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TOEFL - Structure and Written Expression Part 1 1. In the early 1,900's, Eastman .... in expensive brownie box camera a. it developed b. it was developed c. developed d. developing 2. .... the discovery of the fossilized remnants of tides in one-billion-year-old rocks a. geological reports b. geologist report c. the reports of geologist d. geologists reports 3. The Brooklyn bridge .... took thirteen years to complete a. in New York b. is in New York c. it is in new York d. which new York 4. Genes control all of the physical .... we inherit a. that traits b. that are traits c. traits that d. traits are that 5. Indigo can be extracted from a plant, and then .... to dye cloth blue a. it b. using c. using it d. it can be used 6. .... in the united state spends 900 hours per year in class and 1,170 hours in front of the television. a. the average third-grade b. the third grade is average c. there are three grade d. three average grades 7. Researcher  have begun studying what .... is on human circadian rhythms a. it is the effect of light b. the light affects c. is affecting the light d. the effect of light 8. If calcium oxide remain exposed to air, .... to calcium carbonate a. turning b. turns c. it turns

d. the turn 9. In 1732, coach travelers could got from new york to Philadelphia in about two days                                  A                    B                          C                                             D  Answer: b 10. Some of the district of Colombia are on low-laying, marshy ground                      A                                    B   C                         D      Answer: b 11. Georgia's economy is based main on agriculture          A                                  B       C                D Answer: c 12. the Paul revere house was built in 1676, and today its the oldest wooden building in Boston                                     A                                    B           C        D                           Answer: b 13.Conifers such as cedars, firs and pines bear its seeds in cones                       A                                              B     C                  D Answer: c 14. A dome is a semi spherical structure on top of a building                                  A                    B           C              D Answer: a 15. Succulents suck up water just in few hour, but they can store it in their stems for months                             A                                     B                              C             D Answer: b 16. Flying buttresses enabled builders to put up tall but thinnest stone walls                                        A                        B                          C                 D Answer: c 17. Weather forecasters monitor barometric pressures and record they on charts as isobars                                           A                                  B                            C  Answer: c 18. In many language the forms of a word varies to express such contrasts as number,                     A                                                 B                           C gender and tense            D Answer: b

19. A milky way object that erupt in the constellation scorpious has provides information to                                               A                                          B astronomers since July        C               D Answer: c 20. Much fossils are found in coal-bearing rocks          A                      B            C              D   Answer: a      PART 2 1. Some early batteries used concentrated nitric acid, .... gave off poisonous fumes. a. they b. then they c. but they d. but they had 2. The sound produced by an object .... in a periodic way involves more then the simple sine wave a. it vibrates b. vibrating  c. is vibrating d. vibrates 3. Prior to the discovery of anesthetics in 1846, surgery was done .... was still conscious. a. while the patient b. the patient felt c. during the patients d. while patiently 4. The drastic decline of the beaver helps to illustrated what .... t the ecosystems of the north america continent. a. happening b. the happening c. has happened d. about happening 5. The use of shorthand died out in the middle ages because of .... whit witchcraft. a. the association was imagined b. associate the imagination c. imagine the association d. the imagined association

6. Yacht is steered with a rudder, ... the flow of water that passes the hull a. which deflecting b. deflect c. it deflects d. which deflect 7. For top speed and sudden acceleration, the acceleration pump feeds additional gasoline from the float chamber into .... above the venturi tube a. the air flows b. the air flow c. the air is flowing d. flows the air 8. When sat is added to ice, this mixture become coldy enough to freeze ice                            A                  B                                 C                         D  cream Answer: c 9. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries long island was chiefly an                                                                        A                                      B agricultural region with fishing, whaling and build ships as the important         C                                                                    D industries. Answer: d 10. No one who has studied the battle of little bighorn know the exact route that                      A                                                                  B Custer and his detachment took                     C                           D Answer: b 11. The folktales which the brothers Grimm had collecting were translated into                                A                                                 B                        C English in 1823        D Answer: b 12. In our solar system, nine planets, fifty seven moons, several dozen asteroids,             A                                                                                        B and billions of meteorites have so far been discover

                                                         C                 D Answer: b 13. From the 1850-s until after the turn of century, many america's super rich                                                                                         A families made Newport his favorite summer resort.     A          C                    D Answer: d 14. Mars may looks red because it is covered with layer of soft red iron oxide.                          A                            B       C               D Answer: a 15. The radioactive substance that pose the greatest harm to humanity have                                                         A neither very short or very long half lives                      B      C                       D Answer: b 16. A robin cock its head to peer at a worm with one eyes and not to hear it, as                               A                                 B                    C was once thought      D Answer: c 17. Film sound is often record by an analog system which like the compact disc,                   A                    B                                             C uses light.    C Answer: b 18. The scribe of the middle ages used quill pens to produce their high decorated                                                              A                        B          C     D manuscripts  Answer: c 19. The principles of physics described by Christian Doppler in 1842 for the                                                       A  movement of stars has been adapted to evaluate the movement of blood within                                 B                 C                                                          D the heart Answer: b

