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Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration

Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration




A Member of the Kluwer Academic Publishers Group DordrechtIBostonILancaster INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Boston

For Bob Witters and all other excellent teachers Cover illustration: Core 13 from Hole 550 of Leg 80 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Goban Spur, North Atlantic. Black, bioturbated claystones of probable Turonian to Coniacian age grade upward into green and finally red claystones, reflecting the gradual increase in bottomwater oxygen content in the Late Cretaceous. The sequence is capped by a white chalk turbidite. See also figure 2.13. Cover and interior design by Outside Designs. © 1985 by International Human Resources Development Corporation. Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1985 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address: lHRDC, Publishers, 137 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Waples, Douglas, 1945Geochemistry in petroleum exploration. Bibliography: p. 217. Includes index. 1. Organic geochemistry. 2. Geochemical prospecting. leum-Geology. 4. Gas, Natural-Geology. 1. Title. TN871.W28



ISBN-l3: 978-94-010-8900-5

3. Petro-


e-ISBN-l3: 978-94-009-5436-6

DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-5436-6

Published by D. Reidel Publishing Company P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, Holland in co-publication with lHRDC Sold and distributed in North America by IHRDC In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, Holland

Geological Sciences Series

Series Editor George deVries Klein Department of Geology University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Consulting Editors Michael A. Arthur Graduate School of Oceanography University of Rhode Island

Thomas W. C. Hilde Department of Geophysics Texas A(]i'M University

W. Stuart McKerrow Department of Geology and Mineralogy University of Oxford

J. Casey Moore Earth Sciences University of California-Santa Cruz,


Dedication Preface



1. Introduction 1 Philosophy of Hydrocarbon Exploration Formation of Oil and Gas Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration Suggested Readings

2. Organic Facies


The Carbon Cycle Factors Influencing Organic Richness Examples of Rich and Lean Sediments General Models for Source-Rock Development Summary Suggested Readings

3. Organic Chemistry and Isotopes


Introduction Names and Structures Stereochemistry and Isomers Reactions Isotopes

4. Kerogen


Introduction Kerogen Formation Kerogen Composition Kerogen Maturation Summary Suggested Readings

5. Bitumen, Petroleum, and Natural Gas


Introduction Compounds Present in Bitumen and Petroleum



Factors Affecting Composition ofBitu1nen and Petroleum Comparison of Bitumen and Petroleum Natural Gas Summary Suggested Readings

6. Migration


Definitions Primary Migration Secondary Migration Accumulation Effects on Oil and Gas Composition Significance for Exploration Suggested Readings

10. Correlations

73 Introduction Chemical Characterization for Correlations Source-Rock Evaluation Contamination and Weathering Analytical Costs Summary Suggested Readings

7. Analytical Techniques

8. Source-Rock Evaluation


Definition of Source Rock Principles of Source-Rock Evaluation Interpretation of Source-Rock Data Examples of Source-Rock Evaluation Summary Suggested Readings Practice Problems Solutions to Practice Problems

9. Predicting Thermal Maturity

Factors Affecting Thermal Maturity Interpretation of TTl Values Applications to Hydrocarbon Preservation Applications to Exploration Comparison of Several Maturity Models Potential Problems with Maturity Calculations Conclusions Suggested Readings Practice problems Solutions to Practice Problems


Introduction Correlation Parameters Correlation Parameters for Gases Case Studies Conclusions Sugsested Readings Practice Problems Solutions to Practice Problems

11. Surface Prospecting


Philosophy of surface Prospecting Surface-Prospecting Techniques Summary Suggested Readings

12. Integrated Applications to Exploration Philosophy of the Model-Based Approach Qualitative Models of Hydrocarbon Systems Quantitative (Volumetric) Models Summary Suggested Readings


Introduction Construction of the Geological Model Special Considerations About Burial-History Curves Calculation of Maturity


Glossary References Index





This book is intended primarily as a textbook for geologists engaged in petroleum exploration. Its purpose is to introduce the reader to organic geochemistry and to show how to apply geochemistry advantageously in an exploration program. I have made the explicit assumption that most readers will have a sound background in geology but far less knowledge of, or interest in, chemistry. Because there is no need for an exploration geologist to be an expert in organic chemistry, the amount of chemistry used in the book is rather modest. It is, however, often important for a geologist to understand some basic vocabulary. The emphasis in this book is on applications of geo_chemistry to hydrocarbon exploration. Most of the analytical techniques are discussed only briefly, because although a geologist should know what a gas chromatograph is, he or she is unlikely to be asked to repair one. If more detailed knowledge does prove necessary, a laboratory is the proper place to learn. The strengths and weaknesses of the various analytical techniques are discussed so that a geologist will be able to anticipate pitfalls, cull bad data, and choose an appropriate analytical program. On-the-job experience will prove invaluable in converting the basic information from this text into a practical working knowledge. The heart of the book, I hope, will be the examples showing the application of geochemistry to common exploration problems. Practice problems (with answers) are included at the end of several chapters so that the reader can test his or her understanding of basic princiix


pIes of geochemical interpretation. My interpretations are not guaranteed to be the very best possible; they could serve as focal points for classroom discussions. Because of its design as a textbook for independent study, graduate courses, or short courses, this book is not intended as a reference volume or encyclopedia. Readers who want to delve more deeply into various aspects of petroleum geochemistry should consult the primary literature that I have cited, or the reference volumes Petroleum Formation and Occurrence by Tissot and Welte (1978) and Petroleum Geochemistry and Geology by Hunt (1979). The literature cited in this book represents only a tiny fraction of that available. At the end of most chapters

there is a short list of recent articles that will be of general interest to a nonspecialist. At the end of the book is a longer list of references cited in the text or figure legends. Many chemical and geochemical terms are italicized where they are first introduced. These and many other terms are defined more formally in the Glossary. Developing the ability to apply organic geochemistry intelligently and effectively in exploration is not difficult, even if one does not have a strong chemistry background. This text is designed to foster the development of those skills. If after reading the book you can find ways to make geochemistry work for you, then you and I will have succeeded.

Chapter 1



There is no one magical technique that removes all risk in hydrocarbon exploration, although we would all welcome such an advance. The most we can ask of the various exploration technologies is that they lower our risk. Given the poor success rates for new-field wildcats, this goal is certainly reasonable and feasible. As we improve our ability to apply science in an exploration context, the savings in both money and time not wasted on dry holes could be phenomenal. Explorationists now have at their disposal a large arsenal of weapons to use against the elusive hydrocarbon. Among these are the various traditional branches of geology, global tectonics, seismic technology, remote techniques (including satellite and airborne methods and surface- prospecting), organic geochemistry, and integrated basin analysis. In order to make its exploration program as effective and competitive as possible, a modern oil company should utilize all of these technologies in appropriate ways. Applying available scientific data and methods in a cost-effective manner always presents a challenge. Ideally, the initial reconnaissance phases in a new area should lead to inexpensive high-grading, because much of the original area will subsequently be rejected. More expensive techniques can be used later in the areas of greatest interest. We must also decide how the various exploration technologies can best be integrated to create an exploration program that provides, at minimum cost, information of 1


maximum value for selecting acreage and drill sites. It is beyond the scope of this text to discuss such a strategy in detail. I shall, however, attempt to demonstrate several ways in which organic geochemistry can be integrated into an exploration program. Organic geochemistry has become a widely used tool in hydrocarbon exploration conducted by many companies, large and small, foreign and domestic. These exploration applications are the result of recent technical and philosophical advances that have permitted direct utilization of geochemistry in evaluations of basins, plays, and prospects. As a prerequisite to intelligent and effective application of organic geochemistry, we must understand not only how oil and gas are formed in the subsurface, but also how we can use this knowledge to locate new hydrocarbon reservoirs. We must therefore begin with a basic understanding of the process of hydrocarbon formation.

I ........

Proponents of the organic origin of oil and gas have given us a general picture of how organic matter derived from dead plants is converted to hydrocarbons. Although the transformation process is very complex, with many details still poorly understood, it is known that organic debris derived from plants and algae is best preserved in fine-grained sediments deposited in the absence of oxygen. This organic matter is modified by low-temperature chemical and biological reactions (called diagenesis) that occur during transport to and early burial in the depositional environment. Many of the chemical compounds present in sediments are in fact derived from bacteria, and were formed as dead organic matter was converted to microbial tissues. Most of this organic matter is transformed during diagenesis into very large molecules, the largest of which are called kerogen. These playa key role as the precursors for oil and much natural gas. The earliest stage of hydrocarbon generation occurs during diagenesis (fig. 1.1). Certain microorganisms, called methanogens, convert some ofthe organic debris to biogenic methane. Formation of biogenic methane has been recognized for a long time, but only within the last few years have we realized that in many areas a large portion of the natural-gas reserves are biogenic. As burial depth increases, porosity and permeability









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types of kerogens showing the type of liquid and gaseous products generated at various vitrinite-reflectance values. Reprinted by permission of ErdOl und Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie from Powell and Snowdon, 1983. n 0 0
















FIGURE 4.10 ExpuLsion-ofgenerated hydrocarbons from source rocks of varying organic richness as afunction of thermal maturity.


