Wahyulis Hersya XI MIPA 1 Bahasa Inggris [PDF]

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Wahyulis Hersya 4173 XI MIPA 1 CHAPTER 6 EXPRESSING CAUSE AND EFFECT 1. What is the definiton of a cause? a. The reason something happened in a given situation. b. The effect of what happened in a given situation. c. The result of what happened in a given situation. d. The similarity meaning towards something. e. Something happened in a given situation. 2. What is the definition of an effect? a. What happened in a given situation. b. The order of events in a given situation. c. The similarity meaning towards something. d. The result of what happened in a given situation. e. The reason something happened in a given situation. 3. The following are signal words for cause-effect, except .... a. since b. as I know c. as long as d. therefore e. consequently 4. The mother bird gathers dried grass to build her nest, What is the EFFECT in the sentence above? a. Gathers b. Her nest c. Mother bird d. Build her nest e. Gathers dried grass 5. The tree fill in the middle of the road because of the high wind. What is the CAUSE for the following EFFECT? a. In the middle of the road b. High wind c. Low wind d. Because e. Tree fell 6. Cut her finger. What is the best CAUSE for the following EFFECT? a. Outside b. Yesterday c. Tomorrow d. In the house e. Raylene picked up broken glass 7. Sinta loved to read.... What is the best EFFECT for the followingCAUSE? a. She had many books b. Story books c. Reading d. Loved e. A lot 8. She was in a burry riding her bike, so she carried herviolin across the handlebars. She failed to see the rockon the street in front of her. Which statement is the EFFECT? a. The girl got off her bike to take a break. b. The rock did not get in the girl's way. c. The violin did not fall off the bike. d. The girl fell off of her bike. e. The violin was broken. 9. I wake up in the morning and ate breakfast. Then Ipulled out my toothbrush and smeared toothpaste all over the bristles. Which statement is the CAUSE? a. I took a shower. b. I combed my hair. c. I brushed my teeth.

Wahyulis Hersya 4173 XI MIPA 1











d. I left for the bus stop. e. I was wearing my shoes A child stretchedballoon, put it to his lips, andpursed his lips around the balloon's neck. Which statement is the EFFECT? a. The balloon popped. b. The balloon deflated. c. The balloon is getting bigger. d. The child took a deep breath. e. The child blew up the balloon. We bad a tremendous snowstorm during the night.Winds gusted to 45 mph. The roads are blocked, even at the bus stop. Which statement is the EFFECT? a. We played hide and seek. b. We decided to make a snowman. c. We were not able to go to school. d. We went to the store to get some snacks. e. We stayed inside and made hot chocolate. I ran as fast as I could, passing all the other runners in the race. I wasn't even tired, either. Which statement is the EFFECT? a. I won the race. b. I came in last place in the race. c. I was left behind all the runners. d. I decided to run the last lap of the race again. e. I stopped at the store for a snack, since I was ahead of everyone else. Aldi held his burger in her hand, even though he hadalready eaten a large lunch. The dog looked up at his withthose begging yes. Sighing, the dog rested it's bead on her lap. Which statement is the EFFECT? a. The dog took a nap. b. The dog stole his burger c. The dog whined for hours. d. Aldi gave the dog the burger. e. Aldi ate the burger, even though he wasn't really hungry. Look at the picture and choose the best causeand effect to match the picture. a. The girl too a nap because she has a cold. b. The girl tooka nap because she was tired. c. The girl spread her germs when she sneezed. d. The girl went to bed because she could not sleep at night. e. The girl went to her friend's house for Look at the picture and choose the best causeand effect to match the picture. a. The janitor is getting ready to clean the room because he has the right tools. b. The janitor was tired from smiling all day. c. The janitor went home with his tools because he didn't feel needed. d. The janitor didn't have any friends because he was always working. e. The janitor is not ready to work. Look at the picture and choose the best cause and effect to match the picture. a. We can go there because it's a one way. b. A one way street is common in our city. c. The one way sign was hard to read because it was dark outside d. The boy only knew one way to the movies because of the one way sign e. We couldn't go both ways on the street because it was a one way street. Look at the picture and choose the best CAUSE for the stated effect in the picture. a. The kids dreamed about going to the party b. The chaperones forgot to collect money at the door for all the party goers. c. The kids went to the party. d. The party was a bore. No one enjoyed it at all e. The party was held in a house. Look at the picture and choose the best CAUSE for the stated effect in the picture. a. l poured some milk to go with the toast. b. I went to take a shower to get ready for school. c. I put some bread in the toaster to eat for breakfast. d. I got out the peanut butter to spread on my toast. e. I bought the bread already. Look at the picture and choose the best CAUSEfor the stated effect.

