Check List of Mosses [PDF]

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A Checklist of the Mosses

A Checklist of the Mosses Marshall R. Crosby Robert E. Magill Bruce Allen Si He

Missouri Botanical Garden St. Louis

Authors’ addresses: postal:

Missouri Botanical Garden P. O. Box 299 St. Louis, MO 63166-0299 U.S.A.

email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

This version released: December 20, 1999 Previous version released: July 30, 1999

© 1999 Missouri Botanical Garden All rights reserved

Table of Contents Introduction, 1 Alphabetical List of Families and Genera, 7 A Checklist of The Mosses, 17 Bibliography, 266


Introduction This Checklist was begun to answer the question, how many species of mosses are there? Or, how many of the 47,600 validly published species names for mosses (29,100 originally published as new species, the remaining 18,500 as recombinations of these and other names) represent species that are recognized in the literature today? Counting the species recognized in Index Muscorum, completed 37 years ago, at the end of 1962, yields 17,281. Going back another 37 years, to the completion of the treatment of mosses in Engler and Prantl’s Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien in 1925, about 17,000 species were recognized. About 5,250 more were described from 1925 until the close of Index Muscorum. And since then just over 4,100 new species have been described. This Checklist recognizes 12,754 species. Although new species of mosses continue to be described, the number being recognized appears to be declining, because of increased synonymy. Index Muscorum was used as a starting point for this list. Species recognized in Index Muscorum have been maintained on our list, unless they have been placed in synonymy since; and species placed in synonymy in Index Muscorum have remained there, unless they have subsequently been resurrected. The new names that have appeared at the species level since Index Muscorum and that have not been subsequently placed in synonymy (about 2,640 or 64%) are also maintained on this Checklist. The Ranking System Most checklists of plants are simply lists of the names of plants known from a given area. In some, occurrence is supported by citing specimens and/or earlier literature; in others, no references are given. Synonyms may be appended to the main checklist, or they may be cited with the accepted names. But in any case, checklists do not indicate explicitly the level or quality of knowledge of the plants listed, though when references are given to vouch for occurrence, something about the level of knowledge may be implied from the references. Annotations may indicate which species are poorly known for one reason or another. We have departed from this practice and assigned an indication of how well we believe each of the species included in this Checklist is known. The scale is short, ranging from one to four stars ( to ), with four stars being the highest rank; it is subjective; and it is not all together continuous, but we hope that users will find ranking species in this way useful. For example, applying our rankings to a floristic list should give an indication about the overall knowledge of the flora. One looking for a genus to revise should look for genera with many poorly known species, not one full of well known species. Our ranking system is:  — species thoroughly treated with descriptions, illustrations, and discussions since the end of 1962, the closing date for Index Muscorum. Species published since 1962 in a monograph or revision or in a descriptive flora are ranked . By using the reference or references cited, one should be able to identify the species, learn about its relationships and geographical distribution, and place it in some sort of scheme of classification. For many species more than one reference is listed. Citing more than one reference may increase the chances of the user’s having access to a reference, provide different interpretations of the same species, and give an



indication of the species’s geographical distribution. If a species is treated in a monograph or revision and it has been treated in a descriptive flora, the monograph or revision is given preference, though the flora may also be cited. Not all the species treated in a given flora are cited in our list, rather those cited were selected because they are otherwise not treated or treated only a few times.  — species that have been used in a key, illustrated, or discussed, but not fully described in a publication since 1962. The references cited provide whatever information is available about the species.  — the ranking scheme becomes discontinuous here;  species have been described separately from a revision or descriptive flora since 1962, and they not subsequently placed in taxonomic synonymy, treated in a descriptive flora, or treated in a revision, which would make them  . Since post-1962 species have only about a 60% chance of appearing on our list, i.e., about 40% of the new species published since 1962 have already fallen into synonymy, we have ranked them below those treated in keys, etc. The references cited refer to the publication containing the protologue and in some cases later combinations of the original epithet.  — species for which, to our knowledge, no new information has been published since the closing date for inclusion in Index Muscorum. In some cases, no new information has been published since the original description of the species, which may date well into the nineteenth century. Mosses ranked  are the only ones for which we may provide no references, though in many cases a reference or references are cited, to wit: The species was cited as insufficiently known in a revision, flora, or other critical work that provides information that may assist in furthering the study of the species. For example, Touw (1971: 344) treats Mniodendron nanum under ―Insufficiently known species,‖ providing collection information about the type, listing a herbarium where the type collection is not found, and discussing five specimens that might be type material. Species that have been treated in this way are generally listed as ―cited by [author, date] as insufficiently known,‖ although the authors(s) may not have used the exact wording ―insufficiently known.‖ Or, the species was listed in a post-Index Muscorum, literature-based geographical checklist that cited earlier publications treating the species in some way. While such checklists provide useful summaries of the moss floras of many areas and entrées to the literature about them, they provide no new information about the species: we know nothing more about the nature of the species after the publication of the checklist than before its publication. Pursell (1973: 489) provides four references to reports of Callicostella scabriseta from Venezuela, ranging in date from 1818 to 1936, but no new information is provided: the species remains insufficiently known, but Pursell (1973) is given as a reference, since it 1) provides a lead to the older literature about the species, and 2) vouches for the fact that no modern information has been published about it. Similarly, Yano (1981: 351) provides nineteen references about Orthostichidium subpendulum, published from 1876–1958, but no new information. Some checklists provide no supporting documentation for the occurrence of a species in an area. These are not cited. The 1990 checklist of North American mosses and a 1996 checklist of Brazilian mosses are examples, and these lists are not cited. In some cases foot- or endnotes in these checklists provide useful information, and these are used, e.g. the European checklist by



Corley, Crundwell, Düll, & Smith (1981). Since we indicate the year of publication of all names, post-1962 names that are ranked  rather than  or even  may appear incorrectly ranked. New combinations and new substitute names published after Index Muscorum are ranked , if they were made purely as matters of nomenclatural expedience, with no new information about the species: the names may be modern, but our knowledge about the plants is not. Examples include the many new combinations in Schoenobryum by Manuel in 1977. Because no new information about the species was provided, this publication by Manuel does not appear in the bibliography. We have not made expedient new combinations or names and as a result some names are stranded in genera that are not useable nomenclaturally or no longer recognized taxonomically. Eriopus is an example of the former, and several pottiaceous genera, Pottia, among them, treated by Zander (1993) as a synonym, are examples of the latter.  — Species explicitly excluded from a genus but not placed in another, as sometimes happens as a result of a revisionary study. Noguchi (1976) excluded Barbella phyllogonioides from Barbella but provided no alternative placement. More briefly stated:  — species treated in a monograph, revision, or descriptive flora.  — species treated in a key or discussion or illustrated, but not fully treated as in .  — species published as a new since 1962; new species described in monographs, revisions, or descriptive floras are .  — species for which no new information has been found in the post-1962 literature.  — species excluded from the genus but not placed in another. The Checklist is literature-based and includes citations seen up to December 1, 1999. Publications used fall into several categories, which include, among others: Literature-based checklists. These cannot produce  ,  ,  , or  but they can point to other literature that gives those levels. For example see Streimann and Curnow’s massive catalog for Australia. Revisions, monographs, and descriptive floras. These produce  , ,  . New species described in these are treated as  , not  . ―Reviews.‖ Produce  ,  ,  ,  , not  . They contain keys, discussions, lists of specimens but not descriptions, except, usually, for new species. This Checklist includes: 5,717  , 939  , 674  , 5,359  , and 65 , a total of 12,754 species. The July 1999 version included 5,697  , 947  , 672  , 5,420  , and 64 , a total of 12,800 species. Format The Checklist is arranged alphabetically by genus and alphabetically by species within genera. Genera are cited in bold-face, followed by the author(s), year of publication, a summary of the



numbers of species in each ranking class, and total number of species in the genus. Family placement is indicated on a separate line: Breutelia (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) W. P. Schimper, 1856 {54/13/2/24/0=93} BARTRAMIACEAE Thus, Breutelia is based on an infragenus named by Phillip Bruch and Wilhelm Phillip Schimper and raised to generic rank by Schimper in 1856. The are 54  , 13 , 2 , 24 , and no  species, for a total of 93 species. The genus is placed in the Bartramiaceae. A few synonymous genera are listed, if they contain species that have not been transferred to the accepted genus or if there is not a useable name in the accepted genus. See, for example, Anictangium. Otherwise synonymous genera are not on the list. Family placement follows, except for Splachnobryum, a draft of ―Morphology and classification of mosses,‖ William R. Buck and Bernard Goffinet, in A. J. Shaw & B. Goffinet (eds.), The Biology of Bryophytes, Cambridge University Press, in press. In a few cases we recognize genera that Buck and Goffinet do not, but our ―splits‖ are placed in the family in which Buck and Goffinet synonyms are placed. Conversely, Buck and Goffinet recognize genera that we do not, and our ―lumps‖ are placed in the family of their ―splits.‖ Species are cited with the fully spelled-out generic name and specific epithet in italic, author(s), year of publication, and reference(s): 

Breutelia azorica (Mitten in Godman) Cardot, 1897 Breutelia baeuerlenii (C. Müller) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Breutelia dominicensis E. B. Bartram, 1955 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia microdonta (Mitten) Brotherus, 1895 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c; Virtanen, V., 1997]  Breutelia ryvardenii Bizot, 1976 – [Bizot, M., 1976] 

Breutelia azorica was published in another combination by William Mitten in a work of Frederick Godman and placed in Breutelia by Jules Cardot in 1897. We have found no information published about the species since 1962. Breutelia baeuerlenii has a similar nomenclatural and recent taxonomic history, but Streimann and Curnow cite earlier literature about it in their catalog of Australian mosses. Breutelia dominicensis was described in 1955 by Edwin Bunting Bartram and briefly discussed by Griffin in a 1984 paper on Breutelia in Brazil and the New World. Breutelia microdonta was described and illustrated in the 1984 paper by Griffin. In her 1997 paper on Breutelia in southeastern Asia and the Pacific Ocean, Virtanen also thoroughly treated the species, discussing several papers that treated it after 1984. Breutelia ryvardenii was described in a 1976 enumeration of new mosses by Maurice Bizot and has not been reduced to synonymy since. Missing names and synonyms



The list includes only names that we accept for good species and that we interpret as validly and legitimately published under the Tokyo Code. A few names applied to species in the current literature are invalid or illegitimate, and these are not included. There are a few hundred names, mostly later homonyms, that have not been reduced to synonymy and for which there appear to be no correct names, and these are also not included. Most of these names represent  species, most of which will be synonymized if ever studied, and we see no reason to bring them to attention at this time. Most of the 33,000 names that we treat as synonyms are not included. A few appear in the list under our accepted name, because they were used in a publication for the name we have adopted. But, of course, these names are hard to find. Where is Phascum cuspidatum? See Tortula acaulon. The entire database, MOST, from which this Checklist was derived is available in searchable form at, where Checklist names for most of those species not listed may be found: a few names treated as synonyms remain to be coded to their correct Checklist-names. The Bibliography The bibliography contains 1,875 entries that support the acceptance of the species listed in the Checklist. Entries by a single author are arranged alphabetically by the author’s family name and then chronologically by year, with multiple entries for the same year lettered with a lower-case letter. Entries with more than one author are arranged similarly, with entries by two authors preceding entries with three, preceding entries with four, and so on. If the year is followed by a square-bracketed year, the bracketed year is the one of actual publication. Treatments in A. J. Sharp’s monumental Moss Flora of Mexico (Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69, 2 parts, 1994) are cited individually by the author(s) of the taxon, usually a genus. The Pottiaceae represents about 10% of mosses. We follow Zander’s Genera (1993) for the genera and species of this huge family, except for a few post-1993 publications that include new synonymy, new taxa, or other new information. Unpublished doctoral dissertations, many of which are available through University Microfilms, have been used as sources of treatments for species, usually , and synonymy but not for new taxa, combinations, and names, since these are not validly published. Maintenance and development of the Checklist We keep the Checklist up-to-date by adding new information — new taxa, combinations, names, synonymy, references — as it becomes available. This happens almost daily, so that today’s list may differ markedly from yesterday’s. Overlooked information will also be added, as it comes to our attention. At some point the steadily receding start-date for cited publications, 1963, will have to be re-evaluated and, perhaps, moved forward. Alternatively, a system employing more stars or other glyphs might be developed. For example, a system based on the date of the most recent revisionary study of a species and the judged quality of the study. It might be useful to add digitized copies of the protologues of the  names or their basionyms to the web site. Having the information from the protologues, especially that concerning types,



easily available would, we hope, encourage the re-evaluation of these thousands of names. At the beginning of the project, we recorded geographical distributions, using a system of 52 regions for the world, versus 19 for Index Muscorum, but it was abandoned for several reasons. The addition of this information to , , and perhaps , might be useful, if tied to references. Adding other than protologue-based distribution to  species would probably be counter-productive, since inevitably it would be used to draw (ill-founded) bryogeograpical conclusions. The current version of the Checklist is available on the web at: Xerographic copies, about 300 pages, strip-bound, may be obtained, at cost plus shipping (about $20.00), from the authors. Contact: Marshall R. Crosby, [email protected]. Assistance and thanks The following taxa were contributed or reviewed by those listed. We thank them for their help, but because of errors in transcription or last minute additions, our listings may not exactly match theirs. Andreaeaceae, Barbara M. Murray. Calymperaceae sensu stricto, William D. Reese. Dicranaceae subfamily Campylopodoideae, Jan-Peter Frahm. Ephemeraceae, reviewed by Virginia Bryan. Fissidens, Ronald A. Pursell, Zen Iwatsuki, and Ida Bruggeman-Nannenga. Grimmia, reviewed by Jesús Muñoz. Leucoloma, Catharine LaFarge-England reviewed an early list. Orthotrichum, Jette Lewinski-Haapasaari. Pottiaceae, reviewed by Richard Zander. Racopilaceae, reviewed by Ben O. van Zanten. Schistidium, reviewed by Jesús Muñoz. Barb Mack assisted with data input, data checking, and in many other ways, and we thank her. Susan Caine suggested the title page layout. Bill Buck engaged us in useful discussion, mostly via email, and graciously allowed us to use the list of generic dispositions into families. We thank him heartily. Steve Churchill bantered the senior author for months to get the first version finished. Thanks, Steve.


Alphabetical List of Families and Genera ADELOTHECIACEAE Adelothecium, 1869 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryobrothera, 1921 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE Amblystegium, 1853 {2/0/0/16/0=18} Donrichardsia, 1979 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Gradsteinia, 1990 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Hygroamblystegium, 1903 {4/0/1/12/0=17} Hypnobartlettia, 1985 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Koponenia, 1985 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Leptodictyum, 1906 {4/0/0/4/0=8} Limbella, 1933 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Ochyraea, 1986 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Orthotheciella, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Platylomella, 1950 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sciaromiella, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sciaromiopsis, 1924 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sinocalliergon, 1949 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Vittia, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBUCHANANIACEAE Ambuchanania, 1999 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ANDREAEACEAE Andreaea, 1801 {36/4/2/53/0=95} ANDREAEOBRYACEAE Andreaeobryum, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ANOMODONTACEAE Anomodon, 1818 {16/0/0/2/0=18} Bryonorrisia, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Chileobryon, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Curviramea, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Haplohymenium, 1846 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Herpetineuron, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Schwetschkeopsis, 1907 {4/0/0/0/0=4} ARCHIDIACEAE Archidium, 1827 {28/0/4/2/0=34} AULACOMNIACEAE Aulacomnium, 1827 {5/0/0/1/0=6} BARTRAMIACEAE Anacolia, 1876 {5/1/0/1/0=7} Bartramia, 1801 {24/1/3/43/0=71} Bartramidula, 1846 {7/0/0/9/0=16} Breutelia, 1856 {54/13/2/24/0=93} Conostomum, 1804 {7/0/0/0/0=7} Fleischerobryum, 1910 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Flowersia, 1989 {1/1/0/2/0=4}

Leiomela, 1904 {5/2/1/5/0=13} Philonotis, 1827 {49/9/2/109/0=169} Plagiopus, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Quathlamba, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE Aerobryum, 1851 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Aerolindigia, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bestia, 1906 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Brachytheciella, 1999 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Brachythecium, 1853 {98/6/5/69/0=178} Bryhnia, 1892 {8/0/1/3/0=12} Bryoandersonia, 1962 [1963] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryostreimannia, 1991 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Camptothecium, 1853 =Homalothecium {0/0/0/1/2=3} Cirriphyllum, 1898 {3/0/0/6/0=9} Clasmatodon, 1842 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cratoneurella, 1962 [1963] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Eriodon, 1845 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Eurhynchiella, 1923 {0/0/0/5/0=5} Eurhynchium, 1854 {26/5/1/22/0=54} Flabellidium, 1916 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Homalotheciella, 1908 {1/0/0/2/0=3} Homalothecium, 1851 {8/0/0/0/6=14} Isothecium, 1827 {8/1/0/9/0=18} Juratzkaeella, 1977 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Kindbergia, 1982 =Eurhynchium {0/1/0/0/0=1} Lindigia, 1861 [1862] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Mandoniella, 1916 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Meteoridium, 1977 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Myuroclada, 1893 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Nobregaea, 1992 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Oxyrrhynchium, 1905 =Cirriphyllum {1/0/0/6/0=7} Palamocladium, 1896 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Platyhypnidium, 1923 {4/1/0/6/0=11} Pseudopleuropus, 1955 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Pseudoscleropodium, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Puiggariopsis, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rhynchostegiella, 1896 {20/2/2/24/0=48} Rhynchostegium, 1852 {31/9/2/88/1=131} Rozea, 1872 {5/0/0/2/0=7} Schimperella, 1926 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Scleropodiopsis, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Scleropodium, 1853 {5/0/2/2/0=9} Scorpiurium, 1876 {1/1/1/2/0=5} Squamidium, 1906 {7/0/2/1/0=10} Steerecleus, 1987 {2/2/0/0/0=4} Stenocarpidiopsis, 1925 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Trachybryum, 1968 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Unclejackia, 1999 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Zelometeorium, 1977 [1978] {5/0/0/0/0=5} BRUCHIACEAE Bruchia, 1824 {17/0/0/2/1=20}



Cladophascum, 1926 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pringleella, 1909 {2/1/0/0/0=3} Trematodon, 1803 {22/5/5/51/0=83} BRYACEAE Acidodontium, 1827 {11/0/0/3/0=14} Anomobryum, 1860 {22/2/5/18/0=47} Brachymenium, 1824 {59/4/9/30/0=102} Bryum, 1801 {173/11/16/243/3=446} Mniobryoides, 1969 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Mniobryum, 1892 =Pohlia {0/0/1/10/0=11} Orthodontopsis, 1992 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Perssonia, 1969 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Plagiobryum, 1863 {7/0/1/1/0=9} Pleurophascum, 1875 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Rhodobryum, 1892 {24/0/1/9/0=34} Rosulabryum, 1996 {10/0/1/0/0=11} Webera, 1801 =Pohlia {0/0/0/11/0=11} BRYOBARTRAMIACEAE Bryobartramia, 1948 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRYOXIPHIACEAE Bryoxiphium, 1869 {2/1/0/0/0=3} BUXBAUMIACEAE Buxbaumia, 1801 {7/1/4/0/0=12} CALOMNIACEAE Calomnion, 1854 {9/0/0/0/0=9} CALYMPERACEAE Arthrocormus, 1846 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Calymperes, 1814 [1813] {35/0/3/15/0=53} Calymperopsis, 1913 =Syrrhopodon {0/0/1/0/0=1} Exodictyon, 1899 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Exostratum, 1985 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Leucophanes, 1827 {12/0/0/3/0=15} Mitthyridium, 1975 {18/2/0/0/0=20} Octoblepharum, 1801 {7/0/3/6/0=16} Syrrhopodon, 1824 {66/11/12/9/1=99} Thyridium, 1868 =Mitthyridium {0/0/1/0/0=1} CAMPYLIACEAE Anacamptodon, 1819 [1818] {5/5/1/1/0=12} Callialaria, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Calliergon, 1894 {6/0/0/0/1=7} Campyliadelphus, 1975 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Campylium, 1869 {11/2/1/14/0=28} Conardia, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cratoneuropsis, 1923 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Drepanocladus, 1899 {8/0/0/12/1=21} Hamatocaulis, 1989 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Hygrohypnum, 1872 {24/1/0/2/6=33} Loeskypnum, 1918 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Pictus, 1983 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Pseudocalliergon, 1907 {4/0/1/0/0=5} Sanionia, 1907 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Scorpidium, 1899 {3/0/0/1/0=4}

Eobruchia, 1979 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Straminergon, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Tomentypnum, 1911 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Warnstorfia, 1907 {8/2/0/0/0=10} CATAGONIACEAE Catagonium, 1908 {4/0/0/0/0=4} CATOSCOPIACEAE Catoscopium, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CINCLIDOTACEAE Cinclidotus, 1804 {4/1/1/3/0=9} CLIMACIACEAE Climacium, 1804 {3/0/0/1/0=4} CRATONEURACEAE Cratoneuron, 1867 {3/0/1/2/0=6} Sasaokaea, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CRYPHAEACEAE Cryphaea, 1814 [1813] {28/5/1/23/0=57} Cryphidium, 1877 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cyptodontopsis, 1937 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cyptodon, 1914 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Dendroalsia, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dendrocryphaea, 1905 {3/3/0/0/0=6} Dendropogonella, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pilotrichopsis, 1899 {1/0/0/2/0=3} Schoenobryum, 1848 {3/6/0/7/0=16} Sphaerotheciella, 1914 {3/0/0/0/0=3} CYRTOPODACEAE Bescherellia, 1873 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cyrtopodendron, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cyrtopus, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DALTONIACEAE Calyptrochaeta, 1825 {15/3/3/4/0=25} Crosbya, 1977 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Daltonia, 1818 {23/8/1/28/0=60} Distichophyllidium, 1908 {0/2/1/2/0=5} Distichophyllum, 1846 {49/1/8/45/0=103} Ephemeropsis, 1892 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Leskeodontopsis, 1964 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Leskeodon, 1907 {12/0/2/6/0=20} Metadistichophyllum, 1972 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DICNEMONACEAE Dicnemon, 1826 {12/1/0/0/0=13} Eucamptodon, 1845 {2/1/0/0/0=3} Synodontia, 1901 =Dicnemon {0/0/0/1/0=1} DICRANACEAE Anisothecium, 1869 {16/2/0/22/0=40} Aongstroemia, 1846 {4/0/0/3/0=7} Aongstroemiopsis, 1904 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Arctoa, 1846 {3/0/0/1/0=4}

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERA Atractylocarpus, 1869 {9/0/0/1/0=10} Brothera, 1900 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Brotherobryum, 1914 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Bryohumbertia, 1940 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Bryotestua, 1938 {0/0/0/2/0=2} Camptodontium, 1905 {0/0/0/2/0=2} Campylopodiella, 1908 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Campylopodium, 1873 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Campylopus, 1819 [1818] {124/9/4/25/0=162} Cecalyphum, 1804 =Dicranum {0/0/0/1/0=1} Chorisodontium, 1924 {9/0/1/0/0=10} Cnestrum, 1915 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Cryptodicranum, 1938 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cynodontium, 1856 {11/0/0/4/0=15} Dichodontium, 1856 {3/0/0/2/0=5} Dicnemoloma, 1901 =Sclerodontium {0/0/0/0/1=1} Dicranella, 1856 {37/10/1/114/0=162} Dicranodontium, 1847 {9/0/0/2/4=15} Dicranoloma, 1901 {22/13/4/51/0=90} Dicranum, 1801 {58/2/3/31/0=94} Eucamptodontopsis, 1924 {2/0/1/0/0=3} Holomitriopsis, 1965 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Holomitrium, 1826 {16/1/3/29/0=49} Hygrodicranum, 1911 {0/0/0/3/0=3} Kiaeria, 1915 {5/1/0/0/0=6} Kingiobryum, 1967 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leucoloma, 1829 {39/2/1/58/1=101} Macrodictyum, 1978 [1979] {2/0/0/0/0=2} Mesotus, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Microcampylopus, 1904 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Microdus, 1872 {6/0/1/4/0=11} Mitrobryum, 1968 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Muscoherzogia, 1982 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Oncophorus, 1826 {6/0/0/0/1=7} Oreas, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Oreoweisia, 1869 {8/3/0/4/0=15} Paraleucobryum, 1907 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Parisia, 1906 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Pilopogon, 1826 {8/0/0/0/0=8} Platyneuron, 1924 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Pocsiella, 1980 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Polymerodon, 1909 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Pseudephemerum, 1910 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudochorisodontium, 1999 {6/0/0/0/0=6} Schliephackea, 1875 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Sclerodontium, 1824 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Sphaerothecium, 1865 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Steyermarkiella, 1965 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Symblepharis, 1837 {4/1/0/7/0=12} Thysanomitrion, 1823 =Campylopus {0/0/0/3/0=3} DIPHYSCIACEAE Diphyscium, 1803 {12/3/1/2/0=18} Muscoflorschuetzia, 1978 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Theriotia, 1904 {2/0/0/0/0=2} DISCELIACEAE Discelium, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1}

Braunfelsia, 1894 {4/0/0/4/0=8} DITRICHACEAE Astomiopsis, 1882 {5/0/1/0/0=6} Austrophilibertiella, 1996 {0/2/0/0/0=2} Bryomanginia, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Ceratodon, 1826 {3/0/0/1/1=5} Cheilothela, 1901 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Chrysoblastella, 1903 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cladastomum, 1898 {0/0/0/2/0=2} Cleistocarpidium, 1996 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Crumuscus, 1992 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Cygniella, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Distichium, 1846 {5/0/0/9/0=14} Ditrichopsis, 1924 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Ditrichum, 1867 {46/1/0/22/0=69} Eccremidium, 1846 {6/0/0/0/0=6} Garckea, 1845 {1/0/0/4/0=5} Kleioweisiopsis, 1920 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pleuridium, 1848 {16/3/3/9/0=31} Rhamphidium, 1869 {3/1/0/13/0=17} Saelania, 1878 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Skottsbergia, 1905 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Strombulidens, 1981 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Trichodon, 1856 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Tristichium, 1879 {3/1/0/0/0=4} Wilsoniella, 1881 {3/1/0/6/0=10} DRUMMONDIACEAE Drummondia, 1828 {6/0/0/1/0=7} ECHINODIACEAE Echinodium, 1866 {6/0/0/0/0=6} ENCALYPTACEAE Bryobrittonia, 1901 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Encalypta, 1801 {21/0/3/10/0=34} ENTODONTACEAE Entodon, 1845 {56/9/3/49/0=117} Erythrodontium, 1870 {3/0/0/12/0=15} Mesonodon, 1865 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Pylaisiobryum, 1910 {1/0/0/0/0=1} EPHEMERACEAE Ephemerum, 1837 {18/0/1/9/0=28} Micromitrium, 1870 {5/1/0/3/0=9} Nanomitriopsis, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ERPODIACEAE Aulacopilum, 1848 {5/1/1/0/0=7} Erpodium, 1827 {10/6/0/0/0=16} Venturiella, 1875 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Wildia, 1891 {1/0/0/0/0=1} EUSTICHIACEAE Eustichia, 1827 {1/0/0/0/0=1} FABRONIACEAE




Dimerodontium, 1869 {1/0/0/9/0=10} Ischyrodon, 1875 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Levierella, 1897 {2/0/1/1/0=4} Rhizofabronia, 1923 {2/0/0/0/0=2} FISSIDENTACEAE Conomitrium, 1837 =Fissidens {0/0/0/1/0=1} Fissidens, 1801 {232/32/44/135/0=443} Moenkemeyera, 1886 =Fissidens {0/0/0/3/0=3} FONTINALACEAE Brachelyma, 1892 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dichelyma, 1833 {5/0/0/1/0=6} Fontinalis, 1801 {16/0/2/2/0=20} FUNARIACEAE Aphanorrhegma, 1848 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Brachymeniopsis, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryobeckettia, 1985 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Corynotheca, 1990 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Cygnicollum, 1982 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Entosthodon, 1823 {44/3/0/36/0=83} Funaria, 1801 {17/1/0/68/0=86} Funariella, 1988 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Goniomitrium, 1846 {3/0/1/1/0=5} Loiseaubryum, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Nanomitriella, 1954 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Physcomitrella, 1849 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Physcomitrellopsis, 1922 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Physcomitrium, 1827 {22/3/2/41/0=68} Pyramidula, 1819 [1818] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Steppomitra, 1965 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GAROVAGLIACEAE Endotrichellopsis, 1977 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Euptychium, 1865 {7/0/0/0/0=7} Garovaglia, 1836 {19/0/0/0/0=19} GIGASPERMACEAE Chamaebryum, 1922 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Costesia, 1917 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Gigaspermum, 1865 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Lorentziella, 1879 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Neosharpiella, 1973 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Oedipodiella, 1922 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GRIMMIACEAE Aligrimmia, 1903 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Coscinodontella, 1927 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Coscinodon, 1804 {8/0/0/1/0=9} Dryptodon, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Grimmia, 1801 {70/0/7/43/3=123} Indusiella, 1898 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Jaffueliobryum, 1928 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Leucoperichaetium, 1981 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Racomitrium, 1819 [1818] {56/1/7/14/0=78} Schistidium, 1845 {35/1/9/12/0=57} Trigonodictyon, 1928 {1/0/0/0/0=1}

Fabronia, 1808 {11/4/5/41/0=61} HEDWIGIACEAE Braunia, 1846 {8/4/2/9/0=23} Hedwigia, 1804 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Hedwigidium, 1846 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Pseudobraunia, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HELICOPHYLLACEAE Helicophyllum, 1827 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HELODIACEAE Actinothuidium, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryochenea, 1982 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Helodium, 1905 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Palustriella, 1989 {2/0/0/0/0=2} HOOKERIACEAE Achrophyllum, 1972 {7/1/0/0/0=8} Chaetophora, 1819 [1818] =Calyptrochaeta {0/0/0/1/0=1} Cyathophorella, 1908 {11/0/0/5/0=16} Cyathophorum, 1804 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Dendrocyathophorum, 1936 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Eriopus, 1827 =Calyptrochaeta {1/0/0/7/0=8} Hookeria, 1808 {2/0/0/8/0=10} Pterygophyllum, 1819 [1818] =Hookeria {0/0/0/5/0=5} Schimperobryum, 1959 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYDROPOGONACEAE Hydropogonella, 1895 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hydropogon, 1826 [1827] {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYLOCOMIACEAE Hylocomiastrum, 1925 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Hylocomium, 1852 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Leptocladiella, 1923 {2/0/1/0/0=3} Leptohymenium, 1828 {3/0/0/5/0=8} Loeskeobryum, 1925 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Macrothamnium, 1905 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Neodolichomitra, 1937 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Orontobryum, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pleurozium, 1869 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rhytidiadelphus, 1906 {4/0/0/1/0=5} Rhytidiopsis, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE Andoa, 1982 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bardunovia, 1995 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Breidleria, 1910 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryocrumia, 1980 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryosedgwickia, 1912 =Platygyriella {0/0/0/1/0=1} Callicladium, 1971 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Calliergonella, 1911 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Campylophyllum, 1914 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Caribaeohypnum, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Chryso-hypnum, 1870 {5/2/0/5/0=12} Crepidophyllum, 1926 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Ctenidiadelphus, 1923 {0/0/0/2/0=2}

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERA Ctenidium, 1869 {21/0/0/2/0=23} Cyathothecium, 1938 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Dolichotheca, 1874 =Herzogiella {0/0/1/0/0=1} Ectropotheciella, 1923 {0/0/0/2/0=2} Ectropotheciopsis, 1923 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Ectropothecium, 1868 {23/7/6/166/1=203} Elharveya, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Elmeriobryum, 1925 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Entodontella, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Eurohypnum, 1966 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Fallaciella, 1991 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Giraldiella, 1898 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Glossadelphus, 1923 =Phyllodon {14/0/1/9/0=24} Gollania, 1908 {16/0/2/0/1=19} Herzogiella, 1925 {7/1/0/1/0=9} Homomallium, 1907 {9/0/3/1/0=13} Hondaella, 1938 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Horridohypnum, 1980 [1981] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hyocomium, 1852 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hypnum, 1801 {39/1/4/36/0=80} Irelandia, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Isopterygiopsis, 1970 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Isopterygium, 1869 {18/2/0/130/0=150} Leiodontium, 1929 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Macrothamniella, 1923 {1/0/0/2/0=3} Mahua, 1983 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Microctenidium, 1923 {0/1/0/1/0=2} Microthamnium, 1869 =Mittenothamnium {0/0/0/4/0=4} Mittenothamnium, 1902 {14/6/1/58/0=79} Nanothecium, 1930 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Orthothecium, 1852 {6/0/1/4/0=11} Phyllodon, 1851 {2/1/0/0/0=3} Plagiotheciopsis, 1913 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Platydictya, 1863 {6/0/0/1/0=7} Platygyriella, 1910 {2/4/0/0/0=6} Platygyrium, 1851 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Podperaea, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudotaxiphyllum, 1987 {9/0/0/1/0=10} Ptilium, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pylaisia, 1860 =Pylaisiella {1/0/0/6/1=8} Pylaisiella, 1896 {8/1/3/4/0=16} Rhacopilopsis, 1900 {1/4/0/0/0=5} Rhizohypnella, 1923 {0/0/1/1/0=2} Sclerohypnum, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Stenotheciopsis, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Stereodontopsis, 1914 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Stereodon, 1859 =Hypnum {0/0/0/5/0=5} Syringothecium, 1869 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Taxiphyllopsis, 1987 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Taxiphyllum, 1923 {13/4/2/12/0=31} Tripterocladium, 1880 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Vesicularia, 1896 {13/3/1/99/0=116} Wijkiella, 1978 {0/0/1/0/0=1} HYPNODENDRACEAE Hypnodendron, 1873 {25/0/0/1/0=26} Mniodendron, 1866 [1865] =Hypnodendron {0/0/0/1/0=1}

Dimorphella, 1905 =Rhacopilopsis {0/0/0/1/0=1} HYPOPTERYGIACEAE Canalohypopterygium, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Catharomnion, 1855 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hypopterygium, 1827 {19/3/2/30/1=55} Lopidium, 1854 {6/0/0/10/0=16} INCERTAE SEDIS Entosthymenium, 1826 {0/0/0/1/0=1} LEMBOPHYLLACEAE Acrocladium, 1869 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Camptochaete, 1870 {10/0/0/2/0=12} Fifea, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Lembophyllum, 1872 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Neobarbella, 1948 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Orthostichella, 1897 {5/0/0/2/0=7} Pilotrichella, 1872 {9/0/0/41/0=50} Weymouthia, 1906 {2/0/0/0/0=2} LEPTODONTACEAE Alsia, 1855 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Forsstroemia, 1863 {12/1/0/0/0=13} Leptodon, 1803 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Taiwanobryum, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LEPTOSTOMATACEAE Leptostomum, 1811 {7/0/1/1/1=10} LEPYRODONTACEAE Dichelodontium, 1907 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Lepyrodon, 1865 {7/0/0/0/0=7} LESKEACEAE Claopodium, 1893 {8/0/1/0/2=11} Fabronidium, 1899 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Haplocladium, 1899 {9/2/2/4/0=17} Hylocomiopsis, 1913 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Leptocladium, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptopterigynandrum, 1897 {5/1/2/2/0=10} Lescuraea, 1851 {5/0/0/4/0=9} Leskeadelphus, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leskea, 1801 {7/0/0/17/0=24} Leskeella, 1903 {3/0/0/2/0=5} Lindbergia, 1897 {10/0/1/6/0=17} Mamillariella, 1934 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Miyabea, 1905 {3/0/1/0/0=4} Okamuraea, 1906 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Orthoamblystegium, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudoleskea, 1852 {5/0/0/26/0=31} Pseudoleskeella, 1897 {5/0/0/3/0=8} Pseudoleskeopsis, 1907 {2/1/0/5/0=8} Ptychodium, 1860 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rigodiadelphus, 1936 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Schwetschkea, 1875 {1/0/0/17/0=18} LEUCOBRYACEAE Cladopodanthus, 1846 {3/0/0/0/0=3}




Leucobryum, 1839 {29/1/0/53/0=83} Ochrobryum, 1869 {5/0/0/2/0=7} LEUCODONTACEAE Antitrichia, 1819 [1818] {3/0/0/0/0=3} Dozya, 1866 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Eoleucodon, 1978 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Felipponea, 1912 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Leucodon, 1816 {28/0/2/8/0=38} Pterogonium, 1801 {1/0/0/2/0=3} Scabridens, 1935 {0/1/0/0/0=1} LEUCOMIACEAE Leucomium, 1868 {2/0/0/3/0=5} Philophyllum, 1898 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rhynchostegiopsis, 1897 {3/1/1/1/0=6} MEESIACEAE Amblyodon, 1804 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptobryum, 1855 {1/1/0/4/0=6} Meesia, 1801 {3/1/0/6/0=10} Neomeesia, 1983 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Paludella, 1817 {1/0/0/0/0=1} METEORIACEAE Aerobryidium, 1906 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Aerobryopsis, 1905 {9/0/0/5/0=14} Ancistrodes, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Barbella, 1906 {10/0/0/7/1=18} Barbellopsis, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryowijkia, 1973 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Chrysocladium, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cryphaeophilum, 1914 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cryptopapillaria, 1992 {5/0/0/0/0=5} Diaphanodon, 1895 {1/0/1/1/0=3} Dolichomitriopsis, 1911 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Duthiella, 1908 {5/0/0/2/0=7} Floribundaria, 1905 {8/1/1/6/2=18} Lepyrodontopsis, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Meteoriopsis, 1906 {4/0/2/4/0=10} Meteorium, 1848 {21/1/5/10/0=37} Neodicladiella, 1994 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Neonoguchia, 1988 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Papillaria, 1864 =Meteorium {13/1/1/31/0=46} Pseudobarbella, 1947 =Pseudotrachypus {6/0/1/1/0=8} Pseudospiridentopsis, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudotrachypus, 1940 {5/0/0/0/0=5} Sinskea, 1994 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Toloxis, 1994 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Trachycladiella, 1994 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Trachypodopsis, 1906 {2/0/1/3/0=6} Trachypus, 1829 {2/1/0/2/0=5} MICROTHECIELLACEAE Microtheciella, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MIELICHHOFERIACEAE Haplodontium, 1865 =Mielichhoferia {0/0/0/7/0=7} Mielichhoferia, 1831 {12/3/2/73/0=90} Pseudopohlia, 1917 {1/1/0/0/0=2}

Schistomitrium, 1846 {4/0/1/0/0=5} Schizymenium, 1840 {12/14/1/23/0=50} Synthetodontium, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MITTENIACEAE Mittenia, 1863 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MNIACEAE Cinclidium, 1803 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Cyrtomnium, 1957 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Epipterygium, 1862 {6/0/3/3/0=12} Leucolepis, 1868 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Mnium, 1801 {12/0/1/5/1=19} Orthomnion, 1857 {9/0/1/0/0=10} Plagiomnium, 1968 {25/0/0/0/0=25} Pohlia, 1801 {46/8/5/68/0=127} Pseudobryum, 1968 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Rhizomnium, 1968 {13/0/0/0/0=13} Roellia, 1897 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Trachycystis, 1868 {3/0/0/0/0=3} MYRINIACEAE Austinia, 1875 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Helicodontium, 1878 {7/2/0/12/0=21} Macgregorella, 1939 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Merrilliobryum, 1908 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Myrinia, 1860 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Nematocladia, 1982 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MYURIACEAE Eumyurium, 1947 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Myurium, 1860 {2/2/0/1/0=5} Oedicladium, 1868 [1869] {9/0/0/0/0=9} Palisadula, 1937 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Piloecium, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE Baldwiniella, 1906 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Bissetia, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Bryolawtonia, 1990 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Caduciella, 1991 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Crassiphyllum, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cryptoleptodon, 1899 {0/3/0/1/0=4} Curvicladium, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dixonia, 1964 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dolichomitra, 1907 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Handeliobryum, 1924 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Himantocladium, 1908 {8/0/0/0/0=8} Homaliadelphus, 1932 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Homalia, 1827 {5/0/0/1/0=6} Homaliodendron, 1906 {15/0/1/11/0=27} Hydrocryphaea, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Isodrepanium, 1914 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Metaneckera, 1967 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Neckera, 1801 {38/4/2/29/0=73} Neckeropsis, 1870 {24/0/4/2/0=30} Neomacounia, 1974 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Noguchiodendron, 1981 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Pendulothecium, 1991 {3/0/0/0/0=3}

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERA Pinnatella, 1906 {15/0/0/1/0=16} Porothamnium, 1908 {5/0/2/20/0=27} Porotrichum, 1863 {16/1/1/22/0=40} Thamnium, 1852 =Thamnobryum {0/0/0/2/0=2} Thamnobryum, 1917 {23/6/1/11/0=41} Touwia, 1986 {0/0/1/0/0=1} OEDIPODIACEAE Oedipodium, 1823 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ORTHODONTIACEAE Orthodontium, 1827 {5/1/1/7/0=14} ORTHORRHYNCHIACEAE Orthorrhynchium, 1868 {2/0/0/0/0=2} ORTHOTRICHACEAE Bryomaltaea, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cardotiella, 1981 {7/0/0/0/0=7} Ceuthotheca, 1994 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Codonoblepharon, 1824 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Desmotheca, 1873 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Florschuetziella, 1979 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Groutiella, 1950 {8/2/0/3/0=13} Leiomitrium, 1879 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptodontiopsis, 1910 {1/0/0/3/0=4} Leratia, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Macrocoma, 1944 {10/0/0/0/0=10} Macromitrium, 1819 [1818] {128/18/14/208/0=368} Matteria, 1998 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Muelleriella, 1905 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Orthomitrium, 1996 {0/0/2/0/0=2} Orthotrichum, 1801 {117/2/13/13/0=145} Pentastichella, 1897 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Pleurorthotrichum, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Schlotheimia, 1812 {44/0/0/77/0=121} Sehnemobryum, 1998 [1999] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Stoneobryum, 1981 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Ulota, 1806 {21/5/2/29/0=57} Zygodon, 1818 {25/13/3/51/0=92} PHYLLODREPANIACEAE Mniomalia, 1874 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Phyllodrepanium, 1970 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PHYLLOGONIACEAE Phyllogonium, 1827 {3/0/0/0/0=3} PILOTRICHACEAE Actinodontium, 1826 {6/1/0/2/0=9} Amblytropis, 1907 {0/4/0/0/0=4} Beeveria, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Brymela, 1985 {6/1/1/2/0=10} Callicostella, 1859 {22/4/1/70/0=97} Callicostellopsis, 1907 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Crossomitrium, 1874 {6/0/0/4/0=10} Cyclodictyon, 1863 {28/13/1/48/0=90} Diploneuron, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Helicoblepharum, 1907 {1/0/0/3/0=4}

Porotrichodendron, 1908 {2/3/0/7/0=12} Porotrichopsis, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hemiragis, 1876 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hookeriopsis, 1877 {15/4/5/28/0=52} Hypnella, 1877 {4/1/2/2/0=9} Lepidopilidium, 1907 {9/4/0/18/0=31} Lepidopilum, 1827 {35/3/0/22/1=61} Pilotrichidium, 1876 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Pilotrichum, 1804 {20/0/0/0/2=22} Sauloma, 1859 {1/0/0/3/0=4} Schizomitrium, 1851 =Callicostella {0/0/0/1/0=1} Stenodesmus, 1877 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Stenodictyon, 1877 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Tetrastichium, 1908 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Thamniopsis, 1908 {11/0/0/3/0=14} Trachyxiphium, 1987 {8/2/0/1/0=11} Vesiculariopsis, 1908 {0/1/0/0/0=1} PLAGIOTHECIACEAE Plagiothecium, 1852 {22/1/2/25/2=52} PLEUROZIOPSACEAE Pleuroziopsis, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POLYTRICHACEAE Alophosia, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Atrichopsis, 1912 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Atrichum, 1804 {16/0/1/3/0=20} Bartramiopsis, 1894 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dawsonia, 1811 {9/0/0/1/0=10} Dendroligotrichum, 1905 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Hebantia, 1996 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Itatiella, 1971 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Lyellia, 1819 {2/1/0/1/0=4} Meiotrichum, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Notoligotrichum, 1971 {5/1/0/3/0=9} Oligotrichum, 1805 {15/2/4/7/0=28} Pogonatum, 1804 {53/0/0/4/0=57} Polytrichadelphus, 1859 {4/7/0/14/0=25} Polytrichastrum, 1971 {10/0/3/0/0=13} Polytrichum, 1801 {7/1/1/30/0=39} Psilopilum, 1827 {2/0/0/2/0=4} Steereobryon, 1971 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE Acaulon, 1847 {11/1/4/4/0=20} Aloina, 1882 {9/0/1/2/0=12} Aloinella, 1909 {5/0/1/1/0=7} Anictangium, 1801 =Anoectangium {0/0/0/1/0=1} Anoectangium, 1811 {8/16/3/22/0=49} Aschisma, 1878 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Astomum, 1837 =Weissia {0/0/1/4/0=5} Barbula, 1801 {28/22/6/116/0=172} Bellibarbula, 1941 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Bryoceuthospora, 1959 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Bryoerythrophyllum, 1941 {17/6/4/1/0=28} Calymperastrum, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Calyptopogon, 1902 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Chenia, 1989 {1/2/0/0/0=3}




Chionoloma, 1922 {0/3/0/0/0=3} Crossidium, 1882 {11/0/1/0/0=12} Didymodon, 1801 {37/30/8/46/0=121} Dolotortula, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Erythrophyllastrum, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Erythrophyllopsis, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Eucladium, 1846 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Ganguleea, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Gertrudiella, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Globulinella, 1946 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Gymnostomiella, 1904 {5/0/0/0/0=5} Gymnostomum, 1823 {6/2/4/8/1=21} Gyroweisia, 1876 {3/1/0/3/0=7} Hennediella, 1896 {8/11/3/0/0=22} Hilpertia, 1989 {1/1/0/0/0=2} Husnotiella, 1909 =Didymodon {0/0/0/1/0=1} Hydrogonium, 1880 =Barbula {1/0/4/1/0=6} Hymenostomum, 1819 =Weissia {0/0/0/14/0=14} Hymenostyliella, 1939 {2/1/0/0/0=3} Hymenostylium, 1827 {2/7/1/6/0=16} Hyophiladelphus, 1995 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hyophila, 1827 {13/7/0/52/0=72} Hypodontium, 1899 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Leptobarbula, 1875 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptodontiella, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptodontium, 1865 {25/2/0/8/1=36} Luisierella, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Merceya, 1876 =Scopelophila {0/0/0/1/0=1} Microbryum, 1860 {8/4/1/0/0=13} Mironia, 1993 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Molendoa, 1878 {6/2/1/6/0=15} Neophoenix, 1999 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Oxystegus, 1933 =Trichostomum {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pachyneuropsis, 1970 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Phascopsis, 1980 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Phascum, 1801 =Tortula {5/0/1/3/0=9} Plaubelia, 1826 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Pleurochaete, 1864 {1/1/0/2/0=4} Pottia, 1829 =Tortula {4/0/1/22/0=27} Pottiopsis, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudocrossidium, 1915 {6/11/0/0/0=17} Pseudosymblepharis, 1924 {3/7/0/0/0=10} Pterygoneurum, 1882 {5/0/4/2/0=11} Quaesticula, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Reimersia, 1941 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rhexophyllum, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sagenotortula, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Saitobryum, 1997 [1998] {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sarconeurum, 1902 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Scopelophila, 1872 {2/0/1/0/0=3} Semibarbula, 1933 =Barbula {1/0/0/0/0=1} Stegonia, 1883 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Stonea, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Streblotrichum, 1804 =Barbula {0/0/1/0/0=1} Streptocalypta, 1879 {3/1/0/0/0=4} Streptopogon, 1851 {5/5/0/3/0=13} Streptotrichum, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Syntrichia, 1801 {45/29/1/3/0=78} Teniolophora, 1962 {1/0/0/0/0=1}

Crumia, 1966 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Dialytrichia, 1888 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Tetracoscinodon, 1897 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Tetrapterum, 1869 {2/2/0/4/0=8} Timmiella, 1888 {4/5/1/3/0=13} Tortella, 1888 {14/13/3/18/0=48} Tortula, 1801 {30/27/8/79/0=144} Trachycarpidium, 1901 {3/2/0/0/0=5} Trachyodontium, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Trichostomopsis, 1909 =Didymodon {1/0/0/0/0=1} Trichostomum, 1801 {19/35/4/57/0=115} Triquetrella, 1897 {2/4/0/3/0=9} Tuerckheimia, 1910 {3/1/0/0/0=4} Uleobryum, 1906 {1/1/1/0/0=3} Weisiopsis, 1921 {4/1/1/1/0=7} Weissia, 1801 {35/22/4/29/0=90} Weissiodicranum, 1991 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Willia, 1890 {2/1/0/0/0=3} PRIONODONTACEAE Prionodon, 1844 {4/2/0/3/0=9} PSEUDODITRICHACEAE Pseudoditrichum, 1974 {0/0/1/0/0=1} PTERIGYNANDRACEAE Habrodon, 1860 {1/0/1/0/0=2} Heterocladium, 1852 {6/0/1/1/0=8} Iwatsukiella, 1978 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Myurella, 1853 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Pterigynandrum, 1801 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Trachyphyllum, 1901 {7/0/0/1/0=8} PTEROBRYACEAE Calyptothecium, 1868 {14/2/4/10/0=30} Cryptogonium, 1881 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Henicodium, 1888 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hildebrandtiella, 1876 {2/3/0/0/0=5} Horikawaea, 1937 {2/0/1/0/0=3} Jaegerina, 1876 {4/4/1/0/0=9} Jaegerinopsis, 1906 =Jaegerina {1/0/0/0/0=1} Meteoriella, 1915 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Micralsopsis, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Muellerobryum, 1905 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Neolindbergia, 1908 {7/0/0/0/0=7} Orthorrhynchidium, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Orthostichidium, 1895 {1/0/0/2/0=3} Orthostichopsis, 1906 {8/1/0/8/0=17} Osterwaldiella, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Penzigiella, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pireella, 1913 {11/0/0/0/1=12} Pseudopterobryum, 1929 {0/1/0/1/0=2} Pterobryidium, 1918 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Pterobryon, 1840 {4/0/0/4/0=8} Pterobryopsis, 1905 {12/1/2/14/0=29} Pulchrinodus, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Renauldia, 1891 {2/2/2/3/0=9} Rhabdodontium, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Spiridentopsis, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1}

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FAMILIES AND GENERA Symphysodontella, 1906 {9/0/0/2/0=11} Symphysodon, 1844 {3/0/3/4/0=10} PTEROBRYELLACEAE Pterobryella, 1877 {1/3/0/2/0=6} PTYCHOMITRIACEAE Campylostelium, 1846 {2/0/0/2/0=4} Glyphomitrium, 1819 [1818] {4/0/1/5/0=10} Ptychomitriopsis, 1931 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Ptychomitrium, 1829 {36/0/0/20/0=56} PTYCHOMNIACEAE Cladomnion, 1854 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cladomniopsis, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Glyphothecium, 1860 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Hampeella, 1881 {3/0/0/0/0=3} Ptychomnion, 1869 {5/0/0/0/0=5} Tetraphidopsis, 1912 {1/0/0/0/0=1} RACOPILACEAE Powellia, 1868 [1869] {6/0/1/1/0=8} Racopilum, 1805 {10/9/1/33/0=53} REGMATODONTACEAE Regmatodon, 1827 {2/0/0/2/0=4} RHABDOWEISIACEAE Amphidium, 1856 {4/1/0/6/0=11} Rhabdoweisia, 1846 {7/1/0/1/0=9} RHACHITHECIACEAE Hypnodontopsis, 1957 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Jonesiobryum, 1991 {0/0/3/0/0=3} Rhachitheciopsis, 1926 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rhachithecium, 1895 {2/2/0/0/0=4} Tisserantiella, 1941 {0/2/0/1/0=3} Uleastrum, 1985 {0/2/0/0/0=2} Ulea, 1897 =Uleastrum {0/0/0/1/0=1} Zanderia, 1997 [1998] {1/0/0/0/0=1} RHACOCARPACEAE Pararhacocarpus, 1996 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Rhacocarpus, 1863 {3/4/0/1/0=8} RHIZOGONIACEAE Cryptopodium, 1827 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Goniobryum, 1865 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Hymenodontopsis, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hymenodon, 1844 {3/1/1/0/0=5} Leptotheca, 1824 {2/0/1/0/0=3} Mesochaete, 1870 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Pyrrhobryum, 1868 {9/2/0/1/0=12} Rhizogonium, 1827 {6/0/1/1/0=8} RHYTIDIACEAE Rhytidium, 1882 {1/0/0/0/0=1} RIGODIACEAE Rigodium, 1844 [1845] {7/0/0/0/0=7}

RUTENBERGIACEAE Neorutenbergia, 1974 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudocryphaea, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Rutenbergia, 1880 {0/5/0/0/0=5} SCHISTOSTEGACEAE Schistostega, 1803 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SCOULERIACEAE Scouleria, 1829 [1830] {3/0/0/0/0=3} Tridontium, 1840 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SELIGERIACEAE Blindia, 1846 {16/0/1/1/7=25} Brachydontium, 1827 {5/0/3/0/0=8} Dicranoweisia, 1869 {9/1/0/11/0=21} Hymenolomopsis, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pseudohyophila, 1933 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Seligeria, 1846 {19/0/1/1/0=21} Trochobryum, 1885 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Verrucidens, 1908 {1/2/0/0/0=3} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Acanthocladium, 1883 =Wijkia {0/0/0/1/0=1} Acanthorrhynchium, 1919 {1/0/0/6/0=7} Acritodon, 1964 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Acroporium, 1868 {29/4/5/30/0=68} Allioniellopsis, 1982 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Aptychella, 1916 {6/0/0/1/0=7} Aptychopsis, 1923 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Brotherella, 1914 {18/0/0/10/0=28} Chionostomum, 1869 {4/0/0/0/0=4} Clastobryella, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Clastobryophilum, 1923 {2/1/0/0/0=3} Clastobryopsis, 1923 =Aptychella {3/2/0/0/0=5} Clastobryum, 1846 {9/4/0/0/0=13} Colobodontium, 1951 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Donnellia, 1880 {3/0/1/3/0=7} Foreauella, 1927 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Gammiella, 1908 {3/1/1/0/0=5} Hageniella, 1910 {5/0/0/0/0=5} Heterophyllium, 1894 {1/0/1/13/0=15} Isocladiella, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Leptoischyrodon, 1932 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Macrohymenium, 1847 {3/0/0/1/0=4} Mastopoma, 1901 {0/1/3/12/0=16} Meiotheciella, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Meiotheciopsis, 1908 =Donnellia {2/0/0/0/0=2} Meiothecium, 1868 {8/1/2/22/0=33} Papillidiopsis, 1989 [1990] {6/0/2/2/0=10} Paranapiacabaea, 1992 {0/0/2/0/0=2} Potamium, 1869 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Pseudohypnella, 1923 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Pterogonidium, 1897 {1/0/0/1/0=2} Pterogoniella, 1897 =Meiothecium {0/0/0/1/0=1}




Pterogoniopsis, 1879 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pylaisiadelpha, 1912 {5/0/2/0/0=7} Rhaphidorrhynchium, 1923 =Sematophyllum {2/0/2/52/0=56} Rhaphidostegium, 1867 =Sematophyllum {0/0/0/19/0=19} Rhaphidostichum, 1923 {4/1/2/19/0=26} Schroeterella, 1916 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Sematophyllum, 1864 {31/20/11/106/0=168} Struckia, 1893 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Taxitheliella, 1935 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Taxithelium, 1869 {14/1/2/91/0=108} Timotimius, 1999 {0/0/1/0/0=1} Trichosteleum, 1868 {18/6/17/89/0=130} Trismegistia, 1908 {2/3/0/14/0=19} Trolliella, 1939 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Warburgiella, 1900 {2/4/1/20/0=27} Wijkia, 1971 {14/2/6/26/0=48}

Radulina, 1989 [1990] {1/1/0/3/0=5} Juratzkaea, 1866 {2/1/0/0/1=4} Pilosium, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Sciuroleskea, 1925 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Stenocarpidium, 1897 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Stereophyllum, 1859 {3/0/0/18/2=23} SYMPHYODONTACEAE Chaetomitriopsis, 1921 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Chaetomitrium, 1846 {3/23/2/39/0=67} Dimorphocladon, 1922 {0/1/0/0/0=1} Symphyodon, 1841 {14/0/1/1/1=17} Trachythecium, 1923 {0/0/0/9/0=9} TAKAKIACEAE Takakia, 1958 {2/0/0/0/0=2}

SERPOTORTELLACEAE Serpotortella, 1942 {2/0/0/0/0=2}

TETRAPHIDACEAE Tetraphis, 1801 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Tetrodontium, 1824 {2/1/0/0/0=3}

SORAPILLACEAE Sorapilla, 1869 {1/1/0/0/0=2}

THELIACEAE Thelia, 1856 {3/0/0/0/0=3}

SPHAGNACEAE Sphagnum, 1753 {119/18/95/56/0=288}

THUIDIACEAE Abietinella, 1896 {2/0/0/0/0=2} Boulaya, 1912 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Cyrto-hypnum, 1869 {34/2/2/1/0=39} Fauriella, 1893 {3/0/2/0/0=5} Inouethuidium, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Pelekium, 1868 {2/0/0/1/0=3} Rauiella, 1937 {5/3/0/0/0=8} Thuidiopsis, 1923 {5/0/0/2/0=7} Thuidium, 1852 {52/2/5/14/0=73}

SPIRIDENTACEAE Franciella, 1910 {0/0/0/1/0=1} Spiridens, 1823 {1/0/0/10/0=11} SPLACHNACEAE Aplodon, 1823 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Brachymitrion, 1846 {4/1/1/0/0=6} Moseniella, 1918 {0/2/0/0/0=2} Splachnum, 1801 {8/1/0/2/0=11} Tayloria, 1816 {24/10/3/3/0=40} Tetraplodon, 1844 {8/0/0/1/0=9} Voitia, 1818 {2/0/1/0/0=3} SPLACHNOBRYACEAE Splachnobryum, 1869 {12/0/2/11/1=26} STEREOPHYLLACEAE Catagoniopsis, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Entodontopsis, 1907 {11/6/0/0/0=17} Eulacophyllum, 1985 {1/0/0/0/0=1}

TIMMIACEAE Timmia, 1801 {4/0/0/1/0=5} TRACHYLOMATACEAE Braithwaitea, 1872 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Trachyloma, 1827 {5/0/0/1/1=7} VIRIDIVELLERACEAE Viridivellus, 1976 {0/0/1/0/0=1} WARDIACEAE Wardia, 1837 {1/0/0/0/0=1}


A Checklist of The Mosses Abietinella C. Müller, 1896 {2/0/0/0/0=2} THUIDIACEAE  Abietinella abietina (Hedwig) Fleischer, 1923 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Thuidium abietinum]  Abietinella histricosa (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Thuidium histricosum] Acanthocladium Mitten, 1883 =Wijkia {0/0/0/1/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Acanthocladium tanytrichoides Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1953 Acanthorrhynchium Fleischer, 1919 {1/0/0/6/0=7} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Acanthorrhynchium altisetulum Fleischer, 1923  Acanthorrhynchium grosso-papillatum (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Acanthorrhynchium microcarpum (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Acanthorrhynchium monostictum (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Acanthorrhynchium papillatum (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Fleischer, 1923 – [O'Shea, B. J., 1997]  Acanthorrhynchium subintegrum (Brotherus & Dixon) Brotherus, 1925  Acanthorrhynchium substigmosum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982] Acaulon C. Müller, 1847 {11/1/4/4/0=20} POTTIACEAE  Acaulon capense C. Müller, 1856 – [cited by Magill, R. E., 1981 as insufficiently known]  Acaulon casasianum Brugués & H. Crum, 1984 – [Brugués, M. & H. Crum, 1984]  Acaulon chrysacanthum Stone, 1976 – [Stone, I. G., 1976c; Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1989b; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Acaulon crassinervium C. Müller, 1902 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Acaulon dertosense C. Casas et al., 1986 – [Casas, C., C. Sérgio, R. M. Cros & M. Brugués, 1986]  Acaulon eremicola Stone, 1979 – [Stone, I. G., 1979; Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1989b; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Acaulon fontiquerianum C. Casas & Sérgio, 1990 – [Casas, C. & C. Sérgio, 1990]  Acaulon granulosum Stone, 1988 – [Stone, I. G., 1988; Stone, I. G., 1989b]  Acaulon integrifolium C. Müller, 1855 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976; Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1989b; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Acaulon leucochaete Stone, 1976 – [Stone, I. G., 1976c; Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1989b; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]


Acaulon longifolium Herrnstadt & Heyn, 1999 – [Herrnstadt, I. & C. C. Heyn, 1999]  Acaulon muticum (Schreber ex Hedwig) C. Müller, 1847 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Acaulon nanum C. Müller, 1888 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Yano, O., 1981]  Acaulon recurvatum Magill, 1981 [1982] – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Acaulon robustum Brotherus ex G. Roth, 1913 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976; Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Acaulon schimperianum Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Acaulon sphaericum J. Shaw, 1878 – [cited by Magill, R. E., 1981 as insufficiently known]  Acaulon triquetrum (Spruce) C. Müller, 1847 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Stone, I. G., 1989b]  Acaulon uleanum C. Müller, 1888 – [Stone, I. G., 1988; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Acaulon vesiculosum C. Müller, 1888 – [Greene, D. M., 1986] Achrophyllum Vitt & Crosby, 1972 {7/1/0/0/0=8} HOOKERIACEAE  Achrophyllum anomalum (Schwägrichen) H. Robinson, 1974 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Achrophyllum crassirete (Matteri) Matteri, 1979 – [Matteri, C. M., 1972, as Pterygophyllum crassirete]  Achrophyllum dentatum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Vitt & Crosby, 1972 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Streimann, H., 1997]  Achrophyllum haesselianum (Matteri) Matteri, 1979 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Achrophyllum javense (Dixon ex J. Fröhlich) Iwatsuki, B. C. Tan & Touw in Touw, 1978 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Achrophyllum magellanicum (Bescherelle) Matteri, 1979 – [Matteri, C. M., 1972, as Pterygophyllum magellanicum]  Achrophyllum quadrifarium (Smith) Vitt & Crosby, 1972 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Achrophyllum tenuinerve (Brotherus in Skottsberg) H. Robinson, 1974 – [Robinson, H., 1975] Acidodontium Schwägrichen, 1827 {11/0/0/3/0=14} BRYACEAE  Acidodontium exaltatum (Spruce ex Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Acidodontium heteroneuron (Spruce ex Mitten) Brotherus, 1903 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Acidodontium integrifolium Brotherus & Thériot in Thériot, 1929

18 


Acidodontium lanceolatifolium Ochi, 1980 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Acidodontium lonchotrachylon (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Acidodontium longifolium (W. P. Schimper ex Paris) Brotherus, 1903 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Acidodontium megalocarpum (W. J. Hooker in Kunth) Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Acidodontium pallidum Herzog, 1916 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Acidodontium ramicola (Spruce ex Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Acidodontium rhamphostegium (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Acidodontium seminerve J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1846 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Acidodontium sprucei (Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Acidodontium subrotundum (Taylor) J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1846 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Acidodontium trachyticola (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 Acritodon H. Robinson, 1964 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Acritodon nephophilus H. Robinson, 1964 – [Crum, H., 1994t] Acrocladium Mitten, 1869 {2/0/0/1/0=3} LEMBOPHYLLACEAE  Acrocladium auriculatum (Montagne) Mitten, 1869 – [Karczmarz, K., 1966]  Acrocladium chlamydophyllum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) C. Müller & Brotherus, 1900 – [Karczmarz, K., 1966; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Acrocladium trichocladium Boswell, 1892 Acroporium Mitten, 1868 {29/4/5/30/0=68} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Acroporium aciphyllum Dixon, 1924 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium adspersum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium affine Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Acroporium angustum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925  Acroporium baviense (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Acroporium brevicuspidatum Mitten, 1868 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Acroporium brevisetulum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Acroporium caespitosum (Hedwig) W. R. Buck, 1983 – [Buck, W. R., 1983d; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Acroporium cataractarum Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1955  Acroporium catharinense Sehnem, 1978 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Acroporium ceylonense Dixon, 1930  Acroporium condensatum E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Tan,

B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Acroporium consanguineum (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923  Acroporium convolutifolium Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Acroporium convolutum (Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium denticulatum Dixon, 1924 – [cited by Tan, B. C., 1994a as insufficiently known]  Acroporium depressum Thériot, 1926 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Acroporium dicranoides Fleischer, 1923  Acroporium diminutum (Bridel) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Acroporium dixonii Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966]  Acroporium downii (Dixon) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium eburense Bizot, 1976 – [Bizot, M., 1976]  Acroporium erythropodium (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925  Acroporium estrellae (C. Müller) W. R. Buck & Schäfer-Verwimp, 1991 [1993] – [Magill, R., 1994d; Buck, W. R. & A. Schäfer-Verwimp, 1991 [1993]; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Acroporium exiguum (Brotherus) W. R. Buck & Schäfer-Verwimp, 1991 [1993] – [Buck, W. R. & A. Schäfer-Verwimp, 1991 [1993]]  Acroporium flexisetum (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Acroporium fuscoflavum (Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Acroporium gracilescens (Brotherus ex Herzog) Brotherus, 1925  Acroporium gracillimum (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Acroporium hermaphroditum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium joannis-winkleri Brotherus, 1928 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium laevifolium (Renauld) Brotherus, 1925 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Acroporium lamprophyllum Mitten, 1868 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Acroporium laosianum (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tixier, P., 1988]  Acroporium letestui Potier de la Varde, 1926  Acroporium longicaule (Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium longirostre (Bridel) W. R. Buck, 1983 – [Magill, R., 1994d; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Acroporium macro-turgidum Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium megasporum (Duby) Fleischer, 1923 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Acroporium microcladum (Dozy & Molkenboer) B. C. Tan in B. C. Tan, A. C. Church & Windadri, 1997 – [Tan, B. C., A. C. Church & F. I. Windadri, 1997]


Acroporium microthecium (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Acroporium nietnerianum (C. Müller) Brotherus,  Acroporium perserratum E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Acroporium plicatum E. B. Bartram, 1942  Acroporium pocsii Bizot, 1973 – [Bizot, M., 1973]  Acroporium praelongum Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium prionophylax W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Acroporium procerum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium procumbens (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Acroporium pungens (Hedwig) Brotherus, 1925 – [Magill, R., 1994d; Sehnem, A., 1978; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Acroporium ramicola (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium ramuligerum Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium rhaphidostegioides Dixon, 1934  Acroporium ridleyi Dixon, 1924  Acroporium rigens (Brotherus ex Dixon) Dixon, 1924 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium rufum (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Acroporium savesianum Tixier, 1986 – [Tixier, P., 1986]  Acroporium secundum (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Acroporium serricalyx (Brotherus & Watts) Brotherus, 1925  Acroporium sigmatodontium (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Acroporium smallii (R. S. Williams) H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1960 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Acroporium stellatum (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Acroporium stramineum (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Acroporium strepsiphyllum (Montagne) B. C. Tan in Touw, 1992 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Acroporium subluxurians (Dixon & Thériot) O'Shea, 1998 – [O'Shea, B. J., 1998]  Acroporium vincensianum (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Acroporium warburgii (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a] Actinodontium Schwägrichen, 1826 {6/1/0/2/0=9} PILOTRICHACEAE  Actinodontium adscendens Schwägrichen, 1826 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]


1925  Acroporium novae-guineae E. B. Bartram, 1961 

Actinodontium dusenii Brotherus, 1897 Actinodontium integrifolium (Brotherus in Urban) Churchill in W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Churchill, S. P., 1988, as Lepidopilum integrifolium]  Actinodontium portoricense H. Crum & Steere, 1956 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Actinodontium pygmaeum W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Actinodontium rhaphidostegum (C. Müller) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Actinodontium sprucei (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Actinodontium standleyi E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994k]  Actinodontium streptopogoneum Brotherus, 1897 Actinothuidium Brotherus, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HELODIACEAE  Actinothuidium hookeri (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983] Adelothecium Mitten, 1869 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ADELOTHECIACEAE  Adelothecium bogotense (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Ochyra, R., H. Bednarek-Ochyra, T. Pócs & M. R. Crosby, 1992; Bowers, F. D., 1994d] Aerobryidium Fleischer ex Brotherus, 1906 {4/0/0/0/0=4} METEORIACEAE  Aerobryidium aureonitens (W. J. Hooker ex Schwägrichen) Brotherus, 1906 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Aerobryidium crispifolium (Brotherus & Geheeb) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1906 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b]  Aerobryidium filamentosum (W. J. Hooker) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1906 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Aerobryidium fuscescens E. B. Bartram, 1953 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b] Aerobryopsis Fleischer, 1905 {9/0/0/5/0=14} METEORIACEAE  Aerobryopsis capensis (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1905 – [Argent, G. C. A., 1969; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Aerobryopsis cirrifolia (Schwägrichen) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Aerobryopsis cochlearifolia Dixon, 1937 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Aerobryopsis deflexa Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Aerobryopsis leptosigmata (C. Müller ex Brotherus & Geheeb) Fleischer, 1905 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Aerobryopsis longissima (Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1905 – [Spessard-Schueth, L., 1994b; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Aerobryopsis membranacea (Mitten) Brotherus, 1906 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Aerobryopsis parisii (Cardot) Brotherus, 1906 – 



[Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Aerobryopsis pulchricoma Fleischer, 1922  Aerobryopsis spurio-convolvens Brotherus, 1906  Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1906 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Aerobryopsis subleptostigmata Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Aerobryopsis vitiana (Sullivant) Fleischer, 1905 Aerobryum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1851 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Aerobryum speciosum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1851 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b; Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Aerolindigia Menzel, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Aerolindigia capillacea (Hornschuch in Martius) Menzel, 1991 – [Menzel, M., 1991; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Aligrimmia R. S. Williams, 1903 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GRIMMIACEAE  Aligrimmia peruviana R. S. Williams, 1903 – [Murray, B. M., 1984; Deguchi, H., 1987b] Allioniellopsis Ochyra, 1982 {0/0/0/1/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Allioniellopsis cryphaeoides (Brotherus) Ochyra, 1982 – [Ochyra, R., 1982] Aloina Kindberg, 1882 {9/0/1/2/0=12} POTTIACEAE  Aloina aloides (J. Koch ex F. Schultz) Kindberg, 1883 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Aloina apiculata (E. B. Bartram) Delgadillo M., 1973 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975]  Aloina bifrons (De Notaris) Delgadillo M., 1973 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Aloina brevirostris (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Kindberg, 1883 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971]  Aloina catillum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975]  Aloina cornifolia Delgadillo M., 1975 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975]  Aloina hamulus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Aloina humilis M. T. Gallego, Cano & Ros in M. T. Gallego et al., 1998 – [Gallego, M. T., M. J. Cano, R. M. Ros, J. Guerra & G. M. Dirkse], 1998]  Aloina recurvipatula (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [cited by Delgadillo M., C., 1975 as insufficiently known]  Aloina rigida (Hedwig) Limpricht, 1888 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]

Aerobryopsis striatula (Mitten in Seemann) Brotherus, 1906 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Aloina roseae (R. S. Williams) Delgadillo M., 1973 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Aloina sedifolia (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [cited by Delgadillo M., C., 1975 as insufficiently known] Aloinella Cardot, 1909 {5/0/1/1/0=7} POTTIACEAE  Aloinella andina Delgadillo M., 1973 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975]  Aloinella boliviana Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Aloinella catenula Cardot, 1909 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Aloinella cucullatifolia (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Aloinella cucullifera (Mitten) Steere, 1948 – [Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Aloinella galeata (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [cited by Delgadillo M., C., 1975 as insufficiently known]  Aloinella venezuelana Griffin, 1975 – [Griffin, D., III, 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993] Alophosia Cardot, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POLYTRICHACEAE  Alophosia azorica (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot, 1905 – [Smith, G. L., 1971] Alsia Sullivant, 1855 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LEPTODONTACEAE  Alsia californica (W. J. Hooker & Arnott) Sullivant, 1855 – [Manuel, M. G., 1974 [1975]; Lawton, E., 1971] Amblyodon Palisot de Beauvois, 1804 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MEESIACEAE  Amblyodon dealbatus (Swartz ex Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1841 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] Amblystegium W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 {2/0/0/16/0=18} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Amblystegium arvernense Thériot in Tourret, 1913 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Amblystegium austrohygrophilum Brotherus, 1916 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Amblystegium camisassae Tosco & Piovano, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Amblystegium campyliopsis Dixon, 1933 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Amblystegium chalaropelma C. Müller ex Renauld, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Amblystegium cuspidarioides (C. Müller) Brotherus ex Levier, 1906  Amblystegium glaziovii Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Amblystegium novae-valesiae Brotherus & Watts, 1912 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Amblystegium patenti-flexuosum Dixon in

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Christophersen, 1960 Amblystegium rishiriense Kanda, 1975 [1976] – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]]  Amblystegium serpens (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in  Amblystegium sparsifolium (Hampe) Jaeger, 1880 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Amblystegium sparsile (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880  Amblystegium speirophyllum Kindberg, 1889  Amblystegium stricto-serpens Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Amblystegium subtrifarium Brotherus in B. Fedchenko, 1902  Amblystegium subulatum Cardot, 1913  Amblystegium tenuifolium Kindberg, 1890 Amblytropis (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 {0/4/0/0/0=4} PILOTRICHACEAE  Amblytropis gemmacea (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1982]  Amblytropis hispidula (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1982]  Amblytropis ovata (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1982]  Amblytropis setosa (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1982] Ambuchanania Seppelt & H. Crum in H. Crum & Seppelt, 1999 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBUCHANANIACEAE  Ambuchanania leucobryoides (Yamaguchi, Seppelt & Iwatsuki in Yamaguchi et al.) Seppelt & H. Crum in H. Crum & Seppelt, 1999 – [Crum, H. & R. D. Seppelt, 1999; Yamaguchi, T., R. D. Seppelt, Z. Iwatsuki & A. M. Buchanan, 1990, as Sphagnum leucobryoides] Amphidium W. P. Schimper, 1856 {4/1/0/6/0=11} RHABDOWEISIACEAE  Amphidium aloysii-sabaudiae Negri, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Amphidium brevifolium Brotherus, 1913  Amphidium californicum (Hampe ex C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Amphidium clastophyllum Cardot, 1908  Amphidium curvipes (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902  Amphidium lapponicum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Amphidium le-testui Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1931 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1973]  Amphidium mougeotii (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Amphidium papillosum E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [cited by Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.] as insufficiently known]  Amphidium remotidens (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Amphidium tortuosum (Hornschuch) Cufodontis, 1951 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998; Vitt, D. 


B.S.G., 1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Robinson, H., 1975; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]; Lawton, E., 1971; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Buck, W. R., 1998b] H., 1994, as Amphidium cyathicarpum] Anacamptodon Bridel, 1819 [1818] {5/5/1/1/0=12} CAMPYLIACEAE  Anacamptodon africanus Potier de la Varde, 1928 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b]  Anacamptodon amblystegioides Cardot, 1911 – [Taoda, H., 1980]  Anacamptodon compactus (Thériot) W. R. Buck, 1980 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b, as Anacamptodon mexicanus]  Anacamptodon cubensis (Sullivant) Mitten, 1869 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Anacamptodon fortunei Mitten, 1864 – [Taoda, H., 1980]  Anacamptodon latidens (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b; Taoda, H., 1980]  Anacamptodon marginatus (Dixon in Dixon & H. A. Wager) W. R. Buck, 1980 – [Buck, W. R., 1980b]  Anacamptodon minimus W. R. Buck, 1980 – [Buck, W. R., 1980b]  Anacamptodon splachnoides (Froelich ex Bridel) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Anacamptodon subulatus Brotherus, 1929 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b]  Anacamptodon validinervis Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b]  Anacamptodon wattsii Brotherus, 1916 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b] Anacolia W. P. Schimper, 1876 {5/1/0/1/0=7} BARTRAMIACEAE  Anacolia aurescens (Dixon) Iwatsuki, 1969 – [Iwatsuki, I., 1969]  Anacolia breutelii (W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) Magill, 1987 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Anacolia cameruniae Dixon, 1933 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975c]  Anacolia laevisphaera (Taylor) Flowers in Grout, 1935 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Sloover, J. L. de, 1975c; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Anacolia menziesii (Turner) Paris, 1894 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Gangulee, H. C., 1974; Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Anacolia scioana (Brizi) Brotherus, 1924  Anacolia webbii (Montagne) W. P. Schimper, 1876 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975] Ancistrodes Hampe, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} METEORIACEAE  Ancistrodes genuflexa (C. Müller) Crosby, 1976 – [Ku, M., 1996a] Andoa Ochyra, 1982 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Andoa berthelotiana (Montagne in Webb & Berthelot) Ochyra, 1982 – [Ando, H., 1973a, as Allorgea



berthelotiana; Ochyra, R., 1982] Andreaea Hedwig, 1801 {36/4/2/53/0=95} ANDREAEACEAE  Andreaea acuminata Mitten in J. D. Hooker &  Andreaea alpestris (Thedenius) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1855 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Murray, B. M., 1987c; Murray, B. M., 1988]  Andreaea alpina Hedwig, 1801 – [Murray, B. M., 1987c; Robinson, H., 1975; Murray, B. M., 1988]  Andreaea amblyophylla C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1895  Andreaea angustifolia Brotherus, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Andreaea apiculata R. Brown ter, 1893  Andreaea appendiculata W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1855 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Andreaea arachnoidea C. Müller, 1879 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Andreaea asperula Mitten, 1859 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Andreaea atlantica Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Andreaea australis F. Müller ex Mitten, 1856 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Andreaea barbuloides Brotherus, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Andreaea bistratosa Magill, 1981 [1982] – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Andreaea blyttii W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1855 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Lawton, E., 1971; Murray, B. M., 1987c; Murray, B. M., 1988]  Andreaea borbonica Bescherelle, 1880 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b]  Andreaea brevipes Spruce, 1861 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Andreaea camerunensis Richards, 1952 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b]  Andreaea cockaynei R. Brown ter, 1893  Andreaea crassinervia Bruch, 1832 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Murray, B. M., 1987b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Murray, B. M., 1987c; Murray, B. M., 1988]  Andreaea cucullata Dixon in Herzog, 1935 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b]  Andreaea densifolia Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Andreaea depressinervis Cardot, 1900 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Andreaea dissitifolia Brotherus, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Andreaea erubescens C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Andreaea erythrodictyon Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Andreaea firma C. Müller, 1888 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b]  Andreaea flabellata C. Müller, 1883 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Andreaea flexuosa R. Brown ter, 1893  Andreaea fragilis C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M.,

Wilson, 1859 – [Greene, D. M., 1986] Andreaea acutifolia J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Vitt, D. V., 1980a; Vitt, D. H. & W. J. Hoe, 1980; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a] 1986]  Andreaea frigida Hübener, 1834 – [Murray, B. M., 1988; Murray, B. M., 1987a]  Andreaea fuegiana (Cardot) S. W. Greene, 1972 [1973] – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Andreaea gainii Cardot, 1911 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Andreaea gibbosa R. Brown ter, 1893  Andreaea hartmanii Thedenius, 1849 – [Bardunov, L. V., 1969]  Andreaea heinemannii Hampe & C. Müller, 1846 – [Murray, B. M., 1987c]  Andreaea huttonii R. Brown ter, 1893  Andreaea indica Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Andreaea javanica J. Fröhlich, 1955  Andreaea julicaulis C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Andreaea karsteniana C. Müller, 1874  Andreaea kilimandscharica Paris, 1894 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Andreaea latinervis E. B. Bartram in Roivainen, 1937 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Andreaea laxifolia J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Vitt, D. V., 1980a]  Andreaea leiophylla Cardot ex G. Roth, 1913 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Andreaea lorentziana C. Müller, 1879 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Andreaea marginata J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Vitt, D. V., 1980a]  Andreaea megistospora B. M. Murray, 1987 – [Murray, B. M., 1987a; Murray, B. M., 1987a; Murray, B. M., 1988]  Andreaea microphylla C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Andreaea microvaginata C. Müller, 1898  Andreaea mildbraedii Brotherus, 1910 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b]  Andreaea mitchellii Brotherus & Dixon, 1912  Andreaea morrisonensis Noguchi, 1936 – [Cao Tong & Gao Chien, 1995; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Chiang, Tzen-yuh, 1998a]  Andreaea mutabilis J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Vitt, D. V., 1980a; Cao Tong & Gao Chien, 1995; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Murray, B. M., 1988]  Andreaea nitida J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Magill, R. E., 1981; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Andreaea nivalis W. J. Hooker, 1811 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Lawton, E., 1971; Murray, B. M., 1987c; Murray, B. M., 1988]  Andreaea novae-zealandiae R. Brown ter, 1893  Andreaea obovata Thedenius, 1849 – [Murray, B. M., 1987c; Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] 


Andreaea opaca Cardot ex G. Roth, 1911 Andreaea pachyphylla (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Matteri, C. M. & R. M. Farias, 1999]  Andreaea parallela C. Müller, 1883 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Andreaea patagonica Dusén, 1903 – [Greene, D. M.,  Andreaea planinervia Lindberg ex G. Roth, 1911 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970]  Andreaea pseudomutabilis Dusén, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Andreaea pseudosubulata C. Müller, 1864  Andreaea regularis C. Müller in Neumayer, 1890 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Andreaea remotifolia Dusén, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Andreaea rigida Wilson in Mitten, 1859 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Andreaea robusta Brotherus, 1912 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Andreaea rothii Weber & D. Mohr, 1807 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Murray, B. M., 1988]  Andreaea rupestris Hedwig, 1801 – [Murray, B. M., 1987c; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Cao Tong & Gao Chien, 1995; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Murray, B. M., 1988]  Andreaea schofieldiana B. M. Murray, 1987 – [Murray, B. M., 1987a]  Andreaea semisquarrosa C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Andreaea seriata G. Roth, 1911  Andreaea sinuosa B. M. Murray, 1986 [1987] – [Murray, B. M., 1986 [1987]; Murray, B. M., 1988]  Andreaea spurioalpina C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Andreaea squarrosofiliformis C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Andreaea striata Mitten, 1869 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Yano, O., 1981]  Andreaea subremotifolia Dixon, 1920 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Andreaea subulata Harvey in W. J. Hooker, 1840 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1970; Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b; Allen, B., 1994a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Andreaea taiwanensis Chiang Tzen-yuh, 1998 – [Chiang, Tzen-yuh, 1998a]  Andreaea tasmanica Rodway, 1916 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Andreaea tsaratananae Thériot, 1926 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b]  Andreaea tunariensis Brotherus, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Andreaea turgescens W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1851 – [Bowers, F. D., 1970]  Andreaea urophylla H. Robinson in H. Robinson, Holm-Nielsen & Lojtnant, 1977 – [Robinson, H., 1977] 


1986; He, Si, 1998]  Andreaea peruviana Brotherus, 1920 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Andreaea pilifera Herzog ex Thériot, 1937 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] 

Andreaea vaginalis Herzog in Donat, 1935 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Andreaea vilocensis Brotherus, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Andreaea viridis C. Müller in Neumayer, 1890  Andreaea vulcanica Lorentz, 1864  Andreaea wangiana Chen Pan-chieh in Chen Pan-chieh & Wan, T.-l., 1958 – [Cao Tong & Gao Chien, 1995; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Chiang, Tzen-yuh, 1998a]  Andreaea willii C. Müller in Neumayer, 1890  Andreaea wilsonii J. D. Hooker, 1844 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as Acroschisma wilsonii; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as Acroschisma wilsonii] Andreaeobryum Steere & B. M. Murray, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ANDREAEOBRYACEAE  Andreaeobryum macrosporum Steere & B. M. Murray, 1976 – [Murray, B. M., 1987b] Anictangium Hedwig, 1801 =Anoectangium {0/0/0/1/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Anictangium orthotrichoides Gillies ex Greville, 1830 Anisothecium Mitten, 1869 {16/2/0/22/0=40} DICRANACEAE  Anisothecium brachyangium (Cardot) Brotherus, 1924 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987, as Dicranella brachyangia]  Anisothecium brachydontium H. Crum & Steere, 1956  Anisothecium campylophyllum (Taylor) Mitten, 1869 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Anisothecium capituligerum (C. Müller) Thériot, 1935 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Anisothecium clathratum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1924 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992, as Dicranella clathrata]  Anisothecium convolutum (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as Dicranella convoluta]  Anisothecium cyrtodontum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924  Anisothecium elegans (Duby) Thériot, 1935 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Anisothecium globuligerum (Cardot) Brotherus, 1924 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987, as Dicranella globuligera]  Anisothecium gracillimum C. Müller in Beckett, 1894 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992, as Dicranella gracillima]  Anisothecium grevilleanum (Bridel) H. Arnell & C. E. O. Jensen, 1896 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Dicranella



grevilleana; Ireland, R. R., 1982, as Dicranella grevilleana; Gao Chien (editor), 1994, as Dicranella grevilleana]  Anisothecium hioramii Thériot, 1939 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1995, as Dicranella hioramii; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997, as Dicranella hioramii]  Anisothecium hookeri (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as  Anisothecium lorentzii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Anisothecium macrostomum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Anisothecium madagassum Thériot, 1930 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Anisothecium molliculum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1924 – [Takaki, N., 1968, as Dicranella mollicula; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Anisothecium nicholsii (R. S. Williams) Brotherus, 1924  Anisothecium palustre (Dickson) I. Hagen, 1915 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Dicranella palustris; Lawton, E., 1971, as Dicranella palustris; Gao Chien (editor), 1994, as Dicranella palustris]  Anisothecium planinervium (Taylor) Mitten, 1869  Anisothecium pseudorufescens (Cardot & Brotherus) Brotherus, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Anisothecium pycnoglossum Brotherus, 1890 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989, as Dicranella pycnoglossa]  Anisothecium recurvimarginatum (S. Okamura) Iishiba, 1929  Anisothecium rotundatum Brotherus, 1929 – [Takaki, N., 1968, as Dicranella rotundata; Gao Chien (editor), 1994, as Dicranella rotundata]  Anisothecium rufescens (Withering) Lindberg, 1879 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Dicranella rufescens; Lawton, E., 1971, as Dicranella rufescens; Ireland, R. R., 1982, as Dicranella rufescens]  Anisothecium rufipes (C. Müller) Dusén, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Anisothecium ruttneri Froelich, 1955  Anisothecium schreberianum (Hedwig) Dixon, 1934 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Dicranella schreberiana; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Dicranella schreberiana; Ireland, R. R., 1982, as Dicranella schreberiana; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987, as Dicranella schreberiana]  Anisothecium skottsbergii (Cardot & Brotherus) Brotherus, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Anisothecium spirale (Mitten) Brotherus, 1924 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971, as Dicranella spiralis]  Anisothecium staphylinum (H. Whitehouse) Sipman, Rubers & Riemann, 1972 – [Whitehouse, H. L. K., 1979, as Dicranella staphylina; Sipman, H., W. V. Rubers & B. Riemann, 1972; Whitehouse, H. L. K., 1979, as Dicranella staphylina]  Anisothecium submacrostomum (Brotherus in Herzog) Brotherus, 1924 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Anisothecium ugandae Potier de la Varde, 1955 –

Dicranella hookeri; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as Dicranella hookeri; Newton, M. E., 1977, as Dicranella hookeri]  Anisothecium horridum Potier de la Varde, 1935  Anisothecium humile (Ruthe) Lindberg, 1887  Anisothecium javanicum (Fleischer) Brotherus, 1924  Anisothecium laxirete Brotherus, 1924 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] [Kis, G., 1985]  Anisothecium vaginatum (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1869 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Anisothecium varium (Hedwig) Mitten, 1869 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Allen, B., 1994a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Dicranella varia; Lawton, E., 1971, as Dicranella varia; Gao Chien (editor), 1994, as Dicranella varia; Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1977, as Dicranella varia; Crum, H., 1994e, as Dicranella varia; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987, as Dicranella varia]  Anisothecium yezoanum (Cardot) Brotherus, 1924 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987, as Dicranella yezoana] Anoectangium Schwägrichen, 1811 {7/16/3/24/0=50} POTTIACEAE  Anoectangium abyssinicum Hampe ex Geheeb, 1899 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium aestivum (Hedwig) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1994o; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1977; Lawton, E., 1971; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Anoectangium afrocompactum C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium bellii Brotherus ex Dixon, 1926 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Anoectangium bicolor Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium borbonense Bescherelle, 1880 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium brachyphyllum Brotherus in Herzog, 1920 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Anoectangium brotherusii Kis, 1984 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Anoectangium clarum Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium contortum Brotherus, 1916  Anoectangium crassinervium Mitten, 1859 – [Li Xing-jiang & Z. Iwatsuki, 1997]  Anoectangium eukilimandscharicum Dixon, 1937 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] 

Anoectangium flexuosum Negri, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Anoectangium fuscum Negri, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Anoectangium haleakalae (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Anoectangium hanningtonii Mitten, 1888 – [Kis, G.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1985]  Anoectangium harttiae E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Anoectangium herzogii Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Anoectangium hobsonii Mitten, 1887 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium humblotii Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium hymenodontoides (C. Müller) Jaeger,  Anoectangium madagassum Renauld & Paris, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Anoectangium mafatense Renauld & Cardot, 1890 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium magnirete E. B. Bartram, 1945 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium microphyllum Cardot, 1907  Anoectangium nigerianum Brotherus & Paris, 1911  Anoectangium pallidicaule Dixon, 1942  Anoectangium papuanum Fleischer, 1917 – [cited by Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989 as insufficiently known]  Anoectangium patagonicum Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Anoectangium pflanzii Brotherus, 1912 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Anoectangium pleuroweisioides J. Fröhlich, 1964 – [Fröhlich, J., 1964]  Anoectangium rhaphidostegium C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1880 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium rivale Cardot, 1908  Anoectangium rufoviride Bescherelle, 1880 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium schimperi Mitten, 1887  Anoectangium sellae Negri, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Anoectangium shepherdae (Cardot & Dixon) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium sikkimense Aziz & Vohra, 1988 [1990] – [Aziz, M. N. & J. N. Vohra, 1988 [1990]]  Anoectangium spathulatum Mitten, 1863  Anoectangium stracheyanum Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium tapes Bescherelle, 1898 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Anoectangium thomsonii Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium walkeri Brotherus, 1899 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium weisioides C. Müller, 1897 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Anoectangium wilmsianum (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1993] Anomobryum W. P. Schimper, 1860 {22/2/5/18/0=47} BRYACEAE  Anomobryum albo-imbricatum (Ochi) T. Koponen & Norris, 1984 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Ochi, H., 1980, as Bryum albo-imbricatum]


1880 Anoectangium impressum Hampe, 1874 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium kashmiriense Aziz & Vohra, 1983 [1985] – [Aziz, M. N. & J. N. Vohra, 1983 [1985]]  Anoectangium keniae (Potier de la Varde) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Anoectangium lineare (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] 


Anomobryum alpinum Zang Mu & Li Xing-jiang in Li Xing-jiang et al., 1985 – [Li Xing-jiang (Editor-in-Chief)], 1985]  Anomobryum angustirete Brotherus, 1927 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Anomobryum astorense (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1903  Anomobryum auratum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum auratum; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Anomobryum brachymenioides Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930 – [Ochi, H., 1985, as Bryum brachymenioides; Ochi, H., 1972b, as Bryum brachymenioides]  Anomobryum brachymeniopsis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Anomobryum bulbiferum E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Ochi, H., 1985, as Bryum rubrobulbiferum; Eddy, A., 1996]  Anomobryum clavicaule (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Anomobryum compressulum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Anomobryum conicum (Hornschuch) Brotherus, 1903 – [Ochi, H., 1980, as Bryum conicum; Ochi, H., 1982, as Bryum conicum]  Anomobryum cygnicollum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Anomobryum drakensbergense Rooy, 1986 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Anomobryum erectum B. C. Tan & T. Koponen, 1989 – [Tan, B. C. & T. Koponen, 1989; Ochi, H., 1980, as Bryum petelotii]  Anomobryum filinerve (Mitten) Brotherus, 1903  Anomobryum gemmigerum Brotherus, 1910 – [Ochi, H., 1967, as Bryum gemmigerum; Ochi, H., 1985, as Bryum gemmigerum]  Anomobryum harriottii (R. Brown ter) Dixon, 1926  Anomobryum humillimum (C. Müller ex Britton) Brotherus, 1903 – [Ochi, H., 1980, as Bryum humillimum; Ochi, H., 1982, as Bryum humillimum]  Anomobryum hyalinum T. Koponen & Norris, 1984 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Eddy, A., 1996]  Anomobryum julaceum (Schrader ex P. G. Gärtner, B. Meyer & Scherbius) W. P. Schimper, 1860 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Ochi, H., 1982, as Bryum filiforme; Eddy, A., 1996]  Anomobryum kashmirense (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1903  Anomobryum laceratum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1903



– [Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum laceratum]  Anomobryum leptocladon (Sullivant) Brotherus, 1903  Anomobryum leptostomoides W. P. Schimper, 1873 – [Shaw, J. & A. J. Fife, 1984; Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum laceratum]  Anomobryum lusitanicum (I. Hagen ex Luisier) Thériot, 1933  Anomobryum minutirete (C. Müller) Kis, 1984 – [Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum minutirete]  Anomobryum obtusatissimum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Anomobryum polysetum A. J. Shaw, 1986 – [Shaw, J., 1986]  Anomobryum prostratum (C. Müller) Bescherelle, 1872 – [Ochi, H., 1994a, as Bryum prostratum]  Anomobryum pycnobaseum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Anomobryum schmidii (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875  Anomobryum semiovatum (Bridel) Jaeger, 1875 – [Winkler, S., 1964–65 [1965]]  Anomobryum semireticulatum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Anomobryum sharpii A. J. Shaw in A. J. Shaw & Fife, 1984 – [Shaw, J. & A. J. Fife, 1984]  Anomobryum soquense (Paris) Brotherus, 1903 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Anomobryum steerei A. J. Shaw, 1987 – [Shaw, J., 1987]  Anomobryum subnitidum Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Anomobryum tereticaule (Cardot) A. J. Shaw in A. J. Shaw & Fife, 1984 – [Shaw, J. & A. J. Fife, 1984; Shaw, J., 1994a, as Anomobryopsis tereticaulis; Ochi, H., 1981a, as Anomobryopsis tereticaulis]  Anomobryum werthii Brotherus in Drygalski, 1906 – [Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum werthii]  Anomobryum worthleyi H. Robinson, 1967 – [Robinson, H., 1967b; Shaw, J. & A. J. Fife, 1984]  Anomobryum yasudae Brotherus, 1921 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Ochi, H., 1985, as Bryum yasudae] Anomodon W. J. Hooker & Taylor, 1818 {16/0/0/2/0=18} ANOMODONTACEAE  Anomodon abbreviatus Mitten, 1891 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon attenuatus (Hedwig) Hübener, 1833 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon dentatus Gao Chien, 1977 – [Granzow de la Cerda, I., 1989; Anonymous, 1977; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon flagelliformis (Savicz-Ljubitskaya) Granzow-de la Cerda, 1997 – [Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon giraldii C. Müller, 1896 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon grandiretis Brotherus, 1924 – [cited by Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997 as insufficiently known; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]


Anomobryum ochianum A. J. Shaw in A. J. Shaw & Fife, 1984 – [Shaw, J. & A. J. Fife, 1984; Eddy, A., 1996]  Anomobryum ochii T. Koponen & Norris, 1984 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984]  Anomobryum parvifolium E. B. Bartram, 1961  Anomobryum pellucidum Dixon & Badhwar, 1938 – [Ochi, H., 1985, as Bryum himalayanopellucidum]  Anomobryum plicatum Cardot, 1909 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1994a, as Bryum plicatum]  Anomobryum polymorphum Dixon, 1938 

Anomodon longifolius (Schleicher ex Bridel) C. J. Hartman, 1838 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon longinervis Brotherus, 1899 – [Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon minor (Hedwig) Fürnrohr, 1829 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon pseudotristis (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 – [Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon rostratus (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper, 1860 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon rotundatus Paris & Brotherus, 1909 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Anomodon rugelii (C. Müller) Keissler, 1900 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon sieboldii (Dozy & Molkenboer) Granzow-de la Cerda, 1997 – [Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon solovjovii Lazarenko, 1933 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon thraustus C. Müller, 1898 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997]  Anomodon tristis (Cesati in De Notaris) Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Haplohymenium triste; Watanabe, R., 1972, as Haplohymenium triste; Vohra, J. N., 1983, as Haplohymenium triste]  Anomodon viticulosus (Hedwig) W. J. Hooker & Taylor, 1818 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Watanabe, R., 1972; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997] Antitrichia Bridel, 1819 [1818] {3/0/0/0/0=3} LEUCODONTACEAE  Antitrichia californica Sullivant in Lesquereux, 1865 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Antitrichia curtipendula (Timm ex Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Sloover, J. L. de, 1976b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995]  Antitrichia kilimandscharica Brotherus, 1897 –

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES [Frahm, J.-P., 1993b] Aongstroemia Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 {4/0/0/3/0=7} DICRANACEAE  Aongstroemia appressa Hampe ex C. Müller, 1900  Aongstroemia filiformis (Palisot de Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Crum, H., 1994f; Magill, R. E., 1981; Allen, B., 1994a]  Aongstroemia gayana (Montagne) C. Müller, 1848 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Aongstroemia julacea (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H., 1994f; Magill, R. E., 1981; Allen, B., 1994a]  Aongstroemia longipes (Sommerfeldt in Wahlenberg) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Lawton, E.,  Aphanorrhegma serratum (W. J. Hooker & Wilson in Drummond) Sullivant in A. Gray, 1848 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a] Aplodon R. Brown, 1823 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SPLACHNACEAE  Aplodon wormskioldii (Hornemann in Oeder) R. Brown, 1823 – [Steere, W. C., 1973] Aptychella (Brotherus) Herzog, 1916 {6/0/0/1/0=7} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Aptychella chilensis Herzog, 1954 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Aptychella chlorophyllosa (Herzog) Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Aptychella clemensiae E. B. Bartram, 1945  Aptychella linearifolia Herzog, 1920 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Aptychella proligera (Brotherus) Herzog, 1916 – [Magill, R., 1994c; Tan, B. C. & W. R. Buck, 1989; Tixier, P., 1977; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Aptychella speciosa (Mitten) Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Aptychella tenuiramea (Mitten) Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Gangulee, H. C., 1980] Aptychopsis (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 {3/0/0/1/0=4} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Aptychopsis pungifolia (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Aptychopsis pycnodonta Herzog, 1934 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Aptychopsis pyrrophylla (C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1959 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Aptychopsis subpungifolia (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Sehnem, A., 1978] Archidium Bridel, 1827 {28/0/4/2/0=34} ARCHIDIACEAE  Archidium acanthophyllum Snider, 1975 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Magill, R. E., 1981; Snider, J. A., 1975b]  Archidium acauloides Schwab, 1978 – [Schwab, G., 1978; Snider, J. A., 1994a]  Archidium alternifolium (Dickson ex Hedwig) Mitten, 1851 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a]  Archidium amplexicaule C. Müller, 1882 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Archidium andersonianum Snider, 1975 – [Snider, J.


1971] Aongstroemia orientalis Mitten, 1891 – [Crum, H., 1994f; Allen, B., 1994a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Aongstroemia subcompressa Hampe in C. Müller, 1859 Aongstroemiopsis Fleischer, 1904 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Aongstroemiopsis julacea (Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1904 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Gangulee, H. C., 1971] Aphanorrhegma Sullivant in A. Gray, 1848 {1/0/0/0/0=1} FUNARIACEAE 

A., 1975a; Snider, J. A., 1975b; Magill, R. E., 1981] Archidium birmannicum Mitten ex Dixon, 1921 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Archidium brevinerve Potier de la Varde, 1933 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a]  Archidium capense Hornschuch, 1841 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Archidium clarksonianum Stone, 1997 – [Stone, I. G., 1997b]  Archidium clavatum Stone, 1973 – [Stone, I. G., 1973a; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Archidium cubense R. S. Williams, 1919 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Archidium dinteri (Irmscher) Snider, 1975 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a]  Archidium donnellii Austin, 1877 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Archidium elatum Dixon & Sainsbury, 1945 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a]  Archidium hallii Austin, 1877 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a]  Archidium indicum C. Müller, 1888 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Stone, I. G., 1997b]  Archidium johannis-negrii Tongiorgi, 1939 – [cited by Snider, J. A., 1975a as insufficiently known]  Archidium julaceum C. Müller, 1882 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a]  Archidium julicaule C. Müller, 1899 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Archidium laterale Bruch, 1846 – [cited by Snider, J. A., 1975a as insufficiently known; cited by Magill, R. E., 1981 as insufficiently known]  Archidium laxirete Potier de la Varde, 1936 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a]  Archidium microthecium Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1928 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Archidium minus (Renauld & Cardot) Snider, 1975 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a]  Archidium minutissimum Stone, 1985 – [Stone, I. G., 1985c]  Archidium muellerianum Snider, 1975 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Snider, J. A., 1975b; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Archidium ohioense W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1851 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Magill, R. E., 1981; Gao Chien (editor), 1994] 

28 


Archidium rehmannii Mitten, 1886 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Archidium rothii Watts ex G. Roth, 1914 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Archidium stellatum Stone, 1973 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Archidium subulatum C. Müller, 1888 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Archidium tenerrimum Mitten, 1864 – [Snider, J. A., 1975a]  Archidium thalliferum Stone, 1985 – [Stone, I. G., 1985b]  Archidium wattsii (Brotherus) Stone, 1984 – [Stone, I. G., 1984b]  Archidium yunnanense Arts & Magill, 1994 – [Arts, T. & R. E. Magill, 1994]  Arthrocormus schimperi (Dozy & Molkenboer) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 – [Enroth, J., 1990a; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]] Aschisma Lindberg, 1878 {2/0/0/0/0=2} POTTIACEAE  Aschisma carniolicum (Weber & D. Mohr) Lindberg, 1878 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Aschisma kansanum Andrews, 1915 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993] Astomiopsis C. Müller, 1882 {5/0/1/0/0=6} DITRICHACEAE  Astomiopsis amblyocalyx C. Müller, 1882 – [Snider, J. A., 1987 [1988]; Snider, J. A., 1994e]  Astomiopsis exserta (E. B. Bartram) Snider, 1987 [1988] – [Snider, J. A., 1987 [1988]; Snider, J. A., 1994e]  Astomiopsis julacea (Bescherelle) K. L. Yip & Snider, 1998 – [Yip, K. L. & J. A. Snider, 1998; Gao Chien (editor), 1994, as Astomiopsis sinensis; Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990, as Pleuridium julaceum]  Astomiopsis magilliana Snider, K. L. Yip & J. Clark, 1999 – [Snider, J., K. L. Yip & J. Clark, 1999]  Astomiopsis pacifica W. R. Buck & Landrum, 1977 – [Snider, J. A., 1987 [1988]; Buck, W. R. & L. R. Landrum, 1977]  Astomiopsis subulata C. Müller, 1882 – [Snider, J. A., 1987 [1988]] Astomum Hampe, 1837 =Weissia {0/0/1/4/0=5} POTTIACEAE  Astomum borbonicum Bizot & Onraedt ex Onraedt, 1976 – [Onraedt, M., 1976]  Astomum japonicum G. Roth, 1911 – [cited by Saito, K., 1975 as insufficiently known]  Astomum lorentzii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Astomum minutum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Astomum mollifolium (C. Müller in Brotherus) Brotherus, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981] Atractylocarpus Mitten, 1869 {9/0/0/1/0=10} DICRANACEAE  Atractylocarpus alpinus (W. P. Schimper ex Milde) Lindberg, 1886 – [Padberg, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985]  Atractylocarpus alticaulis (Brotherus in Mildbraed) R.

