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MICROMINE Overview Document Version 3.1. February 2007

Copyright © Micromine


Licence Agreement The use of the software described in this document is subject to a licence agreement with Micromine Pty Ltd. The software may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms and conditions of that agreement. Disclaimer Micromine Pty Ltd will not accept any liability arising from the use of the software or any other software product mentioned in this document; nor for any technical or editorial errors or omissions made in this document. The mention of any other computer software product within this document does not imply any endorsement of such product by Micromine Pty Ltd. Copyright Micromine Pty Ltd is the owner of the software, and of all icons and logos within the software, together with all soft and hardcopy documentation. This document contains information protected by copyright. No part of this document may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from Micromine Pty Ltd. @ Copyright, September 2007 Micromine Pty Ltd. Trademark Acknowledgment MICROMINE is a trademark of Micromine Pty Ltd. Other brands and product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Micromine Pty Ltd 174 Hampden Rd Nedlands WA 6009 Perth Australia Tel: + 61 8 9423 9000 Fax:+ 61 8 9423 9001 Email:[email protected] www:http://www.micromine.com

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Table of Contents

MICROMINE Overview ..........................................................................5 User Interface ......................................................................................................... 5 Form Sets .......................................................................................................... 5 File Editor........................................................................................................... 6 Filters ................................................................................................................ 7 Colour files ......................................................................................................... 8 Hatch files .......................................................................................................... 9 Symbols............................................................................................................. 9 Vizex............................................................................................................... 10 Online Help....................................................................................................... 11 Data Input and Export ............................................................................................. 12 Keyboard ......................................................................................................... 12 Text Files ......................................................................................................... 12 ODBC .............................................................................................................. 13 Digitising.......................................................................................................... 13 DXF................................................................................................................. 13 Other............................................................................................................... 13 Data Validation...................................................................................................... 13 Look Up Tables.................................................................................................. 14 Validate Field Content......................................................................................... 14 Drill Hole Validation............................................................................................ 15 3D Viewer ........................................................................................................ 15 Data Processing................................................................................................. 15 File Calculations ................................................................................................ 16 Merging ........................................................................................................... 16 Gridding........................................................................................................... 16 Drill Holes ........................................................................................................ 17 Digital Terrain Model (DTM)................................................................................. 17 Coordinate Transformation .................................................................................. 18 Assigning ......................................................................................................... 18 Strings............................................................................................................. 18 Data Visualisation .................................................................................................. 19 Points .............................................................................................................. 19 Strings............................................................................................................. 21 Outlines ........................................................................................................... 22 Drill Holes ........................................................................................................ 23 Grids ............................................................................................................... 26 OBMs............................................................................................................... 27 Wireframes....................................................................................................... 29 Data Presentation .................................................................................................. 30 Images ............................................................................................................ 30 Hardcopy ......................................................................................................... 30 PDF ................................................................................................................. 31 VRML............................................................................................................... 31 Fly Through ...................................................................................................... 32 Surveying ............................................................................................................ 32 Download Data Recorders ................................................................................... 32 Calculations ...................................................................................................... 32

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String Edit........................................................................................................ 33 Volumes........................................................................................................... 33 Statistics ............................................................................................................. 33 Quality Control.................................................................................................. 34 Distribution....................................................................................................... 34 Decomposition .................................................................................................. 34 Geostatistics ........................................................................................................ 35 Semi Variograms ............................................................................................... 35 Trend Surface Analysis ....................................................................................... 36 Cross Validation ................................................................................................ 36 Variogram Surfaces............................................................................................ 36 Modelling............................................................................................................. 37 Polygonal ......................................................................................................... 37 Build and Edit Wireframes ................................................................................... 37 Block............................................................................................................... 38 Seam .............................................................................................................. 39 Pit Optimisation................................................................................................. 40 Model Reporting ................................................................................................ 40 Grade Control ....................................................................................................... 40 Blast Hole Patterns ............................................................................................ 41 Mine Design ......................................................................................................... 42 Pit Design......................................................................................................... 42 Underground Design .......................................................................................... 43 Ring Design ...................................................................................................... 44 Macros................................................................................................................ 45 How Macros Work.............................................................................................. 45 Toolbox............................................................................................................ 47

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MICROMINE Overview MICROMINE was developed in 1987 as a software package for exploration geologists, and was one of the first products of its kind to run on a personal computer. For the first time, geologists were able to analyse the data they had collected in the field. By the early 1990s, MICROMINE was recognised as a technological leader and regarded as an easy to use, functional and robust package. A commitment to continuous improvement has meant that it has now become a total mining package, with capabilities ranging from data import to mine design. The real strength of MICROMINE is its ability to convert raw data into information. Not all data is valuable, often it is out of date or irrelevant. MICROMINE combines an extensive range of data validation and processing tools, with the data modelling and visualisation tools needed to identify and present relevant information. When that information is used to improve an organisation's existing knowledge and understanding of its mineral resources, such as helping someone to understand where to find the next major discovery, or providing the know-how to beat sliding metal prices, a real high yield return can be achieved. MICROMINE's functionality is arranged around a suite of modules, enabling users to tailor a package to suit their specific needs. The core module is an application in its own right, with import, data entry, editing, validation, processing, visualisation, presentation and export capabilities. MICROMINE is a fully integrated system, and not a cluster of separate utilities. You can extend the power of your system at any time by adding new modules.

User Interface The success of a product like MICROMINE depends on its ease-of-use. MICROMINE's powerful yet intuitive interface enables users to produce results efficiently and easily. Given the transient nature of the workforce in the resources sector, usability contributes greatly to MICROMINE's low Total Cost of Ownership. Here are some of the features that make the MICROMINE user interface the best in the business: Form Sets Most functions require the user to define a set of control parameters in a form. In MICROMINE this is done using form sets. Parameters are usually selected from a valid list of options and default values are provided. For example, when a new file is selected, default field names are presented to the user. These and other timesaving features have been built into each form. When opened, a form defaults to the last values used. The contents of a form can be saved as a form set for later re-use.

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Typically, users will share the same local or global form sets, but may also have their own personal form sets. Once the concept of forms and form Sets is understood, a user has effectively learnt how to run most of the functions in MICROMINE. File Editor The MICROMINE File Editor uses a spreadsheet-style interface to create and maintain MICROMINE Data Files. In addition to the editing facilities found in many databases, it is optimised for geological and field data entry, and includes many powerful functions. MICROMINE Data Files are ASCII (text) files with a simple header followed by equal length data records. The uncomplicated format of these files has meant that they have become a de facto standard in the industry. As well as providing standard editing functions (Cut, Paste, Insert, Delete, Sort, Find, Replace) the MICROMINE File Editor also provides the following features: Ÿ

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A colour file can be applied to a field


A set of nested look-up tables can be attached to a field


Calculation functions can be used to change the content of specific cells


Data from another file can be merged or appended

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Filters Whenever a function reads data, a filter can be attached to the input file. Previously saved filters can be selected, or it is a simple matter to set up a new one. Filters combine a group of conditional statements to determine which records the process will use. Selection criteria can be combined so that a filter can be set to process only those records where Tenement = E62/99 and Date Drilled > 19920819 (see example below). This allows a wide range of data manipulations to be carried out easily and efficiently.

