Effer !QFPIRA00T50XService and Installation Manual - Crane On Truck PDF [PDF]

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1 Presentation............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 2 Identification of installation parts.................................................................................................................................24 3 Handling instructions of parts to be installed on the truck ...............................................................................25 4 Identification of the serial number of the crane......................................................................................................29 5 Parts and installation information................................................................................................................................31 6 Installation calculations....................................................................................................................................................52 7 Constructional information for the counter-chassis..............................................................................................62 8 Fitting the components on the truck..........................................................................................................................84 9 Hydraulic connections of the crane.......................................................................................................................... 119 10 Electrical connections.................................................................................................................................................. 128 11Additional outriggers.................................................................................................................................................... 132 12 Installing and commissioning some accessories............................................................................................... 136 13 Running-in the crane................................................................................................................................................... 141 14 Stability tests................................................................................................................................................................... 142 15 Crane conversions......................................................................................................................................................... 150 16 Crane consignment...................................................................................................................................................... 152 17 Measurement conversion table............................................................................................................................... 157

A2 TECHNICAL OPERATIONS 1 Tightening torque of the mechanical components................................................................................................. 3 2 Crane slewing transversal clearance.............................................................................................................................. 5 3 Reducing clearances in extension cylinders............................................................................................................19 4 Maximum wear point allowed for extension bushings........................................................................................22 5 Pipe fastening......................................................................................................................................................................23 5.1 Flex hose protective sheath..................................................................................................................................25 6 Unintentional exit of extension cylinders..................................................................................................................27 7 Visual check - Structural Intactness..............................................................................................................................31 8 Structural repairs.................................................................................................................................................................33






Installation instructions of cranes on trucks


Manuale installatore

CONTENTS 1 - Presentation General information 1.1 Responsibilities 1.2 General warnings 1.2.1 Safety instructions 1.2.2 Welding instructions 1.2.3 Truck information 1.2.4 Welding tips 1.2.5 Welding notes 1.3 Responsibilities of the tter 1.3.1 Technical folder 1.4 Where to nd technical data 2 - Identication of installation parts 2.1 Foreword 3 - Handling instructions of parts to be installed on the truck 3.1 - Instructions supplied by the manufacturer 3.2 - Storage - Disassembly - Disposal 4 - Identication of the serial number of the crane 5 - Parts and installation information 5.1 Instructions on requested oil ow rates and pressures 5.2 Sizing of the power take-off and hydraulic pump 5.2.1 Operating the crane with an alternative power unit 5.2.2 Checking the power of the host vehicle’s engine 5.3 Crane bracketing material 5.4 Counter-chassis 5.5 Truck board 5.6 Spaces required to install the crane correctly 5.7 Identifying the rotation dead centre point 5.8 Changing the rotation dead centre point 6 Installation calculations 6.1 Purpose of the calculation 2/158

Fitter’s manual 6.2 Useful information on calculating the theoretic weight test on the axles 6.3 Information on calculating the theoretic stability test 7 - Constructional information for the counter-chassis 7.1 Cross section of the counter-chassis 7.2 Assembling the counter-chassis 7.3 Built-in counter-chassis 8- Fitting the components on the truck 8.1 Fitting the hydraulic power take-off 8.2 Fitting the hydraulic pump 8.3 Fitting the counter-chassis 8.4 Securing the crane 8.5 Fitting the outrigger cylinders on the crane and any vertical extensions envisaged 8.6 Attachment/adjustments for feasible raised control station 8.7 Manoeuvring station 9 Hydraulic connections of the crane 9.1 Choosing the components 9.2 Sizing the pipes 9.3 Characteristics of the hydraulic oil 10 Electrical connections 11 Additional outriggers 11.1 Fitting “feasible” additional outriggers 11.2 Free space under the outrigger jack 12 Installing and commissioning some accessories 12.1 Additional hydraulic y-jib 12.2 Mechanical extensions 12.3 Winch 12.4 Radio controller 13 Running-in the crane 14 Stability tests 14.1 Static test 14.2 Dynamic test 15 Crane conversions 16 Crane consignment 17 Measurement conversion table


Manuale installatore

1 - PRESENTATION EFFER hydraulic cranes can be qualied as Loader Cranes, as they are usually installed on a truck (with trailer or semi-trailer) and are designed to handle loads non-continuously; in other words they are designed to load-unload the truck and possible trailer or semi-trailer and envisage IDLE times when they are driven on the road on the truck, hypothetically for a maximum of 1000 hours per year, under intermittent service with medium/light duty work cycles. If they are to be used for different purposes, contact the After Sales service of the manufacturer to receive information on the shorter life of the crane and on which inspections the customer/user shall perform more frequently. The manufacturer has written this document to facilitate the work of tters, with regard to the installation of the crane on the truck and everything deriving from such activities, such as the preparation of an efcient “Technical Folder” that the customer shall keep in his les. This document provides all the technical information required to install the crane perfectly, including the description of the tests to be carried out at the end of the installation jobs. If you should encounter any problems that are not contemplated in this document, contact the manufacturer’s After Sales staff, who will provide you with instructions following written requests. This manual has been written for specialists. Contact the After Sales service of EFFER if you should have any doubts or questions. The contents of this manual do not exempt you from studying and observing all the standards currently in force with regard to design, manufacture and safety.

1.1 Responsibilities The responsibility of the design, manufacture and assembly of upper structures on trucks, likewise for any modications to the chassis of the truck is always and exclusively and totally to the charge of the manufacturer and/or the tter of the upper structure. Road safety and operational safety are regulated by standards currently in force in the country of use. Damages caused by the incorrect assembly and installation of the crane or by the failed observance of the design and safety standards and operating instructions are to the charge of the tters. Upper structures or modications shall be approved by the truck manufacturer. When installing the crane, tters must bear in mind the provisions, suggestions and instructions issued by the truck manufacturer, in order to guarantee the perfect operating efciency of the vehicle and all the safety and driving conditions of the same, together with any local standards of which we are not informed: we remind you that the observance of the instructions issued by the truck manufacturer and of local provisions have priority over our instructions. ALL THE BEST!!


Fitter’s manual 1.2 - General warnings 1.2.1 - Safety instructions When installing the crane, the tter must not only refer to the directives currently in force in the country of use but also all the Health & Safety provisions related to workshops and load handling. - Always make sure you have read and fully understood the Fitter’s manual before you start to install the crane. The failed observance of the instructions therein relieves EFFER from all forms of liability with regard to personal injuries and/or material damages. - Make sure that crane/truck installation accessories (pumps, power take-offs etc.) have their own instructions and EC declaration of conformity for countries belonging to the European Community. - Mark off the operating areas, leaving enough space to be able to install and move the crane installation parts around, in full respect of all the Health & Safety provisions currently in force with regard to workshops and load handling. - Loads are to be handled in conditions of total safety (counter-chassis, cranes, truck boards etc.), also following the instructions enhanced in the pages that follow. - Operators shall be skilled and psycho-physically t to install and rig-out the crane/truck. - Do not work if you are not dressed suitably (i.e. do not wear ties, baggy clothing, unbuttoned shirts/jackets and/or dangling items. Do not wear personal jewellery such as bracelets, watches etc.). - Make sure all components have been tted perfectly before starting the crane. - Read this manual carefully and also the specic manual of the crane before you start, use, service or do anything else with the crane. - We remind you that the employer and/or directors are obliged to inform workers on the risks of injury and shall provide suitable personal protection equipment. - Do not allow unauthorised personnel to work on the machine. - Stabilise and level the crane-truck adequately so that you always work on a at surface. - Do not start the truck indoors unless the workshop has an adequate extractor and discharge system for the lethal combustion fumes. - In extreme and particularly harsh working conditions, always guarantee that there is an extra operator at hand who is ready to act in the case of danger or hazard.


Manuale installatore - Never use petrol, solvents or other ammable liquids instead of detergents: Always use authorised commercial non-ammable and non-toxic solvents. - Use lifting tackle and suitable lifting equipment to lift or transport heavy parts. Make sure the lifting tackle is perfectly intact. Use the lifting eyebolts, if envisaged, and make sure nobody stands near the operating area. - Take appropriate precautions in the case of damaged or bent chains or cables: always wear suitably thick work gloves. Chains or ropes are to be secured rmly: make sure the attachment is of suitable load-bearing capacity to be able to take the weight of the load to be lifted. Always make sure nobody stands in the work area. - Make sure all parts of the hydraulic circuit are secured adequately. Make sure there are no pressurised uids before dismantling unions or pipes: pressurised oil could spurt out of the circuits and cause serious injuries. - Never service or disassemble accessories without using suitable tools and personal protection equipment, in compliance with Health & Safety standards currently in force (gloves, helmet, goggles etc.)

1.2.2 - Welding instructions The installation of the crane also envisages some welding points, in particular on the counter-chassis when the crane is positioned on the truck. Before you start any welding jobs, you are reminded to protect the electronic equipment of the truck following the instructions of the individual manufacturers. We remind you that the electronic equipment of the crane, such as the electronic load restrictor, the radio controller, the winch pull restrictor etc. must also be protected when welding on the counter-chassis or on the truck board. Proceed as follows to protect the various electronic components from serious damages: - strictly follow the indications given by the truck manufacturer; - isolate all the electrical cables of the crane, of the batteries and any other electrical connection points on the vehicles.


Fitter’s manual

ATTENTION!!! The crane mainly consists of parts in highly exible special steel: therefore never weld any part of the crane without authorisation and instructions on behalf of the manufacturer.

ATTENTION!!! Before you start any welding jobs, always disconnect the electrical cables from the battery to avoid damages to the electrical and electronic equipment.


Manuale installatore 1.2.3 - Truck information When choosing the truck, you need to carefully evaluate if the technical characteristics of the same are compatible with the characteristics of the crane to be installed, in particular 1) theoretic evaluation concerning weight distribution and stability of the truck while the crane is working; 2) check the characteristics of the engine/gear box of the truck with regard to the power required for crane operation. Together with the instructions and safety warnings indicated in the instruction manual of the truck, the following is also important: - Make sure the equipment of the truck can be freely accessed to carry out periodic inspections, maintenance, tests etc. and make sure enclosed upper structures are equipped with appropriate compartments and hatches. - Make sure tipping cabs are able to move freely; in the case of upper structures that involve the upper part of the cab, make sure the air extracted is able to circulate freely.

? - Do not modify the cooling and extraction conditions of the engine air. - If the position of the spare wheel, the chucks and the fuel tank is changed, make sure their new position and attachment is accessible and safe, in compliance with national and international standards and with the instructions of the truck manufacturer. - Make sure the various units can be dismantled. For example: you must be able to work on the gear box and clutch without having to disassemble major elements of the additional structure. - Make sure the battery casing is adequately ventilated.


Fitter’s manual 1.2.4 Welding tips We believe that a short chapter on welding should not go amiss: welding jobs that must be done obligatory to construct the counter-chassis, to secure feasible casing/mudguards or truck boards, to attach the base rotation blocking devices and so on. Good welding rules impose the execution of the same in areas sheltered from wind and where the temperature is higher than 10°C. Parts involved in welding jobs must be: • cleaned with grinder • perfectly dry Hypothetically speaking, the following materials will be used to construct the counter-chassis: S 355 - Fe 510 - Fe 52 - Gr 50 - S 420 - Fe E420 /St E420 - Fe E420 /St E490 We recommend the use of the following electrode: - AWS A5.1 / SFA 5.1: E 7018-1 H4R, recommended diameter 2.5 - 3.25 mm. Or in the case of wire welding: - full wire AWS A5.18 ER 70S-6 EN420G42, recommended diameter 1-1.2 mm - gas classied EN439 type M21: ARGON (85% - 75%) + C02 (15% - 25%) HELIUM (85% - 75%) + C02 (15% - 25%) - quantity of gas regulated on the outlet of the cylinder: 12 I / min. indoors, 18 I / min. outdoors. - welding current: 160-180 A for wire diameter 1 mm. 190-230 A for wire diameter 1.2 mm. The workshop shall be rigged-out to be able to turn the counter-chassis: this is indispensable to perform the bottom joining welds and to avoid welding vertically.


Manuale installatore 1.2.5 Welding notes: 1) Welding is correct when it is free from marginal incisions. Marginal incisions shall be eliminated by grinding (if small, max. 0.3 mm) or by means of an additional welding bead.

2) It is absolutely forbidden to cool welded pieces with forced cooling sources (water, compressed air.) 3) The minimum welding section - S - shall be equal to or greater than the minimum thickness welded; it must never exceed 20% of the minimum thickness welded whatever the case. The most common types of welding used to assemble the counter-chassis are the following: 55°÷ 60° S B

1÷2 mm







B> A S




Fitter’s manual Welding beads: Welding beads: with S>6 mm, are to be welded with a number of applications.

Filled welding: To speed-up welding jobs, with the lling method (i.e.: union point between the side members and the cross members) you can place metal wedges in-between: the formula s> a must be respected in any event.






Manuale installatore

1.3 - Responsibilities of the tter The tter shall proceed following the instructions supplied by the manufacturer, as he has full responsibility of the correct execution. The fitter shall define the suitable crane/truck combination and is responsible for the design/manufacture of the parts required for installation and also their perfect assembly. Always observe laws and indications supplied by the truck manufacturer and standards currently in force in the country of use.

The fundamental points to be analysed to complete the job correctly are given hereafter:


Suitable truck/vehicle, crane position:

Calculate/test the weights on the axles. Calculate the stability in advance, as imposed by DIN 15019-EN12999

Choice of power take-off/hydraulic pump:

Calculations according to the oil ow rate requested by the crane and the maximum requested pressure. Check the power of the engine for the power requested to operate the crane.

Counter-chassis design:

Calculate the counter-chassis section (see standard EN 12999-CUNA NC034-05)

Choice of additional outriggers:

Check suitability following the instructions given by the manufacturer.

Choice of electrical and hydraulic systems:

the material applied must have superior or the same characteristics as the crane and must respect current standards in terms of safety whatever the case.


Fitter’s manual Practical stability tests: Testing with rated capacities and overload Refer to standards DIN 15019, EN12999, DIN 15018, directive 96/37/EC. (table E) Write the nal documents: Certicate of suitability for work. EC certicate for the European Community.

Consignment to user:

The tter shall provide all the instructions on how to operate the crane correctly and must consign all the documentation requested. Testing and auto-certication of the tter: According to current laws and standards (*) On request the manufacturer supplies more detailed instructions.

NOTE: The tter who rigs out the vehicle actually creates a new machine. He therefore becomes the manufacturer of such machine and shall full the provisions of all laws currently in force. For countries in the European Community, the job is completed with the issue of a new EC certificate and the fitters own certicate of CONFORMITY. The work carried out shall be documented in the Technical Folder.

(*): in UE-SEE countries, EC conformity to directive 96/37/EC of the whole machine/assembly in which the hydraulic crane is tted shall be guaranteed by the tter/who ever commissions the crane and who must issue the EC declaration subject to appendix II-A of the same directive. 13/158

Manuale installatore 1.3.1 - Technical folder The tter shall keep a technical folder with all the work carried out on le. Fitters in the European Community shall keep this folder on le for at least 10 years, available for relative authorities to consult it. It is simply a le of all the work phases carried out. This folder shall contain the following: 1- Technical characteristics of the truck and of the crane: for the truck, it is a copy of the logbook or of the data sheets concerning the technical characteristics; for the crane it is a copy of the technical characteristics taken from the “production information” documents, which can be consulted on the internet site: www.effer.it 2- If additional outriggers are tted, add a copy of the table issued by EFFER concerning the outriggers, enhancing the minimum distance from the crane to which they can be installed: this distance obviously must be the same or further away. The table involved is kept in the documents of the crane or it can be consulted on the internet site: www.effer.it. 3- Theoretic calculation of the distribution test of weights on the truck axles, in the two different transport congurations (empty and fully loaded): you are recommended to use the tables issued by EFFER relative to the weights of the crane including, oil, crane bracketing rods, weights of the pump and power take-off, kept in the “production information” documents or consultable on the internet site: www.effer.it. 4- Theoretic calculation of the stability test carried out subject to standard DIN 15019 - EN12999: to determine the correct value of the tipping torque, in other words the test load, adopt the load up-rating coefcients found in the “product information” documents or consultable on the internet site: www.effer.it 5- Theoretic calculation of the section of the counter-chassis, carried out subject to standard EN 12999-CUNA NC034-05. The values of the various dynamic torques required to complete the calculation are found in the “production information” documents or consultable on the internet site: www.effer.it 6- Stability tests: once the crane has been installed and the practicable part of the truck has been completed, the practical stability tests are to be carried out: these tests are to be carried out in the operating area of the crane and involve two types: dynamic test and static test. • For the dynamic test, you need to put loads equal to those indicated in the load-bearing capacity graph table on the lifting hook, if the performance has been downrated due to the non theoretic stability of the truck, plus 10%, then make all the movements possible with the crane. • For the static test, the loads to be put on the hook of the crane are those uprated and obtained from the theoretic stability calculation; the only movement to be made is that of rotating around the whole operating area, keeping the load very near the ground. Throughout these two tests, the truck must remain stable, in other words at least three points must rest rmly on the ground without moving (three points found between the tyres and the 14/158

Fitter’s manual outriggers of the crane). Once these stability tests have been completed, the dedicated form is to be filled-in with the date, the signature of the operator and the stamp of the company (see chapter 14 for further information). A copy of this document is to be enclosed with the control register of the specic crane. 7- EC declaration of conformity of the crane and any other EC product declarations of conformity relative to accessories installed self-sufciently by the workshop. 8- Copy of the EC declaration and of the certicate of conformity relative to the new machine, signed by the legal representative of the company that carried out the installation: this document is obligatory for countries belonging to the European Community. 9- Risk analysis: if accessories complete with an EC certicate are installed on the crane (buckets, winches, radio and remote controllers.) or in any event if the crane has been modied or customised, the technical folder must include a copy of the instructions of the same and a declaration stating that all the operating risks that may derive following the conversion have been analysed and at the time of consignment are non-existent. We advise you to include any other documents in the technical folder that may prove useful to prove what you have done : 10- Certicate of the material related to crane bracketing tie-rods if they are not purchased from EFFER. 11- Certicate of the material relative to the construction of the counter-chassis. 12- Copy of the certicate relative to the welding wire and the welding gas used to construct the counter-chassis. 13- For countries belonging to the European Community: Photocopy of the EC label that you apply relative to the marking of the new “Machine”. An example of what is requested on this subject is included in the “production information” documents that can be consulted on the internet site: www.effer.it 14- Indication relative to the calculation made to determine the power take-off and the hydraulic pump, with copy of the technical characteristics of the same. 15- Copy of the Delivery Documents to the customer, which must state that the customer has been informed on how to use the crane and that you have given the customer a copy of the operator manual, spare parts catalogue etc.


Manuale installatore

1.4 Where to nd technical data The pages that follow inform you on how to nd the technical data relative to the truck, to the crane and to the components that may be installed; furthermore, as an example, we are enclosing a specimen of the technical data sheets to identify the technical data relative to the components to be installed. We advise you to write down all the data that you may need to be able to calculate the theoretic distribution of the weights on the axles and the stability (see chapter 6). Truck: All truck manufacturers provide the technical data of their products, either on technical data sheets or on their internet sites. The technical data required to make the installation calculations are those relative to the dimensions and weights. As an example, a truck with pitch P (distance between the axles) of A = 3.900 m.

General measurements in mm Maximum height “O” with CR19 Comfortline with CR19 Highline with CR19 Topline with CR19 Comfortline with lowered roof and CR16 Steeline Height of rear chassis edge from ground (when empty) V

3.408 3.608 3.976 3.168 1.015

Distance “D min.” LH unloading Vertical unloading

CR16 610 920

Measurements that depend on the pitch, in mm *Practicable spaces with CR19 Comfortline and Highline

* Practicable spaces with CR19 Topline

* Practicable spaces with CR16 Steeline L

Weights and dimensions refer to vehicles with standard equipment. Weights may vary by ±3% Weights of cab truck, Kg Weight on front axle, max. Weight on 2nd axle, max. Weight on 3rd axle, max. Overall weight Towable weight Total weight of truck and trailer


Key W: Maximum practicable space w: minimum practicable space Z: Maximum overhang for testing z: Minimum overhang for testing Zs: Maximum overhang for Scania L: Maximum length of vehicle T: ton (kg) S: Free space behind cab

CR19 890 1.100

Fitter’s manual Crane: Note: the documents that follow mainly aim at explaining how to install the crane behind the cab, because this is the position that is most frequently requested. The technical data sheets do however include all the technical elements to face other types of installation (rear, on tractor for semi-trailer etc.).

An example crane model 340.11 / 4 extensions is chosen, being a standard machine with uprated outriggers that extend from the side.

Truck pitch of 3.900 m.

with 340.11 / 4 extensions

The information necessary relative to the technical data of the crane can be consulted in the technical data sheets supplied by EFFER on its internet site: www.effer.it EFFER provides all its dealers and importers with a password to access the “TEC INFO” section of the site to be able to consult and print the required technical data sheets relative to the crane. The technical data of the crane necessary are the following: a) dimensions, weights and centres of gravity

page 18

b) Load chart

page 18

c) Hydraulic diagram

page 19

d) Model of additional outriggers (if any)

page 20

e) Type of truck board requested and length of the same

page 25


Manuale installatore a) Dimensions, weights and centres of gravity You will find the dimensions, weights and centres of gravity of the crane in the technical data sheets that follow. N. Pag. Rev. Data



DT6K001I 1/3 0 12.09.02


Dati tecnici generali per l'installazione


(MKT) T. Ceccardi




Momento max di sollevamento (*1)


2S (*6)















Angolo di max potenza I° braccio



Classificazione EN 12999 (DIN 15018) Momento dinamico max (*2) Momento rotazione

H1-B3 (sollevamento con gancio)










Inclinazione max piano apparecchio a gru orizzontale (capacità di rotazione)

Angolo di rotazione



Punto morto std

lato stabilizzatori (tipo S) mm mm


Rev. 0 std: 16000 opzionali:Data 1350012.09.2002 Date

daN 340.11

Reazione sullo stabilizzatore

daN d'ingombro Dimensioni Overall dB dimensions (A)

Pressione acustica nel posto di comando (*3) Vibrazioni nel posto di comando Caratteristiche oleodinamiche


Portata max olio al distributore Pressione max al distributore


Potenza richiesta min / max


Capacità serbatoio olio Caratteristiche elettriche

-si MPa kW l

Tensione di alimentazione (std / opzionale)


Max corrente assorbita


8 + 0,5 R (max 20%)


31 / 52




Peso gru base senza carica olio - stabiliz. opzionali

kg (*5)




Peso carica olio

kg (*5)

Peso parte fissa e mossa

kg (*5)



Valori di 0,1A [DIN 15019-2] [EN12999]




3355 2700

12350 (20°)

4210 16950 (20°) 6S 2250 kg



M33 x 2


21640 (20°) 8S 2555 kg





4S 1900 kg

39NiCrMo3 Bonificato / 42CrMo4






Materiale dei tiranti [UNI 7845 / UNI EN 10083-1]




min 870 max 995


Diametro dei tiranti

b) Load 1540 chart


Vedi schede "dimensioni d'ingombro"




Numero dei tiranti fra gru e controtelaio


3S 1700 kg

Vedi schede "dati per la stabilità"





Vedi schede "pesi e baricentri"






DT6K030 1/1 0 12.09.2002

Prep. (MKT) T. Ceccardi

10090 (20°)

kg (*5)

Coppia di serraggio


24 / 12 c.c.

