Senarai SNI - 2016 Ok [PDF]

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Jika memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai standardisasi, BSN memberikan jasa informasi tentang standar nasional, regional, dan internasional serta semua hal yang berkaitan dengan standardisasi termasuk sistem penilaian kesesuaian, yang diberikan melalui antara lain :

If further information is required, BSN provide information services on national, regional and international standards, as well as topics related to standardization including conformity assessment system, which is provided by among others :

Layanan Perpustakaan menyajikan koleksi yang cukup lengkap di bidang standardisasi, meliputi : Standar Nasional Indonesia, standar internasional (ISO, IEC, Codex Alimentarius Commission, standar negara lain (JIS, BS, DIN, ASTM, dll.), katalog standar, buletin tentang standardisasi, serta literatur tentang standardisasi dan penilaian kesesuaian.

Library Services provide reasonably complete collection in the field of standardization, including : Indonesian National Standard (SNI), international standards ISO, IEC, Codex Alimentarius Commission, foreign national standards (JIS, BS, DIN, ASTM, etc,), standard catalogues, bulletins on standardization, literatures in standardization and conformity assessment.

Layanan Penelusuran Informasi melayani penelusuran informasi dengan menggunakan sumber informasi nasional dan asing. Tersedia pula CD-ROM data bibliografis standar.

Inquiry Services provide inquiry services and information search using national and foreign sources. Bibliographical data in CD-ROM are also available.

Layanan Pemesanan Standar melayani pemesanan standar internasional (ISO, IEC) dan standar nasional mancanegara.

Ordering Services provide ordering services on international standards (ISO, IEC) and foreign national standards.

Website BSN Informasi standardisasi disajikan pula melalui website BSN dengan alamat: Informasi tersebut antara lain memuat dokumen lengkap SNI hasil penetapan satu tahun terakhir.

BSN Website Standardization information is presented in BSN website with following address: The information provided includes electronic documents of SNI approved in the past one year.

Pusat Informasi dan Dokumentasi Standardisasi BSN Centre for Information and Documentation of Standardization Gedung BPPT I, Lantai dasar (GF) Jl. MH. Thamrin 8, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta Pusat Jakarta 10340 TP : + 62 21 392 7422, ext. 235, 237 TF : + 62 21 392 7527 E-mail : [email protected]; [email protected] Website :


Struktur Subjek Indeks International Classification Standard (ICS) International Classification Standard (ICS) Subject Structure Index

Senarai SNI 2015

Struktur ICS

SNI Catalogue 2015 Kode ICS

ICS Structure Hal

Judul ICS

ICS Code

ICS Title







Kosa kata




Besaran dan satuan

Quantities and units



Kode warna

Colour coding



Simbol grafis

Graphical symbols



Gambar teknik

Technical drawings



Dokumentasi produk teknik

Technical product documentation



Ilmu informasi. Penerbitan

Information sciences. Publishing







Tenaga kerja. Pekerjaan

Labour. Employment







Organisasi dan manajemen perusahaan

Company organization and management















Jasa pos

Postal services







Fisika. Kimia

Phisics. Chemistry



Astronomi. Geodesi. Geografi

Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography



Geologi. Meteorologi. Hidrologi

Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology











Peralatan medis

Medical equipment



Kedokteran gigi








Ilmu kedokteran laboratorium

Laboratory medicine







Peralatan rumah sakit

Hospital equipment



Pertolongan untuk orang tidak mampu atau orang cacat

Aids for disabled or handicapped persons



Keluarga berencana Kontraseptif mekanis

Birth control. Mechanical contraceptives







Perlindungan lingkungan secara umum

Environment protection in general







Kualitas udara

Air quality



Kualitas air

Water quality



Kualitas tanah. Pedologi

Soil quality. Pedology



Keselamatan kerja. Higiene industri

Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene



Keamanan permesinan

Safety of machinery



Keselamatan rumah tangga

Domestic safety



Bunyi yang berhubungan dengan manusia

Noise with respect to human beings



Getaran dan kejutan yang berhubungan dengan manusi

Vibration and shock with respect to human beings







Kecelakaan dan pengendalian bencana

Accident and disaster control



Perlindungan terhadap kebakaran

Protection against fire



Perlindungan ledakan

Explosion protection



Perlindungan terhadap tekanan berlebihan

Protection against excessive pressure



Perlindungan terhadap kejutan listrik

Protection against electric shock



Perlindungan terhadap radiasi

Radiation protection



Senarai SNI 2015

Struktur ICS

SNI Catalogue 2015

ICS Structure


Perlindungan terhadap barang berbahaya

Protection against dangerous goods



Alarm dan sistem tanda bahaya

Alarm and warning systems



Peralatan pelindung

Protective equipment






Metrologi dan pengukuran secara umum

Metrology and measurement in general



Pengukuran panjang dan sudut

Linear and angular measurements



Pengukuran volume, masa, kerapatan, viskositas

Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity



Pengukuran gaya berat dan tekanan

Measurement of force, weight and pressure



Pengukuran aliran fluida

Measurement of fluid flow



Akustik dan pengukuran akustik

Acoustics and acoustic measurements



Getaran, kejutan dan pengukuran getaran

Vibrations, shock and vibration measurements



Optik dan pengukuran optik

Optics and optical measurements



Termodinamika dan pengukuran suhu

Thermodynamics and temperature measurements



Listrik. Magnetisme. Pengukuran listrik dan magnit

Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic me



Pengukuran radiasi

Radiation measurements







Kondisi dan prosedur pengujian secara umum

Test conditions and procedures in general



Pengujian lingkungan

Environmental testing



Pengujian mekanika

Mechanical testing



Pengujian listrik dan elektronik

Electrical and electronic test and measuring equip



Pengujian tanpa merusak

Non-destructive testing



Analisis ukuran partikel Pengayakan

Particle size analysis. Sieving







Karakteristik dan desain mesin, aparat, peralatan

Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus,



Ulir sekerup

Screw threads







Engsel, lubang tali dan sambungan lainnya

Hinges, eyelets and other articulated joints







Poros dan kopling

Shafts and couplings



Segel, gelang penekan

Seals, glands







Rumah, selungkup dan suku cadang mesin lainnya

Housings, enclosures, other machine parts



Roda gigi




Penggerak fleksibel dan trasmisi

Flexible drives and transmissions







Alat penyimpan fluida

Fluid storage devices



Komponen saluran pipa dan saluran pipa

Pipeline components and pipelines











Sistem daya fluida

Fluid power systems



Ventilasi, Kipas angin, Pengatur udara

Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners



Kompresor dan mesin pneumatik

Compressors and pneumatic machines







Sistem otomasi industri

Industrial automation systems



Sistem mesin perkakas

Machine tools systems



Mesin perkakas

Machine tools



Perkakas potong

Cutting tools



Peralatan kerja tanpa bilah

Chipless working equipment



Perkakas pegangtangan

Hand-held tools



Pengelasan, penyepuhan dan pematrian

Welding, brazing and soldering



Perlakuan permukaan dan pelapisan

Surface treatment and coating



Senarai SNI 2015

Struktur ICS

SNI Catalogue 2015

ICS Structure






Rekayasa energi dan pemindahan panas secara umum

Energy and heat transfer engineering in general



Mesin pembakaran internal

Internal combustion engines



Mesin bahan bakar dan uap. Mesin uap

Gas and steam turbines. Steam engines



Pembakar. Ketel uap

Burners. Boilers



Pusat tenaga secara umum

Power stations in general



Rekayasa energi nuklir

Nuclear energy engineering



Rekayasa energi hidrolik

Hydraulic energy engineering



Rekayasa energi surya

Solar energy engineering



Turbin angin dan sumber energi alternatif lainnya

Wind turbines and other alternative sources of ene



Sumber biologi dan sumber alternatif energi

Biological sources and alternative sources of energy



Teknologi pendingin

Refrigerating technology



Takal panas Penyekat panas

Heat recovery. Thermal insulation







Rekayasa listrik secara umum

Electrical engineering in general



Bahan isolasi

Insulating materials



Cairan isolasi

Insulating fluids



Bahan semikonduktor

Semi-conducting materials



Bahan penghantar

Conducting materials



Kawat dan kabel listrik

Electrical wires and cables







Komponen untuk peralatan listrik

Components for electrical equipment



Lengkapan listrik

Electrical accessories



Papan hubung bagi dan kendali

Switchgear and controlgear



Lampu dan peralatan yang berkaitan

Lamps and related equipment



Mesin berputar

Rotating machinery



Transformator Reaktor

Transformers. Reactors



Penyearah. Konvertor. Suplai tenaga yang distabilk

Rectifiers. Converters. Stabilized power supply



Sel galvanis dan batere

Galvanized cell and batteries



Jaringan distribusi tenaga

Power distribution networks


Peralatan listrik untuk bekerja dalam kondisi khusus

Electrical equipment for working in special condition


Peralatan traksi listrik

Electric traction equipment

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Komponen elektronik secara umum

Electronic components in general











Piranti semikonduktor

Semi-conductor devices



Tabung elektronik

Electronic tubes



Rangkaian dan papan tercetak

Printed circuits and boards



Komponen elektromekanik untuk peralatan elektronik

Electromechanical components for electronic and te



Optoelektronik. Peralatan laser

Optoelectronics. Laser equipment







Telekomunikasi secara umum

Telecommunications in general



Sistem telekomunikasi

Telecomunication systems



Peralatan terminal telekomunikasi

Telecomunication terminal equipment



Komunikasi radio




Kompatibiltas elektromagnetik (EMC)

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)



Komponen dan lengkapan untuk peralatan telekomunik

Components and accessories for telecommunication e



Rekayasa audio video dan audiovisual

Audio, video and audiovisual engineering



Komunikasi serat optik

Fibre optic communications



Kendali jarak jauh Pengukuran jarak jauh

Telecontrol. Telemetering






Teknologi informasi (IT) secara umum

lnformation technology (IT) in general



Set huruf dan pengkodean informasi

Character sets and information coding




Senarai SNI 2015

Struktur ICS

SNI Catalogue 2015

ICS Structure


Pengembangan perangkat lunak dan dokumentasi sist

Software development and system documentation



Sistem mikroprosesor

Microprocessor systems



Terminal dan peralatan peripheral lainnya

Terminal and other peripheral equipment



Alat penyimpan data

Data storage devices



Aplikasi teknologi informasi

Applications of information technology



Peralatan kantor

Office equipment






Peralatan optik

Optical equipment
















Kendaraan jalan raya secara umum

Road vehicles in general



Sistem kendaraan jalan raya

Road vehicle systems



Motor bakar untuk kendaraan jalan raya

Internal combustion engines for road vehicles



Kendaraan komersial

Commercial vehicles



Mobil penumpang. Karavan dan kereta gandengan ring

Passenger cars. Caravans and light trailers



Kendaraan bermotor roda dua dan moped

Motorcycles and mopeds







Kendaraan untuk tujuan khusus

Special purpose vehicles



Peralatan diagnostik, pemeliharaan dan pengujian

Diagnostic, maintenance and test equipment






Bahan dan komponen untuk rekayasa perkeretaapian

Materials and components for railway engineering



Lok dan kereta-kereta api

Railway rolling stock



Komponen rel dan jalan rel

Rails and railway components


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Bangunan dan konstruksi kapal secara umum

Shipbuilding and marine structures in general



Bejana navigasi darat

Inland navigation vessels



Kapal kecil

Small craft






Pesawat terbang dan kendaraan angkasa secara umum

Aircraft and space vehicles in general





Peralatan pengangkat

Lifting equipment



Peralatan penanganan kontinyu

Continuous handling equipment



Industrial trucks

Truk industri



Mesin pengeruk tanah

Earth-moving machine






Pengemasan dan distribusi barang secara umum

Packaging and distribution of goods in general



Bahan dan kelengkapan pengemasan

Packaging materials and accessories



Gelendong. Kumparan

Spools. Bobbins



Karung Kantong




Botol jambanganBulibuli

Bottles. Pots. Jars



Kaleng Tabung

Cans. Tins. Tubes



Tong. Drum. Kanister

Barrels. Drums. Canisters



Kotak. Peti. Keranjang

Cases. Boxes. Crates



Distribusi angkutan barang

Freight distribution of goods



Penyimpanan Pergudangan

Storing. Warehousing



Mesin distribusi dan penjaja keliling

Distribution and vending machines






Bahan tambahan tekstil

Textile auxiliary materials






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Senarai SNI 2015

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SNI Catalogue 2015

ICS Structure


Serat tekstil

Textile fibres



Produk industri tekstil

Products of the textile industry



Mesin tekstil

Textile machinery



Teknologi kulit

Leather technology











Tutup kepala Asesori pakaian Pengetat pakaian

Headgear. Clothing accessories. Fastening of cloth



Alas kaki




Mesin jahit dan peralatan lainnya untuk industri pakaian

Sewing machines and other equipment for the clothi






Pertanian dan kehutanan

Farming and forestry



Bangunan, konstruksi dan instalasi pertanian

Farm buildings, structures and installations



Mesin, perkakas dan peralatan pertanian

Agricultural machines, implements and equipment







Pestisida dan bahan kimia pertanian lainnya

Pesticides and other agrochemicals



Pakan ternak

Animal feeding stuffs







Penangkapan ikan dan pengembangbiakan ikan

Fishing and fish breeding



Tembakau, produk tembakau dan peralatan yang berka

Tobacco, tobacco products and related equipment






Proses dalam industri makanan

Processes in the food industry



Produk makanan pertanian secara umum

Agricultural food products in general



Metode umum untuk pengujian dan analisa produk

General methods of tests and analysis for food products



Biji-bijian, kacang-kacangan dan produk turunan

Cereals, pulses and derived proaucts



Buah-buahan. Sayur-sayuran

Fruits. Vegetables



Susu dan produk susu

Milk and milk products



Daging, produk daging dan produk hewan lainnya

Meat, meat products and other animal produce



Teh. Kopi. Kakao








Gula. Produk gula. Tepung

Sugar. Sugar products. Starch







Minyak dan lemak yang dapat di makan. Minyak biji-

Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds



Bumbu dan rempah-rempah. Bahan tambahan makanan

Spices and condiments. Food additives



Makanan dikemas dan makanan siap saji, termasuk makanan bayi

Prepackaged and prepared foods, including baby food



Analisis indera

Sensory analysis



Bahan dan benda yang bersentuhan dengan makanan

Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs



Pabrik dan peralatan untuk industri makanan

Plants and equipment for the food industry






Kimia analitik

Analytical chemistry



Kimia anorganik

Inorganic chemicals



Kimia organik

Organic chemicals



Produk industri kimia

Products of the chemical industry






Pertambangan dan penggalian

Mining and quarrying



Batu bara




Mineral logam

Metalliferous minerals



Mineral non logam

Non-metalliferous minerals



Peralatan pertambangan

Mining equipment



Peralatan pengolahan mineral

Equipment for processing of minerals






Ekstraksi dan pengolahan minyak bumi dan gas alam

Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural



Gas alam

Natural gas








Senarai SNI 2015

Struktur ICS

SNI Catalogue 2015

ICS Structure


Produk minyak bumi secara umum

Petroleum products in general



Pelumas, minyak industri dan produk yang berkaitan

Lubricants, industrial oils and related products



Lilin, bahan bitumin dan produk minyak bumi lainny

Waxes, bituminous materials and other petroleum pr



Bahan bakar




Peralatan untuk industri minyak bumi dan gas alam

Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries



Peralatan penanganan produk minyak bumi dan gas alam

Petroleum products and natural gas handling equipment







Pengujian logam

Testing of metals



Korosi logam

Corrosion of metals



Logam besi

Ferrous metals



Besi Paduan




Logam bukan besi

Non-ferrous metals



Produk besi dan baja

Iron and steel products



Produk logam bukan besi

Products of non-ferrous metals



Metalurgi serbuk

Powder metallurgy



Peralatan untuk industri metalurgi

Equipment for the metallurgical industry







Proses teknologi kayu

Wood technology processes



Kayu, batang kayu gergajian dan gergajian

Wood, sawlogs and sawn timber



Panel kayu

Wood-based panels



Semi manufaktur kayu

Semi-manufactures of timber



Peralatan pengerjaan kayu

Woodworking equipment














Barang tahan api




Peralatan untuk industri gelas dan keramik

Equipment for the glass and ceramics industries







Bahan mentah untuk karet dan plastik

Raw materials for rubber and plastics











Bahan seluler

Cellular materials



Produk karet dan plastik

Rubber and plastics products











Peralatan untuk industri karet dan plastik

Equipment for the rubber and plastics industries







Proses produksi kertas

Paper production processes







Kertas dan karton

Paper and board



Produk kertas







Proses pelapisan dengan cat

Paint coating processes



Cat dan pernis

Paints and varnishes



Bahan cat

Paint ingredients



Tinta .Tinta cetak

Inks. Printing inks



Peralatan pelapisan cat

Paint coating equipment







Industri konstruksi

Construction industry







Elemen bangunan

Elements of buildings



Struktur bangunan

Structures of buildings





Senarai SNI 2015

Struktur ICS

SNI Catalogue 2015

ICS Structure


Struktur eksternal

External structures



Bahan konstruksi

Construction materials



Perlindungan dari dan di dalam bangunan

Protection of and in buildings



Instalasi dalam bangunan

Installations in buildings






Perlengkapan bangunan

Building accessories



Teknologi konstuksi

Construction technology



Peralatan konstruksi

Construction equipment







Rekayasa sipil secara umum

Civil engineering in general



Pekerjaan tanah. Penggalian. Konstruksi pondasi. Pekerjaan bawah tanah

Earthworks. Excavations. Foundation construction. Underground works



Sistem penyaluran air bagian luar

External water conveyance systems



Sistem pembuangan bagian luar

External sewage systems



Konstruksi jembatan

Bridge construction



Konstruksi terowongan

Tunnel construction



Rekayasa jalan

Road engineering



Konstruksi bandar udara

Construction of airports



Konstruksi jalan air dan pelabuhan

Construction of waterways and ports



Konstruksi hidrolik

Hydraulic construction






Ekonomi rumah tangga secara umum

Home economics in general



Peralatan listrik domestik secara umum

Domestic electrical appliances in general



Peralatan dapur

Kitchen equipment



Peralatan binatu

Laundry apliances



Peralatan pemeliharaan lantai

Floor treatment appliances



Peralatan pemanas listrik rumah tangga

Household electrical heating appliances



Perabotan toko

Shop fittings







Penutup lantai bukan tekstil

Non-textile floor coverings



Tekstil rumah, Linen

Home textiles. Linen



Peralatan pemeliharaan tubuh

Body care equipment



Aneka peralatan rumah

Miscellaneous home equipment



Peralatan rumah tangga untuk anak-anak

Household equipment for children



Benda seni dan kerajinan

Items of art and handicrafts



Peralatan hiburan

Equipment for entertainment



Peralatan dan fasilitas olah raga

Sports equipment and facilities





Data SNI Berdasarkan Subjek ICS List of SNI by ICS Subject

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Terminology (principles and coordination)

Terminologi Prinsip-prinsip dan koordinasi

SNI 6728.3:2015


Penyusunan neraca spasial sumber daya alam - Bagian 3: Sumber daya lahan

Preparation of the spatial balance of natural resources - Part 3: Land resources



Kosa kata

SNI IEC 60050-651:2009


Kosakata elektroteknik - Bagian 651: Pekerjaan dalam keadaan bertegangan

International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 651: Live working


International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 411: Rotating machinery


IEC 60050-651:1999 Translation SNI IEC 60050-411:2009

IDT Kosakata elektroteknik - Bagian 411: Mesin Putar

IEC 60050-411:2009, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 411: Rotating machinery Translation



Umum. Terminologi Standardisasi Dokumentasi Kosa kata

Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation (Vocabularies)

SNI 7657:2010/Amd1:2011 Singkatan nama kota

Stands for the name of the city


SNI 8300:2016

Identity of geothermal wells



Identitas sumur panas bumi

Sosiologi. Jasa. Organisasi dan manajemen perusahaan

SNI ISO 9000:2008

Sociology. Services. Company organization and management

Sistem manajemen mutu - dasar-dasar dan kosakata

Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary


Risk management - Vocabulary (ISO Guide 73:2009, IDT)


ISO 9000:2005 Quality management systems -- Fundamentals and vocabulary Translation SNI ISO Guide 73:2016

IDT Manajemen risiko - Kosakata (ISO Guide 73:2009, IDT)

ISO Guide 73:2009 IDT


Matematika. Ilmu alam (Kosa kata)

SNI ISO/TS 10867:2011

Mathematics. Natural sciences (Vocabularies)

Nanoteknologi - Karakterisasi tabung nano karbon berdinding tunggal menggunakan spektroskopi fotoluminasi inframerah dekat

Nanotechnologies - Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using near infrared photoluminescence spectroscopy


ISO/TS 10867:2010 Nanotechnologies - Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using near infrared photoluminescence spectroscopy Translation SNI ISO/TS 27687:2011

IDT Nanoteknologi - Istilah dan definisi objek nano - Partikel nano, serat nano dan pelat nano

Nanotechnologies - Terminology and definitions for nano-objects - Nanoparticle, nanofibre and nanoplate


ISO/TS 27687:2008 Nanotechnologies - Terminology and definitions for nano-objects - Nanoparticle, nanofibre and nanoplate Translation SNI ISO/TS 80004-3:2011

IDT Nanoteknologi - Kosakata - Bagian 3: Objek nano karbon

Nanotechnologies - Vocabulary - Part 3: Carbon nano-objects


Nanotechnologies - Vocabulary - Part 1: Core terms


Nanotechnology - Vocabulary - Part 8: nano manufacturing process (ISO / TS 80004-8: 2013, IDT)


ISO/TS 80004-3:2010 Nanotchnologies - Vocabulary - Part 3: Carbon nano-objects Translation SNI ISO/TS 80004-1:2011

IDT Nanoteknologi - Kosakata - Bagian 1: Istilah utama

ISO/TS 80004-1:2010 Nanotchnologies - Vocabulary - Part 1: Core terms Translation SNI ISO/TS 80004-8:2015

IDT Nanoteknologi - Kosakata - Bagian 8: Proses manufaktur nano (ISO/TS 80004-8:2013, IDT)

ISO / TS 80004-8: 2013 IDT


Pengujian (Kosa kata)

Testing (Vocabularies)

SNI 19-4005-1996

Definisi istilah yang berkaitan dengan uji elektromagnetik

Terms and definitions related to electromagnetic testing

SNI 19-2969-1992

Atmosfir standar untuk pengkondisian dan pengujian, Definisi

Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing, Definition

SNI 19-3385-1994

Definisi istilah yang berhubungan dengan metode uji mekanis

Definition of terms related to mechanical test method


SNI 19-3386-1994

Definisi istilah pada uji lelah dan analisa statistik mengenai data lelah

Definition of tennis for fatique testing and the stastical analysis of fatique data


SNI 19-1864-1990

Uji radiografi, Definisi dan istilah

Radiographic testing, Definition and terminology


Sistem mekanika dan komponen untuk penggunaan umum Istilah dan simbol untuk data geometris roda gigi

Gear notation symbols for geometrical data

SNI 05-2297-1991

Membalans (Balancing) - Peristilahan

Balancing - Vocabulary

SNI 05-1197-1989

Bantalan gelinding, Istilah

Rolling bearings, Glossary of terms

Sistem fluida dan komponen untuk penggunaan umum (Kosa kata)

SNI 05-6222-2000




Mechanical systems and components for general use

SNI 05-3666-1995



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Fluid systems and components for general use (Vocabularies)

Istilah perpipaan

Piping terminology

Rekayasa manufaktur (Kosa kata)


Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies)

SNI 05-3103-1992

Kontrol numerik mesin - Kosa kata istilah dan definisi media informasi dan pengodean

Numerical control of machines - Terminology and definitions for information media and coding


SNI 05-3102-1992

Kontrol numerik mesin - Kosa kata istilah dan definisi pemprograman

Numerical control of machines - Terminology and definition for programming


SNI 05-3101-1992

Kontrol numerik mesin - Kosa kata, istilah dan definisi

Numerical control of machines - Terminology and definitions


SNI 05-3104-1992

Kontrol numerik mesin - Kosa kata istilah dan definisi komputasi

Numerical control of machines - Terminology and definitions for computation


SNI 05-3098-1992

Kontrol numerik mesin - Nomenklatur sumbu dan gerak

Numerical control of machines - Axis and motion nomenclatur

SNI 07-3024-1992

Proses las - Definisi

Welding proceses - Definition


SNI 07-3005-1992

Proses lapis listrik dan proses lain yang berhubungan, Istilah umum

Electroplating and related processes, General terms


SNI 07-3023-1992

Sifat mampu las - Definisi

Welding ability - Definition


SNI 07-2197-1991

Perlakuan permukaan dan pelapisan logam, Klasifikasi istilah umum

Surface treatment and metallic coating, Classification of general terms


SNI 05-3106-1992

Kontrol numerik mesin - Kosa kata istilah dan definisi mesin

Numerical control of machines - Terminology and definition for machines


SNI 05-3105-1992

Kontrol numerik mesin - Kosa kata istilah dan definisi sistem kontrol

Numerical control of machines - Terminology and definitions for control systems


SNI 05-2286-1991

Dais (dies) pembentuk kepala - Istilah

Heading dies - Terminology


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SNI 07-6221-2000

Istilah pengelasan

Welding terminology


AWS, American Welding Society MOD SNI 05-6521.1-2001


Gergaji pisau pita pemotong logam - Bagian 1: Definisi dan terminologi

Rekayasa energi dan pemindahan panas (Kosa kata)

Metal cutting band saw blades - Part 1: Definitions and terminology


Energy and heat transfer engineering (Vocabularies)

SNI 04-3020-1992

Pemanas air tenaga surya, Definisi, satuan dan lambang, dan klasifikasi. Bagian 1

Solar energy water heater, Definition, units and symbols, and classification. Part 1

SNI 05-3562-1994

Istilah motor bakar gerak bolak-balik

Terminology of reciprocating internal combustion engines


SNI 05-3030-1992

Turbin air skala kecil, Istilah penamaan

Mini hydraulic turbines, Standards form


SNI 05-6044-1999

Penukar kalor - Terminologi

Heat exchanger - Terminology


Rekayasa listrik (Kosa kata)

SNI 04-6267.603-2002



Electrical engineering (Vocabularies)

Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan Bab - 603: Pembangkitan, penyaluran dan pendistribusian tenaga listrik - Perencanaan dan manajemen sistem tenaga listrik

Electric power systems vocabulary - Chapter 603: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - Power system planning and management


IEC 60050-603: 1986, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Chapter 603 : Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - Power system planning and management Translation SNI 04-6267.602-2002

MOD Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan - Bab 602: Pembangkitan, penyaluran dan pendistribusian tenaga listrik - Pembangkitan

Electric power systems vocabulary - Chapter 602: Generation, transmission and disrtribution of electricity - Generation


IEC 60050 (602): 1983, International electrotechnical vocabulary (IEV) - Chapter 602: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - Generation Translation SNI 04-6267.601-2002

MOD Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan - Bab 601: pembangkitan, penyaluran dan pendistribusian tenaga listrik - Umum

Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 601: Generation, transmission and distributionof electricity - General


IEC 60050-(601):1985, International electrotechnical vocabulary (IEV) - Chapter 601 : Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - General Translation SNI 04-6267.303-2002

MOD Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan - Bab 303: Instrumen ukur elektronik

Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 303: Electronic measuring - Instrument


IEC 60303:1983, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 303: Electrotechnical measuring instrument Translation


SNI 04-1930.4-1995

Pedoman bagi peralatan elektromekanik untuk pusat listrik tenaga minihidro (PLTM) - Bagian 4: Definisi, istilah dan lambang

Manual electromechanic equipment for microhydro power plants - Part 5: Definition, vocabulary and symbols


SNI 04-6267.605-2000

Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan - Bab 605: Pembangkit, transmisi dan distribusi listrik - Gardu induk

Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 605: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - Substation


IEC 50 (605): 1987, International electrotechnical vocabularies (IEV) - Chapter 605: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - Substation Translation SNI 04-6267.301-2001

IDT Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan - Bab 301: Istilah umum pada pengukuran dalam ketenagalistrikan

Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 301: General terms on measurements in electricity


IEC 60050:301:1983, Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 301: General terms on measurements in electricity Translation SNI 04-6267.448-2001

MOD Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan - Bab 448: Pengamanan sistem tenaga

Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 448: Power system protection


Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 604: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - Operation


IEC 60050 (448): 1995, Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 448: Power system protection Translation SNI 04-6267.604-2000

IDT Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan - Bab 604: Pembangkitan, penyaluran dan pendistribusian tenaga listrik - Pengusahaan

IEC 50 (604): 1987, International electrotechnical vocabularies (IEV) - Chapter 604: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - Operation Translation SNI 04-6267.131.1-2001

IDT Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan - Bab 131: Sirkit listrik dan magnetik - Seksi 1: Umum

Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 131: Electric and magnetic circuit - Section 1: General


IEC 50 (131): 1978, Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 131: Electric and magnetic circuit - Section 1: General Translation SNI 04-6267.302-2001

IDT Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan - Bab 302: Instrumen ukur listrik

Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 302: Electrical measuring instruments


Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 321: Instrument transformer


IEC 60050 (302): 1983, Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 302: Electrical measuring instruments Translation SNI 04-6267.321-2001

IDT Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan - Bab 321: Tranformator instrumen

IEC 60050 (321): 1996, Electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 321: Instrument transformers Translation SNI IEC 60550-441:2010

IDT Istilah Teknik Ketenagalistrikan - Bagian 441: Perlengkapan Hubung-Bagi, Perlengkapan Kendali dan Sekring

International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Switchgear, controlgear and fuses

IEC 60050-441 ed 2.0 (1984-01) + am1 ed 2.0 (2000-07) Translation SNI IEC 60050-421:2009

IDT Kosakata Elektroteknis - Bagian 421: Transformator daya dan reaktor

International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter 421: Power transformers and reactors


IEC 60050-421:2009, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter 421: Power transformers and reactors Translation SNI 04-6970.1-2003

IDT Material isolasi keramik dan gelas - Bagian 1: Definisi dan Kkasifikasi

Ceramic and glass insulating materials - Part 1: Definitions and classification


International electrotechnical vocabulary - Part 446: Electrical relays


International electronic vocabulary - Part 466: The airways


IEC 60672-1: 1995-06, Ceramic and glass insulating materials - Part 1 : Definitions and classification Translation SNI 04-6267.446-2003

IDT Istilah teknik ketenagalistrikan - Bagian 446: Relai listrik

IEC 60050-446 (1983-01), International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Chapter 446 : Electrical relays IDT SNI IEC 60050-466:2015

Kosakata elektronik internasional - Bagian 466: Saluran udara (IEC 60050466:1990, IDT)

IEC 60050-466:1990 IDT SNI IEC 60050-826:2011

Kosakata Elektroteknis Internasional – Bagian 826: Instalasi Listrik

International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 826: Electrical installations

IEC 60050-826 (2004) Translation SNI IEC 60050-471:2012

IDT Kosakata Elektroteknik Nasional Berdasarkan Kosakata Elektroteknik International - Bagian 471: Isolator

International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 471: Insulators

IEC 60050-471:2007 IDT


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SNI IEC 60050-845:2016

Kosakata elektroteknik internasional - Bagian 845: Pencahayaan (IEC 60050845:1987, IDT)

International Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Part 845: Lighting (IEC 60050-845:1987, IDT)


IEC 60050-845:1987 IDT SNI 04-6913.1-2002

Catu-daya stabil, keluaran a.s. - Bagian 1: Istilah dan definisi

Stabilized power supplies, d.c. output - Part 1: Terms and definitions


IEC 478-1: 1974, Stabilized power supplies, d.c. output - Part 1: Terms and definitions Translation



Telekomunikasi (Kosa kata)

Telecommunications (Vocabularies)

SNI 04-2001-1990

Jaringan kabel telepon, Istilah

Telephone cable network, Terminology


SNI 04-6709.2-2004

Peralatan dan sistem audiovisual, video dan televisi - Bagian 2: Definisi istilah umum

Audiovisual, video and television equipment and systems - Part 2: Definition of general terms


IEC 574-2 Translation



Teknologi informasi. Peralatan kantor (Kosa kata)

SNI ISO/TS 19104:2011

Information technology. Office equipment (Vocabularies)

Informasi geografis - Terminologi

Geographic information - Terminology

ISO/TS 19104:2008, Geographic information - Terminology Translation SNI ISO/TS 19104:2011

IDT Informasi geografis - Terminologi (ISO/TS 19104:2008, IDT)

Geographic information - Terminology (ISO / TS 19104: 2008, IDT)


ISO/TS 19104:2008 IDT


Rekayasa kendaraan jalan raya (Kosa kata)

Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies)

SNI 09-2759-1992

Kendaraan bermotor, Penjelasan mengenai istilah berat

Motor vehicles, Explanation on term of heavy

SNI 09-1246-2002

Istilah-istilah rem kendaraan bermotor roda empat atau lebih kereta gandeng dan tempelannya

Glosary of terms for brakes for automobiles, towing vehicles and trailers


SNI 09-1640-2002

Definisi dan istilah kendaraan bermotor beroda kurang dari empat

Terms and definition of road vehicles of less than four wheels motor vehicles


SNI 09-1408-1989

Perangkat gas buang kendaraan bermotor, Istilah

Exhaust gases equipment for motor vehicles, Terms


SNI 09-1405-1989

Kendaraan bermotor, Definisi dan istilah ukuran bagian

Motor vehicles, Definition and terms of part dimensions



Rekayasa perkeretaapian (Kosa kata)

SNI 11-1078-1989



Railway engineering (Vocabularies)

Kereta api, Istilah umum

Railway, Glossary of terminology

Bangunan kapal dan Konstruksi kapal (Kosa kata)


Shipbuilding and marine structures (Vocabularies)

SNI 10-4921-1998

Istilah dan definisi daya dari mesin pendorong yang dipasang di kapal

Terminology and definition of output of propulsion machinery installed in ships


SNI 10-4923-1998

Istilah tekanan yang digunakan untuk marin

Terminology of pressure used in ships


SNI 10-0750-1989

Peralatan navigasi dan komunikasi kapal, Istilah

Shipbuilding, navigation and communication instruments. Glossary of terms

SNI 10-0747-1989

Peralatan dan perlengkapan kapal, Istilah

Shipbuilding, auxiliary machinery and equipments. Glossary of terms

SNI 10-0749-1989

Peralatan dan perlengkapan listrik kapal, Istilah

Shipbuilding, electric parts. Glossary of terms

SNI 10-0746-1989

Perkapalan, Istilah umum

Shipbuilding, General terms


Peralatan penanganan bahan (Kosa kata)

SNI 05-1370-1989



3 11

Materials handling equipment (Vocabularies)

Mesin kran swagerak, Daftar istilah

Mobile cranes, Glossary

Pengemasan dan distribusi barang (Kosa kata)

SNI 19-3792-1995

3 12


Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies)

Istilah umum peti kemas

General terminology for containers

Teknologi tekstil dan kulit (Kosa kata)


Textile and leather technology (Vocabularies)

SNI 08-3809-1995

Definisi dan istilah tekstil kerajinan tenun lurik

Definitions and terms for striped woven handicraft textile


SNI 08-3317-1994

Mesin pemintalan, Definisi sisi mesin

Spinning machinery, Definition of machine side


SNI 08-4338-1996

Istilah dan definisi persuteraan (riling)

Terms and definition of matters pertaining of silk


SNI 08-3321-1994

Mesin pencelupan dan penyempurnaan. Definisi sisi

Dyeing and finishing machines, Definition of left and right side


SNI 08-4336-1996

Istilah dan definisi benang tekstur

Terms and definition of texture yarn


SNI 08-4337-1996

Istilah dan definisi geotekstil

Terms and definition of geotextiles


SNI 08-4624-1998

Istilah cacat kain yang tampak setelah proses pencelupan, pencapan atau penyempurnaan

Vocabulary for fabric defects after dyeing, marking or finishing


SNI 08-4908-1998

Istilah dan definisi jahitan pada kampuh barang jadi tekstil

Terms and definition of sewing on seams of textile finished products


SNI 08-4981-1999

Istilah dan definisi yang berhubungan dengan sifat bakar pada bahan tekstil

Terms and definitions related to the burning behavior of textiles


SNI 08-7034-2004

Istilah dan definisi yang berhubungan dengan kekuatan dan sifat-sifat (properties) tekstil

Terminology and definitions related to strength and properties of textiles


SNI 0239:2014

Batik - Pengertian dan istilah

Batik - Definition and terms

SNI 8184:2015

Tiruan batik dan paduan tiruan batik dengan batik - Pengertian dan istilah

Alloy artificial imitation batik and batik with batik - Definition and terms

SNI 08-0891-1989

Kain tenun, Istilah dan definisi cacat

Woven fabric defects, Terms and definitions

SNI 08-1272-1989

Tekstil, Istilah dan definisi dalam penyempurnaan

Textile, Terms and definitions of finishing.

SNI 08-0239-1989

Istilah batik

Terminology of batik


SNI 08-0246-1989

Definisi procede batik

Definition of batik procede


SNI 08-0240-1989

Definisi isen batik

Definition of batik motif


SNI 06-0391-1989

Kulit dan cara pengolahannya, Istilah dan definisi

Leather and its processing methods, Terms and definitions

SNI 08-0247-1989

Definisi dan penggolongan pola batik

Definition and classification of batik pattern


Industri pakaian (Kosa kata) Istilah dan definisi untuk bagian-bagian serta cara pembuatan sepatu

Terms and definition for parts and method of manufacturing of shoes

SNI 12-1762-1990

Sepatu, Sepatu klasifikasi/penggolongan istilah dan definisi

Shoes, Classification, terms and definitions

Pertanian (Kosa kata)

SNI 02-3156-1992

5 12

11 4

Clothing industy (Vocabularies)

SNI 12-0392-1989



12 3

Agriculture (Vocabularies)

Isitlah-istilah untuk traktor pertanian dan alat mesin pertanian pra-panen

- 15 -

Tractor and pre - harvest agricultural machinery, Terminology


SNI 01-5010.4-2002

Pendukung di bidang kehutanan - Bagian 4: Tata nama hasil hutan

Supporting on forestry field - Part 4: Nomenclature of forest product


SNI 01-5006.7-2002

Tanaman kehutanan - Bagian 7: Istilah dan definisi yang berhubungan dengan perbenihan dan pembibitan tanaman kehutanan

Forestry plants - Part 7: Terminology and definition related to germination and seedling of forestry plants


SNI 19-5009.7-2001

Istilah dan definisi yang berkaitan dengan pengusahaan taman buru berasaskan pemanfaatan secara lestari

Terms and definitions related to hunter zone business based on sustainable exploitation


SNI 19-5009.5-2001

Istilah dan definisi yang berkaitan dengan pengusahaan pariwisata alam berasaskan konservasi hayati

Terms and definition related to nature tourism business based on bio-conservation


SNI 19-5005-1999

Istilah dan definisi yang berhubungan dengan sertifikasi pengelolaan hutan produksi lestari

Terms and definitions related to certification of sustainable production forest management

SNI 19-5009.9-2001

Istilah dan definisi yang berkaitan dengan penangkaran satwa liar berasaskan konservasi hayati

Terms and definitions related to wild animals breeding based on bio-conservation


SNI 7277.2:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 2: Kapal perikanan

Terms and definition - Part 2: Fishery boats or ships


SNI 7277.3:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 3: Jaring lingkar

Terms and definition - Part 3: Round nets


SNI 7277.4:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 4: Pancing

Terms and definition - Part 4: Fishing rods


SNI 7277.5:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 5:Pukat hela (trawl)

Terms and definition - Part 5: Rigger trawls


SNI 7277.7:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 7:Penggaruk

Terms and definition - Part 7 :


SNI 7277.9:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 9: Jaring angkat

Terms and definition - Part Lifting nets


SNI 7277.10:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 10: Alat perangkap ikan

Terms and definition - Part 10: Fish net tools


SNI 7277.11:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 11: Alat penangkap ikan pengait/penjepit dan melukai

Terms and definition - Part 11: Hook/clamp and lance fish net tools


SNI 7277.1:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 1: Sarana penangkapan ikan

ters and definition - Part 1: Tools for fish hunting

SNI 7277.13:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 13: Alat bantu penangkapan ikan

Terms and definition - Part 13: Ard tools for hunting fish

SNI 7277.6:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 6: Pukat tarik

Terms and definition - Part 6: Dragging trawls


SNI 7277.14:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 14: Keselamatan kapal perikanan

Terms and definition - Part 14: Safety for fishery ships/boats


SNI 7277.12:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 12: Alat penangkap yang dijatuhkan/ditebarkan

Terms and definition - Part 12: Spread fish net tools


SNI 7277.8:2008

Istilah dan definisi - Bagian 8: Jaring insang

Terms and definition - Part 8: Lifting nets

SNI 5010.5:2016

Pendukung di bidang kehutanan - Bagian 5: Nama kayu perdagangan

Supporting in forestry - Part 5: Name timber trade

SNI 02-6679-2002

Pengelompokan dan terminologi bahan penyubur tanaman

Classification and terminology of fertilizer

SNI 08-0623-1989

Istilah dan definisi jaring

Terms and definitions of nets


Pertambangan dan mineral (Kosa kata)


7 16

12 202 15 5

Mining and minerals (Vocabularies)

SNI 13-6340.3-2000

Istilah sosio-ekonomi tambang - Bagian C: Pengembangan masyarakat dan wilayah pertambangan

Terms of socio-economic of mining - Part C: Development of society and mining zone


SNI 13-6339.1-2000

Istilah keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja tambang - Bagian A: Keselamatan kerja tambang

Terms of occupational safety and health of mining - Part A: Occupational safety of mining


SNI 13-6339.2-2000

Istilah keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja tambang - Bagian B: Kesehatan kerja tambang

Terms of occupational safety and health - Part B: Occupational health of mining


SNI 13-6338-2000

Istilah kebijakan dan hukum pertambangan

Terms of mining policy and law


SNI 13-6339.7.2-2000

Istilah uji logam, mineral, dan batubara - Bagian G: Pengujian baku lingkungan - Sub bagian 2: Uji udara

Terms of metals, mineral, and coal testing - Part G: Testing of environmental standard Section 2: Air testing


SNI 13-6339.4.2-2001

Istilah uji logam, mineral dan batubara - Bagian D: Pengujian mineral dan logam secara kimia - Sub bagian 2: Metode volumetri

Terms of metals, minerals and coal testing - Part D: Chemical testing of minerals and metals - Section 2: Volumetric methods

SNI 13-4725.7-2001

Istilah teknik pengolahan bahan galian - Bagian G: Pemurnian logam nonbesi

Technical terms of mines processing - Part G: Non-ferrous metals


SNI 13-6339.5-2000

Istilah komoditas mineral dan batubara - Bagian E: Produk turunan/derivatif mineral

Terms of mineral and coal commodities - Part E: Mineral derivative products


SNI 13-4723.6-1998

Istilah teknik eksplorasi bahan galian Bagian 6: Evaluasi cadangan

Technical terms of mine exploration Part 6: Reserve evaluation


SNI 13-4723.2-1998

Istilah teknik explorasi bahan Bagian 2: Eksplorasi geofisika

Technical terms of mine exploration Part 2: Geophysical exploration


SNI 13-4725.6-2001

Istilah teknik pengolahan bahan galian - Bagian F: Pengolahan cara peleburan

Technical terms of mine processing - Part F: Smelting method processing


SNI 13-6339.3-2000

Istilah komoditas mineral dan batubara - Bagian C: Logam besi dan paduan

Terms of mineral and coal commodities - Part C: Ferrous metals and alloys


SNI 13-4723.1-1998

Istilah teknik eksplorasi bahan galian. Bagian 1 : Pemetaan

Technical terms of mine exploration Part 1: Mapping


SNI 13-4723.3-1998

Istilah teknik eksplorasi bahan galian Bagian 3 : Eksplorasi geokimia

Technical terms of mine exploration Part 3 : Geochemical exploration


SNI 13-4723.5-1998

Istilah teknik eksplorasi bahan galian. Bagian 5 : Pemercontoh

Technical terms of mines exploration. Part 5 : Sampling

SNI 13-6339.4.1-2001

Istilah uji logam, mineral dan batubara - Bagian D: Pengujian mineral dan logam secara kimia - Sub bagian 1: Metode gravimetri

Terms of metals, minerals and coal testing - Part D: Chemical testing of minerals and metals - Section 1: Gravimetric methods

SNI 13-4723.7-2001

Istilah teknik eksplorasi bahan galian - Bagian G: Penginderaan jauh

Technical terms of mine exploration - Part G: Remote sensing

SNI 13-4723.8-2001

Istilah teknik eksplorasi bahan galian - Bagian H: Geostatistika

Technical terms of mines exploration - Part H: Geostatistic

SNI 13-4724.1-1998

Istilah teknik penambangan Bagian 1: Sistem dan metode penambangan

Technical terms of mining Part 1: Systems and methods of mining


SNI 13-4724.2-1998

Istilah teknik penambangan Bagian 2: Persiapan penambangan

Technical terms of mining Part 2: Preparation of mining


SNI 13-4724.8-2001

Istilah teknik penambangan - Bagian H: Penganginan

Technical terms of mining - Part H: Ventilation


SNI 13-4725.1-1998

Istilah teknik pengolahan bahan galian Bagian 1: Persiapan pengolahan

Technical terms of mine processing Part 1: Preparation of processing


SNI 13-6339.6-2001

Istilah uji logam, mineral dan batubara - Bagian F: Pengujian petrografi batubara

Terms of metal, mineral and testing - Part F: Coal petrography testing


SNI 13-6339.5-2001

Istilah uji logam, mineral dan batubara - Bagian 5: Pengujian batubara dan kokas

Coal, mineral and metal test terminology - Part 5: Coke and coal testing


SNI 13-4724.7-2001

Istilah teknik penambangan - Bagian G: Penyaliran

Mining technical vocabulary - Part G: Drainage


SNI 13-4723.4-1998

Istilah teknik eksplorasi bahan galian Bagian 4: Pemboran

Technical terms of mine exploration Part 4: Drilling


SNI 13-6339.6-2000

Istilah komoditas mineral dan batubara - Bagian F: Batu mulia

Terms of mineral and coal commodities - Part F: Precious stones


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1 14 7 17

SNI 13-6339.7.4-2000

Istilah uji logam, mineral, dan batubara - Bagian G: Pengujian baku lingkungan - Sub bagian 4: Uji hayati

Terms of metals, mineral, and coal testing - Part G : Testing of environmental standard Section 4: Biological testing


SNI 13-6340.2-2000

Istilah sosio-ekonomi tambang - Bagian B: Studi kelayakan tambang

Terms of socio-economic of mining - Part B: Feasibility study of mining


SNI 13-6538-2001

Istilah ekonomi mineral

Terms of mineral economics


SNI 13-6537-2001

Istilah lingkungan hidup pertambangan

Terms of mining environment


SNI 7567:2010

Glosarium Pemercontohan

Glossary of sampling

SNI 13-7169-2006

Istilah dan definisi lingkungan hidup pertambangan

Terminology and definitions of mining environment

SNI 7568:2010

Glosarium eksplorasi mineral dan batubara

Glossary of mineral and coal exploration

SNI 7571:2010

Baku tingkat getaran peledakan pada kegiatan tambang terbuka terhadap bangunan

Raw blasting vibration levels at the mine activities are open to building


Metalurgi (Kosa kata)


Metallurgy (Vocabularies)

SNI 07-3626-1994

Definisi istilah yang berkaitan dengan perlakuan panas logam

Terms of definition related to heat treatment of metals

SNI 07-1346-1989

Partikel maknit, Definisi dan istilah uji

Magnetic particles, Definition and terminology of test


SNI 07-1336-1989

Cara uji, definisi dan istilah partikel elektromaknit

Test method, definition and terminology of electromagnetic particles


SNI 07-1340-1989

Istilah yang digunakan dalam proses perlakuan panas logam

Glossary of terms for heat treatment process of metals



Teknologi kayu (Kosa kata)


Wood technology (Vocabularies)

SNI 05-2318-1991

Mesin ketam pengatur ketebalan satu permukaan untuk pengerjaan kayu, Daftar istilah

Thickness planing machines with rotary cutterblock for one side dressing for woodworking, Nomenclature

SNI 01-6075-1999

Istilah dan definisi pada perekatan kayu dan produk kayu

Terms and definitions of wood and wood products adhesives

SNI 05-2320-1991

Daftar istilah komponen mesin ketam dan pengatur ketebalan untuk pengerjaan kayu

Nomenclatures for thickness measurement and planing machines component for wood working


SNI ISO 2074:2008

Kayu lapis - Istilah dan definisi (Plywood- Vocabulary (ISO 2074:2007, IDT)

Plywood - Vocabulary


6 13

ISO 2074:2007 Plywood- Vocabulary Translation SNI 7835.1:2012


Nomenclature of paper and board in Indonesia - Part 3


Construction materials and building (Vocabularies)

Definisi, istilah lift dan eskalator

Definition, terms of lifts and escalator

Rumah tangga. Hiburan. Olah raga. (Kosa kata)

SNI 12-4349-1996


Paper technology (Vocabularies)

Tata nama kertas dan karton di Indonesia - Bagian 3

Bahan konstruksi dan bangunan (Kosa kata)

SNI 05-2189-1999


Wood chip - Part 1: Term and definition

Teknologi kertas (Kosa kata)

SNI 14-0581.3-2000


IDT Serpih kayu (wood chip) - Bagian 1: Istilah dan definisi


Housekeeping. Entertainment. Sports (Vocabularies)

Istilah alat kebugaran jasmani

Terms of physical fitness equipment


Quantities and units

Besaran dan satuan

SNI 19-2744-1992

Besaran dan satuan panas

Quantities and units of heat


SNI 19-2743-1992

Besaran dan satuan kimia fisika dan fisika molekul

Quantities and units of physical chemistry and molecular physics


SNI 19-3521-1994

Besaran dan satuan periode dan fenomena yang berhubungan

Quantities and units for periodic and related phenomena

SNI 19-2745-1992

Kuantita, satuan dan lambang, Ketentuan umum

Quantities, units and symbols, General principles

SNI 19-2746-1992

Satuan sistem internasional

International system of units


SNI 19-3515-1994

Besaran dan satuan ruang dan waktu

Quantities and units for space and time


SNI 19-3514-1994

Besaran dan satuan mekanika

Quantities and unit of mechanics


SNI 19-3213-1992

Satuan metrik yang digunakan dalam konstruksi

Metric units used in building construction

SNI 19-2055-1990

Besaran dan satuan fisika untuk zat padat

Quantities and units for solid state physics

SNI 19-2056-1990

Parameter tanpa dimensi

Dimensionless parameters

SNI 05-2057-1990

Toleransi/dimensi - Perubahan satuan dari inci ke milimeter atau sebaliknya

Toleranced dimensions and conversion from inches into millimetres and vice versa

SNI ISO 80000-2:2015

Besaran dan satuan - Bagian 2: Tanda dan lambing matematik untuk digunakan dalam ilmu pengetahuan alam dan teknologi (ISO 80000-2:2009, IDT)

Magnitude and units - Part 2: Signs and mathematical symbol for use in natural science and technology (ISO 80000-2:2009, IDT)


Magnitude and units - Part 1: General (ISO 80000-1:2009 dan ISO 800001:2009/Cor1:2011, IDT)


Magnitude and units - Part 11: Numbers characteristics (ISO 80000-11:2009, IDT)


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ISO 80000-2:2009 IDT SNI ISO 80000-1:2015

Besaran dan satuan - Bagian 1: Umum (ISO 80000-1:2009 dan ISO 800001:2009/Cor1:2011, IDT)

ISO 80000-1:2009 dan ISO 80000-1:2009/Cor1:2011 IDT SNI ISO 80000-11:2015

Besaran dan satuan - Bagian 11: Bilangan karakteristik (ISO 80000-11:2009, IDT)

ISO 80000-11:2009 IDT SNI 19-1940-1990

Besaran dan satuan reaksi inti dan radiasi pengion

Quantities and units of nuclear reaction and ionizing radiation


SNI 19-1939-1990

Faktor-faktor konversi

Conversion factors


SNI 19-1941-2001

Tanda dan lambang matematis untuk ilmu pengetahuan alam/fisika dan teknologi

Mathematical sign and symbols for use in the technology


ISO 31-11: 1992, Quantities and units - Part 11: Mathematical signs and symbols for use in the physical science and technology Translation SNI 19-1943-2001

IDT Besaran dan satuan radiasi cahaya dan elektromagnetik sejenis

Quantities and units for light and related electromagnetic radiations


ISO 31-6: 1992, Quantities and units - Part 6: Light and related electromagnetic radiations Translation


SNI 19-1942-1990

Besaran dan satuan listrik dan magnit

Quantities and units of electricity and magnetism


SNI 19-1944-2001

Besaran dan satuan akustika

Quantities and units of acoustics


ISO 31-7: 1992, Quantities and units - Part 7 Acoustics Translation


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SNI 19-1947-1990


Satuan metrik yang digunakan dalam penyediaan air, tata saluran riol dan drainase (termasuk pemompaan)


Colour coding

Kode warna

SNI 04-7024-2004

Metric unit used in water supply, seserage and drainage (includes pumping)

Kode untuk penandaan warna

Codes for designation of colours


IEC 60757: 1983 Translation



Graphical symbols

Simbol grafis


Simbol grafis umum

Public information symbols

SNI 19-1610-1989

Lambang grafis - Fungsi dan instrumentasi untuk alat pengatur dan pengukur proses - Bagian 1: Keperluan dasar

Graphical symbols Function and instrumentation for process control devices Part 1: Basic requirements


SNI 19-1611-1989

Lambang grafis - Komponen dan sistem instalasi aliran fluida

Graphical symbol Component and fluid flow installation system



Simbol grafis yang digunakan pada peralatan khusus

Graphical symbols for use on specific equipment

SNI 05-4555-1998

Lambang petunjuk pada mesin/ peralatan

Graphical symbols for machinery/equipment

SNI 19-4003-1996

Standar pengujian diagram fase

Standard practice for presentation of phase diagram

SNI 10-6031-1999

Simbol grafis radas listrik untuk gambar perekayasaan di bidang marin, komunikasi, instrumentasi, navigasi dan radio

Graphical symbols for electrical apparatus for marine use engineering drawing communication, instrumentation, navigation and radio


SNI 10-6033-1999

Simbol grafis radas listrik (daya) untuk gambar perekayasaan di bidang marin

Graphical symbols for electrical apparatus (power) for marine engineering drawings


SNI 19-6786-2002

Spesifikasi simbol gambar sistem penyediaan air dan sistem drainase di dalam tanah

Graphical symbols for water supply and drainage system in the ground


SNI 10-0970-1989

Sistem ventilasi kapal, Simbol gambar

Ships' ventilation system, Graphical symbols


SNI 10-0971-1989

Alat keselamatan kebakaran di kapal, Simbol gambar

Fire safety appliances in ships, Graphical symbols



Simbol grafis yang digunakan dalam gambar teknik

6 5

Graphical symbols for use on technical drawings

SNI 04-2002-1990

Jaringan kabel telepon, Lambang grafis

Telephone cable network, Graphical symbols


SNI 13-6576-2001

Simbol grafis untuk peralatan pabrik preparasi batu bara

Graphical symbols for coal preparation plant



Simbol grafis yang digunakan dalam gambar rekayasa kelistrikan dan elektronik, diagram, chart dalam dokumen produk teknik yang berkaitan

Graphical symbols for use on electrical and electronics engineering drawings, diagram, charts and in relevant technical product documentation

SNI 19-6659-2002

Tanda keselamatan - Pemanfaat listrik

Safety marking - Electrical usages

SNI 10-4924-1998

Simbol grafis radas listrik untuk pemakaian di bidang marin - Gambar perekayasaan - Perangkat penerangan dan perlengkapannya

Graphical symbols for electrical apparatus for marine use - Engineering drawings - Lighting fittings and accessories


SNI IEC/TR 62687:2013

Lambang grafis untuk digunakan pada perlengkapan - Peristilahan

Graphical symbols for use on equipment - Terminology



IEC/TR 62687:2011 Translation

01.100 01.100.01


Technical drawings

Gambar teknik Gambar teknik secara umum

Technical drawings in general

SNI 05-2754-1992

Gambar teknik - Azas penyajian umum

Technical drawings - General principles of presentation

SNI 05-2645-1992

Gambar teknik - Daftar bagian

Technical drawings - Item lists

SNI 05-2753-1992

Gambar teknik - Huruf - Karakter yang digunakan

Technical drawings - Lettering - Characters used

SNI 05-2644-1992

Gambar teknik - Simbol untuk toleransi geometrik proporsi dan dimensi

Technical drawings - Symbols for proportional and dimensional geometrical tolerances

SNI 05-2755-1992

Gambar teknik - Daftar proses las, patri - Las - patri dan solder logam untuk penyajian lambang pada gambar

Technical drawings - List of welding and soldering processes. Welding, brazing and solders of metals for representation of symbol on drawing


SNI 05-2643-1992

Gambar teknik - Huruf Bagian 4 : Karakter Cyrylic

Technical drawings - Lettering Part 4 : Cyrylic characters


SNI 05-2296-1991

Gambar teknik - Lambang penggambaran diagram kinematik - Bag.IV

Technical drawings - Graphical symbols for kinematic diagrams. Part IV


SNI 05-2936-1992

Gambar teknik - Penomoran elemen

Technical drawings - Element numbering

SNI 05-2937-1992

Gambar teknik - Penulisan toleransi linear dan sudut

Technical drawings - Linear and angular tolerance

SNI 05-2646-1992

Gambar teknik - Etiket gambar

Technical drawings - Drawing etiquete


SNI 05-2751-1992

Gambar teknik - Skala

Technical drawings - Scales


SNI 05-2642-1992

Gambar teknik - Huruf Bagian 2 : Karakter Greek

Technical drawings - Lettering Part 2 : Greek characters

SNI 05-3516-1994

Gambar teknik - Metode pembubuhan simbol pola tekstur permukaan

Technical drawings - Method of indicating surface texture on drawings

SNI 05-3022-1992

Gambar teknik - Penunjukan bagian

Technical drawings - Item references

SNI 05-2961-1992

Gambar teknik - Penulisan ukuran

Technical drawings - Sizing


SNI 05-1824-1990

Gambar teknik - Toleransi geometris acuan dan sistem acuan untuk toleransi geometris

Technical drawings - Geometrical tolerancing datums and datum systems for geometrical tolerances


SNI 05-1821-1990

Gambar teknik - Toleransi bentuk dan posisi. Hal-hal umum lambang dan penulisan pada gambar

Techncial drawings - Tolerances of form and of position. Generalities on symbols and lettering on drawings


SNI 05-1492-1989

Gambar teknik - Penulisan lambang lasan pada gambar

Technical drawings - Welding symbols on drawing


SNI 05-1822-1990

Gambar teknik - Toleransi bentuk dan posisi. Pemberian ukuran dan toleransi profil

Technical drawings - Tolerances of form and of position. Dimensioning and tolerancing of profiles


SNI 05-1820-1990

Gambar teknik - Pemberian ukuran dan toleransi pada kerucut

Technical drawings - Dimensioning and tolerancing on cones


SNI 05-1823-1990

Gambar teknik - Toleransi bentuk dan posisi - Prinsip material maksimum

Technical drawings - Tolerances of form and of position - Maximum material principles


SNI 05-1495-1989

Gambar teknik - Lambang penggambaran diagram kinematik Bagian II

Technical drawings - Graphical symbols for kinematic diagrams. Part II


SNI 05-1496-1989

Gambar teknik - Lambang penggambaran diagram kinematik Bagian III

Technical drawings - Graphical symbols for kinematic diagrams. Part III

SNI 05-1608-1989

Gambar teknik - Konstruksi baja

Technical drawing - Steel construction


SNI 05-1493-1989

Gambar teknik - Lambang penggambaran teknologi vakum

Technical drawings - Vacuum technology graphical symbols


SNI 05-1494-1989

Gambar teknik - Lambang penggambaran diagram kinematik Bagian I

Technical drawings - Graphical symbols for kinematic diagrams. Part I

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Gambar teknik mesin

Mechanical engineering drawings

SNI 05-2750-1992

Gambar teknik - Roda gigi

Technical drawings - Gears


SNI 05-2747-1992

Gambar teknik - Bagian berulir

Technical drawings - Threaded parts


SNI 05-2749-1992

Gambar teknik - Pegas

Technical drawings - Springs


SNI 05-2748-1992

Gambar teknik - Lubang senter

Technical drawings - Center holes


SNI 05-3048-1992

Gambar teknik - Instalasi - Simbol grafik untuk kontrol otomatis

Technical drawing - Installation - Graphical symbols for automatic control



Technical product documentation

Dokumentasi produk teknik

SNI 19-6648-2002

Dokumentasi - Penyajian tesis dan dokumen sejenis

Documentation - Presentation of theses and similar documents


Documentation - Presentation of scientific and technical reports


ISO 7144 - 1986, Documentation- Presentation of theses and similar documents Translation SNI 19-6651-2002

MOD Dokumentasi - Penyajian laporan ilmiah dan teknis

ISO 5966:1982, Documentation - Presentation of scientific and technical reports Translation



Information sciences. Publishing

Ilmu informasi. Penerbitan


Ilmu informasi

Information sciences

SNI 19-4190-1996

Rujukan karya tulis

Bibliographical references

SNI 19-4192-2002

Dokumentasi - Abstrak untuk dokumentasi dan publikasi

Documentation - Abstracts for documentation and publication

SNI 7596:2010

Perpustakaan desa/kelurahan

Library Village

SNI 19-6962.1-2003

Dokumentasi dan informasi - Manajemen rekaman - Bagian 1: Umum

Documentation and information - Record management - Part 1: General


Information and documentation - International standard serial number (ISSN)


8 12

ISO 15489-1: 2001 Translation SNI ISO 3297:2010

MOD Informasi dan dokumentasi - International standard serial number (ISSN)

ISO 3297:2007 Information and documentation - International standard serial number (ISSN) Translation


SNI 7496:2009

Perpustakaan khusus instansi pemerintah

Special library for government institution

SNI 7329:2009

Perpustakaan sekolah

School libraries

SNI 7495:2009

Perpustakaan umum kabupaten/kota

Public library for distric area

SNI 7330:2009

Perpustakaan perguruan tinggi

University libraries

SNI 7712:2012

Perpustakaan keliling kabupaten / kota

Mobile library for regency / city

SNI ISO 215:2014

Dokumentasi - Penyajian artikel pada terbitan berkala dan berseri lainnya

Documentation - Presentation of contributions to periodicals and other serials


ISO 215:1986 IDT SNI ISO 11108:2014

Informasi dan dokumentasi - Kertas arsip - Persyaratan permanensi dan durabilitas (ISO 11108:1996, IDT)

Information and documentation - Archival Paper - Requirements for permanence and durability

ISO 11108:1996 IDT SNI 19-1935-1990

Penentuan tajuk entri

Main entry (cataloguing rules)


SNI 19-1949-1990

Deskripsi untuk monografi

Description for monography


SNI 19-1948-1990

Tajuk entri dan deskripsi bahan bukan buku, Penentuan

Main entry and description of non book materials, (Cataloguing rules)


SNI 19-1937-1990

Halaman judul buku

The title page of the book


SNI 19-1938-1990

Lembar data bibliografi laporan

Bibliographic data sheet for reports


SNI 19-1936-1990

Judul terbitan berseri, Patokan penyingkatan

Titles of periodicals, Rules for abbreviations


SNI 19-1950-1990

Terbitan berkala

Presentation of periodicals


SNI 19-1946-1990

Indeks penerbitan

Index of publications


SNI 19-1945-1990

Data statistik perpustakaan

Library statistics data



Dokumen tentang administrasi, perdagangan dan indu

Documents in administration, commerce and industry

SNI 19-4193-1996

Kode bahasa-bahasa di dunia

Code for the representation of language


SNI 19-4194-1996

Kode untuk bahasa-bahasa di Indonesia

Codes for the representation of languages in Indonesia


SNI 19-1951-1990

Direktori perpustakaan, pusat informasi dan dokumentasi

Directory of libraries, information and documentation center





SNI 19-4195-1996

Dokumentasi - Penomoran bagian dan sub bagian dalam dokumen tertulis

Documentation - Numbering of division and sub division in written documents


SNI 19-4191-1996

Dokumentasi - Penyajian terjemahan - Unsur-unsur yang perlu diperhatikan penerbit

Documentation - Presentation of translation - Elements to be considered by publishers


SNI 19-6963-2003

Dokumentasi - Judul punggung pada buku dan publikasi lainnya

Documentation - Spine titles on books and other publications


ISO 6357: 1985, Documentation - spine titles on book and other publication Translation SNI ISO 1086:2015

MOD Informasi dan dokumentasi - Lembar judul buku (ISO 1086:1991, IDT)

Information and documentation - The title of the book (ISO 1086: 1991, IDT)


ISO 1086:1991 IDT SNI ISO 18:2015

Dokumentasi - Daftar isi terbitan berkala (ISO 18:1981, IDT)

Documentation - Table of contents of periodicals (ISO 18: 1981, IDT)

ISO 18:1981 IDT

- 19 -






Labour. Employment

Tenaga kerja. Pekerjaan

SNI 19-1722-1989


Klasifikasi jabatan Indonesia

Classification of occupation in Indonesia



SNI ISO/IEC TS 170212:2012


Penilaian Kesesuaian - Persyaratan lembaga penyelenggaran audit dan sertifikasi sistem manajemen Bagian 2: Persyaratan kompetensi untuk audit dan sertifikasi sistem manajemen lingkungan

Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems Part 2: Competence requirements for audit and certification of environmental management systems


ISO/IEC TS 17021-2:2012 Translation SNI ISO/IEC 17020:2012

IDT Penilaian kesesuaian - Persyaratan untuk pengoperasian berbagai tipe lembaga inspeksi

Conformity assessment - Requirements for the operation of various types of inspection bodies

ISO/IEC 17020:2012, IDT IDT


Jasa bagi konsumen

SNI 7386:2008 SNI 8311:2016


Services for consumers

Pelayanan purna jual telepon genggam

Handphone after sales services


Usaha jasa perjalanan wisata

Travel agent service


Jasa lainnya

Other services

SNI ISO/IEC 20000-2:2009 Teknologi nformasi - Manajemen layanan - Bagian 2 : Aturan praktik

Information technology - Service management - Part 2 : Code of practice

ISO/IEC 20000-2:2005 Information technology - Service management - Part 2 : Code of practice IDT SNI 7331: 2007

Ketentuan gudang komoditi pertanian

Requirements of agriculture commodity warehouses

SNI ISO/IEC 20000-1:2009 Teknologi informasi - Manajemen layanan - Bagian 1 : Spesifikasi


Information technology - Service management - Part 1 : Specification

ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005 Information technology - Service management - Part 1 : Specification Translation


SNI 7229:2007

Ketentuan umum pelayanan purna jual

General requirements of after sales services


SNI 8152:2015

Pasar rakyat

Public market


SNI 7331:2016

Ketentuan gudang komoditas pertanian

Warehouse provisions for agricultural commodities


SNI 8278:2016

Ketentuan silo komoditas pertanian

Terms of silo for agricultural commodities



Company organization and management

Organisasi dan manajemen perusahaan


Organisasi dan manajemen perusahaan secara umum

SNI ISO 31000:2011

Company organization and management in general

Manajemen resiko - Prinsip dan panduan

Risk management - Principles and guidelines

ISO 31000:2009 Risk management - Principles and guidelines Translation SNI ISO 22301:2014

IDT Keamanan masyarakat - Sistem manajemen kelangsungan usaha Persyaratan (ISO 22301:2012, IDT)

Society security - Bussiness continuity management systems - Requirements

ISO 22301:2012 IDT SNI ISO 26000:2013

Panduan tanggung jawab sosial

Guidance on social responsibility


ISO 26000:2010 Translation SNI ISO 22315:2015

IDT Keamanan masyarakat - Evakuasi massal - Panduan untuk perencanaan (ISO 22315:2014, IDT)

Societal security - Mass evacuation - Guidelines for planning (ISO 22315:2014, IDT)


Risk management - Principles and guidelines (ISO 31000:2009, IDT)


ISO 22315:2014 IDT SNI ISO 31000:2011

Manajemen risiko - Prinsip dan Panduan (ISO 31000:2009, IDT)

ISO 31000:2009 IDT


Pembelian. Pengadaan. Manajemen persediaan

SNI ISO/IEC 31010:2016

Purchasing. Procurement. Management of stock

Manajemen risiko - Teknik penilaian risiko (ISO/IEC 31010:2009, IDT)

Risk management - Risk assessment technique (ISO/IEC 31010:2009, IDT)


ISO/IEC 31010:2009 IDT SNI ISO/TR 31004:2016

Manajemen risiko - Panduan untuk implementasi SNI ISO 31000 (ISO/TR 31004:2013, IDT)

Risk management - Guidance for implementation of SNI ISO 31000 (ISO/TR 31004:2013, IDT)


ISO/TR 31004:2013 IDT


Manajemen sumber daya manusia

Management of human resources

SNI 13-6562-2001

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Professional competency of oil and natural gas special technician on occupational safety and health


SNI 13-6552-2001

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang pemboran

Professional competency of oil and natural gas special technician on drilling


SNI 13-6551.4-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang penyelidikan seismik - Bagian 4: Ahli topografi seismik

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on seismic investigation Part 4: Seismic surveyor supervisors


SNI 13-6555.1-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang perawatan sumur Bagian 1: Operator lantai perawatan sumur

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on well maintenance - Part 1: Well maintenance floorman


SNI 13-6557.5-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang operasi produksi lepas pantai dan darat yang menggunakan teknologi setara lepas pantai Bagian 5: Tingkat pengawas

Curriculum for oil and natural gas special technician training on offshore and shore production operation using offshore appropriate technology - Part 5: Supervisors


SNI 13-6551.5-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang penyelidikan seismik - Bagian 5: Ahli rekam seismik

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on seismic investigation Part 5: Seismic observers


SNI 19-7057-2004

Kurikulum pelatihan hiperkes dan keselamatan kerja bagi dokter perusahaan

The curriculum of health and occupational safety training for company doctors

SNI 13-6555.2-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang perawatan sumur Bagian 2: Operator menara perawatan sumur

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on well maintenace - Part 2: Well maintenance derrickman

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SNI 13-6553.1-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang pemboran - Bagian 1: Juru bor

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on drilling - Part 1: Drillers


SNI 13-6565.5-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang sistem manajemen lingkungan - Bagian 5: Koordinator perencana sistem manajemen lingkungan

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on environmental management systems - Part 5: Environmental management system planning coordinators


SNI 13-6553.2-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang pemboran - Bagian 2: Operator lantai bor

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on drilling - Part 2: Floorman


SNI 13-6551.2-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang penyelidikan seismik - Bagian 2: Juru bor seismik

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technician on seismic investigation Part 2: Seismic driller


SNI 13-6563.1-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja - Bagian 1: Petugas keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on occupational safety and health - Part 1: Occupational safety and health officials


SNI 19-4847-1998

Kualifikasi tenaga penyelam

Qualification of divers

SNI 13-6561-2001

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang laboratorium pengujian migas

Professional competency of oil and natural gas special technicians on oil and natural gas testing laboratories


SNI 13-6560-2001

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang penanganan dan pengawasan mutu bahan bakar minyak dan pelumas penerbangan

Professional competency of oil and natural gas special technician on handling and quality control of aviation fuels and lubricants


SNI 19-6559.1-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus operator pesawat angkat, pesawat angkut dan juru ikat beban

Curriculum of training for special technician of crane operator, lifting equipment operator and rigger


SNI 19-6558-2001

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknik khusus operator pesawat angkat, pesawat angkut dan juru ikat beban

Professional competency of special technician of crane operator, lifting equipment operator and rigger


SNI 13-6554-2001

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang perawatan sumur

Professional competency of oil and natural gas special technician on well maintenance


SNI 19-7055-2004

Kurikulum pelatihan hiperkes dan keselamatan kerja bagi pengurus dan anggota panitia pembina keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (P2K3) perusahaan

The curriculum of health and occupational safety training for boards and members of company occupational and health safety committees


SNI 13-6557.6-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang operasi produksi lepas pantai dan darat yang menggunakan teknologi setara lepas pantai Bagian 6: Tingkat pengawas utama

Curriculum for oil and natural gas special technician training on offshore and shore production operation using offshore appropriate technology - Part 6: Principal supervisors


SNI 13-6555.4-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang perawatan sumur Bagian 4: Ahli pengendali perawatan sumur

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technician on well maintenance - Part 4: Well maintenance controller


SNI 13-6555.3-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang perawatan sumur Bagian 3: Operator unit perawatan sumur

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technician on well maintenance - Part 3: Well maintenance unit operator


SNI 13-6563.3-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja - Bagian 3: Ahli keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on occupational safety and health - Part 3: Occupational safety and health specialists


SNI 13-6557.4-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang operasi produksi lepas pantai dan darat yang menggunakan teknologi setara lepas pantai Bagian 4: Tingkat operator kepala

Curriculum for oil and natural gas special technician training on offshore and shore production operation using offshore appropriate technology - Part 4: Lead operator


SNI 13-6551.6-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang penyelidikan seismik - Bagian 6: Ahli instrumen seismik

Curriculum of training for oil and natural ga special tehnicians on seismic investigation Part 6: Seismic instrument engineers


SNI 13-6557.3-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang operasi produksi lepas pantai dan darat yang menggunakan teknologi setara lepas pantai Bagian 3: Tingkat operator

Curriculum for oil and natural gas special technician training on offshore and shore production operation using offshore appropriate technology - Part 3: Operators


SNI 13-6557.2-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang operasi produksi lepas pantai dan darat yang menggunakan teknologi setara lepas pantai Bagian 2: Tingkat operator madya

Curriculum for oil and natural gas special technician training on offshore and shore production operation using offshore appropriate technology - Part 2: Middle operators


SNI 13-6551.1-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang penyelidikan seismik - Bagian 1: Juru ukur seismik

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technician on seismic investigation Part 1: Seismic surveyor


SNI 13-6568-2001

Kurikulum tenaga teknik khusus migas untuk inspektur perpipaan penyalur

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians for distribution piping inspectors


SNI 13-6550-2001

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang penyelidikan seismik

Professional competency of oil and natural gas special technicians on seismic investigation

SNI 19-6567-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus ketel uap (boiler)

Curriculum of training for boiler special technician

SNI 19-6566-2001

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknik khusus ketel uap (boiler)

Professional competency of boiler special technician

SNI 13-6565.6-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang sistem manajemen lingkungan - Bagian 6: Koordinator pengendali penerapan dan operasional sistem manajemen lingkungan

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on environmental management systems - Part 6: Coordinator of controll-staff for application and operation of environmental management systems


SNI 13-6565.4-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang sistem manajemen lingkungan - Bagian 4: Auditor internal sistem manajemen lingkungan

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technician on environmental management systems - Part 4: Internal auditors of environmental management systems


SNI 13-6563.4-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja - Bagian 4: Petugas regu pemadam kebakaran

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on occupational safety and health - Part 4: Fireman


SNI 13-6565.2-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang sistem management lingkungan - Bagian 2: Petugas pengendali limbah padat dan limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun (B3) industri migas

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on environmental management systems - Part 2: Controll staff of solid waste and hazardous and poisonous material waste of oil and natural gas


SNI 13-6551.3-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang penyelidikan seismik - Bagian 3: Juru tembak seismik

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas technicians on seismic investigation sector Part 3: Seismic shooter


SNI 13-6565.3-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang sistem manajemen lingkungan - Bagian 3: Petugas pengendali limbah cair industri migas

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on environmental management systems - Part 3: Control-staff of fluid waste in oil and natural gas industries


SNI 13-6565.1-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang sistem manajemen lingkungan - Bagian 1: Petugas pengendali dokumen sistem manajemen lingkungan

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on environmental management systems - Part 1: Document control-staff of environmental management systems


SNI 13-6564-2001

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang sistem manajemen lingkungan

Professional competency for oil and natural gas special technician on environmental management system

SNI 13-6563.6-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja - Bagian 6: Ahli penanggulangan kebakaran

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special tehnicians on occupational safety and health - Part 6: Fire protection specialists

SNI 19-7056-2004

Kurikulum pelatihan hiperkes dan keselamatan kerja bagi pengelola makanan tenaga kerja di tempat kerja

The curriculum of health and occupational safety training for worker food organizers at work places

SNI 13-6563.2-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja - Bagian 2: Koordinator keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technicians on occupational safety and health - Part 2: Occupational safety and health coordinators


SNI 13-6557.1-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang operasi produksi lepas pantai dan darat yang menggunakan teknologi setara lepas pantai Bagian 1: Tingkat operator muda

Curriculum for oil and natural gas special technician training on offshore and shore production operation using offshore appropriate technology - Part 1: Junior operators


SNI 13-6563.5-2001

Kurikulum pelatihan tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja - Bagian 5: Koordinator pemadam kebakaran

Curriculum of training for oil and natural gas special technician on occupational safety and health - Part 5: Fire fighting coordinator


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SNI 13-6556-2001

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknik khusus migas bidang operasi produksi lepas pantai dan darat yang menggunakan teknologi setara lepas pantai

Professional competency of oil and natural gas special tehnicians on offshore and shore production operation using offshore appropriate technology

SNI 13-6979.4-2003

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus pertambangan - Bagian 4: Juru ledak penambangan bahan galian

Professional competency of mining special technicians - Part 4: Quarrying material exploders


SNI 13-6979.1-2003

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus pertambangan - Bagian 1: Manajer keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Professional competency of mining special technicians - Part 1: Occupational health and safety managers


SNI 13-6978.3-2003

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus geologi - Bagian 3: Teknisi pengeboran eksplorasi

Professional competency of geology special techicians - Part 3: Exploration drilling technicians


SNI 13-6978.2-2003

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus geologi - Bagian 2: Teknisi geoteknik

Professional competency of geology special technicians - Part 2: Geotechnical technicians


SNI 13-6979.3-2003

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus pertambangan - Bagian 3: Juru bor peledakan

Professional competency of mining special technician - Part 3: Explosion drillers


SNI 13-6979.5-2003

Kompetensi kerja tenaga khusus pertambangan - Bagian 5: Operator peremuk batuan

Professional competency of mining special technicians - Part 5: Rock crusher operators


SNI ISO 20807:2008

Uji tak rusak - Kualifikasi personel uji tak rusak untuk aplikasi terbatas uji tak rusak

Non-destructive testing -- Qualification of personnel for limited application of nondestructive testing (ISO 20807:2004, IDT


ISO 20807:2004 Non-destructive testing - Qualification of personnel for limited application of non-destructive testing Translation


SNI 13-6979.6-2003

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus pertambangan - Bagian 6: Teknisi revegetasi tambang

Professional competency of mining special technician - Part 6: Mining revegetation technicians


SNI 13-6978.1-2003

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus geologi - Bagian 1: Teknisi pengeboran air bawah tanah

Professional competency of geology special technicians - Part 1: Drilling technicians for water underground


SNI 13-6979.2-2003

Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus pertambangan - Bagian 2: Penyurvei tambang

Professional competency of mining special technician - Part 2: Mining surveyors


SNI ISO/TS 22809:2011

Uji tak rusak - Diskontinuitas pada spesimen untuk penggunaan dalam ujian kualifikasi

Non-destructive testing - Diskcontinuities in specimens for use in qualification examinations

ISO/TS 22809:2007 Non-destructive testing - Diskcontinuities in specimens for use in qualification examinations Translation SNI ISO 10015:2013

IDT Manajemen mutu - Panduan pelatihan (ISO 10015:1999, IDT)

Quality management - Guidelines for training (ISO 10015:1999, IDT)


ISO 10015:1999, IDT Translation





SNI 04-6297-2000

Pertumbuhan keandalan - Metode uji statistik dan metode estimasi

Reliability growth - Statistical test and estimation methods


IEC 61164: 1995, Reliability growth - Statistical test and estimation methods Translation



Mutu secara umum

Quality in general

SNI 04-3854-1995

Manajemen keandalan dan mampu rawat

Reliability and maintainability management

SNI 04-3881-1995

Penyajian perkiraan keandalan, kemampuan rawat, dan ketersediaan

Presentation of reliability, maintainability and availability prediction


SNI 04-3872-1995

Petunjuk mengenai mampu rawat perlengkapan

Guide for maintainability of equipment


SNI 04-3880-1995

Daftar serta petunjuk matematis untuk istilah dan definisi keandalan

List and mathematic guide for terminology and definition of reliability


SNI 04-7114-2005

Teknik analisis keandalan sistem - Prosedur moda kegagalan dan analisis efek

Analysis techniques for system reliability - Procedures for failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)



IEC 60812: 1985, Analysis techniques for system realibility - Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) Translation



Manajemen mutu dan jaminan mutu

Quality management and quality assurance

SNI 19-4288-1996

Pedoman cara produksi yang baik air minum dalam kemasan

Good manufacturing practices for drinking water in pack


SNI 19-9004.2-1995

Manajemen mutu dan unsur-unsur sistem mutu - Bagian 2 : Pedoman untuk jasa

Quality management and element of quality system - Part 2: Guidance for service performance


SNI 19-9004.3-1996

Elemen sistem mutu dan manajemen mutu - Bagian 3: Panduan bagi material yang diproses

Element of quality management and quality system - Part 3: Manual for processed materials


SNI 19-9000.1-1998

Standar manajemen mutu dan jaminan mutu - Bagian 1: Pedoman untuk seleksi dan penggunaan