Arctoa Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 {3/0/0/1/0=4} DICRANACEAE  Arctoa anderssonii Wichura, 1859 – [Corley, M. F. V., 1979; Nyholm, E., 1986 [1987]]  Arctoa fulvella (Dickson) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Arctoa hyperborea (Gunnerus ex Withering) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Arctoa schistioides (Brotherus ex Iishiba) Iishiba, 1932 Arthrocormus Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CALYMPERACEAE S. Williams, 1928 – [Padberg, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985] Atractylocarpus brasiliensis (C. Müller) R. S. Williams, 1928 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Padberg, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985]  Atractylocarpus intermedius (B. H. Allen) Frahm, 1997 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1997; Allen, B., 1994a, as Dicranodontium intermedium; Allen, B., 1992a, as Dicranodontium intermedium]  Atractylocarpus longisetus (W. J. Hooker) E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Padberg, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Atractylocarpus madagascariensis (Thériot) Padberg & Frahm, 1985 – [Padberg, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985]  Atractylocarpus nanus R. S. Williams, 1928 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Atractylocarpus neocaledonicus (Brotherus & Paris) R. S. Williams, 1928 – [cited by Padberg, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985 as insufficiently known]  Atractylocarpus novoguineensis (Brotherus & Geheeb) Norris & T. Koponen, 1990 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Padberg, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985, as Atractylocarpus comosus]  Atractylocarpus patagonicus Herzog & Thériot, 1933 – [Padberg, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985] Atrichopsis Cardot, 1912 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POLYTRICHACEAE  Atrichopsis compressa (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) G. L. Smith, 1969 – [Smith, G. L., 1969; Schiavone, M. M., 1993] Atrichum Palisot de Beauvois, 1804 {16/0/1/3/0=20} POLYTRICHACEAE  Atrichum altecristatum (Renauld & Cardot) Ireland, 1969 – [Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ireland, R. R., 1969b]  Atrichum androgynum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Nyholm, E., 1971; Sloover, J. L. de, 1986]  Atrichum angustatum (Bridel) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1844 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Nyholm, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Atrichum brevilamellatum Dixon & Thériot, 1942 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Atrichum crispulum W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1893 – [Hyvönen, J. & Ming-Jou Lai, 1991; Lou 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Jian-shing & T. Koponen, 1986; Nyholm, E., 1971] Atrichum crispum (Hampe) Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Nyholm, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Atrichum cylindricum (Willdenow ex Weber) G. L. Smith, 1977 – [Smith, G. L., 1977]  Atrichum flavisetum Mitten, 1859 – [Ignatov, M. S. & G. L. S. Merrill, 1995; Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Atrichum longifolium Cardot & Dixon ex Gangulee, 1969 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Atrichum muelleri W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1872 – [Merrill, G. L. S., 1994]  Atrichum nigricans (C. Müller ex Herzog) F. J. Hermann, 1976 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Atrichum oerstedianum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Merrill, G. L. S., 1994]  Atrichum polycarpum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – Aulacomnium Schwägrichen, 1827 {5/0/0/1/0=6} AULACOMNIACEAE  Aulacomnium acuminatum (Lindberg & H. Arnell) Kindberg, 1891 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Aulacomnium androgynum (Hedwig) Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Aulacomnium heterostichum (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1841 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Aulacomnium palustre (Hedwig) Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Aulacomnium stolonaceum C. Müller, 1900  Aulacomnium turgidum (Wahlenberg) Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Lawton, E., 1971] Aulacopilum Wilson, 1848 {5/1/1/0/0=7} ERPODIACEAE  Aulacopilum abbreviatum Mitten, 1873 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]]  Aulacopilum glaucum Wilson, 1848 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Stone, I. G., 1997a, as Erpodium glaucum]  Aulacopilum hodgkinsoniae (Hampe & C. Müller) Brotherus, 1905 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Stone, I. G., 1997a, as Erpodium hodgkinsoniae]  Aulacopilum japonicum Brotherus ex Cardot, 1909 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Aulacopilum schaeferi H. Crum, 1988 – [Crum, H., 1988]  Aulacopilum trichophyllum Ångström in C. Müller, 1862 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Aulacopilum tumidulum Thwaites & Mitten, 1873 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Pursell, R. A., 1994e] Austinia C. Müller, 1875 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MYRINIACEAE  Austinia tenuinervis C. Müller, 1875 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Crum, H., 1994d] Austrophilibertiella Ochyra, 1996 {0/2/0/0/0=2} DITRICHACEAE  Austrophilibertiella ditrichoidea (Cardot) Ochyra, 1996 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985a, as Philibertiella 


[Merrill, G. L. S., 1994]  Atrichum pusillum (C. Müller) Paris, 1900  Atrichum rhystophyllum (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Nyholm, E., 1971; Lou Jian-shing & T. Koponen, 1986]  Atrichum selwynii Austin, 1877 – [Nyholm, E., 1971]  Atrichum subserratum (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1859 – [Lou Jian-shing & T. Koponen, 1986; Smith, G. L., 1976a]  Atrichum tenellum (Röhling) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1844 – [Nyholm, E., 1971]  Atrichum undulatum (Hedwig) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Nyholm, E., 1971]  Atrichum yakushimense (Horikawa) U. Mizushima, 1956 – [Lou Jian-shing & T. Koponen, 1986; Nyholm, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987] ditrichoidea; Ochyra, R., 1996a] Austrophilibertiella nitens (Herzog) Ochyra, 1996 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985a, as Philibertiella nitens; Ochyra, R., 1996a; Matteri, C. M., 1985a, as Philibertiella nitens] Baldwiniella Brotherus in Fleischer, 1906 {0/0/0/1/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Baldwiniella kealeensis (Reichardt) E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Barbella Fleischer ex Brotherus, 1906 {10/0/0/7/1=18} METEORIACEAE  Barbella angustifolia Brotherus ex Gangulee, 1976 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Barbella biformis Noguchi, 1976 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Barbella capillaris (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925  Barbella capillicaulis (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915  Barbella chrysonema (C. Müller in Renauld & Cardot) Noguchi, 1976 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Barbella compressiramea (Renauld & Cardot) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1906 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Barbella conferva (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Barbella elegantula Brotherus ex Iishiba, 1929  Barbella eusebii Tosco & Piovano, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Barbella flagellifera (Cardot) Noguchi, 1938 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b]  Barbella futunensis Thériot, 1938 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Barbella horridula Brotherus, 1913 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Barbella linearifolia Lin Shan-hsiung, 1988 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Pseudobarbella angustifolia; Noguchi, A., 1976, as Pseudobarbella angustifolia]  Barbella macroblasta Brotherus, 1913 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Barbella perpinnata (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1906 – [cited by Streimann, H., 1991b as insufficiently known] 



 Barbella phyllogonioides (Jaeger) Brotherus, 1906 – [Excluded by Noguchi, A., 1976]  Barbella rufifolia (Thwaites & Mitten) Brotherus, 1906 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Barbella turgida Noguchi in H. Hara, 1966 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Barbellopsis Brotherus in Handel-Mazzetti, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} METEORIACEAE  Barbellopsis trichophora (Montagne) W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b] Barbula Hedwig, 1801 {28/22/6/116/0=172} POTTIACEAE  Barbula acrophylla C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Barbula afrofontana (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Barbula alpicola C. Müller, 1900  Barbula aureola C. Müller, 1900  Barbula austrogracilis Dusén, 1906 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Barbula bagelensis Fleischer, 1902  Barbula bicolor (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Lindberg, 1863 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula bolleana (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Frahm, J.-P., A. Lindlar, P. Sollman & E. Fischer, 1996]  Barbula brachymenia (Mitten) Jaeger, 1873  Barbula bulbiformis Bridel, 1826  Barbula calycina Schwägrichen, 1823 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Barbula calyculosa (Mitten) Jaeger, 1873 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula capillipes Brotherus, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Barbula chenia Redfearn & B. C. Tan, 1995 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Barbula chlorotricha (Brotherus & Geheeb) Paris, 1894 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Barbula chocayensis Brotherus & Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Barbula chrysopus C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Barbula confertifolia Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Barbula congoana Thériot, 1930 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Barbula convoluta Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Barbula coreensis (Cardot) K. Saito, 1975 – [Saito, K., 1975]  Barbula costa-ricensis Renauld & Cardot, 1892  Barbula costata (Mitten) Jaeger, 1873 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Barbula costesii Thériot, 1921 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula crocea (Bridel) Weber & D. Mohr, 1807 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]

Barbula altipapillosa E. B. Bartram, 1954 Barbula amplexifolia (Mitten) Jaeger, 1873 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1979; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Hydrogonium amplexifolium]  Barbula anastomosans C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula anceps Cardot, 1905 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula appressifolia (Mitten) Jaeger, 1873 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Barbula aquatica Cardot & Thériot in Thériot, 1906* – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Barbula arctoamericana C. Müller, 1900  Barbula arcuata Griffith, 1842 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1994t; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993] 

Barbula crozalsii (Philibert) Brotherus, 1924 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula cucullata J. Fröhlich, 1964 – [Fröhlich, J., 1964]  Barbula cylindrangia C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Barbula declivium C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula dharvarensis Dixon, 1921  Barbula dioritica C. Müller, 1875  Barbula dissita C. Müller, 1898 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Barbula dixoniana (Chen Pan-chieh) Redfearn & B. C. Tan, 1995 – [Zhang Zhaou-hui, 1996]  Barbula dusenii C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1897  Barbula ehrenbergii (Lorentz) Fleischer, 1901 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994t]  Barbula elata C. Müller, 1849 [Mar]  Barbula enderesii Garovaglio, 1840 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula eubryum C. Müller, 1879 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Barbula farriae H. Crum & E. B. Bartram, 1958  Barbula fendleri C. Müller, 1879 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula fidelis H. Crum & Steere, 1958 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula francii Thériot, 1921 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Barbula frigida C. Müller, 1858 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Barbula funalis Dixon & Badhwar, 1938  Barbula furvofusca C. Müller, 1898 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Barbula fuscescens Wallich, 1832 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Barbula fuscoviridis Brotherus ex Thériot, 1921 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Barbula gattefossei Potier de la Varde, 1934  Barbula geminata C. Müller, 1900 – [Streimann, H.

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES & J. Curnow, 1989]  Barbula geniculata (Montagne) C. Müller, 1849 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Barbula glaucescens Hampe, 1863 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as insufficiently known]  Barbula glaucula C. Müller, 1882 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula gracilenta Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Hydrogonium gracilentum]  Barbula gracillima (Herzog) Brotherus, 1925 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996; Zander, R. H., 1993, as Streblotrichum gracillimum]  Barbula granulosa Thériot, 1936  Barbula grimmiacea C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula gymnostoma C. Müller, 1900  Barbula hampeana Paris, 1894 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Barbula javanica Dozy & Molkenboer, 1844 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula juniperoidea C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula kiaerii Brotherus, 1903 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Barbula lamprocalyx C. Müller, 1849 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula laureriana Lorentz, 1864  Barbula lavardei (Thériot) Zander & Churchill in Churchill & Linares C., 1995 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Barbula leiophylla Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966]  Barbula leucobasis Dixon in Dixon & Greenwood, 1930  Barbula leucodontoides (Gangulee) Gangulee, 1972 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula linguaecuspis Brotherus, 1920  Barbula lonchodonta C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula lurida Hornschuch, 1840 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula macassarensis Fleischer, 1904  Barbula majuscula C. Müller, 1898 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula malagana H. Crum, 1967 – [Crum, H., 1967b]  Barbula marginans C. Müller, 1900 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Barbula marginatula Gangulee, 1966 [1967] – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Gangulee, h. C., 1966 [1967]; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula meidensis Cufodontis, 1951  Barbula microcalycina Magill, 1981 [1982] – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula munyensis R. S. Williams, 1927 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]



Barbula hiroshii K. Saito, 1975 – [Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Barbula hispaniolensis W. R. Buck & Steere, 1983 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula hosseusii Thériot, 1935 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula hyalinobasis Brotherus, 1920  Barbula hymenostylioides Brotherus in Urban, 1903  Barbula inclinans W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Barbula indica (W. J. Hooker) Sprengel in Steudel, 1824 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1994t; Magill, R. E., 1981; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula integrifolia (R. S. Williams) Zander, 1972 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula isoindica Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula novae-caledoniae C. Müller, 1898 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Barbula novo-granatensis Hampe, 1863 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as insufficiently known]  Barbula novo-guinensis Brotherus, 1895 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Barbula occidentalis (Mitten) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Barbula omissa Thériot, 1927  Barbula orizabensis C. Müller, 1876 – [Zander, R. H., 1994t; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula pachyloma Brotherus, 1893 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula pallidobasis Dixon, 1934 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Barbula perlinearis C. Müller, 1899 – [cited by Magill, R. E., 1981 as insufficiently known]  Barbula pernana C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula pertorquescens Brotherus, 1918 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula peruviana (Mitten) Jaeger, 1873 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula pflanzii (Brotherus) Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Barbula plebeja C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula potaninii Brotherus ex C. Müller, 1896  Barbula pseudo-ehrenbergii Fleischer, 1904 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Saito, K., 1971; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula pseudonigrescens Tixier, 1974 – [Tixier, P., 1974a]  Barbula punae Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Barbula purpurascens Dusén, 1906 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]



Barbula pycnophylla Cardot, 1906 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Barbula pygmaea C. Müller, 1888 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Barbula rechingeri Brotherus, 1913 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula riograndensis E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula riparia C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula robbinsii E. B. Bartram, 1961 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Barbula rothii Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Barbula rubriseta E. B. Bartram in E. Bauer, 1936 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula salisburiensis Dixon, 1922 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Barbula sambakiana Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Barbula santessonii E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Barbula santiagensis Brotherus in Dusén, 1907 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Barbula subcalycina C. Müller, 1868 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula subcernua W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1880  Barbula subcomosa Brotherus, 1899 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Saito, K., 1975]  Barbula subdenticulata Dixon, 1932 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Barbula subglaucescens C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Barbula subgrimmiacea Thériot in Felippone, 1929 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula subobtusa Thériot, 1930 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Barbula subpellucida Mitten, 1859 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Hydrogonium subpellucidum]  Barbula subreflexifolia C. Müller, 1900  Barbula subreplicata Brotherus, 1920 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Barbula subrufa Brotherus ex C. Müller, 1900  Barbula subruncinata C. Müller, 1900 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula subtorquescens (C. Müller & Kindberg in Macoun) Kindberg, 1897  Barbula sumatrana Baumgartner & Dixon, 1943 – [cited by Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.] as insufficiently known]  Barbula swartziana C. Müller, 1898  Barbula tenuicoma C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Barbula tenuirostris Bridel, 1827 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Barbula thelimitria C. Müller, 1900  Barbula tisserantii (Potier de la Varde) Potier de la Varde, 1937 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1975, as Hydrogonium tisserantii]  Barbula tortelloides C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D.

Barbula scleromitra Bescherelle, 1894 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Barbula semilimbata Dixon & Luisier, 1937  Barbula semirosulata Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula seramensis H. Akiyama, 1996 – [Akiyama, H., 1996]  Barbula singkarakensis Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1955  Barbula somaliae C. Müller, 1876  Barbula sordida Bescherelle, 1894 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula spathulifolia (Dixon & Potier de la Varde) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula speirostega C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Barbula stenocarpa Hampe, 1866 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as insufficiently known]  Barbula subcaespitosa (Hampe) Brotherus, 1902 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as insufficiently known] M., 1986]  Barbula translucens Salzm. ex Bruch, 1827  Barbula trichomanoides Brotherus ex Iishiba, 1932  Barbula tuberculosa (Renauld & Paris) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Barbula umtaliensis Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Barbula uncinicoma C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula unguiculata Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Barbula unguiculatula C. Müller, 1879 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula vaginata Warnstorf, 1915  Barbula validinervia C. Müller, 1883  Barbula vardei R. S. Chopra, 1977  Barbula ventanica C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Barbula vulcanica Lorentz, 1864  Barbula williamsii (Chen Pan-chieh) Iwatsuki & B. C. Tan, 1979 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula zambesiaca Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Barbula zennoskeanna B. C. Tan, 1994 – [Tan, B. C., 1994b] Bardunovia Ignatov & Ochyra, 1995 {0/0/1/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Bardunovia baicalensis Ignatov & Ochyra, 1995 – [Ignatov, M. S. & R. Ochyra, 1995] Bartramia Hedwig, 1801 {24/1/3/43/0=71} BARTRAMIACEAE  Bartramia afro-ithyphylla Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bartramia alaris Dixon & Sainsbury, 1933  Bartramia angustifolia Mitten, 1869 – [Fransén, S.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1995 [1996]; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Bartramia angustissima Dixon, 1938 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bartramia aprica C. Müller, 1875  Bartramia baldwinii C. Müller, 1896 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Bartramia bogongia Catcheside, 1987 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1987]  Bartramia borbonica (Bescherelle) C. Müller, 1900  Bartramia boulayi Renauld & Cardot, 1890 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Bartramia brevifolia Bridel, 1827 – [Fransén, S., 1995 [1996]; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Bartramia capensis (R. Brown) Wijk & Margadant, 1959 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Bartramia compacta Hornschuch, 1820 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Bartramia conica E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Bartramia costa-ricensis C. Müller, 1851 – [Bowers, F. D., 1970]  Bartramia crassinervia Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1867  Bartramia delagoae C. Müller, 1899 – [cited by  Bartramia humilis Mitten, 1869 – [Griffin, D., 1990b; Fransén, S., 1995 [1996]; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Bartramia inconspicua Mitten, 1876  Bartramia ithyphylla Bridel, 1803 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Bartramia jungneri Paris, 1900 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bartramia leikipiae C. Müller, 1890  Bartramia leptodonta Wilson, 1857 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Bartramia longifolia W. J. Hooker, 1818 – [Fransén, S., 1995 [1996]; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Bartramia macounii Austin, 1877  Bartramia maderensis C. Müller, 1900  Bartramia madurensis Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1925  Bartramia marionensis Mitten, 1885  Bartramia mathewsii Mitten, 1869 – [Fransén, S., 1995 [1996]; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Bartramia mathildae C. Müller, 1900  Bartramia microbasis C. Müller, 1882 – [cited by Matteri, C. M., 1984 as insufficiently known]  Bartramia microcarpa Potier de la Varde, 1954 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bartramia microstoma Mitten, 1869 – [Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Bartramia nothostricta Catcheside, 1987 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1987]  Bartramia obscura Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Bartramia papulans C. Müller, 1898 – [cited by Fransén, S., 1995 [1996] as insufficiently known]  Bartramia patens Bridel, 1803 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Newton, M. E., 1973; Matteri, C. M., 1985b]


Magill, R. E., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Bartramia didymocarpa W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Bartramia dilatata Brotherus & Irmscher, 1914 – [cited by Fransén, S., 1995 [1996] as insufficiently known; cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Bartramia erwinii R. Brown ter, 1900  Bartramia fragilicuspis Brotherus, 1932 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Bartramia fragilis Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1859  Bartramia gathica Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Bartramia gigantea Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1804 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bartramia halleriana Hedwig, 1801 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Bartramia hampeana C. Müller, 1858 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Bartramia hampei (Mitten) Catcheside, 1980 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Bartramia heteromalla Bridel, 1827 

Bartramia perpumila C. Müller, 1882 – [Fransén, S., 1995 [1996]]  Bartramia pilicuspis Herzog, 1916 – [Fransén, S., 1995 [1996]]  Bartramia polytrichoides C. Müller, 1874 – [Fransén, S., 1995 [1996]; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Bartramia pomiformis Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Bartramia potosica Montagne, 1838 – [Fransén, S., 1995 [1996]; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Bartramia prabaktiana Dozy & Molkenboer in Zollinger, 1854  Bartramia pseudocryptopodium C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bartramia pseudostricta Catcheside, 1987 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1987]  Bartramia radicosa Mitten, 1876  Bartramia rietmanniana C. Müller, 1900  Bartramia ruvenzorensis Brotherus, 1877 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bartramia sobrina Cardot, 1916  Bartramia sphaerica (Bridel) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805  Bartramia spielhausii C. Müller, 1899 – [cited by Magill, R. E., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Bartramia stricta Bridel, 1803 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Matteri, C. M., 1985b]  Bartramia strictula C. Müller, 1888 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bartramia strumosa (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Fransén, S., 1995 [1996]; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Bartramia subithyphylla Bescherelle, 1872 – [cited



by Griffin, D., III, 1994a as insufficiently known] Bartramia subpellucida Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Bartramia subrobusta Brotherus in Drygalski, 1906  Bartramia subulata Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Bartramia thelioides C. Müller, 1875 – [cited by Fransén, S., 1995 [1996] as insufficiently known; cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Bartramia timmioides C. Müller, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Bartramia tophacea C. Müller, 1900 Bartramidula Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 {7/0/0/9/0=16} BARTRAMIACEAE  Bartramidula aristata Herzog, 1934  Bartramidula bartramioides (Griffith) Wijk & Margadant, 1958 – [Eddy, A., 1996, as Philonotis bartramioides]  Bartramidula comosa Brotherus, 1904 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Bartramidula curta (Hampe) Paris, 1894 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Bartramidula cygnea (Montagne) Paris, 1894 – [Matteri, C. M., 1984]  Beeveria distichophylloides (Brotherus & Dixon in Dixon) Fife, 1992 – [Fife, A. J., 1992] Bellibarbula Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 {2/0/0/0/0=2} POTTIACEAE  Bellibarbula kurziana Hampe ex Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Bellibarbula recurva (Griffith) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994r, as Bryoerythrophyllum recurvum; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Didymodon recurvus] Bescherellia Duby, 1873 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CYRTOPODACEAE  Bescherellia elegantissima Duby, 1873 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987a] Bestia Brotherus, 1906 {0/1/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Bestia longipes (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Brotherus, 1906 – [Crum, H., 1987a; Norris, D. H. & J. Enroth, 1990] Bissetia Brotherus ex Fleischer, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Bissetia lingulata (Mitten) Brotherus, 1906 – [Enroth, J., 1992a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Blindia Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 {16/0/1/1/7=25} SELIGERIACEAE  Blindia acuta (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Allen, B., 1994a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Sloover, J. L. de, 1979] 

Bartramidula dispersa Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Bartramidula erecta (Mitten) Paris, 1894  Bartramidula fendleri (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Bartramidula glaziovii (Hampe) Paris, 1894 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Bartramidula globosa (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Bartramidula le-testui Potier de la Varde, 1934  Bartramidula nana (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Bartramidula patula (Mitten) Paris, 1894  Bartramidula pusilla (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Paris, 1894 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Bartramidula roylei (J. D. Hooker in W. J. Hooker) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Bartramidula tuerckheimii (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 Bartramiopsis Kindberg, 1894 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POLYTRICHACEAE  Bartramiopsis lescurii (T. P. James) Kindberg, 1894 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987] Beeveria Fife, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PILOTRICHACEAE 

Blindia brachystegia Dixon in R. A. Dyer, 1939 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia caespiticia (Weber & D. Mohr) C. Müller, 1853 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia campylopodioides Dixon & Badhwar, 1938 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia capillifolia Cardot, 1906 – [Excluded by Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia contecta (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) C. Müller, 1848 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia dalatensis Tixier, 1974 – [Tixier, P., 1974a]  Blindia dryptodontoides C. Müller, 1883 – [Excluded by Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia gradsteinii Bartlett & Vitt, 1986 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia immersa (E. B. Bartram & Dixon) Sainsbury, 1952 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia inundata (Cardot) Cardot, 1908 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia jamesonii Montagne, 1856 – [Excluded by Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia japonica Brotherus, 1921 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Blindia lewinskyae Bartlett & Vitt, 1986 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia magellanica W. P. Schimper in C. Müller, 1862 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Blindia martinii Sainsbury, 1949 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES  Blindia maxwellii Vitt, 1971 [1972] – [Excluded by Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia robusta Hampe, 1860 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia roerichii R. S. Williams, 1931 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia seppeltii Bartlett & Vitt, 1986 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia sonsoniae C. Müller, 1874 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as insufficiently known]  Blindia stricta (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) C. Müller, 1848 – [Excluded by Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia subtortifolia Brotherus, 1906 – [Excluded by Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia torrentium Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Blindia tortelloides C. Müller, 1883 – [Excluded by Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986] Boulaya Cardot, 1912 {1/0/0/0/0=1} THUIDIACEAE  Boulaya mittenii (Brotherus) Cardot, 1912 – [Watanabe, R., 1972] Brachelyma W. P. Schimper ex Cardot, 1892 {1/0/0/0/0=1} FONTINALACEAE  Brachelyma subulatum (Palisot de Beauvois) Cardot, 1892 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b] Brachydontium Fürnrohr, 1827 {5/0/3/0/0=8} Brachymenium Schwägrichen, 1824 {59/4/9/30/0=102} BRYACEAE  Brachymenium abyssinicum (Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium acuminatum Harvey in W. J. Hooker, 1836 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1970; Ochi, H., 1982; Allen, B., 1998a; Ochi, H., 1994b; Eddy, A., 1996]  Brachymenium alpinum Ochi, 1964 – [Ochi, H., 1964; Ochi, H., 1985]  Brachymenium andersonii H. Crum, 1971 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Crum, H., 1971]  Brachymenium angolense (Welwitsch & Duby) Jaeger, 1875 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium angustatum W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1872 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1994b as insufficiently known]  Brachymenium angustirete Ochi, 1972 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium apiculatum (Palisot de Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant, 1959  Brachymenium brevicarpum Ochi & Streimann, 1987 – [Ochi, H. & H. Streimann, 1987]  Brachymenium bryoides W. J. Hooker ex Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Ochi, H. & H. Streimann, 1987; Gangulee, H. C., 1974; Eddy, A., 1996]  Brachymenium capitulatum (Mitten) Paris, 1894 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium carionis (C. Müller) Paris, 1900


SELIGERIACEAE Brachydontium curvisetum H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987d; Crum, H., 1994i]  Brachydontium flexisetum (Hampe) Paris, 1904 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1973]  Brachydontium intermedium Stone, 1973 – [Stone, I. G., 1973b]  Brachydontium notorogenes W. R. Buck & Schäfer-Verwimp, 1992 – [Buck, W. R. & A. Schäfer-Verwimp, 1992]  Brachydontium olsonii F. D. Bowers & B. H. Allen, 1990 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Bowers, F. D. & B. H. Allen, 1990]  Brachydontium olympicum (Britton) McIntosh & Spence, 1986 [1987] – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Grimmia olympica]  Brachydontium polycarpum H. Akiyama, 1997 – [Akiyama, H., 1997a]  Brachydontium trichodes (Weber) Fürnrohr, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] Brachymeniopsis Brotherus in Handel-Mazzetti, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} FUNARIACEAE  Brachymeniopsis gymnostoma Brotherus, 1929 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Wu Pan-cheng, 1992] 


Brachymenium chilense Ochi & Mahu, 1988 – [Ochi, H. & M. Mahú, 1988; Arts, T., 1998b]  Brachymenium coarctatum Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1860 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1985; Eddy, A., 1996]  Brachymenium columbicum (De Notaris) Brotherus, 1903 – [Allen, B., 1998a]  Brachymenium commutatum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875  Brachymenium consimile (Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Allen, B., 1998a; Ochi, H., 1994b]  Brachymenium curvitheca Dixon, 1938  Brachymenium daguense (Bescherelle) Paris, 1900  Brachymenium debilinerve B. H. Allen, 1998 – [Allen, B., 1998a]  Brachymenium deceptivum A. J. Shaw & W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Shaw, A. J. & W. R. Buck, 1994]  Brachymenium dicranoides (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Magill, R. E., 1987]  Brachymenium domingense (Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Brachymenium elgonense Dixon, 1938 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Brachymenium erectum (W. J. Hooker in Kunth) Margadant, 1972  Brachymenium erubescens (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Brachymenium eurychelium Bescherelle, 1880 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium exile (Dozy & Molkenboer) Bosch &



Sande Lacoste, 1860 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1980; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985b; Ochi, H., 1985; Allen, B., 1998a; Ochi, H., 1994b; Eddy, A., 1996]  Brachymenium exiloides Bardunov & Czerdantseva, 1982 – [Bardunov, L. V. & V. Ja. Czerdantseva, 1982]  Brachymenium exoticosporum B. H. Allen, 1998 – [Allen, B., 1998a]  Brachymenium fabronioides (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1994b]  Brachymenium flexifolium Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1973b]  Brachymenium gemmiferum A. J. Shaw & W. R. Buck in A. J. Shaw, B. H. Allen & W. R. Buck, 1998 [1999] – [Shaw, A. J., B. Allen & W. R. Buck, 1998 [1999]]  Brachymenium glaucum Jaeger, 1875  Brachymenium globirameum (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Brachymenium globosum Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1994b]  Brachymenium gracile E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985b; Eddy, A., 1996]  Brachymenium himalayanum Dixon, 1942  Brachymenium hornschuchianum Martius, 1834 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Brachymenium huonii T. Koponen & Norris, 1985 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985b; Eddy, A., 1996]  Brachymenium immarginatum Gao Chien & Chang  Brachymenium mexicanum Montagne, 1838 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Allen, B., 1998a; Ochi, H., 1994b]  Brachymenium meyenianum (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Brachymenium micans (Mitten) Jaeger, 1875  Brachymenium minutulum Hampe, 1870  Brachymenium morasicum Bescherelle, 1894 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Allen, B., 1998a]  Brachymenium murale W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1872 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1994b]  Brachymenium muricola Brotherus, 1923 – [Ochi, H., 1985]  Brachymenium myurella (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Brachymenium nepalense W. J. Hooker in Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985b; Magill, R. E., 1987; Ochi, H., 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1974; Eddy, A., 1996]  Brachymenium nietneri (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1985]  Brachymenium nigrescens Bescherelle, 1880 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium niveum Bescherelle, 1901 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Allen, B., 1998a; Ochi, H., 1994b]  Brachymenium notarisii (Mitten) A. J. Shaw, 1987 – [Shaw, J., 1987]  Brachymenium paradoxum (Herzog) A. J. Shaw, 1987 – [Shaw, J., 1987]  Brachymenium patulum (C. Müller) W. P. Schimper in

Kung-chu, 1979 – [Gao Chien & Chang Kuang-chu, 1979]  Brachymenium indicum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1860 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985b; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Brachymenium jilinense T. Koponen et al., 1985 – [Koponen, T., J. Shaw, J.-s. Lou & C. Gao, 1985]  Brachymenium klotzschii (Schwägrichen) Paris, 1894 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Reese, W. D., 1984; Allen, B., 1998a; Ochi, H., 1994b]  Brachymenium lanceolatum W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1860 – [Ochi, H., 1970; Ochi, H., 1985]  Brachymenium leptophyllum (Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Magill, R. E., 1987]  Brachymenium leucotrichum C. Müller, 1875  Brachymenium longicolle Thériot, 1936 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Brachymenium longidens Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Brachymenium luteolum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875  Brachymenium madagassum Hampe, 1874 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Shaw, J., 1987]  Brachymenium magellanicum (Sullivant) Paris, 1894 – [Ochi, H., 1982]  Brachymenium malachiticum (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Brachymenium melanopyxis (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973] Bescherelle, 1872 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1994b]  Brachymenium pendulum Montagne, 1842 – [Ochi, H., 1964; Ochi, H., 1985]  Brachymenium peraristatum (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Brachymenium philonotula Brotherus, 1894 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium preissianum (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1970; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Brachymenium procerrimum Brotherus, 1897 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium ptychothecium (Bescherelle) Ochi, 1963 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Brachymenium pulchellum Hornschuch, 1840 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Brachymenium pulchrum W. J. Hooker, 1829 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium radiculosum (Schwägrichen) Hampe, 1870 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Allen, B., 1998a; Ochi, H., 1994b]  Brachymenium regnellii Hampe, 1849 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Brachymenium revolutum Brotherus, 1894 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium rigidum Brotherus & Paris, 1907 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium robertii Brotherus, 1918 – [Ochi, H., 1982; Ochi, H., 1990a]  Brachymenium rubricarpum (Bescherelle) Cardot,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1911 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1994b as insufficiently known]  Brachymenium saint-pierrei Thériot, 1931 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1994b]  Brachymenium semperlaxum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Brachymenium sikkimense Renauld & Cardot, 1900 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Brachymenium sinense Cardot & Thériot, 1911 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1985 as insufficiently known; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Brachymenium sipapoense E. B. Bartram, 1960 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964]  Brachymenium spathidophyllum Bescherelle, 1880  Brachymenium speciosum (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Steere, 1948 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Allen, B., 1998a]  Brachymenium speirocladum C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1880 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium spirale Bescherelle, 1891 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Brachymenium spirifolium (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Allen, B., 1998a]  Brachymenium standleyi E. B. Bartram, 1928 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Allen, B., 1998a]  Brachymenium subuliferum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Brachymenium svihlae E. B. Bartram, 1951 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Brachymenium systylium (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1982; Ochi, H., 1985; Allen, B., 1998a; Ochi, H., 1994b; Eddy, A., 1996] Brachythecium W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 {98/6/5/69/0=178} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Brachythecium acuminatum (Hedwig) Austin, 1870 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Brachythecium acutum (Mitten) Sullivant, 1874  Brachythecium afroglareosum (Brotherus) Paris, 1900  Brachythecium albicans (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; McFarland, K. D., 1988; Hedenäs, L., 1996a; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; McFarland, K. D., 1994c]  Brachythecium allisonii Fife, 1995 – [Fife, A. J., 1995]  Brachythecium appleyardiae McAdam & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 [1982] – [McAdam, S. V. & A. J. E. Smith, 1981]  Brachythecium athrocladum (Mitten in Melliss) Paris, 1900  Brachythecium atrotheca (Duby) Bescherelle, 1880  Brachythecium austroglareosum (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium austrosalebrosum (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Brachythecium bellii (Mitten ex Brotherus) Paris,


Brachymenium turgiditheca Dixon, 1938 Brachymenium turgidum Brotherus ex Dixon, 1908 – [Ochi, H., 1985]  Brachymenium walkeri Brotherus, 1899 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Brachymenium wattsii Brotherus, 1918 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Brachymenium wrightii (Sullivant) Brotherus, 1903 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Allen, B., 1998a; Ochi, H., 1994b] Brachymitrion Taylor, 1846 {4/1/1/0/0=6} SPLACHNACEAE  Brachymitrion cochabambae (C. Müller) A. Koponen, 1977 – [Koponen, A., 1994]  Brachymitrion immersum Goffinet, 1999 – [Goffinet, B., 1999]  Brachymitrion jamesonii Taylor, 1846 – [Koponen, A., 1994]  Brachymitrion laciniatum (Spruce) A. Koponen, 1977 – [Koponen, A., 1977]  Brachymitrion moritzianum (C. Müller) A. Koponen, 1977 – [Koponen, A., 1994]  Brachymitrion pocsii (A. Koponen) A. Koponen, 1977 – [Koponen, A., 1975, as Tayloria pocsii; Goffinet, B., 1999] Brachytheciella Ignatov in Ignatov, T. Koponen & Norris, 1999 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Brachytheciella stolonifera Ignatov in Ignatov, T. Koponen & Norris, 1999 – [Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999] 

1900  Brachythecium biventrosum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878  Brachythecium bodinieri Cardot & Thériot in Thériot, 1906* – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Brachythecium bolanderi (Lesquereux) Jaeger, 1878 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Brachythecium borgenii (Hampe) Jaeger, 1878 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Brachythecium brachycarpum Dixon & Badhwar, 1938  Brachythecium brachycladum Paris, 1900 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium brotheri Paris, 1904 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium buchananii (W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium calcareum Kindberg, 1895 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Brachythecium calliergonoides Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [cited by McFarland, K. D., 1988 as insufficiently known; Hermann, H. J., 1976; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Brachythecium campestre (C. Müller) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b;



Ireland, R. R., 1982; Vohra, J. N., 1983] Brachythecium camptothecioides Takaki, 1955 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium campylothallum C. Müller, 1896 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Brachythecium capillaceum (Weber & D. Mohr) Giacomini, 1947 – [Frey, W., J.-P. Frahm & E. Fischer, 1995]  Brachythecium caucasicum Thériot, 1918  Brachythecium cavifolium Herzog, 1916 – [cited by McFarland, K. D., 1988 as insufficiently known]  Brachythecium chakratense Vohra, 1980 [1982] – [Vohra, J. N., 1980 [1982]; Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium chauvetii Renauld & Cardot, 1895 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Brachythecium chocayae Herzog, 1916 – [McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium cirriphylloides McFarland, 1992 – [McFarland, K. D., 1994c; McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium collinum (Schleicher ex C. Müller) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Lawton, E., 1971; McFarland, K. D., 1994c; McFarland, K. D., 1988; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium complanatum Brotherus, 1929 – [Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium comtifolium (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [cited by McFarland, K. R., L. Spessard-Schueth & W. R. Buck, 1994 as insufficiently known]  Brachythecium conostomum (Taylor) Jaeger, 1878 – [McFarland, K. D., 1994c; McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium coreanum Cardot, 1911 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium coruscum I. Hagen, 1908  Brachythecium curvatulum (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 –  Brachythecium fontanum Fife, 1990 – [Fife, A. J., 1990]  Brachythecium formosanum Takaki, 1955 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Brachythecium frigidum (C. Müller) Bescherelle, 1872 – [Lawton, E., 1971; McFarland, K. D., 1994c; McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium gangulianum (Vohra) Ochyra, 1998 – [Ochyra, R., 1998b; Vohra, J. N., 1980 [1982], as Hygroamblystegium gangulianum; Vohra, J. N., 1983, as Hygroamblystegium gangulianum; Vohra, J. N., 1980 [1982], as Hygroamblystegium gangulianum; Vohra, J. N., 1983, as Hygroamblystegium gangulianum]  Brachythecium garhwalense Vohra, 1980 [1982] – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium garovaglioides C. Müller, 1897 – [Ignatov, M. S. & T. Koponen, 1996; Vohra, J. N., 1983, as Brachythecium wichurae]  Brachythecium geheebii Milde, 1869 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Brachythecium glaciale W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Ignatov, M. S. & T. Koponen, 1996; Ignatov, M. S., 1998; Ochyra, R., 

[Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium cymbifolium Dixon & Sainsbury, 1933  Brachythecium decurrens Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Brachythecium delicatulum Flowers, 1973 – [Flowers, S., 1973a; Flowers, S., 1973b]  Brachythecium dicranoides C. Müller, 1898 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Brachythecium dieckei Röll, 1897 – [Hedenäs, L., 1993b]  Brachythecium digastrum C. Müller ex Kindberg in Macoun, 1892 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Brachythecium dovrense (Limpricht) Amann, 1918 – [Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium duemmeri Dixon, 1922 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Brachythecium ehrenbergii Lorentz, 1868 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Brachythecium emodi-glaucum Brotherus ex Dixon & Badhwar, 1938  Brachythecium erythrorrhizon W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Hedenäs, L., 1996b]  Brachythecium falcatulum (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium fendleri (Sullivant) Jaeger, 1878 – [Lawton, E., 1971; McFarland, K. D., 1988; McFarland, K. D., 1994c]  Brachythecium filirepens Dusén, 1905 – [McFarland, K. D., 1988]

1998a] Brachythecium glareosum (Bruch ex Spruce) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Brachythecium gloriosum (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Brachythecium groenlandicum (C. E. O. Jensen) Schljakov, 1952  Brachythecium hastile Brotherus & Paris, 1904 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium hawaiicum E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Brachythecium hedbergii Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Brachythecium helminthocladum Brotherus & Paris, 1904 – [Ignatov, M. S. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Brachythecium holzingeri (Grout) Grout, 1922 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Brachythecium hylotapetum N. Higinbotham & B. Higinbotham, 1958 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Brachythecium immersum Thériot, 1936  Brachythecium inconditum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Schultze-Motel, 1983] Brachythecium indicopopuleum Dixon, 1926 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium indistinctum C. Müller in Renauld, 1898  Brachythecium kamounense (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1878 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Brachythecium kashmirense (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium koponenii Ignatov in Ignatov, T. Koponen & Norris, 1999 – [Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]  Brachythecium krausei (Macoun & Kindberg) Paris, 1894  Brachythecium kuroishicum Bescherelle, 1893 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium laevipes Cardot & Thériot in Thériot, 1906*  Brachythecium laevivelutinum Dixon, 1929 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium lamprocarpum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]  Brachythecium latifolium Kindberg, 1888 – [Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium latinervium Hedenäs, 1996 – [Hedenäs, L., 1996a]  Brachythecium laxifolium Dixon, 1938 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium leibergii Grout, 1897 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Brachythecium leiopodium Brotherus, 1929  Brachythecium longicuspidatum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Ignatov, M. S. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Brachythecium longidens (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 –  Brachythecium obsoletinerve Dixon, 1926 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium occidentale (Hampe) Jaeger, 1878 – [McFarland, K. D., 1994c; McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium oedipodium (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium olympicum Juratzka in Unger & Kotschy, 1865 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Brachythecium ornellanum (Molendo) Venturi & Bottini, 1884 – [Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium otaruense Cardot, 1911 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium oxycladon (Bridel) Jaeger, 1878 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; McFarland, K. D., 1994c; McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium pallescens Dixon & Thériot, 1932 – [cited by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991 as insufficiently known; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Brachythecium pallidoflavens Cardot, 1911  Brachythecium papillipes Kindberg, 1909  Brachythecium papuense Ignatov in Ignatov, T. 


[Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Brachythecium longipes Brotherus, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Brachythecium majusculum Newton, 1974 – [McFarland, K. D., 1988; Newton, M. E., 1974a]  Brachythecium micrangium C. Müller, 1896 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Brachythecium microcollinum E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium microsericeum Dixon in Blatter & J. Fernandez, 1931 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium mieheanum Ochyra, 1990 – [Ochyra, R., 1990a]  Brachythecium mildeanum (W. P. Schimper) W. P. Schimper in Milde, 1862 – [Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Hedenäs, L., 1996a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium mittenii Britton & Renauld, 1909  Brachythecium miyabei (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991 as insufficiently known]  Brachythecium moriense Bescherelle, 1893 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium nakazimae Iishiba, 1934 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Brachythecium negrii Tosco & Piovano, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Brachythecium nelsonii Grout, 1902 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Brachythecium nitidissimum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Brachythecium nitidulum (Brotherus) Noguchi, 1980 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium nivale Warnstorf, 1915  Brachythecium noguchii Takaki, 1955 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium noterophiloides G. Roth, 1905 Koponen & Norris, 1999 – [Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]  Brachythecium paradoxum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Jaeger, 1878 – [McFarland, K. D., 1988; Hedenäs, L., 1996a]  Brachythecium pendulum Takaki, 1955 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium percurrens Hedenäs, 1992 – [Hedenäs, L., 1992a]  Brachythecium perscabrum Brotherus, 1929 – [Wang You-Fang & Hu Ren-Liang, 1998]  Brachythecium piligerum Cardot, 1911 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium pinnatum Dixon, 1920 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Brachythecium pinnirameum C. Müller, 1896 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Brachythecium plumosum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; McFarland, K. D., 1994c; Vohra, J. N., 1983; McFarland, K. D., 1988; Ignatov, M. S. & T. Koponen, 1996; Hedenäs, L., 



1996a; Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]  Brachythecium poadelphus C. Müller, 1901 – [McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium polyoicum (Thériot) McFarland, 1992 – [McFarland, K. D., 1994c; McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium populeum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium praelongum W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1897 – [McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium preussii (Brotherus) Paris, 1900  Brachythecium procumbens (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Ignatov, M. S. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Brachythecium propinnatum Redfearn, B. C. Tan & He Si, 1996 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991, as Brachythecium pinnatum]  Brachythecium pseudopopuleum (W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) W. P. Schimper in Jaeger, 1878 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Brachythecium pseudouematsui Noguchi, 1991 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium pseudovelutinum (Hampe ex C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Brachythecium pulchellum Brotherus & Paris, 1904 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium ramicola Brotherus, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Brachythecium reflexum (Starke in Weber & D. Mohr) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium rigens W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Brachythecium rivulare W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.,  Brachythecium starkii (Bridel) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium stricticalyx Dixon & Badhwar, 1938 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium subfalcatum Renauld & Cardot, 1895  Brachythecium sublaetum Brotherus, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Brachythecium subpilosum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Jaeger, 1878 – [McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium subplicatum (Hampe in C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [McFarland, K. D., 1988]  Brachythecium subrutabulum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Brachythecium svihlae E. B. Bartram, 1951  Brachythecium tearapense Bescherelle, 1894 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Brachythecium trachypodium (Funck ex Bridel) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium turgidum (C. J. Hartman) Kindberg,

1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Ignatov, M. S. & T. Koponen, 1996; Hedenäs, L., 1996a]  Brachythecium rivularoides (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [cited by McFarland, K. D., 1988 as insufficiently known]  Brachythecium roccatii Negri, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Brachythecium rotaeanum De Notaris, 1867 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium ruderale (Bridel) W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; McFarland, K. D., 1994c, as Brachythecium stereopoma]  Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Vohra, J. N., 1983; McFarland, K. D., 1988; Hedenäs, L., 1996a; Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]  Brachythecium ryanii Kaurin, 1888  Brachythecium sakuraii Brotherus, 1928 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium salebrosum (G. F. Hoffmann ex Weber & D. Mohr) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium sapporense (Bescherelle) Takaki, 1955 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium satsumense Sakurai, 1932 – [cited by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991 as insufficiently known]  Brachythecium siamense Dixon, 1932 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Brachythecium spectabile Brotherus, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Brachythecium spuriopopuleum (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983] 1888 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Brachythecium uematsui Brotherus in Cardot, 1911 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Brachythecium ugandae Dixon, 1922 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Brachythecium umbilicatum Juratzka & Milde, 1870 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Brachythecium valentinii Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Brachythecium vallium (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Macoun, 1892  Brachythecium vanekii Smarda, 1953  Brachythecium vellereum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Brachythecium velutinum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]


Brachythecium venustum De Notaris, 1867 Brachythecium vesiculariopsis Dixon, 1933  Brachythecium waziriense Dixon, 1929 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Brachythecium weinmannii (Nees in Weinmann) Paris, 1894  Brachythecium woronowii Thériot, 1918  Brachythecium zanonii W. R. Buck, 1988 – [McFarland, K. D., 1988; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Braithwaitea Lindberg, 1872 {1/0/0/0/0=1} TRACHYLOMATACEAE  Braithwaitea sulcata (W. J. Hooker) Jaeger & Sauerbeck, 1880 – [Touw, A., 1971] Braunfelsia Paris, 1894 {4/0/0/4/0=8} DICRANACEAE  Braunfelsia aenea Ast, Suzanne (later Jovet-Ast, S.) & Tixier, 1960 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Braunfelsia angustifolia Potier de la Varde, 1949  Braunfelsia dicranoides (Dozy & Molkenboer) Brotherus, 1901 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Braunfelsia edentula (Mitten) Wijk & Margadant, 1958 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]  Braunfelsia enervis (Dozy & Molkenboer) Paris, 1894 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]  Braunfelsia longipes Dixon, 1924  Braunfelsia muscicola J. Fröhlich, 1962 – [cited by Eddy, A., 1988 as insufficiently known]  Braunfelsia plicata (Sande Lacoste) Brotherus, 1901 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b] Braunia Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 {8/4/2/9/0=23} HEDWIGIACEAE  Braunia alopecura (Bridel) Limpricht, 1889 – [Frey, W., J.-P. Frahm & E. Fischer, 1995]  Braunia arbuscula (Welwitsch & Duby) Gepp in Hiern, 1901 – [Luna, E. de & W. R. Buck, 1991]  Braunia attenuata (Mitten) Jaeger, 1871 – [Luna, E. de & W. R. Buck, 1991]  Braunia camptoclada Potier de la Varde & Thériot, 1940 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Breidleria erectiuscula (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Hedenäs, 1990 [1992] – [Hedenäs, L., 1990 [1992]b; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994, as Hypnum erectiusculum] Breutelia (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) W. P. Schimper, 1856 {54/13/2/24/0=93} BARTRAMIACEAE  Breutelia aciphylla (Wilson in Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 – [Griffin, D., III., 1988; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Breutelia affinis (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1856 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Virtanen, V., 1997]  Breutelia anacolioides Herzog, 1916 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia angustiretis E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Matteri, C. M., 1973b]  Breutelia anomala R. S. Williams, 1928 – [Menzel, M., 1992] 



Braunia cirrhifolia (Mitten) Jaeger, 1876 – [Luna, E. de & W. R. Buck, 1991; Biasuso, A. B., 1993]  Braunia cochlearifolia C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Braunia delavayi Bescherelle, 1892 – [Li Xing-jiang (Editor-in-Chief)], 1985]  Braunia divaricatula Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Braunia entodonticarpa C. Müller, 1880 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Braunia exserta C. Müller, 1879 – [Luna, E. de & W. R. Buck, 1991; Biasuso, A. B., 1993]  Braunia laxifolia Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Braunia liebmanniana W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1872  Braunia nephelogenes Luna & W. R. Buck, 1991 – [Luna, E. de & W. R. Buck, 1991]  Braunia obtusicuspis Brotherus, 1923 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Braunia plicata (Mitten) Jaeger, 1876 – [Luna, E. de & W. R. Buck, 1991; Sehnem, A., 1976]  Braunia reflexifolia (C. Müller) E. B. Bartram, 1964-65 [1965] – [Biasuso, A. B., 1993]  Braunia rupestris (Mitten) Jaeger, 1876 – [Luna, E. de & W. R. Buck, 1991]  Braunia schimperianum (Hampe) Jaeger, 1876  Braunia secunda (W. J. Hooker) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crum, H., 1994c; Biasuso, A. B., 1993; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Braunia squarrulosa (Hampe) C. Müller, 1879 – [Crum, H., 1994c; Luna, E. de & W. R. Buck, 1991]  Braunia subincana Brotherus, 1900 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Braunia subplicata Britton, 1896 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Braunia tucumanensis Biasuso, 1993 – [Biasuso, A. B., 1993] Breidleria Loeske, 1910 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Breutelia aristifolia Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964; Virtanen, V., 1996; Virtanen, V., 1997; Eddy, A., 1996]  Breutelia arundinifolia (Duby in Moritzi) Fleischer, 1904 – [Manuel, M. G., 1981a; Virtanen, V., 1996; Virtanen, V., 1997; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Eddy, A., 1996]  Breutelia aureola (Bescherelle ex C. Müller) Bescherelle, 1885 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Griffin, D., III., 1988; Matteri, C. M., 1973b]  Breutelia auriculata E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c; Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Breutelia austro-arcuata (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III., 1988]  Breutelia azorica (Mitten in Godman) Cardot, 1897  Breutelia baeuerlenii (C. Müller) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Breutelia borbonica Sloover, 1975 – [Sloover, J. L. de,



1975b]  Breutelia brachyphylla Brotherus, 1920  Breutelia brevifolia Herzog, 1916 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III & E. Hegewald, 1986; Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia breviseta Brotherus, 1904  Breutelia brittoniae Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III., 1988]  Breutelia campbelliana (C. Müller) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Breutelia chrysea (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Breutelia chrysocoma (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1863 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Breutelia crassicaulis (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Virtanen, V., 1996; Virtanen, V., 1997]  Breutelia dicranacea (C. Müller) Mitten, 1859 – [Virtanen, V., 1997; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Breutelia diffracta Mitten, 1863 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b; Magill, R. E., 1987]  Breutelia dominicensis E. B. Bartram, 1955 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia dumosa Mitten, 1859 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Griffin, D., III., 1988; Matteri, C. M., 1973b]  Breutelia eggersiana (C. Müller) Brotherus in Paris, 1904  Breutelia elliptica Magill, 1987 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Breutelia elongata (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten in F. Müller, 1881 – [Matteri, C. M., 1981]  Breutelia eugeniae Ångström, 1873 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Virtanen, V., 1997]  Breutelia gnaphalea (Palisot de Beauvois) Mitten, 1864 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Breutelia gracillima Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Breutelia grandis (Hampe) Paris, 1894 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia guilielmi-meyeri J. Fröhlich, 1962  Breutelia magadalenae Sloover, 1975 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Breutelia microdonta (Mitten) Brotherus, 1895 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c; Virtanen, V., 1997]  Breutelia minuta Herzog, 1916 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia mohriana (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904  Breutelia muelleri Jaeger, 1875  Breutelia muhavurensis Potier de la Varde & Thériot, 1940 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Breutelia nigrescens Herzog, 1909 – [Griffin, D., III., 1988]  Breutelia papuensis Virtanen, 1996 – [Virtanen, V., 1996; Virtanen, V., 1997]  Breutelia pendula (Smith) Mitten, 1859 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Eddy, A., 1996]  Breutelia perrieri Thériot, 1926 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Breutelia picardae (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904

Breutelia harpophylla Herzog, 1920 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Breutelia hasskarliana (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia humbertii Potier de la Varde & Thériot, 1940 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Breutelia incana (Taylor) Jaeger, 1875 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia inclinata (Hampe & Lorentz) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III., 1988]  Breutelia integrifolia (Taylor) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Newton, M. E., 1974b; Matteri, C. M., 1973b]  Breutelia jamaicensis (Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c; Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Breutelia karsteniana (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Allen, B. & D. Griffin III, 1999]  Breutelia kilimandscharica (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [cited by Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b as insufficiently known]  Breutelia kinabaluensis Dixon, 1935 – [Virtanen, V., 1997; Eddy, A., 1996]  Breutelia leptodontoides (C. Müller) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Breutelia lonchopelma (C. Müller) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906  Breutelia longicapsularis Dixon, 1922 – [Virtanen, V., 1996; Virtanen, V., 1997; Eddy, A., 1996]  Breutelia luteola C. Müller ex Brotherus in Geheeb, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Breutelia macrocarpa W. P. Schimper ex Paris, 1900 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Breutelia madagassa Thériot in Potier de la Varde, 1940 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Breutelia maegdefraui H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987d; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Magdefrau, K., 1983, as Breutelia rhytidioides]  Breutelia pilifera B. H. Allen & Griffin, 1999 – [Allen, B. & D. Griffin III, 1999]  Breutelia plicata Mitten, 1859 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Griffin, D., III., 1988; Matteri, C. M., 1973b]  Breutelia polygastrica (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III., 1988; Allen, B. & D. Griffin III, 1999]  Breutelia popinqua Kaalaas, 1912  Breutelia pseudophilonotis (C. Müller) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Breutelia reclinata Brotherus, 1920 – [Griffin, D., III., 1988]  Breutelia rhythidioides Herzog, 1934 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III, 1984a; Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia roemeri Fleischer, 1911 – [Virtanen, V., 1996; Virtanen, V., 1997; Eddy, A., 1996]  Breutelia ryvardenii Bizot, 1976 – [Bizot, M., 1976]  Breutelia scariosula (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904


Breutelia sciuroides Thériot, 1926 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Breutelia scoparia (Schwägrichen) Jaeger, 1875 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Breutelia scorpioides (C. Müller ex Britton) Brotherus, 1904 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia secundifolia (C. Müller) C. Müller, 1897 – [Griffin, D., III & E. Hegewald, 1986]  Breutelia squarrosa Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III, 1984a]  Breutelia stenodictyon (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1904 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Breutelia stricticaulis Dixon, 1918 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Breutelia stuhlmannii Brotherus, 1894 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Breutelia subarcuata (C. Müller) W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1872 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III, 1984a; Griffin, D., III, 1984b]  Breutelia subdisticha (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia submniocarpa (C. Müller) Paris, 1900  Breutelia subplicata Brotherus in Thériot, 1911 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Matteri, C. M., 1973b; Griffin, D., III., 1988]  Breutelia substricta (W. P. Schimper in C. Müller) Magill, 1987 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Breutelia subtomentosa (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia tabularis Dixon in Sim, 1926 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Breutelia tenuifolia (Mitten in Melliss) Paris, 1900  Breutelia tomentosa (Swartz ex Bridel) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III, 1984c; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Breutelia trianae (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Breutelia ulicina Herzog, 1927  Breutelia viguieri Cardot, 1916 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975b]  Brotherella henonii (Duby) Fleischer, 1914 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Brotherella herbacea Sakurai in Oti, 1950 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Brotherella indosinensis (Brotherus & Paris in Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Brotherella longipes Brotherus, 1928  Brotherella lorentziana (Molendo ex Lorentz) Loeske in Fleischer, 1914 – [Ando, H., T. Seki & W. B. Schofield, 1989]  Brotherella luzonensis (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Brotherella mercieri (Paris) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Brotherella minutula E. B. Bartram, 1928 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Brotherella nictans (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 –



Breutelia wainioi Brotherus, 1888 – [Griffin, D., III, 1984c]  Breutelia witherheadii (C. Müller) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Brothera C. Müller, 1900 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Brothera leana (Sullivant) C. Müller, 1900 – [Müller, P. & J.-P. Frahm, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994] Brotherella Loeske ex Fleischer, 1914 {18/0/0/10/0=28} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Brotherella amblystegia (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Brotherella celebensis Dixon, 1934  Brotherella complanata Reimers & Sakurai, 1931 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Brotherella coreana Sakurai, 1949  Brotherella crassipes Sakurai, 1949 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Brotherella curvirostris (Schwägrichen) Fleischer, 1914 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Brotherella deplanatula (Cardot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Crum, H., 1994w, as Pylaisiadelpha deplanatula]  Brotherella dixonii Herzog, 1939 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Brotherella erythrocaulis (Mitten) Fleischer, 1923 – [Ando, H., T. Seki & W. B. Schofield, 1989; Tan, B. C. & P. P.-h. But, 1997; Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Brotherella falcata (Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1914 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Brotherella fauriei (Bescherelle ex Cardot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Brotherella filiformis Dixon, 1937 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Brotherella harveyana (Mitten) Dixon, 1938 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980] [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Brotherella opaeodon (Sullivant) Brotherus, 1925 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Brotherella pallida (Renauld & Cardot) Fleischer, 1914 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Brotherella propinqua (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Fleischer, 1923 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Brotherella recurvans (Michaux) Fleischer, 1914 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ando, H., T. Seki & W. B. Schofield, 1989]  Brotherella roellii (Renauld & Cardot) Fleischer, 1923 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Brotherella subarcuata (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Brotherobryum Fleischer, 1914 {4/0/0/0/0=4} DICRANACEAE  Brotherobryum dekockii Fleischer, 1914 – [Allen, B. H., 1984 [1985]; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]

44 


Brotherobryum macgregorii (Brotherus & Geheeb) Fleischer, 1914 – [Allen, B. H., 1984 [1985]; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]  Brotherobryum sleumeri B. H. Allen, 1984 [1985] – [Allen, B. H., 1984 [1985]; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]  Brotherobryum undulatifolium Zanten, 1964 – [Allen, B. H., 1984 [1985]; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Zanten, B. O. van, 1964; Tan, B. C., 1989a] Bruchia Schwägrichen, 1824 {17/0/0/2/1=20} BRUCHIACEAE  Bruchia aurea Bescherelle, 1877 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986]  Bruchia bolanderi Lesquereux, 1868 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986]  Bruchia brevifolia Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Rushing, A. E., 1986; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Bruchia brevipes Harvey ex W. J. Hooker, 1840 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986; Magill, R. E., 1981; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Bruchia carinata (Hampe) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Bruchia carolinae Austin, 1877 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Bruchia drummondii Hampe ex Britton, 1894 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Bruchia eckloniana C. Müller, 1848 – [Excluded by Rushing, A. E., 1986]  Bruchia flexuosa (Schwägrichen) C. Müller, 1847 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Bruchia fusca Britton, 1894 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Bruchia hallii Austin, 1874 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Bruchia hampeana C. Müller, 1848 – [cited by Rushing, A. E., 1986 as insufficiently known]  Bruchia microspora Noguchi, 1951 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Bruchia paricutinensis Delgadillo M. & PILOTRICHACEAE  Brymela acuminata (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Brymela callicostelloides (Herzog & Thériot) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994h, as Hookeriopsis callicostelloides]  Brymela cuspidata (Jaeger) W. R. Buck, 1989  Brymela fissidentoides (J. D. Hooker & Wilson in W. J. Hooker) W. R. Buck, 1989 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Brymela fluminensis (Geheeb & Hampe) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Sehnem, A., 1979, as Hookeriopsis fluminensis]  Brymela obtusifolia (E. B. Bartram) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Welch, W. H., 1976, as Hookeriopsis obtusifolia]  Brymela parkeriana (W. J. Hooker & Greville) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1986, as Hookeriopsis parkeriana]  Brymela rugulosa (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987

Cárdenas-Soriano, 1991 – [Crum, H., 1994d] Bruchia queenslandica Stone, 1977 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986; Stone, I. G., 1977; Crum, H., 1994d]  Bruchia ravenelii Wilson in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Rushing, A. E., 1986; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Bruchia sinensis Chen Pan-chieh ex Cao Tong & Gao Chien, 1988 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Bruchia texana Austin, 1874 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986]  Bruchia uruguensis C. Müller, 1879 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986]  Bruchia vogesiaca Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Rushing, A. E., 1986; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994] Bryhnia Kaurin, 1892 {8/0/1/3/0=12} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Bryhnia angustifolia Warnstorf, 1915  Bryhnia brachycladula Cardot, 1912 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Bryhnia decurvans (Mitten) Dixon, 1922 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Bryhnia graminicolor (Bridel) Grout, 1898 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Bryhnia hultenii E. B. Bartram in Grout, 1934 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Bryhnia nepalensis Takaki in Noguchi, Takaki & H. Inoue, 1966 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Noguchi, A., N. Takaki & H. Inoue, 1966]  Bryhnia novae-angliae (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Grout, 1898 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Bryhnia pflanzii Brotherus, 1913 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Bryhnia polyclada Thériot, 1932  Bryhnia tenerrima Brotherus & A. Yasuda, 1921 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Bryhnia tokubuchii (Brotherus) Paris, 1904 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Bryhnia trichomitria Dixon & Thériot, 1932 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991] Brymela Crosby & B. H. Allen, 1985 {6/1/1/2/0=10}  Brymela tutezona Crosby & B. H. Allen, 1985 – [Crosby, M. R. & B. H. Allen, 1985]  Brymela websteri (H. Crum & E. B. Bartram) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b] Bryoandersonia H. Robinson, 1962 [1963] {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Bryoandersonia illecebra (Hedwig) H. Robinson, 1962 [1963] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b] Bryobartramia Sainsbury, 1948 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRYOBARTRAMIACEAE  Bryobartramia novae-valesiae (Brotherus ex G. Roth) Stone & G. A. M. Scott, 1973 [1974] – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Bryobeckettia Fife, 1985 {1/0/0/0/0=1} FUNARIACEAE  Bryobeckettia bartlettii (Fife) Fife, 1985 – [Fife, A. J., 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1982a, as Physcomitrella bartlettii; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Bryobrittonia R. S. Williams, 1901 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ENCALYPTACEAE  Bryobrittonia longipes (Mitten) D. G. Horton, 1978 – [Horton, D. G., 1983] Bryobrothera Thériot, 1921 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ADELOTHECIACEAE  Bryobrothera crenulata (Brotherus & Paris) Thériot, 1920 – [Norris, D. H. & H. Robinson, 1979; Streimann, H., 1999] Bryoceuthospora H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1959 {1/1/0/0/0=2} POTTIACEAE  Bryoceuthospora aethiopica (Welwitsch & Duby) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Bryoceuthospora mexicana (E. B. Bartram) H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1959 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994b] Bryochenea Gao Chien & Chang Kung-chu, 1982 {1/0/1/0/0=2} HELODIACEAE  Bryochenea ciliata Gao Chien & Chang Kung-chu, 1982 – [Gao Chien & Chang Kuang-chu, 1982]  Bryochenea sachalinensis (Lindberg) Gao Chien & Chang Kung-chu, 1982 – [O'Brien, T. J., 1993; Gao Chien & Chang Kuang-chu, 1982; O'Brien, T. J., 1993; Watanabe, R., 1972, as Helodium sachalinense] Bryocrumia L. E. Anderson, 1980 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Bryocrumia vivicolor (Brotherus & Dixon) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Bryocrumia andersonii] Bryoerythrophyllum Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 {17/6/4/1/0=28} POTTIACEAE  Bryoerythrophyllum alpigenum (Ventenat in Juratzka) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Kis, G., 1985; Zander, R. H., 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Bryoerythrophyllum andersonianum Zander & A. J. Sharp, 1981 [1982] – [Zander, R. H. & A. J. Sharp,  Bryoerythrophyllum jamesonii (Taylor) H. Crum, 1957 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1978 [1979]; Magill, R. E., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1994r]  Bryoerythrophyllum ligulare (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Bryoerythrophyllum machadoanum (Sérgio) M. O. Hill, 1981 [1982] – [Hill, M. O., 1981; Sérgio, C., 1969, as Hyophila machadoana]  Bryoerythrophyllum noguchianum (Gangulee) K. Saito in Noguchi & Iwatsuki, 1975 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Bryoerythrophyllum yunnanense var. noguchianum]  Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostre (Hedwig) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1994r; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Magill, R.


1981 [1982]; Zander, R. H., 1994r; Zander, R. H., 1993] Bryoerythrophyllum binnsii (R. Brown ter) Wijk & Margadant, 1959 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Bryoerythrophyllum bolivianum (C. Müller) Zander, 1978 [1979] – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994r; Zander, R. H., 1978 [1979]]  Bryoerythrophyllum brachystegium (Bescherelle) K. Saito, 1972 – [Saito, K., 1975; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Bryoerythrophyllum byrdii (E. B. Bartram) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Bryoerythrophyllum calcareum (Thériot) Zander, 1980 – [Zander, R. H., 1994r; Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1981]  Bryoerythrophyllum caledonicum D. G. Long, 1982 – [Long, D. G., 1982a]  Bryoerythrophyllum campylocarpum (C. Müller) H. Crum, 1957 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Robinson, H., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1994r]  Bryoerythrophyllum chimborazense (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum (F. J. Hermann & E. Lawton) Zander, 1978 [1979] – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1978 [1979]; Lawton, E., 1971, as Didymodon columbianus]  Bryoerythrophyllum compactum J. Fröhlich, 1964 – [Fröhlich, J., 1964]  Bryoerythrophyllum ferruginascens (Stirton) Giacomini, 1947 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1978 [1979]; Zander, R. H., 1994r; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Bryoerythrophyllum fuscinervium (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Bryoerythrophyllum gymnostomum (Brotherus) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Saito, K., 1975; Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Bryoerythrophyllum hostile (Herzog) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Bryoerythrophyllum inaequalifolium (Taylor) Zander, 1980 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994r; Zander, R. H., 1981] E., 1981; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Saito, K., 1975; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Zander, R. H., 1978 [1979]; Sloover, J. L. de, 1979; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Bryoerythrophyllum rotundatum (Lindberg & H. Arnell) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Bryoerythrophyllum rubrum (Juratzka ex Geheeb) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Bryoerythrophyllum sharpii Zander, 1986 – [Zander, R. H., 1994r; Zander, R. H., 1986; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Bryoerythrophyllum wallichii (Mitten) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Saito, K., 1975]  Bryoerythrophyllum yichunense Gao Chien, 1977 – [Anonymous, 1977; Zander, R. H., 1993] 

46 


Bryoerythrophyllum yunnanense (Herzog) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972] Bryohumbertia Potier de la Varde & Thériot, 1940 {3/0/0/0/0=3} DICRANACEAE  Bryohumbertia filifolia (Hornschuch) Frahm, 1982 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Allen, B., 1994a]  Bryohumbertia flavicoma (C. Müller ex Brotherus) Frahm, 1982 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1976b, as Bryohumbertia metzlerelloides]  Bryohumbertia subcomosa (Dixon) Frahm, 1989 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1989a; Frahm, J.-P., M. Giese, M. Padberg, T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1985, as Bryohumbertia walkeri] Bryolawtonia Norris & Enroth, 1990 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Bryolawtonia vancouveriensis (Kindberg) Norris & Enroth, 1990 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Bestia vancouveriensis] Bryomaltaea Goffinet in Goffinet & Vitt, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Bryomaltaea obtusifolia (W. J. Hooker) Goffinet in Goffinet & Vitt, 1998 – [Goffinet, B. & D. H. Vitt], 1998; Lewinsky, J., 1989 [1990]b, as Zygodon obtusifolius; Vitt, D. H., 1994, as Zygodon obtusifolius] Bryomanginia Thériot, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DITRICHACEAE  Bryomanginia saint-pierrei Thériot, 1931 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Snider, J. A., 1994f] Bryonorrisia Stark & W. R. Buck, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ANOMODONTACEAE  Bryonorrisia acutifolia (Mitten) Enroth, 1991 – [Enroth, J., 1991a; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997, as Herpetineuron acutifolium] Bryosedgwickia Cardot & Dixon, 1912 =Platygyriella {0/0/0/1/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Bryosedgwickia barlassinae Tosco & Piovano, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985] Bryostreimannia Ochyra, 1991 {0/0/1/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Bryostreimannia turgida (Ochyra) Ochyra, 1991 – [Ochyra, R., 1990d, as Streimannia turgida; Ochyra, R., 1991b]  Bryum alpinum Hudson ex Withering, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1972a; Magill, R. E., 1987; Lawton, E., 1971]  Bryum altaicum Brotherus, 1929  Bryum altisetum C. Müller, 1898 – [Ochi, H., 1970]  Bryum amblyacis C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Bryum amblyodon C. Müller, 1879 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Ochi, H., 1980; Demaret, F. & P. Geissler, 1990]  Bryum amblyphyllum Philibert, 1898  Bryum amentirameum Dixon, 1929  Bryum anomodon Montagne, 1857 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum apalodictyoides C. Müller, 1853

Bryotestua Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1938 {0/0/0/2/0=2} DICRANACEAE  Bryotestua brevicuspis Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1937  Bryotestua longicuspis Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1937 Bryowijkia Noguchi, 1973 {1/0/1/0/0=2} METEORIACEAE  Bryowijkia ambigua (W. J. Hooker) Noguchi, 1973 – [Vitt, D. H. & W. R. Buck, 1984]  Bryowijkia madagassa Touw, 1993 – [Touw, A., 1993a] Bryoxiphium Mitten, 1869 {2/1/0/0/0=3} BRYOXIPHIACEAE  Bryoxiphium madeirense A. Löve & D. Löve, 1953 – [Eggers, J., 1982]  Bryoxiphium mexicanum Bescherelle, 1892 – [Crum, H., 1994a]  Bryoxiphium norvegicum (Bridel) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien (editor), 1994] Bryum Hedwig, 1801 {173/11/16/243/3=446} BRYACEAE  Bryum acuminatissimum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Bryum acutifolium (Thériot) Arts, 1996 – [Arts, T., 1996]  Bryum aeneum Blytt ex B.S.G., 1846  Bryum aequabile C. Müller, 1882 – [cited by Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979 as insufficiently known]  Bryum afrocalophyllum Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum alandense Bomansson, 1900  Bryum albomarginatum Cardot in Thériot, 1926 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum albopulvinatum C. Müller, 1886 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum albulum Mitten, 1859  Bryum alexandri Philibert, 1900  Bryum algovicum Sendtner ex C. Müller, 1851 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum alpiniforme Kindberg in Macoun, 1892 

Bryum apiculatum Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Eddy, A., 1996, as Pohlia apiculata]  Bryum appressifolium Brotherus, 1898  Bryum appressum Renauld & Cardot, 1891 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Bryum arachnoideum C. Müller, 1879 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum archangelicum Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Nyholm, E., 1993]  Bryum arcticum (R. Brown) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]


Bryum argenteum Hedwig, 1801 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1980; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Bryum argentisetum C. Müller, 1890 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bryum argyroglyphodon Philibert, 1900  Bryum ateleostomum Philibert ex Cardot & Thériot, 1902  Bryum atenense R. S. Williams, 1910 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum atrovirens Bridel, 1803 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; El-Saadawi, W. & A. Badawi, 1977]  Bryum auricomum Bescherelle, 1880  Bryum australe Hampe, 1844 – [Ochi, H., 1970; Ochi, H., 1982; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Eddy, A., 1996]  Bryum austroturbinatum C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum axel-blyttii Philibert, 1889  Bryum axillare Philibert, 1898  Bryum baeuerlenii C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Bryum baldwinii Brotherus, 1927 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Bryum balticum Nyholm & Hedenäs in Nyholm, 1993 – [Nyholm, E., 1993]  Bryum barnesii J. B. Wood in W. P. Schimper, 1876 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Bryum bateae C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Bryum billetii Bescherelle, 1898 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Bryum blandum J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Ochi, H., 1970; Ochi, H., 1968a]  Bryum blindii Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Bryum borellii Brotherus, 1928  Bryum bornholmense Winkelmann & Ruthe, 1899 – [Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1964]  Bryum botterii C. Mohr ex C. Müller, 1874 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1994a as insufficiently known; cited by Syed, H., 1973 as insufficiently known]  Bryum bourgeanum Cardot, 1909 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1994a as insufficiently known]  Bryum brachycladulum C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Bryum brachyneuron Kindberg, 1892  Bryum brasiliense Hampe, 1878 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Bryum coelophyllum D. C. Eaton, 1892 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum cognatum Mitten, 1859 – [Ochi, H., 1985]  Bryum colombi Meylan, 1907  Bryum coloradense Kindberg, 1909  Bryum comense W. P. Schimper, 1876 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Bryum congestiflorum Philibert, 1898  Bryum conoideo-operculatum Warnstorf, 1915 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Bryum coronatum Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris,


Bryum brevicoma Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981] Bryum bulbiferum Mathieu, 1853  Bryum bulbigerum Fleischer, 1904  Bryum bulbillicaule C. Müller, 1879 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bryum bullosum C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1897 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum caespiticium Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1980; Magill, R. E., 1987; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Bryum calobryoides Spence, 1986 [1987] – [Spence, J. R., 1986 [1987]]  Bryum calodictyon Brotherus, 1916 – [Ochi, H., 1970]  Bryum calophyllum R. Brown, 1823 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum campoanum Thériot, 1926 – [Ochi, H., 1992]  Bryum campylopodioides C. Müller, 1896 – [Ochi, H., 1985]  Bryum canariense Bridel, 1817 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1980; Magill, R. E., 1987]  Bryum capillatum Villars ex Bridel, 1803  Bryum capituliforme Warnstorf, 1915 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1982 as insufficiently known]  Bryum carbonicola C. Müller, 1900  Bryum cellulare W. J. Hooker in Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980; Magill, R. E., 1987; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Bryum cephalozioides Cardot, 1906 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum challaense Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum chlororhodon C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Bryum chorizodontum Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Bryum chryseum Mitten, 1869 – [Ochi, H., 1994a]  Bryum chrysoneuron C. Müller, 1851 – [Ochi, H., 1970; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Bryum chrysophyllum Ochi, 1973 – [Ochi, H., 1973a]  Bryum cirrhiferum (De Notaris) De Notaris, 1866 – [Demaret, F. & P. Geissler, 1990]  Bryum clavatum (W. P. Schimper) C. Müller, 1848 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984]  Bryum clintonii Austin, 1876 1984; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum crassimucronatum Philibert, 1899  Bryum crassinervum (Herzog) A. J. Shaw, 1987 – [Shaw, J., 1987]  Bryum crassum W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 – [Ochi, H., 1970]  Bryum creberrimum Taylor, 1846 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Syed, H., 1973; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983]  Bryum cremocarpum Lazarenko, 1970 – [Lazarenko, A. S., 1970] 



Bryum cristatum C. Müller, 1851 Bryum crozetense Kaalaas, 1912  Bryum curvatum Kaurin & H. Arnell, 1897  Bryum cyathiphyllum Dixon & Herzog, 1937 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum cyclophyllum (Schwägrichen) Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1839 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum cylindrothecium R. Brown ter, 1899  Bryum daenikeri Thériot, 1929 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Bryum deciduum Amann, 1923  Bryum defractum C. Müller, 1900  Bryum delitescens Cardot, 1905 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Bryum demaretianum Arts, 1992 – [Arts, T., 1992]  Bryum densifolium Bridel, 1827 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum dentatum Ochi, 1977 – [Ochi, H., 1981b; Ochi, H., 1977]  Bryum denticulatinervium Ochi, 1977 – [Ochi, H., 1977; Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum depressum C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1897 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum diaphanum C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum dichotomum Hedwig, 1801 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1970; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Bryum bicolor; Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum bicolor]  Bryum dilatatum E. Jørgensen, 1894  Bryum dillenii Weber & D. Mohr, 1807  Bryum dimorphum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973; Yano, O., 1981]  Bryum dissolutinerve C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum dixonii Cardot, 1901 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum dolichophyllum Montagne, 1835  Bryum donatii Thériot, 1935 – [Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum dongolense Brizi, 1893  Bryum donianum Greville, 1827 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Ochi, H., 1972a; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum dunense A. J. E. Smith & H. Whitehouse, 1978 – [Smith, A. J. E. & H. L. K. Whitehouse, 1978; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum duplicatum Brotherus, 1900 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum eatonii Mitten, 1876 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum funkii Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1982; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Bryum fuscescens Rota in De Notaris, 1869  Bryum fuscomucronatum C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1982 as insufficiently known]  Bryum fuscotomentosum Demaret & J. Leroy, 1944 – [Excluded by Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum gamophyllum C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum garovaglii De Notaris, 1866 

Bryum ehlei Arnold, 1913 Bryum ekmanii Thériot, 1939 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Bryum ekstamii Savicz-Ljubitskaya, 1966  Bryum elegans Nees in Bridel, 1827 – [Syed, H., 1973; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum elegantulum Lorentz, 1864 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Bryum ellipsifolium C. Müller, 1890 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum ellipticifolium Brizi, 1893  Bryum elwendicum Fehlner, 1884 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Bryum encalyptaceum C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum enisseense Savicz-Ljubitskaya, 1966  Bryum eremaeum Catcheside ex Spence & H. P. Ramsay, 1996 – [Spence, J. R. & H. P. Ramsay, 1996]  Bryum erythrocaulon (Schwägrichen) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Bryum erythroloma (Kindberg) Syed, 1973 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Syed, H., 1973; Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum erythrotropis C. Müller, 1875  Bryum euryphyllum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum evanidinerve Brotherus, 1899  Bryum fabronia C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum felipponei Thériot, 1930 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum flaccidifolium Dixon in R. A. Dyer, 1939  Bryum flaccidum Bridel, 1826 – [Syed, H., 1973; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum flagellans C. Müller, 1900 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum flagellicoma C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum flavipes C. Müller, 1900  Bryum flavituber R. Wilczek & Demaret, 1976 – [Wilczek, R. & F. Demaret, 1976b]  Bryum flavopallidum Dusén, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum fragile C. Müller, 1875  Bryum francii Thériot, 1921 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Bryum funckiioides J. Fröhlich, 1955 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Bryum gayanum Montagne in C. Müller, 1848 – [Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum gemmascens Kindberg, 1897 – [Syed, H., 1973]  Bryum gemmatum C. Müller, 1885 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Bryum gemmiferum R. Wilczek & Demaret, 1976 – [Smith, A. J. E. & H. L. K. Whitehouse, 1978; Wilczek, R. & F. Demaret, 1976a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum gemmilucens R. Wilczek & Demaret, 1976 – [Smith, A. J. E. & H. L. K. Whitehouse, 1978; Wilczek, R. & F. Demaret, 1976a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] 


Bryum gemmiparum De Notaris, 1866 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum germainii Demaret & J. Leroy, 1949  Bryum gerwigii (C. Müller in J. B. Jack) Limpricht, 1892 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Bryum gilliesii W. J. Hooker, 1829 – [Ochi, H., 1982; Ochi, H. & M. Mahú, 1988]  Bryum gossypinum Gao Chien & Chang Kung-chu, 1979 – [Gao Chien & Chang Kuang-chu, 1979]  Bryum goudotii Hampe, 1865 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Bryum gracilisetum Hornschuch, 1840 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum gynostomoides Palisot de Beauvois, 1805  Bryum gyoerffianum Györffy ex Podpra, 1973 – [Podpra, J., 1973]  Bryum haematoneurum C. Müller, 1872 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1985]  Bryum hagenii Limpricht, 1892  Bryum handelii Brotherus, 1929 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Bryum hatcheri Dusén, 1903 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1982 as insufficiently known]  Bryum hauthalii C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1982 as insufficiently known]  Bryum hawaiicum Hoe, 1974 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996; Hoe, W. J., 1974]  Bryum hedbergii Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bryum hioramii Thériot, 1939 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Bryum hochreutineri Cardot, 1912  Bryum icodense H. Winter, 1914 – [Ochi, H., 1973b]  Bryum illecebraria C. Müller, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Bryum imbricatum (Schwägrichen) Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1839 – [Demaret, F. & P. Geissler, 1990]  Bryum inaequale Taylor, 1846 – [Ochi, H., 1970]  Bryum incacorralis Herzog, 1909 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum incrassatolimbatum Cardot, 1909 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H. & N. Salazar Allen, 1990]  Bryum innovans H. Crum in Mägdefrau, 1983 – [Magdefrau, K., 1983]  Bryum insolitum Cardot, 1909 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum intermedium (Bridel) Blandow, 1809 – [Demaret, F. & P. Geissler, 1990; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum isleanum Bescherelle, 1875 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum jamaicense Syed, 1973 – [Syed, H., 1973]  Bryum lindbergii Kaurin, 1886  Bryum lonchocaulon C. Müller, 1875 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Ochi, H., 1985]  Bryum lonchophyllum Brotherus, 1897 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum lonchopus Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Bryum longisetum Blandow ex Schwägrichen, 1816  Bryum lorentzii W. P. Schimper, 1876


Bryum joannis-meyeri C. Müller, 1900 Bryum kerguelense Mitten, 1876 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum klinggraeffii W. P. Schimper in Klinggräff, 1858 – [Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1964; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum knowltonii Barnes, 1889 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum kunzei Hornschuch, 1819 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Bryum labradorense Philibert, 1887  Bryum laevifilum Syed, 1973 – [Syed, H., 1973]  Bryum laevigatum J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1967]  Bryum lagarocarpum Mohamed, 1979 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Bryum lamii Reimers, 1929 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984]  Bryum lamprocarpum C. Müller in Neumayer, 1890 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum lamprochaete Dusén, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Bryum lamprocomum C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum lamprostegum C. Müller, 1853  Bryum latifolium (Schwägrichen) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Shlyakov, R. N., 1995]  Bryum latilimbatum Cardot, 1909 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1994a as insufficiently known]  Bryum lawersianum Philibert, 1899 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum leoni Thériot, 1941 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Bryum leptocaulon Cardot, 1905 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Ochi, H., 1985]  Bryum leptoglyphondon Philibert, 1900  Bryum leptoneurum Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum leptospeiron C. Müller in Bescherelle, 1880 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum leptotorquescens C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1897 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum leptotrichum C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum leucoglyphodon Philibert, 1900  Bryum leucophylloides Brotherus, 1924 – [Ochi, H., 1985]  Bryum limbatum C. Müller, 1851 – [Ochi, H., 1994a]  Bryum limbifolium Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] 

Bryum ludovicae Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Bryum lugubre I. Hagen, 1904  Bryum maceratum C. Müller, 1882 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum macroblastum C. Müller, 1900  Bryum macrodictyum Warnstorf in E. Bauer, 1911  Bryum macrophyllum Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Ochi, H., 1967; Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum macrosporum E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Greene,



D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Bryum mairei Coppey, 1911 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Bryum mamillatum Lindberg in C. J. Hartman, 1864 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum marratii Wilson, 1855 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum matto-grossense Brotherus, 1900 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum mayrii Brotherus, 1899 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Bryum meesioides Kindberg in Macoun, 1889  Bryum megalacrion Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum melvilleanum C. Müller, 1848  Bryum mendax Podpra, 1973 – [Podpra, J., 1973]  Bryum meruense C. Müller, 1890  Bryum mesodon Amann, 1930  Bryum microcalophyllum Philibert, 1899  Bryum microcapillare C. Müller, 1898 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Bryum microchaeton Hampe, 1865 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum microcochleare Dixon & Badhwar, 1938  Bryum micronitidum Ochi, 1980 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum mieheanum Ochi, 1993 – [Ochi, H., 1990b, as Bryum funarioides]  Bryum mildeanum Juratzka, 1862 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum miniatum Lesquereux, 1868 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Bryum minusculum C. Müller, 1885 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum minutirosatum C. Müller, 1888 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bryum minutissimum C. Müller, 1898  Bryum mirabile C. Müller, 1883  Bryum miserum Cardot, 1905 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Bryum moei W. P. Schimper, 1876  Bryum mollifolium Philibert, 1899  Bryum molliusculum Podpra, 1973 – [Podpra, J., 1973]  Bryum mucronatum Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1867 – [Ochi, H., 1973a]  Bryum mucronifolium Philibert, 1899  Bryum muehlenbeckii Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ochi, H., 1982; Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum multiflorum C. Müller, 1848 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Bryum pancheri Jaeger, 1875 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Bryum papuanum Dixon, 1922 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Ochi, H., 1967; Eddy, A., 1996]  Bryum paradoxum Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Bryum paraguense Bescherelle, 1877 – [Buck, W.

Bryum murmanicum Brotherus, 1890 Bryum nanoapiculatum Ochi & Kürschner, 1988 – [Ochi, H. & H. Kürschner, 1988]  Bryum nanocapillare C. Müller ex Brizi, 1893  Bryum nanophyllum C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Bryum neodamense Itzigsohn in C. Müller, 1848  Bryum nitidulum Lindberg, 1866  Bryum nivale C. Müller, 1848 – [Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum obligogynum Philibert in Amann, 1933  Bryum obliquum C. Müller in Neumayer, 1890 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum oblongum Lindberg, 1883  Bryum obscurum Villars ex Bridel, 1803  Bryum obtusidens H. Arnell, 1913  Bryum ochianum Redfearn & B. C. Tan, 1995 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Bryum oncophorum Hampe, 1878 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Bryum oophyllum C. Müller, 1898  Bryum orbiculatifolium Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Ochi, H., 1982; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Bryum orientale Podpra, 1929  Bryum orthocladum C. Müller, 1848 – [Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1972b]  Bryum orthodontioides C. Müller, 1848 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum orthopelma C. Müller, 1874  Bryum orthotheciellae C. Müller, 1883 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum orthothecium Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Ochi, H. & M. Mahú, 1988; Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum osculatianum De Notaris, 1859  Bryum oxycarpum Amann, 1923  Bryum pabstianum C. Müller, 1855 – [Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum pachycladum Cardot ex Potier de la Varde, 1925  Bryum pachytheca C. Müller, 1848 – [Ochi, H., 1982; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984]  Bryum pallens Swartz, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1985; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Bryum pallescens Schleicher ex Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum pallidoviride Cardot, 1905 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum pamirense Philibert ex Brotherus, 1906  Bryum pamiricomucronatum Philibert ex Brotherus, 1906 

R., 1985c]  Bryum patzeltii Podpra, 1957  Bryum pauperidens Dixon ex G. N. Jones, 1951  Bryum peralatum Potier de la Varde, 1932 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Bryum perconcavifolium Ochi, 1977 – [Ochi, H.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1994a; Ochi, H., 1977] Bryum perdecurrens E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Eddy, A., 1996]  Bryum perlimbatum Cardot, 1905 – [Ochi, H., 1970; Magill, R. E., 1987; Ochi, H., 1972a; Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Bryum perminutum C. Müller, 1897  Bryum perrieri Thériot, 1920 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Bryum phallus C. Müller, 1875 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum picnoloma C. Müller in Dixon & Gepp, 1923  Bryum planiusculum Lindberg & H. Arnell, 1890  Bryum platyphyllum (Schwägrichen) C. Müller, 1848 – [Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum pocsii Bizot, 1971-72 [1973] – [Bizot, M., 1967; Bizot, M., 1971–72 [1973]]  Bryum pootenianum Paris, 1894  Bryum posthumum C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum propium I. Hagen, 1901  Bryum prosatherum Podpra, 1973 – [Podpra, J., 1973]  Bryum pseudoblandum T. Koponen & Norris, 1984 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Ochi, H., 1985; Eddy, A., 1996]  Bryum pseudocapillare Bescherelle, 1876 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980; Syed, H., 1973]  Bryum pseudocastaneum C. E. O. Jensen in Weimarck, 1937  Bryum pseudointermedium Kindberg, 1907  Bryum pseudomicron C. Müller, 1882 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1982 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum pseudopachytheca C. Müller, 1859  Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedwig) P. G. Gärtner, B. Meyer & Scherbius, 1802 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1980; Lawton, E., 1971; Magill, R. E., 1987; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Syed, H., 1973; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Bryum pungentifolium C. Müller, 1898  Bryum purpurascens (R. Brown) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum purpuratum C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum purpureolucidum J. Fröhlich, 1955 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Bryum purpureonigrum Duby, 1875 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Bryum pycnodictyum C. Müller, 1900 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum pycnophyllum (Dixon) Mohamed, 1979 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Bryum ruderale Crundwell & Nyholm, 1963 – [Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1964; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] 


Bryum pygmaeomucronatum Philibert, 1899 Bryum pygmaeum C. Müller, 1883  Bryum pyrrhothrix C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum radiculosum Bridel, 1817 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ochi, H., 1972a; Magill, R. E., 1987; Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1980; Iwatsuki, Z., 1991; Ochi, H., 1985; Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1964]  Bryum ramosum (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1859 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Bryum rapaense E. B. Bartram, 1940 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Bryum rectifolium E. B. Bartram, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Bryum recurvulum Mitten, 1859 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Ochi, H., 1967]  Bryum redboonii Donat, 1936 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum reedii H. Robinson, 1966 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Robinson, H., 1966]  Bryum remelei C. Müller, 1874  Bryum renauldii Röll ex Renauld & Cardot, 1900 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum retusifolium Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1923 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Bryum revolutum C. Müller, 1879 – [Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum rhexodon I. Hagen, 1908  Bryum rhizoblastum Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum rhypariocaulon C. Müller, 1886 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum richardsii A. J. Sharp, 1983 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980; Sharp, A. J., 1983]  Bryum riparioides E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Bryum riparium I. Hagen, 1908 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum rivale C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum roscheri Lorentz, 1864 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bryum rosulans C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum rotundifolium Ochi, 1980 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum rubens Mitten, 1856 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1964; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Eddy, A., 1996]  Bryum rubescens Cardot, 1912  Bryum rubicundum C. Müller, 1859 – [Excluded by Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum rubrocostatum C. Müller, 1883 – [Excluded by Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum rubrolimbatum Brotherus, 1910 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1982; Syed, H., 1973] 

Bryum rufolimbatum Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Bryum russulum Brotherus & Geheeb, 1898 –



[Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Eddy, A., 1996]  Bryum rutilans Bridel, 1826  Bryum sabuletorum Brotherus & Cardot, 1923 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1982 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum salakense Cardot, 1912 – [Ochi, H., 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Bryum salinum I. Hagen ex Limpricht, 1892 – [Ireland, R. R., 1982; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum sandii Dozy & Molkenboer, 1844 – [Ochi, H., 1971; Ochi, H., 1985]  Bryum sauteri Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1964; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum savesii C. Müller, 1900  Bryum savicziae Schljakov, 1959  Bryum schleicheri Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Shlyakov, R. N., 1995]  Bryum sclerodictyon Dixon, 1943 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Ochi, H., 1985; Eddy, A., 1996]  Bryum semirubrum C. Müller, 1875  Bryum serotinum Lindberg, 1879  Bryum sibericum Lindberg & H. Arnell, 1890  Bryum simii Schelpe in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Bryum sinense Mohamed, 1979 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Bryum skottsbergii Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum soboliferum Taylor, 1846 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum sordidum Hampe, 1865 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Bryum spinifolium Philibert, 1899  Bryum spininervium Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Ochi, H., 1980]  Bryum splachnobryoides C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum splendidifolium C. Müller in Brizi, 1893  Bryum stellituber Arts, 1997 – [Arts, T., 1997]  Bryum stenocarpum Limpricht, 1884  Bryum stenophyllum Dixon, 1928 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum stirtonii W. P. Schimper, 1876 – [Syed, H., 1973; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum subapiculatum Hampe, 1872 – [Ochi, H., 1994a; Ochi, H., 1980; Ochi, H., 1985]  Bryum subargenteum Hampe, 1874 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum subcalophyllum (Philibert) Paris, 1900  Bryum subclavatum Thériot, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Bryum subelegans Kindberg, 1903 – [Syed, H., 1973]  Bryum subgracillimum Thériot, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Bryum subleucophyllum C. Müller, 1897 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Bryum submucronatum Philibert, 1899  Bryum uvidum Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1982 as insufficiently known]

Bryum subneodamense Kindberg, 1905 Bryum subnitidulum H. Arnell in Dusén, 1901  Bryum subpercurrente Thériot, 1930 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Bryum subrotundifolium Jaeger, 1880 – [Seppelt, R. D. & T. G. A. Green, 1998]  Bryum subsericeum Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Bryum sullivanii C. Müller in Brotherus, 1893 – [Spence, J. R. & H. P. Ramsay, 1996]  Bryum svihlae E. B. Bartram, 1954 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Bryum syriacum Lorentz, 1868 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Bryum taimyrense Brotherus & Bryhn, 1910  Bryum taitae C. Müller, 1879 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bryum taoense Thériot, 1921 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Bryum tenuidens Dixon & Sainsbury, 1945 – [Ochi, H., 1970]  Bryum tenuifolium Bridel, 1801  Bryum tenuisetum Limpricht, 1897 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Bryum tepintzensa Bescherelle ex C. Müller, 1900  Bryum teres Lindberg, 1866  Bryum terskeiense Paris, 1904  Bryum tessellatum Philibert, 1899  Bryum thomasii R. Brown ter, 1899  Bryum thomeanum Potier de la Varde, 1959  Bryum thomsonii Mitten, 1859 – [Ochi, H., 1985]  Bryum timmiostomoides Philibert, 1898  Bryum tisserantii Potier de la Varde, 1928  Bryum tjiburrumense Fleischer, 1904 – [cited by Ochi, H., 1985 as insufficiently known]  Bryum tophaceum Durieu & Montagne, 1849 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum torquatum Mohamed, 1979 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Bryum trabutii Thériot, 1930  Bryum tristaniense Dixon & Christophersen, 1960 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum truncorum (Bridel) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Ochi, H., 1971 [1972]; Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Bryum turbinatum (Hedwig) Turner, 1804 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ochi, H., 1972a; Magill, R. E., 1987; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Bryum turgidum Arnott, 1825 [1826?]  Bryum uliginosum (Bridel) Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1839 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum urbanskyi Brotherus in Drygalski, 1906 – [Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum usambaricum Brotherus, 1894 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Bryum utriculatum C. Müller, 1883 


Bryum valparaisense Thériot, 1917 – [Arts, T., A. C. Crundwell & H. L. K. Whitehouse, 1995; Ochi, H.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1982]  Bryum vernicosum Dusén, 1903  Bryum vernum Philibert, 1899  Bryum veronense De Notaris, 1866  Bryum versicolor A. Braun ex Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1839  Bryum viguieri Thériot, 1922 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum violaceum Crundwell & Nyholm, 1963 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1964; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Bryum viridescens Welwitsch & Duby, 1872 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Ochi, H., 1972a; Ochi, H., 1977; Ochi, H., 1982]  Bryum voeltzkowii Brotherus in Voeltzkow, 1908 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Bryum vulcanicum (Bridel) Bridel, 1819 [1818]  Bryum wagneri C. Müller, 1851 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Bryum wallaceanum C. Müller, 1898 – [Ochi, H., 1970]  Bryum warneum (Röhling) Bridel, 1826 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Nyholm, E., 1993; Shaw, J. & F. Marcotte, 1983; Bardunov, L. V., 1969]  Bryum weigelii Sprengel, 1807 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Bryum wrightii Sullivant, 1859 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Bryum zeballosicum Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Ochi, H., 1982] Buxbaumia Hedwig, 1801 {7/1/4/0/0=12} BUXBAUMIACEAE  Buxbaumia aphylla Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Murray, B. M., 1987d; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Buxbaumia colyerae Burges, 1932 – [Stone, I. G., 1983b]  Buxbaumia himalayensis Udar, Srivastava & D. Kumar, 1971 – [Udar, R., S. C. Srivastave & D. Kumar, 1971]  Buxbaumia javanica C. Müller, 1848 – [Hyvönen, J., 1986; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Buxbaumia minakatae S. Okamura, 1911 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Buxbaumia novae-zelandiae Dixon, 1929 – [Stone, I. G., 1983b]  Buxbaumia piperi Best, 1893 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Buxbaumia punctata Chen Pan-chieh & Li Xing-jiang, 1964 – [Chen P.-c. & S.-c. Li, 1964]  Buxbaumia symmetrica Chen Pan-chieh & Li Xing-jiang, 1964 – [Chen P.-c. & S.-c. Li, 1964]  Buxbaumia tasmanica Mitten, 1859 – [Stone, I. G., 1983b]  Buxbaumia thorsborneae Stone, 1983 – [Stone, I. G., 1983b]  Buxbaumia viridis (A. P. de Candolle in Lamarck & A. P. de Candolle) Mougeot & Nestler, 1823 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]


Caduciella Enroth, 1991 {1/0/1/0/0=2} NECKERACEAE  Caduciella guangdongensis Enroth, 1993 – [Enroth, J., 1993b]  Caduciella mariei (Bescherelle) Enroth, 1991 – [Enroth, J., 1991e] Callialaria Ochyra, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CAMPYLIACEAE  Callialaria curvicaulis (Juratzka) Ochyra, 1989 – [Ochyra, R., 1989c] Callicladium H. Crum, 1971 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Callicladium haldanianum (Greville) H. Crum, 1971 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996] Callicostella (C. Müller) Mitten, 1859 {22/4/1/70/0=97} PILOTRICHACEAE  Callicostella africana Mitten, 1860 – []  Callicostella aiomensis E. B. Bartram, 1961  Callicostella apophysata (Hampe) Jaeger, 1877 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella aquatica E. B. Bartram in B. Willis, 1939 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Callicostella armata Herzog, 1916 – [Akiyama, H., 1997b]  Callicostella ascensionis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907  Callicostella attenuata (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907  Callicostella beccariana (Hampe) Jaeger, 1877 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Callicostella belangeriana (Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1877 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Callicostella bernoullii (Hampe in C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994g]  Callicostella bisexualis (Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1877 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982, as Schizomitrium bisexuale]  Callicostella brevipes (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Callicostella caledonica Thériot, 1908 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982, as Schizomitrium caledonicum]  Callicostella campbelliana (Hampe) Jaeger, 1877  Callicostella chevalieri Brotherus in Corbière, 1912  Callicostella chionophylla (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907  Callicostella chlorina (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978, as Schizomitrium chlorinum]  Callicostella chloroneura C. Müller ex Fleischer, 1908  Callicostella ciliata (W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1877 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994g]  Callicostella circinata (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907  Callicostella colombica R. S. Williams, 1925 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Callicostella constricta (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W.



Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Callicostella cruegeri (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907  Callicostella depressa (Hedwig) Jaeger, 1877 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Callicostella diatomophila (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1922 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Callicostella disticha Ångström, 1873  Callicostella eberhardtiana Brotherus & Paris, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Callicostella emarginatula Brotherus in Corbière, 1912  Callicostella erosotruncata Cardot, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Callicostella fallax (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907  Callicostella fissidentella (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Callicostella frateri Brotherus & Watts, 1915  Callicostella gabonensis Brotherus & Potier de la Varde & Potier de la Varde, 1925  Callicostella galipanoana (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Callicostella guatemalensis (E. B. Bartram) Florschütz-de Waard, 1990 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1990]  Callicostella heterophylla Ångström, 1873  Callicostella hondurensis H. Crum, 1952 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Callicostella integrifolia (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Callicostella irrorata (C. Müller in Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella jungermannioides Herzog, 1924 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella juruensis Brotherus, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Callicostella kreaniana Tixier, 1964-65 [1965] – [Tixier, P., 1964–65 [1965]]  Callicostella lacerans (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Callicostella laeviuscula Mitten, 1879 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Callicostella leptocladula (C. Müller ex Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Callicostella limosa (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella loriae Fleischer, 1908  Callicostella maclaudii (Paris & Brotherus in Paris) Brotherus, 1907  Callicostella martiana (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1877 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Callicostella melanotheca (Duby ex Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1877 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982, as Schizomitrium melanotheca]  Callicostella merkelii (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1877 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1986, as Schizomitrium merkelii; Sehnem, A., 1979]

Callicostella daltoniaecarpa (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella mexicana H. Robinson & W. H. Welch in W. H. Welch, 1966 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994g]  Callicostella microcarpa Ångström, 1876 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Callicostella monofaria (Geheeb & Hampe) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella mosenii (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella nukahivensis (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978, as Schizomitrium nukahivense]  Callicostella oblongifolia (Sullivant) Jaeger, 1877 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978, as Schizomitrium nukahivense]  Callicostella oerstediana (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Callicostella pallida (Hornschuch in Martius) Ångström, 1876 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994g; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Callicostella paludicola Brotherus, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Callicostella papillata (Montagne) Mitten, 1859 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995; Streimann, H., 1997]  Callicostella papillosula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde, 1925  Callicostella parvicellulata Demaret & Potier de la Varde, 1952 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Callicostella paulensis Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella paupera (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891  Callicostella pellucida (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Callicostella perpallida (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Callicostella perpapillata Brotherus & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde, 1925 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Callicostella perrotii (Renauld & Cardot ex Paris) Brotherus, 1907 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Callicostella pilotrichidioides Brotherus, 1923 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella prabaktiana (C. Müller) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995]  Callicostella pterygophylloides (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907  Callicostella pusilla Brotherus ex Demaret & Potier de la Varde, 1952 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Callicostella rivularis (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Callicostella rufescens (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1986, as Schizomitrium rufescens]  Callicostella salaziae (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W.

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Callicostella saxatilis (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 –  Callicostella scabripes (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Callicostella scabriseta (W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1877 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Callicostella scabriuscula (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Callicostella sellowiana (Hampe) Jaeger, 1877 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella seychellensis (Bescherelle) Renauld, 1897  Callicostella spurio-pallida (C. Müller ex Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella strumulosa (Hampe & Lorentz) Jaeger, 1877 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Callicostella subdepressa (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Callicostella subemarginatula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde, 1925  Callicostella submicrocarpa (Geheeb & Hampe) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella submonofaria Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Callicostella subsecunda (Mitten) B. C. Tan in B. Thiers, 1992  Callicostella tenerrima E. B. Bartram, 1951 [1952] – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Callicostella torrentium (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907  Callicostella tristis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Callicostella usambarica (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907  Callicostella vesiculata (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978, as Schizomitrium vesiculatum]  Callicostella virens Renauld & Cardot, 1905 Callicostellopsis Brotherus, 1907 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PILOTRICHACEAE  Callicostellopsis meridiensis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a] Calliergon (Sullivant in A. Gray) Kindberg, 1894 {6/0/0/0/1=7} CAMPYLIACEAE  Calliergon cordifolium (Hedwig) Kindberg, 1894 – [Kanda, H., 1976 [1977]; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Calliergon giganteum (W. P. Schimper) Kindberg, 1894 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971]  Calliergon joveti-astii Hébrard, 1970 – [Excluded by Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Hébrard, J.-P., 1970]  Calliergon megalophyllum Mikutowicz, 1908 – [Karczmarz, K., 1971]  Calliergon orbiculare-cordatum (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1909 – [Karczmarz, K., 1971]  Calliergon richardsonii (Mitten) Kindberg, 1897 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Beever, J., K. W.


[Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Callicostella scaberrima Brotherus, 1924 Allison & J. Child, 1992; Hedenäs, L., 1993a]  Calliergon subpapillosum Karczmarz, 1971 – [Karczmarz, K., 1971; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Calliergonella Loeske, 1911 {2/0/0/0/0=2} HYPNACEAE  Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedwig) Loeske, 1911 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Hedenäs, L., 1990 [1992]b; Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Kanda, H., 1976 [1977]; Lawton, E., 1971; Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Calliergonella lindbergii (Mitten) Hedenäs, 1990 [1992] – [Hedenäs, L., 1990 [1992]b] Calomnion J. D. Hooker & Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1854 {9/0/0/0/0=9} CALOMNIACEAE  Calomnion brownseyi Vitt & H. A. Miller in Vitt, 1995 – [Vitt, D. H., 1995]  Calomnion ceramense Vitt, 1995 – [Vitt, D. H., 1995]  Calomnion complanatum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Lindberg, 1872 – [Vitt, D. H., 1995]  Calomnion denticulatum Mitten, 1868 – [Vitt, D. H., 1995]  Calomnion iwatsukii Vitt, 1995 – [Vitt, D. H., 1995]  Calomnion lillianiae Vitt & H. A. Miller in Vitt, 1995 – [Vitt, D. H., 1995]  Calomnion melanesicum H. A. Miller, 1987 – [Vitt, D. H., 1995]  Calomnion milleri Vitt, 1991 – [Vitt, D. H., 1995]  Calomnion schistostegiellum (Bescherelle) Wijk & Margadant, 1959 – [Vitt, D. H., 1995] Calymperastrum Stone, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Calymperastrum latifolium (Hampe in Lehmann) Stone, 1986 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1986] Calymperes Swartz ex Weber, 1814 [1813] {35/0/3/15/0=53} CALYMPERACEAE  Calymperes aeruginosum Hampe ex Sande Lacoste, 1872 – [Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Calymperes afzelii Swartz, 1818 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes asperum C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1896  Calymperes bartramii W. D. Reese, 1961 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Calymperes beccarii Hampe, 1872 – [Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Calymperes boninense Iwatsuki, 1985 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1985b]  Calymperes boulayi Bescherelle, 1896 – [Ellis, L. T., 1989a; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes couguiense Bescherelle, 1873 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes crassinerve (Mitten) Jaeger, 1873 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]



Calymperes derelictum Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1917 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Calymperes erosum C. Müller, 1848 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes graeffeanum C. Müller, 1874 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes guildingii W. J. Hooker & Greville, 1825 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Calymperes guineense Paris & Brotherus, 1904  Calymperes hispidum Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [Ellis, L. T., 1988]  Calymperes hyophilaceum C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1896 – [cited by Reese, W. D. & H. Mohamed, 1985 as insufficiently known]  Calymperes lamellosulum Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Calymperes levyanum Bescherelle, 1896 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981; Reese, W. D., 1994c]  Calymperes linearifolium C. Müller, 1874 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Calymperes linguatum C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1896  Calymperes lonchophyllum Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes loucoubense Bescherelle, 1896 – [Ellis, L. T., 1991a]  Calymperes mangalorense Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927 – [Ellis, L. T., 1989a]  Calymperes mitrafugax Florschütz, 1964 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Calymperes motleyi Mitten in Dozy & Molkenboer, 1856 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes mussoriense Dixon, 1942  Calymperes nanum C. Müller, 1875  Calymperes nicaraguense Renauld & Cardot, 1895 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Calymperes noakhalense Brühl & Sarkar, 1929  Calymperes norkettii L. Ellis, 1989 – [Ellis, L. T., 1989b]  Calymperes othmeri Herzog, 1924 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Reese, W. D., 1990]  Calymperes palisotii Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes pallidum Mitten, 1879 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes platyloma Mitten, 1869 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Calymperes porrectum Mitten, 1868 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes proligerum C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896  Calymperes pulvinatum Mitten in Hemsley, 1885  Calymperes pungens C. Müller, 1883  Calymperes robinsonii B. C. Tan & W. D. Reese, 1983 – [Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986; Reese, W. D. & B. C. Tan, 1983]  Calymperes rubiginosum (Mitten) W. D. Reese, 1975 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]


Calymperes fasciculatum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1856 – [Reese, W. D. & H. Mohamed, 1985; Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986] 

Calymperes sakaranae Paris, 1903 Calymperes schmidtii Brotherus, 1901 – [Ellis, L. T., 1991b; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes serratum A. Braun ex C. Müller, 1849 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes smithii E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Calymperes strictifolium (Mitten) G. Roth, 1911 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995]  Calymperes subintegrum Brotherus, 1901 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995]  Calymperes subserratum Fleischer, 1904 – [Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986; Reese, W. D. & H. Streimann, 1994]  Calymperes subulatum E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Calymperes tahitense (Sullivant) Mitten, 1868 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Calymperes tenerum C. Müller, 1872 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Reese, W. D., 1994c; Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Calymperes thomeanum C. Müller, 1886  Calymperes woodii L. Ellis, 1997 – [Ellis, L. T., 1997] Calymperopsis (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1913 =Syrrhopodon {0/0/1/0/0=1} CALYMPERACEAE  Calymperopsis vietnamensis Ninh, 1981 – [Ninh, T., 1981] Calyptopogon (Mitten) Brotherus, 1902 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Calyptopogon mnioides (Schwägrichen) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Calyptothecium Mitten, 1868 {14/2/4/10/0=30} PTEROBRYACEAE  Calyptothecium acostatum Luo Jian-xin, 1983 – [Lou Jian-shing, 1983]  Calyptothecium acutum (Mitten) Brotherus in Paris, 1904 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Calyptothecium auriculatum (Dixon) Noguchi, 1980 – [Noguchi, A., 1980]  Calyptothecium australinum (Mitten) Paris, 1904 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Calyptothecium bescherellei (Renauld) Brotherus, 1906 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b]  Calyptothecium burmense E. B. Bartram, 1943  Calyptothecium compressum Noguchi, 1973 – [Noguchi, A., 1973]  Calyptothecium crispulum (Bescherelle & Sande Lacoste) Brotherus, 1906 – [Noguchi, A., 1986a; Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Calyptothecium duplicatum (Schwägrichen) Brotherus, 1906 – [Magill, R., 1994a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Sehnem, A., 1980]  Calyptothecium extensum Fleischer, 1908 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Calyptothecium hamatum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1905 – [Noguchi, A., 1965]  Calyptothecium nitidum (Renauld & Cardot) Fleischer, 1905 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Calyptothecium oxyphyllum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Calyptothecium phyllogonioides Noguchi & Li Xing-jiang, 1988 – [Noguchi, A. & Li Xing-jiang, 1988]  Calyptothecium pinnatum Noguchi, 1934 – [Noguchi, A., 1965; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Calyptothecium prainii Brotherus ex Gangulee, 1976 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Calyptothecium pterobryoides Argent, 1973 [1974] – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b]  Calyptothecium ramosii Brotherus, 1913 – [Noguchi, A., 1986a]  Calyptothecium recurvulum (Brotherus) Brotherus in Thériot, 1904 – [Streimann, H., 1991b; Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Calyptothecium rhystotis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Calyptothecium seminerve E. B. Bartram, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Calyptothecium squarrosulum Noguchi & B. C. Tan in Noguchi, 1984 – [Noguchi, A., 1984; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Calyptothecium subacutum Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Calyptothecium subecostatum Dixon, 1941 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Calyptothecium subhumile Brotherus, 1904 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Calyptothecium symphysodontoides Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Calyptothecium urvilleanum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989b; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Calyptothecium wightii (Mitten) Fleischer, 1905 – [Noguchi, A. & Li Xing-jiang, 1988; Noguchi, A., 1987b] Calyptrochaeta Desvaux, 1825 {15/3/3/4/0=25} DALTONIACEAE  Calyptrochaeta albescens (Hampe) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Buck, W. R., 1987a]  Calyptrochaeta apiculata (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Vitt, 1979 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976], as Eriopus apiculatus; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Eriopus apiculatus]  Calyptrochaeta asplenioides (Bridel) Crosby, 1976 – [Crosby, M. R., 1976a; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Calyptrochaeta boniana (Bescherelle) B. C. Tan & Iwatsuki, 1993 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Calyptrochaeta brownii (Dixon) Bartlett, 1985 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedwig) Desvaux, 1825 –



Calyptothecium hookeri (Mitten) Brotherus, 1906 – [Noguchi, A. & Li Xing-jiang, 1988; Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Calyptothecium integrifolium (E. B. Bartram) Noguchi, 1980 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989b; Noguchi, A., 1980] [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Calyptrochaeta deflexa (C. Müller) Churchill, 1989 – [Churchill, S. P., 1989; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Calyptrochaeta enervis (Noguchi & Iwatsuki) Touw, 1978 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1972, as Eriopus enervis]  Calyptrochaeta flexicollis (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Vitt, 1979 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Calyptrochaeta grandiretis (Brotherus in Skottsberg) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976], as Eriopus grandiretis]  Calyptrochaeta haitensis (H. Crum & Steere) Crosby, 1974 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994e; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Calyptrochaeta isophylla H. Akiyama, 1990 – [Akiyama, H., 1990a]  Calyptrochaeta japonica (Cardot & Thériot) Iwatsuki & Noguchi, 1979 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995]  Calyptrochaeta leptoloma (Brotherus in Skottsberg) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976], as Eriopus leptoloma]  Calyptrochaeta marginata (Thériot) Pursell & W. D. Reese, 1982 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Calyptrochaeta microblasta (Brotherus) B. C. Tan & H. Robinson, 1990 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Calyptrochaeta mniadelphus (Spruce ex Mitten) Churchill, 1994  Calyptrochaeta mollis (Bescherelle) Matteri, 1998 – [Matteri, C. M., 1998; Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976], as Eriopus bescherellei; Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976], as Eriopus bescherellei; Matteri, C. M., 1975, as Eriopus bescherellei]  Calyptrochaeta nutans (Hampe) Churchill, 1989 – [Churchill, S. P., 1989; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Calyptrochaeta odontoloma (Dusén ex Matteri) Matteri in Boelcke, D. M. Moore & F. Roig, 1985 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976], as Eriopus odontoloma; Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976], as Eriopus odontoloma]  Calyptrochaeta parviretis (Fleischer) Iwatsuki, B. C. Tan & Touw in Touw, 1978 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Calyptrochaeta ramosa (Fleischer) B. C. Tan & H. Robinson, 1990 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995]  Calyptrochaeta remotifolia (C. Müller) Iwatsuki, B. C. Tan & Touw in Touw, 1978 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990; Gangulee, H. C., 1977, as Eriopus remotifolius]  Calyptrochaeta rotundifolia (Noguchi & Iwatsuki) Touw, 1978 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1972, as Eriopus rotundifolius]  Calyptrochaeta setigera (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Sehnem, A., 1979, as Eriopus setigerus]



Camptochaete Reichardt, 1870 {10/0/0/2/0=12} LEMBOPHYLLACEAE  Camptochaete angustata (Mitten) Reichardt, 1870 – [Tangney, R. S., 1997a]  Camptochaete arbuscula (Smith) Reichardt, 1870 – [Tangney, R. S., 1997a]  Camptochaete fallax (Renauld & Cardot) Renauld in Grandidier, 1899 – [cited by Tangney, R. S., 1997a as insufficiently known; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Camptochaete fruticosa Paris, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Camptochaete leichardtii (Hampe) Brotherus, 1907 – [Tangney, R. S., 1997a]  Camptochaete papuana Tangney, 1997 – [Tangney, R. S., 1997a]  Camptochaete porotrichoides (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [Tangney, R. S., 1997a]  Camptochaete pulvinata (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Jaeger, 1877 – [Tangney, R. S., 1997a]  Camptochaete subporotrichoides (Brotherus & Geheeb) Brotherus, 1907 – [Tangney, R. S., 1997a] Camptodontium Dusén, 1905 {0/0/0/2/0=2} DICRANACEAE  Camptodontium cryptodon (Montagne) Reimers, 1936 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Camptodontium fallax (Herzog) Brotherus, 1924 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Camptothecium W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 =Homalothecium {0/0/0/1/2=3} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Camptothecium naumannii Warnstorf, 1915 – [Excluded by Hofmann, H., 1998]  Camptothecium pseudolutescens (Hampe) Jaeger, 1878 – [Excluded by Hofmann, H., 1998]  Camptothecium subhumile Brotherus, 1904 Campyliadelphus (Kindberg) R. S. Chopra, 1975 {3/0/0/0/0=3} CAMPYLIACEAE  Campyliadelphus elodes (Lindberg in C. J. Hartman) Kanda, 1975 [1976] – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]]  Campyliadelphus polygamus (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Kanda, 1975 [1976] – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]; Ochyra, R., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1991]  Campyliadelphus stellatus (Hedwig) Kanda, 1975 [1976] – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]] Campylium (Sullivant in A. Gray) Mitten, 1869 {11/2/1/14/0=28} CAMPYLIACEAE  Campylium amblystegioides Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Campylium annamense Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Campylium calcareum Crundwell & Nyholm, 1962 [1963] – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Campylium campylophylloides (Ando & Nishimura in Iwatsuki) Nishimura, 1985 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Campylium cardotii (Thériot) Brotherus, 1908


Camptochaete curvata Tangney, 1997 – [Tangney, R. S., 1997a]  Camptochaete deflexa (Wilson in C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 – [Tangney, R. S., 1997a]  Camptochaete excavata (Taylor) Jaeger, 1877 – [Tangney, R. S., 1997a]  Campylium chrysophyllum (Bridel) J. M. Lange, 1887 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Campylium courtoisii Paris & Brotherus, 1909 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Campylium creperum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908  Campylium glaucocarpoides (E. S. Salmon) Brotherus, 1908  Campylium gollanii C. Müller ex Vohra, 1970 [1972] – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Campylium hispidulum (Bridel) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994]  Campylium lacerulum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Campylium laxifolium Engelmark & Hedenäs, 1990 [1992] – [Engelmark, T.-B. & L. Hedenäs, 1990 [1992]]  Campylium longicuspis (Lindberg & H. Arnell) Hedenäs, 1989 – [Hedenäs, L., 1988 [1989]]  Campylium pachytheca Dixon, 1938  Campylium polymorphum (Hedwig) Pilous, 1963 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Campylium porphyriticum C. Müller, 1898 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Campylium praegracile (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Campylium pseudochrysophyllum (Warnstorf) Reimers, 1931 – [cited by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991 as insufficiently known]  Campylium pseudocomplexum (Kindberg) Brotherus, 1908  Campylium quisqueyanum W. R. Buck, 1988 – [Buck, W. R., 1988; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Campylium radicale (Palisot de Beauvois) Grout, 1931 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994]  Campylium squarroso-byssoides C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Campylium squarrosulum (Bescherelle in Cardot) Kanda, 1975 [1976] – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]]  Campylium subdecursivulum (Kindberg in Macoun) Kindberg, 1897  Campylium tenerum (Brotherus) Nishimura, 1985 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Campylium trichocladum (Taylor) Brotherus, 1908 – [Nishimura, N., 1985; Buck, W. R., 1988]  Campylium uninervium C. Müller, 1896 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Campylophyllum (W. P. Schimper) Fleischer, 1914 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE


Campylophyllum halleri (Swartz ex Hedwig) Fleischer, 1914 – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]] Campylopodiella Cardot, 1908 {4/0/0/0/0=4} DICRANACEAE  Campylopodiella crenulata Frahm, Norris & T. Koponen, 1988 – [Frahm, J.-P., D. H. Norris & T. Koponen, 1988] Campylopodium (C. Müller) Bescherelle, 1873 {3/0/0/1/0=4} DICRANACEAE  Campylopodium euchlorum (Montagne) Matteri in Matteri & Calabrese, 1999 – [Matteri, C. M. & G. M. Calabrese, 1999; Robinson, H., 1975, as Dicranella costata]  Campylopodium lineare (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Dixon, 1914 – [Giese, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985 [1986]b]  Campylopodium medium (Duby in Moritzi) Giese & Frahm, 1985 – [Giese, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985 [1986]b; Eddy, A., 1988; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Frahm, J.-P., M. Giese, M. Padberg, T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1985]  Campylopodium phascoides (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [cited by Giese, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985 [1986]b as insufficiently known] Campylopus Bridel, 1819 [1818] {124/9/4/25/0=162} DICRANACEAE  Campylopus acuminatus Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1994d; Frahm, J.-P., 1976]  Campylopus aemulans (Hampe) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus albidovirens Herzog, 1916 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus ambiguus Thériot, 1922 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus amboroensis Thériot, 1939 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus anderssonii (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus andreanus Cardot & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde, 1922 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus angustiretis (Austin) Lesquereux & T. P. James, 1884 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Allen, B., 1994a; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus arctocarpus (Hornschuch) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Allen, B., 1994a; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus arcuatus (Bridel) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus areodictyon (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus argyrocaulon (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus asperifolius Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus atlanticus B. H. Allen, 1990 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Allen, B. H., 1990d]  Campylopus atrovirens De Notaris, 1838 – [Crum, H.



Campylopodiella flagellacea (C. Müller) Frahm & Isoviita, 1988 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Allen, B., 1994a]  Campylopodiella himalayana (Brotherus) Frahm, 1984 – [Müller, P. & J.-P. Frahm, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., 1994a]  Campylopodiella stenocarpa (Wilson in Seemann) P. Müller & Frahm, 1987 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Allen, B., 1994a; Müller, P. & J.-P. Frahm, 1987] & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Lawton, E., 1971; Frahm, J.-P., 1992; Frahm, J.-P., 1980]  Campylopus aureonitens (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1976, as Campylopus recurvifolius; Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus australis Catcheside & Frahm, 1985 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1994d]  Campylopus austro-alpinus (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus austrostramineus Thériot, 1924 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus austrosubulatus Brotherus & Geheeb, 1895 – [Frahm, J.-P., M. Giese, M. Padberg, T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1985]  Campylopus beauverdianus Thériot, 1936 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus belangeri Thériot, 1928 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus bicolor (Hornschuch ex C. Müller) Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1854 – [Bartlett, J. K. & J.-P. Frahm, 1983; Frahm, J.-P., 1994d]  Campylopus brevipilus Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1847 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Campylopus brunneus (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus bryotropii Frahm, 1984 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1984a]  Campylopus cambouei Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus capillaceus J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus capitulatus E. B. Bartram, 1955 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus carolinae Grout, 1939 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus catarractilis (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus cavifolius Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus chevalieri Brotherus & Thériot, 1912 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus chilensis De Notaris, 1859 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1994d; Frahm, J.-P., 1976, as Campylopus flavonigritus]  Campylopus circinatus Frahm, 1998 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1998]  Campylopus clavatus (R. Brown in Schwägrichen) Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1854 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Frahm, J.-P., 1994d; Frahm, J.-P., 1976; Frahm, J.-P.,



1985] Campylopus cleefii Frahm, 1986 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1986b]  Campylopus clemensiae E. B. Bartram, 1962 – [Frahm, J.-P., M. Giese, M. Padberg, T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1985; Frahm, J.-P., 1994d]  Campylopus cockaynii R. Brown ter, 1897 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus crispatulus Thériot, 1926 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus cruegeri (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known; cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1991b as insufficiently known]  Campylopus cryptopodioides Brotherus, 1900 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus cubensis Sullivant, 1861 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus cuspidatus (Hornschuch) Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus cygneus (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus decaryi Thériot, 1923 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus densicoma (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Allen, B., 1994a]  Campylopus dichrostris (C. Müller) Paris in Brotherus, 1901 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus dicranoides Thériot & Naveau, 1927 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus dietrichiae (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus edithae Brotherus, 1912 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus ericoides (Griffith) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1994d; Frahm, J.-P., 1992; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Campylopus exasperatus (Nees & Blume) Bridel, 1826 – [Frahm, J.-P., M. Giese, M. Padberg, T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1985; Frahm, J.-P., 1991a]  Campylopus exfimbriatus C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known; cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1991b as insufficiently known]  Campylopus extinctus Frahm, 1996 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1996b]  Campylopus flaccidus Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus flagelliferus (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P. & H. Mohamed, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., 1984b]  Campylopus flexuosus (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus flindersii Catcheside & Frahm, 1985 – [Catcheside, D. G. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985; Frahm, J.-P., 1994d]  Campylopus fragilis (Bridel) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1847 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Lawton, E., 1971; Allen, B., 1994a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Frahm, J.-P., 1980; Frahm, J.-P., 1992; Frahm, J.-P., 1992; Frahm, J.-P., 1985] 


Campylopus comosus (Schwägrichen) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1858 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1990; Frahm, J.-P., 1992; Frahm, J.-P., M. Giese, M. Padberg, T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1985]  Campylopus concolor (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1826 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus crateris Bescherelle, 1880 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus fuscocroceus (Hampe) Jaeger, 1880 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1979b]  Campylopus fuscolutescens Renauld & Cardot, 1897 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus gardneri (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus gastro-alaris (C. Müller) Paris, 1904 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus gedehensis Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1953 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus gemmatus (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus geraensis Paris, 1904 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus gracilis (Mitten) Jaeger, 1872 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Frahm, J.-P., 1994c; Frahm, J.-P., 1992, as Campylopus schwarzii; Frahm, J.-P., 1980, as Campylopus schwarzii]  Campylopus griseus (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus guaitecae Dusén, 1905 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1976]  Campylopus hawaiicus (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991a; Frahm, J.-P., 1990]  Campylopus hensii Renauld & Cardot, 1897 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus heterostachys (Hampe) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus hildebrandtii (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus homalobolax (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus huallagensis Brotherus, 1906 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus incertus Thériot, 1939 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus incrassatus C. Müller, 1845 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1976; Frahm, J.-P., 1994d]  Campylopus incurvatus Frahm & Hoe, 1978 – [Frahm, J.-P. & W. J. Hoe, 1978; Frahm, J.-P., 1991a]  Campylopus introflexus (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Robinson, H., 1975; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Magill, R. E., 1981; Frahm, J.-P., 1974; Gradstein, S. R. & H. J. M. Sipman, 1978; Frahm, J.-P., 1990; Frahm, J.-P., 1994d; Frahm, J.-P., 1980; Frahm, J.-P., 1976; Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus itacolumitis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known; cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1991b as insufficiently known]


Campylopus jamesonii (W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus johannis-meyeri (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus jugorum Herzog, 1909 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus julaceus Jaeger, 1880 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus julicaulis Brotherus, 1926 – [Frahm,  Campylopus laxoventralis Herzog ex Frahm, 1979 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1994d; Frahm, J.-P., 1979c]  Campylopus longicellularis Frahm, 1986 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1986b]  Campylopus luteus (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus macgregorii Brotherus & Geheeb, 1895 – [Frahm, J.-P., M. Giese, M. Padberg, T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1985]  Campylopus megalotus Bescherelle, 1875 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus milleri Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Campylopus modestus Cardot, 1905 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1994d; Frahm, J.-P., 1976]  Campylopus nanophyllus C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1897 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus nepalensis (Bridel) Jaeger, 1872 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus nivalis (Bridel) Bridel, 1826 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus oblongus Thériot, 1939 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus obrutus Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1928 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus occultus Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus oerstedianus (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Allen, B., 1994a; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus pauper (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus percurvatus C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1991b as insufficiently known]  Campylopus perexilis (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus perichaetialis Potier de la Varde & Thériot, 1940 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus perpusillus Mitten, 1886 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus pilifer Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Sloover, J. L. de, 1982; Allen, B., 1994a; Magill, R. E., 1981; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus pinfaensis Thériot, 1909 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus pittieri R. S. Williams, 1907 [1908] – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus praemorsus (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991a]


J.-P., 1991b] Campylopus kivuensis Potier de la Varde & Thériot, 1940 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus lamellinervis (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus laxitextus Sande Lacoste, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Frahm, J.-P., 1994d] 


Campylopus praetermissus Frahm, 1985 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus pseudobicolor C. Müller ex Renauld & Cardot, 1896 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus purpureocaulis Dusén, 1905 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1976; Frahm, J.-P., 1994d; Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus pyriformis (F. Schultz) Bridel, 1826 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus recurvus (Mitten) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1994e]  Campylopus reflexisetus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus refractus Frahm, 1994 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1994c]  Campylopus richardii Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Allen, B., 1994a]  Campylopus robillardei Bescherelle, 1878 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus savannarum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus schimperi Milde, 1864 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Frahm, J.-P., 1992; Frahm, J.-P., 1980]  Campylopus schmidii (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1994d; Frahm, J.-P., 1992; Frahm, J.-P., M. Giese, M. Padberg, T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1985, as Campylopus aureus]  Campylopus scoposum Hampe ex C. Müller, 1900 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus searellii R. Brown ter, 1897 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Campylopus sehnemii E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus sericeoides Dixon, 1935 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1994c; Frahm, J.-P. & H. Mohamed, 1987]  Campylopus serratus Sande Lacoste, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P. & H. Mohamed, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., 1992]  Campylopus setifolius Wilson, 1855 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Campylopus sharpii Frahm, D. G. Horton & Vitt in Frahm, 1979 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1979a]  Campylopus shawii Wilson in G. E. Hunt, 1868 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Campylopus sinensis (C. Müller) Frahm, 1997 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1997; Frahm, J.-P., 1993a, as Campylopus japonicus; Gao Chien (editor), 1994, as Campylopus japonicus; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b, as Campylopus japonicus; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987, as Campylopus japonicus]

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Campylopus smaragdinus (Bridel) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus subcuspidatus (Hampe) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus subfalcatus (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1872 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known; cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1991b as insufficiently known]  Campylopus subfragilis Renauld & Cardot, 1896 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Campylopus subulatus W. P. Schimper in Rabenhorst, 1861 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Frahm, J.-P., 1992; Frahm, J.-P., 1980; Frahm, J.-P., 1994c]  Campylopus surinamensis C. Müller, 1848 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Allen, B., 1994a; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus taiwanensis Sakurai, 1941 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Campylopus tallulensis Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1865 [1866] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Allen, B., 1994a; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus terebrifolius (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1991b as insufficiently known]  Campylopus thwaitesii (Mitten) Jaeger, 1872 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1984b; Frahm, J.-P., 1998; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b, as Campylopus controversus]  Campylopus torrentis Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1933 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus trachyblepharon (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus trichophylloides Thériot ex Herzog, 1938 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus trivialis C. Müller ex Britton, 1896 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus uleanus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus umbellatus (Schwägrichen & Gaudichaud ex Arnott) Paris, 1894 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1987; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Frahm, J.-P., 1990; Frahm, J.-P., M. Giese, M. Padberg, T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1985; Frahm, J.-P., 1994d; Frahm, J.-P., 1992]  Campylopus valerioi B. H. Allen, 1989 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Campylopus validinervis (Dixon) B. C. Tan, 1989 – [Tan, B. C., 1989a]  Campylopus vesticaulis Mitten in Melliss, 1875 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus wheeleri (C. Müller) Hampe ex Paris, 1900 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991a]  Campylopus widgrenii (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus zygodonticarpus (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b] Campylostelium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 {2/0/0/2/0=4} PTYCHOMITRIACEAE  Campylostelium pitardii (Corbière) E. Maier, 1998 – [Maier, E., 1998; Greven, H. C., 1995, as Grimmia pitardii]  Campylostelium saxicola (Weber & D. Mohr) Bruch &


Campylopus subjugorum Brotherus, 1912 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Campylopus subluteus (Mitten) Jaeger, 1872 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Campylopus subnitens Kaalaas, 1912 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1985]  Campylopus subtrachyblepharus C. Müller, 1900 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1987 as insufficiently known] W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Campylostelium strictum Solms, 1868  Campylostelium venezuelanum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1854 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973] Canalohypopterygium W. Frey & Schaepe, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPOPTERYGIACEAE  Canalohypopterygium tamariscinum (Hedwig) Kruijer, 1995 [1996] – [Kruijer, H., 1995 [1996]; Frey, W. & A. Schaepe, 1989, as Canalohypopterygium commutatum] Cardotiella Vitt, 1981 {7/0/0/0/0=7} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Cardotiella appendiculata (Renauld & Cardot) Vitt, 1981 – [Vitt, D. H., 1981; Goffinet, B., 1996]  Cardotiella elimbata (Thériot) Goffinet, 1996 – [Goffinet, B., 1996]  Cardotiella quinquefaria (Hornschuch in Martius) Vitt, 1981 – [Vitt, D. H., 1981]  Cardotiella renauldii (Brotherus in Voeltzkow) Vitt, 1981 – [Vitt, D. H., 1981]  Cardotiella schlotheimiaeformis (Paris) Vitt, 1981 – [Vitt, D. H., 1981]  Cardotiella secunda (C. Müller) Vitt, 1981 – [Vitt, D. H., 1981; Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Cardotiella subappendiculata (Brotherus in Voeltzkow) Vitt, 1981 – [Vitt, D. H., 1981] Caribaeohypnum Ando & Higuchi, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Caribaeohypnum polypterum (Mitten) Ando & Higuchi, 1984 – [Ando, H. & M. Higuchi, 1984; Ando, H. & M. Higuchi, 1994b] Catagoniopsis Brotherus, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} STEREOPHYLLACEAE  Catagoniopsis berteroana (Montagne) Brotherus, 1909 – [Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Robinson, H., 1975] Catagonium C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1908 {4/0/0/0/0=4} CATAGONIACEAE  Catagonium brevicaudatum C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1897 – [Lin, S.-H., 1984a; Bowers, F. D., 1994n]  Catagonium emarginatum Lin Shan-hsiung, 1984 – [Lin, S.-H., 1984a]  Catagonium nitens (Bridel) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Lin, S.-H., 1984a; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1987]  Catagonium nitidum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1908 – [Lin, S.-H., 1984a]

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Catharomnion J. D. Hooker & Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1855 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPOPTERYGIACEAE  Catharomnion ciliatum (Hedwig) Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1855 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Catoscopium Bridel, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CATOSCOPIACEAE  Catoscopium nigritum (Hedwig) Bridel, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Ceratodon conicus (Hampe in C. Müller) Lindberg, 1879 – [Burley, J. S. & N. M. Pritchard, 1990]  Ceratodon heterophyllus Kindberg, 1892 – [Burley, J. S. & N. M. Pritchard, 1990]  Ceratodon purpureus (Hedwig) Bridel, 1826 – [Burley, J. S. & N. M. Pritchard, 1990; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Lawton, E., 1971; Robinson, H., 1975; Allen, B., 1994a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Magill, R. E., 1981; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Ceratodon semilunaris C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Burley, J. S. & N. M. Pritchard, 1990 as insufficiently known] Ceuthotheca Lewinsky, 1994 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Ceuthotheca cryptocarpa (E. B. Bartram) Lewinsky, 1994 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1994a] Chaetomitriopsis Fleischer, 1921 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SYMPHYODONTACEAE  Chaetomitriopsis glaucocarpa (Reinwardt ex Schwägrichen) Fleischer, 1923 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977] Chaetomitrium Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 {3/23/2/39/0=67} SYMPHYODONTACEAE  Chaetomitrium acanthocarpum Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Akiyama, H., 1997b]  Chaetomitrium aneitense Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Chaetomitrium auriculatum Dixon & Herzog, 1926  Chaetomitrium beccarii Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium borbonicum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Chaetomitrium borneense Mitten, 1885 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium brassii E. B. Bartram, 1957  Chaetomitrium callichrous Bescherelle, 1873 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Chaetomitrium ciliatum Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Chaetomitrium comorense Hampe ex C. Müller, 1876 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Chaetomitrium confertum Thwaites & Mitten, 1873 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Chaetomitrium ctenidioides Brotherus in Schumann & Lauterbach, 1900


Cecalyphum Palisot de Beauvois, 1804 =Dicranum {0/0/0/1/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Cecalyphum fertile Palisot de Beauvois, 1822 Ceratodon Bridel, 1826 {3/0/0/1/1=5} DITRICHACEAE  Ceratodon bryophilus Bescherelle, 1901 – [Excluded by Burley, J. S. & N. M. Pritchard, 1990] 

Chaetomitrium cucullatum Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Chaetomitrium densum Dixon, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Chaetomitrium depressum Mitten, 1868 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Chaetomitrium dusenii C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1897 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Chaetomitrium elegans Geheeb, 1889 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990; Akiyama, H., 1997b]  Chaetomitrium elmeri Brotherus, 1913 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium elongatum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium everettii Mitten ex Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium fimbriatum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium friedense Norris & T. Koponen, 1985 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985a]  Chaetomitrium frondosum Mitten, 1868 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Chaetomitrium hebridense Dixon, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Chaetomitrium horridulum Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Chaetomitrium integrifolium E. B. Bartram, 1961  Chaetomitrium laevifolium Dixon ex E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium laevisetum Dixon, 1922  Chaetomitrium lanceolatum Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium lancifolium Mitten, 1885  Chaetomitrium lauterbachii Brotherus in Schumann & Lauterbach, 1900  Chaetomitrium leptopoma (Schwägrichen) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium macrohystrix C. Müller in Fleischer, 1908  Chaetomitrium madangense E. B. Bartram, 1961  Chaetomitrium nanohystrix C. Müller in Fleischer, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Chaetomitrium nervosum Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Chaetomitrium orthorrhynchum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Tan, B.



& H. Robinson, 1990; Akiyama, H., 1997b] Chaetomitrium papillifolium Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977; Akiyama, H., 1997b]  Chaetomitrium parcesetulosum E. B. Bartram, 1942  Chaetomitrium perakense Brotherus ex Dixon, 1924  Chaetomitrium perarmatum Brotherus, 1926 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium perlaeve Dixon, 1922 – [Akiyama, H., 1997b]  Chaetomitrium philippinense (Montagne) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium seramensis H. Akiyama, 1999 – [Akiyama, H., 1999]  Chaetomitrium seriatum Brotherus, 1913  Chaetomitrium setosum Brotherus ex Dixon, 1924  Chaetomitrium sikkimense Brotherus ex Gangulee, 1977 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Chaetomitrium smithii E. B. Bartram, 1956 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Chaetomitrium speciosum (Sullivant) Mitten in Seemann, 1873  Chaetomitrium spinosum E. B. Bartram, 1957 – [Akiyama, H., 1997b]  Chaetomitrium sublaevisetum Dixon, 1939  Chaetomitrium subplicatum E. B. Bartram, 1945 – [Akiyama, H., 1997b]  Chaetomitrium tahitense (Sullivant) Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Streimann, H., 1997]  Chaetomitrium torquescens Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Akiyama, H., 1997b]  Chaetomitrium volutum Mitten, 1859  Chaetomitrium vrieseanum Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Akiyama, H., 1997b]  Chaetomitrium warburgii Brotherus in Warburg, 1899 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium weberi Brotherus, 1913 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium werneri Herzog, 1916  Chaetomitrium wheeleri Hampe ex C. Müller, 1896 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Chaetophora Bridel, 1819 [1818] =Calyptrochaeta {0/0/0/1/0=1} HOOKERIACEAE  Chaetophora perrinii (Sprengel) Bridel, 1827 Chamaebryum Thériot & Dixon, 1922 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GIGASPERMACEAE  Chamaebryum pottioides Thériot & Dixon, 1922 – [Magill, R. E., 1987] Cheilothela Lindberg ex Brotherus, 1901 {1/0/1/0/0=2} DITRICHACEAE  Cheilothela chloropus (Bridel) Brotherus, 1901 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Buck, W. R., 1981c; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Cheilothela jaegeri Bizot, 1976 – [Bizot, M., 1976] Chenia Zander, 1989 {1/2/0/0/0=3} POTTIACEAE  Chenia leptophylla (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – 

Chaetomitrium plicatum E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Chaetomitrium poecilophyllum Dixon, 1941  Chaetomitrium pseudoelongatum Brotherus in Warburg, 1899 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Chaetomitrium recurvifolium Fleischer, 1912  Chaetomitrium robbinsii E. B. Bartram, 1961  Chaetomitrium roemeri Fleischer, 1911  Chaetomitrium schofieldii B. C. Tan & H. Robinson, 1990 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990] [Zander, R. H., 1993; Arts, T. & P. Sollman, 1991 [1992], as Phascum leptophyllum; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Phascum leptophyllum]  Chenia lorentzii (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Chenia subobliqua (R. S. Williams) Zander, 1989 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Chileobryon Enroth, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ANOMODONTACEAE  Chileobryon callicostelloides (Brotherus ex Thériot) Enroth, 1992 – [Enroth, J., 1992a] Chionoloma Dixon, 1922 {0/3/0/0/0=3} POTTIACEAE  Chionoloma induratum Dixon, 1922 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Chionoloma latifolium Dixon, 1932 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Chionoloma longifolium Dixon, 1935 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Chionostomum C. Müller, 1869 {4/0/0/0/0=4} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Chionostomum baolocense Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Chionostomum hainanensis B. C. Tan & Jia Yu, 1999 – [Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Chionostomum pinicola Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Chionostomum rostratum (Griffith) C. Müller, 1869 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Chorisodontium (Mitten) Brotherus, 1924 {9/0/1/0/0=10} DICRANACEAE  Chorisodontium aciphyllum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1924 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1981; Robinson, H., 1975; Hyvönen, J., 1991; Ochyra, R., 1996b]  Chorisodontium burrowsii Allison, 1963 – [Allison, K. W., 1963; Bartlett, J. K. & J.-P. Frahm, 1983]  Chorisodontium dicranellatum (Dusén) Roivainen, 1937 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1981; Hyvönen, J., 1991]  Chorisodontium luridum E. B. Bartram in Roivainen, 1937 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1981; Hyvönen, J., 1991]  Chorisodontium magellanicum (Cardot) E. B. Bartram in Roivainen, 1937 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1981; Hyvönen, J., 1991]  Chorisodontium mittenii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1981; Frahm, J.-P., 1989b]  Chorisodontium nigricans (Herzog) Brotherus, 1924 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1981; Frahm, J.-P., 1989b]


Chorisodontium setaceum (E. B. Bartram) E. B. Bartram, 1929 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Chorisodontium spegazzinii (C. Müller) Roivainen, 1937 – [Hyvönen, J., 1991]  Chorisodontium wallisii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1981] Chryso-hypnum Hampe, 1870 {5/2/0/5/0=12} HYPNACEAE  Chryso-hypnum campaniforme Hampe, 1870  Chryso-hypnum camptorhynchum Hampe, 1870  Chryso-hypnum cavifolium (Dixon) Ochyra & A. J. Sharp, 1988  Chryso-hypnum demaretii (Potier de la Varde in  Chryso-hypnum salleanum (Bescherelle) W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Chryso-hypnum simorrhynchum Hampe, 1870  Chryso-hypnum squarrosulum (Cardot) Nishimura & Ando, 1986 – [Nishimura, N. & H. Ando, 1994b] Chrysoblastella R. S. Williams, 1903 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DITRICHACEAE  Chrysoblastella novae-seelandiae (Brotherus) Reimers, 1926 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as Chrysoblastella chilensis] Chrysocladium Fleischer, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} METEORIACEAE  Chrysocladium retrorsum (Mitten) Fleischer, 1908 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Cinclidium Swartz in Schrader, 1803 {4/0/0/0/0=4} MNIACEAE  Cinclidium arcticum W. P. Schimper, 1846 – [Mogensen, G. S., 1973]  Cinclidium latifolium Lindberg, 1877 – [Mogensen, G. S., 1973]  Cinclidium stygium Swartz in Schrader, 1803 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Mogensen, G. S., 1973]  Cinclidium subrotundum Lindberg, 1868 – [Mogensen, G. S., 1973] Cinclidotus Palisot de Beauvois, 1804 {4/1/1/3/0=9} CINCLIDOTACEAE  Cinclidotus acutifolius Brotherus, 1899 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Cinclidotus aquaticus (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1842 – [Pavletic, Z., 1968; Pisut, I., 1981]  Cinclidotus danubicus Schiffner & Baumgartner, 1906 – [Orbán, S. & L. Vajda, 1983; Pisut, I., 1981]  Cinclidotus fontinaloides (Hedwig) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Orbán, S. & L. Vajda, 1983; Pavletic, Z., 1968; Pisut, I., 1981; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Cinclidotus herzogii Pavletíc, 1955 – [Pavletic, Z., 1968]  Cinclidotus nyholmiae Cetin, 1988 – [Cetin, B., 1988]  Cinclidotus pachyloma E. S. Salmon, 1900 – [Herrnstadt, I., C. C. Heyn & M. R. Crosby, 1991; Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Cinclidotus pachylomoides Bizot, 1952 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]


Demaret & J. Leroy) Higuchi, 1986 – [Higuchi, M., 1986]  Chryso-hypnum diminutivum (Hampe) W. R. Buck, 1984 – [Nishimura, N. & H. Ando, 1994b; Florschütz-de Waard, J. & K. Veling, 1996; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Chryso-hypnum elegantulum (W. J. Hooker) Hampe, 1870 – [Nishimura, N. & H. Ando, 1994b]  Chryso-hypnum expallescens Hampe, 1870  Chryso-hypnum frondosum (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1993  Chryso-hypnum patens Hampe, 1870 

Cinclidotus riparius (Host ex Bridel) Arnott, 1827 – [Pavletic, Z., 1968; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] Cirriphyllum Grout, 1898 {3/0/0/6/0=9} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Cirriphyllum andinum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cirriphyllum brandegei (Austin) Grout, 1898  Cirriphyllum cirrosum (Schwägrichen in Schultes) Grout, 1898 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Cirriphyllum laevifolium Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cirriphyllum piliferum (Hedwig) Grout, 1898 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Cirriphyllum pirottae (Brizi) Brotherus, 1909  Cirriphyllum romanum (Brizi) Brotherus, 1909  Cirriphyllum subnerve Dixon, 1933 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Cirriphyllum tommasinii (Sendtner ex Boulay) Grout, 1898 – [Karttunen, K., 1990] Cladastomum C. Müller, 1898 {0/0/0/2/0=2} DITRICHACEAE  Cladastomum robustum Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cladastomum ulei C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981] Cladomnion J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTYCHOMNIACEAE  Cladomnion ericoides (W. J. Hooker) Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1854 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Cladomniopsis Fleischer, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTYCHOMNIACEAE  Cladomniopsis crenato-obtusa Fleischer, 1908 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984] Cladophascum Dixon in Sim, 1926 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRUCHIACEAE  Cladophascum gymnomitrioides (Dixon) Dixon, 1926 – [Magill, R. E., 1981] Cladopodanthus Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 {3/0/0/0/0=3} LEUCOBRYACEAE  Cladopodanthus heterophyllus (Fleischer) E. B. Bartram, 1943 – [Magill, R. E., 1993; Enroth, J., 1990a]  Cladopodanthus microcarpus Dixon, 1935 – [Magill, R. E., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]

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Cladopodanthus speciosus (Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1904 – [Magill, R. E., 1993; Enroth, J., 1990a; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]] Claopodium (Lesquereux & T. P. James) Renauld & Cardot, 1893 {8/0/1/0/2=11} LESKEACEAE  Claopodium aciculum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Noguchi, A., 1964; Watanabe, R., 1972]  Claopodium assurgens (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Cardot, 1911 – [Noguchi, A., 1964; Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Claopodium bolanderi Best, 1897 – [Noguchi, A., 1964; Lawton, E., 1971]  Claopodium crispifolium (W. J. Hooker) Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [Noguchi, A., 1964; Watanabe, R.,  Claopodium prionophyllum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b]  Claopodium rugulosifolium Zeng Shu-ying, 1981 – [Zeng Shu-ying, 1981]  Claopodium whippleanum (Sullivant) Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [Noguchi, A., 1964; Lawton, E., 1971; Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a] Clasmatodon W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1842 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Clasmatodon parvulus (Hampe) Sullivant in A. Gray, 1856 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b] Clastobryella Fleischer, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Clastobryella tenella Fleischer, 1923 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994] Clastobryophilum Fleischer, 1923 {2/1/0/0/0=3} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Clastobryophilum asperifolium (Thwaites & Mitten) B. C. Tan, 1993 – [Tan, B. C., 1993]  Clastobryophilum bogoricum (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Clastobryophilum rufoviride (Bescherelle) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tixier, P., 1977] Clastobryopsis Fleischer, 1923 =Aptychella {3/2/0/0/0=5} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Clastobryopsis brevinervis Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C., 1991]  Clastobryopsis muelleri (Dixon) Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Clastobryopsis perdecurrens (Dixon) B. C. Tan, 1991 – [Tan, B. C., 1991]  Clastobryopsis planula (Mitten) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Tan, B. C., 1991; Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Clastobryopsis robusta (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & W. R. Buck, 1989; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Clastobryum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 {9/4/0/0/0=13} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Clastobryum caudatum Fleischer, 1923 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Tan, B. C. & W. R. Buck, 1989]

1972; Lawton, E., 1971]  Claopodium fulvellum Herzog, 1925 – [Excluded by Noguchi, A., 1964; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Claopodium gracillimum (Cardot & Thériot) Noguchi, 1964 – [Noguchi, A., 1964; Watanabe, R., 1972]  Claopodium leskeoides (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Excluded by Noguchi, A., 1964; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Claopodium pellucinerve (Mitten) Best, 1900 – [Noguchi, A., 1964; Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a] 

Clastobryum conspicuum Fleischer, 1923 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Tan, B. C. & W. R. Buck, 1989]  Clastobryum cuculligerum (Sande Lacoste) Tixier, 1969 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Clastobryum dimorphum (Stone) B. C. Tan, Iwatsuki & Norris in B. C. Tan & Iwatsuki, 1992 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1992]  Clastobryum epiphyllum (Renauld & Cardot) B. C. Tan & Touw in B. C. Tan, 1991 – [Tan, B. C., 1991]  Clastobryum glabrescens (Iwatsuki) B. C. Tan, Iwatsuki & Norris in B. C. Tan & Iwatsuki, 1992 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1977, as Tristichella glabrescens; Iwatsuki, Z., 1977, as Tristichella glabrescens; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Clastobryum indicum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1845 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Tan, B. C. & W. R. Buck, 1989]  Clastobryum leucophyllum (Dixon) B. C. Tan, 1994 – [Tan, B. C., 1994a]  Clastobryum novo-guinense (Noguchi) Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Clastobryum panchoi Tixier, 1969 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Clastobryum pungens (C. Müller) Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Clastobryum scalare (C. Müller) Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Tan, B. C. & W. R. Buck, 1989]  Clastobryum spiculiferum (Dixon) B. C. Tan, Iwatsuki & Norris in B. C. Tan & Iwatsuki, 1992 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1992; Tan, B. C., 1987, as Tristichella spiculifera] Cleistocarpidium Ochyra & Bednarek-Ochyra, 1996 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DITRICHACEAE  Cleistocarpidium palustre (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) Ochyra & Bednarek-Ochyra, 1996 – [Ochyra, R. & H. Bednarek-Ochyra, 1996; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Pleuridium palustre; Deguchi, H., T. Matsui & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994, as Pleuridium palustre] Climacium Weber & D. Mohr, 1804 {3/0/0/1/0=4} CLIMACIACEAE  Climacium acuminatum Warnstorf, 1915  Climacium americanum Bridel, 1812 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Climacium dendroides (Hedwig) Weber & D. Mohr,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1804 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b] Climacium japonicum Lindberg, 1872 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994] Cnestrum I. Hagen, 1915 {3/0/0/0/0=3} DICRANACEAE  Cnestrum alpestre (Wahlenberg) Nyholm, 1953 – [Mogensen, G. S. & W. C. Steere, 1979; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Cynodontium alpestre; Gao Chien (editor), 1994, as Cynodontium alpestre; Ireland, R. R., 1982, as Cynodontium alpestre]  Cnestrum glaucescens (Lindberg & H. Arnell) Holmen ex Mogensen & Steere, 1979 – [Mogensen, G. S. & W. C. Steere, 1979]  Cnestrum schisti (Weber & D. Mohr) I. Hagen, 1915 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Cynodontium  Colobodontium vulpinum (Montagne) Churchill & W. R. Buck in Churchill & Linares C., 1995 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Conardia H. Robinson, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CAMPYLIACEAE  Conardia compacta (C. Müller) H. Robinson, 1976 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; McFarland, K. D., 1994f; Ireland, R. R., 1982] Conomitrium Montagne, 1837 =Fissidens {0/0/0/1/0=1} FISSIDENTACEAE  Conomitrium dussianum Bescherelle, 1902 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known] Conostomum Swartz in Weber & D. Mohr, 1804 {7/0/0/0/0=7} BARTRAMIACEAE  Conostomum cleistocarpum Herzog, 1916 – [Frahm, J.-P., H. Börner, N. Streiber, B. Wallau & S. Weitkus, 1996]  Conostomum curvirostre (Mitten) Mitten, 1882 – [Frahm, J.-P., H. Börner, N. Streiber, B. Wallau & S. Weitkus, 1996; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Conostomum macrotheca Herzog, 1916 – [Frahm, J.-P., H. Börner, N. Streiber, B. Wallau & S. Weitkus, 1996]  Conostomum magellanicum Sullivant, 1850 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Frahm, J.-P., H. Börner, N. Streiber, B. Wallau & S. Weitkus, 1996]  Conostomum pentastichum (Bridel) Lindberg, 1863 – [Virtanen, V., 1999; Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Conostomum perpusillum Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Frahm, J.-P., H. Börner, N. Streiber, B. Wallau & S. Weitkus, 1996]  Conostomum tetragonum (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1863 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Frahm, J.-P., H. Börner, N. Streiber, B. Wallau & S. Weitkus, 1996; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Corynotheca Ochyra, 1990 {0/0/1/0/0=1} FUNARIACEAE  Corynotheca poeltii Ochyra, 1990 – [Ochyra, R., 1990c] Coscinodon Sprengel, 1804 {8/0/0/1/0=9} GRIMMIACEAE 


schisti; Lawton, E., 1971, as Cynodontium schisti] Codonoblepharon Schwägrichen, 1824 {1/0/0/1/0=2} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Codonoblepharon menziesii Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Lewinsky, J., 1989 [1990]b, as Zygodon menziesii; Robinson, H., 1975, as Zygodon menziesii; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992, as Zygodon menziesii; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Zygodon menziesii]  Codonoblepharon pungens (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1874 – [Kis, G., 1985, as Zygodon pungens; Pursell, R. A., 1973, as Zygodon pungens; Yano, O., 1981, as Zygodon pungens] Colobodontium Herzog, 1951 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE 

Coscinodon arctolimnius (Steere) Steere, 1977 – [Steere, W. C., 1974, as Grimmia arctolimnia; Hastings, R. I., 1999; Steere, W. C., 1977]  Coscinodon bolivianus Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hastings, R. I., 1996]  Coscinodon calyptratus (Drummond) C. E. O. Jensen in Kindberg, 1897 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Grimmia calyptrata; Muñoz, J., 1998a; Hastings, R. I., 1999]  Coscinodon cribrosus (Hedwig) Spruce, 1849 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Grimmia cribrosa; Allen, B., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Hastings, R. I., 1999]  Coscinodon hartzii C. E. O. Jensen, 1898 – [Hastings, R. I., 1999]  Coscinodon humilis Milde, 1864 – [Greven, H. C., 1995; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Coscinodon patersonii Fergusson, 1877  Coscinodon pseudocribrosus Hastings, 1996 – [Hastings, R. I., 1996]  Coscinodon yukonensis Hastings, 1999 – [Hastings, R. I., 1999] Coscinodontella R. S. Williams, 1927 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GRIMMIACEAE  Coscinodontella bryanii R. S. Williams, 1927 – [Murray, B. M., 1984; Deguchi, H., 1987b] Costesia Thériot, 1917 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GIGASPERMACEAE  Costesia spongiosa Thériot, 1917 – [Fife, A. J., 1980] Crassiphyllum Ochyra, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Crassiphyllum fernandesii (Sérgio) Ochyra, 1991 – [Ochyra, R., 1991c; Sérgio, C., 1981, as Thamnobryum fernandesii] Cratoneurella H. Robinson, 1962 [1963] {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Cratoneurella uncinifolia (Brotherus & Paris) H. Robinson, 1962 [1963] – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991, as Brachythecium uncinifolium] Cratoneuron (Sullivant in A. Gray) Spruce, 1867 {3/0/1/2/0=6} CRATONEURACEAE  Cratoneuron commutatovirescens Amann, 1918 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M.



O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known] Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedwig) Spruce, 1867 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Ochyra, R., 1989c]  Cratoneuron formosanum Brotherus, 1928 – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]]  Cratoneuron longicostatum Bai Xue-liang, 1997 – [Bai Xue-liang, 1997]  Cratoneuron sulcatoirrigatum Meylan, 1931 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Cratoneuron tenerrimum (Warnstorf) Kanda, 1975 [1976] – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]] Cratoneuropsis (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 {1/0/0/1/0=2} POTTIACEAE  Crossidium aberrans Holzinger & E. B. Bartram, 1924 – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1993; Zander, R. H., 1993; Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Lawton, E., 1971]  Crossidium apiculatum Magill, 1981 [1982] – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Crossidium crassinerve (De Notaris) Juratzka, 1882 – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1993; Zander, R. H., 1993; Delgadillo M., C., 1975]  Crossidium davidai Catcheside, 1980 – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Crossidium deserti W. Frey & Kürschner, 1988 – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1993; Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1988, as Crossidium desertorum]  Crossidium geheebii (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1902 – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1993; Zander, R. H., 1993; Delgadillo M., C., 1975; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Crossidium laevipilum Thériot & Trabut, 1931 – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1993]  Crossidium laxefilamentosum W. Frey & Kürschner, 1987 – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1993; Frey, W., I. Herrnstadt & H. Kürschner, 1990]  Crossidium seriatum H. Crum & Steere, 1959, – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1993; Zander, R. H., 1993; Delgadillo M., C., 1975]  Crossidium spiralifolium Magill, 1981 [1982] – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1993; Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Crossidium squamiferum (Viviani) Juratzka, 1882 – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1993; Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Crossidium woodii (Delgadillo M.) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Delgadillo M., C., 1982 [1983], as Pseudaloina woodii] Crossomitrium C. Müller, 1874 {6/0/0/4/0=10} PILOTRICHACEAE  Crossomitrium acuminatum E. B. Bartram, 1953 – [Allen, B. H., 1990a]  Crossomitrium epiphyllum (Mitten) C. Müller, 1874 – [Allen, B. H., 1990a; Buck, W. R., 1998b] 

CAMPYLIACEAE Cratoneuropsis relaxa (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Ochyra, R., 1987a; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Cratoneuropsis subrelaxa (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Crepidophyllum Herzog, 1926 {0/0/0/1/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Crepidophyllum modestum Herzog, 1926 Crosbya Vitt, 1977 {2/0/0/0/0=2} DALTONIACEAE  Crosbya nervosa (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Vitt, 1977 – [Vitt, D. H., 1977]  Crosbya straminea (Mitten ex Beckett) Vitt, 1977 – [Vitt, D. H., 1977] Crossidium Juratzka, 1882 {11/0/1/0/0=12} 

Crossomitrium goebelii C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Allen, B. H., 1990a as insufficiently known]  Crossomitrium patrisiae (Bridel) C. Müller, 1874 – [Allen, B. H., 1990a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Crossomitrium phragmidiaceum C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Allen, B. H., 1990a as insufficiently known]  Crossomitrium saprophilum Brotherus, 1921 – [Allen, B. H., 1990a]  Crossomitrium scabrisetum E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Allen, B. H., 1990a]  Crossomitrium sintenissii C. Müller, 1898 – [Allen, B. H., 1990a]  Crossomitrium tenellum C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Allen, B. H., 1990a as insufficiently known]  Crossomitrium wallisii C. Müller, 1875 – [cited by Allen, B. H., 1990a as insufficiently known; cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known] Crumia W. B. Schofield, 1966 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Crumia latifolia (Kindberg) W. B. Schofield, 1966 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Crumuscus W. R. Buck & Snider, 1992 {0/0/1/0/0=1} DITRICHACEAE  Crumuscus vitalis W. R. Buck & Snider, 1992 – [Buck, W. R. & J. A. Snider, 1992] Cryphaea D. Mohr & Weber, 1814 [1813] {28/5/1/23/0=57} CRYPHAEACEAE  Cryphaea acuminata J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 – [Enroth, J., 1996b]  Cryphaea amurensis Ignatov, 1995 – [Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995]  Cryphaea apiculata W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1850 – [Manuel, M. G., 1981b; Manuel, M. G., 1994]  Cryphaea attenuata W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1850 – [Manuel, M. G., 1981b; Manuel, M. G., 1994]  Cryphaea boliviana W. P. Schimper ex Britton, 1896 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cryphaea bollei Brotherus & Geheeb in Geheeb & Herzog, 1910


Cryphaea brachycarpa C. Müller, 1897 – [Stark, L. R., 1987]  Cryphaea brevipila Mitten, 1869  Cryphaea caldensis Ångström, 1876 – [Sehnem, A., 1970; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Cryphaea chlorophyllosa C. Müller, 1902 – [Enroth, J., 1995b]  Cryphaea clandestina Enroth, 1990 – [Enroth, J., 1990b]  Cryphaea consimilis Montagne, 1845 – [Enroth, J., 1996b]  Cryphaea exigua (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1876 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Cryphaea fasciculosa Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Cryphaea filiformis (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Manuel, M. G., 1973b; Manuel, M. G., 1981b; Manuel, M. G., 1994; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Cryphaea lamyana (Montagne) C. Müller, 1845 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Cryphaea lanceolata P. Rao & Enroth, 1999 – [Rao, Pengchen & J. Enroth, 1999]  Cryphaea longicuspis Potier de la Varde & Thériot, 1940 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Cryphaea lorentziana C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Cryphaea macrospora Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cryphaea malmei Brotherus, 1900 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Cryphaea manoclada Ångström, 1876 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Cryphaea microspora Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cryphaea mosenii Brotherus, 1895 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Cryphaea nervosa (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) C. Müller, 1846 – [Manuel, M. G., 1973b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Cryphaea nitens (C. Müller) W. P. Schimper ex Paris, 1900 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Cryphaea obovatocarpa S. Okamura, 1911 – [Chiang, Tzen-Yuh, 1996; Enroth, J. & T. Koponen, 1997a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Rao, Pengchen & J. Enroth, 1999]  Cryphaea orizabae W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1872 – [Manuel, M. G., 1981b; Manuel, M. G., 1994]  Cryphaea ovalifolia (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1876 – [Enroth, J., 1995b]  Cryphaea parvula Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1867 – [Enroth, J., 1996b]  Cryphaea patens Hornschuch ex C. Müller, 1845 – [Manuel, M. G., 1994; Manuel, M. G., 1981b, as Cryphaea polycarpa; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Cryphaea pilifera Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1991]  Cryphaea protensa Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1845 – [Kis, G., 1985]


Cryphaea furcinervis C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Cryphaea glomerata Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex Sullivant in A. Gray, 1856 – [Manuel, M. G., 1973b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Cryphaea gracillima Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cryphaea heteromalla (Hedwig) D. Mohr in Weber, 1814 – [Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995]  Cryphaea hortonae Leon V., 1998 – [León V., Y., 1998]  Cryphaea hygrophila C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cryphaea intermedia C. Müller, 1846 – [Morales Z., M. I., 1982; Crosby, M. R. & H. A. Crum, 1967]  Cryphaea jamesonii Taylor, 1848 – [Manuel, M. G., 1994; Manuel, M. G., 1981b, as Cryphaea reticulata; Buck, W. R., 1998b] 

Cryphaea pusilla C. Müller, 1902 – [cited by Enroth, J., 1996b as insufficiently known]  Cryphaea raddiana (Bridel) Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cryphaea ragazzii (Brizi) Brotherus, 1907  Cryphaea ramosa (Mitten) Wilson in Spruce, 1867 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Sehnem, A., 1970]  Cryphaea ravenelii Austin, 1877 – [Manuel, M. G., 1973b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Cryphaea rhacomitrioides C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Cryphaea robusta Brotherus & Thériot, 1924 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Cryphaea rutenbergii C. Müller, 1881  Cryphaea scariosa C. Müller, 1890 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Cryphaea schiedeana (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [cited by Manuel, M. G., 1994 as insufficiently known]  Cryphaea sinensis E. B. Bartram, 1935 – [Enroth, J. & T. Koponen, 1997a; Rao, Pengchen & J. Enroth, 1999]  Cryphaea songpanensis Enroth & T. Koponen, 1997 – [Enroth, J. & T. Koponen, 1997b; Enroth, J. & T. Koponen, 1997a, as Cryphaea leptopteris; Rao, Pengchen & J. Enroth, 1999]  Cryphaea subglabra Brotherus & Paris, 1906 – [Noguchi, A., 1985b]  Cryphaea tenella (Schwägrichen) Hornschuch ex C. Müller, 1844 – [Enroth, J., 1996b; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Cryphaea tenuicaulis C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cryphaea tenuiretis Thériot, 1926 Cryphaeophilum Fleischer, 1914 {1/0/0/0/0=1} METEORIACEAE  Cryphaeophilum molle (Dusén) Fleischer, 1914 – [Kühnemann, O. & M. F. Conçalves C., 1976] Cryphidium (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CRYPHAEACEAE  Cryphidium leucocoleum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1876 – [Buck, W. R., 1980 [1981]; Sehnem, A., 1970]



Cryptodicranum E. B. Bartram, 1938 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Cryptodicranum armittii (C. Müller) E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Eddy, A., 1988] Cryptogonium (C. Müller) Hampe in F. Müller, 1881 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Cryptogonium phyllogonioides (Sullivant) Isoviita, 1986 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1987; Lin, S.-H., 1984a, as Pursellia phyllogonioides] Cryptoleptodon Renauld & Cardot, 1899 {0/3/0/1/0=4} NECKERACEAE  Cryptoleptodon acuminatus Fleischer, 1917  Cryptoleptodon longisetus (Montagne in Webb & Berthelot) Enroth, 1992 – [Enroth, J., 1992b]  Cryptoleptodon pluvinii (Bridel) Brotherus, 1906 – [Enroth, J., 1992b]  Cryptoleptodon rigidulus (Wilson ex Mitten) Brotherus, 1906 – [Enroth, J., 1992b]  Cryptopodium bartramioides (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1827 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Ctenidiadelphus Fleischer, 1923 {0/0/0/2/0=2} HYPNACEAE  Ctenidiadelphus plumularia (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Ctenidiadelphus spinulosus Fleischer, 1923 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Ctenidium (W. P. Schimper) Mitten, 1869 {21/0/0/2/0=23} HYPNACEAE  Ctenidium andoi Nishimura, 1985 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium capillifolium (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium ceylanicum Cardot in Fleischer, 1923 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium elegantulum Brotherus, 1927 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium floribundarioides Tosco & Piovano, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Ctenidium hastile (Mitten) Lindberg, 1871 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium homalophyllum Brotherus & A. Yasuda ex Iishiba, 1932 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium hondurense E. B. Bartram, 1939  Ctenidium luzonense Brotherus, 1913 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium lychnites (Mitten) Brotherus, 1909 – [Nishimura, N., 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Ctenidium malacobolum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1909 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium malacodes Mitten, 1869 – [Nishimura, N., 1985; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Ctenidium molluscum (Hedwig) Mitten, 1869 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium novoguineense Nishimura, 1985 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium percrassum Sakurai, 1940 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium pinnatum (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus,

Cryptopapillaria Menzel, 1992 {5/0/0/0/0=5} METEORIACEAE  Cryptopapillaria chrysoclada (C. Müller) Menzel, 1992 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Papillaria chrysoclada]  Cryptopapillaria feae (C. Müller ex Fleischer) Menzel, 1992 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Papillaria feae]  Cryptopapillaria fuscescens (W. J. Hooker) Menzel, 1992 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Papillaria fuscescens]  Cryptopapillaria helictophylla (Montagne) Menzel, 1992 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976, as Papillaria helictophylla]  Cryptopapillaria penicillata (Dozy & Molkenboer) Menzel, 1992 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b, as Papillaria penicillata; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b, as Papillaria penicillata] Cryptopodium Bridel, 1827 {0/1/0/0/0=1} RHIZOGONIACEAE 1908 – [Nishimura, N., 1985] Ctenidium plumicaule Fleischer, 1922 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium polychaetum (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Brotherus, 1909 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium pubescens (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1908 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium pulchellum Cardot, 1913 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium schofieldii Nishimura, 1985 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium serratifolium (Cardot) Brotherus, 1908 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ctenidium stellulatum Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Nishimura, N., 1985] Curvicladium Enroth, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Curvicladium kurzii (Kindberg) Enroth, 1993 – [Enroth, J., 1993c] Curviramea H. Crum, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ANOMODONTACEAE  Curviramea mexicana (Thériot) H. Crum, 1984 – [Crum, H., 1984b] Cyathophorella Fleischer, 1908 {11/0/0/5/0=16} HOOKERIACEAE  Cyathophorella adiantum (Griffith) Fleischer, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977; Kruijer, H., 1993]  Cyathophorella africana (Dixon) Brotherus, 1925 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975c; Kruijer, H., 1993]  Cyathophorella anisodon Dixon & Herzog, 1939 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Cyathophorella aristifolia E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Cyathophorella burkillii (Dixon) Brotherus, 1925 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Cyathophorella hookeriana (Griffith) Fleischer, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Kruijer, H., 1993; Lai, Ming-jou, 1976] 


Cyathophorella intermedia (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Cyathophorella kyusyuensis Horikawa & Noguchi, 1936 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Lai, Ming-jou, 1976]  Cyathophorella parvifolia (Bosch & Sande Lacoste in Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1908 – [Akiyama, H., 1992; Kruijer, H., 1993]  Cyathophorella penicillata (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1922  Cyathophorella sublimbata (Thwaites & Mitten) Fleischer, 1908  Cyathophorella subspinosa Chen Pan-chieh, 1955 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Cyathophorella tahitensis (Bescherelle) Fleischer, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Cyathophorella taiwaniana Lai Ming-jou, 1976 – [Lai, Ming-jou, 1976]  Cyathophorella tenera (Bosch & Sande Lacoste in Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1908  Cyclodictyon aeruginosum (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Churchill, S. P., 1994]  Cyclodictyon albatum (C. Müller) Kuntze, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cyclodictyon albicans (Hedwig) Kuntze, 1891 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994f; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Cyclodictyon albicaule (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) Kuntze, 1891 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Cyclodictyon allionii Brotherus, 1920  Cyclodictyon amnigenum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Cyclodictyon angustirete Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cyclodictyon arsenei Thériot, 1928 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994f]  Cyclodictyon aubertii (Palisot de Beauvois) Kuntze, 1891 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975a]  Cyclodictyon bakeri (Britton) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cyclodictyon benoistii Thériot, 1936  Cyclodictyon bescherellei (Paris) Brotherus, 1907 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Cyclodictyon bicolor (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) Kuntze, 1891 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Cyclodictyon bidentatum Demaret, 1952  Cyclodictyon blumeanum (C. Müller) Kuntze, 1891 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995; Streimann, H., 1997]  Cyclodictyon bombonasicum (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Cyclodictyon borbonicum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975a]  Cyclodictyon breve Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cyclodictyon brevifolium Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1911 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975a]  Cyclodictyon brittonae E. B. Bartram, 1928 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]



Cyathophorella tonkinensis (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Lai, Ming-jou, 1976] Cyathophorum Palisot de Beauvois, 1804 {2/0/0/1/0=3} HOOKERIACEAE  Cyathophorum bulbosum (Hedwig) C. Müller, 1850 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Cyathophorum novae-zelandiae Colenso, 1886  Cyathophorum spinosum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1902 – [Akiyama, H., 1992] Cyathothecium Dixon, 1938 {0/0/0/1/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Cyathothecium distichaceum Dixon, 1938 Cyclodictyon Mitten, 1863 {28/13/1/48/0=90} PILOTRICHACEAE  Cyclodictyon aciculifolium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981] 

Cyclodictyon caespitosum (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 Cyclodictyon castaneum (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891  Cyclodictyon chimborazense (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Cyclodictyon chloroleucum (Lindberg ex Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cyclodictyon crassicaule Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Cyclodictyon cuspidatum Kuntze, 1891 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Cyclodictyon delicatum Potier de la Varde, 1931 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Cyclodictyon dixonianum Demaret, 1952 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Cyclodictyon dussii Brotherus, 1907 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Cyclodictyon erubescens E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994f]  Cyclodictyon fendleri (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Cyclodictyon filicuspis Potier de la Varde, 1930 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Cyclodictyon flexicuspis Brotherus, 1920 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Cyclodictyon glareosum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Cyclodictyon glaucifolium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cyclodictyon hildebrandtii (C. Müller) Kuntze, 1891 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Cyclodictyon humectatum Cardot, 1910 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994f]  Cyclodictyon humile (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Cyclodictyon immersum Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1925  Cyclodictyon iporangeanum (Geheeb & Hampe) 



Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cyclodictyon jagianum (C. Müller) Kuntze, 1891 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Cyclodictyon kinabaluense Noguchi & Iwatsuki, 1972 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1972]  Cyclodictyon krauseanum (Hampe & Lorentz) Kuntze, 1891  Cyclodictyon krebedjense Brotherus, 1912  Cyclodictyon laete-virens (W. J. Hooker & Taylor) Mitten, 1863 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Cyclodictyon latifolium Kuntze, 1891  Cyclodictyon laxifolium Herzog, 1927 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cyclodictyon lebrunii Demaret & Potier de la Varde, 1951 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975a]  Cyclodictyon leucomitrium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Cyclodictyon limbatum (Hampe) Kuntze, 1891 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Cyclodictyon longifrons (C. Müller ex Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cyclodictyon olfersianum (Hornschuch) Kuntze, 1891 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Cyclodictyon pandurifolium (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Cyclodictyon pergracile Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cyclodictyon perlimbatum Brotherus, 1912 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Cyclodictyon perrottetii Demaret & Potier de la Varde, 1951 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Cyclodictyon plicatulum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cyclodictyon preussii (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907  Cyclodictyon pusillum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cyclodictyon recognitum Demaret & Potier de la Varde, 1951 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Cyclodictyon regnellianum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1922 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cyclodictyon regnellii (C. Müller ex Ångström) Kuntze, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cyclodictyon richardsii F. D. Bowers & Magill, 1975 [1976] – [Bowers, F. D., 1994f]  Cyclodictyon rivale (C. Müller in Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Cyclodictyon roridum (Hampe) Kuntze, 1891 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994f; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Cyclodictyon rubrisetum (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994f]  Cyclodictyon shillicatense (Spruce ex Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Cyclodictyon spectabile Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910  Cyclodictyon stephanii Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cyclodictyon subbrevifolium Brotherus, 1912 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Cyclodictyon sublimbatum (C. Müller) Kuntze, 1891


Cyclodictyon lorentzii (C. Müller) W. R. Buck & Schiavone, 1997 – [Buck, W. R. & M. M. Schiavone, 1997]  Cyclodictyon marginatum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Kuntze, 1891 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Cyclodictyon maxonii R. S. Williams, 1912 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Cyclodictyon minarum (Ångström) Kuntze, 1891 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Cyclodictyon minus (Ångström) Kuntze, 1891 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Cyclodictyon mittenii (Jaeger) Kuntze, 1891  Cyclodictyon molliculum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Cyclodictyon nivale (C. Müller) Kuntze, 1891 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Cyclodictyon obscurifolium (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Cyclodictyon obscurum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Cyclodictyon submarginatum (Ångström) Kuntze, 1891 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Cyclodictyon subobtusifolium Dixon ex Demaret & Potier de la Varde, 1951 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Cyclodictyon subtortifolium (E. B. Bartram) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Cyclodictyon tocoraniense Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Cyclodictyon vallis-gratiae (Hampe ex C. Müller) Kuntze, 1891 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975a; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Cyclodictyon varians (Sullivant) Kuntze, 1891 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Cyclodictyon vesiculosum (Bridel) Kuntze, 1891 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983; Kis, G., 1985]  Cyclodictyon viridissimum Kuntze, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981] Cygnicollum Fife & Magill, 1982 {1/0/0/0/0=1} FUNARIACEAE  Cygnicollum immersum Fife & Magill, 1982 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Fife, A. J. & R. E. Magill, 1982] Cygniella H. Crum, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DITRICHACEAE  Cygniella sharpii H. Crum, 1986 – [Crum, H., 1986a] Cynodontium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1856 {11/0/0/4/0=15} DICRANACEAE  Cynodontium asperifolium (Lindberg ex H. Arnell) Paris, 1900  Cynodontium bruntonii (Smith) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Cynodontium crassirete Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981] 


Cynodontium fallax Limpricht, 1886 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Cynodontium gracilescens (Weber & D. Mohr) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Cynodontium guatemalense (E. B. Bartram) H. Crum, 1984 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Cynodontium jenneri (W. P. Schimper in Howie) Stirton, 1906 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Cynodontium mexicanum Ireland, 1985 [1986] – [Ireland, R. R., 1985 [1986]; Ireland, R. R., 1994k]  Cynodontium polycarpum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Cynodontium sinensifugax (C. Müller) Brotherus ex Gao Chien, 1994 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Cynodontium strumiferum (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1864 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Cynodontium strumulosum C. Müller & Kindberg in  Cyptodontopsis leveillei (Thériot) P. Rao & Enroth, 1999 – [Rao, Pengchen & J. Enroth, 1999; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989, as Cyptodontopsis obtusifolia] Cyrto-hypnum Hampe, 1869 {34/2/2/1/0=39} THUIDIACEAE  Cyrto-hypnum arzobispoae (C. Müller) Churchill & Linares C., 1995 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Gier, L. J., 1980, as Thuidium arzobispoae]  Cyrto-hypnum atlanticum (Hedenäs) Hedenäs & Sérgio in Hedenäs, 1992 – [Hedenäs, L., 1992a; Hedenäs, L., 1991, as Thuidium atlanticum]  Cyrto-hypnum bonianum (Bescherelle) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A. & L. Falter-van den Haak, 1989, as Thuidium bonianum]  Cyrto-hypnum byssoideum (Bescherelle) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A., 1976, as Thuidium byssoideum]  Cyrto-hypnum campanulatum (Mitten) Churchill, 1994 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Gier, L. J., 1980, as Thuidium campanulatum]  Cyrto-hypnum campbellianum Hampe, 1874 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978, as Thuidium campbellianum]  Cyrto-hypnum chenagonii (C. Müller ex Renauld & Cardot) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A., 1976, as Thuidium chenagonii]  Cyrto-hypnum ciliatum (Mitten) Churchill & Linares C., 1995 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Gier, L. J., 1980, as Thuidium ciliatum]  Cyrto-hypnum curtisetum (Norris & T. Koponen) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b, as Orthothuidium curtisetum]  Cyrto-hypnum cylindraceum (Mitten) Churchill, 1994 – [Gier, L. J., 1980, as Thuidium cylindraceum]  Cyrto-hypnum espinosae (Herzog) Churchill, 1994 – [Gier, L. J., 1980, as Thuidium espinosae]  Cyrto-hypnum frontinoae (C. Müller) Churchill & Linares C., 1995 – [Gier, L. J., 1980, as Thuidium


Macoun, 1892 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Cynodontium suecicum (Lindberg & H. Arnell) I. Hagen, 1899  Cynodontium tanganyikae Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Cynodontium tenellum Limpricht, 1877 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] Cyptodon (Brotherus) Paris & W. P. Schimper ex Fleischer, 1914 {4/0/0/0/0=4} CRYPHAEACEAE  Cyptodon dilatatus (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Paris & W. P. Schimper in Fleischer, 1914 – [Enroth, J., 1995b]  Cyptodon fasciculatus (Duby in Bescherelle) Fleischer, 1914 – [Enroth, J., 1995b]  Cyptodon gracilis (Mitten in Seemann) Brotherus, 1925 – [Enroth, J., 1995b]  Cyptodon muelleri (Hampe) Fleischer, 1914 – [Enroth, J., 1995b] Cyptodontopsis Dixon, 1937 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CRYPHAEACEAE frontinoae] Cyrto-hypnum gratum (Palisot de Beauvois) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A., 1976, as Thuidium gratum]  Cyrto-hypnum intermedium (Mitten) Churchill, 1994 – [Gier, L. J., 1980, as Thuidium intermedium]  Cyrto-hypnum intricatum (Jaeger) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A., 1976, as Thuidium intricatum]  Cyrto-hypnum investe (Mitten) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Watanabe, R., 1991, as Thuidium investe; Vohra, J. N., 1983, as Thuidium investe]  Cyrto-hypnum involvens (Hedwig) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Zielman, H. R., 1996; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Thuidium involvens]  Cyrto-hypnum kiasense (R. S. Williams) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Watanabe, R., 1991, as Thuidium kiasense; Vohra, J. N., 1983, as Thuidium kiasense]  Cyrto-hypnum kuripanum (Dozy & Molkenboer in Zollinger) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Watanabe, R., 1991, as Thuidium kuripanum; Touw, A. & L. Falter-van den Haak, 1989, as Thuidium kuripanum]  Cyrto-hypnum leptocladum (Taylor) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Gier, L. J., 1980, as Thuidium leptocladum]  Cyrto-hypnum mexicanum (Mitten) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994b; Gier, L. J., 1980, as Thuidium mexicanum]  Cyrto-hypnum minusculum (Mitten) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983, as Thuidium minusculum]  Cyrto-hypnum minutulum (Hedwig) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994b; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Thuidium minutulum]  Cyrto-hypnum montei Hedenäs, 1992 – [Hedenäs, L., 1992a]  Cyrto-hypnum pseudoinvolvens (C. Müller) W. R. 



Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A., 1976, as Thuidium pseudoinvolvens]  Cyrto-hypnum pygmaeum (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Watanabe, R., 1972, as Thuidium pygmaeum; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Thuidium pygmaeum]  Cyrto-hypnum ramusculosum (Mitten) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A., 1976, as Thuidium ramusculosum]  Cyrto-hypnum rubiginosum (Bescherelle) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Watanabe, R., 1991, as Thuidium rubiginosum]  Cyrto-hypnum scabrosulum (Mitten) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Zielman, H. R., 1996; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Cyrto-hypnum schistocalyx (C. Müller) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994b; Zielman, H. R., 1996; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Thuidium schistocalyx]  Cyrto-hypnum sharpii (H. Crum) W. R. Buck & H.  Cyrto-hypnum varians (Welwitsch & Duby in Duby) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A., 1976, as Thuidium varians; Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b, as Thuidium varians]  Cyrto-hypnum versicolor (Hornschuch ex C. Müller) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A., 1976, as Thuidium versicolor; Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b, as Thuidium versicolor]  Cyrto-hypnum vestitissimum (Bescherelle) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Watanabe, R., 1991, as Thuidium vestitissimum; Vohra, J. N., 1983, as Thuidium vestitissimum] Cyrtomnium Holmen, 1957 {2/0/0/0/0=2} MNIACEAE  Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides (Hübener) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Koponen, T., 1993; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Cyrtomnium hymenophyllum (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Holmen, 1957 – [Koponen, T., 1993] Cyrtopodendron Fleischer in Brotherus, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CYRTOPODACEAE  Cyrtopodendron vieillardii (C. Müller in Bescherelle) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1909 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987a] Cyrtopus (Bridel) J. D. Hooker, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CYRTOPODACEAE  Cyrtopus setosus (Hedwig) J. D. Hooker, 1867 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987a] Daltonia W. J. Hooker & Taylor, 1818 {23/8/1/28/0=60} DALTONIACEAE  Daltonia androgyna Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Daltonia angustifolia Dozy & Molkenboer, 1844 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Daltonia apiculata Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Daltonia aristata Geheeb & Hampe, 1879 – [Yano,

Crum, 1990 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Cyrto-hypnum sparsifolium (Mitten) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983, as Thuidium sparsifolium; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b, as Thuidium sparsifolium]  Cyrto-hypnum stevensii (Renauld & Cardot) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1978, as Thuidium stevensii]  Cyrto-hypnum synoicum (Touw in Touw & Falter-van den Haak) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A. & L. Falter-van den Haak, 1989, as Thuidium synoicum]  Cyrto-hypnum tamariscellum (C. Müller) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A., 1976, as Thuidium tamariscellum; Vohra, J. N., 1983, as Thuidium tamariscellum]  Cyrto-hypnum tenuissimum (Welwitsch & Duby in Duby) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Touw, A., 1976, as Thuidium tenuissimum] O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Daltonia aristifolia Renauld & Cardot, 1896 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Daltonia armata E. B. Bartram, 1944 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Daltonia baldwinii Brotherus, 1927 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Daltonia baumgartneri J. Fröhlich, 1953  Daltonia bilimbata Hampe, 1863 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Daltonia brasiliensis Mitten, 1869 – [Sehnem, A., 1979; Hegewald, E. & P. Hegewald, 1985]  Daltonia brevinervis E. B. Bartram, 1931 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Kis, G., 1996]  Daltonia brevipedunculata Mitten, 1859  Daltonia cardotii Bizot & Onraedt in Bizot, 1976 – [Bizot, M., 1976]  Daltonia constricta Potier de la Varde, 1957 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Daltonia contorta C. Müller, 1851 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Daltonia cucullata Hampe, 1863 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Daltonia decolyi Brotherus ex Gangulee, 1977 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Daltonia dusenii C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1897  Daltonia euryloma Potier de la Varde, 1949  Daltonia fenestrellata Griffin, 1980 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III, 1980; Kis, G., 1996]  Daltonia forsythii Brotherus ex Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Daltonia gemmipara Dixon, 1937 – [Noguchi, A., 1986b; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Daltonia gomezii Crosby, 1974 – [Crosby, M. R., 1974; Kis, G., 1996] 


Daltonia gracilis Mitten, 1869 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Bowers, F. D., 1994b]  Daltonia himalayensis Dixon & Herzog, 1939 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Daltonia jamesonii Taylor, 1848 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Daltonia latimarginata Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Daltonia latolimbata Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hegewald, E. & P. Hegewald, 1985; Kis, G., 1996]  Daltonia lindigiana Hampe, 1865 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Daltonia longicuspidata C. Müller, 1897  Daltonia longifolia Taylor, 1848 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994b; Welch, W. H., 1976; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Daltonia longinervis Mitten, 1863  Daltonia macrotheca Mitten, 1869  Daltonia marginata Griffith, 1843 [1842] – [Noguchi, A., 1986b; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Daltonia mildbraedii Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Daltonia minor Bescherelle, 1880  Daltonia minuta Thériot, 1930 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Daltonia splachnoides (Smith) W. J. Hooker & Taylor, 1818 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Daltonia stenoloma Bescherelle, 1880  Daltonia stenophylla Mitten, 1869 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Daltonia subangustifolia Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Noguchi, A., 1986b; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Daltonia subapiculata Hampe ex Gangulee, 1977 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Daltonia tenuifolia Mitten, 1869 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994b]  Daltonia tortifolia Demaret & Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Daltonia trachyodonta Mitten, 1869 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Daltonia tristaniensis Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Daltonia tuberculosa E. B. Bartram, 1942 Dawsonia R. Brown, 1811 {9/0/0/1/0=10} POLYTRICHACEAE  Dawsonia beccarii Brotherus & Geheeb, 1896 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989a; Zanten, B. O. van, 1973; Eddy, A., 1988]  Dawsonia gigantea C. Müller ex Schliephacke & Geheeb, 1896 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1973; Eddy, A., 1988]  Dawsonia grandis Schliephacke & Geheeb, 1896 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1973; Eddy, A., 1988]  Dawsonia insignis Lorch, 1931 – [cited by Zanten, B. O. van, 1973 as insufficiently known]  Dawsonia lativaginata Wijk, 1957 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1973; Eddy, A., 1988]  Dawsonia longifolia (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Zanten, 1977 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989a; Zanten, B. O. van, 1973, as


Daltonia mittenii Kis, 1984 – [Kis, G., 1985] Daltonia ovalis Taylor, 1846 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Daltonia pellucida Herzog, 1916 – [Hegewald, E. & P. Hegewald, 1985]  Daltonia peruviana Mitten, 1869 – [Hegewald, E. & P. Hegewald, 1985]  Daltonia plicata Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Daltonia pseudostenophylla E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Daltonia pulvinata Mitten, 1869 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Bowers, F. D., 1994b]  Daltonia reticulata C. Müller, 1869  Daltonia robbinsii (E. B. Bartram) B. C. Tan & H. Robinson, 1990 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Daltonia rufescens Brotherus, 1927 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Daltonia schiffneri J. Fröhlich, 1953  Daltonia semitorta Mitten, 1859 – [Noguchi, A., 1986b; Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Daltonia sphaerica Bescherelle, 1898 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Dawsonia superba]  Dawsonia longiseta Hampe, 1860 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1973]  Dawsonia papuana F. Müller ex Schliephacke & Geheeb, 1896 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1973; Eddy, A., 1988]  Dawsonia polytrichoides R. Brown, 1811 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1973]  Dawsonia pullei Fleischer & Reimers, 1929 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1973; Eddy, A., 1988] Dendroalsia Britton, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CRYPHAEACEAE  Dendroalsia abietina (W. J. Hooker) Britton in Brotherus, 1909 – [Manuel, M. G., 1974 [1975]; Lawton, E., 1971] Dendrocryphaea Paris & W. P. Schimper ex Brotherus, 1905 {3/3/0/0/0=6} CRYPHAEACEAE  Dendrocryphaea crassinervis (Brotherus in Skottsberg) Enroth, 1995 – [Enroth, J., 1995b; Robinson, H., 1975, as Cyptodon crassinervis; Robinson, H., 1975, as Cyptodon crassinervis]  Dendrocryphaea cuspidata (Sullivant) Brotherus in Skottsberg, 1924 – [Griffin, D., III, S. R. Gradstein & J. Aguirre C., 1982]  Dendrocryphaea gorveana (Montagne) Paris & W. P. Schimper in Brotherus, 1905 – [Griffin, D., III, S. R. Gradstein & J. Aguirre C., 1982]  Dendrocryphaea latifolia Griffin, Gradstein & Aguirre, 1982 – [Griffin, D., III, S. R. Gradstein & J. Aguirre C., 1982]  Dendrocryphaea lechleri (Fleischer) Paris & W. P. Schimper ex Thériot, 1935 – [Griffin, D., III, S. R. Gradstein & J. Aguirre C., 1982]  Dendrocryphaea tasmanica (Mitten in J. D. Hooker & 



Wilson) Brotherus, 1905 – [Enroth, J., 1995b] Dendrocyathophorum Dixon, 1936 {2/0/0/0/0=2} HOOKERIACEAE  Dendrocyathophorum decolyi (Brotherus ex Fleischer) Kruijer, 1995–96 [1996] – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991, as Dendrocyathophorum paradoxum]  Dendrocyathophorum paradoxum (Brotherus in Cardot) Dixon, 1937 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Lai, Ming-jou, 1976] Dendroligotrichum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1905 {2/0/0/0/0=2} POLYTRICHACEAE  Dendroligotrichum dendroides (Bridel ex Hedwig) Brotherus, 1905 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Smith, G. L., 1971; Schiavone, M. M., 1993]  Dendroligotrichum squamosum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Cardot, 1908 – [Smith, G. L., 1971; Greene, S. W., 1973; Schiavone, M. M., 1993] Dendropogonella Britton, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CRYPHAEACEAE  Dendropogonella rufescens (W. P. Schimper) Britton, 1906 – [Manuel, M. G., 1973a; Manuel, M. G., 1994]  Dichelodontium nitidum (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1907 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984] Dichelyma Myrin, 1833 {5/0/0/1/0=6} FONTINALACEAE  Dichelyma antarcticum C. Müller, 1883  Dichelyma capillaceum (Withering) Myrin, 1833 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Dichelyma falcatum (Hedwig) Myrin, 1833 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Dichelyma japonicum Cardot, 1909 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Ireland, R. R., 1989 [1990]]  Dichelyma pallescens Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1989 [1990]; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Dichelyma uncinatum Mitten, 1864 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1989 [1990]] Dichodontium W. P. Schimper, 1856 {3/0/0/2/0=5} DICRANACEAE  Dichodontium brasiliense Brotherus, 1926 – [Frahm, J.-P., V. Kunert, I. Franzen, D.-T. Hoang & M. Willmeroth, 1998]  Dichodontium debile Brotherus, 1901 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., V. Kunert, I. Franzen, D.-T. Hoang & M. Willmeroth, 1998 as insufficiently known]  Dichodontium integrum Sakurai, 1949 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., V. Kunert, I. Franzen, D.-T. Hoang & M. Willmeroth, 1998 as insufficiently known]  Dichodontium olympicum Renauld & Cardot, 1892 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Tan, B. C. & W. B. Schofield, 1980; Frahm, J.-P., V. Kunert, I. Franzen, D.-T. Hoang & M. Willmeroth, 1998]  Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E.,

Desmotheca Lindberg, 1873 {2/0/0/0/0=2} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Desmotheca apiculata (Dozy & Molkenboer) Lindberg in Cardot, 1897 – [Vitt, D. H., 1990]  Desmotheca brachiata (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Vitt, 1990 – [Vitt, D. H., 1990] Dialytrichia (W. P. Schimper) Limpricht, 1888 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Dialytrichia mucronata (Bridel) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Diaphanodon Renauld & Cardot, 1895 {1/0/1/1/0=3} METEORIACEAE  Diaphanodon blandus (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Renauld & Cardot, 1900 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b]  Diaphanodon friisii Bizot & Lewinsky, 1978 – [Bizot, M., I. Friis, J. Lewinsky & T. Pócs, 1978]  Diaphanodon procumbens (C. Müller) Renauld & Cardot, 1900 Dichelodontium J. D. Hooker & Wilson ex Brotherus, 1907 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LEPYRODONTACEAE 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Tan, B. C. & W. B. Schofield, 1980; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., V. Kunert, I. Franzen, D.-T. Hoang & M. Willmeroth, 1998] Dicnemoloma Renauld, 1901 =Sclerodontium {0/0/0/0/1=1} DICRANACEAE  Dicnemoloma fraseri (Mitten) Renauld, 1909 – [Excluded by Crum, H., 1986b] Dicnemon Schwägrichen, 1826 {12/1/0/0/0=13} DICNEMONACEAE  Dicnemon aneitense (Brotherus & Watts) B. H. Allen, 1989 – [Allen, B. H., 1989]  Dicnemon calycinum (W. J. Hooker) Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Dicnemon cochlearifolium (Thériot) B. H. Allen, 1987 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Dicnemon cuspidatum Bescherelle, 1873 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Dicnemon dixonianum B. H. Allen, 1987 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Dicnemon novae-guineae (Dixon) B. H. Allen, 1987 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Dicnemon pancheri Bescherelle, 1873 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Dicnemon planifolium Bescherelle, 1873 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Dicnemon robbinsii (E. B. Bartram) B. H. Allen, 1987 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Dicnemon semicryptum C. Müller, 1897 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Dicnemon seriatum (Brotherus & Paris) B. H. Allen, 1987 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Dicnemon spathoideum Duby ex Bescherelle, 1873 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]


Dicnemon subpiliferum (Brotherus & Paris) B. H. Allen, 1987 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c] Dicranella (C. Müller) W. P. Schimper, 1856 {37/10/1/114/0=162} DICRANACEAE  Dicranella acroclada Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Dicranella affinis Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranella afroexigua C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896  Dicranella alpina (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Crum, H., 1994e]  Dicranella amplexans (Mitten) Jaeger, 1872 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Banu-Fattah, K. & S. Hadiuzzaman, 1996]  Dicranella ampullacea C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896  Dicranella angustifolia Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Dicranella annamensis (Paris & Brotherus) Brotherus, 1917 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Dicranella apolensis R. S. Williams, 1903 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Dicranella apophysatula (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranella caldensis Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranella callosa (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Dicranella cameruniae C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Dicranella cardotii (R. Brown ter) Dixon, 1923 – [Ochyra, R. & M. E. Newton, 1985 [1986]; Newton, M. E., 1977]  Dicranella cerviculata (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranella circinata Herzog, 1954 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranella coarctata (C. Müller) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1858 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranella congolensis (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella consimilis (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Dicranella cratericola Bescherelle in Renauld, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Dicranella crenulata Brotherus, 1900  Dicranella crinalis Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranella densa (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1869  Dicranella densifolia (Thériot & Potier de la Varde) Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1932  Dicranella denticulata Cardot & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde, 1922


Dicranella argentinica (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dicranella ascensionica Mitten in Melliss, 1875  Dicranella aulacocarpa (Montagne) Mitten, 1869 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranella austro-sinensis Herzog & Dixon, 1933 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranella austroexigua (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella baileyana (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranella barbensis Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [cited by Allen, B., 1994a as insufficiently known]  Dicranella barnesii Cardot, 1910 – [Crum, H., 1994e]  Dicranella bicolor (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Dicranella bogotensis (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Dicranella boliviana Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Dicranella borbonica Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Dicranella brachyblepharis (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H., 1994e; Allen, B., 1994a]  Dicranella breviseta Paris, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Dicranella dietrichiae (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Dicranella dilatatinervis Dixon, 1936 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranella ditissima (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Dicranella ditrichoides Brotherus, 1921 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranella divaricata (Mitten) Jaeger, 1872 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranella divaricatula Bescherelle, 1898 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranella dussii R. S. Williams, 1913  Dicranella edentata Mitten, 1873  Dicranella elata W. P. Schimper ex Mitten, 1869 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Dicranella erectotheca (R. Brown ter) Paris, 1900  Dicranella euryphylla Dixon, 1941 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranella eustegia Bescherelle, 1887 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Dicranella exigua (Schwägrichen) Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranella exilis Sullivant, 1874 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranella falcularia C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896  Dicranella flaccidula (Mitten) Mitten, 1868 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978, as Microdus flaccidulus]  Dicranella flavipes Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Dicranella fuegiana Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]

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Dicranella fukienensis Brotherus, 1929 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranella fusca Brotherus, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranella glauca Bescherelle, 1873 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978, as Microdus glaucus]  Dicranella glaziovii (Hampe) Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranella globicarpa (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella gonoi Cardot, 1907 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranella grandispora Dixon, 1938 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Dicranella griffithii (Mitten) Jaeger, 1872  Dicranella guadelupensis Mitten, 1869  Dicranella guilleminiana (Montagne) Mitten, 1869 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dicranella gymna (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella harrisii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Dicranella hawaiica (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranella heteromalla (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E.,  Dicranella lagunaria (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [cited by Allen, B., 1994a as insufficiently known]  Dicranella leibergii R. S. Williams, 1915 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991, as Microdus leibergii]  Dicranella leptoneura Dixon, 1937 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranella ligulata (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella ligulifolia (C. Müller) Paris, 1896  Dicranella liliputana (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranella lindigiana (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H., 1994e; Allen, B., 1994a]  Dicranella linearifolia (Hornschuch ex Schwägrichen) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella longifolia Brotherus, 1920  Dicranella longirostris (Schwägrichen) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H., 1994e; Allen, B., 1994a]  Dicranella lutaria (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella luteola Mitten, 1869  Dicranella macromorpha (Fleischer) Brotherus, 1909 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b, as Microdus macromorphus; Eddy, A., 1988, as Microdus macromorphus]  Dicranella macrospora Gangulee, 1964 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranella madagassa Renauld, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Dicranella martiana (Hampe) Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Microdus martianus]  Dicranella mayebarae (Sakurai) Matsui & Iwatsuki, 1990 – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990]  Dicranella micro-divaricata (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranella minuta (Hampe) Jaeger, 1880

1971; Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Allen, B., 1994a]  Dicranella hilariana (Montagne) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Crum, H., 1994e; Allen, B., 1994a]  Dicranella hillebrandii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978, as Microdus hillebrandii]  Dicranella hochreutineri Cardot, 1912 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Dicranella howei Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1977]  Dicranella ihsibae Brotherus ex Iishiba, 1929  Dicranella infuscata Thwaites & Mitten, 1873  Dicranella integrifolia E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranella itatiaiae (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Microdus itatiaiae]  Dicranella juliformis Brotherus, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranella kenyae Dixon, 1938 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Dicranella kiushiana Sakurai, 1937  Dicranella kunzeana (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [He, Si, 1998, as Microdus kunzeanus; Bowers, F. D., 1974, as Microdus kunzeanus]  Dicranella moenkemeyeri (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella muelleri W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1872 – [cited by Crum, H., 1994e as insufficiently known]  Dicranella muralis (Hampe) Mitten, 1869  Dicranella nanocarpa C. Müller ex Britton, 1896 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Dicranella nitida Brotherus, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranella nitidula (Mitten) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella nodicoma C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Dicranella osculatiana De Notaris, 1859  Dicranella oshimae Brotherus ex Dixon, 1933  Dicranella pabstiana (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranella pacifica W. B. Schofield, 1970 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Dicranella pallidiseta (Bridel) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella papillinervis Dixon, 1942  Dicranella papua-palustris Norris & T. Koponen, 1990 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]  Dicranella paraguensis (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella patagonica (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranella paucifolia (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranella perrottetii (Montagne) Mitten, 1869  Dicranella pertenella C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896  Dicranella pervilleana Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Dicranella polii Renauld & Cardot, 1894 – [Crosby,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Dicranella ponapensis Sakurai, 1943 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranella proscripta (Hornschuch) Mitten in Melliss, 1875  Dicranella pseudosubulata C. Müller ex Gangulee, 1960 [1963] – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranella puiggarii Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranella pusilla (Hampe) Mitten, 1869  Dicranella pyrrhotricha Bescherelle, 1875  Dicranella remotifolia Bescherelle, 1876  Dicranella reticulata (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Dicranella rigida Dixon in Sim, 1926 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Dicranella rigidula E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranella rio-grandensis Brotherus, 1900  Dicranella rivalis C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Dicranella rufiseta E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranella samoana (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranella schmidii (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872  Dicranella sclerophylla Dixon, 1943  Dicranella sumatrana Dixon, 1932 – [Eddy, A., 1988, as Microdus sumatranus]  Dicranella temperata Allison, 1950  Dicranella tenax (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989, as Microdus tenax]  Dicranella tenuisetula (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901  Dicranella torrentium Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1917 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Dicranella tovariensis (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Dicranella trumpffii (Hampe in C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Dicranella ulei (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Microdus ulei]  Dicranella usambarica Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Dicranella weberbaueri Brotherus, 1920 – [Menzel, M., 1992] Dicranodontium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1847 {9/0/0/2/4=15} DICRANACEAE  Dicranodontium asperulum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1901 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Eddy, A., 1988; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Ireland, R. R., 1989; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., 1997]  Dicranodontium denudatum (Bridel) Britton in R. S. Williams, 1913 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1989; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., 1997]  Dicranodontium didictyon (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Frahm, J.-P., 1997]



Dicranella sericea E. B. Bartram, 1964 [1965] – [Bartram, E. B., 1964 [1965]]  Dicranella setifera (Mitten) Jaeger, 1872 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Eddy, A., 1988; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranella stackhousiana (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranella stickinensis Grout, 1936  Dicranella stricticaulis Cardot & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde, 1922  Dicranella strumulosa (Hampe) Jaeger, 1872 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Dicranella subangulata Thwaites & Mitten, 1873  Dicranella subfalcularia Thériot, 1925  Dicranella subpycnoglossa Brotherus, 1931 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranella subsecunda Bescherelle, 1899 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranella subsubulata (Hampe ex C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Giese, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985 [1986]a]  Dicranella subsulcata (Hampe) Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranella subulata (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranodontium didymodon (Griffith) Paris, 1896 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1997]  Dicranodontium filifolium Brotherus, 1929 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranodontium humile Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Excluded by Frahm, J.-P., 1997]  Dicranodontium insularum E. B. Bartram, 1959 – [Excluded by Frahm, J.-P., 1997]  Dicranodontium papillifolium Gao Chien in Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981]  Dicranodontium porodictyon Cardot & Thériot, 1911 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Frahm, J.-P., 1997]  Dicranodontium pulchroalare Brotherus, 1901 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1997]  Dicranodontium schwabei Herzog & Thériot, 1939 – [Excluded by Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Excluded by Frahm, J.-P., 1997]  Dicranodontium sordidum (Wilson ex Mitten) C. Müller, 1900 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1997 as insufficiently known]  Dicranodontium tapes (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1997 as insufficiently known]  Dicranodontium tristaniense Dixon & Thériot in Christophersen, 1960 – [Excluded by Frahm, J.-P., 1997]  Dicranodontium uncinatum (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1880 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Eddy, A., 1988; Ireland, R. R., 1989; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., 1997]



Dicranoloma (Renauld) Renauld, 1901 {22/13/4/51/0=90} DICRANACEAE  Dicranoloma angustatum Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989 [1990]]  Dicranoloma angustiflorum Dixon, 1915 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma angustifolium (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma arfakianum (C. Müller ex Geheeb) Renauld, 1909 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b, as Dicranum arfakianum; Tan, B. C. & T. Koponen, 1983]  Dicranoloma argutum (Hampe) Paris, 1904 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma assimile (Hampe) Paris, 1904 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b, as Dicranum assimile; Tan, B. C. & T. Koponen, 1983; Tan, B. C., 1989a]  Dicranoloma atlanticum E. B. Bartram, 1959  Dicranoloma australe (Bescherelle) Paris, 1904 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranoloma austrinum (Mitten) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Dicranum austrinum]  Dicranoloma austro-scoparium (C. Müller ex Brotherus) Renauld, 1909 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989 [1990]]  Dicranoloma chilense (De Notaris) Ochyra & Matteri, 1996 – [Ochyra, R. & C. M. Matteri, 1996; Robinson, H., 1975, as Dicranoloma nigricaule]  Dicranoloma confusum Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Dicranoloma cylindropyxis C. Müller ex Dixon, 1913 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Dicranoloma cylindrothecium (Mitten) Sakurai, 1952 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Takaki, N., 1966; Tan, B. C. & T. Koponen, 1983; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranoloma damanhurii B. C. Tan & Mohamed, 1990 – [Tan, B. C. & H. Mohamed, 1990]  Dicranoloma deplanchei (Duby) Paris, 1904 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Dicranoloma diaphanoneurum (Hampe & C. Müller) Paris, 1904 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma dicarpoides Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989 [1990]]  Dicranoloma dicarpum (Nees in Sprengel) Paris, 1904 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b, as Dicranum dicarpum; Tan, B. C. & T. Koponen, 1983]  Dicranoloma dusenii (Brotherus in Dusén) Brotherus, 1909 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranoloma elimbatum Dixon, 1941 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma entabeniense Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Dicranoloma eucamptodontoides (Brotherus &

Dicranoloma bartramioides (Brotherus) Paris, 1904 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma billardieri (Bridel) Paris, 1904 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Magill, R. E., 1981; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b, as Dicranum billardieri; Tan, B. C. & T. Koponen, 1983]  Dicranoloma blumii (Nees) Paris, 1904 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b, as Dicranum blumii; Tan, B. C. & T. Koponen, 1983; Tan, B. C., 1989a]  Dicranoloma brachysteleum (C. Müller) Paris, 1904  Dicranoloma brasiliense Herzog, 1924 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranoloma braunfelsioides Herzog, 1919 – [Tan, B. C., 1989a]  Dicranoloma brevifolium E. B. Bartram, 1933  Dicranoloma brevisetum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Paris, 1904 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Tan, B. C., 1989a]  Dicranoloma burchardtii (Paris) Paris, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma calycinum Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989 [1990]]  Dicranoloma capillare (Dusén) Brotherus, 1909 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranoloma capillifolioides Brotherus in Skottsberg, 1924 – [Robinson, H., 1975] Geheeb) Paris, 1904 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma falklandicum (Cardot) Brotherus, 1909 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dicranoloma fasciatum (Hedwig) Paris, 1904 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Dicranoloma fragile Brotherus, 1924 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Tan, B. C. & T. Koponen, 1983]  Dicranoloma francii Thériot, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Dicranoloma geluense (Herzog) B. H. Allen, 1986 – [Allen, B. H., 1986; Eddy, A., 1988; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b, as Dicranum geluense]  Dicranoloma gracile Brotherus ex E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranoloma grossialare C. Müller ex Dixon, 1913 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Dicranoloma hariotii (C. Müller) Paris, 1904 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranoloma havilandii Brotherus, 1928 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Tan, B. C., 1989a]  Dicranoloma hollermayeri Thériot, 1935 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranoloma imponens (Montagne) Renauld, 1909 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranoloma kerguelense (C. Müller) Paris, 1904  Dicranoloma kunkelii H. Robinson, 1974 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Robinson, H., 1974]  Dicranoloma leichhardtii (Hampe) Watts &