20. The pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft were the first vehicles of humankind to                                                                  A          B venture beyond the limits of ours solar system.                                  C            D Answer: d PART 3 1. A three foot octopus can crawl through a hole ..... in diameter. a. than one inch less b. less than one inch  c. one less inch than d. than less one inch 2. .... adopted the decimal system of coinage in 1867. a. Canada b. when Canada c. Canada which d. there was Canada 3. Generally, the representatives .... a legislature are constitutionally elected by a board spectrum of the population. a. who they compose b. who compose c. had compose d. compose 4. The actor's studio, a professional actors workshop in New York City, provides .... where actors can work together without the pressure of commercial production. a. a place and b. a place c. so that a place d. a place is 5. ..... that life begun billions of years ago in the water. a. it is believed  b. in the belief c. the belief d. believing 6. By 1872 the united state had 70 engineering collage, ..... astonishing expansion credited largely to the Morrill Act of 1862 a. because b. an c. to which d. was 7. The artist Romare Bcarden was .... whose yellows, deep blue and fuchsias contrasted strongly with photographic gray in his bright collages. a. with a gift for color b. a gifted colorist

c. a gifted with colorful d. gifted with coloring 8. The most important chemical catalyst on his planet is chlorophyll, .... carbon dioxide and water react to form carbohydrates a. whose presence b. which is present c. presenting d. in the presence of which 9. A variation of collodion photography was the tintype, which captured images on a black               A                                                                             B or dark brown metal plate instead from on glass C                                                 D Answer: d  10. In case of minor injury to the brain, amnesia is likely to be A  B C an temporarily condition D                                                                                                   Answer: d 11. The system of chemical symbols, first devised about 1800 gives a concise A  and instantly             B                                                                                                                  recognizable description of a element or compound                                             C               D Answer: c 12. The fact that white light is light composed of various wavelengths may              A                                 B            be demonstrating                                                                   C by dispersing a beam of such light through a prism                                          D Answer: c 13. Over the course of history, much civilization developed their A  B    own number systems. C                        D                                                                                     Answer: b 14. In the united state during the second world war, each trade A 

unions and employers              B                                                                                                 avoided federal limits on wages by offering employees nontaxable systems                                                     C                     D Answer: a 15. Philosophy in the study of the nature of realty, knowledge, existent and ethics by A                                                                  B C means        D                            of rational inquiry Answer: b 16. Poems vary in length from brief lyric poems to narrative or epic poems, which can be                                    A      B                                         C as broad in scope than a novel                 D Answer: d 17. The population of California more than doubled during the period 1940 – 1960, creating                                                          A                          B problem in road-building and provide water for its arid southern section                                                    C                                          D Answer: c 18. Although based it on feudal models, the colony of A Pennsylvania developed a reputation  B                C for a progressive political and social outlook.           D Answer: a 19. Hard and resistant to corrosion, bronze is traditionally used in bell casting and is the            A                                                              B material used widely most for metal sculpture                                  C                             D Answer: c

20. The Appalachian mountain formation a natural barrier between the eastern seaboard                                                       A                                         B and the vast lowlands of the continental interior of North America                           C                                       D Answer: a PART 4 1. One theory of the origin of the universe is .... from the explosion of a tiny, extremely dense fireball several billion years ago a. because what formed b. the formation that c. that it formed d. when forming 2. Road in the United state remained crude, .... with graved or wood plank, until the beginning of the twentieth century. a. were unsurefaced or they covered them b. which unsureface or covered c. unsurfaced or covered them d. unsurfaced or covered 3. Portrait print were the first reproduction of American painting …. widely distributed in the united state a. were b. that which c. that being d. to be 4. Abigail Adam was prodigious letter writer, …. many edition of her letter have been published. a. who b. and c. in addition to d. due to 5. In geometry, an ellipse may be defined as the locus of all point …. distance from two fixed point is constant. a. which as the sum of b. of the sum which c. whose sum of whose d. whose sum that the

6. …. at the site of a fort established by the Northwest Mounted police, Calgary is now one of Canada’s fastest growing cities a. built b. it is built c. to build d. having build 7. An image on a national flag can symbolize political ideals that …. express. a. take many word to otherwise would b. would take to many otherwise word c. many word to take would otherwise d. would otherwise take many word to 8. The president …. the election by a landslide a. won b. he won c. yesterday d. fortunately 9. The united state census for 1970 showed that the french-speaking residents of Louisiana                                             A               B were one of the country’s most compact regional linguistic minority.  C                                                                                               D Answer: d 10. When used as food addictive, antioxidants prevent fats and oil A B from become rancid       C                                    when exposed to air, and thus extend their shelf life                    D Answer : c 11. Copper was the first metallic used by human and is second only to iron in its utility                                            A                                    B                            C through the ages                    D Answer: a 12.Despite the fact that lemurs are general nocturnal, the ring-tailed lemur travels by day in          A                                                  B                                                           C bands of four to twelve individuals                        D

Answer: b 13. The western world is beset with the range of problem that characterize mature,                                                      A                            B                                      C postindustrial societies.                            D Answer: b 14. Acrylic paints are either applied using a knife or diluted and spreading with a                       A               B                    C                                         D paintbrush.    Answer: d 15. Some marine invertebrates, such as the sea urchin and the starfish, migrate from deep                                                            A                                                            B water to shallow during spring and early summer to spawn.                 C                                                               D Answer: b 16. Marshes, wetland areas characterized by plant grassy growth, are distinguished from                                              A                                              B                                        C swamps, wetlands where trees grown                                      D Answer: b 17. Wampum, beads used as a form of exchange by some native Americans, was made of                                                   A                             B bits of seashells cut, drill and strung into belts    C                             D Answer: c 18. Kangaroos use their long and powerful tail for balance themselves when sitting upright                                  A                       B               C                                          D or jumping. Answer: c 19. Proper city planning provides for the distribution of public utilities, public buildings, parks                                            A                         B  and recreation centers, and for adequate and the inexpensive housing.                     C                                                              D Answer: d