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Colour files The effective use of Colour is an important aid to visualisation. In MICROMINE you can easily associate numeric ranges or text values with particular colours. Once defined, a Colour Set can be used by any display function.

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Hatch files Hatching (of polygons or alongside a drill hole trace) is another way to make your data more meaningful. Hatch Sets work in the same way as Colour Sets (see above) and because the hatch patterns are based on True Type Fonts, they are fast and flexible. MICROMINE comes with a complete set of geological hatch patterns based on the AGSO and USGS standards. New patterns can be added on request.

Symbols Like Hatching, Symbols use True Type Font technology to give maximum control over colour, style and size. On a display, symbols are plotted at point locations and can also be used to display such things as North points and logos.

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A huge range of symbols is bundled with MICROMINE. New symbols can be added on request. Vizex The Visual Explorer (Vizex) graphical interface provides an efficient and fully interactive way to display all types of data from points to images. Each object that is loaded into the display can be controlled using the Object Manager. The Object Manager can be used to arrange the data sets you want to see in a layered display. Each layer in the display can be edited interactively using the Vizex Graphic Editor.

Multiple datasets can be viewed simultaneously, in plan and section view, simply by opening a new window.

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Online Help Online help is available with Index and Search facilities and each form has context

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sensitive help.

Context sensitive help applies to the individual parameters in a form, as well as to the form (function) itself. Clicking on a Help button on a form displays an overview of the function. Users unfamiliar with a particular function can learn about it quickly and easily. Hard copy manuals are also available and the content is accessible in PDF format directly from the Help menu.

Data Input and Export Keyboard MICROMINE's spreadsheet-style File Editor can be used to enter data. A number of built-in functions are provided to speed up data entry. For example, in an interval file you can set the SAMPLE field to increment by 1, the HOLE field to replicate, the FROM field to equal TO field value on the previous record and the TO field to increment by 2. A new record that applies all these conditions can be entered with a single keystroke. There is also a special function to input drill hole information. This creates the Collar, Survey and Interval files in a single operation. Text Files There are facilities within MICROMINE to import data from any type of text file, ranging from comma or tab-delimited file formats to downloaded magnetic data that has header information interspersed with the data readings themselves. Data from text files can be imported as a new file, appended to an existing file, or merged into an existing file. To merge data there must be a key field, which is common to both the text file and the Page 12

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existing MICROMINE file, that can be used to determine matching records. Merging assay lab results into an interval file, based on sample number, is a typical use of this method. In addition to the merge import option described above, a separate merge function, specifically designed to import data from assay lab files (in either SIF or commadelimited format), is provided. ODBC Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an interface that allows applications to access data in Database Management Systems (DBMS) such as SQL Server, Access, Oracle and Excel. Using ODBC as a method of reading from, or writing to, external databases relies on the appropriate ODBC Driver being installed on your system. The Windows Control Panel provides the means to create a Data Source that configures the driver to suit your needs. Once a Data Source is in place (and this only needs to be done once) MICROMINE can interface with the DBMS. There are two ways of making the data in an external database accessible to MICROMINE. 1.

Import the data into a MICROMINE file. The original database and the new MICROMINE file are now completely independent


Link to the external database. The data is available to all MICROMINE functions as a read-only file. Modifications to the original database are reflected when the data is accessed from MICROMINE.

ODBC functionality can also be used to export data to an external DBMS. Digitising MICROMINE includes specialised functions to import Point, Line, Polygon and Profile data using a digitiser. Attribute information can be conveniently entered at the same time (for example, sample numbers can be written to a field that automatically increments) and digitiser buttons can be mapped to tasks such as closing the current polygon. The data is displayed as it is entered and the display can show background information. DXF DXF is an interchange format developed by AutoCad™. The import process works with text and line data independently, so MICROMINE will independently extract information into two separate files. Specific layers and objects can be excluded during the import process. Any plot generated in MICROMINE can be output as a DXF file so that it can be used in other applications. MICROMINE can also export any XY(Z) data set into DXF format. Other Total Station: MICROMINE includes a special function that can be configured to download and process data collected by a surveyor's total station. GPS: A computer running MICROMINE can be connected to a GPS receiver so that the coordinates can be downloaded in real time. Laboratory Samples: A comprehensive process is provided to import data from (not so standard) laboratory SIF files. Wireframes: MICROMINE can directly import Vulcan wireframes and can also import wireframes exported as 3D Faces in DXF files. It can also handle separate (text) Point and Triangle files.

Data Validation Quality Control is a managerial concept normally associated with manufacturing and the

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provision of good and services, but the quality assurance of your data is just as important. Ignoring the need to safeguard the integrity and completeness of your data will end up costing you dollars (hindsight has proved this on many occasions). Some of the benefits of "getting it right first time" are: Ÿ

Decreased data collection costs (fewer mistakes have to be corrected and less time is spent reworking as a result).


Improved productivity.


Greater confidence in the accuracy and reliability of information obtained from data.


Containment of risk

It is important to ensure that appropriate criteria for data quality have been established prior to collating data. Identify the requirements for the entry of your operation-critical data, whether the values entered will be mandatory and/or unique, or fall within acceptable ranges of variation. This will allow automatic checks to be included at the data collection point so that potential errors can be detected, identified, and hopefully resolved or recollected. As well as providing safeguards that prevent incorrect data from being entered in the first place, MICROMINE has many ways of verifying existing data. Look Up Tables A good way to enforce validation during the data entry process is to attach user-defined Lookup Tables to fields.

Lookup Tables support multiple levels of nesting and can be used for data entry as well as a validation tool. Validate Field Content MICROMINE contains a generalised validation function, which compares the contents of a field against allowable values and data ranges. Minimum and maximum values can be defined for Numeric fields, while the content of character fields can be compared against a check file containing a list of valid codes. The validation results are written to a report file. Another useful validation function parses the contents of a specified field and reports on the unique values contained in that field.

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Drill Hole Validation MICROMINE has specialised checking for drillhole information. Drill Hole Validation reports on intervals that are missing, overlap or extend past the bottom of the hole. There are also warnings for things such as missing data, unlikely survey values, and inconsistencies between the collar, survey and assay files. If topographical information for the drilling region is available, then a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) can be generated and the Z values entered in the collar file can be compared to the DTM, or alternatively the Z values for the holes can be generated from the DTM, especially in early exploration. 3D Viewer Displaying data to visibly check for spatial errors and colour coding the data to highlight unexpected values is one of the most effective validation methods. Being able to zoom to the data extents, quickly indicates if there are any "outliers". Displaying gridded models or DTMs in 3D (using MICROMINE's 3D Viewer or the Vizex display environment) makes unlikely Z values stand out. Similarly, gross errors in a set of profile data are immediately identified.

