How To Teach English) Summary [PDF]

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How to teach English Learners: Reasons: Moving to a Target Language Community, ESP, EAP, general English, part of curriculum.) Context: EFL + ESL = ESOL, (Language) Schools, 1-on-1, in-Company, virtual environment. Differences: Age, Level, Gender/Cultural Background, Style Age: Children learn easily by exposure and games Adolescents(+) Capable of Abstract thought, can handle more (-) but reasons for learning must be explained Adults (+) Wide range of experience to draw from, more disciplined and know why they are studying.(-) Strong beliefs and previous negative experience might hamper progress. Levels: (False)Beginner: False Beginners know some language, Beginners nothing. Easily notice progress with this group. Intermediate: Plateau Effect progress is made, but difficult to point out. Advanced: Focus lies on : Appropriancy (right word, right time) Connotation (neg/pos of a word) Inference (meaning behind writing). Styles: NLP: 3 learner styles: Visual (seeing), Auditory (hearing) and kinesthetic (learn by physical activity) MI: Everyone develops different intelligences at different rates in different ways. Motivation: intrinsic: (from yourself (Harper: within classroom)) extrinsic: (from external factors (Harper: from outside the classroom)). Teachers: Rapport: relationship between the students and teacher and vice versa. Good teachers want GOOD Rapport. Maintained by: Personality, Recognizing, Listening to and Respecting students and being even-handed! Roles: Controller: standing in front of the class, dictating what happens and being the center of attention. Prompter: encouraging student participation by eliciting. Assessor: grades students on their performance. Feedback provider: provides feedback for students and helps them better their English Resource: presents himself as an information center for students to access. Tutor: presents himself as an assistant to students and guides the progress.

STT: Student Talking Time (promote as much as possible) TTT: Teacher Talking Time (as little as possible) TTQ: Teacher Talking Quality (as high as possible) USE of L1 in class: L1 use mustn’t be banned, rather discouraged. Promote an English Speaking Environment as much as possible. Use different methods to enforce the English speaking environment such as: Class work, Group and Pair work, Solo work and Class-to-Class work(rare)! Acquire vs Learning Language, methods, ESA Acquiring Language: Subconscious and anxiety free, through exposure to the language, not bound to a specific space, limited till a certain age. Learning Language: Conscious and anxious process, taught, no age limit, elements of language learnt next to totality. Methods: Lexical approach: Language in chunks Silent Way: TTT to a minimum, STT to a maximum Community Language learning: Bilingual staff help out with translating L1L2. Grammar-translation method: present students with short grammar rules and word lists and then translation exercises in which they make use of the rules. It teaches people about language but doesn’t really help them to communicate effectively with it. Audio-lingualism: describe the grammatical patterns of English to students, have them repeat and learn them. Habit-forming behaviourist approach – perform the correct response to a stimulus so that a reward is given. Drilling (choral and individual repetition and cue-response drilling) is still considered useful – especially with low-level students. PPP = Presentation, Practice and Production: the teacher presents the context and situation for the language (describe someone’s holiday plans) and both explains and demonstrates the meaning and form of the new language (eg. Going to …. He’s going to visit the Hermitage Museum.) Students then practice sentences with going to … this is called controlled practice. Teachers can use drilling, teach pronunciation and allow students to speak more freely about themselves … next week I am going to …. CLT = Communicative Language Teaching: involves language functions such as inviting, agreeing, disagreeing, suggesting, etc. Teaches appropriacy when talking and writing to people (formal, informal, tentative, technical, etc.) This method assumes that if students get enough exposure to language and opportunities for language use and if they are motivated then language learning will happen! Focus on allowing students to communicate real message and engage in communicative activities where they use all and any language they know to communicate. TBL = Task-Based Learning: emphasizes tasks rather than the language. Students perform real-life tasks such as timetables, schedules, presentations. Students are given a pre-task (introduced to the topic), which is followed by a

task cycles (students plan the task, gather language and information) and produce an outcome (writing, oral performance, etc) ESA: Engage (grab their attention), Study (Focus on language construction (students learn the tools)) and Activate (Students produce using learnt constructions (using the tools to make something)) Deductive Approach: students are given an explanation or grammar rule and must produce. Inductive Approach: students are given a chunk of language and must work out which grammar rule/language construction was used. Controlled Practice: 1st stage: (choral) repetition, followed by 2 nd stage: individual repetition by nominating.(Beginner based) Freer Practice: Elicit more personalized responses from the students, making it a transition between the S and the A. Attention is paid to the correct construction of language (S) and the language use (A). Mistakes: Slips: mistakes made by students which they can correct themselves. Errors: mistakes made by students which they cannot correct themselves. Attempts: mistakes made by students for trying to say something but not knowing how to. Examples of Attempts include: False Friends (words that sound the same but have different meanings “embarrassed vs embarazada) and Developmental Errors which are mistaken assumptions made about the way language works. TEACHING READING Extensive: reading for pleasure, refers to reading which students do often, away from the classroom Intensive: reading texts, study activities, look for meaning, grammar, vocabulary. What is done within the classroom! READING PRINCIPLES: 1. Encourage students to read as often and as much as possible. 2. Students need to be engaged with what they are reading. 3. Encourage students to respond to the content of a text (and explore their feelings about it), not just concentrate on its construction. 4. Prediction is a major factor in reading 5. Match the task to the topic when using intensive reading texts. 6. Exploit reading texts to the fullest extent.

