The Passage of The Angel of Death [PDF]

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The Warmaster and his allies strike at Terra. The First Sons are roarshisdefiancDeath e. stridesinhiswake. Herefollows a timeline of keyevents that tookplaceinthesoutherreaches n ofthegalaxy during thelatteryearsof HorusHeresy.


++ Compiled by manifold and diverse handsattheorderof theActing Councilof Terra++ ++ Istar-Apelph-IX Clearance required to view ++

++ Displaying Extract Sample Entries in chronological order++ The Primarch Lion El’Jonson and the Ist Legionembarkupona punitivecampaign of extermination across-the southern

galaxy. Weapons fromthedarkdaysof OldNightareunleasheas dtheDark Angels venttheirLegion’s furyupon Traitorstrongholds uponworldafter world,leaving behind them a trailof blackeneddead , planets.

This systematic annihilation of worlds richin resourcdeprives es theWarmaster ofprecioumaterie s needed l tomaintain a lengthy siege at Terra,andheisforced tohasten hisplanned invasion oftheSol System. The Traitors’ sundered armies, fleeing before theLion'swrath,rallyaround theplanetBarbarus,homeworldof the

DeathGuardLegion. There, Mortarion’s indomitable sonsintendtohalttheLion’s crusade of vengeance andseethethreat posed bythose dreadwarriors ended and buried in themudof their grimworld.






The war for the Sol System begins in earnestas Traitor Battlegroupsof the XIVth Legion(DeathGuard)strike infiltration forces and probing raids test the defences set out in fromtheirhomeworldof Barbarus to capturenearby place by the Primarch Rogal Dorn. The VIJth Legion (Imperial andto carveout theirown rich in resources starsystems Fists),supported by elements of the Legio Custodes, deploy Tyrinthan pocketempirein the region.The prosperous their warshipsalongsidethoseof the Imperialfleet and Commonwealthis violently subjugated.Its principal fight indozens of conflicts across the Sol ensure System to hiveworld,Tyrinth Prime,is reducedto a smouldering the approaches to Terra remain defended. The XXth Legion wastelandof phosphexand rad stormsas a warningto (AlphaLegion)are amongstthe key instigatorsof such The wider theothereightworldsof theCommonwealth. attacks, their own coming fleet within striking distance of bringsthe DeathGuardinto contactwith the campaign humanity's Throneworld at the Battleof Pluto. Conflict of LuthTyre.TheIronWarriors stronghold Traitor-aligned within the system notisconcluded until the eventual lifting thereagreeto supplythe sonsof Mortarion garrisoned of the Siege of Terra. from the planet’s with war materiel,fuel and chemicals for a sharein theplunder in exchange refineries sprawling {SeeExtrapolationAddendaCVX-CVXVIIl - Classified taken from pillaged Loyalist worlds. Amaranth-Gold}





of theX1VthLegion(DeathGuard)garrison Elements Civil war engulfs the numerous lesser Forge Worlds located of Barbarusassaultthe vast industrial hives of acrossbordersectorsof the Segmentum Tempestus and Malagant,a world madevaluableby the strategic Segmentum Pacificus, known collectively as the Belt of Iron. The Forge World of Jerulas Station silent falls after a

distresscall from its Loyalistgarrisonis hurledinto the void in desperation. It speaks of rebellion and of ancient technologicalhorrors unleashedby the insurrectionists scouringentire forge-citiesof life. The void bordersof Arachnus,hometo the LegioVenator(Iron Spiders)Titan and loyaltiesareviolently Legion,are closedas ideologies divided,plungingthe once-prosperous ForgeWorld into internecine civil war.

worth of its manufactoriaand a beaconof defiance

onslaught.Yet wherethe againstthe Warmaster’s auxilia to crushtheMalagantine DeathGuardexpects miredin cunning in shortorder,theyfindthemselves led by ambushesand punishingcounter-attacks wearingthe sablearmourof the XIXth Legionaries Legion (RavenGuard).Lackingthe numbersto meet

thesonsof Coraxplytheirdeadly theenemyhead-on, skills as skirmishers and assassins upon their erst brothers.Unable to abandonsuch vital location,the

Traitors are trapped on the planet for three years are prevented from joining the defence of Barbar




THE Lion’s WRATH UNLEASHED The world of Davinis destroyed in thefirstactof the Dark Angels’ judgement upon the Traitors. The Ruinstorm beginsdissipate, to allowing the Dark Angels embark to on a crusade of extermination against Traitor worldsacross the vastreaches of the Imperium’s southern segmenta. At the Lion’s direct command, longforbidden weapons fromearliest the daysof the Great Crusade are loosed upon those who turned from the Emperor,burning whole worlds from existence.The Dark Angels’ crusade of extermination designed is both to punish the Traitors and destroy their military

assets in the region, preventing the creation of a ‘second front’ unified against Terra.




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At Yarant Ill, the Vith Legion (Space Wolves) make a stand against forces from all the Legions they have f over the years, now come to carry out their executio

Captain Abaddon, elements of the XVIth Legion (Sons of Horus),

the XIIth Legion (World Eaters), the XXth Legion (Alpha Le

and theresurgent XVth Legion (Thousand Sons) inflict heavy casualties on the Space Wolves. the odds As mount against the sonsof Russ,theyaresuddenly reinforced bythearrivalof Corvus CoraxandtheX1XthLegion(Raven Guard).TheLoyalists manage to fight their way clear of the Traitor lines. At the behestof PrimarchCorax,theSpace Wolvesaretakento theRavenGuard’s fortressmonastery at Deliverance to rebuildtheirstrengthand await Leman Russ’ recovery from his wounds.

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Chemos,thehomeworld of thellIrd Legion(Emperor’s Children),comes under direct attackby the Ist Legion (Dark Angels).The Dark Angels’

The Visageof Vengeance, a 1VthLegion

vastarmadasmashes throughthe Emperor’s Childrensystemdefence fleet,leavingbehindthemonly the smouldering wrecksof venerable IIrd Legionwarshipsand frozencorpsesfloatingin the darkness of thevoid.The invasionthatfollowsseesthe Dreadwingdeployto the surfaceof Chemosen masseto engage the Illrd Legiongarrisonand plant seismicdevicesof immensepotencyin key locationson the

Warp after escaping the chaotic void battle over the ravaged world of Tallarn, finally breaksinto realspacenear the Traitor stronghold of Luth Tyre. The survivors onboard, comprising Iron Warriors Legionariesand a large number of

planet. The Emperor'sChildren, though vastly outnumbered,fight

fiercelyin defence of theirhomeworldandinflictheavycasualties upon theinvaders, but ultimatelyit is a futileeffort.The Dreadwing proves merciless in theprosecution of attackson strategic targetsandscours enemystrongholds of all lifeusingweapons bornof humanity’s darkest nightmares. With theirobjectives completed, theDarkAngelsreturnto theirfleetin orbitandremotely detonate theseismicmacro-charges. A chainof catastrophic explosions wracksChemosandsplitsits tectonic platesapart,creating kilometres-deep canyons thatswallowtheplanet's glitteringmetropolises into their cavernous depths.At the heightof this cataclysm, the DarkAngelsfleetbeginsthe orbitalbombardment of Chemos,launchinga spreadof cyclonictorpedoes at predetermined weakspotsacrosstheworld’ssurface, eachstrikepiercingtheweakened crustanddetonating withinChemos’ core.Theonce-proud homeworld of the IlIrd Legionbreaksapart,sendingcolossalslabsof planetary debristumblingthroughspace. The Chemossystem is declared Perdita, and warningbeaconspromisingswift retributionupon anytrespassers

areplacedaroundthesystem’s boundaries beforetheDarkAngelsdepart to continue their crusade of vengeance.