Peso gru base senza carica olio - stabilizzatori std






Pesi e baricentri Weight - center of gravity


60 ÷ 100 1230


Coordinate del baricentro della gru in posizione di trasporto, della parte fissa e mossa


Stabilizzatori standard - Standard stabilizer



N. Pag. Rev. Data



< 70 Prep. (MKT) T. Ceccardi

Versione 6S (3S, 4S) 6S version (3S, 4S)


Errore max del blocco momento (D) [EN12999]



std: 5400 N. DT6K009 opzionali:Pag. 6400 1/1

Altezza staffa di fissaggio Height of fastening bracket

Estensione stabilizzatori





1540 (2040)




The load chart indicates the technical 147data relative to the maximum lifting performance of the 1210 crane: these values are indispensable to be able to calculate the stability of the crane. (*1) [EN12999] Mst = (P R + Gb Xb) (6400) (*2) [EN12999] Mdyn = (ϕ2 P R + ϕ1 Gb Xb)



354 211,5














354 219

fac 76


975 528 500,5



Esterno staffe Ext. brackets

(*3) E' possibile che sia > 70 dB (A) a gru installata; cio' dipende dal rumore della pompa e dal motore del veicolo. (*4) Dipende dal tipo di veicolo. (*5) Pesi ± 2%. (*6) Versione base disponibile a richiesta I dati relativi ai carichi sollevabili e sbracci, sono rilevabili dai diagrammi di carico. Gli sbracci indicati sui diagrammi di carico sono 8 tiranti M33x2 211,5 teorici e non considerano le flessioni (± 2% in orizzontale). 8 tie-rods M33x2 In seguito ad aggiornamenti tecnici i dati indicati possono 211,5 subire modifiche.


kgA A B C D E X

3S 3993 1428 52 1869

4S 4193 1907 71 1967

6S 4543 2880 100 2085

8S 4848 3887 122 2161





Fitter’s manual c) Hydraulic diagram The hydraulic diagram is indispensable to be able to perform the nal/functional test once the crane has been installed; it is the only document that indicates the times of the various movements of the crane and the design pressures of all the hydraulic components on the crane. The hydraulic diagram of the crane is to be kept in the technical folder relative to the installation completed.

facf -ascimsim le i



Manuale installatore d) Additional outriggers for the truck After consulting the table that follows or after initially testing the stability calculations, you may notice that the chosen crane/truck combination needs additional outriggers to guarantee stability during operation.





From the table and taking the example of a crane Mod. 340 you can see that it is to be installed on a truck of which the overall weight is minimum 26t and that additional outriggers must be installed on the truck. The choice of the type of outriggers and their characteristics mainly derives from the technical/commercial experience gained. Table with the characteristics of the additional outriggers are distributed by EFFER to the sales area and its collaborators or, as indicated previously, you can consult them on the internet site: www.effer.it in the “accessories” section. Once you have chosen the additional outriggers, follow the requested suitability tests, with regard to the mechanical strength and the stability of the truck.


Fitter’s manual Tables of “Technical characteristics of additional outriggers”






The tables indicate the various models/types of outriggers available. These vary based on: - the side outlet amplitude - the minimum distance from the axle of the crane for which they are installed - the type of the same, to be able to t them under the chassis (obviously if they are installed at the back of the truck), or to be tted within the counter-chassis. In our example, the model with code 9260026 is chosen, just to explain better: outriggers with side outlet of 600 mm.


Manuale installatore We are providing other tables with further indications that prove useful for installing and choosing additional outriggers:






The outrigger chosen can be installed under the chassis of the truck because its foot jack can be adjusted vertically.






The outrigger chosen can be positioned at a minimum distance from the rotation axle of the crane of 4797 mm.

The data relative to the additional outriggers are indispensable to be able to make the theoretic calculations on the distribution of the weights on the axles and the stability. This is done to approve the correct combination of crane/additional outriggers from a structural point of view.


Fitter’s manual e) Type of truck board requested The type of truck board is also to be considered when making the installation calculations. The user will choose the type of truck board based on his specic requirements. - Fixed truck board

- Fixed with sides

- Tipper

The user may request a truck board with customised length based on his own requirements but his request can only be accepted or refused after making the calculations relative to the weight on the axles.

NB: The length of the truck board in the back part compared to the last axle of the truck is called “overhang”. You are obliged to make sure that this parameter does not contrast with road regulations in force in the country where the truck will be driven.




Manuale installatore

2 - IDENTIFICATION OF INSTALLATION COMPONENTS We are indicating some visual macro-subjects that must be considered from a technical point of view to be able to install the crane correctly. We also remind you that the presence of other additional accessories such as manual/mechanical extensions or additional hydraulic y-jib certainly modify the value of the weights on the axles and in the case of the additional y-jib, also the parameter relative to the space required for installation. Again, these technical parameters can be consulted on the internet site: www.effer.it

Pump/Power take-off



Additional outriggers

Bracketing material Additional y-jib


Pompa /Presa di forza

Fitter’s manual

3 - HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS OF PARTS TO BE INSTALLED ON THE TRUCK The person in charge of such jobs shall follow the safety instructions accordingly: - Never pass or stand under the load while it is lifted. - Lifting equipment shall be of suitable load-bearing capacity and be perfectly intact to be able to lift the crane. - The choice of lifting equipment to be used is of the responsibility of the operator and depends on the weight of the load to be lifted. - Make sure the components are balanced when moving them around. - Do not stand on the crane; use suitable means (stepladders etc.) subject to Health & Safety standards in force in the country of use.

3.1 - Instructions supplied by the manufacturer Never underestimate risks that may derive from the crane movements! The centre of gravity of the crane almost never coincides with the centre of the surface on which it rests: the second boom is always a side weight and the points in which the bed rests on the ground may be an odd number and close to each other. Consequently all movements must be made in full respect of the indications given by the manufacturer. The weight of the crane is written inside the operator manual and is also indicated in the product information pages on the internet site. When there are supports under the crane base, i.e. wooden wedges, metal girders used for shipment, the crane rests on a surface and there is no risk of it tipping: the crane will not fall. It is on the other hand very dangerous to move the crane using forks of a front-loading forklift truck. In this case, the crane must be strapped to the supports of the forks, lifting the crane as little as possible off the ground to ensure its stability, moving at very slow speed. 25/158

Manuale installatore It is always preferable to lift and handle the crane using an overhead travelling crane. NB: it may be handy to rest the crane on the counter-chassis while installing it to check the spaces available and to dene the bracketing of the crane. This specic type of handling must be done without fail by applying ropes/chains in the bracket on the top of the crane and the same must be born by the lifting equipment until at least one tie-rod has been tted for each bracket present. Failing to observe this, the crane could tip.

The y-jib is equipped with supports used to rest it on the ground without damaging it and so that it rests solidly. The actual weight of the jib is printed and pointed out on one side of the main boom and the centre of gravity is indicated by an adhesive plate with relative symbol.

Use ropes, cables or straps with greater load-bearing capacity than the weight of the y-jib to lift the latter. The length must be suitable so that their join corresponds with the lifting point for the vertical line passing through the centre of gravity. If you use straps or ropes made of synthetic bre, they must not be able to slip: if you use metal chains or cables, apply them on the y-jib without damaging the paint or other parts of the same. You are advised to secure the end sections of the ropes, chains or whatever other system used for lifting, to the two ends of the y-jib, using on one end the attachment pin of the hook or the actual lifting hook from the pointed part in the dedicated brackets at the end of the last extension, and on the other end, the pin that secures the y-jib to the base crane, if present.



Fitter’s manual To handle the extensions you must use ropes, chains or straps having a greater load-bearing capacity than the weight of the actual extensions. If the single extension weighs more than 30 kg, its real weight will be punched at the front of the same. kg


The length must be suitable, so that their join, corresponding to the lifting point, is on the vertical line passing through the centre of gravity, bearing in mind that the centre of gravity is roughly halfway along the total length of the extension. Particular attention is to be given to the attachment of whatever lifting system used on the extensions: whatever system used must never be able to slip.


NB: For the handling instructions and the weights of the accessories required for installation but that are not supplied by the manufacturer, such as power take-off, pump etc, you are recommended to follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the accessory.


Manuale installatore 3.2 - Storage - dismantling - disposal Temporary positioning or storage Store the crane in a safe place where it cannot be damaged and where it is sheltered from atmospheric agents. Position the crane on a flat supporting base and make sure it rests solidly. If it is to be stored away for a few months, you are recommended to protect the chrome-plated parts of the stem of the cylinders, which remain exposed, plus all the other galvanised parts with special rust-inhibitor solution. This protective method is obligatory if the crane is stored in salty environments.

Dismantling The crane is to be dismantled from the truck (or other vehicle) with the same precautions and warnings observed to install it. Be very careful therefore not to disconnect the crane from the truck without rst having applied lifting equipment to keep it balanced; observe the handling instructions given in the previous pages. Disposal This device contains materials that can be recycled and reused. Specialised companies are able to recycle this product to exploit all the reusable materials and to minimise waste disposal. Special attention is to be given to the disposal of pollutants such as oil and plastic. Observe local laws when scrapping the device.


Fitter’s manual

4 - IDENTIFICATION OF THE SERIAL NUMBER OF THE CRANE Standard crane The essential crane identication data (model, serial number, year of manufacture) are written on the metal nameplate tted on the outer side of the column. The serial number of the crane is also punched on the female crane outrigger or on the top cylindrical part of the base and is highlighted with different colours.

We are providing a specimen of the nameplates that may be tted on the crane.


Manuale installatore Additional y-jib The essential y-jib identication data (model, serial number, year of manufacture) are written on the nameplate tted on the outer side of the shank. The serial number of the y-jib and the year of manufacture are punched on the end of the female tubular piece and are highlighted with different colours.

We are providing a specimen of the nameplates that may be tted on the y-jib.

Mechanical extensions The essential extension identication data (code, year of manufacture) are punched on the end of the extension. The extension is also complete with the maximum admitted weight that it can lift; this value is based on the mechanical strength of the extensions and the lifting capacity of the crane.


Fitter’s manual

5 - PARTS AND INSTALLATION INFORMATION 5.1 - Instructions on requested oil ow rates and pressures The hydraulic systems of the crane are designed and sized for oil ow rates that are established by EFFER during the project phase of the crane. The operating speed of the crane derives from the oil ow rate: the application of a pump sized in such a way that it is unable to send enough oil compared to that envisaged means that crane movements will be slower, with dissatisfaction on behalf of the user, whereas if too much oil is sent, the oil will overheat with consequent rapid deterioration of the hydraulic components of the crane, plus the operating speeds would be higher than those envisaged in the project calculations, which would be dangerous in terms of structural damages. A lower ow rate of the oil compared to the minimum ow rate indicated could lead to vibrations of the crane during the movements. The application of proportional distributors (distributors tted with compensator on the inlet), only allows the requested amount of hydraulic oil into the distributor based on the crane control levers operated by the crane driver. Excess oil compared to that requested by the movement made is sent to the tank and is always available for other movements. NB: the proportional distributors have elements with gauged cursors so that they do not send more oil to the individual cylinders than that envisaged in the design phase. The installation of a proportional distributor as optional unit, on cranes that do not envisage them in the standard version, enables the installation of pumps with displacement that is able to send a higher amount of oil to the distributor inlet, of even 30% compared to the data written in the data sheets relative to the hydraulic characteristics of the single models of crane. This oil ow rate enables the operator to make a number of movements simultaneously even when the load is hooked on the crane. For cranes without proportional distributor, it is extremely important to respect the design data relative to the amount of oil to be sent to the crane control distributor.


Manuale installatore The table indicates the recommended oil ow rate for each crane model, - in other words it indicates the same oil quantities given in the data sheets relative to the hydraulic characteristics of the crane - and the maximum pressure that the crane requires to be able to work: these parameters are required to determine the displacement of the hydraulic pump and to determine the maximum working pressure characteristics that the pump to be installed on the truck must have, as indicated more in detail in the chapter that follows. NB: Oil ow rates expressed in l/min. (1 l/min corresponds to 0.016 dm3/s) Pressures expressed in bar (10 bar corresponds to 1Mpa) NB: the same values indicated in the table, relative to the oil ow rates to be sent to the crane to be installed, are given in the hydraulic diagram enclosed in the operator manual and are published on the internet site of EFFER. In the case of doubts, do not hesitate to contact the After Sales service of EFFER.

Crane Model

Requested oil ow rate

Admitted tolerance

Maximum pressure










Crane Model

Requested oil ow rate l/min

Admitted tolerance l/min

Maximum pressure bar



























340 360

60÷100 45

±4 ±5

310 315

































500 520

70÷100 70

±5 ±5

325 290

































































210 250

40 40

±4 ±4

295 325


















Fitter’s manual 5.2 - Sizing of the power take-off and the hydraulic pump 800 rpm The hydraulic pump may be the gear type or piston type: whatever the case, you must choose a pump that respects the maximum pressure requested by the hydraulic system of the crane. Even if the use of the crane is considered to be non-continuative, but intermittent, you are recommended to ensure a reasonable tolerance between the maximum pressure indicated by the pump manufacturer and the maximum pressure requested by the crane.

800 rpm

When operating the crane, you are recommended to keep the truck engine running at between 700 and 900 rpm to avoid either a drop in the rpm when the crane is manoeuvred at high pressure or a wasteful overheating of the engine accompanied by an excessive consumption of fuel. The choice of the correct type of power take-off to be installed on the gearbox of the truck is sometimes bound to the type of gearbox itself or to its dimensions: you are in any event recommended to install a power take-off of the “de-multiplied” type (power take-off with transmission value less than 1) because it is easier to nd on the market and therefore more economic compared to those called “multiplied”. It is up to the tter to choose the right combination of power take-off, hydraulic pump and gearbox of the truck, so that the crane receives the correct quantity of oil, as indicated in the table given in the previous chapter. To determine the model of pump to be installed, you must rst calculate the rpm that will be output from the power take-off: supposing that the truck engine is regulated at 800 rpm while the crane is in use, and having chosen a power take-off with internal transmission ratio of 0.93 for example, the hydraulic pump will be subjected to the rpm shown in the following calculation: - truck engine rpm = 800 - internal transmission ratio of power take-off = 0.93 - rpm to which the pump is subjected =

800 x 0.93 = 744 rpm


Manuale installatore The technical characteristics of the pump mainly show the oil ow rate of the same when it is subjected to 1000 rpm and pump manufacturers provide some diagrams in which you can see the oil ow rate of the same when it is subjected to a certain rpm. By reading these diagrams you can establish the suitability of the pump chosen. PUMP LITRES - Litres/min.



Another way of checking is that of calculating: by knowing that the pump chosen has a displacement of 80 cm3/rev. for example and knowing that the power take-off will output 744 rpm, (rpm of pump) you will obtain the following:

Q = Quantity of oil sent to crane 1000 : 80 = 744 : Q Q = ( 80 x 744 ) : 1000 Q = 59.52 l / min. If you wish to make a very precise calculation, you should also consider the pump performance: supposing it has an average performance of 0.95, the actual oil flow rate of the crane will be:

Q = 59.5 x 0.95 = 56.5 l / min.

All you need to do now is check if this ow rate is within the tolerance indicated by EFFER for the specic model of crane involved. If this is not the case, you need to change some parameters: the rpm of the truck engine, the reduction ratio of the power take-off or the displacement of the hydraulic pump. 34/158

Fitter’s manual The additional weights of the truck; pump and power take-off are to be considered when making the theoretic calculations on the distribution of the weights on the axles and the stability. We are providing a table with the indicative weights of the pump/power take-off, based on the power of the crane expressed in tons per meter.


Pump and power

(i.e. crane model 115 = 11,5 txm 115 KN.m



crane model 370 = 37 txm 370 KN.m




crane model 850 = 85 txm 850 KN.m 0÷3





















NB: The weights are merely indicative Using the formula that follow you can calculate the power requested on the attachment on the gearbox of the truck to operate the crane. The sizing of the power take-off must obviously also guarantee the transmission of the power indicated. Q = Oil ow rate requested to operate the crane, expressed in l/min P = Maximum working pressure of the crane, expressed in bar R = Uprating coefcient that bears in mind performance; value recommended by EFFER = 0.93

Input power calculation of the crane expressed in Kilowatt

Kw =

PxQ 600 x R

If you wish to nd out the power required and expressed in - HP - you can use the following formula:

HP = Kw x 1.36


Manuale installatore Example calculation of the power input by the pump To operate a pump that must output an oil ow rate of Q=60 l/min at a pressure of P=320 bar, supposing a performance of R= 0,93, an available power Kw of more than or equal to the following is required:

320 x 60

Kw =

600 x 0.93

= 34.4 Kw

If you wish to nd out the power needed and expressed in - HP - you can use the following formula:

HP = Kw x 1.36 = 34.4 x 1.36 = 46.78 HP Calculation of the input torque The torque input by the pump while the crane is in use must be lower than or equal to the torque available on the truck gearbox and on the power take-off, which is obtained by processing the following formulae: M = value of the minimum torque requested by the crane N = rpm of the pump (i.e. 700 rpm) P = maximum working pressure of the crane expressed in bar Q = oil ow rate sent to the crane expressed in l/min



x 1.59 = daNxm

Example of the calculation of the input torque To verify the previous example, the torque input by the pump indicated above must be lower than that available on the power take-off and supplied by the manufacturer of the same and logically also lower than the maximum admitted value of the vehicle gearbox.


320x60 700


x 1.59 = 43.6 daNxm

Fitter’s manual 5.2.1 Operating the crane with an alternative power unit Note: The crane can be operated without using the truck engine, using an alternative power unit such as an electric motor or an explosion engine, obviously combined with a hydraulic pump. We are providing a simple calculation formula that you can use to establish the power requested to operate the crane, at the operating rpm supposed for the alternative power unit. Kw = power requested by the motor, expressed in Kilowatt Kw P = maximum working pressure of the crane expressed in bar Q = oil ow rate requested to operate the crane, expressed in l/min R = uprating coefcient that bears in mind the various performance capacities and the overload tests to be carried out: value recommended by EFFER = 10.8

Kw =

PxQ 600 x R

Another test that the tter must carry out relates to the power that the power unit outputs from the attachment pre-arranged for the application of the pump when the motor is regulated at the rpm for working with the crane. This parameter is given in the technical characteristics of the power unit and must be equal to or higher than the power value obtained from the above-mentioned formula.

NB: The value obtained from the above-mentioned formula does not indicate the rated power that the alternative power unit must ensure but the power necessary to operate the crane, at the operating rpm of the engine.


Manuale installatore In the case of power units combined with auxiliary diesel engines, you must make sure that such power is supplied by the same at the operating rpm recommended by the manufacturer (generally 1400 - 1600 rpm), making sure that the maximum power of the engine is generally obtained at the maximum rpm. The sizing of the hydraulic pump must be calculated considering the rpm at which the diesel engine will run, paying particular attention to the maximum rpm admitted for the pump: it is a good rule to apply pumps that do not exceed 80% of the value admitted by the manufacturer of the pump during operation when they are subjected to a maximum rpm. This is to avoid straining them, which certainly affects their life. In the case of electric motors, the Horse Power obtained from the above-mentioned formula corresponds to the rated power value - minimum value - that the motor itself must have, since the electric motor has a constant rpm. The rpm of the electric motor derives from the number of poles:

Motor with 2 poles:

3000 rpm

Motor with 4 poles:

1500 rpm *

Motor with 6 poles:

1000 rpm

Motor with 8 poles:

750 rpm

* type of motor recommended

If you wish to nd out the power necessary and expressed in kilowatt - Kw - you can use the following formula:

Kw = HP x 0.736


Fitter’s manual 5.2.2 Checking the power of the host vehicle’s engine All explosion engines have variable powers based on the rpm of the engine. While the crane is in use, it is a good rule for the engine not to exceed 1000 rpm, to prevent overheating, excessive noise and excessive fuel consumption. The maximum power of explosion engines is always output at an rpm that generally ranges between 1600 and 2400 rpm - approximately-. Consequently the power of the engine must be tested while the crane is working to prevent the engine from stalling. All truck manufacturers, likewise for explosion engine manufacturers related to independent power units, provide the diagrams related to the power of the engine. To test this situation, you need to know the hydraulic characteristics of the crane: 1- the maximum working pressure P ( bar ) 2- the effective oil ow rate sent to the crane by the pump Q (l / min.)

Using the formula, you can determine the minimum power required to operate the crane:

KW =

PxQ 600 x R

R = 0.93 is a multiplication coefficient related to the performance of the power take-off and the pump. As an example, we are providing a power test related to a crane that works with a pressure of 345 bar, and that is powered by two pumps of 70 l / min. each.

KW =

345 x 140

= 86.6 KW 600 x 0.93

While the crane is working, supposing the truck engine runs at 900 rpm. We are providing two power diagrams related to two diesel engines:

Diagram of an engine with maximum power of 154 KW

Diagram of an engine with maximum power of 202 KW. 39/158

Manuale installatore Considerations made based on the tests carried out: 150 KW ENGINE This engine outputs a power of 60 KW when it runs at 900 rpm (line A). The crane needs 86.6 Kw to operate. Consequently the engine is not powerful enough and will certainly stall. This engine has a power of 86.6 KW when it runs at 1250 rpm (line B), which is a rather high rpm, therefore in this crane/truck combination it is better to request a slightly lower power by reducing the oil ow rate to be sent to the crane. 202 KW ENGINE This engine outputs a power of slightly more than 70 Kw when it runs at 900 rpm (Line C). The crane needs 86.6 KW to operate. Consequently the engine is not powerful enough and will certainly stall. This engine has a power of 86.6 KW when it runs at 1000 rpm (line D), which is an acceptable rpm to operate the crane. Note: in the examples given above, we have intentionally considered a high oil ow rate.

A crane that works, for example, with an oil ow rate of 80 l/min, at a constant pressure of 345 bar, would require a power of 50 KW. If you analyse the diagrams given related to the power of the two engines, you will see that the curves of the diesel engines of the latest generation are quite “vertical”, in other words they have a very high increase in power as the engine rpm varies. From this trend you can understand the importance of carrying out the test mentioned, despite the model of crane or the type of truck, to avoid the engine stalling while the crane is working at its maximum performance.


Fitter’s manual 5.3 Crane bracketing material The technical data of the bracketing material are supplied by EFFER and can be consulted on the internet site www.effer.it. The internet site also offers tables that indicate the codes of the kits of bracketing material available. EFFER may supply the kits of bracketing material upon specic request. The diameter of the bracketing tie-rods of the crane must be equal to that indicated in the drawings and documents issued by EFFER. The crane must be secured with two tie-rods for each bracket on the base.

The weights of the “bracketing material” are to be considered when making the theoretic calculations of the distribution of weights on the axles and the stability.

