The Olive Tree Dictionary: A Transliterated Dictionary of Conversational Eastern Arabic (Palestinian)
 9657397065, 9789657397060 [PDF]

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The Olive Tree Dictionary: A Transliterated Dictionary of Conversational Eastern Arabic (Palestinian) 9657397065, 9789657397060 [PDF]

The Olive Tree Dictionary translates from Arabic to English and contains an English Arabic Index. The Dictionary contain

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English,Arabic Pages 784 [778] Year 2007

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Olive Tree Dictionary A Transliterated Dictionary o f Conversational Eastern Arabic

w w w .m i n e r v a . o r g . i 1

The Arabic language Throughout the Arab world, Standard Arabic is the language used for all w ritten texts, such as books, newspapers and correspondence, as well as for radio and television news bulletins. This form of .Arabic is the same everywhere, from Morocco to the Persian Gulf. For everyday verbal communication, on the other hand - in conversations at home or at work, in business transactions, television interviews, etc. - colloquial Arabic is used, and this varies from place to place. These local dialects may be very similar to one another Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians and Palestinians all understand one another without much difficulty - or they may differ from country to country to the extent of being almost mutually unintelligible: an inhabitant of the eastern part of the Arab world won’t understand much of a conversation conducted in a w estern dialect such as Moroccan. It is important to bear in mind that spoken Arabic, and its eastern dialects in particular, is no crude back-street slang with a limited vocabulary; it is the national means of daily communication, and its vocabulary extends to all areas of life. Although different from the written language, it borrows from Standard Arabic (SA) all the new words which modern life demands, and thus enriches itself constantly. This enrichm ent process takes place on a daily basis, as Arabic speakers absorb the language they hear from TV and radio hosts and the experts and celebrities they interview.

Chat-show conversation is conducted in a

mixture of the local dialect and modem vocabulary borrowed from w ritten Arabic. Viewers take in these expressions unconsciously and use them later in their own speech. Even though it is, of course, advisable to learn to read w ritten Arabic, it is impossible to live in an Arab country and communicate with the population without knowledge of the local dialect, and this is why we need dictionaries of the spoken language.

Palestinian Arabic The Arabic spoken in Israel and Palestine, and by the Palestinian diaspora in Lebanon, Syria and elsewhere, is an eastern dialect of Arabic which is understood throughout the Middle East This dialect, no doubt because of its central geographical location, has several advantages over neighbouring dialects such as Lebanese, Syrian and Egyptian: in Palestinian the stress falls almost exactly as it does in classical Arabic (this is not the case with Egyptian dialect, for example), while the vowels are close to those of Standard

121 Arabic, being more varied and more distinct than those of Lebanese or Syrian. In addition, the Palestinian vocabulary contains both words used in Egypt and words common in Lebanon and Syria, thus providing access to these neighbouring dialects, e.g.. lissa /ba^d = stiU- bardo / kamfln - also; zoyy / milri =

like. From this brief survey it

concluded that the study of Psilcstinian dialect provides sn excellent basis for communication in Arabic throughout the Middle E ast

Why phonetic transcription? Why have I transcribed the Arabic words into Latin letters, rather than using the Arabic alphabet? -The practical response is that most people wanting to look up a word they have heard will not necessarily read Arabic easily, and will find it easier to identify the word as it appears in "English" transcription. I do, however, recommend learning to read and write the elegant Arabic script, which will provide you with a vital stepping stone to (eventually) learning Standard Arabic. -There is another, more scientific reason for preferring transcription: Arabic script suits the Standard Arabic language, with its comparatively limited range of sounds. The sounds of colloquial spoken Arabic are more plentiful, and more complex: its vowels are more numerous and more variable than those of Standard Arabic When Arabs write colloquial Arabic (as they often do in captions to newspaper cartoons and in the "balloons" which emerge from the characters’ mouths) they do so in rather a hit-and-miss style. There are no rules which must be strictly adhered to, and so the reader has to be familiar with the particular dialect used in order to read the words exactly as they were intended to be read Colloquial Arabic as written in Arabic script is an accepted form of shorthand which can be properly understood only by someone who already knows the spoken language well "English" transcription, on the other hand (with the addition of a few diacritical signs), allows us to give the vowels their due and to depict the sounds of spoken Arabic with great precision. All books on Arabic dialects make use of transcription.

Variation and regional differences In this dictionary I have chosen urban speech as my standard, for several reasons: it is relatively uniform, it is the dialect normally heard in television interviews, for example, and it is what non-Arabs are expected to speak. Rural dialects differ from region to region, and the dialect of a specific village sounds odd when used indiscriminately by a non-Arab -

unless, of course, he or she has developed d ose ties with that particular village. An informant of mine from ’Umm il-Fahem who settled in Jerusalem made a very dear distinction between urban and rural dialect in a question she once asked me: "Do you want me to talk the way they do in town or the way we do in our village?" There is a lot of research to be done on regional and village dialects, but this does not Call within the scope of a book designed to help non-Arabs acquire the language. My aim is to equip students of Arabic with a Curly standard form of speech which will enable them to understand most of what they hear and to express themselves in an accent which will exdte neither surprise nor ridicule. Nevertheless, I have included in the dictionary a number of words commonly used in rural areas, such as ban; hal-hin (here; now). In Palestinian urban speech, too, there are regional differences, and a word or expression widely used in Jerusalem may not be in Nazareth, or vice-versa. Such words have been marked with a (J) for Jerusalem or a (G) for Galilee, or may be followed by the rather non-committal expression In some areas*: this enables the reader to understand a word he may have heard in Tarshiha. for example, while at the same time warning him that if he uses it elsewhere he may not be understood.

Where do the words and expressions come Cram? Anyone who browses through the dictionary and reads the sample sentences will realise at once that all the examples are "taken from life". For decades I have been recording conversations and radio programmes in the colloquial language (interviews, discussions, children’s programmes, medical programmes, etc.) and from all of these a great deal of udonnatKxi has been extracted. The sentences used as examples in the dictionary - which, in most cases, have been written down exactly as they were uttered - reflect genuine KlualKxu which occur in the everyday life of Arabs in Israel and Palestine. After the material was collected a considerable number of words and expressions were found to require further research in order to discover their precise meaning and to check to what extent they were understood throughout the country. The UAUrmng are examples of typical sentences: • I was expecting that question. • Please sign all the copies! • Don't let your enxrtions run away with you! • Yiw'rc playing with fire. • Everyone looks back on his childhood with noi When will you get there? - It depends on the traffic.

• My insurance company covers everything. • He’s on the phone for hours at a time. • It all depends what kind of drug he's on. • The inoculation is effective, but not one hundred percent. • It’s none of his business, he should keep quiet. • They put an advertisement in the newspaper. • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. How and where do I look up a word? This is certainly a problem - after all, the novice English learner, too, finds it hard to accept that the word went is to be found under go and may be totally baffled by logic-defying pronunciations - but there are strategies for overcoming these difficulties. The following are a few pointers which will help you find a path through the jungle of sounds. 1) Verbs: It is not possible to give every form of every verb, and you will be required to look up verbs in the "basic form’’, i.e., the third person masculine singular in the past tense. This means that forms such as bitrek and matruk Q\e leaves I abandons; left l abandoned) must be looked up under tarak (he left / he abandoned), and so forth. 3) You must bear in mind that forms such as yiffel may be derived from either facal or ’affal - see v-le and v-13 in the Verb Tables at the back of the dictionary. For example, yikser comes from kasar (v-le), but yikrem comes from ’akram (v-13). 4) A large number of verbs start with an i- which is not always pronounced, and the hearer does not always realise that a form such as stanna (wait!) has to be looked up under istanna (see rule HD). In the same way, ’anajhm curet (I blushed) is to be found under ihmarr. 5) A word beginning with m-, ma-, mu-, mi- may be a verb form (an active or a passive participle). If you don’t find it under the letter M, try searching under the root letters or under the basic form (third person masculine singular) of the verb, for example: mothun will be found under (ahem, mtawwel under tawwal. mit’assef under t ’assaf. For further information and special cases, look up the dictionary under edda-, e-, i-, m-, mma-, mu-, td-. Remember: At the back of the dictionary you will find Verb tables which provide the conjugations of the verbs in the spoken language.


English index Vfe love

an index at the end of the book (pp. 645*735) which will enable you to

look i*> wonts in

and find their various translations into Arabic in different parts of

die dictionary:

Abbreviations and symbols Ktive pvt.

active participle: doing / having done

*4 adr pron ool

pronoun - see -ni, *ak, *02, -kom.~, and rule tU , p. 757. collective noun. For further explanation see rule RT1. the construct state, see rule Q ]. comparative adjective (e.g., bigger). When such an adjective is placed before the noun it denotes the superlative (biggest), see ’akbor*.

f at

Nouns which denote females (human or animal) are always (bant, 'imm. fonts). which end in -a (*a) or -e, and which are followed by the , are almost always feminine. Nouns which end in -a. but which are not followed by the number QQ, e g ., mafaa. A few nouns do not follow any of the above rules, e g ., barb (f), zalame (m).




C a t*

J tr *

fct mat

Nouns which end in a consonant are almost always m asculine

fat m fk

see above under f cr 6


pl pi pauc

plural plural of paucity; for further explanation sec rules QT) Qz].

prep pron



pronoun Standard Arabic. Some writers prefer the terms Classical Arabic or


Written Arabic. subjunctive, i.e., the imperfect without b-*.

v-1, v-2

transitive verb belonging to conjugation 1, 2; see Verb Tables, pp. 737-754.


verbal noun, e.g., working, eating, development, execution, etc.


See Verb Tables, pp. 737-754. links two words, to indicate that they have to be pronounced together: in this respect they may be viewed as a single unit: w araj-w alad is pronounced as wtt-rol walad (behind the boy): Suftjdctir = § u f-tek -tir (I’ve seen a lot). ’ana^tsardaqct = 'a -n a t-sa r-d a -q e t (my drink went down the wrong way). +

with the addition of (the word or suffix following this sign).


plus-or-minus, i.e., with-or-without (the word that follows). That is to say, the word which follows this symbol may be added or left out without any change of meaning - both versions are acceptable. See cubwe*, ’abraq*. is equal to... the outcome/product is...


precedes an alternative form


The word preceding this symbol is used in Jerusalem, the word following it is used in Galilee: Galilee.


haiqet//'issa (now) = halqet in Jerusalem, ’issa in

A single square bracket after the plural of a noun introduces its singular form. The singular form appears after the bracket, e.g., byut ] bet*, i.e.. the word byut is the plural of bet, and the asterisk indicates to the reader that the word can be looked up in the dictionary in this form.


Square brackets are used for a variety of purposes: a) After a noun in Arabic the plural form of the same noun is given in square brackets. As the plural forms vary greatly, the singular and plural forms for

[7] each noun should be learned together, e.g., m adrase [madares] (school); bet [byut] (house). b) The 3rd person masculine singular imperfect form of the verb is given in square brackets, immediately after the corresponding form in the past tense, e.g., saf [isufj - to see. Literally he saw (that he may see], c) Within the English translation of an Arabic text, square brackets enclose one or several words in English which are not represented in the Arabic, but which are necessary to complete the text in English, e.g., m is jm n ih = /That's] not good! >

indicates that the preceding word is the comparative form of the adjective which follows the symbol, e.g., 'ak b ar > kbir*, i.e., 'ak b ar (bigger) is the comparative form of kbir (big), and the asterisk indicates that the word should be looked up under kbir. The comparative form is also used to express the superlative (biggest). For further details see under 'akbar*.

< >

These symbols enclose the literal English translation of the specimen Arabic sentence when the corresponding idiomatic English expression contains words different from those used in Arabic. The reader should not be disconcerted by the rather odd forms of English sometimes used in these literal translations: they are intended to imitate the structure and content of the Arabic sentence as closely as possible, in order to help the reader understand every word in i t For examples, see entries such as: banat id-dinen - tonsils < daughters of the ears> cilm jtn-nafs - psychology < science of the soul> The hyphen is used: a) To distinguish between the various sections of the Arabic words, e.g., katab-ha (he wrote it), so that the reader can understand their construction (in this case, verb + attached pronoun) and pronounce them properly: darasha might be misread as da-ra-sha with the English ‘sh’ sound, w hereas daras-ha makes things clearer. b) To link together words in English, in order to indicate that, in combination, they serve to translate one Arabic word, e.g., jaybe , bayet < which-has-spcnt-thc-night> .

[8] ^ ^ short dash in examples of conversational exchanges indicates a change of speaker. See, for example, . • hasab il-cawayed il-qadime lazem... According to the old customs [we] must... • il-(adat wit-taqdlid - customs and traditions. • hasab cadatweblad-hom —in accordance with the customs of their community. • bihdf?u «ala t§dfit-hen* - They retain their customs. • il-tfide ( ± iS-sahrijrye) - period / menstruation . • 'ijat-haj-cade / $dr m ach^l-cade - She gather period. • 'awwal-ma btiji-ha 2- • tawzlf 'fide! - fa ir distribution. • il-hall il-t&dol - the put / fatr solution. • qa$d} ffldel - a just punishment tfidi fern tgdiyyc ffJdiyyln] % 1) usual 2) normal ordinary, regular, • basab il-loriqaj-tadiyye - m accordance with normal procedure l according to the usual method. • hada ’i£i tfidi - That's normal! That's nothing out of the ordinary * temssi thing >. • hallaq baStgel tfidi - AW I’m working normally. • iJ-maktub, babfato tfidi - / send the Utter by ordinary / regular mail (Le, not regataei special delivery etc). • il-ulfid il-tadiyyin - the children who an not physically or mentally challenged . • biddo yil(ab zayy il-'awlad U-Cadiyyfs He wants to play like a normal child j1an ordinary child . U

cadid fern £adfde - numerous. See murfijata*.



cadn [cudaJa, cudala’ * ] - brother-inlaw (tie husband of one’s wife's sister). - The husbands of a pair of sisters are referredtaas ctida!a. • huwwe tadlli - He’s married to my wots sister. • hadol tn Hala - Those two men an mamea to two sisters 1 The wives of those two men art sisters. - See silfe*. 39

£adlm fem cadime 0 - without, lacking, less, fad*! 0 - justice. 34 un-, in— Common in such expressions as• bujJob il-tadel - He demands Justice / He's • ya . See nadame* health! / May God keep you healthy! See £afa*. • qaddes il-waqt bumroq £ajale! - How 57 time flies! t How quickly time passes! cagal, . • cajabak il-haJ? —Areyou happy with the way things are? - The above question may be neutral, but more often it expresses astonishment and disapproval: And you don’t mind?! • hadi bte£jeb illi ma £timro £ajabo si! —

• zatun bidun cajam / bidun il-£ajam olives without stones / sUmeless olives. 63

£ajami fern £ajamiyye - Persian (usually refers to carpets). See sijjade*. 64

£ajan [yi£jen, yecjen] v-le - to knead. • m arati bte£jen w-cbdhbez - My wife kneads the dough and bakes [bread]. 65

£ajayeb ] £ajibe*. 66

£ajayez ] £ajuz*. 67

£ajel * - speedy. Used in expressions such as: • mnitmanna-Iak is-sifa’ il-£ajel - R* “*** you a speedy recovery ! Get well soon! 68

£ajer - unripe. • it-tin £ajer -T he figs are unripe / Thefp aren't ready for eating yet.

69 |

faster . • qtll-loJcajjel —Tell him to hurry up!

Cajcz - 1) weakness, disability 2) deficit • fib cajcz fi-l-maliyye - The Treasury has a 77 deficit £ajuz [£ajayez] - old woman. • lazem ensedd il-cajez f j n gaftU 'ajcz • §ufet hetydr u-£ajuz - 1 saw an old man We have to make up the deficit j cover the defied, and an old woman. 7 0

78 cajez fem cajze [£ajzin, cujjaz, £ajaze] ) £am-tisteglu - You’re which is closer to SA and easier to say. working (pi). • il-£addad bicallem miyye u-£isrin • £am-bistgel - He's working. It's a hundred and twenty on the meter; The • fi-d-drus mus cam-bafham si - / don't speedometer shows a hundred and twenty understand anything in class. . - See also £ammal*. - See also line*. 112

cam [i£um] v-5 - to ftoat - in some areas. £allaq [i£alleq] v-8 - 1) to hang, hang up, put up - See taf*. ■ 2) to interpret, comment on, provide a commen­ - 2 113 cam year. Used in the following expressions: tary (#). • il-£am - last year - short for fl-cam il-mddi. • bdqdaret£alleq il-jaket hdn - You can • kull cam u-intu_b-her (u-intum hang your jacket up here. bi-her *) —Happy New Year!; Best wishesfor • bical!eq ’iclanat - He puts up advertising thefestive season! c t h e whole year (and) may you posters. be well>. See salem*. • il-’i£lancm £allaq bil-warb - The adverti­ 114 sement’s crooked . cam a1 - blindness. • hal-marad bisabbeb £ama - This disease • taraknijn£allaq fi-l-hawa -H e left me up tn the air changing in the air>. causes blindness* • il-cama! * To hell with it! / To hell with him! • huwwejn£allaq ben il-hayah wel-mot < m a y he / it go blind > This is not intended It’s touch and go (whether he 'll live or die) che’s literally, of course* This expression should be hanging between life and death >. avoided, particularly in the presence of a respected • bi£alleq £alawl-barnamaj —He comments on older person, the programme / He gives a commentary on the 115 programme. cama2 [yecmi] v-3 - to blind; to dazzle. £allaqa * 0 [£allaqat] —(clothes) hanger. • il-hobb byicmi (byecmi) - Love is blind • £alleq il-kabbut £a-l-£allaqa - Hang the < Io v e blinds / dazzles > . coat on the hanger! • id-daww cama-ni - The light dazzled me. m m - See also ta£liqa*. 116 £am al1 [’a£malj -1 ) work, business, employment £alli (. camayel ] camle*. • in-natljej-Camaliyye - the actual outcome / 127 the result in practice. cam bar (canbar), [canaber] - bam, granary, • il-hall il-camalij-wahid - the only prac­ storehouse (for grain). tical solution. • huwwe 'insan camali - He’s a practical camel1 [cummal] fem cam le, £am ile# [camilat] - workman, labourer. person. • 'ana cam el b a sit (ba§f () - I'm an 1 2 1 camaliyyan - in practice. See nazariyyan*. ordinary labourer. • bisaggel cjgrin camel - He employs 20 122 workmen. Camaliyye Qo] [camaliy^at] - operation. Also fem of camali*. • cam el ijtim a(i / cam le ijtimaciyye a



• ba«ed-ma cimlat hal-«amle - After she did social worker (m/f). The plural form is [«5milin that [bad deed] ijtim5ciyyin, cjmilSt ijtima^iyy^t.J. • kif bifmal {amlat min haS-sik^l?! - Ho» • U-cumm&l cemlu muzdhara - The workcan he do things like that? f How con he ploy men hdd c demonstrotwfu such [cruel] practical jokes? • Cfd iMummai - Labour Day *

• 'a ra b a y e t id - handcart / barrow / wheel­ • sireb kas caraq - He drank a glass of arak. barrow. 196

£arabun - see carbun*


ca ra q il ] £arqale*. 197

‘a ra d 1 [yu£ro£| v-lo - 1) to present, put on, exhibit, display, show, screen, stage, demonstrate 2) to suggest, propose. • caraduJ-filem fi-l-mathaf —They showed the film at the museum. • il-masrahiyye illi £aradtu-ha - the play you put on / staged. See £dred*. • £arod £alayy inni ’arja£ - He suggested that I return. See iqtarah*.


ca rd rif ] £arrdf*. 204

£arayes ] carus*. 205

ca rb u n # [£arab in ] - pledge, deposit; guarantee. 206

£ar(J1 [curud] - 1) display, show 2) proposal 3) supply. • kan-fih 'azya' - There was a fashion show. £aro d 2 [’a £rdd] - sign, symptom. • mana£u-hom (-hen®) min £a rd il-filem • 'e s 'a £rdd il-m ara^? - What are the They stopped them from showing the film symptoms of the disease? . “


£astyye - evening.


•W -'asiyye - in the coming (or: 6-1-



£a t r a [j] - obstacle, stumbling block.

• ma biddi-s 'akun £atra fi sabil . kom - 1 don 1 want to stand in the -•


lovt . • 3-. • * 'M r | M m *. 3

J I 'a m ^ Sen '4$a 'r ^ j

M b fre fe H U *■23 - # t r j m r fean) 2 jU —*— *

- 7to -t




A* l ym to * t ’*vM i fid -


39 527

’a’imma ] 'imam*.

• bihott 1-ektab tahct 'abdto - He puts the book under his arm. 538

'ab* - father. See ’abb*, ’abu*.

’abazim ] bzim*. 529 539

’ab - August. • fi hamse ’ab - on the 5th of August.

’abb [’abbahat, 'a b a '# ] - father. • il-’abb wel-’umm - the father and the 530 mother / the father and mother. ’abcad [yib b(id*. 532

’aba' ] ’abb*. 533

’abad - eternity. • 'ilaj-'abad * - for ever / for [all] eternity. • ’abadi fem 'abadiyye - eternal 534

’abad * [yubld] - to exterminate. - See mubid*, 'ibade*.

'abjadiyye - alphabet. 545

’abk ar > bakklr*. 546

’abna’ ] 'iben*. 547

’abrad > bared*, 548

’abraj ] btuj*. 549

'abrak, 'ab rak > mabruk* - more blessed. Used when responding to greetings / good wishes , 535 abadan - never; not at all, not in the least, which include the root b-r-k: absolutely not. • u-intu 'abrak! - And you are more blessed! • biddekjlruhi? - ’abadan! - Do you want See barak*. to go? - Not in the least! 550 • ma lak zaclan? - ’abadan, 'abadan... - 'abraq [yibreq] v-13 - to flash with lightning. What’s wrong? - Nothing at all < what's (wrong) • id-dinya cam-(b)tibreq - There’s lightning to you [that youVel angry > . / There are flashes of lightning ^ than the eldest son). • 'abu 'AS biqfilu-Iak? - What do they rag you?. • ’abuj-taqiyyc - the man mth the hat Du skullcap < father of the hat >. • 'abu kerS - pot-bellied. • 'a ^ in i ’abuJ-. appliances. • m a callamu-kom swayyet 'adab?! • 'adawat tajmil - cosmetics. Has no-one ever taught you manners? ] Have • lazem jam ic il-’adawat id-daruriyye you never acquired a few social graces? cthey tkun mawjude fi-s-sayyara (mutallat, didn't teach you a little politeness? >. cajal csper) - All the necessary equipment 566 must be in the car (warning triangle, spare 'adab - I) politeness, good manners 2) [the] wheel). humanities. Plural of ’adab*. 574 • il-’adab bittallob ’inno... - Courtesy de­ 'adda # [i'addi] v-10 - 1) to carry out, perform 2) + li-# / la- to lead to, bring about, cause. mands that... [Politeness requires [one] to... • 'addaj-w ajeb - He looked after the guests 567

’adabi fem ’adabiyye - I) literary 2) moral • 'addaj-yam ln ( ± il-qanuni) - He took • in-naqd il-'adabi —literary criticism. the oath / He was sworn in. • dagt ’adabi - moral pressure. • il-mac!um at 'ad d at li-taw qlfo - The - See minhaj*. information led to his arrest. 568 • hada bi’addi la-tagyir il-jaww - This 'adami f’awadem] - polite, pleasant, nice, leads to a change in the atmosphere / This decent, humane. changes the ambiance. • nit’ammal inno yetlac 'adami - Let’s hope 575 he grows up be a decent human being ] a nice person / a mensch . 576 • jirdn-na ’awadem - Our neighbours are 'adfe > dafi*. nice people. 577 569

’adhas [ yidhes] v-13 - to surprise, astonish, 'adan (SA ’adan) - call to prayer (Islam). astound. • adan il-(a s cr - the afternoon call to prayer / • il-habar ’adhaS-ni - The news astounded the call to the afternoon prayer. See 'addan*. me. See m udhes*. ’adaqq > daqiq*.



’adib ['udaba, 'udaba' * J - writer, author.


'adib • 'adib m aShur - a famous author. • jl-’udaba’ il-£arab - the Arab umters /Arab writers.

• rah-cndall mudribin la-hatta ilabbu ma(aleb-na —Well continue to strike / ty^n stay on strike until they meet our demands.


'a d ra r ] d gali*. ,


aglab - most adjective).


615 (used before a noun, never before an


’ahbal, fem habla [hubol, habala] ] - fool, idiot, stupid person. • ’amnia ’ahbal! - What an idiot! • had61 hubol - Those people are fools. 629

’ahda1 [yihdi ] v-15 - to dedicate; to send, convey. • ’ahda ktabo la-zawjto - He dedicated his book to his wife. • la-mfn biddak tih d ij-’ugniye? - Who is this song for? / 1b whom do you want to dedicate this song? (on a radio request programme). • bahdi salami la-’asdiad’i - I'd like to say



• byihmelwcdruso - He neglects his studio • 'awlado muhmalin - His children art neglected. - See muhmal*.

hello to my friends < I convey my greeting to my friends> (from a phone-in radio programme). 630

'ahda2 > hadi*. 631

’ahdaf ] hadaf*. 632

’ahel m [’ahali] - 1) parents 2) family (includes: parents, siblings, aunts and uncles) Compare with hadls*. *



'ahhal [i’ahhel] v-8 1) to welcome, say ’ahlan* ’ahdat > hadit*. 2) to train, qualify (both trans), rehabilitate 3) to 647 ’ahfad ] hafid*. consider suitable. 648 • ’ahlan! - bil-mu’ahhel! - Welcome! - It is ’ahjam J hajem*. the host [who deserves the greeting]! < - To the 649 saycr "ahlan*>. ’ahla > hilu*. 650 • lc-m(allmln il-mu’ahhalln - [the] qualified ’ahlam ]M hulom*. m teachers. 651 - See mu’ahhilat*, ta’hll*. 'ahmar, fem ham ra [hum°r) - red. 634 • is-§alib il-’ahm ar - the Red Cross. ahla u-sahla! - welcome! . «


- The response is (to a man): 'ahlan fik or b ik ! - (to a woman): 'ahlan ftki or biki! • ya mlt ’ahla u-sahla! - A hundred times welcome! 635

3hlan. / ahlan wa-sahlan! —a more literary form of the previous greeting (’ahla* u-sahla), which is responded to in the same way. )_


welcome twice over! dual form of’ahla*.

hli - 7) domestic 2) local 637 • harb ’ahliyye - civil war .

M uslim equivalent of the Red Cross). • n ijm e t d a w u d il-h a m ra -

David (the

the Red Star of

Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross)*

the Native Americans

• J e - h n i i d i l - hm u m ° r -

the American Indiam

< th e red Indians >.

• i l - h a k a m b y a ct l ^ k a r t ’a h m a r - The referee shows him a red card / red-cards hint

652 ’a h r a ,

’a h r a



h a riy y

(SA) -


Used in th e expression:

• b i l - ’a h r a ^ -

all the more sa / doubly so-

• l a z e m t i h t r e m k u ll ’m s a n , k a m 'a h ra 'abtik! — You must treat everyone

* t respect - and your father doubly so.

hmal [yihrael] v-13 - to neglect 638 • les ’ahmaltesnanak ? - why have you 'ahraj - to embarrass. See horaj** neglected your teeth? • ’ana ’ahrajt-kufm) eb-has-su al ~





fve embarrassedyou with this question / 1asked 'a h s a # [yeh?i] v-15 - to count; to enumerate. you an embarrassing question. You may also hear ha$a v-3. • ’isi muhrej (mehrej) - an embarrassing • ’ah$ujs-sukkan (hasi^js-sukkan) - They thing. conducted a census of the population. 654

’ahrdr ] horr*.



’ahwal, fem hola [hul] - cross-eyed; person with a squint



’ahrds ] hurs*.

]J hal*. • * 'ahraz Iyihrez] v-13 - to be worth while (used 'ahwal 664 mainly ia the present and the active participle). ’ahyan ]^ hin*. * 41 • ma btihrez it-ta£ab - It’s not worth the • ’ahyanan - sometimes. effort 665 • mus mihrez il-muswdr - There's no point 'ahzab ] hiz^b*. 666 in going . ] hizam*. 657 ’ahzime ■m 667 ’ahrof ] harf*. m 658 'ahad (SA ’ahad) [yajjod, / yohod, yobed] 'ahsan1 fcn husna * - better; best Comparative 1) to take 2) to get obtain, receive 3) to marry. / superlative (arm of mnih / mlih / hasan*. - The present-future tense of this verb is irregular. • hada ’ahsan bi-ktir - That's muck better. Group A, below, represents a widespread colloquial • 'ahsan ’isi - The best thing. paradigm used and understood everywhere in the region (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and d e s ­ • biddo l-’isi l-’ahsan la-’awiado - He tine); forms B and C, however, are more common in wants what’s best for his children ! He wants falestinian dialect the best thing far his children. • ’ahsan u-’ahsan! - Better still! i Even A - ba^od, btabod, btabdi, byahod, better! ! Better and better! / Better yet! bnaljod, bta|jdu, bya^du • brihki 'ahsan minni - You speak [the B - bofrod, btobod, btobdi, byoftod/ ILSL-. J languageJ better than / do. • ’ahsan (mnak) tis’alo - You'd better ask bnohod, btobdu, bydbdu/bobdu. htm; It's best if you ask him. C - boljed, btohed, btohdi, byohed/bobod • fl-'asmd' 3-fyusna - the 99 names of God bndbed, btobdu, bydbdu/bobdu. #






•ethe beautiful names > .


'ab&an2 * (yuhsen) v-13 - 1) to do well 2) to do a favour. • 'aijsant! - Bravo! / You've done well! / You dtd very wed! • mtlhsen [mubsinlnj - philanthropist, benefactor, donor. 660

'a&Mn-raa -o r the; so that fl/you/helshefit/they won't—/ . • 'aijsan-maJrfil? ‘a-l-fdfji - So that you won't have a waited journey. .

• 'u&kot 'absan-ma 'cuj'rbak! - Be quiet or Id smack you! I Shut up. or else TU hit you! < .- b e t t e r t a n 1 s h o u ld h it y o u > ,

- The situation can be summed up briefly as follows: - The only difference between paradigm A and paradigm B is the vowel in the first syllable - a / 6. • The only difference between paradigm B and paradigm C is the vowel in the second syllable: -bod / -bed. • bn&bod / bndbod / bndbed - we take. - The imperfect without b- behaves exactly like the forma above, only without the prefix b-: • ’Shod’ 'dbod, 'dfoed - (that / take). The imperative is: bd! (bdd) bodi! bodu! Take! - Active participle: m&bcd, fem m&bdc [mibdinj - having taken / he-who-has-taken.

* min ’abad ia-aalle? - Who took the basket?

'abad • min mafced il-jaride? - Who's taken the

46 'ahaff > hafif*.

newspaper? < who (is] having-taken... > .



• laqeto mahed il-muftah -1 found he d ’d h ar fem 'uhra f’aharin] - other; token the key . • say d h ar - a different thing; something • btiqdar tdljod in-nu?s - You can take half else. f You can have half • m arra 'u h ra - some other time. • hada b(y)6hod waqtjdctir —That takes a AL 670 'ah ass - special, extra special • • 'ahad macna sa^ten —It took us two hours • wa-ca la j-’ahas§ # - especially ! particu­ . larly. • 'ahadjsnin - It took years. • hod minni! - Take it from me! / Take my 671 nr 'ahaz (-d ) [i’ahez] v-11 - ly to censun. advice! condemn, blame 2) to resent; to be offended. • 'ahdat il-jayzej-’ula - She won first prize Used mainly in the expression: . • lajt’ahezni / maj'ahezni-s! - Excuse me! • ’ahadnaj-maktub qabel yomen - We / Pardon me! t Forgive me! ni odm - / m et deep ! m l 0 to deep czprmion 'ajallak (*le turning it t Excuse ttr

i n

Present-future: bAji, btfji, bijt, toiji // mniji, btiju, biju.


(imperfect without b*): ’ftji, tiji, yiji, niji mentioning aomrthiag drty cr epioteJ * i tlju, yiju. that God) wdl gn* yn baecut>toaerative ta. • ’akalna hawa! - 1) We’re left empty-handed f We’re left with nothing 2) We’ve faded totally 3) We've been hadf / tricked! t double-crossed! .

• ’uskot willa btokol qatle*! - Be quid, or or you'll eat a you'll get a gwan beating >.

• walad ’akbar - a bigger boy / on older bm. • ’akbar walad - the biggest boy t the

boy. • il-walad il-’akbar - the biggest boy t & eldest boy. • betak ’akbar min beti - Ymtr hum «

bigger than mine. • ’intc ’akbar minni - You're older than me' You 're older than I am. • il-bint ’akbar min il-waladj^b-sane The girl's a year older than the boy. ^, ycar>. • ’ ’akbar (SA) - God u great Goda the greatest of all (a Muslim affirmation of Jjjih;. • id-duwal il-kubra [ b ] - the majorpavers / the great powers . • ’isrd’Il il*kubra - greater Israel fit fane

• su cam-(b)takol / -takli? - What are you within the Green Line + West Bari tenscres ? occupied since the 1967 war). • mamnuc tokol qabljl-{amaliyye - You 722 mustn ‘t eat [anythingJ before the operation. ’akel Q>] - 1) food 2) eating. • kol kamanfswayy! - Eat a little bit more! • il-'akljl-{arabi - Arab food! Arab cuumc f Have another tittle bit! • lissa-ni bala 'akcl - / haven't had anytking • sdr makel... - He's already eaten / He to eat yet JI haven 7 had any food yet . • laqet il-fdr make! il-jibne - I found the • lazem_et kbir* - bigger biggest; greater, great­ • hada ’isi ’akid - That’s certain Thati for est; older, oldest sure < that’s a certain thing >- The form ’a Q Q a Q , when followed by the • ’akid fib 'isi! - There's definitely someth^ sign > (as above) or when preceded by cp, (see there ! There's sure to be a reason . 1) the comparative form (e.g. bigger), which always • ’akid roh-yiji? - Is he definitely coming. follows the noun;

Will he come for sure?


2) the superlative (e* biggest), which can either a) precede the noun or b) follow it, in which case the ’akkad [i'akked] v-8 - to assure, prvmtse: definite article il- is used confirm. See examples below, • ba’akked-lak! - / assure you!

- The feminine form kubra# is used only in certain standard expressions.

• m a ’akkaduj-habor-Theydidn'tww** the report / the news.






’alam # [’alam] - pain, suffering. • 'usbuc il-’alam —Holy Week . 740


'ale [1] [’alat] - machine, apparatus, ’akle HI faklat] - dish (i.e. a particular type of instrument. food). • ’alet tasw ir - camera < photographing • 'akle carabiyye - an Arab disk apparatus > . • hal-’akle tayybe ktir! - This dish / This • 'ale katbe - typewriter . food is delicious! • tab cat il-maktub bil-'ale - She typed the letter on the typewriter. Here the context is dear, • tabaht-ilkom 'azka l-’ak lat! - I've cooked * — and the word katbe can be omitted. the tastiest dishes for you! 728 • 'ale rausiqiyye / 'a le t tarab* - musical 'akrdd ] kurdi*. instrument 729 • jabat bil-’ale - She had a forceps delivery ’akram [yikrem] v-13 - 1) to honour, respect (childbirth). 2) to host, treat hospitably. 741 • ’immi ’akramat id-dyuf - My mother 'alef / 'alif (f) - the letter alif. welcomed the guests hospitably. • min il-’alef lal-ya —from A to Z ! from start 730 to finish. 'aks [’aksat] - axle. • il-'alif-ba —the alphabet . • il-’aks il-quddamani - the front axle. • il-’alef hadi taw ile - This alif is long. 731 742

’aktar > ktir*. __


'aktariyye [lO] - majority, most. See 'aqalliyye*. • ’aktariyyet-hom (-hen*) - most of them / the majority of them. • il-’aktariyye saw w atat-lo - The majority voted for him / Most [people] voted for him. ’akzab ] kizeb*.


al- the (SA). See il-*. • al-qur'dn aJ-karim (SA) - the Holy Koran . 735

’alcab ] lucbe*. 736

al-'an - see 'an*.

alf - thousand. • ’alf sekel - a thousand shekels. • 'alfen sekel - two thousand shekels. - Plural: 1) [’alaf) after numbers from 3 to 10. - N.B. The numbers 3-10 take the suffix -t before the word 'alaf - see talatt-*,... ca s ert-*. • feam stjalaf - five thousand. 2) ['uluf] in all other cases: • 'ajat 'uluf min in-nas - Thousands of people came. • inhazamu bil-'uluf - They fled in [their] thousands / Thousands fled. • cascirdt il-’uluf - tens of thousands. - See talatt-*, etc. ca s ert-*.



’alaf (’alaf) J 'alf*. 733

'alfiyye - mUlenium. • il-’alfiyyejL-talte - the third millennium.

'alahh v-16, or lahh* v-7a [ilehh] 744 to pressure, put pressure on, urge, implore. 'alga [yilgi, yu lg i# ] v-15 - to cancel, invali­ date, abolish, abrogate, lift • (’a)lahhet ^aleh - / put pressure on him / 1 implored him. • 'algu m ancJt-tajaw w ol - They lifted the curfew. • bilefyhu calayy inni 'awafeq - They're pressuring me to agree. • ’alget id-dars - I cancelled the lesson l the

'alga class. -See idtttiT*. ’algam ] lug°m*.

52 - The full SA form ’allah u is used in express-*; 745

such as:


• 'allahu 'akbar! - God is great!I God is tb greatest of all! (a Muslim affirmation of faith).

'alha [yilhi ] v-15 - to distract • ’alha-ni can sugli - He distracted me from i - See ’alladi*. my work. • hada bilhih druso - That distracts 7S5 him from his studies l That takes his mind off 'almdni fem ’almuniyye [’almdn] - German. his studies. 736 747 ’almdnya —Germany. 'aliha ] 'ilah*. 737 748 ’alm dz/-z - diamond (the substance). ’alif fem 'alife - familiar; domesticated. • ’alm aze Q l] / saqfet 'almdz • haywan 'alif - domesticated animaL a diamond . • fih 'amal yisfa? - Is there a chance that hell • halli-ha €ala ’alia! —It’s out of our hands / recover? I Is there any hope he'll recover? Let fate decide! . • ma fih minno ’amal - There’s no hopefm - See sal lam*, hifez* barak*, raham*, him / He’s a hopeless case. fatfl*. • .

allaf [i allef] v-8 —to compose, write, draw up. • allafektab - He’s written a book / He mote a book. • il-mu'allef - the writer / the author.

• hab ’amali flk - You’ve disappointed** < m y hope in you has been disappointed >•

- See hab*. • bayyabt ’amal.i -- You've < y o u ’v e d is a p p o in te d m y h o p e > .

me. oee .


762 all&h - God. This SAform is used in formal speech ’q^j exclamations. The colloquial form is ’amam ^ - front; in front of; opposite. • ’amam-na - in front of us. fir - when • alldh allah! -God! / Oh God! / Heavens! • lamma waqqaft ’am am il-j


’amma 768

I stood up in front of the audience. ’amen - see ’amn*. 769 • hada bidfa£-na ’ila j-’amam - It drives us ’am en fem am ne —safe; peaceful on / It pushes us forward . • fi mahall ’am en - in a safe place. 763 770 'amairri U fem ’am am iyye -front (adj). 'am er - see 'amr*. 771 • il-tajal il-’amami - the front wheel • it-tambdn il-'amami - the front bumper ’am erka - America. The form ’amrika* is also #* heard. (vehicle). • ’am erkaj-janubiyye - South America. The word quddamani* is more commonly used. • ’amerkani, fem ’amerkaniyye 764 [’am erkan] —American. ’aman [i’amen] v-11 - to believe (religious beiieO. 772

Compare with saddaq*. ’amhal [yimhel] v-13 —to give (someone) time, • bi’amen bi-’a lla - He believes in God. grant a respite. See muhle*. • kull in-nas illi bi’amnu fi 'a lia - everyone • ’imhel-ni la-bukra - Give me time until who believes in God. tomorrow! 765 • ma baqdar-s ’amehlak - / can’t give you ’aman - security, safety. [any more] time. • hizam il-’aman - safety belt t seat bell 773 • byus£or bi-'aman - He feels secure I He ’aim n [’um ana’] - 1) loyal faithful, reliable, feels safe. trustworthy 2) entrusted with, responsible for; • haseb halo fil-’aman - He thought he was trustee, keeper. safe j He believed himself secure. • huwwe mis ’amln - He's not trustworthy / 766 He's unreliable. ’amane U] [’amanat] - 1) loyalty, reliability, • 'amln is-sanduq - treasurer . keeping 4) secretariat (SA. official language). See 774 'amin*. 'am ir ['umara, ’um ara ] - prince. • bahannik cala ’amantak - / congratulate • il-’am ira - the princess. you on your integrity. • ’amanet il-mahall - the security / safety of ’am la# [yumli, yimli] - to dictate. The word the place. naqqal* is more common. See also ’imla*. • ’il-’amane fi-I-£amal, min nahyet kah776 raba, m akanat - safety in the workplace, as ’amlak ] mulk*. far as electricity and machines are concerned. in • hattet cindo sanduq ’am ane - 1gave him ’amma - I) but on the other hand 2) what a....!; a box for safe keeping 11 entrusted a box to him. and how! • ’amma ’ana... -b u t I ! I, on the other hand... • rajja£ il-’amane - He returned the article (which I’d left with him for safe keeping). • ’alf ’alfen, masi, ’amma mablag^kbir, • 'am anet il-jami£a j - £a ra b iy y e # - the ma baqdar! - One thousand, two thousand, secretariat of the Arab League. fine, but I can't (lend you) a large sum! • *iza darob talefon £alajisabi ma£ales! , 767 amar [ytl’mor] v-lo - to order, command. 'amma yohod m osdri min il-jarur ?! • 'amar-homjruhu - He ordered them to go. I don't mind his making a phone call at my expense, but to take money from the drawer! • ’esj-'btu’mor ? - Can I help you? (said by a shopkeeper to a customer) . layy? - 1 can put up with all the rest., but that he should lie to me! .



• 'amma 'ahbal! - What an idiot! I What a fool! • kfin bard, 'amma Sfl bard! - It was cold. and how! / It was so cold, you wouldn t believe it! .


• tal?t 'amrak! or simply ’amrak! - Ain*, service! cunder ymir order>. • m a jb ic *i5i ’illaj>-’amri - Ijon'tuti anything unless I order you to do sol .

• bontazer 'awfimer min il-jgj - pm waiting for orders from the army. • 'am cr bil-hadem - dtmrAthm order.

'ammarn [i'ammem] v-8 - to nationalise. • il-huktime 'ammamat i5-§irke / il-mtt?Dd< —The government nationalised the com­ pany I the factory. 'omrd ndff*. m • ’an k ar id-den - He denied that he owed 802 money . 'anfdr ] nafor*. • baqdar-s ’ank er inni k tir bahebb ir803 ’anfos ] nafs* - -selves. rddyo - I can 7 deny that I ’m very fond of the radio l that I very much enjoy [listening toj the • byKtemdu cala ’anfos-hom - They're selfreliant i They rely [onlyl on themselves. radio. . 804


’anha [yinhi ] v-15 - to end. finish, put an end to. ’anm as fem nam sa [num ”s] - freckled, having freckles. • ’anh&t dir&sti - I ’ve finished my studies. • huwwe ’anm as - He’s got freckles. • 'anhet joftytna^S - I had twelve years of schooling ■/ finished twelfth grade. 814 • l&zem yinhuj-fyldf - They have to put an ’ann* [i’enn] v-7e - to groan, moan. • il-m arld cammdl i’enn * - The patient's end to the conflict 805 groaning / The sick man’s moaning. ‘anhor J noh munaseb* - more suitable, more convenient* myom 'ansab - a more suitable / convenient day* 830 817 'aqareb ] qarlb*. 'ansoh > naseh*. See also nasah*. 831 818 ’aqbat ] qubti*. 'ansas ] nuss*. 832 819 'aqbiye ] qabu*. 'ansaf > nasef*. 833 820 'aqdamiyye - seniority ’ansat > nasit* . • hasab il-’aqdamiyye - according to senior­ 821 ity / in order of seniority ’anta (’un£a#) [’anati] - female (of an animal). 834 • dakar u-’anta - male and female. ’aqlam ] qalam*. • id-dukur wil-’anati - the males and the 835 females / the male and thefemale [ofdie species], ’aqna£, ’aqna£ [yiqne£] v-13 - to persuade, convince. • ba£den ethawwal min ’unta * « la-zakar Later he changed [his sex]from female to male. • ’aqna£tO - / persuaded him / I convinced him. 822 'anten [-at] - aerial, antenna (radio, TV etc.). • biddo yiqne£-ni - He wants to convince me. 823 • bahawel 'aq cn£o - III try to convince him. ’an taR[yen£i, yon£i] v-15 - to give. This form is • k a l a m a k m i s m i q n e c ( m u q n e c ) - What used in Galilee alongside the more common you say is not convincing . 836 • 'anteto - 1 gave him... (= ’a££eto). ’aqrob > qanb*, • biddi antlk - / want to give you... • bi-’aqrab waqt - as soon as possible .

837 ’anu, ’anu fem 'ani (’ani) - which? ’aq§a — 1) farther; farthest, most distant • ’anu biddak? —Which do you want? / Which 2) maximum (ad)), maximal one do you want? See ’ayya*. • il-hadd il-’aq§a - the maximum * , , _ 826 • ’aqsa h ard ra - the maximum temperature anwar ] nur*. • masjed il-’aqsa - Al-Aqsa Mosque (in Jerusalem). 'aq- - People who pronounce q as ' - see Preface 833 p. [10] - tend to pronounce the combination ’aq- as haq- (and not as ’a'- which sounds too much like a *aqtac fem qatca - one-armed. 839 hiccup). #a rd ' ] ra'y*See haq-*, 'aqall* . 840



aqall > qalll —less; least. The urban pronounda- 'arad ^ [irid] v - 1 4 - to want wish, destre tion is haqall, see haq-*. sh o rten ed form rad* is very common ^ and Syria; in Fyestinian dialect the words T • btdkol ’aqall (haqall) minno -You eat less than him / less that he does. and habb are preferred. 841 • calaJ-’aqalI - at least. ’ordgi ] ’ard*. 84i aqalliyye ( aqalliyye ) [’aqalliyyat] minority. 'aragil ] 'arglle*.

57 843

'aramel ] armale*. 844

’ardneb ] ’amab*. 845

’araqq > rQtQ** 846

’arb£a —see arba£a*. • yom il-’arb£a - Wednesday. 847

'a rd is d k e

• fi ham se 'arb ca - on the fifth of April . 851

’a rb a rafi£*. 878 862 I* ' arz coll - cedars ife ] rgif*. • fib ’arz ektir fi lubnan - In Lebanon then 863 are a fot of cedars. ’arglle faragil] - nargileh, hookah, water pipe, • fib ’arze [IT] bil-£alam il-lubnani - The hubble-bubble. Lebanese flag's got a cedar on i t ! There's a • bisrob ’arglle - He smokes a nargileh. Ipicture of] a cedar on the Lebaneseflag. 879 'arba? > rbi§*. 864 'aryah > murih*. 865 880 'arja1 [yirje4] v-13 - to give back, put back, 'a s£ad > sa£id*. return (trans) - like rajja£*. 881 'as£a r ] si£cr*. • hal-ma§arif lazem tirjec-hom - You must give this money back. ’asabi£ ] ’usbu£\ i •«»• > * » • «■ 866 883 Hi]ukv aqiiki! —please! / / implore you! From the verb raja# [yarjuj which means: to 'asad [’usud] - lion. • ijallik ’asad! - Be brave! / Take heart!, request plead, implore. Don't be afraid! . See Haifa*. - See also sabt**, burj*. hili*. arkan [yirken] v-13 —to rely on, trust. • bdqdar drken £alayy(i) —You can rely on ’asaf - regret sorrow. me. • ma£ il-’asaf is-sadid - regretfully: ktsxik 868 'arkan ] rnkon*. great regret... 'arm a GO [’firmat] - sign (business etc.). 869 ’asas [’usos] - I) basis, foundation, foundations • h sari. 920 - This verb is used to express good w m * ’assas [i’asses] v-8 - tofound, establish, set up. bedtime: • ’assasu jamciyye - They founded an • ti$bol) (tu$bel? *) (ala her! - Goodm$t' association < m a y you m orning an goodne$ft>. The prape • il-mu’asses - the founder. See ta’sis*. response is: 921 • - UaqiJ-her! - Good night to you too1 sayye * - worse, worst. you encounter goodness > or:

’aswad, fem soda [sud] - black. # - w-inte / w-inli min 'ahlo - (i.e. the family of goodaessi. • is-suq* is-sdda - the black market. 922 • §acro 'aswad w-ccyuno sud - He's got black hair and black eyes . • ra?daru I-Cktab min*jdid - TVyiw • i$-$onduq il-’aswad (tahac i[-tayydra) reissued the book I They reprinted the boat the black box - i.e. the flight recorder (in an • *a$dar il-huk°m - He pronounced &* aircraft). verdict. _ ’aswaq, ’aswdq ] suq*. ’asya - Asia.


’a$diqa' ] ?adiq*.


• ’asyawi fem 'Ssyawiyye - Asian. 'asyad 1 sayyed*


’a?(ab > sa«b*. •


’a§dbec ] ’usba sdleh*. 941

asrak [yisrek] v-13 - to include, have (some­ one) share [in]. • biddi ’asrek il-jamic fi farahi - I want everyone to share in my happiness.

’asli fem 'asliyye [’asliyyin] - original, real, authentic, genuine. • hada dahab 'asli - That's real gold. 958 ’asram fem s a rm a [surom] - harelipped, • hada ’tt§li, mis taqlid - This is genuine, having a cleft lip. not an imitation; This is an original, not a • il-walad 'a sram - The boy’s got a cleft lip. reproduction. • in-nass il-'asli - the original version. 959 ’a s s a r [i’asser] v-8 - to signal, give a sign. • hay in-nushaj-’a§liyye - This is the • 'a s s a r las-sufer - He signalled to the driver original text. / He gave the driver a sign. 942 ’asnaf ] senf*. • 'ijaj-bd?, 'assart-illo - The bus came [and] I signalled to it 943 a§wdt ] sot*. 944



’a s ta ; usually encountered in the feminine 'astat as{al [yiscel] v-13 - to set on fire. See sa sadid*. yesterday.



• $drat ti§ti - It began to rain. The form v-10 Satta* is more common. 961


> S

♦ 962

’aswab > sob*.

• huwwe mutqen il-luga - He's proficient in the language. ’atrdk ] turki*.


’atsac ] tus tamln*. • id-dawa misjmi’atter fi*1/ fiyyo® ~ ^ 972 medicine doesn't affect him / The medicine has ’atman ] turnon*. no effect on him. ’atqal > tqll*. - See also t'attar*. 9S* | , .. # 974 atqan —to be proficient, know well; to master ’a td £ ^ [iti£] v-14 - to obey. See niuti sime£* il-kilme. *bated-ma ’atqant id-dars - when you've • lazem jtic il-’awamer - He s got to obey learned the lesson thoroughly < a f tc r you’ve m astered the lesson > , orders.

'awrdq 985

’atfdl ] tafcl*




’atlac [yeUec] v-13 - 1) to take up, bring up 2) to take out, bring out. Means the same as ♦ 988

-atloq * [yitleq] v-13 - to release, set free; to send, send away; to discharge, set off, let off • ’atlaquji-ndr .


• ’atlaqu saraho - They released him [from 'awa’el ] 'awwal*. 1001 989

’awadem ] 'adami*. 1002

'atlas - 1) satin 2) atlas. 990

’atlasi - Atlantic. • il-muhit - the Atlantic Ocean. * * il-’atlasi * ■


’atndn 1 tonn*. 992

’awamer ] ’amer*. —#


awan - time. Used in SA expressions such as: • 'an ’al-’awan - The time has come. • fat ’al-’awan - The time [for thatJ has passed J It’s too late.

’atra > tan*.


’aw anta - trickery, swindle. ’atrdf ]■* taraf*. • * • kullo 'aw anta b-’aw anta - It’s all just a 994 big swindle. . See b-*. ’atras, fem tarsa [turs / tursan] - deaf; deaf • hada 'awan^aji - He’s a swindler / He’s a person. con man. 1005 • (kunt hunak) zayy il-'atras fi-z-zaffe* (l was there) "like a deaf person in a wedding 'awaq ] 'uqiyye*. procession" - i.e. someone who doesn’t understand 1006 ’aw watfeh*. 1008



'atyab > tayyeb*.

’awham ] wahem*. 1009

’awjac J waja . way; I had precedence. ’aw^iye ] wica ‘. • hay is-sagle, ba^l-hqj’awlawiyye 999 / give priority to that issue f I give that matter awatj (plural) - clothes. The paradigm with the priority . attached pronouns is as follows: 1012 'awaciyye (-yyi), 'awa^i-k, -ki, ’awacih, 'awqat ] waqt*.



?aff - He wum among the best w

'awrdq 1 waraq*

the dost, • mis zayy ’awwal! - It's not like a used m be! / It's not tike it was in the old dap! 'ret. % (ait] fw»t>. • ’awwal b-’awwal (pronounced bawwab First things first!


'a w u ( > wftsc. • bi’awed 3-masruc - He supports the plan.

’awam ] yom*. ’awdr - .Very.


• bidun-ma yi’zi gero — urithout harming others ! without hurting anyone else. • ma biddi a’zfh —I don’t want to harm him l I don’t mean him any harm. • il-hayye ’iza bti’zi-ha, bti’zik - If you harm a snake, it will harm you . • in-nis mu’zi - The porcupine is a pest ! Porcupines cause damage. m

'azgar > zgir* 'azka > zaki*, zaki*.

