English Speech - Finish [PDF]

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‫السالم عليكم ورحمة اهلل وبركاته‬ ‫ الحمد هلل رب العلمين‬.‫ بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬.‫اعو ذب اهلل من الشيطان الرجيم‬ ‫والص ال ة والس الم على اش رف اال نبي اء والمرس لين س يد ن ا ومولن ا محم د وعلى ال ه وص حبه‬ ‫ اما بعد‬.‫ وال حوال زال قوة اال با اهلل العلي العظيم‬.‫اجمعين‬ The honorable head master of this madrasah, honorable all teachers of this madrasah, honorable the Committees of Darul Ulum Exhibition 2018, the judges of speech and all of audiences. Praise be to Allah, the Creator of everything in this universe, lord of the lord, the owner of all mercies that has given them to all mankind without discrimination, believer or unbeliever. Prayers and regards we should send them to our prophet Muhammad SAW, the simple man who change the darkness to the brightness, and the patient man that could spread Islamic law in Arabian and the whole world after his death. Then, I thank to the master of ceremony who has given me the chance to deliver my speech, entitled “THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD IS THE BEST ROLE MODEL”. Ladies and gentlemen! Allah said in the holy Qur’an surah Al-Qalam verses 4: Wa innaka la’ala khuluqin ‘adhziim “And indeed, you are of a great moral character” Now we should be happy. Just imagine, suppose this event was held just on the day of the birth of our prophet, the incomparable happiness will come over you and me and all of Muslims. And so essentially, this event is a tribute to his birth, the great prophet, the last prophet, Muhammad SAW. A noble servant had been sent by Allah, he was born in the elephant year. He became the light in the darkness. He leads us from darkness into the light of life, enhance human morality and strenghten any irregularities.

My beloved brothers and sisters! We know that the prophet Muhammad is a role model, but most of us would prefer to replace him with another position. In fact, we don’t follow his teaching in our life. This shows that we are not aware; the prophet is a true role model. Now we already know, Do you want to follow other man/woman as your role model? Why don’t we follow our prophet Rasulullah SAW? Are we going to forget our prophet, Muhammad SAW? Ladies and gentlemen! Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca. His mother doesn’t feel any pain when she gave birth. Allah has instilled the noble qualities or characteristics of prophet neighborhood. Prophet Muhammad is the best role model for all humankind. The characteristics (Shifat) of him are Siddiq, Amanah, Tabligh, Fathanah. My beloved brothers and sisters! First, let us know the properties of the prophet Muhammad as Siddiq. Siddiq means truthful. He was truthfulness in the form of speech, actions and heart. He never lies or conversed nonsense words to his followers. He never hurt the feeling of his companions and did harmful acts to them. Above all, his words and actions had completely based on revelation and not exactly come from his desire. Then, amanah means trustworthy. He was called as ‘AL-AMIN’ or trustworthy among the people of Mecca since he was young. He was loved by those who entrusted to him their cash and valuables and they had great faith in him. Similarly in the case of trading the goods of Siti Khadijah, the Holy Prophet was honest and avoided the practice of riba, fraud and unfair dealings in the transaction. Ladies and gentlemen! Next characters of prophet Muhammad is tabligh, Tabligh means conveying. As a Messenger of Allah, he was being appointed to convey Islamic teachings to his people and the entire mankind. He did not conceal from them even a single message of Islam that had been revealed to him. He delivers all of Allah verses to his ummah. My beloved brothers and sisters!

The last character of prophet Muhammad is fathanah, fathanah means wise and intelligent. He was very intelligent person although he had no formal education at early age. One simple example was his idea to place the Black Stone (hajarul aswad) back to the Ka’bah. The leaders of different qabilah were fighting to put back the stone , but Prophet Muhammad solved it. Likewise in his case of war strategy, he would practice ‘SYURA’ or mutual consultation with his companions to determine the best decision. In another verses, Allah also said in the holy Qur’an about the role model of our prophet for all humankind. Allah told us in surah Al-Ahzab verses 21: “Laqad kaana lakum fii rasuulillaahi uswatun hasanah, liman kaana yarjullaaha walyaumal aakhira wa dzakarallaaha katsiiraa” “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day (who) remembers Allah often.” My beloved brothers and sisters! As a proof of love for Allah and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, let us together and we follow the Sunnah of the Prophet’s Practice, let us also share our best habitual actions in our daily life to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. That’s all my speech. Thank you so much for your nice attention. Wabillahi taufiq wal hidayah Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh