata every harus bertemu noun singular sementara dancers berbentuk jamak. 8. Jawaban (A) creeping colonies. Kata kerja form membutuhkan object. 9. Jawaban yang benar yaitu (D) winning five of them. Hanya saja saya kurang yakin bagaimana cara menjelaskannya. Kalau saya lihat-lihat bentuk ini masuk di reduction (adverb clause). Jadi winning five of them itu merupakan phrase yang direduksi (hasil reduction) dari adverb clause. Hanya saja yang saya lihat di buku referensi saya -Betty semua contoh Phrase hasil reduction dari adverb clause posisinya di depan kalimat. Jadi itulah mengapa saya kurang yakin dengan penjelasan terkait soal ini. Menurut saya inilah soal TOEFL. Kalau kita perhatikan di buku-buku akademik tingkat advanced banyak kalimat yg menurut kita agak aneh. 10. Jawaban yang sesuai adalah (D) that directs. Jawaban soal ini terkait penggunaan adjective clause yang menjelaskan kata the process. 11. Jawaban yang benar yaitu (C) Extending. Pelajari tentang reduction dalam adverb clause. Extending 363 miles between the cities of Albany and Buffalo in New York State. merupkan hasil reduction dari the Eric Canal extends 363 miles between the cities of Albany and Buffalo in New York State. 12. Jawaban yang tepat ialah (B) that is not. Ada dua clause: 1. The chief sources of B12 include meat, milk and eggs. 2. a water-soluble vitamin ____ stored in the body. Clause ke dua menjelaskan subejct dari clause pertama. Clause ke dua tersebut membutuhkan verb. 13. Jawaban yang benar yaitu (B) The history of twentieth-century architecture. Kalimat ini membutuhkas subject. 14. Jawaban yang benar yaitu (C) water vapor condenses. Sudah jelas 15. Jawaban (D) engaging. Mirip dengan bentuk soal no. 9.

Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban Structure (Model Test 1 by Cliffs) Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan Kunci Jawaban (Structure) di bawah ini bersumber dari buku CliffsTOEFL Preparation Guide. Perlu Anda ketahui bahwa sesi Structure and Written Expression terdiri dari 40 soal. 15 soal pertama merupakan soal structure sementara 35 selebihnya merupakan soal written expression. Ke empat puluh (40) soal tes TOEFL sesi structure and written expression ini harus Anda jawab dalam waku 25 menit. Waktu yang tidak lama. Olehnya kami sarankan Anda untuk banyak-banyak mengulang pelajaran dalam hal pemahama Anda terkait grammar atau materi structure TOEFL. Dalam situs ini, Anda dapat menemukan berbagai tips belajar TOEFL termasuk Metode Belajar Structure, Grammar TOEFL yang Baik, 10 Materi Sering Diujikan pada Tes Structure TOEFL, dan masih banyak tips lainnya. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Soal Tes TOEFL 1. Captain Henry,_____________ crept slowly through the underbrush. A. being remote from the enemy, B. attempting to not encounter the enemy, C. trying to avoid the enemy, D. not involving himself in the enemy, 2. Tommy was one ____________________ A. of the happy childs of his class B. of the happiest child in the class C. child who was the happiest of all the class D. of the happiest children in the class 3._____________ he began to make friends more easily. A. Having entered school in the new city, it was found that B. After entering the new school, C. When he had been entering the new school, D. Upon entering into the new school, 4. It is very difficult to stop the cultivation of marijuana because _____________ A. it grows very carelessly B. or it`s growth without attention C. it grows well with little care D. it doesn`t care much to grow 5. The fact that space exploration has increased dramatically in the past thirty ___________ A. is an evidence of us wanting to know more of our solar system B. indicates that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar system C. how we want to learn more about the solar system D. is pointing to evidence of our intention to know a lot more about what is called our solar system 6. Many of the current international problems we are now facing _______________ A. linguistic incompetencies B. are the result of misunderstandings C. are because of not understanding themselves D. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other 7. Mr.Roberts is a noted chemist_____________ A. as well as an effective teacher B. and too a very efficient teacher C. but he teaches very good in addition

D. however he teaches very good also 8. Public television stations are different from commercial stations __________________ A. because they receive money differently and different types of shows B. for money and program types C. in the areas of funding and programming D. because the former receives money and has programs differently from the latter 9. Manufacturers often sacrifice quality _______________________ A. for a larger profit margin B. in place of to earn more money C. to gain more quantities of money D. and instead earn a bigger amount of profit 10. Automobile production in the United States ____________ A. have taken slumps and rises in recent years B. has been rather erratic recently C. has been erratically lately D. are going up and down all the time 11. A major problem in the construction of new buildings _______________ A. is that windows have been eliminates while air conditioning systems have not been perfected B. is they have eliminated windows and still don't have good air conditioning C. is because windows are eliminated but air conditioners don't work good D. is dependent on the fact that while they have eliminated windows, they are not capable to produce efficient air conditioning systems 12.John said that no other car could go ______________ A. so fast like his car B. as fast like his car C. as fast like the car of him D. as fast as his car 13. Her grades have improved, but only ________________ A. in a small amount B. very slightly C. minimum D. some 14. While attempting to reach his home before the storm,_______________ A. the bicycle of John broke down B. it happened that John's bike broke down C. the storm caught John D. John had an accident on his bicycle 15. The changes in this city have occurred _________________ A. with swiftness B. rapidly C. fastly D. in rapid ways

Kunci dan Pembahasan Jawaban 1. C Pembahasan Jawaban: sangat mudah dipahami dari pendekatan makna 2. D

Pembahasan Jawaban: one of the + plural nouns (children) 3. B Pembahasan Jawaban: A. Having entered school in the new city, it was found that --> it mengarah ke mana? B. After entering the new school, C. When he had been entering the new school, --> penggunaan tense yg tidak tepat D. Upon entering into the new school, --> enter + noun 4. C Pembahasan Jawaban: A. it grows very carelessly --> carelessly hanya digunakan untuk animal dan people B. or it`s growth without attention --> it's ---> its C. it grows well with little care D. it doesn`t care much to grow --> kata care megacu ke 'perasaan' yang seharusnya tidak ditujukan ke tumbuhan marijuana 5. B Pembahasan Jawaban: A. is an evidence of us wanting to know more of our solar system --> our wanting (masuk di materi gerund) B. indicates that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar system C. how we want to learn more about the solar system --> jika ini digunakan maka kalimat tidak lengkap / tanpa verb utama D. is pointing to evidence of our intention to know a lot more about what is called our solar system --> terlalu bertele-tele 6. B Pembahasan Jawaban: A. linguistic incompetencies --> kalimat yg fragmen B. are the result of misunderstandings C. are because of not understanding themselves --> themselves mengarah ke mana? D. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other --> makna tidak sesuai 7. A Pembahasan Jawaban: A. as well as an effective teacher B. and too a very efficient teacher --> too mestinya also C. but he teaches very good in addition --> teaches well D. however he teaches very good also --> teaches well 8. C Pembahasan Jawaban: A. because they receive money differently and different types of shows --> salah pemilihan kata B. for money and program types ---> salah pemilihan kata C. in the areas of funding and programming D. because the former receives money and has programs differently from the latter --> different from 9. A Pembahasan Jawaban: A. for a larger profit margin B. in place of to earn more money --> of + noun C. to gain more quantities of money --> salah makna / kalimat tidak membahas quantities of money D. and instead earn a bigger amount of profit --> bigger umum digunakan dalam situasi informal 10. B Pembahasan Jawaban: 10. Automobile production in the United States ____________

A. have taken slumps and rises in recent years --> have (plural) B. has been rather erratic recently C. has been erratically lately --> been verb (linking verb) + adverb D. are going up and down all the time --> are (plural) 11. A Pembahasan Jawaban: A. is that windows have been eliminates while air conditioning systems have not been perfected B. is they have eliminated windows and still don't have good air conditioning --> they mengarah ke? C. is because windows are eliminated but air conditioners don't work good --> work well D. is dependent on the fact that while they have eliminated windows, they are not capable to produce efficient air conditioning systems --> capable + of + verb-ing 12. D Pembahasan Jawaban: equal comparison --> as ... as 13. B Pembahasan Jawaban: improved + adverb (very slightly) 14. D Pembahasan Jawaban: Reduction in adverbial clause --> while John was attempting to reach his home before the storm, John had an accident on his bicycle Prinsip: clause yang bisa di reduksi hanyalah klausa yang mempunyai subjek sama 15. B Pembahasan Jawaban: have occurred + adverb (rapidly)

Di bawah ini kami kembali menyediakan Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure) sebagai versi ke dua yang bersumber dari buku TOEFL CLiff (Preparation Guide for the TOEFL Test). Sementara pada postingan sebelumnya telah kami posting versi ke satu dari Soal TOEFL dari Cliff yang judulnya tidak jauh beda dengan postingan kali ini yaitu Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Kunci Jawaban (Structure).

Tips dalam menjawab soal structure dalam tes TOEFL yaitu dengan membaca ke semua kalimat termasuk pilihan jawaban. Kemudian Anda mesti mengingat-mengingat atau mencocokkan kebenaran dari pilihan jawaban atas rumus-rumus structure atau grammar yang telah Anda pelajari selama ini. Yang terakhir Anda harus mengeliminasi jawaban yang secara jelas salah.