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Whitelegge, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989, as Leucoloma leichhardtii]  Dicranoloma leucophyllum (Hampe ex Sande Lacoste) Paris, 1904 – [Eddy, A., 1988]  Dicranoloma menziesii (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Paris, 1904 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Dicranoloma microcarpum Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Dicranoloma muelleri (Dusén) Roivainen, 1937 – [Seki, T., 1974 [1976]]  Dicranoloma nelsonii (C. Müller) Paris, 1904 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma novo-guineense (Brotherus & Geheeb) Paris, 1904 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Tan, B. C. & T. Koponen, 1983; Tan, B. C., 1989a]  Dicranoloma obesifolium (R. Brown ter) Brotherus, 1924 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Dicranoloma onraedtii Bizot, 1976 – [Bizot, M., 1976]  Dicranoloma pancheri (C. Müller) Paris, 1904 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Dicranoloma perdecurrens Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Dicranoloma perichaetiale Sainsbury, 1953 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma perlongifolium (Cardot) Thériot, 1932 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Dicranoloma perremotifolium (Dusén) Brotherus, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranoloma perviride Brotherus & Paris, 1909 –  Dicranoloma spiniforme E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma steenisii Klazenga, 1996 – [Klazenga, N., 1996]  Dicranoloma steyermarkii E. B. Bartram, 1960  Dicranoloma subassimile Renauld, 1909  Dicranoloma subconfine (Bescherelle) Paris, 1904  Dicranoloma subenerve Herzog, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Dicranoloma subimponens (Cardot) Brotherus, 1909 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranoloma subreflexifolium (C. Müller) Paris, 1904  Dicranoloma sullivanii (C. Müller) Paris, 1904 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma tibetanum Gao Chien in Gao Chien & Chang Kung-chu, 1979 – [Gao Chien & Chang Kuang-chu, 1979]  Dicranoloma trichopodum (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Brotherus, 1924 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma truncorum (W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) Paris, 1904 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dicranoloma wattsii Brotherus, 1918 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Dicranoweisia Lindberg ex Milde, 1869 {9/1/0/11/0=21} SELIGERIACEAE  Dicranoweisia africana Dixon, 1920 – [Kis, G., 1985]


[Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989 [1990]] Dicranoloma platycaulon C. Müller ex Dixon, 1913 – [Tan, B. C., 1989a]  Dicranoloma platyloma (Bescherelle) Renauld in Paris, 1904 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Dicranoloma plicatum E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranoloma plurisetum C. Müller ex Dixon, 1913 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Dicranoloma punctulatum (Hampe) Renauld in Paris, 1904 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Dicranoloma reflexum (C. Müller) Renauld, 1909 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Tan, B. C., 1989a; Tan, B. C. & T. Koponen, 1983]  Dicranoloma robustum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Paris, 1904 – [Tan, B. C. & T. Koponen, 1983]  Dicranoloma rufifolium (Bescherelle) Paris, 1904 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranoloma rugifolium E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b, as Dicranum rugifolium]  Dicranoloma rugosum (W. J. Hooker) B. H. Allen, 1986 – [Allen, B. H., 1986]  Dicranoloma serratum (Brotherus) Paris, 1904 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989 [1990]]  Dicranoloma singalangense Dixon ex J. Fröhlich, 1953  Dicranoloma skottsbergii (Cardot) Brotherus, 1909 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dicranoloma speightii (R. Brown ter) Paris, 1904 


Dicranoweisia alpina (Mitten) Paris, 1896 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranoweisia antarctica (C. Müller) Paris, 1895 – [Bell, B. G., 1976]  Dicranoweisia austro-crispula (C. Müller) Paris, 1896 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranoweisia brevifolia Herzog, 1938 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Dicranoweisia brevipes (C. Müller in Neumayer) Cardot, 1905 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Dicranoweisia breviseta Cardot, 1905 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranoweisia brunnea Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Dicranoweisia cirrata (Hedwig) Lindberg in Milde, 1869 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Dicranoweisia crispula (Hedwig) Milde, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Lawton, E., 1971]  Dicranoweisia falcifolia Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Dicranoweisia fastigiata (Mitten) Paris, 1896  Dicranoweisia funiculipes Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dicranoweisia grimmiacea (C. Müller in Neumayer) Brotherus, 1901 – [Bell, B. G., 1976; Ochyra, R., 1998a]

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Dicranoweisia indica (Wilson) Paris, 1896 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranoweisia jugellifera Dusén, 1905 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Dicranoweisia mackayi (Brotherus & Dixon) Brotherus, 1924 – [cited by Ochyra, R., 1993b as insufficiently known]  Dicranoweisia microcarpa (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Paris, 1896 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Dicranoweisia papuana Dixon, 1943 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]  Dicranoweisia spenceri Dixon & Sainsbury, 1945 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Dicranoweisia subglobosa (Herzog) He Si, 1998 – [He, Si, 1998; Greene, D. M., 1986, as Hymenoloma subglobosum] Dicranum Hedwig, 1801 {58/2/3/31/0=94} DICRANACEAE  Dicranum acanthoneurum C. Müller, 1890 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Dicranum acutifolium (Lindberg & H. Arnell) C. E. O. Jensen in Weimarck, 1937 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990]  Dicranum arcuatipes C. Müller, 1900  Dicranum assamicum Dixon, 1937 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranum atratum Geheeb, 1879  Dicranum bartramianum B. H. Allen, 1987 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Allen, B. H., 1987e]  Dicranum bonjeanii De Notaris in Lisa, 1837 – [Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranum dispersum Engelmark, 1999 – [Engelmark, T.-B., 1999; Engelmark, T.-B., 1999]  Dicranum drummondii C. Müller, 1848 – [Isoviita, P., 1977; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranum dubium Thériot & Dixon, 1921 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Dicranum eggersii C. Müller, 1900  Dicranum elongatum Schleicher ex Schwägrichen, 1811 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990]  Dicranum filum Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1804  Dicranum flagellare Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Allen, B., 1994a; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990; Ireland, R. R., 1994d; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranum fragilifolium Lindberg, 1857 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990]  Dicranum fragillimum Warnstorf, 1915  Dicranum frigidum C. Müller, 1859 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Ireland, R. R., 1994d]  Dicranum fulvum W. J. Hooker, 1819 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland,

Dicranum borbonicum Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1898  Dicranum braunsiae C. Müller, 1900  Dicranum brevifolium (Lindberg) Lindberg, 1879 – [Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990]  Dicranum caesium Mitten, 1891 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b]  Dicranum cheoi E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranum condensatum Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990]  Dicranum crassifolium Sérgio, Ochyra & Séneca, 1995 – [Sérgio, C., R. Ochyra & A. Séneca, 1995]  Dicranum crispifolium C. Müller, 1864 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranum cutlackii Norris & T. Koponen, 1990 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]  Dicranum decumbens Thwaites & Mitten, 1873 – [Frahm, J.-P., V. Buchbender, S. Lachmann, K. Reifenrath & F. Werner, 1998]  Dicranum deflexicaulon C. Müller, 1874 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Dicranum delavayi Bescherelle, 1891 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranum dilatinerve Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1922  Dicranum diplospiniferum Gao Chien & Ao Zhi-wen, 1980 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gao Chien & Aur Zhi-wen, 1980] 1990; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987] Dicranum fuscescens Turner, 1804 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranum gonoi Cardot, 1909  Dicranum gregoryi B. H. Allen, 1988 – [Allen, B. H., 1988a]  Dicranum groenlandicum Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranum hamulosum Mitten, 1891 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b]  Dicranum himalayanum Mitten, 1859 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranum howellii Renauld & Cardot, 1888 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Dicranum japonicum Mitten, 1891 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranum jashii Thériot in Naveau, 1927  Dicranum johnstonii Mitten, 1886 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Dicranum kashmirense Brotherus, 1899 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranum klauteri Reimers, 1931  Dicranum leiodontium Cardot, 1907 – [Gao Chien 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b]  Dicranum leioneuron Kindberg, 1889 – [Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990]  Dicranum leucobryoides Bescherelle ex C. Müller, 1900 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dicranum linzianum Gao Chien in Gao Chien & Chang Kung-chu, 1979 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranum longicylindricum Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranum lophoneuron C. Müller, 1851 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1994d as insufficiently known]  Dicranum lorifolium Mitten, 1859 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranum majus Turner, 1804 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990; Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranum mayrii Brotherus, 1899 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b]  Dicranum montanum Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Dicranum muehlenbeckii Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1847 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranum nipponense Bescherelle, 1893 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranum novaustrinum Margadant, 1972  Dicranum schensianum C. Müller, 1897 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranum scoparium Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ireland, R. R., 1994d; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranum scottianum Turner, 1804 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Dicranum semperi Hampe in C. Müller, 1900  Dicranum setifolium Cardot, 1907 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b]  Dicranum spadiceum J. E. Zetterstedt, 1865 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990]  Dicranum speirophyllum Montagne, 1843 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Dicranum spurium Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990]  Dicranum subporodictyon (Brotherus) Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gao


Dicranum obliquatum Mitten, 1863 Dicranum ontariense Peterson, 1977 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Isoviita, P., 1977; Peterson, W., 1977; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990]  Dicranum orthophylloides Dixon, 1938 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Dicranum orthophyllum Brotherus, 1929 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranum pallidisetum (J. W. Bailey in Holzinger) Ireland, 1965 [1966] – [Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1965]  Dicranum papillidens Brotherus, 1924 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranum peruvianum H. Robinson, 1967 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Robinson, H., 1967b]  Dicranum petrophylum Negri, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Dicranum polysetum Swartz, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranum pseudofalcatum Seppelt, 1980 [1981] – [Seppelt, R. D., 1980 [1981]]  Dicranum pseudoleucoloma C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dicranum pseudorobustum C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1877  Dicranum rectifolium C. Müller, 1896  Dicranum rhabdocarpum Sullivant, 1849 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Allen, B., 1994a; Ireland, R. R., 1994d]  Dicranum rodriguezii C. Müller, 1900  Dicranum savatieri (Bescherelle) W. P. Schimper ex Paris, 1904 Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b; Frahm, J.-P., 1997]  Dicranum sumichrastii Duby, 1870 – [Ireland, R. R., 1994d]  Dicranum symblepharoides Cardot, 1909 – [cited by Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987 as insufficiently known]  Dicranum syrrhopodontoides C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dicranum tauricum Sapehin, 1911 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Hegewald, E., 1991]  Dicranum thelinotum C. Müller, 1896 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranum thraustophyllum C. Müller, 1900  Dicranum toninii C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dicranum truncicola Brotherus, 1924 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Dicranum tubulifolium Ireland, 1984 [1985] – [Ireland, R. R., 1984 [1985]; Ireland, R. R., 1994d]  Dicranum undulatum Schrader ex Bridel, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Dicranum viride (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Lindberg, 



1863 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Bellolio-Trucco, G. & R. R. Ireland, 1990]  Dicranum yezomontanum Noguchi, 1952 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987] Didymodon Hedwig, 1801 {37/30/8/46/0=121} POTTIACEAE  Didymodon aaronis (Lorentz) J. Guerra in J. Guerra & Ros, 1987 – [Guerra, J. & R. M. Ros, 1987]  Didymodon alticaulis E. B. Bartram, 1947 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon amblyophyllus (W. J. Hooker) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon ampliretis E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Didymodon andreaeoides Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Didymodon anserinocapitatus (Li Xing-jiang) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H. & W. A. Weber, 1997; Otnyukova, T. N. & R. H. Zander, 1998]  Didymodon argentinicus (Paris) Paris, 1904 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Didymodon argentiniensis Warnstorf, 1916 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Didymodon asperifolius (Mitten) H. Crum, Steere & L. E. Anderson, 1964 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon australasiae (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Zander, 1978 – [Zander, R. H., 1994v; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon austroalpigena (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902  Didymodon barbulae Wibel ex Roemer, 1803  Didymodon barbuloides Libert ex Marchal, 1872 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M.  Didymodon eckendorfii Potier de la Varde, 1937  Didymodon erosodenticulatus (C. Müller) K. Saito, 1975 – [Saito, K., 1975; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Didymodon fallax (Hedwig) Zander, 1978 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994v]  Didymodon ferrugineus (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) M. O. Hill, 1981 [1982] – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1999]  Didymodon fragilicuspis Brotherus, 1928  Didymodon gaochienii B. C. Tan & Jia Yu, 1997 – [Tan, B. C. & Jia Yu, 1997]  Didymodon gelidus Cardot, 1907 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Didymodon giganteus (Funck) Juratzka, 1882 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Saito, K., 1975; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Didymodon glaucoviridis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Didymodon guineensis Brotherus & Paris, 1911  Didymodon gymnus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Didymodon hampei Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H.,

O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Didymodon bartramii Zander, 1993  Didymodon berthoanus Thériot, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Didymodon bistratosus Hébrard & Pierrot, 1994 – [Hébrard, J.-P., 1994; Sérgio, C., R. B. Pierrot, J.-P Hébrard, R. M. Cros & M. Brugués, 1998]  Didymodon brachyphyllus (Sullivant in Whipple) Zander, 1978 – [Zander, R. H., L. R. Stark & G. Marrs-Smith, 1995; Zander, R. H., 1978b; Lawton, E., 1971, as Barbula brachyphylla]  Didymodon brunneus (C. Müller) Warnstorf in Brotherus, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Didymodon calycinus Dixon, 1915 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Didymodon canaliculatus Dixon, 1930  Didymodon capitatus Dixon ex Sappa & Piovano, 1947  Didymodon cardotii (Dusén) Zander, 1993 – [He, Si, 1998]  Didymodon catenulatus Dixon, 1930  Didymodon ceratodonteus (C. Müller) Dixon, 1932 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Didymodon challaense (Brotherus) Zander, 1993 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976, as Erythrophyllopsis challaensis]  Didymodon constrictus (Mitten) K. Saito, 1975 – [Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon contortus Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Didymodon cordatus Juratzka, 1866 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Barbula cordata]  Didymodon deciduus Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon dubius (Schwägrichen) Paris, 1904 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] 1993]  Didymodon hastatus (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Barbula hastata]  Didymodon haussknechtii (Juratzka & Milde) Brotherus, 1902 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975, as Trichostomopsis haussknechtii]  Didymodon hedysariformis Otnyukova, 1998 – [Otnyukova, T. N., 1998]  Didymodon herzogii Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon humboldtii (Herzog) E. Hegewald & P. Hegewald, 1977 – [Hegewald, E. & P. Hegewald, 1976]  Didymodon humidus (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon imperfectus (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon incrassatolimbatus Cardot, 1909 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994v]  Didymodon incrassatus (Lindberg in Brotherus) Brotherus, 1902 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Didymodon inundatus (Mitten) Brotherus, 1902 –

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES [Zander, R. H., 1993] Didymodon jackvancei Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Husnotiella plicata; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Husnotiella plicata]  Didymodon japonicus (Brotherus) K. Saito, 1975 – [Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Didymodon johansenii (R. S. Williams) H. Crum, 1969 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1978a; Zander, R. H., 1978b; Lawton, E., 1971, as Barbula johansenii]  Didymodon juniperinus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Didymodon laevigatus (Mitten) Zander, 1978 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Sollman, P., 1994; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Didymodon lamyanus (W. P. Schimper in Husnot) Thériot, 1932 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Didymodon leskeoides K. Saito, 1975 – [Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Didymodon lindigii (Hampe) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Didymodon loeskei Fleischer, 1923  Didymodon lorentzianus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Didymodon luehmannii (Brotherus & Geheeb) Catcheside, 1980 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Didymodon macrophyllus Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Didymodon mamillosus (Crundwell) M. O. Hill, 1981 [1982] – [Crundwell, A. C., 1976a, as Barbula mamillosa]  Didymodon marginatus (H. Robinson) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Robinson, H., 1971a, as  Didymodon perexilis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Didymodon perobtusus Brotherus, 1928 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1978b]  Didymodon planotophaceus J. Fröhlich, 1953 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Didymodon polycephalus Montagne, 1845 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Didymodon pruinosus (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon reflexus Thériot, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Didymodon reticulatus Gillies ex Greville, 1830 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Didymodon revolutus (Cardot) R. S. Williams, 1913 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994v]  Didymodon rigidulus Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1994v; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Didymodon rivicola (Brotherus) Zander in T. Koponen et al., 1983 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] 


Trichostomum marginatum] Didymodon maschalogena (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1909 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Didymodon maximus (Syed & Crundwell) M. O. Hill, 1981 [1982] – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Syed, H. & A. C. Crudwell, 1973, as Barbula maxima; Zander, R. H., 1999]  Didymodon michiganensis (Steere in Grout) K. Saito, 1975 – [Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1994v; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon microthecius (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Didymodon minusculus (R. S. Williams) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon mittenii Gangulee, 1964 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Didymodon montevidensis Brotherus in Felippone, 1917 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Didymodon moritzianus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Didymodon nevadensis Zander in Zander, Stark & Marrs-Smith, 1995 – [Zander, R. H., L. R. Stark & G. Marrs-Smith, 1995; Zander, R. H., 1999]  Didymodon nicholsonii Culmann, 1907 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1999]  Didymodon nigrescens (Mitten) K. Saito, 1975 – [Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Didymodon norrisii Zander, 1999 – [Zander, R. H., 1999]  Didymodon occidentalis Zander, 1978 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1978b]  Didymodon orbignyanus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Didymodon patagonicus (Mitten) Brotherus, 1924 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] 

Didymodon rubiginosus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Didymodon rufidulus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon schilleri Herzog & Thériot, 1933 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Didymodon sicculus Cano et al., 1996 – [Cano, M. J., R. M. Ros, P. García-Zamora & J. Guerra, 1996]  Didymodon sinuosus (Mitten) Delogne, 1873 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1978a; Zander, R. H., 1978b]  Didymodon soaresii Luisier, 1916 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Didymodon spadiceus (Mitten) Limpricht, 1888 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Barbula spadicea]  Didymodon spathulatolinearis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Didymodon stewartii (E. B. Bartram) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon strictorubellus Dixon, 1942

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Didymodon subandreaeoides (Kindberg) Zander, 1978 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1978b]  Didymodon subfontanus Dixon in Sim, 1926  Didymodon subrevolutus (Hampe) Brotherus, 1902 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Didymodon subtorquatus (C. Müller & Hampe) Catcheside, 1980 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Didymodon subtriquetrus H. Robinson, 1967 – [Robinson, H., 1967b]  Didymodon subulatus Schkuhr, 1811  Didymodon taylorii Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Didymodon tectorum (C. Müller) K. Saito, 1975 – [Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon tenellus R. A. Hedwig ex Bridel, 1827  Didymodon tomaculosus (Blockeel) Corley in Corley et al., 1981 [1982] – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon tophaceopsis Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Husnotiella latifolia]  Didymodon tophaceus (Bridel) Lisa, 1837 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1994v; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971]  Didymodon torquatus (Taylor) Catcheside, 1980 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Didymodon trivialis (C. Müller) J. Guerra in J. Guerra & Ros, 1987 – [Guerra, J. & R. M. Ros, 1987]  Didymodon umbrosus (C. Müller) Zander, 1978 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1978b; Zander, R. H., 1994v, as Didymodon australasiae var. umbrosus]  Didymodon uruguayensis Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Didymodon vinealis (Bridel) Zander, 1978 – [Zander, R. H., 1994v; Zander, R. H., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Didymodon waymouthii (R. Brown ter) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Diphyscium D. Mohr, 1803 {12/3/1/2/0=18} DIPHYSCIACEAE  Diphyscium auriculatum Bescherelle, 1873 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Diphyscium chiapense Norris, 1981 – [Norris, D. H., 1994; Deguchi, H., J. Ueno & T. Yamaguchi, 1997]  Diphyscium cumberlandianum Harvill, 1950 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Diphyscium domingense (Bridel) W. R. Buck & Steere, 1983 – [Allen, B., 1996]  Diphyscium fasciculatum Mitten, 1859  Diphyscium fendleri C. Müller, 1879 – [Allen, B., 1996; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Diphyscium foliosum (Hedwig) D. Mohr, 1803 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Norris, D. H., 1994; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Diphyscium fulvifolium Mitten, 1891 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Diphyscium longifolium Griffith, 1842 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1969; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Diphyscium loriae C. Müller, 1897 – [Hyvönen, J.,


Didymodon wisselii (Dixon) Norris & T. Koponen, 1989 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Didymodon xanthocarpus (C. Müller) Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981] Dimerodontium Mitten, 1869 {1/0/0/9/0=10} FABRONIACEAE  Dimerodontium acuminatum C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dimerodontium africanum C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Dimerodontium aurescens C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dimerodontium balansae C. Müller in Bescherelle, 1877 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Dimerodontium chlorophyllosum C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dimerodontium kenyae Tosco & Piovano, 1956  Dimerodontium mendozense Mitten, 1869 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Dimerodontium ovatifolium Herzog, 1916 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dimerodontium pellucidum (Schwägrichen) Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Dimerodontium schynderi C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986] Dimorphella (C. Müller) Renauld & Cardot, 1905 =Rhacopilopsis {0/0/0/1/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Dimorphella brasiliensis Brotherus & Herzog, 1924 – [Yano, O., 1981] Dimorphocladon Dixon, 1922 {0/1/0/0/0=1} SYMPHYODONTACEAE  Dimorphocladon borneense Dixon, 1922 – [Akiyama, H., 1997b]

1989a] Diphyscium malayense Manuel, 1980 – [Manuel, M. G., 1980]  Diphyscium mucronifolium Mitten in Dozy & Molkenboer, 1855 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989a; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Diphyscium perminutum Takaki, 1950 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Diphyscium peruvianum Spruce ex Mitten, 1869 – [Allen, B., 1996]  Diphyscium pocsii (Bizot) Zander, 1993 – [Allen, B., 1996; Deguchi, H., J. Ueno & T. Yamaguchi, 1997]  Diphyscium rupestre Dozy & Molkenboer, 1854 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989a]  Diphyscium satoi Tuzibe in Nakai, 1937 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Diphyscium submarginatum Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1974] Diploneuron E. B. Bartram, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PILOTRICHACEAE  Diploneuron connivens E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Allen, 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES B. H. & M. R. Crosby, 1986a; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Discelium Bridel, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DISCELIACEAE  Discelium nudum (Dickson) Bridel, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988] Distichium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 {5/0/0/9/0=14} DITRICHACEAE  Distichium asperrimum C. Müller, 1896  Distichium austroinclinatum C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Distichium brachyphyllum C. Müller, 1896  Distichium brachystegium C. Müller, 1896  Distichium brevifolium C. Müller, 1896  Distichium brevisetum Gao Chien in Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981]  Distichium bryoxiphioidium Gao Chien in Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981]  Distichium capillaceum (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Seppelt, R. D., 1982; Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Magill, R. E., 1981; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1988; Lawton, E., 1971; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Allen, B., 1994a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Distichium crispatum C. Müller, 1896  Distichium hagenii Ryan ex Philibert, 1896 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Distichium inclinatum (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Distichium lorentzii C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D.  Distichophyllum cirratum Renauld & Cardot, 1896 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995]  Distichophyllum collenchymatosum Cardot, 1911 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995]  Distichophyllum crispulum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1882 – [Streimann, H., 1999]  Distichophyllum cucullatum E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Distichophyllum cuspidatum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995; Streimann, H., 1999]  Distichophyllum decolyi Gangulee, 1977 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Distichophyllum denticulatum Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Distichophyllum dicksonii (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Mitten, 1869 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum dixonii Herzog, 1926  Distichophyllum ellipticum Herzog, 1954 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum eremitae (Jaeger) Paris, 1896 –


M., 1986]  Distichium remotifolium C. Müller, 1896  Distichium vernicosum C. Müller, 1896 Distichophyllidium Fleischer, 1908 {0/2/1/2/0=5} DALTONIACEAE  Distichophyllidium africanum Demaret & Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Distichophyllidium antarense Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964]  Distichophyllidium jungermanniaceum C. Müller ex Fleischer, 1908 – [Akiyama, H., 1990a]  Distichophyllidium muticum Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Distichophyllidium nymanianum Fleischer, 1908 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964; Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990] Distichophyllum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 {49/1/8/45/0=103} DALTONIACEAE  Distichophyllum aciphyllum Dixon, 1935  Distichophyllum albomarginatum Norris & T. Koponen, 1985 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985a]  Distichophyllum angustifolium Dixon, 1935  Distichophyllum angustissimum Dixon, 1935  Distichophyllum apiculigerum Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Distichophyllum assimile Brotherus in Skottsberg, 1934 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum borneense Brotherus, 1928  Distichophyllum brevicuspis Fleischer, 1908 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Distichophyllum capillatum Mitten, 1882 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Distichophyllum carinatum Dixon & Nicholson, 1909 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995]  Distichophyllum catinifolium J. Fröhlich, 1953 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Distichophyllum ceylanicum (Mitten) Paris, 1896 [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum evanidolimbatum Fleischer, 1908  Distichophyllum fasciculatum Mitten, 1876 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Distichophyllum fernandezianum Brotherus in Skottsberg, 1924 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum flaccidum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1869 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum flavescens (Mitten) Paris, 1896 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Distichophyllum fossombronioides Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Distichophyllum francii Thériot, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Distichophyllum freycinetii (Schwägrichen) Mitten in Seemann, 1873  Distichophyllum fuegianum Matteri, 1975 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum gracile Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Distichophyllum graeffeanum (C. Müller) Brotherus,



1907 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Distichophyllum grandifolium Matteri, 1975 [1976] – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum griffithii (Mitten) Paris, 1896 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Distichophyllum heterophyllum (Wilson ex Mitten) Paris, 1896 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Distichophyllum humifusum (Wilson ex Mitten) Paris, 1896  Distichophyllum imbricatum Mitten, 1876  Distichophyllum jungermannioides (C. Müller) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1861 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Distichophyllum kinabaluense Noguchi & Iwatsuki, 1972 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990; Akiyama, H. & T. Yamaguchi, 1999b]  Distichophyllum koghiense Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Distichophyllum krausei (Lorentz) Mitten, 1885 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum leiopogon Dixon, 1942  Distichophyllum leskeodontoides Norris & T. Koponen, 1985 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985a]  Distichophyllum limpidum Thwaites & Mitten, 1873  Distichophyllum lingulatum E. B. Bartram, 1937 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Distichophyllum lixii (Brotherus) Thériot, 1932  Distichophyllum longicuspis Brotherus, 1893 – [Streimann, H., 1999]  Distichophyllum longipes Brotherus in Giesenhagen, 1910  Distichophyllum longobasis Fleischer, 1908  Distichophyllum lorianum Fleischer, 1908  Distichophyllum macropodum Dixon, 1932  Distichophyllum madurense Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1925  Distichophyllum maibarae Bescherelle, 1899 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995]  Distichophyllum malayense Damanhuri & Mohamed,  Distichophyllum patagonicum Bescherelle, 1889 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Distichophyllum procumbens Mitten, 1863  Distichophyllum pseudomalayense Chiang Tzen-yuh & Kuo Chen-meng, 1989 – [Chiang, Tzen-Yuh & Chen-Meng Kuo, 1989]  Distichophyllum pulchellum (Hampe in C. Müller) Mitten, 1882 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Streimann, H., 1999]  Distichophyllum pullei Dixon, 1942  Distichophyllum rakotomariae Crosby, 1976 – [Crosby, M. R., 1976a]  Distichophyllum rigidicaule (Dusén) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1976b]  Distichophyllum rotundifolium (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) C. Müller & Brotherus, 1900 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]; Streimann, H., 1999]  Distichophyllum samoanum Fleischer, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]

1986 – [Damanhuri, A. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1986] Distichophyllum meizhiae B. C. Tan & Lin Pang-juan, 1995 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995; Tan, B. C. & Pang-juan Lin, 1995]  Distichophyllum microcarpum (Hedwig) Mitten, 1882 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Streimann, H., 1999]  Distichophyllum microcladum (Colenso) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909  Distichophyllum minutum C. Müller, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Distichophyllum mittenii Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1861 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995; Streimann, H., 1999]  Distichophyllum mniifolium (Hornschuch) Sim, 1926 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Distichophyllum montagneanum (C. Müller) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1861 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Distichophyllum nadeaudii Bescherelle, 1894 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Distichophyllum nanospathulatum Herzog, 1954 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum nidulans Herzog, 1926  Distichophyllum nigricaule Mitten ex Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Distichophyllum noguchianum B. C. Tan, 1990 – [Tan, B. C., 1990]  Distichophyllum oblongum B. C. Tan & Lin Pang-juan, 1991 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995]  Distichophyllum obovatum (Griffith) Paris, 1896 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Distichophyllum obtusifolium Thériot, 1907 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Distichophyllum osterwaldii Fleischer, 1908 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995]  Distichophyllum paradoxum (Montagne in Gaudichaud) Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] 


Distichophyllum santosii E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Distichophyllum scabrisetum H. Akiyama & Yamaguchi, 1999 – [Akiyama, H. & T. Yamaguchi, 1999]  Distichophyllum schmidtii Brotherus, 1901 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Distichophyllum semimarginatum Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Distichophyllum spathulatum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Distichophyllum stipitatifolium C. Müller ex Fleischer, 1908  Distichophyllum subcuspidatum Noguchi & Iwatsuki, 1972 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990; Akiyama, H. & T. Yamaguchi, 1999b]  Distichophyllum subelimbatum Brotherus in Skottsberg, 1924 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum submersum Matteri, 1975 – [Matteri,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum submucronatum Fleischer, 1908  Distichophyllum subnigricaule Brotherus, 1926 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995]  Distichophyllum succulentum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907  Distichophyllum telmaphila Colenso, 1887  Distichophyllum theriotianum Matteri, 1975 [1976] – [Matteri, C. M., 1975 [1976]]  Distichophyllum torquatifolium Dixon, 1930 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Distichophyllum tortile Dozy & Molkenboer ex Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Distichophyllum turgidum E. B. Bartram, 1942  Distichophyllum ulukahiense Damanhuri & Mohamed, 1986 – [Damanhuri, A. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1986]  Distichophyllum undulatum Dozy & Molkenboer ex Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1862 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Distichophyllum vitianum (Sullivant) Mitten, 1868 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Distichophyllum wanianum B. C. Tan & Lin Pang-juan, 1995 – [Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995; Lin P.-J. & B. C. Tan, 1995] Ditrichopsis Brotherus, 1924 {2/0/0/0/0=2} DITRICHACEAE  Ditrichopsis clausa Brotherus, 1929 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Ditrichopsis gymnostoma Brotherus, 1924 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994] Ditrichum Hampe, 1867 {46/1/0/22/0=69} DITRICHACEAE  Ditrichum ambiguum Best, 1893 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Allen, B., 1994a]  Ditrichum apophysatum Hampe ex Gangulee, 1959 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Ditrichum atlanticum (Thériot & Trabut) Frahm & Seppelt, 1987 – [Frahm, J.-P. & R. D. Seppelt, 1987]  Ditrichum aureum E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Redfearn,  Ditrichum flexicaule (Schwägrichen) Hampe, 1867 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Seppelt, R. D., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Ditrichum fontanum Herzog, 1954 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ditrichum francii Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Ditrichum gemmiferum Ochyra & Lewis-Smith, 1998 – [Ochyra, R. & R. I. Lewis-Smith, 1998]  Ditrichum gracile (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Snider, J. A., 1994c]  Ditrichum hallei Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ditrichum heteromallum (Hedwig) Britton, 1913 – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Gangulee,


P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Ditrichum bogotense (Hampe) Brotherus, 1901 – [Seppelt, R. D. & D. Griffin, III, 1997]  Ditrichum brachycarpum Hampe, 1872 – [Seppelt, R. D., 1982; Seppelt, R. D., 1980b]  Ditrichum brachypodum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Ditrichum brevidens Noguchi, 1944 – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Ditrichum brevirostre (R. Brown ter) Brotherus, 1901 – [Seppelt, R. D., 1982; Matteri, C. M., 1996]  Ditrichum brotherusii (R. Brown ter) Seppelt, 1980 – [Seppelt, R. D., 1982; Ochyra, R., 1996c]  Ditrichum buchananii (R. Brown ter) Brotherus, 1901 – [Seppelt, R. D., 1982]  Ditrichum capillare (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Ditrichum colijnii Dixon, 1943 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1988; Eddy, A., 1988]  Ditrichum conicum (Montagne) Mitten, 1879 – [Robinson, H. E., 1972a; Zanten, B. O. van, 1971; Ochyra, R. & R. I. Lewis-Smith, 1998]  Ditrichum cornubicum Paton, 1976 – [Paton, J. A., 1976; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Ditrichum crispatissimum (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990]  Ditrichum cylindricarpum (C. Müller) F. Müller, 1881 – [Seppelt, R. D., 1982]  Ditrichum darjeelingense Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Ditrichum difficile (Duby in Moritzi) Fleischer, 1904 – [Seppelt, R. D., 1982; Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Magill, R. E., 1981; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1988; Robinson, H., 1975; Allen, B., 1994a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Seppelt, R. D., 1980a]  Ditrichum divaricatum Mitten, 1891 – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Ditrichum ferrugineum (Wilson in J. D. Hooker) Paris, 1896 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989, as Blindia ferruginea] H. C., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Ditrichum hookeri (C. Müller) Hampe, 1867 – [Seppelt, R. D., 1982; Hyvönen, J., 1991]  Ditrichum hyalinocuspidatum Cardot, 1906 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ditrichum hyalinum (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a; Ochyra, R. & R. I. Lewis-Smith, 1998, as Ditrichum austrogeorgicum; Ochyra, R., 1999b]  Ditrichum immersum Zanten in Zinderen Bakker, Winterbottom & R. A. Dyer, 1971 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1971; Seppelt, R. D., 1996]  Ditrichum itatiaiae (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ditrichum javense Fleischer, 1904  Ditrichum laxissimum (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Ditrichum levieri (Herzog) Hilpert, 1933 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] 

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Ditrichum lewis-smithii Ochyra, 1996 – [Ochyra, R., 1996c]  Ditrichum liliputanum (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ditrichum lineare (Swartz) Lindberg, 1872 – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Ditrichum longisetum (Lorentz) Hampe, 1867 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Ditrichum luteum Dixon & Thériot, 1926 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ditrichum macrorhynchum Brotherus in Cardot, 1909 – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Ditrichum madagassum (Renauld & Cardot in Renauld) Paris, 1896 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ditrichum montanum Leiberg, 1893 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Ditrichum pallidum (Hedwig) Hampe, 1867 – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Ditrichum pancheri (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Ditrichum paulense Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Ditrichum perporodictyon Dixon, 1932 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Ditrichum plagiacron (C. Müller) Kuntze, 1891 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Ditrichum plumbicola Crundwell, 1976 – [Crundwell, A. C., 1976b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Ditrichum punctulatum Mitten, 1879 – [Seppelt, R. D., 1982; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Ditrichum pusillum (Hedwig) Hampe, 1867 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Ditrichum rhynchostegium Kindberg, 1910 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990]  Ditrichum roivanenii E. B. Bartram & Roivainen,  Dolichomitriopsis crenulata S. Okamura, 1911 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis (Mitten) Noguchi, 1948 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Dolichomitriopsis obtusifolia (Dixon) Noguchi, 1950 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Dolichomitriopsis sasaokae (Dixon & Thériot) Noguchi, 1950 Dolichotheca Lindberg, 1874 =Herzogiella {0/0/1/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Dolichotheca spinulosa Iwatsuki, 1963 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1963] Dolotortula Zander, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Dolotortula mniifolia (Sullivant) Zander, 1989 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1989] Donnellia Austin, 1880 {3/0/1/3/0=7}

1937 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Ditrichum rufo-aureum (Hampe) J. H. Willis, 1955 – [Seppelt, R. D., 1982]  Ditrichum schimperi (Lesquereux) Kuntze, 1891 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Ditrichum sekii Ando & Deguchi ex Matsui & Iwatsuki, 1990 – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990]  Ditrichum sericeum E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1988]  Ditrichum spinulosum Dixon, 1935 – [Eddy, A., 1988]  Ditrichum strictum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Hampe, 1867 – [Seppelt, R. D., 1982; Magill, R. E., 1981; Seppelt, R. D., 1996]  Ditrichum subaustrale Brotherus, 1908  Ditrichum subcapillaceum (C. Müller) Watts & Whitelegge, 1902 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Ditrichum subrufescens Brotherus, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ditrichum subulatum Hampe, 1867 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Ditrichum tenuinerve Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Ditrichum tortipes (Mitten) Kuntze, 1891 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Ditrichum ulei (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Ditrichum validinervium Kaalaas, 1912  Ditrichum zonatum (Bridel) Kindberg, 1882 – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Lawton, E., 1971] Dixonia Horikawa & Ando in Kira & Umesao, 1964 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Dixonia thamnioides (Brotherus & Dixon) Horikawa & Ando in Kira & Umesao, 1964 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Horikawa, Y. & H. Ando, 1964] Dolichomitra Brotherus, 1907 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Dolichomitra cymbifolia (Lindberg) Brotherus, 1907 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Dolichomitriopsis S. Okamura, 1911 {3/0/0/1/0=4} METEORIACEAE 

SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Donnellia commutata (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1988 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996, as Meiothecium commutatum; Buck, W. R., 1994a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Donnellia lagenifera (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1988 – [Buck, W. R., 1994a]  Donnellia lageniformis (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1988 – [Buck, W. R., 1994a]  Donnellia laxiuscula (Cardot) W. R. Buck, 1988 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Donnellia longidens (Ångström) W. R. Buck, 1988 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1994a as insufficiently known]  Donnellia matutina W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Donnellia usambarica (Brotherus ex Paris) W. R. Buck, 1988 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Donrichardsia H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1979 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Donrichardsia macroneuron (Grout) H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1979 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b] Dozya Sande Lacoste in Miquel, 1866 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LEUCODONTACEAE  Dozya japonica Sande Lacoste in Miquel, 1866 – [Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995; Akiyama, H., 1987 [1988]; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Drepanocladus (C. Müller) G. Roth, 1899 {8/0/0/12/1=21} CAMPYLIACEAE  Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedwig) Warnstorf, 1903 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Drepanocladus andinus (Mitten) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909  Drepanocladus arcticus (R. S. Williams) Hedenäs, 1997 – [Hedenäs, L., 1997a]  Drepanocladus austro-aduncus (C. Müller) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909  Drepanocladus austro-fluitans (C. Müller) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909  Drepanocladus brachiatus (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Dixon, 1912 – [Hedenäs, L., 1998]  Drepanocladus brasiliensis Brotherus, 1926 – [Excluded by Hedenäs, L., 1993a; cited by Hedenäs, L., 1993a as insufficiently known]  Drepanocladus brevinervis (Brotherus) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Drepanocladus capillaceus (Mitten) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Drepanocladus fuegianus (Mitten) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Drepanocladus hallii Brotherus & Dixon, 1916 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Drepanocladus jamesii-macounii (Kindberg) Grout, 1909  Drepanocladus latinervis Warnstorf, 1903 – [Hedenäs, L., 1998]  Drepanocladus longifolius (Mitten) Brotherus ex  Duthiella declinata (Mitten) Zanten, 1959 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Duthiella flaccida (Cardot) Brotherus, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Duthiella formosana Noguchi, 1934 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Duthiella myuriiformis Sakurai, 1936  Duthiella robusta Noguchi, 1936  Duthiella speciosissima Brotherus ex Cardot, 1913 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Duthiella wallichii (Mitten) C. Müller in Brotherus, 1908 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991] Eccremidium J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1846 {6/0/0/0/0=6} DITRICHACEAE  Eccremidium arcuatum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson in W.


Paris, 1909 – [Hedenäs, L., 1997b] Drepanocladus perplicatus (Dusén) G. Roth, 1908 – [Hedenäs, L., 1997b]  Drepanocladus plicatus Dixon, 1934 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Drepanocladus secundifolius (C. Müller) Dixon, 1921 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Drepanocladus sendtneri (W. P. Schimper in H. L. H. Müller) Warnstorf, 1903 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Hedenäs, L., 1998]  Drepanocladus sordidus (C. Müller) Hedenäs in W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Hedenäs, L., 1998]  Drepanocladus sparsus C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Drepanocladus strictifolius Brotherus & Watts, 1912 – [Excluded by Hedenäs, L., 1993a] Drummondia W. J. Hooker in Drummond, 1828 {6/0/0/1/0=7} DRUMMONDIACEAE  Drummondia mitelloides Britton, 1896  Drummondia obtusifolia C. Müller, 1849 – [Vitt, D. H., 1972]  Drummondia prorepens (Hedwig) Britton, 1894 – [Vitt, D. H., 1972; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Drummondia pursellii Vitt & H. Crum, 1968 – [Vitt, D. H., 1972; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Vitt, D. H. & H. Crum, 1968]  Drummondia sinensis C. Müller, 1896 – [Vitt, D. H., 1972; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Drummondia thomsonii Mitten, 1859 – [Vitt, D. H., 1972]  Drummondia turkestanica Brotherus in C. Müller, 1896 – [Vitt, D. H., 1972] Dryptodon Bridel, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GRIMMIACEAE  Dryptodon patens (Dickson ex Hedwig) Bridel, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] Duthiella C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1908 {5/0/0/2/0=7} METEORIACEAE 

J. Hooker) C. Müller, 1848 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Crum, H., 1981 [1982]]  Eccremidium brisbanicum (Brotherus) Steere & G. A. M. Scott, 1973 [1974] – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Crum, H., 1981 [1982]; Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Zhang, L., R. T. Corlett & L. Chau, 1998]  Eccremidium exiguum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson in W. J. Hooker) Wilson in E. S. Salmon, 1900 – [Crum, H., 1981 [1982]; Magill, R. E., 1981; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Eccremidium floridanum H. Crum, 1981 [1982] – [Crum, H., 1981 [1982]; Vital, D. M. & A. Egunyomi, 1984]  Eccremidium minutum (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Steere & G. A. M. Scott, 1973 [1974] – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Crum, H., 1981 [1982]; Catcheside, D.



G., 1980; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987] Eccremidium pulchellum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson in W. J. Hooker) C. Müller, 1848 – [Crum, H., 1981 [1982]; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Echinodium Juratzka, 1866 {6/0/0/0/0=6} ECHINODIACEAE  Echinodium hispidum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Reichardt, 1870 – [Churchill, S. P., 1986]  Echinodium prolixum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1909 – [Churchill, S. P., 1986]  Echinodium renauldii (Cardot) Brotherus, 1909 – [Churchill, S. P., 1986]  Echinodium setigerum (Mitten) Juratzka, 1866 – [Churchill, S. P., 1986]  Echinodium spinosum (Mitten) Juratzka, 1866 – [Churchill, S. P., 1986]  Echinodium umbrosum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Churchill, S. P., 1986] Ectropotheciella Fleischer, 1923 {0/0/0/2/0=2} HYPNACEAE  Ectropotheciella decrescens (Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Ectropotheciella distichophylla (Hampe in Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Ectropotheciopsis (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 {0/0/0/1/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Ectropotheciopsis novoguineensis (Geheeb) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991] Ectropothecium Mitten, 1868 {23/7/6/166/1=203} HYPNACEAE  Ectropothecium aciculare Brotherus & Herzog, 1926  Ectropothecium adnatum Brotherus in Schumann & Lauterbach, 1900 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium aeruginosum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Ectropothecium affine Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Ectropothecium afromolluscum Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Ectropothecium andoi Nishimura, 1986 – [Nishimura, N., 1986]  Ectropothecium andrei Cardot & Potier de la Varde,  Ectropothecium carolinarum Brotherus, 1901 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium chamissonis (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1880 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium chenagonii Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium compressifolium (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Ectropothecium condensatum Brotherus & Watts, 1912 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Ectropothecium costae Luisier & Potier de la Varde, 1956 

1923  Ectropothecium aneitense Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ectropothecium angusto-textum (Geheeb) Paris, 1896  Ectropothecium anisophyllum Brotherus, 1897 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Ectropothecium annamense Thériot, 1919 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium antarense Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964]  Ectropothecium aquaticum W. R. Buck, 1984 – [Buck, W. R., 1984b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Ectropothecium arcuatum Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium arfakense Brotherus & Geheeb, 1898  Ectropothecium aubertii Thériot, 1938 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium aureo-crispum Brotherus, 1897  Ectropothecium aureum Dixon, 1922  Ectropothecium aurifolium E. B. Bartram, 1942  Ectropothecium barbelloides E. B. Bartram, 1957 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium bingerianum Brotherus & Paris, 1902  Ectropothecium bowiei Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium brachycarpum (Dixon) Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Ectropothecium brevifalcatum (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888  Ectropothecium brotheri (R. S. Williams ex Brotherus) Higuchi, 1985 – [Higuchi, M., 1985]  Ectropothecium buitenzorgii (Bélanger) Mitten, 1868 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Ectropothecium burmense E. B. Bartram, 1954 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium campaniforme (C. Müller) Paris, 1904 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ectropothecium campanulatum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Ectropothecium capillisetum (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891 – [Kis, G., 1985] 

Ectropothecium costaricense Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Ectropothecium cupressoides (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973; Yano, O., 1981]  Ectropothecium cyathothecioides Brotherus in Rechinger, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium cyathothecium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium cygnicollum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Ectropothecium cylindricum Mitten, 1869 – [Yano,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES O., 1981] Ectropothecium cyperoides (W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1880 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Ectropothecium dafilae Brotherus & Paris, 1904  Ectropothecium dealbatum (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1880 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Ectropothecium decurrens (Sullivant) Nishimura, 1985 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ectropothecium densum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Ectropothecium dentatum Dixon, 1935  Ectropothecium dentigerum Dixon, 1922  Ectropothecium diffusum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880  Ectropothecium diminutum E. B. Bartram, 1957 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium diversifolium Dixon, 1932 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium diversirete E. B. Bartram, 1945 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium dixonii Fleischer & Dixon, 1916 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium doliare Mitten, 1879 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium dolosum Cardot, 1909 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Ectropothecium drepanocladioides Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1925  Ectropothecium drepanophyllum Brotherus, 1890  Ectropothecium duemmeri Dixon, 1918 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Ectropothecium eccremocladum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Ectropothecium effusum Herzog, 1920 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Ectropothecium eleganti-pinnatum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Ectropothecium engleri Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Ectropothecium epiphytum Fleischer, 1923  Ectropothecium erythrocaule Dixon, 1935  Ectropothecium falcifolium (Dixon) Nishimura, 1985 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ectropothecium falciforme (Dozy & Molkenboer) Jaeger, 1880 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Ectropothecium ferrugineum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Ectropothecium leptochaeton (Schwägrichen) W. R. Buck, 1983 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J. & K. Veling, 1996; Nishimura, N. & H. Ando, 1994a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Ectropothecium leptotapes (Cardot) Sakurai, 1940 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ectropothecium leucochloron (Hampe) Brotherus, 1908 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Ectropothecium lonchocormus Brotherus ex Fleischer, 1923  Ectropothecium longicapillare E. B. Bartram, 1943  Ectropothecium longicaule E. B. Bartram, 1936 – 


Ectropothecium fiorinae Tosco & Piovano, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Ectropothecium fluviatile Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964]  Ectropothecium fosbergii E. B. Bartram, 1940 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium giganteum Norris & T. Koponen, 1985 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985a]  Ectropothecium goliathense Fleischer, 1914  Ectropothecium gunnii Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium haplocladum Cardot, 1912  Ectropothecium howeanum Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Ectropothecium hyalinum (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Fleischer, 1904 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium hypnoides (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1880 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ectropothecium ichnotocladum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Ectropothecium incubans (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1880 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium intertextum Renauld & Cardot, 1897 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium intorquatum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Jaeger, 1880 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ectropothecium isophyllum Dixon, 1942  Ectropothecium kerstanii Dixon & Herzog, 1939 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Ectropothecium kinabaluense Dixon, 1941  Ectropothecium kweichowense E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ectropothecium laevigatum Thwaites & Mitten, 1873 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium lateriticola Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Ectropothecium laticuspis Brotherus, 1898 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium latifolium (Taylor) Jaeger, 1880  Ectropothecium leiophyllum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880 [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium longicollum Brotherus & Geheeb, 1898  Ectropothecium longipedunculatum Dixon, 1942  Ectropothecium luzoniae (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Ectropothecium mac-gregorii Brotherus & Geheeb, 1898  Ectropothecium macrobolax (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888  Ectropothecium malacoblastum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier,



1978] Ectropothecium manii Brotherus, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Ectropothecium mauritianum Renauld & Cardot in Paris, 1900 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium meti Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium micholitzii Brotherus, 1900 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium micro-verrucosum Dixon, 1932  Ectropothecium micronesiense Fleischer in Gepp & E. Gepp, 1905  Ectropothecium minutum Brotherus, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Ectropothecium molle Dixon, 1930 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium mollicellum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880  Ectropothecium mollissimum Fleischer, 1923  Ectropothecium monumentorum (Duby in Moritzi) Jaeger, 1880 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Ectropothecium moritzii Jaeger, 1880 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ectropothecium nervosum Dixon, 1933  Ectropothecium nitidum Thériot, 1929 – [Excluded by Higuchi, M. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994]  Ectropothecium novae-guineae Schultze-Motel, 1963  Ectropothecium novae-valesiae (Brotherus) Ireland, 1992  Ectropothecium obtusulum (Cardot) Iwatsuki, 1967 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Ectropothecium occultum Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium ohosimense Cardot & Thériot, 1908 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Ectropothecium ovalifolium (Bescherelle) W. R. Buck, 1987  Ectropothecium pacificum Mitten, 1868 – [Higuchi, M. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994; Iwatsuki, Z., 1992]  Ectropothecium pailotii Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium pallascens Brotherus in Schumann & Lauterbach, 1900 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium palustre E. B. Bartram, 1942  Ectropothecium papillosulum Thériot, 1921 – [cited  Ectropothecium revolutum Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Ectropothecium rhynchostegioides Brotherus & Paris, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium riparioides E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Ectropothecium robbinsii E. B. Bartram, 1961  Ectropothecium robustum Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964] 

by Higuchi, M. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994 as insufficiently known; Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium papuanum Schultze-Motel, 1963  Ectropothecium penangense Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium penzigianum Fleischer, 1905 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ectropothecium percomplanatum Brotherus, 1900 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium perlatifolium E. B. Bartram, 1962  Ectropothecium perminutum Brotherus ex E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ectropothecium perplicatum E. B. Bartram, 1945  Ectropothecium perrevolutum Potier de la Varde, 1925  Ectropothecium perrieri Thériot, 1922 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium perrotii Renauld & Cardot, 1897 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Ectropothecium perscabrum Tixier, 1966 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tixier, P., 1966]  Ectropothecium pinnatum Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964]  Ectropothecium plicatum E. B. Bartram & Dixon, 1936  Ectropothecium plumosum Dixon, 1943  Ectropothecium polyandrum (Ångström) Jaeger, 1880 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Ectropothecium ponapense E. B. Bartram, 1945  Ectropothecium protractulum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1897 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium ptychofolium Nishimura, 1984 – [Nishimura, N., 1984]  Ectropothecium pulchrum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1909 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ectropothecium ramuligerum Dixon, 1937 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Ectropothecium rechingeri Brotherus in Rechinger, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium rectifolium Brotherus in Schumann & Lauterbach, 1900  Ectropothecium regulare (Bridel) Jaeger, 1880 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993; Kis, G., 1985] 

Ectropothecium rostellatum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Ectropothecium rupicola Brotherus in Rechinger, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium sandwichense (W. J. Hooker & Arnott) Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Ectropothecium saprophilum Brotherus & Paris,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1901 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium savaicum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium sericeum Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Ectropothecium serratum Herzog, 1919  Ectropothecium seubertii Fleischer, 1923  Ectropothecium seychellarum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium siamense Dixon, 1924 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium singapurense Dixon, 1924  Ectropothecium sodale (Sullivant) Mitten, 1868 – [Higuchi, M. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994; Iwatsuki, Z., 1992; Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Ectropothecium sparsipilum (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Jaeger, 1880 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Ectropothecium squarrifolium (C. Müller ex Brotherus) Nishimura, 1985 – [Nishimura, N., 1985]  Ectropothecium stereodontoides (Dixon) Wijk & Margadant, 1960  Ectropothecium stigmophyllum Brotherus in Rechinger, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium striatulum Dixon ex E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Ectropothecium subangense Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1955  Ectropothecium subcallichroides Dixon, 1932  Ectropothecium subdistichellum Brotherus, 1914  Ectropothecium subhaplocladum Brotherus, 1928  Ectropothecium sublaticuspis Dixon, 1935  Ectropothecium sublaxirete Dixon, 1943  Ectropothecium subsparsipilum Brotherus in Schumann & Lauterbach, 1900  Ectropothecium subulosum Mitten, 1879 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium sydneyense Dixon, 1948 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Ectropothecium tamatavense Brotherus in Voeltzkow, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium tannaense Thériot, 1938 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium tapes Brotherus, 1898  Ectropothecium taxiforme (Bridel) Brotherus, 1897  Ectropothecium tophigerum Brotherus, 1893  Ectropothecium trichomitrium Dixon, 1932  Ectropothecium triviale (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888  Ectropothecium turgidum Dixon, 1935  Encalypta brevicollis (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) Ångström, 1844 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta brevipes Schljakov, 1951 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta buxbaumioidea Cao Tong, Gao Chien & Bai Xue-liang in Cao Tong & Gao Chien, 1990 [1991] –



Ectropothecium tutuilum (Sullivant) Mitten, 1868 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1992]  Ectropothecium umbilicatum (C. Müller) Paris, 1904 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Ectropothecium urceolatum (Hornschuch) Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ectropothecium valentinii Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium venustulum Bescherelle, 1898 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Ectropothecium vesicularioides Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Ectropothecium viridifolium E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium viridulum (Bridel) Jaeger, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Ectropothecium vitiense Dixon ex E. B. Bartram, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ectropothecium wainioi Brotherus, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ectropothecium wangianum Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ectropothecium yasudae Brotherus, 1928 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ectropothecium zollingeri (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Higuchi, M. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994] Elharveya H. Crum, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Elharveya visicularioides (H. Crum) H. Crum, 1986 – [Crum, H., 1994o] Elmeriobryum Brotherus, 1925 {1/0/1/0/0=2} HYPNACEAE  Elmeriobryum guatemalense Rohrer, 1986 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1986a]  Elmeriobryum philippinense Brotherus, 1925 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985a; Rohrer, J. R., 1986a] Encalypta Hedwig, 1801 {21/0/3/10/0=34} ENCALYPTACEAE  Encalypta affinis R. A. Hedwig in Weber & D. Mohr, 1805 [Dec] – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta alpina Smith, 1805 – [Horton, D. G., 1983; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Encalypta armata Brotherus ex Dusén, 1906 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta asperifolia Mitten, 1869 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]

[Cao Tong, D. G. Horton & Chien Gao, 1992; Cao Tong & Gao Chien, 1990 [1991]]  Encalypta ciliata Hedwig, 1801 – [Horton, D. G., 1983; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Encalypta cuspidata Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex C.



Müller, 1849 Encalypta flowersiana D. G. Horton, 1979 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta hedbergii Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [cited by Horton, D. G., 1983 as insufficiently known]  Encalypta intermedia Juratzka, 1870 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta longicollis Bruch, 1832 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta microstoma Balsamo & De Notaris, 1838 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta mutica I. Hagen, 1899 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta novae-valesiae Hampe, 1872 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Encalypta obovatifolia Nyholm, 1995–96 [1996] – [Nyholm, E., 1995–96 [1996]]  Encalypta obtusata Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Encalypta peruviana Brotherus, 1921 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Encalypta pilifera Funck in Sturm, 1819 [25 Apr]  Encalypta procera Bruch, 1832 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta rauhii Buchl., 1961 – [cited by Horton, D. G., 1983 as insufficiently known; cited by Menzel, M., 1992 as insufficiently known]  Encalypta rhaptocarpa Schwägrichen, 1811 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta sandwicensis Sullivant, 1859 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Encalypta serbica Kati, 1906 – [cited by Horton, D. G., 1983 as insufficiently known]  Encalypta sibirica (Weinmann) Warnstorf, 1913 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta sinica Zhao Jian-cheng & Li, Min in Zhao Jian-cheng, Li, Min & Li Ji-biao, 1999 – [Zhao, Jian-cheng, Min Li & Ji-biao Li, 1999]  Encalypta spathulata C. Müller, 1849 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta streptocarpa Hedwig, 1801 – [Horton, D. G., 1983; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Lawton, E., 1971]  Encalypta tianschanica Zhao Jian-cheng, He Si & Hu Ren-liang, 1997 – [Zhao, Jian-cheng, S. He & Ren-liang Hu, 1997]  Encalypta tibetana Mitten, 1859 – [Cao Tong, D. G. Horton & Chien Gao, 1992]  Encalypta vittiana D. G. Horton, 1979 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Encalypta vulcanica C. Müller, 1900  Encalypta vulgaris Hedwig, 1801 – [Horton, D. G., 1983]  Entodon concinnus (De Notaris) Paris, 1904 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Enroth, J., 1991c; Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Steere, W. C., 1975; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Entodon corbieri Renauld & Cardot, 1900 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. 

Endotrichellopsis During, 1977 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GAROVAGLIACEAE  Endotrichellopsis laevifolia (Thwaites & Mitten in Mitten) During, 1977 – [During, H. J., 1977] Entodon C. Müller, 1845 {56/9/3/49/0=117} ENTODONTACEAE  Entodon abbreviatus (W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1994c]  Entodon acutifolius Hu Ren-liang, 1983 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983]  Entodon adyris W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Entodon aeruginosus C. Müller, 1898 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983]  Entodon argyreus (Bescherelle) Bescherelle in Brotherus, 1900 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Yano, O., 1981]  Entodon beyrichii (Schwägrichen) C. Müller, 1845 – [Buck, W. R., 1994c; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Entodon brevirameus Dixon, 1916 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Entodon brevirostris (W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1994c]  Entodon brevisetus (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Lindberg, 1872 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Entodon buckii Lin Shan-hsiung, 1984 – [Lin, S.-H., 1984b]  Entodon caliginosus (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Entodon calycinus Cardot, 1911 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Entodon campipatrum Sehnem, 1970 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Entodon cernuus (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Entodon chloropus Renauld & Cardot, 1900 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Entodon cladorrhizans (Hedwig) C. Müller, 1845 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Steere, W. C., 1975]  Entodon columnaris (Schwägrichen) Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Entodon complanatulus (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1922  Entodon complicatus (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Entodon compressus (Hedwig) C. Müller, 1845 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Mizushima, U., 1967; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Entodon conchophyllus Cardot, 1911 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998] Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Entodon cupressiformis Hampe, 1865 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Entodon curvatus (Griffith) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]


Entodon cymbifolius H. A. Wager & Dixon, 1920 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Entodon denticuspis Potier de la Varde, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Entodon diffusinervis Cardot, 1913 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1980a as insufficiently known]  Entodon distans (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Entodon divergens Brotherus, 1929 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983]  Entodon diversinervis Cardot, 1911 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Entodon dolichocucullatus S. Okamura, 1916 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983]  Entodon drepanoides (Renauld & Cardot) Paris, 1896  Entodon expallens C. Müller & Kindberg in Macoun, 1892  Entodon felicis Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1980a as insufficiently known; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Entodon flavescens (W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1878 – [Mizushima, U., 1966; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Entodon flavissimus C. Müller, 1897 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Entodon flavovirens C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Entodon flexipes C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Entodon floridanus (Duby) Jaeger, 1877  Entodon fulvonitens (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1980a as insufficiently known]  Entodon geminidens (Bescherelle) Paris, 1904 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Entodon giraldii C. Müller, 1897 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983]  Entodon gracilis (Ångström) Jaeger, 1878 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Entodon gracilisetus Hampe, 1865 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Entodon hampeanus C. Müller, 1845 – [Buck, W. R., 1994c; Anderson, L. E. & W. R. Buck, 1988; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Entodon incurvatus (Hornschuch) Hampe, 1865 – [Townsend, C. C., 1991]  Entodon jamesonii (Taylor) Mitten, 1869 – [Buck, W. R., 1994c; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Entodon kungshanensis Hu Ren-liang, 1978 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1978; Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Entodon laetus (Griffith) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Entodon laxo-alaris (C. Müller) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1980a as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Entodon lindbergii Hampe, 1870 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Entodon prorepens (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]



Entodon longifolius (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983]  Entodon luridus (Griffith) Jaeger, 1878 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Entodon luteonitens Renauld & Cardot, 1900 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Entodon mackaviensis C. Müller, 1871 – [Buck, W. R., 1990b]  Entodon macropodus (Hedwig) C. Müller, 1845 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Townsend, C. C., 1991; Buck, W. R., 1990b, as Entodon plicatus; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Entodon madagassus C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1881 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Entodon mechoacanus (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1994c as insufficiently known]  Entodon micans Herzog, 1916 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Entodon microcarpus Brotherus in C. Müller, 1898  Entodon micropodus Bescherelle, 1892 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983]  Entodon morrisonensis Noguchi, 1938 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983]  Entodon mosenii Brotherus, 1895 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Entodon motelayi (Bescherelle) Paris, 1904 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Entodon myurus (W. J. Hooker) Hampe, 1847 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Entodon nanoclimacium C. Müller, 1897 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Entodon natalensis Rehman ex C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Entodon neglectus (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1994c as insufficiently known]  Entodon nepalensis U. Mizushima in Noguchi in H. Hara, 1966 – [Noguchi, A., 1966]  Entodon novarae (Reichardt) Lin Shan-hsiung, 1984 – [Lin, S.-H., 1984a]  Entodon obtusatus Brotherus, 1923 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Entodon ovicarpus Dixon, 1937 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Entodon pallescens (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Entodon pallidisetus Mitten, 1869 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Entodon perplicatus Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Entodon piovani Bizot in Piovano & Tosco, 1971 – [Bizot, M., 1973]  Entodon plumosus C. Müller, 1901  Entodon propinquus Hampe, 1865 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  

Entodon pseudoseductrix (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 Entodon pulchellus (Griffith) Jaeger, 1878 –



[Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Entodon punctulatus Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1922 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Entodon pylaisioides Hu Ren-liang & Wang Yu-fang, 1980 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Hu Ren-liang & Wang Yu-fang, 1980]  Entodon rubicundus (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Mizushima, U., 1966; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Entodon rufescens Lazarenko, 1945  Entodon rutenbergii C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1881 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Entodon scabridens Lindberg, 1872 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Entodon scariosus Renauld & Cardot, 1896 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Entodon schensianus C. Müller, 1896 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Entodon schleicheri (W. P. Schimper in Spruce) Demeter, 1885 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978a; Buck, W. R., 1994c; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Entodon seductrix (Hedwig) C. Müller, 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Entodon serrulatus Mitten, 1869 – [Buck, W. R., 1994c; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Entodon seubertianus Fleischer, 1923 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1980a as insufficiently known]  Entodon smaragdinus Paris & Brotherus, 1909 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Entodon splendidulus Hampe, 1870 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Entodon stereophylloides Brotherus, 1901 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Entodon stewartii (Dixon) W. R. Buck, 1980  Entodon subcuspidatus (C. Müller) E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Entodon suberythropus C. Müller, 1879 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Entodon subflexipes Brotherus, 1920 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Entodon subgeminidens Potier de la Varde, 1935 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Entodon subplicatus Renauld & Cardot, 1900 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Entodon sullivantii (C. Müller) Lindberg, 1872 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Hu Ren-liang, 1983]  Entodon taiwanensis Wang Chung K'uei & Lin Shan-hsiung, 1975 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983; Wang, C.-K. & S.-H. Lin, 1975]  Entodon tobaensis Fleischer, 1923 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1980a as insufficiently known]  Entodon tokyensis (Bescherelle) Iishiba, 1929 – []  Entodon transbaicalensis Bardunov, 1968 –  Entodontopsis rhynchostegioides (Brotherus & Paris

[Bardunov, L. V., 1968; Bardunov, L. V., 1969]  Entodon truncatus (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Entodon truncorum Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1867 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Entodon usambaricus Brotherus, 1894 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Entodon verruculosus Wen Xue-sen, 1998 – [Wen Xue-sen, 1998; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Entodon virens (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Entodon viridulus Cardot, 1911 – [Hu Ren-liang, 1983]  Entodon vulcanicus Demaret & J. Leroy, 1944 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Entodon werneri (Herzog) W. R. Buck, 1980  Entodon yunnanensis Thériot, 1926 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Entodontella Brotherus ex Fleischer, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Entodontella cameruniae Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985] Entodontopsis Brotherus, 1907 {11/6/0/0/0=17} STEREOPHYLLACEAE  Entodontopsis anceps (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1980, as Stereophyllum anceps]  Entodontopsis angustiretis (Brotherus) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a]  Entodontopsis contorte-operculata (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a]  Entodontopsis leucostega (Bridel) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994d; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Entodontopsis mexicana (R. S. Williams) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994d]  Entodontopsis nitens (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994d]  Entodontopsis panamensis (E. B. Bartram in H. Crum & Arzeni) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a]  Entodontopsis papillifera (Mitten) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985]  Entodontopsis pygmaea (Paris & Brotherus) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985]  Entodontopsis radicalis (Spruce ex Jaeger) W. R. Buck, 1981 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a] in Paris) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. &

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES R. R. Ireland, 1985] Entodontopsis rufescens (Brotherus) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985]  Entodontopsis sedgwickii (Brotherus & Dixon) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985]  Entodontopsis setschwanica (Brotherus) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1980, as Stereophyllum setschwanicum; Gangulee, H. C., 1980, as Stereophyllum tavoyense]  Entodontopsis tavoyensis (W. J. Hooker) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1980, as Stereophyllum tavoyense]  Entodontopsis tenuinervis (Brotherus in Paris) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985]  Entodontopsis wightii (Mitten) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1980, as Stereophyllum wightii] Entosthodon Schwägrichen, 1823 {44/3/0/36/0=83} FUNARIACEAE  Entosthodon acaulis (Hampe) Fife, 1985 – [Fife, A. J., 1987]  Entosthodon acidotus (Taylor) C. Müller, 1851 – [Smith, D. K., 1994a; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon americanus (Lindberg) Fife, 1985 – [Fife, A. J., 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Funaria americana; Smith, D. K., 1994a, as Funaria americana]  Entosthodon andicola Mitten, 1869 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Entosthodon angustifolius Juratzka & Milde, 1870 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Entosthodon apiculatopilosus (Cardot) Fife, 1985 – [Fife, A. J., 1985; Smith, D. K., 1994a, as Funaria apiculatopilosa]  Entosthodon apophysatus (Taylor) Mitten, 1859 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Funaria apophysata]  Entosthodon aristatus (Brotherus) Paris, 1896 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon attenuatus (Dickson) Bryhn, 1908 – [Fife, A. J., 1987; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Funaria attenuata]  Entosthodon balansae Bescherelle, 1877 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986, as Funaria balansae; He, Si, 1998]  Entosthodon beccarii (Hampe) Paris, 1896 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon bergianus (Hornschuch) C. Müller, 1848 – [Magill, R. E., 1987, as Funaria bergiana; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon bolanderi Lesquereux, 1865 – [Smith, D. K., 1994a; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon bonplandii (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1869 – [Smith, D. K., 1994a; Fife, A. J., 1987; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon borbonicus Bescherelle, 1880 – [Fife, 


A. J., 1982c] Entosthodon borneensis (Dixon) Iwatsuki, 1969 – [Iwatsuki, I., 1969]  Entosthodon buseanus Dozy & Molkenboer, 1855 – [Ochi, H., 1968c; Enroth, J., 1991d; Fife, A. J., 1982c; Eddy, A., 1996]  Entosthodon californicus (Sullivant & Lesquereux) H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1955 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon cartilagineus C. Müller, 1897 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon chiloensis Mitten, 1869 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; He, Si, 1998]  Entosthodon clavatus Mitten in Harvey, 1859 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Magill, R. E., 1987, as Funaria clavata]  Entosthodon curviapiculatus C. Müller, 1874 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon deserticola (Trabut) Jelenc, 1952 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon diversinervis C. Müller, 1853 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon dixonii Sim, 1926 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Magill, R. E., 1987, as Funaria longicollis]  Entosthodon dozyanus C. Müller, 1856 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon drummondii Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon duriaei Montagne, 1849 – [Brugués, M., 1998]  Entosthodon fascicularis (Hedwig) C. Müller, 1848 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Fife, A. J., 1982c; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Funaria fascicularis]  Entosthodon flexisetus C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Fife, A. J., 1987 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986, as Funaria flexiseta]  Entosthodon handelii (Schiffner) Lazarenko, 1938 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Entosthodon helmsii (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Funaria helmsii]  Entosthodon hildebrandtii C. Müller, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon holstii (Brotherus) Paris, 1896 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon hungaricus (Boros) Loeske, 1929 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Lasala, E. F. & R. G. Goímez, 1981, as Funaria hungarica; Cano, M. J., R. M. Ros, J. Guerra & J. González, 1999; Hébrard, J. P. & R. Lo Giudice, 1997, as Entosthodon maroccanus]  Entosthodon italicus Rota in De Notaris, 1869  Entosthodon jamesonii (Taylor) Mitten, 1851 – [Enroth, J., 1991d; Fife, A. J., 1987]  Entosthodon kochii H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1955 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon krausei Bescherelle, 1894 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon laevis (Mitten) Fife, 1985 – [Fife, A. J., 1987] 



Entosthodon latifolius J. D. Hooker in W. J. Hooker, Entosthodon laxus (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1856 – [Fife, A. J., 1986 [1987]; Fife, A. J., 1987]  Entosthodon lepervanchei Bescherelle, 1880 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon limbatus C. Müller, 1858 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Magill, R. E., 1987, as Funaria limbata]  Entosthodon lindigii (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Fife, A. J., 1987]  Entosthodon marginatulus C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1881 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon mathewsii J. D. Hooker in W. J. Hooker, 1840 – [Fife, A. J., 1987]  Entosthodon mauritianus W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1880 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon microcarpus C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Fife, A. J., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Entosthodon mouretii (Corbière) Jelenc, 1952 – [Brugués, M. C. Casas, R. M. Cros & C. Sérgio, 1999]  Entosthodon muhlenbergii (Turner) Fife, 1985 – [Smith, D. K., 1994a, as Funaria muhlenbergii; Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1974a, as Funaria muhlenbergii]  Entosthodon obtusatus (W. P. Schimper in C. Müller) Fife, 1987 – [Fife, A. J., 1987; Smith, D. K., 1994a, as Funaria obtusata]  Entosthodon obtusifolius J. D. Hooker in W. J. Hooker, 1840 – [Fife, A. J., 1986 [1987]; Fife, A. J., 1987]  Entosthodon obtuso-apiculatus C. Müller, 1900 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon obtusus (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1865 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Funaria obtusa]  Entosthodon ouropratensis Paris, 1904 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon papillosus C. Müller, 1882 – [cited by Fife, A. J., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Entosthodon pellucidus C. Müller, 1855 – [cited by Fife, A. J., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Entosthodon perrottetii (Podpra) C. Müller, 1853 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon pertenella (Brotherus) Kis, 1984 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Entosthodon physcomitrioides (Montagne) Mitten, 1859 – [Ochi, H., 1968c; Ochi, H., 1971]  Entosthodon plagiothecius C. Müller, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986, as Funaria plagiothecia]  Entosthodon planifolius Thwaites & Mitten, 1873 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon planoconvexus (E. B. Bartram) Grout, 1935 – [Flowers, S., 1973b; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon productus Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1859 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Funaria producta; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Entosthodon puiggarii Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Sehnem, A., 1970, as Funaria puiggarii]  Entosthodon radians (Hedwig) C. Müller, 1848 – 

1840 [Fife, A. J., 1996a; Fife, A. J., 1987, as Entosthodon acaulis]  Entosthodon rottleri (Schwägrichen) C. Müller, 1848 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Magill, R. E., 1987, as Funaria rottleri]  Entosthodon rubiginosus (R. S. Williams) Grout, 1935 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon rubrisetus (E. B. Bartram) Grout, 1935  Entosthodon serratus (Bridel) Fife, 1985 – [Fife, A. J., 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Funaria serrata]  Entosthodon smithhurstii (Brotherus & Geheeb) Paris, 1896 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon sonorae (Cardot) Steere, 1938 – [Smith, D. K., 1994a; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon spathulatus (W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) Sim, 1926 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Magill, R. E., 1987, as Funaria spathulata]  Entosthodon subintegrus (Brotherus) H. A. Miller, H. O. Whittier & B. Whittier, 1978 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Entosthodon subnudus (Taylor) Fife, 1985 – [Fife, A. J., 1985; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Funaria gracilis]  Entosthodon subpallescens Lazarenko, 1938 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon tucsoni (E. B. Bartram) Grout, 1935  Entosthodon urceolatus Mitten in Harvey, 1859 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Magill, R. E., 1987, as Funaria urceolata]  Entosthodon usambaricus (Brotherus) Paris, 1896 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon volkensii (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Entosthodon wichurae Fleischer, 1904 – [Enroth, J., 1991d; Ochi, H., 1968c; Fife, A. J., 1982c; Eddy, A., 1996]  Entosthodon wigginsii Steere, 1938 – [Flowers, S., 1973b; Fife, A. J., 1982c] Entosthymenium Bridel, 1826 {0/0/0/1/0=1} INCERTAE SEDIS  Entosthymenium tristichum Bridel, 1827 – [cited by Zander, R. H., 1993 as insufficiently known] Eobruchia W. R. Buck, 1979 {1/0/1/0/0=2} BRUCHIACEAE  Eobruchia bruchioides (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1979 – [Buck, W. R., 1979a]  Eobruchia ecuatoriana Steere, 1982 – [Steere, W. C., 1982] Eoleucodon H. A. Miller & H. O. Whittier, 1978 {0/0/1/0/0=1} LEUCODONTACEAE  Eoleucodon pacificus (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) H. A. Miller & H. O. Whittier, 1978 – [Miller, H. A. & H. O. Whittier, 1978] Ephemeropsis Goebel, 1892 {2/0/0/0/0=2} DALTONIACEAE  Ephemeropsis tjibodensis Goebel, 1892 – [Bartlett, J. K. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1985]


Ephemeropsis trentepohlioides (Renner) Sainsbury, 1951 – [Bartlett, J. K. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1985] Ephemerum Hampe, 1837 {18/0/1/9/0=28}  Ephemerum apiculatum Chen Pan-chieh, 1943 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ephemerum argentinicum Schiavone & Sarmiento, 1985 – [Schiavone, M. M. & M. N. R. de Sarmiento, 1985]  Ephemerum asiaticum Paris & Brotherus in Paris, 1901 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ephemerum capense C. Müller, 1888 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Anonymous, 1994; Stone, I. G., 1996]  Ephemerum cohaerens (Hedwig) Hampe, 1837 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Ephemerum conicum C. Müller, 1879 – [Schiavone, M. M. & M. N. R. de Sarmiento, 1985]  Ephemerum crassinervium (Schwägrichen) Hampe, 1837 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Ephemerum cristatum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson in W. J. Hooker) C. Müller, 1847 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Stone, I. G., 1996]  Ephemerum diversifolium Mitten in Harvey, 1859 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Ephemerum fimbriatum C. Müller, 1871 – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Stone, I. G., 1996]  Ephemerum furcatum Stone, 1996 – [Stone, I. G., 1996]  Ephemerum homomallum C. Müller, 1888 – [Schiavone, M. M. & M. N. R. de Sarmiento, 1985]  Ephemerum jamesii Austin, 1875  Ephemerum ligulatum C. Müller ex G. Roth, 1914 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Ephemerum longifolium W. P. Schimper, 1860  Ephemerum namaquense Magill, 1987 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Ephemerum pachyneuron C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ephemerum pechuelii C. Müller, 1886 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Ephemerum perminutum C. C. Townsend, 1981 [1982] – [Townsend, C. C., 1981 [1982]]  Ephemerum piliferum J. Shaw, 1878 – [cited by Magill, R. E., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Ephemerum recurvifolium (Dickson) Boulay, 1872 – [Nyholm, E., 1989; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Stone, I. G., 1996]  Ephemerum rehmannii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Stone, I. G., 1996]  Ephemerum serratum (Schreber ex Hedwig) Hampe, 1837 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Nyholm, E., 1989]  Ephemerum sessile (Bruch) C. Müller, 1848 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Nyholm, E., 1989]  Ephemerum spinulosum Bruch & W. P. Schimper in W. P. Schimper, 1860 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson,


EPHEMERACEAE  Ephemerum aequinoctiale Spruce in Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998] 1981a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Ephemerum stellatum Philibert, 1879 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Ephemerum uleanum C. Müller, 1898 – [Schiavone, M. M. & M. N. R. de Sarmiento, 1985] Epipterygium Lindberg, 1862 {6/0/3/3/0=12} MNIACEAE  Epipterygium brasiliense E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Epipterygium convalleum Dusén, 1895 – [Richards, P. W. & G. C. G. Argent, 1968]  Epipterygium immarginatum Mitten, 1869 – [Shaw, J., 1994b; Shaw, J., 1984b]  Epipterygium koelzii H. Robinson, 1968 – [Robinson, H., 1968]  Epipterygium mandonii (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Epipterygium mexicanum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1903 – [Shaw, J., 1984b]  Epipterygium obovatum Ochyra, 1990 – [Ochyra, R., 1990b]  Epipterygium opararense Fife & A. J. Shaw, 1990 – [Fife, A. J. & A. J. Shaw, 1990]  Epipterygium puiggarii (Geheeb & Hampe) Brotherus, 1903 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Epipterygium tozeri (Greville) Lindberg, 1865 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Shaw, J., 1984b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Epipterygium vanuatuicum H. A. Miller, 1988 – [Miller, H. A., 1988]  Epipterygium wrightii (Sullivant) Lindberg, 1862 – [Shaw, J., 1984b; Crum, H., 1967a] Eriodon Montagne, 1845 {2/0/0/0/0=2} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Eriodon conostomus Montagne, 1845 – [Buck, W. R., 1981b]  Eriodon cylindritheca (Dixon) Dixon & Sainsbury, 1945 – [Buck, W. R., 1981b; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Eriopus (Bridel) Bridel, 1827 =Calyptrochaeta {1/0/0/7/0=8} HOOKERIACEAE  Eriopus brassii E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Eriopus flexicaulis (Hampe) Paris, 1896 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Eriopus lorifolius (Hampe) Paris, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Eriopus lucidus Thwaites & Mitten, 1873  Eriopus pacificus (Bescherelle) Fleischer, 1922 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Eriopus papillatus Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Eriopus perlimbatus Dixon, 1934  Eriopus subremotifolius Brotherus in Rechinger, 1908



Erpodium (Bridel) Bridel, 1827 {10/6/0/0/0=16} ERPODIACEAE  Erpodium acrifolium Pursell, 1966 [1967] – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Pursell, R. A., 1994e; Pursell, R. A.,  Erpodium biseriatum (Austin) Austin, 1877 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Stone, I. G., 1997a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Pursell, R. A., 1994e]  Erpodium coronatum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Pursell, R. A., 1994e]  Erpodium distichum H. A. Wager & Dixon, 1920 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Erpodium domingense (Sprengel) Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Pursell, R. A., 1994e]  Erpodium glaziovii Hampe, 1872 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Sehnem, A., 1969; Pursell, R. A., 1994e]  Erpodium grossirete C. Müller, 1893 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Erpodium holstii Brotherus, 1894 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]]  Erpodium luzonense (E. B. Bartram) H. Crum, 1972 [1973] – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]]  Erpodium madagassum Paris & Renauld, 1903 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]]  Erpodium mangiferae C. Müller, 1873 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Erpodium perrottetii (Montagne) Jaeger, 1876 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]]  Erpodium pringlei Britton, 1905 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Pursell, R. A., 1994e]  Erpodium schimperi C. Müller, 1887 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]]  Erpodium theriotii Brotherus, 1912 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]] Erythrodontium Hampe, 1870 {3/0/0/12/0=15} ENTODONTACEAE  Erythrodontium argentinicum (C. Müller) Paris, 1904 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Erythrodontium barteri (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Erythrodontium engleri (Brotherus) Paris, 1896 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Erythrodontium julaceum (W. J. Hooker ex Schwägrichen) Paris, 1896 – [Enroth, J., 1991c; Hu Ren-liang, 1964; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Erythrodontium lacoutourei Renauld & Cardot, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Erythrodontium lamoruense Thériot, 1924 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Erythrodontium latifolium (Ångström) C. Müller in Paris, 1896  Erythrodontium longisetum (W. J. Hooker) Paris, 1896 – [Sehnem, A., 1970; Buck, W. R., 1994c; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Erythrodontium platygyrioides (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1922 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Erythrodontium rotundifolium (C. Müller) Paris, 1894 – [Kis, G., 1985]

1966 [1967]a] Erpodium beccarii C. Müller, 1872 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Stone, I. G., 1997a; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998; Pursell, R. A., 1994e]  Erythrodontium squarrosum (Hampe) Paris, 1904 – [Sehnem, A., 1970; Buck, W. R., 1994c; Buck, W. R., 1993]  Erythrodontium subbiforme (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1907 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Erythrodontium subjulaceum (C. Müller) Paris, 1896 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Erythrodontium vanderystii Cardot, 1909 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Erythrodontium warmingii Hampe, 1870 Erythrophyllastrum Zander, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Erythrophyllastrum andinum (Sullivant) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Erythrophyllopsis Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Erythrophyllopsis fuscula (C. Müller) Hilpert, 1933 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Eucamptodon Montagne, 1845 {2/1/0/0/0=3} DICNEMONACEAE  Eucamptodon muelleri Hampe & C. Müller, 1870 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Eucamptodon perichaetialis (Montagne) Montagne, 1845 – [Allen, B. H., 1987c]  Eucamptodon scalarirete (Dixon) B. C. Tan, H. P. Ramsay & W. B. Schofield, 1996 – [Tan, B. C., H. P. Ramsay & W. B. Schofield, 1996] Eucamptodontopsis Brotherus, 1924 {2/0/1/0/0=3} DICRANACEAE  Eucamptodontopsis brittoniae (E. B. Bartram) B. H. Allen, 1990 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Eucamptodontopsis pilifera (Mitten) Brotherus, 1924 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964; Hegewald, E., 1978 [1979]]  Eucamptodontopsis tortuosa H. Robinson, 1965 – [Robinson, H., 1965b] Eucladium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Eucladium verticillatum (Hedwig in Bridel) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Sloover, J. L. de, 1976b; Zander, R. H., 1994k; Saito, K., 1975] Eulacophyllum W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 {1/0/0/0/0=1} STEREOPHYLLACEAE  Eulacophyllum cultelliforme (Sullivant) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1985 – [Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994d; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Eumyurium Noguchi, 1947 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MYURIACEAE  Eumyurium sinicum (Mitten) Noguchi, 1947 – 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a; Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium sinicum] Euptychium W. P. Schimper, 1865 {7/0/0/0/0=7} GAROVAGLIACEAE  Euptychium mucronatum Hampe, 1874 – [During, H. J., 1977]  Euptychium pungens Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [During, H. J., 1977]  Euptychium robustum Hampe, 1874 – [During, H. J., 1977]  Euptychium setigerum (Sullivant) Brotherus, 1906 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Euptychium vitiense Dixon, 1930 – [During, H. J., 1977] Eurhynchiella Fleischer, 1923 {0/0/0/5/0=5} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Eurhynchiella acanthophylla (Montagne) Fleischer, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Eurhynchiella decurrens Potier de la Varde, 1940 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Eurhynchiella semitorta (Jaeger) Brotherus, 1925  Eurhynchiella tenuinervis Herzog, 1952 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Eurhynchiella toncolensis (Brotherus in Herzog) Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Eurhynchium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1854 {26/5/1/22/0=54} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Eurhynchium acicladium Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Eurhynchium africanum Herzog, 1937 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Eurhynchium altaicum Ignatov, 1998 – [Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Eurhynchium angustirete (Brotherus) T. Koponen, 1967 – [Koponen, T., 1967; Koponen, T., 1987]  Eurhynchium arbuscula Brotherus, 1909 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Eurhynchium argenteum Dixon, 1962  Eurhynchium asperipes (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Dixon, 1927 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Eurhynchium asperisetum (C. Müller) E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998; Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]  Eurhynchium clinocarpum (Taylor) Paris, 1896 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Eurhynchium coarctum C. Müller, 1898 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Eurhynchium crassinervium (Taylor in MacKay) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1854 – [Karttunen, K., 1990]  Eurhynchium cuestarum C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Eurhynchium dawsonii Kindberg, 1890  Eurhynchium devexum (Boswell) Paris, 1896 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Eurhynchium dives C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]



Euptychium cuspidatum (Mitten) Mitten in F. Müller, 1881 – [During, H. J., 1977; Noguchi, A., 1985b]  Euptychium dumosum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1906 – [During, H. J., 1977]  Eurhynchium dumosum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Eurhynchium eustegium (Bescherelle) Dixon, 1937 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Eurhynchium flotowianum (Sendtner) Karttunen, 1990 – [Karttunen, K., 1990]  Eurhynchium fuegianum Cardot, 1905 – [Matteri, C. M. & R. Ochyra, 1989]  Eurhynchium hians (Hedwig) Sande Lacoste, 1866 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Eurhynchium integrifolium W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Eurhynchium jovet-astiae (Bizot) Ochyra, 1997 – [Ochyra, R., 1997c; Bizot, M., 1973, as Rhynchostegium jovet-astiae]  Eurhynchium kirishimense Takaki, 1956 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Eurhynchium laevisetum Geheeb, 1876 – [Hedenäs, L., 1996a; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Eurhynchium latifolium Cardot, 1904 – [Nishimura, N., 1997]  Eurhynchium laxirete Brotherus in Cardot, 1912 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Eurhynchium meridionale (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) De Notaris in Piccone, 1863 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Eurhynchium nivium Amann, 1918  Eurhynchium oreganum (Sullivant) Jaeger, 1878 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Eurhynchium peyronelii (Tosco & Piovano) Ochyra, 1997 – [Ochyra, R., 1997c]  Eurhynchium praelongum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1854 – [Lawton, E., 1971; McFarland, K. D., 1994g, as Kindbergia praelonga; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Stokesiella praelonga]  Eurhynchium pseudopiliferum (Hampe) Jaeger, 1878 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Eurhynchium pulchellum (Hedwig) Jennings, 1913 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Eurhynchium pumilum (Wilson) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Hedenäs, L., 1996a; Ochyra, R., 1995; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Eurhynchium remotifolium (Greville) Jaeger, 1878 – [Hedenäs, L., 1996a]  Eurhynchium rugisetum (Hampe) Jaeger, 1878 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Eurhynchium savatieri W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1893 – [Koponen, T., 1987; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Eurhynchium schleicheri (R. A. Hedwig in Weber & D. Mohr) Milde, 1869 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]



Eurhynchium serpenticaule C. Müller, 1897 Eurhynchium serricuspis C. Müller, 1898 – [Koponen, T., 1987]  Eurhynchium speciosum (Bridel) Juratzka, 1863 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Eurhynchium spiculosum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878  Eurhynchium spinulinerve Kiaer ex Cardot in  Eurhynchium striatulum (Spruce) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1854 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Isothecium striatulum]  Eurhynchium striatum (Schreber ex Hedwig) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Eurhynchium suberectum Jaeger, 1878  Eurhynchium submegapolitanum Kindberg, 1905  Eurhynchium subsquarrulosum (Hampe ex C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878  Eurhynchium substrigosum Kindberg in Macoun & Kindberg, 1892  Eurhynchium tenuivagum (Brotherus) W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Eurhynchium trichocladoides Ignatov in Ignatov, T. Koponen & Norris, 1999 – [Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]  Eurhynchium yezoanum S. Okamura, 1916 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991] Eurohypnum Ando, 1966 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Eurohypnum leptothallum (C. Müller) Ando, 1966 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Ando, H., 1966; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996] Eustichia (Bridel) Bridel, 1827 {1/0/0/0/0=1} EUSTICHIACEAE  Eustichia longirostris (Bridel) Bridel, 1827 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a, as Diplostichum longirostre] Exodictyon Cardot, 1899 {2/0/0/1/0=3} CALYMPERACEAE  Exodictyon dentatum (Mitten) Cardot, 1899 – [Ellis, L. T., 1985]  Exodictyon incrassatum (Mitten in Seemann) Cardot in Paris, 1900 – [Ellis, L. T., 1985; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Exodictyon parkinsonii Cardot, 1905 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Exostratum L. Ellis, 1985 {4/0/0/0/0=4} CALYMPERACEAE  Exostratum asperum (Mitten) L. Ellis, 1985 – [Ellis, L. T., 1985; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Exostratum blumii (Nees ex Hampe) L. Ellis, 1985 – [Ellis, L. T., 1985; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Exostratum scolopendrium (Mitten) L. Ellis, 1985 – [Ellis, L. T., 1985]  Exostratum sullivantii (Dozy & Molkenboer) L. Ellis, 1985 – [Ellis, L. T., 1985; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]] Fabronia Raddi, 1808 {11/4/5/41/0=61} FABRONIACEAE  Fabronia abyssinica C. Müller, 1850 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979] 

Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Eurhynchium sprengelii (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878  Eurhynchium squarrifolium Brotherus ex Iishiba, 1935 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991] 

Fabronia anacamptodens Gao Chien in Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981 – [Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981]  Fabronia assamica Dixon, 1937  Fabronia australis W. J. Hooker, 1819 – [Catcheside, D. G. & I. G. Stone, 1980; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Fabronia beccarii Hampe, 1872  Fabronia bizotii Pócs in Bizot & Pócs, 1982 – [Bizot, M. & T. Pócs, 1982]  Fabronia brachyphylla C. Müller in Brotherus, 1895 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Fabronia breutelii Hampe in C. Müller, 1859 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Fabronia campenonii Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fabronia ciliaris (Bridel) Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Taoda, H., 1980; Lawton, E., 1971; Buck, W. R., 1983b; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Fabronia claviramea Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Fabronia congolensis Cardot, 1909 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Fabronia crassiretis Renauld & Cardot, 1895 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fabronia curvirostris Dozy & Molkenboer, 1844 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990a]  Fabronia degeneri E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Fabronia dentata W. P. Schimper in Jaeger, 1878  Fabronia eckloniana Hampe in C. Müller, 1859 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Fabronia fastigiata Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fabronia garnieri (Paris & Renauld) Renauld & Paris, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fabronia goetzei Brotherus, 1901 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Fabronia goughii Mitten, 1859 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Fabronia gueinzii Hampe in C. Müller, 1850 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Fabronia hampeana Sonder in Hampe, 1844 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Fabronia jamesonii Taylor, 1848 – [Buck, W. R., 1983b]  Fabronia kiusiana Sakurai, 1932 – [cited by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991 as insufficiently known]  Fabronia lachenaudii Renauld, 1902 – [Kis, G.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fabronia leikipiae C. Müller, 1890 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Fabronia longipila Brotherus, 1894 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Fabronia macroblepharis Schwägrichen, 1828 – [Buck, W. R., 1983b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Fabronia microspora Gao Chien in Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981 – [Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981]  Fabronia minuta Mitten, 1859 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Fabronia motelayi Renauld & Cardot, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fabronia niam-niamiae C. Müller, 1875  Fabronia nietneri C. Müller, 1869 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fabronia obtusatula C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fabronia papillidens Gao Chien in Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981 – [Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981]  Fabronia patentissima C. Müller, 1869 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Fabronia pilifera Hornschuch, 1841 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Fabronia pobeguinii Brotherus & Paris, 1904  Fabronia pocsii Bizot, 1973 – [Bizot, M., 1973]  Fabronia pusilla Raddi, 1808 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Fabronia rehmannii C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Fabronia rostrata Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Fabronia schensiana C. Müller, 1897 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Fabronia schmidii C. Müller, 1854 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Fabronia schwetschkeoides Fleischer, 1920  Fabronia scottiae C. Müller, 1868 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Fabronia secunda Montagne, 1842 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Fabronia socotrana Mitten, 1888 – [Mies, B., 1994]  Fabronia tahitensis Nadeaud, 1873 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Fabronia tayloriana Hampe, 1870 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Fabronia trichophora Cardot, 1909 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Fabronia trichophylla C. Müller ex Brizi, 1893  Fabronia tucumanensis C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fabronia victoriae Dixon, 1920 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Fabronia villaumii Renauld & Cardot, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]



Fabronia madurensis Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Fabronia marianna Schwägrichen in Gaudichaud in Freycinet, 1828 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Fabronia matsumurae Bescherelle, 1899 – [Taoda, H., 1980; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998] 

Fabronia wageri Dixon, 1916 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Fabronia zollingeri C. Müller, 1864 Fabronidium C. Müller, 1899 {0/1/0/0/0=1} LESKEACEAE  Fabronidium guatemaliense (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1981 – [Buck, W. R., 1981a] Fallaciella H. Crum, 1991 {0/1/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Fallaciella gracilis H. Crum, 1991 – [Crum, H., 1991b] Fauriella Bescherelle, 1893 {3/0/2/0/0=5} THUIDIACEAE  Fauriella baolocensis Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966]  Fauriella petelotii Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966]  Fauriella robustiuscula Brotherus, 1924 – [Gao Chien & Tong Cao, 1992a]  Fauriella tenerrima Brotherus, 1923 – [Gao Chien & Tong Cao, 1992a]  Fauriella tenuis (Mitten) Cardot in Brotherus, 1925 – [Gao Chien & Tong Cao, 1992a] Felipponea Brotherus in Felippone, 1912 {2/0/0/1/0=3} LEUCODONTACEAE  Felipponea esquirolii (Thériot) H. Akiyama, 1988 – [Akiyama, H., 1988a]  Felipponea hollermayeri Thériot, 1935 – [Akiyama, H., 1988a]  Felipponea montevidensis (C. Müller) Brotherus in Felippone, 1912 – [Akiyama, H., 1988a; Sehnem, A., 1970] Fifea H. Crum, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LEMBOPHYLLACEAE  Fifea aciphylla (Dixon & Sainsbury in Sainsbury) H. Crum, 1991 – [Crum, H., 1991b] Fissidens Hedwig, 1801 {232/32/44/135/0=443} FISSIDENTACEAE  Fissidens acacioides Schrader, 1803 – [Pursell, R. A., 1999a; Pursell, R. A., M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga & B. H. Allen, 1988, as Fissidens stissotheca]  Fissidens aciphyllus Dixon, 1929 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Fissidens acreanus Irmscher, 1921 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Fissidens adelphinus Bescherelle, 1893 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens adianthoides Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Fissidens afissidens Bruggeman-Nannenga in



Bruggeman-Nannenga & Berendsen in Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1988 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1988]  Fissidens afropapillosus Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Fissidens aggestus (Bescherelle) Paris, 1896 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens albo-limbatus Dixon, 1935  Fissidens allionii Brotherus, 1920 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A. & B. Allen, 1991]  Fissidens andicola (Herzog) Bruggeman-Nannenga in Bruggeman-Nannenga & Berendsen in Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1988 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens angustelimbatus Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c]  Fissidens angustifolius Sullivant, 1861 – [Pursell, R. A., M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga & Z. Iwatsuki, 1992; Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1995; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens anisophyllus Dixon, 1912 – [Beever, J. E., 1996]  Fissidens annamensis Paris & Brotherus, 1909 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens anomalus Montagne, 1842 – [Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens anthrophyi C. Müller, 1869  Fissidens aoraiensis H. O. Whittier & H. A. Miller, 1967 – [Whittier, H. O. & H. A. Miller, 1967; Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Fissidens aphelotaxifolius Pursell, 1976 – [Pursell, R. A., 1976]  Fissidens aporrocheilos C. Müller, 1872 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Fissidens appalachensis Zander, 1969 – [Zander, R. H., 1969; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Pursell, R. A. & B. Allen, 1996]  Fissidens arcticus Bryhn, 1907 – [Steere, W. C. & G. R. Brassard, 1974]  Fissidens arnigadhensis Brotherus ex S. S. Kumar, 1979 – [Kumar, S. S., 1979]  Fissidens arnoldii Ruthe, 1870 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Fissidens asplenioides Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Robinson, H., 1975; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Magill, R. E., 1981; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1993]  Fissidens asselii Bizot, 1974 – [Bizot, M., 1974]  Fissidens autoicus Thériot & Dixon, 1916 – [Stone, I. G., 1994]  Fissidens azoricus (Potier de la Varde) Bizot, 1974 – [Bizot, M., 1974]  Fissidens badyinbarus Stone, 1993 – [Stone, I. G. & D. G. Catcheside, 1993]

Fissidens allorgei Potier de la Varde, 1943 Fissidens alomoides C. Müller ex Dusén, 1895  Fissidens amazonicus Pursell, 1988 – [Pursell, R. A., 1988; Pursell, R. A., M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga & Z. Iwatsuki, 1992; Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens amoenus C. Müller, 1847 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens amplifolius Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930  Fissidens ampliretis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Fissidens barretoi Dixon & Luisier, 1930  Fissidens beccarii (Hampe) Brotherus, 1901 – [Pursell, R. A., M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga & B. H. Allen, 1988; Iwatsuki, Z., 1985a]  Fissidens beckettii Mitten, 1873 – [Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Fissidens simii; Pursell, R. A., 1999b]  Fissidens berterii (Montagne) C. Müller, 1848 – [Pursell, R. A., M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga & Z. Iwatsuki, 1992; Pursell, R. A., 1987]  Fissidens bessouensis Corbière, 1912 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1995 [1996]; Pursell, R. A., 1987]  Fissidens biformis Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens bilaspurense Gangulee, 1957 [1959] – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens bistratosus Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1999 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1999]  Fissidens blechnoides Beever, 1996 – [Beever, J. E., 1996]  Fissidens bogoriensis Fleischer, 1904 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens bogosicus C. Müller, 1872 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Fissidens microandrogynus; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Fissidens parvilimbatus]  Fissidens boninensis Iwatsuki in H. Inoue & Iwatsuki, 1969 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Inoue, H. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1969]  Fissidens borgenii Hampe, 1870 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1993; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens bourgaeanus Bescherelle, 1872 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c]  Fissidens brachypus Mitten, 1869 – [Buck, W. R. & R. A. Pursell, 1980]  Fissidens brassii E. B. Bartram, 1943 – [Pursell, R. A., M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga & Z. Iwatsuki, 1992]  Fissidens braunii (C. Müller) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1854 – [Eddy, A., 1988]  Fissidens brevidorsus Dixon, 1942  Fissidens brevifrons Mitten, 1879 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens brevilingulatus E. B. Bartram, 1948 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987]  Fissidens brevipes Bescherelle, 1891 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1999c] 


Fissidens bryoides Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1993; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Magill, R. E., 1981; Pursell, R. A. & W. J. Hoe, 1977; Pursell, R. A., 1994d; Lawton, E., 1971; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens bushii (Cardot & Thériot) Cardot & Thériot, 1904 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Fissidens cambewarrae Dixon, 1941 – [Stone, I. G., 1994]  Fissidens ceylonensis Dozy & Molkenboer, 1844 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1999]  Fissidens clebschii Steere, 1950 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Fissidens closteri Austin, 1874 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Fissidens coacervatus Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1985 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1985]  Fissidens commutatus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Fissidens consociatus Thériot, 1910 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1995; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996]  Fissidens crassinervis Sande Lacoste, 1872 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982]  Fissidens crassipes Wilson ex Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1849 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1982]  Fissidens crenulatus Mitten, 1859 – [Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens crispulus Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1999; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982, as Fissidens zippelianus; Eddy, A., 1988, as Fissidens zippelianus]  Fissidens crispus Montagne, 1838 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A., 1994d]  Fissidens cryptoneuron Potier de la Varde, 1933 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1995 [1996]; Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens cucullatus Stone, 1989 – [Stone, I. G., 1989a; Stone, I. G., 1994]  Fissidens curvatus Hornschuch, 1841 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1995 [1996]; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Fissidens algarvicus; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Fissidens pungens; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982, as Fissidens strictulus]  Fissidens cuspidiferus Dixon, 1930 – [Stone, I. G., 1994; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996]  Fissidens cuynetii Bizot, 1973 – [Bizot, M., 1973]  Fissidens cylindraceus Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens cylindrothecus Pursell & Aguirre, 1991 – [Pursell, R. A. & J. Aguirre C., 1991; Pursell, R. A.,


Fissidens canalae Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Fissidens capitatus J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844  Fissidens capitulatus Noguchi, 1949 – [Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens capriviensis Magill, 1981 [1982] – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Fissidens carnosus Brotherus, 1899  Fissidens celticus Paton, 1965 – [Paton, J. A., 1965; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] 1999c] Fissidens cyprius Juratzka in Unger & Kotschy, 1865 – [El-Saadawi, W. & A. Badawi, 1977]  Fissidens dalamair H. Akiyama, 1993 – [Akiyama, H., 1993]  Fissidens daltoniaefolius C. Müller, 1874 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Fissidens danckelmanii C. Müller, 1886  Fissidens darntyi W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1880 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fissidens darwinianus Catcheside & Stone, 1988 – [Catcheside, D. G. & I. G. Stone, 1988]  Fissidens dealbatus W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 – [Stone, I. G., 1985a; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1995]  Fissidens decursivus C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Fissidens delicatulus Ångström, 1872 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994; Pursell, R. A. & W. J. Hoe, 1977]  Fissidens dendeliensis Paris & Brotherus, 1904  Fissidens dendrophilus Bruggeman-Nannenga & Pursell, 1990 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1990; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994]  Fissidens diaphanodontus (Potier de la Varde) Bizot in Bizot & Pócs, 1979 [1980] – [Bizot, M. & T. Pócs, 1979]  Fissidens diaphanus Bizot, 1971-72 [1973] – [Bizot, M., 1973]  Fissidens dietrichiae C. Müller, 1872 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1988; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens discolor Wilson ex Mitten, 1859  Fissidens dissitifolius Sullivant, 1861 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994c]  Fissidens diversifolius Mitten, 1859 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens dongensis Bescherelle, 1894 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens dubius Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994c]  Fissidens dumbeanus Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Fissidens duttonii H. A. Miller, 1976 – [Miller, H. A., 1976]  Fissidens edamensis Fleischer, 1904 

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Fissidens elegans Bridel, 1806 – [Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A. & W. J. Hoe, 1977; Pursell, R. A., 1994d]  Fissidens elongatus Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens enervis Sim, 1926 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens ernestii Irmscher, 1921 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Fissidens erosulus (C. Müller) Paris, 1896 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens euryloma Potier de la Varde, 1931  Fissidens excedens Brotherus, 1899  Fissidens filiformis Iwatsuki, 1987 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1987]  Fissidens firmus Mitten, 1859 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987]  Fissidens fissicaulis C. Müller, 1874 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Fissidens flabellatus Hornschuch, 1840 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994; Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens flabellulus Thwaites & Mitten, 1873 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982]  Fissidens flaccidus Mitten, 1860 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1995 [1996]; Pursell, R. A., 1994c, as Fissidens mollis; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1999]  Fissidens fluitans Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Fissidens fontanus (Bachelot de la Pylaie) Steudel, 1824 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Pursell, R. A., 1992; Pursell, R. A., 1987]  Fissidens formosanus Noguchi, 1952 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens forsythii Brotherus, 1916 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Fissidens fuscoviridis Thwaites & Mitten, 1873  Fissidens ganguleei Norkett in Gangulee, 1971 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens gardneri Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A., M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens gaultieri Paris & Brotherus, 1902 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens geijskesii Florschütz, 1964 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964; Pursell, R. A. & B. H. Allen, 1994]  Fissidens geminiflorus Dozy & Molkenboer, 1854 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Eddy, A., 1988; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Fissidens georgianus Irmscher, 1921 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Yano, O., 1981]  Fissidens geppii Fleischer, 1904 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens gillianus Catcheside & Stone, 1988 – [Catcheside, D. G. & I. G. Stone, 1988]


Fissidens excurrentinervis R. S. Williams, 1903 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1994d]  Fissidens exilis Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Fissidens faniensis (Bescherelle) Paris, 1896 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens fasciculatus Hornschuch, 1841 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994]  Fissidens fautauae H. O. Whittier & H. A. Miller, 1967 – [Whittier, H. O. & H. A. Miller, 1967; Whittier, H. O., 1976] 

Fissidens giraldii Brotherus, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981; Redfearn, P. L., Jr. & P.-C. Wu, 1986]  Fissidens gladiolus Mitten, 1860 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1980 [1981]b]  Fissidens glaucissimus Welwitsch & Duby, 1872 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1993]  Fissidens gomae Potier de la Varde & J. Leroy, 1947 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Fissidens goyazensis Brotherus, 1895 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c]  Fissidens gracilescens Ångström in Jaeger, 1876  Fissidens gracilifolius Bruggeman-Nannenga & Nyholm in Nyholm, 1986 – [Nyholm, E., 1986 [1987]]  Fissidens grainvillei Potier de la Varde ex Thériot, 1932 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fissidens grandifolius Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1926  Fissidens grandifrons Bridel, 1806 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Pursell, R. A., 1994d; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens granulatus (Geheeb & Hampe) Paris, 1896 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Yano, O., 1981]  Fissidens griffithii Gangulee, 1964 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1964; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens grossiretis C. Müller, 1875  Fissidens guangdongensis Iwatsuki & Li Zhi-hua in Li Zhi-hua, 1985 – [Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996]  Fissidens guianensis Montagne, 1840 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993]  Fissidens gymnocarpus Stone, 1983 – [Stone, I. G., 1983c]  Fissidens gymnogynus Bescherelle, 1898 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens gymnostomus Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1989 [1990] – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1989 [1990]; Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens haconicus C. Müller, 1900  Fissidens hadii Banu-Fattah, 1995 – [Banu-Fattah, K., 1995]  Fissidens hallianus (Sullivant & Lesquereux in Austin)

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Mitten, 1885 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Pursell, R. A., 1999c; Pursell, R. A., 1987]  Fissidens helenicus Mitten in Melliss, 1870  Fissidens henryae Stone, 1984 – [Stone, I. G., 1984c]  Fissidens herzogii Ruthe ex Herzog, 1905 – [Augier, J., 1966]  Fissidens hildebrandtii C. Müller, 1876  Fissidens hirsutus Bizot ex Pócs, 1976-77 [1977] – [Pócs, T., 1976–77]  Fissidens hoeegii Potier de la Varde, 1932 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens hoei Pursell, 1977 – [Pursell, R. A., 1977;  Fissidens hyalinus W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1840 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens hydropogon Spruce ex Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga & B. H. Allen, 1988]  Fissidens hylogenes Dixon, 1929 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Fissidens hylophilus Irmscher, 1921 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Yano, O., 1981]  Fissidens hymenodon Bescherelle, 1885 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fissidens hyophilus Mitten, 1882 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Fissidens imbricatus Britton & E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Fissidens inaequalilimbatus Paris & Brotherus, 1904  Fissidens inaequalis Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Fissidens inaequiretis Stone, 1989 – [Stone, I. G., 1989a]  Fissidens incertus Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1917 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens incisus Herzog, 1916 – [Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens inclinis C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Fissidens incognitus Gangulee, 1957 [1959] – [Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens inconspicuus Mitten, 1868  Fissidens integerrimus Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1859 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Fissidens integrifolius W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1897  Fissidens intromarginatus (Hampe) Jaeger, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1993; Pursell, R. A., 1994d; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens iwatsukii Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1994 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1994]  Fissidens jaiorum H. O. Whittier & H. A. Miller, 1967 – [Whittier, H. O. & H. A. Miller, 1967; Whittier, H. O., 1976]


Pursell, R. A. & W. J. Hoe, 1977] Fissidens hollianus Dozy & Molkenboer, 1855 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996]  Fissidens homomallulus C. Müller ex Dixon, 1948  Fissidens hookerioides Bizot & Onraedt in Bizot, 1976 – [Bizot, M., 1976]  Fissidens horizonticarpus C. Müller, 1886 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Fissidens hornschuchii Montagne, 1840 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c]  Fissidens javanicus Dozy & Molkenboer, 1855 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens jeffreyi Bizot ex Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1997 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1999]  Fissidens jungermannioides Griffith, 1842 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens jungermanniopsis C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fissidens kalimpongensis Gangulee, 1957 [1959] – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens karataviensis Samsel, 1953  Fissidens karwarensis Dixon, 1921  Fissidens kilaueae Hoe & H. Crum, 1971 [1972] – [Hoe, W. J. & H. Crum, 1971 [1972]; Pursell, R. A. & W. J. Hoe, 1977]  Fissidens kinabaluensis Iwatsuki, 1969 – [Iwatsuki, I., 1969; Eddy, A., 1988]  Fissidens kondoi Sakurai, 1943 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Fissidens kosaninii Latzel, 1931 – [Corley, M. F. V., 1980]  Fissidens kurzii C. Müller, 1872 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens lachmannii Bizot, 1974 – [Bizot, M., 1974]  Fissidens lagenarius Mitten, 1868 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1995; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996; Pursell, R. A., 1994c, as Fissidens diplodus; Pursell, R. A., 1994d, as Fissidens diplodus; Pursell, R. A., 1999b]  Fissidens lancifolius E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. J. Hoe, 1977]  Fissidens laosianus Dixon, 1937 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens lautokensis Dixon, 1930 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1995; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996]  Fissidens laxetexturatus Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1987 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1987]  Fissidens laxitextus Brotherus ex Gangulee, 1964 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1964; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens le-testui Potier de la Varde, 1927 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Fissidens lepidopiloides C. Müller, 1875  Fissidens leptocheilos C. Müller, 1876  Fissidens leptocladus C. Müller ex Rodway, 1913 – 



[Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Beever, J. E., 1996]  Fissidens leptopelma Dixon, 1937 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens leptophyllus Montagne, 1840 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c]  Fissidens leucocinctus Hampe, 1874 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1993; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens leucodictyus C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fissidens liliputanus C. Müller, 1875  Fissidens limbinervis Bruggeman-Nannenga &  Fissidens longevaginatus Dixon, 1935 – [Eddy, A., 1988]  Fissidens longisetus Griffith, 1842 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1981; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens luisierii Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Sérgio, C., Z. Iwatsuki & A. Ederra, 1997]  Fissidens luteofuscus I. Hagen, 1906 – [cited by Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982 as insufficiently known]  Fissidens macrobryoides C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fissidens macroglossus (Brotherus) Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1997 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens macrosporoides Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930  Fissidens macrosporus Dixon, 1921  Fissidens madecassus W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1864 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens marginatulus Mel'nichuk, 1959 – [Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1970; Corley, M. F. V., 1980]  Fissidens mariei (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1901 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fissidens marthae Cardot, 1908 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1999]  Fissidens maschalanthus Montagne, 1845 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994]  Fissidens megalotis W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1858 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1995 [1996]; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Fissidens rufescens; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Fissidens vittatus]  Fissidens menyhartii C. Müller, 1899 – [Phiri, P. S. M. & R. Ochyra, 1988]  Fissidens metzgeria (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1893 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens michoacanus Thériot, 1926 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994d]  Fissidens microcarpus Mitten, 1863 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1990; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z.