(Iron Warriors) battle cruiser in lost the

indentured Mechanicum automata, make

planetfallin the inhospitable deserts of Luth Tyre to join forces with the existing garrisonof theirLegion onthe planet. The presence of Death Guard Legionaries ontheplanetis alsonoted,andlittletrust issharedbetween thenewcomers andthe existinggarrison,who seemto prioritise

theneedsof theDeathGuardoverthose of their own Legion brethren.


THE LIBERATION OF SARONICAN An Expeditionary force composed of elements of the Xlllth Legion (Ultramarines) the and Calth High Guard Solar Auxilia dispatched is by the Lion topacify the hive worlds of the SaronicanGulf. The Ultramarines and their support troops engage with rebellious Imperial Army regiments and rogueoffleets the XIIth Legion (World Eaters) in a prolonged campaign across three star systems. Eventually, the sons of Guilliman emerge from this conflict bloodied but victorious. However, their victory comes at

the cost of the Expeditionary force being left behind by the Dark Angels, who move on to the next stagesof their relentlesscampaign of extermination, free from thescrutiny and increasing unease of the Ultramarines.



In the aftermath of the Shadow Crusade, splinter forces of th Eaters, abandoned by the main bulk of their Legion, come to form warbands that are later designated Butcher as Fleets. Unbidden

by the wider goals of the civil war, these roving forces raze system in the galacticeastof Segmentum Tempestus, laying waste to worlds and murdering their populationsin a frenziedrampage of destruction.Strategicplanningand tacticallogic appearto be forgotten as conventional military targets such - as the mineral-rich moons of Lorthar IX or the agri-domes of Stelnar and their va - areignored in favour of populous locations where only senseles carnage can be wrought.





Scatteredelementsof the Illrd Legion (Emperor's Children) fleeing the destruction of Chemos fight a long and bloody campaign across the PaleStarsregion against XVIIJJth

Elements of the XVIJth Legion (Word Bearers) trace a path of death and destruction across Argolian the Sub-sector, targetingsystemsleft wounded and defenceless in the wake of the destruction wrought the byroving Butcher

Legion (Salamanders)forces from the garrison of Nocturne. During the campaign,

Fleets of the XIIth Legion (World Eaters). The Word Bearers

the Salamanders tirelessly purge the worlds that have been corrupted theby influence of the sons of Fulgrim, repurifying them in an effort to prevent the Emperor’s Children from establishing a new realm near the borders of the XVIIIth Legion’s home world.

scour the region, finding refugees cowering numerous in locations such as the subterranean Kentas Hive on Ralnath or the void-docks of Theta-One-Four. These survivors are corralled and sacrificed in dark rituals of arcane

significance, reaping death a toll of such great magnitude that the powers behind the veil begin to harken the dea scream of billions echoing through the empyrean.






Keen to take advantage of the devastation left The in Ist Legion (Dark Angels) fleets reach keyLuth mustering Tyre, aworld for t the wake of the Legion Ist (Dark Angels) and the Traitors sitting upon one of the most stable warp routes in the s Xllth Legion (World Eaters), fractious warbands

The Lion can ill-afford the obliteration of such a valuable prize a of VIllthLegion (Night Lords) move to fill the Knight-Praetors to deploy their Orders and capturethe thename world ofin vacuumleft behindby the passageof both Terra. The Dark Angels make planetfall in the wake of an orbital the Loyalistand Traitor hosts.Self-appointed so intense that fuses it the planet's rolling white desert to plains of ja warlords prey upon the worldsravaged by the and sets theupper layers ofatmosphere the ablaze. Luth Tyre’s IVth Legion roiling conflict,using the disorderand chaos (Iron Warriors) garrison and their XIVth Legion (Death Guard) mount allies left behindto establishpetty fiefdoms.The a valiantresistance against overwhelming enemy numbers, onebut byone vainglorious kingsof theseturbulentdomains their strongholds are blasted to rubble and utterly destroyed by sit uneasily upon their thrones, ever fearful of a Isolated Iron Warriors forces mount desperate last stands among hidden daggerthe inhands of those they once shattered fortresses and broken refineries across the world, with the calledbrother.Fuelledby the carrionspoils, continuing to rise for the invading Loyalists. they enslave the surviving populations of colony thefighting,a combined Death Guard,Iron Warriorsand Traitor worlds such as Rhyntax and Khorbal and During conscript force mounts adaringattempt to reachLuth Tyre’stertiary the sundered remains of their once-proud Mechanicum armies spaceport at the planet’ssouthpole.They fighttheir way through massed to launch spiteful sortiesinto nearbysystems, forces and packs of raging Ambulls a desperate in bid to reach the spreadingpall a of darkness and fear throughLoyalist the spaceport’s warp-capable craft, which they use to escape into th sectors south of the galactic core. Luth Tyre firmly under Imperial control.





Hungry for the strategic prize that Rogal Dorn’s home world represents A Ist Legion(DarkAngels)flotilla is sent to investigaterumoursof an unidentifiedfleet and the industrial wealth of its surrounding empire, a vast Traitor fleet, led byelements of the IlIrd Legion (Emperor’s Children) and roving lurking inthe isolatedThassos system the in The Angels are forces allied the to Warmaster, attacks the worlds of the Inwit Cluster. Segmentum Tempestus. Dark Each piecemeal assault repelled is by the garrison of the VIlth Legionambushed by a reaving warbandthe of VIlJth (Imperial Fists) and the loyalist Auxilia forces stationed the system, in Legion (Night Lords) as they arrive in the who are in turn forced to fall back from their forward positions in clashes and suffer severelosses.The NightLords are of growing intensity. Eventually, the Loyalists are retreat forced to to denied the killing blow when an irregular f Inwit, where they are besieged by the numerically superior Traitor warships bearing the sigils of the Xth Legion fleets. The Imperial Fists lose dozens of warships in desperate Hands), attemptsthe XVIIIth Legion (Salamanders) and to break theblockade and seek reinforcements. However, frigate the

the XIXth Legion (Raven Guard) emerges from

Astral Majesty manages to break through and successfully translate the asteroid into field around Thassos Secundu the Warp. The heavily damaged warship of the Vllth forced Legion is intervenes. Caught between the surviving to exit the Warp near the system of Amaranthine in the galactic Angels south, vessels andnewly the arrived Shattered where, by chance alone, encounters it a scout element of the Ist Legion Legions force, the Night Lords hurriedly (Dark Angels) fleet. The surviving Imperial are Fists taken before the withdraw from the Thassos system, aband Lion to request the assistance of the Dark Angels in lifting thethe siege smouldering of wrecks of several warships Inwit, but they are denied. The sons of Dorn are instead conscripted their Legion. by Thirstingafor chance to avenge the lord of theLegion Ist to be part of his crusade of vengeance. They the terriblelossestheysuffered on the killing reluctantly join their forces with those of the Dark Angels and aid them fields of Isstvanthe V, Shattered Legions force is in the prosecution of their campaign, leaving behind the peopleoffered of Inwitfresh supplies of arms and munitio to face their enemies alone and without aid. is subsequently tasked by the Lion with sc the nearby systems of Traitor forces.





