Tugas Dinamika Struktur (Dengan Solusi Non Homogen) [PDF]

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Tugas Dinamika Struktur Moh Ra’afi Iskandar Harjanegara 41155020150046 Teknik Sipil A

%soal nomber 1 %dik: m=1 ;k=2 ;c=3 ;F=-10.*exp(-1.5.*) %syarat awal v0=1 ;vdot=0

%free-vibration response of single - degree - of - freedom system % with damping(redaman subkritis underdamped system) clear all clc zeta = input('fraction of critcal damping = ') v0=1 T=1 vdot0=0 gama=1.5 P=-10 m=1 k=2 c=3 omega =2*pi/T omegad=omega*sqrt(1-zeta.^2) t=linspace(0,5,100) % argl=exp(-zeta*omega*t) R=sqrt((vdot0+v0*zeta*omega)/omegad)^2 phi=atan((vdot0+(v0*zeta*omega))/(omegad*v0)) Env=R.*argl v=Env.*cos(omegad*t-phi)+(P.*exp(-gama*t))/(m*gama^2-gama*c+k) plot1=plot(t,v,t,Env,t,-Env,'linewidth',1,'color',[1 0 0]','linestyle','-'); set(plot1(1),'linewidth',2,'color',[ 0 0 0 ],'linestyle','-'); xlabel=('time') ylabel=('displacment') grid on

Grafik no.1 Soal no.2 close all; clear; clc; zeta = [0.0, 0.1, 0.4, 1.0, 2.5]; tspan=linspace( 0 , 1 , 100 ); for n = 1:5 [t, v]=ode45(@DLSDOF , tspan, [1 0]', [], zeta(n)) plot(t, v(:,1)); hold on end xlabel('time (secon)') ylabel('displacement(in)') axis([0 , 1.0 ,-1.5 ,1.5]); plot([0,1.0],[0,0],'k-'); grid on

Grafik no.2

Soal no.3 clear all; clc; v0 = 1; vdot0 =1; m=1 k=1 P=0.001 T =1; omega =2*pi/T; t=linspace(0,5,500); v =(vdot0/omega)*sin(omega*t)+v0*cos(omega*t)+((P/k)*t.^2)-((2*P*m)/(k.^2)); plot(t,v); xlabel('waktu'); ylabel('besar respon'); title('tugas no 1') grid off

Grafik no .3