The Soap of The Dragon Fruit Stem: (Hylocereus Undatus) [PDF]

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THE SOAP OF THE DRAGON FRUIT STEM (Hylocereus undatus) Imam Isnaini Sidiq1, Tb. Arrafi1, Devia Audina1, Isma Heryanti1 1

SMA Negeri 15 Pandeglang, Street of Carita Km. 5 Carita, Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia 42264 *E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Nowadays people increasingly pay attention to personal hygiene, due to many diseases caused by bacteria and germs. One means to clean your self is soap. Usually the soap is added to active substances such as triclosan to kill bacteria, but triclosan has a negative impact on the body. For this reason, researchers tried to utilize the extract of the dragon fruit stem (Hylocereus undatus) which contains saponins and functions as a natural anti-bacterial to be made into natural soap. The aim of this research was to make soap from the extract of the dragon fruit stem (Hylocereus undatus) as the utilization of the dragon stem which is wasted or not utilized. The methodology of this research was by mixing 50 mL of extract, 40 ml of palm oil and 10 ml of NaOH 2 M. The soap formation reaction was known as saponification, which was the reaction between fat / triglyceride and alkali. Variations in NaOH volume and extracts of dragon fruit stems were carried out to produce soap with the best antiseptic power. Based on the test results with litmus paper and universal pH, shown that the soap from the extract of the dragon fruit stem was alkaline, because red litmus paper turned into the blue. In addition, testing with Universal pH shown, that the pH of this soap was 10. While the pH value of bath soap required according to the SNI 06-3532-1994 range is pH 8-11. (Hart, H., 2004). In addition, the soap from the extract was also tested by saponification reaction by mixing 5 ml of distilled water, 5 ml of oil and 5 ml of extract of soap from the dragon fruit stem. The result of that reaction it was formed some foam and both oil and water were mixed. This shown the saponification of the dragon fruit tree extract soap. For those reason, it can be concluded that the extract of the dragon fruit stem can be used as an ingredient in making soap. In addition, this dragon fruit stem soap also contains saponins, so it can be made as go Green soap Keywords: Dragon Fruit Stems, Extracts, Soap, Saponins, Triclosan

moisture and holding water in the skin,





because more and more diseases arise








due to bacteria and germs. Soap is one

Some soap add active substances,

means to cleanse yourself from dirt,

such as triclosan, which function as

germs and other things that make the

antimicrobials. Judging from the many

body dirty. Even today, soap is not only

negative effects that can be caused by

used for self-cleaning, but there are also

triclosan, it is necessary to think of

several soaps that also function to:

other alternative materials that can

soften the skin, whiten the skin, and

replace triclosan as an antimicrobial.

maintain skin health.

(Kaspark, J., 2009).

Dragon fruit plants are cactus-like

The purpose of this research is to

plants of the genera Hylocereus and

make soap from the extract of the

Selenicereus. This plant originates from

dragon fruit stem (Hylocereus undatus)

Mexico, Central America and South

as go Green Soap.

America but now it is also cultivated in Asian





Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia and

Dragon Fruit Tree (Hylocereus undatus).

Malaysia. Dragon fruit tree (Hylocereus

Dragon fruit tree is a fruit plant that

undatus) has many benefits, namely as a

is still in one group of cactus types.

source of producing raw materials for

Dragon fruit stems can also soften and



moisturize the skin. This is due to the

cosmetics products. Dragon fruit stems

extract of the stem containing lignin or

contain saponins which have the ability

cellulose which is able to penetrate and



seep into the skin and retain the loss of


body fluids from the surface of the skin,


so that the skin does not dry quickly and






By utilizing dragon fruit stems as





ingredients for soap, not only can kill

Adianto, (2013). The structure of the

bacteria, but also can soften the skin.

dragon fruit stem consists of 3 parts:

This is due to the presence of lignin which is useful for maintaining skin

In the dragon fruit stem there is an

a. Leaf bark Leaf skin is the outermost part of

active component namely saponins

the structure of the green dragon fruit








microorganisms. Saponins are soluble

b. Exudate

in water and ethanol, but not soluble in

Exudate is the sap that comes out of

ether. Saponin in the extract of the

the leaf when it is cut. Exudate is liquid,

dragon fruit stem will produce foam

green and tastes bitter.

when mixed with water. This substance functions as an

c. Gel Gel is a slimy part that is obtained

antiseptic. It’s function as a cleanser

by cutting the inside of the leaf after the

and has antiseptic properties. Saponins

exudate is removed. There are some

have the characteristics of foam. So that



when reacted with water and shaken, it


will form foam that can last a long time.





