Soal Usbn Bahasa Inggris K 06 Utama [PDF]

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LEMBAR SOAL Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Program Hari / Tanggal Dimulai Pukul Diakhiri Pukul

: BAHASA INGGRIS : XII / SEMUA PROGRAM KEAHLIAN : Selasa, 2 April 2019 : 07.30 WIB : 09.30 WIB


Tulislah lebih dahulu Nomor Peserta dan Identitas anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan sesuai petunjuk yang diberikan oleh pengawas menggunakan pena/ballpoint. 2. Untuk menjawab soal pilihan ganda, gunakan pena/ballpoint untuk menyilang pada huruf A, B, C, D atau E pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan. 3. Untuk menjawab soal uraian, gunakan pena/ballpoint dalam menuliskan jawaban pada lembar jaeaban yang telah disediakan. 4. Selama pelaksanaan USBN tidak diperkenankan bertanya atau meminta penjelasan mengenai jawaban soal yang diujikan kepada siapapun termasuk kepada pengawas. 5. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, HP, Kamus dan alat bantu lain dalam menjawab soal USBN. 6. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum anda menjawabnya. 7. Laporkan kepada pengawas bila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang. 8. Jumlah soal sebanyak 45 butir, terdiri dari : Soal Pilihan Ganda 40 butir dan Soal Uraian 5 butir. 9. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah. 10. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas dan keluar ruangan.

PETUNJUK KHUSUS A. Soal Pilihan Ganda 1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada salah satu pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D, E pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan. 2. Apabila ada jawaban yang Anda anggap salah, dan anda ingi memperbaikinya, tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan correction pen (tipe-X) atau penghapus, melainkan dengan cara seperti di bawah ini : Contoh : Pilihan semula Dibenarkan A B C D E A B C D E B. Soal Uraian 1. Jawablah dengan singkat dan jelas.



Untuk perbaikan menjawab soal uraian (essai) dengan cara mencoret jawaban yang salah dengan dua garis dan menuliskan di atas jawaban yang diperbaiki.


I. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C or D in your answer sheet. LISTENING SECTION. In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are 4 parts to this section, with special directions for each part. Part I. Pictures Question: 1 to 3. Directions: For each item, there is a picture and four short statements about it on the tape. They are spoken two times, and are NOT WRITTEN out on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one sentence – (A), (B), (C), or (D) - that best describe the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice. Example: Sample Answer Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences. A




a. The basket is made of woven rattan. b. They shot the ball to the basket. c. Some fruits is put in the basket. d. We need the basket for this stuff.  Choice (a)- “ The basket is made of woven rattan” – best describe what can be seen in the picture. Therefore, you should mark (a) on your answer sheet.  Now let’s begin with picture number 1. 1.




Part II: Question – Response Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several question spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question. Now listen to a sample question: Sample Answer

You hear

: “Will you be here this summer?”

You will also hear

: (a) Yes. Summer is my favorite season. (b) Yes, They will be here soon.





(c) No, I won’t. I plan to visit my family.  Choice (c) – “No, I won’t, I plan to visit my family” – is the appropriate response to the question (will you be here this summer?). Then, you should mark (C ) on your answer sheet. Now, let’s begin with question number 4. 4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet! 5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet! 6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet! 7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet! Part III: Short Conversation. Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. The conversation will not be printed in your test book. You will hear the conversation two times, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker say. In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. Example: You will hear: Girl : Are you sixteen yet? Boy : Not yet, but my birthday is in March. Girl : When in March? Boy : It is March 20th. You will read What do you learn from the conversation? a. b. c. d.

The girl is sixteen years old. The boy is twenty years old. The boy was born in March. The girl’s birthday is March 20th.