The table indicates the rough weights of the crane bracketing material, including the weight of the hydraulic material required to connect the pump to the crane, based on the power of the crane (lifting torque) expressed in tons per meter. example: crane mod. 115 = 11,5 txm 115 KN.m




conn. material

txm 0÷3





crane mod. 370 = 37

txm 370 KN.m




crane mod. 850 = 85

txm 850 KN.m

















Manuale installatore We are providing the type of material advised if you build your own crane bracketing tie-rods: - 39NiCrMo3 hardened and tempered UNI 7845-78/ EN10083-1 - 42NiCrMo4 hardened and tempered UNI 7845-78/ EN10083-1 - AISI 9840 - 39CrNiMo4 -DIN 17200

If the crane bracketing tie-rod is used just to join the crane and counter-chassis, which requires the use of another tie-rod or another system to anchor the counter-chassis to the chassis of the truck, the tie-rod must have a minimum free length equal to at least ve (5) times the diameter of the tie-rod. Only in this case can you exploit the exibility of the tie-rod, which is indispensable to prevent it from breaking. We are providing a table that indicates the tightening torques to be adopted based on the diameter/threads of the tie-rods for the correct and safe bracketing of the crane.



d L



Diameter of tie-rod

Min. torque

Max. torque





































Fitter’s manual 5.4 Counter-chassis We are providing a table to help you to preventively establish a weight per meter of the counterchassis to be constructed to install the crane on the truck. The application of a counter-chassis is always necessary to increase the resistance of the truck chassis especially in the zone under the crane but also to increase the rigidity of the same, which is indispensable while the crane is in use: truck manufacturers design their structure supposing the loads to be evenly distributed, while the crane generates a localised load. We are providing a table with the indicative weights of the counter-chassis, based on the power of the crane expressed in tons per meter. example: crane mod. 115 = 11,5 txm 115 KN.m crane mod. 370 = 37 txm

370 KN.m

crane mod. 850 = 85 txm

850 KN.m


Weight/m counter-chassis


(for two side members)

txm 0÷2



kg 38


Weight/m counter-chassis

Torque txm KN.m

(for two side members)




























































Manuale installatore 5.5 Truck board A question that our customers often ask us right from the sales negotiation phase is that of the value of additional weights following the installation of a crane on a truck. We are providing a table that indicates the weight per meter of some types of truck boards: these parameters are obviously indicative but will help you in your evaluations.

Type of truck board

Weight in kg

(Height of sides: 600 mm) per 1 m in length Aluminium sides Wooden board (xed)


Aluminium sides Sheet plate board (xed)


Aluminium sides Iron board (tipper


NB: the weights are merely indicative


Fitter’s manual 5.6 - Spaces required to install the crane correctly Each model of crane has specic overall dimensions, which are written in the technical data sheets that make up the production information issued by the manufacturer. The overall dimensions of the crane also depend on the presence of accessories, such as: - A hydraulic output, when it is an optional unit, may take up more space compared to a standard crane. - The presence of an y-jib may take up more space compared to a standard version. - The application of a hose-carrying jib at the side of the second boom takes up more space compared to the standard version.


The dimensions indicated in the technical data sheets relate to the real overall dimensions of the crane, to which you must add a few centimetres at the side where the second boom folds down to make such movement easier, especially if the truck board is positioned on this side.

To establish the correct overall dimensions of the crane you also need make sure that the top part of the column does not interfere with the truck cab during the rotation movements, in particular when the truck cab is particularly tall and upright. To check this situation you can use the technical drawings enclosed with the documents written for each single model of crane.


h4 h3


NB: We advise you always to consult updated technical sheets on the internet site www.effer.it; you can also nd the overall dimensions related to y-jibs and jibs in the data sheets.




x y


Manuale installatore 5.7 - Identifying the rotation dead centre point The crane with column rotation by means of hydraulic cylinders and rack has its rotation dead centre point in a preset position. NB: by dead centre point - or zero point - we mean the centre line of the small zone restricted by the two rotation limit switches. The dead centre point is indicated by an adhesive plate on the base of the crane and by a zero punched on the same base, near the adhesive plate. The rotation angle varies based on the various models of crane: this parameter is written in the table that follows but can also be consulted in the sales price list and on the internet site: www.effer.it. A crane installed behind the cab of the truck must have the rotation dead centre point facing the front of the truck, the same applies to a crane installed at the back of the truck board. Up until a few years ago, the standard dead centre point was on the side of the cross member of the outriggers but this is no longer valid because the rule that envisaged the installation of the outriggers always facing the cab no longer applies (rule relative to cranes installed between the cab and truck board). For particular installation requirements - installation on semi-trailers, rear installations - you can request the manufacturer to supply the crane with the dead centre point turned by 180° compared to the standard version.








Punto zero Dead point Null punkt Point zero





Fitter’s manual The table that follows shows the standard dead centre points of the current production of EFFER. It is important that you notice that it is particularly difcult (impossible) to modify the position of the rotation dead centre in some models of cranes. Version S: Female tubular unit on cab side Version 0S: Female tubular unit on truck board side Std. assembly




Rotation angle


version S OS

version S OS
















S 2
































































































































OS =


















Manuale installatore In Cranes with rotation by means of ring and gear motor, since these have a much greater angle of rotation compared to cranes with rotation by means of pinion and rack, the dead centre point cannot be changed. The dead centre point related to the angle of rotation, in other words the centre line of the smaller zone restricted by the two rotation limit switches is always on the outriggers.


Angle of rotation


dead centre











































Note: C.R.= Continuous rotation


Fitter’s manual 5.8 Changing the rotation dead centre Here are the instructions needed to change the rotation dead centre if such modification is to be carried out after the crane has already been consigned: 1- Install the crane on the truck, or block the base temporarily on a solid support: it must be impossible for it to tip. 2- Hydraulically connect the crane to the pump of the truck or to an independent controller. 3- Position the rst boom of the crane horizontally, the second boom slightly facing downwards and the extensions in a completely retracted position. 4- Rotate to position the crane booms halfway along the rotation angle: this point coincides with the opposite part compared to the original rotation dead centre point. 5- Some mechanical locking devices are tted at the bottom to prevent the column of the crane from slipping out of the base: Snap rings or ring nut secured with screws. Free the column from the attachment system. 6- If the rotation play adjustment device is installed, the latter needs to be completely loosened.


Manuale installatore 7- Raise the crane column and all the booms keeping them balanced to release the rotation pinion from the rack. By lifting the column this is 100÷130 mm. If you try to turn the end of the crane while lifting the column by pulling it manually using a rope, the end of the crane will turn as soon as the rotation pinion is released from the rack. Stop lifting the crane immediately to prevent the column from coming out of the vertical guides.

NOTE: In crane models 310, 325, 340, 370 the column only raises just a few centimetres, after which it is stopped mechanically. To modify the rotation dead centre point in these cranes, you need to dismantle the two rotation barrels and move the rack outwards after having completely unscrewed the rotation adjustment device. In this way you can turn the crane since the pinion of the column is released from the rack. 8- Turn the raised part by 180°. 9- Lower the column very slowly and as vertically as possible, making slight rotation movements of the boom of the crane manually using the rope applied on the end of the crane: only in this way can you insert the pinion in the rack again. Otherwise you need to dismantle a barrel of the rotation jack and position the rack vertically, which can be moved from its vertical position after knocking it in the attempt to insert the column. 10- Fit the bottom locking device of the column. 11- Tighten the relative rotation play, if there is any.


Fitter’s manual 12- The pipes fed through the hole of the column are now rather twisted: they cannot be turned further without irreparably damaging them. Loosen the hydraulic connection of these pipes as near as possible to the bottom part of the column and untwist the pipes. Be very careful in this phase because if it is not done correctly, the flexible hoses will wear rapidly and the electrical cables inserted in the column could possibly break.

Crane with electric rotation restrictor Some cranes of the EC version have some electric proximity/micro switches in the top part of the base, which automatically restrict the working angle of 180° in relation to the maximum lifting capacity of the crane. When the rotation dead centre point of a crane needs to be changed, the electric proximity/micro switches installed must be positioned on the opposite side of the base.

Crane with ring gear motor This requirement does not occur in cranes where the rotation movement is performed by means of a ring and a gearmotor, because their rotation angle is much greater compared to cranes that are rotated by means of pinion and rack.

foto gru ralla

It is in any event important to check the suitability of the rotation dead centre point with the installation to be carried out, because a feasible modication beforehand could mean that you will have to dismantle the column and work on the base, which is highly discouraged!


Manuale installatore

6 INSTALLATION CALCULATIONS 6.1 - Purpose of the test calculation Once a crane has been installed on a truck, the tare values, capacity, dimensions, weight distribution on the axles etc. must be calculated and tested. Before you start to install a crane, you must prepare a technical report concerning the theoretic testing of the weights on the axles of the truck. The purpose of this report is that of ensuring that the maximum admitted weights envisaged by the manufacturer of the truck are not exceeded after putting additional weights on the truck following the installation of the crane, counterchassis, additional outriggers, etc. and of testing the weight ratios between the axles of the truck in the various driving conditions: when empty and when fully loaded.

kg ?

kg ?

kg ?

kg ?

kg ?

kg ?

kg ?

kg ?

When assembling upper structures, manufacturers of industrial vehicles set a series of limit values, whatever the type of equipment involved, which must be strictly respected because they are bound to the specific characteristics of each vehicle (resistance to strain, braking etc.). Another fundamental element for choosing the crane to be installed on a certain type of truck is that the stability of the rig-out is guaranteed when the crane is in use. Note: the tter shall in any event respect the technical specications supplied by the manufacturer of the vehicle and of the crane. This report will become part of the technical folder that each tter must keep and that must be handed over to control authorities if requested. NB: Before you approve and confirm the customer’s/user’s installation, you therefore need to make the theoretic calculations of the distribution of weights on the axles and the stability.


Fitter’s manual The weights on the axles can be tested in the following manners: 1) Using an electronic calculation program on computer, supplied by EFFER. This program is called “trailerwin” and is used to test the weights on the axles and to print out the drawing of the truck rigged out with the crane. 2) Using a manual mathematical calculation. NB: If you do not avail of the computerised calculation program, you can request EFFER for the manual procedure or you can even ask EFFER to make the calculation. In both cases the data required to make the calculation are the same. We are providing an illustration of the graphic calculation processed with the “TRAILERWIN” program relative to the installation of a crane model 340.11 4S on a truck.




1330 940

1230 50


50 10400 kg









1455 8375 Scaricato

8385 { 54%}


8068 { 31%}


= 15600 kg


Techn. 4435


C:\TRAILERW\DATA\Manuale installatore _ ITA 2

340.11-4S Manuale dell'installatore SCANIA R 000 LB6X2*4MNA 3900 CR19 Comfortline

= 26000 kg

2485 =56%

340.11-4S Manuale dell'installatore SCANIA R 000 LB6X2*4MNA 3900 CR19 Comfortline

Passo base Sbalzo anteriore DOPPIO ASSALE POSTERIORE Distanza tra gli assali posteriori Posizione dell'asse ideale dietro al primo assale p. Distanza assale anteriore - filo posteriore cabina


Posizione + Peso del telaio + Numero delle persone 2 x 75 kg 0 + Peso proprio del cassone 200 kg/m 4570 + Peso controtelaio 207 kg/m 3100 1 EFFER 340.11 / 4S 1535 2 STAFFAGGIO E COLLEGAMENTO IDRAULICO 1470 3 PTO+POMPA 1200 4 EFFER 9260026 6270 = Peso allestimento a vuoto + Portata residua 4570 = Peso allestimento a pieno carico :: Carico massimo ammesso (PTT)


ant. 5135 150 -29 376 2784 47 27 -106 8385 -317 8068 8500

Optimum MISURE DEL CASSONE consigliate: ( x1 = 2220 mm ) Lunghezza del cassone mm 5535 Sbalzo mm 3178 Sporgenza % % 69 Lunghezza totale dell'allestimento mm 9211 Punto di applicazione del carico mm -410

post. 3505 0 969 874 1474 23 10 361 7215 10717 17932 19000 ... ... ... ... ...

mm mm

3900 1455

mm mm mm

1355 535 890 Totale 8640 150 940 1250 4258 70 37 255 15600 10400 26000 26000

4362 2005 44 8038 177

! Il punto, nella posizione posteriore, è troppo lontano

I risultati di questo studio (preliminare) sono basati su dati teorici e sono soggetti a verifica e correzione, a montaggio avvenuto, considerando gru ed autotelaio nelle loro configurazioni I risultati di questo studio (preliminare) sono basati su dati teorici e sono soggetti a definitive e reali. verifica e correzione, a montaggio avvenuto, considerando gru ed autotelaio Va nelle loro segnalato che in particolare i dati dell’autotelaio potrebbero variare in funzione configurazioni definitive e reali. dell’Omologazione ottenuta dal costruttore e delle Norme in Materia di Circolazione Stradale di Va segnalato che in particolare i dati dell’autotelaio potrebbero variare in funzione Autoveicoli e di Trasporto in vigore nel paese di immatricolazione finale del veicolo. dell’Omologazione ottenuta dal costruttore e delle Norme in Materia di Circolazione Stradale di Autoveicoli e di Trasporto in vigore nel paese di immatricolazione finale delEffer veicolo. ed i suoi concessionari-rivenditori dichiarano che nessuna responsabilità potrà loro essere Effer ed i suoi concessionari-rivenditori dichiarano che nessuna responsabilità potrà loro essere addebitata per eventuali danni, diretti o indiretti, derivanti da errori odaddebitata per eventuali danni, diretti o indiretti, derivanti da errori od omissioni nell’impiego del software TrailerWin e/o dalla divulgazione dei calcoli realizzati. omissioni nell’impiego del software TrailerWin e/o dalla divulgazione dei calcoli

EFFER HOLDING S.P.A. - VIA BONAZZI 12 - 40013 CASTEL MAGGIORE (BO) ITALY realizzati. 22/02/06


C:\TRAILERW\DATA\Manuale installatore _ ITA 2

TrailerWIN 2004-12

Graphic representation of the calculation concerning the weight test on the axles. EFFER HOLDING S.P.A. - VIA BONAZZI 12 - 40013 CASTEL MAGGIORE (BO) ITALY 22/02/06


C:\TRAILERW\DATA\Manuale installatore _ ITA 2

TrailerWIN 2004-12


Manuale installatore 6.2 - Useful information on calculating the theoretic weight test on the axles The calculation used for the theoretic testing of the weights on the axles are done to test the weights on the front axle, denominated RA, and on the rear axle, denominated RB. From this calculation, you will realise that the truck is considered to have just two points on which it rests on the ground. This is obviously true in trucks with two axles type 4x2 or 4x4.



There are also trucks on the market with more than two axles. The manufacturers almost always provide the position of the two reaction points of the weights on the ground, in other words the position of RA and of RB, with the relative tare and maximum admitted weight values. In the case of trucks with more than two axles, of which the values of the single axles is known, the position of RA and of RB is to be calculated.



= =



= =



= =


Fitter’s manual Here’s the calculation to be made with regard to the different types of trucks: 1st case: truck with three axles, with two rear axles: the rear axles have different tare and maximum admitted weight values. Parameters known:


I = distance between 1st and 2nd axle


Z = distance between 2nd and 3rd axle M1 = Maximum admitted weight on 1st axle



M2 = Maximum admitted weight on 2nd axle


M3 = Maximum admitted weight on 3rd axle m1 = Tare of 1st axle



m2 = Tare of 2nd axle m3 = Tare of 3rd axle


1st axle

2nd axle

3rd axle

M1 / m1

M2 / m2

M3 / m3


Parameter to be calculated: distance EI Distance EI is the distance between points RA and RB NB: Weights M2 + M3 and m2 + m3 are concentrated in point RB.

dx =

M3x Z M2 + M3

dy = Z - dx

EI= I + dx 2nd case: truck with four axles, with two front axles and two rear axles.

With regard to the position of RA, unless indicated otherwise by the truck manufacturer, it is supposed to coincide with the distance between centre lines I1 (distance between 1st and 2nd axle). In this point, consider that the value of mA (sum of the weight of the 1st axle + the weight of the 2nd axle) and the value of MA (sum of the maximum weight admitted on the 1st axle + the maximum weight admitted on the 2nd axle) converge. M1 / m1


M3 / m3

M1 / m1


M2 / m2

M4 / m4


MA / mA


Manuale installatore As for the calculation to be carried out to nd the distance of EI, proceed in the same way as described for the previous case: Parameter to be calculated:

distance EI

Distance EI is the distance between points RA and RB NB: Weights M3 + M4 and m3 + m4 are concentrated in point RB.

dx =

M4x Z M3 + M4




dy = Z - dx RA

EI = I + dx




Rear overhang of truck µ The length of the rear overhang µ is subject to the observance of the weights admitted on the axles of the truck; the weight transportable on the truck board, evenly distributed along the same, must not exceed the single maximum weights admitted on the single axle.


2 EI



2 axles µ max = 65% EI



3 axles µ max = 70% EI

4 EI


3 axles µ max = 70% EI



4 axles µ max = 70% EI

NB. In countries of the European Community, a percentage has been dened for the maximum length of the overhangs of vehicles ( µ ), which is calculated over the distance of EI, distance between the two reaction points on the ground, also dened as “technical pitch”. Below is the different percentage based on the number of axles of the truck: type 1; 2 axles µ max = 65% EI

type 3; 3 axles µ max = 70% EI

type 2; 3 axles µ max = 70% EI

type 4; 4 axles µ max = 70% EI


Fitter’s manual Crane rig-out on tractor We are indicating the main problems to be faced when installing the crane on a tractor: 1) Max front radius of semi-trailer (Xmax) In this case it is impossible to hook a standard semi-trailer; the difference lies in the front “beak” that must have a limited length and possibly shaped to avoid interference with the crane when steering. 2) Overall radius in the tractor tail (Ymin) In the case of additional outriggers, you need to bear in mind their overall dimensions; the supporting feet of the semi-trailer must be positioned at a minimum distance so that they do not interfere with the additional outriggers when steering. 3) Ring height of semi-trailer (H) You need to arrange a mimic chassis under the crane or an extension of the integrated mimic chassis under the ring that reaches the additional outriggers, ensuring that the sum of the heights of the chassis + mimic chassis + ring does not exceed the maximum height admitted for coupling the ring with the semitrailer.

(H) max. height of ring off ground


Xmax Xmax = X1 - ~100


The height of the mimic chassis prepared under the ring depends on the maximum height off the ground of the ring: (H1) ring height (H3) max. height of counter chassis


~100 H2 H3 H1 H

(H2) chassis height

NB: - European standards indicate 1450 mm as the maximum height of the ring off the ground - you can generally prepare a lower mimic chassis under the ring than that needed under or near the crane. This depends on the maximum dynamic torque of the crane, which decreases as you move away from the rotation axle.


Manuale installatore We are summarising the parameters needed to be able to make the theoretic calculations of the distribution of the axles and the stability of the truck/crane assembly. • a crane model 340.11 / 4 extensions. • combined with the truck as per the technical data sheet given in chapter 1.4. • with the crane installed between the cab of the truck and the truck board • truck with pitch between the rst and second axle of 3900 mm • remaining truck board, length 4700 mm, xed type requested.

Truck data: ..................



m 2 = Tare of 2nd axle, truck without rig-out, including a driver


EI = Distance between the two supporting points


m 3 = Tare of 3rd axle, truck without rig-out, including a driver


T = Tare of truck without rig-out, including a driver


M = Maximum weight of truck in driving position


M1 = Maximum weight admitted by manufacturer on 1st axle


I = Distance between 1st and 2nd axle

Z = Distance between 2nd and 3rd axle

m1 = Tare of 1st axle, truck without rig-out, including a driver


M2 = Maximum weight admitted by manufacturer on 2nd axle F

M3 = Maximum weight admitted by manufacturer on 3rd axle D = Cab overall dimensions F = Rear chassis overhang of original truck


I m1 / M1 RA


µ = Maximum rear overhang admitted by road regulations

m2 / M2 m3 / M3 µ RB

K = Minimum ratio when empty and when loaded, front axle weight/rear axle weight

.................. .................. .................. .................. ..................


The minimum ratio when empty with load between the weights of the front axle (RA) and the weights of the rear axle (RB) is a parameter supplied by the manufacturer of the truck. It is important to respect it: otherwise the steering and braking efciency of the truck could be compromised. 58/158

Fitter’s manual Crane data: a = Overall dimensions of the crane b = Space needed for installation

.................. ..................

d c

d c

d c

c = Distance of crane rotation axle from beginning of space needed


for installation d = Distance of centre of gravity from beginning of space needed for installation e = Weight of crane with oil in tank




.................. .................. a






Theoretic data of components to be installed 1. Weight of hydraulic pump, power take-off Consult the table given in chapter 5.1. We remind you that the crane taken for the example calculation is a 34 txm and as such is within the range of 30.1 and 50 txm. 2. Weight of bracketing material



Consult the table given in chapter 5.3. 3. Weight per meter of the counter chassis The truck involved has a practicable space of roughly 6 meters (space between the rear part of the cab and the rear edge of the original chassis). Consult the table given in chapter 5.4. We may suppose that the counter chassis is as long as the practicable space, in other words 6 meters. 4. Weight of truck board Consult the table given in chapter 5.5. Fixed truck board (4.7 m in length) with wooden board and aluminium sides. 5. Weight of additional outriggers Consult the table given in chapter 1.4.




The outriggers suitable for our installation have code 9260026.


Manuale installatore 6.3 - Information on calculating the theoretic stability test Each crane installation must be preceded by a calculation of the theoretic stability test. This calculation shall be kept in the technical folder of the crane and the theoretic data shall be practically tested at the end of the job. The calculation involved can be carried out: 1) Using an electronic calculation program on computer, supplied by EFFER. This program is called “trailerwin” and is used to theoretically test the stability and to print out the result. 2) Using a manual mathematical calculation. NB: If you do not avail of the computerised calculation program, you can request the crane manufacturer for the manual procedure or you can even ask the latter to do the calculation for you. In both cases the data required to make the calculation are the same. We are providing a specimen of what can be found for each single crane model by consulting the internet site of EFFER: the table also shows the distances of the centres of gravity of the crane, measured from the rotation axle and the values relative to the weight of the xed part (base/column unit) and of the mobile part (booms). Similar tables can also be prepared for cranes with additional hydraulic y-jibs.













le kgA A B C D E X

3S 3993 1428 52 1869

4S 4193 1907 71 1967

6S 4543 2880 100 2085

8S 4848 3887 122 2161





Fitter’s manual Here’s an illustration of the graphic calculation carried out using the “TRAILERWIN” program relative to the installation of crane model 340.11 4S on the truck. Graphic representation of the stability test calculation.




2.0 nn==0.39 0.41 Anteriore Anterioredestra sinistra 1.8 360° 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 -20 -72° 291°



340.11-4S SCANIA R 000 LB6X2*4MNA Manuale dell'installatore EFFER 340.11 / 4S Distanza centro di rotazione della gru - Asse anteriore Peso della gru Peso del basamento Peso del braccio Distanza centro di rotaz della gru - CDG dei bracci max sbraccio Massimo sbraccio Portata al massimo sbraccio Peso asse anteriore Peso asse posteriore Distanza centro di rotazione della gru - Mezzeria del camion Dist. centro rotaz. gru - asse stabilizzatori Apertura stabilizzatori Peso stabilizzatori Distanza degli stabilizzatori supplementari - Asse anteriore Apertura degli stabilizzatori supplementari Peso degli stabilizzatori supplementari Distanza primo asse anteriore - punto ribaltante dell'asse anteriore Distanza fra asse anteriore - Punto d'appoggio dell'asse posteriore Carreggiata asse anteriore TIR Carreggiata asse posteriore TIR

mm kg kg kg mm mm kg kg kg mm mm < = -396 mm kg mm mm kg mm mm mm mm

1470 4258 2358 1900 4210 12350 3040 5556 5381 -20 > = -249 6400 0 6270 3300 255 0 4577 2000 1800

CALCOLO DI STABILITA' (Distanze dalla linea di ribaltamento) 90° 3200

Laterale destra

3200 6400

n = 1.23 Laterale destra

n = 1.20 Laterale sinistra

Peso asse anteriore Peso asse posteriore Peso stabilizzatori Peso degli stabilizzatori supplementari Peso del basamento

kg x



5556 x 5381 x 0x 255 x 2358 x

3.417 = 2.074 = 3.081 = 1.577 = 3.005 =

18987 11161 0 402 7086

Momento stabilizzante Peso del braccio Portata al massimo sbraccio

1900 x 3040 x

Momento ribaltante Coefficiente di sicurezza n

Totale =


1.205 = 9.345 =

2289 28408

Totale =


37637 / 30698 =


Carico max. 3040 kg Anteriore destra 3300 n = 2.46 Posteriore

Peso asse posteriore Peso stabilizzatori Peso degli stabilizzatori supplementari Peso del basamento



kg x



5381 x 0x 255 x 2358 x

3.356 = 0.073 = 5.049 = 0.249 =

18059 0 1287 587

Totale =


1.221 = 3.961 = 12.101 =

6784 7526 36787

Totale =


19933 / 51097 =


Momento stabilizzante

SCANIA R 000 LB6X2*4MNA EFFER 340.11 / 4S 3040 kg x 12350 mm n=

Peso asse anteriore Peso del braccio Portata al massimo sbraccio

Carico max.