Kerogen begins to form during early diagenesis, when large geopolymers are created from biological molecules. The chemical composition and morphology of kerogen macerals depend both on the type of original organic matter and on diagenetic transformations. Numerous methods exist for tracing the history of a kerogen and determining its original chemical and physical characteristics. Catagenesis of kerogen produces a more aromatic, hydrogen-poor, residual kerogen as well as small molecules that are the direct precursors for petroleum and natural gas. Several methods exist for estimating the extent to which hydrocarbon generation has occurred in a given


kerogen, but none of these measurements is closely linked to the actual process of hydrocarbon generation. Thus, although we know that oil generation does occur during the phase we call catagenesis, we cannot always define the limits of hydrocarbon generation with great confidence. The chemical composition of a kerogen controls the timing of hydrocarbon generation and the type of products obtained. Kerogens formed from lipid-rich organic material are likely to generate liquid hydrocarbons, whereas those kerogens that contain few lipids will generate mainly gas. Kerogens formed from resinite will generate condensates or light oils quite early. High-sulfur kerogens generate heavy, high-sulfur oils at low levels of maturity. Other kerogens usually follow a more traditional model. Source rocks that generate large amounts of hydrocarbons early are likely to expel those hydrocarbons early. Candidates for early expulsion would be very organicrich rocks and those containing resinite or high-sulfur kerogens. Conversely, those rocks that generate few hydrocarbons may not expel them until they have been cracked to gas. SUGGESTED READINGS Berner, R. A. and R. Raiswell, 1983, Burial of organic carbon and pyrite sulfur in sediments over Phanerozoic time: a new theory: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 47, pp. 855862. Dow, W. G., 1977, Kerogen studies and geochemical interpretations: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 7, pp. 79-99. Durand, B., ed., 1980, Kerogen: Paris, Editions Technip, 519 pp. Hutton, A. c., A.J. Kantsler, A. C. Cook, and D. M. McKirdy, 1980, Organic matter in oil shales: Journal of the Australian Petroleum Exploration Association (APEA), v. 20, pp. 44-67. Powell, T. G. and L. R. Snowdon, 1983, A composite hydrocarbon generation model: Erdol und Kohle-Petrochemie vereinigt mit Rennstoff-Chemie, v. 36, pp. 163-170. Robert, P., 1981, Classification of organic matter by means of fluorescence; application to hydrocarbon source rocks: Internationaljournal of Coal Geology, v. 1, pp. 101-137. Staplin, F. L., 1969, Sedimentary organic matter, organic metamorphism, and oil and gas occurrence: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 17, pp. 47-66. Waples, D. W., 1977, C!N ratios in source rock studies: Colorado School of Mines Mineral Industries Bulletin, v. 20, no. 5,7 pp.

Chapter 5

Bitumen, Petroleum, and Natural Gas


Petroleum obtained from reservoir rocks and bitumen extracted from fine-grained rocks have many similarities, but they also exhibit many important differences. There is no doubt that they are related; indeed, bitumen is almost universally accepted as the direct precursor for petroleum. However, many unanswered questions remain about the processes that transform bitumen into petroleum. Major compositional changes occur in going from bitumen to petroleum, but we are not certain whether they occur mainly within the source rock or during migration through the reservoir rock. We also do not know how much of the change involves chemical reactions, and how much is due to physical separation of chemical compounds having very different properties. The influence of the lithologies of source and reservoir rocks on these compositional changes is poorly understood. Both bitumens and petroleums exhibit a wide range of compositions. As we shall see later in this chapter, much of this variety is related to source-rock facies and the composition of the kerogens that generated the bitumens. Maturity also exerts control over bitumen and petroleum composition. Reservoir transformations in some cases greatly affect oil composition and properties. Bitumen and petroleum compositions can also be used as tools in correlating samples with each other. Such correlations, which are discussed in chapter 10, can be particularly useful in establishing genetic relationships among samples. In order to understand bitumen and petroleum compositions and to use them for exploration, 43


however, we must separate the characteristics related to kerogen composition from those related to the transformation of bitumen to petroleum and from those related to changes occurring in reservoirs. This chapter will compare and contrast bitumen and petroleum compositions and examine the factors responsible for the observed differences.

TABLE 5.1 Four main fractions of bitumens and crude oils and important compound cliLsses present in each


Aromatic hydrocarbons


Resins (NSOs, polars) Asphaltenes

Both bitumen and petroleum contain a very large number of different chemical compounds. Some of these compounds are present in relatively large quantities, while others are only trace contributors. In order to investigate the individual compounds present, we first separate a crude oil or a bitumen into several fractions having distinct properties. The procedures used in carrying out such separations are discussed in chapter 7. Each of the fractions contains certain types of chemical compounds. Table 5.1 lists the general classes of compounds present in each of the fractions of crude oils and bitumens. One fraction consists mainly of saturated hydrocarbons: n-alkanes, branched hydrocarbons (including isoprenoids), and cyclics. Saturated hydrocarbons are the most thoroughly studied of the components of petroleum and bitumen because they are the easiest to work with analytically (see chapter 7). A second fraction consists of aromatic hydrocarbons and some light sulfur-containing compounds. Light aromatic hydrocarbons, like benzene and toluene, have been studied in petroleums, but these compounds are lost from bitumens during evaporation of the solvent used in extracting the bitumen from the rock. Heavier aromatic and naphthenoaromatic hydrocarbons, particularly those derived from diterpanes, triterpanes, and steranes, are more commonly studied. Most of the NSO compounds appear in the remaining two fractions. The lighter of these fractions, variously called po lars, NSOs, and resins, contains a wide variety of small and medium-sized molecules with one or more heteroatoms. Few of these heterocompounds have been studied, although pqrphyrins, fatty acids, and some sulfur-bearing molecules have received attention.


Important Compound Classes

Saturated hydrocarbons

n-alkanes isoprenoids other branched compounds alicyclics, including steranes, diterpanes, and triterpanes simple aromatics naphthenoaromatics small sulfur-bearing compounds porphyrins fatty acids asphaltenes

The final fraction contains very large, highly aromatic asphaltene molecules that are often rich in heteroatoms. Asphaltenes tend to aggregate into stacks because of their planarity, and form complexes with molecular weights of perhaps 50,000. The large sizes of asphaltene units render them insoluble in light solvents. Asphaltenes can thus be removed from oils or bitumens in the laboratory or refinery by adding a light hydrocarbon, such as pentane or propane. Because of their molecular complexity and heterogeneity, asphaltene molecules have not been studied in detail. SPECIFIC COMPOUNDS

Biomarkers. Many of the compounds and classes of com-

pounds that we find in crude oils and bitumens are called biomarkers, an abbreviation for biological markers. These compounds, which are derived from biogenic precursor molecules, are essentially molecular fossils. Many types of biomarkers are listed in table 5.2. The most useful biomarkers serve as indicators of the organisms from which the bitumen or petroleum was derived, or of the diagenetic conditions under which the organic matter was buried. In a few cases specific precursor organisms or molecules can be identified, whereas in other instances we may be able to limit the possible precursors to only a few species. In most cases, however, although we know for certain that the biomarker molecule is biogenic, we


TABLE 5.2 Important classes of biomarkers and their precursors



n-alkanes (> C-22) n-alkanes (C-17, C-22) isoprenoids « C-20) isoprenoids (> C-20)

terrestrial plant waxes algal lipids various chlorophylls lipids or chlorophyll of hypersaline algae chlorophylls steroids bacterial triterpenoids hydrocarbons in plant resins steroids, triterpenoids

porphyrins steranes triterpanes diterpanes large naphthenoaromatics

are unable to use it as an "index fossil" for specific organisms. Among the biomarkers studied most frequently are the n-alkanes, isoprenoids, porphyrins, steranes, triterpanes, diterpanes, and naphthenoaromatics. The common members of each of these compound classes and their significance in interpreting source, diagenesis, maturation, and reservoir transformations are discussed in a later section of this chapter and in chapter 10. The reader interested in more detailed treatment and extensive references is referred to the excellent and comprehensive review by Mackenzie (1984). Other Compounds. Many other types of organic compounds

in crude oils and bitumens are not considered to be biomarkers because they cannot be related directly to biogenic precursors. They are, however, of biological origin, but their sources are simply no longer recognizable due to diagenetic and catagenetic transformations. Among the nonbiomarker compounds found in petroleum and bitumen are light aromatic hydrocarbons, such as benzene, toluene, and the xylenes. They could be derived from lignin but are also undoubtedly formed from many other sources by aromatization or by cyclization followed by aromatization. Many compounds containing a benzene ring have one or more long-chain alkyl substituents; their origin is not known. Some polycyclic aro-


matics can be formed from steranes and triterpanes; others may be the end products of extensive oxidation or combustion of other types of organic material. Small alkanes can be generated from a variety of precursors by cracking. Skeletal rearrangements occur easily, giving a tremendous variety of isomers having no obvious relation to their biological precursors. Medium-sized alkanes having one or more methyl branches are almost ubiquitous, although they are never major components of oils or bitumens. They may be biogenic hydrocarbons derived from plant or algal lipids (and thus represent poorly understood biomarkers), or they could be formed from n-alkanes by isomerization processes. With the exception of the porphyrins, fatty acids, and alcohols, most NSO compounds are not biomarkers. Heteroatoms react readily during diagenesis and catagenesis, forming many new compounds whose structures bear no resemblance to biogenic structures. Few of these compounds have been studied, and they will not be discussed further in this text. FACTORS AFFECTING COMPOSITION OF BITUMEN AND PETROLEUM SOURCE AND DIAGENESIS

Biomarkers N-ALKANES. n-Alkanes were among the first biomarkers to be studied extensively. Their high concentration in bitumens and oils is best explained by their existence in plant and algal lipids, and by their catagenetic formation from long-chain compounds such as fatty acids and alcohols (fig. 3.3). Another important indication of the origin of n-alkanes is the distribution of individual homologs, or members of the n-alkane series. For the most part n-alkanes present in terrestrial plants have odd numbers of carbon atoms, especially 23,25,27,29, and 31 atoms. An example from a Recent sediment containing much terrestrial organic material is shown in figure 5.1. In contrast, marine algae produce n-alkanes that have a maximum in their distribution at C-17 or C-22, depending upon the species present. The distributions are quite sharp, and no preference for either odd- or even-carbon homologs is evident (fig. 5.2).







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maturity to overmaturity. When we analyze a rock sample in the laboratory, we actually measure its remaining (or untapped) source capacity at the present day. This quantity, which we can call G, is most meaningful if we can compare it to the rock's original source capacity, Go. The difference between Go and G represents the hydrocarbons already generated in the effective source rock. However, we cannot measure Go directly for a sample that has already begun to generate hydrocarbons; instead it must be estimated by measuring G for a similar sample that is still immature. Go can only be measured directly for immature source rocks, where G and Go are identical. Table B.1 summarizes this discussion.