1040 1041 1042

'azkiya’ ] zaki*. 1033 1 0 4 3

*azme H j f azam at] - crisis. • fi 'awwal 'ayydr - on the first of May / on • f i’n ’azm et sakan —There’s a housing May 1st crisis / a housing shortage. - Toe names af the months 2re often replaced by • hada sabbab ’azm e dawliyye - That precipitated an international crisis. • fi talaif hamse - on the third of May . See also SHh^T*. 1044 1036 ’azraq, fem zarqa [zur°q] - blue. ’az . since b-nkammel is impossible to pronounce. - in conversation, when roenbocmg a dsasr 1051 or something unpleasant, the expression b^ld b-, bi- (prep) - 1) with Cue. by means of); 2) in, at, cannak far from you- i.e. may such athingaewr on (place or time). See also fi* and rule Q4]. happen to you - is added. When a pence •sedxui Compare with mac*. is described in unflattering terms, the wort 3* • bi-sikkine - with a knife. bat id n added. • bil-bet/ fi-l-bet - in the house; at home. meaning: no aspersions on • bil-quwwe - by force. • bizettu zbale *btid tannak - u-basJen- They throw out the rubbish - excuse he • bi-tummak / b-tummak —in your mouth. reference - then afterwards... • bil-lel/ fi-l-lel —at night . • ’iza fib ta-l-'ard - b{id tflnnak - bol z* - after qabcl, ba'd ora comparative adjective, bwasah - If there's urine or excrement - excuse mdicates differences in time / size: the reference - on the floor... • akbor roinnak^b-sane — a year older • hada zalame wiseh - il-batid! * “• than you . lazem... - He's an unsavoury character • • qablo b-ydmen —two days earlier /two days aspersions on present company *and at mustbefore that ^before it by two days^. IC&* - b- is also used far emphasis, in expressions b a t [ib icJ v-6 [15] - to seB. such as: • bibit b u ^ ra lal-jfran -H e sdls vtgdb* • kfin kullo ?ydh bi-?ydh - The whole thing to the neighbours. turned into a shouting match . • bicl sayydrti la-mahmud - Isold*®03* • hal-bet kullo brude bi-brude - This Mahmud.

67 • bicto sayydrti - / sold him my car. • bi£to iyyaha (bfaq^yyaha) - 1 sold it to him .

bacse • m a fih b a£do - He’s one of a kind; It's a one-off! . 1060


bacos [yibcas] v-la - to let (someone) down, ba£den - afterwards, later; then. • binsuf bacden —We’ll see later on. cause unpleasantness, cause disappointment. • u-ba£den m acak?! - That's it, [now]you've See bacsa*. gone too far! . caused me [a lot of] unpleasantness / He put me 1061 in a difficult situation. b a£ed - see b a £d*. 1056 1062 ba£at [yib£at] v-la - to send. baCed-ma - after (used before a verbal clause). • ba£at-li maktub - He sent me a letter. • b a £ed-raa rdhu - after they went / left. • ’ibcat-li_yyah - Send it to me! • ba£ed-ma_thallsu |20| —after they finish; • bafatna w arajd-daktor - We sent for the after they ‘ve finished. doctor . b a £c^ [U —some, several 1063 • ba£atu wardh / w ard-ha - They've sentfor • b a cd in -n a s - some people / some of the him j for her. people. 1057 • fi b a £d# il-halat - in some cases. ■ ba(basJ [ iba£bes] v-9 - to search, poke around, — The basic meaning of this word extends to rummage [through]. express redptocacy, i.e., some of the people do See bahbas** something to some of the others: • §dr iba£bes ft-d-dusiyyat - He began • bihebbu b a £ed-hom il-ba£ed - They love searching through the files. one another cthey love part-of-them the [other]


ba£d \ ba£ed PH g - ■?) still 2) not yet. See lissa*. • bacdek2 hon? - Are youf still here? • ba£ed fi*5 nas bifakkru... - There are stm people aho think... • ba£ed f lh kutob - There are still some books left • ba£ed-ni £am-badros - I am still studying. • ba£do ma ’ija? - ba£do. - Isn't he here yet? • Not yet . • 'abuk rije^ willa b a£do? - Is your father home yet? ? • ba£cd ma dafa£t , • ba£cd kull illi £imlo - after everything he's ba£se (ba£te# ) [ba£sat] - delegation, deputa­ tion. done. • bacse £askariyye - military delegation. • ba£d il-£ursj-*b-yomen - two days after the wedding. Seeb-*. • hadaf il-ba£se - the deputation's objective.



• ’a c badal, badal# - instead of. (i.e. we’ll ask everyone we possibly can). • hod hadak badalo - Take that one instead! • mniftah ’abwab it-tasjil lal-jamic -W e're . letting everyone register who wants to < we’re 1078 opening the doors of registration to all > badal-ma - instead of. Used before a verbal • bab il-halil —Jaffa Gate clicbron Gate, i.e. clause, with the imperfect without b-. the beginning of the road that leads to Hebron >. • badal-ma titcab - instead of tiring yourself • bab il-camud —Damascus Gate. out. • ho$m asyade .


bader - full moon. 1094 • il-qamar* bad6!* - The moon's full . 1086 • 'abuy bahdalni - Myfather gave me a telling badil fem -le - substitute, alternative. off f My father shouted at me. • ma flh badil la-... - There’s no substitute • les bitbahdel halak, ya-ba? - Why do you for....; There’s no alternative to.... let yourselfgo, daddy? ? • in-naft ka-badil lil-fahem - petroleum as See tbahdal*. an alternative to coal. 1095 • il-cadasat il-ldsiqa badil lan-naddardt bahdale [13 — humiliation, abuse. - Contact lenses are an alternative to glasses. 1096 • hattu-lo ’ijcT badile - They gave him an bahet fem bahte - 1) pale 2) faded. artificial leg . • Ion bahet - faded colour. 1087


badle [|J [badlat] - suit (of clothes). bahhor [ibahher] v-8 - to season, spice. See wdssa*. • bitbahher il-'akle - She seasons the food. ■ * • il-lahme bibahhru-ha: mileh, bhar, • badle rasmiyye - uniform coffiaal suit>. qirfe... - The meat is seasoned with salt, • badle caskariyye - army uniform. pepper and cinnamon . army uniform. 1098 • jibn badlet_csbaha? - Did you bring a bahje - splendour, glamour. bathing suit? • kulljJjdid ’ilo bahje - Novelty is glamor­ • il-yom mus labes badle - Today he's not ous < everything new has glamour >. in uniform. 1088

badnJ - early. See bakklr*. bahlawan [bahlawanat, bahlawaniyye] - acrobat, tightrope walker. • lissa badn! - It's still early! f The night is



bahlawftn • bihlawamyyM - acrobatic* Stunts.

• fi-J-babfjl*m»yyet torkJz it-mity ^ min buJjfir 'ubra _ Jh* fjtod Sto tun $ I KM

buffoon* not

higher concentration of salt than other seat. • 'iza-k&n ('into za. fsl - pyjamas, pajamas, • bajdmti my pajamas. • (awwel bdlak! / (awwli balek! 1127 Patience! ! Be patient! (m. / i) . pram. • 'ism o rd h min bdli - His name’s slipped • Ubaj)d il-’ustdz - He breeds the teacher unth my mind. respect: He rmgs tke teacher’s praises. • *iza biddo hdk. inti Sfi . 1138 • tayyeb, balas... - OK never mind! < Ran balad [blad*] (f) - town, township, village, community, settlement. • baladjizgire - a small town / a small community. • fi baladna - in our village / in our town. baladi fem baladiyye —local, traditional, rustic, indigenous. When applied to fruit and vegetables it means good, fresh and tasty. • bydr baladi - fresh locally-grown cucum­ bers.

do] without it>. • biddo-s? balas!

- He doesn't umt to?

That’s fine by me! • ya hek, ya balas ! - // ’$got to be that wayor not at all! / If that's not how it's going tobe, then I'm not interested! . • yalla ya balas ! - Bargains - come and buy!

- balas is also used in negative commands, before a verb in the imperfect without b-: • balas tibki! - Don’t cry! • balas etsayyeh - Don't shout!

i—i 1140 baladiyye [To] [baladiyyat] - municipality, local 1148 authority. • ra is il-baladiyye —mayor I head of Ok local b alat - flooring tiles (coll, masc sing). • fih hon baldta maksura (HI - There'sa authority. broken tile here. balaf [yiblef] v-le - to bluff, fool, trick. 1Ml • il-baldt bilmac - The tiles are gleaming • wahad biblef - a bluffer / a sweet-talker / a [with cleanlinessJ. trickster. • hal-baldt_pmnih - These tiles are nice ■ • balaf-ni - He fooled me / He tricked me. These are good-quality tiles. • il-balatat hadol mus dugriyyat - Those • btiblef-ni! - You’re kidding me! I You're not serious! tiles aren’t straight • ham«s balatdt - five tiles. bala! [jniblog] v-le - to reach, attain. See • ’ana calaJ-buld^a - I’m penniless!! I nsfid baleg*. broke! d ’m on the tilc>. 49 • bass yublog sinn ir-rosd - assam ashe reaches maturity. baleg fem balga [baligin] - grown-up. adult *

73 See balag*. qaser*. • lissato mus baleg - He's not grown up yet / He s still a minor. 1150

b a lf- 1) valve 2) bluff, trickery See ballaf*. • balf il-kawtsuk - tyre valve. 1151

balgam - phlegm.

bana • ruh ballet il-baher! - Get lost!; Do what you like [just leave me alone]! (said to someone who is dissatisfied / cannot be convinced / persists in the error of his ways) . 1161

balle GO - moistening, wetting. See tin*. . _ 1162 b a llltj [balllta] —tiler, flooring-tile layer.

1152 1163 balig fem ballga [bulaga’] —eloquent. ballon - see balon*. • huwwe balig —He’s a wonderful speaker 1164 . See balaga*. baM

banafsaji - violet (colour).

banna [bannay(e)] - builder. 1172 • bistgel banna -He's a builder . aback, be dumbfounded, be amazed (lit: as if 1183 under the influence of an anaesthetic). banna’# fem banna’a - constructive. • 'ana banaj et! - I was dumbfounded! / / was • iqtir&h banna’ - a constructive suggestion. gobsmacked! - See banj*, bannaj*. bannaj [ibannej] v-8 - to anaesthetise, 1173 administer a general anaesthetic. bananir ] banndra*. • bannajuh - They gave him a general 1174 anaesthetic / They put him under. banat ] bint*. • mis rahjmbannej-ha - We won't give hera 1175 general anaesthetic. band [bunud] - paragraph, clattse. im • bunud il-ittifaqiyye - tfie clauses of the banndra8 [bananir] - marble (as in children’s agreement. game). See guile*. 1176 • lc-wlad cam-bilcabu bananir - The chil­ banduq [banadiq] - bastard, illegitimate child. dren are playing marbles. 1177


banddra - tomatoes (coll, f sing). bandar (bunsor*)- ring finger. • habbet banddra - [one] tomato. 1187 bansar - to have a puncture (from English). See Ijabbe*. • hal-band6rdt_5mhammjat QT] - These • bansar m acnaj-cajal - Wehad apuncture tomatoes are overripe / too soft / too squashy. . 1178


bani-’adam, fem bani-’adme - 1) human bantalon [bantalonat / banatlin*] - [one being, person 2) good person, decent human pair of] trousers (m sing) - from French ‘pant2!oa. being, mensch. • hal-bantaldn tawil calayy - These trou­ • hi bani-’adme, qaddes lazem tithamsers are [too] long for me. 1189 mal? - She’s only human, how muck can she banzin - petrol, gas (for vehicle). take? chow much must she bear?>. • biddi ’acabbi banzin - / want tofin thecor • hi bani-’adme ktir! —She really is a nice up / 1 want to fill up with gas. See fallal . woman every human being>. 1190


baqa [yibqa] v-3 - 1) to remain, stay 2) to be (rural speech). • 'ana baqet la-hali - I was alone, l 1180 banjarj - beetroot. remained alone: / stayed by myselfVon my own• nimet sane fij-mustasfa, baqet ya san bank [bnuke [3], bunuk# ] - 1) bench - I lay in hospital for a year, t was desperate2) bank. In urban speech biqi*. • qa. • talat beddt - three eggs. • il-beddt - testicles (slang). • huzzera: 'isi 'ism o cala jismo, su

huwwe? - il-beda! *

- A riddle: What object has its name written all over it? - An egg! (Because il-beda2... beda1 an egg is white). 1 3 5 6

beljlka - Belgium. • beljiki fem beljikiyye [beljikiyyfn] Belgian.


bazzar, bazzar [ibazzerj v-8 - 1) to wast 2) to scatter seeds; to beget [a large number o) children. See bizjilaf ben-na - There is a difference of 1350 opinion between us. tydca (T) [a] [ba4dyec / badd'e* ] - merchan­ dise, goods. • ffh tacawon bendt-hom (-hen*) - They



help one another ctherc is mutual help between bi'a GO - environment, surroundings, thcm>. • il-bi'a bit’a tte r . • bet il-mayy - lavatory / toilet chouse of 1371 bidd- - Used with attached pronouns: ( l, you, he...) water >. See also bet il-jjarej*. want i wants Literally: [it is] my desire, your • il-bet betak! - Make yourself at home! cthe desire etc. Although not really a verb, it is usually house is your house>. translated as to want. The past tense is indicated by -Seealso s&heb*, sugol*, rabb*. the addition of kan*. See also habb*. - The word bet is also used to designate containers • biddi 'asafer - 1 want togo 11 want to travel and covers of various kinds: • 'e s biddak? - What do you want? • bet_pmljadde 1161 - pillowcase l pillowslip • ’abuk biddo_yyak - Your father wants you. . See yya-*. • wen bet in-nadddrat - Where is the • m a biddo_yyaha - He doesn't want her: glasses case? He’s not interested in her. • bet-lahem, bet-jala, bet-sahur (bet-...) • kan biddo yirja£ - He wanted togo back. Bethlehem, Beit Jala, Beit Sahur... - names of —Note: When the word bidd- occurs before the Palestinian towns and villages. attached pronouns -ha, -na, -kom / -ku, -horn / • bet-safdfa —Beit Safafa - village in the -hen, i.e. before a consonant, the double d is Jerusalem suburbs. weakened, and what we actually hear is bid-na, bid-kom... (we want, you*1want...). bet2 [’abyat] - verse. • bidnajirawweh* - We want to go home. • abyat is-siter —the verses of the poem. - bidd- may also be used to indicate: •



betinjan - egg plants, aubergines (coll). • betinjane (TT) - [one] aubergine. ... ... 1364 bet-jali [bet-jajle] —native, resident of Bet-jala (a village near Jerusalem). See bet1*.

betori - see baytari*.


bhar [bharat] —spice.


bhar ] baher*.


1) future time 2) need* obligation. • 'em ta biddo ikammel? - When wiU he

finish? • biddo yubrod - He'll catch cold i HeU be cold • biddak titfab fi hayatak! - You Ufind life hard < you'll tine in your life >* • hada biddo waqet - That takes time . • biddak musa^ade? - Do you need help?

85 - Context and tone make it dear which meaning of bidd is intended. 1372

biddi, biddak... See bidd-* above. 1373

bidi (yibda] v-4 - to begin, start (intrans). This verb is used mainly to indicate the beginning of a deliberate, planned, defined or dear action, unlike the verb sdr, which denotes the beginning of a gradual, natural or involuntary action.

binni • il-'ibnjl-bikor - the eldest son. • il-bint il-biker - the eldest daughter. • lissat-ha biker - She's still a virgin.

biki [yibki] v-4 - to cry. 138S • Ies bikyat? - Why was she crying? • il-walad s d r yibki —The boy began to cry. • ma tibki-s / balas dbki! - Don’t cry! X386

bilifon (-fon) —mobile phone —Arabised • ’ayya se£a bidyat il-hafle? - What time pronunciation of the Hebrew word for mobile did the ceremony begin? / When did the party phone: ‘pelephone’ (peleh [Heb: marvel, wonder] + start? phone). • bibda bis-sug°l is-se£a ham se - He starts - See halawi*, jawwal*. work at five. 1387 • lamina bdit ’at£allam - when I began bilkad - see kad*. studying. 1388 billi (bi- + illi*) —in what, with what • biddna nibda fiki - We’U start with you. • biktafi billi cindo —He is content with what 1374 he has / He is happy with his lot. bidun - without (used before a noun or an attached pronoun).

bi-ma ’inno - because, since, as. • bidun sabab —for no reason < without • bi-ma ’inno tcallam cindna, --r ’ahsan-lo ’* reason >. innojkammel hdn —As he’s been studying • bidun sakk! - No doubt! / Without a doubt! with us, it’s best he complete [his studies] here. • bi-ma ’inno ma dafac ^araybo lalbidun-ma - without (used with the imperfect majles, idtarrena... - Since he has not paid without b-). his council tax, we have been obliged to... • bidun-ma y& ref - without his knowing. 1390 bin— Prefix used in the 1st person plural of the present-future tense before a consonant which is bid ] 'abyad*. followed by a vowel: 1377 bihla-s il-’amer - see hili*. • bin-zur; bin-kammel - We visit / We shall visit; We finish / We shad finish. 1 3 7 8 bijama - see bajama*. - For further explanation see b-*; compare with 1379 bni-*. biJUZ - perhaps, possibly. See jaz*. .♦ 1380 - in Galilee bin- is usually replaced by min-: bik, biki ... - in / at / on / with you... min-zur, min-kammel. Used in expressions such as ’ahlan* bik! - You 1391 (too are} welcome! Cm response to a greeting) binct - see bint*. 1392 . See fi*. binn (benn, bunn) - coffee beans; ground coffee. - see buka* - See binni*, qahwe*. 1382

lthat’sJ enough. See kaffa*.


binni, (benni, bunni) fem binniyye - brown . See binn*. [bikardt / bayakir j - compasses, a pair • kundara binniyye - brown shoes. of compasses (for drawing a circle). • il-£ilbe ldn-ha benni - The box is brown 1384 . Il firstborn, eldest 2) virgin. 1383

• yam on my bread. See also dahan above.

1569 1561 dahh&i \2j [dahhdnln] - [house]pander. See doftpm flidafcfcern] v-8 - to get mumps. dahhln*. • bmrwrjoda^em - He's got mumps. 1562 dahhln* [2] [dahhlne] - [house] painter dahafc fSA dahabj © - gold. 1571 • i b i nun dahab - jott wridt. dahlaz [idahlez] v-9 - to wheedle, get round, 1563 such up to. kiss up fa dahak* {yitfhckj v*lc - to nemoeer, knock down • btdahJez Gxotnific 3) to thresh (grain). exercises toJ train my voice.



• dassanu l-ekm se - They consecrated die • m udarreb [mudarribin] (active part) church. trainer ! coach. • dassant il-badle - / wore the suit for the • m udarrab - trained. first time. • jabu mudarreb li-tadrib il-fariq - They 1649 brought in a coach to train the team. d assar [idasser] v-8 - to leave • humme mudcurabin tadrib mumtaz — • dassemi - Leave me alone! The verb They're extremely well trained < trained an tarak* is more commonly used. excellent training > . 1642




See dawa 00 [’adwiye] - medicine, medication. • hod had-dawa! - Take this medicine! • jib -lij-’adwiye min ig-§aydaliyye 1643 Bring me the medicines from the chemist! / dars ® [drus] - 1) lesson 2) study. Bring me the medications from the pharmacy! • id-dars U-'awwal - the first lesson. • bohod 'adwiye ktir - He takes a lot of • bihmel_pdruso - He neglects his studies. [different] medicines. • biddi ’a ct i h dars - I want to teach him a • biddo cilaj* nafsi, mus cilaj bil-’adwiye lesson!. - He needs psychological counselling, not 1644 J darze [JO [JO [darzat] - seam, hem. medicines. • kull id-darzat infartat -A ll the seams have • hada ma-ld-s dawa - There’s no remedyfor come open; All the hems have come down. it. darrase H ]® daras*.

- threshing machine.

daste H] ® [dastat] - pile, pack, wad dawa’er ] da’ire*. • dastet kutob - a pile of books. 1652 • dastet masdri - a wad of money.. See also dawahi ] dahye*. 1653 safta*. m * 1646 dawajen GO - poultry. dastur, dustur * GO - 1) constitution • cindo mazracat dawajen - He's got a (government) 2) permission, leave. poultry farm. 1654 • hasab id-dastur (id-dustur # ) - according dawali ] dalye*. to the Constitution. 1655 • dastur! - Permission [to enter]! This phrase dawalib ] dulab*. is used by a strange man • i.e. not a member of the 1656 immediate family - entering a Muslim home, to warn da warn [idawem] v-11 - to work (fixed, regular the women of his approach. hours). By your leave! (Some people use this phrase before • min 'emta btiqdarptdawem? - min pouring hot water down the sink, as small demons bukra. - When can you start work? - From are popularly believed to live down the plughole). tomorrow. See dawam*. 1647

1657 daser [2 ] fem dasre - abandoned dawam GO - workday, working hours, office • walad daser - an abandoned child hours. • il-mal id-daSer bicallem in-nas is-sirqa • waqtjd-dawam - in working hours. - Opportunity makes the thief . hours / reception hours. 1648 dassan [idassen] v-8 - 1) to inaugurate, 1658 consecrate; 2) to wear / use for the first time. dawar&n QO —turning, circling, revolution. In Galilee the form ca§san* is used. • bidun laff u -dawardn - without beating

daward n


• ncMKibu kam In lad-dawriyye - They ut about the bush . an ambush for the patrol ! They ambushed die 16M» patrol dawafi [yidweSl v-le - to confuse, upset, disturb; to fluster. daw ie [2] E - noise, racket, commotion. • dawastdna! - You disturbed us (with your • ?dr dflwSct uldd - [Suddenly} the sound of noise}. children making a noise [could be heard}. • bidwesni - He upsets me: He flusters me. - See indawaS*. dawud ~ see nabi*, nijme*. uum dawwab [idawwebl v-8 - to dissolve, m*U: to dawdwln ] diwan*. thaw, defrost (all tram) See dab*. 1661 • badawweb is-sukkar fi-l-mayy - / dis­ dawle *, dole [2] fduwal] - state, country. solve the sugar in the water. • dawlet 'isrd'tl - the Stale of Israel • biddi 'adawweb is-sukkar - / twit to • ra'Is id-dole - the president. melt the sugar. • min ta’sls id-dawle / min iq&met id• is-§ams bitdawweb it-talej - Tke sun dawle - since the state was founded < since the melts tke snow. foundation of the state > . • id-duwal il-carabiyye - the Arab countries dawwah [idawwel}] v-8 - to make duty. / the Arab states • hada bidawweljni - That makes me duty • duwal il-mantiqa - the countries of the See dol)a*. region. 1669 - See ’akbar*. 1662 dawwal [idawwel] v-8 - to tniematsondtse. dawli fem -liyye [2] - international The SA • il-quds, mus mum ken idawwlu-ha form duwali is also heard. They can't internationalise Jerusalem! . 1673 dayan [idayen] v-11 -tolend tmoney)dawriyye ® [dawriyyat] - patrol • badaynak - Til lend you [money} W • biqumu b-dawriyye - They patrol . 1674 • dawriyyet il-bulis - police patrol dayaq [idayeq] v-11 - to bother, irritate, harass.



• il-'asya’ 'illi bitdayyeq il-muwaten - the • flh ’isi bidayqak - Something's bothering things that bother the public you, 1683 • id-duhhan bidayeqni - The smoke bothers dayyeq (ordiyyeq) H] fem dayyqa, cp 'adyaq me. 1675 - narrow. daye GO fdayat] - midwife. • is-sare* hada dayyeq - This street is • bacatu wara_d-daye - They sent for the narrow. midwife, 1684 1676 dazzlne GO [dazzinat] - dozen. dayem - see da’em*. • hat dazzlnet be$ - Give me a dozen eggs! 1677

dayer1 fem dayre [dayrin] - active part of ddr - revolving; roaming, travelling around; looking for; thinking about, preoccupied with. • dayer ca-I-banat - He thinks of nothing but girls. • hiyye dayre ca-I-jIze - She’s got marriage on her mind (to the exclusion of everything else] / She '$ set on the idea of marriage.

dbaga OO - tanning (leather).

1685 1686

dd- Words beginning with edda-... should be looked up as tda- under t-*, or idda-*. 1687

debb, dibb, dubb [U [dbab / debabe] - bear. 1SS3

den [2] [dyiin] - debt; credit. • stara-ha bid-den - He bought it (f) on 1678 rt credit dayer - round (prep), around. • calayye d y u n e k tir - 1 have a lot of debts. • hottj^qsdt dayer is-santa - Put a strap See sadd*. round the suitcase! 1689 • dayer mindar / dayer ma (i)dur - all d er GO fad y u ra] - monastery; convent around l on all sides. See ra’Is*. 1679

dayman - always. (dgem) ’abu dgem - mumps. 1690 • ’abuy dayman biqul:... - My father always • cindo 'abu dgem -H e’s got mumps. says... See daggam* 1691 • dayman hek! - It’s always like this / like dhan [U - paint (oil or plastic). that! • id-dhan jam ed - The paint's too thick an expression of gratitude / frozen > . and benediction addressed to one's host after 1692 drinking coffee or concluding a meal. dhun [Tj — ointment See also marham*. The proper response is §ahhten! < redoubled • hot^edhun cala_l-huraq/ calaJ-juroh good health >. dayme is the fem active part of Put ointment on the bums f on the cut! the verb dam*. 1693

dayre - see da'ire*.

1681 1682

dica ’i GO fem dica'iyye - propaganda- (adj), Publicity- (adj), propagandist (adj),promulgatory. • hamle dica’iyye — propaganda campaign.

dayyaq [idayyeq] v-8 - 1) to narrow (trans), 1694 take in (clothes); 2) to irritate, bother (in some dicaye GD GO ~ propaganda, publicity, advertise­ areas; elsewhere the form dayaq* is used.) ment, promotion. • lazemjmdayyeq 1-ekmam - We have to take in the sleeves .

• bidayyeq illi hawale h - He irritates those around him.

paganda! • hattu di. - In the imperative and the present-future the • ’isi bidahhek - That’s funny / That's attached pronouns -ni, -ak, -ek, -0... may be ridiculous. added without changing the meaning: badalhnt, •_ il-muharrej bicmal harakat bitdahhek 'inte bitdallak, ’inti bitdallek, ’intu bit• ■ * ■ The clown makes comical gestures. dall-ku; similarly in the past: ’inte dollet-ak, • ’ah... b i d a h h e k - ! - Come on! That’s not ’inti dallet-ek (not dalleti-k). very funny! __ 1814 Those people don't understand anything except d&n E -m utton. the stick . 1815 • ma bi^lr-eS bid-dart* - Hitting won’t get dord'eb ] daribe* you anywhere. 1816 • nizel fina ddrb - He attacked us / He began dorob [yttdrob] v-lo - I) to kit, beat 2) to to hit us . bomb. sheB 3) to Muiitpty • kdn-fib dart) qawi (ul il-ldl - There was • danib-tu - He tut me. heavy shelling all night • budrob t-«wldd it-tinyin - He kits the • jadwal id-dart) - the multiplication table.

• d-'ariik bud*rbu ba embareh ( em-bareh) (yesterday). Words like this should be looked up in the dictionary without this prefixed e-, as it is not actually part of the word. See also rules [3] |~4~]. 1877

. • faqad wacyo - He lost consciousness . the poverty line. • faqdat iz-zakre - She lost her memory. 1978

• huwwe faqed iz-zakre - He’s lost his faq£alg [ifaqfel] v-9 —to blister (intrans). memory. • (min is-sugol) ’idayye bitfaqfel - My • faqad 'ibno - He lost his son (i.e. his son hands get blistered (from the work). died). • ’ideh emfaqefle - He's got blisters on his • kanu talate mafqudin - Three people were hands / His hands are blistered. missing < there were three lost>. 1979 • bifqed it-tiqa bin-nafs / b-nafso - He faqfule8 [faqafTI] - blister. See mfaqfel*. loses his self confidence. 1980 • faqed is-si ma bya£t l h - What you haven't faqih [fiiqahd’] - [Muslim] legist, jurisprudent got you can't give .


have lost>.


• 0-mayy - ’arh as il-mawjudat u-'atm an faqir [fuqara, fuqard,# ] q> 'afqar - poor. • ’armale faqire —a poor widow / a povertyil-mafqudat - Water > cheap when it's stricken widow. plentiful, dear when it’s scarce < water is the • il-fuqara bi§iru ’afqar kaman - The poor cheapest of the things-that-are-there, and the most are getting poorer still t even poorer. precious of the things-that-are-lost>. • ulad il-fuqara - poor children 2016

• sif«?r t&nzc tfatin - OJO (qm m ___ to show OB-


farja tifarjl] v-lOa See farraj*, furje*. • farja Mktflb la-’immo - Hi showed A* booh to hu mother. • farj&b b ’immo - Hi showed it to ha mother. • farjft-ha MktAb - Ht showed her be be* • farjd-hajrydh -- He showed her a. • farjtHo ju w ar - / showed him pictures t showed him photos. • farjat-ni fustdn-ha - She showed me her dress. • farjini kifj'bte^mal - Show me hem you ie (itj! • biddi ’afarjik (-ki) ‘isi bilu - / went a show you something nice. • 'ana bafarjik! - Ill show you! • ’alia bjfarjik / fajfarjina / lajfarji-fca ta-badd! - May God present you us sa aJ . vn\ fark - rubbing, polishing; brushing. VN d farak*. • bihtamm fi fark ’asnano - Hi taka am n dean his teeth / He's punctilious aboutbnahsuf his teeth.

farid fem faride - 1) unique, incomparable, unrivalled 2) a common first name. 2022 • §dt farid min nd* of religion and state. • h a b b e t f a s u l y a - [one] bean* See h a b b e * ; _ _


se e also l u b y a * .

fascl [B] [fusul , fsiil [Tj ] —1) season 2055 f a s a [ y i f s i ] v - 3 - to spread (trans). 2) chapter 3) act (of a play). • b i f s i s - s i r r - He can't keep a secret . f§ul is-sine? - What makes spring different - Compare with fassa** from the other seasons of the year? 2056 • fi hadaj-foscl ma fiss sita - There’s no f a s a h [ y i f s a h ] v - l a - to wound in the head rain at this time ofyear . • r i j e c ca l - b e t m a f s u h - He came home with • bilbes hasab il-fu$ul / 1-efeul - He dresses a cut on his head / He came home with a head to suit the season / He dresses in accordance wound. ,^.7 with the seasons. • il-fasljl-’awwal - the first chapter; the first fasal —failure. act • bacd il-fasal jarrab isalleh nafso - Aft#

127 Ais failure, he tried to do better • hadawz-zalame fasal fi hayatowz-zawjjyye Z He's a failure at marriage 2058

fat • majtfasselni-s! —Don't let me down! . 2059 See also saff*. 4 fasar [yifser] v-le - 1) to boast, show off, brag ZUob 2) to tell tall tales, tell lies fa lse, fisse [8] - lights (the lungs of sheep, • fasar!! - That’s a lie! / He's making it up! bullocks etc, when used as food). 2060


fasdtin / fasatin ] fustan*. fasel fem fasle - failed, unsuccessful Active part of fisel*. 2067 • inqilab fasel - an unsuccessful coup / an fat [ifut] v-5 - 1) to pass (manly of time) 2) to abortive coup. enter, come in, go in. 2061 • is-sane (-sine8) illi fatat - last year / the feiss [ifess] v-7e - 1) to vent pour out 2) to past year. burst (bans); to lance (a boil). • ’illi fat mat - It's water under the bridge; Let • bafess qalbi ’ilak - I pour out my heart to bygones be bygones! . fassal [ifalsel] v-8 - 1) to cause to fail; to • lamma flltet ca-l-bet - when I got home / obstruct frustrate 2) to disappoint lot down. when / entered the house. See examples below. See also ’afsal*. • fatat cala gurfet-ha / 'odet-ha - She went • biddakjftfasselni?! —Are you going to let into her room. me down? said • tfaddal* fut! (fem tfadcjali futi! plur to a guest who refuses to drink the coffee set before tf a ^ a lu futu!) - Please come in! him, or who dams to have already eaten; similarly, • futu qawam - Come in quickly! an intermediary who has been called in to help two • u-inte rajec, fut .

faw. See farah*. • hallaqjrfienn - Now / remember. „ 2165 • mnih illijtenet - Just as weB l yem fmi remembered 2166 firqa (8) [firaq] - 1) company, team, troop • mis faten ( fem fa(ne) - l can't read l 2) choir, band, troupe; 3) division (mil). don't remember. - tzdickar* uaxncnnac? • firqa mflsiqiyye - band; troupe of used. and dancers. • firqa min il-kassfif - Scow/ troop (i.e. part of (fi(er) . school). 2168

fiSel [yifsal] v-2 —to faiL

physics (» a


flfiha GO - ploughing, cultivating. 2130


fla n

[D , fu lan * fem flfine - so-and-so

135 • 'iza biqul-li: sme^^t min/flfin... - If he sms tome: I heard from so-and-so [that]... 2181

fr&S • u-foq kull hada... - and on top of all that.. • foq il-cas£csnin - over the age often. • min $off hames u-foq - from the fifth year onwards /from thefifth grade up (in school).

flani (5] (fa-*) fem flaniyye - such-and-such. • fi-l-ydm l-eflani - on such-and-such a day, . 2190 • fi-s-s^a l-.

• haki frdta - idle talk. 2201

fruc ] far. 2270


oas - opacity, murkiness; condensation. gada (m) - lunch, midday meal • fib gabas ca-l-qazaze - There's steam on • bacdjl-gada - after lunch. the windowpane / The windowpane’s steamed • su byactukom ca-l-gada - What do they up. See gabbas*. give you for lunch? 2 2 7 1

2278 ^bb [igobb] v-7o - J) to soak up, absorb 2) to slurp. gadda [igaddi] v-10 - to give lunch [to]. • bagaddl-kom - IV give you** lunch. • il-mamsaha bitgobb il-mayy - The cloth soaks up the water. • ’ufcti gaddat-na - my sister gave us lunch.


140 2279

gatjlab - rage, fury, anger. • min kutret il-gcu^ab - so furious that... .

- or: • galbatak (-tek) raha! - Taking trouble for you is a pleasure! .


2287 g alat fag lat] - mistake, error; wrong incorrect g a $ l# [igotjdj v-7o - to lower one's glance; • bil-galat - by mistake. to disregard. The VN ga. cause to collapse, cause to subside. • tahhant-ha —You’ve overdone it • habbat-lo himmto - He poured cold water on his enthusiasm .

ha el fem ha ile — 1) terrifying, appaUing dreadful 2) enormous, huge, tremendous. habbe U] [habbat] - gust. • $u. • su hadafj-zyarto? - What is the purpose of 2448 his visit? hadi1 - fem of hada*. • il-'ahdaf ir-ra’Isiyye - the main objectives. 2449 • 'ahdaf iz-zydra fi mosko - the objectives hadi2, fem hadye [hadyin], cp ’ahda - calm, of the visit to Moscow. • darabu 'ahdaf madamyye —They bombed • il-bahcr m hadi - The sea’s calm. l shelled civilian targets. • il-m arid 'ahda m inym bareh 2441 The patient’s calmer than [he was] yesterdayi hadaf2 [yihdef] v -le - to aim, have a goal 2450 • '6s bihdef min . • mahri - worn out / threadbare. 2486 • il-(ajal mahri - The tyre’s worn. han - here (rural formof hon* usedintheJerusalem • ’awfi'ih mahrtyye - Hu dotha art threadareaandelsewhere). bare. 2487 - See also ihtara*. hana - enjoyment. • jahhten u-hana! - Bon appetit! /Your very harab, harab [yuhrob) v-lo ~ to run away good health! escape. (good wishes addressed to a person engaged in • il-bint harbat min il-bet - The girl rm eatingordrinking, or whohasjust finishedeatingor away from home. drinking). • bawal yuhrob min is-sij'm - H* tried to 2488 escape from prison. handam [ihandem] v-9 - to spruce up, dress up smartly (tnans). • harab min il-madrase - He played truant He played hookey . • mhandem halo — He's aU dressed up. 2489

2 4 9 0

handase QQ- engineering, architecture, geometry. harom J'ahram, 'ahrdmdt, ehrdmdt] pyramid. • *ilm il-handase - geometry. • ztirt il-’ahrdmdt } rurt l-chrdmdt - 1 • handaset il-mudon - town planning. visited the Pyramids ! I went to see the • handase mecm&nyye —architecture. Pyramids. 2490


handasi fem handasiyye - 1) geometric, harise - harisseh - a sort of Middle Eastern semolina pudding. geometrical 2) engineering- (adj), relating to engineering. • il-harise hiyye no* hilu, min^fsmid uqai^r, mumken izidu swayyet halib • sake! handasi - geometric figure. ’Hansseh’is a sort ofsweet modefrom semckna and syrup, and you can add a little mdk (too} hamyyan! - your health! . enjoyment > (good wishes addressed to a person 2498 who has just taken a drink of water). harr (ihorr ] v-7o - I) to flow out, leak out: to See hanna* below. escape; to be emitted, be discharged: 2t in *** 2492 hanna [ihanni] v-10 - 1) to congratulate areas also: to have diarrhoea. • ir-rozz cam-bihorr min il-kfs -Tke net ts • bahanntk £ala hal-barnamaj il-hilu I congratulate you on this excellent programme. leaking out cf the bag.

155 2499

harrab, harrob [iharreb] v-8 - 1) to force to flee, put to flight 2) to smuggle. • harrabu-hom - They scared them off. • biharrbu slah - They smuggle weapons.

hawwa • hatiii fem hatifiyye - telephone- (adj), telephonic. • mukalame hatifiyye ^ —phone call .




hawa* - 1) air; 2) wind, breeze. • il-hawa nasef - The air's dry. hassac (in some areas) abbreviated form of • il-yom fib hawa! - There's a wind / a has-sa£a . 2501 breeze today! hastar [ihaster ] v-9 - to become hysterical, have • hallani m 'allaq fi-l-hawa - He left me hysterics hanging in the air / He left me up in the air. • bihaster- He gets hysterical. • kullna fi-l-hawa saw a - We’re all in the 2502 same boat . hastirya - hysterics. - See ’akal*. • sabat-ha hastirya - She had hysterics f 2 2512 haw a —love, desire. She became hysterical. 2503 • banat il-hawa - prostitutes < daughters of has [ihus] v-5 - to attack; to display hostility. love>. • les bithus caleh? - Why do you attack • cala h aw aj-su g o l - according to the (kind him? of) work . your identity card and your wife's fas well}! • hat-li wahad wahid! - Name me just one lperson who does l thinks Quit...}! 2517 . , . 2 5 0 9 hawwa [ihaw w i] v-10 - 1) to air out, ventilate; hataf [yihtef] v-le - to cheer, applaud. 2) to fart, pass wind (in some areas). • is-§aCeb bihtef-lo - The people are cheering • laze m jth aw w iJ-’o d a - You have to air him; The nation applauds him. See jumhur*. out the room. • il-gurfe mhawwaye m nih - The room's 2510 hatef* - telephone (in SA). See talifdn*. well aired.




hawwad [ihawwedj v-8 —to Judaise, make Jewish. See tahwid*. 2519

• hayy 1-cktab - Here’s the book. • wen 1-cktab? - hayyo! - Where's the book? - Here it is! • hayy-ni jay - I’m coming! / Here / come! See also hayya-*

hawwa§ [ihawweS] v-8 - to incite, egg on, stir up; to sick (a dog). See has*. 2528 • hawwaSat jdz-ha ca-j-jirdn - She egged hayya-8 / hiyya-8 - here (is...) followed by an her husband on against the neighbours l She attached pronoun. incited her husband against the neighbours. • wenak? - hayya-ni / hiyyani - Where are • bihawwes il-kalb calawn-nas - He sets the you? - Here I am! dog on people / He sicks the dog on people. • u-maratak?... - hiyya-ha - And your wife? - Here she is! 2520 hawwaye GO, hawway8 GO [hawwayat] 2529 hayya’ [ihayye’J v-8 - to prepare. fan. • hayye’ halak! - Prepare yourself! • saggel il-hawway / ’iftah il-hawway ! • hal-mawduc ’ihna ger muhayya'in 'ilo Turn on the fan! We haven’t prepared for this topic. 2521 hay - fem of hada*. • biddi ahayye’ il-jaww... - / want toprepare • min hay? - Who’s this [woman /girl]? the pound / I want to create the right atmo­ sphere. 2522 - The verb haddar* is more common. hay’a # GO, he’a* [hay’a t] - 1) form, * « « [outwardJ appearance; 2) [official] body, orga­ 2530 hayyaj [ ihayyej ] v-8 - to incite, stir up. nisation; group, staff. • bihayyej in-nas - He incites people. • hay’at it-tahrir - the editorial staff. • hay’at il-muhallafin - the jury < group of 2531 thosc-swom-in >. hayyen fem hayyne [hayynin], cp ’ahwan easy. • hay’at il-’umam il-muttahide - the Uni­ • suglak hayyen, ’ahwan min sugli - Your ted Nations Organisation . work is easy, easier than mine. 2523



hazali fem hazaliyye - funny, humorous, comic • ’uslub hazali - a humorous style. • masrahiyye hazaliyye - comedy . 2533

hazime [U [haza’em] - defeat. • baCcd hazimt i!-hizeb - after the party’s 2526 defeat haykal, hekal [hayakel] - l) skeleton, frame­ • intisdrdt u-haza-’em - victories and •» work, chassis 2) altar. defeats 2534 • il-haykal il-ca. 2536

bdiyye, chdiyye - see hadiyye . 2537

bc’a (D /hl’a - form. [outward] appearance. • he’to be'et hordmi - He looks like a thief < f a ^pearance [b la n appearance of a thief > .


[it is] • ha, casan hek?! - Oh. so Qud’s why! • ’ana ma qult-e§ hek! - 1 didn’t say Oud! • ’ana ra’yi ger* hek - 1 don’t think so / That’s not what I think . • hek hek / hek u-hek —anyway / in any case. • ’a ctini maktubak, hek u-hek ana rdyeh cal-bd?[a — Give me your letter I'm going to the post anyway. hekal - see haykal*.

• su hal-he’a?! - What do you think you’re dang going round looking like that? < w hat (is] heke - like hek*. tbs appearance? > .

• he'to mis hilwe - He doesn’t look nice. • bfet-ha mnlha - She looks nice. - See hay’a*. 2538

hfre [|] - respect awe, reverence: prestige. • h&et a-’abb - the awe inspired by (one’s) father. • zaman 'awwal qaddes kan ir-rajol 1ekblr ’iio hebto! - In tke old days an elderly men was traded witk such respect! < ._ had his

hel - cardamom (a spice added to coffee).

2540 2541 2542

-hen* - them, their - attached pronoun. See henne*; -horn**. • jirdn-hen - their neighbours. - When this pronoun is attached to a word, the stress balls on the syllable immediately before it - ie. on the last syllable of the word to which it is attached, e.g., • Safat —* safat-hen - she saw —* she saw them. • misek —►misek-hen - he grasped —►he grasped them. • (Jarabu —►(jarabu-hen - they beat —* they beat them. • zurna —►zurna-hen - we visited —> we visited them. 2544 henlk / (c)hnlk - there (in Lebanon and Syria)

• ijiserfktlr min hebto fi-Malam fl-mrobi - He’s lost a lot of his prestige in the Arab world. 2539 £k / b£ke - to. thus; tike this. like dud; like these, hke Quae. * fczeirt Le^mal h£k - You have to do like Otis i tike that 2545 • miihfek? - isn't that so? henne* - they. • hfefc nis - people hke this ! like that • bass henne ma qiblu-l - Bui they didn’t • b£k ft - something like this / like Oud. want to . hobbies? 2554 • hiwayti... il-futbol! - My hobby is football hijri - pertaining to the Hegira. 2562 • is-sanej-hijriyye - the Muslim year hiyya-8 - See hayya-* (reckoned from the Hegira). 2563 • fi sant 'alf u-talat miyye... hijri hiyye, hi - she. in the year 1300... of the Muslim era. • ya ’ana, ya hiyye - she or I; her or me; It’s m _ 2555 her or me! hilal" / (c)hlal - 1) new moon; crescent 2) bracket. • hiyyejli kasrato ? - la’, mus hiyye - Was she the one who broke it? - No, it wasn i her. • il-qamaryhlal - There's a new moon . • zayy-ma hiyye - as she is. • il-hilal il-’ahm ar - the Red Crescent (the • thanaqat hi u-jozha - She had a quarrel Muslim equivalent of the Red Cross). with her husband . 2564 • ben hilalen - in brackets. hnik - see henik*. - See qos*, -en*. 2565 • b-sakcl hilal - crescent-shaped. holand, holand(a) - Holland 2556 • holandi fem holandiyye hilek [yihlak] v-2 - to be worn out, be exhausted, - Dutch. be dead tired. 2566 • an ^h lek n —I ’m worn out / I'm dead tired. -homJ - them, their - attached pron. i—i 2557 hunrae [8] - energy, power; zeal, enthusiasm. • rajol §dlteb* himme —an energetic man.

-See hum m e#. • jirdn-hom - their neighbours. — When this pronoun is attached to a word, the

159 cross fatts oo the syllable immediately before it - ie. on the last syllable of the word to which it is attached, eg.. . safer —* safat-hom -sh e saw —►she saw diem. 9 misek -+ misek-hom - he grasped —*■he grasped them 9 darobu -*■ darabu-hom - they beat —*■ jjuy beat them. 9 znrna —» zumB-hom - we visited —* we visited them 2567 -bon - few. their * attached proo. See hunne*.

hudhod, hudhud - hoopoe.

hunne 2574

2575 hudne, -na [8] - cease-fire, truce, armistice. • cimlu hudne —They declared a ceasefire. • ittafaqu cala hudne - They agreed to a truce. 257g hudu\ huduww - quiet, peace, tranquillity. • ’ihki bi-hudu’ - Speak quietly! / Speak calmly!

hujum - attack. 2577 • hujum il-caduww - the enemy offensive. • hujum mucakes —counter-attack.

bon / hona ! hone - hen. 2578 hummal ] hamel*. 9 min bon la-bed - from hen to my house. 2579 9 jlbtik la-hdn! - Bring him / it here! hummeJ - Buy. • min hon la-hon - in the end t when all's • 'ihna ruhna u-humme kamon —We went, said end done ! when it comes down to it (after and so did they. aegodatioo between two parties). - The corresponding attached pronoun is -hom*: • min hon la-hon, qaddes? - What’s your • min§an-hom - for them. final price? . 2580 • min hon la-hdn ittafaqna - In the end we humum ] hamm*. nocked an agreement 2581 2569 huna (SA) - here. Hke bdn*. • ’ila huna!* - End quote! ; That's all for 2570 now! (at the end of a news bulletin etc.). -hd-5 - a sdSx meaning not., him added to a verb • wa-min huna... - hence (it follows that..) endingis a vowel e.g., • stifih? . la', ma sAfu-hd-s! - Did they see hunak / hundke - then. km? - So, they didn't see him. • hunak 'abrad min hon - It's colder there • sufndh; ma sufna-hd-$ - We saw him; We than [it is] here. didn’t see hem. • mA-truh-^ ia-hunak! - Don’t go there! • §uft!^; ma iuftl-hd-s - You1 saw him; Year didn’t see ktm. 2571 hun&lek (-lika)# - then; there is. then an (in tw w e SA). 2584 2572 tol - is place ti 'it'-. Pw wpUnatwn, see under hunne - they. See henne*, humme*. This is baq** buq*. In accordance with the rule the form used in Lebanon and in Mestinian villages near the Lebanese border: TarSIha, Me. • il-w a(an il-ljabib —[our] beloved homeland. • habbab Ijfilo calajt-^ulldb / la^ulldb • yalla ya habfiyeb! - Come along darlings / He made himselfpopular with the students / He endeared himself to the students. dears / boys and girls!




liable - rope; piece of rope 1121 • • hable qa?ire - a short rope. See naft*. 2605

habs - prison, jail. See sijcn*. • hattuh fi-l*habs - They put him in jail. a ** * 2606

®mahkamet il- ahdat youth court / juvenile court • 'ahdat il-yom - the day's events / today’s news. hadba - fem of 'ahdab*. ■ • i




hadd1 [ihedd] v-7e - to mourn, wear mourning. had [ihid] v-6 - to deviate, swerve, stray, digress. See haded*. # See hiyadi*, muhayade*. • fih nas biheddu 'arbcin yom - Some • bithid can it-tariq / can il-mawdu* - You people wear mourning for forty days. swerve off the road f You digress from the topic. , iJ. _ 2615 2607 hadd [hdud [Tj /hudiid ff] -limit;border. The hada - anyone (in a question or a conditional clause); plural form is normally used, particularly when no-one (in a negative sentence). When a specific referring to the borders of countries. person is referred to, the word wahad* (some­ • calajldud lubnan —on the Lebanese border. one) is used. See haras*. » • fi hada talabni? - Did anyone ask for me? • kull si ’ilo_hdud! - There's a limit to but: everything! • ’ija wahad sa ’al cannak - Someone came • bahott la-nafsi hdud - I set myself limits. land] asked about you. • lazemjrnwaqqfo cind haddo - We have to • ma fiss hada - There’s no-one [thereJ. put him in his place . • ma ija-s hada / ma hada-s ’ija - No-one • fih hadd 'a cla u-flh hadd ’adna - There’s * a came. a maximum and a minimum . [methods]. • hawades i^-turoq - road accidents. • bistacemlu ’ahdas il-’alat - They use the • qabl il-hawades - before the riots cbefore most up-to-date equipment < instruments >. the 'events'>.

hadet - see hades* above. i?adi * cCLsax - eleven • id-dars il-hadi ca s a r * - the eleventh lesson. ,

2624 2625


hadit - see hadis*. * • *

2631 2632

hadse (-£e # ) [8] - means the same as hades*. • il-hadse $drat... - The accident took place.... 2633

hadid - iron. haddar - see hazzar*. 2634 • bawwabe min hadid - an iron gate. • $ehhto zayy il-hadid - He's got an iron haxldne QO - childcare, care of young children. constitution . • kull il-’awlad illi fi hatfdnti - aU the children who are in my care. • doqq il-hadid u-hu hami —Strike while the iron is hot! • ddr il-ha^dne - nursery school / day See u-*. nursery / creche - often shortened to ^cu^dnef


164 2) sir; madam (a respectful form of address). • mtn b&d cistern. haddra [8 ] - civilisation, culture. • bafaru banfideq - They dug trenches. • il-hadaraj-garbiye - western civilisation. • mahftir fi-l-’ard - dug in the ground • il-huddrdt il-qadime - [the] ancient civi­ • fih nafaq mahftir fi-5-^ahra - Then's a lisations. tunnel dug into the rock. • kull §acb ’ilo haddrto - Every nation has • buhfor 'ismo fi-l-bajar - Hr canes his its own culture. 2637 name in the stone. Z fA 2 haddri fem haddriyye [haddriyyfn] hafariyyat - excavations civilised. 2643 • illi bihafez calaJ-bi’a huwwa haddri - A hafoz - see hifez*. civilised person is someone who protects / looks 2444 after the environment . maintain, keep; to observe (tradition etc.) 2638 • lazem enhafez (ala n-nizdm - We Hate to haddar [ih adder] v-8 - to prepare. keep order / maintain flaw and) order • bahadder il-’akcl - 1 prepare the food • bihdfzu £alajt-taqdlid - They observe • hadder halak (haddri halekf)! tradition / They keep up the traditions. - Get ready! / Prepare yourself! 2643 2639 hdfez fem hdfza [hdfzinj - active part, of bader fem hadra [h&drin] - 1) present (as in hifez* 1) guardian, keeper; 2) one who English, this word has the dual meaning of in remembers i knows by heart attendance and now) 2) ready, prepared • lazem tiji bukra hdfez darsak - You • kull si hader - Everything's ready. must learn your lesson by heart far tomorrow • lissatha mu§ hddra - She’s not ready yet h aje la-£iiaj - He needs [medi­ cal] treatment See also mihtaj*. • jit la-h ajejn £ayyane - I camefor a specific reason. • haje dbki! —Stop crying!

hafle 00 [baflat] - 1) ceremony, gathering, ' assembly 2) party, celebration. 2656 • haflet ta\vzic is-sihadat prize-giving. hajeb [hawajeb] [6] - eyebrow. m • hafle musiqiyye - musical evening. • il-m ara bitnaqqeb hawajeb-ha - The ' 2651 woman plucks her eyebrows. hahdm [hahamiyye, ha^dmin] - rabbi, Jew­ • bitqallem hawajeb-ha - She pencils her ish sage. The form hahdm is also heard. eyebrows (with an eyebrow pencil). 2652

2657 hajale coll hajal [n j -partridge. hajem [§] ['ahjam] —volume, size, capacity. • bisidu hajal u-ruqti - They hunt partridges • h ajm jl-q d ca - the capacity of the hall and turtle doves. • hajm il-hazzan - the capacity of the tank. • dik hajal - cock partridge. • mwahhad min nahit il-hajem - of uni­ • tahhet tlatj^dyuk hajal - I shot three form size < unified from the aspect of sizc>. partridges. 2653 • bi-'ahjam mihtilfe - in different sizes f of hajar [(’a)hjdr] - 1) stone 2) chessman, chess different sizes. piece. • hatta ah sal £alaj-hajcm illi biddiwyyah • byut min h ajar - stone houses. - until I get the size I want. 2658 • birmu_hjdr - They throw stones. hajez flT] - j) confiscation, seizure, impoundment • hjara d ] - stones I a pile of stones. 2) reservation. VN of hajaz*. • bahott 1-chjdr calaJ-ldha - / put the • 'aja-na w arqet il-hajez - We received the chessmen on the board . attachment order / The attachment order's 2654 arrived. hajaz [yihjez] v-le - 1) to confiscate, impound, 2659 seize, garnish, attach 2) to reserve, keep. hajez [hawajez] - roadblock, barrier, • hajazu £alaj-talfizyon taba£o / £ala 'a ta t obstruction. See also mahsum*. be to - They impounded his television / his • lamma_w?elna ca-l-hajez - when we furniture. reached the roadblock. • mnihjez-loJ-maca s hatta yidfac - We’U • hajez sikket il-hadid - level-crossing attach his earnings / We’ll garnish his wages barrier / railroad-crossing barrier. until he pays. • lam m ajvselnajs-sikke, waqqafna cind • 'ihjez-li mahall! - Keep a place for me! / il-hajez - When we reached the level crossing, Keep me a seal! we stopped at the barrier. • hodertak hajez ( i gurfe)? - Do you have • lazem jm qim il-hawajez ben is-sacben a reservation, sir? turn peoples. ^ ) e HI lhajat] - 1) need, object, matter • 'inti u-'ibnek, hal fih hajez benek 2) enough! stop! don V u-beno? —Is there a barrier between you and • fiss haje tlji - There's no need for you to your son? come. 2660 (hajiyye) [hajiyyat] - commodities, necessities. ije la-... - in need of... • il-hajiyyat il-’asasiyye - [the] basic • anawb-haje llak / la-£ilmak - / need you / your expertise < your knowledge >. necessities. *

Wjiyy* • il'feftjiyAt wil kamiliyyAt - necessities and luxuries. SM W l ^njj1 [ityejjj v-7e - to make a pilgrimage. • 'illi bidd«hon)Jl)ejju - tome who want to make the pilgrimage. • tyajjfitu sawa? - Did you go on the hajj /the pilgrimage together? 2662

jj2- pilgrimage (especiallytheMuslimpilgrimage to Mecca, though the word may sometimes also refer toChristianpilgrimage). • 'ayyflm il-fyajj - fduring] the period of toe pilgrimage. • hajj mabrur! - Blessed pilgrimage! . 2663

unpleasant thing* about him).