Laterale destra Anteriore destra Laterale sinistra Anteriore sinistra

1.23 0.39 1.20 0.41

3040 kg 386 kg 3040 kg 481 kg



3040 kg

5556 x 1900 x 3040 x

Momento ribaltante n< 1.05

ø = -72° ... 73°

Coefficiente di sicurezza n

n< 1.05

ø = 291° .......

Carico max. 386 kg

EFFER HOLDING S.P.A. - VIA BONAZZI 12 - 40013 CASTEL MAGGIORE (BO) ITALY Manuale installatore_ITA 2 __CraneWIN 2004-01__



EFFER HOLDING S.P.A. - VIA BONAZZI 12 - 40013 CASTEL MAGGIORE (BO) ITALY Manuale installatore_ITA 2 ___CraneWIN 2004-01____




Manuale installatore

7 - CONSTRUCTIONAL INFORMATION FOR THE COUNTER-CHASSIS 7.1 Cross section of the counter-chassis The counter-chassis must have an absolutely specic cross section, which derives from a test calculation that is to be carried out before starting to install the crane. The purpose of this theoretic calculation is that of proving that the maximum dynamic torque of the crane is completely absorbed by the resistance of the chassis of the truck added to the resistance of the counter-chassis that will be constructed. This calculation must be kept in the technical folder of the crane. The calculation involved can be carried out: 1) Using an electronic calculation program on computer, supplied by EFFER. This program is called “trailerwin”. 2) Using a manual mathematical calculation. NB: If you do not avail of the computerised calculation program, you can request EFFER for the manual procedure or you can even request EFFER to do the calculation for you. The position of the maximum dynamic torque of the crane coincides with the position of the crane’s rotation axle; it is supposed to decrease in a linear manner along the axis of the truck, further away you move from the rotation axle of the crane, through to becoming null by the rear additional outriggers - if present - or by the rear axle of the truck if there are no additional outriggers. The dynamic torque of the crane is also supposed to be distributed in equal parts on each of the two side members of the counter-chassis/chassis of the truck, even if the rotation axle of the crane is not positioned on the centre line. The above only applies if the two side members of the counter-chassis are suitably connected together, especially under and near the base of the crane.


Fitter’s manual

7.2 Assembling the counter-chassis Warning! The counter-chassis is to be assembled by resting the side members and the cross members on one single surface or on special adjustable supports so that the side members are perfectly at and parallel with each other (to be tested using spirit level).

It is forbidden to use the chassis of the truck for the assembly phase of the counter-chassis.

You must check the atness and the parallelism of the side members especially when welding; if necessary straighten using dedicated tools.

The previous chapter mentioned the section of the counter-chassis, which is to be installed between the crane and the chassis of the truck; this section is to be built for a minimum length of 3 times the width of the crane base, then it can be reduced gradually through to the rear part of the truck.


From the point in which the section starts to reduce, further resistance tests must obviously be carried out. The most commonly encountered installations involve the application of a truck board on the counter-chassis: it is therefore advisable to build the counter-chassis with a constant height for the full length, reducing the thickness as you move away from the rotation axle of the crane. The front part is to be extended as far as possible under the cab and must end so that it ensures a gradual ow from one section to the other.




Truck chassis



Manuale installatore The easiest way that most truck manufacturers agree with is that of making a bevel at the front end with an angle of between 15 and 45 degrees. We remind you that this is indispensable to avoid damaging the truck chassis when working with the crane, especially when the crane is approved to work in front of the cab. This is because variations in the resistant sections must always occur gradually. The bottom edge of the front end is very important; it must be rounded with a minimum radius of R= 5 mm., to avoid the risk of cutting and/or breaking the truck side member.

The side members of the additional structure shall be seamless, extending as far as possible towards the front of the vehicle and shall possibly reach the front supporting zone of the rear leaf spring and rest on the chassis of the vehicle. The previously mentioned counter-chassis shall be in direct contact with the chassis of the truck, ensuring supporting continuity.

Wedge Counter-chassis

If anything should stick out such as heads of nails, you need to put wedges or spacers in-between, made of steel or other light alloy provided they are suitable for such purpose. The surfaces in contact between the wedge and the counter-chassis shall be pre-treated with rust inhibitor. Using the additional outriggers, the lengths of the counter-chassis shall be extended up to such cross member.


Truck chassis

Fitter’s manual All parts of the vehicle involved in the conversion or application shall be protected against corrosion and rust. All parts involved shall be treated and painted efciently. The nished counter-chassis in particular shall be treated with a cycle that envisages the following, once it has been completely assembled: - degreasing of the surfaces using adequate solvents that are not harmful to humans. - electrophoresis, or rust inhibitor treatment in alternative. - painting with suitably thick products (approx. 60 µ m). Note 1: all parts involved in welding shall be cleaned before painting them, if necessary. Note 2: the counter-chassis shall be closed at the end with some welded and sealed plates or open or semi-open boxed parts of the counter-chassis shall be treated with oil-wax products. Seal joints and overlapped parts and protect zones exposed to abrasive action using specic products.

Painting precautions Due precautions shall be taken to protect parts where paint could compromise their conservation or operation, such as: - Flexible hoses for pneumatic and hydraulic systems in rubber or plastic. - Gaskets, parts in rubber or plastic. - Stems of shock absorbers, of hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders. - Nameplates, initials etc.


Manuale installatore As already mentioned, the section of the counter-chassis can be gradually reduced after a length of three times the width of the crane base. The most usual way is that of leaving the internal closure of the side member of the counterchassis and of creating a reduction of the resistant torque as indicated below:





h Sufcient



If the section of the counter-chassis envisages some internal horizontal spacer plates, these too can be limited in length, again gradually.



Fitter’s manual The two side members thus made shall be connected together by cross members to ensure the rigidity of the truck. This rigidity is indispensable to be able to distribute the weight of the single axles of the truck when the crane is working and therefore ensuring the stability of the truck.

The material and the outer dimensions of such connection cross members shall correspond to those used to construct the side members of the counter-chassis.


Manuale installatore There are basically two types of installation: 1) Installation behind the cab Advantages: - The weight of the truck that is mainly concentrated at the front strongly contributes in gaining stability while the crane is in use. - The cost of installation of the crane is relatively economic. - You can load material longer than the truck board. 2) Installation behind the truck board Advantages: - The crane can be used even on a trailer. - Weights can be lifted very close to the crane, exploiting its maximum power. - The crane has a wide operating area without obstacles. - Thanks to the crane/truck combination, the operating stability of the crane is ensured over 360°.

With the same crane and same truck, installation number 2) takes more work and more material, because the counter-chassis must be more rigid in order to limit twisting while the crane is working and to avoid problems of stability deriving from twisting. The rear part of the truck is not as rigid and twists if it is strained by the use of a crane, therefore the boxed parts that are appropriately prepared in the zone next to the crane to make the counter-chassis rigid (cross members of the counter-chassis) in this specic type of installation must be increased both in terms of number and section. For the sake of evaluation, let’s say that the solutions used to prevent twisting in trucks with crane installation type 1) must be increased by 30-40% compared to installation type 2).


Fitter’s manual We are providing some useful tips on installing a crane correctly behind the cab, with regard to the construction of the counter-chassis: There are three types of crane bases: 1) Bases with 3 anchoring brackets With this base, the constructional nature of which does not contribute in reducing truck twisting, you need to apply an initial cross member on the counter-chassis under the base of the crane.


This cross member must obviously and theoretically be as high as the side member of the counter-chassis: sometimes however this is not possible due to the shapes and sizes of the truck, which stick out from the top edge of the chassis, or due to the shapes and sizes under the base of the crane. You are recommended to make as high a section as possible whatever the case to contrast truck twisting while the crane is working. The technical data sheets of the individual cranes related to information on the product provide further information concerning the construction of this initial cross member.


2) Bases with 4 anchoring brackets with mobile equalizer With this base, the constructional nature of which does not contribute in reducing truck twisting, you need to apply an initial cross member on the counter-chassis under the base of the crane. The outer dimensions of this cross member must be as similar as possible to those of the side member. Sometimes a slight 2 reduction in height is required due to any shapes and sizes under the crane or due to some part sticking out from the top edge of the truck chassis.


Manuale installatore 3) Bases with 4 xed anchoring brackets with xed equalizer The structure of the base contributes in making the part under the crane rigid therefore the application of cross members can start after the rear crane bracketing tie-rods: with this we do not mean that it is not useful but almost superuous.


A small cross member under the base of the crane or even better at the front of the counter-chassis may be of use in the constructional phase of the counterchassis to keep the two side members parallel during the assembly phases and installation of the truck. This cross member is on the other hand very useful when installing cranes at the back. In this case it is to be arranged in the centre line of the base, it must have a closed section that is twice as wide as the width of a single side member and it must be as high as the side members of the counterchassis.


Fitter’s manual Cross members of the counter-chassis The cross members of a counter-chassis, as explained in the previous pages, are elements that determine the rigidity of the counter-chassis. There are no specic regulations for their dimensions and the number of them to be applied, neither on behalf of truck manufacturers nor inspection authorities; they can still not be avoided however because, as already explained, there would be too much twisting when the crane is working, which would could problems of stability. Experience certainly helps in realising their importance. Various factors are to be considered when determining the type of stiffening system to be carried out, such as the pitch of the truck, the presence of additional outriggers and the weight of the truck in relation to the minimum tare weight envisaged for installing the specic type of crane model. Positioning the cross members If the additional outriggers are not envisaged for the specic type of installation to be carried out, it goes without saying that the truck is “big” in relation to the model of crane; therefore simply apply some cross members up to near the rear axle, making sure to apply them at equal distances apart.

x max. = 800 ÷ 900 mm. X


Note: Bearing in mind all mentioned in the previous pages, an initial cross member is always to be installed next to the crane bracketing tie-rods outside the base area even if the upper structure of the truck is a tipper.


Manuale installatore If xed additional outriggers are to be installed, the cross members shall be distributed in the free length between the rear bracketing tie-rods of the crane and the cross member of the outriggers, applying them at equal distances and not exceeding an empty length of 800/900 mm.

x max. = 800 ÷ 900 mm. x1 max. = 1100 ÷1200 mm. X




The cross members can be applied slightly further apart near the rear axle. If the application of a certain model of crane on a certain model of truck envisages the installation of additional outriggers that extend out to the side, we explained previously that the counter-chassis must be made even more rigid to avoid excessive twisting, which could penalise stability enormously during operation. Sections of the cross members An ideal rigidity is created with a large section: cross members that are narrow but very thick do not create sufcient rigidity but just increase the weight! Many installers use the same section to construct the cross members as that used for the counter-chassis: this is wrong. If you think of a box of shoes, you think of something rigid that is not easy to deform even though it is made of thin cardboard. The same concept is to be applied to determine the section of the cross members. A economic, handy and very functional solution consists in doubling the outer section of the counter-chassis, as indicated at the side. Indicative thickness of cross members: Crane up to 15 txm:

thickness 6 mm

Crane from 15 txm to 30 txm: thickness 8 mm Crane of over 30 txm:

thickness 10 mm

Higher thicknesses just lead to a superuous increase in the weight of the counterchassis.


Foto stabilizzatori uscita laterale


Fitter’s manual As mentioned previously, another important aspect to be observed strictly in order to obtain a good result is the height of the cross member: a cross member that is even only just a few centimetres lower than the height of the side member looses up to 50% of its effectiveness.

Stiffening the counter-chassis The zone next to the crane is obviously that most subject to twisting during operation; to further reduce twisting, you are suggested to apply some sheet metal triangles between the side members and the cross members using the indications given below; these indications apply for an ideal crane/truck combination and can be reduced in the case of small cranes tted on large trucks but they can also be increased in the case of large cranes installed on medium sized trucks or even large trucks but very long. These stiffening triangles must be fitted “flush” with the counter-chassis: otherwise they loose effectiveness. The ideal dimensions of the triangles is such to have two sides with the same length of 150/200 mm. Note: there is no use in applying triangles that are thicker than the cross member: this would just increase the weight without need.


Manuale installatore When constructing a counter-chassis, it may occur that some cross members are to be applied in zones where the counter-chassis consists of a simple C prole.

The application of a cross member that must be a boxed one (otherwise it would be almost useless), envisages the closure of the prole in the joining zone of the cross member by means of a wedge almost as thick as the prole and appropriately welded.


The profile is to be closed so that there are two free protrusions at the side of roughly 100 mm.


Fitter’s manual If the crane is installed at the back of the truck, the instructions just mentioned for the stiffening triangles must be observed. A part of the counter-chassis is to be closed with some sheet plates (as can be seen in the illustrations): this will form a box that is very unlikely to deform through twisting.

Reduction of the height of the counterchassis


If you wish to reduce the height of the section of the counter-chassis or to install a ring for the semi-trailer or to construct a special truck board, you need to check the new section, in the reduction point, but adopting value M of the torque induced by the crane on that certain section.




telaio veicolo vehicle chassis

Md = dynamic torque of the crane



Md. A

B If there are no additional outriggers, distances A and B must refer to the rear wheel axle.

x Md M


controtelaio telaio veicolo vehicle chassis

A B x 75/158

Manuale installatore The position of the maximum dynamic torque of the crane coincides with the position of the rotation axle of the crane and decreases slightly the more you move away from the rotation axle. If you wish to construct a very light counterchassis, you can create various sections of the side members, which must be tested with regard to the torque value in that specic point.



Note: in point X (position of the outriggers in this case) the dynamic torque of the crane is contrasted by the additional outriggers or by the rear axles of the truck, and is annulled.




Md = maximum dynamic torque a = distance of additional outriggers/crane rotation axle M1 = maximum dynamic torque in the test point b = distance of the point in which the section of the counter-chassis of the crane rotation axle reduces Note: The cross members of the counter-chassis must be positioned without considering the brackets in the case of an installation with a tipper truck board. These brackets are generally of smaller section and thickness compared to what the structure of the counter-chassis requires, therefore they cannot be considered to replace the cross members requested by a job done correctly.


Fitter’s manual 7.3 INTEGRAL COUNTER-CHASSIS Some models of crane are offered in the lowered version, in other words they already have an initial part of counter-chassis supplied by EFFER. In these crane versions, the rotation ring is applied on the structure that acts as the crane base and also the counter-chassis. The part of counter-chassis supplied may be considered load-bearing, in other words this part alone is able to withstand the maximum dynamic torque of the crane.

The work related to the installation of a crane equipped with integral counter-chassis consists in constructing the follow-on of the counter-chassis through to the back end of the truck: together with the crane, EFFER supplies some plates that are to be tted in the joining point between the two parts.


Manuale installatore Below is a table related to the dimensions of the sections of the side members supplied by EFFER. Crane Mod. D

750 850 1050 1250 1550 1750








200 200 200 200 200 270

8 8 10 10 10 10

300 300 300 300 330 370

8 8 10 10 10 10

NB: measurements expressed in millimetres

Generally speaking, or in most cases, if a counter-chassis is constructed at the back with the side members of the section indicated in the table above, using material type S355J2G3C UNI EN 10025 (EX Fe 510 D UNI 7070) - or similar - the dynamic torque of the crane, in the point in which the constructed section begins, is overcome by the resistance of the section made, also considering the contribution given by the section of the truck chassis. However, this is always to be checked with a test calculation, which we advise you to carry out following the indications relative to a rigid bracket. Tips on preparing the rear part of the counter-chassis The crane and its counter-chassis are supplied already installed. We advise you to position the counterchassis/crane on the truck, respecting the position obtained from the test calculations relative to the weights on the axles described previously.

Find the positions where the bracket of the counter-chassis/crane can be applied on the truck chassis: we point out that, since this is a section in which the dynamic torque of the crane is completely absorbed by the structure supplied, you can use some joining tie-rods with diameter of 24 mm for the brackets (see chapter 5.3 for the material specications), starting from the front end and positioning them at a distance of 800-1200 mm. This type of bracketing is considered “exible”. If you wish to make the brackets using side plates, observe the indications given in the chapter concerning the rigid bracket.


Fitter’s manual The function of the tie-rods is that of securing the counter-chassis/crane to the chassis of the truck. It is obviously important and fundamental to install at least four side blocking devices, two on each side, that stop any side movement of the counter-chassis/crane compared to the truck chassis. Once you have found the position of the brackets and of the side blocking devices, raise the counter-chassis/crane and position it so that you are able to remove the paint from the zone to be welded.

Position the counter-chassis/crane back on the truck; weld the brackets prepared previously in the positions envisaged.

NB: the section of the counter-chassis/crane is much wider than the section of the truck chassis: the recommended type of brackets is that indicated in the drawing that follows. In this way you also block the counter-chassis on the truck to stop it moving sideways. No 2. stiffening ribs ≠ 10 at the side of the bracket Bracket (60x40 ≠ 40) welded on the counterchassis Threaded block (60x40 ≠ 40)

Block ≠ 40x60

Anti-squashing plates of the truck chassis (≠ min 10 mm) No. 2 tie-rods M24


Manuale installatore The crane is to be taken off the truck again to be able to weld perfectly. Once you have nished welding and cleaning, protect the welded zones with special paint.

Put the crane back on the truck and complete the nal brackets. NB: in this phase it is important for the truck chassis to be perfectly at and supported on four rigid points.


Fitter’s manual

The part of counter-chassis that is to be tted on the crane is to be constructed separately, on sturdy supports and perfectly at: the structure thus constructed must be free from twisting or misalignments.

Apply the structure constructed on the truck, by the crane. Dene the bracketing points, setting them at roughly 1000÷1400 mm apart and find the position of the side blocking points that guarantee that the structure cannot move compared to the truck chassis. The side members made must coincide perfectly with the end part of the counter-chassis supplied by the manufacturer: the joining points are to be prepared for welding as follows: 90°

Bottom metal plates 2mm


controtelaio 90°

side metal plates 2mm


counter-chassis 90° 300

Top metal plate of the extension: it must be shorter to create the room required to weld internally and to apply the reinforcement in the joining point between the two bottom horizontal sheet metal plates.

90° crane



Manuale installatore

You can then weld the bracketing material and pound the zones left free from the joining cross members of the side members using 10-mm thick sheet metal. X

~ 500

~ 1000 200


~ 1000 200




* Cross members of the counter- X: Joining sheet metal of the side members: Recommended thickness 10 mm for the rst two zones to chassis: recommended section be closed near the crane. The other zones can be same as the section of the conclosed with 8-mm thick sheet metal. structed side member.

You will then weld and paint the counter-chassis. The counter-chassis thus prepared is to be tted on the truck and bracketed to it nally. Once you have bracketed the counter-chassis, join the same to the chassis of the crane by welding them together.


Fitter’s manual Two reinforcement plates are supplied with the crane, which are to be welded inside the side members to join the two bottom plates.

90° Finally, apply the top metal plate to close the opening between the counter-chassis and the chassis of the crane. This will create a counter-chassis as illustrated in the photo above.

crane 2 mm


Note: follow the instructions given in chapter 11 for the application of the additional outriggers. Note: Welding instructions required to construct the counter-chassis are given in chapter 1.2.4. of this manual.


Manuale installatore

8- FITTING THE COMPONENTS ON THE TRUCK 8.1 - Fitting the hydraulic power take-off When installing the power take-off on the gearbox you need to work with maximum caution to ensure you assemble the power take-off correctly, which would otherwise damage the truck’s gearbox. Proceed as follows: 1) Drain the oil from the gearbox of the truck and remove the cover of the hatch where the power take-off will be applied (hatch, re. A). A

2) Screw the stud bolts in the holes where the screws of the hatch were tted and tighten rmly. If the threaded holes go right through the gearbox, make sure the stud bolts do not interfere with the gears inside the box. In this case, we remind you to apply a sealing product on the thread of the stud bolts to avoid the possible leakage of oil. 3) Fit the power take-off on the gearbox using a gasket in-between (supplied with the power take-off). To assemble correctly, there should be a play of between 0.15 and 0.3 mm between the teeth of the gears of the gearbox and those of the power take-off. Fit a number of gaskets between the power take-off and the gearbox to obtain an empty rotation movement on the output shaft of the power take-off with a play of between 0.5 and 1 mm. Gearbox

Power take-off


Fitter’s manual To check, leave the truck engine turned off and operate the power take-off and manually turn its output shaft. In some power take-offs there is an opening through which you can check the play between the gears. NB: The output shaft turns and engages the power take-off. Connect the drive of the power take-off to check the play. The truck engine must be turned off. 4) The correct attachment of the power take-off requires the application of safety washers that cannot come loose or even better the application of Loctite on the threads. Recommended tightening torques for the attachment screws of the power take-off: Screw M 8 = 2.4 kgm (22-25 Nm) Screw M 8.5 = 2.4 kgm (22-25 Nm) Screw M 10 = 5 kgm (44-49 Nm) Screw M12 = 8 kgm (70-75 Nm)

5) Once you have tted the power take-off, you need to check the noise of the gears by activating the power take-off and starting the engine just shortly and at roughly 700 rpm, bearing in mind that the gearbox and the power take-off work without oil in this phase. A “creaking” noise means that they are installed too tight: there’s no play between the teeth. A “beating” noise means that there is too much play between the teeth. 6) Once you have checked the perfect completion of the job, ll the gearbox back up with oil.

NB: The power take-off is always to be engaged and disengaged with your foot pressed right down on the clutch pedal. NB: check the tightness of the power take-off after a few hours of work.


Manuale installatore Pneumatically operated power take-off This type of drive is only suitable for trucks with air for the brakes circuit. The pneumatic deviator is to be placed in the cab near the dashboard or under the driver’s seat. The compressed air drawn from the truck’s circuit shall reach the pneumatic deviator installed in the cab via a pipe and from here it must reach the power take-off. You are recommended to t a pneumatic lock valve on the branch to prevent a defect in the power take-off or in the system created from compromising the operation of the truck too. Furthermore to avoid air leaks, the pneumatic connections must be made very carefully and using pipes with pipe fittings. You are recommended not to complete pneumatic connections with welded pipes. It is absolutely forbidden to move the truck while the power take-off is engaged; for this purpose you are advised to install a luminous red LED in a clearly visible position (this is actually obligatory in EC countries), so that the truck driver can always check the condition of the power take-off. If you move the truck while the power take-off is engaged you will damage the power take-off irreparably.

