Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 [PDF]

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BAHAN AJAR BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 8 Chapter I IT’S ENGLISH TIME - Asking and Giving Attention Asking and giving attention Asking attention/Meminta perhatian adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta perhatian dari seseorang. Giving attention/Memberi Perhatian adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan perhatian/respon. Asking for attention

Giving Attention

1. May I have your attention

1. Yes Sir/Ma’am

2. Can I get the attention

2. Ok

3. Excuse me

3. I see

4. Attention please!

4. Really

5. Listen to me

5. All right

The instructor give an explanation to the participants Contoh Dialogue: Read and practise the following dialogue then answer the questions

Mrs. Susi Students Mrs. Susi Students Mrs. Susi Students Mrs. Susi

: Don’t be noisy. Attention please! : Yes, Ma’am : Okay, next week we will do mid-examination. : What ! : Listen to me! : Yes, Ma’am : The material that should be learned is from Chapter 1 until chapter 4.

Students Mrs. Susi

Don’t forget to enrich you vocabularies with exercise! : Yes Ma’am : Okay, that’s all for today. Good luck then!

Questions 1. How many person are there in the dialogue? Who are they? 2. What does the teacher tell to the students? 3. What does the teacher say to get the attention? 4. When will the students have a mid-exams? 5. What material should be learned by the students? Exercise: Rearrange the dialogue into a good one! Students : Yes, Ma’am Teacher : Everybody, may I have your attention, please? Teacher : We will use English in our class. Do you understand me, Siti What did I Siti Teacher Teacher Students Teacher Students


say? : Yes, Ma’am, We will use English in our English class. : Good morning, students : Listen to my explanation : Good morning, Ma’a, : Everybody, are you ready to learn English now? : Yes, Ma’am

Checking For Understanding

Setelah Asking for Attention, yang kedua adalah Checking for Understanding. Checking for undertanding adalah ungkapan atau ekspresi yang digunakan untuk mengecek pemahaman seseorang atau lawan bicara kita mengenai apa yang kita sampaikan kepadanya. Respon yang diberikan bisa positif (paham) atau negatif (tidak paham).

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 1.

Checking for understanding (Mengecek Pemahaman) Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I am saying Do you follow me? Do you undertand? Got it? Is it clear? Are you following me?


Showing understanding (Menunjukkan kepahaman) I see I understand I get it Yes I understand what you are saying I know what you mean I’m with you


Expressing Lack of Undertanding (Menunjukkan kekurang pahaman/tidak paham) I don’t get it I’m sorry. What do you mean? Excuse me, but I’m not following you Again, please I don’t understand What do you mean? I don’t quite follow you

Contoh Dialog: Dialogue 1

Mr. Shidqi Students Mr. Shidqi Students Dialogue 2 Mother Tiara Mother Tiara Mother Tiara Mother

: We will make an advertisement today. Do you understand? : Yes, Sir. : What did I say? : We will make an advertisement, sir. : Dear, can you help me to cook fish? : Yes, Mom : Will you buy me some fish in the market, first? : Okay, Mom. I will go there by a motorcycle : All right. And please don’t forget to buy ginger at Mak Sumi’s shop. Do you know what I mean, dear? : I don’t quite follow you, Mom. : please don’t forget to buy ginger at Mak Sumi’s shop Okay, be careful dear. : thank you Mom. I’ll go now.


Berikut adalah contoh latihan soal untuk dialog 2 (Mother and Tiara) Question for exercise (Dialogue 2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

How many persons are there in the dialogue 2? Where does the conversation take place? What does Tiara’s mother want Tiara to do? Where will Tiara buy fish? How do Tiara go to the market? Does her mother want her to buy anything else? Where should Tiara buy ginger? What does her mother say to check whether Tiara understands or not? And what is Tiara’s response ? Do you think that she is happy to go to market?

Complete the dialogues using the words in the box! a. No, I don’t b. I see c. Do you undertand? d. Any question e. Please pay attention?

Dialogue 1 Mr. Musto Students

: We will make an greeting card. . . .(1) : Yes, Sir

Dialogue 2 Rissa Nisa Rissa

: Do you understand the homework? : . . . . (2) How about you? : Yes, I do.

Dialogue 3 Teacher

: Ok . . . . (3) I will describe what the simple past tense is. Simple past is used to talk about finished actions

Students Teacher Bima Teacher

that happened at a spesific time in the past. : . . . . (4) : . . . . (5) : Please explain the example of simple past tense, Sir. : All right.

- Showing Appreciation Expressing compliments Showing appreciation adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberi penghargaan atau pujian atau komentar terhadap seseorang mengenai penampilan, prestasi, dan sebagainya.

How beautiful you are, honey! Compliments/Appreciation Well done! That’s great! How beautiful you are! What a nice shirt! Nice work! You’re great! I appreciate your effort How clever you are! I like you ....