However, this d&mrtim n not ifaerwd by every, one. We aho have to bear m mmd that the preposition . • huwwe haleq daqno - He's clean-shaven • ma bye^af-s halawet in-najah - He . doesn't know the sweet taste of success , • §ufto bdmel sahbdra - [towkm canywg a box / a crate. Sec also bamel*. • bihmel laqob doktor - He i got a deetong* . • hdda hamal-ni s^aten (0 - That took me two hours. • bihmel-ni waqt_ektir {*) - It taka me a long time. • it-tariq min hon la-Rfha bdhmel nuss se^a 1 - The journey from here to Jericho taka half an hour. • hada byihmel-na 'arba< s£. hamas* - enthusiasm, zeal fervour. 2710 hama’el ] hamule*. • bitdb kullo hamas - an tmpassvmed speech . . 2711 b&nial [yihmel] v-le or bimel* [yihmal] v-2 — • min kutril-baroas i min kutret il-hamas V to carry, bear 2) to take [time], last $dri$lh - He shouted with enthusiasm. (Jerusalem) - See kutrfet)*.

171 2715

• kull 'imra hamel lazemjJtdir bal-ha... Every pregnant woman must take care.....

• in-nisa’ il-hawamel - pregnant women / the pregnant women. - Therefore: hiyye hamle = She is cam m e• hiyye hamel = She « pregnant

j^ -a s2 -Hamas, hamas is an acre ' name: harakat il-muqdwame (the Islamic Resistance Movement). haroat- - see hama*. *

hamayel ] hamule*. *

ham m

2717 2718

2723 hamd - praise - commonly used m the phrase ilham i1 fem hamye cp ’ahma - very hot - used ' hamdu lfllah# - Thank God! / Praise be to only of materials which can be heated to very high God! In everyday speech this is usually contracted temperatures, such as iron, oil etc. Compare to (e)i-hamdu-lla, hamdi-Ua. suhon*. -See salame*. • iz-zet hami —The oil is very hot • kif halek? - (e)l-hamdu-Ua, klf 'inte? • il-mikway kanat hamye - The iron was Hoc are you? - Thank God [I'm fine], how are very hot 2719 • il-fur°n hami —The stove s very hot hamdhyat - citrus fruit. 2724 m m iO • tosdir il-homdivyat - exporting citrus fruit hami - protector, guard. Active part of hama*. . • id-dole, hami-ha harami-ha - In this 2720 country / Over there, they leave the fox to guard / hamod fem hdmda cp 'ahmad the henhouse . or adj) •p!: [hawamed]. „ 2725 • il-!amiin homed - The lemon s sour. hamid * fem -de - praiseworthy. • il-bondmora hdm da - The tomatoes are • hutwa hamide —a commendable step / a # # sour. praiseworthy action. • ii'Soraba hdmda... - 'aywa, h aftet fTha 2 7 2 6 lamun - The soup's acidic. - Yes, [I know] I hamilat (d’irdt - aircraft carrier. put lemon in il Compare with httmmad*. • hamilat it-(d’irdt - the aircraft carriers. • homed il-kibrit - sulphuric acid. See hamal*, (tamel*. 2727 • habbet hdmod 2 - [one] lemon. hamir 1 hmdr*. 2721

'# '




hamej [|] - 1} carrying (VN of hamal / hamle H] [hamlat, hamalat*] - campaign, ^imel") 2) pregnancy. attack, offensive. • hilal fatrat il-hamcl - during pregnancy • il-muraSsah bicmel hamle intiljabiyye . The candidate launches [his] election • (^hbub dedd iJ-bamel - oral contracep­ campaign. tion ! the pill . . -See fildh*. • hamlet ’iclam - advertising campaign. 2722 • Ijamlet tahritf - campaign of incitement fcm bamle [hdm lin] - carrying. Active part, of Ijamal*. 2729 - heat • kdn bdmel Santa - lit was carrying a hamm * suitcase. • id-dinya bamm HU - It's hot [ tod a y] • mara bdmle walad cala ’idha - a woman • 'ahsan-ma ye^la2 il-ljamm min il*gurfe . 2744

hana [yihni] v-3 - to bow (trans). • 'ihni r&sak - Bow your head! • hanu rds-hom - They bowed their heads

hammam - bathhouse, bathroom, bath. • huwwe fi-l-hammam - He’s in the bath. • biddi 'aruh £a-l-hammam - 1 want to go to 2745 the bathroom (i.e. the lavatory, toilet). hanafi fem hanafiyye - Hanafite. • il-hammam harej il-bet - 7he toilet / • il-madhab* il-hanafi - the Hanafite school lavatory’s outside [the house]. (of Islamic jurisprudence). 3f • ’ahad hammam sams -H e took a sunbath. • kull sita baruh cala tabariyya ta ’atham- hanafiyye Qo] [hanafiyyat \-ta p . faucet • hanafiyyet il-mayy is-suhne - the hotmam fi-l-hammamat —Every winter I go to Tiberias to bathe in the hot springs. water tap. hammaq —to anger (trans), make angry.



hanak - jaw. See (aqq*.

173 2748

janan - love, (flection (particularly the tenderness haqan [yuhqon] v -lo - to inject • haqanu samm fi jismo - They injected a of maternal love). See mahrum*. drug / poison mto his body . See hllqne*. hanbali fem hanbaliyye - Hanbalite. • il-madhab* il-hanbali - the Hanbalite haqayeq ] haqiqa*. school (of Islamic jurisprudence). 2750


haqel [5] [huqul] - 1) field 2) field (fig), hanin - longing, nostalgia. sphere, domain, realm. • fl-hanin lal-watan* homesickness, '* • fi-l-huqul - in the fields. • fih hanin las-sase? - Do you miss the • fi h aq ljs-siyase# - in the political sphere. small screen? (i.e. the period when you worked in television). • min kutret il-hanln - [He] missed [it] so haqiqa (U [haqayeq, haqa’eq # ] -truth, fact much that.. ! [His] longing was so great that / • fi-haqlqa, ’ana ma batzakkar - The truth is, I don't remember. [He]felt so nostalgic that... 2751 • biksef il-haqa’eq la-halo —He discovers hawi [ihenn] v-7e - to long for, yearn, be the fads for himself. m 4 nostalgicfor, miss. • makanat il-haqiqa (il-poligraf) - lie • bihenn la-blado - He misses his own detector / polygraph . country / his homeland. 2763 • bithenn Ia-’ayyam it-tufule - She’s nos­ haqiqi fem haqlqiyye [haqfqiyyin] - real, talgicfor [the days of] her childhood. true, authentic. • bahenn la-suglij-qadim - 1 miss my • ’ism oj-haqiqi - his real name. previous job. • il-hator il-haqiqi - the real danger. 2752 • qusas haqlqiyye - true stories. hanna [bihanni] v-10 - to henna. See hinna*. • bithanni sater-ha - She hennas her hair. * 2764 • bihannuj-'ariis - They decorate the bride haqq1 [huquq, hquq [U ] - 1) justice, with henna. truth, tightness 2) right (i.e. one’s due) 3) price, 2753 value. hannat [ihannet] v-8 - to embalm, stuff. • mus haqq! - That’s unjust! / That's not • ttiyur m uhannata - stuffed birds. right! . 2754 • il-haqq macak! - You’re right! . 2755 • il-haqq caleh - He’s wrong / He’s in the hantur [hanatir] - horse-drawn carriage, wrong / It's his fault! cjustice is on him = horse-drawn cab against him>. See cala*. 2756 • hiyye bitlumo u-can haqq - She blames compassionate, tenderhearted. him - quite rightly! • il-mumamda lazem_ptkun hanune • huwwe cala haqq - He’s right! . 2757 batjtteq ] Ijaqiqa*. • qiil il-haqq! - 7III the truth! • ’ana batlob haaai - 1 demand 2758 demand my due! i, ytlhqod] v-1 e/o - to resent,feel resentful, bear a grudge. • huquq il-cummal - the workers ’ rights. • huquq in-na5cr* mahfuza - [ All] •buhqod . • il-haram is-sarif - the Temple Mount (in 2779

Jerusalem); the Kaaba (in Mecca) • h you want to be specific you can the skin). say: il-haram il-qudsijs-sarif . temperatures . • il-haram il-jami£i huw w aj-m akan il• cindo h a rd ra - He's got a temperature / a wahld illi... - The university campus is the fever. only place that... • nizlat il-h ard ra - The fever’s gone down. • il-hajj 'ahmad w a-haram o - Hajj Ahmad • (i)$taqbalunaj>hardra - They gave us a and his wife. 2776 warm welcome. haram - 1) forbidden, unlawful, illicit 2) taboo, • ta le c-lo h a rd ra jj-k u ll jismo - He’s come shame 3) sacred (and inviolable), holy, sacro­ out in a rash all over his body. sanct. • h a rd rtjl-'o d a - room temperature; the • lah«m haram —unlawful meat (i.e. meat temperature of the room. that has not been prepared as prescribed by Muslim 2780 law). See halal*. h aras1 [y ih res/ yuhros] v-le/o -toguard, • ’ib®n haram - illegitimate son / bastard; be on guard, keep watch. cunning bastard • b u h ° rs u j-'u s a ra - They guard the captives • bil-hardm - unlawfully / illicitly / illegally. / the prisoners [of war], • hardm . 2783 • hares il-warse - the watchman at the building site. liarat, haral [yuhrot/-!] v-lo - to plottgh. cultivate. • hurras il-waqf - the custodians of the Muslim holy places . • buhrot ’artfo - He ploughs his land / his field.' 2790 • il-'ard# mahrute - The land has been harf t'ahrof, huruf] - letter (of the alphabet). • ploughed. • harf ir-rd - the letter R. 2784 harayeq ] hariqa*. • il-’ahrof il^arabiyye - the Arabic letters. 4


27Q harb, harb [hurub] (f) - war. harfi - literal. See harf*. « * • il-harb il-barde - the cold war • tarjame harfiyye - [a] literal translation. • harb ’ahliyye - civil war. • lamma bidyat il-harb - when war broke harfiyyan - literally. out / when the war began. • balas_cntarjem harfiyyan! - Let's not • (i)ntahat il-harb - The war ended. translate literally! • fi 1-ehrub ma-fiss (fi-l-hurub# ma fih) • bifhamil-qcuiun harfiyyan - He interprets la galeb wala maglub! - In war there are no the law literally . victors . 2793 • il-harb il-calam iyyej-’ula - the First harlm- women (i.e. the women of the family; among World War. Muslims). • harb it-tamanye u-’arbcin - the [Israeli] • bet il-harim - women s quarters i harem. War of Independence . • ta’min dedd il-harlq - fire insurance.

• harb is-sittjyyam / harb haziran / harb is-sabca u-sittln - the Six Day War . 2786

hardan fem hardane [hardanfn] - in a temper, sulky, sulking. • il-mora hardane, rdhat . See also mahsub*. * * * * - He incited them against the government • hasabto ’ajnabi — / thought he was a • muharretf [muharridin] - agitator / foreigner. See also has sab*. inciter l troublemaker. • mbayyen ebtihseb-ni 'akbar min £umri 2801 - You seem to think I'm older than I [really] am. harrak [iharrek] v-8 - 1) to move, set in motion colder than my age>. 2) to vocalise, vowelise, put in the vowels (in • hasab ehsab* - He took into account.. * • harrek ’a§db£ak! - Move your fingers! (e.g. • lazem yihsebuwhsab inno ffh nas saknin while undergoing a medical check-up). taht-hom! - They have to take into account • btetrefjtharrek? - Do you know how to that there are people living underneath them. putin the vowels? • lazem dhsebu_hsab la-qillet hiberto • nosscmharrak (or msakkal*) - a voca­ You must take his lack of experience into lised ! vowelised text account 4



harram [iharrem] v-8 - to declare sacred, dedart unlawful; to forbid. • din-na biharrem hada - Our religion forbids that 2803

• ma hasabte-swehsab innojkunu tamanye! - 1 didn’t expect there to be eight of them. • 'ihsebwehsab-na: jayln £in dak il-lele Count us in - we’re coming over to visit you this evening! ctakc us into account; we come to you this evening >.

barrar [lharrer] v-8 - 1) to release, [set] free, liberate 2) to edit 2808 • harraruj-tabid - They freed the staves. See Ijasab2 —according to, in accordance with. tahrir*. • hasab iz-zuruf - according to the * # i circumstances. • il-jfcs ljarrar il-balad - The army liberated the town. • Ijasab it-ta£llm at - in accordance with the instructions. • muljarrer il-jarlde - the editor of the newspaper. • Ijasab ra'yi - in my opinion.

hasad m

178 2809

• bihasmes fi-l^atme - He feels his way jn the dark.

hasad1 [yihsed] v-le - to envy, be envious. See also gar*, gire*. 2819 • bahcsdak cala hal-bet! - / envy you this hasna - 'abu hasna - Don Juan. housef h asra 0 - grief; sigh ofgrief. MZ0 • ’ana ma bahsed-ha-s! - 1 don’t envy her! • ya hasra! - Alas! / What a pity! j It’s a 2810 terrible thing! hasad2 - envy (noun). See hasud*. • ya hascrti! s a r ma£ il-walad hek 2811 U-hek... — What a terrible thing! Such-and-such has happened to the • gazzat hasake fi halqo - A fishbone got child... stuck in his throat See thassar*. * 2812 • twaffa wil-hasra calli wardh _ ne died, hasam # [yihsem] v-le - 1) to cut 2) to decide and those he left behind mttst bear the burden of 3) to settle. See hasem*. his loss < a n d the grief (isi on those behind him>. • lazem nihsem il-’umur - We have to get things settled (i.e. we have to make a decision.) 2821 • lazem nihsem il-hilaf - We have to settle hass [ihess] v-7e - to feel • bahesswcb-wajac - I’m in pain . hasan* fem hasane [hisan] -good. • hasset hali biddi 'antoq - / felt I wanted to Cp ’ahsan*. See also hasane* below. be sick / to throw up. • is-sluk il-hasan - good behaviour. • hases halak mis mabsut? - Aren't you (m) feeling well? / Are you feeling untcell? • in-niyyej-hasane - good intentions • hasse halek mis mabsuta? - Are you 2814 m ■ * hasane [hasanat] - 1) charity 2) advantage. feeling unwell? • byac(i hasane lal-faqlr - He gives charity • ’ana bahess mackom - / feelfor you / I sympathise with you. • il-hasane min fa ra ’ed il-’islam - Charity • biddi ’ahess nabdo m • - I want to take his is one of the obligations of Islam. Pulse. • bithess I-eqmas - She feels the fabric (Le. • is-sahhad butlob hasane min in-nas rubs it between her fingers to test its quality). The beggar asks people for charity. • qalbi bihess-ni inno ’immi marida - / • klf 'ana baqbal hasane min in-nas?! have a feeling my mother’s not well / My instinct How can I accept charity from people? tells me my mother's ill. • il-hasanat wis-sayyi’a t - the advantages 2822 a and the disadvantages . something) / consider (someone / something to be hasasiyye - see hassasiyye*. something). • hassabtak carabi - / thought you were hasem fem hasme - decisive. an Arab. • ma ’adda-s la-natlje hasme - It didn’t • hassabu-ha doktora / tabibe - They lead to a decisive outcome / result. thought she was a doctor /They considered her to • ’inti fi-l-marhalej-hasme - You ’re at the be a doctor. 2823 decisive stage. hassan [ihassen] v-8 - to improve. See 2817 thassan*. hases - active part of hass*. • hada bihassen il-wad** - That improves 2818 hasmas [ihasmes] v-9 —to grope, fe e l one's way. the situation / That makes tilings better.

179 • rah-ihassen surut il-£amal - [This] will improve tootkm g conditions.

• il-hasud la yasud ^ — Envy gets you nowhere! .

• hassen kalamak ! - Mind your language! / 2830 Jibtch your mouth! < improve your speech > h a s a (haset) [yihsi] v-3 - to count; to gather ie. don’t swear / use obscene language. statistics. See also 'ahsa*. • * • lazemjhassen halo (fi dirasto) -H ehas • h asu s-su k k an (’ahsuws-...) - They to do better (in his studies) .



gassas (ihasses] v-8 - to cause to feel, give the h asad [ytlhsod] v-lo —to harvest, reap. • £am-byuhosdu (-buhosdu) - They’re feeling [thatJ, make people fed [that]. harvesting [now]. • ma kuntcs biddi ahasses inni qalqan - 1 2832 didn ’/ want to make [people] feel that I was h a s a l# [yahsol] v-lo - 1) to happen, occur worried. 2825 2) to obtain, get ( + £ala). See also hisel* hassas fem hassase [hassasin] - sensitive • illi h a sa l - what happened. "■ m • ’ana hassas lal-bard - I'm sensitive to the • in-nata'ej illi hasalna £aleha - the results cold. we obtained. 2833 • cindi cen hassase - I have sensitive eyes. • hada mawdu£ hassas - That’s a sensitive h a s a r [ihaser] v-11 - to besiege, lay siege to. • m a d in e jn h a sa ra - a city under siege. subject • hal-madine, h d saru -h a - They besieged • nuqta hassase - a sensitive spot. the town cthis town, they besieged it>. • tawazon hassas fi Lubnan - a delicate balance [ofpower] in Lebanon. 2826 hasbe 0 - measles. hassasiyye Qo] [hassasiyyat] - sensitivity, • it-ta t£Im dedd il-hasbe - inoculation * « • » allergy. The form hasasiyye is also heard. against measles / the measles jab. • hassasiyye lal-gabara - an allergy to dust. • il-h asb ej-’almaniyye - German measles. • fih hassasiyyat - There are sensitivities / • il-h a?b ej-’almaniyye mel)etre There are sensitive issues involved. (m uhtira#) lal-janin - German measles is 2827 dangerous for the foetus. hasse 0 [ hawass] -sense (as in the five senses). 2835 h asel - 1) happening (active part) 2) outcome. • hasset il-bascur - sight . See hasal*. ■ # • il-hasel / haslo... - In short., f The • can tariq il-hawass - [A child learns] upshot was... through his senses . 2836


ha$er [5] - blocking, retention. SA: hu$°r*. hasub* [hawasib] - computer. The foreign word • h aser bol - urine retention [l6j. kambyutar is more common, though it is now 2837 increasingly being replaced by this Arabic word. h a lid e - harvest • biqaddi se£at quddam il-hasub - He • waqt il-haside - at harvest time. spends hours at the computer. 2838 • hasuhi - computerised / computer- (adj). h a^ire [8] [hu$or] - mat • il-itti$dldt il-hasubiyye - electronic com­ • cb-qaddes il-hosire hay? - How much is munications < computerised communications >. that mat? 2829

basud fem hasude [IjasUdin, l)ussdd# ] envious.


ha§ra - anguish. Most often heard in the expression:



• ya hasra / ya ha^rcti - Oh, how dreadful! / Oh, how terrible! .

• mubid lal-hasarat - insecticide. - See VW5,4*

2818 hasis - 1) grasses, weeds, herbs 2)haskish, ho§§ab [ihasseb] v-8 - to catch measles. cannabis. See hassas*. • il-waladjmhasseb - The boy’s got measles. • hasise [8] - herb; blade ofgrass QT] • il-ewlad ha§$abu sawa - The children all 2849 went down with measles at the same time hasiye [hawasi] - 1) border, margin 2) mar■ . See httsbe*. ginal note, footnote 3) entourage, retinue. 2841 • bihott . 2840


haswe - small stone, pebble, gravel • cindo haswe fi-l-m ardra - He's got gallstones .



hassas [ihasses] v-8 - to smoke hashish; to use cocaine / heroin. • byiskar u-bihasses - He gets drunk and smokes hashish.

hasa [yihsi] v-3 - to stuff, fill. See haswe*. 2852 • bnihsij-jaje bir-rozz - We stuff the chicken hassas [hassasin] ~ drug addict with rice. 2853 • kusa mahsi stuffed courgettes / zucchini. hassur fem hassura [hassurin] - nosy, • jaje mahsiyye - stuffed chicken. Prying; nosy Parker. See hasar*. • haset 1-emljadde (b)-?uf - I stuffed the • hay il-. • fih 'iS bihayvemi - Something puzzles me. • bayyar-ni - He disconcerted me. - The names of the months are often replaced by numbers: • mhayyer fern mhay(y)re - puzzling f embarrassing ! confusing. • fi talate sitte - on the third of June . t hada tasorrof garib w-emhayyer -

That's strange and puzzling behaviour.


• walla hayyartnij>-has-sual! - You’ve naBj perplexed me with that question.

bazme, hizme Q[] [huzam, hizam] - bundle. • hazmet hcitab - a bundle offirewood. 2899


-snake. haznan fem haznane [haznftifn] • qar^ato hayye - He teas bitten by a snake 1 ) s a d 2 ) g r ie v in g , in m o u rn in g . . • huwwe haznan cala 'abuh - H e ’s • havye soda - a black snake. m o u rn in g f o r h is fa th e r. * (hadi) zayy ii-hayye tahtjt-tiben - He’s . a snake in the grass . • rii'hayye bitleff cala haJ-ha / bdtka. 2927 tojje - *ee bujjeV • w alla ljilu, fyilu k tir! - Beautiful, fust beautiful! (can also be used ironically): That’s fust 2925 -

I) wisdom 2 ) medicine.




Z«CM • bad&l sabga bistaomluj-ljinna - They bilwiyyflt, foclwiyyftt -- sweets. confectionery use henna instead of dye. i.e., oriental sweetmeats luch aa baqlfiwa, fyiqcd - see l>aqad*. e^rayybe, knfife, burma, .

team / hzam H] [’ahzime] - belt w • m • hizam il-’aman - safety belt! seat belt ___ ____ _ 2967 • D-hizam il-’aswad - black belt (in judo). hm ule dD GO _ cargo. • hottuj-'ahzime, ya ulad! - Put on your • nazzalu 1-chmule / ehm ultjs-safine [seat] belts, children! They unloaded the cargo / tke ship's cargo. 2968


hizbi fem hizbiyye - party- (adj). • in-nasal il-hizbi - party activity. • la-hizbi - non-party. • fa“ aliyye la-hizbiyye - non-party activity. 2959

hiz*=b [|] [’ahzabl - [political] party. • l-hizbj£-syuci - the communist party. • ahzab il-yamln - the right-wing parties. • ban ii-hizb - the party line. • hununejidamrau lal-hizeb - They joined the party.

hobb / hubb - love. • min hubbo ’ilha - because of his lovefor her. • huwwe h u b b ij-’awwal - He is my first love. • hobb (hubb) il-w alan - love of one’s country / homeland. • hubbo lal-w atan - his love for his native land. See 'a cma*. 2969

hd4 [’ahw ddl - basin; dock. • bd^j sam ak - aquarium • hod buna sufon - shipyard baer [yibzer] v-le - Ij to guess 2) to solve a • ia lla cqjs-safine min-l-h6d - They riddle. launched the ship from the dock. • bazzar-ni buzzera u-’anaJjzert-ha 2970 - He asked me a riddle and I solved it bdla - fem of 'abwal*. bjdb - tee bijdl)*,



bdra, coll \)6r - poplar.


188 2972

• talat_chsune - Three horses. See sihel* - See satrttnj*.

horr fem horra [’ahrdr] -free. Sec horror*, 4 * hurriyye*. • toyyeb... ’inte horr! - Fine, you can do h# #sar - see hisar*. # * what you tike! . • il-mihan il-horra QD - the professions hsune ]*■ hsan*. * * * *



< th c free occupations > .

• ’intu ’ahrdr! - You* are free!

hsus # « ■ ] hoss*. ■ ■> ■



hose HD - fried onion. See hawwas*. • host il-basa! w-il-bandora - fried onions » # * and tomatoes / fried onions with tomatoes.

hud°b ] 'ahdab*. * 4


hud°n QD [’ahddn] - breast, bosom, lap. • huq in some areas. • halij il-£a q a b a —the Gulf of Aqaba f the Gulf of Eilat. 3084 haleq - creator - active part of halaq*. • 'azm et / harb il-hallj - the [Persian] Gulf • il-haleq - the Creator. crisis f war (in 1991). 3091 • subhan il-haleq - Praised [be] the Creator! Jf This phrase is used on seeing an attractive child, an balil - friend; the name given to the patriarch Abraham: halll ’a lia < friend of God>, from exceptionally good-looking person, a breathtaking which the town of Hebron derives its name: landscape etc. 3085 • il-balil - Hebron. hales fem halsa [bdl§in] - completed, ready, • haram* il-balil - the Tomb of the Patriarchs finished. / the Cave of Machpelah . 3092 • il-bantalon mus hales The trousers p w • balili fem haliliyye [halayle] - native / aren7 ready. resident of Hebron. • wi^-^dwle 'emta bitkun b alsa? -A n d the 3093 table, when will it be ready? haliqa Qjala’eq] - creature; creation. • ca-l-hale§ - thoroughly f totally f extremely. • jam al il-baliqa - the beauties of creation. #



v^lfi fem halfiyye - back, rear (adj;. The word ballt- - mixture; alloy. • fih h a lit yahud u-ca ra b - There's a worrdni* is more common. mixture ofJews and Arabs. b^lfiyye [To| _ background. • fi-l-madrase fih boli^ sibyan u-banat The school’s mixed . • hada minjmbas u-'aluminyum • hada §dr (ala halfiyyet. - It took place This is an alloy of copper and aluminium. ogainst a backdrop of... / in the context of...


196 3095

baliyye QD [fcal&ya] - ceil. • balfiyqj-jiscm - body cells / the cells of the body. • hal balfiya dmago salime? - Are his brain cells undamaged? • bal&ya sirriyye - clandestine cells (in an organisation). 3096

ball1 # [ibell] v-7e - 1) to violate, break (a promise) 2) to upset, disturb. • ball fi wacdo - He didn't keep his promise / He broke his promise. • bibell in-nizdm - He disturbs the peace l He causes a breach of the peace . • bihell il-qanun - He breaks the law. • bibell it-tawazon - Il upsets the equili­ brium. 3097

ball2 - vinegar. See hallal*. 3098

halla [ihalli] v-10 - 1) to leave (trans) 2) to let, make (someone do something). • il-walad ballaj-bab maftuh -T he boy left the door open. • hallani ’afut - He let me in. • hada hallani ’afakker... - That made me think... • les ma halletd-sjkammel? - Why didn't you let him finish? • hada bihall I h yifham - That'll make him understand. • ma ballena-s ’imkaniyye (’ilia...) -W e left no stone unturned / We explored every possible avenue < there was no possibility we didn't explore >. - This gives rise to a wide variety of expressions: a) The imperative form ballt - with or without an attached pronoun, according to context • is used as an auxiliary verb to express an order or recommen­ dation: let him! he should! let’s! This means that the expression ball Ik /-ki means be! or stay! (in a certain phr? / situation). b) Expressions of thanks and good will. • ’iza biddo hek, ballihjjarreb ! If Unit's what he wants, let him try [itj / he should go for it!

• balllna nirja< la-qu$$etna -



get bod,

to our story. • ballik hon! - Stay here! < leave yourself h e ro • balliki q&de! - Don't get up! • balll-kom qa. • hay hames m arra - This is the fifth time. • hallos madrase / jes - He's finished school 3113 / the army. See ’anha*. • hollastu? - lissa ma hallasna-s - Have hamesta. eye (referring to a baby). • Hn banak hardb - There art ruins over 3150 Sun. • 3-qarye biqi minha bass |}ardb - There's harban fern barbane [barbanln] - broken, damaged, spoiled, out of order. nedtmg left of the village except ruins. • il-lahme barbane - The meat’s spoiled. • tab! O-hordb - under the debris. • caqlo barban - He’s got a screw loose / He’s • bardbe - [a] rutn 1 rums. a bit futm y in the head . hcfbU - See harbas*. 3144

lytt^roj] - togo out Set tile4•, barrqj*. 3145

barSmls il-qott / U-qeU - cat scratches.


barba§ [ibarbeS] v-9 - 1) to scratch 2) to scribble. • il-walad bibarbeS ca-l-waraq - The boy scribbles on the paper. • battak zayy barabis il-j&j - Your hand­ writing’s like a hen’s scratches [in the dirt],

vetches fnm a cat • «Ib bild£eb il-qott bitbammal f Idzem 3152 ys^ttnel IjarSmiio - If you play with fire jmt'nltabU to get burned ! Ifyou take risks you barbot (Ujarbetl v-9 - 1) to confuse, disar­ range, mix up, muddle 2) to talk rubbish, talk ■■“f be prepared to suffer the consequences for/t wtj} the art must tuiter its scratches>. in a confused manner, ramble on. • barbat il-'awrdq - He’s mixed up the 314tl papers / He’s got the papers all muddled up. (yui^oqj v-lo - l) to notate, break 2) to prearaUt. pas%through. • hdda bibarbetni - That confuses me (gets me muddled. • byu&roq Qaifcroq) tl-^nOn - He breaks Sutam. • bibarbet bit'b&ki - He rambles on in a confused manner d ie muddles in *pcech>. • t>araq (jiddr) if|i)t ~ He broke Ike sound • m b a r b a t fem m b a r b a t a - ccm fuud l

* Unq BMUfdnj ■- He disturbed the





• barrefna su sdr ma£ak - Tell us what jjarpj —outside (noun and preposition); abroad. happened to you! • foarej il-madrase - outside ItheJ school. stso • bijlbu-ha min il-barej - They bring it from barraj [ibarrej] v-8 - to graduate (trans), confer abroad. a degree or other academic qualification on. See • kan fi-I-barej u-rije( - He was abroad and barrij*, tbarraj*. [then] he came back. • madrasetna bitharrej ’awwal moj min • bet il-harej - lavatory / toilet . • betak, f|h h atar caleh - Your house &*** danger / Your home is in danger * • zal il-hatar canno - He 's no longerat risk > He s off the danger list < th e d a n g er h as gon e away fro m h i m > .

203 3197

hatar [ihater] v-11 - to risk. See h a ta r2*. • mis muroken ’ahdter cb-hek si - / can't take o risk like that / 1 can’t take such a risk.

b a «o t

• ahad b i-h atro - He offered him his condolences move • cindo hayal hiseb (heseb) - He has a 3211 fertile imagination. bawa [ibawi] v-12 - to treat like a brother. • btur°smi min bayalek? - Do you draw • 'in kiber ’ibnak, bawih - When your son from imagination? < fro m your imagination> . grows up, treat him like a brother! • bayal is-sajara - the tree’s shadow. 3212 bawarne ] huri*. • ’ahyanan il-haqiqa tafuq il-hayal # Sometimes truth is stranger thanfiction . 3214 322-1 bawat ] ’ubt*. 3215 hayali fem hayaliyye - imaginary. hawatem ] hatem*. • bitcis fi calam hayali - You live in a 3216 dreamworld. bawazg [ihawez] v-11 - to treat preferentially, • qusas hayaliyye QU - stories / tales; favour. See gawaz*. yams . • le-mca]]em bitjawez ma( hal-walad g 3225 That boy s the teacher's pet / The teacherfavours haybe - See bebe*. that boy < th e teacher gives preferential treatm en t 3226 to this child > *

hayef - see haf*. 3217

bawwaf [ihawwef] v-8 - to frighten, scare, haym e# Q0 - tent. See heme*. • ’isi bihawwef! - [That's] a terrifying thing! • jarrabjbawwefni - He tried to frighten me. hayr - see bcr*.

3227 3228

205 3229

hayvab [ihavyeb] v-8 - to disappoint - when

bazzaq • yihzij-ce n ! - Touch wood! .

' foji0Wed by the word ’amal (hope). See {jab*. 3236 • havyabet ’amali “ You ’vc disappointed me bazan [yibzen] v -le — to store, accumulate, . gather. See hazen*. 3230 • baddyec mahzune - stored merchandise / hayyam [ihayyem] v-8 - 1) to camp, encamp goods in store. See jard*. 2) to reign, prevail (mood, atmosphere) . the wheat in warehouses. -See heme*, muhayyam*. 3237 • a-hator illi bihayyem calena - the danger hazane [8] [hazayen] — cupboard, closet, wardrobe. hanging over us. • fib sarasef fi-l-hazane - There are sheets • iz-zacal bihayyem ca-n-nas - There s an in the cupboard. atmosphere of anger < anger encamps upon the • hazanet had Id [16] [hazayen hadld] people>. safe (noun) . • il-huz°n bihayyem ca-n-nas - Sadness 3238 reigns l An atmosphere of sadness descends. hazaq [yihzeq] v -le - to make a hole; to pierce. 3231 • il-kalse mahzuqa - There s a hole in the hayyat [ihayyet] v-8 - to sew. sock . • e made a mess on the neighbours' • hazzan id-daffay - the tank of the [paraffin] doorstep, you *Vi disgraced us! going to get a lot worse! 3261 - The word ber is very common in greetings etc. • allajm assl-kom bil-her - Good evening! hifi [yihfa] v-4 - to be concealed, be imperceptible, . See be invisible; to escape attention 'asbah* laqa* sabdh*. masa* «am*. • ma bihfa . 3266 him u p!; He should keep his mouth shut! Jpleq [yihlaq] v-2 - to be bom . 3274 See ljalaq*, balqan*. hiri, hen Q] [yehra] v-4 - to shit crap. • wen^bleqti? - Where were you* bom? See bara*. 3275 • anajjjeqet n-l-quds - I was bom in hirqa [hiraq] - cbth, duster. Jerusalem. See also wiled*. • mashat il-gabara b-hirqa - She wiped 3267 bile$* [yihla$] v-2 - See balci?*. away the dust with a cloth.


b is e r


biser [yihsar] v-2 - to lose, incur a loss. • huwwe ribeh u-^anajiserct —He gained and / lost. • yom jbtirbah, yom jbtibsar - Win some, lose some! . • byibsor kull 'isi fi 1-eqmdr - He gambles everything away ’ahsan- coarse, a rat, it’s a mole. rough, harsh. 3290 • (e)qmas hisen - coarse fabric. bluw - emptying. Most often encountered in the • hay il-jilde hisne mus malse - That expression: leather’s rough, not smooth. • hlUW rijel / 'ijer* - compensation paid to a (sitting or statutory) tenant who vacates a • soto hisen - He has a harsh voice . • mabrad hisen - a coarse file. • biddo yi|la£ butlob bluww rijel / ’ijer* • stlkkar hisen - granulated sugar. t



mtam - dose, end, condusion. • fi Ijitam il-ijtimac - at the close of the meeting / at the end of the meeting. 3280 bitihn - see bat^m *.

hitdb [hitabat] - speech. • ’alqa hitdb - He made a speech. hltan ] h et* .


He wants to vacate [the property and} he’s asking for compensation. - Compare with hili*, ’ahla*. 3291

hmil fem hmile [hmal] cp ’atonal - thick. • ktab_ehmil - a thick book. • hal-ektab^hmil, bass hadak ’ahmal This book is thkk, but that one is thicker. 3292

3282 3283

hnaqa |~3~i I~8l —quarrel, fight, row. • sdr f i h hnaqa - There was a row.


hod, hod - see ’ahad*. hiter fem hitra (-e8) - dangerous. 329*1 • is-sbaha hon hitra —It’s dangerous to hof [mahawef] - fear. swim here. -cswimming here is dangerous > • kan miyyet min il-hof - He was scared to • il-haywanat mus hitre £alek - You are in death < h c was dying of fe a r> . no dangerfrom the animals (at the zoo etc.). life is fea red for,


b u rd fe

. ffh hof innak ma tisfa tam am an hubze 0 |12| —[a] piece of bread. Ykere's a risk you might not get completely better. • kol hubcztak bil-'awwal! —Eat your bread Seesifi*. first! • fiss hof inno yfji bukra - There's no fear 3306 ofhis coming tomorrow / There s no danger he 7/ hudaiji [hudaijiyye] - greengrocer. come tomorrow. 3307 • min bdf-ma yimrad -forfear that he might hudr, budor ] ’ahdar*. fall ill. 3308 ' 3295 QUdra - vegetables (fem sing coll noun). hdh -plums;peaches (usage varies from one region • h u d ra masluqa - boiled vegetables. to another). - The plural form h u d ar / hudraw at _ If you want to be prerise you can say: different kinds of vegetables: • hoh *abu* waber - downy hoi) < plums w » • bibic min jam lc il-hudraw at - He sells all having down > • kinds of vegetables. - See also barquq*, habbe*. 3296

bulud - eternity; immortality. • bi’am en bi-bulud in-nafs - He believes in 3297 the immortality of the soul. horos - church choir. From Greek ‘choros’. 3310 • sme't il-horos cam-birattel - 1 heard the hum°l [5J - thickness. church choir singing. • qaddes bumlo - How thick is it? . hruj H] - stools . See huruj*. • cindi ktab hek humlo - I ’vegot a book this • su lonehrujak? - What colour are your thick! stools? • fahes 1-ehruj - stool test. 3311 3299 hum s [(’a)bmas] - [one] fifth / 1. hsara [TJ 0 [hasa'er, h asa’er] - loss; • taltjahm as - three fifths. damage. 3312 • 'ana bi£tak bi-hsara - I sold to you at a hunefse - see hunfuse*. loss. 3313 hunfuse, hunefse [banafes] - beetle. • yajhsara! - What a loss! / What a pity! • il-hanafes - the Beatles. • (e)hsdrajli ma bte^of carobi! - What a pity you don’t know Arabic! 3314 • hasa’er bil-mal - loss of property / damage bunnaq - ’abu hunnaq - diphtheria. to property. See hanuq*. 3300 3315 hotaya ] tadyye*. bunob ] 'ahnab*. 3301 3316 htut ] batt*. 3302 hunof ] 'ahnaf*. ljubara 1 Ijablr*. 3317 3303 bun§or* - see bdn§ar*. fcubbeze - mallow. 3318 bunta - hermaphrodite. f I OUbz / bubez [|] - bread. 3319 • lazem nistri bub^z - We must buy bread. burafe [burdfat] - legend, superstition, old • il-ljubzjl-franji - European bread. wives’ tale. • bubez bayet* - stale bread. • slbak min hal-burdfat - Enough of these - See hubze* and also kmaj*, srak*. old wives’ tales! See sdb*. homm * [hmam] - chicken coop, henhouse.


b u ri


buri [hawame] - priest, parson, vicar. Sec qaddas*. • il-huriyye - the priest’s wife (in the Eastern churches). 3321

buij - saddlebag - most often heard in the expression: • rakkabnah wardna, madd ’ido ca-l-hur] - He took advantage of our kindness. .




b u r° m [j[] [b ru m ] - hole, aperture (note: this word is used only of a hole which goes all the way through something. It cannot be used of a hole in the ground or any other type of cavity.)

busune [5] - roughness, coarseness. Sec bisen*. hutume, hutumat ] hat^m*.


3335 • hurm j l - ’ibre - the eye of a / the needle. butaba’ ] hatib*. • hurm js-sukkara / il-bab - [the] keyhole. 3336 h u tta # [8] [hutttt] - plan. See hattat*. 3323 hur°s ] ’ahras*. • cindna hutta w ** u-rah-^n w naffez-ha - Wee 3324 got a plan, and we 're going to carry it out. hursan ] 'ahras*. 3325

buruj - [the action of] going out See also hruj*, mahraj*, 3326

hutura [H - seriousness, gravity. • huturat il-wad4* - the gravity of the situation.

bustif il-qamar - eclipse of the moon, lunar eclipse. hutut v* * * »] hatt*. v *■ 3327


3338 3339

huz°q [hzuq [3] (in some areas hizwaq)] hole (which goes all the way through). • lazem_?nsedd il-huzoq / l-ehzuq 3328 We have to block up the hole / the holes; We have h u su s, h s u s - matter, regard. Used mainly in the to mend the hole / the holes. expression bi-h§U$ - concerning regarding. 33-10 hwal ] hal*. • 'ijra’d t bihsus il-batdle —measures to 3341 combat unemployment < regarding unemploy* ment>. bydr - See biydr2*. - tuft, lock (hair). • huslet sa{cr (mkacewke) - a lock of (curly) hair.

h u ? le


—especially, mainly. • bu^usan fis-sita —especially in winter.

h u su san



hydta [3] - See hiydta*. 3343

hyu( ] het*.

hususi fem hususiyye - 1) special 2) personal, private. bzuq ] huzoq*.


I corrugations Itnil

v-21 j. - Prefixd d* P*s» tease d tor-33(see Veb Tables pp- 74S-/34): iinra fr ista cd lh* wreda>.


212 3358

f—1 r • •«« to azar [2iJ |yi£tazerp ye£tzer] v-25 i-See fad 3372

i’tilaf# - coalition, 3373

Wad* - banishment, deportation, expulsion, ode. VNof’ab'ad*. 3374


ibre 0 [ ubar] - 1) needle 2) injection, jab, jag, shot. • *1" ibre —the eye of a t the needle. • darbatni ’ibre —She gave me an injection .

• lazem tdhed ’ubar - You have to have injections. • il-’u b a r is-sTniyye - acupuncture . ’ibade* [U - extermination. „ 3380 • mucaskardt il-’ibade - [theJ extermination ibtada |211 [yabtadi] v-26 —to begin. Active camps / [the} death camps. participle mubtadi (-di’) beginner. • 'ibadet saceb - genocide extermination of a • ibtadena* - we began; we've begun. The p e o p lo . forms bada*, bidi* are more usual 3375 • il-mubtadi’in —die beginners. ’ibaha - permissiveness, lack of restraint; licen­

tiousness. 3376

ibtasam [2T] [yibtasem] v-25 - to smile. • (i)btasam-li - He smiled at me.


ibahi - permissive, uninhibited; licentious. • ’aflam ’ibahiyye - pornographic films / blue ibtida’ - beginning. VN of ibtada*. movies . See 'awwal*, bidaye*. 3377 ______ 3383 ’tbdac- creating, creation. VN of ’abdac, ibtida’i - initial (adj), primary. which has the same meaning as badac*. • m adrase ibtida’iyye - primary school / • fih dawrdt: farm ibdaci, kam byutar elementary school. There are courses: creative art, computers... 3384 3378 ibtisam - smiling (noun), VN of ibtasam*; woman's name. ’ib^n d] fawlad, ewlad, ulad / ’abna,# ] -


son. See walad*. ibtisam e [8] [ibtisamat] - smile. • ’iben jlrdnkom - your neighbours ’ sort. • min ibtisamet-ha, fhemet inno... - From • 'ibnjl-jirdn - the neighbours' son. her smile I understood that.. • ’ib^n 'aijuy - my nephew l my brother's son. • ibtisam tek ’ahla jawab - Your smile is the • ’iben cammak - your cousin .

• hada manac-hom min ’idacet il-habor This prevented them from broadcasting the news item. • ’ajjalu 'idacet il-’ahbar - They delayed the news broadcast.

- For the plural form ’aydi # see camel*. 3396 - To say both hands or two hands you need to use the dual form, which is created by adding the ’idan# , ’izan - so, then, consequently, therefore -ten —► ’id-ten: "(SA). • ’imesko bil-’idten - Hold [it] in both • ’idan,ebne. release. 3400

'idrdb [’idrabat] - strike (refusal to work). • ’idrdb can it-^ a m - hunger strike. • ’a{lanu 'idrdb (amm / sam el - They declared a general strike. • ’aclanu safuj-walad - They exception: saw the boy. See rule 111. • {ilmjl-ijtimac - sociology . • tafu + in-ndr —> tofu_n-nar - They put - This meaning of ijtima£ is also preserved in the out the fire. 3507 following adjective: 3 5 0 0 'il- (with attached pronouns) 1) to (for emphasis) ijtimaci, fem ijtimaciyye [-ijtima£iyyin] - I) 2) belonging to (ue. mine, yours, his. hers, ours, social 2) sociable, friendly. theirs). • b-sabab id-dagt il-ijtima£i - because of • katab-li - He wrote to me. social pressure. • katab 'ili, mis 'ilak - He wrote to me. not to • camel ijtimaci - social worker (m). you. • la-min katabt? - 'ilak - Who[m] did you • camle ijtimaciyye - social worker (f). write to? - To you! • jozek ijtima£i - Your husband’s sociable. • 'ilak hater* ? - Do you want to? I Do you 3501 fed like it? / Are you in the mood? . VN of ’akram*. • 'ili 'ahh u-’uht - I ’ve got a brother and a • lkram id-def —hospitality < honouring the sister. guests >. • 'ili £indak / 'ili £alek mit sekel - Youowe 3502 me 100 shekels . iktafa HD [yiktfi / yiktafi] v-26 - to make do • hada mis 'ilna - That s not ours. with, be content with, find sufficient. • saheb 'ili / qarib 'ilak - a friend of mine t • ’anaJctafetJ5b-wacdo - I was content with a relative ofyours. his promise / His promise was enough for me. • fi 'awwal liqtt' 'ilna - at ourfirst meeting. • byiktfi billi £indo - He makes do with what - See also 1-*, la-*. 350S he has / What he has is enough for him. • huwwe qanu. 3523 that you came. Compare this with: iltawa HD [yiltwi] v-26 - to get twisted, get • b a'ref inno jiti —I know that you came. sprained. See lawa*. • nidemjdctir illi cimel hek - He very much • iltawat *ldi —My arm got twisted / / regretted having done that / He was very sorry sprained my arm. that he did that. 3524 • brawo calek illi fakkart fiha! - Well done iltazam HD [yiltzem, yiltazem#] v-25 - 1) to you for having thought of that! / Goodfor you to commit oneself, undertake, pledge 2) to abide that you thought of it! by, comply with, observe (rules etc.) (#). • huwwejtazam inno yefmal... - He com­ 3518 iltafat HU [yiltfet] v-25 - to turn, turn round mitted himself to doing... / He undertook to do... (both intrans). Compare with tlaffat*. • 'ana ma ltazamt-cs - I didn't commit • iltafat calayy - He turned tome / He turned myself. round and faced me. • iltazamna u-bac^d-na cind iltizamna • iltafat la-wara - He turned back; He looked We committed ourselves and we’re still com­ back. mitted . • ’ahad hal-qu§sa ka-nuqtet 'intildq larriwaye - He used that story as the starting • bitnaffas b-intizdm - His breathing is point for the novel. regular . • nuqtat il-in^ilaq hdti’a 9 - The basw . . _ . . 3697 assumption is wrong . • minhottak fi q a ’imet il-intizar - We'llput 3706 you on the waiting list. inzalaq * [yinzaleq] v-21 - to slip, slide, tftde. • gurfet il-infodr - waiting room. • inzalaqu laz-zina’ - They sank to prostitu­ • qdcat il-intizdr - lobby / entrance hall. tion / They stooped to prostitution. 3707 ’intu (SA’intum) —you (m/f pi). inzdr [211 (yinzdr] v-22 - to be visited, naive • ’intu saknln fi nafsjl-bet? - Do you a visit See zdr*. lboth t all] live in the same house? • hadi balad ebtinzdr! - That's a town wed • 'intuji-niswan - you women... worth visiting! 3 03 in^a«aj [yine^ej, yin^a , • il-istiwdne mahriyye, bithenn - The • ’isteflu mac ba . yourselves! 3840 • yisteflu! - Let them sort it out! / It's up to iswadd HU [byiswadd] v-29 - to be black; to them to deal with it! turn black, blacken (intrans). 3850 istidam [istiddmat] - clash, collision, crash. • il-fedda btiswadd ma1 il-waqt - Silver VN of istadam*. turns black with time. _ * 3841 • ?ar-fi istidam ben is-sayyarten - The isw ara - see sw ara . cars collided with each other / There was a 3842 collision between the two cars. 'isabe [5] [’isdbat] - 1) injury, affliction • istidam il-masaleh - a conflict of interests 2) goal. < 3 clash of interests> . • 'i?dbe bil-marad —infection < affliction with 3851 4




the disease > ,

• ’isdbat £amal - work injuries. • talat ’isdbat - three goals. (also talatwegwal! from the word gol*).


istin a£i fem -ciyye - artificial, synthetic, imitation- (adj). • harir istinaci - taffeta / imitation silk. - See tanaffos*.


’is£a c [’is£a£at] - radiation. 'isddr - issuing. VN of ’ttsdar*. • fih hof min il-’isca£at - There’s a risk of • ba£cd isddr il-huk°m - after the verdict had radiation. been pronounced < after issuing of the verdict > . 3853 3844 ’is£d r - notification, notice. isfarr [yisfarr] v-29 —to turn yellow (intrans). • ’ila ’is£aren ’ahar (# ) - until further notice. The final -en is borrowed from SA. • waraq is-sajar bisfarr - The trees’leaves 3854 turn yellow. ’isaca QT] [’isacat] - spreading; rumour. ’i§ha! - see sihi*. • tdl£a ’isa£a innak biddak titrek - There s .• 3845 a rumour that you want to leave. t?ldh [ i$luhdt] —improvement, repair, reform. • bisaddeq il-’isa£at - He believes rumours. • lazem ndahhel il-i?lah fi-l-madares We need to introduce reforms into the schools • £am-nisma£ ’isa£at - We're hearing ru­ < w e have to bring reform into the schools>. mours i We keep hearing rumours.


*V . a



• byohod had-dawa tahet 'isrd f tebbi -H e ’isdrfl l is0-1UVJ — ^ s*£n' wdicotton takes that medicine under medical supervision. 2) badge• tahct 'isrd f il-hukume - under govern• lamina battik isarci, wacjcjcf! When I ment supervision, give wu a signal, stop! 3860 • daww il-'isara - traffic light isrdk - VN of 'asrok*- 1) associating The Hebrewword ramzor is also used. Its 'Arabic' 2) polytheism (associating other divinities with God). See also sirk*, musrek*.. plural is ramzorat. 3861 • ma suft-es il-’isdra? - Didn ft you see the is tab ah ^ (211 [yistbeh] v-25 —to suspect [traffic] light? • eb-min efatistcbeh? - bastbeh fih • 'isaret tacajjob - exclamation mark. Whom do you suspect? - 1 suspect him. • 'isttret istifham - question mark. 3862 • ‘itrek habar bacd jl-’isa ra - Leave a istadd l2l| [yistadd] v-28 —to become stronger, message after the tom l the beep! intensify (intrans). • mcalleq ’isdra cal qam iso - He’s wearing • istadd il-l}ilaf - The conflict has intensified. a badge on his shirt. • ya 'a n f istaddi, m a caleki hada qaddi • il-labib* bil-’isdrati yafham (# ) / He thinks an awful lot of himself! - said of a bil-’isdra bifham - A word to the wise is boastful person . . 3863 3 8 5 6 *V j ♦ [yistgel] v-25 - to work. isbac - repletion, satisfaction. VN of ’asbac. • m a^stagaltem bereh - / didn’t work • il-’isbac il-jinsi - sexual satisfaction. yesterday. 3857 • sujbtistgel? —What's your job? i What do ’isi [’asya, ’esya, ’asya’# ] - 1) thing, anything you do for a living? . 2) some. Youwill also hear the word si*, which is • 'ana bastgel banna - I ’m a builder . sense. The SA equivalent is say'*. • sujDtistegli? - What do you* do for • hada ’isi mnih - That’s a good thing. • sm e ^ ’isi? - wala 'isi! - Did you hear • il-mator ma byistegl-es (byistgel-s) anything? - No, nothing! The engine doesn’t work. • ma §uft-es ’isi! - I didn't see anything! / 1 3864 didn’t see a thing! istaka [2T] [yistakij v-26 - to complain. • ’asya zgire - little things. Heard mainly in the expression: • 'asya' min has-sikcl - things of that kind. • darab-ni u-baka, sabaq-ni w-istaka • fib ktir 'asya / fih ’asya’_ektire - There He hit me and cried, he took precedence over me are a lot of things. and complained. (i.e. he's the guilty one, but he’s complaining). See saka*. • ’isi dallu, ’isi rdhu - Some stayed, some left 3865 / Some remained behind, others went away. istaq [21] [yistaq] v-27 - to miss, long for, 3B5S crave; to be homesick. isma’azz [21J [yisma’ezz] like v-33 - to be • byistaq la-’ahlo - He misses his family / disgusted, be revolted, recoil, be horrified. He's homesick. • hada ’isi il-wahed bisma’ezz minno • kull ’insan bistaq las-sacade - Everyone That's horrible! / It's enough to make you yearns for happiness / Every human being shudder! « don’t eat. • qism jl-jaybat —maternity ward 3933 jab§an [ijabsen] v-8 to put in plaster. • ’ido_mjab$ane - His hand’s in plaster . 3934

• ill 3936 jadd - seriousness, earnestness. • can jadd - Seriously! / Really! • mu’atter, {an jadd! - (It's) really (very} moving!; Seriously, it's (most] impressive! • btihki jadd? - Are you serious? care you speaking seriously >.

jadd2 [ijedd] v-7e - to pick (olives). • a - A deputation is a pvuf ofpeople who come to offer congratulations w cmdUauea, or to make peace if there’s a pend 3

jahez fem jahze [jahzin] - ready. 3958 • kull si jahez —Everything’s ready • badle jahze - a ready-made suit But: • il-badle taba. 4078

• bil-barld ii-jawwi - by airmail. • nasrat il-’ahwal il-jawwiyye the weatherforecast. 4083

jay fem jay / jaye [jayin] - l) coming; approaching, drawing near 2) fitting. - Active part of ’aja* (to come). • ’ana jay m acak - I ’ll come l go with you. • il-m arraj-jay - next time. • il-’usbuc il-jay / ij-jay [U - next week. • il-hamls il-jay - this Thursday / this coming Thursday. • il-fustdn jay {aleki - The dress fits you perfectly. See jab*

jaww [’ajwa’J - air; atmosphere; weather; climate. • hon il-jaww nasef - The air / The dimate 4084 is dry here. jayeb - active part of jab*. • jaww il-bet bi’atter - The atmosphere in 4085 the home has an influence. jayyab [ijayyeb j v-8 - to assist at a birth, deliver • il-jaww mitwatter - The mood / The a baby . See jab*, jabat atmosphere is tense. • id-doktor illi jayyab-ha - the doctor who • tawattor il-’ajwa’ - the tension l the tense delivered her baby. mood . 4086 • fi jaww qarawi - in a rural setting jayye* 00 - arrival coming (noun). . VN of ’aja* // ’ija. 4079 • mac jayyto - with his arrival / when he jawwac - to starve (trans). arrived. • jawwacu-hom - They starved them. • ma£ jayyet joz-ha - with her husband's • istannena 'akel fi-l-matfam arrival / when her husband arrived. u-^awwalu... jawwacu-na! - We were 4087 waitingfor [our]food in the restaurant, and they ja y y e d fe m jayyide -good took a long time - they starved us! • jayyed jiddan!# - very good ■


4083 jawwal fem jawwale - 1) itinerant, travelling jayze / ja ’ize [jawa’ez] - prize, award wandering 2) portable, mobile. • ’ahad* jayze -He won a prize. • bayyac jawwal - peddler . • fib hafle Ia-tawzic il-jawa’ez - There’s a • cindo jawwal —He’s got a mobile [phone]. prize-giving ceremony.



jawwaz [ijawwez] v-8 —to give in marriage, jaz [ijuz] v-5 —to be possible; to bepermissible, be marry off. allowed • jawwaz binto - He married offhis daughter. • bijuz / ja ’ez # - It's possible; It's allowed • bidd-homjjawwzuha min wahad ma 4090 bithebbo-s — They want to marry her to jaza [ijazi] v-12 - to give (someone his!her) just someone she doesn’t love. deserts, give (someone) what (he/she) deserves. • mjawwaz fem mjawwaze - married. • ’a lla jja z ih! -May God reward him / punish The word mitjawwez* is more commonly used. him! < . . g i v c h im h is ju s t d e s e r t s > . 4082 • jazak ’alldh - May God reward you! jawwi fem jawwiyye - air- (adj), atmospheric; 4091 meteorological jaza - see jaza’*.


