00 Kunci Bahasa Inggris 9 [PDF]

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• Sonny lrawan Putra • Deby Selvia Rahmat N. • Yuniarti Dwi Arini

Mengacu: Permendikbud Rl Nomor 37 Tahun 2018

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan PENDALAMAN

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Bahasa Inggris Dilengkapi: Soai-Soal HOTS

OR Code Pendalaman Materi Video Pembelajaran

Technology Literate Computational Thinking Hybrid Learning

untuk SMP/MTs Kelas


Activity 1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. What would you say to congratulate the person in each picture? What would you say to express your hope/wish?

 6.  7.  8.

It means “Semoga kamu berhasil!” To wish a person good luck or best result “I do hope the new business brings you luck.” and “I also hope that my business empowers many people, so it can reduce the number of unemployment in our country.”  9. It shows that a person cares for us. 10. When I hope to pass a test or when I hope for my friend’s success in a competition.

Petunjuk Guru: Kegiatan ini merupakan brainstorming untuk mengetahui apakah peserta didik telah mengetahui cara memberi ucapan selamat dan mengungkapkan harapan/doa. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja secara berpasangan. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar dan memahami situasi dalam gambar. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menyebutkan ungkapan yang tepat digunakan untuk memberi selamat dan menyatakan harapan/doa, terkait dengan gambar. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menyampaikan jawabannya. Jawaban dapat bervariasi. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan penilaian kepada peserta didik, sekaligus penilaian sikap aktif, kreatif, kerja sama, dan santun saat berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.

Activity 4 Complete the following statements based on the dialog in Activity 2. Jawaban:  1. entrepreneur  2. she has received the Young Entrepreneur Award of the Year  3. develop their businesses  4. she wants to preserve Indonesia supreme cultural heritage and introduce it around the world  5. recycled materials  6. she wants to preserve nature  7. bring Donita luck and a bright future  8. empowers many people, so it can reduce the number of unemployment  9. she not only cares about her business, but also people’s welfare 10. caring

Contoh jawaban: Picture 1 To congratulate the person, I would say, “Happy birthday!” To express my hope/wish, I would say, “May you have a long life and good future.” Picture 2 To congratulate the person, I would say, “Congratulations on your graduation!” To express my hope/wish, I would say, “I hope you reach success in your every step.”

Activity 3 In pairs, discuss the following questions. Share your answers with the class.

Activity 5 Read the following words. What do the words mean? You will read the words in Activity 6. Jawaban:  1. menerima  3. bergengsi  5. lawan  7. mengikuti  9. menawan 11. semoga 13. kenangan 15. perpisahan

 2. peserta, partisipan  4. tantangan  6. berbakat  8. berteman 10. suka menolong 12. mengubah 14. hadiah, kado

Jawaban: 1. It means “Selamat, Donita!” 2. To congratulate a person on her achievement 3. (Contoh jawaban) “Congratulations!”, “I’d like to congratulate you on your victory in a debate competition.”, “Congrats!” 4. (Contoh jawaban) When my brother passed a test or when my cousin won a contest. 5. I will say, “Thanks,” or “Thank you.” Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Activity 7 Scan the QR code. Listen to and answer the questions based on the dialogs in Activity 6. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan: Dialog 1 1. Who is Bella? 2. According to the dialog, what is Mr. Bryan’s hobby? 3. Why does Bella congratulate Mr. Bryan? 4. What does Bella hope? 5. How will Mr. Bryan win the contest?

Dialog 2 1. Who are Dewa and Olivia? 2. Why does Olivia wish that Fania will not move to Samarinda? 3. What is Fania like? 4 What does Dewa hope about their friendship? 5. What will Dewa and Olivia do after the conversation? Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. She is Mr. Bryan’s niece. 2. He likes cooking. 3. He is appointed as a participant of a famous cooking contest. 4. She hopes that Mr. Bryan wins the contest. 5. He will continuously practices cooking and creates new recipes. Dialog 2 1. They are students/classmates. 2. She likes to befriend her. 3. She is charming and helpful. 4. He hopes that their relationship lasts forever. 5. They will discuss with the gift they will give to Fania the other classmates.

Activity 8 Read the situations. Make sentences using ‘hope’ to show possible expectations or ‘wish’ to show impossible ones. See the example.

Petunjuk Guru: Dalam kegiatan ini, peserta didik akan berlatih membuat kalimat menggunakan ’hope’ dan ’wish’ berdasarkan kalimat situasi. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memperhatikan contoh soal dan memperluas imajinasi mereka karena peserta didik harus berpikir tentang dua hal yang memiliki perbedaan penggunaan: ’hope’ untuk menyatakan harapan yang mungkin terjadi dan ’wish’ untuk menyatakan harapan yang tidak mungkin terjadi. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengerjakan soal masing-masing. 3. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik tunjuk jari dan membacakan jawaban mereka. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik yang masih kurang aktif agar lebih aktif. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai, termasuk penilaian sikap.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Contoh jawaban: 1. Students hope the COVID-19 pandemic ends soon. Students wish they could go to school. 2. Riana hopes there is an empty seat on the bus. Riana wishes the bus was not full of passengers. 3. Indah hopes that her pets are just fine. Indah wishes she didn’t forget to feed her pets this morning.  4. I hope Damar has time to discuss our problem. I wish Damar and I didn’t have a problem.  5. Diah hopes she can attend the next seminar. Diah wishes she could attend the seminar about leadership.  6. We hope flood won’t occur during a rainy season because of piles of trash. We wish many people didn’t litter the river.  7. I hope my sister can do her work by herself. I wish I had enough time to help my sister do her work.  8. Jay hopes his kittens can be found soon. Jay wishes he knew when his kittens went out.  9. Mr. Anwar hopes a repairman repairs his motorcycle soon. Mr. Anwar wishes he had another better motorcycle so he could go to his office on time. 10. I hope the rain stops soon. I wish I brought a raincoat.

Activity 9 Scan the QR code. Listen to the dialogs carefully. Complete the dialogs based on what you have heard. Then, practice the dialogs with your friend. Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan: Dialog 1 Dahlia : Ardy, I heard your father has been appointed a member of the House of Representatives. Congrats! Ardy : That’s right. Thanks. Dahlia : Will you and your family move to Jakarta? Ardy : I don’t think so. Our big family lives in this town, so we have no plan to move there. Only my father and mother will stay there. Dahlia : I hope your father can do his job well. He has been elected via direct election, meaning that he represents the Indonesians. Ardy : I know that. We realize that it’s a great responsibility and my father must keep people’s trust. Thanks for your support. Dialog 2 Sheila :

Mom told me that you will work for an oil company in Kalimantan. Is that true? Darwis : It is. I just received an e-mail telling me that I passed the test. Sheila : Congratulations! Darwis : Thanks. Sheila : It will be your first job after graduation. I hope for you great success and good luck. Darwis : Thank you. Sheila : When will you leave then? Darwis : I have two weeks for preparation. Sheila : Well, I will miss you.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. member 4. direct

Dialog 2 1. oil company 4. leave

2. move 5. trust 2. e-mail 5. miss

3. plan 3.


Dialog 2 1. They are siblings (brother and sister). 2. He will work for an oil company in Kalimantan. 3. It will be his first job after graduation and he will live in a new place, far from his family. 4. Next two weeks 5. She will miss Darwis.

Activity 11

Activity 10 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 9. Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. He is a member of the House of Representatives. 2. Her big family lives in her hometown. 3. He has been elected by a direct election, so he represents the Indonesians. 4. She hopes that Ardy’s father can do his job well. 5. He must keep people’s trust.

Practice the following dialogs with your friend. What do the sentences in bold express? Jawaban: The sentences express compliments or praises.

Activity 12 Read the following dialogs. Identify the expressions of congratulations, hopes and wishes, and compliments/praise in the dialogs.

Petunjuk Guru: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan memahami percakapan yang tersedia. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa pasangan peserta didik memperagakan percakapan tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik yang lain menyimak, kemudian mengoreksi pelafalan dan intonasi temannya yang kurang tepat. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menyebutkan isi percakapan tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat meminta peserta didik meng­identifikasi ungkapan selamat, doa dan harapan, serta pujian dalam percakapan-percakapan tersebut. Peserta didik menuliskan ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut dalam tabel seperti di buku. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk membacakan hasil pekerjaannya secara bergiliran. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak dan menyampaikan jawabannya apabila berbeda dengan jawaban temannya. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai, termasuk penilaian sikap.

Jawaban: Congratulating • Happy New Year, Nindy! • Happy New Year, Harry! • Congratulations!

Expressing Hopes/Wishes


• I hope I can do snorkeling one day. • Hopefully, I can lead my team well. • Good luck!

• It was wonderful! • Wow! How lovely the coral reefs are! • You’re a good soccer player and have scored many goals. • No wonder! As a former professional soccer player, he has many strategies on how to win a match. • It’s very tasty. Your mother is a really good cook. • That’s great!

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Activity 13 Scan the QR code. Listen to and answer the questions based on the dialogs in Activity 12. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan: Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. On the first day of a new year 2. They have more success in the year to come. 3. It was wonderful. It is the most interesting trip she has ever had because she could snorkel and see the beautiful underwater landscape. 4. Her photographs when snorkeling/about the underwater landscape 5. He hopes he can do snorkeling one day

Dialog 2 1. He has been appointed the captain of the school soccer team. 2. He is a good soccer player and has scored many goals. 3. He hopes he can lead his team well. 4. The hard work among the coach, players, and people behind them 5. He is a former professional soccer player, so he has many strategies on how to win a match. Dialog 3 1. At school 2. A piece of pizza 3. He compliments the pizza. 4. Armen likes the pizza she made. 5. He is surprised and compliments her.

Activity 14 Complete the following dialog with suitable words from the box. Practice the dialog with your friend. Jawaban: 1. early 2. difficulties 3. assists 4. join 5. proud 6. smart 7. trouble 8. duty

Activity 15 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions based on the dialog in Activity 14, in turns. Contoh jawaban: You : Let me ask you first. Your friend : Sure. Go ahead. You : O.K. Who are talking in the dialog? Your friend : They are classmates. You : Correct. Then, where do you think the dialog takes place? Your friend : In a classroom. Don’t you think so? You : I think so. Your turn, please. Your friend : When does the dialog occur? You : In the morning. Your friend : Correct. Why does Sonia arrive at school early? You : She has difficulties in math and will ask one of her classmates to help her.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Your friend : That’s right. Your turn. You : All right. Why does Sonia not ask for her brother’s help? Your friend : He is in Jakarta. You : Right. Why does Tony congratulate Sonia’s brother? Your friend : He joins the national flag-raising troops. You : That’s correct. Your friend : My turn now. How does Tony compliment Sonia’s brother? You : He says that Sonia’s brother is smart and has a good personality. Your friend : Good. How long will Sonia’s brother stay in Jakarta? You : For about three weeks. Your friend : That’s correct. Good job!

Activity 16 Rewrite the following sentences into sequential dialogs. Practice the dialog with your friend. Jawaban: Dialog 1 Prita : I saw a billboard showing the pictures of the winners of Mas and Mbak Contest on the way to school. Interestingly, I think I know the young woman. Is she your elder sister? Ryan : She is. Prita : Wow! That’s wonderful! Congratulations! Ryan : Thanks. Prita : When will the coronation be? Ryan : Next week. Prita : As the winner, she has a great responsibility in representing this town, especially in tourism. Ryan : You’re right. During the test, she had to present her vision and mission. My sister has an idea to develop tourist objects in our town. Prita : I do hope she can do her duties well. Ryan : I hope so. Thanks.

Dialog 2 Indah : Congratulations! You’ve finally finished your studies. Now, you are a doctor. Bara : Thanks. Indah : Will you work soon after graduation? Bara : I won’t. I am going to take a specialist degree. Indah : You will continue your studies? Bara : That’s my plan. I want to be a cardiologist. Indah : Why are you interested in it? Bara : You know, our father has suffered from heart disease for years. That’s why I want to treat him with my own hand. Indah : What a noble purpose! Good luck, brother! Bara : Thanks.

Activity 17 Complete the following statements based on the dialogs in Activity 16. Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. the morning 2. she won Mas and Mbak Contest 3. representing her town, especially in tourism 4. tourist objects in their town 5. Ryan’s sister can do her duties well

Dialog 2 1. siblings/brother and sister 2. he has graduated from university 3. continue his studies by taking a specialist degree 4. his father has suffered from heart disease for years and he wants to treat him by himself 5. she compliments Bara

Activity 18 Complete the following table with suitable compliments. Read the compliments aloud. Contoh Jawaban: No.




Your brother designed a beautiful dress.

You’re a talented designer!


Your cousin received the grand prize of a fun bike activity.

How lucky you are!


Your little brother can solve a Rubik’s cube puzzle.

Good job! You are very smart.


Your friends have decorated the school hall attractively.

Good job, guys! It’s beautiful.


Your neighbor performed a pantomime.

What a great performance!


Your choir won a singing competition.

Great teamwork, everyone! Thanks for your hard work.


Your sister managed to repair your broken laptop computer.

Two thumbs up for you! Thanks.


Your classmate has a lovely pond.

That’s a beautiful pond!


Your sister composed a beautiful song.

The song impresses me!


Your father has planned to visit an orphanage.

Good idea!



: Angga, I read an announcement that your class is nominated the best class of the year. Congratulations on the achievement! Angga : Thanks, Nanda. All the achievement is due to our solidity and hard teamwork. Nanda : That’s great! I hope your class is always solid. Angga : I hope so. 3. Rio : What do you apply on the wall? Gea : It’s a wallpaper. What do you think? Rio : It’s very artistic! I like it. Gea : I’m happy you like it. I hope my room looks more beautiful. Rio : Sure. It will make your room more colorful and attractive. 4. Firza : Finally, you have the camera that you’ve wanted to buy for so long. Congratulations! Ayu : Thank you, Firza. I finally have enough money to buy this. Firza : That’s good. I envy you. I wish I had such a camera. Ayu : Well, I’m sure you can have it one day. 5. Hesty : Hi, Rama. Can I help you? Rama : I’m here to return the money I borrowed last week. Hesty : Thanks. I almost forgot it. You’re really honest! Rama : Thanks. Mom always tells me to keep my promises. Hesty : I hope many teenagers behave like you do.

Activity 20 Create dialogs based on the following pictures. Use expressions of congratulations, hopes/wishes, and praises, properly. Then, practice the dialogs with your friend and record your performance.

Petunjuk Guru: 1.

2. 3.

Activity 19 In pairs, complete the short dialogs with suitable expressions based on the clues. Practice the dialogs in front of the class. Contoh jawaban: 1. Dina : What do you think of the horses in this photograph? Fariz : They look strong and healthy! Dina : Those are my uncle’s horses. He has a ranch near his house. Fariz : Anyway, I am interested in riding a horse. I hope I can visit your uncle’s ranch. Dina : Let’s arrange a plan for a visit.


Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar dan membayangkan situasi yang sesuai dengan gambar tersebut. Bila mengalami kesulitan, Bapak/ Ibu Guru dapat membantu peserta didik. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membuat percakapan berdasarkan gambar tersebut, menggunakan ungkapan selamat, harapan/doa, serta pujian. Kemudian, peserta didik diminta memperagakan percakapan yang dibuatnya dan merekamnya. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penilaian kepada peserta didik yang memperagakan percakapan dan memotivasi mereka yang belum aktif untuk berani memperagakan percakapan yang dibuat.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Viona : Congratulations on the grand opening of your new cafe! Aldo : Thanks, Viona. I’m happy you can attend it. Viona : My pleasure. Anyway, did you invite many people? Aldo : No. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we should avoid crowds. Viona : I see. Aldo : Please enter the cafe and enjoy yourself. Viona : O.K. Thanks.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX



Mr. Doni Garry Mr. Doni

: : :

Garry Mr. Doni

: :



Congratulations! Your team is the winner. Thanks, sir. I watched the final round and was captured by your team’s performance. Two thumbs up for you! Thank you, sir. I do hope you and your team always becomes the best in every competition. Bravo! I hope so. Thanks for your support, sir.

Scan the QR code and do the task.

Petunjuk Guru: 1. 2.


Choose A, B, C, or D, for the correct answer. 3.

 1. B  6. D 11. C 16. D B.

2. D 7. B 12. C 17. D

3. C 8. A 13. D 18. A

4. B 9. A 14. D 19. B

Fill in the blanks correctly.

5. D 10. B 15. C 20. B

Jawaban: 1. Dion’s room 2. avoid boredom 3. tidier and more attractive 4. his soccer team won a match 5. his injured leg C.

Suppose your uncle is appointed the new principal. Write a dialog to congratulate him and express your hope/wish.

Contoh jawaban: Hana : Hello, Uncle. Hana speaking. Mr. Benn : Hello, Hana. May I talk to your father? Hana : He is not at home at the moment. Why don’t you contact his cell phone? Mr. Benn : I’ve called him several times, but no replies. Hana : Well, mom and dad are visiting our neighbor in hospital. Would you like to leave a message for him? Mr. Benn : Please tell him that I invite all your family to my house tomorrow evening. We’ll have a dinner. Hana : Is there any special occasion? Mr. Benn : I am going to have a small party. Thank God, I’ve been appointed new principal. Hana : Wow! Good news! Congratulations, Uncle! I hope you can carry your new position well. Mr. Benn : Thanks.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

4. 5.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar yang tersedia. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membuat percakapan berdasarkan situasi dalam gambar tersebut. Setelah selesai membuat percakapan, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mempraktikkan per­ cakap­an tersebut dan merekamnya. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memutar rekaman percakapan yang mereka buat. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penilaian hasil kerja dan sikap peserta didik.

Contoh jawaban: Mrs. Ina : Congratulations on your great harvest! Mr. Jaya : Thanks. I hope I always have great harvests. Mrs. Ina : Let’s hope for the best! Mr. Jaya : Well, actually I never thought of having a good harvest of this year. It’s dry season and we lack water. Mrs. Ina : You are an experienced farmer. I’m sure you have strategies to cope with the problem. Mr. Jaya : Actually, I didn’t do something special. I only chose good seeds before planting the paddies. Then, I grew them attentively. Mrs. Ina : How about the irrigation? Mr. Jaya : I made an artificial well near my rice field. Mrs. Ina : No wonder! The paddies got enough water.

Let’s Recycle

Activity 2

Activity 7

Match the following words with their correct meanings from the box. Read your work aloud, in turns. You will read the words in Activity 3. Jawaban:  1. cat  3. kerajinan tangan  5. jarak  7. kesempatan  9. membengkokkan

 2.  4.  6.  8. 10.

kecil bunga dekorasi botol akun

Activity 4 Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Activity 3 orally. Jawaban: 1. She will turn them into interesting handicrafts. 2. To reduce plastic bottles waste and spending her spare time during distance learning 3. She is creative. 4. To make sure that the bottles are clean and remove any contaminants from the bottles 5. By heating it a little bit

Activity 6 Scan the QR code. Listen to and answer the questions based on the dialog in Activity 5. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan: 1. Where will Nindya go? 2. What is Wulan’s think of Nindya’s gown? 3. What does Wulan suggest Nindya? 4. Why does Wulan say sorry to Nindya? 5. What will Wulan probably do next?

Jawaban: 1. Nindya will go to her aunt’s graduation party. 2. Wulan thinks that Nindya’s red gown is making her look older. 3. She thinks suggests Nindya wear a soft colored gown. 4. She thinks that Nindya doesn’t like her comment. 5. She will help Nindya choose the most suitable gown.

Complete the following sentences with suitable words. Read your sentences aloud. Contoh jawaban: 1. The vehicle owners should do regular maintenance in order to monitor the vehicle’s emission. The vehicle owners should do regular maintenance so that he/she can monitor his/her vehicle’s emission. 2. The government educates people to always wear masks in order to suppress the spread of the virus. The government educates people to always wear masks so that they can suppress the spread of the virus. 3. Construction workers need to use safety gears in order to protect them from the work accident. Construction workers need to use safety gears so that they can protect themselves from the work accident. 4. We need to reduce our plastic use in order to preserve our nature. We need to reduce our plastic use so that we can preserve our nature. 5. Arif always bring lunch to school in order to save his pocket money. Arif always bring lunch to school so that he can save his pocket money.

Activity 8 Practice the following dialogs with your friend. Then, complete the statements that follow. Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. selling his patchwork creations 2. teach Bela about sewing 3. he doesn’t want to harm the environment 4. a good sewing skill 5. proud

Dialog 2 1. a bakery 2. a tart 3. a surprise 4. order the tart first, then collect it this afternoon 5. order the cake

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Activity 9 Scan the QR code. Listen to the dialogs and then complete the following dialogs based on what you have heard. Practice the dialogs with your friend.

Petunjuk Guru: 1.

Peserta didik diminta membaca dan memahami topik dua percakapan rumpang berikut. Mereka diberi waktu mencari makna kosakata baru. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memindai QR code dan mendengarkan percakapan tersebut. Peserta didik menyimak dengan saksama. Mereka diminta fokus mendengarkan, tidak sambil melengkapi percakapan rumpang tersebut. 3. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memindai QR code dan mendengarkan percakapan tersebut satu per satu dan peserta didik diminta melengkapi tiap percakapan rumpang berdasarkan percakapan yang telah diperdengarkan. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memindai QR code dan mendengarkan tiap percakapan tersebut dua kali lagi dan peserta didik mendengarkannya sambil mengoreksi hasil pekerjaan mereka jika ada yang kurang tepat. 5. Setelah itu, beberapa peserta didik diminta membacakan hasil pekerjaan mereka. Peserta didik yang lain diminta menyimak dan tunjuk jari apabila mereka mempunyai jawaban yang berbeda dengan temannya. 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai termasuk nilai sikap aktif, berani, menghargai, santun, bertanggung jawab, kerja sama, dan percaya diri.

Jawaban: Dialog 1  1. am finishing  3. to finish  5. anything else

Dialog 2  6. a yellow bag  8. so that 10. more decent life

 2.  4.

am going to Thank you

 7.  9.

stray cats enough food

Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan: Dialog 1 Rachel : Fian, why are you still staying up this late? Fian : I am finishing my History task for tomorrow. Rachel : Then, what are you doing here? You can be late tomorrow. Fian : I am going to make a bowl of instant noodles to accompany me doing the task. Rachel : Let me help you. It’s better for you to finish your task soon. I’ll take the noodles for you later. Fian : Thank you, Rachel. Rachel : Any time. Well, is there anything else I can do for you? Fian : No, I think it is enough. Thanks. Dialog 2 Gilang : You always bring a yellow bag in your bike basket. What is that? Diah : Oh, that is cat food. Gilang : What for? Diah : I sometimes meet stray cats along my way home. I feel pity on them. I always stop so that I can feed them. That’s why, I always bring it on my bike.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Gilang : You’re so kind. How many cats do you usually feed along your way home? Diah : I don’t know exactly, maybe around eight to ten cats. Gilang : Wow! That’s a lot. What is your purpose of doing that? Diah : Well, I’m just feeling pitiful to the stray cats. They are sometimes rejected by people and don’t have enough food and shelter. I cannot take care of them all, but at least I try to free them from starving. Gilang : I agree with you. They deserve to have a more decent life. Diah : You’re right.

Activity 10 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 9, orally. Jawaban:  1. He is working on his History task.  2. She will cook noodles for him.  3. He will probably wake up late tomorrow.  4. She is a caring person.  5. Fian should finish his task soon while she is cooking the noodles for him.  6. A yellow bag with cat food in it  7. She usually feeds stray cats she meets.  8. Around 8 to 10 cats  9. He is so proud of Diah. 10. We should always care for any living things.

Activity 11 Complete the following dialogs with suitable sentences from the box. Practice the dialogs with your friend. Jawaban:  1. I don’t have any plan yet  2. Do you want to buy something  3. take aerial photographs  4. What will you do  5. We can improve our skills  6. that would be amazing  7. You’re right  8. I’m going to clean it  9. It blocks the air circulation 10. That makes sense

Activity 12 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 11. Jawaban:  1. They are going to the city hall for attending a gadget bazaar.  2. The event sounds interesting to him.  3. He will buy drone references.  4. She is the new leader of the theater club.  5. She will make a collaboration with other schools' theater clubs.  6. She is planning to visit or invite a theater maestro to teach them.  7. She thinks that it is a brilliant idea.  8. It is starting to slow down.  9. He is going to clean it from dirt. 10. He will reinstall the computer software.

Activity 13 Write a dialog using expressions of stating an intentions, purpose, and agreement to do an activity. Practice the dialog with your friend. Contoh jawaban: You : Do you have plans to make our English club more interesting? Your friend : I do. I intend to invite a native English speaker next week. Do you agree with my idea? You : I completely agree, but do you know who the native English speaker is? Your friend : I do. My father’s friend, Mr. Alex, will be arriving from the U.K. tomorrow and he will be staying here for a month. You : Are you sure he will have free time for us? Your friend : I am. I called him last week and he agreed to be the guest speaker of our English club. If you agree with my idea to invite him next week, I will confirm it soon. You : All right. I will wait for your good news, then I will make an announcement the day after as soon as possible. Your friend : O.K.