Quality management and quality assurance standards - Part 1: Guidelines for selection and use


SNI 19-9000.2-1998

Standar manajemen mutu dan jaminan mutu - Bagian 2: Pedoman umum untuk pemakaian SNI 19-9001, SNI 19-9002 dan SNI 19-9003

Quality management and quality assurance standards - Part 2 : General guidelines for the application of SNI 19-9001, SNI 19-9002, and SNI 19-9003


SNI 19-9000.4-1998

Standar manajemen mutu dan jaminan mutu. Bagian 4: Pedoman untuk manajemen program keandalan

Quality management and quality assurance standards - Part 4: Guide to reliability program management


SNI 19-9000.3-1996

Standar manajemen mutu dan jaminan mutu, Bagian 3. Panduan bagi penerapan SNI 19-9001 dalam pengembangan, pasokan dan pemeliharaan perangkat lunak

Quality management and quality assurance standards, Part 3. Guidelines for the application of SNI 9001 to the development, supply and maintenance of software


SNI 19-9000-2001

Sistem manajemen mutu - Dasar-dasar dan kosakata

Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary



ISO 9000: 2000, Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary Translation


SNI 19-9004.4-1998

Unsur-unsur manajemen mutu dan sistem mutu - Bagian 4: Pedoman untuk peningkatan mutu

Quality management and quality system element - Part 4: Guidelines for quality improvement

SNI ISO 9004:2009

Pengelolaan organisasi untuk sukses berkelanjutan - Pendekatan manajemen mutu

Managing for the sustained success of an organization - A quality management approach

ISO 9004:2009 Managing for the sustained success of an organization - A quality management approach Translation SNI ISO 10014:2009

IDT Manajemen mutu - Panduan untuk realisasi manfaat finansial dan ekonomi

Quality management -- Guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits

ISO 10014:2006 Quality management -- Guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits Translation SNI 19-19011-2005

IDT Panduan audit sistem manajemen mutu dan/atau lingkungan

Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management system audit

ISO 19011: 2002, guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing Translation SNI ISO/TS 10004:2011

IDT Manajemen mutu - Kepuasan pelanggan - Pemantauan dan pengukuran

ISO/TS 10004:2010 Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for monitoring and measuring Translation


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Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for monitoring and measuring


SNI ISO/TS 16949:2009

Sistem manajemen mutu - Persyaratan khusus untuk penerapan ISO 9001:2008 bagi organisasi produksi otomotif dan bagian jasa yang relevan

Quality management systems - Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant service part organization

ISO/TS 16949:2009 Quality management systems - Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant service part organization Translation SNI ISO 15189:2009

IDT Laboratorium medik - Persyaratan khusus untuk mutu dan kompetensi

Medical laboratories - Particular requirements for quality and competence

ISO 15189:2007 Medical laboratories -- Particular requirements for quality and competence Translation SNI ISO 9001:2008

IDT Sistem manajemen mutu - Persyaratan

Quality management systems - requirements


ISO 9001:2008, Quality management systems - requirements Translation SNI ISO/IEC 17000:2009

IDT Penilaian kesesuaian - Kosa kata dan prinsip umum

Conformity assessment - Vocabulary and general principle

ISO 17000:2004 Conformity assessment - Vocabulary and general principle Translation SNI ISO 10005:2009

IDT Sistem manajemen mutu - Pedoman untuk rencana mutu

Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality plans

ISO 10005:2009 Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality plans Translation SNI ISO 10004:2012

IDT Manajemen mutu - Kepuasan pelanggan - Panduan pemantauan dan pengukuran

Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for monitoring and measuring


Medical devices - Quality management sistems - Requrements for regulatory purposes


General requirements of competence of reference material producers (ISO Guide 34: 2015, IDT)


ISO 10004:2012 IDT


SNI ISO 13485:2003

Peralatan kesehatan - Sistem manajemen mutu - Persyaratan untuk tujuan regulasi

ISO 13485:2003 dan ISO 13485:2003/Cor.1:2009 IDT


SNI ISO Guide 34:2015

Persyaratan umum kompetensi produsen bahan acuan (ISO Guide 34:2015, IDT)

ISO Guide 34:2015 IDT SNI ISO 18091:2014

Sistem manajemen mutu - Pedoman untuk penerapan SNI ISO 9001:2008 pada pemerintah daerah (ISO 18091:2014, IDT)

Quality management systems - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2008 in local government


ISO 18091:2014 IDT SNI 4807:2015

Metode uji pengukuran temperatur beton segar campuran semen hidraulis (ASTM C1064/C1064M-08, IDT)

Standard test method for temperature of freshly mixed hydraulic-cement concrete (ASTM C1064/C1064M-08, IDT)


ASTM C1064/C1064M-08 IDT SNI ISO/TS 17582:2014

Sistem manajemen mutu - Persyaratan khusus penerapan SNI ISO 9001:2008 untuk organisasi pemilu di semua tingkat pemerintahan

Quality management systems - particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for electoral organizations at all levels of government

ISO/TS 17582:2014 IDT SNI 8340:2016

Sistem manajemen biorisiko laboratorium

Bio-risk laboratory management system

SNI ISO 9000:2015

Sistem manajemen mutu - Dasar-dasar dan kosakata (ISO 9000:2015, IDT)

Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary (ISO 9000:2015, IDT)


ISO 9000:2015 IDT SNI ISO 9001:2015

Sistem manajemen mutu - Persyaratan (ISO 9001:2015, IDT)

Quality management systems - Requirements (ISO 9001:2015, IDT


ISO 9001:2015 IDT SNI 19-10013-1996

Pedoman untuk pengembangan manual mutu

Guidelines for the development of quality manual


SNI 19-10012.1-1996

Persyaratan jaminan mutu untuk peralatan pengukuran. Bagian 1 : Sistem konfirmasi metrologi untuk peralatan pengukuran

Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment. Part 1 : Metrological confirmation systems for measuring equipment


SNI 19-10007-1998

Manajemen mutu. Pedoman untuk manajemen konfigurasi

Quality management. Guidelines for configuration management


SNI 19-10005-1998

Manajemen mutu. Pedoman untuk rencana mutu

Quality management. Guidelines for quality plans



Sertifikasi produk dan perusahaan Penilaian kesesu

Product and company certification. Conformity asse

SNI 19-17020-1999

Persyaratan umum pengoperasian berbagai lembaga inspeksi

General criteria for the operation of various type of bodies performing inspection

SNI ISO/IEC 17043:2010

Penilaian kesesuaian - Persyaratan umum uji profisiensi

Conformity assessment - General requirements for proficiency testing

ISO/IEC 17043:2010 Conformity assessment - General requirements for proficiency testing Translation SNI ISO/IEC Guide 60:2010

IDT Penilaian Kesesuaian - Petunjuk praktik yang baik

Conformity assessment - Code of good practice

ISO/IEC Guide 60:2004 Conformity assessment - Code of good practice Translation


SNI ISO/IEC 17050-1:2010 Penilaian kesesuaian - Deklarasi kesesuaian oleh pemasok - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umu

Conformity assessment -- Supplier's declaration of conformity - Part 1: General requirements

ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004 Conformity assessment - Supplier's declaration of conformity - Part 1: General requirements Translation


SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2008

Persyaratan umum untuk kompetensi laboratorium penguji dan kalibrasi

General requirement for competency of calibration and testing laboratories

SNI ISO/IEC 17007:2010

Penilaian kesesuaian - Pedoman penyusunan dokumen normatif yang sesuai untuk digunakan dalam penilaian kesesuian

Conformity assessment - Guidance for drafting normative documents suitable for use for conformity assessment

ISO/IEC 17007:2009 Conformity assessment - Guidance for drafting normative documents suitable for use for conformity assessment Translation SNI ISO/IEC 17024:2009

IDT Penilaian kesesuaian - Persyaratan umum lembaga sertifikasi personel, IDT

ISO/IEC 17024:2003, Conformity assessment -- General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons, IDT

ISO/IEC 17024:2003 Conformity assessment -- General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons Translation


SNI ISO/IEC 17050-2:2010 Penilaian kesesuaian - Deklarasi kesesuaian oleh pemasok - Bagian 2: Dokumen pendukung

Conformity assessment - Supplier's declaration of conformity - Part 2: Supporting documentation

ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004 Conformity assessment -- Supplier's declaration of conformity - Part 2: Supporting documentation IDT

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SNI ISO/IEC 17021-1:2011 Penilaian kesesuaian - Persyaratan lembaga penyelenggara audit dan sertifikasi sistem manajemen

Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems


ISO/IEC 17021:2011 Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems Translation SNI ISO/IEC 17011:2011

IDT Penilaian kesesuaian – Persyaratan umum badan akreditasi dalam mengakreditasi lembaga penilaian kesesuaian

Conformity assessment -- General requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies


ISO/IEC 17011:2004 Translation SNI ISO/IEC 17024:2012

IDT Penilaian kesesuaian - Persyaratan umum lembaga sertifikasi person

Conformity assessment -- General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons

ISO/IEC 17024:2012 IDT


SNI ISO/TS 22003:2013

Sistem manajemen keamanan pangan - Persyaratan lembaga penyelenggara audit dan sertifikasi sistem manajemen keamanan pangan (ISO/TS 22003:2013, IDT)

Food safety management systems - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of food safety management system (ISO/TS 22003:2013, IDT)


Conformity assessment - Vocabulary related to competence of persons used for certification of person (ISO/IEC TS 17027:2014, IDT)


ISO/TS 22003:2013 IDT SNI ISO/IEC TS 17027:2014

Penilaian kesesuaian - Kosakata terkait kompetensi person yang digunakan untuk sertifikasi person (ISO/IEC TS 17027:2014, IDT)

ISO/IEC TS 17027:2014 IDT SNI ISO/IEC TS 170213:2013

Penilaian kesesuaian - Persyaratan lembaga penyelenggara audit dan sertifikasi sistem manajemen — Bagian 3 : Persyaratan kompetensi audit dan sertifikasi sistem manajemen mutu (ISO/IEC TS 17021-3:2013, IDT)

Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems — Part 3: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of quality management systems

ISO/IEC TS 17021-3:2013 IDT SNI ISO/IEC TS 17023:2013

Penilaian Kesesuaian - Panduan penentuan durasi audit sertifikasi sistem manajemen (ISO/IEC TS 17023:2013, IDT)

Conformity assessment - Guidelines for determining the duration of management system certification audit

ISO/IEC TS 17023:2013 IDT SNI ISO/IEC TS 17022:2012

Penilaian kesesuaian - Persyaratan dan rekomendasi isi laporan audit sistem manajemen oleh pihak ketiga

Conformity assessment - Requirements and recommendations for content of a third-party audit report on management systems


ISO/IEC TS 17022:2012 IDT


SNI ISO/IEC 17065:2012

Penilaian kesesuaian - Persyaratan untuk lembaga sertifikasi produk, proses dan jasa

Conformity assessment -- Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services

ISO/IEC 17065 ed1. 1.0 (2012-09) IDT


SNI ISO 15189:2012

Laboratorium medik - Persyaratan mutu dan kompetensi

Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence


Conformity assessment - General requirements for proficiency testing (ISO/IEC 17043:2010, IDT) Amandement 1


Conformity assessment - Requirements management bodies audit and certification of management systems - Part 1: Requirements (ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015, IDT)


ISO 15189:2012 IDT


SNI ISO/IEC 17043:2010/Amd1:2015

Penilaian kesesuaian - Persyaratan umum uji profisiensi (ISO/IEC 17043:2010, IDT) Amandemen

ISO/IEC 17043:2010 IDT SNI ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 Penilaian kesesuaian - Persyaratan lembaga penyelenggara audit dan sertifikasi sistem manajemen - Bagian 1: Persyaratan (ISO/IEC 170211:2015, IDT) ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 IDT


Aplikasi metode statistik

Application of statistical methods

SNI 19-2308-1991

Interpretasi data secara statistik - Penentuan selang (interval) toleransi secara statistik

Statistical interpretation of data - Determination of a statistical tolerance interval

SNI ISO 3951-1:2016

Prosedur pengambilan contoh untuk pemeriksaan cara variabel – Bagian 1: Spesifikasi untuk rencana pengambilan contoh tunggal yang diindeks dengan batas mutu penerimaan (AQL) untuk pemeriksaan lot per lot dengan karakteristik mutu tunggal dan AQL tunggal (ISO 3951-1:2013, IDT)

Sampling procedures for inspection by variables - Part 1: Specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by lot inspection for a single quality characteristic and a single AQL (ISO 3951-1:2013, IDT)


Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 5: System of sequential sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection (ISO 2859-5:2005, IDT)



ISO 3951-1:2013 SNI ISO 2859-5:2015

IDT Prosedur pengambilan contoh untuk pemeriksaan cara atribut - Bagian 5: Sistem rencana pengambilan contoh bertahap diindeks dengan batas mutu penerimaan (AQL) untuk pemeriksaan lot-per-lot (ISO 2859-5:2005, IDT)

ISO 2859-5:2005 IDT SNI 19-1609-1989


Statistik, Istilah Umum

Statistics, General terms




SNI 19-2968-1992

Laboratorium bahasa

Language laboratories

SNI ISO 29990:2013

Layanan jasa pembelajaran untuk pendidikan non formal dan pelatihan Persyaratan dasar untuk penyedia jasa (ISO 29990:2010, IDT)

Learning services for non-formal education and training - Basic requirements for service providers (ISO 29990:2010, IDT)

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ISO 29990:2010 Coversheet






Transportasi secara umum

SNI 04-3890.3-2000

Transport in general

Klasifikasi kondisi lingkungan - Bagian 3: Klasifikasi kelompok parameter lingkungan dan tingkat kecermatannya - Transportasi

Classification of enviromental condition - Part 3: Classification of group of enviromental parameters and their severities - Transportation


IEC 721-3-2 1985-01, Clasification of environmental conditions Part 3 : Clasification of group of environmental parameters and their severities. Transportation Translation



Transportasi melalui air

SNI 10-4136-1996

Transport by water

Sistem perambuan perairan wilayah A

Traffic sign system in A territorial waters

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Transportasi udara

Air transport

SNI 03-7066-2005

Pemeriksaan penumpang dan barang yang diangkut pesawat udara di bandar udara

The screening of airplane passangers and goods in airports


SNI 8148:2015

Kinerja operasional bandar udara

The operational performance of airports


SNI 8149:2015

Pengamanan fasilitas dan instalasi vital bandar udara

Securing facilities and vital installations airports



Postal services

Jasa pos

SNI 12-2375-1991

Perekat prangko RI

Indonesian postage stamp glue


SNI 12-2373-1991

Perangko Republik Indonesia

Indonesian postage stamps


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Phisics. Chemistry

Fisika. Kimia

SNI ISO/TS 80004-7:2013

Nanoteknologi - Kosa kata - Bagian 7: Diagnostik dan terapi untuk perawatan kesehatan

Nanotechnologies - Vocabulary - Part 7: Diagnostics and therapeutics for healthcare


Nanotechnology - Vocabulary - Part 6: Characteristics of nanoscale objects (ISO / TS 80004-6: 2013, IDT)


ISO/TS 80004-7:2011 Translation SNI ISO/TS 80004-6:2015

IDT Nanoteknologi - Kosakata - Bagian 6: Karakteristik objek nano (ISO/TS 80004-6:2013, IDT)

ISO / TS 80004-6: 2013 IDT SNI ISO/TS 80004-5:2013

Nanoteknologi - Kosakata - Bagian 5: Hubungan material nano dan biologi

Nanotechnologies - Vocabulary - Part 5: Nano/bio interface


ISO/TS 80004-5:2011 IDT SNI ISO/TS 11931:2015

Nanoteknologi - Kalsium karbonat berskala nano dalam bentuk serbuk Karakteristik dan pengukuran (ISO/TS 11931:2012, IDT)

anotechnology - the nanoscale calcium carbonate in the form of powder - Characteristics and measurements (ISO / TS 11931: 2012, IDT)


Nanotechnologies - Endotoxin test on nanomaterial samples for in vitro systems - Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test


ISO / TS 11931: 2012 IDT SNI ISO 29701:2011

Nanoteknologi - Uji endotoksin pada sampel material nano dalam sistem in vitro - Uji Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL)

ISO 29701:2010 Nanotechnologies - Endotoxin test on nanomaterial samples for in vitro systems - Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test Translation SNI ISO/TS 11937:2015

IDT Nanoteknologi - Titanium dioksida berskala nano dalam bentuk serbuk Karakteristik dan pengukuran (ISO/TS 11937:2012, IDT)

Nanotechnology - the nanoscale titanium dioxide in the form of powder - Characteristics and measurements (ISO / TS 11937: 2012, IDT)


Nanotechnology - Guidelines for the development of the test materials represent, containing nanoscale objects in the form of a dry powder (ISO / TS 16 195: 2013, IDT)


Nanotechnologies - Methodology for the classification and categorization of nanomaterials


ISO / TS 11937: 2012 IDT SNI ISO/TS 16195:2015

Nanoteknologi - Pedoman untuk pengembangan bahan uji yang mewakili, mengandung objek nano dalam bentuk serbuk kering (ISO/TS 16195:2013, IDT)

ISO / TS 16 195: 2013 IDT SNI ISO/TR 11360:2011

Nanoteknologi - Metodologi klasifikasi dan penggolongan material nano

ISO/TR 11360:2010 Nanotechnologies - Methodology for the classification and categorization of nanomaterials Translation SNI ISO/TS 17200:2015

IDT Nanoteknologi - Partikel nano dalam bentuk serbuk - Karakteristik dan pengukuran (ISO/TS 17200:2013, IDT)

Nanotechnology - Nanoparticles in powder form - Characteristics and measurements (ISO / TS 17200: 2013, IDT)


Nano materials - Preparation of material safety data sheet (MSDS) (ISO / TR 13329: 2012, IDT)


ISO / TS 17200: 2013 IDT SNI ISO/TR 13329:2015

Material nano - Persiapan lembar data keselamatan material (MSDS) (ISO/TR 13329:2012, IDT)

ISO / TR 13329: 2012 IDT SNI ISO/TS 80004-4:2013

Nanoteknologi - Kosakata - Bagian 4: Material berstruktur nano

Nanotechnology - Vocabulary - Part 4: Nanostructured materials


ISO/TS 80004-4:2011 Translation SNI ISO/TS 12025:2015

IDT Material nano - Kuantifikasi pelepasan objek nano dari serbuk yang dihasilkan dari aerosol (ISO/TS 12025:2012, IDT)

Nano materials - Quantification of the release of nanoscale objects from powder produced from aerosols (ISO / TS 12025: 2012, IDT)


Nanotechnology - Guidelines for the physical-chemical characterization of nanoscale materials engineered for toxicology assessment (ISO / TR 13014: 2012, IDT)


Nanotechnology - The model taxonomic framework for use in the development of vocabulary - The core concept (ISO / TS 12802: 2010, IDT)


Nanotechnology - Manual measurement methods for nano and micro tribologi- (ISO / TR 11 811: 2012, IDT)


Nanotechnology - Characterization of nanoparticles in inhalation exposure chamber for inhalation toxicity testing (ISO 10808: 2010, IDT)


Nanotechnology - The formation of metal nanoparticles for inhalation toxicity testing using the method of evaporation/condensation (ISO 10801:2015, IDT)



ISO / TS 12025: 2012 IDT SNI ISO/TR 13014:2015

Nanoteknologi - Panduan untuk karekterisasi kimia-fisik material berskala nano terekayasa untuk penilaian toksikologi (ISO/TR 13014:2012, IDT)

ISO / TR 13014: 2012 IDT SNI ISO/TR 12802:2015

Nanoteknologi - Kerangka kerja model taksonomi untuk penggunaan dalam pengembangan kosakata - Konsep inti (ISO/TS 12802:2010, IDT)

ISO / TS 12802: 2010 IDT SNI ISO/TR 11811:2015

Nanoteknologi - Panduan metode pengukuran untuk tribologi- nano dan mikro (ISO/TR 11811:2012, IDT)

ISO / TR 11811: 2012 IDT SNI ISO 10808:2015

Nanoteknologi - Karakterisasi partikel nano dalam ruang paparan inhalasi untuk pengujian toksisitas inhalasi (ISO 10808:2010, IDT)

ISO 10808: 2010 IDT SNI ISO 10801:2015

Nanoteknologi - Pembentukan partikel nano logam untuk pengujian toksisitas inhalasi menggunakan metode evaporasi/kondensasi (ISO 10801:2015, IDT)

ISO 10801:2015 IDT SNI 7803:2013

Prosedur pengumpulan nama rupa bumi

Procedures for collecting names of surface of the earth

SNI ISO/TS 12805:2013

Nanoteknologi - Spesifikasi material - Pedoman untuk menentukan spesifikasi objek nano

Nanotechnologies - Materials specifications - Guidance on specifying nano-objects


ISO/TS 12805:2011 Translation



Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography

Astronomi. Geodesi. Geografi

SNI 19-6502.1-2000

Spesifikasi teknis peta rupabumi skala 1 : 10.000

Technical specification of topography maps scala 1 : 10.000

SNI 7336:2008

Pertukaran data lintang, bujur, dan tinggi lokasi geografis

Data exchange for geografic location of diagonal, longitude and latitude

SNI 7646:2010

Survei hidrografi menggunakan singlebeam echosounder

Hydrographic surveys using singlebeam echosounder

SNI 6502.2:2010

Spesifikasi penyajian peta rupa bumi skala 1:25.000

Technical specification of topography maps scale 1 : 25.000

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SNI 6502.3:2010

Spesifikasi penyajian peta rupa bumi skala 1:50.000

Technical specification of topography maps scale 1 : 50.000

SNI 6502.4:2010

Spesifikasi penyajian peta rupa bumi skala 1:250.000

Technical specification of topography maps scale 1 : 250.000

SNI 7335:2008

Metadata spasial

Spatial metadata

SNI 7925:2013

Pemetaan lahan gambut skala 1:50.000 berbasis citra penginderaan jauh

1:50,000 scale mapping of peat-based remote sensing image

SNI 7644:2010

Basis data spasial oseanografi suhu, salinitas, oksigen terlarut, derajat keasaman, turbiditas, dan kecerahan

Spatial database oceanographic temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, and brightness

SNI 7645:2010

Klasifikasi penutup lahan

Land cover classification

SNI 7716:2011

Pemetaan habitat perairan laut dangkal - Bagian 1: Pemetaan terumbu karang dan padang lamun

Mapping of shallow marine habitat - Part 1: Mapping of coral reefs and seagrass beds

SNI 7717:2011

Survei dan pemetaan mangrove

Survey and mapping of mangrove

SNI 7924:2013

Instalasi stasiun pasang surut

Installation of ebb and flow stations

SNI 7966:2014

Spesifikasi teknis triangulasi udara

Technical specifications of aerial triangulation

SNI 7988:2014

Survei batimetri menggunakan multibeam echosounder

Bathymetric surveys using multibeam echosounder

SNI 7645-1:2014

Klasifikasi penutup lahan - Bagian 1: Skala kecil dan menengah

Land cover classification - Part 1: Small and medium scale

SNI 7965:2014

Prosedur pemotretan udara digital

Procedures of digital aerial photography

SNI 7987:2014

Klasifikasi liputan dasar laut

Classification coverage of the seafloor

SNI IEC 61331-3:2013

Alat pelindung terhadap radiasi sinar-X pada diagnostik medis - Bagian 3: Pakaian pelindung dan alat pelindung gonad

Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 3: Protective clothing and protective devices for gonads




IEC 61331-3:1998 Translation


SNI 7802:2013

Prosedur pemotretan udara analog

Procedure of analog aerial photography


SNI 7645-1:2014

Klasifikasi penutup lahan - Bagian 1: Skala kecil dan menengah

Land cover classification - Part 1: Small and Medium Scale


SNI 8197:2015

Metode pemetaan rawan banjir skala 1:50.000 dan 1:25.000

Flood-prone method of mapping scale of 1:50.000 and 1:25.000


SNI 8202:2015

Ketelitian peta dasar

Accuracy base map


SNI ISO/TS 19127:2015

Informasi geografis - Kode dan parameter geodetik (ISO/TS 19127:2007, IDT)

Geographic information - Geodetic codes and parameters (ISO/TS 19127:2007, IDT)


ISO 191276:2005 IDT SNI 8200:2015

Prosedur penentuan batas Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) untuk peta skala 1:250.000

Delimitation procedure Watershed (DAS) to a map scale of 1:250.000


SNI 6728.2:2015

Penyusunan neraca spasial sumber daya alam - Bagian 2: Sumber daya hutan

Preparation of the spatial balance of natural resources - Part 2: Forest resources


SNI 6728.1:2015

Penyusunan neraca spasial sumber daya alam - Bagian 1: Sumber daya air

Preparation of the spatial balance of natural resources - Part 1: Water resources


SNI 6728.4:2015

Penyusunan neraca spasial sumber daya alam - Bagian 4: Sumber daya dan cadangan mineral dan batubara

Preparation of the spatial balance of natural resources - Part 4: Resources and reserves of mineral and coal


SNI 8196:2015

Spesifikasi penyajian peta curah hujan

Specifications presentation for rainfall map


SNI 8310.1:2016

Penyajian atlas tactual (tactile) - Bagian 1: Simbol unsur peta dasar

Presentation tactile atlas - Part 1: Symbols basic map elements

SNI 19-6727-2002

Peta dasar lingkungan pantai Indonesia skala 1:250000

Basic maps of Indonesian coast environment scale 1:250000


SNI 19-6725-2002

Peta lingkungan bandar udara Indonesia skala 1:25000

Enviromental maps of Indonesia airport , scale 1:25000


SNI 19-6726-2002

Peta dasar lingkungan pantai Indonesia skala 1:50000

Basic maps of indonesia coast environment , scale 1:50000



Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology

Geologi. Meteorologi. Hidrologi

SNI 13-6183-1999

Penyusunan peta geomorfologi

Preparation of geomophology maps


SNI 13-4686-1998

Penyusunan peta anomali gaya berat

Preparation of gravity anomaly maps


SNI 13-4689-1998

Penyusunan peta kawasan rawan bencana gunung api

Preparation of maps of volcano disaster disturbance area


SNI 18-6009-1999

Klasifikasi potensi energi panas bumi di Indonesia

Classification of potential earth heat energy in Indonesia


SNI 13-7124-2005

Penyusunan peta zona kerentanan gerakan tanah

The compiling of susceptibility zone map of land movements


SNI 13-4729-1998

Legenda umum peta hidrogeologi Indonesia skala 1: 250.000

General legend of hydrogeology maps of Indonesia scale 1: 250.000


SNI 13-4728-1998

Penyusunan peta geologi gunung api

Preparation of geological maps of volcanoes


SNI 13-4932-1998

Legenda umum peta geologi teknik Indonesia skala 1:100.000

General legend of technical geological maps of Indonesia, scale 1:100,000


SNI 13-6184-1999

Penyusunan peta anomali magnetik total laut skala 1 : 250.000

Preparation of marine total magnetic anomaly maps, scale 1:250.000


SNI 13-4727-1998

Penyusunan peta geologi kuarter

Preparation of quarter geological maps


SNI 13-4688-1998

Penyusunan peta sumber daya mineral, batubara dan gambut

Preparation of mineral, coal and peat resource maps


SNI 13-6608-2001

Penafsiran seismik pantul laut saluran tunggal

Interpretation of marine single channel reflection seismic


SNI 13-6182-1999

Legenda umum peta zona kerentanan gerakan tanah Indonesia skala 1:100.000

General legend of susceptibility zone map of land movements in Indonesia, scale 1:100.000


SNI 13-6499.1-2000

Penyusuan peta anomali magnet

Preparation of magnetic anomaly maps


SNI 13-6010-1999

Penyusunan peta seismotektonik

Preparation of seismotectonic maps


SNI 13-6482-2000

Angka parameter dalam estimasi potensi energi panas bumi

Parameter number on estimation of geothermal energy potention

SNI 13-6012-1999

Penyusunan peta sebaran sedimen permukaan dasar laut

Preparation of maps of sediments distribution on the surface of the bottom of the sea


SNI 13-6169-1999

Metode estimasi potensi energi panas bumi

Method for estimating the potential of geothermal energy


SNI 13-6499.2-2000

Penyusunan peta anomali gaya berat laut

Preparation of sea gravity anomaly maps


SNI 13-4691-1998

Penyusunan peta geologi

Preparation of geological maps


SNI 5015:2011

Pedoman pelaporan, sumberdaya, dan cadangan batubara

Guidelines of reporting, resources, and coal reserves


SNI 4726:2011

Pedoman pelaporan, sumberdaya, dan cadangan mineral

Guidelines of reporting, resources, and nimeral reserves


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SNI 7963:2014

Pengamatan pasang surut

Observations of tidal

SNI 7964:2014

Prosedur pembangunan Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS)

Procedure of Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) development


Biology. Botany. Zoology

Biologi. Ilmu tumbuh-tumbuhan. Ilmu hewan

SNI ISO/ASTM 51940:2015

Panduan dosimetri untuk program pelepasan serangga mandul (ISO ASTM 51940:2013, IDT)

Guide dosimetry for sterile insects release programs (ISO/ASTM 51940: 2013, IDT)


ISO/ASTM 51940:2013 IDT





Mikrobiologi medis

Medical microbiology

SNI 7303:2009

Metode identifikasi bakteri Aeromonas Hydrophita secara biokimia

Biochemical identification methodes of Aeromonas Hydrophita

SNI 7305:2009

Metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) untuk identifikasi White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) dan Invectious Hypodermal and Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV)

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method for White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) and Invectious Hypodermal and Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) identification


SNI 7307:2009

Metode Reverse Transcriptase (RT) - Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) untuk identfikasi Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV) dan Yellow Head Virus (YHV)

Reverse Transcriptase (RT) - Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) methods for Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV) and Yellow Head Virus (YHV) identification



Mikrobiologi air


Microbiology of water

SNI 03-3962-1995

Metode pengujian distribusi butir sedimen layang secara gravimetri dengan ayakan

Test method for light sediment grain distribution gravimetrically by sieves

SNI ISO 9308-1:2010

Kualitas air - Deteksi dan penghitungan bakteri Coliform dan Escherichia coli - Bagian 1: Metode filtrasi dengan membran

Water quality - Detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria -- Part 1: Membrane filtration method


ISO 9308-1:2000 Water quality -- Detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria -- Part 1: Membrane filtration method Translation SNI ISO 7899-2:2010

IDT Kualitas air - Deteksi dan penghitungan enterococci intestinal - Bagian 2: Metode filtrasi dengan membran

Water quality - Detection and enumeration of intestinal enterococci -- Part 2: Membrane filtration method

ISO 7899-2:2000 Water quality -- Detection and enumeration of intestinal enterococci -- Part 2: Membrane filtration method Translation SNI ISO 6461-2:2010

IDT Kualitas air - Deteksi dan penghitungan bakteri anaerob pereduksi sulfite pembentuk spora (Clostridia) - Bagian 2: Metode filtrasi dengan membran

Water quality - Detection and enumeration of the spores of sulfite-reducing anaerobes (clostridia) -- Part 2: Method by membrane filtration

ISO 6461-2:1986 Water quality -- Detection and enumeration of the spores of sulfite-reducing anaerobes (clostridia) -- Part 2: Method by membrane filtration Translation SNI ISO 17994:2011

IDT Kualitas air - Kriteria untuk menetapkan kesetaraan antara metode mikrobiologi

Water quality - Criteria for establishing equivalence between microbiological methods

ISO 17994:2004, Water quality - Criteria for establishing equivalence between microbiological methods Translation SNI ISO/TR 13843:2011

IDT Kualitas air - Pedoman validasi metode mikrobiologi

Water quality - Guidance on validation of microbiological methods

ISO/TR 13843:2000, Water quality - Guidance on validation of microbiological methods Translation



Mikrobiologi makanan

Food microbiology

SNI 01-4455-1998

Cara uji bakteri termofilik

Test method for thermophilic bacteria


SNI 7304:2009

Prosedur diagnosis penyakit viral secara histopatologik pada udang Penaeid

Histopathologic diagnosis procerure for viral diseases on shrimp Penaeid


SNI ISO 7932:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk enumerasi Bacillus cereus terduga – Teknik penghitungan koloni pada suhu 30 °C

Microbiology of food and animal feeding - Horizontal method for enumeration of Bacillus cereus - colony count technique at 30 ° C


Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations - Part 5: Specific rules for the prepaation of milk and milk products


Microbiology of food and animal feeding - Horizontal method for enumeration of coagulation-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - Part 1: Technique using Baird-Parker media


Microbiology of food and animal feeding - Horizontal method for enumeration of coagulation-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - Part 2: Technique using rabbit plasma fibrinogen media


Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk enumerasi staphylococci koagulasi-positif (Staphylococcus aureus dan spesies lain) – Bagian 3: Deteksi dan teknik APM untuk jumlah yang rendah

Microbiology of food and animal feeding - Horizontal method for enumeration of coagulation-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - Part 3: Detection and APM technique for low numbers


IDT Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk deteksi dan enumerasi – Campylobacter spp. – Bagian 1: Metode deteksi

Microbiology of food and animal feeding - Horizontal method for detection and enumeration - Campylobacter spp. - Part 1: Method of detection


Microbiology of food and animal feeding - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli - Most Likely Numbers Engineering (MLNE)


Microbiology of food and animal feeding - Guidelines for the preparation and production of culture media - Part 2: Practical Guidelines on performance testing of culture media


ISO 7932 IDT SNI ISO 6887-5:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Penyiapan contoh uji, suspensi awal, dan pengenceran desimal untuk pengujian mikrobiologi – Bagian 5: Aturan khusus untuk penyiapan susu dan produk susu

ISO 6887-5 IDT SNI ISO 6888-1:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metoda horizontal untuk enumerasi staphylococci koagulasi-positif (Staphylococcus aureus dan spesies lain) – Bagian 1: Teknik menggunakan media Baird-Parker agar

ISO 6888-1 IDT SNI ISO 6888-2:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metoda horizontal untuk enumerasi staphylococci koagulasi-positif (Staphylococcus aureus dan spesies lain) – Bagian 2: Teknik menggunakan media rabbit plasma fibrinogen agar

ISO 6888-2 IDT SNI ISO 6888-3:2012

ISO 6888-3 SNI ISO 10272-1:2012 ISO 10272-1 IDT SNI ISO 7251:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk deteksi dan enumerasi Escherichia coli terduga – Teknik Angka Paling Mungkin (APM)

ISO 7251 IDT SNI ISO/TS 11133-2:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Pedoman penyiapan dan pembuatan media biakan — Bagian 2: Pedoman praktis pengujian kinerja media biakan

ISO/TS 11133-2 IDT

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SNI ISO 7937:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk enumerasi Clostridium perfringens – Teknik penghitungan koloni

Microbiology of food and animal feeding - Horizontal method for enumeration of Clostridium perfringens - Colony count technique


ISO 7937 IDT SNI ISO 4831:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk deteksi dan enumerasi koliform – Teknik Angka Paling Mungkin (APM)

Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of coliforms - Most probable number technique

ISO 4831:2006 IDT SNI ISO 11290-1:2012

IDT Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk deteksi dan enumerasi Listeria monocytogenes – Bagian 1: Metode deteksi

Microbiology of food and animal feeding - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes - Part 1: Method of detection


Microbiology of food and animal feeding - Guidelines for the preparation and manufacture of culture media - Part 1: General guidelines of quality assurance in laboratory culture media preparation


Microbiology of food and animal feeding - General requirements and guidance for microbiological testing


Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination -- Part 1: General rules for the preparation of the initial suspension and decimal dilutions


Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations Part 4: Specific requirement for the preparation of fish and fishery products


Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations Part 3: Specific rules for the preparation of fish and fishery products


Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations - Part 1: General rules for the preparation of the initial suspension and decimal dilutions


ISO 11290-1 IDT SNI ISO/TS 11133-1:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Pedoman penyiapan dan pembuatan media biakan — Bagian 1: Pedoman umum jaminan mutu penyiapan media biakan di laboratorium

ISO/TS 11133-1 IDT SNI ISO 7218:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Persyaratan umum dan pedoman untuk pengujian mikrobiologi

ISO 7218 IDT SNI ISO 21528-1:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk deteksi dan enumerasi Enterobacteriaceae – Bagian 1: Deteksi dan enumerasi menggunakan teknik APM dengan pra-pengayaan

ISO 21528-1 IDT SNI ISO 6887-4:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan – Penyiapan contoh uji, suspensi awal dan pengenceran desimal untuk pengujian mikrobiologi – Bagian 4: Aturan khusus untuk penyiapan produk lain selain susu dan produk susu, daging dan produk daging, dan ikan serta pro

ISO 6887-4 SNI ISO 6887-3:2012

IDT Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan – Penyiapan contoh uji, suspensi awal dan pengenceran desimal untuk pengujian mikrobiologi – Bagian 3: Aturan khusus untuk penyiapan ikan dan produk perikanan

ISO 6887-3 IDT SNI ISO 6887-1:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan – Penyiapan contoh uji, suspensi awal dan pengenceran desimal untuk pengujian mikrobiologi – Bagian 1: Aturan umum untuk penyiapan suspensi awal dan pengenceran desimal

ISO 6887-1 IDT SNI ISO 4832:2012

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk deteksi dan enumerasi koliform – Teknik perhitungan koloni

Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of coliforms - Colony-count technique

ISO 4832:2006 IDT SNI ISO 21527-1:2012

IDT Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk enumerasi kapang dan khamir – Bagian 1: Teknik perhitungan koloni pada produk dengan aktivitas air lebih besar dari 0,95

Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of yeasts and moulds - Part 1: Colony count technique in products with water activity greater than 0,95

ISO 21527-1:2008 IDT SNI ISO 21527-2:2012

IDT Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk enumerasi kapang dan khamir – Bagian 2: Teknik perhitungan koloni pada produk dengan aktivitas air kurang dari atau sama dengan 0,95

Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of yeasts and moulds - Part 2: Colony count technique in products with water activity less than or equal to 0,95

ISO 21527-2:2008 IDT SNI ISO 6887-2:2012

IDT Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan – Penyiapan contoh uji, suspensi awal dan pengenceran desimal untuk pengujian mikrobiologi – Bagian 2: Aturan khusus untuk penyiapan daging dan produk daging

Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations - Part 2: Specific rules for the preparation of meat and meat products


ISO 6887-2 IDT SNI ISO 16140:2015

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Protokol validasi metode alternatif (ISO 16140:2003, IDT)

Microbiology of food and feed - Protocol validation of alternative methods (ISO 16140: 2003, IDT)


SNI ISO/TS 21872-1:2015

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk deteksi Vibrio spp. berpotensi enteropatogenik - Bagian 1 : Deteksi Vibrio parahaemolyticus dan Vibrio cholera (ISO/TS 21872-1:2007, IDT)

Microbiology of food and feed - Horizontal method for the detection of Vibrio spp. potentially enteropathogenic - Part 1: Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae (ISO / TS 21872-1: 2007, IDT)


SNI ISO/TS 21872-2:2015

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk deteksi Vibrio spp. berpotensi enteropatogenik - Bagian 2 : Deteksi spesies selain Vibrio parahaemolyticus dan Vibrio cholera (ISO/TS 21872-2:2007, IDT)

Microbiology of food and feed - Horizontal method for the detection of Vibrio spp. potentially enteropathogenic - Part 2: Detection of species other than Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae (ISO / TS 21872-2: 2007, IDT)


SNI ISO/TS 17728:2015

Mikrobiologi rantai pangan - Teknik pengambilan contoh untuk analisis mikrobiologis contoh bahan pangan dan pakan (ISO/TS 17728:2015, IDT)

Microbiology of the food chain - Mechanical sampling for microbiological analysis of food and feed samples of materials (ISO / TS 17 728: 2015, IDT)


SNI ISO 4833-1:2015

Mikrobiologi rantai pangan - Metode horizontal untuk enumerasi mikroorganisme - Bagian 1: Penghitungan koloni pada suhu 30 °C dengan teknik cawan tuang (ISO 4833-1:2013, IDT)

Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms Part 1: Calculation of colonies at 30 ° C with a cup engineering castings (ISO 4833-1: 2013, IDT)


SNI 8276:2015

Panduan standar iradiasi produk daging dan unggas olahan dalam kemasan untuk mengendalikan mikroorganisme patogen dan mikroorganisme lainnya (ASTM E2449 − 05 (Reapproved 2013), IDT)

Standard guide irradiation of meat and poultry products processed in the packaging for the control of pathogens and other microorganisms (ASTM E2449 - 05 (Reapproved 2013), IDT)


ASTM E2449 − 05 (Reapproved 2013) IDT SNI ISO 6579:2015

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk deteksi Salmonella spp. (ISO 6579:2002, Corr1:2004,dan Amd1:2007, IDT)

Microbiology of food and feed - Horizontal method for the detection of Salmonella spp. (ISO 6579: 2002, Corr1: 2004, and Amd1: 2007, IDT)


SNI ISO 18593:2015

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk teknik pengambilan contoh dari permukaan menggunakan cawan kontak dan swab (ISO 18593:2004, IDT)

Microbiology of food and feed - Horizontal methods for sampling techniques from surfaces using contact and swab cup (ISO 18 593: 2004, IDT)


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SNI ISO/TR 6579-3:2015

Mikrobiologi rantai pangan - Metode horizontal untuk deteksi, enumerasi, dan serotyping Salmonella - Bagian 3 : Pedoman serotyping Salmonella spp. (ISO/TR 6579-3:2014, IDT)

Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for the detection, enumeration and serotyping of Salmonella - Part 3: Guidelines for serotyping Salmonella spp. (ISO / TR 6579-3: 2014, IDT)

SNI ISO/TS 6579-2:2015

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Metode horizontal untuk deteksi, enumerasi, dan serotyping Salmonella - Bagian 2 : Enumerasi dengan teknik Angka Paling Mungkin miniatur (miniaturized most probable number technique) (ISO/TS 6579-2:2012, IDT)

Microbiology of food and feed - Horizontal method for the detection, enumeration and serotyping of Salmonella - Part 2: Enumeration techniques Most Likely miniature figures (miniaturized most probable number technique) (ISO / TS 6579-2: 2012, IDT)


SNI ISO 13307:2015

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan - Tahap produksi primer - Teknik pengambilan contoh (ISO 13307:2013, IDT)

Microbiology of food and feed - primary production stage - sampling techniques (ISO 13307: 2013, IDT)


SNI ISO 11290-2:2015

Mikrobiologi bahan pangan dan pakan – Metode horizontal untuk deteksi dan enumerasi Listeria monocytogenes - Bagian 2: Metode enumerasi (ISO 11290-2:1998 dan Amd 1:2004, IDT)

Microbiology of food and feed - Horizontal method for detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes - Part 2: enumeration method (ISO 11290-2: 1998 and Amd 1: 2004, IDT)


Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms Part 2: Calculation of colonies at 30 ° C with scattered cup technique (ISO 4833-2: 2013 and Cor 1: 2014, IDT)



ISO 11290-2:1998 dan Amd 1:2004 SNI ISO 4833-2:2015

IDT Mikrobiologi rantai pangan - Metode horizontal untuk enumerasi mikroorganisme - Bagian 2: Penghitungan koloni pada suhu 30 °C dengan teknik cawan sebar (ISO 4833-2:2013 dan Cor 1:2014, IDT)

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Medical equipment

Peralatan medis

SNI ISO 9918-2008

Persyaratan keselamatan kapnometer untuk digunakan pada manusia

Safety requirement of capnometers use for human


ISO 9918, Safety requirement of capnometers use for human Translation SNI ISO 11193-2:2010

IDT Sarung tangan untuk pemeriksaan medis sekali pakai - Bagian 2: Spesifikasi untuk sarung tangan terbuat dari polivinil klorida (PVC)

Single-use medical examination gloves - Part 2: Specification for gloves made from polyvinyl chloride

ISO 11193-2:2006 Translation SNI ISO 11193-1:2010

IDT Sarung tangan untuk pemeriksaan medis sekali pakai - Bagian 1: Spesifikasi untuk sarung tangan terbuat dari lateks atau larutan karet

Single-use medical examination gloves - Part 1: Sepcification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution

ISO 11193-1;2008 Translation SNI ISO 15747:2012

IDT Wadah plastik untuk injeksi intravena

Plastic containers for intravenous injection

ISO 15747:2010, IDT IDT SNI ISO 8638:2012

Implan kardiovaskular dan sistem ekstrakorporeal - Sirkuit darah ekstrakorporeal untuk hemodialiser, hemodiafilter dan hemofilter

Cardiovascular implants and extracorporeal systems - extracorporeal blood circuit for hemodialiser, hemodiafilter and hemofilter

ISO 8638:2010, IDT IDT SNI IEC/TR 61948-1:2012

Instrumentasi kedokteran nuklir - Uji rutin - Bagian 1: Sistem pencacahan radiasi

Nucreal medicine instrumentation - Routine test - Part 1: Radiation counting system

IEC / TR 61948-1:2001 IDT SNI IEC/TR 61948-3:2012

IDT Instrumentasi kedokteran nuklir - Uji rutin - Bagian 3: Tomografi emisi positron

Nucreal medicine instrumentation - Routine test - Part 3: Positron emission tomographs

IEC / TR 61948-3:2005 IDT SNI IEC 62467-1:2012

IDT Peralatan listrik medis - Instrumen dosimetri yang digunakan dalam brakiterapi - Bagian 1: Instrumen yang digunakan pada bilik ionisasi tipe sumur (well-type)

Medical electrical equipment - Dosimetric instruments as used in brachytherapy - Part 1: Instruments based on well-type ionization chambers

IEC 62467-1-4:2009 IDT SNI IEC 60789:2012

IDT Peralatan listrik medis - Karakteristik dan kondisi uji alat pencitraan radionuklida - Kamera gamma tipe Anger

Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics and test conditions of radionuclide imaging devices - Anger type gamma cameras

IEC 60789:2010 IDT SNI IEC/TR 61948-2:2012

IDT Instrumentasi kedokteran nuklir - Uji rutin - Bagian 2: Kamera sintilasi dan pencitraan single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)

Nucreal medicine instrumentation - Routine test - Part 2: Scintillation cameras and single photon emission computed tomography imaging

IEC / TR 61948-2:2001 IDT SNI IEC 80601-2-35:2012

IDT Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-35: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial alat pemanas yang menggunakan selimut, alas atau matras dan yang dimaksudkan untuk pemanas dalam penggunaan medis

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-35: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of heating devices using blankets, mats or mattresses and intended for heating in medical use

IEC 80601-2-35:2009, IDT IDT SNI ISO 8536-4:2012

Peralatan infus untuk pemakaian medik - Bagian 4: Set infus sekali pakai, berdasarkan gravitasi

Infusion equipment for medical use - Part 4: disposable infusion sets, based on gravity

ISO 8536-4:2010, IDT IDT SNI 7848:2013

Penyelenggaraan demostration activity (DA) REDD+

Execution of demostration activity (DA) REDD+

SNI IEC 60613:2012

Karakteristik kelistrikan dan pembebanan pada rakitan tabung sinar-X untuk diagnosis medik

Electrical and loading characteristics of X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis

IEC 60613:2010 IDT SNI ISO 22413:2012

IDT Set transfer untuk sediaan farmasi - Persyaratan dan metode uji

Set transfer for pharmaceutical preparations - Requirements and test methods

ISO 22413:2010, IDT IDT SNI IEC 60601-1-2:2012

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 1-2: Persyaratan umum untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial - Standar kolateral: elektromagnetik - Persyaratan dan pengujian

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-2: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral Standard: Electromagnetic compability - Requirements and testing

IEC 60601-1-2:2007, IDT IDT SNI ISO 27427:2016

Peralatan anestesi dan respirasi - Sistem nebulasi dan komponennya ISO 27427:2013 ed 3.0, IDT)

Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment -- Nebulizing systems and components (ISO 27427:2013 ed 3.0, IDT)

ISO 27427:2013 ed 3.0 IDT SNI ISO 9170-1:2012

Unit terminal untuk sistem pemipaan gas medik - Bagian 1: Unit terminal yang digunakan dengan gas medik bertekanan dan vakum

Terminal units for medical gas pipeline systems - Part 1: Terminals unit for use with compressed medical gases and vacuum

ISO 9170-1:2008, IDT IDT SNI ISO 80601-2-56:2012

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-56: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial termometer klinis pengukur tempratur badan

Elektromedik equipment - Part 2-56: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of clinical thermometers measure body tempratur

ISO 80601-2-56:2009, IDT IDT SNI ISO 81060-2:2012

Tensimeter non-invasif - Bagian 2: Validasi klinis tipe pengukuran otomatis

ISO 81060-2:2009 dan ISO 81060-2:2009 Corr.1: 2011, IDT IDT

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Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 2: Clinical Validation of automated measurement type


SNI IEC 60601-2-17:2012

Peralatan listrik medis - Bagian 2-17: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan peraltan kendali otomatis afterloading brakiterapi

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for the basic safety of automatically-controlled brachtherapy afterloading equipment

IEC 60601-2-17:2010 IDT


SNI IEC 60601-2-43:2012

Peralatan listrik medis - Bagian 2-43: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja penting pada perlengkapan sinar-X untuk prosedur intervensional

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-43: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for interventional procedures

IEC 60601-2-43:2010 IDT


SNI IEC 60522:2012

Penentuan filtrasi permanen untuk rakitan tabung sinar-X

Determination of the permanent filtration of X-ray tube assemblies

IEC 60522:1999 IDT


SNI IEC/TR 60930:2016

Pedoman untuk petugas penatalaksanaan dan paramedis yang berhubungan dengan keselamatan penggunaan peralatan elektromedik dan sistem elektromedik (IEC/TR 60930:2008 ed 2.0, IDT)

Guidelines for administrative, medical and nursing staff concerned with the safe use of medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems (IEC/TR 60930:2008 ed 2.0, IDT)


IEC/TR 60930:2008 ed 2.0 IDT SNI IEC/TR 61948-4:2012

Instrumentasi kedokteran nuklir - Uji rutin - Bagian 4: Kalibrator radionuklida

Nucreal medicine instrumentation - Routine test - Part 4: Radionuclide calibrators

IEC / TR 61948-4:2006 IDT



Peralatan medis secara umum

SNI 16-6646-2002

Medical equipment in general

Spesifikasi timbangan bayi

Specification for baby weighing machines


BS 1887 : 1996 Specification .for person weighing machines and height-measuring equipmentfor hospital, welfare and health services Translation SNI IEC 60601-2-28:2009

MOD Peralatan listrik medik - Bagian 2-28: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan rakitan sumber sinar-X dan rakitan tabung sinar-X untuk diagnostik

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-28: Particular requirements for the safety of X-ray source assemblies and X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis (IEC 60601-228:1993, IDT)

IEC 60601-2-28 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of X-ray source assemblies and X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis Edition 1.0 (1993-03)Edition 1.0 (1993-03) Translation SNI IEC 60601-2-36:2009

IDT Peralatan listrik medik - Bagian 2-36: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan alat induksi litotripsi ekstrakorporeal

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-36: Particular requirements for the safety of equipment for extracorporeally induced lithotripsy (IEC 60601-2-36:1997, IDT)

IEC 60601-2-36 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of equipment for extracorporeally induced lithotripsy Edition 1.0 (1997-03) Translation


SNI IEC 60601-2-40:2009

Peralatan listrik medik - Bagian 2-40: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan alat elektromiograf dan pemicunya

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for the safety of electromyographs and evoked response equipment (IEC 60601-2-40:1998, IDT)

SNI ISO 81060-1:2009

Tensimeter non-invasif (non-invasive sphygmomanometers) - Bagian 1: Persyaratan dan metode uji untuk tipe pengukuran non-otomatis

Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for non automated measurement type

ISO 81060-1:2007 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for non automated measurement type Translation SNI IEC 60601-2-5:2009

IDT Peralatan listrik medik - Bagian 2-5: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan peralatan fisioterapi ultrasonik

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for the safety of ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment (IEC 60601-2-5:2000, IDT)

IEC 60601-2-5 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for the safety of ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment Edition 2.0 (2000-07) Translation SNI IEC 60601-2-7:2009

IDT Peralatan listrik medik - Bagian 2-7: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan pembangkit tegangan tinggi pesawat sinar-X diagnostik

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for the safety of highvoltage generators of diagnostic X-ray generators (IEC 60601-2-7:1998, IDT)

IEC 60601-2-7 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for the safety of high-voltage generators of diagnostic X-ray generators Edition 2.0 (1998-02) Translation SNI ISO 14971:2015

IDT Alat kesehatan - Penerapan manajemen resiko pada alat kesehatan (ISO 14971:2007, IDT)

Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices (ISO 14971: 2007, IDT)


ISO 14971:2007 IDT SNI IEC/TR 60878:2014

Simbol grafis untuk peralatan elektrik pada praktek medis (IEC/TR 60878:2003, IDT)

Graphical symbols for electrical equipment in medical practice

IEC/TR 60878:2003 IDT SNI IEC/TR 61289:2016

Peralatan bedah frekuensi tinggi - Pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan (IEC/TR 61289:2011 ed 1.0, IDT)

High frequency surgical equipment - Operation and maintenance (IEC/TR 61289:2011 ed 1.0, IDT)


IEC/TR 61289:2011 ed 1.0 IDT SNI IEC 80601-2-60:2014

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-60: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial peralatan dental (IEC 80601-260:2012, IDT)

Electromedical equipment - Part 2-60: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of dental equipment

IEC 80601-2-60:2012 IDT SNI 16-6655-2002

Spesifikasi timbangan balita, anak dan dewasa

Specification for children under five, children, and adult weighing machines


BS 1887 : 1996 Specification for person weighing machines and height-measuring equipmentfor hospital, welfare and health services MOD


Peralatan anaestesia, pernapasan dan menghidupkan

Anaesthetic, respiratory and reanimation equipment

SNI 16-4221-1996

Inkubator perawatan bayi

Baby incubators (nursing)


SNI 04-6191.2.4-1999

Peralatan elektromedik. Bagian 2.4: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan defibrilator jantung dan monitor - Defibrilator jantung

Medical electrical equipment. Part 2.4: Particular requirements for the safety of cardiac defibrillators and cardiac defibrillator - Monitors


SNI 16-4940.1-1998

Alat hisap medik dengan sumber daya listrik

Electrically powered medical suction equipment


SNI 16-6637-2002

Konsentrator oksigen medik - Persyaratan keselamatan

Oxygen concentrators for medical use - Safety requirements


ISO 8359 : 1996 Oxygen concentrators for medical use - Safety requirements Translation


SNI 16-4940.2-1998

Alat hisap medik dengan sumber daya kevakuman dan tekanan

Medical suction equipment powered from vacuum or pressure sources


SNI 16-4775-1998

Alat isap medik manual

Manual respiratory equipment


SNI 16-6360-2000

Oksimeter pulsa penggunaan medik

Pulse oximeters for medical use


ISO 9919:1992 Pulse oximeters for medical use - Requirements Translation


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SNI 16-6631-2002

Monitor oksigen pemantau campuran udara pernafasan pasien - Persyaratan keselamatan

Oxygen monitors for monitoring patient bretahing mixtures - Safety requirements


ISO 7767 : 1997 Oxygen monitors for monitoring patient breathing mixtures - Safety requirements Translation


SNI 16-4942-1998

Incubator transportasi

Transport incubator


SNI 16-6632-2002

Ventilator medik - Ventilator darurat dan transportasi

Ventilators for medical use - Emergency and transport ventilators


ISO 10651-3 ; 1997 Lung ventilators for medical use - Part 3 : Particular requirements for emergency and transport ventilators Translation SNI 16-6357.1-2001

MOD Mesin anestesia berventilator - Aspek keselamatan

Ventilated anaesthetic machines - Safety aspects


IEC 60601-2-13: 1998, Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for the safety of anaesthetic machines Translation SNI 16-6357-2000

MOD Mesin anestesi untuk manusia

Anaesthetic machines for use with human


House care ventilator


ISO 5358:1992, Anaesthetic machines for use with humans Translation SNI 16-6356-2000

MOD Ventilator rawat rumah

ISO 10651-2:1996, Lung ventilators for medical use -- Part 2: Particular requirements for home care ventilators Translation SNI 16-6647-2002

MOD Resusitator untuk manusia

Resuscitators intended for use with humans


ISO 8382: 1988 Resuscitators intended for use with humans MOD SNI ISO 8836:2010

Kateter hisap untuk penggunaan pada saluran pernafasan

Suction catheters for use in the respiratory tract

ISO 8836:2007 Suction catheters for use in the respiratory trac Translation SNI ISO 8835-2-2008

IDT Sistem anestesi inhasi - Bagian 2 : Sistem pernapasan untuk orang dewasa

Inhalational anaesthesia systems -- Part 2: Anaesthetic breathing systems


ISO 8835-2, Inhalational anaesthesia systems -- Part 2: Anaesthetic breathing system Translation SNI ISO 5367:2009

IDT Slang pernapasan untuk pemakaian pada peralatan anestesi dan ventilator

Breathing tubes intended for use with anaesthetic apparatus and ventilators (ISO 5367:2000, IDT)

ISO 5367:2000 Breathing tubes intended for use with anaesthetic apparatus and ventilators Translation SNI ISO 10651-4:2016

IDT Ventilator paru - Bagian 4: Persyaratan khusus untuk resusitasi manual (ISO 10651-4:2002 ed 1.0, IDT)

Lung ventilators - Part 4: Particular requirements for operator-powered resuscitators (ISO 10651-4:2002 ed 1.0, IDT)


ISO 10651-4:2002 ed 1.0 IDT SNI ISO 80601-2-13:2014

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-13: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial unit anestesi

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of an anaesthethic workstation

ISO 80601-2-13:2011 IDT SNI ISO 80601-2-61:2014

Peralatan Elektromedik - Bagian 2-61: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial peralatan oksimeter pulsa (ISO 80601-2-61:2011, IDT)

Electromedical equipment - Part 2-61: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of pulse oximeter equipment (ISO 80601-2-61: 2011, IDT)


ISO 80601-2-61:2011 IDT SNI ISO 15002:2011

Alat ukur aliran pada penghubung ke unit terminal sistem pemipaan gas medis

Flow-metering devices for connection to terminal units of medical gas pipeline systems


ISO 15002:2008 Flow-metering devices for connection to terminal units of medical gas pipeline systems Translation SNI IEC 62653:2014

IDT Pedoman keselamatan pengoperasian peralatan medis pada layanan hemodialisis

Guidelines for the safe operation of medical equipment used for haemodialysis treatment

IEC/TR 62653:2012 IDT SNI ISO 10651-5:2016

Ventilator paru untuk penggunaan medis - Persyaratan khusus keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial - Bagian 5: Resusitator darurat dengan tenaga gas (ISO 10651-5:2006 ed 1.0, IDT)

Lung ventilators for medical use - Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Part 5: Gas-powered emergency resuscitators (ISO 10651-5:2006 ed 1.0, IDT)

ISO 10651-5:2006 ed 1.0 IDT SNI IEC 60601-2-2:2014

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-2: Persyaratan khusus keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial untuk peralatan bedah frekuensi tinggi dan aksesorisnya

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of high frequency surgical equipment and high frequency surgical accessories

IEC 60601-2-2:2009 IDT SNI ISO 21969:2011

Penghubung fleksibel tekanan tinggi untuk digunakan pada sistem gas medis

High-pressure flexible connections for use with medical gas systems

ISO 21969:2009 High-pressure flexible connections for use with medical gas systems Translation SNI IEC 80601-2-30:2014

IDT Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-30: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial tensimeter non invasive otomatis

Medical electrical equipment - Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers

IEC 80601-2-30:2009 IDT SNI IEC 62353:2014

Peralatan elektromedik - Pengujian berkala dan pengujian setelah perbaikan pada peralatan elektromedik

Medical electrical equipment - Recurrent test and test after repair of medical equipment

IEC 62353:2007 IDT SNI IEC 60601-2-52:2014

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-52: Persyaratan khusus keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial tempat tidur pasien

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-52: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of medical bed

IEC 60601-2-52:2009 IDT SNI IEC 60601-2-51:2014

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-51: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan, termasuk kinerja esensial EKG perekam dan penganalisis kanal tunggal dan multikanal

IEC 60601-2-51:2003 IDT

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Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-51: Particular requirements for the safety, including essential performance of recording and analysis single channel and multichannel electrocardiographs


SNI IEC 60601-2-20:2014

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-20: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial; inkubator infant transpor

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-20: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant transpor incubators

IEC 60601-2-20:2014 IDT SNI IEC 60601-2-19:2014

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-19: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial inkubator infant

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-19: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant incubators

IEC 60601-2-19:2009 IDT SNI IEC 60601-1-1:2014

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 1-1: Persyaratan umum untuk keselamatan - Standar kolateral: Persyaratan keselamatan untuk sistem elektromedik

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-1: Genereal requirements for safety - Collateral standard: Safety requirements for medical electrical systems

IEC 60601-1-1:2000 IDT SNI IEC 60601-1:2014

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirement for basic safety and essential performance

IEC 60601-1:2005 IDT SNI IEC 60513:2014

Aspek fundamental standar keselamatan untuk peralatan elektronika

Fundamental aspect of safety standards for medical electrical equipment

IEC 60513:2014 IDT SNI IEC 62354:2014

Prosedur pengujian umum untuk peralatan elektromedik

General testing procedures for medical electrical equipments

IEC 62354:2009 IDT


Peralatan transfusi, infus dan injeksi

Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment

SNI 16-2608-1992

Alat suntik sekali pakai (disposable syringe)

Disposable syringes


SNI 16-4774-1998

Alat transfusi untuk pemakaian medik - Alat pengambil darah

Transfusion equipment for medical use - Blood taking set


SNI 16-6642-2002

Gawai intravena bersayap steril sekali pakai untuk pemakaian medik umum

Medical equipment single use winged intravenous devices (sterile) for general medical use


AS/NZS 2485 : 1995 Medical Equipment Single use winged infra venous devices (sterile) for general medical use Translation


SNI 16-4776-1998

Alat suntik steril sekali pakai untuk insulin dengan atau tanpa jarum

Sterile single - use syringe, with or without needle for insuline


SNI 16-4774.3-2002

Alat transfusi untuk pemakaian medik - Bagian 3: Set transfusi sekali pakai

Transfusion equipment for medical use - Part 3: Transfusion sets for single use


ISO 1135-4 : 1998 Transfution equipment for medical use - Part 4 : transfusion sets for single use Translation SNI ISO 22413:2009

MOD Set transfer untuk kesediaan farmasi - Persyaratan dan metode uji

Transfer sets for pharmaceutical preparations -- Requirements and test methods

ISO 22413:2007 Transfer sets for pharmaceutical preparations -- Requirements and test methods Translation SNI ISO 8536-4:2009

IDT Peralatan infus untuk pemakaian medik - Bagian 4: Set infus sekali pakai, berdasarkan gravitasi

Infusion equipment for medical use -- Part 4: Infusion sets for single use, gravity feed

ISO 8536-4:2007 Infusion equipment for medical use -- Part 4: Infusion sets for single use, gravity feed Translation SNI ISO 21649:2009

IDT Penyuntik tanpa jarum untuk penggunaan medik - Persyaratan dan metode uji

Needle-free injectors for medical use -- Requirements and test methods

ISO 21649:2006 Needle-free injectors for medical use -- Requirements and test methods Translation SNI ISO 15747:2009

IDT Wadah plastik untuk injeksi intravena

Plastics containers for intravenous injection (ISO 15747:2003, IDT)

ISO 15747:2003 Plastics containers for intravenous injection Translation SNI ISO 6710:2010

IDT Wadah sekali pakai penampung spesimen darah vena

Single-use containers for venous blood specimen collection

ISO 6710:1995 Single-use containers for venous blood specimen collection Translation SNI ISO 28620:2011

IDT Alat kesehatan - Alat infus portabel yang diatur secara non-elektrik

Medical devices - Non-electrically driven portable infusion devices


Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infusion pumps and controllers (IEC 60601-2-24:2012 ed 2.0, IDT)


Single-use sterile infusion sets for general medical


ISO 28620:2010 Medical devices - Non-electrically driven portable infusion devices Translation SNI IEC 60601-2-24:2016

IDT Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-24: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial pompa infus dan pengontrolnya (IEC 60601-2-24:2012 ed 2.0, IDT)

IEC 60601-2-24:2012 ed 2.0 IDT SNI 16-6654-2002

Set infus steril sekali pakai untuk pemakaian medik umum

AS 2385 - 1990 Single use (sterile) infusion sets for general medical use MOD


Alat suntik, jarum suntik dan kateter

Syringes, needles and catheters

SNI 16-4223-1996

Kateter isap saluran napas

Suction catheters for use in respiratory tract

SNI 16-6355.4-2000

Kateter intravaskuler sekali pakai, steril - Kateter dilatasi balon

Steril, single-use intravascular catheters - Ballon dilatation catheters

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ISO 10555-4:1996, Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 4: Ballon dilatation catheters MOD SNI 16-4777-1998

Kateter saluran kemih steril sekali pakai untuk penggunaan medik umum

Single use wethral catheters ( sterile ) for general use


SNI 16-6355.5-2000

Kateter intravaskuler sekali pakai, steril - Kateter intravena

Steril, single-use intravascular catheters - Intravena catheters


ISO 10555-5:1996, Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 5: Over-needle peripheral catheters MOD SNI 16-6355.3-2000

Kateter intravaskuler sekali pakai, steril - Kateter vena sentral

Steril, single-use intravascular catheters - Central venous catheters


ISO 10555-3:1996, Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 3: Central venous catheters MOD SNI 16-6644-2002

Jarum hipodermik steril sekali pakai

Sterile hypodermic needles for single use

ISO 7864 : 1993, Sterile hypodermic needles for single use Translation


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SNI 16-6359-2000

Kantong penampung urine - Persyaratan dan metode uji

Urine collection bags - Requirements and test methods


Steril, single-use intravascular catheters - General requirement


ISO 8669-2:1996, Urine collection bags MOD SNI 16-6355.1-2000

Kateter intravaskuler sekali pakai, steril - Persyaratan umum

ISO 10555-1:1996, Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 1: General requirements MOD SNI 16-6355.2-2000

Kateter intravaskuler sekali pakai, steril - Kateter angiografi

Sterile, single use intravascular catheters - Angiographic catheters


ISO 10555-2:1996, Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 2: Angiographic catheters IDT SNI ISO 8537:2009

Alat suntik steril sekali pakai, dengan atau tanpa jarum, untuk insulin

Sterile single-use syringes, with or without needle, for insulin

ISO 8537:2007 Sterile single-use syringes, with or without needle, for insulin Translation SNI 16-7009.1-2004

IDT Fiting konikal dengan ketirusan 6% (Luer) untuk alat suntik, jarum dan perlengkapan medik tertentu lain - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Conical fitting with a 6% (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment - Part 1: General requirements


Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use - Part 1: Syringes for manual use


ISO 594/1: 1986 Translation SNI 16-7010.1-2004

IDT Alat suntik hipodermik steril sekali pakai - Bagian 1: Untuk penggunaan manual

ISO 7886-1: 1993 Translation SNI ISO 10555-5:2010

MOD Kateter intravascular sekali pakai, steril – Bagian 5: Kateter peripheral overneedle

Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 5: Over-needle peripheral catheters

ISO 10555.5:2010 Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 5: Over-needle peripheral catheters Translation SNI ISO 7886-4:2009

IDT Alat suntik hipodermik steril sekali pakai - Bagian 4: Alat suntik dengan fitur pencegahan ulang

Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use -- Part 4: Syringes with re-use prevention feature

ISO 7886-4:2006 Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use -- Part 4: Syringes with re-use prevention feature Translation SNI ISO 7886-3:2009

IDT Alat suntik hipodermik steril sekali pakai - Bagian 3: Alat suntik rusak otomatis untuk imunisasi dosis tetap

Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use -- Part 3: Auto-disable syringes for fixed-dose immunization

ISO 7886-4:2006 Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use -- Part 3: Auto-disable syringes for fixed-dose immunization Translation SNI 16-7010.2-2004

IDT Alat suntik hipodermik steril sekali pakai - Bagian 2: Digunakan bersama dengan pompa alat suntik berdaya listrik

Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use - Part 2: Syringes for use with power-driven syringe pumps


ISO 7886-2: 1993 Translation SNI ISO 10555-1:2010

MOD Kateter intravascular sekali pakai, steril - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 1: General requirements

ISO 10555.1:1995 Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters -- Part 1: General requirements Translation



Alat bedah dan bahan

Surgical instruments and materials

SNI 16-3366-1994

Benang operasi serap hologen sekali pakai

Disposable hologen absorbable sutures

SNI 16-3346-1994

Benang operasi tanserap sekali pakai

Non - absorbable sutures

SNI 16-4945-1998

Plester perekat elastik untuk bedah

Elastic adhesive tapes for surgery


SNI 16-6643-2002

Kasa penutup bedah - Kemasan sekali pakai

Surgical dressings - Single use package gauze


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AS 4369-1996, Australian Surgical dressing - Part 3: Single use packing gauze Translation


SNI 16-4944-1998

Gunting bedah

Surgical scissors

SNI 16-4778-1998

Persyaratan khusus keamanan peralatan bedah frekuensi tinggi

Particular requirements for the safety of high frequency surgical equipment


SNI ISO 10936-2-2008

Mikroskop operasi - Bagian 2 : Bahaya radiasi cahaya dari mikroskope operasi yang digunakan dalam bedah okular

Optic and optical instruments - Operation microscope - Part 2 : Light hazard from operation microscopes used in ocular surgery



ISO 10936-2, Optic and optical instruments - Operation microscope - Part 2 : Light hazard from operation microscopes used in ocular surgery Translation SNI ISO 10936-1-2008

IDT Mikroskop operasi - Bagian 1 : Persyaratan dan metode uji

Microscope for surgery - Part 1 : Specification and test method


ISO 10936-1, Microscope for surgery - Part 1 : Specification and test method Translation



Penanaman untuk pembedahan prostata dan ortotik

Implants for surgery, prosthetics and orthotics

SNI 16-6073-1999

Sirkuit darah ekstra korporeal hemodialiser, hemofilter dan hemokonsentrator

Extra corporeal blood circuit haemodialysers, haemofilters and haemoconcentrators

SNI 16-4938-1998

Pelat penyambung tulang dari baja tahan karat

Stainless steel implant plate

SNI 16-6636-2002

Implan kardiovaskuler dan organ artifisial - Penukar gas-darah (oksigenator)

Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs - Blood-gas exchangers (oxygenators)



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ISO 7199:1996, Cardiovascular Implants and artificial organs- Blood-gas exchangers (oxygenators) Translation


SNI 16-6071-1999

Hemodialiser, hemofilter dan hemokonsentrator

Haemodialysers, haemofilters and haemoconcentrators

SNI ISO 14243-1:2009

Implan untuk pembedahan - Keausan prostesis persendian tulang lutut total Bagian 1: Pembebanan dan parameter perpindahan untuk mesin pengujian keausan dengan pengendali beban dan persyaratan lingkungan untuk pengujian

Implants for surgery -- Wear of total knee-joint prostheses - Part 1: Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines with load control and corresponding environmental conditions for test (ISO 14243-1:2002, IDT)

ISO 14243-1:2002 Implants for surgery -- Wear of total knee-joint prostheses -- Part 1: Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines with load control and corresponding environmental conditions for test Translation SNI ISO 14242-1:2009

IDT Implan untuk pembedahan - Keausan prostesis persendian tulang paha total * Bagian 1: Pembebanan dan parameter perpindahan untuk mesin pengujian-keausan dan kondisi lingkungan yang sesuai untuk pengujian

Implants for surgery -- Wear of total hip-joint prostheses - Part 1: Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines and corresponding environmental conditions for test (ISO 14242-1:2002, IDT)

ISO 14242-1:2002 Implants for surgery -- Wear of total hip-joint prostheses -- Part 1: Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines and corresponding environmental conditions for test Translation SNI ISO 14630:2010

IDT Implan bedah tidak aktif - Persyaratan umum

Non-active surgical implants - General requirements

ISO 14630:2008 Non-active surgical implants - General requirements Translation


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SNI ISO 13959:2010

Air untuk hemodialisis dan terapi sejenis

Water for haemodialysis and related therapies

ISO 13959:2000 Water for haemodialysis and related therapies Translation SNI ISO 11663:2011

IDT Kualitas cairan dialis untuk hemodialisis dan terapi sejenis

Quality of dialysis fluid for haemodialysis and related therapies

ISO 11663:2009 Quality of dialysis fluid for haemodialysis and related therapies Translation SNI ISO 21534:2011

IDT Implan bedah non aktif - Implan pengganti sendi - Persyaratan khusus

Non-active surgical implants - Joint replacement implants - Particular requirements

ISO 21534:2007 Non-active surgical implants - Joint replacement implants - Particular requirements Translation SNI ISO 7199:2011

IDT Implan kardiovaskular dan organ tiruan - penukar gas darah (oksigenator)

Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs - Blood-gas exchangers (oxygenators)

ISO 7199:2009 Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs - Blood-gas exchangers (oxygenators) Translation



Peralatan radiografi dan diagnosa lainnya

Radiographic and other diagnostic equipment

SNI 16-4286-1996

Unit fototerapi tipe bergerak

Moved type phototherapy unit

SNI 16-4415-1997

Sphygmomanometer/Tensimeter non otomatis

Sphygmomanometer/Un-automatic tensimeters


SNI 16-6638-2002

Peralatan sinar-X terapi julat pengoperasian 10 kV sampai dengan 1 MV Persyaratan keselamatan

Therapeutic X-ray equipment operating in the range 10 kV to 1 MV - Safety requirements



IEC 60601-2-8 : 1987+A.1 : 1997 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-8 : Particular requirements for the safety of therapeutic X-ray equipment operating in the range 10kV to 1 MV Translation SNI 16-6657-2002

MOD Sarung tangan proteksi radiasi sinar - X

X - ray radiation protection gloves


JIS Z 4802:1991, X-ray protective glove Translation SNI IEC 60601-2-22:2010

MOD Peralatan listrik medik – Bagian 2-22: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja utama peralatan laser bedah, kosmetik, terapetik dan diagnostik

Medical electrical equipment – Part 2-22: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of surgical, cosmetic, therapeutic and diagnostic laser equipment

IEC 60601-2-22:2007, Medical electrical equipment – Part 2-22: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of surgical, cosmetic, therapeutic and diagnostic laser equipment Translation SNI IEC 61675.3:2008

IDT Alat pencitraan radionuklida - Karakteristik dan syarat uji - Bagian 3: Sistem pencitraan seluruh tubuh berbasis kamera gamma

Radionuclide imaging devices - Characteristics and test conditions - Part 3: Gamma camera based wholebody imaging systems


IEC 61675.3, Radionuclide imaging devices - Characteristics and test conditions - Part 3: Gamma camera based wholebody imaging systems Translation SNI IEC 60613:2015

IDT Karakteristik kelistrikan dan pembebanan rakitan tabung sinar-X untuk diagnosis medik (IEC 60613:2010, IDT)

The electrical characteristics and loading X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis (IEC 60613: 2010, IDT)


Determination of the maximum symmetrical radiation field from X-ray tube rotary anode for diagnosis medic (IEC 60806: 1984, IDT)


Protective devices against X-ray radiation in medical diagnostics - Part 2: Protective Glass Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 2: Protective glass plates


IEC 60613:2010 IDT SNI IEC 60806:2015

Penentuan medan radiasi simetrik maksimum dari tabung sinar-X anoda putar untuk diagnosis medic (IEC 60806:1984, IDT)

IEC 60806:1984 IDT SNI IEC 61331-2:2013

Alat pelindung terhadap radiasi sinar-X pada diagnostik medis – Bagian 2: Kaca pelindung Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation Part 2: Protective glass plates

IEC 61331-2:1994 IDT SNI IEC 61262-1:2014

IDT Karakteristika elektro optik penguat citra sinar-X pada peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 1: Penentuan ukuran medan masuk (IEC 612621:1994, IDT)

Electro-optic characteristics A X-ray image amplifier in elektromedik equipment - Part 1: Determination of the entrance field size

IEC 61262-1:1994 IDT SNI IEC 61262-2:2014

Karakteristika elektro optik penguat citra sinar-X pada peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2: Penentuan faktor konversi (IEC 61262-2:1994, IDT)

Electro-optic characteristics A X-ray image amplifier in elektromedik equipment - Part 2: Determination of the conversion factor

IEC 61262-2:1994 IDT SNI IEC 61262-3:2014

Karakteristika elektro optik penguat citra sinar-X pada peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 3 : Penentuan distribusi pencahayaan dan ketidakseragaman pencahayaan (IEC 61262-3:1994, IDT)

Electro-optic characteristics A X-ray image amplifier in elektromedik equipment - Part 3: Determination of the distribution of lighting and lighting unevenness

IEC 61262-3:1994 IDT SNI IEC 60601-2-27:2016

Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-27: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial peralatan monitor elektrokardiografik (IEC 60601-2-27:2011 ed. 3.0, IDT)

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-27: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of electrocardiographic monitoring equipment (IEC 60601-2-27:2011 ed. 3.0, IDT)

IEC 60601-2-27:2011 ed. 3.0 IDT SNI IEC 61262-4:2014

Karakteristika elektro optik penguat citra sinar-X pada peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 4: Penentuan distorsi citra (IEC 61262-4:1994, IDT)

Electro-optic characteristics A X-ray image amplifier in elektromedik equipment - Part 4: Determination of the image distortion

IEC 61262-4:1994 IDT SNI IEC/TR 61948-2:2014

Instrumentasi kedokteran nuklir - Uji rutin - Bagian 2: Kamera pendaran dan pencitraan tomografi terkomputasi emisi foton tunggal (single photon emission computed tomography, SPECT) (IEC/TR 61948-2:2001, IDT)

Nuclear medicine instrumentation - Routine tests - Part 2: Camera luminescence imaging and single photon emission computed tomography (single photon emission computed tomography

IEC/TR 61948-2:2001 SNI IEC 61262-5:2014

IDT Karakteristika elektro optik penguat citra sinar-X pada peralatan elektromedik – Bagian 5: Penentuan efisiensi deteksi kuantum (IEC 612625:1994, IDT)

Electro-optic characteristics A X-ray image amplifier in elektromedik equipment - Part 5: Determination of the quantum detection efficiency

IEC 61262-5:1994 IDT SNI IEC/TR 61948-1:2014

Instrumentasi Kedokteran Nuklir - Uji Rutin - Bagian 1: Sistem pencacahan radiasi (IEC/TR 61948-1:2001, IDT)

IEC/TR 61948-1:2001 IDT

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Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation - Routine tests - Part 1: System enumeration radiation


SNI IEC 61262-6:2014

Karakteristika elektro optik penguat citra sinar-X pada peralatan elektromedik – Bagian 6: Penentuan perbandingan kontras dan indeks selubung cahaya (IEC 61262-6:1994, IDT)

Electro-optic characteristics A X-ray image amplifier in elektromedik equipment - Part 6: Determination of contrast ratio and a light veil index

IEC 61262-6:1994 IDT SNI IEC 61262-7:2014

Karakteristika elektro optik penguat citra sinar-X pada peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 7: Penentuan fungsi transfer modulasi (IEC 612627:1994, IDT)

Electro-optic characteristics A X-ray image amplifier in elektromedik equipment - Part 7: Determination of the modulation transfer function

IEC 61262-7:1994 IDT SNI IEC 60580:2015

Perangkat elektromedik - Pengukur dose area product (IEC 60580:2000, IDT)

Electromedical devices - Gauges dose area product (IEC 60580: 2000, IDT)


Evaluation and routine testing in the field of medical imaging - Part 1: general aspects (IEC 1223-1: 1993, IDT)


Electromedical devices - X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis - Characteristics of focal point (IEC 60336: 2005 / Cor1: 2006, IDT)


IEC 60580:2000 IDT SNI IEC 1223-1:2015

Evaluasi dan pengujian rutin dalam bidang pencitraan medik - Bagian 1: Aspek umum (IEC 1223-1:1993, IDT)

IEC 1223-1:1993 IDT SNI IEC 60336:2015

Perangkat elektromedik - Rakitan tabung sinar-X untuk diagnosis medik Karakteristika titik focus (IEC 60336:2005/Cor1:2006, IDT)

IEC 60336:2005/Cor1:2006 IDT


Peralatan diagnostik

Diagnostic equipment

SNI 16-4941-1998

Termometer klinik berselubung

Enclosed-scale clinical thermometers


SNI 16-6361-2000




IEC 60601-2-26:1994, Medical electrical equipment Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of electroencephalographs Translation SNI 16-6639-2002

MOD Laser diagnostik dan terapi - Persyaratan keselamatan

Diagnostic and therapeutic laser equipment - Safety requirements


ISO 601-2-22 : 1995 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2 : particular requirements for the safety of diagnostic and therapeutic laser equipment Translation


SNI 16-6362-2000

Peralatan endoskopi

Endoscopic equipment

SNI ISO 19001:2009

Alat kesehatan diagnostik in vitro - Informasi yang disertakan oleh produsen pada reagensia in vitro untuk pewarnaan biologi

In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Information supplied by the manufacturer with in vitro diagnostic reagents for staining in biology (ISO 19001:2002, IDT)


ISO 19001:2002 In vitro diagnostic medical devices -- Information supplied by the manufacturer with in vitro diagnostic reagents for staining in biology Translation SNI IEC 60601-2-47:2014

IDT Peralatan elektromedik - Bagian 2-47: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja esensial sistem elektrokardiografis ambulatori (IEC 60601-2-47:2012, IDT)

Electromedical equipment - Part 2-47: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems

IEC 60601-2-47:2012 IDT


Peralatan terapi

SNI 04-6284.2-2000

Therapy equipment

Peralatan listrik untuk medik. Bagian 2: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan pada peralatan terapi gelombang pendek

Medical electrical equipment. Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of short-wave therapy equipment


IEC 601-2-3: 1982, Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of short-wave therapy equipment Translation


SNI 16-4939-1998




SNI 16-6155-1999

Peralatan terapi gelombang mikro

Microwave therapy equipment


SNI IEC/TR 61859:2014

Panduan untuk desain ruang tindakan radioterapi (IEC/TR 61859:1997, IDT)

Guidelines for the design of space action radiotherapy

IEC/TR 61859:1997 IDT SNI IEC 60601-2-17:2015


Perangkat elektromedik - Bagian 2-17: Persyaratan khusus untuk keselamatan dasar dan kinerja utama dari perangkat afterloading brakiterapi dengan kendali otomatis (IEC 60601-2-17:2013, IDT)

Peralatan kedokteran mata

SNI ISO 11978:2010

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of automatically-controlled brachytherapy afterloading equipment (IEC 60601-2-17:2013, IDT)


Ophthalmic equipment

Optik oftalmik – Lensa kontak dan produk perawatan lensa kotak – Informasi yang disediakan oleh pabrikan

Ophthalmic optics -- Contact lenses and contact lens care products -- Information supplied by the manufacturer

ISO 11978:2010 Ophthalmic optics -- Contact lenses and contact lens care products -- Information supplied by the manufacturer Translation SNI ISO 8612:2012

IDT Peralatan optalmik - Tonometer

Ophthalmic equipment - a tonometer

ISO 8612:2009 IDT



Kedokteran gigi

SNI ISO 21987:2012

Optik optalmik - Lensa kacamata terpasang

Ophthalmic optics - lenses mounted goggles

ISO 21987:2009, IDT IDT SNI ISO 7885:2012

Kedokteran gigi - Jarum suntik steril sekali pakai

Dentistry - Sterile Disposable Syringes

ISO 7885:2010, IDT IDT


Bahan gigi

Dental materials

SNI 16-3598-1994

Syarat mutu dan cara uji malam lempeng basis untuk kedokteran gigi

Dental base plate wax, Spesification and test methods


SNI 16-3367-1994

Logam paduan cor logam dasar untuk kerangka gigi tiruan

Dental base metal casting alloys for dental immitation frame


SNI 16-3368-1994

Logam paduan untuk amalgam penambal gigi

Dentistry-alloys for dental amalgam



Peralatan kedokteran gigi

Dental equipment

SNI 16-3599-1994

Syarat mutu dan cara uji bahan tanam dengan pengikat gips untuk pengecoran logam paduan emas dalam kedokteran gigi

Dental gypsum bonded casting instruments for gold alloys, Specification and test method

SNI 16-2632-1992

Unit kedokteran gigi

Dental unit

SNI 16-4222-1996

Lampu perawatan gigi

Dental operating lights

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SNI 16-2633-1992

Kursi pasien kedokteran gigi

Dental chairs


SNI 16-6634.1-2002

Henpis bor gigi - Bagian 1 : Henpis turbin-udara kecepatan tinggi

Dental handpieces - Part 1: High speed air turbine handpieces


ISO 7785-1 : 1992, Dental handpieces - Part 1 : High speed air turbine handpieces Translation SNI 16-6645.2-2002

MOD Kuret periodental, skeler dan ekskavator gigi - Bagian 2 : Kuret periodental Tipe Gr

Periodental curretes dental scalers and excavators - Part 2: Periodontal curretes - Gr type


ISO 13397-2:1996 Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and excavators - Part 2: Periodontal curretes - Gr type Translation SNI 16-6645.4-2002

MOD Kuret periodental, skeler dan ekskavator gigi - Bagian 4 : Ekskavator gigi Tipe diskoid

Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and exavators - Part 4: Dental excavators - Discoid type


ISO 13397-4:1997, Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and excavators - Part 4: Dental excavators - Discoid-type MOD SNI 16-6645.1-2002

Kuret periodental, skeler dan ekskavator gigi - Bagian 1 : Persyaratan umum

Periodental curettes, dental scalers and excavators - Part 1: General requirements


ISO 13397-1:1996 Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and excavators - Part 1: General requirements Translation SNI 16-6635-2002

MOD Kursi operator gigi

Dental operator's tools


Dental handpieces - Part 2: Straight and geared angle handpieces


Periodental curettes, dental scalers and excavators - Part 3: Dental scalers - H type


ISO 7493 : 1977 Dental operator's tool Translation SNI 16-6634.2-2002

MOD Henpis bor gigi - Bagian 2 : Henpis lurus dan bersudut

ISO 7785-2 : 1995, Dental handpieces - Part 2 : Straight and geared angle handpieces Translation SNI 16-6645.3-2002

MOD Kuret periodental, skeler dan ekskavator gigi - Bagian 3 : Skeler gigi - Tipe H.