• g-#/jaza (xn) -


4092 1)puniskment penalty, fine jbfil j jabal*.


2 ) reward. 4105 t faffmm j » « - He fitted me / He made me jbin - forehead. • masa^ejbino —He wiped his forehead / He peyefim . mopped his brow. • ka-jaz3 - as a punishment • eb-^oroqjjbino —by the sweat of his brow. • ^orbet jazfi’ l!*$dleh— - a penalty kick 4106 swarded to-. jdSd1 ] jdid*.

jaza'cr J jarire*.


• ^-jui'er - Algem. • jazS'iri fem jazi’iriyye - Algerian. 4AQyi junAjg

Seejadab*. ] juzdan*.


4096 j>raf [pzefl V-11 - to risJk, toAr risAs. gamble. • bij&ref S haydto - He risks his life, • Hf bqdzef bek?! - How can he take such

• fi* &is bihebbtijj2zfii - Some people enjoy

• w a mtirnkyn ajSzef bi-mustagbaJi - /


jdfid2- (dive harvest (in some areas). • baCed 1-ejdad / ba^jjdad iz-zatun ofter Use olive harvest /after the olives have been picked. 4108 jdid fem jdide GOorCO [jdad /judod] - new. • SU fib jdid? - What’s new? • b€tna l-«jdid - our new house. • byut*jdide 113j —new houses /new buildings. • amittorraf cala ’o$bubejdad - W et make new friends. • mcaUmin judod ‘indhora ’asfilibejdide - New teachers have new methods.

] gambit m my future. • jtUara - [one]carrot fill.

4109 4097 jdile [jadSyel] - plait, braid. v -forte ofgravity; power of j6b /jebe 0 [jyfib, jiyabj - pocket • fi jyfibi /jiyabi - in my pockets « {wdha jtabiyye - She’s attractive . pocket 4100 • rab-yi . 4132


jins bolad! That depends what part c f die country [you’re talking aboutJ. • fra44ara. • joz ’uht marati - my brother-in-law ou (m sin^ - The fem -ak* is used after a consonant: zar-ak - He visited you. Additional examples: • ’abu*k ward-k - Yourfather is behind you. 0 ’imm-ak quddam-ak - Your mother is in front ofyou. - These ferns should be compared with the 2nd pesoa feminine pronoun -ki*, -ek. 4204 k r fart. Waites [ikalbes] v-9 - to famd«# ,kalbasuh- TV? handcuffed him. , fjnkalbas - handcuffed. . laJabes /kalbasat - handcuffs. 6aW^ . - fatefa See jaru*.


• kam wahad* biddak? - How many do you want? , # . . . 4284 4275 Kama - as (conjunction, used in some SA expressions): 4276 • kama yajeb* —as appropriate. . . 4285 Kamal — Perfection, completeness; man's first name. 4277

• il-kamal lillah - God [alone] is perfect < perfection [pertains} to God>* • il-kamal il-jismani - body building phy­ sical perfcction>.

4278 jpiHal [iJcaHel] v-3 - 1) to crown, mainly in the ± 2) to perform a [Christian] marriage kamaliyyat - luxuries 4286 • haram halo min il-kamaliyyat bikaflel-hom - The priest He deprived himself of luxuries. them. 4287 4279 kaman - 1) also, as well 2) more. kaSaf [Otalkf] v-8 - 1) to commission, charge, - When it means also, as well, the word kamdn atruss ’withas undertaking) 2) to cost usually appears after the word it accompanies. When • 3-oudIr kallaf-ni ’aruh... - The bass sent it means more, it usually appears before the word it me to— < entrusted me [with the job of] going qualifies. There are, however, exceptions. tis_>. • ’ana kaman - /, too...; me too. • Vnfiri tjdtrak /kallfi ~ Phase be • u-bukra kaman - and tomorrow, as well w hnd as to— . • kam anem nih!- That's fine too / We could • (jx ^ kaflafak? - How much did it cost do it that way too . ym* • hat kaman waljad - Bring another one! / • mah-ma Irallaf U-’amer - however much it Bring one more! •mi ant ’ at any price. 4290 • kam&n m orra - again / once more /one kaBas [ikaBesj v-8 - to befurred up (Le. covered more time. *££» • kaman yomen bikun hon - In two more • IMxiqj^mkallea - The [inside of the) days hell be here. kettle's furred up. • kamiln_5§wayy kunt r&yeh ’awqa£ /almostfell . • iiiajj U-kalsAt! - Take off your socks i your 4288 stockings' 4282 kam&n * —violin, fiddle. See kamanja 4289 Oubon&t, katisfn*] - underpants, kamanja (-je) [kamanjat] - violin, fiddle. shorts 'ser* underwearj, fromFrench *ak$Qft'. • bidoqq / b»czcf .

• mis mumken ikun gayyar fikro -


can't have changed his mind.

• nit’ammal ikun ’abuk samecna -

kanise# [kana’es#] - Church (the institution). See knise*. • mawqef il-kanise - the Church’s position


kannas [ikannes] v-8 - to sweep. • bakannes il-’dda —I sweep the room.


4311 kannas [kannasin] - sweeper, street-sweeper.

hope your father will have heard us. 2) To indicate continuous or habitual actions in the 4312 past (e.g. I was writing or I used to write)’. kanun - charcoal-burning stove, brazier. See • kunt ’akteb la-’immi - I used to write to nass*. Used in the past for domestic heating. The my mother. names of the winter months are said to derive from its name: • kunt cam-bakteb - 1 was [in the middle of] writing. • kanun il-'awwal - December , the first of the cold winter months, when people 3) In a sentence containing an unreal condition ('if I would light the first stove. were / if I had..., but it is not the case’) it is usual to add kan before the verb in the principal clause, • kanun it-tani —January < second stove >. kan is generally conjugated to agree with the As the weather grew colder, people would light the second stove as well subject • see examples • or it may remain unchanged (in some areas). - The names of the months are often replaced by numbers: • law sa’alt-ni, ( + kunt) qult-illak - If you had asked me, I would have told you. • fi talate tn a Ces - on the third of December . (but not a playing card). • karimato # - his daughter. • (i)starena kartat hilwe QU - We bought 4325 karkab [ikarkeb] v-9 —to make a mess, leave [some] beautiful postcards. (something) in a mess. • ’a ctan ij-k art tabaco - He gave me his card


kassar 4339

/ his visiting card.

kased fem kasde - 1) unmarketable, unsold _3cc ^ ’ahmar*. . 4333 (of merchandise, when business is slack) 2) on the shelf, urtmarriageable (of a young woman who leas1, ka’s* [ku’us] - cup. trophy. cannot find a husband). • ’ahadna talat ku’us We won three cups / «■ • le-bdd(a kasde —The goods aren’t selling. Am trophies. • il-bint kasde - The girl’s on die shelf / The • fariqna faz bil-kas - Our team won the cup. girl’s unmarriageable. • hasoi £ala ka’s id-dole - He won the *


Satumal Cup.

kasem [5j - form, shape, figure. • kasm jt-tdw le - the shape of the table. josad —stagnation, depression, slump (economy). • biddhajthdfe? cala kasem -ha - She wants Seekased*. to keep herfigure. • iq d s d d i - recession < economic • biddha-s yihrab kasem-ha - She doesn’t 4335 want to spoil her figure. 4341 kasah [yiksah] v-la -to tell off. reprimand, pul (someone) in his place, cut (someone) down to kaser [kawaser] - predatory, savage. • waheS kaser - predator < predatory sue. • abubkasaho - His father gave him a good animal>. • ter* kaser - bird of prey. tellmg-off His father cut him down to size. 4342


fracd - laziness. • kull hada min kasalo! - If he weren’t so lazy none of this would have happened! . 4337

kasar. kasar fyikser] v-le -

1 ) to b re a k

2 ) to

d efy, f ly in th e fa c e o f 3 ) to tu r n .

• kasarn $ahen - /b ro k e

• i$-§ahen maksur - T h e • hal-waiad bikser kull

a p la te .

kas^ 00 [ksur] - 1) fraction 2) fold, pleat. • ...we-ksur - a little over.....! slightly more than.... f just over • 'alf sekel we-ksur - slightly more than a thousand shekels. • sacten we-ksur - just over two hours. • tannura kaser / mac kasrdt8, mac kabsatj - pleated skirt 4343

p la te 's b ro k e n .

kaset [kasetat] (f) - I) audio cassette, tape ’isi! - T h a t b o y cassette 2) videotape, video cassette. b re a k s e v e ry th in g ! • kasetj^dlde - a new cassette. • biddnd-s nikser it-toqolld - We don’t • il-kfisetjmisajjale calajn-naljten - The want tofly in die face of tradition. cassette's recorded on both sides. 4344 • biddak tikser kalami?! - A r e y o u g o in g to kaslan fem kaslane [kaslanin] - lazy; lazy­ d e fy m e ? «Sf> you want to break what I say> bones. • 'ikser ca-’idak lS-Smal - TUm le f t ! < break on your left band>.

- See

inkasar*, maksur*.


kassar [ ikasserJ v-8 - to smash, break into 4336 several pieces (trans). k » , k&se (k&sdt) - glass (for drinking • kassar il-mazhariyye - He smashed the dcdbdlt. vase. • k&s taraq - a glass cf arah. • bi?irjkasscr fi-l-bdt - (When he’s angry) • kfaaki - Raise your glass! t Let's drink to he starts to smash up die house. • dttrobu kfts tnaf b fl^ - They clinked • bakasscr r&so! - I ’ll smash his head in! thetr glasses. • kull jism ijnkassur - Every bone in my body aches . See tnakSuf*. - He whom God has destined to be happy a • id-doktor bik§ef tal^J-majruh - The happy < G o d w ro te {at him the happiness—>• doctor examines the wounded man. 4 3 3 7 katam [yiktem] v-le - to heal heal up. dost up (of a wound - intrans), 4350 kasf - examination; disclosure, discovery. • il-jur^h lissa ma katam-s - The wowed hasn't closed up yet / The cut hasn't healed up • biddi ka&fchsab _ fd like a bank statement yet . • la-hadd-ma yiktem il-jur>h - until Ac cut • kaSf *an id-dah^l / can il-madljul heals. ^ declaration of income / tax return / declaration of earnings. . katbe fkatbin] - l) writing ham! 4351 kateb fem written 2) registrar, scribe 3) writer [kuttabj. kasfi fem kasfiyye - scouting / scout- (adj). • $dr kateb il-maktub - He'd [afreadj} • il-harakej-kasfiyye —the Scout Associa­ tion . written the Utter. • kateb (arabi mashur - a famous Arab • naSdtdt ka§fiyye - Scouting activities (i.e. writer. activities connected with the Scout Association). See also kasfiyye* below. • kateb £adcl* - notary.

kasafe - scouting, reconnaissance.





• cilaj mukattaf - intensive care. katibe GO [kata’eb] - battalion, brigade. • drus mukattafe |131 - an intensive course • hizb il-kata’eb (fi lubnan) - the Phalangist cintensive lessons >. Party (in Lebanon). 4366 • kata’eb suhada' il-’a q sa - Al-Aqsa Mar­ kawa [yikwi] v-3 ~ l)to iron 2) to bum (causing tyrs'Brigades. injury); to cauterise. 4360 • ’ikwT-li qam lsi - Iron my shirt for me! kattJ [ikott] v-7o - V tofall (leaves); to fall out (m/f). (hair) 2) to peel (paint, skin - intrans) 3) to shake • il-qamis mus makwi / mekwi - The (a carpet); toflick (a cigarette, so that the ash falls shirt's not ironed. off the end). See also takk*. • sacro bikott - His hair’s falling out • il-qumsan makwiyye - The shirts have been ironed. « id-dhan bikott - The paint's peeling [off], 4367 • bikott is-slgdra - He flicks [the ash off] his kawalls —wtngs (in a theatre). Arabic broken plural cigarette. See mkatte*. form of the French 'coulisse'. 4361 • waraj-kawalls - in the wings / behind the kattar [ikatter] v-8 - to increase, multiply scenes. (cans and intrans). 4368 • hott^swayy, m ajtkattere-s! -P u t in a kawi - ironing - verbal noun of kawa*. bit, not too much! . i . . 4397 kibde - liver (food). • klf ’inti w il-lugaj-carabiyye? - How’s 4398 kibed - liver your Arabic? cHow arc you (0 and the Arabic • §aboJ-kibed - He's got something wrong language > . with his liver f He has a disease of the liver. • kifjnnak jay il-yom? - How is it that See Sfitb*. you 're coming today? ■


kiber lyikbur) v-2 - 1) to get bigger, grow 2) to kifah - struggle.




• il-kifah .

• nit’ammal inno kilemtak tu^al la-jami* is-sabab —Let’s hope all young people hear what you have to say cthat your word reaches all the young peoplo.

• fih ’ilo kilme fi-l-hukume - He has in­ fluence in government circles .

kifel [yikfal] v-2 - 1) to vouch for, guarantee • ’abuy kanat kilemto kilme! - Myfather’s 2) to go bail for, stand bail for. word was his bond! I Myfather was a man ofhis • min rah yikfalo? - Who will stand bail for word! . him? See kafale*. • kilmet la’ - the word ‘no’. • ’ana bakfalo, ’iza huwwe ma bidfa'cs, , _. 4-112 kilo - 1) ktlo, kilogram 2) kilometre. 'ana badfac - I ’ll vouch for him l I'll be his guarantor - if he doesn't pay, I will - This word has no plural form. When used with 4407

kif-ma - however, whatever, no matter how. • kif-ma fakkarct fiha, m a balaqi hall No matter how /muchj I think about it I can’t find a solution. stina. • fih hunak kitabat qadime - There are • kull ’insan bikrah il-cunf - Everyone hates ancient inscriptions there. violence. _ 4429 4422 kitcf (H [ktaf H] ] - shoulder. (kirem) (yikram] v-2 - to be treated with • ham eU sw al cala kitfo - [He’s} carrying a respect, be honoured. sack on his shoulder. See hazz*. • tikram / -mi! - Your wish is my command! • farjini (ctrdTpktafak! —Get out! / Don t nt>ured>* bother to close the door behind you as you leave! . kis Ikyds COJ ~ sack, bag. 4430 • hat kis naylon - Give me a plastic bag kiter [yiktor] v-2 —to be many, be numerous, be [please}!


k ite r

• fih $altt fi 1-cknise - There's a service at plentiful; to increase in number, multiply the church. (intrans). • fih talat kanayes fi-l-qarye - There are • kitrat il-halat fi-l-muddej-'a)}lre - There three churches in the village / The village has have been a lot of cases recently . 4440 • She saw 4433 you. kill [3~1 - i) crown 2) Christian wedding • misek —> misek-kom - He caught —►He ceremony (so called because the priest crowns caught you. the couple) • darabu —»■ darabu-kom - They hit -* • min ba£ed l-eklll - after the [Christian] They hit you. wedding ceremony. • w ara —* ward-kom - behind -*■ behind 4434 klor [3] —bleach, chlorine. you. • kattri l-eklor swayy - Add a bit more 4444 bleach! kom / kome [8] [kwam] - heap. pile. • kdmet ram el - a pile of sand. 4435 kmaje [3] 1121 —flat round Arab bread, similar to • kwam_pkwam - in heaps < heaps heaps >. pitta, which can be slit open and filled The collective 4-M 5 noun is kmaj. komm, kumm [kmam [3]] - sleeve. • hamsjkmajat - five pittas / pitta breads. • il-komm il-yamin - the right sleeve. • kabbut bidunj-'kmam - sleeveless coat 1 4436 kmam ] komm*. body warmer. 4437

knafe —knafeh - a type of Middle Eastern pastry. 11s [3] [kunos / kanayes] - synagogt • fi 1-eknis - in the synagogue. • kunos qadime Q3] - old/ancient synagogues.



knise [3]G[| [kanayes] - church. This usually refers to the church building. See als kanise*.


-kon —you, your - 2nd person masculine or feminine plural pronoun attached to prepositions, verbs or nouns. This is the form used in Lebanon and in Palestinian villages near the Lebanese border: Tarsiha, Meclya, Fassuta».. - See -kom*, -ku*. 4*147

kon, kawn ^ —1) being VN of kan* 2) world, universe, costnos. • il-kon - the cosnws / the universe.




krut(e) ) kart*.

jtondaktor - conductor (orchestra).



Ijontrol [kontrdlijye] - ticket inspector (on k su r J kaser*, kus°r*. public transport).




• 2-kontrdl bisuf ii-buletat / birdqeb it- ktab 0 [kutob, kut°b 0 ] - ; ; book ta^aker - The inspector examines the tickets. 2) marriage contract • hada m usektabak - That’s not your book. 4450 korba [korbdt] - bend. • hott kutbak (hotti kutbek) fi-s-santa • hat-toriq fibs korbdt_cktire - That Put your books in your schoolbag! road’s got a lot of bends. • is-sabb s d r katebj^ktabo u-ba(ed saher 4451 • iz-zaffe wed-daljle — The young man’s Jooridor - corridor. already signed the marriage contract and die • «ala rds il-koriddr -a t the beginning of the wedding’s in another month. < after a month • the corridor! at this end of the corridor. procession and the wedding night... > • fi aher il-koriddr - at the far end of the —The form kitab * is used in higher, more official corridor. registers of speech, e.g., 4452 toss - See kuss*. • kitab ’alldh - the Koran amst-alaf sekel - They many; very. gave him 5,000 shekels credit • hada k tir - That’s a lot krek [lcrekat] - spade. 4455 • hada ktfr!! - That’s an awful lot! f That’s 4456 too much! krem [Tj [krem at] - 1) cream (cosmetic), • ’akaltjdctlr! - late a lot; I’ve eaten too much monturiser 2) icing, frosting, cream. In this / I've overeaten. sense .


286 4503

• fih fiat kutal - There are three blocs. kusk, kesk - kiosk. • kusk sagayer u-jardyed - a cigarette-and- kutob, kutb ] ktab*. newspaper kiosk. 4504

kustban (or kist-) - thimble. 4505

_ _



kutre m - usually used in the construct form kutret - large quantity, large number, abundance (like kuter*). • min kutret hammo battal yiqdar yistgel - He was so worried he couldn’t work any more.

kilter Q>] - large quantity, large number, abundance. Used mainly in expressions of the ‘he was so.... that he...’ type • 4510 • min kutrit-tafkir - He was so preoccupied kuttab ] kateb*. that... . 4511 • min kuter hakyo - He was so busy talking kuz [kwaz nn |T11 - 7) prickly pear (i^. the fruit of the prickly pear actus) - in some areas 2) small that... I He talked so much that.. . • talat_ekwaz saber* - three prickly pears. • min k u trjt-tacab gifi ca-l-kursi - He was See also sabra*. so tired that he fell asleep in the chair. ■u • kuz dura - com cob / ear of com - in some • kanjsayyeh min kutril-w ajac - The areas. pain was so bad that he was screaming . the small jug containing water for the ritual 4506 ablution (Muslim). kuter-ma, min kuter-ma - so much.... that 4512

kuzbara - coriander. • min kuter-ma bifakker fiha,... - He 4513 thinks about her / about it so much that... ; kwam ] kom(e)*. He’s so preoccupied with her / with it that.. • min kuter-ma dehkat, ma simcat-s 'isi - kwayyes femkwayyse [kwayysln] - good, She was laughing so much that she didn’t hear a beautiful, tasty. thing. • it-taqsj?kwayyes - The weather's good • mat min kuter-ma ’akal - He died of • hay fikra kwayyse - That’s a good idea. overeating .


kutle GO [kutal] - 1) lump, chunk, mass 2) bloc, coalition (politics etc). kyas ] kis*.



i ja.f lj-# - with attached pronouns: -lir -Iak, -lek, -lo, -lha (elha), -lna, -lkom//-lku, -lhom//-lhen. 1) to; belonging to; for. • qul la-?dhbak... - Tell your friend! • ’ikteb la-’immak - Write to your mother! • li-hadajs-sabab - for this reason. • ’iftahi-Ii! - Open [the door] for me! • quli-Io! - Tell (f) him! . • biqul-Iak - He tells you; He’ll tell you. • la-’es? - What for? • ’an ajtaret hadiyye la-m arati - 1 bought a presentfor my wife. • la-min is-sayyara hay? - Whose car is that? . • hada la-’ahuy u-hada ’ili - That’s my brother’s and that’s mine jibt-illi - You brought me. • sobb + -li —►sobb-illi —Pour me [some] out! I Pour [it] out for me! - In some (rural) areas the form jibt-li may be heard, without doubling of the 1-. 4518

la-1 - to;for • prep (used before a noun or a pronoun). 2) to (a place), up to; until - See 1-* above. • ruhi la-hunak - Go there! . • katab. without b-*) [20l. • h at la-nsuf - Bring [it here] so that we 3) After using an attached pronoun in expressions can see! such as ’uhto / sufto (his sister lyou saw him) 4520 the speaker may feel the need to specify exactly la', la ”a! - 1) no! 2) Yes [it is / it did]! / On the who is referred to by the attached pronoun. In such contrary! (i.e. a contradiction of a negative state­ cases the name of the person is preceded by l-/la-. ment / assumption). • marato Ia-Cabcd - Abed’s wife . you? - No! • ’uhto la-jamil - Jamil’s sister < his-sister to• qal-li ma bulla?tu-s! - la ’, bcdlasna! Jamil>. He told me you hadn’t finished - But we have! • bte^rofo, 'inte, la-Farid? - Do you know -Seealso waqt* (- la ’, waqto!). him - Farid, / mean? . la! - (pronounced with a long, drawled vowel) No! / 4) by 0.e. written / created by); in the style of. What are you thinking of? / Come on, how can you even consider such a thing? • la-min it-tamsiliyye? —Whose play is it? / • lit.. - w alla! - No [I don’t believe it]! Who wrote the play? - You'd better believe it! / But it’s true! • ’ana baganni la-farid —/ sing in the style of - See also lah*. Farid [al-Atrask] / / sing Farid’s songs.

la... wala...

288 4522

la ”a - see la' la... wala (or wala) - neither... nor... • la huwwe wala hiyye - neither he nor she! la ’iha GO [lawa’eh, la'ihat] - list, table. neither him nor her. • la'iljet il-'as£d r - price list. • la 1-ydm wala bukra - neither today nor 4531 tomorrow. 4523 latm ll- to (with attached pronouns) - often used instead of ’il- with the same meaning: la # - V don't... 2) flet’s hope} not... - used before a verb in the imperfect without b-1201. • sukran la’ilak ( = sukran 'ilak) - Thank you cthanks to you>. • la tinsa inno... - Don’t forget that... • lajthdf! - Don't be frightened! la'im fem la'im e - wicked, evil, bad. • lajk u n sabo 'isi - [Let’s hope} nothing’s • joz-ha la’im - Her husband’s evil / Her happened to him / / hope he’s aU right . 4533


la'inn-, la’inno - because. See li'ann-, li’anno*. la«ab [ilac. • lafzo mis battcLl* - His accent’s not bad. • lafeakem nlh —Yourpronunciation’s good / You’ve got a good accent • lafeak mus w d^eh - You don’t speak clearly / It’s hard to understand you

• 'iza lazem wala-budd - If it’s necessary and there 's no way out • seal la-budd minno - an unavoidable i . • lafzjl-huruf il-carabiyye (H] question . The pronunciation of the Arabic letters. • fl-’msan Ia-budd-majmut yawman-ma 4549 - Everyone has to die some day. laff1 [ileffj v-7a - 1) to wrap [up]; to coil, wind • la-budd-maj’a tte r - It has to make 2 ) to turn (intrans). a difference 1 It can’t help but have an effect • laflat il-hadiyye b-waraqa - She wrapped 4543 the present in paper. lada (SA) - at in. • laffet hali bi-hram - 1 wrapped myself in a • hal-muctaqaddt m untasire lada taw d'ef blanket mucayyane Q3] - These beliefs are wide­ • laffet il-habel cala 'idi - 1 wrapped the rope spread in certain religious / ethnic communities. • safima lada-wri*l-’umam il-muttahide - our | round my arm / I wound the cord round my * hand. ambassador to the United Nations. • il-ljet malfuf - The thread’s wound up / The 4544 1 string’s wound up [into a ball). ladag - to mispronounce (a letter). See latag*. • 1eff ca-smalak! - 7km le f t ! See malfuf*. 4545 • bileff hawHl-m awduc - He beats about the lafah [yilfah] v-la - to chdi (wind); to bum (sun); bush / He nevergets to the point . • lafalj-niJ-hawa - I caught a chill 11 got • bi?irileff u-idur - He starts to playgames / backache from sitting in a draught


lafet [yiJfelJ v-le - to turn, direct, attract (attention;. • hada bilfet in-na?af* - That’s eye­ catching t That attracts attention cthat turns the eye>.

See laff2*. 4550

laff2 - 1) Ithe action of) wrapping [up] 2 ) turning; beating about the bush. VN of laff1. • bidun laff u-dawardn - without beating about the bush. 4551

laffa1* [ilaffe< 1 v-8 - to diaper, put a nappy on. • hdda lafat na^uri - It attracted my attention / It caught my eye. • bitlaffe* il-walad - She diapers the baby. See kdfal*, qcimmal*. • biddi 'alfet na^orak ta-h&y in-nuq(a - /




laffaq [ilaffeq] v-8 - to invent, make up, laha v-3 - see 'alha fabricate. lahat [yilhat] v-la - to pant, be out of breath. • laffaqu kull il-qu§?a - They made the whole thing up / They fabricated the whole story. • .

• kan-fi^ lafitat bi-{ardm is-sarec - There were banners [hung} across the street • su maktub calaJ-Iafite hay? - What’s written on that placard? 4556

lafiaf [ilaflef] v-9 - to gloss over, cover up, hush up, keep quiet (a scandal etc). • laflafu-ha - They hushed things up / They kept it (i.e. the scandal) very quiet.


lahut - theology. 4569

laha GO - (facial) resemblance. • cala lahet ’abuh tamam - the very image of his father / die dead spit of his father / the spitting image of his father co n the appearance of

his father completely > .


• 'a n a jre fto .

lahadd (la-hadd) - until, as far as, up to (before 4559 a noun). See lahadd-ma below, and hadd*. lagan - see lajan*. • lahadd il-yom - still., today / up to the 4560 lagbat - see lagmat*. present day; until today. • lahadd il-hatt - up to the line las far as the lagm at [ilagmet] v-9 —to smear, dirty. You may line. also hear lagmaz, lagbat. 4571 • bilagmet / bilagbet wijho - He smears his lahadd-ma - until - (used only before a phrase face (and makes it dirty). which contains a verb). See la-hadd atxne. • wijjo kanj^mlagmat / mlagmaz - His Compare: face was dirty < smeared > . • lahadd il-bet - up to the house • lahadd-ma yiijac / lahadd-ma binuk lagmaz - see lagmat*. 4562 tirjac - until he comes back / until your lah lah. —1) Oh God, no! (on hearing of a death) daughter comes back. 2) No, no [don t do that}! (on seeing someone - When past time is intended, la-hadd-ma * ' about to do something dangerous). followed by a verb in the past tense; when nitu®



4578 time is intended, the verb will be in the imperfect iahh [ilehh] v-7e (shortened form of v-16 without b-: alahh ) - to pressure, importune, implore, • lahadd-ma fihmat - until she understood. beseech. See 'ilhah*. * # • lahadd-ma yirjac - until he comes back. • huwwe bilehh calayy - He puts pressure 4572 on me I He’s pressuring me. laham [yilhem] v-le - 1) to solder 2) to weld • qadd-ma lahhet caleha - No matter how (the words bil-kahraba* may be added here). muck I implored her [she would not agree to • malhum - soldered I welded. do it]. 4573


lahaq [ilaheql v-11 - to follow; to tail, trail, lahhg [ilehh] v-7e - to wash; to rinse - in some pursue, chase. areas. • il-bulis bilahqo - The police are tailing him. • balehh il-kubbay - 1 rinse the glass. • (£am-)bilaheqni - He's following me / He's on my taiL lahham [lahhamln] - butcher. 4580 4574 • suq il-lahhamin —the meat market / the lahas [yilhas] v-la - to lick. butchers’ market (in the Old City of Jerusalem). • il-biss bilhas is-sahcn - The cat licks die plate. 4581 • ’in kan hablbak £asal, la dlhaso kullo - 1ahh an [ilahhen] v-8 - to set to music; to compose. Don’t take unlimited advantage of a friend's • mulahhen - composer. kindness! . • wen kunet 'inte fi hadlk il-lah?a? -


lal# u

Iflm [ilfiml V-5 - to reproach. Home.

Where hot you at that moment? - See b>scr*-


labb4*? [ilflbb®?! v-8 —to summarise, state briefly, outline. •

mumkenwetlttbbe?*^J'ba^*s " ® *n 2°**

• 'ana ma bal&mak - 1 don’t Home you 1 / don’t reproach you. • majlum ’ilia nafsak - You've rwmt to blame but yourself! blame [«■,•/«*] h.4 yourBctf>,

give me a summary of the conversation? / Can you summarise the conversation for me? lam(a - 0 - D thine, brightness, glow 2/ spasm, crick. • mumkenJOlabbe? iS-Sakwa? - Can you • 'anancamet min Iam4et il-qaz&t - 1m t outline the complaint? dazzled by the brightness of the glass. - See tlahbo?*. talbi?*4588 • $&bat-ni lam4a (fi (jahri...) - Mybadt't m lajan* [Ijan] / lagan* [Iugon, IguneJ spasm , large shallow bowlfor laundry etc. • basset lam4a fi dahri - / felt my hack go 4589 out laje’ fem laji’a [laji’in] - refugee. 45*7 • mu(askarat il-laji’in - [the] refugee camps. lama1 [yilma4] v-la - b to shine, sparkle, gleam, glitter 2) to be in spasm: to go out, git - see lujne*. ricked, get cricked, start to hurt lak, -lak - see I-*. • lame4 fem lam4a - shining, gleaming. 4590 lakB [ikuk] v-5 - to chew. • ’iza btuforko, bilma4 lam** - if you polish • luk il-lahme qabcl-ma tibia4-ha! - Chew it. it’ll really shine < r t‘U shine a shir. die meat [well] before you swallow it! • mis kull si bilma4 hu dahab - AH that glitters is not gold < n o t everything that ghnen • 4am-biluk mistka - He's chewing gum. , ,4591 lakan - so; then; if that’s the case, • lama4 (^ahri - My back scent out • lakan, ’es biddak?! - So, what do you • lam4at raqbati - / got a crick in my nuk. want? • lamacu snani - / felt a sudden pam m my • su lakan? - [If not that] - then what? teeth. 4598 • mus hek! - klf lakan? - Not like that! lam ba 0 [lambdt] - [electric] lamp, ligkt - Well then, how? light bulb; torch, JlashlighL 4592 • il-Iamba madwiyye - The lamp’s on. lakas8 [yulkos] v-lo - to touch, poke or nudge • il-lam ba mahruqa, gayyer-ha! - The lightly (with the hand, finger or elbow). bulb’s burnt out change it! • lamma sime4 hek, lakas-ni - When he • lambet jeb - torch l flashlight . • bulkos ’uhto —He pokes his sister teasingly. • ( ± lambet) floresent - fluorescent tigkt laken, walaken - but; yet, however. 4593 4599 • hek biqul, laken hada mis mazbu( lamba 0 [lamhat] - 1) glance, glimpse, pt* That’s what he says, but it’s not true. 2) outline, overview • btiqdar ta £tina lamha? - Con you put & m ton) - did not - used before a verb in a special in the picture? / Can you give us an oservieu. 4600 form which, though it looks like a future tense, actually indicates the pasL lamlam [ilamlem] v-9 - to gather togefa* (trans), pick up (from several different places). ^ • lam yaktob (SA) —He did nig write. Used only in formal speech. • lamlem ’agrddak -Pickup your thing-s


la q a (

4604 Gel your things together! lamme - collection; colleding money (for charity • bilamlem il-’awrdq fi-s-sarec - He picks etc.). See lamm*. up papers in the street (to clean it). 4605 lan [ill n] v-6 —to become soft / becomeflexible; to - See also lamm*. 4601 relent, soften, become amenable. lamm [ilemm] v-7a - to colled, gather tidy up, •... bacden stir ilin —later he softened / he pick up. relented. See layyan*, liyyen*. « lammet il-qalam - I picked up the pencil. 4606 • 'emta bilemmuj-bosta? - When do they laqa —to find. For the imperfect (present-future) collect the post? / When do they pick up the mail? tense see laqa*. • lammena lamme hatta_nsacdo • laqa muftah —He found a key. We collected money in order to help him * [andJfound him awake. 4607 - See also lam lam*. 4 6 0 2 laqa [ilaqi] v-12 — 1) to find, encounter, meet lamma - when (conjunction - i.e. no question is 2) to find, consider (someone / something) to be implied). The verb which follows may be: (something). In the past tense the form laqa* (v-3) is more often heard. 1) In the past, to indicate a past action: • laqa muftah fi-s-sarec - He found a key in • lamma saf... - When he saw... the street. 2) In the imperfect with b-, to indicate a habitual • laqenah cind il-jirdn - Wefound him at the action in the present: neighbours ’[house]. • lamma bakteb - When I write... (generally). • dawwaret caleh, ma laqeto-s - I looked 3) In the imperfect without b-, to indicate the for him/it, [but] I didn’t find him fit future: • 'iza bitlaqi hale-ktab, rajjec-li_yyah. - If • lamma yixjac - When he comes back... you find the book, bring it back to me.

• 'ana balaqi-ha hilwe k tir - 1find her very - Other examples: beautiful / / consider her very pretty. • lamma wi$el £a-l-bet - When he readied • has-sagle balaqi-ha muhimme - / con­ home / When he arrived at the house... sider this matter to be important cthis matter, I • lamma birjac min il-madrase - When he find it important>. See also §af*. comes home from school... (every day). • tlaq ij-h er! - Good night to you too! See '(isbcih*. accident.. 4608 • il-m arraj-jay lam m ajzum i - The next laqab [’alqdb] - [official] tide; nickname. time he visits me... • su laqabo? - What’s his [official] title? / - In sentences of the When Jam / you are J he is... What do I put in front of his name? type, the present-future tense of the verb kan* is • 'ahdat il-laqab - She won the title . • lamma bakun fi-l-bet - When Tm at • byilimel laqab doktor fi cilm in-nafs home... (generally). He's a doctor of psychology . usuallyindicate future time: / will be lyou will be... • fi-l-madrase bya€tu 'alqdb - At school etc. For example: bukra bakun fi-l-bet they give [one another] nicknames. Tomorrow I ’ll be at home. - See also libcq*. 4603

[ilammeh] v-8 - to hint. lammah talmih - He dropped a hint.


loqa( [yulqof] v-lo - to catch; to pick up, receive, take in.



• Iaqattjl-far. - 1 caught the mouse. • laqtat it-tabe - She caught the ball • laqat il-lahm - He picked up the tune. • bulqot il-’amwaj il-qa?Ire - He picks up short wave. . 4610

4619 lattam, lattam - to veil / cover / mask one'sface. • mlattam / mulattam - veiled ( masked. • Sababem lattamin - young masked men (i.c. with the lower part of their feces covered). lattam - See lattam*.


laqit [luqcqa’ # ] - foundling. 4621 • mis had ra inno trabbi laqit - She's not lataf* [yultof] v-lo - to show kindness, be kind. prepared to bring up an abandoned child. • ’a lia lataf u-majiqatalt! - God was good 4611 to me, and I survived . • il-kalb cam-biloqq - The dog's lapping . . r , v. . 4622 (water etc.). latos [yultos] v-lo - to slap. 4612 • latasni la(se zgire - He gave me a little laqqan, laqqon [ilaqqen] v-8 - to prompt, slap / He slapped me lightly. make (someone) repeat 4623 • laqqanojd-dars —He made him repeat the la tif fem. latlfe [lutafa] cp ’altaf - 1) lesson. pleasant, kind, nice 2) delicate, elegant, refined. • il-’imm betlaqqen ’ibcn-ha dars - The • kan la tife k tir maci - He was very nice! mother gets her son to repeat a lesson. kind to me. • su? ’immak laqqanatak su dhki?! • ya latif! —Oh God! (an expression of surprise What? Did your mother tell you what to say? or anxiety). One of the 99 names of God, (an irritated wife to her husband) . a very charming / pleasant man. • muiaqqen —prompter. • il-jins il-latif - the fair sex < t h e delicate 4613

laqta [laqtat] - opportunity, bargain, [lucky] find. • hay laqta! - What a bargain! /What a find! cthat's a 6nd>. 4614

!asac [yilsac] v-la - to bite. See ’arbcTniyye*. laseq - see cadase*.

4615 4616

lasiqa# [la$iqdt, la§a’eq] - sticker. Caa ” occ


• nas lutafa - nice people / likeable people. • hay kilme mis latlfe - That's not a nice word / That's not a very polite word. • nafs is-si bass ’altaf - That s a more delicate way of saying the same thing . • sukran calaJ-baraamaj il-latif - Thank you for the excellent programme .

4 6 1 7

la-sakk —no doubt, doubtless, without a doubt see sakk*. 4618

• sukran cala ittisdlek il-latif - Thank you for your kind phone call • (min is-samm) bihess bi-’ihsas latif (When he takes the drug) he experiences a pleasant sensation. See lazze .

latag (SA latag) [yiltag] —to mispronounce 462» letters/ consonants (usually refers to mispronoun­ latse QF] [ latsat] - slap. See Iatas*. cing r as g) .1625 • fi*1 ulad biltagu - There are children who latt [ilett] v-7a - to slap notifymispronounce [the letter r], • la tta - [a] light slap. 4626 • fib ulad biltagu bi-’ahrof mucayyane — There am children who have trouble pronoun­ lattas [ilattes] v-8 - to know a smattering cing certain letters. (of a foreign language), speak a language poody

• bdhki {arabi! - ya^i... binlatteS (±taltis) - Do you speak Arabic? - WeB, I speak it a bit i I don If speak it very well < we (sanctifies used instead of I) know-a-smattering> .


• lola sattat, kunt ruhet - I f it hadn’t rained I would have gone. • lawla bitsatti, kunt baruh - If it weren’t raining, I would go. • lota ma ljabbart-ni, (± k u n t) ma jit-cs If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have come, • 1awlajd-daffay, kunna binmut min il-bard - If it weren't for the heater, we would have died of add • lawla-ki kan intahar - But for you, he would have committed suicide < if it weren't for

jaw - if - expresses 1) a hypothetical condition (if l vert... ! if I hadL. etc.) 2) a polite request (could foa possibly.. / could you be so kind as to... etc.). • law qult-illi, kunt jibto - If you ‘d told me. rd have brought it. • law bacref, kunt baqtil-lek - If l knew, I'd teUyou. you...>. • law(-ma) qalat-li - If she hadn't told me... • lola swayy kan d ah asn i! - He nearly ran • hatta law ma dafacu-s - Even if they me over / He almost knocked me down < but for a > hadn't paid; Even though they didn't pay. little he would have run me o v e r> . • §u ra’yak law minganni-ha - How would lawwah [ilawweh] v-8 - to wave. 4634 you feel if we were to sing it? • bilawweh bil-mandil - He waves his - Note: the Arabic word for song - 'ugniye* - is handkerchief. See mlawweh*. frnffltine. • su bisir law ‘ahadto? - What would • bilawweh bil-calam - He waves the flag. happen if I were to take it? 4635 • law samaht / samahti - Excuse me! / If I lawwan [ilawwen] v-8 - to colour, colour in. may [ask~.J . • il-walad bilawwen ir-rasme - The child - See also lola*. Lawenn-*, wa-law*. colours in the drawing. 4628 • qazaZ'fmlawwan - stained glass / coloured v-3 - to bend, twist (trans). lawa [yi glass. • lawa-lo ’ido - He twisted kis (Le. someone • il-mulawwanin - dark-skinned people Atj - board; picture, painting. litheness . • byrtiarraj . Layla - see !£le*. • law^At Pik&to - Picasso1* patnttngs. 4640 4 6 3 3 layta * - not, is not 6nSA), • layta huna fa^of * - Not only here... lawla, 16la . • «lcebna sadde - We played cards. • l£let-ha 'akal qatle - That evening he got a • lc-wlad cam-bil(abu fi-s-sarec - The good hiding! children are playing in the street • min lelet-ha... - from that evening on / since • hada bil. 4703 tongue. loh [lwah, 'alwah] - board, plank. • 'asufelsanak (-nek) - Put your tongue out! • loh hasab - [a] wooden plank. < th a t-I-m ig h t-se c your tongue > . • jib tlatelw ah - Bring three planks i boards! « lsano ’abyad / tqll / wiseh - His tongue's • ’ikteb £alaJ-loh - Write on the blackboard! fu rre d < h is to n g u e’s w hite / heavy / dirty > . • ldha HU [lohat] - (small) board. See also • m a 'ilo jsa n yihki? ! [20 ] - Has he lost kis lawha*. tongue? < d o esn ’t he have a tongue to talk (with]>. • lohet 'iclanat - notice-board. • ’illi fi qalbo - calaJsano - H e says what he - See satranj*. th in k s / H e *s sincere. < w hat's in his bean is on his 4704

lola - see lawla*. 4705

lolah [iloleh] v-11 - to sway,

sw in g back a n d

to n g u e > .

il-kilme cala rasjdsani - The word’s on the tip of my tongue. c o n the head of my •

forth ,

to n g u e > .

• il-lamba bitloleh - The lam p sw in g s back

• haket m aco bi-lsan hilu u-bil-^mlib - / » * spoke to him soothitigly / gently / kindly 4711

lucab * - saliva. • gudad il-lu£ab - salivary glands.

• bihott il-lam calajs-zuruf, lazem ihott il471 2 16m cala nafso - H e blam es circum stances lucbe ffl [lucab, ’al£ab] - 1) game 2) toy; ddl when he should be b la m in g h im self ,

Ion t’alwan] - 1) colour 2) style, genre. 4707 • (c)b- ayya Ion? - What colour? *

• lu £bet il-karasi - musical chairs. • dukkanet ’al£ab - toy shop. • ’al£ab nariyye - fireworks • il-binn £am-bitdawwer £ala lucbet-ha The little girl's looking for her doU.

• dahan il-het^b-lon ’asfar - He painted the wall yeQow. 4713 • bi-£iddet ’alwan / bi-’alwan mihtelfe - in lu£°b (T| - play, playing, game. several colours / in different colours. • bigOss fi-l-lu£ob - He cheats at games


luzum 4721

(of all kinds) .

lujne, lajne# GO [lijan] - committee, board. • waqt il-luCob - while playing a game / while commission. at play• il-Iujne mkawwane min sitt 'oslja? • hon mamnuc lu«'b 1-eqmar - Gambling’s The committee consists of six people. not allowed here. • ’a ^ a ’ il-lujne / il-lajne * - the members of 4714 the committee f the committee members. ly'lu' —pearls. See lulu*. • lajnet tahqiq - commission of inquiry. 4715 lubnan - Lebanon. 4722 • lubnani fem lubnaniyye [lubnaniyyin] - luks fluksat] —oil lamp. See sahtura*. Lebanese. • marato lubnaniyye - His wife is Lebanese. lulu (lu'lu’ * ) - pearls (coll m sing). 4723 • cuqed lulu - [a] pearl necklace. 4716 lubya, lubye - a variety of long thin green bean. • hoss lulu - [one]pearl [hsus H]]. 4717

luga m Dugat] - language. The form lugga is also heard. • fih hon wahad ’ajnabi, ma-hada-s bifham lugto - There’s a foreigner here, noone con understand the language he speaks. • s&r* yihki lugetna! - Now he speaks our language! I He's begun to speak our language! • luget il-’umm - native language / mother tongue < language of the mother >. • hay luget fufulti - That’s my native language . dprewons andinSA):


• md-lak? / sO-ma-lak? — What’s wrong ma{ - 1) with, together with 2) on (as in: I don’t Imth you]? . have any money on me) 3) despite. • lu mil Yusef - What’s up / wrong with - Note: ma1differs from the English ‘with’in that it Yusef? (a fetation d su-m£ la-Yusef). cannot be used to mean ‘by means of* in sentences • md-lak sdket ? - Why areyou so quiet? like He cut it with a knife... See b-*. . Compare with tna . - With attached pronouns, the form ma(a- can also • ] mi-lak sfiket ? ; ma ftiljki! - Why a n be used instead of mac. This gives rise to two you so silent? Speak out! /Why art you so quiet? alternative paradigms which both have exactly the Say something! same meaning: • m£-lo l*-bradr?l - What’s up with the with me macSy ma.

ma-£ales, ma-£aless - Never mind! I It doesn’t • mac il-waqt / ma£ il-hibra - with time l matter! . with experience (hell learn...). • il-yom ma fiss madrase. - ma £ales! • u-mac kull hada - and despite aU this / There's no school today - Never mind! hotvever / nevertheless . - This expression is also used as a form of apology: • liireb il-motor m acna - The engine packed if you step on someone’s toe you can say to him: up on us. . ma-£a le s!, i.e., I hope you don't mind / / hopeI • intaha_s-sugcl m a£na - Our work is done / haven't hurt you too much. There’s nothing more for us to do. . me, could you just tell me your name? • 'ib£at-U jyah ma£ ’ahuy - Send it to me . , ,* 4759 with my brother! ma£am el J m a£mal*. 4750

m a£ [imi£] v-6 - 1) to melt, liquefy; to become flabby 2) to behave coquettishly, be flirtatious. • il-bint bitmi£, ya kifebdm si, ya bil-haki - The girl gets coquettish, either in the way she walks or in how she talks. • il-banat maj^at, bisufu sabab, bimi£u / bitmayacu - [The] girts are flirtatious, when they see a boy they behave coquettiskly. - tmaya£ v-19. - See also m aye£*.

ma£ani ] ma£na*.



ma£ared 1 ma£rad*. 4762

ma£aref ] macrife*. 4763

ma£aser 1 macsara*. • * 4764

ma£a s [ma£asat] - 1) salary 2) allowance, Pension, benefit. • baqbod il-ma£as kull sah'-'r - 1get [paid] my salary once a month. ma££as [ima££es] v-8 - to mash, crush. 4751 • ma£as it-taqa£od# ma bikaffi-ha-s • bima££es mdze bis-soke —He mashes a The retirement pension's not enough for her (to banana with his fork. live on], 47© 4752 raaC£d sa / -se* [8] — mill, grinder, masher, m a£a t [yim£at] v-la - to pluck out pull out crusher. (hair). m a££at * is stronger • ma££dset htimmos - chickpea press I • byimca t sa£ro - He pulls his hair out chickpea masher. (literally). ,.



maCCa t [ima££et] v-8 - to tear, tear out, pull out ma£azim ] ma£zum*. (hair). This verb is stronger than mtt£at*. • ?dratwetma££e( sa£er-ha - She began to ma£bar # [ma£aber] - crossing point P. • machad muslqi - conservatoire ! conserva­ • hod ma. • mabruk ma (’a)ja-ki -Congratulations on the birth of your son / daughter! c b le s s e d a that-which-has-arrivcd to you>.

4810 mabda’ [mabade'] - principle; beginning, basis. • cindo mabade’ —He’s got principles. • inte rajol §aheb mabade’ - You're a man of principle / You've got principles. • mabade’ il-qird’a - the basics l the rudiments of reading. • mabda’iyyan # - in principle. 4811 mabhuh fem mabhuha [mabhuhin] - hoarse. See inbahh*. 4812 m abhara U3 [mabaher] - censer 4813 mabid - ovary. 4821 • il-mabiden - the ovaries. See -en*. 4814 mabrume [mabarlm] - bracelet, metal bangle (in the form of a spiral). mabka, ( ± h d ’et) il-mabka# - the Western • ’abu-ha naqqat-ha joz mabarim u-sitt Wall / the Wailing Wall . 'asaw er sahhab - Her father gave her a pair - See braq*. of spiral bracelets and six bangles. 4815 mablag [mabaleg] - sum [of moneyj. 4822 • ’idfaf nuss il-mablag - Pay half the sum! mabrur - dutifully performed; accepted into the grace of God. • (alabu mabaleg ha’ile QU - They asked for vast sums [of money]. • mabrur il-hajj / hajj mabrur - May God 4816 bless your pilgrimage! . 4823 • is-sare£ mablul - The road's wet. 4817 mabsus - dough made offlour and butter. - See bass2*. mablus fem mabluse [mablusin] - busy, • il-mabsus hu £ajin il-muhossas lalimmersed [in work]; right in the middle [of a k a£ek - grayybe, knafe - thin u-zibde taskJ. bibessuh - Mabsus is dough specially for • ’ana mablus * fi-s-sugol - I ’m right in the making cakes such as graybeh or knafek - it s middle of the work l of the job. made of a mixture offlour and butter kneaded 4 818 mabrad [mabared] - file (tool). together. 482-1 . . 4819 m absut (mabsut) fem mabsuta mabrase - 1) rasp 2) grater (G). - 1) pleased 2) well, healthy. • mabrase hisne lal-hasab —coarse rasp for • huwwe m absut minnak - He’s pleased wood / wood-rasp with you < fro m y o u >. • mabrasetg ja z a r - carrot-grater. • ’ana m absuta ’illi jiti - I’m pleasedyou u 4820 come. See ’illi*. mabruk fem mabruke [mabrukin] - blessed; • klf halek? (e)nsalla mabsuta - Howare happy; congratulations! (on a happy occasion or on the acquisition of a new possession). you 1 hope you ’re keeping welL • hoses hali mus mabsut -Idon tfe e l^ - Newly-weds are congratulated with the expression * • mabruk ya caris, mabruk ya carus! I'm not feeling well


m m oatr

• a-euty&t 3-madansyye - fit «*n7

ptL pa Seebawwaf*.

, mdaqqe 0 -pad*. K*ffld>)Hi hi Id d-hftwen Tht 'mtiaqqa’ fit ptsdt fia t 0m w ifi tk* nit - Ht bt§i / H tt a • m edd/feioak (feta medd\Ja&nek) - Pat I / Stock *"**


• maddo


flamdAd bdn iM dtin - 7V calir'f U 4 kttottm fit tm k w K • *abqad4«M fak G btek)m edd ijr€k -

I fa d p m fi % m w er n fin

t tfi


> ' i t 4m'l he 4*41


J ti

kahroba - 7Vy laid

iJ-'M pm t - T ip to M* flke {that d) il



« J _VieLed

maddar • 'iza maddarat il-bfi^a - if the egg's gone bad. 484.'* mfldde [mawfidd] - 1) material, substance, stuff; ingredient 2) article, douse. • §fi hal-mfidde hfiy? - What is Otis stuff? / What substance is this? • il-mawadd: (hin, bfidtfcn... - ingredients: flour, two eggs... • biraje* il-maddc - He goes over the material / He revises the material (before an exam). • madde ’arb(a fi-d-dustur - Article JV of the Constitution. 4844 maddi fem maddiyye - material (adj). • it-’asya’ il-maddiyye QU £am-ti§£&lo He's preoccupied with material things . • il-m5ddiyye * - materialism. 4845 madeh [5] - praise, compliments. See madah*. • ma bahebbjs il-madeh - / don’t like compliments . 4846 madfac [madafec] - cannon. 4847 madfa£iyye - artillery. • il-mad£aciyyej-taqile - heavy artillery.

madbfil - income. * ,l • bidfa< hasab madhfilo - He pays according to his income / He pays ftaxes} in accordance with his income. f —. 4gci2 madine GO [mudonj - town, city, e madinct hefa —the city of Haifa. • fi-l-mudon, bass mus fi-i-qura - m towns, but not in villages. • tl-madineJ-munawwora - Medma * so called because the Prophet Muhammad is buried there. The seenrd itohest cty in Islam.

debt, owing, indebted. II#U dall madyun-lak tul hayati - m 4848 always be indebted to you.! Til be m your debt madhale [a] [madahel] - steamroller, roadall my life -

• bistgel . with cleanliness / She’s a cleanliness freak , 4983 • huwwe majnun flha / majnun eb-hobbmajjanan # - free of charge, gratis, for free (adv). ha - He's mad about her / He's madly in love See balas*. with her. 4984 - See satranj*. majjani# fem -niyye - free [of charge] (adj). 4991 m ajra [majari ] - 1) stream 2) sewer 3) current, • ta£llm majjani - free education. course. 4985 majla [majali] - sink. • fih m ajra hawa - There’s a draught . the sink! • sabket il-majari - the sewage system. 4986 majles [majales] - council, committee. • m ajarij-bol - the urinary tract • hada gayyar m ajraj-’um ur# - That * il-majles il-mahalli - the local council changed the course of events. • majles il-’amn - the [United Nations] Security Council. • bukra bit'ud il-mayy la-majari-ha 4987 Tomorrow life will get back to normal / will majmac [majamec] - meeting, assembly, synod. resume its normal course . Language Academy. • il-harb ’assarat (’attarat) £ala majraj• il-majmac il-maskuni - the Ecumenical hayah - The war affected everyday life Council (assembly of the Catholic bishops). < influenced the course of life>. majmuc [majami£] - total whole. • qaddes il-majmu£? - How much is the total? / How much does it add up to? 4989 majmu£a QQ [majmu£at] - 1) collection, compilation 2) group. • majmu'at taw dbe' - stamp collection. • majmuca min in-nas —group of people. • mnacti tabe la-kull majmu«a - We'll give a ball to each group (of children). • it-tuyur bit . open, exposed. 5003 • maksuf ir-rds - bareheaded. makel [6] fern makle [maklin] - having eaten, • bibicu hasis ca-l-maksuf - They sell one-who-has-eaten. See 'akal* hashish openly. • laqeto makel il-jibne - 1found he had • saheb calaJ-m aksuf —overdraft < drawing eaten the cheese . cheese >.