Semoga soal TOEFL beserta kunci jawaban dan pembahasan di bawah ini dapat membantu Anda dalam mempersiapkan diri menghadapai tes TOEFL nantinya. Kritik dan saran Anda terkait materi yang kami posting di situs Pusat TOEFL akan sangat membantu kelancaran postingan kami. Soal Tes TOEFL 1. The attorney told his client that _________________________ A. They had little chance of winning the case. B. The case was of a small chance to win C. It was nearly impossible to win him the case. D. The case had a minimum chance to be won by him. 2. One of the professor’s greatest attributes is _______________ A. when he gives lectures B. how in the manner that he lectures C. the way to give lectures D. his ability to lecture

3. The bank sent a notice to its customers which contained _______________ A. a remembrance that interest rate were to raise the following month B. a reminder that a raise in interest rates was the month following C. to remember that interest rates were going up next month D. a reminder that interest rates would rise the following month. 4. ______________ was the day before yesterday. A. The France’s Independence Day B. The day of the French independence C. French’s Independence Day D. France’s Independence Day 5. It was not until she had arrived home ______________ remembered her appointment with the doctor. A. when she B. that she C. and she D. she 6. George would certainly have attended the proceedings ________________ A. if he didn’t get a flat tire B. if the flat tire hadn’t happended. C. had he not had a flat tire D. had the tire not flattened itself. 7. _______________ received law degrees as today. A. Never so many women have B. Never have so many women C. The women aren’t ever D. Women who have never 8. The students liked that professor’s course because _____________________ A. there was few if any homework B. not a lot of homework C. of there wasn’t a great amount of homework D. there was little or no homework. 9. George ______________ he could improve his test scores, but he didn’t have enough time to study. A. knew to B. knew how C. knew how that D. knew how to 10. _________________ he would have come to class. A. If Mike is able to finish his homework B. Would Mike be able to finish his homework C. If Mike could finish his homework D. If Mike had been able to finish his homework. 11. Lee contributed fifty dollars, but he wishes he could contribute _______________ A. one other fifty dollars B. the same amount also C. another fifty D. more fifty dollars 12. The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was aware _____________ she had gone. A. where that B. of where

C. of the place where D. the place 13. Fred’s yearly income since he changed professions has _________________ A. nearly tripled B. got almost three times bigger C. almost grown by three times D. just about gone up three times 14. Nancy hasn’t begun working on her Ph.D, ________________ working on her master’s. A. still because she is yet B. yet as a result she is still C. yet because she is still D. still while she is already 15. The director of this organization must know _____________________ A. money management, selling, and able to satisfy the stockholders B. how to manage money, selling his product, and be able to satisfy the stockholders C. how to manage money, sell his product, and satisfy the stockholders D. money management, selling, the idea of being able to satisfy the stockholders. Kunci Jawaban 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. C Pembahasan Jawaban Untuk pembahasan jawaban dari soal TOEFL dan pembahasan jawaban versi ke dua ini akan kami update beberapa hari kemudian. Berhubung admin masih punya kesibukan lain. Jangan lupa untuk berlangganan postingan atau materi TOEFL di Pusat TOEFL agar Anda tidak ketinggalan soal-soal TOEFL.

Soal TOEFL (Structure Test 3) Soal TOEFL (Structure Test 4) Directions: Question 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentences. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen. 1. The Cyclist _______ he crossed the main street (A) Looked with caution after. (B) Had looked cautiously before. (C) Was looked cautions when. (D) looks cautious when. 2. Here_______ notebook and report that I promised you last week (A) Is the. (B) Are the. (C) Was the. (D) Has been a. 3. Neither Jane nor her brothers _______ a consent from for tomorrow's field (A) Need. (B) Needs. (C) Is needing. (D) Has need. 4. Cuba is _______ sugar-growing areas in the world (A) One of the larger. (B) One of largest. (C) One of the largest. (D) Largest.


5. The skiers would rather _______ through the mountains than go by bus (A) To travel on train. (B) Traveled by train. (C) Travel by train. (D) Travelling by the train. 6. That magnificent _______ temple was constructed by the Chinese (A) eight-centuries-old. (B) Eight-centuries’s-old. (C) Old-eight centuries. (D) eight-century-old. 7. There were two small rooms in the beach house, _______ served as as a kitchen. (A) The smaller of which (B) The Smallest of which. (C) The Smaller of them. (D) Smallest of that. 8. Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships, and _______ (A) So do their children. (B) Neither did the children. (C) Also the Childs. (D) Had he studied more. 9. Mr. Duncan _______ his brother, who has a better position. (A) Twice as much as. (B) Twice more than.

(C) Twice as many as. (D) Twice as more as. 10. _______, he would have been able to pass the exam. (A) If he studied more. (B) If he were studying to a greater degree. (C) Studying more (D) He had studied more. 11. Mr. Duncan does not know _______ the lawn mower after they had finished using it. (A) When did they put. (B) When they did put. (C) Where they put. (D) Where to put. 12. The facilities of the older hospital _______ (A) is as good of better than the new hospital. (B) Are as good or better than the new hospital. (C) Are as good as or better than the new hospital. (D) Are as good as or better than those of the new hospital. 13. Our flight from Amsterdam to London was delayed _______. (A) Write a composition on their. (B) To write composition about the. (C) wrote some composition of his or her. (D) Had written any composition for his. 14. The teacher suggested that her students _______ experiences with ESP. (A) Write a composition on their. (B) To write composition about the. (C) wrote some composition of his or her. (D) Had written any composition for his. 15. Of the two new teachers, one is experienced and _______ (A) The others are not. (B) Another is inexperienced. (C) The other is not. (D) Other lacks experience. Kunci Jawaban Soal TOEFL (Structure 4)

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. D

9. A 10. D 11. C 12. D 13. A 14. A 15. C

Soal TOEFL (Structure Test 5) DIRECTIONS Questions 1 – 15 are incomplete sentence. Beneath each sentence you will see four words of phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen. 1. a. b. c. d.

I understand that the governor is considering a new proposal ______________ What would eliminate unnecessary writing in government Who wants to cut down on the amount of writing in government That would eliminate unnecessary paperwork in government To cause that the amount of papers written in government offices will be reduced

2. a. b. c. d.

The doctor told his receptionist that he would return ________________ As early as it would be possible At the earliest that it could be possible As soon as possible At the nearest early possibility

3. a. b. c. d.

George belongs to the _____________________ Class of the upper middle Upper middle class Class from the center up High medium class

4. a. b. c. d.

A good student must know ___________________________ To study hard To be a good student How to student effectively The way of efficiency in study

5. a. b. c. d.

Jane changed her major from French to business,_________________ With hopes to be able easier to locate employment Hoping she can easier get a job With the hope for being able to find better a job Hoping to find a job more easily

6. a. b. c. d.

He has received several scholarships _____________________ Not only because of his artistic but his academic ability For both his academic ability as well as his artistic Because of his academic and artistic ability As resulting of his ability in the art and the academic

7. a. b. c. d.

Harvey will wash the clothes, ________________ Iron the shirt, prepare the meal dusting the furniture Running the shirt preparing the meal, and dusting the furniture Iron the shirt, prepare the meal, and dusting the furniture To iron the shirt, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture

8. a. b. c. d.

_________________ that new information to anyone else but the sergeant. They asked him not to give They asked him to don’t give They asked him no give They asked him to no give

9. a. b. c. d.

_________________ he would have signed his name in the corner. If he painted that picture If he paints that picture If he had painted that picture If he would have painted that picture

10. The doctor insisted that his patient ______________ a. That he not work too hard for three months b. Take it easy for three months c. Taking it easy inside of the three months d. To take some vacations for three months 11. The manager was angry because somebody ______________ a. Had allowed the photographers to enter the building b. Had let photographers to enter into the building c. Permitting the photographers enter the building d. The photographers let into the building without the proper documentations 12. Richard was asked to withdraw from graduate school because ____________ a. They believed he was not really able to complete research b. He was deemed incapable of completing his research c. It was decided that he was not capable to complete the research d. His ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted 13. The committee members resented __________ a. The president that he did not tell them about the meeting b. The president not to inform them of the meeting c. The president’s not informing them of the meeting d. That the president had failed informing themselves that there was going to be a meeting 14. _____________ did Arthur realize that there was danger. a. Upon entering the store b. When he entered the store c. After he had entered the store d. Only after entering the store 15. The rabbit scurried away in fright __________________ a. When it heard the movement in the bushes b. The movement among the bushes having been heard c. After it was hearing moving inside of the bushes d. When he has heard that something moved in the bush

Kunci Jawaban Soal TOEFL (Structure 5) 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. a

Soal TOEFL (Structure Test 6) DIRECTIONS Questions 1 – 15 are incomplete sentence. Beneath each sentence you will see four words of phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen. 1. George did not do well in the class because _______________ A. he studied bad B. he was not good studywise C. he was a badly student D. he failed to study properly 2. This university's programs __________________ those of Harvard. A. come second after B. are second only to C. are first except for D. are in second place from 3. The more she worked _____________________ A. the less she achieved B. she achieved not enough C. she did not achieve enough

D. she was achieving less 4. _____________ the best car to buy is a Mercedes Benz. A. Because of its durability and economy, B. Because it lasts a long time, a it is very economical., C. Because of its durability and it is economical, D. Because durably and economywise it is better than all the others, 5. When Henry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________ A. his wife was sleeping B. his wife slept C. his wife has slept D. his wife has been sleeping 6. He gave ________________________ A. to the class s a tough assignment B. the class a tough assignments C. a tough assignment for the class D. an assignment very tough to the class 7. People all over the world are starving __________________________ A. greater in numbers B. in most numbers C. more numerously D. in greater numbers 8. It was not until she arrived in class__________ realized she had forgotten her book A. when she B. and she C. that she D. She 9. John has not been able to recall where ____________________ A. does she live B. she lives C. did she live D. lived the girl 10. Ben would have studied medicine if he___________to a medical school. A. could be able to enter B. had been admitted C. was admitted D. were admitted 11. He entered a university_________________ A. when he had sixteen years B. when sixteen years were his age C. at the age of sixteen D. at age sixteen years old 12. The jurors were told to _________________________ A. talk all they wanted B. make lots of expressions C. speak freely D. talk with their minds open 13. Those students do not like to read novels_________test books. A. in any case B. forgetting about C. leaving out of the question

D. much less 14. He____________looked forward to the new venture. A. eagerly B. with great eagernes C. eagernessly D. in a state of increasing eagerness 15. The families were told to evacuate their houses immediately _____. A. at the time when the water began to go up to B. when the water began to rise C. when up was going the water D. in the time when the water raised Kunci Jawaban Soal TOEFL (Structure 6) 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. b

1. In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, the United States developed the reusable space shuttle ________to space cheaper and easier. A. to make access B. and making access C. which made accessible D. and made accessible. Pembahasan: to Infinitive 2. Genetically, the chimpanzee is more similar to humans _______. A. are than any other animal B. than is any other animal

C. any other animal is D. and any other animal is Pembahasan: Comparative Degree 3._______more than 65,000 described species of protozoa, of which more than half are fossils. A. Being that there are B. There being C. Are there D. There are Pembahasan: There are (Subject di belakang verb) 4.The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 ___ nearly unanimously through the United States Congress. A. passed B. in passage C. having passed D. passing Pembahasan: Kehilangan verb 5.Modern skyscrapers have a steel skeleton of beams and columns ___a three-dimensional grid. A. forms B. from which forming C. and forming D. that forms Pembahasan: Adjective Clause 6.The average level of United States prices grew very little from 1953 until the mid-1960’s when ____________. A. did inflation begin B. inflation began C. the beginning of inflation D. did the beginning of inflation Pembahasan: Adverb clause --> kehilangan subject & verb 7.The basis premise behind all agricultural production is _____available the riches of the soil for human consumption. A. to be made B. the making C. making is D. to make Pembahasan: to infinitive --> be (is, are, am, was, were) + to inf. 8.___to the United States House of Representatives in 1791, Nathaniel Macon remained in office until 1815. A. Election B. Why he was elected C. Elected D. Who was elected Pembahasan: Past Participle / Reduction in Adjective Clause 9.________ of classical ballet in the United States began around 1830. A. To teach B. Is teaching C. It was taught D. The teaching Pembahasan: Kehilangan Subject. Ingat Noun + of + Noun 10.The universe is estimated ___between 10 billion and 20 billion years old. A. being B. to be C. which is D. is Pembahasan: to infintive 11. A situation in which an economic market is dominated by a ____ is known as a monopoly. A. single of a product seller B. product single of a seller C. seller of a product single D. single seller of a product Pembahasan: Adjective (single) + Noun (seller) ---> Noun + of + Noun 12.____ freshwater species of fish build nests of sticks, stones, or scooped-out sand..

