Toefl 3 [PDF]

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江西师大托福听力指南 Practice Test 3 Part A Directions:(You can hear the direcions on the tape.) 1 A.John believes that Swiss cheese is no longer delicious. B.John says that the Swiss cheese makes delicious butter. C.Swiss cheese is the best cheese in John's opinion. D.There are many better cheeses than Swiss in John's eyes. 2 A.The game is temporarily delayed because of rain. B.There will be no game if it rains. C.There will be a game regardless of the weather. D.It rains every time there is a game. 3 A.The class began at 1:45. B.The professor arrived at 1:15. C.The class began at 1:00. D.The class will begin at 2:00. 4 A.Mary works in a nursery. B.Mary's children stay in a nursery while she works. C.Mary takes her children to work with her. D.Mary's children are ill today. 5 A.She knew the answer to the question. B.She had read the material, but she didn't know the answer. C.She was not prepared for class. D.Even though she hadn't read the mateerial,she knew the answer. 6 A.Thirty people returned the evaluation forms. B.Sixty people filled out the evaluation forms. C.Eight people returned their forms. D.Only thirty people received the evaluation forms. 7 A.Peter is a professional musician. B.Peter is very talented, but he will never be a professional musician because he doesn't practice. C.Peter practices every day, but he will never be a professional musician. D.Peter doesn't want to be a professional musician because he wants to practice law. 8 A.If the weather is nice, we intend to spend the weekend at home. B.If the nice weather holds out, we'll spend the weekend in the country.

C.If the weather were nicer, we would spend the weekend in the country. D.If the weather gets nicer, we'll spend the weekend in the country. 9 A.Dan and his family will move to Florida when he quits his job here. B.As soon as Dan's new job in Florida is confirmed, he and his family will move there. C.Dan wants to move to Florida, but he can't find a job there. D.Dan plans to move to Florida when he retires. 10 A.Only the seven-year-old boy saw the terrible accident. B.No one at all saw the seven-year-old's terrible accident. C.The seven-year-old boy saw no one in the accident. D.No one in the terrible accident saw the seven-year-old boy. 11 A.My father doesn't like fishing on a hot, summer day. B.Although my father likes fishing, he dosen't want to do it on a hot, summer day. C.Fishing is my father's favorite enjoyment on a hot ,summer day. D.My father loves to eat hot fish for breakfast in the summer. 12 A.Louise writes and speaks Spanish equally well. B.Louise both writes and speaks Spanish, but she writes better. C.Even though Louise writes Spanish, she speaks it better. D.Louise doesn't like to write Spanish, but she speaks it. 13 A.When the production had begun, the actors realized that they should have practiced more. B.Before the production began, the actors reviewed their lines one more time. C.Although the actors had practiced for months.the production was a flop. D.The actors went to the theater in two separate cars. 14 A.Ms.Daly gave the class an assignment. B.Ms.Daly gave the students a hand with their assignments. C.Ms.Daly asked the students to turn in their assignments. D.Ms.Daly adked the students to raise their hands if they wanted to ask a question about the assignment. 15 A.Peter and Lucy missed the homework assignment,but they turned it in later. B.Peter and Lucy hate each other since their argument. C.Peter and Lucy caught a baby squirrel, but they soon let it go. D.Peter and Lucy had an argument, but now they are friends again. 16 A.This mornign I woke up after 7:30. B.My alarm clock did not work this morning. C.This morning I woke up at 7:30, but I usually wake up earlier.

D.I slept over at a friend's house last night. 17 A.If we go on vacation, Mary will stay at our house. B.After we return from vacation, we are going tgo buy a dog. C.Mary will take care of our dog while we are on a vacation. D.Mary will be very tired after the long vacation. 18 A.John arrived at 9:00. B.John arrived at 8:00. C.John should have arrived at 8:00, but he didn't. D.John arrived too late to eat. 19 A.The game of golf originated in the United States. B.The game of golf is very popular in Scotland. C.The game of golf originated in the United States, but now it is more popular in Scotland. D.The game of golf originated in Scotland. but now it is more popular in the United States. 20 A.I saw my aunt and uncle thirteen years ago. B.My aunt and uncle arrived thirty years ago. C.I haven't seen my aunt and uncle for thirty years. D.Isee my aunt and uncle once every thirteen years. Part B 21 A.$100 B.$115 C.$126 D.$150 22 A.They both liked it. B.Neither liked it. C.The mother didn't like it,but the father did. D.The mother didn't like it because it wasn't in English. 23 A.a taxi B.a plane C.a boat D.a bus 24 A.a supermarket B.a department srtore C.a drugstore D.a car repair shop 25 A.The teacher postponed the conference. B.There won't be a test this afternoon. C.The students will be attending the conference. D.The students took a science test that afternoon. 26 A.The program was on too late. B.The rain didn't let up until after the speech.

C.He doesn't like the president. D.He had a late class. 27 teller-customer 28 A.4:45 B.5:15 C.5:45 D.8:45 29 A.She's not hungry. B.She's at the dentist's C.The food tastes like an old shoe. D.She's in too much pain. 30 A.$3.75 B.$3.25 C.$7.50 D.$15.00 31 A.packing her own groceries B.not enough variety in meats C.the unreasonable prices D.the attitude of the employees 32 A.Spain B.Sweden C.Scotland D.Switzerland 33 A.sail a boat B.hang clothes C.catch a horse 34 A.12:15 B.1:00 C.1:10 D.12:30 35 A.home economics administration C.microbilolgy D.history Part C 36 A.She was sick. B.She couldn't make up her mind as to which countries she should visit. C.She couldn't think of a topic for her composition. D.She was totally disorganized. 37 A.that she take a cruise B.that she try to get organized C.that she ride a camel D.that she write about her trip 38 A.Hungary B.North Africa C.Egypt D.The Holy Land 39 pack his bags for his trip. write his own compostion. C.He's not feeling will. pick up some photographs. 40 A.Nathaniel Bacon and his friends fought against Indian marauders. B.Bacon and his friends were Piedmont farmers. C.Bacon and a few farmers marched on the capital to protest the Indian raids. D.Governor Berkeley did not listen to the demands of the farmers. 41 A.less than 1year B.5 years C.10 years D.23 years 42 A.He was killed by Indians. B.Governor Berkeley had him hanged. C.He succumbed to malaria. D.He was accidentally shot by one of the farmers. 43 A.type his paper him with his research C.present his findings at the July conference D.verify his findings. 44 A.He's about to leave for a new job. B.He wants to present it at a conference. C.His employer has requested it. D.It's very important for his livelihood. 45 A.July B.September C.May D.February 46 A.death of its seulptor B.lack of funds C.disiterest in the project D.too many Indian raids. 47 A.Abraham Lincoln B.Franklin Rosevelt C.Thomas Jefferson D.George Washington 48 A.27 years old B.41 years old C.60 years old D.74 years old 49 A.They bear little resemblance to the people they represent. B.The figures are gigantic, but too serious. C.They portray the characteristics of the people they represent. D.Because they are old and weatherbeaten, the faces are disfigured. 50 A.This magnificent work of art is located very high in the Black Hills. B.Four American presidents have been sculpted as a lassing memorial to their leadership.

C.It took fourteen years to complete the project. D.Gutzon Borglum was near retirement age when he began this project. The end.

Test 3: 1.C 6.A 2.C 7.B 3.A 8.B 4.B 9.B 5.C 10.A

11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D

16.A 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.C

21.B 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.B

26.D 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.C

31.A 32.B 33.D 34.B 35.B

36.C 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.C

41.A 42.C 43.A 44.B 45.C

46.B 47.B 48.D 49.C 50.C