KEYS TO PIONEER B2 - Students Book [PDF]

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book MODULE 1 Cover Page 1. Suggested answers Lesson 1a Reading A. Suggested answers B. The most suitable title is a. How to have an authentic VERB/NOUN ADJECTIVE travel decide/decision decisive meaning meaningful memory memorable tradition traditional price pricey ambition ambitious sense sensible differ different appeal appealing overwhelm overwhelmed observe observant week weekly experience because it best describes the idea expressed in the text.

C. 1. envious 3. pleasant 5. considerable 7. informative

2. effective 4. thoughtful 6. distinguished 8. imaginary

Quotation. Suggested answer Grammar A. a. 2, Present Simple

b. 3, Present Simple

c. 1, Present Progressive d. 4, Present Progressive B.

C. 1. d

a. 2 2. b

3. a

4. c

b. 8

c. 6

d. 3 e. 4

f. 5

g. 7

h. 1

5. c 6. d C. I am thinking expresses an action (= I’m considering)

D. 1. b

while I think expresses a state (= I believe). 2. d

3. g

4. c

5. e 6. a

E. Suggested answers Vocabulary A. 1. initial 2. primary 3. original 4. authentic 5. respect 6. understand 7. appreciate 8. realise 9. routine 10. trend 11. tradition 12. habit 13. custom 14. stranger 15. immigrants 16. tourists/foreigners 17. foreigner B.

D. Suggested answers E. 1. are you doing 2. starts / is starting 3. am reading 4. are taking part 5. owns 6. always participate 7. takes place / is taking place 8. know 9. am thinking 10. don’t know 11. is teaching 12. don’t think 13. go 14. ’re always making 15. don’t want 16. think 17. are getting 18. seems 19. are taking Lesson 1b Reading A. Suggested answers B. USA, Japan, Republic of Ireland, Wales, Romania,Belize, Nepal, Ivory Coast, Sri Lanka

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book C. 1. b,

2. a,

3. c,

D. 1. b, 2. e,

3. f,

4. d,

4. c,

B. The following should be underlined: festivals and celebrations around the world, university website, describe a popular celebration in your country, what you like about it, e-mail

5. B

5. a,

6. d

E. Suggested answer Vocabulary A. 1. circle 4. triangle

2. semicircle 5. rectangle

3. square

B. 1. gesture 2. signal 3. sign 4. symbol 5. alike 6. similar 7. identical 8. same 9. single 10. rare 11. unique 12. normal 13. common 14. regular 15. typical Grammar A. a. a/an (A national flag, a flagpole, an emblem, a red dragon, an article) b. the (the flag, the invitation) c. the (the flag of Wales, the beach, the sun) d. No, we don’t. (flags) e. names of countries, cities, proper names (Scotland, Edinburgh, Mike, Tom) f. before names of newspapers, museums, the superlative degree of adjectives (the Daily News, the Museum of Modern Art, the most impressive) B. 1. The 6. a 11. the 16. a 21. the 26. The

2. – 7. the 12. the 17. the 22. the 27. the

3. – 8. a 13. the 18. a 23. the 28. an

4. the 9. the 14. an 19. a 24. the 29. –

5. – 10. a 15. a 20. The 25. the 30. A

C. Open answer Listening 1. a, 2. a,

3. c,

4. b,

5. a,

Speaking A. Suggested answers B. Suggested answer, Suggested answer C. Suggested answers Writing

6. B

C. 1. Mia is writing the e-mail to her friend Annabel. 2. Mia is writing to describe a popular celebration in her country. 3. Opening paragraph: the reason for writing Main part (para. 1): description of the festival Main part (para. 2): the writer’s opinion and comments on the festival Closing paragraph: the writer’s final remarks/ comments 4. It is informal. She uses Annabel’s first name to greet her (Dear Annabel) and her first name when she signs off (Mia), she uses short forms (I’ll help you…, …I’m going to tell you…, You wouldn’t believe…, …it’s a great way…, I’d be…, so don’t hesitate…), informal language and expressions (You see, …/ Well, I think that’s about it. / don’t hesitate to ask! / Take care,), direct questions (Would you like me to send you some pictures, too?), and exclamations (You wouldn’t believe the variety of activities that take place! / I’d be more than glad to, so don’t hesitate to ask!). D. 1. Do you want me to send you more information about the festival? 2. I wanted to go on a two-week holiday; I ended up going on a four-day cruise. 3. I enjoyed the concert, but the stadium was a bit too crowded for my liking. 4. At the exhibition, I met many foreigners from different countries: France, Egypt, Brazil, Russia and even South Africa. 5. The fireworks are brilliant! 6. We bought traditional food from the stalls; I even tasted Moroccan Lamb Tagine! E. We have many festivals and celebrations here in Australia; the one I always look forward to is the National Multicultural Festival. The purpose of the/this festival is… The National Multicultural Festival takes place in February, in the capital city of Australia, Canberra. …that it lasts for three days! ...which visitors can enjoy. …and anyone who has participated in this festival will tell you that it is a unique experience. Personally, I consider it the best! …and learn about their cultural background. Can you believe it? Well, I hope I have been of some help to you, but here’s an important question: when are you coming for a visit? …and see what it’s like for yourself!

A. Open answer, Open answer.

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book Review 1 A. 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. b 8. d B. 1. decisive 2. sensible 3. reliable 4. appealing 5. overwhelmed 6. observant 7. weekly 8. meaningful C. 1. Do you hear 3. is living 5. sends 7. sounds 10. wants 13. is he coming D. 1. The, a, — 4. a, the, the

2. is always moving / always moves 4. writes 6. doesn’t use / isn’t using 8. thinks 9. are dying out 11. happens 12. don’t envy 14. gets 15. isn’t thinking 2. —, the, — 5. an, —, —

3. the, an, the 6. The, a, —

MODULE 2 Cover Page 2. Suggested answers Lesson 2a Reading A. Suggested answers B. b. They are determined to succeed. C. 1. D 6. B

2. C 7. A

3. A 8. C

D. 1. b,

2. c,

3. g,

4. B 9. A 4. e,

A. a. 7, b. 2, c. 8, d. 5, e. 1, f. 3, g. 4,

B. 1. for is used when we want to indicate the length of a period of time (for nearly three years now) while since is used when we want to indicate the starting point of a period of time (since 2005, since he graduated) 2. No, we can’t because have gone means that someone is still at a place and hasn’t come back yet,which is not the case in example 7. 3. We use the Present Perfect Simple (has taught) in the first half of the sentence because the exact time is not mentioned while we use the Past Simple (graduated) in the second half of the sentence because the exact time is mentioned. C. 1. 1 Has she left 2 has accepted 3 hasn’t found 4 has been searching 5 went 6 talked 7 haven’t rung 8 Has she tried 9 has been doing 2. 10 have you been ignoring 11 rang 12 have been ringing 13 ’ve been 14 Have you heard 15 ’ve cancelled/ cancelled 16 spoke 17 decided/ have decided 18 ’ve / have been looking 19 announced 20 have always wanted

Lesson 2b 6. a

Listening 1

E. Suggested answer

A. Suggested answers


B. 1. c,

A. 1. instructs/teaches 2. studies 3. educate 4. teach 5. read 6. learning 7. intention 8. goals 9. ambition 10. purpose 11. achieve 12. succeeds 13. accomplish/achieve 14. manage 15. excelled B. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d , 1. intensive/language course 2. Physical education 3. distance learning 4. boarding school 5. driving school 6. private education C. 1. enter 5. drop

3. sign 7. graduate

h. 6

Speaking. Suggested answer

5. D 10. C 5. d,


4. do/complete 8. complete

2. a,

3. c,

4. c,

5. b,

6. c,

7. a

C. Suggested answer . Vocabulary A. 1. cooperate 3. cheating 5. pay attention 7. good 9. absent

2. working 4. concentrate 6. revise 8. capable 10. benefit

B. 1. grade, high, take, semester, grades 2. classes, major in 3. elementary, recess, principal C. motivate, annoy, arrange, imagine

