Unit 2 Relationship [PDF]

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Unit 2: Relationship

RELATIONSHIP UNIT OBJECTIVES At the end of this unit, students will be able to:

• Use vocabulary relating to the topic (relationships, linking or not linking someone, family, getting together… )

• Pronounce strong and weak auxiliaries, sentence stress

• Make a conversation • Develop listening, reading and speaking skills via practical exercises relating to this topic







• Relationships between people

• Relative clauses

Vocabulary about

• Ways people keep in touch with

• Some special uses of


relative pronouns in re


strictive clauses







• Strong and weak auxiliaries

• Sending E-Cards

• Making conversation

• Sentence stress

• Easy ways to keep in touch

• Relationships

• Making conversation



• International friendship club


• Making conversation

WRITING Write a message


• Make a list of tips on How to

DURATION (12 PERIODS) ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship




What are the relationship between those people? Match the word in the box with suitable picture below.


father- son



boss- staff

colleagues .







Choose an action that you often do to keep in touch with other people?

1. Sending e-card

2. Send text message

3. Telephone

4. Chat on the internet

ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship


Relative clauses

Relative clauses give us more information about the person, animal or thing we are talking about. They begin with a relative pronoun like who, whom that, which and whose or a relative adverb like where and when. We use

• Who or that to talk about people Example: Is he the man who sold you the tickets?

He’s the lifeguard that saved my life.

• Whose to say that something belongs to someone. Example: That’s the photographer whose photos I admire.

• That or which to talk about animal or things. Example: The dogs that work with the police are well trained.

The clock which hangs on my wall is an antique.

• Where to talk about places. Example: This is the café where I first met him.

• When to talk about time Example: I moved here when I was five years old.

• In American English, whom is not used very often. "Whom" is more formal than "who" and is very often omitted while speaking: However, "whom" may not be omitted if preceded by a preposition because the relative pronoun functions as the object of the preposition: Example: The visitor for whom you were waiting has arrived.

Notes: Relative pronouns can be left out when they are the object of the relative clause. Example: The main circuit board (which/that) you have inside your system is called the motherboard.

1. Defining relative clauses We use defining relative clauses to give essential information about the animal, person or thing we are talking about. Without the information in a defining relative clauses, the sentence would not make sense. We do not use commas in this type of clause. Example: He’s the man who/ that lent me this umbrella.

There is a hotel that/ which has some rooms under the sea. 2. Non- defining relative clauses We use non-defining relative clauses to give extra information about the person, ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship

animal or thing we are talking about. This information is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. Non-defining relative clauses are separated from the main sentence by commas. Non-defining relative clauses begin with who (for people), which (for things or ideas), whose (for possession), when (for time) and where (for location). We do not use that in non-defining relative clauses. Example: Mr. Jones, who teaches at my son’s school, is a member of the drama group.

Rembrandt, whose paintings are extremely valuable now, was Dutch. 3. Some special uses of relative pronouns in restrictive clauses that / who When referring to people, both that and who can be used in informal language. "That" may be used to refer to the characteristics or abilities of an individual or a group of people: Example: He is the kind of person that/who will never let you down.

However, when speaking about a particular person in formal language, who is preferred: Example: The old lady who lives next door is a teacher.

that / which There are several cases when that is more appropriate than which: 1) After the pronouns "all," "any(thing)," "every(thing)," "few," "little," "many," "much," "no(thing)," "none," "some(thing)": Example: The police usually ask for every detail that helps identify the missing person.

2) After the noun modified by an adjective in the superlative degree: Example: This is the best resource that I have ever read!


Match half of the sentence in column A with half of the sentence in column B to make a complete and meaningful sentence.




1. Isn’t he the singer

a. who plays the piano really well?

2. I met an actor

b. whose father is a famous singer?

3. What’s the name of the writer

c. whose classes are always full?

4. Aren’t they the musicians

d. whose book was a best – seller last year?

5. She’s the professor

e. who has appeared in hundreds of movies.

6. I have never seen a movie

f. is one I can recommend.

7. The book that is on my desk

g. must be trained very well.

8. The dogs which help the blind

h. that contains maps.

9. I can’t tell you anything about the man

i. who was a world – famous engineer.

10. Neil Amrstrong and Buzz Aldrich were the men 11. This bridge was built by someone

k. that ends as suddenly as that one. g. who walked on the moon in 1969. ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship


Complete the sentences with that/ which/ or where Example: Antarctica is a place ...where.......the temperature is always below freezing.