ISO 13397-3:1996 Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and excavators - Part 3: Dental scalers-H-type Translation SNI ISO 7494-2:2009

MOD Kedokteran gigi - Dental unit - Bagian 2: Suplai air dan udara

Dentistry - Dental units - Part 2: Water and air supply (ISO 7494-2:2003, IDT)

ISO 7494-2:2003 Dentistry -- Dental units -- Part 2: Water and air supply Translation SNI ISO 7494-1:2009

IDT Kedokteran gigi - Dental unit - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum dan metode pengujian

Dentistry - Dental units - Part 1: General requirements and test methods (ISO 74941:2004, IDT)

ISO 7494-1:2004 Dentistry -- Dental units -- Part 1: General requirements and test methods Translation SNI ISO 7493:2009

IDT Kedokteran gigi - Kursi operator

Dentistry - Operator's stool

ISO 7493:2006 Dentistry - Operator's stool Translation SNI ISO 9168:2011

IDT Kedokteran gigi - Penghubung selang untuk henpis dental yang digerakkan oleh udara

Dentistry - Hose connectors for air driven dental handpieces

ISO 9168:2009 Dentistry - Hose connectors for air driven dental handpieces Translation



Instrumen peralatan kedokteran gigi

SNI 16-6641-2002

Dental instrument

Tang pencabut gigi - Tipe engsel sekrup dan engsel pasak

Dental extraction forceps - Screw and pin join types


ISO 9173 - 1 : 1991 (E) Dental extraction forceps - Part 1 : Screw and pin joint types Translation





SNI ISO 11135-1:2014

Sterilisasi produk kesehatan - Etilene oksida - Bagian 1: Persyaratan untuk pengembangan, validasi dan kontrol rutin proses sterilisasi untuk alat kesehatan (ISO 11135-1:2007, IDT)

Sterilization of health care products - Etilene oxide - Part 1: Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices

ISO 11135-1:2007 IDT SNI ISO 11607-2:2014

Pengemasan alat kesehatan untuk terminally - Bagian 2: Persyaratan validasi untuk proses forming, sealing dan perakitan

Packaging for terminally medical devices - Part 2: Validation requirements for the process of forming, sealing and assembly

ISO 11607-2:2006 IDT


Peralatan sterilisasi

Sterilizing equipment

SNI 16-4285-1996

Pensteril air dengan sinar ultraviolet

Water sterilizers by ultraviolet rays


SNI 16-4284-1996

Pensteril ruangan ultraviolet tipe bergerak

Moved type ultraviolet room sterilizers


SNI 16-3770-1995

Sterilisator uap

Steam sterilizers


Laboratory medicine

Ilmu kedokteran laboratorium


Sistem pengujian diagnostik in vitro

SNI ISO 15198:2009


In vitro diagnostic test systems

Laboratorium klinik - Alat kesehatan diagnostik in vitro - Validasi prosedur kontrol mutu pengguna oleh produsen

Clinical laboratory medicine - In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Validation of user quality control procedures by the manufacturer (ISO 15198:2004, IDT)


ISO 15198:2004 Clinical laboratory medicine -- In vitro diagnostic medical devices -- Validation of user quality control procedures by the manufacturer Translation SNI ISO 15197:2009

IDT Sistem uji diagnostik in vitro - Persyaratan untuk sistem pemantauan gula darah yang dapat melakukan pengujian sendiri dalam pengelolaan diabetes melitus

In vitro diagnostic test systems - Requirements for blood-glucose monitoring systems for self-testing in managing diabetes mellitus (ISO 15197:2003, IDT)

ISO 15197:2003 In vitro diagnostic test systems -- Requirements for blood-glucose monitoring systems for self-testing in managing diabetes mellitus Translation


11.100.20 SNI ISO 10993-13:2015

Evaluasi biologis alat kesehatan - Bagian 13: Identifikasi dan kuantifikasi produk degradasi alat kesehatan polimer (ISO 10993-13:2010, IDT)

ISO 10993-13:2010 IDT

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Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 13: Identification and quantification of degradation products of polymeric medical devices (ISO 10993-13: 2010, IDT)


SNI ISO 10993-1:2015

Evaluasi biologis alat kesehatan - Bagian 1: Evaluasi dan pengujian dalam proses manajemen resiko (ISO 10993-1:2009, IDT)

Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process (ISO 10993-1: 2009, IDT)


Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 9: Framework for identification and quantification of potential degradation products (ISO 10993-9: 2010, IDT)


Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 5: Test the in vitro cytotoxicity (ISO 10993-5: 2009, IDT)


Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 16: Design studies and luluhan toksikokinetik degradation products (ISO 10993-16: 2010, IDT)


Non-active surgical implants - general Peryaratan (ISO 14630: 2013, IDT)


Medical devices - Symbols used on labels, labeling and information of medical devices Part 1: Requirements (ISO 15223-1: 2012, IDT)


ISO 10993-1:2009 IDT SNI ISO 10993-9:2015

Evaluasi biologis alat kesehatan - Bagian 9: Kerangka kerja untuk identifikasi dan kuantifikasi produk degradasi potensial (ISO 10993-9:2010, IDT)

ISO 10993-9:2010 IDT SNI ISO 10993-5:2015

Evaluasi biologis alat kesehatan - Bagian 5: Uji sitotoksisitas secara in vitro (ISO 10993-5:2009, IDT)

ISO 10993-5:2009 IDT SNI ISO 10993-16:2015

Evaluasi biologis alat kesehatan - Bagian 16: Desain studi toksikokinetik produk degradasi dan luluhan (ISO 10993-16:2010, IDT)

ISO 10993-16:2010 IDT SNI ISO 14630:2015

Implan bedah tidak aktif - Peryaratan umum (ISO 14630:2013, IDT)

ISO 16430:2012 IDT SNI ISO 15223-1:2015

Alat kesehatan - Simbol yang digunakan pada label, penandaan dan informasi alat kesehatan - Bagian 1: Persyaratan (ISO 15223-1:2012, IDT)

ISO 15223-1:2012 IDT







SNI 16-0212-1987

Farmakope Indonesia

Indonesian Pharmacopheia


SNI 16-0211-1987

Extra farmakope Indonesia

Indonesian Extra Pharmacopheia



Bahan obat

Medical materials

SNI 16-0213-1987

Materia Medika Indonesia, Jilid I

Materia Medica Indonesia (simplicia), Vol. I


SNI 16-0214-1987

Materia Medika Indonesia, Jilid II

Materia Medica Indonesia (simplicia), Vol. II


SNI 16-0216-1987

Materia Medika Indonesia, Jilid IV

Materia Medica Indonesia (simplicia), Vol. IV


SNI 16-0215-1987

Materia Medika Indonesia, Jilid III

Materia Medica Indonesia (simplicia), Vol. III



Standar lainnya yang berkaitan dengan farmasi

SNI 8074:2014


Other standards related to pharmaceutics

Ekstrak albumin ikan gabus (Channa striata) – Syarat mutu dan pengolahan

Albumin extract catfish (Channa striata) - Quality requirements and processing


Hospital equipment

Peralatan rumah sakit

SNI 16-2630-1992

Meja bayi dari baja

Steel baby desks

SNI 16-2625-1992

Tempat tidur baja beroda untuk rumah sakit dengan pengatur posisi tidur

Reclining wheel steel beds for hospitals

SNI 16-2626-1992

Tempat tidur baja beroda untuk rumah sakit

Wheel steel beds for hospitals


SNI 16-2628-1992

Troli makanan dari baja

Steel food trolleys


SNI 16-2629-1992

Lemari baja beroda untuk pasien

Steel wheel cupboard for hospitals

SNI 16-2627-1992

Kereta dorong baja untuk pasien

Steel pushcarts for patients

SNI 16-2631-1992

Lemari instrumen atau obat dari baja

Steel instruments or medicines cupboards


SNI 16-2622-2002

Sarung tangan steril, sekali pakai untuk keperluan bedah

Single - use sterile surgical ruber gloves


Single-use rubber gloves for health examination


Operating tables - Safety requirements


6 10

13 7

ISO 10282:1994, Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves - Specification Translation SNI 16-2623-2002

MOD Sarung tangan karet, sekali pakai untuk keperluan pemeriksaan kesehatan

ISO 11193: 1994 Single rubber examination gloves - Specification Translation SNI 16-6633-2002

MOD Meja operasi - Persyaratan keselamatan

ISO 10651-2-46 : 1998 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-46 : Particular requirements for the safety of operating tables Translation


SNI 16-4770-1998

Perlak platik

Plastic sheeting

SNI 16-6072-1999

Kapas serap

Absorbent cotton


SNI 16-6649-2002

Meja sinar-X dan tempat berdiri untuk penggunaan medik

X-ray tables and stand point for medical use



JIS Z 4904: 1988, X-ray tables and stands for medical use Translation


SNI 16-4943-1998

Pembalut katun elastik

Elastic cotton bandages

SNI ISO 10282:2010

Sarung tangan karet steril, untuk keperluan bedah sekali pakai - Spesifikasi

Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves - Specification


ISO 20282:2002 Translation


SNI 7372:2008

Meja periksa pasien konstruksi baja

Construction of inspection desks for patients

SNI ISO 22882:2011

Kastor dan roda - Persyaratan kastor untuk tempat tidur rumah sakit

Castors and wheels - Requirements for castors for hospital beds


ISO 22882:2004 Castors and wheels -- Requirements for castors for hospital beds Translation SNI 16-1001-1989

11.180 11.180.10

IDT Perlak karet untuk rumah sakit

Rubber sheet for hospital

Aids for disabled or handicapped persons

Pertolongan untuk orang tidak mampu atau orang cacat Pertolongan dan adaptasi untuk pergerakan

SNI 09-4663-1998


Aids and adaption for moving

Kursi roda

Wheel chairs

- 39 -



Pertolongan untuk orang tuli atau kurang pendengaran

Aids for deaf and hearing impaired people

SNI 16-2634-1992




SNI 16-2635-1992

Alat bantu dengar

Hearing aids



Birth control. Mechanical contraceptives

Keluarga berencana Kontraseptif mekanis

SNI 16-6640.1-2002

Alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim (AKDR) - Bagian 1 : Penetapan gaya putus

Intra uterine devices - Part 1: Determination of breaking force


ISO 7857-1:1983, Intra-uterine devices -Part 1: Determination of breaking force Translation SNI 16-2723-2003

MOD Kondoms lateks

Latex condoms


ISO 4074: 1996, Rubber condoms, part 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10 Translation SNI 16-6640-2002

MOD Alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim (AKDR)

Intra - uterine contraceptives devices


Intra-uterine devices - Part 2: Recommendations for desinfection


Intra- uterine devices - Part 3: Packaging and handling


Technical report 7438, Technical Committee ISO/TC 157 Mechanical contraceptives-Intra-uterine device MOD SNI 16-6640.2-2002

Alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim (AKDR) - Bagian 2 : Persyaratan desinfeksi

ISO 7857/2 : 1983 (E) Infra - Uterine devices. Part 2 : Recommendation for disinfectan Translation SNI 16-6640.3-2002

IDT Alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim (AKDR) - Bagian 3 : Pengemasan dan penandaan

ISO 7857/3 : 1983, Intra - Uterine devices-Part 3 : Packaging and labeling Translation


- 40 -





Environment protection in general

Perlindungan lingkungan secara umum

SNI 8013:2014

Pengelolaan pariwisata alam

Management of natural tourism

SNI 8014:2014

Metode penilaian jasa lingkungan keanekaragaman hayati (biodiversity)

Assessment methods for environmental services of biodiversity

SNI 6597:2011

Uji statik pengidentifikasian sumber air asam tambang

Static test identifying sources of acid mine drainage

SNI 7742:2011

Pengelolaan air asam tambang

Management of mining acid liquid


SNI 7943:2014

Panduan konservasi tanah dan air untuk penanggulangan degradasi lahan

Soil and water conservation guidelines for the prevention of land degradation


SNI 8015:2014

Penilaian pengelolaan jasa lingkungan keanekaragaman hayati (biodiversity)

Assessment for environmental services of biodiversity

SNI IEC 62321:2015

Produk elektroteknik - Penentuan kadar enam unsur yang diregulasi (timbal, air raksa, kadmium, kromium heksavalen, bifenil polibrominat, eter ifenil polibrominat) (IEC 62321:2008, IDT)

Electrotechnical products - Determination of levels of six regulated elements (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated phenyl ethers) (IEC 62 321: 2008, IDT)


IEC 62321:2008 IDT


Pengendalian lingkungan

SNI ISO 14065:2009

Environmental management

Gas rumah kaca - Persyaratan bagi lembaga validasi dan verifikasi gas rumah kaca untuk digunakan dalam akreditasi atau bentuk pengakuan lainnya

Greenhouse gases - Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition

ISO 17000:2004 Greenhouse gases - Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition Translation SNI ISO 14031:2009

IDT Manajemen lingkungan - Evaluasi kinerja lingkungan - Panduan

Environmental management -- Environmental performance evaluation -- Guidelines

ISO 14031:1999 Environmental management -- Environmental performance evaluation -- Guidelines Translation SNI 19-14001-2005

IDT Sistem manajemen lingkungan - Persyaratan dan panduan penggunaan

Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use


Environmental management systems-General guidelines on principles, systems and support techniques


ISO 14001: 2004, Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use Translation SNI 19-14004-2005

IDT Sistem manajemen lingkungan - Panduan umum tentang prinsip, sistem dan teknik pendukung

ISO 14004: 2004, Environmental management systems - General guidelines on principles, systems and support techniques Translation SNI IEC/TR 62235:2009

IDT Fasilitasi nuklir - Sistem instrumentasi dan kendal yang penting untuk keselamatan - Sistem penyimpanan sementara dan repositori akhir limbah dan bahan bakar nuklir bekas

Nuclear facilities - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - System of interim storage and final repository of nuclear fuel and waste

IEC/TR 62235:2005 Nuclear facilities - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - System of interim storage and final repository of nuclear fuel and waste Translation SNI ISO 19011:2012

IDT Panduan audit sistem manajemen

Guidelines for auditing management systems

ISO 19011:2011 (2011-11) IDT


SNI ISO 14001:2015

Sistem manajemen lingkungan - Persyaratan dan panduan penggunaan (ISO 14001:2015, IDT)

Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (ISO 14001: 2015, IDT)


Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (ISO 14001:2015, IDT)


Ecolabel criteria - Part 1: Category of paper products - Section 3: Paper coated and printed without multipurpose paper


ISO 14001:2015 IDT SNI ISO 14001:2015

Sistem manajemen lingkungan - Persyaratan dengan panduan penggunaan (ISO 14001:2015, IDT)

ISO 14001:2015 IDT SNI 7188.1.3:2016


Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 1: Kategori produk kertas - Seksi 3 : Kertas cetak tanpa salut dan kertas multiguna

Polusi, pengendalian polusi dan konservasi termasuk ekotoksikologi

SNI ISO 14064-3:2009

Pollution, pollution control and conservation Including ecotoxicology

Gas rumah kaca - Bagian 3 : Spesifikasi dengan panduan untuk validasi dan verifikasi dari pernyataan gas rumah kaca

Green house gases - Part 3 : Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions

ISO 14064-3:2006 Green house gases - Part 3 : Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions IDT SNI ISO 14064-2:2009

Gas rumah kaca - Bagian 2 : Spesifikasi dengan panduan levelproyek untuk kuantifikasi dan pelaporan dari pengurangan emisi atau pertukaran gas rumah kaca

Greenhause gases - Part 2 : Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions reductions or removal enhancement

ISO 14064-2:2006 Greenhause gases - Part 2 : Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions reductions or removal enhancement IDT SNI ISO 14064-1:2009

Gas rumah kaca - Bagian 1 : Spesifikasi dengan panduan level organisasi untuk kuantifikasi dan pelaporan dari emisi dan penghilangan gas rumah kaca

Greenhause gases - Part 1 : Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals

ISO 14064-1:2006 Greenhause gases - Part 1 : Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals Translation





SNI 19-7188.3.1-2006

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 3: Kategori produk kulit - Seksi 1: Kulit jadi

Ecolabelling criteria - Part 3: Category of leather products - Section 1: Leather

SNI 7188.5.1:2010

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 5: Kategori produk baterai - Seksi 1: Baterai primer tipe carbon zinc dan alkaline

Ecolabelling criteria - Part 5: Categories product battery - Section 1: Primary Battery type carbon zinc and alkaline

SNI 7188.1.4:2010

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 1: Kategori produk kertas - Seksi 4: Kertas cetak salut

Ecolabelling criteria - Part 1: Categories of paper products - Section 4: Coated printing paper

SNI 19-7188.2.1-2006

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 2: Kategori produk deterjen - Seksi 1: Serbuk deterjen pencuci sintetik rumah tangga

Ecolabelling criteria - Part 2: Category of detergent products - Section 1: Household synthetic washing detergent powder


SNI 19-7188.4.1-2006

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 4: Kategori tekstil dan produk tekstil - Seksi 1: Umum

Ecolabelling criteria - Part 4: Category of textiles and textile products - Section 1: General


SNI 19-7188.1.3-2006

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 1: Kategori produk kertas - Seksi 3: Kertas cetak tanpa salut

Ecolabelling criteria - Part 1: Category of paper products - Section 3: Uncoated print paper


SNI 19-7188.3.2-2006

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 3: Kategori produk kulit - Seksi 2: Sepatu kasual

Ecolabelling criteria - Part 3: Category of leather products - Section 2: Casual shoes


SNI 19-7188.1.1-2006

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 1: Kategori produk kertas - Seksi 1: Kertas kemas

Ecolabelling criteria - Part 1: Category of paper products - Section 1: Wrapping paper


- 41 -


SNI ISO 14021:2009

Label lingkungan dan deklarasi - Klaim lingkungan swadeklarasi (pelabelan lingkungan Tipe II)

Environmental labels and declarations -- Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling)

ISO 14021:1999 Environmental labels and declarations -- Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling) Translation


SNI 7188.6:2010

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 6: Kategori produk cat tembok

Ecolabelling criteria - Part 6: Categories of products wall paint

SNI 19-7188.1.2-2006

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 1: Kategori produk kertas - Seksi 2: Kertas tisu untuk kebersihan (sanitary tissue)

Ecolabelling criteria - Part 1: Category of paper products - Section 2: Sanitary tissue

SNI 7228.2:2011

Prasyarat ekolabel - Bagian 2: Cara uji organohalida yang dapat diabsorbsi (AOX) dalam air limbah secara microcoulometry

Ecolabelling prerequisite - Part 2: Test methods that can be absorbed organohalida (AOX) in waste water microcoulometry

SNI 7188.7:2011

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 7: Kategori produk kantong belanja plastik shopping bags products

Ecolabel criteria - Part 7: Category of plastic shopping bags products

SNI 7188.8:2013

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 8: Kategori produk ubin keramik

Ecolabel criteria - Part 8: ceramic tile product categories

SNI 7228.1:2011

Prasyarat ekolabel - Bagian 1: Cara uji senyawa bersifat bioakumulatif dengan penetapan koefisien partisi oktanol-air secara Kromatografi Cairan Kinerja Tinggi (High Performance Liquid Chromatography/HPLC)

Ecolabelling prerequisite - Part 1: Test method for determination of compounds are bioakumulatif with oktanol-water partition coefficients by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/HPLC

Kriteria ekolabel - Bagian 9: Kategori produk furnitur - Furnitur perkantoran

Ecolabel criteria - Part 9: Product category furniture - Office furniture

SNI 7188.9:2015


Standar lain yang berkaitan dengan perlindungan lingkungan

SNI 04-3890.2.7-2002




Other standards related to environtmental protection

Klasifikasi kondisi lingkungan - Bagian 2-7 : Kondisi lingkungan yang ada di alam - Flora dan fauna

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2-7: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Fauna and flora


IEC 60721-2-7: 1987, Classification of environmental condition - Part 2-7 : Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Fauna and flora Translation SNI 19-14020-2002

MOD Label dan deklarasi lingkungan - Prinsip umum

Environmental declaration and labels - General principles


Resource balance compiling - Part 3: Spacial land resources


ISO 14020-1998 Environmental labels and declarations - General principles Translation SNI 19-6728.3-2002


IDT Penyusunan neraca sumber daya - Bagian 3: Sumber daya lahan spasial




Limbah padat

Solid waste

SNI 19-3964-1995

Metode pengambilan dan pengukuran contoh timbulan dan komposisi sampah perkotaan

Test methods for sampling and measurement of pile and composition of urban garbage

SNI 19-3983-1995

Spesifikasi timbulan sampah untuk kota kecil dan kota sedang di Indonesia

Specification of garbage pile for small and medium city in Indonesia


SNI 19-6365-2000

Uji toksisitas limbah dari logam yang dapat terlindi

Toxicity tests of leached metal waste


SNI 19-6670-2002

Penentuan kadar logam berat dalam limbah padat dengan peleburan litium metaborat secara spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Determination of heavy metal content in solid waste by lithium metaborate fusion in an atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)

SNI 19-6409-2000

Tata cara pengambilan contoh limbah tanpa pemadatan dari truk

Sampling methods of uncompacted wastes from trucks

SNI 19-6667-2002

Penentuan konsentrasi H2S dari sulfida reaktif dalam limbah padat

Determination of H2S concentration from reactive sulphide in solid waste

SNI 19-7030-2004

Spesifikasi kompos dari sampah organik domestik

Specification of domestic organic garbage compost


Limbah cair. Lumpur


14 9 12 9

Liquid wastes. Sludge

SNI 19-4183-1996

Tata pengukuran disesuaikan kadar sianida dalam limbah

Measurement codes for cyanide content in wastes

SNI 19-4181-1996

Pengolahan limbah cair dari proses sianida biji emas secara kimiawi

Treatment of effluent from cyanide gold ores process

SNI 13-6615-2001

Cara uji sianida wad dalam air limbah tambang dengan spektrometri

Test methods for cyanides in mine waste water by spectrophotometry


SNI 19-6447-2000

Metode pengujian kinerja instalasi pengolah lumpur aktif

Performance tests for activated sludge processing installation


SNI 19-4849-1998

Persyaratan penanggulangan tumpahan minyak di laut

Requirements for marine oil spills protection


SNI 19-4850-1998

Tata cara pelaporan tumpahan minyak di laut

Methods for reporting marine oil spills


SNI 7184.4:2010

Karakteristik limbah Bahan Berbahaya Beracun (B3) - Bagian 4: cara uji laju korosi dari limbah cair dan semi padat dengan metode Coupon

Characteristic Toxic Hazardous waste (B3) - Part 4: Test method for the corrosion rate of liquid and semi-solid waste by using Coupon


SNI 7184.3:2011

Karakteristik limbah Bahan Berbahaya Beracun (B3) - Bagian 3: Cara uji titik nyala dalam limbah cair dan semi padat

Characteristic of hazardous and poisonous material waste - Part 3: Test method of flash point in liquid and semi-solid waste


Instalasi dan peralatan untuk pembuangan dan pengo

4 2

Installations and equipment for waste disposal and

SNI 19-3241-1994

Pemilihan lokasi tempat pembuangan akhir sampah, Tata cara

Choices of location for end refuse disposal, Codes of practices


SNI 19-2454-2002

Tata cara teknik operasional pengelolaan sampah perkotaan

Manuals for technical operation of municifal waste management


SNI 19-7029-2004

Spesifikasi komposter rumah tangga individual dan komunal

Individual and communal household composting equipment specification



Standar lain yang berkaitan dengan limbah

SNI 7642:2010

13.040 13.040.01

Other standards related to wastes

Tata cara pemanfaatan oli bekas untuk campuran amonium nitrat dengan fuel oil pada tambang terbuka

Method for the utilization of used oil to mix ammonium nitrate with fuel oil in open pit

Air quality

Kualitas udara Kualitas udara secara umum

Aie quality in general

SNI 19-4174-1996

Penentuan kadar belerang dioksida (SO2) di udara dengan metode pararosanilina

Determination of sulphur dioxide (SO2) in air by pararosanilina methods


SNI 19-4173-1996

Penentuan kadar raksa di udara dengan mercury analyzer

Determination of mercury content in air using mercury analyzers


SNI 19-2879-1992

Cara uji hidrokarbon C1 sampai C5 di udara

Test methods for hydrocarbons C1 to C5 in air

SNI 19-2966-1992

Udara, Cara uji kadar timbal

Ambient air, Test methods for lead content

SNI 19-4844-1998

Metode pengujian konsentrasi hidrogen sulfida (H2S) dalam udara dengan alat spektrofotometer air sampler (HVS)

Test methods for hydrogen sulphide (H2S) concentration in air using spectrophotometer air samplers (HVS)

SNI 13-4703-1998

Penentuan kadar debu di udara dengan penangkap debu jatuh (dust fall collector)

Determination of dust content in air by dust fall collector

SNI 19-4841-1998

Metode pengujian kadar NOx di udara dengan menggunakan alat spektrofotometer

Test methods for Nox content in air using spectrophotometers


SNI 19-4843-1998

Metode pengujian kandungan gas hidrokarbon (HC) di udara dengan alat kromatografi gas

Test methods for hydrocarbon (HC) gas content in air using gas chromatography apparatus


SNI 19-4845-1998

Metode pengujian kandungan gas CO di udara dengan menggunakan NDR

Test methods for CO gas content in air using non dispersive infrared (NDR)


- 42 -

14 5 12 5

SNI 19-4842-1998

Metode pengujian kandungan gas O3 di udara dengan menggunakan alat spektrofotometer

Test methods for O3 gas content in air by using spectrophotometers

SNI 19-1658-1989

Udara, Cara uji kadar hidrokarbon total, metana dan monoksida

Ambient air, Test methods for total hydrocarbon, methane and monoxyde

SNI 19-1125-1989

Cara pengambilan contoh udara untuk analisa gas dan uap

Methods for sampling of air for gas and vapour analysis

SNI 19-1501-1989

Cara uji kadar total oksida-oksida nitrogen di udara

Test methods for total nitrogen oxide in air


SNI 19-1131-1989

Cara uji kadar monoksida di udara

Test methods for carbon monoxide content in ambient air


SNI 19-1499-1989

Udara, Cara uji kadar hidrogen sulfida (H2S)

Ambient air, Test methods for hydrogen sulphide (H2S) content


SNI 19-1424-1989

Cara uji kadar belerang dioksida udara

Test methods for sulphur dioxide content of ambient air

SNI 19-1500-1989

Udara, Cara uji kadar nitrogen

Ambient air, Test methods for nitrogen content


Atmosfir ambien

11 5 24

13 5

Ambient atmospheres

SNI 19-7119.5-2005

Udara ambien - Bagian 5: Cara uji kadar sulfat indeks dengan media PbO2 candle secara turbidimetri menggunakan spektrofotometer

Ambient atmospheres - Part 5: Test methods of index sulphate content by PBO2 candle media and turbidimetry using spectrophotometers

SNI 19-6603-2001

Pengukuran total partikel tersuspensi di udara ambien dengan metode gravimetri

Measurement of total suspended particle in ambient air by gravimetric methods

SNI 19-7119.3-2005

Udara ambien - Bagian 3: Cara uji partikel tersuspensi total menggunakan peralatan high volume air sampler (HVAS) dengan metode gravimetri

Ambient atmospheres - Part 3: Test methods of total suspended particle by gravimetry using high volume air sampler (HVAS) equipment


SNI 19-7119.4-2005

Udara ambien - Bagian 4: Cara uji kadar timbal (Pb) dengan metode destruksi basah menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom

Ambient atmospheres - Part 4: Test methods of lead (Pb) content by wet destruction using atomic absorption spectrophotometers


SNI 19-7119.7-2005

Udara ambien - Bagian 7: Cara uji kadar sulfur dioksida (SO2) dengan metode pararosanilin menggunakan spektrofotometer

Ambient atmospheres - Part 7: Test methods of sulphur dioxide (SO2) content by pararosaniline using spectrophotometers


SNI 19-7119.1-2005

Udara ambien - Bagian 1: Cara uji kadar amoniak (NH3) dengan metode indofenol menggunakan spektrofotometer

Ambient atmospheres - Part 1: Test methods of ammonia (NH3) content by indophenols using spectrophometers


SNI 19-7119.2-2005

Udara ambien - Bagian 2: Cara uji kadar nitrogen dioksida (NO2) dengan metode Griess Saltzman menggunakan spektrofotometer

Ambient atmospheres - Part 2: Test methods of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) content by Griess Saltzman using spectrophotometers


SNI 19-7119.6-2005

Udara ambien - Bagian 6: Penentuan lokasi pengambilan contoh uji pemantauan kualitas udara ambien

Ambient atmospheres - Part 6: The determination of test sample location for controlling of ambient atmosphere quality


SNI 19-7119.8-2005

Udara ambien - Bagian 8: Cara uji kadar oksidan dengan metode neutral buffer kalium iodida (NBKI) menggunakan spektrofotometer

Ambient atmospheres - Part 8: Test methods of oxidant content by neutral buffer potassium iodide using spectrophotometers


SNI 19-7119.9-2005

Udara ambien - Bagian 9: Penentuan lokasi pengambilan contoh uji pemantauan kualitas udara roadside

Ambient atmospheres - Part 9: The determination of test sample location for controlling of roadside atmosphere quality


SNI 7119.10:2011

Udara ambien - Bagian 10: Cara uji kadar karbon monoksida (CO) menggunakan metode Non Dispersive Infra Red (NDIR)

Ambient atmospheres - Part 10: Test methods of carbon monoxide (CO) by method of Nondispersive Infra Red (NDIR)


Atmosfir tempat kerja

11 7

Workplace atmospheres

SNI 19-4785-1998

Cara uji kandungan formaldehida di udara tempat kerja

Test methods for formaldehyde content of air in work places

SNI 16-7059-2004

Pengukuran statis kadar serat asbes di udara tempat kerja

The static measurement of asbestos fibre content in work place atmosphere

SNI 7325:2009

Metoda pengukuran kadar debu respirabel di udara tempat kerja secara perseorangan

Measurement methods of respirable dust content degree in air working place by person

SNI 16-7058-2004

Pengukuran kadar debu total di udara tempat kerja

The measurement of total ash content in work place atmosphere


SNI 19-0232-2005

Nilai ambang batas (NAB) zat kimia di udara tempat kerja

Threshold levels for chemical substances in the workplace atmosphere


SNI 7326:2009

Metoda uji kualitatif layak pakai respirator partikel

Qualitative testing methods for proper particle respirator

SNI 7324:2009

Tata cara pengambilan sampel pencemar udara tempat kerja secara perorangan

Code of pollutant sampling method in air working place by person

SNI 7249:2009

Pengukuran dengan metoda statis kadar toluen di udara tempat kerja

Static methods measurement of toluen content degree in the air working place

SNI 7248:2009

Pengukuran dengan metoda statis kadar timah hitam (Pb) di udara tempat kerja

Static methods measurement of lead (Pb) content degree in the air working place

SNI 7230:2009

Teknik penentuan titik pengambilan sampel udara di tempat kerja

Determination technique of air working place sampling point

SNI 7187:2009

Metoda pengukuran kadar metil etil keton udara tempat kerja dengan pengambilan sampel secara perorangan

Measurement methods of methyl ethyl keton degree in the air work place by using sampling by person

SNI 19-1129-1989

Cara uji kadar gas di lingkungan pekerjaan las

Test methods for gas concentration in welding environment


SNI 19-1428-1989

Lingkungan kerja, Cara uji kadar timbal

Working area, Test methods for lead content


SNI 19-1426-1989

Lingkungan kerja, Cara uji kadar fosgen

Working area, Test methods for phosgene content

SNI 19-1502-1989

Cara uji kontinyu kadar oksida-oksida nitrogen udara di lingkungan kerja

Test methods for nitrogen oxide content of air in working area

SNI 19-1126-1989

Cara uji kadar belerang dioksida di lingkungan kerja

Test methods for sulphur dioxide content in a working area


SNI 19-1427-1989

Lingkungan kerja, Cara uji kadar krom

Chromium content of working area, Test methods



Emisi sumber tak bergerak

7 15

3 20

Stationary source emissions

SNI 7117.16:2009

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 16 :Penentuan kadar uap air secara gravimetri

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 16: The determination of moisture content by gravimetry

SNI 7117.17:2009

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 17 :Penentuan kadar partikulat secara isokinetis

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 17: The determination of particulate content by isokinetic

SNI 7117.18:2009

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 18 :Cara uji sulfur dioksida (SO2) secara turbidimetri menggunakan spektrofotometer

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 18: Test methods of sulfur dioxide (O2) by turbidimetry using a spectrophotometer

SNI 19-7117.6-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 6: Cara uji kadar amoniak (NH3) dengan metode indofenol menggunakan spektrofotometer

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 6: Test methods of ammonia (NH3) content by indophenol methods using spectrophotometers

SNI 7117.19:2009

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 19 :Cara uji Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) secara turbidimetri dengan alat spektrofotometer

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 19: Test methods of Total Reduced Sulphur (TRS) by turbidimetry using a spectrophotometer

SNI 7119.13:2009

Udara Ambien - Bagian 13 :Cara uji hidrokarbon (HC) menggunakan hydrocarbon analyzer dengan detektor ionisasi nyala (Flame Ionization Detector/FID)

Ambient atmospheres - Part 13: Test methods of hydrocarbons (HC) using a hydrocarbon analyzer with a flame ionization detector (Flame Ionization Detector / FID)

SNI 19-7117.7-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 7: Cara uji kadar hidrogen sulfida (H2S) dengan metode biru metilen menggunakan spektrofotometer

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 7: Test methods of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) content by methylene blue using spectrophotometers

SNI 7117.15:2009

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 15 :Penentuan berat molekul kering

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 15: The determination of dry molecular weight

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SNI 19-7117.9-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 9: Cara uji kadar hidrogen fluorida (HF) dengan metode kompleks lanthanum alizarin menggunakan spektrofotometer

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 9: Test methods of hydrogen fluoride (HF) content by complex lanthanum alizarine using spectrophotometers


SNI 19-7117.4-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 4: Cara uji kadar uap air dengan metode gravimetri

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 4: Test methods of fume content by gravimetry


SNI 19-7117.10-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 10: Cara uji konsentrasi CO, CO2, dan O2 dengan peralatan analisis otomatik

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 10: Test methods of CO, CO2 and O2 concentration using automatic analysis instrumentation

SNI 19-7117.11-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 11: Cara uji opasitas menggunakan skala Ringelmann untuk asap hitam

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 11: Opacity test methods for black smoke using Ringelmann scales


SNI 19-7117.8-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 8: Cara uji kadar hidrogen klorida (HCl) dengan metode merkuri tiosianat menggunakan spektrofotometer

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 8: Test methods of hydrogen chloride (HCl) content by mercury thiocyanate using spectrophotometers


SNI 7117.14:2009

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 14 :Penentuan kecepatan linear

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 14: The determination of linear speed

SNI 7117.20:2009

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 20 : Penentuan kadar logam

Exhaust gas emission - Stationary resources - Part 20 : Metals content determination

SNI 19-7117.5-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 5: Cara uji oksida-oksida nitrogen dengan metode phenol disuphonic acid (PDS) menggunakan spektrofotometer

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 5: Test methods of nitrogen oxides by phenol dissulphonic acid (PDS) using spectrophotometers


SNI 19-7117.3.2-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 3: Oksida-oksida sulfur (SOx) - Seksi 2: Cara uji dengan metode netralisasi titrimetri

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 3: Sulphur oxides (SOx) - Section 2: Test methods by neutralization titrimetry


SNI 19-7117.3.1-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 3: Oksida-oksida sulfur (SOx) - Seksi 1: Cara uji dengan metode turbidimetri menggunakan spektrofotometer

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 3: Sulphur oxides (SOx) - Section 1: Turbidimetry test methods using spectrophotometers


SNI 19-7117.2-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 2: Penentuan lokasi dan titik-titik lintas pengambilan contoh uji partikel

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 2: Determination of location and crosspoints of particle test sampling


SNI 19-7117.1-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 1: Penentuan kecepatan alir

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 1: Determination of flow speed rates


SNI 19-7117.12-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 12: Penentuan total partikel secara isokinetik

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 12: The determination of particle total by isokinetic


SNI 7117.13:2009

Emisi gas buang - Sumber tidak bergerak - Bagian 13 : penentuan lokasi dan titik-titik lintas untuk pengambilan contoh uji partikulat dan kecepatan

Exhaust gas emissions - Stationary sources - Part 13: The determination of the location and cross-points for sampling of particulate test and linear velocity

SNI 19-1128-1989

Cara uji kadar debu pada cerobong

Test methods for dust content of chimney


SNI 19-1422-1989

Cara pengambilan contoh gas dari cerobong

Methods for sampling of gases from chimneys



Emisi buangan transportasi


Transport exhaust emissions

SNI 19-2877-1992

Gas buang, Cara uji kadar hidrogen sianida

Exhaust-gases, Test methods for hydrogen cyanide content


SNI 19-2965-1992

Gas buang, Cara uji kadar raksa

Exhaust-gases, Test methods for mercury content


SNI 09-7118.2-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber bergerak - Bagian 2: Cara uji kendaraan bermotor kategori M, N dan O berpenggerak penyalaan kompresi pada kondisi akselerasi bebas

Exhaust gas emissions - Movable source - Part 2: Test methods of motor vehicles category M, N and O having a motivator compression ignition at free acceleration condition


SNI 09-7118.1-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber bergerak - Bagian 1: Cara uji kendaraan bermotor kategori M, N dan O berpenggerak penyalaan cetus api pada kondisi idle

Exhaust gas emissions - Movable source - Part 1: Test methods of motor vehicles category M, N and O having a motivator lighter ignition at idle condition


SNI 09-7118.3-2005

Emisi gas buang - Sumber bergerak - Bagian 3: Cara uji kendaraan bermotor kategori L pada kondisi idle

Exhaust gas emissions - Movable source - Part 3: Test methods of motor vehicles category L at idle condition


SNI 19-1666-1989

Gas buang, Cara uji kadar vanadium

Exhaust-gases, Test methods for vanadium content


SNI 19-1432-1989

Gas buang, Cara uji kadar nitrogen dioksida

Exhaust-gases, Test methods for nitrogen dioxide content


SNI 19-1431-1989

Gas buang, Cara uji kadar klor

Exhaust gases, Test methods for chloride content


SNI 19-1430-1989

Gas buang, Cara uji kadar hidrogen sulfida

Exhaust-gases, Test methods for hydrogen sulphide content


SNI 19-1429-1989

Gas buang, Cara uji kadar hidrogen klorida

Exhaust-gases, Test methods for hydrogen chloride content


SNI 19-1433-1989

Gas buang, Cara uji kadar senyawa flour

Exhaust-gases, Test methods for fluoric compound content



Water quality

Kualitas air

SNI DT 91-0005-2007

Spesifikasi unit paket instalasi pengolahan air

Specification of water processing installation packet units


SNI DT 91-0003-2007

Tata cara pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan unit paket instalasi pengolahan air

Codes for operation and maintenance of water processing installation packet units



Kualitas air secara umum

Water quality in general

SNI 06-2505-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar karbon organik total dengan alat KOT meter infra merah

Water, Test methods for total organic carbon content by infrared KOT analyzers


SNI 06-2509-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar pestisida karbonat dengan alat kromotografi gas

Water, Test methods for carbonate pesticide content by gas chromatography apparatus


SNI 06-2510-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar fosfat-organik dengan alat kromatografi gas

Water, Test methods for organic phosphate content by gas chromatography apparatus


SNI 06-2508-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar pestisida klor-organik dengan alat kromatografi gas

Water, Test methods for organic chlor pesticide content by gas chromotography apparatus


SNI 06-4157-1996

Metode pengujian kadar klorofil A fitoplankton dalam air dengan spektrofotometer

Test methods for chlorophyl A phytoplankton content in water by spectrophotometers


SNI 06-2425-1991

Air, Metode pengujian oksigen terlarut dengan elektrokimia

Water, Test methods for soluble oxygen by electrochemistry


SNI 03-4152-1996

Metode pengujian kadar kalium dalam sedimen melayang dengan asam klorida menggunakan alat spektrofotometer serapan atom

Test methods for potassium in light sediment by hydrogen chloride using atomic absorption spectrophotometer apparatus


SNI 06-4138-1996

Metode pengujian besi terlarut dalam air dengan alat spektrofotometer menggunakan fenantrolin

Test methods for soluble ferrous in water by spectrophotometer apparatus using fenantroline


SNI 06-4139-1996

Metode pengujian kadar karbon dioksida agresif dalam air secara titrimetrik

Test methods for aggressive carbon dioxide content in water by titrimetric


SNI 06-4140-1996

Metode pengujian produktivitas primer dalam air dengan pengukuran oksigen terlarut

Test methods for primary productivity in water by soluble oxigen measurement


SNI 03-4146-1996

Metode pengujian kadar nitrogen total sedimen layang dengan alat destilasi Kjeldahl secara titrasi

Test methods for total nitrogen of suspended sediment by Kjeldahl distillation apparatus


SNI 06-4159-1996

Metode pengujian kadar karbon kloroform ekstrak dalam air secara gravimetri

Test methods for carbon chloroform extract content in water by gravimetric methods

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SNI 03-4151-1996

Metode pengujian kadar fosfat dalam sedimen melayang dengan asam klorida menggunakan alat spektrofotometer secara amonium molibdat

Test methods for phosphate content in light sediment by hydrogen chloride using spectrophotometer apparatus in ammonium molybdat manuver


SNI 06-2513-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar krom dengan alat spektrofotometer serapan atom tungku karbon

Water, Test methods for chromium content by carbon stove atomic absorption spectrophotometer apparatus


SNI 06-4158-1996

Metode pengujian jumlah total bakteri golongan koli dalam air dengan tabung fermentasi

Test methods for total bacteria coli in water using fermentation tubes


SNI 19-2601-1992

Air dan air buangan, Cara uji kadar arsen

Water and waste water, Test methods for arsenic content

SNI 03-3401-1994

Metode pengujian jenis dan jumlah hewan bentos

Test methods for types and quantities of benthos


SNI 06-3415-1994

Metode pengujian kadar sulfit dalam air dengan titrimeterik

Water, Test methods for sulphite content by titrimetric methods


SNI 06-2516-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar tembaga dengan alat spektrofotometer serapan atom tungku karbon

Water, Test methods for copper content by carbon stove atomic absorption spectrophotometer apparatus


SNI 06-2515-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar tembaga dengan alat spektrofotometer serapan atom secara ekstraksi

Water, Test methods for copper content by atomic absorption spectrophotometers in an extraction manuver


SNI 06-2423-1991

Metode pengujian keasaman dalam air dengan potensiometrik

Water, Test methods for acidity by potentiometric


SNI 06-2479-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar amonium dengan alat spektrofotometer secara Nessler

Water, Test methods for ammonium content by spectrophotometer apparatus in a Nessler manuver


SNI 06-3605-1994

Cara uji air raksa dalam contoh air dengan alat penganalisis air raksa (mercury analyzer)

Water analysis, Test methods of mercury by mercury analyzers

SNI 19-3956-1995

Metode pengujian jumlah bakteri koli tinja dalam air dengan saringan membran

Test methods for total faeces bacteria coli in water by membrane filters


SNI 06-2475-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar selenium dengan alat spektrofotometer serapan atom tungku karbon

Water, Test methods for selenium content by carbon stove atomic absorption spectrophotometer apparatus


SNI 06-2412-1991

Metode pengambilan contoh kualitas air

Sampling methods of water quality


SNI 06-2428-1991

Air, Metode pengujian atom dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom

Water, Test methods for atom by atomic absorption spectrophotometer apparatus


SNI 06-2470-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar sulfida dengan alat ion selektif meter

Water, Test methods for sulphide content by selective meter ion apparatus


SNI 06-2421-1991

Metode pengujian kelindian dalam air dengan potensiometrik

Test methods for alkalinity in water by potentiometric


SNI 06-2477-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar silika dengan alat spektrofotometer secara molibdat silikat

Water, Test methods for silicon dioxide content by spectrophotometer apparatus in a silicate molybdate manuver


SNI 06-2422-1991

Air, Metode pengujian keasaman dengan titrimetrik

Water, Test methods for acidity by titrimetry


SNI 06-2480-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar nitrat dengan alat spektrofotometer secara brusin sulfat

Water, Test methods for nitrate content by spectrophotometers in a sulphate brusin manuver


SNI 06-2481-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar boron dengan alat spektrofotometer secara kurkumin

Water, Test methods for boron content by spectrophotometers in a curcumium manuver


SNI 06-2482-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar fluorida dengan alat spektrofotometer secara alizarin merah

Water, Test methods for fluoride content by spectrophotometers in a red alizaryn manuver


SNI 19-3957-1995

Metode pengujian jumlah bakteri koli tinja dalam air dengan tabung fermentasi

Test methods for total faeces bacteria coli in water by fermentation tube


SNI 06-3963-1995

Metode pengujian jenis dan jumlah plankton dalam air

Test methods for species and total of plankton in water


SNI 06-3971-1995

Metode pengujian kadar sulfit dalam air dengan alat spektrofotometer

Test methods for sulphite content by spectrophotometer apparatus


SNI 06-2420-1991

Metode pengujian kelindian dalam air dengan titrimetrik

Test methods for alkalinity in water by titrimetry


SNI 06-2913-1992

Metode pengujian kadar arsen dalam air dengan alat spektrofotometer serapan atom secara natrium borohidrida

Test methods for arsenic content in water using atomic absorption spectrophotometer apparatus in borohydride sodium manuver


SNI 06-2473-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar kobal dengan alat spektrofotometer serapan atom secara ekstraksi

Water, Test methods for cobalt content by atomic absorption spectrophotometer in an extraction manuver


SNI 13-4718-1998

Tata pengambilan percontoh bentos pada badan perairan umum

Sampling methods of benthos in rivers


SNI 13-4717-1998

Tata pengambilan percontoh plankton pada badan perairan umum

Sampling methods of plankton in rivers


SNI 06-4421-1997

Metode pengujian oksigen kimiawi cara refleks terbuka

Test methods of chemical oxygen by open reflux


SNI 06-4822-1998

Metode pengujian kadar mangan dalam air dengan alat spektrofotometer secara persulfat

Test methods for manganese content in water by spectrophotometer in persulphate


SNI 06-4824-1998

Metode pengujian kadar klorin bebas dalam air dengan alat spektrofotometer sinar tampak secara dietil fenilindiamin

Test methods for free chlorine content in water by visible light spectrophotometers in diethyl phenylendiamine (DPD)


SNI 06-6438-2000

Metode pengujian bakteri besi dalam air dan dalam endapan yang dibentuk oleh air

Test methods for ferro bacteria in water and in water performed sediment


SNI 03-6375-2000

Tata cara pengambilan contoh air dari saluran tertutup

Sampling methods of water from closed conduits


SNI 06-4569-1998

Cara uji poli kloro bifenil (PCB) dalam air dan air buangan

Test methods for poly chloro byphenil in water and waste water


SNI 19-6449-2000

Metode pengujian koagulasi-flokulasi dengan cara jar

Test methods for coagulation-flocculation by jar methods


SNI 6989.64:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 64: Cara uji timah (Sn) secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) - tungku karbon

Water and waste water - Part 64 : Test methods for tin content in water by atomic absorption spectrophotometers - carbon stove

SNI 6989.57:2008

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 57 : Metoda pengambilan contoh air permukaan

Water and waste water - Part 57 : Sampling method for surface water

SNI 6989.72:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 72: Cara uji Kebutuhan Oksigen Biokimia (Biochemical Oxygen Demand/BOD)

Water and waste water - Part 72 : Test method for Biochemical Oxygen Demand/BOD

SNI 6989.69:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 69: Cara uji kalium (K) secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) - nyala

Water and waste water - Part 69 : Test method for kalium by atomic absorption spectrophotometer - burning

SNI 6989.58:2008

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 58 : Metoda pengambilan contoh air tanah

Water and wastewater - Part 58 : Sampling method for ground water

SNI 6989.63:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 63: Cara uji perak (Ag) secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) - tungku karbon

Water and waste water - Part 63 : Test methods for silver content in water by atomic absorption spectrophotometer - carbon stoves

SNI 7531:2009

Alat pengolah air dengan membran ultra

Water processing units with ultra membrane

SNI 7629:2008

Tata cara commissioning instalasi pengolahan air

Code of conducts for commisioning of water processing installation

SNI 6989.68:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 68: Cara uji kobal (Co) secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) - nyala

Water and waste water - Part 68 : Test method for cobalt content by atomic absorption spectrofotometer - burning

SNI DT 91-0002-2007

Tata cara perencanaan unit paket instalasi pengolahan air

Codes for designing of water processing installation packet units


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SNI 4146:2013

Pengujian kadar nitrogen total sedimen dengan alat distilasi Kjeldahl secara titrasi

Testing of the total nitrogen content of the sediment by the Kjeldahl distillation apparatus in titration


SNI 06-1130-1989

Cara uji kadar kadmium dalam air

Test methods for cadmium content in water


SNI 19-1660-1989

Air dan air buangan, Cara uji kadar minyak dan lemak

Water and waste water, Test methods for oil and fat content


SNI 06-1138-1989

Air, Cara uji kadar timbal

Water, Test methods for lead content


SNI 19-1659-1989

Air dan air buangan, Cara uji kadar klorida

Water and waste water, Test methods for chloride content


SNI 03-6817-2002

Metode pengujian mutu air untuk digunakan dalam beton

Test methods of water quality for being used in concretes


SNI 06-1135-1989

Air, Cara uji kadar residu suspensi

Water, Test methods for suspension residue content


SNI 19-1656-1989

Air dan air buangan, Cara uji kadar fenol

Water and waste water, Test methods for phenol content


SNI 19-1663-1989

Air dan air buangan, Cara uji kadar sulfat

Water and waste water, Test methods for sulphate content


SNI 06-1127-1989

Cara uji kadar besi dalam air

Test methods for iron content in water


SNI 06-1132-1989

Cara uji kadar krom dalam air

Test methods for chromium content in water


SNI 19-1419-1989

Air dan air buangan, Cara uji kadar nickel

Water and waste water, Test methods for nickel content


SNI 19-1421-1989

Air dan air buangan, Cara uji kadar tembaga

Water and waste water, Test methods for copper content


SNI 06-1137-1989

Air, Cara uji kadar seng

Water, Test methods for zinc content


SNI 06-1140-1989

Cara uji pH air dengan elektrometer

Water, pH test methods for electrometers

SNI 06-6858-2002

Metode pengujian kadar bakteri koli total dalam air dengan saringan membran

Test methods of total coli bacteria in water by membrane filters


SNI 06-1133-1989

Air, Cara uji kadar mangan

Water, Test methods for manganese content


SNI 19-1662-1989

Air dan air buangan, Cara uji kadar nitrit

Water and waste water, Test methods for nitrite content


Air dari sumber alam



Water of natural resources

SNI 03-2528-1991

Air tanah, Metode eksplorasi awal dengan cara geolistrik Wenner

Ground water, Methods of preexploration by geoelectric Wenner methods


SNI 03-2817-1992

Metode pengujian akifer tertekan dengan geolistrik pemompaan Papadapulos-Cooper

Test methods for pressed aquifers by Papadapulos-Cooper pumping geoelectric


SNI 03-2527-1991

Akifer tertekan, Metode pengujian karakteristik dengan uji pemompaan Jacob 1

Confened aquifers, Characteristic test methods by Jacob 1 pump tests


SNI 19-4794-1998

Cara uji penta kloro fenol (PCP) dalam air dan air buangan

Test methods for pentachlorophenol in water and waste water

SNI 13-7121-2005

Penyelidikan potensi air tanah skala 1:100.000 atau lebih besar

Surveys of ground water potential scale 1:100.000 or more

SNI 06-6596-2001

Perlakuan contoh air untuk analisis logam dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Water treatment for metal analysis by atomic absorption spectrophotometers

SNI 3414:2008

Tata cara pengambilan contoh muatan sedimen melayang di sungai dengan cara integrasi kedalaman berdasarkan pembagian debit

Sampling method for river sediment contaned by way of depth integrated base on discharge distribution


SNI 03-7016-2004

Tata cara pengambilan contoh dalam rangka pemantauan kualitas air pada suatu daerah pengaliran sungai

Sampling methods for water quality control in river flow area


SNI 2817:2015

Tata cara analisis dan evaluasi data uji pemompaan dengan metode Papadopulos Cooper

The procedure for the analysis and evaluation of the pumping test data with methods Papadopulos Cooper


SNI 06-1416-1989

Cara pengambilan contoh air

Sampling methods for water


SNI 19-6728.1-2002

Penyusunan neraca sumber daya - Bagian 1: Sumber daya air spasial

Resource balance compiling - Part 1: Spacial water resources



Air minum

5 17 7

Drinking water

SNI 06-4592-1998

Petunjuk pengambilan contoh air minum dan air untuk pegolahan makanan minuman

Guidance on sampling of drinking water and water for food processing

SNI 7228.3:2011

Prasyarat ekolabel - Bagian 3: Cara uji biodegradasi surfaktan anionik

Ecolabelling prerequisite - Part 3: Test Method of anionic surfactant biodegradation

SNI 15-1025-1989

Kapur untuk pengolahan air

Lime for water treatment


SNI 01-0220-1987

Air minum

Drinking water



Air untuk penggunaan industri


Water for industrial use

SNI 06-4372-1996

Cara uji kadar hidrazin dalam air boiler

Test methods for hydrazin content in boiler water

SNI 4872:2015

Es untuk penanganan dan pengolahan ikan

Ice for the handling and processing of fish


SNI 19-1719-1989

Air pengisi ketel uap

Water for steam boiler


SNI 06-0649-1989

Air untuk proses penyamakan kulit samak nabati

Water for tanning process of vegetable tanned leather


Air buangan



Sewage water

SNI 19-2875-1992

Air limbah, Cara uji kebutuhan oksigen biokimia

Waste water, Test methods for biochemical oxygen demand


SNI 06-4571-1998

Cara uji kebutuhan oksigen kimia (COD) air limbah secara permanganometri

Test methods for chemical oxygen demand (COD) of waste water in permaganometric manner


SNI 06-2136-1991




SNI 06-4563-1998

Cara uji kadar residu suspensi dalam air limbah penyamakan kulit

Test methods for suspension content in leather tanning waste water


SNI 19-4795-1998

Cara uji kadar sulfida dalam air limbah penyamakan kulit

Tets method for sulphide content in leather tanning waste water


SNI 19-6466-2000

Tata cara evaluasi lapangan untuk sistem peresapan pembuangan air limbah rumah tangga

Methods for field evaluation of private sewage disposal absorption systems


SNI 19-4780-1998

Cara uji kadar nitrogen amoniak dalam air limbah penyamakan kulit

Test methods for nitrogen amonium content ini leather tanning waste water


SNI 19-6036-1999

Cara uji hidrogen peroksida (H2O2) dalam air limbah

Test methods for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in waste water


Pengujian air secara umum

SNI 7828:2012


Examination of water in general

Kualitas air - Pengambilan contoh - Bagian 5: Pengambilan contoh air minum dari instalasi pengolahan air dan sistem jaringan distribusi perpipaan

Water quality - Sampling - Part 5: Sampling of drinking water from the water treatment plant and distribution system piping network

ISO 5667-5:2006 MOD SNI 6964.8:2015

MOD Kualitas air laut - Bagian 8: Metode pengambilan contoh uji air laut

The quality of sea water - Part 8: Methods of test sampling seawater

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Pengujian kandungan kimia dalam air

Examination of water for chemical subtances

SNI 06-2483-1991

Air, Metode pengujian kadar ortofosfat dan fosfat total dengan alat spektrofotometer secara asam askorbat

Water, Test methods for total phosphate and orthophosphate content by spectrophotometers in a ascorbic acid

SNI 06-2472-1991

Metode pengujian kadar kobal dalam air dengan alat spektrofotometer serapan atom tungku karbon

Test methods for cobalt content in water by carbon stoves atomic absorption spectrophotometer apparatus

SNI 06-6989.12-2004

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 12: Cara uji kesadahan total kalsium (Ca) dan magnesium (Mg) dengan metode titrimetri

Water and waste water - Part 12: Test methods of hardness of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) total by titrimetry methods


SNI 06-2484-2002

Metode pengujian kadar nitrit dalam air dengan kolorimetri

Test methods for nitrite content in water by colorymetry


SNI 06-6601-2001

Tata penentuan sulfat dalam air secara gravimetri dengan pengeringan residu

Methods for determination of sulphate in water by residue draining in gravimetric methods

SNI 06-2413-2002

Metode pengujian kadar padatan dalam air

Test methods for solid matter content in water


SNI 06-6989.15-2004

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 15: Cara uji kebutuhan oksigen kimiawi (KOK) dengan refluks terbuka secara titrimetri

Water and waste water - Part 15: Test methods of chemical oxygen demand (COD) opened reflux by titrimetry


SNI 19-2483-1991

Metode pengujian kadar ortofosfat dan fosfat dalam air dengan alat spektrofotometer secara asam askorbat

Test methods for phospate and ortophospate content on water by spectrophotometers in a ascorbic acid

SNI 03-6439-2000

Metode pengujian ion klorida dalam air

Test methods for chloride ion in water


SNI 06-6989.14-2004

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 14: Cara uji oksigen terlarut secara iodometri (modifikasi azida)

Water and waste water - Part 14: Test methods of dissolved oxygen by iodometry (azide modification)


SNI 06-6989.13-2004

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 13: Cara uji kalsium (Ca) dengan metode titrimetri

Water and waste water - Part 13: Test methods of calcium (Ca) by titrimetry


SNI 06-6989.11-2004

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 11: Cara uji derajat keasaman (pH) dengan menggunakan alat pH meter

Water and waste water - Part 11: Test methods of acidity levels (pH) by pH meters


SNI 06-2430-2002

Cara uji kadar magnesium dalam air

Test methods for magnesium content in water


SNI 06-6989.27-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 27: Cara uji kadar padatan terlarut total secara gravimetri

Water and waste water - Part 27: Test methods of total dissolved solid content by gravimetric analysis


SNI 06-6989.47-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 47: Cara uji kadar nikel (Ni) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara ekstraksi

Water and waste water - Part 47: Test methods of nickel (Ni) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by extraction


SNI 06-6989.48-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 48: Cara uji kadar nikel (Ni) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara tungku karbon

Water and waste water - Part 48: Test methods of nickel (Ni) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by carbon stoves


SNI 06-6989.49-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 49: Cara uji kadar besi (Fe) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara ekstraksi

Water and waste water - Part 49: Test methods of iron (Fe) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by extraction


SNI 06-6989.50-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 50: Cara uji kadar besi (Fe) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara tungku karbon

Water and waste water - Part 50: Test methods of iron (Fe) content by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) with carbon stoves

SNI 06-6989.51-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 51: Cara uji kadar surfaktan anionik dengan spektrofotometer secara biru metilen

Water and waste water - Part 51: Test methods of anionic surfactant content with spectrophotometers by methylene blue


SNI 06-6989.45-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 45: Cara uji kadar timbal (Pb) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara ekstraksi

Water and waste water - Part 45: Test methods of lead (Pb) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by extraction


SNI 06-6989.52-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 52: Cara uji kadar nitrogen organik secara makro Kjeldahl dan titrasi

Water and waste water - Part 52: Test methods of nitrogen organic content by macro Kjeldahl and titration


SNI 06-6989.42-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 42: Cara uji kadar mangan (Mn) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara tungku karbon

Water and waste water - Part 42: Test methods of manganese (Mn) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by carbon stoves


SNI 06-6989.26-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 26: Cara uji kadar padatan total secara gravimetri

Water and waste water - Part 26: Test methods of total solid content by gravimetric analysis

SNI 06-6989.54-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 54: Cara uji kadar arsen (As) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara tungku karbon

Water and waste water - Part 54: Test methods of arsenic (As) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by carbon stoves


SNI 06-6989.55-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 55: Cara uji kadar magnesium (Mg) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Water and waste water - Part 55: Test methods of magnesium (Mg) content by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)


SNI 06-6989.33-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 33: Cara uji kadar perak (Ag) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Water and waste water - Part 33: Test methods of silver (Ag) content by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)


SNI 06-6989.28-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 28: Cara uji karbon organik total (TOC)

Water and waste water - Part 28: Test methods of total organic carbon (TOC)


SNI 06-6989.56-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 56: Cara uji kadar kalsium (Ca) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Water and waste water - Part 56: Test methods of calcium (Ca) content by atomic absorption spectrophotometers


SNI 06-6989.43-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 43: Cara uji kadar seng (Zn) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara ekstraksi

Water and waste water - Part 43: Test methods of zinc (Zn) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by extraction


SNI 06-6989.41-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 41: Cara uji kadar mangan (Mn) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara ekstraksi

Water and waste water - Part 41: Test methods of manganese (Mn) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by extraction


SNI 06-6989.40-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 40: Cara uji kadar barium (Ba) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara tungku karbon

Water and waste water - Part 40: Test methods of barium (Ba) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by carbon stoves


SNI 06-6989.39-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 39: Cara uji kadar barium (Ba) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Water and waste water - Part 39: Test methods of barium (Ba) content by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)


SNI 06-6989.38-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 38: Cara uji kadar kadmium (Cd) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara tungku karbon

Water and waste water - Part 38: Test methods of cadmium (Cd) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by carbon stoves


SNI 06-6989.37-2005

Ari dan air limbah - Bagian 37: Cara uji kadar kadmium (Cd) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara ekstraksi

Water and waste water - Part 37: Test methods of cadmium (Cd) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by extraction


SNI 06-6989.29-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 29: Cara uji fluorida (F-) secara spektrofotometri dengan SPADNS

Water and waste water - Part 29: Test methods of fluorides (F-) by spectrophotometry with SPADNS


SNI 06-6989.30-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 30: Cara uji kadar amonia dengan spektrofotometer secara fenat

Water and waste water - Part 30: Test methods of ammonia content with spectrophotometers by phenates


SNI 06-6989.31-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 31: Cara uji kadar fosfat dengan spektrofotometer secara asam askorbat

Water and waste water - Part 31: Test methods of phosphate content by spectrophotometers with acid ascorbic


SNI 06-6989.36-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 36: Cara uji kadar aluminium (Al) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara tungku karbon

Water and waste water - Part 36: Test methods of aluminium (Al) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by carbon stoves


SNI 06-6989.32-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 32: Cara uji kadar sulfit (SO3=) secara titrimetri

Water and waste water - Part 32: Test methods of sulphite (SO3=) content by titrimetry


SNI 06-6989.35-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 35: Cara uji kadar aluminium (Al) terlarut dengan spektrofotometer secara eriokrom sianin R

Water and waste water - Part 35: Test methods of dissolved aluminium (Al) content by spectrophotometers with eriochrome cyanine R


SNI 06-6989.44-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 44: Cara uji kadar seng (Zn) dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) secara tungku karbon

Water and waste water - Part 44: Test methods of zinc (Zn) content with atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) by carbon stoves


SNI 6989.4:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 4: Cara uji besi (Fe) Secara spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) - Nyala

Water and waste water - Part 4: Test method for iron (Fe) by atomic absorption spectrophotometric (AAS) - flame

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SNI 6989.59:2008

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 59: Metoda pengambilan contoh air limbah

Water and waste water - Part 59 : Sampling method for waste water

SNI 6989.4-2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 4: Cara uji besi (Fe) dengan spektrofotometri serapan atom (SSA)-nyala

Water and waste water - Part 4: Test methods of iron (Fe) by flame-atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)

SNI 6989.6:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 6: Cara uji tembaga (Cu) dengan spektrofotometri serapan atom (SSA)-nyala

Water and waste water - Part 6: Test methods of copper (Cu) by flame-atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)

SNI 6989.7:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 7: Cara uji seng (Zn) dengan spektrofotometri serapan atom (SSA)-nyala

Water and waste water - Part 7: Test methods of zinc (Zn) by flame-atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)

SNI 6989.8-2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 8: Cara uji timbal (Pb) dengan spektrofotometri serapan atom (SSA)-nyala

Water and waste water - Part 8: Test methods of lead (Pb) by flame-atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)

SNI 6989.53:2010

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 53: Cara uji krom heksavalen (Cr-VI) dalam contoh uji air dan air limbah dengan Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) ekstraksi

Water and waste water - part 53: Test method for hexavalent chromium (Cr-VI) in test samples of water and waste water by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) - extraction

SNI 6989.20-2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 20: Cara uji sulfat (SO4 2-) secara turbidimetri

Water and waste water - Part 20: Test methods of sulphates (SO4 2-) by turbidimetry

SNI 6989.2:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 2: Cara uji kebutuhan oksigen kimiawi (Chemical Oxygen Demand/COD) dengan refluks tertutup secara spektrofotometri

Water and waste water - Part 2: Test methods of chemical oxygen demand (COD) by closed reflux and spectrophotometry

SNI 7334.1:2009

Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil (TPT) - Bagian 1: Cara uji zat warna azo dengan Kromatografi Gas - Spektrometer Massa (GC-MS)

Textiles and textile products (TTP) - Part 1:Test method for azo dyes by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometer ( GC-MS)

SNI 6989.70:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 70: Cara uji sulfida dengan biru metilin secara spektrofotometri

Water and waste water - Part 70 : Test methods of sulphates (SO4 2-) by methylin blue using spectrophotometers

SNI 6989.74:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 74: Cara uji Nitrat (NO3) dengan secara electroda selektif ion

Water and waste water - Part 74 : Test methods of Nitrate (NO3) by ionic selectif electrode

SNI 6989.75:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 75: Cara uji sulfida secara iodometri

Water and waste water - Part 75 : Test methods for sulphide using iodometer

SNI 6989.71:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 71: Cara uji krom hexavalen (Cr-VI) dalam contoh uji secara spektrofotometri

Water and waste water - Part 71 : Test methods for Chrom hexavalen (CR-VI) in sampling material using spectrophotometer

SNI 06-6989.1-2004

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 1: Cara uji daya hantar listrik (DHL)

Water and waste water - Part 1: Test methods of electrical conductivity

SNI 6989.19-2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 19: Cara uji klorida (CI-) dengan metode argentometri

Water and waste water - Part 19: Test methods of chlorides (Cl-) by argentometry

SNI 06-6989.21-2004

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 21: Cara uji kadar fenol secara spektrofotometri

Water and waste water - Test methods of phenol content by spectrophotometry

SNI 6989.34:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 34: Cara uji kadar aluminium secara Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA) - Nyala

Water and waste water - Part 34: Test methods for aluminium (Al) content by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) - Burning

SNI 6989.18:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 18: Cara uji nikel (Ni) secara Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA)-nyala

Water and waste water - Part 18: Test methods for nickel (Ni) using atomic spectrophometry absorption - burning

SNI 6989.17:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 17: Cara uji krom total (Cr- T) secara Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA)-nyala

Water and waste water - Part 17: Test methods of total chromium (Cr-T) using atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) - burning

SNI 6989.16:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 16: Cara uji kadmium (Cd) secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA)-nyala

Water and waste water - Part 16: Test methods of cadmium (Cd) using atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) - burning

SNI 06-6990.1-2004

Air - Bagian 1: Cara uji pestisida organoklorin secara ekstraksi menggunakan pelarut n-heksan dengan kromatografi gas-spektrofotometer massa (KG-SM)

Water - Part 1: Test methods of organochlorine pesticides with extraction using n-hexane solvent by gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometers (GC-MS)


SNI 06-6989.9-2004

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 9: Cara uji nitrit (NO2-N) secara spektrofotometri

Water and waste water - Part 9: Test methods of nitrites (NO2-N) by spectrophotometry


SNI 6989.46:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 46: Cara uji kadar timbal (Pb)secara Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA) - tungku karbon

Water and waste water - Part 46: Test methods of lead (Pb) content using atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) - carbon stoves

SNI 6989.5:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 5: Cara uji mangan (Mn) dengan spektrofotometri serapan atom (SSA)-nyala

Water and waste water - Part 5: Test methods of manganese (Mn) by flame-atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)

SNI 06-6989.22-2004

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 22: Cara uji nilai permanganat secara titrimetri

Water and waste water - Part 22: Test methods of permanganate value by titrimetry


SNI 06-6989.3-2004

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 3: Cara uji padatan tersuspensi total (total suspended solid, TSS) secara gravimetri

Water and waste water - Part 3: Test methods of total suspended solid (TSS) by gravimetry


SNI 6989.80:2011

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 80: Cara uji warna secara spektrofotometri

Water and waste water - Part 80: Test methods of color by spectrophotometry


SNI 6989.79:2011

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 79: Cara uji nitrat (NO3-N) dengan Spektrofotometer UV-Visibel secara reduksi kadmium

Water and waste water - Part 79: Test methods of nitrate (NO3-N) by UV-visible spectrophotometer with a cadmium reduction


SNI 6989.78:2011

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 78: Cara uji raksa (Hg) secara spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) - Uap dingin atau Mercury Analyzer

Water and waste water - Part 78: Test methods of mercury (Hg) by Steam cold or Mercury Analyzer - atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)


SNI 6989.77:2011

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 77: Cara uji sianida (CN) secara spektrofotometri

Water and waste water - Part 77: Test methods of cyanide (CN) by spectrophotometry


SNI 6989.76:2011

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 76: Cara uji sianida total (CN-T) secara elektroda selektif ion

Water and waste water - Part 76: Test methods of total cyanide (CN-T) by selective ion apparatus


SNI 6989.10:2011

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 10: Cara uji minyak nabati dan minyak mineral secara gravimetri

Water and waste water - Part 10: Test method for vegetable oils and mineral oils by gravimetry


SNI 6439:2013

Metode uji ion klorida dalam air

Test methods of chloride ions in water





ASTM D512-10 IDT


SNI 06-6856-2002

Metode pengujian kadar nitrat dalam air secara kolorimetri dengan pereaksi Nessler

Test methods of nitrate content in water by using of colorimetry with Nessler reagent


SNI 06-6857-2002

Metode pengujian kadar nitrit dalam air secara kolorimetri dengan pereaksi Gries Romeyer

Test methods of nitrite content in water by colorimetry with Gries Romeyer reagent


SNI 06-6854-2002

Metode pengujian kadar besi (Fe) dalam air secara kolorimetri dengan thiocyanat

Test methods of iron (Fe) content in water by colorimetry with thiocyanate reagent


SNI 06-6855-2002

Metode pengujian kadar mangan (Mn) dalam air secara kolorimetri dengan persulfat

Test methods of manganese (Mn) content in water by colorimetry with persulphate reagent


SNI 06-6852-2002

Metode perhitungan natrium karbonat residu dalam air

Calculation methods of sodium carbonate residue in water


SNI 06-6875-2002

Cara uji kadar sulfida dalam air dengan iodometri

Test methods of sulphides content in water by iodometry

SNI 06-6876-2002

Cara uji kadar amoniak dalam air dengan elektroda selektif ion

Test methods of ammonia content in water by ion selective electrode


SNI 06-6853-2002

Metode perhitungan perbandingan adsorpsi natrium dalam air

Calculation methods of sodium adsorption ratio in water



Pengujian sifat fisik air

SNI 6989.65:2009


Examintaion of physical properties of water

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 65 : Cara uji krom (Cr) secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) - tungku karbon

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Wter and waste water - Part 65 : Test methods of chrom (Cr) by Atomic Absorbtion Spectrofotometry (AAS) - carbon stoves


SNI ISO 10703:2009

Mutu air - penentuan konsentrasi aktifitas radionuklida - Metode spektrometri sinar gamma resolusi tinggi

Water quality -- Determination of the activity concentration of radionuclides -- Method by high resolution gamma-ray spectrometry

ISO 10703:2007 Water quality -- Determination of the activity concentration of radionuclides -- Method by high resolution gamma-ray spectrometry Translation SNI ISO 9697:2009

IDT Mutu air - Pengukuran aktifitas beta total dalam air tawar - Metode sumber tebal

Water quality -- Measurement of gross beta activity in non-saline water -- Thick source method

ISO 9697:2008 Water quality -- Measurement of gross beta activity in non-saline water -- Thick source method Translation SNI ISO 9696:2009

IDT Mutu air - Pengukuran aktivitas alfa total dalam air tawar - Metode sumber tebal

Water quality - Measurement of gross alpha activity in non-saline water -- Thick source method

ISO 9696:2007 Water quality -- Measurement of gross alpha activity in non-saline water -- Thick source method Translation


SNI 6989.67:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 67 : Cara uji tembaga secara ekstraksi dengan Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) - nyala

Water and waste water - Part 67 : Test methods of cuper (Cu) by extraction using Atomic absorbtion Spectrofotometry 9AAS) - burning


SNI 06-6989.24-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 24: Cara uji warna secara perbandingan visual

Water and waste water - Part 24: Test methods of colours by visual comparison


SNI 06-6989.25-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 25: Cara uji kekeruhan dengan nefelometer

Water and waste water - Part 25: Test methods of turbidity by nephelometers


SNI 6989.66:2009

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 66 : Cara uji tembaga (Cu) secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA) - tungku carbon

Water and waste water - Part 66 : Test methods of Cuper (Cu) by Atomic Absorption Spectrofotometry (AAS) - carbon stoves


SNI 06-6989.23-2005

Air dan air limbah - Bagian 23: Cara uji suhu dengan termometer

Water and waste water - Part 23: Test methods of temperatures by thermometers


SNI 06-6860-2002

Metode pengujian angka bau dalam air

Test methods of odour threshold number in water


SNI 06-6859-2002

Metode pengujian angka rasa dalam air

Test methods of flavour threshold number in water



Standar lainnya yang berkaitan dengan kualitas air

Other standards related to water qualiy

SNI 03-4819-1998

Tata cara pembuatan ekstrak sedimen untuk pengujian sifat kimia sedimen

Methods for making sediment extracts for chemical properties testing of sediment


SNI 4819:2013

Tata cara pembuatan ekstrak sedimen untuk pengujian kimia sedimen

The procedure of producing sediment extracts for chemical sediments testing


SNI 19-6738-2002

Metode perhitungan debit andal air sungai dengan analisis lengkung kekerapan

Calculation methods for dependable flow of river water by frequency curve analysis



Soil quality. Pedology

Kualitas tanah. Pedologi

SNI ISO 22300:2012

Keamanan masyarakat - Terminologi

safety for society - Terminology

SNI 7847:2012

Limbah – Spesifikasi hasil pengolahan – Bagian 1: Lumpur (sludge) Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) industri pulp dan kertas sebagai pembenah tanah organik

Waste - Specification of waste process -


Kualitas tanah dan pedologi secara umum

Soil quality and pedology in general

SNI 03-6250-2000

Tata cara penentuan kualitas tanah pada lahan bekas tambang untuk revegetasi

Methods for determination of soil quality of mining area for revegetation

SNI 06-6991.1-2004

Tanah - Bagian 1: Cara uji pestisida organoklorin secara ekstraksi menggunakan pelarut n-heksan dengan kromatografi gas-spektrofotometer massa (KG-SM)

Soils - Part 1: Test methods of organochlorine pesticides with extraction using n-hexane solvent by gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometers (GC-MS)

SNI 7751:2012

Tata cara pencatatan akuifer dengan metode logging geolistrik tahanan jenis short normal (SN) dan long normal (LN) dalam rangka eksplorasi air tanah

Registration procedures aquifer with geoelectric resistivity logging method short normal (SN) and long normal (LN) in the context of groundwater exploration


Pengujian tanah secara umum

6 15

Examination of soils in general

SNI 03-6870-2002

Cara uji kelulusan air di laboratorium untuk tanah berbutir halus dengan tinggi tekan menurun

Test methods of water permeability in the laboratory for smooth-grained soils with decrease pressure height


SNI 03-6871-2002

Cara uji kelulusan air untuk tanah berbutir kasar dengan tinggi tekan tetap

Test methods of water permeability for coorse-grained soil with constant pressure height


SNI 03-6871-2002

Cara uji kelulusan air untuk tanah berbutir kasar dengan tinggi tekan tetap

Test methods of water permeability for coorse-grained soil with constant pressure height


SNI 03-6872-2002

Cara uji kepadatan tanah dan batuan di lapangan dengan cara penggantian volume air pada sumur uji

Test methods of soil and rock densities in the field by water substitution volume on test pits


SNI 03-6872-2002

Cara uji kepadatan tanah dan batuan di lapangan dengan cara penggantian volume air pada sumur uji

Test methods of soil and rock densities in the field by water substitution volume on test pits


SNI 03-6873-2002

Cara uji penentuan persentase kepadatan secara cepat

Test methods of determining density percentage in a fast way


SNI 13-6790-2002

Metode penyiapan benda uji dari contoh tanah terganggu

Manuals for preparing test specimens from disturbed soil sample


SNI 13-6790-2002

Metode penyiapan benda uji dari contoh tanah terganggu

Manuals for preparing test specimens from disturbed soil sample


SNI 03-6873-2002

Cara uji penentuan persentase kepadatan secara cepat

Test methods of determining density percentage in a fast way


SNI 03-6870-2002

Cara uji kelulusan air di laboratorium untuk tanah berbutir halus dengan tinggi tekan menurun