A. As the many B. Of the many C. Many D. Many of them are Pembahasan: Butuh pelengkap subject. 13.Newspaper publishers in the united states have estimated ___________reads a newspaper every day. A. nearly 80 percent of the adult population who B. it is nearly 80 percent of the adult population C. that nearly 80 percent of the adult population who D. that nearly 80 percent of the adult population Pembahasan: Noun Clause kehilangan subject 14. The foundation of all other branches of mathematics is arithmetic, _ science of calculating with numbers. A. is the B. the C. which the D. because the Pembahasan: Appositive 15.Nylon was ___the human-made fibers. A. the first of which B. what the first of C. it the first of D. the first of Pembahasan: butuh complement ... B dan C sudah pasti salah karena kalimat di atas telah memiliki Subject dan Verb (lengkap u/ 1 clause).

1. Many scientists believe _____ as a result of a collision between the newly formed Earth and a large asteroid. A. that the Moon was formed B. in that the Moon was formed C. that the Moon formed was D. when the Moon was formed Kunci Jawaban: A. that the Moon was formed 2. The organ-pipe cactus is _____ in the United States. A. Rare that B. It rare C. so that rare D. rare Kunci Jawaban: D. rare 3. Willa Cather,_____, gained recognition for her books concerning the American frontier. A. a novelist and Pulitzer prizewinning B.a Pulitzer prizewinning novelist C.a Pulitzer prizewinning novelist who D.was a Pulitzer prizewinning novelist Kunci Jawaban: B. a Pulitzer prizewinning novelist 4. The average wavelength of visible light is 2,000 times _____ the diameter of an atom. A. much as B. as great C. greater than D. more than that Kunci Jawaban: C. greater than 5. _____ ants live in nests, which may be located in the ground, under a rock, or built above ground and may be made of twigs, sand, or gravel. A. Most

B. The most of C. Most of D. Of the most Kunci Jawaban: A. Most 6. The banking systems of the world have many similarities, _____ they also differ, sometimes in quite material respects. A. of which B. in spite of C. but D. how Kunci Jawaban: C. but 7. Learning that takes place in infancy provides the____ for the eventual transformation of a child into an adult. A. foundation is necessary B. necessary foundation is C. necessary in the foundation D. foundation necessary Kunci Jawaban: D. foundation necessary 8. In the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, Jacob Lawrence created many paintings _____ the lives of famous African American activists. A. portayed B. portrayed them C. that they portrayed D. that portrayed Kunci Jawaban: D. that portrayed

9. The Centennial Exposition, _____ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1876, celebrated the one-hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. A. was held B. to be held C. held D. by holding Kunci Jawaban: C. held

10. In the dark abyss of the deep sea _____ is produced by luminescent fish. A. because the only light B. the only light C. the only light that D. is the only light Kunci Jawaban: B. the only light

11. The classic American novel Moby Dick____ an account of the conflict between human beings and their fate. A. may be regarded as B. as may be regarded C. regarded as may be D.regarded may as be Kunci Jawaban: A. may be regarded as

12. In the metals industry, hydrogen is used to prevent metals from tarnishing while undergoing _____. A. treated by heat B. heat treatments

C. by heat treatments D. heat-treated Kunci Jawaban: B. heat treatments

1. Among the 450 artworks in the White House art collection __ (A) as is Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children (B) is Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children (C) which is Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children (D) Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children Pembahasan Jawaban: Materi ini masuk dalam Inversion (pembalikan) ditandai dengan adanya 'place expression' di depan kalimat. Subject dari kalimat ialah 'Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children' Inversion --> Verb + Subject 2. An unconsolidated aggregate of silt particles is also termed silt, __ a consolidated aggregate is called siltstone. (A) which (B) why (C) whereas (D) whether Pembahasan Jawaban: Dalam kalimat atas, terdapat dua clause. Clause 1 = 'An unconsolidated aggregate of silt particles is also termed silt'. Clause 2 'a consolidated aggregate is called siltstone'. Olehnya kita butuh 1 connector untuk mengubungkan dua clause. Pilihan B sudah jelas salah karena why bukanlah connector. Pilihan A salah karena 'which' merupakan connector yang digunakan dalam 'adjective clause' yang menjelaskan noun. Jadi posisi 'which' ketika digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua clause berada setelah noun yang dijelaskan. Pilihan D salah karena 'whether' masuk dalam 'noun clause' yang berposisi sebagai 'subject' atau 'object'. 2 Clause butuh 1 Connector; 3 Clause butuh 2 Connector 3. In 1864 the American Shakespearean actor Edwin Booth gained critical acclaim when he __ Hamlet at the Winter Garden Theater in New York City. (A) perform (B) performed (C) had been performing (D) having performed Pembahasan Jawaban: Dalam kalimat atas, terdapat dua clause dan 1 connector 'when'. Clause 1 = 'the American Shakespearean actor Edwin Booth gained critical acclaim'. Clause 2 'he __ Hamlet at the Winter Garden Theater in New York City'. Clause 2 kehilangan verb olehnya kita butuh verb untuk melengkapinya. Pilihan yang benar ialah B karena waktu nya berbentuk past (in 1864). 4. -- are chiefly derived from petroleum. (A) Plastics today (B) There are plastics today (C) Because today plastics today (D) Due to plastics today Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah subject kalimat 5. Most tangerine trees and their flowers and fruits resemble __ the orange, although tangerines are generally smaller. (A) of those (B) which of those (C) those of (D) which are of Pembahasan Jawaban: 'resemble' ialah intransitive verb (kata kerja butuh object). Jadi resemble langsung ketemu 'those' sebagai object. 6. Ohio, the center of __ the Hopewen culture, has the greatest concentration of ancient burial mounds in the United States. (A) called

(B) what is called (C) that is called (D) is called Pembahasan Jawaban: setelah 'of' mesti noun. 'what is called' meruapakan noun clause. 7. __, such as jazz, are often played from memory rather than from a written score. (A) Of some types music (B) Music some of types (C) Some types of music (D) Types of music some Pembahasan Jawaban: yang dibutuhkan ialah subject kalimat 8. During the 1850’, reform movements __ temperance and the abolition of slavery gained strength in the United States. (A) advocating (B) they had advocated (C) to advocating (D) to advocate when Pembahasan Jawaban: 'advocating temperance and the abolition of slavery' merupaka adjective yang menjelaskan / memberi informasi tambahan terkait 'reform movements'. 9. Many meteorites are thought to have originated from __ that once existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. (A) where a planet or planets (B) a planet or planets so (C) which a planet or planets (D) a planet or planets Pembahasan Jawaban: 'that once existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter' merupakan adjective clause yang menandakan adanya noun yang dijelaskan sebelumnya. 10.The modem automobile is a __ composed of more than 14,000 parts. (A) complex technical system (B) system of complex technical (C) complex technical system that (D) system is technically complex Pembahasan Jawaban: article 'a' menandakan adanya noun setelahnya. Selain itu 'composed of more than 14,000 parts' merupakan adjective yang menandakan adanya noun debelumnya. 11. __ over 100 years since the invention of the square-bottomed paper bag. (A) Now is (B) Now it has (C) There is now (D) It is now Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah subject dan verb. dari pilihan jawaban yang paling sesuai dg kalimat ialaha 'It is now'. 12.The novelist John Dos Passos developed a style of fiction incorporating several documentary devices __ to his works. (A) lent realism (B) that lending realism (C) to lend realism (D) of whose realism lent Pembahasan Jawaban: developed + to lend Verb + to + verb Verb + gerund (verb ing) 13. In Earth’s infancy, its surface was warm enough for life __ the young Sun was fainter than it is today. (A) in spite of (B) whether

(C) neither of which (D) even though Pembahasan Jawaban: yang dibutuhkan ialah connector untuk menghuungkan dua clause di atas. Pilihan A sudah jelas salah karena 'in spite of' merupakan preposition bukan connector. Pilihan B salah karena 'whether' berposisi sebagain noun: subject dan object. Pilihan C salah karena 'neither of which' masuk dalam kategori adjective clause yaitu menjelaskan noun setelahnya. Seteah neither of which pun langsung ketemu verb yg berarti tida sesuai dnegan kalimat. Pilihan D benar. Materi ini masuk dalam kategori 'Adverb Clause'. 14. The invention of the compound microscope (which allowed much higher magnification through multiple lenses) made __ the great strides in life sciences. (A) it possible (B) possibly (C) possible (D) it was possible Pembahasan Jawaban: Make + possible + sth (noun) 15. Hares generally have longer ears and hind legs than rabbits and move by jumping __ running (A) rather to be (B) rather than (C) are rather (D) as rather Pembahasan Jawaban: rather than = (dibanding). Digunakan untuk perbandingan


Over the centuries, ____ that try to explain the origins of the university. (A) although many theories (B) many theories (C) have many theories been (D) there have been many theories Pembahasan Jawaban: Langkah 1: 'that try to explain the origins of the university' merupakan adjective clause. Adjective clause menjelaskan noun yang letaknya sebelum adjective clause itu sendiri. Jadi sebelum adjective clause di atas mesti ada noun yang dijelaskan. Pilihan C sudah jelas salah karena bukan noun yang sebelum adjective clause tapi 'been'. Langkah 2: Kalimat di atas terdapat 1 clause 'that try to explain the origins of the university' yang terdapat connector 'that' yang juga berfungsi sebagai subject dari verb 'try'. Adanya 1 connector menandakan dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat dua clause. Olehnya yang kita butuhkan dari pilihan jawaban ialah 1 clause. Clause ialah kumpulan kata yang didalamnya terdapat subject dan verb. Pilihan A dan B bukanlah clause. Jadi pilihan yang tepat ialah pilihan D. 2. The planet Venus is almost exactly the same size and mass _____ Earth, with a similar interior, including a nickel-iron core. (A) to (B) as (C) is (D) than Pembahasan Jawaban: the same + as 3. George Washington Carver ____ international fame for revolutionizing agriculture research in the southern United States during the early twentieth century. (A) won (B) winning (C) who has won (D) the winner of

Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas kehilangan verb jadi kita butuh verb. 4. Constituting one of the earliest engineering techniques, ______ in Paleolithic time was done in order to extend natural caves. (A) tunnels were built (B) which built tunnels (C) the building of tunnels (D) tunnels whose building Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas buuth subject. Verb dari kalimat di atas ialah 'was done'. 5. The tulip tree is native to the eastern United States, _____ the tallest and largest broadleaf tree. (A) where (B) where it is (C) it is where (D) is where Pembahasan Jawaban: 'where it is the tallest and largest broadleaf tree' merupakan adjective clause yang menjelaskan noun sebelumnya 'the eastern United States'. 6. Elementary schools in the United states provide formal education ______ arithmetic, science, social science, and communication skills that including reading, writing, spelling, and speaking. (A) such subjects as basic in (B) as basic subjects in such (C) in such basic subjects as (D) as in such basic subjects Pembahasan Jawaban: pasangan kata yang benar ialah such as bukan as such. Jadi pilihan B dan D sudah jelas salah. Ingat pola noun phrase (adjective + noun). Kita lihat dipilihan jawaban ada kata basic (adjective) dan subjects (noun). Antara A dan C hanya C yang memnuhi syarat pola noun phrase (adj. + noun). 7. ______ land and money enabled construction of the Union Pacific railroad to begin from Council Bluffs, Iowa, in 1865. (A) By the government granting of (B) Government grants of (C) For the government to grant (D) Government grants so that Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan dari kalimat di atas ialah subject. Verb nya ialah 'enabled'. 8. Appointments to the United States Supreme Court and all lower federal courts ____ by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. (A) making (B) to make (C) are made (D) have made Pembahasan Jawaban: Terdapat 'by' jawabannya mesti passive 'are made'. 9. The name “squirrel” is commonly used for those forms of the family Sciuridae that live in trees, _____ it is equally accurate for ground dwelling types. (A) whether (B) that (C) although (D) in spite of Pembahasan Jawaban: Ada dua clause. Clause 1 = 'The name “squirrel” is commonly used'; Clause 2 = 'it is equally accurate'. Untuk menghubungkan ke dua clause di atas kita butuh connector. Connector yang tepat ialah 'although' (pilihan C) 10. Green plants combine _____ with water and carbon dioxide to make food.

(A) energy derived from light (B) energy, derived it from light (C) energy is derived from light (D) from light, and energy derived Pembahasan Jawaban: kalimat di atas sudah terdapat subject dan verb jadi kita tinggal butuh object. Pilihan C sudah salah karen terdapat clause tanpa connector (tidak bisa jadi object). Pilihan D salah karena terdapat 'from' --> combine + noun tanpa 'from'. Pilihan B salah karen 'derived' menjelaskan 'energy' jadi tidak lagi butuh it. Materi ini masuk dalam topik Adjective Clause (Reduction) atau juga Past Participle 11. From the archeologist’s perspective, understanding the past is vitally important and requires ______ of earlier cultures. (A) the ruins examined (B) examining the ruins (C) of the ruins to be examined (D) that the examined ruins 12. The Texas Legislature selected Vassar Miller _____ in 1982, and again in 1988. (A) was the state’s poet laureate (B) as the state’s poet laureate (C) the state’s poet laureate (D) become the state’s poet laureate Pembahasan Jawaban: Langkah 1: Kalimat di atas sudah lengkap Subject dan Verb. Jadi kita tidak lagi butuh verb lainnya. Pilihan A dan D olehnya sudah jelas salah. Langkah 2: Ketika kita menggunakan kata 'selected' tidak lagi perlu menggunakan kata 'as' tapi langsung saja noun setelahnya. Contoh lain: I selected you the president of the meeting club. Kata kerja yang lain masuk dalam kategori kata kerja semacam ini ialah: consider, find, believe, think, prove call, name, elect, appoint, nominate, make, paint, suppose, turn (mengubah), dan build. 13. The distinguishing feature of a fluid, in contrast to a solid, is the ease _____ . (A) that a deformed fluid (B) to deform a fluid (C) when a fluid that is deformed (D) with which a fluid may be deformed 14. Oxygen and nutrients reach the body’s tissues ____ from the blood through the capillary wall. (A) pass (B) by passing (C) to be passing (D) have passed Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas sudah lengkap subject dan verb jadi tidak butuh lagi verb. Pilihan A dan D sudah jelas salah. Pilihan C tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat. 15. _____ important development of the Neolithic age was not in the manufacture of stone tools but in the production of food. (A) The most (B) Most (C) Most of (D) Of the most Pembahasan Jawaban: Ada beberapa aturan dalam menggunakan most / most of 1. Most of digunakan sebelum plural noun yang mempunyai determiner atau pronoun di depannya. Contoh: Most of the students live with host families. Most of students live with host families. (Salah karena tanpa determiner) 2. Most digunakan sebelum plural noun yang tidak mempunyai determiner atau pronoun di depannya Contoh: Most students live with host families.

Most of students live with host families. Before a plural noun that does not have a determiner or pronoun in front of it, don't say 'most of', just say most : Dari penjelasan di atas sudah jelas bahwa pilihan B dan C tidak sesuai pada kalimat. Pilihan D salah karena jika menggunakan bentuk of the most itu bearti akan ada beberapa benda / hal yang di-list dan biasanya ditandai dengan koma. Di atas tidak ada tanda-tanda adanya yang di-list. Contoh; Of the seven students, Anto is the best one at speaking English.

Kaplan TOEFL: Paper and Pencil 1. _____ Jane has an excellent resume, she hasn't found a job yet. (A) However (B) Yet (C) That (D) Although Pembahasan Jawaban: Terdapat dua cluse: clause 1 (Jane has an excellent resume), clause 2 (she hasn't found a job yet). Karena ada dua clause maka kita butuh 1 connector untuk menghubungkan ke dua clause tersebut. Dari pilihan jawaban yang ada, hanya pilihan B dan D yang merupakan connector. Pilihan B salah karena kata yet ketika menjadi connector berada di tengah clause atau di antara ke dua clause bukan di awal kalimat; yet masuk dalam coordinate connector. Pilihan paling tepat ialah D. Although masuk dalam kategori subordinate connector yang letaknya bisa di antara ke dua clause bisa juga depan kalimat. 2. _____ several universities that have excellent engineering schools. (A) There are (B) The (C) There is a lot of (D) Some of Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat dua clause ditandai adanya connector 'that'. Clause 1 '—— several universities' kehilangan kata kerja. Clause 2 'that have excellent engineering schools' sudah lengkap. Subjectnya ialah that yang juga berfungsi sebagai connector. Olehnya, kita butuh untuk melengkapi clause pertama yg kehilangan verb. Dari pilihan jawaban yg ada, hanya pilihan A dan C yg berisi verb. Pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan A. 3. Many Middle Eastern diplomats still feel that the United States is intent _____ the ultimate police in the region. (A) to being (B) being (C) be (D) on being Pembahasan Jawaban: Pasangan Phrase: intent + on 4. Woodrow Wilson believed the United States' entry into World War I would put a _____ to the war in months. (A) to stop (B) stop (C) stopping (D) will had stopped Pembahasan Jawaban: article 'a' + noun Dari pilihan jawaban hanya B yang merupakan kata benda (noun). 5. _____ of New York's Erie Canal greatly enhanced trade in the upstate region.

(A) The complete (B) Completing (C) A completing (D) The completion Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah subject untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas. 6. A leech, after _____ the skin, is best removed by the application of either salt or heat. (A) it attaches itself to (B) attaching it (C) its attaching to (D) where it attaches to Pembahasan Jawaban: kata after menandakan adanya clause lain selain clause utama 'A leech is best removed by the application of either salt or heat' 7. _____ east of the Mississippi River. (A) Indigo was grown usually (B) Usually grown was Indigo (C) Indigo usually grown (D) Indigo was usually grown Pembahasan Jawaban: Kata adverb (usually) umumnya terletak setelah helping verb BE (was). 8. _____ wrote the operetta Babes in Toyland, drawn from the childhood characters of Mother Goose. (A) That was Victor Herbert who (B) Victor Herbert who (C) Since it was Victor Herbert (D) It was Victor Herbert who Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan kalimat di atas ialah subject kalimat. 9. Some of the oldest and most widespread creation myths are _____ involving the all-giving "Earth Mother." (A) those (B) them (C) they (D) their Pembahasan Jawaban: those mengarah ke subject kalimat yang plural (myths). 10. In _____ , disk technology has made record albums almost obsolete. (A) the decade from (B) the decade since (C) the past decade (D) decade ago the Pembahasan Jawaban: Hal ini seharusnya sangat mudah, karena sangat umum digunakan. Jika tidak biasa didapatkan gunakan rumus Noun Phrase (Adjective + Noun) 11. In the first few months of life, an infant learns how to lift its head, smile, and _____ . (A) parents to recognize (B) recognize its parents (C) recognizing its parents (D) the recognizing of its parents Pembahasan Jawaban: Parallel Structure: lift (infinitive), smile (infinitive), and recognize (infinitive) 12. Juana Inez de la Cruz _____ Mexico's greatest female poet. (A) considered (B) considered to be (C) is considered to be (D) is consideration Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah verb untuk mengisi kalimat. Pilihan yang berisi verb lengkap sesuai makna kalimat ialah pilihan C. 13. Because the metal mercury _____ in direct proportion to temperature, it was once used as the indicator in