Activity 15 Work in pairs. Ask and state intentions and purposes based on the texts in Activity 14. Text 1 is done for you as an example. Contoh jawaban: Texts 2 Your friend : What do you think of the speaker’s mother? You : She cares for the environment. Your friend : You’re right. Your turn, please. You : Why does she always bring a cloth bag wherever she goes? Your friend : To avoid the use of plastic bags. You : You’re right. Yours now. Your friend : What is her intention in doing that? You : She wants to preserve nature. Your friend : Correct. Text 3 You : Your friend : You : Your friend : You


Your friend : You : Your friend :

What is the manure for? It becomes the fertilizer to grow plants. Absolutely! Your turn now. What will Utari do for her cattle when harvesting the field? She will give some of the grains to her cattle as a food mixture. You’re right. It’s yours now. What does the speaker think toward Utari’s habit? He/she thinks that Utari has a good cycle in optimizing what she has.

Activity 16 Write down the speaker’s intention in each text in Activity 14 into the following table. State your agreement or disagreement toward each intention. See the example. Contoh jawaban: Text





Agreement/ Disagreement

Juna wants to help people so that he joins the Red Cross organization in his school.

I agree.

The speaker’s mother always brings a cloth bag in order to avoid the use of plastic bags.

I completely agree.

She will use the cloth bag in order to carry things.

So do I.

She will fold the cloth bag and keep it so that she can use it for other occassions.

I disagree. I need to wash it before I use it again.

All her actions are in order to preserve nature.


Utari turns the cattle farm’s waste into manure so that she can utilize it to grow plants.

I couldn’t agree more.

She sets aside some grains so that she can give them as food mixture for her cattle.

That’s so true.

Activity 17 Write a short text based on the following dialog. Share your work before the class. Contoh jawaban: Sinta is carrying a lot of books as her references to make a wall magazine in Titi’s house. Her father advised her not to cut or draw anything on the books because they are precious. They contain a lot of information that will probably be beneficial for other people. Those books can also be donated to people who need them. That’s why, Sinta and Titi are not allowed to cut or draw anything on them. They are supposed to rewrite any information their words. Sinta agrees her father’s idea and promises him to return the books in good condition.

Activity 18 Write a short monolog about your intention or purpose to do an activity. Deliver it in class. Contoh jawaban: I’m going to apply for the military school. Before I apply, I need to make sure that I have capabilities in doing physical measurements. I like to do a lot of exercises, such as running, swimming, skipping, and many more. I do those exercises so that I can be accepted into the military school. I will do as best as I can so that my dreams come true.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


A.  1.  6. 11. 16.


Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. A D D D

 2.  7. 12. 17.


 3.  8. 13. 18.


 4.  9. 14. 19.

Fill in the blanks correctly.


 5. 10. 15. 20.


Jawaban: 1. buy flour 2. ask for detailed information and characteristic of Mantau bread 3. learn how to make Mantau bread 4. the time management in starring our gadget screen to maintain our eyesight 5. it will help our eyes’ muscles to relax C.

Write a text about your intention and purpose to do an activity. You are free to choose your topic.

Contoh jawaban: I always turn off electrical devices when I do not use them in order to be efficient. I turn off the lamps during the day. I also use LED lamps which need low electric power. Several electricity powers are from non-renewable energy so that we have to use them wisely for our next generation.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Contoh jawaban: 1. You : I intend to make bags and wallets from waste of food and soap plastic packaging. Do you agree with me? Your friend : I completely agree with you. How do you make it? You : I need to clean all the plastic packages and cut them into pieces. Then, I glue them altogether to make a larger piece of plastic. After that, I just need to sew them according to the pattern to make bags or wallets. What do you think? Your friend : It is really challenging. Let’s make it. You : O.K. 2.

You Principal





You Principal

: Sir, may I come in? : Yes, please come in. What can I do for you, Iqbal? : We as the scientific club members want to hold a gathering event to strengthen our relationship and teamwork next Sunday. We will hold the event in the school yard. Is it possible if we use it on Sunday? : Is Mr. Ridwan, the coach of scientific club, will be there too? : Of course, Sir. He is the one who told me to come here asking your permission. : That is a positive activity. I personally permit you to make an event here next Sunday. : Thank you, Sir. : My pleasure

Activity 1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. What are the similarities and differences between the two pictures?

Petunjuk Guru: 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja berpasangan. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan memahami kalimat-kalimat dalam gambar berikut. Bila menemukan kata-kata sulit, peserta didik dapat mencari maknanya dalam kamus. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta tiap pasangan peserta didik berdiskusi untuk menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan kedua gambar tersebut. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengemukakan jawaban mereka secara lisan. Jawaban dapat bervariasi. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban bersama-sama. 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai, termasuk nilai sikap aktif, kooperatif, dan percaya diri. Jawaban: The similarities: - Both texts are labels. - They contain names/brands, ingredients, nutrition facts, and manufacturer of the product. The differences: - Text 1 is a label of food (biscuits), Text 2 is a label of medicine (food supplement). - Text 1 describes nutrition facts. - Text 2 describes the contents of the product and explains directions for use.

Activity 2 Practice the following dialog with your friend. Answer the questions based on the dialog. Jawaban: 1. At the speakers’ home/in the dining room 2. He has a sour stomach. 3. Chewable tablets 4. He will take him to see a doctor. 5. He is caring.

Activity 3 Read the following words properly. You will read them in Activity 4. What do they mean?

Jawaban:  1. bahan  3.  5.  7.  9. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19.

 2. meringankan, meredakan, menghilangkan gejala  4. resep hamil  6. mengunyah menyimpan  8. segel tutup 10. asam gangguan pencernaan 12. maag asam, masam 14. perut berbagai macam 16. rasa dosis 18. pengawasan bertahan, terus melakukan 20. dewasa

Activity 5 Answer the following questions based on the label in Activity 4. Jawaban:  1. Assorted fruit  2. By chewing it  3. 160 tablets  4. Calcium carbonate  5. People who suffer from heartburn, acid indigestion, sour stomach, and upset stomach associated with these symptoms  6. Children under 12 years old  7. Because antacids may interact with certain prescription drugs  8. We may be poisoned or it may harm our health.  9. It may not effectively be used. 10. We should keep it at 20-25°C (68-77°F).

Activity 6 Scan the QR code. Listen to the dialog. Then, answer the questions based on the dialog. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan: Rachel Arya Rachel Arya

Rachel Arya Rachel Arya

Rachel Arya


: : : :

Good morning, Arya. Good morning, Rachel. Going to have breakfast? I am. My mother is sick, so I have to prepare my own breakfast. : What is that? : Cereals. : Is it nutritious? : It is. Let’s see the label, to check if the food contains beneficial ingredients and nutrients or not. : Well, this product is low fat. It contains mango pieces, walnuts, and royal jelly. : You’re right. It’s nutritious, but remember! Asthma and allergy sufferers may not consume the product. : How about the expiry date of the product?

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Arya : We can consume it no later than December 1, 2022. Rachel : We must not consume expired products. Otherwise, we may be poisoned or suffer from diseases such as a diarrhea. Jawaban: 1. They are classmates/friends. 2. In the morning/before the class begins 3. He is going to eat cereals for breakfast. 4. To check if the product is nutritious or not. 5. We may be poisoned or suffer from diseases such as a diarrhea.

Activity 7 Read the following label. Identify the availability of elements in it. Jawaban: No.





Brand of the product


Breakfast Cereals


Name of the product




Description of the product


Low fat breakfast cereals contain mango pieces, walnuts, and royal jelly


Contents or amounts of the product


500 gram


Ingredients of the product


Whole grain wheat, corn, rolled oats, palm oil, aspartame, mango pieces [mango, mango juice, humectant (glycerol), tartrazine, natural mango flavor], royal jelly, walnuts, minerals (Calcium carbonate, iron sulphate), vitamins (Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Folic acid, Vitamin B12), and spices


Directions for instructions about the product (directions for consumption)



Directions for storage of the product



Expiry date of the product





The product may not be suitable for asthma and allergy sufferers.


Manufacturer of the product


Brand Food Pte Ltd 18 Food Safety Road Singapore 123456

Activity 8 Read the label. Answer the questions based on it. Jawaban: 1. It’s the label of yogurt. 2. French vanilla 3. Vitamin A and D 4. It has no artificial flavors, no high fructose corn syrup, no colors from artificial sources. 5. It should be refrigerated.

Activity 9 Reread the label in Activity 8. In pairs, complete the following dialog based on the label. Then, practice the dialog and record your performance.

Petunjuk Guru: 1.


Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami kembali label di Activity 8.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja berpasangan, kemudian membaca dan memahami percakapan rumpang berikut. Bila menemukan kata-kata baru, mereka dapat mencari maknanya dalam kamus. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik melengkapi percakapan rumpang tersebut berdasarkan data dalam label di Activity 8. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengemukakan jawaban mereka. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban bersama-sama. 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mempraktikkan percakapan tersebut dan merekamnya 7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai termasuk nilai sikap kooperatif, aktif, santun, kerja sama, dan percaya diri. Jawaban: 1. yogurt 3. fat milk 5. vanilla

2. ingredients 4. artificial

Activity 10

Activity 12

Scan the QR code. Listen and complete the following dialog based on what you have heard. Then, practice the dialog with your friend. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan: Ms. Dian Rangga Ms. Dian Rangga Ms. Dian

: : : : :

Good afternoon. Can I help you? Good afternoon, Miss. I need food supplement, please. Sure. Is it for you? No. It’s for my elder sister. She is a vegan. I see. Wait a second, please.

A few moments later Ms. Dian : Well, this food supplement is a good choice. Rangga : Why do you think so? Ms. Dian : It contains superior vitamins and minerals. It also contains anti-aging antioxidants. Besides, it is easy to digest and can be taken on an empty stomach. Rangga : It seems interesting. Let me read the label first. Ms. Dian : Yes, please. After reading the label Rangga : O.K., I’ll take this one. Ms. Dian : All right. What else do you want to buy? Other medicines? Rangga : No, thanks. Ms. Dian : O.K. Please pay at the cashier there. Thank you. Rangga : You’re welcome. Jawaban: 1. supplement 3. choice 5. antioxidants 7. label 9. medicines

 2.  4.  6.  8. 10.

vegan superior stomach take cashier

Activity 11 Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Activity 10. Jawaban:  1. She is a pharmacist/a pharmacist assistant.  2. In a drugstore or pharmacy  3. Food supplement  4. Rangga’s sister  5. His sister is a vegetarian.  6. He reads the labels.  7. To ensure that the product suits his sister  8. His sister might consume the wrong product which later will harm her health.  9. It contains superior vitamins and minerals. It also contains anti-aging antioxidants. Besides, it is easy to digest and can be taken on an empty stomach. 10. He will go to the cashier to pay for the food supplement he bought.

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions based on the label. Record your work and submit it to your teacher.

Petunjuk Guru: 1.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja ber­ pasangan. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan memahami kalimat-kalimat dalam gambar label berikut. Bila menemukan kata-kata baru, mereka dapat mencari maknanya dalam kamus. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik melakukan tanya jawab berdasarkan label tersebut. 4. Peserta didik merekam tanya jawab yang mereka laku­ kan dan mengumpulkannya kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi rekaman peserta didik dan memberi balikan. 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai termasuk nilai sikap aktif, kooperatif, santun, dan percaya diri.

Contoh jawaban: Your friend : Let me ask you about the label first. You : Sure. Your friend : What is the product? You : It’s a dietary supplement. Your friend : Excellent! Your turn. You : What main substances does the product contain? Your friend : Vitamins and minerals. You : That’s right. Your friend : My turn now. What vitamins does the product consist of? You : Vitamins A, C, D, E, K. Your friend : Correct. By the way, how many tablets does the product contain? You : 60 tablets. Your friend : Right. Your question, please. You : Why is the product safe for one’s stomach? Your friend : It is easy to digest and can be taken on an empty stomach without upset. You : You’re right.

Activity 13 Read the following texts. What is the difference between the two texts? Jawaban: Text 1 is a written label, Text 2 is a spoken label.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Activity 14 Answer the following questions based on the texts in Activity 13. Jawaban:  1. Cough syrup  2. To soothe coughs associated with dry and irritated throat  3. 118 ml  4. It doesn’t use artificial preservatives and artificial dyes or flavors. It is also gluten and alcohol free.  5. 12-month children and older people  6. It contains honey.  7. We should shake it well.  8. 90 days  9. When the seal is missing or broken 10. We may get side effects.

Activity 15 See the picture of label below. Present the label using your own words. Record your presentation and submit it to your teacher. Contoh jawaban: I’d like to present this product. This product is Pansit Lomi, instant noodles made in USA. It is fresh and 14 oz weigh. It contains enriched wheat flour (niacin, iron, thiamine, and riboflavin), egg, starch, salt, potassium carbonat, FR&C Yellow No. 5, and less than 0.1% of sodium benzoat. This product mostly contain calories. It also contains 1 gram fat, 40 mg sodium, 23 gram carbohydrate, 1 gram dietary fiber, and 4 gram protein. It is healthy as it doesn’t contain saturated fat and cholesterol. Besides, it contains vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. This product is easy to cook. You only need to soak in water for 1 to 2 minutes. If you desire softer noodles, soak it in a longer time. Then, drain for pan frying. This product is perishable. That’s why you should keep it refrigerated.


Choose A, B, C, or D, for the correct answer.

 1. A  6. C 11. D 16. B B.

2. C 7. B 12. C 17. A

3. D 8. B 13. D 18. D

4. C 9. D 14. D 19. C

5. D 10. C 15. A 20. B

Fill in the blanks correctly.

Jawaban: 1. stir it well 2. they feed on grass, not GMO feed products 3. refrigerate it 4. it doesn’t use preservatives 5. fridge/refrigerator C.

Write a presentation based on the following label.

Contoh jawaban: These cookies are 49 grams in weight per 6 cookies. There are 20 cookies in each package. The product is made of enriched wheat flour, peanuts, sugar, vegetable oil, dextrose, corn syrup, cornflour, salt, soy lecithin, leavening, and artificial flavoring. This product contains 17% total fat, 11% total carbohydrate, and 7% sodium. This product contains protein and has no cholesterol. Unfortunately, it doesn’t contain vitamins and calcium. For your information, this product is also manufactured in a facility that also processes peanut containing products. That’s why it may cause allergies.

Scan the QR code and do the task.

Petunjuk Guru: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami label dan mengamati tabel yang tersedia. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik melengkapi tabel berdasarkan label tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membuat presentasi tentang produk, berdasarkan label tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik merekam presentasi mereka. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengumpulkan rekaman presentasi mereka dan memberi balikan dan nilai, termasuk nilai sikap aktif, percaya diri, dan komunikatif. Jawaban: The table


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX





Name of the product

Porridge with Sultanas


Description of the product

It is a delicious, lightweight, freeze-dried meal.


Contents or amounts of the product

180 grams



Whole milk, cream (milk), porridge oats, sugar, and sultanas



Preparation: REMOVE THE OXYGEN ABSORBER (sachet) from inside the pouch. Slowly add up to 440ml hot water, stirring as you pour, and then close the bag. Wait 5-8 minutes for the food to rehydrate. (Coldwater will suffice, however, the rehydration time is much longer).



– Allergy Advice. For allergens, including cereals containing gluten, see ingredients in bold. – The oxygen absorber helps maintain product freshness and is non-toxic. Do not eat.


Expiration date

See the stamp.



Expedition Foods, Unit 5, West Dock Avenue Hull, East Yorkshire, HU3 4JR, United Kingdom

The presentation (Contoh jawaban) I’d like to tell you about this product. This product is Porridge with Sultanas. Weighing 180 grams, it is delicious, lightweight, and freeze-dried. It contains whole milk, cream (milk), porridge oats, sugar, and sultanas. You will find an oxygen absorber in this product. Don’t eat it. It helps maintain product freshness and is non-toxic. This product is easy to serve. For preparation, remove the oxygen absorber or sachet from inside the pouch. Slowly add up to 440ml hot water, stirring as you pour, and then close the bag. Wait 5-8 minutes for the food to rehydrate. Coldwater will suffice, however, the rehydration time is much longer. For allergens, you should see ingredients in bold. You know, this product includes cereals containing gluten. This product is manufactured by Expedition Foods, United Kingdom. To know the expiration date, please see the stamp.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Mid-Term Test 1 A.

Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer.


 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10.



11. A 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. A

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


Fill in the blanks correctly.

Jawaban: 1. choosing extracurricular activities 2. her knowledge and skills in sculpturing 3. father and daughter 4. nephew 5. he recovers soon/he gets well soon


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Make a short dialog about asking for and stating intentions.

Contoh jawaban: Cindy : Hi, Arga. Have you prepared the costume for our graduation ceremony? Arga : Not yet. I’m thinking about it now. I’m still confused on which traditional costume I’m going to wear. What about you? Cindy : I just came from a beauty shop which also hires clothes. Arga : Which traditional costume have you hired from the shop? Cindy : I choose a traditional costume from Lampung. That’s the town where I was born. You should wear a traditional costume from your hometown in order to show your origin. Arga : That’s a good idea. We will look awesome wearing our own traditional costumes.

How to Make Delicious Food

Activity 1

Activity 5

Fill in the table with suitable verbs and nouns related to cooking activities. Read your work aloud, in turns. Contoh jawaban: No.


Jawaban: 1. To tell the readers on how to make Watercress, Cucumber, Broccoli, and Tarragon Juice 2. They are two medium broccoli flowerets, a half cucumber, one large bunch of watercress, and eight fresh tarragon leaves. 3. Chop them into chunks and blend them with a juicer. 4. People who want to clean their digestive system 5. Drink it immediately.


add cut boil fry pour chop peel shake stir mix

 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10.

cinnamon fruit water chicken sugar vegetables onion mixture soup flour and butter

Activity 6 Scan the QR code. Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Activity 2 Pronunce the following words properly. What do they mean? You will read the words in the text in Activity 3. Jawaban:  1. kaldu  4. rempah-rempah  7. mangkuk 10. harum

 2. kacang hijau  5. bihun  8. wajan

 3. udang  6. tambahan  9. kerupuk

Jawaban: 1. It is about the procedure of making soto ayam. 2. To turn the chicken broth’s color to yellow 3. Until all of them fragrant. 4. To ease us in consuming the chicken 5. It is tasty.

 3. 4 pieces  6. marinate  9. cayenne pepper

Activity 7

Activity 8 Read and discuss the following texts. Which one is spoken or written?

Activity 4 Read the following text. Then, complete the table based on the information in the text. Jawaban: Ingredients • • • •

 2. 600 ml  5. 1 teaspoon  8. fragrant

Jawaban: 1. It is about how to cook yellow fish soup. 2. It comes from Papua. 3. Three pieces 4. To boil the soup 5. It is tasty.

Read the text aloud, in turns. Answer the questions that follow.

Watercress, Cucumber, Broccoli, and Tarragon Juice

Jawaban:  1. 2 tablespoons  4. 2 cm  7. seasonings 10. basil leaves

Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 6.

Activity 3


Scan the QR code. Listen and answer the questions based on the text in Activity 4.

2 medium broccoli flowerets ½ cucumber 1 large bunch of watercress 8 fresh tarragon leaves

Action Verbs • • • • • • •

chop put blend combine whiz serve drink

Jawaban: Text 1 is a spoken procedural text, while text 2 is in a written form.

Activity 9 Answer the following questions based on the texts in Activity 8. Jawaban: 1. How to make spicy fried chili sauce with tempeh 2. Around 15 minutes 3. To remove the excess oil from the fried tempeh 4. This recipe is for four people. 5. It has a spicy taste.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX



Activity 10


Read the following texts. Identify the similarities and differences between them. Write your answer in the table. Contoh jawaban: Similarities

• They show the procedures to make Italian Croquette. • They consist of purpose/goal, ingredients, and steps.


• • •

Text 1 is a spoken form of a procedural text. Meanwhile, Text 2 is a written form of a procedural text. The purpose of Text 1 is delivered in the first paragraph. Meanwhile, the purpose of Text 2 is written in the title. The ingredients in Text 1 are delivered in the second paragraph in a spoken form in which the speaker says the scale or value and the items literally and use ‘of’ to show the relationship between the scale or value and each item. Meanwhile, the ingredients in Text 2 are written one by one using numbers or symbols to mention the scale or value of each ingredient and without ‘of’ between each item and scale. The steps in Text 1 are delivered in the third until sixth paragraphs and use time sequencers such as, next, after that, then to connect the steps. Meanwhile, the steps in Text 2 are written one by one using numbers.

Activity 11


Lemon Tea

Main Ingredients: • water • black or green tea • 2 teaspoons sugar • ½–1 lemon

Additional Ingredients: • 2 teaspoons honey • mint leaves • ginger (grated)

Steps/ Methods

Methods: 1. Put the black or green tea in a kettle and put some water in it. 2. Boil the water and tea for a couple minutes. You can add mint leaves, but it’s optional. 3. Put the boiled water in a cup. 4. Add lemon juice and sugar and stir it. 5. You may add 2 tablespoons of honey or grated ginger when boiling to make it more delicious. You can also make iced lemon tea by adding in some ice cubes to the lemon tea.

Activity 14

Answer the following questions based on the texts in Activity 10.

Complete the following text with suitable words from the box.

Jawaban:  1. How to make Italian Croquette  2. He/She loves eating snacks.  3. Delicious with the crispy and crunchy taste  4. To thicken the mixture of milk and flour  5. Let it cool in the refrigerator  6. There are around sixteen croquettes.  7. It is for coating the croquettes and make them crispy.  8. To fry the croquettes  9. To make the croquettes cooked thoroughly 10. To absorb the excess oil from the croquettes

Jawaban:  1. spring rolls  3. whisk  5. fragrant  7. water  9. Repeat

Activity 12 Read the text and answer the questions that follow. Jawaban: 1. To tell us how to make a lemon tea drinking 2. It can soothe the throat, prevent cough and congestion, and help in weight loss. 3. It is the additional ingredients. 4. The main ingredient is black or green tea. 5. In a hot day

 2.  4.  6.  8. 10.

snack heat few minutes taste tissue paper

Activity 15 Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 14. Jawaban: 1. It is about how to make the wrapper of rissoles. 2. It can be easily found in the market, bakery, or even along the street. 3. When the edge of the wrapper’s skin is dry and we can peel it off easily. 4. To make the filling of the rissoles 5. It is tasty and spicy when you add chili or chili sauce.

Activity 16 Read the following text aloud.

Activity 13 Change the procedural text in Activity 12 into a written form. Use the following template.

Activity 17 The following dialog is about how to inflate a bike tire. Read the dialog and continue it using your own words.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Contoh jawaban: Santi : Dimas, do you know how to inflate a bike tire? Dimas : I do. What happens? Santi : Great! Could you please guide me to do it? My front tire is a bit flat. Dimas : All right. I will show you how to do it. First, you should pick the right bike pump that suit to your bike tire. Usually the built-in bike pump has the similar tube valves to the bike tire. Santi : I get it. Mine has the correct tube valve. What’s next? Dimas : After that, check the sidewall of your tire. It should list the range that your tire can safely handle. Typically, a road tire can go between 80 to 130 psi, while a mountain tire holds between 25 to 50 psi. Hybrids usually take between 40 to 70 psi. Santi : I see, let me check it first. Here it is. Its ideal pressure is around 80 to 130 psi. So, I need to pump the air in until the gauge reach the number between that measurement. Dimas : Exactly. Next, you need to attach the pump nozzle correctly to you bike tire. Santi : Like this? Dimas : Yes, but make sure the air is not coming out when you start to pump. Readjust it again if the air is coming out from the nozzle. Then, you can start pumping into the ideal tire pressure and don’t forget to reattach the valve cap to the tire valve. Santi : Thanks for your guidance, Dimas. Dimas : It’s not a big deal.

Activity 18 Compose a manual on how to inflate a bike tire based on the Activity 17. Find any references to support your manual. Share your work with the class. Contoh jawaban: Before every ride, it’s a good idea to get in the habit of checking your tire pressure. Tires need the right amount of air to function optimally, and getting them to the right psi efficiently can require some finesse. Let's see how to do it properly.