the role of the Emperor's Executioner The mineral-rich worlds of the Vrexor sub-sector come under Personifying attack by Russ leads the resurgent VIth Legion (Spa forces belongingthe to Traitor Forge World of Valia-Maximal joinedLeman by in a rampage across stars. the The Space elements of the Legio Laniaskara (Impalers). Titan maniples ofWolves) the Legio Wolves are a Legionincensed- having suffered Astraman (Morning Stars), Skitarii battalions and Taghmata from the terrible lossessince the dawn of thecivil war in Forge World of Graia stand defence in of Vrexor’s seven systems. The defence of their unshakeable loyaltyto Terra warriors pledged to the rival Forge Worlds eagerly seek out their ancient has that adversaries, looking settle to old grudges open in battle. The resulting and they vent that fury upon any planet embraced conflict sees the armies of Graia and Valia-Maximal engage each otherthe in Traitors’cause.On the armoury world of Vezdell Secundus, a chapter-strength forc protracted warfare, with scores of inhabited worlds in the region suffering as they become the battlegrounds upon which they fight. Countless of XXthlives Legion (Alpha Legion) and their Securran are loston both sides, and,the asconflict reachesbloody a stalemate,

Janissaries Solar Auxilia serfs are eradicated by an

invading strike forceof SpaceWolves led by the calls for reinforcements go out, drawing more Loyalist and Traitor forces Primarch Leman Russ himself. In the aftermath o from the surrounding sub-sectors into this bitter struggle for supremacy. When the call for aid reaches the Ist Legion (Dark Angels), the Lion the sends conflict, the Space Wolves seize huge amounts

the elements of the Legio Atarus (Firebrands) and Knights from of war House materieland armoured vehicles from the Orhlacc accompanying his fleet to assist the Graian forces. However, armouries heof the Alpha Legion before departing t will spare none of his own sons from the bitter war for revenge corpse-choked against ruins of Vezdell Secundus to look his own treacherous brothers that has come to dominate his fresh plans.worlds to murder.





Spearheaded the by mighty warships Endurance

The vast fleet of the Ist Legion (Dark Angels) reaches the moon

and Terminus Est, the main bulk of the XIVth

of Deliverance in the Kiavahr system. There, inthe fortress of

Legion(DeathGuard) fleet entersthe Warp to the XIXth Legion (Raven Guard), the Lion meets with his brother join the Warmaster’s attackthe onSol System Primarchs Corvus Corax and Leman Russ. The quick Lion to is and Terra. The Death Guard garrison of Barbarusquestion Corax’s absence from all the major fronts of the war Isstvan, but his put ire is to rest by Leman Russ, who points at the receives terse communications from _ their Primarch Mortariondefend to their home world survival of his own Legion as proof of the Raven Lord’s continu from allthreats at any cost. Any attempts made loyaltyto the Emperor.Fully recoveredfrom the wounds he by the Barbaran forces establish to contact with suffered in the Trisolian system, Leman Russ declares that he all VIth Legion (Space Wolves) warriors on Deliverance will join their Primarch andascertaindetails further to the Dark Angelstheir in crusade of obliteration. To appease the this curt communication aremet with ominous silence.Heeding Mortarion’s standing last order, Lion’s call to arms, and knowing well the fate that befalls those who do not demonstrate loyalty the First as Primarch expects it, Castellan-Praetor Vrokhorn of the Death Guard Corax offers vast quantities of munitions and supplies from th enacts brutal a campaign of forced-recruitment= and acceleratedimplantation,depleting the |¥% forge-fanes of Kiavahrto the Dark Angels and Space Wolves, populationsof the XIVth Legion'sfief-worlds |}¢. including thousands of newly created of Mark suits VI ‘Corvus’ around Barbarusin order to reinforce the pattern power armour. Hesitant to commit any significant portion numbers of his Legionaries, thus consigning the of his depletedLegion towhat heseesas an undertaking of once-mighty realm of the Death Guard wither to excessive violence and needless waste, Corax small assigns only a away and fall into ruin. Expeditionary force ofRaven his Guard accompany to the Dark Angels in the next stages of their campaign. number Few in but bearing the experiencethousand of a battlefields between them, the Raven Guard depart Deliverance with orders to eliminate enemy targets ahead of the Lion’s onslaught in order to save worlds from complete annihilation.


THE YDURSK INCIDENT A contingent of Raven Guard Legionariesstealth mounts a

operation on the world of Ydursk against Traitor Imperial Army forces under the command of Tyrant-General Maylon Idar II.Despite their overwhelming numerical superiority, Idar’s forces are dismantled piece by a planet-wide piece in seriesof coordinatedstrikesby the RavenGuard.The 013.M31: command chain of the turncoatsent armyinto is disarray as IRON AND STONE assassinations conducted by XIXth Legion snipers eliminate The batteredremnantsof the IVth Legion (lron key members of Idar’s inner circle in sequence. Incapable Warriors) of garrison fleeingruination the ofLuth Tyre discerning the true nature of his assailants and unable to arrive at Barbarus. Though few number, in they bring strike back athis shadowy attackers, Idar consolidates his

with them scores of Mechanicum battle-automata, remaining forces within the capital fortress of Ydursk where which they swiftly deploy part as of the defensive lines,

he broadcasts call afor diplomacy. His call is answered by using the expertise of their Legion to greatly enhan clandestine agents of Corax’s Legion, not but methebyis an fortifications of Barbarus. Knowing that the grim h emissary in the centre of the grand courtyard of his palatial world of the Death Guard oneis of the few strongholds residence, as per his requests. Instead, a single mass-reactive left for the Warmaster’s Legions in the southern r round fired at hypersonic velocity ends his reign. When the Imperium, they vow to defend Barbarus to the of the Ist Legion (Dark Angels) reaches fleet Ydursk, the planet is drop of Olympian blood and make to the encroaching back under Imperial control, sparing it the Lion’s judgement. Loyalist forces pay a heavy price before the end.





