English Drama - Roro Jonggrang (Revised) [PDF]

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SCENE 01 Once upon a time... In the prosperous land of Java... There was a great kingdom named Prambanan... The people worked as farmers... And they lived happily... The people had a king named Prabu Boko... One sunny day... While the king was strolling near the kingdom... Suddenly... One of his Patih came to him…


: Excuse me, your majesty...

Prabu Boko

: What’s up? Why are you in hurry?


: I just got a news, your majesty...

Prabu Boko

: What is that? Tell me...


: Bandung Bondowoso...

Prabu Boko

: Who? Bandung Bondowoso?


: Yes, my lord. The king of Pengging Kingdom... He wants to take over our kingdom...

Prabu Boko

: Taking over our kingdom? How dare he is! Are you sure?


: Of course, my lord...

Prabu Boko

: Well, we can’t let this happen.. Patih! Prepare our troops and weapons to against them!


: Yes, my lord...

The next day... Prabu Boko and his troops went to Pengging Kingdom... On the battle field...

Prabu Boko

: Hey Bandung Bondowoso? Do you want to take my kingdom? Hahaha... You are kidding, right?

Bandung Bondowoso : Hahaha! I know that you’ll come here, Prabu Boko... Let’s fight to make sure who will be the right person... To be the king of Prambanan Kingdom!

(Fighting scenes: Both troops are fighting) (Fighting scenes: Prabu Boko and Bandung Bondowoso are fighting) (Fighting scenes: Prabu Boko was stabbed and died)


After a fierce duel... Prabu Boko was defeated by Bandung Bondowoso... Soon Patih of Prambanan returned to the kingdom... At the same time... Roro Jonggrang, the daughter of Prabu Boko... Was walking around the garden...


: Princess! Princess! Pardon me, princess...

Roro Jonggrang

: Yes, Patih... What happened?


: I’m so sorry, Princess...

Roro Jonggrang

: Sorry?


: Please forgive me, my princess...

Roro Jonggrang

: What for? Why are you looking so sad, Patih? Where is my father?


: Hmm... Your father... Hmm... Prabu Boko.. He.. is...

Roro Jonggrang

: Just tell me what happened, Patih! And where is my father?


: King Boko... King Boko was defeated in war, my princess...

Roro Jonggrang

: What? No No No! You must be kidding! My father never loses in any wars, Patih!


: Forgive me, my Princess.... But... King Boko was stabbed by a sword in a fierce duel...

Roro Jonggrang

: Oh no... Fatheeeer!!! (Crying)

Roro Jonggrang was crying... She was lamenting the death of his lovely father... Not long after that... Bandung Bondowoso came into the palace! And he came forward to her... Bandung Bondowoso was wondering... About who was the crying lady in front of him...

Bandung Bondowoso : Hey! Why are you crying, sweet heart? Roro Jonggrang

: Who..who are you?

Bandung Bondowoso : Who am I? You asked me who I am? Sure you don’t know me, young lady? Well, I’m the king of this kingdom! Roro Jonggrang

: What! No way!

Never confess yourself as the king! MY FATHER is the king of this kingdom! Bandung Bondowoso : Hahaha, your father? Prabu Boko? Roro Jonggrang

: Yes, he is my father! The mighty king of Prambanan Kingdom!

Bandung Bondowoso : A mighty king? (Smiling) Well Well Well... So you are the daughter of Prabu Boko? Roro Jonggrang

: Yes, I am Roro Jonggrang.. The royal princess of Prambanan Kingdom...

Bandung Bondowoso : OK... Now let me ask you, young lady... Where’s your father?

Roro Jonggrang was quiet... She didn’t know what to say...

Roro Jonggrang

: Well, my father is.... He is ....

Bandung Bondowoso : YOUR FATHER HAS DIED, YOUNG LADY! HE DIED IN MY HAND! Roro Jonggrang

: So, You are the murderer of my father!


And Since now... THIS KINGDOM WILL BE MINE! HAHAHAHAHA! Roro Jonggrang

: No! I won’t let you own this kingdom! Go away from here!!