Pick the Right Bike Pump First, suit the nozzle’s valve to your tire’s valve. Actually, there are several bike tube types. You can suit the nozzle of the bike pump to your bike tire. Usually, built-in bike pump has the suitable nozzle to the tire. Prepare the Valve Remove the plastic cap that might be covering the end of your valve. Before you pump, check the sidewall of your tire: It should list the pounds-per-square-inch (psi) range that your tire can safely handle. Typically, a road tire can go between 80 to 130 psi, while a mountain tire holds between 25 to 50 psi. Hybrids usually take between 40 to 70 psi. Where your personal psi preference falls within the range for your tire will depend on your weight and riding style. Attach the Pump Correctly Next, fit the pump head onto the valve. Pumps will have either a switch that flips down or up, or an internally threaded screw top. If air seems to be coming out of the pump and not into your tires, you may need to readjust the pump head slightly.

Pump to the Optimal Pressure Pump the tubes up to your optimal pressure. You can use the gauge on your pump to guide you. Once you’ve pumped your tires to the pressure you want, simply flip the switch on the pump head so it pops off, and retighten the locking nut before you replace the valve cap. Then you can continue your ride. Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20210428015724/https://www. bicycling.com/repair/a20038470/the-definitive-guide-to-pumping-your-tires/ (March 10, 2021)

Activity 19 Find any manual of a certain home appliance. Present the manual orally and record it. Contoh jawaban: Let me tell you the steps to operate a toaster. First, unwind the power cord. Check that the crumb tray is in place and there is nothing in the toaster slot. Then, plug the power cord into the wall outlet. After that, insert slices of bread. You need to make sure that multiple slices do not overlap and the carriage is in the up position. Next, set the Browning Control. Turn the rotary switch to the desired position. Later, to begin toasting, press the carriage lever until it locks into the down position. Meanwhile, to stop toasting, when the toasting cycle is completed, the toast will rise. However, if you wish to stop the cycle before it is completed, simply press the ‘Cancel’ button. Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20210330042709/https://www. cuisinart.com/globalassets/catalog/appliances/toasters/4-slice-metalclassic-toaster/cpt-1802.pdf (March 10, 2021)

A.  1.  6. 11. 16.


Choose A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. C A D C

 2.  7. 12. 17.


 3.  8. 13. 18.


 4.  9. 14. 19.

Fill in the blanks correctly.


 5. 10. 15. 20.


Jawaban: 1. hard-boiled eggs and chilies 2. fragrant for about 3 until 5 minutes 3. spicy 4. amateur photograpers who use a tripod for the first time 5. make the tripod level in uneven ground C.

Write a procedural text about a traditional food from your area.

Contoh jawaban: Pempek Palembang Pempek is the best-known of Palembang’s dishes and is made of fish and sago flours and served together with a dark, rich sauce called cuko. It is made from brown sugar, chili pepper, garlic, vinegar, and salt to boiling water. Ingredients:

Pempek • 500 gram flesh of grind Spanish mackerels, you can also use other fillet fish • 3 egg yolks • 200 ml ice water • 2 tablespoons salt • 1 tablespoon white sugar • 1 tablespoon white pepper powder • 1 tablespoon garlic powder • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil • 800–1000 gram tapioca flour

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


The sauce (Cuko) • 250 gram palm sugar • 2 tablespoons white sugar • 6 cloves of garlic, no need to peel the skin • 25 gram bird’s eyes chilies • ½ teaspoon salt • 1 tablespoon of tamarind (depend on how sour you want the soup is) • 250 ml water Additional ingredients (optional): • Cucumber, diced • Egg noodle, fried • Grind dried shrimp (optional)

Directions: Pempek: 1. Grind all the ingredients to make the fish dough, except tapioca flour. 2. Mix them well. 3. Take 1 tablespoon of fish batter, add about 2–3 tablespoons of tapioca flour, mix, and shape the dough as you wish. Set aside and shape the rest of the batter until finished. 4. Boil the water using a saucepan, and cook the dough for about 15 minutes. 5. Deep fry the cooked dough.

The sauce (Cuko): 1. Boil the water with all the ingredients until sugar is dissolved. 2. Then grind the sauce using a food grinder or hand mixer, and filter it. 3. Place the pempek on a plate, add the noodle and then pour with cuko. Garnish with the cucumber. Some people like to add grind dried shrimp as an additional topping. Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20201111014530/https://www. indofoodstore.com/pempek-recipe-indonesian-ingredients-and-video.aspx (March 31, 2021)

Scan the QR code and do the task.

Contoh jawaban: How to Use Digital Thermometer 1.


Prepare Even if the digital thermometer has been stored prior to use, it is prudent to clean it before using it again. This can either be done in a solution of soapy water or by wiping it with a cloth that has been sprayed with an antibacterial solution. Wipe it with a paper tissue after it has been cleaned. This will ensure that any errant particles or germs remaining on the surface will be removed.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Switch it On Switch on the digital thermometer before putting it near the mouth to make sure that it is working properly. The LCD screen should read “0” when it is initially switched on. If this does not occur or the screen remains blank, you may find that the battery needs to be replaced. Check the instruction manual to ensure that you get the correct replacement battery and that you fit it correctly. Only use the thermometer if the starting reading is correct.


Place the Thermometer Place the thermometer in the mouth by laying the tip on a middle point at the back of the tongue before closing the lips around it to hold the length of it. Avoid gripping it between the teeth as it is unnecessary and can cause the thermometer to lift off of the tongue.


Take Your Temperature Once the digital thermometer is in the correct position, you will be able to press the button to make the appliance read the temperature. Depending on the model, this can take anything from a few seconds to a few minutes. Similarly, the model you are using will dictate whether it demonstrates its completion of the task with a beep or whether the result is simply displayed. At this point, you will be able to remove the thermometer from the mouth so that you can read the temperature.


Clean Up After you have finished using the thermometer, switch it off and clean it using the method that you used at the outset. Use a clean tissue to dry it thoroughly. A digital thermometer will often come with a protective case that has been designed to store it in and protect it from damage. Return it to the case before storing it.

Note: You may be able to set the temperature according to degrees Celsius (C) or degrees Fahrenheit (F). The body’s normal temperature is 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, so you must take immediate action if the reading is above or below this. Even 2 degrees above a normal temperature can be the sign of a fever, while anything lower means that the patient’s body is failing to regulate its temperature. They will need to be kept warm with other methods until the underlying cause is found and rectified. Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20171021022421/ http://www.doityourself.com/stry/how-to-use-a-digital-thermometer (April 5, 2021)

At the Moment We ...

Activity 1 Go out of the classroom and observe its surrounding. Do it in five minutes and return to the classroom. Write what is happening or taking place in simple sentences. Share your work with the class. Petunjuk Guru:

Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan apersepsi atau warming up. Tujuannya adalah menyiapkan peserta didik agar fokus pada materi yang akan mereka pelajari pada chapter ini. Peserta didik diharapkan suka dengan kegiatan warming up ini sehingga mereka lebih cepat memahami materinya. 1. Jika pembelajaran masih dilakukan dengan jarak jauh (PJJ), pesera didik diminta mengamati kejadian/ peristiwa yang terjadi di sekitar rumah mereka. 2. Pesera didik diminta menuliskan kejadian/peristiwa yang sedang terjadi atau berlangsung menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana, terutama bentuk simple present continuous/progressive. 3. Peserta didik diminta membacakan kalimat-kalimat yang telah mereka tulis. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta pendapat beberapa peserta didik terkait tulisan peserta didik lain tentang memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi saat ini, waktu lampau, dan yang akan datang. 5. Terakhir, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan pada setiap hasil karya peserta didik dan memberi nilai, termasuk nilai sikap aktif, berani, kreatif, dan santun saat berkomunikasi dengan teman dan guru. Contoh jawaban: 1. Mr. Haris, the gardener, is trimming flower trees. 2. The students of Class IXD are having a PE class. 3. A butterfly is perching on a rose. 4. Many birds are singing beautifully. 5. Three students are having a class in a laboratory.

Activity 3 Scan the QR code. Listen to and answer the questions orally, in turns. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan: 1. Who are talking in the dialog? 2. When does the dialog occur? 3. What is Rista doing at the moment of speaking? 4. What is the man going to do after the conversation? 5. What are the man and the girl like?

Jawaban: 1. They are father and daughter. 2. At night 3. She is finishing her assignment for presentation the following day. She is checking the animation and sentences. 4. He is going to sleep. 5. The man is caring and the girl is diligent.

Activity 4 Scan the QR code. Listen to the dialog attentively. Then, answer the questions orally, in turns. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan: Girl : Hi, Alvi. What are you doing here? Boy : Hi, Sinta. I’m accompanying my mother shopping. Girl : Where’s your mother? Boy : She’s buying some fish over there. Girl : I see. By the way, why are you not going with her? Boy : Nope. I can’t stand with the smell, too fishy. What about yourself? Why are you here? Girl : I’m buying flour and eggs. My brother and I are going to make a tart this afternoon. Boy : Who has a birthday? Girl : No one! I’m going to make a video of a procedural text for my English assignment. Boy : How creative! Jawaban:  1. Two friends  2. In a market or supermarket  3. He’s accompanying his mother shopping.  4. She’s buying some fish.  5. He can’t stand with the smell of the place, too fishy.  6. She’s buying flour and eggs.  7. She’s going to make a tart.  8. No one.  9. She’s making a video of a procedural text. 10. The girl is creative, and the boy is caring.

Activity 5 Practice the following dialogs with your friend. Rewrite the sentences with progressive verbs and underline the verbs. Share your work with the class. Jawaban: Dialog 1 – What are you doing outside, dear? – I’m enjoying the night, dear. – I'm feeling the night breeze and listening to the frogs croaking. – So, when are you leaving for Banjarmasin, dear? – I’m packing tomorrow. – Rona and her friends are studying together, while Jihan is practicing her speech. Dialog 2 – What are you doing with that telescope? – I’m observing birds. – They are singing melodiously, aren’t they? – Hmm, I’m spotting a small insect on a tree. – It’s eating leaves.

Dialog 3 – What are you reading? – I’m reading advertisements on job vacancies. Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


– – – – –

I’m searching a good job for my brother. Then, what is he doing now? He’s doing anything he can do. He’s designing a banner at the moment. He’s looking for a partner.

Activity 6 Scan the QR code. Listen to the sentences carefully. Write down the sentences you have heard and underline the progressive verbs. Read your work aloud, in turns. Kalimat-kalimat yang diperdengarkan:  1. The students are playing roles.  2. Dito and Arya are not joining a basketball practice.  3. Look! The airplane is taking off rapidly.  4. Listen! Someone is opening the gate.  5. A dentist is examining my little brother’s teeth.  6. Father and Dewi are washing the car together.  7. Are you playing in the rain, Budi?  8. Arsita is typing a report for the OSIS meeting.  9. Sekar and Hera are reading a text aloud, in turns. 10. Hanung is pushing his bicycle because of a flat tire. Jawaban:  1. The students are playing roles.  2. Dito and Arya are not joining a basketball practice.  3. Look! The airplane is taking off rapidly.  4. Listen! Someone is opening the gate.  5. A dentist is examining my little bother’s teeth.  6. Father and Dewi are washing the car together.  7. Are you playing in the rain, Budi?  8. Arsita is typing a report for the OSIS meeting.  9. Sekar and Hera are reading a text aloud, in turns. 10. Hanung is pushing his bicycle because of a flat tire.

Activity 7 Look at what people or animals around you are doing. Write ten sentences about their activities using progressive verbs. Share your work with your friends. Contoh jawaban:  1. Be quiet. Grandpa is sleeping on the sofa.  2. Turn down the volume, please. The children are studying hard.  3. Riko and Dwiki are preparing breakfast together.  4. The chickens are pecking the grains greedily.  5. The monkey isn’t eating its meal.  6. Father is fixing the printer.  7. Tarra is mopping the floor.  8. The goats are grassing in the meadow.  9. Many butterflies are perching on blooming flowers. 10. Destina is shooting a video with her cell phone.

Activity 8 Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the verbs in brackets; in the simple present or present progressive tense. Read your work aloud. Jawaban:  1. are doing  3. do  5. is practicing  7. tells  9. learns


 2.  4.  6.  8. 10.

am designing say practices is attending taste

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Activity 9 Reread the monolog in Activity 8. Complete the following statements based on the monolog. Jawaban: 1. the speaker, his/her sister, and brother’s activities that afternoon. 2. designing an invitation and a banner 3. dancing a traditional dance 4. practicing a traditional dance 5. cooking

Activity 11

Scan the QR code. Listen to and answer the questions based on the dialogs in Activity 10. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan: Dialog 1 is for questions 1 to 3. 1. What is wrong with Iffah? 2. When did it happen? 3. What will Silvy do after the conversation? Dialog 2 is for questions 4 and 5. 4. How did Agus lose his cell phone? 5. Where did he lose it?

Jawaban: 1. Her leg is cramping. 2. It happened while she was playing tennis with Yenni. 3. She will rub Iffah’s crammed leg with oilment. 4. He dropped it while he was running for a shelter. 5. He lost it in Melati Park.

Activity 12 Scan the QR code. Listen to the dialogs carefully. Answer the following questions based on each dialog. Petunjuk Guru:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Bapak/Ibu Guru menyampaikan tujuan kegiatan ini kepada peserta didik, yaitu meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak peserta didik. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan memahami setiap pertanyaan yang ada di buku mereka. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan Dialog 1. Setelah itu, peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan terkait percakapan tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan Dialog 2. Kemudian, peserta didik menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan terkait percakapan tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan Dialog 1 dan Dialog 2 satu per satu. Peserta didik diminta menyimak setiap percakapan sambil memeriksa jawaban mereka. Mereka diberi waktu membetulkan jawaban jika ada yang kurang tepat. Selanjutnya, peserta didik berlomba-lomba tunjuk jari dan membacakan hasil jawaban mereka secara bergiliran. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak dan menyampaikan jawabannya jika jawabannya berbeda dengan temannya. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai, termasuk nilai sikap berani, aktif, santun, dan menghargai.

Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan: Dialog 1 Girl : What’s wrong with your father, Andi? I saw him limping. Boy : He slipped yesterday afternoon. Girl : Sorry to hear that. How did it happen? Boy : He stepped on a puddle of water when he was getting off the bus. He slipped and sprained his left ankle. Girl : Ough! It must be hurt. I hope he recovers soon. Boy : Thanks, Chika. Dialog 2 Woman Boy Mother Boy

: : : :

Mother Boy Mother Boy

: : : :

Apri, I found shards of a plate in the trash bin. Sorry, Mom. I broke it. How could that happen? I was washing dishes when I heard the door bell ringing. Then, I ran to see who he/she was. I didn’t put the plate on the proper place, so it slipped and broke to pieces. O dear. You must be more careful next time. Sure, Mom. Won’t you be angry, Mom? Nope! Thanks, Mom.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. They are friends or neighbors. 2. Andi’s father 3. He sprained his left ankle. 4. He stepped on a puddle of water when he was getting off the bus. He slipped and sprained his left ankle. 5. She wishes Andi’s father recover soon. Dialog 2 1. Shards of a plate 2. Apri did. 3. He was washing dishes when he heard the door bell rang. Then, he ran to see who he/she was. He didn’t put the plate on the proper place and it slipped. 4. Apri works more carefully. 5. She is patient because she isn’t not angry.

Activity 13 Work in pairs and read the following text. Ask and answer questions about the text. Record your activity and share your work with the class. Contoh jawaban: Your friend : Thank you for giving me the first opportunity to ask. My question is what is the story about? You : It is about Ann’s experience during a rainy day. Your friend : Correct! My next question is what did Ann feel that day? You : She felt tired. Your friend : Excellent! Your turn, please. You : Thanks. What was Ann doing when she was trapped in the house before her mother came? Your friend : She was playing inside the house, reading a book, reading comic stripes, having lunch, and sitting by the window while watching the rain. You : Awesome! Your second question, please. Your friend : What did Ann probably feel when knowing her mother was bringing ice cream? You : She was very excited. Your friend : Correct answer!

Activity 14 Remember five events in the past. Write them using past progressive tense. Read your work aloud. Contoh jawaban: 1. Father and I were cleaning the ditch in front of the house when suddenly a big lizard appeared from the corner of the ditch. 2. I was dredging the mud from the ditch, while my father was dumping the mud in the vacant area next to the house. 3. When my uncle and aunt arrived, we were working together. 4. Mother didn’t know our arrival because she was cleaning the backyard. 5. Father and I were standing right in front of the door and welcomed uncle and aunt.

Activity 15 Work in pairs. Write a simple dialog using past progressive tense and practice it. Record your performance and share your work with the class. Contoh jawaban: Rena : Why are you looking so sad? Puput : I was typing my assignment when my brother entered my room. He begged to use my laptop for a while. He would like to check his email. Rena : So, it made you lose your time? Puput : Not just like that. He was unintentionally deleting my document while he was copying the email. Rena : How did it happen? Puput : I don’t know. Rena : So, what did you do then? Puput : I had to retype my work.

Activity 17 Reread the dialogs in Activity 16. Answer the following questions correctly. Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. They are talking about helping Iwang clean her room. 2. Because she will have an online class. 3. It will last for ninety minutes. 4. She will be mopping the room. 5. He will be helping Iwang do her chores until Ayu finishes her class.

Dialog 2 1. He will fetch Rangga. 2. He will be practicing basketball with his friends, or he will be getting some feedback from his coach. 3. It is ‘pick up’. 4. She suggests Mr. Toto arrive at the sport center at five thirty. 5. He will be waiting for Mr. Toto outside the building.

Activity 18 Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the verbs in brackets. Share your work with the class. Then, practice the dialogs with your friend.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Jawaban: 1. will be helping 3. will be waiting for 5. will be teaching

2. 4.

will be having will be discussing

Activity 19 Work in pairs. Suppose you are Bagus and Ratri. Complete the following dialog with suitable expressions using future progressive form. Practice the dialog and record your performance. Contoh jawaban: Bagus : I can’t wait to be in Bali soon. Ratri : Me too. Bagus : We will be arriving at Ngurah Rai Airport at 10 AM tomorrow. Ratri : Right, and we will be having lunch in the hotel restaurant at 1 PM. Bagus : Hurray! In the afternoon we will be enjoying the sunset at Pandawa Beach. Ratri : That's right, and we will be enjoying young coconut juice there. Bagus : And we will be watching a Kecak dance show at 7 PM. Ratri : Yes! What an amazing holiday in Bali!

Activity 20 Write five sentences using future progressive form. Share your work with the class. Contoh jawaban: 1. The students of Class IX D will be doing an experiment in the laboratory. 2. Tara and I will be having lunch in the school canteen during the second break. 3. Uti and her friends will be playing gamelan at 4 this afternoon. 4. Septian will be helping his mother prepare the dinner this evening when I come. 5. Asep and Inna will be cleaning the classroom at 6:30 tomorrow morning.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

A.  1.  6. 11. 16.


Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. D A A B

 2.  7. 12. 17.


 3.  8. 13. 18.


 4.  9. 14. 19.

Fill in the blanks correctly.


 5. 10. 15. 20.


Jawaban: 1. fisherman 2. filling up the electronic log book 3. the name of the ship, the fishing gears, the number of the crew 4. is going to be navigating the ship 5. they will be catching tons of fish C.

Write sentences in simple present progressive, past progressive, and future progressive forms. One for each form.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Look! The hen is watching its chicks while they are searching for food. 2. I was locking the gate when mother was opening the door last night. 3. Father won’t be driving home at the time Uncle and Aunt Richard arrive this evening.

Scan the QR code and do the task.

Contoh jawaban: Adi, Ika, and Bayu are studying together now. They are sitting on a mat. Look! Ika is saying something and Adi is typing what she is saying. Bayu is listening to her explanation. This time last week, Adi and his friends were going cycling. Bayu was pedaling a folding bicycle. They were wearing masks and helmets. Watch! They were waving their hands. They were enjoying their time. This time next week, Adi, Ika, and Bayu will be creating a video at the verandah. They will be using a ring light and cell phone. They will be discussing everything before shooting the action. After that, they will be editing the video.

I Have Visited the Mountain

Activity 1

Activity 4

Practice the following dialog with your friend. Discuss the tenses and the function of the sentences in bold. Write your answer in the following table.

Practice the following dialogs with your friend. Identify the sentences regarding past events related to the present time with unspecific time.


Jawaban: 1. Gilang, have you received a science report 2. Yes, I have. assignment from Mrs. Bella? 3. Have you decided on the topic for your report? 4. I have. 5. I haven’t thought about mine. 6. I have made it for hours. 7. Have you added the yeast? 8. I haven’t. 9. I have missed one step.

Tense •


Present perfect tense

Simple past tense

• •


You have sat there for quite some time. Have you seen them? I haven’t. What did you think about the holiday? It was fun, Dad.

To relate past activities/ events without mentioning specific time To relate past activities/ events

Activity 2

Activity 5

Pronounce the words correctly. What do the words mean? Jawaban:  1. membawa  3. menggunakan  5. menghiasi  7. kembali/mengembalikan  9. memulai

Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 4.  2.  4.  6.  8. 10.

melihat memasang memanen memanggil/menelepon bersaing/bertanding

Activity 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable words from Activity 2. Change the verbs into the correct forms. Read your work aloud, in turns. Jawaban:  1. The drama club members have already decorated the stage for their performance.  2. Terry has called Rama a few times, but no answer.  3. Father has brought several pots to the garden.  4. The two stores have competed to get as many customers as they can since they were established.  5. Mother has applied some salve to ease my itch.  6. The heavy rain has started for a while. It doesn’t seem to end soon.  7. Mrs. Yani has returned to her home.  8. Farah has never seen a camel before.  9. Has Andy harvested the guavas in the garden yet? 10. Siska and Tara have assembled the puzzles for several hours.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. They are talking about a science report assignment. 2. The speakers are probably classmates or schoolmates. 3. She hasn’t decided on the topic for her assignment. 4. He suggests an idea for her assignment. 5. She hopes for Gilang’s good luck with his project. Dialog 2 1. She is Adip’s sister. 2. In the kitchen 3. He learns it from a video. 4. It doesn’t expand. 5. They will make another bread dough properly.

Activity 6 Scan the QR code. Listen and complete the following dialog based on what you have heard. Practice and record the dialogs. Share your work with the class. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan: Agung : Septi, have you designed a new background for our school news website? Septi : I have made two designs. But, I’m not sure which one is the best. Agung : Have you followed the guideline of the design? Septi : I have, but the guideline is not specific enough. So, I made two. Agung : I see. Can I see the designs?

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Septi Agung Septi Agung

: : : :

Sure, here they are. What do you think? Both are good. You have done a good job. Thanks. Which one shall we pick then? I think we should go with the first one. It is much closer to the guideline. Septi : All right. Jawaban: 1. a new background 2. two designs 3. What do you think 4. the first one 5. All right

: Have you submitted your assignment to Mr. Hermawan? Hengki : No, I haven’t. How about you? Putri : Neither have I. Let’s go to his office together. Hengki : Good idea.





: Have Ika and Danu received the OSIS meeting invitation? Catur : No, they haven’t. They are having an exam at the moment. Gina : I see. Make sure to deliver the invitation after the exam. Catur : O.K.

Activity 7 Complete the following statements based on the dialog in Activity 6. Share your work with the class. Jawaban: 1. the designs for the school's news website 2. the guideline 3. both designs are good 4. the guideline of the design is not specific enough 5. the first design

Activity 8 Combine the following sentences in the form of present perfect tense using ‘since’ and ‘for’. See the example. Contoh jawaban: 1. Dimas has jog since 6 AM.; Dimas has jog for an hour. 2. Ratri has studied in her room since 6 AM.; Ratri has studied in her room for three hours. 3. Ega has modified his bicycle in the garage since 8 AM.; Ega has modified his bicycle for three hours. 4. Mrs. Midori has joined the reforestation program since 2011.; Mrs. Midori has joined the reforestation program for 10 years. 5. Naga and Guntur have played soccer since 3 PM.; Naga and Guntur have played soccer for an hour.

Activity 9 Complete the following short dialogs with suitable sentences in the present perfect tense. Use the words in brackets. Jawaban: 1. Rian : Have you checked the new sports store? Cindy : No, I haven’t. Rian : Me too. Let’s go there tomorrow. Cindy : Sure.

2. 3.

Yuna Ari Yuna Ari

: Has mother arrived home yet? : Yes, she has. : Where is she now? : She is reading at the porch.

Wibi : Ayu, do you know where Hana is? Ayu : Sorry, I don’t know. I haven’t met her since yesterday. Wibi : Me too. I haven’t met her since two days ago. I hope she’s fine. 26

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Activity 10 Read the text carefully. Answer the questions that follow. Jawaban: 1. The text is about Randy and his family’s holiday activity in the mountain last week. 2. The cookout took place in the cabin where Randy and his family stayed. 3. He went hiking on a nearby hill. 4. He ate grilled marinated chicken. 5. He feels that his holiday in the mountain was fun.