20. Most traditional dances are made up of a prearranged series of steps and movements,          A                                              B  but modern dancer are generally free to move as they choice.                                                              D                                 C Answer: d PART 5 1. Neither professor Johnson nor any other faculty member .... to apply for the dean's position a. intend b. intends c. are intending d. has intend 2. E. Coli has proven to be .... most dangerous bacteria that can be acquired from food and water, even in developed countries a. one of the b. one of c. one d. of one 3. The death toll would .... much higher if immediate action had not been taken a. probably being b. probably be c. probably been d. be probable 4. A fire in the .... building could be a problem for firefighters. a. ninety-story-tall b. ninety-tall-story c. ninety-stories-tall d. ninety stories 5. Their office consisted of three rooms, .... was used as a conference room a. larger of which b. the largest of which c. the largest of them d. largest 6. According to the third law of thermodynamics, .... possible is 273.16 degrees centigrade a. that temperature is lowest b. the temperature is lower c. lowest temperature d. the lowest temperature

7. After the first world war, the author Anais Nin become interested in the art movement known as surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both .... her novels and shorts stories. a. in which the influenced b. of which influenced c. to have influence d. its influence in  8. Muskarats generally .... close to the edge of a bog, where their favorite plant foods grow plentifully. a. staying b. they are staying c. stay d. to stay there 9. Oliver Ellsworth, .... of the united states supreme court, was the author of the bill that established in the federal court system. a. he was the third chief justice b. the third chief justice was c. who the third chief justice d. the third chief justice 10. .... Colonial period the great majority of conecticuts settlers came from England. a. since b. the time c. during the d. it was 11. Each of the nurses report to the operating room when his or her name is called a. of the b. report c. his or her name d. is called 12. Species like snake, lizard. coyotes, squirrel and jack rabbits seems to exit quite happily in the dessert a. like b. seems to c. quite happily d. the 13. The freshman failed to follow the advice of her senior that he studied hard and not go out too much a. freshman b. her c. studied d. go out

14. Parks which are found in downtown areas where office workers and store employees can enjoy their lunch hour sitting on the green grass in clean fresh air a. which b. employees c. lunch hours sitting d. fresh air 15. The guide told the tourists that it was a good restaurant specializing in seafood just round the corner from the museum a. the b. it was a c. specializing d. just around 16. In certain types of poisoning, immediately give large quantities of soapy or salt water in order to induce vomiting. synonym induce is .... a. control b. clean c. cause d. stop 17. He was mystified by the look on the strangers face. synonym mystified is .... a. perplexed b. shocked c. upset d. excited 18. I was horrified to see the child about to cross the expressway alone. synonym horrified is .... a. ashamed b. shocked c. nervous d. surprised 19. The secretary left after weeks of harassment by the manager of her department. synonym harassment is .... a. teasing b. irritation c. absence d. goading 20. It is very discourteous to intrude during someone's conversation. synonym intrude is .... a. find fault b. disagree c. be in the way d. leave quickly

PART 6 1. Neither professor Johnson nor any other faculty member .... to apply for the dean's position a. intend b. intends c. are intending d. has intend 2. E. Coli has proven to be .... most dangerous bacteria that can be acquired from food and water, even in developed countries a. one of the b. one of c. one d. of one 3. The death toll would .... much higher if immediate action had not been taken a. probably being b. probably be c. probably been d. be probable 4. A fire in the .... building could be a problem for firefighters. a. ninety-story-tall b. ninety-tall-story c. ninety-stories-tall d. ninety stories 5. Their office consisted of three rooms, .... was used as a conference room a. larger of which b. the largest of which c. the largest of them d. largest 6. According to the third law of thermodynamics, .... possible is 273.16 degrees centigrade a. that temperature is lowest b. the temperature is lower c. lowest temperature d. the lowest temperature 7. After the first world war, the author Anais Nin become interested in the art movement known as surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both .... her novels and shorts stories. a. in which the influenced b. of which influenced c. to have influence d. its influence in 

8. Muskarats generally .... close to the edge of a bog, where their favorite plant foods grow plentifully. a. staying b. they are staying c. stay d. to stay there 9. Oliver Ellsworth, .... of the united states supreme court, was the author of the bill that established in the federal court system. a. he was the third chief justice b. the third chief justice was c. who the third chief justice d. the third chief justice 10. .... Colonial period the great majority of conecticuts settlers came from England. a. since b. the time c. during the d. it was 11. Each of the nurses report to the operating room when his or her name is called a. of the b. report c. his or her name d. is called 12. Species like snake, lizard. coyotes, squirrel and jack rabbits seems to exit quite happily in the dessert a. like b. seems to c. quite happily d. the 13. The freshman failed to follow the advice of her senior that he studied hard and not go out too much a. freshman b. her c. studied d. go out 14. Parks which are found in downtown areas where office workers and store employees can enjoy their lunch hour sitting on the green grass in clean fresh air a. which b. employees c. lunch hours sitting d. fresh air