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book D. -ion interaction participation

-ation presentation combination

-ment involvement punishment

-ance assistance appearance

E. 1. Attendance 2. accomplishments 3. performance 4. instructions 5. examinations 6. cooperation 7. identification 8. assessment 9. achievement(s) Grammar A. 1. students: countable time: both courses: countable effort: both information: uncountable advice: uncountable desks: countable 2. much is used with uncountable nouns while many is used with plural countable nouns 3. a lot of, lots of, plenty of 4. a few 5. a little (= a small amount, some) has a positive meaning while little (= not much/hardly any) has a negative meaning 6. very little 7. a few, a little 8. There aren’t any students in the lecture hall at the moment. B. 1. A lot 4. a little 7. a little 9. no

2. Many 3. a lot of 5. some 6. a few 8. hardly any 10. plenty

Listening 2 1. c, 2. b, 3. b, 4. b, 5. a, 6. b Speaking A. Suggested answers B. Suggested answer C. Suggested answers

Adding points: furthermore, another factor, moreover Expressing result/consequence: therefore, consequently, for this reason Concluding: taking everything into account Expressing opinion: I personally believe, it is my belief that F. 1. For this reason 3. In addition

2. First of all 4. In my view

Review 2 A. 1. c

2. a

3. a

B. 1. reduction 4. improvement 7. arguments

4. b

5. a

6. b

2. applications 5. motivation 8. satisfaction

7. c

3. annoyance 6. statement

C. 1. have just completed 2. have not only passed 3. have also achieved 4. has been working / has worked 5. began 6. gave 7. wanted 8. started 9. have been constantly searching 10. have been working D. 1. Some 2. many 3. hardly any 4. plenty of 5. any 6. a little 7. a few Exam practice Modules 1 & 2 A. 1. traditional 2. development 3. combination 4. assistance 5. pricey 6. presentations 7. memorable 8. ambitious

Writing A. Suggested answer B. 1. About whether homeschooling is a good idea or not. 2. You should use them in your essay by expanding on them. 3. Whether homeschooling can influence family life and disrupt family relations, etc.

B. 1. b 7. c

2. a 8. d

3. b 9. a

4. d 5. a 6. a 10. b 11. b 12. a

C. 1. d 7. c

2. c 8. d

3. c 9. c

4. a 10. b

5. c 11. c

6. a 12. b

D. 1. are 2. from 3. up 4. have 5. what 6. an 7. into 8. been

C. Suggested answer

MODULE 3 D. The following should be ticked: 1, 3, 4 E. Listing points: to begin with

Cover Page. Suggested answers

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book Lesson 3a Reading A. Suggested answers

C. 1. d,

2. c,

3. a,

4. g,

5. b,

6. f

D. 1. c,

2. e,

3. d,

4. f,

5. b,

6. a

B. Suggested answer E. Suggested answers C. 1. a,

2. c,

3. d,

4. b,

5. c,

6. c

D. 1. d,

2. c,

3. b,

4. e,

5. f,

6. a

E. Suggested answers

2. b 7. h

B. 1. open-minded 2. well-mannered 3. open-handed 4. absent-minded 5. tight-fisted 6. big-headed 7. bad-tempered 8. narrow-minded C. 1. f,

Vocabulary B. 1. e 6. c


3. g 8. j

4. a 9. d

3. e,

4. g,

5. h, 6. b, 7. d, 8. c,

9. a


5. f 10. i

A. a. 2 , b. 4,

D. 1. bird 2. lightning 3. mouse 4. gold 5. snow 6. pie 7. fox 8. bee 9. feather

c. 3,

d. 1

B. would, was/were going to

E. 1. shook 2. shrugged 3. waved 4. snapped 5. nodded 6. raised 7. winked 8. scratching Grammar A. a. 7, b. 4, c. 9, d. 1, e. 2, f. 6, g. 2, h. 8, i. 3, j. 5 B. 1. My sister used to have very long hair when she was young. 9. I (always) used to help my mother make dinner when I was younger. I would always help my mother make dinner when I was younger. C. 1. spent 2. went 4. had 5. didn’t pay 7. happened 8. were having 10. wasn’t raining 11. was taking 13. turned 14. saw 16. didn’t want 17. thought 19. looked 20. rushed 22. didn’t believe 23. realized

2. i,

C. 1. had been working 2. struck 3. burnt 4. had complained 5. had listened 6. seemed 7. would suffer 8. had been trying 9. came 10. thought 11. would be 12. wouldn’t be 13. had started 14. began 15. hadn’t missed 16. showed Listening Speaker 1 F Speaker 4 C

Speaker 2 A Speaker 5 G

Speaker 3 B

Speaking A. Suggested answers

3. told 6. was exploring 9. decided 12. heard 15. were standing 18. began 21. told

B. Suggested answer C. Suggested answers Writing A. Suggested answer

Speaking. Suggested answer Lesson 3b Reading A. Suggested answers B. The purpose of this article is a. to point out the amount of kindness that exists in the world.

B. 1. Yes, the writer has begun with the given sentence without changing it. 2. Yes, s/he has. 3. The Past Simple, the Past Progressive and the Past Perfect Simple. 4. direct speech: ‘What you did was brave but extremely dangerous. The car could have exploded!’,

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book questions: ‘Was someone still inside?’ exclamations: ‘We certainly had been lucky!’


C. 1. obviously 2. occasionally 4. Luckily 5. particularly

3. happily 6. absolutely

D. when, at first, as, a few moments later, immediately, after that, in a matter of seconds, by the time, later E. 1. since 2. when 3. Initially 4. during 5. As 6. after 7. Gradually 8. soon 9. Just as 10. Eventually 11. By the time

3. c 9. d

4. a 5. b 6. a 10. a 11. d 12. c 2. started 3. needed 5. would usually work 7. approached 9. thanked 10. had been 12. was going to train

C. 1. I was visiting relatives in Australia when I saw my first koala. 2. As he was travelling through the region, he heard about the rare birds that lived there. 3. I used to think that adults knew everything until became one myself. 4. When I was at university, I would study late into the night. 5. By the time we decided to leave India, we had been living there for two years. 6. I was going to take a course in child psychology but then I found out how much it would cost.

2. b,

3. c,

4. f,

5. g,

Cover Page 4. Suggested answers Lesson 4a Reading

c. 3,

d. 2,

e. 5

6. d,

7. a

B. 5, 2, 4, 3, 1, 7, 6 C. The Present Simple tense is used in the time clause to refer to the future. D. 1. will have been living, ’m coming, will be walking,arrives 2. ’ll get, is about to leave 3. ’m going to drop by, will have finished 4. are you going to buy, will buy, get 5. will have been driving, won’t make 6. Will you be travelling, ’m not leaving Lesson 4b Listening 1 A. Suggested answers 2. applications 4. try out 6. hotel 8. speed 10. glasses

A. head for = travel/go to set off = begin your journey

B. Suggested answer

2. g,

b. 4,


A. Suggested answers

2. b, 7. d,

A. a. 1,

B. 1. underwater hotels 3. your smartphone 5. accommodation 7. stressful 9. (Argentine) taxi driver


D. 1. f,

B. 1. e,

3. tour 7. excursion 11. hotel 14. cabin 17. arrived 20. reach

Grammar 2. b 8. b

B. 1. was teaching 4. used to open 6. had been running 8. had inspired 11. used to come

C. 1. b, 6. b,

A. 1. travelling/travel 2. journey/trip 4. trip 5. voyage 6. expedition 8. resort 9. suite 10. hostel 12. caravan 13. cottage 15. appeared 16. coming 18. get 19. approached/reached