In the picture above the topography is shown as a partially transparent Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and, together with the drill hole traces, is displayed in the 3D Viewer. Clearly 2 of the drill holes have an incorrect collar RL. Data Processing Raw data should not be modified in any way (without very good reason). To do so is to compromise the integrity of the data. However, in most cases, in order to extract information from raw data, some processing of the data is required. This is well illustrated by the case of a surveyor using his total station to do a stockpile pickup. The measurements that are downloaded from the data recorder are of little use

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until coordinates of the observed points are calculated. These can be used to generate a DTM, which, in turn, can provide a stockpile volume. Similarly, drill hole collar, survey and assay data becomes more valuable when displayed as a colour-coded trace. Now, outlines representing mineralisation can be digitised and used as the basis for modelling. Later on, you might change the shape of one of your outlines (an interpretation based on available information). However, you would be unlikely to change the raw data itself (a collar location, or a downhole survey) unless the original measurement had been repeated. File Calculations MICROMINE provides over 30 mathematical functions that can be used to calculate new values based on existing data. Often the calculations will be very simple. Filters allow the user to modify only part of the file. Not having this type of facility available as part of the software package can become very frustrating. Other useful processing utilities in MICROMINE are: Ÿ

Generating text values from numerical data ranges or vice versa. For example, you can use this to assign SG values to a field depending on the lithology code for that record.


Calculating (weighted) averages of sample replicates and other data.


Splitting and joining fields.


Extracting unique values in a file.


Extracting the minimum, maximum, average or sum associated with a group of records.


Using collar and survey information, the 3D coordinates for downhole data, trenches, sample lines and drill hole traces can be generated.

Merging Merging data from one file into another based on matching values in a key field is an extremely powerful tool. When a value is written to the Target file there is an option to flag that record allowing you to track "missing" samples (those not flagged) or compare the content of different files. There is also a special drill hole merge function that allows the user to establish "rules" governing how intervals will match. This allows you to write (say) lithology codes into an assay file where the intervals do not match. Gridding This process generates a grid of blocks or cells, and each cell is assigned an estimated value of a numeric attribute. There is a choice of five different algorithms to generate these estimates: Inverse Distance Power; Anisotropic Inverse Distance Power; Kriging (seven semi-variogram models available); Minimum Curvature and Nearest Neighbour. There are also controls on the grid density and the search ellipse size and shape. Trends can be removed directly or using semi-variogram models. Contour strings can also be generated and the grid can be converted to a DTM.

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Drill Holes MICROMINE can perform a wide variety of drill hole related calculations. For example: numeric extractions on various fields, calculating true thickness, intersections and seam thickness, and Plane Of Vein conversions. The coordinates of the drill hole trace, interval mid points, and upper and lower surfaces can be generated. Regular or irregular sample intervals can be composited by downhole, bench (RL), Easting or Northing interval. Additionally, a constant field (typically Lithology) can be specified to force a new composite whenever the value in the field changes. It is also possible to use the values in a grade field to determine the compositing rules. A set of conditions can be specified to determine exactly how this will occur, with control over the cutoff grade, the amount and nature of internal waste, and minimum composite length. Digital Terrain Model (DTM) DTMs are similar to grids in the sense that they produce a surface from a set of data points. The essential difference is that DTMs have only a single solution, because the XYZ values of each point used to generate the surface are honoured. DTMs are used to model exact data, typically topography such as stockpiles, pits and natural ground surface. MICROMINE DTMs use the proven Delaunay Triangulation to generate a set of triangles connecting each point, in a data file, to its natural neighbours. A closed boundary can be used to restrict the triangulation. Features, such as the crest and toes of benches, can be identified as "breaklines", and the function will prevent lines in the triangulation from intersecting or crossing these strings. Once a DTM has been created, you can: Ÿ

Contour the Z values of the surface.


Calculate volumes between DTMs, or a DTM and a plane.


Calculate the Z values for a file containing points with known X and Y

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coordinates. Ÿ

Report whether points in a file are above, below or outside a DTM


Calculate thickness from DTMs representing the top and bottom of a seam.

Coordinate Transformation Location, or position, is a fundamental requirement when dealing with mineral resources. When we use an X and Y value to describe the position of a point on the earth's surface, they are in terms of some mathematically defined reference grid. There are two fundamental types of coordinates: Geographic: The X and Y values are known as Longitudes and Latitudes. The units of measurement are degrees and they are referenced to a spheroid, which is a mathematical surface representing the shape of the earth. Unfortunately the earth is not an exact spheroid, so each country or continent has used a spheroid that provides a "best fit" in their region. Clarke, Bessel, Australian National, and GDA94 are some examples. Even the same spheroid can be shifted, relative to the earth's centre. The reference systems for geographic coordinates are known as Geodetic Datums. Plane: The X and Y values are known as East and North. These coordinates are the projection of a spheroid onto a flat surface. Different types of projections are available, but the most common map projection is called Transverse Mercator (TM). One of the properties of a TM projection is that the scale is constant along any north-south grid line. A variety called Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM - which includes the map grid of Australia) is a uniform worldwide projection that has gained great acceptance as a standard for national mapping systems. One thing common to all plane coordinate systems is the definition of an origin point, where both the East and North value are zero. Sometimes the projection defines a false easting and northing. Local: There are times when an arbitrary local grid is used. It is common in mineral exploration to align a grid parallel to the strike of the ore body. Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers use data that is broadcast from orbiting satellites to calculate latitudes and longitudes in terms of the WGS84 datum, which uses a spheroid that best fits the earth's surface as a whole. Today there is a trend for countries to use this same spheroid as the basis for their National Geodetic Datum. MICROMINE provides the tools to convert between all the commonly used coordinate systems. Typically sectional interpretation, gridding and modelling are done using a local (plane) grid system. It is important to be able to relate this to tenement boundaries, which are generally defined in terms of a regional or national grid system. On some occasions it will be necessary to convert between different Geodetic Datums. This can all be done using MICROMINE's Grid Transformation functions. It is also easy to generate hardcopy plots with multiple grids. Assigning One of MICROMINE's most versatile functions is being able to assign properties to points that lie inside (or outside) a polygon or solid. Attributes commonly defined in this manner are Grade, SG or simply a flag value, which will subsequently be used as a means to filter the data. In block modelling, for example, it is necessary to remove all blocks that are outside the wireframe representing the ore body. Points can also be assigned against a DTM to separate those above and below the surface. Strings Strings are groups of neighbouring points that have a common attribute. When displayed, strings are equivalent to lines. Contours, road centre-lines and boundaries are all examples of strings. MICROMINE contains many functions that either manipulate or generate strings. Some examples are: Ÿ

Removing redundant points.


Smoothing strings by fitting a B-spline curve to them.

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Setting the same X and Y coordinates to points that are close together


Converting a set of geological section outlines into an equivalent set of plan outlines.


Generating a set of profiles from a contour file.


Producing cross-sections through underground workings such as declines and drifts based on files containing strings representing floors, backs or both.