The saponin content in the extract of the


dragon fruit stem is around 5.651% per


accemannan), compounds,



vitamins, and saponins. The extract of

100 grams. (Makkar, et al., 2007).

the dragon fruit stem mostly contains

The active ingredient that functions

about 99.51% water per 100 grams, the

as an antiseptic is commonly found in

rest contains active ingredients such as

dragon fruit stem gel. Gel is a slimy part

essential oils, amino acids, minerals,

that is obtained by cutting the inside of

vitamins, enzymes, and glycoproteins

the leaf. Dragon fruit gel gel is very

(Adianto, H. Sukirno. 2013).

sensitive to air, especially O2, CO,

Classification of

dragon fruit

cause browning reactions. (Gunasena, et

plants Kingdom Division Subdivision Class Order Family Genus

water vapor, and light radiation that can

: Plantae : Spermatophyta : Angiosperms : Dicotyledonae : Cactales : Cactaceae : Hylocereus

al., 2007). Coconut oil Coconut oil is oil obtained from copra (dried coconut meat) or from coconut milk. The oil content in old coconut meat is estimated to reach 30 to

Active compounds of dragon fruit stems

35%, soaps made from coconut oil will

have a hard structure. Coconut oil has a

affect saponification reactions, among

good cleansing power, but if you use

others. (Syukri, 1999).

too much coconut oil, it will cause the skin to become dry. The characteristics

Sodium hydroxide

of coconut oil include:

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is also

Melting point: 24-26 0C Iodine Value: 7–12 Saponification Numbers: 251-2263 Free Fatty Acid (FFA): Max 0.2% (Hasibuan, Hasrul Abdi. 2012)

The process of soap formation is known as saponification, which is the reaction between fat / triglyceride and alkali. Alkaline commonly used are and





saponification reaction is slow because oil






immiscible. After soap is formed, the reaction speed will increase, where in the end the reaction speed will decrease again because the amount of oil has decreased.


hydroxide. Pure sodium hydroxide is solid white and is available in the form of pellets, flakes, granules or 50% saturated solution. Sodium hydroxide is

Saponification reaction


known as caustic soda or sodium



exothermic reaction, so it must be considered when adding oil and alkali to avoid excessive heat. In the saponification process, the addition of an alkaline solution (KOH or NaOH) is carried out little by little while stirring and heated to produce soap. To make the process more perfect and equitable, stirring must be done better. There are several factors that

hygroscopic and spontaneously absorbs CO2 from free air to form Na2CO3. Sodium hydroxide is very soluble in water and will release heat when dissolved. Sodium hydroxide is also soluble





insoluble in diethyl ether and other nonpolar




solution will leave yellow stains on cloth and paper. (Syukri, 1999). Soap Soap molecules consist of long hydrocarbon-like



hydrocarbons consist of carbon atoms with very polar or ionic groups at one end. Carbon chains are lipophilic (dissolved in fat and oil), and polar ends are hydrophilic (dissolved in water). Another prominent feature of soap solutions is the very low surface tension, which makes soap solutions have a better cleaning power than water

alone. So, soap, including a class of

• Adding 10 ml of NaOH 2M to the

substances called surfactants. (Kaspark,

extract and stir until a trace is

J., 2009).

formed. • The temperature is lowered to 40 0C


and stirring for 20 minutes.