1. I’ve never been to a country................................it gets so cold. 2. That’s the factory......................they make computers. 3. They cooked a meal ....................................was delicious. 4. There are many subjects...........................i want to study. 5. Isn’t that the documentary.....................won an award last month. 6. We want to go back to the museum..........................we saw some very old books. 7. That was the kind of bicycle....................was common about a century ago. 8. We went to the park................................i had played as a child. 3

Choose the correct answer Example: That’s the zoo which / where have a lot of penguins.

1. Those are the dogs that / who help rescuers find lost climbers. 2. I saw them last month when / where I was in Chicago on business. 3. I know many people who / whose work in the tourist industry. 4. What’s the name of the park which / where you can see wild animal. 5. Van Gogh was a poor artist who / whose paintings are now sold for millions of dollars. 6. That’s the computer which / where I bought last week. 7. He’s a person whose / who work is always done with great care. 8. I’m not the kind of person which / who would be able to run a business. 4

Join the two sentences. More than one answer may be possible. Example: That is the journalist. She won an award last year.

→ That is the journalist who won an award last year. 1. That’s the restaurant. They serve excellent seafood there. →................................................................................................... 2. Is that the library ? There are over half a million books there. →................................................................................................... 3. We’ve got a really old clock. It was made over a hundred years ago. →................................................................................................................ 4. I met some people. Their next – door neighbor is a famous writer. →............................................................................................................ 5. Iris is the woman. She can make amazing shapes and figures with sand. →.................................................................................................................... 6. Did you visit the museum? It has a huge dinosaur skeleton. →.................................................................................................... 7. It happened earlier that year. I didn’t have my own car then. →..................................................................................................... ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship


Choose the correct answer. If no word is needed, choose -. Example. That’s the dentist..............will always see you in an emergency.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


A. whose B. which C. who It’s a building.........is triangular in shape. A. B. where C. that I can’t find the book............you want. A. where B. C. whose We stayed in a hotel.............you can have breakfast. A. B. which. C. where There are two people.....advice I always take. A. whose B. who C. that Your idea was the one............I liked the best. A. B. what C. who That’s the village..........some people speak an ancient language. A. who B. where C. that

Types of relationships

Here is a scale showing closeness and distance in relationships in different contexts. CLOSER MORE DISTANT Friendship: best friend good friend friend acquaintance Work: close colleague colleague/workmate Love/romance: lover steady boy/girlfriend ex-* Marriage: wife/husband/partner ex-* (*) ex- can be used with or without (informally) another word: She’s my ex, (girlfriend, etc.) 1

Use words with the suffix – mate to rewrite these sentences.

a. b. c. d. 2

This is Jack. He and I share a flat. My granddad still writes to his old friends he was at sea with. We were in the same class together in 1978, weren’t we? She’s not really a friend; she’s just someone I work with.

How many relationships can you find between the people in column A and column B? Example: John Silver and Lorna Fitt were once colleagues.




John Silver: owns a language school for business people in Bath. Worked at the Sun School, Oxford, 1984-5.

Nora Costa: was in UK Olympic swimming team in 1982. Was in same class at school as Ada Brigg.

Josh Yates: politician, was married to Eve Cobb 1973 – 1980. Met Bill Nash a couple of times.

Bill Nash: works every day with John Silver. Shared a flat years ago with Eve Cobb.

ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship




Ada Brigg: was married to Bill Nash 19814. Swam for Britain in 1982 Olympics.

Fred Parks: politician. Knew Ada Brigg years ago, but not very well.

Ana Wood: has lived as a couple (unmarried) with Bill Nash for the last five years.

Lorna Fitt: taught at Sun School Oxford 1980-7. Lives with Josh Yates.

Positive or negative? Write P or N.

a. b. c. d. e. f. 4

She was full of resentment. He was very complimentary. She did it behind my back. She can stick up for herself. He was hostile. Things have settled down.

........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................

Complete the words in the text with a suitable word in the box below.

sticking inevitably

tough strain

resented hostility


Martin had been a top designer, and his boss had always been very .............1 about his work. It was, therefore, a nasty shock when he was made redundant. Martin .............2 the fact that he was chosen because he was the youngest, but he was even more shocked by his wife’s .................3. She blamed Martin for not ...................4 up for himself, and this fact, on top of the loss of his income, ...................5 put a big ....................6 on their relationship. They would need to make some .................7 decisions about the future. B.