Test methods of water permeability in the laboratory for smooth-grained soils with decrease pressure height



Karakteristik kimia tanah

Chemical characteristics of soils

SNI 13-4722-1998

Tata penentuan klorida terlarut yang terkandung dalam tanah

Methods for determination of soluble chlorides in soils


SNI 03-6249.1-2000

Tata penetapan kadar kalium dalam tanah dengan asam klorida 25 % secara spektrofotometer serapan atom

Methods for determination of potassium content in soil with chloride acid by atomic absorption spectrophotometer


SNI 03-6249.2-2000

Tata penetapan kadar kalium dalam tanah dengan asam sitrat 2 % secara spektrofotometer serapan atom

Methods for determination of potassium content in soil with citric acid 2 % by atomic absorption spectrofotometer


SNI 13-4721-1998

Tata penentuan kadar nitrogen total dalam tanah

Methods for determination of total nitrogen content in soils


SNI 13-4720-1998

Tata penentuan kadar karbon organik dalam tanah

Methods for determination of organic carbon content in soils


SNI 6787:2015

Metode uji pH tanah (ASTM D 4972-01 (2007), IDT)

Standard test method for pH of soils (ASTM D 4972-01 (2007), IDT)


Test methods for pH of soil for use in metal corrosion testing


ASTM D 4972-01 (2007) IDT SNI 03-6879-2002


Metode pengujian pH tanah untuk uji korosi logam

Sifat fisik tanah

Physical properties of soils

SNI 13-4719-1998

Tata penentuan lengas tanah

Methods for moisture determination of soils

SNI 1975:2012

Metode penyiapan secara kering contoh tanah terganggu dan tanah-agregat untuk pengujian

Method for preparation of dry sampling of soils and soils contain with aggregates

13.080.40 SNI 7750:2012

Sifat hidrologis tanah

Hydrologies properties of soils

Tata cara penentuan kadar air batuan dan tanah di tempat dengan metode penduga neutron

- 49 -

Tata method of determining water content of rocks and soil in place with a neutron probe method

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Standar lain yang berhubungan dengan kualitas tanah

Other standards related to soil quality

SNI 06-6992.7-2004

Sedimen - Bagian 7: Cara uji mangan (Mn) secara destruksi asam dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Sediment - Part 7: Test methods of manganese (Mn) with acid destruction by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)


SNI 06-6992.3-2004

Sedimen - Bagian 3: Cara uji timbal (Pb) secara destruksi asam dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Sediment - Part 3: Test methods of lead (Pb) with acid destruction by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)


SNI 06-6992.2-2004

Sedimen - Bagian 2: Cara uji merkuri (Hg) secara uap dingin (cold vapour) dengan mercury analyzer

Sediment - Part 2: Test methods of mercury (Hg) with cold vapour by mercury analyzer


SNI 06-6992.1-2004

Sedimen - Bagian 1: Cara uji pestisida organoklorin secara ekstraksi menggunakan pelarut n-heksan dengan kromatografi gas-spektrofotometer massa (KG-SM)

Sediment - Part 1: Test methods of organochlorine pesticides with extraction using nhexane solvent by gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometers (GC-MS)


SNI 06-6992.4-2004

Sedimen - Bagian 4: Cara uji kadmium (Cd) secara destruksi asam dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Sediment - Part 4: Test methods of cadmium (Cd) with acid destruction by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)


SNI 06-6992.5-2004

Sedimen - Bagian 5: Cara uji tembaga (Cu) secara destruksi asam dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Sediment - Part 5: Test methods of copper (Cu) with acid destruction by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)


SNI 06-6992.6-2004

Sedimen - Bagian 6: Cara uji nikel (Ni) secara destruksi asam dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Sediment - Part 6: Test methods of nickel (Ni) with acid destruction by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)


SNI 06-6992.8-2004

Sedimen - Bagian 8: Cara uji seng (Zn) secara destruksi asam dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA)

Sediment - Part 8: Test methods of zinc (Zn) with acid destruction by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS)


SNI 7082:2016

Tata cara penimbunan batuan penutup untuk pencegahan pembentukan air asam tambang pada kegiatan tambang terbuka batubara

The procedure for stockpiling overburden for the prevention of the formation of acid mine water on the open coal mining activities


SNI 6621:2016

Tata cara pengelolaan tanah pucuk pada kegiatan pertambangan

The procedure for the management of top soil in mining activities


SNI 03-6787-2002

Metode pengujian pH tanah dengan alat pH meter

Test methods of soils pH by pH meter



Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene

Keselamatan kerja. Higiene industri

SNI 19-3997-1995

Pedoman keselamatan kerja listrik pada pentanahan

Guides for electrical occupational safety of grounding


SNI 19-3995-1995

Pedoman keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja pada pembangkit listrik

Guides for occupational safety and health of electric generators


SNI 19-3996-1995

Pedoman keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja tentang penyimpanan dan pengamanan bahan peledak

Guides for occupational safety and health for storage and safety of explosive materials


SNI 19-3993-1995

Pedoman keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja tentang keselamatan kerja las busur listrik

Guides for occupational health and safety of electric arc welding


SNI 19-4122-1996

Keselamatan kerja pada pengelasan listrik secara manual

Occupational safety on manual electrical welding

SNI 19-3994-1995

Pedoman keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja pada pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan

Guides for occupational safety and health of first aid

SNI 13-3620-1994

Cara pemakaian perkakas tangan dengan aman

Application of safety hand tools


SNI 19-6602-2001

Kartu tanda bahaya untuk pengamanan

Danger tags for safety


SNI 19-6411-2000

Tata cara pemeliharaan pencatatan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja pada fasilitas pengolahan sampah

Methods for registration of occupational health and safety at solid waste processing facilities


SNI 13-7083-2005

Tata cara induksi keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) pertambangan

Codes of mining occupational and health safety (OHS)


SNI 16-7063-2004

Nilai ambang batas iklim kerja (panas), kebisingan, getaran tangan-lengan dan radiasi sinar ultra ungu di tempat kerja

The threshold limit value of work climates (hot), noise, hand-arm vibration and ultraviolet ray radiation at work places


SNI ISO/TS 12901-1:2016

Nanoteknologi - Manajemen risiko lingkungan kerja yang diterapkan pada material nano terekayasa - Bagian 1: Prinsip dan pendekatan (ISO/TS 12901-1:2012, IDT)

Nanotechnologies - Occupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterials Part 1: Principles and approaches (ISO/TS 12901-1:2012, IDT)


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ISO/TS 12901-1:2012 SNI ISO/TR 12885:2016

IDT Nanoteknologi - Praktik kesehatan dan keselamatan dalam pengaturan pekerjaan yang terkait nanoteknologi (ISO/TR 12885:2008, IDT)

Nanotechnologies - Health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies (ISO/TR 12885:2008, IDT)


ISO/TR 12885:2008 IDT SNI 19-1956-1990

Tangga kerja, Keselamatan kerja pada pembuatan dan pemakaian

Ladders, Occupational health in making and utilization


SNI 19-1953-1990

Bongkar muat (pelabuhan), Pedoman keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Load and unload (harbour), Guides for occupational safety and health


SNI 19-1954-1990

Pesawat tenaga dan produksi

Generator and production machines


SNI 19-1723-1989

Penyakit akibat kerja, Daftar

Occupational diseases, Lists


SNI 19-1955-1990

Perancah, Keselamatan kerja pada pemasangan dan pemakaian

Scaffolds, Occupational safety in installation and usage


SNI 19-1717-1989

Mesin gergaji bundar/lingkar untuk pekerjaan kayu, Keselamatan kerja

Circular saw machines for wood working, Ocupational safety


SNI 19-1959-1990

Pedoman keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja udara bertekanan tinggi

Guides for occupational safety and health for high pressure gases


SNI 19-1957-1990

Kesehatan kerja, Pedoman pengawasan

Occupational health, Guide for control


SNI 19-0231-1987

Kegiatan konstruksi, Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Construction activities, Occupational safety and health


SNI 13-6912-2002

Operasi seismik yang aman di Indonesia - Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Seismic operation for save conduct in Indonesia - Safety and health


American Petroleum Institute (API) RP 500, Shell internationale petroleum maatchappij B.V dan EP 55000/34 MOD SNI 19-1960-1990

Gizi kerja

Nutrition for working condition

SNI 19-1961-1990

Peraturan khusus keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Specific rules of occupation health and safety

SNI 19-0230-1987

Pekerjaan penebangan dan pengangkutan kayu, Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Wood cutting and transportation, Occupational safety and health

SNI 19-0229-1987

Pekerjaan di dalam ruangan tertutup, Keselamatan kerja

Working in closed area, Occupational safety


SNI 19-0228-1987

Gedung bioskop, Pedoman keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja

Cinema, Guides for occupational safety and health



Keselamatan Mesin - Perlengkapan Listrik dari Mesin - Bagian 11: Persyaratan untuk perlengkapan tegangan tinggi untuk tegangan diatas 1000 V a.b. atau 1500 V a.s dan tidak melebihi 36 kV

Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 11: Requirements for HV equipment for voltages above 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. and not exceeding 36 kV

IEC 60204-11:2009, Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 11: Requirements for HV equipment for voltages above 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. and not exceeding 36 kV Translation

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Safety of machinery

Keamanan permesinan

SNI IEC 60204-11:2009



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Domestic safety

Keselamatan rumah tangga

SNI IEC 60335-2-30:2010

Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-30: Persyaratan khusus untuk pemanas ruangan

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for room heaters

IEC 60335-2-30 ed 5.0 (2009-11) Translation SNI IEC 60335-1:2010

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements

IEC 60335-1 (2010-05) ed 5.0 + Cor.1 (2010-07) Translation SNI IEC 60335-2-6:2010

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-6 : Persyaratan khusus untuk kompor pemasak stasioner, tungku lempengan, oven dan peranti sejenis

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for stationary cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and similar appliances

IEC 60335-2-6 ed 5.2 Consol. With amd 1 & 2 (2008-03) Translation SNI IEC 60335-2-3:2009

IDT Piranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-3: Persyaratan khusus untuk setrika listrik

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for electric irons


IEC 60335-2-3:2009, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for electric irons Translation SNI IEC 60335-2-32:2012

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-32: Persyaratan khusus untuk peranti pijat

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-32: Particular requirements for massage appliances

IEC 60335-2-32 ed4.1 Consol. with am1 (2008-03) IDT SNI IEC 60335-2-31:2012

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-31: Persyaratan khusus untuk pengisap asap kompor dan pemasak lain

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-31: Particular requirements for range hoods and other cooking fume extractors

IEC 60335-2-31 ed5.0 (2012-11) IDT SNI IEC 60335-2-11:2012

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-11: Persyaratan khusus untuk pengering guling

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for tumble dryers

IEC 60335-2-11 ed7.0 (2008-07) IDT SNI IEC 60335-2-43:2012

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-43: Persyaratan khusus untuk pengering pakaian dan gantungan handuk

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-43: Particular requirements for clothes dryers and towel rails

IEC 60335-2-43 ed3.2 Consol. with am1&2 (2008-09) IDT SNI IEC 60335-2-2:2012

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-2: Persyaratan khusus untuk pembersih vakum dan peranti pembersih sedot air

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and water-suction cleaning appliances

IEC 60335-2-2 ed6.0 (2009-12) IDT SNI IEC 60335-2-8:2012

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-8: Persyaratan khusus untuk alat cukur, pangkas rambut dan peranti sejenis

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for shavers, hair clippers and similar appliances

IEC 60335-2-8 ed6.0 (2012-12) IDT SNI IEC 60335-2-10:2012

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-10: Persyaratan khusus untuk mesin pembersih lantai dan mesin penggosok basah

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines and wet scrubbing machines

IEC 60335-2-10 ed5.1 Consol. with am1 (2008-07) IDT SNI IEC 60335-2-28:2012

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-28: Persyaratan khusus untuk mesin jahit

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-28: Particular requirements for sewing machines

IEC 60335-2-28 ed4.1 Consol. with am1 (2008-07) IDT SNI IEC 60335-2-45:2012

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-45: Persyaratan khusus untuk peralatan pemanas portabel (pegun) dan peranti pegun

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-45: Particular requirements for portable heating tools and similar appliances

IEC 60335-2-45 ed3.1 Consol. with am1 (2008-07) IDT SNI 7609:2011

IDT Peralatan listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis – Keselamatan – Bagian 2-80: Persyaratan khusus untuk kipas angin

Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-80: Particular requirements for fans

IEC 60335-2-80 ed 2.2 (2008-09 MOD SNI IEC 60335-2-59:2010

Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-59 : Persyaratan khusus untuk pembunuh serangga

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-59: Particular requirements for insect killers

IEC 60335-2-59 ed 3.2 Consol. with am1&2 (2009-11) Translation


Noise with respect to human beings

Bunyi yang berhubungan dengan manusia

SNI 04-3901.3-1995



Standar batas tingkat kebisingan untuk kawasan kelistrikan - Bagian 3: Pengukuran tingkat kebisingan di tempat kerja dan lingkungan

Sound level for electrical area - Part 3: Measurement of sound level at working area and environment

Vibration and shock with respect to human beings

Getaran dan kejutan yang berhubungan dengan manusi

SNI 16-7054-2004

Pengukuran percepatan getaran pada tangan

The measurement of hand-arm vibration acceleration

SNI 7231:2009

Metoda pengukuran intensitas kebisingan di tempat kerja

Measurement methods for noisy intensity in working place






SNI 7186:2009


Metoda pengukuran percepatan getaran seluruh tubuh pada sikap kerja duduk

Measurement methods on full body vibration acceleration in sitting work attitude

Accident and disaster control

Kecelakaan dan pengendalian bencana

SNI 04-3890.2.6-2002

Klasifikasi kondisi lingkungan - Bagian 2-6: Kondisi lingkungan yang timbul di alam - Getaran dan kejut gempa-bumi

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2-6: Environmental conditions on earth Vibration and earthquake shocks


SNI 10-4837-1998

Fasilitas dan rambu-rambu keselamatan di pelabuhan laut

Safety facilities and safety signs in harbour


SNI 13-7081-2005

Investigasi kecelakaan tambang

Mining accident investigation


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SNI 13-6982.2-2004

Pemeriksaan lokasi bencana gerakan tanah - Bagian 2: Tata cara pelaporan hasil pemeriksaan

The investigation of disaster location of land movements - Part 2: Codes of reporting of investigation results


SNI 13-6982.1-2004

Pemeriksaan lokasi bencana gerakan tanah - Bagian 1: Tata cara pemeriksaan

The investigation of disaster location of land movements - Part 1: Investigation codes


SNI 7766:2012

Jalur evakuasi tsunami

Tsunami evacuation route

SNI ISO/PAS 22399:2012

Perlindungan masyarakat - Pedoman untuk manajemen kesiapsiagaan insiden dan kontinuitas operasional

Societal security - Guideline for incident preparedness and operational continuity management


ISO/PAS 22399 IDT SNI 7743:2011

Rambu evakuasi tsunami

Tsunami evacuation signs

SNI 19-1716-1989

Statistik kecelakaan

Accident statistics


Protection against fire

Perlindungan terhadap kebakaran



Pemadaman kebakaran


SNI 13-3619-1994

Penanganan tabung bertekanan

Handling of pressure cylinders

SNI 03-3989-2000

Tata cara perencanaan dan pemasangan sistem springkler otomatis untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan gedung

Methods for design and installation of automatic sprinkler systems for fire protection of buildings


SNI 03-3988-1995

Pengujian kemampuan pemadaman dan penilaian alat pemadam api ringan

Extinguishing capability tests and evaluation of light fire extinguishers


SNI 19-4851-1998

Peralatan pemadam kebakaran di pelabuhan laut

Fire extinguishers in harbours

SNI 19-4846-1998

Persyaratan perlengkapan petugas pemadam kebakaran di kapal

Requirements for firefighter accessories in ships

SNI 03-6382-2000

Spesifikasi hidran kebakaran tabung basah

Specification of wet-barrel fire hydrants


SNI 09-7053-2004

Kendaraan dan peralatan pemadam kebakaran - Pompa

Fire-fighting vehicles and equipment - Pumps


SNI 10-0972-1989

Alat pemadam kebakaran di kapal, Simbol grafis

Fire extinguisher in ships, Graphical symbols


SNI 19-0180-1987

Tabung pemadam api portable dari baja karbon rendah

Low carbon steel portable extinguisher tubes



Perlindungan kebakaran


4 2

Fire-protection equipment

SNI 03-3987-1995

Tata cara perencanaan, pemasangan pemadam api ringan untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan rumah dan gedung

Codes for design, installation of light fire extinguishers for fire protection in houses and buildings


SNI 03-3986-1995

Instalasi alarm kebakaran otomatik

Automatic fire alarm installation


SNI 03-3985-2000

Tata cara perencanaan, pemasangan dan pengujian sistem deteksi dan alarm kebakaran untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan gedung

Methods for design, installation and testing for fire detection and fire alarm systems for fire protection of buildings


SNI 03-6571-2001

Sistem pengendali asap kebakaran pada bangunan gedung

Smoke control systems in buildings


SNI 19-6470-2000

Tata cara sistem udara bertekanan untuk sarana jalan keluar kedap api

Methods for air pressurization systems of fire-isolated exits


SNI 03-6462-2000

Tata cara pemasangan damper kebakaran

Methods for installation of fire dampers


SNI 03-6383-2000

Spesifikasi peralatan pengolahan udara individual sebagai sistem pengendalian asap terzona dalam bangunan gedung

Specification of individual air processing equipment as zoned smoke control systems in buildings


SNI 03-1745-2000

Tata cara perencanaan dan pemasangan sistem pipa tegak dan slang untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan gedung

Methods for design and installation of stand pipe and hose systems for fire protection of buildings


SNI 03-1746-2000

Tata cara perencanaan dan pemasangan sarana jalan keluar untuk penyelamatan terhadap bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan gedung

Methods for design and installation of means of egress for rescuing to fire in buildings


SNI 03-1735-2000

Tata cara perencanaan akses bangunan dan akses lingkungan untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan gedung

Methods for design of building access and environment access for fire protection of buildings


SNI 19-6772-2002

Tata cara sistem pemadam api FM 200 (hfc-227 ea)

Procedures for the FM - 200 fire extinguisher systems


SNI 03-1736-2000

Tata cara perencanaan dan sistem proteksi pasif untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan gedung

Methods for design and pasive protection system for fire protection of buildings


SNI 03-6766-2002

Metode pengujian proteksi kebakaran terhadap pintu kebakaran pada bangunan

Test methods of fire protection for fire doors at buildings


SNI 19-6718-2002

Spesifikasi damper kebakaran

Specification of the fire dampers



Sifat mampu nyala dan bakar dari bahan dan produk

SNI 04-6539.2.1.2-2002

Ignitability and burning behaviour of materials an

Pengujian bahaya kebakaran - Bagian 2: Metode uji - Seksi 1/Lembar 2: Uji mampu-nyala kawat-pijar pada bahan

Fire hazard testing - Part 2: Test methods - Section 1/sheet 2: Glow-wire flammability test on materials


IEC 60695-2-1/2:1994, Fire hazards testing - Part 2: Test methods section 1/sheet 2: Glow-wire flammability test on materials Translation SNI 04-6539.1.2-2001

MOD Pengujian bahaya kebakaran - Bagian 1: Pedoman untuk penyiapan persyaratan dan spesifikasi pengujian untuk mengases bahaya kebakaran produk elektroteknik - Seksi 2: Pedoman untuk komponen elektronik

Fire hazard testing - Part 1: Guidance for preparation of requirements and specification of testing for assessing fire hazard of electrotechnical products - Section 2: Guidance for electronic components


IEC 60695-1-2: 1982, Fire hazard testing - Part 1: Guidance for hazard of preparation of requirements and test specification for assessing fire hazard of electrotechnical products - Section 2: Guidance for electronic components Translation SNI 04-6539.2.1.1-2001

IDT Pengujian bahaya kebakaran - Bagian 2: Metode uji - Seksi 1/lembar 1: Uji kawat-pijar untuk produk akhir dan pedomannya

Fire hazard testing - Part 2: Test methods - Section 1/sheet 1: Glow-wire end-product tests and guidance


IEC 60695-2-1/1: 1994, Fire hazard testing - Part 2: Test methods - Section 1/sheet 1: Glow-wire end-product tests and guidance Translation SNI 04-6539.1.1-2001

IDT Pengujian bahaya kebakaran - Bagian 1: Pedoman untuk penyiapan persyaratan dan spesifikasi pengujian untuk mengases bahaya kebakaran produk elektroteknik - Seksi 1: Pedoman umum

Fire hazard testing - Part 1: Guidance for preparation of requirements and specification of testing for assessing fire hazard of electrotechnical products - Section 1: General guidelines


IEC 60695-1-1: 1995, Fire hazard testing - Part 1: Guidance for hazard of preparation of requirements and test specification for assessing fire hazard of electrotechnical products - Section 1: General guidance Translation SNI 04-6539.2.1.0-2001

IDT Pengujian bahaya kebakaran - Bagian 2: Metode uji - Seksi 1/lembar 0: Metode uji kawat-pijar - Umum

Fire hazard testing - Part 2: Test methods - Section 1/sheet 0: Glow-wire test methods General

IEC 60695-2-1/0: 1994, Fire hazard testing - Part 2: Test methods - Section 1/sheet 0: Glow-wire test methods - General Translation


- 52 -


SNI 04-6539.1.3-2001

Pengujian bahaya kebakaran - Bagian 1: Pedoman untuk penyiapan persyaratan dan spesifikasi pengujian untuk mengases bahaya kebakaran produk elektroteknik - Seksi 3: Pedoman penggunaan prosedur pra-seleksi

Fire hazard testing - Part 1: Guidance for preparation of requirements and specification for asssessing fire hazard of electrotechnical products - Section 3: Guidance for use of preselection procedures


IEC 60695-1-3: 1986, Fire hazard for testing - Part 1: Guidance for preparation of requirements and specification for asssessing fire hazard of electrotechnical products - Section 3: Guidance for use of pre-selection procedures Translation SNI 8238:2016

IDT Metode uji standar untuk titik nyala dan titik bakar dengan cawan terbuka Cleveland (ASTM D92-12, IDT)

Standard test method for flash and fire points by Cleveland open cup tester (ASTM D9212, IDT)




Ketahanan api dari bahan dan elemen bangunan

Fire-resistance of building materials and elements

SNI 1741:2008

Cara uji ketahanan api komponen struktur bangunan untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan rumah dan gedung’

Testing methods for fire resistance tests of structural building components for fire protection in houses and buildings

SNI 1740:2008

Cara uji bakar bahan bangunan untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan rumah dan gedung

Testing methods fire test of building materials for fire protection in houses and buildings

SNI 1739:2008

Cara uji jalar api pada permukaan bahan bangunan untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan rumah dan gedung

Testing methods for fire spread tests at the surface of building materials for fire protection in houses and buildings


7 11

Explosion protection

Perlindungan ledakan

SNI 13-6911-2002


Penanganan bahan peledak yang aman di Indonesia - Pelaksanaan

Explosive handling for safe conducts in Indonesia - Implementation


American Petroleum Institute (API) RP 500, Recommended practice for classification of location for electrical installation at petroleum facilities Translation



Protection against excessive pressure

Perlindungan terhadap tekanan berlebihan

SNI 13-6907-2002

Peralatan pelepas tekanan

Pressure relief devices


ASME PTC 25, Pressure relief devices Translation



Protection against electric shock

Perlindungan terhadap kejutan listrik

SNI 04-6256-2000

Pelindung pengaman kaku untuk pekerjaan bertegangan pada instalasi a.b.b

Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c installation


Protection against electric shocks - Common aspects for installation and equipment


Effects of current passing through human body and animals - Part 1: General aspects


IEC 1229 : 1993-07, Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c installation Translation SNI 04-6961-2003

IDT Proteksi terhadap kejut listrik - Aspek umum untuk instalasi dan perlengkapan

IEC 61140 (2001-10), Protection againts electric shock - Common aspects for installation and equipment Translation SNI 04-6209.1-2000

MOD Pengaruh arus pada manusia dan hewan ternak - Bagian 1: Aspek umum

IEC 479-1: 1994, Effects of current on human being and livestock - Part 1 ; general aspects Translation SNI 04-6256.1-2001

IDT Pekerjaan dalam keadaan bertegangan - Pedoman untuk perencanaan jaminan mutu

Live working - Guidelines for quality assurance plans


IEC 61318: 1994, Live working - Guidelines for quality assurance plans Translation SNI IEC 61032:2009

MOD Proteksi bagi manusia dan perlengkapan dengan selungkup - Colok (probe) untuk verifikasi

Protection of persons and equipment by enclosures - Probes for verification


IEC 61032:2009, Protection of persons and equipment by enclosures - Probes for verification Translation



Radiation protection

Perlindungan terhadap radiasi

SNI 18-2039-1990

Izin konstruksi dan operasi iradiator gamma

Gamma irradiation, Construction operation and permit

SNI 18-6937-2002

Zat radioaktif - Pembungkus - Uji kebocoran isi dan radiasi

Radioactive materials - Packaging - Tests for content leakage and radiation leakage


ISO 2855:1976, Radioactive materials -- Packagings - Test for contents leakage and radiation leakage Translation SNI 18-6479-2000

MOD Pakaian proteksi sinar-X untuk pasien

X-ray protective clothing for patients


Lead glass for X-ray radiation protection


X-ray protectitive apron


JIS Z 4830: 1992, X-ray protective clothing for patients Translation SNI 16-6656-2002

MOD Kaca timbal untuk proteksi radiasi sinar-X

JIS R 3701:1900, Lead glass for x-ray protection Translation SNI 18-6478-2000

MOD Apron proteksi radiasi sinar-X

JIS Z 4803: 1980, Medical X-ray protective apron Translation SNI 18-6650.2-2002

MOD Proteksi radiasi - Sumber radioaktif tertutup - Bagian 2 : Metode uji kebocoran

Radiation protection - Sealed radioactive sources - Part 2: Leakage test methods


ISO 9978 : 1992 (E), Radiation protection - Sealed radioactive sources - Leakage test methods Translation SNI 18-6480-2000

MOD Metode pengujian ekivalen timbal untuk peralatan proteksi radiasi sinar-X

Test methods of lead equivalent for X-ray protective devices


JIS Z-4501-1988 Testing method of lead equivalent for X-ray protective devices Translation SNI ISO 7503.1:2008

IDT Evaluasi kontaminasi permukaan - Bagian 1: Pemancar beta (energi beta maksimum lebih besar dari 0,15 MeV) dan pemancar alfa

Evaluation of surface contamination -- Part 1: Beta-emitters (maximum beta energy greater than 0,15 MeV) and alpha-emitters


ISO 7503.1, Evaluation of surface contamination -- Part 1: Beta-emitters (maximum beta energy greater than 0,15 MeV) and alpha-emitters Translation SNI 18-7028-2004

IDT Proteksi radiasi - Pakaian untuk proteksi terhadap kontaminasi radioaktif Desain, pemilihan, pengujian dan penggunaan

Radiation protection - Clothing for protection against radioactive contamination - Design, selection, testing and use


Enclosures for protection against ionizing radiation - Lead shielding units for 50 mm and 100 mm thick walls


ISO 8194: 1987 Translation SNI 18-7102-2005

IDT Perangkat proteksi terhadap radiasi pengion - Unit perisai timbal untuk dinding dengan ketebalan 50 mm dan 100 mm

ISO 7212: 1986, Enclosures for protection againts ionizing radiation - Lead hielding units for 50 mm and 100 mm thick walls Translation


- 53 -

SNI ISO 20553:2009

Proteksi radiasi - Pemantauan pekerja yang beresiko terpapar kontaminasi internal oleh bahan radioaktif

Radiation protection -- Monitoring of workers occupationally exposed to a risk of internal contamination with radioactive material

ISO 20553:2006 Radiation protection -- Monitoring of workers occupationally exposed to a risk of internal contamination with radioactive material Translation SNI ISO 17874-3:2013

IDT Peralatan penanganan jarak jauh untuk bahan radioaktif - Bagian 3: Manipulator master-slave elektris

Remote handling equipment for radioactive materials - Part 3: master-slave manipulators electrical

ISO 17874-3:2011 Translation SNI ISO 17874-1:2012

IDT Peralatan penanganan jarang jauh untuk bahan radioaktif - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Remote handling devices for radioactive materials - Part 1: General requirements (ISO 17874-1: 2010, IDT)


ISO 17874-1 IDT SNI ISO 21482:2013

Peringatan bahaya radiasi pengion - Simbol tambahan

Ionized-radiation warning - Supplementary symbols

ISO 21482:2007 IDT


SNI ISO 8769:2013

Sumber acuan - Kalibrasi alat pemantau monitor kontaminasi permukaan Pemancar alfa, beta dan foton

Reference sources - Calibration of surface contamination monitors - Alpha-, beta- and photon emitters

ISO 21482:2007 IDT


SNI ISO 2919:2013

Proteksi radiologi - Sumber radioaktif terbungkus - Persyaratan umum dan klasifikasi

Radiological protection - wrapped radioactive sources - General requirements and classification

SNI ISO 17874-2:2013

Peralatan penanganan jaak jauh untuk bahan radioaktif - Bagian 2: Manipulator master-slave mekanis

Remote-handling devices for radioactive materials - Part 2: Mechanical master-slave manipulators

ISO 17874-2:2004 IDT


SNI ISO 17874-5:2015

Peralatan penanganan jarak jauh untuk bahan radioaktif - Bagian 5: Penjepit penanganan jarak jauh (ISO 17874-5:2007, IDT)

Remote handling equipment for radioactive materials - Part 5: Brace remote handling (ISO 17874-5: 2007, IDT)


ISO 17874-5: 2007 IDT SNI ISO 3925:2015

Zat radioaktif tidak terbungkus - Identifikasi dan dokumentasi (ISO 3925:2014, IDT)

Radioactive substances are not wrapped - Identification and documentation (ISO 3925: 2014, IDT)


ISO 3925:2014 IDT


Protection against dangerous goods

Perlindungan terhadap barang berbahaya

SNI 13-4121-1996


Penanganan, penyimpanan dan pengangkutan senyawa sianida padat


Alarm and warning systems

Alarm dan sistem tanda bahaya

SNI 04-6626.1.4-2001

Handling, storage and transportation of solid cyanide compound

Sistem alarm - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum - Seksi 4: Aturan pelaksanaan

Alarm systems - Part 1: General requirements - Section 4: Codes of practices


Alarm systems - Part 1: General requirements - Section 3: Environmental tests


IEC 60839-1-4: 1989, Alarm systems - Part 1: General requirements - Section 4: Code of practices Translation SNI 04-6626.1.3-2001

MOD Sistem alarm - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum - Seksi 3: Uji lingkungan

IEC 839-1-3: 1988, Alarm systems - Part 1: General requirements - Section 3: Environmental tests Translation


SNI 03-6574-2001

Tata cara perancangan pencahayaan darurat, tanda arah dan sistem peringatan bahaya pada bangunan gedung

Codes for the design of emergency lighting, direction sign and hazardous warning systems in buildings


SNI 04-6626.1.2-2001

Sistem alarm - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum - Seksi 2: Unit daya, metode uji dan kriteria unjuk kerja

Alarm systems - Part 1: Power units, test methods and performance criteria


IEC 60839-1-2: 1987, Alarm systems - Part 1: General requirements - Section 2: Power units, test methods and performance criteria Translation



Protective equipment

Peralatan pelindung

SNI ISO 12402-10:2011

Alat apung personal - Bagian 10: Pemilihan dan aplikasi alat apung personal dan perangkat lainnya

Personal flotation devices - Part 10: Selection and application of personal flotation devices and other relevant device


Personal flotation devices - Part 8: Accessories - Safety requirements and test methods


Personal flotation devices - Part 9: Test methods


ISO 12402-10:2006 Translation SNI ISO 12402-8:2011

IDT Alat apung personal - Bagian 8: Aksesoris - Persyaratan keselamatan dan metode uji

ISO 12402-8:2006 Translation SNI ISO 12402-9:2011

IDT Alat apung personal - Bagian 9: Metode uji

ISO 12402-9:2006 Translation SNI 19-1721-1989


Noise in working area, Evaluation and control

Peralatan pelindung secara umum

SNI 19-1958-1990


IDT Kebisingan di tempat kerja, Penilaian dan pengendalian


Protective equipment in general

Pedoman alat pelindung diri

Guides of self protectors

Pakaian pelindung


Protective clothing

SNI 06-6316-2000

Sarung tangan kerja pengrajin sepatu dari kulit

Leather gloves for shoemakers


SNI 10-1774-1990

Baju penolong

Life jackets


SNI 12-1548-1989

Sepatu bot PVC cetak tahan minyak dan lemak

PVC moulding boots, oil and fat proof



Alat pelindung kepala

Head protective equipment

SNI 1811-2007/Amd1:2010 Helm pengendara kendaraan bermotor roda dua, Amandemen 1

Helmets for road vehicle riders, Amandement 1

SNI ISO 3873:2012

Indusrial safety helmets

Helm keselamatan industri

ISO 3873:1977, IDT Translation



Perlindungan lengan dan telapak tangan

SNI 06-0652-2005

Hand and arm protection

Sarung tangan dari kulit sapi untuk kerja berat

Heavy duty cow leather gloves

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Perlindungan kaki dan telapak kaki

Leg and foot protection

SNI 7037:2009

Sepatu pengaman dari kulit dengan sistem Goodyear welt

Leather safety shoes with Goodyear welt system

SNI 12-1547-2005

Sepatu bot PVC tahan kimia

PVC boots with chemical resistance

SNI 7327.1:2009

Pelindung jari kaki (toe cap) sepatu pengaman (safety shoes) - Bagian 1: Metode pengujian beban jatuh bebas

Safety shoes toe cap - Part 1: Free fall loading test method

SNI 0111:2009

Sepatu pengaman dari kulit dengan sol karet cetak vulkanisir

Leather safety shoes with rubber sole vulcanized moulding

SNI 7079:2009

Sepatu pengaman dari kulit dengan sol poliuretan dan termoplastik poliuretan sistem cetak injeksi

leather safety shoes with polyurethane soles and thermoplastics polyurethane injection moulding system

SNI ISO 5423:2012

Alas kaki plastik sistem cetak - Sepatu bot poliurethan (PU) dengan lapis atau tanpa lapis untuk keperluan industri secara umum – Spesifikasi

Moulded plastics footwear - Lined or unlined polyurethane boots for general industrial use – Specification (ISO 5423:1992, IDT)


Moulded plastics footwear - Lined or unlined poly(vinyl cloride) boots for general industrial use – Specification (ISO 4643:1992, IDT)



ISO 5423 IDT SNI ISO 4643:2012

Alas kaki plastik sistem cetak - Sepatu bot poli(vinil klorida) dengan lapis atau tanpa lapis untuk keperluan industri secara umum – Spesifikasi

ISO 4643 IDT

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Metrology and measurement in general

Metrologi dan pengukuran secara umum

SNI 19-4257-1996

Angka pilihan untuk temperatur uji

Preferred number for test temperatur


SNI 19-6408-2000

Tata cara penentuan suku bilangan yang signifikan terhadap nilai batas yang disyaratkan

Methods for determination of number to be considered in specified limiting values


SNI ISO 10012:2009

Sistem manajemen pengukuran - Persyaratan untuk proses pengukuran dan peralatan ukur

Measurement management systems -- Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment

ISO 10012:2003 Measurement management systems -- Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment Translation


SNI 19-0368-1989

Angka pilihan

Preferred numbers

SNI 19-6784-2002

Metode pengujian koagulasi, flokulasi dan filtrasi bertekanan

Test methods for coagulation, flocculation and presurred filtration

SNI 19-0887-1989

Aturan pembulatan nilai bilangan

Rules for rounding of numerical value


SNI 19-0369-1989

Angka pilihan dan deret angka pilihan, Petunjuk penggunaan

Preferred number and series of preferred number, Guide to use


SNI 19-0370-1989

Angka pilihan dan angka pilihan yang lebih bulat, Petunjuk pemilihan

Preferred numbers and series containing more rounded values of preferred number, Guide for choosing



Pengukuran panjang dan sudut secara umum

SNI 19-6457-2000


Linear and angular measurements

Pengukuran panjang dan sudut



Linear and angular measurements in general

Metode dasar pengukuran tubuh manusia untuk rancangan teknologis

Methods for basic human body measurement for technological design


ISO 7250:1996, Basic human body measurement for technological design Translation



Batas dan suaian

Limits and fits

SNI 05-3522-1994

Batas dan suaian - Seri sudut dan kemiringan pada pasak dan prisma

Limit and fits - Series of angles and slopes on wedges and prism

SNI 05-3519-1994

Seri kemiringan konis dan sudut kemiringan

Series of conical tapers and taper angles

SNI 05-3224-1992

Sistem toleransi kerucut untuk benda tirus dari C=1:3 sampai 1:500 dan panjang dari 6 sampai 630 mm

System of cone tolerances for conical workpieces from C=1:3 to 1:500 and lengths from 6 to 630 mm

SNI 05-3520-1994

Pemilihan daerah toleransi untuk kegunaan umum

Selection of tolerances zones for general purpose

SNI 05-3510-1994

Sistem batas dan suaian. Bagian 1: Umum, toleransi dan deviasi

Limits and fits system. Part 1: General, tolerance and deviation


SNI 05-2641-1992

Sistem toleransi ukuran coran

System of dimensional tolerances of castings


SNI 05-2640-1992

Penyimpangan ukuran yang diperbolehkan tanpa tanda toleransi untuk produk logam sinter

Permissible deviation without tolerance indication for metalic sintered products


SNI 05-2639-1992

Penyimpangan ukuran yang diperbolehkan tanpa tanda toleransi untuk coran cetak permanen

Permissible deviation without tolerance indication for die casting


SNI 05-2638-1992

Penyimpangan ukuran yang diperbolehkan tanpa tanda toleransi untuk plat baja potong gas

Permissiable deviation without tolerance indication for gas cut steel plates


SNI 05-2637-1992

Penyimpangan ukuran yang diperbolehkan tanpa tanda toleransi untuk kerja pres dari lembaran logam

Permissiable deviation without tolerance indication for press working of sheet metal


SNI 05-2636-1992

Penyimpangan ukuran yang diperbolehkan tanpa tanda toleransi pada besi tuang

Permissible deviation without tolerance indication for iron castings


SNI 05-3225-1992

Sistem batas dan suaian Inspeksi benda kerja sederhana

Limit and fit system for inspection of plain working objects

SNI 05-1881-1990

Penyimpangan ukuran yang diperbolehkan untuk ukuran tanpa tanda toleransi, Ketentuan umum

Permissible deviation in dimension without tolerance indication, General rules


SNI 05-1818-1990

Deviasi yang diijinkan untuk ukuran tanpa penandaan toleransi, Peryaratan umum

Permissible deviations in dimension without tolerance mark, General requirements


SNI 05-1893-1990

Penyimpangan (deviasi) jarak antar titik pusat

Deviations of distance between centre distance



Sifat-sifat permukaan

6 3 20 2


Properties of surfaces

SNI 05-2619-1992

Kekasaran permukaan - Definisi alat ukur dengan metode profil

Surface roughness - Definition for measuring instrument by profile method

SNI 05-2618-1992

Kekasaran permukaan - Klasifikasi peralatan dan perlengkapan ukur bagi pengukuran parameter geometri permukaan benda

Surface roughness - Classification of measuring devices and apparatus for geometrical parameter measurement of specimens surface


SNI 05-2621-1992

Kekasaran permukaan, Parameter dan peraturan umum untuk menetapkan persyaratan

Surface roughness, Parameters and general rules for specifying requirements


SNI 05-1886-1990

Definisi dan penandaan kekasaran permukaan

Surface roughness, Definition and marking



Alat ukur

Measuring instruments

SNI 05-2617-1992

Jangka geser kedalaman

Depth move callipers


SNI 05-2614-1992

Mikro indikator



SNI 05-2613-1992

Balok ukur

Gauge blocks

SNI 07-2612-1992

Baja pelurus

Straighten steel

SNI 05-3223-1992

Pembacaan kaliper skala lingkar 0,001 inci dan 0,0001 inci

Dial gauges reading on 0,001 inch and 0,0001 inch


SNI 05-4243-1996

Alat ukur pembanding untuk kekasaran permukaan benda kerja hasil permesinan

Reference measuring instrument for surface roughness of machining product working specimens


SNI 05-4244-1996

Alat ukur pembanding untuk kekasaran permukaan benda kerja hasil pengikisan bunga api elektro (spark - eroded), penembakan peluru (shoot blasted), penembakan butiran (grit blasted) dan poles (polish

Reference measuring instrument for surface roughness of spark eroded, shoot blasted, grit blasted and polished working specimens


SNI 05-3511-1994

Kepala mikrometer

Micrometer heads


SNI 05-3513-1994

Jangka sorong

Vernier callipers


SNI 05-4245-1996

Alat ukur pembanding untuk kekasaran permukaan hasil cor logam

Reference measuring instrument for surface roughness of metal cast product

SNI 05-4355-1996

Jam ukur uji tipe lengan

Lever type dial test indicators


SNI 05-3512-1994

Mikrometer Luar

Outside micrometer


SNI 19-4783-1998

Tata cara pengukuran kekasaran permukaan dengan alat jarum sentuh (stylus)

Measuring method for surface roughness using stylus instrument

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8 10



SNI 05-6098-1999

Penyiku carpenter

Carpenter's squares

SNI 05-4398-1996

Jam ukur

Dial gauges

SNI 05-4879-1998

Batang sinus

Sine bars


SNI 05-4972-1999




SNI 05-4531-1998

Mikrometer kedalaman

Depth micrometer


SNI 05-4391-1996

Pendatar presisi

Precision level


SNI 05-4533-1998

Alat untuk mengukur kekasaran permukaan dengan metode profil - Alat jarum sentuh (stylus) transformasi progresif - Alat perekam profil

Instruments for the measurement of surface roughness by the profile method- Contact (stylus) instrumens of progressive profile transformation - Profile recording instrument



9 11

Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity

Pengukuran volume, masa, kerapatan, viskositas

SNI 05-2616-1992

Hidrometer berat jenis

Specific gravity hydrometers

SNI 05-3258-1994

Meteran pita baja

Steel ribbon meter

SNI 05-3243-1994

Mistar metal

Metal ruler


SNI 05-3843-1995

Alat ukur tinggi

High measuring devices


SNI 19-4956-1998

Cara uji berat jenis relatif, berat jenis dan kerapatan (cairan yang homogen)

Test method for relative density, specific gravity and density (of homogeneous liquid)

SNI 8242:2016

Metode uji standar untuk viskositas kinematik dari cairan transparan dan tak tembus pandang (perhitungan viskositas dinamik) (ASTM D445-11a, IDT)

Standard test method for kinematic viscosity of tranparent and opaque liquids (and calculation of dynamic viscosity) (ASTM D445-11a, IDT)


Standard practice for calculating viscosity index from kinematic viscosity at 40 and 100 degree celcius (ASTM D2270-10, IDT)


5 6


ASTM D445-11a IDT SNI 8251:2016

Prosedur standar untuk perhitungan indeks viskositas dari viskositas kinematik pada 40 derajat celcius dan 100 derajat celcius (ASTM D2270-10, IDT)

ASTM D2270-10 IDT


Measurement of force, weight and pressure

Pengukuran gaya berat dan tekanan

SNI 05-6093-1999

Timbangan badan penunjukan pegas

Personal weighing machines


SNI 19-6463-2000

Tata cara kalibrasi manometer baurdon dengan alat dead weight tester

Method for calibration of bourdon manometers by dead weight tester


SNI 05-6414-2000

Spesifikasi timbangan yang digunakan pada pengujian bahan

Specification for weighing devices used in the testing of materials

SNI 05-6056-1999

Kalibrasi peralatan standar gaya yang digunakan untuk verifikasi mesin uji satu sumbu

Calibration of force standard instruments used for verification of one fuse testing equipment


Measurement of fluid flow

Pengukuran aliran fluida

SNI IEC 60739:2008

7 16

Alat ukur laju cacah digital - Karakteristik dan metode uji

Digital counting ratemeter - Test method and characteristic


IEC 60739, Digital counting ratemeter - Test method and characteristic Translation



Pengukuran aliran fluida pada umumnya

Measurement of fluid flow in general

SNI 03-3408-1994

Metode pengukuran kecepatan aliran pada model fisik dengan alat ukur arus tipe baling-baling

Methods of measurement for flow velocity on physical models by current measuring instrument propeler types


SNI 3410:2008

Tata cara pengukuran pola aliran pada model fisik

Methods of measurement for flow pattern on physical models


SNI 3409:2008

Tata cara pengukuran kecepatan aliran pada uji model hidraulik fisik dengan tabung pitot

Code of conducts of measurement for flow velocity on physical models using Pitot tubes



Aliran dalam saluran tertutup

Flow in closed conduits

SNI 19-4201-1996

Pengukuran aliran air dalam saluran tertutup - Meter untuk air minum dingin. Bagian 2 : Persyaratan instalasi

Measurement of water flow in closed conduits. Meter for cold potable water. Part 2 : Installation requirements

SNI 05-4017-1996

Pengukuran laju aliran gas dengan Nosel Venturi aliran kritis

Measurement of gas fluid flow by Nosel Ventury critical flow


SNI 19-4197-1996

Pengukuran aliran air dalam saluran tertutup - Meter untuk air minum dingin Bagian 3 : Peralatan dan metode uji

Measurement of water flow in close conduit - Meters for cold potable water - Part 3 : Equipment and test method


SNI 19-4203-1996

Penentuan laju aliran fluida dalam saluran tertutup berpenampang lintang bentuk lingkaran - Metode pengukuran kecepatan di satu titik pada penampang lintang

Determination of flow rate of fluids in closed conduits of circular cross-section - Method of velocity measurement at one point of the cross-section


SNI 19-4198-1996

Pengukuran aliran air dalam saluran tertutup - Alat ukur air dingin yang dapat diminum. Bagian 1 : Spesifikasi

Measurement of water flow in closed conduits. Meters for cold potable water. Part 1 : Specifications


SNI 19-3632-1994

Pengukuran laju aliran cairan dalam kanal tertutup dengan menggunakan metode penimbangan dinamis

Measurements of fluid flow in closed conduit by dynamic balancing method



Aliran dalam saluran terbuka


Flow in open channels

SNI 19-4207-1996

Pengukuran aliran cairan dalam saluran terbuka - Metode luas - kecepatan

Measurement of liquid flow in open channel - Velocity area methods


SNI 19-4200-1996

Pengukuran aliran cairan dalam saluran terbuka dengan menggunakan bendungan dan flume - Bendung berprofil segitiga

Measurement of liquid flow in open channels by weirs and flumes. Triangular profile weirs


SNI 19-4199-1996

Pengukuran aliran fluida dalam saluran terbuka - Metode pengukuran sedimen tersuspensi

Measurement of fluid flow in open channels - Methods for measurement of suspended sediment


SNI 19-4204-1996

Pengukuran aliran cairan dalam saluran terbuka - Kalibrasi meter - arus elemen - berputar dalam tangki lurus terbuka

Measurement of fluid flow in open channel - Calibration of rotating - element current meters in straight open tanks


SNI 03-2819-1992

Metode pengukuran debit sungai dan saluran terbuka dengan alat ukur arus tipe baling-baling

Measurement methods for rate of flow of river and open channel by flow measuring apparatus, propeller type


SNI 19-4205-1996

Pengukuran aliran cairan dalam saluran terbuka - Meter arus jenis mangkok dan jenis baling - baling

Measurement of fluid flow in open channel - Rotating - element current - meters

SNI 19-4202-1996

Pengukuran aliran air dalam saluran terbuka - Pengukuran kedalaman cairan secara langsung dan penerapan penggantung

Measurement of water flow in open channel - Direct flow depth measurement


SNI 03-2820-1992

Metode pengukuran debit sungai dan saluran terbuka dengan pelampung permukaan

Measurement methods for rate of flow of river and open channel by surface buoy


SNI 19-4208-1996

Pengukuran aliran air dalam saluran terbuka dengan menggunakan sistem bendung dan saluran venturi - Bendung pelat tipis

Measurement of water flow in open channel using weirs and venturi flumes systems - Thin plate weirs


- 57 -


SNI 03-2822-1992

Metode pembuatan lengkung debit dan tabel sungai/saluran terbuka dengan analisis grafis

Methods for making rating curves and tables of river/open channel by graphic analysis


SNI 19-4206-1996

Pengukuran aliran cairan dalam saluran terbuka - Metode pengenceran untuk pengukuran aliran tetap - Metode injeksi pada kecepatan konstan

Measurement of fluid flow in open channel - Tracer dilution methods for the measurement of steady flow - Injection method at constant velocity


SNI 05-6395-2000

Spesifikasi alat ukur debit orifice

Specification of orifice discharge measuring instrument



Acoustics and acoustic measurements

Akustik dan pengukuran akustik


Pengukuran akustik dan pengurangan bunyi secara um

Acoustics measurements and noise abatement in gene

SNI 05-2962-1992

Alat ukur bunyi

Sound level meter


SNI 19-1654-1989

Tingkat tekanan bunyi yang diboboti (Weighted A), Cara pengukuran dan penguraian

Weighted sound pressure level (weighted A), Measurement and analysis method



Bunyi yang di keluarkan oleh mesin dan peralatan

SNI 04-6255.1-2000

Noise emitted by machines and equipment

Akustik - Pengukuran tingkat tekanan bunyi dari instalasi turbin gas untuk mengevalusi kebisingan lingkungan - Metode survei

Acoustics - Measurement of sound pressure power level of gas turbines installation to evaluate environmental noise - Survey methods


IEC, IEV - Acoustic - Measurement of sound pressure power levels of gas turbine installations to evaluate environmental noise - Survey methods Translation SNI 04-6255.2-2000

IDT Akustik - Pengukuran kebisingan udara yang dipancarkan oleh turbin uap dan mesin yang digerakkan

Acoustics - Measurement of airbone noise emitted by steam turbines and driven machinery


IEC 61063: 1991, Acoustics - Measurement of airbone noise emitted by steam turbines and driven machineries Translation



Bunyi yang dikeluarkan oleh alat transportasi

Noise emitted by means of transport

SNI 8150:2015

Pengukuran tingkat dan kawasan kebisingan di sekitar bandar udara

Measurement of the noise level and the area around airports


SNI 19-6878-2002

Metode uji tingkat kebisingan jalan L10 dan Leq

Test methods for L10 and Leq road noise level



Vibrations, shock and vibration measurements

Getaran, kejutan dan pengukuran getaran

SNI 05-3272-1994

Getaran dan kejutan - Isolator - Prosedur untuk menentukan karakteristik

Vibration and shock - Insulators - Procedure for specifiying character


SNI 05-2298-1991

Getaran mekanis mesin rotasi dan mesin bolak-balik, Persyaratan instrumentasi untuk pengukuran tingkat getaran

Mechanical vibration of rotating and reciprocating machinary, Requirements for instruments for measuring vibration severity


SNI 05-1629-1989

Getaran mekanis dari mesin-mesin tertentu dengan ketinggian poros 56 mm dan lebih mengenai pengukuran, penilaian dan batas kekuatan getaran

Mechanical vibration of specific machines with minimum shaft height 56 mm, vibration power measurement, assessment and tolerances


Optics and optical measurements

Optik dan pengukuran optik


Warna dan pengukuran cahaya

SNI 16-7062-2004



Colours and measurement of light

Pengukuran intensitas penerangan di tempat kerja

The measurement of lighting intensities at work places

Alat ukur optik


Optical measuring instruments

SNI 15-4251-1996

Kaca optik sejajar

Optical parallels


SNI 05-4373-1996

Kaca optik rata

Optical flat



Thermodynamics and temperature measurements

Termodinamika dan pengukuran suhu

SNI 19-1141-1989


Suhu, Cara uji

Temperature, Test method

Panas. Kalorimetri

SNI 16-7061-2004

Pengukuran iklim kerja (panas) dengan parameter indeks suhu basah dan bola

The measurement of work climates (hot) by wet bulb globe temperature index parameters

SNI 7989:2014

Prosedur pemetaan tingkat kesesuaian agroklimat

Level of agro-climatic suitability mapping procedure


Alat pengukuran suhu Suhu acu standar untuk pengukuran panjang pada industri

Standard reference temperature for length measurement in industry

SNI 19-6421-2000

Spesifikasi standar termometer

Standard specification of thermometers



1 64

Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic me

Listrik. Magnetisme. Pengukuran listrik dan magnit Listrik. Magnetisme. Aspek umum

SNI 04-6185.2-1999


Temperature-measuring instruments

SNI 19-3518-1994



Heat. Calorimetry

Electricity. Magnetism. General aspects

Arus hubung-singkat - Kalkulasi pengaruh - Bagian 2: Contoh kalkulasi

Pengukuran besaran listrik dan magnit

Short-circuit current - Calculation of effects - Part 2: Examples of calculation


Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities

SNI 04-3846-1995

Papan meter konsumen

Consumer's electric meter boards


SNI 04-3889.1-1995

Instrumen pengukur listrik tidak langsung - Bagian 1: Syarat umum instrumen penunjuk tidak langsung

Indirect acting electrical measuring instruments - Part 1: General requirements for indirect acting indicating instrument


SNI 04-3588-1994

Alat penunjuk kebutuhan maksimum kelas 1,0

Maximum demand indicating instrument, class 1,0


SNI 04-3584-1994

Meter energi listrik, Kamar uji

Electrical energy meters, Test room


SNI 04-3876-1995

Persyaratan khusus untuk meter frekuensi analog penunjuk langsung dan lengkapannya

Particular requirements for frequency meters direct acting indicating analogue and their accessories


SNI 04-3886-1995

Lambang meter listrik arus bolak-balik

Symbols for alternating current electric meters


SNI 04-3877-1995

Persyaratan khusus untuk lengkapan instrumen ukur listrik analog penunjuk langsung

Particular requirements for accessories of direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments


SNI 04-3887-1995

Jembatan arus searah untuk pengukuran resistans

Direct current bridges for measuring resistance

SNI 04-3878-1995

Persyaratan khusus untuk instrumen ukur listrik analog penunjuk langsung fungsi ganda dan lengkapannya

Particular requirements for double function direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories


SNI 04-3863-1995

Transduser pengukuran listrik untuk mengubah besaran listrik AC ke besaran listrik DC, Bagian 1: Tujuan umum transduser

Electrical measuring transducers for converting AC electric quantities into DC electric quantities, Part 1 : General purpose transducers


SNI 04-3861-1995

Meter var-jam (energi reaktif)

Var-hour (reactive energy) meters


SNI 04-3863.2-1996

Transduser pengukuran listrik untuk mengubah besaran listrik AC ke besaran DC - Bagian 2: Transduser pasangan luar dan lingkungan yang buruk

Electrical measuring transducers for converting AC electric quantities to DC electric quantities - Part 2: Outside transducers and bad environment


SNI 04-3875-1995

Persyaratan khusus untuk ohmmeter (meter impedans) dan meter konduktans analog penunjuk langsung dan lengkapannya

Particular requirements for ohmmeters (impedance meter) and conductance meter direct acting indicating analogue and their accessories

SNI 13-4690-1998

Alat perekam muka air tanah otomatis tipe vertical (memakai pelampung)

Vertical type ground water level recording equipment (using buoys)

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SNI 04-6530-2001

Pengukuran medan listrik frekuensi daya

Measurement of power-frequency electric fields


Oscilloscopes and peak voltmeter for impulse tests


Alternating current static Var-hour meter for reactive energy (class 2 and 3)


Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories. Part 3: Special requirements for wattmeters and varmeters


IEC 60833: 1987, Measurement of power-frequency electric fields Translation SNI 04-6628-2001

IDT Osiloskop dan voltmeter puncak untuk uji impuls

IEC 60790: 1984, Oscilloscopes and peak voltmeters for impulse tests Translation SNI 04-6535-2001

IDT Meter Var-jam statik arus bolak-balik untuk energi reaktif (kelas 2 dan 3)

IEC 61268: 1997, Alternating current static Var-hour meter for reactive energy (class 2 and 3) Translation SNI IEC 60051-3:2009

IDT Penunjuk Langsung Peralatan Pengukuran Listrik Analog dan Lengkapannya - Bagian 3: Perlengkapan khusus untuk wattmeter dan varmeter

IEC 60051-3:2009, Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories. Part 3: Special requirements for wattmeters and varmeters Translation SNI IEC 62056-21:2009

IDT Meter Listrik - Pertukaran data untuk pembacaan meter, kendali beban dan tarif - Bagian 21: Pertukaran data lokal langsung

Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 21: Direct local data exchange


IEC 62056-21:2009, Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 21: Direct local data exchange Translation SNI IEC 60051-1:2009

IDT Instrumen ukur listrik analog penunjuk langsung dan lengkapannya - Bagian 1: Definisi dan persyaratan umum bersama semua bagiannya

Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories Part 1: Definitions and general requirements common to all parts


IEC 60051-1:2009, Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements common to all parts Translation SNI IEC 61786:2011

IDT Pengukuran medan instrumen dan listrik frekuensi-rendah yang terpapar pada manusia - Persyaratan khusus untuk instrumen dan Pedoman pengukuran

Measurement of low-frequency magnetic and electric fields with regard to exposure of human beings - Special requirements for instruments and guidance for measurements

IEC 61786 (1998-08) Measurement of low-frequency magnetic and electric fields with regard to exposure of human beings - Special requirements for instruments and guidance for measurements Translation SNI IEC 62053-11:2011

IDT Perlengkapan meter listrik – Persyaratan khusus – Bagian 11: Meter elektromekanik untuk energy aktif (kelas 0.5, 1 dan 2)

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) – Particular requirements – Part 11: Electromechanical meters for active energy (classes 0,5, 1 and 2)

IEC 62053 -11 ed 1.0 (2003-01) Translation SNI IEC 62052-11:2011

IDT Perlengkapan meter listrik (a.b) – Persyaratan umum, pengujian dan kondisi pengujian – Bagian 11: Pelengkapan meter

Electricity metering equipment (AC) – General requirements, tests and test conditions – Part 11: Metering equipment

IEC 62052-11 ed 1.0 (2003-02) Electricity metering equipment (AC) – General requirements, tests and test conditions – Part 11: Metering equipment Translation SNI IEC 62055-41:2012

IDT Meter listrik - Sistem pembayaran - Bagian 41: Spesifikasi transfer standar (STS) - Protokol lapisan aplikasi untuk sistem pembawa token satu arah (IEC 62055-41:2007, IDT)

Electricity metering - Payment systems - Part 41: Standard transfer specification (STS) Application layer protocol for one way token carrier systems


IEC 62055-41:2007 SNI IEC 62053-21:2011

IDT Perlengkapan Meter Listrik (A.B) -Persyaratan Khusus - Bagian 21: Meter Statik untuk energi Aktif (kelas 1 dan 2)

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) -Particular requirements - Part 21: Static meters for active energy (classes 1 dan 2)

IEC 62053-21 ed 1.0 (2003-01) Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) -Particular requirements - Part 21: Static meters for active energy (classes 1 dan 2) Translation SNI IEC 62053-22:2011

IDT Perlengkapan Meter Listrik (a.b)-Persyaratan khusus-Bagian 22: Meter elektromekanik untuk energi aktif (kelas 0,2 s dan 0,5 s)

Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) – Particular requirements – Part 22: Static meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S)

IEC 62053-22 (2003-01) Translation SNI IEC/TS 6205641:2013

IDT Meter listrik - Pertukaran data untuk pembacaan meter, kendali tarif dan beban - Bagian 41: Pertukaran data menggunakan jaringan area luas: Jaringan telepon publik dialihkan (PSTN) dengan protokol LINK+

Electricity meter - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 41: Exchange of data using a wide area network: the public switched telephone network (PSTN) with LINK + protocol

IEC/TS 62056-41:1998 Translation SNI IEC/TS 6205642:2013

IDT Meter listrik - Pertukaran data untuk pembacaan meter, kendali beban dan tarif - Bagian 42 : Layanan lapisan fisik dan prosedur untuk pertukaran data asinkron berorientasi sambungan

Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tarif and load control - Part 42: Physical layer services and procedures for connection-oriented asynchronous data exchange


IEC 62056-42:2002 Translation SNI IEC 62055-51:2012

IDT Pengukuran listrik - Sistem pembayaran - Bagian 51: Spesifikasi transfer standar (STS) - Protokol lapisan fisik untuk pembawa token kartu magnetik dan numerik satu-arah (IEC 62055-51:2007, IDT)

Electricity metering - Payment system - Part 51: Standard transfer specification (STS) Physical layer protocol for one-way numeric and magnetic card token carriers

IEC 62055-51:2007 IDT SNI 04-1698-1989

Meter fasa, meter faktor daya dan sinkronskop penunjuk langsung analog dan lengkapannya, Syarat khusus

Phasemeter, power factor meter and analogue direct indication synchronscopes and its accessories, Particular requirements


SNI 04-1695-1989

Instrumen ukur listrik penunjuk langsung analog dan lengkapan, Syarat umum

Analogue direct indication electrical instrument and its accessories, General requirements


SNI 04-1696-1989

Meter watt dan varh penunjuk langsung analog dan lengkapan, Syarat khusus

Watt metre and varh analogue direct indication and its accesories, Particular requirements


SNI 04-1697-1989

Meter ampere dan meter volt, Syarat khusus

Amperemeter and Voltmeter, Particular requirements


SNI 04-1889-1990

Transduser mekanik listrik untuk mengukur getaran dan shock (kejut), Cara uji menentukan karakteristik

Electromechanical transducers for measuring vibration and shock, Test methods for determination of characteristics



Radiation measurements

Pengukuran radiasi

SNI 18-2038-1990

Kalibrasi alat ukur radiasi, pengukuran keluaran sumber radiasi, dan fasilitas kalibrasi tingkat nasional

Radiation measuring instrument, Measurement of radiation sources output and calibration facilities at national level


SNI 18-6938-2002

Survaimeter portable radiasi sinar-X atau sinar-Y - Spesifikasi

Specification of X-rays or Y-rays radiation portable surveymeter


ANSI N 13.4-1971, American Nasional Standard for the specification of portable X or y - Radiation Survey Instruments Translation SNI 04-6265.1-2000

MOD Instrumentasi nuklir - Sistem pengukuran dan instrumen listrik yang menggunakan sumber radiasi pengionan - Aspek umum

Nuclear instrumentation - Electrical measuring systems and instruments utilizing radiation sources - General aspects

IEC 476: 1993, Nuclear instrumentation - Electrical measuring systems and instruments utilizing radiation sources - General aspects Translation


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SNI 18-2032-1990

Ketentuan pabrik Kaos lampu

Specification for lamp mantel plants


SNI 04-6265.2-2000

Instrumentasi nuklir - Persyaratan konstruksi untuk menunjang perlindungan personal terhadap radiasi ionisasi

Nuclear instrumentation - Constructional requirements to afford personal protection agains iozining radiation


IEC 405: 1972, Nuclear instrument - Constructional requirements to afford personal protection against iozining radiation Translation SNI ISO/ASTM 51900:2010

IDT Praktik untuk dosimetri pada fasilitas iradiasi makanan dan produk pertanian

Guide for dosimetry in radiation research on food and agricultural products

ISO/ASTM 51900:2009 Translation SNI ISO 6980-3:2014

IDT Energi nuklir - Radiasi partikel beta acuan - Bagian 3: Kalibrasi dosimeter personel dan dosimeter area dan penentuan tanggapannya sebagai fungsi sudut datang dan energi radiasi beta (ISO 6980-3:2006, IDT)

Nuclear Energy - a reference beta particle radiation - Part 3: Calibration of personnel dosimeters and area dosimeters and determination of response as a function of the incident angle and energy beta radiation (ISO 6980-3: 2006, IDT)

ISO 6980-3:2006 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51707:2008

Pedoman estimasi ketidakpastian pada dosimetri untuk pemrosesan dengan radiasi

Guide for estimating uncertainties in dosimetry for radiation processing (ISO/ASTM 51707:2005, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51707:2005 Guide for estimating uncertainties in dosimetry for radiation processing Translation


SNI 16-7060-2004

Pengukuran radiasi sinar ultra ungu di tempat kerja

The measurement of ultraviolet ray radiation at work places

SNI ISO/ASTM 51261:2008

Pedoman standar untuk pemilihan dan kalibrasi sistem dosimetri dalam pemrosesan dengan radiasi

Guide for selection and calibration of dosimetry systems for radiation processing (ISO/ASTM 51261:2002, IDT)


ISO/ASTM 51261:2002 Guide for selection and calibration of dosimetry systems for radiation processing Translation SNI ISO/ASTM 51818:2008

IDT Praktik dosimetri pada fasilitas berkas elektron untuk pemrosesan dengan radiasi pada energi antara 80 keV sampai dengan 300 keV

Practice for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 Kev and 300 Kev


ISO/ASTM 51818:2002 Practice for dosimetry in an electron-beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 keV and 300 keV Translation SNI ISO/ASTM 51431:2010

IDT Praktik untuk dosimetri pada fasilitas iradiasi berkas elektron dan sinar-X (bremsstrahlung) untuk pengolahan makanan

Practice for dosimetry in electron beam and X-ray (bremsstrahlung) irradiation facilities for food processing

ISO/ASTM 51431:2005 Translation SNI ISO 6980-1:2014

IDT Energi nuklir - Radiasi partikel beta acuan - Bagian 1: Metode produksi (ISO 6980-1:2006, IDT)

Nuclear Energy - a reference beta particle radiation - Part 1: Method of production (ISO 6980-1: 2006, IDT)

ISO 6980-1:2006 IDT SNI ISO 6980-2:2014

Energi nuklir - Radiasi partikel beta acuan - Bagian 2 : Dasar-dasar kalibrasi terkait dengan besaran dasar yang mengkarakterisasi medan radiasi (ISO 6980-2:2004, IDT)

Nuclear Energy - a reference beta particle radiation - Part 2: The basics of calibration related to the basic quantities characterizing the radiation field (ISO 6980-2: 2004, IDT)

ISO 6980-2:2004 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51702:2008

Standar praktik untuk dosimetri dalam fasilitas iradiasi gamma untuk pemrosesan dengan radiasi

Practice for dosimetry in a gamma irradiation facility for radiation processing


ISO/ASTM 51702:2004 Practice for dosimetry in a gamma irradiation facility for radiation processing Translation SNI ISO/ASTM 52116:2014

IDT Dosimetri untuk iradiator gamma penyimpanan kering swa-kontener (SelfContained Dry-Storage) (ISO/ASTM 52116:2013, IDT)

Dosimetry for gamma irradiators self-dry storage containers (Self-Contained Dry-Storage) (ISO / ASTM 52 116: 2013, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 52116:2013 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51631:2014

Standar praktis untuk penggunaan sistem dosimetri kalorimetri untuk pengukuran dosis berkas elektron dan kalibrasi sistem dosimetri rutin (ISO/ASTM 51631:2013, IDT)

Practical standards for the use of dosimetry systems calorimetry for electron beam dose measurements and calibration routine dosimetry systems (ISO / ASTM 51 631: 2013, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51631:2013 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51956:2011

Praktik penggunaan sistem dosimetri termoluminesen (TLD) untuk pemrosesan dengan radiasi

Practice for use of thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD) systems for radiation processing

ISO/ASTM 51956:2005 Translation SNI ISO/ASTM 51702:2014

IDT Dosimetri dalam fasilitas gamma untuk pemrosesan dengan radiasi (ISO/ASTM 51702:2013, IDT)

Dosimetry in facilities for processing gamma radiation (ISO / ASTM 51 702: 2013, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51702:2013 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 52628:2015

Praktik standar untuk dosimetri dalam pemrosesan dengan radiasi (ISO/ASTM 52628:2013, IDT)

Standard practice for dosimetry in radiation processing (ISO / ASTM 52 628: 2013, IDT)


ISO/ASTM 52628:2013 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51818:2014

Dosimetri pada fasilitas berkas elektron untuk pemrosesan dengan radiasi pada energi antara 80 keV sampai dengan 300 keV (ISO/ASTM 51818:2013, IDT)

Dosimetry in the electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 keV to 300 keV (ISO / ASTM 51 818: 2013, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51818:2013 SNI ISO/ASTM 51261:2014

IDT Kalibrasi sistem dosimetri rutin untuk pemrosesan dengan radiasi (ISO/ASTM 51261:2013, IDT)

Calibration routine dosimeter systems for radiation processing (ISO / ASTM 51 261: 2013, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51261:2013 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51818:2012

Praktik dosimetri pada fasilitas berkas elektron untuk pemrosesan dengan radiasi pada energi antara 80 sampai dengan 300 keV

Practice for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 keV and 300 keV


Practice standard dosimetry systems use termoluminisensi (TLD) for processing by radiation (ISO/ASTM 51956: 2013, IDT)


ISO/ASTM 51818 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51956:2015

Praktik standar penggunaan sistem dosimetri termoluminisensi (TLD) untuk pemrosesan dengan radiasi (ISO/ASTM 51956:2013, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51956:2013 IDT

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SNI ISO/ASTM 51607:2015

Praktik penggunaan sistem dosimetri alanin-EPR (ISO/ASTM 51607:2013, IDT)

Practice using alanine-EPR dosimeter systems (ISO/ASTM 51607: 2013, IDT)


Performance characterization guide dosimeters and dosimetry systems for use in the processing of the radiation (ISO/ASTM 52701: 2013, IDT)


Water quality - Radium-226 - Part 2: Test method using manometry (ISO 13165-2: 2014, IDT)


Practice using polymethylmethacrylate dosimetry systems (ISO/ASTM 51276: 2012, IDT)


Dosimetry lab in the facility X-ray (bremsstrahlung) for processing by radiation at an energy of 50 keV up to 7.5 MeV (ISO/ASTM 51608: 2015, IDT)


Standard practice the use of cellulose triacetate dosimetry system (ISO/ASTM 51650: 2013, IDT)


Standard practice for radiation dosimetry of blood (ISO/ASTM 51939: 2013, IDT)


Guide estimation of measurement uncertainty in dosimetry for processing with radias (ISO/ASTM 51707: 2015, IDT)


Practice using dichromate dosimetry system (ISO/ASTM 51401: 2013, IDT)


Guidance on the use of radiation-sensitive indicators (ISO/ASTM 51539: 2013, IDT)


Water quality - Radium-226 - Part 1: Test method using a liquid scintillation counter (ISO 13165-1: 2013, IDT)


Standard practice the use of the film dosimetry system radiokromik (ISO/ASTM 51275: 2013, IDT)


ISO/ASTM 51607:2013 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 52701:2015

Panduan karakterisasi kinerja dosimeter dan system dosimetri untuk penggunaan dalam pemrosesan dengan radiasi (ISO/ASTM 52701:2013, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 52701:2013 IDT SNI ISO 13165-2:2015

Mutu air - Radium-226 - Bagian 2: Metode uji menggunakan emanometri (ISO 13165-2:2014, IDT)

ISO 13165-2:2014 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51276:2015

Praktik penggunaan sistem dosimetri polimetilmetakrilat (ISO/ASTM 51276:2012, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51276:2012 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51608:2015

Praktik dosimetri dalam fasilitas sinar-X (bremsstrahlung) untuk pemrosesan dengan radiasi pada energi 50 keV sampai dengan 7,5 MeV (ISO/ASTM 51608:2015, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51608:2015 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51650:2015

Praktik standar penggunaan sistem dosimetri selulosa triasetat (ISO/ASTM 51650:2013, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51650:2013 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51939:2015

Praktik standar untuk dosimetri iradiasi darah (ISO/ASTM 51939:2013, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51939:2013 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51707:2015

Panduan estimasi ketidakpastian pengukuran dalam dosimetri untuk pemrosesan dengan radias (ISO/ASTM 51707:2015, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51707:2015 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51401:2015

Practice using polymethylmethacrylate dosimetry systems (ISO/ASTM 51276: 2012, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51401:2013 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51539:2015

Panduan penggunaan indikator peka radiasi (ISO/ASTM 51539:2013, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51539:2013 IDT SNI ISO 13165-1:2015

Mutu air - Radium-226 - Bagian 1: Metode uji menggunakan pencacah sintilasi cair (ISO 13165-1:2013, IDT)

ISO 13165-1:2013 IDT SNI ISO/ASTM 51275:2015

Praktik standar penggunaan sistem dosimetri film radiokromik (ISO/ASTM 51275:2013, IDT)

ISO/ASTM 51275:2013 IDT

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19 19.020



Test conditions and procedures in general

Kondisi dan prosedur pengujian secara umum

SNI 19-3002-1992

Standar atmosfir untuk pengkondisian ruang dan atau pengujian

Standard atmosphere for room conditional and testing


SNI 19-6526-2001

Cara uji nisbah poisson pada suhu ruang

Test method for poisson's ratio at room temperature


ASTM E 132: 1986, Standard test methods for poisson's ratio at room temperature Translation


SNI 19-6045-1999

Suhu uji yang disarankan

Suggested test temperature

SNI 7986:2014

Penentuan kuantitas muatan kapal pada kegiatan transportasi mineral dan batubara

Determining the quantity of cargo ships on mineral and coal transportation activities

SNI ISO 554:2014

Atmosfer standar untuk pengondisian dan/atau pengujian - Spesifikasi (ISO 554 – 1976, IDT)

Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing – Specifications

5 52 7

ISO 554 – 1976 IDT SNI 04-1994-1990

Cara pengambilan contoh benda uji

Sampling methods of test specimens


SNI 19-0429-1989

Petunjuk pengambilan contoh cairan dan semi padat

Guide for sampling of liquid and semi solid materials


SNI 19-0428-1998

Petunjuk pengambilan contoh padatan

Guide for sampling of solid materials



Environmental testing

Pengujian lingkungan

SNI 19-6964.7-2003

Kualitas air laut - Bagian 7: Cara uji nitrat (NO3-N) dengan reduksi kadmium secara spektrofotometri

Seawater quality - Part 7: Test methods of nitrates (NO3-N) with cadmium reduction by spectrophotometry


SNI 19-6964.6-2003

Kualitas air laut - Bagian 6: Cara uji total sianida (CN-) dengan 4-piridin asam karboksilat-pirazolon secara spektrofotometri

Seawater quality - Part 6: Test methods of cyanides (CN-) with 4-phyridine carboxylic acidpyrazolones by spectrophotometry


SNI 19-6964.5-2003

Kualitas air laut - Bagian 5: Cara uji sulfat (SO4=) dengan gravimetri

Seawater quality - Part 5: Test methods of sulphates (SO4=) by gravimetric analysis


SNI 04-4519.2-1998

Pengujian lingkungan - Bagian 2 : Pengujian - Uji kabut : Kabut garam

Environmental tests - Part 2 : Tests : Salt mist


SNI 04-6208.2.3-2000

Prosedur dasar pengujian lingkungan - Bagian 2: Pengujian - Uji Ec: Jatuh dan guling, terutama untuk benda uji jenis peralatan

Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2: Tests - Test Ec: Drop and topple, primarily for equipment - Type speciment


IEC 60068-2-31 : 1969, Basic environmental testing procedures- Part 2 : Tests - Test Ec : Drop and topple, primarily for equipment-type speciment Translation SNI 04-6208.2.2-2000

IDT Prosedur dasar pengujian lingkungan - Bagian 2-2 : Pengujian - Uji Db dan petunjuk panas lembab, siklus (siklus12+12 jam)

Basic enviromental testing procedures - Part 2-2: Tests - Db test and guidance of bump heat, cyclic (12+12 hour cycle)


IEC 60068-2-30: 1980, Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2 : Tests - Test Db and guidance: Bump heat, cyclic (12 A 12 hour cycle) Translation SNI 04-6208.2.27-2000

MOD Prosedur dasar pengujian lingkungan - Bagian 2-27: Pengujian - Uji Ea dan pedoman: Kejut

Environmental testing procedurs - Part 2-27: Tests - Test Ea and guidance: Shock


Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2-1: Tests - Eb test and guidance: Bump


IEC 60068-2-27: 1987, Environmental testing - Part 2-27: Tests - Test Ea and guidance: Shock Translation SNI 04-6208.2.1-2000

IDT Prosedur dasar pengujian lingkungan - Bagian 2-1: Pengujian - Uji Eb dan petunjuk: Benturan

IEC 60068-2-29 : 1987, Basic environmental testing procedures- Part 2 : Tests - Test Eb and Guidance : Bump Translation


SNI 19-6964.1-2003

Kualitas air laut - Bagian 1: Cara uji nitrit (NO2-N) dengan sulfanilamid secara spektrofotometri

Seawater quality - Part 1: Test methods of nitrites (NO2-N) with sulfanilamides by spectrofotometry


SNI 19-6964.2-2003

Kualitas air laut - Bagian 2: Cara uji merkuri (Hg) secara cold vapour dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA) atau mercury analyzers

Seawater quality - Part 2: Test methods of mercury (Hg) with cold vapour by atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AAS) or mercury analyzers


SNI 19-6964.4-2003

Kualitas air laut - Bagian 4: Cara uji sulfida (S=) dengan biru metilen secara spektrofotometri

Seawater quality - Part 1: Test methods of sulphides (S=) with methylene blue by spectrophotometry


SNI 19-6964.3-2003

Kualitas air laut - Bagian 3: Cara uji amonia (NH3-N) dengan biru indofenol secara spektrofotometri

Seawater quality - Part 3: Test methods of ammonia solution (NH3-N) with indophenol blue by spectrophotometry


SNI 7745:2012

Tata cara penghitungan evapotranspirasi tanaman acuan dengan metode Penman-Monteith

The procedure for calculating reference crop evapotranspiration by Penman-Monteith method

SNI 19-1498-1989

Alat Uji kontinyu NO dan NO2 dalam gas buang

Continuous NO and NO2 test apparatus in exhaust-gases



Mechanical testing

Pengujian mekanika

SNI 134 000-1995

Bekerja di jalur operasi grader

Working on the grader operation tracks

SNI 19-3623-1994

Analisis statistik data lelah dari tegangan - umur (S-N) dan regangan umur (E-N) linear atau dilinearkan

Fatique data statistical analysis of aging stresses (S-N) and aging strain (E-N) linear or to be lineared

SNI 19-3314-1994

Cara uji mampu tarik dalam Erickson

Method of Erikson cupping test

SNI 19-3315-1994

Cara uji mampu tarik dalam dengan bentuk mangkuk kerucut

Method of conical cup test

SNI 19-4004-1996

Verifikasi mesin uji tarik statis satu sumbu

Verification of static uniaxial testing machines

SNI 05-3383-1994

Verifikasi beban dinamis amplitudo konstan pada mesin uji lelah beban aksial

Verification of constant amplitude dynamic loads on axial fatique testing machine


SNI 07-6733-2002

Cara uji penentuan modulus elastisitas, modulus tangen, dan modulus chord

Test methods for elasticity of modulus, tangen of modulus, and chord of modulus



24 3 4 10

ASTM E 111 - 82 Standard test method for young's modulus, tangent modulus and chord modulus Translation


SNI 05-1866-1990

Spesifikasi balok standar V2 dan rekomendasi cara penggunaannya dengan alat ultrasonik

Spesification of V2 standard blocks and recomendation of application by ultrasonic equipment

SNI 07-6731-2002

Metode perhitungan siklus pada analisis lelah

Methods for fatigue analysis counting cycle

3 18

ASTM E 1049-85 Standard practices for cycle counting in fatigue analysis IDT


Electrical and electronic test and measuring equip

Pengujian listrik dan elektronik

SNI 04-3874-1995

Perlengkapan uji meter energi listrik

Testing equipment of electric energy meters

- 62 -


SNI IEC 60270:2010

Teknik - Pengujian Tegangan Tinggi - Pengukuran luahan parsial

High-voltage test techniques - Partial discharge measurements

IEC 60270 ED 3.0 (2000-12) Translation SNI IEC 60664-1:2011

IDT Koordinasi insulasi untuk perlengkapan pada sistem tegangan rendah – Bagian 1: Prinsip, persyaratan dan pengujian

Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems – Part 1 : Principles, requirements and tests

IEC 60664-1 Ed. 2.0 (2007-04) Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems – Part 1 : Principles, requirements and tests Translation SNI ISO 9915:2012

IDT Coran paduan aluminium - Uji radiografi

Aluminum alloy castings - Radiographic Testing

ISO 9915:1992, IDT IDT SNI IEC 60060-2:2011

Teknik pengujian tegangan tinggi - Bagian 2 : Sistem pengukuran

High voltage test techniques – Part 2: Measuring systems

IEC 60060-2 (1994-11) High voltage test techniques – Part 2: Measuring systems Translation SNI IEC 60052:2011

IDT Pengukuran tegangan dengan sarana sela udara standar

Voltage measurement by means standard air gaps

IEC 60052 ed 3.0 (2002-10) Voltage measurement by means standard air gaps Translation SNI ISO 4986:2012

IDT Coran baja - Inspeksi partikel magnetik

Steel castings - Magnetic particle inspection

ISO 4986:2010, IDT IDT SNI IEC 61010-1:2016

Persyaratan keselamatan perlengkapan listrik untuk penggunaan pengukuran, kontrol dan laboratorium - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum (IEC 61010-1:2010, IDT)

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61010-1:2010, IDT)


IEC 61010-1:2010 IDT


Non-destructive testing

Pengujian tanpa merusak

SNI 18-6930-2002

Uji tak rusak - Radiologi sinar-X dan sinar - Y bidang industri perbendaharaan kata

Non-destructive testing - Indusrial X- rays and Y-rays radiography - Vocabulary


Non-destructive testing radiograpic examination of metallic materials by X-rays and Yrays - Basic rules