Luminous red LED


Pressure switch or electric contact on the command

+ Truck utility air tank

Power take-off


Fitter’s manual Mechanically operated power take-off This type of drive is installed in small and medium trucks that do not have air for the brakes circuit. The lever and relative support used to operate the power take-off are generally installed in a handy position next to the driver’s seat. Using a exible cable, connect the operating lever to the power take-off. Be careful where you position the exible cable so that it is as short as possible, that it does not suddenly change direction (to avoid compromising the free run of the cable) and that it is not in contact with sources of heat. It is strictly forbidden to move the vehicle while the power take-of is engaged; for this purpose you are advised to install a luminous red LED in a clearly visible position (this is actually obligatory in EC countries), so that the truck driver can always check the condition of the power take-off. If you move the truck while the power take-off is engaged you will damage the power take-off irreparably.

Luminous red LED

Engaging lever

+ Electric contact on command

Cable Engaging lever Earth

Power take-off

Power take-off

Flexible cable


Manuale installatore Power take-off on the torque distributor In 4x4 or 6x6 drive vehicles, you can t the power take-off on the torque distributor. The rpm for the utility is correlated to the gear engaged. Consult the truck manufacturer’s manuals to check the output power available on the torque distributor. Other possible types of power take-off In some vehicles with hatch on the gearbox for the power take-off, the supply of the hydraulic system can be prepared as follows: - with the hydraulic control unit connected directly to the truck battery; - with the power take-off from the engine, via pulley. Operation with the hydraulic control unit is usually used for smaller cranes, for random work and for cranes with lower lifting capacities, due to the considerable input and electric power available that the normal system of the vehicle is not always able to output, which compromises its use and leads to frequent maintenance jobs such as the replacement of starter switches and electric motors.

An alternative to such application is with power take-off from the engine via belt transmissions (usually geared and trapeze) with suitable electro-magnetic joints controlled from inside the cab.

These applications are very specic and involve costly work in the engine bay, plus very much attention must be paid to the following points in particular: • check the temperature of the engine coolant and of the oil if the crane is used for long hours and possibly t additional heat exchangers; • make sure the drive transmission on the engine shaft is done with exible systems so as not to cause vibrations on the actual shaft; • the protrusion of the transmission pulley compared to the bed support shall be minimal.


Fitter’s manual 8.2 - Fitting the hydraulic pump There are two possible ways of installing the hydraulic pump based on your own requirements:

1. Direct application: pump coupled and anged on the power take-off.

2. Indirect application: pump fitted by means of a cardan shaft.

1. Direct application: pump coupled and anged on the power take-off. This type of application is done when the following conditions exist: - there is enough space near the gearbox, in order to prevent oscillations of the gearbox from damaging the pump by making it interfere with other parts of the truck; - the manufacturer of the power take-off knows the characteristics of the hydraulic pump and the hydraulic operating specifications of the crane and must guarantee that the gearbox of the truck is suitable to withstand the vibrations produced by the power take-off and the hydraulic pump tted overhanging; - the pipes that connect the hydraulic pump to the crane must not be tightly bent or squashed; - these pipes must not rest on structural edges: vibrations would cut the pipes; - the oil in-take hose - connection between the pump and the oil tank of the crane - must not have siphon sacks but must run continuously downwards and its cross section must be such to minimise load losses, therefore it must be much larger than the pipes normally installed on the crane; - the exible hoses must be secured using rigid supports every 30-35 mm.

NB: To avoid cavitation, the pump must always be installed under the minimum level of the hydraulic oil of the tank. 89/158

Manuale installatore 2 Indirect application: pump applied by means of a Cardan shaft In this case the application consists in anging the pump to the counter-chassis using a bracket and in connecting it by means of a Cardan shaft with coupling ange to the power take-off. Cardan shaft manufacturers impose maximum inclination angles that generally range between 8° and 10° (deviation between the axes of the power take-off and the pump). The Cardan shaft must be sized to transmit the maximum “rotation torque” requested by the pump when the crane is working. Another parameter to check when choosing the Cardan shaft is the maximum rpm at which it can be used. Considering that this installation is to be used when there is not enough room to apply the pump directly, it is quite easy to forget to observe all the rules mentioned above and therefore to compromise not only the life of the Cardan shaft itself but also that of the power take-off and the pump. There are lubricators on the coupling anges of the Cardan shaft, which are used to service the Cardan shaft periodically to obtain correct operation and lasting wear in time.

Correct assemblies Angles the same and joints timed

Incorrect assemblies Angles the same but joints not timed α







α Angles the same and joints timed 90/158

Angles not the same and joints timed

Fitter’s manual To use the Cardan shaft correctly, the angles of the two end joints must be the same and must not exceed the maximum angle admitted by the manufacturer and that the joints at the ends are timed with each other. Practically speaking: - t the pump on the counter-chassis, tilting at the same angle as the gearbox compared to the chassis; - make sure the end anges of the Cardan shaft are on the same level. If the Cardan shaft is installed incorrectly it could not only compromise the life of the Cardan shaft itself but also that of the power take-off and of the pump. Note: for the operator’s safety you are recommended to use Cardan shafts complete with protection devices on the joints. Starting the hydraulic gear pump There are no special precautions involved in starting a gear pump: all the instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the pump must be strictly observed. It is in any event useful to engage the power take-off while the truck engine is just turning over and to release the clutch with caution and gradually so that you are ready to interrupt the starting phase if something goes wrong. Starting the hydraulic piston pump A piston pump is to be started much more carefully and cautiously. All the instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the pump must be strictly observed. For some types of piston pumps, the pump must be lled with oil to evacuate the air with operating methods that are not always the same. We would like to point out the importance of this operation, which if requested and not done, could lead to the breakage of the pump. It is advisable to engage the power take-off while the truck engine is just turning over and to release the clutch with caution and gradually so that you are ready to interrupt the starting phase if something goes wrong. We advise you to run the hydraulic piston pump for a few minutes before pressurising the hydraulic circuit of the crane to be certain that there is no air in the oil in-take circuit. Note: If the two circuits (tipper/crane) are integrated or they are operated by just one pump, if the tipper is already on the truck, you need to drain the oil of the tipper in the cylinder so that it does not pollute that of the crane tank with particles or other suspended bodies, which would consequently damage the hydraulic components of the crane circuit.


Manuale installatore 8.3 Fitting the counter-chassis Positioning it on the truck The truck is to be parked on at ground so that the truck chassis cannot be twisted. Make sure the two side members of the truck are on the same level, in other words that the chassis is not distorted. You are also recommended to put at least four adjustable supports between the ground and the bottom part of the chassis (two on each side member) so that the chassis level does not change by the weight of the counter-chassis when it is put on top of it. This is indispensable to ensure the lasting quality of the installation and not to alter the functional life of the original chassis of the truck.

Note: when installing the counter-chassis, do not move the truck until the counterchassis has been completely bracketed. If you need to move the truck you will have to repeat all just explained. NB: before you start any jobs, disconnect the truck’s battery as explained in section 1.2.2.


Fitter’s manual Securing the counter-chassis When the counter-chassis is calculated, the type of attachment to be adopted to join the truck and counter-chassis must already have been dened. Based on the type of attachment, the chassis of the truck gives a different contribution in creating, together with the counter-chassis, sufficient resistance to the strain induced by the crane when it is working. When calculating the counter-chassis, one assumes that the twisting and exing of the structure created are the same on both sides of the truck, both when working and when driving the truck on the road: from this you can realise how important the function of the cross members applied between the two side members of the counter-chassis is.

Dynamic torque of the crane

Counter-chassis controtelaio telaio veicolo Truck chassis

The following types of attachment are possible:

1) Flexible attachment The chassis of the truck and the counter-chassis are connected in a way that is not totally restricted, therefore you can exploit a maximum total resistance bound to the resistance of the weakest element in the calculation. This type of attachment means that the chassis and the counter-chassis can run between each other, therefore they must be joined with so-called “flexible” connections, such as long tie-rods or side plates with the screws that secure them to the chassis tightened with low tightening torque and with plenty of play in the holes.


Released deformation (double section)

If the attachment is done using side plates and joining screws, you must nd the number of screws to apply instead of the crane tie-rod. These screws are subject to a cutting force and therefore are much less resistant compared to screws subject to traction.


Manuale installatore Let’s analyse the case of a crane installed behind the truck cab, in other words a crane that has a reduced lifting capacity in the work zone over the cab. The crane base is secured by four tie-rods on each side of the counter-chassis. The counter-chassis is joined to the chassis of the truck with plate and screws. Here’s a table with the minimum number of screws that are to be applied on one side of the chassis of the truck. NUMBER OF SCREWS IN THE PLACE OF 2 TIE-RODS Diameter of crane bracketing tie-rod

Screw M12

Screw M14

Class of resistance

Class of resistance

8.8 (8G)

10.9 (10K) 8.8 (8G)

Screw M16 Class of resistance

10.9 (10K) 8.8 (8G) 10.9 (10K)









































































Note: you are advised to use screws in material type 10.9 to reduce their number. At least 70% of the screws are to be arranged under the crane base in two or more rows. The remaining screws are to be applied as near as possible to the above-indicated zone. The holes (through holes) where the screws are screwed must be 0.5 ÷ 1 mm larger in diameter than the diameter of the screw (example: for a screw type M14 the hole must be 14.5 to 15 mm).

To tighten these screws, adopt the tightening torque given in the table and use self-locking nuts.



Class of resistance



10.9 (10K)

Screw M12



Screw M14



Screw M16



Fitter’s manual NB: Unless specically specied, based on the calculations carried out, the connection plates must be made of the same material or of superior material as that used to construct the counter-chassis. We are providing a table of some indicative thicknesses, obviously using material with mechanical characteristics of at least S 355 J2G3C UNI EN 10025 (ex Fe 510D UNI 7070).

Max. crane torque txm


Thickness of sheet plate recommended “S”

< 10

< 100

8 mm

10 ÷30

100 ÷300

10 mm

> 30

> 300

12 mm

A exible type attachment, excluding the part under the crane, is also done using brackets joined with large screws or tie-rods: Leave 1-2 mm before the closure Counter-chassis


Leave 1-2 mm before the closure



The brackets are tted on the outer rib of the side members of the truck chassis using bolts or nails, while can be done by welding on the counter-chassis. The brackets shall be appropriately distributed along the counter-chassis (as an indicative value, centre line between brackets: 750 / 1000 mm). If you need to make additional holes in the chassis, do so bearing in mind the specic directives of the truck manufacturer (see also indications given in section that follows). To ensure the exibility of the connection, during assembly, make sure the distance between the brackets of the chassis and of the counter-chassis is 1-2 mm before tightening the attachment bolts; greater distances are reduced using appropriate spacers.


Manuale installatore 1) Rigid attachment (also called single section) NB: This type of attachment is the most frequently used in the theoretic test calculations, because it generally enables the construction of shorter counterchassis. Remember that it can also be done by applying single tie-rods to secure the crane/counter-chassis/chassis of the truck, but some plates must be tted all the same between the counter-chassis and the chassis to stop the two elements from running. The truck chassis and the counter-chassis are joined together rigidly and there is no sliding movement between the counter-chassis and the truck chassis, therefore the test calculation is done considering just one section. The two ends of the section can reach the limit tension values envisaged for the two individual materials. The joining plates between chassis and counter-chassis shall be appropriately distributed right along the length (as an indicative value, assume a centre line between the plates of 900/1200 mm).


Restricted deformation (double section)

You must nd the number of screws to be applied under the crane instead of the tie-rods. These screws must ensure the perfect connection between the side plates tted and the original chassis of the truck and must be tightened so that they are able to withstand the cutting force. NB: Unless specifically specified, based on the calculations carried out, the connection plates must be made of the same material and with the same or greater thickness as that used to construct the counter-chassis. We are providing Max. crane torque Thickness of sheet plat a table of some indicative thicknesses, txm KN.m recommended “S” obviously using material with mecha< 10 < 100 8 mm nical characteristics of at least type S 355 J2G3C UNI EN 10025 (ex Fe 510D 10 ÷30 100 ÷300 10 mm UNI 7070). > 30 > 300 12 mm Consider the following to find the minimum number of screws to be fitted instead of the tie-rods: 96/158

Fitter’s manual 1) crane installed behind the cab, in other words a crane with reduced lifting capacity over the cab. The four crane attachment tie-rods, on each side, secure the crane to the counter-chassis. The counter-chassis is joined to the truck chassis by a plate and a number of screws - again on each side - as per table below. NUMBER OF SCREWS ON EACH SIDE OF CHASSIS Diameter of crane bracketing

Screw M12

Screw M14

Class of resistance

Class of resistance

Screw M16 Class of resistance

10.9 (10K) 8.8 (8G) 10.9 (10K) 8.8 (8G) 10.9 (10K) 10 11 9 10 8


8.8 (8G) 12


































































2) crane installed at the back of truck, in other words a crane with maximum lifting capacity in the work zone. The four tie-rods secure the crane to the counter-chassis. The counterchassis is joined to the truck chassis by a plate and a number of screws - again on each side - as per table below. NUMBER OF SCREWS ON EACH SIDE OF CHASSIS Diameter of crane bracketing

Screw M12

Screw M14

Class of resistance

8.8 (8G)

Class of resistance

Screw M16 Class of resistance

10.9 (10K) 8.8 (8G) 10.9 (10K) 8.8 (8G) 10.9 (10K)









































































Note: you are advised to use screws in material type 10.9 to reduce their number. 97/158

Manuale installatore The holes (through holes) where the screws are screwed must be larger in diameter than the diameter of the screw, by max 0.5 mm (example: for a screw type M14 the hole must be 14.5 mm). Use the standard tightening torque to tighten these screws, as per table.

At least 80% of the screws are to be arranged under the base of the crane, on two or more rows.


8.8 (8G)

Screw M12



Screw M14



Screw M16



Class of resistance

10.9 (10K)

The remaining screws are to be arranged as near as possible to the above-mentioned zone.

Rigid attachments in the zone that is not under the crane is also done using brackets joined with screws.

Counter-chassis Chassis




Fitter’s manual

The brackets are applied on the outer rib of the side members of the truck chassis using bolts or nails, while the counter-chassis can be applied by welding it. The brackets are to be appropriately distributed along the counter-chassis. If you need to make additional holes in the chassis, do so bearing in mind the specic directives of the truck manufacturer. To ensure the exibility of the connection, during assembly, make sure the distance between the brackets of the chassis and of the counter-chassis is 1-2 mm before tightening the attachment bolts; greater distances are reduced using appropriate spacers.


Manuale installatore 3) Mixed attachment This type of attachment is a mix between the exible and rigid types. The test calculation shall identify the point where the rigid attachment is to end, in other words the point from where you can continue with the exible attachment due to lower strain conditions. It enables the construction of very short counter-frames and is constructionally more economic compared to the completely rigid attachment. It offers a contribution towards twisting slightly lower than the rigid type but superior compared to the exible type. It is to be pointed out that it can also be done by applying single tie-rods to attach the crane/counter-chassis/truck chassis, but plates need to be arranged between the counterchassis and the chassis in the rigid section to prevent any running between the two elements. Force

Mixed deformation

For indications on the bracketing next to the crane, observe the instructions given in section 2 “rigid bracketing” while you can observe all indicated in section 1 “exible attachment” for the remaining part.


Fitter’s manual Useful information on the attachments of the counter-chassis Note: It is not possible to weld the truck chassis, just like it is never possible to drill holes in the wings of the same: holes can only be drilled in the vertical side of the chassis in compliance with the instructions given in the manuals of the truck manufacturer.



Generally speaking and unless instructed otherwise by the truck manufacturer, you can use the diagram given below if you need to drill holes in the truck chassis.

D = hole diameter: max. 20 mm A = distance between the centre of the top holes and the top edge of the chassis. Minimum distance = 40 mm, or alternatively: Minimum distance = 3 x D B = Minimum horizontal distance between holes = 4 x D C = minimum vertical distance between holes = 3 x D Note: the counter-chassis constructed must rest constantly on the truck chassis for its whole length. No type of material is requested to be placed between the two structures, neither rubber and not even wood. If there are any nails in the top wing of the truck chassis, a plate is to be tted over it that is as large as the chassis, as thick as how far the nails stick out and with holes by the heads of the nails, as stated in section 7. We remind you that this plate must as long as the counter-chassis and must be joined to the counter-chassis: remember it cannot be welded to the truck chassis.


Manuale installatore The whole surface of the plates are to be protected against corrosion. Bolts are to be tightened using a dynamometric spanner, observing the values given in the previous tables. It is forbidden to use exible washers (type groover etc.) but you are advised to use resilient flat washers specic for bolts.


Fitter’s manual Indications for side plates


B 1








s A

s A


A- width of truck chassis

1- counter-chassis

B- width of counter-chassis

2- reinforcement sheet plate

C- width of reinforcement plate

3- joining plate

S- thickness of joining plate

4- truck chassis

The plate that joins the counter-chassis / truck chassis is bolted to the truck chassis and welded to the counter-chassis. If the counter-chassis and the chassis have the same width, the plate is vertical. If the counter-chassis is wider than the truck chassis, the width is recovered using the base plate in the shape of a bracket. Prepare the width of the joining plate so that the corner welding has a thickness of Z = S and can be placed without hindrance. The reinforcement plates - re. 2 - must be tted every 200÷300 mm. The recommended thickness of sheet plate “S” of the side plate depends on the lifting torque of the crane: If there are no dimensional restrictions deriving from the theoretic calculations, we recommend you not to use wedges smaller than that indicated in the table:

Max. crane torque txm


Thickness of sheet plate recommended “S”

< 10

< 100

8 mm

10 ÷30

100 ÷300

10 mm

> 30

> 300

12 mm


Manuale installatore Securing the counter-chassis using tie-rods The application of vertical tie-rods in two by two for each bracket on the base, which joints the crane/counter-chassis/truck chassis, is certainly the quickest and cheapest way. Any protrusions at the side of the truck chassis, created by the mechanical components present (i.e. cylinders, supports, exhaust etc.) do not always make it possible to block the counter-chassis with just one vertical tie-rod. Remembering that it is forbidden to install tie-rods that are not vertical compared to the truck chassis, the execution of a “return” enables the installation via tie-rods all the same. This “return” can be made in the following methods: a) Return bracket outside the counter-chassis

Front side of truck





When L1 exceeds 70 mm and L2 exceeds 100 mm, you need to apply some gusset plates to back-up the welding of the bracket “A” on the counter-chassis, as wide as the bracket and twice as high as the minimum thickness width of 8 mm.


Fitter’s manual b) Through return bracket in the counter-chassis Front side of truck





Likewise for the previous case, L1 and L2 again cannot exceed certain lengths, which we indicate in the table. The above can be applied to a pair of tie-rods or to all four, based on the requirements of the specic installation. In any case, it is important to make the “returns” so that L3 is greater or the same as L4. You are also recommended to weld the tie-rod return brackets as near as possible to the central zone of the counter-chassis, both whether they are applied externally or embedded internally.


L1 mm

L2 mm


0 ÷ 70

0 ÷100


0 ÷ 120



0 ÷ 120



0 ÷ 140



0 ÷ 200

0÷ 300


0 ÷ 250



0 ÷ 300



0 ÷ 300


Note: Plates A must be at least 1.2 times as thick as the diameter of the tie-rod.

L3 L4

L4 L3

L3 ≥ L4

L3 L4

L3 L4 105/158

Manuale installatore Note: Be very careful if you make brackets with through vertical tie-rods that block the crane, counter-chassis and truck chassis, to avoid squashing the truck chassis when tightening.

To avoid squashing, you need some sheet plates by each internal tie-rod to stop them from squashing.

10 mm 90°

We remind you that the bracketing tie-rods are to be tightened with the crane completely folded down, or if this is not possible, with the boom extensions as vertical as they can possibly go.


10 mm 90°

Fitter’s manual In the case of counter-chassis built with very thin vertical sheet plates, or in other words thinner than or equal to 6 mm, there is the risk of the side members of the counter chassis getting squashed when the crane is at work, whatever the type of crane installed. You are advised to apply some localised reinforcements on the counter-chassis, by the tie-rod itself. The minimum recommended width L is of 0.8÷1 times the height of the counter-chassis, the minimum thickness of the reinforcement plate is indicated as 6 mm.


L min = (0,8 ÷1) x h


You are recommended to weld continuously in the top and bottom zone, while the welding on the vertical sides is to be concentrated just in the central zone, with indicative length of 1/3 the length of the plate.

1/3 di L



Manuale installatore Blocking the counter-chassis at the side Some of the systems mentioned above used to join the counter-chassis to the truck chassis are not sufcient to contrast the side movement of the counter-chassis compared to the truck chassis; this movement may occur either when driving the truck on the road or when working with the crane.

The counter-chassis must therefore have some side stoppers compared to the top wings of the truck chassis; these stoppers must be welded to the counter-chassis. These stoppers are obviously superuous in a zone that has been bracketed using a side plate, but are indispensable when a tie-rod bracketing system is used.

If the bracket system is used, simply apply some on the chassis so that they hang over the top edge or to the counter-chassis so that they hang over the bottom edge and that the container prevents the side movement between the two elements.


Fitter’s manual 8.4 Securing the crane Use some tie-rods to secure the crane to the truck or just to the counter-chassis. The securing nuts must be tightened using a dynamometric spanner. All this is explained and illustrated in section 5.3. Not only is the crane to be blocked vertically, but you must also prevent the base from moving compared to the counter-chassis especially after the crane rotates or if the truck brakes suddenly. For this reason you need to install some suitable blocking devices, at the top part of the counter-chassis, to prevent the crane base from slipping. These blocking devices must be applied by welding them to the counter-chassis.

The presence of such blocking devices is indispensable to guarantee the tightness of the tie-rods in time. These blocking devices must be in quantities of four: their position is very important based on the type of crane base. 1) Base with three brackets to secure the crane:

in alternative


Manuale installatore 2) Base with four brackets for securing the crane with mobile equalisers:

This solution compromises the integrity of the attachment of the equaliser to the crane base

3) Base with four brackets for securing the crane and with xed equaliser:

in alternative

NB: the effectiveness of these blocking devices strongly depends on their distance from the crane. You are recommended to keep them as near as possible to the crane during welding. NB: Having completed the testing phase of the crane, phase during which maximum lifting movements are made, it may occur that when the various structures installed settle (counter-chassis, crane) the bracketing tie-rods may work loose. Check the tightness of the bracketing tie-rods and provide a system that stops the nut from coming loose: the most popular system is the application of a second securing nut.


Fitter’s manual NOTE: on some models of crane, or in the case of particular types of installation, the point where the blocking devices should be welded may not be easily accessible and therefore it is impossible to weld them on the counter-chassis. There are two alternatives: 1) the blocking device that is not applied on the top side of the counter-chassis is welded under the female cross piece of the crane, as aligned as possible with the position that it should have had on the counter-chassis. In this case, you are recommended to apply blocking devices with minimum section of 40 x 40 mm.

2) the blocking device that is not applied on the top side of the counter-chassis is replaced with a plate that is welded on the outer side of the counter-chassis. You need to create an interference between the blocking device and the crane of at least 40 mm (part of blocking device that sticks out of the top edge of the counter-chassis) and use a minimum thickness of 15 mm for cranes up to 30 txm, whereas for cranes with greater lifting capacities, the minimum thickness must be 20 mm.


Manuale installatore 8.5 Fitting the outrigger cylinders on the crane and any vertical extensions envisaged Be very careful when handling the outrigger jacks. In the case of small cranes, the jacks can be handled manually (they weigh less than 30 kg), otherwise lift with caution using suitable lifting equipment. Read the use and maintenance manual of the crane where you will find the instructions on the correct hydraulic handling of the outrigger jacks.

The outrigger jacks may be: 1- already fitted on the crane and positioned vertically facing upwards. Turn them downwards to make them operative. They are secured with pins: it is up to the tter to make sure that the securing system is always complete with a safety device that stops the pin from slipping out. There must always be a safety split pin or automatic spring retaining device of the pin.