Iwatsuki, 1981 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1981; Eddy, A., 1988]  Fissidens lindbergii Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1997a; Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens linearilimbatus C. Müller, 1890 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Fissidens linearis Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Stone, I. G., 1991; Stone, I. G., 1990, as Fissidens aeruginosus]  Fissidens littlei (R. S. Williams) Grout, 1939 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Pursell, R. A., 1999c; Allred, K. W., 1998]  Fissidens loennbergii Potier de la Varde, 1947 – [Kis, G., 1985] Iwatsuki, 1994; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1993]  Fissidens microdictyon Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Fissidens micronesicus H. O. Whittier in H. A. Miller, H. O. Whittier & Bonner, 1963 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & C. E. B. Bonner, 1963]  Fissidens minimus Schiavone, 1981 – [Schiavone, M. M., 1981]  Fissidens minutifolius Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1926  Fissidens minutipes (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Fissidens mobukensis Negri, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Fissidens monguillonii Thériot, 1899 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1985; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Fissidens mooreae H. O. Whittier & H. A. Miller, 1967 – [Whittier, H. O. & H. A. Miller, 1967; Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Fissidens multiflorus Thwaites & Mitten, 1873  Fissidens nanobryoides Bescherelle, 1898 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Whittier, H. O. & H. A. Miller, 1967]  Fissidens narbonensis Roumeguere, 1869  Fissidens neglectus H. Crum, 1960 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A. & B. Allen, 1991]  Fissidens nigerianus Bizot ex Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1997 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens nigro-viridis E. S. Salmon, 1899 – [Eddy, A., 1988]  Fissidens nobilis Griffith, 1842 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996; Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens nobreganus Luisier & Potier de la Varde, 1953  Fissidens nothotaxifolius Pursell & Hoe, 1975 [1976] – [Pursell, R. A. & W. J. Hoe, 1975 [1976]; Pursell, R. A. & W. J. Hoe, 1977]  Fissidens oblatus Stone & Catcheside, 1993 – [Stone, I. G. & D. G. Catcheside, 1993]  Fissidens obliquifolius C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fissidens oblongifolius J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1995; Iwatsuki, Z. & T.

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Suzuki, 1996; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994]  Fissidens obscurocostatus Pursell, 1966 [1967] – [Pursell, R. A., 1966 [1967]b; Pursell, R. A., 1994d]  Fissidens obscurus Mitten, 1859 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens obtusatulus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1901 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Fissidens obtusifolius Wilson, 1845 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Pursell, R. A., 1997b]  Fissidens obtusissimus (Florschütz) Pursell, 1989 – [Pursell, R. A., 1989]  Fissidens obtuso-apiculatus Dixon, 1932 – [Yano, O., 1981; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens ocellatus Potier de la Varde, 1931 –  Fissidens osmundoides Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens ovatifolius Ruthe in Limpricht, 1901 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1985]  Fissidens ovatus Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Fissidens glaucescens]  Fissidens pachyphyllus Dixon, 1935 – [Eddy, A., 1988]  Fissidens pacificus Ångström, 1872 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. J. Hoe, 1977]  Fissidens pallidinervis Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1999c; Pursell, R. A., 1994c, as Fissidens minutus; Pursell, R. A., 1994d, as Fissidens minutus]  Fissidens pallidulus Hampe ex Gangulee, 1957 [1959]  Fissidens pallidus W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994; Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens palmatus Hedwig, 1801 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997; Pursell, R. A., 1999b]  Fissidens palmifolius (Palisot de Beauvois) Brotherus, 1901 – [Pursell, R. A., 1987]  Fissidens parkii Mitten, 1860 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1988; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens pascuanus Brotherus in Skottsberg, 1924 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Fissidens patentifolius Schiavone, 1981 – [Schiavone, M. M., 1981]  Fissidens patulifolius Dixon, 1941 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Fissidens pauperculus M. A. Howe, 1894 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Fissidens pauperrimus C. Müller, 1881  Fissidens pechuelii (C. Müller) Paris, 1896 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Fissidens pellucidus Hornschuch, 1841 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1995 [1996]; Pursell, R. A., 1994d; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1999]  Fissidens pellucinervis E. B. Bartram, 1948 –


[Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens odontoloma C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fissidens oediloma C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1895 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1973]  Fissidens orishae Gangulee, 1964 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1964; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens ornaticostatus H. Robinson, 1974 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Fissidens ornatus Herzog, 1924 – [Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A. & B. Allen, 1991] [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996]  Fissidens peraculeatus Dixon, 1932  Fissidens perangustus Brotherus, 1916 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Fissidens perdecurrens Bescherelle, 1898 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens perfalcatus Brotherus, 1900 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens perobtusus Dixon, 1930 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996]  Fissidens perpellucidus Dixon, 1935  Fissidens perplexans Dixon, 1926  Fissidens persicus Ruthe in Juratzka & Milde, 1870 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Fissidens perssonii Potier de la Varde in Persson, 1939 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1985]  Fissidens perumalensis Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Fissidens peruvianus Hampe ex C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Fissidens petrophilus Sullivant, 1861 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Fissidens philonotulus Bescherelle, 1901 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Fissidens plagiochiloides Bescherelle, 1898 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens plagiothecioides C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fissidens planifrons Bescherelle, 1885 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens platensis Paris, 1900 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fissidens platyneuros Renauld & Cardot, 1897 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fissidens plumosus Hornschuch, 1841 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994]  Fissidens plumula Thwaites & Mitten, 1873  Fissidens plurisetus E. B. Bartram in B. Willis, 1939 –



[Pursell, R. A., 1994c] Fissidens pocsii Bizot & Dury ex Pócs, 1976-77 [1977] – [Pócs, T., 1976–77]  Fissidens pokhrensis Norkett ex S. S. Kumar, 1979 – [Kumar, S. S., 1979]  Fissidens polyphyllus Wilson ex B.S.G., 1851 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Nyholm, E., 1986 [1987]]  Fissidens polypodioides Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A., 1994a]  Fissidens polysetulus C. Müller ex Norkett & Gangulee, 1971 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens porrectus Mitten, 1860 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1993]  Fissidens potieri Pócs, 1966 [1967] – [Pócs, T., 1966 [1967]]  Fissidens pseudoplumosus Bizot & Onraedt ex Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1997 – [Bizot, M., 1974; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens pugionifolius C. Müller, 1875  Fissidens pulchellus Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens punctulatus Sande Lacoste, 1872 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996; Stone, I. G., 1994]  Fissidens pycnoglossus C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fissidens pygmaeus Hornschuch, 1841 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens radicans Montagne, 1840 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1990; Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994]  Fissidens raiatensis E. B. Bartram, 1931 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Whittier, H. O. & H. A. Miller, 1967]  Fissidens rambii Gangulee, 1971 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens ramicola Brotherus, 1906 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994d]  Fissidens ramulosus Mitten, 1860 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens ranchiensis Gangulee, 1957 [1959] – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens ranuii Gangulee, 1964 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1964; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens reflexus Hampe, 1874 – [Phiri, P. S. M. & R. Ochyra, 1988; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens reimersii Potier de la Varde, 1930  Fissidens rigidulus J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1979]  Fissidens rivularis (Spruce) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1985]  Fissidens robynsianus Potier de la Varde, 1957 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Fissidens rochensis Brotherus in Urban, 1903 – [Pursell, R. A., 1999c; Pursell, R. A., 1971]  Fissidens rosulatus Potier de la Varde, 1938 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. 

Fissidens prionocheilos C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fissidens prionodes Montagne, 1835 – [Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Fissidens protonematicola Sakurai, 1933 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens pseudoclosteri Iwatsuki & S. S. Kumar, 1992 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & S. S. Kumar, 1992]  Fissidens pseudofirmus Iwatsuki, 1987 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1987]  Fissidens pseudohollianus Iwatsuki & Tadashi Suzuki, 1982 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982]  Fissidens pseudopallidus Stone, 1987 – [Stone, I. G., 1987; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994] Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Fissidens rufescens Hornschuch, 1841 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1995 [1996]; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Fissidens marginatus]  Fissidens rufinervis C. Müller, 1900 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Yano, O., 1981]  Fissidens rufulus W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1982; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Fissidens rupicola Paris & Brotherus, 1906 – [Stone, I. G., 1994; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996]  Fissidens santa-clarensis Thériot, 1939 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1990, as Fissidens allenianus; Pursell, R. A., 1994c, as Fissidens allenianus; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994]  Fissidens saprophilus Brotherus, 1900 – [Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens saulensis Pursell & W. R. Buck, 1996 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. R. Buck, 1996; Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens scalaris Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1994d]  Fissidens scariosus Mitten, 1869 – [Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A. & B. Allen, 1991]  Fissidens schiffneri Baumgartner & Dixon in J. Fröhlich, 1953  Fissidens schusteri Iwatsuki & Wu Pan-cheng, 1988 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & P. C. Wu, 1988; Li Zhi-hua, 1992]  Fissidens schwabei Noguchi, 1955 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens sciophyllus Mitten, 1860 – [Phiri, P. S. M. & R. Ochyra, 1988; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1993; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens scleromitrius (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1901 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Pursell, R. A., M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga & Z. Iwatsuki, 1992]  Fissidens secundulus C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Fissidens sedgwickii Brotherus & Dixon, 1910  Fissidens semicompletus Hedwig, 1801 – [Pursell, R.

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES A., 1999c; Pursell, R. A., 1987] Fissidens semperfalcatus Dixon, 1935 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens serrato-marginatus C. Müller, 1900  Fissidens serratus C. Müller, 1847 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1995 [1996]; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Fissidens donnellii; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1999; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Fissidens pseudoserratus]  Fissidens serrulatus Bridel, 1806 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Fissidens seychellensis Dury & Onraedt in Bizot, 1976 – [Bizot, M., 1976; Bizot, M., 1976; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1999]  Fissidens siamensis Brotherus, 1901 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens sigmocarpoides Potier de la Varde, 1939  Fissidens stenopteryx Bescherelle, 1891 – [Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens stolonaceus C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Fissidens strictus W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1859 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Fissidens subangustus Fleischer, 1904 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982]  Fissidens subbasilaris Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Fissidens subbryoides Gangulee, 1957 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens subdiscolor Dixon, 1924 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987]  Fissidens subfirmus Dixon, 1921  Fissidens subhumilis Catcheside, 1980 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Fissidens sublimbatus Grout, 1936 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994d; Pursell, R. A., 1997b]  Fissidens sublineaefolius (Potier de la Varde) Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1982 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1982]  Fissidens submarginatus Bruch in Krauss, 1846 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1995 [1996]; Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens subnutans C. Müller, 1900 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Yano, O., 1981]  Fissidens subobtusus Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Fissidens subpalmatus C. Müller, 1872 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens subplanifrons Bizot & Onraedt ex Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1997 – [Bizot, M., 1974; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens subpulchellus Norkett in Gangulee, 1971 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens subradicans Brotherus, 1896 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Sehnem, A., 1972]  Fissidens subramicola Brotherus, 1906 – [Pursell, R. A., 1997a; Pursell, R. A., 1999c] 


Fissidens socialis C. Müller, 1869 Fissidens somaliae C. Müller, 1876 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens speluncae Brotherus in Herzog, 1910  Fissidens splachnifolius Hornschuch, 1841 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Fissidens splachnoides Brotherus, 1893 – [Stone, I. G., 1985a]  Fissidens splendens Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1978 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1978]  Fissidens spurio-limbatus Brotherus, 1895 – [Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens steerei Grout, 1943 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A., 1979]  Fissidens stenophyllus Ångström, 1876 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994] 


Fissidens subscleromitrius Bizot & Dury in Bizot, 1976 – [Bizot, M., 1976]  Fissidens subsessilis Chen Pan-chieh, 1943 – [Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens subspathulatus Dixon, 1943 – [Pursell, R. A., M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga & Z. Iwatsuki, 1992; Eddy, A., 1988]  Fissidens subulatifolius (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Fissidens subulatus Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1980 [1981]a; Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A. & B. Allen, 1991]  Fissidens sufflatus Stone, 1987 – [Stone, I. G., 1987; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., R. A. Pursell & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994]  Fissidens surumuensis Irmscher, 1921 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Yano, O., 1981]  Fissidens taiarapuensis H. O. Whittier & H. A. Miller, 1967 – [Whittier, H. O. & H. A. Miller, 1967; Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Fissidens tapes Paris & Brotherus, 1901 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens taxifolius Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Pursell, R. A., 1994d; Pursell, R. A. & W. J. Hoe, 1977; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Fissidens taylorii C. Müller, 1848 – [Stone, I. G. & J. E. Beever, 1996; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Pursell, R. A., 1994d, as Fissidens geheebii; Pursell, R. A., 1994d, as Fissidens geheebii; Pursell, R. A., 1997 [1998]]  Fissidens teniolatus Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930  Fissidens terebrifolius C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986; Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Fissidens termitarum (Herzog) Pursell, 1979 – [Pursell, R. A., 1979]  Fissidens terrae-reginae E. B. Bartram, 1952 –



[Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Fissidens terricola Irmscher, 1921 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Fissidens teysmannianus Dozy & Molkenboer, 1854 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987]  Fissidens thorsbornei (Stone) Bruggeman-Nannenga in Bruggeman-Nannenga & Berendsen in Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1988 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1988]  Fissidens thwaitesii Paris, 1896 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens titalyanus C. Müller, 1872  Fissidens tonkinensis Paris & Brotherus, 1906 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Fissidens tosaensis Brotherus, 1921 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens townsendianus Pursell, 1994 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a]  Fissidens usambaricus Brotherus, 1894 – [Magill, R.  Fissidens vulcanicus Renauld & Cardot, 1897 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens wageri Dixon in H. A. Wager, 1914 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Pursell, R. A., M. A. Bruggeman-Nannenga & Z. Iwatsuki, 1992]  Fissidens waldheimii Elenkin, 1907  Fissidens wallisii C. Müller, 1874 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Pursell, R. A., 1994c]  Fissidens wattsii Brotherus, 1915 – [Stone, I. G., 1994]  Fissidens weirii Mitten, 1869 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A. & R. A. Pursell, 1995 [1996]; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens wichurae Brotherus & Fleischer, 1899 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & M. A. H. Mohamed, 1987; Li Zhi-hua, 1985]  Fissidens widgrenii Paris, 1896 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Fissidens yanoae Pursell, 1994 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994b; Pursell, R. A., 1999c]  Fissidens yucatanensis Steere, 1935 – [Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Pursell, R. A., 1994d]  Fissidens zollingeri Montagne, 1845 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1982; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Pursell, R. A., 1994a; Whittier, H. O. & H. A. Miller, 1967; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1996; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Suzuki, 1995; Pursell, R. A., 1994c; Li Zhi-hua, 1985; Pursell, R. A., 1994d; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997; Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Eddy, A., 1988]  Fissidens zwickeyi E. B. Bartram, 1944 – [Eddy, A., 1988] Flabellidium Herzog, 1916 {0/0/0/1/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Flabellidium spinosum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Fleischerobryum Loeske, 1910 {2/0/0/0/0=2} BARTRAMIACEAE  Fleischerobryum longicolle (Hampe in C. Müller) Loeske, 1910 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1996;

E., 1981; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1993; Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1997]  Fissidens valiae Potier de la Varde, 1946 – [Bizot, M. & R. B. Pierrot, 1964]  Fissidens vanzantenii Bruggeman-Nannenga, 1979 – [Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., 1979]  Fissidens variolimbatus Allison, 1963 – [Allison, K. W., 1963]  Fissidens ventanae C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Fissidens ventricosus Lesquereux, 1868 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Fissidens victorialis Mitten, 1882 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Fissidens virens Thwaites & Mitten, 1873 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Eddy, A., 1988]  Fissidens vitreo-limbatus C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known] Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Gangulee, H. C., 1974; Eddy, A., 1996]  Fleischerobryum macrophyllum Brotherus, 1926 – [Eddy, A., 1996] Floribundaria Fleischer, 1905 {8/1/1/6/2=18} METEORIACEAE  Floribundaria cardotii (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Floribundaria flaccida (Mitten) Brotherus, 1906 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Floribundaria floribunda (Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1905 – [Streimann, H., 1991b; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Sehnem, A., 1980; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Floribundaria floribundula (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1905  Floribundaria glabrata Brotherus, 1928 – [Excluded by Noguchi, A., 1976]  Floribundaria golae Tosco & Piovano, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Floribundaria implicata Sakurai, 1932 – [Excluded by Noguchi, A., 1976]  Floribundaria intermedia Thériot, 1907 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Floribundaria thuidioides]  Floribundaria leptonema (C. Müller in Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1906 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Floribundaria plumaria (Hampe) Fleischer, 1922 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Floribundaria pseudofloribunda Fleischer, 1908 – [Streimann, H., 1991b]  Floribundaria schenckii Cardot, 1913 – [Crum, H., 1994n]  Floribundaria setschwanica Brotherus, 1924 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Floribundaria subintegra Brotherus, 1927  Floribundaria torquata Wang Chung K'uei & Lin Shan-hsiung, 1975 – [Wang, C.-K. & S.-H. Lin, 1975]  Floribundaria usneoides (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1906

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Sehnem, A., 1980]  Floribundaria vaginans (Welwitsch & Duby) Brotherus, 1906 – [Argent, G. C. A., 1969]  Floribundaria walkeri (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1906 – [Streimann, H., 1991b; Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Noguchi, A., 1976] Florschuetziella Vitt, 1979 {1/1/0/0/0=2} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Florschuetziella scaberrima (Brotherus) Vitt, 1981 – [Vitt, D. H., 1981]  Florschuetziella steerei Vitt, 1979 – [Vitt, D. H., 1979; Vitt, D. H., 1994] Flowersia Griffin & W. R. Buck, 1989 {1/1/0/2/0=4} BARTRAMIACEAE  Flowersia abyssinica (C. Müller) Griffin & W. R. Buck, 1989  Flowersia campylopus (W. P. Schimper in C. Müller) Griffin & W. R. Buck, 1989 – [Fransén, S., 1988, as Anacolia campylopus; Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Flowersia setifolia (W. J. Hooker & Arnott) Griffin &  Fontinalis gigantea Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Fontinalis antipyretica var. gigantea]  Fontinalis howellii Renauld & Cardot, 1888 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Fontinalis hypnoides C. J. Hartman, 1843 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Fontinalis mac-millanii Cardot, 1896 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Fontinalis missourica Cardot, 1896 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Fontinalis neomexicana Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Fontinalis novae-angliae Sullivant, 1856 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Fontinalis patula Cardot, 1896 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Fontinalis antipyretica var. patula; Crum, H., 1983]  Fontinalis redfearnii B. H. Allen, 1991 – [Allen, B., 1991a]  Fontinalis sphagnifolia (C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1962 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Fontinalis squamosa Hedwig, 1801 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Fontinalis sullivantii Lindberg, 1870 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Allen, B., 1991b]  Fontinalis welchiana B. H. Allen, 1988 – [Allen, B. H., 1988b] Foreauella Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927 {0/0/0/1/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Foreauella orthothecia (Schwägrichen) Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1937 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Forsstroemia Lindberg, 1863 {12/1/0/0/0=13} LEPTODONTACEAE  Forsstroemia canariensis (Renauld & Cardot) Enroth, 1992 – [Enroth, J., 1992b]


W. R. Buck, 1989 – [Griffin, D., III & E. Hegewald, 1986, as Leiomela setifolia; Griffin, D., III & W. R. Buck, 1989; Fransén, S., 1988, as Anacolia campylopus]  Flowersia sinensis (Brotherus) Griffin & W. R. Buck, 1989 Fontinalis Hedwig, 1801 {16/0/2/2/0=20} FONTINALACEAE  Fontinalis antipyretica Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Fontinalis bogotensis Hampe, 1865 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Fontinalis bryhnii Limpricht in I. Hagen, 1908  Fontinalis chrysophylla Cardot, 1891  Fontinalis dalecarlica Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Fontinalis duriaei W. P. Schimper, 1876 – [Flowers, S., 1973b; Lawton, E., 1971, as Fontinalis hypnoides var. duriaei]  Fontinalis flaccida Renauld & Cardot, 1888 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Forsstroemia coronata (Montagne) Paris, 1896 – [Stark, L. R., 1987]  Forsstroemia cryphaeoides Cardot, 1909 – [Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995; Stark, L. R., 1987; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Forsstroemia indica (Montagne) Paris, 1896 – [Stark, L. R., 1987]  Forsstroemia japonica (Bescherelle) Paris, 1896 – [Stark, L. R., 1987; Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Forsstroemia lasioides (C. Müller) Noguchi, 1969 – [Akiyama, H., 1988a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Forsstroemia neckeroides Brotherus, 1929 – [Stark, L. R., 1987; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Forsstroemia noguchii Stark, 1983 – [Stark, L. R., 1987; Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995]  Forsstroemia producta (Hornschuch) Paris, 1896 – [Stark, L. R., 1987; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Forsstroemia stricta Lazarenko, 1941 – [Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995]  Forsstroemia thomsonii (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1980 [1981] – [Stark, L. R., 1987; Akiyama, H., 1988c]  Forsstroemia trichomitria (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1863 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Stark, L. R., 1987; Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Forsstroemia tripinnata (Dixon) Noguchi, 1980 – [Stark, L. R., 1987; Noguchi, A., 1980] Franciella Thériot, 1910 {0/0/0/1/0=1} SPIRIDENTACEAE  Franciella spiridentoides Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982] Funaria Hedwig, 1801 {17/1/0/68/0=86} FUNARIACEAE  Funaria acicularis C. Müller, 1886 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Funaria aequidens Lindberg ex Brotherus, 1892 – [Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1970; Fife,



A. J., 1982c]  Funaria altissima Dixon, 1931 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Funaria anomala Juratzka in Unger & Kotschy, 1865 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Funaria arctica (Berggren) Kindberg, 1897 – [Fife, A. J., 1979]  Funaria aristatula C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Fife, A. J., 1987 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria berteroana Hampe ex C. Müller, 1862 – [cited by Fife, A. J., 1987 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria beyrichii Hampe, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Sehnem, A., 1970]  Funaria bogosica C. Müller, 1872  Funaria cameruniae Dixon, 1933  Funaria capillaris Warnstorf, 1915 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Funaria capillipes Brotherus, 1899  Funaria chevalieri Potier de la Varde, 1943  Funaria chilensis (Thériot) Thériot, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Funaria clavellata (Mitten) Brotherus, 1903 –  Funaria flavicans Michaux, 1803 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Funaria flaviseta Warnstorf, 1915 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Funaria fritzei Geheeb, 1910  Funaria fuscescens Mitten, 1851  Funaria grossidens Brotherus, 1920 – [cited by Fife, A. J., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Funaria groutiana Fife, 1979 – [Fife, A. J., 1979]  Funaria hosseusii E. B. Bartram in E. Bauer, 1939 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria hygrometrica Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Robinson, H., 1975; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Enroth, J., 1991d; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Magill, R. E., 1987; Eddy, A., 1996; Smith, D. K., 1994a]  Funaria imerinensis Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Funaria incompleta C. Müller, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria incurvifolia C. Müller ex Britton, 1896 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Funaria inflata C. Müller, 1897 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Funaria japonica Brotherus, 1899 – [Ochi, H., 1968c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Funaria kilimandscharica C. Müller, 1890 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Funaria koelzei E. B. Bartram, 1961  Funaria laxissima C. Müller, 1851 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Funaria lignicola Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Funaria linearidens C. Müller, 1879 – [Fife, A. J.,

[Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria commixta Thériot, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Funaria costesii Thériot, 1921 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Funaria decaryi Thériot, 1927 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Funaria delicatula Thériot, 1920 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Funaria discelioides C. Müller, 1897 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Funaria duriaei W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1882  Funaria eberhardtii (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1909 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Funaria erectiuscula Mitten, 1869 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria euryloma Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Funaria excurrentinervis Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Funaria flava (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Yano, O., 1981] 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria ludoviciae Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Funaria luteo-limbata Brotherus, 1900 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Funaria macrocarpa (W. P. Schimper) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; He, Si, 1998]  Funaria macrospora R. S. Williams, 1903 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Funaria maireana Coppey, 1908 – [Frey, W., J.-P. Frahm & E. Fischer, 1995]  Funaria mayottensis (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1904 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Funaria meeseacea C. Müller, 1882 – [cited by Fife, A. J., 1987 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria microstoma Bruch ex W. P. Schimper, 1840 – [Fife, A. J., 1979]  Funaria minuticaulis (C. Müller ex Geheeb) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Funaria nubica C. Müller, 1899  Funaria orizabensis C. Müller, 1874 – [Smith, D. K., 1994a]  Funaria orthocarpa Mitten, 1859 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Funaria papillata Hampe, 1876 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Funaria perlaxa Thériot, 1930 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Funaria pilifera (Mitten) Brotherus, 1903 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Funaria polaris Bryhn, 1907 – [Steere, W. C., 1963; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Funaria porteri Thériot, 1929 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Funaria pulchella Philibert, 1884 – [Smith, A. J. E.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1978; Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1974a]  Funaria pulchra Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Funaria pulchricolor C. Müller, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria ramulosa (Hampe) Paris, 1896 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Funaria renauldii (Thériot in Renauld) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Funaria rhomboidea J. Shaw, 1878 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Funaria riparia Lindberg, 1870 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Funaria robustior (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903  Funaria saharae Trabut, 1927  Funaria salsicola C. Müller, 1902 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Funaria sartorii C. Müller, 1874 – [Smith, D. K., 1994a]  Funaria schnyderi C. Müller, 1882 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria sickenbergeri C. Müller, 1900 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Funaria sinuato-limbata Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Funaria sovatensis W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1879  Gammiella ceylonensis (Brotherus in Herzog) B. C. Tan & W. R. Buck, 1989 – [Tan, B. C. & W. R. Buck, 1989; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Gammiella koningsbergeri (Fleischer) B. C. Tan & Jia Yu, 1999 – [Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999; Noguchi, A., 1971b, as Clastobryella koningsbergeri]  Gammiella pterogonioides (Griffith) Brotherus, 1908 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Gammiella rugosa Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Gammiella tonkinensis (Brotherus & Paris) B. C. Tan, 1990 – [Tan, B. C., 1990; Tan, B. C., 1991; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Ganguleea Zander, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Ganguleea angulosa (Brotherus & Dixon) Zander, 1989 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1989] Garckea C. Müller, 1845 {1/0/0/4/0=5} DITRICHACEAE  Garckea abbreviata Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Garckea elongata Renauld & Cardot, 1900 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Garckea flexuosa (Griffith) Margadant & Norkett, 1973 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1988; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Garckea mathieui Thériot, 1925  Garckea moenkemeyeri C. Müller, 1886 Garovaglia Endlicher, 1836 {19/0/0/0/0=19} GAROVAGLIACEAE  Garovaglia angustifolia Mitten, 1868 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Garovaglia aristata Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1863 –


Funaria squarrifolia Brotherus, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Funaria subimmarginata Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Funaria subleptopoda Hampe, 1874 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Funaria submarginata (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903  Funaria subplanifolia Brotherus, 1910  Funaria succuleata (H. A. Wager & Wright) Brotherus ex Magill, 1987 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Funaria tenella C. Müller, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria valdiviae C. Müller, 1900 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Funaria varia (Mitten) Brotherus, 1903 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Funaria wijkii R. S. Chopra, 1975 – [Chopra, R. S., 1975] Funariella Sérgio, 1988 {1/0/0/0/0=1} FUNARIACEAE  Funariella curviseta (Schwägrichen) Sérgio, 1988 – [Sérgio, C., 1988] Gammiella Brotherus, 1908 {3/1/1/0/0=5} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE [During, H. J., 1977] Garovaglia baeuerlenii (Geheeb) Paris, 1896 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Garovaglia binsteadii (Brotherus) During, 1977 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Garovaglia brassii (E. B. Bartram) During, 1977 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Garovaglia compressa Mitten, 1873 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Garovaglia crispa (Brotherus & Geheeb) Brotherus, 1906 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Garovaglia crispata Tixier, 1974 – [During, H. J., 1977; Noguchi, A. & Li Xing-jiang, 1988]  Garovaglia eberhardtii (Brotherus & Paris in Paris) During, 1977 – [During, H. J., 1977]  Garovaglia elegans (Dozy & Molkenboer) Hampe ex Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1863 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Garovaglia luzonensis R. S. Williams, 1914 – [During, H. J., 1977]  Garovaglia mujuensis Zanten, 1964 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b; Zanten, B. O. van, 1964]  Garovaglia plicata (Bridel) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1863 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Garovaglia plumosa Herzog, 1916 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Garovaglia powellii Mitten, 1868 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Garovaglia robbinsii (E. B. Bartram) During, 1977 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Garovaglia subelegans Brotherus, 1900 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b] 

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Garovaglia tortifolia Mitten, 1873 – [During, H. J., 1977]  Garovaglia zantenii During, 1977 – [During, H. J., 1977; Hyvönen, J., 1989b] Gertrudiella Brotherus, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Gertrudiella validinervis (Herzog) Brotherus, 1925 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Gigaspermum Lindberg, 1865 {2/0/0/0/0=2} GIGASPERMACEAE  Gigaspermum mouretii Corbière, 1913 – [Herrnstadt, I., C. C. Heyn & M. R. Crosby, 1980]  Gigaspermum repens (W. J. Hooker) Lindberg, 1865 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Fife, A. J., 1994; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Giraldiella C. Müller, 1898 {0/1/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Giraldiella levieri C. Müller, 1898 – [Wu Pan-cheng, 1992; Eakin, D. A., 1976] Globulinella Steere, 1946 {2/0/0/0/0=2} POTTIACEAE  Globulinella benoistii (Thériot) Magill, 1977 – [Magill, R. E., 1977; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Globulinella globifera (Hampe) Steere, 1946 – [Magill, R. E., 1977; Zander, R. H., 1993] Glossadelphus Fleischer, 1923 =Phyllodon {14/0/1/9/0=24}  Glossadelphus limnobioides Brotherus, 1927 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Glossadelphus mauiensis Brotherus, 1927 – [Tixier, P., 1988]  Glossadelphus ogatae Brotherus & A. Yasuda, 1926 – [Tixier, P., 1988]  Glossadelphus ovatus Norris & T. Koponen, 1985 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985a]  Glossadelphus perplanicaulis (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tixier, P., 1988]  Glossadelphus semiscabrus (Renauld & Cardot) Crosby, B. H. Allen & Magill, 1985  Glossadelphus similans (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tixier, P., 1988]  Glossadelphus singalangensis Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1953 – [cited by Tixier, P., 1988 as insufficiently known]  Glossadelphus strictifolius (Brotherus in Rechinger) Brotherus, 1925 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Glossadelphus tahitensis E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Tixier, P., 1988]  Glossadelphus viridis (Renauld & Cardot) Crosby, B. H. Allen & Magill, 1985  Glossadelphus yakoushimae (Cardot) Noguchi, 1983 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994] Glyphomitrium Bridel, 1819 [1818] {4/0/1/5/0=10} PTYCHOMITRIACEAE  Glyphomitrium acuminatum Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Glyphomitrium calycinum (Mitten) Cardot, 1913 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]

HYPNACEAE  Glossadelphus acutifolius E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Glossadelphus amboinensis Fleischer, 1923 – [Tixier, P., 1988]  Glossadelphus anisopterus (Cardot & Potier de la Varde) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tixier, P., 1988]  Glossadelphus bilobatus (Dixon) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tixier, P., 1988; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Glossadelphus borneensis (Brotherus & Geheeb) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tixier, P., 1988]  Glossadelphus congolensis Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1926 – [Tixier, P., 1988]  Glossadelphus dimorphus Dixon, 1941 – [cited by Tixier, P., 1988 as insufficiently known]  Glossadelphus glossoides (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tixier, P., 1988; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Glossadelphus guineensis (Brotherus & Paris) Crosby, B. H. Allen & Magill, 1985  Glossadelphus hermaphroditus Fleischer, 1923 – [Tixier, P., 1988]  Glossadelphus ivoreanus (Mitten) Fleischer, 1923 – [cited by Tixier, P., 1988 as insufficiently known]  Glossadelphus julaceus Tixier, 1988 – [Tixier, P., 1988]  Glyphomitrium crispifolium Noguchi, 1968 – [Noguchi, A., 1968a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Glyphomitrium daviesii (Dickson ex Withering) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Glyphomitrium elatum Takaki, 1949  Glyphomitrium formosanum Iwatsuki, 1964 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1964]  Glyphomitrium humillimum (Mitten) Cardot, 1913 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Glyphomitrium hunanense Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Glyphomitrium minutissimum (S. Okamura) Brotherus, 1925 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Glyphomitrium warburgii (Brotherus) Cardot, 1913 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Glyphothecium Hampe, 1860 {3/0/0/1/0=4} PTYCHOMNIACEAE  Glyphothecium gracile (Hampe) Brotherus in Fleischer, 1908 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984]  Glyphothecium papillosum Herzog, 1910  Glyphothecium pendulum Zanten, 1964 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984; Zanten, B. O. van, 1964]  Glyphothecium sciuroides (W. J. Hooker) Hampe, 1859 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984] Gollania Brotherus, 1908 {16/0/2/0/1=19} HYPNACEAE  Gollania arisanensis Sakurai, 1932 – [Higuchi, M., 1985]  Gollania bartramiophila (C. Müller) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [Excluded by Higuchi, M., 1985]  Gollania benguetensis Brotherus, 1926 – [Higuchi, M., 1985]


Gollania clarescens (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Higuchi, M., 1985]  Gollania cylindricarpa (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Higuchi, M., 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Gollania elbertii Brotherus in H. Hallier, 1912 – [Higuchi, M., 1985]  Gollania homalothecioides Higuchi & Wu Pan-cheng, 1995 – [Higuchi, M. & Pan-Cheng Wu, 1995]  Gollania japonica (Cardot) Ando & Higuchi, 1981 – [Higuchi, M., 1985; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Gollania neckerella (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Higuchi, M., 1985; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Gollania revoluta Higuchi in Higuchi & D. G. Long, 1996 – [Higuchi, M. & D. G. Long, 1996]  Gollania robusta Brotherus, 1924 – [Higuchi, M., 1985]  Gollania ruginosa (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Higuchi, M., 1985; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Gollania schensiana Higuchi, 1985 – [Higuchi, M., 1985]  Gollania sinensis Brotherus & Paris, 1918 – [Higuchi, M., 1985]  Gollania splendens (Brotherus ex Iishiba) Noguchi, 1955 – [Higuchi, M., 1985; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki &  Goniomitrium seroi C. Casas, 1993 – [Casas de Puig, C., 1972; Casas, C., 1993]  Goniomitrium speluncae Potier de la Varde, 1946 – [cited by Stone, I. G., 1981 as insufficiently known] Gradsteinia Ochyra, 1990 {1/0/1/0/0=2} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Gradsteinia andicola Ochyra, 1990 – [Ochyra, R., 1990e; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Gradsteinia torrenticola Ochyra, C. Schmidt & Bültmann, 1998 – [Ochyra, R., C. Schmidt & H. Bültmann, 1998] Grimmia Hedwig, 1801 {70/0/7/43/3=123} GRIMMIACEAE  Grimmia afroincurva Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Grimmia ahmadiana Noguchi, 1956  Grimmia alpestris (Weber & D. Mohr) Schleicher, 1807 – [Greven, H. C., 1995; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995, as Grimmia sudetica; Muñoz, J., 1998d; Muñoz, J., 1997 [1998]]  Grimmia americana E. B. Bartram, 1929 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia anodon Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1845 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Deguchi, H., 1987b; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia anomala Hampe in W. P. Schimper, 1876 – [Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979]; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995]  Grimmia apophysata Gangulee, 1966 [1967] – [Greven, H. & T. Koponen, 1996; Gangulee, H. C., 1972]


T. Yamaguchi, 1994] Gollania taxiphylloides Ando & Higuchi, 1981 – [Higuchi, M., 1985; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Ando, H. & M. Higuchi, 1981]  Gollania tereticaulis Brotherus, 1924 – [Higuchi, M., 1985]  Gollania turgens (C. Müller) Ando, 1966 – [Higuchi, M., 1985; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Gollania varians (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Higuchi, M., 1985; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994] Goniobryum Lindberg, 1865 {1/0/0/1/0=2} RHIZOGONIACEAE  Goniobryum subaloma Herzog, 1934  Goniobryum subbasilare (W. J. Hooker) Lindberg, 1865 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976] Goniomitrium J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1846 {3/0/1/1/0=5} FUNARIACEAE  Goniomitrium acuminatum W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1846 – [Stone, I. G., 1981; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Goniomitrium africanum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Stone, I. G., 1981]  Goniomitrium enerve W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1846 – [Stone, I. G., 1981; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] 

Grimmia arctica (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1874 Grimmia arcuatifolia Kindberg, 1889 – [Muñoz, J., 1999b]  Grimmia arenaria Hampe, 1836 – [Muñoz, J., 1998d; Greven, H. C., 1995]  Grimmia argyrotricha C. Müller, 1890 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Grimmia atrata Mielichhofer ex Hornschuch, 1819 – [Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979]; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995; Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia austrofunalis C. Müller, 1898 – [Greven, H. C., 1997; Smith, A. J. E., 1992, as Grimmia britannica; Greven, H. C., 1995, as Grimmia britannica; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia bicolor Herzog, 1909 – [Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia brachydictyon (Cardot) Deguchi, 1978 [1979] – [Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979]]  Grimmia brevirostris R. S. Williams, 1920  Grimmia brittoniae R. S. Williams, 1900 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Greven, H. & T. Spribille, 1999]  Grimmia brownii Paris, 1900  Grimmia caespiticia (Bridel) Juratzka, 1882 – [Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995; Greven, H. C., 1995; Muñoz, J., 1998d]  Grimmia camonia Rota in De Notaris, 1869 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Grimmia campylotricha C. Müller, 1888 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Grimmia compactula C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] 

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Grimmia crinita Bridel, 1806 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995]  Grimmia curviseta Bouman, 1991 – [Greven, H. C., 1995]  Grimmia cyathocarpa (Hampe) Mitten, 1882 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Grimmia decipiens (F. Schultz) Lindberg in C. J. Hartman, 1861 – [Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995; Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Grimmia depressa C. Müller, 1885 – [cited by Muñoz, J., 1999a as insufficiently known]  Grimmia donniana Smith, 1804 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Muñoz, J., 1998d]  Grimmia elatior Bruch ex Balsamo & De Notaris, 1838 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995; Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Grimmia elongata G. Kaulfuss in Sturm, 1816 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979]; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995; Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986; Crum, H., 1994h]  Grimmia erythraea (C. Müller in Brizi) Cufodontis, 1951  Grimmia funalis (Schwägrichen) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1845 – [Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979]; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995; Greven, H. C., 1995]  Grimmia fuscolutea W. J. Hooker, 1818 – [Crum, H., 1994h; Muñoz, J., 1999a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Grimmia affinis; Lawton, E., 1971, as  Grimmia kansuana C. Müller, 1896 – [cited by Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986 as insufficiently known]  Grimmia khasiana Mitten, 1859 – [Deguchi, H., 1980; Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Grimmia kidderi T. P. James, 1875 – [Ochyra, R. & H. Hertel, 1990; Bell, B. G., 1984, as Grimmia immersoleucophaea; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia laevidens Brotherus, 1892  Grimmia laevigata (Bridel) Bridel, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia lawiana J. H. Willis in Filson, 1966 – [Filson, R. B., 1966]  Grimmia leibergii Paris, 1896 – [Muñoz, J., 1999b]  Grimmia limbatula C. Müller, 1896 – [cited by Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979] as insufficiently known]  Grimmia lisae De Notaris, 1837 – [Muñoz, J., 1999a; Greven, H. C., 1995]  Grimmia longicapusula Gao Chien & Cao Tong in Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981 – [Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981]  Grimmia longicaulis Dixon, 1938 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Grimmia longirostris W. J. Hooker, 1818 – [Deguchi, H., 1987b; Deguchi, H., 1984b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Muñoz, J., 1998c; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia macroperichaetialis Greven, 1998 – [Greven, H. C., 1998a]  Grimmia macrotheca Mitten, 1859 – [Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986; Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Grimmia madagassa Renauld & Cardot, 1909 –

Grimmia affinis; Ireland, R. R., 1982, as Grimmia affinis]  Grimmia gebhardii Sprengel, 1807 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Grimmia glauca Cardot, 1905 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Grimmia grisea Cardot, 1906 – [Bell, B. G., 1984]  Grimmia haleakalae Reichardt, 1877 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Grimmia hamulosa Lesquereux, 1868  Grimmia handelii Brotherus, 1924 – [Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Grimmia hartmanii W. P. Schimper, 1860 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995]  Grimmia hermannii H. Crum, 1974 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Crum, H., 1974]  Grimmia humilis Mitten, 1869 – [Deguchi, H., 1984b; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia immergens C. Müller, 1890 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Grimmia incrassicapsulis B. G. Bell, 1984 – [Bell, B. G., 1984]  Grimmia incurva Schwägrichen, 1811 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971]  Grimmia involucrata Cardot, 1909 – [Muñoz, J., 1999a; Delgadillo M., C., 1999] [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Grimmia mairei Cardot & Coppey, 1911  Grimmia mammosa Gao Chien & Cao Tong in Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981 – [Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981; Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Grimmia mariniana Sayre, 1955  Grimmia mesopotamica Schiffner, 1913 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Grimmia mexicana Greven, 1999 – [Greven, H. C., 1999]  Grimmia mixta Herzog, 1926 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Grimmia molesta J. Muñoz, 1999 – [Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia mollis Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1849 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971]  Grimmia montana Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1845 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995; Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986; Muñoz, J., 1998d; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia moxleyi R. S. Williams in Holzinger, 1926 – [Crum, H., 1994h]  Grimmia navicularis Herzog, 1909 – [Deguchi, H., 1987b; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia nepalensis Mitten, 1859 – [Cao Tong & S. P. Churchill, 1995a; Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Grimmia nivalis Kindberg, 1890 – [Muñoz, J., 1998d]


Grimmia novae-zeelandiae R. Brown ter, 1895 Grimmia obtusata (C. Müller & Hampe) Jaeger, 1874 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Grimmia obtusifolia Gao Chien & Cao Tong in Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981 – [Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981; Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Grimmia obtusolinealis C. Müller, 1890 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Grimmia ochyriana J. Muñoz, 1998 – [Muñoz, J., 1998b; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia olivacea Herzog, 1916 – [Excluded by Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia olneyi Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Grimmia orbicularis Bruch in Wilson, 1844 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Flowers, S., 1973b]  Grimmia ovalis (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1872 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Deguchi, H., 1987b; Magill, R. E., 1981; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995; Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986; Crum, H., 1994h; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia paramattensis C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Grimmia percarinata (Dixon & Sakurai in Sakurai) Noguchi ex Deguchi, 1978 [1979] – [Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979]; Deguchi, H., 1986]  Grimmia perpilosa Ochyra, 1993 – [Ochyra, R., 1993a; Greven, H. C., 1998b]  Grimmia pilifera Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Crum,  Grimmia saxatilis Mitten, 1869  Grimmia somervellii Dixon, 1925 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Grimmia squamatula Herzog, 1916 – [Excluded by Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia stenobasis Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Grimmia stenophylla C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Grimmia stolonifera C. Müller, 1883 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Grimmia subcallosa C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Grimmia subleucophaea C. Müller, 1858  Grimmia subtergestina C. Müller, 1896 – [cited by Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986 as insufficiently known]  Grimmia teretinervis Limpricht, 1884 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995]  Grimmia tergestina Tommasini ex B.S.G., 1845 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995; Crum, H., 1994h; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia torngakiana Brassard & Hedderson, 1987 – [Brassard, G. R. & T. A. Hedderson, 1987]  Grimmia torquata Greville, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995]  Grimmia tortuosa J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Cao Tong & S. P. Churchill, 1995b; Greven, H. C., 1998b; Muñoz, J., 1999a] 


H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Muñoz, J., 1999a] Grimmia pilosissima Herzog, 1911 – [Greven, H. C., 1995]  Grimmia plagiopodia Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia poecilostoma Cardot & Sébille, 1901 – [Muñoz, J., 1999a; Greven, H. C., 1995]  Grimmia pseudoanodon Deguchi, 1987 – [Ochyra, R., 1993a; Deguchi, H., 1987b; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia pulla Cardot, 1909 – [Crum, H., 1994h; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia pulvinata (Hedwig) Smith, 1807 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Magill, R. E., 1981; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia pulvinatula C. Müller, 1883  Grimmia pygmaea C. Müller, 1849 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Grimmia ramondii (Lamarck & A. P. de Candolle) Margadant, 1972  Grimmia readeri Brotherus, 1902 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Grimmia redunca Wilson ex Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Grimmia reflexidens C. Müller, 1849 – [Muñoz, J., 1998d; Ochyra, R., 1998a; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia rigidissima C. Müller, 1896 – [cited by Vitt, D. H. & C. Marsh, 1988 as insufficiently known] 


Grimmia trichophylla Greville, 1824 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Deguchi, H., 1987b; Deguchi, H., 1984b; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995; Crum, H., 1994h; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia triformis Carestia & De Notaris, 1866 – [Muñoz, J., 1998d]  Grimmia trinervis R. S. Williams, 1903 – [Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia ungeri Juratzka in Unger & Kotschy, 1865 – [Greven, H. C., 1995; Muñoz, J., 1998d; Muñoz, J., 1999a]  Grimmia unicolor W. J. Hooker in Greville, 1825 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Maier, E. & P. Geissler, 1995; Cao Tong & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Grimmia verticillatula Thériot & Trabut, 1930  Grimmia vulcanica Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Grimmia wilsonii Greven, 1998 – [Greven, H. C., 1998b]  Grimmia yaulensis Brotherus, 1920 – [Excluded by Muñoz, J., 1999a] Groutiella Steere in H. Crum & Steere, 1950 {8/2/0/3/0=13} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Groutiella apiculata (W. J. Hooker) H. Crum & Steere, 1950 – [Crosby, M. R., 1970a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Groutiella chimborazensis (Spruce ex Mitten) Florschütz, 1964 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Churchill, S. P. &



E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Groutiella husnotii (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) H. Crum & Steere, 1950 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. Crum, 1970; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Groutiella laxotorquata (C. Müller ex Bescherelle) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1975]  Groutiella macrorrhyncha (Mitten ex Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Wijk & Margadant, 1960  Groutiella mucronifolia (W. J. Hooker & Greville) H. Crum & Steere, 1950 – [Crosby, M. R., 1970a]  Groutiella obtusa (Mitten) Florschütz, 1964 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Groutiella subgoniorrhyncha (Brotherus in Rechinger) Wijk & Margadant, 1960  Groutiella thraustophylla (C. Müller ex Brotherus) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Schultze-Motel, W., 1975]  Groutiella tomentosa (Hornschuch) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Vitt, D. H. & H. Crum, 1970; Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Groutiella tumidula (Mitten) Vitt, 1979 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993]  Groutiella undosa (Cardot) H. Crum & Steere, 1950 – [Bowers, F. D., 1970]  Groutiella wagneriana (C. Müller) H. Crum & Steere, 1950 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993] Gymnostomiella Fleischer, 1904 {5/0/0/0/0=5} POTTIACEAE  Gymnostomiella burmensis E. B. Bartram, 1954 –  Gymnostomum carthusianum (Villars ex Bridel) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805  Gymnostomum chenii K. Saito, 1973 – [Saito, K., 1973]  Gymnostomum foliosum Röhling, 1810  Gymnostomum hymenostylioides (Brotherus & Dixon) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Gymnostomum jacksharpii (H. Crum) B. H. Allen, 1990 – [Allen, B. H., 1990b; Crum, H., 1984b, as Barbula jacksharpii]  Gymnostomum lanceolatum Cano, Ros & J. Guerra, 1994 – [Cano, M. J., R. M. Ros & J. Guerra, 1994]  Gymnostomum laxirete (Brotherus) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Gymnostomum lessonii Bescherelle, 1891 – [Excluded by Zander, R. H., 1993]  Gymnostomum lingulatum Rehman ex Sim, 1926 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Gymnostomum ludovicae Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Gymnostomum mosis (Lorentz) Juratzka & Milde, 1870 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Gymnostomum simplicissimum (Palisot de Beauvois) Bridel, 1826  Gymnostomum splachnobryoides Bizot, 1980 – 

[Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b; Zander, R. H., 1993; Arts, T., 1998a]  Gymnostomiella erosulum (C. Müller ex Dusén) Arts, 1996 – [Arts, T., 1996; Arts, T., 1998a]  Gymnostomiella longinervis Brotherus, 1918 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b; Zander, R. H., 1993; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Arts, T., 1998a]  Gymnostomiella monodii Potier de la Varde, 1953 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b; Zander, R. H., 1993; Arts, T., 1998a]  Gymnostomiella vernicosa (W. J. Hooker) Fleischer, 1904 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b; Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1974; Arts, T., 1998a] Gymnostomum Nees & Hornschuch in Nees, Hornschuch & Sturm, 1823 {6/2/4/8/1=21} POTTIACEAE  Gymnostomum aeruginosum Smith, 1804 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1994l; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Gymnostomum bescherellei Brotherus & Geheeb ex Herzog, 1910  Gymnostomum bewsii Sim in Dixon, 1920 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Gymnostomum boreale Nyholm & Hedenäs, 1986 – [Nyholm, E. & L. Hedenäs, 1986]  Gymnostomum calcareum Nees & Hornschuch, 1823 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Breen, R. S., 1963; Robinson, H., 1975; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]

[Bizot, M., 1980]  Gymnostomum tenerrimum (C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1968 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Gymnostomum unguiculatum Philibert in Husnot, 1879  Gymnostomum viridulum Bridel, 1826 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Gyroweisia W. P. Schimper, 1876 {3/1/0/3/0=7} POTTIACEAE  Gyroweisia barbulacea (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [cited by Zander, R. H., 1993 as insufficiently known]  Gyroweisia monterreia Zander & F. J. Hermann, 1986 [1987] – [Zander, R. H., 1994m; Zander, R. H. & F. J. Hermann, 1986 [1987]; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Gyroweisia reflexa (Bridel) W. P. Schimper, 1876 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Gyroweisia rohlfsiana (C. Müller) Paris, 1896  Gyroweisia shansiensis Sakurai, 1949 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Gyroweisia tenuis (Schrader ex Hedwig) W. P. Schimper, 1876 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Gyroweisia yuennanensis Brotherus, 1929 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Habrodon W. P. Schimper, 1860 {1/0/1/0/0=2}

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES PTERIGYNANDRACEAE  Habrodon kashmiriensis Vohra, 1969 [1971] – [Vohra, J. N., 1969 [1971]]  Habrodon perpusillus (De Notaris) Lindberg, 1863 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998] Hageniella Brotherus, 1910 {5/0/0/0/0=5} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Hageniella assamica Dixon, 1937 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Hageniella isopterygioides Dixon, 1937 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Hageniella micans (Mitten) B. C. Tan & Jia Yu, 1999 – [Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999; Buck, W. R., 1997a, as Schofieldiella micans; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Hygrohypnum micans; Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994, as Hygrohypnum micans]  Hageniella nematosa (Brotherus & Paris) Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977]  Hageniella sikkimensis Brotherus, 1910 – [Tixier, P., 1977; Tan, B. C. & W. R. Buck, 1989; Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Hamatocaulis Hedenäs, 1989 {2/0/0/0/0=2} CAMPYLIACEAE  Hamatocaulis lapponicus (Norrlin) Hedenäs, 1989 – [Hedenäs, L., 1989a]  Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Mitten) Hedenäs, 1989 – [Hedenäs, L., 1989a; Kanda, H., 1976 [1977], as Drepanocladus vernicosus; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Drepanocladus vernicosus; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Hampeella C. Müller, 1881 {3/0/0/0/0=3} PTYCHOMNIACEAE  Hampeella alaris (Dixon & Sainsbury) Sainsbury,  Haplocladium percapillatum (Sakurai) Sakurai, 1954  Haplocladium perparaphyllum R. Watanabe, 1972 – [Watanabe, R., 1972]  Haplocladium persistens (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Haplocladium plumulosum Herzog, 1942 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Haplocladium porphyropelma C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Haplocladium schimperi Thériot, 1930 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Haplocladium stratosum (Mitten) Dixon, 1938 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Haplocladium strictulum (Cardot) Reimers, 1937 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Haplocladium virginianum (Bridel) Brotherus, 1907 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982] Haplodontium Hampe, 1865 =Mielichhoferia {0/0/0/7/0=7} MIELICHHOFERIACEAE  Haplodontium clavatum Brotherus, 1903  Haplodontium diplodontum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1875  Haplodontium purpusii Cardot, 1911 – [cited by Crum, H., 1994k as insufficiently known]  Haplodontium reticulatum (W. J. Hooker) Brotherus,


1951 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984] Hampeella leptodictyon Brotherus, 1913 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984]  Hampeella pallens (Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1908 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984] Handeliobryum Brotherus, 1924 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Handeliobryum sikkimense (Paris) Ochyra, 1986 – [Ochyra, R., 1986c; Ochyra, R., 1989b] Haplocladium C. Müller, 1899 {9/2/2/4/0=17} LESKEACEAE  Haplocladium angustifolium (Hampe & C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Haplocladium discolor (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1907 – [Watanabe, R., 1972]  Haplocladium fauriei R. Watanabe, 1963 – [Watanabe, R., 1972]  Haplocladium incurvum Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Haplocladium jacquemontii (Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907  Haplocladium larminatii (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Watanabe, R., 1972]  Haplocladium microphyllum (Hedwig) Brotherus, 1907 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Haplocladium parvulum R. Watanabe in Iwatsuki, 1979 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1979b] 1903  Haplodontium splendidum (Brotherus) Herzog, 1916  Haplodontium subsplendidum Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Haplodontium vilocense Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Haplohymenium Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 {0/0/0/1/0=1} ANOMODONTACEAE  Haplohymenium tenuissimum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [cited by Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997 as insufficiently known] Hebantia G. L. S. Merrill, 1996 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POLYTRICHACEAE  Hebantia rigida (Lorentz) G. L. S. Merrill, 1996 – [Merrill, G. L. S., 1996] Hedwigia Palisot de Beauvois, 1804 {3/0/0/1/0=4} HEDWIGIACEAE  Hedwigia ciliata (Hedwig) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Crum, H., 1994c; Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Hedenäs, L., 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Hedwigia detonsa (M. A. Howe) W. R. Buck & Norris, 1996 – [Buck, W. R. & D. H. Norris, 1996] 



Hedwigia filiformis (Michaux) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805  Hedwigia stellata Hedenäs, 1994 – [Hedenäs, L., 1994; Buck, W. R. & D. H. Norris, 1996] Hedwigidium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 {2/0/0/0/0=2} HEDWIGIACEAE  Hedwigidium glyphocarpum (Hampe) Jaeger, 1880 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Hedwigidium integrifolium (Palisot de Beauvois) Dixon in C. E. O. Jensen, 1939 – [Crum, H., 1994c; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] Helicoblepharum (Spruce ex Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 {1/0/0/3/0=4} PILOTRICHACEAE  Helicoblepharum brasiliense Herzog, 1924 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Helicoblepharum daltoniaceum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1907 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Helicoblepharum fuscidulum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907  Helicoblepharum venustum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Helicodontium (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 {7/2/0/12/0=21} MYRINIACEAE  Helicodontium acuminatum C. Müller, 1897 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Helicodontium capillare (Hedwig) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Sehnem, A., 1970; Crum, H., 1994d]  Helicodontium chloronema C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Helicodontium clarazii (Duby) Paris, 1896 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Helicodontium complanatum Brotherus, 1895 – HELICOPHYLLACEAE  Helicophyllum torquatum (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1827 – [Yano, O., 1984; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997] Helodium Warnstorf, 1905 {2/0/0/0/0=2} HELODIACEAE  Helodium blandowii (Weber & D. Mohr) Warnstorf, 1905 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Abramova, A. L. & I. U. Abramov, 1972; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Helodium paludosum (Austin) Brotherus, 1908 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Abramova, A. L. & I. U. Abramov, 1972] Hemiragis (Bridel) Bescherelle, 1876 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PILOTRICHACEAE  Hemiragis aurea (Lamarck ex Bridel) Renauld & Cardot, 1894 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Sehnem, A., 1979; Crum, H., 1994p] Henicodium (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Henicodium geniculatum (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1989 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Leucodontopsis geniculata; Buck, W. R., 1989b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Leucodontopsis geniculata; Buck, W. R., 1998b]

[Zomlefer, W. B. & W. R. Buck, 1990; Sehnem, A., 1970]  Helicodontium doii (Sakurai) Taoda, 1977 – [Taoda, H., 1977]  Helicodontium fabroniopsis C. Müller in Renauld, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Helicodontium formosicum (Cardot) W. R. Buck, 1980 – [Taoda, H., 1977, as Schwetschkea formosica]  Helicodontium guineense Brotherus & Paris, 1907  Helicodontium italicum (W. P. Schimper) Fleischer, 1920  Helicodontium jacobi-felicis Potier de la Varde, 1949  Helicodontium kiusianum (Sakurai) Taoda, 1977 – [Taoda, H., 1977]  Helicodontium lanceolatum (Hampe & C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Helicodontium leptodontium (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1980b]  Helicodontium minutum Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1980b]  Helicodontium pendulum (Bridel) Lindberg, 1883 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Helicodontium pervirens (C. Müller) Paris, 1896 – [Zomlefer, W. B. & W. R. Buck, 1990; Buck, W. R., 1980b]  Helicodontium pseudolimnobium (C. Müller) Paris, 1896 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Helicodontium rhyparobolax C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Helicodontium sanctum Sakurai, 1951  Helicodontium siambonense C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986] Helicophyllum Bridel, 1827 {1/0/0/0/0=1} Hennediella Paris, 1896 {8/11/3/0/0=22} POTTIACEAE  Hennediella acletoi (H. Robinson) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Robinson, H., 1971a, as Tortula acletoi]  Hennediella acutidentata (Cardot & Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hennediella angustifolia (Herzog) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hennediella antarctica (Ångström) Ochyra & Matteri, 1996 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Hennediella arenae (Bescherelle) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Lightowlers, P. J., 1985a, as Tortula arenae]  Hennediella bellii (E. B. Bartram) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hennediella densifolia (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hennediella denticulata (Wilson in Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hennediella diaguita Zander & Mahu, 1999 – [Zander, R. H. & M. Mahú, 1999]  Hennediella heimii (Hedwig) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Desmatodon heimii; Ireland, R. R., 1982, as Desmatodon heimii; Matteri, C. M., 1977, as Pottia heimii; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Hennediella heteroloma (Cardot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula heteroloma]  Hennediella kunzeana (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hennediella limbata (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula leiostoma]  Hennediella longipedunculata (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Desmatodon longipedunculatus; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Desmatodon longipedunculatus]  Hennediella longirostris (Hampe ex C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hennediella macrophylla (R. Brown ter) Paris, 1896 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992, as Pottia macrophylla]  Hennediella marginata (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hennediella oedipodioides (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hennediella polyseta (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula polyseta]  Hennediella serrulata (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hennediella stanfordensis (Steere) Blockeel, 1990 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula stanfordensis]  Hennediella steereana (Zander & H. Crum) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula stanfordensis; Zander, R. H. & H. Crum, 1977 [1978], as Desmatodon steereanus] Herpetineuron (C. Müller) Cardot, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1}  Heterocladium angustifolium (Dixon) R. Watanabe, 1960 – [Watanabe, R., 1972]  Heterocladium capillaceum Brotherus ex Iishiba, 1929 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Heterocladium dimorphum (Bridel) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Abramova, A. L. & L. A. Volkova, 1972; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Heterocladium heteropterum (Bridel) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Heterocladium macounii Best, 1901 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971]  Heterocladium pilicuspis Brotherus ex Iishiba, 1929  Heterocladium procurrens (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Abramova, A. L. & L. A. Volkova, 1972]  Heterocladium tenellum Deguchi & H. Suzuki, 1974 – [Deguchi, H. & H. Suzuki, 1974] Heterophyllium (W. P. Schimper) Kindberg, 1894 {1/0/1/13/0=15} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Heterophyllium acunae Thériot, 1941  Heterophyllium affine (Mitten) Fleischer, 1923 –


ANOMODONTACEAE Herpetineuron toccoae (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Cardot, 1905 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Watanabe, R., 1972; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990a; Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Granzow-de la Cerda, I., 1997] Herzogiella Brotherus, 1925 {7/1/0/1/0=9} HYPNACEAE  Herzogiella adscendens (Lindberg) Iwatsuki & W. B. Schofield, 1973 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & W. B. Schofield, 1973]  Herzogiella boliviana (Brotherus in Herzog) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Herzogiella cylindricarpa (Cardot) Iwatsuki, 1970 – [Ireland, R. R., 1990 [1992]; Ireland, R. R., 1994j; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Herzogiella letestui (Dixon & Potier de la Varde) Ando, 1973 [1974]  Herzogiella perrobusta (Brotherus in Cardot) Iwatsuki, 1970 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Herzogiella renitens (Mitten) Iwatsuki, 1970 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980, as Heterophyllium renitens; Ando, H., 1969, as Sharpiella renitens]  Herzogiella seligeri (Bridel) Iwatsuki, 1970 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Herzogiella striatella (Bridel) Iwatsuki, 1970 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Herzogiella turfacea (Lindberg) Iwatsuki, 1970 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982] Heterocladium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 {6/0/1/1/0=8} PTERIGYNANDRACEAE 

[Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Crum, H., 1994u; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Heterophyllium albescens Potier de la Varde, 1934  Heterophyllium albicans Thériot, 1932  Heterophyllium alboalare (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Heterophyllium bulbilliferum Dixon, 1933  Heterophyllium henryi Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966]  Heterophyllium humbertii Potier de la Varde, 1940 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Heterophyllium micro-alare (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Heterophyllium microcarpum Thériot, 1932  Heterophyllium nematosum Brotherus, 1925  Heterophyllium scabrifolium J. Taylor & Potier de la Varde, 1954 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Heterophyllium subpiligerum Thériot, 1941  Heterophyllium tonkinense (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Heterophyllium variegatum (Welwitsch & Duby) Brotherus, 1925 – [Kis, G., 1985]



Hildebrandtiella C. Müller, 1876 {2/3/0/0/0=5} PTEROBRYACEAE  Hildebrandtiella cuspidans Bescherelle, 1885 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b]  Hildebrandtiella endotrichelloides C. Müller, 1876 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b]  Hildebrandtiella guyanensis (Montagne) W. R. Buck, 1991 – [Magill, R., 1994a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Hildebrandtiella longiseta Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b]  Hildebrandtiella pachyclada Bescherelle, 1880 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b] Hilpertia Zander, 1989 {1/1/0/0/0=2} POTTIACEAE  Hilpertia scotteri (Zander & Steere) Zander, 1989 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1989; Zander, R. H. & W. C. Steere, 1978, as Tortula scotteri]  Hilpertia velenovskyi (Schiffner) Zander, 1989 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Himantocladium (Mitten) Fleischer, 1908 {8/0/0/0/0=8} NECKERACEAE  Himantocladium cyclophyllum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1908 – [Enroth, J., 1992c; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Himantocladium formosicum Brotherus & A. Yasuda, 1926 – [Enroth, J., 1992c]  Himantocladium giulianettii (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1908 – [Enroth, J., 1992c]  Himantocladium implanum (Mitten) Fleischer, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Enroth, J., 1992c]  Himantocladium pacificum (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1909 – [Enroth, J., 1992c]  Himantocladium plumula (Nees in Bridel) Fleischer, 1908 – [Enroth, J., 1992c; Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Holomitrium cylindraceum (Palisot de Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Holomitrium densifolium (Wilson) Wijk & Margadant, 1962 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Holomitrium dietrichiae C. Müller, 1872 – [cited by Ramsay, H. P., 1986 as insufficiently known]  Holomitrium diversirete Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Holomitrium dubiosum Dixon in Naveau, 1927 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Holomitrium flexuosum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Holomitrium francii Thériot, 1920 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Holomitrium glaziovii Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Holomitrium gracilisetum Thériot, 1924 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Holomitrium hawkinsii B. H. Allen, 1997 [1998] – [Allen, B., 1997 [1998]]  Holomitrium hillieri Thériot, 1923 – [Crosby, M. R.,


Himantocladium submontanum Enroth, 1989 – [Enroth, J., 1992c; Enroth, J., 1989b]  Himantocladium warburgii (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1908 – [Enroth, J., 1992c] Holomitriopsis H. Robinson, 1965 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Holomitriopsis laevifolia (Brotherus) H. Robinson, 1965 – [Newton, A. E. & H. Robinson, 1994] Holomitrium Bridel, 1826 {16/1/3/29/0=49} DICRANACEAE  Holomitrium aberrans Frahm, 1994 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1994b]  Holomitrium angolense Potier de la Varde, 1949 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Holomitrium antennatum Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Holomitrium arboreum Mitten, 1869 – [Hegewald, E., 1978 [1979]; Allen, B., 1990c; Ireland, R. R., 1994c; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Allen, B., 1994a]  Holomitrium aristatum Herzog, 1927 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Holomitrium austroalpinum E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]  Holomitrium borbonicum Hampe ex Bescherelle, 1880 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Holomitrium calycinum (Hedwig) Mitten, 1869 – [Hegewald, E., 1978 [1979]]  Holomitrium camptocarpum Potier de la Varde, 1950 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Holomitrium comorense C. Müller, 1876 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Holomitrium crispulum Martius, 1828 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a] U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Holomitrium lepervanchei Thériot, 1924 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Holomitrium longifolium Hampe, 1865 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Holomitrium lutescens C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Holomitrium moritzianum Hampe, 1847 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Holomitrium mucronatum (Bescherelle) Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Holomitrium nitidum Herzog, 1924 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Holomitrium nodosum Dixon & Sakurai, 1940  Holomitrium obliquum E. S. Salmon, 1898 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Eddy, A., 1988]  Holomitrium olfersianum Hornschuch, 1840 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Yano, O., 1981]  Holomitrium paraguense Bescherelle, 1891 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Holomitrium perichaetiale (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1826 – [Ramsay, H. P., 1986]  Holomitrium pervaginatum Brotherus & Paris, 1911


Holomitrium rhyparodictyon Potier de la Varde, 1950 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Holomitrium seramense H. Akiyama, 1990 – [Akiyama, H., 1990a]  Holomitrium seticalycinum C. Müller, 1896 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Holomitrium seticalyx C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Holomitrium sinuosum B. H. Allen, 1990 – [Allen, B., 1990c; Allen, B., 1994a]  Holomitrium stenobasis Dixon, 1934 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Eddy, A., 1988]  Holomitrium subglobosum Thériot, 1930 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Holomitrium subperichaetiale Thériot, 1907 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Holomitrium terebellatum C. Müller in Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Holomitrium tortuosum Mitten, 1869  Holomitrium undulatum Mitten, 1869  Holomitrium urvilleanum (C. Müller) W. D. Reese, 1978 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Holomitrium vaginatum (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1826 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Eddy, A., 1988]  Holomitrium williamsii E. B. Bartram, 1928 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Holomitrium xolocotzianum H. Crum, 1952 – [Ireland, R. R., 1994c] Homalia Bridel, 1827 {5/0/0/1/0=6} NECKERACEAE  Homalia glabella (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1850 – [He, Si, 1997; Smith, D. K., 1994b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Homalia lusitanica W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [He, Si, 1997]  Homalia pennatula (Mitten ex Dixon) He Si & Enroth, 1995 – [He, Si, 1997; He, Si & J. Enroth, 1995]  Homaliodendron intermedium Herzog, 1919 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Homaliodendron javanicum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1906 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Homaliodendron ligulaefolium (Mitten) Fleischer, 1906 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Ninh, T., 1984]  Homaliodendron microdendron (Montagne) Fleischer, 1906 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Enroth, J., 1989b; Ninh, T., 1984]  Homaliodendron microphyllum Gao Chien in Gao Chien & Chang Kung-chu, 1979 – [Gao Chien & Chang Kuang-chu, 1979]  Homaliodendron montagneanum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1906 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Ninh, T., 1984]  Homaliodendron obtusatum (Mitten) Gangulee, 1976 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Homaliodendron opacum Noguchi, 1950 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Homaliodendron papillosum Brotherus, 1923 – [Ninh, T., 1984]


Homalia sakontala Lorentz, 1864 – [cited by He, Si, 1997 as insufficiently known]  Homalia trichomanoides (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1850 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; He, Si, 1997; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Smith, D. K., 1994b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Homalia webbiana (Montagne in Webb & Berthelot) W. P. Schimper in Paris, 1896 – [He, Si, 1997] Homaliadelphus Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1932 {2/0/0/0/0=2} NECKERACEAE  Homaliadelphus sharpii (R. S. Williams) A. J. Sharp, 1944 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Smith, D. K., 1994b]  Homaliadelphus targionianus (Mitten) Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1932 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Homaliodendron Fleischer, 1906 {15/0/1/11/0=27} NECKERACEAE  Homaliodendron crassinervium Thériot, 1919 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Tixier, P., 1966; Ninh, T., 1984]  Homaliodendron decompositum (Bridel) K. A. Wagner, 1952 – [Smith, D. K., 1994b]  Homaliodendron dentatum (Griffith) Fleischer, 1906  Homaliodendron erosifolium Fleischer, 1906  Homaliodendron exiguum (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Enroth, J., 1989b; Ninh, T., 1984]  Homaliodendron flabellatum (Smith) Fleischer, 1906 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Enroth, J., 1989b; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Ninh, T., 1984]  Homaliodendron gracile Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Noguchi, A., 1985b]  Homaliodendron handelii Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] 

Homaliodendron paquei (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1906 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Homaliodendron pinnatelloides Herzog, 1919 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Homaliodendron punctulatum Fleischer, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Homaliodendron pygmaeum Herzog & Noguchi, 1955 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Homaliodendron rectifolium (Mitten) Fleischer, 1906 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Homaliodendron scalpellifolium (Mitten) Fleischer, 1906 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Ninh, T., 1984]  Homaliodendron spinosum Pócs, 1966 [1967] – [Pócs, T., 1966 [1967]; Ninh, T., 1984]  Homaliodendron squarrulosum Fleischer, 1906 – [Ninh, T., 1984]  Homaliodendron stracheyanum (Mitten) Fleischer, 1906  Homaliodendron undulatum Noguchi, 1937 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]



Homalotheciella (Cardot) Brotherus, 1908 {1/0/0/2/0=3} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Homalotheciella sinensis Cardot & Thériot, 1911 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Homalotheciella subcapillata (Hedwig) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Homalotheciella tenerrima (C. Müller) E. B. Bartram, 1949 Homalothecium W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 {8/0/0/0/6=14} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Homalothecium aequatoriense Thériot, 1936 – [Excluded by Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium arenarium (Lesquereux) E. Lawton, 1965 – [Lawton, E., 1971; McFarland, K. D., 1994b; Hofmann, H., 1997b; Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium aureum (Spruce) H. Robinson, 1962 [1963] – [Hofmann, H., 1997b; Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium gracillimum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930 – [Excluded by Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium incompletum (Griffith) Jaeger, 1880 – [Excluded by Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium integerrimum Dixon, 1930 – [Excluded by Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium laevisetum Sande Lacoste, 1866 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium luteolum Jaeger, 1878 – [Excluded by Hofmann, H., 1998; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Homalothecium lutescens (Hedwig) H. Robinson, 1962 [1963] – [Nyholm, E., 1969; Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium neckeroides (Griffith) Paris, 1896 – [Excluded by Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium nevadense (Lesquereux) Renauld & Cardot, 1888 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Hofmann, H., 1997b; Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium nuttallii (Wilson) Jaeger, 1878 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium philippeanum (Spruce) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Agnew, S. & M.  Homomallium yuennanense Brotherus, 1929 – [Ando, H., 1965] Hondaella Dixon & Sakurai, 1938 {1/1/0/0/0=2} HYPNACEAE  Hondaella brachytheciella (Brotherus & Paris) Ando, 1960 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Hondaella entodontea (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1984 – [Buck, W. R., 1984a] Hookeria Smith, 1808 {2/0/0/8/0=10} HOOKERIACEAE  Hookeria acutifolia W. J. Hooker & Greville, 1825 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990; Gangulee, H. C., 1977; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Hookeria commutata Paris, 1896  Hookeria contracta Gepp in Hiern, 1901 – [Kis, G.,

Vondráek, 1975; Ignatov, M. S., 1998; Hofmann, H., 1998]  Homalothecium sericeum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Ireland, R. R., 1975; Hedenäs, L., 1996a; Hofmann, H., 1998] Homomallium (W. P. Schimper) Loeske, 1907 {9/0/3/1/0=13} HYPNACEAE  Homomallium adnatum (Hedwig) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Homomallium andoi Higuchi, Nishimura & Inoue, 1994 – [Higuchi, M., N. Nishimura & S. Inoue, 1994]  Homomallium connexum (Cardot) Brotherus, 1908 – [Ando, H., 1964; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Homomallium gollanii Brotherus ex Ando, 1973 – [Ando, H., 1973b]  Homomallium homalostegium (C. Müller) Paris, 1909 – [cited by Ando, H., 1994c as insufficiently known]  Homomallium hwangshanense Chen Pan-chieh & Wu Pan-cheng, 1965 – [Chen Pan-chieh & Pan-cheng Wu, 1965]  Homomallium incurvatum (Schrader ex Bridel) Loeske, 1907 – [Ando, H., 1965; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Homomallium japonico-adnatum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Ando, H., 1965; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Homomallium mexicanum Cardot, 1910 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ando, H., 1994c]  Homomallium plagiangium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Ando, H., 1965]  Homomallium sharpii Ando & Higuchi, 1983 – [Ando, H., 1994c]  Homomallium simlaense (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Ando, H., 1964] 1985]  Hookeria dussii Bescherelle, 1902  Hookeria janeirensis Paris, 1904  Hookeria lucens (Hedwig) Smith, 1808 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Hookeria magellanica (Palisot de Beauvois) Arnott, 1827 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Hookeria orbignyana Montagne, 1856  Hookeria sandvicensis Reichardt, 1877  Hookeria uliginosa C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986] Hookeriopsis (Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1877 {15/4/5/28/0=52} PILOTRICHACEAE  Hookeriopsis ambigua Potier de la Varde, 1934 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975a]  Hookeriopsis angustiretis E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Hookeriopsis armata Brotherus, 1921 – [Yano, O.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1981] Hookeriopsis balazsii Bizot, 1973 – [Bizot, M., 1973]  Hookeriopsis bartramii Sehnem, 1969 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Hookeriopsis beyrichiana (Hampe) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1995]  Hookeriopsis borneensis Noguchi & Iwatsuki, 1972 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1972]  Hookeriopsis bowersiana H. Crum, 1986 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994h]  Hookeriopsis brachypelma (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hookeriopsis brunneophylla (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1922 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Hookeriopsis cavifolia (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877  Hookeriopsis corcovadensis (Reichardt) Jaeger, 1877 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hookeriopsis crosbyi B. H. Allen, 1987 – [Allen, B. H., 1987b]  Hookeriopsis cuspidatissima (Hampe) Brotherus, 1907  Hookeriopsis diversifolia (Renauld & Cardot in Renauld) Brotherus ex Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hookeriopsis exesa (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hookeriopsis exigua (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877  Hookeriopsis gabonensis Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Hookeriopsis heterophylla Sehnem, 1978 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Hookeriopsis hornschuchiana (Jaeger) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Hookeriopsis hydrophila (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Hookeriopsis latifrondea (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hookeriopsis leiophylla (Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1877 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Hookeriopsis lepidopiloides Herzog, 1916 –  Hookeriopsis steyermarkii E. B. Bartram, 1951 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Hookeriopsis subscabrella Fleischer ex Brotherus, 1921  Hookeriopsis thwaitesiana (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907  Hookeriopsis venezuelensis E. B. Bartram, 1963 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973; Bartram, E. B., 1963]  Hookeriopsis vesicularia (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Hookeriopsis wichurae Fleischer, 1908 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Hookeriopsis williamsii Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Horikawaea Noguchi, 1937 {2/0/1/0/0=3} PTEROBRYACEAE  Horikawaea dubia (Tixier in Pócs & Tixier) Lin Shan-hsiung, 1984 – [Lin, S.-H., 1984a; Luo Jian-Xin, 


[Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Hookeriopsis leucomioides (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907  Hookeriopsis levieri (Brotherus in C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907  Hookeriopsis lonchopelma (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hookeriopsis luteorufescens (Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1877 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Hookeriopsis minutiretis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Hookeriopsis mittenii Potier de la Varde, 1927  Hookeriopsis negrensis Brotherus ex Thériot, 1937 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Hookeriopsis pachydictyon Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Hookeriopsis pallidifolia (Mitten in Melliss) Geheeb & Herzog, 1910  Hookeriopsis papillidioides (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Hookeriopsis papillosula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1928  Hookeriopsis perfulva (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1922 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hookeriopsis pocsii Bizot, 1980 – [Bizot, M., 1980]  Hookeriopsis ptari-tepuiensis E. B. Bartram, 1951 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Hookeriopsis puiggarii (Geheeb & Hampe) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Hookeriopsis rhynchostegioides (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Hookeriopsis rubens (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Hookeriopsis saxicola (R. S. Williams) B. H. Allen, Crosby & Magill, 1986 – [Allen, B. H., M. R. Crosby & R. E. Magill, 1985 [1986]]  Hookeriopsis serrata (Ångström) Jaeger, 1877 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hookeriopsis standleyi E. B. Bartram, 1928 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Hookeriopsis staudtii (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 1989]  Horikawaea nitida Noguchi, 1937 – [Lin, S.-H., 1984a; Luo Jian-Xin, 1989; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Horikawaea redfearnii B. C. Tan & Lin Pang-juan, 1995 – [Tan, B. C. & Pang-juan Lin, 1995] Horridohypnum W. R. Buck, 1980 [1981] {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Horridohypnum mexicanum (Thériot) W. R. Buck, 1980 [1981] – [Buck, W. R., 1994d; Buck, W. R., 1980 [1981]] Husnotiella Cardot, 1909 =Didymodon {0/0/0/1/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Husnotiella glossophylla Herzog, 1916 – [cited by Zander, R. H., 1993 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986] Hydrocryphaea Dixon, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE

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Hydrocryphaea wardii Dixon, 1931 – [Manuel, M. G., 1975] Hydrogonium (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 =Barbula {1/0/4/1/0=6} POTTIACEAE  Hydrogonium dicranelloides Gangulee, 1966 [1967] – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Hydrogonium heterophyllum J. Fröhlich, 1964 – [Fröhlich, J., 1964]  Hydrogonium hygrophilum Hilpert, 1933  Hydrogonium mamatkulovii Lazarenko, 1967 – [Lazarenko, A. S., 1967]  Hydrogonium mussoorianum Vohra, 1966 [1967] – [Vohra, J. N., 1966 [1967]]  Hydrogonium patulifolium J. Fröhlich, 1964 – [Fröhlich, J., 1964] Hydropogon Bridel, 1826 [1827] {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYDROPOGONACEAE  Hydropogon fontinaloides (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1827 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964] Hydropogonella Cardot, 1895 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYDROPOGONACEAE  Hydropogonella gymnostoma (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) Cardot, 1895 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964] Hygroamblystegium Loeske, 1903 {4/0/1/12/0=17} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Hygroamblystegium austro-fluviatile (C. Müller in Neumayer) Brotherus, 1908 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Hygroamblystegium calcareum Kanda, 1975 [1976] – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]]  Hygroamblystegium caudicaule (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Hygroamblystegium chalarocladum (C. Müller) Reimers, 1926  Hygroamblystegium desmiocladum (C. Müller) Reimers, 1926  Hygroamblystegium ecuadorense E. B. Bartram, 1964 [1965] – [Bartram, E. B., 1964 [1965]]  Hygroamblystegium filum (C. Müller) Reimers, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Hygroamblystegium fluviatile (Hedwig) Loeske, 1903 – [Ireland, R. R., 1982; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Hygroamblystegium fuegianum (Bescherelle)  Hygrohypnum caussequei (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Excluded by Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum choprae Vohra, 1980 [1982] – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Vohra, J. N., 1980 [1982]]  Hygrohypnum circinatum Herzog, 1950 – [Excluded by Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum closteri (Austin) Grout, 1910 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum cochlearifolium (Venturi in De Notaris) Brotherus, 1908 – [Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum coreanum Cardot, 1913 – [cited by Jamieson, D. W., 1976 as insufficiently known]  Hygrohypnum duriusculum (De Notaris) Jamieson, 1980 – [Ireland, R. R., 1982; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]

Reimers, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Hygroamblystegium luridum (Cardot) Reimers, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Hygroamblystegium meridense E. B. Bartram, 1953 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Hygroamblystegium noterophilum (Sullivant & Lesquereux ex Sullivant) Warnstorf, 1906 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Amblystegium noterophilum; Crum, H., 1983]  Hygroamblystegium platyphyllum (Cardot) Reimers, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Hygroamblystegium sordidoviride (Cardot & Brotherus) Reimers, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Hygroamblystegium strictulum (Cardot) Reimers, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Hygroamblystegium tenax (Hedwig) Jennings, 1913 – [Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Amblystegium tenax]  Hygroamblystegium tenellum (Cardot & Brotherus) Reimers, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Hygrodicranum Cardot, 1911 {0/0/0/3/0=3} DICRANACEAE  Hygrodicranum bolivianum Herzog, 1916 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Hygrodicranum falklandicum Cardot, 1911 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Hygrodicranum herrerae R. S. Williams, 1926 – [Menzel, M., 1992] Hygrohypnum Lindberg, 1872 {24/1/0/2/6=33} CAMPYLIACEAE  Hygrohypnum alpestre (Swartz ex Hedwig) Loeske, 1905 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum alpinum (Lindberg) Loeske, 1904 – [Jamieson, D. W., 1976; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum arsenei H. Crum, 1985 – [Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994; Crum, H., 1985a]  Hygrohypnum bestii (Renauld & Bryhn) Brotherus, 1908 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum brasiliense Herzog, 1927 – [Excluded by Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum ellipticum Thériot, 1936 – [Excluded by Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum eugyrium (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum falcifolium E. B. Bartram, 1964-65 [1965] – [Excluded by Jamieson, D. W., 1976; Bartram, E. B., 1964–1965 [1965]]  Hygrohypnum fontinaloides Chen Pan-chieh, 1955 – [cited by Jamieson, D. W., 1976 as insufficiently known; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Hygrohypnum hedbergii Potier de la Varde, 1955 [1957] – [Excluded by Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum laevigatum (Herzog) Frahm, 1996 –

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES [Frahm, J.-P., 1996a] Hygrohypnum luridum (Hedwig) Jennings, 1913 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Jamieson, D. W., 1976; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Enroth, J. & M. S. Ignatov, 1999]  Hygrohypnum molle (Hedwig) Loeske, 1903 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum montanum (Lindberg) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum nairii Vohra, 1980 [1982] – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Vohra, J. N., 1980 [1982]]  Hygrohypnum norvegicum (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Amann, 1918 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum ochraceum (Turner ex Wilson) Loeske, 1903 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Kanda, H., 1976 [1977]; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum polare (Lindberg) Loeske, 1905 – [Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum purpurascens Brotherus, 1921 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Kanda, H., 1976 [1977], as Pseudohygrohypnum purpurascens]  Hygrohypnum reduncum (W. P. Schimper ex Mitten) Nishimura, 1985 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Hygrohypnum robinsonii H. Crum, 1985 – [Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994; Crum, H., 1985a]  Hygrohypnum smithii (Swartz in Liljeblad) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum steerei A. J. Sharp, 1978 – [Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994; Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994]  Hygrohypnum styriacum (Limpricht) Brotherus, 1908 – [Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum subeugyrium (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Jamieson, D. W., 1976]  Hygrohypnum tsurugizamicum Cardot, 1913 – [Kanda, H., 1976 [1977]] Hylocomiastrum Fleischer ex Brotherus, 1925 {3/0/0/0/0=3}  Hymenodontopsis stresemannii Herzog, 1916 – [Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986] Hymenolomopsis Thériot, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SELIGERIACEAE  Hymenolomopsis tolucensis Thériot, 1931 – [Crum, H., 1994i] Hymenostomum R. Brown, 1819 =Weissia {0/0/0/14/0=14} POTTIACEAE  Hymenostomum aristatulum Paris & Brotherus, 1906 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Hymenostomum densirete Thériot, 1936  Hymenostomum fasciculatum Hampe, 1872 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hymenostomum francii Thériot, 1909 – [Pursell, R. 