Data Visualisation The key to finding out more about your data, particularly inter-relationships and trends, is to view it spatially. Although the mineralised zones to be located and mined are three-dimensional entities, many of the techniques used to understand the data that has been collected use essentially two-dimensional solutions. MICROMINE has the visualisation tools necessary to work through these tried and proven methods, but also provides 3D capabilities allowing the user to see the "bigger picture". Some of the 2D displays that can be used to add value to your data are: Ÿ

Cross Sections and Long Sections


Plan Projections


Stereo Nets


Ternary Diagrams


Pies and Symbols


Contour Grids


Drill hole Logs


Statistical Graphs

The Vizex interface allows layers of 2D data to be displayed together. Data types (objects) include Images, CAD files, GIS files, Outlines, Contour Grids, Points, Strings, Profiles and Drill Holes. When you move into the third dimension you can continue to use these same objects, but will find that two additional representations are very useful. They are surfaces and solids, the three-dimensional equivalent of open and closed strings. The MICROMINE 3D Viewer environment is ideal for visualizing shapes, surface and solids. It has comprehensive wireframing tools and puts data in a very compelling threedimensional spatial context (promoting it from raw data to information), therefore leveraging the potential payback. It is a tool you must use to present your geological interpretations. Points Point locations can be displayed using symbols and annotations. The user can select the type, colour, size and rotation of the symbol. Multiple values can be displayed around each data point and their colour, position and size can also be controlled. Colour, rotation, symbol type and size attributes can be specified by values from nominated fields in the file. For example, soil samples could be colour coded according to their Cu value, sized in proportion to the Pb value, with the Zn value (separately colour coded) as the annotation.

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Specialised point displays include: Ÿ

Pie Diagrams: Display up to eight variables as pie wedges at data points. The radius of each pie can be varied in proportion to the value being displayed or by using a series of discrete sizes.


Ternary Diagrams: Show relationships between three variables. Data may be colour and symbol coded.


Stereographic Projections: Both Schmidt and Wulff stereograms can be displayed.


Spider Plots: Indicate the relationships between multiple elements.

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Of course points can also be displayed in the 3D viewer, making it easy to include topography into the equation. Strings Strings are displayed as lines and can be identified by colour, line weight and line type.

MICROMINE includes comprehensive, interactive editing facilities. Strings can be

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displayed in 3D using either Vizex or the 3D viewer.

Strings can also be used to represent magnetic surveys or multi element soil samples by displaying stacked profiles along section lines. Outlines Outlines (closed polygonal shapes) can be digitised over any display. They are typically used to draw boundaries such as ore zones or tenements. These can then be used to flag data points that are inside (or outside) the shape, or to calculate areas, volumes and grades.

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Sectional interpretations of mineralised zones are the building blocks used to generate a solid representation of the ore body. Outlines have interactive editing facilities and the ability to snap points to sample boundaries on drill holes. The 3D Viewer provides the environment to build and edit wireframes. It also has a facility to display outlines as solid objects by projecting the shape onto parallel planes either side of the section and then using these to automatically construct a temporary wireframe.

a) Outlines, drill holes and transparent topography. b) Same scene with "solid" outlines Drill Holes There are a number of functions to analyse drill hole data in section, plan, or hole by hole. These displays can also handle data such as underground channel sampling or trenches. Drill hole traces can be viewed in any orientation with clipping planes positioned either

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side of the section. The line representing the trace can be colour coded by using a numeric or character field in any associated interval file. The collar and end of hole can be annotated using various options and further detail on either side of the trace can include: Ÿ



Distance from the section


Multiple text values, individually colour coded




Bar and line graphs.


Hatching with complete control over offset, width, pattern and colour


Lines representing the apparent dip of a structure

In many cases the display can also include background data such as seams, faults and outcrops, images, outlines and gridded surfaces. In MICROMINE you can also display stacked sections. These find their application in alluvial and grade control operations. A plan on the drill hole collar locations is produced with the Z (downhole) axis hinged into the plane of the display. This allows many sections to be viewed at one time.

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The drill hole log function presents single drill holes with assays, histograms and colour and/or hatch coded lithology. Average grades over intervals can be defined graphically and the results written to a separate file. This output file can be displayed later to show intersection intervals. Alternatively codes defining the intervals can be written back to the source data. This is particularly useful with alluvial or coal intervals where it may not be possible to define data using a geological model.

Displaying structural information is also very easy. Apparent dip can be interactively

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displayed in any orientation given that the input file has Hole, Depth, Alpha and Beta (or TrueDip and DipDirection) fields. If the structural feature is defined in the file, then this information can be used to colour code the lines.

Grids When point data is gridded or contoured, the results can be saved in a grid file. These files then can then be used as a background layer in other functions. Data is traditionally modelled in plan orientation, but MICROMINE supports sectional gridding and the output can be a useful guide when interpreting mineralised zones. In Vizex, multiple grid files can be loaded. If they overlap you will only see one file at a time, but you can quickly change which grid file is visible.

The 3D Viewer has a feature to adjust the Z values of any object loaded into the scene. This allows several grid files to be layered above each other providing a powerful tool to Page 26

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establish trends and relationships that might exists between the different elements that have been modelled.

OBMs Ore Body Models can be difficult to visualise as a whole because the outer blocks "hide" the inner blocks. Since the blocks can be colour coded by any of their attributes (such as grade) it is useful to be able to view interior blocks. One way to handle this is to display the model as a set of separate levels (or sections). In 2D this is the only sensible way to view the data. When OBMs are displayed in Vizex, there is an option to show only the blocks intersecting the current Z plane. This is particularly useful in pit design where you automatically see the blocks associated with the present working level. When you rotate the view in this mode, the Block Model is displayed as three orthogonal planes, allowing you to see “inside” the Block Model. The planes will shift interactively as you pan.

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In the 3D Viewer there are some other options. Ÿ

There is a function that generates "grade shells" from the OBM. A grade shell is a wireframe within which all blocks have a grade above a specified value. Generating a set of grade shells, and then displaying them with transparency, provides a intuitive way to understand the physical extents of the ore body.


Clipping planes can be defined to match the block centres and you can then quickly click through the levels (or sections) of the model.


Using filters to define two intersecting planes of blocks gives a good impression of the model. Combining this with one or more grade shells is an excellent visualisation technique.


The model can be viewed as a set of points representing the block centres.

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This is a fast and effective way of viewing the model since internal "blocks" are no longer completely hidden. Wireframes Although surfaces and solids are generated for different purposes, they are both defined as a network of triangles. The forms used to set the display parameters for wireframes apply to both types. Although the logical place to look at a wireframe is in the 3D Viewer, some 2D displays show the intersection of the wireframe with the Z plane of the view. Using interactive drill hole sections, the top and bottom surfaces of a seam can be defined and the area between them (for the current section) can be hatched. In the 3D Viewer wireframes can be colour coded against the Z value (generally elevation) and there are also transparency and smoothness controls. Additionally an image can be "pressed" or draped onto the wireframe. If the image is a georeferenced aerial photo it can significantly enhance the value of the display. When the image is not georeferenced, it effectively provides a texture to the surface. Try any of the Windows wallpapers to see the effect of this.