Like and Dislike someone

core like worship respect attract be attracted to 1

verb love idolize look up to turn sb on fancy

positive adore can’t stand admire repel

negative dislike hate loathe look down on despise turn sb off

Complete these sentences with the correct form of the word in CAPITALS.

a. b. c. d. e. f.

He was so .......................... COURAGE He’s very .......................... man. HUMILITY She showed great ........................... BRAVE He’s an .......................... leader. INSPIRATION She has such........................... DIGNIFIED I .......................... him. IDOL

ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship


Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. The meaning must stay the same.

a. I admired my father. I looked ........................... b. I want to do the same work as him. I want to follow ........................... c. Why did she criticize him? Why did she have ..........................? d. He was dedicated to helping the poor. He dedicated .......................... e. She inspired me. She was .......................... f. Paula worshipped him. He was ........................... 3

Complete the sentences with a suitable word in the box.

idealist a. b. c. d. e. C.





He looks down in other people. He’s a ........................ She’s always talking about others behind their back. She’s a ........................ She’s against anyone in a position of power or authority. She’s a ........................ He’s horrible to anyone he sees as smaller or weaker. He’s a ........................ She believes everything in the world can be perfect. She’s an ........................

Phrases and idioms for relationships

get on well with sb = have a good relationship do not see eye to eye = often argue/disagree fall out with sb = have arguments break up/split up = end the relationship have an affair with sb = have a sexual relationship, usually secret make it up = be friends again after a row 1

The person who typed this book has got some of the phrases and idioms opposite mixed up with one another. Correct them.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 40

Jo and Phil don’t get on eye to eye with each other. I fell up with my parents last night. It wasn’t my fault. We had a quarrel but now we’ve made it well. Do you think Jim and Nora are making an affair? I do, I see very well with all my colleagues at work. She should learn to respect her olders. Jo’s attractive, but her mate just turns me up completely. ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship


Say whether these statements are true or false. Tick (v) the boxes.


Example: A ‘colleague’ means someone I share a house or a flat with.

1. ‘An acquaintance of mine’ means ‘someone I work with’. 2. ‘Workmate’ is less formal than ‘colleague’. 3. ‘Husband/wife-to-be’ is often seen in newspapers. 4. ‘Partner’ means someone you are in business with, not someone you live with. 5. ‘To worship’ and ‘to idolise’ can mean ‘to like or love somebody’ very much indeed’. 6. A steady boy/girlfriend is just a casual, occasional relationship. 7. If you fancy someone, you find them attractive. 8. ‘To look up to someone’ is the opposite of ‘to look down on someone’. 9. If you feel repelled by someone, you find them attractive. 10. If you despise someone, you don’t like or respect them at all. 3

Rewrite the sentences using an appropriate form of the word in brackets. Example: Lily is not Tom’s girlfriend any more. (ex-) Lily is Tom’s ex-girlfriend.

a. b. c. d. e. 4

Jason and I study together and go to the same classes. (-mate) I’m sorry, I dislike Nance intensely. (stand) They live together but they are not married. (partner) She’s had a lot of arguments with her colleagues again. (fall out) I think Richard is in a relationship with his best friend’s wife. (affair)

Change the words underlined to give the sentences the opposite meaning. Example: I like people who smoke in public places. I hate people who smoke.

a. I respect my boss, even though most of my colleagues feel the opposite. b. Maria’s his current girlfriend. He has so many and changes them so often it’s difficult to know who is who. c. He’s senior to her in terms of length of service, so the promotion is not surprising. d. I loathe people who devote their whole life to working and studying. e. She’s not a particularly special friend of mine. D.

Getting together


Which of the people in A take part in the events in B? Discuss in pairs. (There may be several answers.)



Boyfriend and girlfriend

An appointment

Business associates

A blind date


A business meeting


A celebration meal


A conference

ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship




A date


A dinner party


A family get-together


A housewarming party

Political leaders

A school reunion


A summit meeting

Speaker Strangers 2 Which of these verbs can you use with the events in B in exercise 1?

Have Make Go on Attend

An appointment An appointment




The words in column A are the first halves of common expression used in describing families and relationships. Match words from column A and B to make the common expressions. Check meaning in a dictionary if necessary.

A 1. wedding 2. married 3. best 4. maternity 5. extended 6. family 7. marital 8. single 2

B a) family b) status c) parent d) ring e) couple f) leave g) friend h) tree

Complete the word groups below.


b) s___e w _ _ _ _ed

mar _ _ ed

nuclear family

marital status en _ _ _ ed



d _ _ _ _ed

s _ _ _ (s)

b _ _ _ _(s)




relatives by marriage en _ _ _ ed 42

d _ _ _ _ed ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship


Strong and weak auxiliaries


In a full sentence auxiliary verbs are not normally stressed. Often a weak form or a contraction is used. Listen and practice.