15. The guide told the tourists that it was a good restaurant specializing in seafood just round the corner from the museum a. the b. it was a c. specializing d. just around 16. In certain types of poisoning, immediately give large quantities of soapy or salt water in order to induce vomiting. synonym induce is .... a. control b. clean c. cause d. stop 17. He was mystified by the look on the strangers face. synonym mystified is .... a. perplexed b. shocked c. upset d. excited 18. I was horrified to see the child about to cross the expressway alone. synonym horrified is .... a. ashamed b. shocked c. nervous d. surprised 19. The secretary left after weeks of harassment by the manager of her department. synonym harassment is .... a. teasing b. irritation c. absence d. goading 20. It is very discourteous to intrude during someone's conversation. synonym intrude is .... a. find fault b. disagree c. be in the way d. leave quickly PART 7 1. The decimal numeral system is one of the .... ways of expressing number. a. useful most world's b. world's most useful c. useful world's most d. most world's useful

2. Emily Dickinson's garden was a place .... great inspiration for her poems. a. that she drew b. by drawing her c. from which she drew d. drawn from which 3. The mountains surrounding Los Angeles effectively shield the city from the hot, dry wind of Mojave Desert, .... the circulation on air a. but they also prevent b. also prevented by them c. and also to prevent d. and also preventing 4. Not only .... to determine the depth of the ocean floor, bit it also used to locate oil. a. to use seismology b. is seismology used c. seismology is used d. using seismology 5. Nebraska has floods in some years, .... a. in others drought b. droughts are other c. while other droughts d. other in drought 6. It is the role of the national bureau of standards to establish accurate measurements for science, industrial and commerce a. it is b. establish c. measurements d. industrial 7. While verbalization is the most common form of language in existence, humans make use of many others system and techniques to express their thoughts and feelings a. the most common form b. existence c. others system d. to express 8. It is interesting to compare the early stylized art forms of ancient civilizations to the modern abstract forms of art a. interesting b. to compare c. of d. to

9. For the first time in the history of the country, the person which was recommended by the president to replace a retiring justice on the supreme court is a woman a. which b. was recommended c. to replace d. retiring 10. Although jogging is a good way to lose weight and improve one's physical condition, most doctors recommended that the potential jogger begin in a correct manner by getting a complete checkup a. jogging b. most c. in a correct manner d. getting 11. The fer-de-lance, a kind of viper, is one of the most poisonous snakes. synonym poisonous is .... a. deadly b. vicious c. bad tasting d. unhealthy 12. In the early days of baseball, the game was played by young men of means and social position. synonym of means is .... a. with skill b. with equipment c. with money d. with ambition 13. Mounting evidence indicates that acid rain is damaging historic sites in Boston and Philadelphia. synonym mounting is .... a. hanging b. tentative c. increasing d. irrefutable 14. Carpets from countries such as Persia and Afghanistan often fetch high price in the united state. synonym carpets is .... a. artificial b. rugs c. pottery d. textiles 15. Though many scientific breakthroughs have resulted from mishaps, it has taken brilliant thinkers to recognize their potential. synonym mishaps is .... a. misunderstanding b. accidents c. misfortunes d. incidentals

16. The greater the number of bacteria attacking the system, .... a. the sooner treatment must be begun b. sooner must begin treatment c. begin treatment as soon as possible d. must begin treatment sooner 17. A congressional committee has been appointed to study a new procedure .... to eliminate some costly expenditures. a. that is expected b. what is expected c. which expects d. that expected 18. Some people send job applications even they are reasonably happy in their job, .... improving their position a. with hoping to b. hoping that c. with hopes of d. hoping to 19. Swimming is a beneficial exercise, .... aerobic activity and uses number of muscle gruops. a. not only because it provides b. because it both provides c. for provision d. as result of providing 20. The professor instructed the students .... the essay without preparing an outline first. a. to not write b. not to write c. do not write d. to not write PART 8 1. The Greek historian Herodotus reported that one hundred thousand men are employed for twenty years to build the great Pyramid at Giza a. are b. for c. to build d. at Giza 2. It was her, Elizabeth I, not her father, king Henry, Who led England in to age of Empire a. her b. her father c. who d. led

3. Because blood from different individuals may different in the type of antigen on the surface of the red cells and the type of antibody in the plasma, a dangerous reaction can occur between the donor and recipient in blood transfusion a. because b. different c. can occur d. and 4. When mining for gold, you must first obtain the gold one and then apart the gold from the ore a. when mining b. must first c. an then d. apart 5. The amount of woman earning Master's Degree has risen sharply in recent years a. the amount b. masters c. ha risen d. recent years 6. A multitude of people attended the fund-rising presentation in the mall. synonym multitude is .... a. small number b. select group c. huge crowd d. large herd 7. Jan took many snapshots while on vacation in Europe. synonym snapshots is .... a. notes b. gifts c. photo d. clothes 8. Ralph Nader always speaks out about everything. synonym speaks is .... a. declares his opinion b. agrees c. quarrels d. has an interest 9. John was not promoted because his work did not meet the manager's expectations. synonym expectations is .... a. anticipation b. expenditures c. expertise d. gaudiness 10. Unorganized guessing will not raise at test score as significantly as choosing one letter as a "guess answer" for the entire examination. synonym unorganized is .... a. cryptic

