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UNIT 4 REFERENCE & EXPLETIVE Objectives: 1. To identify pronouns as references and to identify (an) other and others 2. To recognize expletive ‘There’ and ‘It’



Writers often use reference when they don’t want to use the same noun more than one time in a sentence. Reference words are often, but not always pronouns. Pronouns may refer to a single noun or to a noun phrase. Sample Passage The human body uses foods in different ways. Some foods give us heat and energy. They are called carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are fuels for the body like gasoline is fuel for a car. Other foods help the body grow and repair itself. For example, many give proteins. Proteins help the body grow. They build muscles, skin and blood. Still others give us minerals and vitamins. They also help the body works well.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The word ‘They’ line 2 refers to ‘foods’. The word ‘itself’ line 4 refers to ‘the body’. The word ‘many’ line 4 refers to ‘foods’. The word ‘They’ line 5 refers to ‘proteins’. The word ‘others’ line 5 refers to ‘foods’.

There are 8 types of pronouns: a. Subject pronouns b. Object pronouns c. Possessive adjectives d. Possessive pronouns e. Demonstrative pronouns f. Relative pronouns g. Reflexive pronouns h. Other References



a. Subject Pronouns

b. Object Pronouns

I You He She It You We They

Me You Him Her It You Us Them

c. Possessive Adjective My Your His Her Its Your Our Their

d. Possessive Pronouns mine yours his hers its yours ours theirs

e. Reflexive Pronouns myself yourself himself herself itself yourselves ourselves themselves


f. Demonstrative Pronouns Singular


This That

These Those

g. Relative Pronouns Who What Which Whose Whom Where When

h. Other References some several all many a few none most another others the other(s) one(s)

Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

We are reading the books We are reading them. The teacher is talking to us Our books are here. These books are ours. Your classmates, whose experiences are different from yours, are eager to help and be helped. 7. A : How long does it take them to get used to eating American food? B : That depends on the student and where he is from.

There are 2 kinds of reference words: forward and backward. A forward reference word is used to refer to a word in front of the reference. For example: -“For the first time that they can remember farmers in Latin America are relieved of the constant fear of vampire bats.” The word ‘they’ refers forward to ‘farmers in Latin America’. A backward reference word is used to refer to a word following the reference. For example: - “Computers have many uses today. They can solve difficult problems and control complex machines.” The word ‘they’ refers backward to ‘computers’. Remember that ‘it’ is not always used as a reference word. Although it is difficult to say anything definite about events that took place so long ago, scientists have been able to suggest some dates for the main stages in the history of our planet.


2. Another, other and the other(s) a. Another ‘Another’ is used with singular nouns to talk about an additional person or thing. e.g. Could I have another cup of tea? ‘Another’ is used with singular nouns to talk about an additional person or thing. e.g. He opened another shop last month. ‘Another’ is also used with a number and a plural noun to talk about ‘more people or things’. e.g. 1. We need another two hours to complete this assignment. 2. I’ve got another three books to read. ‘Another’ can also replace a noun. e.g. This is Tom’s car. He also still has another. (another = another car) b. Other ‘Other’ is used with plural nouns. e.g. I’ve got other things to think about. c. The other(s) ‘The other’ is used with singular or plural nouns e.g. 1. We have two students. One is still here, but the other (student) is gone. 2. We have beaten three European countries in the football matches, but the others have beaten us. (= the other countries) In the first example ‘the other’ is a pronoun, and so is ‘the others’ in the second example. 3. Expletive ‘There’ and ‘It’. a. Expletive ‘There’ ‘There’ is sometimes an expletive, that is, a word which means nothing in particular but which calls attention to the existence of whatever is mentioned in the rest of the sentence. For example: ‘ I like Miami; there are many nice beaches there.’ Explanation: There are 2 kinds of words “there” in the above sentence. The word “there” in italics in the sentence above is an expletive. But the word “there” at the end of the sentence is an adverb of place.


b. Expletive ‘It’ ‘It’ is sometimes a kind of expletive. It doesn’t refer to anything at all; it just fills a position in a sentence pattern. ‘It’ is used in statements about time, weather, distance and identification. Examples Time Is it late? No, it’s early. pretty cold. What time is it? It’s two o’clock. like rain. What day is it? It’s Tuesday. Distance How long does it take to go there? you. It takes two hours.

