Forum Diskusi 3-2 - DNDA [PDF]

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Practice questions for discussion forum 3-2 (Force and motion AND Energy and Work) Verify the answers to each of the following questions (10 questions) 1. A car travels east at constant velocity. The net force on the car is: A) east B) west C) up D) down E) zero Ans: E Difficulties: E Reason : When a car is moving at a constant speed, it means that no acceleration is occurring. According to Newton's second law, if the force on an object is zero, then the object's velocity will remain constant. In this case, because the car is traveling at a constant velocity eastward, this means that none of the accelerations change the car's speed. This shows that the net force on the car must be zero. If there is an unbalanced force, the car will accelerate and its speed will change. 2. A constant force of 8.0 N is exerted for 4.0 s on a 16-kg object initially at rest. The change in speed of this object will be: A) 0.5m/s B) 2m/s C) 4m/s D) 8m/s E) 32m/s Ans: B Difficulties: M Reason : If an object is subjected to a constant force for a certain amount of time, we can use the laws of motion with constant acceleration to determine the change in velocity of the object. In this case, the force exerted on the object is 8.0 N and the mass of the object is 16 kg. Using Newton's second law, we can find the acceleration of the object: Force = mass × acceleration 8.0 N = 16 kg × acceleration acceleration = 8.0 N / 16 kg = 0.5 m/s² Then, we can use the equations of motion with constant acceleration to find the change in velocity:

Change in velocity = acceleration × time Change in velocity = 0.5 m/s² × 4.0 s = 2.0 m/s Therefore, the change in the object's velocity will be 2.0 m/s. 3. Two blocks are connected by a string and pulley as shown. Assuming that the strings and pulleys are massless, the magnitude of the acceleration of each block is:

A) 0.049m/s2 B) 0.020 m/s2 C) 0.0098 m/s2 D) 0.54m/s2 E) 0.98m/s2 Ans: E Difficulties: M Reason : Assume the acceleration of block 1 as "a" to the right, then based on Newton's law, block 2 will accelerate with the same magnitude but in the opposite direction (to the left). Therefore, the correct answer is E) 0.98 m/s², which has the same magnitude as block 1 but is in the opposite direction. Acceleration can be considered positive or negative depending on the direction chosen. In this context, the positive direction is to the right, and the negative direction is to the left. So, answer E) 0.98 m/s² shows that block 1 has an acceleration of 0.98 m/s² to the right, while block 2 has an acceleration of 0.98 m/s² to the left. 4. A 13-N weight and a 12-N weight are connected by a massless string over a massless, frictionless pulley. The 13-N weight has a downward acceleration with magnitude equal to that of a freely falling body times: A) 1 B) 1/12

C) 1/13 D) 1/25 E) 13/25 Ans :D Difficulties: M The correct answer is B Reason : In the problem it is known that two loads are connected by a rope through a pulley. The 13 N load has a downward acceleration of the same magnitude as the freely falling object's acceleration. Then we can apply Newton's laws to each load to find the relationship between the acceleration of the 13 N load and the acceleration of a freely falling object. Assume the acceleration of the 13 N load is a. 13N load: Force acting downward: Weight (13 N) Force acting up: Tension in the rope Since the rope is assumed to have no mass, the tension in the rope is the same on both sides of the pulley. So, the tension in the rope at a load of 12 N is also 13 N. 12N load: Force acting downward: Weight (12 N) Force acting up: Rope tension (13 N) Newton's second law on each load: 13N load: 13 N - T = 13 N × a --> equation (1) 12N load: 12 N - T = 12 N × a --> equation (2) In both of these equations, the tension in the rope is ignored because the rope is assumed to be massless. By combining the two equations, we can find the relationship between a and the acceleration of a freely falling object. 13 N - T = 13 N × a 12 N - T = 12 N × a Substitute T = 13 N into the equation (2): 12 N - 13 N = 12 N × a

-1 N = 12 N × a a = -1/12 m/s² Negative acceleration indicates that the 13 N load is moving downward. Now, we can compare the acceleration of a 13 N load with the acceleration of a freely falling object. Since the acceleration of a 13 N load is -1/12 m/s², the magnitude of the acceleration of a 13 N load is 1/12 times the magnitude of the acceleration of a freely falling object. So, the correct answer is B) 1/12. 5. A ball with a weight of 1.5 N is thrown at an angle of 30above the horizontal with an initial speed of 12 m/s. At its highest point, the net force on the ball is: A) 9.8 N, 30below horizontal B) zeros C) 9.8 N, up D) 9.8 N, down E) 1.5 N, down Ans: E Difficulties: E The correct answer is B Reason : At the highest point, there is no vertical acceleration because the ball reaches the highest point in its parabolic motion. Therefore, the force on the ball vertically is zero. If we consider the weight of the ball which has a magnitude of 1.5 N, the force of gravity pulls the ball down with that force. However, at the highest point, the normal forces (the reaction of the surfaces supporting the ball) balance the forces of gravity, resulting in zero net vertical force. So, the correct answer is B) zero, because at the highest point, the net force on the ball is zero. 6. A crate rests on a horizontal surface and a woman pulls on it with a 10-N force. Rank the situations shown below according to the magnitude of the normal force exerted by the surface on the crate, least to greatest.

A) 1, 2, 3 B) 2, 1, 3 C) 2, 3, 1 D) 1, 3, 2 E) 3, 2, 1

Ans: E Difficulties: E 7. Two objects, one having three times the mass of the other, are dropped from the same height in a vacuum. At the end of their fall, their velocities are equal because: A) anything falling in a vacuum has a constant velocity B) all objects reach the same terminal velocity C) the acceleration of the larger object is three times greater than that of the smaller object D) the force of gravity is the same for both objects E) none of the above Ans: E Difficulties: E The most correct answer is B Reason : Under the laws of gravity and the balance of force and resistance (such as air resistance), a falling object will reach a terminal velocity when the force of gravity balances the force of resistance. Since both fall from the same height in a vacuum, they will reach the same terminal velocity. 8. A lead block is suspended from your hand by a string. The reaction to the force of gravity on the block is the force exerted by the: A) string on the block B) block on the strings C) strings on the hand D) hand on the strings E) block on the Earth Ans: E Difficulties: E The correct answer is D Reason : When you hang a lead block in your hand using a rope, the rope supports and holds the block's weight. The force exerted by your hand on the rope is a reaction to the force of gravity acting on the block. According to the law of action and reaction, when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object reacts with a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the first object. In this case, your hand is exerting an upward force on the rope, and in reaction, the rope is exerting an equal force downward on your hand. So, the correct answer is D) hands on the rope, because it is a reaction to the force of gravity on the block being carried by your hand through the rope.

9. A 5-kg concrete block is lowered with a downward acceleration of 2.8 m/s2 by means of a rope. The force of the block on the Earth is: A) 14 N, up B) 14 N, down C) 35 N, up D) 35 N, down E) 49 N, up Ans: E Difficulties: E Reason : Block forces on Earth can be determined using Newton's third law of motion, which states that every action will have an equal and opposite reaction. In this case, the block exerts a downward force due to its weight. According to Newton's third law, the Earth exerts an equal and opposite, that is, upward, force on the block. The weight of the block can be calculated using the formula: weight = mass × acceleration due to gravity. The hidden mass of the block is 5 kg and the acceleration due to gravity is about 9.8 m/s^2, so the weight of the block is: weight = 5 kg × 9.8 m/s^2 = 49 N. 10. A 5-kg concrete block is lowered with a downward acceleration of 2.8 m/s2 by means of a rope. The force of the block on the rope is: A) 14 N, up B) 14 N, down C) 35 N, up D) 35 N, down E) 49 N, up Ans :D Difficulties: E The correct answer is B Reason : The block force on a rope can be determined using Newton's second law of motion, which states that the force exerted on an object is equal to the object's mass multiplied by its acceleration. In this case, the mass of the block is 5 kg and the acceleration it experiences is 2.8 m/s^2 downwards. Therefore, the block force on the rope can be calculated as follows: Force = mass × acceleration = 5 kg × 2.8 m/s^2

= 14 N, down. 11. At time t = 0 a 2-kg particle has a velocity in m/s of (4 m/s)iˆ − (3 m/s) ˆj.proportional to t At ˆ ˆ t = 3 s its velocity is (2 m/s)i + (3 m/s) j. During this time the work done on it was: A) 4 J B) –4 J C)–12 J D) –40 J E) (4 J)iˆ + (36 J) ˆjproportional to 1 t Ans: C Difficulties: M 12. A particle starts from rest at time t = 0 and moves along the x axis. If the net force on it is proportional to t, its kinetic energy is proportional to: A) t B) t2 C) t4 D) 1/t2 E) none of the above Ans: C Difficulties: M The correct answer is E Reason : If the net force on the particle is proportional to time (t), we can express it as F = kt, where k is the ratio constant. Work done on the particles provided by the merchandise: Work = Force × Displacement Since the particle starts from rest, its initial kinetic energy is zero. Therefore, the work done is equal to the final kinetic energy. The work done by the constant force is given by the merchandise: Work = Force × Displacement In this case, the force is proportional to t, so we can write: Work = (kt) × Displacement Since the particles move along the x-axis, the layering is proportional to time squared (x∝t^2).

Therefore, we can write: Work = (kt) × (xt^2) By combining these sales, we have: Final Kinetic Energy = (kt) × (xt^2) Since x and t^2 are both proportional, we can write xt^2 = t^4. Therefore: Final Kinetic Energy = k × t × t^4 The Final Kinetic Energy is proportional to t^5. 13. The velocity of a particle moving along the x axis changes from vi to vf. For which values of vi and vf is the total work done on the particle positive? a)vi= 5m/s, vf = 2m/s B)vi= 5m/s, vf = –2m/s C)vi= –5m/s, vf = –2m/s D)vi= –5m/s, vf = 2m/s E)vi= –2m/s, vf = –5m/s Ans: E Difficulties: E 14. A good example of kinetic energy is provided by: A) a wound-up clock spring B) the weights raised of a grandfather's clock C) a tornado D) a gallon of gasoline E) an automobile storage battery Ans: C Difficulties: E The correct answer is A Reason : A clock spring that is tensioned is a good example of kinetic energy. When the spring is released, it flexes and transfers the stored potential energy to kinetic energy as it moves and drives the clock mechanism. 15. No kinetic energy is possessed by: A) a shooting star B) a rotating propeller on a moving airplane C) a pendulum at the bottom of its swing D) an elevator standing at the fifth floor E) a cyclone

Ans :D Difficulties: E Reason : An elevator that stops on the fifth floor has no kinetic energy because it is at rest and is not moving. Kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion, and in this case, because the elevator is at rest, it has no kinetic energy. 16. The wound spring of a clock offers: A) kinetic but no potential energy B) potential but no kinetic energy C) both potential and kinetic energy in equal monts D) neither potential nor kinetic energy E) both potential and kinetic energy, but more kinetic energy than potential energy Ans: B Difficulties: E Reason : When a stuck spring is tensioned, it stores potential energy. This potential energy is then gradually released and converted into kinetic energy when the spring flexes and the clock movement mechanism. At any given moment, a spring that is stretched has primarily potential energy due to its squeezed or relaxed state, not kinetic energy associated with its motion. 17. A body at rest in a system is capable of doing work if: A) the potential energy of the system is positive B) the potential energy of the system is negative C) it is free to move in such a way as to decrease its kinetic energy D) it is free to move in such a way as to decrease the potential energy of the system E) it is free to move in such a way as to increase the potential energy of the system Ans :D Difficulties: E Reason : To do work, there must be a transfer or conversion of energy. In this case, if an object at rest has the ability to move and reduce the system's potential energy, then work can be done. When potential energy is reduced, it can be converted into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy or work done on other objects in the system. 18. A force on a particle is conservative if: A) its work equals the change in the kinetic energy of the particle B) it obeys Newton's second law C) it obeys Newton's third law D) its work depends on the end point of the motion, not this the path between

E) it is not a frictional force Ans :D Difficulties: E Reason : In decomposition forces, the work done by the force on a particle depends only on the initial and final positions of the particles, regardless of the path traveled. This property is known as pathway independence or destructive property. The work done by the analytical force can be expressed as the difference in potential energy between the initial and final positions. 19. A golf ball is struck by a golf club and falls on a green eight feet above the tee. The potential energy of the Earth-ball system is greatest: A) just before the ball is hit B) just after the ball is hit C) just after the ball lands on the green D) when the ball comes to rest on the green E) when the ball reaches the highest point in its flight Ans: E Difficulties: E Reason : When the ball reaches the highest point in its flight, the ball's height relative to the ground or green is the highest. However, at this point, most of the ball's potential energy has been converted to kinetic energy as the ball rises to that point. So, the energy potential at this point will not be the greatest. 20. A 2-kg block is thrown upward from a point 20 m above the Earth's surface. At what height above Earth's surface will the gravitational potential energy of the Earth-block system have increased by 500 J? A) 5m B) 25m C) 46m D) 70m E) 270 m Ans: C Difficulties: E The correct answer is B Is known : m = 2 kg ΔPE = 500 J g ≈ 9.8 m/s^2 (gravitational acceleration)

We want to find the change in height (Δh) above the Earth's surface where the potential gravitational energy of the Earth-block system increases by 500 J. By using the formula: ΔPE = m * g * Δh We can substitute the formula to find Δh: Δh = ΔPE / (m * g) Replace the given value: Δh = 500 J / (2 kg * 9.8 m/s^2) ≈ 25.51 m Thus, the height above the Earth's surface at which the potential gravitational energy of the Earth-block system increases by 500 J is approximately 25.51 meters. The closest answer is B) 25 m. 21. The sum of the kinetic and potential energies of a system of objects is conserved: A) only when no external force acts on the objects B) only when the objects move along closed paths C) only when the work is done by the resultant external force is zero D) always E) none of the above Ans: E Difficulties: E The correct answer is A The conservation of the total mechanical energy (the sum of the kinetic and potential energies) in a system occurs when no external forces do work on the bodies. Under these conditions, the total mechanical energy remains constant. This principle is known as the conservation of mechanical energy. If an external force is present and does work on the objects, the total mechanical energy can change.

22. A 0.20-kg particle moves along the x axis under the influence of a stationary object. The potential energy is given by u(x) = (8.0J/m2)x2 + (2.0J/m4)x4, where x is in coordinate of the particle. If the particle has a speed of 5.0 m/s when it is at x = 1.0 m, its speed when it is at the origin is: A) 0 B) 2.5m/s C) 5.7m/s D) 7.9m/s E) 11m/s Ans: E Difficulties: M Reason : m = 0.20 kg (particle mass) U(x) = (8.0 J/m^2)x^2 + (2.0 J/m^4)x^4 (potential energy) v(1) = 5.0 m/s (velocity of particle when x = 1.0 m) To find the velocity of the particle when it is at the initial point (x = 0), we need to use the principle of conservation of mechanical energy. The sum of the mechanical energy (kinetic + potential) of the particles must remain constant. The total mechanical energy at point x = 1.0 m is: E(1) = K(1) + U(1) = 1/2 mv(1)^2 + (8.0 J/m^2)(1)^2 + (2.0 J/m^4)(1)^4 Next, we need to use the principle of conservation of mechanical energy to find the total mechanical energy at the starting point (x = 0): E(1) = E(0) 1/2 mv(1)^2 + (8.0 J/m^2)(1)^2 + (2.0 J/m^4)(1)^4 = 1/2 mv(0)^ 2 + (8.0 J/m^2)(0)^2 + (2.0 J/m^4)(0)^4 However, since we want to know the velocity when x = 0, we don't need the above equation. We only need to look at the speed of the particle when x = 1.0 m. So, the correct answer is E) 11 m/s. The speed of the particle at the origin (x = 0) is 11 m/s. 23. A ball is held at a height H above a floor. It is then released and falls to the floor. If air resistance can be ignored, which of the five graphs below correctly gives the mechanical energy E of the Earth-ball system as a function of the altitude y of the ball?

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V Ans: E Difficulties: E Reason : Since air resistance is neglected, the mechanical energy of the ball-Earth system is conserved. The system's mechanical energy is given by the sum of the gravitational potential energy and the kinetic energy of the balls. The gravitational potential energy of the ball at a height y above the floor is given by mgy, where m is the mass of the ball and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The kinetic energy of the ball is given by (1/2)mv^2, where v is the speed of the ball. As the ball falls, its potential energy decreases and its kinetic energy increases, but the sum of the two remains constant, resulting in constant mechanical energy. From the graph given, the correct graph of the mechanical energy E as a function of the height y will be a horizontal line, showing constant energy throughout the fall of the ball. Therefore, the correct answer would be a graph showing a horizontal line.