b. haphazard c. economical d. subsequent 11. It is not clear when ...., although there are many different theory. a. dinosaurs becoming extinct b. dinosaurs extinction c. dinosaurs become extinct d. did dinosaurs become extinct 12. If the driver's own car .... damaged, the favorite probable would have won the race a. had not been b. not c. not had been d. has no be 13. The soldiers were unable to determine where .... a. the jeep had been left b. had been leave the jeep c. had the jeep been left d. had the jeep left 14. The manager was angry because somebody .... a. had allowed the photographers to enter the building b. had let the photographers to enter the building c. permitting the photographers enter the building d. the photographers let into the building 15.  The committee members resented .... of the meeting. a. the president that he did not tell them b. the president not to inform them c. the president's not informing them d. that the president had failed informing themselves 16. .... the demands of aerospace, medicine and agriculture, engineers are creating exotic new metallic substance. a. meet b. being met are c. to meet d. they are meeting 17. .... James A Bland, "carry me back to old virginy" was adopted is the state song of irgina in 1940 a. was written by b. his writing was c. he wrote the d. written by

18. Mary Garden, .... the early 1900's, was considered one of the best singing actresses of her time. a. a soprano was popular b. in a popular soprano c. was a popular soprano d. a popular soprano in 19. In the realm of psychological theory, Margaret F Washburn was a dualist .... that motor phenomena have an essential role in psychology a. who she believed b. who believed c. believed d. who did she believe 20. .... no real boundary to the part of the ocean reffered to as a "deep" because of changing water levels and movement in the sea floor a. it is b. to be c. being d. there is PART 9 1. Unlike moderate antislavery advocates, abolitionists .... an immediate and to slavery. a. demanded b. they demanded c. that they demanded d. in that they demand 2.  A few animals sometimes fool their enemies .... to be dead a. appear b. to appear c. by appearing d. to be appearing 3. .... of the mourning dove is made by the male. a. that the sad cooing call b. the sad cooing call c. is the sad cooing call d. the cooing call is sad 4. The work of painters in the united states during the early twentieth century is noted for .... as well as telling stories. a. it is representing of images b. which images representing c. the image representing d. representing images

5. Abraham Lincoln insisted that .... not just on more opinion but on moral purpose. a. to base democracy b. for democracy to be based c. democracy be based d. whenever democracy is based 6. Writer and media personnel sell theirselves best by the impression given in their verbal expression. a. personnel b. theirselves c. by the d. expression 7. The disposable camera, a single-use camera preloaded with print film, has appeared in the late 1980's and has become very popular. a. a b. preloaded with c. has appeared d. has become 8. A largely percentage of Canadian export business is with the united states. a. largely b. of c. is d. with 9. Some studies show that young babies prefer the smell of milk to those of other liquids. a. that young babies b. smell c. those d. other liquids 10. When the ball struck him in the face, the player was collapsed but his teammates carried on playing. a. in the face b. was collapsed c. but d. carried on 11. Perhaps more than anything else, it was onerous taxed that led to 'the peasant' Revolt in England in 1381. synonym onerous is .... a. multiple b. unjust c. burdensome d. infamous

12. An appendectomy is a routine operation. synonym routine is .... a. cheap b. small c. usual d. quick 13. In the play "who is afraid of Virginia Woolf?" a woman and her husband spend most of their time quarreling. synonym quarreling is ....  a. bickering b. gossiping c. teasing d. chuckling 14. Jane suffered a light blow on her head as she got out of her car. synonym light blow is .... a. jump b. hump c. bump d. stump 15. Since the research studies have shown a relationship between cancer and cigarette smoking, many people have cut down . synonym cut down is .... a. ceased smoking b. become frightened c. decreased the number of cigarettes d. gotten sick 16. .... is entirely up to him a. how he travel b. how traveling c. he travels d. how is he traveling 17. Modern blimps like the famous goodyear blimps .... the first ones in that they are filled with helium of hydrogen a. differ from b. different from c. is different from d. different 18. Upon hatching .... a. young duck know how to swim b. swimming is known by young duck c. the knowledge of swimming is in young duck d. how to swim is known in young duck 19. .... a sizable geographic area, its constitutes a biome. a. that a group of plants and animals occupies b. a group of plants an animals occupying c. a group of plants and animals occupies

d. when a group of plants and animals occupies 20. Some forms of mollusks are extremely useful as food, especially the bivalves .... oysters, clams and scallops a. such b. such as c. as d. so PART 10 1. World trade patterns are indicative of the important economic issues .... comfort the world today. a. what b. that c, who d. they 2. In the symphony orchestra, bass drums are not .... kettle drums. a. as prevalent b. that prevalent c. so prevalent as d. prevalent than 3. Most natural ports are located where the shoreline is irregular and .... a. deep water b. is the water deep c. the water is deep d. there is the deep water 4. .... to the reproductive rates of other small mammals, that of the bat is very low indeed. a. compared b. it is compared c. to be comparing d. have compared 5. .... native to europe, the daisy has now spread throughout most of North America. a. although b. if it were c. in spite of d. that it is 6. Until the project completed, the effects of new measures will not be known, especially in rural areas. a. until b. completed d. effects d. in rural areas

