Unit 5 [PDF]

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UNIDAD 5 Level: B1 Intensive Date: Thursday Unit: Unit 5A-C Work LESSON OBJECTIVES -Use must, have to and can.

June 3rd, 2021

-Use a set of vocabulary related to work. Make offers and suggestions


I have to work long hours.

1 VOCABULARY work a.- Look at the photographs. Which jobs can you see? Gardener scientist


/ businessmanwoman

nurse/ doctor


b.- Work in pairs.Make a list of as many jobs as you can. You have one minute.
















1 READING a.-Work in pairs.read the first part of the article: The happiest jobs.Where do you thing these jobs go in the list?

Gardeners 87% haidresssers 79% doctors and dentist 65% lawyers 64% accountans 58% electricians 55%

plumbers 76% nurses 62 %

b.- Check your ideas on,127 Are you surprised? Why? Why not?

scientist 69% teachers 59%

Alisha: working with people and helping them John: not having to wear a suit or go to many meetings, being his own boss. Miriam: It’s exciting. c.-What do you think makes people happy at work? Make a list of ideas with a partner? Alisha: nursing degree; good at making decisions; dealing with serious problems, lots of rules to remember John: two or three years of training, a qualification; tiring, health and safety rules, dangerous Miriam: a good university degree; good communicator, enjoy working hard: dealing with stress, can’t relax, not an easy job, not useful. READING What do you think these people like about their jobs? 1. Alisha,nurse He feels happy to work taking care of people, it is already a great responsibility to take care of people. 2. Jhon,Electricia: he likes to work on electricity, but it is seen to be dangerous because he can get electrocuted at some point. 3. Miraiam,banker: working in a bank is a lot of responsibility, and very tiring.

VOCABULARY must / have to / can a.-Look at the sentences. Match the underline words with the meanings. 1 to become a nurse you have to do well at sachoool. 2.- You don’t have to wear a suit or go to many meetings. 3.-You can’t relax because if somethings goes wrong you lose money. a.- Don’t have to = this is not necessary b.-can’t

= this is not allowed or not possible

c.- have to

= this is necesary


choose five of the jobs from the list. Think of three advantages an three disadvantages for each job. 1.-advantages of being a pilot You fly a plane You travel and you know Being a pilot requires constant study 1.-disadvantages of being a pilot You will not be present on special dates with your family It's a high and low race Schedule change 2.-advantages of being a nurse Specialized training Multiple knowledge A great job field Extensive specialization possibilities Disadvantages of being a nurse Work schedules can be overwhelming, as in some cases they can be as long as 12 hours. Sometimes you must work on weekends or holidays.


I’ll finish things here, if you want

LISTENING a.- when was the last time someone asked you for help? The last time they asked me for help was yesterday at the test. Who was it? I was my partner. What did he / she ask? I wonder about a reading. b.- look at the picture of Rachel and read the next message. How is she feeling? Who is the text from? What’s the problem? Rachel is worried/anxious. The text is from Annie. Annie has had some bad news.

c.-watch or listen to part 1. Answer the questions. 1.-What does tina think Rachel should do for Annie? I should go and see Annie. 2.-What does tina offer to do ? offer to finish work. 3.-Why is Rachel worried about leaving early? Tina will have too much work and won’t be able to leave early. 4,.How are they going to deal with the problem? Rachel will tell Tina what she has to do and Tina will make a list. d.-what would you do in Rachel’s situation?Would you call annie or go and see her ? Why?I would go to see her.

CONVERSATION SKILLS Reassurance a.- watch or listen again.Match the sentences with the reponses. A….But I can’t leave you here on your own. D…We’ve still got so much to do. A….It means you won´t be able to leave early today. B…..Ok,well if you’re sure. A Never mind. B of course. It’s no problem. C I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it. D Oh,it doesn’t matter.

LISTENING a.-Watch or listen to part 2. Which jobs will Tina do before she goes home?  1.- ……….fisnish off the flowers.  2…………start the order for Mrs Thomson. 3……X…….start the order for the birthday party  4…………put the alarm on 5……X……..take out the rubbish  6…………take the order order for the wedding

USEFUL LANGUAGE Listening and complete the sentences 1.-……O……Will finish things here, if you want. 2.-…S……Why don't you tell me what we still need to do. 3.-……O……….Shall I finish of those fluids. 4.-……O……….. Would you like me to prepare some of the orders for tomorrow? 5.-……S……. You could start with that order for Mrs Thompson. 6.-……S……..Maybe you should start on the order for that big birthday party. 7.-……O……….Do you want me to take out the rubbish when I leave? 8.-……S……..How about taking her some flowers? 9.-……O………Why don't I deal with this? Level: B1 Intensive Date: Monday June, 7th 2021 Unit: Unit 5B-D Work Lesson Topic: I might get a gob today? LESSON OBJECTIVE: -Use will and might for predictions. -Use job adverbs


I might get a job a today!

SPEAKING What can you do if you need a job? Yes, I need a job search in the companies. where can you go? I can go to search in the Lush companies of the city who can you speak to? I cannot speak with the person in turn off the company. Have you ever had any of the Worriers in 1b tell a partner. Yes,I was worried about not finding a job

LISTENING a.-have you ever been to a careers girl fair? I never attendant the careers fair. what was it like? it was a nice experience because eat different foods.

GRAMMAR Look at the sentences in 2b again. Then underline the correct word to complete the rule about Will and Might. will and won’t are more less sure than might and might not. VOCABULARY JOBS a.- find the jobs in the photos on the page. C----computer programmer d------shop assistant

A-----carer B -------postman


b.- do your crew know onion it who does this job's? Yes, I know my cousin is a computer programmer. Yes, I know my uncle is a builder.

READING a.-look at the jobs in the photos. Answer the questions with a partner. 1.-which jobs do you think might disappear in the future? I think disappear shop assistant, postman, politician. 2.- which jobs do you think there will be more of in the future? in the future more jobs; computer programmer,3D printer will soon make parts of buildings or even whole buildings in just a few hours.


I am writing to apply for a job!

SPEAKING AND LISTENING a.-Have you ever had assumed it joke or a part time job? Yes, I work in our store part-time. what was it? He sold basic necessities. Did you enjoy it? not because he worked at night he was tiring.

c.-Work in pairs. Answer the questions about the jobs in the advers. 1.-which job would you most like to do? Why? cuba coffee because no experience necessary. 2.- which job would you like to do? Why? Electro store is tired interview people. 3.- which job would you do best? Why? because I can work weekend and summer. READING Read penny’s job application. Are sentences 1—4 (T)true or false(F) correct the false sentences. 1.-……F…. she tells them she has work at in cafes before. Supermarket 2.-……F……. she saw the ad in the newspaper. Website 3.-……F…. she can't work this summer, because she's studying. Can 4.-……T…. she wants to commute how much she will earn. WRITING SKILLS a.-look at the sentences 1--5 which ones are about...? what you are doing now

past jobs


1.-I am good at working in a team…….SKILLS 2.- I have experience of working in a restaurant….PAST JOBS 3.- I am currently working as a sales assistant in a book shop. WHAT YOU ARE DOING NOW. 4.-I am studying Engineering in Madrid…….WHAT YOU ARE DOING NOW. 5.-I speak fluent English……SKILLS c.-what are they missing prepositions complete the sentences 1.- I am writing to apply for the job of a barista. 2.- I am a student at the University of Manchester. 3.- I have a lot of experience of working in a team. 4.- I look forward to hearing from you.