Bandung Bondowoso : Well Well Well... I know what you are feeling now, young lady! Roro Jonggrang

: Shut up! An evil person like you... Shall never be forgiven!

Bandung Bondowoso : Well... You still can have this kingdom anyway... But… Roro Jonggrang

: But what?

Bandung Bondowoso : You have to fulfil my request... Hmm, you must be my wife... And after that... This kingdom will be yours! HAHAHAHAHAHA....

Roro Jonggrang was shocked.... She was really confused... She didn’t know what to do... In one side... She really wanted to get her kingdom back...

And led it by herself... But in the other side... She didn’t know who Bandung Bondowoso was... After all, she didn’t love him... And as the matter of fact, he was the person who killed his father... Roro Jonggrang was thinking so hard to get the solution... Then Roro Jonggrang smiled with one idea...

Roro Jonggrang

: OK, Bandung Bodowoso... I agree to marry you... But... It is not as easy as you think...

Bandung Bondowoso : What do you mean, young lady? Roro Jonggrang

: Well, you can marry me... But in one condition!

Bandung Bondowoso : A condition? OK, fine... What do you want, my love? Jeweleries? A big palace? Or Glory? Just say it! I can give you all, sweety... I will do everything for you... HAHAHAHAHA!

Roro Jonggrang hated him so much... Because he has made Prambanan people suffered... And his father died because of him, too...

Roro Jonggrang

: OK... If you really want to marry me... You have to build a thousand of temples... In one night time... Dare you, Bandung Bondowoso?

Bandung Bondowoso : What did you say? How dare you underestimate me, sweety? Roro Jonggrang

: Well, if you cannot do it.. Just say it now... I will accept your surrender, Bandung Bondowoso...

Bandung Bondowoso : It’s impossible! You just gave me an excuse for not marrying me... Roro Jonggrang

: You said that you will do everything for me, right?

Bandung Bondowoso : Listen, young lady! I am Bandung Bondowoso... The mighty king of Pengging Kingdom... With my magic power.... I can give you everything, sweety... Your condition is a piece of cake for me! Ok, I will do it for you... I will build a thousand of temples in just one night... And you... Just get ready to be my wife, soon... Hahahahahahah... Roro Jonggrang

: That’s good! And prove your words, Bandung Bondowoso!

Let’s see tomorrow... And remember... If you cannot complete it... You must go away from here... And give this kingdom back to me... Bandung Bondowoso : OK, Roro Jonggrang... I accept your challenge...


Bandung Bondowoso was confused... He was thinking about how to fulfill Roro Jonggrang’s condition... Then he got an idea... With his magic power... He would ask genies to help him finishing this task... Bandung Bondowoso was suddenly mumbling... He was trying to call his genie servants...

Bandung Bondowoso : Dear Genie all over the world... Come to me... Come to me now... I’m calling you... I’m calling you with all my heart... Come tooooo meeeeee.....

And Wooooosssshhhhhhhhhhh..... Hundreds of genies suddenly came in front of him...

Genie 1

: What’s the matter, my lord?

Genie 2

: Why are you calling us, my master?

Bandung Bondowoso : My genies... Listen to me carefully... I have a task for you... Genie 2

: What’s the job, boss?

Bandung Bondowoso : Please, guys... Help me to build a thousand of temples in one night... Remember, in one night! Genie 1

: Hahahahahaha! It’s very easy, my lord...

Genie 2

: OK, my fellow genies... Let’s build the temples..


: Heavy hoooo..... Build temples just in one night! Heavy hoooo..... Build temples just in one night! Heavy hoooo..... Build temples just in one night! Genie... Genie... Genie... Huhhh!


Then the genies worked so hard to build the 1000 temples... Meanwhile... Roro Jonggrang heard from the ladies... That the 1000 temples was almost finished... Roro Jonggrang was so scared... She didn’t want to marry Bandung Bondowoso.... And then she had a great idea... She wanted to fail his mission... Then she asked the ladies to help her...