of the VIth Legion(SpaceWolves) With thebulk of the XIVth Legion (Death Guard) unaccounted A vanguard fleet

for since their fleet's departure for the Sol System, an emissary clashes with of a X1Vth Legion (Death Guard) raid the XVIth Legion (Sons of Horus) sent tois Barbarus to investigatereturning to Barbarus from the systems surrounding the absenceof Mortarionand his Legion.JustaerinCaptain Galaspar.Vicious boardingactionsare launchedby ArbrasHaax arrives at the home worldof the XIVth Legion both fleets, and terrible destruction unleashed is in the as accompanied by an elite contingent of Sons of Horus. There he closeconfinesof corridorsand enginarium decks finds the Barbaran garrison heavily engaged in a bloody Legionaries campaign from both sides cripple seek toor capture of enforcedconscriptions,with the ranks of the standing enemy vessels. The Space Wolves inflict heavy Legionary force swelled by new inductees. Despite the fatethis, on the Death Guard and force them to retreat, capturi of Mortarion himself cannot be ascertained, and the X1Vth theLegion XIVth Legion grand cruiser Dawn of Desola the process.The Death Guard survivors who return command is far from forthcoming regarding the motivations for their heightened state of activity. Haax isforced to remain to their home world warn Castellan-Praetor Vrok upon Barbarus aas conduit for the Warmaster’s under will, the that the arrival of the Loyalist hosts is now imm instruction to bring harsh censure upon the Death Guard response, should the siege-masters of the X1Vth order they be foolish enough defy to the will of the Warmasterheas of Barbarus to be flooded, creating thousands stands on the threshold of victory. kilometres of chem-marshes the areas in surrounding their strongholds.Void shield generatorssplutter into life, coughing clouds of noxious toxins into the atmosphere they as casthazy a aegis above comman centres and harbour areas. The defensive guns emplacement on the planet are turned skyward through the world’s cloying atmosphere, and th ever-vigilant for the coming attack.

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Ambitious to carry the momentum of their Primarch’s campaign forwards, an impetuous contingent of the Ist Legion (Dark Angels) reaches the Forge World of Zhao-Arkhad the galactic in south-west and proceeds to make planettfall principal at itsforge-fanes. The Dark Angels exit their drop pods and orbital assault transports to encounter warriors clad in the crimson armour of the XVth Legion (Thousand So previously thought to have been destroyed at the hands of Leman Russ and his Legion. Emerging fr psi-mists obscuring the forge-fanes, the Thousand Sons do not open fire on the Dark Angels. Instead proclaim loyalty to the Emperor and offer to parley. Under orders from the Lion himself to subjugate Traitor Forge World, and believing the Prosperine warlocks to be lying, the Dark Angels begin offens operations across their landing sites on Zhao-Arkhad. Determined to not allow Zhao-Arkhad to suffer same fate as their devastated home world, Prospero, the Thousand Sons unleash their psychic might seemingly endless tide of battle-automata against the invaders, inflicting severe losses on the Dark An The Ist Legion forces launch three successive counter-assaults in order to push the enemy out of the shrinking landing sites established by the Dark Angels, but eachgoals. fails to Hundreds achieve ofits Loyalist lives are lost when Titans from the Legio Xestobiax (Iron Vigil) intervene to put an end to fated invasion. The remaining Dark Angels hastily withdraw to their fleet and enforce an orbital bloc of Zhao-Arkhad, awaiting further orders from the Lion. [Extract sanctioned for data purge]



++End Readout Précis++ 24,726 Additional entries of this

A vast Loyalist armada breaks from the Warp into the Barbarus document able to view at current system, spearheaded by Lion El’Jonson’s Gloriana class flagship, clearance status++ the Invincible Reason. Alongside the fleetsof the Ist Legion (Dark Angels) sail the warships of the XIXth Legion (Raven Guard) and those of the VIth Legion (Space Wolves), led by their

Primarch Leman Russ. The Loyalist armada smashes through the scant few remaining XVIth Legion (Death Guard) ships that stand in defence of their home world obliterate to the inner system defence platforms and orbital stations and, at last, reach

Barbarus’ orbit. Swarmsof Death Guard Stormbirdsand Thunderhawks rise from the planet’s surfacemount to futile attack runs in a desperate bidgive to their brothers on the ground time to prepare for the coming invasion, but they are swiftly shot down by massed formations of interceptor craft launched from the bays of Raven Guard cruisers. Sheltering behind the multiple layersof void-shielded defences, Death the Guard and their allies look up as the pale sun ofeclipsed Barbarus by isscores of falling drop pods and swarms of orbital landing craft that bring the wrath of two Primarchs and warriors from three Loyalist Legions to the surface of Barbarus.

Emperor's Children — follows year a later. As the he Solar War has been raging for almost three Warmaster’s forces converge on Terra, the Lion continues years, the forces loyal to the Emperor doggedly

Barbarus clear. — defending the cradle of Humanity from theinto the galactic south, his intentions home world of the Death Guard -bewill the next to fall. Warmaster’s Traitor Legions. Yet across the galaxy,

countless battles still rage between the Legiones Astartes

Over the next few issues, Loyalists and Traitors alike and their allies. The Ultramarines fight battle after battle across the Ultima Segmentumtheir in attempt to reach gather their forces preparation in for one almighty battle. Terra before Horus can land his killing blow, while In this inaugural article, we introduce the Legion six disparate warbands from the Shattered Legions conduct commanders and discover their plans for their armies. guerilla wars and desperate strikes on Traitor fleets, Next issue, we'll showcase their assembled collections six mighty Space Marine armies ready do to battle on the worlds and supply lines. The Space Wolves, now broken toxic surface of the Death Guard’s home world. Follow as aLegion, unleash hell on every front. Meanwhile, Lion a room, in give thembig a ’ ElJonson leads the Dark Angels on crusade a of ruthless that, we'll chuck our Praetors bucket of dice and some tape measures and let them » extermination, laying waste to Traitor strongholds, duke itout inone massive Battle Report that recreates t lanetary systems and even Legiones Astartes home Fallthe of Barbarus. It’s going to be an exciting few months! jorlds. Davin obliterated. is Chemos — home world of



In his quest for vengeance, Lion El Jonson leads an army of Loyal forces stationed on the Death Guard home world of Barbarus. In the


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The Raven Guard afford can to ill send warriors to Barbarus. However, vengean Massacrelong is overdue. Ben Webb talks about his army so far.