String files can be used to generate a 3D display. Simply associate a profile type and offset values with a string representing the centre-line of (say) a drive or shaft to produce a realistic representation.

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Data Presentation The way information is presented should reflect the confidence you have in it. MICROMINE provides a range of high quality presentation methods. The plotting facilities are particularly powerful, flexible and configurable. Images Displays can be output to the clipboard, printer or an image file. This is a simple way to enhance reports, or other documents, whenever scale is not critical. Hardcopy MICROMINE's Plot Editor handles scaled hardcopy output. It can be configured to produce extremely complex plans, but is simple to use on a day-to-day basis. Any display generated by MICROMINE can be written to a plot file, which is the input used by the Plot Editor. The user can choose a suitable layout, scale, and paper size and add title information, grids, legends and north points. As well as sending the output to any Windows compatible printer or plotter, a variety of formats such as PRN, DXF and EMF allow plots to be transferred to off line devices or to other programs. The Plot Editor enables the user to define sheet size, scale, grid type and spacing, rotation, label and symbol size factors. Interactive screen editing allows new labels to be added and existing labels to be edited individually or as groups using tagging commands. Labels can be moved, modified, resized or rotated; their colour may also be changed. All plots are made up of a series of "frames", which are placed within the defined plot area. In most cases only two frames are required, one for the data (the Master Plot) and one for the title information. A combination of frames is called a Layout. MICROMINE provides a large number of predefined layouts which are suitable for most users' requirements. Minor modifications to these standard layouts are easily carried out - for example adding the company logo to the title frame. Apart from the Master Plot and Title frames, additional frame types are available and can be placed anywhere in the plot area:

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Text frames - are used for putting notes or other text information on the plot. The text is entered in a special data file.


Legend frames:- contain a legend explaining the symbols, colours or hatches used on the plot.


Table frames:- display data from any MICROMINE file in a tabular form.


Plot frames:- allow additional plots to be shown on the same sheet of paper. This might be something like a locality plan or you may simply want to place multiple plots of the same type on a single sheet of paper.


Picture frames:- contain any image file.


Grid frames:- overlay a second grid that can be defined in terms of the coordinates used by the master plot.


Graticule frames :- overlay a geographic grid (latitudes and longitudes) that can be defined in terms of the coordinates used by the master plot.


Symbol frames:- display any True Type Font character. MICROMINE provides several symbol fonts. Since there is an option to rotate the symbol with the plot, this is an ideal way to add North points.


Complex frames:- allow the user to combine text and line work.


Empty frames:- contain no data and can be used to place an outline around other frames.

PDF Most of us are aware of the free Acrobat reader that allows us to view documents in PDF format. Purchasing the full version of Acrobat installs a PDF writer as a Windows printer driver, allowing you to generate PDF files from the MICROMINE Plot Editor. This provides a truly portable means of distributing or archiving plots. VRML You may be aware that HTML is the current language of the Internet. It's what tells web browser such as Netscape and Explorer how to show the files that are on web sites. VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) is the HTML equivalent for showing scenes on the Internet in three dimensions. You will need a special browser, but these are available as plug ins to Netscape and Explorer. Any scene in MICROMINE's 3D Viewer can be saved as a VRML file, which can then be viewed by anyone with a VRML browser.

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A VRML file saved from MICROMINE's 3D Viewer and displayed in the Cortona VRMLClient. Fly Through The 3D Viewer also has "fly through" capability. The user can interactively select any number of viewpoints as a flight path. The player will then automatically move between the selected viewpoints, effectively providing a controlled animation. New viewpoints can be inserted and the time frame for the "flight" can be adjusted. This is an impressive presentation tool.

Surveying MICROMINE's surveying functions can import from a data recorder and perform reduction, adjustment and volume calculations. Strings and points can be edited interactively. Download Data Recorders MICROMINE provides the facility to import raw survey observations from any data recorder capable of outputting information in a text format. The raw information can come directly from the data recorder, using a serial cable connection, or it can be read from a file that has previously been exported by the data recorder. MICROMINE has the provision to store the names and coordinates of fixed stations and can use this file to calculate the coordinates of the observed points as the raw data is being downloaded. Calculations MICROMINE performs a wide range of survey calculations: Ÿ

Radial observations from known points.


Reduces rounds of angles and EDM, stadia, RDS and subtense bar measurements.

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Traverse adjustment.


Calculate coordinates using offsets from a centre line.


Calculate and report the bearing and distances from a known control station(s) to a set of coordinated points.


The bearing and distance between any two points.

String Edit The Vizex interface includes a powerful string editor, with insert, delete, move, join, query, snap, follow and undo facilities. Editing is possible in plan or section view, with both views available at the same time. Zooming and panning are fast and the zoom to extents option can be very useful. At any time the display can be viewed in 3D either in the edit window, or the 3D Viewer. At any time the points being edited can be used to generate a wireframe. If a string is selected during this process it will be used to restrict the triangulation.

Volumes MICROMINE can calculate volumes using either cross sections or Digital Terrain Models (DTMs). Nowadays DTMs are a proven technology and the convenience and accuracy they provide makes them the most popular method for determining volumes. Having an easy way of viewing the DTMs being used in the calculations is a useful validation tool. Volumes can be calculated using a DTM and a horizontal plane or 2 DTMs. The latter method has the option of defining 2 horizontal planes, thereby restricting the volume calculation to a specific bench.

Statistics An important basic issue in most geological, geophysical and geochemical maps is that they are attempting to represent natural phenomena. These are deterministic in