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FIGURE 8.1 Modified van Krevelen diagram used for RockEval pyrolysis data, showing the maturation pathways of Types I, II, r;nd III kerogens. Reprinted by permission of the Societe des Editions Technip: figure 11 from the article entitled ''Methode rapide de caracterisation des roches meres, de leur potentiel petrolier et de leur degre d'evaluation" by]. Espitalie et al., published in the Revue de l'Institut FraTlfais du Petrole, vol. 32, no. 1,]an.-Feb. 1977.







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modified van Krevelen diagram (fig. 8.1; compare with figs. 4.6 or 8.2). Hydrogen index (peak S2 normalized for TOC content) replaces atomic HlC ratio, and oxygen index (peak S3 normalized for TOC content) replaces atomic O/C ratio in the original van Krevelen diagram. Maturation pathways followed by kerogens are very similar to those seen in van Krevelen diagrams, with the oxygen index decreasing at the onset of maturation, followed by a decrease in the hydrogen index during hydrocarbon generation. In the late stages of maturity all kerogens have low pyrolysis yields. Since kerogen is converted to bitumen during hydrocarbon generation, with increasing maturity the S2 peak decreases and S1 increases. The ratio Sl/(S1 + S2), called the Production Index or Transformation ratio, should increase with increasing maturity, as shown in an unusually nice example from the Paris Basin (fig. 8.3). In practice, however, natural variations from sample to sample and migration of hydrocarbons into and out of rocks complicates this simple picture, preventing the Production Index from being a reliable indicator of maturity.

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FIGURE 8.2 Van Krevelen diagram showing variation in atomic HIC and OIC ratios for immature Types I, II, and III kerogens and the evolutionary paths for each kerogen type during catagenesis. Reprinted by permission of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists from Tissot et al., 1974.




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FIGURE 8.3 Increases in maturity in Toarcian Paper Shales of the Paris Basin with increasing depth of burial, as niflected in increases in the 81 peak, decreases in 82, increases in the ratio 811(81 + 82), and increases in T max' Reprinted by permisssion of the Societe des Editions Technip: figure 12 from the article entitled ''Methode rapicle de caracterisation des roches meres, de leur potentiel petrolier et de leur degre d'evaluation" by J. Espitalie et al., published in the Revue de l'Institut Fral1fais du Petrole, vol. 32, no. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1977.

S3 is the most controversial parameter measured. Collection of carbon dioxide in the Rock-Eval is intentionally stopped at a low temperature in order to avoid including carbon dioxide produced by decomposition of carbonate minerals. However, this tactic has not always proved successful. Samples containing carbonates often give spuriously high S3 values, especially ifTOC values are low. S3 values are ignored by many workers; if used, they should always be interpreted carefully, particularly in carbonate rocks. Advantages and Disadvantages of Pyrolysis. The advantages

of the direct (pyrolysis) method are that it is cheap and quick, and it mimics the natural hydrocarbon-generation process occurring in the subsurface. These features have made pyrolysis very popular and valuable. There are,


Isolated Kerogen c











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Whole Rock





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Retention Time

FIGURE 8.4 Comparison of pyrolysis-gas chromatograms from whole-rock pyrolysis and isolated-kerogen pyrolysis of a T)'pe III kerogen. Reprinted by permission of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists from Dembicki et al.,


however, some important disadvantages to pyrolysis that make it dangerous to rely exclusively on that technique. One disadvantage is that pyrolysis itself tells us only about the present·day hydrocarbon-generative capacity of a kerogen. If catagenesis has begun, the pyrolysis behavior of the kerogen will be different than if it were still immature. Furthermore, pyrolysis averages the contributions of all macerals present in the sample being studied and reveals no details about the chemical nature of the kerogen or the types of organic matter that have formed it. Another disadvantage is that we cannot be sure that the very high temperatures used in laboratory pyrolysis produce the same effects as the much lower temperatures acting over longer times in natural environments. 1\vo kerogens that behave similarly in the laboratory might act quite differently in subsurface environments. Furthermore, any effects of mineral catalysts will probably be much greater in th~ laboratory than in the subsurface. Removing mineral matter solves this problem; isolated

kerogens often give pyrolysis results very different from kerogens in contact with a mineral matrix (fig. 8.4). The current feeling among many workers is that RockEval pyrolysis probably works well in most cases, but in samples where there is a significant catalytic effect by clay minerals, pyrolysis data will underestimate the true source potential. Under pyrolysis conditions, clays apparently foster conversion of some bitumen to a carbonaceous residue that never reaches the detector. Under natural conditions, where oil generation is occurring at much lower temperatures, the bitumen would be successfully expelled. One solution to pyrolysis problems, which are most pronounced for shales that have certain clay-mineral compositions and Toe values below 10/0, is to isolate a few kerogens and pyrolyze them as spot checks on the validity of whole-rock-pyrolysis data. This answer obviously adds to the analytical costs, however, and because only spot-checking is done, some problems may escape detection. Indirect Methods. Indirect methods for calculating the

quantity G all break it down into two parameters: quantity and type (quality) of organic matter. Each of these parameters is measured separately; they are then combined to give an estimate ofG. Both microscopic kerogentype analysis and elemental analysis are normally coupled with an independent determination of kerogen quantity, such as Toe. Advantages and Disadvantages of Indirect Methods INTRODUCTION. One advantage of the

indirect methods is that they give us a more complete picture of the chemical composition and history of a kerogen, and thus enable us to understand more fully the various geochemical and geological processes that affect sourcerock quality. Another advantage is that we normally use more than one indirect method, enabling us to compare the results from several techniques and thus recognize problem samples. Disadvantages are two: speed and cost of the analyses are not as favorable as for pyrolysis, and our analytical results do not tell us directly about hydrocarbon-generative capacity. The indirect methods require that organic-carbon con-


tent be measured independently. Measurement of Toe values is straightforward (chap. 7), but the selection of samples for Toe analysis presents some philosophical problems. Let us look at these questions, and then at the technical merits of both elemental analysis and microscopic kerogen evaluation. TOC ANALYSES. When Toe measurements are made on core samples, it is customary to sample the particular lithology of interest. The measured Toe value is therefore not necessarily representative of the entire core, and results must be interpreted accordingly. More often, however, the samples submitted are cuttings, which may contain mixtures of lithologies, including caved material and contamination of various kinds. Prior to making Toe measurements a technician should remove obvious contamination and caving. When more than one lithology is present, an important philosophical decision must be made. If we are looking for particular organic-rich units in order to evaluate their source potential, then we will elect to hand-pick a sample containing only that particular lithology. I personally prefer this approach, because it gives the most accurate evaluation of those rocks actually possessing most of the source potential. The other approach is to measure the TOe content of the unpicked sample in order to get an overall appraisal of the whole section. The deficiency in this approach is that if a small amount of excellent source rock is diluted with a large amount of barren rock, the overall average will be unduly pessimistic. Because both philosophies are followed in different cases, one must be aware how a sample was handled prior to analysis in order to interpret data correctly. If you are the one requesting the analyses, make sure that you make your wishes clear. An example of the dramatic effect that dilution by barren material can have comes from a well in which nearly 100 cuttings samples had Toe values averaging about 0.5%, with a maximum of1.2%. One core was submitted with the cuttings; a sample of black shale from it was found to contain more than 4% TOe. It would be a great coincidence if the one core analyzed contained the only rich shale in the entire section. A much more likely explanation is that many of the cuttings bags also contained some organic-rich shale, but that volumetrically those shales were overwhelmed by the large amount of sand in


the section. In this case the average TOe of 0.5% is probably a fair appraisal of the overall section, but that figure is really an average between two totally different lithologies: much sand with no source potential, and a small amount of shale with high Toe values. In order to evaluate the source potential of the section realistically, it would be necessary to focus on the shales, not on the average Toe value for the entire section. MICROSCOPIC KEROGEN-TYPE ANALYSES. There are several problems in applying transmitted-light microscopy to kerogen analyses. The technique is undeniably subjective, and results will vary from operator to operator. Nevertheless, with careful attention to standards, an experienced worker can usually reproduce his or her own earlier results with excellent precision. Differences between workers are often more a matter of semantics than substance. A second problem is that when kerogens become very mature, the particles become opaque and difficult to recognize. For this reason, visual kerogen analyses are not reliable much beyond the oil window. Thirdly, a kerogen particle may contain small amounts of organic material that is quite different chemically from the bulk of the particle. A woody particle could thus contain some plant wax or tiny globules of resinite that would impart to it a significant hydrocarbon-generative capacity. If these tiny inclusions are not recognized microscopically, the whole particle would be condemned as a Type III kerogen having no oil-source potential. Finally, the diagenetically altered kerogen particles (usually termed amorphous because of their lack of any apparent structure) can be derived from various precursors. Their amorphous appearance masks their origin and makes distinguishing amorphous oil-prone kerogen from amorphous non-oil-prone kerogen difficult. Fluorescence microscopy (carried out on specially equipped microscopes) has been of some value in making this important distinction. Oil-generative kerogens are thought to fluoresce much more strongly than do non-oilgenerative kerogens. Fluorescence is useful in distinguishing between oil-prone amorphous kerogens derived from lipid-rich organic matter and non-oil-prone amorphous kerogens formed by degradation of woody or cellulosic material. However, many samples having little or no source potential contain large proportions of amor-


phous debris that fluoresces for reasons that are not yet understood. Despite our insights into possible problems with visual kerogen analyses and our realization that the use of fluorescence is vital to evaluating amorphous kerogens, microscopic kerogen analysis has not had a good track record. Powell and co-workers (1982) have shown that there is a poor correlation between maceral type (identified microscopically) and both hydrogen content and pyrolysis yield. Visual kerogen analyses should therefore be used with extreme caution, preferably in conjunction with other measures of kerogen type. ELEMENTAL ANALYSES. Elemental analysis of isolated kerogens has proved to be a vel}' useful and reliable tool for determining kerogen type. Its only real weakness is the time and expense involved in isolating the kerogen. Equation (8.1), adapted from one published by Saxby (1980), relates atomic HlC and O/C ratios to the hydrogen index (H.I.): H.I. = 667(HlC) - 570(O/C) - 333.