7. Pollution, which effects nearly all countries, increase the risk of disease as well as harming the environment. a. which effects b. increase c. of d. harming the environment 8. Some people think that the desire to wear sunglasses are more a need to impress than to protect the eyes. a. that b. are c. than to d. the 9. Laser technology is the heart of a new generation of high-speed copier and printer a. is b. a c. generation d. printer 10. The artist tried stimulate interest in painting by taking his student to the museum a. stimulate b. interest in c. by taking d. to the 11. After senator smith announced that he planned to run for president, the telephone at campaign headquarters rang continuously. synonym continuously is .... a. incessantly b. ignorantly c. incisively d. impartially 12. Since Ron has such an intense dislike for flying, I am certain that he will not want to go with us. synonym intense dislike is .... a. avarice for b. aversion to c. affection for d. affirmation of 13. The American bald eagle is not really bald in usual sense. synonym bald is .... a. mighty b. majestic c. hairless d. flightless 14. He was fired because of his misconduct at the office party. synonym misconduct is ....

a. mistake b. impropriety c. condition d. singing 15. The 1908 Siberian meteorite explosion brought about considerable depletion of the northern hemisphere's ozone layer. synonym brought about is .... a. was caused by b. resulted in c. brought back d. was initiated by 16. .... techniques have been developed in recent years to diagnose genetic diseases in the developing fetus. a. several b. there are several c. they are several d. several of 17. .... are prepared from flour or meal derived from some form of grain a. with bakery products b. while bakery products c. bakery products d. they are bakery products 18. Although the Ojibwa Indians fought frequently with the Sioux, they did not have .... with early white settlers a. much contact b. lots contact c. many contact d. large contact 19. The truck .... crushed into the back of a bus scattering glass everywhere. a. loading with empty bottles b. which loading with empty bottles c. it was loading with empty bottles d. loaded with empty bottle 20. He entered a university .... a. when he had sixteen years b. when sixteen years were his age c. at the age of sixteen d. at age sixteen years old

PART 11 1. The pilgrims were 102 English emigrants whom, after arriving on the Mayflower, became the first European settlers in New England a. whom b. arriving c. became d. the first 2. All the scouts got theirselves ready for the long camping trip by spending their weekends living in the open. a. all b. theirselves c. the d. living 3. After to have won the light-heavyweight title at the 1960 olympic games, Muhammad Ali began to box professionally. a. to have b. at the c. began d. professionally 4. The information officer at the bank told his customers that there was several different kinds of checking accounts available a. at the bank b. told c. that d. there was 5. A turtle differs from all other reptiles in that its body is enchased in an protective shell of their own. a. from b. other c. their d. own 6. A two third majority in congress is required if a bill is to become law. synonym required is .... a. necessary b. desirable c. acquired d. optional 7. The Chinese people worship their ancestor. synonym ancestor is .... a. fossil b. elders c. forefather d. heir

8. The dog saw his reflection in the poll of water. synonym reflection is .... a. image b. bone c. imagination d. leash 9. John didn't enjoy the rock concert because he thought the tempo was bad. synonym tempo is .... a. audience b. rhythm c. singer d. weather 10. The old utilities building was demolished and a new high rise took its place. synonym demolished is .... a. renovated b. razed c. remodeled d. reconciled 11. In a hot, sunny climate, man acclimatize by eating less, drinking more liquid, wearing lighter clothing and .... a. skin change that darken b. his skin may darken c. experiencing a darkening of the skin d. darkens his skin 12. Some of the rainwater from cloud evaporates before .... a. reaching the ground b. to reach the ground c. reach the ground d. the ground reaches 13. Americans author John Updike, .... spent his boyhood in Shillington, Pennsylvania. a. was the only child of high school mathematics teacher b. who the only child of a high school mathematics teacher c. the only child of a high school mathematics teacher d. he was the only child of a high school mathematics teacher 14. With the new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys .... color a. within b. for c. in d. by

15. Recently, there have been several outbreaks of disease like legionnaire's syndrom and doctor do not know .... a. what is the cause b. the cause is what c. is what the cause d. what the cause is 16. .... did Arthur realize that there was danger. a. upon entering the store b. when he entered the store c. after he had entered the store d. only after entering the store 17. Hardly .... the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet a. he had entered b. had entered c. entered d. had he entered 18. Once the employee had begun receiving financial information on the company .... income a. they diligently assisted in reducing cost and increasing b. it made the employee more eager to assist in reduce cost and increase c. diligently the assist to reduce cost and increase d. with extreme diligence helped lower cost and increase 19. The plumber attempted to loosen the nut with regular pliers but then decided he needed to retrieve his toolbox in order to use .... a. anther pliers b. other pliers c. the others ones d. another pair 20. The committee has met and .... a. have approve the budget b. budget was approve c. its approval of the budget d. approved the budget PART 12 1. Almost all life depends to chemical reaction with oxygen to produce energy. a. almost all b. depends to c. to produce d. energy 2. It is essential that vitamins are supplied either by foods or by supplementary tablets for normal growth to occur

a. are b. or c. by the supplementary tablets d. to occur 3.If a rush occurs within twenty-four hours after taking a new medication, the treatment should discontinued. a. occurs b. after taking c. medication d. should discontinued 4. According to the theory of natural selection. the man who was able to use the hands and feet most freely to walk and grasp was the one who survived and evolved a. the hand and feet b. freely c. to walk and grasp d. who 5. Oil whale lamps were replaced by kerosene lamps in 1860's and multimillion dollars whale industry came to an end a. oil whale b. were replaced c. multi-million d. came 6. Joyce is loved by all her friends because she very congenial. synonym congenial is .... a. pleasant b. wealthy c. courageous d. sensitive 7. Prehistoric cave art portrayed animals in motion. synonym portrayed is .... a. enhanced b. hindered c. criticize d. depicted 8. The members of the committee were assembled quickly. synonym assembled is .... a. advised b. informed c. gathered d. consulted 9. A chameleon is a kind of lizard known for its ability to change color. synonym color is .... a. scope b. magnitude c. span