READING ACTIVITIES (Few examples) 1. Guided reading – teacher supports students to become better readers. The teacher provides support for small groups of readers as they learn to use various reading strategies (context clues, letter and sound relationships, word structure, and so forth). How? a) Students should be divided into small groups (4-6 students). The younger the student, the smaller the group. b) Guided reading lessons are to be about 15-20 minutes in duration. c) Appropriately leveled reading materials must be selected for the group and each student should have his/her own copy of the literature. d) Pre-Reading: The teacher establishes a purpose for reading through making predictions, vocabulary introduction, or discussing ideas that will provide the readers with the background knowledge required for the text. e) Reading: The teacher observes the students as they read the text softly or silently to themselves, provides guidance and coaching to individuals based on her/his observations by providing prompts, asking questions, and encouraging attempts at reading strategy application. f) Post Reading: The teacher asks questions to ensure that the text has been comprehended by the readers and praises their efforts. Further, the teacher may observe gaps in strategy application and address these gaps following the reading in a mini-lesson format. 2. Jigsaw reading – students read different texts and share what they have found out 3. Reading puzzles – reassembling text, out of sequence stories or dialogs, mix up two stories 4. Newspapers – match articles with headlines or pictures, reading for opinion, read ads, reply to the letters written to the editor 5. Fishbowl fun – students write questions about a story they’ve read on a small slip of paper, drop it in a bowl, let students fish for questions from the bowl and attempt to answer them 6. Following instructions – put instructions in the right order, follow recipes 7. Poetry – reassemble poems, find similarities and differences in poems, leave blanks in poems for students to fill in 8. Play extracts – read and act – thinking about how lines are said, concentrating on stress, intonation, speed 9. Predicting from words and pictures – given a number of words, students predict what the story tells then compare with the original text or given phrases – write the story or given pictures … do the same. 10. Different responses – answer comprehension questions, T/F, find words, put information into graphs, tables, diagrams, describe the people in the text, guess the endings of stories

TEACHING WRITING allows students time to process language process: plan, draft, review, edit WRITING ACTIVITIES 1. postcards - (leave out words), imagine a holiday and write a postcard (where, what, wish you were here) 2. journals or diaries – daily thoughts / feelings, select journal topics given by teacher (topics: my favourite subject, the worst day, I can’t face it, a secret, a special person, first meeting, gone but not forgotten, dream holiday, swimming upstream, an important lesson, lost in a blizzard, rainy days, the afterlife, surprise!, going home, guilt, my grandparents, temptations, a lottery win, etc. 3. interview - (begin with a short biography), What is your idea of perfect happiness, greatest fear, trait you most deplore in yourself, makes you depressed, most embarrassing moment, greatest extravagance, most treasured possession, favourite smell, favourite book, costume of choice, guiltiest pleasure, greatest regret, single thing that would improve the quality of your life, your greatest achievement, keeps you awake at night? 4. instant writing – dictate half sentences for students to complete, write two sentences about a topic right now, give 3 words and have students put them into a sentence as quickly as possible 5. use music and pictures – play music and have students write out a film scene, dictate the first line of a story and have students complete the story based on the music they are listening to, look at pictures and write about what they see, the characters within the picture 6. newspapers and magazines – analyze headlines, analyze how an article is written, write a news article 7. brochures and guides – look at a variety of brochures – health clubs, entertainment centers, answer questions 8. poetry – acrostic (letters start each line, read downwards to form a word), poetry alphabet (a line for each letter), sentence frames – I like … because … x3, But I dislike …, Write about this person as if they were a kind of weather, study real poems, imitate given poems 9. collaborative writing – have students construct texts together – write a story as a class, sentence by sentence or story circle - write one line of a story and when time is up, pass the paper to the next person or dictogloss – have students try to recreate what they have heard Correcting writing: Avoid overcorrecting by checking one aspect of writing and telling which one it is you are checking. You relieve pressure off students and they can develop better!