/də/ Do you want to hear it? John, you’re not listening to me. /ə/ Are you still going out with your sister tonight?


When the auxiliary is used for emphasis or stand alone without a main verb, it is never weak. Often it is stressed. Listen and practice.

Of course I do. I am listening, darling. I think I am. She hasn’t phoned yet. 3 B.

Listen and practice the dialogues, pronouncing the auxiliaries correctly. Sentence stress

1. Listen to the sentence below. Notice how the most important words are stressed, and where the speaker pauses (//). An Australian woman travelling home from Melbourne // was driving down a narrow road on dark evening // when she entered a tunnel. 2. Listen to the next sentence and underline the stressed words. Although a little surprised at this // as she had not noticed a tunnel on that route before // she carried on. 3. Which words do you think will be stressed in this sentence? Listen and check. But after half an hour of twisting and turning // she ran out of petrol. 4. Practice reading the three sentences together, paying attention to the stress. C. 1

Making conversation Mark the sentences S if they are useful for starting a conversation and E if they are useful for ending a conversation.

a. b. c. d.

Nice to meet you. Did you have a comfortable flight? Leave me alone, will you? Hi! What are you doing here? OK, I’ll let you get on.

ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship

e. f. g. h. i. j.

Well, I’d better be off. Execuse me, could you help me? Anyway, it’s been nice seeing you again. Sorry to disturb you. Welcome to Canada … is this your first visit here? Right, I’d better get back to work.


Listen and mark the sentences P if they sound polite, C for casual but friendly, and R for rude.


Intonation is important if you want to sound polite. When people are being polite, they generally start high and use a wide range of intonation. When they are not being polite, they use a narrower range of intonation.

Listen again to exercise C1 and copy the intonation on the recording.

READING 1: SENDING E-CARDS ots of people like to send greeting cards. Many people send cards to family and friends on holidays and birthdays. They also send thank-you cards, get-well cards, anniversary cards, and graduation cards. In fact, there are cards for almost every event. And when they travel, many people send postcards to their family and friends. E-cards are easy and fun oday, sending cards is easier and more fun than ever. You don’t have to go to a store, buy a card, and send it in the mail. You don’t even have to buy a stamp. Now, you can send an electronic card right from your computer at home. Electronic cards are fast, easy and inexpensive. Many of them even free. Some have sound, music, and pictures that move. You can type in your own message. You can even send electronic cards and post cards in many different languages. A popular E-card company ne popular card company is called E-cards. It was started in San Francisco in 1995. Since then, millions of cards have been sent by E-cards. The owners of E-cards care about the earth and nature. They give some of the money they make to groups that help save endangered animals. They also want their cards to be educational. Many cards have pictures of endangered animals. When you click on the picture of the animal, you can read interesting information about it. The next time you want to say “happy birthday”, “happy new year”, “congratulation,” or “get well” to someone, try sending an electronic card. Or the next time you are on a vacation, send someone an e-postcard. It’s a fast and fun way to say hello to friends and family while you’re away.




ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship


Read these statements. If a statement is true, write T one the line. If it is false, write F.

............. 1. Post cards are not very popular. ............. 2. You need a stamp to send an electronic card. ............. 3. People send cards for many occasions. ............. 4. Electronic cards are easy to send and receive. ............. 5. The owners of e-cards believe in helping nature and animals. B.

Complete each sentence with the correct word






1. Many e-cards don’t cost any money. They are ...................... 2. You can type your own ...................... in most e-cards. 3. It is common to send ...................... cards to people when they finish high school. 4. The owners of e-cards want their customers to learn about animals. Their cards are ...................... 5. Electronic cards are fast and ...................... B.

Choose the correct answer

1. If you get something for free, you ...................... a. don’t pay for it b. pay a lot for it 2. Which is more educational? a. a history textbook b. a thank-you note 3. Which is an inexpensive gift? a. a new car b. a box of candy 4. Who would you send a graduation card to? a. someone who just got married b. someone who just finished high school 5. Which message would you write on a card for your sick friend? a. Get well soon! b. Have a good vacation! READING 2: EASY WAYS TO KEEP IN TOUCH Dear adviser: moved to the United States two years ago for my work. I love my job, but I really miss my friends back home in Mexico city. I feel lonely without them. I see them when I go to Mexico, but I can’t go very often. I feel like I am not part of their lives anymore. I don’t want to lose touch with them. What should I do? Sad friend Dear Sad friend: t is sad to lose touch with your friends. But you don’t have to. There are lots of ways to keep in touch with them. You just need to make a commitment to do it.


ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship


he Internet makes it easy to communicate with your friends next door and around the world. Most of your friends probably have email addresses. Make a habit of e-mailing them at least once a week. It’s fun and inexpensive. If you don’t have a computer at work or at home, go to the library. Most libraries have computers you can use for free. Or find an Internet café, where you can enjoy a cup of coffee while you write. It only takes a few minutes to e-mail, and your friends will happy you did. And you’ll be happy when they write back to you! hat about instant message? It’s another great way to communicate with your friends online. With instant messaging, you can ‘talk” to many friends at the same time. Find a time when all your friends can be online together. When that happens, you’ll feel like you are really part of the group again.




emember that “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Share photos with your friends. If you have a digital camera, send pictures to your friends over the Internet. If you don’t have a digital camera, you can always send a photo by regular mail. You can also send text message and pictures by cell phone. But don’t forget about calling, too. Sometimes, just hearing a friend’s voice will make you feel better. Don’t wait for the next holiday or special occasion to get in touch with your friends in Mexico. It doesn’t matter whether you e-mail, call, or send a picture or card through the mail. Everyone likes to hear from friends. Our connections to one another are the most important things in our lives- don’t lose touch with your friends! Adviser

Check the statements that the adviser would agree with

.................. 1. There are lots of ways to keep in touch with old friends. .................. 2. E-mail messages are expensive to send. .................. 3. Most libraries have computers you can use for free. .................. 4. With instant messaging, you can only communicate with one person. .................. 5. You can send text messages and pictures by cell phone. .................. 6. It is a bad idea to send your friends photos. .................. 7. You should never send letters in the mail. .................. 8. Our connections to our friends are important. B.

Complete each sentence with the correct word or phrase

hear from make a habit of

make a commitment lose touch with


1. It is sad to .................. your friends. 2. You should .................. to keep in touch with your friends. 46

ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship

3. Everyone likes to .................. their friends. 4. Do you feel sad and .................. when your friends are far away? 5. .................. calling your friends once a week. B.

Cross out the word or phrase in each group that does not belong

1. make a habit of 2. promise 3. lonely 4. hear from


do often commitment happy lose touch with

make a guess question excited get news from

Making conversation

1. Discuss the following questions in small groups. • When people meet for the first time, what kind of things do they usually talk about? • Do you ever find it difficult to keep a conversation going in these circumstances? Why? 2. Sean and Fiona are meeting for the first time at the reception desk of a hotel. Listen and tick the topics they talk about from the list below. • Where Fiona is from • The purpose of Fiona’s visit • Details of Fiona’s journey • How long Fiona will stay at the hotel • Fiona’s job • Where Sean is from • Sean’s job • Sean’s plans for tomorrow • The purpose of Sean’s visit 3. Do you notice any difference in the attitude of the two speakers? 4. Listen again and answer the following questions. a. How does Sean begin the conversation? b. How many questions does Sean ask Fiona? c. What kind of answers does Fiona give? d. How many questions does Fiona ask Sean? e. What words/phrases tell you that Fiona wants to finish the conversation? f. Do you think she was rude? B.


Heather and George are talking about what happened to their classmates from high school. Listen and use the symbols to indicate the relationships. A↔ B A and B like each other A = B A and B are married ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship

A→ B A likes B, but B doesn’t like A A ≠ B A and B are not together anymore Amber Frank



Cher Debbie


International friendship club


You will hear a student telephoning a university friendly club which helps promote understanding between students of different nationalities and cultures. The conversation is in two parts.

Now listen and complete the advertisement below. Write no more than two words or a number for each answer. IFC | International Friendship Club Do you want to meet students from all over the world and make new friends? Come and join our friendly club? Membership benefits: Weekly club meetings on (1) ………………………… evenings Regular (2) ……………………. packed with useful information Full social program Special certificates for (3)………………………… participation Membership Fee: Only (4) £ ……………………. per term (5) £ ……………. per year Call Daisy or Simon now on 2466


Now listen to the second part of the conversation and complete the notes bellows. Write no more than to words or a number for each answer.