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character, must be physically measured, using techniques which are often subject to error, often seem sporadic and fragmented in form, and more importantly can exhibit different shapes and distributions at different scales. Many well-tested statistical methods are used routinely in the analysis of geochemical and geophysical data. They range from simple and descriptive statistics, through to complex multi-variate methods such as cluster and factor analysis. By studying the natural groupings of characteristics present in the data, Statistics can be used to determine the selection of an optimum mode of data presentation. Quality Control Tracking the accuracy and precision of analytical data, such as mineralogical assays, is a cornerstone of good sampling practice. Whenever samples are dispatched to an assay laboratory for analysis, it is customary for a number of quality control samples (such as blanks and standards) to also be submitted. Because these additional samples have known values, any deviation from those values are of interest to the geoscientist. MICROMINE's Shewhart Control and Cumulative Sum Charts provide a graphical way of summarising this deviation. For each batch of analyses, the Shewhart Control Chart plots deviation from the expected (standard) value on the Y-axis, whereas the Cumulative Sum Chart plots the on-going cumulative deviation from the expected value. The Shewhart Chart is therefore useful for tracking analytical error on a batch-by-batch basis, whereas the Cumulative Sum Chart is useful for tracking long-term bias. If the analyses were perfect, all batches would plot as a horizontal line at the expected value. However, in practice the batches will exhibit some scatter about that horizontal line. Some of this scatter will represent normal random errors associated with the particular analytical method, whereas significant deviations from the expected value may represent some sort of systematic error that requires intervention or correction. MICROMINE allows the user to determine the thresholds beyond which any particular batch will require some form of action or decision. Distribution The histogram is a common method for displaying the probability distribution of a numeric variable. A histogram is simply a bar graph where the number of occurrences of each value determines the height of each bar. MICROMINE provides a Distribution Statistics function that supports enhanced histogram plotting. Cumulative frequency and probability plots are also supported, and a summary panel listing the various statistical parameters is provided. Additionally, the mean and standard deviation, and a standard normal curve based on these values, can be plotted over the raw data. Histogram values can be taken directly from the raw data, or in the case of positively skewed data such as gold assays, a natural log transformation can be applied prior to plotting. Decomposition By their nature, geoscientific data often represent samples collected from a mixture of environments such as mixed regolith environments, different rock types, or ore and waste zones. These mixtures can often be spatially resolved by drawing on additional information such as a regolith map or geological interpretation. However, the numeric distinction between ore and waste is sometimes subtle, and the geologist should resist the temptation to simply apply an "economic" threshold, since these can vary according to external market forces. Plotting assay data as a histogram will usually reveal the difference between ore and waste, since the histogram will exhibit a 'multi-modal' distribution consisting of two or more distinct peaks. MICROMINE's Decomposition function provides a graphical means of quantitatively determining the threshold between the various populations. This function is most readily used by displaying the raw data on a probability plot. In this display the value and probability axes are transposed, the probability axis is distorted so the standard normal curve displays as a straight line, and the data are displayed as a line rather than bar graph. Consequently, any change of slope in the line signifies the threshold between two populations. Page 34

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When using the Decomposition function, the user simply clicks on each change of slope or breakpoint; MICROMINE then calculates and displays the statistical parameters for each of the identified populations, and superimposes the populations on the raw data. Once the parameters have been calculated, they can be saved as a colour set, which can be applied to all subsequent displays where the numeric values are appropriate.

Geostatistics Geostatistics is a collection of statistical functions used in geo-sciences. These methods describe spatial correlation of grades. Correlation is then allowed for in the weighting for block estimation. MICROMINE has a powerful set of geostatistical tools, including the Semi-variogram, Trend Surface, Cross Validation and Variogram Surface functions. Semi Variograms Earth science data typically exhibit some degree of spatial dependence, which is the tendency for two nearby samples to be more similar in value than two distant ones. For example, two localities 1km apart are more likely to have similar annual rainfall than two localities separated by 100km. Similarly, two adjacent drill samples are more likely to return a similar assay value than two from opposite ends of the drill hole. Suppose, for a given drill hole, an earth scientist were to measure the squared difference in assay value between all pairs of adjacent samples along the hole, and then calculate the sum of those squares. Now suppose they calculated the sum of squared differences between every second sample, then every third, and so on. If they were to plot the sum of squared differences (divided by the number of pairs) against the sample "spacing", starting at one for adjacent samples, they would probably see a graph similar to the one shown below. The graph depicts a Semi Variogram, which is a convenient method for displaying the degree of spatial dependence within a data set.

Theoretically, at a distance of zero the difference between sample values should also be zero, but in practice sampling errors and small-scale variability will produce a positive yintercept value, which is known as the nugget. The graph increases to a maximum value, referred to as the sill, at a distance known as the range. If the graph is

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horizontal, it indicates a process with no spatial dependence. This concept can be extended from this one-dimensional drill hole example, to two and three dimensions. MICROMINE's Semi Variograms function provides a variety of display and analytical tools. Semi variograms can be plotted from raw, or variously pre-processed data, and they support omnidirectional, directional, and downhole modes. The function allows for multiple passes through the same data, with varying tolerances in distance and, in the case of directional semi variograms, direction. Output can be written to file and graphically displayed on screen. Once displayed, a semi variogram can be modelled using a variety of theoretical models. All standard semi variogram models, including Hole Effect and Paddington Mix, are supported, and each can consist of up to four components if required. Anisotropic models are also supported. The modelling process is interactive within MICROMINE, and involves choosing a model and then using a series of spin controls to vary the nugget, range, and sill until a suitable fit between the theoretical and actual curves is achieved. The model is then saved as a form set for later use in the Kriging process. Trend Surface Analysis Occasionally a semi variogram will not exhibit a distinct range and sill, but will instead continue to show an increase with distance. Whenever this occurs, it implies a trend or drift in the data, or in other words a slow, large-scale directional change in the expected value over the study area. The Trend Surface Analysis function is designed to detect and remove trends from the data set. The Trend Surface Analysis function performs a polynomial trend surface analysis using the least squares method. It calculates a contour grid using the raw data, and then fits a planar, quadratic, and cubic surface to the contoured data. The choice of best fit from the three surfaces is left to the user. In addition to the contour display, Trend Surface Analysis calculates a set of statistics that can help decide which surface best fits the data. Output from the function, including residuals, is saved to file. Cross Validation Choosing a suitable trend model is often a complicated process, because it is difficult to judge the relative contributions of trend (Trend Surface Analysis) and local variation (Semi Variogram). However, the decision can be quantified somewhat by performing cross validation. Cross validation compares the measured value for a point with the estimated value for the same location, and is a way of testing the validity of a model prior to using it for Kriging estimation. The estimate is performed by using the desired semi variogram and trend model, with the point under investigation temporarily deleted from the data set. The difference between the estimated and actual values can be studied in order to evaluate the overall model, and suggest corrections or adjustments if required. When Cross Validation is run, MICROMINE calculates and graphically displays the standard error for each point. Data values that differ markedly from their modelled values are easily identified using this method. Variogram Surfaces In an unfamiliar area, the direction and magnitude of anisotropy (the directional effects on the spatial dependence of data) may be unknown. Because the manual analysis of numerous variogram orientations is a tedious and errorprone process, MICROMINE provides a Variogram Surfaces function which can be used to investigate and display potential anisotropy. The Variogram Surfaces function allows for the rapid visual assessment of multiple directional variograms. First, a variogram model file is produced, with a “fan” of orientations covering a 180° arc, and with a constant lag and number of intervals. Once the variogram model is calculated, the Variogram Surface function generates an interpolated surface through the calculated data points. The user can control the degree Page 36

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of “tension” in this surface, and can colour it using a standard colour set. Once the surface is generated, an elongated zone of relatively low gamma values will usually reveal the direction of maximum anisotropy. The overall variance can also be overlaid as a contour line if desired.