ISO 5576-1997 Non-destructive testing industrial X-ray and gamma-ray - Vocabulary Translation SNI 18-6931-2002

IDT Uji tak rusak - Pengujian radiografi bahan logam dengan sinar- X dan Y Aturan dasar

ISO 5579-1998 Non-destructive testing - Radiographic examination of metallic by X- and Y-rays - Basic rules Translation SNI 18-6932-2002

IDT Uji tak rusak - Persyaratan minimum iluminator radiografi industri

Non-destructive tests - Industrial radiographic illuminator minimum requirements


ISO 5580-1985 Non-destructive testing - Industrial radiographic illuminators - Minimum requirements Translation SNI ISO/TS 18173:2010

IDT Uji tak rusak - Istilah umum dan definisi

Non-destructive testing - General terms and definitions

ISO/TS 18173:2005 Non-destructive testing - General terms and definitions Translation SNI ISO 9712:2014

IDT Uji tak rusak - Kualifikasi dan sertifikasi personel UTR (ISO 9712:2012, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel (ISO 9712: 2012, IDT)

ISO 9712:2012 IDT SNI ISO 19232-4:2010

Uji tak rusak - Kualitas citra radiograf - Bagian 4: Evaluasi eksperimental nilai kualitas citra dan tabel kualitas citra

Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables

ISO 19232-4:2004 Translation SNI ISO 19232-1:2010

IDT Uji tak rusak - Kualitas citra radiograf - Bagian 1: Indikator kualitas citra (tipe kawat) - Penentuan nilai kualitas citra

Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 1: Image quality indicators (wire type) - Determination of image quality value

ISO 19232-1:2004 Translation SNI ISO 19232-5:2010

IDT Uji tak rusak - Kualitas citra radiograf - Bagian 5: Indikator kualitas citra (tipe kawat dupleks) - Penentuan nilai kualitas ketidaktajaman citra

Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 5: Image quality indicators (duplex wire type) - Determination of image unsharpness value

ISO 19232-5:2004 Translation SNI ISO 19232-1:2014

IDT Uji tak rusak - Kualitas bayangan radiograf - Bagian 1: Penentuan nilai kualitas bayangan menggunakan indikator kualitas bayangan tipe-kawat (ISO 19232-1:2013, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Radiographic image quality - Part 1: Determination of the value of quality shadow using shadow quality indicators of type-wire (ISO 19232-1: 2013, IDT)

IDT Uji tak rusak - Kualitas bayangan radiograf - Bagian 2: Penentuan nilai kualitas bayangan menggunakan indikator kualitas bayangan jenis step/hole (ISO 19232-2:2013, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Radiographic image quality - Part 2: Determination of image quality value using quality indicators shadow kind of step / hole (ISO 19232-2: 2013, IDT)

ISO 19232-1:2013 SNI ISO 19232-2:2014

ISO 19232-2:2013 IDT SNI 18-6933.1-2002

Uji tak rusak - Film radiografi untuk industri - Bagian 1: Klasifikasi sistem film radiografi industri

Non-destructive testing - Industrial radiographic film - Part 1: Classification of system for industrial radiographic film

ISO 11699-1-1998 Non-destructive testing - Industrial radiographic films - Part 2 : Control of film processing by means of reference values Translation SNI ISO 3999:2008

IDT Proteksi radiasi - Peralatan untuk radiografi gamma industri - Spesifikasi unjuk kerja, desain dan uji

Radiation protection -- Apparatus for industrial gamma radiography -- Specifications for performance, design and tests (ISO 3999:1999, IDT

ISO 3999:1999 Radiation protection -- Apparatus for industrial gamma radiography -- Specifications for performance, design and tests (Document available as of: 2004-12-08 ) Translation SNI ISO 9712:2008

IDT Uji tak rusak - Kualifikasi dan sertifikasi personel

Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of personnel

ISO 9712:2005 Non-destructive testing -- Qualification and certification of personnel Translation SNI ISO 19232-2:2010

IDT Uji tak rusak - Kualitas citra radiograf - Bagian 2: Indikator kualitas citra (tipe undak/lubang) - Penentuan kualitas citra

ISO 19232-2:2004 Translation


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Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 2: Image quality indicators (step/hole type) - Determination of image quality value


SNI ISO 16810:2014

Uji tak rusak - Uji ultrasonik - Prinsip umum (ISO 16810:2012, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - General principles (ISO 16810: 2012, IDT)

ISO 16810:2012 IDT SNI ISO 3452-1:2014

Uji tak rusak - Uji penetran - Bagian 1: Prinsip umum (ISO 3452-1:2013, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 1: General principles (ISO 3452-1: 2013, IDT)

ISO 3452-1:2013 IDT SNI ISO 16823:2014

Uji tak rusak - Uji ultrasonik - Teknik transmisi (ISO 16823:2012, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Techniques transmission (ISO 16823: 2012, IDT)

ISO 16823:2012 IDT SNI ISO/TR 25108:2010

Uji tak rusak - Pedoman untuk lembaga pelatihan personel uji tak rusak

Non-destructive testing - Guidelines for NDT personnel training organizations

ISO/TR 25108:2006 Non-destructive testing -- Guidelines for NDT personnel training organizations Translation SNI ISO 19232-3:2010

IDT Uji tak rusak - Kualitas citra radiograf - Bagian 3: kualifikasi kualitas citra untuk logam

Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 3: Image quality classes for ferrous metals

ISO 19232-3:2004 Translation SNI ISO 16826:2014

IDT Uji tak rusak - Uji ultrasonik - Pemeriksaan untuk diskontinuitas tegak lurus terhadap permukaan (ISO 16826:2012, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Examination for discontinuities perpendicular to the surface (ISO 16826: 2012, IDT)

ISO 16826:2012 IDT SNI ISO 16831:2014

Uji tak rusak - Uji ultrasonik - Karakterisasi dan verifikasi peralatan ultrasonik pengukur ketebalan (ISO 16831:2012, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic thickness gauge equipment (ISO 16831: 2012, IDT)

ISO 16831:2012 IDT SNI ISO 19232-5:2014

Uji tak rusak - Kualitas bayangan radiograf - Bagian 5: Penentuan nilai ketidaktajaman bayangan menggunakan indikator kualitas bayangan tipe kawat dupleks (ISO 19232-5:2013, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Radiographic image quality - Part 5: Determination of the value ketidaktajaman shadows using shadow quality indicators duplex wire type (ISO 19232-5: 2013, IDT)

ISO 19232-5:2013 IDT SNI ISO/TR 25107:2011

Uji Tak Rusak - Pedoman untuk silabus pelatihan uji tak rusak

Non-destructive testing - Guidelines for NDT training syllabuses

ISO/TR 25107:2006 Translation SNI ISO 19232-4:2014

IDT Uji tak rusak - Kualitas bayangan radiograf - Bagian 4: Evaluasi eksperimental nilai kualitas bayangan dan tabel kualitas bayangan (ISO 19232-4:2013, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Radiographic image quality - Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values ​and image quality tables (ISO 19232-4: 2013, IDT)

ISO 19232-4:2013 IDT SNI ISO 19232-3:2014

Uji tak rusak - Kualitas bayangan radiograf - Bagian 3: Kelas kualitas bayangan (ISO 19232-3:2013, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Radiographic image quality - Part 3: Class image quality (ISO 19232-3: 2013, IDT)

ISO 19232-3:2013 IDT SNI ISO 16526-1:2013

Uji tak rusak - Pengukuran dan evaluasi tegangan tabung sinar - X - Bagian 1: Metode pembagi tegangan

Nondestructive testing - Measurement and evaluation of ray tube voltage - X - Part 1: Method of voltage divider

ISO 16526-1:2011 Translation SNI ISO 9934-3:2012

IDT Uji tak rusak - Uji partikel magnetik - Bagian 3: Peralatan

Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 3: Equipment

ISO 9934-3:2002 IDT SNI ISO/TS 11774:2013

IDT Uji tak rusak - Kualifikasi berbasis kinerja

Nondestructive testing - Qualification based performance

ISO 11774:2011 Translation SNI ISO 16526-3:2013

IDT Uji tak rusak - Pengukuran dan evaluasi tegangan tabung sinar - X - Bagian 3: Metode spektrometri

Nondestructive testing - Measurement and evaluation of ray tube voltage - X - Part 3: Spectrometry method

ISO 16526-3:2011 Translation SNI ISO 17635:2012

IDT Uji tak rusak pada lasan - Aturan umum untuk bahan logam

Non-destructive testing of welds - General rules for metallic materials

ISO 17635:2010 IDT SNI ISO 9934-2:2012

IDT Uji tak rusak - Uji partikel magnetik - Bagian 2: Media deteksi

Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 2: Detection media

ISO 9934-2:2002 IDT SNI ISO 9934-1:2012

IDT Uji tak rusak - Uji partikel magnetik - Bagian 1: Prinsip umum

Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 1: General principles

ISO 9934-1:2001 IDT SNI ISO 16526-2:2013

IDT Uji tak rusak - Pengukuran dan evaluasi tegangan tabung sinar - X - Bagian 2: Pemeriksaan kekonstanan dengan metode filter tebal

Nondestructive testing - Measurement and evaluation of ray tube voltage - X - Part 2: Examination of constancy with thick filter method

ISO 16526-2:2011 Translation


SNI 19-1058-1989

Tata nama pengujian ultrasonik

Ultrasonic test nomenclature


SNI 19-1863-1990

Cara uji ultrasonik menggunakan prob sudut dengan metode kontak langsung

Ultrasonic testing method with retangular probe using direct contact method


SNI 19-1862-1990

Cara uji ultrasonik menggunakan probe normal dengan metode kontak langsung

Ultrasonic testing method with normal probe using direct contact method


SNI 05-1153-1989

Spesifikasi balok standar V1 dan rekomendasi cara penggunaannya dengan alat ultrasonik

Specification of V1 standard blocks and recomendation for application by ultrasonic equipment


SNI 19-6869-2002

Metode pengambilan contoh uji, bentuk, ukuran dan klasifikasi

Sampling methods shape, size and classification

SNI 19-1152-1989

Peralatan dan perlengkapan pesawat ultrasonik pulsa gema sekan A

Tools and accessories of the ultrasonic A echopulses equipment

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Particle size analysis. Sieving

Analisis ukuran partikel Pengayakan

SNI 07-6866-2002

Spesifikasi saringan anyaman kawat untuk keperluan pengujian

Specification for wire-cloth sieves for testing purposes

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Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus,

Karakteristik dan desain mesin, aparat, peralatan

SNI 04-4520-1998

Program peningkatan keandalan

Programmes for reliability growth


SNI 04-6536-2001

Aplikasi teknik Markov

Application of Markov techniques


IEC 1165: 1995, Application of Markov techniques Translation


SNI 7726:2012

Mesin pengurai sabut kelapa - Syarat mutu dan metode uji

Decomposing coconut coir machine - Quality requirements and test methods

SNI 7727:2012

Pompa setrifugal - Ujung hisap - Syarat mutu dan metode uji

Setrifugal pumps - suction tip - Quality requirements and test methods

SNI 7765:2012

Mesin pencuci kulit biji kopi proses basah - Tipe silinder horisontal sistem kontinyu - Syarat mutu

Skin washing machine wet process coffee beans - horizontal cylinder type continuous systems - Quality requirements

SNI 04-1931-1990

Rencana dan prosedur pengambilan contoh untuk inspeksi barang

Planning and procedure for sampling to inspection of goods


Screw threads

Ulir sekerup


Ulir sekerup secara umum

SNI 05-6703-2002



Screw threads in general

Kunci baut lubang segi enam

Hexagon socket screw keys

Ulir sekerup metrik


Metric screw threads

SNI 05-2933-1992

Ulir metrik halus. Batas ukuran dan toleransi

Metric fine screw threads, Limits of sizes and tolerances

SNI 05-2934-1992

Ulir metrik kasar. Batas ukuran dan toleransi

Metric coarse screw threads. Limits of sizes and tolerances

SNI 05-3227-1992

Ulir sekrup metris kegunaan umum. Gauging (Pelaksanaan pengukuran)

General purpose screw threads. Gauging

SNI 05-2924-1992

Ulir sekrup metrik untuk keperluan umum - Ukuran terpilih untuk sekrup, baut dan mur

General purpose metric screw threads - Selected size for screws, bolts and nuts

SNI 05-2062-1990

Ulir sekrup trapesium metrik. Bentuk dasar dan bentuk bahan maksimum

Metric trapezoidal screw threads. Basic profile and maximum material profiles

SNI 05-2389-1991

Ulir sekrup metrik kegunaan umum - Bentuk dasar

General purpose metric screw threads - Basic profile

SNI 05-2063-1990

Ulir sekrup trapesium metrik. Dimensi dasar

Metric trapezoidal screw threads. Basic dimensions


SNI 05-2392-1991

Ulir sekrup metrik - Dimensi dasar

Metric screw threads - Basic dimensions



Ulir sekerup inci

SNI 05-0785-1989


Ulir Withworth kasar untuk keperluan umum. Profil dasar

General purpose whitworth coarse screw threads. Basic profile

Ulir sekerup khusus

5 15


Special screw threads

Ulir sekrup unified kasar. Batas ukuran dan toleransi

Unified coarse screw threads. Limit of sizes and tolerances

SNI 05-2390-1991

Ulir sekrup miniatur

Miniatur screw threads




SNI 05-6024-1999

Ragum mesin

Machine vices

SNI 3690:2011

Kunci baut kepala lubang segi-enam

Assembly tools for screws and nut hexagon socket screw keys



Inch screw threads

SNI 05-2935-1992



Pengencang secara umum


Fasteners in general

SNI 05-2248-1991

Persyaratan umum untuk baut, sekrup, baut tanam dan mur

Bolts, screws, studs, and nuts, General requirement


SNI 05-2241-1991

Sistem penunjukan fastener

Designation system of fasteners


SNI 05-3226-1992

Pengikat berulir. Pengujian kelelahan beban aksial. Cara pengujian

Threaded fasteners. Axial load fatique testing, Test methods

SNI 05-1598-1989

Pengencang - Baut, sekrup, baut tanam dan mur - Lambang dan penandaan ukuran

Fasteners - Bolts, screws, studs and nuts - Symbols and designation of dimensions


SNI 05-1597-1989

Panjang ulir tak sempurna pada ulir pengencang dengan ulir metrik serba guna

Thread run-out for fasteners with general purpose metric threads



Baut sekerup baut tap


Bolts, screws, studs

SNI 05-3222-1992

Baud dan mur segi enam seri metris. Toleransi jarak dua sisi yang sejajar dan jarak dua sudut menyudut

Hexagon bolts and nuts metric series. Space tolerances between two sides and two angles


SNI 05-3064-1992

Baut kepala segi enam - Kelas C

Hexagon head bolts - Product grade C


SNI 05-2242-1991

Sekrup mesin tipe silang kepala pan, Kelas A

Cross recessed pan head screws, Grade A


SNI 05-2216-1991

Sekrup mesin alur kepala cheese, Kelas A

Slotted cheese head screws, Grade A


SNI 05-2243-1991

Sekrup mesin tipe silang kepala benam rata, Kelas A hanya untuk tingkat 4

Cross recessed countersunk flat head screws, Grade A and property class 4.8 only


SNI 05-3311-1994

Baut pengikat dai press

Shoulder serew stamping dies


SNI 05-2215-1991

Sekrup mesin alur kepala pan kelas - A

Slotted pan head screws, Grade - A

SNI 05-3067-1992

Baut kepala segi enam dengan ulir metrik halus - Kelas A danB

Hexagon head bolts with metric fine pitch thread - Product grade A and B

SNI 05-2217-1991

Sekrup mesin alur kepala benam timbul kelas A

Slotted raised countersunk head screws, Grade A


SNI 05-2244-1991

Sekrup mesin tipe silang kepala benam timbul, Kelas A

Crossed recessed raised countersunk head screws, Grade A


SNI 05-2245-1991

Sekrup pengetap tipe silang kepala pan

Crossed recessed pan head tapping screws


SNI 05-2218-1991

Sekrup mesin alur kepala benam rata, Kelas A

Slotted flat countersunk head screws, Grade A


SNI 05-2213-1991

Sekrup pengetap alur kepala benam rata

Slotted countersunk flat head tapping screws


SNI 05-2214-1991

Sekrup pengetap alur kepala benam timbul

Slotted raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screws


SNI 05-3066-1992

Sekrup kepala segi enam dengan ulir metrik halus kelas A danB

Hexagon head screws with metric fine pitch thread - Product grade A and B


SNI 05-3065-1992

Baut kepala segi enam untuk konstruksi dengan kekuatan tinggi, mempunyai ukuran lebar kunci besar dan panjang ulir metrik nominal - Kelas C untuk tingkat 8.8 dan 10.9

Hexagon bolt for high-strength structural bolting with large width and nominal metric thread length - Product grade C - Property classes 8.8 and 10.9


SNI 05-2247-1991

Sekrup pengetap tipe silang kepala benam timbul

Cross recessed raised countersunk head tapping screws

SNI 05-3214-1992

Sifat-sifat mekanis pengikat. Baut, sekrup dan stud

Mechanical properties of fasteners. Bolts, screws and stud

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SNI 05-2061-1990

Pengencang - Lubang longgar untuk baut dan sekrup

Fasteners - Clearance holes for bolts and screws


SNI 05-3063-1992

Baut kepala segi enam - Kelas B dengan diameter batang sama dengan diameter pits

Hexagon head bolts - Product grade B, with shank diameter = pitch diameter


SNI 05-2246-1991

Sekrup pengetap tipe silang kepala benam rata

Cross recessed countersunk head tapping screws


SNI 05-2212-1991

Sekrup pengetap alur kepala pan

Slotted pan head tapping screws


SNI 05-1887-1990

Radius hasil kerja pres pada pelat untuk suku bagian mesin

Press machines performance radius on the plastic for machines spare parts


SNI 05-6165-1999

Baut tanam untuk digunakan dengan Mur-T

Studs for use with T-nuts


SNI 05-6164-1999

Baut pengikat berulir sama pada kedua ujungnya

Double end studs

SNI 0661:2008

Baut dan mur segi-enam untuk penggunaan umum

Hexagon head bolts for general usages


SNI ASTM A325M:2012

Spesifikasi baut baja hasil perlakuan panas dengan kuat tarik minimum 830 Mpa

Structual bolts, Steel, Heat Treated 830 MPa minimum tensile strength (metric) (ASTM A325M-04, IDT)



ASTM A325M IDT SNI 05-1602-1989

Sekrup kepala benam, Bentuk dan kaliber kepala

Countersunk head screws, Head configuration and gauging

SNI 05-1604-1992

Sekrup kepala segi enam, kualitas produk C

Hexagon head screws, product grade C


SNI 05-0571-1989

Cara uji mekanis mur dan baud

Nuts and bolts, Mechanical test method


SNI 05-1603-1992

Sekrup kepala segi enam, Kualitas produk A dan B

Hexagon head screws, Product grade A and B


SNI 05-1204-1989

Ukuran alur T dan baut meja mesin perkakas

Sizes of T groove and bolts of table of machine tools


SNI 05-1040-1989

Bentuk dan ukuran ujung baut

Shapes and dimensions of bolts


SNI 05-1785-1990

Diameter lubang baud dan dudukan kepala baud

Holes diameter of bolts and counterbones


SNI 05-1587-1989

Baut, sekrup, dan baut tanam serba guna - Panjang nominal dan panjang ulir

General purpose screws bolts and studs, Nominal length and thread length


SNI 05-1586-1989

Baut dan sekrup serba guna - Radius pada dasar kepala

General purpose bolts and screws, Radii under the head

SNI 05-0538-1989

Sekrup kayu dengan alur garis untuk obeng

Screws for wood with straight grooved for screwdrivers

SNI 05-1041-1989

Sifat mekanis baut baja

Mechanical properties of steel bolts

SNI 05-0787-1989

Baud, mur dan sekerup, Tata nama perkakas pemasang

Bolts, nuts and screws, Nomenclature




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SNI 05-3069-1992

Mur segi enam bentuk 2 - Kelas A dan B

Hexagon nuts style 2 - Product grade A and B


SNI 05-3068-1992

Mur segi enam bentuk 1 - Kelas A dan B

Hexagon nuts, style 1 - Product grade A and B


SNI 05-3070-1992

Mur segi enam - Kelas C

Hexagon nuts - Product grade C


SNI 05-3221-1992

Mur mahkota dan mur benteng yang berulir metris dengan diameter ulir 42 sampai dengan 100 mm

Metric threaded crown nuts and slotted nuts, thread diameter 42 to 100 mm


SNI 05-3062-1992

Metode pengujian mur ulir metrik halus dan kasar dengan nilai beban uji tertentu mekanis

Mechanical test fine and rough nuts with specific test load value


SNI 05-3219-1992

Mur baja pengunci segi enam tahan torsi. Dimensi seri inci

Prevailing torque type steel hexagon locknut, Inches series dimensions


SNI 05-3218-1992

Mur baja pengunci segi enam tahan torsi. Dimensi seri metris

Prevailing torque type steel hexagon locknuts. Metric series dimensions

SNI 05-3217-1992

Mur baja pengunci segi enam tahan torsi. Sifat-sifat mekanis dan kemampuannya

Prevailing torque type steel hexagon locknuts. Mechanical and performance properties


SNI 05-3216-1992

Sifat-sifat mekanis dari pengikat. Mur dengan harga spesifikasi beban yang diizinkan, tinggi efektif ulir 0,4 d sampai dengan 0,6 d

Mechanical properties of fastener, Nuts with specified proof load values, thread effective height 0,4 d to 0,6 d


SNI 05-3215-1992

Sifat-sifat mekanis dari pengikat. Mur dengan harga spesifikasi beban yang diizinkan

Mechanical properties of fasteners. Nuts with specified proof load values


SNI 05-4058-1996

Mur segi enam untuk perkakas tuntun dan pegang

Hexagon nuts for jig and fixture


SNI 05-3220-1992

Mur mahkota dan mur yang berulir metris

Castle nuts (crown nuts) and metric threaded nuts


SNI 05-6022-1999

Mur alur-T

T-slot nuts


SNI 05-1042-1989

Sifat mekanis mur baja

Mechanical properties of steel nuts


SNI 10-1091-1989

Mur kupu-kupu

Butterfly nuts



Paku keling


SNI 07-1803-1990

Paku keling aluminium dan paduan aluminium

Aluminium and aluminium alloys rivets

SNI 03-0357-1989

Paku keling baja kepala panas

Hot steel rivets



Pin, paku

22 7

Pins, nails

SNI 05-2921-1992

Pasak tangensial dan alurnya

Tangential pins and its threads


SNI 05-2922-1992

Pasak tirus dengan atau tanpa kepala dan alurnya

Taper pins with or without head and its threads


SNI 0323:2014

Paku baja

Steel nails

SNI 05-0323-1999




SNI 03-6840-2002

Metode pengujian kuat cabut paku di laboratorium

Test methods for withdrawl of nail in the laboratory



Sekerup jepitan dan stapel

SNI 05-4057-1996


Clamps and staples

Klem untuk perkakas tuntun dan pegang

Clamps for jig and fixture


Hinges, eyelets and other articulated joints

Engsel, lubang tali dan sambungan lainnya

SNI 05-4100-1996

Bola penghubung

Ball joints


SNI 03-0092-1987

Engsel baja

Steel hinges


21.100 21.100.10


Bantalan Bantalan datar

SNI 07-7177-2006

Plain bearings

Pendukung datar - Uji kekerasan logam pendukung - Bagian 1: Bahan campuran

Plain bearings - Hardness tests of bearing metals - Part 1: Mixed materials

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Bantalan gelinding

Rolling bearings

SNI 05-1463-1989

Bantalan gelinding yang berbentuk rol

Rolling bearings


SNI 05-1462-1989

Rumah bantalan gelinding

Rolling bearings housing


SNI 05-1460-1989

Penomoran dan penandaan rakitan rumah bantalan gelinding

Numbering and marking for the assembling of rolling bearing housing


SNI 05-1199-1989

Klasifikasi dan cara penomoran bantalan gelinding

Classification and designation of rolling bearing


SNI 05-1200-1989

Dimensi batas dan toleransi bantalan gelinding

Boundary dimensions and tolerances of rolling bearings


SNI 05-1201-1989

Bantalan gelinding jenis bola, Bagian dan mutu bahan

Ball bearings for rolling bearing, Parts and materials specifications

SNI 05-0181-1987

Bantalan bola alur dalam

Deep groove ball bearings

SNI 05-1198-1989

Bantalan gelinding, Cara uji

Rolling bearings, Test method.


9 57

Shafts and couplings

Poros dan kopling





SNI 05-2919-1992

Ujung poros silindris dan konis ukuran 1/10

1/10 cylindrical and conical shaft ends


SNI 05-1356-1989

Ujung poros

Point of shafts


SNI 05-1491-1989

Tinggi poros mesin penggerak dan yang digerakkan

Shaft heights for driving and driven machines



SNI 05-7025-2004



Couplings Kran penyambung aliran bahan bakar (quick coupling)

Fuel connector faucet (quick coupling)

Pembalans dan mesin pembalans


Balancing and balancing machines

SNI 05-2300-1991

Mesin pembalans - Selubung dan kondisi pengaman lain

Balancing machines - Enclosures and safety measures


SNI 05-3049-1992

Balans rotor fleksibel, Kriteria evaluasi

Flexible rotor balance, Criteria for evaluating



Seals, glands

Segel, gelang penekan

SNI 05-4079-1996

Cara uji gasket asbes pampatan

Test method for compressed asbestos gaskets

SNI 05-3282-1994

Peralatan penyekat (Sil) - Cincin O, Bagian 3 : Kriteria mutu

Sealing devices - O ring - Part 3: Quality acceptance criteria


SNI 05-3281-1994

Peralatan penyekat (Sil) - Cincin O, Bagian 1: Diameter dalam, penampang, toleransi dan kode identifikasi ukuran

Sealing devices - O ring - Part 1 : Inside diameter, cross section, tolerances, size identification code





SNI 05-2671-1992

Pegas ulir tekan pres dai

Coiled helical springs for stamping dies

SNI 09-0426-1989

Pegas daun kendaraan bermotor, Mutu

Leaf springs for motor vehicles, Specification



36 8

Housings, enclosures, other machine parts

Rumah, selungkup dan suku cadang mesin lainnya

SNI 05-6303-2000

Roda pemutar

Hand wheels


SNI 05-6304-2000

Tuas pemutar

Handle attachment


SNI 05-0541-1992

Mur dan baud kepala segi enam untuk konstruksi umum dan jembatan

Hexagon nuts and bolts for general and bridge construction




Roda gigi

SNI 10-4919-1998

Roda gigi kerucut untuk marin

Marine bevel gears

SNI 05-1364-1989

Roda gigi lurus yang umum dipakai pada konstruksi permesinan, Bentuk umum dan ukuran

Spur gears for general engineering, Shapes and dimensions


SNI 05-1365-1989

Roda gigi miring (Helical) yang umum dipakai pada konstruksi permesinan, Bentuk dan ukuran

Helical gears for general engineering, Shapes and dimension



Flexible drives and transmissions

Penggerak fleksibel dan trasmisi



Penggerak sabuk dan komponennya

Belt drives and their components

SNI 05-2211-1991

Mahkota puli untuk sabuk transmisi rata

Pulley crowns for flat transmission belts


SNI 05-2270-1991

Sabuk sinkron, Perhitungan daya dan jarak pusat penggerak

Synchronous belts, Calculation of power rating and drive centre distance


SNI 05-2205-1991

Puli transmisi, Kualitas pengerjaan akhir dan keseimbangan

Transmissian pulleys, Quality finish and balance


SNI 05-2259-1991

Sabuk transmisi datar, Panjang

Flat transmision belts, Length


SNI 05-2206-1991

Lebar dan panjang sabuk berjalan

Width and length of conveyor belt


SNI 05-2208-1991

Sabuk transmisi rata dan puli, Lebar

Flat transmission belts and corresponding pulleys, Width


SNI 05-2207-1991

Puli untuk sabuk transmisi rata, Diameter

Pulleys for flat transmission belt, Diameters


SNI 05-2260-1991

Sabuk berjalan, Rumus perhitungan jarak transmisi dengan tiga rol penghantar yang sama panjang

Conveyor belts, Formula for transmision distance on three equal length idler rolls


SNI 05-2267-1991

Sabuk -V dan sabuk V bergerigi, Pengujian dinamika untuk menentukan lokasi jarak

V- and V belts, Dynamic test to determine pitch zone location


SNI 05-2263-1991

Dawai baja sabuk berjalan, Pengukuran perpanjangan pada uji tarik

Steel cord conveyor belts, Measurement of elongation on traction test


SNI 05-2271-1991

Sabuk berjalan, Spesifikasi dan cara uji ketahanan api

Conveyor belts, Specification and test method for flame retardarts


SNI 05-2209-1991

Sabuk berjalan, Penandaan

Conveyor belts, Branding


SNI 05-2264-1991

Sabuk berjalan berdawai baja, Uji kuat rekat penutup lapisan inti

Steel corded conveyor belts, Adhesian strength test of the cover to the layer


SNI 05-2269-1991

Dawai baja sabuk berjalan, Uji rekat terhadap lapisannya

Steel cord conveyor belts, Cord - to - coating band test


SNI 7370:2008

Puli sabuk konveyor

Conveyor belts pulleys


SNI 7371:2008

Rol sabuk konveyor

Conveyor belts rolls


SNI 06-1404-1989

Sabuk V untuk kendaraan bermotor, Uji kelelahan

V belt for motor vehicles, Fatigue test

SNI 06-1546-1989

Sabuk - V untuk industri

V - belt for industry


SNI 06-1407-1989

Dimensi sabuk-V untuk kendaraan bermotor

V belt for motor vehicles, Dimension


- 68 -



Penggerak rantai dan komponennya

SNI 05-2783-1992

Chain drives and their components

Rantai mesin tipe bos

Machine chains, Bush type

- 69 -






Fluid storage devices

Alat penyimpan fluida


Alat penyimpan fluida secara umum

SNI 7475:2008


Fluid storage devices in general

Penyaring bahan bakar curah cair ke tangki pendam (fillpot)

Liquid fuel filters for fillpot

Wadah dan tanki tidak bergerak

SNI 19-3031-1992



Stationary containers and tanks

Tangki baja berlas untuk penyimpanan minyak, Desain

Welding steel tanks for oil storage, Design

Bejana tekan, tabung gas

Pressure vessels, gas cylinders

SNI 13-3498-1994

Inspeksi bejana tekan

Pressure vessels inspection

SNI 05-3563-1994

Bejana tekan 1 - A

Pressure vessels 1 - A

SNI 7369:2008

Regulator tekanan rendah untuk tabung baja LPG

Low pressure regulators of LPG steel tubes

SNI ISO 10691:2010

Tabung gas - tabung baja hasil las yang dapat diisi ulang untuk liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) - Prosedur pengecekan, sebelum, selama dan setelah pengisian

Gas cylinders - Refillable welded steel cylinders for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) Procedures for checking before, during and after filling

74 306

ISO 10691:2004 Translation


SNI 1591:2008

Katup tabung baja LPG

LPG steel tubes valves. ICS 23.020.30

SNI 7659:2011

Katup tabung LPG tipe koneksi ulir

LPG cylinder valve threaded connection type

SNI 1452:2011

Tabung baja LPG

LPG steel cylinders

SNI 7369:2012

Regulator tekanan rendah untuk tabung LPG

Low pressure regulator for LPG cylinders

SNI 7618:2012

Regulator tekanan tinggi untuk tabung LPG

High pressure regulator for LPG cylinders

SNI 3330:2014

Pipa saringan untuk sumur air tanah

Pipe filter for ground water wells

SNI 1591:2012

Katup tabung LPG

LPG tubes valves


Alat penyimpan fluida lainnya

SNI 7618:2010


Other fluid storage devices

Regulator tekanan tinggi untuk tabung baja LPG

High pressure regulator for LPG steel tube

Pipeline components and pipelines

Komponen saluran pipa dan saluran pipa

SNI 6785:2010


Pipa fiberglass bertekanan rendah

Low-pressure fiberglass pipe

Komponen saluran pipa dan saluran pipa secara umum

Pipeline components and pipelines in general

SNI 19-3778-1995

Identifikasi warna pipa

Pipe colour identification


SNI 05-6324-2000

Pewarnaan tabung bertekanan, pipa udara dan pipa bahan air

Colour coding of pressure pipes, air pipes and liquid pipes


SNI 06-0112-1987

Pipa poliester serat gelas untuk saluran air bertekanan dan saluran air buangan

Glass fibre polyester pipes for pressurized water and waste water pipeline


SNI 19-6783-2002

Spesifikasi desinfeksi perpipaan air bersih

Desinfection specification for clean water pipelines


Pipa besi dan baja


Iron and steel pipes

SNI 05-3330-1994

Pipa saringan sumur bor untuk air, minyak dan gas

Drilled wells filter pipes for water, oil and gas


SNI 07-2225-1991

Pipa baja saluran air

Steel pipes for water supply


SNI 07-3083-1992

Pipa spigot dan soket dari besi tuang modular untuk jaringan pipa bertekanan, Bagian 2

Ductile cast iron spigot and socket pipes for pressure pipe lines - Part 2

SNI 07-3081-1992

Pipa besi tuang modular dan perlengkapan untuk aliran pipa tak bertekanan

Ductile cast iron pipes and accessories for non pressure pipe lines


SNI 07-2658-1992

Pipa baja stainless

Stainless steel pipe


SNI 07-3074-1992

Pipa dan penyambung dari besi tuang untuk air buang - Seri spigot

Cast iron drainage pipe and fittings - Spigot series


SNI 07-3090-1992

Pipa-pipa logam berbentuk lembaran bulat lurus dengan kampuh spiral jenis kunci dan pipa-pipa logam berbentuk lembaran persegi panjang lurus untuk distribusi udara

Straight circular sheet metal ducts with a lock type spiral seam and straight rectangular sheet metal duct for air distribution


SNI 07-4613-1998

Simbol yang digunakan untuk spesifikasi pada tube baja dan

Symbols for use in specification of steel tubes and fittings


SNI 0071:2008

Pipa baja las (kampuh) spiral

Spiral welded steel pipes, Specification and testing methods

SNI 0068: 2007

Pipa baja karbon untuk konstruksi umum

Carbon steel pipes for general structure

SNI 6469:2012

Tata cara pembangunan sumur produksi dengan pengeboran sistem sirkulasi langsung

The procedure for the construction of production wells with drilling circulation system directly

SNI ISO 10893-7:2014

Uji tak rusak pada tabung baja - Bagian 7: Uji radiografi digital sambungan las dari tabung baja yang dilas untuk deteksi ketidaksempurnaan (ISO 10893-7:2011, IDT)

Nondestructive testing on steel tubes - Part 7: Test of digital radiography of welded joints of welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections


ISO 10893:2011 IDT SNI 8052:2014

Pipa baja untuk pancang

Steel pipe for saplings

SNI 07-0067-1987

Pipa baja karbon untuk konstruksi mesin, Mutu dan cara uji

Carbon steel pipes for machines structure, Specification and test method


SNI 03-6719-2002

Spesifikasi pipa baja bergelombang dengan lapis pelindung logam untuk pembuangan air dan drainase bawah tanah

Specification of corrugated steel pipes with metallic-coated for sewage and underground drainage


SNI 07-1813-1990

Pipa baja saluran air, Lapisan bagian dalam dengan menggunakan adukan semen

Steel pipes for water supply, Interior layer using cement mix


SNI 07-0242-1989

Mutu dan cara uji pipa baja tanpa kampuh

Specification and test methods of seamless steel pipes for steam boilers and superheaters


SNI 07-1857-1990

Pipa tanah dari besi tuang kelabu

Grey cast iron ground pipe


SNI 07-1343-1989

Pipa baja coal-tar enamel, lapis lindung bagian luar

Coal for enamel exterior protective coatings steel pipes

SNI 07-0950-1989

Pipa dan pelat baja bergelombang lapis seng

Zinc coated steel pipes and corrugated plates


SNI 07-0310-1989

Pipa baja karbon untuk minyak dan gas, Cara uji mekanis las

Carbon steel pipes for petroleum and gas, Mechanical test methods for welding


SNI 07-0242.1-2000

Spesifikasi pipa baja yang dilas dan tanpa sambungan dengan lapis hitam dan galvanis panas

Specification for black and hot-dipped zinc-coated (galvanized) welded and seamless steel pipes


- 70 -


SNI 07-0728-1989

Pipa-pipa baja pengujian tinggi untuk saluran pada industri minyak dan gas bumi

High tested steel pipes for petroleum and natural gas industries


SNI 07-0537-1989

Pipa-pipa baja untuk saluran minyak dan gas bumi

Steel pipes for petroleum and natural gas pipeline



Pipa logam bukan besi

Non-ferrous metal pipes

SNI 03-0321-1989

Mutu dan cara uji pipa asbes semen

Asbestos cement pipes, Specification and test methods


SNI 07-1354-1989

Pipa las tembaga kuningan

Copper and bronze welded pipes



Pipa plastik

Plastics pipes

SNI 06-2555-1991

Pipa PVC untuk air minum, Metode pengujian kadar PVC dengan TFH

PVC pipes for drinking water, Test methods for PVC content by TFH

SNI 06-2554-1991

Metode pengujian untuk ketahanan pipa PVC untuk air minum terhadap metilena chlorida

Test method for constancy to chloride methylene of PVC pipes for dringking water


SNI 06-2553-1991

Metode pengujian perubahan panjang pipa PVC untuk air minum dengan uji tungku

Test method for change of length of PVC pipes for drinking water by stove methods


SNI 06-2552-1991

Pipa PVC untuk air minum, Metode pengambilan contoh uji

PVC pipes for drinking water, Method for sampling

SNI 06-2551-1991

Pipa PVC untuk air minum, Metode pengujian bentuk dan sifat tampak

PVC pipes for dringking water, Test method for shape and visible characteristics


SNI 06-2550-1991

Pipa PVC untuk air minum, Metode pengujian ketebalan dinding

PVC pipes for drinking water, Test methods for wall thickness


SNI 13-3502-1994

Sistem penyisipan pipa polyethelene untuk gas bumi

Polyethelene pipe slippage system for gas


SNI 06-2548-1991

Metode pengujian diameter luar pipa PVC untuk air minum dengan jangka sorong

PVC pipes for dringking water, Test method for outside diameter by vernier callipers


SNI 06-2556-1991

Metode pengujian diameter luar pipa PVC untuk air minum dengan pita meter

Test methods for drinking water PVC pipes diameter by meter band

SNI 06-2549-1991

Pipa PVC untuk air minum, Metode pengujian kekuatan terhadap tekanan hidrostatik

PVC pipes for dringking water, Test method for strength to hydrostatic pressure

SNI 06-6419-2000

Spesifikasi pipa PVC bertekanan diameter (110-135) mm untuk air bersih

Specification for pressured PVC pipes, (110-135) mm in diameter for clean water

SNI 06-4384-1996

Pipa ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) bertekanan

Pressure ABS pipes (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Stryene)


SNI 06-0084-2002

Pipa PVC untuk saluran air minum

PVC pipe for drinking water pipeline


SNI 06-4821-1998

Metode pengujian dimensi pipa polietilena (PE) untuk air minum

Test methods for dimension of polyethylene (PE) pipes for drinking water


SNI 06-4829-2005

Pipa polietilena untuk air minum

Polyethylene pipes for drinking water




7 16 9

ISO 4427: 1996, Polyethylene (PE) pipes for water supply - Specifications Translation SNI ISO 16422:2014

MOD Pipa dan sambungan dibuat dari polivinil klorida non plastisasi terorientasi (PVC-O) untuk mengalirkan air bertekanan - Spesifikasi (ISO 16422:2014, IDT)

Pipes and joints made of oriented unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-O) for the conveyance of water under pressure — Specifications

ISO 16422:2014 IDT SNI 4829.2:2012

Sistem perpipaan plastik - Pipa polietilena (PE) dan fiting untuk sistem penyediaan air minum - Bagian 2: Pipa

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part 2: Pipes

ISO 4427-2:2007 (2010-10) MOD


SNI 06-0178-1987

Pipa PVC untuk saluran air buangan di luar dan di dalam bangunan, Sambungan

PVC pipes for waste water outside and inside buildings, Fittings


SNI 06-0162-1987

Pipa PVC untuk saluran air buangan di dalam dan di luar bangunan

PVC pipes for waste water pipeline, outside and inside building


SNI 19-6778-2002

Metode pengujian tekanan internal pada sambungan mekanik pipa PE

Test methods for natural pressure on mechanical fittings of PE pipelines


SNI 19-6781-2002

Metode pengujian kehilangan tekanan pada sistem sambungan mekanik pipa polietilena (PE)

Test method for the lost of pressure on mechanical fittings systems of PE pipes

SNI 19-6780-2002

Metode penentuan densitas referensi polietilena (PE) hitam dan PE tidak berwarna pada pipa PE dan sambungan

Determination methods for black polyethilene (PE) and un-colour PE pipes it's fittings

SNI 19-6779-2002

Metode pengujian perubahan panjang pipa polietilena (PE)

Test methods for polyethilene pipes (PE) alteration of elongation


Penyambung logam

13 9 10

Metal fittings

SNI 07-3080-1992

Penyambung pipa baja tahan karat dengan las tumpu

Stainless steel butt - Welding fittings


SNI 07-3360-1994

Penyambung pipa baja karbon dan baja paduan dengan las tumpu

Carbon and alloy steel butt welding fittings


SNI 05-3073-1992

Penyambungan baja tanpa paduan berulir

Non-alloy steel threaded fitting


SNI 07-2951-1992

Penyambung pipa air minum bertekanan dari besi cor bergrafit bulat

Spheroidal graphite cast iron pressure drinking water pipe fittings


SNI 07-3082-1992

Pipa penyambung dan perlengkapan dari besi tuang modular untuk jaringan pipa bertekanan, Bagian 1

Ductile cast iron pipes fittings and accessories for pressure pipe lines. Part 1


SNI 0139:2008

Penyambung pipa berulir besi cor maleable hitam

Black malleable cast iron threaded pipe fittings


SNI 07-1769-1990

Penyambung pipa air minum bertekanan dari besi tuang kelabu

Grey cast iron fittings for pressured drinking water pipes



Penyambung plastik

Plastics fittings

SNI 06-4385-1996

Fitting ABS bertekanan dengan larutan semen

Pressure ABS pipe fittings with cement solution

SNI 4829.3:2012

Sistem perpipaan plastik - Pipa polietilena (PE) dan fiting untuk sistem penyediaan air minum - Bagian 3: Fitting

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part 3: Fittings

ISO 4427-3:2007 (2010-10) MOD SNI 4829.1:2012

MOD Sistem perpipaan plastik - Pipa polietilena (PE) dan fiting untuk sistem penyediaan air minum - Bagian 1: Umum

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part 1: General

ISO 4427-1:2007 (2010-10) MOD SNI 4829.5:2012

MOD Sistem perpipaan plastik - Pipa polietilena (PE) dan fiting untuk sistem penyediaan air minum - Bagian 5: Kesesuaian penggunaan dalam sistem

ISO 4427-5:2007 (2010-10) MOD


- 71 -

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system


SNI 4829.1:2015

Sistem perpipaan plastik - Pipa polietilena (PE) dan fiting untuk sistem penyediaan air minum - Bagian 1: Umum (ISO 4427-1:2007, MOD)

Plastic piping systems - Pipe polyethylene (PE) and fittings for water supply systems - Part 1: General (ISO 4427-1: 2007, MOD)


Plastic piping systems - Pipe polyethylene (PE) and fittings for water supply systems - Part 2: Pipes (ISO 4427-2: 2007, MOD)


Plastic piping systems - Pipe polyethylene (PE) and fittings for water supply systems - Part 3: Fittings (ISO 4427-3: 2007, MOD)


PVC pipes fittings for drinking water pipeline


ISO 4427-1:2007 MOD SNI 4829.2:2015

Sistem perpipaan plastik - Pipa polietilena (PE) dan fiting untuk sistem penyediaan air minum - Bagian 2: Pipa (ISO 4427-2:2007, MOD)

ISO 4427-2:2007 MOD SNI 4829.3:2015

Sistem perpipaan plastik - Pipa polietilena (PE) dan fiting untuk sistem penyediaan air minum - Bagian 3: Fiting (ISO 4427-3:2007, MOD)

ISO 4427-3:2007 MOD SNI 06-0135-1987


Pipa dan Penyambung pipa dari bahan lain

SNI 03-0445-1989


Sambungan pipa PVC untuk saluran air minum

Pipes and fittings of other materials

Pipa beton tanpa tulangan

Unreinforced concrete pipes

Flensa kopling dan Penyambung


Flanges, couplings and joints

SNI 05-3078-1992

Flensa logam - Flensa besi tuang

Metal flanges - Cast iron flanges


SNI 05-3076-1992

Flensa untuk teknologi vakum, Dimensi

Flange for vacuum technology, Dimension


SNI 05-2195-1991

Permukaan flensa pipa, Dimensi

Pipe flange facing, Dimension

SNI 05-2196-1991

Flensa pipa, Toleransi dimensi

Pipe flanges, Dimension tolerances

SNI 05-3085-1992

Pipa flensa untuk pendingin

Pipe flanges for refrigerators


SNI 05-3079-1992

Flensa tembaga paduan dan komposit

Copper alloy and composit flanges


SNI 05-3077-1992

Flensa mampu panas untuk teknologi vakum, Dimensi

Bakable flanges for vacuum technology, Dimensions


SNI 10-4831-1998

Ukuran flensa sambungan darat internasional untuk pemadam kebakaran di kapal

Sizes of international shore fitting flange for fire extinguishers in ships


SNI 10-4830-1998

Ukuran flensa sambungan pembuangan limbah minyak di kapal

Sizes of oil waste disposal fitting flange in ships


SNI 07-6404-2000

Spesifikasi flensa pipa baja untuk penyediaan air ukuran 110 mm- 366 mm

Specification of steel pipe flanges for water supply size 110 mm-366 mm


Selang dan perangkat selang

7 7


Hoses and hose assemblies

SNI 05-3075-1992

Tabung dan selang penyambung dengan pelebaran tipe 37 dan tanpa pelebaran tipe 24 untuk sistem hidraulik, Dimensi dan desain

Connection for tubes and hoses for 37 flares and 24 flareless fittings for hydraulic system, Dimension and design

SNI 06-3093-1992

Selang karet industri untuk udara kompresi (sampai dengan 2,5 Mpa)

Industrial rubber hoses for compressed air (up to 2,5 Mpa)

SNI 06-4560-1998

Selang plastik vinil fleksibel

Flexible vinyl plastic hoses

SNI 06-4379-1996

Pipa karet penghisap debu

Rubber hoses for dust collectors

SNI ISO 4641:2014

Selang karet dan perakitan selang untuk penghisapan dan pelepas air Spesifikasi (ISO 4641:2010, IDT)

Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for water suction and discharge - Specification

10 5 15 3

ISO 4641:2010 IDT SNI ISO 6803:2014

Selang karet atau plastik dan arakitan selang - Uji denyut tekanan hidrolik tanpa tekukan (ISO 6803:2008, IDT)

Rubber or plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Hydraulic-pressure impulse test without flexing

ISO 6803:2008 IDT SNI ISO 1403:2014

Selang karet berpenguat tekstil untuk pemakaian air secara umum Spesifikasi (ISO 1403:2005, IDT)

Rubber hoses textile-reinforced for general purposes water applications - Specifications

ISO 1403:2005 IDT SNI ISO 8331:2014

Selang karet dan plastik rakitan selang - Panduan untuk pemilihan, penyimpanan, penggunaan dan pemeliharaan (ISO 8331:2014, IDT)

Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Guidelines for selection, storage, use and maintenance

ISO 8331:2014 IDT SNI ISO 8030:2015

Selang karet dan plastik - Metode uji bakar ISO 8030:2014, IDT)

Rubber and plastic hoses - Methods of test fuels ISO 8030: 2014, IDT)


Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing - Determination of transmission of liquids through hose and tubing walls (ISO 8308:2006, IDT)


ISO 8030:2014 IDT SNI ISO 8308:2015

Selang dan perpipaan dari karet dan plastik - Penentuan penyaluran cairan melalui selang dan dinding pipa (ISO 8308:2006, IDT)

ISO 8308:2006 IDT SNI 09-1002-1989


Specification for drinking water, waste water and rain water pipe fitting rubber seal rings


Other pipelines components

Tata cara pemasangan perpipaan besi daktil dan perlengkapannya

Procedure for the installation of ductile - iron and their appurtenance






Seals for pipe and hose assemblies

Spesifikasi cincin karet sambungan air minum, air limbah dan air hujan

Komponen saluran pipa lainnya

SNI 19-6782-2002


Rubber hoses for four whell or more motor vehicles

Segel untuk perangkat pipa dan selang

SNI 06-4828-1998


Pipa air karet untuk kendaraan bermotor roda empat atau lebih

Katup secara umum

Valves in general

SNI 05-4012-1996

Cara uji kebocoran katup air

Leak testing methods for water valves


SNI 05-2220-1991

Katup industri, Pengujian tekanan untuk katup

Industrial valves, Pressure testing for valves


SNI 04-6287.5-2000

Katup kendali proses industri. Bagian 5: Penandaan

Industrial-process control valves. Part 5: Marking


IEC 534-5: 1982, Industrial-process control valves - Part 5: Marking Translation SNI 13-6908-2002

IDT Inspeksi dan pengetesan katup

Valve inspection and testing


Threaded bronze horizontal directional valve 1,0 MPa (10kgf/cm2)


American Petroleum Institute (API) 598, Valve and inspection and testing Translation SNI 05-0168-1998

MOD Katup searah horizontal kuningan berulir 1,0 MPa (10kgf/cm2)

- 72 -

SNI 05-0167-1987

Katup kaki searah kuningan berulir 0,5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2)

Threaded bronze of directional foot valve, 0,5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2)


SNI 05-1070-1989

Katup searah vertikal kuningan berulir 0,5 MPa (5kgf/cm2)

Threaded brass vertical directional valve 0,5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2)



Katup globa

Globe valves

SNI 10-6086-1999

Katup globa baja tuang 20 kgf/cm2 untuk marin

Marine cast steel globe valves 20 kgf/cm2

SNI 10-6085-1999

Katup globa perunggu 16 kgf/cm2 untuk marin

Marine bronze globe valves 16 kgf/cm2


SNI 10-6084-1999

Katup globa perunggu 5 kgf/cm2 untuk marin

Marine bronze globe valves 5 kgf/cm2


SNI 05-0825-1989

Katup kontrol flensa jenis globe dari baja cor. Diameter lubang

Cast steel flanged control valves of globe type. Diameter of the hole


SNI 05-0824-1989

Katup kontrol flensa jenis globe dari baja cor, Ukuran ujung ke ujung

Cast steel flanged control valves of globe type, Dimension from end to end



Katup pintu


Gate valves

SNI 05-3764-1995

Katup pintu bertekanan 1,0 MPa untuk air

Pressure gate valves 1,0 MPa for water


SNI 0166:2008

Katup searah horizontal kuningan berulir kelas 125 untuk air

Threaded bronze horizontal directional valve 125 class for water


SNI 0168:2008

Katup pintu kuningan berulir kelas 125, 150, dan 250 untuk air, minyak dan gas

Threaded bronze valve of 125, 150 and 250 classes for water, petrol and gasses


SNI 05-0166-1998

Katup pintu kuningan berulir 1,0 MPa dan 1,5 MPa (10 kgf/cm2 dan 15 kgf/cm2)

Threaded bronze gate valves 1,0 MPa and 1,5 MPa (10 kgf/cm2 and 15 kgf/cm2)



Regulator tekanan

Pressure regulators

SNI 05-2301-1991

Katup pengaman - Kegunaan umum

Safety valves - General requirements

SNI 04-6287.6-2000

Katup kendali proses industri - Bagian 6: Rincian pemasangan untuk penyambung pemosisi ke aktuator katup kendali

Industrial process control valves - Part 6: Mounting detail for attachment of positions to control valve actuators

11 8

IEC 534-6: 1985, Industrial electrotechnical-process control valves - Part 6: Mounting details for attachment of positions to control valve actuators Translation



Katup periksa

SNI 05-0731-1989


Check valves

Katup kontrol dari baja cor, Cara uji unjuk kerja

Cast steel control valves, Test code for performance

Katup lainnya


Other valves

SNI 05-3054-1992

Katup stop refrijerasi

Stop valves for refrigeration

SNI 05-3283-1994

Katup susun modular empat lubang lalu dan katup pengatur arah empat lubang keluar - Ukuran jenis 03 dan 05 - Dimensi klem

Four - port modular stack valves and four port directional control valves, size 03 and 05 Clamping dimensions


SNI 10-6088-1999

Katup siku perunggu 16 kgf/cm2 untuk marin

Marine bronze angle valves 16 kgf/cm2


SNI 10-6087-1999

Katup siku perunggu 5 kgf/cm2 untuk marin

Marine bronze angle valves 5 kgf/cm2


SNI 05-0165-1987

Katup pelampung kuningan berulir 0,5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2)

Threaded bronze floater valve 0,5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2)


SNI 05-0169-1987

Katup stop kuningan berulir 0,5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2)

Threaded bronze stopper valve 0,5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2)


SNI 05-0170-1987

Katup sumbat kuningan berulir 0,5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2)

Threaded bronze clog valve 0,5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2)






SNI 05-3504-1994

Pompa angguk


SNI 03-6570-2001

Instalasi pompa yang dipasang tetap untuk proteksi kebakaran

Installation of stationary pumps for fire protection


SNI 05-0058-2002

Mutu dan cara uji pompa air tangan torak dangkal

Specification and test methods of hand water piston pumps


SNI 04-6292.2.41-2003

Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-41: Persyaratan khusus untuk pompa

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for pumps



IEC 60335-2-41: 1996-02, Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2-41 : Particular requirements for pumps for liquids having temperature not exceeding 35 degree C Translation


SNI 04-6292.2.41-2003(1)

Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-41: Persyaratan khusus untuk pompa

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for pumps


SNI 05-6437-2000

Metode pengujian kinerja pompa dengan menggunakan model

Performance test methods for pumps using test models


SNI 7518:2009

Pompa rotodinamik - Cara uji unjuk kerja hidrolis, kelas 1 dan 2

Rotodynamic pumps - hidraulic performance testing methods, grade 1 and 2

SNI ISO 9908:2010

Spesifikasi Teknis untuk Pompa Sentrifugal- Kelas III

Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps - Class III

ISO 9908:1993 Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps - Class III Translation


SNI 0141.2:2008

Pompa air sentrifugal untuk irigasi - Unjuk kerja

Centrifugal water pumps for irrigation - Performance

SNI ISO 5199:2010

Spesifikasi Teknis untuk Pompa Sentrifugas - Kelas II

Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps - Class II


ISO 5199:2002 Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps - Class II Translation


SNI 0141:2009/ Amd1:2011

Pompa air sentrifugal untuk irigasi - unjuk kerja dan cara uji Amamdemen 1

Centrifugal water pumps for irigation - Test method and performance Amandement 1

SNI ISO 17613-1:2012

Pompa yang dioperasikan secara manual untuk air minum - Pemilihan dan penerimaan

Manually operated pumps for drinking water -- Selection and acceptance -- Part 1: Southeast Asia

ISO 17613-1:2006 (2009-10) IDT


SNI 05-0148-1987

Pompa air tangan torak dalam

Hand dip piston water pumps

SNI 05-1810-1990

Pompa sentrifugal yang umum digunakan pada industri minyak dan gas bumi

Centrifugal pumps for petroleum and natural gas industry


Sistem daya fluida secara umum

SNI 05-3665-1995



Fluid power systems

Sistem daya fluida



Fluid power systems in general

Sistem daya fluida dan komponen - Lubang laluan metrik - Dimensi dan desain

Pompa dan motor

Fluid power system and components - Metric ports - Dimension and design


Pumps and motors

SNI 04-3865-1995

Pedoman untuk komisioning, operasi dan pemeliharaan pompa penyimpanan dan turbin pompa yang bekerja sebagai pompa

Guides for commisioning, operation and maintenance for storage pumps and pump turbines operating as pumps

SNI 8051:2014

Metode uji unjuk kerja motor bakar cetus api berpendingin udara ukuran kecil untuk kegunaan umum

The test method performance internal of piston engine fire air-cooled small size for general purpose

- 73 -


SNI IEC 60335-2-51:2010

Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-51: Persyaratan khusus untuk pompa sirkulasi stasioner untuk pemanasan dan instalasi layanan air

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2.51: Particular requirements for stationer circulation pumps for heating and water service instalation

IEC 60335-2-51 ed 3.1 Consol. with am1 (2008-07) Translation





SNI 05-3664-1995

Sistem daya fluida dan komponen - Silinder - Langkah torak seri dasar

Fluid power system and components - Cylinders - Piston rod thread dimensions and types


SNI 05-3663-1995

Sistem daya fluida dan komponen - Silinder - Tipe dan dimensi ulir batang torak

Fluid power system and component - Cylinders - Type and dimension of piston strokes


SNI 05-3659-1995

Daya fluida hidrolik - Silinder - Ujung batang berlubang bulat (Rod end spherical eyes) - Dimensi dudukan

Hydraulic fluid power - Cylinders - Rod end spherical eyes - Mounting dimension



Perpipaan, kopling, katup dan saringan

Piping, couplings, valves and filters

SNI 05-3661-1995

Daya fluida hidrolik - Katup pengatur arah empat lubang laluan - Permukaan dudukan

Hydraulic fluid power - Four-port directional control valves - Mounting surfaces

SNI 05-3660-1995

Daya fluida hidrolik - Rakitan selang/hose assemblies - Metode uji

Hydraulic fluid power - Hose assemblies - Methods of tests


14 8

Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners

Ventilasi, Kipas angin, Pengatur udara

SNI 04-3888.1-1995

Persyaratan keamanan untuk kipas angin listrik serta pengatur kecepatannya. Bagian 1 : Kipas angin serta pengatur kecepatannya untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan sejenisnya

Safety requirements of fans and its regulators - Part 1: Fans and regulators for household and similar appliances


SNI 05-3052-1992

Unit pengkondisian udara, Cara uji

Unitary air conditioners, Test methods


SNI 05-3053-1992

Unit pengkondisian udara dan untuk kapasitas pendinginan atau pemanasan sampai dengan 23.000 Kkal/Joule (26.744 W)

Unitary air conditioners and for cooking or heating capacity up to 23.000 Kkal/Joule (26.744)


SNI 04-4516-1998

Persyaratan keamanan untuk kipas angin listrik serta pengatur kecepatannya

Safety requirements of electric fan and speed regulators


SNI 04-6292.2.80-2006

Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-80: Persyaratan khusus untuk kipas angin

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-80: Particular requirements for fans


SNI 04-6292.2.80-2003(2)

Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-80: Persyaratan khusus untuk kipas angin

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-80: Particular requirements for fans


IEC 60335-2-80: 2002-09 Translation SNI IEC 60335-2-40:2009

IDT Peralatan listrik rumah tangga dan peralatan listrik serupa - Keselamatan Bagian 2-40 : Persyaratan khusus untuk pompa kalor listrik, pengkondisi udara dan pengering udara

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers

IEC 60335-2-40 {Ed.4.2}. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers Translation SNI IEC 60335-2-40:2010

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-40: Persyaratan khusus untuk pompa bahang listrik, penyaman udara dan penurun lembab

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air conditioner and dehumidifiers

IEC 60335-2-40 ed 4.2 Consol. with am1&2 (2005-07) Translation SNI IEC 60879:2013

IDT Kinerja dan konstruksi kipas angin listrik dan regulator

Performance and construction of electric circulating fans and regulators


Air conditioners cooling air and air to air heat pumps - Test methods and calculations for seasonal performance factors - Part 2: Heating - seasonal performance factor (ISO 163582:2013 + Cor.1:2013, IDT)


IEC 60879 :1986 Translation


SNI IEC ISO 16358-2:2016 Pengkondisi udara pendinginan udara dan pompa panas udara ke udara Metode pengujian dan penghitungan untuk faktor kinerja musiman - Bagian 2: Pemanasan - Faktor kinerja musiman (ISO 16358-2:2013 + Cor.1:2013, IDT) ISO 16358-2:2013 + Cor.1:2013 IDT SNI ISO 5151:2015

Pengkondisi udara dan pompa kalor non-saluran - Pengujian dan penilaian kinerja (ISO 5151:2010, IDT)

Air conditioning and heat pump non-channel - Testing and assessment of performance (ISO 5151: 2010, IDT)


ISO 5151:2010 IDT SNI 19-6713-2002

Pengkondisian udara dan pompa kalor tanpa saluran - Pengujian dan penilaian kinerja

Air conditioning and heat pumps without - channels - Testing and performance assesment


ISO 5151 Translation



Compressors and pneumatic machines

Kompresor dan mesin pneumatik

SNI 05-3094-1992

Kompresor dan alat-alat pneumatik, Tekanan yang disyaratkan

Compressor and pneumatic tools, Preferred pressures

SNI 05-2224-1991

Kompresor udara torak ukuran kecil

Small size reciprocating air compressors

SNI 05-3087-1992

Kompresor pendingin, Kondisi standar untuk penetapan tingkat temperatur (rating temperature)

Refrigerating compressor, Standards condition of rating temperatur


SNI 05-3084-1992

Klasifikasi kompresor

Compressors classification


SNI 04-4517-1998

Pedoman dan prosedur pengoperasian dan keamanan pemasangan instrumen pneumatik yang digerakkan oleh gas proses asosiasi

Guidelines for operating procedures and safety instalation of pneumatic instrument driver by associated process gas


SNI IEC 60335-2-34:2010

Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-34: Persyaratan khusus untuk motor-kompresor

Household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2-34: Particular requirements for motorcompressors

IEC 60335-2-34 ed 4.2 Consol. with am1&2 (2009-01) Translation


- 74 -

3 31





Industrial automation systems

Sistem otomasi industri

25.040.10 SNI ISO 10791-2:2013

Kondisi uji untuk machining centres - Bagian 2: Pengujian geometrik untuk mesin dengan spindel vertikal atau kepala umum dengan sumbu putar utama vertikal (sumbu-Z vertikal

Test Conditions for Machining Centeres - Part 2: Geometric tests for machines with vertical spindle or universal heads with vertical primary rotary axis (vertical Z-axis).


Test Conditions for Machining Centeres - Part 4: Accuracy and repeatability of positioning of linier and rotary axes


ISO 10791-2: 2001 Translation SNI ISO 10791-4:2013

IDT Kondisi uji untuk machining centres - Bagian ke 4: Ketelitian dan mampu ulang pemosisian sumbu linier dan sumbu putar

ISO 10791-4: 1998 Translation


SNI 05-3099-1992



Mesin kontrol numerik

Numerically controlled machines

Kontrol numerik mesin - Simbol

Numerical control of machines - Symbols

Pengukuran proses industri dan kontrol


Industrial process measurement and control

SNI 04-4189-1996

Kondisi operasi untuk peralatan pengukuran dan kendali proses industri Bagian 1: Suhu, kelembaban dan tekanan barometrik

Operational condition for measuring and industrial process control instruments - Part 1: Temperature, humidity and barometric pressure

SNI 04-3902.2-1995

Sinyal analog untuk sistem kendali proses - Bagian 2 : Sinyal tegangan searah

Analogue signals for process control systems - Part 2: Direct current signals

SNI 04-3903.2-1995

Kondisi operasi untuk pengukuran proses industri dan peralatan kendali Bagian 2: Daya

Operational condition for industrial process and control equipment measurement - Part 2: Power


SNI 19-3275-1994

Fungsi - fungsi kontrol dan instrumentasi pengukuran proses representasi simbolik - Bag.4 : Simbol-simbol dasar untuk komputer proses, antarmuka dan peraga / fungsi - fungsi kontrol terdistribusi

Process measurement control function and instrumentation - Symbolic representation. Part 4 : Basic symbols for process computer, interface, and shared display/control functions


SNI 19-3274-1994

Fungsi - fungsi kontrol dan instrumentasi pengukuran proses - Representasi simbolik Bag.3 : Simbol rinci untuk diagram interkoneksi instrumentasi

Process measurement control function and instrumentation - Symbolic representation Part 3 Detailed symbols for instrument interconnection diagram


SNI 19-3276-1994

Fungsi - fungsi kontrol dan instrumentasi pengukuran proses - Representasi simbolik. Bag.1 : Perlengkapan dasar

Process measurement control functions and instrumentation symbolic representation Symbolic representation. Part 1 : Basic requirements


SNI 19-3273-1994

Fungsi - fungsi kontrol dan instrumentasi proses - Representasi simbol. Bag 2 : Perluasan dasar

Process measurement control function and instrumentation - Symbolic representation Part 3 Detailed symbols for instrument interconnection diagram


SNI 04-6259.5-2000

Pengukuran dan kontrol proses industri - Evaluasi sifat sistem untuk asesmen sistem - Bagian 5: Asesmen ketergantungan sistem

Industrial process measurement and control - Evaluation of system properties for system assessment - Part 5: Assessment of system dependability


25.060 25.060.10

25 3

Machine tools systems

Sistem mesin perkakas Unit modular dan peralatan lain

Modular units and other devices

SNI 05-3109-1992

Unit modular untuk konstruksi perkakas - Basis sayap dan kolom

Modular units for machine tools construction - Wing bases for columns


SNI 05-1628-1989

Unit modul untuk konstruksi mesin perkakas - Unit peluncur

Modular unit for machine tool construction - Slider units



Alat pembagi dan pemegang benda kerja perkakas

Dividing and tool-workpiece holding devices

SNI 05-3692-1995

Ring untuk perkakas tuntun dan pegang

Ring for jig and fixture


SNI 05-3691-1995

Pin lokasi untuk perkakas tuntun dan pegang

Locate pins for jigs and fixtures


SNI 05-6305.2-2000

Ragum meja berbadan pendek

Short bench vices


SNI 05-6306.1-2000

Pelat cekam 4 penjepit bebas untuk mesin perkakas

Independent 4 clamp chucks for machine tools


SNI 05-6307.1-2000

Arbor tangkai lurus untuk remer

Straight shank arbor for shell reamers


SNI 05-6306.2-2000

Pelat cekam 3 penjepit untuk mesin perkakas

Independent 3 clamp chucks for machine tools

SNI 05-6305.1-2000

Ragum meja berbadan panjang

Parallel bench vices


SNI 05-6307.2-2000

Arbor tangkai tirus untuk remer

Taper shank arbors for shell reamers


SNI 05-4880-1998

Pendukung klem bertangga

Stepped packing blocks as support for clamps

SNI 05-6308-2000



25.080 25.080.01


3 10

Machine tools

Mesin perkakas Mesin perkakas secara umum

Machine tools in general

SNI 05-2930-1992

Mesin perkakas, Cara uji ketelitian geometrik, unjuk kerja dan ketelitian

Machine tools, Geometric test for performance and accuracy

SNI 05-2277-1991

Mesin perkakas - Ketirusan swapegang untuk tangkai perkakas

Machine tools - Self-holding tapers for tool shanks


SNI 05-1202-1989

Cara uji coba, unjuk kerja dan ketelitian mesin perkakas

Trial tests for performance and accuracy of machine tools


SNI 05-1203-1989

Simbol-simbol mesin perkakas

Graphical symbols of machine tools


SNI 19-1505-1989

Mesin perkakas, Cara pengukuran tingkat bunyi

Machine tools, Noise level measurement



Pahat bubut


SNI 05-1206-1989

Ukuran mampu tukar senter mesin bubut

Interchangeability sizes of centre of lathes

SNI 05-1612-1989

Mesin bubut universal, Cara uji

Universal lathes, Test methods

SNI 05-1618-1989

Mesin bubut universal, Cara uji ketelitian geometrik

Universal lathes, Test method for geometric accuracy

SNI 05-1205-1989

Tinggi ruang duduk pada dudukan pahat mesin bubut

Overall internal height of chisel positions of lathers


Mesin gerek dan mesin fris

3 5 10 3

Boring and milling machines

SNI 05-3342-1994

Batang pahat pembesar lubang untuk mata pahat yang disisipkan - Ukuran

Boring bars for indexable inserts - Dimension

SNI 05-1622-1989

Mesin fris kombinasi gerek dengan spindle horizontal tipe meja, Cara uji ketelitian geometrik

Combined milling and drilling machines with horizontal spindle, table type, Test methods for geometric accuracy

SNI 05-1192-1989

Mesin potong pelat logam dengan pengarah rangka pisau paralel, Cara uji ketelitian

Metal plate cutting machines with parallel guided knife beam, Test code for accuracy


SNI 05-1366-1989

Mesin potong pelat logam dengan rangka pengarah pisau paralel, Batas ukuran

Metal plate cutting machines with parallel guided knife beam, Limits of dimensions


SNI 05-1620-1989

Mesin fris dengan tinggi meja dapat diubah dengan spindel horizontal atau vertikal, Cara uji ketelitian geometrik

Milling machines with adjustable table height with horizontal or vertical spindle, Test methods for geometric accuracy

- 75 -

6 17


SNI 05-1621-1989


Mesin fris kombinasi gerek dengan spindle horizontal tipe lantai, Cara uji ketelitian geometrik

Mesin bor

Combined milling and rilling machines with horizontal spindle, floor type, Test methods for geometric accuracy

Drilling machines

SNI 05-1359-1989

Mesin gurdi vertikal tipe kolom, Cara uji geometrik

Pillar type vertical drilling machines, Geometric test methods

SNI 05-1207-1989

Mesin gurdi radial, Cara uji unjuk kerja dan ketelitian

Radial drilling machines, Performance and accuracy tests methods

SNI 05-1196-1989

Mesin gurdi vertikal kombinasi fris tipe kolom dengan ketinggian mesin tetap, Cara uji geometrik

Pillar type vertical drilling machines with table of fixed height, Test methods


Mesin asah dan poles Roda gerinda pemotong jenis alumina dengan pengikat resin

Alumina resinoid cutting grinding wheels

SNI 05-2175-1991

Mesin gerinda silinder dalam dengan silinder horizontal, Cara uji praktis

Internal cylindrical grinding machines with horizontal cylinders, Practical test methods

SNI 15-2229-1991

Roda gerinda alumina dengan pengikat resin

Alumina resinoid grinding wheels

SNI 05-1362-1989

Mesin gerinda permukaan dengan spindel horizontal, Cara uji geometris

Surface grinding machines with horizontal spindle, Geometric test methods

SNI 05-0667-1989

Bola pelumat dari logam ferro

Ferrometals grinding balls

SNI 05-1623-1989

Mesin gerinda datar dengan spindle vetikal tipe meja ulang-alik, Cara uji ketelitian geometrik

Flat grinding machines with vertical spindle, recprocating table, Test method for geometric accuracy

SNI 8029:2014



Mesin pemarut multi komoditi hasil pertanian - Syarat mutu dan metode uji Tipe rol

Multi grater machine agricultural commodities - Quality requirements and test methods roller type

Mesin perajang tembakau - Syarat mutu dan metode uji

Tobacco chopper machine - Quality requirements and test methods

Perkakas potong secara umum

SNI 05-1805-1990


4 3 10 8 6 11

Cutting tools

Perkakas potong

SNI 8030:2014

5 13

Grinding and polishing machines

SNI 15-2228-1991



Cutting tools in general

Perkakas potong, Tata nama geometri

Cutting tools, Geometric nomenclature

Perkakas putar


Turning tools

SNI 05-3340-1994

Pahat bubut dengan mata pisau karbida - Syarat penandaan

Turning tools with carbide tips - Marking requirements


SNI 05-3339-1994

Pahat bubut dengan mata pisau karbida -Pahat bubut dalam

Turning tools with carbide tips - Internal tools


SNI 05-2273-1991

Perkakas putar dengan tangkai paralel - Diameter tangkai dan ukuran pemutar persegi

Rotating tools with parallel shanks - Diameters of shanks and size of driving squares


SNI 05-3341-1994

Pahat bubut dengan mata pisau karbida - Pahat bubut luar

Turning tools with carbide tips - External tools



Perkakas fris

Milling tools

SNI 05-2272-1991

Pisau fris dengan pemutar tenon - Ukuran mampu tukar dengan arbor - Seri metrik

Milling cutters with tenon drive - Interchangeability dimensions with cutter arbor - Metric seriess


SNI 05-2275-1991

Pisau fris - Seri diameter luar yang direkomendasikan

Milling cutters - Recomended range of outside diameters


SNI 05-2680-1992

Pisau kikis putar logam keras (Hardmetal burrs) - Bagian 1: Spesifikasi umum

Hardmetal burrs - Part 1: General specification


SNI 05-2276-1991

Pisau fris - Penyayat sisi dengan lubang datar dan pemutar tenon - Seri Metrik

Milling cutters - Shell end mills with plain bore and tenon drive - Metric series


SNI 05-2274-1991

Pisau fris - Ukuran mampu tukar untuk arbor atau mandril pisau - Seri metrik dan seri inci

Milling cutters - Interchange ability dimension for cutter arbors or cutter mandrels - Metric series and inch series


Bor, gerek pembenam, bor peluas


Drills, countersinks, reamers

SNI 09-4662-1998

Pasak batang engkol sepeda

Crankshaffts of bicycles


SNI 05-0792-1989

Bor senter untuk lubang senter berjari-jari tipe R

Center drills for centre hole with radius of R type


SNI 05-1208-1989

Gurdi senter

Centre drills for centre holes


SNI 05-1209-1989

Tata nama gurdi pilin

Nomenclature of spiral drills





SNI 05-2295-1991

Gergaji sirkular untuk pemotongan logam dengan diameter 224 - 2240 mm

Circular saws for metal cutting, diameter range 224 - 2240 mm


SNI 05-2953-1992

Bingkai gergaji besi dengan tangan

Frame of iron hand saws


SNI 05-6521.2-2001

Gergaji pisau pita pemotong logam - Bagian 2: Dimensi dan toleransi

Metal cutting band saw blades - Part 2: Dimensions and tolerances

SNI 05-6521.3-2001

Gergaji pisau pita pemotong logam - Bagian 3: Keterkaitan karakteristik masing-masing tipe pisau

Metal cutting band saw blades - Part 3: Characteristics relating to each type


SNI 05-0911-1989

Bentuk dan ukuran umum bilah gergaji tangan dan bilah gergaji mesin untuk logam

Shape and general dimensions of hand and machines saw blades for metals



Tap dan pemotong berulir


Taps and threading dies

SNI 05-2285-1991

Nib untuk penarikan kawat, batang, dan buluh - Ukuran

As - sintered pellets for wire, bar or tube drawing dies


SNI 05-2284-1991

Nib untuk dais pembentuk kepala - Ukuran dan toleransi

As - sintered pellets used in heading dies, Dimension and tolerances





SNI 05-1869-1990

Kikir baja

Steel files


SNI 05-0909-1989

Bentuk penampang dan ukuran umum kikir

Cross sections and dimensions of files



Bahan asah


SNI 15-3781-1995

Slag abrasive untuk proses blasting

Abrasive slag for blasting process


SNI 15-2202-1991

Sabuk pengampelas - Penandaan, Dimensi dan toleransi

Abrasive belts, Designation, Dimension and tolerances


SNI 14-4749-1998

Korundum untuk abrasif

Corrundum for abrasives

SNI 15-0928-1989

Kain ampelas lembaran jenis alumina oksida dan jenis silikon karbida

Emery cloth sheet aluminium oxide and silicon carbide type

SNI 15-0916-1989

Roda dan batu gerinda, Penamaan lambang

Grinding wheels and grindstone, Symbols

SNI 15-1149-1989

Roda gerinda, Ukuran dan toleransi

Grinding wheels, Dimensions and tolerances

SNI 15-1150-1989

Ukuran dan toleransi panjang dan lebar ampelas bentuk lembaran dan gulungan

Sizes and tolerances of length and width of emery cloth sheet and roll type

- 76 -

7 10 3 22 2


Chipless working equipment

Peralatan kerja tanpa bilah


Peralatan tempa. Pemampat. Gunting baja

Forging equipment. Presses. Shears

SNI 05-2302-1991

Pengujian ketelitian untuk bagian-bagian utama dai pres

Press dies sets, Accuracy test

SNI 05-3316-1994

Mesin pres mekanik, Cara uji unjuk kerja dan ketelitian

Mechanical press machines, Test code for performance and accuracy

SNI 05-3305-1994

Punch potong takik

Notching punch


SNI 05-3304-1994

Punch potong persegi

Rectangular punches


SNI 05-3307-1994

Pelatuk penahan dari press untuk proses pemotongan

Trigger stops for cutting tools used in stamping practice


SNI 05-3306-1994

Penendang produk untuk dai press pemotong

Workpiece ejector for cutting tools used in stamping practice


SNI 05-2668-1992

Punch potong silindris

Cylindrical punches for press dies


SNI 05-3308-1994

Penahan dai press untuk pemotongan

Press working tools stops for cropping


SNI 05-2306-1991

Pelat untuk dai pres

Plates for press dies


SNI 05-4396-1996

Ukuran nominal pelat bantu untuk alat pres cetakan (moulds) serta perkakas tuntun dan pegang (jig and fixture)

Machine plates for press tools (moulds), jig and fixture - Nominal dimensions


SNI 03-0914-1989

Mesin kempa ubin hidrolik, Konstruksi umum, ukuran dan syarat mutu bahan

Hydraulic floor tile pressing machines, General construction, sizes and quality requirements of materials


SNI 05-1363-1989

Mesin pres mekanis, Cara uji geometris

Mechanical press machines, Geometric test method


SNI 03-0915-1989

Mesin press genteng tipe ulir manual

Manual roof tile pressing machines thread type


Peralatan rol, ekstruding dan tarik

6 33


Rolling, extruding and drawing equipment

SNI 05-1195-1989

Mesin tekuk pelat logam, Cara uji ketelitian

Sheet metal folding machines, Test methods for accuracy


SNI 05-1194-1989

Mesin rol pelat logam, Cara uji ketelitian

Metal sheet bending roll machines, Accuracy test methods


SNI 05-1193-1989

Mesin rol lipat, Cara uji ketelitian

Folding roll machines, Accuracy test methods


Peralatan cetakan


Moulding equipment

SNI 05-4387-1996

Balok dudukan untuk cetakan permanen (Die Casting)

Holding blocks for die casting


SNI 05-2290-1991

Bos pengarah cetakan dan bos pengarah lokasi berkepala

Mould guide bushes and headed locating guide bushes


SNI 05-3799-1995

Pin pengembali untuk cetakan permanen (die casting)

Return pin of dies for die casting


SNI 07-1345-1989

Cetakan permanen, Toleransi umum

Die casting, General tolerances



Hand-held tools

Perkakas pegangtangan


Perkakas listrik

SNI IEC 60745-2-2:2015

Electric tools

Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-2: Persyaratan khusus untuk obeng dan kunci pas sentak (impacts wrenches) (IEC 60745-2-2:2008, IDT)

Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for screwdrivers and impacts wrenches


Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for circular saws


Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for drills and drill mashed


Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for sanding and polishing in addition to the type of disc


Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for grinders, polishers and abrasives types of discs


Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-3: Requirements khsusus for grinding, polishing and abrasives types of discs


Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for drill and drill mashed


Motor-operated handheld power tools - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for reciprocal saws (jig and shielded saws) (IEC 60745-2-11:2003, IDT)


Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 1: General requirements (IEC 60745-1: 2006-04, IDT)


IEC 60745-2-2:2008 SNI IEC 60745-2-5:2014

IDT Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-5: Persyaratan khusus untuk gergaji bundar

IEC 60745-2-5:2010-07 IDT SNI IEC 60745-2-1:2014

IDT Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-1: Persyaratan khusus untuk bor dan bor tumbuk

IEC 60745-2-1:2003 IDT SNI IEC 60745-2-4:2014

IDT Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-4: Persyaratan khusus untuk ampelas dan pemoles selain jenis cakram

IEC 60745-2-4:2002 IDT SNI IEC 60745-2-3:2014

IDT Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-3: Persyaratan khusus untuk gerinda, pemoles dan ampelas jenis cakram

IEC 60745-2-3:2006 IDT SNI IEC 60745-2-3:2015

IDT Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-3: Persyaratan khsusus untuk gerinda, pemoles dan pengampelas jenis cakram (IEC 60745-2-3:2012, IDT)

IEC 60745-2-3:2008 IDT SNI IEC 60745-2-1:2014

Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-1: Persyaratan khusus untuk bor dan bor tumbuk (IEC 60745-2-1:2003, IDT)

IEC 60745-2-1:2008 IDT SNI IEC 60745-2-11:2016

Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-11: Persyaratan khusus untuk gergaji timbal balik (jig dan gergaji berpelindung) (IEC 60745-2-11:2003, IDT)

IEC 60745-2-11:2003 SNI IEC 60745-1:2015

IDT Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum (IEC 60745-1: 2006-04, IDT)

IEC 60745-1:2006-04 IDT SNI IEC 60745-2-17:2016

Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-17: Persyaratan khusus untuk routers dan trimmers (IEC 60745-2-17:2010, IDT)

IEC 60745-2-17:2010 IDT

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Motor-operated handheld power tool - Occupational safety - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for routers and trimmers (IEC 60745-2-17:2010, IDT)


SNI IEC 60745-2-15:2016

Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-15: Persyaratan khusus untuk pemangkas tanaman pagar (IEC 60745-215:2006, IDT)

Motor-operated handheld power tools - Safety - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for hedge trimmers (IEC 60745-2-15:2006, IDT)


Motor-operated handheld power tools - Safety - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for the DrawString (planer) (IEC 60745-2-14:2003, IDT)