Activity 11 Complete the following short dialogs with correct forms of the words in brackets Use simple past forms. Jawaban: 1. Ihsan : Hi, Rita. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to your birthday party yesterday. Rita : Hi, Ihsan. It’s all right. Ihsan : Did you receive my present? I asked Yani to deliver it. Rita : I did, thanks. I like the present. 2.




Sigit : Putra, I heard that you met Andra this morning. Putra : I did. Are you looking for him? Sigit : Yeah. I borrowed his camera last week. I want to return it, but I couldn’t contact him. Putra : I see. He is going out with his parents. You should visit him later. Mrs. Lia : Beni, did you see my shopping bag? It was on this table a moment ago. Beni : Oh, father took it to the kitchen. I think he puts it in the cabinet. Mrs. Lia : I see. I thought I still left it in the car. Thank you, Beni. Beni : You’re welcome. Satya

: Nurul, did you know why Hanung didn’t attend the meeting? Nurul : He was sick. He didn’t even come to school today. Satya : Did he have a fever? Nurul : No, he had a stomachache yesterday.

Oni Agni Oni Agni

: : : :

What did you do on your weekend, Agni? I visited my cousin in Yogyakarta. What did you do there? I went to explore a cave in Gunung Kidul. It was fun.

Activity 12

Activity 15

Arrange the jumbled sentences to form a sequential dialog. Practice the dialog and record your performance. Share your work with the class. Jawaban: Bayu : Hi, Andin. How are you? Andin : Hi, Bayu. I’m good. What about you? Bayu : I’m fine. By the way, I heard that you have new pets. Andin : I do. How did you know? Bayu : Indah told me yesterday. Are they cats? Andin : No. They are rabbits. Bayu : Where did you get them? Andin : I visited my uncle last week. He gave me a pair since he has many. Bayu : Wow! Good for you. Andin : Would you like a pet rabbit too? Bayu : No. I already have pets.

Activity 13 Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs from the box. Change the verbs into past form. Jawaban: Text 1  1. celebrated  4. congratulated  7. gave 10. helped Text 2  1. cleaned  4. received  7. started 10. made

 2.  5.  8.

held ate was

 3.  6.  9.

invited enjoyed opened

 2.  5.  8.

gathered was could

 3.  6.  9.

prepared felt had

Activity 14 Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 13. Share your work with the class. Jawaban: Text 1 1. The writer’s brother’s graduation 2. Their relatives and the writer’s brother’s close friends 3. They congratulated the writer’s brother and had a feast. 4. The writer helped his/her brother open the presents. 5. Contoh jawaban: The writer probably feels proud of his achievement. Text 2 1. He cleaned his house with his family. 2. They gathered and prepared the tools for cleaning. 3. After he received his tasks 4. He felt happy about it. 5. He and his family had a small feast.

Scan the following QR code. Listen and complete the dialog based on what you have heard. Practice the dialogs and record your performance. Share your work with the class. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan: Sandy : Hi, Rosa. How are you? I haven’t seen you for almost a week. Rosa : Hi, Sandy. I spent my holiday in my sister's place. Sandy : Does your sister work far away? Rosa : Yeah, she works as a teacher in Bali. She invited me to stay with her. Sandy : Did she show you around? Rosa : She did. She showed me many interesting places in Bali. Sandy : Where did you go? Rosa : On my first day, we visited Garuda Wishnu Kencana Statue. It is collosal. Sandy : I see. Did you go somewhere else? Rosa : She also took me to try local cuisines from various spots. Sandy : What did you do on the last day? Rosa : We went to Kuta Market and bought souvenirs. Sandy : What did you buy? Rosa : I bought small wooden crafts and T-Shirs. Here, I have one for you. Sandy : Thanks. Jawaban: 1. haven’t seen 3. many interesting places 5. small wooden crafts

2. 4.

invited me bought souvenirs

Activity 16 Complete the short dialogs with words from the brackets correctly. Change the words into their correct forms (simple past or present perfect tense). Jawaban: 1. I have watched 3. did you do 5. They have practiced

2. 4.

didn’t attend Have you finished

Activity 17 Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 16. Share your work with the class. Jawaban  1. They are talking about the reog dance.  2. He thinks that dancing while wearing the big lion mask on a head is amazing.  3. He has a dengue fever.  4. He wishes that Arif gets well soon.  5. They are classmates.  6. She looked for her math book.    7. She is Heru and Sandra’s biology teacher.  8. They will do a biology project together.  9. She hasn’t seen him around. 10. He is practicing with his band member in the auditorium.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Activity 18 Practice the following dialogs. Fill in the table with the suitable expressions from the dialogs. Jawaban: Dialog 1

Present perfect tense Galih, have you met our neighbor, Mr. Doni? Yes, I have.

Dialog 2

Present Perfect Tense Have you got a present for her? I have. I haven’t. I haven’t check it though.

Simple Past Tense He gave me a souvenir this morning. I got this shell necklace from him. Did he go on vacation lately? He did. He went to Bunaken last week. Did he give souvenirs to all his neighbor? I saw him went next door after he gave me this necklace. Simple Past Tense Where did you get yours? I got them at the gift shop next to Alpha restaurant. I bought it yesterday.

Activity 19 Create dialogs about an activity that happened in the past based on the pictures. Practice the dialogs and record your performance. Share your work with the class. Contoh jawaban: Picture 1 Cindy : What did you do on your last holiday, Edo? Edo : I went to the beach with my family. Cindy : What did you do there? Edo : A lot. I flew a big kite, ate seafood, and many more. Cindy : That sounds fun. Edo : It does. What about you? What did you do on your holiday, Cindy? Cindy : I just stayed at home and played around the city. Edo : That’s good too. Picture 2 Toni : Randy : Toni : Randy : Toni : Randy : Toni : Randy :

I visited your house last Sunday, but you weren’t at home. Sorry, I spent my weekend at my cousin’s house. It’s all right. What did you do there? My cousin invited me to try his new VR. Wow! How is it? It is fun. What did you play? I played a farming simulator. It felt so real.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

A.  1.  6. 11. 16.


Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. C B D D

 2.  7. 12. 17.


 3.  8. 13. 18.


 4.  9. 14. 19.


5. 10. 15. 20.


Complete the following dialogs with the correct forms of the words in brackets.

Jawaban: 1. Did you see my bag 2. Have you seen your mom 3. I saw her 4. did you do last night 5. I did my Math homework C.

Write a dialog using the expression you have learned in this chapter.

Jawaban: Putra : Have you ever tried pempek, Vina? Vina : I have. What about you? Putra : I haven’t. I want to know your opinion before trying it. Do you like it? Vina : It’s good although it’s not my favorite food. Putra : What is your favorite food? Vina : I like roasted chicken. Putra : I see. When did you eat roasted chicken last time? Vina : I ate it yesterday, at Mr. Bob’s Restaurant. Have you been there? Putra : I have. I also like Mr. Bob’s Restaurant. Vina : Yeah. They have a very good roasted chicken.

Report of a Computational Thinking Activity Stolen Jewel

Petunjuk Guru: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik untuk berpasangan dalam mengerjakan kegiatan ini. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik untuk membuat percakapan berdasarkan salah satu situasi yang tersedia. Peserta didik diminta merekam penampilan mereka dalam mempraktikkan percakapan yang telah mereka buat. Peserta didik diminta mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai dan balikan atas hasil kerja peserta didik.

Contoh jawaban: You : Have you ever cooked your own food, Edo? Your friend : I have. You : What did you make? Your friend : I made fried rice. You : How did it taste? Your friend : It was all right. I followed the recipe. You : I see. Did you cook it for yourself or the whole family? Your friend : I cooked it for the whole family. You : Did your parents like it? Your friend : I thought so.

Name Class

: ………………………………………………….. : …………………………………………………..

A. Problem

Petunjuk Guru: 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.


Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan individu. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami situasi soal. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memecahkan masalah yang ada dalam situasi tersebut dan memberi alasan tentang pemecahan masalah yang mereka tulis/sampaikan. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik untuk mempresentasikan hasil kerja mereka. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas hasil kerja mereka. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi masukan dan nilai termasuk nilai sikap aktif, berani, kreatif, santun, menghargai, bertanggung jawab, dan percaya diri.

Problem Solving The best questions are: 1. What time did you arrive at the museum? 2. What time did you leave the museum? 3. What did you do in the museum during the day? 4. Who did you go to the museum with? 5. How many places in the museum did you visit?

C. Explanation These questions are picked to get detailed information about the suspects during the time of the thievery. The first and second questions will be asked to get information about the time the suspects spent in the museum. The third question will be asked to get the information about the suspects location during the time of the thievery. The fourth question will be asked to get the information whether the suspects visited the museum alone or with company. The fifth questions will be asked to get information about the places that were visited by the suspects during their time in the museum. The thief will probably arrive at the museum near the time of the thievery and leave during the day. The thief may also spend most of the time in the jewel area during the day and did not visit other places in the museum. The thief may also receive help during the thievery so he/she may not come to the museum alone.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


 A. Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer.  1.  6. 11. 16. 21. 26.


 2.  7. 12. 17. 22. 27.


 3.  8. 13. 18. 23. 28.


 4.  9. 14. 19. 24. 29.


 B. Fill in the blanks correctly.

 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30.


Jawaban: 1. basketball match 2. Ujang’s house 3. 200 4. school 5. were buying

 C. Write a procedure text about a dish. Contoh jawaban: Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 2 hours Servings: 10 Servings Calories: 377kcal

Ingredients: – 3 pounds beef – 1 red bell pepper – 1 tomato – 1 red bell pepper – 1 onion – 1,5 to 2 cups water more or less – 2 cubes plus 1 more – Salt to taste the lesser the better – ¼ cup seasoning suya spice – 1 teaspoon hot chili pepper more or less depending on your heat tolerance level


Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

– –

½ teaspoon Ginger powder 6 to 10 tbs oil preferably groundnut oil but not mandatory

Instructions: 1. Trim off any visible fat or connective tissue from the meat and cut it into big chunks 2. Rinse the meat thoroughly and put them in a pot. Add the tomatoes, red bell peppers, onions, stock cubes and salt to taste then cook this on a medium heat until the meat is really tender and the water is totally dried out (the meat should be very easy to pull apart when it's done). 3. Transfer the meat to a cutting board and use two forks to pull it apart (you can also pound this with a mortar and a pestle to your desired texture) 4. Transfer the shredded beef into a large bowl and add 1 stock cube, suya spice, chilli pepper, and ginger powder. Mix this together thoroughly so that the ingredients are well combined. 5. Start frying this in batches depending on how big your frying pan is. I started out with 2 tablespoons of oil for one cup of shredded beef and I added more as I fried—please watch the video above to see important details on how this is fried. 6. Once you are done frying remove from heat immediately because it burns easily. Allow to cool before enjoying it. 7. You can store this in an air tight container and leave in the fridge for about 2 to 3 weeks. Enjoy! Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20210116134157/https:// cheflolaskitchen.com/meat-floss/ (April 14, 2021)

Remedial Test 1 A. Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. The following dialog is for questions 1 and 2. Reina : I heard you entered the selection test of a badminton scholarship this morning. How is the result? Harris : Thank God, I passed it. Reina : Really? Congratulations! I’m happy for you. Harris : Thanks. It’s unpredictable. You know, many people entered the test and I think all of them are qualified. Reina : But you’re the best among all. I do hope you can optimize your skill when entering the scholarship. Harris : I hope so. Thanks.

 1. What is Harris’ ideal when he grows up? A. Passing the selection test B. Becoming a badminton coach C. Becoming a badminton player D. Receiving a badminton scholarship

 2. Reina says, “I do hope you can optimize your skill when entering the scholarship.” What does she express? A. She expresses her hope. B. She compliments Harris. C. She congratulates Harris. D. She expresses her surprise.

The following dialog is for questions 3 and 4.

Revan : Do you have an appointment on Saturday evening? Berli : I don’t. What’s up? Revan : I’d like you to come to my new house. Here is my new address. Berli : Is it a housewarming party? Revan : Certainly. Berli : O.K. I will come. I’m happy that you and your family move to a new house. Hope you enjoy living there. Revan : Thanks.

 3. What does Revan feel? A. Happy B. Relieved C. Satisfied D. Surprised

 4. What will Berli do on Saturday evening? A. Stay at home B. Move to his new house C. Attend a housewarming party D. Prepare his housewarming party

The following dialog is for questions 5 to 7. Fifi : Do you have any idea in taking care of these kittens? Luki : I’m planning to make them a cage from the plywood. Fifi : What kind of cage do you want to make? Luki : I’m going to make a levelled cage, so they can play safely inside it. Fifi : That’s interesting. What else do you need to make it? Luki : Well, I will need some glue, nails, and saw to cut the plywood. Fifi : Let’s make it in my father’s garage. I think, he has everything you need there. Luki : Are you sure? All right. Let’s go there and make it.  5. What are they talking about? A. The plan to go to Fifi’s house B. The way of taking care their kittens C. The process in making the kitten’s cage D. The materials to make the kitten’s cage

 6. What can you infer from Fifi and Luki? A. They are smart people. B. They are animal lovers. C. They are helpful people. D. They are humble people.

Remedial Test 1


 7. Luki says, “I’m going to make a cage, so they can play safely inside it.” What does he express? A. Anxiety B. Curiosity C. Intention D. Happiness The following text is for questions 8 and 9.

The folowing text is for questions 10 to 12. Mexican Hot Chocolate Makes: 2–4 cups Prep time: 5 min Total time: 25 min Cook time: 20 min

Ingredients: • 4 cups whole milk • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg • 2 cinnamon sticks (or 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon) • ¼ teaspoon red chili powder, optional • 2 tablets Mexican chocolate, broken up into segments • Optional marshmallows or whipped cream, for serving

Directions: 1. Warm milk and vanilla in a medium saucepan over medium heat. As soon as wisps of steam begin to rise off the milk, reduce to low heat. 2. Add nutmeg, cinnamon, chili powder, and chocolate tablets to the mixture. Stir constantly. Continue to cook until the chocolate completely melts; do not let the milk come to a full boil. 3. Taste, and adjust seasonings as needed. Remove cinnamon sticks before serving. Top with marshmallows or whipped cream.

Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20210225052001/ https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/mexican-hot-chocolate-2 (April 16, 2021) Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20210309080445/https:/line.17qq. com/articles/odplgnhlv.html, downloaded March 9, 2021

 8. What is the label about? A. A cake B. A snack C. A beverage D. A medicine

 9. How many grams does the product weigh? A. 16 B. 20 C. 25 D. 39


Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

10. What is the purpose of the text? A. To make Mexican hot chocolate drink B. To prepare lunch from chocolate C. To process milk with chocolate D. To cook snack from chocolate

11. How much time do we need to make this recipe? A. 5 minutes B. 10 minutes C. 20 minutes D. 25 minutes

12. What is the most dominant ingredients used in this recipe? A. Cinnamon sticks B. Vanilla extract C. Marshmallow D. Milk The following dialog is for questions 13 and 14. Mrs. Rona : What are you doing, Arga? Arga : I’m washing my black socks, Mom. I’m going to wear them in the Scout activity tomorrow. Mrs. Rona : Why don’t you wash them few days ago? Arga : Sorry, Mom. I forgot.

13. What is Arga doing? A. Washing his Scout uniform B. Doing a Scout activity C. Washing his black socks D. Attending Scout activity

14. Who are talking in the dialog? A. Mother and son B. Sister and brother C. Teacher and student D. Daughter and father

For numbers 15 and 16, choose the correct words to complete the text. This bad luck happened last Sunday morning. Jasmine and her neighbors [15. do] ________ a working bee when suddenly Mr. Ardy screamed. He [16. run] ________ here and there while holding his head when people tried to help him. It turns out that a wasp stung his head. 15. A. do B. did C. doing D. were doing

The following dialog is for questions 17 to 20. Maya : Have you ever visited a nursing home care? Sigit : Yes, I have. When I stayed in Makassar, my home was near a nursing home care. I liked spending my leisure time talking with the people living there. However, I’ve never visited one since moving here. Maya : What do you think about the people? Sigit : They were interesting, but the most interesting was Mr. Ferdi. He was the eldest of all. He was quite strong and had a good memory. He remembered all his experiences when he was young. Maya : Where was his family? Sigit : His wife passed away ten years ago. His only son works in Australia. Mr. Ferdi refused to stay with her son because he wanted to stay in Indonesia. He felt lonely at home, so he preferred to stay there. He had friends to share with. Morever, his son called him every day and visited him every year. Maya : I think we should plan to visit a nursing home care. Sigit : That’s good idea. 17. What are they talking about? A. Sigit’s moving from Makassar B. Maya’s leisure time at a nursing home care C. Sigit’s experience at a nursing home care D. Mr. Ferdi’s experiences when he was young

18. What was Mr. Ferdi like? A. He was old, but strong. B. He was thin and weak. C. He was old and senile. D. He was medium aged and fat.

16. A. runs B. ran C. were running D. was running

Remedial Test 1


19. Where did Mr. Ferdi’s son live? A. In Manado B. In Australia C. In Indonesia D. In Makassar


Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

20. Why did Mr. Ferdi refuse to stay with his son? A. He preferred staying with his wife. B. He had to work in Makassar. C. He wanted to stay in Indonesia. D. He was too old for a long journey.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Remedial Test 1 1. Jawaban: C Harris lulus tes seleksi beasiswa badminton. Itu menunjukkan bahwa ia ingin menjadi pemain bulu tangkis. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan konteks; (A) artinya lulus tes seleksi, (B) artinya menjadi pelatih bulu tangkis, dan (D) artinya memperoleh beasiswa bulu tangkis. 2. Jawaban: A Kalimat Reina tersebut artinya ”Saya berharap kamu dapat mengoptimalkan keahlianmu ketika mengikuti beasiswa itu.”. Kalimat tersebut merupakan ungkapan harapan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (A) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain bukan merupakan ungkapan yang sesuai; (B) artinya ia memuji Harris, (C) artinya ia memberi ucapan selamat kepada Harris, dan (D) artinya ia mengungkapkan keterkejutannya.

 3. Jawaban: A Revan dan keluarganya akan mengadakan syukuran rumah baru mereka. Perasaan paling logis saat menempati rumah baru adalah perasaan senang (happy). Jadi, pilihan jawaban (A) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan konteks; (B) artinya lega, (C) artinya puas, dan (D) artinya terkejut.

 4. Jawaban: C Ketika Revan mengundang Berli ke acara syukuran rumah barunya, Berli merespons dengan kalimat ”O.K. I will come.” yang artinya ”Baiklah. Saya akan datang.”. Jadi, hal yang akan dilakukan Berli Sabtu petang adalah menghadiri pesta syukuran rumah baru (Revan). Pilihan jawaban (C) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi percakapan; (A) artinya tinggal di rumah, (B) artinya pindah ke rumah barunya, dan (D) artinya menyiapkan pesta syukuran rumah barunya.

 5. Jawaban: B Mereka sedang membicarakan cara merawat anak kucing tersebut. Kemudian, Luki memiliki

gagasan untuk membuatkan kandang untuk anak kucing tersebut. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (B) benar.

 6. Jawaban: B Mereka merawat anak kucing tersebut dengan berencana membuatkan kandang dari kayu. Disimpulkan bahwa mereka adalah penyayang binatang. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (B) benar.  7. Jawaban: C Kalimat tersebut artinya ”Saya akan membuatkan kandang, sehingga mereka bisa bermain dengan aman di kandang itu.”. Ungkapan yang diucapkan oleh Luki menunjukkan niat atau maksud. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) benar.

 8. Jawaban: B Keterangan ”16-1.38 OZ RITZ PEANUT BUTTER CRACKER SANDWICHES” menunjukkan bahwa label tersebut tentang makanan ringan (a snack). Jadi, pilihan jawaban (B) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi label tersebut; (A) artinya kue, (C) artinya minuman, dan (D) artinya obat.  9. Jawaban: D Jawaban disimpulkan dari keterangan ’Serving size 1 pack (39g)’ yang artinya ’Ukuran penyajian 1 bungkus (39 gram)’. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (D) benar.

10. Jawaban: A Teks prosedur tersebut bertujuan untuk menjelaskan cara membuat minuman cokelat Mexico panas. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (A) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain bukan merupakan tujuan dari teks prosedur tersebut.

11. Jawaban: D Berdasarkan keterangan di awal resep, diketahui bahwa waktu persiapan 5 menit, waktu memasak 20 menit, total waktunya jadi 25 menit. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa waktu yang diperlukan untuk membuat resep ini adalah 25 menit. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (D) benar.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Remedial Tests 1


12. Jawaban: D Komposisi bahan yang paling banyak digunakan dalam resep masakan tersebut yaitu susu. Memerlukan empat gelas susu untuk membuat resep itu. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (D) benar. 13. Jawaban: C Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Arga, ”I’m washing my black socks, Mom.” yang artinya ”Saya sedang mencuci kaos kaki hitam saya, Bu.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) benar.

14. Jawaban: A Pada percakapan tersebut Arga memanggil Bu Rona ’Mom’ yang artinya ’Bu’. Jadi, Bu Rona dan Arga adalah ibu dan anak laki-laki, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (A).

15. Jawaban: D Teks tersebut terjadi pada Minggu lalu sehingga kata kerjanya dalam bentuk past. Kalimat soal artinya ”Jasmine dan para tetangganya … kerja bakti ketika tiba-tiba Pak Ardy berteriak.”. Dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat dua kejadian yang terjadi bersamaan. Tense yang digunakan adalah past progressive. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah pilihan jawaban (D) to be + v ing (were doing).


Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

16. Jawaban: D Kalimat soal artinya ”Ia … ke sana ke mari sambil memegangi kepalanya saat orang-orang mencoba menolongnya.”. Itu berarti Pak Ardy sedang berlari ke sana kemari. Jadi, pilihan jawaban tepat adalah (D), kata kerja dalam bentuk simple past progressive.

17. Jawaban: C Dalam percakapan tersebut Sigit menceritakan pengalamannya saat mengunjungi rumah panti jompo. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya pengalaman Sigit di panti jompo, benar. 18. Jawaban: A Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Sigit, ”He was the eldest of all. He was quite strong and had a good memory.”. Jadi, ia paling tua, cukup kuat, dan masih mengingat semua. Pilihan jawaban (A) benar.

19. Jawaban: B Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Sigit, ’’His only son works in Australia.”. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa anak Pak Ferdi tinggal di Australia, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (B).

20. Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban (C) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat ”Mr. Ferdi refused to stay with her son because he wanted to stay in Indonesia.”.

Let Me Tell You a Story

17. 18. 19. 20.

Activity 1 Complete the word web with suitable words. Read your work aloud, in turns.

Activity 4

Contoh jawaban: Cinderella

Dewi Sri

Fairy Tales


Prambanan Temple


Narratives Science Fictions

Star Wars


The Hare and Tortoise

Activity 3 Match the words on the left column with suitable synonyms on the right column. What do they mean? Read your work aloud, in turns. Jawaban:  1. search : mencari  2. starving : lapar  3. supper : makan malam  4. clean : membersihkan  5. moaned : mengeluh  6. cheerfully : dengan senang hati  7. somber : sedih  8. asked : bertanya, menanyai  9. get : memperoleh 10. complained : mengeluh 11. thought : gagasan/ide 12. check : melihat/memeriksa 13. delighted : gembira/sangat senang 14. colleagues : teman/kawan 15. to question : bertanya 16. ways : arah

trembling : gemetar hard : sulit quick : cepat clever : pintar

Scan the QR code. Listen to and answer the questions based on the story in Activity 2. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan:  1. Who was Dylan?  2. Where did he live?  3. What was his mother like?  4. What kind of cake did Dylan like?  5. Why did Dylan look sad?  6. What did his mother suggest?  7. How did he respond to his mother’s suggestion?  8. Why was a passer-by trembling when he met Dylan?  9. What did the children feel when they saw Dylan? 10. What does the phrase ‘disappeared in no time’ mean?

Jawaban:  1. A young, blue dragon  2. He lived in the Rockstone Mountains of Scotland.  3. She was attentive and affectionate.  4. Pea  5. He was lonely.  6. She suggested him go to the village playground and see if the children there want to play with him.  7. He was very excited.  8. He was scared or afraid.  9. They were afraid of him. 10. It means ‘disappeared immediately’.