Ben: The Raven Guard force I've assembled Fists and Death Guard, both of which rely on close assault and attrition on the battlefield. represents part of Corax’s contribution theto Loyalist campaign that Lion El’Jonson led to Barbarus. By this pointthe in Horus Heresy, the I'm planning to emphasise the white accent colour of the Raven Guard heraldrypaint as | my = Raven Guard were depleted number in —having struggled toreplace the warriors lostIsstvan at V army, partly to add contrast and partly to mak them visually distinct from the Dark Angels — so Corax turned to guerilla warfare. The army BEN also I represented here is an elite force, utilising Mor will be allied with (who also wear black). WEBB decided that would I paint my models subin Deythan squads and Sicaran Arcus tanks Ben aisHorus Heresy writer in intended to sap the enemy's strength from a assemblies, allowing me to use both Chaos Bla the Specialist and Corax White spray paints. Details were distance. At which point, the swift and deadly Design Studio. When he’s not Dark Fury squads sweep away the remnants. added, including decals from the Raven Guard painting Raven his Transfer Sheet. relied | on some heavy Guard, he can be I selected this force asties it instrongly with the weathering to add an extra level of detail and found devising my Legionaries, rather than attemp narrative events that run up to the battle for interest to new ways to conquer the the crisp edge highlighting that apredominantly Barbarus, and it’s something invigoratingly galaxy. different to my existing collections of Imperial black colour scheme usually requires.


| used two shades of black distinguish to the more functional, oiled weapons from the ceramite power armour. Once the models were fully painted and the white areas glued| on, applied washes of thinned-down Typhus Corrosion and XV-88

into the recesses of

the armour (mostly around the legs) to show build a up of dust and sand. | used purple mark to out unit leaders and addto a flash colour of the to jump pack wings.

BLACK ARMOUR METALS Basecoat: Abaddon Black Highlight: Corvus Black Highlight: Dawnstone


Highlight: Stormhost Silver


Basecoat: Mechanicus Basecoat: Genestealer Standard Grey Purple Wash: Agrax EarthshadelWash: Druchii

RED EYE LENSES Highlight: Dechala Lilac Basecoat: Mephiston Red WHITE PAULDRONS Wash: Khorne Red Wash: Apothecary 4 White



Having recovered from wounds received during the Battle of Trisolian, Le hisnewforce. - tellsusabout oftheVikaFenryka - commander JamesKarch toaidtheLion. pelts, talismans and suchlike that we associate James: I’ve beenSpace a Wolves fan for longer the 41st Millennium.made I use of a than Ican remember, having collected them in with them in fair number of heads, packs and weapons from Warhammer 40,000 for many years. haveI also the Warhammer 40,000 kits, plus some of the built and painted few a armies for The Horus Forge World resin upgrade setspersonalise to Heresy. Now have I combined the two into a each of my warriors. Space Wolves (or should sayI Vika Fenryka?)

army! The story behind my force that they is are With regards to painting, I’ve gone fairly for a the survivors of the Battle of Trisolian, now joined Who let him back clean look on my models, using traditional with the Dark Angels attack to Barbarus. When in? Jamesthe is the force becomes larger, plan | for it to be led by shades and highlights followed by plenty of Warhammer World Forge Leman Russ, but for now my fledgling force is World transfers and some light weathering, Studio Manager, a which suits the Heresy style. Inspired by the former A Tale of commanded by Jarl Joryn Wolfhowl. Four Warlords artwork for the Space Wolves, I've picked red as warlord and a In terms of building my models, I've tried keep to my spot colour for eyes, plumes and unit tepeat offender it to things fairly simple with basic kitbashing. Imarkings, with important weapon components, when comes painting stuff for such as plasma coils and power weapons, picked wanted the army to look and feel like Space out in a frosty blue. Meena Wolves without going over the top with the wolf


| painted my Legionaries’ armour inthe traditional dark grey associated with the Space Wolves of the Horus| Heresy. used Rhinox Hide shade as afor the cool, slightly blue grey, providingwarmer, a contrasting tone the in armour's recesses. For consistency, also |used Rhinox Hide shade to their packs and pouches and as the basecoat for the battle damage. The battle damage was applied with tiny a piece of sponge and concentrated on the areas most likely see to wear andsuch tear, as the greaves and gauntlets. | then highlighted them along the bottom edges give to them 3D a


GREY ARMOUR Basecoat: Mechanicus Standard Grey

BROWN LEATHERWEAPON CASINGS/ SOFT ARMOUR Basecoat: Doombull Brown Basecoat: Abaddon Black

Glaze: Rhinox Hide

Airbrush: Dawnstone

Highlight: Mechanicus

Recess Wash: Abaddon Recess Wash: Rhinox Hide Black

Highlight: Dawnstone

Black 1:1

Highlight: Skrag Brown


BRASS TRIM |Basecoat: Runelordq Brass CHIPPING Wash: Wyldwood & Contrast Medium 1:1

Standard Grey & Abaddon

Sponge: Rhinox Hide

Highlight: Grey Seer

(Ber Runelord Brass Highlight: Canoptek Alloy

Highlight: Stormhost Silver

Bese: Leadbelcheniill

Shade: Nuln Oi eM ecdvelcner=


Highlight: Stormhost Silver



The Lion and the Dark Angels stand ready to unleash their wrath upon t Here,FirstCaptain Dimitrios Tampakoudis explains theplansforhisarmy.

Dimitrios: |already have afairly sizeable army of manner to show that they enter the fray at k Heresy-era Dark Angels, but willI happily take moments or unleash their firepower fromFor afar. any opportunity to add to them, especially new if the iconography on banners and vehicles, use models are involved. The inspiration for my most both Forge World and Citadel transfers. plan | to recent force came from stories such as Savage cut around some of the shapes (such as wing Weapons by Aaron Dembski-Bowden and Angels andof add them to other transfers layers, in waiting Caliban by Gav Thorpe, not to mention the for one to fully dry before applying the next ina DIMITRIOS form of layered transfer kitbash. The Horus TAMPAKOUDISextensive lore that exists for the Dark Angels, Dimi aisHorus covering their history, traditions and heraldry. Heresy Dark Angels transfer sheetbe willthe Heresy writer the in main source of transfers for the army thanks its Specialist Design to paint each unit ain subtly different wealth of icons and unit markings. Studio and Dark My plan is Angels collector. way according to their battlefield role. The Legion

He denies contact Tactical Squads and Dreadwing Interemptors, Thefor Lion and the Dark Angels stand ready

with Caliban and is





example,will show heavy signs of battle damage

unaware an of ‘Imperium

because they have been fighting at the forefront allies pay for their foul betrayal and to pr of the Legion’s assault, while the characters in the andwords of the First Primarch, ‘Loyalty its

Secundus’ ...





vehicles willbe highlighted in a more traditional

REALLY DARK ANGELS |kept my colour scheme pretty

consistent with the existing Heresy-era Dark Angels colours of black and| painted red. each unit slightly differently reflect to their battlefield role, so my line troops are painted far more simply than my characters. Rather than highlight the armour with grey, applied | irregular highlights of Stormhost Silver around the edges of the armour

panels create to the illusion of battle damage. then | shaded the armour with Mournfang Brown make to look it really

worn and well-used. did the|

same with the gold details, using

Aggaros Dunes giveto ita burnished look.

make the Death Guard and their treacherous 4

own reward’.