International Friendship Club TELEPHONE ENQUIRY Date: 12th May Name: Maria (6) …………………………… Nationality: (7) ……………………………………. Address: 47 (8) ……………………………… St, South Ville (9) ………………………………………. Age: Studying: MA in (10) ……………………………….


ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship




One way to maintain a conversation is to ask question to find out more. What questions could you ask someone who said these things?

a. I only got here yesterday.

c. My name’s Amazon.

b. I’m a teacher.

d. We’re just on our way to the cinema.

Example: Oh, really … I’ve I come from

never been there.


What’s it like?

Oh, that’s interesting … isn’t that Sweden?


Work in pairs. Choose a situation and a relationship from the list.

Situation • At an airport • In a hotel lounge • In an office • In a café or bar • At a tourist attraction 3 B.

Relationship • Old friends who haven’t met up for a while • Acquaintances who meet unexpectedly • New work colleagues • Complete strangers • Good friends

Discuss your roles, then act out your conversation. Keep the conversation going for at least two minutes. Make a list of tips on How to …

Preparation: reading and listening • How to learn a foreign language • How to stay fit • How to manage your personal finances • How to travel on a low budget • How to learn to play a musical instrument ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

• • • • •

How to be sucessful in exams How to dress well How to give up smoking How to find the perfect partner How to maintain relationships 49

Unit 2: Relationship

Read what some experts said. Can you guess which words or phrases go in the gaps? Match the advice below to the topics above. 1. ‘Take every (a) ................... to use the language … speaking to foreigners in chat rooms, whatever and try to (b) ................... the temptation to translate everything word for word. Sometimes it just isn’t possible!’ Silvia, language teacher 2. ‘(c) ................... never wear something just because everyone else is wearing it. (d) ..................., wear what you feel comfortable wearing and what looks good on you. Fashion is about expressing your own identity.’ Amanda, fashion journalist 3. ‘Be (e) ................... not to overdo it. You (f) ................... easily injure yourself (g) ................... not used to taking exercise.’ Brian, personal trainer 4. ‘Of course you should make an (h) ................... be friendly, but at the same time ................... you don’t appear too keen or over-friendly as this can put people off.’


Liza, relationships expert 5. ‘(j) ................... by finding the right teacher. It must be someone you like and trust, and who will give you good advice and encouragement … and above all, allow plenty (k) ................... for practice. Playing well requires time and dedication. There are no short cuts.’ Vladimir, piano teacher Listen and check. Do you think the advice given is good or not? Make a list of at least five dos and don’ts for the topic you have chosen. Ask your teacher for any words or phrases you need. Useful language Dos


Always remember…

Make sure you (don’t) …

Start by –ing

It’s important (not) to …

Take every opportunity to …

You should (never) …


You might … if you don’t …

Resist the temptation to …

Be careful (not) to …

Avoid …


Write a message for each e-card. Use the messages below, or make up your own

Hope you get well soon. Have a great trip! Good luck in your new house.


ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship

Best wishes on your graduation day. All my love on Valentine’s Day. Wishing you a very happy birthday.








Complete the fortune below by writing the words in the correct order

1. good /will / you / luck / have →....................................................................................................... 2. in / your / is / happiness / future →....................................................................................................... 3. will / take / very / you / a / soon / trip →....................................................................................................... 4. enjoy / you / will / health / good →....................................................................................................... 5. a / will / you / visit / place / new / soon →....................................................................................................... 6. news / good / coming / to / is / you / year / this →....................................................................................................... 7. meet / you / a / will / friend / new →.......................................................................................................

ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship


1. Family 4. friend

2. colleagues 5.teacher- student

3. boss- staff 6. father- son


1. b 7. f

2. e 8. g

3. d 9. h

4. a 10. l

5. c 11. i

6. k


1. where 5. which/ that

2. where 6. where

3. which/ that 7. which/ that

4. which/ that 8. where

2. when 6. which

3. who 7. whose

4. where 8. who


1. that 5. whose D.

1 That’s the restaurants which serve excellent seafood there. 2. Is that the library where there are over half a million books. 3. We’ve got a really old clock which/ that was made over a hundred years ago. 4. I met some people whose next – door neighbor is a famous writer. 5. Iris is the woman who can make amazing shapes and figures with sand. 6. Did you visit the museum that/ which has a huge dinosaur skeleton. 7. It happened earlier that year when I didn’t have my own car. E.

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. A

6. B


a. This is Jack. He’s my flatmate. b. My granddad still writes to his old shipmates. c. We were classmates in 1978, weren’t we? d. She’s not really a friend, she’s just a workmate. 2.