Sample Answer A




 Choice ( c ) – “ The boy was born in March” – best answer the question ( What you learn from the conversation ). Therefore, you should mark ( c ) on your answer sheet. 8. Where will the man meet people? A. In another country B. In the library C. At the town hall D. In class 9. What problem is the woman having? A. Many students in his class were sick B. She is taking an evening class and is tired C. Her teacher was late for class D. Her class was cancelled because there was no teacher 10. What is the man’s concern? A. The company forgot his bonus UJIAN SEKOLAH BERSTANDAR NASIONAL K- 2006/TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019/UTAMA 4

B. He got Peter’s paycheck C. His paycheck bounced D. His paycheck was the wrong amount 11. Why can’t they go lunch today? A. The man brought lunch from home B. The man has plans already C. It is not a nice day to walk D. The restaurant won’t be open until tomorrow PART IV: Short Talk. Direction: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. Let’s begin with short talk number 12. 12. Where is the announcement taking place? A. A train station B. A safety seminar C. A ferry terminal D. A cruise ship 13. What safety devices are provided? A. Life preserves and life jackets B. Whistles to signal for help C. Emergency exits D. Life rafts 14. Who is the telephone message from? A. The receiving department B. A shipping company C. A supplier D. A customer 15. What is the problem? A. The order will not ship out tomorrow B. An item in the order was out of stock C. The billing statement was incorrect D. The shipping rates have changed


READING COMPREHENSION Questions number 16 to 18 refer to the following text. Kevin Systrom is the founder and CEO of the globally famous online mobile photo and video sharing application, Instagram. Kevin was born on the 30th of December 1983 in Massachusetts to Diane and Douglas. His mother was a marketing executive at Zipcar, while his father was the Vice President (HR) at TJX Companies. He was first introduced to computer programming during his schooling days at Middlesex School, which only grew further while playing Doom 2 and creating his own levels as a child. As he grew in age, he began creating programs to prank his friends by appearing to hack their AOL Instant Messenger accounts. This undying love for technology was initially instilled in him from his mother, who had entered the tech world during its nascent stages. When the time came to apply in a college, without a flinch he chose Stanford University. The choice was obvious, given the fact that they had a list of tech offerings and also held deep ties with the Silicon Valley. Kevin although began his college life with Computer Science but later moved to Management Science and Engineering Program because the classes at CS were more academic than applied, and MS had a focus driven towards more practical subjects like finance and economics. 16. What is the purpose of the text about? A. To show Kevin Systrom’s physical appearance. B. To tell about the founder of Instagram education history. C. To describe the globally famous online application. D. To share information about Systrom’s career. 17. Kevin moved from Computer Science to Management Science because ... A. Management Science was the most popular program. B. they held deep ties with the Silicon Valley. C. he was inspired by his mother during the tech world. D. he would rather apply some new knowledge he got. 18. “As he grew in age, he began creating programs to prank his friends ...” (paragraph 2) What is the synonym of the underlined word? A. To joke B. To help C. To play D. To create 19. “ ... by appearing to hack their AOL Instant Messenger accounts.” (paragraph 2) The word “their” refers to... . A. Kevin Systrom and his mother B. Systrom’s school friends C. Kevin’s mother and father D. AOL Instant Messenger accounts UJIAN SEKOLAH BERSTANDAR NASIONAL K- 2006/TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019/UTAMA 6

Questions 20 to 22 refer to the following text. To : All staff members From : Eric Sato, office manager I know you will all be pleased to learn that the new photocopy machine has finally arrived. The new machine has more features and performs more functions than the old one. While this will make things more convenient for us in the long run, it can make it more complicated to learn how to operate the machine initially. In addition, we all want to avoid the problem of constant breakdowns that we had with the old machine. Therefore, if you have any problems with the machine, please ask my assistant, Ms. Ono, to help you. Similarly, please do not attempt to remove paper jams, add toner, or refill the paper bin until Ms. Ono has shown you how to do this. Ms. Ono has received training from the manufacturer of the machine and is fully knowledgeable about how to run it and how to troubleshoot it. Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy the new machine 20. What is the purpose of the text? A. To inform the staff that the old machine is broken. B. To tell the staff about the new photocopy machine. C. To let the staff know that Ms. Ono will receive training. D. To explain to the staff how to run a photocopy machine. 21. What should the staff members do if they have difficulties with the machine? A. Speak to Ms. Ono. B. Call the manufacturer. C. Read the training manual. D. Ask the office manager for assistance. 22. “... is fully knowledgeable about how ...” (2nd last sentence of the paragraph) The underlined word is closest meaning to.... A. complicated B. competent C. interested D. pleased Questions number 23 to 25 refer to the following text. ANNOUNCEMENT To: All Students of SMK Mandala 6 To celebrate the National Education Day, the Students Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English speech contest, English story telling contest, and Wall Magazine competition. The programs will be held on 15th of January 2019 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. All classes must take part at least one programs and should register the participant to their English teachers. For detailed information, please contact Mr. Basuki, the coordinator of this program.