Saxby found that his equation worked for predicting oil yields from both coals and oil shales during slow, lowtemperature pyrolysis. He cautioned, however, against using it for samples containing large amounts of inertinite. NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE (NMR). Miknis et al. (1982) have used nmr to evaluate source potential by distinguishing saturated-hydrocarbon portions of kerogen from aromatic portions. No routine application of this technique to exploration has yet been made, however. One advantage of nmr is that it is nondestructive. SUMMARY

Despite high expectations that accompanied the arrival of the Rock-Eval a few years ago, the problem of evaluating G has not yet been solved perfectly. Whole-rock pyrolysis has severe limitations in some shales. Pyrolysis or elemental analysis of isolated kerogens is too expensive to be used routinely, and visual kerogen-type analyses are not vel}' reliable. Perhaps the most cost-effective solution in the future will be to use TOC measurements as a preliminary screen, whole-rock pyrolysis as a second screen, and kerogen pyrolysis, elemental analysis, or microscopic

analysis for more detailed studies of possible source-rock intervals. DETERMINATION OF MATURITY

Introduction. Knowing a rock's remaining source capacity

G solves only one part of the puzzle; it is also necessary to know what level of thermal maturity is represented by that particular G value. For example, if G is vel}' low, is it because the rock never had a high initial source capacity, or is it because the rock is "burned out" (i.e., overmature, in which case virtually all the initial hydrocarbon-source capacity has already been used up)? The exploration implications of these two scenarios are, of course, vel}' different. Maturity can be estimated by several techniques described in chapter 7. The strong and weak points of each method are discussed below. Vitrinite &iflectance (Ro). Vitrinite-reflectance techniques were developed about a half centul}' ago for measuring the rank of coals, in which the vitrinite maceral is usually vel}' common. The method is based on the fact that with increasing thermal stress, the reflectance value of vitrinite increases. There are, however, many problems with vitrinite reflectance as applied to kerogens. In many rocks vitrinite is rare or absent. Because what is present is often reworked, its maturity is not related to that of the rock in which it is found. Reworked vitrinite is, in fact, far more common in shales than in coals, leading to frequent difficulties in establishing which vitrinite population is indigenous. The ideal histogram of reflectance values (fig. 7.15) is therefore rather rare; more common are histograms showing few vitrinite particles or multiple modes as a result of first-cycle vitrinite contaminated with reworked vitrinite or caving of less-mature material from up-hole (fig. 8.5). Such histograms are quite often difficult or impossible to interpret, unless surrounding samples help us determine the indigenous vitrinite population. Other macerals or solidified bitumens can often be misidentified as vitrinite. Because each maceral type increases in reflectance in a slightly different way as thermal stress increases, misidentification of macerals can cause problems, even for experienced workers. The vari-





x X

x 0.0








2.5 3.0 3.5 REFLECTANCE (%RO)

X 4.0










1 2 3

1 10 1

1.78 2.59 4.27

1.78 3.80 4.27


1.78 3.35 4.27

A FIGURE 8.5 Vitrinite-reflectance histograms of samples that are difficult to interpret due to (A) lack of vitrinite,

COMMENTS Indigenous







x XX XX XX XXX X XXX XXX X xxxxxxxx X



xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x 0.0











1 2 3

1 27 45

0.36 0.50 0.80

0.36 0.75 1.89



0.073 0.244

0.36 0.67 1.1:3



B FIGURE 8.5 Cont. (B) presence of large amounts of reworked vitrinite that produce a second mode, and






X X XXX xxxx XXX









2.5 3.0 3.5 REFLECTANCE (%RO)














1 2 3 4 5

9 4 4 3 2

0.59 1.03 1.51 3.82 5.72

0.89 1.21 2.25 4.52 5.94

0.102 0.079 0.275 0.321

0.77 1.11 1.82 4.27 5.83

C FIGURE 8.5 Cont. (C) low amounts ojvitrinite and caving, where the indigenous population (known in this case to be near 4% R,) is barely visible.



ous types of vitrinite themselves vary in composition and may not all mature at the same rate. Finally, vitrinite is thought by most people to be rather unimportant in the oil-generation process. Changes in vitrinite reflectance therefore have little or nothing to do with oil generation. Their application in assessing kerogen maturity may in fact be based on a coincidence that is not always valid. Despite its weaknesses, vitrinite reflectance is the most popular technique today for estimating kerogen maturity. In many areas it is easy to use and valuable. In other rocks, however, paucity of first-cycle vitrinite renders vitrinite-reflectance measurements essentially worthless. In all cases it is worthwhile to supplement vitrinite with other measures of maturity; in some cases it is essential. Although TAl determinations are subjective, use of careful standards and the same type of palynomorph in each analysis greatly aids reproducibility. TAl measurements are therefore often quite accurate and correlate very well with results from other techniques. The chief problems arise with inexperienced workers, lack of proper standardization, or most commonly, the absence of spores and pollen in the samples. \\'hen palynomorphs are absent, TAl values must be estimated from amorphous debris, which can vary greatly in its chemical and physical properties. TAl values estimated from amorphous material are always suspect and should be corroborated by other analyses. Thermal Alteration Index (TAl).

Pyrolysis temperature is frequently used as a maturity indicator, because as the maturity of a kerogen increases, the temperature at which the maximum rate of pyrolysis occurs increases (fig. 8.3). The parameter T max (temperature at which the S2 peak reaches its maximum) has become a standard part of Rock-Eval output data. Because T max is obtained at no extra cost when pyrolysis is performed, it has become a popular analysis. There are, however, some problems associated with T max data and their interpretation. For example, T max is dependent upon kerogen type. Because kerogen type usually varies from sample to sample in a well profile, T max often does not show a regular progression with depth. Isolated T max data are not trustworthy.

Pyrolysis T max.

Fluorescence is most useful for kerogen-maturity determinations when measurements are made on specific algal constituents, such as Tasmanites. Such materials are quite rare in most samples, however. Furthermore, most fluorescence disappears or becomes useless as a maturity indicator rather early, at reflectance levels of about 1%. Thus at the present time fluorescence is a supplementary tool for corroborating maturity data from other techniques. In the future its range of applicability may be expanded. It is not yet generally available on a commercial basis and is used by only a few laboratories.

Kerogen Fluorescence.

Although conodonts are composed of carbonate apatite, changes in conodont color are apparently due to carbonization of inclusions of small amounts of organic matter during catagenesis and metagenesis. One advantage of CAl over other maturity parameters is that because conodonts existed as early as the Cambrian, they offer a means of measuring maturity in rocks that do not contain pollen grains or vitrinite. Furthermore, conodonts are plentiful in carbonate rocks, where pollen and vitrinite are often absent. Thirdly, the CAl scale is most sensitive at levels of maturity much higher than can be measured by TAl, and thus helps expand the range over which maturities can be measured. Finally, CAl is inexpensive and easy to measure and, with the help of beautiful color charts published by Epstein et al. (1977), can be carried out by inexperienced personnel. One disadvantage of CAl measurements is that CAl values can be dramatically increased in the presence of hot brines, leading to an inaccurate assessment of kerogen maturity. Other disadvantages overlap with some of the advantages. Conodonts do not occur in rocks younger than the Triassic, and thus are of no value in many areas. They are normally isolated only from fossiliferous carbonates. Large amounts (500 g) of sample are usually required, and even then many samples are barren. They are not very sensitive indicators of maturity within the oilgeneration window, where most of the interest is. Finally, because the organic metamorphism displayed by conodonts is not related to hydrocarbon generation or destruction, CAl is only an indirect indicator of hydrocarbon maturity. Conodont Alteration Index (CAl).






5 00

O~--------~r---------~r---------~----------~O Rtfltctan~

FIGURE 8.6 Change in esr signal intensity (paramagnetic susceptibility) of kerogen as a function of vitrinite reflectance in the Douala Basin, Cameroon. The downturn at high maturity levels is typical of esr profiles. Reprinted by permission of the Societe des Editions Technip from Marchand and Conard, 1980.

Electron-Spin Resonance (esr). In recent years esr has sel-

dom been used as a maturity parameter because of complications in interpreting measured data. Marchand and Conard (1980) commented that only the esr signal intensity is useful for source-rock applications; other parameters are too poorly understood to be of value. However, even the signal intensity is influenced by factors other than maturity (such as kerogen type) that make it difficult to apply without supporting data from other techniques, such as elemental analyses or pyrolysis. Signal intensity increases strongly in the early stages of maturity, but then levels out or even decreases during late catagenesis or metagenesis (fig. 8.6). Application of esr data for maturity determinations would thus require analysis of enough samples to create a profile.


The first maturity indicator applied to sediments was the Carbon Preference Index, as defined on page 46. Early investigations showed that immature rocks often had high CPI values (> 1.5), whereas those of oils were almost always below 1.2. This discovery led to the use of CPI as an indicator of maturity. Later it was realized that the decrease in CPI with increasing maturity depends upon the type of organic matter originally present as well as on maturity. In particular, rocks deposited in pelagic environments, in which the input of terrestrial lipids was very limited, have low CPI values even when immature. Furthermore, in the last decade kerogen analyses have replaced bitumen analyses as the routine procedure in source-rock evaluation. As a result, fewer CPI determinations are made now. I do not encourage ordering CPI determinations solely as maturity indicators. On the other hand, if gas chromatography is performed for other reasons, CPI values may be useful in confirming maturity data obtained by other methods.

Carbon Prtiference Index (CPI).