common thermometers. (A) is expanding (B) expands (C) is expanded (D) expanded Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat terdapat 1 connector 'because' yang menandakan adanya dua clause. Clause 2 'it was once used as the indicator in common thermometers' sudah lengkap. YYang kita butuhkan ialah verb untuk melengkapi clause 1. Subject dari clause 1 ialah 'the metal mercury'. Dari segi makna ada dua piihan jawaban yang memungkinkan ialah pilihan B dan D. Pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan B karena konteks dari clause 1 mengarah ke waktu sekarang (present tense). 14. _____ what is now San Salvador, Christopher Columbus believed that he had found Japan. (A) He reached (B) When did he reach (C) Having reached (D) Whether he reached Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang terlihat di kalimat, terdapat 3 clause dan dua connector (what & that). Clause 1 (what is now San Salvador), clause 2 (Christopher Columbus believed), clause 3 (he had found Japan). Ingat prinsip kalimat bahasa Inggris: jika ada dua clause maka butuh 1 connector, 3 clause butuh 2 connector, dan 4 clause butuh 3 connector. Pilihan A salah karena terdapat 1 clause baru tanpa connector. Jika dimasukkan dalam kalimat maka akan terdapat 4 clause hanya dengan dua connector. Pilihan B salah karena menggunakan helping verb 'did'. Did ketika bersama WH Question (when) hanya digunakan dalam interrogative sentence. Pilihan D salah karena whether bukanlah subordinate conjunction. Subordinate conjunction ialah conjunction atau connector yang bisa terletak di awal dan di pertengahan kalimat. 15. The principal purpose of aviation medicine is _____ by people aboard an air¬craft in flight. (A) to study the stress experienced (B) study the experienced stress (C) to study stress experiencing (D) study the stress experience Pembahasan Jawaban: is to study (is + to infinitive) adalah bentuk umum / sudah sangat umum digunakan dalam kalimat. to study the stress experienced (untuk memplejari tekanan yang dialami) 1. In simple animals, .......... reflex movement or involuntary response to stimuli. (A) behavior mostly (B) most is behavior (C) most behavior is (D) the most behavior Pembahasan Jawaban: (C) Most digunakan sebelum noncount noun untuk mengekspresikan suatu kuantitas yang lebih besar dari sentengah. Singular verb berpasagan dengan noncount noun (sebagai subject). Pilihan A tidak mempunyai verb. Pilihan B, verb terletak sebelum bukan sesudah noun. Pilihan D, the digunakan sebelum most. 2. Although the whether in Martha's Vineyard isn't .......... to have a year-around tourist season, it has become a favorite summer resort. (A) goodly enough (B) good enough (C) good as enough (D) enough good Pembahasan Jawaban: (B) Sebuah adjective digunakan sebelum enough yang bermakna cukup. Pada pilhan (A), kata goodly tidak sesuai dengan aturan grammar. Bentuk adverb dari good ialah well bukan goodly. Pilihan C salah karena as tidak dibutuhkan dan salah. Pilihan D, adjective digunakan setelah bukan sebelum enough. 3. According to the wave theory, .......... population of the Americas may have been the result of a number of separate migrations.

(A) the (B) their (C) that (D) whose Pembahasan Jawaban: the dapat digunakan sebelum noncount yang diikuti sebuah qualifying phrase. Population seharunya the population sebelum qualifying phrase 'of the Americas'. 4. It is presumed that governing the sharing of food influenced .......... that the earliest cultures evolved. (A) that the way (B) is the way (C) the way (D) which way Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective clause menjelaskan noun dalam main clause. that the earliest cultures evolved menjelaskan the way. 5. Calculus, .......... elegant and economical symbolic system, can reduce complex problems to simple terms. (A) it is an (B) that an (C) an (D) is an Pembahasan Jawaban: Subject dan Verb sudah ada. Dari posisi phrase 'elegant and economical symbolic system' bisa kita deteksi bahwa phrase ini merupakan appositive atau penjelasan tambahan bagi subject 'calculus'. 6. Canada does not require that U.S. citizens obtain passports to enter the country, and .......... . (A) Mexico does neither (B) Mexico doesn't either (C) neither Mexico does (D) either does Mexico Pembahasan Jawaban: Ada dua bentuk untuk menyatakan negatif dalam bentuk soal seperti ini: 1. Mexico doesn't either. 2. Neither does Mexico. 7. The poet .......... just beginning to be recognized as an important influence at the time of his death. (A) being Walt Whitman (B) who was Walt Whitman (C) Walt Whitman (D) Walt Whitman was Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas kehilangan verb jadi kita butuh verb. 8. ........... the formation of the sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar cloud. (A) It accepted that (B) Accepted that (C) It is accepted that (D) That is accepted Pembahasan Jawaban: its is accepted that (diakui bahwa) ..... Cara lain: kita lihat bahwa kalimat di soal sudah terdapat 1 clause lengkap 'the formation of the sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar cloud' jadi kita butuhkan ialah clause lain beserta connectornya. Ingat dua clause butuh 1 connector. 3 clause butuh 2 connector. 9. As a general rule, the standard of living .......... by the average output of each person in society. (A) is fixed (B) fixed (C) has fixed (D) fixes Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas kehilangan verb. Kita pakai passive voice --> ditandai adanya kata 'by'. 10. The Consumer Price Index lists .......... . (A) how much costs every car

(B) how much does every car cost (C) how much every car costs (D) how much are every car cost Pembahasan Jawaban: Pilihan A dan D hanya digunakan dalam bentuk question. Pilihan D sangat jelas salahnya karena 'are' untuk plural sedangkan 'every' menandakan singular. Pilihan D salah karena seharusnya S + Verb bukan sebaliknya. 11. The Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot .......... . (A) must restore (B) must be restoring (C) must have been restored (D) must restored Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan adalah kata kerja dari subject 'The Ford Theater'. 'where Lincoln was shot' merupakan adjective clause yang menjelaskan subject 'The Ford Theater'. 12. Fast-food restaurants have become popular because many working people want .......... . (A) to eat quickly and cheaply (B) eating quickly and cheaply (C) eat quickly and cheaply (D) the eat quickly and cheaply Pembahasan Jawaban: want + to infinitive 13. After seeing the movie Centennial, .......... . (A) the book was red by many people (B) the book made many people want to read it (C) many people wanted to read the book (D) the reading of the book interested many people Pembahasan Jawaban: After seeing the movie Centennial (Setelah menyaksikan film Centennial), Banyak orang .... (many people wanted to read the book) Cara lain: Materi ini masuk dalam reduction in adjective clause (ke dua-dua clause mesti mempunyai subject yang sama baru dibenarkan untuk melakukan reduction (pengurangan / penghilangan). 14. .........., Carl Sandburg is also well-known for his multivolume biography of Lincoln. (A) An eminent American poet (B) He is an eminent American poet (C) An eminent American poet who is (D) Despite an eminent American poet Pembahasan Jawaban: Subject dan Verb kalimat di atas sudah lengkap jadi kita hanya butuh penjelas dari subject 'Carl Sandburg' (appositive). 15. The examiner made us .......... our identification in order to be admitted to the test center. (A) showing (B) show (C) showed (D) to show Pembahasan Jawaban: made + verb 1 murni Materi ini masuk dalam "Causative Verb" --> Causative verb + V 1 murni Causative verb: make, have, help

1. The hard palate forms a partition ____ and nasal passages. (A) the mouth (B) between the mouth (C) is between the mouth (D) it is between the mouth Pembahasan Jawaban: Subject dan verb sudah lengkap sehingga kita tidak butuh lagi verb atau pun subject lainnya jika tidak terdapat connector. Pilihan C dan D terdapat verb tanpa connector, jadi otomatis sudah salah.

Jawaban yang paling tepat ialah B. Prinsip: Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris mesti terdiri dari minimal 1 clause (subject + verb). Jika terdapat 2 clause maka mesti ada 1 connector. 3 clause mesti ada 2 connector. begitupun seterusnya. 2. Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon and Rick Blaine in Casablanca ____ of Humphrey Bogart's more famous roles. (A) they are two (B) two of them are (C) two of them (D) are two Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat subject tapi kehilangan verb jadi kita butuh verb. Jawaban yang terdapat verb ialah A, B, dan D; pilihan C sudah jelas salah. Pilihan A dan B kemudian salah karena terdapat lagi subject. Jadi jawaban paling tepat ialah D. Prinsip: Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris mesti terdiri dari minimal 1 clause (subject + verb). Jika terdapat 2 clause maka mesti ada 1 connector. 3 clause mesti ada 2 connector. begitupun seterusnya. 3. ____, the outermost layer of skin, is about as thick as a sheet of paper over most of the skin. (A) It is the epidermis (B) In the epidermis (C) The epidermis (D) The epidermis is Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat verb (is) tapi kehilangan subject jadi kita butuh subject. Jawaban yang terdapat subject ialah A, C, dan D; pilihan B sudah jelas salah karena terdapat preposition (in) yang menandakan the epedermis bukanlah subject. Pilihan A dan D kemudian salah karena terdapat lagi verb di dalamnya. Jadi jawaban paling tepat ialah C. Prinsip: Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris mesti terdiri dari minimal 1 clause (subject + verb). Jika terdapat 2 clause maka mesti ada 1 connector. 3 clause mesti ada 2 connector. begitupun seterusnya. --> "the outermost layer of skin" bukanlah subject kalimat melainkan penjelas dari suject sebelumnya. Penjelas semacam ini biasa disebut dg nama "appositive" 4. During the Precambrian period, the Earth's crust formed, and life ____ in the seas. (A) first appeared (B) first to appear (C) is first appearing (D) appearing Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat terdapat dua clause yang ditandai adanya connector (and): clause 1 (the Earth's crust formed), dan clause ke dua kehilangan verb, hanya terlihat subject (life). Olehnya kita butuh verb untuk melengkapi clause 2. Secara structure, yang memungkinkan ialah pilihan A dan C. Hanya dilihat dari tense (waktu) dan makna maka yang sangat sesuai ialah pilihan A. 5. When fluid accumulates against the eardrum, a second more insidious type of ____ (A) otitis media may develop (B) developing otitis media (C) the development of otitis media (D) to develop otitis media Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat terdapat dua clause yang ditandai adanya connector (when): clause 1 (fluid accumulates), dan clause ke dua kehilangan verb, hanya terlihat subject (a second more insidious type). Olehnya kita butuh verb untuk melengkapi clause 2. Hanya pilihan A yang memenuhi syarat. 6. Before the Statue of Liberty arrived in the United States, newspapers invited the public to help determine where ____ placed after its arrival. (A) should the statue be (B) the statue being (C) it should be the statue (D) the statue should be Pembahasan Jawaban:

Kita lihat terdapat 3 clause yang ditandai adanya 2 connector (before) dan connector (where): clause 1 (the Statue of Liberty arrived), clause 2 (newspapers invited), dan clause ke 3 kehilangan subject dan helping verb, hanya terlihat past participle (placed). Olehnya kita butuh subject dan helping verb untuk melengkapi clause 3. Hanya pilihan A yang memenuhi syarat. Helping verb: be (is, are, am, be, been), modals (can, could, must, dll), have (have, has, had), do (do, does, did) 7. A stock ____ at an inflated price is called a watered stock. (A) issued (B) is issued (C) it is issued (D) which issued Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat kalimat diatas terdapat 1 clause yang lengkap: subject (A stock) dan verb (is called). Jadi kita tidak membutuhkan lagi subject atau pun verb lainnya kecuali jika terdapat connector. Pilihan B dan C terdapat verb namun tidak disertai dengan connector sehingga salah. Pilihan D terdapat connector tapi tidak terdapat verb, hanya terlihat past participle (issued) yang butuh helping verb. Sehingga pilihan yang tepat ialah pilihan A. 8. Acidic lava flows readily and tends to cover much larger areas, while basic lava ____. (A) viscous (B) is more viscous (C) more viscous (D) it is more vicious Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat terdapat dua clause yang ditandai adanya connector (while): clause 1 (Acidic lava flows readily and tends), dan clause ke dua kehilangan verb, hanya terlihat subject (basic lava ). Olehnya kita butuh verb untuk melengkapi clause 2. Pilihan A dan C sudah jelas salah karena tidak terdapat verb. Pilihan D salah karena terdapat subject lagi (double subject). Jadi pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan B. 9. Seismic reflections profiling has ____ the ocean floor is underlain by a thin layer of nearly transparent sediments. (A) reveal that (B) revealed that (C) the revelation of (D) revealed about Pembahasan Jawaban: Present Perfect: has + verb III Jawaban D salah karena terdapat preposition (about). Object dari preposition mesti berbentuk noun sementara kalimat di atas terdiri dari clause (the ocean floor is underlain). 10. ____ and terrifying, coral snakes can grow to 4 feet (1.2 meters) in length. (A) They are extremely poisonous (B) The poison is extreme (C) Extremely Poisonous (D) An extreme amount of poison Pembahasan Jawaban: Parallel structure: Extremely poisonous (adjective) + terrifying (adjective) 11. The leaves of the white mulberry provide food for silkworms, ____ silk fabrics are woven. (A) whose cocoons (B) from cocoons (C) whose cocoons are from (D) from whose cocoons

Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat dua clause tanpa connector: clause 1 (The leaves of the white mulberry provide) dan clause 2 (silk fabrics are woven). Jadi yang kita butuhkan ialah connector untuk menghubungkan dua clause. Jawaban yg paling sesuai ialah piliha D. 12. As ____ in Greek and Roman mythology, harpies were frightful monsters that were half woman and half bird. (A) described (B) to describe (C) description (D) describing Pembahasan Jawaban: As described in Greek and Roman mythology (sebagaimana digambarkan dalam mitos Roman dan Yunani) 13. Not only ____ generate energy, but it also produces fuel for other fission reactors. (A) a nuclear breeder reactor (B) it is a nuclear breeder reactor (C) does a nuclear breeder reactor (D) is a nuclear breeder reactor Pembahasan Jawaban: Parallel structure in paired conjunction (not only ... but also) : Not only (clause) + but also (clause) Kita lihat di bagian but also sudah terdapat clause, maka kita perlu clause untuk bagian not only. Di clause bagian not only sudah terdapat verb (generate) makanya kita perlu subject. Otomatis jawabn B dan C salah karena terdapat verb lagi. Pilihan yang tepat ialah pilihan C. Kita menggunakan does karena kalimat ini berbentuk inversion in (pembalikan: V + Subject). Perhatikan bentuk inversiaon pada kalimat pertanyaan (question).

14. D.W. Griffith pioneered many of the stylistic features and filmmaking techniques ____ as the Hollywood standard. (A) that established (B) that became established (C) what established (D) what became established Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective clause: yang digunakan dalam menggambarkan benda ialah "that" bukan what. Pilihan A salah karena that langsung ketemu established (kehilangan helping verb). Pilihan A benar jika berbentuk "that was established". 15. _____ be needed, the water basin would need to be dammed. (A) Hydroelectric power should (B) When hydroelectric power (C) Hydroelectric power (D) Should hydroelectric power Pembahasan Jawaban: Inversion in conditional sentence. Kalimat aslinya ialah "If hydroelectric power should be needed, the water basin would need to be dammed".


_______ range in color from pale yellow to bright orange. (A) Canaries which (B) Canaries (C) That canaries (D) Canaries that are Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas butuh subject. Dari pilihan jawaban hanya B yang memenuhi syarat. Prinsip Kalimat Bahasa Inggris: Mesti terdapat Subject dan Verb: Canaries (subject) + range (verb) 2. _______ of precious gems is determined by their hardness, color, and brilliance. (A) The valuable (B) It is the value (C) It is valuable (D) The value Pembahasan Jawaban: Kata kerja (is determined) sudah ada. Jadi kita hanya mencari subject kalimat. Hanya pilihan jawaban D yang bisa menjadi subject. Prinsip Kalimat Bahasa Inggris: Mesti terdapat Subject dan Verb 3. _______ a tornado spins in a counterclockwise direction in the northern hemisphere, it spins in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere. (A) However (B) Because of (C) Although (D) That Pembahasan Jawaban: Terdapat dua klausa (S + V): a tornado spins & it spins. Jadi kita butuh connector untuk menghubungkan ke dua klausa. Dari pilihan jawaban hanya C yang memenuhi syarat. Prinsip Kalimat Bahasa Inggris: 2 clause butuh 1 connector. 3 clause butuh dua connector. 4. The Caldecott Medal, _______ for the best children's picture book, is awarded each January. (A) a prize (B) which prize (C) is a prize which (D) is a prize Pembahasan Jawaban: Cara 1: Kalimat di atas terdapat subject (The Caldecott Medal) dan verb (is awarded), ini berarti kalimat sudah lengkap. Kita sudah tidak butuh lagi kata kerja. Otomatis pilihan pilihan C dan D sudah tereliminasi. Pilihan B juga ikut tereliminasi. Kalimat di atas cuma terdiri dari 1 clause jadi tidak butuh connector (which). Jadi pilihan jawaban benar ialah A. Cara 2: Materi Appositive. Appositive ialah noun yang menjelaskan noun lainnya (dalam TOEFL umumnya subject). Jadi kita cuma butuh noun untuk menjelaskan subject (The Caldecott Medal). Dan yang terdapat noun ialah pilihan jawaban A. 5. The horn of the rhinoceros consists of a cone of tight bundles of keratin _______ from the epidermis. (A) grow (B) grows (C) growing (D) they grow Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat Subject (the horn) dan Verb (consists). Jadi kita tidak butuh lagi verb lainnya. Otomatis pilihan jawaban A dan B salah. Pilihan jawaban D juga salah karena membuat clause lain. Ingat 2 clause harus terdapat 1 connector. Jadi tersisalah pilihan jawaban C. 6. Most species of heliotropes are weeds, _______ of them are cultivated. (A) some (B) but some (C) for some species (D) some species Pembahasan Jawaban: Di kalimat atas, terdapat 2 verb (are) dan (are cultivated). Jadi terdapat dua clause. Ingat 2 clause harus terdapat 1 connector. Hanya pilihan jawaban B yang berisi connector (but).

7. Thunder occurs as _______ through air, causing the heated air to expand and collide with layers of cooler air. (A) an electrical charge (B) passes an electrical charge (C) the passing of an electrical charge (D) an electrical charge passes Pembahasan Jawaban: Di kalimat di atas terdapat 1 clause (Thunder occurs) dan 1 connector (as). Jadi bisa ditebak kalimat di atas mesti terdapat dua clause. Dari pilihan jawaban hanya D yang berbentuk clause. Ingat clause terdiri dari Subject dan Verb. 8. Researchers have long debated _______ Saturn's moon Titan contains hydrocarbon oceans and lakes. (A) over it (B) whether it (C) whether (D) whether over Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat 2 clause. Clause 1 (Researchers have long debated); clause 2 (Saturn's moon Titan contains). Jadi kita tinggal butuh 1 connector. Hanya pilihan jawaban C yang terdapat memenuhis syarat. 9. Nimbostratus clouds are thick, dark grey clouds _______ forebode rain. (A) what (B) which (C) what they (D) which they Pembahasan Jawaban: kalimat di atas terdapat subject (Nimbostratus clouds) dan verb (are). JJuga terdapat verb (forebode) jadi terdapat dua clause. Dua clause butuh 1 connector. Jawaban yang benar ialah B. Which berfungsi sebagai connector sekaligus sebagai subject dari verb (forebode). Materi ini masuk dalam materi "Adjective Clause". 10. _______ in several early civilizations, a cubit was based on the length of the forearm from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow. (A) It was used as a measurement (B) A measurement was used (C) The use of a measurement (D) Used as a measurement Pembahasan Jawaban: Used as a measurement in several early civilizations (digunakan sebagai sebuah ukuran di wal-awal peradaban silam), a cubit V + S): Bentuk inversion umum dipakai dalam bentuk question. Hanya pilihan jawaban A memenuhi syarat. 12. _______ seasonal rainfall, especially in regions near the tropics, is winds that blow in an opposite direction in winter than in summer. (A) Causing (B) That cause (C) To cause (D) What causes Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah subject untuk verb (is). Dari pilihan jawaban yang memnuhi syarat secara structure dan meaning ialah pilihan jawaban D. Materi ini masuk dalam katergori Noun Clause di mana noun clause bertindak sebagai subject kalimat. Pilhan jawaban A, B, dan C semuanya bisa digunakan sebagai subject hanya saja tidak sesuai dg kontek kalimat di atas. SAngat mudah dengan menggunakan pendekatan makna translation).