23. What is the topic of the text? A. The celebration of English speech contest B. The commemoration of National Education Day C. The information about program coordinator D. The competition at SMK Mandala 6 in English Day 24. What will the students probably do after deciding the delegation of each class? A. Celebrating the programs B. Enrolling to English teacher C. Contacting students organization D. Taking part other programs 25. "... please contact Mr. Basuki, the coordinator of this program. What does the word “coordinator” mean? A. Someone who organize himself to achieve something B. Someone who teach the students in the classroom. C. Someone whose job is to make people work together D. Someone whose task is to control books in library Questions number 26 to 28 refer to the following dialog. Seva : “What does your sister do for living?” Maria : “She works in an office. She usually answers calls, takes messages and handles correspondence. Sometimes she types, prepares and collates reports, and arranges appointmentsof her boss.” Seva : “Great! Is she a secretary?” Maria : “Yes. I want to be like her after graduating.” Seva : “I see. That’s why you dresses like this every hangout, right?” Maria : “Of course.” 26. From the dialog, we know that ... A. Maria wants to be a secretary. B. Seva’s sister works in an office. C. Maria usually takes messages. D. Seva also arranges appointments. 27. How does Seva know Maria’s future dream? A. By dressing like graduating students. B. By looking at Maria’s fashion style. C. By arranging her friend’s appointments. D. By having discussion with her mother. 28. “Sometimes she types, prepares and collates reports, ...” What is the similar meaning of the bold word? A. Disperses. B. Spreads. C. Scatters. D. Orders. Questions number 29 to 30 refer to the following dialog. Ilhan : “Why don’t you go home, Bagus? It’s getting rain.” UJIAN SEKOLAH BERSTANDAR NASIONAL K- 2006/TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019/UTAMA 8

Bagus : “I have to finish my homework before reaching home.” Ilhan : “How come? It’s a homework, right? So, we do it at home.” Bagus : “That’s right. But, I have to take care of my little sister since my mother sells meatball with my father in the city. I will be very hectic of that.” Ilhan : “Great, Bagus. You can handle it all.” 29. What can be concluded from the dialog? A. Bagus likes doing homework at home. B. Bagus is responsible only at school. C. Bagus will be busy selling meatballs. D. Bagus can handle his responsibility. 30. “I will be very hectic of that.” The word “hectic” has the closest meaning with ... A. Quiet. B. Restless. C. Peaceful. D. Calm. Questions 31 to 33 refer to the following text. Medical sales representatives (widely referred to as ‘reps’) are a key link between medical and pharmaceutical companies and health- care professionals. They sell their company’s products, which include medicines, prescription drugs and medical equipment, to a variety of customers including GPs and hospital doctors, pharmacists, and nurses. They work strategically to increase the awareness and use of their company’s pharmaceutical and medical products. Medical sales reps are usually based in a specific geographical location and specialize in a particular product or medical area. They may make presentations and organize group events for healthcare professionals, as well as working with contacts on a one-to-one basis. 31. What is the text about? A. The products of Medical sales rep. B. The main job of Medical Sales rep. C. The medical equipment rep. D. The pharmaceutical products. 32. According to the text, what does a variety of customers include? A. Midwives B. Pharmacists C. Professionals D. Patients

33. “They may make presentations and organize group events for healthcare professionals,” The underlined word is best replaced with ... . A. occasions UJIAN SEKOLAH BERSTANDAR NASIONAL K- 2006/TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019/UTAMA 9