Polycyclic Biomarkers. A problem endemic to all kerogen-

Bitumen Fluorescence. Fluorescence of extractable organic

maturity indicators is that they do not directly measure hydrocarbon generation or changes in the bitumen fraction. We must take a leap of faith that changes in the kerogen are related to or indicative of hydrocarbon generation. Thus the application of gc/ms a few years ago to measure the maturity of bitumens and oils directly from their sterane and triterpane distributions was greeted with great interest and expectations. When perfected, these techniques were expected to replace to a large extent the kerogen-maturity indicators. Unfortunately, actual application of gc/ms data to maturity questions has proved more difficult than most workers originally anticipated. Because the analyses are expensive, they are not used by most laboratories on a routine basis at the present time. Some of the problems associated with biomarkerderived maturities may disappear as our experience and expertise in working with biomarkers increase. For example, poor separation of peaks in a mass chromatogram can lead to erroneous identification of compounds and incorrect ratios of biomarkers. Migration of hydrocarbons into rocks can create problems; if they are not recognized as nonindigenous, eIToneous conclusions about maturity may be drawn. The most serious problem, however, is that the various biomarker ratios do not change in the same sequence in all rocks. Mackenzie (1984) believes, in fact, that accurate use of biomarkers as maturity parameters will require basin-by-basin calibration. Despite these difficulties, biomarkers can be used cautiously for maturity estimations as well as correlations wherever they are available. At the present time, however, they should still be viewed as a technology under development and should be supported by other maturity determinations.

material has been used as a maturity parameter by Hagemann and Hollerbach (1983), but it should still be considered as a technique under development. Changes in fluorescence wavelength within the oil window have been noted, but no general correlation with other maturity parameters has been carried out.

Porphyrins. Porphyrins are seldom used as maturity pa-

rameters, because the necessary technology is expensive and still under development. Analyses are difficult, and interpretation is not always straightforward. For measurements to be most meaningful, nickel and vanadyl species should be separated prior to analysis because of their different rates of reaction.

Light Hydrocarbons. Light-hydrocarbon concentrations are

frequently used as a direct indicator of hydrocarbon generation. Concentrations of the various Cz to C8 species have been found to increase by one to three orders of magnitude during intense oil generation (fig. 8.7). Use of light hydrocarbons requires detailed sampling throughout the section in order to establish a good data trend. Summary. The feeling of most workers today is that there

is no single maturity indicator that tells the whole story unerringly all the time. All the techniques discussed are useful and probably reasonably accurate if the analytical work is carefully done. The key to using maturity parameters effectively lies in evaluating the measured data carefully (and sometimes with skepticism) and, whenever possible, in obtaining more than one maturity parameter.



. ..

2 z

'"z (!)

00 ~.j


DEPTH. FEET (M~FT';- 3.28)

Ratio ofCs-C7 (gasoline-range) hydrocarbons to TOC versus depth of burial for lacustrine facies of the Uinta Basin. The large increase in gasoline-range hydrocarbons indicates the oil-generation window. From Anders and Gerrild, FIGURE 8.7



Of the three major methods of determining kerogen type, only microscopic analysis is relatively unaffected by maturity. As long as kerogen particles are not completely black, they can usually be identified with reasonable confidence. The exception to this rule is with amorphous material, where the fluorescence that enables us to distinguish between oil-prone and non-oil-prone disappears toward the end of the oil-generation window. Pyrolysis yields are, of course, strongly affected by maturity. The most common method for taking maturity effects into account in evaluating pyrolysis data is to use a modified van Krevelen diagram (fig. 8.1) to backcalculate the original hydrogen index. This method works fairly well if the kerogen is still within the oil-generation window. It breaks down at high maturity levels, however, because all kerogens have low pyrolysis yields. Without additional information,. therefore, it is impossible to determine which maturation path brought it to that point.

Like pyrolysis, atomic HlC ratios measure the presentday status of the kerogen rather than its original chemical composition. Atomic HlC ratios must therefore be corrected for the effects of maturation by using a van Krevelen diagram like that shown in figure 8.2. These immature HlC ratios can then be used to calculate Go according to equation (8.1). INTERPRETATION OF SOURCE-ROCK DATA QUANTITY OF ORGANIC MATERIAL

Almost all measurements of the amount of organic matter present in a rock are expressed as TOC values in weight percent of the dry rock. Because the density of organic matter is about one-half that of clays and carbonates, the actual volume percent occupied by the organic material is about twice the Toe percentage. A fairly standard scale has evolved for interpretation ofTOC values (table 8.2). Those rocks containing less than 0.5% TOC are considered to have negligible hydrocarbon-source potential. The amount of hydrocarbons generated in such rocks is so small that expulsion simply cannot occur. Furthermore, the kerogen in such lean rocks is almost always highly oxidized and thus of low source potential.


TABLE 8.2 Indications of source-rock potential based on Toe values

Toe Value (weight %)

Source-Rock Implications

< 0.5% 0.5%-1.0% 1.0%-2.0%

negligible source capacity possibility of slight source capacity possibility of modest source capacity possibility of good to excellent source capacity

> 2.0%

Rocks containing between 0.5% and 1.0% Toe are marginal. They will not function as highly effective source rocks, but they may expel small quantities of hydrocarbons and thus should not be discounted completely. Kerogens in rocks containing less than 1% TOe are generally oxidized, and thus of limited source potential. Rocks containing more than 1% TOe often have substantial source potential. In some rocks TOe values between 1% and 2% are associated with depositional environments intermediate between oxidizing and reducing, where preservation of lipid-rich organic matter with source potential for oil can occur. Toe values above 2% often indicate highly reducing environments with excellent source potential (see chapter 2). Interpretation of Toe values therefore does not simply focus on the quantity of organic matter present. A rock containing 3% TOe is likely to have much more than six times as much source capacity as a rock containing 0.5% TOe, because the type of kerogen preserved in rich rocks is often more oil-prone than in lean rocks. We therefore use Toe values as screens to indicate which rocks are of no interest t6 us (TOe < 0.5%), which ones might be of slight interest (TOe between 0.5% and 1.0%), and which are definitely worthy of further consideration (TOe > 1.0% ). Many rocks with high Toe values, however, have little oil-source potential, because the kerogens they contain are woody or highly oxidized. Thus high Toe values are a necessary but not sufficient criterion for good source rocks. We must still determine whether the kerogen present is in fact of goocl hydrocarbon-source quality.


Microscopic kerogen-type analysis describes the proportions of the various macerals present in a sample. In interpreting these observations we normally divide these macerals into oil-generative, gas-generative, and inert. The oil-generative macerals are those of Type I and Type II kerogens: alginite, exinite, resinite, cutinite, fluorescing amorphous kerogen, etc. Gas-generative kerogen is mainly vitrinite. Inertinite is considered by most workers to have no hydrocarbon-source capacity. Smyth (19B3), however, has dissented from this pessimistic view, claiming, on the basis of deductive reasoning, that at least some Australian inertinites can generate significant amounts of oil. Nevertheless, the direct evidence for such a statement is rather meager. Pyrolysis results are normally reported in two ways. Raw data (Sl, S2, and S3) are expressed in milligrams of hydrocarbon or carbon dioxide per gram of rock sample. As such these quantities are a measure of the total capacity of a rock to release or generate hydrocarbons or carbon dioxide. These raw data are then normalized for the organic-carbon content of the sample, yielding values in milligrams per gram of Toe. The normalized S2 and S3 values are called the hydrogen index and the o.zygen index, respectively. Because variations in TOe have been removed in the normalizing calculation, the hydrogen index serves as an indicator of kerogen type. Measured hydrogen indices must be corrected for maturity effects by using a modified van Krevelen diagram (fig. B.l) as outlined above. Interpretation of hydrogen indices for immature kerogens is straightforward (table B.3). Hydrogen indices below about 150 mg He/g TOe indicate the absence of significant amounts of oilgenerative lipid materials and confirm the kerogen as mainly Type III or Type IV. Hydrogen indices above 150 reflect increasing amounts of lipid-rich material, either from terrestrial macerals (cutinite, resinite, exinite) or from marine algal material. Those between 150 and 300 contain more Type III kerogen than Type II and therefore have marginal to fair potential for liquids. Kerogens with hydrogen indices above about 300 contain substantial amounts of Type II macerals, and thus are considered to have good source potential for liquid hydrocarbons. Kero-



Source potential of immature kerogens based on hydrogen indices


Hydrogen Index (mg HClg TOe)

Principal Product

Relative Quantity

< 150

gas oil + gas oil oil oil

small small moderate large very large



~ .lo.


150-300 300-450 450-600 > 600




f '" ",0




. f?ld:






0. 0.


Prediction of hydrogen indices of immature kerogens based on atomic Hie and OIC ratios






Hydrogen Index'








100-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' , \ 110- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

120- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I\ I\ I\

:J: t-

III \ \ \ 'II \

" "",,

,,,, ,, ,, ,


\ ' 3500 ,


FIGURE 9.9 Subsurface-temperature grid that assumes a constant surface temperature but a geothermal gradient that dropped dramatically during the last 10 my after being constant for 90 my.









o 500

1000 1500


! :J:




3500 4000

FIGURE 9.10 Complex 'subsurface-temperature grid arising from a variety of changes noted at the top of the diagram.



In other cases the surface temperature remains constant, but the geothermal gradient varies in response to heating or cooling events. The example in figure 9.9 represents a location at which rapid sediment accumulation in the last ten million years has lowered the geothermal gradient, resulting in subsurface temperatures that are anomalously low compared to the "normal" ones that dominated previously. More complicated temperature histories (for example, fig. 9.10) are also possible. "Dogleg" gradients can be used to reflect changes in thermal conductivities caused by variations in lithology (fig. 9.11). There is no theoretical limit to the complexity that can be introduced into our temperature histories. Given adequate data or an appropriate model on which to base complex temperature reconstructions, we are limited only by our own creativity. In most cases, however, the data necessary for highly sophisticated temperature reconstructions are simply not available.


AGE (my) 20'












30' .0 '


$0 '

70 '


--- --



-- --




eo '


,.0 '



-- -- - --




"Dog-leg" geothermal gradient that arose as a result of development of overpressuring (SNP) in a rruLSsive shale section sandwiched between two sandy sections. FIGURE 9.11




80 ' '00'







AGE (my) 100





















::I: I-


a.. W



by erosion during an uplift event lastingfrom 70 mya to 60 mya. Individual burial-history curves remain parallel, but the distance between the two lines which bracket the erosion decreases by 1000 m.