Activity 5 Pronounce the words with correct pronunciation. You will find the words in the text in Activity 6. What do they mean? Jawaban:  1. mengeluh  3. takut  5. menyelipkan  7. insang  9. cabang 11. cakar 13. kesempatan 15. menjerit

 2.  4.  6.  8. 10. 12. 14.

manusia terbang sapu tangan meraih menyerah berharap plorotan

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Activity 6 Scan the QR code. Listen to the text carefully. Take notes of new words and find the meanings. Does the story end happily? Why? Teks yang diperdengarkan: Have you read the story in Activity 2? Are you curious with what next happened to Dylan? Listen the continuation of the story as follows. Knowing that the children ran as soon as they saw him, Dylan sighed sadly. All he wanted was some friends to play with, but clearly humans were very scared of dragons. He flew home with his head hung low to see what Mommy dragon had made for tea. The next day Dylan decided to try and make friends with the children in the playground again. He tucked his white handkerchief in his left gill and scooped up a large branch lying on the floor. He made it into a white surrender flag. He crossed his claws and hoped the children would give him another chance. Down he flew again into the center of the playground with his white surrender flag clenched in his jaw. “I just want to play and be friends,” he said softly. “But, how will you play with us?” shouted one on the girls. “You’re too big for our swings and slides. You won’t fit in our roundabout.” “Well, why don’t I take you all for a ride to the valleys and the mountains of Rockstone?” said Dylan. “Yay!” squealed all the children at once. The climbed onto Dylan’s back and off the children went on a very exciting flight. From that day, Dylan and the children were friends. Every day Dylan the dragon, would take them on the best playground ride ever. That’s the end of the story of Dylan. Adopted from: Zani Mathoo, Dylan the Dragon & the Playground Ride, ?, Monkey Pen Ltd, ?.

Jawaban: Yes, it does. Because Dylan was willing to be the best ride for the children.

Activity 7 Answer the following questions based on the story you have heard in Activity 6, orally. Jawaban: 1. Because the children ran away and he was left alone. 2. It implies that Dylan was surrender. 3. He tried to hide his claws so that the children wouldn’t be afraid of him. 4. It is ‘opportunity’. 5. They felt excited.

Activity 8 Arrange the following jumbled paragraphs into a meaningful story. Read your work aloud, in turns. Take notes of new words and find their meanings.

Petunjuk Guru: 1. Peserta didik diminta membaca paragraf-paragraf acak berikut sambil mencatat kosakata baru. Mereka diberi kesempatan mencari artinya. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa peserta didik membaca paragraf-paragraf acak tersebut. Peserta didik lainnya menyimak sambil mencermati jalan cerita teks berikut.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Bapak/Ibu Guru membetulkan pelafalan peserta didik yang masih kurang tepat, sembari memberi contoh pengucapan yang benar. 4. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menyusun paragraf-paragraf acak tersebut menjadi sebuah cerita yang menarik dan padu. Mereka diberi waktu sekitar 10 menit. 5. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik tunjuk jari dan membacakan hasil pekerjaan mereka. Saat seorang peserta didik membacakan pekerjaannya, teman-temannya menyimak. 6. Peserta didik diberi kesempatan melakukan peer teaching dengan mencermati jawaban temantemannya. 7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai, termasuk nilai sikap berani, aktif, cermat, dan menghargai. Jawaban: Ellen loved the pictures she found on the windows these winter mornings. “Look!” she’d beg Paul. “There’s a big castle on a hill—” “And there’s the old witch climbing up to it,” Paul teased.

“Oh, no, Paul, a fairy, a beautiful fairy! What makes the pictures?” asked Ellen. “Jack Frost paints them,” Paul told her. “Every night he comes, with an icicle for a paintbrush and snow pies for his paintbox. First, he breathes on the window like this—” Paul blew on the pane and it clouded a misty gray, “—then, fast as fast, he draws his pictures.” With his finger, Paul drew a comical face. “See?” “But it’s fading away, Paul!” “Well, I didn’t have an icicle paintbrush,” Paul explained. “That’s the difference.”

Ellen didn’t know whether she quite believed him or not, but she thought it a lovely story anyway. After breakfast, Ellen put on snowsuit and boots and mittens and hood and went out to play in the yard with Butch, her pet. They romped in the snowbanks and tumbled on the ice. The morning was half gone in a twinkling. “Better come in and warm up a bit,” Ellen’s mother called. And then she laughed. “Goodness! Jack Frost has certainly painted your nose!” Ellen tugged off her boots hurriedly. She ran to a mirror, but there were no castles and fairies on her nose—only a bright red color that was already fading! “Well,” Ellen decided, “I guess Jack didn’t have his icicle paintbrush today. He just had to use his finger, like Paul.”

Activity 9 Complete the following statements based on the story in Activity 8. Read your work aloud, in turn. Jawaban:  1. Ellen and Paul    2. winter  3. a big castle, the old witch climbing up to the castle, and a beautiful fairy    4. Jack Frost  5. an icicle and snow pies  6. every night

 7.  8.  9. 10.

clouded fading away snowy disappointed

Activity 12 Reread the text in Activity 10. Complete the table based on the story.

Activity 10


Scan the QR code. Complete the following story based on the story you have heard. Read your work aloud, in turns. Teks yang diperdengarkan: Rose loved drawing. She was very poor and didn’t have pens or pencils. She drew pictures in the sand with sticks. One day, an old woman saw Rose and said, ‘Hello! Here’s a paintbrush and some paper for you.’ ‘Thank you!’ smiled Rose. She was so happy. ‘Hmmm, what can I paint?’ she thought. She looked around and saw a duck on the pond. ‘I know! I’ll paint a duck!’ So, she did. Suddenly, the duck flew off the paper and onto the pond. “Wow!” she exclaimed. “A magic paintbrush!” Rose was a very kind girl and she painted pictures for everyone in her village. She painted a cow for the farmer, pencils for the teacher and toys for all the children. The king heard about the magic paintbrush and sent a soldier to find Rose. “Come with me,” said the soldier. “The king wants you to paint some money for him.” “But he’s already rich,” replied Rose. “I only paint to help poor people.” But the nasty soldier took Rose to the king. “Paint me a tree with lots of money on it,” he shouted. Rose was brave and said, “No!” So the king sent her to prison. But Rose painted a key for the door and a horse to help her escape. The king chased after her. Then, she painted a big hole, and splat! The king fell in. Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20201021222812/https://learnenglishkids. britishcouncil.org/sites/kids/files/attachment/short-stories-story-time-the-magicpaintbrush-transcript.pdf (February 22, 2021)

Jawaban:  1. pictures  4. exclaimed  7. nasty 10. big hole

 2.  5.  8.

some paper toys brave

 3.  6.  9.

happy heard escape

Activity 11 Scan the QR code. Listen to and answer the questions based on the text in Activity 10. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan: 1. What is the best title for the story? 2. What did Rose like to do? 3. What did she get from an old woman? 4. Why were the tools so special? 5. What is the moral value of the story?

Jawaban: 1. Rose and Her Magic Paintbrush 2. She liked to draw. 3. She got a paintbrush and some paper. 4. They could make the drawings into real. 5. Don’t be greedy and always be good and kind to others.

Good characters

Rose and an old woman

Bad characters

A king and a soldier


A village and a kingdom


One day, the time when on old woman saw Rose, the time when Rose was taken to the kingdom, and the time when she finally scaped from the prison


Rose can make whatever she drew into reality, the king put her into a prison.


Rose could escape from the prison and the king was trapped in a big hole which was painted by Rose.


Don’t be greedy and always be good and kind to others.

Activity 13 Reread the story in Activity 10. Find the synonyms of the following words. Read your work aloud, in turns.

Petunjuk Guru: 1.


3. 4. 5.

Bapak/Ibu Guru menyampaikan tujuan kegiatan ini kepada peserta didik, yaitu memperkaya kosakata mereka sehingga keterampilan berbahasa Inggris mereka akan semakin meningkat. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan memahami arti kata-kata berikut. Mereka diberi waktu untuk mencari arti kosakata yang belum mereka ketahui artinya dari kamus. Mereka disuruh menulis arti kata tersebut di samping kata-kata tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca kembali cerita pada Activity 10 dan mencari sinonim katakata yang berikut dari dalam teks tersebut. Peserta didik berlomba-lomba tunjuk jari dan membacakan hasil jawaban mereka secara bergiliran. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai, termasuk nilai sikap berani, aktif, dan menghargai.

Jawaban: Word   1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9. 10.

all of a sudden glad pursued run away unlucky jail noticed was keen on shouted to draw

Synonym suddenly happy chased escape poor prison saw loved exclaimed to paint

Activity 14 Read the following texts in turns. Compare the two texts and identify the similarities and differences. Share your work with the class. Jawaban: Similarities: • Both texts are narrative texts which purpose is to entertain or amuse people. • Both texts use past tense and present tense for indirect speech. Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Differences: • Text 1 is in written form, while Text 2 is in spoken form. • Text 2 doesn’t use any fillers that make the story sound more interesting, while Text 2 uses fillers (interactive words, phrases, or expressions): “Please let me tell you a story.”; “You know what happen next?”; “I mean”; ”Um”; ”Uh”; ”you know”; and “Well”. • Text 1 consists of orientation, complication, and resolution, while Text 2 consists of orientation, complication, resolution, and re-orientation.

know, the secret door opened again and a huge, angry ogre came running into the room. He tried to grasp the little girl. At that moment the rabbit reappeared and held the little girl’s hand. It shouted “Abracadabra!” and they escaped together back to the forest. “Thank you!” said the little girl. “You’re welcome!” said the rabbit. “Well, I’m sorry you didn’t get the gold.” “Never mind. I apologize for my mistake,” said the girl, but she couldn’t find the rabbit. It had gone away.


Activity 15 Answer the following questions based on the texts in Activity 14. Jawaban: 1. They are about a little girl. 2. It took her to a castle. 3. She walked through a dark tunnel and climbed up a tower. Then, she opened the secret door and tried to pick gold from a big box. 4. Ogre was a giant that guarded the castle. He tried to capture the little girl due to her bad deed. 5. The message is that we have to listen to someone’s instructions and always be honest. Don’t take what doesn’t belong to us. Let’s behave ourselves.

Activity 16 Reread Text 2 in Activity 14. Identify the structure of the text. Share your work with the class. Jawaban: Orientation



Please let me tell you a story. We can learn good things from it. One day, a little girl was walking in the forest.

Suddenly, a horrible bear appeared before her and screamed, ‘Aaagh!’ Knowing her life was in danger, the little girl shouted, “Help! Help me!”and ran through the forest. You know what happen next? A rabbit appeared and said, “Quick, follow me!”. They went along a secret path by the river and arrived at a castle. The rabbit said, “Now, you are safe. Please stay in the castle. Remember! Don’t touch anything or eat and drink before the host lets you. I mean keep your behavior. Goodbye!” and it went away. Um, a moment later, the door opened and the little girl went in. It was dark and there was a long tunnel. At the end of the tunnel was a tower. The little girl climbed the stairs of the tower, pushed open the secret door and saw a huge black box. Uh! As if by magic, it opened and inside there was gold. The little girl forgot the rabbit’s advice. She tried to pick the gold. All at once, you

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

From the story we may learn that we have to listen to someone’s instructions and always be honest. Don’t take what doesn’t belong to us. Let’s behave ourselves.


Activity 17 Complete the text with suitable words from the box. Then, read the text aloud, in turns. Jawaban:  1. nice  3. happy  5. tall wall  7. noticed  9. looked out

 2.  4.  6.  8. 10.

lovely ran away keep out sad full of flowers

Activity 18 Complete the following statements based on the text in Activity 17. Jawaban: 1. visiting his friend 2. very happy 3. ran away 4. the giant built a tall wall and warned them to keep out 5. his garden full of flowers

Activity 19 Work in pairs. Write the main idea of each paragraph in the text in Activity 17 in the table. Share your work with the class. Jawaban: Paragraph

Main idea


Children were taking benefit when bad giant went away from home.


The giant was angry knowing the children were playing at his house.


The giant felt a different condition after he built the tall wall.


The giant knew that his garden became beautiful and many birds sang after the children sneaked and played in his garden.


Since then, the giant became good.


Activity 20 Rewrite the story in Activity 17 using your words. Present your work in the class, in turns.

Petunjuk Guru: 1.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami kembali cerita di Activity 17. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menceritakan kembali cerita tersebut di kelas, secara bergiliran. Jika pembelajaran berlangsung secara jarak jauh (PJJ), mereka dapat merekam ketika mereka bercerita dan mengumpulkan hasilnya kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. Rekaman ini berfungsi sebagai portofolio dan media untuk memberi balikan, serta evaluasi. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai termasuk nilai sikap aktif, kreatif, berani, menghargai, bertanggung jawab, dan percaya diri.



Contoh jawaban: Once, a giant lived in his big house with its beautiful garden. He was a mean creature. No one was dare to play in his garden. One day, he left his house to visit his friend. He had been with his colleague for seven years. While he was away, the children were very happy. They took the benefit of his absence by playing in his garden. They were so excited. Until one day, they were shocked and ran away when knowing that the giant had returned. He was very angry to them. Then, he built a tall wall and wrote a notice. He asked the children to keep out. The day passed and the giant knew that there were no birds in his garden anymore. Besides, he had winter all the time. This made him sad. One morning, songs of birds woke him up. He directly ran to the window and saw that his garden was full of beautiful flowers. The birds were chirping. He realized that the children were playing there. Finally, he understood his mistake. He broke the wall and promised to become a good giant. He let the children play in his garden.

A.  1.  6. 11. 16.


Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. B D D A

 2.  7. 12. 17.


 3.  8. 13. 18.


 4.  9. 14. 19.

Fill in the blanks correctly.

Jawaban: 1. sleeping 3. persuaded 5. freedom

2. 4.


 5. 10. 15. 20.


laugh and clap her hands Timmy loved it

Write a narrative story you have known or heard.

Contoh jawaban: There was a sailor in ancient Egypt who set out on a voyage. But before he had gone very far, a terrible storm blew up. The ship was wrecked and everyone on board was drowned except this one sailor. He was flung into the sea with all the other sailors, but luckily he found a bit of wood from the broken ship. He clung on for dear life until the storm calmed down. At last, he was washed up on the shore of an island. “May the Gods be praised,” he gasped, then fell exhausted onto the sand. It was some days before he had enough strength to look for food. He found that the island was full of fruit, and the sea around it teemed with fish. He sat down to his first meal for days. But before he began to eat, he offered thanks to the Gods. Immediately there was a clap of thunder. A huge serpent god towered over the sailor. “How did you get here?” asked the serpent. “Tell me the truth or you will die.” The sailor told him truthfully about the shipwreck. Then, the god gave him gifts of treasure and said a ship would take him back to Egypt. “But the island will never be seen again,” said the serpent. And it never was.

Adopted from: Mary Hoffman, A First Book of Fairy Tales, New York, DK Publishing, 2018.

Contoh jawaban: The Dream Fairy smiled when she found old Mrs. Apricot dozing in her chair by the sunny window. “I’ll surprise her!” she whispered, touching Mrs. Apricot with her star-tipped wand. Suddenly Mrs. Apricot wasn’t old at all! She was a little girl again waking from her nap in the same room she'd slept in as a child! The room was cold as tinkling icicles just as it always used to be, for the only heat came from stoves in the kitchen and parlor. The little girl danced up and down to keep warm as she buttoned her dress and brushed her hair. She skipped downstairs, and ran to the parlor window to breathe on the frosty pane and make a peephole to look out at the world. It was a white world—nothing but snow to be seen. Not even another house, for the nearest one was two miles away. “Oh, dear!” sighed the little girl. “I’d be so happy if I had some children to play with!” Then to her surprise she heard voices laughing and chattering outside! Children’s voices! “My goodness!” cried the little girl. “Am I dreaming?” She opened her eyes wide—and suddenly she was old Mrs, Apricot again, waking from her nap in the sunshine. There were voices outside! The children of What-a-Jolly Street were coming to call. “My, my,” beamed Mrs. Apricot, bustling to the door. “Isn’t it lucky that I baked cookies this morning!” The Dream Fairy smiled as she faded softly out of sight. “I thought I’d give her a happy dream,” she whispered, “but I do believe she's happier awake!” Adopted from: Anonymous, 365 Bedtime Stories, Wisconsin, Whitman Publishing Company, ?.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Report of a Computational Thinking Activity Writing a Fairy Tale Name Class

: ………………………………………………….. : …………………………………………………..

A. Problem

Petunjuk Guru: Kali ini peserta didik diminta menulis sebuah dongeng peri (fairy tale). Sebelum memulai, mereka perlu mencari cara penyelesaian tugas ini, salah satunya dengan menggunakan diagram alir (flowchart). Hal ini diperlukan untuk melatih peserta didik berpikir sistematis dan logis dalam menyelesaikan sebuah tugas/masalah. Dengan demikian, mereka mudah memahami proses penulisan dan merunut tahap-tahapnya. 1. Peserta didik memahami kegiatan yang mereka lakukan, yaitu menulis fairy tale. 2. Peserta didik membuat diagram alir (flowchart) tentang langkah-langkah sistematis yang harus mereka lakukan saat menulis dongeng tersebut. 3. Selanjutnya, peserta didik menjelaskan langkah-langkah tersebut secara lisan. 4. Peserta didik menulis fairy tale menggunakan langkah-langkah sesuai flowchart yang mereka buat. 5. Peserta didik membagikan hasil tulisan yang mereka buat. Hasil karya ini dijadikan sebagai portofolio. 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menggunakan diagram alir (flowchart) dalam Problem Solving untuk membantu peserta didik menyelesaikan masalah. B.

Problem Solving Start

Information about a fairy tale (text structure, language features, theme, characterization, setting, plot, and the target readers/audience) Write an outline

Ask for teacher’s suggestions


yes Write a draft based on the outline Check the draft and revise it into a good story Print the story

A fairy tale



Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Understand the suggestions

C. Explanation The following are the steps I need to do when writing a fairy tale. 1. I collect information about a fairy tale; including the text structure, language features, theme, characterization, setting, plot, and the target readers/audience. 2. I decide the theme and write the outline. 3. I submit the outline to the teacher to get suggestions. – Suppose I receive many suggestions, I have to understand them and revise the outline before writing the story. 4. I write a draft based on the outline. 5. I check the draft, text structure, language features, theme, characterization, setting, plot, the target readers/audience, and the spelling. Then, I revise it into a good story. 6. I print the story and share the result with the class.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Activity 1 Solve the puzzle. See the cue words. The letters will help you. Jawaban:

Activity 3 Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Activity 2. Jawaban:  1. The flash flood in East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Province  2. They were sleeping because it took place at midnight, around 1 AM and happened suddenly.  3. I think so because there are dozens of people missing.  4. Hundreds of houses are damaged or buried, and public facilities have been broken, including roads and bridges.  5. They are looking for missing people due to the disaster.  6. They are in evacuation camps.  7. The disaster takes place during the pandemic.  8. They should apply health protocols.  9. He will call the OSIS chairperson. 10. It refers to the OSIS chairperson.

Activity 4 Pronounce the following words appropriately. What do the words mean? You will read them in the text in Activity 5. Illustrator: Nunung Suparna

Activity 2 Practice the following dialog with your friend. See the sentences with phrases in bold.

Petunjuk Guru: 1. 2. 3. 4.



Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring percakapan yang tersedia dengan lafal dan intonasi yang benar. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan peserta didik yang kurang tepat. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk memperagakan percakapan tersebut dengan temannya. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati dan memahami kalimat-kalimat dengan frasa yang dicetak tebal. Bila perlu, peserta didik diminta menjelaskan arti kalimat-kalimat tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik agar aktif menyampaikan pendapatnya.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Jawaban:  1. prakiraan cuaca  2. kemungkinan  3. banjir bandang  4. yang berlebihan  5. dengan cepat  6. bersifat merusak  7. mencair  8. lebat, deras  9. terkait, dikaitkan 10. arus 11. berbahaya 12. meluap 13. dermaga 14. menakutkan 15. ketinggian

Activity 5 Read the following text aloud, in turns. Complete the statements based on the text. Jawaban: 1. flash floods 2. the definition/meaning of a flash flood 3. destructive effects/impacts/consequences 4. the causes of flash floods 5. sudden, excessive rainfall; by ice jams on rivers in conjunction with a winter or spring thaw; a dam break; torrential rains 6. the powerfulness of overflow water 7. browse the Internet and watch videos about flash floods 8. dangerous/vulnerable/hazardous


Activity 6 Work in pairs. Read the following sentences taken from the text in Activity 5 and see the words in bold. Discuss the structure and function of the sentences. Share your answer with the class. The sentences: 1. A flash flood is typically caused by sudden, excessive rainfall that sends a river, stream or other body of water rapidly out of its banks. 2. Flash floods can also be caused by ice jams on rivers in conjunction with a winter or spring thaw, or occasionally even a dam break. 3. Torrential rains which are associated with land falling tropical systems sometimes produce flash floods. Jawaban: The words in bold has a similar pattern that consists of be + V3 (past participle). Such sentences are called passive voice. It functions to state events/activities that emphasize on the objects, rather than the doers/actors. Especially for sentence 3, it functions to state events/activities without mentioning the doers.

Activity 7 Scan the QR code. Listen to the text carefully. Complete the following text based on what you have heard. Teks yang diperdengarkan: Do you live near a seashore? If you don’t, you might not experience or know tidal flood. So, what is tidal flood? Tidal flood is a flood caused by sea tidal, of course, thus it floods the land. It is also known as inundation flood. It often strikes or occurs in areas which surface is lower than sea level. It is usually caused by heavy rain which makes the sea level to rise and inundate the mainland. There are a few characteristics of tidal flood. First, it occurs when the sea water is tidal. Second, the water color is not too muddy. Because of the overflowing of sea water that reaches the land, this tidal flood water has clearer color than the usual floods. Next, it does not only happen in a rainy season. Lastly, it usually occurs in the areas that have lower land than the oceans. So, when your area is affected by the flood and has the same characteristics as mentioned above, it may be the tidal flood. Adopted from: Ikhwanudin, 2017, The Handling of Tidal Flood (Rob) with Polder System, https://web.archive.org/save/https://%20jurnal. unissula.ac.id/index.php/ICCDA/article/download/2018/1542 (April 2, 2021)

Jawaban:  1. experience    2. sea tidal  3. surface  4. heavy rain  5. mainland    6. too muddy  7. clearer  8. rainy season  9. lower land 10. affected

Activity 8 Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 7. Read your answers aloud. Jawaban: 1. In an area near seashore which surface is lower than sea level 2. Heavy rain 3. Inundation flood 4. Few characteristics of tidal flood 5. There are four characteristics. 6. Because it is sea water which overflows and reaches the land. 7. Yes, there is. Because it may happen in areas that have lower land than the oceans. 8. It refers to the listeners/readers.

Activity 9 Share your work with the class. Rewrite the following sentences into a sequential dialog. Practice the dialog with your friend and record your performance. Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 3−6−5−9−1−8−4−7−2. (3) Hani : I thought you were spending your weekend in your uncle’s town. (6) Dito : That was my previous plan. (5) Hani : What has happened? Are you sick? (9) Dito : I’m not. (1) Hani : Then, why? (8) Dito : Several parts of the city have been hit by tidal flood, including my uncle’s kampong. In fact, according to my uncle, it is the worst. It has been flooded for more than twelve hours. (4) Hani : I see. Well, I don’t think it’s strange. Your uncle’s town lies in a coastal area, and I think, several parts are lower than sea level. (7) Dito : I agree. Furthermore, the city is crowded with many buildings and settlements. So, it needs more green spaces which function to absorb water. (2) Hani : That is right.

Activity 10 Answer the questions based on the dialog in Activity 9. Jawaban: 1. He planned to spend the weekend in his uncle’s town. 2. His uncle’s kampong has been hit by tidal flood. 3. His kampong has been flooded for more than twelve hours. 4. Several parts of his uncle’s town are lower than sea level, and there is lack of green spaces in the town which function to absorb water. 5. It refers to Dito’s uncle’s kampong.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Activity 14

Activity 11 Scan the QR code. Listen to and write the sentences correctly. Read your work aloud, in turns. Kalimat-kalimat yang diperdengarkan dan sekaligus jawaban: 1. My car was broken into this morning. 2. This photo was taken at Senggigi Beach. 3. The visitors have been warned by the coastguards about it. 4. The proposal is being revised by Dewi now. 5. The class captain should have been told about it.

Activity 12 Change the sentences in Activity 11 into active forms. Share your work with the class. Jawaban: 1. Someone broke into my car this morning. 2. I took this photo at Senggigi Beach. 3. The coastguards have warned the visitors about it. 4. Dewi is revising the proposal now. 5. Someone should have told the class captain about it.

Activity 13 Complete the following short dialogs with suitable sentences from Activity 11. Then, practice the dialogs with your friend and record your performance.

Read the following short dialogs. Complete them with suitable sentences in passive form. Then, practice the dialogs with your friend and record your performance. Contoh jawaban: 1. It was found under the table. 2. They are being trained by the new coach. 3. It is saved in my laptop computer. 4. The script must be submitted tomorrow. 5. The tickets were sold out.