13. The extinct Martian volcano Olympus Mons is approximately three times as _______ Mount Everest. (A) high (B) high as is (C) higher than (D) the highest of Pembahasan Jawaban: as + adjective + as. Pilihan jawaban B yang terdapat as. 14. The flight instructor, _______ at the air base, said that orders not to fight had been given. (A) when interviewed (B) when he interviewed (C) when his interview (D) when interviewing : Pilihan benar ialah A. when interviewed (ketika diwawancara). 15. In the northern and central parts of the state of Idaho _______ and churning rivers. (A) majestic mountains are found (B) found majestic mountains (C) are found majestic mountains (D) finding majestic mountains Pembahasan Jawaban: terdapat place expression 9In the northern and central parts of the state of Idaho) di awal kalimat. Dalam TOEFL ini menandakan adanya inversion (pembalikan S + V --> V + S): Hanya pilihan jawaban C memenuhi syarat. Attempt (transitive verb) --> Attempt + to infinitive pilihan B salah karena to original themes bukan to infinitive. 2.Despite its fishlike form, the whale is......and will drown if submerged too long. (a)an animal breathes air that (b)an animal that breathes air (c)an animal breathes air (d)that an animal breathes air Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective Clause 3.The saguaro ,found in desert regions in the southwestern United States ,......cactus in the world. (a)is the largest (b)the largest (c)that is the largest (d)the largest that is a Pembahasan Jawaban: Superlative Degree 4. It is said that United Stales literature ____________ individuality and identity in the twentieth century, after long imitation of European models. (a)was achieved (b)achieved (c)to achieve (d)achieving Pembahasan Jawaban: Subject + Verb (Sentences with Multiple Clause -Noun Clause)

5. Lucy Stone, ____________ first feminists in the United States, helped organize the American Woman Suffrage Association in 1869. (a)the one (b)who was the (c)another (d)one of the Pembahasan Jawaban: one of the + plural nouns / Appositive 6. _______, including climate, mineral content, and the permanency of surface water, wetlands may be mossy ,grassy , scrubby, or wooded. (a)Depending on many factors (b)Many factors depending on (c)Factors depending on many (d)On many factors depending Pembahasan Jawaban: Sentences with one clause -Subject + Verb Yang menjadi subject adalah gerund dan verb adalah may be (7) Duke Ellington's orchestra, _______ his own often complex compositions, made many innovations in jazz. (a)he played (b)playing (c)that it played (d)was playing Pembahasan Jawaban: Present Participle (Adjective) / Reduction in Adjective Clause (8) The term "ice age" refers to any of several periods of time when glaciers covered considerably more of Earth's surface _______. (a)as is today (b)than today is (c)than they do today (d)that today Pembahasan Jawaban: Comparative degree (9)From colonial times ,United States property owners agreed to tax themselves on the theory......directly from services that the government could provide. (a)property owners benefited so that (b)why property owners benefited (c)that if property owners benefited (d)that property owners benefited Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective Clause (10)Helium is not flammable and, next to hydrogen, is...... (a)known the lightest gas (b)lightest the known gas (c)the lightest gas known (d)the known gas lightest Pembahasan Jawaban: Superlative & Past participle (11)Wild eagles that survive to adulthood are believed......from 20 to 30 years. (a)live (b)to live (c)they live (d)their living Pembahasan Jawaban: Sentences with multiple clause / verb + to invinitive (12)Portland, ......, is located primarily on two hilly peninsulas overlooking Casco Bay and its many island. (a)which Maine's largest city (b)Maine's largest city where

(c)is Maine's largest city (d)Maine's largest city Pembahasan Jawaban: Appositive 13.......widely used in the chemical industry, sodium carbonate is principally consumed by the glass industry. (a)Despite (b)Whether (c)Though (d)Except for Pembahasan Jawaban: Reduction in adverbial clause 14.Cells, first identified by the early microscopists, began to be considered ...... in the nineteenth century. (a)them as microcosm of living organisms (b)the microcosm of living organisms (c)the microcosm of living organisms to be (d)as which ,the microcosm of living organisms Pembahasan Jawaban: Consider + noun + noun/adjective Contoh lain: I consider you an excellent student. --> an excellent student (noun) I consider you intelligent. --> intelligent (adjective) 15.Like Jupiter, Saturn is a large, gaseous planet composed......of hydrogen and helium. (a)it is mostly (b)mostly (c)almost (d)both are almost Pembahasan Jawaban: composed + mostly of

1. The ancestors of the horse lived ..... and were about half a meter tall. (A) years ago 60 million (B) 60 million years ago (C) ago 60 million years (D) million years ago 60 2. The museum on Ellis Island, a former immigration station, contains documents and four centuries of United States immigration. (A) related them (B) related (C) related that (D) be related 3. _________, particularly the oxides of sulfur, greatly increases the rate at which rust forms. (A) The presence of air pollutants (B) Air pollutants are present (C) Because the presence of air pollutants (D) Air pollutants whose presence 4. The Sun, the Moon, and Earth have magnetic fields, and _________ evidence that the stellar that extend through vast regions galaxies have fields of space. (A) which is (B) is (C) because (D) There is 5. The “confederation school” poets of nineteenth-century Canada were primarily nature poets, _________ a wealth of eulogies to Canadian rural life. (A) and producing (B) who they produced (C) producing (D) whose production of

6. Since prehistoric people first applied natural pigments to cave walls, ______ have painted to express themselves. (A) when artists (B) artists (C) artists who (D) that artists 7. About 42 million bushels of oats are used annually ______ manufacture of breakfast foods in the United States. (A) the (B) is the (C) in the (D) to 8. Any acid can, in principle, neutralize any base, although ______ between some of the more reactive compounds. (A) side reactions can occur (B) the occurrence of side reactions can (C) can side reactions occur (D) side reactions that can occur 9. Just over two-thirds of Earth’s surface is covered by water, ...... more than 98 percent of this water is contained in the oceans. (A) with (B) which (C) and (D) resulting 10. Pleasing to look at and touch, beads come in shapes, colors, and materials handle and to sort them. (A) that almost compel one (B) one compels (C) that compel almost (D) one is almost compelled 11. In 1978 the united States National Air and Space Administration selected Sally Ride.......the first woman astronaut. (A) who being (B) to be (C) and being (D) was 12. Adhesions are ....... formed within the body in response to inflammation or injury. (A) that thin bands of scar tissue (B) they thin bands of scar tissue when (C) thin bands of scar tissue (D) thin bands of scar tissue able to 13. The planet Neptune is about 30 times ...... from the Sun as Earth is. (A) far (B) as far (C) more far (D) far that 14. Not until the 1850's ...... a few public-spirited citizens and state legislatures seek to rescue historic buildings in the United States from destruction or alteration. (A) both (B) came (C) did (D) when 15. ...... 200 bones forming the framework, or skeleton, of the human body. (A) Being over (B) There are over (C) Where over (D) Over

Pembahasan Jawaban Number 1: (B) 60 million years ago -----------> the simple one: 3 years ago. Number 2: (B) related -----------> artifacts related to four centuries of United States immigration. -----------> REDUCTION IN ADJECTIVE CLAUSE: artifacts (THAT ARE) related to four centuries of United States immigration. Number 3: (A) The presence of air pollutants ------------> MISSING SUBJECT Number 4: (D) there is ------------> 3 CLAUSES The Sun, the Moon, and Earth have magnetic fields. There is evidence that the stellar have fields of space. The stellar that extend through vast regions galaxies (Dependent clause: adjective clause). Number 5: (C) producing ------------> REDUCTION IN ADJECTIVE CLAUSE ------------> nature poets, producing a wealth of eulogies to Canadian rural life. ------------> nature poets, who produced a wealth of eulogies to Canadian rural life 6. (B) artists ---> The sentence needs A SUBJECT 7. (C) in the --> SUBJECT: About 42 million bushels of oats --> VERB: are used --> ADVERB: annually --> ADVERB: in the manufacture of breakfast foods in the United States. 8. (A) side reactions can occur --> The sentence requires a SUBJECT + VERB Number 9: (C) and ----------> 2 clauses NEEDS a connector. Number 10: (A) that almost compel one ----------> ADJECTIVE CLAUSE Number 11: (B) to be ----------> INFINITIVE VS Gerund Number 12: (C) thin bands of scar tissue -----------> MISSING COMPLEMENT Number 13: (B) as far ------------> as + adjective/adverb + as Number 14: (C) did ------------> Inversion Number 15: (B) There are over ------------> The sentence requires a SUBJECT + VERB

1. Andy Warhol was —— in the Pop Art movement who was known for his multi-image silkscreen paintings. (A) that one of a leading figure (B) a leading figure (C) leading figures (D) who leads figures Pembahasan Jawaban: Andy Warhol merupakan seorang figur terkenal (a leading figure). Tips: Di soal kita bisa identifikasi ada 2 clause: 1. Andy Warhol was —— in the Pop Art movement 2. who was known for his multi-image silk-screen paintings. Clauseke dua kita lihat sudah lengkap (terdiri dari subjek dan kata kerja) jadi sudah tidak ada masalah. Clause pertama kita lihat terdapat subjek dan kata kerja yang belum lengkap. Dari pilihan yang ada ada dua kemungkinan jawaban yang benar sesuai structure: jawaban B dan jawaban C. Leading berfungsi sebagai kata sifat bukan kata kerja jadi sangat jelas jawabannya ialah B. Soal ini juga mudah dijawab dengan menggunakan sistem pemaknaan. 2. Even with vast research, there is still a great deal that is —— known about the workings of the human brain. (A) neither (B) none (C) no (D) not Pembahasan Jawaban: not + verb. 3. —— the United States consists of many different immigrant groups, many sociologists believe there is a distinct national character. (A) In spite of (B) Despite (C) Even though (D) Whether Pembahasan Jawaban: yang kita butuhkan ialah connector kalimat (pilihan jawaban C). Tips: Di soal terdapat dua clause: 1. ___ the United States consists of many different immigrant groups, 2. many sociologists believe there is a distinct national character. Kita lihat terdapat dua clause yang lengkap (terdiri dari subject dan verb). Jadi yang kita butuhkan hanyalah konektor untuk menghubungkan ke dua clause di ata. Prinsip: Jika dua clause maka kita butuh 1 connector untuk menghubungkannya: jika 3 clause maka kita butuh 2 connector dan begitu seterusnya. Dari pilihan jawaban hanya pilihan D dan C yang merupakan connector. Sementara pilhan A dan B merupakan preposition. Dari segi makna sangat jelas pilihan jawabannya ialah C. 4. Typically —— in meadows or damp woods and bloom in the spring. (A) wild violets grow (B) wild violets growth (C) growing wild violets (D) the growth of wild violets Prinsip: Setiap kalimat mesti mempunyai minimal 1 kombinasi subject dan verb. Pembahasan Jawaban: Di soal di atas tidak terdapata subject dan verb. Jadi kita butuhkan subject dan verb. Dari pilihan jawaban hanya pilihan jawaban A yang mempunyai subject (wild violets) dan verb (grows). 5. The art works of Madlyn-Ann Woolwich are characterized by strong, dark colors and fine attention to patterns of light —— the viewer’s eye. (A) that attract (B) when attracted (C) which attraction (D) attract to Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective Clause