FIGURE 9.12 Loss of 1000 m of section


The most common complicating factor in constructing burial-history CUIVes is erosional removal. Erosion is indicated in a burial-history CUIVe by an upward movement of the curve. If deposition resumes later, the burial-history CUIVe again begins to trend downward (fig. 9.12). Whenever erosional removal occurs, the resultant thinning of the section must be represented in the entire family of burial-history curves. The individual segments of each of the burial-history CUIVes in a family will remain parallel, but the distances between them will be reduced (fig. 9.12). Faulting can be dealt with by considering the hanging wall and footwall as separate units having distinct burial histories. If part of the section is missing as a result of faulting, burial-history CUIVes for both hanging wall and footwall can be represented on a single diagram (fig. 9.13). If, however, some part of the section is repeated as a result of thrusting. (fig. 9.14), two separate diagrams should be used for the sake of clarity (fig. 9.15).

The effects of thrusting on thermal maturity are not well understood. If thrusting is rapid compared to the rate of thermal equilibration between thrust sheets, the movement of hot rocks from the bottom of the overthrusted slab over cool rocks at the top of the underthrusted slab will affect organic maturation by causing important perturbations in subsurface temperatures (Furlong and Edman, 1984). Studies by Edman and Surdam (1984) and Angevine and Turcotte (1983) in the Overthrust Belt of Wyoming indicate that a slow-equilibration model is superior to a simple model invoking rapid thermal equilibration (fig. 9.16). However, more work is required before we will understand fully how thrusting influences hydrocarbon generation and destruction. Van Hinte (1978) has utilized "geohistory diagrams," which are similar to burial-history CUIVes (fig. 9.17). Geohistory diagrams take sea level as the datum, how-






9 iC x





Juxtaposition of burial-history curves for hanging wall and footwall. Shaded area represents missing section.




has occurred.

Repeated section in Well Alpha where thrusting



TIME (m.y.B.P.)






1000 ~

W W L-..



3000 .000 ~






60°C 9 0.47 the oil is high-wax (terrestrially influenced). 2. n-Alkane distributions, measured by gas chromatography of the saturated-hydrocarbon fraction. More accurate results can sometimes be obtained by separating n-alkanes from the branched and cyclic saturated hydrocarbons by urea adduction or molecular sieving prior to gas-chromatographic analysis. In attempting to use nalkane distributions for correlation purposes, it is necessary to factor out maturity effects if they hC).ve been unequal for the samples being compared. The Carbon Preference Index (CPO obtained by gas chromatography is affected both by source and maturity.



= 24.8 [0/00]

FIGURE 10.4 Example of an unsuccessful source-rock-oil correlation based on carbon-isotopic compositions offour fractions of the oils extrapolated back to predict the carbonisotopic value of the source kerogen. The proposed jurassic source rock is far off the predicted value. Reprinted by Permission of ErdOl und Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie from

Schoell, 1981.

It therefore should be used for correlations only between

samples of similar maturity. Because most oils have CPI values near 1.0, the CPI is not a very good correlation tool for oils. The overall aspect of the n-alkane profile is more useful for correlations, although it still presents difficulties. As maturity increases, chain lengths of n-alkanes become shorter. Thus a mature, waxy crude oil or extract and a less-mature sample of the source rock from which it was derived will have very different n-alkane distributions (fig 5.11). Direct correlation is impossible; only a faint indication of the original wax contribution remains in the oil. Less-mature waxy crudes will have larger amounts of


Useful generalizations about pristanelphytane ratios as indicators of depositional environment

TABLE 10.1


Sediment Type


Anoxic marine sediments Oxic marine sediments Coals





79, 161 C29 , 48, 50 C30 , 48, 50, 54 In correlations, 161-163 Demethylated by biodegradation, 56, 161163 Extended,48,50,53 Maturation of, 53 Origin of, 48, 50 Humic substances, 32, 210 Hydrates, gas, 69, 210 Hydrocarbon generation, 2, 38-41. See also Oil; Bitumen; Gas Hydrocarbon-source capacity. See Source capacity Hydrocarbons, 19-24,210 Analysis of, 76-81 Aromatic, 22-24,44,45 Branched,21,44 Cyclic, 21-24, 44 Light. See Light hydrocarbons; Gas Naphthenoaromatic, 23-24, 44, 49, 54 Polycyclic aromatic, 23, 45 . Released during pyrolysis, 85-86

Ka1imantan, 13, 115, 172 Kansas, 10 Karabogaz, 11 Keweenawan Rift, 10 Kentucky, 172 Kerogen,2,31-41,210 Analysis of, 82-89, 97-103, 106-108 Aromaticity of, 34, 36-38, 98 Composition of, 33-35 Concentrate of, 82, 86-89 Darkening of, 37. See also Thennal Alteration Index Effect of source on, 31, 33-35 Elemental analysis of, 82-83, 86, 98, 107 Flotation of, 82 Fluorescence of, 86, 88, 97-98, 102 Fonnation of, 32-33 Iatroscan, 75-76 Hydrocarbon generation from, 32, 38-41. Idaho, 93 See also Catagenesis Indonesia, 115 Maturation of, 35-41. See also Catagenesis Induced polarization, 186 Maturity detenninations, 86-89, 98-104 Inertinite, 33, 98, 106, 107, 210 Microscopic analysis of, 86-88, 97-102 Infrared spectroscopy, 159 Interocean Systems, 184 Molecular size, 2, 31-32 Nitrogen in, 34, 36 Iodine, 385 Isoheptane Index, 158 Ovennature, 98 Oxygen in, 33-34, 36-37 Isomerization, 28, 210 Isomers, 25-27, 210 Pyrolysis of. See Pyrolysis Isoprene, 21, 210 Pyrolysis-gas chromatography of, 85-86, Isoprenoidln-alkane ratios, 51-52, 160, 17896 Quantity of, 84 180 Isoprenoids, 21-22, 39, 44, 210 Reflectance of. See Vitrinite reflectance Analysis of, 44, 76, 77 Source capacity of. See G; Go Biodegradation of, 56, 160 Structure of, 33-38 As biomarkers, 45, 47 Sulfur in, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 50-51, 58, 59, In correlations. See Correlations 135-136, 158 Maturity effects on, 51 Kerogen type, 33-35 AJnorphous, 86,88,97-98, 102, 105, 106 Source of, 47 Determination of, 84-86 Isotope fractionation, 29-30 Isotope profiles, 159, 166-167,210 Effect on oil generation, 39-40, 135-136, 146, 152 Isotope ratios Fluorescence, 97-98, 102, 105, 106 Of bitumen, 157, 159 Gas-prone, 86, 97, 106, 199-201 Carbon,29-30,80-81,83, 157, 159, 164, 172,177-180,184,186 Herbaceous, 210 High-sulfur, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 50-51, 58, Of carbonates, 29-30, 186 In correlations. See Correlations 59, 135-136, 158 Inert, 33, 86, 106. See also Inertinite Effect of biodegradation on, 56, 57, 179 Effect of migration on, 157 Oil-prone, 86,97, 106, 146,201 Effect of source on, 158, 159 Relation to source potential, 106-107 Of gas, 30, 59-60, 83, 157, 164, 172, 178, 180 TJpeI,33-34,37, 106-107, 146 TJpeII,33-35,37, 106-107, 115, 136, 146, Hydrogen,29,80,83, 157-158, 164 Interpretation of, 157-159, 164, 179-180 152,201 Type III, 33-35, 37, 106, 115, 136, 146, Ofkerogen, 30, 38, 157, 159 152, 199 Maturity effects on, 38 Measurement of, 30, 80-81, 83 Type IV, 33, 106 Kimmeridge Clay, 12, 119-120, 161 Nitrogen, 29, 80 Kinetics, 211 Ofoil,30,57,157-158, 177-180 Of oil destruction, 139, 143 Of plants, 30 Of oil generation, 121-122, 139, 142-145 Sulfur, 29, 80,157 Kingak Shale, 114 Table of, 29, 30 Kreyenhagen Fonnation, 12 Isotopes, 29-30, 210

Hydrocarbons-Continued Saturated, 21 Separation of, 74-76 Unsaturated, 21. See also Hydrocarbons, aromatic Hydrocarbons, already generated, 94 Hydrochem Surveys International, 184-185 Hydrogen Role in cracking, 27-28, 36 Hydrogen index, 95, 106, 210 Effect of maturity on, 95, 106 Interpretation, 36, 45, 59, 206 In volumetric calculations, 198-201 Hydrogenation, 22,27,210 Hydroxyl group, 25,210


La Luna Limestone, 12 Lakes Anoxia in, 10, 33 Evaporites in, 12 High-wax oils from, 49, 169-170 Stratification in, 10 Sulfate in, 51 Laminations As indicators of anoxia, 9, 12, 15, 17 Role in expulsion, 64 Leco carbon analyzer, 84, 211 Light hydrocarbons. See also Gas As maturity indicators, 104-105 In correlations, 157-158 Migration of, 181-182, 184 In surface prospecting, 183-185 Lignin, 13, 14, 25, 33, 34, 45, 211 Lignite, 89 Lignosuifonate, 89 Lipids, 33, 103, 106, 107,211 Liptinite, 33, 40, 146, 211 LaM method, 142-144, 146,211 Lopatin's method, 123-142,211. See also Maturity modeling Application to exploration, 139-142 Application to preservation deadlines, 138139,142 Comparison with other models, 142-146 How to use, 123-133 Louisiana, 147 Lucas Fonnation, 166 M +,211. See also Molecular ion mle, 78 mlz,78,211 Macerals, 33, 35, 211 Magnetite, 185 Mahakam Delta, 13, 52, 115, 172 Mass chromatogram. See Mass fragmentogram Mass fragmentogram, 80, 109, 110, 209 Mass spectrometer, 78, 211 Mass spectrometry, 78-80. See also Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry For isotope ratios, 80 In porphyrin analyses, 81,160-161 In surface prospecting, 185 Mass spectrum, 78-79,211 Maturity, 211. See also Kerogen, maturation of; Hydrocarbon generation Anomalies, 116-117 Calculation of. See TIl; LaM Effect of burial history on, 133-134, 150 Effect of igneous activity on, 117, 135, 136 Effect of time and temperature on, 35 Effect of uranium on, 117 Factors affecting, 133-1;)5 Irreversibility of, 35 Measured. See Maturity parameters