2- delivered in a pack together with the crane. The jacks may be tted: - with pins: make sure they are blocked by split pins or ring nuts - with screws: secure the screws using a dynamometric spanner.


Fitter’s manual Hydraulic connection of the outriggers Some clips of two different colours are tted on the exible hoses and on the fittings on the valve of the jack. Work with caution to avoid inverting the connections. You would definitely damage the outrigger jack if you should invert the pipes. If you have any doubts on the connections, consult the “service manual” that includes a chapter on the hydraulic connection of the outrigger jacks. We remind you that the jack must be lled with hydraulic oil, after completing any hydraulic connection jobs on the outrigger jack. Start the crane and operate the levers of the distributor corresponding to the jacks of the outriggers and raise and lower the stem a few times at minimum speed. Table of tightening torque to be used to secure the jacks.

Key: Diameter of screw



headed screw


type A M16

24 mm


27 mm


36 mm


22 mm

type B 14 mm

Tightening torque daN.m 130 180

19 mm



450 500


Manuale installatore Deciding the extensions For some crane models, the plates on which the outriggers rest are secured with exible plugs, while other models are delivered with two extensions. These are to be welded to the stem of the foot jack after having decided the length necessary (based on the height of the truck chassis). It is a good rule to make an extension that enables the crane to work without the outrigger jack having to reach its end-of-hydraulic-stroke position. We remind you that is absolutely forbidden to apply extensions on the stems of the outrigger feet that are longer than that envisaged and delivered, unless the manufacturer authorises you to do so in advance. The structural calculation of the outrigger jack has a ratio between lining length and stem length; if this ratio is not respected, the jack could break and the truck could consequently tip.

How to weld the plate supplied To stabilise the truck correctly, the jack stem must have an excursion under the ground of roughly 130 mm. The tter must decide the correct length of the extension with regard to the space that the plate will have from the ground while the truck is driving on the road.


130 mm

Fitter’s manual

Position the plate on the ground, in line with the stem of the jack, position the previously sized extension on the plate and slowly slide out the jack stem until it rests hydraulically on the extension and on the plate. Weld some points in the two joins then position the cylinder and weld.

WARNING: Before you start welding, protect the chrome-plated parts of the stem with rubber paper or rags. Once you nished welding, protect the end that is not chrome-plated with paint.

Note: If there is a ball joint at the end of the stem, it is absolutely forbidden to apply xed extensions under the plate that rests on the ground. Contact the manufacturer if you need to change the lengths of the outrigger jacks that have a ball joint.

Housing of the outrigger jacks The housing of the outrigger jacks at the side of the truck in a vertical position facing downwards while the truck is driving on the road may require some modications to the truck itself. We remind you that any modication to the truck, if of a certain entity, can only be carried out if authorised to do so by the truck manufacturer. The tted is liable for damages or anomalies deriving from having made unauthorised modications: the air suction system or the discharge system can only be modified following authorisation on behalf of the truck manufacturer. You can however move units such as the fuel tank, the spare wheel or the whole battery compartment, provided that their operating efciency is not altered.


Manuale installatore 8.6 Attachments/adjustments for feasible raised control station The support of the raised controls of EFFER cranes is adjustable in height. In this way there are no problems of interference with the truck cabs, which have different heights based on the brand and on the type. The above-mentioned support can be attached in different positions compared to the minimum height position. The support is to be attached to the column using the number of screws consigned. To contain overall dimensions, the support of the raised controls is delivered completely lowered; if this position coincides with that desired, you must check if the screws are tight before delivering the crane to the customer. Before you tighten the support make sure the control station does not interfere with parts of the crane while the crane rotates. The attachment screws of the support must be tightened using a dynamometric spanner, in compliance with the tightening torque indicated below. Metric




Thread M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 M20 M22 M24 M27

8.8 (8G) Nm 6 9 23 45 78 126 193 270 387 522 666 990

10.9 (10K) Nm 8 14 34 67 117 184 279 387 558 747 654 1395

12.9 (12K) Nm 9 16 38 78 135 216 333 459 648 873 1116 1665





Tightening torques for screw-nut bolted attachments


Fitter’s manual 8.7 Manoeuvring station There is always a manoeuvring station on the crane: this may be at the bottom on one side, on the bottom on two sides, or at the top on a platform for the operator while standing or sat on a seat. These units are manufactured in compliance with European standards, but when the crane is installed on the truck, the tter is requested to check/prepare access to the manoeuvring station. Here are the obligatory requirements of the manoeuvring stations: 1- in the case of controls operated from the ground, the height of these must be checked compared to the ground so that they can be operated easily with an exact view of the indications on the controls, of all the indications exposed, including the load charts of the crane. 2- It is a good rule for the crane controls to be arranged at a maximum height off the ground of 1500 mm.

3- in the case of particular installations, you may have to prepare simple footboards for the operator to stand on to be able to reach and operate the controls of the crane. These must not be positioned higher than 600 mm , plus they must not be smaller than 350 x 350 mm. 4- The overhanging footboard structure attached to the crane or the truck must be able to withstand a load of 120 kg at its end. 5- If you have to prepare structures to access the raised control station, the operator must be able to use them with natural movements so that he feels completely safe. 6- The control station must not be accessed if there is the risk of colliding with the structure or against parts of the truck itself, worse still if there is the risk of getting clothing caught up in parts.


Manuale installatore 7- Rests or handles prepared MUST be rounded, smooth and easy to get hold of. 8- Support surfaces for feet MUST be made with non-slip material and steps must not be rounded: the step must be big enough for both feet. 9- Handles or safety railings must be such to withstand a minimum force of 100 kg even if applied in all possible directions. 10 - As for the minimum dimensions of steps, please consult the illustrations given hereafter.





min --220 300* 150 20

max 600 300 400 ----300

* 150, per foot










min 16 150 75

max 40 -----

Fitter’s manual

9 HYDRAULIC CONNECTIONS OF THE CRANE 9.1 Choosing the components It is up to the tter to make the hydraulic connection of the hydraulic pump and of any additional outriggers to the crane. To guarantee the correct operating efciency of the crane and its just reliability, it is very important for the tter to observe the following instructions: incorrect connections can cause the oil to overheat, pipes to burst, vibrations in movements and so on.

All the hydraulic material used must have the same safety factor as the material on the crane: we remind you that rigid pipes must have a safety factor of 2.5 times on bursting and 2.2 times on the non-destructive overpressure test compared to the maximum pressure value envisaged by the hydraulic circuit of the crane. For exible hoses that will be subjected to pressure, the minimum requested safety coefcient is 4 with regard to bursting and 2.2 times for the non-destructive overpressure test compared to maximum pressure envisaged by the hydraulic circuit of the crane. The exible hose that connects the oil tank to the pump is not a pressure hose: the most common types of hoses are those made of reinforced rubber or rubber in which there is a steel coil inside. This hose must be able to withstand a pressure of 10 without being damaged so that it cannot deform under the oil drawing effect of the pump.


Manuale installatore If necessary, rigid pipes are to be bent using special tools so that the bend is even, not squashed in certain points and with bending radius that is at least three times the outer diameter of the pipe. In the case of doubt, the tter shall request further information from the material supplier.

Flexible hoses shall not be installed too tight. We remind you that a exible hose tends to pull straight when subjected to pressure and shortens and increases in diameter: this must be possible without the hose interfering with edges or any other elements present. All exible hoses that are less than one meter from the operator and subjected to pressure values above 50 shall be protected with a sturdy sheath or with metal guards, as imposed by operator health & safety standards with regard to bursting. Flexible hoses are to be secured without damaging them at least every 1000- 1200 mm.

min. 1000- 1200 mm. 120/158

Fitter’s manual Before you install the hydraulic components needed to complete the hydraulic connection of the crane, clean them internally using compressed air. Do not let the open ends of the piping rest on the ground, nor any other parts used to make hydraulic connections, in order to stop any impurities that certainly settle on the material from penetrating the hydraulic circuit of the crane if they are not cleaned properly.

9.2 Sizing the hosing A) Oil in-take hosing The exible hosing that connects the oil tank to the pump is called the “oil in-take hose”. Attention: The maximum pressure in the hosing is 0.3-0.5 bar. Apply the gate and relative unions on the in-take hole in the tank. To apply the unions on the oil in-take hole correctly you need to add a hydraulic sealant and tighten them with little force. IT IS USELESS AND HARMFUL TO tighten with force; this could damage the structure of the tank with consequent oil leaks. It is important to secure the in-take hosing to the structure at roughly 500 mm from the oil tank so that any vibrations of the pump are eliminated, which would be dangerous for the hydraulic seal of the oil tank.

The minimum characteristics of this hosing are given in the previous chapter. You need to dene the minimum diameter to be used to ensure the ow of oil in the quantity requested by the pump, especially during the initial work phases at low temperatures. Oil does indeed reduce in viscosity as the temperature drops (index that measures uidity). All manufacturers of hydraulic pumps recommend the application of oil in-take hosing with rather abundant internal openings. For this purpose, we are providing a table that most pump manufacturers distribute, which indicates the minimum inside diameter to be used in relation to the real oil ow rate that the pump will send to the crane when it is working.

Maximum ow rate Litres/minute Hosing Inside diameter in mm



3/4” 19

1” 25



1 1/4” 1 1/2” 32 33

120 2” 50 121/158

Manuale installatore This table applies for hoses that are not longer than 2 meters and that are particularly twisted. For other hoses, you must guarantee a minimum oil velocity of:

V= 0,5÷1 m/s (meters/second) Here’s a diagram related to the oil velocity inside the in-take hosing.

0,4 150 3"

100 90 80 70 60 50 40













Quantity of oil sent from oil tank to pump


20 15



Line b Line a

1 1,5 2 2,5 3 Oil velocity

Inside diameter of hoses

The diagram shows that an opening with cross section equal to 1 1⁄4” (line a) is needed for an oil ow rate of 50 I/min. In this way the oil velocity obtained is approximately 0.8 m/s. Obviously, because the oil velocity has to be between a maximum value and a minimum value, if the hosing is longer than 2 meters, the cross section of the hose must be as near as possible to the minimum value. The same diagram shows the case in which the cross section is 1 1/2” (line b). Note: the hydraulic connection on the oil tank for the in-take hose may be smaller in diameter than the diameter of the hose to be installed. This fact does not compromise the perfect completion of the system, because it is in any event a localised restriction. The correct sizing of the in-take hosing is important to avoid load losses that could be encountered along the oil’s path inside the hose.


Fitter’s manual b) Oil delivery hosing The exible hosing that connects the hydraulic system of the crane - in the specic case or the control distributor or the delivery lter if present - to the pump is called the “oil delivery hosing”. The previous chapter gives the minimum characteristics of this hosing. You need to dene the minimum diameter to be used to guarantee the ow of oil in the quantity requested by the crane without encountering excessive and harmful overheating of the hydraulic oil. When a certain amount of oil passes inside a hose, the oil gets faster the smaller the cross section in which it ows: the oil delivery hosing must have an inside cross section such to obtain a velocity of the oil between the values given below:

V= 5-7m/s (meters/second) Here’s a diagram of the velocity of the oil inside the oil delivery hose. The diagram shows that an oil ow rate of 50 I/min requires a cross section opening of 1/2 “. In this way the oil velocity is approximately 6 m/s.

100 90 80 70 60 50 40

2" 11⁄2"





20 15

1⁄2" 10 9 8 7

15 1⁄4" 10






6 5 4


1 1,5 2 2,5 3 4 5 6 7 8

Oil velocity

Inside diameter of hoses


Quantity of oil sent to the crane by the pump


Manuale installatore c) Hoses for connecting additional outriggers

In the case of additional outriggers, it is up to the tter to make the hydraulic connection between the existent hydraulic system on the outriggers and the hydraulic system of the crane. The outriggers are not operated constantly, plus in cranes where the ow of oil to the control distributor for the movement of the booms is very high there are some valves that reduce the quantity of oil to operate the outriggers. It is useful to know this if you need to determine the sizing of the supply hoses of the additional outriggers, therefore touching the subject of the real hydraulic system of the crane.

From our experience on this subject we are providing a table split-up per size of crane: If observed correctly, there will be no anomalies in the operation of the additional outriggers.

Crane model series

Diameter of lexible hose

Diameter of rigid hose

Up to 44 txm



Over 44 txm



NB: It is not advisable to use hoses with diameter smaller than 12 mm even for smaller cranes, to avoid load losses inside the hoses which, for example, could cause a rather reduced operating speed of the additional outriggers.


Fitter’s manual 9.3 Characteristics of the hydraulic oil The hydraulic oil in the system of the crane is the means with which the power is transmitted from the hydraulic pump to the various driving cylinders of the crane booms. Together with this function, the hydraulic oil must also be a perfect lubricant, must protect the various components from rust and must be a perfect coolant: the power output by the hydraulic pump emits heat and this must be dissipated again by the oil itself. The temperature of the oil must never exceed 80 °C: otherwise all oils loose their main characteristics. The hydraulic oil used in hydraulic systems of cranes must have the following characteristics: - it must be used within a temperature range of -20 °C +80°C, based on the chosen viscosity value - it must have a purity class of at least 18/14, subject to standard ISO 4406 (class 9 subject to NAS 1638) - it must provide ideal protection against rust and corrosion - it must be a perfect coolant - it must not emulsify easily in contact with air - it must be compatible with the rubber of the gaskets and of the exible hoses - its viscosity must not alter when the working temperature changes - it must contain additives that retard its deterioration as far as possible in time - it must have a contained formation of foam. There are various types of hydraulic oil: a) mineral oil: type of oil used by manufacturers during production, therefore inside the hydraulic system of the crane when it is consigned. Oil easily available and suitable for use in hydraulic cranes. b) natural oil: biodegradable hydraulic oil that can be used in the crane system after having eliminated the mineral oil present. This oil has a rather limited temperature range: the choice is therefore very delicate based on the temperature of the environment in which the crane works. c) synthetic oil: this biodegradable oil is found more easily than natural oil but when choosing the type to be used it is always important to pay utmost attention to the temperature of the environment in which the crane works in relation to the maximum temperature reached while the crane is in use. It cannot be mixed with mineral oil therefore the hydraulic system of the crane MUST be completely emptied.


Manuale installatore For the correct choice of oil you need to bear in mind the parameters that follow, which identify the constructional characteristics of the oil itself: 1) viscosity: choose an oil with viscosity value suitable for use both during the initial minutes of work, when the environmental temperature prevails and after a few hours of work, when the temperature reached by the oil prevails. The viscosity index of the hydraulic oil is measured in mm2/s, or in cSt. 2) temperature: we have already said that the viscosity index of the oil changes as the temperature varies: when choosing the right type of oil you must bear well in mind the minimum temperature - ambient temperature - at which the hydraulic oil will work. Here’s a diagram that shows the viscosity trend of some hydraulic oils based on the working temperature. We point out that the recommended values are obtained between 12 and 100 cSt. In extreme cases, you can use a range of between 10 and 12 cSt.

The diagram shows that an oil classied as ISO VG15 is suitable to work at initial working temperatures of below 0° C, up to full working temperatures of 45 °C, max. 52 °C. An oil classied as ISO VG68 is suitable to work at initial working temperatures of 32° C, up to a maximum working temperature of 85 °C. Once you have chosen the type of oil to be used you can ll the oil tank.


Fitter’s manual To ll the tank correctly, you need to follow the recommendations listed below: 1. The correct level of the hydraulic oil is to be checked with the crane completely folded down in stand-by. 2. Operators must avoid extended contact of the skin with the uid and must immediately clean and rinse any parts of the body or clothing that come into contact with it. 3. All equipment used to ll the tank (hoses, barrels, funnels, lters etc.) must be cleaned thoroughly and pickled before use. 4. If you are unable to get hold of pre-ltered oil or generally speaking to be absolutely certain that the oil to be put in the tank is clean, you can lter it yourselves before pouring it into the tank by feeding it through a mobile and appropriately sized uxing station. 5. Fill the tank and top-up again, through the lling cap with built-in metal mesh lter. 6. Check the minimum level and maximum level indicators on the tank with regard to the quantity of oil poured in the tank.

Max Min

Note: It is absolutely forbidden to use recycled spent oil in the hydraulic system. Spent oil (old oil) is not to be thrown away just anywhere but is to be collected and handed over to someone authorised to collect and dispose of spent oil in order to a avoid polluting the environment. Note: Many believe that hydraulic oil cannot be compressed. This is wrong, because hydraulic oil reduces in volume as the pressure increases and increases in volume as the temperature rises. Volume = - 0.7 % with increase of 100 bar in pressure Volume = +0.7 % with increase of 10° C in temperature This explains why the stems of the crane booms retract by a few millimetres when a load is lifted on the lifting hook and also the difculties encountered in connecting the quick-release couplings of a hydraulic device after it has been left in the sun.


Manuale installatore

10 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Cranes are equipped with electrically-operated devices, which may be either accessories (heat exchangers, radio controller etc.) or built-in parts of the crane (load restrictor, sensors, pressure transducers etc.). To operate these devices, the fitter must connect them to the vehicle when installing the crane on the truck. These connections are to be done by qualied experts who are able to carry the job out according to the tting instructions provided by the manufacturer of the vehicle itself. The electrical voltage required to operate the electrical devices of a standard crane is 24 Volt dc. On request, the crane can also be rigged out to operate at 12 Volt, dc. Here are the voltage tolerances admitted for the correct operation of the electrical system:

24 Volt = 22-28 Volt

12 Volt = 11-14 Volt

If the voltage is lower than the values given above, some electrical components will not work and consequently the crane will not work either. If the voltage is higher than the values given above, the electrical components will overheat and possibly become defective, plus the crane will stop.

Checking the correct voltage Using an oscilloscope, check for any voltage peaks when the truck is started to avoid faults in the electrical parts. The peak is caused by the abnormal operation of the alternator. Using the tester, check the voltage of the electrical system of the actual truck; the value must not exceed the admitted values.


Fitter’s manual The connection cables to the battery on the crane are normally long enough to make the connections. If this is not the case, you need to install an electrical box; it must be installed and attached solidly to the structure of the crane or the truck and must have cable feeders for electrical cables at the bottom to prevent water inltrations.

We are providing the instructions related to the minimum cross sections of the electrical cables to be used if the existent cables are not long enough. The cross section of the cable depends on the cross section of the copper winding. You are advised to install cables approved for “mobile laying”. For extensions up to 5 meters = same cross section as crane. For extensions up to 10-12 meters = increase the cross section of the cable by 0.5 mm. It is advisable to use boxes built with material that is resistant to solvents and the ozone and that have a good degree of resistance to water inltrations: the recommended waterproong rating is at least IP 55. The various poles are indicated at the ends of the electrical cables on the crane: these must be strictly observed because you could damage the electrical/electronic components installed if the poles are inverted. How to identify the poles: Positive cable: there is a mobile fuse on the cable or the cable is marked with a symbol “+”. Negative cable: the cable does not have a fuse or is marked with the symbol “-”.


Manuale installatore

Total ampere ratings

Table with values of the ampere ratings of the fuses envisaged by the manufacturer of the crane to protect the electrical system.

Individual Ampere ratings

On the electrical system of the crane there is always a safety fuse for each positive wire that is to be connected to the batteries.

1- Standard crane, EC, without radio control and without load restrictor 2- Electro-hydraulic load restrictor

15 A


3- Electronic load restrictor 4- Radio controller 5- Heat exchanger

20 A


The heat exchanger is to be connected independently to the batteries of the truck. It is absolutely forbidden to t fuses with lower or higher ampere ratings compared to those envisaged by EFFER. Main ON/OFF switch All cranes have a main ON-OFF switch that is used to switch the whole electrical system of the crane on and off. If a customer/user requests it, the electrical system of the crane can be activated when the power take-off is engaged. This system envisages the installation of a relay that powers the crane only when it is activated by a positive signal sent from the manual control of the power take-off. The contact of the relay must be sized to provide the total ampere rating requested by the crane; between the relay and the batteries of the truck you must install a single fuse that must have the same ampere rating as the sum of the ampere ratings of the fuses installed originally. Here’s the diagram related to this type of application:


Relay 87A Electrical system of truck

Connection of negative cable for crane 130/158




87 30

Voltage picked-up for crane

Fitter’s manual Picking- up the voltage from the batteries: The cables must be connected directly to the terminals of the batteries only is there is no battery disconnector on the truck (device that isolates the major input part of the electrical system of the truck from the batteries). If the truck has a battery disconnector, you must observe the diagram given below: different congurations could lead to putting the whole ampere rating requested by the engine of the truck through the electrical system of the crane with consequent and irreparable damages.


Electrical system of truck Voltage picked-up for crane Connection of negative cable for crane

Original circuit breaker on truck


Electrical system of truck Voltage picked-up for crane Connection of negative cable for crane

It is absolutely forbidden to install devices built to be powered at 12 Volt on trucks with 24 Volt, connecting them to just one battery: such battery would deteriorate very quickly.

Attention: if you need to weld the crane structure, the truck board, the counterchassis or the truck you must disconnect the electrical system from the batteries.



Manuale installatore

11 ADDITIONAL OUTRIGGERS 11.1. Fitting “feasible” additional outriggers To rig-out perfectly it is extremely important to mechanically install the additional outriggers correctly. It is the additional outriggers that make the truck stable while the crane is working, in other words they contrast the tipping torque produced by the crane while it lifts a load. The tipping torque reaches its maximum value by the rotation column of the crane and a part of this force reaches the additional outriggers via the structure of the truck chassis and the counter-chassis. This is why, when the additional outriggers are installed, the counter-chassis must be long enough to end by the same outriggers and must be built so that it neutralises the twisting effect created by the rotation axle of the crane as far as possible. Since the counter-chassis consists of a structure that is always more sturdy than the original chassis of the truck, the additional outriggers must always be solidly joined to the counter-chassis. An instruction manual is supplied with the additional outriggers that provides useful information on how to install them: everything written in this chapter does not mean that you do not need to read and observe all the instructions given in such manual. The additional outriggers can be installed in two different ways: 1- inserted in the especially built counter-chassis: in this case, they are connected to the same by welding and reinforcement brackets.


Fitter’s manual 2- inserted under the truck chassis: in this case they are still to be connected to the truck chassis by special plates and brackets.

If an additional outrigger is installed under the truck chassis, you must be careful not to squash the original chassis of the truck: this squashing is partly contrasted by the very large plate that is applied externally to join the outrigger to the counter-chassis and must partly be contrasted by internally applying anti-squashing bumpers in the truck chassis, just like what is done in the crane bracketing zone and indicated in chapter 5.


Manuale installatore 11.2 FREE SPACE UNDER THE OUTRIGGER JACK When rear outriggers are installed, you need to make sure a free space is left between the back part of the outrigger jack and the ground - height h - in order to create an angle angle α -, denominated outlet angle, which enables the truck to drive over rough ground without interfering with the ground.



Most additional outriggers are adjustable and enable the adjustment in height of the outrigger jack. From a functional point of view, these should be as near as possible to the wheel, because the rear part of the truck is always quite exible and would reduce the stabilising effect of the outriggers, plus in this way the alpha angle is greater.


There are different types of height adjustments: 1) Position the jack at the desired height, apply the stop ring so that it coincides with a foreseen position, block the jack with some nuts to prevent it from rotating inside the attachment tube and weld the bottom ring that prevents the jack from running vertically inside the attachment tube.



Fitter’s manual 2) The outrigger jack is held in the desired position by a clamp, the inner surface of which is grooved to wedge into the outrigger jack. The clamp has a screw, which is screwed to block the outrigger jack in the desired position.