Modelling Polygonal A polygonal model represents the computerised version of a traditional paper-based model. In the paper-based approach, the geologist first draws cross-sections for each line of drilling and interprets the ore outlines onto each section. He or she then uses a planimeter to estimate the area of each ore outline. Multiplying this area by the thickness of each section generates a volume; multiplying this by the specific gravity of the rock generates a tonnage. The overall sum of the sectional tonnages represents the total tonnage of the deposit. Finally, the weighted average of the assays within the ore outlines is calculated, which provides the overall grade of the deposit. MICROMINE's Polygonal Section Estimate module essentially follows this workflow, but all stages are completed on-screen, eliminating the requirement for paper plots. The Polygonal Section Estimate, also known as a Geological Model, splits the input assay database into separate files representing each section in the model, which significantly improves speed of use when dealing with large databases. There are also a number of enhancements, including a variety of snapping tools, the ability to create transform (or oblique) models, and the ability to accommodate off-section drilling by snapping outlines to true 3D drill hole intervals. The calculation and reporting functionality is fully automated, and utilities include generating plan flitches from sectional interpretations and generating outlines from surfaces. Build and Edit Wireframes Wireframes are three-dimensional objects composed of many individual triangular facets, and can either represent open surfaces, such as fault planes, or closed solids like ore envelopes or geological units. Once created, wireframes form the basis of numerous MICROMINE functions, including assigning attributes to 3D coordinate points contained within them, and various volume/tonnage/grade calculations.

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Wireframes can be constructed from several MICROMINE file types, although strings and outlines are most commonly used. The strings or outlines are created in other MICROMINE functions such as Polygonal Section Estimate or Complex Interactive Display. However, once these are loaded into the Wireframe Editor they can be edited further if required. There are several pre-defined wireframe types, which encompass most of the natural features found in a resource project, such as DTM surfaces, ore grade envelopes, and pit shells. The different types are functionally identical, and vary only by the attributes allocated to each. Wireframe types and attributes are fully user configurable. Additionally, wireframe sets allow individual wireframes to be grouped together and treated as a single object. The Wireframe Editor operates solely within the 3D Viewer. Construction of a wireframe involves progressively working from section-to-section, selecting the strings that define a particular object. As each new string is selected, MICROMINE constructs the wireframe by linking the current string to the previous one. If the wireframe is simple, this is all that is required to create the wireframe. However, there will be occasions where the wireframe will not form correctly, and tie-lines are required to assist the triangulation algorithm. Three different triangulation methods can be used in the construction process. Validation of each step is carried out on the fly. Additionally, the wireframe editor provides a suite of utilities for closing ends, basic string manipulation, and saving created or modified objects. Existing wireframes can be edited by deleting the affected triangles and re-building the wireframe. This technique is useful when the inclusion of additional drilling invalidates an existing interpretation, thus requiring re-interpretation of the updated cross-sections. It is also possible to edit strings within the Wireframe Editor. Individual strings can be copied, moved, re-scaled, and deleted. Strings can also be saved, reversed, joined (two strings), closed (if open), or split. Within a particular string, points can be moved, inserted, and deleted. These functions make it easy to produce additional strings between existing drilling sections, for example to close off the end of an ore body or to build a bifurcation. Block Although it is possible to estimate ore body grade by simply averaging the assay grades that fall within the appropriate ore body, this method is prone to error because it does not account for the spatial continuity of grades between samples. In order to fully Page 38

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estimate the grade distribution of an ore deposit, a block model is required. An ore body model (OBM) is simply a rectangular body made up of layers of equal size blocks. Each block is defined by the coordinates of its centroid and its dimensions, and is further attributed with an estimated grade and other information about its environment. MICROMINE provides a variety of 2D and 3D block interpolation methods, the simplest of which is the Inverse Distance Weighted method. When this function is run, it "positions" a data search ellipsoid at a block centroid and estimates the block grade using the sample points that fall within the ellipsoid. The weighting applied to each sample point is based on the distance between the point and the block centroid-distant points receive a lower weighting than nearby points, thus the name Inverse Distance Weighted. The estimated grade is written to that block and the process continues with the next block in the model. Up to 10 different parameters can be estimated using this method, and the user has full control over the block dimensions, the size, shape and orientation of the ellipsoid, the weighting factor, and the number of points to be considered at each block centroid. MICROMINE provides a variant of the Inverse Distance Weighted method, known as Anisotropic IDP, which accounts for the elongated shape of the search ellipsoid. Instead of calculating the weighting factor based on the absolute distance between the grid centroid and sample point, Anisotropic IDP calculates the weighting based on the proportion of distance from the block centroid to the edge of the search ellipsoid. MICROMINE also supports all common Kriging methods for grade interpolation, including Ordinary, Universal, Indicator, Rank, and Multiple Indicator Kriging. Instead of estimating grade based on distance, these methods make use of progressively more complex geostatistical models to provide a grade estimate. Kriging offers a number of significant advantages over the inverse distance methods. Most notably, Kriging accounts for spatial autocorrelation between samples, whereas the inverse distance methods do not. Additionally, Kriging not only estimates the grade, but also the variance and standard error of each grid cell, which again the inverse distance methods do not. However, the inverse distance methods are suitable for simple grade estimations where the geostatistics are not known or not required. Clustering of high-grade sample points is an undesirable side effect of most geological sampling programmes. During a typical drilling programme, only the anomalous grades are targeted for infill drilling, whereas low grades usually remain sparsely drilled. Several phases of infill drilling can result in many closely spaced high-grade assays, surrounded by widely spaced low-grade assays. These "clusters" of high-grade assays can overwhelm the interpolation process, producing an unrealistically high-grade estimate. The effect of clustering can be minimised in MICROMINE by splitting the search ellipsoid into sectors, which is analogous to cutting a pie into wedges. Each sector is free to search for its own sample points, which reduces the biasing effect of clustered high-grade data. Seam A gridded seam model (GSM) is used for estimating grade in alluvial, seam, or tabular, flat lying deposits, or thin, tabular, vein-like deposits. A GSM is conceptually similar to a standard block model, with two notable exceptions. Firstly, unlike a block model, each block in a GSM can have a variable height. Thus, the blocks in a layer describe the thickness (shape) and extent of a deposit such as a coal seam. Secondly, a GSM supports the concept of a sparse model, wherein only the layers of interest are modelled. Layers between the seams, such as interburden or overburden, are excluded from the model. Setting up a GSM within MICROMINE is slightly different from setting up a 3D block model. Prior to grade interpolation, the input data must be split into material files, where each file contains the assay data corresponding to a particular seam. The individual files are then interpolated separately using a standard Inverse Distance Weighted model. This method allows interpolation to proceed for each seam without having the adjoining seams affect the final grade estimate. From this point onwards, a GSM can be treated the same as a standard block model, although MICROMINE does provide some additional reporting and conversion utilities that apply only to the GSM data structure.