Responses Thank you That’s very kind of you Yeah, thanks It’s nothing I’m glad you like it Thanks. It’s nice of you to say so Do you really think so? Many thanks

Untuk memberi pujian atau kekaguman kepada seseorang kita dapat menggunakan kalimat kekaguman dengan menggunakan “How/What”. How atau what di sini bukan berarti kata tanya atau question word tetapi berati “Alangkah, betapa atau sungguh” Contoh: How handsome you are! (Alangkah gantengnya kamu)

How smart you are! (Betapa pintarnya kamu) How clean this room is! (Sungguh bersih ruangan ini) What a kind man he is! (Betapa baiknya laki-laki itu) What a nice t-shirt! (Betapa bagus kaos ini) What an expensive motorcycle it is! (Alangkah mahalnya sepeda motor itu) What cheap laptops they are! (Sungguh murah laptop-laptop itu) Berikut adalah contoh dialog memberi pujian (compliments) Fayyadh : Hi Fatimah, How are you Fatimah : Hello, Fayyadh, I’m fine. And you? Fayyadh : I’m okay, thank you. Where are going Fatimah? Fatimah : I’m going to pick up my mother. Fayyadh : Is that your new bicycle, Fatimah? What a nice bicycle it is! Fatimah : Yes, it is. Thanks Fayyadh. Fayyadh : You’re welcome. Questions based on the dialogue 1. How many persons are there in the dialogue? Who are they? 2. Where will Fatimah go? 3. How does she go? 4. What is the expression used to give compliments in the dialogue? 5. What is the response use to respond the compliments? Latihan Soal Tentang Showing Appreciation/Compliments Rearrange the following dialogue into a good one! Slamet : Excellent friend! Gombol : Yes, of course. I prepare it well Gombol : Thanks friend. Slamet : Really? Gombol : Hey, You know I get a good mark in my exam. Complete the dialogue below with suitable expression! 1. A : Look at the house! B : The house is very . . . . and . . . . isn’t it? A : Yes, I think the house is very big and large 2.

Nani Yani

: Look, this is my cat. It ‘s . . . . isn’t it? : Yes, I think it is . . .



: Wow, the boy i s diligent and smart : Yes, I think he is . . . .


Ana Dito Ani

: What do you think about my picture? : I think it is ... : Amazing! Really? Thank you.



: Look, this is my bird. It is .... isn’t it? : Yes, I think it’s beautiful.


Asking, giving, and responding opinions

materi pembelajaran siswa SMP/MTs mengenai ekspresi. Ekspresi yang mengungkapkan mengenai permintaan pendapat, memberi pendapat dan merespon pendapat tersebut. Berikut ini adalah ungkapan atau expression yang digunakan:

Contoh kalimat yang mengungkapkan pendapat(opini) dalam Bahasa Inggris Ekspresi yang digunakan untuk meminta pendapat(opinion) -

What do you think of….? What do you think about …? What’s your opinion of…? What do you feel about…? What can you say about….? How do you feel about…? Do you think….? What’s your idea…?

Ekspresi yang digunakan untuk memberi opini -

In my opinion… In my view… I think… I believe… I guess… To my mind… What I have in my mind…

Jawaban atau respon atas pendapat yang dilontarkan -

I think so That’s right It’s true I don’t think so If I may say so,…

- I disagree - I can’t say that Contoh penggunaan ekspresi di dalam dialog: 1. Erna: What do you think of our English teacher? Almusto: He is smart and teaches us clearly. Erna : That’s right 2. Ari : What is your opinion of smoking? Ahdi : I think Smoking is not good for our health. Ari : I think so. 3. Hani : Do you think it will rain today? Aryoso: I guess it is going to rain today because the sky is cloudy. Hani: I don’t think so, The sun still shines. 4. Paul: how do you feel about the 2014 election? Likha: I believe that there’ll be many “golput”. Many people don’t trust the leaders in this country anymore. They have corrupted. Paul: I disagree. As a good citizen we must choose our leader. 5.

Mr. Amir Ridho Mr. Amir Gani Mr. Amir Hadi Mr. Amir Students Mr. Amir Students

: Look, everybody. I have a new English book. What do you think : : : : : : : : :

about it? In my opinion, it is such an expensive book. Very good. How about you Gani? Well, I think it’s OK. I like that. It’s not thick and no expensive. Good. Anybody has another opinion? Yes, I have. My opinion is that the book is too thick. Good. All your answers are correct. Do you understand, students? Yes, sir. Great. You’re really smart. Thank you.

Soal Latihan Asking, giving and responding opinions Written By Mustofa on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 | 8:31 AM A. Complete the dialogue using the following expressions in the box!

a. b. c. d. e.

I agree with you No, definitely not I don’t think so I think so That’s a good idea