C. Open answer

Review 3 A. 1. d 7. c

E. Suggested answer

3. d, 8. b, 3. a,

4. d, 9. a, 4. c,

B. Suggested answers , Other phrasal verbs related to travel: take off, come/get back, pick sb up, get around, etc.

5. a, 10. d 5. e,

6. b

C. 1. d,

2. a,

3. g,

4. b,

5. e,

6. c, 7. h,

8. f

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book D. ON THE PLANE 1. 1 aisle 2 on board 3 departure lounge 4 trolley 5 in-flight 2. 6 fasten 7 hand luggage 8 overhead compartment 9 tray table 10 turbulence 11 oxygen mask 12 life jacket ON THE TRAIN 1. 1 single 2 return 3 fare 4 timetable 5 connecting train 2. 6 platform 7 loudspeaker 8 ticket office 9 conductor

D. Suggested answers E. Suggested ideas Review 4 A. 1. d

Grammar A. a. The first sentence refers to a general truth, while the second sentence refers to something that is probable. b. In the first sentence we can use When instead of If with no change in meaning. On the other hand, if we use When instead of If in the second sentence, the meaning changes: When Lucy goes on holiday, she will go camping with her friends refers to something that is certain to happen. B. If/When + Present Simple  Present Simple If + Present Simple  will, can, must, may, might should + base form  imperative C. 1. as long as/ provided/ providing/ on condition that 2. Suppose/ Supposing 3. Unless 4. in case D. 1. Unless you book the tickets at least a week in advance, you won’t find any. 2. We’ll get a discount on the cruise provided we pay in cash. 3. If you take some days off, we can/will go to the Canary Islands on holiday. 4. I’ll stay in a hostel as long as it is close to the major sights. 5. I’ll take an umbrella with me in case it rains today. Listening 2 1. c, 2. c, 3. b,

C. 1. Introduction 2. Activities 3. Accessibility 4. Publicity 5. Conclusion

4. b, 5. c, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a

Speaking A. Suggested answers B. Suggested answers C. Suggested answers

2. a

3. a

4. b 5. a

B. 1. turbulence 2. potential 5. resolve 6. duration

6. a

7. a

8. b

3. focus 4. monuments 7. diverse

C. 1. will have been travelling, will you be staying, will be sitting 2. Will you help, ’ll call, is going, have 3. get, will have, ’m going to go, will have made up D. 1. I won’t be able to make the hotel reservations unless I get paid. 2. I won’t go out tonight in case John comes over. 3. I’ll lend you my sleeping bag on condition that you give it back next week. 4. Supposing the weather gets worse when we’re up in the mountains, what will we do? 5. Nobody will understand you if you don’t speak clearly. Exam practice Modules 3 & 4 A. 1. a

2. c

3. c

4. b 5. b

B. 1. d 7. c

2. a 8. a

3. c 9. c

4. b 10. a

6. b

5. a 11. d

7. d

8. b

6. b 12. d

C. 1. If 2. used 3. away 4. were 5. would 6. to 7. had 8. be D. 1. had come down with 2. the time we arrived at 3. had been working for five 4. is about to begin 5. didn’t use to be 6. see eye to eye 7. providing you don’t make 8. in case you get


MODULE 5 A. Suggested answers Cover Page 5. Suggested answers B. 1. b

2. a, c

3. b, d, e

Lesson 5a

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book 7. may 8. could 9. ought 10. needn’t 11. could 12. will 13. can’t 14. shouldn’t 15. will 16. need

Reading A. Suggested answers B.

Lesson 5b

Race type



Approximate completion time

Tour Divide

6633 Ultra

Marathon des Sables

Jungle Ultra

(offpavement) cycling race Canada, USA (The Continental Divide) 2,745 miles



running race

more than two weeks

C. 1. D, 2. B, 3. A, 6. C, 7. A, 8. B, D. 1. c,

2. e,

3. f,

along the Arctic Circle 120 miles / 350 miles 4-9 days

the Sahara Desert


156 miles

143 miles

6 days

Reading A. Suggested answer B. The most appropriate title for the article is b. Pilates: How it all began because the text describes how Pilates developed throughout the years. Although it refers to the benefits of Pilates, the article is mainly about the history of Pilates and there is no mention of the future of Pilates. C. 1. g,

2. c,

3. b,

4. d,

5. f,

6. a

D. 1. h,

2. c,

3. g,

4. a,

5. e,

6. b

6 days

E. Suggested answers 4. B, 5. D, 9. D, 10. C 4. a,

5. b,


6. d

E. Suggested answers Vocabulary B. 1. e (boxing or martial arts) 2. g (any sport) 3. j (skating) 4. i (some ball games) 5. f (swimming) 6. d (boxing) 7. a (sailing) 8. b (tennis) 9. c (athletics) 10. h (boxing)

B. verb + on depend rely comment congratulate insist

verb + in result invest believe participate specialise

verb + to lead amount refer relate contribute

C. 1. insisted 2. led 3. confuse 5. comment 6. result 7. invest 9. contribute 10. specializes

verb + with cope interact replace confuse combine

4. replace 8. combines

D. Suggested answer C. 1.competition 4. game 7. viewers 10. position 13. venue 16. failed

2. match 3. race 5. audience 6. fan 8. spectators 9. site 11. spot 12. location 14. lost 15. beats 17. won, defeating/ beating

A. 1. could 2. have to 3. don’t need to 4. mustn’t 5. may 6. would 7. had better 2. c,

C. 1. be able 4. should

2. b,

3. a,

4. d

2. had better 3. weren’t able to 5. have to 6. can’t

3. d,

4. c,

5. f,

6. e

Grammar A. The sentences refer to the past. B. 1. should 4. could


B. 1. b,

E. 1. a,

2. needn’t 5. must

3. might 6. can’t

C. 1. should/ought to have taken 2. must have injured 3. shouldn’t/ought not to have gone, could have got 4. can’t/couldn’t have applied 5. shouldn’t/needn’t have come, shouldn’t/needn’t have bought 6. may/might have lost

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book Listening 1. a, 2. b,

1. b, 2. a, 3. c,

4. b,

5. b,

3. f, 4. e, 5. c, 6. d, 7. g

6. a E. Suggested answer

Speaking Vocabulary A. Suggested answers B. Suggested answer, Suggested answer

B. 1. d, 2. f, 3. a, 6. b, 7. e, 8. g,

4. h, 5. c, 9. j, 10. i

C. Suggested answers C. 1. Yes, it does. 2. No, it doesn’t.

Writing A. Suggested answer B. Suggested answer C. The following should be ticked: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 D. Emphasising: more importantly Giving an example: such as, particularly Expressing cause/reason: due to the fact that E. 1. because of 2. As a matter of fact 3. such as 4. especially 5. Since 6. In fact

D. 1. recount = to narrate 2. resolve = to find a solution to 3. rebuild = to build again 4. react = to behave in a particular way 5. reconsider = to consider again 6. research = to try to find information about 7. redecorate = to decorate again, remove = to take sth away 8. restore = to bring back to a previous condition 9. reschedule = to schedule again 10. rewrite = to write again Grammar

Review 5 A. 1. b 6. d

2. c 7. b

3. c 8. b

4. b 9. c

5. b 10. d

B. 1. b 6. d

2. b 7. a

3. c 8. d

4. c 9. d

5. c

C. 1. must have been Gary 2. wasn’t able to fix 3. ought to have taken 4. needn’t/shouldn’t have spent 5. may not win

MODULE 6 Cover Page 6. Suggested answers Lesson 6a Reading A. Suggested answers B. c. This experience has deeply affected me. C. 1. b, 2. d, 3. c, 4. b, 5. a, 6. c D.