Lady 1

: Princess... Princess... Excuse me... Bandung Bondowoso has been almost finishing his task!

Roro Jonggrang

: Oh Really? Well, we have to stop him now!

Lady 2

: But, how, Princess?

Roro Jonggrang

: Please prepare more mortars and straws...

Lady 2

: Yes, Princess... OK, here they are...

Roro Jonggrang

: OK, now listen... We have to stop the genies building the temples... We can stop them by burning some straws... And make some noise by pounding the mortar... Make sure that the cock will crow...

Lady 1

: With my pleasure, Princess

Cublak cublak suweng... (Singing and making some noises) Suwenge teng gelenter... (Singing and making some noises) Mambu ketundhung gudèl... (Singing and making some noises) Tak gento lela lelo... (Singing and making some noises) Sapa ngguyu ndele' ake... (Singing and making some noises) Sir sir pong dele bodong... (Singing and making some noises) Sir sir pong dele bodong... (Singing and making some noises)

Lady 2

: Look! It works!

Lady 1

: Yes, it works! The cock is crowing!

Cock a doodle do!... Cock a doodle do!... Cock a doodle do!...

The genies were surprised hearing the cock crowed... They thought that it was already dawn... They stopped their work and started to go....

Bandung Bondowoso : Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop! Stop! Stop! Genie 1

: It’s already dawn, boss!

Genie 2

: Yes, we have to go now!

Genie 1

: Dear fellow genies... Let’s goooooo!!!!

Bandung Bondowoso : Hey! Where are you going? You have to finish one more temple! Hurry up! Genie 2

: Sorry boss! But the sun is rising! Bye-bye!

Bandung Bondowoso : Hey! Don’t go! Genie 1

: We have to go, master! We’re afraid of the sunlight!

Bandung Bondowoso : Hey don’t go! Finish the last one! Hey! Don’t leave me alone! FINISH IT!!!!!

Bandung Bondowoso screamed so loudly... But the genies didn’t bother him... They ran away as they saw red skies appeared around... Bandung Bondowoso was getting very angry... And at the same time... Roro Jonggrang

: Well... Well... Well... Look! You have failed, Bandung Bondowoso!

Bandung Bondowoso : No! I know this is just your trick! Roro Jonggrang

: Trick? What for?

Bandung Bondowoso : Don’t lie to me, Roro Jonggrang! You did this to me, didn’t you? Roro Jonggrang

: Oh, come on! You failed Bandung Bondowoso! Failed! It means that you cannot marry me... And you must leave this kingdom NOW! Keep your words, Bandung Bondowoso!

Bandung Bondowoso : You cannot fool me, Roro Jonggrang! I have already made 999 temples... And I just need one more temple... Roro Jonggrang

: You cannot continue it! You run out of time, Bandung Bondowoso! YOU FAILED!

Bandung Bondowoso : OK, you can fool me, Roro Jonggrang! But you will pay for what you did to me! And now... I will make you as the last temple! Roro Jonggrang

: How could? No No No! Stop it! Stop! Arrrggggghhhh.....

And with his supernatural power... Bandung Bondowoso turned Roro Jonggrang as the last temple... And the temple was already 1000 that night... Since then on, people call the last temple as Roro Jonggrang temple... Until now, the temple is still standing right in Prambanan area, Central Java... And that was how the story told.... Long long ago...

Dear audiences... From the drama we have played... There are some moral values we can take... 1st

: Never tell a lie! If you tell a lie, you tell yourself lie! And there must be a

great consequence for the lies we have made. 2nd

: Never try to fool great people, otherwise we will get the damage for what

we have done because Karma does exist! 3rd : Never insist your love to the person who doesn’t really want yours. The more you give it pressure, the more you hurt yourself! Always remember that a true love will always find its way! 4th

: Keep this world in peace! Stop the wars! Wars will never bring us

happiness, instead the great damage for everybody. So teach our children to love peace and always teach them the sense of respect. We are children of the same universe. Embrace diversity, celebrate unity!

Thank you very much for your attention... We are group ... Have a nice day and good bye...