• 'absor* min maklo - 1 wonder who’s eaten it 11 wonder who ate it. 5004

makfiif# fem makfufe [makfufin] - blind. • mu’assase lil-makfufin — institution for the Mind, See 'a cma*, kafif*. 5005 makana* 5006 akkan* [imakken] v-8 - to make possible, bring about, enable . - Used only in official language / higher speech registers. See IjalJa*. 5007 makke, makke I-mukarrame Mecca < revered Mecca >,

• hay m unaw ara maksufe - That’s a transparent manoeuvre f That’s an obvious move, . . , . . ., 5012 maktab [ makateb] - office. • (i)staqbalni fi maktabo - He received me in his office. • sajjel fi maktab il-camal - Sign on at the job centre! cregistcr at the work office>. 5013 maktabe QF) [maktabat, m akateb] - 1) library 2) bookshop [also makateb]. • m aktabet il-baladiyye - the municipal library. • il-mas'ul can il-maktabe - librarian .

• lc-ktab mawjud fi kull il-makateb - You



can find the book in any library / in any mal . S014 rascal • suf su cimel, hal-makun! - Look what maktub1 fem maktube - written. Passive part, he’s done, that cunning rascal of katab*. • su maktub hon? - What's written here? malaceb ] malcab*. 5021 5015 I—I 5022 maktub2 [makatlb] - letter (i.e. a message *not a malabes [6J- dothes - usually used in the pluraithe singular is malbas. letter of the alphabet). • malabes cadiyye - ordinary clothes / every, • ’ijani maktub min... —I got a letter from... day clothes. < th e r e ca m e to m e a le tte r fr o m .* > . „ 5023 • ii-bostaji biwazzec il-makatlb - The malaff, milaff [malaffat] - file, record (ahinpostman delivers the letters . istrative, computer etc). - See also risale*. • hotto fi malaff - File it! t Put it in a file! 5016 • lazem dftah malaff fi-l-hasub - You've makwa [makawi] - iron (for ironing dothes, got to open a file on the computer. soldering etc.). See also mikway*. • muhtawaj-malaff - the contents of thefile. • makwa lham /mikwaWlham * * [makawijham] - soldering iron, 502-1 malahem 1 malhame* m * • bistgel makwaji - He irons clothes for 5025 a living < h e works [asj an ironer>. See -ji*. « * ■ 1 5017 5026 mal [ amwal] - money, property, /possessions. malak [yimlek, yumlok] v-le/o - 1) to own, • wazzac ’amwalo - He shared out his possess 2) to dominate, control possessions ! He gave away his possessions. • bimlek ’arddi * - He owns land / • il-mal id-daser bi. doctor won’t let me eat fried foods . zebra crossing / crosswalk. • manacni can in-nom - It kept me up I It • wen fih mamarr (lal-musa*1)? - Where is prevented me from sleeping; He kept me awake. there a pedestrian crossing? 5077 5067 manaca QO - immunity. mamasi ] namsa* • bislb jihaz il-manaca - It damages the 5068 immune system. mamlaha [mamaleh] - salt cellar, salt shaker. • hada byactfhom manaca - This makes mamlake GO [mamalek] - kingdom. them immune / This gives them immunity. • il-mamlakej-hasimiyye - the Hashemite • cindo mana(a min hal-marad - He’s Kingdom (ofJordan). immune to this disease Che's got immunity.. >. 5070 • il-wahad, btitrabba cindo manaca - One mamme - food; eat up! (baby talk). See mbu*. becomes immune / One develops a resistance. 5071 5078 mamnu< fem -^a - forbidden, prohibited. manaber ] manbar*. • mamnu{ it-tad^In —No smoking .

manadll ] mandll*.

5080 • m am nu^twaqqef hon - You can't park manafec - bathroom, lavatory, toilet, washroom here / There’s no parking here, c it’s forbidden plural form in Arabic 1131. (that) you park h e r o . • il-manafec wuslja Ql] - The toilet's 5072 dirty. mamnun fem mamnune [mamnunln] grateful - See bet* il-mayy, bet* il-^arej.



noHt manal? fyimnal?! v-la - to grant.give. award. • manal?0-honi Ijaqq il-lujfi* is-siy&si They gave them political asylum . • manahli-ha jfiyzc - They awarded her a prize. • manahfih wisfim - They gave him a medal. 5082 man&b - climate. • il-man&b hdn lotlf - The climate here is good • il-manfib bitgayyor - The climate's changing; The climate changes; The climate's changeable. 5083 manage! ] mun^ol*. 5084 man&bir J munhdr*. 5085 manajem J manjam* 5086 manakir - l) manicure 2) nail polish. • bithoft mandkir - She puts on nod polish; She wears nad polish. 5087 manaqlS ] manqus*. 5088 mandrci [mandrdt] - lighthouse, • il-manara bti^wi las-sufon - The light­ house provides light for the ships. 5089 mana$$a (Tj, mna$$a, mina§$a# platform, stand stage, podium. • lamma bu^la4 . 5113 5104 manqus —passive part of naqas*. manhaj - see minhaj*. • manqus(e) [8] [manaqls] - round flat 5105 loaf with indentations (made by pressing down manhus fem -se [manhusin] - /) unlucky, illwith the fingers before baking), topped with olive oil, omened. ill-fated 2) mischievous, problematic; za'tar or cheese. mischief-maker, trouble-maker; (affectionately) • manquset za.ctar* —‘manqusheh ’ with little rascal little monkey. za’tar. • il-yom manhus min ’awwalo - This has 5114 been a bad dayfrom the start cthis day’s ill-fated mansaf [manasef] - 1) large tray or platter for from its beginning >. serving food 2) a dish of lamb and rice served with almonds and spices. • il-manhus manhus wa-law callaqu 5115 ta-tizo fin us - He was bom unlucky mansuj [mans ujat] - 1) woven 2) textile. . • sinacat il-mansujat - the textile industry. • suf hal-manhus... ma ’azkah! - Look at 5116 that little rascal - how clever he is! m anseb [m anaseb] —position, post, office. - See also nahs*. • hiyye weslat la-manseb - She reached 5 1 0 6 a [high] position. manjal [manajel] - scythe, sickle. • wahad fi mansebak - Someone in your • ramz is-§yu£iyye huwwaj-manjal position... / Anyone as highly-placed as you... wis-sakus - The emblem of communism is the hammer and sickle. 5107 manjam [manajem] — mine. • manajem il-fahem - [the] coal mines. 5108 manjur - the wooden finishings of a building (i.e. doors, window frames etc). 5109 mankub - See nakbe*. 5110 mankus [manakis]g - pick, pickaxe. 5111 mannan [imannen] - to keep harping on a good turn. • byacti uba'den bidall imannen He gives (someone) a present, then doesn't stop going on about it ! He does a good turn and keeps reminding the recipient that he’s in his debt / that he should be mamnun*. • kull il-waqt bimannen calayy He reminds me all the time of the good turn he did me / He constantly reminds me that I'm in his debt

¥. f _ 5117 mansafe [manasef] - towel • biddi mansafejnjllfe - I ’d like a clean towel / 1 want a clean towel 5118 m ansur - 1) published; publication [mansurat] 2) leaflet, pamphlet [manaslr]. • mansur&t w izdrt il-macaref - publica­ tions [put out by] the Ministry of Education. • wazzacu m anasir - They handed out pamphlets / They distributed pamphlets. 5119 mantuj [mantujat] - product - See also muntaj*. 5120 m anteq - logic • fis§ m anteq - There’s no logic [in that]! • mis m anteq innak d cmal hek! - There’s no point in your doing that! 5121 mantiqa GO [man&teq] - area, region. • fi-l-man&teq - in the territories [occupied by Israel since 1967].



S132 • 6 munliqetna - in our area /in our region. maqftJi1 ] maqla* • manliqa *ind£iyye - industrial arta / r.m industrial ton*. maqftli -fried food. Plural of maqH. nmne ™ • mantiqat sakan - midential arta. of qala*. ^ • raqem il-mantiqa - postcode / tip code. • hatl>amma min il-maqdli - / aimd faM foods 11 don’t eat fried foods. til 22 i M.Vi mantiqi, manliiji fem man^iqiyye - logical maqam, moqdm (moqdmdt) - ij ptare. • mu5 maiHiqi! - That’s not logicalf f That’s position, rank 2) tonality, mode fmauci. illogical! M23 • biqum maqamo - /ft takes Hu place t //< replaces him / He’s his locum. manyak [I] - pervert, sexual deviant - used as a swear word, like manyuk*. • maq&mo ma byiamalj-lo - Hu rank 5124 doesn't permit him... / //u social itanduu manyuk dj - fucked (used both literally and as a doesn’t allow him .. swear word) passive part of n&k*. • hada mus min moqdmak ! - That's 5125 inappropriate to your position! , That’s bnuab manzel * [manazel] - house, home. you! - See tadbir*. • wahed min maqdmo - someone . • m andzer bitbakki - heart-rending sights maqa$ec ] maqta£*. < s i g h t s w h ic h c a u s e w e e p i n g > . 5U» 5128 maqayis ] miqyas*. maqcad, maqcad * [maqd£ed] - seat bench; 5139 dock. maqbora [13 [maqaber] - cemeter • £ala moqcad il-muttahamin - in the dock 51W < o n th e s c a t o f th e a c c u s e d > . maqbul fem maqbule [maqbulin] • cindhom tlat m aqd£ed fi-l-majles 1) acceptable, reasonable 2) papulae udl-dktd They’ve got three seats on the council. • hada mus maqbul cindna - Thats 5129 acceptable here / That's not done hen. moqdced ] maq . - The incomefrom the [sales of] the book is less than the cost ofpublishing it. 5176 marhale [8] [marahel] - stage, phase. manja [8] - illness. • il-m arhalej-’ula - the first stage. • fi kull marda - in every disease / with every • cala marahel - in stages / in phases. illness. - See takayyof*. 5177 • il-m arhalejt-talte - the Third Station [of marda ] maritj*. the Cross] (in the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem). 5178 mardud - bruised. 5186 # * marhum fem marhume [marhumin] - late, • 'idi marduda - My hand’s bruised. deceased . • sittij-m arhum e kanat_etqul - My grand­ • ana tabicti mariha - I ’m cheerful by nature mother, God rest her soul, used to say... I I've got a cheerful disposition. 5180 maren fem mame - supple, flexible. -See murune*. 5181 marfud fem -da - undesirable, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, objectionable. Passive part of rafod*. • hada bidell cala nam at suluki m arfud # - This is evidence of undesirable behaviour / This is indicative of unsatisfactory behaviour. 5182 margub fem margube [margObin] - wanted, desirable, sought after, in demand. • il-walad buscor inno margub (fi-Mele) The child feels wanted (in the family).

5187 m arid, (or m rld in some areas) fem m arlda [m urada, m a rd a # ] - ill, sick, unwed; patient, sick person. • binti m arin a - My daughter’s ili • il-ulad m ura^iaj-yom - The children aren’t well today. • cadad il-m urada - the number of patients. • sandttq il-m ar^a - the medical insurance organisation / health maintenance organisation / HMO . 5188 marjah [imarjeh] v-9 - to swing (trans), push (someone) on a swing. See murjeha*. • bim arjeh binto - He pushes his daughter on

maijalj • il-’ins&nc illi bitmorr bi-tajribe min the swing . ha§-5ikcl - any woman who undergoes an • hiyye marjafaat il-walad - She pushed the experience of flits kind. child on the swwg. • il-mu§ki]c illi bamorr flha - the problem • 'ana hamafcjho - / push hint on the swing* I ’m coping with [at present) / what I'm gt»ng 5189 through at the moment . reference book 2) competent authority. • wahad bimorr bi-'azme, Ifizem wahad - Sec rajac*. ikun jambo - Anyone going through a crisn • kull il-marajec bil-’ineglizi - All the needs someone to support him / When you »> source material is in English. through a crisis you need someone to supportyou • istacmal marajefwcktlre fi ta'lif 1-cktab . wrote the book. • il-ta'ilat m am i fi 'awdd< sa(be jiddan 5190 The families have gone through some my hard mark, m ark [markat] - mark (currency). times l have experienced some very difficult • il-mark il-’almdni - the Deutschmark / the circumstances. German mark. • m arr fi fatret cilaj tawlle - He's been • Hat markat - three [German, Finnish...J through o long period of treatment! He s marks. 5191 undergone a long period of treatment markaz [marakez] - 1) centre, middle 5196 2) station 3) status, standing m arr a [m arrdt] - time, instance. • markaz id-da'ire - the centre of the circle • hal-m arra lazem ’anjah - This time / • markaz is-sur^a - police station. have to succeed / I've got to get it nghL • §dr-fih tagyir fi markazo_l-ijtimaci • kull m arra nafsjs-si! - Every time (it’s) There’s been a change in his social status. the same thing! • fih marakez lit-tadrib il-mihani - There • k tir m arrdt - often / frequently are centres for vocational training. cmany times >. • markaz tijdri —shopping centre. • m arra tanye / ger m arra / marra 5192 ’u hrd # - Some other time! markazi fern markaziyye - central • il-m arraj-jay(e) - next time. • tadfi’a markaziyye - central heating. • kaman m arra - again . marksi fem marksiyye - Marxist. • ciddet m arrdt - several times fa numberof • il-marksiyye - Marxism. times. marqa - see maraqa*. 5194 • bithess m arra min il-marrat inno— ' ■+ Do you sometimes feel that... ? 5195 ntttrr [imorr] v-7o —to pass, go by; to go • bil-m arra / min m arra - V com^eteo through, undergo; to elapse. totally 2) never / by no means i not at aliens • il-waqet biroorr —Time passes. after a negative clause). • m an at *isrln sine — Twenty years have • sifi bil-m arra - He recovered ampieUb elapsed. He got completely better. • lamma bamorr quddam beto - When I • mus rah-yiqbal bil-marra -HeU Pass by his house... . agree.

331 • mil atoll!

nun marra! - It's not difficult 5197

masa ite (aneasternCatholiccommunityoriginat­ ingin Lebanon).

marraj, marng fimarrej] v-8 - to massage. • roarrej ’ldak - Massage your hand!

marwaha (J3 [marfiweh] - 1) fan; ventilator 2) propeller. • qsfi( il-marwafea fi-l-matdr - the fan belt 5198 in the [car] engine. morion, manan [marren] v-8 - to tram, • maraweh i(-^ayyara - the plane’s propel­ aemse. drill (trans). lers. - See tamrin*, tmarran*. • marren {inek! - Do your eye exercises! i marwahiyye, mirwahiyye * [-hiyySt] - 5206 Tram ycecr eyes! helicopter Youmayalso hear halikopter. S199



aarroq, marraq fimorreq] v-8 - 1) to pass maryam - Mary, (cans). 2) to let in, let out, let through, let past . 5208 • rnnrmq-m min fl-b&b il-warrdni -H e let maryamiyye - sage. m i n i out through the back door. maryul [marayfl] - apron. 5209 • umreqni - Let me through! 5210 • surraq-ba (hal-sagle)! - Let it go! < Jet it mas’ale [|3 [mas&’el] - issue, problem, pus . question, matter. • bimarreq-loj-tdbe - He passes the ball to • hadi mus bass mas’alet hazz / Ians him /He passes Him the bad. It s not just a matter of luck / a question of luck. 5200 • hay mas’ale muhimme - This is an I f ' ' 1rrih, fl-marnh - Man. important issue. • fife Ipyafe calaJ-marn^? - Is there life on • mas'alet mdt 'aw ljayah - a matter cf life Mars. and death. 5201 5211 mart- - set mara*. mas’ul fem -le [mas’ulin] - responsible, 5202 in charge; person in charge. martabe [gf] [nwdteb] - grade, rank, place. • 'intej-mas’ul ‘an in-nadi? - A n you m • roartabet q-tdleb - the student’s charge of die dub? place m the dots. • ’il?na mul mas’fllin ‘an ta§arrofo - We’re • fei bitfaffili... - (Ufo bU-martabeJ-'ula, not responsible for his behaviour. - Whom do youf like best? - So-and* __ i 5212 to m first place, then... (pitting in a competition mas,uliyye iQo] - responsibility.

a c t. • Su martabto* fi-l-musdbaqa? - Where

woe he placed m the competition? . • itlo fi-l-martabcJ-Ub*! - He finished in math place i He m placed ninth. • tt-’ugmyc ‘a^dat tl-martabej-'ula - The tong mm first place. B*u\abiR [morvubAndt] - par. • moryibAn - pm far; par of pom.


• hdy mas’Qliyye kbire - 77i£s is a big responsibility • hfty bitkun ‘ala mas’filltak - You will have to take responsibility far this. . • h&y bitkfin ‘ala mas’QHyyet-ha! - It'll be her responsibility / Thu 11be her responsibility. • (ayyeb, ‘ala mas'QlIti - Fine, I take full responsibility • birmiJ-mas'Oltyyc cala £4ro - He shifts 0ie responsibility on to other people.


martini inn mOrUniyyc (mawAmr)

m ass (m) - evening.



masa • fi-l-masa - in the evening, • mb&reb il-masa - yesterday evening. • il-y6m it-masa - this evening• • masqj-fodr! - m asaji-nur! - Good evening! - And a very good evening to you!

mas&fya [ft] [mas5l)3tj - area, extent 219 • qadde.i masfihtjl-£urfe? - How big Ufa room? / What's the area of the room?

< evening a t goodness - evening of light > •

5221 masdj - massage. • bye. The mouse got caught m the trap. • bftlo maigtil - He’s worried ' / Wfc cracked up with laughter . • rdyeh 'amut! - I'm dying! • bimutu min il-juc - They die of hunger f They're starving / They're dying of hunger. • bimut fiha! - He's mad / crazy about her. 5304 matahef ] mathaf*. 5305 matal, matal * - 1) proverb, saying [’amtal] 2) likeness 3) example [’amtile]. • il-matal biqtU: - The proverb says... I As the proverb has it... • Q-’amtal is-sacbiyye flha hikme - Folk sayings contain wisdom / There's wisdom in the traditional sayings. • mumken tactlni matal? - Can you give me an example? • 'ana baqdar ’a fti ’amtile bil-*aks - lean give [you] examples to the contrary. • 'allajk atter min ‘amtalak - So may they multiply! I I wish more people were like you . 5306 matalan - for example. You may also hear matlan, masalan, matalan *. • hod, matalan, ’as*dr il-fawakeh - Take the price offruit, for example... • ’aw wahad zayyo, matalan - Or one like Oust, for example.... / Or someone like him, for example... 5307 matane [I] - bladder. 5308 mathaf [matahef] - museum, a place for tuhaf, see tuljfe*. 5309 motor - tee motor*, 5310 mattal - See mattal*. 5311 matlan - See matalan*. 5312 mattal fimattel] v-8 - I) to represent 2) to act, play [a part f a rolej. Toe form massal is also heed. • bunattel kull i£-&a*b - He represents the whole nation. • bunassel ii-iirke fi l-*4>l&d - He repre-

m a{ba}>

sents the company in this country. • fi-l-masrafciyye bamassel dor il-malek -In the play I play the king . 5313

mat*am [matdcem] - restaurant. • $aheb il-ma^am - the restaurateur / the restaurant proprietor. mat*uj - see hadide*.


raatd*em ] mat*am*.


matabe* ] matba*a*.


matabelj ] matbah*. 5318 mataher - bathrooms, washrooms (especially those next to mosques, for ritual ablution before prayer). 5319 mdtal [imatel] v-11 - to pul off, temporise, give (someone) the runaround. • bimatelni min il-yom la-bukra u-laba*ed-bukra - He keeps putting me off . • ba*ed kull il-mumdtaldt illi mdtaluna after the runaround they gave us < after all the puttings-off that they've put us off with>.

motaleb ] matlab*.


5321 matar * [’amtdr] - rain. This is the word used in weather forecasts. See also §ita*, which is the word used in ordinary conversation. 5322 ma(dr [mat&rat] - airport • wadddto *ala ma(dr il-lidd - I took him to Lad (Lydda) Airport (i.e., Ben Gurion Airport). 5323 matara - water canteen, uuder bottle. • *abbij-matara - Fill up the canteen!

matdrae ] mu(rdn*.

5324 5325

matba*a H3 [matdbe*] - printing print shop, printer's. maibab fmatdbcb) - kitchen.




• fih m albah^zgir - There's a small kitchen, 5327 mathane GO [mattthen] - grinder, mill. • mathanet qahwe - coffee grinder / coffee mill 5328

• il-muggfettt bilmOU - The rubber / elastic band stretches. • bimott bil-haki - He speaks in a drawl . 5333

m aftdt fem m attata - elastic (adj), stretchy; rubber (noun).

matlac - 1) beginning* 2) stairwell. • fi matla£ is-saher - at the beginning of the _ . mattati - rubber- (adj). month. • r?dsa* m attatfyye - rubber bullet • fi ma(lac id-daraj - in the stairtvelL


5335 moolah [mahaleb] - request, demand. mav^ed [mawa£ed, mawafid] - [appointedJ time, date. • hada m atlab ma£qul - That’s a reasonable • lazemjmhadded maw^ed lil-£ur°s - We request have to set a date for the wedding. • hada m atlab kull insan - That's what • 'aher mav^ed la-taqdim it-talab - the everyone wants < that's the request of every 5329

person >.

• hadaj-m atlob il-’asasi inno yictref bi-mas’ullto - The main thing is that he should acknowledge that it’s his responsibility .

• m ataleb il-cummal - the workers ’ demands. • lahadd-ma ilabbu kull m ataleb-na • * (We'll strike) until they meet / satisfy all our demands.

date for applications. • mawted id-daf^ - date of payment • il-yom mav^ed-ha - Today's her due date! She's due to give birth today. • fi mawa£Id muhaddade - at *fixed times / * on certain dates. 5336

mawa£ed ] m aw ^d*. 5337

mawadd 1 madde*.


maUub fem matlube [matlubin] - wanted, mawani ] mina*. desired; required, necessary. See ta la b 1*. • hatta nih$al cala_n-natijeJ-matlube - so mawaqef ] mawqaf*. as to obtain the desired result . • it-ta£Iimat il-matlube 1131 —the necessary mawame ] martini*. instructions. • calaJ-mustawaJ-matlub - at the required mawasem ] mawsem*. standard. 5331





5312 5313

mawaseiji [mawaserjiyye] - plumber. m atrah [matdreh] - place, spot - See masura*. The word mahall* is more common. • fi hadaj-m atrah —in this place / in this mawasir ] masura*. spot. 5315 • fih m atrah - There's room . mawdu£ [m aw adl£j - subject topic, theme, • matrah-ma kanu - where they were. issue. • mawduc il-muhd^ara - the lecture topic 5332 m att [imottl v-7o - 1) to draw tight, stretch the subject of the lecture. (trans) 2) to be drawn tight, stretch (intrans) • fi hadaj-m aw duc —on this topic; on this 3) to drawl issue.

339 • badros ciddet m awadic - I ’m taking a number of subjects (at school) 5346

mawqec • ir-ragbe mawjude - The willingness is there / There is a readiness. • is-sirke gar-ilha mawjude cisrin sane The company has been in existencefor 20 years. • mawjudat il-madrase - the school’s assets

mawhibe © [mawaheb] - talent • cindo mawhibe - He's got talent / He’s . talented. See mawhub*. • fih ktir mawaheb fi l-cblad - There are a 5350 lot of talented people in this country . a procession ofpriests on their way to the Church • bvi{ref (bicraf) mawahbo - He is aware of of the Holy Sepulchre . his [otvn] talents. • mawkeb n as bihdefu la-’isi wahad - a 5347 procession of people with a common purpose / mawhub fern -be [mawhQbin] - talented. with one thing in mind . • walad mawhub —a gifted child. • mawkeb w uzara rayhin la-ra’is • fannan mawhub - a talented artist id-dawle - a procession of [government] • hiyye binct mawhube - She is a talented ministers on their way to [meet] the president girl / She's gifted. . 5348


mawje#, moje [|] [’amwaj, coll m aw j# , mawled - birth. (See also mllad*.) Most frequently heard in expressions such as: mdj] - wave. • il-yom il-baher hayej, il-moj cali - The • mawled (also: muled) in-nabi - the sea’s rough today, the waves are big . anniversary of the birth of the Prophet [Muhammad]. • mawjet hardra - heatwave. 5352 • mawjet il-bard bit’asser . • huwwe mus mawjud -H e's not here/He’s 5353 not present • tibuki kan mawjud? - Was your father mawqaf [mawaqef] - bus stop, taxi rank. • fi-l-mawqaf il-jay - at the next stop. there? / Was yourfather present? • hadaj-mawjud! - That’s what there is / 5354 That’s what’s on offer cthat’s what e»sts>, mawqec [mawdijec] - position, post (mil); site (Internet), website. • rabbna mawjud - God exists / There is a God / God is ever-present . me^mdri fem me^mdriyye - building- (adj). • mbayyen calek ta^bfin - You look tired f • muhandes me. mi’a - see miyye*. • il-mihtajin - the poor l the needy. mi’a t ] miyye*.

5471 5472

mihtsem - see muhtasem*.

5482 5483

mibyadda [8] ~ fair copy (of a document). 5473

midhen, mudhen fem midchne -fa tty (of food). • ’akel midhen - fatty food. • lahme midchne - fatty meat

m ihw ar [mahawer] - axis, pivot, centre. • mihwar il-’ard* - the earth's axis. 4 • nit’ammal inno hada l-mawdu< idall * 4 fi-l-mihwar - We hope this issue will remain central l will continue to be pivotaL 5484

mihtlef fem militelfe [mihtelfln] / midhes - see mudhes*. m uhtalef# fem muhtalife [muhtalifln] 5475 different varied, various. midmak [madamlk] - course (of bricks, in • bi-’alwan mihtelfe /muhtalife * - in construction). different colours i in various colours. • zid kaman midmak —Add another course - See ihtalaf*. [of bricks]! * 5483 5474



mijdaf # [majadifj - oar. See miqdaf*. mitred - odd (number). 5486 • cadad mijwez ’aw mifred - an odd or an mijwez - 1) even (number) 2) double. even number . • mijwez ’aw mifred - odd or even .

nufter (mu-) miftre [miftrin, mifetrin] • tahet mijwez - double bed. having had breakfast See ’af[ar*. • sukran, ana mifter —Thanks, I’ve already mikaniki [mikanikiyye] - l) mechanic 2) mechanical had breakfast . ,




mihani (or mihni) fem mihaniyye — professional, vocational. • it-tacllm il-mihani —vocational training. • madares mihaniyye f131 —vocational schools.

mikway, mekway(e) GO [makawi] - ironi& ironing clothes etc.). You will also hear makwa ^

• il-mekway hamye! - The iron's very hot. • {am-(b)tikwi bil-mikway - She's She’s using the iron .

347 milad - l)btrtk 2) the Nativity. • a-yom {Id mfladi - Tbday's my birthday. • tSrih mlladek - your date c f birth. • (id il-mllad - Christmas. mnadi - birth- (adjective). • sane miUdnye - year of the Christian era. See hijri*. 5491

fpileh - salt • zid swayyet mileh - Add some salt! /Put

some [man] salt in! • milch hi$en; mileh na{era - coarse salt; fate salt. Tptmma (min+ma) - than - usedbefore a • ’aktar minima fakkaru - more thai thought


• ’ana ma ’akalt-e$ minno - 1 didn 't eat any Ofit .

• fi§ minnak ’inte! - You're one of a hind / You’re a one-off! < there’s no[body] of your

rnin - who? See also min-ma below. • min h&da / min h£y? - Who’s that? (2L’f). • min qal-iek? [ is] - Who told you? • mat min ruh^t? - Whom did you go with? • iMjaqq {ala min? - Who's to blame? . • min fikom biddojjarreb? - Who wards to try?! Which of you wants to try? • ma kan-s fih min i$alleh-h_yyah 71m mt no-one to repair it for me

P d n d ]> .

• minni minnak, kan zaman ruh^t! - If 1 were in your shoes, I would have gone a fang time ago . • bijibu kull ’isi, min fawakeh, u-min masrubat u-min... - They bring everything, such as fruit, drinks... • Sugljl-bet, min tablb u-jali u-gasil u-kawi... - Housework, such as cooking washing up, laundry, ironing... - See also min-dfin* (mindun), min-gdr*, rninldn* below


mm- lj from 2) of 3) Aon 4) since S) for (in a pctstnt id taae) 6} such as, for example... - W& pra w£: minra, minnak, minnek, minno, min'ha, min-na. min-kotn // min' ku. min hfjm//min-hen. - fa he* epatxb the cnafaoabon min il- often oconoato rmul-. min bdn ta-hundk - from here to there. min iMadftye - from the beginning, 'ana 'akbar minnak - I'm older than you. mm hfck* - more than that. *4fcad muifanm - one of them. 'tnti mtn b£fa? - Are you from Haifa? nun 'tmla? * mtn zatnftn! - Since when? ■ Pur u long tune mm. • zrtinin nun banujmnln - fThey’m been/ udhmgfurfm yean.

mina1 £s] - 1) enamel 2) died (of a watchetc.). • matli bil-mina - enamelled . • mlnet is-s^a - the clockface /the dial of the watch. _


mlna [mawfini] (m) - port, harbour. • il'b&bira daljlat il-mlna - The ship entered the harbour. 5497

mm-'ajli# (min *ajel) - for, for the sake of (in educated speech). The dialect termis minS&n*.

minappa - ice manappa*.



mindftn - without. See also bicKin*, min-ifir*. • mindfin-ma ye. 553S The meat’s cooked. misan - 1) for 2) in order to. See minsan*• ’ana mistwi! —I ’m done in! 5536


miswadde [&} [miswaddat] - 1) draft mishaf - Stripping knife (for removing paint etc.). 2) negative. 5510 • 'anajm elet miswadde - I ’ve made a draft. misi [yimsi] 0 - D 1° tvalk, go (on foot). • hay miswaddet il-maktub - This is the walk about, march, stride 2) to set out, getgoing draft of the letter. 3) to proceed, act. • bihammed il-miswadde u-bacden bitba< • hal-hetydr bimsi b-sui^a - That old num suw ar - He develops the negative then he walks quickly. prints pictures. • il-mayy ebtimsi / btijri fi-s-sarec - The 5537 mis, mus - negative particle (not un-), used in the water runs in the street. following cases: • yalla, biddna nimsi! - Conte on, let's ge 1) Before a word which is not a verb: a noun (not a going!



• hadol jamaca miFa^gbin - Those guys are • klf suglek? - masi. - Hove'syourjob? • It's fanatics. OK . 5549 • m dsiJ-hal - Fine! . • rah-’amsi cala nosihtak - Pm going to act mitcawwed femmi^awwde [mitcawwdin] accustomed, used to. on your advice . • ’ana mis mitcawwed cala hek sugol • rah-nimsi . See jammad*. 5606 mjannad j3], mujannad * [mu-/mjannadifi! —mobilised, drafted, enlisted (in the anr/i• ’ibni ba{do_mjannad - My urn's sridm he army . 56*>


mizan [mayazln] — 1) scale, scales, weighing m janzor [J] - caterpillar-track vehicle, caterpillar-treaded vehicle. See janzir • machine 2) balance. • le-mjanzardt - [the] caterpillar-track • il-mizan hada mis m azbut - That scale's vehicles. inaccurate. • mizan mayy - spirit level mjanzer - covered with verdigris. • mizan il-harura —thermometer < scale of • 'in-nhas_cmjanzer - The copper s amend warmth/heat>. with verdigris.

355 5608

mjarreb fem mjarrbe [rajanbin] txperieneed See jarrab*. • ’im mekem jarrbe’a k ta rm in n e k - Your mother's more experienced than you. • ’is’al cmjarreb wala tis’al hakim - It's bat uThear things straight from the horse’s m outh .

mofrh [mhah] - brain, mind. See ha2ZQ ■




• fiss cindo mohh! - He’s got no brains/He’s mqalqaz fem mqalqaze [maqalqazln] - 5053 brainless! unsteady wobbly. • saggel mofchak! - Use your brain! • waha4_pmqalqaz, yacni bimsi-s mitwazen (bil-masi ’aktar) - [If you say] 5643 moj ] mawje*. someone’s unsteady, it means he’s walking unsteadily (it’s used mainly of walking) inoje - see mawje*. . mart, murr fem -a - bitter. • ’isi mqalqaz, ya(ni m us m ah(u( bit• qahwe m urra - bitter toffee. tawazon - [ I f you say]something's unsteady, it • hadaj-w&qe4 il-morr - This is the harsh means it’s been set down off-balance . taught you those swear words? • haruf emrabreb* - a fid sheep. 5675 • il-bebi lidudo m rabrabin - The baby’s got msafles fem msafclse - syphilitic, infected with chubby cheeks. syphilis. See siflis*. 5666 • huw w ejnsafles - He’s got syphilis. m raqqat fem m raqqata - spotted. 5676 • hal-bissj^mraqqat zayy in-nimer - That msajjel [3] (mu-) [msajjlat, musajjilat] cat's spotted like a leopard. 1) tape recorder 2) cash register. 5667 mrastaq fem mrastaqa - elegant • jibt_pmsajjel u-kasetat - I’ve brought a tape recorder and cassettes. See sajjal • 5668 m rass [mrassat] —1) watering can 2) sprayer, • it-tajer cindo sanduq musajjel spray gun. (sanduqjhnsajjel) - The shopkeeper has a cash register . r5669 m rasseh [3] fem m rassha msallah (mu- *) fem -ha [msallahin] having a cold / a chill armed. See slab*. • kuntjfrnrasseh - I had a cold. • munazzame m sal laha - militia onned - See rassah*. * mraye, mray



organisation >.

• il-quwwat il-musallaha - the armedfrnx^

359 • batonjrosallah - reinforced concrete * 5678

msarres 5688

msawwer QQ, mugawwer [m(u)§awwrln] photographer. See §awwar*. 5689

msann CD - grindstone, whetstone (hand-held).

m?ibe d ] [3J [ma§dyeb] - misfortune, trouble, 5679 disaster. msaqqec fem msaqqca - (very) cold. • hay 1-emslbe! - That’s the trouble! • mayy^msaqqca ~ co^ wa^er• kull il-masdyeb ebtfji mac b ac^j[ • zalame msaqqec - an obnoxious person / Troubles don Ycome singly . 5680 • le-msibe illi ’ajat calena - the disaster - obsessed. See sirsab*. that befell us / that has befallen us < which came • huwwe msarsab cala m arato —He’s on us>. obsessively possessive about his wife . distracted, woozy, spaced out See $a$*l*. - See tSannaj*. 5687

m>awwar - J) photographed, photocopied 2) illustrated. See jaw w ar*. • ktAb_«m$awwar - an illustrated book / a book with tOuslrations.


msanne? fem mSann^a /-c (D - lucky. - Sec sans*. 5697

m ia rre i [3] - voricosed, covered in varicose veins.



• ijre-hajnSarrsatJ-’k tir - She s got temble varicose veins in her tegs . Sec 5aiT3S*.


with no intervening vowel (e.g. mu-t£eb, mu­ sta rd ) it usually becomes mi- in spoken Arabic:

• mut. apart 5701

m takkd QF) [mtakkat] - ashtray. See takk*. 5702

mtallat Q[] - triangle. See mutallat*. m tura ] miter*.

5703 5704

mtille, 1-emtille - MetuUa (small town in Upper Galilee).


mucakes # fem mucakse - opposing, opposite, contradictory, counter-. • iqtirdh mucakes - counter-proposal • bil-ittijah il-mucakes * - in the opposite direction (official / technical language). • hujum mu(akes - counter-attack. 5710

mu(alaje 18*1 —treatment treating; taking can 5705 of, dealing with. VN of calaj*; see also m u -1) The prefix mu- in forms such as mu• mucalajet masakel is-sukkan - dealing kammel, mukammal (the active and passive with the residents' problems. participles of verbs v-8, v-9, v-10), musafer (v-11, 5711 v-12) etc. becomes m- in spoken Arabic: mucallab - see mcallab*. 5712 e.g. mkammel / (e)mkammel, mkammal, msafer [Tj [T]. The mu- pronunciation is mucalleq fem mucalliqa [mu{alliqin] characteristic of SA and is used in educated speech. commentator. 2) The verbal nouns of verbs v-11, v-12 behave in • mucalleq iqtisddi - economic commentator the same way, for example mubalaga —*- mba5713 laga, munafase —►mnafase. mucamale 18*1 —treatment attitude. If you can’t find one of these words under mu-, try • kif kanat mucamalet il-muwtizzaf looking under m-, and vice-versa. m a(ak? - How did the official treedyou? • hada m isem rattab - That's untidy i It’s < h o w w as th e attitu d e of the official with you>untidy. • mu. 5714

mucdroda H3 - opposition. VN of carad*. • lawla mucdradat 'abuy, kunna bniqdor... - Were it not for my father’s opposition, tve could... • ahzab il-mucd rad a - the opposition parties.


mucared - active part, of fdrad*. 5716

mucaskar [mucaskardt] - camp (military,


m ucd iw (me£di) fem m ucdiye - infectious, contagious. • ’am rdd mucdiye Q3] - infectious diseases. See cada*. m ucfa # —see m acfi*.

5722 5723

mucil fem mucile [mucIlin] - breadwinner. • ’inte mucIl il-cele? —Do you support the family? f Are you the family breadwinner? 5724

mutjab fem m ucjabe [mucjabin, mu'jabat] admirer, fan. • huwwe m ucjab flha - He admires her. • mucjabat il-mutreb - the singer’s [female) fans. • wahade min mu'jabatak - one of your admirers / your fans. • in-nas mucjabin fih - People admire him.

• roucaskar il-yasar - the left (politics) . • mucaskar il-yamin - the right (politics). • fih mutatarrifin fi-l-mucask aren There are extremists in both camps. • mucaskardt il-laji’in - the refugee camps. • mucttskar il-ictiqdl - the detention camp. 5725 • mueaskar is-salam - the peace camp. m ucjize [mucjizat] - miracle. • mu(askardt il-'ibade - the extermination • hay kanat m ucjize —It was a miracle / It camp. was miraculous. • il-mucaskaren - the two camps. 5726 5717 mucm dri - see mecmdri*. mucaser - modem, contemporary. 5727 m uctadel, muctadel (mecta-) fem muctadile, • 'adib mucaser m - a modem author. mectadle - moderate, temperate, mild. 5718 • il-muctadilin wil-m utatarrifin mu(awane [13 - MP- assistance, support. the moderates and the extremists. VNof tawan*. • il-manal} muctadel - The climate is • bidun mucawane min il-baladiyye, mus temperate. mumken - Without die support of the • i^-taqs fi-r-rabic m uctadel - The weather municipality, it’s impossible. in the spring is mild. 5719




m uctadi - see ictada . mucawen - deputy, assistant. 5729 • mucawen il-mudir - deputy manager / m u£ta q a d # [muctaqaddt] - creed, belief assistant manager. . See ictaqad*, lada*. mucayyan *, mcayyan fem -ne m u(taqal fem m u£taqale [muctaqalinl [mu(ayyanin] - fa) certain, [a] particular. under arrest, arrested, detained, held. • fi mahall mucayyan - in a particular • hawalt ’afham cala 'es ’ana mu£taqal place / m a certain place. I tried to understand why I was under arrest / • fi yom mu. • hada bi’asser cb-sakwu 5878 muktasab / muktasab - acquired . • mukafahat talwlt il-bi'a - the fight against • (id a t muktasabe min il-harej - mpohed environmental pollution / combating environ­ customs . mental pollution. • li-mukafahat il-’irhab - for combating muktasaf - discovered; discovery. terrorism /in order to combat terrorism. • muktasafat il-cilm - scientific discovers 5879


saw mukalame [mukalamat] - telephone calL m uldhaza [13 [muldhazdt] - comment. • §u bitkallef mukalame mahalliyye? How much is a local call? . • m uldhaza b asita - a brief remark . • mukalamat hatifiyye - telephone calls. • cimel . f • D-muHitu? 3-faskari - the military attadu • amlbaq ydm fl-juxnca - weekend

lOJ - ownership.

yijbet mulkxyyto (raulklto) -H e’s gat to promt ka ownership -He’s got to prove ke's

• ba«d kuO il-murndtaiat illi m&toluna after the runaround they gave us / after they kept putting us off

• il-mum&taJdt il-birQqrdjiyye the bureaucratic runaround / bureaucratic abstractiveness.

• fltildb* ii-mukaipme - anjuxdmtis.

raumell femmumiUe - boring. 5903 6890 • mu^ddara mumille - a boring lecture / fca w tiltatiw y ftraih a rtm in l — a boring talk. See mail*, matal*.

. • hay bass m unaw ara - It s just a ruse. • il-qahwe wis-say u-munabbihat ’u h ra - Sec maksuf*. Coffee, tea and other stimulants. 5908





mundzzome [8] / [83 [munozzomat] munafase [8 j - competition, competitiveness, organisation. competitive spirit VN of nafas*. • munazzamet il-'umam il-muttahide ■» » • fih munafase mniha ben il-fariqen the United Nations Organisation f UNO . US). There's a good competitive spirit between the two • munazzam et it-tahrir il-felosliniyye teams. the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) • • lazem_?tkun il-munafase sarife - The referred to as il-munazzame for short ** competition has to be fair . 5917 5909 munafes # , mnafes fem mnafse [munafisin, mundafec # fem mundafica - impulsive, hot-headed. mnafsin] - opponent competitor. • hiyye min in-noc is-sorih, il-mundafec• staret .


inttTt^fay (-r&tJ * ^ • byui mabniyye . - t+nm mjnahtrak masdude! 031 5934 Ym me* meat be stuffed up (if youcan't smell muntabeb fem muntabibe [muntabibin] voter. See also nabeb*. ooa&ol {tnaEibd] - 1) ties* (ior sifting flour muntaj [muntajat] - product es.? 2 fan mah, netting. See oa^al*. • muntaj&t il-halib - milk products. • fT* mtmljol - There’s a window • muntajfit fl-pitrdl - petroleum products. wA a screen m tt (to keepoat mosquitoes) • muntaj&t fl-ma$nac - the products of .

• muqttbale sahofiyye - a newspaper interview.

m u q tttu £a 0 m qdtttca [T| [muqdtacdt] VN of q d ta £ 5942 1) boycott 2) interruptum 3) short cut muqabel, muqdbel - recompense; for, in 4) area, region, district 5) the muqata'a, :,e. the exchange for; as compared with. ftlestinian Authority's seat of government. Th:: • insihab muqabel salam - land for peace / word is also used to refer to the building itself.

withdrawal in exchange for peace. • il-mutatttwwe£ m a byahod ’ayy muqdbel - The volunteer receives no recompense [for his work]. • kanu ’alfen has-sine muqabel ’alf issinej-m adye —There were two thousand this year, as compared with one thousand last year. - See also (la-)say'*. 5943 muqttddam [muqaddamin] - 1) lieutenant colonel 2) the first instalment of the bride price (maher*), paid before the wedding. - See mu’airfjar*. 5944 muqaddame, muqttddime ^ —foreword, preface, introduction, prologue. • lazem tiqrc^J-muqaddame —You must read the preface! (Users of this dictionary are expected to take this sentence to heart). 5945 muqoddas fem rauqoddase —sacred, holy • hal-makan# muqoddas lal-yahud / lal-miselmln - This place is sacred to the fews / to the Muslims. • ll» amaken 3-muqttddase —the holy places. • hayat il-'insan muqaddase - Human life is sacred. . • il-kitab il-muqaddas - 1) the Bible / the Old Testament 2) the Old and New Testaments.

• m u q d ta £at 'is rd ’Il - the boycott agamst Israel / the anti-Israel boycott.

• bihem m -es m u q d tacu b asfta (basita)? —Can I just interrupt for a second? < [is :tj set important a simple interruption >. • baruh_em qdtttca - I'm taking a short cut • hallina n ruh em qI d #tactt - Let's take a •W short cut! 5948

muqdwale - see mqawale* 59*19

muqdwame 18*| - opposition, resistance. VN of qdwam*. • bidun 'adna muqdwame - without arty resistance / opposition. • muqdwame salbiyye - passive resistance. - See qawam*, ham as*, £unf*. 5950

muqdwel - see mqawel*. 5951

muqtm fem muqime [muqlmin] - resident See ’iqdme*. • ’inte muqim fi 'Almdnya? - Are you resident in Germany l Do you live in Germany5952

muqleq fem muqliqa - worrying. See qalqan • • il-wfluj64 muqleq jiddan* - The situa­ tion's very worrying.

375 nmonc4*. miqne' - convincing. See 'aqna' *, • biW muqni'a - convincing arguments: tnuqto$flf [muqtataJat] - excerpt, extract, s&cted piece; selection. • muqtatafat min i?-$uhof - excerpts from gu ntsespapen t extracts from the press.

5955 tnur'eb to mur^be [murc'bin] /tightening, farm ing terrifying. • mur'd) - an alarming sight • Sofia bit-taifizydn mondzer mur. tional observers. See dawli*. • taftm&t murddife - synonyms. - Seeate mutarddef*. murdsale [13 “ correspondence. 5056 • bdhod jd ru s bil-murdsaie - I ’m taking a tssttrafya } roarid*. correspondence course < courses by oorresponILOCjCI uvsv nas4£ap ® - accompaniment; escort. • kallafu-ni bil-murdsale - Tm in charge of fflinrfihi to murabbye [murabbin, rm irahhiyit] - J) breeder ( .

murdbeq* to murdhiqa - adolescent • il'Cnurdht^in - fthej adolescents.


• murfsel-naj-'askari - our military affairs correspondent.


mura&ah to -l)a [muraiSahlnJ - candidate. See raSsal}*. 5961 • il-mundfase ben il-mura&abtn tnar%ila [$3 [murtp^dtj - lj renew, revision, competition between the candidates. audit; rehearsal 2> petitwn, application 5968 murawwed - 1animal) trainer: breaker. *perm Miauthority) VNafrdja'*. • mrawwed 'usfld - lion tamer. • . 5974 5981 mursed fem murside [mursidin] - guide, m usacade 18*1 - kelp, assistance. VNof sa(ad*. instructor. See 'arsad*. • biddek m usa(ade? - Can I help you? 'Do • m ursidet rehlat - tour guide (f) you need any assistance? . . • bidun musa(adto ma baqdar-s - Without • mursed suwwah - tour guide his help I can‘t [do it]. < guide of tourists > . • qaddam-lo m usacade - He helped / 5975 murtadd fem -e [murtaddln] - apostate. __ assisted him. 5982 - See irtadd*. m usaced - deputy, assistant See sacad*. murtah, mirtah fem -ha [murtahln] — • m usaced il-mudlr - deputy manager / relaxed, at rest, calm, relieved, reassured. assistant manager. • hallaq ana murtah —Now I’m reassured / • m usaced ra'Is it-tahrlr - deputy editor. Now I feel relieved. 5983 • murtah il-bal* ( fem m urtahtjl-bal) musabaqa d ] t musaboqa relaxed / reassured ccalm of mind >. competition; quiz. • murtah id-dcunlr - having a clear I toot pod • ’ana staraket fi-I-musabaqa conscience / with nothing on one's conscience in the competition / the quiz. 5984 . • balllk murtah / halliki m urtaha! — musahame HO - contribution. VNof saham • Don t worry! < leave yourself calm >. • bi-musahamet il-’ahalt - with the partict • biddijkum mirtaha —I want you to be potion of the local people.



5985 m uslqa - music. musalsal [musalsalat] - 1) fluent, flowing, • bahebb asmac m usiqa —/ like listening to continuous 2) serial. series (TV); soap opera. music. • hatta 1-hadis yibqa musa!sal - So that the • bithibb il-m uslqajcarabiyye - Do you conversation flows smoothly. like Arab music? 4 halqa jdide min il-musalsal - -4 new • 'ale muslqiyye —musical instrument. episode of the serial 5986 m uslqdr - musician. musawa*1- equality. • il-musawah ben kull il-muwdtinin • m uslqdr mashur katab il-musiqa equality between all citizens. lal-nlem —A famous musician wrote the music for the film. • il-musawah ben ir-rajol wil-mar*a equality between men and women / gender - r - - i 5995 m usm ar [masamir] - nail (carpentry). equality . • daqq il-m usm ar fi-l-het - He hammered • hiyye bdski min cadam il-musawah the nail into the wall. She complains of inequality l of a lack of • m usm ar tab ca (tubca) [masamir equality. 5987 tubca] —drawing pin f thumbtack. musayara * - willingness to please, considera­ tion, amenability. VN of sayar*. mustacd r - borrowed. See istacar*. • bistacmel ’is^m mustaca r - He uses a • kull si biddo m usayara - Everything pseudonym . requires amenability. 5988 5997 musbaq - preceding. mustacedd - see misFedd*. • il-'ard' il-musbaqa - prejudices p r e ­ 5998 ceding opinions >. mustacmal —used, second-hand. • hada byi'kes tafklr musbaq - It’s Passive part of ista'm al*. indicative of prejudice . You may say: second-hand. • hada bidell cala tafklr m usbaq - It’s 5999 indicative of prejudice. See dall*. mustacmara - colony. See isticmar*. • il-mustacmarat il-faransiyyej-qadime 5989 musemm fem musimme - poisonous, The former French colonies. venomous. , . tt 6000 • hal-hayye mus musimme - That snake’s mustabcad - improbable, unlikely. • mus mustabcad inno yusal il-yom - I t ’s not poisonous. See fut°r*. quite possible that he’ll come / arrive today . musenn [musinnln] - old, elderly; old person • min il-mustabcad inno... - It’s unlikely (most often used in the plural). that.. • bet il-musinnln - retirement home / old people’s home. it _ 6001 mustadir fem mustadire - round. 5991 • muhadasat hawl* [awle mustadire mushel# [mushilat] - laxative. See 'ishal*. round-table talks. 6002 mustahlek [mustahlikin] - consumer. musll - causing to flow. Used mainly in the expression: • il-mustahlek huw w ej-m azlum ir-ra’Isi - The consumer is the first to suffer • gaz musil lid-dumuc ^ —tear gas < making-flow the tears >.




• 'inte 'ajlr willa mustaqell? - Are you a • min il-muntej lal-mustahlek - From the salaried worker, or are you self-employed? manufacturer to the consumer. See himaye*. 6003 • dawle mustaqille - an autonomous state / mustahil fem mustahile —impossible. an independent state. • mustahil! - Impossible! • is-sabb mistqell h!epn muiajje* femmuiajji'a - encouraging. St Peter's fish 3) magaeine (ft» nsUermx Active part at 4ajja. • kanat id-dinya nada - Everything was • bin-nader tajtlaqi nas min has-sikel covered with dew You don’t often meet people like that / It’s rare to • fib nada cala_z-zhur - There’s dew on the meet people like that flowers. • nader-ma bitlaqi mudmen yictaref - It’s 6152 rare to meet an addict who admits [to his nada [inadi] v-12 - 1) to call out, announce 2) to call, send for. addiction]. • 'abuy nader nider - My father has made a • fib hon bayya*, mus fahem su camvow (to perform a pilgrimage if he gets better etc.). binadi - There’s a vendor here, J can’t understand what he’s calling out • hiyye nadre - She has made a vout • nadena sayydret il-'is{af - We called / - See also nadre* below. We’ve called the ambulance. 6159 • nadet-ni (also nadet-li)? - Did you call me? nadi H] [nawadi] - club. • in-nadi n-nisa’i - the women’s club. • 'abuk cam-binadik (binadi-lak) - Your • ’a c$ d ’ in-nadi - the members of die dub / father’s calling you. the club members. See in^ttmm*. • nadetuj-itfa'iyye? - Have you called the 6160 fire brigade? 6153 nadre QO [nawader] —unusual occurrence, rare phenomenon, strange thing; amusing b^dab [yindeb, yundob] v -le/lo - to mourn, lament. See naddabe*. anecdote, curious tale. nabil GO fem nabile [nubala] - noble. • min ’a sel nabil - of noble birth / well bom



(i.c. an endoscope, gastroscope or similar medica] • ?dr ma • • huwwe manfi - He's been banished I Be t • bihafe? cala naddfetesnanak - It keep in exile. See manfa*. your teeth clean . 6107 ■ nadaftjs-sayydra min ncujlttfet $dheb- nafac [ywJacJ v-la —1) to benefit, help, be of use, do (someone) good 2) to suit, be suitable 3} to h a - d clean car means a clean car-owner . hope it will do you good. ,, , r. .. „ „ 6162 naggaf [lnagyef] v-8 - to dean. • ’in ma n a fa t, ma bitdorr-es - Even f a • na^dafat il-o d a - She cleaned the room. doesn't do any good, [at leastj it won’t do any harm. • lazernftnad 'anhaf - thin, bisahneq (v-9) are also used in this sense, slender; reedy (voice). 6198 6209 j^bar [yinharj v-la - to scold, tell off. nahle - see nahel*. • wabd bisageb, banhar cale*» - I f a child’s 6210 disruptive, I ltd him off! . gigg . nah^b [2] (H - looting. • wujho nahs - Wherever he goes, he brings • roana'u nahbjl-bet / naheb 1-ebyut bad luck I He’s a Jonah . 6211 Thty prevented the house / houses from being - sculpture, sculpting. f a t# } . • t. • iirbu nafy'b ba(«d* - They toasted one 6207 another. ***&& GO M b S tln ) ~ sculptor.




nafceb # \H fem nabbe [nabibinj - voter. • ’ismak mus fi qd’imet in-nabibln - Your name's not on the voters' roll .

