Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress [PDF]

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WORKPLACE ATTITUDES, EMOTIONS AND STRESS While internal/personal factors affect attitudes and behavior, work environment has far greater influence why people behave and react in a certain manner. Noted that its more of the emotions and moods that drive job performance and decision making, causing impact on creativity and leadership which basically are triggered by the environment. Emotions are considered very important factor in motivating people to move toward more opportunities within the company Though most organizational behavior theories assume that person’s actions are governed exclusively by logical thinking.

EMOTIONS are psychological, physiological and behavioral experiences toward someone or something or event Types of Emotions: 1. Positive Emotions - Empowering people to be healthier and more successful in all areas of life (joy, trust, love, satisfaction…) 2. Negative Emotions - Sap your energy and undermine your effectiveness, the lack of desire to do anything (fear, hatred, jealousy, anger, greed….) Factors Affecting Emotions: 1. Personality 5. Gender 2. Culture 6. Environmental 3. Weather 7. Age 4. Stress How we perceive Emotions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Body Posture – gives cues to others about our emotional state Speech Patterns – our emotions cause us not only to feel differently but also to speak differently Gestures – take on different meanings in different cultures Facial Expressions – facial muscles are able to communicate important non-verbal messages Physiological Cues – emotions are accompanied by subtle emotional changes



Feeling determine how to live  Determination between right & wrong way Emotions matter

  Emotions determine our likes & dislikes Good & bad actions External world matters

Long term attitude Anticipation action Permanent

Initial attitude Immediate action Temporary

Generating Positive Emotions at Work ⮚ Organization’s main focus should be to create positive emotions through the job itself such as supporting coworkers and polite customers. Still others perform work that produces negative emotions and found that humor and fun at work can potentially offset some negative experiences. Having Fun at Work can improve employee attitudes in many situations but are they really necessary and beneficial? The meaning and value of

Fun-at-Work might also vary across generations (millennials/ baby boomers) Thus corporate leaders must realize that EMOTIONS shape employee ATTITUDE, and attitudes influence most WORK-RELATED BEHAVIORS

Emotions and Personality Emotional Intelligence ⮚ A set of abilities to perceive and express emotions and is considered a key factor to organization’s effectiveness. Four Dimensions in Recognition of Emotions in ourselves and others: 1. Awareness of Own Emotions - The ability to perceive and understand the meaning of your own emotions - Self-aware people are able to listen to their own emotion responses and use this as conscious information 2. Management of Own Emotions - EI includes the ability to manage your own emotions, something that we all do to some extent (we try not to get angry or frustrated/we try to express our joy and happiness towards others) 3. Awareness of Other’s Emotions - Ability to perceive and understand the emotions of other people (empathy) to include sensing office politics and understanding social networks 4. Management of Other’s Emotions - EI helps in managing other people’s emotions to include consoling people who are sad, emotionally inspiring members, getting strangers to feel comfortable working with you, and managing dysfunctional emotions among staff who experience conflict with customers or other employees

BUILDING ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT ⮚ Is the other half to Job Satisfaction ⮚ Also named AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT – employees’ emotional attachment, identification and involvement in a particular organization ⮚ As distinguished from CONTINUANCE COMMITMENT – calculative attachment to the organization speaks of the reluctance to quit for known reasons (e.g. lose receiving the bonus/ or well established in the community)

PROMINENT WAYS TO BUILD ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT 1. Justice and Support - Organizations that support employee well-being cultivates higher returns on loyalty - When organizations fulfill their obligations to employees and abide by humanitarian values as fairness and moral integrity 2. Shared Values - When employees believe their values are in consonance with the organization’s dominant values underlying corporate decisions, thus increasing their motivation to stay on the job 3. Trust - A reciprocal activity, putting up faith in the other person or group - Positive expectations resulting in loyalty (less job security, less trust) 4. Organizational Comprehension - Refers to ow well employees understand the organization to include their strategic direction, social dynamics and physical layout to ensure that employees develop a reasonable clear and complete model of the organization 5. Employee Involvement - Strengthening the employees psychological ownership and social identity with the organization.