6. A grass-eating, river-dwelling mammal, the hippopotamus —— to the pig. (A) being related (B) is related (C) relate (D) relating Pembahasan Jawaban: Soal di atas kehilangan verb. Jadi kita butuh verb untuk melengkapi kalimat. Hanya pilihan jawaban B dan C yang berisikan verb. Relate + to (relate merupakan transitive verb yang membutuhkan object jadi tidak boleh ada to menghalangi). Yang cocok ialah related + to (related to merupakan phrase yang sangat umum digunakan). 7. Woodrow Wilson —— as governor of New Jersey before he was elected President of the United States in 1912. (A) to have served (B) who has served (C) serving (D) served Pembahasan Jawaban: Dari soal di atas kita bisa identifikasi terdapat dua clause dan 1 connector (before). 1. Woodrow Wilson —— as governor of New Jersey 2. he was elected President of the United States in 1912. Kita lihat bahwa clause 1 kehilangan verb, jadi kita butuh verb dan di pilihan jawaban hanya pilihan D yang menyediakan verb (utama). 8. —— fish in Great Salt Lake, but its waters do contain small brine shrimp. (A) Why no (B) No (C) Not only (D) There are no Prinsip: Jika dua clause maka kita butuh 1 connector untuk menghubungkannya: jika 3 clause maka kita butuh 2 connector dan begitu seterusnya 9. An etude is a short musical composition written especially —— a particular technique. (A) enable students practicing (B) enables students practicing (C) enable students to practice (D) to enable students to practice Pembahasa Jawaban: subject dan verb sudah terdapat pada soal jadi kita hanya butuh pelengkap (complement) tidak butuh lagi verb (utama). Di pilihan A, B, dan C terdapat verb (utama). To infinitive (to enable) merupakan contoh sebuah complement. 10. Seldom —— games been of practical use in playing real games. (A) theories of mathematics (B) theorized as mathematics (C) has the mathematical theory of (D) the mathematical theory has Pembahasan Jawaban: Inversion (pembalikan). Subject + Verb ---> Verb + Subject. Seldom (negative expression) merupakan sala satu karakteristik dari bentuk inversion. 11. The city of Kalamazoo, Michigan, derives its name from a Native American word —– “bubbling springs.” (A) meant (B) meaning (C) that it meant (D) whose meaning Pembahasan Jawaban: present participle 12. Jet propulsion involves —— of air and fuel, which forms a powerful exhaust. (A) a mixture of ignited (B) to ignite a mixture (C) a mixture of igniting

(D) the ignition of a mixture Pembahasan Jawaban: involves + object (noun). Untuk lebih mudah perhatikan kata of each of which yang menjelaskan states. 15. Though smaller than our solar system, a quasar, which looks like an ordinary star, emits more light —— galaxy. (A) than an entire (B) entirely as (C) that the entire (D) entirely than Pembahasan Jawaban: comparison degree ----> dapat diketahui dari frasa more light.

DIRECTIONS: Questions 1-15 are partial sentences. Below each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Select the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question you have selected. Blacken the space so that the letter inside the circle does not show. EXAMPLE I A Drying flowers is the best way them. (A) to preserve (B) by preserving (C) preserve (D) preserved The sentence should state, "Drying flowers is the best way to preserve them." Therefore, the correct answer is (A). EXAMPLE II Many American universities as small, private colleges. (A) begun (B) beginning (C) began (D) for the beginning

The sentence should state, "Many American universities began as small, private colleges." Therefore, the correct answer is (C). After you read the directions, begin work on the questions. l. The upper branches of the tallest trees produce more leaves -------other branches. (A) than do (B) than does (C) than they do (D) than it does 2. No one -----------projections of demographic shifts are reliable and will prove to be valid in the future. (A) know how (B) knows whether (C) knows even (D) know who 3. Senior executives often receive bonuses when their profit targets are reached or--------(A) surpass (B) surpasses (C) surpassed (D) surpassing 4. Since the 1970s, riding bicycles......... in the United States. (A) becomes increasingly widespread (B) become increasingly widely spread (C) has become increasingly widespread (D) has increased and becomes spread widely 5. Horseradish has extended stems and a large root that is grated ......... a spicy food sauce. (A) to making (B) to make (C) to be made (D) to the making 6. Vitamin A maintains the sharpness of human vision .........and promotes healthy bones. (A) at night (B) of the night (C) for the night (D) nighttime 7. ........., often used in children's poetry and rhymes, are a result of words used in ambiguous contexts. (A) Humorous and misunderstood (B) Misunderstand humorously (C) Humorous misunderstandings (D) Misunderstanding its humor 8. Modern scanning technology enables physicians to identify brain disorder earlier ......... than in the past. (A) and more accurate (B) and more accurately (C) accurate and more (D) accurately and more 9. Educational toys and games give children an opportunity to enjoy themselves--------------. (A) while their learning (B) while learning (C) are they learning

(D) and they are learning 10. William Hazlitt's essays, written in ----------- style, appeared between 1821 and 1822. (A) vigorously and informally (B) vigorous and informally (C) vigor and informality (D) vigorous and informal 11. Wild hogs inhabited Europe and other parts of the world .........6 million years ago. (A) as long (B) as long as (C) then it was (D) than it was 12. Electrically charged particles exert a magnetic force on one another even -------- not in physical contact. (A) if there are (B) they are (C) if they are (D) are they 13. F. Scott Fitzgerald's early literary success led to extravagant living and ---------- a large income. (A) a need for (B) to need for (C) needed for (D) for he needed 14. Water fire extinguishers must never be used for fires that involve--------(A) electrically equipped (B) equipment, electrically (C) electricity equipped (D) electrical equipment 15. By the 1300s, the Spanish had learned that gunpowder could -------- propel an object with incredible force. (A) use to (B) be used to (C) been used to (D) using it to

Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure Model Test 1 by Barron's) 1. Fort Niagara was built by the French in 1726 on land ….the Seneca Indians. a. They buy from b. bought from c. buying from d. was bought from 2. Soil texture depends on the proportions of clay and sand particles, ……soil porosity. a. both alter b. which alter c. where altered d. although altered.

3. The writers of the realist movement embraced the notion that art should depict life….. a. accurately and objectively b. accuracy and objectivity c. accurate and objective d. accurate objectivity 4. A ratio is a comparison of …….whole or a part to another part. a. part to the b. a part to c. a part to the d. the part to the 5. The bones of the elderly are more prone to fractures and splintering …..of young people. a. than that b. than those c. those than d. that than 6. English and Scottish settlers………..Belfast as a trading post in 1613. a. they established b. established themselves c. established d. establishing 7. The formulation of economic policies necessitates meticulous consideration…..large segments of the population. a. because they affect b. they are affected because c. affect them because d. because affecting them 8. Only…..feathered creatures inhabit the Arctic region year around. a. fewer b. fewer than c. as few as d. a few 9. Before Richard Bennet accepted the appointment as the prime minister of Canada in 1930, he… a lawyer. a. had achieved a successful b. had been achieved successfully c. has achieved success d. had achieved success 10. Gardeners transplant bushes and flowers by moving them from one place to ….. a. other b. others c. another d. each other 11. Museums of natural history are ordinarily ……by special interest groups created for that purpose. a. owned and operated b. they own and operate c. owning and operating d. the owner operates 12. A surge in the level of stress……….the recurrence of nightmares. a. apparent increase b. apparently increase

c. apparently increases d. apparent increase 13. Each bowler ……… each frame, unless a strike is bowled. a. rolling the ball twice b. the ball is rolled twice c. rolls the ball twice d. the ball rolls twice 14. William Hearst had five sons,……………eventually became executives in the Hearts newspaper conglomerate. a. all of them b. of them all c. all of whom d. who of all 15. An axiomatic assumption in physics holds that all matter has kinetic energy……….motion and mass. a. because its b. because of its c. because it is d. because of it 2. Petunjuk Soal: Untuk bentuk soal nomor 1, 2, 3 dan sejenisnya dicari pilihan yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat yang kosong. Sementara untuk soal nomor 4, 5, 6 dan sejenisnya dicari kata yang tidak sesuai (salah) dengan struktu kalimat. 1. The Eiffel Tower ___________ Paris, France. a. landmarks b. is landmarked in c. is a landmark in d. is in a landmark 2. Young deer _________. a. are called fawns b. be fawns c. is fawns d. are fawns called 3. Not until a dog is several months old does it begin to exhibit signs of independence ___________. a. its mother from b. from mother c. to mother d. from its mother 4. The Treasury Department ( take) a new look at regulations limiting the (b.number) of interest that bank and (c.savings), and loan associations (d.can) pay on deposits. 5. (a.Him) should ( careful) with that vase because ( is very) old (d.and extremely fragile). 6. The repair shop (a.keep) my cassette player for six weeks before (b.returning it), (c.nevertheless), ( still) does not work properly. 7. To score a goal in soccer you ________. a. must kick the ball b. must kicks the ball c. may kick them ball d. must kick them balls

8. The observation deck at the Sears Tower _________ in Chicago. a. is highest than any other one b. is highest than any other one c. is higher than any other one d. is higher that any other one 9. If it _________ so cloudy, we would plan on having the fair outside. a. was b. was not c. weren’t d. had not 10. At the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman _________ for the vice presidency. a. to being nominated b. to has been nominated c. to have been nominated d. to will be nominated 11. Pearl Buck, (a.a recipient) of the Nobel Peace Prize (b.for Literature) in 1938 (c.strove to bring) understanding and peace (d.on everyone). 12. In most circumstances (a.the person that owns) the property (b.can claim) the rights ( money) made (d.from drilling oil) on their property. 13. _______ chocolate will give you a tummy ache. a. Eat too much b. Eating to much c. Eating too much d. Eating too many 14. If she ____________ to advance her clock one hour, she wouldn’t have been late for work. a. should have remembered b. could remembered c. remembered d. would have remembered 15. It (a.was) obvious from his response in the press conference (b.that) the candidate (c.prepare) his answers (d.well). 16. A dream about falling _________. a. scary is b. is scary c. are scary d. very scary is 17. George Washington _________first U.S. President. a. was the b. became c. were the d. are the 18. Amelia Earhart was _______________ to pilot her plane across the Atlantic Ocean. a. the first and a woman b. the first woman c. who the first woman d. the woman who first

19. (a.Crawfish) farming (b.have been practiced) in south Louisiana (c.for) many (d.years). 20. The main purpose (a.of this class) is to ( you) better understand the (c.history of there) country, and how ( came to be). 21. ____________ a tree can be grown from a seedling. a. That is generally believed b. Believed generally is c. Generally believed it is d. It is generally believed that 22. The White Rose Bridge, (a.which close) today, for (b.resurfacing will not) be ( for) (d.two months). 23. (a.When) I joined the staff (b.of the) newspaper, I (c.were taught) to write short, powerful (d.headlines). 24. (a.Since the) official school colors (b.are red) and white, (c.all of) us (d.has worn) red and white to the championship game. 25. The poverty level in the United State is currently set __________________. a. at 12,000 dollars or less. b. as 12,000 dollars or less. c. at 12,000 dollars as less d. at 12,000 dollar or less. Kunci Jawaban 3. CADAA AACBC DCCDC BABBC DACDA