Weather What’s it like out there? It’s Is it raining? No, but it looks

Identification There is a telephone call for Who is it? It was Jack.

Exercise 1






In the world as a whole, the mere numbers of the sick with preventable diseases soon overwhelm us by their magnitude. Fifty million people were lying in England and Wales in 1975 and 600.000 of them died. Half of them did so from diseases of the cardiovascular system, with cancer and respiratory diseases killing most of the rest. Of these deaths, over 10 per cent and perhaps as as many as 100.000 were due to smoking. In spite of this, nearly half the population of Britain, including one doctor in five, still smokes. If only it were possible to control tobacco, 40-50 per cent of all cancer deaths in males would be prevented. Although the tobacco companies are doing their utmost to promote the sake of cigarettes in the developing world, their major effect on mortality here has yet to come. In spite of the ‘green revolution’ more people are hungry, even starving, than at any time in the past. A billion people are said to be malnourished, and 400 million on the brink of starvation. The morality rate of children between one and five years which is perhaps the best indicator of nutrition, is 10 to 40 times higher in parts of Asia, Africa, Latin America, than it is in Europe or the United States. Human faeces transmit some of the most important diseases of the developing world, particularly the diarrhoeas of childhood, but also poliomyelitis, typhoid, cholera, and the worms of the gut. These and the airborne respiratory infections are the main cause of death in poor communities. Both are prevalence and severity of most of them are increased by malnutrition. In the developed world economic progress has fortunately controlled them by providing enough food, clean water, safe sanitation, and decent houses.

I. Decide whether the sentences below are True or False based on the text above. 1. The pronoun ‘us’ in line 2 refers to the ‘writer’. 2. The pronoun ‘their’ in line 2 refers to ‘the mere numbers of the sick’.


3. The pronoun ‘them’ in line 4 refers to ‘Fifty million people’. 4. The word ‘this’ in line 7 refers to the previous sentence. 5. The pronoun ‘it’ in line 8 refers to ‘population’. 6. The pronoun ‘their’ in line 11 refers to ‘males’. 7. The pronoun ‘their’ in line 12 refers to ‘cigarettes’. 8. The pronoun ‘which’ in line 16 refers to ‘between one and five years’. 9. The pronoun ‘it’ in line 16 refers to ‘the best indicator of nutrition’. 10. The word ‘Both’ in line 23 refers to ‘These and airborne respiratory infections’. 11. The pronoun ‘them’ in 23 refers to ‘worms’. 12. The pronoun ‘them’ in line 25 refers to ‘poor communities’. 13. Paragraph 2 discusses about bad effect of smoking in England and Wales. 14. Green Revolution is very useful for people in Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. 15. The welfare of people increased after the green revolution. 16. The promotion of the tobacco companies in the developing world is useless. 17. Green Revolution doesn’t make the developing world free from starvation. 18. The develomet in economic will make the developing world gets good welfare. 19. There are a lot of disseaes in the developing world. 20. Males are the victims of cancer deaths caused by cigarettes.

Exercise 2 Anteaters are so named because they eat white termites. Few people realize that anteaters have no teeth. Their jawbones protrude and are almost entirely covered with skin, making their oral cavities very small. An anteater’s tongue, covered with adhesive saliva to hold termites on touch, 5 can be extended a long way beyond its mouth. Then the animal draws it back and swallows. Although some termites build sizable mud nests, the anteater’s powerful front paws have lengthy claws that can tear open the termites’ nests, either on the ground or in trees. The claws on anteaters’ front legs are so long that the animals walk on 10 the outer edges of their feet rather than on the soles. The longest claw folds back into a skin pouch in the sole of the foot. The solitary Tamandua anteater utilizes its prehensile tail as an arm to grasp a tree branch and lift itself as high as the tree crown. This physical characteristic enables the Tamandua anteaters to live and hunt in trees. The silky anteater can also 15 live in trees and sleeps curled up on a branch, to which it anchors itself by its tail and hind feet. Although the animals rarely attack, when disturbed they rear up on their hind legs and draw their forefeet alongside their head to strike an enemy with their claws or to squeeze it in their forearms. With only one offspring at a time, these mammals are extremely protective of their 20 young, which ride on their mothers’ backs. Little is known about anteaters’ habitats and social organization. .