Jawaban: 1. The class captain should have been told about it. 2. The visitors have been warned by the coastguards about it. 3. The proposal is being revised by Dewi now. 4. This photo was taken at Senggigi Beach. 5. My car was broken into this morning.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Activity 15 Read the following text aloud. Complete the statements that follow. Jawaban:  1. how to make wingko babat  2. freshly shredded coconut meat and glutinous rice flour  3. grease a cake pan  4. be preheated to 180 Celsius degrees  5. add an egg into the batter and mix well  6. sprinkling the top of the batter with toasted sesame seeds  7. remove the cake from the oven  8. the top of the cake doesn’t have an even golden color  9. let it cool until room temperature/be cooled until room temperature 10. try the recipe/try to make wingko babat

Activity 16

Petunjuk Guru: 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan memahami kembali kalimat-kalimat dari Activity 11. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami percakapan-percakapan singkat berikut. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu kepada peserta didik untuk melengkapi percakapan-percakapan tersebut dengan kalimat-kalimat dari Activity 11 yang sesuai. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring jawaban mereka. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan dan intonasi yang masih kurang tepat. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai atas hasil kerja peserta didik, serta nilai sikap kreatif, percaya diri, cermat, dan aktif.

Rewrite passive sentences in the text in Activity 15. Change them into active ones. Jawaban: Passive


  1. 300 grams of freshly shredded coconut meat and 150 grams of glutinous rice flour are mainly needed to make the dessert.   2. All the ingredients should be properly weighed.   3. First of all, the microwave oven is preheated to 180 Celsius degrees.   4. Then, an 8"x8" square cake pan is lined with parchment paper and greased with coconut oil or butter.   5. In the meantime, the freshly shredded coconut meat, glutinous rice flour, sugar, and salt are mixed together.

We mainly need 300 grams of freshly shredded coconut meat and 150 grams of glutinous rice flour to make the dessert. We should weigh all the ingredients properly. First of all, we preheat the microwave oven to 180 Celsius degrees. Then, we line an 8"x8" square cake pan with parchment paper and grease it with coconut oil or butter. In the meantime, we mix the freshly shredded coconut meat, glutinous rice flour, sugar, and salt together.

  6. The egg is added into the batter, and mix well.   7. Next, the coconut milk and vanilla extract are added into the batter, and mix well.   8. After that, the batter is poured into the prepared pan, and the top of the batter is sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds.   9. The pan is then put into the preheated oven for about 50 minutes, …. 10. The pan is removed from the oven once the top has a nice even golden color. 11. … the cake is removed from the pan and cut into 20−24 pieces.

We add the egg into the batter, and mix well. Next, we add the coconut milk and vanilla extract into the batter, and mix well. After that, we pour the batter into the prepared pan, and we sprinkle the top of the batter with toasted sesame seeds. We then put the pan into the preheated oven for about 50 minutes, …. We removed the pan from the oven once the top has a nice even golden color. … we remove the cake from the pan and cut it into 20−24 pieces.

Activity 17 Complete the table based on suitable forms of verbs. Explain their meanings. Jawaban: No.

Verb Base

 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 18. 19. 20.

apply blend break collect cut dry grate hit know make mix pour rest reverse scoop secure spread strain use wash

Verb Past applied blended broke collected cut dried grated hit knew made mixed poured rested reversed scooped secured spread strained used washed

Past Participle applied blended broken collected cut dried grated hit known made mixed poured rested reversed scooped secured spread strained used washed

Meaning menerapkan menghaluskan, melembutkan memecah, merusak mengumpulkan memotong mengeringkan memarut menghantam, memukul mengetahui, mengenal membuat mencampur menuangkan membiarkan, mengistirahatkan membalik menyendok mengamankan menyebarkan menyaring menggunakan mencuci

Activity 18 Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms from Activity 17. Read the text aloud, in turns. Jawaban:  1. known  3. used  5. cut  7. mixed  9. strained 11. scooped 13. dried 15. blended

 2.  4.  6.  8. 10. 12. 14.

made washed grated collected rested spread poured

Activity 19 Jawaban:  1. About how to make easy homemade tapioca starch  2. It is obtained from the roots of the cassava plant.  3. When baking, coating meat or fish when frying, thickening stew and soup  4. We peel and wash clean the cassava roots.  5. We cut the cassava roots into small sizes and blend them. Or, we use a grater with the smallest holes to grate the cassava roots.  6. In order to have very fine tapioca starch  7. A day or two  8. We pour it into a coffee grinder cup and blend it into a smooth powder.  9. We sieve the tapioca flour using a very fine-holed sieve or cheesecloth. 10. To keep it dry and last longer

Activity 20 Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the verbs in brackets, whether they are in active or passive forms. Then, practice the following dialog with your friend. Jawaban:  1. prepare  2. are needed  3. are put  4. is blended  5. is put  6. has already been melted  7. are poured  8. is cooked  9. serve 10. make

Activity 21 Reread the dialog in Activity 20. Write a text based on it using passive voice.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Petunjuk Guru: 1. 2.

3. 4.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca kembali percakapan pada Activity 20. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menulis teks berdasarkan percakapan tersebut menggunakan kalimat pasif. Sebaiknya Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu untuk mengerjakan kegiatan ini, misalnya 15 menit. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring teks yang mereka buat secara bergiliran. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan yang masih kurang tepat. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan penilaian atas hasil kerja peserta didik serta penilaian sikap kreatif, percaya diri, berani, cermat, dan aktif.

Contoh jawaban: Farhan just uploaded the pancake he made in his social media and Dara saw it. Then, she asks Farhan about the pancake and how to make it. Farhan answers that it is tapioca pancake and he is willing to tell Dara how to make it. Farhan says that to make tapioca pancake, we need to prepare 30 grams of tapioca starch, one large egg, 30 grams of ricotta, 5 grams of Parmesan, and 15 grams of cheddar. Further, salt and black pepper are needed to make the pancake tastier. The process of making the pancake is very simple. First, all the ingredients are put into a blender. The batter is blended for around 3 minutes, then keep it to one side. Next, a knob of butter is put in a non-stick crepe pan over medium heat. Right after the butter has already been melted, 2 ladles of pancake batter are poured into the pan and the pancake is cooked for another minute. Farhan says that we’d better serve the pancake immediately with a dusting of Parmesan cheese on top. Since the procedure is very simple, Dara intends to make it.

Contoh jawaban: One of the recent viral videos showed a tornado taking place in Gajah Mungkur Dam in Wonogiri, Central Java. What is a tornado? A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. It’s often portended by a dark, greenish sky. Next, black storm clouds gather. A funnel suddenly appears as though descending from a cloud. The funnel then hits the ground and roars forward with a sound like that of a freight train approaching. It tears up everything in its path. Also known as twisters, tornadoes are born in thunderstorms and are often accompanied by hail. Their winds may top 250 miles an hour and can clear a pathway a mile wide and 50 miles long. Giant, persistent thunderstorms called supercells spawn the most destructive tornadoes. Tornadoes form when warm, humid air collides with cold, dry air. The denser cold air is pushed over the warm air, usually producing thunderstorms. The warm air rises through the colder air, causing an updraft. The updraft will begin to rotate if winds vary sharply in speed or direction. As the rotating updraft, called a mesocycle, draws in more warm air from the moving thunderstorm, its rotation speed increases. Cool air fed by the jet stream, a strong band of wind in the atmosphere, provides even more energy. Water droplets from the mesocyclone's moist air form a funnel cloud. The funnel continues to grow and eventually it descends from the cloud. When it touches the ground, it becomes a tornado. Tornadoes can occur at any time of year, at any time of the day or night, but most tornadoes form in the late afternoon. By this time the sun has heated the ground and the atmosphere enough to produce thunderstorms. Adopted from: National Geographic, ‘Tornadoes, explained’, https://web.archive. org/web/20210322064128/https://www.nationalgeographic.com/ environment/article/tornadoes (April 2, 2021)

Activity 24

Activity 22 Create a dialog related to an action/event/activity without mentioning the doer(s). Practice your dialog with your friend and record your performance. Contoh jawaban: Randy : Let’s enjoy the drink. Cindy : Sure. Hmm … so fresh and delicious. Randy : Yeah, the drink is best enjoyed in hot weather like now. Anyway, have you ever enjoyed this drink before? Cindy : No, it’s my first time. It is a new menu, isn’t it? Randy : No. It’s a traditional beverage. Cindy : Is it? It is rarely found in town. Randy : That’s right. Well, this beverage originates from Makassar. Cindy : How do we make it? Randy : I only know that it is made of bananas, coconut milk, and syrup. Cindy : Is it made of green bananas? Randy : No. It is named es pisang ijo because the bananas are covered with green dough.

Activity 23 Look at the picture. What natural phenomenon is it? Explain how it is formed. Browse references from the Internet or books. Share your work with the class.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Homework Find a picture of a natural phenomenon or an Indonesian traditional food from the Internet or other sources and copy it. Write a text based on the picture, mostly using passive voice. Share your text with the class.

Petunjuk Guru: 1.

2. 3.

4. 5.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mencari gambar tentang fenomena alam atau makanan tradisional Indonesia dari berbagai sumber, kemudian menyalinnya. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu kepada peserta didik untuk menulis teks berdasarkan gambar tersebut, dengan menggunakan kalimat pasif. Setelah selesai menulis teks, peserta didik diminta membaca nyaring teks yang mereka buat. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan dan intonasi yang masih kurang tepat. Peserta didik menempelkan teks yang mereka buat di majalah dinding. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penilaian dan balikan atas hasil karya peserta didik.


Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer.

 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.



Fill in the blanks correctly.

Jawaban: 1. are categorized 2. is usually created 3. forms 4. a traditional bag from Papua called noken 5. only Papuans are allowed to make them C.

Gina : Edwin : Gina : Edwin :

Does it? What is it made from? It’s made from vetiver grass. Is it only made for bags? Nope! I also have a pencil case, table cloth, and dolls made from vetiver grass. All are fantastic! Gina : I envy you.

Scan the QR code and do the task.

Petunjuk Guru: 1.

2. 3. 4.


Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami perintah kegiatan, yaitu menulis teks pendek berdasarkan gambar dan situasi yang tersedia. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengingatkan bahwa selain menggunakan kalimat aktif, peserta didik harus menggunakan kalimat pasif dalam teks tersebut. Peserta didik mengamati gambar. Mereka dapat mencari referensi terkait gambar tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu peserta didik untuk membuat teks berdasarkan salah satu gambar tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring teks yang mereka buat. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyimak dan mengoreksi pelafalan peserta didik yang kurang tepat. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi penilaian, termasuk penilaian sikap.

Write a short dialog or text using passive sentences.

Contoh jawaban: Gina : I smell fragrant. Is this your new perfume? Edwin : No, it’s not my perfume. The odor comes from my bag. Gina : Is it your bag? It’s so artistic! Where did you get it from? Edwin : I received it from my pen pal from Garut, West Java, Indonesia. Gina : Wow, from a faraway place! Hmm … it’s so fragrant. Edwin : Right! You know, the aroma chases away rats and cockroaches effectively.

Contoh jawaban: Land preparation is important to ensure that the rice field is ready for planting. A well-prepared field controls weeds, recycles plant nutrients, and provides a soft soil mass for transplanting and a suitable soil surface for direct seeding. Land typically involves three matters. Firstly, the land is plowed to till or dug-up and the soil is overturned. Next, the soil clods are harrowed to break them into smaller mass and to incorporate plant residue. The last part is levelling the field. Initial land preparation begins after your last harvest or during fallow period. This is important for effective weed control and for enriching the soil. Generally, it will take 3−4 weeks to prepare the field before planting.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


What is It?

Activity 1 What information will you write about animals when you describe them in general? Write your answer on the word web. See the examples.


It is caused by human activities such as tourism, low-flying aircraft, pollution, and industrial development. 10. Contoh jawaban: People should solve the causes of mortality, such as maintaining the environment clean and lessening the industry in the animals’ habitats.

Activity 5

Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik mengamati word web dan menulis informasi terkait deskripsi binatang, seperti contoh. 2. Peserta didik dapat menambah informasi dan menuliskannya di luar word web jika mereka mempunyai informasi lebih banyak. 3. Peserta didik membacakan hasil pekerjaan mereka. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan memotivasi peserta didik agar selalu berpartisipasi aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran. Contoh jawaban: physical appearance, behavior, habitat, classification, characteristics, species, predators, diets

Activity 2 Read the following words with proper pronunciation. Write the meanings of the words. You will read the words in Activity 3. Jawaban:  1. pinggir, tepi  2. yang merintangi, sulit untuk ditempati  3. paruh, tagihan, uang kertas  4. bulu burung  5. nokturnal, aktif pada malam hari  6. dataran lumpur  7. berkembang biak  8. menetas  9. kawanan, kumpulan 10. sarang

Activity 4 Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 3. Jawaban:  1. Lesser flamingos  2. To describe lesser flamingos in general  3. They live in the African Rift, East Africa, southern Africa, including the Etosha Pan, and India.  4. They have angled bills, extremely long legs, and brilliant pink plumage.  5. Algae  6. To avoid predators  7. They are small cones of mud and soda crystals.  8. They form lines up to 20 miles (30 km) long, and the nurseries are driven up to 30 miles (50 km) across burning mud to reach shallow freshwater lagoons.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Reread the text in Activity 3. Identify the topics of paragraphs 1 to 4. Jawaban: Paragraph 1: the lesser flamingo’s habitat Paragraph 2: the lesser flamingo’s physical appearances Paragraph 3: the lesser flamingo’s breeding/reproduction Paragraph 4: the lesser flamingo’s mortality

Activity 6 Scan the QR code. Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard. Read the complete text aloud, in turns. Teks yang diperdengarkan: Rays are a huge group of over 300 species of fish, which include skates, stingrays, electric rays, manta rays, and guitar fish. The Atlantic manta rays are the biggest rays, often over 7 m wide and 6 m long. Many rays have, almost diamond-shaped bodies, with pectoral fins elongated into broad wings. Guitar fish have longer, more sharklike bodies. A ray’s gills are slot-like openings beneath its fins. Rays have no bones. Instead, like sharks, they are cartilaginous fish‒their body framework is made of rubbery cartilage. Rays live mostly on the ocean floor, feeding on seabed creatures, such as oysters, clams, and other shellfish. Manta rays live near the surface and feed on plankton. Adopted from: John Farndon, 1000 Facts on Animals, Essex, Miles Kelly Publishing, 2001.

Jawaban:  1. huge  4. flat  7. bones 10. feed on

 2. electric  5. wings  8. made of

 3. biggest  6. gills  9. creatures

Activity 7 Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 6. Jawaban: 1. Rays in general 2. Rays’ physical appearances 3. They have almost diamond-shaped bodies, with pectoral fins elongated into broad wings. 4. They live on the ocean floor. 5. Rays feed on seabed creatures, such as oysters, clams, and other shellfish, while manta rays feed on plankton.

Contoh jawaban:

Activity 8 Read the following texts. Which is an information report text? Give your reasons. Petunjuk Guru:

Kegiatan ini bertujuan mengingatkan kembali peserta didik tentang teks descriptive dan information report sehingga mereka mampu membedakan kedua jenis teks tersebut. Dengan demikian, mereka dapat bermonolog dan menulis teks sesuai dengan jenis dan tujuannya secara tepat. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan memahami kedua teks berikut. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa peserta didik membaca teks tersebut dengan nyaring. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik yang lain memperhatikan dan mengoreksi pelafalan dan intonasi peserta didik. 4. Peserta didik diminta membandingkan dan mencari perbedaan kedua teks tersebut. Kemudian, peserta didik menentukan teks yang termasuk teks information report dan menjelaskan alasan mereka. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai, termasuk nilai sikap aktif, berani, menghargai, santun, dan percaya diri. Jawaban: Text 1 is an information report text because it describes lobsters in general. Meanwhile, Text 2 is a descriptive text because it describes a certain lobster (the speaker’s lobsters).

Activity 9

Scan the QR code. Listen to the monolog. Then, answer the following questions, orally. Teks yang diperdengarkan: Bamboos are giant, fast growing grasses with woody stems. Most bamboos grow in east and southeast Asia and on islands in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Bamboo stems are called culms. They often form dense thickets that exclude every other plant. Bamboo culms can reach up to 40 m and grow very fast. Some bamboos grow 1 m every three days. Most bamboos only flower every 12 years or so. Some flowers only 30–60 years. Phyllostachys bambusoides flowers only after 120 years. The muli bamboos around the Bay of Bengal flower every 30–35 years. Adopted from: John Farndon, 1000 Facts on Plants, Essex, Miles Kelly Publishing, 2002.

Jawaban: 1. To describe bamboos in general 2. In east and southeast Asia and on islands in the Indian and Pacific oceans 3. They are giant, tall grasses with woody stems. 4. They form dense thickets. 5. They grow fast and need a long period to grow flowers.

Activity 10

Read the following texts and study the tables of analysis. Find the similarities and differences of the texts.

Similarities • •


Both texts are information report texts. The purposes of the texts are to describe living creatures (Text 1 describes Damselfly and Text 2 describes Eucalyptus trees) in general. Both texts describe habitats, appearances, characteristics, and reproductions.

Text 1 describes the species at the beginning because it describes an animal, while Text 2 describes the kind at the beginning because it is a tree/plant. Text 1 does not describe uses, while Text 2 describes uses.

Activity 11 Answer the following questions based on the texts in Activity 10. Jawaban: Text 1  1. The description of damselflies, especially the blue damselfly  2. They are less powerful than dragonflies and hold their wings along the bodies, rather than out sideways, when at rest.  3. They live around reeds and rushes in areas of still water.  4. To control its temperature  5. The blue males and greener females turn darker.  6. They live only for a couple of weeks.  7. Smaller insects  8. Underwater  9. They breathe with gills. 10. In spring

Text 2  1. To describe eucalyptus trees in general  2. They grow best in warm places that have alternate wet and dry seasons.  3. They can reach over 90 m tall.  4. In winter  5. They are grown from seeds.  6. They are long, narrow, and leathery.  7. The leaves are cut, pressed, and then steamed.  8. As vapor rubs for people with colds  9. To protect ships against worms and other animals that make holes in their hulls 10. The woods

Activity 12 Complete the following text with suitable words from the box. Then, read the text aloud, in turns. Jawaban:  1. evergreen  4. flowering  7. forest 10. seeds

 2.  5.  8.

botanist remains beautiful

 3.  6.  9.

different leaves stem

Activity 13 Complete the following statements based on the text in Activity 12. Jawaban: 1. magnolia trees in general 2. nutmeg trees, ylang-ylangs, and tulips 3. beautiful, large, white, or pink flowers 4. tropical areas 5. nutmeg

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Activity 17

Activity 14 Complete the following table analysis based on the text in Activity 12. Read your work aloud, in turns.

In pairs, ask and answer questions based on the following table of analysis.


Contoh jawaban: You : Thank you for giving me the first opportunity to ask. Well, what is the table of analysis about? Your friend : It’s about crystals. You : How do you know? Your friend : It’s stated in the main idea, the element “Crystals are particular kinds of solid that are made from a regular arrangement, or lattice, of atoms.” You : That’s right. Your turn, please. Your friend : What are the types of crystals? You : Most of rocks and metals are crystals, so are snowflakes and salt. There is also a liquid crystal. It is a crystal that can flow like a liquid but has a regular pattern of atoms. Your friend : Excellent! By the way, how are crystals formed? You : Crystals are formed by a process called crystallization. As liquid evaporates or molten solids cool, the chemicals dissolved in them solidify. Your friend : Superb! Your turn, please. You : Thanks. What are the characteristics of crystals? Your friend : There are five characteristics. First, crystals grow gradually as more and more atoms attach themselves to the lattice, just as icicles grow as water freezes onto them. Second, the smallest crystals are microscopically small. Third, occasionally crystals of a minera, such as beryl, may grow to the size of telegraph poles. Fourth, a liquid crystal may change color or go dark when the alignment of its atom is disrupted by electricity or heat. Fifth, liquid crystal displays or LCDs use a tiny electric current to make different crystals visible. You : That’s great.


• • • •

Magnolias are evergreen shrubs, climbers, and trees. They are named after the French botanist Pierre Magnol (1638-1715). Nutmeg trees, ylang-ylangs, and tulips trees are all kinds of magnolia. There are over 80 different kinds of magnolia. DETAILED FACTS


The trees grow well in tropical areas.


• Magnolia trees have the largest leaves and flowers of any tree outside the tropical forest. • They produce beautiful, large, white, or pink flowers at the end of the stem. • The flowers are one of the most popular garden plants.



• Magnolias may be the most ancient of all flowering plants. • Their fossil remains have been found in rocks 120 million years old.

Nutmeg, a sweet-flavored spice, comes from the inner part of the seeds produced by the nutmeg tree, a kind of magnolia.

Activity 15 Read the following text and make a table of analysis. Share your work with the class. Contoh jawaban: MAIN IDEA Species

Leopard seals are aquatic mammals.


They live in Southern Ocean and subantarctic waters.



• •

These animals are about 2.4-3.7 m long and weigh 200–455 kg. Named for its spotted coat, this aquatic mammal is an expert hunter, thanks to its almost snakelike head and wide, powerful jaws with long canine teeth. Females are slightly larger than males—the opposite of size differences in most true seals.


Up to half of a leopard seal’s diet consists of tiny, shrimplike krill.

Behavior/ Characteristics

• •

Unlike other true seals, the leopard seal swims not by propelling itself solely with its hindquarters, but by strong, simultaneous strokes of its large, elongated front flippers. This technique gives the seal increased speed and agility in the water, but makes it difficult for the animal to move around on land.


Females give birth on pack ice to single pups, which are suckled for three to four weeks.


• •


Although they are the most formidable carnivores in their ecoregion, leopard seals are occasionally hunted by killer whales. Seals are protected from commercial hunting, but juveniles, which depend largely on krill to survive, may also be threatened by a decrease in krill numbers due to commercial overfishing.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Activity 18 Read the table of analysis below. Then, compose a monolog and present it orally. Record your presentation. Contoh jawaban: Good morning, everybody. I’d like to tell you facts about calcium. Please remember that there are one main idea and four parts in the detailed facts when we are talking about calciums, such as materials, characteristics, types, and functions. Well, calcium is soft, silvery white metal. There are two facts about calcium materials. First, in compounds, calcium is the fifth most abundant element on Earth. Second, it is one of five alkaline-earth metals. Calcium characteristics show two facts. First, calcium has an atomic number of 20. Second, it does not occur naturally in the pure form. Talking about calcium’s types, there are four facts about them. First, most calcium compounds are white solid called limes. Second, calcium includes chalk, porcelin, teeth, cement, seashells, the limescale on taps, and much more. Third, quicklime is calcium oxide. It is called ‘quick’ because when water drips on it, it twists and swells as if it is alive. Fourth, slaked is calcium hydroxide. It may be called ‘slaked’ because it slakes (quences) a plant for lime in acid soils.

There are two facts about calcium function. First, calcium adds rigidity to bones and teeth and helps to control muscles. Second, your body gets it from milk and cheese. That’s all about calcium. Thanks for listening.

Activity 19 Read the following text and present the facts about a self-driving car, orally. Record your presentation. Petunjuk Guru:


Peserta didik membaca teks berikut dan memahami isinya. 2. Peserta didik menyampaikan isi teks tersebut. Jika memungkinkan, peserta didik dapat merekamnya dan mengumpulkannya kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai, termasuk nilai sikap aktif, berani, sopan, menghargai, kreatif, dan bertanggung jawab. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru menggunakan hasil rekaman peserta didik sebagai portofolio. Contoh jawaban: Here are facts about self-driving cars as stated in the text. There are two facts about the systems of self-driving cars. First, the technology is based on radar and laser systems that can analyze surroundings up to ten times a second, creating real time 3-D maps. Second, linked to a precise satellite-guided GPS network, the sensor creates a corridor for driving to the passenger’s destination, obeying the road signs and presumably seeing cars or bicyclists in the car’s path. There are two facts about the benefits of self-driving cars. First, theoretically these high-functioning computer cars will improve safety and ease congestion through quicker reaction time and the ability to travel closer together than conventional cars. Second, this technology is claimed to be able to double roadway efficiency. There are two facts about the users of self-driving cars. First, Nevada became the first state to legalize the self-driving car in 2011. The law requires a human sit in the driver’s seat to take control if needed. Second, California and a handful of other states followed suit, and by 2014, the vehicles had logged 700,000 miles. That’s all the facts about self-driving cars.

Activity 20 Read the following data. Compose an information report text based on the data. Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik membaca data/informasi berikut dan memahaminya. 2. Peserta didik menyusun teks report terkait informasi tersebut. Peserta didik dapat memberi tambahan informasi bila perlu. 3. Peserta didik mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai termasuk nilai sikap aktif, kreatif, sopan, menghargai, dan bertanggung jawab. Contoh jawaban: Several people prefer shopping online for their convenience. It makes online marketplaces become popular now.