d. hue 10. It takes roughly 4000 pounds of petals to make a single pound of rose oil. synonym roughly is .... a. as much as b. amazingly c. more or less d. relatively 11. It now believed that some damage to tissues may result .... them to frequent Xray a. the exposing b. from exposure c. from exposing d. expose 12. Rhododendrons would rather .... in shady place and so would azaleas a. to grow b. growing c. grown d. grow 13. All of the people at the AAME conference are .... a. mathematics teachers b. mathematics teachers c. mathematics teacher d. mathematics  teachers 14. At an experimental agricultural station, many type of grass are grown .... various conditions. a. under b. underneath c. below d. beneath 15. .... he would have come to class. a. if mike is able to finish his homework b. would mike be able to finish his homework c. if mike could finish his homework d. if mike had been able to finish his homework 16. After Michelle had taken control of the account receivable department, the financial situation improved dramatically; her fiscal and management capabilities .... to the success a. should contribute b. should have contributed c. must have contributed d. must contribute

17. Having been presented the financial aspects of the proposed agreement,     a. legal term were addressed by the board member b. the board members turned their attention to the legal terms c. the were begun to discuss legal term d. a discussion of the legal term by the board members 18. Rafael will not be able to attend class tomorrow because .... an interview with the immigration officials. a. he must to attend b. he will be attending c. of he must attend d. he will have attending 19. The faculty of the university is not expected to approve the collective bargaining proposal and .... a. the administration either b. neither is the administration c. neither the administration d. the administration is not neither 20. The chairman requested that .... a. a committee appointed to study the problem thoroughly b. a committee appointed to make thoroughly review of the problem c. thoroughly review the problem by a committee d. a committee be appointed to review the problem thoroughly PART 13 1. The Fertile catkins of the willow tree are the green, caterpillar - like ones, commonly .... in length. a. or an inch more b. or an inch as c. at least the inches d. an inch or more 2. .... short handled, long blades weapon, similar to a dagger but larger a. like a sword b. a sword is c. a sword is what d. before a sword 3. In 1948 the united states secretary of states Dean Acheron .... the marshall plan to aid the economic recover of Europe after the second world war. a. begin to carry out b. began carrying c. beginning and carrying out d. to have begun carrying out

4. The protection of technologies and technological information has become .... of many nations a. the importance of a concern b. a concern of important c. the importance concerning d. an important concern 5. .... several ears for bamboo seeds to grow into plants that can be used for commercial purposes a. to be taken b. it takes c. by taking  d. although taking 6. When a patient 's blood pressure is much higher than it should be, a doctor usually insist that he will not smoke a. much b. than it c. should be d. will not 7. Geochemistry try includes the study of the movement of element from one place to another as a result of processes chemical. a. the study of b. of element c. as a d. processes chemical 8. Even on he most careful prepared trip, problems will sometime develop a. even b. careful c. trip d. will sometime 9. I don't care you do just so long as you do it immediately a. don't care b. you do c. so d. do 10. The master of ceremonies announced in a loud and clear voice and told that the dinner would be late due to unforseen circumstances a. of ceremonies b. and told c. would be d. due to 11. The recent medical breakthrough was the culmination of many long years of experimentation. synonym breakthrough is .... a. result

b. climax c. abyss d. cultivation 12. Magma is the primary source of all the earth's rocks. Synonym primary is .... a. cheapest b. first c. nearest d. worst 13. Saint Elmo's fire is a Phenomenon that occurs when ships discharging harmless electrical charges into the atmosphere to shine. synonym shine is .... a. fade b. shrink c. glow d. vanish 14. Milk is purified b heating it at 60 C for thirty minutes. synonym purified is .... a. cleansed b. stored c. mixed d. packaged 15. Although monkeys occasionally menace their enemies, they are usually not dangerous unless they are provoked. synonym menace is .... a. pursue b. consume c. threaten d. kill 16. After the assassination attempt, President Reagan's doctor suggested that he .... a short rest at Camp David a. will take b. would take  c. take d. took 17. Children usually turn to their parents rather than .... for protection from thread in the environment a. they turn to other figures of authority b. authority figures to other c. to other figures of authority d. their turning to other figures of authority 18. The evolution of vertebrates suggests development from a very simple hearth in fish to a .... in man a. four-chamber heart b. four-chambers heart c. four-chamber hearts d. four-chamber's heart

19. Malaria, which can be fatal if left untreated, is transmitted by the female, .... by the male, mosquito. a. not b. however c. despite d. instead 20. John's score on the test is the highest in the class, .... a. he should study last night b. he should have studied last night c. he must have studied last night d. he must had to study last night PART 14 1. Arthur Miller's play death of a salesman in the tragic story of a man destroyed by his own hollow values and those of the society .... a. he lives in which b. in which he lives c. which he lives d. lives he which in 2. During courtship, .... displays his greenand-gold upper tail feathers before the peahen. a. in which the crested peacock b. which the crested peacock c. the crested peacock that d. the crested peacock 3. .... theories approximate the truth is the day to day business of science. a. determine how closely b. how closely to determine c. how one determine d. one is close to determine 4. The earthworm is a worm .... in moist, warm soil in many geographical areas. a. where it is found b. is found c. and found it d. found 5. .... advance and retreat in their eternal rhythms, but the surface of the sea itself is never at rest. a. not only when the tides do b. as the tides not only do c. not only do the tides d. do the tides not only