A. Choose the best one. 1. The above text discusses about .......................kinds of anteaters a. two b. three c. Four


2. The topic of the above paragraph is .................. a. anteaters c.. physical characteristic of anteaters b.. the use of the jawbones and claws of anteaters 3. The pronoun ‘they’ in line 1 refers to ................ a. anteaters b. termites c. People 4. The pronoun ‘Their’ in line 2 refers to ............... a. termites’ b. anteaters c. anteaters’ 5. The pronoun ‘its’ in line 5 refers to ............ a. people’s b. anteaters’

c. termites’

6. The relative pronoun ‘that’ in line 7 refers to ................. a. paws b. claws c. Nests 7. The pronoun ‘itself’ in line 13 refers to the...................... a. skin b. tail c. Arm 8. The pronoun ‘it’ in line 15 refers to ................. a. a branch b. the silky anteaters

c. Animals

9. The pronoun ‘its’ in line 15 refers to ................ a. animal’s b. silky anteater’s

c. anteaters’

10. The relative pronoun ‘which’ in line 19 refers to ............ a. mammals b. anteaters c. their young B. Decide whether the sentences below are True or False based on the text above. 1. There are two kinds of anteaters discussed in the text above. 2. Paragraph 2 discusses about the physical characteristic of anteaters only. 3. The silky anteater often attacks its enemy. 4. Paragraph 1 discusses about the physical characteristic and the way the anteater attack their enemy. Exercise 3




In a similar study study published in Nature in October 2005, the chimpanzee controlling the food received food regardless of whether or not it chose to deliver food to a neighbor only about a quarter of the time – even when the other chimpanzee was begging frantically. If able to help others at no cost to themselves, most humans will do so. This is called “other regarding”, which means that humans are considerate to each other. Unfortunately, it seems that chimps are not. The findings may come as a surprise to field primatologists who often observe chimpanzees sharing food in the wild, even precious sources of protein like meat. But for now it appears that humans are the only animals known to think considerately and inconsiderately about others even when they are strangers. Chimpanzees do not appear to have either the ability or the inclination.

Complete the following sentences according to the text above. 1. The pronoun ‘it’ in line 3 refers to ................ 2. The word ‘others’ in line 5 refers to .......... 3. The pronoun ‘themselves’ in line 5 refers to .......... 4. The word ‘other’ in line 7 refers to .......... 5. The pronoun ‘it’ in line 7 refers to ............... 6. The relative pronoun ‘who’ in line 8 refers to .......... 7. The pronoun ‘it’ in line 10 refers to .................. 8. The word ‘others’ in line 11 refers to ............. 9. The pronoun ‘they’ in line 12 refers to .............. 10. Chimpanzees can think considerately and inconsiderately. 11. In the wild, chimpanzees share its food with others. 12. According to the above text, humans are not animals. Exercise 4







It was long ago scientists noticed that different plants open and close at different times of the day. In fact, in the nineteenth century they used to make garden in the shape of a clock face, with different flowers opening at different times. It was possible to tell the time just by looking at this ‘flower clock’. No one really understands why flowers open and close like this at particular times, but recently some interesting experiments have been done. In one, flowers were put in a laboratory in constant darkness. One might predict that these flowers, not having any information about the time of the day, would not open as they usually do. But in fact they continue to open as if they were in a normal garden. This suggests that they have some mysterious way of keeping time; that they have, in other words, a kind of ‘biological clock’. It has recently been found that not just flowers, but all living things (including man) have ‘cycles of activity’. Because these cycles last about twenty-four hours, they are called ‘circadian cycles’ (circa = about, diem = day). Some scientists believed these cycles are controlled by an ‘internal clock’. According to this theory, the flowers in the laboratory open because their ‘internal clock’ tells them to do so. There are other scientists, including the American Dr Brown, who believes that the biological clock is controlled by the environment. He studied the way the oysters open and close their shells at high and low tide. He took some oysters from ‘internal clock’ theory one would expect the oysters to open and close as they had done before. But in fact their cycle changed. Brown and his colleagues could not understand this until they asked themselves the question: If Illinois were on the sea to his laboratory a thousand miles away in Illinois. According to the sea, when would high and low tides take place?’ He found that the oysters were opening and closing at exactly these times. Brown concluded that the oysters’ cycle was controlled by changes in the atmosphere – changes that, in places where there is a sea, are associated with the tides.