Safety of motor-operated hand-held power tools - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for spray with non-flammable liquids (IEC 60745-2-7:1989, IDT)


IEC 60745-2-15:2006 IDT SNI IEC 60745-2-14:2016

Perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-14: Persyaratan khusus untuk serut (planer) (IEC 60745-2-14:2003, IDT)

IEC 60745-2-14:2003 IDT SNI IEC 60745-2-7:2016

Keselamatan perkakas listrik genggam dioperasikan motor - Bagian 2-7: Persyaratan khusus untuk penyemprot dengan cairan tidak mudah terbakar (IEC 60745-2-7: 1989, IDT)

IEC 60745-2-7:1989 IDT


Perkakas yang dioperasikan dengan tangan

Hand-operated tools

SNI 05-2188-1991

Kunci pas ganda mulut lancip

Sharp head double open-end wrenches

SNI 09-2664-1992

Kunci roda untuk kendaraan bermotor

Wheel nuts wrenches for automobiles

SNI 05-2187-1991

Tang kombinasi sumbu geser

Skip joint combination pliers


SNI 05-2657-1992

Obeng kombinasi

Screwdrivers (combination)


SNI 05-3815-1995

Dimensi dan batas nilai uji tang jepit dan tang kombinasi

Dimension and limit of test value for pinch pliers and combination pliers


SNI 05-4073-1996

Tata nama tang

Nomenclature of pliers

SNI 05-4543-1998

Tata nama tang untuk kelistrikan

Nomenclature of pliers for electronics


SNI 05-4528-1998

Tang potong ujung

End cutting nippers


SNI 05-4524-1998

Cara uji tang jepit dan tang potong

Test methods for pliers and nippers


SNI 05-4525-1998

Tang jepit potong dan tang potong dengan tuas

Cutting nippers and level assisted cutting nippers


SNI 05-4526-1998

Tang kombinasi biasa dan tang kombinasi lineman

Common combination pliers and lineman's combination pliers


SNI 05-4527-1998

Tang kombinasi pekerja bangunan

Combination pliers for construction workers


SNI 05-4523-1998

Persyaratan tekhnik umum dari tang potong dan tang kombinasi

General technical requirement of cutting ang combination plier


SNI 05-4552-1998

Persyaratan teknik umum tang jepit dan tang potong untuk perlistrikan

General technical reguirement for pliers and nippers for electronics


SNI 05-4530-1998

Standar tang sumbu geser dua posisi

Two position ship joint pliers


SNI 05-4545-1998

Tang jepit untuk kelistrikan

Nippers for electronics


SNI 05-4532-1998

Kunci pipa

Pipe wrenches


SNI 05-4553-1998

Tang jepit geser

Multiple step joint pliers


SNI 05-4529-1998

Tang kombinasi tukang kayu

Combinations pliers for carpenters


SNI 05-0791-1989

Kunci Inggris


SNI 05-0793-1989



SNI 05-0788-1989

Kunci sok tangan dan kunci sok tenaga, kepala pemutar dan kepala penyambung, Persyaratan umum penampang kepala pemutar dan kepala penyambung

Hand socket wrenches and power socket wrenches, General requirements of rotator and fitter heads


SNI 05-6704-2002

Kunci kombinasi

Combination wrenches


SNI 05-0384-1989

Pahat tangan (betel), Mutu dan cara uji

Hand chisels, Specification and test methods


SNI 05-0790-1989

Kunci pas, kunci ring dan kunci sok operasi tangan

Open-end wrenches, box wrenches and manual socket wrenches


SNI 05-0910-1989

Kunci pas, kunci ring dan kunci sok ukuran metrik, Toleransi lebar mulut

Metric open-end wrenches, box wrenches, and socket wrenches, Tolerance on head-width

SNI 05-0380-1989

Palu/martil, Mutu dan cara uji

Hammers, Specification and test methods

SNI 05-0381-1989

Kaka tua (catut), Mutu dan cara uji

Pliers, Specification and test methods


SNI 05-0789-1989

Kunci pas berkepala bulat dan kunci ring ganda, Kombinasi ukuran

Open end wrenches and double box wrenches, Size combinations


SNI 05-0382-1989

Bentuk tang serba guna Mutu dan cara uji

Multipurpose pliers shapes, Specification and test methods




5 17

2 12

Welding, brazing and soldering

Pengelasan, penyepuhan dan pematrian


4 13

Pengelasan, penyepuhan, dan pematrian secara umum

Welding, brazing and soldering in general

SNI 07-2932-1992

Simbol las

Welding symbols

SNI 07-3026-1992

Las - Pertimbangan untuk menjamin mutu struktur las

Welding - Factors to be considered to ensure quality in welded structure


SNI 07-3027-1992

Las - Faktor-faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam penilaian perusahaan yang menggunakan las sebagai cara utama fabrikasi

Welding - Factors to be considered when assessing firms using welding as a prime means of fabrication


SNI 07-3028-1992

Azas posisi las - Definisi dan nilai sudut kemiringan serta notasi untuk berbagai lasan lurus

Fundemental welding positions - Definitions and valves of angles of slope and rotation for straight welds


SNI 13-3032-2002

Kualifikasi pengelasan

Welding qualification



ASME/ANSI Standard B 31.3, 1996 Translation



Proses pengelasan

Welding processes

SNI 13-4129-1996

Prosedur untuk pengelasan atau hot tapping pada peralatan yang berisi fluida mudah terbakar

Procedures for welding or hot tapping on equipment containing flameable fluids

SNI 07-6405-2000

Tata cara pengelasan pipa baja untuk air di lapangan

Methods for field welding of steel water pipes

SNI 4129:2012

Praktik aman hot tapping di industri minyak bumi dan petrokimia

Safety practice of hot tapping in the petroleum and petrochemical industries


Yang dapat dipakai mengelas

21 9

Welding consumables

SNI 07-4077-1996

Cara uji tarik dan pukul deposit logam lasan

Method of tension and impact test for welded metal deposit


SNI 07-3697-1995

Cara uji kekerasan deposit logam las

Hardess test method welding metal deposit


SNI 04-6201-2000

Katoda tembaga

Copper cathodes


- 78 -

SNI 07-1064-1989

Elektroda grafit untuk dapur busur listrik

Graphite electrodes for electrical arc fura

SNI 07-0049-1987

Elektroda las terbungkus baja karbon rendah, Mutu dan cara uji

Welding electrode covered by low carbon steel, Specification and test method


Peralatan pengelasan

SNI 04-6288.1-2000

9 23

Welding equipment

Persyaratan keselamatan untuk perlengkapan las busur cahaya listrik Bagian 1: Sumber daya las

Safety requirements for arc welding equipment - Part 1: Welding power sources


IEC 974-1: 1989, Safety requirements for arc welding equipment - Part 1: Welding power sources Translation


SNI 7045:2011

Mesin las busur listrik

Electric arc-welding machines

SNI 07-1453-1989

Brander las oksi asetilin bertekanan rendah

Low pressure oxy-acethylene welding torches


Kampuh las


Welded joints

SNI 07-3806-1995

Cara uji lengkung untuk sambungan lasan tumpu

Bending test method for butt-welded joints


SNI 07-3025-1992

Persyaratan las - Ketentuan umum, persyaratan servis untuk sambungan berlas

Welding requirements - General requirements, service requirements for welded joints


SNI 07-3029-1992

Las - Faktor yang dipertimbangkan dalam persyaratan khusus untuk sambungan berlas fusi baja (faktor-faktor teknis yang mempengaruhi)

Welding - Factors to be considered in specifying requirements for fusion weldied joints in steel (technical influencing factors)


SNI 07-3807-1995

Cara uji lengkung bolak balik untuk sambungan lasan tumpu

Reverse bend test method for butt-welded joints


SNI 07-3696-1995

Cara uji kekerasan pada bahan uji tirus di zona terpengaruh panas hasil pengelasan

Method of taper hardness test in weld heat effected zone


SNI 07-3695-1995

Cara uji kekerasan maksimum pada zona terpengaruh panas hasil pengelasan

Test methods of maximum hardness in weld heat effected zone


SNI 07-3689-1995

Cara uji keretakan las galur - Y

Method of Y-groove weld cracking test


SNI 07-3688-1995

Cara uji keretakan las galur - U

Method of U-groove weld cracking test


SNI 07-4076-1996

Cara uji lengkung bebas untuk sambungan lasan tumpu

Method of free bend test for butt welded joint

SNI 18-6936.2-2002

Praktik yang direkomendasi untuk pengujian radiografi sambungan las fusi Bagian 2: Sambungan tumpul las fusi pelat baja tebal lebih 50 mm sampai dengan dan termasuk tebal 200 mm

Recommended practice for radiographic examination of fusion welded joints - Part 1: Fusion welded butt joints in steel ticker than 50 mm and up to and including 200 mm inthickness

6 13

ISO 1106-2-1984, Recommended practice for radiographic examination of fusion welded joints -- Part 2: Fusion welded butt joints in steel plates thicker than 50 mm and up to and including 200 mm in thickness Translation SNI 18-6936.1-2002

MOD Praktik yang direkomendasi untuk pengujian radiografi sambungan las fusi Bagian 1: Sambungan tumpul las fusi pelat baja dengan tebal sampai 50 mm

Recommended practice for radiographic examination of fusion welded joints - Part 1: Fusion welded butt joints in stelel plates up to 50 mm thick


ISO 1106-1:1985, Recommended practice for radiographic examination of fusion welded joints -- Part 1: Fusion welded butt joints in steel plates up to 50 mm thick Translation SNI 18-6936.3-2002

MOD Praktik yang direkomendasi untuk pengujian radiografi sambungan las fusi Bagian 3: Sambungan melingkar las fusi pipa baja tebal sampai 50 mm

Recommended practice for radiographic examination fusion welded joint - Part 3: Fusion welded ferential jooints in steel pipes of up to 50 mm well thickness


ISO 1106-3:1984, Recommended practice for radiographic examination of fusion welded joints -- Part 3: Fusion welded circumferential joints in steel pipes of up to 50 mm wall thickness Translation SNI ISO 10675-2:2010

MOD Uji tak rusak lasan - Tingkat keberterimaan untuk uji radiografi - Bagian 2: Aluminium dan paduannya

Non-destructive testing of welds - Acceptance levels for radiographic testing - Part 2: Aluminium and its alloys

ISO 10675-2:2010 Translation SNI ISO 10675-1:2010

IDT Uji tak rusak lasan - Tingkat keberterimaan untuk uji radiografi - Bagian 1: Baja, nikel, titnium dan paduannya

Non-destructive testing of welds - Acceptance levels for radiographic testing - Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys

ISO 10675-1:2008 Translation SNI ISO 2400:2014

IDT Uji tak rusak - Uji ultrasonik - Spesifikasi untuk kalibrasi blok No.1 (ISO 2400:2012, IDT)

Nondestructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Specification for calibration block 1 (ISO 2400: 2012, IDT)

ISO 2400:2012 IDT SNI ISO 17636-2:2015

Uji tak rusak lasan - Uji radiografi - Bagian 2: Teknik sinar gamma dan sinarX dengan detektor digital (ISO 17636-2:2015, IDT)

Nondestructive testing of welds - Radiographic testing - Part 2: Technique gamma rays and X-rays with digital detector (ISO 17636-2: 2015, IDT)


ISO 176360-2:2015 IDT


Penyepuhan dan pematrian

SNI 07-0260-1989


Brazing and soldering

Solder perak, Cara uji

Silver solders, Test method

Surface treatment and coating

Perlakuan permukaan dan pelapisan

SNI 05-2182-1991



Alat ukur kekerasan permukaan metoda profil transformasi bertahap dan seketika tipe sentuh

Perlakuan permukaan

SNI 07-0955-1989


Surface-roughness equipment by instan touch type and phases transformation profile methods


Surface treatment

Cara uji ketebalan lapisan anodasi

Test method for thickness of anodic coatings

Pelapisan logam


Metallic coatings

SNI 07-2198-1991

Pelapisan metalik dan organik lainnya, Definisi dan ketentuan pengukuran ketebalan

Metallic coating and other organic materials, Definition and thickness measurement


SNI 07-6443-2000

Metode pengujian untuk menentukan daerah lapisan seng paling tipis dengan cara preece pada besi atau baja yang di galvanis

Test method for locating the thinnest spot in a zinc (galvanized) coating on iron or steel by preece test


SNI 07-4614-1998

Pelapisan seng secara proses listrik pada besi atau baja

Electroplated coatings of zinc on iron or steel


SNI 07-4615-1998

Pelapisan nikel dan krom secara proses listrik

Electroplated coatings of nickel and chromium


SNI 07-7033-2004

Galvanisasi (hot-dip galvanized) pada besi dan baja fabrikasi - Spesifikasi dan metode pengujian

Hot-dip galvanized on fabricated iron and steel - Specifications and test methods


ISO 1461, BS EN ISO 1461, ASTM A 123, JIS H 8461, AS/NZS 4680:1999 MOD SNI 07-1353-1989

Proses pelapisan seng celup panas, Petunjuk praktis

Hot-dipped zinc coating process, Code of practice

SNI 07-1870-1990

Petunjuk praktis, proses pelapisan seng secara elektrolitik

Code of practice, for electroplated coating process of zinc

SNI 07-0311-1989

Lapis seng, Cara uji

Zinc coating, Test method

- 79 -

4 8 19

SNI 09-1267-1989


Pelapisan listrik komponen kendaraan bermotor roda empat, Ketentuan umum


Electroplating for motor vehicles components, General rules



SNI 15-4937.1-1998

Cara uji ketahanan email terhadap benturan

Test method for resistance of enamelled articles


SNI 15-4937.2-1998

Cara uji ketahanan email terhadap abrasi

Test method for resistance of enamelled articles to abrassion


SNI 15-4969-1999

Cara uji ketahanan email terhadap larutan alkali

Test method for enamel resistance to alkaline solution


SNI 07-4411-1997

Cara uji ketebalan lapisan email dengan metoda magnetik

Test method of enamel lining thickness by magnetic method


SNI 06-0243-1989

Cara uji ketahanan email terhadap asam-asam lemah pada suhu ruang

Test method of enamel resistance to weak acid at room temperature



Pelapisan organik

SNI 06-6096-1999

Organic coatings

Cara uji lengkung lapisan organik

Bending test for organic coatings

- 80 -






Energy and heat transfer engineering in general

Rekayasa energi dan pemindahan panas secara umum

SNI ISO 50001:2012

Sistem manajemen energi - Persyaratan dengan pedoman penggunaan

Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance for use

ISO 50001:2011, IDT Translation SNI 7985:2015


IDT Kriteria sumur panas bumi

Criteria for geothermal wells

Internal combustion engines

Mesin pembakaran internal

SNI ISO 8528-1:2009


Generator set arus bolak-balik dengan penggerak mesin bakar internal sistem torak bolak-balik - Bagian 1: Penggunaan, Pengenal dan kinerja

Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets -- Part 1: Application, ratings and performance


ISO 8528-1:2005, Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets -- Part 1: Application, ratings and performance Translation SNI 0119:2012


IDT Motor bakar penyalaan kompresi gerak bolak-balik untuk kegunaan umum Spesifikasi, unjuk kerja dan metode uji

Gas and steam turbines. Steam engines

Mesin bahan bakar dan uap. Mesin uap

SNI 04-6270-2000

Compression ignition internal combustion piston engines of motion back and forth for public use - Specification, performance and test methods

Turbin gas - Pengadaan

Gas turbines - Procurement


ISO 3977: 1991, Gas turbines - Procurement Translation SNI 13-6230-2000

IDT Turbin uap penggunaan khusus untuk peralatan industri minyak, kimia dan gas

Special purpose steam turbines for petroleum, chemical, and gas industry services


API 611 Translation SNI 04-6269-2000

IDT Petunjuk pemeliharaan dan penggunaan triaril fosfat ester untuk fluida kontrol turbin

Guide for maintance and use of triaryl phosphate ester for turbine control fluids


IEC 978 Edisi Pertama 1989, Maintenance and use guide phosphate ester turbine control fluids IDT SNI 7389.3:2009

Aturan uji keberterimaan termal turbin uap - Bagian 3: Uji verifikasi unjukkerja termal turbin uap yang diretrofit

Code of testing for steam turbine thermal compliance - Part 3 : Verification testing of retrofied steam turbine thermal performance


SNI IEC 60953-2:2009

Aturan untuk uji keberterimaan termal pada turbin uap - Bagian 2: Metode B, Julat ketelitian lebar untuk berbagai tipe dan ukuran turbin

Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests. Part 2: Method B - Wide range of accuracy for various types and sizes of turbines


IEC 60953-2:2009, Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests. Part 2: Method B - Wide range of accuracy for various types and sizes of turbines Translation SNI IEC 60953-1:2009

IDT Aturan untuk uji keberterimaan termal pada turbin uap - Bagian 1: Metode A, Ketelitian tinggi untuk turbin uap kondensasi skala besar

Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests. Part 1: Method A - High accuracy for large condensing steam turbines


IEC 60953-1:2009, Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests. Part 1: Method A - High accuracy for large condensing steam turbines Translation SNI IEC 62256:2010

IDT Turbin Hidrolik, Pompa Penyimpanan dan Pompa-Turbin - Rehabilitasi dan peningkatan kinerja

Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Rehabilitation and performance improvement

IEC 62256 ed 1.0 (2008-01) Translation SNI IEC 62256:2012

IDT Turbin hidrolik, pompa tandon dan turbin-pompa – Rehabilitasi dan peningkatan kinerja

Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines – Rehabilitation and performance improvement

IEC 62256: 2008 IDT


SNI 05-1720-1989

Pemeriksaan dan Pengujian pesawat uap dan pesawat cairan panas

Steam boilers, Inspection and testing


SNI 04-1692-1989

Peraturan uji siap guna termal turbin uap

Steam turbine, Thermal acceptance tests


27.060 27.060.01

Pembakar dan ketel secara umum

SNI 7185:2009 SNI 7268:2009


Burners. Boilers

Pembakar. Ketel uap

Burners and boilers in general

Analisis kadar fosfat pada air ketel uap

Phosphat content analysis on boiler water

Syarat-syarat air pengisi ketel uap dan air ketel uap

Specification of boiler and boiler water loaded water

Ketel dan penukar panas

Boilers and heat exchangers

SNI 05-4006-1996

Metode pemeriksaan arus pusar untuk tabung non-feromagnetik alat penukar bahang terpasang.

Eddy current examination method for installed nonferromagnetic heat exchanger tubing.

SNI 05-2249-1991

Penukar kalor tubular

Tubular heat exchangers

SNI 05-6055-1999

Metode arus pusar untuk pemeriksaan pipa penukar bahang

Eddy current methods for examination of nonferomagnetic heat exchanger tubing


SNI 05-6047.1-1999

Penukar kalor - Metode pengukuran parameter untuk penentuan unjuk kerja. Bagian 1: Suhu dan kualitas fluida

Heat exchanger - Method for parameter measurement for performance determination. Part 1: Temperature and fluid quality


SNI 05-6046-1999

Penukar kalor - Definisi unjuk kerja dan prosedur pengujian umum untuk menentukan unjuk kerja penukar kalor

Heat exchanger - Definitions of performance and general test procedure for establishing performance of heat exchanger


SNI 05-6047.2-1999

Penukar kalor - Metode pengukuran parameter untuk penentuan unjuk kerja. Bagian 2: Tekanan fluida

Heat exchanger - Method for parameter measurement for performance determination. Part 2: Fluid pressure


SNI 05-6047.3-1999

Penukar kalor - Metode pengukuran parameter untuk penentuan unjuk kerja. Bagian 3: Laju aliran fluida

Heat exchanger - Method for parameter measurement for performance determination. Part 3: Fluid flow velocity


SNI 05-6702-2002

Persyaratan ketel uap mini

Requirements for small steam boilers


SNI 05-1341-1989

Ketel uap dan bejana tekan, Spesifikasi bahan tube baja karbon tanpa kampuh untuk ketel uap dengan tekanan tinggi

Steam boilers and pressure vessels, Specification material of seamless carbon steel tube for high pressure steam boilers


SNI 05-1342-1989

Spesifikasi bahan, syarat-syarat umum untuk tube baja karbon, baja paduan feritik dan baja paduan austenitik ketel uap dan bejana tekan

Steam boilers and pressure vessels, Specification for materials, general requirements for carbon steel tubes, ferritic and austenitic alloy steel tubes




Power stations in general

Pusat tenaga secara umum

SNI 04-3849.1-1995


Instalasi pembangkit listrik pedesaan - Bagian 1: Pusat Listrik Tenaga Diesel

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Rural electricity generators - Part 1 : Diesel Electric Power Plant



Nuclear energy engineering

Rekayasa energi nuklir


Energi nuklir secara umum

SNI 18-6939-2002

Nuclear energy in general

Tabung pencacah Geiger-Muller

Geiger-Muller counter tubes


Characteristics and test condition of radionuclide imaging devices - Gamma cameras anger type


JIS Z 4202-1988 Geiger-Muller counter tubes Translation SNI 18-7105-2005

IDT Karakteristik dan syarat uji alat pencitraan radionuklida - Kamera gamma tipe anger

IEC 60789 edisi 2.0, Characteristics and test condition of radio nucleide imaging devices : Anger type gamma cameras Translation SNI 18-7027-2004

IDT Instrumentasi nuklir - Sistem pencacah sintilasi cair - Verifikasi kinerja

Nuclear instrumentation - Liquid scintillation counting systems - Performance verification


IEC 1304: 1994 Translation SNI 18-7104-2005

IDT Instrumentasi nuklir - Dimensi vial untuk pencacahan sintilasi cair

Nuclear instrumentation - Dimensions of vials for liquid scintillation counting


IEC 60582: 1977, Dimensions of vials for liquid scintillation counting Translation SNI 18-7106-2005

IDT Kalibrasi dan penggunaan sistem kamar pengion untuk pengujian radionuklida

Calibration and usage of ionization chamber systems for assay of radionuclides


IEC 61145: 1992, Calibration and usage of ionization chamber systems for array of radionuclides Translation



Rekayasa reaktor

Reactor engineering

SNI 18-4149-1996

Kualifikasi personel untuk operasi dan pemeliharaan reaktor nuklir

Personnel qualification for operation and maintenance of nuclear reactor


SNI 18-2034-1990

Pedoman penentuan tapak reaktor nuklir

Nuclear reactor site, Guide for determination



Pusat tenaga nuklir Keselamatan

Nuclear power plants. Safety

SNI 18-2036-1990

Ketentuan keselamatan kerja radiasi

Occupational safety rules of radiation

SNI 18-2035-1990

Pedoman pembuatan laporan analisis keselamatan

Safety, Guide for writing analisys report


SNI 04-6266-2000

Pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir - Ruang kendali utama - Verifikasi dan perlakuan desain

Nuclear power plants - Main control room - Verification and validation of design



IEC 61771: 1995, Nuclear power plants - Main control room - Verification and validation of design Translation SNI IEC 60780:2008

IDT Pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir - Peralatan elektris sistem keselamatan Kualifikasi

Nuclear power plants - Electrical equipment of the safety system (IEC 60780:1998, IDT)

IEC 60780, Nuclear power plants - Electrical equipment of the safety system (Edition 2.0 (1998-10)) Translation SNI ISO 14943:2009

IDT Teknologi bahan bakar nuklir - Kriteria administratif terkait dengan keselamatan kekritisan nuklir

Nuclear fuel technology -- Administrative criteria related to nuclear criticality safety

ISO 14943:2004 Nuclear fuel technology -- Administrative criteria related to nuclear criticality safety Translation SNI 18-7103-2005

IDT Pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir - Sistem instrumentasi dan kendali yang penting untuk keselamatan - Klasifikasi

Nuclear power plants - Important instrumentation and control system for safety Classification


IEC 61226: 1993, Nuclear power plant - Instrument and control system important for safety - Classification Translation SNI ISO 14015:2009

IDT Manajemen lingkungan - Asesmen lingkungan pada Tapak dan Organisasi (EASO)

Environmental management - Environmental Management - Environmental assessment of sites and organizations (EASO)

ISO 14015:2001Environmental management - Environmental Management - Environmental assessment of sites and organizations (EASO) Translation SNI 18-2031-1990


IDT PLTN, Pedoman penentuan lokasi

Nuclear Electric Power Plant, Guide for determination of location


Hydraulic energy engineering

Rekayasa energi hidrolik

SNI 04-3849.2-1995

Instalasi pembangkit listrik pedesaan - Bagian 2: Pusat Listrik Tenaga Microhidro berkapasitas sampai 50 KW (PLTM - P50). Subbagian 2 : Pembuatan, pemasangan dan pengujian

Rural electricity generators - Part 2 : Microhydro Electric Power Plant capacity up to 50 KW. Section 2 : Fabrication, installation and testing


SNI 04-3849.2.1-1996

Instalasi pembangkit listrik pedesaan - Bagian 2: Pusat listrik tenaga mikrohidro berkapsitas sampai 50 kW (PLTM-P50)

Rural electricity generators - Part 2: 50 kW capacity microhydro electric power plant


SNI 04-6953-2003

Pembangkit listrik hidro skala kecil

Small scale hydraulic electric power stations


Cavitation pitting evaluation in hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pumps - Turbines Part 2: Evaluation in Pelton turbines


ASCE / EPRI Guide 1989 Translation SNI 04-1706.2-2004

MOD Evaluasi lubangan kavitasi pada turbin air, pompa tando dan pompa Turbin - Bagian 2: Evaluasi pada turbin pelton

IEC 60609-2: 1997-11 Translation


SNI IEC 60609-1:2014

Turbin hidrolik, pompa penyimpan dan turbin-pompa - Evaluasi lubang kavitasi - Bagian 1 : Evaluasi pada turbin reaksi, pompa penyimpan dan turbin-pompa (IEC 60609:2004, IDT)

Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Cavitation hole Evaluation - Part 1: Evaluation in reaction turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines (IEC 60609: 2004, IDT)

SNI IEC 60308:2011

Turbin hidrolik - Pengujian sistem kendali

Hydraulic turbines –Testing of control systems

IEC 60308 ed 2.0 (2005-01) Hydraulic turbines –Testing of control systems Translation SNI IEC 61116:2015

IDT Pedoman perlengkapan elektromekanikal untuk instalasi mini hidro (IEC 61116: 1992, IDT)

Guidelines electromechanical equipment for mini-hydro installations


Pressure-sensitive adhesive tape for electrical purposes - Part 3-1: Specifications for individual materials - PVC film tape with pressure sensitive adhesive (IEC 560454-3-1: 2002, IDT)


The photovoltaic system is connected to the power grid - Minimum requirements for system documentation, commissioning tests and inspection (IEC 62446:2009, IDT)


IEC 61116:1992 IDT SNI IEC 60454-3-1:2015

Pita adhesif peka tekanan untuk keperluan listrik - Bagian 3-1: Spesifikasi untuk bahan individu - Pita film PVC dengan adhesif peka tekanan (IEC 560454-3-1:2002, IDT)

IEC 60454-3-1:2002 IDT SNI IEC 62446:2016

Sistem fotovoltaik terhubung ke jaringan listrik - Persyaratan minimum untuk sistem dokumentasi, uji komisioning dan inspeksi (IEC 62446:2009, IDT)

IEC 62446:2009 IDT

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SNI IEC 61362:2016

Pedoman untuk spesifikasi sistem kontrol turbin hidrolik(IEC 61362:2012, IDT)

Guide to specification of hydraulic turbine governing systems (IEC 61362:2012, IDT)


IEC 61362:2012 IDT SNI 04-1706-1989

Lubang kavitasi pada turbin air, pompa penyimpanan dan turbin pompa, Evaluasi

Cavitation holes in hydraulic turbine, storage pump and pump turbine, Evaluation


SNI 19-6743-2002

Metode pengujian sifat hidraulik akuifer dengan cara theis

Examination methods for aquiver hydraulic propeties by using of Theis code


SNI 19-6740-2002

Metode pengujian untuk penentuan transmisivitas akuifer tertekan dengan cara pemulihan Theis

Examination methods for aquiver transmissivity determination by using of Theis recovery


SNI 19-6739-2002

Metode pengujian untuk penentuan kapasitas jenis dan penaksiran transmisivitas pada sumur uji

Examination methods for type capacity and transmissivitas estimation on tested wells


SNI 19-6744-2002

Tata cara pemilihan metode uji sifat hidraulik akuifer dengan teknik sumur

Procedure for test method selection of aquiver hydraulic properties buy using of well technique


SNI 19-6737-2002

Metode perhitungan awal laju sedimentasi waduk

Initial calculation methods for the rate of reservoir sedimentation


SNI 05-1067-1989

Turbin air Francis, Cara uji unjuk kerja

Mini hydraulic turbines, Performance test


SNI 19-6742-2002

Metode pengujian kolom air di lapangan untuk penentuan sifat-sifat hidraulik akuifer

Examination method for slug on the field for the determination of aquiver hydraulic properties

SNI 04-6915-2002

Petunjuk spesifikasi sistem kendali turbin air

Guide specification of hydraulic turbine control systems


Examination method for pressure aquiver transmissivity by using of slug test code



IEC 61362:1988, Guide to the specification of hydraulic turbine control systems Translation SNI 19-6741-2002


MOD Metode pengujian untuk penentuan transmisivitas akuifer tertekan dengan cara uji kolom air

Solar energy engineering

Rekayasa energi surya

SNI 04-3850.2-1995

Modul fotovoltaik. Bagian 2 : Pengukuran karakteristik arus tegangan sel/modul fotovoltaik

Photovoltaic moduls. Part 2 : Characteristics measurements of current voltage cells/photovoltaic moduls


SNI 04-3021-1992

Pemanas air tenaga surya tipe domestik sistem termosifon langsung dengan pemanas tambahan

Solar energy water heater for domestic use, Direct thermosiphone system with additional heater


SNI 04-3850.1-1995

Modul fotovoltaik. Bagian 1: Umum

Photovoltaic moduls. Part 1: General


SNI 04-6302-2000

Pengenalan fotovoltaik yang dikopel langsung dengan sistem pompa

Rating of direct coupled photovoltaic with pump systems


IEC 1702: 1995, Rating of direct coupled photovoltaic Translation


SNI 04-6394-2000

Prosedur penentuan klasifikasi sistem pembangkit listrik fotovoltaik individual - Pedoman umum

Procedures for determination of individual photovoltaic electric power generating system classification - General guidance


SNI 04-6205.7-2000

Gawai fotovoltaik - Bagian 7: Perhitungan kesalahan yang disebabkan oleh ketidaksesuaian respons spektral pada pengujian suatu gawai fotovoltaik

Photovoltaic devices - Part 7: Computation of spectral mismatch error introduced in the testing of a photovoltaic devices


IEC 904-7 : 1995, Photovoltaic devices - Part 7 Computation of spectral mismatch error introduce in the testing of a photovoltaic devices IDT SNI 04-6533-2001

Pengujian ultraviolet modul fotovoltaik

UV tests for photovoltaic (PV) moduls


IEC 61345: 1998, UV tests for photovoltaic (PV) moduls Translation SNI 04-6300-2000

IDT Modul fotovoltaik terestrial film-lapisan tipis

Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic moduls


IEC 1646: 1996, Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type approval Translation SNI 04-6205.9-2000

MOD Gawai fotovoltaik - Bagian 9: Persyaratan unjuk kerja simulator surya

Photovoltaic devices - Part 9: Solar simulator performance requirements


Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic modulus


Photovoltaic devices - Part 8: Guidance for spectral measurement of spectral response of a photovoltaic device


IEC 9049 : 1995, Photovoltaic devices - Part 9 : Solar simulator her/Ormonce requirements Translation SNI 04-6298-2000

IDT Pengujian korosi akibat kabut garam air laut pada modul fotovoltaik

IEC 1701: 1995, Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modulus Translation SNI 04-6205.8-2000

MOD Gawai fotovoltaik - Bagian 8: Petunjuk pengukuran respons spektral gawai fotovoltaik

IEC 904-8 : 1995, Guidence for the measurement of spectral response of a photovoltaic (PV) devices. Part 8: Guidences for the measurement of spectral response of a photovoltaic Translation SNI 04-6206-2000

MOD Sistem pembangkit daya fotovoltaik terestrial - Umum dan pedoman

Terrestrial photovoltaic power generating system - General and guide


Safety qualification of photovoltaic modules- Part 1: Construction requirements


Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification Part 4: System selection and design


IEC 1277: 1995, Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) power generating systems - General and guide Translation SNI IEC 61730-1:2008

IDT Kualifikasi keselamatan modul fotovoltaik (FV) -bagian 1: Persyaratan konstruksi Safety qualification of photovoltaic modules- Part 1: Construction requirements

IEC 61730-1 : 2004 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 1: Requirements for construction Translation SNI IEC 62257-4:2009

IDT Rekomensadi untuk sistem energi terbarukan dan dan hibrida skala kecil untuk listrik perdesaan - Bagian 4:Pemilihan dan rancangan system

IEC 62257-4:2009, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 4: System selection and design Translation SNI IEC 62257-1:2009

IDT Rekomendasi untuk sistem energi terbarukan skala kecil dan hibrida untuk listrik pedesaan - Bagian 1: Pengantar umum listrik pedesaan

Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification Part 1: General introduction to rural electrification


IEC 62257-1:2009, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 1: General introduction to rural electrification Translation SNI IEC 61730-2 : 2008

IDT Kualifikasi keselamatan modul fotovoltaik (FV) -bagian 2: Persyaratan pengujian Safety qualification of photovoltaic modules - Part 2: Requirements for testing

Safety qualification of photovoltaic modules - Part 2: Requirements for testing


Crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules - Design qualification and validation types


IEC 61730-2 : 2004 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 2: Requirements for testing IDT SNI IEC 61215:2013

Modul fotovoltaik silikon kristal - Kualifikasi desain dan pengesahan jenis

IEC 61215:2005 IDT

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SNI IEC 61194:2013

Parameter karakteristik sistem fotovoltaik yang berdiri sendiri

Characteristic parameters of stand-alone photovoltaic systems


IEC 61194:1992 IDT SNI IEC 60364-7-712:2012 Instalasi listrik untuk bangunan-Bagian 7-712: Persyaratan untuk instalasi atau lokasi khusus - Sistem suplai daya fotovoltaik surya (PV)

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-712: Requirements for special installations or locations - Solar photovoltaic (PV) power supply systems

IEC 60364-7-712 ed. 1.0 (2002-05) IDT SNI IEC 60904-1:2011

IDT Gawai Fotovoltaik - Bagian 1 : Pengukuran karakteristik arus-tegangan fotovoltaik

Photovoltaic devices - Part 1: Measurement of photovoltaic current-voltage characteristics

IEC 60904-1 ed 2.0 (2006-09) Photovoltaic devices - Part 1: Measurement of photovoltaic current-voltage characteristics Translation SNI IEC 60904-7:2011

IDT Gawai Fotovoltaik – Bagian 7: Perhitungan kesalahan ketidaksesuaian spektral pada pengujian gawai fotovoltaik

Photovoltaic Devices – Part 7: Computation of spectral mismatch error introduced in the testing of a photovoltaic device

IEC 60904-7 (1998-03) Photovoltaic Devices – Part 7: Computation of spectral mismatch error introduced in the testing of a photovoltaic device Translation SNI IEC 62124:2016

IDT Sistem fotovoltaik yang berdiri sendiri - Verifikasi desain (IEC 62124:2004, IDT)

Stand-alone photovoltaic systems - Verification of design (IEC 62124:2004, IDT)


IEC 62124:2004 IDT


Wind turbines and other alternative sources of ene

Turbin angin dan sumber energi alternatif lainnya

SNI 04-3851.2-1995

Sistem konversi energi angin. Bagian 2 : Pedoman pendekatan pengukuran kecepatan dan arah angin, perhitungan dasar untuk daya dan energi angin dan turbin angin

Wind energy conversion system. Part 2 : Guide for measurement approach of wind's speed and direction, calculation for power and wind energy and wind turbine


SNI 04-3851.1-1995

Sistem konversi energi angin. Bagian 1: Umum

Wind energy conversion system. Part 1 : General


SNI 04-6612.3.1-2002

Sistem konversi energi angin - Bagian 3: Sistem pengaman, gawai protektif dan pemantau - Seksi 1: Kontrol dan sistem pengaman

Wind energy conversion systems - Part 3: Safety system, protective and monitoring devices - Section 1: Control and safety systems


Germanischer Lloyd:1993, Chapter 2: Safety system protective and monitoring devices" Translation


SNI 04-6299.7-2000

Regulasi untuk sertifikasi SKEA ( sistem konversi energi angin). Bab 7: Instalasi listrik untuk SKEA

Regulation for certification of ECS (wind energy conservation systems). Chapter 7: Electrical installation for ECS


SNI 04-6207-2000

Pedoman konfigurasi sistem hibrida angin - Diesel

Guide for configuration of wind - diesel hybride systems


Wind energy conversion systems - Part 2: Safety requirement for control and protection systems, electrical system, installation assembly and erection of wind turbines, commissioning, operation and maintenance


American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) 10.1-1991 Wind/diesel system architecture guide book Translation SNI 04-6612.2-2001

IDT Sistem konversi energi angin (SKEA) - Bagian 2: Persyaratan keselamatan untuk sistem kontrol dan proteksi, sistem listrik, instalasi, perakitan dan pendirian (erection) turbin angin, komisioning, operasi dan pemeliharaan

IEC 1400-2: 1994, Wind energy conversion system - Part 2: Safety requirement for control and protection systems, electrical system, installation assembly and erection of wind turbines, commissioning, operation and maintenance Translation SNI 04-6612.1-2001

IDT Sistem konversi energi angin (SKEA) - Bagian 1: Persyaratan keselamatan untuk rancangan struktur SKEA

Wind energy conversion systems - Part 1: Safety requirements for structural design of wind energy conversion systems


IEC 1400-1: 1994, Wind energy conversion systems - Part 1: Safety requirements for structural design of wind energy conversion systems Translation SNI IEC 61400-2:2016

IDT Turbin angin - Bagian 2: Persyaratan rancangan turbin angin skala kecil (IEC 61400-2:2006, IDT)

Wind turbines - Part 2: Requirements for the design of small-scale wind turbines (IEC 61400-2:2006, IDT)


IEC 61400-2:2006 IDT SNI IEC 61400-12-1:2016

Turbin angin - Bagian 12-1: Pengukuran kinerja daya listrik yang dihasilkan oleh turbin angin (IEC 61400-12-1:2005, IDT)

Wind turbines - Part 12-1: Measuring the performance of the electric power generated by wind turbines (IEC 61400-12-1:2005, IDT)


Wind turbines - Part 21: Measurement and assessment of power quality characteristics of grid connected wind turbines (IEC 61400-21:2008, IDT)


IEC 61400-12-1:2005 IDT SNI IEC 61400-21:2016

Turbin angin - Bagian 21: Pengukuran dan penilaian karakteristik kualitas daya dari turbin angin yang terkoneksi grid (IEC 61400-21:2008, IDT)

IEC 61400-21:2008 IDT


Biological sources and alternative sources of energy

Sumber biologi dan sumber alternatif energi

SNI 13-7122-2005

Prosedur pelaksanaan dan pelaporan penyelidikan panas bumi - Tahap penyelidikan rinci

Implementing and reporting procedures of geothermal surveys - Detail survey phases


SNI 13-7123-2005

Kriteria peralatan uji alir fluida sumur panas bumi

The criteria of fluid flow test equipment for geothermal wells


SNI 13-6605-2001

Metode uji alir fluida sumur panas bumi

Test methods for fluid flow geothermal wells


SNI 13-6987-2004

Fluida sumur panas bumi - Prosedur uji alir

Geothermal well fluid - Flow test procedures


SNI 13-6983-2004

Prosedur pelaksanaan dan pelaporan dalam penyelidikan pendahuluan dan penyelidikan pendahuluan lanjutan panas bumi

Implementing and reporting procedures of geothermal preliminary and continuation preliminary investigations


SNI 7826:2012

Unit penghasil biogas dengan tangki pencerna (digester) tipe kubah tetap dari beton

Generating unit with tank digester biogas fixed dome type of concrete

SNI 8017:2014

Minyak nabati tersterilifikasi parsial untuk bahan bakar motor diesel putaran sedang

Partially sterilificated vegetable oil for diesel motors fuel with medium rotation

SNI 8019:2014

Standar mutu biogas bertekanan tinggi

Quality standard of high pressure biogas

SNI 8018:2014

Minyak nabati untuk bahan bakar pembakaran luar (external combustion)

Vegetable oil for external combustion fuel

SNI 7970.1:2014

Penentuan kadar biodiesel (EMAL/FAME) dalam campurannya dengan minyak solar - Bagian 1: Metode spektrometri inframerah pertengahan

Determination of levels of biodiesel (EMAL / FAME) in mixtures with diesel oil - Part 1: Method of mid-infrared spectrometry

SNI 7969:2014

Penentuan kadar bioetanol dalam gasohol - Metode ekstraksi dengan air

Determination of ethanol in gasohol - Methods of extraction with water

SNI 7927:2013

Peralatan jaringan unit biogas

Network equipment unit of biogas


SNI 7182:2015




SNI 7431:2015

Mutu dan metode uji minyak nabati murni untuk bahan bakar motor diesel putaran sedang

Quality and testing methods of pure vegetable oil to fuel diesel engine rotation being


SNI 13-6677-2002

Pelaporan uji alir fluida sumur panas bumi

Reporting of geothermal wells fluid flow test


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SNI 19-6678-2002


Konversi energi listrik dalam uji alir fluida sumur panas bumi

Electrical energy conversion in fluid flow testing for geothermal wells


Refrigerating technology

Teknologi pendingin

SNI 05-2999-1992

Menara pendingin air - Cara uji

Water cooling tower - Test method


SNI 05-3058-1992

Sistem pendingin, Simbol

Refrigerating system, Symbols


SNI 05-3262-1994

Lemari pendingin komersial jenis raih, Persyaratan umum

Reach in commercial refrigerators, General requirement

SNI 05-3060-1992

Sambungan jenis flare dan jenis brazing untuk refrijeran

Flare type and brazing type fittings for refrigerant


SNI 05-3057-1992

Pengujian sistem refrijerasi

Testing of refrigerating system


SNI 04-3010-1992

Ruang pendingin kostruksi panel

Panel construction cold strorage

SNI 05-3056-1992

Unit pendingin dengan media air

water media cooking units


SNI 05-3055-1992

Kompresor refrijeran, Pengujian

Refrigerant compressor testing


SNI 05-3059-1992

Pengamanan sistem refrijerasi

Safety of refrigerating system


SNI 05-3011-1992

Refrijerasi - Tata nama

Refrigerators - Nomenclature


SNI 05-3261-1994

Lemari pendingin jenis komersial, Cara uji

Commercial refrigerators, Test method


SNI 05-3000-1992

Menara pendingin air - Rancangan termal dan fungsional

Water cooling tower - Thermal and functional design


SNI 05-3001-1992

Menara pendingin air - Rancangan pra-pabrikasi di pabrik

Water cooling tower - Pre manufacturing design in manufacture


SNI 05-2998-1992

Menara pendingin air - Tata nama

Water cooling tower - Nomenclature


SNI 05-3096-1992

Unit pendingin, Metode uji untuk transportasi mekanis

Refrigeration units, Test method for mechanical transport


SNI 05-3088-1992

Lemari pendingin komersial jenis raih, Persyaratan khusus

Reach in commercial refrigerators, Particular requirements





Heat recovery. Thermal insulation

Takal panas Penyekat panas

SNI 10-4832-1998

Isolasi kebakaran untuk sekat dan geladak kapal barang

Fire insulation for partition and decks of freighters

SNI 10-4833-1998

Isolasi kebakaran untuk sekat dan geladak kapal penumpang

Fire insulation for partition and decks of passanger ships

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Electrical engineering in general

Rekayasa listrik secara umum

SNI 04-4187-1996

Pengujian keandalan perlengkapan. Bagian 1 : Persyaratan umum

Test method for reliability of apparatus. Part 1 : General requirement

SNI 04-6301-2000

Standar listrik perdesaan - Pedoman umum

Rural electrification standards - General guidelines


SNI 04-1922-2002

Frekuensi standar

Standard frequency



IEC 60196:1965, IEC Standards frequencies Translation SNI 04-0227-2003

MOD Tegangan standar

Standard voltages


Effect of current passing through the human body. Part 2: Special aspects. Chapter 4: Effect of alternating current with frequencies above 100 Hz


IEC 38: 1983; , Standard voltages, Amandemen 1: 1994-08 dan Amandemen 2: 1997-10 Translation SNI 04-6283.2.4-2000

IDT Pengaruh arus yang melalui tubuh manusia. Bagian 2: Aspek khusus. Bab 4: Pengaruh arus bolak-balik dengan frekuensi di atas 100 Hz

IEC 479-2: 1987, Effects of current passing through the human body - Part 2: Special aspects Translation SNI IEC 62561-4:2012

IDT Komponen sistem proteksi petir (KSPP) - Bagian 4: Persyaratan untuk penjepit konduktor

Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 4: Requirements for conductor fasteners

IEC 62561-4 ed1.0 (2010-11) IDT SNI IEC 60059:2009

IDT Standar Arus Pengenal

IEC standard current ratings


IEC 60059:2009, IEC standard current ratings Translation SNI IEC 62305-2:2009

IDT Proteksi terhadap petir - Bagian 2: Manajemen resiko

Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management


IEC 62305- 2 Translation SNI 04-7044.1.1-2004

IDT Radas listrik untuk penggunaan di tempat berdebu yang dapat terbakar Bagian 1 - 1: Radas listrik yang diproteksi dengan selungkup dan pembatasan suhu permukaan - Ketentuan untuk radas

Electrical apparatus protected by enclosures and surface temperature limitation Specification for apparatus


IEC 61241-1-1: 1996-06 Translation SNI IEC 60204-1:2009

IDT Keselamatan Mesin - Perlengkapan Listrik dari Mesin - Bagian 1: Persyaratan Umum

Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements


IEC 60204-1:2009, Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements Translation SNI IEC 61140:2012

IDT Proteksi terhadap kejut listrik- Aspek umum untuk instalasi dan perlengkapan

Protection against electric shock - Common aspects for installation and equipment

IEC 61140:2009 IDT SNI IEC 60038:2013

IDT Tegangan standar IEC

IEC standard voltages


IEC 60038:2009 Translation


SNI IEC 60364-7-710:2012 Instalasi listrik voltase rendah-Bagian 7-710: Persyaratan untuk instalasi atau lokasi khusus - Lokasi medis

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-710: Requirements for special installations or locations - Medical locations

IEC 60364-7-710 Ed. 1.0 (2002-11) IDT


SNI IEC 60364-7-711:2012 Instalasi listrik dalam bangunan-Bagian 7-711: Persyaratan untuk instalasi atau lokasi khusus - Pameran, pertunjukan dan stan

Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-711: Requirements for special installations or locations - Exhibitions, shows and stands

IEC 60364-7-711 Ed. 1.0 (1998-03) IDT SNI IEC 62305-1:2013

IDT Proteksi terhadap petir - Bagian 1: Prinsip umum

Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles


Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification Identification of equipment terminals, conductor terminations and conductors


IEC 62305-1:2010 Translation SNI IEC 60445:2013

IDT Prinsip dasar dan keselamatan untuk antarmuka manusia-mesin, penandaan dan identifikasi - Identifikasi terminal perlengkapan, terminasi konduktor dan konduktor

IEC 60445:2010 Translation SNI IEC 61140:2011

IDT Proteksi terhadap kejutan listrik-Aspek umum untuk instalasi dan peralatan

Protection against electric shock - Common aspects for installation and equipment

IEC 61140 Ed. 3.1 + Amd. 1 (2009-09) Coversheet


SNI IEC 60529:2014

Tingkat proteksi yang diberikan oleh selungkup (Kode IP) (IEC 60529:2001, IDT)

The level of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) (IEC 60529: 2001, IDT)

SNI IEC 60446:2011

Prinsip dasar dan keselamatan untuk antarmuka manusia dan mesin, penandaan dan identifikasi-Identifikasi dengan warna atau huruf angka

Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification Identification of conductors by colours or alphanumerics

IEC 60446 Ed. 4 (2007-05) Translation SNI IEC/TR 62510:2015

IDT Menstandarkan karakteristik listrik (IEC/TR 62510:2008, IDT)

Standardize the electrical characteristics


IEC/TR 62510:2008 IDT SNI IEC 60059:2015

Peringkat arus standar (IEC 60059:2009, IDT)

Standard current ratings


Standard frequency


IEC 60059:2009 IDT SNI IEC 60196:2015

Frekuensi standar (IEC 60196:2009, IDT)

IEC 60196:2009 IDT SNI IEC 62561-1:2016

Komponen sistem proteksi petir - Bagian 1: Persyaratan untuk komponen koneksi (IEC 62561-1:2012, IDT)

Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 1: Requirements for connection components

IEC 62561-1:2012 IDT SNI 04-1924-1990

Frekuensi standar untuk instalasi jaringan kendali terpusat

Standard frequency for installation network

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SNI 04-1923-1990

Arus pengenal standar

Standard current ratings


SNI 04-1472-1989

Persyaratan umum pengujian pengawatan listrik pada mesin peralatan pabrik

Electrical wiring of industrial machinery, General requirement for test


SNI 04-1707-1989

Listrik pedesaan

Rural electricity


Insulating materials

Bahan isolasi



Bahan isolasi secara umum

Insulating materials in general

SNI 04-6194.1-1999

Pedoman untuk penentuan sifat ketahanan termal bahan isolasi listrik. Bagian 1: Pedoman umum pada prosedur penuaan dan evaluasi hasil pengujian

Guidelines for determination of thermal endurance properties of electrical insulating materials. Part 1: General guidelines for ageing procedures and evaluation of test results


SNI 04-6190.1.4-2001

Metode uji umum untuk bahan isolasi dan selubung kabel listrik - Bagian 1: Metode untuk penerapan umum - Seksi 4: Pengujian pada suhu rendah

Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electrical cables - Part 1: Methods for general applications - Section 4: Tests at low temperature


IEC 60811-1-4: 1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electrical cables - Part 1: Methods for general applications - Section 4: Tests at low temperatures Translation SNI 04-6190.5.1-2001

IDT Metode uji umum untuk bahan isolasi dan selubung kabel listrik - Bagian 5: Metode spesifik untuk kompon pengisi - Seksi 1: Titik tetes - Separasi minyak - Kerapuhan pada suhu rendah - Jumlah total asam

Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Part 5: Methods specific to filling compound - Section 1: Drop point - Separation of oil - Lower temperature brittleness - Total acid number - Absence of corrosive components Permitivity at 23C - D.C. resistivity at 23C and 100C


IEC 60811-5-1: 1990, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Part 5: Methods specific to filling compound - Section 1: Drop point Translation SNI 04-6190.1.1-2001

IDT Metode uji umum untuk bahan isolasi dan selubung kabel listrik - Bagian 1: Metode untuk penerapan umum - Seksi 1: Pengukuran tebal dan dimensi keseluruhan - Pengujian untuk menentukan sifat mekanis

Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Part 1: Methods for general application - Section 1: Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions - Tests for determination of mechanical characteristics


IEC 60811-1-1: 1993, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Part 1: Methods for general application - Section 1: Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions - Tests for determination of mechanical properties Translation


SNI 04-4521.3-1998

Spesifikasi isolasi dengan bahan dasar mika - Bagian 3: Spesifikasi untuk bahan individu - Lembar 2: Kertas mika

Specification of insulators with mica based materials - Part 3: Specification for individual material - Sheet 2: Mica papers

SNI 04-6544-2001

Metode pengambilan contoh dielektrik cair

Methods of sampling liquid dielectrics


Common test methods for insulating and sheating materilas of electric cables - Part 1: Methods for general applications - Section 3: Methods for determining the density - Water absorption tests - Shrink



IEC 475: 1974, Methods of sampling liquid dielectrics Translation SNI 04-6190.1.3-2001

IDT Metode uji umum untuk bahan isolasi dan selubung kabel listrik - Bagian 1: Metode untuk penerapan umum - Seksi 3: Metode untuk menentukan kerapatan massa. Uji penyerapan air - Uji pengerutan

IEC 60811-1-3: 1993, Common test methods for insulating and sheating materilas of electric cables - Part 1: Methods for general applications - Section 3: Methods for determining the density - Water absorption tests - Shrinkage tests Translation SNI 04-6190.1.2-2001

IDT Metode uji umum untuk bahan isolasi dan selubung kabel listrik - Bagian 1: Metode untuk penerapan umum - Seksi 2: Metode penuaan termal

Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Part 1: Methods for general application - Section 2: Thermal ageing methods


IEC 60811-1-2: 1985 + Amendment 1: 1989, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Part 1: Methods for general application - Section 2: Thermal ageing methods Translation SNI 04-6542-2001

IDT Pengukuran permitivitas relatif, faktor disipasi dielektrik dan restivitas a.s. cairan isolasi

Measuremert of relative permitivity, dielectric dissipation factor and d.c. resistivity of insulating liquid


IEC 247: 1978, Measuremert of relative permitivity, dielectric dissipation factor and d.c. resistivity of insulating liquid Translation SNI IEC 60216-4-1:2009

IDT Bahan insulasi listrik - sifat ketahaan termal - Bagian 4-1 : Oven penuaan oven berbilik tunggal

Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 4-1: Ageing ovens Single-chamber ovens


IEC 60216-4-1:2009, Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 4-1: Ageing ovens - Single-chamber ovens Translation SNI 04-0857-1989


IDT Bahan isolasi untuk mesin dan peralatan listrik, Klasifikasi

Insulation materials for electrical machinery and apparatus, Classification

Bahan isolasi kertas dan karton

SNI 04-6624.1-2001


Paper and board insulating materials

Spesifikasi kertas selulosa untuk penggunaan dalam kelistrikan - Bagian 1: Definisi dan persyaratan umum

Specification for cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements


IEC 60554-1: 1977, Specification for cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements Translation SNI 04-6624.2-2002

MOD Spesifikasi kertas selulosa untuk penggunaan dalam kelistrikan - Bagian 2: Metode uji

Specification for cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 2: Test methods


IEC 60554-2:1977, Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test Translation



Bahan isolasi plastik dan karet

Plastics and rubber insulating materials

SNI 04-3050-1992

Kompon PVC untuk kawat berisolasi dan kabel listrik bertegangan pengenal sampai dengan 30 kV

PVC Coumpound for electrical insulated wire and cable rated voltage up to 30 kV


SNI 04-2697-1992

Bahan XPLE untuk isolasi kabel listrik tegangan pengenal 1 kV sampai dengan 30 kV

XLPE materials for electric cable insulators rated voltage 1 kV up to 30 kV


SNI 04-6190.4.2-2001

Metode uji umum untuk bahan isolasi dan selubung kabel listrik - Bagian 4: Metode spesifik untuk kompon polietilen dan polipropilen - Seksi 2: Pemulihan saat putus setelah pra kondisi - Uji belitan set

Common test methods for insulating and sheating materials of electrical cables - Part 4: Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Section 2: Elongation to break after pre-conditioning - Wrapping test after pre-conditioning Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air - Measurement of mass increase - Long term stability tests (Appendix A) - Test methods for copper catalysed oxidative degradation (Appendix B)


IEC 60811-4-2: 1990, Common test methods for insulating and sheating materials of electrical cables - Part 4: Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Section 2: Elongation to break after pre-conditioning Translation SNI 04-6190.3.1-2001

IDT Metode uji umum untuk bahan isolasi dan selubung kabel listrik - Bagian 3: Metode spesifik kompon PVC - Seksi 1: Pengujian tekanan pada suhu tinggi - Pengujian untuk ketahanan terhadap retakan

Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electrical cables - Part 3: Methods specific to PVC compound - Section 1: Pressure test at high temperature - Test for resistance to cracking


IEC 60811-3-1: 1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electrical cables - Part 3: Methods specific to PVC compound - Section 1: Pressure test at high temperature - Test for resistance to cracking Translation SNI 04-6190.3.2-2000

IDT Metode uji umum untuk bahan isolasi dan bahan selubung kabel listrik Bagian 3: Metode khusus untuk kompon PVC - Seksi 2: Uji penyusutan massa - Uji stabilitas termal

IEC 811-3-2 : 1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables Translation


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Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Part 3: Method specific to PVC compound - Section 2: Lost of mass test - Thermal stability tests


SNI 04-6190.4-1999

Metode umum pengujian bahan isolasi dan selubung pada kabel listrik. Bagian 4: Metode khusus untuk komponen polietilena dan polipropilena. Seksi satu: Ketahanan putus kabel - Pengujian belitan set

Common test methods for insulating and sheating materials of electric cables. Part 4: Specific methods to polypropylene compounds. Section one: Resistance to environmental stress cracking - Wrappin


SNI 04-6190.2-1999

Metode umum pengujian bahan isolasi dan selubung pada kabel listrik. Bagian 2: Metode khusus kompon elastomer. Seksi satu: Metode pengujian ketahanan ozon - Pengujian panas berbeban - Pengujian peren

Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables. Part 2: Methods specific to elastomeric compounds - Section one: Ozone resistance test methods - Hot set test - Mineral o


SNI 04-1713-1994

Persyaratan kompon PVC untuk isolasi dan selubung kabel listrik

PVC compound for electric cable insulators and sheaths, Requirement


SNI 04-1712-1989

Persyaratan kompon karet untuk isolasi dan selubung kabel listrik

Rubber compound for electric cable insulators and sheaths, Requirement



Bahan isolasi gelas dan keramik

SNI 04-6531-2001

Glass and ceramic insulating materials

Isolator berbahan keramik atau gelas untuk saluran udara dengan tegangan nominal di atas 1000 V - Uji tembus

Insulators of ceramic materials or glass for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000 V - Puncture testing


IEC 1211: 1994, Insulators of ceramic materials or glass for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000 V - Puncture testing Translation


SNI 04-6127-1999

Felspar untuk pembuatan isolator keramik tegangan menengah dan tinggi

Feldspars for middle and high voltage ceramic insulators

SNI 04-6970.3-2003

Keramik dan material isolasi gelas - Bagian 3: Spesifikasi untuk material individu

Ceramic and glass-insulating materials - Part 3: Specification for individual materials

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IEC 60672-3: 1997-10, Ceramic and glass-insulating materials - Part 3 : Specification for individual materials Translation



Insulating fluids

Cairan isolasi


Isolasi bahan basah pada umumnya

SNI 04-6276-2000

Insulating fluids in general

Penentuan air dalam cairan isolasi secara titrasi Karl Fischer Coulometer

Determination of water in insulating liquid by automatic coulometric Karl Fischer titration


Insulating liquids - Determination of the breakdown voltage at power frequency - Test methods


IEC 814: 1985, Determination of water in insulating liquid by automatic coulometric Karl Fischer titration Translation SNI 04-7068-2005

IDT Insulasi cair - Penentuan tegangan tembus pada frekuensi daya - Metode uji

IEC 156: 1995-02 Translation



Isolasi bahan minyak

SNI 04-3591.1-2000

Insulating oils

Spesifikasi minyak isolasi mineral baru untuk kabel dengan selubung minyak

Specification for new insulating mineral oils for cables with oil ducts


IEC 60465: 1988, Specification for unused insulating mineral oils for cables with oil ducts Translation


SNI 04-3867-1995

Metode untuk menentukan tegangan tembus minyak isolasi

Method for determination of permeability strength of insulating oils


SNI 04-3591-1994

Spesifikasi minyak isolasi mineral baru untuk transformator dan perangkat hubung bagi

New mineral insulator oil, for transformers and switchgear and controlgear



Isolasi bahan gas

SNI 04-3580-1994


Insulating gases

Persyaratan penghantar tembaga dan aluminium untuk isolasi kabel listrik


Semi-conducting materials

Bahan semikonduktor

SNI IEC 60747-2:2009

Requirements of copper and alumunium conductor for electric cable insulation

Piranti semi konduktor - Piranti diskrit dan sirkit terintegrasi - Bagian 2 : Dioda perata arus

Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices and integrated circuits - Part 2: Rectifier diodes


IEC 60747-2 Edition 2.0 (2000-03) Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices and integrated circuits - Part 2: Rectifier diodes Translation



Conducting materials

Bahan penghantar

SNI 04-3894-1995

Konduktor tembaga telanjang jenis keras (BCCH)

Bare copper conductor hard (BCCH)


SNI 04-3558-1994

Konduktor aluminium campuran (AAAC)

All aluminium alloy conductor (AAAC)


SNI 04-3895-1995

Konductor tembaga telanjang jenis setengah keras (BCC 1/2 H)

Bare copper conductor half hard (BCC 1/2 H)


SNI 04-3557-1994

Konduktor aluminium murni (AAC)

All aluminium conductors (AAC)


SNI 04-6922-2002

Penghantar aluminium paduan tahan panas berpenguat inti kawat baja berlapis aluminium (TACSR/AS)

Heat resistance aluminium alloy conductor with aluminium layer steel wire core strengthener


SNI 04-0205-1987

Konduktor aluminium berpenguatan baja

Steel supported aluminium conductors


SNI 04-1061-1989

Batang kawat aluminium melulu untuk bahan penghantar listrik

All alluminium wire rod for electrical conductor


Electrical wires and cables

Kawat dan kabel listrik

SNI IEC 60245-8:2012

Kabel berinsulasi karet - voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 8: Kabel senur untuk penerapan yang mensyaratkan fleksibilitas tinggi

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V Part 8: Cords for applications requiring high flexibility

IEC 60245-8: 1994 IDT SNI IEC 60245-3:2012

IDT Kabel berinsulasi karet - voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 3: Kabel berinsulasi silikon tahan panas

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 3: Heat resistant silicone insulated cables

IEC 60245-3: 1994 IDT SNI IEC 60245-4:2012

IDT Kabel berinsulasi karet - voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 4: Kabel fleksibel dan kabel senur

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 4: Cords and flexible cables

IEC 60245-4: 1994 IDT SNI IEC 60245-5:2012

IDT Kabel berinsulasi karet - voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 5: Kabel lift

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 5: Lift Cables

IEC 60245-5: 1994 IDT SNI IEC 60245-6:2012

IDT Kabel berinsulasi karet - voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 6: Kabel elektrode las busur

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 6: Arc welding electrode cables

IEC 60245-6: 1994 IDT


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SNI IEC 60245-7:2012

Kabel berinsulasi karet - voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 7: Kabel berinsulasi karet etilen vinil asetat tahan panas

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 7: Heat resistant ethylene-vinyl acetate rubber insulated cables

IEC 60245-7: 1994 IDT





SNI 04-3891-1995

Alat penyambung kawat (las dop)

Wire fitter

SNI 04-3896-1995

Kawat tembaga email poliuretan (UEW)

Polyurethane enamel copper wire (UEW)


SNI 04-3897-1995

Kawat tembaga email polivinil formal (PVF)

Polyvinyl enamel formal (PVF) copper wire


SNI 04-3236-1992

Kawat fleksibel berisolasi PVC tegangan nominal 1000 V (NYAF)

PVC insulated flexible wire nominal voltage 1000 V (NYAF)


SNI 04-3579-1994

Kawat tembaga lunak penampang bulat email polyurethane (UEW)

Enamel polyurethane round profile soft copper wine (UEW)


SNI 04-3898-1995

Kawat tembaga lunak penampang bulat email polyester (PEW)

Polyester enamel round profile copper wire (PEW)


SNI 04-3578-1994

Kawat tembaga lunak penampang bulat email polyvinyl formal (PVF)

Soft polyvinyl enamel formal (PVF) round profile copper wire


SNI 04-3899-1995

Kawat tembaga lunak penampang bulat untuk kumparan (MA)

Soft round profile copper wire for coil


SNI 04-6272-2000

Rekomendasi untuk kawat konduktor listrik aluminium anil komersil

Recommendation for commercial annealed aluminium electrical conductor wire




IEC 121: 1960, Recommendation for commercial annealed aluminium electrical conductor wire Translation


SNI 04-6195-1999

Kawat baja lapis aluminium pilin (As-wire)

Twisted aluminium clad steel wires

SNI 04-2698-1999

Kawat berisolasi PVC, tegangan pengenal 450/750 Volt (NYA)

PVC insulated wires, 450/750 volt (NYA) recognation voltages

SNI IEC 60104:2009

Kawat paduan alumunium-magnesium-silikon untuk konduktor saluran udara

Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wire for overhead line conductors

12 6

IEC 60104:2009, Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wire for overhead line conductors Translation


SNI 04-1711-1989

Kawat tembaga lunak penampang bulat email polyester imide (EIW)

Enamel polyester imide round profile soft copper wire (EIW)

SNI 04-0109-1989

Batang kawat tembaga untuk bahan penghantar listrik

Copper wire bars for electrical conductor materials

SNI 04-1710-1989

Kawat tembaga penampang bulat email oleo-resinous (EW)

Oleo-resinous enamel (EW) round profile copper wire


SNI 04-1714-1989

Kawat kumparan. Bagian 1 : Kawat email berpenampang bulat, Metode uji

Coil wire, Part 1 round profile enamel wire, Test method


SNI 04-1912-1990

Cara pengujian kawat email penampang segi empat

Rectangular profile enamel wire, Test method


SNI 04-1179-1989

Kawat baja pipih lapis seng pelindung kabel listrik

Zinc flat steel wire shielded electric cables

SNI 04-1911-1990

Metode uji kawat kumparan

Coil wire, Test method



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SNI 04-3239-1992

Kabel udara berisolasi dan berselubung PVC berpenunjang kawat baja dipilin dengan tegangan nominal 500 V

PVC insulated and sheathed, overhead cables, supported by twisted steel wire, nominal voltage 500 V


SNI 04-3237-1992

Kabel fleksibel kembar dua dan kembar tiga berisolasi PVC untuk tegangan kerja sampai dengan 380 V (NYY/NYD)

PVC insulated twin and triples flexible cables, for rated voltage up to 380 V (NYY/NYD)


SNI 04-3238-1992

Kabel fleksibel kembar dua sampai dengan kembar lima berisolasi, berselubung PVC tegangan nominal 380 V (NYIFY)

PVC insulated and sheathed twin up to quintupletsflexible cables, nominal voltage 380 V (NYIFY)


SNI 04-3234-1992

Kabel fleksibel berisolasi dan berselubung PVC tegangan nominal 500 V (NYMHY)

PVC insulated and sheathed flexible cables 500 V nominal voltage (NYMHY)


SNI 04-3893-1995

Metode pengujian kabel listrik

Test methods for electric cables

SNI 04-2700-1999

Kabel tanah berisolasi dan berselubung PVC berperisai kawat baja atau aluminium 0,6/1 kV (NYFGbY/NAYFGbY/NYRGbY/NYRY/NAYRY)

PVC insulated and sheathed, steel or aluminium wire shielded ground cables rated voltage 0,6/1 kV (NYFGbY/NAYFGbY/NYRGbY/NYRY/NAYRY)

SNI 04-3235-1992

Kabel fleksibel berisolasi dan berselubung PVC tegangan nominal 500 V (NYMHY Oval)

PVC insulated and sheathed flexible cables 500 V nominal voltage (NYMHY Oval)

SNI 04-2701-1999

Kabel tanah berisolasi dan berselubung PVC tegangan pengenal 0,6/1 kV (NYY/NAYY)

PVC insulated and sheathed ground cables, rated voltage 0,6/1 kv (NYY/NAYY)


SNI 04-2699-1999

Kabel berisolasi dan berselubung PVC tegangan pengenal 300/500 volt (NYM)

PVC insulated and sheated cables, rated voltage 300/500 volt (NYM)


SNI 04-6273-2000

Petunjuk pemilihan kabel tegangan tinggi

Guide to selection of high-voltage cables

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IEC 183: 1985, Guide to selection of high-voltage cables Translation SNI 04-6271-2000

IDT Metode uji kabel listrik berisolasi diekstrusi untuk tegangan pengenal di atas 30 kV (Um=36 kV) sampai dengan 150 kV (Um=170 kV)

Test methods for power cables with extruded insulation for rated voltage above 30 kV (Um=36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um=170 kV)


IEC 840: 1988, Test methods for power cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um=36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um=170 kV) Translation


SNI 04-6122-1999

Kabel tanah berisolasi dan berselubung PVC berperisai kawat baja atau aluminium tegangan pengenal 0,6/1 kV (NYBY/NAYBY)

PVC insulated and sheathed, steel or aluminium wire shielded ground cables rated voltage 0,6/1 kV (NYBY/NAYBY)

SNI 04-6951.2-2003

Metode uji listrik untuk kabel listrik - Bagian 2: Uji luahan parsial

Electrical test methods for electrical cables - Part 2: Partial discharge tests

28 9

IEC 885-2: 1987, Electrical test methods for electrical cables, Part 2 : Partial discharge tests Translation SNI 04-6951.3-2003

MOD Metode uji listrik untuk kabel listrik - Bagian 3: Metode uji untuk pengukuran luahan parsial pada panjang kabel tegangan terekstraksi

Electrical test methods for electric cables - Part 3: Test methods for partial discharge measurement on lengths extruded power cables


IEC 60885-3: 1988, Electrical test methods for electric cables - Part 3 : Test methods for partial discharge measurements on lengths extruded poer cable Translation SNI 04-6629.2-2006

MOD Kabel berinsulasi PVC dengan tegangan pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V - Bagian 2: Metode uji

PVC insulated cables with a rated voltage up to 450/750 V - Part 2: Test methods

IEC 60227-2: 2003-04 Translation


SNI 04-7183.2-2006

Kabel daya dengan insulasi ekstrusi dan lengkapannya untuk tegangan pengenal dari 1 kV (Um=1,2 kV) sampai dengan 30 kV (Um=36 kV) - Bagian 2: Kabel untuk tegangan pengenal 6 kV (Um=7,2 kV) sampai dengan 30 kV (Um=36 kV)

Extrusion insulated power cables and appliances for a rated voltage from 1 kV (Um=1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um=36 kV) - Part 2: Cables for a rated voltage 6 kV (Um=7,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um=36 kV)


SNI 04-7183.1-2006

Kabel daya dengan insulasi ekstrusi dan lengkapannnya untuk tegangan pengenal dari 1 kV (Um=1,2 kV) sampai dengan 30 kV (Um=36 kV) - Bagian 1: Kabel untuk tegangan pengenal 1 kV (Um=1,2 kV) sampai dengan 3 kV (Um=3,6 kV)

Extrusion insulated power cables and appliances for a rated voltage from 1 kV (Um=1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um=36 kV) - Part 1: Cables for a rated voltage 1 kV (Um=1,2 kV) up to 3 kV (Um=3,6 kV)


- 89 -

SNI 04-6629.3-2006

Kabel berinsulasi PVC dengan tegangan pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V - Bagian 3: Kabel nirselubung untuk perkawatan magun

PVC insulated cables with a rated voltage up to 450/750 V - Part 3: Non-sheated cables for fixed wiring

IEC 60227-3: 1997-11 Translation SNI 04-6951.1-2003

IDT Metode uji listrik untuk kabel listrik - Bagian 1: Uji listrik untuk kabel, kabel senur dan kawat berinsulasi dengan tegangan sampai dengan 450/750 V

Electrical test methods for electric cables - Part 1: Electrical tests for cables, cords and insulated wires for voltages up to 450/750 V


IEC 885-1: 1987 Translation SNI 04-6629.4-2006

IDT Kabel berinsulasi PVC dengan tegangan pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V - Bagian 4: Kabel berselubung untuk perkawatan magun

PVC insulated cables with a rated voltage up to 450/750 V - Part 4: Sheated cables for fixed wiring

IEC 60227-4: 1997-12 Translation SNI IEC 60502-1:2009

IDT Kabel daya dengan insulasi terektrusi dan lengkapannya untuk voltase pengenal dari 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) sampai dengan 30kV (Um = 36 kV) Bagian 1: Kabel untuk voltase pengenal 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) dan 3 kV (Um = 3,6 kV)

Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) - Part 1: Cables for rated voltages of 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) and 3 kV (Um = 3,6 kV)


IEC 60502-1:2009, Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) - Part 1: Cables for rated voltages of 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) and 3 kV (Um = 3,6 kV) Translation SNI 04-6629.6-2006

IDT Kabel berinsulasi PVC dengan tegangan pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V - Bagian 6: Kabel lift dan kabel untuk hubungan fleksibel

PVC insulated cables with a rated voltage up to 450/750 V - Part 6: Lift cables and cables for flexible connections

IEC 60227-6: 2001-06 Translation SNI 04-6629.7-2006

IDT Kabel berinsulasi PVC dengan tegangan pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V - Bagian 7: Kabel fleksibel berskrin dan niskrin dengan dua konduktor atau lebih

PVC insulated cables with a rated voltage up to 450/750 V - Part 7: Screened and unscreened flexible cables with two or more conductors

IEC 60227-7: 2003-04 Translation SNI IEC 60245-2:2010

IDT Kabel Berinsulasi Karet - Voltase Pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 2: Metode uji

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 2: Test methods

IEC 60245-2 ED 2.2 Consol. With amd 1 & 2 (1998-03) Translation SNI IEC 60228:2009

IDT Konduktor dari kabel berinsulasi

Conductors of insulated cables


IEC 60228:2009, Conductors of insulated cables Translation SNI 04-6629.5-2006

IDT Kabel berinsulasi PVC dengan tegangan pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V - Bagian 5: Kabel fleksibel

PVC insulated cables with a rated voltage up to 450/750 V - Part 5: Flexible cables

IEC 60227-5: 2003-07 Translation SNI IEC 60502-2:2009

IDT Kabel daya dengan insulasi terekstruksi dan lengkapnya untuk voltase pengenal dari 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) sampai dengan 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) Bagian 2: Kabel untuk voltase pengenal 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) sampai dengan 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)

Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) - Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)


IEC 60502-2:2009, Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) - Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) Translation SNI IEC 60245-1:2011

IDT Kabel berinsulasi karet – voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V, Bagian 1 : Persyaratan umum

Rubber insulated cables – Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 1 : General requirements

IEC 60245-1 Ed. 4.1 (2008-01) Translation SNI IEC 60245-5:2012

IDT Kabel berinsulasi karet - Voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 5: Kabel lift (IEC 60245-5:1994, IDT)

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 5: Lift cables


IEC 60245-5:1994 IDT SNI 6629.1:2011

Kabel berinsulasi PVC dengan voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V – Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 1: General requirements

IEC 60227-1 (2007) Translation SNI IEC 62440:2013

IDT Kabel listrik dengan voltase pengenal tidak melebihi 450/750 V - Pedoman penggunaan

Electric cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 450/750 V - Guidelines for the use of

IEC 62440:2008 IDT SNI IEC 60245-8:2016

Kabel berinsulasi karet - Voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 8: Kabel senur untuk penerapan yang membutuhkan fleksibilitas tinggi (IEC 60245-8:2012, IDT)

Rubber insulated cables - rated voltage up to 450/750 V - Part 8: cords for applications requiring high flexibility (IEC 60245-8:2012, IDT)


Rubber insulated cables – Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 7: Heat resistant ethylene-vinyl acetate rubber insulated cables (IEC 60245-7:1994 + Amd 1:1997, IDT)


Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 6: Arc welding electrode cables (IEC 60245-6:1994 + Amd1:1997 + Amd2:2003, IDT)


IEC 60245-8:2012 IDT SNI IEC 60245-7:2012

Kabel berinsulasi karet - Voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 7: Kabel berinsulasi karet etilena vinil asetat tahan panas (IEC 60245-7:1994 + Amd 1:1997, IDT)

IEC 60245-7:1994 + Amd 1:1997 IDT SNI IEC 60245-6:2012

Kabel berinsulasi karet - Voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 6: Kabel elektrode las busur listrik (IEC 60245-6:1994 + Amd1:1997 + Amd2:2003, IDT)

IEC 60245-6:1994 + Amd1:1997 + Amd2:2003 IDT SNI 04-1910-1990

Kabel elektronik: Bagian 1: Kabel berisolasi PVC tegangan pengenal 600 V suhu pengenal 105 C (NYAF-R6/105). Bag.2: tegangan pengenal 1000 V suhu pengenal 90 C (NYAF-R10/90). Bag.3: tegangan pengenal 300

Electronic cables: Part 1: PVC insulated cables rated voltage 600 V rated temperature 105 C (NYAF-R 6/105). Part 2: rated voltage 1000 V rated temperature 90 C (NYAF-R10/90). Part 3: rated voltage 300


SNI 04-6923-2002

Pedoman batas suhu hubung-singkat kabel listrik dengan tegangan pengenal tidak melebihi 0,6/1 kV

Guide to the short-circuit temperature limits of electric cables with a rated voltages not exceeding 0,6/1 kV


IEC 60724:1984, Guide to the short-circuit temperature limits of electric cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 0,6/1 kV Translation SNI 04-1916-1990

MOD Lengkapan kabel dengan tegangan pengenal U sampai dengan 30 kV: Bagian 3: Sambungan kabel dengand tegangan pengenal Uo/U = 0,6/1 kV

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Cables accessories rated voltage U up to 30 kV: Part 3: Cable joint rated voltage Uo/U = 0,6/1 kV


SNI 04-1908-1990

Perisai kabel listrik: Bagian 1 : Umum Bag. 2 : Kawat baja pipih lapis seng Bag. 3 : Kawat baja bulat lapis seng Bag. 4 : Pita baja lapis seng Bag. 5 : Perisai kabel listrik aluminium, tembaga, baja

Electrical cable armour: Part 1: General, Part 2: Zinc coated flat steel wire Part 3: Zinc coated round profil steel wire, Part 4: Zinc coated steel ribbon, Part 5: Aluminium, copper, steel, electrical


SNI 04-1907-1990

Kabel berisolasi XLPE dan berselubung PVC, tegangan pengenal di atas 1 kV s.d. 30 kV

XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed cables, rated voltage over 1 kV up to 30 kV


SNI 04-1917-1990

Lengkapan kabel dengan tegangan pengenal U sampai dengan 30 kV: Bagian 4: Terminasi kabel untuk pasangan dalam dengan tegangan pengenal Uo/U di atas 0,6/1 kV

Cables accessories rated voltage U up to 30 kV: Part 4: Cable termination for indoor rated voltage Uo/U over 0,6/1 kV


SNI 04-1906-1990

Kabel pilin udara tegangan pengenal 0,6/1 kV (NFA2X-T/NFA2X/NF2X/NFY)

Overhead line winding cables, rated voltage 0,6/1 kV (NFA2X-T/NFA2X/NF2X/NFY)


SNI 04-1914-1990

Lengkapan kabel dengan tegangan pengenal U sampai dengan 30 kV: Bagian 1: Umum

Cables accessories rated voltage U up to 30 kV: Part 1: General


SNI 04-1915-1990

Lengkapan kabel dengan tegangan pengenal U sampai dengan 30 kV: Bagian 2: Sambungan kabel tegangan pengenal Uo/U di atas 0,6/1 kV

Cables accessories rated voltage U up to 30 kV: Part 2: Cable joint rated voltage Uo/U over 0,6/1 kV


SNI 04-0854-1989

Kabel berisolasi XLPE dan berselubung PVC dengan perisai pita baja atau kawat baja, Tegangan nominal 8,7/15 kV

XLPE insulated, PVC seathed, steel ribbon or steel wire-shielded cables, rated voltage 8,7/15 kV


SNI 07-1600-1989

Pita baja lapis seng untuk pelindung kabel listrik

Zinc coated steel strip for electrical cable protection

SNI 04-1709-1989

Kabel lampu gantung berisolasi karet

Rubber insulated cable for hanging lamp


SNI 04-0850-1989

Kabel susun jamak (multiplek) dengan penghantar aluminium berisolasi PE, tegangan nominal 0,6/1 kV

Multiplex cables with PE insulated aluminium conductors, nominal voltage 0,6/1 kV


SNI 04-0855-1989

Kabel berisolasi XLPE dan berselubung PVC dengan perisai pita baja atau kawat baja, tegangan nominal 18/30 kV

XLPE insulated, PVC seathed, steel ribbon or steel wire shielded cables, rated voltage 18/30 kV


SNI 04-0736-1989

Kabel berisolasi XLPE dan berselubung PVC atau PE dengan perisai pipa logam bergelombang tegangan nominal 0,6/1 kV

XLPE insulated, PVC or PE sheathed, corrugated metal pipe shielded cables, nominal voltage 0,6/1 kV


SNI 04-0737-1989

Kabel berisolasi XLPE dan berselubung PVC dengan perisai pita baja atau kawat baja, tegangan nominal 12/20 kV

XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed, steel ribbon or steel wire shielded cables, nominal voltage 12/20 kV


SNI 04-0851-1989

Kabel susun jamak (multiplek) dengan penghantar aluminium berisolasi XLPE, tegangan nominal 0,6/1 kV

Multiplex cables with XLPE insulated aluminium conductors, nominal voltage 0,6/1 kV


SNI 04-1708-1989

Kabel pemanas berisolasi karet

Rubber insulated heater cable


SNI 04-0852-1989

Kabel berisolasi dan berselubung PVC dengan perisai kawat baja pipih, tegangan nominal 3,5/6 kV (NYBYGbY, NAYFGbY)

PVC insulated and sheathed, flat steel wire shielded cables, rated voltage 3,5/6 kV (NYBYGbY, NAYFGbY)

SNI 04-1918-1990

Lengkapan kabel dengan tegangan pengenal U sampai dengan 30 kV: Bagian 5: Terminasi kabel untuk pasangan luar dengan tegangan pengenal Uo/U di atas 0,6/1 kV

Cables accessories rated voltage U up to 30 kV: Part 5: Cable termination for outdoor rated voltage Uo/U over 0,6/1 kV


SNI 04-0853-1989

Kabel berisolasi XLPE dan berselubung PVC dengan perisai pita baja,tegangan nominal 6/10 kV

XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed, steel ribbon shielded cables, nominal voltage 6/10 kV






SNI IEC 62217:2012


Insulator polimer untuk pemakaian dalam ruang dan luar ruang dengan voltase nominal > 1000 V – Definisi umum, metode uji dan kriteria penerimaan

Polymeric insulators for indoor and outdoor use with a nominal voltage > 1 000 V – General definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria

IEC 62217: 2005 IDT



Isolasi listrik secara umum

SNI 04-6955.1-2003

Electrical insulation in general

Koordinasi insulasi untuk perlengkapan pada sistem tegangan rendah Bagian 1: Prinsip, persyaratan dan pengujian

Insulation coordination for equipment within low voltage system - Part 1: Principles, requirements and tests


IEC 60664-1:2000, Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Part 1 : Principles, requirements and tests Translation SNI IEC 61936-1:2009

IDT Instalasi listrik tegangan bolak-balik diatas 1 kV a.b. - Bagian 1: Aturan Umum

Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. - Part 1: Common rules


IEC 61936-1:2009, Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. - Part 1: Common rules Translation





SNI 04-3583-1994

Uji tegangan impuls hubung pada isolator tegangan tinggi

Connect impulse voltage test for high voltage insulator

SNI 04-3852.2-1998

Isolator untuk saluran udara dengan tegangan nominal di atas 1000 Volt. Bagian 2 : Renteng isolator dan set isolator untuk sistem arus bolak-balik. Definisi, metode uji dan kriteria serah terima

Insulators for overhead lines with a nomina voltage quater than 1000 Volt. Part 2 : String insulator unit for alternating-current system. Definition, test method and criteria for acceptance


SNI 04-3856-1995

Uji cemar buatan untuk isolator tegangan tinggi yang akan dipakai pada sistem tegangan arus bolak-balik

Artificial pollution test for high voltage insulators to be used on alternating current systems


SNI 04-3852-1995

Isolator keramik atau gelas untuk saluran udara bertegangan nominal lebih dari 1000 Volt, Aturan pengambilan contoh dan kriteria penerimaan jika metode kendali statistik diterapkan untuk uji mekanis

Ceramic or glass insulators for overhead lines with nominal voltage greater than 1000 Volt, Sampling rules and acceptance criteria when applying statistical control methods for mechanical testing


SNI 04-6627-2001

Insulator untuk saluran udara dengan tegangan nominal di atas 1000 V Insulator keramik untuk sistem arus bolak-balik (a.b.b.) - Karakteristik untuk insulator jenis batang panjang

Insulator for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000 V - Ceramic insulators for a.c. systems - Characteristic of insulator units of the long road type



IEC 60433: 1998, Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000 V - Ceramic insulators for a.c. systems - Characteristics of insulator units of the long rod type Translation SNI 04-6541-2001

IDT Pengujian dan dimensi isolator arus searah tegangan tinggi

Test and dimensions for high-voltage d.c. insulators


IEC 438: 1973, Tests and dimensions for high-voltage d.c. insulators Translation SNI 04-6540-2001

IDT Pengujian pada isolator buluh yang dipergunakan dalam perlengkapan listrik

Test on hollow insulators for use in electrical equipment


Pin insulators for overhead lines. Part 1: Medium voltage 20 kV


IEC 60233: 1974, Tests on hollow insulators for use in electrical equipment Translation SNI 04-6296.1-2000

IDT Isolator pin untuk saluran udara. Bagian 1: Tegangan menengah 20 kV

ANSI C 29-6: 1984, for wet process porcelain insulators - high voltage pin type Translation


SNI 04-4980-1999

Cara uji ketebalan dan berat lapisan seng pada "cap" isolator keramik dengan metode basah

Test method for thickness and weight of zinc coated on ceramic insulator caps by wet method

SNI 04-6295-2000

Isolator keramik buluh tertekan untuk perangkat hubung bagi dan kontrol tegangan tinggi

Ceramic pressurized hollow insulators for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear

IEC 1264: 1994, Ceramic pressurized hollow insulators for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear Translation


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SNI 04-6263-2000

Dimensi kopling klevis dan lidah unit isolator rentang

Dimension of clevis and tongue couplings of string insulators


IEC 471-01: 1977, Dimension of clevis and tongue couplings of string insulators Translation SNI IEC 61211:2009

IDT Insulator bahan keramik atau gelas untuk saluran udara dengan tegangan nominal lebih besar dari 1000 volt - Pengujian dadal impuls di udara

Insulators of ceramic material or glass for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V - Impulse puncture testing in air


IEC 61211:2009, Insulators of ceramic material or glass for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V - Impulse puncture testing in air Translation SNI 04-7022.1-2005

IDT Insulator untuk saluran udara dengan tegangan nominal di atas 1000 V Bagian 1: Unit insulator keramik atau gelas untuk sistem arus bolak-balik (a.b.) - Definisi, metode uji dan kriteria penerimaan

Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000 V - Part 1: Ceramic or glass insulator units for a.c. systems - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria


IEC 60383-1: 1993-04, Insulator for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000 V - Part 1 : Ceramic or glass insulator units for a.c. systems - Definition, test methods and acceptance criteria Translation SNI 04-6971-2003

MOD Insulator untuk saluran udara dengan tegangan nominal di atas 1000 V Unit insulator keramik atau gelas untuk sistem arus bolak-balik Karakteristik unit insulator jenis kap dan pin

Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000 V - Ceramic or glass insulator units for a.c. systems - Characteristics of insulator units of the cap and pin types


IEC 60305: 1995-12, Insulator for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 100V - Ceramic or glass insulators for insulator units for a.c. systems - Characteristics of insulator units of the cap and pin type Translation SNI 04-7022.2-2004

MOD Insulator untuk saluran udara dengan tegangan nominal di atas 1000 Volt Bagian 2: Rentengan insulator dan set insulator untuk sistem arus bolakbalik (a.b.) - Definisi, metode uji dan kriteria penerimaan

Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000 Volt - Part 2: Insulator strings and insulator sets for a.c. systems - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria


Characteristics of lines post insulators


IEC 60383-2: 1993-04 Translation SNI 04-3869-2003

MOD Karakteristik insulator tonggak saluran

IEC 60720: 1981-01, Characteristis of line post insulators Translation SNI IEC 60168:2011

IDT Pengujian insulator tonggak pasangan dalam dan luar berbahan keramik atau gelas untuk tegangan nominal sistem lebih besar dari 1000 V

Test on indoor and outdoor post insulators of ceramic material or glass for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000 V

IEC 60168 Ed.4.2 (2001-04) Translation SNI IEC 60273:2011

IDT Karakteristik insulator tonggak pasangan dalam dan pasangan luar untuk sistem voltase nominal lebih dari 1000 V

Characteristic of indoor and outdoor post insulators for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000 V

IEC 60273 Ed.3 (1990-02) Translation SNI IEC/TS 60815-3:2015

IDT Pemilihan dan penetapan dimensi insulator tegangan tinggi yang digunakan pada kondisi terpolusi - Bagian 3: Insulator polimer untuk sistem a.b (IEC/TS 60815-3:2008, IDT)

Selection and determination of the dimensions of the high-voltage insulators used in polluted conditions - Part 3: polymer insulators for ac systems


Artificial pollution test on ceramic and glass insulators used on high-voltage alternating current systems (IEC 60507:2013, IDT)


High voltage polymer insulators for indoor and outdoor - Common definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria (IEC 62217:2012, IDT)


IEC/TS 60815-3:2008 IDT SNI IEC 60507:2016

Uji polusi buatan pada insulator keramik dan gelas tegangan tinggi yang digunakan pada sistem arus bolak balik (IEC 60507:2013, IDT)

IEC 60507:2013 IDT SNI IEC 62217:2016

Insulator polimer tegangan tinggi untuk pasangan dalam dan luar - definisi umum, metode pengujian dan kriteria keberterimaan (IEC 62217:2012, IDT)

IEC 62217:2012 IDT SNI 04-0529-1989

Isolator keramik tegangan rendah jenis rol(R), Mutu dan cara uji

Low voltage ceramic insulators, roll type (R), Specification and test method

SNI 04-1700-1989

Unit isolator rentang jenis kap dan pin, Karakteristik

String insulator units, cap and pin type, Characteristic

SNI 04-0921-1989

Isolator keramik tegangan rendah, Kuat tembus listrik massa badan

Low voltage ceramic insulators, Body mass electrical permeability


SNI 04-0683-1989

Isolator keramik tegangan rendah, Kuat lentur dan kuat pukul massa badan

Low voltage ceramic insulators, Body mass bending and impact strength


SNI 04-0530-1989

Isolator keramik tegangan rendah jenis penutup tiang (bentuk T), Mutu dan cara uji

Low voltage ceramic insulators, pole covered type (T shape), Specification and test method


SNI 04-1146-1989

Isolator keramik tegangan menengah jenis post

Medium - voltage ceramic insulator, post type.