6. State university bear the name of their state, and its achievements are recognized as state achievement a. bear b. their c. its d. are 7. Narcissus, a character in mythology, gazed at his own images in a pool so ardently that he fell into itself and downed a. a character in mythology b. his own c. that d. into it self 8. I do not now where could he have gone so early in the morning a. could he have b. gone c. so early d. in the 9. in 1961 America's first manned spacecraft launched a. in b. america's c. manned d. launched 10. Today's job seekers are confronted with such question as "are you computer literate?" and "can you set up data base?" a. job b. confronted c. such question d. set up 11. In the Navajo household, grandparents and other relatives play indispensable roles in raising the children. synonym indispensable is .... a. dominant b. exemplary c. essential d. demanding 12. Regular use of this cream will help to relieve the rough, dry condition of your skin. synonym relieve is .... a. alleviate b. abstract c. evaporate d. abbreviate

13. Because leeches behavior pattern are simple, it is relatively easy to identify which neurons govern which behavior. synonym behavior is .... a. apparently b. comparatively c. obviously d. consequently 14. After the bottom fell out of the market, he was virtually bankrupt. synonym virtually is .... a. completely b. finally c. practically d. dishonestly 15. She didn't say much, but her tone of voice insinuated more. synonym insinuated is .... a. blamed b. suggested c. demanded d. intervened 16. .... the best car to buy is a Mercedes Benz. a. because of its durability and economy b. because it lasts a long time, a it is very economical c. because of its durability and it is economical d. because durably and economy wise it is better than all the others  17. It is necessary .... the approaches to the bridge, the road design and alignment in such a way as to best accommodate the expected traffic flow over and under it a. plan b. to plan c. planning d. the plan 18. Groups of tissues, each with its own function, .... in the human body. a. it makes up the organs b. make up the organs c. they make up the organs d. makes up the organs 19. Rarely .... acorn until the tree are more than twenty ears old. a. when oak trees bear b. oak trees that bear c. do oak trees bear d. oak trees bear 20. Richard was asked to withdraw from graduate school because ... a. they believed he was not really able to complete research b. he was deemed incapable of completing his research c. it was decide that he was not capable to complete the research

d. his ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted PART 15 1. The monarch butterfly's migration of 1,800 miles or more makes .... among insects a. uniquely b. is uniquely c. it unique d. it is unique 2. A reagent is any chemical that reacts in a predictable way .... with other chemical a. when mixed b. when it mixed c. it mixed d. mixed is 3. By the 1950s, Mahalia Jackson's powerful, joyous gospel music style had gained her .... a. and she had an international reputation b. with an international reputation c. which was her international reputation d. an international reputation 4. Hovercraft, or air-cushion vehicle, are unusual .... travel over land water on a layer of air. a. they b. in they c. that the d. in that they 5. in the united states, a primary election is a method .... voters select the nominees for public office a. that b. is that c. by which d. by those 6. Nuclear powers production in the US is controlled by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( NRC) a. powers b. is c. controlled d. the 7. What happened in New York were a reaction from city workers, including firemen and policemen who had been laid off from their jobs a. what happened b. were c. including d. their

8. The Indians of the southwestern United State are famous for their beautiful art work, especially hand made jewelry cast from silver, carved from stone or decorated with beads and feathers a. are b. art work c. especially d. decorated 9. Venomous snakes with modified teeth connected to poison glands in which the venom is secreted and stored a. with b. poison glands c. in which  d. is secreted 10. Spell correctly is easy with the aid of number of word processing programs for personal computers a. spell b. correctly c. word processing d. computers 11. When calcium carbonate crystallizes from a solution, limestone is formed. synonym formed is .... a. made b. framed c. destroyed d. outlined 12. After receiving her check, Suzy endorsed it and took it to the bank. synonym endorsed is .... a. destroyed b. signed c. folded d. deposited Answer: b 13. The professor's introductory remarks concerned the development of the laser beam. synonym introductory is .... a. preliminary b. final c. supplementary d. interminable

Answer: a 14. The speaker was asked to condense his presentation in order to allow his audience to ask question. synonym condense is .... a. abbreviate b. expand c. continue d. delay Answer: a 15. Immigrants entering the United States at the turn of the century often encountered living conditions radically different from those they had left behind. synonym radically is .... a. apparently b. drastically c. admittedly d. tragically Answer: b 16. a good student must know .... a. to study hard b. to be a good student c. how to study effectively d. the way of efficiency in study Answer: c 17. ...., the outer layer of the skin, contain pigments, pore and ducts. a. that the epidermis b. the epidermis is c. the epidermis

d. the epidermis which Answer: c 18. Not only .... atoms with their microscopes, but they now can also "feel" them with the aid of a versatile sensing device the " magic wrist." a. are today's scientists able to see b. able to see today's scientists are c. today's scientists are able to see d. are able to see today's scientist Answer: a 19. she didn't know .... when his boss called a. he was where b. where he was c. was he where d. where was he Answer: b 20. once an offending allergen has been identified .... test, it is possible for the doctor to give specific desensitizing injection a. means of b. by means of c. of the means by d. by means Answer: b