• hadol illi najahu / nijhu - Those who succeeded. • 'akid rah-yinjab - He's sure to succeed.

najah 00 - success. 227 nabel OD Ql] - palm trees. • 'abad n ajah jk b ir - He had a greed success. • nahle - [one] palm tree. • batmanna-lck in-najab - 1 wish you 6219 success. nabb [inebb 1 v-7e - 1) to kneel down 2) to give a. f I I ,. 622a in, capitulate, knuckle under. See also rttdttb*. najat [Zj - rescue, deliverance, salvation. • il-jamal binehh - The camel kneels down. • cajal in-najat - lifebelt . down. 6231 6221 nahhal [inahhel] v-8 - to sift, sieve. See najeh [2] fem najha [najhfn] - successful Active part of nijeh*. munhol*. • huwwe najeh fi druso - He’s doing well in • lazem jtnahhel iH hin - You must sift the his studies che's successful... >. flour. • kan liqd’ najeh - It was a successful 6222 nahle - see nahel*, meeting. 6223 • it-tajrube kanat najha - The experiment nabwe [~2"1OH - nobility, generosity, bravery, selfwas successful sacrifice. • insallaj-m asruc ikun najeh kal-£ade • sdheb nahwe —a brave and noble man. Let's hope the plan will be successful as usual (also: nahwaji. See -ji*). 6232 • in-nabw ej-carabiyyej-asile - noble / najja [inajji] v-10 - to save, rescue; to preserve. genuine Arab generosity. • ’a lia najja-na min il-hatar - God pre­ 6224 served us from danger. najaca [2] [_BJ - efficacy, effectiveness. • ’a lia inajjina min it-tacassob - God • hadaj-tilaj najacto 'aqall - This treatment preserve us from extremism! is less effective . See najec *. drowning. . .r • • . 6225 • najjenah wil-hamdu lillah! - We saved najad [yinjed] v -le - to rescue, come to him, thank God! the aid of. 6233

• 'injeduni ya nas! - Help! . • il-mankubin —[the] survivors (of war, natural • il-kalb hada nama cindna fil-bet - We disaster etc.) . reared this dog at home / We raised this dog 6240 ourselves cthis dog developed with us. in the naker - Active part of nakar*. home>. 6241 • hay in-nabte namat cindna - We grew nakkase [2] GO [nakkasat] ( ± snan) this plant (from seed / from a seedling) / We toothpick. cultivated this plant ourselves. 6246 n^kkat [makket] v-8 - to joke, tell jokes. namas GO - freckles. • fih cala wijho namas - He’s got freckles on * jozi bihebbjnakket - My husband tikes to tell jokes. his face ] His face is freckled.


394 6247

nam at QD [an m d t] - way, fashion, style, namusiyye [2] [namusiyyat] - mosquito tut manner. 6256 see numuzaj*. • nihna £aysin £ala-n-nam at hada - This is the way we live . 6257 naqa( [yinqa£] v-la - l) to soak (trans) in water, • bisallu £ala nafs in-nam at They pray in # leave to soak 2) to stand up (trans), leave in the the same manner. lurch. • nam at il-hara bitgayyar-s - The atmo­ • btinqac il-gasil tul il-lel - She leaves the sphere of the neighbourhood doesn't change. laundry to soak all night 6248 • il-gasil manqu£ - The washing's been namcl [2] [Tf) - ants (coll, m sing). soaked. • suf han-namle - Look at that ant! • lazem tinqac il-£adas - You’ve got to soak • in-namcl bihebb it-tatii - Ants like jam. the lentils. 6249 • naqa£t il-hummos - 1soaked the chickpeas. nami fem namiye - growing, developing. • naqa'to yistanna-ni - 1stood him up 11left • id-duwal in-namiye - the developing him in the lurch. countries. • 'ana dallet-ni manqu£ - / was stood up 11 6250 was left in the lurch. nam im e - slander, malicious gossip. 6238 - See namm*. naqab [2] - in-naqab - the Negev. • in-namime - btihki-li 'isi can wahad, • nzelna £a-n-naqab - We went down to the ’ana bahkih la-geri, yacni naqel haki Negev. 1Namime' means: you tell me somelhirtg about 6259 someone, I tell it to someone else, that's to say - naqad [inaqedl v-11 - to contradict. gossip . • binaqed nafso / halo - He contradicts 6251 himself. namm [inemm] v-7e - to slander, gossip • hada binaqed nazariyyet froyd - That maliciously. contradicts Freud's theory. • hiyye bitdall^tnem m - She keeps spread­ 6260 ing malicious gossip. naqal [yunqol] v-lo - 1) to move (trans), 6252 transfer, convey, carry 2) to copy 3) to move namma [inammi] v-10 - to develop (trans), [house]. See also rahal*. promote. • naqaluh bit-tayydra £a-l-mustasfa • binammi mawahbo - He develops his They took him to hospital by plane . • fa££aliyyat bitnammi il-mawaheb • in-namus bunqoi il-malarya - Mosquitoes il-mawjude . • btunqor il-kusa bil-minqara* -

395 kcSams out the courgettes I du zucchini with the conr (pow 1 0 stuffing)oaqaS [yunqos] v-lo - to engrave. • jaaiyye manqu^e - an engraved trayi j^ q a s fmdqeS] v - 1 1 - to ducias. e n A o w • ty n n ^ y * (nrinndqes*) il-tn a w ^ u c - We

gaeuss i Well discuss tke subject fl-oni lisin * - the participants in die


• cadd£t il-kutob, wahad nftqe? - I counted the books, [and] one's missing. • su ndq$ak? - mis n&qe$ni ’isi - Haveyou got everything you need? - Yes, thanks < w h a t d o y o u la c k ?

- 1

d o n ’t l a c k a n y t h i n g > .

• Su, ndq$o ’iden?! - Hasn’t he got hands cf kis own? (Le. can’t he do it himself?) . • casora naqe$ sab . fi-l-mayy - You don’t know wkat it’s like to be • ma naqqas wala dars - He didn't miss a in my place! / You can’t imagine what it's like singe lesson. until you've been there! . naqqat [inaqqet] v-8 - 1) to drip; to cause to drip; to drop (trans, of a liquid) 2) to give a • la duhban bala ndr - There's no smoke present (said mainly of parents and family). See without fire. nqut*. - See ’itldq*, ’atlaq*. • il-hanafiyye bitndqqet - The tap drips ( 6289 The tap’s dripping. narbij [narabij] - flexible pipe; tubing. • noqqet-lo min had-dawa fi dano - Put • narbij il-’argile - nargdeh pipe. some of these drops in his ear! . 6290

• ’abuha naqqat-ha 'asaw er dahab - Her father gave her gold braceUts as a [wedding] narfaz - See narvaz* 6291 Present nars, narse GO fnarsat] - nurse. • lammajtjawwaz, naqqatto ( —►naq• nadi_n-narse - Call the nurse! q a ^ o ) m ajari —When he got married I gave him some money as a present. - See mumarrida*. 6292 6235 naqqaz [inaqqez] v-8 - to frighten, startle, give narvaz or narfaz [inarvez/-fez] v-9 - tube (someone) a fright. See naqaz*. annoyed, be irritated.


nasab »

6298 • marrdt banarvez . nassah [ina??eh] v-8 - to fatten, make fatter. • fi-ss naslb! - We’ve had no luck / We’ve • hada binas?eh - It’s fattening. been unlucky cthcrc's no luck>. - See also ya-na?ib*. 6312 nassata [2 ] [nassatdt] - stethoscope. 6321 nasiha [2] [s] [nasayeh, nasa’eh#] nasa [1] - starch. ^ advice. nasal [yinsel] v-le —l) to bring up and out; to • bahebb ’asm ac nasdyho [U - Hike to draw (water); to extricate 2) to steal hear what he advises . • nasal il-juzdan min jebti - He stole the • nasihti 'ilak 'm naketriih... —My advice to you is that you should go, wallet from my pocket See nassal*. • nasalto min id-diq - 1got him out of • rah-’amsi cala na?ihtek - III do as you advise . trouble. • nasalto min muskelto - I extricated him nasle (2] [naslat] —blade, spearhead. from kis problem. • rahat tinsel mayy min il-bir* - She went nasrani (2] fem nasraniyye [nasara] to draw water front the well Christian. This term is used mainly by Muslims; Christians prefer the term maslhi*. nasaq [yunsoqj v-lo - to sniff, snuffle. • mis mumken yitjawwaz wahade nasra• balas tunsoq / bikaffi tunsoq (tuns°qr niyye - He can’t possibly many a Christian. - Stop sniffing!



6324 energy / His kids are full of beans . 2) to publish, publicist, announce 3} to sate, 6330 • cam-tunsor il-gasil - She's hanging out the nasr, naser l~2~] — hanging out the washing washing. 2) publication 3) sawing. • kull il-jarayed nasrat U-habar - All the • samahu b-nasril-moqdle - They allowed wewspopers published the item. the article to be published , • wahad bijli wet-tani binassef - One ,m, m „ . 6328 washes up and the other dries. nasid UJ [ andsidj - song, anthem. • in-naStd il-wa^oni - the national anthem. 6329

na§saf [2] - blotting paper.

6336 6337

“ wit d] fan-ta Ina5i(in] cp 'anSal na&dl [2] [na5§3lin] - pickpocket. odu*. energetic, animated, vivacious, full of • d ir baJak min in-naSsalin - Watch out beans. for pickpockets! 6338 • huwwe na$it fi hal-maydfin - lie ’s active i* bis field. naSwe - Bless you! I Gesundheit! (tosomeonewho hasjust sneezed). • awlfido noiHin - His children have a lot of

400 6330

nata4[yinta4] v*la - to cough, splutter (engine). Sec natta4*. • il-motor bintac - The engine coughs (every now and again). 6340

nata’ej, natayej ] natije*.

is... fib cut a long story short... • in-natije, ma biddo-sjsuf-ha - The bottom line is; he doesn't want to see her. • nata’ej il-imtihanat —the exam results. • nata cj il-fdh$ —the test results / the results of the test.

6347 6341 nattac [m atte4] v-8 - to cough, splutter nataf [yintef] v-le - to pluck out, pull out. (repeatedly). - See nattaf*. • il-motor binatte4 - The engine splutters • bintef sa4ra - He pulls out a hair. (all the time).



nataj# [yuntoj] v-lo - to result, ensue, arise, nattaf [inattef] v-8 - to pluck; to pluck out pull out. See also m afat*, m a44o^*. stem from (SA). See istantaj*, natije*. • binattef sa 4** daqno - He pulls out ham 6343 from his beard. nataq [yiintoq] v-lo - to vomit, be sick, • bitnattef il-jaje - She plucks the chicken. throw up. • ma hadam u-nataq il-’akc] 6349 He didn t digest the food and he vomited it up natr, nat. • . • il-hanafiyye maftuha wi!-mayy nazle The tap's on and the water’s running. • kull ’usbuc banzai cala hefa - Every week I go into Haifa. • biddo yinzal fi-l-intiljabat - He wants to stand for election . • fi barlz wen biddak tinzal? - Where do you want to stay in Paris? • nizel fina d&rb - He gave us a thrashing .

niyyal- - lucky (used with the attached pronouns). • niyyalo - He's lucky! 6457 • niyyalek cala hek zawaj - You ’re lucky to nizdm [2] [’onzime] - 1) order, organisation 2) system, regime. have a marriage like that! • lazem ikun-fih nizdm ! - There must be 6454 order! / Order must prevail! niyye [I] [To] [nawaya, niyyat] - intention, intent • hdfazu calaji-nizam - They kept order. • niyyeto / niyyto tayybe - He means well / • rajjacu_n-nizdm - They restored order. He has good intentions . • in-nizdm ir-rasm ali - the capitalist system. • b-husen niyye - with the best of intentions. • nizdm jum huri - republicanism . 6458 • nawaya sayyi'a# - evil intentions / evil n jd ra [2] - 1) joinery, carpentry 2) wood intent shavings. • i I-1 * . , . 6455 n!zac [2] [nizacat] - struggle, conflict • tcallam _fnjdra - He learned / studied • in-nizac il-’isra’ilij-falas(ini - the Israecarpentry. li-Palestinian conflict • lamma bdmsah il-loh bil-fdra binzaljm jdra - When he planes the plank 6456 wood shavings come off [it]. aizel [yinzal, yinzel] v-2 - For specific instances 6459 of the action in the present, the active participle njd$ [13 [U - pears (coll). nazel (fem nazle [nazlin]) is used. • enjd?a ED -[one]pear. 1) to come down, go down; to get off, alight, 6460 disembark, land (intrans) 2) to leak, drip, run, tow 3) to lodge at, stay in, put up at (accommo- njfl [2] - couch grass, Bermuda grass, common stargrass (Cynodon dactylon). 4) to stand (as a candidate in an election




njum ] nijme*.

While / was asleep I had a dream which bothers me .


nm ura ] nimer*.

not [2] [DD coll - [musical} notation. 61 • bicref not - He can read music. noc [f] ['anwac] - kind, type, sort, species, form. • biczef calaji-nota - He plays from music. • 'anwac mihtelfe QU - different kinds / • bikteb in-notdt - He writes (he notes. different types. • bihessu b-nd4 min il-bof - They feel a 6470 certain fear / a kind offear. nqu( [2j [3] — gift of money, jewellery etc., • fi halat min han-no4 - In cases of this kind. presented by parents and family to a couple who have just got married, had a baby or bought a new 6464 house. Friends' gifts presented on the same nobe, nawbe * [2] [Tj [nobat] - 1) attack (of an occasion are referred to as illness, especially a heart attack) 2) shift 3) time, - See hadiyye*, naqqat*. instance (in some areas). • cindo nobat / m arrdt bitslbo nobe - He 6471 gets attacks l Sometimes he has an attack. See nsib - see naslb*. 6472 sdb*. n siira ] niser*. • lamma btiji-ha / bitsib-ha nobe - When she has an attack... n sas ] nass*. • s a r m a4o nobe ( ± qalbiye ) - He had a heart attack. n salla - See sd'*. • fih tlat nobat - There are three shifts. 6475 • nawbet in-nhdr u-nawbet il-lel - the day n sa ra 2 - sawdust shift and the night shift. nsufe [2J [Sj —hardening, toughening , la-sabec i§-§ub°h - My shift is from eleven in • nsufe fi-s-sarayin - hardening of tke the evening until seven in the morning. arteries l arteriosclerosis. The medical term is 6465 tasallob* is-sarayin. noh [2] - wailing. 1—1 6477 • sm e'et noh in-naddabat - I heard the ntaq [2] - vomiting. wailing of the mourners. • d a w a (Jedd in -n ta q - antinauseant / 6466 antiemetic / anti-emetic drug < medicine against nol [2J - loom. vomiting >. 6478 • bistgel 4alawn-nol bis-suf - He weaves wool on the loom . • fih tindo ’isi min in-nub. • hada bidell cala cadam in-nuduj cindo This indicates a lack of maturity / This shows • mus jayini nom - I can’t sleep .

• il-’insan bidabber u-alla biqadder M an proposes, G od disposes < m a n p l a n s , G o d 6557


ipAfah [iqaddeh] stverai holes. See • loh^mqaddah - a plank full cf holes.

qaddas [iqaddes] v-8 - to sanctify; to say Mass. • il-fouri cam-biqaddes — The priest is saying Mass. gggg

qadde, hal-qadde - See qadd* above. 6554

qaddaha fqaddihat] - (cigarette) lighter. 6555

qaddasi [iqaddem] v-8 - 1) to advance, moot forward (trans and intrans) 2) to serve, present, offer submit • hida biqaddem is-sug°l - This speeds up Ae work. • hada ma qaddam -na-sjktir... - This hasn’t advanced us much / This hasn't got us much further forward. • qaddamt is-a^a - / put the watch forward • s&*ijnqaddine - My watch is fast • qaddem, qaddmi / qaddmu! - Come hare! ’ Come doser! See also tqaddam*. • qaddam ’imtil)dn - He sat an exam / He took an examination. • l&zemjtqaddcm (alab - You have to submit a request •

qadd-m a

ba .

L*er Ary served the refreshments • qadd6$ 'ana mobs&t! - How pleased / am! and tke streets. / How very pleased / am! fUMR • qadd& 9orafha ma$dn {aleha! - What a q*>ddar (tqadder) v-8 ~ 1) to estimate, value. lot of money we spent on her / on it! See-ha*. apprteuUe 2) to decree, ordain, seal (someone's) 6560 fate fused of Sec Qodor*. qaddis - *ce qiddls*. mnii • bn^dder nalso ktir - He thinks a lot of kmuelf / He’s very high tn his own estimation. qadd-ma - has much as, as many as (also; as far


as, as in ‘as far as I know*) 2) so [much] that. • bod qadd-ma biddak —Take as much / as many as you want! • cindi bananir8 / glal * qadd-ma cin dak I've got the same number of marbles as you. • qadd-majt€ebet, ma_qdert-cs 'amsi I was so tired I couldn’t walk . 6562

• fi betnaj-qadim - in our old house / in the house we used to live in. • i!-balad il-qadime - the Old City. • il-mudir il-qadim - the previous manager. • hiyye qadime fi-s-sugol - She's been in tke job a long time / She's got a lot of seniority at work . • il-'asdiqd’ il-qudama - [the] oldfriends. • huwwe §dheb qadim 'ili - He’s an old friend of mine. • jlrdn-naj-qudom — out previous neigh­ bours. • fi-z-zaman il-qadim —in ancient times l long ago.

qddem # fem qadime - next, coming (radio, official announcements etc.). • rah-cnkammel hadfsna fi-l-’usbuc il-qddem - We’ll continue our discussion next week. - In an Israeli context, new immigrants are referred to as il-qadimin il-judod . q a d a 1 (q a d a # ) [yiqdi ] v-3 - 1) to judge 2) to spend (time) 3) to fulfil, take care of 4) + cala 6563 to kill, do away with, wipe out, exterminate. qader [5], qadar - 1) extent, size, proportion, • lazem yiqdi waqto (fi-s-sij. • hay qahwe mathune - This is ground • qal zaki, qal!... - He said ‘clever’ - that's coffee / This is real coffee. what he said! (Used ironically: the second qal is unstressed) . • i]-qahwe ca-n-ndr! - The coffee’s on the stove / on the fire! (said to detain a guest who - In stories which contain conversations between shows signs of departing). the characters, the invariable form qal is used to • ya ’imm hasan, qahwet-kom masrube indicate that a different person has started speaking. No thanks, Umm Hassan, / don't want coffee This form does not vary, even if some of the just now, but I appreciate the offer! . several times, it becomes very difficult to knowwho • il-balad flha qahwaten - There are two has said what to whom... cafes in the town. • qal: ma biddi-s. qal: u-’abuk su biquU • bijtemcu fi-l-qahawi —They meet in coffee qiU: huwwe kaman biddo-s... - A said: I houses / in tke coffee houses. don't want to. B said: And yourfather, what does he say? A said: He doesn ’/ want to either... qahat [yiqhat] v-la - to scratch, scrape. 6592 • ma tiqhat-s il-bdya - Don’t scratch the qal2 (qal) - il-qal - See qil*. Paintwork! 6593 6586 qal. win • qalil i$-4db*r fem qaJfltjHKlb^r - im- qallam [iqalkm] v-8 - I) to stupe, mrte stripes 2) to mark. patient. • ya qalTllJI-ljaya! - You shameless kuuy! • minqallem il-'aijAr* - We mark At irm ‘ We put a mark on the trees. . 6604 - See mqallam*. qalfl-ma - seldom, rarely, hardly ewer. Ml) qollof liqollcfj v-8 - to reduce, cut down /• qimt il-gdtcL —1 took off the ltd. • qim hada min hon! - Take that awayfrom _ 6624 hen! 6616 qdmus (or qa-) [qawamls] - dictionary. • qdm us ’inegllzi carabi - an Englishqomor - moon. Arabic dictionary. • fl-qamor bad. See mu• bihki tan qanaca —He speaks with harrcun*. conviction. - See also hlal*, smalla*. qammura*. 6626 6617 qanabel ] qumbule* qamardin - sheet of pressed apricots. 6627 qanablz ] qumbaz*. 6 6 1 8 q a m eh [5J - wheat 6628 qanadil ] qandil*. • qamha QU - l) wheat kernel / grain of „ _ 6629 wheat 2) sights (of a weapon). qanah , qanah, in the construct qanat • hasad qamhato - He harvested his wheat. [qanawat] - I) canal (for irrigation etc.) 6619

qamcl - lice. • $dr . with one's lot; modest, frugal 6638


. ,


qorant J qume .

664 is all too true. • can qarib —soon, • (i)nsalla tisfa ( fem tisfi) can qarib - Get well soon! / / wish you a speedy recovery.

2) mortgage. • talabu qurud min il-hukume - They ghpliedfor government loans. • byahdu qurud min il-hukume - They get loans from the government. • il-bet £aleh qerd la-muddet £isrin sine - There's a twenty-year mortgage on the house / The house ts mortgagedfor twenty years. qarmas - see qarm af 6656

6662 6663

qarm ak qarqat, qarqas, qarmas... qare’ fem qdri’a [qurra’] (#) - reader. - Avariety of verbs derived from qarat* are used • qdri’at il-finjan - fortune teller (f) who reads in different regions in Israel, Lebanon and Syria. All coffeegrounds . of them mean, more or less, to gnaw / crunch. • rasa'el min il-qurrd’ - readers’ letters 6664 (to a newspaper, magazine etc). - Note: the active participle of the verb qiri* has qarmaz [iqarmez] v-9 - to squat, crouch, sit on one’s haunches. two forms: qare’ and qari*, see below. • sufet cajuzj:mqar^mze £ar-ra$if - 1 saw 6657 an old woman crouching on the pavement q&red - rodent • 0-qawdred - rodents / the rodents. 6665 6658 qarmide [qarmid] - tile (roof). • saqcf qarmid - tiled roof. qarfan fem -ne [qarfanin] - nauseated, dis­ gusted, feeling sick. See qiref*. „ 1 r« - i tow q am [qurun] - century. 6659 • fi-l-qam il-£isrin - in the twentieth century. qarfo§ - to sit cross-legged - in some areas. • fi-l-quriin il-ma^ye - in previous - See qarmaz*. centuries. 6660 qari fem qarye [qaryin] - [he who] has read / • fi-l-qurun il-wusta* - in the Middle Ages. having read. • fi-l-qurun il-’ula lil-masihiyye - in the • ?dr qarij-jaride - He’s already read the first centuries of the Christian era newspaper. See $dr*. . 6667 • sdr q&riha - He’s read it. 6661 qam 2 GO q arm [qrun] - 1) horn 2) an elongated piece of fruit (which could be qarib fem -be [qaribin], cp ’aqrab —► thought to resemble a horn). haqrab - see haq-* - 1) close, near 2) relative, relation [qorayeb, 'aqareb]. • hada ma£mul min qarm - That’s made of horn. • qarib min betna / £ala betna - near our house / close to our house. • eqrun il-baqara - the cow’s horns. • il-beten qaribin cala b a£c. - See mqarren*. You may also hear: • rakkabat-lojqrun - She was unfaithful to qarraf [iqarref] v-8 - to nauseate, make (someone) feel sick. him / She cheated on him cshe put horns on • hal-'akcl biqorref-ni - This food nauseates him>. me / makes me feel sick. 6608 qamablt - cauliflowetis) (coll), r. , 6671 • rds* qam ablt - [one] cauliflower / a head qarrar [iqarrer] v-8 - to decide. of cauliflower. • lissa ma qarrart-c§ - 1haven't decidedyet. - However, the most commonly used word for • rah-nimsi hasab l-cmqarrar - Well act cauliflower is zahra*. in accordance with what was decided . 3) to compare, equate. • qarrab il-cid - The holiday’s almost here • lazem jtq ls il-hardra - You have to take . [your] temperature cto measure the tempera­ • qarrab il-maw . approaching / The time’s drawing near. • minqis dagt id-damm, minqis in-nab^ • haw aljqarreb ben it-t. 6726

qattt£ (q-) [iqate£] v-11 - to boycott, shun. • in-nas biqd^uh / in-nas_emqu(. suture. See qu^be*. • 'abuk bi^a£mik qatle! - Your dad will give • qatabu-lo raso - They stitched up his head. you such a beating.....! . See ta £ma*. the wound / We've got to stitch the cuL 6725

qdtac [yiqtac] v-la - 1) to cut; to cut in half 2) to stop, cut off, interrupt, disconnect 3) to buy (a ticket) 4) to cross 5) to leave behind, leave without. • ’iq |ac-li / ’iqtacI-li saqfet ka£ek - Cut me a slice of cake! • qata. 6746

qawaced ] qa£ide*. qawaleb ] qaleb*.

6738 6739

qawmiyye - patriotism. • qawmiyye muta^arrife - fanatical patriotism. 6747

qawam (or qa-) [iqawemj v-11 - to withstand, qaws - see qos*, bui)*. 6748 resist, oppose. See muqawame*. qawwa [iqawwi] v-10 - to strengthen. • biqawem it-tajmbe - He stands the test. • hada biqawwij-jisem - This strengthens • biqawem il-’igrd’ - He resists temptation. the body. 6740 • £asan aqawwi qalbo - in order to qawdm - at once, straight away, immediately, encourage him . quickly (without delay). You may also hear • baqawwi qalbi - 1 take heart / 1summon up qaww&m. courage . • yalla ruh qawdm! - Goatonce! • ’allajqawwikom! - May God give you • insdlla biija£ qawdm! - Hopefully he’ll be strength! back straight away. 6749 - For quickly in the sense of at high speed, qaw w arJ [iqawwer] v-8 - to hollow out; to core. set (b-Jsu^a*. • bitqawwer il-kusa bil-maqworaj - She . . . . . . 6741 hollows out the courgettes with a carer. qttwamis ] qdmus*. • kusdyejnqaw w ara - a hollowcd-out 6742 courgette (ready for stuffing with rice etc.). qawSnin ] qdnun*. J qawi*.



qawwas, qawwa? [iqawwes/?] v-8 - to shoot.



• mqjtqawwes-c§! - Don't shoot! • qawwaso - He shot him. • qawwas caleh - He shot at him.

see qds*.


qazam [’aqzam] - dwarf. 6757 • il-’am ira wil-'aqzam is-sabca - Snow 6751 White and the Seven Dwarfs . marches in front of certain church dignitaries, thumping a stave rhythmically on the ground). 6758 qazaz - glass; pane ofglass. See quddamani*. • il-qawwa? bimsi quddam il-batrak The kawass walks in front of the patriarch. • qannine min qazaz - glass bottle. - See zujaj*. 6752 • lob* qazaz / qazaze QD -a pane ofglass. qayem fem qayme [qaymin] - standing; up • lohen qazaz - two panes ofglass. (i.e. not in bed). See qam*. • bacdoRnayem? - la ’, §dr qayem - Is he • bet qazaz - greenhouse. still in bed? - No, he's up. • illi beto min qazaz, birmi-s in-nas • halla kull si qayem qa'ed - He left every­ bit-tub —People who live in glass houses thing in a terrible mess / He turned everything shouldn’t throw stones . tern-style. too . 7031


rasab [yirseb // yursob] v -le - 1) to sink rds, ras CO [rus] - head. See also r o ’s*. (intrans) - see also rassab* 2) tofail (an exam); • kasef rdso - bareheaded < uncovering his to repeat a year (at school). hcad>. • stanna ta yursob / yirsi - Wait for it to • buja(ni rdsi / rdsi bujacni (byujacni) sink! / Wait until it sinks! My head hurts l I've got a headache. • 'ibni rasab bil-fizya -M y son failed physics • ’ana ma biddl-s wajac ra s - 1 don’t want / failed his physics exam . • biddi ’ahoft rdsi u-’anam - 1[just} want to 7034 go to sleep . sketch. • rds is-sane / is-sine8 - the New Year. • ra sa m e tcas fur ca-d-daftar - / drew a bird in the exercise book. • rds il-’ibre - the point of the needle / the tip of the needle. • bte£ref tursom? - Can you draw? / Do you know how to draw? • btetraf tudrob rds / etno$ rds? - Can you dive? / Do you know how to dive? chow to • bte£rafi tur°sm i? - Can you draw? / Do bit [with the) head / jump head [first] > . you know how to draw? (f). • su marsum hon? - What’s this a picture • it-tayydra gazzat rd s / darbat rd s The plane dived of? . 7035 • il-kilme . Used mainly in the expression: • hada birayyeh ’a c$dbo - This calms his • raw det ’atfdl [16] (or simply raw da) nerves / T h is calm s h im down. kindergarten. The usual word for garden is • ’ismac m usiqa bitrayyhak! - Listen to bustan*. som e m usic, th a t'll soothe yo u ! 7081 rawwah [irawweh] v-8 - l) to cause to depart 2) to go home. rayyal [irayyel] v-8 - to salivate, dribble, drool See riyale*. • rawwahat —She had an abortion (in some areas). • it-tifel birayyel - The baby dribbles. • (e)shema cindhen8 w is-seca ca s a ra • lamma bisuf banat bisir_ira>ryel! - When rawwahna — We spent tke evening at their he sees girls, he drools! / his mouth starts to house and at ten o'clock we went home. w ater! 7090 • il-yom il-cummal rawwahu bakkir Today the workers went home early. rayyes [|] fem rayyse [U - head, superior • biddi arawweh - 1 want to go home. (of a monastery’ etc.). See ra’is*. • rayyes id-der fem rayyset id-der - the • sdrejnrawweh —He’s already gone home /

453 prior ' the superior o fthe m onastery; the m other

rib e h

• rufqato - his friends / his companions.

superior of the convent. M ale (SA radala) OD © - baseness, d e s p ite

behaviour; depravity. e .h a y razale! - Tfcrfi dupablebehavumr'.t Thais a dtsgusttng way to behavef 7092

rg if [U [’argife, ’eregfe] - loaf. • 'a 4tlniwrgif hub^z - Give m e

?1°5 a lo a f o f

bread! / I ’d like a lo a f o f bread, [please]! •

ham stjercgfe —fiv e


- Of someone who is always in a bad mood and who wears an angry or gloomy expression, it may be said:

jazaq [yirzeq, yurzoq] v-le/o - to provide (with a livelihood); to bless with (a child), • ma bi^hak-s lar-rgif is-suh°n - H e's a la both cases the subject of the verb is God. wet blanket / H e ’s a killjoy . will provide! • 'alia burzoq-na - God will provide for us. rham (SA ruham ) [2] —m arble. 7106 • yd rabb. ’irzeq-ni sabi! - Ok Lord, bless • macmul m inerham telyani - m ade o f me with a son! Ita lia n m arble. 7093

razil (SA radii) 0D fem razile [(’a)rzal, nizala, ruzzal] cp ’arzal - despicable, contemptible; nasty, depraved. rba< ] rnbec*. * rbat• - see n b a*t.


rbd? ] rfci?*. rljis H] 0

cheap, inexpensive. •


7107 7108 fem rh isa [rhds] cp ’arh as -

m isjhhis!

- [ It's ] not cheap / [T h a t’s ] rather


• fiss 4indak 'isi ’arha§ 7096

rebb - see rabb*. 7097

redo, rede4, redi - see rida*, ride4*, ridi*. 7098

rehan - see rihan*. * 9 7099

D on't yo u have

a n yth in g cheaper?

gali w et-talab erh ls - Your w ish is m y com m and . •


ri’a [2] GO [ri’at] - lung. • fah* as* ir-ri’aten - H e

exam ined both lungs. rehle [2] [|1 [rehlat, rehal] - excursion, 7110 trip, tour. See musw&r*. ri’ase [2] d J - presidency. • biddi as trek fi-r-rehle -1 want to go on the • il-m urassah lar-ri’ase - the candidate fo r trip . the presidency. • bmazzmu rehlat fi 1-eblad - They 7111 organise excursions around the country. ri’a t ] ri'a*. 7112 - - 1—1 7100 reqan [2j - hepatitis; jaundice rib a t# , rba( [2] - bond. • ma. 7116 ri^ a (reda) rid a’# [2] - satisfaction, • rihto ta lca - It smells fit's smelly * contentment; consent, agreement, approval • can rid a’* - willingly / voluntarily. • ballasat / bidyat titlac rihto - It began to smell cits smell began to go out>. • 'ana biddi riddk, ya-bd - 1 want you to be pleased, dad! . repeal do again 3) to be i become once more • hall I h yir • rih garbi haflf - a tight westerly wind / a breeze from the west. • hada biija£ ’ilo - That’s up to him; That od depends on him. • lazem ne£raf klf il-’aryah, li’annojs• il-mas’uliyye btirjac lal-£umina] - k ’s samak binzal mac ir-riyah - We have to workers ‘responsibility c th e responsibiljty is up to know what the wind’s doing, because the fish th e w o rk ers > . follow the wind .

riy&tfiyyfit to mo* He **** *** >fwm" •>. 7124

**•« .



. daily bread / The Lord provides for us < liveli­ • banzin b id u n jr$ as - lead-free petrol / hood [depends] on God>. unleaded petrol But ’ahdar* is • ’alia bib'at ir-rizeq! - God will provide more common. .

whri5 [|][|] fen sahle, cp ’ashal cottvtnitnL See hayycn*.

in company. • btitzakkar hadik is-sahra? - Do you remember that evening [we spent together]? • il-firqa btecmal sahrdt - The band lgroup does evenings. 7265

ihrdn QT) fem -ne [sahrdnin] - awake, up (i.e. not in bed). • (c)bqlt sahrdn las-sd^a waljade / stayed up until one o’clock.



• waqqaf yisljaj-lo - He stood and clapped in • lamma rijec, kanat sahrdne - When he time with him. got back she was [still] up, • (Jallena sahrdnin £at-talfizyon - We sal?al [yishal] v-la - to slip off, slip down. 7270 stayed up watching TV • 'il-bantalon taba. See saheb* below. • isrd’il sahbat quwwat-ha min hal7273 m antiqa - Israel has withdrawn its forces saheb [2] (U - 1) pulling, drawing taking; draw from this area. (lottery) 2) turnover, takings 3) withdrawal • sahabu minno i£tird f - They extracted a VN of sahab*. # confession from him. • bukrajs-saheb - The lottery will be drawn • sahab minha m asari - He extorted money tomorrow / The draw's tomorrow. from her. • qaddes sahbak il-yawmi? - How much do • sahabna halna u-rawwahna - We left and you take in each day? ! What’s your daily went home .

• sarat il-buza tsil cala 'Ido - The ice cream began to drip on to his hand / The ice cream began to run down his hand. 7310

calaf fn - payment in advance.

Compare with

sulfe*. • bad£ac salaf u-bacden bahdo - III pay in advance and 111 collect it later. sa la fa n


salam GD [salamat] - peace, peacefulness™* • bicIsu fi salam - They live in peace. • kullna biddna salam -W e all want peace. • ’as-salamu# . 7313

salak [yuslok] v-lo - 1) to go smoothly 2) to get wed to. become accustomed to, find a way to get along with. • il-mudir salek cala_n-nas - The [new] manager has got used to the people. * salek {aS-sug«l - He’s got used to the work / He’s used to the work. * ma{ il-waqt ebnuslok cala btt. See sane*. to us. • sallem hal-maktub lal-mudlr - Give this 7321 salfm GO femsallme [saltmln] - healthy. letter to tke managerl • cindo_snAn sallme HU - He's got healthy • sallmo hal-maktub —Cite kirn tkis teeth. letter/ QD

469 saflam-dvyai

/Excuse me, could I just ask yo

samalju b-nas^il-mcuj&le allow the article to be published. m• — -

esaDmu! (± tislarau) - Surrender! / Give jcttrsthes up! . • bi(allecjisnan - He’s teething I He’s cutting • lu ^ -sire ? - What's up? / What's going on? his teeth . See sann an*. / What's happened? • lammqj-tifel bibaddel sinn il-halib • jibna sirtak - We talked about you / We were b-is-sinn il-£adi, ya£ni il-'asnan it-tabte [just] talking about you . • sittjrjal - six men. 7501 sirri H] (serri) fem sirriyye - secret (adj). - Before some foreign words the form sitte* is used. • bi-wdstot raqem sirri - by means of a 7509 code number . 7512 • il-macna bitwaqqaf . • sittin t&leb - sixty students. ■« tf 1m 7520 • {umro foamse u-sittin - He's 65years old styase [2] dJ - /; policy 2) politics. • fi-s-sittlnat - in the sixties. • siyaset 'amerka - American policy.

• b-sittin dahye! - See dahye*. • id-dole lazem_ctgayyer siyyasetha • sittin sane (± u-sab€in yom) The country’s got to change its policy. I ’m doing it, whatever anyone says! / Just do it, • siyase iqti$ddiyye - economic policy. what do you care! • rijal is-siyase - politicians. 7513 - See also siyasi* below. siwi [yiswa] v-4 —to be equal; to be worth, have • ’ana ma bahtamm-cs bis-siyase - I'm value. not interested in politics. • su byiswa / biswa? - How much is it 7521 worth? I How much does it cost? siyasi GD fem siyasiyye - I) political, policy■ • hal-filem ma biswa-s! - That film ’s not (adj) 2) politician. worth seeing! • il-hatt is-siyasi - the political line. • halc-bdaJa ma btiswa-s - This merchan­ • fih hall syasi - There's a political solution. dise is worthless. • siyasi carabi - an Arab politician. 7514 siyade [2~|f8~| — 7>sovereignty 2) respectfulform 7522 of address. skafi [2] - shoemaker, cobbler (obs). See hafi*. • i'tida’ ^ala siyadet id-dole - a violation of 7523 state sovereignty. skamle [2 ] [skamlat] - small coffee table. • siyadtak - Your Grace (used when addressing 7524 a bishop). See sayyed*. • siyadet ir-ra'is - His Excellency the Pre­ slab, silah # Q O E [’asliha] - 1) weapons, arms 2) force, corps, service (in the armed sident forces). • siyadet il-mutrdn - His Grace the Bishop. • kan ham elw . siyaga QO - goldsmitkery, silversmithery • ma kan-s macoVslah* - He was unarmed; (in some areas). But see siydga*. He wasn't carrying a weapon c there was not a weapon with him>. siyaha l~2~l fsl —tourism. • sallahu-hom cslah-hom - They disarmed * 'Urn* * • sariket siyaha - tourist agency ctourism them ethey stripped them [ofi their weapons>• company >. • mamntic haml is-slah■ - No guns allowed * 7 5 1 7 c carrying weapons [is] forbidden>. siyahi [2] fem siyahiyye - tourist- (adj). • sallmu slah-kom - Hand over your • dalil siyahi - tour guide . weapons! siyaj - see syaj*. • ’alqu slahkon u-sallmu nafs-kom *



siydq* GO - 1) course 2) context • fi siydq hadiso qal - In the course of his speech he said... / In the course of conversation he said...

Throw down your weapons and surrender! • fi ’ayya slahybtihdem? - Which service are you in? / What branch of the armedforces do you serve in? • silah il-musah - the infantry. See masi •

483 • silah il-jaww - the airforce. • silah il-baliriyye - the navy. • silah il-’isdra - the signal corps. • silah il-mudarra . to talk, converse. This verb is now considered old • lazemjgayyer suluko - He has to reform foshioned - 'the old people use it'. < „ . change his b eh av io u r> . • hasab esluko fi-l-m adrase - on the basis of his behaviour at school / from the way he

behaves at school. • ‘ana bardqeb sulukiyyat-hom - I ’m keeping an eye on their behaviour.


/ f3~l - spare wheel

• is-sper (le-sper) mahzuq - The spare

wheel’s got a puncture f The spare’s flat

sqale 0 0 - scaffolding. 7538 7527 • bacden biqimu_s-sqale - Afterwards they smalia! - Oh God! / Heaven preserve us! From remove / they ’ll remove the scaffolding. 'ism a lia . Used in the following cases: srir 0 [’asirra, sarayer] - bed**; cradle, crib. - To ward off harm: If someone (a child, for example) • il-’imm bithezz is-srir - The mother rocks is about to foil, you can say sm alla! the cradle. - To express disapproval of words or actions: • cadad il-'asirra fi-l-mustasfa - the • sm alla caleh / ca le k ! - May Heaven number of beds in the hospitaL preserve him /you (from such a thing]! or: Now • in-narsat Uallamu tartib il-’asirra - The dial's really clever of him ( ofyou! (ironically). nurses learned how to make up the beds. - To ward off the evil eye when bestowing a 7540 compliment, as admiration of someone’s beauty or sta- - prefix of verbs v-30, 31,32, 33 - See under success is thought to tempt fote: ista-*, and rule dD; stanna shouldbe lookedup • sm alla, m itljl-q am ar! - What a beautiful as istanna*, majstafad as istafad etc. baby - as [beautiful as] the full moon! - See qam ar*. 7541 7528 Star 0 - curtain, screen. See also sitdr*. smfd 0 - semolina. • is-star nizel / habat is-star - The 7529 curtain came down (theatre). smik fem smlke cp ’asmak - thick. The word • is-star (elec / irtafac - The curtain went hmil* is more common. See also sumk*. up. 7530

fem smlne [smart] cp 'asman - fat, plump. Usually used of animals. See ndfteh*. • barO/csmin - a fat sheep.

smin 0

fimtlwi 1 a sm um ] samm*.

snaberz 0 —shock absorber.

7531 7532


stiring 0 - steering wheel • is-stiring bilcab - The steering’s too loose f There’s too much play in the steering . s[6hag - balcony.

7543 7544

sucIe#, sa£le






sum'll, *tlbrn fem. suljne, cp 'as^an a0‘ - evil, badness. Used inexpreatinna suchaa: hot, warm. • li-lG' i1-1)0$? - unfortunately . • ’Mrab 'Mi suJ)°n! - Have a hot drmk! • su' in*niyye - malicunu intent /rvtl intent . . • (e)Tdlf# Stlb^n - a warm loaf i a • pdr SU* taffthom - There was a misunder­ standing f There’s been a misunderstanding. warm pitta. • natijet su* il-’iddra - (as} a result of bad - See also ddfi*. l)Amj\ borr*. Wib*. management 7MA * ■ r7V4 subnyye [2 JD 0 J - sarcasm, wmy; su'd! [2 ] [W ile d ], su’dldt] - question. derision. • biddi 'as’alak su’dl - / want to ask you a • ma . • biddi 'at’akkad min sehhet il-habar#-1 • ** —' • safu suhun td’ira QU - They saw flying want to make sure that the information is correct saucers . 7677

g a h h 1 [isohh] v-7o - to get better, recover, be aU



right. $ahhah [isahheh] v-8 - 1) to correct, rectify, • fih ’amaljsohh? - Is there any hope of amend 2) to straighten. recovery l Is there any chance he'll be aU right? • lazem ensahheh ’ahtd’na - We have to * • ■ * i* * • b a s s jtg o h h ... - As soon as she gets better... rectify our mistakes. • (i)nsalla bitsohh u-btirjac ca-l-bet • biddi asahheh illi qulto - / should like to # # * • * Let's hope you get better and can go home. amend what I said / 7 shotdd like to correct what • ba£ed-ma sahhet - After / recovered / After I said. I got better. • sahhah - He corrected [the mistake # « • ■ 1-ehsab * 7678 in] the bill. stth h 2 [isah h ] v-7a - to happen, be possible, • sahheh l-ebsdt - Straighten the rug! come along. 7683 • ’iza bisahh-illak safra. - If you get a chance sahhten - see sahha*. * ** i I• to make a trip I If the chance to travel comes 7684 along . §dhi [2] fem sahye [sahyinj - 1) awake • ma sahh-illi-s ’asufo - 1 didn’t get a 2) aware, alert. chance to see him dldn_f!)Jdqa - fit’%got a The [play/ground isn't suitable for sport. hairdressing salon i He’s opened a hatrdrasmg salon. • hat-tazkara mus §dUju This ticket isn’t valid. • $&)6n &a‘*r las-sittdt - todies' hair­ dressing salon < has- talon lor she Iadwa>. • 7 7 0 6 pdleh [2] - mterest. 7714 • li-$dleh *, la-$dleh - in (,someone’s) paJ(acun - see sal(acun*. interest; to the benefit of, to the advantage of. 77V . • wahad sifcr la-§ttleh Makdbi - Maccabt pdm [ipum] v-5 - to fa st The active lead one nil (football) . meansfasting. __

770 7

§alib m [sulbdn] - cross. • i$-palib il-'ahmar - the Red Cross. • (ala Sake] pallb - in the shape of a cross.


galtbi (T| - Crusader (nounandadj). • i§-§alibiyyln - the Crusaders. - See hamle*.

• fi sah. • mhalles - having finished. • s e m a jn h a ll^ in - We've already finished. • kan sdr nazel - He had already come! gone doum .


saqr [§uqur] - hawk. • i$-$uqur wil-hama’em - the hawks and the doves.


sdr [i§Ir] v-6 - t) to begin (gradually or naturally). Compare with bidi* 2) to become 3) to happen, turn out 4) to be now (after a change has taken place - see examples) 5) it's been [such-and-such a period of time] since... * bacden sdr yifham - Later he began to understand. • sert 'atwal m inni! - You've grown taller i— i .. 7740 than me! / You're taller than me now! sarac [2] - epilepsy. • humme sdruj-’aktariyye - They've • marad is-sarac - epilepsy. become the majority f They’re in the majority • . shun ] sahen*. 7797 7789 sihel, sehel [yishal] v-2 - to whinny, neigh. shur ] sahra*. • le-hsdn bishal - The horse neighs. 7790 7798 gjtcb - see ?aCeb*. sihhi - see sehhi*. • * # 7791 7799 sibyan, sebyan ] sabi*. sihi, sehi [yigha] v-4 —1) to wake up, regain 7792 consciousness; to sober up; to become alert l sifa [U S [sifat] - attribute, characteristic, aware 2) to clear up (weather, intrans). trait, quality, distinguishing mark. • (e)shit fi-l-mustasfa —I woke up in • sifa hamide - a laudable quality ] a com­ hospital mendable characteristic • ’icmali-li finj an qahwe minsan ’agha • is-saber huwwe min*sifat il-cara b m m Make me a cup of coffee to wake me up! < s o that Patience is an Arab trait . of the Arabs>. • kan sakrdn u-ballas yisha - He was • il-lotafe min■sifdto - Kindness is drunk and [thenJ he began to sober up. m wahade • one of kis characteristics. • kanat_cm§afeme u-cawadat gehyat She was unconscious, [then] she regained • i$-§ifdt ‘indkom mustarake - You share consciousness. (certain) character traits . • ’isha tuqac - Mind you don’t fall! / Watch out you don’t fad! < b e aware [lest] you £all>. • bi-$ifat-—as / in [one'sJ capacity as. • gehyat id-dinya [T9] - It’s cleared up / The • 'ana hon bi-sifati mudir - I'm here in my weather's cleared. capacity as manager. • cindi ’amal inno (Jamirak yislia - 1 have 7793 hopes that your conscience will be pricked . clean, become pure, become dear. 780° • ?efyat is-sama - The sky has cleared. gileh [yiglah] v-2 / galah # [yagloh] v-lo 7794 to be good, be righl be suitable. ?ifr * - zero, nought, naught • 'inti btigkihi innekwctkuni mcallme The colloquial pronunciation is sifcr*. You’d make a good teacher. See gdleh*. • il-guraf ma btiglah lis-sakan QU - The 7795 rooms aren'tfit to live in fare unfitfor [human] W ( H E - Dform ('gram etc.) 2) jewellery. occupation . Yewmay also hear slga*. 7787

500 7801


gin Q[] - ig-gin fem - Chino. • fi-g-gin is-sacbiyye - in the People's Republic of China. See sa cbi*.


IM i


| fjt J

SOm l_2j - fast (noun). The form gyam* is also heard. See also gam*. 7802 • ma bithammal-s ig-gom - He can’t fast I sind{a [2] GD - industry. He's unable to fast .

• sm e£et 'osw ■ m dt b a rra - I heard voices outside; / heard noises outside. • cadad il-’asw d t - the number of votes. 7818


grafe [UQEI - money changing. • gito wisel kull ’anha’ il-bilad - His • mahalljJgrafe - money changer's booth /' reputation spread far and wide .



siydne PH [8~1 - IJ protection, conservation, safeguarding 2) maintenance. • giydnet il-bet - housekeeping / home maintenance. gnobar [2] —pine nuts. gnuj ] genj*.

7810 7811

gucube [2] [gucubat] - difficulty. • bidun sucube - with no difficulty. • biwajeh sucubat - He faces problems! He encounters difficulties. See tabwil*, tgallab*. 7820

sucud - cld is-scud - Ascension day (Christian ■ ■• holiday). - Compare with sd ced*. 7821


gub°h, gubeh [|] - morning. soban [isoben] v-11 - to soap (trans). But see also sabdh*. • il-’imm bitsoben il-walad - The mother ■ • • il-yom is-sub°h soaps the child. W * m m - this morning

< tod ay


the morning >♦

§ofa [2] H] [sofat] - couch, sofa, settee. • tfaddal nam ^ala_s-sdfci —Please lie down on the couch.

• mbareh* is-sub°h • • • - ^yesterday morning. . . . • min is-subeh lal-masa - from mom tw * « * night / from morning to evening.


#fciaat id-dinya* $ut*>&

It ms


sometimesusedtomeanpress conference). * i§-$ldjofiyyin - [the] journalists.

tjs sga . Sunday .

saCer (2] H] - hair. • qas?et s a cri - I ’ve had my hair cut / I've cut sa. That's a new issue! • m nasset is-shud - the witness box / A# • sagle mniha - a good thing. the witness stand. • fih m it sagle u-sagle 'asawi-ha - I ’vegot • kunt sahed cala hay il-camaliyye - / a hundred and one things to do. For 'a-sawi see witnessed that procedure / 1 was a witness to that rule [20], and for -ha, see 113l. operation. • hek saglat - things like that / that sort of • is-sahed - the index finger i the forefinger. thing / matters of that kind. 7914

sahad [isahed] v-11 - to watch, observe, view, look at • il-musahidin - the viewers (TV etc.). 7915

sahade [ 2] [|] [sahadat] —1) certificate, diploma (in this sense it can also be pronounced shade) 2) testimony, evidence (in a court of law) - compare with ’ifade* 3) the shahada - i.e. the Muslim profession of faith - the declaration that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is his prophet; 4) martyrdom (Islam). • sahadet taharroj - graduation certificate / diploma l degree certificate. • sahadet tatcim - vaccination certificate. • 'ahad* i§-shade - He received the diploma / He was awarded the diploma. • sahadet zur / zor - false testimony. • sajjalu sahadto —They recorded his evidence. • biqul is-sahade —He pronounces the ''shahada ’ (the Muslim profession of faith).


sahed, sahde QO [sawahed] - tombstone (on a Muslim grave). 7919

sah^r |TJ QT] [’ashor, shur] - month. • m uddet sahren - for two months i over a period of two months. • fi saher ham se - in May . See 'ayydr*. • fi 'awwal is-saher - at the beginning oj the month. • fi 'ahM 'er is-saher - at the end of the month. • is-sahril-jay ( ij-jay) - next month. • rdhu cala sah ril-casal - They've gone on their honeymoon • • dall h u n a k jsh u r - He stayed there for months. • ’akam min saher / ciddet ’ashor several months. • n salla fi-l-’ashor il-qaribe - hopefully in the next few months... - After the numbers 3-10 the plural form -ushor is

509 used. For further details, see the dictionary entries for these numbers.

sahham • bashan il-battoriyye - I recharge the battery. 7930

• hamst-ushor -five months.

sah at [yishat] v-la - I) to drag, trail (both intrans) 2) to strike (a match) 3) to skid sahha fisahhi] v-10 - to whet om's appetite, 4) to draw a lim. fttahe one s month water. • hal-'akcl bisahhi - This food's appetising. • fustan-ha bishat £alaj-'ard - Her dress is trailing on the ground. • nht il-qahwe bitsahhi - The smell of coffee's tempting l The coffee smells tempting. • bishat il-kibrite - He strikes the match. • lamma darobfbrek (brekk) sah at 7921 When he braked he skidded sahid [U [suhada’] - martyr; [a soldier] killed • sah at taht_il-kilme - He underlined the in action. word . • huwwe mat sahid - He died a martyr’s death / He died for his country. 7931 sahbar [isahber] v-9 - to blacken (by burning), • nus°b las-suhada’ - cenotaph / war cover with soot. The form s ah w ar8 is also heard. memorial • it-tan jarajn sah b ara - The pan's burnt / 7922 sahiq# QQ - inhalation, breathing in. The pot’s all black. • sahiq u-zafir - inhalation and exhalation / __ __ 7Q*JO breathing in and breathing out sahem H][5] - fat, grease. 7923 • sahme \u } - a piece offal sahir# CO fem sahire cp 'ashor - well known, 7933 famous. See mashur*. sahcn [2] PH- loading; freighting, shipment, • huwwe min ’ashor il-’atibba' - He’s om haulage. of tke best-known doctors. • sayydret sahcn - lorry f truck < loading 7924 car>. - SA: sahina# [sahinat], sahiyye \2j qo] - appetite, desire, 7934 • biftah is-sahiyye - It gives om an appetite / sahhad {2} [§ahhadin] - 1) beggar 2) stye It whets the appetite. See sahha*. (in the eye). 7925 sahnaq - see nahaq*. • cindna ma-flh sahhadin - There are no *■ 7926 beggars where we live / We’ve haven’t got any sahri [2] fem sahriyye - monthly. beggars . • ma£as* sahri - salary. See dawra*. • sahhad u-msdret! - Beggars can’t be • buqbod sahri - He gets paid monthly / He choosers! . • bidfac bi-qsat sahriyye - He pays in • t&leMo sahhad (± fi £eno) - He’s got a monthly instalments. stye ( i in his eye) . sahwe H] [a] - desire, passion, lust 7935 - See sahha*, sahiyye*. safrhad [isalihed] v-8 - to donate, give as • is-sahwe_l-jinsiyye - sexual desire l sexual charity. appetite. • sahhedni stg d ra - Can I beg a cigarette off 7928 you? . sahad [yi§hadj v-la - to beg, ask for charity. 7936 * harden sur yishad - Later he began to beg I Sahham [iSahhem] v-8 - to grease (engine). he started begging. • lazernctSahhem u-tzayyet - You’ve got 7929 to get lthe car] greased . 7920


510 7937

fobfyatu - wc iu W lta * ,

to b ? H I l’a*bA?. 5 b ^ 9 l - 1 ) person, individual 793* 2 ) character fm a play, film) 3 ) statuette, figurine 4 ) chessman, chess piece,

ftabne GD QD - J) cargo, toad, /night 2) (explosive} charge • nazzalu tablet il*b&bdf - They unloaded the ship's cargo. • Sabnet il-bfibira; Saljnet-ha - the ship's cargo; her cargo. • Safcnet it-trakk; 5ah*nto - the lorry's load / the truck's freight; its load. • §ahne ndsfe ~ bomb f explosive charge.