TEACHING SPEAKING speaking activities provide rehearsal opportunities – make them real life situations. use gentle correction, reformulation (teacher repeats correctly). do it often! SPEAKING ACTIVITIES 1. role-play – set up a dramatic situation and assign roles for students to play (crime – suspect, police officer, lawyer, concerned parent) 2. portrait interview – show a portrait – Arnolfini Marriage by Jan van Eyck – place students in groups and have them compile a list of questions to ask the others in the portrait …. Jigsaw – and have people answer these questions in their new group 3. discussion – give discussion topics ahead of time, place students in small buzz groups to explore and gather ideas, give statements for students to complete – Boys don’t like shopping. 4. information-gap activities – two speakers have different bits of information and they can only complete the whole picture by sharing that information because there is a ‘gap’ between them eg. Describe and Draw – sit back to back, one person describes the other draws (and is not allowed to ask questions) …. Progress to asking of questions! Compare results. 5. telling stories – story reconstruction (show pictures out of order and have students reconstruct in order), place objects on a table and have students invent a story, retell a story they read in a newspaper, tell a story about their family vacation, a scar, a goal 6. favourite objects – students bring in an object and talk about its importance 7. meeting and greeting – role-play an occasion where they must meet people and introduce themselves 8. surveys – design a questionnaire and interview one another (sleeping habits, # siblings, climbed a mountain) – good for get-to-know you activity 9. famous people – decide on which famous person, alive or dead, that they would like to invite for dinner, what they would talk about and what food they would give to them 10. student presentations – oral presentations

TEACHING LISTENING Extensive vs Intensive (see reading) LISTENING PRINCIPLES: 1. Encourage students to listen as often and as much as possible. 2. Help Students prepare to listen. 3. Once may not be enough. 4. Encourage students to respond to the content of a listening, not just to the language. 5. Different listening stages demand different listening tasks. 6. Good teachers exploit listening texts to the full LISTENING ACTIVITIES 1. live interview – bring in a guest speaker, brainstorm questions ahead of time, have students ask follow-up questions 2. using pictures – show pictures, have students listen to an oral discussion, answer questions about what they heard 3. prerecorded interview-narrative – listen to prerecorded interviews 4. message-taking – students listen to a phone message, airport announcement, etc. and answer questions about what they heard 5. music and sound effects – listen to songs for mood or message they convey, isolate for grammar points or themes 6. news and radio genres – listen to a news broadcast, radio commercials 7. poetry – listen for words, mood, message, predict outcome, decide on punctuation 8. stories – draw a picture about what they heard, graph the results, finish the ending to a story 9. monologues – match the speakers with the opinion 10. complete the picture – give one student half of a completed picture, partner has the whole picture and describes to the first student how to complete the drawing 11. idioms – listening to idioms and guessing what they mean, placing them in context

COURSEBOOK: (+) present good teaching material which is often attractively presented. (+) had been carefully researched and is provides a consistent availability of elements to practice. (+) lesson preparation time lessened (+) includes a teacher guide to help teachers (+) reassuring for students. (-) too much use might harm the learning environment. (-) they serve as proposals for action rather than instructions for action.

COURSEBOOK: omit: Skipping parts in the book. replace: Replacing exercises in the book. add: Adding YOUR OWN chunk to the book adapt: fine-tuning the exercises to match the level.a PLANNING A LESSON: ESA BASED! With a recognizable sequence! Questions to be asked: Who are the students? What are our learning outcomes? What do we want to do and why? How long will it take? How does it work? What will be needed? What might go wrong? How will it fit in what comes before and after it? Descriptions in your planning: Description Students. Aims and Objectives. Procedures. Anticipated problems. Extra activities/materials (just in case) Materials to be used in lesson. Success indicators TESTING REASONS: placement test progress test achievement test proficiency test (usually public examinations) continuous assessment/portfolio GOOD TEST: Valid: test does what is says it will. Reliability: everyone should have an equal opportunity to answer the question correctly the same way and the examiner must have one correct answer per question! marked Washback/Backwash effect: washback effect: teachers teach for the test. NOT exactly negative. It has a negative effect when the test fails to mirror our teaching and we adapt our teaching to that! TYPES: Discrete items: tests one thing at a time! Integrative Language use: asking students to perform a variety of skills to

achieve the test. Direct test item: Skill testing students must do something with language (letter writing)  Same as ILU! Indirect test item: tests one thing at a time  same as DI. Examples: Multiple Choice, Fill-in, Gap, Cloze etc!

WHAT IF? Students are all at different levels? Use different materials / technology material / technology

Do different tasks with the same

Use the students

Ignore the problem

The class is very big? Use worksheets

Use pairwork and groupwork

Use chorus reaction

Use group leaders

Think about vision and acoustics

Use group to your advantage

Students keep using their own language? Talk to them about the issues appropriately





Only respond to English use

Create an English environment


Keep reminding them

Students don’t do homework? Ask the Students

Make it fun

Respect homework

Make post-homework productive

Students are uncooperative? Remember that it’s just a job Be even handed

Deal with the behavior, not the student Go forward

Use any means of communication

Enlist help

Prevention or cure?

Students don’t want to talk? Use pairwork controlled way at first – in stages

Allow them to speak in a

Use reading aloud and acting out

Use role-play

Use recording Students don’t understand the audio track? Preview interview questions One task only Play the listening in chunks Use vocab prediction time Students finish before everybody else? USE COMMON SENSE HERE SRSLY!

Use ‘jigsaw listening’ Play a/the first segment only Use the audioscript Have students listen all the