Wahyulis Hersya 4173 XI MIPA 1 a. I don't like my math class. b. I got an A+ on my math test. c. I practiced my multiplication tables the night before the test. d. I didn't really study at all. e. I hope it's going to be easy test. 20. Look at the picture and choose the best CAUSEfor the stated effect. a. The cops forgot their handcuffs at the station. b. The cops want to get home for dinner. c. The cops are driving quickly, using their guns. d. The cops want to beat the lunch rush at the restaurants in town. e. The cops go want to chase the thief. Read the text to answer questions number 21 to 28. People around the world has known bicycle sincea long time ago. When bicycle was inventedforthe first time, it has function as a transportation.When people ride a bicycle, accident can happen.This bicycle accident can be caused by the brokenequipment, weather condition, or the rider'scarelessness. The failure of the equipment can be one ofthe causes of the bicycle accident. For example,if the brake of the bicycle does not work well,it can be problem for a rider. There are manyequipment of the bicycle that should be givenattention such as handlebar, brake, chain and tireto keep away from an accident. Weather condition can be another causeof the bicycle accident, such as in the rainy andwindy weather. In the rainy weather, the watermay impair the brakes and obstruct the brakes.Besides of it, in the rainy weather, a rider also hasdifficulties in controlling the bicycle because ofthe wet road. The last cause of the bicycle accidentis the carelessness of the ricer. If the reasonabove includes to non-human factors, this is thehuman factor that can cause a bike accident too.Sometimes the rider's awareness does not careabout the traffic signs or they stop in the placewhere they are not allowed to stop. This is thenumber one of the cause of bicycle accident inriding bike. In conclusion, there are some factors whichcan caused bicycle accident such as the brokenequipment of the bike, the weather, and thehuman carelessness. Actually, this accident can beavoided if every rider is aware about their safetyriding. 21. What is the text about? a. The equipment of bicycle. b. How bicycle was invented. c. A bad weather in the country. d. The cause of bicycle accident. e. Rider's awareness is required in riding. 22. ___________ it's a problem for a rider.\ According to the text, the cause is .... a. If they don't care about their selves b. If the brake doesn't work c. If they fix the equipment d. If they riding a bicycle e. If they ride alone 23. Which one does NOT include the failure ofbicycle equipment? a. Tire b. Chain c. Brake d. Helmet e. Handlebar 24. How could the rainy weather become dangerousfor the rider? a. The road is not slippery anymore. b. The rain blurred the rider's vision. c. The rain causes the rider have a cold. d. The rain may help the brake work easier. e. It's become difficult to control the bicycle. 25. Why do human factors cause an accident too? a. Because they ignore the slippery road. b. Because they do care about safety riding. c. Because they don't care about the other riders.

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d. Because the rider does not care the traffic sign. e. Because they have an experience in riding a bicycle. "This is the number one of the cause ...” (paragraph 4) The underlined word refers to .... a. bicycle b. accident c. the rider d. awareness e. traffic sign The followings are some factors of bicycleaccident, except .... a. ignoring traffic sign b. weather condition c. rider's carefulness d. bicycle equipment e. rider's awareness Which one is NOT TRUE about the text? a. Rainy and windy cause an accident. b. The awareness can be avoids the rider from the accident. c. Bicycle was invented for the first time as sport equipment. d. Lack of rider's awareness is a number one factor of an accident. e. Broken equipment, weather condition, and the rider's carelessness are the cause of accident. Nancy joined the book club because she loved to read. Which one is the CAUSE based on the sentenceabove? a. Nancy b. Because c. Book club d. She loved to read e. Nancy joined the book club Jim burned his hand when he took the lid off of the hot pan. Which one is the CAUSE based on the sentenceabove? a. When b. Hot Pan c. Not here d. Jim burned his hand e. Took the lid off the hot pan Dad cooked hamburgers and hot dogs in order to haveenough for the picnic. Which of the following indicates CAUSE/ EFFECT relationship? a. Dad cooked hamburgers and hot dogs b. to have plenty for the picnic c. Have enough for the picnic. d. In order to e. Not here Elena ran out of gas because she forgot to fill up withgas today. Which of the following indicates CAUSE/EFFECT relationship? a. Fill up b. Gas c. Because d. Elena ran out of gas e. She forgot to fill up with gas in her car today Maria out her foot when she ran outside without wearingshoes. Which of the following indicates CAUSE/EFFECT relationship? a. when b. She ran c. Her foot d. Maria cut her foot e. ran outside without wearing shoes My mom had a lot of laundry to do after the campingtrip. Which of the following indicates CAUSE? a. a lot of laundry b. after c. the camping trip d. to do

Wahyulis Hersya 4173 XI MIPA 1 e. My mom 35. The women got to the airport late, ________. What is the CAUSE in the sentence below? a. For they have a ticket. b. They missed their flight. c. Since they have a ticket. d. So me, missed their flight. e. Because they have already had a ticket. 36. The boy hit the dog with a stick and _______. a. the dog stayed b. the dog bite him c. the dog was happy d. the dog hit him back e. the dog licked hid hand 37. __________________ so Mom gave us a treat. a. We made a mess in the kitchen b. We never did our homework c. We had a bad score in math d. We were not behaving e. We did all our chores. 38. __________________ because he studied for his test. What is the EFFEECT in the sentence below? a. Arya got an A b. Arya got sick c. Arya left his school d. Arya asked his friend e. Arya was absent yesterday 39. Mom’s car has a flat tire so _______________. a. today is raining b. I has just left behind c. she didn’t want to buy d. we were late for school e. she went to school together 40. If you eat too much food and don’t exercise, _____________. a. you will be hungry? b. You will gain weight c. You don’t have to be sleepy d. You don’t have to buy the food e. You will only want to drink 41. The music at my neighbor’s party was so loud that ______________. a. I went to sleep b. I am not invited c. I couldn’t hear my tv d. I wished it was louder e. I want to know the music 42. The woman had the flu so _______________. a. she didn’t want to sick anymore b. she never took thr medicine c. she missed a week of work d. she didn’t need a jacket e. she forgot his medicine