Maturity-Continued Measurement of, 86-89, 98-104, 108-111, 160 Modeling of. See Maturity modeling In volumetric calculations, 198-201 Maturity lines On burial-history curves, 139-140, 142, 150, 153, 154 On cross sections, 140-142 Maturity modeling, 121-154 Accuracy of, 137-139 Application to exploration, 139-142 Computerization of, 142 Difficulties with, 146 Effect of erosion on, 116-117, 133-135, 136,150 Effect of faulting on, 128-130 Effect of igneous activity on, 135, 136 Examples of, 166, 191, 196-197 Practice problems, 147-154 Maturity models Calibration of, 135-136, 137-138 Comparison of several, 1452-146 Maturity parameters For bitumen, 38-39,89, 103-104, 108111 Correlation among, 108, 144 Interpretation of, 108-111, 116-117, 118120 For kerogen, 86-89, 98-103, 108 Measurement of, 86-89, 98-105, 160 Metagenesis, 2, 32, 35, 38, 164, 211 Metals, in oils, 104, 159, 160, 178-180 Methane. See also Gas Biogenic, 2, 32, 59-60, 69,156,164, 172, 179-180, 183, 184 Fonnation by decarboxylation, 27 Hydrates of, 69 Isotope ratios of, 30, 172, 179-180 Metagenetic, 2, 59-60 Oxidation of, 27, 202 Structure of, 20 Thennogenic, 2, 32, 39-40, 59-60, 172, 179-180 Methanogens, 2, 164 Methyl group, 21 Migration of, 28, 51, 53 Methylphenanfurene Index, 108, 211 Michigan Basin, 143, 166-168 Microbes, 212. See also Bacteria Microfracturing, 39, 64, 70, 212 Microorganisms. See Bacteria Microscopy, 86-89 Fluorescent light, 86, 88, 89 Reflected light. See Vitrinite reflectance Transmitted light, 35, 86, 88 Migration, 3, 63-71, 212. See also Accumulation Biodegradation during, 55-56, 70 Carrier beds for, 3, 63


Migration-Continued Direction of, 66, 140, 192-193, 196-197, 199 Distance of, 65-67, 70, 192-193, 199 Drainage area for, 66 Effects on source-rock evaluation, 120 Effects on hydrocarbon composition, 6970,109-110 Efficiency of, 3, 64, 65, 201-202 Examples of, 192-193, 199 Lateral, 66-67, 70 Long-distance, 66-67, 192-193 Mechanisms of, 63-66 Phase changes during, 70 Primary, 63-65, 69, 70. See also Expulsion Role of faults in, 66-67 Role of hydrodynamics in, 66 Secondary,63,65-67,69-70, 213 Significance for exploration, 66-67, 70, 193-195, 197, 199 Tectonics in, 66-67, 193 Through fractures, 66, 172-173 Timing of, 70, 140, 179 Vertical, 66-67, 70, 172 Model-based geochemistry, 3-4, 189-203 Models Application to exploration, 3-4, 189-203 Basin evolution, 190 Cost of, 203 Detenninistic, 189, 190, 202 Migration, 192-193, 196-197, 199 Organic facies, 4, 17, 114 Probabilistic, 190,202-203 Productivity, 8 Qualitative, 189, 190-199 Source rocks, 16, 114, 190 Thennal-maturity, 4, 121-154, 190 Upwelling, 8 Volumetric, 4, 189, 198-203 Molasse Basin, 174-176, 178-179 Molecular ion, 78-79, 212 Molecular sieving, 76, 77, 159, 212 Montana, 185 Monte Carlo simulation, 202-203 Monterey Fonnation, 9, 12, 34, 36, 50, 159, 161 Moretanes, 53-54,108-109,162 Mowry Shale, 12, 196 MPI, 108, 212 n-Alkanes, 20-21, 212 Algal sources for, 45-46, 51 Analysis of, 76-77 Biodegradation of, 56 As biomarkers, 45-47 In correlations. See Correlations Even-carbon preference in, 46-47, 49 Lack of preference in, 45-46, 51 Maturity effects on, 51-52




As maturity indicators, 172. See also Carbon Preference Index Odd-carbon preference in, 45-47, 51 Separation of, 44, 76 Terrestrial sources for, 45-46 n-Paraffins. See n-Alkanes n-Pentane, 20-21 Namibia, 8 Naphthalene, 22, 23 Naphthenes, 21, 23 Naphthenoaromatics, 23-24, 44, 49, 54 Nevada, to, 169 New Albany Shale, 12 New Jersey, 111, 113 New Mexico, 12, 135 Newark Graben System, 10 Niagara Formation, 166-167 Nickel. See Porphyrins, VlNi ratios in Niobrara Formation, 196 Nitrate ion, 9 Nitrogen In gas, 59-60 As heteroatom, 24 Isotope ratios of, 29, 80 In kerogen, 34, 36 As nutrient, 14 In oil, 51, 56 In organisms, 24 Nmr, 98, 212 Nonhydrocarbons, 24-25 Nonesuch Shale, 10 Norhopane, 48, 50 Normal alkanes, 212. See also n-Alkanes North Dakota, 68 North Sea, 12, 115, 118, 119, 135, 145, 159, 161, 184 North Slope of Alaska, 11, 12, 58, 114, 116, 136-137 Norton Basin, 115 Norway, 161 NSO compounds, 24-25, 44, 45, 212 Nuclear magnetic resonance, 98, 212 Nutrients From algae, 14 In evaporitic environments, 12 And productivity, 7, 16 Recycling of, 7 In upwellings, 7

Cracking of, 32, 38-41, 55, 139, 143, 154, 156,164,202 Deadline for, 108, 138-139, 142, 154 Deasphalting of, 55, 156 Emulsions in, 74 Generation of. See Oil generation Gravity. See API gravity Heavy, 66,68,210 Immature, 158,169 Isotope ratios in, 30, 56-57,157-159,177180 Maturity of, 41, 55, 172 Mixing of, 162-163 Naphthenic, 40,174,178 Nitrogen in, 51, 56 Paraffinic, 40,174,178 Pour point of, 55, 56, 159 ReseIVoir transformations of, 55-58, 60 Sulfur in, 36, 41, 47, 50-51, 56-59, 69, 157, 169,179-180 Viscosity of, 55, 56 Water washing of, 55, 156, 179, 215 Wax content of, 40, 49, 55, 157, 159 Oil generation, 2, 32, 38-41 Effect of kerogen type on, 39-40,135-136, 146,152 Kinetics of, 122, 139, 142-146 Threshold for, 135-136, 138, 146, 152 Timing of, 39, 139-141, 143-144, 150, 152-154 Window for, 108, 137-138,212. See also Oil generation, timing of Oil shales, 32, 98 Oil Show Analyzer, 86, 212 Oklahoma, 185 Oleanane, 161-162 Olefins, 21, 212 OML. See Oxygen-minimum layer Organic chemistry, 19-29 Organic compounds, 19-28, 212 Hydrocarbons, 19-24 Isomers of, 25-27 Names of, 19-25 Nonhydrocarbons, 24-25 Reactions of, 27-28. See also Chemical reactions Shapes of, 25-27 Structures of, 19-27 Organic facies, 4, 5-18,114,160, 161 Organic matter. See also Kerogen Algal, 5, 14, 157 Determination of type, 84-86 Diagenesis of. See Diagenesis Dilution of, 6-7, 14-15, 16-17 Maturity of, 86-89 Oxidation of. See Diagenesis Oxidized, 6, 14, 33,85, 105-107 PreseIVation of, 8-14. See also Diagenesis

Oceanic anoxic events, 11, 15, 17 Ohio, 172 Oil Accumulation of, 3, 63, 64, 65, 68, 202 Analysis of, 74-81 Biodegradation of, 55-58 Comparison with bitumen, 58-59 Composition of, 43-60, 69-70 Correlation of. See Correlations

Organic matter-Continued Quantity of, 84 Resistant; 14 Reworked, 14, 33 Settling rates of, 14 Terrestrial, 6,9, 14,25,33,45,49,85,97, 103, 106, 108, 162, 172 Organic richness, 6-16 Orinoco Tar Belt, 55 Otway Basin, 140-141 Outcrop samples, 89 Overpressuring, 39, 64, 70 Overthrust Belt, 128 Oxic environments, 13-14, 15-16 Oxidation, 9, 27-28, 45, 212 Oxidizing agent, 27, 212 Oxygen As heteroatom, 24 In kerogen, 33-34, 36-37 In organic matter, 24 In waters and sediments, 9, 13-16. See also Oxygen-minimum layer; Anoxia Oxygen index, 95, 106, 212 Oxygen-minimum layer, 10-13, 17,212 Development of, 10 Expansion of, 11-12 PAH, 23, 212 Paleotemperature, 125-127, 128, 130, 131 Paraffins, 20-22, 212 Paris Basin, 94, 95 PDB, 29, 212 Pentane, 74. See also n-Pentane Permil,30,157,212 Peru, 8,11 Petrex,185 Phase changes, 70 Phenols, 14, 25, 33, 446 Phosphoria Formation, 12, 34, 93 Phosphorus, 14 Photic zone, 7, 10, 212-213 Photosynthesis, 5, 7, 10, 30 Phytane, 22, 48, 213. See also Pristanelphytane ratio Phytoplankton, 5-6, 213. See also Algae Plants, terrestrial, 5-6, 25, 33, 48,162-163 Plutons, 117 Po Basin, 174, 178-180 Polar compounds, 44 Pollen In kerogens, 33, 86 TAl measurements from, 88 Polymers, 25, 32,213 Porphyrins, 24, 44, 213 Analysis of, 81-82 As biomarkers, 45, 47-48, 51 In correlations, 160-161, 178-180 Maturity effects on, 51, 104, 108-109 Migration effects on, 69