A. a. In the Passive Voice the action itself is emphasised. b. We use by + the doer of the action/the agent. c. subject + verb to be + past participle d. 1. Younger children usually play this game. 2. A professional painter is painting their house. 3. Tom replaced the broken window earlier this morning. 4.They were designing the new website when I reached the office. 5.They/We have prepared all the dishes for tonight’s dinner. 6. They had built that building before we moved to this city. 7. They/We will hold the meeting tomorrow at 10.00 in the morning. 8.They are going to publish the book next month. 9. We/They will have answered all the e-mails by the end of the day. 10. You/We/They must deliver this package today. 11. You/We/They could have organised the event better. B. 1. The girl (indirect object), flowers (direct object) 2. The first sentence emphasises the subject The girl, whereas the second emphasises the subject Flowers. C. 1. are constantly being made 2. found 3. was conducted 4. appeared 5. can be found 6. was being studied

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book 7. was analysed 8. showed 9. share 10. is acquired 11. will be researched 12. are expected

A. Suggested answers

Lesson 6b

B. Speaker 1: F Speaker 2: D Speaker 3: H Speaker 4: B Speaker 5: E

Listening 1 Speaking A. Suggested answer A. Suggested answer B. 1. answering questions 2. two million 3. colour 4. diet (of particular insects) 5. threatened 6. greyish (in colour) 7. land 8. green fur 9. male 10. rivers and lakes

B. Suggested answers Writing A. Suggested answers B. Ss should underline the following: article, favourite place to relax, where, when do you go, special about it, what do you do I am asked to write an article about my favourite place to relax. People who visit/read the English-language website mentioned in the writing task are going to read it.

C. Suggested answer Vocabulary A. Suggested answer C. 1. e, 2. h,

3. c,

4. f,

5. a,

6. d,

7. g,

8. b

D. 1. species 2. feed 3. prey 4. predators 5. habitat 6. deforestation 7. endangered 8. extinct

Grammar Active, Passive bre infinitive, full infinitive be allowed B. 1. Blue. 2. People. 3. People say that blue is the most popular colour in the world. 4. believe, think, consider, etc. 5. That this painting was painted by Picasso during his Blue Period. This is known by people. 6. People know that Picasso painted this painting during his Blue Period.

C. 1. I would choose title a. My favourite place to relax! because the writer describes his/her favourite place to relax, which is the lake in City Park. It’s an intriguing title because it doesn’t reveal the name of the place, so it makes the reader want to go on reading in order to find out where it is. 2. Paragraph 1: the writer introduces the name and the location of his/her favourite place to relax and briefly states why s/he has chosen it Paragraph 2: the writer gives more information about this place Paragraph 3: the writer describes the things s/he and other people do and enjoy there Paragraph 4: the writer makes a general comment about it and recommends that the readers visit it D. 1. hectic 2. marvelous 3. vast 4. serene 5. countless 6. breathtaking 7. essential 8. delighted E. 1. very tired 2. really interesting 3. really bad 4. extremely good 5. incredibly crowded 6. extremely clever 7. very unhappy 8. incredibly high 9. really surprised 10. incredibly funny

C. 1. is believed to have been caused by the hurricane. 2. is thought to be very good at his job. 3. wasn’t allowed (by his mother) to play video games before his homework was done. 4. was seen to enter his office and lock the door. 5. was made to wait outside the stadium for half an hour. 6. wanted my paintings to be admired (by everyone). 7. is hoped that a cure for cancer will be found soon. 8. can’t stand being pushed on the bus.

Review 6 A. 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. d 5. d 6. b 7. d 8. d 9. a 10. b 11. c 12. b

Listening 2


F. 1. d, 2. e, 6. a, 7. g,

3. h, 8. b,

4. i, 5. f, 9. c, 10. j

Copyright © MM Publications 10

KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book 1. is known to be rather shy. 2. was made to eat five pieces of fruit a day. 3. will be informed about your symptoms. 4. is being painted a light blue colour. 5. must be resolved. 6. is believed that hot springs have health benefits. 7. was given to all the participants. C. 1. been looked 3. clearing 5. reconsidered 7. to work 9. have been planted 11. to be admired

2. to be done 4. had been designed 6. hired 8. can be filled 10. invite

B. 1. a 7. d

2. d

3. a

2. d 8. d

4. d

3. d 9. b

5. b

4. c 10. b

6. b

5. a 11. d

7. a

b. mis-,

c. under-

D. 1. worthless 2. underestimated 3. misinterpret 4. discourage 5. defenceless 6. disconnect 7. misinformed E. go against = to oppose to sth, fall for = to be tricked into believing sth that is not true

8. c

6. b 12. c

C. 1. have 2. was 3. is 4. be 5. fact 6. to 7. by 8. can D. 1. is allowed to enter 3. must have been 5. had better not lie 7. might have left

C. 1. a. dis-, 2. a

F. GO: 1. e, 2. a, 3. d, 4. b, 5. c FALL: 1. b, 2. c, 3. e, 4. a, 5. d

Exam practice Modules 5 & 6 A. 1. c

B. 1. unavailable 2. improper 3. inedible 4. illegible 5. unofficial 6. irrational

2. to be asked to make 4. get the hang of it 6. been on a tight budget 8. were defeated by the Tigers

G. sour = tasting like lemon or fruit which is not ready to eat yet crunchy = firm food which makes a loud noise when you bite it savoury = tasting like salt, not sweet spicy = having a strong taste because spices have been used to flavour it creamy = containing a lot of cream, smooth like cream bland = not having a strong or interesting taste greasy = cooked with too much oil or fat juicy = containing a lot of juice bitter = food with a sharp taste that isn’t sweet, for example the taste of grapefruit mushy = food that is soft and thick


1. F, 2. T, 3. F, 4. F, 5. T, 6. F, 7. T, 8. T, 9. F, 10. T

Cover Page 7. Suggested answers


Lesson 7a

A. 1. In the first sentence who refers to Mr Lee, in the second sentence it refers to People and in the third it refers to the man. 2. b, c This is called a defining relative clause. 3. a This is called a non-defining relative clause. 4. We always use commas to separate a non-defining relative clause from the main clause. 5. It can be omitted in c because it refers to the object of the verb. 6. b, c We cannot use that in the place of relative pronouns in non-defining relative clauses. 7. Whom cannot be omitted because there is a preposition before it (about). Whose can never be omitted. 8. That’s the woman (who) I told you about. 9. In the first sentence it refers to the T-shirt, and in the second sentence it refers to the fact that the T-shirts at the souvenir shop were very cheap (i.e. to the whole sentence). 10. In the first sentence, because the relative clause

Reading A. Suggested answers B. Suggested answer C. 1. b, 6. a,

2. c, 7. a,

3. d, 8. c,

4. b, 9. b,

5. a, 10. b

D. 1. b, 2. c, 3. e, 4. d, 5. a E. Suggested answers Vocabulary A. They add a negative meaning to them.

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book is defining. 11. In the first sentence, because it refers to the object of the sentence, and the relative clause is defining. 12. a (In formal language prepositions appear at the beginning of the relative clause.) 13. b (Which can be omitted if it refers to the object of the sentence the relative clause is defining and if the preposition appears at the end of the relative clause.) 14. That’s the drawer where I keep my passport. B. 1. Pablo is a new colleague with whom I went for dinner last night. / Pablo is a new colleague (who) I went for dinner with last night. / Pablo, with who/ whom I went for dinner last night, is a new colleague. 2. Linda Hanson, who was my Art teacher at school, has an exhibition at the local gallery. / Linda Hanson, who has an exhibition at the local gallery, was my Art teacher at school. 3. Max got a job in advertising, which was a pleasant surprise. 4. The company is owned by Andrew Olivetti whose family started it in 1934. 5. The mountain gorilla, which is one of the most endangered species, lives in Africa. / The mountain gorilla, which lives in Africa, is one of the most endangered species. 6. Let’s go to Room 25, where the examination will be held. / Let’s go to Room 25, in which the examination will be held. / Let’s go to Room 25, which the examination will be held in. 7. I was sitting on the bus next to a man who/that is a famous tennis player. / The man (who/whom/that) I was sitting next to on the bus is a famous tennis player. / The man next to whom I was sitting on the bus is a famous tennis player. 8. Last Saturday I was invited to a lecture (which/that) I totally forgot about.