John Silver and Lorna Fitt were colleagues in 1984-5. Josh Yates in Eve Cobb’s ex-husband. Eve Cobb is Josh Yates’ ex-wife. Eve Cobb is used to be Bill Nash’s flatmate. Bill Nash and John Silver are colleagues. 52

ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship

Ada Brigg and Nora Costa were Olympic team- mates. Ana Wood is Bill Nash’s partner. Nora Costa and Ada Brigg were classmates. Bill Nash and Eve Cobb were flatmates. Bill Nash is Eve Cobb’s ex flatmate. Fred Parks and Ada Brigg were once acquaintances. 3.

a. N

b. P

c. N

d. P

e. N

f. P


1. complimentary 5. inevitably

2. resented 6. strain

3. hostility 7. tough

b. humble e. dignity

c. bravery f. idolize

4. sticking

B. 1.

a. courageous d. inspirational 2.

a. b. c. d. e. f.

I looked up to my father. I want to follow in his footsteps. Why did she have a go at him? He dedicated himself to helping the poor. She was my inspiration. He was Paula’s idol/hero.


a. snob

b. gossip

c. rebel

d. bully

e. idealist

C. 1.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Jo and Phil don’t see eye to eye. Or …don’t get on with each other. I fell out with my parents. We had a quarrel but now we’ve made it up. Do you think Jim and Nora are having an affair? I get on very well with my colleagues at work. She should learn to respect her elders. Jo’s attractive, but her mate just turns me off completely.


1. F 6. F

2. T 7. T

3. T 8. T

4. F 9. F

5. T 10. T


a. b.

Jason and I are classmates. I’m sorry, I can’t stand Nancy.

ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship

c. They are partners. d. She’s fallen out with her colleagues again. e. I think Richard is having an affair with his best friend’s wife. 4.

a. b. c. d. e.

I despise/look down on my boss … Maria’s his ex-girlfriend … He’s junior to her … I like/ admire/respect people … She’s my best friend/ a very close friend of mine.

D. 1.

An appointment: business associates, clients A blind date: strangers looking for a partner A business meeting: business associates, clients, colleagues A celebration meal: boyfriend and girlfriend, colleagues, friends, guests and relatives A conference: business associates, clients, colleagues, delegates, political leaders, speakers A date: boyfriend and girlfriend, strangers looking for a partner A dinner party: friends and guests A family get-together: relatives A housewarming party: friends, guests, neighbours A school reunion: ex-classmates, friends A summit meeting: delegates, political leaders, speakers 2.

Have An appointment, a blind date, a business meeting, a celebration meal, a conference, a date, a dinner party, a family get-together, a housewarming party, a school reunion, a summit meeting Make An appointment, a celebration meal, a date Go on A blind date, a date Attend A business meeting, a conference, a summit meeting E. 1.

1D 5A

2E 6H

3G 7B

4F 8C


a. single, widowed, engaged, married, divorced b. mother, father, sister, brother c. brother-in-law, sister-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law PRONUNCIATION B. 2.

Although a little surprised at this // as she had not noticed a tunnel on that route before // she carried on. 3.

But after half an hour of twisting and turning // she ran out of petrol. 54

ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship

C. 1.

1.S 6.S

2.E 7.E

3.S 8.S

4.E 9.S

5. E 10.E

2.R 7.C

3.C 8.P

4.C 9.P

5.C 10.C

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. T

2. message

3. graduation

4. educational

5. inexpensive

2. a

3. b

4. b

5. a


1.P 6.P READING Reading 1 A.

1. F B.

1. free C.

1. a Reading 2 A.

1, 3, 5, 6 B.

1. lose touch with 4. lonely

2. make a commitment 5. make a habit of

3. hear from


1. make a guess 2. question 3. lonely 4. lose touch with LISTENING A. 2.

All ‘Fiona’ times should be ticked 3.

Sean wants to talk; Fiona doesn’t. Sean is more forthright; Fiona is more tentative 4.

a. Hi, excuse me, I couldn’t help overhearing … b. Six c. Short factual sentences, which do not give much information or encourage Sean to ask more questions d. None e. Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have to er …/So, I must be getting on, really. / It’s been nice talking to you. ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship Amber Frank



Cher Debbie

C. 1.

1. Thursday

2. newsletter

3. active

7. South African 10. Art History

8. March

4. 5




1. How to learn a foreign language 2. How to dress well 3. How to stay fit 4. How to find the perfect partner 5. How to learn to play a musical instrument a. Opportunity b. Resist c. You should e. Careful f. Might g. If you’re i. Make sure j. Start k. Of time

d. Always remember h. Effort


1. Wishing you a very happy birthday. 2. Best wishes on your graduation day. 3. Hope you get well soon. 4. Good luck in your new house. 5. Have a great trip! 6. All my love on Valentine’s Day. B.