HYLOCOMIACEAE Hylocomiastrum himalayanum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994, as Hylocomium himalayanum]  Hylocomiastrum pyrenaicum (Spruce) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Hylocomium pyrenaicum; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Hylocomiastrum umbratum (Ehrhart ex Hedwig) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Hylocomium umbratum; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996] Hylocomiopsis Cardot, 1913 {2/0/0/0/0=2} LESKEACEAE  Hylocomiopsis cylindracarpa Thériot, 1930 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1976a; Buck, W. R., 1993]  Hylocomiopsis ovicarpa (Bescherelle) Cardot, 1913 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991] Hylocomium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 {1/0/0/1/0=2} HYLOCOMIACEAE  Hylocomium interruptum (Bridel) Margadant, 1972  Hylocomium splendens (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Hymenodon J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 {3/1/1/0/0=5} RHIZOGONIACEAE  Hymenodon aeruginosus (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) C. Müller, 1847 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Hymenodon angustifolius Sande Lacoste, 1872 – [Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Hymenodon pilifer J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Karttunen, K. & S. Bäck, 1988]  Hymenodon reggaeus Karttunen & Back, 1988 – [Karttunen, K. & S. Bäck, 1988]  Hymenodon sphaerothecius Bescherelle, 1873 – [Karttunen, K. & S. Bäck, 1988; Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986] Hymenodontopsis Herzog, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} RHIZOGONIACEAE 

A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Hymenostomum goyazense (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1902 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hymenostomum guineense Brotherus & Paris, 1908  Hymenostomum laxirete (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1902  Hymenostomum leratii Paris & Brotherus, 1906 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Hymenostomum noumeanum Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Hymenostomum obscurissimum Dixon, 1926  Hymenostomum olivaceum C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Hymenostomum siamense Dixon, 1932 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]



Hymenostomum subrostellatum W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1882  Hymenostomum sullivanii C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Hymenostyliella E. B. Bartram, 1939 {2/1/0/0/0=3} POTTIACEAE  Hymenostyliella alata (Herzog) H. Robinson, 1971 – [Robinson, H., 1971b; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hymenostyliella calcarea (Dixon) Iwatsuki, 1976 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1976]  Hymenostyliella llanosii (C. Müller) H. Robinson, 1971 – [Robinson, H., 1971b; Zander, R. H., 1993] Hymenostylium Bridel, 1827 {2/7/1/6/0=16} POTTIACEAE  Hymenostylium congoanum Dixon & Naveau, 1927 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hymenostylium contextum Herzog, 1916 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hymenostylium crassinervium Brotherus & Dixon, 1918 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Sollman, P., 1998]  Hymenostylium crispulum Paris & Brotherus, 1904  Hymenostylium dicranelloides Brotherus ex Dixon, 1928 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hymenostylium diversifolium J. Fröhlich, 1964 – [Fröhlich, J., 1964]  Hymenostylium filiforme Dixon, 1930 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hymenostylium grandirete Dixon, 1942  Hymenostylium hildebrandtii (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Kürschner, H., 1998]  Hymenostylium kunzeanum (C. Müller in Montagne in C. Gay) C. Müller, 1900 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Hymenostylium papillinerve Dixon, 1932 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hymenostylium recurvirostre (Hedwig) Dixon, 1933 [1934] – [Zander, R. H., 1977; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Magill, R. E., 1981; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Hymenostylium rigescens (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hymenostylium scaturiginosum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1902 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hymenostylium sinense Sakurai, 1949 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Hymenostylium subcrispulum Thériot, 1926 –  Hyophila fouta-djalloni Paris & Brotherus, 1908  Hyophila glaucoviridis Paris & Brotherus, 1905  Hyophila grandiretis Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Hyophila grossidens Brotherus, 1920 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hyophila guaraya Herzog, 1916  Hyophila holstii Brotherus, 1894 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Hyophila incurva Jaeger, 1873 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hyophila integrifolia Dixon & Thériot, 1942 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Hyophila involuta (W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1873 –

[Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] Hyocomium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Hyocomium armoricum (Bridel) Wijk & Margadant, 1961 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978] Hyophila Bridel, 1827 {13/7/0/52/0=72} POTTIACEAE  Hyophila acuminata Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1920 – [Kis, G., 1985; Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hyophila acutifolia K. Saito, 1975 – [Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Hyophila acutipocsii B. C. Tan & Iwatsuki, 1993 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Hyophila angustifolia Paris & Renauld, 1902  Hyophila anoectangioides C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896  Hyophila apiculata Fleischer, 1904 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Hyophila argentinica Thériot, 1935 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Hyophila ascensionis Cardot, 1911  Hyophila assimilis Brotherus, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hyophila baginsensis C. Müller, 1875 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Hyophila bartramiana Steere, 1935 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994q]  Hyophila beruensis Dixon, 1927 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Hyophila bingeri Brotherus & Paris in Paris, 1901 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Hyophila blanda (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Jaeger, 1873 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hyophila brevifolia Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hyophila combae Brotherus, 1904 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Hyophila congolensis Thériot & Naveau, 1927 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Hyophila crispula (Sakurai) Sakurai, 1954  Hyophila cuspidatissima Paris & Brotherus, 1904  Hyophila dendroides Dixon, 1938  Hyophila elliptica Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1955

[Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Magill, R. E., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1994q; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hyophila involutifolia (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1873 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Hyophila javanica (Nees & Blume) Bridel, 1827 – [Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Hyophila kurziana Gangulee, 1966 [1967] – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Gangulee, h. C., 1966 [1967]]  Hyophila laete-virens Brotherus, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]


Hyophila lanceolata Renauld & Cardot, 1897 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hyophila latifolia Brotherus, 1931 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hyophila lindigii Hampe, 1865  Hyophila linguaeformis Brotherus ex Iishiba, 1932  Hyophila loxorhyncha C. Müller ex Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hyophila mattogrossensis Brotherus, 1900 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hyophila microphylla Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Hyophila mollifolia Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Hyophila mosenii Brotherus, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hyophila neocaledonica Brotherus & Paris, 1906 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Hyophila niam-niamiae C. Müller, 1875 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Hyophila novae-seelandiae Dixon & Sainsbury, 1933 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Hyophila nymaniana (Fleischer) Menzel, 1992 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994q, as Hyophila rosea; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.], as Hyophila rosea; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Hyophila rosea]  Hyophila ochracea Brotherus, 1924 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hyophila ovalifolia (Hampe) Hampe, 1875 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hyophila pampaninii Zodda, 1913  Hyophila paraguensis Brotherus, 1900 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Hyophila parietalis Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hyophila perpendiculata Dixon, 1936 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Hyophila perpusilla Thériot & Trabut, 1930  Hyophila procera Paris & Brotherus, 1904  Hyophila propagulifera Brotherus, 1899 – [Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hyophila punctulata (Mitten) Kindberg, 1889 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hyophila regnellii C. Müller ex Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hyophila rubiginosa Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hypnella pilifera (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Jaeger, 1877 – [Crosby, M. R., B. H. Allen & R. E. Magill, 1985; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Bowers, F. D., 1994m]  Hypnella punctata Brotherus, 1907 – [Allen, B. H., 1986 [1987]b]  Hypnella recurvula (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [cited by Crosby, M. R., B. H. Allen & R. E. Magill, 1985 as insufficiently known]


Hyophila sakalavensis Paris & Renauld, 1902 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hyophila setschwanica (Brotherus) Hilpert ex Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Hyophila spathulata (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1873 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hyophila streimannii Norris & T. Koponen, 1989 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989]  Hyophila subacutiuscula Potier de la Varde & Thériot, 1940 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Hyophila subcucullata R. S. Williams, 1921 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Hyophila subflaccida Brotherus & Dixon, 1910 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hyophila uleana C. Müller, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hyophila variegata Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Hyophila victoriae C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896  Hyophila viridula Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1922 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hyophila vitiana (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Hyophila warmingii Hampe, 1870 – [Yano, O., 1981] Hyophiladelphus (C. Müller) Zander, 1995 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Hyophiladelphus agrarius (Hedwig) Zander, 1995 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Barbula agraria; Zander, R. H., 1994t, as Barbula agraria; Zander, R. H., 1993, as Barbula agraria] Hypnella (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 {4/1/2/2/0=9} PILOTRICHACEAE  Hypnella ambrosia M. A. Lewis & B. H. Allen, 1992 – [Lewis, M. & B. Allen, 1992]  Hypnella diversifolia (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 – [Crosby, M. R., B. H. Allen & R. E. Magill, 1985; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Hypnella guayanensis B. H. Allen & W. R. Buck in W. R. Buck, 1990 – [Buck, W. R., 1990a]  Hypnella leptorrhyncha (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Jaeger, 1877 – [Crosby, M. R., B. H. Allen & R. E. Magill, 1985; Allen, B. H., 1986 [1987]b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Hypnella pallescens (W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1877 – [Crosby, M. R., B. H. Allen & R. E. Magill, 1985; Buck, W. R., 1998b] 

Hypnella sigmatelloides (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [cited by Crosby, M. R., B. H. Allen & R. E. Magill, 1985 as insufficiently known] Hypnobartlettia Ochyra, 1985 {0/0/1/0/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Hypnobartlettia fontana Ochyra, 1985 – [Ochyra, R., 1985a] Hypnodendron (C. Müller) Lindberg ex Mitten in Seemann, 1873 {25/0/0/1/0=26}



HYPNODENDRACEAE Hypnodendron arcuatum (Hedwig) Lindberg ex Mitten, 1882 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron auricomum Brotherus & Geheeb, 1898 – [Touw, A., 1971; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Hypnodendron beccarii (Hampe) Jaeger, 1880 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron brevipes Brotherus, 1898 – [Touw, A., 1971; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Hypnodendron camptotheca (Duby ex Bescherelle ex Paris) Touw, 1971 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron colensoi (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1882 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron comatulum (Geheeb ex Brotherus & Watts) Touw, 1971 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron comatum (C. Müller) Touw, 1971 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron comosum (Labillardière) Mitten, 1882 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron dendroides (Bridel) Touw, 1971 – [Touw, A., 1971; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Hypnodendron diversifolium Brotherus & Geheeb, 1898 – [Touw, A., 1971; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Hypnodendron flagelliferum Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron fuscomucronatum (C. Müller) Jaeger & Sauerbeck, 1880 – [Touw, A., 1971; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Hypnodendron junghuhnii (C. Müller) Jaeger & Sauerbeck, 1861 – [Touw, A., 1971; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Hypnodendron kerrii (Mitten) Paris, 1896 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron marginatum (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Lindberg ex Jaeger & Sauerbeck, 1861 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron menziesii (W. J. Hooker) Paris, 1895 – [Touw, A., 1971; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Hypnodendron microstictum Mitten ex Jaeger & Sauerbeck, 1880 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron milnei Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Touw, A., 1971; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Hypnodendron reinwardtii (Schwägrichen) Lindberg ex Jaeger & Sauerbeck, 1880 – [Touw, A., 1971; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1996]  Hypnodendron samoanum Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron spininervium (W. J. Hooker) Jaeger & Sauerbeck, 1880 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron subarborescens C. Müller in Geheeb, 1889 – [cited by Touw, A., 1971 as insufficiently known]  Hypnum cupressiforme Hedwig, 1801 – [Ando, H., 1986; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ando, H., 1994d; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Hypnum curvifolium Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ando, H., 1972] 


Hypnodendron subspininervium (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron tahiticum (Bescherelle) Touw, 1971 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Hypnodendron vitiense Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Touw, A., 1971; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1996; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Hypnodontopsis Iwatsuki & Noguchi in Iwatsuki, 1957 {2/0/0/0/0=2} RHACHITHECIACEAE  Hypnodontopsis apiculatus Iwatsuki & Noguchi, 1957 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Hypnodontopsis mexicana (Thériot) H. Robinson, 1964 – [Crum, H., 1994e] Hypnum Hedwig, 1801 {39/1/4/36/0=80} HYPNACEAE  Hypnum aemulans Breidler in Limpricht, 1899 – [Ando, H., 1994e]  Hypnum alternans Bridel, 1801 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Hypnum aluminicola C. Müller, 1851 – [cited by Ando, H., 1994d as insufficiently known]  Hypnum amabile (Mitten) Hampe, 1869 – [Ando, H., 1994d; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Hypnum andoi A. J. E. Smith, 1981 [1982] – [Ando, H., 1987, as Hypnum mammillatum]  Hypnum bambergeri W. P. Schimper, 1860 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ando, H., 1976a; Ando, H., 1996; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Hypnum bicolor Bélanger, 1834 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hypnum bizotii Ochyra, 1984 – [Ochyra, R. & T. Pócs, 1982, as Hypnum africanum]  Hypnum boryanum Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hypnum calcicola Ando, 1958 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Hypnum callichroum Bridel, 1827 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Hypnum campoanum (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Ando, H., 1986]  Hypnum caperatum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880  Hypnum cariosum Roy in Austin, 1878  Hypnum cataractarum Sendtner, 1840 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Hypnum celatum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880  Hypnum chrysogaster C. Müller, 1851 – [Ando, H., 1976b]  Hypnum circinale W. J. Hooker, 1819 – [Lawton, E., 1971] 

Hypnum densirameum Ando, 1957 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Hypnum dieckei Renauld & Cardot, 1890, – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Hypnum emodi-fertile Brotherus ex Ando, 1973 – [Ando, H., 1973b]


Hypnum fauriei Cardot, 1904 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996; Ando, H. & W. B. Schofield, 1999]  Hypnum fertile Sendtner, 1841 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Hypnum franchetti W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1893  Hypnum freuchenianum Hornschuch, 1825 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Hypnum fujiyamae (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 – [Ando, H., 1986]  Hypnum gebhardii Sprengel, 1807 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Hypnum geminum (Mitten) Lesquereux & T. P. James, 1884  Hypnum gracilirameum C. Müller ex Renauld, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hypnum hampei Kindberg, 1888  Hypnum hamulosum W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1854 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Hypnum heseleri Ando & Higuchi, 1994 – [Ando, H. & M. Higuchi, 1994a]  Hypnum holmenii Ando, 1994 – [Ando, H., 1994e]  Hypnum imponens Hedwig, 1801 – [Ando, H., 1986; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Hypnum imponentiforme Kindberg, 1900  Hypnum inflectens Bridel, 1812  Hypnum intortoplicatum Lobarzewski, 1847  Hypnum jutlandicum Holmen & Warncke in Damsholt, Holmen & Warncke, 1969 – [Ando, H., 1987; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Hypnum kushakuense Cardot, 1905 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Hypnum lamarckii Lamarck & A. P. de Candolle, 1805 – [cited by Karttunen, K., 1990 as insufficiently known]  Hypnum macrogynum Bescherelle, 1892 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Hypnum mukahivense W. P. Schimper in Jardin, 1875  Hypnum napoanum De Notaris, 1859  Hypnum nelsonii (Brotherus) Paris, 1896 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Hypnum nervosum Palisot de Beauvois, 1818  Hypnum obsoletinerve Kindberg, 1905  Hypnum oldhamii (Mitten) Jaeger, 1880 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Hypnum pallescens (Hedwig) Palisot de Beauvois,  Hypnum uncinulatum Juratzka, 1866 – [Ando, H. & C. C. Townsend, 1980; Ando, H., 1986]  Hypnum usagarum Mitten, 1886 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Hypnum vaucheri Lesquereux, 1846 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Ignatov,


1805 – [Ando, H., 1976a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ando, H., 1976b; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Hypnum plicaefolium (Brotherus) Paris, 1900  Hypnum plicatulum (Lindberg) Jaeger, 1880 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Hypnum plumaeforme Wilson, 1848 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Hypnum pratense J. Koch ex Spruce, 1845 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Hypnum procerrimum Molendo, 1866 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Hypnum pseudosplendens Hampe, 1867  Hypnum radiatum Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hypnum recurvatum (Lindberg & H. Arnell) Kindberg, 1891 – [Ando, H., 1976a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ando, H., 1976b; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Hypnum revolutum (Mitten) Lindberg, 1867 [1866] – [Ando, H., 1976a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ando, H., 1994d; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Hypnum rotula Schwägrichen in Gaudichaud in Freycinet, 1828  Hypnum rubricaule Bridel, 1827  Hypnum saitoi Ando, 1982 – [Ando, H., 1982a; Ando, H., 1986]  Hypnum sakuraii (Sakurai) Ando, 1958 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Hypnum sauteri W. P. Schimper in Sauter, 1850 – [Ando, H., 1976a]  Hypnum saxetorum Mitten, 1859  Hypnum setschwanicum (Brotherus) Ando, 1973 – [Ando, H., 1976b; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Hypnum sikkimense Ando, 1968 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Hypnum skottsbergii Ando in Ando & Matteri, 1982 – [Ando, H. & C. M. Matteri, 1982]  Hypnum spegazzinii C. Müller, 1885 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Hypnum subchrysogaster (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 – [Ando, H., 1976b; Ando, H., 1982b]  Hypnum subimponens Lesquereux, 1865 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Hypnum submolluscum Bescherelle, 1892 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Hypnum subreptile Paris, 1900  Hypnum tristoviride (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Hypnum uii Brotherus ex Iishiba, 1932 M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Hypnum vernicosum Hampe, 1836  Hypnum wilhelmense E. B. Bartram, 1962 Hypodontium C. Müller, 1899 {2/0/0/0/0=2} POTTIACEAE

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Hypodontium dregei (Hornschuch) C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Hypodontium pomiforme (W. J. Hooker) C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1993] Hypopterygium Bridel, 1827 {19/3/2/30/1=55} HYPOPTERYGIACEAE  Hypopterygium apiculatum Thwaites & Mitten, 1873 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Hypopterygium arbuscula Bridel, 1827 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975]  Hypopterygium arbusculosum Bescherelle, 1898 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Hypopterygium argentinicum Lorentz ex C. Müller, 1879 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Hypopterygium aristatum Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1861 – [Akiyama, H., 1992; Lai, Ming-jou, 1976]  Hypopterygium bolivianum Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Hypopterygium borneense Brotherus, 1928  Hypopterygium bowiei Brotherus & Watts, 1915  Hypopterygium brevifolium Brotherus, 1890  Hypopterygium chamaedrys Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1861 – [Akiyama, H., 1992]  Hypopterygium colensoi Paris, 1897  Hypopterygium congoanum Dixon & Thériot, 1942 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Hypopterygium debile Reichardt, 1870 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Hypopterygium delicatulum Brotherus, 1909 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Hypopterygium didictyon C. Müller, 1850 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975]  Hypopterygium elatum Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966]  Hypopterygium fauriei Bescherelle, 1893 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Hypopterygium filiculaeforme (Hedwig) Bridel, 1827 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Hypopterygium flaccidum Mitten in Seemann, 1873  Hypopterygium flavescens Hampe, 1847 – [Yano, O., 1989]  Hypopterygium flavolimbatum C. Müller, 1850 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Hypopterygium formosanum Noguchi, 1936 – [Lai, Ming-jou, 1976]  Hypopterygium grandi-stipulaceum Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hypopterygium hildebrandtii (Kindberg) C. Müller ex Paris, 1905  Hypopterygium humile Mitten ex Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1861 – [Akiyama, H., 1992]  Hypopterygium japonicum Mitten, 1864 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Lai, Ming-jou, 1976]  Hypopterygium viridissimum C. Müller, 1876 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hypopterygium vriesei Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1861

Hypopterygium jungermanioides C. Müller ex Kindberg, 1901  Hypopterygium laricinum (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1827 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Hypopterygium lehmannii Bescherelle, 1894  Hypopterygium lutescens Hornschuch, 1841  Hypopterygium marginatum Colenso, 1888  Hypopterygium micholitzii Paris, 1900 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Hypopterygium mildbraedii Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Hypopterygium monoicum Hampe, 1875 – [Sehnem, A., 1969]  Hypopterygium muelleri Hampe, 1856 – [Kruijer, H., 1995; Kruijer, J. D., 1997]  Hypopterygium nadeaudianum Bescherelle, 1894 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Hypopterygium pirottae Brizi, 1893  Hypopterygium planatum Hampe, 1874  Hypopterygium rotulatum (Hedwig) Bridel, 1827 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Hypopterygium rotundo-stipulatum C. Müller, 1897 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Hypopterygium sandwicense Brotherus, 1927 – [Kruijer, H., 1995]  Hypopterygium sinicum Mitten, 1891 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Hypopterygium sphaerocarpum Renauld, 1889 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hypopterygium squarrulosum C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Hypopterygium subhumile Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hypopterygium tahitense Ångström, 1873 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Hypopterygium tamarisci (Swartz) Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850 – [Kruijer, H., 1995; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Hypopterygium tamariscinum]  Hypopterygium tenellum C. Müller, 1854 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Lai, Ming-jou, 1976]  Hypopterygium tibetanum Mitten, 1859 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Hypopterygium torulosum W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Hypopterygium uliginosum C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Hypopterygium usambaricum Brotherus, 1913 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Hypopterygium vietnamicum Pócs, 1966 [1967] – [Pócs, T., 1966 [1967]] – [Akiyama, H., 1992] Indusiella Brotherus & C. Müller, 1898 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GRIMMIACEAE  Indusiella thianschanica Brotherus & C. Müller in

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Brotherus, 1898 – [Murray, B. M., 1984] Inouethuidium R. Watanabe, 1991 {1/0/0/0/0=1} THUIDIACEAE  Inouethuidium robbinsii (E. B. Bartram) R. Watanabe, 1991 – [Watanabe, R., 1991] Irelandia W. R. Buck, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Irelandia robusticaulis (E. B. Bartram) W. R. Buck, 1984 – [Ireland, R. R., 1994f, as Taxiphyllum robusticaule; Buck, W. R., 1984b; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Ireland, R. R., 1994f, as Taxiphyllum robusticaule] Ischyrodon C. Müller, 1875 {1/1/0/0/0=2} FABRONIACEAE  Ischyrodon lepturus (Taylor) Schelpe, 1970 – [Catcheside, D. G. & I. G. Stone, 1980; Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Buck, W. R., 1977, as Juratzkaea leptura]  Ischyrodon seriolus (C. Müller) C. Müller, 1875 – [Catcheside, D. G. & I. G. Stone, 1980] Isocladiella Dixon, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Isocladiella surcularis (Dixon) B. C. Tan & Mohamed, 1990 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & A. Noguchi, 1971, as Neacroporium flagelliferum; Tan, B. C. & P. P.-h. But, 1997] Isodrepanium (Mitten) Britton in Britton & R. S. Williams, 1914 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Isodrepanium lentulum (Wilson) Britton in Britton & R. S. Williams, 1914 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; He, Si, 1997; Bowers, F. D., 1994l; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Isopterygiopsis Iwatsuki, 1970 {3/0/0/0/0=3} HYPNACEAE  Isopterygiopsis alpicola (Lindberg ex Lindberg & H. Arnell) Hedenäs, 1988 – [Hedenäs, L., 1988b; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (W. P. Schimper) Iwatsuki, 1970 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1994i; Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Isopterygiopsis pulchella (Hedwig) Iwatsuki, 1987 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Isopterygium pulchellum; Lawton, E., 1971, as Isopterygium pulchellum; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996] Isopterygium Mitten, 1869 {18/2/0/130/0=150} HYPNACEAE  Isopterygium acuminatum Boswell, 1892 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Isopterygium acutifolium Ireland, 1990 – [Ireland, R. R., 1992b]  Isopterygium affusum Mitten, 1869 – [Ireland, R. R., 1991; Ireland, R. R., 1992b]  Isopterygium albescens (W. J. Hooker in Schwägrichen) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Isopterygium ambiguum Cardot, 1911  Isopterygium byssicaule (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]


Isopterygium amblyocarpum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1908 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Isopterygium ambreanum Renauld & Cardot, 1897 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium amoenum Brotherus, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Isopterygium andamanicum Gangulee, 1980 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Isopterygium annamense Brotherus & Paris, 1907 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Isopterygium antsihanakense Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium antunesii Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Isopterygium applanatum Fleischer, 1923 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Isopterygium aptychopsis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1898 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Isopterygium aquaticum Dixon, 1922 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Isopterygium arachnoideum Brotherus, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Isopterygium argillicola (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium argyroleucum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium assamicum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Isopterygium asymmetricum (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot, 1909 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Isopterygium austrodenticulatum (Renauld & Cardot in Renauld) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium bancanum (Sande Lacoste) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Isopterygium battakense Fleischer, 1923  Isopterygium baurii Brotherus, 1912 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Isopterygium boivinii Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium borneense Brotherus & Herzog, 1926  Isopterygium brassii E. B. Bartram, 1960  Isopterygium brevicuspis Brotherus in Corbière, 1912  Isopterygium brevisetum (Hornschuch) Brotherus, 1908 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium brownii Cardot, 1911  Isopterygium byssaceum Brotherus, 1921 – [cited by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994 as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium byssobolax (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Ireland, R. R., 1991; Ireland, R. R., 1992b]



Isopterygium candidulum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 Isopterygium chryseolum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium citrinellum Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium clerophilum Bescherelle, 1890 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Isopterygium combae Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium complanatulum (C. Müller) H. A. Wager, 1917  Isopterygium conangium Brotherus, 1897  Isopterygium congoanum Dixon, 1932 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Isopterygium courtoisii Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Isopterygium cratericola Fleischer, 1923  Isopterygium dewevrei Renauld & Cardot, 1900  Isopterygium dubyi Gepp in Hiern, 1901 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Isopterygium elegans (Bridel) Lindberg, 1874 – [Ireland, R. R., 1982; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1969a; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Isopterygium elodes Potier de la Varde, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Isopterygium exiguum Kindberg, 1891 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium exile (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium fallax Fleischer, 1923  Isopterygium filamentosum E. B. Bartram, 1942  Isopterygium fissum Dixon, 1935  Isopterygium fruticola (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium gabonense Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1925  Isopterygium gibbosulum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium gracile Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium gracilisetum (Hornschuch ex Schwägrichen) Jaeger, 1878 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Isopterygium gracillimum (Rehman in Paris) Brotherus, 1908 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium gunnii Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Isopterygium hasimotoi Sakurai, 1942 – [cited by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994 as  Isopterygium microplumosum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 

insufficiently known]  Isopterygium hookeriophilum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium howeanum Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Isopterygium hygrophilum Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Isopterygium intortum (Palisot de Beauvois) Jaeger, 1878 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium ivoiriense Brotherus & Thériot, 1912  Isopterygium jamaicense (E. B. Bartram) W. R. Buck, 1984 – [Ireland, R. R., 1994g; Ireland, R. R., 1992b]  Isopterygium jelinkii Fleischer ex Gepp & E. Gepp, 1905 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Isopterygium kilimandscharicum Brotherus, 1912 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Isopterygium latifolium Brotherus, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Isopterygium leiotheca Renauld & Cardot, 1895 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium leptoblastum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium leptoplumosum (Dusén) Cardot, 1908 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Isopterygium leucophanes (Hampe ex C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Isopterygium leucopsis (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Isopterygium lignicola (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Isopterygium limatum (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1908 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Isopterygium lioui Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1938  Isopterygium longicaule Herzog, 1916  Isopterygium longipes Thériot, 1936  Isopterygium longisetulum (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1998b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium longitheca (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Isopterygium luteonitens (Paris) Paris, 1905 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium m'bangae (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Isopterygium macoense Bescherelle, 1887 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Isopterygium meylanii Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] 1908 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium microthecium Brotherus & Paris, 1904  Isopterygium minutirameum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Isopterygium minutum Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium miradoricum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1994g as insufficiently known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium molle Thériot, 1923 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium nanoglobum (C. Müller) Paris, 1897  Isopterygium nematosum Brotherus & Paris, 1904  Isopterygium neocaledonicum Thériot, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Isopterygium nervatulum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Isopterygium nitentivirens Cardot, 1909 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Isopterygium norfolkianum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Isopterygium novoguinense E. B. Bartram, 1942  Isopterygium pallidulum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Isopterygium palmarum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908  Isopterygium paludigenum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Isopterygium pedunculatum Brotherus & Paris, 1904  Isopterygium pendulum Dixon ex E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Isopterygium perminutum E. B. Bartram, 1946  Isopterygium perpallidum E. B. Bartram, 1940 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Isopterygium perpusillum Dixon, 1929 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Isopterygium phlyctitheca Potier de la Varde, 1940 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Isopterygium planifolium Fleischer, 1923 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Isopterygium plumicaule (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973, as Hookeriopsis plumicaulis]  Isopterygium plumigerum Brotherus, 1897  Isopterygium podorrhizum (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium praenitens Cardot, 1909 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Isopterygium prasiellum Bescherelle, 1894  Isopterygium propaguliferum Toyama, 1938 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Isopterygium pseudosubulatum (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently known; cited by Buck, W. R., 1998b as insufficiently


known]  Isopterygium punctulatum Brotherus & H. A. Wager, 1914 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Isopterygium pygmaeocarpum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium radicans (Bridel) Jaeger, 1878 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium rubellum Sakurai, 1940 – [cited by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994 as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium samoanum C. Müller in Reinecke, 1896 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Isopterygium saporense Bescherelle, 1885 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium sapricola (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium sarasinii Thériot in Sarasin & J. Roux, 1914 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Isopterygium saxense R. S. Williams, 1914 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Isopterygium sericifolium Dixon, 1918 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Isopterygium serrulatum Fleischer, 1923 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Isopterygium strangulatum (Hampe ex C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Isopterygium strictirameum Dixon, 1933 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Isopterygium subaptychopsis Brotherus in Corbière, 1912  Isopterygium subarachnoideum Brotherus, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Isopterygium subconangium Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1925  Isopterygium subcurvicolle (C. Müller) Paris, 1905 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium subglobosum Herzog, 1916 – [Ireland, R. R., 1991; Ireland, R. R., 1992b]  Isopterygium subleptoblastum C. Müller in Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium submicrothecium Brotherus & Paris, 1906  Isopterygium subpinnatum (E. S. Salmon) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Isopterygium subsplendidulum (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Ireland, R. R., 1991 as insufficiently known; cited by Ireland, R. R., 1992b as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium taxithelioides Brotherus & Bryhn,



1911 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Isopterygium taylorii Sim, 1926 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Isopterygium tenerum (Swartz) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ireland, R. R., 1991; Ireland, R. R., 1994g; Florschütz-de Waard, J. & K. Veling, 1996; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Isopterygium teretiusculum Brotherus in Corbière, 1912  Isopterygium tisserantii Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1926  Isopterygium tonkinense Bescherelle, 1894  Isopterygium tristaniense Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Isopterygium undulatum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1928  Isopterygium verruculosum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Isopterygium vestitum (Sakurai) Sakurai, 1951 – [cited by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994 as insufficiently known]  Isopterygium vineale E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Isopterygium welwitschii Gepp in Hiern, 1901 – [Kis, G., 1985] Isothecium Bridel, 1827 {8/1/0/9/0=18} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Isothecium algarvicum Nicholson & Dixon, 1912 – [Enroth, J. & L. Hedenäs, 1993; Hedenäs, L., 1992a, as Isothecium atlanticum]  Isothecium alopecuroides (Lamarck ex Dubois) Isoviita, 1981 – [Allen, B. H., 1982 [1983]; Isoviita, P., 1981; Allen, B. H., 1982 [1983]; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Isothecium myurum]  Isothecium ceylonense Fleischer, 1908  Isothecium cristatum (Hampe) H. Robinson, 1962 [1963] – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Isothecium hakkodense Bescherelle, 1893 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Isothecium holtii Kindberg, 1895 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Isothecium kenyae Tosco & Piovano, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Isothecium marocanum Thériot & Meylan, 1933  Isothecium mertensii (Weinmann) Brotherus, 1907  Isothecium myosuroides Bridel, 1827 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Allen, B. H., 1983; Isoviita, P., 1981]  Isothecium myuroides Kindberg, 1909  Isothecium nervosum (Kiaer ex Renauld) W. R. Buck, 1985 – [Buck, W. R., 1985b]  Isothecium obtusatulum Kindberg, 1895  Isothecium rigidissimum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1908  Isothecium semitortum Dixon, 1938 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Isothecium sprucei Philippe in Dufour, 1847 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]



Isopterygium tenerifolium Mitten, 1869 – [Ireland, R. R., 1991; Ireland, R. R., 1994g; Buck, W. R., 1998b]

Isothecium subdiversiforme Brotherus, 1899 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Isothecium trichocladon (Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991] Itatiella G. L. Smith, 1971 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POLYTRICHACEAE  Itatiella ulei (Brotherus ex C. Müller) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Yano, O., 1985] Iwatsukiella W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1978 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTERIGYNANDRACEAE  Iwatsukiella leucotricha (Mitten) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1978 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991] Jaegerina C. Müller, 1876 {4/4/1/0/0=9} PTEROBRYACEAE  Jaegerina formosa Bescherelle, 1880 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973a; Allen, B. H., M. R. Crosby & R. E. Magill, 1986]  Jaegerina guatemalensis E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Jaegerina luzonensis Brotherus, 1913 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Jaegerina plicata Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973a]  Jaegerina retrosquarrosa B. H. Allen, Crosby & Magill, 1986 – [Allen, B. H., M. R. Crosby & R. E. Magill, 1986]  Jaegerina robillardii C. Müller in Geheeb, 1878 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973a; Allen, B. H., M. R. Crosby & R. E. Magill, 1986]  Jaegerina scariosa (Lorentz) Arzeni, 1954 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Magill, R., 1994a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Jaegerina solitaria (Bridel) Jaeger, 1877 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973a; Allen, B. H., M. R. Crosby & R. E. Magill, 1986]  Jaegerina stolonifera (C. Müller) C. Müller, 1876 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973a; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] Jaegerinopsis Brotherus, 1906 =Jaegerina {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Jaegerinopsis brasiliensis Brotherus, 1906 – [Sehnem, A., 1972] Jaffueliobryum Thériot, 1928 {3/0/0/0/0=3} GRIMMIACEAE  Jaffueliobryum arsenei (Thériot) Thériot, 1928 – [Churchill, S. P., 1987; Crum, H., 1994h, as Grimmia churchilliana]  Jaffueliobryum raui (Austin) Thériot, 1928 – [Churchill, S. P., 1987]  Jaffueliobryum wrightii (Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux) Thériot, 1928 – [Churchill, S. P., 1987; Crum, H., 1994h, as Grimmia wrightii; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Grimmia wrightii] Jonesiobryum Bizot & Pócs ex B. H. Allen & Pursell, 1991

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES {0/0/3/0/0=3} RHACHITHECIACEAE  Jonesiobryum cerradense Vital ex B. H. Allen & Pursell, 1991 – [Allen, B. & R. A. Pursell, 1991; Zanten, B. O. van, 1973, as Dawsonia superba; Vital, D.  Jonesiobryum termitarum Vital ex B. H. Allen & Pursell, 1991 – [Allen, B. & R. A. Pursell, 1991; Vital, D. M., 1983] Juratzkaea Lorentz, 1866 {2/1/0/0/1=4} STEREOPHYLLACEAE  Juratzkaea argentinica (Thériot) W. R. Buck, 1981 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a]  Juratzkaea incisa (W. R. Buck) Catcheside & Stone, 1980 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Catcheside, D. G. & I. G. Stone, 1980]  Juratzkaea indica Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1925 – [Excluded by Buck, W. R., 1977]  Juratzkaea seminervis (Kunze ex Schwägrichen) Lorentz, 1866 – [Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985] Juratzkaeella W. R. Buck, 1977 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Juratzkaeella sinensis (Fleischer ex Brotherus) W. R. Buck, 1977 – [Buck, W. R., 1977] Kiaeria I. Hagen, 1915 {5/1/0/0/0=6} DICRANACEAE  Kiaeria blyttii (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Brotherus, 1923 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Corley, M. F. V., 1979]  Kiaeria falcata (Hedwig) I. Hagen, 1915 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Corley, M. F. V., 1979; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Kiaeria glacialis (Berggren) I. Hagen, 1915 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Corley, M. F. V., 1979]  Kiaeria pumila (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Ochyra, 1993 – [Ochyra, R., 1993b; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Kiaeria riparia (H. Lindberg) Corley, 1979 – [Corley, M. F. V., 1979; Corley, M. F. V., 1979]  Kiaeria starkei (Weber & D. Mohr) I. Hagen, 1915 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Corley, M. F. V., 1979; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987] Kindbergia Ochyra, 1982 =Eurhynchium {0/1/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Kindbergia oedogonium (C. Müller) Ochyra in Schultze-Motel & Menzel, 1987 – [Schultze-Motel, W. & M. Menzel, 1987] Kingiobryum H. Robinson, 1967 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Kingiobryum paramicola H. Robinson, 1967 – [Zander, R. H. & A. M. Cleef, 1982; Robinson, H., 1967a] Kleioweisiopsis Dixon, 1920 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DITRICHACEAE  Kleioweisiopsis denticulata Dixon, 1920 – [Goffinet, B., 1998]


M., 1983] Jonesiobryum sphaerocarpum Bizot ex B. H. Allen & Pursell, 1991 – [Allen, B. & R. A. Pursell, 1991; Bizot, M., R. B. Pierrot & T. Pócs, 1974, as Jonesia sphaerocarpa] Koponenia Ochyra, 1985 {0/0/1/0/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Koponenia holoneuron (Herzog) Ochyra, 1985 – [Ochyra, R., 1985b] Leiodontium Brotherus in Handel-Mazzetti, 1929 {3/0/0/0/0=3} HYPNACEAE  Leiodontium gracile Brotherus, 1929 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C., 1991]  Leiodontium robustum Brotherus, 1929 – [Buck, W. R., 1987b]  Leiodontium surculare (Dixon) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan in B. C. Tan, 1991 – [Tan, B. C., 1991] Leiomela (Mitten) Brotherus, 1904 {5/2/1/5/0=13} BARTRAMIACEAE  Leiomela aristifolia (Jaeger) Wijk & Margadant, 1959 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Leiomela bartramioides (W. J. Hooker) Paris, 1905 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Matteri, C. M., 1997; Virtanen, V., 1999]  Leiomela brachyphylla (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Yano, O., 1981]  Leiomela capillaris (Hampe) Paris, 1905 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Leiomela deciduifolia Herzog, 1916 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Leiomela ecuadorensis H. Robinson in H. Robinson, Holm-Nielsen & Lojtnant, 1977 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Robinson, H., 1977]  Leiomela filifolia Thériot, 1939 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Leiomela fuscescens (Ångström) Brotherus, 1904 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leiomela lineata (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Leiomela lopezii Griffin, 1977 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III, 1977]  Leiomela peruviana R. S. Williams, 1928 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Leiomela piligera (Hampe) Brotherus, 1904 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Leiomela subbrevifolia (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973] Leiomitrium Mitten, 1879 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Leiomitrium plicatum (Palisot de Beauvois) Mitten, 1879 – [Vitt, D. H., 1981] Lembophyllum Lindberg, 1872 {1/1/0/0/0=2} LEMBOPHYLLACEAE  Lembophyllum divulsum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Lindberg in Paris, 1897 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Lembophyllum orbiculatum (Thériot) Tangney, 1997 – [Robinson, H., 1970a, as Camptochaete orbiculata; 



Tangney, R. S., 1997b] Lepidopilidium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 {9/4/0/18/0=31} PILOTRICHACEAE  Lepidopilidium attenuatum Thériot, 1930 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Lepidopilidium brunneoleum (C. Müller) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Lepidopilidium caudicaule (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979, as Lepidopilum caudicaule]  Lepidopilidium cespitosum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Lepidopilidium chenagonii (Renauld & Cardot in Renauld) Renauld & Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Lepidopilidium corbieri (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975a]  Lepidopilidium cyrtostegium (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Lepidopilidium devexum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Lepidopilidium divaricatum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Brotherus, 1907 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Lepidopilidium entodontella (C. Müller ex Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Lepidopilidium flexuosum (Bescherelle) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Lepidopilidium furcatum (Thwaites & Mitten) Brotherus, 1907  Lepidopilidium gracilifrons (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Lepidopilidium hanningtonii (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Lepidopilidium isleanum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Lepidopilidium laevisetum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Lepidopilidium nitens (Hornschuch) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Lepidopilidium parvulum Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Lepidopilidium plebejum (C. Müller) Sehnem, 1979 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Lepidopilidium portoricense (C. Müller) H. Crum & Steere, 1956 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994j; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Lepidopilidium purpurissatum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Lepidopilidium regnellii (Ångström) W. R. Buck & Ireland, 1989 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1989]  Lepidopilidium rupestre (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]


Lepidopilidium aureo-purpureum (Geheeb & Hampe) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1989]  Lepidopilidium brevisetum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979] 

Lepidopilidium subdevexum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907  Lepidopilidium subdivaricatum (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1907 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Lepidopilidium subrevolutum (Renauld & Cardot in Renauld) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Lepidopilidium synoicum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Lepidopilidium theriotii Naveau in Dixon & Thériot, 1942 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1975a]  Lepidopilidium wainioi (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981] Lepidopilum (Bridel) Bridel, 1827 {35/3/0/22/1=61} PILOTRICHACEAE  Lepidopilum affine C. Müller, 1848 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988; Churchill, S. P., 1992]  Lepidopilum amplirete (Sullivant) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Lepidopilum angustifrons Hampe, 1863 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Lepidopilum apollinairei Brotherus & Paris, 1906 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Lepidopilum apophysatum Hampe in Bescherelle, 1872 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum arcuatum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum armatum Mitten, 1869  Lepidopilum aurifolium Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum ballivianii Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Lepidopilum brevifolium Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum brevipes Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Lepidopilum caudatum C. Müller, 1875  Lepidopilum caviusculum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum chloroneuron (Taylor) Hampe & Lorentz, 1868 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum convallium (Bridel) Mitten, 1869 – [cited by Churchill, S. P., 1988 as insufficiently known]  Lepidopilum crassisetum R. S. Williams, 1924  Lepidopilum curvifolium Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum curvirameum (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [cited by Churchill, S. P., 1988 as insufficiently known]  Lepidopilum cuspidans Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum diaphanum (Swartz ex Hedwig) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988; Buck, W. R., 1998b]


Lepidopilum erectiusculum (Taylor) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum falcatulum C. Müller, 1874 – [Bowers, F. D.], 1994i]  Lepidopilum filiferum Bescherelle in Fournier, 1872 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Lepidopilum filosum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H.  Lepidopilum glaziovii Hampe, 1879 – [cited by Churchill, S. P., 1988 as insufficiently known]  Lepidopilum grevilleanum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988; Churchill, S. P., 1992]  Lepidopilum hirsutum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1907 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Lepidopilum inflexum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum krauseanum C. Müller, 1874 – [cited by Churchill, S. P., 1988 as insufficiently known]  Lepidopilum lastii Mitten, 1886 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum leiomitrium C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Churchill, S. P., 1988 as insufficiently known]  Lepidopilum leucomioides Brotherus, 1921  Lepidopilum longifolium Hampe, 1865 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Lepidopilum maculatum C. Müller, 1875 – [cited by Churchill, S. P., 1988 as insufficiently known; cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Lepidopilum mniaceum C. Müller, 1875 – [cited by Churchill, S. P., 1988 as insufficiently known; cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Lepidopilum mosenii Brotherus, 1895  Lepidopilum muelleri (Hampe) Spruce, 1865 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum nitidum Bescherelle, 1872 – [Bowers, F. D.], 1994i]  Lepidopilum niveum (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891  Lepidopilum novae-guineae E. B. Bartram, 1961 – [Excluded by Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum ovalifolium (Duby) Brotherus, 1895 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Lepidopilum pallido-nitens (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum pectinatum Mitten, 1869  Lepidopilum pergracile C. Müller, 1875 – [cited by Churchill, S. P., 1988 as insufficiently known; cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known]  Lepidopilum permarginatum R. S. Williams, 1925 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum phyllophilum Brotherus, 1920  Lepidopilum polytrichoides (Hedwig) Bridel, 1827 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988; Bowers, F. D.], 1994i; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1986]  Lepidopilum rupestre Brotherus, 1931  Lepidopilum scabrisetum (Schwägrichen) Steere, 1948 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1986;


J., 1976] Lepidopilum flavescens Geheeb & Hampe, 1879 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Lepidopilum floresianum Renauld & Cardot, 1894 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Lepidopilum frondosum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988] Bowers, F. D.], 1994i; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Lepidopilum stillicidiorum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum subsubulatum Geheeb & Hampe, 1879 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988; Sehnem, A., 1979]  Lepidopilum subulatum Mitten, 1869 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Lepidopilum surinamense C. Müller, 1848 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1986]  Lepidopilum tenuifolium Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Lepidopilum tenuissimum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Lepidopilum tortifolium Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Lepidopilum verrucipes Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Churchill, S. P., 1988]  Lepidopilum wallisii C. Müller, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a] Leptobarbula W. P. Schimper, 1875 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Leptobarbula berica (De Notaris) W. P. Schimper, 1876 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Leptobryum (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Wilson, 1855 {1/1/0/4/0=6} MEESIACEAE  Leptobryum escomelii Thériot, 1922  Leptobryum pottiaceum Dusén, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedwig) Wilson, 1855 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Leptobryum sericeum Kindberg, 1888 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Leptobryum stellatum (Herzog) Brotherus, 1924 – [Menzel, M., 1992; He, Si, 1998]  Leptobryum wilsonii (Mitten) Brotherus, 1903 – [Ochi, H., 1981b] Leptocladiella Fleischer, 1923 {2/0/1/0/0=3} HYLOCOMIACEAE  Leptocladiella delicatula (Brotherus) Rohrer, 1985 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Chiang, Tzen-Yuh, 1995; Noguchi, A., 1972c, as Macrothamnium delicatulum]  Leptocladiella flagellaris T. Koponen & Norris, 1985 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985a]  Leptocladiella psilura (Mitten) Fleischer, 1923 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Chiang, Tzen-Yuh, 1995; Noguchi, A., 1972c, as Macrothamnium psilurum] Leptocladium Brotherus in Handel-Mazzetti, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LESKEACEAE  Leptocladium sinense Brotherus, 1929 – [Enroth, J., 



1997] Leptodictyum (W. P. Schimper) Warnstorf, 1906 {4/0/0/4/0=8} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Leptodictyum brachypelmatum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Leptodictyum campicola (C. Müller) Brotherus,  Leptodictyum loeskei (Herzog) Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Leptodictyum mizushimae (Sakurai) Kanda, 1975 [1976] – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]]  Leptodictyum riparioides (Jaeger) Brotherus, 1925 – [Sehnem, A., 1969]  Leptodictyum riparium (Hedwig) Warnstorf, 1906 – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]; Ochyra, R., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1991; Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Leptodon D. Mohr, 1803 {1/1/0/0/0=2} LEPTODONTACEAE  Leptodon fuciformis (Bridel) Enroth, 1992 – [Enroth, J., 1992b]  Leptodon smithii (Hedwig) Weber & D. Mohr, 1803 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995; Robinson, H., 1975; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] Leptodontiella Zander & E. Hegewald, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Leptodontiella apiculata (Zander) Zander & E. Hegewald, 1976 – [Zander, R. H. & E. Hegewald, 1976; Zander, R. H., 1993] Leptodontiopsis Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 {1/0/0/3/0=4} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Leptodontiopsis elata Dixon, 1918 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leptodontiopsis fragilifolia Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leptodontiopsis macrocarpa Dixon, 1938 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leptodontiopsis orientalis Dixon, 1935 – [Eddy, A., 1996] Leptodontium (C. Müller) Hampe ex Lindberg, 1865 {25/2/0/8/1=36} POTTIACEAE  Leptodontium aggregatum (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Leptodontium allorgei Bizot, 1973 – [Excluded by Sloover, J. L. de, 1987; Bizot, M., 1973]  Leptodontium araucarieti (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Zander, R., 1972]  Leptodontium brachyphyllum Brotherus & Thériot, 1905 – [Zander, R., 1972; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Leptodontium capituligerum C. Müller, 1879 – [Zander, R., 1972; Sloover, J. L. de, 1987]  Leptodontium erythroneuron Herzog, 1909 – [Zander, R., 1972]  Leptodontium filicola Herzog, 1916 – [Zander, R., 1972]



1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986] Leptodictyum humile (Palisot de Beauvois) Ochyra, 1981 – [Ochyra, R., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1991; Sharp, A. J. & H. Crum, 1994]  Leptodictyum kurdicum (Schiffner) Brotherus, 1925 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]

Leptodontium flexifolium (Dickson) Hampe in Lindberg, 1864 – [Zander, R., 1972; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Saito, K., 1975; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Zander, R. H., 1993; Sloover, J. L. de, 1987]  Leptodontium fuhrmannii Brotherus & Irmscher, 1914 – [cited by Zander, R., 1972 as insufficiently known; cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as insufficiently known]  Leptodontium gambaragarae Negri, 1908 – [cited by Sloover, J. L. de, 1987 as insufficiently known]  Leptodontium gemmascens (Mitten in G. E. Hunt) Braithwaite, 1887 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Leptodontium handelii Thériot, 1932 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Leptodontium interruptum (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Brotherus, 1902 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Leptodontium latifolium Brotherus, 1897 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1987; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Leptodontium longicaule Mitten, 1869 – [Zander, R., 1972; Magill, R. E., 1981; Sloover, J. L. de, 1987]  Leptodontium luteum (Taylor) Mitten, 1869 – [Zander, R., 1972; Zander, R. H., 1993; Sloover, J. L. de, 1987; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Leptodontium paradoxum Stone & G. A. M. Scott, 1981 [1982] – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Stone, I. G. & G. A. M. Scott, 1981 [1982]; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Leptodontium planifolium Herzog, 1916 – [Zander, R., 1972]  Leptodontium proliferum Herzog, 1916 – [Zander, R., 1972]  Leptodontium pungens (Mitten) Kindberg, 1888 – [Zander, R., 1972; Zander, R. H., 1993; Robinson, H., 1975; Sloover, J. L. de, 1987]  Leptodontium repens (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891 – [cited by Sloover, J. L. de, 1987 as insufficiently known]  Leptodontium rhynchophorum Dixon, 1938 – [cited by Sloover, J. L. de, 1987 as insufficiently known]  Leptodontium saxicola C. Müller ex Paris, 1900 – [cited by Zander, R., 1972 as insufficiently known]  Leptodontium scaberrimum Brotherus, 1929  Leptodontium stellaticuspis E. B. Bartram, 1955 – [Zander, R., 1972; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Leptodontium stellatifolium (Hampe) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R., 1972]  Leptodontium stoloniferum Zander, 1972 – [Zander, R., 1972; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Leptodontium styriacum (Juratzka in Geheeb) Limpricht, 1888 – [Frahm, J.-P. & R. Schumacker,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1986; Zander, R. H., 1993] Leptodontium subintegrifolium Thériot & Herzog, 1938 – [Zander, R., 1972]  Leptodontium syntrichioides (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Zander, R., 1972]  Leptodontium taiwanense Noguchi, 1944 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Leptodontium tricolor (R. S. Williams) Zander in  Leptodontium wallisii (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 – [Zander, R., 1972]  Leptodontium zygodontoides C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Zander, R., 1972 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986] Leptohymenium Schwägrichen, 1828 {3/0/0/5/0=8} HYLOCOMIACEAE  Leptohymenium brachystegium Bescherelle, 1892 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Leptohymenium breutelii (C. Müller) W. P. Schimper in Jaeger, 1878 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Leptohymenium dentatum Schwägrichen, 1842 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Leptohymenium hokinense Bescherelle, 1892 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Chiang, Tzen-Yuh, 1995]  Leptohymenium longisetaceum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878  Leptohymenium sharpii (H. Crum & L. E. Anderson) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1990 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Pterigynandrum sharpii]  Leptohymenium stramineum Jaeger, 1878  Leptohymenium tenue (W. J. Hooker) Schwägrichen, 1828 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Peterson, W., 1994b] Leptoischyrodon Dixon, 1932 {0/0/0/1/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Leptoischyrodon congoanus Dixon, 1932 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985] Leptopterigynandrum C. Müller, 1897 {5/1/2/2/0=10} LESKEACEAE  Leptopterigynandrum austro-alpinum C. Müller, 1897 – [Buck, W. R., 1980 [1981]; Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a]  Leptopterigynandrum autoicum Dixon ex Gangulee & Vohra in Gangulee, 1978 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Leptopterigynandrum brevirete Dixon in Blatter & J. Fernandez, 1931 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Leptopterigynandrum clavatum W. R. Buck & H. Crum in W. R. Buck, 1980 [1981] – [Buck, W. R., 1980 [1981]]  Leptopterigynandrum decolor (Mitten) Fleischer, 1923 – [Buck, W. R., 1980 [1981]; Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Leptopterigynandrum filiforme (Zhang Man-xiang) Stark & W. R. Buck, 1986 – [Stark, L. R. & W. R. Buck, 1986; Zhang Man-xiang, 1980, as Forsstroemia filiformis]  Leptopterigynandrum incurvatum Brotherus, 1924 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Leptopterigynandrum stricticaule Brotherus, 1924 – [Buck, W. R., 1980 [1981]] 


Zander & E. Hegewald, 1976 – [Zander, R. H. & E. Hegewald, 1976]  Leptodontium trifarium Brotherus, 1926 – [cited by Zander, R., 1972 as insufficiently known]  Leptodontium viticulosoides (Palisot de Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Zander, R., 1972; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Magill, R. E., 1981; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Leptopterigynandrum subintegrum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R., 1980 [1981]; Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Leptopterigynandrum tenellum Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Leptostomum R. Brown, 1811 {7/0/1/1/1=10} LEPTOSTOMATACEAE  Leptostomum densum Thwaites & Mitten, 1873 – [Hyvönen, J., 1987]  Leptostomum depile C. Müller, 1900 – [Excluded by Hyvönen, J., 1987]  Leptostomum erectum R. Brown, 1811 – [Hyvönen, J., 1987]  Leptostomum gerrardii J. Shaw, 1878 – [cited by Hyvönen, J., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Leptostomum inclinans R. Brown, 1811 – [Hyvönen, J., 1987]  Leptostomum macrocarpum (Hedwig) Bachelot de la Pylaie, 1814 – [Hyvönen, J., 1987]  Leptostomum menziesii R. Brown, 1811 – [Hyvönen, J., 1987]  Leptostomum millerianum H. O. Whittier, 1976 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Leptostomum perfectum E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Hyvönen, J., 1987]  Leptostomum splachnoideum W. J. Hooker & Arnott, 1841 – [Hyvönen, J., 1987] Leptotheca Schwägrichen, 1824 {2/0/1/0/0=3} RHIZOGONIACEAE  Leptotheca boliviana Herzog, 1916 – [Churchill, S. P. & W. R. Buck, 1982]  Leptotheca gaudichaudii Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Churchill, S. P. & W. R. Buck, 1982]  Leptotheca hamiltonii H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987d] Lepyrodon Hampe, 1865 {7/0/0/0/0=7} LEPYRODONTACEAE  Lepyrodon australis Hampe ex Brotherus, 1906 – [Allen, B., 1999]  Lepyrodon hexastichus (Montagne) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Allen, B., 1999]  Lepyrodon lagurus (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1869 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Allen, B., 1999]  Lepyrodon parvulus Mitten, 1869 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Allen, B., 1999]  Lepyrodon patagonicus (Cardot & Brotherus) B. H. Allen, 1999 – [Allen, B., 1999]  Lepyrodon pseudolagurus B. H. Allen, 1999 – [Allen, B., 1999]

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Lepyrodon tomentosus (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1869 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Crum, H., 1994d; Allen, B., 1999] Lepyrodontopsis Brotherus, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} METEORIACEAE  Lepyrodontopsis trichophylla (Swartz ex Hedwig) Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R., 1981b; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Leratia Brotherus & Paris in Brotherus, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Lescuraea chilensis Herzog, 1954 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Lescuraea darjeelingensis Vohra, 1978 [1979] – [Vohra, J. N., 1978; Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Lescuraea glacialis Amann, 1919  Lescuraea longipes Brotherus & Paris, 1902  Lescuraea mutabilis (Bridel) Lindberg, 1872 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Lescuraea saxicola (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Molendo in Lorentz, 1864 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Lescuraea secunda Arnold, 1898 – [Ignatov, M. S., 1998]  Lescuraea serrata Warnstorf, 1915 Leskea Hedwig, 1801 {7/0/0/17/0=24} LESKEACEAE  Leskea angustata Taylor, 1846 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a]  Leskea australis A. J. Sharp in Grout, 1934 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Leskea brevifolia Lindberg in Machado Guimaraes, 1918  Leskea catenularia (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Leskea consanguinea (Montagne) Mitten, 1859 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Leskea delicatula Swartz, 1829  Leskea filaria Brotherus ex Iishiba, 1929 – [cited by Noguchi, A., 1972b as insufficiently known]  Leskea filivaga (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leskea gracilescens Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Leskea guineensis Brotherus & Paris, 1908  Leskea integra Palisot de Beauvois, 1818  Leskea leskeoides Cardot ex Iishiba, 1929  Leskea mauritiana Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leskea obscura Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Leskea perstricta Dixon, 1914 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Leskea plumaria Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Leskea polenburgii Lobarzewski, 1847  Leskea polycarpa Ehrhart ex Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Leskea riparia Hampe, 1839


Leratia neocaledonica Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Crum, H., 1987b] Lescuraea Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 {5/0/0/4/0=9} LESKEACEAE  Lescuraea arizonae (R. S. Williams) P. S. Wilson & Norris, 1989 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a, as Pseudoleskea arizonae; Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a, as Pseudoleskea arizonae] 

Leskea scabrinervis Brotherus & Paris, 1906 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Leskea subacuminata Noguchi, 1937 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Leskea subfiliramea Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Leskea sublaevifolia Herzog, 1938  Leskea vaucheri W. P. Schimper in, 1855 Leskeadelphus Herzog, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LESKEACEAE  Leskeadelphus bolivianus (C. Müller ex Britton) W. R. Buck, 1980 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Leskeella (Limpricht) Loeske, 1903 {3/0/0/2/0=5} LESKEACEAE  Leskeella incrassata (Lindberg ex Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Leskeella nervosa (Bridel) Loeske, 1903 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Noguchi, A., 1972b; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Lewinsky, J., 1974 [1975]]  Leskeella pusilla (Mitten) Noguchi, 1972 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Leskeella williamsii (Best) Grout, 1929  Leskeella zuluensis Brotherus & Bryhn, 1911 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979] Leskeodon Brotherus, 1907 {12/0/2/6/0=20} DALTONIACEAE  Leskeodon acuminatus (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1908 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Leskeodon andicola (Spruce ex Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994c; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Leskeodon aristatus (Geheeb & Hampe) Brotherus, 1907 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Leskeodon auratus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990; Welch, W. H., 1976; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Leskeodon brevicuspidatus (E. B. Bartram) B. C. Tan & H. Robinson, 1990 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Leskeodon cubensis (Mitten) Thériot, 1940 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994c; Welch, W. H., 1976; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Leskeodon densiretis (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leskeodon dussii (Bescherelle) E. B. Bartram, 1955 – [Welch, W. H., 1976]  Leskeodon longicaulis Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leskeodon longipilus (Bescherelle) E. B. Bartram, 1955 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994c; Welch, W. H., 1976]  Leskeodon mexicanus Cardot, 1911 – [Bowers, F. D.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1994c; Welch, W. H., 1976]  Leskeodon minusculus (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1922 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leskeodon paisa Churchill in Sastre-de Jesús, Churchill & Escobar A., 1986 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., S. P. Churchill & M. Escobar, 1986; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Leskeodon palmarum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Leskeodon wallisii (C. Müller) Brotherus in Thériot, 1937 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a as insufficiently known] Leskeodontopsis Zanten, 1964 {0/0/1/0/0=1} DALTONIACEAE  Leskeodontopsis pustulata Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964] Leucobryum Hampe, 1839 {29/1/0/53/0=83} LEUCOBRYACEAE  Leucobryum acutifolium (Mitten) Cardot, 1904 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Leucobryum aduncum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1854 – [Yamaguchi, T., 1993; Enroth, J., 1990a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Leucobryum albescens C. Müller, 1900  Leucobryum albicans (Schwägrichen) Lindberg, 1863 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Leucobryum albidum (Bridel ex Palisot de Beauvois) Lindberg, 1863 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Peterson, W., 1994a]  Leucobryum aneitense Brotherus & Watts, 1915  Leucobryum angustum Hampe, 1870 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leucobryum antillarum W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1876 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Florschütz, P. A., 1964; Peterson, W., 1994a]  Leucobryum arfakianum C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1898 – [Yamaguchi, T., 1993]  Leucobryum argentinicum C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Leucobryum babetii Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1932  Leucobryum ballinense Brotherus, 1916 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Leucobryum bistratosum Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leucobryum boivinianum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum boninense Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1859 – [Yamaguchi, T., 1993]  Leucobryum boryanum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum bowringii Mitten, 1859 – [Yamaguchi, T., 1993; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Leucobryum brevifolium E. B. Bartram, 1960 – [Griffin, D., III, & V. Vareschi, 1982]  Leucobryum calycinum C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]


Leskeodon pandurifolius Fleischer, 1908 Leskeodon parvifolius E. B. Bartram, 1960 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Leskeodon philippinensis Brotherus, 1918 – [Tan, B. & H. Robinson, 1990]  Leskeodon ponapensis H. A. Miller, 1978 – [Miller, H. A., 1978]  Leskeodon seramensis H. Akiyama, 1990 – [Akiyama, H., 1990a]  Leucobryum cambouei Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum cameruniae C. Müller ex Renauld & Cardot, 1900  Leucobryum candidum (Bridel ex Palisot de Beauvois) Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1854 – [Yamaguchi, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Leucobryum chevalieri Cardot & Thériot, 1911  Leucobryum chlorophyllosum C. Müller, 1851 – [Yamaguchi, T., 1993; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Enroth, J., 1990a]  Leucobryum clavatum Hampe, 1878 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leucobryum comorense C. Müller, 1876 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum congolense Cardot in Renauld & Cardot, 1900  Leucobryum crispum C. Müller, 1848 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Peterson, W., 1994a; Florschütz, P. A., 1964]  Leucobryum cruegerianum C. Müller, 1898  Leucobryum cucullatum Brotherus, 1894 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum flavo-mucronatum C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Leucobryum fouta-djalloni Paris & Cardot, 1902 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leucobryum fragile Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Leucobryum galinonii Cardot & Paris, 1904 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum giganteum C. Müller, 1848 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Peterson, W., 1994a; Florschütz, P. A., 1964]  Leucobryum glaucum (Hedwig) Ångström in Fries, 1845 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Yamaguchi, T., 1993; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Leucobryum goyazense Brotherus, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leucobryum gracile Sullivant, 1874  Leucobryum gunnii Brotherus & Watts, 1915  Leucobryum heterodictyon Bescherelle, 1891 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum homalophyllum Brotherus, 1890  Leucobryum humillimum Cardot, 1901 – [Yamaguchi, T., 1993]  Leucobryum imbricatum Brotherus, 1899 – 



[Yamaguchi, T., 1993] Leucobryum incurvifolium C. Müller, 1897 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Leucobryum isleanum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum javense (Bridel) Mitten, 1859 – [Enroth, J., 1990a; Yamaguchi, T., 1993; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Leucobryum juniperoideum (Bridel) C. Müller, 1845 – [Yamaguchi, T., 1993; Gao Chien (editor), 1994;  Leucobryum mayottense Cardot, 1901 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum microcarpum C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Leucobryum molliculum Brotherus, 1894 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leucobryum neocaledonicum Duby ex Bescherelle, 1873 – [Yamaguchi, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Leucobryum pachyphyllum C. Müller, 1896 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Leucobryum parvulum Cardot, 1904 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum perangustum Bescherelle, 1902  Leucobryum perrotii Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum polakowskyi (C. Müller ex Bescherelle) Cardot, 1901 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Leucobryum pseudomadagassum Cardot, 1904 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum pungens C. Müller, 1874  Leucobryum rehmannii C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Leucobryum rugosum Mitten, 1868  Leucobryum sanctae-mariae Cardot, 1904 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucobryum sanctum (Nees ex Schwägrichen) Hampe, 1843 – [Enroth, J., 1990a; Yamaguchi, T., 1993; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Leucobryum scabrum Sande Lacoste, 1866 – [Yamaguchi, T., 1993; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Leucobryum seemannii Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Leucobryum sericeum Brotherus ex Geheeb, 1898 – [Yamaguchi, T., 1993]  Leucobryum sordidum Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Leucobryum sphagnoides (Welwitsch & Duby) Cardot in Paris, 1905 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leucobryum strictum C. Müller ex Britton, 1896 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Leucobryum subandinum Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Leucobryum subchlorophyllosum Hampe, 1876 – 

Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Leucobryum laminatum Mitten, 1861  Leucobryum letestui Potier de la Varde, 1925  Leucobryum leucophanoides C. Müller, 1886  Leucobryum macro-falcatum C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Leucobryum madagassum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Leucobryum martianum (Hornschuch) Hampe ex C. Müller, 1843 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Peterson, W., 1994a; Florschütz, P. A., 1964] [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Leucobryum subobtusifolium (Brotherus) B. H. Allen, 1992 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Leucobryum sumatranum Brotherus ex Fleischer, 1904 – [Yamaguchi, T., 1993]  Leucobryum tahitense Ångström, 1873 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Leucobryum tumidum Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Leucobryum turgidulum C. Müller, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Leucobryum uleanum Brotherus, 1906 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Leucobryum wattsii Brotherus, 1916 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Leucodon Schwägrichen, 1816 {28/0/2/8/0=38} LEUCODONTACEAE  Leucodon alpinus H. Akiyama, 1988 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c]  Leucodon andrewsianus (H. Crum & L. E. Anderson) W. D. Reese & L. E. Anderson, 1997 – [Reese, W. D. & L. E. Anderson, 1997; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Leucodon brachypus var. andrewsianus]  Leucodon angustiretis Dixon, 1941 – [cited by Akiyama, H., 1988c as insufficiently known]  Leucodon assimilis (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Leucodon atrovirens Noguchi, 1947 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c]  Leucodon brachypus Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Leucodon canariensis (Bridel) Schwägrichen, 1816  Leucodon coreensis Cardot, 1904 – [Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995; Noguchi, A., 1968b; Akiyama, H., 1988c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Leucodon cryptotheca Hampe, 1838 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994a; Akiyama, H., 1986]  Leucodon curvirostris Hampe, 1844 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Leucodon dracaenae Solms ex Venturi, 1872 – [Kis, G., 1985; Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Leucodon exaltatus C. Müller, 1896 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Leucodon felipponei Thériot, 1941 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Leucodon flagellaris Brotherus, 1892 – [Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995]  Leucodon flagelliformis C. Müller, 1896 – [Akiyama,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES H., 1988c] Leucodon formosanus H. Akiyama, 1987 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c; Akiyama, H., 1987]  Leucodon giganteus (Noguchi) Noguchi, 1968 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c; Noguchi, A., 1968b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Leucodon immersus Lindberg, 1870 – [Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995; Akiyama, H., 1986]  Leucodon jaegerinaceus (C. Müller) H. Akiyama, 1988 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c]  Leucodon julaceus (Hedwig) Sullivant, 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Bowers, F. D., 1994a;  Leucodon peruvianus Brotherus, 1920 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Leucodon radicalis Zhang Man-xiang in Li Xing-jiang & Zhang Man-xiang, 1983 – [Li Xing-jiang & Man-xiang Zhang, 1983]  Leucodon rutenbergii C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1881 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leucodon sapporensis Bescherelle, 1893 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Leucodon sciuroides (Hedwig) Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995; Akiyama, H., 1988c; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Leucodon secundus (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1859 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Leucodon sinensis Thériot, 1908 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Leucodon sohayakiensis H. Akiyama, 1988 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c]  Leucodon sphaerocarpus H. Akiyama, 1987 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c; Akiyama, H., 1987]  Leucodon subgracilis Hampe & Fleischer, 1917  Leucodon subulatus Brotherus, 1929 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c]  Leucodon temperatus H. Akiyama, 1987 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c; Akiyama, H., 1987]  Leucodon tibeticus Zhang Man-xiang, 1980 – [Zhang Man-xiang, 1980] Leucolepis Lindberg, 1868 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MNIACEAE  Leucolepis acanthoneura (Schwägrichen) Lindberg, 1868 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Leucolepis menziesii] Leucoloma Bridel, 1829 {39/2/1/58/1=101} DICRANACEAE  Leucoloma aduncum (Hampe) Paris, 1897 – [cited by LaFarge-England, C., 1997 as insufficiently known]  Leucoloma albocinctum Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma allorgei Thériot, 1930 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma amblyacron C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma ambreanum Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] 


Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Leucodon laxifolius C. Müller & Fleischer, 1917 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leucodon luteus Bescherelle, 1899 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Leucodon morrisonensis Noguchi, 1936 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c; Akiyama, H., 1987]  Leucodon nipponicus Noguchi, 1947 – [Akiyama, H., 1988c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Leucodon pendulus Lindberg, 1872 – [Ignatov, M. S. & V. Ya. Czerdantseva, 1995; Akiyama, H., 1988c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Leucoloma amoene-virens Mitten, 1859 – [Eddy, A., 1988; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Leucoloma annamense Thériot, 1919 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Leucoloma bauerae (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Leucoloma bifidum (Bridel) Bridel, 1827 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma boivinianum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma brevioperculatum Dixon, 1942 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma brotheri Renauld in Levier, 1901 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma caldense C. Müller ex Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leucoloma candidulum C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma candidum Brotherus in Voeltzkow, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma capillifolium Renauld, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma chlorophyllum Brotherus in Drygalski, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leucoloma chrysobasilare (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma cinclidiotioides Bescherelle, 1880 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma circinatulum E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Leucoloma cirrosulum Renauld, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma crosbyi LaFarge-England, 1992 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1992; LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma cruegerianum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872  Leucoloma cuneifolium (Hampe ex C. Müller & Geheeb) Wright, 1888 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma decaryi Thériot, 1924 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma delicatulum Renauld, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]

150 


Leucoloma dichelymoides (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma ecaudatum (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889  Leucoloma fontinaloides Dixon, 1942 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma fuscifolium Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma garnieri Paris & Renauld, 1905 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma gracilescens Brotherus, 1890 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma grandidieri Renauld & Cardot, 1892 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma itatiaiense Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leucoloma latifolium Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1926  Leucoloma lepervancheri Bescherelle, 1880 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma longifolium (Bridel) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma macrodon (W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1872 – [Excluded by LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma mafatense Renauld, 1898 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma malabarense Bescherelle ex Renauld & Cardot, 1905  Leucoloma mariei Bescherelle, 1891 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Leucoloma mittenii Fleischer, 1904 – [Eddy, A., 1988]  Leucoloma molle (C. Müller) Mitten, 1859 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Eddy, A., 1988; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Leucoloma mosenii Brotherus, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leucoloma nitens (Thwaites & Mitten) Jaeger, 1880  Leucoloma normandii Paris & Brotherus ex Renauld in Paris, 1902 – [Richards, P. W. & G. C. G. Argent, 1968]  Leucoloma ochrobasilare Renauld, 1901 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma okamurae Brotherus, 1921 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Leucoloma oncophorellum C. Müller, 1900  Leucoloma pallidulum Thériot, 1923 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma perrieri Thériot, 1932 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma persecundum C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma perviride Brotherus, 1910 – [Eddy, A., 1988]  Leucoloma phumiengse Tixier, 1971-72 [1972] – [Tixier, P., 1971–72 [1972]]  Leucoloma pobeguinii Paris & Brotherus, 1906  Leucoloma procerum Renauld, 1898 –


Leucoloma grimmioides Potier de la Varde, 1950 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma guineense Brotherus & Paris, 1907  Leucoloma herzogii Brotherus, 1910  Leucoloma holstii Brotherus, 1894 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma humbertii Potier de la Varde, 1950 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma incrassatum Thériot, 1930 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma isleanum Bescherelle in Paris, 1897 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma pumilum Wright, 1888? – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma pusillum Cardot in Grandidier, 1915  Leucoloma pygmaeum Paris, 1904  Leucoloma rutenbergii (C. Müller ex Geheeb) Wright, 1888 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma sanctae-mariae Bescherelle, 1880 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma scaberulum E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Leucoloma scabricuspis Brotherus, 1897 – [Magill, R. E., 1981, as Leucoloma rehmannii]  Leucoloma schelpei Potier de la Varde, 1957 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma schwaneckeanum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1901 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Leucoloma secundifolium Mitten, 1863  Leucoloma sericeum Potier de la Varde, 1948  Leucoloma serraticuspis Potier de la Varde, 1948 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leucoloma serrulatum Bridel, 1827 – [Ireland, R. R., 1994e; Allen, B., 1994a]  Leucoloma seychellense Bescherelle, 1880 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma siamense Brotherus, 1901 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Leucoloma sinuosulum C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1880 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma sprengelianum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Leucoloma squarrosulum (C. Müller ex Geheeb) Wright, 1888 – [cited by LaFarge-England, C., 1997 as insufficiently known; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma subbiplicatum Renauld & Cardot, 1895 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma subcespitulans Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma subchrysobasilare C. Müller ex Renauld, 1898 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma subimmarginatum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Leucoloma subsecundifolium Brotherus, 1894 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leucoloma syrrhopodontoides Brotherus, 1897 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Leucoloma talazaccii Renauld & Cardot, 1896 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma tanganyikae Potier de la Varde, 1959 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Leucoloma taylorii (Schwägrichen) Mitten, 1856 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Leucoloma tenerum Mitten, 1856 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Leucoloma tenuifolium Mitten, 1868 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]  Leucoloma zuluense Brotherus & Bryhn, 1911 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997] Leucomium Mitten, 1868 {2/0/0/3/0=5} LEUCOMIACEAE  Leucomium commixtum (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891 – [cited by Allen, B. H., 1987d as insufficiently known]  Leucomium crinitifolium (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [cited by Allen, B. H., 1987d as insufficiently known]  Leucomium letestui Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1925 – [cited by Allen, B. H., 1987d as insufficiently known]  Leucomium steerei B. H. Allen & Veling in B. H. Allen, 1987 – [Allen, B. H., 1987d; Veling, K., 1996]  Leucomium strumosum (Hornschuch) Mitten, 1869 – [Allen, B. H., 1987d; Veling, K., 1996; Crum, H., 1994q; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Leucoperichaetium Magill, 1981 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GRIMMIACEAE  Leucoperichaetium eremophilum Magill, 1981 [1982] – [Magill, R. E., 1981] Leucophanes Bridel, 1827 {12/0/0/3/0=15} CALYMPERACEAE  Leucophanes angustifolium Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993]  Leucophanes candidum (Schwägrichen) Lindberg, 1865 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Leucophanes glaucum (Schwägrichen) Mitten, 1859 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Leucophanes hildebrandtii C. Müller, 1876 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993]  Leucophanes milleri Salazar Allen, 1993 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993]  Leucophanes molleri C. Müller, 1886 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993]  Leucophanes naumannii (C. Müller) C. Müller, 1889 – [cited by Salazar Allen, N., 1993 as insufficiently known]  Leucophanes octoblepharioides Bridel, 1827 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Leucophanes pucciniferum C. Müller, 1883 – [cited by Salazar Allen, N., 1993 as insufficiently known]  Leucophanes renauldii Cardot, 1904 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993]


Leucoloma theriotii Renauld & Cardot, 1896 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leucoloma thraustum Bescherelle, 1880 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma thuretii Bescherelle, 1880 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma tortellum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1872 – [Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Allen, B., 1994a]  Leucoloma triforme (Mitten) Jaeger, 1872 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Leucoloma tuberculosum Renauld, 1898 – [LaFarge-England, C., 1997]  Leucoloma villaumei Thériot, 1923 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Leucoloma zeyheri (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1872  Leucophanes rodriguezii C. Müller, 1895 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993]  Leucophanes serratulum Fleischer, 1914 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993]  Leucophanes seychellarum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993]  Leucophanes unguiculatum Mitten, 1863 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1993]  Leucophanes vitianum C. Müller, 1874 – [cited by Salazar Allen, N., 1993 as insufficiently known; Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Levierella C. Müller, 1897 {2/0/1/1/0=4} FABRONIACEAE  Levierella densiramea Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966]  Levierella fabroniacea C. Müller, 1897 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Levierella perserrata Potier de la Varde & J. Leroy, 1947 – [Delgadillo M., C. & W. R. Buck, 1988]  Levierella subfabroniacea Brotherus & Paris, 1907 Limbella (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1927 {2/0/0/0/0=2} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Limbella fryei (R. S. Williams) Ochyra, 1986 – [Ochyra, R., 1987b]  Limbella tricostata (Sullivant) Brotherus, 1927 – [Ochyra, R., 1987b] Lindbergia Kindberg, 1897 {10/0/1/6/0=17} LESKEACEAE  Lindbergia brachyptera (Mitten) Kindberg, 1897 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Noguchi, A., 1972b; Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a]  Lindbergia brevifolia Gao Chien, 1985 – [Li Xing-jiang (Editor-in-Chief)], 1985]  Lindbergia duthiei (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Lindbergia haplocladioides Dixon, 1916 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Lindbergia japonica Cardot, 1911 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Lindbergia koelzii R. S. Williams, 1932 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Lindbergia longinervis Cardot & Dixon, 1912 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990a; Vohra, J. N., 1983]



Lindbergia magniretis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Lindbergia maritima Lewinsky, 1977 – [Lewinsky, J., 1977]  Lindbergia mexicana (Bescherelle) Cardot, 1910 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a]  Lindbergia ovata Thériot, 1928 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a]  Lindbergia patentifolia Dixon, 1918 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Lindbergia pellicula (C. Müller) W. R. Buck & Schiavone, 1997 – [Buck, W. R. & M. M. Schiavone, 1997]  Lindbergia pseudoleskeoides Dixon, 1916 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Lindbergia sinensis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 –  Loeskeobryum cavifolium (Sande Lacoste) Fleischer ex Brotherus, 1925 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994, as Hylocomium brevirostre var. cavifolium] Loeskypnum Paul, 1918 {2/0/0/0/0=2} CAMPYLIACEAE  Loeskypnum badium (C. J. Hartman) Paul, 1916 – [Kanda, H., 1976 [1977]]  Loeskypnum wickesii (Grout) Tuomikoski, 1973 – [Kanda, H., 1976 [1977]] Loiseaubryum Bizot, 1976 {1/0/0/0/0=1} FUNARIACEAE  Loiseaubryum nutans (Mitten) Fife, 1985 – [Fife, A. J., 1985] Lopidium J. D. Hooker & Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1854 {6/0/0/10/0=16} HYPOPTERYGIACEAE  Lopidium bonatii (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Lopidium concinnum (W. J. Hooker) Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1854 – [Matteri, C. M., 1973a]  Lopidium daymannianum (Brotherus & Geheeb) Fleischer, 1908  Lopidium francii (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Lopidium hemiloma (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1922 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Lopidium limbatulum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1922  Lopidium nazeense (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Lai, Ming-jou, 1976]  Lopidium nematosum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1922 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Lopidium parvulum (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Lopidium pennaeforme (Thunberg ex Bridel) Fleischer, 1908 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Lopidium pinnatum Hampe, 1874 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Lopidium semimarginatulum (C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]

[Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Lindbergia taxifolia Dixon, 1918  Lindbergia viridis Dixon, 1920 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979] Lindigia Hampe, 1861 [1862] {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Lindigia debilis (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Visnadi, S. R. & B. Allen, 1991] Loeskeobryum Fleischer ex Brotherus, 1925 {2/0/0/0/0=2} HYLOCOMIACEAE  Loeskeobryum brevirostre (Bridel) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Hylocomium brevirostre; Buck, W. R., 1998b] 

Lopidium struthiopteris (Bridel) Fleischer, 1908 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Lai, Ming-jou, 1976]  Lopidium subtrichocladon (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1922 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Lopidium trichocladon (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1908 – [Akiyama, H., 1992; Lai, Ming-jou, 1976]  Lopidium trichocladulum (Bescherelle) Fleischer, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976] Lorentziella C. Müller, 1879 {1/0/0/1/0=2} GIGASPERMACEAE  Lorentziella imbricata (Mitten) Brotherus, 1903 – [Reese, W. D., 1984; Fife, A. J., 1980; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Fife, A. J., 1994]  Lorentziella uruguensis C. Müller in Bescherelle, 1877 Luisierella Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Luisierella barbula (Schwägrichen) Steere, 1945 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Deguchi, H., 1987a; Zander, R. H., 1978c] Lyellia R. Brown, 1819 {2/1/0/1/0=4} POLYTRICHACEAE  Lyellia aspera (I. Hagen & C. E. O. Jensen) Frye in Grout, 1937 – [Long, D. G., 1985; Afonina, O. M. & E. N. Andreeva, 1993]  Lyellia bifurcata Bélanger, 1834  Lyellia crispa R. Brown, 1819 – [Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Lyellia platycarpa Cardot & Thériot, 1927 – [Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994] Macgregorella E. B. Bartram, 1939 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MYRINIACEAE  Macgregorella indica (Brotherus) W. R. Buck, 1980 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990a] Macrocoma (Hornschuch ex C. Müller) Grout, 1944 {10/0/0/0/0=10} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Macrocoma abyssinica (C. Müller) Vitt, 1980 [1981] – [Vitt, D. H., 1980b]  Macrocoma brasiliensis (Mitten) Vitt, 1980 [1981] –

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES [Vitt, D. H., 1980b] Macrocoma frigida (C. Müller) Vitt, 1973 – [Vitt, D. H., 1980b; Vitt, D. H., 1994]  Macrocoma gastonyi Norris & Vitt in Vitt, 1973 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973a; Vitt, D. H., 1980b]  Macrocoma iwatsukii Vitt, 1980 [1981] – [Vitt, D. H., 1980b]  Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwägrichen) Vitt, 1973 – [Vitt, D. H., 1980b; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Macrocoma orthotrichoides (Raddi) Wijk & Margadant, 1962 – [Vitt, D. H., 1980b; Vitt, D. H., 1994]  Macrocoma pulchella (Hornschuch) Vitt, 1973 – [Vitt, D. H., 1980b; Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Macrocoma sullivantii (C. Müller) Grout, 1944 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Macrohymenium incrassatum (Dixon & Thériot) Kis, 1984 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Macrohymenium muelleri Dozy & Molkenboer, 1848 – [Eakin, D. A., 1976]  Macrohymenium strictum Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1865 – [Tan, B. C. & W. R. Buck, 1989; Eakin, D. A., 1976] Macromitrium Bridel, 1819 [1818] {128/18/14/208/0=368} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Macromitrium acuminatum (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) C. Müller, 1845 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium acutirameum Mitten, 1876  Macromitrium acutissimum C. Müller, 1897 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium adelphinum Cardot in Grandidier, 1915  Macromitrium adnatum C. Müller, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium altituberculosum E. B. Bartram in Grout, 1944 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994]  Macromitrium altum C. Müller, 1896  Macromitrium amaniense Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Macromitrium amboroicum Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium ancistrophyllum Cardot in Grandidier, 1915  Macromitrium angulatum Mitten, 1868 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium angulicaule C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Vitt, D. H., 1980b as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Macromitrium angulosum Thwaites & Mitten, 1873  Macromitrium angustifolium Dozy & Molkenboer, 1844 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Macromitrium annamense Brotherus & Paris in Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Macromitrium anomodictyon Cardot, 1916 



Macrocoma tenuis (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Vitt, 1973 – [Vitt, D. H., 1980b; Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985] Macrodictyum (Brotherus) E. Hegewald, 1978 [1979] {2/0/0/0/0=2} DICRANACEAE  Macrodictyum proliferum (Mitten) E. Hegewald, 1978 [1979] – [Hegewald, E., 1978 [1979]; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Macrodictyum wrightii (Sullivant) E. Hegewald, 1978 [1979] – [Hegewald, E., 1978 [1979]; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997] Macrohymenium C. Müller, 1847 {3/0/0/1/0=4} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Macrohymenium acidodon (Montagne) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1848 – [Eakin, D. A., 1976] 

Macromitrium antarcticum Wright, 1905 Macromitrium archboldii E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium archeri Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1859 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium argutum Hampe, 1849 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium astroideum Mitten, 1879  Macromitrium atratum Herzog, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium atroviride R. S. Williams, 1903 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium attenuatum Hampe, 1865 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Macromitrium aurantiacum Paris & Brotherus, 1907 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Macromitrium aurescens Hampe, 1860 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium aureum C. Müller, 1857 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium austrocirrosum E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium belangeri C. Müller, 1862  Macromitrium benguetense R. S. Williams, 1914 – [cited by Eddy, A., 1996 as insufficiently known; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Macromitrium bequaertii Thériot & Naveau, 1927 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Macromitrium bifasciculare C. Müller ex Dusén, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Macromitrium bifasciculatum C. Müller, 1898 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Macromitrium binsteadii Dixon, 1930  Macromitrium bistratosum E. B. Bartram, 1940 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Macromitrium blumei Nees ex Schwägrichen, 1842 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium brachycarpum Mitten, 1869 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Macromitrium brachypodium C. Müller, 1857 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985] 

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Macromitrium braunii C. Müller, 1851 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium brevicaule (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1903 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium brevihamatum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium brevisetum Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Macromitrium brevissimum Dixon, 1932 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Macromitrium brevituberculatum Dixon, 1933 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium brotheri C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium caldense Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium caloblastoides C. Müller, 1898 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium calocalyx C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1881  Macromitrium calomicron Brotherus in Voeltzkow,  Macromitrium clavatum W. P. Schimper ex Grout, 1944  Macromitrium clemensiae E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium comatum Mitten, 1891 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Macromitrium complicatulum C. Müller in Brotherus, 1903  Macromitrium concinnum Mitten ex Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1860 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium constrictum Hampe & Lorentz, 1868  Macromitrium contextum Hampe, 1865 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium courtoisii Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium crassirameum C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium crassiusculum Lorentz, 1866 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Macromitrium crenulatum Hampe, 1863 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Macromitrium crinale Brotherus & Geheeb, 1898 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium crispatulum Mitten, 1869 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium crosbyorum B. H. Allen & Vitt in B. H. Allen, 1998 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium crumianum Steere & W. R. Buck, 1979 – [Steere, W. C. & W. R. Buck, 1979]  Macromitrium cucullatulum C. Müller in Brizi, 1893  Macromitrium cuspidatum Hampe, 1844 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium cylindricum Mitten, 1869  Macromitrium cylindrothecium Noguchi, 1936 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium densifolium Thériot, 1908 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium densum Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H.

1908 Macromitrium calymperoideum Mitten, 1856 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Macromitrium campoanum Thériot in Herzog, 1939 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Macromitrium cardotii Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium carionis C. Müller, 1897  Macromitrium cataractarum C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium catharinense Paris, 1900 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium cavaleriei Cardot & Thériot in Thériot, 1906* – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium chungkingense Chen Pan-chieh, 1943 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium cirrosum (Hedwig) Bridel, 1826 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Florschütz, P. A., 1964; Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium clastophyllum Cardot, 1904 C., 1976]  Macromitrium diaphanum C. Müller, 1872 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium dickasonii E. B. Bartram, 1943 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Macromitrium dielsii Brotherus ex Vitt & H. P. Ramsay, 1985 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium divaricatum Mitten, 1869  Macromitrium diversifolium Brotherus, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium divortiarum Sehnem, 1978 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium doeringianum Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium drewii H. Robinson, 1967 – [Robinson, H., 1967b]  Macromitrium dubium W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1849 – [Steere, W. C. & W. R. Buck, 1979; Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium dusenii C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1897 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Macromitrium echinatum B. H. Allen, 1998 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium eckendorffii Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1939  Macromitrium ecrispatum Dixon in Herzog, 1935 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Macromitrium ellipticum Hampe, 1872 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Macromitrium emarginatum Brotherus, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Macromitrium emersulum C. Müller, 1896 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Macromitrium eriomitrium C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium erubescens E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium evrardii Thériot, 1931 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993] 


Macromitrium exsertum Brotherus, 1893 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium falcatulum C. Müller, 1874 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium fasciculare Mitten, 1859 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium fendleri C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium fernandezianum Brotherus in Skottsberg, 1924 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Macromitrium ferriei Cardot & Thériot, 1908 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Macromitrium filicaule C. Müller, 1849 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Macromitrium flavopilosum R. S. Williams, 1911 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium flexuosum Mitten, 1869  Macromitrium formosae Cardot, 1905 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium fortunatii Cardot & Thériot in Thériot, 1909 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He,  Macromitrium galipense C. Müller, 1851 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium gebaueri Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium gigasporum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium gimalacii Bizot & Onraedt in Onraedt, 1976 – [Onraedt, M., 1976]  Macromitrium glabratum Brotherus in Herzog, 1920 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium glaziovii Hampe, 1875 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium globirameum C. Müller, 1857  Macromitrium gracile (W. J. Hooker) Schwägrichen, 1823 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium gracilipes Cardot, 1908 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium greenmanii Grout, 1944 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium grossirete C. Müller, 1898 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium guatemalense C. Müller, 1851 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium gymnostomum Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1859 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Macromitrium hamatum Dixon, 1937 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Macromitrium handelii Brotherus, 1923 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium harrisi Paris, 1900 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Macromitrium helmsii Paris, 1900 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium hemitrichodes Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium herzogii Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 –


1996]  Macromitrium fragile Hampe, 1847  Macromitrium fragilicuspis Cardot, 1909 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994]  Macromitrium francii Thériot, 1907 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium frondosum Mitten, 1869  Macromitrium frustratum B. H. Allen, 1998 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium fulgescens E. B. Bartram in Grout, 1944 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium fulvum Mitten, 1859  Macromitrium funicaule W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1880  Macromitrium funiforme Dixon, 1941 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium fuscescens Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium fusco-aureum E. B. Bartram, 1928 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Allen, B., 1998b] [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium heterodictyon Dixon, 1933 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium hildebrandtii C. Müller, 1876  Macromitrium himalayanum Dixon, 1942  Macromitrium hoehnei Herzog, 1924 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium holomitrioides Noguchi, 1938 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Macromitrium homaloblastum Herzog, 1916  Macromitrium hornschuchii C. Müller, 1845 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium hortoniae Vitt & H. P. Ramsay, 1985 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium huigrense R. S. Williams, 1927  Macromitrium hymenostomum Montagne, 1845 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Macromitrium incrustatifolium H. Robinson, 1968 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Robinson, H., 1968]  Macromitrium incurvifolium (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995; Reese, W. D., 1997; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985; Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Macromitrium intortifolium Hampe in C. Müller, 1862 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium involutifolium (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium involutifolium (Bescherelle) Vitt & H. P. Ramsay, 1985 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium japonicum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1844 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Macromitrium kinabaluense J. Fröhlich, 1962  Macromitrium koghiense Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium krausei Lorentz, 1866 – [cited by



Vitt, D. H., 1980b as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Macromitrium laevigatum Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium lanceolatum Brotherus in Voeltzkow, 1908  Macromitrium laosianum Paris & Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Macromitrium lauterbachii Brotherus ex Fleischer, 1904  Macromitrium lebomboense Rooy, 1990 – [Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992; Rooy, J. van, 1990; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Macromitrium leprieurii Montagne, 1840 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964; Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium leptocarpum Brotherus, 1899  Macromitrium leratii Brotherus & Paris, 1906 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium leratioides Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium levatum Mitten, 1863 – [Rooy, J. van &  Macromitrium longipes (W. J. Hooker) Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium longipilum A. Braun ex C. Müller, 1851 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium longirostre (W. J. Hooker) Schwägrichen, 1823 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium lorifolium Paris & Brotherus, 1907 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Macromitrium ludovicae Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium macrocomoides C. Müller, 1898 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Macromitrium macropelma C. Müller, 1856 – [Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Macromitrium macrosporum Brotherus, 1898 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium macrothele C. Müller, 1848 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium marginatum Dixon, 1934  Macromitrium masafuerae Brotherus in Skottsberg, 1924 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Macromitrium mauritianum Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Macromitrium megalocladon Fleischer, 1911 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium megalosporum Thériot & Naveau, 1927 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Macromitrium melanostomum Paris & Brotherus, 1908 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium melinii Roivainen, 1936 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Macromitrium menziesii C. Müller, 1862 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Macromitrium microcarpum C. Müller, 1849 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]

A. E. van Wyk, 1992; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Macromitrium ligulaefolium Brotherus, 1898 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium ligulare Mitten, 1859 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium liliputanum C. Müller, 1890 – [cited by Vitt, D. H., 1980b as insufficiently known]  Macromitrium lingulatum Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Macromitrium lomasense H. Robinson, 1971 – [Robinson, H., 1971a]  Macromitrium lonchomitrioides C. Müller, 1898 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Macromitrium longibrachteatum Dixon, 1937 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Macromitrium longicaule C. Müller, 1849 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium longifolium (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1826 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium microstomum (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Robinson, H., 1975; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium minutum Mitten, 1873 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium mittenianum Steere, 1948  Macromitrium moorcroftii (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Schwägrichen, 1826 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Macromitrium mosenii Brotherus, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium muellerianum Mitten, 1859  Macromitrium nanothecium C. Müller ex Cardot in Grandidier, 1915  Macromitrium negrense Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Macromitrium nematosum E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium neo-caledonicum Bescherelle, 1873 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium nepalense (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Macromitrium nietneri C. Müller, 1869  Macromitrium nigricans Mitten, 1859  Macromitrium nitidum J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium noguchianum Schultze-Motel, 1962 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium norrisianum Vitt in Vitt, T. Koponen & Norris, 1995 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium nubigenum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium oblongum (Taylor) Mitten, 1869 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium ochraceoides Dixon, 1935  Macromitrium ochraceum (Dozy & Molkenboer) C.

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Müller, 1845 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium okabei Sakurai, 1943 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Macromitrium onraedtii Bizot ex Onraedt, 1976 – [Onraedt, M., 1976]  Macromitrium orthophyllum Mitten, 1859 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983]  Macromitrium orthostichum Nees ex Schwägrichen, 1842 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium osculatianum De Notaris, 1859  Macromitrium ousiense Brotherus & Paris, 1910 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium ovale Mitten, 1869  Macromitrium pallidum (Palisot de Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium papillisetum Dixon, 1935 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium paridis Bescherelle, 1898 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Macromitrium parvifolium Dixon, 1942 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium picobonitum B. H. Allen, 1998 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium pilicalyx Dixon ex E. B. Bartram, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Macromitrium piliferum Schwägrichen, 1826 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Macromitrium pilosum Thériot, 1907 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium pinnulatum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium plicatum Thériot, 1907 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium podocarpi C. Müller, 1898 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium polygonostomum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Macromitrium proliferum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Macromitrium prolongatum Mitten, 1891 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Macromitrium prorepens (W. J. Hooker) Schwägrichen, 1826 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium proximum Thériot, 1926  Macromitrium pseudofimbriatum Hampe, 1875 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium pseudoramentosum Herzog, 1926  Macromitrium pseudoserrulatum E. B. Bartram, 1964-65 [1965] – [Bartram, E. B., 1964–1965 [1965]]  Macromitrium pulchrum Bescherelle, 1873 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium pullenii Vitt in Vitt, T. Koponen & Norris, 1995 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium punctatum (W. J. Hooker & Greville)



Macromitrium parvirete E. B. Bartram in Grout, 1944 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium patens Wilson in Seemann, 1854 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969b]  Macromitrium pellucidum Mitten, 1869 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964]  Macromitrium peraristatum Brotherus, 1893 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium perdensifolium Dixon, 1935 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium perfragile E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium perichaetiale (W. J. Hooker & Greville) C. Müller, 1845 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Macromitrium perpusillum C. Müller, 1874 – [cited by Vitt, D. H., 1994 as insufficiently known]  Macromitrium perreflexum Steere, 1982 – [Steere, W. C., 1982]  Macromitrium pertriste C. Müller, 1898 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Macromitrium petelotii Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966] Bridel, 1826 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Macromitrium pyriforme C. Müller, 1851 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium quercicola Brotherus, 1923 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium ramsayae Vitt, 1983 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium recurvifolium (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Bridel, 1826  Macromitrium refractifolium C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium regnellii Hampe in C. Müller, 1849 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium renauldii Thériot, 1907 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium repandum C. Müller, 1883 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium retusulum C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium retusum J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium rhacomitrioides Noguchi, 1938 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium rhaphidophyllum C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium rhizomatosum C. Müller in Bescherelle, 1880  Macromitrium richardii Schwägrichen, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992; Sehnem, A., 1978; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Macromitrium rigbyanum Dixon, 1937 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Macromitrium rimbachii Herzog, 1952  Macromitrium robinsonii R. S. Williams, 1914 –



[Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991] Macromitrium ruginosum Bescherelle, 1898 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Macromitrium rugulosum Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium rusbyanum Britton, 1896 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium saddleanum Bescherelle ex C. Müller, 1885 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Macromitrium salakanum C. Müller, 1851 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium sanctae-mariae Renauld & Cardot, 1895  Macromitrium sarasinii Thériot in Sarasin & J. Roux, 1914 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium savatieri Bescherelle, 1894 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Macromitrium schiffneri Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium schmidii C. Müller, 1853 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Macromitrium sclerodictyon Cardot in Grandidier, 1915  Macromitrium scoparium Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill,  Macromitrium speirostichum C. Müller, 1874 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium st.-johnii E. B. Bartram, 1940 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Macromitrium standleyi E. B. Bartram, 1928 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium stellulatum (Hornschuch) Bridel, 1826 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Florschütz, P. A., 1964]  Macromitrium stephanodictyon J. Fröhlich, 1962  Macromitrium stolonigerum C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium stoneae Vitt & H. P. Ramsay, 1985 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium streimannii Vitt in Vitt, T. Koponen & Norris, 1995 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium striatum Mitten ex Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1860  Macromitrium strictfolium C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium stricticuspis C. Müller, 1897 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium subapiculatum Brotherus, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Macromitrium subbrevihamatum Brotherus in Herzog, 1920 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium subcirrhosum C. Müller, 1862 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium subcrenulatum Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium subdiscretum R. S. Williams, 1903 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium subhemitrichodes C. Müller, 1898 

S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Macromitrium seemannii Mitten, 1859  Macromitrium sejunctum B. H. Allen, 1998 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium semimarginatum C. Müller, 1897  Macromitrium semipapillosum Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1924  Macromitrium semperi C. Müller, 1874 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium seriatum Paris & Brotherus, 1907  Macromitrium serpens (Bruch ex W. J. Hooker & Greville) Bridel, 1826 – [Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Macromitrium sharpii H. Crum ex Vitt, 1979 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Vitt, D. H., 1979; Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium similirete E. B. Bartram, 1953 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium sinense E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Macromitrium solitarium C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium soulae Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891  Macromitrium subincurvum Cardot & Thériot in Thériot, 1906* – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium sublaeve Mitten, 1869 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium subleptocarpum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930  Macromitrium sublongicaule E. B. Bartram, 1945 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium submucronifolium C. Müller & Hampe, 1855 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983; Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium subnitidum C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium subpaucidens C. Müller, 1897 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium subperichaetiale Thériot, 1940 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Macromitrium subpungens Hampe ex C. Müller, 1876 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Macromitrium subscabrum Mitten, 1869 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium subsessile Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium substrictifolium C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium subtortum (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Schwägrichen, 1827  Macromitrium subulatum Mitten, 1882 – [Vitt, D. H. & H. P. Ramsay, 1985]  Macromitrium subvillosum Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium sulcatum (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1826 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Eddy, A., 1996]  Macromitrium swainsonii (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1826

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Macromitrium syntrichophyllum Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1918 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium tahitisecundum Margadant, 1972 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Macromitrium taiheizanense Noguchi, 1936 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium taiwanense Noguchi, 1938 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium taoense Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Macromitrium tenax C. Müller, 1883 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Macromitrium thwaitesii Brotherus ex Fleischer, 1904  Macromitrium tocaremae Hampe, 1847 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Macromitrium tongense Sullivant, 1859 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium tortifolium Thériot, 1912  Macromitrium torulosum Mitten, 1859  Macromitrium tosae Bescherelle, 1898 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Macromitrium urceolatum (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1826 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Macromitrium validum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Macromitrium venezuelense Paris, 1897 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Macromitrium vesiculatum (Herzog) Herzog, 1916  Macromitrium vesiculosum Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966]  Macromitrium vitianum E. B. Bartram, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Macromitrium viticulosum (Raddi) Bridel, 1826 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium voeltzkowii Brotherus in Voeltzkow, 1908  Macromitrium wattsii Brotherus, 1898 – [Vitt, D. H., 1983]  Macromitrium weissioides C. Müller, 1872  Macromitrium yuleanum Brotherus & Geheeb, 1895 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium zikanii Herzog, 1924 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Macromitrium zimmermannii Fleischer, 1904  Macromitrium zollingeri Mitten ex Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1859 – [Eddy, A., 1996] Macrothamniella Fleischer, 1923 {1/0/0/2/0=3} HYPNACEAE  Macrothamniella novoguinensis E. B. Bartram, 1961  Macrothamniella pilosula (Mitten) Fleischer, 1923 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Macrothamniella robbinsii E. B. Bartram, 1962 Macrothamnium Fleischer, 1905 {4/0/0/0/0=4} HYLOCOMIACEAE  Macrothamnium hylocomioides Fleischer, 1914 –



Macromitrium trachypodium Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Macromitrium trichophyllum Mitten, 1869 – [Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium trinitense R. S. Williams, 1922 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Macromitrium trollii Dixon in Herzog, 1935 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Macromitrium tuberculatum Dixon, 1933 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium turgidum Dixon, 1932 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Macromitrium tylostomum Mitten ex Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1860 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1995]  Macromitrium ulophyllum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Allen, B., 1998b]  Macromitrium undatum C. Müller, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Macromitrium uraiense Noguchi, 1938 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Macromitrium urceolatulum C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1881 – [Kis, G., 1985] [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985a; Noguchi, A., 1972c; Rohrer, J. R., 1985]  Macrothamnium javense Fleischer, 1905 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Noguchi, A., 1972c]  Macrothamnium leptohymenioides Noguchi, 1972 – [Noguchi, A., 1972c; Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Macrothamnium macrocarpum (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Fleischer, 1905 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Noguchi, A., 1972c; Gangulee, H. C., 1980] Mahua W. R. Buck, 1983 {0/1/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Mahua enervis W. R. Buck, 1983 – [Buck, W. R., 1983b] Mamillariella Lazarenko, 1934 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LESKEACEAE  Mamillariella geniculata Lazarenko, 1934 – [Buck, W. R., 1981a] Mandoniella Herzog, 1916 {0/1/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Mandoniella spicatinervia (R. S. Williams) Herzog, 1916 – [Buck, W. R., 1981b] Mastopoma Cardot, 1901 {0/1/3/12/0=16} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Mastopoma armitii (Brotherus & Geheeb) Brotherus in Paris, 1905 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Mastopoma brevifolium Brotherus, 1928  Mastopoma denticulatum Dixon, 1935  Mastopoma epiphyllum Brotherus, 1928  Mastopoma laevisetum Brotherus, 1928  Mastopoma loriforme Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964]  Mastopoma papillosum Brotherus, 1928  Mastopoma parvidentatum Norris & T. Koponen,



1985 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985a]  Mastopoma raphidostegioides Cardot, 1901  Mastopoma robinsonii (Brotherus) E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Mastopoma robustum Brotherus, 1928  Mastopoma salaense (Hampe) Dixon, 1935  Mastopoma scabrifolium (Brotherus in H. A. Möller) B. C. Tan & Ninh, 1998 – [Tan, B. C. & T. Ninh], 1998]  Mastopoma subfiliferum Horikawa & Ando in Kira & Umesao, 1964 – [Horikawa, Y. & H. Ando, 1964]  Mastopoma subrobustum Dixon, 1935  Mastopoma uncinifolium (Brotherus) Brotherus in Paris, 1905 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991] Matteria Goffinet in Goffinet & Vitt, 1998 {2/0/0/0/0=2} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Matteria gracillima (Bescherelle) Goffinet in Goffinet & Vitt, 1998 – [Vitt, D. H., 1980b, as Macrocoma gracillima]  Matteria papillosa (Thériot in Herzog) Goffinet in Goffinet & Vitt, 1998 – [Matteri, C. M. & G. M. Calabrese, 1999; Vitt, D. H., 1980b, as Macrocoma papillosa] Meesia Hedwig, 1801 {3/1/0/6/0=10} MEESIACEAE  Meesia hexasticha (Funck) Bruch, 1826  Meesia hymenostoma Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 –  Meiotheciopsis burmensis Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977] Meiothecium Mitten, 1868 {8/1/2/22/0=33} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Meiothecium attenuatum Brotherus, 1913 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Meiothecium boryanum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H., 1994s; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Meiothecium chlorocladum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Meiothecium congolense (Cardot) Dixon, 1929  Meiothecium crassirete (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Meiothecium crispum E. B. Bartram, 1945  Meiothecium fuscescens (Jaeger ex Paris) Brotherus, 1908  Meiothecium greenwoodii Dixon ex E. B. Bartram, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Meiothecium guineense (Brotherus & Paris) Schultze-Motel, 1975  Meiothecium hamatulum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Meiothecium hamatum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C., 1991]  Meiothecium intextum Mitten, 1868 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Meiothecium jagorii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]

[Greene, D. M., 1986]  Meesia kenyae Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Meesia longiseta Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Meesia muelleri C. Müller & Hampe, 1856 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Meesia novae-zealandia Dixon & Sainsbury, 1945  Meesia patagonica Dusén, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Meesia triquetra (H. Richter) Ångström, 1844 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Meesia ulei C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Meesia uliginosa Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a] Meiotheciella B. C. Tan, W. B. Schofield & H. P. Ramsay, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Meiotheciella papillosa (Brotherus in Thériot) B. C. Tan, W. B. Schofield & H. P. Ramsay, 1998 – [Tan, B. C., W. B. Schofield & H. Ramsay], 1998] Meiotheciopsis Brotherus, 1908 =Donnellia {2/0/0/0/0=2} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Meiotheciopsis asiatica Tixier, 1977 – [Tixier, P., 1977] 

Meiothecium longisetum E. B. Bartram, 1945 Meiothecium madagascariense (Bridel) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Meiothecium mediopapillatum J. Fröhlich, 1953  Meiothecium microcarpum (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1868 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Meiothecium okamurae Brotherus ex Iishiba, 1932  Meiothecium papuanum (Brotherus in Schumann & Lauterbach) Brotherus, 1908 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Meiothecium pendulum Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964]  Meiothecium pobeguinii (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1908  Meiothecium prunicola Tixier, 1970 [1971] – [Tixier, P., 1970 [1971]]  Meiothecium rechingeri Brotherus in Rechinger, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Meiothecium revolubile Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Meiothecium secundifolium Dixon, 1948 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Meiothecium serrulatum Dixon, 1930 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Meiothecium stratosum Mitten, 1868 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Meiothecium submicrotheca (C. Müller) H. A. Miller, H. O. Whittier & B. Whittier, 1978 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Meiothecium tenellum Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982] Meiothecium tenuirete Dixon, 1938 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Meiothecium turgidellum Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Meiothecium urceolatum (Schwägrichen) Mitten in Melliss, 1875 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Meiothecium wattsii (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Meiotrichum (G. L. Smith) G. L. S. Merrill, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POLYTRICHACEAE  Meiotrichum lyallii (Mitten) G. L. S. Merrill, 1992 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Polytrichadelphus lyallii; Merrill, G. L. S., 1992a; Lawton, E., 1971, as Polytrichadelphus lyallii] Merceya W. P. Schimper, 1876 =Scopelophila {0/0/0/1/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Merceya repandula Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1955 Merrilliobryum Brotherus, 1908 {0/0/0/1/0=1} MYRINIACEAE  Merrilliobryum fabronioides Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991] Mesochaete Lindberg, 1870 {2/0/0/0/0=2} RHIZOGONIACEAE  Mesochaete taxiforme (Hampe) Watts & Whitelegge, 1902 – [Stone, I. G., 1983a]  Mesochaete undulata Lindberg, 1870 – [Stone, I. G., Meteoriella S. Okamura, 1915 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Meteoriella soluta (Mitten) S. Okamura, 1915 – [Manuel, M. G., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Meteoriopsis Fleischer ex Brotherus, 1906 {4/0/2/4/0=10} METEORIACEAE  Meteoriopsis auronitens (Hornschuch) Brotherus, 1906 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Meteoriopsis conanensis Gao Chien in Gao Chien & Chang Kung-chu, 1979 – [Gao Chien & Chang Kuang-chu, 1979]  Meteoriopsis javensis Fleischer, 1907 [1908]  Meteoriopsis maroniensis (Paris) Brotherus, 1909  Meteoriopsis novoguinensis Noguchi, 1986 – [Noguchi, A., 1986b]  Meteoriopsis pseudostraminea (Paris) Brotherus, 1906 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Meteoriopsis reclinata (C. Müller) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1906 – [Manuel, M. G., 1977 [1978]; Streimann, H., 1991b; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Meteoriopsis squarrosa (W. J. Hooker) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1906 – [Manuel, M. G., 1977 [1978]]  Meteoriopsis straminea (C. Müller) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Meteoriopsis undulata Horikawa & Noguchi, 1936 – [Manuel, M. G., 1977 [1978]; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] 


1983a] Mesonodon Hampe, 1865 {1/1/0/0/0=2} ENTODONTACEAE  Mesonodon flavescens (W. J. Hooker) W. R. Buck, 1980 – [Buck, W. R., 1980a; Enroth, J., 1991c; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Mesonodon regnellianus (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1980 – [Buck, W. R., 1980a] Mesotus Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Mesotus celatus Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1867 – [Allen, B. H., 1987a] Metadistichophyllum Noguchi & Iwatsuki, 1972 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DALTONIACEAE  Metadistichophyllum rhizophorum (Fleischer) Noguchi & Iwatsuki, 1972 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1972] Metaneckera Steere, 1967 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Metaneckera menziesii (Drummond) Steere, 1967 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Neckera menziesii] Meteoridium (C. Müller) Manuel, 1977 {2/0/0/0/0=2} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Meteoridium remotifolium (C. Müller) Manuel, 1977 – [Manuel, M. G., 1977d; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Meteoridium tenuissimum (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) M. A. Lewis, 1992 – [Lewis, M., 1992] Meteorium (Bridel) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1848 {21/1/5/10/0=37} METEORIACEAE  Meteorium africanum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1886 – [Argent, G. C. A., 1969, as Papillaria africana; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998, as Papillaria africana]  Meteorium aongstromii Manuel, 1977 – [Manuel, M. G., 1977a]  Meteorium araucariophila Fleischer, 1908 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Meteorium balansaeanum Bescherelle, 1890 – [cited by Noguchi, A., 1976 as insufficiently known]  Meteorium buchananii (Bridel) Brotherus, 1906 – [Streimann, H., 1991b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b; Noguchi, A., 1976]  Meteorium ciliaphyllum Luo Jian-xin, 1989 – [Lou Jian-shing, 1989]  Meteorium crispifolium Herzog, 1926 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Meteorium cucullatum Lin Shan-hsiung & Wu Sheng-hua in Wu Sheng-hua & Lin Shan-hsiung, 1986 – [Wu, S.-H. & S.-H. Lin, 1986]  Meteorium denticulatum Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973, as Papillaria denticulata]  Meteorium deppei (Hornschuch ex C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Spessard-Schueth, L., 1994e, as Papillaria deppei]  Meteorium elatipapilla Luo Jian-xin, 1989 – [Lou Jian-shing, 1989]

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Meteorium filiforme Noguchi, 1986 – [Noguchi, A., 1986b]  Meteorium flexicaule Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1854 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Papillaria flexicaulis; Streimann, H., 1988, as Papillaria flexicaulis; Streimann, H., 1991a, as Papillaria flexicaulis]  Meteorium gerale (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Meteorium illecebraria (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906  Meteorium illecebrinum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Meteorium imbricatum (Palisot de Beauvois) Mitten, 1863  Meteorium intricatum Mitten, 1868 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Papillaria intricata; Streimann, H., 1991a, as Papillaria intricata]  Meteorium latiphyllum Luo Jian-xin, 1983 – [Lou Jian-shing, 1983]  Meteorium leuconeurum (C. Müller) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1864 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Papillaria leuconeura; Streimann, H., 1991a, as Papillaria leuconeura]  Meteorium longipilum Noguchi, 1953 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Meteorium medium (Ångström) Brotherus, 1906 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Meteorium nigrescens (Swartz ex Hedwig) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Papillaria nigrescens; Spessard-Schueth, L., 1994e, as Papillaria nigrescens;  Meteorium undulifolium Brotherus & Thériot, 1921 – [Crosby, M. R., 1971] Micralsopsis W. R. Buck, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Micralsopsis complanata (Dixon) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Buck, W. R., 1987b] Microbryum W. P. Schimper, 1860 {8/4/1/0/0=13} POTTIACEAE  Microbryum brevicaule (Taylor) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Pottia brevicaulis]  Microbryum curvicolle (Hedwig) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Microbryum davallianum (Smith in Drake) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Pottia davalliana; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Pottia davalliana]  Microbryum floerkeanum (Weber & D. Mohr) W. P. Schimper, 1860 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Phascum floerkeanum]  Microbryum longipes (J. Guerra, J. J. Martínez & Ros in J. Guerra et al.) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Phascum floerkeanum; Guerra, J., J. J. Martínez, R. M. Ros & J. S. Carrión, 1990, as Phascum longipes]  Microbryum raddei (Brotherus) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Microbryum rectum (Withering) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek,

Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b, as Papillaria nigrescens; Sehnem, A., 1980, as Papillaria nigrescens]  Meteorium nitens J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 – [Streimann, H., 1991a, as Papillaria nitens]  Meteorium papillarioides Noguchi, 1937 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Meteorium polytrichum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1848 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Meteorium miquelianum; Noguchi, A., 1976, as Meteorium miquelianum]  Meteorium pseudosinuatum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Meteorium pseudoteres W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Meteorium regnellii (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Meteorium riograndense C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Meteorium spathulifolium Dixon, 1932  Meteorium squamidioides Sehnem, 1980 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Meteorium striatum Lindberg, 1865 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Meteorium subpolytrichum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1906 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Meteorium taiwanense Noguchi, 1948 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Meteorium teres Mitten, 1869 – [Spessard-Schueth, L., 1994d] 1975, as Pottia recta] Microbryum rufochaete (Magill) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Acaulon rufochaete]  Microbryum starkeanum (Hedwig) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Pottia starkeana; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975, as Pottia starkeana]  Microbryum subplanomarginatum (Dixon) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Pottia subplanomarginata]  Microbryum tasmanicum (Dixon & Rodway) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1989b, as Phascum tasmanicum; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Phascum tasmanicum]  Microbryum vlassovii (Lazarenko) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Microbryum zealandiae (R. Brown ter) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Microcampylopus (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1904 {4/0/0/0/0=4} DICRANACEAE  Microcampylopus curvisetus (Hampe) Giese & Frahm, 1986 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Microcampylopus khasianus (Griffiths) Giese & Frahm, 1986 – [Giese, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985 [1986]a; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Microcampylopus laevigatus (Thériot) Giese & Frahm, 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1986 – [Giese, M. & J.-P. Frahm, 1985 [1986]a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Microcampylopus leucogaster (C. Müller) B. H. Allen, 1994 – [Allen, B., 1994a] Microctenidium Fleischer, 1923 {0/1/0/1/0=2} HYPNACEAE  Microctenidium assimile Brotherus, 1929  Microctenidium leveilleanum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1923 – [Nishimura, N., 1985] Microdus W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1872 {6/0/1/4/0=11} DICRANACEAE  Microdus acutidentatus Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966]  Microdus assamicus Dixon, 1937 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Microdus filicaulis Brotherus, 1927 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Microdus friedensis Norris & T. Koponen, 1990 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]  Microdus miquelianus (Montagne) Bescherelle in Paris, 1897 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Eddy, A., 1988]  Microdus picquenotii Thériot & Corbière, 1934 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Microdus rubrisetus E. B. Bartram, 1955  Microdus sinensis Herzog, 1925 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Microdus subnitidulus Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1925 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Microdus tutuilae Brotherus in Setchell, 1924 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Microthamnium longirostrum Thériot, 1926  Microthamnium pseudosubperspicuum Paris, 1900  Microthamnium russellii R. S. Williams, 1930  Microthamnium smithii R. S. Williams, 1930 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as insufficiently known] Microtheciella Dixon, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MICROTHECIELLACEAE  Microtheciella kerrii Dixon, 1931 – [Miller, H. A. & A. J. Harrington, 1977; Goffinet, B., 1998] Mielichhoferia Nees & Hornschuch, 1831 {12/3/2/73/0=90} MIELICHHOFERIACEAE  Mielichhoferia acuminata C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia acutifolia Brotherus, 1931  Mielichhoferia angustata Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia antisanensis (E. B. Bartram) H. Robinson, 1967 – [Robinson, H., 1967a]  Mielichhoferia argentifolia Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H., 1994k]  Mielichhoferia aristata Herzog, 1938* – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Mielichhoferia aristatula Brotherus, 1920 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Mielichhoferia assamica Dixon, 1937 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]



Microdus yuennanensis Gao Chien, 1994 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994] Micromitrium Austin, 1870 {5/1/0/3/0=9} EPHEMERACEAE  Micromitrium lacustre (C. Müller in Brotherus) Crosby, 1968 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Micromitrium maracaibense Brotherus, 1931  Micromitrium megalosporum Austin, 1870 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Micromitrium perexiguum (C. Müller) Crosby, 1968 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Micromitrium subaequinoctale (Brotherus) Crosby, 1968 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964, as Nanomitrium subaequinoctale]  Micromitrium synoicum (T. P. James) Austin in Sullivant, 1874 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Micromitrium tenerum (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) Crosby, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Nyholm, E., 1989; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Bryan, V. S., 1999]  Micromitrium thelephorothecum (Florschütz) Crosby, 1968 – [Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Florschütz, P. A., 1964, as Nanomitrium thelephorothecum; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Micromitrium wrightii (C. Müller) Crosby, 1968 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a] Microthamnium Mitten, 1869 =Mittenothamnium {0/0/0/4/0=4} HYPNACEAE 

Mielichhoferia auriseta C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia australis Hampe, 1856  Mielichhoferia badhwarii Dixon, 1930  Mielichhoferia borbonica Thériot, 1932  Mielichhoferia brachyclada (Brotherus in Felippone) A. J. Shaw & H. Crum, 1984  Mielichhoferia brotheri Fleischer in Brotherus, 1903 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Mielichhoferia bryocarpa Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia canescens C. Müller, 1897  Mielichhoferia cardotii A. J. Shaw & H. Crum, 1984  Mielichhoferia castanea Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia clavitheca Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia coarctata C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia cuspidata (Herzog) A. J. Shaw & H. Crum, 1984  Mielichhoferia cuspidifera Kindberg in Macoun, 1892 – [cited by Shaw, J. & H. Crum, 1984 as insufficiently known]  Mielichhoferia demissa C. Müller, 1858 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia elgonensis Potier de la Varde, 1955 –



[Kis, G., 1985] Mielichhoferia elongata (Hoppe & Hornschuch in W. J. Hooker) Nees & Hornschuch, 1831 – [Shaw, A. J. & P. E. Rooks, 1994; Shaw, A. J., 1994a; Shaw, A. J., 1994b]  Mielichhoferia fabronioides (Cardot in Grandidier) A. J. Shaw & H. Crum, 1984  Mielichhoferia filiramea (Brotherus & Paris) A. J. Shaw & H. Crum, 1984  Mielichhoferia gracilis Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia grammocarpa C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Mielichhoferia gymna C. Müller, 1897  Mielichhoferia herzogii Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia himalayana Mitten, 1859  Mielichhoferia humipetens (C. Müller) Paris, 1897  Mielichhoferia hymenostomoides Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Mielichhoferia immersidens C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia japonica Bescherelle, 1898 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Mielichhoferia julacea A. J. Shaw & H. Crum, 1984 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Mielichhoferia lahulensis R. S. Williams, 1932  Mielichhoferia laxiretis Thériot, 1936  Mielichhoferia leptoclada C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia linderi Thériot, 1930 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Mielichhoferia minutissima C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia modesta C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia ochracea C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia ovalis Mitten, 1863  Mielichhoferia pampae C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia paroica A. J. Shaw & B. H. Allen in A. J. Shaw, B. H. Allen & W. R. Buck, 1998 [1999] – [Shaw, A. J., B. Allen & W. R. Buck, 1998 [1999]]  Mielichhoferia patagonica C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia pilifera E. B. Bartram, 1961  Mielichhoferia plagiobrioides Brotherus, 1920 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Mielichhoferia plumosa C. Müller, 1862 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Mielichhoferia procera Brotherus ex Fleischer, 1904 – [cited by Eddy, A., 1996 as insufficiently known]  Mielichhoferia punctulata Mitten, 1869  Mielichhoferia robusta Brotherus, 1931  Mielichhoferia sanguinolenta (C. Müller) Paris, 1897  Mielichhoferia sasaokae Brotherus, 1921 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988] 

Mielichhoferia lonchocarpa C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia longipes C. Müller, 1897 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Mielichhoferia longiseta C. Müller, 1848 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Mielichhoferia lorentziana C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia macrocarpa (W. J. Hooker in Drummond) Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1843 – [Shaw, J. & H. Crum, 1984; Lawton, E., 1971]  Mielichhoferia macrodonta Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Mielichhoferia macrophylla Ochi, 1964 – [Ochi, H., 1964]  Mielichhoferia macrospora Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia manca (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia megalocarpum (Arnott) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Mielichhoferia microcarpa Brotherus, 1931 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia microdonta Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia micropoma C. Müller, 1879 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia mielichhoferiana (Funck) Loeske, 1910 – [Shaw, A. J. & P. E. Rooks, 1994; Shaw, J. & H. Crum, 1984; Shaw, A. J., 1994a; Shaw, A. J., 1994b]  Mielichhoferia minutifolia C. Müller, 1897 – [Bowers, F. D., 1970]  Mielichhoferia schmidii C. Müller, 1853  Mielichhoferia secundifolia Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia seriata Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia seriola (C. Müller) Paris, 1897 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Mielichhoferia serrae C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Mielichhoferia serridens C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia sinensis Dixon, 1933 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Mielichhoferia speluncae Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Mielichhoferia striidens C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Mielichhoferia subbasilaris Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Mielichhoferia subcampylocarpa Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia subclavitheca Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mielichhoferia subminutifolia Brotherus, 1920 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Mielichhoferia subnuda Sim, 1926 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]


Mielichhoferia sullivanii C. Müller, 1898 Mielichhoferia tehamensis Showers, 1980 – [Shaw, J. & H. Crum, 1984; Showers, D. W., 1980]  Mielichhoferia ulei C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mielichhoferia vardei A. J. Shaw & H. Crum, 1984  Mielichhoferia woodii Potier de la Varde, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985] Mironia Zander, 1993 {3/0/0/0/0=3} POTTIACEAE  Mironia crassicuspis (H. Robinson) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994s, as Morinia crassicuspis]  Mironia ehrenbergiana (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994s, as Morinia ehrenbergiana; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Mironia stenotheca (Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994s, as Morinia stenotheca] Mitrobryum H. Robinson, 1968 {0/0/1/0/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Mitrobryum koelzii H. Robinson, 1968 – [Robinson, H., 1968] Mittenia Lindberg, 1863 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MITTENIACEAE  Mittenia plumula (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Lindberg, 1863 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1987] Mittenothamnium Hennings, 1902 {14/6/1/58/0=79} HYPNACEAE  Mittenothamnium andicola (W. J. Hooker) Cardot, 1913 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as insufficiently known]  Mittenothamnium aptychella (Brotherus) Cardot,  Mittenothamnium horridulum (Brotherus) Cardot, 1913 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Mittenothamnium humile (Bescherelle) Cardot, 1913 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mittenothamnium hylophilum (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Mittenothamnium incompletum (Fleischer) Cardot, 1913 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Mittenothamnium iporanganum (Bescherelle & Geheeb) Cardot, 1913 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Mittenothamnium isopterygioides (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot, 1913 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Mittenothamnium jamesonii (Taylor) Cardot, 1913  Mittenothamnium lacouterei (Renauld & Cardot in Renauld) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Mittenothamnium langsdorffii (W. J. Hooker in Kunth) Cardot, 1913 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Mittenothamnium laxulum (E. B. Bartram) F. D. Bowers, 1970 – [Crum, H. & P. W. Richards, 1984]  Mittenothamnium lehmannii (Bescherelle) Cardot, 1913 – [Bowers, F. D., 1970; Morales, M. I. & D. Griffin, III, 1983; Winkler, S., 1964–65 [1965]; 


1913 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Mittenothamnium atroviride (Bescherelle) Cardot, 1913 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Mittenothamnium bescherellei (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot, 1913 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Mittenothamnium brachythecioides (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot, 1913  Mittenothamnium burelae (Herzog) F. J. Hermann, 1976 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mittenothamnium capillirameum (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mittenothamnium caudiforme (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913  Mittenothamnium ctenidioides (Dixon) Schelpe in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Mittenothamnium decurrens (Herzog) Wijk & Margadant, 1961 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mittenothamnium deguchii Nishimura & Kanda, 1990 – [Nishimura, N. & H. Kanda, 1990]  Mittenothamnium delicatulum (Brotherus) Cardot, 1913 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Mittenothamnium eurystomum (Bescherelle) Cardot, 1913 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Mittenothamnium evardii (Thériot) B. C. Tan & Iwatsuki, 1993 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Mittenothamnium glaucissimum (Bescherelle ex Geheeb) Cardot, 1913 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Mittenothamnium heterostachys (Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Mittenothamnium hookerioides (Herzog) F. J. Hermann, 1976 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Mittenothamnium leptoreptans (Brotherus) Cardot, 1913  Mittenothamnium limosum (Bescherelle) Cardot, 1913 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Mittenothamnium longoreptans (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mittenothamnium loriforme (Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Mittenothamnium macroblepharum (Bescherelle) Cardot, 1913 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Mittenothamnium macrodontium (Hornschuch) Cardot, 1913 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Mittenothamnium madagassum (Bescherelle) Cardot, 1913 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Mittenothamnium megapelmatum (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913  Mittenothamnium microthamnioides (C. Müller ex Geheeb) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Mittenothamnium micrurum (C. Müller) Cardot,



1913  Mittenothamnium modestum (Herzog) Wijk & Margadant, 1962 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mittenothamnium mucidum (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Mittenothamnium mycostelium (Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Mittenothamnium nano-operculatum (Thériot) Schultze-Motel, 1973 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Mittenothamnium nanopolymorphum (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Mittenothamnium overlaetii Thériot & Naveau, 1942 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Mittenothamnium oxyrrhynchioides (Brotherus) Steere, 1948  Mittenothamnium oxystegum (Spruce ex Mitten) Cardot, 1913 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Mittenothamnium pachythecium (Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Mittenothamnium perrieri (Thériot) Schultze-Motel, 1975  Mittenothamnium plinthophilum (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913  Mittenothamnium plumosum (Herzog) Wijk & Margadant, 1962 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mittenothamnium pseudoelegans (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mittenothamnium pseudoreptans (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Mittenothamnium puiggarii (Geheeb & Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Mittenothamnium reptans (Hedwig) Cardot, 1913 –  Mittenothamnium substriatum (Mitten) Cardot, 1913 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Mittenothamnium tamarisciforme (Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Mittenothamnium tamariscifrons (Brotherus & Geheeb) Cardot, 1913 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Mittenothamnium tapes (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Mittenothamnium tenellum F. J. Hermann, 1976 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mittenothamnium trichocladon (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot, 1913  Mittenothamnium trichopelmatum (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Mittenothamnium versipoma (Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Mittenothamnium viscidulum (Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Mittenothamnium volvatum (Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Mitthyridium H. Robinson, 1975 {18/2/0/0/0=20} CALYMPERACEAE  Mitthyridium adpressum (Brotherus) H. Robinson,

[Nishimura, N. & H. Ando, 1994c; Florschütz-de Waard, J. & K. Veling, 1996; Sehnem, A., 1979; Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Mittenothamnium rivulare (Brotherus) Steere, 1948  Mittenothamnium robustiusculum (Brotherus in Herzog) Wijk & Margadant, 1962 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mittenothamnium rostratulum (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot, 1913 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Mittenothamnium rostratum (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot, 1913  Mittenothamnium saproadelphus (Brotherus) Cardot, 1913  Mittenothamnium scalpellifolium (C. Müller) H. Crum, 1968 – [Nishimura, N. & H. Ando, 1994c; Buck, W. R., 1998b, as Taxiphyllum scalpellifolium]  Mittenothamnium sellovii (Hornschuch) Cardot, 1913 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Mittenothamnium simorrhynchum (Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Mittenothamnium sordidum (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot, 1913 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Mittenothamnium stigmopyxis (C. Müller) Cardot, 1913 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mittenothamnium subcampaniforme (Geheeb & Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Mittenothamnium subdiminutivum (Geheeb & Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Mittenothamnium submacrodontium (Geheeb & Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Mittenothamnium subobscurum (Hampe) Cardot, 1913 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Mittenothamnium subpatens (Brotherus in Mildbraed) Kis, 1984 – [Kis, G., 1985] 1975 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Reese, W. D., 1994a]  Mitthyridium cardotii (Fleischer) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D., H. Mohamed & A. D. Mohamed, 1986]  Mitthyridium constrictum (Sullivant) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Mitthyridium crassum (Brotherus) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Mitthyridium fasciculatum (W. J. Hooker & Greville) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Mitthyridium flavum (C. Müller) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Mitthyridium iwatsukianum B. C. Tan, 1987 – [Tan, B. C., 1987; Ellis, L. T. & B. C. Tan, 1999]  Mitthyridium jungquilianum (Mitten in Dozy & Molkenboer) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D., H. Mohamed & A. D. Mohamed, 1986; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Mitthyridium leucoloma (C. Müller) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1990 [n.d.]] Mitthyridium luteum (Mitten) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D., H. Mohamed & A. D. Mohamed, 1986; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Mitthyridium megamorphum (Fleischer) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D., H. Mohamed & A. D. Mohamed, 1986]  Mitthyridium micro-undulatum (Dixon) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D., R. E. Magill & T. Pócs, 1994]  Mitthyridium obtusifolium (Lindberg) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D., H. Mohamed & A. D. Mohamed, 1986; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Mitthyridium papuanum (Brotherus) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995]  Mitthyridium perundulatum (Brotherus in Schumann & Lauterbach) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995]  Mitthyridium repens (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Mitthyridium retusum (Bescherelle) W. D. Reese, 1987 [1988] – [Menzel, M. & W. Schultze-Motel, 1990]  Mitthyridium subluteum (C. Müller) Nowak, 1980 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995]  Mitthyridium undulatum (Dozy & Molkenboer) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D., H. Mohamed & A. D. Mohamed, 1986; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Mitthyridium wallisii (C. Müller) H. Robinson, 1975 – [Reese, W. D., H. Mohamed & A. D. Mohamed, 1986; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]] Miyabea Brotherus, 1905 {3/0/1/0/0=4} LESKEACEAE  Miyabea fruticella (Mitten) Brotherus, 1905 – [Watanabe, R., 1972]  Miyabea nishimurae R. Watanabe in Nakaike & S. Mniodendron Lindberg ex Dozy & Molkenboer, 1866 [1865] =Hypnodendron {0/0/0/1/0=1} HYPNODENDRACEAE  Mniodendron nanum C. Müller, 1902 – [cited by Touw, A., 1971 as insufficiently known] Mniomalia C. Müller, 1874 {2/0/0/0/0=2} PHYLLODREPANIACEAE  Mniomalia semilimbata (Mitten) C. Müller, 1874 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1987; Eddy, A., 1996]  Mniomalia viridis (Mitten) C. Müller, 1874 – [Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Mnium Hedwig, 1801 {12/0/1/5/1=19} MNIACEAE  Mnium ambiguum H. L. H. Müller, 1866 – [Ireland, R. R., 1982; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Mnium arizonicum Amann, 1925 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Koponen, T., 1994]  Mnium blyttii Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Koponen, T., 1993]  Mnium heterophyllum (W. J. Hooker) Schwägrichen, 1826 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Mnium hornum Hedwig, 1801 – [Koponen, T., 1993; 


Malik, 1993 – [Nishimura, N., R. Watanabe, H. Kanda, N. Takaki, U. Mizushima, Z. Iwatsuki, T. Seki, M. Higuchi & H. Ando, 1993]  Miyabea rotundifolia Cardot, 1909 – [Watanabe, R., 1972]  Miyabea thuidioides Brotherus, 1921 – [Watanabe, R., 1972] Mniobryoides Hörmann, 1969 {0/0/1/0/0=1} BRYACEAE  Mniobryoides degeneriae Hörmann, 1969 – [Hormann, H., 1969] Mniobryum Limpricht in Rabenhorst, 1892 =Pohlia {0/0/1/10/0=11} BRYACEAE  Mniobryum aptychoides (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903  Mniobryum aspillagae Thériot, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Mniobryum bolivianum Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Mniobryum brevisetum Reichardt, 1870  Mniobryum linderi Thériot, 1932 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Mniobryum pergracile Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1939 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Mniobryum perlaxum Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1932 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Mniobryum rubrum Dixon, 1930 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Mniobryum ruwenzorense Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Mniobryum sparsifolium (Cardot) Brotherus, 1924  Mniobryum tortifolium J. Fröhlich, 1964 – [Fröhlich, J., 1964] Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Mnium ilicifolium Opiz, 1823 – [cited by Koponen, T., 1980a as insufficiently known]  Mnium integrifolium Bridel, 1803 – [cited by Koponen, T., 1980a as insufficiently known]  Mnium laevinerve Cardot, 1909 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Eddy, A., 1996]  Mnium lycopodioides Schwägrichen, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Eddy, A., 1996]  Mnium marginatum (Dickson ex Withering) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Koponen, T., 1994; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Mnium orientale Wyatt, Odrzykoski & T. Koponen, 1997 – [Wyatt, R., I. J. Odrzydoski & T. Koponen, 1997]  Mnium perpusillum Warnstorf, 1915 – [cited by Koponen, T., 1980a as insufficiently known]  Mnium rutheanum Warnstorf, 1905 – [cited by Koponen, T., 1980a as insufficiently known]  Mnium spinosum (Voit in J. W. Sturm) Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Smith, A. J.



E., 1978] Mnium spinulosum Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Mnium stellare Reichard ex Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Mnium sublimbatum (Potier de la Varde) Ochi, 1972 – [Excluded by Koponen, T., 1981a]  Mnium submarginatum Nawaschin & N. W. Zinger in Zickendrath, 1894 – [cited by Koponen, T., 1980a as insufficiently known]  Mnium thomsonii W. P. Schimper, 1876 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Moenkemeyera C. Müller, 1886 =Fissidens {0/0/0/3/0=3} FISSIDENTACEAE  Moenkemeyera alomifolia C. Müller, 1900 – [cited by Pursell, R. A., 1994a as insufficiently known; cited by Pursell, R. A., 1999c as insufficiently known]  Moenkemeyera australiensis Dixon, 1941  Moenkemeyera rarotongae Dixon, 1941 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Molendoa Lindberg, 1878 {6/2/1/6/0=15} POTTIACEAE  Molendoa andina (Mitten) Brotherus, 1902  Molendoa cucullata (Herzog) Hilpert, 1933 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Molendoa duthiei (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Molendoa fuegiana E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Molendoa hornschuchiana (W. J. Hooker) Lindberg ex Limpricht, 1886 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Saito, K., 1975]  Molendoa kitaibelana Györffy in E. Bauer, 1912  Muelleriella crassifolia (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Dusén, 1905 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976a; Ochyra, R., 1998a] Muellerobryum Fleischer, 1905 {0/1/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Muellerobryum whiteleggei (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1905 – [Ramsay, H. P., 1984] Muscoflorschuetzia Crosby, 1978 {0/0/1/0/0=1} DIPHYSCIACEAE  Muscoflorschuetzia pilmaiquen (Crosby) Crosby, 1978 – [Crosby, M. R., 1977, as Florschuetzia pilmaiquen] Muscoherzogia Ochyra, 1982 {0/0/0/1/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Muscoherzogia pauperculata (Thériot & Herzog in Herzog) Ochyra, 1982 Myrinia W. P. Schimper, 1860 {2/0/0/0/0=2} MYRINIACEAE  Myrinia brasiliensis (Hampe) W. P. Schimper in Jaeger, 1878 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Myrinia pulvinata (Wahlenberg) W. P. Schimper, 1860 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b] Myurella Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 


Molendoa ogalalensis (G. L. S. Merrill) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Merrill, G. L. S., 1992b, as Ozobryum ogalalense]  Molendoa platyphyllum (R. S. Williams) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Molendoa roylei (Mitten) Brotherus, 1902 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Li Xing-jiang & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Molendoa schliephackei (Limpricht) Zander, 1993 – [Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Molendoa sendtneriana (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Limpricht, 1886 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1977]  Molendoa seravschanica Brotherus & Györffy in B. Fedchenko, 1918 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Molendoa subobtusifolia Brotherus, 1921  Molendoa taeniatifolia Herzog, 1943  Molendoa warburgii (Crundwell & M. O. Hill) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Anoectangium warburgii; Crundwell, A. C. & M. O. Hill, 1977, as Anoectangium warburgii] Moseniella Brotherus, 1918 {0/2/0/0/0=2} SPLACHNACEAE  Moseniella brasiliensis Brotherus, 1918 – [Koponen, A., 1977]  Moseniella ulei (C. Müller ex Brotherus) A. Koponen, 1977 – [Koponen, A., 1977] Muelleriella Dusén, 1905 {4/0/0/0/0=4} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Muelleriella angustifolia (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Dusén, 1905 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976a]  Muelleriella atrata (Mitten) Vitt, 1979 [1980] – [Vitt, D. H., 1979 [1980]; Vitt, D. H., 1976a, as Muelleriella engelii; Vitt, D. H., 1976a, as Muelleriella engelii]  Muelleriella aucklandica Vitt, 1976 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976a] {4/0/0/0/0=4} PTERIGYNANDRACEAE  Myurella acuminata Lindberg & H. Arnell, 1890 – [Ignatov, M. S. & R. Ochyra, 1995]  Myurella julacea (Schwägrichen in Schultes) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Gao Chien & Tong Cao, 1992a; Matteri, C. M., 1981; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Myurella sibirica (C. Müller) Reimers, 1937 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Gao Chien & Tong Cao, 1992a; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Myurella tenerrima (Bridel) Lindberg, 1879 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien & Tong Cao, 1992a; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996] Myurium W. P. Schimper, 1860 {2/2/0/1/0=5} MYURIACEAE  Myurium acuminatum (Dixon & Potier de la Varde) He Si & Snider, 1992 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992]  Myurium alaris (Dixon in Christophersen) B. H. Allen, 1999 – [Allen, B., 1999]  Myurium borii (Dixon) Magill, 1980 – [Magill, R. E.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1980; Gangulee, H. C., 1976, as Symphysodontella borii]  Myurium hochstetteri (W. P. Schimper in Seubert) Kindberg, 1900 – [Long, D. G., 1978; Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium hebridarum]  Myurium warburgii (C. Müller in Brotherus) Fleischer, 1906 Myuroclada Bescherelle, 1893 {1/1/0/0/0=2} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Myuroclada maximowiczii (G. G. Borszczow in Maximowicz) Steere & W. B. Schofield, 1956 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983]  Myuroclada rotundifolia (H. Arnell) A. L. Abramova & I. I. Abramov, 1969 – [Abramova, A. L. & I. I. Abramov, 1969] Nanomitriella E. B. Bartram, 1954 {0/0/0/1/0=1} FUNARIACEAE  Nanomitriella ciliata E. B. Bartram, 1954 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993] Nanomitriopsis Cardot ex Brotherus, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} EPHEMERACEAE  Nanomitriopsis longifolia Cardot, 1909 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1980; Stone, I. G., 1996] Nanothecium Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Nanothecium foreaui Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930 – [Buck, W. R., 1980a] Neckera Hedwig, 1801 {38/4/2/29/0=73} NECKERACEAE  Neckera aequalifolia C. Müller, 1854  Neckera americana Greville, 1826  Neckera andina Mitten, 1869 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b]  Neckera andrei Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Neckera angustifolia C. Müller, 1847 – [Smith, D. K., 1994b; Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b]  Neckera flexiramea Cardot, 1911 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckera formosana Noguchi, 1935 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Neckera goughiana Mitten, 1859 – [Enroth, J., 1995c; He, Si, 1997]  Neckera hawaiico-pennata C. Müller, 1896 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Neckera hedbergii Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [cited by Sloover, J. L. de, 1977a as insufficiently known]  Neckera heterophylla Bridel, 1801 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Neckera himalayana Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Neckera humilis Mitten, 1891 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckera intermedia Bridel, 1812 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977a]  Neckera konoi Brotherus in Cardot, 1911 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckera laevigata W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 –


Neckera aurescens Hampe, 1856 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Neckera balansae C. Müller, 1897  Neckera besseri (Lobarzewski) Juratzka, 1860 – [He, Si, 1997]  Neckera bhutanensis Noguchi in H. Hara, 1971 – [Noguchi, A., 1971a; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Neckera borealis Noguchi, 1956 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckera brownii Dixon, 1927  Neckera brunnea C. Müller, 1897  Neckera caldensis Lindberg ex Ångström, 1876 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Neckera chilensis W. P. Schimper ex Montagne, 1836 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Neckera complanata (Hedwig) Hübener, 1833 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Neckera coreana Cardot, 1911 – [cited by Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989 as insufficiently known; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Neckera crenulata Harvey in W. J. Hooker, 1836 – [Enroth, J., 1996a; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Neckera crispa Hedwig, 1801 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Neckera decurrens Brotherus, 1923 – [Enroth, J., 1996a]  Neckera denigricans Enroth, 1996 – [Enroth, J., 1996a]  Neckera douglasii W. J. Hooker, 1829 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Neckera ehrenbergii C. Müller, 1850 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Smith, D. K., 1994b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Neckera emersa C. Müller & Hampe, 1855  Neckera falcata Reinwardt & Hornschuch, 1829  Neckera fauriei Cardot, 1911 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Neckera laeviuscula Geheeb in Herzog, 1910  Neckera leichhardtii Hampe & C. Müller, 1870 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Neckera leptodontea C. Müller, 1897 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Neckera nakazimae (Iishiba) Noguchi, 1937 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckera neckeroides (Brotherus) Enroth & B. C. Tan, 1994 – [Enroth, J. & B. C. Tan, 1994]  Neckera nelloi Brotherus ex Tongiorgi, 1939  Neckera obtusifolia Taylor, 1848 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Neckera oligocarpa Bruch in Ångström, 1842 – [Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983]  Neckera pachycarpa W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1872 – [Smith, D. K., 1994b; Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b]  Neckera pennata Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckera perpinnata Cardot & Thériot, 1911 –



[Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Neckera platyantha (C. Müller) Paris, 1897 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977a]  Neckera plumosa Reinwardt & Hornschuch, 1829  Neckera polyclada C. Müller, 1896 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckera praelonga Lorentz, 1866 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Neckera puiggarii Geheeb & Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Neckera pumila Hedwig, 1801 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Neckera pusilla Mitten, 1891 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckera remota Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1850 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977a; Enroth, J. & N. G. Hodgetts, 1996]  Neckera rotundata Brotherus in Skottsberg, 1924 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Neckera sanctae-catharinae C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Neckera scabridens C. Müller, 1847 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Neckera semicrispa Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Neckera setschwanica Brotherus, 1923 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Neckera spruceana Mitten, 1869 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b]  Neckera submacrocarpa Dixon, 1920 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977a]  Neckera subuliformis Reinwardt & Hornschuch, 1829  Neckera sundaensis C. Müller, 1856  Neckera tenera Hornschuch, 1840 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Neckera tjibodensis Fleischer, 1908  Neckera trabeculata Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Neckera undulatifolia (Tixier) Enroth, 1992 – [Enroth,  Neckeropsis foveolata (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Enroth, J., 1993a; Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b]  Neckeropsis gracilenta (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Touw, A., 1972; Enroth, J., 1989b]  Neckeropsis gracilis Noguchi, 1972 – [Noguchi, A., 1972a; Touw, A., 1972]  Neckeropsis inundata (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1909 – [Enroth, J., 1995a]  Neckeropsis lepineana (Montagne) Fleischer, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Touw, A., 1972; Enroth, J., 1993a; Enroth, J., 1989b]  Neckeropsis liliana (Renauld) Paris in Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Enroth, J., 1993a]  Neckeropsis madecassa (Bescherelle) Fleischer, 1908 – [Enroth, J., 1993a]  Neckeropsis moutieri (Brotherus & Paris) Fleischer, 1908 – [Touw, A. & R. Ochyra, 1987] 

J., 1992d] Neckera urnigera C. Müller, 1850 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Smith, D. K., 1994b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Neckera valentiniana Bescherelle, 1880 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Neckera villae-ricae Bescherelle, 1877 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b]  Neckera yezoana Bescherelle, 1893 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckera yunnanensis Enroth, 1996 – [Enroth, J., 1996a] Neckeropsis Reichardt, 1870 {24/0/4/2/0=30} NECKERACEAE  Neckeropsis andamana (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Touw, A., 1972]  Neckeropsis beccariana (Hampe) Touw in Touw & Ochyra, 1987 – [Touw, A. & R. Ochyra, 1987]  Neckeropsis boiviniana (C. Müller ex Bescherelle) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Enroth, J., 1993a]  Neckeropsis boniana (Bescherelle) Touw & Ochyra, 1987 – [Touw, A., 1990; Touw, A. & R. Ochyra, 1987]  Neckeropsis calcicola Noguchi, 1956 – [Touw, A., 1972; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckeropsis chevalieri (Brotherus & Corbière) Brotherus, 1925  Neckeropsis crinita (Griffith) Fleischer, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Touw, A., 1972]  Neckeropsis darjeelingensis Gangulee, 1976 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Neckeropsis disticha (Hedwig) Kindberg, 1894 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1986; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Sloover, J. L. de, 1977a; Smith, D. K., 1994b; Enroth, J., 1993a; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Sehnem, A., 1980]  Neckeropsis exserta (W. J. Hooker ex Schwägrichen) Brotherus, 1925 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Neckeropsis fimbriata (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Fleischer, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Touw, A., 1972] 


Neckeropsis nanodisticha (Geheeb) Fleischer, 1908 – [Enroth, J., 1989b]  Neckeropsis nitidula (Mitten) Fleischer, 1908 – [Touw, A., 1972; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckeropsis obtusata (Montagne) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Touw, A., 1972; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Neckeropsis pocsii Enroth & Magill, 1994 – [Enroth, J. & R. E. Magill, 1994]  Neckeropsis semperiana (Hampe in C. Müller) Touw, 1962 – [Touw, A., 1972]  Neckeropsis spurio-truncata (C. Müller ex Dusén) Fleischer, 1908 – [Enroth, J., 1993a]  Neckeropsis submarginata Cardot ex Touw, 1962 – [Touw, A. & R. Ochyra, 1987; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Neckeropsis subtruncata Fleischer, 1908  Neckeropsis takahashii Higuchi et al., 1989 – [Higuchi, M., Z. Iwatsuki, R. Ochyra & Xing-jiang Li,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1989] Neckeropsis touwii Ochyra, 1989 – [Ochyra, R. & J. Enroth, 1989; Enroth, J., 1992d]  Neckeropsis undulata (Hedwig) Reichardt, 1870 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1986; Smith, D. K., 1994b; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Sehnem, A., 1980] Nematocladia W. R. Buck, 1982 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MYRINIACEAE  Nematocladia tesserata W. R. Buck, 1982 – [Buck, W. R., 1982; Crum, H., 1994d] Neobarbella Noguchi, 1948 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LEMBOPHYLLACEAE  Neobarbella comes (Griffith) Noguchi, 1948 – [Tan, B. C., S. He & P. Isoviita, 1992; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Neodicladiella (Noguchi) W. R. Buck, 1994 {1/0/0/0/0=1} METEORIACEAE  Neodicladiella pendula (Sullivant in A. Gray) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Barbella pendula; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989, as Barbella pendula] Neodolichomitra Noguchi, 1937 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYLOCOMIACEAE  Neodolichomitra yunnanensis (Bescherelle) T. Koponen, 1971 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Higuchi, M. & N. Nishimura, 1998] Neolindbergia Fleischer, 1908 {7/0/0/0/0=7} PTEROBRYACEAE  Neolindbergia cladomnioides H. Akiyama in H. Akiyama, T. Koponen & Norris, 1991 – [Akiyama, H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1991]  Neolindbergia deningeri Herzog, 1916 – [Akiyama, H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1991]  Neolindbergia rigida (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1908 – [Akiyama, H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1991]  Neolindbergia robusta Dixon, 1935 – [Akiyama, H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1991]  Neolindbergia rugosa (Lindberg) Fleischer, 1908 – [Akiyama, H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1991]  Neolindbergia veloirae H. Akiyama, 1991 – [Akiyama, Notoligotrichum G. L. Smith, 1971 {5/1/0/3/0=9} POLYTRICHACEAE  Notoligotrichum australe (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Hyvönen, J., 1986; Smith, G. L., 1971]  Notoligotrichum bellii (Brotherus) G. L. Smith, 1971  Notoligotrichum crispulum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Smith, G. L., 1971]  Notoligotrichum laxifolium (Dixon in Christophersen) G. L. Smith, 1971  Notoligotrichum mexicanum (G. L. Smith) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Merrill, G. L. S., 1994]  Notoligotrichum minimum (Cardot) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Smith, G. L., 1971; Schiavone, M. M., 1993]  Notoligotrichum tapes (C. Müller in Neumayer) G. L. 


H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1991] Neolindbergia vitiensis (E. B. Bartram) Enroth, 1991 – [Akiyama, H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1991] Neomacounia Ireland, 1974 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Neomacounia nitida (Lindberg) Ireland, 1974 – [Ireland, R. R., 1974] Neomeesia Deguchi, 1983 {0/0/1/0/0=1} MEESIACEAE  Neomeesia paludella (Bescherelle) Deguchi, 1983 – [Deguchi, H., 1983] Neonoguchia Lin Shan-hsiung, 1988 {0/1/0/0/0=1} METEORIACEAE  Neonoguchia auriculata (Coppey ex Thériot) Lin Shan-hsiung, 1988 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Aerobryopsis auriculata] Neophoenix Zander & During, 1999 {0/1/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Neophoenix matoposensis Zander & During, 1999 – [Zander, R. H. & H. J. During, 1999] Neorutenbergia Bizot & Pócs in Bizot, Pierrot & Pócs, 1974 {1/0/0/0/0=1} RUTENBERGIACEAE  Neorutenbergia usagarae (Dixon) Bizot & Pócs, 1974 – [Bizot, M., R. B. Pierrot & T. Pócs, 1974, as Neorutenbergia armata] Neosharpiella H. Robinson & Delgadillo M., 1973 {2/0/0/0/0=2} GIGASPERMACEAE  Neosharpiella aztecorum H. Robinson & Delgadillo M., 1973 – [Fife, A. J., 1980; Fife, A. J., 1994]  Neosharpiella turgida (Mitten) H. Robinson & Delgadillo M., 1973 – [Fife, A. J., 1980] Nobregaea Hedenäs, 1992 {0/0/1/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Nobregaea latinervis Hedenäs, 1992 – [Hedenäs, L., 1992a] Noguchiodendron Ninh & Pócs, 1981 {0/0/1/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Noguchiodendron sphaerocarpum (Noguchi in H. Hara) Ninh & Pócs, 1981 – [Ninh, T. & T. Pócs, 1981] 

Smith, 1971 – [Smith, G. L., 1971; Greene, S. W., 1973, as Psilopilum tapes; Schiavone, M. M., 1993]  Notoligotrichum trichodon (J. D. Hooker & Wilson in Wilson) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Smith, G. L., 1971; Greene, S. W., 1973, as Psilopilum trichodon; Schiavone, M. M., 1993; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Notoligotrichum tristaniense (Dixon in Christophersen) G. L. Smith, 1971 Ochrobryum Mitten, 1869 {5/0/0/2/0=7} LEUCOBRYACEAE  Ochrobryum gardneri (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Allen, B., 1992b]  Ochrobryum kurzianum Hampe in Bescherelle, 1897 – [Allen, B., 1992b; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Ochrobryum mittenii C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1897 – [cited by Allen, B., 1992b as insufficiently known]



Ochrobryum nietneri C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1897 Ochrobryum sakalavum Cardot & Paris, 1904 – [Allen, B., 1992b]  Ochrobryum sessile B. H. Allen, 1992 – [Allen, B., 1992b]  Ochrobryum subulatum Hampe in Bescherelle, 1897 – [Allen, B., 1992b] Ochyraea Váa, 1986 {0/0/1/0/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Ochyraea tatrensis Váa, 1986 – [Váa, J., 1986; Corley, M. F. V. & A. C. Crundwell, 1991] Octoblepharum Hedwig, 1801 {7/0/3/6/0=16} CALYMPERACEAE  Octoblepharum africanum (Brotherus) Cardot, 1899 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Octoblepharum albidum Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Enroth, J., 1990a; Peterson, W., 1994a; Magill, R. E., 1981; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Salazar Allen, N., 1994; Salazar Allen, N., 1991]  Octoblepharum ampullaceum Mitten, 1869 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Pursell, R. A., 1973; Yano, O., 1981]  Octoblepharum brevisetum C. C. Townsend, 1963 – [Townsend, C. C., 1963]  Octoblepharum cocuiense Mitten, 1869 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1994]  Octoblepharum costatum H. Crum in Mägdefrau, 1983 – [Magdefrau, K., 1983]  Octoblepharum cylindricum W. P. Schimper ex Montagne, 1840 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1994]  Octoblepharum depressum C. Müller, 1900  Octoblepharum erectifolium Mitten ex R. S. Williams, 1913 – [Peterson, W., 1994a; Salazar Allen, N., 1994]  Octoblepharum exiguum C. Müller, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Octoblepharum leptoneuron Cardot, 1908  Octoblepharum leucobryoides Yano, 1993 – [Yano, O., 1993]  Octoblepharum pulvinatum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Mitten, 1869 – [Peterson, W., 1994a; Salazar Allen, N., 1994]  Octoblepharum rhaphidostegium C. Müller ex  Oedipodium griffithianum (Dickson) Schwägrichen, 1823 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Nyholm, E., 1989; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988] Okamuraea Brotherus, 1906 {4/0/0/0/0=4} LESKEACEAE  Okamuraea brachydictyon (Cardot) Noguchi, 1953 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1986b; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Okamuraea brevipes Brotherus ex S. Okamura, 1916 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1986b; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Okamuraea hakoniensis (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1986b; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991] 

Brotherus, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Octoblepharum stramineum Mitten, 1869 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1994]  Octoblepharum tatei (R. S. Williams) E. B. Bartram, 1960 – [Salazar Allen, N., 1994] Oedicladium Mitten, 1868 [1869] {9/0/0/0/0=9} MYURIACEAE  Oedicladium fragile Cardot, 1905 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium fragile; Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a]  Oedicladium involutaceum Mitten, 1868 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a; Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium involutaceum]  Oedicladium perplexum (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1905 – [Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium perplexum]  Oedicladium praenitens (Dixon) Iwatsuki, 1979 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a; Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium praenitens]  Oedicladium quinquefarium (Thériot) Iwatsuki, 1979 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a; Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium praenitens]  Oedicladium rufescens (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Mitten, 1868 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium rufescens]  Oedicladium serricuspe (Brotherus) Noguchi & Iwatsuki, 1983 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a, as Oedicladium doii]  Oedicladium subnitens (Dixon) Iwatsuki, 1979 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a; Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium subnitens]  Oedicladium tortifolium (Chen Pan-chieh) Iwatsuki, 1979 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a; Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium tortifolium] Oedipodiella Dixon, 1922 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GIGASPERMACEAE  Oedipodiella australis (H. A. Wager & Dixon) Dixon, 1922 – [Magill, R. E., 1987] Oedipodium Schwägrichen, 1823 {1/0/0/0/0=1} OEDIPODIACEAE 

Okamuraea plicata Cardot, 1912 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1986b; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991] Oligotrichum A. P. de Candolle in Lamarck & A. P. de Candolle, 1805 {15/2/4/7/0=28} POLYTRICHACEAE  Oligotrichum afrolaevigatum (Dixon) G. L. Smith, 1969 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1986]  Oligotrichum aligerum Mitten, 1864 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Merrill, G. L. S., 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Oligotrichum aristatulum Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Oligotrichum atrichopsis C. Müller, 1900 – [Greene,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES D. M., 1986] Oligotrichum austroaligerum G. L. Smith, 1969 – [Schiavone, M. M., 1993]  Oligotrichum canaliculatum (W. J. Hooker & Arnott) Mitten, 1869 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Oligotrichum cavallii (Negri) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1979; Sloover, J. L. de, 1986]  Oligotrichum crispatissimum C. Müller, 1900 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Oligotrichum crossidioides Chen Pan-chieh & Wan Thung-ling ex Xu Wen-xuan & Xiong Ruo-li, 1984 – [Xu Wen-xuan & Xiong Ruo-li, 1984; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994]  Oligotrichum denudatum G. L. S. Merrill, 1991 – [Merrill, G. L. S., 1991]  Oligotrichum erosum (Hampe) Lindberg, 1867 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Oligotrichum falcatum Steere, 1958 – [Long, D. G., 1985; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994]  Oligotrichum glaciale C. C. Townsend, 1998 – [Townsend, C. C., 1998]  Oligotrichum hercynicum (Hedwig) Lamarck & A. P. de Candolle, 1805 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Long, D. G., 1985; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Oligotrichum javanicum (Hampe) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1856 – [Hyvönen, J., 1986; Eddy, A., 1988]  Oligotrichum laevifolium Thériot, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Oligotrichum nepalense G. L. Smith, 1976 – [Smith, G. L., 1976a]  Oligotrichum novae-guineae (E. B. Bartram) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Hyvönen, J., 1986; Eddy, A., 1988]  Oligotrichum obtusatum Brotherus, 1929 – [Hyvönen, J. & Ming-Jou Lai, 1991]  Oligotrichum obtusifolium Thériot, 1935 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Oligotrichum parallelum (Mitten) Kindberg, 1896 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Long, D. G., 1985; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Oligotrichum riedelianum (Montagne) Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Oligotrichum semilamellatum (J. D. Hooker in W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1859 – [Smith, G. L., 1976a; Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Oligotrichum serratomarginatum Luo Jian-xin & Wu Pan-cheng, 1980 – [Luo Jian-Xin & Wu Pan-cheng, DICRANACEAE  Oreoweisia brasiliensis Hampe, 1875 – [Griffin, D., III, 1986b]  Oreoweisia brevidens Herzog, 1939 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Oreoweisia brevifolia Brotherus, 1918 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Oreoweisia chilensis (Hampe ex C. Müller) Paris, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Oreoweisia delgadilloi H. Robinson & F. D. Bowers, 1974 – [Ireland, R. R., 1994b; Griffin, D., III, 1986b; 


1980] Oligotrichum suzukii (Brotherus) Chuang Ching-chang, 1973 – [Hyvönen, J. & Ming-Jou Lai, 1991]  Oligotrichum tenuirostre (W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1875 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Oligotrichum tristaniense Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Oligotrichum wageri (Brotherus in Dixon) G. L. Smith, 1969 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1986] Oncophorus (Bridel) Bridel, 1826 {6/0/0/0/1=7} DICRANACEAE  Oncophorus crispifolius (Mitten) Lindberg, 1872 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., V. Buchbender, S. Lachmann, K. Reifenrath & F. Werner, 1998]  Oncophorus fuegianus Cardot, 1900 – [Frahm, J.-P., V. Buchbender, S. Lachmann, K. Reifenrath & F. Werner, 1998]  Oncophorus gracilentus Zeng Shu-ying, 1993 – [Excluded by Frahm, J.-P., V. Buchbender, S. Lachmann, K. Reifenrath & F. Werner, 1998; Zeng Shu-ying, 1993]  Oncophorus luteovirens E. B. Bartram in Roivainen, 1937 – [Frahm, J.-P., V. Buchbender, S. Lachmann, K. Reifenrath & F. Werner, 1998]  Oncophorus rauei (Austin) Grout, 1937 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Frahm, J.-P., V. Buchbender, S. Lachmann, K. Reifenrath & F. Werner, 1998]  Oncophorus virens (Hedwig) Bridel, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., V. Buchbender, S. Lachmann, K. Reifenrath & F. Werner, 1998]  Oncophorus wahlenbergii Bridel, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., V. Buchbender, S. Lachmann, K. Reifenrath & F. Werner, 1998] Oreas Bridel, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Oreas martiana (Hoppe & Hornschuch in W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1826 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Gao Chien (editor), 1994] Oreoweisia (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) De Notaris, 1869 {8/3/0/4/0=15} 

Robinson, H. & F. D. Bowers, 1974] Oreoweisia erosa (Hampe ex C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 – [Griffin, D., III, 1986b; Ireland, R. R., 1994b; Magill, R. E., 1981; Griffin, D., III, 1989]  Oreoweisia laxifolia (J. D. Hooker in W. J. Hooker) Kindberg, 1888 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Oreoweisia laxiretis Brotherus ex Herzog, 1916 – [Griffin, D., III, 1986b]  Oreoweisia mexicana H. Robinson, 1965 – [Griffin, D., III, 1986b; Ireland, R. R., 1994b; Robinson, H., 



1965a]  Oreoweisia mulahacenii Hoehnel, 1895  Oreoweisia setschwanica Brotherus, 1929 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Oreoweisia subintegra Brotherus & Thériot in Thériot, 1929  Oreoweisia torquescens (Hornschuch ex Bridel) Wijk & Margadant, 1959 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Oreoweisia tunariensis Herzog, 1916 – [Griffin, D., III, 1986b]  Oreoweisia weisioides Brotherus, 1929 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994] Orontobryum Mitten ex Fleischer, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYLOCOMIACEAE  Orontobryum hookeri (Mitten) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1977] Orthoamblystegium Dixon & Sakurai, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LESKEACEAE  Orthoamblystegium spuriosubtile (Brotherus & Paris) Kanda & Noguchi, 1982 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991] Orthodontium Schwägrichen, 1827 {5/1/1/7/0=14} ORTHODONTIACEAE  Orthodontium australe J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Streimann, H. & A. Touw, 1981]  Orthodontium bilimbatum Zhang Da-cheng & Li Xing-jiang, 1996 – [Zhang Da-cheng & Li Xing-jiang, 1996]  Orthodontium denticulatum Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Orthodontium gracile (Wilson in Smith) Schwägrichen ex B.S.G., 1844 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Robinson, H., 1975; Sloover, J. L. de, 1979]  Orthodontium inflatum (Mitten) Paris, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Orthodontium infractum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1844 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985b; Eddy, A., 1996]  Orthodontium itacolumitis C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Orthodontium lineare Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Orthodontium longisetum Hampe, 1863  Orthodontium loreifolium Bescherelle, 1880 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1979]  Orthodontium pallens (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1903 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Orthodontium pellucens (W. J. Hooker) B.S.G. in C. Müller, 1848 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Orthorrhynchium balanseanum C. Müller, 1896 – [Lin, S.-H., 1983]  Orthorrhynchium elegans (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Reichardt, 1868 – [Lin, S.-H., 1983; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1987] Orthostichella C. Müller, 1897 {5/0/0/2/0=7} LEMBOPHYLLACEAE  Orthostichella aureo-pallens (Geheeb & Hampe) Paris, 1897 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Orthostichidium aureopallens]  Orthostichella auricularis C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano,

Orthodontium ruahinense Meijer, 1952 Orthodontium ruwenzorensis (Thériot & Naveau) O'Shea, 1995 Orthodontopsis Ignatov & B. C. Tan, 1992 {0/0/1/0/0=1} BRYACEAE  Orthodontopsis bardunovii Ignatov & B. C. Tan, 1992 – [Ignatov, M. S. & B. C. Tan, 1992] Orthomitrium Lewinsky-Haapasaari & Crosby, 1996 {0/0/2/0/0=2} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Orthomitrium schofieldii B. C. Tan & Jia Yu, 1997 – [Tan, B. C. & Jia Yu, 1997; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1999b]  Orthomitrium tuberculatum Lewinsky-Haapasaari & Crosby, 1996 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J. & M. R. Crosby, 1996] Orthomnion Wilson, 1857 {9/0/1/0/0=10} MNIACEAE  Orthomnion bryoides (Griffith) Norkett, 1961 – [Koponen, T., 1980b; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Orthomnion dilatatum (Wilson ex Mitten) Chen Pan-chieh, 1955 – [Koponen, T., 1980b; Gangulee, H. C., 1974, as Orthomniopsis dilatata; Eddy, A., 1996]  Orthomnion elimbatum (Noguchi) T. Koponen, 1980 – [Koponen, T., 1980b; Eddy, A., 1996]  Orthomnion handelii (Brotherus) T. Koponen, 1980 – [Koponen, T., 1980b]  Orthomnion javense (Fleischer) T. Koponen, 1980 – [Koponen, T., 1980b; Eddy, A., 1996]  Orthomnion loheri Brotherus, 1905 – [Koponen, T., 1980b; Eddy, A., 1996]  Orthomnion noguchii T. Koponen, 1980 – [Koponen, T., 1980b]  Orthomnion nudum E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Koponen, T., 1980b]  Orthomnion piliferum T. Koponen, 1980 – [Koponen, T., 1980b]  Orthomnion yunnanense T. Koponen, Li Xing-jiang & Zang Mu, 1982 – [Koponen, T., X.-J. Li & M. Zang, 1982a] Orthorrhynchidium Renauld & Cardot in Cardot, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Orthorrhynchidium planifrons (Renauld & Paris) Renauld & Cardot, 1909 – [Lin, S.-H., 1984a] Orthorrhynchium Reichardt, 1868 {2/0/0/0/0=2} ORTHORRHYNCHIACEAE 

O., 1981, as Orthostichidium auriculare] Orthostichella hexasticha (Schwägrichen) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Orthostichella microcarpa C. Müller, 1901 – [Sehnem, A., 1980, as Pilotrichella microcarpa]  Orthostichella mucronatula C. Müller, 1901 – [Sehnem, A., 1980, as Pilotrichella mucronatula]  Orthostichella pandurifolia (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998, as Pilotrichella pandurifolia]  Orthostichella pentasticha (Bridel) W. R. Buck, 1994 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES – [Buck, W. R., 1998b] Orthostichidium C. Müller ex Dusén, 1895 {1/0/0/2/0=3} PTEROBRYACEAE  Orthostichidium elongatum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1906 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Orthostichidium involutifolium (Mitten) Brotherus, 1906 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b; Sloover, J. L. de, 1979]  Orthostichidium subpendulum (Geheeb & Hampe) Brotherus, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981] Orthostichopsis Brotherus, 1906 {8/1/0/8/0=17} PTEROBRYACEAE  Orthostichopsis auricosta (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as insufficiently known; cited by Buck, W. R., 1991a as insufficiently known]  Orthostichopsis debilinervis (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1906  Orthostichopsis latifolia Sehnem, 1972 – [Sehnem, A., 1972]  Orthostichopsis longinervis (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1906  Orthostichopsis madagassa Dixon, 1942  Orthostichopsis pinnatella (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1906 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Orthostichopsis praetermissa W. R. Buck, 1991 – [Buck, W. R., 1991a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Orthostichopsis scaberula (Renauld & Cardot) Fleischer in Renauld, 1904 – [Enroth, J., 1994b]  Orthostichopsis schiffneri Brotherus, 1926 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1991a as insufficiently known]  Orthostichopsis strictula (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1991a as insufficiently known]  Orthostichopsis subimbricata (Hampe) Brotherus, 1906 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Orthostichopsis sublivens (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1906  Orthostichopsis subtenuis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906 – [cited by Buck, W. R., 1991a as insufficiently known]  Orthostichopsis tenuis (Jaeger) Brotherus, 1906 – [Buck, W. R., 1991a]  Orthostichopsis tetragona (Swartz ex Hedwig) Brotherus, 1906 – [Buck, W. R., 1991a; Magill, R., 1994a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Orthostichopsis tijucae (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906 – [Sehnem, A., 1972]  Orthotrichum alpestre Hornschuch ex B.S.G., 1849 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Lawton, E., 1971; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum anaglyptodon Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum anomalum Hedwig, 1801 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]; Crum, H. & L. E.



Orthostichopsis tortipilis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R., 1991a; Sehnem, A., 1972; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Orthotheciella (C. Müller) Ochyra, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Orthotheciella varia (Hedwig) Ochyra, 1998 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a] Orthothecium W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 {6/0/1/4/0=11} HYPNACEAE  Orthothecium acuminatum Bryhn, 1907  Orthothecium austrocatenulatum (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891  Orthothecium chryseum (Schwägrichen in Schultes) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Orthothecium diminutivum (Grout) H. Crum, Steere & L. E. Anderson, 1964 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Orthothecium hyalopiliferum Redfearn & B. H. Allen, 1991 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr. & B. Allen, 1991]  Orthothecium intricatum (C. J. Hartman) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Orthothecium lapponicum (W. P. Schimper) C. Hartman, 1871 – [Hedenäs, L., 1988a]  Orthothecium ovicarpum (Dixon) W. R. Buck, 1980  Orthothecium rufescens (Dickson ex Bridel) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Orthothecium schlagintweitii (Sendtner ex C. Müller) Paris, 1897  Orthothecium strictum Lorentz, 1864 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Nyholm, E., 1965; Bardunov, L. V., 1969; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996] Orthotrichum Hedwig, 1801 {117/2/13/13/0=145} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Orthotrichum acuminatum Philibert, 1881 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum aequatoreum Mitten, 1869 – [Lewinsky, J., 1978; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]]  Orthotrichum affine Schrader ex Bridel, 1801 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Lewinsky, J., 1978; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum afrofastigiatum C. Müller, 1899 – [Lewinsky, J., 1978]

Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Orthotrichum araucarieti C. Müller in Brotherus, 1926 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum arborescens Thériot & Naveau, 1927 –



[Lewinsky, J., 1978]  Orthotrichum arcangelianum Massari, 1897  Orthotrichum armatum Lewinsky & Rooy, 1990 – [Lewinsky, J. & J. van Rooy, 1990; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Orthotrichum assimile C. Müller, 1849 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]]  Orthotrichum australe Juratzka, 1867  Orthotrichum bartramii R. S. Williams, 1925 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Vitt, D. H., 1973b]  Orthotrichum bicolor Thériot, 1921 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum bolanderi Sullivant, 1874 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Vitt, D. H., 1994]  Orthotrichum brassii E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum brotheri Dusén ex Lewinsky, 1987 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum callistomum Fischer-Ooster ex Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1850 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum calvum J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984]  Orthotrichum casasianum F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka in Mazimpaka et al., 1999 – [Mazimpaka, V., F. Lara, R. Garilleti, M. Infante & P. Heras, 1999]  Orthotrichum compactum Dusén, 1903 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]]  Orthotrichum consimile Mitten, 1864 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum consobrinum Cardot, 1908 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Orthotrichum crenatoerosum C. Müller, 1885 – [cited by Lewinsky, J., 1987 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Orthotrichum crenulatum Mitten, 1859 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum crispifolium Brotherus, 1929 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum cupulatum G. F. Hoffmann ex Bridel, 1801 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Lewinsky, J., 1984; Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]; Lawton, E., 1971; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum cyathiforme R. Brown ter, 1895 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984]  Orthotrichum dasymitrium Lewinsky in T. Koponen & Luo Jian-xin, 1992 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Koponen, T. & Jian-xin Luo, 1992]  Orthotrichum hallii Sullivant & Lesquereux in Sullivant, 1874 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J. & B. C. Tan, 1995; Vitt, D. H., 1994]  Orthotrichum hawaiicum C. Müller, 1896 – [Ramsay, H. P. & J. Lewinsky, 1989 [1990]]  Orthotrichum holmenii Lewinsky-Haapasaari, 1996 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1996]


Orthotrichum delavayi (Brotherus & Paris) Cao Tong in Cao Tong, Gao Chien & Wu Yu-huan, 1998 – [Cao Tong, Chien Gao & Yu-huan W  , 1998]  Orthotrichum densum Lewinsky, 1987 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum denticulatum Lewinsky, 1978 – [Lewinsky, J., 1978]  Orthotrichum diaphanum Schrader ex Bridel, 1801 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Lewinsky, J., 1978; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Orthotrichum elegans Schwägrichen in Richardson, 1823 – [Vitt, D. H. & C. Darigo, 1997]  Orthotrichum elegantulum W. P. Schimper ex Mitten, 1869 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum elongatum Taylor, 1846 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum erosum Lewinsky, 1992 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum erpodiaceum C. Müller, 1879 – [cited by Lewinsky, J., 1987 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Orthotrichum erubescens C. Müller, 1897 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum euryphyllum Venturi in Röll, 1890 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J. & D. H. Norris, 1998]  Orthotrichum exiguum Sullivant in A. Gray, 1856 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Orthotrichum fenestratum Cardot & Thériot, 1902 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b]  Orthotrichum firmum Venturi, 1872 – [Lewinsky, J., 1978; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Orthotrichum flowersii Vitt, 1971 – [Vitt, D. H., 1971b; Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum gigantosporum Lewinsky, 1988 [1989] – [Lewinsky, J., 1988 [1989]; Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985], as Orthotrichum macrosporum]  Orthotrichum graphiomitrium C. Müller ex Beckett, 1893 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984]  Orthotrichum griffithii Mitten ex Dixon, 1911 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Orthotrichum gymnostomum Bruch ex Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976] 

Orthotrichum holzingeri Renauld & Cardot in Holzinger, 1895 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Vitt, D. H., 1991]  Orthotrichum hooglandii E. B. Bartram, 1962 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum hookeri Wilson ex Mitten, 1859 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Orthotrichum hortense Boswell, 1892 – [Lewinsky, J.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1984; Lewinsky, J., 1987] Orthotrichum hortoniae Vitt, 1979 – [Vitt, D. H., 1979; Vitt, D. H., 1994]  Orthotrichum ibericum F. Lara & Mazimpaka, 1993 – [Lara, F. & V. Mazimpaka, 1993; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum ibukiense Toyama, 1938 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Orthotrichum incrassatum Lewinsky, 1993 – [Lewinsky, J., 1993]  Orthotrichum incurvomarginatum Lewinsky & Rooy, 1990 – [Lewinsky, J. & J. van Rooy, 1990; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Orthotrichum johnstonii E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum kaurinii Grönvall, 1887  Orthotrichum keeverae H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1956 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Orthotrichum laevigatum J. E. Zetterstedt, 1862 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Lawton, E., 1971; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum latimarginatum Lewinsky, 1987 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum laxifolium Wilson in Mitten, 1851 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum laxum Lewinsky-Haapasaari, 1999 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1999a]  Orthotrichum leikipiae C. Müller, 1890 – [cited by Lewinsky, J., 1978 as insufficiently known]  Orthotrichum leiolecythis C. Müller, 1896 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum leiothecium C. Müller, 1862 – [cited by Lewinsky, J., 1987 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Orthotrichum letourneuxii Bescherelle, 1882  Orthotrichum lewinskyae F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka in Garilleti, F. Lara & Mazimpaka, 1997 – [Garilleti, R., F. Lara & V. Mazimpaka, 1997]  Orthotrichum liliputanum Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]]  Orthotrichum ludificans Lewinsky, 1987 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum lyellii W. J. Hooker & Taylor, 1818 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1994a; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum macrocephalum F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka, 1994 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Lara, F., R. Garilleti & V. Mazimpaka, 1994]  Orthotrichum malacothecium C. Müller, 1882 –  Orthotrichum pumilum Swartz, 1801 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum pungens Mitten, 1869 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]]  Orthotrichum pusillum Mitten, 1864 – [Crum, H. & L. 


[cited by Lewinsky, J., 1987 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Orthotrichum mandonii W. P. Schimper ex Hampe, 1865 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum meyenianum Hampe in C. Müller, 1851 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum microcarpum De Notaris, 1869 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum mollissimum C. Müller, 1875 – [cited by Lewinsky, J., 1978 as insufficiently known]  Orthotrichum notabile Lewinsky-Haapasaari, 1995–1996 [1996] – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995 [1996]]  Orthotrichum obtusifolium Bridel, 1801 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Lewinsky, J., 1992b; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum ohioense Sullivant & Lesquereux in Austin, 1870 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Orthotrichum oreophilum Lewinsky & Rooy, 1990 – [Lewinsky, J. & J. van Rooy, 1990; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Orthotrichum pallens Bruch ex Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Lawton, E., 1971; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum pariatum Mitten, 1869 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum patens Bruch & Bridel, 1827 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum pellucidum Lindberg, 1867 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum penicillatum Mitten, 1869 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]]  Orthotrichum perexiguum Dusén ex Lewinsky, 1984 [1985] – [Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]]  Orthotrichum philibertii Venturi, 1878 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum praemorsum Venturi, 1890 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b]  Orthotrichum pseudostramineum Dismier, 1927  Orthotrichum psychrophilum Montagne, 1838 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum pulchellum Brunton in Smith, 1807 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Lawton, E., 1971]  Orthotrichum pulchrum Lewinsky, 1992 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c] E. Anderson, 1981b; Vitt, D. H., 1973b]  Orthotrichum pycnophyllum W. P. Schimper in C. Müller, 1849 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Vitt, D. H., 1973b]  Orthotrichum pylaisii Bridel, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum revolutum C. Müller, 1897 – [Lewinsky,



J., 1992c] Orthotrichum rivulare Turner, 1804 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Lawton, E., 1971; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J. & D. H. Norris, 1998]  Orthotrichum robustum R. Brown ter, 1895  Orthotrichum rogeri Bridel, 1812 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum rupestre Schleicher ex Schwägrichen, 1816 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987; Lewinsky, J., 1984; Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Lewinsky, J., 1978; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Hinneri, S., 1976; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison, 1947 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984]  Orthotrichum scanicum Grönvall, 1885 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum schoddei Lewinsky, 1992 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum sharpii H. Robinson, 1964 – [Robinson, H., 1964; Vitt, D. H., 1994]  Orthotrichum shevockii Lewinsky-Haapasaari & Norris, 1998 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1998]  Orthotrichum sinuosum Lewinsky, 1992 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum sordidum Sullivant & Lesquereux in Austin, 1870 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Lewinsky, J., 1992b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Orthotrichum spanotrichum Lewinsky, 1993 [1994] – [Lewinsky, J., 1993 [1994]]  Orthotrichum speciosum Nees in J. W. Sturm, 1819 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Lawton, E., 1971; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum spjutii Norris & Vitt, 1993 – [Norris, D. H. & D. H. Vitt, 1993]  Orthotrichum sprucei Montagne in Spruce, 1845 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J. & D. H. Norris, 1998]  Orthotrichum steerei Lewinsky, 1987 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum stellatum Bridel, 1826 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Orthotrichum stramineum Hornschuch in Bridel, 1827 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum strangulatum Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Osterwaldiella monostricta Fleischer ex Brotherus, 1925 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Oxyrrhynchium (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Warnstorf, 1905 =Cirriphyllum {1/0/0/6/0=7} BRACHYTHECIACEAE 


Orthotrichum striatum Hedwig, 1801 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Lawton, E., 1971; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum subexsertum W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller, 1858 – [Lewinsky, J., 1978; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Orthotrichum subpumilum E. B. Bartram ex Lewinsky, 1992 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum subulatum Mitten, 1869 – [Lewinsky, J., 1987]  Orthotrichum taiwanense Lewinsky, 1992 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum tasmanicum J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1848 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Orthotrichum tenellum Bruch ex Bridel, 1827 – [Vitt, D. H., 1973b; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum tenuicaule Lewinsky, 1994 – [Lewinsky, J., 1994]  Orthotrichum tortidontium F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka, 1996 – [Lara, F., R. Garilleti & V. Mazimpaka, 1996]  Orthotrichum tortifolium Lewinsky, 1992 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c]  Orthotrichum trachymitrium Mitten, 1869 – [Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]; Vitt, D. H., 1994]  Orthotrichum transvaaliense Rehman ex Sim, 1926 – [Lewinsky, J., 1978; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Orthotrichum tristriatum Lewinsky, 1989 [1990] – [Lewinsky, J., 1984 [1985]; Lewinsky, J., 1989 [1990]a]  Orthotrichum truncatodentatum C. Müller, 1882 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992a]  Orthotrichum truncatum Lewinsky & Deguchi, 1986 [1987] – [Lewinsky, J. & H. Deguchi, 1989]  Orthotrichum undulatifolium C. Müller, 1888 – [cited by Lewinsky, J., 1978 as insufficiently known]  Orthotrichum urnaceum C. Müller, 1887 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995]  Orthotrichum urnigerum Myrin, 1833 – [Lewinsky, J., 1992c; Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995; Hinneri, S., 1976]  Orthotrichum vermiferum Lewinsky-Haapasaari, 1999 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1999b]  Orthotrichum vicarium Lazarenko, 1938 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1994b]  Orthotrichum vittii F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka in F. Lara et al., 1999 – [Lara, F., V. Mazimpaka, R. Garilleti & P. García-Zamora], 1999]  Orthotrichum vladikavkanum Venturi in Husnot, 1887 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1995] Osterwaldiella Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE 

Oxyrrhynchium altisetum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1909 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Oxyrrhynchium confervoideum Sim, 1926 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Oxyrrhynchium laosianum Dixon, 1937  Oxyrrhynchium ovatum Cardot & Potier de la Varde,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1924  Oxyrrhynchium porothamnioides Potier de la Varde & Levier, 1947 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Oxyrrhynchium protractum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1909 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Oxyrrhynchium subasperum Sim, 1926 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979] Oxystegus (Limpricht) Hilpert, 1933 =Trichostomum {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Oxystegus crassicostatus Norris & T. Koponen, 1989 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989] Pachyneuropsis H. A. Miller, 1970 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Pachyneuropsis bartlettii (E. B. Bartram) H. A. Miller, 1970 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Miller, H. A., 1970] Palamocladium C. Müller, 1896 {3/0/0/1/0=4} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Palamocladium congestum (Swartz ex Hedwig) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [cited by Hofmann, H., 1997a as insufficiently known]  Palamocladium euchloron (Bruch ex C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Hofmann, H., 1997a]  Palamocladium leskeoides (W. J. Hooker) Britton, 1914 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; McFarland, K. D., 1994a; Hofmann, H., 1997a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Palamocladium wilkesianum (Sullivant) C. Müller, 1896 – [Hofmann, H., 1997a] Palisadula Toyama, 1937 {2/0/0/0/0=2} MYURIACEAE  Palisadula chrysophylla (Renauld & Cardot) Toyama, 1937 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a; Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium chrysophyllum]  Palisadula katoi (Brotherus) Iwatsuki, 1979 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a; Maschke, J., 1976, as Myurium katoi] Paludella Ehrhart ex Bridel, 1817 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MEESIACEAE  Paludella squarrosa (Hedwig) Bridel, 1817 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a] Palustriella Ochyra, 1989 {2/0/0/0/0=2} HELODIACEAE  Palustriella commutata (Hedwig) Ochyra, 1989 – [Ochyra, R., 1989c; Kanda, H., 1975 [1976], as Cratoneuron commutatum; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Cratoneuron commutatum]  Palustriella decipiens (De Notaris) Ochyra, 1989 – [Ochyra, R., 1989c; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Cratoneuron decipiens]  Papillaria perauriculata Brotherus, 1895 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Papillaria perichaetialis (Hampe) Jaeger, 1877  Papillaria pilifolia C. Müller, 1901 – [Sehnem, A.,


Papillaria (C. Müller) Lorentz, 1864 =Meteorium {13/1/1/31/0=46} METEORIACEAE  Papillaria acinacifolia Bescherelle in Renauld, 1888  Papillaria araucarieti C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Papillaria bamforthiae Brotherus ex Dixon, 1912  Papillaria bazzaccoi Tosco & Piovano, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Papillaria bipinnata C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Papillaria brasiliense Brotherus, 1926  Papillaria breviculifolia C. Müller, 1890 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Papillaria brotheri Herzog, 1920 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Papillaria caldensis Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Papillaria callochlorosa C. Müller in Brotherus, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Papillaria capillicuspis C. Müller, 1901 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Papillaria catharinae C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Papillaria catharinensis Paris, 1905 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Papillaria cordatifolia Luo Jian-xin, 1983 – [Lou Jian-shing, 1983]  Papillaria crenifolia C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Papillaria crocea (Hampe) Jaeger, 1877 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Papillaria deltoidea (Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1877 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Papillaria densifolium Thériot, 1939  Papillaria dilatata C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Papillaria filifunalis C. Müller, 1890 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Papillaria flaccidula Cardot in Grandidier, 1915  Papillaria flagellifera C. Müller, 1901 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Papillaria flavolimbata (C. Müller & Hampe) Jaeger, 1877 – [Streimann, H., 1991a]  Papillaria fulva (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Papillaria guarapiensis Bescherelle, 1891 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Papillaria hyalinotricha C. Müller, 1901 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Papillaria longifolia (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1877  Papillaria mosenii Brotherus, 1895 – [Sehnem, A., 1980] 1980]  Papillaria pseudoappressa C. Müller, 1901 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Papillaria pseudofunalis C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell,



R. A., 1973] Papillaria ptychophylla Ångström, 1876 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Papillaria renauldii Bescherelle in Renauld, 1888  Papillaria socia Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Papillaria subaongstroemiana Fleischer, 1908 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Papillaria subintegra (Lindberg in Hampe) Paris, 1897 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Papillaria subsquamatula C. Müller, 1879 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Papillaria tenella Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Papillaria tijucae C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Papillaria trachyblasta C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Papillaria viridata C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1900 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Yano, O., 1981]  Papillaria wagneri Lorentz, 1864 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969b]  Papillaria warszewiczii C. Müller, 1897  Papillaria zeloflexicaulis Streimann, 1991 – [Streimann, H., 1991a] Papillidiopsis (Brotherus in Engler & Prantl) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] {6/0/2/2/0=10} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Papillidiopsis bruchii (Dozy & Molkenboer) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]  Papillidiopsis complanata (Dixon) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] – [O'Shea, B. J., 1998; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Papillidiopsis koponenii B. C. Tan, 1990 – [Tan, B. C., 1990]  Papillidiopsis luxurians (Dozy & Molkenboer) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Papillidiopsis macrosticta (Brotherus & Paris) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994, as Rhaphidostichum macrostictum; Tan, B. C. & P. P.-h. But, 1997; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Papillidiopsis mahensis (Bescherelle) O'Shea, 1998 – [O'Shea, B. J., 1998]  Papillidiopsis malesiana W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] – [Buck, W. R. & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]]  Papillidiopsis papillata (Zanten) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964, as Acanthocladium papillatum]  Papillidiopsis ramulina (Thwaites & Mitten) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] – [Tan, B. C., 1991; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Papillidiopsis stissophylla (Hampe & C. Müller) B. C. Tan & Jia Yu, 1999 – [Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999; Chiang, Tzen-Yuh & Chen-Meng Kuo, 1989, as  Pendulothecium punctatum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Enroth & He Si, 1991 – [Enroth, J. & He Si, 1991; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Pentastichella C. Müller, 1897 {1/0/0/1/0=2} 

Rhaphidostichum stissophyllum; Gangulee, H. C., 1980, as Trichosteleum stissophyllum] Paraleucobryum (Lindberg ex Limpricht) Loeske, 1907 {4/0/0/0/0=4} DICRANACEAE  Paraleucobryum enerve (Thedenius in C. J. Hartman) Loeske, 1908 – [Müller, P. & J.-P. Frahm, 1987; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Paraleucobryum longifolium (Ehrhart ex Hedwig) Loeske, 1908 – [Müller, P. & J.-P. Frahm, 1987; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Paraleucobryum sauteri (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Loeske, 1908 – [Müller, P. & J.-P. Frahm, 1987]  Paraleucobryum schwarzii (W. P. Schimper) Gao Chien & Vitt in Gao Chien, Crosby & He Si, 1999 – [Gao Chien, M. R. Crosby & S. He (editors), 1999] Paranapiacabaea W. R. Buck & Vital, 1992 {0/0/2/0/0=2} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Paranapiacabaea paulista W. R. Buck & Vital, 1992 – [Buck, W. R. & D. M. Vital, 1992]  Paranapiacabaea W. R. Buck & Vital, 1992 – [Buck, W. R. & D. M. Vital, 1992] Pararhacocarpus Frahm, 1996 {0/1/0/0/0=1} RHACOCARPACEAE  Pararhacocarpus patagonicus (Brotherus) Frahm, 1996 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1996a] Parisia Brotherus, 1906 {3/0/0/0/0=3} DICRANACEAE  Parisia ciliata (Bescherelle) Tixier, 1985 [1986] – [Allen, B. H., 1986 [1987]a]  Parisia laevipila (Cardot & Thériot in Thériot) Tixier, 1985 [1986] – [Allen, B. H., 1986 [1987]a]  Parisia neocaledonica Brotherus, 1906 – [Allen, B. H., 1986 [1987]a] Pelekium Mitten, 1868 {2/0/0/1/0=3} THUIDIACEAE  Pelekium bifarium (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1923 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b]  Pelekium calcicola Fleischer, 1923  Pelekium velatum Mitten, 1868 – [Touw, A., 1976; Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b] Pendulothecium Enroth & He Si, 1991 {3/0/0/0/0=3} NECKERACEAE  Pendulothecium auriculatum (Wilson in J. D. Hooker) Enroth & He Si, 1991 – [Enroth, J. & He Si, 1991; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Pendulothecium oblongifolium (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Enroth & He Si, 1991 – [Enroth, J. & He Si, 1991; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Pentastichella jaffuelii Thériot, 1921  Pentastichella pentasticha (Montagne) C. Müller ex Thériot, 1918 – [Robinson, H., 1975, as Zygodon

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES pentastichus; Griffin, D., III, 1990a, as Zygodon pentastichus] Penzigiella Fleischer, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Penzigiella cordata (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Fleischer, 1906 – [Manuel, M. G., 1975 [1976]; Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Perssonia Bizot, 1969 {0/0/1/0/0=1} BRYACEAE  Perssonia sanguinea Bizot, 1969 – [Bizot, M., 1969] Phascopsis Stone, 1980 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Phascopsis rubicunda Stone, 1980 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1980a; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Phascum Hedwig, 1801 =Tortula {5/0/1/3/0=9} POTTIACEAE  Phascum beaugleholei Stone, 1989 – [Stone, I. G., 1989b]  Phascum calodictyon C. Müller, 1888 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Phascum galilaeum Herrnstadt & Heyn in Herrnstadt, Heyn & Crosby, 1991 – [Herrnstadt, I., C. C. Heyn & M. R. Crosby, 1991]  Phascum laticostum Stone, 1989 – [Stone, I. G., 1989b]  Phascum longipilum Stone, 1989 – [Stone, I. G., 1989b]  Phascum nepalense Bridel, 1827  Phascum peraristatum C. Müller, 1888 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Phascum piptocarpum Durieu & Montagne in Montagne, 1856  Phascum readeranum Stone, 1989 – [Stone, I. G., 1989b] Philonotis Bridel, 1827 {49/9/2/109/0=169} BARTRAMIACEAE  Philonotis acicularis (C. Müller in Neumayer) Kindberg, 1891 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Clarke, G. C. S., 1973]  Philonotis acutissima (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Philonotis africana (C. Müller) Rehman ex Paris, 1900 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Philonotis amblystegioides Demaret & Potier de la Varde, 1957 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Philonotis ampliretis Brotherus, 1900 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Philonotis andina (Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Philonotis angulata (Taylor) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Philonotis angusta Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Philonotis angustifolia Kaalaas, 1912  Philonotis arbusculacea (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880  Philonotis aristifolia E. B. Bartram, 1943 – [Tan, B.  Philonotis esquelensis Matteri, 1968 – [Matteri, C. M., 1968]  Philonotis eurydictyon Herzog, 1920 – [Menzel, M.,


C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993] Philonotis arnellii Husnot, 1890 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Philonotis asperrima C. Müller ex Britton, 1896 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Philonotis austrofalcata Brotherus & Watts, 1912 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Philonotis baginsensis (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880  Philonotis bernoullii (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Philonotis boliviensis Herzog, 1920 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Philonotis brevicuspis Brotherus, 1897 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Philonotis buckii Griffin, 1991 – [Griffin, D., III, 1991; Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Philonotis byssiformis C. Müller in Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Philonotis calcarea (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Philonotis caldensis Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Philonotis calomicra Brotherus in Schumann & Lauterbach, 1900 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1996; Eddy, A., 1996]  Philonotis capillaris Lindberg, 1867 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Philonotis capillata (Mitten) Paris, 1897  Philonotis cernua (Wilson) Griffin & W. R. Buck, 1989 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Philonotis clavicaulis Herzog, 1920 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Philonotis conostomoides Ochyra, 1997 – [Ochyra, R., 1997b]  Philonotis coreensis Cardot, 1909  Philonotis corticata H. Crum & Griffin, 1981 – [Crum, H. & D. Griffin, 1981; Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Philonotis crenatula (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Philonotis curvata (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Philonotis curvula (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis dicranellacea (C. Müller) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Philonotis dregeana (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Philonotis elegantula (Taylor) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Philonotis elongata (Dismier) H. Crum & Steere, 1956 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III, 1994a] 

1992]  Philonotis evanescens Brotherus in Urban, 1903  Philonotis falcata (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1859 –



[Magill, R. E., 1987; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Eddy, A., 1996]  Philonotis filiformis (Hornschuch) Mitten, 1859 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Philonotis filiramea (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Philonotis flaccidifolia (Mitten) Paris, 1897 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Philonotis flavinervis (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889  Philonotis flexipes (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Philonotis fontana (Hedwig) Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971]  Philonotis fontanella (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III & E. Hegewald, 1986]  Philonotis fontanoides (Gillies & Greville) Jaeger, 1875 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Philonotis fragilicaulis R. S. Williams, 1915 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Philonotis fragilicuspis Dixon, 1930  Philonotis fugacissima Paris, 1906  Philonotis gardneri (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Philonotis gemmascens (C. Müller) Paris, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis glabrata Brotherus in Skottsberg, 1924 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Philonotis glaucescens (Hornschuch) Brotherus, 1895 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Philonotis glomerata Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Philonotis gourdonii Cardot, 1911 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Philonotis gracilenta (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Philonotis gracilescens W. P. Schimper in Wright, 1892 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Philonotis gracillima Ångström, 1876 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., III & E. Hegewald, 1986]  Philonotis guyabayana (C. Müller) Paris, 1900  Philonotis hansenii (C. Müller) Paris, 1900  Philonotis hastata (Duby in Moritzi) Wijk & Margadant, 1959 – [Manuel, M. G., 1981a; Magill, R. E., 1987; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1996; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Virtanen, V. & T. Koponen, 1998]  Philonotis hawaica (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Philonotis heleniana (Mitten in Melliss) Herzog, 1910  Philonotis helenica (Bescherelle) Paris, 1896  Philonotis nanothecia (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]


Philonotis hermannii H. Robinson, 1980 – [Robinson, H., 1980]  Philonotis huallagensis Brotherus, 1906 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Philonotis humilis Bridel, 1827 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Philonotis incrassata (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis jungneri Brotherus, 1897 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Philonotis krausei (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904 – [Seki, T., 1974 [1976]; Robinson, H., 1975]  Philonotis laeviuscula Dixon, 1922 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis lancifolia Mitten, 1864 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Philonotis laxitexta J. Fröhlich, 1950 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Philonotis leptocarpa Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Philonotis lignicola Dismier & Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Philonotis litorea Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Matteri, C. M., 1989a]  Philonotis longiseta (Michaux) Britton, 1911 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Philonotis macrocarpa (C. Müller) Mitten, 1859  Philonotis macrodictya (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Philonotis macroglobus (C. Müller) Paris, 1900  Philonotis marangensis Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis marchica (Hedwig) Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Philonotis mauritiana Ångström, 1873 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Philonotis mbelabiensis Potier de la Varde, 1935  Philonotis mercieri Paris & Brotherus, 1902 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Philonotis microthamnia Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis minutifolia E. B. Bartram, 1954 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Philonotis mniobryoides Brotherus, 1897 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Philonotis mollis (Dozy & Molkenboer) Mitten, 1859 – [Manuel, M. G., 1981a; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1996; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Eddy, A., 1996]  Philonotis moritziana (Hampe in C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Philonotis muhlenbergii (Schwägrichen) Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Philonotis myriocarpa W. P. Schimper ex Renauld & Cardot, 1890  Philonotis nanothecioidea Paris & Brotherus, 1904  Philonotis niam-niamiae (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880


Philonotis nigricans Herzog, 1916 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Philonotis nigroflava C. Müller, 1897 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985b]  Philonotis operta R. S. Williams, 1910 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Philonotis osculatiana De Notaris, 1859 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Philonotis pallida (Hampe) Jaeger, 1880 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Philonotis papillarioides (C. Müller in Buettner) Paris, 1897  Philonotis papillatomarginata Luo Jian-xin & Wu Pan-cheng, 1980 – [Luo Jian-Xin & Wu Pan-cheng, 1980]  Philonotis pechuelii (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Philonotis pellucidiretis (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Yano, O., 1981]  Philonotis penicillata Wright, 1892  Philonotis perconferta Brotherus, 1897  Philonotis pergracilis Cardot, 1911  Philonotis perigonialis Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Philonotis perlaxifolia Dixon, 1932 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Philonotis perpusilla Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Philonotis perrieri Thériot, 1920 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Philonotis pilifera Dixon ex E. B. Bartram, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Philonotis plana Dixon & Herzog, 1937 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis platensis Paris, 1900 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Philonotis platyneura Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis polymorpha (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889  Philonotis pomangium (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Philonotis pseudomollis (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Philonotis pugionifolia Britton, 1896 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Philonotis pumila Kindberg, 1897  Philonotis pungens (Mitten) Mitten, 1888 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Philonotis pygmaeola (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880  Philonotis pyriformis (R. Brown ter) Wijk & Margadant, 1962 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Philonotis rificuspis Bescherelle, 1891  Philonotis rigida Bridel, 1827 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Philonotis rufiflora (Hornschuch) Reichardt, 1870 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Philonotis runcinata C. Müller ex Ångström, 1876 –


[Whittier, H. O., 1976; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1996; Virtanen, V. & T. Koponen, 1998]  Philonotis ruwenzorensis Thériot & Naveau, 1927 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis scabrifolia (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Braithwaite, 1893 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Robinson, H., 1975]  Philonotis schroederi Brotherus, 1912 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis secunda (Dozy & Molkenboer) Bosch & Sande Lacoste, 1861 – [Eddy, A., 1996; Virtanen, V. & T. Koponen, 1998]  Philonotis seriata Mitten, 1859 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Gangulee, H. C., 1974; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Philonotis sharpiana Griffin & W. R. Buck, 1989 – [Griffin, D., III & W. R. Buck, 1989; Griffin, D., III, 1994a]  Philonotis sikkimensis (Kabiersch) T. Koponen, 1998 – [Koponen, T., 1998]  Philonotis simplicissima (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Philonotis slateri (Hampe) Jaeger, 1880 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Philonotis soulii Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1920 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis sparsifolia (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Philonotis speirophylla Dixon, 1918 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis sphaerocarpa (Hedwig) Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Philonotis spiralis (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Philonotis spongiosa (Welwitsch & Duby) Gepp in Hiern, 1901 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis striata (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Philonotis striatula (Mitten) Jaeger, 1875 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Philonotis strictiuscula (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Philonotis strictula Cardot, 1909 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis submarchica Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Philonotis subolescens (C. Müller) Paris, 1898  Philonotis subrigida Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Philonotis subsimplex Brotherus & Paris, 1911  Philonotis subsphaericarpa Brotherus in Urban, 1903  Philonotis tenuis (Taylor) Reichardt, 1870 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Philonotis thwaitesii Mitten, 1859 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1996; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989;



Eddy, A., 1996] Philonotis tomentella Molendo in Lorentz, 1864 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Philonotis tortifolia (C. Müller) Watts & Whitelegge, 1906 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Philonotis trachyphylla Dixon & Badhwar, 1938  Philonotis trichodonta (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889  Philonotis trichophylla Bescherelle, 1875  Philonotis tricolor (C. Müller) Paris, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis turneriana (Schwägrichen) Mitten, 1859 – [Manuel, M. G., 1981a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Eddy, A., 1996]  Philonotis uncinata (Schwägrichen) Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Philonotis usambarica Brotherus, 1912 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Philonotis vagans (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1859 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985b; Magill, R. E., 1987; Robinson, H., 1975]  Philonotis vanderystii Cardot, 1909  Philonotis vescoana (Bescherelle) Paris, 1897 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1996; Virtanen, V. & T. Koponen, 1998]  Philonotis yezoana Bescherelle & Cardot, 1909 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a] Philophyllum C. Müller, 1898 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LEUCOMIACEAE  Philophyllum tenuifolium (Mitten) Brotherus, 1907 – [Buck, W. R., 1992] Phyllodon Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 {2/1/0/0/0=3} HYPNACEAE  Phyllodon scutellifolius (Bescherelle) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Tixier, P., 1988, as Glossadelphus scutellifolius; Buck, W. R., 1987b]  Phyllodon truncatulus (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J. & K. Veling, 1996; Buck, W. R., 1998b; O'Shea, B. J., 1999]  Phyllodon truncatus (Welwitsch & Duby) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [O'Shea, B. J., 1999] Phyllodrepanium Crosby, 1970 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PHYLLODREPANIACEAE  Phyllodrepanium falcifolium (Schwägrichen) Crosby, 1970 [1971] – [Crosby, M. R., 1970b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Phyllogonium Bridel, 1827 {3/0/0/0/0=3} PHYLLOGONIACEAE  Phyllogonium fulgens (Hedwig) Bridel, 1827 – [Lin, S.-H., 1983; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Phyllogonium viride Bridel, 1827 – [Lin, S.-H., 1983; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Phyllogonium viscosum (Palisot de Beauvois) Mitten, 1869 – [Lin, S.-H., 1983] Physcomitrella Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1849 {2/0/0/0/0=2} 

FUNARIACEAE Physcomitrella patens (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1849 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Physcomitrella readeri (C. Müller) Stone & G. A. M. Scott, 1973 [1974] – [Fife, A. J., 1982a] Physcomitrellopsis Brotherus & H. A. Wager in Dixon, 1922 {1/0/0/0/0=1} FUNARIACEAE  Physcomitrellopsis africana H. A. Wager & Brotherus ex Dixon, 1922 – [Magill, R. E., 1987] Physcomitrium (Bridel) Bridel, 1827 {22/3/2/41/0=68} FUNARIACEAE  Physcomitrium acutifolium Brotherus, 1900 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Sehnem, A., 1970]  Physcomitrium arenicola Lazarenko, 1928 – [Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1970]  Physcomitrium argentinicum Paris, 1897 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Physcomitrium aubertii Bescherelle, 1880 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Physcomitrium badium Brotherus, 1900 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Sehnem, A., 1970]  Physcomitrium brevirostre Brotherus, 1900 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Sehnem, A., 1970]  Physcomitrium brevisetum Mitten, 1876 – [Fife, A. J., 1982b]  Physcomitrium brisbanicum C. Müller, 1872 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Physcomitrium bukobense (Brotherus in Mildbraed) Fife, 1982 – [Fife, A. J., 1982b]  Physcomitrium chlorodictyon C. Müller, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Physcomitrium coarctatum C. Müller ex Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Physcomitrium collenchymatum Gier, 1955 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium coorgense Brotherus, 1899 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Physcomitrium courtoisii Paris & Brotherus, 1909 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Physcomitrium cupulare C. Müller, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Physcomitrium cupuliferum Mitten, 1869 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Physcomitrium delicatulum H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1955 – [Smith, D. K., 1994a; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium dilatatum Renauld & Cardot, 1890 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Physcomitrium eurystomum Sendtner, 1841 – [Enroth, J., 1991d; Ochi, H., 1968c; Fife, A. J., 1982c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Gangulee, H. C., 1974; Smith, 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES A. J. E., 1978]  Physcomitrium falcifolium C. Müller ex Brotherus,  Physcomitrium felipponei Thériot, 1941 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Physcomitrium flaccidum Mitten, 1882 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Physcomitrium flexifolium Mitten in Melliss, 1875 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium germanillae C. Müller, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Physcomitrium gibertii Mitten, 1885 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Physcomitrium hemisphaericum Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1917 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium herteri Thériot, 1941 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Physcomitrium hookeri Hampe, 1844 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium immersum Sullivant in A. Gray, 1848 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium indicum (Dixon in K. M. Gupta) Gangulee, 1969 [1970] – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974; Fife, A. J., 1982b]  Physcomitrium insigne Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium integrifolium Hampe & C. Müller, 1855 – [Fife, A. J., 1982a]  Physcomitrium japonicum (Hedwig) Mitten, 1891 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Ochi, H., 1968c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Physcomitrium lindmannii Brotherus, 1900 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Yano, O., 1981]  Physcomitrium longicolle Trabut, 1922 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium lorentzii C. Müller, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982b; Fife, A. J., 1982b]  Physcomitrium luteolum Bescherelle, 1877 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium mahui H. Robinson, 1970 – [Robinson, H., 1970a; Fife, A. J., 1982b]  Physcomitrium martianovii Brotherus, 1965 – [Brotherus, V. F., 1965]  Physcomitrium mirabile (Brotherus & Paris) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Physcomitrium niloticum (Delile) C. Müller, 1858 – [Fife, A. J., 1982b; Magill, R. E., 1987, as Micropoma niloticum]  Physcomitrium nodulifolium Mitten, 1882 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Physcomitrium orbignyanum (Montagne) Montagne in Orbigny, 1839 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Physcomitrium paraguense Bescherelle, 1877 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium perflaccidum Brotherus ex Potier de la Varde, 1917 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium phymatodeum Catcheside, 1980 –


1895 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Yano, O., 1981] [Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Physcomitrium platyphylloides Paris, 1905 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Physcomitrium puiggarii Geheeb & Hampe, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Yano, O., 1981]  Physcomitrium pusillum Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1854 – [Fife, A. J., 1982a; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Physcomitrium pygmaeum T. P. James, 1871 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Fife, A. J., 1982c; Flowers, S., 1973b]  Physcomitrium pyriforme (Hedwig) Hampe, 1837 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Fife, A. J., 1982a; Smith, D. K., 1994a; Fife, A. J., 1982c; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Eddy, A., 1996]  Physcomitrium repandum (Griffith) Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Physcomitrium rooperi Mitten, 1885  Physcomitrium roseae R. S. Williams, 1915 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Physcomitrium sahapurense C. Müller ex Potier de la Varde, 1917 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium serrifolium C. Müller, 1879 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium serrulatum Mitten, 1869 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Yano, O., 1981]  Physcomitrium sinensi-sphaericum C. Müller, 1898 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Physcomitrium spathulatum C. Müller, 1845 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium sphaericum (C. F. Ludwig in Schkuhr) Fürnrohr in Hampe, 1837 – [Ochi, H., 1968c; Fife, A. J., 1982c; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Eddy, A., 1996]  Physcomitrium subminutulum Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Physcomitrium subserratum Hampe, 1860 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Physcomitrium subspathulatum Thériot & Naveau, 1927 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium subsphaericum W. P. Schimper in C. Müller, 1851 – [Smith, D. K., 1994a; Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium sumatranum Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1953 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c]  Physcomitrium sylvestre C. Müller, 1900 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Sehnem, A., 1970]  Physcomitrium thieleanum Hampe, 1844 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Physcomitrium umbonatum Mitten, 1869 – [Fife, A. J., 1982c; Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986] Pictus C. C. Townsend, 1983 {0/0/1/0/0=1} CAMPYLIACEAE  Pictus scoticus C. C. Townsend, 1982 – [Townsend, C. C., 1982] Piloecium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1}



MYURIACEAE Piloecium pseudorufescens (Hampe) C. Müller in Brotherus, 1908 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1979a; Maschke, J., DICRANACEAE  Pilopogon africanus Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1983; Sloover, J. L. de, 1979]  Pilopogon guadalupensis (Bridel) Frahm, 1991 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Allen, B., 1994a]  Pilopogon laevis (Taylor) Thériot, 1936 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1983; Allen, B., 1994a]  Pilopogon longirostratus Mitten, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1983]  Pilopogon macrocarpus Brotherus, 1921 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1983]  Pilopogon peruvianus (R. S. Williams) Frahm, 1983 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1983; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Pilopogon schilleri Herzog & Thériot, 1933 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1983]  Pilopogon tiquipayae Herzog, 1916 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1991b; Frahm, J.-P., 1983; Allen, B., 1994a] Pilosium (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} STEREOPHYLLACEAE  Pilosium chlorophyllum (Hornschuch) C. Müller in Brotherus, 1897 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1989; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994b; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Pilotrichella (C. Müller) Bescherelle, 1872 {9/0/0/41/0=50} LEMBOPHYLLACEAE  Pilotrichella allionii Brotherus, 1921  Pilotrichella ampullacea (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella angustifolia Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Pilotrichella attenuata Brotherus, 1913 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella caldensis Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Pilotrichella calomicra Brotherus, 1890  Pilotrichella capillicaulis Kindberg, 1891 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella communis C. Müller ex Dusén, 1895  Pilotrichella curvifrons Kindberg, 1891 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella cuspidans Renauld & Cardot, 1890 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichella cyathipoma (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Pilotrichella dimorpha (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Pilotrichella flexilis (Hedwig) Ångström, 1876 – [Spessard-Schueth, L., 1994a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Sehnem, A., 1980; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichella gracilicaulis C. Müller ex Dusén, 1895  Pilotrichella grimaldii Renauld & Cardot, 1892 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella holstii Brotherus, 1894 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella incurva Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 

1976, as Myurium pseudorufescens] Pilopogon Bridel, 1826 {8/0/0/0/0=8} 1985]  Pilotrichella inflatifolia C. Müller, 1886  Pilotrichella isleana Bescherelle, 1880 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella latiramea C. Müller ex Dusén, 1895 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella leptoclada C. Müller, 1886  Pilotrichella mascarenica (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877  Pilotrichella mauiensis (Sullivant) Jaeger, 1877 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Pilotrichella moenkemeyeri (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891  Pilotrichella muelleri Dusén, 1895  Pilotrichella nudiramulosa C. Müller, 1901 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Pilotrichella pachygaster (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Pilotrichella pachygastrella C. Müller ex Ångström, 1876 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Pilotrichella pallidicaulis C. Müller, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Pilotrichella perrobusta Potier de la Varde, 1950 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella phleoides (Desvaux ex Bridel) Jaeger, 1877  Pilotrichella pilifolia Dixon, 1918  Pilotrichella profusicaulis Paris, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella pseudoimbricata (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella quadrangularis (Schwägrichen) Wijk & Margadant, 1960  Pilotrichella quitensis (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Pilotrichella ragazzii Brizi, 1893  Pilotrichella rigida (C. Müller) Bescherelle, 1872 – [Spessard-Schueth, L., 1994a]  Pilotrichella sericea Kindberg, 1891 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella sordido-viridis C. Müller ex Dusén, 1895  Pilotrichella squarrulosa C. Müller in Brotherus, 1891 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Pilotrichella stuhlmannii Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella subpachygastrella Brotherus, 1895 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Pilotrichella subpanduraefolia Kindberg, 1891  Pilotrichella subsemitorta Brotherus in Naveau, 1928  Pilotrichella tenella Jaeger, 1877  Pilotrichella tenellula Kindberg, 1891 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pilotrichella turgidellacea C. Müller ex Dusén, 1895  Pilotrichella versicolor (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]


Pilotrichella welwitschii (Duby) Gepp in Hiern, 1901 – [Kis, G., 1985; Yano, O., 1981] Pilotrichidium Bescherelle, 1876 {2/0/0/0/0=2} PILOTRICHACEAE  Pilotrichidium antillarum Bescherelle, 1876 – [Allen, B. H. & M. R. Crosby, 1986a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichidium callicostatum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877  Pilotrichopsis ferruginea (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pilotrichopsis robusta Chen Pan-chieh, 1955 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Pilotrichum Palisot de Beauvois, 1804 {20/0/0/0/2=22} PILOTRICHACEAE  Pilotrichum affine (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1827 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum andersonii Crosby, 1968 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a]  Pilotrichum armatum Brotherus, 1920 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a]  Pilotrichum asperifolium Mitten, 1869 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a]  Pilotrichum bipinnatum (Schwägrichen) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum compositum (Hedwig) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum corrugatum Renauld & Cardot, 1902-03 [1905] – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a]  Pilotrichum cristatum Mitten, 1869 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum debile Bescherelle, 1876 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum denticulatum Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Excluded by Crosby, M. R., 1969a]  Pilotrichum divaricatum Mitten, 1869 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum evanescens (C. Müller) Crosby, 1969 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum fendleri C. Müller, 1879 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum husnotii W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1876 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum hypnoides (Hedwig) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum longicaule Brotherus, 1920 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a]  Pilotrichum lophophyllum Sullivant, 1861 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum luciae Crosby, 1969 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pilotrichum microthamnium Hampe, 1879 – [Excluded by Crosby, M. R., 1969a]  Pilotrichum procerum Mitten, 1869 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a]  Pilotrichum ramosissimum Mitten, 1869 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a]  Pilotrichum rugifolium C. Müller, 1851 – [Crosby, M. R., 1969a]


– [Allen, B. H. & M. R. Crosby, 1986a; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Pilotrichopsis Bescherelle, 1899 {1/0/0/2/0=3} CRYPHAEACEAE  Pilotrichopsis dentata (Mitten) Bescherelle, 1899 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Pinnatella Fleischer, 1906 {15/0/0/1/0=16} NECKERACEAE  Pinnatella alopecuroides (W. J. Hooker) Fleischer, 1906 – [Enroth, J., 1994b; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Pinnatella ambigua (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1906 – [Enroth, J., 1994b; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Pinnatella amblyphylla Enroth, 1994 – [Enroth, J., 1994b]  Pinnatella anacamptolepis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906 – [Enroth, J., 1994b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Pinnatella calcutensis Fleischer, 1906 – [Enroth, J., 1994b]  Pinnatella foreauana Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1925 – [Enroth, J., 1994b]  Pinnatella gollanii Brotherus, 1931 – [Enroth, J., 1994b]  Pinnatella kuehliana (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1906 – [Enroth, J., 1994b]  Pinnatella limbata Dixon, 1921 – [Enroth, J., 1994b]  Pinnatella makinoi (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1906 – [Enroth, J., 1994b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Pinnatella minuta (Mitten) Brotherus, 1906 – [Enroth, J., 1994b; Smith, D. K., 1994b; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pinnatella mixta (C. Müller) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [cited by Enroth, J., 1994b as insufficiently known]  Pinnatella mucronata (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1906 – [Enroth, J., 1994b]  Pinnatella robusta Noguchi, 1935 – [Enroth, J., 1994b]  Pinnatella taiwanensis Noguchi, 1939 – [Enroth, J., 1994b]  Pinnatella uroclada (Mitten) Enroth, 1992 – [Enroth, J., 1994b] Pireella Cardot, 1913 {11/0/0/0/1=12} PTEROBRYACEAE  Pireella angustifolia (C. Müller) Arzeni, 1954 – [Newton, A. E., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pireella cymbifolia (Sullivant in A. Gray) Cardot, 1913 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Newton, A. E., 1993; Magill, R., 1994a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pireella falcifolia E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Newton, A. E., 1993]  Pireella filicina (Hedwig) Cardot, 1913 – [Newton, A. E., 1993; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pireella formosana Brotherus, 1921 – [Excluded by Newton, A. E., 1993]

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Pireella guatemalensis E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Magill, R., 1994a; Newton, A. E., 1993; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pireella husnotiana (Bescherelle) Cardot, 1913 – [Newton, A. E., 1993; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pireella mariae (Cardot) Cardot, 1913 – [Magill, R., 1994a; Newton, A. E., 1993]  Pireella pergemmescens H. Robinson in H. Robinson, Holm-Nielsen & Jeppesen, 1971 – [Newton, A. E., 1993]  Pireella pohlii (Schwägrichen) Cardot, 1913 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Newton, A. E., 1993; Magill, R., 1994a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C.,  Plagiobryum duthiei Hedderson & Harold, 1990 [1991] – [Hedderson, T. A. & A. S. Harold, 1990 [1991]]  Plagiobryum giraldii (C. Müller) Paris, 1897 – [Hedderson, T. A. & A. S. Harold, 1990 [1991]]  Plagiobryum hultenii (Ochi & Persson) Hedderson, 1990 – [Hedderson, T. A., 1990]  Plagiobryum japonicum Noguchi, 1952 – [Hedderson, T. A. & A. S. Harold, 1990 [1991]; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Ochi, H., 1985]  Plagiobryum laxum Demaret & Potier de la Varde in Demaret & J. Leroy, 1944 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Plagiobryum novaeseelandiae Brotherus, 1916 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Ochi, H., 1970]  Plagiobryum piliferum Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Ochi, H., 1972a]  Plagiobryum zierii (Dickson ex Hedwig) Lindberg, 1863 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Magill, R. E., 1987; Shaw, A. J., 1982; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988] Plagiomnium T. Koponen, 1968 {25/0/0/0/0=25} MNIACEAE  Plagiomnium acutum (Lindberg) T. Koponen, 1975 – [Koponen, T., 1975; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Plagiomnium affine (Blandow ex Funck) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Mnium affine]  Plagiomnium arbuscula (C. Müller) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Koponen, T., 1981b]  Plagiomnium carolinianum (L. E. Anderson) T. Koponen, 1977 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Mnium carolinianum]  Plagiomnium ciliare (C. Müller) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Plagiomnium confertidens (Lindberg & H. Arnell) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Plagiomnium cordatum T. Koponen & Norris, 1983 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Plagiomnium cuspidatum (Hedwig) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Koponen, T., 1994; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Plagiomnium drummondii (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Plagiomnium elatum (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) T.