Basecoat: Stormhost Sil

Recess Wash: Nul & Agrax Earthshat

Basecoat: Abaddon Black Wash: Aggaros ounes Highlight: Stormhost Silver Highlight: Stormhost Silver

Highlight: White Scar

Wash: Mournfang Brown &


Lahmian Medium

Glaze: Druchii Vit Lahmian Mediu


Basecoat: Stormhost Silver Wash: NulnGi Oil Agrax Earthshades

Highlight: Stormhost Silver

Basecoat: Abaddon Basecoat: Black Khorne Re Airbrush: Eshin Grey

Highlight: Dawnstone layer: Khome Red



of Gua the Death their defence Several companies of the Sons of Horus fought alongside Barbarus. Les Martin explains what drew him to the Warmaster’s own Le Les: There are two reason why picked | the Sons of Horus for this series of articles. I First,

heads and shoulder pads here and there for resin Sons of Horus parts. was I also given loads of

spare absolutely love the artwork of Horus fighting the ‘eye’ icons from the Spartan kit by other

members of our team who built theirs for one of Emperor. It’s such aclassic piece, and it’s really evocative; itmade me want to collect an army the Loyalist Legions. based around the ultimate bad guy. Second, I love the colour scheme. When joined | the studio The narrative of the invasion of Barbarus means LES aren't team, Iwas shown the new colour scheme for that the characters such as Abaddon and HorusMARTIN is armies present, which means neither are the Justaerin Les an Sons of Horus, and was I hooked. Anything a almost of all my models and battlefield turquoise, teal or sea green right is up my street. Terminators. Asresult,

painter for the Specialist Design the green base colours, shades and highlights Studio. He's also a across my entire force nice and quickly with antegular on the Age

will be clad green. in This means can| establish

The plan for my force to iscreate quite a militaristic-looking Space Marine army: nice and of Sigmar and then goand in paint all the neat, lots of troops and tanks, nothing too outairbrush of tournament scene, highlights and details afterwards.the All transfers so he’s used to the ordinary. I’m not much converter, of a painting large are existing Sons of Horus transfers, plus the ones preferring to paint the models just how they look armies speed. at from the Age of Darkness boxed set. on the box cover, but have I swapped out few a


| love the colour scheme for the Sons of Horus that the ‘Eavy Metal team came up with. The only downside thatis they used a lotof blending achieve the colour gradation on the armour —atechnique don’t | have the time for when painting an entire army. Instead, took | the same colours and applied them with an airbrush, working up from

Sons Horus of Green, then

highlighting the top section of each armour panelmix with of a

Sons Horus of Green and Sybarite Green. littletimeA saving tip: don’t bother

highlighting the lower legs if

you're covering them dirt. in You'll never see your hard work!


fash: Lupercal Airbrush: Sons of Horus

[Bee Warplock ronal

Basecoat: Abaddon Black

[Bishign:: Hashut Copper | Highlight: Corvus Black Highlight: Liberator GoldHighlight: Dawnstone METALS

GreenSybarite & Green 1:1 Eo ie Highlight: Sybarite Green \

Highlight: Grey Seer | eadbelcht

Basilicanum Grey

Highlight: Gauss Blaster: Greer Bighight: lronbreaker g Highlight: Wraithbone







Having extracted themselves from the war on force strike Tallarn, a of lron Warriors have wayto Barbarus insearchof reinforcements . Lambell Ben tellsusabouthisarmyoftheIVthLegion.

Ben: For this project, I've chosen to collect anDreadnoughts torepresent those warriors who Iron Warriors force based on those who survived were mortally wounded on Tallarn and, since the Battle of Tallarn and escaped the planet, leaving the planet, been entombed within the albeit without any tanks. These survivors havemachines. I've also added components from now made their way across the galaxy Barbarus to different armour marks to several models to in search of reinforcements. The reason picked | represent how the waraffecting is supply lines, Iron Warriors is because the moreread | about resulting inscavenging and using what to ishand. BEN Perturabo and his Legion, the more intriguing Iron I Warriors were known to have refused MkV LAMBELL Ben also is an find them. They don’t seemfall to as far as other armour initially, so for them to use whether it, as armies and Legions, but they havespitefulness a to them a whole suit or mixed with other marks, shows battlefields painter how desperate things are getting for them. for the Specialist that’s really interesting to explore. Design Studio. It’s rumoured that heWith took his Legion

this thememind, in I’m not going include to

Another appeal with the Iron Warriors their is any vehicles in my force, as most were put out almost of entirely metallic colour scheme,which was Mottobit a too literally, and he canaction on Tallarn. place In of tanks, I’ve chosen to something different for me to try out. I’ve painted no longer go near


bring inLegion-inducted automata from the them really grimy and battle damaged show to

Mechanicum. I’m also working on fewa


|wanted my Iron Warriors look to really battle-worn and tarnished, used so | thinned-down Gor-grunta Fur to apply patina a of wet tust to their r.| armout ding also used as itsha for the yellow hazard stripes and streaks of Tust beneath rivets. For battle damage, sponged Rhinox on Hide show to where paint has been chipped away and highlighted the bottom edge of each chip with the highlight

colour for that area.



jat:Brass ‘a farriors 1:1


PBB Leadbetc

Basecoat: Corax White Layer: Yriel Yellow Layer: Abaddon Black Wash: Gore-grunta Fur &

Drybrush: Runefang Steel

Contrast Medium 1:1

Wash: Gore-grunta Fur Highlight: & Yriel Yellow & Contrast Medium 1:1 White Scar 1:1

Recess Wash: Wyldwood ARMOUR PLATES/ Glaze: Agrax Eat Nutn Oil 1:1

Bishi: Ironbreaker li e |

LEATHER Basecoat: Abaddon Black Highlight: Eshin Grey Highlight: Mechanicus Standard Grey

they've been at war for long a time.



The 84th Company are part of the Barbaran Garrison that defends the home Their esteemed commander, Tim Flanders, abouttells them. us all the circumstances that the Barbaran Garrison Tim: This is the second time I've painted Death a Guard army. The first incarnation was painted found itself in. With the bulk of the Death Guard fleet en route to Terra, the forces that remained seven years ago, andwas it the first force putI defend the Legion home world were not the together for The Horus Heresy. Since then,toI've most specialised or well-equipped of the learned lots of new painting tricks and techniques Legion's forces. This plays into my painting as that Iwant to apply tomy favourite Legion. well. The Death Guard are well known for their TIM utilitarian approach to their wargear, and battleFLANDERS This time around,really | wanted to focus on Tim is aHorus damage showcasing the new miniatures and how they can and weathering are a visual hallmark of Heresy writer in the XIVth Legion. But let's just overplayed say I be made to with fit each Legion through clean a the Specialist my previous army. So this time application of colours, iconography and minor that effect in Design Studio.

conversions. Instead of leaning into Legion-around I’m focusing more on colour and

He’s currently writing the iconography and keeping the weathering bit a specific units such as Grave Warden or scenario for the Deathshroud Terminators,chose I to focus on themore subtle. This lighter battle damage reflectsfinalBattle Report. the fact that the Barbaran Garrison hasn’t seenAllegedly the units that are available to every Legion: Tactical theall much fighting since being equipped with newerTraitors get Squads, Contemptor Dreadnoughts, Legion

Veterans and the like. This alsonicely fits with

NOT QUITE PURE WHITE | used washes and glazes to

make the armour of my Death

Guard look characteristically worn and weathered. Skeleton Horde and Basilicanum Grey helped establish depth a to the white, which then| highlighted as normal. added | scratches and chips using Rhinox Hide, while the rustSkrag is Brown and Fire Dragon Bright mixed with Lahmian Medium and applied to the bare metal areas. worthIt’s noting that sixall ofuspainted our bases the same way. We basecoated them with Stirland Mud and then drybrushed them with Grey Seer. Washes of Athonian Camoshade and Agrax Earthshade completed the look.

suits of MkVI ‘Corvus’ pattern power armour.

best rules.

