The Legend of Kemaro Island [PDF]

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THE LEGEND OF KEMARO ISLAND (ENGLISH VERSION) A long time ago, there was a kingdom in South Sumatra. The king had a very beautiful daughter. her name was Siti Fatimah. She was single. many young man fell in love with her. however, they did not have any courage to propose her. The king wanted his daughter only to marry a rich man. One day, a ship from China arrived. The captain of the ship was Tan Bun Ann. He was a prince. He came to South Sumatra to do business. He was a merchant. he planned to stay for several months. He came to the palace to meet the king. He wanted to ask the king's permission. "I will let you stay here and do this business. but remember, you have to share your profit. You have to give half of your profit to the kingdom," said the king. "I agree, your majesty," said Tan Bun Ann. Since then, Tan Bun Ann often came to the palace. He met Siti fatimah several times. He really admired her beauty. He tried to find out more about her. He asked his man to ask the people about her. After several days, Tan Bun Ann finally got information about Siti Fatimah. He knew that she was single and the king only wanted to have a rich son in law. The information made Tan Bun Ann worked harder. he wanted to be richer. Tan Bun Ann also approached Siti Fatimah secretly. Siti Fatimah really admired his patience and his spirit to work hard. She also fell in love with him. they secretly had a relationship. After a while, Tan Bun Ann felt it was time for him to propose Siti Fatimah. He talked to the king. "I will let you marry my daughter. But there is one thing you have to do. Give me nine big jars filled with gold," said the king. Tan Bun Ann wrote a letter to his parents in China and told them about Siti Fatimah. The parents agreed and sent him nine big jars filled with gold. To cover the gold from the thieves, the parents put some vegetables on top of the gold. Later, the nine big jars arrived at the pier of Musi River. Tan Bun Ann immediately looked for the jars. He was so surprised. When he opened the cover of the jar, he saw rotten vegetables. He only looked at the top of the jar. he did not search at the bottom of the jars. "Hmmm...Maybe the gold is in the second jar," thought Tan Bun Ann. Again he did not find the gold. He was so angry. He threw the jars into the river. Every time he did not see any gold in the jar, he always threw it to the river. And finally he opened the last jar. Again, he did not see any gold. This time he was so tired. He did not have any power to throw the jar into the river. Instead he smashed the jar with a big stone.

And when the jar was broken, Tan Bun Ann found the gold! He knew he made a mistake. He immediately jumped to the river. He wanted to collect the gold. Siti Fatimah saw what was happening. She waited for Tan Bun Ann at the river bank, but he never showed up. She was impatient. She also wanted to jump and helped him. Before she jumped, she told her guards a message, "If you see a pile of soil on the river bank, and that means it is my grave." Then she jumped into the river. The guards waited and waited. And several days the people saw a pile of soil. The soil was getting bigger and bigger. It finally became an island. The people named it Kemaro Island. Kemaro is from the word kemarau, it means drought season. People named it that because the island is never drowned although the level of the water in the Musi River is high.

LEGENDA PULAU KEMARAU (INDONESIAN VERSION) Cerita Rakyat dari Sumatera Selatan Sebuah waktu yang lama lalu, ada sebuah kerajaan di Sumatera Selatan. raja memiliki seorang putri yang sangat indah. namanya Siti Fatimah. Dia adalah tunggal. banyak anak muda jatuh cinta padanya. Namun, mereka tidak memiliki keberanian untuk mengusulkan nya. Raja ingin putrinya hanya untuk menikah dengan pria kaya. Suatu hari, sebuah kapal dari Cina tiba. Kapten kapal itu Tan Bun Ann. Dia adalah seorang pangeran. Dia datang ke Sumatera Selatan untuk melakukan bisnis. Dia adalah seorang pedagang. ia berencana untuk tinggal selama beberapa bulan. Dia datang ke istana untuk bertemu raja. Dia ingin meminta izin raja. "Aku akan membiarkan Anda tinggal di sini dan melakukan bisnis ini. Tapi ingat, Anda harus berbagi keuntungan Anda. Anda harus memberikan setengah dari keuntungan Anda ke kerajaan," kata raja. "Saya setuju, Yang Mulia," kata Tan Bun Ann. Sejak itu, Tan Bun Ann sering datang ke istana. Dia bertemu Siti Fatimah beberapa kali. Dia benar-benar mengagumi kecantikannya. Dia mencoba untuk mencari tahu lebih banyak tentang dia. Dia meminta manusia untuk meminta orang-orang tentang dia. Setelah beberapa hari, Tan Bun Ann akhirnya mendapat informasi tentang Siti Fatimah. Dia tahu bahwa dia adalah tunggal dan raja hanya ingin memiliki anak yang kaya dalam hukum. Informasi membuat Tan Bun Ann bekerja lebih keras. ia ingin menjadi lebih kaya. Tan Bun Ann juga mendekati Siti Fatimah diam-diam. Siti Fatimah benar-benar mengagumi kesabaran dan semangat untuk bekerja keras. Dia juga jatuh cinta dengan dia. mereka diam-diam memiliki hubungan. Setelah beberapa saat, Tan Bun Ann merasa sudah saatnya bagi dia untuk mengusulkan Siti Fatimah. Dia berbicara dengan raja. "Aku akan membiarkan Anda menikahi putri saya. Tapi ada satu hal yang harus Anda lakukan. Beri

aku sembilan guci besar yang penuh dengan emas," kata raja. Tan Bun Ann menulis surat kepada orang tuanya di Cina dan mengatakan kepada mereka tentang Siti Fatimah. Orang tua setuju dan mengirimnya sembilan guci besar yang penuh dengan emas. Untuk menutupi emas dari pencuri, orang tua menaruh beberapa sayuran di atas emas. Pulau Kemaro