The clamp is to be tightened to block the outrigger jack using a dynamometric spanner. Clean the screw and the thread on the collar thoroughly before tightening.

We are providing the tightening torque to be used based on the different outside diameters of the outrigger cylinders.

Cylinder diameter (mm)

Type of screw (material type 12.9/12K)

Tightening torque (dan/m)



M 12




M 14




M 16



Note: Additional and more detailed instructions are given in the manual supplied by the manufacturer of the additional outriggers. Note: If you do not have a dynamometric spanner, you can block the outrigger jack in the desired position by following the instructions that follow: a) manually tighten the screw that blocks the clamp b) make three welding sections, at equal distances apart and 15 mm in length approximately, between the bottom part of the ring that blocks the outrigger jack and the actual outrigger; this welding, which must be approximately 6x6 mm, is to be done after removing the paint from the surfaces of the outrigger jack and the surface treatment from the blocking ring.


Manuale installatore

12 INSTALLING AND COMMISSIONING SOME ACCESSORIES 12.1 Additional hydraulic y-jib The additional hydraulic y-jib is delivered separately, in other words it is not installed on the crane. During in-house testing, the additional y-jib is installed on the crane and is put through another test, which involves various movements amongst which also its efciency in folding back down. The tter shall t the jib at the end of the hydraulic extensions of the crane and must make sure that the jib opens out and closes back down correctly and also that the jib and the hydraulic hoses to do not interfere with anything on the truck or the truck board built on the chassis. Make sure that the quick-release couplings are all marked differently to avoid possible mistakes: we are listing the colours applied by the manufacturer. The jacks would bulge if the quick-release couplings are inverted. - 1 red clip = jib jack stem outlet - 2 red clips = jib jack stem back-in - 1 green clip = jib extensions jack stems outlet - 2 green clips = jib extensions jack stems back-in - 1 blue clip = winch cable up - 2 blue clips = winch cable down It is important to inform the user on the importance of respecting the position of the quick-release couplings to avoid damages that are obviously not covered by guarantee. When the jib is not used, it must be positioned on at ground with the shank completely folded down; it is also advisable to protect it against direct sunlight, which would heat the oil inside the cylinders, consequently increasing the oil volume and making it very difcult to insert the quick-release couplings. It is important to inform the user on the instructions given above. Often when the user has difculty in inserting the quick-release couplings, he depressurises them by knocking them with sharp tools on their ends. This would obviously lead to oil leaks from the couplings and even more obviously these will not be replaced under guarantee!!!!!


Fitter’s manual In hydraulic jibs combined with cranes with electro-hydraulic load restrictor, to be able to connect and disconnect the quick-release couplings without difculty, you need to strictly observe a certain procedure, otherwise the job will be almost impossible. Here’s the procedure:

NB: there is a cock on these cranes on the jib jack, which is operated using a handle. This handle is to positioned parallel with the jack while the crane is working and when it is left parked.

Assembly: - the jib is to be on the ground at a suitable distance from the axle of the crane. Bring the last extension up to the shank so that they are on the same level. - Close the jib using the jib control lever. - Disengage the hydraulic pump. - Insert the quick-release coupling marked with one red clip. - Using the jib movement control lever, open/close the jib. - Insert the other quick-release couplings. - Engage the hydraulic pump. - Move the shank of the jib to position it so that the axle of the tubular part of the crane is aligned with that of the actual shank. - Extend the extension of the base crane to match-up the securing holes of the extension with the shank. Insert the pins (pin) and block them in place.


Manuale installatore

Disassembly: - Rest the jib on at and solid ground. - Take the securing pins out and then release the jib by retracting the extensions of the base crane. - Using the jib lever, open/close it to position the shank parallel with the jib. - Disengage the hydraulic pump. - Eliminate the residue pressure from the hydraulic circuit of the jib jack by opening and closing the cock again using the red handle on the jack itself. - Using the jib lever, open/close it. - Disconnect the quick-release couplings, remembering to protect them with the plastic caps supplied.


Fitter’s manual 12.2 Mechanical extensions There are no particular instructions involved for the presence of mechanical extensions. The only aspect that you are requested to check when the crane is delivered to the end customer is that all the plug-in pins are present with their split pins to block the extensions in the open and closed position and also on the crane itself. The material required to block the units as explained above are supplied standard.

12.3 Winch The crane may be equipped with a winch for lifting loads. You need rather detailed instructions to be able to use this accessory, otherwise you could break either the cable or other mechanical components. The fitter shall instruct the customer/user appropriately. You must carry out practical tests during which you will explain how the cable is supposed to run, together with the electrical connection and how the automatic limit switches of the cable work.

Winches tted on EC approved cranes have an electronic load restrictor: The load restrictor is not calibrated by the manufacturer because it has to be done with practical lifting tests. The tter must carry out the electronic calibration and must carry out load tests. All the information on how to calibrate the load restrictor correctly is given in the service-manual, which you can consult on the internet site: www.effer.it.


Manuale installatore 12.4 Radio controller The crane may be equipped with a radio controller to use the crane remotely. When the crane leaves the manufacturer’s factory, the radio controller is already calibrated inhouse: we remind you that some settings, especially those related to slower operating speeds, can be customised following specic request on behalf of the customer/user. Information on how to customise the unit are given in the service manual, which you can consult on the internet site of the manufacturer. It is however up to the tter to install the battery charger inside the truck cab: this charger shall be secured properly and shall only be electrically powered when the truck is running: it is a serious mistake to leave the battery charger powered even when the truck is not in use.


Fitter’s manual

13 RUNNING-IN THE CRANE A phase that is not to be underestimated and that is to be carried out by the tter is that of running-in the crane. All mechanical components need to be run-in so that the contact surfaces adapt to each other without seizures. Once the crane has been installed, you must therefore carry out an initial running-in phase that envisages the execution of at least 10 complete manoeuvres of all the movements possible without any load applied.

Upon completion of this initial phase, a load is to be put on the end of the crane, which must be roughly 50% of the maximum lifting capacity right at the end of the crane, performing at least 15 complete manoeuvres of all the movements possible.

After running-in, the joints of the crane are ready and the bushes of the extensions have adapted to the running surfaces and therefore the crane will work perfectly. You need to grease the crane if the joints scrape or the hydraulic extensions are without grease.


Manuale installatore

14 STABILITY TEST In European countries, stability tests are regulated by standard EN 12999/2005, which replaces standard DIN 15019. To declare the installation suitable for work, you MUST carry out a stability test before declaring it suitable for use; we advise you to follow the instructions that follow also for countries in which the above-mentioned standards are not obligatory.

14.1 STATIC TEST Point 6.2 of the standard: TESTS AND TEST PROCEDURES

The purpose of the test is to check the stability of the truck crane fitted on an unloaded vehicle. While the test is carried out, one or more outrigger jacks or one wheel may leave the ground. However, at least one of the wheels blocked with handbrake must remain in contact with the ground. The test load is to be lifted with the vehicle unloaded and without operator.

The standard imposes the execution of at least one test with lower load P applied on the crane boom when fully extended and with greater load P applied on the crane boom when fully extended. In the case of cranes equipped with additional hydraulic y-jib, the tests are obviously intended as carried out in the base crane configuration and crane configuration with additional y-jib tted.

The stability test must be carried out in compliance with the less favourable boom/extension conguration within the entire rotation sector. If, you have had to reduce the value of the rated load in a part of the rotation sector, in such parts the test load must be determined accordingly. The restrictors and indicators can be temporarily disabled while the test is carried out.

Load P is the load indicated in the load charts, plus 20%, to which you need to add a load value of 0.2 A, where A is the weight of the horizontal booms of the crane, which is found in the technical documents of the crane, applied in the extreme point (on the crane hook). Whatever the case, the increased load applied must not be lower than 25% of the rated load given in the table. Note: the weight of the horizontal booms of the crane is also called “Driven part” and is indicated in the technical data of the crane where the weights and centres of gravity are given. Stability test approval criteria The test is considered to be passed successfully if the test load is held in the static position without any sign of tipping.


Fitter’s manual Before you apply the load related to the stability test, the crane must be positioned in the maximum performance conguration: the rst boom section must tilt upwards by the amount stated in the load charts and the other boom sections and extensions must be horizontal. The crane must be positioned with the lifting hook that coincides with the distance at which the test is to be carried out. The load is to be put on the crane hook statically using other lifting equipment and must be held just a few meters off the ground. The stability test consists in making the rotation movement at minimum operating speed without the truck tipping. NB: the pressure will obviously rise in the hydraulic cylinders that bear the load. This may lead to the automatic opening of some blocking valves, with consequent closure of the cylinder and the load lowering to the ground. To overcome this problem, tighten the register of the blocking valves on the cylinder that opens, by retracting the stem of the jack and remembering to turn the adjustment screw back to its initial position at the end of the test and to apply new lead seals on the registers.

NB: a load heavier than the maximum weight indicated in the load charts is put on the crane hook; it is therefore quite normal for the load restrictor to trip.

The operating area of the crane must be fenced off throughout the stability tests so that other vehicles or persons cannot approach it. The operator must stand in a safe position and must constantly keep his eye on the stability of the truck.


Manuale installatore We are providing a practical interpretation related to the concept of stability with obvious reference to the contents of standard EN 12999/2005, illustrating the various cases:



Tipp in


p Tip

x Tipping a

Tipping axis

g ax is

- crane without additional outriggers

Tipping axis

- crane with additional outriggers

Tipping axis Tipping axis

The most critical theoretic position in terms of the stability of the truck is that when the boom of the crane is perpendicular to the tipping axis.

In practice, the torsional deformation of the truck moves the most critical position by roughly 20-30° compared to the theoretic point, towards the zone with minor stabilisation amplitude.


Fitter’s manual

1) Crane installed behind the cab with additional outriggers: 1.1 crane boom in sector A: during the test: - one rear outrigger jack may leave the ground - none of the rear wheels must leave the ground 1.2 crane boom in sector B: during the test - 2 outrigger jacks at the most may leave the ground - the wheels of the truck near the outrigger jacks that leave the ground may rise - on the same side. 1.3 crane boom in sector C: during the test - the 2 front outrigger jacks may leave the ground - all front wheels may leave the ground: in the case of truck with two front axles, all the wheels tted on the two axles. - in the case of trucks with two rear axles, just one axle may leave the ground if the one remaining on the ground is equipped with a parking brake.





Manuale installatore 2) Crane installed behind the truck board with additional outriggers: 2.1 crane boom in sector A: during the test - one of the two rear outrigger jacks may leave the ground - in the case of trucks with double rear axle, the axle further back may leave the ground. - in the case of trucks with single rear axle, one rear wheel may leave the ground. 2.2 crane boom in sector B: during the test - one of the two rear outrigger jacks may leave the ground - the wheels of the truck positioned near the outrigger jack that leaves the ground may also leave the ground - on the same side. 2.3 crane boom in sector C: during the test - the front outriggers may leave the ground. - all front wheels may leave the ground; in the case of trucks with two front axles, all the wheels on the two axles. - in the case of trucks with two rear axles, just one axle may leave the ground only if the one that remains on the ground is equipped with parking brake.



C 146/158

Fitter’s manual 3) Crane installed behind the cab without additional outriggers: 3.1 crane boom in sector A:

during the test

- none of the rear wheels must leave the ground 3.2 crane boom in sector B: during the test - one outrigger may leave the ground - all the wheels of the truck on the opposite side of the crane boom position may leave the ground. 3.3 crane boom in sector C: during the test - all front wheels may leave the ground; in the case of trucks with two front axles, all the wheels on the two axles. - one outrigger may leave the ground.




C 147/158

Manuale installatore 4) Crane installed behind the truck board without additional outriggers: 4.1 crane boom in sector A: during the test - one of the two rear outriggers may leave the ground - in the case of trucks with double rear axle, the axle further back may leave the ground. - in the case of trucks with single rear axle, one rear wheel may leave the ground. 4.2 crane boom in sector B: during the test - one crane outrigger may leave the ground - the wheels of the truck near the outrigger that leaves the ground may also leave the ground - on the same side.


4.3 crane boom in sector C: during the test - all front wheels may leave the ground; in the case of trucks with two front axles, all the wheels of the two axles.



- in the case of trucks with two rear axles, one axle may leave the ground only if the one that remains on the ground is equipped with parking brake.

C The test is considered to be passed successfully if during these tests the truck shows no sign of tipping (the truck with the weight applied on the hook raised off the ground by 20-30 cm must remain in the static position; the weight applied must not touch the ground). If this is not the case, the crane needs to be calibrated in order to limit the lifting performance. The After Sales ofce can provide you with the instructions needed based on the specific model of crane. 148/158

Fitter’s manual 14.2 Dynamic test The dynamic test is to be carried out after the static test. During these tests, the load to be applied is that indicated in the load charts plus 10%; movements in the whole operating area of the crane are to be carried out at normal working speed conditions of the crane, especially in congurations such to subject the installation to maximum strain conditions, including starting and stopping movements. We remind you that a feasible load restrictor may trip, especially if you make sudden movements. During the tests you can disable the load restrictor; the After Sales ofce is at your disposal if you should have difculties in disabling the load restrictor during the dynamic test. The test is considered to be passed successfully if no structural damages are enhanced. The crane hook gives way The expectations of many customers is that of having a crane that does not move for hours from the point in which it is left, both when empty and when loaded. EFFER has been using top quality hydraulic components for years to reduce the possibility of the crane hook giving way. Some hydraulic components, due indeed to their technical nature, envisage a slight ow of oil that stops the hook from remaining perfectly still in time. Standard EN 12999, in point 5.5.7, allows a maximum unintentional lowering movement of the load equal to 0.5 % of the crane boom extension per minute with the maximum rated load applied.

5.5.7 Lowering speed of the boom unit. The lowering speed measured on the tip of the boom caused by a leak in the hydraulic components must not be greater than 0.5 % of the boom extension per minute. To check the lowering speed (due to giving), the maximum rated load must be applied on the maximum hydraulic boom extension (in other words without the manual extensions). The information given in this chapter does not exempt the tter from observing and respecting all the provisions of standard EN 12999.


Manuale installatore

15 CRANE CONVERSIONS A customer/user may request a conversion for a crane that he already owns or you may request a conversion for a new crane that you have in your factory.

You need to forward us the serial number of the crane to order the conversion kit. By conversion we mean: - modication of the number of extensions - application of a winch - application of a radio controller - application of an additional hydraulic y-jib - application of manual mechanical extensions This conversion kit includes the instructions and is always dened by our engineering department that customises it based on the real composition of the crane involved. Together with the material, you are supplied with the following documents: Cranes with EC marking: - new EC certicate that includes the equipment purchased - new adhesive load chart plates, if necessary - just for Italy: new certicate of origin but only if the modication requested envisages a variation to the number of hydraulic extensions. Cranes without EC marking: - new declaration of the manufacturer - new adhesive load chart plates, if necessary. Note: In both cases, together with the above-mentioned documents, the dates in which the material required to convert the crane are also indicated. The documents indicate the number of the original production order and the number related to the work order of the crane conversion for which we are requested. Note: this type of documentation is also issued for manual mechanical extensions that do not have EC marking.


Fitter’s manual

Making the conversion To make the conversion job easier, some technical documents are also supplied that include instructions, drawings, mechanical specications etc. based on the complexity of the work to be carried out. Information concerning possible modications to hydraulic settings and the hydraulic diagrams of the crane can obviously be consulted on the internet site: www.effer.it. Modication of electronic calibration values DMU (if the conversion requests so) 1- The new parameters to be added to the program that is already in your possession will be forwarded to you by E-mail or you will be given the program on computerised support. 2- Send the DMU system to our company for the update.

Responsibilities The workshop that converts a crane is responsible for all the work done: the After Sales ofce of the manufacturer is at your disposal for any further technical explanations possibly needed. The workshop shall carry the job out to perfection, possibly consulting the documents available on the internet site: www.effer.it There are no justications for any work carried out incorrectly if the instructions supplied by the manufacturer are not observed.

Technical folder / Operator manual The workshop that carries out the conversion work shall: - update the technical folder in his own files if the original installation was carried out by the same. - write and keep the technical folder related to just the conversion in his les. - update the use and maintenance manual that was supplied with the crane. - write a document that states that the customer/user has been informed on how to use the modied crane.


Manuale installatore



Work related to the installation of a crane on a truck ends with the consignment to the end customer. To be correct, we are summarising the operating phases that precede the consignment of the crane to the customer/user: • the crane has been installed and all the safety devices have been tried out and tested both when empty and when loaded; • the level of oil in the tank has been checked; • all the pins and the extensions are perfectly greased and the load charts of the crane are tted on the dedicated supports; • the truck board is equipped with any accessories supplied with the crane and not installed; The above information obviously concerns the specic crane: it is however up to the tter to certicate the crane installation also with regard to driving aspects of the truck on the road, in compliance with standards currently in force in the country in which the truck is driven on the road. When the crane is consigned it must be complete with all the documents involved, which also strictly involves the consignment of the operator manual, the spare parts catalogue and the guarantee certicate. We remind you that the vendor shall full all guarantee requests possibly made by the end customer: the vendor will then forward them to whoever sold the crane to him through to the manufacturer of the product. We point out that a clause of the crane manufacturer concerning the acceptance of any requests made under guarantee is that the guarantee certicate, duly lled-in in all parts is received beforehand: no request under guarantee will be taken into consideration if the guarantee certicate has not been lled-in and returned. The consignment of the crane envisages a training phase for the customer/user, as imposed by international health & safety standards. Training is considered to be sufcient when the user is informed on how the crane works, which can be summarised in the following points: - use and positioning of outriggers - manoeuvring the crane without a load - manoeuvring the crane with a load - explanation of the load restrictor (if present) with practical demonstration of how it works - installation and use of all the accessories present, both when empty and when loaded - illustration of the contents of the operator manual with special attention towards the chapter related to the risks involved in using the crane and towards the chapter related to crane maintenance.


Fitter’s manual Everything written up to here does not represent an operating obstacle for one of our importers/dealers who installs the crane at his own workshop. We would like to point out the responsibilities assumed when the crane is installed by another workshop or when the crane is sold off the ground, in other words not installed on the truck. It is obviously up to whoever purchases the crane from the manufacturer to provide his customer with all the technical documents needed to be able to install the crane perfectly. The technical folder shall be written and kept by the workshop that installs the crane. It is always advisable to make sure the customer is satised; for this purpose we are providing a list of what we consider to be:

the 10 rules to follow to ensure customer/user satisfaction


MAKE SURE THE INSTALLATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED FOLLOWING THE TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS RECEIVED; IF NECESSARY GIVE A COPY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE FITTER WHO WILL INSTALL THE CRANE. For your own interest: you are safeguarded towards the customer and the end tter concerning the correct installation of the crane. For your customer’s interest: he has the certainty of having purchased an efcient machine because it has been installed to perfection.


BE THERE WHEN THE CRANE IS CONSIGNED AND SHOW THE CUSTOMER THAT THE CRANE DELIVERED MATCHES THE ORDER SIGNED. For your own interest: together with the satisfaction of personally presenting the outcome of your hard work, you can also clear up any possible misunderstandings (often encountered) concerning who should/should have supplied what. For your customer’s interest: he is able to make sure you have done everything requested straight away, consequently eliminating any future claims.


Manuale installatore


MAKE SURE THE LOAD TESTS IMPOSED BY CURRENT LAWS HAVE BEEN CARRIED OUT BY THE WORKSHOP THAT COMPLETED THE INSTALLATION AND EXPLAIN THEIR RESULTS TO THE CUSTOMER. For your own interest: you will be certain that the crane supplied and fitted is installed safely and in compliance with current laws. For your customer’s interest: it enables him to check the effective operating capacity of the crane straight away.


MAKE SURE THE OPERATOR HAS BEEN TRAINED TO PRACTICALLY USE THE CRANE BY THE WORKSHOP. For your own interest: you will be certain that the operator is fully aware of the machine that he will use every day. For your customer’s interest: it enables him to work in total safety right from the start, saving any mistakes that could be very dangerous and expensive.


MAKE SURE THE OPERATOR MANUAL IS HANDED OVER; IT IS INDISPENSABLE TO MAKE THE OPERATOR HIMSELF RESPONSIBLE FOR USING THE CRANE. For your own interest: you will be certain that the operator will always know how to use the crane in the best and safest way possible, exploiting its full operating potentials. For your customer’s interest: it enables him to work in total safety right from the start, both for himself and for anyone else nearby.


Fitter’s manual


INFORM THE OPERATOR ON THE IMPORTANCE OF READING THE USE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL THOROUGHLY. For your own interest: you will be certain that the operator will always find the answer to his doubts in a document that he can always consult. For your customer’s interest: it enables him always to have solutions to unusual operating situations ready at hand.


INFORM THE OPERATOR ON THE IMPORTANCE OF CRANE MAINTENANCE, ESPECIALLY WITH REGARD TO THE REPLACEMENT OF FILTER CARTRIDGES AND GREASING. For your own interest:you will be certain that the operator keeps the machine that he will use daily in an efcient and safe state at all times and will constantly check its state of use. For your customer’s interest: it enables him to keep the machine fully efficient, avoiding stoppages for maintenance, or at least being able to plan them in advance.


IF THE OPERATOR IS NOT PRESENT WHEN THE CRANE IS CONSIGNED, YOU MUST MAKE SURE THAT THE CRANE IS NOT USED UNTIL ALL THE POINTS ABOVE HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. For your own interest: you will be certain that the operator only starts to use the machine after becoming familiar with it and after having fully understood its conditions of use. For your customer’s interest: it enables him to work in total safety right from the start, saving mistakes or accidents that could become quite costly.


Manuale installatore


IF YOU HAVE SOLD THE CRANE WITHOUT INSTALLING IT YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING SURE THAT THE PREVIOUS POINTS ARE FULLY SATISFIED ALL THE SAME For your own interest: you will be certain that the operator starts to use a machine that has been installed perfectly and after receiving the instructions involved. For your customer’s interest: he has a reliable machine and he knows exactly how it works.


MAKE SURE THE CUSTOMER IS SATISFIED WITH WHAT HE HAS PURCHASED: CONTACT HIM AFTER HE HAS USED THE CRANE FOR A FEW WEEKS AND DO WHATEVER IS NECESSARY TO RESOLVE ANY PROBLEMS THAT HE MAY HAVE ENCOUNTERED WHEN USING THE CRANE. For your own interest: you will be certain that the customer is really satisfied with the crane, which simplifies your work the next time that he or his colleagues wish to purchase a crane manufactured by EFFER. For your customer’s interest: he will know that he has purchased the BEST and that he can rely on your help at any time.



Fitter’s manual

17 CONVERSION TABLE OF UNITS OF MEASUREMENT This table is to be used to have an immediate comparison between a known value and other more common and useful units of measurement.


Unit of measurement


Multiplication factor

Parameter obtained





foot (‘)




inch (“)




yard (yd)


cubic decimetre



3 cubic foot (cu. ft )










pound (lb)

Flow rate

cubic centimetres per second

3 cm /s




kilogram force per meter




kilogram force per meter




kilogram force per meter








Hourly steam horsepower






1/ 106




cSt (centistokes) m2/s

degrees centigrade


°C =(°F-32)·5/9

°F (Fahreneit)


Kinematic viscosity




Sol. Ge. S.p.A. - Via Bonazzi, 12/14 – 40013 Castel Maggiore (BO) – Italy - tel. +39 051 4181211- fax +39 051 701492 C.F. / P..I.V.A / Reg. I. di TN 01943080224 - C.C.I.A.A. Trento 189370 - web: www.effer.it - e-mail: [email protected] Società soggetta a direzione e controllo da parte di CTE S.p.A.