WHITE ARMOUR GREEN PLATES Basecoat: Castellan Green & Basecoat: Corax White Wash: Skeleton Horde, |

Basilicanum Grey &

inMedium 1:1

Lahmian Medium & Contrast Medium 1:3:3

Wash: Skeleton Horde Basilicanum Grey, Lat

Highlight: Runefang Steel


Highlight: Stormhost Silver

Medium & Contrast

BRONZE Layer: Pallid Wych Flesh Highlight: White Scar



eee Warplock sonal ayer: Sycorax Bronze Highlight: Canoptek Alloy

Basecoat: Corax White

Wash: Agrax Earl

Gloss, Nuln t Oil Medium 3:1:3


Layer: Rhinox Hide Highlight: Stormhost Silver Wash:Black Templar Highlight: White Scar Wash: Agrax Eal she Wash: Basilicanum GreyEarths! & Gloss, Agrax Contrast Medium 1:1 Lahmian Medium 3;



Welcome to our Readers’ Gallery, where we show off some of painted by you, our readers! For this article, we undertook a g very best painted models for the Horusselection Heresy. of Here’s our favourite a


Lukasz: My obsession with the Dark Angels started Fenrisian Grey. then I added a thin glaze of Xereus Purple

towards the end of the second edition of Warhammerto the armour to help create shading and give the ar 40,000. was I absolutely in love with their colour scheme asheen. Ialso applied a thin wash of Steel Legion Drab and the monastic look of the models. Also, the history theof recesses to represent dirt and dust. of All the markings the Chapter and their hunt for the Fallen only cemented on my models — including Legion icons, checks and o

my dedication to them. When the Horus Heresy game devices - are painted on by hand; haven’tI used any came out,couldn’t I wait for the First Legion to enter the transfers. also | used the resin Dark Angels Legion Head

fray, as love I anything to do with Dark Angels, whetherand Mark III Shoulder Pads upgrade sets to clearly ident they're from the 31st or the 41st Millennium. Right I my now, Legionaries as Dark Angels. paint mostly for display, and planI to create quitelarge a force that can I arrange onbig a scenic base.hope I to One of the finishing touches on my models their bases. is enter Armies on Parade someday and start gaming, too! I took cork coasters and broke them up into small pie

to represent rubble.glued I these chunks of cork to t I painted the black armour of my Dark Angels using abases, added some gravel and tiny bits of woode

basecoat mix of Abaddon Black and Dark Reaper, to which (to represent rebar), and filled the rest with sand to c I added Thunderhawk Blue for the highlights. For the edge a ruined urban environment. highlights, used I amix of Thunderhawk Blue and

LION EL: JONSON PRIMARCH OF THE DARK ANGEL LionEl'Jonson my is centrepiece model. painted| his armour the in same style as the my rest models of but with the addition of freehand scratches that | painted with mixa of Abaddon Black and Rhinox Hide. | then underlined the scratches mix using of a Thunderhawk Blue, Fenrisian Grey and Ushabti Bone togive them depth.

For El'Jonson’s cape, used the | same technique as my the Cenobites cloaks on (see opposite) but with greenred. instead The of basecoat Caliban is Green mixed with Moot Green. then| stippled on layers, adding more theMoot mix went, Green as | to followed by Pallid Wych Flesh. For theused recess Caliban shading, Green | and t added Abaddon Black this for to the deepest shadows.



| used stippling a technique painttothe red cloaks and loincloths on mystarted Cenobites. | with mix a of Mephiston Red and Khorne R create solid a base colour. | then highlighted it with Evil Sunz Scarlet, followed mix by of a Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wild Rider Red.

After this, | began the stippling. | started by applying lots of tiny Evil dots Sunz of Scarlet, followed by even smaller EvilSunz dots Scarlet of mixed with Pallid Wych kept Flesh. adding | more and more Pallid Wychthe Flesh mix to for each new layer |until was applying very fine dots o pure Pallid Wych Flesh. touch The was final to apply heavily a thinned-down wash of Xereu Purple and Mephiston Red into the reces create higher a contrast between the stipple texture and the deep folds.


Christoffer: Ever sinceread I Horus Rising many years ago, | highlight, usually with slightly more flesh tone added. knew thatwanted I to collect XVIth a Legion army. Like the a black armour,apply I ahighlight of Eshin Grey over lot of people, my original plan was to paint them as black, Luna followed by mix a of Eshin Grey and The Fang. add | Wolves, but as the Age of Darkness game doesn’t take Celestra Grey for the final, tight highlight. important It’s to place during the Great Crusade, ended I up painting them keep the highlights fine on black, otherwise you run th in the sea green of the renamed Legion. risk of making the armour look grey instead. finish |itoff with alittle Nuln Oilin the recesses for shading. Both the Though my skills and techniques have evolved since Igreen and the black are painted with an airbrush, but began painting the army, the core recipe hasn’t changed -with a little patience and some thinned-down paints — much. Starting out with Chaos a Black undercoat,apply I you can definitely achieve similar results brush. with a Lupercal Green as zenithal a highlight, while making sure to leave ahint of black the in shadows. Next,highlight I I like my goldslook to aged.start | out with basecoat a of the models with Sons of Horus Green a tighter in band whichever gold fancy | at the time and then apply few a over the Lupercal Green. After this, | apply ahighlight of highlights to the raised edges by adding silver to the Sons of Horus Green with little a light flesh tone added, colour. Next, paint I avery thin glaze of green or turquois but you could easily substitute that with white. After into this, the I recesses and around the bolts to create an apply arecess shade of Nuln Oil and finish off with it an oxidised effect. Finally, | apply awash of Agrax Earthshade edge highlight of the same mixture as the previous and another highlight of gold mixed with silver.