I.Choose the best answer. 1. ‘It’ line 1 refers to………………………. a. time b. day

c. nothing

2. ‘they’ line 2 refers to …………………….. a. times b. scientists

c. plants

3. ‘one’ line 7 refers to ………………… a. experiment b. flower

c. laboratory

4. ‘One’ line 7 refers to ……………….. a. experiment b. laboratory

c. scientist

5. ‘This’ line 10 refers to ……………. a. previous sentence b. normal garden

c. information

6. ‘It’ line 13 refers to ……………. a. biological clock b. mysterious way

c. nothing

7. ‘them’ in line 18 refers to …………. a. hours b. flowers

c. cycles

8. ‘He’ line 20 refers to ……………… a. theory b. Dr. Brown

c. internal clock

9. ‘themselves’ line 25 refers to …………….. a. Brown’s colleaguesb. Brown c. Brown and his colleagues 10. ‘where’ line 29 refers to ………….. a. in the atmosphere b. in places

c. the sea

II. Answer the questions below. 1. Are the words ‘There’ on line 19 and ‘there’ line 30 an adverb or an expletive? 2. What are the topic sentence and the controlling idea of paragraph 1? 3. Is the topic sentence of paragraph 1 a statement of intent or opinion?


Exercises for Tutorial Classes (UNIT 4) Exercise 1





The net economic and social benefits of development or policy proposals are often emphasized in environmental assessments. But there are resilience counterparts to these impact indicators. If the development were to fail unexpectedly, or if social objectives were to shift to such an extent as to require removal of the project or policy, there would be an associated cost. A computer model provides an explicit way of measuring this cost of failure, by merely programming such a hypothetical event during the course of the computer simulation. Example: regional insect pest control projects can have several forms. One might be intensive and extensive insecticide spraying. Another might combine cultural practices with limited and controlled application of insecticide at critical times or in critical places. Both policies might achieve generally favourable and not too dissimilar results. Suppose however, that the insecticides were removed suddenly as a result of rising costs or new government regulation. In the first case,the removal could produce intensive outbreaks covering large areas, with disastrous effects on benefits. In the second case, the loss of benefits could be minor. The impact of policy failure can be evaluated with the aid of computer model in many such instances, providing a measure not of the relative fail-safe features of the proposed programme or policy, but of its degree of safe-failure.

Choose the best answer. 1. The words “there” in line 3 and 6 is an ................... a. adverb b. expletive c. adjective 2. The word “one” in line 10 refers to .............. a. insect b. project c. form 3. The word “Another” line 10 refers to ............. a. form b. spraying c. practice 4. The word “Both” in line 12 refers to ......... a. critical times b. critical places c. previous sentences 5. The pronoun “its” in line 21 refers to ....... a. policy failure b. the proposed programme c. the proposed policy 6. There are ........ forms of regional insect pest control projects. a. one b. two c. three 7. Computer model is used to ....................the effect of policy failure. a. value b. decrease c. increase 8. There are ......................impacts of removing the insecticides. a. one b. two c. no


Exercise 2






One hundred years ago, the invention of the automobile was viewed as a great step forward. Today autos are not always considered such wonderful machines.In fact, they are the cause of a number of social and environmental problems worldwide. The most serious of these is air pollution. In fact, burning gasoline and diesel fuel in motor vehicles releases many chemicals into the atmosphere, including large amounts of CO2. . Higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have led to warmer weather and climate change around the world. One way to limit the amount of CO2 produced by cars and trucks is to encourage people to use motor vehicles less. In many places now, that will mean making major changes in transportion systems, In most parts of the United States, for example, the only way to get around is by car. It is often dangerous or impossible to travel on foot or by bicycle , and there may be few or no busses or trains. In some US cities, public transportation does exist, but few people use it because it is often unattractive, inconvenient, and expensive. The number of cars and trucks on the road can also be limited by charging drivers taxes and fees. For example, some countries, including Norway,Sweden, and New Zealand, require diesel truck drivers to pay for travelling on the road. In a number of cities, including Singapore and some European cities, drivers of cars who wish to go downtown must pay a fee. These fees keep people from driving unnecessarily, and the money they bring in can be used for public transportation.