• min hfida>5ab?? - Who's that person? • muS mumkenjkun-fi §ab? fctrib fi-l-b£t - We can Vhave a stranger in the house

. sab^iyyan - personally. • sah ta; s a h ^ e n - one stripe; two stripes • 'ana m a bacrafo sab$iyyan - / don't (mil). know him personally. 7940 7949 sahwar* - see sahbar*. This should not be sab?iyye [2] Qo] [sah§iyyat) - personality. confused with sab war*. • . teUthe teacher on your friend? 7956


sakkal [isakkel] v-8 - 1) to be, constitute 2) to sakar [yuskor] v-lo - to thank. assemble, form, put together 3) to vocalise, • sakart-ha - 1 thanked her. vowelise, put in the vowels (in written Arabic). • nuskor alldh! - Thank God! . • 'abu* sanab - moustached l having a • biddhomjruhu sammet hawa - They moustache; a man with a moustache. want to go out for a stroll 8012 • bithebbi sammat il-hawa? —Do you like sanaq [yusnoq] v-lo - to hang (i.e. put to death). going for walks? • sanaq halo - He hanged himself. • hadajs-sa(t ’aktar la-sammat il-hawa u-la-s-sbaha —This beach is more for walking • fih ktlrpblad bus°nqu flha 'illi qatal and swimming. qatil* - In a lot of countries murderers are hanged . 8004 8013 sammet hawa - See samme*. sanati ] santa*. v | AI / r\ OiA/D 8014 sams [2] (f) - sun. sangal [2] - hook. • fi-s-sams - in the sun. • dabbus sangalJ - safety pin . 8015 • is-sams bitglb fi-l-garb - The sun sets sangal [isangel] v-9 - to hook, hook open, hook in the west back. - This word is the source of the expression 'sun • bisangel is-subbak —He hooks open the letters’ (letters which affect the definite article, as window / He hooks back the window. explained in rule (2] ), because it begins with the letter s and ends with the letter s, both of which are • is-subbak misj-msangal - The window's ’sun letters'. See below, under samsi*. not hooked back. s u m

515 8016

gaphaq - tobray * see nahaq*. • le-hmdr bisanheq* - The donkey brays. ^nh. • tadahbom i{-thdl - distension of the spleen. tafkfr d l ~ thought thinking. VN d fakkor* todamon Q0 GO - solidarity. 8375 • yom it-taddmon mac 'isr&'il / maf issa. bloc. See kutle*. • li-tajnfd ir-ra ’yjl^am m # - in order to • hizb it-takattol - the Likud (Israeli political enlist public opinion. party). 8462 8470 jribe - see tajrube*. [|] - adjustment adaptation 8463 takayyoi < [the] undergoing of adaptation / [the] adaptation idi# fem tajrldiyye - abstract. of oneself >. VN of tkayyaf*. - See mujarrad*. • huwwe b-haje la-fatret takayyof - He • rasem tajridi / il-fann it-tajridi - abstract 8461

art, • dikor tajridi - abstract [stageJ scenery.

needs time to adjust . • marhalet it-takayyof - the period of adjustment .



tajrube, tajribe CD[13 [tajareb] - 1) attempt

takk [itokk] v-7o - 1) to shake, shake off, 2) experience 3) experiment trial test shake out 2) to fall out be shed (hair). • ’ahadu-ha tajrube - They took her on trial. In Galilee katt*. See mtakke*. • hasab tajrubtak - in your experience • bitokk is-sigdra - He taps the ash off his . cigarette / He taps his cigarette to shake the ash • it-tajrube nijhat - The experiment off it . succeeded l was a success . • bitokk is-sijjad - He shakes the carpet • it-tajrube ’akbar burhan - The proof of • sacro bitokk - His hair’s falling out l His the pudding is in the eating . • cemlu tajdreb fi-l-mul)tabar - They did takllf 00 [takallf] - 1) cost expenditure 2) formality, standing on ceremony, social experiments / tests in the laboratory. niceties. • cimlu tajdreb nawawiyye - They con­ • takallf il-camaliyye - the cost of the ducted nuclear tests. operation. • qawam it-tajribe —He stood the test. • hdn ma ffh takllf! - No need to stand on • - . r—i 8465 ceremony here! / We don't stand on ceremony tajwid [2J - reading [from the Koran] here! (in accordance with established rules of pronunda-

tion and intonation).

tajwif QF] [tajawif] —hollow, cavity,;



takrlm OD - respect. • takrlm il-waliden - respect for one's parents / honouring one’s father and mother.




jH - refinement VN of karror*. • masnac li-takrir in-nafl - oil refinery factory for the refinement of oil > .


talabbok {2} —confusion. • talabbok il-mefde - indigestion cconfusion of the stomach >. talahme ] talhami*.


taksi @ [taksiyyat] - taxi, 8485 m’is’al sufer it-taksi - Ask the taxi driver! talamlz ] tilmiz*. • cj!t bit-taksi, mis bil-bds - I came by taxi, 8486 talat, talt, tlat - three. This form is used before a not by bus. noun, which will always be in the plural. • sta'iama taksi - We called a taxi! We took a • talat m arrdt - three times. faxi . • talatjrjal / tla tjrja l - three men. 8476 • tlatesn in / ta ltjsn in - three years. takslr [|] - 1) shattering, stnashing, breaking up 2) pains, aches. VNofkassar*. - Before some foreign words the form talate* is used. See also talatt*. • bahess takslr fi ktiil jismi - I've got aches « and pains all over my body f / feel as if every 8487 talata, yom it-talata Tuesday. bone in my body had been broken. • kull yom talata - every Tuesday. 8477 taktik CD - tactic, tactics. talate, date - three. • taktik il-jes - the army's tactics. - The form talate (date) is used: 8478 takwin [2] - forming, creation, formulation. • sifrjt-takwin - Genesis ! the Book of Genesis. • takwin il-qussa cind il-mu’allef - [how] the writer creates the story < creation of the story at the writer >. 8479

takyif [Tj - adjustment regulation, adaptation. See kayyaf*, which means 'to find how (kif) to regulate/ adjust..'. • takyif il-hawa - air conditioning. - See mukayyef*. 8480

tala- - near, close. Used with attached pronouns (talay, tala-k...) in the same way as wara* (wordy, ward-k...). • ana saken talak - / live near you / 1 live notfar from you. • ija talay - He came up to me! He drew close tome. 8481

lyatlu] SA - to read aloud, recite. -See tilawa*. tel&ob [2] - cheating, funny business, hankyPanky. • balds tala'ob! - That's enough ofthe hankypanky!

1) When the number stands alone, with no following noun:

• kam binct cindo? - talate - How many daughters does he have? - Three. • hamse fi talate - hamcstace§ Five times three is fifteen 1 5 x 3 = 15. (Before a noun the forms talat* / dat are used). 2) In conjunction with a multiple of ten (20,30 etc.). Note that the smaller number precedes the greater, and the noun which follows is in the singular: • talate u-cesrin tdleb - twenty-three students cthrec and twenty... >. 3) Before some nouns borrowed from a foreign language, such as kilo, shekel etc. The noun which follows is always singular. • talate sekel* / kilo - three shekels / three kilos. 4) The names of the months are often replaced by numbers: • fi talate sabca - on the third ofJuly con three seven>. • tinsa-s maw # • talate fi tnaCcs - sitte u-talatin - Three • kurat talej - snowball See kura*, times twelve is thirty-six. kacbule. • fi-t-tlatlnat - in the thirties. • ’ahott-illak talje ? fi2l-£)o you want ice fa 8490 your drink)? talatt, tlatt - three. This form is used before a small number of specific nouns: days, months, thousands, talet [2] fem talte - third 97 and in fractions: • id-dars it-talet - the third lesson. • talattJyyam / tlattjyyam - three days. • il-bint it-talte - the third girl / the third • tlattllshor - three months. daughter. • tlatterbac - three quarters / ^ . - When an ordinal number such as this is pi^wj • talattalaf - three thousand. See also rgif *. before a noun, it is invariably masculine and the definite article il- drops: 8491 • hay talet marra - This is the third time. talattaCes (-$acs) - thirteen. This form is used when the number stands alone, with no following 8498 noun. talfan [italfen] - to telephone, phone, cad ring. • kam wahad biddak? - talattatcs - How • batalfen-lo bacden - I ’U ring him later f * many do you want? - Thirteen. I'll call him later. - See ittasal*. 8492 8499 talattacsar (-$acsar) - thirteen. This form is used before a noun, which will always be singular. talfiq (2] - fabrication, trumped-up story, cock-and-bull story. VN of laffeq*. • talattacsar walad —thirteen boys. • hada kullo talfiq - It’s a complete • talattacsar sane - thirteen years. fabrication. 8493


talbiye OH - i) response, compliance. VN of labba* - 2) pronouncing the formula labbayka* talfizydn (telfizyon) [2] - 1) television, TV in response to God's summons (during the hajj). 8494

talefon, talifim

( 2]

[talefonat] - 1) telephone,

2) television set [talfizyonat]. See jihaz*. • bitfarraju ca-t-talfizyon - They watch television.

phone 2) phone call, telephone call television- (adj). See qanah*. • it-talefon birenn —The phone rings. 8501 • biji-na talefonat min kull il-calam - We talhami {2} fem talhamiyye [talahme] get phone calls from all over the world native t resident of Bethlehem. 8502 • darab talefon la-marato - He phoned his wifef He ranghis wife / He called his wife on the talhin 00 - setting to music. VN of lahhan • phone. • il-’ugniye min talhinj^flan - The song • flan ca-t-talifon, biddo_yyak - So-andwas composed by So-and-So . • tamantjushor - eight months. 8529 • tam ant-alaf - eight thousand. tamassok {2} - adherence, holding on to, sticking - See also rglf*. to. VNof tmassak*. 8524 • it-tamassok bit-taqalid - sticking to tam antac«s (-tacs) - eighteen. This form is used tradition. when the number stands alone, with no following 8530 noun. tambal (tanbal) [2] [tanabel] - lazy. • kam wahad biddak? - tam antaCes - How From Tlirkish ‘tembel’. many do you want? - Eighteen. 8531

tamen fem tamne - eighth. For examples tam anta'sar (-tctcsar) - eighteen. This form is of its use see under talet*. 8525

8532 used before a noun, which will always be singular. tam er OD - dried dates (coll) Q3. See balah*. • tamantacsar taleb - eighteen students / cajwe*. pupils. 8533 • tamanta'sar sane / sine® - eighteen years. tam hih [2] - brainwashing. VN of mahhah*. 8526 • hada tam hih - That’s brainwashing. tamanye, tmanye - eight 8534 - This form is used 1) When the number stands alone, with no following tam in (ta -# ) fem -ne [tman] cp 'atman noun: valuable, precious. • hadiyye tam ine - a valuable present • kam walad cindo? - tamanye —How many children does he have? - Eight • il-waqet tamin - Time’s precious. • ’asya’ tam ine [13| - valuable objects / • tamanye fi talate - ’arbaca u-cesrin Eight times three is twenty-four. precious things. 2) In conjunction with a multiple of ten (20,30 etc.). • hadiyye tamine - a valuable giftNote that the smaller number precedes the greater, • in-nazar ma fiss 'atman minno! and the noun which follows is in the singular: There’s nothing more precious than your sig • tamanye u-cesrln taleb - twenty-eight Our eyesight is the most precious thing uv haet students . < e y c s ig h t, th e re 's nothing m ore precious than .t

551 8535

o n J fq H 3

'f t* * *

t n ia ,I a c l* -

• sdter* 6 fann it-tamliq - accomplished m Ike art offlattery 1a skil-ful fl°tterer-

tamtiliyye • tammam-li matlubi - He carried out my wishes. • tammam w a'do - He kept his promise < h e carried o u t h is p r o m is e > .


8540 tgmm1 [itamm] v-7a to stay, remain, be tammuz - July. lift 2) to continue, go on (doing something). • fi tamanye tammuz -O n the eighth ofJuly. Be careful not to confuse this verb with the one —The names of the months are often replaced by below(tamin' [itemm]). numbers: • tammet hunak santen - 1 stayed there two • fi talate sabca - on the third of July . t ma tamm-c§ cindi bdaca - I haven't got 8541 tampen, tampon GO [tampenz] - tampon, any goods left tampax. From English ‘tampon’. • tamm / tammo yimsi laliadd-ma wise] ... - He continued walking until he arrived., i 8542 tam rid GO ~ nursing. See zat*. He went on walking until he reached... • tcallamat it-tam rid fi Hadasa - She • bitammo marid - He’s ill all the time / He’s studied nursing at Hadassah [Hospital]. always sick .

Sorne people prefer to use the verb ^all* in - i—i 8543 like this last one. See under dall * for an tamrij [2J - massage. VN of marraj*. explanation of the use of the attached pronoun 8544 (bitanun-o). tamrin [2] [tamarin] - practice, exercise, drill 8537 VN of m atron*. tamm2 [itemm] v-7e - 1) to be finished, be • hada biddo tamrin - This requires practice. complete 2) to take place, be carried out get • tamarin riyddiyye - exercises (physical done. fitness) . See riyddi*. • kif bitemm id-dafeC? - How is payment • tamarin riyadiyydt* - mathematics carried out? exercises. • kif il-cilaj bitemm - How is the treatment 8545 carried out? chow is the treatment donc>. tamsil, tamsiliyye - see tamtil*, • kif tamm it-tacarrof ben-hom - How did tamtiliyye*. they get to know each other? / How did they meet? tamsih [2] [tamasih] - crocodile.


• kif tamm indimdmak lal-be. tanazol [2] [tanazolatj - concession, renunciation. 8553 • it-tanazol can haqqo - giving up his right; tanaffos (J] - breathing, respiration. relinquishing his right < the relinquishment of his VN of tnaffas*. right > . • cindo su 'u b a t bit-tanaffos - He has • mustaciddin la-tanazolat mutabadale difficulty breathing < difficulties in the breath­ - prepared for mutual concessions / willing [tv in g s make] mutual concessions. • jihaz* it-tanaffos / il-jihaz it-tanaffosi 8562 the respiratory system. tanbal - see tambal*. • cimlu-lha tnaffos istinaci - They gave her 8563 artificial respiration. tanbih [2] [tanbihat] - warning. VN of . , 8554 nabbah*. tanak [2] - tin (metal). *... bass it-tanbihat m a brinfac - but the • hada min tanak - This is made of tin warnings have no effect . rubbish bin / the garbage can? • basaced-ha fi tandif il-bet - 1 help her

553 gfapi fa house . • is-s^a bidd-ha tandif - The watch needs cleaning 8565

tsiffd - ** tan^ z*‘ 8566

onfiz. tanfid # H3 ~ im plem entation, execution, putting m lo practice- VN of naffiiz •

tanwin • hallina nistanna tanno yiijac - Let’s wait until he gets back / Let’s waitfor him to return. • 'afcad waq. • tanni 'asuf wen-hom! - Let me see where they’ve got to l where (hey are! cthat I see...>.

• tanfid il-m asruc - the im p lem en ta tio n o f __

fa plan.

• wasa’el li-tanfiz il-masruc -

the m ea n s c f im plem enting the project / the m ea n s to


tannura \2\ [8J [taninir] - skirt • kanat labse bluze u-tannura - She was wearing a blouse and skirt.

im plm ent the plan. 8572

• huwwe mas’ul {an tanfiz il-qinun - H e’s tanqi{ [J] - vocalisation, vomlisation, pointing responsible fo r enforcing the law / H e ’s in charge Cut written Hebrew). See nuq$a*. cflffir enforcem ent < —law implementation > . • t . 8578 tanye - fem of tani*. See also tamye*. 8584 taqammo^ {2} - transmigration of souls, 8579 reincarnation. Compare with qami§*. tanzil GD [tanzilat] - 1) bringing down; • taqammosdt - incarnations / reincarsending down; letting off. dropping off nations. 2) reduction, decrease 3) one of the names for the Koran, which, Muslims believe, was sent down to 8585 taqassof [2] - asceticism. Muhammad by God. • il-bas biwaqqef la-tanzll ir-rukkab taqdlr (-q-# ) [2] [taqdlratl - 1) estimate, The bits stops to let the passengers off. appraisal, assessment 2) appreciation. • fi cindna tanzilat - We’re having a sale l VNof qaddar*. We've got reductions. • hasab it-taqdir ir-rasmi - according to the 8580 official estimate. tanzim [2] - organisation. VN of nazzam*. • taqdiro mis m azbut - his assessment is • kallafni bi-tanzim ir-rehle -H eput me in inaccurate. charge of organising the trip . • .

• hdda biddo Lajlil) • xiiu needs mending / Hw* has to be repaired.

• mamnfi( il-ta$wir - Ato photography! t Photographing prohibited! • it-tajwir bil-’alwAn - painting < drawing in cnl«urs>.

• btfm el lajlftjA t fj-l-bftt - l do repairs

fo u n d the house < « the h r«*e > .

ttt?W lt


am t • taSji£an ’ilak, bariib ma£ak -lllgo with ta lw it [2] - voting, vote. VN of pttwwat*. you, so as to encourage you . See -an*. have to put the issue to a vote . 8671 • nat&’ej it-ta$wit - the results of the vote. taskil [2] - J) forming, formation 8662 2) vocalisation, vowelisation. putting in the vowels (in mitten Arabic or Hebrew;. tasa'om fTI - 1) pessimism 2) superstitious fear; fear of bad luck. VN of t§a’am*. • taskil il-bukume - forming the government 866.'} i the formation of the government. tasaboh QO —similarity, resemblance, likeness. • il-'ahrof bidun taskil - the letters Without • fih tasabohjdrtir benat-kom - There’s a vocalisation } the unvocalised letters / the great deal of resemblance between you f You're unvowelised letters. See msakkal*. very alike; .__ 8672 • fih tasaboh ben muskiltak u-muskilto - taskile [2] [8J - range, variety. There’s a similarity between your problem and • fih cindna taskile kbire min il-mansujat his / Your problem is similar to his. - We've got a wide range offabrics. 8664 • taskilet fasafin - a range of dresses. tasannoj [2] - cramp, crick. See tsannaj*. • ’icm elp-lna taskilet ’ak. distorting the facts. 8676 tasjlc ® - encouragement • ’12a fih tasjjic min ’ahlo - if there’s taswis ® - confusion; interference. encouragement from his family / his parents. VN of sawwas*.


• fjh taswls - There's interference (radio reception).

tawafoq - They were surprised how much the village had developed .

• fl-hatt fiyyo taswis - It s a bad line i r— i 8685 There's a lot ofnoise on the [telephoneJ line . VN of tabbaq*. 8677 • tatbiq camali - practical application / tathite H) [tathitat] - loft, attic. Putting into practice. - See also sidde*. • hada ?a«eb tatbiqo - It's hard to put this 8678

tatwij m - coronation, crowning. • tatwij malket il-jamal - the crowning of the beauty queen. 8679

into practice. • s a ccb tatbiq hadaj-qanun - This law is difficult to implement 8686

tatbit d] - consolidation, stabilisation; tenure. tajh ir d ] - purification; disinfection, sterilisation. VN of tahhar*. VNof tabbat*. • qabel sah^r 'ahad it-tatbit - His appoint• b a lla s t tath ir il-«idde - I've finished nunt was made permanent last month / He was sterilising the instruments. given tenure a month ago. 8687 8680 ta tlica l~2l fsl —look, glance. • ta tlicto garlbe - He’s got a funny look in tarfm [U - inoculation, vaccination, immuni­ his eyes . sation. • tatlicto ma cajbatni-s — I didn't like the • Haftnr i^-ta^im - vaccination record / look in his eyes a *. • hiwayet-hom it-tazalloj ca-t-talej - Their • qaddamna taw $iyat - We su b m itte d hobby is skiing. recommendations / We m ade reco m m en d a tio n s. • Vtdni taw§iye - H e ga ve m e a recom ­ , - * 8724 tazkar - see tezkar*. mendation. Pentateuch

2 ) the [H ebrew ] B ib le


tawwaj [itawwej] v-8 - to crown. • tawwaju malket il-jamal —They crowned the beauty queen. • tawwaju-ha - They crowned her. - See tatwij*. 8717

tazwir © - forgery, counterfeiting, falsification. VN of zawwar*. • hada ’ismo tazwir! - That's calledforgery! • tazwir il-liaqd’eq - distortion of the facts l distorting the facts. • tazwir il-’imdd’ - forging [someone else's] signature.

tawzi< © - division, distribution. 8726 VNof wazzac*. See also jayze*. tazyit © - oiling, greasing. VN of zayyat*. • muskilet tawzic il-makatib fi-l-qura • il-makana bidd-ha tazyit - The machine The problem of delivering letters in the villages *- . needs oiling.



© _ investing, investment *Nof Wd^^af*.

tbadal [yitbadal] v-19 - 1) to exchange, substitute, change, swop 2) to be mutual.



• mnitbadal bit-taw dbec - We swop stamps f We exchange stamps. • bitbadaluj-bibrdt - They pool their know­ ledge . • ’e§ ra'yak nitbadal (bil-mahallat) - Shall we change places? / What do you say we swop places? • ’iza fih ihtirdm mutabadel* - if there ts mutual respect.. 8728

tbaddal [yitbaddal] v-17 - to be replaced. See baddal*. • ’asnan il-halib rah-titbaddal - The milk teeth are going to be replaced. 8729

tbadda£ [yitbadda£] v-17 - to go shopping, buy goods. See bddca*. • rdhat titba^dac - She's gone shopping. 8730

responsibility for. wash one’s hands of .

’amal y itb arra - There’s a good chance hell be acquitted < there’s hope...>. • tb a rra min 'ahuh - He washed kis hands of his brother I He refused to accept any responsi­ bility for his brother. • kull 'ahlo bitbarru minno - His whole family wash their hands of him / No-one in his family wants anything to do with him. • fih

arrae [yttbarracJ v-17 - 1) to donate, contribute 2) to volunteer. See mitbarrec*. • bitbarrac min waqto - He volunteers his time (for a good cause). • bitbarra1 min dammo - He donates bloc . • bitbarra* eb-mablag b asit lal-jamciyye He contributes a modest sum to the organisa­ tion.

tbahdal [yitbahdal] v-17a - to be humiliated, be 8737 insulted, become despised; to humiliate oneself tb a rta l [yitbartal] v-17a - to accept a bribe, - See bahdal*. take • haz-zalame kan m uhtaram w-ctbahdal bribes, be bribed. - That man used to be respected, and [now] • h u w w etb artal, yacni ’ahad bartil* people despise him. He was bribed, that’s to say, he accepted a bribe. *

8731 8738 tbahbah [yitbahbah] v-17a - to live well, live the tb attah [yitbattah] v-17 - to lie doienflat, good life, live in prosperity. lie on one’s stomach, flatten oneself. • huwwe kam an biddo yitbahbah - He • tb attah £a la j-'a rd - He flattened himself wants to live the good life, too. 8732 on the ground. tbaljal [yitbahal] v-19 - to pinch pennies, 8739 behave parsimoniously. See bahll*. tbawas [yitbawas] v-19 - to kiss (intrans). • majtitbabal-es! / balas titbahal! - Don’t kiss each other, exchange kisses. pinch pennies! ] Don 7 be [so] mean / stingy! • bitbawasu - They kiss each other. 8733

- See bawwas*.


tbahhar [yitbaljljar] v-17 - to evaporate. • il-m ayxnbabharat - The water evapo­ tbayyan [yitbayyan] v-17 - to emerge, become clear, obvious. See bayyan*, mbayyen . rated. • min il-bahtjtbayyan-li inno... - The tbanna [yitbanna] v-18 - to adopt 8734 research showed tne that.... I On the basis of * • tbannu-ha —They adopted her. research it became obvious to me that• bitbannah —He adopts him. 8741 • U-musiqaJ-£arabiyye tbannat £a n d se r tda- - This combination of letters often sounds garbiyye - Arab music has incorporated more like a double d, i.e. (e)dda-. Western elements . yitdayan —►yiddayan, 8735 batdayaq —>• baddayaq, tb a rra [yitbarra] v-18 - 1) to be acquitted, be declared innocent 2) to refuse to accept tdafasu —> eddafasu.

565 •n* same thing happens to the combinations



c^®** 8742

t^ ta r jyitda{tar] v-17a - to trip, trip up (both Etnas).

• etda'tam we-wqetct - / tripped and fell 8743

{1jabbar [yitdabbar] v-17 -to sort itself out, ^ taken can of tissue). . See dttbbar*. and tda-* above. • d-mabiag mis kafi... - bitdabbar! — Ttes net enough money.-. -M l be taken care of

• ma titdafebal-eS/ ma titdalyhalI-§! Don’t interfere! • ma biddi 'atdahhal fi hayatek - J don't want to meddle in your affairs .

tdalla( [yitdalla. free to devote himself to his studies . anyone wishing to speak please do so! < w h o ev er 8787 wants.... let him be-so-kind [and] speak > . tfarraj [yitfarraj] v-17 - to watch, look at, observe (with enjoyment: nature, television, pic­ 8779 tures etc.). See furje*. tfaham [yitfaham] v-19 - 1) to understand one • tfarrajna ca-t-talfTzyon - We watched another 2) to reach an understanding work television. things out • bitfarraju cala lucbet il-futbol - They •ruhjtfahammaco! - Go and talk things watch the football match. over with him (and try to reach an under­ standing)! • biddqjsafer yitfarraj 'ad-dinya - He • 'akidrah* titfahamu ma1baced* - There's wants to go off and see the world . no reason why you can't work things out f You eon definitely reach an understanding. • batfarraj ca-§-suwar - / look at the • ma-dam*ihnamitfahmin - Since we’re in pictures f the photos. 8788 agreement... / As we're [atlj agreed... tfarraq [yitfarraq] v-17 - to scatter, disperse, 878° split up (all intrans). tfiija [yitfaja'] v-19 -to be surprised, be taken by • il-m utazahirinctfarraqu - The demon­ turprise. See faja’*, mufaja'a*. strators dispersed / scattered. • anajfaja’et - / teas surprised, • tfaja nZ - We were taken by surprise.


tfasfas [yitfasfas] v-17a - to vent one’s emotions, take one’s emotions out (on someone fyitfakfak] v-17a - to become untied, else). See mfasse*. undone (a knot, rope etc.): to fall apart • le§ obtitfasfaS fiyye? - Why do you vent C^npare with fakk*, fakfak*. your emotions on me? / Why are you taking [your anger / frustration) out on me? • il-kursi tfakfak - The chair felt apart.




My colleagues exchange knowing winks behind IfaSSa (yitfaASa) v-18 - to spread (intrans). my back . • iMunf bada yitlaAAa fi wasattmn naj-carabi - Violence is becoming w idespread tfearraq [yitfearraq] v-17 - to get soaking wet in A rab society . • tg arraq n min iS-lita - I got soaking • is-samm bitfaASa - The poison wet in the rain. 87»

spreads throughout the body.

tfatfat [yitfatfat] v-17a - to crum ble (intrans). See fatfute*. • il~t)ubcz bitfatfat - The bread crum bles. 8792

tfdwod [yitfawadj v-19 ~ to negotiate. - See muf&woujdt*. • cam-bitfawaana mithawwfe min is-safra hay -M y son than ] tljin*. 8836 wants to go by plane, but I'm apprehensive about S837 (his making] the journey . ^ 8natl [yitljanaq] V-19 - to quarrel, have a



8844 • it-tijdra mfiiye mnfy fi hal-balad tfyawwat [yitijawwat] v-17 - to fool around, [fa stn ess is good in t h i s town hone around, joke around w el)>. • hat&$ titfoawwat! - Stop footing around! • qarror inno yidtgel bit-tijdra - H«s Sec tafowltc*. decided to go into commerce. • m orrdt w&had bitljawwat (a-t-tflni __ . tom Some people joke around at other people's t i j d n y y e - commercial, expense / Some people make fun of others t i j d n m trade*, business - ( b o t h a d ) ) . < sometimes one fools a r o u n d on the other >. 8 8 4 r,

• ittifdq tijdri - trade agreem ent • sirke tijdriyye - com pany / fir m ! business

tfoayyal [yitfcayyal] v-17 - to imagine, fancy. com m ercial enterprise. • bitljayyal inno kull in-nas bihebbQh _ • il-gurfe_t-tijdriyye - the Chamber of He imagines that everyone likes him / He thinks Com m erce < t h c commercial chamber >. everyone likes him. 8846 tikrom! - s e e kirem*. **s* tfoin [2] fem -ne [than] q> 'at^an - thick (especially of elongated or tubular objects). «er>7 tilawa m m - reading aloud. VNof tala*. Compare with hmil*. • il*bctwerflc w el-habljtjnn - The cord is • tilaw et il-qur'dn - reading from the Karen j ampliation. thin and the rope is thick; Cord’s thin, rope’s aasa thick. • biddi habcl 'atban - / need a thicker rope f tilm iz (SA tilmid) 00 [tal&niz] - pupil student (at school); [young] trainee, apprentice. I ’d like a thicker tope, [please]! See tujjen*. • tilmlze [tilmizat] - female pupd 1school* girl tijut, tfcute ] tahet*. 88S9 8848 dceb [yitcab] v-2 - to tire, become tired. tilqd'i d l tilqd’iyye - spontaneous, auto­ • *anaj



tfcagSD* [yitkattaml v-17 - to speak. midnormallyusedis SA. Thecolloquial (ssniot is haka*. 8891

Ijaroi (yhkarfat) v-17a - to fa ll and roll over. • qkarfat can is-satch - He fell off the roof. • nkar&t ca-d-daroj - He fell dawn the 8892

t'farrnr [ftjcorrar] V-17 happen ogam, be repeated.

to recur,

That was a naSakt. and it won't happen again!

• hawcc&k inno mis raly-yitkarrar l maun you it won't happen again.

tMagje bcitkorror yom ba .

tkawwan [yitkawwan] v-17 - to pde up, accumulate (intians). • iz-zbSle btitkawwam —The rubbish accumulates / The garbage piles up. tkawwar [yitkawwar] v-17 become spherical; to curt up.


sstn tl&.



• sa y l-fktftb - I leaf through the book. tia(Cab [yitia. See habbe*. two .

it tally with what you said?


twaffa [yitwaffa] v-18 - to die. pass away • ’abuy^twaffa qabel sane - Afyfatker dud a year ago. • baced-m ajwafiat 'immn - after his mother died. 9075

tuqle (tu q la# ) (H 0 - burden. 9063 • biddi-s ’akun tuqle (calekom) -ld o n ’t want to be a burden to you. • il-morid tuqle paid twofold>. 9218 • hotti 1-het ca-taqen - Use a double thread! taq q ac [itttqqec] v-8 - 1) to click, snap (tracs) (when sewing) . 2) to stand (someone) up; to leave in the lurch, • lc-qmas ca-tdqen - The material’s doubled let (someone) down 3) to trick, dupe, doubleI folded over. cross. 9213 • bi|aqqec bi-lsano - He dicks his tongue / td q a [2] [8] [taqat] - strength, force, energy, He ducks his tongue. power, ability. • bitaqqec bi-’asdbco - He snaps his fingers. • hada foq tdqato - That’s beyond his ability • hallani astanna ma *aja-s, taqqaMi / He’s not up to it. He kept me waiting [but he] never came, he stood • ta q a t is-sam s - solar energy. me up. 1—1 9214 • wacad-ni f-’isi ma sawwaho-s, 'ahad iltaqam [2J - team. m asdri, u-taqqac-li - He promised [to do] • taqam (ibbi - medical team. something for me [but] he didn’t do it - he took • fi hal-bamamej kunna td q am ! - On the the money and double-crossed me . 9215


taqcm [2] [|] [tqumeGD] - 1) set 2) uniform. taqqas [itaqqes] v-8 - to crack, crack • taqem say [etqumet say] - a tea set. open (trans). • hiyye labse tttqem - She’s wearing a suit / • taqqas il-jdze - He cracked the nut. She’s wearing a two-piece. 9220 • taqem m adrase - school uniform. taq q aseK [|] [8] [taqqdsat] - stapler. • fen taqm jl-m adrase? - Where's your • dababis it-toqqdse - staples < stapler school uniform? / Why aren't you wearing your pins>. school uniform? 9221 • taqem mafatlh - bunch of keys / set of keys. taqs [2 ] - 1) weather 2) religious nte l ntual • taqmjmifakkat —set of screwdrivers. Ctuqus] . • taq m fsn an _ set offalse teeth. • kif it-taqsjl-ydm ? - What's the weather like today? 9216 tdqiyye GO Qo] [tawdqi] - skullcap, hat, cap. • it-taqs 'ahla minjmibareh The weather’s better than yesterday. • labes tdqiyye - [He’s] wearing a hat / a skullcap. • it-(uqus id-dlniyye - [the] religious rituals.

597 , it-taqs il-maruni - the Maronite rite.

taros for him . 2) to slam. 9226 • ham let " ’utroq il-bab" - 1Knock on the tdrad [itared] v-11 - to follow; to pursue, door’ campaign (Israeli door-to-door campaign to stalk; to harass. raise funds for charity). • fatayat mutaraddt - young women who • badal-ma isakker il-bab swayyj^swayy, ore being sexually harassed / young women who but°rqo tarq - Instead of closing the door ore being stalked. gently he slams it . • birred il-bint . • (awwel balak/ (awwli balek! -Patience! 9274 / Be patient! . tayyab [iiayyeb] v-8 - to curt, make better • hada bitiallob niqds mu(awwal - This • id-doktor tayyabo - The doctor cured him. necessitates prolonged discussion. • id-dawa tayyabo - The medicine made him - See (awll*, (file*. better. 9267

9 2 7 3

(awwali - straight away, at once. lay y ar [itayyer] v-8 - to fly ftrass); to cause • lazem yitrek (awwali - He must leave to fly (away], blow away. straight away. • il-hawa lay y ar il-warqa min is-subbak • ’ana raddet (awwali - I reacted at once. - The wind blew the paper out of he window. • bibayyen (awwali — It’s obvious imme­ • il-walad bitayyer it-tayydra - The bay diately. flies the kite. • 'iza minsuf *isi galat, (awwdli jtjarreb • lay y art il-casfu r - You ve made he bird enqaddem il-musacade - I f we see something fly away / You've frightened he bird away wrong we try to provide help at once. • hada ’ist bitayyer il-caqel - It’s enough to 9268 drive you out of your mind (with irritation); Its tawwoq [i(awweq Jv-8 - tosurround, encircle. mind-blowing! Cue. it’s wonderful) . surrounded the house. • ah b a r bitiayyer ir-rds - sensational news • hummejntawwaqin / mind-blowing news. They’re surrounded. • bidawwer cala ’ahbdr bittayyer ir-rds , 9269 layer' - activepart of {dr*. He’s looking for scoops ■He's looking for sensational news. 9270 layer* [2] [tawdyer] - tyre. • rdh ilayyer m ayy - He went to take a leak The adjective barrdni* maybe addedhere. / to spend a penny . tiwel, tew el [yitwal] v-2 - 1) to lengthen (intrans), become longer 2) to become taller 9295 (tileq) (ilqat, (elqat [titlaq] v-2 - to have • in-nhdr cam-yitwal - The days are getting contractions, be in labour. longer / The days are drawing out - See taleq*, talqa*. • tiwlat (tewlat) bintak, m a sa' ’allah! • hiyye cam-titlaq - She’s having contrac­ Your daughter's got taller (the last part of the sentence is designed 9296 to ward off the evil eye). See sa ' *. tim ec, tem ec [yitma. 9303 • bitm ac bi-mal sahbo - He covets his • '• * tluc [I] - coming out going out; rising. friend’s possessions. • qabl_ftluc is-sam s - before su n rise . ■


tn a cs, tn a csa r - tw elve. See tn a £s* (under t-). tin UJ - clay. 9305 • hada bizid it-tln balle - That adds fuel to the flames odds wetness to the clay>. t o b a r [it o b e r l v -1 1 - to co n stru ct a wooden Jorm • ’utfrob hat-tine [^ ] b-hal-het, 'in ma (for pouring concrete).



• fih tub«a ca-s-sayyara - There's a sticker The moulder on the car. prions oform for pouring the concrete wall. - See also musmar*. 9306 tobar GO ~foms (moulds) for pouring concrete. 9317 9307 tubbe \2] [U [tubab] - ball (of string, wool etc.). • tubbet hi tan —a ball of string. toban'i © ftobaJl'iyye] - moulder - building • tubbet suf —a ball of wooL term; i.e. the person who makes the to b a r*. • it-tobaiji bitober il-h e( -

9308 - to bend ot>er.

(omal [itomel] v-11

• sufto tam-bitomel ta jle m m il-w a r q a -

/ jflir him bending over to pick up the piece of

9318 Ian [2J —deluge, downpour, flood, • ba. tnimba jT| [J] [trum bdt] - pump. • it-tul wil-ca rd - the length a n d breadth. • trumbet il-banzin - the petrol pump / the • cala {ul I-ehdud - a ll along the border. gas pump. • {ill is-sane*; tul in-nhar; tul il-lel - a ll ^ , r—\ 9314 yea r long; a ll day long; a ll n ig h t long. tuc°in [|] - bait • {ul bacd i .


'usud ] ’asad*.



’utor ] ’itar*. * ■


■jisbac fasdbec 0 , ’a$dbic] - 1) finger 2) key fpiano, computer keyboard etc) 3) tube. »il-’usbac l-ckbir - the thumb .

• majdell-cs bi-’usbacak! - Don't point!



’utruha 01 - dissertation, thesis. • cam-bikteb ’utruhet id-doktord taba .

• 'osba( ma{junjsnan - a tube of toothpaste. • usbac sabuneUhlaqa - a tube of shaving cream/ ofskaving soap. 9395 • ’usbac hardal - a tube of mustard. v— The sound v does not exist in Arabic, and the v of foreign loan-words is generally replaced by f (e.g. • ‘osdb^ak (’asdbicak) - your fingers. talfizydn). Nonetheless, you may occasionally • ’a$db. ^ [widyan] - « t w , valley, gtdly. w adi. • il-wadKjl-’iqtisadi / is-siyasi - the • kan masi fi-I-wad - He was walking in the economic situation / the political situation. • il-wad. • f|b wAhad sAken f6q - Then's someone 9420 living upstairs. watfor [iwaffer] v-8 - to save [up], • sufto ma< wAljad tarn - f saw hm mtk to economise. someone else. • lazemjmwaffer - We must save [money] / —Compare with hada* (no-one; anyone). We must economise. - The names of the months are often replaced by • biddi ’awaffer calek it-tacab - / want to numbers: save you the trouble. • fi talate wahad - o n tii t th ird o f January • il-mo$dri illi waffar-ha - the money he con three ane>. saved / the money he’d saved. 9422 9427 wahad. il-wahad (-hed) - one, someone, wahem [5] [’awham] - illusion, delusion. See somebody, you fir. sentences such as ’when ku wahmi*. bear that, it makes you want ta..'). • il-wdqec wil-wahcm - reality and illusion. • 0-wahad biddq_icts! - One just wants to • bicis fi-l-’awham - He deludes himself/ He get on with one’s life! / You just scant to get cm lives in a dreamworld. with your life! cooe wants to Iive>. • mu§ ceb il-wahad yiskor hek?! - Isn’t u • cam-bizracu 'awham - They’re fostering delusions . scandalous for someone to get drunk like that! 9428 9433 wahman fem wahmane [wahmanln] wahade - femctf wahad*. deluding oneself, living in a fantasy world. 9434 • hada zalame wahman - That guy’s living wahd— alone. See (la-)hai-*in a fantasy world. • (la*)wahdo - by himself; by oneself 9429 9433 wahmi fem wahmiyye —dlusory, imaginary. wahdani - see wehdani*. • • bator wahmi —an imagined danger / 9436 an illusory danger wahde [wahdat] - unit. • mafoawef wahmiyye —imaginary fears f • wahdat sakan - housing units. imagined fears. 9437 * _ , . 9430 wahde # / wehde / wtihde - loneliness. waha [8j [wahat] - oasis. • hiyye btus(or bil-wehdt* - Shefeels lonely • wahat is-salam —Oasis of Peace (a Jewish* eshe feels ]anclincs$>.


wshed —See wahad .




- t o b e necessary.

See wajeb*, yajeb*.


wahtf {B - mud• is-sayvdra garzat fi-l-wahel

Tht cargot

stuck in the m ud. 9440


- see

wahs*. 9441

vrahhad [iwahhed] v-8 - to unite. • hal-hadaf biwahhed is-sa'^b - This objective unites A t nation. • muwahhad, fe m muwahhade [muwahhadin] - united. v 9442

vrabid • fem wahide - only, sou. • hiyye bint wahide - She's an only child < a n on ly d a u g h ter > .

• kan ibnoj-wahid - He was his only son. • waiad wahid ’ahlo - an only child. • hay it-tariq il-wahide - This is the only way.

wajad [yajed] —to fin d (in educated speech, usually applied to abstract nouns) See Iaqa*. • wajadna hall —We fo u n d a solution / We’ve fo u n d a solution. 9450

wajah [iwajeh] v-11 —to come fa ce to fa ce w ith, confront, fa ce up to; to encounter, come across, ru n into.

• 'ana mustcedd awajho -

I ’m prepared to

confront him .

• 'akid wajaht muskile - 1 certainly ran into a problem / / definitely faced a problem . • biwajeh sucubat - He runs into problem s. 9451

wajaha QD [wajahat] -

1) credit, prestige, esteem , sta n d in g 2 ) delegation, deputation. - See also jaha*.

• cindo wajaha fi-l-mujtamac r—


wahme [U - birthmark. • f»h ca!a wijho wahme - He’s got a birth­ mark on his face.

H e’s g o t

isom e] sta n d in g in society.

• ’ahlo bacatu wajaha la-’ahljl-binet H is fa m ily sent a deputation to the g ir l’s fa m ily.


wahs, wahes [wuhus] - 1) wild animal 2) uncivilised person, barbarian, 'animal’. • hada wahs - He’s an animal! • hadol wuhus! - They’re barbarians! 9445

wafysi fen waljsiyye - wild; savage, barbaric, brutal • jarime wahsiyye - a brutal crime. • to^arrof wabsi - barbaric behaviour. 9440

wahsiyye - wildness; savagery, cruelty. • bt'SmelhaJ)-wahsiyye ~ He’s cruel to her *hc treat* her cruelty > .


wajbe [wajbat] -

1) course (of a meal) 2 ) m eal 3 ) dose, h it (of a narcotic drug).

• ’awwal wajbe - fir s t course. • fih talat wajbat - There are three courses. See ra’isi*. • qabcl kull wajbe - before every m ea l • boko) tlat wajbat fin-nhdr - He eats three m eals a day.

• mumken 'akljl-hilu ka-tehlay, mu§ ben il-wajbat - E a tin g sw eets as a dessert is all very w ell fb u tj not between m eals. 9453

wajeb d](w3jbfit / wajibAt] -

duty, obligation,


w a^ (’awjdtj - pam.

• . • wajjeh id-daww lal-qume - Shine the • indi waladen... u-bamcs banat - I have light into the comer! two sons and five daughters. • ’ahsanftwajjeh juhdak la-majal tani - You may also hear: You’d do better to direct your energies elsewhere • cindi sab* banat - I have seven children: two boys and • bawajjeh is-su’al las-sayyed... five girls. My question is directed at Mr..... little boys Che goes after children >.

wajhane H 3 - hypocrisy. See mwajhan*. • hay bass wajhane - That's just hypocrisy.


- See liceb * . wakale, wikale QO [wakalat] - 1) agency 9462 2) representation. walak / walek! - You! / Hey you!; What’s all • wakalet il-’anba’ - the news agency. this? / What are you up to?; I ’m warning you! • wikalet safariyyat - travel agency. 9463 • il-wikalej-yahudiyye - the Jewish Agency. wa-law - even if... • il-mudir bil-wakale - the manager's • walaw sattat id-dinya, kunt jit / kunt replacement! the person filling in for the ’ejit - Even if it had rained, I would have com. manager. See wakkal*, got*. • walaw bitsatti_d-dinya, baji - Even if it rains, I ’ll come. 9458 wakil [wukala / wukala’] - 1) agent, authorised 9464 representative, proxy 2) guarantor walaw! walaww! - Come on!/Forget it!; Don't you dare!; Oh ready?! I Heavens! f Wow! • wakil is-sirke - the company agent / the company '$ authorised representative. • m us rah -’ansa-Iak hal-macruf... - walaw! —I ’ll neverforget this favour... - Come on! • ’alia wakilak! —Don’t worry, everything will • biddi adfac-lak haqqo! - walaw! -Iwant be all right! - 1 won t hear 9459 of it! wakkal [iwakkel] v-8 - to appoint (someone) as • 'ana bafqac! - walaww?! su sfir? - I’m an agent / representative; to authorise (someone) livid! - Heavens! Whatever’s happened? .




2) to deliver a baby, assist (a woman) in childbirth. See muwalled*. • id-doktdr illi wallad-ha - the doctor nho delivered her baby / teho assisted her in fto cen gam both toacaZ. childbirth. See also jayyab*. 9468 0473 efled* fca wilde [w4ltd£n] -father; mother wallAde [walladAt] —midwife. ^ c&tsatsl speech, oScal documents etc.) - The word dflye* is more common. cf tats>. • hSdi-n-nars wall&de - 7>u nurse is a • ■jsnsjl-w iled? - Father's name? midwife. • i-*iM6a - the parents.

wakbt [tewled] V-Ie - logit* birth. See wiled*, wildat • the more usual form. I • d-baqara wakfat . 9481

waqet - see waqt*. 9482

waqf [’awqdf] - waqf, endowment fund. • ’a (ta beto lal-waqf - He donated his house to the waqf. • il-’awqdf il-’islamiyye - [the] Muslim endowment funds. 9483

waqf - stopping, stop, halt, break, recess. • waqf ’itldq in-ndr - cease-fire. 9 4 8 4


• hal-ba? biwaqqef fi kull il-maljattdt This bus stops at all the stops. • waqqef /waqqfi hon! - Stop here!!PuHup here! • mamnucwetwaqqef hon - You can't stop here / You can't park here. • fiss mahall la-nwaqqef is-sayyara There's nowhere to park the car. • waqqaft quddam il-bab - 1pulled up at the door. • majtwaqqef fi wujhi! - Don't block my view! . 9490 • i$-§ura mcallaqa bil-warb - The picture woram - swelling; growth. tsn't hung straight / The picture's crooked • hattaJruh il-waram - so th a t the sw elling chung with ob!iqucness>. goes down.


• hott marham . • biddi km am 'aw sac - 1 want wider sleeves. • il-gurfe w asca - The room's spacious. • hada m aw duc w asec jiddan # - That's a very broad topic. • cin dak hayal w asec - You ve got a fertile imagination . 9514


warta [8] [wartdt] - trouble, mess, plight, predicament • su hal-warta ! - What a mess! • halles-ni min hal-warta! - Get me out of this mess! / Rescue me from this predicament! 9509

wasac - expanse, space, capacity; comfort, ease. • 'inte btihki bil-wasac! —It’s easyfor you to talk! . wasa’el ] wasile*.

• taleb w a sa t - an average student • hall* w a s a t - compromise < middle solu­ tion >.


w asile [wasa’el] - means, method; medium. • jarrabna kull il-wasa’el - We’ve tried all lpossible] means. • w asa’el il-’ic!am - the media (TV radio etc.) .

• il-muhemm il-wasile willaji-natije? What’s [more] important, the means or the end? • cindi, il-m asdri wasile, mis hadaf! - For me money is a means, not an end. • bil-wasa’el il-qanuniyye - by legal means / legally. 9515

w asit (w aslt) [w usata, w usata J go-between, mediator, broker, middleman. 9511 wasah [’awsah] - 1) dirt 2) (a euphemism for) • baqdar akun w asit benathom - / can be excrement faeces. their intermediary / / can mediate between them.



9522 . ’agbb il-mablag biriih ial-wusota' wo?af [yew$ef, yu$ef] v-le - l ) t o describe fl.jnantej w fl-m ustahlek) - Most of 2) to prescribe, to momn goes to the middlemen (between the • btiqdar tew$ef-l^yyfth? - Qot you msmdaOnr*r and the consumer). describe him to me? 9516 • id-daktor wa§af-li had-dawa - The *4 sito * - see w ds$a*. doctor prescribed me this medicine. 9517

*355* [iw asse*i V-6 - to extend fgponi esdargr: to let out (of dothcs).


wo$ol [yew?el / yu$el] v-le - to join, connect (trans). • b id d ran w asse ' i$-$&lon - We want to • W0$alt il-mawasir - 1 connected the pipes. aSeud the siBotg room. • hdda byu$el il-bet6n - This connects • wassacat fl-bontolon - She let out the die two houses. trousers. mwa§aluj-balad bil-kahraba - They con­ • b id s biw asse4 of& qo - It broadens his nected the village to the electricity /They hooked koraeux. the milage up to electricity. • rwasse* nuflizo - He wants to extend 9524 far ufmenct. 9518 wo$*I d][wu§ule, wu$ulat] - receipt vassal [iwasseijJ v-8 - to sod, dirty make • *octJni wo§c|t 'allajljalllk! - Please gyve duty tuSy blacken me a receipt! • wassaljct qamljaJt - You've got your shirt 9526 wo$f [’aw§df] - description. duty • min wa$£ak bafham inno... - From your • vassal tahto ' He toiled h im se lf .

• wo$$dni ’asallmak hal-maktub - He commissioned me to give you this letter f He asked me to give you this letter. • wa$$et {ala badle cind il-bayyat ~ 1 ordered a suit from the tailor. 9540 • wa§sdni .

il-mama wawa! - Mummy’s got a pain! /

Mommy’s got a boo-boo!

boo-boo>. wawi [wawiyye] - jackal 9550 • il-wawiyye bit{awwi fi-l-lel - The jackals U .

wazan 9545

wati, fem watye [watyin], cp 'aw ta - low fin all senses); base, inferior, coarse, im m o ra l • fi-s cindak kursi 'aw ta? - D o n ’t y o u have a lower chair?


to be balanced 2) to strike a balance, equalise.

• lazem jnw azen ben in-nahyejt-tijariyye win-nahyej-fanniyye - We have to combine business and art in the correct propor­ tions / We have to walk a fine line between commercialism and art • 'aljlaqo watye Q5] - H e's g o t low m o ra l •


standards .

• fin waiad ’ttw^a minni b-sine

- T h e re ’s a

boy in the year below m e (at school etc.). , 9546

watta [iwa|ti] v-10 - 1) to lower,; bow (trans) 2) to bend down (intrans), bend over • woftet rasi - I bowed my head. • wa|p! - Bend over!; Get down! • watti $OLak! - Low er y o u r voice! • waftijl-^aww 'ahsan-ma tecmih your headlights so as not to blind him!

(someone) to become sedentary.


[iwazen] v-11 - 1) to equal in weight;

b-sdt wdp - in a low voice. between the commercial • it-tayyara watye / it-tayyara bittir aspect>. wati - The plane s low / T he p la n e ’s fly in g low. • bibda fi 'aw ta daraje - H e sta rts a t the w azdra - see wizdra*. •

~ to settle


• rayo ’ilo w aznjkblr / r a ’yo *ilo wazno - His opinion carries a lot f a certain amount of weight. • 'iza... bikun la-ra’yak wazcn aktar If (you...}, your opinion will carry more weight • 'afcal cala wazcn faC(ala - verbs belonging to the faccala class - in this dictionary v-8, v-9, v-10. 9553

wazlr tw uzora / wuzard’# 1 -(government] minister.


w a z lr

• wazir il*macaref -

the m in iste r o f educa­

tio n .

• ra’Is il-wuzard’ - the p rim e chief of the ministers>. - See sapranj*.

m in iste r

* ...and there [he] was! • kunt rayeh ’awqac - / almost fed . • m azbut willa la ’? - Isn't that right? . btiqac..., kunt rdyeh ’aqac (haqac). * • ’uskot willa III ;d°rbak! - Shut up or I ’ll 9589 smack you! w irate - heredity. • tacal qawam, willa baruh la-hali - Come • hada bintqel bil-wirate - T hat’s heredi­ straight away, or I ’ll go on my own! tary < is-transmitted by heredity > • kunt biddi ’a tla £ willa h u quddami 9590 / was on my way out - and there he was, right in w irati fem wiratiyye - hereditary. front of me! • marad wirati - hereditary idness / a • tle£et min id-dukkan willa ’abuy jay hereditary disease. I came out of the shop, and along came my • il-’am rdd il-wiratiyye Ql] - the heredi­ brother! tary illnesses. 9584 wins [winsat] - crane, winch. 9591 9585 wirem [yewram , yuram ] v-2 - to swell up. wintag - when ? - In Palestinian Arabic the most • 'ldi wirmat - My hand swelled up. commonly used word for when? is ’emta*. • qarasni dabbur, ftakarct ’ldi rah• winta jlt? g - When did you get here / arrive? turam , ma wirmat-s - 1 got stung by a bee. I thought my hand would swed up, but it didn t # . 9586 < a bee stung me. I thought my hand was going to wiqd’i fem w iqa’iyye - preventive, preventative. swell, it didn't swell > . • ceno w arm e / warmane - His eye's • il-cilaj il-wiqd’i - preventive treatment! preventive remedy. swollen. • it-fibb il-wiqa'i - preventive medicine. • ’ahsan-ma tew ram - So that it won t * swed up. wiqaye GO - prevention. 9587 • dkhem wiqaye b e r (b ay r# ) min qin tar wiret, wiret# ryewrat / yirat] v-2 - to tnhenL • il-w aretw* - the heir / the heritor ! the inheritor. cilaj - Prevention is better than cure • ’anajwretet ’ard min (or can) 'abuy —I inherited land from m y father. . 9588 9593 wiqe£ [ yewqa« / yuqa£] v-2 - to fall, fall over, fall down; to drop (intrans). wirk [’awrak, urak] - hip. • wiqec minnak il-juzdan —You’ve dropped • il-wirk bimsek il-fahde - The hip supporti

623 & tkigh i The hip holds the thigh /in place). 9594

*irte, wirte# ® - inheritance, legacy. • ’ahad wirte - H e received an inheritance. 9595


used in certain areas). • cala wisso - on his face. . .

. r


wit*. we£ Lyewta] v-4 - to drop (interns), fall, become lower. See wa^i*. • mayy in-naher wityat (wejyat) - The water [level] in the river dropped.

eisam fawsune] - decoration (official), Badge. See also ntsan* 9602 • wisam (ala hadamato — They wiyya- - and, together with (between two faorated him for kss services < they gave him a pronouns). dectrtsoo>• ana wiyya-ki —you^ and I; you and me • wisam jawqat is-saraf - the Legion o f . Honour (legion dkorm eur). • 'inte wiyya-ha - you and she; you and her. 9596 • yalla nirfac hada ’ana wiyyak! - Let's lift toc4 [yewsa4, yusacJ V-2 - to contain, hold. together, you and me! _ 9603 • 2-barmfl byewsa{ / busac m il liter - The wizard QfJ, w azdra - 1) ministry, {government] Band koids a hundred litres. office 2) government - see sakkal*. • 3-gurfe ma btusa4 kull in-nas - The room • wizdrtjl-barijiyye - the Foreign Office /the a m t held everyone . State Department / the Ministry of Foreign • ma busac.