SNI 04-0682-1989

Isolator keramik tumpu tegangan menengah jenis pin

Medium - voltage supported ceramic insulators, pin type

SNI 04-0352-1989

Isolator keramik jenis pin penegang dan penarik, Mutu dan cara uji

Ceramic insulators, straining pin type, Specification and test method

SNI 04-1699-1989

Isolator keramik tegangan rendah jenis pin, penegang dan penarik, Karakteristik

Low voltage ceramic insulators, straining pin type, Characteristics


SNI 04-0577-1989

Isolator keramik tegangan rendah jenis penutup tiang (bentuk sungkup), Mutu dan cara uji

Low voltage ceramic insulators, pole covered type (bell shape), Specification and test method


SNI 04-0574-1989

Badan isolator keramik tegangan rendah, Kuat tekan dan kuat tarik

Low voltage ceramic insulator body, Compression and tensile strength.


SNI 04-1575-1989

Isolator keramik tegangan rendah jenis bispatrun

Low voltage ceramic insulators, bus pattern type


SNI 04-0681-1989

Isolator keramik gantung tegangan menengah jenis bola dan kopling sendi

Medium voltage hang ceramic insulators, ball type and joint coupling



SNI 04-6264-2000

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Bushings Busing berisolasi untuk tegangan arus bolak-balik di atas 1000 V

Insulated bushing for alternating voltages above 1000 V

IEC 137: 1995, Insulated bushing for alternating voltages above 1000 V Translation SNI IEC 60137:2009

IDT Busing Penginsulasi untuk tegangan bolak-balik diatas 1000 v

Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1 000 V

IEC 60137:2009, Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1 000 V Translation


SNI IEC/TS 60815-2:2014

Pemilihan dan penetapan dimensi insulator tegangan tinggi yang digunakan pada kondisi polusi - Bagian 2: Insulator keramik dan gelas untuk sistem a.b (IEC/TS 60815-2:2008, IDT)

Selection and determination of the dimension of the high-voltage insulators are used in pollution conditions - Part 2: Insulator ceramic and glass for ac systems (IEC / TS 60815-2: 2008, IDT)

SNI IEC 60050-195:2014

Kosakata elektroteknik internasional - Bagian 195: Pembumian dan proteksi terhadap kejut listrik (IEC 60050-195:1998, IDT)

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60050-195, Ed.1.0, (1998-08) ―International Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Part 195: Earthing and protection against electric shock.

IEC 60050-195:1998 IDT


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Sistem isolasi

SNI 04-6532.3-2001

Insulation systems

Koordinasi isolasi untuk perlengkapan pada sistem tegangan rendah Bagian 3: Penggunaan lapisan untuk mencapai koordinasi rakitan papan sirkit cetak

Insulation coordination for equipment within low voltage systems - Part 3: Use of coatings to achieve insulation coordination of printed board assemblies


IEC 60664-3: 1992, Insulation coordination for equipment within low voltage systems - Part 3: Use of coatings to achieve insulation coordination of printed board assemblies Translation SNI IEC 60071-2:2009

IDT Koordinasi insulasi - Bagian 2: Pedoman penerapan

Insulation co-ordination - Part 2: Application guide


IEC 60071-2:2009, Insulation co-ordination - Part 2: Application guide Translation



Components for electrical equipment

Komponen untuk peralatan listrik


Komponen untuk peralatan listrik secara umum

SNI 04-6284.1-2002

Components for electrical equipment in general

Perlengkapan listrik medik - Bagian 1: Persyaratan untuk keselamatan. Seksi 1 : Umum

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for safety - Section 1: General


IEC 60601-1: 1988, Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for safety Translation



Electrical accessories

Lengkapan listrik


Lengkapan listrik secara umum

Electrical accessories in general

SNI 04-6611-2001

Lengkapan jaringan tegangan rendah listrik pedesaan

Accessories of low-voltage networks for rural electrification


SNI 04-6610-2001

Lengkapan jaringan tegangan menengah untuk listrik pedesaan

Accessories of middle voltage network for rural electrification



Pipa saluran untuk keperluan listrik

SNI IEC 60670-22:2012

Conduits for electrical purposes

Kotak dan selungkup untuk lengkapan listrik pada instalasi listrik magun rumah tangga dan sejenis - Bagian 22: Persyaratan khusus untuk kotak dan selungkup hubung

Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 22: Particular requirements for connecting boxes and enclosures

IEC 60670-22 ed1.0 (2003-05) IDT


SNI IEC 60670-23:2012

Kotak dan selungkup untuk lengkapan listrik pada instalasi listrik magun rumah tangga dan sejenis - Bagian 23: Persyaratan khusus untuk kotak dan selungkup lantai

Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 23: Particular requirements for floor boxes and enclosures

IEC 60670-23 ed1.0 (2006-04) IDT SNI IEC 61386-1:2012

IDT Sistem konduit untuk manajemen kabel - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Conduit systems for cable management - Part 1: General requirements

IEC 61386-1 ed2.0 (2008-02) IDT


SNI IEC 61386-22:2012

Sistem konduit untuk manajemen kabel - Bagian 22: Persyaratan khusus Sistem konduit semifleksibel

Conduit Systems for cable management - Part 22: Particular requirements - Pliable conduit systems

IEC 61386-22 ed1.0 (2002-02) IDT


SNI IEC 61386-23:2012

Sistem konduit untuk manajemen kabel - Bagian 23: Persyaratan khusus Sistem konduit fleksibel

Conduit systems for cable management - Part 23: Particular requirements - Flexible conduit systems

IEC 61386-23 ed1.0 (2002-02) IDT


SNI IEC 61386-24:2012

Sistem konduit untuk manajemen kabel - Bagian 24: Persyaratan khusus Sistem konduit dipendam dalam tanah

Conduit systems for cable management - Part 24: Particular requirements - Conduit systems buried underground

IEC 61386-24 ed1.0 (2004-07) IDT


SNI IEC 60423:2010

Sistem Konduit Untuk Manajemen Kabel - Diameter luar konduit untuk instalasi listrik dan ulir untuk konduit dan fiting

Conduit systems for cable management - Outside diameters of conduits for electrical installations and threads for conduits and fittings

IEC 60423 ED 3.0 (2007-08) Translation SNI IEC 61386-21:2012

IDT Sistem konduit untuk manajemen kabel - Bagian 21: Persyaratan khusus Sistem konduit kaku

Conduit systems for cable management - Part 21: Particular requirements - Rigid conduit systems

IEC 61386-21 ed1.0 (2002-02) IDT


SNI IEC 60670-24:2015

Kotak dan selungkup untuk lengkapan listrik pada instalasi listrik magun untuk rumah tangga dan sejenis – Bagian 24: Persyaratan khusus untuk selungkup untuk mewadahi gawai proteksi dan perlengkapan listrik lainnya yang mendisipasi daya (IEC 60670-24:2011, IDT)

Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories on fixed electrical installations for household and similar - Part 24: Particular requirements for enclosures to accommodate the protective devices and other electrical equipment that dissipate


Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories on fixed electrical installations for household and similar - Part 1: General requirements


IEC 60670-24:2011 IDT SNI IEC 60670-1:2015

Kotak dan selungkup untuk lengkapan listrik pada instalasi listrik magun untuk rumah tangga dan sejenis - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum (IEC 606701:2011, IDT)

IEC 60670-1:2011 SNI 04-1703-1989

IDT Pipa untuk instalasi listrik, Spesifikasi khusus untuk pipa logam

Pipe for electrical installation, Specific requirement for metal pipe


SNI 04-1702-1989

Pipa untuk instalasi listrik, Spesifikasi khusus untuk pipa isolasi kaku rata

Pipe for electrical installation, Particular specification for flat rigid insulated pipe


SNI 05-0069-1987

Pipa union (conduit)


SNI 04-1701-1989

Pipa untuk instalasi listrik, Persyaratan umum

Pipe for electrical installation, General reguirement


Alat sambung

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Connecting devices

SNI 04-3004-1992

Blok terminal keramik untuk penghantar tembaga

Terminal ceramic block for copper conductor


SNI 04-3003-1992

Blok keramik untuk terminal

Ceramic block for terminals


SNI 04-4186-1996

Konektor tembus kedap air untuk kabel pilin udara tegangan rendah

Waterproof breakthrough connectors for low-voltage overhead line winding cables


SNI 04-3873-1995

Konektor tembus berbadan logam untuk kabel pilin udara tegangan rendah

Metal bodies breakthrough connectors for low voltage overhead line winding cables


SNI 04-3885-1995

Selongsong sambung jenis tekan

Pressure type junction sleeves


SNI 04-6609-2001

Lengkapan sambungan rumah dan bangunan untuk listrik pedesaan

Connecting devices of houses and buildings for rural electrification


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SNI IEC 60034-5:2011

Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 5: Tingkat proteksi yang diberikan oleh desain integral dari mesin listrik berputar (kode IP) – Klasifikasi

Rotating electrical machines – Part 5: Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines (IP code) – Classification

IEC 60034-5 ed 4.1 (2006-11) Rotating electrical machines – Part 5: Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines (IP code) – Classification Translation SNI IEC 62006:2013

IDT Mesin hidrolik-Uji keberterimaan instalasi pembangkit listrik tenaga air sekala kecil

Hydraulic machine-installation acceptance test for small scale hydroelectricity


Electrical household appliances and similar-Safety-Part 1: General requirements


Switches for fixed electrical installations tanggadan homes similar-Part 1: General requirements


Rotating electrical machines - Part 3: Special requirement for synchronous generators are turned by steam turbines or combustion gas turbines


IEC 62006:2010 Translation SNI 7859:2013

IDT Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis-Keselamatan-Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

IEC 60335-1:2010 Translation SNI IEC 60669-1:2013

IDT Saklar untuk instalasilistrik magun rumah tanggadan sejenis-Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

IEC 60034-3:2007 Translation SNI IEC 60034-3:2013

IDT Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 3: Persyaratan khusus untuk generator sinkron yang diputar oleh turbin uap atau turbin gas bakar

IEC 60034-3:2007 Translation SNI IEC 60445:2011

IDT Prinsip dasar dan prinsip keselamatan untuk antarmuka manusia-mesin, penandaan dan identifikasi – Identifikasi terminal perlengkapan dan terminasi konduktor

Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification Identification of equipment terminals and conductor terminations

IEC 60445 (2006-11) Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification - Identification of equipment terminals and conductor terminations Translation SNI IEC 60034-1:2013

IDT Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 1: Pengenal dan unjuk kerja

Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance


IEC 60034-1:2010 Translation SNI 7611:2011

IDT Pedoman untuk pemilihan insulator berkaitan dengan kondisi terpolusi

Guidelines for selection of insulator related to poluted condition

SPLN 10-3B 1993f (Standar Perusahaan Umum Listrik Negara) IDT SNI 7610:2011

Pembentukan gas pada cairan insulasi akibat stres dan ionisasi elektrik

Gassing of insulating liquids under electrical stress and ionization

IEC 60628 (1985-01) Gassing of insulating liquids under electrical stress and ionization MOD SNI IEC 60999-2:2011

Gawai hubung – Konduktor listrik tembaga – Persyaratan keselamatan untuk unit klem tipe sekrup dan nirsekrup - Bagian 2: Persyaratan khusus unit klem untuk konduktor di atas 35 mm2 sampai dengan 300 mm2

Connecting devices – Electrical copper conductors – Safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping units - Part 2: Particular requirements for clamping units for conductors above 35 mm2 up to 300 mm2 (included)

IEC 60999-2 ed 2.0 (2003-05) Connecting devices – Electrical copper conductors – Safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping units - Part 2: Particular requirements for clamping units for conductors above 35 mm2 up to 300 mm2 (included) Translation SNI IEC 60255-22-1:2011

IDT Rele ukur dan perlengkapan proteksi, Bagian 22 – 1: Uji gangguan listrik - uji imunitas lonjakan 1 MHz

Measuring relays and protection equipment – Part 22-1 : Electrical disturbance tests – 1 mHz burst immunity tests

IEC 60255-22-1 Ed.2.0 Translation SNI IEC 60998-1:2011

IDT Gawai konektor untuk sirkit tegangan rendah untuk perlengkapan rumah dan penggunaan yang serupa – Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes – Part 1: General requirements

IEC 60998-1 ed 2.0 (2002-12) Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes – Part 1: General requirements Translation SNI IEC 60034-2-1:2013

IDT Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 2-1: Metode standar untuk menentukan rugirugi dan efisiensi dari pengujian (tidak termasuk mesin untuk kendaraan traksi)

Rotating electrical machines - Part 3: Specific requirements for synchronous generators driven by steam turbines or combustion gas turbines


Copper conductor terminal block


IEC 60034-2-1:2007 Translation SNI 04-0201-1987


IDT Blok terminal hantaran tembaga

Tusuk kontak, kotak kontak, perangkai

SNI 04-3892.2.3-2000

Plugs, socket-outlets, couplers

Tusuk kontak dan kotak kontak untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Bagian 2.3: Persyaratan khusus untuk kotak-kontak yang bersakelar tanpa interlok untuk instalasi tetap

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2.3: Particular requirements for switched socket outlets without interlock for fixed installations


IEC 60884-2-3: 1989, Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2.3: Particular requirements for switched socket-outlets without interlock for fixed installations Translation


SNI 04-3892.1.1-2003

Tusuk-kontak dan kotak-kontak untuk keperluan rumah-tangga dan sejenisnya - Bagian 1-1: Persyaratan umum - Bentuk dan ukuran

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purpose - Part 1-1: General requirements - Type and size

SNI 04-6202.3-2000

Tusuk-kontak, kotak-kontak dan penyambung untuk keperluan industri Bagian 3: Persyaratan khusus untuk tusuk-kontak, kotak-kontak, penyambung dan inlet pemanfaat untuk penggunaan dalam atmosfer gas ledak

Plugs and socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 3: Particular requirements for plugs, socket outlets, connectors and appliance inlets for use in explosive gas atmospheres

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IEC 309-3 : 1994, Plugs and socket-outlets and couplers for industrialpurposes. Part 3 : Particular requirements for plugs, socket-outlets, connectors and appliance inlets-for use in explosive gas atmospheres Translation SNI IEC 60884-1:2009

IDT Tusuk kontak dan kotak kontak untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan setipenya - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 1: General requirements


IEC 60884-1:2009, Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 1: General requirements Translation SNI IEC 60320-1:2009

IDT Pengkopel untuk peralatan rumah tangga dan keperluan sejenis - Bagian 1 : Persyaratan umum

Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 1: General requirements

IEC 60320-1: ,Consolidated Edition 2.1 (incl. Am1) (2007-11) Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 1: General requirements Translation SNI IEC 61439-1:2010

IDT Rakitan gawai hubung-bagi dan kendali voltase rendah - Bagian 1: Ketentuan umum

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 1: General rules

IEC 61439-1 ED 1.0 (2009-01) Translation SNI 04-3892.1-2006

IDT Tusuk-kontak dan kotak-kontak untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes. Part 1: General requirements

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SNI IEC 60884-2-1:2014

Tusuk kontak dan kotak kontak untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan keperluan sejenis - Bagian 2-1: Persyaratan khusus untuk tusuk kontak bersekering (IEC 60884-2-1:2006, IDT)

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for fused plugs (IEC 60884-2-1: 2006, IDT)

SNI IEC 60884-2-1:2012

Tusuk kontak dan kotak kontak untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenis Bagian 2-1: Persyaratan khusus untuk tusuk kontak bersekering

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for fused plugs

IEC 60884-2-1 ed2.0 (2006-10) IDT SNI IEC 60884-2-2:2012

IDT Tusuk kontak dan kotak kontak untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenis Bagian 2-2: Persyaratan khusus untuk kotak kontak peranti

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for socket-outlets for appliances

IEC 60884-2-2 ed2.0 (2006-10) IDT SNI IEC 60884-2-4:2012

IDT Tusuk kontak dan kotak kontak untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenis Bagian 2-4: Persyaratan khusus untuk tusuk kotak dan kotak kontak SELV

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for plugs and socket-outlets for SELV

IEC 60884-2-4 ed3.0 (2007-11) IDT SNI IEC 60884-2-5:2012

IDT Tusuk kontak dan kotak kontak untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenis Bagian 2: Persyaratan khusus untuk adaptor

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2: Particular requirements for adaptors

IEC 60884-2-5 ed1.0 (1995-07) IDT SNI IEC 60884-2-6:2012

IDT Tusuk kontak dan kotak kontak untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenis Bagian 2-6: Persyaratan khusus untuk kotak kontak bersakelar dengan silih kunci untuk instalasi listrik magun

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for switched socket-outlets with interlock for fixed electrical installations

IEC 60884-2-6 ed1.0 (1997-08) IDT SNI IEC 60884-1:2014

IDT Tusuk kontak dan kotak kontak untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan keperluan sejenis - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum (IEC 60884-1:2006, IDT)

SNI IEC 60884-2-2:2014

Tusuk kontak dan kotak kontak untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan keperluan sejenis - Bagian 2-2: Persyaratan khusus kotak kontak untuk peranti pemanfaat (IEC 60884-2-2:2006, IDT)

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for appliances utilizing the contact box (IEC 60884-2-2: 2006, IDT)

SNI IEC 60320-2-4:2012

Kopler peranti untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan keperluan umum sejenis Bagian 2-4: Kopler tergantung pada bobot pemakaian peranti

Appliances couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-4: Couplers dependent on appliances weight for engagement

Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 1: General requirements (IEC 60884-1: 2006, IDT)

IEC 60320-2-4:2005, IDT Translation SNI IEC 62055-31:2012

IDT Pengukuran listrik - Sistem pembayaran- Bagian 31: Persyaratan khusus Meter pembayaran statik untuk energi aktif (kelas 1 dan 2) (IEC 6205531:2005, IDT)

Electricity metering - Payment systems - Part 31: Particular requirements - Static payment meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2)

IEC 62055-31:2005 IDT SNI IEC/TR 60919-3:2012

Kinerja sistem arus searah tegangan tinggi (ASTT) dengan konverter saluran terkomutasi – Bagian 3: Kondisi dinamik (IEC/TR 60919-3:2009, IDT)

Performance of high – voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line – commutated converters Part 3: Dynamic conditions

(IEC/TR 60919-3:2009 IDT SNI IEC 60320-2-1:2012

Kopler peranti untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan keperluan umum sejenis Bagian 2-1: Kopler mesin jahit

Appliances couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-1: Sewing machine couplers

IEC 60320-1:2000, IDT Translation SNI IEC 60320-2-2:2012

IDT Kopler peranti untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan keperluan umum sejenis Bagian 2-2: Kopler interkoneksi untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenis

Appliances couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-2: Interconnection couplier for household and similar equipment

IEC 60320-2-2:1998, IDT Translation


SNI IEC/TS 60815-1:2014

Pemilihan dan penetapan dimensi insulator tegangan tinggi yang digunakan pada kondisi polusi - Bagian 1 : Definisi, informasi dan prinsip umum (IEC/TS 60815-1:2008, IDT)

Selection and determination of the dimension of the high-voltage insulators are used in pollution conditions - Part 1: Definitions, information and general principles (IEC / TS 608151: 2008, IDT)

SNI IEC 60998-2-1:2012

Gawai hubung untuk sirkit voltase rendah untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenis - Bagian 2-1: Persyaratan khusus untuk gawai hubung sebagai entitas dengan unit pengklem jenis sekrup

Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities with screw-type clamping units

IEC 60998-2-1:2002, IDT Translation SNI IEC 60998-2-2:2012

IDT Gawai hubung untuk sirkit voltase rendah untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenis - Bagian 2-2: Persyaratan khusus untuk gawai hubung sebagai entitas terpisah dengan unit pengklem jenis nirsekrup

Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities with screwless-type clamping units

IEC 60998-2-2:2002, IDT Translation SNI IEC 60998-2-3:2012

IDT Gawai hubung untuk sirkit voltase rendah untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenis - Bagian 2-3: Persyaratan khusus untuk gawai hubung sebagai entitas terpisah dengan unit pengklem tembus insulasi

Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities with insulation-piercing clamping units

IEC 60998-2-3:2002, IDT Translation SNI IEC 60998-2-4:2012

IDT Gawai hubung untuk sirkit voltase rendah untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan sejenis - Bagian 2-4: Persyaratan khusus untuk gawai hubung puntir

Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for twist-on connecting devices

IEC 60998-2-4:2004, IDT Translation SNI IEC 60335-2-73:2012

IDT Piranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis -Keselamatan - Bagian 2-73: Persyaratan khusus untuk pemanas benam mangun

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-73: Particular requirements for fixed immersion heaters

IEC 60335-2-73:2009, IDT Translation


SNI IEC 60335-2-101:2012 Piranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis -Keselamatan - Bagian 2-101: Persyaratan khusus untuk alat penguap

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-101: Particular requirements for vaporizers

IEC 60335-2-101:2008, IDT Translation SNI IEC 60245-4:2014

IDT Kabel berinsulasi karet - Voltase pengenal sampai dengan 450/750 V Bagian 4: Kabel senur dan kabel fleksibel (IEC 60245-4:2011, IDT)

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Rubber insulated cables - Voltage up to and including 450/750 V - Part 4: flexible cords and cables (IEC 60245-4: 2011, IDT)

SNI IEC 60320-2-3:2012

Kopler peranti untuk keperluan rumah tangga dan keperluan umum sejenis Bagian 2-3: Kopler peranti dengan tingkat proteksi lebih tinggi dari IPX0

Appliances couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-3: Appliance couplers with a degree of protection higher than IPX0

IEC 60320-2-3:2005, IDT Translation SNI IEC 60633:2015

IDT Istilah untuk transmisi Arus Searah Tegangan Tinggi (ASTT) (IEC 60633:2009, IDT)

Terminology for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission (IEC 60633:2009, IDT)


IEC 60633:2009 IDT



SNI 04-6210-2000

Switches Kombinasi swits pengaman lebur arus bolak-balik tegangan tinggi

High voltage alternating current switch-fuse combination


Switches for appliances - Part 1: General requirements



IEC 60420 : 1990, High-voltage alternating current switch-fuse combinations Translation SNI 04-6508.1-2001

IDT Sakelar untuk pemanfaat - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

IEC 61058: 1996, Switches for appliances - Part 1: General requirements Translation


SNI 04-6203.2.2-2000

Sakelar untuk instalasi listrik tetap rumah tangga dan sejenis - Bagian 2 : Persyaratan khusus - Seksi 2: Sakelar kontrol jarak jauh elektromagnetik (SKJJ)

Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installation - Part 2 : Particular requirements - Section 2 : Electromagnetic remote control switches (RCS)

SNI 04-6254-2000

Tata penempatan tombol darurat

Codes for location of emergency pushbutton switches

SNI IEC 60669-2-2:2012

Sakelar untuk instalasi listrik magun rumah tangga dan sejenis - Bagian 2 2: Persyaratan khusus - Sakelar kendali jarak jauh elektromagnetik

Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Electromagnetic remote-control switches (RCS)


IEC 60669-2-2 ed3.0 (2006-08) IDT


SNI IEC 60669-2-3:2012

Sakelar untuk instalasi listrik magun rumah tangga dan sejenis - Bagian 2 3: Persyaratan khusus - Sakelar tunda waktu

Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Time-delay switches (TDS)

IEC 60669-2-3 ed3.0 (2006-08) IDT


SNI IEC 60947-3:2012

Perangkat hubung bagi dan kendali voltase rendah - Bagian 3: Sakelar, diskonektor, diskonektor sakelar dan unit kombinasi sekering

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switchdisconnectors and fuse-combination units

IEC 60947-3 ed3.0 (2008-08) IDT


SNI 04-6203.1-2006

Saklar untuk instalasi listrik tetap rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical - Part 1: General requirements


SNI IEC 60669-1:2009

Sakelar untuk instalasi rumah-tangga dan instalasi listrik magun sejenisnya Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements


IEC 60669-1:2009, Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements Translation SNI IEC 60669-2-1:2009

IDT Sakelar Untuk Rumah Tangga dan Instalasi Listrik Magun Sejenis - Bagian 21: Persyaratan Khusus - Sakelar Elektronik

Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2-1: Particular requirements - Electronic switches


IEC 60669-2-1:2009, Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 2-1: Particular requirements - Electronic switches Translation SNI IEC 60669-2-5:2016

IDT Sakelar untuk instalasi listrik magun rumah tangga dan sejenis - Bagian 2-5: Persyaratan khusus - Sakelar dan lengkapan terkait untuk penggunaan dalam sistem elektronik rumah dan gedung (HBES) (IEC 60669-2-5:2013, IDT)

The switch for the fixed electrical installation of household and similar - Part 2-5: Particular requirements - Switches and related accessories for use in home and building electronic systems (HBES) (IEC 60669-2-5:2013, IDT)


Alternating current switches


IEC 60669-2-5:2013 IDT SNI 04-0533-1989


Sakelar arus bolak-balik

Sekering dan alat proteksi arus lebih lainnya

Fuses and other overcurrent protection devices

SNI 04-2950-1992

Penutup sekering berulir keramik

Threaded ceramic fuse cover


SNI 04-6507.2-2002

Pemutus sirkit untuk proteksi arus lebih pada instalasi rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Bagian 2: Pemutus sirkit untuk operasi arus bolak-balik dan arus searah

Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations - Part 2: Circuit-breakers for a.c and d.c. operation


IEC 60898-2-2000 Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations - Part 2 : Circuit-breakers for a.c. and d.c. operation cover sheet SNI 04-6956.2.1-2005

IDT Pemutus sirkit arus sisa tanpa proteksi arus lebih terpadu untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan sejenisnya (RCCB) - Bagian 2-1: Penerapan persyaratan umum RCCB yang berfungsi tak tergantung dari tegangan saluran

Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB’s) - Part 2-1: Applicability of the general rules to RCCB’s functionally independent of line voltage


IEC 61008-2-1: 1990-12, Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral over-current protection for household and similar uses (RCCB's) - Part 2-1 : Applicability of the general rules to RCCB's functionally independent of line voltage Translation SNI 04-6285-2000

IDT Pengaman lebur untuk keperluan instalasi rumah tangga dan sejenisnya

Fuses for domestic and similar purposes


IEC 241: 1968, Fuses for domestic and similar purposes Translation SNI 04-6286-2000

IDT Pemutus tenaga yang dioperasikan oleh arus sisi dengan pengaman arus lebih terpadu untuk penggunaan rumah tangga dan sejenisnya (RCBO)

Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO's)


IEC 61009-1: 1991, Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO's) - Part 1: General rules Translation SNI 04-6505.1-2001

MOD Pengaman lebur tegangan rendah - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Low-voltage fuses - Part 1: General requirement


Electrical accessories - Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations - Part 1: Circuit-breakers for a.c. operation


IEC 269-1: 1998, Low-voltage fuses - Part 1: General requirements Translation SNI IEC 60898-1:2009

IDT Lengkapan listrik - pemutus-sirkit untuk proteksi arus-lebih untuk proteksi arus-lebih untuk instalasi rumah tangga dan yang sejenisnya - Bagian 1: Pemutus-sirkit untuk operasi a.b

IEC 60898-1:2009, Electrical accessories - Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations - Part 1: Circuit-breakers for a.c. operation Translation


SNI 04-6507.12002/Amd1-2006

Amandemen 1 Pemutus sirkit untuk proteksi arus lebih pada instalasi rumah tangga dan sejenisnya - Bagian 1: Pemutus sirkit untuk operasi arus bolakbalik

Amendment 1 Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations - Part 1: Circuit-breakers for a.c operated

SNI IEC 60099-1:2009

Arester Surja - Bagian 1: Arester surja resistor non linear dengan sela untuk sistem a.b

Surge arresters - Part 1: Non-linear resistor type gapped surge arresters for a.c. systems

IEC 60099-1:2009, Surge arresters - Part 1: Non-linear resistor type gapped surge arresters for a.c. systems Translation


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SNI IEC 60099-4:2009

Arester Surja - Bagian 4: Arester surja oksida-logam tanpa sela untuk sistem a.b

Surge arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems


IEC 60099-4:2009, Surge arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems Translation SNI IEC 61009-2-1:2014

IDT Gawai proteksi arus sisa dengan proteksi arus lebih terpadu untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan sejenis (RCBO’s) – Bagian 2-1: Penerapan aturan umum untuk RCBO’s yang berfungsi tak tergantung dari voltase lin

Residual current protective devices with integrated overcurrent protection for household and similar use (RCBO's) - Part 2-1: Application of the general rules to RCBO's that function independently of the voltage lin


Residual current protective devices with integrated overcurrent protection for household and similar use (RCBO's) - Part 2-2: Application of the general rules to RCBO's functioning depends on the voltage lin


IEC 61009-2-1:1991 IDT


SNI IEC 61009-2-2:2014

Gawai proteksi arus sisa dengan proteksi arus lebih terpadu untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan sejenis (RCBO’s) – Bagian 2-2: Penerapan aturan umum untuk RCBO’s yang berfungsi tergantung dari voltase lin

IEC 61009-2-2:1991 IDT


SNI IEC 61008-1:2011

Pemutus sirkit arus sisa tanpa proteksi arus lebih terpadu untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan sejenisnya (RCCB)-Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) - Part 1: General rules

IEC 61008-1 Ed 3.0 (2010-02) Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) - Part 1: General rules Coversheet SNI IEC 61009-1:2014

IDT Gawai proteksi arus sisa dengan proteksi arus lebih terpadu untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan sejenis (RCBOs) – Bagian 1: Aturan umum

Residual current protective devices with integrated overcurrent protection for household and similar use (RCBOs) - Part 1: General rules


Residual current operated circuit breaker with integrated overcurrent protection for household and similar use (RCBO) - Part 2-1: Application of the general rules to RCBO functionally independent of line voltage


Residual current operated circuit breaker with integrated overcurrent protection for household and similar use (RCBO) - Part 2-2: Application of the general rules to RCBO functionally dependent on line voltage


IEC 61009-1:2012 IDT


SNI IEC 61009-2-1:2014

Pemutus sirkit dioperasikan arus sisa dengan proteksi arus lebih terpadu untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan sejenis (RCBO) – Bagian 2-1: Penerapan aturan umum untuk RCBO yang secara fungsi tak tergantung pada voltase lin (IEC 61009-2-1:1991, IDT)

IEC 61009-2-1:1991 IDT SNI IEC 61009-2-2:2014

Pemutus sirkit dioperasikan arus sisa dengan proteksi arus lebih terpadu untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan sejenis (RCBO) – Bagian 2-2: Penerapan aturan umum untuk RCBO yang secara fungsi tergantung pada voltase lin (IEC 61009-2-2:1991, IDT)

IEC 61009-2-2:1991 SNI IEC 61008-2-2:2014

SNI IEC 60269-2:2015

IDT Pemutus sirkit arus sisa tanpa proteksi arus lebih terpadu untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan sejenis (RCCB) - Bagian 2-2: Penerapan aturan umum RCCB yang berfungsi tergantung dari voltase lin (IEC 61008-2-2:1990, IDT) Sekering voltase rendah - Bagian 2: Persyaratan suplemen untuk sekering yang digunakan oleh personel berwenang (sekering terutama untuk penerapan industri) - Contoh sistem terstandardisasi sekering A hingga K (IEC 60269-2: 2013, IDT)

Residual current circuit breakers without overcurrent protection integrated for household and similar use (RCCB) - Part 2-2: Application of general rules RCCB functioning depends on the voltage lin (IEC 61008-2-2: 1990, IDT) Low-voltage fuses - Part 2: Requirements supplement for fuses used by authorized persons (fuses mainly for industrial application) - Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to K (IEC 60269-2: 2013, IDT)


IEC 60269-2: 2013 IDT SNI IEC 60269-4:2015

Sekering voltase rendah - Bagian 4: Persyaratan suplemen untuk tautan sekering untuk proteksi gawai semikonduktor (IEC 60269-4:2009, IDT)

Low-voltage fuses - Part 4: Requirements supplement for fuse links for protection of semiconductor devices (IEC 60269-4: 2009, IDT)


IEC 60269-4:2009 IDT SNI IEC 60269-3:2015

Sekering voltase rendah - Bagian 3: Persyaratan suplemen untuk sekering yang digunakan oleh orang awam (sekering terutama untuk penerapan rumah tangga dan sejenis) - Contoh sistem terstandardisasi sekering A hingga F (IEC 60269-3:2010, IDT)

Low-voltage fuses - Part 3: Requirements supplement for fuses used by laymen (fuses mainly for household and similar application) - Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to F (IEC 60269-3: 2010, IDT)


Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs) - Part 1: General rules (IEC 61009-1:2012, IDT)


IEC 60269-3:2010 IDT SNI IEC 61009-1:2014

Pemutus sirkit dioperasikan arus sisa dengan proteksi arus lebih terpadu untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan sejenis (RCBO) - Bagian 1: Aturan Umum (IEC 61009-1:2012, IDT)

IEC 61009-1:2012 SNI 04-0922-1989


IDT Pipa gelas untuk sekering

Glass pipes for electrical fuses

Papan hubung bagi dan kendali


Switchgear and controlgear

SNI 04-4188-1996

Ketentuan umum standar perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kontrol untuk tegangan tinggi

General rules for high-voltage switchgear and controlgears


SNI 04-6282.7.1-2000

Hubung bagi dan kontrol tegangan rendah. Bagian 7: Perlengkapan tambahan. Seksi 1: Blok terminal untuk konduktor tembaga

Low-voltage switcgear and controlgear. Part 7: Ancillary equipment. Section 1: Terminal blocks for copper conductors


IEC 60947-7-1: 1989, Low-voltage switcgear and controlgear - Part 7: Ancillary equipment - Section 1: Terminal blocks for copper conductors Translation SNI 04-6281-2000

IDT Persyaratan tambahan untuk PHB dan kontrol berselungkup dari 1 kV sampai 72,5 kV yang digunakan pada kondisi klimatik yang berat

Additional requirements for enclosed switchgear and controlgear from 1 kV to 72,5 kV to be used in severe climatic conditions


IEC 60932: 1988, Additional requirements for enclosed switchgear and controlgear from 1 kV to 72.5 kV to be used in severe climatic conditions Translation


SNI 04-0532-1989

Kotak hubung bagi arus bolak-balik

Alternating current switchboard


SNI 04-1691-1989

Perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kontrol rakitan pabrik untuk tegangan rendah.

Low voltage switchgear and controlgear, Factory assemblies.


SNI 04-1225-1989

Perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kendali selungkup logam tegangan rendah

Low voltage metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear





SNI 04-6186.13-1999

Relai listrik. Bagian 13: Bias relai diferensial (prosentase)

Electrical relays. Part 13: Biased (percentage) differensial relays


SNI 04-6186.25-2003

Relai listrik - Bagian 25: Uji emisi elektromagnetik pada relai pengukuran dan perlengkapan proteksi

Electrical relays - Part 25: Electromagnetic emission tests for measuring relays and protection equipment


Electrical relays - Part 20: Protection systems


IEC 60255-25: 2000 Translation SNI 04-6186.20-2000

IDT Relai listrik - Bagian 20: Sistem proteksi

IEC 60255-20: 1984, Electrical relays - Part 20: Protection systems Translation


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SNI 04-6186.22.2-2001

Relai listrik - Bagian 22: Uji gangguan listrik pada relai pengukuran dan perlengkapan pengaman - Seksi 2: Uji pelepasan elektrostatik

Electrical relays - Part 22: Electronic disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment - Section 2: Electrostatic discharger tests


IEC 60255-22-2: 1988, Electrical relays - Part 22: Electronic disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment - Section 2: Electrostatic discharger tests Translation


SNI 04-6186.14-1999

Relai listrik. Bagian 14: Uji ketahanan kontak relai listrik - Nilai yang dipilih untuk beban kontak

Electrical relays. Part 14: Endurance tests for electrical relay contacts - Prefered values for contact loads

SNI 04-6186.15-2000

Relai listrik - Bagian 15: Uji ketahanan untuk kontak relai listrik - Spesifikasi untuk karakter perlengkapan uji

Electrical relays - Part 15: Endurance tests for electrical relay contacts - Specification for the characteristics of test equipment

14 5

IEC 255-15: 1981, Electrical relays, Part 15: Endurance tests for electrical relay contacts - Specification for the characteristics of test equipment Translation SNI 04-6186.16-2000

IDT Relai listrik - Bagian 16: Relai pengukuran impedans

Electrical relays - Part 16: Impedance measuring relays.


Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shocks bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment - Section 2: Shock and bump tests


IEC 60255-16 edisi pertama 1982, Electrical Relays, Part 16: Impedance measuring relays Translation SNI 04-6186.21.2-2001

MOD Relai listrik - Bagian 21: Uji vibrasi, kejut dan seismik pada relai pengukuran dan perlengkapan pengaman - Seksi 2: Uji benturan dan kejut

IEC 60255-21-2: 1988, Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shocks bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment - Section 2: Shock and bump tests Translation SNI 04-6186.22.3-2001

IDT Relai listrik - Bagian 22: Uji gangguan listrik pada relai pengukuran dan perlengkapan pengaman - Seksi 3: Uji gangguan radiasi medan elektromagnetik

Electrical relays - Part 22: Electrical disturbance test for measuring relays and protection equipment - Section 3: Radiated electromagnetic field disturbance tests


IEC 60255-22-3: 1989, Electrical relays - Part 22: Electrical disturbance test for measuring relays and protection equipment - Section 3: Radiated electromagnetic field disturbance tests Translation SNI 04-6186.23-2002

IDT Relai listrik - Bagian 23: Unjuk kerja kontak

Electrical relays - Part 23: Contact performance


Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment - Section 3: Seismic tests


IEC 60255-23:1994, Electrical relays - Part 23: Contact performance Translation SNI 04-6186.21.3-2001

MOD Relai listrik - Bagian 21: Uji vibrasi, kejut, benturan dan seismik pada relai ukur dan perlengkapan pengaman - Seksi 3: Uji seismik

IEC 60255-21-3: 1993, Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment - Section 3: Seismic tests Translation SNI 04-6186.21.1-2000

IDT Relai listrik - Bagian 21: Pengujian getaran, kejut dan gempa pada relai pengukuran dan perlengkapan proteksi - Seksi 1: Pengujian gempa

Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shock and seismic testing on measuring relays and protection equipment - Section 1: Seismic testing


IEC 255-21-1: 1988-09, Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment - Section 1: Vibration tests (sinusoidal) Translation SNI 04-6186.22.4-2001

IDT Relai listrik - Bagian 22: Uji gangguan listrik untuk relai ukur dan perlengkapan proteksi - Seksi 4: Uji gangguan transien cepat

Electrical relays - Part 22: Electrical disturbances tests for measuring relays and protection equipment - Section 4: Fast transient disturbances test

IEC 60225-22-4:1992, Electrical relays - Part 2: Eletrical relays and protection equipment, Section 4: Fast transient disturbance test Translation



Lengkapan listrik lainnya

SNI IEC 60358:2009

Other electrical accessories

Kapasitor Kopling dan Kapasitor Pembagi

Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers


IEC 60358:2009, Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers Translation



Switchgear and controlgear

Papan hubung bagi dan kendali


Peralatan pengontrol penghubung dan hubung bagi tegangan tinggi

High voltage switchgear and controlgear

SNI 04-6950-2003

Saluran udara tegangan tinggi (SUTT) dan saluran udara tegangan ekstra tinggi (SUTET) - Nilai ambang batas medan listrik dan medan magnet

High voltage and extra high voltage lines - Limitation value for electrical fields and electromagnetic fields


SNI IEC 60694:2009

Standar spesifikasi bersama untuk perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kendali tegangan tinggi

Common Specifications For High-Voltage Switchgear And Controlgear Standards


Hubungan kabel untuk PHB berselungkup logam berinsulasi gas untuk tegangan pengenal 72,5 kV dan diatasnya Kabel insulasi diekstrusi dan berisi fluida - Terminasi kabel tipe kering dan berisi fluida

Cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages of 72,5 kV and above – fluid-filled and extruded insulation cables – fluid-filled and dry type cable terminations


IDT Sakelar tegangan tinggi - Bagian 1: Sakelar untuk tegangan pengenal di atas 1 kV dan di bawah 52 kV

High-voltages switches – Part 1: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and less than 52 kV

IEC 60694:2002 Translation SNI IEC 60859:2009


IEC 60859:1999 Translation SNI IEC 60265-1:2011

IEC 60265-1 (1998-01) High-voltages switches – Part 1: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and less than 52 kV IDT SNI 04-1927-1990

Pemutus tenaga arus bolak-balik tegangan tinggi bagian-bagian nilai pengenal

High voltage alternating current circuit breaker, rated value parts


IEC 56 (60056) : High-voltage swicthgear and controlgear - Alternating current circuit - breakers (IEC ini sudah ditarik thn 2001 diganti IEC 62271-100 ed.1.0 - 2001 MOD


Peralatan pengontrol penghubung dan hubung bagi tegangan rendah

SNI 04-6282.3-2001

Low voltage switchgear and controlgear

Perlengkapan hubung-bagi dan kontrol tegangan rendah - Bagian 3: Sakelar, pemisah, sakelar-pemisah dan unit pengaman-lebur kombinasi

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors and fusecombination units


IEC 60947: 1999, Low-voltage switchgears and controlgears - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors and fuse-combination units Translation SNI 04-6282.6.2-2001

MOD Perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kontrol tegangan rendah - Bagian 6: Perlengkapan fungsi - Seksi 2: Gawai (atau perlengkapan) kontrol dan switsing pengaman (KSP)

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear equipment - Part 6: Function equipment - Section 2: Control and protective switching devices (CPS)


IEC 947-6-2: 1992 + Amendment 1: 1997 + Amendment 2: 1998, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 6: Multiple function equipment - Section 2: Control and protective switching devices (CPS) Translation SNI 04-6282.7.2-2001

IDT Perlengkapan hubung-bagi dan kontrol tegangan rendah - Bagian 7: Perlengkapan bantu - Seksi 2: Blok terminal konduktor pengaman untuk konduktor tembaga

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear equipment - Part 7: Ancillary equipment - Section 2: Protective conductor terminal blocks for copper conductors


IEC 60947-7-2: 1995, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear equipment - Part 7: Ancillary equipment - Section 2: Protective conductor terminal blocks for copper conductors Translation SNI 04-6282.2-2002

IDT Perlengkapan hubung-bagi dan kontrol tegangan rendah - Bagian 2: Pemutus sirkit

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers

IEC 60947-2-2002, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers Translation


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SNI IEC 60439-1:2009

Rakitan perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kendali voltase rendah - Bagian 1: Rakitan uji-jenis dan rakitan uji jenis parsial

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 1: Type-tested and partially typetested assemblies


IEC 60439-1:2004 Translation SNI IEC 60947-7-1:2009

IDT Perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kendali tegangan rendah - Bagian 7-1: Peralatan tambahan - Blok terminal untuk konduktor tembaga

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 7-1: Ancillary equipment - Terminal blocks for copper conductors

IEC 60947-7-1:2009, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 7-1: Ancillary equipment – Terminal blocks for copper conductors Translation SNI 04-6282.1-2003

IDT Perlengkapan hubung-bagi dan kontrol tegangan rendah - Bagian 1: Ketentuan umum

Low-voltage switchgears and control gears - Part 1: General rules

IEC 60947-1: 2001-12 Coversheet SNI IEC 60947-1:2009

IDT Perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kendali tegangan rendah - Bagian 1 : Aturan Umum

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: General rules


IEC 60947-1:2009, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: General rules Translation SNI IEC 61439-2:2011

IDT Rakitan perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kendali voltase rendah – Bagian 2: Rakitan perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kendali daya

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies – Part 2 : Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies

IEC 61439-2 (2009) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies – Part 2 : Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies Coversheet SNI IEC 61439-2:2013

IDT Rakitan perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kendali voltase rendah - Bagian 2: Rakitan perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kendali daya

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 2 : Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies

IEC 61439-2:2011 Translation SNI IEC 61439-3:2014

IDT Rakitan perangkat penyakelaran dan kendali voltase rendah - Bagian 3: Panel distribusi yang dimaksudkan untuk dioperasikan oleh orang awam (DBO) (IEC 61439-3:2012, IDT)

Assembled switches device and low voltage control - Part 3: Panel distribution is intended to be operated by a layman (DBO)

IEC 61439-3: 2012 SNI IEC 62208:2016

IDT Selungkup kosong untuk rakitan perangkat sakelar dan kendali (switchgear and controlgear) voltase rendah - Persyaratan umum (IEC 62208:2011, IDT)

Empty enclosures for switch assemblies and control devices (switchgear and controlgear) Low voltage - General requirements (IEC 62208:2011, IDT)


Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers


IEC 62208:2011 IDT SNI 04-6282.2-2001 amd 1-2002

Perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kontrol tegangan rendah - Bagian 2: Pemutus tenaga

IEC 60947-2:1995, Amendement 1, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear , Part 1: Circuit-breakers MOD SNI 04-0202-1987

Selungkup peralatan listrik tegangan rendah untuk perlengkapan hubung bagi dan pengaturan, Tingkat pengaman

Enclosure for low voltage switchgear and controlgear, Degree of protection


SNI 04-6916-2002

Metode asesmen kenaikan suhu dengan ekstrapolasi untuk perlengkapan hubung bagi dan kontrol tegangan rendah rakitan uji jenis parsial (RUJP)

A method of temperature-rise assesment by extrapolation for partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA) of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear


IEC 60890:1987, A method of temperature-rise assessment by extrapolation for partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA) of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Translation



Lamps and related equipment

Lampu dan peralatan yang berkaitan

SNI IEC 60969:2009

Lampu swabalast untuk pelayanan pencahayaan umum - Persyaratan unjuk kerja

Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services - Performance requirements


IEC 60969: ,Consolidated Edition 1.2 (incl. am1+am2) (2001-03) Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services - Performance requirements IDT


Lampu secara umum

SNI IEC/TR 60887:2009

Lamps in general

Sistem pengkodean bola lampu

Glass bulb designation system for lamps


IEC/TR 60887 Edition 2.0 (2003-07) Glass bulb designation system for lamps Translation SNI IEC/PAS 62612:2013

IDT Lampu LED swa-balast untuk pelayanan pencahayaan umum - Persyaratan Kinerja

Self-ballasted LED - lamps for general lighting services - Performance requirements


Ballasted LED lamps for general lighting service with a supply voltage of> 50 V Performance requirements (IEC 62612:2013, IDT)


IEC/PAS 62612:2009 Translation SNI IEC 62612:2016

IDT Lampu LED swa-balast untuk layanan penerangan umum dengan tegangan suplai > 50 V - Persyaratan kinerja (IEC 62612:2013, IDT)

IEC 62612:2013 IDT SNI 04-0534-1989

Fitting lampu arus bolak-balik

Alternating current lamp fitting


SNI 04-6917.1-2002

Perlengkapan ballas untuk lampu (tidak termasuk lampu tabung fluoresen) Persyaratan umum dan persyaratan keselamatan - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Ballast auxiliaries for discharge lamps (excluding tubular flourescent lamps) - General and safety requirements - Part 1: General requirements


IEC 60922:1997, Auxilaries for lamps - Ballast for discharge lamps excluding tubular flourescent lamps) - General and safety requirements Translation



Lambung lampu dan gagang lampu

SNI IEC 60400:2011

Lamp caps and holders

Fiting lampu untuk lampu tabung fluoresen dan fiting starter

Lampholders for tubular fluorescent lamps and starterholders

IEC 60400:2004 -11 Translation SNI 04-6707-2002

IDT Fiting lampu sekerup Edison

Edison screw lamp holders


IEC 60238, Edison screw lampholders IDT


Lampu pijar

Incandescent lamps

SNI 10-4982-1999

Lampu sorot marin tipe bola lampu halogen

Halogen bulb searchlight

SNI IEC 60064: 2007

Lampu berfilamen tungsten untuk pencahayaan domestik dan pencahayaan umum sejenis - Persyaratan kinerja

Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar public lighting - Performance requirements

SNI IEC 60432-1:2009

Lampu pijar - Spesifikasi keselamatan - Bagian 1 : Lampu berfilament tungsten untuk rumah tangga dan penerangan umum serupa

Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 1: Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes

IEC 60432-1 (Consolidated Edition 2.1 (incl. am1) (2005-05) Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 1: Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes Translation


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SNI IEC 60432-2:2015

Lampu pijar - Spesifikasi keselamatan - Bagian 2: Lampu halogen tungsten untuk rumah tangga dan penerangan umum serupa (IEC 60432-2:2012, IDT)

Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 2: Tungsten halogen lamps for domestic and similar general lighting (IEC 60432-2: 2012, IDT)


Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 3: tungsten halogen lamps (non-vehicle) (IEC 60432-3: 2012, IDT)


IEC 60432-2:2012 IDT SNI IEC 60432-3:2015

Lampu pijar - Spesifikasi keselamatan - Bagian 3: Lampu halogen tungsten (non-kendaraan) (IEC 60432-3:2012, IDT)

IEC 60432-3:2012 IDT SNI 04-1704-1989

Lampu berfilamen tungsten untuk penerangan rumah tangga dan penerangan umum yang sejenis, Persyaratan keamanan

Tungsten filament lamps for home and general lighting, Safety requirement


SNI 04-0448-1989

Bola gelas untuk lampu pijar, Mutu dan cara uji

Glass bulb for incandescent lamps, Specification and test method


SNI 10-0982-1989

Lampu pijar kapal

Ships' incandecent lamps


SNI 04-1474-1989

Warna lampu sinyal dan tombol tekan dalam rangkaian kendali

Colours of signal lamps and pushbuttons in control circuit


Lampu fluoresen


Fluorescent lamps. Discharge lamps

SNI 04-3561-1994

Balast untuk lampu flouresen arus bolak balik

AC fluorescent lamps ballast


SNI 04-3559-1999

Lampu fluoresen bentuk tabung untuk penggunaan umum

Tabular fluorescent lamps for general use


SNI 04-6509.1-2001

Ballas untuk tabung lampu fluoresen - Persyaratan umum dan persyaratan keamanan - Seksi 1: Persyaratan umum

Ballast for tubular fluorescent lamps - General and safety requirements - Section 1: General requirements


IEC 60920: 1990 Amendment 1: 1993 Amendment 2: 1990, Ballast for tubular fluorescent lamps - General and safety requirements Translation SNI 04-6510-2001

IDT Ballas untuk tabung lampu fluoresen - Persyaratan kinerja

Ballast for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements


IEC 60921: 1988 Amendment 1: 1990 Amendment 2: 1994, Ballast for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements Translation SNI 04-6261.1-2000

IDT Kapasitor yang digunakan dalam tabung fluoresen dan sirkuit lampu luah lainnya - Persyaratan umum dan keamanan - Bagian 1: Umum

Capacitors for use in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuit - General and safety requirements - Part 1: General


IEC 1048-2: 1991, Capacitors for use in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuit - General and safety requirements Translation


SNI 04-6504-2001

Lampu swa-balast untuk pelayanan pencahayaan umum - Persyaratan keselamatan

Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting - Safety requirements

SNI 04-6393-2000

Sistem lempu fluoresen dengan catudaya rangkaian modul PV - Persyaratan dan prosedur uji kenerja

Fluorescent lamps system with PV modul power supply - Requirement and performance test procedure

SNI IEC 61347-2-8:2009

Alat kendali lampu - Bagian 2-8 : Persyaratan khusus untuk balats lampu flourescent

Lamp controlgear - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lamps

16 7 21

IEC 61347-2-8 (Consolidated Edition 1.1 (incl. am1) (2006-03) Lamp controlgear - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lamps Translation SNI IEC 60901:2009

IDT Lampu fluoresen kaki tunggal - Spesifikasi unjuk kerja

Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications


IEC 60901 (Consolidated Edition 2.2 (incl. am1+am2) (2001-11) Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications Translation SNI IEC 61199:2009

IDT Lampu fluorescen kaki lampu tunggal - Spesifikasi keselamatan

Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications


IEC 61199 Edition 2.0 (1999-10) Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications Translation SNI IEC 60155:2010

IDT Penganjak pijar untuk lampu fluoresen

Glow-starter for fluorescent lamps

IEC 60155 Fourth Edition (1993-11) + Amd (1995-10) Translation SNI IEC 60921:2010

IDT Balast untuk lampu fluoresen tabung lurus - Persyaratan kinerja

Ballast for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requiremenets

IEC 60921 Edition 2.1 Translation SNI IEC 60929:2009

IDT Balast elektronik bertegangan a.b. - Untuk lampu fluoresen tabunbg Persyaratan kinerja

AC-supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements

IEC 60929 {Ed.3.0}. AC-supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements Translation SNI IEC 61195:2009

IDT Lampu fluorescent dengan kaki lampu ganda -Spesifikasi keselamatan

Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications


Induction fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications (IEC 62532: 2011, IDT)


Self-ballast lamps general lighting - Safety requirements (IEC 60 968: 2012, IDT)


LED lights self-ballast for general lighting services by voltage> 50 V - Safety specifications (IEC 62 560: 2011, IDT)


IEC 61195 Edition 2.0 (1999-10) Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications Translation SNI IEC 62532:2015

IDT Lampu induksi fluoresen - Spesifikasi keselamatan (IEC 62532:2011, IDT)

IEC 62532:2011 IDT SNI IEC 60968:2015

Lampu swa-balast penerangan umum - Persyaratan keselamatan (IEC 60968:2012, IDT)

IEC 60968:2012 IDT SNI IEC 62560:2015

Lampu LED swa-balast untuk layanan pencahayaan umum dengan tegangan >50 V - Spesifikasi keselamatan (IEC 62560:2011, IDT)

IEC 62560:2011 IDT SNI IEC 60081:2015

Lampu fluoresen kaki lampu ganda - Spesifikasi kinerja (IEC 60081:2002, IDT)

Dual lamp foot fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications (IEC 60081: 2002, IDT)


IEC 60081:2002 IDT SNI 04-0527-1989

Mutu dan cara uji pipa gelas untuk lampu tabung (TL) penggunaan umum

Glass pipe for tubular lamps (TL), General use, Specification and test method

SNI 04-0133-2000

Starter pijar lampu fluoresen

Glow starter for fluorescent lamps



SNI IEC 60570:2009

Luminaires Sistem rak suplai listrik untuk luminer

Electrical supply track systems for luminaires

IEC 60570:2009, Electrical supply track systems for luminaires. Translation

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SNI 04-6973.2.5-2005

Luminer - Bagian 2-5: Persyaratan khusus - Luminer lampu sorot

Luminaires - Part 2-5: Particular requirements - Floodlights


IEC 60598-2-5: 1998-01 Translation SNI 04-6973.2.3-2005

IDT Luminer - Bagian 2-3: Persyaratan khusus - Luminer untuk pencahayaan jalan umum

Luminaires - Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Luminaires for road and street lighting


IEC 60598-2-3: 2002 Translation SNI 04-6973.2.2-2005

IDT Luminer - Bagian 2-2: Persyaratan khusus - Luminer tanam

Luminaires - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Recessed luminaires


Luminaires - Part 2-1: Particular requirements - Fixed general purpose luminaires


IEC 60598-2-2: 1997 Translation SNI 04-6973.2.1-2005

IDT Luminer - Bagian 2-1: Persyaratan khusus - Luminer magun kegunaan umum

IEC 60598-2-1: 1979 Translation SNI IEC 60598-2-8:2012

IDT Luminer - Bagian 2-8: Persyaratan khusus - Lampu tangan

Luminaires - Part 2-8: Particular requirements - Handlamps

IEC 60598-2-8 ed2.2 Consol. With am1&2 (2007-07) IDT


SNI IEC 60598-2-4:2012

Luminer - Bagian 2: Persyaratan khusus - Seksi 4: Luminer portabel kegunaan umum

Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 4: Portable general purpose luminaires

IEC 60598-2-4 ed2.0 (1997-04) IDT


SNI IEC 60598-2-20:2012

Luminer - Bagian 2-20: Persyaratan khusus - Rantai cahaya

Luminaires - Part 2-20: Particular requirements - Lighting chains

IEC 60598-2-20 ed3.0 (2010-02) IDT


SNI IEC 60598-1:2011

Luminer - Bagian 1: Persyaratan dan pengujian

Luminaires - Part 1: General requirements and tests

IEC 60598-1 Ed 7.0 (2008-04) Coversheet SNI IEC 60598-2-4:2012

IDT Luminer Bagian 2: Persyaratan khusus - Seksi 4: Luminer kegunaan umum portabel (IEC 60598-2-4:1997, IDT)

Luminaires Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 4: Portable general purpose luminaires (IEC 60598-2-4: 1997, IDT)


Luminaires - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Luminaires planting (IEC 60598-2-2:2011, IDT)


Luminaires - Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Luminaires for road and street lighting (IEC 60598-2-3:2002 and Amd.1:2011, IDT)


Luminaires - Part 2-5: Particular requirements - Floodlights (IEC 60598-2-5:2015, IDT)


IEC 60598-2-4: 1997 IDT SNI IEC 60598-2-2:2016

Luminer - Bagian 2-2: Persyaratan khusus - Luminer tanam (IEC 60598-22:2011, IDT)

IEC 60598-2-2:2011 IDT SNI IEC 60598-2-3:2016

Luminer - Bagian 2-3: Persyaratan khusus - Luminer untuk pencahayaan jalan umum (IEC 60598-2-3:2002 dan Amd.1:2011, IDT)

IEC 60598-2-3:2002 and Amd.1:2011 IDT SNI IEC 60598-2-5:2016

Luminer - Bagian 2-5: Persyaratan khusus - Lampu sorot (IEC 60598-25:2015, IDT)

IEC 60598-2-5:2015 IDT SNI IEC 60598-1:2016

Luminer - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum dan pengujian (IEC 60598-1:2014, IDT)

Luminaires - Part 1: General requirements and tests (IEC 60598-1:2014, IDT)


IEC 60598-1:2014 IDT


Standar lain yang berkaitan dengan lampu

SNI IEC 61347-2-3:2011

Other standards related to lamps

Perlengkapan kendali lampu-Bagian 2-3: Persyaratan khusus ballast elektronik disuplai a.b. untuk lampu fluoresen

Lamp controlgear - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps

IEC 61347-2-3 Ed. 1.1 (2004-09) Lamp controlgear - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps Coversheet SNI IEC 61347-1:2011

IDT Perlengkapan kendali lampu-Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum dan keselamatan

Lamp controlgear - Part 1: General and safety requirements

IEC 61347-1 Ed. 2.0 (2007-01) Coversheet SNI IEC 61347-2-2:2015

IDT Perlengkapan kendali lampu - Bagian 2-2: Persyaratan khusus untuk a.s. atau a.c. yang disuplai konverter penurun tegangan elektronik untuk lampu berfilamen (IEC 61347-2-2:2011, IDT)

Lamp control gear - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for a.s. or a.b. lowering the voltage supplied electronic converters for filament lamps (IEC 61347-2-2: 2011, IDT)


DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules - Performance requirements


Lighting control devices - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for equipment supplied as control elekstronik or a.b. for LED modules (IEC 61347-2-13: 2006, IDT)


LED modules for general lighting - Performance requirements (IEC / PAS 62717:2011, IDT)


IEC 61347-2-2:2011 IDT SNI IEC 62384:2015

Alat kendali elektronik a.s atau a.b. untuk modul LED - Persyaratan kinerja (IEC 62384:2006, IDT)

IEC 62384:2006 IDT SNI IEC 61347-2-13:2015

Alat kendali lampu - Bagian 2-13: Persyaratan khusus untuk peralatan kendali elekstronik yang disuplai a.s. atau a.b. untuk modul LED (IEC 613472-13:2006, IDT)

IEC 61347-2-13: 2006 IDT SNI IEC/PAS 62717:2015

Modul LED untuk penerangan umum - Persyaratan kinerja (IEC/PAS 62717:2011, IDT)

IEC/PAS 62717:2011 IDT


Rotating machinery

Mesin berputar

SNI IEC 60034-1:2009

Mesin Listrik berputar - Bagian 1: Pengenal dan Kinerja

Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance


Rotating electrical machines - Part 14: Mechanical vibration of certain machines with shaft heights 56 mm and higher - Measurement, evaluation and limits of vibration severity


IEC 60034-1:2009, Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance Translation SNI IEC 60034-14:2009

IDT Mesin Listrik berputar - Bagian 14: Getaran mekanis mesin tertentu dengan ketinggian poros 56 mm dan lebih tinggi - Pengukuran evaluasi dan batas kuat getar

IEC 60034-14:2009, Rotating electrical machines - Part 14: Mechanical vibration of certain machines with shaft heights 56 mm and higher - Measurement, evaluation and limits of vibration severity Translation


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SNI IEC 60034-3:2009

Mesin Listrik Berputar - Bagian 3: Persyaratan Khusus Mesin sinkron Rotor Silindris

Rotating electrical machines - Part 3: Specific requirements for cylindrical rotor synchronous machines


IEC 60034-3:2009, Rotating electrical machines - Part 3: Specific requirements for synchronous generators driven by steam turbines or combustion gas turbines Translation SNI IEC 60034-9:2009

IDT Mesin Listrik berputar - Bagian 9: Batas Kebisingan

Rotating electrical machines - Part 9: Noise limits


IEC 60034-9:2009, Rotating electrical machines - Part 9: Noise limits Translation SNI IEC 60034-11:2011

IDT Mesin listrik berputar-Bagian 11: Proteksi termal

Rotating electrical machines - Part 11: Thermal protection

IEC 60034–11 Ed.2 (2004-07) Translation SNI IEC 60034-8:2015

IDT Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 8: Penandaan terminal dan arah rotasi (IEC 60034-8:2007, IDT)

Rotating electrical machines - Part 8: Marking of terminals and direction of rotation


IEC 60034-8:2007 IDT SNI IEC 60034-4:2014

Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 4: Metode untuk menentukan besaran mesin sinkron dari pengujian (IEC 60034-4:2008, IDT)

Rotating electrical machines - Part 4: Methods for determining synchronous machine quantities from tests (IEC 60034-4: 2008, IDT)

SNI IEC 60034-2-2:2014

Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 2-2: Metode spesifik untuk menentukan rugirugi secara terpisah untuk mesin besar dari pengujian - Suplemen untuk SNI IEC 60034-2-1 (IEC 60034-2-2:2010,IDT)

Rotating electrical machines - Part 2-2: Methods specific to determine the loss separately for large machines from tests - Supplement to IEC 60034-2-1 (IEC 60034-2-2: 2010, IDT)

SNI 7857:2013

Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 30: Kelas efisiensi motor induksi sangkar, fase-tiga, kecepatan tunggal (kode-IE)

Rotating electrical machines - Part 30: Class efficiency of cage induction motors, threephase, single speed (IE-code)


SNI IEC 60334-30-1:2016

Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 30-1: Kelas efisiensi motor a.b. yang dioperasikan langsung terhubung ke jaringan listrik (kode IE) (IEC 60034-301:2014, IDT)

Rotating electrical machines - Part 30-1: motor efficiency classes A.B. operated directly connected to the power grid (IE code) (IEC 60034-30-1:2014, IDT)


Rotating electrical machines - Part 31: Selection of energy efficient motors including variable speed applications - Guidelines for the application (IEC/TS 60034-31:2010, IDT)


IEC 60034-30-1:2014 SNI IEC/TS 6033431:2016

IDT Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 31: Pemilihan motor dengan energi efisien termasuk aplikasi kecepatan variabel - Pedoman aplikasi (IEC/TS 6003431:2010, IDT)

IEC/TS 60034-31:2010 IDT


Mesin berputar secara umum

Rotating machinery in general

SNI 04-3577-1994

Klasifikasi tingkat perlindungan selungkup untuk mesin listrik berputar

Enclosure for rotating electrical machines, classification for degree of protection

SNI 04-3864-1995

Dimensi dan keluaran pengenal mesin listrik berputar berkaki pemasangan dengan nomor rangka 355 sampai dengan 1000

Dimension and rated output of rotating electrical machinery with mounting flange, frame numbers 355 to 1000

SNI 04-6189-1999

Pengukuran resistansi belitan mesin arus bolak-balik pada keadaan beroperasi pada tegangan bolak-balik

Measurements of winding resistance of an alternating current machines during operation at alternating voltage


SNI 04-0918.9-2002

Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 9: Batas kebisingan

Rotating electrical machines - Part 9: Noise limit


Rotating electrical machines - Part 18 :Fungsional evaluation from isolation system Section 31 : Testing procedures for twisted-roll - Termal evaluation and isolation system classification used for map to 50 MVA and 1chine u


25 8

IEC 34-9: 1997-01 Amandemen 1 (1995-01), Rotating electrical machines Translation SNI 04-0918.18.31-2000

MOD Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 18 : Evaluasi fungsional dari sistem isolasi Seksi 31 : Prosedur uji untuk belitan gulung - Evaluasi termal dan klasifikasi dari sistem isolasi yang digunakan dalam mesin sampai dengan 50 MVA dan 15 Kv

IEC 60034-18-31:1992, Rotating electrical machines - Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Section 31: Thermal evaluation and classification of insulation system used in machines up to including 50 MVA and 15 kV Translation SNI IEC 60034-18-1:2011

MOD Mesin Listrik Berputar – Bagian 18: Evaluasi Fungsional Sistem Insulasi – Seksi 1 : Petunjuk Umum

Rotating electrical machines – Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation system - Section 1 : General guidelines

IEC 60034-18-1 (1992-02) Translation SNI 04-0918.2A-2000

IDT Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 2A: Metode untuk menentukan rugi-rugi dan efisiensi mesin listrik berputar berdasarkan pengujian (tidak termasuk mesin untuk kendaraan traksi ) - Penentuan rugi-rugi dengan metode kalorimetrik

Rotating electrical machines - Part 2A: Methods for determining losses and efficiency of rotating electrical machinery from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles) Measurements of losses by calorimetry


IEC 34-2A 1972, Rotating electrical machinery. Methods for determining losses and efficiency of rotating electrical machinery from test (excluding machines for traction) SNI 04-0918.1-2001 SNI 04-0918.18.21-2001

IDT Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 1: Pengenal dan unjuk kerja

Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance


Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 18: Evaluasi fungsi sistem isolasi - Pasal 21: Prosedur uji evaluasi termal dan klasifikasi untuk kawat kumparan belitan

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation system - Part 21: Test procedures of thermal evaluation and classification for wire wound windings


IEC 34-18-21: 1992, Rotating electrical machines - Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Section 21: Test procedures for wire-wound windings - Thermal evaluation and classification Translation SNI 04-0918.18.31-2001

IDT Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 18: Evaluasi fungsional dari sistem isolasi Seksi 31: Prosedur uji untuk belitan-gulung - Evaluasi termal dan klasifikasi dari sistem isolasi yang digunakan dalam mesin sampai dengan 50 MVA dan 15 kV

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18: Functional evaluation of isolation system - Section 31: Test methods for coil- roll - Thermal evaluation and classification of insulation systems used in machines up to and including 50 MVA and 15 kV


IEC 34-18-31: 1992, Rotating electrical machines - Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Section 31: Thermal evaluation and classification of insulation systems used in machines up to and including 50 MVA and 15 kV Translation SNI 04-0918.22-2000

IDT Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 22: Generator arus bolak-balik (a.b.b) dengan penggerak motor bakar

Rotating electrical machines - Part 22: AC generators for reciprocating internal combustion engine


IEC 34-22 : 1996, Rotating electrical machines - Part 22 : AC generators for reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engines driven generating sets Translation


SNI 04-0918.3-2001

Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 3: Persyaratan khusus mesin sinkron jenis yang terpasang pada turbin

Rotating electrical machines - Part 3: Specific requirements for turbine-type synchronous machines


SNI 04-0918.8-2001

Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 8: Penandaan terminal dan arah putaran mesin berputar

Rotating electrical machines - Part 8: Terminal markings and direction of rotating machines


IEC 60034-8: 1972 Amendment 1: 1990 Amendment 2: 1996-11, Rotating electrical machines - Part 8: Terminal markings and direction of rotating machines Translation SNI 04-0918.18.33-2001

IDT Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 18: Evaluasi uji sistem isolasi - Pasal 33: Prosedur uji untuk belitan kawat persegi - Evaluasi multifaktor kemampuan sistem isolasi gabungan di bawah tekanan termal dan listrik yang digunakan pada mesin >=50 MVA dan 15 kV

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Section 33: Test procedures for form-wound windings - Multifactor function evaluation - Endurance under combined thermal and electrical stresses of insulation systems used in machines up to and including 50 MVA and 15 kV

IEC 34-18-33: 1995, Rotating electrical machines - Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Section 33: Test procedures for form-wound windings - Multifactor function evaluation Endurance under combined thermal and electrical stresses of i Translation


- 102 -


SNI 04-0918.15-2001

Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 15: Tingkat ketahanan mesin listrik berputar a.b.b. terhadap tegangan impuls dengan bentuk lilitan stator jenis gelung

Rotating electrical machines - Part 15: Impulse voltage with stand level of rotating a.c. machines with from-wound stator coils


IEC 60034-15: 1995, Rotating electrical machines - Part 15: Impulse voltage with stand level of rotating a.c. machines with from-wound stator coils Translation SNI 04-1632-1989


IDT Unjuk kerja sistem pengaman termal untuk mesin listrik berputar

Thermal protection system for rotating electrical machinery, Performance

Komponen untuk mesin berputar


Components for rotating machines

SNI 04-1930.3-1995

Pedoman bagi peralatan elektromekanik untuk pusat listrik tenaga minihidro (PLTM) - Bagian 3: Pemeriksaan, penyerahan dan pemeliharaan

Manual for electromechanic equpment for microydro electric power plants - Part 3: Inspection, delivery and maintenance


SNI 04-1930-1990

Pedoman peralatan elektromekanik untuk Pusat Listrik Tenaga Minihidro (PLTM) Bagian 1 : Uraian rencana dan kondisi operasi instalasi dari pusat pembangkit

Guide for electromechanical apparatus for Minihydro Electric Power Plant. Part 1 : Planning description and operational condition of installation of generating station





SNI 04-1868-1990

Generator las karbid sederhana yang dapat dipindah-pindahkan

Portable carbide welding generator

SNI 04-1077-1989

Generator sinkron, Cara Uji

Synchronous generator, Test methods



SNI IEC 60034-12:2011

7 18

Motors Mesin listrik berputar-Bagian 12: Kinerja pengasutan motor induksi sangkar fase tiga kecepatan tunggal

Rotating electrical machines - Part 12: Starting performance of single-speed three-phase cage induction motors

IEC 60034–12 Ed.2.1 (2007-09) Translation


SNI 04-1631-1989

Asut motor induksi rotor sangkar tiga fasa berkecepatan tunggal dengan tegangan sampai 660 V disain N dan NY, Unjuk kerja

Starter of free phases quick cage induction motor, single speed with voltage up to 660 V, N and NY design, Performance


SNI 04-0918.17-2000

Mesin listrik berputar - Bagian 17: Petunjuk pemakaian motor induksi rotor sangkar yang disuplai dari konventer

Rotating electrical machines - Part 17: Application guide for cage induction motor where fed from converters


IEC 34-17 :1992, Rotating electrical machines - Part 17: Cage induction motors wher fed from converters - Application guide Translation


SNI 04-0917-1989

kVA mula (starting) dari motor-motor induksi, Klasifikasi

Starting kVA for induction motor, Classification

SNI 04-1693-1989

Mesin sinkron, Pendinginan

Sinchronous machinery, Cooling

SNI 04-1469-1989

Komponen dan mesin listrik, Arti simbol

Electric components and machinery, Symbols

SNI 04-1473-1989

Persyaratan umum motor listrik bagi mesin peralatan pabrik

Electric motor for industrial machinery, General rules

SNI 04-1224-1989

Motor induksi tiga fasa dengan daya sampai dengan 100 kWh, Cara uji

Three phase induction motors with power up to 100 kW, Methods of test


3 25 4 3 21

Transformers. Reactors

Transformator Reaktor

SNI 04-3858-1995

Transformator tenaga jenis kering

Dry-type power transformers


SNI 04-3859-1995

Pedoman pembebanan transformator tenaga jenis kering

Loading guide for dry-type power tranformers


SNI 04-3587-1994

Transformator tenaga Bagian 5: Kemampuan menahan hubung singkat

Power transformator Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit


SNI 04-3586-1994

Transformator tenaga Bagian 3.1: Tingkat isolasi dan uji dielektrik jarak bebas luar di udara

Power transformator Part 3.1: Insulation level and dielectric test external clearances in air


SNI 04-3904.2-1995

Transformator tenaga. Bagian 2 : Kenaikan suhu

Power transformers. Part 2 : Temperature rise


SNI 04-3904.4-1995

Transformator tenaga. Bagian 4 : Sadapan dan hubungan

Power transformers. Part 4 : Tapping and connection


SNI 04-3585-1994

Transformator tenaga Bagian 3: Tingkat isolasi dan uji dielektrik

Power transformator Part 3: Insulation level and dielectric test


SNI 04-3857-1995

Pedoman pembebanan untuk transformator terendam minyak

Loading guide for oil-immersed transformers


SNI 04-3870-1995

Pedoman penerapan untuk transformator tenaga

Application guide for power transformers


SNI 04-6954.1-2003

Transformator tenaga - Bagian 1: Umum

Power transformers - Part 1: General


Safety of power transformers, power supply units and the similar - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for transformers for switch mode power supplies