1. You will have good luck 2. Your happiness is in future 3. You will take a trip very soon 4. You will enjoy good health 5. You will visit a new place soon 6. Good news is coming to you this year 7. You will meet a new friend 56

ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215

Unit 2: Relationship

English words


Part of speech

Vietnamese equivalents

/ə’kweɪn.tənt s/ /əd’maɪər / /’ɑːg.juː/ /’ɑːg.jʊ.mənt/

n v v n

Người quen không phải bạn thân Ngưỡng mộ Tranh cãi Sự tranh cãi

n adj v n,v n

Cuộc gặp giữa hai người khác phái mà chưa biết mặt nhau Dũng cảm, gan dạ, can đảm Chia tay Kẻ hay bắt nạt, bắt nạt Đối tác làm ăn

/’kɒl.iːg/ /,kɒm.plɪˈmen.tər.i/ /ˈkɒn.fər.ənt s/ /ˌkɒn.vəˈseɪ.ʃən/ /’kʌr.ɪdʒ/ /’krɪt.ɪ.saɪz/

n adj n n n v

Bạn đồng nghiệp Tán tụng, ca tụng Cuộc hội thảo Cuộc hội thoại Dũng khí Phê bình, chỉ trích

/’kʌr.ənt/ /’ded.ɪ.keɪt/ /’del.ɪ.gət/ /dɪˈspaɪz/ /’dɪg.nɪ.faɪ/ /’dɪg.nɪ.ti/

adj v n v v n

Hiện tại Cống hiến Đại biểu, đại diện Xem thường, khinh miệt Đem lại phẩm giá Lòng tự trọng



Chuyện tầm phào, ngồi lê đôi mách

/’hɒs.taɪl/ /’hʌm.bl ̩/ /hjuː’mɪl.ɪ.ti/

v adj adj n

Ngoại tình Không thân thiện Khiêm tốn, nhún nhường Sự khiêm tốn, nhún nhường

/aɪˈdɪə.lɪst/ /’aɪ.dəl.aɪz/

n v

Người hay lý tưởng hóa Thần tượng hóa, tôn sùng


Acquaintance Admire Argue Argument B

Blind date Brave Break up/split up Bully Business associate

/breɪv/ /’bʊl.i/


Colleague Complimentary Conference Conversation Courage Criticize D

Current Dedicate Delegate Despise Dignify Dignity G

Gossip H

Have an affair with sb Hostile Humble Humility I

Idealist Idolize ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215


Unit 2: Relationship

Inevitable Inspiration

/ɪˈnev.ɪ.tə.bl ̩/ /,ɪn.spɪˈreɪ.ʃən/

adj n

Không thể tránh khỏi, chắc chắn xảy ra Nguồn cảm hứng


v v v

Ghét Coi thường Tôn trọng


n n

Bạn Thời gian nghỉ đẻ

/’pɑːt.nər/ /,pɒl.ɪˈtɪʃ.ən/

n n

Người cộng sự, đối tác, người cùng phe Chính trị gia

/rɪˈpel/ /rɪˈzent.mənt/ /ˌriːˈjuː.ni.ən/ /raʊ/

v n n n

Gây ra cảm giác khó chịu Sự oán giận Sự sum họp Sự cãi nhau


adj, n


v n

/streɪn/ /ˈstreɪn.dʒər/

v n n n

Nhiều tuổi hơn, lâu năm hơn, có thâm niên hơn Làm nguôi, làm dịu Người cảm thấy mình có sở thích, hiểu biết … hơn người khác Bênh, bảo vệ ai Sự căng thẳng Người lạ Cuộc gặp thượng đỉnh

/ˈwɪd.əʊ/ /’wɜː.ʃɪp/

n v,n

Người đàn bà góa Tôn sùng, sùng bái


Loathe Look down on Look up to M

Mate Maternity leave P

Partner Politician R

Repel Resentment Reunion Row S

Senior Settle down Snob Stick up for sb Strain Stranger Summit meeting W

Widow Worship


ENG103_Bai 2_v2.0013106215