B. reunions C. experiences D. celebrations Questions 34 to 35 refer to the following text. Ana : “How about visiting Breksi Cliff this Sunday?” Betty : “I’d better stay at home to study. I have a Physics test on Monday.” Ana : “Right. You should prepare it well. The test is very hard that makes me almost failed.” Betty : “But I want to go to Breksi Cliff too.” Ana : “Never mind. We can delay it until next Sunday. I will tell the others.” 34. Based on the dialog, Ana will ... A. prepare Physics test this Sunday. B. visit Breksi Cliff without Betty. C. go to Breksi Cliff next Sunday. D. stay at home to study for test. 35. What will Betty probably do after having the dialog? A. Going to Breksi Cliff with Ana. B. Studying hard for Physics test. C. Preparing a trip to Breksi Cliff. D. Telling her friends about new plan. 36. “We can delay it until next Sunday.” The underlined word can be replaced with ... A. Assist. B. Finish. C. Permit. D. Postpone. Questions 37 to 39 refer to the following text. Don’t let all the cautions listed here turn you off the idea of checking your vehicle’s battery. It is easy to check your battery. Just locate it and follow these steps : 1. Clean off powdery deposits on the positive and negative terminals. The deposits that form in lovely colors on the top of your terminals are made by battery acid. Before you clean it, remove the cables (negative first) from both terminals by undoing the nut on each cable clamp and wiggling the cable until the clamp comes off the terminal post. 2. Dry everything with a clean, disposable, lint-free rag. Try to avoid getting the powdery stuff on your hands or clothes. If you do, wash it off with water right away. 3. Reconnect the terminals to the battery, replacing the positive cable first and the negative cable last. 4. Examine the battery cables and clamps to see whether they are frayed or corroded. Check the battery case and the terminals.

37. What is the main topic of the text? A. How to turn your battery off. B. A procedure to check a battery. C. A description of someone’s battery. UJIAN SEKOLAH BERSTANDAR NASIONAL K- 2006/TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019/UTAMA 10

D. Checking a battery case and terminals. 38. What will you do if powdery stuff from a battery stains your hands? A. Dry your hands. B. Replace the battery. C. Disconnect the battery. D. Wash it off with water. 39. “Before you clean it, remove the cables …” The underlined word refers to … . A. the battery acid B. the lovely color C. the terminal D. the cable 40. Fill in the incomplete paragraph with suitable words! PT Citra Nusantara Media Tbk, or CNM, operates 4 of Indonesia’s 11 free-to-air (FTA) TV stations and has additional core businesses in television content production and delivery. The company was ... on August 17, 1995, and has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) since August 22, 2004. A. founded B. abolished C. owned D. produced II. ESSAY 41. Read this text and answer the question! All staffs who will apply for an annual leave for 2 days or more need to file a leave form which is available in the Personnel Department Office or contact Ms. Erika Suharso for assistance. The form has to be submitted a week before the leave. When it is approved by the unit manager, the paid leave will be applied automatically. Thank you Mr. Kardiman Sefyadi Personnel Manager We can conclude from the text that the staffs can take their 2-days annual leave after ...

42. Write a good application letter based on job vacancy below.


43. Choose ONE of the topics below, then make a dialog about asking for permission in 40-50 words. a) Your friends plan to visit Karimun Jawa in the next holiday. They ask you to come with them. You will go with them after you ask your parents’ permission. b) You’re having meeting in school organization office. You ask the leader to leave because you want to meet your teacher in the office. c) In the middle of a lesson, you feel sleepy because you slept late. You ask your teacher’s permission to wash your face. 44. Choose ONE of the topics below, then give your opinions in 40-50 words. a) Giving hurtful comments in someone’s social media account should be consider as crime. b) A student who threatenhis teacher in Jawa Timur must be put in jail. c) Students cannot turn on their smartphone during teaching and learning activities. 45. Choose TWO of the job bellows, then describe their daily routines in 30-40 words. a) Teacher b) Nurse c) Technician d) Receptionist e) Librarian