Service Manual






Technical operations




Technical operations

1 - Tightening torque of the mechanical components “Important” structural elements, such as for instance:: - GEARMOTORS - SLEWING RING - SLEWING COLUMN - SLEWING CYLINDERS - STABILISER CYLINDERS - WINCHES should be fitted using a dynamometric key: otherwise you may run the risk that the screw unlooses or, even worse, that it breaks. It is only by applying the appropriate torque setting to the screws that you can obtain a perfect and reliable coupling between two structural elements.

Screw diameter

Screw material

Metric thread

Class 8.8 (8G) Nm

M5 M6 M8 M10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 18 M 20 M 22 M 24 M 27 M 30

6 9 23 45 78 126 193 270 387 522 666 990 1350

Class 10.9 Class 12.9 (10k) (12k) Nm Nm 8 14 34 67 117 184 279 387 558 747 954 1395 1890

9 16 38 78 135 216 333 459 648 873 1116 1665 2250

10 Nm ~ 1Kgm The screws that can be removed, may have a superficial corrosion which is more or less marked, according to the environment where the crane worked and how long the crane has been working. To ensure the implementation of the right torque setting, the screw must be free from corrosion, and a grease suitable for tightening like MOLYKOTE 1000, must be applied with a dynamometric key. It is possible to REUSE THE SCREWS that connect “important” structural elements only if the surface of screws is visually not corroded.


Technical operations

It is possible to remove any slight superficial corrosion, through the use of a metal brush, manually.

The reuse of screws cleaned by corrosion using a metal brush strongly affect crane safety .



Technical operations


2 - Crane slewing transversal clearance Introduction The slewing system in cranes, is a mechanical system, built according to the model of cranes, using a reduction gear/slewing ring or a pinion/rack system. Below please find some useful information to determine the extent of the mechanical clearance and some technical solutions to be applied if an excessive clearance is found and you want to reduce it. The presence of an excessive clearance on the slewing mechanical system implies that the crane end, especially in horizontal configuration of booms, when the slewing manoeuvre is suddenly stopped, does not stop in a single point, but bounces. This may result in an undesired displacement of the hook fitted to the crane end, for load attaching. Please note that, as with all the mechanical couplings, in case of a crane slewing, you cannot have a “zero” clearance, that is a small rebound of the hook is unavoidable. Obviously broader is the rebound, the more the operator finds it difficult to carry out accurate slewing manoeuvres: In the chapters below please find a description of the necessary steps to determine the extent of the mechanical clearance on the crane, and how – in some cases – you can reduce this mechanical clearance.

a) Determining the extent of the mechanical clearance on cranes with slewing through pinion/rack To determine the extent of the mechanical clearance on a crane pinion/rack unit, place the crane, reclining on truck, in horizontal configuration of booms, and remove the pulled-out hydraulic extensions, placing the extreme tip of the crane at about 1.5 metres in height from the ground. Clean an area of the column that is easily accessible for visual inspection and next to the crane base, place two strips of adhesive tape (if possible, paper) one on the column and other one on the base. Mark with a pen a line of reference “n” on both stickers applied checking that there is a perfect alignment between the two lines, as shown in fig.1.





Technical operations

The truck engine must be turned off, then the crane must not be operational: the crane end must be pushed to a slewing direction and with the crane in this position, draw a line of the displacement of the slewing ring. Repeat the moving operation end of the crane to the other slewing direction, as shown in fig. 2 and fig. 3.



N.B.: Manual action of one or two operators is usually sufficient to slew the crane in order to bring the mechanical clearance on a crane pinion/rack unit to zero. If we denote the misalignment found in one direction by “a”, and misalignment found in the other direction by “b”, we will have that the mechanical clearance “G” is the sum of the two:


N.B: The value “G” measured must be communicated to EFFER after-sale service: In accordance with the crane model and to the pinion diameter, you will be notified if this clearance is standard or excessive.


Technical operations


a’) Adjusting pinion-rack clearance Almost all models of cranes currently in production are equipped with a slewing clearance adjusting system. 1 slewing screw is fitted to the lower part of the base as indicated in fig. 1. The screw acts on a bronze bearing called rack-pressing bronze bearing, whose function is to create a sliding surface for the rack: By changing the position of the rack-pressing bronze bearing through adjusting screw you can adjust mechanical clearance between the pinion and the rack.

Fig.1 Examples of adjusting screw positioning

The design shown in Fig. 2 shows the explanation above.

Fig. 2

ViteAdjusting di regolazione screw

Bronzina premicremagliera Rack-pressing bronze bearing



Technical operations Please find below the steps to be followed to adjust the slewing mechanical clearance: 1. Place the crane booms in the middle of slewing angle 2. Remove locking applied to the adjusting screw (ref.1) 3. Tighten the adjusting screw, by exerting a slight pressure on the key: approximately 10Kgm 4. Loosen the adjusting screw by 1/4 of turn 5. Tighten again the adjusting screw by 1/8 of turn 6. Lock the adjusting screw in this position, by fitting the lock previously removed.

N.B: Check the crane operation and remember to grease all the mechanical slewing system thoroughly.





Technical operations

b) Determining the extent of the mechanical clearance on cranes with slewing through gearmotor/slewing ring To determine the extent of the mechanical clearance on a crane gearmotor/slewing ring unit, place the crane, reclining on truck, in horizontal configuration of booms, and remove the pulled-out hydraulic extensions, placing the extreme tip of the crane at about 1.5 metres in height from the ground. Clean an area of the slewing ring that is easily accessible for visual inspection, place two strips of adhesive tape (if possible, paper) one on the slewing ring and therefore with the column, and other one on the crane base. Mark with a pen a line of reference “n” on both stickers applied checking that there is a perfect alignment between the two lines, as shown in fig.1. and fig. 2.





The truck engine must be turned off, then the crane must not be operational: the crane end shall be pushed to a slewing direction and with the crane in this position, draw a line of the displacement of the slewing ring. Repeat the moving operation of the crane end to the other slewing direction, as shown in fig. 3 and fig. 4. NOTE: Manual action of one or two operators is usually sufficient to slew the crane in order to bring the mechanical clearance on the gearmotor/slewing ring unit to zero.




Technical operations


If we denote the misalignment found in one direction by “a”, and the misalignment found in the other direction by “b”, we will have that the mechanical clearance “G” is the sum of the two:


NOTE: The value “G” measured must be communicated to EFFER after-sale service: In accordance with the crane model and to the slewing ring diameter, along with the number of mechanical reductions inside the reduction gear, you will be notified if this clearance is standard or excessive.




Technical operations

b’) Reducing “Slewing ring clearance” with reduction gear flanged to column On the models of cranes equipped with a reduction gear to operate slewing fitted to the crane column using a flange screwed (therefore a bell centering bell is not fitted). If you wish to reduce mechanical clearance in the slewing unit, proceed as follows:

Bell centering

NOTE: If the centering bell is fitted the following setting cannot be made. 1) Unscrew the screws that fasten the reduction gear to the crane column and remove the reduction gear.




Technical operations 2) Increase the diameter of all the screw passing holes on the flange of the gearmotor by 2-3mm.


3) Grind the gearmotor housing on the column on semicircle facing the slewing ring with emery, and increase the diameter by maximum 2mm.

2 mm

0 mm


0 mm


Technical operations


4) Using a polishing stone make two notches at 90°, of triangular shape, on the flange of the gearmotor.

The position of cuts must be opposite to the slewing ring teeth.

5) Fit the gearmotor again, checking to push it toward the slewing ring according to the direction “d” and tighten the screws respecting the correct torque setting. In this way the slewing ring and the pinion will couple with a minimum mechanical clearance.



Technical operations


6) Place 2 retainers into the cuts previously done on the reduction gear flange and weld them only on the base of the column (and not on the flange of the gearmotor).

NOTE: Check the crane operation and remember to grease all the mechanical slewing system thoroughly and also check the lubricating oil level inside the reduction gear.



Technical operations


b’’) Adjusting gear motor – slewing ring clearance on cranes mod. 275/305 The crane models 275 and 305 are equipped with a mechanical adjusting system that allows you to optimize clearance between the slewing ring teeth and the gear motor pinion. This adjusting system is made up of an eccentric: If you rotate it, you change the position of the reduction gear with respect to the slewing ring. If you wish to reduce mechanical clearance in the slewing unit, proceed as follows: 1) Remove the slewing ring guard 2) Three teeth of the slewing ring are marked, by its manufacturer, with green paint, to indicate the area of maximum ovalization of the slewing ring. During the adjustment of clearance, the three teeth should be taken with the pinion of the gear motor, otherwise we risk damaging the slewing ring and gear motor irreparably. NB. It is very likely that, with the use of the crane, it is difficult to identify the position of maximum ovalization of the slewing ring. In this case run small slewing movements with the crane column, and measure the mechanical clearance between the slewing ring teeth and the pinion of the gear motor: the area of maximum ovalization is where mechanical clearance is smaller in the coupling specified above. 3) Loosen the three dowels “C” securing the eccentric “D”, using a 6 mm Allen wrench. 4) loosen the 7 nuts (ref. B) securing the reduction gear to crane base.

NOTE: It may be difficult to loosen details “B” and “C” and adjust the eccentric “D” as loctite was originally applied .



Technical operations


5) The eccentric “D” has holes that are 10 mm in diameter on the outer surface: insert a tool with cylindrical tip into one of these and turn the eccentric until a 0.1 – 0.3 mm clearance is obtained between the slewing ring teeth and the pinion teeth.

6) Tighten the 7 securing nuts (ref. ���������������������������������������������������� B) first ������������������������������������������� and only after the 3 dowels (ref. ��������� C)�.

N.B. Check the crane operation and remember to grease all the mechanical slewing system thoroughly and also check the lubricating oil level inside the reduction gear.



Technical operations


b’’’) Adjusting gearmotor-slewing ring clearance on cranes mod. 440/470 On crane models 440/470 the gearmotor is secured to the column flange by means of 8 screws, and the pinion is centered on a bronze bushing -see ref. A -. It follows that the gearmotor has a fixed position, not changeable, with respect to the slewing column.


The slewing column is fitted to the slewing ring by 32 screws, and between the column and the nut locking the screw there are 8 bored rings, see ref. B-.


The holes for screw passage on the slewing column, have a diameter which is larger than those of screws, allowing moving all column and reducing the distance between the pinion teeth and the slewing ring teeth, as pointed out by the arrow ref. C. The new position of the column is secured by the friction originating by screwing the screws fastening the slewing ring to the column.




Technical operations


Tightening of the screws that secure the slewing column to the slewing ring shall be obviously carried out using a dynamometric key: please refer to chapter “torque settings” to identify the proper dynamometric key setting.

Note: before you start the clearance adjustment between gearmotor and slewing ring, it is appropriate to measure the clearance on the crane, and provide EFFER with it together with the crane serial number: our After Sales Service will give you an indication of clearance reduction that you can obtain after you have performed the work described above. NOTE: Check the crane operation and remember to grease all the mechanical slewing system thoroughly and also check the lubricating oil level inside the reduction gear.

NOTE: The above mentioned instructions refer to adjustments to be performed when assembling the crane for the first time.



Technical operations


3 - Reducing clearances in extension cylinders Extension cylinders of EFFER cranes, are fitted to the extension framework with different kinds of connection, which are different for reasons of design or production. The cylinder rods have always framework anchors with cylindrical section: this section is ideal to convey a force. In case of cranes with several extension cylinders, they are hydraulically connected oen to the other by pipes. This is necessary to comply with applicable regulations governing the construction of hydraulic cranes. In particular, the hydraulic connection carried out with pipes is located between an extension cylinder rod and the following cylinder rod, i.e. between components belonging to two different cylinders but fitted to the same framework extension.



Technical operations


In the planning stages, pipes with different curves are designed.

The material pipes are built with, their section, that is wide to obtain quick extension movements, are elements that make the pipe stiff. The number of curves, the length of pipes, are designed to absorb the deformations that you have during the work of the crane. All this works well, and you have excellent results of reliability. The above mentioned reliability can be easily jeopardized if you have mechanical clearance on the extension cylinder points, or if a cylinder rod has the possibility of moving, with respect to the rod of another cylinder, more than what has been stated in the planning stage.

There can be a maximum clearance of 0.5-mm on the connection points of the extension cylinders. Corrosion, work in brackish environments, the use of accessories such as buckets or drills, are only some of the reasons which lead to an increase in space between the structure and the connection of the extension cylinder.



Technical operations


Here are the instructions to reduce the clearance in the points referred to above: 1) Remove the cylinder complete with the extension on which you want to work 2) Clean, degrease and remove paint in the areas of the extension where the cylinder connection is located. 3) Carry out a facing weld inside the cylinder housing *** 4) Smooth the extension cylinder connection housing to adapt it to cylinder cylindrical connection while checking to create a housing which is as more cylindrical as possible: the use of a cylindrical emery wheel is recommended. 5) The extension cylinder, housed in the new housing, must be correctly aligned both lengthwise and vertically with the others. 6) Grease the new housing created, in order to reduce wear.

***for data of welding to be carried out inside the cylinder rod housing, comply with the welding specifications - INTERVENTION B – in chapter A8.




Technical operations

4 - Maximum wear point allowed for extension bushings - Used materials:

1) bronze SAE 430

2) resin T.S.D.




-Maximum wear point allowed for bushings: to be found on lower bushings of the basic crane first extension.

For Type 1 and 2 when they have a 3-mm thickness

For Type 3 and 4 when they have a 4-mm thickness




Technical operations

5 - Pipe fastening Pipes shall be fastened to crane cylinders or frame by means of supports. For cylinders with independent extensions, pipes shall be fastened according to the instructions below:

50 ÷ 60 cm

50 ÷ 60 cm

Plastic support: EFFER part # 8898477

Pipe clamp:

EFFER part # 8601000 from ø 24 to ø 36 EFFER part # 8601100 from ø 32 to ø 52 EFFER part # 8601500 from ø 47 to ø 67 EFFER part # 8601700 from ø 68 to ø 82 EFFER part # 8601800 from ø 77 to ø 97 EFFER part # 8604005 from ø 92 to ø 112 EFFER part # 8604006 from ø 107 to ø 127 EFFER part # 8604011 from ø 137 to ø 157 EFFER part # 8602900 from ø 248 to ø 263 When servicing the crane, check the presence of the plastic supports.



Technical operations


The plastic support can be fitted in two different positions:

Pipes with diameter 8 ÷ 12

Pipes with diameter 16 ÷ 20

The clamp fitted in the position shown in the picture, allows correct pipe movements, considering the play of the extensions and the connected cylinders.



Technical operations


5.1 - Flex hose protective sheath Canvas sheath (to keep flex hoses together) EFFER part # 8625567 width 65mm (1m) EFFER part # 8625568 width 90mm (1m) EFFER part # 8625569 width 150mm (1m)

EFFER part # 8625576 (4 items)

EFFER part # 8602250 L=260 EFFER part # 8602350 L=355

Operation steps:


1 4



Technical operations

Plastic sheath Plastic sheath protects flex hoses against dangerous rubbing. Each sheath protects one flex hose.

EFFER part # 9394702 (1 m)





Technical operations

6 - Unintentional exit of extension cylinders Unintentional exit that occurs when the truck engine is switched off and with the extensions turned upwards. Cause: Oil leakage inside an extension cylinder. Explanation of the event: If a seal fitted inside an extension cylinder has been damaged, a passage in pressure between the two cylinder chambers – one on the rod side and the other on the bottom side - will occur.

Rod side chamber Bottom side chamber

When performing the closing manoeuvre of a cylinder in the chamber on the rod side, a high pressure value is read, if the extension return manoeuvre is not stopped immediately when the point of cylinder end-of-stroke is reached, the pressure value can reach the valve value of the control bank that controls maximum pressure on that specific hydraulic line: that value may exceed 300 bar according to crane model. If the hydraulic sealing of gaskets on piston is not hermetic, the pressure passes from the chamber on the rod side to the chamber on the bottom side: pressure will run along the chambers, until reaching the same pressure value inside the two chambers. The time necessary to match the pressure values into the two chambers depends on the wear state of the seals: they may require an hour or a few minutes.



Technical operations


The same pressure value, inside the two rooms, acts however on two different areas: area “ A ” which is on the bottom side - BOTTOM SIDE THRUST AREA area “ A1 ” which is on the rod side - ROD SIDE THRUST AREA – According to the formula F = P x A (Force = pressure X Area), you will have that inside the same cylinder two different forces will act at the same time “ F ” and “ F1 ” .

bottom fondello



rod side stelo



p = pressure (bar) p = pressure (bar)

As the area of the bottom side is higher and �“F” is higher than “F1”�������������������������������������������������� , a higher force coming from the bottom side will act on the piston, and the cylinder will open unintentionally. Note: In case of the extension cylinders, they are all connected in series, that is all the rod side chambers, and the bottom side chambers, are interconnected. If a seal fitted inside an extension cylinder has been damaged, the cylinder will come out unintentionally and will require a lower force to move the relating extension. This force depends on the mechanical friction that is present between the single extensions. This to say that when an extension cylinder comes out unintentionally, the trouble should NOT be searched in the cylinder that has moved, but an investigation should be carried out to identify the cylinder that has to be maintained. How to identify the cylinder to be maintained: - Place the crane with the extension unit horizontally and carry out 2 or 3 manoeuvres of full exit or full retraction with the extension cylinders. - Carry out a further closing manoeuvre with extension cylinders while keeping the control bank lever operated for a few seconds: in this way you will be sure that the pressure value inside the rod side chambers will be high. - Wait: if the customer/user has given information about the time that passes since when the crane is folded to when the extensions come out, this is the time that must pass before examining the crane. Otherwise, one hour is more than enough to highlight the presence of the problem though limited .



Technical operations -



u insulate the last half of extension cylinders hydraulically: if, for example extension cylinders are eight, insulate the last four or transform the crane into a four hydraulic extension crane.

u Carry out some movements with the extensions to remove the possible presence of air that may have been

inserted in the hydraulic circuit due to the disassembly of pipes, carry out a complete closing manoeuvre of extension cylinders and wait to see if they come out unintentionally.

u The result of this test shows as follows: - - -

The extensions connected to cylinders tested are in their original position: The problem is not in the extension cylinder unit tested, the trouble is to be searched in the series of cylinders previously insulated. The extensions connected to cylinders tested have come out only by a few centimetres: It is one of the extension cylinders, that was tested hydraulically, which has inner seals that are damaged.


Below is a hydraulic diagram concerning eight extension cylinders. Here is a summary of the procedure above: -

leave only 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th extension cylinders connected hydraulically.

First hypothesis: Exit of extensions still occurs. Actions to perform: - leave only 1st, 2nd, 3rd, extension cylinders connected hydraulically. - Perform a pressure test - If you have a positive result, the problem is inside the 4th extension cylinder. Otherwise, leave only 1st, and 2nd extension cylinders connected hydraulically. - Perform a pressure test until the cylinder that has a problem in the seals is identified. Second hypothesis: Exit of extensions does not occur. Actions to perform: - Connect only the 5th extension cylinder hydraulically. - Perform a pressure test - If you have the exit of extensions, the problem is in the 5th extension cylinder, otherwise if you have not the exit of extensions the problem is not present. - In case the latter hypothesis occurs, connect another extension cylinder hydraulically until the cylinder that has a problem in the seals is identified.




Technical operations

2° Ideal ofdidivision of a hydraulic Linea line ideale suddivisione del circuito idraulico sugli circuit onsfili extensions




Technical operations


7 - Visual check - Structural Intactness u The structural part of a crane is subject to wear, or better, to ageing. Such wear or ageing are proportional to the amount of work that the crane has carried out, and also to the way it has worked: it is obvious that a daily work at maximum performances will require extraordinary maintenance a lot more in advance than a discontinuous and light work.

That is why it is essential to recommend making visual checks on the structural part of the crane, at the beginning, even every six months only, then, with the passing of time, at increasingly closer intervals.


To carry out these checks in the best possible way, do as follows:

√ Wash all the structure of the crane very carefully √ Wait for the crane to dry out outdoors (one day is advisable) √ Check visually that all the welds on the crane are intact √ Check visually that the structural part next to the welds is intact



Technical operations


u A crack on the painting near the welds, easily recognizable by rust coloured traces, shows that a break is beginning in this area: therefore, immediate repairing is necessary!!




After sending the necessary documentation, EFFER’s after-sales service, can give useful advice for the re-


Technical operations


8 - Structural repairs Intervention a: Crane structural part, to carry out some repairs and for the extension of the EFFER integral subframe (for ex.: Material S 690 and/or higher) Intervention b: Cylinders Pins ears Application of brackets (for ex.: Material st 510 and/or lower) N.B: Effer after sale dept. must be informed about the repair interventions that customers would carry out, in order to supply with a comment concerning the better solution to be adopted. Effer refuses any liability in case of interventions carried out without its authorization. General notes 1- The welding interventions must be carried out in environments having a temperature higher than 10° C, and windless. 2- the parts of structure to be welded must be: Cleaned by grinding Dry 3- The parts of structure to be welded must be: Preheated at 80° - 100° C. Intervention a: Electrode classification: en 757/e69 4 zb - Aws a5.5 / e 11018 - m Recommended electrodes diameters: 2,5 - 3,25 mm. Nb: It is compulsory to carry out the electrode drying process before using, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Rod classification (type full): en 12534/g69 4 m Mn 3 Ni1Cr Mo Aws a5.28 er 100s-1 Recommended rods diameters: 1 - 1,2 mm. Gas classification: EN 439 TIPO m21 - Argon (85% - 75%) + co2 (15% - 25%) - Elio (85% - 75%) + co2 (15% - 25%) Quantity of gas adjusted to the exit from the gay cylinder: 12 lt/min in closed environment 18 it/min in open air Welding current:

160 - 180 A for the wire diametre 1 mm

190 - 230 A for the wire diametre 1,2 mm

N.B: Employ lower currents only for weldings in vertical position. (100÷130A).



Technical operations Intervention B: Electrode classification: iso 2560:2002/e46 a z b Aws a5.1 / sfa 5.1:e 7018-1 h4 Recommended electrodes diameters: 2,5 - 3,25 mm. N.b: It is compulsory to carry out the electrode drying process before using, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Rod classification (Type full): en 440 g46 4mg4si1 Aws a5.18 er 70s Recommended rods diameters: 1 - 1,2 mm. Gas classification:: EN 439 TIPO m21

- Argon (85% - 75%) + co2 (15% - 25%)

- Elio (85% - 75%) + co2 (15% - 25%)

QQuantity of gas adjusted to the exit from the gas cylinder:

12 lt/min in closed environment 18 it/min in open air

Welding current:

160 - 180 A for the wire diametre 1 mm

190 - 230 A for the wire diametre 1,2 mm

N.B: Employ lower currents only for weldings in vertical position (100÷130A).




Technical operations


General notes about welding procedure: 1 ) A correct welding is without marginal nicking. Some eventual marginal nicking must be removed by grinding (if of little dimension, max. 0,3 mrn ) or removed by a further welding seam. under cut

2) It is absolutely forbidden to cool the welded parts by some forced cold sources (water, compressed air...). 3) The minimum welding section must be similar or higher than the welded minimum, thickness. However it must not be higher than 20% of the minimum welded thickness.

4) Welding operations.

5) It is forbidden to carry out some welding which are transversal to the line of longitudinal booms. 6) The welding operation causes some material stresses. It is very important that such stresses are removed in blending the welding by grinding the extremity.



Technical operations