An online marketplace is a website or app that facilitates shopping from many different sources. The operator of the marketplace does not own any inventory, their business is to present other people’s inventory to a user and facilitate a transaction. For example Gratisongkir is a marketplace. The marketplaces offer real convenience to consumers, so over the last several years the number of marketplaces has exploded. Users access suppliers’ inventory electronically and the marketplace doesn’t have to own it before offering it to consumers. All the products being sold by suppliers are available to consumers and there is real-time information about the products being presented to consumers on an online marketplace’s site or app. There are three types of marketplace. They are a vertical, horizontal, and global marketplaces. A vertical marketplace sells products from many sources but they are all of one type. For example, a shop sells only jewelry and related products. The site does an important job of guaranteeing authenticity and because jewelry is such a high-ticket item, that’s an important value-add. A horizontal marketplace sells products of many types, but they all share a characteristic. Users can see the products from different retailers all together and at the same time in the same app. A global marketplace sells everything.

Activity 21 Choose one of the following topics. Write an information report text based on the topic. Read your work aloud. Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik memilih salah satu topik berikut. 2. Peserta didik menyusun teks report terkait topik tersebut, misalnya peserta didik memilih binatang dan mendeskripsikan ciri fisik, habitat, kebiasaan, makanan, dan karakteristik lainnya secara umum. 3. Peserta didik menyampaikan hasil pekerjaan mereka. Apabila memungkinkan peserta didik dapat membaca sambil merekamnya. Kemudian, mengumpulkan rekaman mereka kepada Bapak/Ibu guru. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai termasuk nilai sikap aktif, kreatif, sopan, menghargai, dan bertanggung jawab. Contoh jawaban: Strong, fast, agile, and deadly, the black mamba is Africa’s longest venomous snake, and second only to the king cobra worldwide. Its “racing slither”—usually used to escape danger rather than to pursue prey—has been timed at 9 mph (14 km/h) and it may exceed 12 mph (20 km/h). Its somewhat drab olive, green, gray, or brown coloration has subdued, if any, markings. The black mamba has streamlined body with smooth scales. It has 2.4–3.4 m long and weigh up to 2.3 kg. The black mamba is found in varied habitats, from rocky hills to coastal scrubs. It rests at night in a home lair in a termite mound, small mammal burrow, tree root hollow, or rocky crevice. By day, the snake lurks in cover to strike out at passing victims. Its two fixed, hollow, upper fangs inject exceptionally toxic venom—it can kill a human in 30 minutes. The black mamba holds smaller prey for a few minutes until lifeless, but bites larger ones and withdraws, following them until the venom acts. The black mamba climbs well to hunt for nesting birds and squirrels. If threatened, it rears up, spreads its small “hood” cobrafashion, opens its mouth, and hisses.

Adopted from: Smithsonian, Wildlife of the World, New York, Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2015.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Activity 22 Homework Observe your surroundings. Find creatures or items and observe them. Choose one of them and take a picture. Write an information report text about it and attach its picture. Submit your work to your teacher.

Petunjuk Guru:

Petunjuk Guru:

1. Peserta didik mengamati lingkungan sekitar dan menentukan makhluk hidup (binatang atau tumbuhan) atau benda untuk dideskripsikan secara umum. 2. Peserta didik memotretnya dan menyusun teks report terkait makhluk hidup atau benda tersebut menggunakan aplikasi, misalnya MS Word atau MS PowerPoint. Kemudian, peserta didik menempel foto tersebut di samping tulisan. 3. Peserta didik mengirimkannya kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai atas hasil pekerjaan peserta didik.

A.  1.  6. 11. 16.

Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. D A D B


 2.  7. 12. 17.


 3.  8. 13. 18.


 4.  9. 14. 19.

Fill in the blanks correctly.


 5. 10. 15. 20.


Jawaban: 1. lichens 2. indicate air pollution 3. to describe armadillo lizards in general 4. hard scales, reinforced with bony plates, form bands or rings that encircle its body 5. armadillo lizard’s social and breeding habits C.

Scan QR code and do the task.

Write an information report text about an animal.

Contoh jawaban: Many animals have developed defensive features, but the bombardier beetle packs a wallop unlike any other. Just half an inch in length, these insects live under rocks and logs and feed on larvae of moths and other insects. When disturbed, they blast out irritating chemicals from their flexible abdomens. They produce the irritant as needed, mixing hydrogen peroxide and phenols in an enzyme chamber, where oxidation produces heat and an explosive pop. A bombardier beetle cannot easily take to flight when attacked, and so it protects itself against predators by spraying. Adopted from: National Geographic, Answer Book 10,001 Fast Fact about Our World, Washington DC, National Geographic, 2015.


Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja secara berpasangan. Peserta didik bebas menentukan pasangannya. 2. Peserta didik menentukan salah satu topik. 3. Peserta didik mencari fakta/informasi terkait topik yang telah dipilih di internet atau buku. 4. Peserta didik saling memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fakta tersebut. 5. Peserta didik merekam percakapan mereka. 6. Peserta didik mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. 7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai termasuk nilai sikap aktif, berani, kerja sama, menghargai, sopan, dan bertanggung jawab. Contoh jawaban: Text Facts about oils • Oils are liquids that do not dissolve in water and burn easily. • Oils are usually made from long chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms. • There are three main kinds of oil: essential, fixed, and mineral oils. • Essential oils are thin, perfumed oils from plants. They are used in flavoring and aromatherapy. • Fixed oils are made by plants and animals from fatty acids. They include fish oils and nut and seed oils. • Mineral oils come from petroleum formed underground over millions of years from the remains of shellfish. • Petroleum, or crude oil, is made mainly of hydrocarbons. These are compounds made only of hydrogen and carbon, such as methane. • Hydrocarbons in petroleum are mixed with oxygen, sulphur, nitrogen, and other elements. • Petroleum is separated by distillation into various substances such as aviation fuel, gasoline, and paraffin. As oil is heated in a distillation column, a mixture of gases evaporates. Each gas cools and condenses at different heights to a liquid, or fraction, which is then drawn off. Adopted from: John Farndon, 1000 Things You Should Know about Science, Essex, Miles Kelly Publishing, 2001. Dialog You Your friend You Your friend You Your friend You


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

: Let’s talk about oils. Let me ask you, first. What are the characteristics of oils? : They do not dissolve in water and burn easily. : Correct. Your turn, please. : What are oils made from? : Oils are usually made from long chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms. : That’s true. Your turn. : What are kinds of oils?

Your friend You Your friend You

: : : :

Your friend You Your friend

: : :

You Your friend You

: : :

Your friend You Your friend

: : :



They are essential, fixed, and mineral oils. True. You, please. What are essential oils? Essential oils are thin, perfumed oils from plants. Correct! What are essential oils used for? They are used in flavoring and aromatherapy. That’s correct! Your turn, please. What are fixed oils? Fixed oils are made by plants and animals from fatty acids. They include fish oils and nut and seed oils. Correct! Next question. What are mineral oils? Mineral oils come from petroleum formed underground over millions of years from the remains of shellfish. Correct! Your turn.

Your friend You

Your friend You Your friend


: What is petroleum? : Petroleum, or crude oil, is made mainly of hydrocarbons. These are compounds made only of hydrogen and carbon, such as methane. : Yes. That’s true. Give me the last question. : How is petroleum made? : Petroleum is separated by distillation into various substances such as aviation fuel, gasoline, and paraffin. As oil is heated in a distillation column, a mixture of gases evaporates. Each gas cools and condenses at different heights to a liquid, or fraction, which is then drawn off. : Great.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Mid-Term Test 2 A.  1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10.


Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. A D B C B D A C D B

11. D 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. A

Fill in the blanks correctly.

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


Jawaban: 1. our fingernails are grown slowly 2. a substance to create nail and hair 3. to entertain/amuse the reader 4. not to charge people for crossing the bridge 5. are being discussed


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Write a report text about interesting animals.

Contoh jawaban: Bats have big ears, furry bodies and leather-like wings. They are nocturnal mammals. This means they sleep in caves during the day and feed at night-time. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. They are very fast and acrobatic. When they chase insects, they twist and turn in mid-air. Bats use sonar to catch insects in the darkness. They send out highpitched squeals that humans cannot hear. The echoes that bounce back tell the bats exactly where they will find their prey. Flying foxes, or fruit bats, are large bats that live in tropical Africa and Asia. They mainly eat fruit. Flying foxes are important because they help to spread pollen and seeds of many plants. Adopted from: Siti Wachidah, Asep Gunawan, dan Diyantari, Bahasa Inggris, Think Globally Act Locally untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2018.

Enjoy Our Discounts

Activity 1

Activity 5

Read the following text. Discuss the answers of the following questions with your friend. Jawaban: 1. The picture is about several advertisements, specifically called a classified advertisement. 2. We will find such a text in a newspaper. 3. It advertises job vacancies, a house for sale, flats for rent, computer and AC services. 4. They are written short and not taken too much space. 5. Yes, I can. The advertisements tell important information that we need to know efficiently.

Activity 2

Pronounce the following words correctly. What do they mean? Jawaban:  1. meningkatkan  3. akun  5. menghubungi  7. bergabung  9. ramah

Activity 3

 2.  4.  6.  8. 10.

menawarkan kesulitan mengunjungi pendaftaran potongan harga

 2.  5.  8.

join offer registration

 3.  6.  9.

Teks yang diperdengarkan dan jawaban: Please come and join us at JELITA Store’s Anniversary Sale! On its 25th year anniversary, JELITA Store invites all (1) loyal customers to celebrate the (2) joyous occasion together. Enjoy our (3) special offers to all of our products with discounts up to 70%. For (4) member card owners, get the opportunity to participate in a (5) lucky draw event and win (6) various prizes from shopping vouchers to our grand prize, (7) a motorcycle. You can participate in this lucky draw event by showing your member cards and (8) purchasing our products equivalent to one hundred thousand Rupiah or more. This offer will be (9) valid only between December 16 and 17, 2021, so (10) don’t miss it! JELITA Store provides you the best quality products for your houses!

Activity 6

Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 5.

Complete the following text with suitable words from Activity 2. Read the text aloud with proper pronunciation. Jawaban:  1. difficulties  4. friendly  7. account 10. visit

Scan the following QR code. Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard. Share your work with the class.

improve discounts Call

Activity 4

Complete the following statements based on the text in Activity 3. Share your work with the class. Jawaban:   1. people who want to study English   2. the classrooms are air–conditioned   3. three different specified programs   4. Friendly tutors   5. the academic program   6. until this month   7. following the ET Course’s Instagram account   8. calling ET course’s phone number or visiting the office at Jl. Dandelion No. 6, Medan   9. School students 10. the daily conversation program

Jawaban:  1. The advertisement is about a sale in a certain store.  2. The advertisement is issued to celebrate the 25th anniversary of JELITA Store.  3. The advertisement is addressed to the store’s loyal customers, member card owners, and public.  4. JELITA Store is a department store. They sell household products.  5. It offers discounts up to 70% for all items.  6. Member card owners can participate in a lucky draw event.  7. They need to have a member card and purchase products equivalent to one hundred thousand Rupiah or more.  8. They probably want to win the grand prize, a motorcycle.  9. The special offer will only be valid between December 16 and 17, 2021. 10. We can buy various items for our household.

Activity 7 Read the following text. Identify each text using the table that follows. Jawaban: Text 1 Goods/ Service

Bungkusku T-shirt


T-shirts with different sizes and designs


Not available

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX



Department stores’ Bungkusku T-shirt outlets



Selling points/ Promoting words

Gentle on skin, breathable, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal materials, different sizes and designs, perfect for both indoor and outdoor activities

Text 2 Goods/ Service

Arno Electronic Service


Household appliances and other electrical problems


Not available


Jl. White River No. 1, Bantul



Selling points/ Promoting words

• • •

Text 2 1. A toothpaste product named GLIMMERDENT 2. It will whiten teeth in just 14 days. 3. It refreshes our breath. 4. It has anti-bacterial materials. 5. We can buy the product from a department store or supermarket.

Activity 10

Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer.

Our services are fast and reliable. Bring your broken appliances to us, and we will tell you if they are still repairable or not, free of charge! We offer a 10% discount for a first-time consumer.

Activity 8

 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.


Activity 11

Read the texts. Discuss the similarities and differences between the two texts.

Rewrite the following sentences into sequential advertisements. Share your work with the class.

Jawaban: The similarities: 1. Both texts are product advertisements. 2. Both texts have a similar purpose, which is to promote a certain product to customers or persuade customers to buy the products. 3. Both texts use words or phrases to attract people to purchase their products.

Jawaban: Text 1 Are you looking for a perfect getaway during the holiday? Then, we may have a perfect offer for you. Pirarucu Tour and Travel offers you a three-day holiday tour to three interesting islands. You can choose one of our three options; Bali, Lombok, and Karimunjawa. Our package includes transportation and accommodation. Check our offers at www.PirarucuTNT.com. You can also call us on 0083847586736. What are you waiting for? Make a reservation now!

The differences:

Text 1

Text 2

It is a written advertisement

It is a spoken advertisement

It has no definite text structure.

There is an opening sentence, “Start your breathtaking smile with GLIMMERDENT.” and closing sentence, “Feel the difference in your teeth color in just 14 days!”

It uses straightforward language, sometimes only phrases. The words/ phrases are short, efficient, and meaningful.

It uses complete and elaborate sentences.

It has a picture of the product.

It has no picture.

Activity 9 Answer the following questions based on the texts in Activity 8. Share your work with the class. Jawaban: Text 1 1. A wireless earphone 2. They will feel comfortable. 3. The product will still function since it is waterproof. 4. Contoh jawaban: People who often listen to music using an earphone 5. Contoh jawaban: The advertisement needs to include information on how to get the product, such as the store’s address or contact number.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Text 2 It’s time to go back to school and you need a new schoolbag. Well, come to Sukajadi Shoes and Bags Store. We have abundant selections of schoolbags. Our products are affordable with high quality. Enjoy our special back-to-school sale with a 50% discount for all schoolbag products! This special offers will last for this week only. Come and visit our store at Jl. Rujak Duren No. 7. Go back to school in style with Sukajadi Shoes and Bags Store!

Activity 12

Answer the following questions based on the texts in Activity 11. Jawaban: Text 1 1. Holiday packages 2. People who need a holiday 3. A holiday package to one of three beautiful islands, including transportation and accommodation 4. Contoh jawaban: They want to spend a holiday on a beautiful island. 5. They must check www.PirarucuTNT.com or call 0083847586736.

Text 2 1. Schoolbags 2. Sukajadi Shoes and Bags Store 3. Students 4. They need to shop at SukaJadi Shoes and Bags Store before the end of the month. 5. The store wants to promote the store and attract people, especially students, to buy schoolbags there.

Jawaban: Text 1

Activity 13 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions based on each of the following advertisements, in turns. Record the dialog and share it with the class. See the following example. Contoh jawaban: Text 1 You : Let me start asking you. Your friend : All right. You : What is the advertisement about? Your friend : It’s about shoes products. You : Correct. What is the brand of the product? Your friend : It is SHIELD Shoes. You : Correct. It’s your turn now. Your friend : O.K. What do you think about the prices of the shoes? You : They are affordable. Your friend : Right. How can we order the shoes? You : We can order the shoes through their website or social media account. Your friend : Correct.

Text 2 You : Let me ask two questions first. Your friend : Sure. You : What is being advertised? Your friend : A furniture store’s sale. You : Correct. What does the store offer the discounts for? Your friend : They are for outdoor furniture and working desks. You : Good. Your turn, please. Your friend : O.K. How long will the promotion last? You : The promotion will last for three days only, December 10–12, 2021. Your friend : Correct. What should you do to get more information on the sale? You : We can visit the store or contact them by phone Your friend : Correct.

Activity 14

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the boxes. Share your work with the class. Jawaban: Text 1 1. Store 4. items

Text 2 1. reader 4. Visit

2. announce 5. miss

2. collection 5. world



3. opens

Activity 15

Identify the advertisements in Activity 14 by filling in the following tables. Share your work with the class.

Goods/ Service

Products in a department store


Various items


Not available


Exhibit Department Store/Before December 31, at 8 PM


Not available

Selling points/ Promoting words

• • •

Text 2

Enjoy our discounts between 50% and 70%. The sale only lasts until December 31 at 8 PM. Don’t miss this fortunate opportunity!

Goods/ Service



A complete collection of books


Not available


Binder Bookstore/Every day between 9 AM and 8 PM


Not available

Selling points/ Promoting words

• •

Get a complete collection of books at Binder Bookstore. Get interesting discounts for all kinds of books daily.

Activity 16 Read the following advertisement. Answer the questions that follow. Jawaban: 1. It is a moving service provider. 2. People who want to move their belongings or to a new house. 3. The service provides various moving services, such as moving items in a residential area, moving items to long distances, rented trucks, and portable storage. They also provide packing services. 4. We can get a cost estimation beforehand. 5. We should choose a long-distance service.

Activity 17

Complete the following text based on the advertisement in Activity 16. Share your work with the class. Jawaban: 1. belongings 2. moving 3. residential 4. trucks 5. storage 6. packing 7. call 8. estimation

Activity 18

Read the following information. Make an advertisement based on it. Share your work with the class.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Picture 2

Contoh jawaban: Grand Opening! Soul Healthy Food Restaurant


Various healthy food at affordable prices Organic Ingredients Quick Service

Laptop and PC Installation Virus Repairs Peripherals Many more

Open Weekdays: 8 AM–8 PM Weekends: 8 AM–6 PM

20% OFF for the first ten customers Call: 0088236737237 MERDEKA Computer Service Jl. Layang-layang No. 2, Sidoarjo

Soul Healthy Food Restaurant Jl. Oregano No. 7 Pekanbaru

www.SoulHealthyFood.com | IG: SoulHealthyFood

Activity 19

Create spoken advertisements based on the following texts. Present the advertisements orally and record your performance. Share your work with the class. Contoh jawaban: Text 1 Is your hair damaged? Try Glam Shampoo. Glam Shampoo received the Consumers Choice Awards 2021 for one of the best shampoo products. Glam Shampoo helps you repair your hair damage due to coloring and other hair procedures. Glam Shampoo will also improve your hair flexibility, shine and moisturize your hair. Get Glam Shampoo now, and get stronger and shinier hair!

Text 2 Do you want the best quality steak? Go to Mr. Irawan Steak House! We provide top-quality steaks, seafood, and ribs. We always have 100% premium beef with our original recipes. Our establishment opens daily between 9 AM and 9 PM. Enjoy our special free drinks between 2 PM and 5 PM. So, what are you waiting for? Go to Mr. Irawan Steak House at Jl. Savana No. 27, Jambi, and experience the steak you have never had before. For reservation, call 0087655655487 or check www. MrIrawanSteakHouse.com.

Activity 20

Create written advertisements based on the following pictures. Share your work with the class. Contoh jawaban: Picture 1 Window Air Conditioner 340 Watt Feel the Chill Quick Cooling Better Saving • • •

Wi-Fi Control LED Icon Display Refrigerant Leakage Detector

Branch Office: Jl. Mentari No. 9 Phone: 0082636543642


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

A.  1.  6. 11. 16.


Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. C D A D

 2.  7. 12. 17.


 3.  8. 13. 18.


 4.  9. 14. 19.


Fill in the blanks correctly.

 5. 10. 15. 20.


Jawaban: 1. mineral water 2. selected mountain springs 3. the bottle is biodegradable 4. it is processed with an advanced technology regarding to national standards 5. it is safe and environmentally friendly C.

Create an advertisement of a product or service.

Contoh jawaban: Private Drum Lesson For 5+ years old, teenagers and adult Fun learning Focusing on practices Available Intensive Holiday Lessons Start from IDR280,000/month Call Sigit, 0089477559923

Scan the following QR code and do the activity.

Contoh jawaban: Are you teenagers aged 13 to16 years old? Do you like to be professional soccer players? Join us at MITRA MUDA SOCCER SCHOOL. You will be trained by a professional and certified coach. Only IDR125,000 for registration fee and IDR750,000/month. For further information, visit www. Mitramudasoccerschool.com or Mitra Muda Soccer School at Jalan Pemuda no. 13 Padang. You may also call Andika 0085578239584. MITRA MUDA SOCCER SCHOOL! Make Your Dreams Come True!

I’ve Seen Truth Turn to Power

Activity 1

Activity 4

Write themes of songs. See the examples. Read your work aloud.

Answer the following questions based on the song lyrics in Activity 3 orally.

Petunjuk Guru:

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyampaikan bahwa lagu mempunyai berbagai tema, misalnya tentang persahabatan dan cinta. 2. Peserta didik diminta menulis berbagai tema lagu seperti contoh. 3. Peserta didik menyampaikan hasil pekerjaan mereka. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai, termasuk nilai sikap aktif, mandiri, sopan, dan tanggung jawab. Contoh jawaban:  1. friendship  4. family  7. life 10. humanity

 2.  5.  8.

love peace struggle

 3.  6.  9.

environment motivation religion

Activity 2 Read and pronounce the words correctly. You will read the words in Activity 3. Find the meanings of the words. Jawaban:  1. rapuh, mudah pecah  3. kebenaran  5. cara, jalan  7. mengubah  9. menghilang

 2.  4.  6.  8. 10.

lemah kekuatan awet muda, abadi, kekal imun, kebal, bebas debu

Activity 3 Read the following song lyrics loudly and clearly. Petunjuk Guru:


Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca lirik lagu berikut dengan lafal yang tepat. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan yang kurang tepat. 2. Bila perlu, Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan lirik lagu tersebut dan peserta didik menyimaknya. Bapak/ Ibu Guru dapat memutar video lirik lagu tersebut dari YouTube. 3. Jika memungkinkan, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik yang mampu menyanyikan lagu tersebut untuk menyanyikannya.

Jawaban: 1. He was fragile and weak. 2. Truth turns to power 3. The singer sees changes from times to times. 4. The singer wants to show that he looks strong, but he is actually weak. 5. We become believers.

Activity 5

Scan the QR code. Listen to the monolog. Complete the song lyrics based on the monolog. Teks yang diperdengarkan: Be an Astronaut (By Declan McKenna) Daniel, do you remember? You were in such a state The boys that wait outside your house Have got your number And are not afraid to use it They’ll probably give it out To anyone they see, including me They’ll probably make up your mind As if you want them to

Oh, you (Oh you) Those boys tell you what to do All the time On, then later on You said I could be just what I wanted They said you’re lying (You’re lying) For you were born to be an astronaut And you’ll do that or die trying What a way to live and die And you wonder why boys will cry Boys will be boys, they should listen Do as their mothers tell them

If you know what’s good for you Behave yourself this time for me If you know what's good for you Don’t lay around complaining all day Oh my, the boys that wait are on the line And they’re not crying

On and later on, you will tell them what went wrong And they’ll say you’re lying (You’re lying) For you were born to be an astronaut And you’ll do that or die trying There’d be nothing wrong with it, oh

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Oh, you waste your time Come waste mine!

Oh my, the boys that wait are on the line And they’re not crying On and later on, you will tell them what went wrong And they’ll say you’re lying But you were born an astronaut To do it or die trying There’d be nothing wrong with it, ah!

Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20210115150608/https://lyricsfa. com/2020/08/05/declan-mckenna-be-an-astronaut-lyrics/ (March 11, 2021)

Jawaban:  1. remember  4. give  7. listen 10. mine

 2.  5.  8.

outside make up Behave

 3.  6.  9.

afraid wonder time

Activity 6 Answer the following questions based on the song lyrics in Activity 5. Jawaban: 1. It’s about boys’ lives. 2. To the boys 3. Boys who have problems with their friends, such as their friends don’t believe that they can do something. 4. They do what their mothers tell and behave well. 5. – We should do what our mother says and behave well. – We should not lay around complaining all day.

Activity 7 Reread the song lyrics in Activity 5. Read the following statements and match the statements with the stanzas in the lyrics. Read your work aloud, in turns. Petunjuk Guru:

1. 2.

3. 4.

Peserta didik membaca kembali lirik lagu di Activity 5 dan membaca kalimat-kalimat pernyataan berikut. Peserta didik mencocokkan kalimat-kalimat pernyataan dengan makna yang terkandung dalam tiap bait pada lirik lagu. Setiap pernyataan dapat menggambarkan lebih dari satu bait dalam lirik lagu. Peserta didik membacakan hasil pekerjaan mereka dengan nyaring dan secara bergantian Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai, termasuk nilai sikap aktif, berani, sopan, dan menghargai.

Jawaban: 1. Stanza 7 3. Stanza 1 and 2 5. Stanza 4

2. 4. 6.

Stanza 5 Stanza 6 and 8 Stanza 3

Activity 8 Read the following song lyrics. Then, answer the questions. Jawaban: 1. To motivate people 2. All people 3. We should be brave and have a direction in our lives. Furthermore, we should never give up to achieve our goals. 4. A song which makes us happy 5. It refers to fear.