AHERES MMER WORLD EATERS DEREDEO DREADNOUGHT BYDOMINIC FABRI Dominic: |think the World Eaters have one of the most striking Legion colour schemes. is one It that lends itself particularly well to weathering and battle damage. It’s also quite a stark contrast to the red and brass we know them for ten thousand years later. The World Eaters are not

well known for caring about or maintaining their appearance, which gave me lota of freedom to

use weathering techniques. usedI an airbrush to create the white tones on the armour. Once this

was done,weathered I the model with Rhinox Hide using combination a of brushwork and a small piece of sponge to apply the paint. When I was happy with the placement of the chips and scratches, the rust effects were added. I converted the legs on the Deredeo using parts from the Astra Militarum Sentinel to give a little it extra height. This change to the legs, as well as

making taller, it gives the Deredeo swifter, a more predatory look. The idea behind the longer legs

was that the Dreadnought would be able to keep up with the rampaging World Eaters forces as they butchered their way across the stars during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy.

SPACE WOLVES SICARAN BATTLE TANK BY DESY R Desy: |decided touse ahigh-contrast painting style that incorporated edge highlighting and colour modulation on each armour panel. chose I atraditional Space Wolves blue-grey with

a bright red accent colour match to the Space Wolves decals. The autocannon barrels were darkened towards the ends to represent carbon build-up from repeated while fire, the lascannons were painted to show heat discolouration from the

laser discharges. didI not want to break up the colour modulation on the armour panels, so instead of intense weathering,applied I thin, edge-highlighted scratches. This three-dimensional effect really brought the model to life.

READERS’ GAL RS AT CE NLRADE INIBY RAC AR KI MO RMTI TAPHTE ION LEAGCA ALPH alsoI airbrushed on. Next, I Marcel: |started painting my Alpha Legion Terminators blue to create teal, which

washedthe armourwitha mixof DrakenhofNightshade, by airbrushingthemwith Leadbelcherovera ChaosBlack —_ CoeliaGreenshadeand a lot of LahmianMedium,being a lightersilveroverthe undercoat.I then airbrushed previous layer in areas| felt should receive highlights.

Then camethe hardbit - the blue-greenAlpha Legion

careful to only let it pool in the recesses.All I did next was

pick out the detailsand paintthe bases,and myfirst

colour! I started with a thinned glaze of AethermaticBlue, | Alpha Legion unit was complete! The biggest lesson I learnt was to not be scared to try new things. Not only is it concentratingon the flat panels and painting in a reverse up a it and open fun, but you can learn new skills, can I painted the to. method to what I’m usedEssentially, whole new avenue for your hobby adventures. highlights first! | then mixed in a touch of green to the

ULTRAMARINES LEVIATHAN DREADNOUGHT BY AURELI Aurélie: |painted my Ultramarines Dreadnought

usinga pre-shadingtechniquethatenabledme

to createa reflective effect on the armour panels. 1used an airbrush to apply a dark blue basecoat and then added white to the mix to create the highlights on the upper panels. Lastly, | applied a very thin glaze of blue to help blend the colours

together.For the whiteareas,| usedthin glazesof Seraphim Sepia over white to build up the colour transition. The skulls on the shoulder armour are all freehand. Before painting them, I planned out which perspective each individual skull would have. I used a small resin skull for referenceto help orientate each skull and map out the base

design.I startedwitha roughoutlinein a medium shadeof brownfollowedby highlightsin white. The shadingis a mixof black,brownandwhite applied to create a 3D effect. For the battle damage,I used a mix of black and brown paint and applied it with a sponge to the areas that

wouldtakethe mostdamage.I thenhighlighted each paint chip with blue to show where light is catchingthe paint flecks. The weatheringwas

achievedwithoil washesand rustpigments.


Roberto: Ahriman is an iconic character both in the Horus Heresy and Warhammer40,000,so I decided to stay faithful to his established colour scheme and paint him in the same colours as the ’Eavy Metal version. The only changesI made were to some of the more technical aspects,such as using non-metallic metals instead of metallic paints to represent the gold. | used lots of reference imagesfrom skilled painters to help

me achievea morerealisticgold effect,whichI

think I succeeded in! I used MournfangBrown as a base colour, with Rhinox Hide and Abaddon Black as shading and Xereus Purple to help transition through the colours. | made sure to dilute all my colours and applied lots of very thin layers to help with the blending. I also built Ahriman display a base to represent a daemonic environment.This soon developed into a crystalline effect. I picked a cold turquoise for the crystals,as it provides a good contrastto the warmtones of the red armour.


Jarrett: I've always liked the Word Bearers for being ‘original bad guys’of the Horus Heresy. I decided to paint mine with a brighter red than they’re normally depicted — using Mephiston Red as a — but still base keeping the overall scheme relatively dark. To achieve this, I taped off panels of the tank and used my airbrush to create a

the gradation from dark red Evil up to Sunz Scarlet. alsoI wanted my tank to look battle-worn,so I stippled on metallic chips, covered the tracks in Typhus Corrosion and lightly airbrushed brown charringmarks here and there. | also sponged Mephiston Red over the decals to make them look weathered and worn.


WORD BEARERS CONTEMPTOR DREADNOUGHT BY EU I amix of Khorne Red used Eugenio: This is the previous plastic Contemptor For the red armour,

andWazdakkaRed shadedwithAbaddonBlack. more dynamic. To do this, I cut the model at the I thenwet blendeda mixof WazdakkaRed and

Dreadnought kit but reposed make to it little a

Bone for the highlights,startingwith a 1:1 Ushabti hips and where the torso joins the groin section. I mixand addingmoreUshabtiBonefor the cut out the head and replaced withit aMark IV SEND US YOUR sharper comers and light reflection points. helmet that turned I tolook inthe model’s PICTURES! direction of movement. The additional purity We are always looking for opportunity the seals (impurity seals, surely? — Ed) and the book This on Dreadnought also gave me beautifully painted its shoulder are made from modelling paint a lot of freehand symbols, such as the miniatures to Word Bearers icon on its knee. I usually sketch feature the in pages White of extremely with use to out the designs I want When itcame to painting, the hardest parts were Dwarf. \fyou think the non-metallic metal and the reflective red diluted paint, fill in the shapes with the yourmodels have armour. primarily I used wet blending for the corresponding base colour and then work inside got whattakes it to

eachshapeto createshadingand highlights. silver areas, starting with base a of Abaddon Black and working up through Thunderhawk Blue to a thank you Filip to give the metal coola tone. Once hadI the lightFinally, I'dlike to say big Haking (Golden Demon winner and Warhammer and dark areas roughly mapped out, blended I miniatures designer) for providing me with me the Thunderhawk Blue into Dawnstone and then lots of feedback as I worked on this model. White Scar for the lightest points.

appear ina

Readers’ Gallery, send us some high-quality pics to:



The book on the shoulder was made with modellin to looklikerope around withthinwiretwisted inplace secured (1). The text features freehand Colchisian runes.

Additional purity seals were also made using mode ina deepredto to these wereapplied symbols andColchisian colour a consistent To keep match the Dreadnought’s armour. red ar the onto directly painted runes scheme, the there However, seals. purity of the vellum to the colour similar arealsodarker, moresinister designs painted intothered armour, asshown ontheshoulder pad(2).