13. deceptive B. 1. on

2. into

3. out of

4. off

5. by

6. to

Grammar A. 1. a, 2. b, 3. b, 4. a, 5. a, 6. b B. 1. There was a crowd of people waiting outside the stadium for the gates to open. 2. Having read everything in the series, I was anticipating the new book. 3. Impressed with the exhibits in the museum, we didn’t want to leave. 4. (If) Watered every day, the plant won’t die. 5. Not wanting to cook, Kelly ordered pizza. 6. Seeing my friends on the bus, I started waving. 7. Having been seriously injured, the driver was taken to hospital. 8. All organic products imported from countries outside the EU must be accompanied by a certificate of inspection. Listening 1. b, 2. d, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b Speaking A. Suggested answers B. Suggested answer, Suggested answer C. Suggested answers Writing A. Suggested answers B. The most appropriate conclusion is b. because it is directly linked to the writing task and refers to the points raised in the main part. Conclusions a. and c. are not suitable because they make reference to ideas which have not been discussed in the main part.

Lesson 7b Reading A. Suggested answers B. b. to inform readers about April Fool’s Day C. 1. d,

2. g, 3. a,

4. c,

5. b,

6. e

D. 1. d,

2. i,

4. h,

5. g,

6. c,

3. a,

7. f

E. Suggested answers Vocabulary A. 1. joke 2. trick 3. prank/joke 5. noticed 6. recognise 7. comment 9. claims 10. reported 11. fake

4. observed 8. announced 12. false

C. 1. Yes, it is because it introduces the topic of the essay and the writer’s opinion briefly. 2. By restating the topic of the essay in his/her own words. 3. Yes, s/he has. 4. Yes, s/he has. 5. The expression of individuality. 6. Yes, s/he does. 7. No, s/he doesn’t. 8. S/he writes in a formal style. 9. Nonetheless, Firstly, In most cases, for instance, What is more, Finally, Summing up 10. Because they help the writer organise the text, express contrast, give examples, add emphasis, give additional information, summarise, etc. In general, linking words/phrases make an essay

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book flow better, help the writer express his/her ideas more clearly and the reader can follow the writer’s arguments more easily. D. Firstly, the historical reference about the first paid commercial is both unnecessary and irrelevant. Secondly, the introductory paragraph is too long. Thirdly, the writer has already developed most of the ideas that are supposed to be in the writing task in his/her introductory paragraph, so there is not much left to talk about in the main part. Finally, the writer has used a number of abbreviations, which is not appropriate in an essay. E. Suggested answers Review 7 A. 1. unaffected 2. mispronounce 3. underdeveloped 4. incorrect 5. irrelevant 6. disapprove 7. tasteless 8. impractical B. 1. d

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. a

7. d

8. c

C. Suggested answers D. 1. served 2. Written 3. Having finished 4. Walking 5. Spoken 6. designed 7. protesting 8. being

MODULE 8 Cover Page 8. Suggested answers

10. for the best

11. without trace

C. Preparing food/drink: make Enjoying food/drink: have Speaking and Sounds: make Talking: have Disagreeing: have Work/Jobs/Tasks: do Plans/Decisions: make Washing and Resting: have Non-specific: do D. 1. do wonders 2. having second thoughts 3. do as you please 4. did… damage 5. have a good laugh 6. make a difference 7. has access 8. making progress 9. make a good impression Grammar A. a. 4-6 4. She wasn’t careful enough and so she crashed the car. 5. I studied hard and passed my exams. 6. I didn’t know your address so I didn’t visit you. b. 1-3 c. 6 d. 3 e. 4 B. Conditional Sentences Type 2 If + Past Simple  would, could + base form Conditional Sentences Type 3 If + Past Perfect  would, could, might + have + past participle

E. Suggested answers

C. 1. If I had enough money, I would go to Italy on holiday this summer. 2. If I had had enough money, I would have gone to Italy on holiday last summer. 3. If my brother hadn’t broken his leg, he wouldn’t have missed the hiking trip. 4. If I didn’t have a lot of work to do, I’d come over. 5. If we didn’t have an alarm system, I’d worry about burglars. 6. If Janet didn’t exercise every day, she wouldn’t be so fit and healthy. 7. If the police had arrived at the bank in time, the robbers wouldn’t have got away. 8. If the driver hadn’t gone through a red light, the police wouldn’t have arrested him.


Lesson 8b

B. 1. without warning 2. for good 3. without fail 4. without exception 5. For all I know 6. for a change 7. without his parents’ knowledge 8. For the time being 9. without delay

Listening 1

Lesson 8a Reading A. Suggested answers B. Suggested answer C. 1. E, 6. A, D. 1. c,

2. B, 7. D, 2. f,

3. C, 8. B, 3. d,

4. E, 5. C, 9. D, 10. C

4. a,

5. b,

6. e

A. Suggested answers B. The following should be ticked: b, d, g

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book C. 1. b,

2. a,

3. a,

4. b,

5. c, 6. c,

7. c

Vocabulary A. ACTION (verb) CRIME CRIMINAL steal theft thief burgle or burglary burglar break in/into rob robbery robber kidnap kidnapping kidnapper vandalise vandalism vandal pick sb’s pocket pickpocketing pickpocket hijack hijack/hijacking hijacker hack hacking hacker murder murder murderer shoplift shoplifting shoplifter forge forgery forger 1. shoplifter 2. vandals 3. thefts 4. hijacked 5. forged 6. pickpockets B. 1. b, 1. 3. 5. 7.

2. d,

3. f,

4. h,

reach a verdict caught in the act bring criminals to justice doing/serving time

C. 1. convicted 2. sentenced 4. accusing 5. charged 7. suspect 8. Witnesses 10. offenders 11. criminals 13. fine 14. penalty 16. verdict

5. c,

6. e,

7. a,

8. g

2. had an alibi 4. plead guilty 6. report the incident 8. breaks the law 3. arrested 6. hostages 9. victim 12. accomplice 15. sentence

Grammar A. 1. S/he lives in the city centre. 2. S/he doesn’t like it. 3. It is followed by the Past Simple. 4. It refers to the present/future. 5. If only I lived in the suburbs and not in the city centre where the crime rate is high. 6. The second sentence. 7. It is different from the subject of wish. 8. Yes, s/he did. 9. S/he regrets having done it. 10. It is followed by the Past Perfect. 11. It refers to the past. 12. I wish I hadn’t cheated in the test! Now I’m in serious trouble. B. 1. …if/though the car were hers but it belongs to both of us. 2. …I had some money on me because there’s a great bargain at the shopping centre. 3. …my best friend wouldn’t always arrive late. 4. …I hadn’t left my mobile in the cafeteria because

someone stole it. 5. …you didn’t borrow my motorbike. 6. …I could afford to buy a new tablet. 7. …we did something about the homeless people in our city. 8. …you hadn’t told everyone my secret. Listening 2 1. b, 2. a, 3. c,

4. c,

5. b,

6. b,

7. a,

8. c

Speaking A. Suggested answer B. Suggested answer C. Suggested answers Writing A. Suggested answer B. Open answer. C. a. 2, b. 4, c. 1, d. 3 D. 1. P, 6. N,