Choose the best answer. 1. This passage is about ............. a. ways to limit the CO2 from motor vehicles. b. the amount of CO2 produced by motor vehicles c. a new kind of fuel for cars and trucks. d. different kinds of transportation around the world. 2. When gasoline and diesel fuel are burned, they ........... a. don’t release any chemicals. c. release only water b. don’t release any CO2. d. release a lot of CO2. 3. We can infer from this passage that most people in the United States..... a. take buses often c. use cars a lot b. like to walk and bicycle d. travel a lot 4. In Norway, Sweden, and New Zealand, ............ a. drivers of cars have to pay for using the road. b. diesel truck drivers do not have to pay anything. c. diesel truck drivers pay for using the roads. d. bus drivers have to pay for using the roads.


What do the following words refer to? 1. They (line 3) 4. It (line 14) 2. These (line 5) 5. It (line 16) 3. That (line 12) 6. Who (line 22)

Exercise 3





Pollution from motor vehicles can be further reduced by changing the engines of motor vehicles so they use different fuels. There are several nonpolluting fuels already available. One is natural gas. Several large cities in the United States are setting an example by replacing older busses and vans with vehicles that burn natural gas. Electricity is another important source of energy that pollutes less. Electric vehicles are becoming more efficient as the technology improves. In fact, the US Postal Service has decided to use electric vehicles to deliver the mail.The “hybrid” car, already on the market in some countries, has an engine that runs on gasoline as well as an electric battery. Tests of the hybrid have shown that it burns about one-fourth the amount of gasoline used by an ordinary car. Of all new fuels, hydrogen is the “clean” fuel that scientists believe could be the fuel of the future. Hydrogen fuel cells create energy by combining hydrogen with oxygen. They do not release any pollution into the atmosphere – only water. A small amount of energy is required to produce the hydrogen, but this energy could be supplied by pollution free solar or wind power. Though the first fuel cells, invented in the 1980s, were very large and quite expensive, the newest fuel cells are much smaller and less expensive. Hydrogen – powered vehicles could soon be sold at reasonable prices if governments and automobile manufacturers invest in the development of this nonpolluting technology.


We can infer from the passage that cars using “clean” fuel ...... a. release only CO2 c. do not get very dirty b. do not release CO2 d. are not convinient


Several cities in the United States have begun buying buses that ........... a. run on electricity c. have old engine b. burn diesel fuel d. use natiral gas

3. A hybrid automobile ............... a. uses gasoline and electric battery. b. requires hydrogen and oxygen. c. is powered by solar or wind energy. d. does not pollute the atmosphere. 4. To create energy, hydrogen fuel cells require ........... a. a small amount of water. c. a small amount of energy b. carbon dioxide d. hydrogen and oxygen.


Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. 1. The word ‘they’ in line 2 refers to the engines. 2. The word ‘one’ in line 3 refers to nonpolluting fuel. 3. The word ‘there’ in line 2 refers to nothing. 4. The word ’that’ in line 6 refers to source of energy. 5. The word ‘that’ in line 9 refers to hybrid car. 6. The word ‘it’ in line ii refers to the hybrid. 7. The word ‘they’ in line 15 refers to scientists. 8. The first fuel cells were found in the twentieth century. 9. The newest fuel cells are cheaper than the old ones. 10. The part of speech of the word ‘invest’ in line 22 is Noun. Exersice 3





The planet earth seems to us a very stable and unmoving place – continents of solid rock surrounded by the oceans. In one sense, of course, it is stable, or our kind of life would be impossible. But when we experience or hear about violent natural events like earthquakes and volcanoes, we also get some idea of the great forces at work under its surface. In fact the earth is a very complex object, made up of many layers. What we are familiar with is only the upper surface of the ‘skin’, or crust. This crust is altogether rather more than 100 km deep. The outer crust, of a depth of approximately 8 km, is made mostly of very hard rock, a kind of granite. This makes up the continents or major land masses. Below it is a much thicker layer, the inner crust, also made of a hard but different kind of rock, basalt. Beneath this lies the upper mantle, a semi-fluid layer about 600 km deep, where temperatures reach 1,500⁰C. The lower mantle is more rigid, because of the great pressure at those depths. It extends a further 2,900 km towards the center of the earth and has a temperature twice that of the layer immediately above it. Within the mantle is the core. This again is divided into two layers, the outer and the inner. The former consists of molten nickel and iron and has a temperature of 3,900⁰C. The latter of the same constituents, is however, relatively solid, again because of the great pressure of those depths. The temperature of the inner core is about 900⁰C higher than that of the outer core and its diameter is approximately 4,300 km.

A. Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE according to text above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Basalt is a kind of rock The inner crust lies between the outer crust and the lower mantle. The temperature of the center of the earth is about 600 c. The diameter of the mantle is 4,300 km. The topic of the text is the layers of the earth.

B. What do these words refer to? 1. “it” (line 3 ) 2. “its” (line 6) 3. “This” (line 8) 4. “it” (line 11) 5. “this” (line 13)

6. “those” (line 15) 7. “it” (line 15) 8. “The former” (line 19) 9. “The latter” (line 20) 10. “its” (line 23)

Exercise 4





RMS Titanic was believed to be unsinkable because the hull was divided into sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these compartments flooded, the ship could still float. The ship’s owners could not imagine that, in the case of an accident, the Titanic would not be able to float until she was rescued. It was largely as a result of this confidence in the ship and in the safety of ocean travel that the disaster could claim such a great loss of life. In the ten hours prior to the Titanic’s fatal collision with an ice berg at 11.40 pm, six warnings of icebergs in her path were received by the Titanic’s wireless operators. Only one of these messages was formally posted on the bridge: the others were in various locations across the ship. If the combined informaton in these messages of iceberg positions had been plotted, the ice field which lay across the Titanic’s path would have been apparent. Instead, the lack formal procedures for dealing with information from a relatively new piece of technology, the wireless, meant that the danger was not known until too late. This was not the fault of the Titanic crew. Procedures for dealing with warnings received through the wireless had not been formalised across the shipping industry at the time. The fact that wireless operators were not even Titanic crew, but rather contracted workers from a wireless company, made their role in the ship’s operation quite unclear.

Decide whether the statements below True or False according to the text above. 1. The word “these” in line 2 refers to “watertight compartments”. 2. The pronoun “she” in line 5 refers to “ship’s owners”. 3. The pronoun “It”in line 5 refers to “the ship”. 4. The pronoun “her” in line 9 refers to “Titanic”s”. 5. The word “others” in line 11 refers to “operators”. 6. The pronoun “their” in line 21 refers to “contracted workers”. 7. It was said that Titanic could not float. 8. There was no notice of danger before the tragedy happened. 9. The Titanic was not equiped with modern technology for information. 10. The contracted workers from a wireless company was responsible for the accident. 11. The cause of the accident was the lack of procedures to manage the information.


Exercise 5 A. Underline the correct answer. e.g. I’m going to take my new CD player back and ask for another / other one. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

If I can’t find the box that it came in, I’ll put it in another / other. The other / others things I bought from them were fine. My others / other CD player broke a few weeks ago. I chose this one because the others / other one was too expensive. One of the buttons works, but the other / others don’t. Another / other problem is that the headphones don’t fit. I’m not sure I want another / other one that’s the same as this one. I might go to another / other shop to compare prices.

B. Complete the blank spaces below with other, others or another. I’m writing to express my objections to the plan for a car park near the river. My first objection is that we have three car parks, so we do not need (1)…………. one. The one near the supermarket are often empty and the (2) ……………….one is never full. My second objection is that this area is an important green space within the town. We don’t have (3) …………………….place where we can walk by the river. I would like to make two suggestions for this area. The first is to make it into a nature reserve. There are a lot of trees on this side of the river, and on the (4) …………side there is a field with rare orchids. The whole area is home to a lot of birds and (5) ………………….wildlife. My second suggestion is to build a footbridge over the river near Ferry Path, about 500 meters away from the (6) ……………….at Mill Lane. If we had (7) …………………footbridge, more people would walk into town and wouldn’t use their cars. This would benefit the town and would mean that a fourth car park would not be necessary. The (8)……………..would provide plenty of parking.