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Activity 9 Work in groups of four. Identify what each stanza means. Share your work. Contoh jawaban: Stanza 1 : The singer asks us not to be stuck in the past and have a direction in our lives. We also have to be brave to decide our lives. Stanza 2 : The singer reminds us to continue what we have decided, without any fear. Stanza 3 : The singer advises us to keep strong with happiness. Stanza 4 : The singer motivates us to do better and convinces that we will get what we deserve. Stanza 5 : The singer suggests us not to stop until we achieve our goals. Stanza 6 : The singer suggests us not to give up and do what we should do. Stanza 7 : The singer asks us to motivate ourselves.

Activity 10 Read the following song lyrics. Pay attention to the words in bold. Petunjuk Guru:

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring kalimat-kalimat dalam lirik lagu berikut dengan pelafalan yang tepat. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat meminta peserta didik yang mengetahui lagu tersebut agar menyanyikannya. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati kata-kata bercetak tebal dalam lirik lagu tersebut. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami penjelasan dalam Learning Material tentang makna kata-kata yang dicetak tebal tersebut. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru senantiasa memotivasi peserta didik agar menambah dan mengembangkan pengetahuan dari berbagai sumber tentang colloquial yang digunakan dalam lagu.

Activity 11 Scan the QR code. Reread the song lyrics in Activity 10 and listen to the questions. Then, answer the questions based on the song lyrics. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan: 1. What does ‘On the Ride’ in the song lyrics mean? 2. What do the singers tell in the song lyrics? 3. How do the singers feel about their lives? 4. Who make the singers stronger in their lives? 5. What do the singers suggest when we achieve goals? Jawaban: 1. The journey of life 2. Their lives with friends 3. They feel great, alive, happy, and worthwhile. 4. Friends 5. We should not return to the previous condition.

Activity 12

Activity 15

Reread the song lyrics in Activity 10. Conclude the topic and message of the song lyrics. Share your work with the class. Contoh jawaban: Topic : Friendship Message : We should keep our friendship and we make our lives better with friends.

Activity 13 Read the following song lyrics. Identify the lines containing colloquial words and rewrite the lines in standard English. Read your work aloud. Jawaban: 1.


3. 4.

5. 7. 8. 9.

I’m just lookin’ for some real friends Wonder where they’re all hidin’ out Gotta get up out of this town I stay up, talkin’ to the moon And feelin’ so alone in every crowded room ’Cause the place I’m livin’ in just doesn't feel like home Lookin’ for some new friends I just wanna talk about nothin’


= = = = = =


I’m just looking for some real friends Wonder where they’re all hiding out Got to/Have to get up out of this town I stay up, talking to the moon And feeling so alone in every crowded room Because the place I’m living in just doesn't feel like home Looking for some new friends I just want to talk about nothing

Activity 14 Work in pairs. Ask and provide information about the song lyrics in Activity 13. See the example. Contoh jawaban: You : Let’s talk about Camila Cabello’s song entitled ‘Real Friends’. Your friend : Sure. You : What does the singer tell about in her song? Your friend : She tells about her desire to have real friends. You : Why does she do it? Your friend : She had friends, but they let her down. You : I see. It must be disappointing. Your friend : Anyway, what does she do to look for real friends? You : She gets out from town and makes more friends. She finds out what they are all about, then she decides to have real friends. Your friend : What does she hope? You : She wants to talk about everything with her real friends. Your friend : Real friends mean everything. You : Exactly!

Reread the song lyrics in Activity 13. Suppose you have the same problems with the singer, what will you do? Give your reasons. Contoh jawaban: I will make more friends and look for real friends as my close friends. I will talk about everything to my close friends because they are my real friends. I will respect all of my friends and maintain friendship with them although some are fake friends. I realize that not all friends are kind to me. Just respect others and they will respect me.

Activity 16

Read the following song lyrics. Identify what the song lyrics are about and find the messages of the song lyrics. Share your work with the class. Contoh jawaban: Song lyrics 1 The song lyrics are about father’s sacrifice for his children. He protects his children and gives the best to them. The message: We should love and care for our father.

Song lyrics 2 The song lyrics are about today’s life which people are addicted to cellular phones. The message: We should not be addicted to cellular phones.

Song lyrics 3 The song lyrics are about the relationship of two persons (friends) with different characters. They respect each other and create a good relationship. The message: We should respect each other although we have different characters.

Activity 17 Read the following song lyrics. Complete the statements based on the song lyrics. Jawaban: 1. motivation 2. the condition of a person who is desperate 3. other people to share what in his/her minds are 4. rise up from desperation 5. feel fine in every situation, even when we are in the worst situation

Activity 18 Reread the song lyrics in Activity 17. Retell the song lyrics using your words. Share your work with the class.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Petunjuk Guru:

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami kembali lirik lagu di Activity 17. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menceritakan kembali isi lagu tersebut dengan kalimat masing-masing. Peserta didik dapat menulisnya terlebih dahulu apabila mengalami kesulitan. Peserta didik dapat merekam kegiatan retelling ini dan mengumpulkan rekaman mereka. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai kepada peserta didik, termasuk nilai sikap aktif, kreatif, santun, menghargai, bertanggung jawab, dan percaya diri. Bapak/Ibu Guru menggunakan hasil kerja peserta didik sebagai portofolio.

Contoh jawaban: Hi, friends. I would like to tell you about the song entitled ‘OK Not to Be OK’ sung by Marshmello and Demi Lovato. This is a motivation song. These song lyrics tell us about a person who is desperate. He/ she is high in emotion, losing focus, and feel secluded. The singers suggest he/she share his/her minds to others and rise up from desperation. It will make him/her feel better and enjoy his/her life. We can learn from the song lyrics that we should feel fine in every situation, even when we are in the worst situation. We, as human, can’t control the situation, but we have a choice to have a happy life. That’s all my presentation. Thank you.

Activity 19 What is your favorite song? Write the song lyrics and get the message of the song. Contoh jawaban:

The Greatest (By James Blunt)

Too much to say Too much to lose I get frustrated thinking ’bout the world I brought you to It’s a battle of time That I have with you But don’t decide to have the win or if we’ll make it through

I feel like you deserve a chance to know the truth and to be better than The ones who came before you only to let pride and money weaken them *)

So be the young, the brave, the powerful ’Cause the world is standing waiting for someone to come and change it Yeah, be the young, the brave, the powerful ’Cause we need a soul to save us Need someone to be the greatest

So many words Veiling the truth The others turning and it’s time for us to choose And people will try To take you down too But if I was a betting man, I’d put all my money on you

I know that I have nothing left to give to you to make you better than The man I failed to be, the friends and father that I know I should have been Back *)


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

Nobody knows what to say (Oh no) Nobody shows you the way (Oh no) Some times it’s hard to see Who you’re gonna be

So be the young, the brave, the powerful ’Cause the world is standing waiting for someone to come and change it Yeah, be the young, the brave, the powerful 'Cause we need a soul to save us Need someone to be the greatest Be the young, the brave, the powerful 'Cause the world is standing waiting for someone to come and change it Be the young, the brave, the powerful 'Cause we need a soul to save us Need someone to be the greatest love

Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20210311042425/https://www.lyricsfreak. com/j/james+blunt/the+greatest_1724425.html (March 11, 2021)

The message: We should have young, brave, and powerful soul to save the world.

Activity 20 Homework Find song lyrics about an inspiring theme. Get the message of the song lyrics. Sing the song and play a musical instrument if possible, then state the message of the song lyrics. Record your performance. Petunjuk Guru:


Peserta didik mencari lirik lagu dengan tema/pesan yang inspiratif. 2. Peserta didik menyanyikan lagu tersebut. Mereka dapat memainkan alat musik jika memungkinkan. Kemudian, mereka menyampaikan pesan dalam lagu tersebut. Mereka merekam kegiatan ini. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru menyampaikan bahwa menyanyikan lagu ini merupakan kegiatan pembelajaran dan peserta didik diingatkan untuk tidak mengunggahnya di media sosial tanpa mendapat izin dari pemegang hak cipta. 4. Peserta didik mengumpulkannya kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai, termasuk nilai sikap aktif, berani, santun, menghargai, dan bertanggung jawab.

A.  1.  6. 11. 16.


Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. B D B B

 2.  7. 12. 17.


 3.  8. 13. 18.


 4.  9. 14. 19.

Fill in the blanks correctly.


 5. 10. 15. 20.


Jawaban: 1. friendship 2. we should maintain our friendship because our friends will always be with us

3. 4. 5. C.

environment all people we should care about our environment by doing 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Find the message of the following song lyrics.

Contoh jawaban: The message: Mother is a person who always loves and cares for us, so we have to love and respect her.

Scan the QR code and do the task.

Thank you for your guiding hand, Thank you for making my dreams come true, You’re an extraordinary man, And I hope you’re as proud of me As I am proud of you. Thank you for giving me life, Thank you for showing me good from bad. I guess I’m only really trying to say, Thank you for being my Dad. Even though the years drift away, I never took the time just to say, ’I love you, and I always have, And thank you for being my Dad.’ ‘Thank you for being my Dad.’

Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20210315021609/https://www. metrolyrics.com/thank-you-for-being-my-dad-lyrics-jon-barker.html (March 15, 2021)

Contoh jawaban: Thank You for Being My Dad (By Jon Barker) A son rarely tells his Father How he really feels, A handshake or a pat on the back is all that he reveals, I’d like to right that wrong, Here in this little song.

The song lyrics are about families. It tells us about a son who expresses his gratitude to his father because of his father’s sacrifice for him. His father has shaped his life, taught him, made everything for him, taken his time, showed him the way, and would be beside him when he needed his father. He hopes that he can raise his son as his father raised him. In the end of the song lyrics, he says that he loves his father. From the song lyrics, we can learn that we should love and care for our father because he has sacrificed his life for us. He will do the best for us.

Thank you for shaping my life, Thank you for teaching me all you can, You are no ordinary man, You make me everything I am. Thank you for taking the time, Thank you for showing me the way, And thank you for being there when I need you, Thank you for every single day. Now I’ve been blessed with a son of my own, Got my own bedtime stories to tell, If I can raise him half as well as you raised me, Guess I’ll be doing pretty well.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Final Test 2  A. Choose A. B, C, or D for the correct answer.  1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10.



11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. C

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


Fill in the blanks correctly.

Jawaban: 1. are sold 2. a great crowd of people did not notice it 3. element 4. to promote a newest cell phone/to advertise the latest model of a cell phone 5. is made


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX


Write a report text about part of a body.

Contoh jawaban: Human skin is an organ that forms a protective barrier against germs and other organisms, and keeps the inside of your body and outside of your body. Skin also helps maintain a constant body temperature. Human skin is only about 0.07 inches or 2mm thick. Skin is made up of two layers that cover a third fatty layer. The outer layer is called the epidermis. It is a tough protective layer that contains melanin which protects against the rays of the sun and gives the skin its color. The second layer, located under the epidermis, is called the dermis. It contains nerve endings, sweat glands, oil glands and hair follicles. Under these two skin layers is a fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue. On average, an adult has from 18–20 square feet, around 2 square meters, of skin, which weighs about 6 pounds or 2.7kg.

Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20201106232812/https://www. enchantedlearning.com/subjects/anatomy/skin/ (April 10, 2021)

Remedial Test 2 A. Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. The following text is for questions 1 to 4. A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams, “AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!” To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain, “AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!” Curious, he yells, “Who are you?” He receives the answer, “Who are you?” And then he screams to the mountain, “I admire you!” The voice answers, “I admire you!” Angered at the response, he screams, “Coward!” He receives the answer, “Coward!” He looks to his father and asks, “What’s going on?” The father smiles and says, “My son, pay attention.” Again the man screams, “You are a champion!” The voice answers, “You are a champion!” The boy is surprised, but does not understand. Then the father explains, “People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.” It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart. If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence. This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life; Life will give you back everything you have given to it.” Adopted from: http://www.islamicoccasions.com (February 20, 2021)

 1. What is the purpose of the text? A. To relate past activity B. To describe an event C. To amuse the readers D. To tell about a mountain  2. Who are the characters of the story? A. A boy and his father B. A boy and his friend C. A boy and a mountain D. A father and a mountain  3. “It gives you back everything you say or do.” (Paragraph 3) What does ‘it’ refer to? A. Echo B. The mountain C. The answer D. The voice

 4. How should we behave according to the story? A. Equally B. Nicely C. Patiently D. Honestly

The following text is for questions 5 and 6. About four percent of the population is lefthanded. In the course of history many of the greatest geniuses were left-handed. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, the greatest sculptors of all times, were both left-handed. The brain has a right half and a left half and these two do not function in the same way. It is believed that the left half of the brain is predominant over the right half. As the left half of the brain predominates, the right half of the body is more skilled and better to do things. We read, write, speak, and work with the left half of our brain. This, of course, makes most of us right-handed too. But in the case of left-handed people, it works the other way round right half of the brain is predominant and therefore, best with the left side of the body. Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me Why?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.

 5. How many percent of the population is lefthanded? A. Less than four percent B. Around four percent C. More than four percent D. About five percent  6. Why are people left-handed? A. The left half of the brain predominates. B. The right half is much bigger than the left one. C. The two parts of the brain function in the same way. D. The right half of the brain predominates.

The following text is for questions 7 and 8. Mushrooms are remarkable plants. They have no roots, no stems and no leaves. They grow so fast that you almost feel as if you can see them growing. They are known as fungi, which means they have no chlorophyll to manufacture their own food. 67

The part of the mushroom that you see above the ground is only the fruiting part of the fungus. The rest of the plant lies under the surface in the form of a mass of dense white tangled threads. These threads are called mycelium or spawn. The mycelium threads grow from little spores which are tiny dust-like particles shed from the fully-grown mushroom. On these threads small whitish knobs of tissue bud out and push upwards to expand and finally break out into an umbrella shape. Underneath the umbrella there are little radiating gills which set very close together. It is on these gills that the tiny spores are reloped. The spores then drop out and are carried away by the wind. When the spores fall on surfaces suitable for growth, they develop into new plants.

Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me How?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.

 7. Why are mushrooms considered extraordinary plants? A. They do not have bark to protect the stems. B. They multiply through spores which can grow so fast. C. They can erect straight upward although they are rootless. D. They grow so fast although they do not have roots, stems nor leaves.  8. Mushrooms do not carry out photosynthesis because ________. A. they only have fruiting part B. they do not have chlorophyll C. they should not be exposed from the sun D. they do not bear fruits which is important for growing

This text is for questions 9 to 12. Spinner dolphins get their name from their ability to twirl several times in midair as they leap clear of the sea. Like most dolphin species, spinners are highly social, grouping together in schools that may range from under 200 to 1,000 or more individuals. They often swim with other dolphins and whales as well as fish such as yellowfin and skipjack tuna—a habit that results in many of these mammals dying in commercial tuna nets as bycatch. Although they are deep-water feeders, spinner dolphins retreat to areas safe from predators to rest during the day, usually frequenting the same area such as an inlet, bay, or shallow water. Hunting and feeding occur mainly at night, which is also when they do most of their leaping. Spinner dolphins use touch, such as nudges or flipper rubbing, whistles, 68

Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

and also echolocation to keep in contact with members of their group. They mate year round, and females give birth to a single calf, which stays with its mother for around seven years. Adopted from: Smithsonian, Wildlife of the World, New York, Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2015.

 9. What is the purpose of the text? A. To inform about fish’ life B. To show marine life in general C. To tell about certain spinner dolphin D. To describe spinner dolphin in general 10. Why is the animal in the shallow water? A. To hunt and feed B. To rest during the day C. To swim with other whales D. To twirl several times in midair 11. From the text we know that ________. A. most of spinner dolphins swim alone B. the calf stays with its mother for one year C. the females give birth to more than two calves D. the spinner dolphins are often caught in tuna nets 12. “... as they leap clear of the sea.” (Paragraph 1) What is the closest meaning of ‘leap’? A. Jump B. Float C. Swim D. Reach

The following text is for questions 13 and 14. Holiday will soon arrive. To help you enjoy your holiday, there will be a night fair in the town square. It will last for two weeks. There are plenty of games, rides, and entertainments. Among others are sky merry, merry-go-round, bump cars, a house of ghosts, and the most recent attraction is playing tricks with Ali Baba, the magician. Ticket prices are at affordable. Besides, there is a package for all performances. Let us help you spend the holidays in unforgettable activities.

13. What is text purpose of the text? A. To inform various activities we can do on the holiday B. To persuade people to come to the night fair C. To describe attractions in the night fair D. To promote the town square to people 14. Why will people be interested in going to the night fair? A. The tickets are cheap. B. They can go there anytime.

C. The fair only lasts two weeks. D. There is special price during the holiday.

The following text is for questions 15 and 16. Bina Griya House and Décor Monthly SALE Get interesting discounts on wallpapers and bathroom tiles at Jalan Perjuangan no. 28 Samosir, 0087764596826 Open daily at 9 AM to 8 PM

Make a one of a kind home with Bina Griya Hose and Décor!

15. What is being advertised? A. Decoration services B. Decoration items C. Decoration costs D. Decoration tips 16. The discount will attract people who wants to ________. A. design a house B. buy a new house C. paint their walls D. renovate their bathrooms

This lyric is for questions 17 to 20. It’s a family affair One child grows up to be Somebody that just loves to learn And another child grows up to be Somebody you’d just love to burn Mom loves the both of them You see, it’s in the blood Both kids are good to mom Blood’s thicker than the mud

It’s a family affair (It’s a family affair) Over there, over there

Newlywed a year ago But you’re still checking each other out, hey Nobody wants to blow Nobody wants to be left out, uh-huh

You can’t leave ’cause your heart is there But, sure, you can’t stay ’cause you been somewhere else You can’t cry ’cause you’ll look broke down But you’re cryin’ anyway ’cause you’re all broke down ... Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20160713102529/ https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/slythefamilystone/familyaffair.html (April 12, 2021)

17. What is the song lyrics about? A. Peace B. Family C. Friendship D. Motivation 18. Blood’s thicker than the mud (Stanza 3) What does it show? A. Peace in people’s heart B. Caring to people around us C. Giving happiness to our family D. Closeness of family relationship 19. Who is the song lyrics addressed to? A. Parents B. Children C. A couple D. All people 20. What can we learn from the song lyrics? A. We should love to learn. B. We should love our family. C. We should rise from sadness. D. We should support our friends.

Remedial Test 2


Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Remedial Test 2  1. Jawaban: C Teks tersebut merupakan teks naratif. Tujuan teks naratif adalah menghibur (entertain/ amuse) pendengar atau pembacanya. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain bukan tujuan teks naratif; (A) adalah tujuan teks recount, (B) adalah tujuan teks deskriptif, dan (D) adalah tujuan teks report.  2. Jawaban: A Tokoh cerita tersebut dijelaskan di kalimat pertama teks, ”A son and his father were walking on the mountains.” yang artinya ”Seorang anak laki-laki dan ayahnya sedang berjalan di pegunungan.”. Jadi, tokoh cerita tersebut adalah seorang anak laki-laki dan ayahnya. Pilihan jawaban (A) benar.  3. Jawaban: A Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat sebelumnya, ”Then the father explains, ”People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.”” yang artinya ”Kemudian sang ayah menjelaskan, ”Orangorang menyebut ini GEMA (ECHO), tetapi sebenarnya inilah KEHIDUPAN.””. Jadi, KATA ’it’ merujuk pada gema (echo), sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (A).  4. Jawaban: B Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat terakhir teks. ”Life will give you back everything you have given to it.” yang artinya ”Hidup akan mengembalikan semua yang telah kamu berikan padanya.”. Maka, kita harus bersikap baik (nicely) agar hidup kita baik, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (B). Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan nilai moral cerita tersebut; (A) artinya dengan sama, (C) artinya dengan sabar, dan (D) artinya dengan jujur.  5. Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat awal teks, ”About four percent of the population is left-handed.” yang artinya ”Sekitar empat persen populasi merupakan orang kidal.“


Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX

 6. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban (D) sesuai dengan kalimat ”But in the case of left-handed people, it works the other way round right half of the brain is predominant ....”.  7. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban (D) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraf satu, ”They have no roots, no stems and no leaves. They grow so fast that you almost feel as if you can see them growing.” yang artinya ”Jamur tidak mempunyai akar, batang, dan daun. Tumbuhan ini berkembang dengan sangat cepat sehingga kamu hampir dapat menyaksikannya tumbuh.”.  8. Jawaban: B Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat terakhir paragraf satu, ”They are known as fungi, which means they have no chlorophyll to manufacture their own food.” yang artinya ”Mereka dikenal sebagai jamur, yang berarti mereka tidak memiliki klorofil untuk memproduksi makanan mereka sendiri.”. Karena tidak memiliki klorofil, jamur tidak dapat melakukan fotosintesis. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (B) benar.  9. Jawaban: D Teks tersebut merupakan teks report yang mendeskripsikan lumba-lumba spinner secara umum. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (D), yang artinya untuk mendeskripsikan lumba-lumba spinner secara umum, benar. 10. Jawaban: B Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf dua, ”Although they are deep-water feeders, spinner dolphins retreat to areas safe from predators to rest during the day, usually frequenting the same area such as an inlet, bay, or shallow water.” yang artinya ”Meskipun lumba-lumba spinner merupakan pemburu makan di perairan dalam, lumba-lumba spinner mundur ke daerah yang aman dari predator untuk beristirahat di siang hari, biasanya sering mengunjungi daerah yang sama seperti air masuk, teluk, atau perairan dangkal.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (B) benar.

11. Jawaban: D Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf dua, ”They often swim with other dolphins and whales as well as fish such as yellowfin and skipjack tuna—a habit that results in many of these mammals dying in commercial tuna nets as bycatch.” yang artinya ”Mereka sering berenang bersama lumba-lumba dan paus lain serta ikan seperti sirip kuning dan tuna cakalang — kebiasaan yang menyebabkan banyak mamalia ini mati di jaring tuna komersial sebagai tangkapan sampingan.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (D) benar. 12. Jawaban: A Kata ’leap’ dan ’jump’ bermakna sama yaitu melompat. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (A) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain maknanya berbeda; (B) artinya mengapung, (C) artinya berenang, dan (D) artinya mencapai. 13. Jawaban: B Teks tersebut merupakan teks iklan tentang pasar malam di alun-alun kota. Hal tersebut dintunjukkan oleh kalimat, ”To help you enjoy your holiday, there will be a night fair in the town square.” yang artinya ”Untuk membantu Anda menikmati masa liburan, akan ada pasar malam di alun-alun kota.”. Tujuan teks tersebut yaitu mengajak orang untuk mengunjungi pasar malam, sesuai dengan pilihan (B). Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks; (A) artinya memberi informasi tentang berbagai kegiatan yang dapat kita lakukan saat berlibur, (C) artinya menggambarkan berbagai hiburan di pasar malam, dan (D) artinya mempromosikan alun-alun kota kepada orang banyak. 14. Jawaban: A Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat, ”Ticket prices are at affordable.” yang artinya ”Harga tiketnya terjangkau.”. Jadi, yang akan menarik orang datang ke pasar malam tersebut adalah harga tiket yang terjangkau atau murah. Pilihan jawaban (A) benar.

15. Jawaban: B Jawaban disimpulkan dari keterangan, ”Get interesting discounts on wallpapers and bathroom tiles” yang artinya ”Dapatkan potongan harga yang menarik untuk kertas dinding dan ubin kamar mandi”. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa iklan tersebut tentang benda-benda untuk dekorasi rumah. Pilihan jawaban (B) benar. 16. Jawaban: D Barang yang mendapatkan potongan harga yaitu kertas dinding dan ubin kamar mandi. Jadi, orang yang tertarik pada iklan tersebut ingin memasang kertas dinding atau merenovasi kamar mandinya. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks; (A) artinya mendesain rumah, (B) artinya membeli rumah baru, dan (C) artinya mengecat dinding rumahnya. 17. Jawaban: B Lirik lagu tersebut tentang keluarga. Itu disimpulkan dari lirik lagu yang diulang-ulang ”It’s a family affair” yang artinya ”Ini urusan keluarga”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (B) benar. 18. Jawaban: D Lirik tersebut artinya ”Darah lebih kental daripada lumpur”. Darah menunjukkan hubungan keluarga. Jadi, lirik tersebut menunjukkan kedekatan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (D). 19. Jawaban: D Lirik lagu tersebut menceritakan tentang hubungan keluarga yang saling mencintai. Jadi, lirik lagu tersebut ditujukan untuk semua orang, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (D). 20. Jawaban: B Lirik lagu tersebut menceritakan tentang hubungan keluarga yang saling mencintai. Jadi, kita harus mencintai keluarga kita, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (B). Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan teks.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Remedial Test 2