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Pit Optimisation The Pit Optimisation functions provide an interface between MICROMINE and external optimisation software applications. Ore Body Model (OBM) files, generated in MICROMINE, can be converted into the formats required by these external applications. The actual optimisation is performed outside MICROMINE, but the results generated by the optimisation process can be imported back into MICROMINE OBM files, using the 3D to MM, 4D to MM, and 4X to MM functions. Model Reporting MICROMINE provides a variety of two- and three-dimensional reporting functions that work on point files, block models, or drill hole interval files. However, most users apply the 3D functions, namely Block Model Report and Polygonal Wireframe Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report. The Block Model Report function, which takes an OBM or GSM as its input, reports on interpolated grades, and should be used whenever an accurate grade tonnage report is required. In comparison, the Wireframe Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report function simply calculates the weighted average grade of all assays that fall within the chosen wireframe. When using Block Model Report, all records in the file are considered, so they must be appropriately flagged and filtered prior to reporting (flagging is usually done by using Modelling | Assign | Wireframes). Up to five different fields from the input file can be simultaneously reported. The function will account for varying specific gravity from one block to the next, and can produce individual reports for different materials, such as oxide, transitional, and sulphide ore. A block factor option provides a weighting factor for reporting on partial blocks. The user specifies the output grade ranges with either a colour set or cutoff set, which results in a separate report for each grade range. If a cutoff set is used, the report order can be reversed so that the highest grades are reported first, which is useful for plotting standard grade-tonnage curves. Conversely, the Polygonal Wireframe Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report function takes either 3D points or drill hole interval data as its input. These data are compared with the desired wireframe or wireframe set to determine whether they lie within our outside the wireframe. Those grades falling within the wireframe are subjected to either a simple or length weighted average calculation to determine the overall grade. No grade interpolation takes place. The Polygonal Section Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report function works in a similar manner but only compares 2D assay data with a 2D outline file. This function relies on having previously created a polygonal section estimate model. The Point Sample Grades function calculates and reports average grade estimates above and below a cutoff grade and reports them by interval. This is useful when different estimates, calculated using different cutoff grades, are needed. The input for this function must be a block model or other file with coordinates in the plane in which the data lies. Mining Block Grades calculates grade estimates inside mining outlines based on a block model and reports estimates by the pre-defined intervals. The block model must be constrained by one or more outline files. A sub-blocking process is applied to accurately define the portion of the blocks within each outline. The portion of each block within an outline can be written to a block factor field in the input data file. Grades Within Outlines calculates weighted grade estimates for any field in a data file. Because this function is not restricted to using drill hole data, it can be more widely applied than the Polygonal Section Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report function.

Grade Control This mine-planning tool allows the user to integrate different data types and interactively evaluate the volumes, tonnages and grades within existing or new outlines. From the display you can calculate volumes and tonnes, based on the grades of the material within existing or new outlines you create. By adjusting the shape of the outlines and re-calculating volumes and tonnages in an iterative process, you can

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develop a grade control plan. The input files can contain data points or can block model reserves. In either case there are checks to see if values are inside or outside selected outlines.

Positive and negative tagging is available so that the area of one outline contained within another can be ignored or calculated as required. Factors such as thickness of ore zone and specific gravity can be selected interactively. The areas, volumes, tonnages and grades within selected outlines are either reported on screen or written to a data file. Blast Hole Patterns This function creates a drill hole collar file from a basic rectangular blast pattern that you specify. The blast hole spacing is user defined and the rectangle can be rotated to any bearing. Holes may be in a square or diamond pattern, with a nominated azimuth and dip. They can also be restricted to an outline to create a non-rectangular blast pattern. At the same time an assay file can be created with regular or irregular sampling. Suitable assay fields can be included in the file so that it is ready for the subsequent entry of values.

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Mine Design MICROMINE provides a suite of tools in the Vizex environment to simplify both open pit and underground design. Pit Design This function provides a graphical method of generating an open pit or stockpile, complete with haul roads. Default values are defined for the berm height, width and slope. Additionally different regions of the pit can be assigned their own width and slope parameters. The design tools provide an automated way of generating the haul road and crest and toe strings for the next bench. Manual changes, using the standard string edit functions, can be carried out at any stage. All parts of the design process have an undo facility.

Because the pit design uses the Vizex environment, any related data can be displayed. In particular, block models have a feature that automatically shows only those blocks at the current design level. At any time the pit design can be wireframed and viewed in 3D, without leaving Vizex. Once the Pit Design has completely broken through the topography, Boolean functions can be used to intersect the pit with the natural surface.

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Pit design intersected with the topography. The OBM is also displayed. The original ground surface above the pit is shown as a transparent surface. Underground Design Strings are digitised using the Vizex editor. It is possible to design drives, roads and other underground features by defining the inclination (Degrees, Percents and "1 in"). Curves are generated by setting the radius, inclination and angle The snapping function is used to connect different types of strings or designing drives. When all strings are digitised they can be converted to wireframes. You can define: Ÿ

The cross-sectional shape of the wireframe - its profile.


The dimensions of that shape.


The position of the wireframe with respect to the string.

You can optionally use fields in the input file to control the Width, Height, and X and Y offsets of the string segments. Once the wireframes have been generated, the Boolean functions can be used to tidy up intersections.

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The form used by the wireframe Boolean function contains interactive images that change depending on the options chosen. This clearly illustrates the result of the operation.

Ring Design MICROMINE Ring Design functionality provides for the interactive design, editing and display of underground blasthole layouts. Designs suitable for any stoping method can be generated, taking into account the characteristics of the area being excavated, and the physical limitations of drill rigs. Ring Design data is organised in a Ring database format which contains one or more drives which can be loaded in the same display layer. Wireframe models representing drives can be sliced at any orientation to produce strings that can be used in the hole design procedure. A Ring database is used to store: Ÿ

Parameters and ring data associated with each drive. This will include drive points and references to wireframes used to model the drive.


Parameters and drillhole data associated with the rings on each drive

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Macros MICROMINE provides an extremely powerful facility to perform repetitive or lengthy tasks, automate complex tasks and help with regular report generation. Probably the most popular use for macros is generating and plotting sections. Other common operations are assigning outlines and calculating ore reserves. The advantage of running a series of related functions as a macro is that if your data or interpretation changes a new result can be calculated "at the push of a button". How Macros Work The forms that are used to define a set of control parameters, by all MICROMINE functions, are also used to run a macro. Simply save the parameters you want to use as a form set and then select the process and the saved form set using the Macro Editor. Now run the macro - it is that simple. The Macro Editor is automatically invoked when you open or create a macro file. It has all the functionality of a normal database editor and comes with some additional features to easily select processes and saved forms. In fact the forms can be set up and saved from within the Macro Editor.

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Click on Process button to display a nested list replicating the menu system

Each record in the macro file represents a process and form set. Running a macro is the same as manually using the menu system to navigate to each function, loading a saved form set and clicking the OK button.

Right click on button to open selected form Left click on button to select saved formset

Advanced Features For experienced users there are a number of powerful features associated with macros: Ÿ

Putting a question mark as a parameter in a form will pause the macro allowing you to enter an appropriate value.


Putting a percent sign as a parameter (%1 to %15) will automatically substitute the value from the equivalent field in the macro file. For example if

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you want to generate 20 section plots, and the one thing that changes is the section value (1200N, 1400N, 1600N etc), then you only need to save one form with the section value defined as a substitution parameter. Ÿ

You can call a macro from another macro and set up global aliases, for variables like section values, that can be referenced by both macros.

Toolbox The MICROMINE Toolbox is a library of predefined macros, which provide a way to run useful processes that are not available as a single function. It is intended that the Toolbox project will evolve as more processes are added and updates will be available from the MICROMINE Web site. Users are encouraged to suggest new functionality to be included in the toolbox.

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