Td tike to buy a


• ma tiyc’ase-s! / ma tiye’asl-s! - Don't despairfm. f)

yujad • fi yom u-ana qaced quddam il-bet - One day when J was sitting in front of the house... • ’ayyam il-’usbtic humme (henne8) : yom il-hadd / il-’ahad# , yom it-tenen, yom it-talata, yom il-’arbca, yom ilbamis, yom il-jumca, yom is-sabt The days of die week are: Sunday, Monday (etc.) • kull yom hamis —on Thursdays / every Thursday.

kull yom il-hamis - all day Thursday. - The plural form ’iyyam is used mainly after the numbers 3 -10. in their form ending in -t (talatt-, 'arbact-, hamst-...). • hamst-iyyam - five days. • ’ayyam il-’inglfz - in the days of the British •

Mandate .



yom-ha —that day; then cits day / the day of it>. yibes [yibas] v-2 - to dry out! dry up (intrans). • u-min yomha, battal... - and from that Compare with nisef*. day onwards, he stopped...

• is-sajara yibsat - The tree dried up.

9661 9656

yomiyye Qo] - daily wage, a day’s pay. yimken - perhaps, maybe; may {be), might {be). - See yawmi *. • huwwe fi-l*bet? - yimken - Is he at • yomito mlt sekel - He earns a hundred home? - He might be. shekels a day . • yimken rdh... - He may have gone. 9662 • yimken yirjac - He might come back. yom-ma - {on] the day {that}... • yom-ma zurto - the day I visited him. 9657 yin . 9711 sriife {2} - a type o f lizard. • (e)tcajjab«t min zakaha - / w as astonished by her cleverness / / w as a n u a ed a t how clever 9712 she was. (zahluqa) [zahAliq] - slippery bit, slippery spot. - See zaki*. Usal aacvr is the plural: 9720 • 5s zahaliq 6-t*(ariq - There a rt slippery zakah [2 ], in construct zakat- - alm s-tax htl It's slippery here and there. (one of the principal obligations of Islam - 2% of 9713 one's dial a b l e in c o m e ) . o frrafri d j iem zahmane [za^m^nin] • zakiit - alm s given to the poor before nttdteg logo to the bathroom , bu rstin g to go to 4* toilet «rseder pre**ore>. • d-wabd k&n zabmdn ~

the fe a st a t the en d o f R am adan.

The boy was


zakar* [yuzkor] v-lo - l) to mention, repeat, refer to 2) to quote. 9714 • buzkor kalfimi - He repeats what! say l He d3 S " overcrowding, crush, pressure; quotes me, crrnd • biddi-d ’azkor 'ismo - / don’t want to • kin-fib zalynet wyydrAt - There was a mention his name. traffic jam . Tne word joz* is more common in colloquial • cimel camaliyyet iz-zayde - He’s had speech. his appendix out f He had an appendectomy. • il-’azwaj is-sabba (-be) - the young 9785 married couples. • fyuquq iz-zawj - the husband’s rights (in zayed H3 fem zayde - increasing, exceeding, excessive. Active part of zad*; see also za ed*. marriage), • natijet is-sur. • is-sitt, zayyha zayy iz-zalame - Women are the same as men / Women are on an equal footing with men . • ’i£mal zayy il-baqin! - Do as the others [do]! / Do like the rest! • wahad zayyak - someone like you. • zayy il-cade* - as usual - In Egypt the word for like, as is zayy, while in Lebanon and Syria it is m itel*. Palestinian dialect uses both, without distinction. 9787 zayyaf [izayyefj v-8 - to forge, fake, counterfeit. • ’abuha zayyaf il-hawiyye - Her father forged the identity card ccounterfeited the identity card>. • w aslem zayyaf - a forged receipt / a fake receipt. • hay cum lejnzayyafe - This is counterfeit money. 9788 zayyat [izayyet] v-8 - to oil • bizayyet il-makana - He oils the machine. 9789 zayy-ma - like, as - used before a verbal clause. • zayy-ma biqulu... - as they say t like they say • zayy-ma qult-illak - as I told you. • zayy-ma biddek —as you like / whatever you like. • zayy-ma huwwe - as he [is] / as it [is].

of yours < we’re of your customers >. • ya-ret kull zabayni zayyak! - if miy aQ my clients were like you! zebaq [2 ] - mercury, quicksilver. 9794 • fih zebaq (zaybaq # ) fi mizan il-hordra - A thermometer has mercury in il • mis qader ’amseko, huwwe zayy iz-zebaq - I can’t get hold of him, he’s hard to pin down che’s like quicksilver >. • hadawz-zalame bistgel zayy iz-zebaq That man works like lightning dike quick­ silver >.

9795 zerrt zirr GO [zrar] - 1) button, knob 2) a single item of certain types of vegetable (in some areas). • fakk iz-zrdr - He undid the buttons. • ’idgat calaj5-zerr! - Push the button! / Press the knob! • bahesswcb-wajac fi zirr il-’ijcr - I've got a pain in my ankle . • zerr batata - a potato - in some areas. • zerr tome - a clove of garlic.



zet [2] [zyut] - oil • zet zatun - olive oil

9797 zetun - olives. The form zatun* is more common.

9798 zg lr [2] or [3] fem zgire [zgarj cp 'azgar, (SA sag ir) - 1) s m a ll little 2 ) young. • cilbe zgire - a sm a ll box. • ’ahuk 1-ezgir [3] /iz-zg ir {2} -yo u rh id e brother / y o u r younger brother. 9790 • biddi ’isi 'azg ar - I ’d like something

- * zaza - see zaqa .

sm aller, please / 1 w a n t som ething smaller.

zbale [2] - rubbish, refuse, garbage. • wen ’ahott iz-zbale? - W here

sh a ll I p u t

the rubbish ?

• laqeto fi tanket iz-zbale - 1 fo u n d tn the rubbish b in / in the garbage can. zbib [2 ] -

ra isin s



• ’inte lissa k fz g ir - You’re still young. - The Arabic for sm a ll in the sense of short is qasir*. 9799

zuhur ] zahra* 9800

9792 9793

zbun [2] [zabayen] —client, custom er. • ’lhna min zabayen-kom - W e’re custom ers

zicel [yizcal] v-2 - 1) to be angry, be annoyed, be irritated 2) to be upset, be distressed be sorry. • 'ana zce let minno / £aleh - / was irritated w ith h im / her.



• havef ti^al - I’m afraid you V be annoyed. memories.,.! . • ina ti^al^s! - Don't be angry!; Don’t get bikteb zikrayato - He’s uniting his mem. m otrs. upset! 9807 • 'ana z^eltjktir lamma_smec - or: / used a ruse to get hold of it zrar ] zerr*.

9826 9827

zrlbe UQ [8] [zarayeb] - pen; corral • zribet boqar - cattle pen; cowshed, byre, cow bam. 9823 zucrdn ] ’azcar*. 9829 zugbor - down (i.e. soft feathers), 9830 zubb [2] [7] - willy, cock, dick. 9831 zub°r l~2~| f!~| —willy, cock, dick. 9832 zuhari - see zahri*. 9833 zhur ] zahra*. 983-1 zujaj# - glass. In colloquial speech it is called qazaz*. • zujaje h a rq a # - Molotov cocktail .

The expression ( i qanninet) molotof is more 9822 zoq [2] (SA dawq) [’azwaq] - 1) taste 2) tact commonly used. 9835 • hada mis . zalam [yuzlom] v-lo - to treat uxpady. 9849 wrong, oppress. zdbet © [zubbdtj - officer. Also active part • zalam u-ni - Tve been treated unjustly Ftt of zaba(*. been very badly treated ctiscy wronged re>. • 'ibno zdbe^ fi-l-jes - His son's an officer in • bllZ°lmu-hom - They treat them wtpedj the army. . 9850 • humme mazlumin - They ’re oppressed. ?dbt - J) exactness, precision 2) control. 9*35 Youmayalso hear (jab(. zalam # - darkness, dark (axis.1 . • bi?-zabt - Exactly! ( Precisely! • sabca u-noss biz-£ttb(! - Seven thirty Precisely! zal( © (SA zal() - nudity, nakedness. • zabt in-nafs* - self-control < control of the • biz-zalt - naked ! nude. soul / self>. - See m zallat*. 9851 985" zahar [yizhar] v-la - to appear, become zann [izenn] v-7a - 1) to think 2) to suspect evident; to seem, appear. • 'ana bazenn inno... * —I tkaik that— • byi?hor-Ii inno... * —It seems to me thaL.. • bazenn-e§ inno rah-ctkun 'ayy muskite - See also zdher*. - 1 don t think there will be any problem • cala ma yazhar huwwe mus rd .

• zuriif muhaffifa - extenuating circum­ stances. • fih zuruf bit^affef (min il-huk°m) There are extenuating circumstances < ...which

mitigate the sentence > .

• kull w ahad u-zurufo! - Everyone has his own reasons zawaher ] zdher*, zahira*.


• iz-zurufjtgayyarat - The circumstances hate changed.

9860 zell [ |] - shade, shadow. - The word fayy* is more common. • biniorr fi zuriif sa 82CO

f i j TI L 8815. 9211 » pudge 1798 J7Q2.4936 1420.4614

713 992.5021 4Tfl© *pa< 7909 257,13t9,4)31. 467). 9191 im

become 931, 7739, 8828 bed 2033. 7539, 8434 bed linen 2199 bed-wetting 8361 bedding 2199 beddy-byes 6428 Bedouin 190. 1082 bedroom 2419. 6467, 6510 bedstead 8434 bee 6206 bee-keeping 8862 bee sting 6675 beef 1194 beehive 4839 been 4372 beer 1398 Beersfaeba 1397 beetle 3313 beetroot 1180,7986 befall (v) 7605 before 6539,6540. 7222. 7223 before it's too late 2067 beforehand 6539 befriend 7670 befuddled 3650 beg 4840. 7928. 8985 beget (v) 1349 beggar 7934 beggars can't be choosers! 7934 begin 369. 1157. 1373, 3380, 6525, 6614, 7739 beginner 3380 beginning 1022, 1370, 3382, 4810. 5328 behave 9020 behave childishly 9080 behave oneself 9020 behave toward 8253 behave yourself! 6294 behaviour 470. 7526.8651 behaviour (towards other*} 8293 behind 9489 behind bar* 6571 behind one's back 6573 behind the scene* 4367 being 4447 Beirut 1)59 Bert Jala 1)61 JkM W afa IMI, 764) Beil Sehwr 1361 belch (vj 8752. 8754 hgtclty&g 1)69. 8851 BcfeM 1)56 Britt ww 1)56

better belief 1707. 3369, 5729, 9125 believable 9000 believe 764,3362.7243 believe me! 7243 believer S747 bell 4029 bell tower 4031 belly 1303.4393 belong 3674 belonging 3692 belonging to 3507,4517,8133. 8341 beloved 2597, 2603,4922 below $417 belt 2957. 6824,9837 belt-saw 5931, 8162 bench 1181 bend 4450,4557 bend (v) 3699,4628, 5018, 9129 bend down 9546 bend over 1417, 9308,9546 beneath 8417 benefactor 6S9, 5842 beneficial 6178,6230 benefit 2116. 3405,4764, 5267, 5853.6409 benefit (v) 596,6167 bent 524, 3699,4777.9129 bent (n) 5428 bequeath 9505 bequest 8621 bereaved 1970 Bermuda grass 6460 berry 2600 beseech 4578 beside 383, 3993 besiege 2833 besotted 7382 best 597.658, 6482 best man 8125 best wishes 8418,8522 beat-known 7923 bet (v) 6951. 8048.8982 bet each other 9033 Bethlehem 1361,8501 bttrjy 3122 hatter 597.658.3251.5639. 7203, 7677 better a good neighbour then e flue house 4018 better end better! 658 better laid than never! 1147, 5)51 better still! 658 better than 660

better better than nothing 1147, 6776 between 1357 between a rock and a hard place 7242, 9183 between the devil and the deep blue sea 7242, 9183 between you and your con­ science 1780 beverage 5296 bewildered 3566 beyond 2276 beyond one’s capabilities 5142 bias 3609, 8413 biased 5565 Bible 4460, 5945, 7338, 8714 bicycle 1491 bicycle chain 4017 bid 5911 bier 6129 big 4385, 9513 big enough 9596 big guy 8093 bigger 721, 4222, 8888 biggest 721 bike 1491 bile 5167 bill 2978 billposting prohibited 8307 billy club 6141 billy goat 8772 bin 7360 bin (v) 9774 bin liner 4423 bind (v) 3977, 6754 binman 9687 binoculars 6165 bird 247, 9285 bird in a gilded cage 6575 bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 247, 1355 bird of prey 4341 birdsong 8395, 9754 birth 5351, 5489, 9579 birth certificate 4502 birth control 6299, 8414 birth rate 9579 birth sign 1482 birthday 5489 birthmark 9443 bishop 6079, 8095 bishop (chess) 2153 bit 6449, 6492, 8241 bitch 4277 bite 4724, 9132 bite (v) 45, 4614 bite (v) (snake) 6651

652 bite one’s nails 9347 bits and pieces 4316 bitter 5645 black 922, 964, 3840, 8219 black box 922 Black Maria 9812 black market 922, 7580 black olives 9775 black out (v) 279 black person 11, 9811 Black September 1881 blackboard 4703 blacken 3840,7407, 7931,9518 blackish 91 blacklist 6530 blackmail 3386 blackness 7402 blackout 279 blacksmith 2620 blacksmith’s workshop 4924 bladder 5307 blade 6313, 7130, 7906 blade of grass 2848 blame 4706 blame (v) 671, 4595 blameworthy 5926 blanket 1313, 2977 blasphemy 4472 blast (v) 1934 blaze 2795 bleach 4434 bleach (v) 1339 bleed (v) 1609, 6456 bleeding 6383 blend 5391 blend (v) 3078 blender 3103 bless 1213, 1512 bless with a child 7092 bless you! 1993 blessed 549, 4820, 5757 blessing 1214, 1523, 6409 blind 505, 3548, 4258 blind (v) 115, 299, 506 blind alley 4965 blind in one eye 3551 blind man's buff 2413, 2414 blind to one’s own faults 2945 blinded 3548 blindfold (v) 252 blindfolded 2310 blindly 125 blindness 114 blink (v) 7002 blink repeatedly 7006 blinker 2182, 2312, 6060

blister 1196, 1979, 5405, 5437 blister (v) 1978 blistered 1978, 5405, 5437 bloc 4507, 8469 block 1412 block (v) 7240 block someone’s view 2359 9486 block up 7240 blockade 2950 blocked 3644, 7240 blocked up 3644 blocking 7241 block 9315 bloke 9731 blonde 956 blood 1609 blood bank 1181 blood cell 4491 blood clot 3981 blood group 1609, 2141 blood money 1723 blood pressure 1799 blood test 1609, 1922, 8420 bloodshed 7254 bloodstream 4135 bloody 1607 bloody awful 9803 bloom 3907 bloom (v) 6372, 9702 blossom (v) 6372 blot 1472, 9530 blotch 4269 blotting paper 6336 blouse 1413,6621 blow 1822, 7640 blow (v) 2432 blow a fuse 1982 blow away 9275 blow it 6959 blow on 6168 blow out 6168 blow the whistle on 2035 blow up 1806. 1934, 6168, 6297 blow up out of all proportion

4222 blow-dryer 7505 blue 1044. 4474 blue movies 3376 bluff 1150 bluff(v) 1141 bluish 91 blunder 2300 blunt 4740. 8509, 9041 blurred 2273, 5444

653 £ 2 (v> -«34 £ r f If*



school !»** 169, 2059. 2504. 3409. 8SM ______ . bo#s*c ^ botfCfui titi**! >■» 2431, 2469, 359* collar 653*, 9310 colleague 9737 collect (vj 17*9. 3919. 39W, 4001,4601 collection 4604.49*9 collective 39*7 collector’s item 9055 collide 3848. 9016. 90(5 collision 3850. *649 colloquial 193. 1639 colloquially 144 colonel 182 colonialism 3812 colonialist 3813 colonist 6020 colonisation 3834 colony 5999. 6019 colon! 6496 colour 4707 colour (v) 4635 colour m 4635 coloured 4635 coloured pencil 8514 colouring 8514 colourless 4270 column 146. 7069, 9782 comb 350.6043 comb (v) 5299, 7388 comb one’s hair 8932 combat 5878 combat (v) 2769, 4247 combatant 8841 combination 5391 combine (v) 9425. 9551^ combine harvester 2842

659 commission (v) 4279 commission of inquiry 4721 commit 3732 tboOl 6344 7625,7628,9450 commit adultery 9741 c d s other 9015 commit oneself 3524, 8247 commit suicide 3669 StoSf commitment 3526, 8290 357? committed 4881, 5896 117123 committee 4721, 4986 6555,6672 commodities 2660 6672 commodity 2325 jg m 6456 common 144, 1639, 6042, $417 7873, 8114 hoc* 6555, 8286, common knowledge 389 306?. 318?. 5375 common sense 179 *4IK 5375. 8069, commotion 1666, 8191 871* communicate 9532 tooK2156, 3577 •air 6672 Communion 5914, 8953 communique 1328 d a#e ?II6 communism 8242 eflT2l56 m ' 19. *286.8292,9399. communist 8242 6*64.9640 communist party 2959, 8242 community 1138, 9272, 9363 m *26* tos head 8284 commutation 2991, 8436 to mad 3195 commute (v) 6386, 3061 tocor'i w a 7761 compact disc 6864 topna 3579 companion 7104, 7674, 7675, 8194. 9737 to(hr lid of 6225 company 2166 3577 company (business) 8174,8855 wp 9264 compare 6648, 6679 1537.3804 compared to 5946 2215,1532,7132 compared with $942, 5946 11(37,6376, m i. 95 comparison 5946 (coasofeixm) 8319 compass 1492 '*7 336,3924 compasses 1383 5471.5972 compassion 6967 2512 compassionate 2756 1103 compatible 8693 m 4164, 9303 compel 2352, 3923 3019, 2052 compelled 3402. 4979 m . 4404, 9528 compensate 309 »*J 7*7, 4545, 95 compensation 8315, 8613 6929 compete 8940. 8998 9521 compete until 6176, 8940 1324 competent 5867 2725 competent authority 5189 5W* *307 competition 5756, 5908, 5913,

contradictory 5709 contrary 88. 5778 contrary to expectations Swo contravene 3074

661 „„WCTliOT58SO

" 2 j 7gU9 S K S - m S S . M1, j S v f l V 5026. 7413. $814. 9847 control oneself 5523 controlled 7019 convalescent borne 5-54 _ convenient 816, 5671. 597_. 7259 coevent 1689 convention 470, 5870 conventional 6029 conversation 2629. 2953. 5821 convert (v) 1707 convert to Islam 909 convey 629, 6260, 9532 conviction 6625 convince $35 convinced 3715, 5552, 8276 convincing 835, 5953 convoy 7069 convulse 8777 convulsed 8777 convulsed with laughter 1872 convulsions 8777 convulsively 8777 coo (v) 1240 coodue-coo 6400 cook 9148 cook (vf 3803, 9143 owked 3803, 5535 cookery 9162 cooking 9155, 9162 cooking pot 9208 cod bead 8508 cod off 1208 co-ordinate (vj 6303 «pe (vj 3849, 9020 topper 6403 Copt 6830 Coptic 6830 » » 6500. 8588 1339. 6260. 6608 twjoettub 2321, 4750 ««d 32J5 owe 4655 wre * oilskin 5694 J £ « 0 .I 2 3 4 .3 S 7 M ™ . ointment 1692, 5183 OK 5291, 7325 •‘SSjOII.SW .JM O, okra 1167 9420 old 4385, 5990, 6565, 7493 **?•»«> -^ 8 2 1 5 old (of objects) 275 ^ o p iD o n (null old age 4216, 8115 ceopcd 7911 Old City 6565 jccapisd (o3l 3^® Old City of Jerusalem 6837 territories 3448 old days 1022, 9734 dccsp? ^909 old friend 6565 f»jt-ps oul 3448 old maid 160 gecHpjyig forces 3456, 6883 old man 8128 accar^Il. 2832, 7627 old people 3254 occur to 1135, 3195 old people's home 5990 gccEireocc 2612 Old Testament 5945, 8714 oaan 5840 old wives' talc 3319 October 259. 8873 old-fashioned 9298 odi 7Z 24M. 8123 older 721. 1051, 4385 odi nanber 2008. 5476 oldest 721 odds sod ends 4316 olive 9775 d 5494, 8341 of isfaec teflmg the tim e) 3515 olive grove 4326 olive harvest 4107 of i2 people 9773 of ill pltccs 9773 olive oil 9775, 9796 af crane 9141. 9153 olive press 4798 of OMmef 4781 olive waste 4132 afase 677 olive-picking 3938 off 9170 olivc-prcssing 9775 off key 2287, 4585 olives 9775. 9797 off urprt 9568 omelette 434 off the nub 3604 omen 1944, 8207 tff-babflcr 5653 ominous 5278 (fff-tbe-peg 3958 on 1.91, 1051.9241 sffletat 5850 on (functioning) 9471 «flwJ 627, 5243, 4027 on all sides 1678 *Ss*W 671. 3200. 3618, 3634 on an empty stomach $414, 46osdm mS be prosecuted 7128 on bad terms 3652 *ff*r Is) 6555 on behalf of 149. 9227 w >condolence* 336 on call 5635 ?260, plain speaking 7743 plaintiff 3390 plait (v) 3941, 7886 plait 1796, 4109 plan (v) 1241, 3206, 7724 plan 1244, 3336, 5295 plan out 6393 plane (carpentry) 1988, 6920 plane 9276 plane (v) 5218 plank 1556, 3185, 4703 planned 1241 planner 6025 planning 8441, 8656 plant (factory) 5268 plant 6136, 6150, 9771 plant (v) 2330, 2332, 8082, 9756 plant pot 6881 planter 6881 planting 9762 plasma 5266 plaster (v) 6694 plaster 3933, 3934 plaster (band-aid) 4729 plasterer 6709, 6711 plastic bag 4423 plastic surgery 4149, 8460 plasticine 4775 plate (v) 7654 plate 7676 plateau 2458 plateful 9144 platform 5089, 7049 platform scale 6537 platoon 2051 platter 5114 play 4713 play (drama) 5241, 7132, 8548 play (v) 4671, 7344 play (v) (music) 325 play (v) (role) 5312 play cards 4671, 7892 play chess 8095 play fast and loose 1706 play hookey 2495

play play the drums 9149 play the part of 5312 play truant 2268, 2495, 9011 play with fire 3145, 6288 player 4525 playground 5019 playing card 9492 playpen 6575 plaza 7266 plead 812, 866, 8985 pleasant 568, 792, 1609, 2601, 4623, 4645, 6891 please (v) 59, 499, 555, 857, 7409, 3924 please! 866, 1580, 1583, 9399, 4726 please be so good as to... 8778 please be so kind as to... 4279 please do so! 8778 pleased 2164,3558,4824, 5242, 6933, 7118 pleased to meet you! 2232, 9035 pleased with oneself 6933 pleasure 4650, 6045 pleat 4342 pleated 4224, 4342, 4345, 5615 pledge 205, 6893, 6955, 6957 pledge (v) 3524, 8247 plentiful 4430 pliers 9758 plight 9508 PLO 5916 plodder 8023 plot 463, 5742 plot (v) 5742 plot of land 6872, 8023 plough (v) 1945, 2783 plough 5425, 7470 ploughed 1945, 2783 ploughing 2179, 2805 ploughshare 7470 plow - see plough pluck (v) 6278, 6348 pluck 5417 pluck out 4765, 6341, 6348 plug 7430 plug (electricity) 1434 plums 1248, 1437, 3295, 4028 plumber 5343 plump 6310, 7530 plunger 7904 plural 3984, 3994 pluralise 3984 plurality 8288 plus 9683

704 pneumatic drill 7966 po 860, 4826 pocket 4111 pocket money 5271 podium 5089, 5095 poem 6702, 8143 poet 7866 poetic 8145 poetry 8143 point 2116, 6496, 7031 point of view 6203, 6214, 9610 pointless 1332 poison 7342 poison (v) 7348 poisoned 5238, 9009 poisoning 8635 poisonous 5238, 5989 poke (v) 6238, 8821 poke around 1057 poke lightly 4592 poke one’s nose in 2846, 9750 Poland 1421 pole 146 pole (geographical) 6875 police 1463, 8235 police station 4958, 5191, 6496, 8235 policeman 1463, 8236 policy 7520 polio 7972 polish (v) 1230, 1995, 3969, 5218, 7736 Polish 1421 polishing 2021, 3973, 7737 polite 568, 5735 politeness 565, 566, 5870 political 7521 politician 7521, 7520 politics 7520 pollute 4636, 6234 polluted 4636. 5622 pollution 8515 polygamy 8288, 9779 polygraph 2762 polygyny 8288, 9779 polytheism 3509, 3860, 8288 polytheist 6041 pomegranate 7175 pompous 5433, 6168 pooh!3466 pool (v) 8727 pool 1400, 6493 poor 1980, 5481 poor(bad)7417 poor (inefficient) 6926 poor (unfortunate) 5525

poor soul! 5525 poor thing! 9567 pop (v) 9217 pop in 5375, 9197 popcorn 1493 pope 1071, 6550 poplar 2971 popular 2599, 2603, 4922, 5140, 7864 Popular From 3930 popularity 7864 populated 5235 population 632, 6173, 6298 7298 population register 8640 porcelain 7805 porcupine 6445 pork 3139, 4576 pornographic 9616 pornographic films 3376 pornography 1515 port 5496 portable 4080, 5904. 6280 porter 278, 2733, 8120 portion 3022 pose (v) (question) 9228 position 4997, 5116, 5134, 9419 position (attitude) 5355 position (job) 9561 position (mil) 5354 positive 3487 positive attitude 6387 possess 5026 possessing 559 possessions 53. 5017. 5893 possibility 3457. 3533, 6836 possible 4089, 5006. 5904 possibly 1379 post (job) 4995, 5116, 9561 post (mail) 1238, 1423 post (position) 5354. 6496 post office 1423 post-mortem 8673 postage stamp 9154 postbox 1238, 7360, 7839 postcard 4332 postcode 5121 poster 3356, 4555 postman 1424, 9558 postmark 3189 postmark (v) 3188 postpone 706 postponement 8327 pot 1719, 2932, 9208 pot belly 4393

705 rtJrifcd 559. 4393 S o I»l. *»5 S o puree 9181 crfbole 4163 2213 L ar s uteri 1750 £*rn 2212 petxs 6491

tculax 464" veto) 1653 pounce *461 pocod (*) 1623 ppor(V) *611. 9715 pomaway 420 poor cold water on 2433 pcsrdowo 9715 peer out 1628. 7611 pet ('*) 1325 pGwry 1977 pptary fine 1977 pe*oi>-ftricken 1980 Km 904 powder 1447, 5229 powdered 144? powdanl milk 3951, 5229 powdered sugar 5229 power 410.411, 721, 2557, tt§5 power (authority) 7570 fewer (capacity) 3533, 6836, 9213 power an 3641 powerful 3928, 7893 practical 120 pactcaJjoke 134 pfxtice 5898. 8544 Pfwae ) (»J 7799 for 1512 K»?o 24J. 255, 7W5 Kayo bead* 5226 K*ytr r u j 7466 ,2« . 3193, 9403 K«»eter 3201 preaching 9469 PKGkubon 3461

K«Ude 7222 J S ® 06 *92.1011 pr*c*®|59M

precious 334, 8534 precious stone 4074 precise 1621, 1625, 6066 precisely 7685, 8368, 8518, 9850 precision 1715, 8368, 9850 precocious 7233 predator 4341 predatory 4341 predicament 9508 preemie 7421 prefabricated 3958 preface 5944 prefer 1908 preferable 597 preferential treatment 1908, 3216, 5378 preferentially 2360, 3216 pregnancy 2721 pregnant 2722, 2919, 5534 prejudice 5988 prejudiced 5565 preliminary 3415 premature baby 7421 prenuptial 8305 preoccupied 5289, 7381, 7650 preoccupied with 1677 preoccupy 2482, 7909 preparation 3349, 3809, 8415 preparatory 3350 prepare 2529, 2638, 3959 prepare the ground 2529 prepared 3754, 5527 preparedness 3809 preposition 4047 prescribe 9522, 9531 prescription 7187, 9526 presence 2986, 9611 present 2438, 2451 present (adj) 2639, 2692, 2923, 3522, 5349 present (v) 197, 6555, 9228 presentation 8547 presented 3550 preservation 5824 preserve (v) 2644, 2924. 4217, 6232 presidency 7110 president 1661, 6900 presiding judge 4932 press (v) 240.251. 1797,4217 press 253, 4752, 4798 press (media) 7671, 7831, 7832 press charges 6935 press conference 5749, 5941, 7832

printed press repeatedly 4224 press stud 4225 pressed 4861, 5393 pressed apricots 6617 pressing 243 pressure 1799, 3512, 9714 pressure (v) 738, 1797,4578 7890 ’ pressure cooker 1799, 3077 9208 prestige 2538, 9451 presumed 4881 pretend 378, 9107 pretend to be ignorant 8800 pretend to forget 8948 pretext 2988 pretty 4003 prevail 3230 prevaricate 4549 prevent 288, 5076, 6922 preventative 9586 prevention 5100, 9587 prevention is better than cure 9587 preventive 9586 preventive medicine 9586 previous 4863,6565, 7233 previous convictions 892 price 7445, 8519 price control 5963, 8414 price freeze 8458 price index 3945 price list 3945, 4530, 8313, 8629 price setting 8414 pricey 4889 prick (v) 2379,7958 prick up one’s ears 1611 prickly 2379 prickly pear 4511,7616 pride 411, 1925, 3412,4401 pride and joy 1925 pride oneself 8888 priest 3320 primary 3383 primary school 3383, 4853 prime (n) 410 prime minister 6900,9553 primitive 1369 prince 774 princess 774 principal 6901 principality 3531 principle 4073, 4810. 6528 print (v) 9142 printed 9142

printer printer 5325 printing 9140, 9153, 9291 printing house 5325 prior (n) 6900, 7090 priority 892, 1011 prison 2605, 3083, 7464 prison cell 98)2 prison guard 7292 prisoner 904, 3553, 4923, 7290 prisoner exchange 904, 8346 prisoner of war 904 private 3330, 7947 private (mil) 4184 private property 3181, 5893 private sector 6801 privately 3585 prize 4088 prize-giving 2650, 4088 probability 3457 problem 1522, 2772, 5210, 6039, 6572, 7819 problematic 5105, 6038 procedure 9389 proceed (v) 5540 proceeds 2299 procession 1733, 5350 procreation 6299, 8558, 8710 prod (v) 8821 produce 2299, 4945 produce (v) 688, 9472 produce children 3100 product 5119, 5935 production 3671, 7842 productive 5939 profession 2972, 4313, 5479 profession of faith 7915 professional 5478, 5845 professor 9383 proficient 974 profit 5009, 7113 profit (v) 6912, 7114 profit and loss 7113 profitable 5969 profound 133 progeny 6299 programme 1244, 5505, 5506 programme (v) 1241 programmer 1241 programming 1242 progress 7436, 8582 progress (v) 8965 progressive 8583 progressive thinker 5789 prohibit 5076 prohibited 5071 prohibition 5100, 6201

706 project 5295 proliferation 8288 prologue 5944 prolong 4841 prolonged 9266 prominent 553, 1224, 1234 promise (v) 724, 1859, 8247, 9402 promise 5468, 8290, 9404 Promised Land 5468 promote 6252, 7027 promoted 8990 promotion 1694, 8863 prompt (v) 4612, 6923 prompter 4612 pronoun 1812 pronounce 932, 3843, 4547 pronunciation 4548 proof 1480, 3890 proof of the pudding is in the eating 8464 prop 7355 prop up 7354 propaganda 1693, 1694 propagandist 1693 propeller 1554, 5205 proper 5632, 8060 properly 96, 7685 property 3177, 5017, 5893 prophesy (v) 8939 prophet 6145, 7045 Prophet Muhammad 6145 proportion 6438, 6563 proportional 6439 proportional to 6563 proposal 206, 3718 propose 197, 3716 propose as a candidate 7062 propose marriage 3193 proposed 3716 proprietor 5053, 6909, 7675 proprietress 6911 prose 6345 prosecutor 5768 prospect 761, 3907 prosperity 123, 1107, 3905, 8731 prosperous 130, 6096 prosthetic 388 prostitute 2512, 7373, 8055, 8063 prostitution 9808 prostrate 6987 prostrate oneself 6987 prostration 6985 protect 1546, 1630, 2708, 4243,

7391, 7393, 7729 protect oneself 8751 protect someone’s reputation protected 4799, 4941 protected flowers 2708 protected species 2708 protection 2935, 7809 protector 2724, 7392, 9469 protege 1583, 2935, 4942 protein 9730 protest 3452 protest- 3453 protest (v) 3445 protest song 3453 Protestants 1490 protrude 1224 protruding 1234 proud 411, 1929, 3409 proudly 3412 prove 982, 1236,9110 proverb 5305 province 4695, 9580 provisions 8550, 9842 provocation 3820 provocative 3820 provoke 2797, 3764, 8811, 8821 proximity 6856 proxy 5795, 9458 prunes 3951 prying 2853 psalm 5392 Psalms 9688 pseudonym 3755, 5996 psoriasis 7629 psyche 6186 psychiatric 6189 psychiatric hospital 4990 psychiatric ward 6791 psychiatrist 6188, 9161 psychoanalysis 6188, 8420 psychological 6188, 6189 psychological warfare 6189 psychologically 6189 psvchology 368, 6186 public 99, 136. 452 public (n) 4178 public lavatory' 5160 public opinion 6904 public prosecutor 3390. 5768 Public Works Department 8215 publication 5118, 6330 publication rights 6330 publicise 8117

707 publicity 1693. 1694 publicly 5/57 publish 932, 6324 published 36S0, SI 18, 7633 publishing house 1629 pudding8765 puddle 1400, 1472, 6493 puffup 6177 puffing and panting 4565 pull (v) 4046. 7267, 7890 pull faces 8997 poll bard 7969 pull oneself together 1788 punout 6278,6341,6348, 6596 pafl out (hair) 4753. 4765 f*fl up (stop) 9486 ---- 1- ■ -m m

5523 polled out 3637 polled tight 3657 pulley 1134 polling 4047 puffing strings 9520 pulp 4655 pulpit 5095 pulse 2821, 6143 pump 5414,9313 pomp out 2347 pomp up 6168 pumpkin 6641 punch 1458 punch (tool) 3244, 4967 punch boles 3243, 3151 puncture 1187 punish 172, 6695, 4090 punished 6696, 8257, 89 punishment 385,465, 40 6696 pupil 8858, 9193. 9195 pupil of the eye 1445 puppet 1752 puppy 4056 purchase 3866, 8079, 8169 purchase price 7038 purchaser 5544, 8057 purchasing power 8169 pure 1115, 7659,7793,9178 pure-bred 937 puree 7155 purely 1115 purgative 8053 purification 8686

purify 4330,9179 Punm 5230 punty 9177,9605 Purpose 2325,2365,2440,6697

purse 4199 Pyramids 2496 pursue 4573, 4683, 8340, 9226 Q pursued 6075 pursuit 6076 quadriliteral 2140, 7154 quail 7575 pus 117, 6764 qualification 1632 push 4232 qualified 633 push (v) 1532, 1545, 1548, qualify 633 2846, 8744, 9750 quality 1913,4161, 4373 push ajar 8030 quality (trait) 7792 push the button! 9795 quality is more important than pustule 2600 quantity 4373 put 2858, 9417 quantity 4300, 6551 put an end to 804. quarrel 3292, 9311 put away 1789 quarrel (v) 8837 put back 6983, 865 quarry 4931 put down 6386, 6991 quarter 7159 put drops in (eye, car) 6729, quarter (district) 2767, 2888 6735 quarter of an hour 7159 put in 1581, 2114 quavering 5522 put in an appearance 982 put in order 1537, 6303, 6393, quay 7049 queen 5028, 8095 7071. 7406 queer 2464 put into practice 811, 8425, quench 3734, 7074 9150 query 8630 put off 706, 4677, 5319 question 7546, 8630 put on weight 6446 question mark 97, 3817, 3855 put one's cards on the table question of 8340 4348 questioning 8425, 8630 put one's clothes on 4677 queue 1732, 7652 put out 9170 queue (v) 7651 put out to tender 5911 quibble (v) 8782 put out your tongue! 4840 quick 7386 put pressure on 738, 1797, quick-thinking 1917 7890 quicker 7386 put someone in bis place 4335 quickly 73, 6740, 7583 put someone up 1342 quicksilver 9794 put someone up for the night quiet 7297, 7300, 7308 6380 quiet (n) 2576. 7077, 7299, put the evil eye on 7605 7307 put to bed 6380 quietly 7817 put to death 496 quilt 4668 put to flight 2499 quit (v) 1311 put to sleep 6380 quite different 8160 put together 4371, 6997, 7961 quite right! 4915 put under a spell 7271 quivering 5522 put up (v) 108, 6935 quiz 5983 put up at 6456 quotation 3833 put your tongue out! 4710 quotation marks 6816 putrid 5443 quote (v) 3799. 972! putting into practice 8566, R 8685 rabbi 2651 putting together 8622 rabbit 872 putty 4775, 5057 rabble 2361 puzzle (v) 2891 rabid 5253,8303 puzzling 2891 rabies 4267, 5253. 8303 pyjamas 1126

race race (contest) 7424 race (ethnicity) 458 race track 2689 racial 459 racial discrimination 8551 racism 459 racist 459 racket 1666, 1807, 4839, 8191, 9693 racquet 6994 radiation 3852 radiation treatment 8200 radiator 6927 radical 3948, 6062 radical views 9049 radio 6928, 7477 radio announcer 5776 radio licence 7037 radio set 4135 radish 2150 rafter 5971 rag 8196 rage 2279 ragged 4909, 5700, 8075 raid 2323, 4232, 4233 raid (v) 2373, 4217 railing 1631 railroad crossing 2659 railroad track 6571, 7470 rails 6571 railway engine 6733 railway line 6571, 7470 railway station 4920 rain 5321, 8088, 8178 rain (v) 960, 1118, 4217, 8087 rainbow 6816 raincoat 5694 raining 1713 raining cats and dogs 4217 rainwater 5374 rainy day 3036, 6790 rainy season 8178 raise (v) 105, 6245, 6935 raise a child 6910 raise questions 8630 raise the price 2294 raise your glass! 4338 raise your voice! 6935, 7817 raised 8978 raisins 9792 rake 6043 rally round 7890 ram 2712, 4234 Ramadan 5757, 5832, 7001 ramble (v) 9252 ramble on 3152

708 rambling 9173 Ramla, Ramleh 7004 ramshackle 5700 rancid 5443 rancour 2412 random 271, 3960, 8018 range 4828, 8672 rank 1632, 5134, 5202, 7652 rank (mil) 7188 ransack 1955 ransom 1723, 2142, 2144 ranunculus 8026 rap (v) 9230 rape (v) 2352, 3421 rape 3422 raped 3591 rapist 3421 rare 6158 rare phenomenon 6160 rarely 6604 rascal 5020, 5105, 8025 rash 8808, 9271 rash (n) 2779, 8080 rasp (n) 4819 rat 4038 rate 6438, 6563 rather 1908 rather than 660 ratification 6023 ratio 6438 ration (v) 6635 rattle 9336 ravine 9413 raw 3108, 6379, 6451 ray 8200 razor 2964, 5980 razor blade 7906 re-examination 3347 reach (v) 1142, 9092, 9186, 9599 reach an understanding 8779 reach out 4840 react 6923 reaction 6924 reactionariness 6975 reactionary 6975 reactionism 6975 read (v) 6642, 6788, 6660 read aloud 8481 read coflee grounds 2070 read music 6469 read palms 3205 reader 6656 readiness 3809 reading (Koran) 8465 reading 6074, 6781

reading aloud 8857 reading room 6074, 6524 ready 2639, 3085, 3754, 3958 5527 ready-made 3958 real 941, 2763, 4643, 9479 real-estate agent 7577 realisation 8425 realise 2766 realist 9484 realistic 9484 reality 9479 really 791, 2132, 2140, 7685, 9474, 9479 really! 9470 realtor 7577 reap (v) 2831 reap the whirlwind 9821 reaper 2841 rear (adj) 3086, 9504 rear (v) 6245. 6910 rear-view mirror 5670 reason 484, 1520, 7216, 8304 reason (sense) 179 reason why 7216 reason why not 5101 reasonable 180, 386,4791. 5140, 6070 reasonably good 5140 reassure 7301, 9205 reassure oneself 9048 reassured 3730, 5976, 9048 reassuring 9205 rebel 9109 rebel (v) 8928 rebellion 351, 8528 rebound (v) 9185, 9280 rebuke 331, 4706 rebuke (v) 330, 340 recall (v) 2175, 9103 receipt 2090. 9524 receive 667, 3785, 8908 receive (radio) 4609 receive someone 3792 receive (something unpleasant) 719 receiver 7345 recently 5769, 677 receptacle 9401, 9571 reception 3828 reception room 3828, 7452, 7703 receptionist 6092 recess 9483 recession 4334 recharge (v) 7929

709 religious y^procal 6tW> S « » < 4047 S c to K o ra n 7072 “ t t e 3957.5692, 8808 recklessness 3956 reckon 3546 Cognise 3363. 8800 recognition 3371 recommence 3760 recommend 9531 recommendation 8715 recompense (v) 4244. 4245 recompense 5942 reconcile 9425 reconciled 7699, 9018 reconciliation 7835 reconnaissance 4349 record 5023, 6006, 7465 record (v) 6754, 7291 record (criminal) 7236 record (disk) 3839 record (new standard) 7022 record number 7022 record- 6807 record-holder 7227 recording 8640 recount (v) 3159 recover 3664, 7677, 8157 recover (get back) 3796 recreation 8614 recruit 8883 recruit (v)4012 recruitment 8461 rectangle 6015 rectangular 6015 rectify 7682 rector 131 war (v) 18, 8892

red 651, 8817 red card 651 Red Crescent 651, 2555 Red Cross 651, 7707 Red Sea 1108 Red Star of David 651 redden 3434 reddening 3435 reddish 91 ademption 2142 redo (v) 3939 fedua 2433, 3060, 3061. 6283. 6609, 66,1. 7665, r«Iuce in price 6971

r* S " L 3l75t 3613**W35, 8579- 8590, 8591,8615

reeds 6690, 6869 reedy (voice) 6208 reel 1130 refer to 9721 referee 2668 reference book 5189 referendum 3819 refine 4330, 7653 refined 4623, 7023, 7023 refinement 8474 refinery 8474 reflect 83 reflect (think) 7645 reflect upon 8278 reflected 3547 reflection 3552, 8321 reflective 7645 reflector 84 reform 3845 reform (v) 7526 Reformation 3845 refrain 4646 refrain (v) 3541 refreshed 3664 refreshments 1863 refrigerator 1251, 8508 refuge 4808, 5049 refugee 4589, 8068 refugee camp 4589, 5716, 5855 refusal 6940 refuse 9791 refuse (v) 6936 refuse container 2878 refute 4382 regain 3796 regain consciousness 7799 regain strength 6803 regal 5029 regard (v) 3358 regarding 3328, 6438 regardless 2280 regards 3200, 7326, 8418 regent 9527 regime 2991, 6457 region 5121, 5947, 6878 regional 6878 register 7465 register (v) 6754, 7291, 9265 registered 9265 registered letter 7291 registrar 4358 registration 8640 registration fee 7037, 8640 regret 884, 6154 regret (v) 6410 regretfully 884

regrettable 5748 regular 5937 regular plural 3994 regularity 3696 regulate 4374, 9848 regulation 6638, 8479 rehabilitate 633 rehabilitation 8325 rehabilitation centre 8325 rehearsal 1435, 5961, 6520 rehearse 6978 reign (v) 3230 rein 4702 reincarnation 8584 reinforce 341 reinforced concrete 5677 reinforcements 6229 reissue (v) 932 reject (v) 199, 6936 rejection 6940 rcjectionist 6940 relapse 6243 relapse (v) 3672 relate 3159, 7536 relate to 8253 related 6643 related by marriage 6295, 6296, 8949 related to (family) 6785 relation 100, 6438 relation (family) 6661 relation by marriage 6301 relations (terms) 8293 relationship 100, 6643 relative (adj) 6439 relative (family) 6661 relatively 6439 relax 3731, 6979, 8994 relaxed 5976 release 3407, 3705, 3896, 8426 release (v) 605, 988, 1958, 2695, 2803, 7388 relent 4605 reliability 766 reliable 773 reliable source 5263 reliance 3887 relief 1994, 3738, 8436 relieve 498, 7301 relieve oneself 7944 relieve the tension 8436, 8701 relieved 5976, 8994 religion 1707, 1721 religious 1711, 6048, 8587, 8758


religious decree 2091 relinquish 8561, 8834 relocate 3676 reluctantly 2353 rely on 867, 3360, 6990, 3788, 3879, 9541 remain (v) 1190, 1808, 6525, 8536 remainder 1198, 1199, 1914 remains 980 remark 5886, 8307 remedy 1650, 9526 remember 2175, 9103 remind 2094, 9725 remnant 1199, 1914 remorse 6154 remorseful 6410 remote 5503 remote control 8409 removal 3816 remove 708, 1938, 3070, 3761, 6596, 6615, 7968, 7971 removing 3816 remunerative 5969 rend (v) 8030 renew 3939, 4841 renewal 8453 renewed 8879 rent (v) 3759 rent 702, 9355 rent out 707 rental 9355 rented 3759 renunciation 8561 repair 3845, 8655 repair (v) 7399, 7712, 8655 repair clothes 7028 repairing 8655 repatriation 3347 repeat (v) 17, 292, 4330, 6978, 7123, 9721 repeat a year 7033, 7652 repeatedly 8892 repent 8339 repentance 8958 repercussions 7014 repetition 8767 replace 2695, 3073, 4915 replaced 8728 replacement 2363, 3089, 9457 replete 7876, 8147 repletion 3856 reply 6924 reply (v) 6923 report 8595 report (v) 504, 1157, 8595

710 reporter 5966 reprehensible 5926 represent 5248, 5312 representation 8547, 9457 representative 5099, 5901, 5933, 6130, 9458 representing 8547 repress 4218 repressed 4218, 5002 repression 4235 reprimand 331 reprimand (v) 330, 340, 1094, 4335, 9412 reprint (v) 932, 9142 reprisal 3694 reproach 4706 reproach (v) 4595 republic 4179 republicanism 6457 reputation 4318, 7573, 7808, 8217, 9609 request 5329, 6977, 9190 request (v) 866, 6976, 9189 require 323, 3444, 9047 required 5330, 9189 requiring 3444 rescue 3635, 6228 rescue (v) 815, 3102, 6225, 6232 research 1114, 3476, 3835 research (v) 1102 researcher 1102 resemblance 4569, 7879, 8663 resemble 8148 resemble each other 9028 resent (v) 671, 2758 reservation 2654, 2658 reservation (doubt) 8408 reserve 3461, 4935 reserve (v) 2654 reserve duty 3461 reserves 3462 reservoir 3239, 8457 reside 7294 residence 3712, 5136, 5234 residence permit 3712 resident 632, 5951, 7298 residential area 5121, 7295 resign 3791 resignation 3827 resist 6739 resist stubbornly 154 resistance 5949 resolute 2895, 4042 resolved 6024, 6026 resonant 7013

resourceful 1917 respect (v) 729. 1127, 1928. 3450, 6891, 8069 respect 2538, 3459, 3501,4318 4422, 8037, 8473 respect yourself, and others will respect you! 3450 respectable 5249, 5844, 7391 8059 respectable sum 5844 respected 3358, 3450,4323 5844, 8059 respecting 8356 respiration 8553 respiratory system 4135, 8553 respite 772, 1993, 1994, 5818 respond 6923 response 6924, 8451 responsibility 2732, 5212 responsible 5211 rest 3832, 6960 rest (remainder) 1198, 1199 rest (v) 3730, 3794,3837, 6244, 8994 restaurant 5315 restaurateur 5313 restful 5972 resting 6378 restore order 6457 restrain oneself 5523, 8918 restrained 5002 restrict 6635, 9417 restricted 6754 restriction 8414 result 6346 result (v) 6342, 8999 result from 6132 resume (v) 3760 resume 7498 resumption 3815 resurrection 6887 retail 2030. 5438, 5791 retail (v) 7753 retail price 5544 retailer 2030, 5438 retained 4928 retaliation 3694 retaliatory 3694 retardation 8430 retarded 6056 retention 2836, 3021 retinue 2849 retire 8963 retired 5569 retirement 8581 retirement home 5990

711 round


«$|. 8607 ^3645, 8984

S S S IS j

* 2 L * v 6975 ^ ^ '3 3 4 7 . 6974, 7166 Ute favour 4>9t

1019.1101, 1340. 4348 — *1 cos'* fe ^ n g s

7 7 4 2

itRifed 362S __ .. 3694. 9223 noK oneself 3677 fcrtsue 2299 sk r W ^ ***1*2538

U¥iB£ fS7j *ie* 33*7. 3814. 5961

giiev (v) 3757 15*1*6978

jcriuoo 3347. 5961 jnr*c 3664 jn o tf 8984. 7267

iew*t52S rnok (v> 8928 globed 3858

irwisnoa 3643, 9123 ie*oiaaoo (orcle) 1658. 1733 re»ofat»(Hry 9109, 9124 xrobt 1627 israfoag 1677

i n d 4092 nrwrd (vj 3073, 4244. 4245,

4090 te c ric 1144

&yae 657ft teaed proie 5135 tbyte 3710 ofcllj* teen 1195 rice 7148 *** puddrog 7148 2319, 2394. 7119 •te r 2319 te n 9130 04 U5. -8 '»«7 fjon ggn(V um ber 2 7 8341 *roogode 6573 Your Grace 7418, 7514 wrooged5401 your humble servant 4942 your very good health! 6216 X m y 4263, 8200 your wish is mycommand 767, way (v) 7764 7108 uaophobia 4495 yours 3507, 8341 yours truly 4942 Y youth 7877, 7889, 8126 yacht 8168 youth (young man) 7883 yard 2673 youth hostel 2219 yarns(stories) 3224 youth leader 5767 yjnj (v) 9042 youth movement 7889 year 113.2109, 7362, 7495 youthfulness 7877 •t(, weachother 8896 S , 578.4356.4358. 5741 writhe(v) 8915

yearly 7359 years 2751, 3865 yarning 8106

yonago 7362 yofl3I15

jeflo* 935, 3844 yellowish 91 Yeses 9642

yes490,1030.6119 yes [] did! 4520,4743

yes, I did! 4743, 5403 yotaday 5406, 5409 yesterdayevening 5213, 5809 yotaday morning 5406. 7821 yet4593 yield 2299, 5175

fo, brother! 676, 3221. 3234 yob 1038, 2480 yofce 6433 )olk 7647

yoo9672 you! 9462

JW(mttog) 718, 3682, 4203 >°“tf*ttg) 1880. 3683. 4396 7°“(® f pl) 3698. 4443, 4446, 4464 >00(one) 9432 and1793,9602 Tooandme 793.9602 know... 9626 youtwo8956 WtYe loo kind! 4725 ,0ufc*dcome! 54. 55, 8223


zap (v) 6607 zeal 2557, 2714 zebra crossing 4767, 5066 Zeitgeist 244 zero 7453, 7794 Zionist 7668 zip 4053, 7276 zip code 5121 zipper 4053, 7276 zoo 2627 zucchini 4498.



Verb T ables game directions for use . dictionar>', each verb is given in its two basic forms: fat [ifut] - he entered [he enters / v , _ je ^ the 3rdperson masculine singular of the past tense and the 3rdperson ^scaline singular of the imperfect tense (without b-*). Throughout the dictionary, these forms are followed by abbreviations such as v-la, v-2, V'/Oi t etc.*which direct the user to the different verb patterns in the following Tables. Fast tense k,thepasttense ofall verbs, the third person - he. she. the.y (whether masculine or f»n ,t,y aalar orplural) - has a shared form which is different from the form of the 1st and 2nd

persons: Y-l


she they


he she they

katab katbat katabu nizel nizlat nizlu


we you (pl) /

we you

katab-t katab-na katab-tu nzel-t nzel-na nzel-tu

Notethat in v*l and v-2, above, the stress falls: - Onthe first syllable in the 3rd person - Onthe syllable before the endings (-t, -na, -tu) in the 1st and 2nd person. v-3

he she they


he she they

rama ramat ramu saf safat safu


we you I

we you

rame-t rame-na rame-tu suf-t Suf-na suf-tu

kotethatinall verbs you will find similar differences between the 3rd person and persons.


Imperfect The term 'imperfect', as used in this dictionary, designates the verb form given in square brackets after the form in the past tense, e.g., katab [yikteb], fat [ifut]. The imperfect is used to express the following: - The present-future tense. In this case it is preceded by initial b- (see under b-* in the dictionary). - The subjunctive. In this case the verb is not preceded by b- (see rule [20]).

Forms of the imperative The imperative is formed by dropping the i- or y- of the imperfect form given in brackets: [ifut] —> fut! [ikammel] —► kammel! [yurbot] —> urbot / ’urbot! [yiijac] —> iijac / ’irjac!


V-l pronoun

fatah «




sakan < h e lived kasar he iinnprfiprt illipCI lCLl v-la v-lo

he opened



'a-ftah *

































tu-s°knu /tusk°nu















tikesru/tikseru yu-s°knu2/yuskonu:5 yikcsru3/yikseru

Active part, fateh saken

fem fatha4 fem sakne4

[fathin] [saknln]

Passive part, maftuh maskun maksur

fem maftuha4 fem maskune4 fem maksura4

[maftuhfn] [maskunln] [maksurln]


Verbal noun fateh, kas:

SH .'ui'.S.;

going us < prevented me [that] I go in>

% Of after words such as lazem tils

763 bidun-ma yismac qabcj-ma yfji

without his hearing < w i t h o u t - t h a t h o h e a r > before he arrives

Note: The imperfect with b- indicates an action in the present or future, states a fact (that’s how it is / that's how it’s going to be), and is not dependent on a preceding verb: lamina bafut = when I go in

bafut bafden = HI go in afterwards

bazuro bukra = I’U visit him tomorrow Compare: ba(iob innojfut

/ask htm to come i n < . . . t h a t h e c o m e in>

- request

ba(ref inno bifut

/know that he comes in

- fact

There is, however, an apparent exception to this: - In phrases such as rah-akammel (I shall finish /I'm going to finish) the imperfect without b- is used to indicate a future fact. This is not such an exception as it appears: rob' is a contraction of rdyeh (I ’m going (to]), and so, in fact, the verb akammel is dependent on the preceding verb rdyeh as described above in paragraph 1). (|0 Verbs marked with this number start with the letter i*. These are verbs of the infa