IEC 60076-1: 2000-04, Power transformers - Part 1 : General Translation SNI 04-6280.2.17-2002

IDT Keselamatan transformator tenaga, unit suplai daya dan sejenisnya - Bagian 2-17: Persyaratan khusus transformator untuk suplai tenaga mode sakelar

IEC 61558-2-17: 1997, Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2-17 : Particular requirements for transformers for switch mode power supplies Translation SNI 04-6280.2.7-2001

MOD Keselamatan transformator tenaga, unit suplai daya dan sejenisnya - Bagian 2.7: Persyaratan khusus untuk transformers mainan

Safety of power transformers, power suply and similar - Part 2.7: Particular requirements for transformers for toys


IEC 61558-2-7: 1997, Safety of power transformers, power suply and similar - Part 2.7: Particular requirements for transformers for toys Translation SNI 04-6280.2.6-2001

IDT Keselamatan transformator tenaga, unit suplai daya dan sejenisnya - Bagian 2.6: Persyaratan khusus transformator isolasi pengaman untuk penggunaan umum

Safety of power transformers, power suply units and similar - Part 2.6: Particular requirements for safety isolating transformers for general use


IEC 61558-2-6: 1997, Safety of power transformers, power suply units and similar - Part 2.6: Particular requirements for safety isolating transformers for general use Translation SNI 04-6280.2.5-2001

IDT Keselamatan transformator tenaga kecil, unit suplai tenaga dan sejenisnya Bagian 2.5: Persyaratan khusus untuk transformator alat cukur dan unit suplai alat cukur

Safety of small power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for shaver transformers and shaver supply units


IEC 61558-2-5: 1997, Safety of small power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2.5: Particular requirements for shaver transformers and shaver supply units Translation SNI 04-6280.2.4-2001

IDT Keselamatan transformator tenaga, unit suplai daya dan sejenisnya - Bagian 2.4: Persyaratan khusus transformator isolasi untuk penggunaan umum

Safety of power transformer, power supply units and similar - Part 2.4: Particular requirements for insulating transformers for general use


IEC 61558-2-4: 1997, Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2.4: Particular requirements for insulating transformers for general use Translation SNI 04-6280.2-2000

IDT Keselamatan untuk transformator tenaga, unit suplai daya dan sejenisnya. Bagian 2: Persyaratan khusus transformator terpisah untuk penggunaan umum

Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar. Part 2: Particular requirements for separating transformers for general use


IEC 61558-2: 1997, Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2: Particular requirements for separating transformers for general use Translation SNI 04-6279.1-2000

IDT Keselamatan untuk transformator tenaga, unit suplai tenaga dan sejenisnya Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum dan pengujian transformers, power supply units and the similar. Part 1: General requirment and tes

Safety of power

IEC 61558-1: 1997, Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 1: General requirements and tests Translation


- 103 -


SNI 04-6188.2-1999

Transformator instrumen. Bagian 2: Transformator tegangan induktif

Instrument transformers. Part 2: Inductive voltage transformers


SNI 04-6280.2.8-2001

Keselamatan transformator tenaga kecil, unit suplai daya dan sejenisnya Bagian 2.8: Persyaratan khusus untuk transformator bel dan genta

Safety of small power transformers, power supply units and similar - Parts 2.8: Particular requirements for bell and chime transformers


IEC 61558-2-8: 1998, Safety of small power transformator, power supply units and similar - Part 2.8: Particular requirements for bell and chime transformers Translation SNI IEC 60076-11:2009

IDT Tranformator Tenaga - Bagian 11 : Tranformator Jenis-Kering

Power transformers - Part 11: Dry-type transformers


Power transformers - Part 2: Temperature rises


Power transformers - Part 10: Determination of sound levels


Power transformers - Part 7: Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers


Power transformers - Part 8: Application guide


IEC 60076-11:2009, Power transformers - Part 11: Dry-type transformers Translation SNI 04-6954.2-2004

IDT Transformator tenaga - Bagian 2: Kenaikan suhu

IEC 60076-2: 1993-04 Translation SNI IEC 60076-10:2009

IDT Transformator Tenaga - Bagian 10: Penentuan tingkat bunyi

IEC 60076-10:2009, Power transformers - Part 10: Determination of sound levels Translation SNI IEC 60076-7:2009

IDT Tranformator tenaga - Bagian 7: Pedoman Pembebanan untuk transformator tenaga yang terendam minyak

IEC 60076-7:2009, Power transformers - Part 7: Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers Translation SNI IEC 60076-8:2009

IDT Tranformator Tenaga - Bagian 8 : Pedoman Penerapan

IEC 60076-8:2009, Power transformers - Part 8: Application guide Translation SNI IEC 60076-10-1:2010

IDT Transformator daya - Bagian 10-1: Penentuan tingkat bunyi - Pedoman penerapan

Power transformers - Part 10-1: Determination of sound levels - Application guide

IEC 60076-10-1ED 1.0 (2005-10) Translation SNI IEC 60289:2009

IDT Reaktor



IEC 60335-1:2009, Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements Translation SNI IEC 60076-5:2012

IDT Transformator daya - Bagian 5: Kemampuan menahan hubung-pendek

Power transformers - Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit

IEC 60076-5: 2006 IDT SNI IEC 60076-4:2011

IDT Transformator daya - Bagian 4: Pedoman pengujian impuls petir dan impuls penyakelaran – Transformator daya dan reaktor

Power transformer – Part 4: Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing – Power transformers and reactors

IEC 60076-4 (2002-06) Power transformer – Part 4: Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing – Power transformers and reactors Translation SNI IEC 60076-15:2015

IDT Transformator daya - Bagian 15: Transformator daya terisi gas (IEC 6007615:2008, IDT)

Power transformers - Part 15: gas filled power transformers


Insulated bushing for alternating voltages above 1000 V


IEC 60076-15:2008 IDT SNI IEC 60137:2013

Busing berinsulasi untuk arus bolak-balik voltase di atas 1000 V

IEC 60137:2009 Translation


SNI IEC 60076-2:2014

Transformator daya - Bagian 2: Kenaikan suhu untuk transformator terendam cairan (IEC 60076-2:2011, IDT)

Power transformers - Part 2: Temperature rise for liquid immersed transformers (IEC 60076-2: 2011, IDT)

SNI IEC 60076-13:2011

Transformator Daya – Bagian 13: Transformator swaproteksi terendam cairan

Power Transformers – Part 13: Self-protected liquid-filled transformers

IEC 60076-13 (2006-05) Power Transformers – Part 13: Self-protected liquid-filled transformers Translation SNI IEC 60079-14:2013

IDT Atmosfer ledak - Bagian 14: Desain, pemilihan dan pemasangan instalasi listrik

Explosive atmospheres Part 14: Electrical installations design, selection and erection


IEC 60079-14:2007 Translation SNI IEC 60076-1:2013

IDT Transformator daya - Bagian 1: Umum

Power transformers - Part 1: General


Power transformers - Part 3: Level of insulation, dielectric tests and external clearances in air (IEC 60076-3:2013, IDT)


IEC 60076-1:2011 Translation SNI IEC 60076-3:2016

IDT Transformator daya - Bagian 3:Tingkat insulasi, uji dielektrik dan jarak bebas eksternal di udara (IEC 60076-3:2013,IDT)

IEC 60076-3:2013 IDT SNI IEC 60076-14:2016

Transformator daya - Bagian 14:Transformator daya terendam cairan menggunakan bahan insulasi suhu tinggi (IEC 60076-14:2013,IDT)

Power transformers - Part 14: liquid immersed power transformers using high-temperature insulation materials (IEC 60076-14:2013, IDT)

IEC 60076-14:2013 IDT SNI 04-0204-1987

Transformator tegangan tinggi, Spesifikasi

High voltage transformer, Specification


SNI 04-1920-1990

Transformator arus

Current transformers


SNI 04-0200-1987

Transformator daya

Power transformer


SNI 04-0203-1987

Transformator distribusi, Spesifikasi

Distribution transformers. Specification


SNI 04-1919-1990

Transformator tegangan

Voltage transformers


SNI 04-0919-1989

Transformator distribusi terendam minyak bertegangan pengenal primer tunggal sampai dengan 24 kV

Oil immersed distribution transformers single primary voltage up to 24 kV


SNI 04-1226-1989

Transformator catu daya peralatan elektronika

Power transformer for electronic equipment



Rectifiers. Converters. Stabilized power supply

Penyearah. Konvertor. Suplai tenaga yang distabilk

SNI 04-3680-1995

Catu daya sakelar elektronik (Switching Power Supply/SPS) untuk komputer pribadi PC

Switching power supply for personal computer


SNI 04-3592-1994

Catu daya yang distabilkan dengan keluaran ABB

Stabilized power supply with ac output


SNI 04-3263-1994

Catu daya kebal gangguan statis arus bolak-balik sinusoidal

Sinusoidal alternating current uninterupted power supply


- 104 -

SNI IEC 60335-2-29:2012

Peranti listrik rumah tangga dan sejenis - Keselamatan - Bagian 2-29: Persyaratan khusus untuk pengisi baterei

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-29: Particular requirements for battery chargers

IEC 60335-2-29 ed4.2 Consol. With am1&2 (2010-03) IDT


SNI IEC 62040-2:2016

Sistem catu daya tak putus (UPS) - Bagian 2: Kesesuaian kompatibilitas elektromagnetik (EMC) (IEC 62040-2:2005, IDT)

Unbroken power supply systems (UPS) - Part 2: Suitability of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) (IEC 62040-2:2005, IDT)


Unbroken power supply systems (UPS) - Part 1: General requirements and safety for UPS (IEC 62040-1:2008, IDT)


The term for the transmission of high voltage direct current (HVDC) (IEC 60 633: 2009,


Power convertors for electric traction - Part 3: Self commutated convertors for one-phase traction


IEC 62040-2:2005 IDT SNI IEC 62040-1:2016

Sistem catu daya tak putus (UPS) - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum dan keselamatan untuk UPS (IEC 62040-1:2008, IDT)

IEC 62040-1:2008 IDT SNI IEC 60633:2015

Istilah untuk transmisi arus searah tegangan tinggi (ASTT) (IEC 60633:2009,IDT)

IEC 60633:2009 IDT SNI 04-6919.3-2002


Konverter daya untuk traksi listrik - Bagian 3: Konverter berkomutasi sendiri untuk traksi fase-satu

Galvanized cell and batteries

Sel galvanis dan batere


Sel galvanis dan batere secara umum

SNI 06-2585-1992


Galvanic cells and batteries in general

Amonium klorida untuk batere kering

Ammonium chloride for dry batteries

Sel dan batere primer

SNI 04-2051.1-2004


Primary cells and batteries

Baterai primer - Bagian 1: Umum

Primary batteries - Part 1: General


Primary batteries - Part 2: Physical and electrical specifications


Primary batteries - Part 3: Watch batteries


Primary batteries - Part 4: Safety of lithium batteries


Primary batteries - Part 5: Safety of batteries with aqueous electrolyte


Primary batteries - Part 1: General (IEC 60086-1: 2011, IDT)


Primary batteries - Part 2: Physical and electrical specifications (IEC 60886-2: 2011, IDT)


IEC 60086-1: 2000 Translation SNI 04-2051.2-2004

IDT Baterai primer - Bagian 2: Spesifikasi fisik dan listrik

IEC 60086-2: 2000 Translation SNI IEC 60086-3:2013

IDT Baterai primer - Bagian 3: Baterai Arloji

IEC 60086-3:2004 Translation SNI IEC 60086-4:2013

IDT Baterai primer - Bagian 4: Keselamatan baterai litium

IEC 60086-4:2007 Translation SNI IEC 60086-5:2013

IDT Baterai primer - Bagian 5: Keselamatan baterai dengan elektrolit cair

IEC 60086-5:2005 Translation SNI IEC 60086-1:2015

IDT Baterai primer - Bagian 1: Umum (IEC 60086-1:2011, IDT)

IEC 60086-1:2011 IDT SNI IEC 60086-2:2015

Baterai primer - Bagian 2: Spesifikasi fisik dan listrik (IEC 60886-2:2011, IDT)

IEC 60886-2:2011 IDT


Sel dan batere sekunder asam

Acid secondary cells and batteries

SNI 04-2006-1990

Elektrolit asam sulfat untuk batere asam timbal

Sulphuric acid electrolyte for lead acid batteries


SNI 04-2005-1990

Air untuk batere asam timbal dan batere alkali

Water for lead acid batteries and alkaline batteries


SNI 09-4326-1996

Batere sepeda motor

Batteries for motor cycle


SNI 04-1998-1990

Air suling untuk baterai asam timbal dan bateri alkali

Distilled water for lead acid batteries and alkaline batteries


SNI 04-6258.4-2000

Batere starter timah hitam - Bagian 4: Dimensi batere untuk kendaraan berat

Lead - acid starter baterries - Part 4: Dimensions of batteries for heavy trucks


IEC 95-4: 1989, Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 4: Dimensions of batteries for heavy trucks Translation


SNI 04-3636-1994

Bateri asam timbal stasioner untuk catu daya sistem penyangga

Stationer lead-acid batteries for suporting system phase capacity

SNI 0038:2009

Aki untuk kendaraan bermotor roda empat atau lebih

Lead acid batteries for four wheels vehicles or more

SNI 04-0856-1989

Batere asam timbal stasioner

Stationery lead - acid batteries

SNI 04-1901-1990

Asam aki

Accumulator acid


SNI 04-1900-1990

Air aki

Refill water for storage batteries



Sel dan batere sekunder alkali



Alkaline secondary cells and batteries

SNI 04-1997-1990

Baterai alkali nikel kadmium stasioner untuk catu daya cara charge discharge

Cadmium nickel alkaline stationery batteries for charge discharge power supply


SNI 04-6391-2000

Battery charge regulator (BCR) - Prosedur uji dan persyaratan elektris

Battery charge regulator (BCR) - Test procedures and electrical requirements


SNI 04-6392-2000

Sel dan baterai sekunder untuk penggunaan sistem pembangkit listrik fotovoltaik individual - Persyaratan umum dan metode pengujian

Secondary cells and batteries for individual photovoltaic electric power generating system General requirement and method of tests


SNI IEC 61951-2:2015

Sel dan baterai sekunder yang mengandung alkali atau elektrolit non-asam lainnya - Sel tunggal isi ulang tersegel jinjing - Bagian 2: Nikel-logam-hibrida (IEC 61951-2:2011, IDT)

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Portable sealed rechargeable single cells - Part 2: Nickel-metal hydride


IDT Sel dan baterai sekunder yang mengandung alkali atau elektrolit non-asam lainnya - Sel tunggal isi ulang tersegel jinjing - Bagian 1: Nikel kadmium (IEC 61951-1:2015, IDT)

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Portable sealed rechargeable single cells - Part 1: Nickel-cadmium


IEC 61951-2:2011 SNI IEC 61951-1:2015

IEC 61951-1:2013 IDT

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SNI IEC 62133:2015

Sel dan baterai sekunder yang mengandung alkali atau elektrolit non asam lainnya - Persyaratan keselamatan untuk sel sekunder tertutup dan untuk baterai yang dibuat dari bahan tersebut untuk aplikasi jinjing (IEC 62133:2012, IDT)

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or non-acidic electrolytes other - Safety requirements for secondary cell covered and for batteries made from such materials for portable applications (IEC 62133:2012, IDT)


Alkaline electrolyte for alkali nickel cadmium batteries


IEC 62133:2012 IDT SNI 04-2015-1990


Elektrolit alkalin untuk batere alkalin nikel kadmium

Sel dan batere lainnya

SNI IEC 61960:2015

Other cells and batteries

Sel dan baterai sekunder yang mengandung alkali atau elektrolit non-asam lainnya - Sel lithium dan baterai sekunder untuk aplikasi jinjing (IEC 61960:2011, IDT)

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes Secondary lithium cells and batteries for portable applications


IEC 61960:2011 IDT


Power distribution networks

Jaringan distribusi tenaga

SNI IEC/TR 60919-3:2012

Kinerja Arus Searah Tegangan Tinggi (ASTT) Sistem dengan konverter saluran terkomutasi – Bagian 3: Kondisi Dinamis

Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters – Part 3: Dynamic conditions

IEC/TR 60919-3: 2009 IDT


SNI IEC/TR 60919-1:2012

Kinerja Arus Searah Tegangan Tinggi (ASTT) Sistem dengan konverter saluran terkomutasi – Bagian 1: Keadaan tunak

Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters – Part 1: Steady-state conditions

IEC/TR 60919-1: 2010 IDT


SNI IEC/TR 60919-2:2012

Kinerja Arus Searah Tegangan Tinggi (ASTT) Sistem dengan konverter lin terkomutasi – Bagian 2: Gangguan dan penyaklaran

Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters – Part 2: Faults and switching

IEC/TR 60919-2: 2008 IDT


SNI IEC 61643-11:2016

Gawai proteksi surja tegangan rendah - Bagian 11: Gawai proteksi surja yang terhubung dengan sistem daya tegangan rendah - Persyaratan dan metode uji (IEC 61643-11:2011, IDT)

Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 11: Surge protective devices connected to lowvoltage power systems - Requirements and test methods

IEC 61643-11:2011 IDT


Jaringan distribusi tenaga secara umum

Power distribution networks in general

SNI 04-3879-1995

Gangguan pada sistem suplai yang diakibatkan oleh piranti listrik dan perlengkapannya

Disturbances in supply systems caused by household appliances and electrical equipment


SNI 04-6545.5-2001

Keselamatan listrik dalam sistem distribusi tegangan rendah sampai dengan 1000 V a.b.b. dan 1500 V a.s. - Perlengkapan untuk pengujian, pengukuran atau pemantauan terhadap pengukuran yang bersifat proteksi - Bagian 5: Resistans ke bumi

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Equipment for testing measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 5: Resistans to earth


IEC 61557-5: 1997, Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 5: Resistans to earth Translation SNI 04-6545.4-2001

MOD Keselamatan listrik dalam sistem distribusi tegangan rendah sampai dengan 1000 V a.b.b. dan 1500 V a.s. - Perlengkapan untuk pengujian, pengukuran atau pemantauan terhadap pengukuran yang bersifat proteksi - Bagian 4: Resistans hubungan bumi dan ikatan ekipotensial

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 4: Resistance of earth connection and equipotential bonding


IEC 61557-4: 1997, Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 4: Resistance of earth connection and equipotential bonding Translation SNI 04-6545.1-2001

MOD Keselamatan listrik pada sistem distribusi tegangan rendah sampai dengan 1000 V a.b.b. dan 1500 V a.s. - Perlengkapan untuk pengujian, pengukuran atau pemantau dari tindakan pengamanan - Bagian 1: Persyaratan umum

Electrical safety in low-voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 1: General requirements


IEC 61557-1: 1997, Electrical safety in low-voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 1: General requirements Translation SNI 04-6545.2-2001

IDT Keselamatan listrik pada sistem distribusi tegangan rendah sampai dengan 1000 V a.b.b. dan 1500 V a.s. - Perlengkapan untuk pengujian, pengukuran atau pemantauan dari tindakan pengamanan - Bagian 2: Resistansi isolasi

Electrical safety in low-voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective meaures - Part 2: Insulation resistance


IEC 61557-2: 1997, Electrical safety in low-voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective meaures - Part 2: Insulation resistance Translation SNI 04-6545.3-2001

IDT Keselamatan listrik pada sistem distribusi tegangan rendah sampai dengan 1000 V a.b.b. dan 1500 V a.s. - Perlengkapan untuk pengujian, pengukuran atau pemantauan dari tindakan pengamanan -Bagian 3 : Impedans lingkar

Electrical safety in low-voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 3: Loop impedance


IEC 61557-3: 1997, Electrical safety in low-voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 3: Loop impedance Translation SNI 04-6545.6-2002

IDT Keselamatan listrik pada dalam sistem distribusi tegangan rendah sampai dengan 1000 Va.b.b dan 1500 V a.s - Perlengkapan untuk pengujian, pengukuran atau pemantauan terhadap proteksi. Bag 6: Gawai arus sisa (GAS) dalam sistem TT dan TN

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 6: Residual current devices (RCD) in TT and TN


IEC 61557:1997, Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 6: Residual current devices (RCD) in TT and TN system Translation SNI 04-6545.7-2003

MOD Keselamatan listrik dalam sistem distribusi tegangan rendah sampai dengan 1000 V a.b. sampai dengan 1500 V a.s. - Perlengkapan untuk pengujian, pengukuran atau pemantauan terhadap pengukuran yang bersifat proteksi Bagian 7: Urutan fase

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution system up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V a.s Equipment for testing, measuring of monitoring of protective measures - Part 7: Phase sequance


IEC 61557-7: 1997-02, Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000V a.c - Equipment for testing, measuring of monitoring of protective measures - Part 7 : Phase sequence Translation SNI 04-6545.8-2003

MOD Keselamatan listrik dalam sistem distribusi tegangan rendah sampai dengan 1000 V a.b. dan 1500 V a.s - Perlengkapan untuk pengujian , pengukuran atau pemantauan terhadap pengukuran yang bersifat proteksi - Bagian 8: Gawai monitoring isolasi untuk sistem IT

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution system up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Equipment for testing, measuring, or monitoring of protective measures - Part 8: Insulation monitoring devices for IT systems


IEC 61557-8: 1997-02, Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000V a.c. and 1500V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 8 : Insulation monitoring devices for IT systems Translation SNI 04-1987-1990

MOD Penyangga kabel

Cable support

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SNI 04-1705-1989

Keandalan sistem distribusi

Distribution system, Realibility


SNI 04-1926-1990

Jaringan distribusi listrik pedesaan

Rural electrical distribution network


SNI 13-6674-2002

Persyaratan tiang penyangga jaringan listrik di tambang hidrolik

Specification of electrical network support poles at hydraulic mining


Substasiun listrik Penangkal petir

SNI 04-6289.3-2000


Substations. Surge arresters

Arester surya. Bagian 3: Uji tiruan arester surya

Surge arresters. Part 3: Artificial pollution testing of surge arresters


Surge arresters - Part 5: Selection and application recommendation


IEC 99-3: 1990, Surge arresters - Part 3: Artificial pollution testing of surge arresters Translation SNI 04-6289.5-2002

IDT Arester surja - Bagian 5: Rekomendasi pemilihan dan penerapan

IEC 60099-5: 1991, Surge arresters - Part 5: Selection and application recommendation Translation


SNI IEC 60099-5:2014

Arester surja - Bagian 5: Rekomendasi pemilihan dan penerapan (IEC 600995:2000,IDT)

Surge arrester - Part 5: Recommendations selection and application (IEC 60099-5: 2000, IDT)

SNI IEC 61643-11:2015

Gawai proteksi surja voltase rendah - Bagian 11: Gawai proteksi surja yang terhubung dengan sistem tenaga voltase rendah - Persyaratan dan metode uji (IEC 61643-11:2011, IDT)

Low voltage surge protective devices - Part 11: surge protective devices connected to lowvoltage power systems - Requirements and test methods (IEC 61643-11: 2011, IDT)


IEC 61643-11:2011 IDT


Saluran distribusi tenaga

Power distribution lines

SNI 04-3882-1995

Pembebanan penyangga saluran udara. Bagian 1: Umum

Overhead line support loadings. Part 1: General

SNI 04-3884-1995

Pembebanan penyangga saluran udara. Bagian 3: Pembebanan khusus

Overhead line support loadings. Part 3: Specific loadings

SNI 04-3855-1995

Pembumian jaringan tegangan rendah dan instalasi tegangan rendah

Earthing for low voltage network and low voltage installation


SNI 04-3853-1995

Spesifikasi desain untuk jaringan tegangan menengah dan jaringan tegangan rendah

Design specification for high voltage and low voltage network


SNI 04-3883-1995

Pembebanan penyangga saluran udara. Bagian 2: Pengaruh angin dan suhu

Overhead line support loadings. Part 2: Wind and temperature loadings


SNI 04-6960-2003

Saluran udara - Persyaratan dan pengujian untuk spaser

Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for spacers


Coupling devices for power line carrier systems - Section 1: General


11 8

IEC 61854: 1998-09, Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for spacers Translation SNI 04-6529.1-2001

MOD Gawai kopling untuk sistem pembawa sinyal pada saluran daya (PLC) Seksi 1: Umum

IEC 481: 1974, Coupling devices for power line carrier systems Translation


SNI 04-1707.1-2002

Listrik perdesaan - Bagian 1: Pedoman pengusahaan

Rural electricity - Part 1: Exertion guide


SNI 04-6211-2000

Persyaratan dan pengujian fiting saluran udara

Requirements and testing of overhead line fittings


Overhead lines - Testing of foundation for structures


Loading tests on overhead line structures


Thermal-mechanical performance test and mechanical performance test on string insulator units


IEC 61284 : 1997, Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for fittings Translation SNI 04-6277-2000

IDT Saluran udara - Pengujian pondasi untuk struktur

IEC 1773: 1996, Overhead lines - Testing of foundation for structures Translation SNI IEC 60652:2009

IDT Uji pembebanan pada struktur saluran udara

IEC 60652:2009, Loading tests on overhead line structures Translation SNI IEC 60575:2009

IDT Uji Kinerja Termal Mekanis dan Uji Kinerja Mekanis pada Unit Insulator Renteng

IEC 60575:2009, Thermal-mechanical performance test and mechanical performance test on string insulator units Translation SNI IEC 62192:2010

IDT Pekerjaan Bertegangan - Tali insulasi

Live working - Insulating ropes

IEC 62192 ED 1.0 (2009-02) Translation SNI IEC 60700-1:2015

IDT Katup tiristor untuk transmisi daya arus searah tegangan tinggi (ASTT) Bagian 1: Uji listrik (IEC 60700-1:2008, IDT)

Tiristor valves for power transmission of high voltage direct current (HVDC) - Part 1: Electrical tests (IEC 60700-1: 2008, IDT)


IEC 60700-1:2008 IDT SNI 8151:2015

Ruang bebas dan jarak bebas minimum pada saluran udara tegangan arus searah (SUTAS)

Free space and minimum clearances in air duct voltage direct current


SNI IEC 60909-3:2011

Arus hubung pendek dalam sistem ab fase-tiga - Bagian 3: Arus selama dua hubung pendek saluran-ke-bumi simultan yang terpisah dan arus hubungpendek parsial yang mengalir melalui bumi

Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 3: Currents during two separate simultaneous line-to-earth short circuits and partial short-circuit currents flowing through earth


IEC 60909-3 (2003-09) Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 3: Currents during two separate simultaneous line-to-earth short circuits and partial short-circuit currents flowing through earth Translation SNI IEC 61477:2011

IDT Kerja bertegangan - Persyaratan minimum untuk pemanfaatan perkakas, gawai dan perlengkapan

Live working - Minimum requirements for the utilization of tools, devices and equipment

IEC 61477 (2005-01) Live working - Minimum requirements for the utilization of tools, devices and equipment Translation SNI IEC 62004:2011

IDT Kawat paduan aluminium (aluminium alloy) tahan panas untuk konduktor saluran udara

Thermal-resistant aluminium alloy wire for overhead line conductor

IEC 62004 (2007-02) Thermal-resistant aluminium alloy wire for overhead line conductor Translation


SNI 04-1694-1989

Menara saluran udara, Ujian pada pembebanan

Overhead line tower, Testing for loading

SNI 04-6918-2002

Ruang bebas dan jarak bebas minimum pada Saluran Udara Tegangan Tinggi (SUTT) dan Saluran Udara Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi (SUTET)

Free space and minimum free distance in high transmisiion line and high extra voltage transmission

SNI 04-1690-1989

Tiang listrik dari kayu, Syarat-syarat teknis

Wooden electric poles, Technical specification


Peralatan kendali untuk sistem tenaga listrik

SNI 04-3582-1994



Control equipment for electric power systems

Pemutus tenaga arus bolak-balik tegangan tinggi - Bagian 1: Lingkup, kondisi dan definisi

Peralatan lain yang berkaitan dengan jaringan distribusi

SNI 04-3581-1994

4 18

High voltage alternating current circuit breaker. Part 1: Scope, condition and definition

Other equipment related to power distribution network

Konektor tembus untuk kabel pilin udara tegangan rendah

Break through connector for low voltage overhead line winding cables

- 107 -


SNI 04-3900-1995

Elektroda bumi jenis batang baja bulat

Steel rod type ground electrodes


SNI IEC 60871-4:2009

Kapasitor shunt untuk sistem tenaga listrik a.b dengan tegangan nominal diatas 1000 V - Bagian 4 : Sekering internal

Shunt capacitors for AC power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V - Part 4: Internal fuses


IEC 60871-4:2009, Shunt capacitors for AC power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V - Part 4: Internal fuses Translation SNI IEC/TR 60919-1:2009

IDT Unjuk Kerja Sistem Arus Searah Tegangan Tinggi (ASST) dengan Konverter Saluran-Komutasi - Bagian 1 : Kondisi Ajek (Steady State)

Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 1: Steady-state conditions


IEC/TR 60919-1:2009, Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 1: Steady-state conditions Translation SNI IEC/TS 60871-3:2011

IDT Kapasitor shunt untuk sistem tenaga listrik arus bolak-balik dengan tegangan pengenal di atas 1000 V – Bagian 3: Proteksi kapasitor shunt dan gugus kapasitor shunt

Shunt capacitors for a.c. power system having a rated voltage above 1000 V - Part 3: Protection of shunt capacitors and shunt capacitor banks

IEC/TS 60871-3 (1996-03) Shunt capacitors for a.c. power system having a rated voltage above 1000 V - Part 3: Protection of shunt capacitors and shunt capacitor banks Translation SNI IEC/TR 62511:2016

IDT Pedoman untuk desain sistem daya terinterkoneksi (IEC/TR 62511:2014, IDT)

Guidelines for the design of the interconnected power systems (IEC/TR 62511:2014, IDT)


IEC/TR 62511:2014 IDT


Electrical equipment for working in special condition

Peralatan listrik untuk bekerja dalam kondisi khusus


Peralatan listrik untuk bekerja dalam kondisi khusus

SNI 04-6957-2003

Electrical equipment for working in special condition

Pemutus sirkit untuk perlengkapan (PMS-P)

Circuit breakers for equipment (CBE)


Residual current operated circuit - breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB) - Part 1: General rules


IEC 60934: 2000-10, Circuit breakers for equipment (CBE) Translation SNI 04-6956.1-2003

MOD Pemutus sirkit arus sisa tanpa proteksi arus lebih terpadu untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan sejenisnya (RCCB) - Bagian 1: Umum

IEC 1008-1: 1996-12, Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) - Part 1 : General rules Translation



Peralatan listrik untuk daerah yang mudah meledak

Electricai apparatus for explosive atmospheres

SNI 04-6192.18-1999

Radas listrik untuk atmosfir gas ledak. Bagian 18: Pengkapsulan "m"

Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Part 18: Encapsulation "m"


SNI 04-6543.6-2001

Radas listrik untuk atmosfir gas yang dapat meledak - Bagian 6: Rendamanminyak ''0''

Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 6: Oil-immersion "0''


IEC 60079-6: 1995, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 6: Oil-immersion "0'' Translation SNI IEC 60079-10-2:2010

IDT Atmosfer Ledak - Bagian 10-2: Klasifikasi area - Atmosfer debu yang mudah terbakar

Explosive atmospheres - Part 10-2: Classification of areas - Combustible dust atmospheres

IEC 60079-10-2 ED 1.0 (2009-04) Translation SNI IEC 60079-0:2009

IDT Aparatus listrik untuk atmosfer gas ledak - Bagian 0: Persyaratan umum

Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 0: General requirements


Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 1: Flameproof enclosures "d"


Explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosures "p"


IEC 60079-0:2009, Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements Translation SNI IEC 60079-1:2009

IDT Aparatus listrik untuk atmosfer hulu ledak - Bagian 1: Selungkup kedap api "d"

IEC 60079-1:2009, Explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures 'd' Translation SNI IEC 60079-2:2009

IDT Atmosfer gas ledak - Bagian 2: Proteksi perlengkapan dengan selungkup bertekanan "p"

IEC 60079-2:2009, Explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosures 'p' Translation


SNI IEC 60079-17:2014

Atmosfer ledak - Bagian 17: Inspeksi dan pemeliharaan instalasi listrik (IEC 60079-17:2007, IDT)

Explosive atmospheres - Part 17: Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations (IEC 60079-17: 2007, IDT)

SNI 04-6920.1-2002

Proteksi terhadap impuls elektromagnetik petir - Bagian 1: Prinsip umum

Protection against lighting electromagnetic impuls - Part 1: General principles


IEC 1312-1: 1995, Protection against lightning electromagnetic impuls - Part 1: General principles Translation



Peralatan listrik lainnya untuk bekerja pada kondisi khusus

Other electrical equipment for working in special condition

SNI 04-6187-1999

Sadel, klem tiang (klem tongkat) dan lengkapannya untuk pekerjaan bertegangan

Saddles, pole clamps (stick clamps) and accessories for live working


SNI 04-6528-2001

Gawai tangga dengan batang berisolasi yang digunakan dalam keadaan bertegangan

Aerial devices with insulating boom used for live working


IEC 1057: 1991, Aerial devices with insulating boom used for live working Translation



Electric traction equipment

Peralatan traksi listrik

SNI 04-3590-1994

Suplai tegangan sistem traksi

Supply voltage of for traction system

SNI 04-3866-1995

Peraturan tentang pantograf kereta rel listrik

Rules for pantographs of electric rolling stocks

SNI 04-6274-2000

Traksi listrik - Sarana gelinding - Uji gabungan inverter-penyulang motor bolak-balik dan sistem kendalinya

Electric traction - Rolling stock - Combined testing of inverter-fed alternating current motors and their control

2 9 22

IEC 1377: 1996, Electric traction - Rolling stock - Combined testing of inverter-fed alternating current motors and their control Translation SNI 04-6275.3-2000

IDT Peralatan elektronika yang digunakan pada kendaraan di atas rel - Bagian 3: Berbagai komponen, peralatan elektronika terprogram dan keandalan dari sistem elektronika

Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles - Part 3: Components, programmable electronic equipment and electronic system reliability

IEC 60571-3: 1990, Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles - Part 3: Components, programmable electronic equipment and electronic system reliability Translation


- 108 -






Electronic components in general

Komponen elektronik secara umum

SNI 04-2014-1990

Automatic voltage regulator (AVR)

Automatic voltage regulator (AVR)


SNI 04-6972-2003

Penyajian dan spesifikasi data keandalan untuk komponen elektronik

Presentation and specification of reliability data for electronic components


IEC 60319: 1999-09 Translation






Resistor tetap

SNI IEC 60115-1:2011

Fixed resistors

Resistor tetap untuk penggunaan pada peralatan elektronika - Bagian 1: Spesifikasi umum

Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification

IEC 60115-1 ed. 4.0 2008 Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification Translation SNI 04-6716.1-2002

IDT Resistor tetap yang digunakan pada peralatan elektronik - Bagian 1: Spesifikasi generik

Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification


IEC 60115-1, Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification Translation



Resistor lainnya

SNI IEC 61051-1:2011

Other resistors

Varistor untuk penggunaan pada peralatan elektronika - Bagian 1: Spesifikasi umum

Varistors for use in electronic equipment -Part 1: Generic specification

IEC 61051-1 ed. 2.0 2007 Varistors for use in electronic equipment -Part 1: Generic specification Translation






Kapasitor secara umum

Capacitors in general

SNI 04-1874-1990

Persyaratan umum, kapasitor untuk motor asinkron

General specification for capacitors of asynchronous motor

SNI 04-0531-1989

Kapasitor untuk aparat listrik

Capacitor for electrical apparatus


Kapasitor tetap

SNI 04-6924.4-2002

9 21

Fixed capacitors

Kapasitor tetap untuk penggunaan pada peralatan elektronik - Bagian 4: Spesifikasi seksi kapasitor elektrolit aluminium dengan elektrolit padat dan non padat

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 4: Sectional specification aluminium electrolytic capacitors with solid and non solid electrolytic


IEC 384-4-1985 Fixed capasitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 4 ; Sectional specification : Aluminium electrolytic capasitors withsolid or non solid electrolyte Translation SNI IEC 60384-1:2010

IDT Kapasitor tetap untuk penggunaan dalam peralatan elektronik - Bagian 1: Spesifikasi umum

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification

IEC 60384-1 third Edition Translation



Kapasitor kertas dan plastik

SNI IEC 60252-1:2010

Paper and plastics capacitors

Kapasitor motor arus bolak-balik - Bagian 1: Umum - Kinerja, pengujian dan penilaian - Persyaratan keselamatan - panduan untuk pemasangan dan operasi

AC motor capacitors - Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation and operation

IEC 60252-1 First Edition Translation



Kapasitor tenaga

SNI 04-6625.3-2001

Power capacitors

Kapasitor shunt untuk sistem tenaga listrik a.b.b. bertegangan pengenal di atas 1000 V - Bagian 3: Proteksi kapasitor shunt dan gugus kapasitor shunt

Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V - Part 3: Protection of shunt capacitors and shunt capacitor banks


IEC 871-3: 1996, Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V - Part 3: Protection of shunt capacitors and shunt capacitor banks Translation SNI 04-6534.2-2001

MOD Kapasitor seri untuk sistem tenaga listrik - Bagian 2: Perlengkapan proteksi untuk gugus kapasitor seri

Series capacitors for power systems - Part 2: Protective equipment for series capacitor banks


IEC 143-2: 1994, Series capacitors for power systems - Part 2: Protective equipment for series capacitor banks Translation SNI 04-6625.4-2001

IDT Kapasitor shunt untuk sistem tenaga listrik a.b.b. bertegangan pengenal di atas 1000 V - Bagian 4: Pengaman lebur internal

Shunt capacitor for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V - Part 4: Internal fuses


IEC 60871-4: 1996, Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V - Part 4: Internal fuses Translation



Semi-conductor devices

Piranti semikonduktor


Piranti semikonduktor secara umum

SNI IEC 61975:2009

Semi-conductor devices in general

Pengujian sistem untuk ASTT

System testing of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) installations


IEC 61975:2009, System tests for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) installations Translation SNI IEC 61975:2012

IDT Instalasi Arus Searah Voltase Tinggi (ASVT) – Uji Sistem

High-voltage direct current (HVDC) installation –System test

IEC 61975:2010 IDT



Piranti semikonduktor lainnya

SNI IEC 62031:2013

Other semi-conductor devices

Modul LED untuk pencahayaan umum - Spesifikasi keselamatan

LED modules for general lighting - Safety specifications


IEC 62031:2008 Translation



Electronic tubes

Tabung elektronik

SNI 04-6708.16-2002

Pengukuran sifat fisik listrik dari katup dan tabung elektronika - Bagian 16: Metoda pengukuran untuk tabung gambar televisi

Measurement electrical properties of electronic tubes and valves - Part 16: Measurement method for television image tubes


Measurement of the electrical properties of electronic tubes - Part 14: Methods of measurement of radar and osciloloscope cattode - Ray tubes


IEC 60151.16-1968 Measurements of the electrical properties of electronic tubes and valves Translation SNI 04-6708.14-2002

IDT Pengukuran sifat-sifat elektris dari tabung elektronika - Bagian 14: Metode pengukuran tabung sinar katoda radar dan oskiloskop

IEC 60151-14:1975, Measurements of the electrical properties of electronic tubes and valves. Part 14: Methods of measurement of radar and oscilloscope cathode-ray tubes Translation


- 109 -


Printed circuits and boards

Rangkaian dan papan tercetak

SNI 04-6252.12-2001

Papan tercetak - Bagian 12: Spesifikasi panel laminasi masal (papan tercetak berlapis-banyak semi manufaktur)

Printed boards - Part 12: Specification for mass lamination panels (semi-manufactured multiplayer printed boards)


IEC 326-12: 1992, Printed boards - Part 12: Specification for mass lamination panels (semi-manufactured multiplayer printed boards) Translation SNI 04-6252.6-2001

IDT Papan tercetak - Bagian 6: Spesifikasi papan tercetak berlapis banyak

Printed boards - Part 6: Specification for single and multilayer printed boards


Printed boards - Part 9: Specification for flexible multilayer printed boards through connections


IEC 326-6: 1980, Printed boards - Part 6: Specification for single and multilayer printed boards Translation SNI 04-6252.9-2000

IDT Papan tercetak - Bagian 9: Spesifikasi papan tercetak fleksibel berlapis banyak dengan penghubung tembus

IEC 326-9: 1991, Printed boards - Part 9: Specification for flexible multilayer printed boards through connections Translation SNI 04-6252.10-2002

IDT Papan tercetak - Bagian 10: Spesifikasi papan tercetak sisi-ganda kaku lentur dengan hubungan-tembus

Printed boards - Part 10: Specification for flex-rigid double-sided printed boards with though-connections


IEC 60326.10:1991, Printed boards - Part 10: Specification for flex-rigid double-sided printed boards with though connections Translation SNI 04-6252.4-2000

IDT Papan tercetak - Bagian 4: Spesifikasi untuk papan tercetak tunggal dan ganda dengan lubang-lubang sederhana

Printed boards - Part 4: Printed boards specification for single and double sided printed boards with plain hole


Printed boards - Part 8: Specification for single and double sided flexible printed boards with through connections


IEC 326-4 : Printed Boards Specification for Single and Double Sided Printed Boards with Plain Hole Translation SNI 04-6252.8-2001

IDT Papan tercetak - Bagian 8: Spesifikasi papan tercetak lentur sisi tunggal dan ganda dengan penghubung

IEC 326-8: 1981, Printed boards - Part 8: Specification for single and double sided flexible printed boards with through connections Translation SNI 04-6252.5-2001

IDT Papan tercetak - Bagian 5: Spesifikasi papan tercetak sisi tunggal dan sisi ganda dengan lubang terlapis (PTH)

Printed boards - Part 5: Specification for single and double sided printed boards with platedthrough holes


IEC 326-5: 1980, Printed boards - Part 5: Specification for single and double sided printed boards with plated-through holes Translation SNI 04-6252.11-2002

IDT Papan tercetak - Bagian 11: Spesifikasi papan tercetak lapis ganda kaku lentur dengan hubungan langsung

Printed boards - Part 11: Printed boards specification for rigid-flexible double-sided printed boards with direct connections


Printed boards - Part 7: Specification for single and double sided flexible printed boards without through connections


IEC 60326-11:1991, Printed boards with through connections Translation SNI 04-6252.7-2001

IDT Papan tercetak - Bagian 7: Spesifikasi papan tercetak lentur sisi tunggal dan ganda tanpa penghubung

IEC 326-7: 1981, Printed boards - Part 7: Specification for single and double sided flexible printed boards without through connections Translation SNI 04-1633-1989


Printed circuit board, Basic dimension

Peralatan tusuk kontak dan kotak kontak. Konektor

SNI 04-1982-1990

Plug-and-socket devices. Connectors

Lobang tusuk kontak telepon (L.T.K.T.)

Telephone plug holes

Keselamatan produk laser. Bagian 1: Klasifikasi perlengkapan, persyaratan dan petunjuk pengguna

Safety at laser products. Part 1: Equipment classification, requirements and user's guide

IEC 825-1: 1993, Safety at laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification, requirements and user's guide Translation SNI IEC 60825-1:2011

IDT Keselamatan produk laser - Bagian 1: Klasifikasi dan persyaratan peralatan

IEC 60825-1 ed. 2.0 2007 Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification and requrements Translation


Optoelectronics. Laser equipment

Optoelektronik. Peralatan laser

SNI 04-6294.1-2000


Electromechanical components for electronic and te

Komponen elektromekanik untuk peralatan elektronik



IDT Ukuran dasar papan rangkaian tercetak


- 110 -

Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification and requrements






Telecommunications in general

Telekomunikasi secara umum

SNI 04-1999-1990

Penyearah untuk catu daya sentral telepon

Rectifier for central telephone power supply

SNI 10-4835-1998

Sistem komunikasi penanggulangan tumpahan minyak di laut

Communication systems for protection of marine oil spills



Telecomunication systems

Sistem telekomunikasi



Komunikasi telepon dan telegraf secara umum

Telephone and telegraph communications in general

SNI 04-2000-1990

Kutub tanah tipe pelat untuk pentanahan perangkat telekomunikasi

Plate type ground pole for grounding of telecommunication devices

SNI 04-2016-1990

Frequency division multiplex telegrap (VFT - FDM)

Frequency division multiplex telegrap (VFT - FDM)


SNI 04-4111-1996

Sentral telepon langganan (STL)

Subscriber telephone terminals


SNI 04-1996-1990

Kutub tanah tipe batang untuk pentanahan perangkat telekomunikasi

Rod type ground pole for grounding of telecommunication devices

SNI 04-2017-1990

Time division multiplex telegrap/Data (VFT - TDM)

Time division multiplex telegraph/data (VFT - TDM)


SNI 04-2008-1990

Sistem pentanahan perangkat telekomunikasi, Petunjuk pemasangan

Telecomunication devices grounding system, Guide for installation


SNI 04-2007-1990

Kutub tanah tipe mendatar untuk pentanahan perangkat telekomunikasi

Horizontal type ground pole for gorunding of telecomunication device

SNI 04-1995-1990

Sistem pentanahan perangkat telekomunikasi

Grounding system for telecommunication devices


Sistem transmisi

SNI 04-7096-2005



8 24

Transmission systems

Kualitas transmisi telepon saluran pelanggan dan set-karakteristik transmisi telepon digital untuk pita telepon (300-3400 Hz)

The quality of customer line telephone transmission and transmission characteristics - set for telephone band (300-3400 Hz) digital telephones


ITU-T P.310, Transmission characteristic for telephone band (3000 - 3400 Hz) digital telephone Translation


SNI 04-1985-1990

Ruang sambung berdiri (R.S.B.)

Manhole connecting space


SNI 04-1986-1990

Ruang sambung jongkok (R.S.J.)

Handhole connecting space



Jaringan komunikasi data

SNI 04-6257-2000

Data communication networks

Nilai tukar data untuk pembacaan meter, terhadap tarif dan kontrol beban Nilai tukar data lokal pembacaan langsung

Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control direct local data exchange


Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Local bus data exchange


IEC 1107 (1992-07), Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - direct local data exchange IDT SNI 04-6278-2000

Pertukaran data untuk pembacaan meter, tarif dan kontrol beban Pertukaran data dan saluran lokal

IEC 61142: 1993, Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Local bus data exchange Translation



Saluran, sambungan dan sirkuit

Lines, connections and circuits

SNI 04-2093-1990

Persyaratan umum terminal blok rangka pembagi utama kabel telepon

General rules for main distribution frame terminal block telephone cables

SNI 04-2066-1990

Saluran penanggal atas tanah dengan penggantung kawat baja untuk kabel telepon

Ground dropper wires with steel wire hanger for telephone cable

SNI 04-2065-1990

Saluran kabel telepon rumah

Indoor telephone line cables

SNI 04-2382-1991

Perangkat pengganda saluran digital

Digital channel multipliers


SNI 04-2082-1990

Selongsong sambung kabel telepon tanah

Junction sleeve of ground telephone cables.


SNI 04-2067-1990

Saluran penanggal atas tanah dari baja sepuh tembaga untuk kabel telepon

Ground dropper wires of copper gilt steel for telephone cables

SNI 04-2088-1990

Kotak pembagi dalam (KPD) untuk kabel telepon

Indoor terminal blocks for telephone cables


SNI 04-2087-1990

Kotak pembagi luar (KPL) untuk kabel telepon

Outdoor terminal blocks for telephone cables


SNI 04-2086-1990

Rumah kabel telepon dalam (RKD)

Indoor telephone cable houses


SNI 04-2085-1990

Rumah kabel telepon luar (RKL)

Outdoor telephone cable houses


SNI 04-2084-1990

Selongsong sambung kabel telepon polong berisi petrojeli

Junction sleeve of petrojelly duct telephone cables


SNI 04-2083-1990

Selongsong sambung kabel telepon polong tanpa petrojeli

Junction sleeve of non petrojelly duct telephone cables


SNI 04-2089-1990

Selongsong sambung kabel telepon udara

Junction sleeve of overhead telephone cables


SNI 04-2090-1990

Konektor urat kabel telepon

Connector for main telephone cables



Peralatan telepon

12 8


Telephone equipment

SNI 04-2020-1990

Pesawat telepon umum dengan kartu debet (P.T.U.K.D)

General telephone machine with debet card


SNI 04-2384-1991

Pesawat telepon umum coin (PTUC)

Coin public telephone apparatus


SNI 04-2021-1990

Pesawat telepon otomat

Automatic telephone machine


SNI 04-1981-1990

Kotak terminal pelanggan (K.T.P.)

Customer terminal blocks


SNI 04-1980-1990

Sambungan pembagi tetap kerut panas

Fixed dividing joints



Peralatan untuk teleks teleteks telefaks

Equipment for telex, teletext, telefax

SNI 04-2018-1990




SNI 04-2010-1990

Perangkat akomex (adaptor komputer - telex)

Computer-telex adaptor devices


SNI 04-3508-1994

Pesawat faksimile grup II dan III

Facsimile machines group II and III


SNI 04-2009-1990

Pesawat teleprinter elektronik

Electronic teleprinter devices



Peralatan lain untuk komunikasi telelpon dan teleg

Other equipment for telephone and telegraph commun

SNI 03-2377-1991

Tiang telepon beton prategang berpenampang bulat berongga, panjang 7 meter

Hollow space round profile prestressed concrete telephone pole, 7 meter

SNI 04-2075-1990

Tiang telepon besi sembilan meter

Iron telephone poles, 9 meters


SNI 04-2074-1990

Tiang telepon besi delapan meter

Iron telephone poles, 8 meters


SNI 04-2073-1990

Tiang telepon besi tujuh meter

Iron telephone poles, 7 meters.


SNI 04-2072-1990

Tiang telepon besi enam meter

Iron telephone poles, 6 meters


- 111 -



Telecomunication terminal equipment

Peralatan terminal telekomunikasi


Perangkat telepon

SNI 04-7042-2004


Telephone equipment

Pesawat telepon analog

Analogue telephones


Komunikasi radio


Peralatan penerima dan pemancar

SNI 04-2232-1991



Receiving and transmitting equipment

Pesawat penerima radio, FM Hi - Fi, Persyaratan unjuk kerja minimum

Relai radio dan sistem komunikasi satelit

High fidility FM radio receivers, Minimum performance requirement


Radio relay and fixed sateilite communications sys

SNI 04-2380-1991

Perangkat pengganda saluran AM

AM channel multipliers


SNI 04-2381-1991

Perangkat pengganda saluran FM

FM channel multipliers



Jasa mobil

SNI 04-2011-1990


Mobile services

Radio VHF/UHF dengan modulasi frekuensi untuk dinas bergerak di darat


Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Kompatibiltas elektromagnetik (EMC)

SNI 04-3868-2001

VHF/UHF radio with frequency modulation for land mobile services

Uji interferensi radio pada insulator tegangan tinggi

Radio interference test for high voltage insulators


IEC 60437: 1997, Radio interference tests on high voltage insulators Translation


SNI CISPR 16-1-1:2011

Spesifikasi untuk metode dan aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio - Bagian 1-1: Aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio Aparatus pengukur

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Measuring apparatus

SNI CISPR 16-1-5:2011

Spesifikasi untuk metode dan aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio - Bagian 1-5: Aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio Tempat uji kalibrasi antenna untuk frekuensi 30 MHz sampai dengan 1 000 MHz

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-5: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Antenna calibration test sites for 30 MHz to 1000 MHz


IEC CISPR 16-1-5 ed1.0:2003 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-5: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Antenna calibration test sites for 30 MHz to 1000 MHz Translation


SNI CISPR 16-2-1:2011

Spesifikasi untuk metode dan aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio - Bagian 2-1: Metode pengukuran gangguan dan kekebalan Pengukuran gangguan konduksi

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-1: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity - Conducted disturbance measurements

SNI CISPR 16-1-4:2011

Spesifikasi untuk metode dan aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio - Bagian 1-4: Aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio Antena dan tempat uji untuk pengukuran gangguan radiasi

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Antennas and test sites for radiated disturbance measurements

SNI CISPR 16-1-2:2011

Spesifikasi untuk metode dan aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio - Bagian 1-2: Aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio Perangkat tambahan - Gangguan konduksi

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-2: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Ancillary equipment Conducted disturbances

SNI CISPR 14-1:2014

Kompatibilitas elektromagnetik - Persyaratan untuk perkakas rumah tangga, pperalatan elektris dan aparatus sejenis - Bagian 1: Emisi (CISPR 14-1 ed 5.2 Consol. With am 1&2:2011, IDT)

Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household utensils, electrical pperalatan and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission


Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 2: Immunity - Product family standard


CISPR 14-1 ed 5.2 Consol. With am 1&2:2011 IDT


SNI CISPR 14-2:2011

Kompatibilitas elektromagnetik - Persyaratan untuk perlengkapan rumah tangga, peralatan kelistrikan dan aparatus yang sejenis - Bagian 2: Kekebalan - Standar produk rumah tangga dan sejenisnya

IEC CIPPR 14-2 ED1.2:2008 Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 2: Immunity - Product family standard Translation SNI CISPR 20:2014

IDT Penerima siaran televisi dan radio serta perangkat terkait - Karakteristik kekebalan - Limit dan metode pengukuran (CISPR 20 ed 6.0:2006, IDT)

Radio and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement


Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-2: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity - Measurement of disturbance power


Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar devices


CISPR 20 ed 6.0:2006 IDT


SNI CISPR 16-2-2:2014

Spesifikasi untuk metode dan aparatus pengukur gangguan radio dan kekebalan - Bagian 2-2: Metode pengukuran gangguan dan kekebalan Pengukuran daya gangguan (CISPR 16-2-2 ed 2.0:2010, IDT)

CISPR 16-2-2 ed 2.0:2010 IDT


SNI CISPR 15:2014

Limit dan metode pengukuran karakteristik gangguan radio untuk pencahayaan elektris dan perangkat sejenis (CISPR 15 ed 7.2 Consol. With am 1&2:2009, IDT)

CISPR 15 ed 7.2 Consol. With am 1&2:2009 IDT


SNI CISPR 16-1-3:2011


Spesifikasi untuk metode dan aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio - Bagian 1-3: Aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio Perangkat tambahan - Daya gangguan

Kompatibilitas elektromagnetik secara umum

SNI 04-6204.2.2-2000

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-3: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Ancillary equipment Disturbance power

Electromagnetic compatibility in general

Kesesuaian elektromagnetik (KEM) - Bagian 2: Lingkungan - Seksi 2: Tingkat kesesuaian pada frekuensi-rendah akibat gangguan dan pensinyalan pada sistem suplai daya tegangan-rendah

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 2: Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems


IEC 1000-2-2 :1990-05, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2 : Environment - Section 2: Compatibility levels for low frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems Translation SNI 04-6204.2.6-2001

IDT Kesesuaian elektromagnetik (KEM) - Bagian 2: Lingkungan - Seksi 6: Penilaian tingkat emisi pada suplai daya industri berkenaan dengan gangguan frekuensi rendah

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 6: Assesment of the emission levels in the power supply of industrial plants as regards low-frequency conducted disturbances


IEC 1000-2-6: 1995, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 6: Assesment of the emission levels in the power supply of industrial plants as regards low-frequency conducted disturbances Translation SNI 04-6204.2.5-2001

MOD Kesesuaian elektromagnetik (KEM) - Bagian 2: Lingkungan - Seksi 5: Klasifikasi lingkungan elektromagnetik - Publikasi KEM dasar

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 5: Classsification of electromagnetic environment - Basic EMC publication


IEC 61000-2-5: 1995, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 5: Classsification of electromagnetic environment - Basic EMC publication Translation SNI 04-6260.2-2000

IDT Kesesuaian elektromagnetik pada perlengkapan pengukuran dan kontrol proses industri - Bagian 2: Persyaratan luahan elektrostatik

Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial process measurement and control equipment Part 2: Electrostatic discharge requirements

IEC 801-2: 1991, Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial process measurement and control equipment - Part 2: Electrostatic discharge requirements Translation


- 112 -


SNI 04-6204.2.3-2000

Kesesuaian elektromagnetik (KEM) - Bagian 2: Lingkungan - Seksi 3: Penjelasan lingkungan - Fenomena teradiasi dan terkonduksi tanpa terkait dengan frekuensi jaringan

Electromagnetic compability (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 3: Description of environment - Radiated and non network frequency related conducted phenomena


IEC 1000-2-3 edisi pertama 1992-09, Electro¬magnetic Compability (EMC), Part 2: Environment, Section 3: Description of environment - Radiated and non-network-frequency-related conducted phenomena Translation SNI 04-6204.2.1-2000

IDT Kesesuaian elektromagnetik (KEM) - Bagian 2: Lingkungan - Seksi 1: Uraian lingkungan - Lingkungan elektromagnetik pada frekuensi rendah yang diakibatkan oleh gangguan dan pensinyalan dalam sistem suplai

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 1: Description of the enviroment - Electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public powe


IEC 1000-2-1:1990-05,Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)-Part 2: Environment-Section 1:Description of the environment ekctromagnetic environment for low frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public power supply systems Translation SNI 04-6204.1.1-2000

IDT Kesesuaian elekromagnetik (KEM) - Bagian 1: Umum - Seksi 1: Penerapan dan interpretasi dari definisi dan istilah dasar

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1: General - Section 1: Application and interpretation of fundamental definitions and terms


IEC 1000-1-1 : 1992-04, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1 : General -Section 1: Application and interpretation of fundamental definitions and terms Translation SNI 04-6291-2000

IDT Batasan dan metode pengukuran karakteristik gangguan radio dari kerja motor listrik dan pemanfaat termal untuk pengunaan rumah tangga dan yang sejenis, perkakas listrik dan aparatus listrik

Limits and methods of measurements of radio disturbance chracteristics of electrical motoroperated and thermal appliances for household and similar porposes, electric tools and electric apparatus


IEC CISPR 14: 1988, Limits and methods of measurements of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical motor-operated and thermal appliances for household and similar purposes, electric tools and electric apparatus Translation SNI 04-6204.2.4-2000

IDT Kesesuaian elektromagnetik (KEM) - Bagian 2: Lingkungan - Seksi 4: Tingkat kesesuaian pada pabrik industri untuk gangguan yang terkonduksi frekuensi rendah

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 4: Compatibility panels in industrial plants for low requency conducted disturbances


IEC 1000-2-4 edisi pertama 1995-02, Electro¬magnetic Compability (EMC), Part 2: Environment, Section 4: Compability panels in industrial plants for low frequency conducted disturbances IDT

33.100.10 SNI CISPR 11:2012

Perangkat industri, sains dan medis - Karakteristik gangguan frekuensi radio - Limit dan metode pengukuran

Industrial, scientific and medical equipment - Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics Limits and methods of measurement

CISPR 11 ed5.1 Consol. with am1 IDT


SNI CISPR 22:2012

Perangkat teknologi informasi - Karakteristik gangguan radio - Limit dan metode pengukuran

Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement

CISPR 22 ed6.0 (2008-09) IDT


SNI CISPR 16-4-4:2016

Spesifikasi untuk metode dan aparatus pengukur gangguan radio dan kekebalan - Bagian 4-4: Pemodelan ketidakpastian, statistik dan limit Statistik keluhan dan model kalkulasi limit untuk perlindungan layanan radio (CISPR 16-4-4:2007, IDT)

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-4: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Statistics of complaints and a model for the calculation of limits for the protection of radio services (CISPR 16-4-4:2007, IDT)


Methods of measurement of the suppression characteristics of passive EMC filtering devices (CISPR 17:2011, IDT)


Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of on-board receivers (CISPR 25:2008, IDT)


CISPR 16-4-4:2007 IDT SNI CISPR 17:2016

Metode pengukuran karakteristik penekanan divais filter EMC pasif (CISPR 17:2011, IDT)

CISPR 17:2011 IDT SNI CISPR 25:2016

Kendaraan, perahu dan mesin pembakaran dalam - Karakteristik gangguan radio - Limit dan metode pengukuran untuk perlindungan perangkat penerima on-board (CISPR 25:2008, IDT)

CISPR 25:2008 IDT


Components and accessories for telecommunication e

Komponen dan lengkapan untuk peralatan telekomunik

SNI CISPR 24:2012

Perangkat Teknologi Informasi (PTI) - Karakteristik kekebalan - Limit dan metode pengukuran

Software Information Technology (PTI) - immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement

IEC CISPR 24 ed2.0:2010, IDT IDT SNI CISPR 13:2012

Perangkat penerima siaran televisi dan radio dan perangkat terkait Karakteristik gangguan radio - Limit dan metode pengukuran

The device of television and radio broadcast receivers and related devices - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement

IEC CISPR 13 ed5:2009, IDT IDT SNI CISPR 16-2-4:2012

Spesifikasi untuk metode dan aparatus pengukur kekebalan dan gangguan radio - Bagian 2-4: Metode pengukuran kekeblan dan gangguan Pengukuran kekebalan

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-4 Methods of measurement and interference kekeblan - Measurement immunity

IEC CISPR 16-2-4 ed1.0:2003, IDT IDT


Kabel koaksialKendali

SNI 04-3634-1994


Coaxial cables. Waveguides

Kabel penanggal bawah Tanah

Underground dropper telephone cable

Kawat dan kabel simetris


Wires and symmetrical cables

SNI 04-2069-1990

Kabel telepon tanah berperisai, berisolasi dan berselubung polietilen berisi petrojeli

Polyethylene sheathed, petro jelly filled, shielded ground telephone cables


SNI 04-2070-1990

Kabel tanah tanpa perisai berisolasi dan berselubung polietilen berisi petrojeli

Polyethylene insulated and sheathed, petrojelly filled, unshielding ground telephone cables


SNI 04-2013-1990

Kabel telepon tanah berperisai berisolasi polietilen busa berkulit dan berselubung polietilen berisi kompon jeli. (T - Ebk J (Pem) E)

Foam polyethylene insulated, polyethylene sheathed, jelly compound filled, shealded telephone cables


SNI 04-2071-1990

Kabel telepon tanah tanpa perisai berisolasi dan berselubung polietilen

Polyethylene insulated and sheathed, unshielded ground telephone cables


SNI 04-2004-1990

Prosedur uji kabel telepon

Telephone cable, Test procedure


SNI 04-2064-1990

Kabel telepon udara berisolasi dan berselubung polietilen, berpenguatan sendiri

Polyethyelene insulated and sheathed, self supporting overhead telephone cables

SNI 04-2003-1990

Kabel telepon tanah tanpa perisai berisolasi polietilen busa berkulit dan berselubung polietilen berisi petrojeli (Tp - Ebk J (Pe) E)

Foam skin polyethylene insulated and polyethylene sheathed petrojelly filled ground telephone cable (Tp - Ebk J (Pe) E)


SNI 04-2012-1990

Kabel telepon tanah tanpa perisai berisolasi polietilen busa berkulit dan berselubung polietilen

Foam skin polyethyline insulated and polyethyline sheated unshielded ground telephone cable


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SNI 04-2019-1990

Kabel sentral telepon berisolasi PE dan berselubung PVC dengan lindung pisah elektris. S-E(Pcl)V 2(1x2x0,6)

PE Insulated and PVC sheathed with electrical separator office telephone cable


SNI 04-2077-1990

Kabel rumah berpelindung elektris berisolasi dan berselubung PVC

PVC insulated and sheathed, electrically shielded, indoor cables


SNI 04-2081-1990

Kabel telepon rumah berpenghantar tembaga lapis timah putih,berpelindung elektris, berisolasi, dan berselubung PVC

PVC insulated and sheathed electrically shielded, tin coated copper conductor, indoor telephone cables


SNI 04-2092-1990

Kabel telepon penanggal bawah tanah berperisai berisi petrojeli

Unshielded petro jelly filled underground dropper telephone cables


SNI 04-3633-1994

Kabel tanah tanpa perisai, berisolasi dan berselubung polietilen berisi petrojely dengan lindung pisah elektrik

Polyethylene insulated and sheated, petrojelly filled, which electrical separatur unshielding ground telephones cables


SNI 04-2076-1990

Kabel telepon rumah, berisolasi dan berselubung PVC

PVC insulated and sheathed indoor telephone cables


SNI 04-2068-1990

Kawat sambung untuk kabel telepon

Connecting wire for telephone cables

SNI 04-2080-1990

Kabel telepon rumah berpenghantar tembaga lapis timah putih, berisolasi dan berselubung PVC

PVC insulated and sheathed, tin coated copper conductor indoor telephone cables

SNI 04-1991-1990

Utas mikro telepon

Micro telephone cord

SNI 04-1992-1990

Kabel sentral telepon berisolasi PE dan berselubung PVC dengan lindung pisah elektris

PE insulated and PVC sheathed electrically shielded office telephone cables

SNI 04-1990-1990

Kabel pesawat telepon

Telephone devices cables

SNI 04-2079-1990

Kawat sambung lapis timah putih

Tin coated connecting wire

SNI 04-2078-1990

Kabel sungai berperisai pipa baja berulir, berisolasi, dan berselubung polietilen berisi petrojeli

Polyethylene insulated, and sheathed, petro jelly filled with threaded steel pipe shielding river cables

SNI 04-2091-1990

Kabel telepon rumah tiga urat

Three wire indoor telephone cables



SNI 04-6251.1-2000

5 14 6 15 5 5 16 4

Aerials Antena untuk penerimaan bunyi dan penyiaran televisi pada rentang 30 MHz sampai 1 GHz - Bagian a : Karakteristik elektris dan mekanis

Aerials for the sound reception and television broadcasting in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz - Part a : Electrical and mechanical characteristic


Telescopic receiver antena


IEC 597 Part 1 : Aerials for the recepsion of Electrical and mechanical characteristic Translation SNI 04-0920-1989


IDT Antena penerima berbentuk teleskop

Komponen dan lengkapan lainnya

Other components and accessories

SNI 04-1993-1990

Sangkutan kabel penanggal atas tanah

Ground dropper cable hook

SNI 04-1989-1990

Pipa polong dan kelengkapannya (dari bahan PVC keras)

Duct pipe and its accessories (Hard PVC materials)

SNI 04-1984-1990

Sengkang kabel penanggal atas tanah

Ground dropper cable pole strap


SNI 04-1983-1990

Sengkang kabel udara

Overhead cable pole strap


SNI 04-1988-1990

Sumbat pipa kabel

Cable pipe plugs




Audio, video and audiovisual engineering

Rekayasa audio video dan audiovisual



Sistem audio video dan audiovisual secara umum

Audio, video and audiovisual systems in general

SNI 04-2234-1991

Sistem dan peralatan audio Hi Fi, Persyaratan umum

High fidelity audio equipment and systems, General requirement

SNI 04-6253-2003

Peralatan audio, video dan elektronika sejenis - Persyaratan keselamatan

Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirements

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IEC 60065: 2001-12, Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirement Translation SNI IEC 61883-1:2009

MOD Perlengkapan video/audio konsumen-antarmuka digital - Bagian 1 : Umum

Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 1: General



IEC 61883-1 Edition 3.0 (2008-02) Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 1: General Translation


SNI 04-6714.5-2002

Peralatan tata suara - Bagian 5: Pengeras suara

Sound system equipmnent - Part 5: Loudspeakers

SNI 04-6709.1-2002

Peralatan dan sistem audio visual, video dan televisi - Bagian 1: Umum

Audio visual, video and television equipment and system - Part 1: General


IEC 574.1-1977, Audio visual, video and television equipment and system Part 1 : General Translation SNI 04-6714.1-2002

IDT Peralatan tata suara - Bagian 1: Umum

Sound system equipment - Part 1: General


IEC 60268 -1 Sound System Equipment, Part 9 : General Translation


SNI 04-2233-1991



Pengeras suara


Penguat audio Hi Fi, Persyaratan unjuk kerja minimum

High fidelity audio amplifiers, Minimum performance requirement

Pesawat penerima radio dan televisi


Radio and television receivers

SNI 04-2654-1992

Persyaratan keselamatan untuk pemakaian pesawat penerima televisi

Safety requirement for the operation of television receivers


SNI IEC 60107-2:2015

Metode pengukuran pada pesawat penerima untuk transmisi siaran televisi Bagian 2: Kanal audio - Metode umum dan metode untuk kanal monofonik (IEC 60107-2:1997, IDT)

Methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions - Part 2: Audio channels - common methods and methods for monophonic channels (IEC 60107-2: 1997, IDT)


IEC 60107-2:1997 IDT


Sistem perekam suara

SNI 04-6709.10-2004

Sound recording systems

Peralatan dan sistem audiovisual, video dan televisi - Bagian 10: Sistem kaset audio

Audiovisual, video and television equipment and systems - Part 10: Audiocassette


Mechanical safety of cathode ray tubes


IEC 60574: 1983 Translation SNI IEC 61965:2009

IDT Keselamatan mekanis tabung sinar katoda

IEC 61965 Edition 2.0 (2003-07) Mechanical safety of cathode ray tubes Translation



Sistem perekam video

SNI 04-6293-2000

Vldeo recording systems

Sistem cakram-video berpantulan optik pra-terekam "tampilan laser" 50 Hz/ bergaris 625-PAL

IEC 856: 1986, Pre-recorded optical reflective videodisk system "laser vision" 50 Hz/625 lines-PAL Translation


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Pre-recorded optical reflective videodisk system "laser vision" 50 Hz/625 lines-PAL





SNI 04-2649-1992

Metode pengujian - Pengeras suara jenis kerucut

Test method for cone type loudspeakers,


SNI 04-2650-1992

Pengeras suara jenis corong

Funnel type loudspeakers


SNI 04-2648-1992

Pengeras suara jenis kerucut (cone)

Cone type loudspeakers


SNI 04-2647-1992

Pengeras suara jenis kerucut, Peraturan umum

Cone type loudspeakers, General requirements


SNI IEC 60268-4:2009

Peralatan sistem suara - Bagian 4 : Mikropon

Sound system equipment - Part 4: Microphones


High fidelity audio equipment and systems; Minimum performance requirements - Part 7: Loudspeakers


Sound system equipment - Part 5: Loudspeakers


IEC 60268-4 Edition 3.0 (2004-02) Sound system equipment - Part 4: Microphones Translation SNI IEC 60581-7:2013

IDT Perangkat dan sistem audio kejernihan tinggi: Persyaratan Kinerja Minimum - Bagian 7: Pengeras suara

IEC 60581-7: 1986 Translation SNI IEC 60268-5:2013

IDT Perangkat sistem suara - Bagian 5: Pengeras suara

IEC 60268-5:2003+A1:2007 Translation SNI IEC 61305-5:2013

IDT Perangkat dan sistem audio kejernihan tinggi untuk rumah tangga - Metode pengukuran dan penentuan kinerja - Bagian 5: Pengeras suara

Household high-fidelity audio equipment and system - Methods of measuring and specifying the performance - Part 5: Loudspeaker


IEC 61305-5: 2003 Translation



Fibre optic communications

Komunikasi serat optik


Serat dan kabel

Fibres and cables

SNI 7615.2:2010

Kabel serat optik - Bagian 2: Single mode berkonstruksi loose tube untuk aplikasi duct

Optical fiber cables - Part 2: Single mode loose tube constructed for duct applications

SNI 7615.3:2010

Kabel serat optik - Bagian 3: Single mode berkonstruksi loose tube untuk aplikasi kabel udara

Optical fiber cables - Part 3: Single mode loose tube constructed for the application of aerial cable

SNI 7615.1:2010

Kabel serat optik - Bagian 1: Single mode berkonstruksi loose tube untuk aplikasi tanam langsung

Optical fiber cables - Part 1: Single mode loose tube constructed for the application of direct planting

SNI 7616:2010

Persyaratan teknis terminal Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 2000 1X

Technical Requirements terminal Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 2000 1X


Alat interkoneksi serat optik

SNI 04-7113.1-2005

Fibre optic interconnecting devices

Konektor untuk kabel dan serat optik - Bagian 1: Spesifikasi umum

Connector for optical fibre and cables. Part 1: General specification


IEC 60874.1: 1999, Connector for optical fiber and cables - Part 1 : Generic spesification Translation



Telecontrol. Telemetering

Kendali jarak jauh Pengukuran jarak jauh

SNI 04-7021.2.1-2004

Peralatan dan sistem telekontrol - Bagian 2: Kondisi operasi - Seksi 1: Catu daya dan kompatibilitas elektromagnetik

Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 2: Operating conditions - Section 1: Power supply and electromagnetic compatibility


Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 1: General considerations - Section 2: Guide for specifications


Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 1: General considerations - Section 1: General principles


Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 3: Interfaces (electric characteristics)


Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 4: Definition and coding of application information elements


Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 3: General structures of application data


Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 2: Link transmission procedures


Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 1: Transmission frame format


IEC 60870-2-1: 1995 Translation SNI 04-7021.1.2-2004

MOD Peralatan dan sistem telekontrol - Bagian 1: Pertimbangan umum - Seksi 2: Pedoman untuk spesifikasi

IEC 60870-1-2: 1989 Translation SNI 04-7021.1.1-2004

MOD Peralatan dan sistem telekontrol - Bagian 1: Pertimbangan umum - Seksi 1: Prinsip umum

IEC 60870-1-1: 1988 Translation SNI 04-7021.3-2004

MOD Peralatan dan sistem telekontrol - Bagian 3: Antar muka (karakteristik listrik)

IEC 60870 Translation SNI 04-7021.5.4-2004

MOD Peralatan dan sistem telekontrol - Bagian 5: Protokol transmisi - Seksi 4: Definisi dan pengkodean aplikasi elemen informasi

IEC 60870-5-4: 1993 Translation SNI 04-7021.5.3-2004

MOD Peralatan dan sistem telekontrol - Bagian 5: Protokol transmisi - Seksi 3: Struktur umum data aplikasi

IEC 60870-5: 1990 Translation SNI 04-7021.5.2-2004

MOD Peralatan dan sistem telekontrol - Bagian 5: Protokol transmisi - Seksi 2: Prosedur transmisi link

IEC 60870-5: 1990 Translation SNI 04-7021.5.1-2004

MOD Peralatan dan sistem telekontrol - Bagian 5: Protokol transmisi - Seksi 1: Format frame transmisi

IEC 60870-5: 1990 Translation


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lnformation technology (IT) in general

Teknologi informasi (IT) secara umum

SNI 19-7125-2005

Teknologi Informasi - Teknik keamanan - Panduan teknik untuk penggunaan dan manajemen jasa Pihak Ketiga Terpercaya

Information technology - Security techniques - Technical guidelines for the use and management of Trusted Third Party services


ISO/IEC TR 14516: 2002, Information technology - security techniques - Guidelines for use management of Trusted third party services Coversheet SNI 7512:2008

IDT Teknologi informasi - Teknik keamanan - Pengelolaan insiden keamanan informasi

Information technology - Security techniques - Information security incident management (ISO/IEC TR 18044:2004, MOD)


ISO/IEC TR 18044:2004, Information technology - Security techniques - Information security incident management Translation SNI IEC 61000-4-4:2013

MOD Kompatibilitas elektromagnetik (EMC) - Bagian 4-4: Teknik pengukuran dan pengujian-Uji kekebalan listrik transien cepat (burst)

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-4: testing and measurement techniques - Test electrical fast transient immunity (burst)


Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: proximity card


Information technology - Security techniques - Guidelines for auditors for information security controls


Information technology - Security techniques - Guidelines on the integrated implementation of ISO / IEC 27001 and ISO / IEC 20000-1


Information technology - Security techniques - Guidelines for information security management systems auditing


Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management Measurement


IEC 61000-4-4:2011 IDT


SNI ISO/IEC 10373-6:2013 Kartu identifikasi – Metode uji – Bagian 6: Kartu proksimitas ISO/IEC 10373-6:2011 IDT SNI ISO/IEC TR 27008:2013

IDT Teknologi informasi - Teknik keamanan - Pedoman untuk auditor tentang kendali keamanan informasi

ISO/IEC/TR 27008:2011 Translation SNI ISO/IEC 27013:2013

IDT Teknologi informasi - Teknik keamanan - Pedoman penerapan terintegrasi SNI ISO/IEC 27001 dan SNI ISO/IEC 20000-1

ISO/IEC 27013:2012 IDT SNI ISO/IEC 27007:2013

IDT Teknologi informasi - Teknik keamanan - Pedoman keamanan informasi manajemen sistem audit

ISO/IEC 27007:2011 Translation SNI ISO/IEC 27004:2013

IDT Teknologi informasi - Teknik keamanan - Manajemen keamanan informasi Pengukuran

ISO/IEC 27004:2009 Translation SNI ISO/IEC 27002:2013

IDT Teknologi informasi - Teknik keamanan - Kode praktek untuk manajemen keamanan informasi Panduan praktik manajemen keamanan informasi

Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for information security management


ISO/IEC 27002:2005 Translation SNI ISO/IEC TR 200005:2013

IDT Teknologi informasi - Manajemen layanan - Bagian 5: Contoh acuan perencanaan implementasi SNI ISO/IEC 20000-1

Information technology -- Service management -- Part 5: Exemplar implementation plan for ISO/IEC 20000-1


ISO/IEC TR 20000-5:2010 Translation


SNI ISO/IEC TR 200004:2013

Teknologi informasi - Manajemen layanan - Bagian 4: Model referensi proses

Information technology -- Service management - Part 4: Process reference


SNI ISO/IEC 27014:2013

Teknologi informasi - Teknik keamanan - Tata kelola keamanan informasi

Information technology - Security techniques - Information security governance


Information technology--Service management - Part 3: Guidance on scope definition and applicability of ISO/IEC 20000-1


ISO/IEC 27014:2013 IDT SNI ISO/IEC TR 200003:2013

IDT Teknologi informasi - Manajemen layanan - Bagian 3: Pedoman pendefinisian lingkup dan kesesuaian dari SNI ISO/IEC 20000-1

SNI ISO/IEC 20000-2:2013 Teknologi informasi - Manajemen layanan - Bagian 2: Pedoman penerapan sistem manajemen layanan

Information technology - Service management - Part 2: Guidance on the application of service management systems


Information technology - Service management - Part 1: Service management system requirements


Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management for intersector and inter-organizational communications


Penilaian kesesuaian-Fundamental sertifikasi produk dan panduan skema sertifikasi produk Conformity assessment-Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes

Conformity assessment - Fundamentals of product certification and product certification scheme guide Conformity assessment - Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes


IDT Teknologi Informasi - Teknik keamanan - Informasi manajemen risiko keamanan

Information technology - Security techniques - Information security risk management


Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: testing and measurement techniques - Test shock immunity


Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: testing and measurement techniques - Test shock immunity


ISO/IEC 20000-2:2012 Translation


SNI ISO/IEC 20000-1:2013 Teknologi informasi - Manajemen layanan - Bagian 1: Persyaratan sistem manajemen layanan ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 Translation SNI ISO/IEC 27010:2013

IDT Teknologi informasi - Teknik keamanan - Manajemen keamanan informasi untuk komunikasi antar-sektor dan antar-organisasi

ISO/IEC 27010:2012 Translation SNI ISO/IEC 17067:2013


ISO/IEC 17067:2013 IDT SNI ISO/IEC 27005:2013 ISO/IEC 27005:2011 Translation SNI IEC 61000-4-5:2013

IDT Kompatibilitas elektromagnetik (EMC) - Bagian 4-5: Teknik pengukuran dan pengujian-Uji kekebalan kejut

IEC 61000-4-5:2005 IDT SNI IEC 61000-4-8:2013

IDT Kompatibilitas elektromagnetik (EMC) - Bagian 4-8: Teknik pengukuran dan pengujian-Uji kekebalan medan magnetic frekuensi daya

IEC 61000-4-8:2009 IDT


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SNI IEC 61000-4-11:2013

Kompatibilitas elektromagnetik (EMC) - Bagian 4-11: Teknik pengukuran dan pengujian-Uji kekebalan tegangan turun sesaat (voltage dips), interupsi singkat (short interruptions) dan variasi tegangan (voltage variations)

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-11: measurement techniques and testing Test immune instantaneous voltage drop (voltage dips), short interruptions (short interruptions) and voltage variation (voltage variations)


Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-13: measurement techniques and testing low frequency immunity tests on harmonics and inter-harmonics including signaling the grid ac power port


IEC 61000-4-11:2004 IDT SNI IEC 61000-4-13:2013

IDT Kompatibilitas elektromagnetik (EMC) - Bagian 4-13: Teknik pengukuran dan pengujian-Uji kekebalan frekuensi rendah pada harmonic dan inter-harmonik termasuk signalling jala-jala listrik port daya a.c.

IEC 61000-4-13:2009 IDT


SNI 0055:2013/ Amd1:2013

Tekstil-Handuk, Amandemen 1

Textiles - Towels, Amendment 1


SNI 7931:2013

Perancangan kapasitas dan layout sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga mikrohidro jenis cross-flow sampai dengan daya terbangkit 25 kW

Capacity planning and system layout of micro hydro power plant type cross-flow up to 25 kW of power rise


SNI IEC 61000-4-6:2014

Kompatibilitas elektromagnetik (EMC) - Bagian 4-6: Teknik pengujian dan pengukuran - Kekebalan terhadap gangguan konduksi yang diinduksi oleh medan frekuensi radio (IEC 61000-4-6 ed 3.0:2008, IDT)

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-6: testing and measurement techniques Immunity to conduction disturbances induced by radio frequency fields


Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-3: testing and measurement techniques - Test immunity radio frequency electromagnetic fields emitted


Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-2: testing and measurement techniques electrostatic discharge immunity test


Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - Limitation voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage supply systems for the public, for the device with the current class of