Kemudian, sembilan guci besar tiba di dermaga Sungai Musi. Tan Bun Ann segera mencari guci. Dia begitu terkejut. Ketika ia membuka penutup tabung, ia melihat sayuran busuk. Dia hanya melihat di bagian atas tabung. ia tidak mencari di bagian bawah botol. "Hmmm ... Mungkin emas adalah di jar kedua," pikir Tan Bun Ann. Sekali lagi ia tidak menemukan emas. Dia sangat marah. Dia melemparkan botol ke dalam sungai. Setiap kali dia tidak melihat emas dalam stoples, dia selalu melemparkannya ke sungai. Dan akhirnya ia membuka jar terakhir. Sekali lagi, ia tidak melihat emas pun. Kali ini ia sangat lelah. Dia tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk melemparkan tabung ke sungai. Sebaliknya ia menghancurkan jar dengan batu besar. Dan ketika tabung rusak, Tan Bun Ann menemukan emas! Dia tahu dia melakukan kesalahan. Dia langsung melompat ke sungai. Dia ingin mengumpulkan emas. Siti Fatimah melihat apa yang terjadi. Dia menunggu Tan Bun Ann di tepi sungai, tapi dia tidak pernah muncul. Dia tidak sabar. Dia juga ingin melompat dan membantunya. Sebelum ia melompat, dia bilang penjaga pesan, "Jika Anda melihat tumpukan tanah di tepi sungai, dan itu berarti itu adalah kuburan saya." Kemudian dia melompat ke dalam sungai. Para penjaga menunggu dan menunggu. Dan beberapa hari rakyat melihat tumpukan tanah. tanah itu  semakin besar dan besar. Ini akhirnya menjadi sebuah pulau. Orang-orang menamakannya Pulau Kemaro. Kemaro adalah dari Kemarau kata, itu berarti musim kemarau. Orang menamakannya bahwa karena pulau ini tidak pernah tenggelam walaupun tingkat air di Sungai Musi tinggi.

 ORIENTATION A long time ago, there was a kingdom in South Sumatra. The king had a very beautiful daughter. her name was Siti Fatimah. She was single. many young man fell in love with her. however, they did not have any courage to propose her. The king wanted his daughter only to marry a rich man. 


One day, a ship from China arrived. The captain of the ship was Tan Bun Ann. He was a prince. He came to South Sumatra to do business. He was a merchant. he planned to stay for several months. He came to the palace to meet the king. He wanted to ask the king's permission. "I will let you stay here and do this business. but remember, you have to share your profit. You have to give half of your profit to the kingdom," said the king. "I agree, your majesty," said Tan Bun Ann. Since then, Tan Bun Ann often came to the palace. He met Siti fatimah several times. He really admired her beauty. He tried to find out more about her. He asked his man to ask the people about her. After several days, Tan Bun Ann finally got information about Siti Fatimah. He knew that she was single and the king only wanted to have a rich son in law. The information made Tan Bun Ann worked harder. he wanted to be richer. Tan Bun Ann also approached Siti Fatimah secretly. Siti Fatimah really admired his patience and his spirit to work hard. She also fell in love with him. they secretly had a relationship. After a while, Tan Bun Ann felt it was time for him to propose Siti Fatimah. He talked to the king. "I will let you marry my daughter. But there is one thing you have to do. Give me nine big jars filled with gold," said the king.


Tan Bun Ann wrote a letter to his parents in China and told them about Siti Fatimah. The parents agreed and sent him nine big jars filled with gold. To cover the gold from the thieves, the parents put some vegetables on top of the gold. Later, the nine big jars arrived at the pier of Musi River. Tan Bun Ann immediately looked for the jars. He was so surprised. When he opened the cover of the jar, he saw rotten vegetables. He only looked at the top of the jar. he did not search at the bottom of the jars.

"Hmmm...Maybe the gold is in the second jar," thought Tan Bun Ann. Again he did not find the gold. He was so angry. He threw the jars into the river. Every time he did not see any gold in the jar, he always threw it to the river. And finally he opened the last jar. Again, he did not see any gold. This time he was so tired. He did not have any power to throw the jar into the river. Instead he smashed the jar with a big stone. And when the jar was broken, Tan Bun Ann found the gold! He knew he made a mistake. He immediately jumped to the river. He wanted to collect the gold. Siti Fatimah saw what was happening. She waited for Tan Bun Ann at the river bank, but he never showed up. She was impatient. She also wanted to jump and helped him. 


Before she jumped, she told her guards a message, "If you see a pile of soil on the river bank, and that means it is my grave." Then she jumped into the river. The guards waited and waited. And several days the people saw a pile of soil. The soil was getting bigger and bigger. It finally became an island. The people named it Kemaro Island. Kemaro is from the word kemarau, it means drought season. People named it that because the island is never drowned although the level of the water in the Musi River is high.


From this story we learn not to be rash and try to think straight

Group 1: -Abdul Aziz Al Husyairi -Fazle Mawla Ikhsan -Nabilla Qonita -Rangga Pratama