2. N, 7. P,

3. P, 8. P,

4. P, 9. N,

5. N, 10. P

E. the plot/storyline/ending: 4 the actors/cast: 1 the visual effects: 3 the scenes: 2 Review 8 A. 1. c 6. b

2. c 3. d 4. c 5. a 7. d 8. a 9. c 10. b 11. d

B. 1. had watched, would have seen 2. were, wouldn’t take 3. wouldn’t have broken, had put 4. told 5. didn’t have to 6. arrested, wouldn’t say 7. had done C. 1. a wallet in the street, I would take it to the police 2. I hadn’t been so lazy when I was a student 3. I had written down the number plate of the car that ran the red light 4. you wouldn’t complain about everything 5. you asked me tomorrow because I don’t want to decide right now 6. been walking down the street, I wouldn’t have seen the man leaving the shop and getting into a car Exam practice Modules 7 & 8

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book A. 1. unofficial 2. awareness 3. defenceless 4. underestimate 5. mislead 6. discourage 7. unfamiliar 8. inexperienced B. 1. wish I had read 2. impatient, he would have waited 3. help you if I knew 4. complaints (which/that were) made by 5. would rather you didn’t 6. wish I hadn’t spent 7. whose owners are / the owners of which are 8. if he hadn’t broken C. 1. over/through 2. which/that 3. For 4. if 5. would 6. Having 7. who/that 8. only D. 1. c 8. d

2. a 9. b

3. c 10. c

4. d 11. a

5. c 12. a

6. c 13. d

7. b 14. d

equality fatality

E. 1. reliability 3. confidence 5. emptiness 7. helplessness

Cover Page 9. Suggested answers

existence absence

relevance distance

2. Ignorance 4. diversity 6. reluctance 8. convenience

Grammar A. 1. We use the -ing form (talking) after certain expressions (e.g. It’s no use…) 2. We use the bare infinitive (call) after modal verbs (e.g. should) 3. We use the full infinitive (to learn) after certain adjectives (e.g. eager) 4. We use the full infinitive (to improve) after question words (e.g. how) 5. We use the -ing form (Running) as the subject of a verb 6. We use the full infinitive (to find) to express purpose B. 1. a,


carelessness seriousness

2. b,

3. b,

4. a,

5. b,

6. a

C. 1. Reading 2. look 3. understand 4. knowing 5. obtaining 6. analyzing 7. to notice 8. to make 9. to recognize 10. make 11. to work 12. to get 13. to hear

Lesson 9a Reading A. Suggested answers

Lesson 9b B. In a magazine Reading C. 1. D, 6. B,

2. A, 7. A,

3. B, 8. C,

D. 1. e,

2. d,

3. b,

4. D, 9. D,

A. Suggested answers

5. C, 10. B

B. The following must be ticked: b, d, f C. 1. b,

2. d,

3. a,

4. a,

5. d


D. 1. c,

2. g,

3. f,

4. b,

5. a

A. It means that I couldn’t remember anything.

E. Suggested answers

B. 1. c, 2. f, 6. j, 7. i,


4. a,

5. c

E. Suggested answer

3. b, 8. a,

4. e, 9. h,

5. g, 10. d

A. for, to

C. They are formed from the adjectives weak and creative. The suffixes -ness and -ity have been added to the adjectives to form the nouns. D. -ity curiosity capability

-ness loneliness cheerfulness

-ence independence excellence

-ance tolerance significance

B. 1. for 2. to 3. for 6. from/to 7. with 8. of

4. in 5. with 9. to 10. with

C. 1. effort 2. attempt 4. trial 5. discovery 7. invention 8. innovation 10. consequences 11. effect

3. experiment 6. breakthrough 9. influence 12. result

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book Grammar

Review 9

A. 1. The portraits of some people of influence who were Leonardo’s friends. 2. Leonardo.

A. 1. a

B. 1. c,

2. a,

3. b

C. 1. dye my hair, have/get my hair dyed 2. fix it, have/get it fixed 3. have/get your teeth checked, checked them 4. had her car stolen, steal her car Listening 1. b, 2. b,

3. c, 4. a,

5. c,

6. b,

7. c

Speaking A. Suggested answers

2. b

3. b

4. b

5. b

6. d

7. c

8. c

B. 1. ignorance 2. availability 3. nervousness 4. tolerance 5. emptiness 6. innocence 7. curiosity 8. violence C. 1. Memorising 2. to do, make up 3. to open, to succeed 4. getting, to leave, having 5. playing, playing 6. drinking, feel 7. to pass, to get, to go D. 1. have it fixed 2. got a friend to lend me some 3. had her smartphone stolen 4. have a doctor check it 5. get him to come out and talk to you

B. Suggested answer, Suggested answer C. Suggested answers



Cover Page 10. Suggested answers

A. Suggested answers

Lesson 10a

B. The following should be underlined: study habits, essay, all the notes, give reasons, your point of view, study during the day, during the night, distractions, energy/concentration, your own idea


1. The writer believes that whether it is better to study during the day or during the night depends on what works best for each individual. 2. The writer’s idea is about the kind of lighting (natural vs. artificial light) we use when studying. 3. Yes, s/he does (e.g. kinds of distractions). The examples help the writer illustrate the points s/he wants to make throughout the essay. C. They introduce the central idea of the paragraph. D. 1. c,

A. Suggested answers B. Suggested answer C. 1. a, 6. b,

2. c, 7. c,

3. a, 8. a,

4. d, 9. b,

5. b, 10. b

D. 1. e, 2. a, 3. d, 4. f, 5. c, 6. b, 7. g E. Suggested answers Vocabulary

2. b

E. Indicating the topic being discussed: as far as … is concerned Expressing contrast: while, on the one hand, on the other hand, in comparison to F. 1. As for 2. in spite of 4. Although 5. whereas 7. With regard to

3. in comparison to 6. Nonetheless

G. Suggested ideas

A. 1. trade 4. career 7. job 10. employees 13. entrepreneur 16. compensation 19. salary

2. profession 5. duties 8. employers 11. assistant 14. colleague 17. wage 20. profits

3. occupation 6. labour 9. associates 12. applicants 15. fees 18. income 21. pension

B. unemployed = jobless = out of work C. 1. employment 3. hire

2. business, firm, corporation 4. pay rise, raise

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book 5. personnel 6. manager, supervisor 7. quit, resigned 8. fired, sacked Grammar A. Vanessa: I’ve already sent my CV to a computer company and I’m going to send it to some more. Mr Collins: The meeting will be held on the third floor this afternoon. Jenny: I want to attend a business course in London. Frank: I may/might be late for the meeting. You can start without me. B. 1. Say is used when there is no indirect object while tell is used only with an indirect object. 2. announce, inform, explain, etc. 3.Direct Speech Reported Speech Present Simple Past Simple Present Progressive Past Progressive Past Simple Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple Present Perfect Past Perfect will would am/is/are going to was/were going to can could may might must had to C. 1. They replace I give you my word…, You really must let me… and It’s true… in direct speech. 2. agree, advise, suggest, etc. D. 1. getting/having got a pay rise. 2. for not attending/having attended the business dinner. 3. me to work harder if I wanted that promotion. 4. to help me because he was too busy. 5. me that Tina was looking for a flat in the city centre. 6. the applicant that they would call him/her for another interview. 7. taking up a new hobby./that we take up a new hobby. 8. that I had to learn a new trade. Lesson 10b Listening 1 1. a, 2. b, 6. c, 7. b,

3. a, 8. b,

4. c, 5. c, 9. b, 10. c

Vocabulary A. 1. f,

2. c,

3. a,

1. job market 3. work experience 5. career path

4. g,

5. d,

6. b,

7. e

2. public relations 4. unemployment benefit 6. business trip

7. economic crisis B. 1. go into 2. does 3. been in 4. set up 5. went out of 6. expanded 7. running C. Here it means to become successful. It can also mean to leave the ground and begin to fly (for planes) or to remove my clothes or shoes. D. 1. d,

2. b,

3. a,

4. c,

5. e,

6. f

E. 1. c,

2. e,

3. g,

4. f,

5. a,

6. d,

7. b

Grammar A. Why did you apply for the job? Do you speak French? B. 1. asked, wanted to know 2. why, if/whether 3. In the same way as statements (Past Simple  Past Perfect Simple, Present Simple  Past Simple). 4. They are in the affirmative form. C. Please bring a sample of your work and don’t be late for the interview. We use the verbs tell, order, beg, command, etc. to report commands and the verbs tell and ask to report requests. The imperative changes to to + base form while the negative imperative changes to not to + base form. D. 1. The interviewer asked James to tell them about his previous work experience. 2. Claire asked Henry why he was going to quit his job. / Claire wanted to know why Henry was going to quit his job. 3. I asked Tom if/whether he had ever made a presentation in front of an audience. / I wanted to know if/whether Tom had ever made a presentation in front of an audience. 4. Brett asked his colleague if/whether s/he could make some photocopies for him. / Brett asked his colleague to make some photocopies for him. 5. Kathy wondered/asked herself if/whether she would ever find the job of her dreams. 6. Mrs Clifton told me not to forget to call our business associate in Rome. 7. Lucy asked Betty where she could sign up for the seminar. 8. Mr Skinner told his personal assistant to write down the main points of the meeting. Listening 2 Speaker 1: H Speaker 2: B

Speaker 3: A

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book Speaker 4: E

Speaker 5: C C. 1. to make up my mind 2. is capable of solving 3. have/get this laptop repaired 4. if he would be informed 5. warm enough to sit 6. to put (more) effort into 7. for not cleaning / for not having cleaned 8. his application turned down

Speaking A. Suggested answer B. Suggested answer C. Suggested answer

D. 1. a 8. d

Writing A. Suggested answer

2. b 9. b

3. b 10. d

4. a 11. d

5. b 12. c

6. d 13. b

7. a 14. d

B. Suggested answer

MODULE 11 C. a. 2,

b. 4,

D. 1. currently 3. acquired 5. regarding 7. approach

c. 1,

d. 3

Cover Page 11. Suggested answers Lesson 11a

2. particularly suits 4. effectively 6. commitments

Reading A. Suggested answer

Review 10 A. 1. d B. 1. of 6. of

2. d

B. The main purpose of this article is d. to give us an insight into the significance of space exploration. 3. b

4. b

5. b

6. b

7. d

8. b

2. in 3. over 4. in 5. up 7. over 8. with 9. down 10. in

C. 1. My boss ordered me to lock up the premises when I left. 2. Jake agreed to bring the woman at the job centre his financial records. 3. Catrina permitted us to take a ten-minute break to get some coffee. 4. Mike reminded me to update my CV before sending it. 5. Hilary demanded to talk to someone in charge then. 6. Annabel threatened to make all the employees work overtime if the project wasn’t finished that day. 7. Mr Powell wanted to know how long I had worked at the previous company. 8. Elizabeth wondered if she would get a bonus for all her hard work that year. Exam practice Modules 9 & 10 A. 1. concentration 2. reluctance 4. absences 5. significance 7. independence 8. capability B. 1. c 8. b

2. d 9. c

3. d 10. d

4. b 11. c

5. d 12. b

3. carelessness 6. cheerfulness

6. a 13. d

7. b 14. d

C. 1. d,

2. g,

3. b,

4. f,

5. c,

6. a

D. 1. d,

2. b,

3. f,

4. i,

5. h,

6. a,

7. c

E. Suggested answer Vocabulary A. The root of the word is caution. The prefix pre– has been added to the root to refer to what must be done before sth happens in order to prevent problems or avoid danger. B. 1. precooked = prepared and partly cooked beforehand so it can quickly be heated and eaten 2. postgraduate = after one has completed their first degree 3. preseason = before the beginning of a sport’s normal season 4. post-match = after the match has finished 5. prearranged = arranged before sth actually happens 6. preview = to watch films before they are shown to the general public D. 1. money 2. blame 5. mind 6. end

3. pen 4. practice 7. pressure 8. word

put money into = to invest in put the blame on = to say that sb is responsible for sth, to accuse sb of sth

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book put pen to paper = to begin writing sth put into practice = to apply sth and see if it is effective put one’s mind at ease = to make sb stop worrying about sth by telling them or doing sth put an end to = to stop put pressure on = to try to make sb do sth put in a good word for = to express a favourable opinion of sb so as to help them achieve sth

1. g, 6. f,

2. d, 7. c,

3. b, 8. i,

4. a, 9. e,

Suggested answer, Open answer B. VERB — conserve protect

NOUN environment conservation protection




A. 1. b, d 2. c 3. a 4. The weather was so bad that we cancelled our trip. 5. In spite of the bad weather/the fact that the weather was bad/the weather being bad, we went ahead with our trip.

F. 1. b,

2. d,

3. a,

4. e,

5. h, 10. j

NOUN (person) environmentalist conservationist protector

ADJECTIVE environmental — protective protected



pollution pollutant harm



endange r threaten



preventive preventative preventable polluted polluting harmful harmless destroyed destructive dangerous endangered threatened threatening

5. c

B. CLAUSES OF PURPOSE: in order (not) to, would CLAUSES OF RESULT: such CLAUSES OF CONCESSION: although C. 1. ...reading the daily news. 2. ...Julie was reluctant, she finally agreed to put money into the company. 3. ...I forget about the meeting, I suggest you e-mail me. 4. ...a lot of studying to do for her postgraduate degree that she doesn’t know what to do. 5. ...that she could watch it with her friends later. / as to watch it with her friends later. 6. ...difficult that I couldn’t/didn’t fully understand it. 7. ...being/the fact that he is a good basketball player, my brother didn’t score a point during his last game. Lesson 11b A. Suggested answer B. The writer suggests that humans should relocate away from the coast because they will eventually lose their homes to nature. C. 1. b,

2. a,

3. b,

4. c,

5. d

D. 1. c,

2. b,

3. f,

4. a,

5. e

E. Suggested answer

Vocabulary A.

— destroyer

C. 1. polluted 2. protection 3. threatened 4. destruction 5. conservation 6. harmful 7. preventive/ preventative 8. endangered 9. environmentalists Grammar A. 1. b, 2. a, 3. b B. a. The first sentence means that there is a big difference between the documentaries while the second sentence means that there is not much difference between them. b. far, slightly c. a bit, a lot, much, rather, a little, even C. 1. b,

2. a

D. 1. the highest I can 2. more and more people 3. the cleanest neighbourhood I 4. more Carl practised, the easier 5. much quieter/much less noisy 6. was not as large as 7. worse and worse 8. are less expensive than Listening 1. d, 2. b, 3. d, 4. a Speaking

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book A. Suggested answers Cover Page 12. Suggested answers B. Suggested answers Lesson 12a

C. Suggested answers



A. Suggested answer

A. Suggested answers B. The writer doesn’t fully agree with banning the cars from the downtown area and believes that a partial ban (e.g. on certain days of the week or during specific hours of the day) would be more practical and beneficial for everyone. C. The following must be ticked: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 D. these = travelling with young children or elderly people or carrying heavy things it = the subway do so = expanding the existing transportation system as well as making the city bicycle-friendly by introducing bike lanes and a bike-sharing system E. Green rooftops are becoming more and more popular in cities all over the world. These are rooftops that are covered with green vegetation, like grass, plants or trees. They can help protect the environment and there are many reasons they do so. One of these is because of their ability to keep houses warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Moreover, green rooftops can filter the air, which helps reduce smog and pollution. Review 11 A. 1. c 2. c 3. a 6. b 7. c 8. a

2. d

3. b

4. d

5. a

6. d

7. b

D. 1. being one of the best detectives in town, Jake couldn’t solve the case. 2. as demanding as he thought it would be. 3. the laziest colleague I have ever had. 4. Kevin had an injury, he took part in the race. 5. so long that I couldn’t finish it. / too long for me to finish.


C. 1. a,

2. b,

3. d,

4. b,

5. c,

D. 1. d,

2. e,

3. b,

4. c,

5. f

6. c

E. Suggested answers Vocabulary A. Freedom derives from the adjective free, childhood derives from the noun child and hardship derives from the adjective hard. B. 1. membership 2. wisdom 3. adulthood 4. parenthood 5. friendship 6. leadership 7. boredom 8. championship 9. neighbourhood 10. relationship D. 1. e, 6. b,

2. g, 7. h,

3. a, 8. i,

4. j, 5. d, 9. c, 10. f

F. 1. pieces 2. death 3. trial 4. sooner 5. learn 6. tidy 7. clear 8. short Grammar

4. c 5. d 9. b 10. d

B. 1. protected 2. conservationists 3. harmless 4. Destructive 5. Pollutants C. 1. b

B. The following must be ticked: a, b, d, g

A. 1. The examples are statements. 2. The verbs are in the question form. 3. The purpose of this grammatical structure is a. to place emphasis. B. 1. Under no circumstances should anybody find out about what happened. 2. Rarely do you come across such a green area in this city. 3. Only when you talk to her in person will you understand the difficulty of the situation. 4. Hardly had we started driving when we got a flat tyre. 5. On no account should you be late for our appointment. 6. By no means will I lend you so much money. 7. No sooner had Bill left the house than a stranger called and asked for him. 8. Not a single thing did she do to help us with the

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book preparations for the fund-raiser.

A. Suggested answers

Lesson 12b

B. Suggested answer

Listening 1

C. 1. In paragraph 2 the writer focuses on the problems/ effects of vandalism, while in paragraph 3 the writer focuses on the solutions. 2. The writer concludes the essay by making a general comment on the issue and the solutions s/he has suggested. 3. Introduction: Vandalism is a growing problem with significant negative effects on society. Main part 1: Acts of vandalism targeting both public and private property are a social reality with particularly harmful consequences. Main part 2: It is important, first of all, that action is taken to prevent vandalism. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is necessary for society as a whole to work together to eliminate vandalism. 4. The rest of the information in each paragraph supports and exemplifies the topic sentence. D. Introduction: 2, 1, 3 Main Part (paragraph 1): 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 Main Part (paragraph 2): 4, 2, 1, 3, 5

A. Suggested answers B. 1. natural disasters 3. international borders 5. short-term 7. (lots of its) land 9. response

2. 50 million 4. culture 6. 1,000 8. Half 10. fossil fuels

C. Suggested answers Vocabulary A. 1. c, 6. b,

2. g, 7. d,

3. j, 4. h, 8. a, 9. e,

5. f, 10. i

B. 1. snow, h 2. rainfall, d 3. earth, b 4. rocks, f 5. winds, g 6. gases, e 7. dry, c 8. wave, a Grammar A. both, either and neither are used for two people, things, ideas, etc. none and neither are used in affirmative sentences and give them a negative meaning all and none are used for more than two people, things, ideas, etc. either means one or the other (it doesn’t matter which of the two). B. 1. c,

2. b,

3. a,

4. c,

5. d

C. 1. all, none 2. both...and, either, not only 3. whether...or, Either, both...and, neither...nor Listening 2 A. Suggested answers B. 1. a,

2. b,

3. c,

4. d,

Playing video games is a very popular pastime among young people today. Unfortunately, it is considered to have many negative consequences. Therefore, it is important to find ways to deal with this issue. Playing video games might sound harmless but in fact can cause serious problems. Addiction is one of them, and it makes young people lose interest in life in general. They prefer to spend all their time in front of a screen instead of studying, doing physical activities or even socialising. Another aspect that needs to be considered is the violence most video games contain. This can lead to increased aggressive behaviour as young people get used to it and start believing that it is something acceptable. It is important for parents to be aware of these consequences and take steps to prevent them. Firstly, they must set rules that limit the amount of time their children spend playing video games. This will teach children to divide their time responsibly so that they do not neglect their responsibilities or miss out on the fun of life. Furthermore, it is evident that parents should check the ratings video games have to ensure they are suitable for their children. This way, parental guidance can help prevent violent behaviour.

5. a E. Suggested answers

Speaking Review 12 A. Suggested answer B. Suggested answers Writing

A. 1. a 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. d 7. c 8. d B. 1. championship

2. boredom

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book 3. membership 4. hardship 5. friendship, adulthood 6. wisdom C. 1. does it rain during this time of the year. 2. did he know that parenthood would be difficult. 3. did she cook dinner but she also made dessert. 4. should you open this envelope. 5. once has he been to my house. 6. could I find my grandmother’s necklace. D. 1. We can either watch a film or go to the park. 2. Jenny doesn’t know whether she should go to university or find a job after secondary school. 3. Neither Mike nor Carl enjoy football, so they won’t come to the match with us. 4. It’s incredible, but none of the employees at the bank spoke Spanish. Exam practice Modules 11 & 12 A. 1. environmentalists 2. destruction 3. endangering 4. minimize 5. preventive/preventative 6. inhabitable 7. adaptable 8. extinction

categories (e.g. learning English and French). 3. The subject matter is the percentage of students learning two or more foreign languages in Latvia and Slovakia from 2005 to 2012. Two lines are being used to show how the percentages of each country fluctuate/change over a period of time (2005-2012). This way, the reader can compare the percentages. 4. The pie chart shows the components of a whole. 5. The bar graph and the pie chart show information that applies to a specific year, while the line graph shows gradual progression over a period of time. 6. You can’t show the information depicted in the bar graph as a line graph because the data depicted isn’t sufficient to show a progression over a period of time and you can’t show the information as a pie chart because the percentages do not add up to 100. 7. No, it cannot. The only way to show parts of information of the line graph in a bar graph is if we compare two countries in a specific year. D. 1. 90,

2. 94.5,

3. 24.6,

4. 80.1

Task Modules 3 & 4 A. Suggested answers

B. 1. put the blame on Dan 2. no circumstances should you enter 3. come to terms with 4. in spite of the fog 5. cook as well as 6. before had we seen 7. such a lot of traffic 8. in order not to lose C. 1. for 2. Even 3. more 5. Only 6. not 7. basis

4. so 8. long

E. Suggested answer Task Modules 5 & 6 A. Suggested answers B. Suggested answer C. 1. purpose 2. topic sentence 3. make notes 4. main ideas 5. synonyms 6. general terms 7. criticism 8. background 9. one third

D. 1. c 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. d 6. d 7. c 8. d 9. c 10. b 11. a 12. d 13. b 14. c 15. d 16. b Task Modules 7 & 8 Task Modules 1 & 2

A. Suggested answers

A. Suggested answers

B. a. 3, a. 2,

B. 1. bar graph 2. line graph 3. pie chart C. 1. The percentage of students learning English, French and Germany in Denmark and Hungary in 2011. 2. The percentages in this graph help us see how many students studied English, French and Germany in Denmark and Hungary in 2011. The percentages for each country don’t add up to 100 because one student might belong to two

b. 1, b. 3,

c. 2 c. 1

Task Modules 9 & 10 A. Suggested answers B. 1. c,

2. d,

3. e,

4. b,

5. a

C. Suggested answer

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KEYS TO PIONEER B2_Student's Book D. Suggested vocabulary Task Modules 11 & 12 A. Suggested answers B. a. Speaker 3

b. Speaker 2

c. Speaker 1

C. The following should be ticked: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 D. Suggested answers E. The following should be ticked: 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10

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