CONSEQUENCES OF AFFECTIVE AND CONTINUANCE COMMITMENT ⮚ WARNING: - Employees with high loyalty, tend to have higher conformity, which results to lower creativity - Cases of dedicated employees who violated laws to defend the organization - Unionized employees with high continuance commitment are more likely to use formal grievances

⮚ BENEFITS: - Employees with high level of continuance commitment likely to have lower performance are less likely to engage in organizational citizenship behavior - Improves customer satisfaction

STRESS ⮚ is an adaptive response to a situation perceived as challenging or threatening to the person’s well-being ⮚ Is psychological and physiological condition that prepares us to adapt to a hostile environmental conditions ⮚ Is a negative evaluation of external environment ⮚ Also described as a negative experience known as: DISTRESS (deviation from healthy functioning) - EUSTRESS (moderate or normal stress interpreted psychological stress as beneficial to the experiencer HANS SELYE, in his research concluded that people have a more or less consistent and automatic psychological response to stressful situation called GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME which occurs in three stages: 1. Alarm Reaction Stage - The individual’s energy level and coping effectiveness decrease in response to initial shock. 2. Resistance - Mechanisms that give individuals more energy and engage coping mechanism to overcome or remove the source of stress 3. Exhaustion - when stress persists, that people have limited resistance capacity CONSEQUENCES OF DISTRESS ⮚ STRESS takes a toll on the human body (tension headache, muscle pains….) ⮚ Higher Stress Level contribute to cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer ⮚ Also produces psychological consequences in the workplace: - JOB DISSATISFACTION - MOODINESS - DEPRESSION - LOWER ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT - JOB BURNOUT ⮚ Behavioral outcomes linked to persistent stress: - LOWER JOB PERFORMANCE - POOR DECISION MAKING - INCREASED WORKPLACE ACCIDENTS - AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIORS CAUSES OF STRESS (Stressors) 1. Harassment and Incivility: a. Psychological Harassment – includes repeated hostile or unwanted conduct, verbal comments, actions and gestures that undermines an employee’s dignity b. Sexual Harassment – when a person’s employment or job performance is conditional and depends on unwanted sexual relations (quid pro quo – something for something) 2. Work Overload: Why do employees work such long hours: a. Combined effects of technology and globalization b. Employees are caught up in consumerism c. Ideal Worker Norm 3. Low Task Control a. when an employee lacks control over how and when to perform their tasks and the pace of work activity b. Work becomes more stressful when it is paced by machines, involves monitoring equipment or follows a schedule controlled by someone else

c. Increases with the burden of responsibility the employee must carry (line workers against sports coach…) INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN STRESS 1. Employee’s Physical Health - Regular exercise and healthy lifestyle produce a store of energy to cope with stress 2. Coping Strategies Employees use to ward off a particular stressor (learn the art of deadma) - Coping mechanisms include to figure out how to cope with stressors, some seeking support from others, reframing the stressor in a positive light, blaming others for the stressors 3. Personality - Extraverts experience lower stress than do introverts because of a higher degree of positive thinking and interaction helps buffer the effect of stressors or in short a higher sense of OPTIMISM. - WORKAHOLISM attract more stressors where the WORKAHOLIC/WORK ADDICT is highly involved with work, compelled or driven to work because of inner pressure and has a low enjoyment of work. MANAGING WORK-RELATED STRESS 1. REMOVE THE STRESSOR a. Flexible and limited worktime - An important way to improve work-life balance is limiting the # of hours of work and flexibility of schedule b. Job Sharing - Splits a career position between two people so they experience less time-based stress, allowing employees to work part time in jobs designed for full-time responsibilities c. Telecommuting (WFH) - Also called teleworking, working from home or a site close to home rather than commuting a longer distance to the office. Telecommuters tend to experience better work-life balance. d. Personal Leave - Employers with strong work-life balance offer extended leave for employees to take care of family (per DOLE: extended maternity leave/paternity leave/personal/emergency et al) e. Child Care Support - With subsidized child care facilities 2. WITHDRAW FROM THE STRESSOR - to permanently transfer employees to jobs that are better fit for their competence or temporarily take them away from the stressors through vacation and/or holiday leave (Sabbaticals – when a person does not report to his regular job but remains employed with the company: priest/archeaology) 3. CHANGE STRESS PERCEPTIONS help employees improve their self-concept so that challenges should not be perceived as threatening. injecting humor can improve optimism and create positive emotions 4. CONTROL STRESS CONSEQUENCES - Many companies offer Employee Assistance Program, such as counseling services, debriefing to help employees resolve marital, financial and work-related troubles (becoming sensitive) 5. RECEIVE SOCIAL SUPPORT - When coworkers, supervisors, family members, friends provide emotional and informational to buffer stress experience