Porphyrins-Continued Nonbiodegradability of, 57 Source of, 47-48 Types of, 24, 51, 81, 108-109 V~iratiosin,47,51,81, 104, 160, 178180 Powder River Basin, 186 Preservation, 8-14. See also Diagenesis Pristane, 22, 48, 213 Pristane/phytane ratio As correlation parameter, 160, 166-170, 172, 177-180 Effect of maturity on, 51-52, 160 Environmental interpretation of, 47,160, 172 Production Index, 95, 213 Productivity, 6-8,16-17 As cause of anoxia, 17 In evaporitic environments, 12 Factors influencing, 7-8 High, 7-8, 11, 12 Modeling of, 8, 16-17 In pelagic environments, 7, 13 Relation to upwelling, 7-8, 11 Programmed-temperature chromatography, 77,213 Propane, 21, 83, 164 Propene, 21 Propylene, 21 Protein, 25, 32, 34 Pseudo-activation energy, 122, 132, 139, 142143, 144-145 Puente Formation, 12 Pycnocline, 10,213 Pyrite And anoxia, 9, 15-16, 34, 186 In kerogen concentrates, 82-83 In nonmarine sediments, 34 Relation to TOC, 34 In surface prospecting, 186 Pyrolysis, 213 In determining kerogen type, 85-86 Hydrocarbons released during, 85-86 Interpretation of, 94-96, 102, 106-107 Rock-Eval, 85, 94-95, 102,213 Strengths and weaknesses of, 95-96 T max of. See T max Pyrolysis-gas chromatography, 85-86, 96, 115 Ra, 87, 213

Ra, 87, 213. See also Vitrinite reflectance

Rainfall, as cause of stratification, 13 Reconcavo Basin, 134 Reducing agent, 27, 213 Reduction, 27-28, 213 Reflectance. See Vitrinite reflectance Reservoir rocks, deposition of, 16 Resin Plant, 14, 33, 49, 115 Fossil, 33, 35, 86. See also Resinite

Resinite, 33, 54, 97, 106, 115, 213 In coals, 115 Geochemistry of, 39, 161 Oil generation from, 39-41, 115, 135-136, 146 Resins, as NSO compounds, 44, 213 Retention time, 77, 213 Richness, organic, 6-16 Rift basins, 10, 134 Rock-Eval, 85, 94-95, 98, 102, 213. See also Pyrolysis Sl peak, 85, 94, 95, 106, 213 S2peak, 85-86, 88, 94-95,106,213 S3 peak, 85, 94-95, 106,213 Salinity, effect on circulation and preservation, 12-13 San Jorge Basin, 162-163 Sanjuan Basin, 135 Santa Barbara Basin, 12 Saturates, 21, 213 Saudi Arabia, 12, 66 Screening procedures, 74, 84, 90, 98, 106 Sediment-accumulation rate, 14, 15, 17 Sedimentation rate Effect on dilution, 14-15, 17 Etrect on preservation, 14-15, 17 In abyssal waters, 13 Seeps, 181-182 Seismic, integration with geochemistry, 16, 69,111,184 Sheep Pass Formation, 169-171 Shelf, continental, 11 Shublik Formation, 12, 114 Sills Igneous, 238 Tectonic, 11-13,213 Single bond, 213 Sisquoc Formation, 9 Smackover Formation, 12, 59 Sniffer, 184 Solid bitumen, 64, 98 Solvent extraction, 74 Solvent evaporation, 74, 76 Source capacity Evaluation of, 73-74 Original. See Go Remaining. See G Source rock, 3, 93-94, 214 Ages of, 16 Bitumen content of, 38-39 Effective, 93, 214 Models for deposition of, 16, 114, 190 Possible, 93, 214 Potential, 93, 214 Source-rock evaluation, 93-120 Analytical methods for, 84-89 Direct method, 84-86, 94-96 Examples, 111-117 Indirect method, 86, 96-98


Source-rock evaluation-Continued Philosophy of, 93-94, 117 Practice problems, 118-120 Soxhlet extractor, 74, 214 Spores Color of. See Thermal Alteration Index In kerogen, 33, 86 Stagnation, 10, 11, 17 Starch, 25 Steranes, 21, 23, 50, 214 Aromatized, 23-24, 49, 54,80, 109, 163 Biodegradation of, 56, 162-163, 165 As biomarkers, 45, 47-50, 53 In correlations. See Correlations Effect of migration on, 109-110 Epimerization of, 28, 51, 53, 109 As environmental indicators, 48-49, 162163 Isoskeletal, 53 Mass fragmentograms of, 110, 165,175176 Mass spectra of, 78-80 Maturation of, 51, 53, 104, 108-111 Numbering in, 23 Rearranged, 53, 110 Stereochemistry, 25-29, 214 Steroids, 45, 47-49, 214 Sterols, 48-49,162,214 Stratification, 7, 10-13,214 Sudan, 10 Sugars, 25 Sulfate ion Conversion to organic sulfur, 32, 34, 51, 57 In fresh waters, 13, 34, 51, 169 Role in diagenesis, 9, 186 Role in hydrocarbon oxidation, 27, 57, 59, 139, 163, 186 Sulfur In asphaltenes, 25, 44, 51, 157 In carbonates, 34, 58-59, 139 As heteroatom, 24 Isotope ratios of, 29, 80, 157 In kerogen, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 50-51, 58, 59,135-136,158 Measurement of, 82-83 In oil, 36, 41, 47, 50-51, 56-59, 69, 157, 169, 179-180 Surface prospecting, 181-187 Carbonate cements in, 186 Cost of, 184-187 ~C method in, 185-186 Gamma-ray surveys in, 186 Gravity surveys in, 186 Heavy hydrocarbons in, 185 Induced polarization in, 186 Iodine in, 186 Isotope ratios in, 184-185, 186 Light hydrocarbons in, 183-185 Magnetics in, 185 OflShore, 184-185


Surface prospecting-Continued Onshore, 183-186 Philosophy of, 181-183, 186-187 Problems with, 181-183, 186-187 Validity of, 182, 186-187 Vegetation anomalies in, 186 T."IT., 109, 166 T max' 88, 95, 102 Correlation with vitrinite reflectance, 108 Difficulties with, 102, 108 TAl, 214. See also Thennal Alteration Index Tar,66,68,214 Tar mats, 68 Tasmanites, 88, 102 Temperature Correction of measured, 125, 146 History, 125-127, 128, 130, 131 In maturity calculations, 132-133 Temperature programming, 77 Terpanes, 39, 214. See also Diterpanes; Triterpanes Terrestrial organic matter. See Organic matter Terrestrial plants, 5-6, 25, 33, 48, 162-163 Texas, 137-138, 191-195 Thermal Alteration Index, 86, 214 Correlation with vitrinite reflectance, 108 Difficulties with, 102, 108 Measurement of, 88 Thin-layer chromatography, 75, 89, 158, 214 Thrusting, effect on maturity, 128-130 Time, in maturity calculations, 132-133 Time-Temperature Index of maturity. See TTl Tissot-Espitalie model, 143-146 TOC values, 84, 214 Effect of diagenesis on, 6, 14-16, 105-108 Effect of sedimentation rate on, 14-15 As indicator of anoxia, 9, 17, 106 Interpretation of, 97, 105-106 Measurement of, 84, 97 Relation to hydrogen index, 107-108 As screening technique, 84, 90, 98, 106 In volumetric calculations, 198-201 Todilto Limestone, 12 Trans, 26,214 Transfonnation ratio, 95, 214

Transgressions, 11, 16 Transmitted-light microscopy, 35, 86, 88 Traps, 63, 68-69. See Accumulation Classical, 68, 173 Gas-hydrate, 69 Kinetic, 68, 173 Stratigraphic, 68,70, 193-194, 197 Tar-mat, 68 Trenton Fonnation, 166-167 Triterpanes, 23, 214. See also Hopanes Aromatization of, 23, 49, 54 As biomarkers, 48, 50 Biodegradation of, 56, 80,162-163,165166 In correlations. See Correlations Demethylated, 80, 162-163, 165 As environmental indicators, 48, 50, 161162 Epimerization of, 50, 53, 109, 111 Mass fragmentograms of, 80, 109, 162, 163, 16610.14 Mass spectra of, 79-80, 162 Maturity effects in, 50, 53-54, 104, 108109,111 Origin of, 21, 45, 48, 50 Triterpenoids, 45, 48, 214 TTl, 123, 133, 214 Application to deadlines, 138-139 Calculation of, 132-133 Calibration of values, 135-138 Interpretation of, 135-138 Turbidites, 14 Tuwaiq Mountain Limestone, 12 Uinta Basin, 64, 68, 86 Ultraviolet spectroscopy, 81, 160 Unconformity. See Maturity, effect of erosion on United States. See also the indivdual states Basin and Range, 169-171 East Coast offShore, 111, 113, 117, 118-119 Eastern, 172-173 Gulf Coast, 12, 59, 114, 137-138, 147 Midcontinent, 12, 148 Western, 12 Western Interior Seaway, 160

Upwelling, 7-8, 16,214 Uranium As factor in maturation, 117 As gamma-ray source, 186 Urea adduction, 76, 77, 159, 214 Utah, 12,33,64,68, 169 Van Krevelen diagram, 36-37, 95, 105,214 Modified,94-95, 105, 106, 114,214 Vanadyl ion. See Porphyrins, V/Ni ratios in Venezuela, 12, 55, 66-67 Visible-ultraviolet spectroscopy, 81, 160 Vitrinire, 33,35, 38,40, 106, 107,214 Vitrinite reflectance, 38, 87-88, 98, 214-215 Difficulties with, 89, 98-102, 116-117, 137 Effect of caving on, 89, 98, 101 Effect of contamination and weathering on, 89 Effect of erosion on, 116-117 Effect of igneous activity on, 117, 135 Histograms, 87, 98-101 Measurement of, 87 Profiles, 88, 116-117 Revvorked,98,100 Volumetric models, 4,189-190,198-203 Walnut hulls, 89 Water, circulation of. See Circulation of waters Water washing, 55, 156, 179,215 Waxes In coals, 115 In kerogens, 33, 35, 97 In oils, 40, 49, 55, 157, 159 In plants, 24, 33, 49 Weathering, 89 Western Interior Seaway, 160 Williston Basin, 39, 65, 68, 157 Wisconsin, 10 Wood. See Organic matter, terrestrial Woodbine Fonnation, 191-195 Woodford Shale, 12 Wyoming, 10,33,93, 128, 140 Xylenes, 22, 45 Zooplankton, 5, 215