This research was conducted in

• Pouring the mixture into a mold and

Chemistry Laboratory at SMA Negeri

leave it for 24 hours in the room

15 Pandeglang, with address Jl. Raya

temperature until the soap was

Carita Km. 05, Banjarmasin, Carita,


Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia 42264. This research was conducted from January





ingredients used were dragon fruit stems that have been pureed, pure palm oil, Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and distilled water. The tools used were magnetic



Dragon fruit tree trunks are cut into small pieces

blended and filtered

50 ml stem extract + 40 palm oil heated to 50 0C Added 10 ml of NaOH 2 M, stirring while heated


measuring cup, spatula, thermometer, stir bar, analytical scales, universal pH, blender, watch glass, test tubes and other tools used for analysis. Research procedure:

Pour into molds and cool until the soap hardensThe soap formed in the pH test and the weaving reaction

Figure 1. Flow diagram of the procedure for making soap from the extract of the dragon fruit stem (Hylocereus undatus)

• Making extracts of dragon fruit stems was begun by washing the dragon stems, cutting into small pieces and peeling to separate the skin from the extracts of the stems and then blending it well. • heating 50 ml extract of dragon fruit with 40 mL of palm oil which has been purified in 50 0C.

C. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on the test results using litmus paper, Universal pH paper and Saponification Reaction, the results obtained can be seen in the table below.



of Result


of Informa



from 8-11 according to SNI 06-35321994 (Hart, H., 2004). In addition, stem extract soap was

The color of 1


Red Litmus

the Litmus





The color of

ml of water, then adding 5 ml of the Basa

extract soap into the mixture. It was obtained the results that foam, oil and water

pH = 10



Soap foam


on reaction





reaction, by mixing 5 ml of oil with 5

still blue 3


turned blue

Blue Litmus Litmus was



Table 1. Test results of soap from dragon fruit stem





emulsion). Based on these results, it shown there was the saponification properties of the dragon fruit stem soap. The saponification of the dragon fruit stem soap was due to the active component in the stem of the dragon fruit namely saponin which has the ability to kill microorganisms. Saponins are soluble in water and ethanol, but not soluble in ether. Saponin in the extract of the dragon fruit stem will produce

Figure 2. Test results of soap from dragon fruit stem with universal pH indicator, litmus paper and saponification reaction.

foam when it was mixed with water. The functions of Saponins is as a cleanser and antiseptic. Saponins have the characteristics of foam, so when it

Based on the results of testing with

reacted with water and shaken, it will

red litmus paper on extract soap

form the foam. The saponin content in

solution, the results obtained that red

the extract of the dragon fruit stem is

litmus paper turned blue and blue litmus


paper was still blue. This shown that the

(Makkar, 2007).





soap extract of dragon fruit stem was

The active ingredient that functions

alkaline. This was suitable with the SNI

as an antiseptic is commonly found in

range that the pH of bath soaps was

dragon fruit stem gel. Gel is a slimy part

2. Dragon fruit stem contains saponins

that is obtained by cutting the inside of

so that it can be made into go Green

the leaf. Dragon fruit gel is very


sensitive to air, especially O2, CO2, water vapor, and light radiation that can

Suggestions from this research are:

cause browning reactions. (Gunasena, et

1. This research is preliminary research

al., 2007).

to utilize dragon fruit stem waste

Soap molecules consist of long hydrocarbon




hydrocarbons consist of carbon atoms with very polar or ionic groups at one

into soap. For this reason, the further research is needed to obtain high quality soap. 2. Hopefully this research can be useful

end. Carbon chains are lypophobic


(dissolved in fat and oil), and polar ends

community in order to reduce the

are hydrophilic (dissolved in water).

waste of dragon fruit stems.





Another prominent feature of soap solutions is the very low surface


tension, which makes soap solutions

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have a better cleaning power than water alone. So, soap, including a class of substances called surfactants. (Syukri, 1999). Based on the results of this research extract of dragon fruit stem could be made as a go Green Soap.

D. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS The conclusions of this research are: 1. Dragon fruit stem can be used as a material in making a soap, so that the dragon fruit waste can be utilized.

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