1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Pireella pycnothallodes (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1917 – [Newton, A. E., 1993; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pireella trichomanoides (Spruce ex Mitten) Cardot, 1913 – [Newton, A. E., 1993] Plagiobryum Lindberg, 1863 {7/0/1/1/0=9} BRYACEAE  Plagiobryum demissum (W. J. Hooker) Lindberg, 1863 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Hedderson, T. A. & A. S. Harold, 1990 [1991]; Hedderson, T. A., 1990] 

Koponen, 1968 – [Koponen, T., 1993] Plagiomnium elimbatum (Fleischer in Brotherus) T. Koponen, 1974 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Plagiomnium ellipticum (Bridel) T. Koponen, 1971 – [Koponen, T., 1993; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Plagiomnium insigne (Mitten) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Plagiomnium integrum (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) T. Koponen, 1971 – [Eddy, A., 1996; Gangulee, H. C., 1974, as Mnium integrum]  Plagiomnium japonicum (Lindberg) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Plagiomnium maximoviczii (Lindberg) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Plagiomnium medium (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Koponen, T., 1994]  Plagiomnium novae-zealandiae (Colenso) T. Koponen, 1977 – [Koponen, T., 1983]  Plagiomnium rhynchophorum (W. J. Hooker) T. Koponen, 1971 – [Eddy, A., 1996; Koponen, T., 1994]  Plagiomnium rostratum (Schrader) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Koponen, T., 1994]  Plagiomnium succulentum (Mitten) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Eddy, A., 1996; Gangulee, H. C., 1974, as Mnium succulentum; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Plagiomnium tezukae (Sakurai) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Koponen, T., 1971a]  Plagiomnium undulatum (Hedwig) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Koponen, T., 1993]  Plagiomnium venustum (Mitten) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Plagiomnium vesicatum (Bescherelle) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Koponen, T., 1972; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998] Plagiopus Bridel, 1826 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BARTRAMIACEAE  Plagiopus oederianus (Swartz) H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1981 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982] Plagiotheciopsis Brotherus, 1913 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Plagiotheciopsis oblonga (Brotherus) Brotherus in 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Dixon, 1922 – [Enroth, J., 1991c; Buck, W. R., 1980a] Plagiothecium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 {22/1/2/25/2=52} PLAGIOTHECIACEAE  Plagiothecium berggrenianum Frisvoll, 1981 [1982] – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1981 [1982]]  Plagiothecium bicolor Warnstorf, 1915 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Plagiothecium cavifolium (Bridel) Iwatsuki, 1970 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ireland, R. R., 1986a; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Ireland, R. R., 1986a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Plagiothecium draytonii (Sullivant) E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Plagiothecium drepanophyllum Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1989; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994c; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Plagiothecium entodontella Brotherus ex Dixon, 1935 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Plagiothecium euryphyllum (Cardot & Thériot) Iwatsuki, 1970 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Plagiothecium falklandicum (Cardot & Brotherus) Newton, 1985 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1989]  Plagiothecium formosicum Brotherus & A. Yasuda, 1926 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Plagiothecium georgicoantarcticum (C. Müller in Neumayer) Kindberg, 1891 – [Bednarek-Ochyra, H., R. I. Lewis-Smith & R. Ochyra, 1999; Buck, W. R., 1998b, as Plagiothecium conostegium; Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1989, as Plagiothecium conostegium]  Plagiothecium glossophylloides Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Plagiothecium handelii Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Plagiothecium herzogii Thériot, 1932 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Plagiothecium laetum W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Ireland, R. R., 1986a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ireland, R. R., 1969a; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Plagiothecium lancifolium Debeaux, 1876  Plagiothecium latebricola W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Ireland, R. R., 1986a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1969a; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Plagiothecium lonchochaete C. Müller, 1901 – [Excluded by Wijk, R. van der, W. D. Margadant & P. A. Florschütz, 1967]  Plagiothecium lucidum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Paris, 1897 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1989]  Plagiothecium mauiense Brotherus, 1927 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]


Plagiothecium ceylonense Brotherus ex Dixon, 1915 Plagiothecium cochleatum Dixon, 1938  Plagiothecium cordifolium Lazarenko, 1945  Plagiothecium corticola Ångström, 1873 – [Excluded by Wijk, R. van der, W. D. Margadant & P. A. Florschütz, 1967]  Plagiothecium curvifolium Schliephacke ex Limpricht, 1897 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Plagiothecium dehradunense Vohra, 1974 [1977] – [Vohra, J. N., 1974 [1977]] 

Plagiothecium membranosulum C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Plagiothecium mildbraedii Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Plagiothecium monbuttoviae (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878  Plagiothecium neckeroideum W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Enroth, J., 1991b; Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Plagiothecium nemorale (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Plagiothecium nitens Dixon, 1916 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Plagiothecium nitidifolium (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Plagiothecium noricum Molendo ex Limpricht, 1897  Plagiothecium novae-seelandiae Brotherus, 1916 – [Ireland, R. R., 1992a]  Plagiothecium novogranatense (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1989]  Plagiothecium obtusissimum Brotherus, 1921 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Plagiothecium orthocarpum Mitten, 1869 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Plagiothecium ovalifolium Cardot, 1905 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1989; Bednarek-Ochyra, H., R. I. Lewis-Smith & R. Ochyra, 1999]  Plagiothecium paleaceum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Enroth, J., T. Koponen & Li Xing-jiang, 1992; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Plagiothecium perminutum Dixon, 1930  Plagiothecium piliferum (Swartz in C. J. Hartman) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Ireland, R. R., 1986a; Ireland, R. R., 1969a]  Plagiothecium platyphyllum Mönkemeyer, 1927 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Plagiothecium rhynchostegioides C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Plagiothecium shinii Sakurai, 1941 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Plagiothecium subglaucum Thwaites & Mitten, 1873  Plagiothecium subulatum Brotherus, 1924 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Plagiothecium succulentum (Wilson) Lindberg, 1865 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Plagiothecium svihlae E. B. Bartram, 1954 – [Tan,



B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Plagiothecium tjuzenii Iishiba, 1932  Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Ireland, R. R., 1986a; Ireland, R. R., 1969a]  Plagiothecium vesiculariopsis Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927 Platydictya Berkeley, 1863 {6/0/0/1/0=7} HYPNACEAE  Platydictya confervoides (Bridel) H. Crum, 1964 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Platydictya fauriei (Cardot) Iwatsuki & Noguchi, 1973  Platydictya subtilis (Hedwig) H. Crum, 1964 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Vohra, J. N., 1983] Platygyriella Cardot, 1910 {2/4/0/0/0=6} HYPNACEAE  Platygyriella aurea (Schwägrichen) W. R. Buck, 1984  Platygyriella aureoides (Brotherus & Paris) W. R. Buck, 1984  Platygyriella densa (W. J. Hooker in Kunth) W. R. Buck, 1984 – [Buck, W. R., 1994e]  Platygyriella fragilifolia (Dixon) W. R. Buck, 1984  Platygyriella kirtikarii (Cardot & Dixon in Dixon) W. R. Buck, 1984  Platygyriella pringlei (Cardot) W. R. Buck, 1984 – [Buck, W. R., 1994e] Platygyrium W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 {4/0/0/0/0=4} HYPNACEAE  Platygyrium fuscoluteum Cardot, 1910 – [Ando, H., 1994a]  Platygyrium repens (Bridel) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Platygyrium russulum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Platygyrium subrussulum Renauld & Cardot, 1900 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980] Platyhypnidium Fleischer, 1923 {4/1/0/6/0=11} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Platyhypnidium aquaticum (Jaeger) Fleischer, 1923 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Platyhypnidium austrinum (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Fleischer, 1923 – [Hedenäs, L., 1996a]  Platyhypnidium brotheri (Paris) Wijk & Margadant, 1960  Platyhypnidium esquirolii (Cardot & Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Platyhypnidium intermedium Herzog, 1927 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Platyhypnidium mac-owanianum (Paris) Fleischer, 1923 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Platyhypnidium muelleri (Jaeger) Fleischer, 1923 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991, as Rhynchostegium muelleri; Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]

– [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]] Platydictya hattorii Kanda, 1975 [1976] – [Kanda, H., 1975 [1976]]  Platydictya jungermannioides (Bridel) H. Crum, 1964 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996; Ochyra, R., 1999a]  Platydictya madurensis (Cardot & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde) R. S. Chopra, 1975 – [Chopra, R. S., 1975]  Platydictya minutissima (Sullivant & Lesquereux) H. Crum, 1969 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b] 

Platyhypnidium obscurum (Bescherelle) Fleischer, 1923 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Platyhypnidium patulifolium (Cardot & Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Platyhypnidium pringlei (Cardot) Brotherus, 1925 – [McFarland, K. D., 1994d, as Rhynchostegium pringlei]  Platyhypnidium riparioides (Hedwig) Dixon, 1934 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Eurhynchium riparioides; Lawton, E., 1971, as Eurhynchium riparioides; Ireland, R. R., 1982, as Eurhynchium riparioides; Gangulee, H. C., 1978, as Eurhynchium riparioides; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975, as Eurhynchium riparioides; Ignatov, M. S., 1998; Stech, M. & J.-P. Frahm], 1999] Platylomella Andrews, 1950 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Platylomella lescurii (Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux) Andrews, 1950 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Sciaromium lescurii; Ochyra, R., 1987d; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Sciaromium lescurii] Platyneuron (Cardot) Brotherus, 1924 {0/1/0/0/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Platyneuron praealtum (Mitten) Ochyra & Bednarek-Ochyra, 1997 – [Ochyra, R. & H. Bednarek-Ochyra, 1997] Plaubelia Bridel, 1826 {2/0/0/0/0=2} POTTIACEAE  Plaubelia involuta (Magill) Zander, 1993 – [Magill, R. E., 1981, as Weisiopsis involuta; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Plaubelia sprengelii (Schwägrichen) Zander, 1993 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Neohyophila sprengelii; Zander, R. H., 1993] Pleuridium Rabenhorst, 1848 {16/3/3/9/0=31} DITRICHACEAE  Pleuridium acuminatum Lindberg, 1863 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Deguchi, H., T. Matsui & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994]  Pleuridium andinum Herzog, 1916 – [Ku, M., 1996b]  Pleuridium arnoldii (R. Brown ter) Paris, 1898 – [Stone, I. G., 1976a]  Pleuridium aurantiacum Snider & Delgadillo M., 1988 – [Snider, J. A. & C. Delgadillo, 1988; Snider, J. A., 1994d]  Pleuridium brachycaulon (C. Müller) Kindberg,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1889 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Pleuridium californicum Grout, 1936 – [Stark, L. R. & A. T. Whittemore, 1992]  Pleuridium costesii Thériot, 1921 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Pleuridium curvisetum Stone, 1976 – [Stone, I. G., 1976a]  Pleuridium denticulatum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1859  Pleuridium ecklonii (Hampe ex Mitten) Snider, 1975 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Arts, T., 1998b]  Pleuridium holdridgei H. Crum & Steere, 1958  Pleuridium japonicum Deguchi, Matsui & Iwatsuki, 1994 – [Deguchi, H., T. Matsui & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994]  Pleuridium lamprropyxis (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Pleuridium pappeanum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1869 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Pleuridium ravenelii Austin, 1877 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Pleuridium robinsonii (Montagne) Mitten, 1869 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Pleuridium subenerve (Hampe) Churchill, 1989 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Pleuridium subnervosum (C. Müller) Jaeger ex Paris, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1970]  Pleuridium subulatum (Hedwig) Rabenhorst, 1848 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Deguchi, H., T. Matsui & Z. Iwatsuki, 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Pleuridium sullivantii Austin, 1877 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Snider, J. A., 1994d]  Pleuridium tenue Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Pleuridium valetonii Fleischer, 1923  Pleuridium venezuelanum Griffin, 1987 – [Griffin, D., III, 1987a]  Pleuridium viride (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Pleurochaete Lindberg, 1864 {1/1/0/2/0=4} POTTIACEAE  Pleurochaete beccarii Venturi, 1872 – [cited by Zander, R. H., 1993 as insufficiently known]  Pleurochaete ecuadoriensis Brotherus, 1921 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Pleurochaete malacophylla (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pleurochaete squarrosa (Bridel) Lindberg, 1864 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994i; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975] Pleurophascum Lindberg, 1875 {1/0/1/0/0=2} BRYACEAE  Pleurophascum grandiglobum Lindberg, 1875 – [Wyatt, R. & A. Stoneburner, 1989]  Pleurophascum occidentale Wyatt & Stoneburner, 1989 – [Wyatt, R. & A. Stoneburner, 1989] Pleurorthotrichum Brotherus, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} 


Pleuridium laxirete Brotherus ex G. Roth, 1914 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Pleuridium lindigianum (Hampe) Churchill, 1988 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Pleuridium longirostre Dixon, 1914 – [Stone, I. G., 1976a]  Pleuridium macrothecium Dusén, 1905 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Pleuridium mexicanum Cardot, 1910 – [Snider, J. A., 1994d]  Pleuridium nervosum (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1856 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Pleuridium papillosum Magill, 1981 [1982] – [Magill, R. E., 1981] ORTHOTRICHACEAE Pleurorthotrichum chilense Brotherus, 1905 – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., 1994a] Pleuroziopsis Kindberg ex Britton, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PLEUROZIOPSACEAE  Pleuroziopsis ruthenica (Weinmann) Kindberg ex Britton, 1906 – [Lawton, E., 1971] Pleurozium Mitten, 1869 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYLOCOMIACEAE  Pleurozium schreberi (Willdenow ex Bridel) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996] Pocsiella Bizot, 1980 {0/0/1/0/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Pocsiella hydrogonioides Bizot, 1980 – [Bizot, M., 1980] Podperaea Iwatsuki & Glime, 1984 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Podperaea krylovii (Podpra) Iwatsuki & Glime, 1984 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & J. M. Glime, 1984; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996] Pogonatum Palisot de Beauvois, 1804 {53/0/0/4/0=57} POLYTRICHACEAE  Pogonatum aloides (Hedwig) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum belangeri (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Sloover, J. L. de, 1986]  Pogonatum brachyphyllum (Michaux) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum brasiliense (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [cited by Hyvönen, J., 1989c as insufficiently known]  Pogonatum campylocarpon (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Menzel, M., 1985 [1986]; Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum camusii (Thériot) Touw, 1986 – [Touw, A., 1986; Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J., 1989a; Hyvönen, J. & Ming-Jou Lai, 1991]  Pogonatum capense (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Sloover, J. L. de, 1986]  Pogonatum cirratum (Swartz) Bridel, 1827 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J., 1989a; Hyvönen, J. & 



Ming-Jou Lai, 1991; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994; Hyvönen, J., 1986]  Pogonatum comosum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Merrill, G. L. S., 1994]  Pogonatum congolense Cardot, 1909 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Sloover, J. L. de, 1986]  Pogonatum contortum (Menzies ex Bridel) Lesquereux, 1868 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Lawton, E., 1971; Osada, T., 1965; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Pogonatum convolutum (Hedwig) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum dentatum (Menzies ex Bridel) Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Long, D. G., 1985]  Pogonatum fastigiatum Mitten, 1859 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J. & Ming-Jou Lai, 1991; Wang  Pogonatum marginatum Mitten, 1859 – [Touw, A., 1986; Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum microphyllum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1856 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J., 1989a; Hyvönen, J., 1986]  Pogonatum microstomum (R. Brown ex Schwägrichen) Bridel, 1827 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J. & Ming-Jou Lai, 1991; Sloover, J. L. de, 1986; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994]  Pogonatum minus Xu Wen-xuan & Xiong Ruo-li, 1982 – [Xu Wen-xuan & Xiong Ruo-li, 1982; Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum misimense (E. B. Bartram) Touw, 1986 – [Touw, A., 1986; Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum nanum (Schreber ex Hedwig) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Pogonatum neesii (C. Müller) Dozy, 1856 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J., 1989a; Hyvönen, J. & Ming-Jou Lai, 1991; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994; Hyvönen, J., 1986]  Pogonatum neglectum (Hampe) Jaeger, 1875 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum neocaledonicum Bescherelle, 1873 – [Touw, A., 1986; Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum nipponicum Noguchi & Osada in Osada, 1965 – [Osada, T., 1965; Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Pogonatum norrisii Hyvönen, 1989 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum nudiusculum Mitten, 1859 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J. & Ming-Jou Lai, 1991; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994]  Pogonatum otaruense Bescherelle, 1893 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Osada, T., 1965; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Pogonatum patulum (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1859 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Pogonatum pensilvanicum (W. Bartr. ex Hedwig) Palisot de Beauvois, 1823 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Merrill, G. L. S., 1994]  Pogonatum pergranulatum Chen Pan-chieh, 1955 –

Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994]  Pogonatum geheebii Bescherelle in Geheeb, 1897 – [cited by Hyvönen, J., 1989c as insufficiently known; Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Pogonatum gracilifolium Bescherelle, 1880 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum inflexum (Lindberg) Sande Lacoste, 1869 [1870] – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994; Osada, T., 1965; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Pogonatum iwatsukii Touw, 1986 – [Touw, A., 1986; Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J., 1989a]  Pogonatum japonicum Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1859 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Pogonatum lamellosum T. P. James in Rothrock, 1868 [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994]  Pogonatum perichaetiale (Montagne) Jaeger, 1875 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Smith, G. L., 1976a; Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Pogonatum peruvianum Paris, 1900 – [cited by Hyvönen, J., 1989c as insufficiently known]  Pogonatum petelotii (Thériot & R. Henry) Touw, 1986 – [Touw, A., 1986; Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum philippinense (Brotherus) Touw, 1986 – [Touw, A., 1986; Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J., 1989a]  Pogonatum piliferum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Touw, 1986 – [Touw, A., 1986; Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J., 1989a]  Pogonatum procerum (Lindberg) W. P. Schimper in Jaeger, 1875 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Merrill, G. L. S., 1994]  Pogonatum proliferum (Griffith) Mitten, 1859 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J., 1989a; Hyvönen, J. & Ming-Jou Lai, 1991; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994]  Pogonatum rufisetum Mitten, 1859 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Pogonatum rutteri (Thériot & Dixon) Dixon, 1941 – [Touw, A., 1986; Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J., 1989a]  Pogonatum semipellucidum (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Menzel, M., 1987; Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum sinense (Brotherus) Hyvönen & Wu Pan-cheng, 1993 – [Hyvönen, J. & Pan-Cheng Wu, 1993]  Pogonatum spinulosum Mitten, 1864 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994; Osada, T., 1965; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Pogonatum subfuscatum Brotherus, 1929 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994]  Pogonatum subtortile (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J., 1989a; Hyvönen, J., 1986]  Pogonatum subulatum (Menzies ex Bridel) Bridel, 1827 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Beever, J., K. W. Allison &

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES J. Child, 1992] Pogonatum tahitense W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1894 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Hyvönen, J. & Ming-Jou Lai, 1991]  Pogonatum tortile (Swartz) Bridel, 1827 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Merrill, G. L. S., 1994]  Pogonatum tubulosum Dixon, 1942 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Hyvönen, J., 1986]  Pogonatum urnigerum (Hedwig) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Long, D. G., 1985; Ignatov, M. S. & G. L. S. Merrill, 1995; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Pogonatum usambaricum (Brotherus) Paris, 1898 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c]  Pogonatum volvatum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989c; Merrill, G. L. S., 1994] Pohlia Hedwig, 1801 {46/8/5/68/0=127}  Pohlia aristatula (Brotherus & Paris) H. A. Miller, H. O. Whittier & B. Whittier, 1978 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Pohlia atrothecia (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pohlia australis A. J. Shaw & Fife, 1985 – [Shaw, J. & A. J. Fife, 1985]  Pohlia austroelongata (C. Müller) Brotherus in Drygalski, 1906  Pohlia austropolymorpha (C. Müller) Brotherus in Drygalski, 1906  Pohlia baldwinii (Brotherus ex E. B. Bartram) Schultze-Motel, 1962 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Pohlia barbuloides Ochi, 1985 – [Ochi, H., 1985]  Pohlia baronii Wijk & Margadant, 1961 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Pohlia bequaertii (Dixon & Naveau) A. J. Shaw, 1987 – [Shaw, J., 1987]  Pohlia beringiensis A. J. Shaw, 1982 – [Shaw, J., 1982]  Pohlia betulina Warnstorf, 1913  Pohlia bolanderi (Lesquereux) Brotherus, 1903 – [Shaw, J., 1982]  Pohlia brachystoma Fleischer in Brotherus, 1903  Pohlia brevinervis Lindberg & H. Arnell, 1890 – [Shaw, J., 1982]  Pohlia brevireticulata Warnstorf, 1915 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Pohlia brideliana (C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1959  Pohlia bulbifera (Warnstorf) Warnstorf, 1904 – [Shaw, A. J., 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Shaw, J., 1982; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia calopyxis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Pohlia camptotrachela (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1903 – [Ochi, H., 1967; Shaw, A. J., 1981b; Shaw, J., 1982; Iwatsuki, Z., 1991; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988] 


MNIACEAE  Pohlia afrocruda (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pohlia alba Lindberg & H. Arnell, 1890 – [Shaw, J., 1984a]  Pohlia aloysii-sabaudiae Negri, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pohlia ampullacea Hampe in C. Müller ex Gangulee, 1974 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Pohlia andalusica (Hoehnel) Brotherus, 1903 – [Shaw, A. J., 1981b; Shaw, J., 1982; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Pohlia andrewsii A. J. Shaw, 1981 – [Shaw, A. J., 1981b; Shaw, J., 1982; Shaw, A. J., 1981a]  Pohlia annotina (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1879 – [Shaw, A. J., 1981b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Shaw, J., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971] 

Pohlia cardotii (Renauld in Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1903 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971]  Pohlia cavaleriei (Cardot & Thériot) Redfearn & B. C. Tan, 1995 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pohlia chilensis (Montagne) A. J. Shaw, 1987 – [Shaw, J., 1987; Shaw, J., 1982, as Pohlia polycarpa]  Pohlia chitralensis Størmer, 1954  Pohlia chrysoblasta (Thériot & Naveau) Demaret in Demaret & Potier de la Varde, 1977 – [Demaret, F. & R. Potier de la Varde, 1977]  Pohlia clavaeformis (Hampe) Brotherus, 1903 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Pohlia clavicaulis (Brotherus in Herzog) F. J. Hermann, 1976 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Pohlia columbica (Kindberg in Macoun) Andrews in Grout, 1935 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971]  Pohlia crassicostata (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Pohlia cruda (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1879 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Magill, R. E., 1987; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia crudoides (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Brotherus, 1903 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Pohlia cuspidata E. B. Bartram, 1951 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Pohlia debatii (Cardot & Thériot) Brotherus, 1909  Pohlia drummondii (C. Müller) Andrews in Grout, 1935 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Shaw, A. J., 1981b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971]  Pohlia elatior (Dixon & Sainsbury) Sainsbury, 1952  Pohlia elongata Hedwig, 1801 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985b; Magill, R. E., 1987; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia emergens (C. Müller) A. J. Shaw, 1987 – [Shaw, J., 1987]  Pohlia erecta Lindberg, 1882 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971]  Pohlia excelsa Kindberg, 1909



Pohlia excurrens (Dixon in Christophersen) E. B. Bartram in Christophersen, 1960  Pohlia falcata (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1903  Pohlia fauriei (Cardot) Iishiba, 1932 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia filum (W. P. Schimper) Mårtensson, 1956 – [Shaw, A. J., 1981b; Shaw, J., 1982]  Pohlia flexuosa W. J. Hooker, 1836 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia geniculata (Bridel) Wijk & Margadant, 1965 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Pohlia grammocarpa (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Pohlia grammophylla (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1903 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Pohlia gromieri (Thériot) Kis, 1984 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pohlia hisae T. Koponen & Luo Jian-xin, 1986 –  Pohlia lescuriana (Sullivant) Ochi, 1968 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia leucostoma (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1904 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia lonchochaete (Dusén) Brotherus, 1909 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Pohlia longibracteata Brotherus in Röll, 1890 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971]  Pohlia longicollis (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1879 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia looseri (Thériot) He Si, 1998 – [He, Si, 1998; Greene, D. M., 1986, as Webera looseri]  Pohlia loriformis (Herzog) F. J. Hermann, 1976 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Pohlia ludwigii (Sprengel ex Schwägrichen) Brotherus, 1892 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia lutescens (Limpricht) H. Lindberg, 1899 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Nyholm, E., 1993]  Pohlia macleai (Rehman ex Sim) Schelpe in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [cited by Magill, R. E., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Pohlia magnifica (Herzog) He Si, 1998 – [He, Si, 1998; Greene, D. M., 1986, as Webera magnifica]  Pohlia marchica Osterald in Warnstorf, 1905 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pohlia melanodon (Bridel) A. J. Shaw, 1981 [1982] – [Shaw, J., 1982; Shaw, A. J., 1981 [1982]]  Pohlia mielichhoferia (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pohlia nemicaulon (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903  Pohlia nevadensis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Pohlia novae-seelandiae Dixon, 1915 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Pohlia nutans (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1879 – [Shaw, J.,

[Koponen, T. & J.-s. Lou, 1986]  Pohlia humilis (Montagne) Brotherus, 1903 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Pohlia inflexa (C. Müller in Neumayer) Wijk & Margadant, 1965 – [Clarke, G. C. S., 1973]  Pohlia integra (Cardot) A. J. Shaw, 1982 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Arts, T., 1995]  Pohlia kenyae (Dixon) Kis, 1984 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pohlia korbiana (C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1959  Pohlia lacouturei (Thériot) O'Shea, 1995 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983, as Webera lacouturei]  Pohlia laticuspis (Brotherus) Chen Pan-chieh ex Redfearn & B. C. Tan, 1995 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pohlia leptodontium (Mitten) Brotherus, 1903 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Pohlia leptopoda (Hampe) Brotherus, 1903 – [Yano, O., 1981] 1982; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Magill, R. E., 1987; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia nutanti-polymorpha (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903  Pohlia obtusifolia (Villars ex Bridel) L. F. Koch, 1950 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971]  Pohlia ochii Vitt, 1971 [1972] – [Vitt, D. H., 1971a; Shaw, J. & A. J. Fife, 1985]  Pohlia oedoneura (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pohlia oerstediana (C. Müller) A. J. Shaw, 1982 – [Shaw, J., 1982]  Pohlia orthocarpula (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pohlia pacifica A. J. Shaw, 1982 – [Shaw, J., 1982]  Pohlia papillosa (C. Müller ex Jaeger) Brotherus, 1903 – [Shaw, J., 1982]  Pohlia philonotula (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [cited by Magill, R. E., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Pohlia plumella (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903  Pohlia procerrima Fleischer, 1904  Pohlia proligera (Kindberg) Brotherus, 1903 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Shaw, J., 1982; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia pseudobarbula (Thériot) H. Crum ex A. J. Shaw, 1982 – [Shaw, J., 1982]  Pohlia pseudodefecta Ochi, 1956 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia pseudogracilis (Cardot & Thériot) Brotherus, 1903  Pohlia pseudophilonotula (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [cited by Magill, R. E., 1987 as insufficiently known]  Pohlia revolvens (Cardot) Noguchi, 1953 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia rhaetica (Rota in De Notaris) Brotherus,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1905 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Pohlia richardsii A. J. Shaw, 1982 – [Shaw, J., 1982]  Pohlia rigescens (Mitten) Brotherus, 1903 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Pohlia rostrata (Jaeger) Brotherus, 1903  Pohlia rubella Brotherus, 1903  Pohlia rusbyana (C. Müller ex Britton) Brotherus, 1903 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Pohlia saitoi Ochi, 1954 – [cited by Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988 as insufficiently known]  Pohlia saprophila (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983]  Pohlia schisticola (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Pohlia scotica Crundwell, 1982 – [Crundwell, A. C., 1982]  Pohlia silvatica Warnstorf, 1915 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Pohlia sphagnicola (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Brotherus, 1903 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Shaw, J., 1982; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Pohlia verrucosa (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Pohlia vexans (Limpricht) H. Lindberg, 1899 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971]  Pohlia viridis Lindberg & H. Arnell, 1890  Pohlia wahlenbergii (Weber & D. Mohr) Andrews in Grout, 1935 – [Shaw, J., 1982; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Pohlia yunnanensis (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1903 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Polymerodon Herzog, 1909 {0/0/0/1/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Polymerodon andinus Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Polytrichadelphus (C. Müller) Mitten, 1859 {4/7/0/14/0=25} POLYTRICHACEAE  Polytrichadelphus abriaquiae (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Polytrichadelphus archboldii E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Hyvönen, J., 1986; Eddy, A., 1988]  Polytrichadelphus aristatus (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Polytrichadelphus bolivianus Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Polytrichadelphus ciferrii Herzog & Giacomini, 1950  Polytrichadelphus ciliatus (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Polytrichadelphus cuspidirostrum (W. P. Schimper in C. Müller) Brotherus, 1905 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Polytrichadelphus ericoides (Hampe) Mitten, 1869  Polytrichadelphus giganteus (W. J. Hooker) Mitten,


Pohlia stewartii E. B. Bartram, 1955 Pohlia subannulata (Philibert) Brotherus, 1903 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Pohlia subcarnea (W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle) Iishiba, 1929 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pohlia subcompactula (Paris) Wijk & Margadant, 1961 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pohlia subleptopoda (Brotherus in Herzog) F. J. Hermann, 1976 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Pohlia tapintzense (Bescherelle) Redfearn & B. C. Tan, 1995 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pohlia tenuifolia (Jaeger) Brotherus, 1903 – [Shaw, J. & A. J. Fife, 1985]  Pohlia timmioides (Brotherus) Chen Pan-chieh ex Redfearn & B. C. Tan, 1995 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pohlia trematodontea (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903  Pohlia tundrae A. J. Shaw, 1981 – [Mogensen, G. S., 1984; Shaw, J., 1982; Shaw, A. J., 1981b]  Pohlia turgens (Brotherus) A. J. Shaw, 1987 – [Shaw, J., 1987] 

1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Polytrichadelphus grossidens C. Müller ex Britton, 1896 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Polytrichadelphus integrifolius C. Müller ex Britton, 1896 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Polytrichadelphus longisetus (Bridel) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Polytrichadelphus magellanicus (Hedwig) Mitten, 1859 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Schiavone, M. M., 1993]  Polytrichadelphus mitis Herzog, 1927 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Polytrichadelphus nukahivensis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1905 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Polytrichadelphus organensis Herzog, 1925  Polytrichadelphus peruvianus Brotherus, 1906 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Polytrichadelphus pseudopolytrichum (Raddi) G. L. Smith, 1976 [1977] – [Smith, G. L., 1976b]  Polytrichadelphus purpureus Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Polytrichadelphus rubescens (Mitten) G. L. Smith, 1969  Polytrichadelphus rubiginosus Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Polytrichadelphus subrubescens (Thériot) G. L. Smith, 1969  Polytrichadelphus trianae (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Polytrichadelphus umbrosus Mitten, 1869 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Polytrichadelphus valenciae (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Polytrichastrum G. L. Smith, 1971 {10/0/3/0/0=13}



POLYTRICHACEAE Polytrichastrum alpinum (Hedwig) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Merrill, G. L. S., 1994; Long, D. G., 1985; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Polytrichum alpinum; Greene, S. W., 1973, as Polytrichum alpinum]  Polytrichastrum altaicum Ignatov & G. L. S. Merrill, 1995 – [Ignatov, M. S. & G. L. S. Merrill, 1995]  Polytrichastrum appalachianum (L. E. Anderson) G. L. S. Merrill, 1992 – [Merrill, G. L. S., 1992a; Anderson, L. E., 1987, as Polytrichum appalachianum]  Polytrichastrum emodi G. L. Smith, 1974 – [Smith, G. L., 1974; Merrill, G. L. S., 1992a; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994]  Polytrichastrum formosum (Hedwig) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Merrill, G. L. S., 1994; Ignatov, M. S. & G. L. S. Merrill, 1995; Hyvönen, J. & Ming-Jou Lai, 1991; Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994]  Polytrichastrum longisetum (Swartz ex Bridel) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Long, D. G., 1985; Sloover, J. L. de, 1986; Ignatov, M. S. & G. L. S. Merrill, 1995; Hyvönen, J., 1986; Schiavone, M. M., 1993]  Polytrichastrum ohioense (Renauld & Cardot) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Polytrichum ohioense; Ireland, R. R., 1982, as Polytrichum ohioense]  Polytrichum brachymitrium C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Polytrichum brachypelma C. Müller, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Polytrichum breviceps C. Müller, 1898  Polytrichum cataractarum C. Müller, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Polytrichum commune Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Long, D. G., 1985; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Polytrichum croceum Hampe, 1853 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Polytrichum cupreum Negri, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Polytrichum elegans Welwitsch & Duby, 1872 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Polytrichum elongatum Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Polytrichum glabrum Bridel ex Schrader, 1803 – [Yano, O., 1981; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Polytrichum gracilisetum Bescherelle ex C. Müller, 1900  Polytrichum hyperboreum R. Brown, 1823 – [Long, D. G., 1985; Merrill, G. L. S., 1992a]  Polytrichum juniperellum C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1881 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Polytrichum juniperinum Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Long, D. G., 1985; Merrill, G. L. S., 1994; Greene, S. W., 1973; Schiavone, M. M., 1993]  Polytrichum lycopodioides C. Müller, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Polytrichum microcephalum C. Müller, 1883 


Polytrichastrum pallidisetum (Funck) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Ignatov, M. S. & G. L. S. Merrill, 1995; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Polytrichum pallidisetum]  Polytrichastrum papillatum G. L. Smith, 1974 – [Smith, G. L., 1974; Merrill, G. L. S., 1992a]  Polytrichastrum sexangulare (Flörke ex Bridel) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Long, D. G., 1985; Ignatov, M. S. & G. L. S. Merrill, 1995]  Polytrichastrum tenellum (C. Müller) G. L. Smith, 1975 – [Merrill, G. L. S., 1994; Smith, G. L., 1975]  Polytrichastrum torquatum Mitten ex Osada & G. L. Smith in G. L. Smith, 1974 – [Smith, G. L., 1974; Merrill, G. L. S., 1992a]  Polytrichastrum xanthopilum (Wilson ex Mitten) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Wang Mei-zhi & Luo Jian-xin, 1994; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Polytrichum xanthopilum] Polytrichum Hedwig, 1801 {7/1/1/30/0=39} POLYTRICHACEAE  Polytrichum angustifolium Mitten, 1869 – [Merrill, G. L. S., 1992a]  Polytrichum autranii Renauld & Cardot, 1894 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991] 

Polytrichum micropysix C. Müller, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Polytrichum novae-hollandiae Jaeger, 1875 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Polytrichum obliquirostre C. Müller, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Polytrichum oerstedianum C. Müller, 1900  Polytrichum pachyneuron Hampe, 1847  Polytrichum piliferum Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Long, D. G., 1985; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Greene, S. W., 1973; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Polytrichum polakowskyi C. Müller, 1900  Polytrichum recurvatum C. Müller, 1901  Polytrichum recurvipilum C. Müller, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Polytrichum sinense Cardot & Thériot, 1904 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Polytrichum stolonigerum C. Müller, 1900 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Polytrichum strictum Menzies ex Bridel, 1801 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Polytrichum subcarinatum Hampe, 1875 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Polytrichum subpilosum Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1986]  Polytrichum subremotifolium Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Polytrichum swartzii C. J. Hartman, 1849 – [Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Long, D. G., 1985; Merrill, G. L. S., 1992a]  Polytrichum tibetanum Gao Chien in Gao Chien & Chang Kung-chu, 1979 – [Gao Chien & Chang

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Kuang-chu, 1979]  Polytrichum tonkinense Thériot & R. Henry, 1928 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Polytrichum trachythecium C. Müller, 1900  Polytrichum transvaaliense C. Müller, 1899  Polytrichum vaginatum Warnstorf, 1920 Porothamnium Fleischer, 1908 {5/0/2/20/0=27} NECKERACEAE  Porothamnium arbusculans (C. Müller) Fleischer in Brotherus & Cardot, 1923 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Porothamnium baculiferum (Dixon) Brotherus, 1925  Porothamnium bigelovii (Sullivant) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Porothamnium comosum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Porothamnium crassipes (Renauld & Cardot) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Porothamnium elatulum (C. Müller) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925  Porothamnium flagellatum (C. Müller) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925  Porothamnium floridum (Taylor) R. S. Williams, 1928 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Porothamnium frahmii Enroth, 1996 – [Enroth, J., 1996c]  Porothamnium gracile Brotherus, 1920  Porothamnium subexplanatum Brotherus & Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Porothamnium tenuinerve Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Porothamnium valdiviae (C. Müller) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Porothamnium variifolioides Sloover, 1983 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1983; Enroth, J. & N. G. Hodgetts, 1996]  Porothamnium viguieri Thériot, 1927 Porotrichodendron Fleischer, 1908 {2/3/0/7/0=12} NECKERACEAE  Porotrichodendron bertrandii (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1925  Porotrichodendron biforme (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Porotrichodendron flavidulum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Porotrichodendron glaziovii (Paris) Wijk & Margadant, 1961 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Porotrichodendron gracile Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Porotrichodendron longipes (R. S. Williams) W. R. Buck, 1981 – [Buck, W. R., 1981b]  Porotrichodendron mahahaicum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Porotrichodendron nitidum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Porotrichodendron porteri (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Porotrichodendron robustum Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Porotrichodendron substolonaceum (Bescherelle)


Porothamnium gymnopodum (Taylor) Fleischer, 1908 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Porothamnium leptopteris (C. Müller ex Dusén) Fleischer, 1908  Porothamnium leucocaulon (C. Müller) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Porothamnium minutum (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925  Porothamnium obliquifolium (Hornschuch) Fleischer, 1908 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Porothamnium panduraefolium (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1908 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Porothamnium parvirete Brotherus, 1917  Porothamnium protensum (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1909  Porothamnium scariosum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925  Porothamnium serricola (C. Müller) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Porothamnium sparsiflorum (Hampe) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925  Porothamnium stipitatum (Mitten) Touw ex Sloover, 1983 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1983; Enroth, J. & N. G. Hodgetts, 1996; Enroth, J., 1996c; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] Brotherus, 1925 – [Bowers, F. D., 1970; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Porotrichodendron superbum (Taylor) Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Smith, D. K., 1994b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Porotrichopsis Brotherus & Herzog, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Porotrichopsis flacca Herzog, 1916 – [Enroth, J., 1995a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Porotrichum (Bridel) Hampe, 1863 {16/1/1/22/0=40} NECKERACEAE  Porotrichum amboroicum Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Porotrichum atlanticum Dixon in R. A. Dyer, 1939 – [cited by Sloover, J. L. de, 1983 as insufficiently known]  Porotrichum bolivianum C. Müller ex Britton, 1896 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Porotrichum brevifolium E. B. Bartram, 1946  Porotrichum caesium Mitten, 1869  Porotrichum caldense (Kindberg) Brotherus, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Porotrichum caudatum Brotherus, 1890 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1983]  Porotrichum cavifolium Brotherus, 1917  Porotrichum chilense Thériot, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Porotrichum dentatum Gepp, 1894 – [Enroth, J. & N. G. Hodgetts, 1996]  Porotrichum elongatum (Welwitsch & Duby) Gepp in Hiern, 1901 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1983; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Porotrichum eurydictyon (Kindberg) Brotherus,



1906 Porotrichum expansum (Taylor) Mitten, 1869 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Porotrichum fasciculatum (Swartz ex Hedwig) Mitten, 1869 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Porotrichum filiferum Mitten, 1869 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Porotrichum globiglossum C. Müller, 1900 – [cited by Enroth, J., 1994b as insufficiently known]  Porotrichum guatemalense E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Smith, D. K., 1994b]  Porotrichum korthalsianum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Mitten, 1869 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1986; Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Porotrichum krauseanum (Hampe & Lorentz) Jaeger, 1877  Porotrichum lancifrons (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Porotrichum liliputanum (C. Müller in Kindberg) Brotherus, 1906  Porotrichum lindigii (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Smith, D. K., 1994b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Porotrichum longirostre (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1869 – [Smith, D. K., 1994b; Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Enroth, J., 1996c; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Sehnem, A.,  Porotrichum subpennaeforme C. Müller, 1890 – [cited by Sloover, J. L. de, 1983 as insufficiently known]  Porotrichum substriatum (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Enroth, J., 1996c; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Porotrichum tenuinerve B. H. Allen, 1994 – [Allen, B., 1994b]  Porotrichum thieleanum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Enroth, J., 1994b]  Porotrichum usagarum Mitten, 1886 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1983, as Porotrichum molliculum; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] Potamium Mitten, 1869 {0/0/0/1/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Potamium sanctae-mariae (Bescherelle in Paris) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] Pottia (Reichenbach) Fürnrohr, 1829 =Tortula {4/0/1/22/0=27} POTTIACEAE  Pottia alpicola Dixon, 1930  Pottia altipes Brotherus, 1918 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Pottia appertii Warnstorf, 1916  Pottia caucasica (Lindberg in Brotherus) Paris, 1898 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pottia chubutensis Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Pottia cucullata (Hampe) Jaeger, 1873 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as 

1980]  Porotrichum macropoma Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Porotrichum madagassum Kiaer ex Bescherelle, 1880 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1983; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Porotrichum microthecium C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Porotrichum mucronulatulum C. Müller in Renauld, 1898 – [cited by Sloover, J. L. de, 1983 as insufficiently known]  Porotrichum mutabile Hampe, 1862 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Porotrichum pennaefrondeum C. Müller, 1876 – [cited by Sloover, J. L. de, 1983 as insufficiently known]  Porotrichum piniforme (Bridel) Mitten, 1869 – [Sastre-de Jesús, I., 1987b; Smith, D. K., 1994b]  Porotrichum plumosum Renauld & Cardot, 1894 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Porotrichum pobeguinii (Paris & Brotherus) Brotherus, 1906  Porotrichum quintasii Brotherus, 1890 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1983]  Porotrichum squarrosum (Arzeni) H. Crum & Steere, 1958  Porotrichum subangustifolium C. Müller, 1898 insufficiently known]  Pottia flavipes Montagne, 1845 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Pottia gemmifera Herrnstadt & Heyn, 1999 – [Herrnstadt, I. & C. C. Heyn, 1999]  Pottia globosa Catcheside, 1980 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Pottia humillima (Ångström) Paris, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Pottia latzii Catcheside, 1980 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Pottia ligularifolia C. Müller, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Pottia longifolia R. Brown ter, 1894  Pottia namaquensis Magill, 1981 [1982] – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Pottia naumanii C. Müller, 1883  Pottia neocaledonica Thériot, 1909  Pottia notarisii W. P. Schimper, 1876  Pottia obliqua R. Brown ter, 1894  Pottia pellata (W. P. Schimper in C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902  Pottia propagulifera Herzog, 1905 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Pottia recurvifolia Warnstorf, 1916  Pottia scabrifolia E. B. Bartram, 1951 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Pottia serrata R. Brown ter, 1894  Pottia stenocarpa Potier de la Varde, 1926  Pottia tasmanica Brotherus, 1895 – [Streimann, H.

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES & J. Curnow, 1989]  Pottia thraustophylla (Ångström) Paris, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pottia uleana Paris, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981] Pottiopsis Blockeel & A. J. E. Smith, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Pottiopsis caespitosa (Bruch in Bridel) Blockeel & A. J. E. Smith, 1998 – [Blockeel, T. L. & A. J. E. Smith, 1998; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Pottia caespitosa] Powellia Mitten, 1868 [1869] {6/0/1/1/0=8} RACOPILACEAE  Powellia acutifolia Brotherus, 1907 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Powellia australis (Hampe) Brotherus, 1907 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Powellia breviseta (E. B. Bartram) Zanten, 1969 – [Zanten, B. O. van & A. de Vries, 1989 [1991]]  Powellia integra (Dixon) Zanten in H. Akiyama & Zanten, 1999 – [Akiyama, H. & B. O. van Zanten, 1999]  Powellia involutifolia Mitten, 1868 – [Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Powellia macromitrioides H. Akiyama, 1990 – [Akiyama, H., 1990b]  Powellia parvula (E. B. Bartram) T. Koponen & Norris, 1986 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1986; Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Powellia subelimbata Zanten, 1964 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1986; Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986; Zanten, B. O. van, 1964] Pringleella Cardot, 1909 {2/1/0/0/0=3} DICRANACEAE  Pseudephemerum nitidum (Hedwig) Reimers, 1933 – [Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Lawton, E., 1971; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] Pseudobarbella Noguchi, 1947 =Pseudotrachypus {6/0/1/1/0=8} METEORIACEAE  Pseudobarbella ancistrodes (Renauld & Cardot) Manuel, 1977 [1978] – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b]  Pseudobarbella attenuata (Thwaites & Mitten) Noguchi, 1973 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Pseudobarbella hattorii Noguchi, 1947  Pseudobarbella laosiensis (Brotherus & Paris) Noguchi, 1976 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Pseudobarbella laxifolia Noguchi, 1948 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Pseudobarbella levieri (Renauld & Cardot) Noguchi, 1948 – [Noguchi, A., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Pseudobarbella propagulifera Noguchi, 1948 – [Noguchi, A., 1976]  Pseudobarbella validiramosa Wu Pan-cheng & Luo Jian-xin in Luo Jian-xin, 1983 – [Lou Jian-shing, 1983] Pseudobraunia (Lesquereux & T. P. James) Brotherus, 1905 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HEDWIGIACEAE


BRUCHIACEAE Pringleella pleuridioides Cardot, 1909 – [Snider, J. A., 1994b; Buck, W. R., 1979a]  Pringleella sinensis Brotherus, 1929 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Buck, W. R., 1979a; Snider, J. A., 1994b]  Pringleella subulata (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Snider, J. A., 1994b; Buck, W. R., 1979a] Prionodon C. Müller, 1844 {4/2/0/3/0=9} PRIONODONTACEAE  Prionodon balboi Tosco & Piovano, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Prionodon contortus Herzog, 1916 – [Griffin, D., III, 1974]  Prionodon densus (Swartz ex Hedwig) C. Müller, 1844 – [Griffin, D., III, 1994b; Griffin, D., III, 1974; Griffin, D., III, 1970 [1971]; Griffin, D., III, 1973; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Prionodon dichotomus Hampe, 1863 – [Griffin, D., III, 1974; Griffin, D., III, 1973]  Prionodon fuscolutescens Hampe, 1865 – [Griffin, D., III, 1994b; Griffin, D., III, 1974]  Prionodon hoffmannii C. Müller, 1901  Prionodon jamesonii C. Müller, 1901  Prionodon luteovirens (Taylor) Mitten, 1869 – [Griffin, D., III, 1994b; Griffin, D., III, 1973]  Prionodon lycopodioides Hampe, 1863 – [Griffin, D., III, 1974; Griffin, D., III, 1970 [1971]] Pseudephemerum (Lindberg) I. Hagen, 1910 {1/0/0/0/0=1} 


Pseudobraunia californica (Lesquereux) Brotherus, 1905 – [Lawton, E., 1971] Pseudobryum (Kindberg) T. Koponen, 1968 {2/0/0/0/0=2} MNIACEAE  Pseudobryum cinclidioides (Hübener) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Pseudobryum speciosum (Mitten) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Pseudocalliergon (Limpricht) Loeske, 1907 {4/0/1/0/0=5} CAMPYLIACEAE  Pseudocalliergon angustifolium Hedenäs, 1990 [1992] – [Hedenäs, L., 1990 [1992]a]  Pseudocalliergon brevifolium (Lindberg) Hedenäs, 1990 [1992] – [Hedenäs, L., 1990 [1992]a]  Pseudocalliergon lycopodioides (Bridel) Hedenäs, 1990 [1992] – [Hedenäs, L., 1990 [1992]a]  Pseudocalliergon trifarium (Weber & D. Mohr) Loeske, 1907 – [Hedenäs, L., 1990 [1992]a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Calliergon trifarium; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pseudocalliergon turgescens (T. Jensen) Loeske, 1907 – [Hedenäs, L., 1990 [1992]a; Lawton, E., 1971, as Calliergon turgescens] Pseudochorisodontium (Brotherus), 1999 {6/0/0/0/0=6} DICRANACEAE  Pseudochorisodontium conanenum (Gao Chien in Gao Chien & Chang Kung-chu) Gao Chien in Gao Chien et al. in Gao Chien, Crosby & He Si, 1999 – [Gao Chien,



M. R. Crosby & S. He (editors), 1999; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b, as Dicranum conanenum]  Pseudochorisodontium gymnostomum (Mitten) Gao Chien et al. in Gao Chien, Crosby & He Si, 1999 – [Gao Chien, M. R. Crosby & S. He (editors), 1999; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b, as Dicranum gymnostomum]  Pseudochorisodontium hokinense (Bescherelle) Gao Chien et al. in Gao Chien, Crosby & Cao Tong, 1999 – [Gao Chien, M. R. Crosby & S. He (editors), 1999; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b, as Dicranum hokinense]  Pseudochorisodontium mamillosum (Gao Chien & Ao Zhi-wen) Gao Chien et al. in Gao Chien, Crosby & He Si, 1999 – [Gao Chien, M. R. Crosby & S. He (editors), 1999; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b, as Dicranum mamillosum; Gao Chien & Aur Zhi-wen, 1980, as Dicranum mamillosum]  Pseudochorisodontium ramosum (Gao Chien & Ao Zhi-wen) Gao Chien et al. in Gao Chien, Crosby & He Si, 1999 – [Gao Chien, M. R. Crosby & S. He (editors), 1999; Gao Chien & Aur Zhi-wen, 1980, as Dicranum ramosum]  Pseudochorisodontium setschwanicum (Brotherus) Gao Chien et al. in Gao Chien, Crosby & He Si, 1999 – [Gao Chien, M. R. Crosby & S. He (editors), 1999; Gao Chien & Cao Tong, 1992b, as Dicranum setschwanicum] Pseudocrossidium R. S. Williams, 1915 {6/11/0/0/0=17} POTTIACEAE  Pseudocrossidium apiculatum R. S. Williams, 1915 –  Pseudocrossidium pachygastrellum (Herzog) Brotherus, 1924 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudocrossidium perrevolutum (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudocrossidium porphyreoneurum (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Tortula porphyreoneura]  Pseudocrossidium replicatum (Taylor) Zander, 1979 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994u]  Pseudocrossidium revolutum (Bridel in Schrader) Zander, 1979 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1979; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975, as Barbula revoluta]  Pseudocrossidium steerei Churchill, 1990 – [Churchill, S. P., 1990; Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Pseudocryphaea Britton ex Brotherus, 1925 {1/0/0/0/0=1} RUTENBERGIACEAE  Pseudocryphaea domingensis (Sprengel) W. R. Buck, 1980 [1981] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Pseudocryphaea flagellifera; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997, as Pseudocryphaea flagellifera] Pseudoditrichum Steere & Iwatsuki, 1974 {0/0/1/0/0=1} PSEUDODITRICHACEAE  Pseudoditrichum mirabile Steere & Iwatsuki, 1974 – [Steere, W. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1974] Pseudohyophila Hilpert, 1933 {0/1/0/0/0=1}

[Zander, R. H., 1993] Pseudocrossidium austrorevolutum (Bescherelle in Britton) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudocrossidium carinatum (Gillies ex Greville) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudocrossidium chilense R. S. Williams, 1915 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudocrossidium crinitum (Schultz) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Barbula crinita; Eckel, P. M., J. A. Hoy & J. C. Elliot, 1997]  Pseudocrossidium elatum (R. S. Williams) Delgadillo M., 1975 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Delgadillo M., C., 1975]  Pseudocrossidium excavatum (Mitten) R. S. Williams, 1915 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P., 1990]  Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum (Schultz) Zander, 1979 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1979; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Barbula hornschuchiana; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Barbula hornschuchiana; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975, as Barbula hornschuchiana; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Barbula hornschuchiana]  Pseudocrossidium leucocalyx (Montagne) Thériot, 1921 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudocrossidium mendozense (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudocrossidium obtusulum (Lindberg) H. Crum & L. E. Anderson, 1989 – [Eckel, P. M., J. A. Hoy & J. C. Elliot, 1997] 

SELIGERIACEAE  Pseudohyophila peruviana (R. S. Williams) Hilpert, 1933 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Pseudohypnella (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 {0/0/0/1/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Pseudohypnella verrucosa (Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Pseudoleskea Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 {5/0/0/26/0=31} LESKEACEAE  Pseudoleskea andina W. P. Schimper ex Britton, 1896 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Pseudoleskea atricha (Kindberg in Macoun) Kindberg, 1893  Pseudoleskea attenuata Brotherus & Paris, 1904 – [cited by Noguchi, A., 1972b as insufficiently known]  Pseudoleskea baileyi Best & Grout, 1917  Pseudoleskea brachyclados (Schwägrichen in Schultes) Kindberg, 1884 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Pseudoleskea coreana Uno & E. Takahasi, 1940  Pseudoleskea dispersa C. Müller, 1897  Pseudoleskea falcifolia Dixon & Thériot, 1942 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pseudoleskea incurvata (Hedwig) Loeske, 1911 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Pseudoleskea julacea (Bescherelle & Cardot) H. Crum, Steere & L. E. Anderson, 1973


Pseudoleskea korjakorum Lazarenko, 1945 Pseudoleskea laevifolia (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Pseudoleskea laevissima Cardot, 1911 – [cited by Noguchi, A., 1972b as insufficiently known]  Pseudoleskea leikipiae (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Kis, G., 1985; Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Pseudoleskea leskeoides (Paris) C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Pseudoleskea obtusiuscula Renauld & Cardot, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Pseudoleskea papillarioides C. Müller, 1896 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pseudoleskea patens (Lindberg) Kindberg, 1894 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Pseudoleskea penzigii Brizi, 1893  Pseudoleskea perraldieri Bescherelle, 1882  Pseudoleskea plagiostoma C. Müller, 1872 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Pseudoleskea pseudoattenuata (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1907 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Pseudoleskea radicosa (Mitten) Macoun & Kindberg, 1892 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Pseudoleskea ramuligera (Mitten) Sauerbeck & Jaeger, 1880 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Pseudoleskea saviana (De Notaris) Latzel, 1931 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Pseudoleskea semensis (C. Müller in Venturi) Jaeger, 1878  Pseudoleskea setschwanica Brotherus, 1924 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Pseudoleskeopsis Brotherus, 1907 {2/1/0/5/0=8} LESKEACEAE  Pseudoleskeopsis artariae (Thériot) Thériot, 1929  Pseudoleskeopsis claviramea (C. Müller) Thériot, 1929 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Pseudoleskeopsis imbricata (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Thériot, 1929 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Pseudoleskeopsis mollicula Cardot, 1913  Pseudoleskeopsis osterwaldii Fleischer, 1923  Pseudoleskeopsis tosana Cardot, 1913 – [Noguchi, A., 1972b]  Pseudoleskeopsis unilateralis Dixon, 1932 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Pseudoleskeopsis zippelii (Dozy & Molkenboer) Brotherus, 1907 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990a; Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Vohra, J. N., 1983] Pseudopleuropus Takaki, 1955 {3/0/0/0/0=3} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Pseudopleuropus himalayanus (Ochyra) Chiang Tzen-yuh, 1998 – [Chiang, Tzen-Yuh, 1998b; Ochyra, R., 1989d, as Miehea himalayana]  Pseudopleuropus indicus (Dixon) Chiang Tzen-yuh, 1998 – [Chiang, Tzen-Yuh, 1998b; Ochyra, R., 1991e, as Miehea indica]  Pseudopleuropus morrisonensis Takaki, 1955 – [Chiang, Tzen-Yuh, 1998b; Noguchi, A., 1985a, as 


Pseudoleskea stenophylla Renauld & Cardot, 1890 Pseudoleskea tonkinensis Bescherelle, 1887 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Pseudoleskea trichodes Bescherelle, 1887 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Pseudoleskea yuennanensis Brotherus, 1924 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Pseudoleskeella Kindberg, 1897 {5/0/0/3/0=8} LESKEACEAE  Pseudoleskeella catenulata (Bridel ex Schrader) Kindberg, 1897 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Wilson, P. & D. H. Norris, 1989; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Lewinsky, J., 1974 [1975]]  Pseudoleskeella glaberrima Kindberg, 1907  Pseudoleskeella laxiramea (Schiffner) Brotherus, 1925 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Pseudoleskeella mildeana (De Notaris) Amann, 1933  Pseudoleskeella papillosa (Lindberg) Kindberg, 1897 – [Wilson, P. & D. H. Norris, 1989; Lewinsky, J., 1974 [1975]]  Pseudoleskeella rupestris (Berggren) Hedenäs & L. Söderström, 1991 [1992] – [Hedenäs, L. & L. Söderström, 1991 [1992]; Wilson, P. & D. H. Norris, 1989, as Pseudoleskeella sibirica]  Pseudoleskeella serpentinensis P. S. Wilson & Norris, 1989 – [Wilson, P. & D. H. Norris, 1989]  Pseudoleskeella tectorum (Funck ex Bridel) Kindberg ex Brotherus, 1907 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Wilson, P. & D. H. Norris, 1989; Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Lewinsky, J., 1974 [1975]] 

Lescuraea morrisonensis] Pseudopohlia R. S. Williams, 1917 {1/1/0/0/0=2} MIELICHHOFERIACEAE  Pseudopohlia didymodontia (Mitten) Andrews, 1950 – [Shaw, J., 1994c]  Pseudopohlia microstoma (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) U. Mizushima, 1971 – [Mizushima, U., 1971; Ochi, H., 1972a; Shaw, J., 1994c] Pseudopterobryum Brotherus in Handel-Mazzetti, 1929 {0/1/0/1/0=2} PTEROBRYACEAE  Pseudopterobryum laticuspis Brotherus, 1929  Pseudopterobryum tenuicuspis Brotherus, 1929 – [Noguchi, A. & Li Xing-jiang, 1988; Wu Pan-cheng, 1992] Pseudoscleropodium (Limpricht) Fleischer, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Pseudoscleropodium purum (Hedwig) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Hedenäs, L., 1996a; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Pseudospiridentopsis (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} METEORIACEAE  Pseudospiridentopsis horrida (Mitten ex Cardot) Fleischer, 1908 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989;



Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Pseudosymblepharis Brotherus, 1924 {3/7/0/0/0=10} POTTIACEAE  Pseudosymblepharis angustata (Mitten) Hilpert, 1933 – [Saito, K., 1975; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudosymblepharis cavernarum (Brotherus) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudosymblepharis circinnatula (Brotherus in Voeltzkow) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudosymblepharis duriuscula (Mitten) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudosymblepharis indica Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudosymblepharis khasiana (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Oxystegus khasianus]  Pseudosymblepharis perlongifolia (J. Fröhlich) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudosymblepharis schimperiana (Paris) H. Crum, 1952 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994f]  Pseudosymblepharis syrrhopodontoides (Dixon) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Pseudosymblepharis verrucosa (Brotherus & Paris) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Pseudotaxiphyllum Iwatsuki, 1987 {9/0/0/1/0=10} HYPNACEAE  Pseudotaxiphyllum densum (Cardot) Iwatsuki, 1987 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Pseudotaxiphyllum distichaceum (Mitten) Iwatsuki, 1987 – [Ireland, R. R., 1994h; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pseudotrachypus stevensii (Renauld & Cardot) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Barbella stevensii; Gangulee, H. C., 1976, as Barbella stevensii]  Pseudotrachypus wallichii (Bridel) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Streimann, H., 1991b, as Aerobryopsis wallichii; Gangulee, H. C., 1976, as Aerobryopsis wallichii] Psilopilum Bridel, 1827 {2/0/0/2/0=4} POLYTRICHACEAE  Psilopilum aequinoctiale (C. Müller) W. P. Schimper in C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Psilopilum cavifolium (Wilson in Seemann) I. Hagen, 1916 – [Long, D. G., 1985]  Psilopilum gymnostomulum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Psilopilum laevigatum (Wahlenberg) Lindberg, 1861 – [Long, D. G., 1985] Pterigynandrum Hedwig, 1801 {1/0/0/1/0=2} PTERIGYNANDRACEAE  Pterigynandrum boscii A. P. de Candolle ex Bridel, 1827  Pterigynandrum filiforme Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b] Pterobryella (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 {1/3/0/2/0=6} PTEROBRYELLACEAE  Pterobryella brevi-acuminata Bescherelle, 1878 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Pterobryella longifrons (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1877 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]


Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans (Bridel) Iwatsuki, 1987 – [Hedenäs, L., 1992a]  Pseudotaxiphyllum falcifolium (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) He Si, 1997 – [He, Si, 1997]  Pseudotaxiphyllum fauriei (Cardot) Iwatsuki, 1987 – [cited by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994 as insufficiently known]  Pseudotaxiphyllum homomallifolium (Redfearn) Ireland, 1991 – [Ireland, R. R., 1994h]  Pseudotaxiphyllum laetevirens (Dixon & Luisier ex F. Koppe & Düll) Hedenäs, 1992 – [Hedenäs, L., 1992a]  Pseudotaxiphyllum maebarae (Sakurai) Iwatsuki, 1987 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Pseudotaxiphyllum pohliaecarpum (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Iwatsuki, 1987 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Pseudotaxiphyllum richardsii (E. B. Bartram) Ireland, 1991 – [Ireland, R. R., 1994h] Pseudotrachypus Potier de la Varde & Thériot in Thériot, 1940 {5/0/0/0/0=5} METEORIACEAE  Pseudotrachypus convolvens (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Barbella convolvens]  Pseudotrachypus martinicensis (Brotherus in Urban) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Spessard-Schueth, L., 1994b, as Aerobryopsis martinicensis]  Pseudotrachypus spiculatus (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Barbella spiculata; Gangulee, H. C., 1976, as Barbella spiculata] 

Pterobryella papuensis Dixon, 1922 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Pterobryella praenitens C. Müller in Bescherelle, 1878 – [Touw, A., 1971; Ramsay, H. P., 1984]  Pterobryella rigida (Mitten in Seemann) Touw, 1971 – [Touw, A., 1971]  Pterobryella speciosissima (Sullivant) C. Müller in Bescherelle, 1878 – [Touw, A., 1971] Pterobryidium Brotherus & Watts, 1918 {0/0/0/1/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Pterobryidium australe Brotherus & Watts, 1918 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Pterobryon Hornschuch in Martius, 1840 {4/0/0/4/0=8} PTEROBRYACEAE  Pterobryon arbuscula Mitten, 1891 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Pterobryon australiense Dixon, 1948 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Pterobryon densum Hornschuch, 1840 – [Magill, R., 1994a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Pterobryon excelsum C. Müller, 1879  Pterobryon flagelliferum Mitten, 1886 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973a]  Pterobryon julaceum Brotherus, 1894 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973a]  Pterobryon pusillum Ångström, 1876 – [cited by Newton, A. E., 1993 as insufficiently known]


Pterobryon subarbuscula Brotherus, 1921 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Pterobryopsis Fleischer, 1905 {12/1/2/14/0=29} PTEROBRYACEAE  Pterobryopsis acuminata (W. J. Hooker) Fleischer, 1905 – [Noguchi, A. & Li Xing-jiang, 1988; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Pterobryopsis acutifolium (Bridel) Magill in Magill & Rooy, 1998 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Pterobryopsis angustifolia Noguchi, 1935 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pterobryopsis aurantia (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1905  Pterobryopsis breviflagellosa (C. Müller in Renauld & Cardot) Fleischer, 1905  Pterobryopsis burmensis E. B. Bartram, 1954 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Pterobryopsis crassicaulis (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1905 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Pterobryopsis crassiuscula (Cardot) Brotherus, 1905 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pterobryopsis cucullatifolia S. Okamura, 1916 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pterobryopsis divergens (Mitten) Noguchi, 1965 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Pterobryopsis fasciculata (Mitten) Brotherus, 1906  Pterobryopsis foulkesiana (Mitten) Fleischer, 1905 – [Noguchi, A., 1984]  Pterobryopsis gedehensis Fleischer, 1905 – [Noguchi, A., 1987a]  Pterobryopsis hoehnelii (C. Müller) Magill in Magill & Rooy, 1998 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Pterogonidium liliputanum Brotherus, 1921  Pterogonidium pulchellum (W. J. Hooker) C. Müller in Brotherus, 1908 – [Magill, R., 1994b; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Pterogoniella W. P. Schimper ex Brotherus, 1897 =Meiothecium {0/0/0/1/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Pterogoniella undulata Renauld & Cardot, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] Pterogoniopsis C. Müller, 1879 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Pterogoniopsis cylindrica C. Müller, 1879 – [Sehnem, A., 1978] Pterogonium Swartz, 1801 {1/0/0/2/0=3} LEUCODONTACEAE  Pterogonium beyrichianum Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Pterogonium gracile (Hedwig) Smith, 1803 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Sloover, J. L. de, 1976b; Akiyama, H., 1988b; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Pterogonium peregrinum W. P. Schimper in Jardin, 1875 Pterygoneurum Juratzka, 1882 {5/0/4/2/0=11} POTTIACEAE  Pterygoneurum californicum H. Crum, 1967 –


Pterobryopsis itahiae Fleischer, 1905 Pterobryopsis kegeliana (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1905 – [Noguchi, A., 1987a]  Pterobryopsis longissima Dixon, 1942  Pterobryopsis mexicana (Renauld & Cardot) Fleischer, 1905 – [Magill, R., 1994a]  Pterobryopsis myurioides Tixier, 1970 [1971] – [Tixier, P., 1970 [1971]]  Pterobryopsis orientalis (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1917 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Li Xing-jiang, 1988; Noguchi, A., 1984]  Pterobryopsis pilifolia (Dixon) Magill, 1980 – [Magill, R. E., 1980]  Pterobryopsis rehmannii Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Pterobryopsis rubrinervis Tixier, 1971-72 [1972] – [Tixier, P., 1971–72 [1972]]  Pterobryopsis scabriuscula (Mitten) Fleischer, 1905 – [Noguchi, A., 1986a; Noguchi, A., 1987a]  Pterobryopsis schmidii (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1905 – [Noguchi, A., 1987a]  Pterobryopsis setschwanica Brotherus, 1924 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pterobryopsis stolonacea (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Pterobryopsis subcrassicaulis Brotherus, 1926 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pterobryopsis subcrassiuscula Brotherus & Paris, 1908 Pterogonidium C. Müller, 1897 {1/0/0/1/0=2} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE [Crum, H., 1967c; Zander, R. H., 1993; Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1994]  Pterygoneurum chotticum (Trabut) Brotherus, 1902  Pterygoneurum compactum Cano, J. Guerra & Ros, 1994 – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1994]  Pterygoneurum crossidioides W. Frey, Herrnstadt & Kürschner, 1990 – [Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1994; Frey, W., I. Herrnstadt & H. Kürschner, 1990]  Pterygoneurum kozlovii Lazarenko, 1946 – [Abramova, A. L., L. S. Blagodatskih & L. A. Cerepanova, 1973]  Pterygoneurum lamellatum (Lindberg) Juratzka, 1882 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Flowers, S., 1973b; Abramova, A. L., L. S. Blagodatskih & L. A. Cerepanova, 1973]  Pterygoneurum mac-leanum Warnstorf, 1916 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Guerra, J., M. J. Cano & R. M. Ros, 1995; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Pterygoneurum medium (E. S. Salmon) Brotherus, 1902 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Pterygoneurum ovatum (Hedwig) Dixon, 1934 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971; Crum, H., 1994g; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Pterygoneurum squamosum Segarra & Kürschner in Segarra et al., 1998 – [Segarra, J.-G., F. Puche, W. Frey & H. Kürschner, 1998] 

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Pterygoneurum subsessile (Bridel) Juratzka, 1882 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971; Crum, H., 1994g; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Abramova, A. L., L. S. Blagodatskih & L. A. Cerepanova, 1973] Pterygophyllum Bridel, 1819 [1818] =Hookeria {0/0/0/5/0=5} HOOKERIACEAE  Pterygophyllum balantii Brotherus, 1907  Pterygophyllum chonoticum Mitten, 1885 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Pterygophyllum flavum (Colenso) Paris, 1898  Pterygophyllum fragile Mitten, 1885 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Pterygophyllum splachnifolium (Bridel) Bridel, 1819 [1818] Ptilium De Notaris, 1867 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Ptilium crista-castrensis (Hedwig) De Notaris, 1867 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Gangulee, H. C., 1980] Ptychodium W. P. Schimper, 1860 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LESKEACEAE  Ptychodium plicatum (Schleicher ex Weber & D. Mohr) W. P. Schimper, 1860 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1986b] Ptychomitriopsis Dixon, 1931 {2/0/0/0/0=2} PTYCHOMITRIACEAE  Ptychomitriopsis africana Dixon, 1931 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Ptychomitriopsis aloinoides Magill in Magill & Rooy, 1998 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] Ptychomitrium Fürnrohr, 1829 {36/0/0/20/0=56}  Ptychomitrium drummondii (Wilson) Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Ptychomitrium exaratifolium H. Robinson, 1960 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Ptychomitrium fauriei Bescherelle, 1898 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Ptychomitrium fernandesianum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1874 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Ptychomitrium fluviatile Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ptychomitrium formosicum Brotherus & A. Yasuda, 1928 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Ptychomitrium gardneri Lesquereux, 1868 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Ptychomitrium helenicum (Mitten in Melliss) Paris, 1898  Ptychomitrium hieronymi Bescherelle, 1891 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Ptychomitrium incurvum (Schwägrichen) Spruce, 1849 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Ptychomitrium indicum (Schrader) Jaeger, 1874 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Ptychomitrium isoskelos (Duby) Paris, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ptychomitrium laxifolium (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]

PTYCHOMITRIACEAE Ptychomitrium aligrimmioides Brotherus, 1918 – [Schiavone, M. M. & A. B. Biasuso, 1997]  Ptychomitrium angusticarpum Schiavone & Biasuso, 1997 – [Schiavone, M. M. & A. B. Biasuso, 1997]  Ptychomitrium australe (Hampe) Jaeger, 1874 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Ptychomitrium balansae Bescherelle, 1877 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Ptychomitrium barrii (R. Brown ter) Dixon, 1926  Ptychomitrium chimborazense (Spruce ex Mitten) Jaeger, 1874 – [Crum, H., 1994h; Deguchi, H., 1987b; Schiavone, M. M. & A. B. Biasuso, 1997]  Ptychomitrium crassinervium (C. Müller) W. P. Schimper ex Paris, 1900 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Ptychomitrium crispatum (Hedwig) Jaeger, 1874 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Ptychomitrium cucullatifolium (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1874 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Ptychomitrium cylindrothecium (C. Müller) Paris, 1898  Ptychomitrium deltorii (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Guo, Shui-liang & Tong Cao, 1999]  Ptychomitrium dentatum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1874 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Ptychomitrium depressum (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Ptychomitrium diexaratum Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Ptychomitrium leibergii Best, 1906 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Crum, H., 1994h]  Ptychomitrium lepidomitrium (C. Müller) W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1872 – [Crum, H., 1994h]  Ptychomitrium ligulatum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1874 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ptychomitrium lindmanii (Brotherus) Paris, 1905 – [Schiavone, M. M. & A. B. Biasuso, 1997]  Ptychomitrium linearifolium Reimers & Sakurai, 1931 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Ptychomitrium lobuliferum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1874  Ptychomitrium mairei (Thériot) Brotherus, 1929  Ptychomitrium mauiense Brotherus, 1927 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Ptychomitrium microblastum (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Guo, Shui-liang & Tong Cao, 1999; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998, as Ptychomitrium eurybasis]  Ptychomitrium mittenii Jaeger, 1874 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Ptychomitrium mucronatum (C. Müller) W. P. Schimper ex Paris, 1900  Ptychomitrium muelleri (Mitten) Jaeger, 1874 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Ptychomitrium nigrescens (Kunze) Wijk & Margadant, 1959  Ptychomitrium obtusifolium (Brotherus) Paris, 1905 – [Sehnem, A., 1969] 


Ptychomitrium papillosum (Herzog) Cardot, 1913 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Ptychomitrium patens (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Ptychomitrium polyphylloides (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Ptychomitrium polyphyllum (Swartz in Schrader) Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1837 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Ptychomitrium sellowianum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1874 – [Sehnem, A., 1969; Schiavone, M. M. & A. B. Biasuso, 1997]  Ptychomitrium serratum Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1837 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Crum, H., 1994h]  Ptychomitrium sinense (Mitten) Jaeger, 1874 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Ptychomitrium standleyi H. Crum, 1984 – [Crum, H., 1994h]  Ptychomitrium subcrispatum Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1918 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1976b; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Ptychomitrium subcylindricum Thériot, 1937 – [He, Si, 1998]  Ptychomitrium subdentatum Bescherelle, 1877 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Ptychomitrium tortula (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1874 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Ptychomitrium vaginatum Bescherelle, 1877 – [Sehnem, A., 1969]  Ptychomitrium weberbaueri Brotherus, 1920 – [Deguchi, H., 1987b]  Ptychomitrium wilsonii Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1859 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Pylaisia condensata (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Excluded by Wijk, R. van der, W. D. Margadant & P. A. Florschütz, 1967]  Pylaisia cristata Cardot, 1911  Pylaisia cyrtophylla Kindberg, 1897  Pylaisia latifolia Dixon, 1934  Pylaisia leptoclada Renauld & Cardot, 1900 – [Excluded by Wijk, R. van der, W. D. Margadant & P. A. Florschütz, 1967]  Pylaisia macrotis Cardot, 1910 – [cited by Ando, H., 1994b as insufficiently known] Pylaisiadelpha Cardot, 1912 {5/0/2/0/0=7} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Pylaisiadelpha brasiliensis H. Crum, 1984 – [Crum, H., 1984b]  Pylaisiadelpha capillacea (Griffith) B. C. Tan & Jia Yu, 1999 – [Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999; Tixier, P., 1977, as Gammiella capillacea]  Pylaisiadelpha drepanioides Cardot & Dixon, 1912 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Pylaisiadelpha duellii H. Crum, 1985 – [Crum, H., 1985b; Crum, H., 1994w; Ando, H., T. Seki & W. B. Schofield, 1989]  Pylaisiadelpha sharpii H. Crum, 1986 – [Crum, H., 1986a; Crum, H., 1994w; Ando, H., T. Seki & W. B.


Ptychomnion (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1869 {5/0/0/0/0=5} PTYCHOMNIACEAE  Ptychomnion aciculare (Bridel) Mitten, 1869 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Ptychomnion cygnisetum (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984; Robinson, H., 1975]  Ptychomnion densifolium (Bridel) Jaeger, 1880 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Ptychomnion falcatulum Brotherus in Skottsberg, 1924 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984; Robinson, H., 1975]  Ptychomnion ptychocarpon (Schwägrichen) Mitten, 1869 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984; Robinson, H., 1975] Puiggariopsis Menzel, 1992 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Puiggariopsis aurifolia (Mitten) Menzel, 1992 – [Nishimura, N., 1989, as Puiggariella aurifolia; Nishimura, N. & H. Ando, 1994d, as Puiggariella aurifolia] Pulchrinodus B. H. Allen, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Pulchrinodus inflatus (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) B. H. Allen, 1987 – [Allen, B. H., 1987g; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992] Pylaisia Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex W. P. Schimper, 1860 =Pylaisiella {1/0/0/6/1=8} HYPNACEAE  Pylaisia australis Dixon & Sainsbury, 1933  Pylaisia brevirostris (Griffith) Jaeger, 1880 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]

Schofield, 1989] Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in Sullivant in A. Gray) W. R. Buck, 1984 – [Crum, H., 1994w; Ando, H., T. Seki & W. B. Schofield, 1989; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Pylaisiadelpha yokohamae (Brotherus) W. R. Buck, 1984 – [Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Pylaisiella Kindberg ex Grout, 1896 {8/1/3/4/0=16} HYPNACEAE  Pylaisiella brotheri (Bescherelle) Iwatsuki & Noguchi, 1973 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Pylaisiella cristata (Cardot) Iwatsuki & Noguchi, 1973 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Pylaisiella curviramea (Dixon) Redfearn, B. C. Tan & He Si, 1996 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pylaisiella extenta (Mitten) Ando, 1979 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1979c]  Pylaisiella falcata (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Ando, 1978 – [Ando, H., 1994b; Ando, H., 1978]  Pylaisiella frahmii W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Pylaisiella intricata (Hedwig) Grout, 1896 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982] 

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Pylaisiella kunisawae Ando, 1979 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1979c]  Pylaisiella nana (Mitten) Higuchi, 1999 – [Higuchi, M., 1999; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994, as Pylaisiella laetoviridis]  Pylaisiella obtusa (Lindberg) Iwatsuki & Noguchi, 1973  Pylaisiella polyantha (Hedwig) Grout, 1896 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ando, H., 1994b; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Pylaisiella robusta (Brotherus & Paris in Potier de la Varde) Gao Chien & Chang Kung-chu, 1983 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Pylaisiella selwynii (Kindberg) H. Crum, Steere & L. E. Anderson, 1964 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ando, H., 1994b; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Pylaisiella steerei Ando & Higuchi, 1987 – [Ando, H. & M. Higuchi, 1987]  Pylaisiella subcircinata (Cardot) Iwatsuki & Noguchi, 1973 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Pylaisiella subimbricata (Brotherus & Paris) Redfearn, B. C. Tan & He Si, 1996 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Pylaisiobryum Brotherus, 1910 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ENTODONTACEAE  Pylaisiobryum abyssinicum (C. Müller) Cufodontis, 1951 – [Buck, W. R., 1980a] Pyramidula Bridel, 1819 [1818] {1/0/0/0/0=1} FUNARIACEAE  Pyramidula tetragona (Bridel) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Casas de Puig, C.  Pyrrhobryum spiniforme (Hedwig) Mitten, 1868 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Rhizogonium spiniforme; Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986; Eddy, A., 1996]  Pyrrhobryum vallis-gratiae (Hampe ex C. Müller) Manuel, 1980 – [Magill, R. E., 1987] Quaesticula Zander, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Quaesticula navicularis (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Quathlamba Magill, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BARTRAMIACEAE  Quathlamba debilicostata Magill, 1987 – [Magill, R. E., 1987] Racomitrium Bridel, 1819 [1818] {56/1/7/14/0=78} GRIMMIACEAE  Racomitrium aciculare (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Racomitrium affine (Schleicher ex Weber & D. Mohr) Lindberg, 1875 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Racomitrium afoninae Frisvoll, 1988 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988b]  Racomitrium alare (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 – [Sloover,

& R. M. Simó, 1972] Pyrrhobryum Mitten, 1868 {9/2/0/1/0=12} RHIZOGONIACEAE  Pyrrhobryum bifarium (W. J. Hooker) Manuel, 1980 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Pyrrhobryum dozyanum (Sande Lacoste) Manuel, 1980 – [Inoue, S. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1976, as Rhizogonium dozyanum]  Pyrrhobryum latifolium (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Mitten, 1868 – [Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986; Eddy, A., 1996]  Pyrrhobryum mauritianum (Hampe ex Bescherelle) Manuel, 1980 – [Een, G., 1976, as Rhizogonium mauritianum; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Pyrrhobryum medium (Bescherelle) Manuel, 1980 – [Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986; Eddy, A., 1996]  Pyrrhobryum mnioides (W. J. Hooker) Manuel, 1980 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Pyrrhobryum novae-caledoniae (Bescherelle) Manuel, 1980 – [Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Pyrrhobryum paramattense (C. Müller) Manuel, 1980 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Pyrrhobryum pungens (Sullivant) Mitten, 1868 – [Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986; Inoue, S. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1976, as Rhizogonium pungens]  Pyrrhobryum setosum Mitten, 1868 – [Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986; Whittier, H. O., 1976, as Rhizogonium setosum] J. L. de, 1977b]  Racomitrium albipiliferum Gao Chien & Cao Tong in Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981 – [Gao Chien, Zhang Guang-chu & Cao Tong, 1981; Cao, Tong & Chien Gao, 1992; Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a, as Racomitrium capillifolium; Bednarek-Ochyra, H., 1999]  Racomitrium angustifolium Brotherus, 1929 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium aquaticum (Bridel ex Schrader) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Lawton, E., 1971; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Racomitrium barbuloides Cardot, 1908 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1983]  Racomitrium bartramii (Roivainen) H. Robinson, 1974 – [Deguchi, H., 1987b; Deguchi, H., 1984b; Ochyra, R., C. Sérgio & R. Schumacker, 1988]  Racomitrium brachypus (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Racomitrium brevipes Kindberg, 1890 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium brevisetum Lindberg, 1872  Racomitrium canescens (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Frisvoll, A. A., 1983; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Racomitrium carinatum Cardot, 1908 – [Noguchi, A.

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988] Racomitrium crispipilum (Taylor) Jaeger, 1874 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a; Deguchi, H., 1984b]  Racomitrium crispulum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Magill, R. E., 1981; Bell, B. G., 1974]  Racomitrium crumianum Fife, 1984 – [Fife, A. J., 1984; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Racomitrium cucullatifolium Hampe, 1863 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Racomitrium cucullatulum Brotherus, 1929 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium curiosissimum Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra, 1996 – [Bednarek-Ochyra, H. & R. Ochyra, 1996]  Racomitrium decurrens Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Racomitrium depressum Lesquereux, 1868 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium dichelymoides Herzog, 1934 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Racomitrium didymum (Montagne) Lorentz, 1866 – [Deguchi, H., 1984b]  Racomitrium ellipticum (Turner) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1845 – [Ochyra, R., C. Sérgio & R. Schumacker, 1988; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Racomitrium elongatum Ehrhart ex Frisvoll, 1983 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1983]  Racomitrium emersum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1874 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium ericoides (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1983]  Racomitrium lanuginosum (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Robinson, H., 1975; Bell, B. G., 1974; Magill, R. E., 1981; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1986; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Vitt, D. H. & C. Marsh, 1988]  Racomitrium lawtonae Ireland, 1970 – [Ireland, R. R., 1970 [1971]; Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium lepervanchei Bescherelle, 1880 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b]  Racomitrium lusitanicum Ochyra & Sérgio, 1992 – [Ochyra, R. & C. Sérgio, 1992]  Racomitrium macounii Kindberg, 1889 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium marginatum Lojacono, 1884  Racomitrium microcarpum (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Racomitrium minutum (C. Müller) Ochyra & Matteri, 1996 – [Ochyra, R. & C. M. Matteri, 1996]  Racomitrium muticum (Kindberg in Macoun) Frisvoll, 1983 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1983]  Racomitrium nigritum Jaeger, 1874 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Racomitrium nitidulum Cardot, 1908 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium obesum Frisvoll, 1988 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1983; Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a] 



Racomitrium fasciculare (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Racomitrium fuscescens Wilson, 1857 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a; Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Racomitrium gracillimum Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Racomitrium grimmioides Herzog, 1957 – [Bednarek-Ochyra, H., 1995; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Racomitrium hespericum Sérgio, J. Muñoz & Ochyra, 1995 – [Sérgio, C., J. Muñoz & R. Ochyra, 1995]  Racomitrium heterostichum (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Racomitrium himalayanum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1874 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a; Deguchi, H., 1980; Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Racomitrium japonicum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1847 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1983]  Racomitrium joseph-hookeri Frisvoll, 1988 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium kerguelense Ochyra & Matteri, 1996 – [Ochyra, R. & C. M. Matteri, 1996]  Racomitrium laetum Bescherelle & Cardot, 1908 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium laevigatum Jaeger, 1874 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Deguchi, H., 1984b; Bednarek-Ochyra, H. & R. Ochyra, 1992]  Racomitrium lamprocarpum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1874 – [Deguchi, H., 1984b; Ochyra, R., C. Sérgio & R. Schumacker, 1988] 

Racomitrium obtusum (Bridel) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium occidentale (Renauld & Cardot) Renauld & Cardot, 1892 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium ochraceum (C. Müller) Ochyra & Matteri, 1996 – [Ochyra, R. & C. M. Matteri, 1996]  Racomitrium orthotrichaceum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Deguchi, H., 1984b]  Racomitrium pachydictyon Cardot, 1908 – [Bell, B. G., 1974]  Racomitrium pacificum Ireland & Spence, 1987 – [Ireland, R. R. & J. R. Spence, 1987; Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium panschii (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1897 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1983]  Racomitrium papeetense Bescherelle, 1894 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Racomitrium pruinosum (Wilson in J. D. Hooker) C. Müller, 1869 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Vitt, D. H. & C. Marsh, 1988]  Racomitrium pseudopatens (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Racomitrium ptychophyllum (Mitten in W. Lindsay) Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1867 – [Bell, B. G., 1974; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Racomitrium pygmaeum Frisvoll, 1983 – [Frisvoll, A.



A., 1983] Racomitrium rupestre (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Wilson & J. D. Hooker, 1854 – [Deguchi, H., 1984b]  Racomitrium seychellarum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Racomitrium steerei Griffin, 1987 – [Griffin, D., III, 1987b]  Racomitrium subrupestre Roivainen, 1955 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Racomitrium subsecundum (W. J. Hooker & Greville in W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1857 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a; Gangulee, H. C., 1972]  Racomitrium sudeticum (Funck) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1845 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a; Frisvoll, A. A., 1986]  Racomitrium sulcipilum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898  Racomitrium varium (Mitten) Jaeger, 1874 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Racomitrium venustum Frisvoll, 1988 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1983; Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium verrucosum Frisvoll, 1988 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium visnadiae W. R. Buck, 1997 – [Buck, W. R., 1997b]  Racomitrium vulcanicola Frisvoll & Deguchi, 1988 – [Frisvoll, A. A., 1988a]  Racomitrium vulcanicum Lorentz, 1864 Racopilum Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 {10/9/1/33/0=53} RACOPILACEAE  Racopilum africanum Mitten, 1863 – [Bizot, M. & M. N. Dury, 1970]  Racopilum angustistipulaceum C. Müller, 1876  Racopilum intermedium Hampe, 1863 – [Vries, A. de, J. P. J. Bramer, B. O. van Zanten, A. Hofman & R. Bijlsma, 1989 (1990); Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Racopilum laxirete Brotherus, 1928 – [Akiyama, H. & B. O. van Zanten, 1999]  Racopilum leptocarpum Wilson in J. D. Hooker, 1854 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Racopilum leptotapes C. Müller ex Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Racopilum macrocarpum Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Racopilum madagassum Renauld, 1898 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Racopilum magnirete E. B. Bartram, 1944 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Racopilum marginatum Dixon, 1918 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Racopilum mauritianum C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1880  Racopilum microdictyon Bescherelle, 1885  Racopilum microides Fleischer ex Dixon, 1932  Racopilum microphyllum Bescherelle, 1894 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] 


Racopilum aristatum Mitten, 1864 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Racopilum ayresii Mitten, 1886  Racopilum brevipes C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1894  Racopilum buettneri Brotherus, 1894 – [Bizot, M. & M. N. Dury, 1970]  Racopilum capense C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1894 – [Vries, A. de, J. P. J. Bramer, B. O. van Zanten, A. Hofman & R. Bijlsma, 1989 (1990); Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Racopilum cardotii Renauld, 1898  Racopilum chevalieri Thériot, 1912 – [Bizot, M. & M. N. Dury, 1970]  Racopilum crassicuspidatum Thériot & Corbière, 1912 – [Bizot, M. & M. N. Dury, 1970]  Racopilum crinitum Hampe, 1870  Racopilum cuspidigerum (Schwägrichen in Gaudichaud in Freycinet) Ångström, 1872 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1986; Zanten, B. O. van, 1993; Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Racopilum ellipticum Renauld, 1898  Racopilum epiphyllosum Fleischer, 1923  Racopilum fernandezianum Cardot in Thériot, 1921 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Racopilum ferriei Thériot, 1907 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Racopilum floridae Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Racopilum francii Thériot, 1921 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Racopilum gracile Mitten in Hemsley, 1885  Racopilum gracillimum C. Müller, 1896 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] 

Racopilum mougeotianum (A. Richard in d'Urville) Jaeger, 1876  Racopilum naumannii C. Müller, 1883  Racopilum niutensis H. Akiyama & Zanten, 1999 – [Akiyama, H. & B. O. van Zanten, 1999]  Racopilum orthocarpioides Brotherus, 1890 – [Bizot, M. & M. N. Dury, 1970]  Racopilum pacificum Bescherelle, 1898 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Racopilum pectinatum C. Müller, 1875  Racopilum penzigii C. Müller ex Brizi, 1893  Racopilum perrieri Thériot, 1920  Racopilum plicatum Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Racopilum polythrincium Spruce ex Mitten, 1869 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Racopilum purpurascens Hampe, 1876 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Racopilum robustum W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Racopilum siamense Dixon, 1932 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Racopilum spectabile Reinwardt & Hornschuch, 1829 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1986; Whittier, H. O., 1976]


Racopilum speluncae C. Müller, 1875 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Racopilum squarrifolium (E. B. Bartram) T. Koponen & Norris, 1985 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1986; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985b]  Racopilum strumiferum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1859 – [Vries, A. de, J. P. J. Bramer, B. O. van Zanten, A. Hofman & R. Bijlsma, 1989 (1990)]  Racopilum thomeanum Brotherus, 1890  Racopilum tomentosum (Hedwig) Bridel, 1827 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Robinson, H., 1975; Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Racopilum ugandae Dixon, 1918 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Racopilum verrucosum Herzog, 1916 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1986] Radulina W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] {1/1/0/3/0=5} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Radulina aequorea (Fleischer ex Dixon) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] – [Buck, W. R. & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]]  Radulina borbonica (Bélanger) W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Radulina elegantissima (Fleischer) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Radulina hamata (Dozy & Molkenboer) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] – [Whittier, H. O., 1976, as Trichosteleum hamatum; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Radulina scaberula (Montagne) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] – [Buck, W. R. & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]] Rauiella Reimers, 1937 {5/3/0/0/0=8} THUIDIACEAE  Rauiella bornii (Herzog) F. J. Hermann, 1976 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Gier, L. J., 1980]  Rauiella fujisana (Paris) Reimers, 1937 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1990]  Renauldia dusenii (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b; Allen, B. H., 1987f]  Renauldia hildebrandtielloides C. Müller in Renauld & Cardot, 1891 [1892] – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b]  Renauldia lycopodioides Bizot ex Pócs, 1976-77 [1977] – [Pócs, T., 1976–77]  Renauldia mexicana (Mitten) H. Crum, 1952 – [Magill, R., 1994a]  Renauldia paradoxica B. H. Allen, 1987 – [Allen, B. H., 1987f]  Renauldia patentissima (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Argent, G. C. G., 1973b]  Renauldia peruviana (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Menzel, M., 1992] Rhabdodontium Brotherus, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Rhabdodontium buftonii (Brotherus & Geheeb) Brotherus, 1906 – [Norris, D. H. & A. M. Montalvo, 1981] Rhabdoweisia Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 {7/1/0/1/0=9} RHABDOWEISIACEAE



Rauiella lagoensis (Hampe) W. R. Buck, 1991 – [Buck, W. R., 1991b; Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994b]  Rauiella niveo-calycina (C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1962 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Rauiella praelonga (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) Wijk & Margadant, 1962 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Rauiella scita (Palisot de Beauvois) Reimers, 1937 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Rauiella siambonica (C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1962 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Rauiella teretiuscula (Mitten) Wijk & Margadant, 1962 – [Gier, L. J., 1980] Regmatodon Bridel, 1827 {2/0/0/2/0=4} REGMATODONTACEAE  Regmatodon declinatus (W. J. Hooker) Bridel, 1827 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Eakin, D. A., 1998]  Regmatodon gracillimus (C. Müller ex Kiaer) Paris, 1898 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Regmatodon nietneri C. Müller, 1869 – [cited by Eakin, D. A., 1976 as insufficiently known; cited by Eakin, D. A., 1998 as insufficiently known]  Regmatodon polycarpus (Griffith) Mitten, 1859 – [Eakin, D. A., 1998; Crum, H., 1994r] Reimersia Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Reimersia inconspicua (Griffith) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972] Renauldia C. Müller ex Renauld, 1891 {2/2/2/3/0=9} PTEROBRYACEAE  Renauldia baueri Thériot, 1935 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Renauldia chilensis Thériot, 1926 

Rhabdoweisia africana Dixon & Naveau, 1927 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1973]  Rhabdoweisia collenchymatica (J. Fröhlich) A. Eddy, [1990] n.d. – [Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Rhabdoweisia crenulata (Mitten) Jameson, 1890 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Rhabdoweisia crispata (Dickson ex Withering) Lindberg, 1871 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Rhabdoweisia fugax (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Allen, B., 1994a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Ireland, R. R., 1994a; Sloover, J. L. de, 1973; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Rhabdoweisia laevidens Brotherus, 1929 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Rhabdoweisia lineata Richards & Argent, 1968 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1973; Richards, P. W. & G. C. G. Argent, 1968]  Rhabdoweisia sinensis Chen Pan-chieh, 1955 – [Gao



Chien (editor), 1994]  Rhabdoweisia sphaerothecia (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889 Rhachitheciopsis Potier de la Varde, 1926 {1/0/0/0/0=1} RHACHITHECIACEAE  Rhachitheciopsis tisserantii Potier de la Varde, 1926 – [Goffinet, B., 1997 [1998]] Rhachithecium Brotherus ex Le Jolis, 1895 {2/2/0/0/0=4} RHACHITHECIACEAE  Rhachithecium nipponicum (Toyama) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Rhachithecium papillosum (R. S. Williams) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Goffinet, B., 1997 [1998]]  Rhachithecium perpusillum (Thwaites & Mitten) Brotherus, 1909 – [Crum, H., 1994e; Sloover, J. L. de, 1976b; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Rhachithecium welwitschii (Duby) Zander, 1993 – [Goffinet, B., 1997 [1998]; Goffinet, B., 1997 [1998]] Rhacocarpus Lindberg, 1863 {3/4/0/1/0=8} RHACOCARPACEAE  Rhacocarpus alpinus (Wright in Stapf) Paris, 1900 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1986; Frahm, J.-P., 1996a]  Rhacocarpus apiculatus (Renauld & Cardot) Paris, 1898 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1996a]  Rhacocarpus chlorotus Herzog, 1916 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1996a]  Rhacocarpus excisus (C. Müller in Lorentz) Paris, 1898 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1996a]  Rhacocarpus inermis (C. Müller) Lindberg in Brotherus, 1891 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1996a; Sehnem, A., 1976]  Rhacocarpus purpurascens (Bridel) Paris, 1900 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1996a; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1986; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Rhacocarpus rehmannianus (C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1996a]  Rhacocarpus strictipilus (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 –  Rhamphidium novoguineensis Norris & T. Koponen, 1989 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989]  Rhamphidium ovale E. B. Bartram, 1952  Rhamphidium purpuratum Mitten in Godman, 1870  Rhamphidium pygmaeolum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhamphidium vaginatum Mitten, 1869  Rhamphidium veitchii Dixon, 1930 Rhaphidorrhynchium Bescherelle ex Fleischer, 1923 =Sematophyllum {2/0/2/52/0=56} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedwig) Fleischer, 1923 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983; He, Si, 1998]  Rhaphidorrhynchium andinum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhaphidorrhynchium angustissimum (C. Müller ex Geheeb) Brotherus, 1925 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhaphidorrhynchium argyrophyllum (Bescherelle)

[cited by Frahm, J.-P., 1996a as insufficiently known] Rhacopilopsis Renauld & Cardot, 1900 {1/4/0/0/0=5} HYPNACEAE  Rhacopilopsis flexilis (Renauld & Cardot) W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Rhacopilopsis guineensis (Brotherus & Paris) W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Rhacopilopsis kilimandscharica (Brotherus & Potier de la Varde) W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Rhacopilopsis transvaaliensis (Thériot & Dixon in Sim) W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Rhacopilopsis trinitensis (C. Müller) Britton & Dixon, 1927 – [Crum, H., 1994z; Florschütz-de Waard, J. & K. Veling, 1996; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Rhamphidium Mitten, 1869 {3/1/0/13/0=17} DITRICHACEAE  Rhamphidium borinquense H. Crum & Steere, 1956 – [Zander, R. H., 1994d]  Rhamphidium brasiliense Brotherus, 1926  Rhamphidium brevifolium (Hampe & Lorentz) Brotherus, 1902  Rhamphidium crispifolium Dixon, 1942  Rhamphidium dicranoides (C. Müller) Paris, 1905 – [Zander, R. H., 1994d; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Rhamphidium dixonii E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Rhamphidium fendleri (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Rhamphidium laetum (Kunze ex C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhamphidium laticuspe Dixon, 1942  Rhamphidium madurense Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1929  Rhamphidium montanus (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidorrhynchium argyroviride (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Rhaphidorrhynchium aurescens (Jaeger) Bescherelle ex Fleischer, 1923  Rhaphidorrhynchium berberidis (Dusén) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Rhaphidorrhynchium brachypus (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhaphidorrhynchium brevi-horridum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidorrhynchium callidioides (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhaphidorrhynchium callidum (Montagne) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Rhaphidorrhynchium calliferum (Geheeb & Hampe) Fleischer, 1923 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhaphidorrhynchium cambouei (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhaphidorrhynchium capilliforium (Herzog)

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Rhaphidorrhynchium chichibuense Seki, 1981 – [Seki, T., 1981]  Rhaphidorrhynchium confertissimum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Rhaphidorrhynchium crispans (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1925 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhaphidorrhynchium dallii (Brotherus & Geheeb) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidorrhynchium decurvifolium (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973; Yano, O., 1981]  Rhaphidorrhynchium dendroligotrichum (Dusén) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Rhaphidorrhynchium distantifolium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Rhaphidorrhynchium falcatulum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidorrhynchium flavens (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidorrhynchium gabonense Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1928  Rhaphidorrhynchium geheebii (Herzog) Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhaphidorrhynchium gueinzii (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidorrhynchium hermaphroditum Herzog, 1922  Rhaphidorrhynchium hyoji-suzukii Seki, 1981 – [Seki, T., 1981]  Rhaphidorrhynchium incurvum (Hampe) Fleischer, 1923 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Rhaphidorrhynchium jolliffii (J. D. Hooker) Brotherus, 1925 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhaphidorrhynchium lamprosericeum (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Rhaphidorrhynchium leptophyllum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Rhaphidorrhynchium symbolax (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Rhaphidorrhynchium tegeticola (Boswell) Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981; Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Rhaphidorrhynchium tereticaule (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidorrhynchium trichostegum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Rhaphidorrhynchium tuloferum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhaphidorrhynchium xylophilum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974] Rhaphidostegium (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) De Notaris, 1867 =Sematophyllum {0/0/0/19/0=19} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Rhaphidostegium chiquitanum Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhaphidostegium cochleatulum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Greene, D. M., 1986] 


Rhaphidorrhynchium levieri (Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhaphidorrhynchium lignicola (Ångström) Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Rhaphidorrhynchium liliputianum (Montagne) Brotherus, 1925 – [He, Si, 1998]  Rhaphidorrhynchium marmellense (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Rhaphidorrhynchium meiotocladium (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidorrhynchium micans (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidorrhynchium noduliferum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Rhaphidorrhynchium olfersii (Hornschuch) Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Rhaphidorrhynchium pallido-nitidum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhaphidorrhynchium percondensatum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Rhaphidorrhynchium plectophyllum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidorrhynchium prominulum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhaphidorrhynchium purpuripes Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidorrhynchium quaylei E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978; Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Rhaphidorrhynchium rubricaule (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1925 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhaphidorrhynchium rueckeri (Herzog) Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhaphidorrhynchium sanguisetum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Rhaphidorrhynchium subfalcatulum (Brotherus & Watts) Brotherus, 1925 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhaphidostegium condensatulum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhaphidostegium conterminum Renauld & Cardot, 1905  Rhaphidostegium cylindrothecium Brotherus, 1926  Rhaphidostegium densirete Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhaphidostegium diaphanodictyon (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhaphidostegium dixonii Thériot, 1924 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhaphidostegium eurycystis Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhaphidostegium fulvoalare Brotherus, 1926  Rhaphidostegium guarayum Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhaphidostegium hoehnei Herzog, 1924  Rhaphidostegium micropyxidium Paris, 1898  Rhaphidostegium nanopyxis (C. Müller ex Geheeb) Paris, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W.



Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhaphidostegium plumosum Thériot, 1908  Rhaphidostegium rigescens Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhaphidostegium sebillei Brotherus & Thériot, 1924  Rhaphidostegium subovale Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Rhaphidostegium undulatum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Rhaphidostichum Fleischer, 1923 {4/1/2/19/0=26} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Rhaphidostichum acestrostegium (Sullivant) W. R. Buck, 1989 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Rhaphidostichum brevisetum E. B. Bartram, 1940 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Rhaphidostichum bunodicarpum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Rhaphidostichum clemensiae Noguchi, 1953  Rhaphidostichum cucullifolium (Cardot & Dixon) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidostichum dubium Dixon, 1935  Rhaphidostichum eberhardtii (Potier de la Varde & Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Rhaphidostichum elegans H. Robinson, 1965 – [Robinson, H., 1965b]  Rhaphidostichum gracile Dixon, 1933 – [O'Shea, B. J., 1998]  Rhaphidostichum gunckelii Thériot, 1930 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhaphidostichum leeanum Dixon & Thériot ex E. B. Bartram, 1938  Rhaphidostichum leptocarpoides (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Rhaphidostichum leptocarpum Fleischer, 1923  Rhaphidostichum loriforme (Brotherus & Geheeb) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidostichum luzonense (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Rhizogonium graeffeanum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1875 – [Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986; Eddy, A., 1996]  Rhizogonium hattorii Noguchi, 1953 – [Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986; Eddy, A., 1996]  Rhizogonium lamii Reimers, 1930 – [Koponen, T., A. Touw & D. H. Norris, 1986; Eddy, A., 1996]  Rhizogonium novae-hollandiae (Bridel) Bridel, 1827 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Crum, H., 1994m, as Rhizogonium lindigii]  Rhizogonium pennatum J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1854 – [Dalton, P. J., R. D. Seppelt & A. M. Buchanan, 1991; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Rhizogonium sublimbatum H. Crum, 1981 – [Crum, H., 1981] Rhizohypnella Fleischer, 1923 {0/0/1/1/0=2} HYPNACEAE  Rhizohypnella bartramii Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B.

Rhaphidostichum macromonostictum J. Fröhlich, 1962  Rhaphidostichum pallidifolium Dixon, 1930  Rhaphidostichum papuanum E. B. Bartram, 1959  Rhaphidostichum piliferoides J. Fröhlich, 1962  Rhaphidostichum piliferum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Rhaphidostichum pullei Dixon, 1943  Rhaphidostichum pustulatum Hoe, 1973 – [Hoe, W. J., 1973b]  Rhaphidostichum schwaneckeanum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Rhaphidostichum subleptocarpum (Thériot & Potier de la Varde) Brotherus, 1925  Rhaphidostichum subrevolutum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Rhaphidostichum theliporum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Rhexophyllum Herzog, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Rhexophyllum subnigrum (Mitten) Hilpert, 1933 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994p] Rhizofabronia (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 {2/0/0/0/0=2} FABRONIACEAE  Rhizofabronia perpilosa (Brotherus in Mildbraed) Brotherus, 1925 – [Ochyra, R., 1991d; Richards, P. W. & G. C. G. Argent, 1968]  Rhizofabronia persoonii (Schwägrichen) Fleischer, 1923 – [Ochyra, R., 1991d; Richards, P. W. & G. C. G. Argent, 1968] Rhizogonium Bridel, 1827 {6/0/1/1/0=8} RHIZOGONIACEAE  Rhizogonium alpestre C. Müller, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhizogonium distichum (Swartz) Bridel, 1827 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]

O. van, 1964]  Rhizohypnella sundaensis Fleischer, 1923 Rhizomnium (Mitten ex Brotherus) T. Koponen, 1968 {13/0/0/0/0=13} MNIACEAE  Rhizomnium andrewsianum (Steere) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Rhizomnium appalachianum T. Koponen, 1973 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Mnium carolinianum]  Rhizomnium glabrescens (Kindberg) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Rhizomnium gracile T. Koponen, 1973 – [Koponen, T., 1993]  Rhizomnium hattorii T. Koponen, 1971 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Koponen, T., 1971b]  Rhizomnium horikawae (Noguchi) T. Koponen, 1971 – [Koponen, T., 1981b]  Rhizomnium magnifolium (Horikawa) T. Koponen,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1973 – [Koponen, T., 1993] Rhizomnium nudum (Britton & R. S. Williams) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Koponen, T., 1971b]  Rhizomnium parvulum (Mitten) T. Koponen, 1973 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Rhizomnium pseudopunctatum (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Rhizomnium punctatum (Hedwig) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Rhizomnium striatulum (Mitten) T. Koponen, 1968 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Koponen, T. & B. Buck, 1996]  Rhizomnium tuomikoskii T. Koponen, 1971 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Rhodobryum (W. P. Schimper) Limpricht, 1892 {24/0/1/9/0=34} BRYACEAE  Rhodobryum andicola (W. J. Hooker in Kunth) Paris, 1898 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979, as Bryum andicola; Magill, R. E., 1987, as Bryum andicola]  Rhodobryum andinoroseum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Rhodobryum aubertii (Schwägrichen) Thériot, 1922 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Magill, R. E., 1987, as Bryum aubertii; Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum aubertii; Touw, A., 1984]  Rhodobryum beyrichianum (Hornschuch) C. Müller in Hampe, 1875 – [Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993, as Bryum beyrichianum; Ochi, H., 1981b, as Bryum beyrichianum]  Rhodobryum chilense Thériot, 1924 – [Ochi, H., 1982, as Bryum rubromarginatum]  Rhodobryum commersonii (Schwägrichen) Paris, 1898 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum commersonii]  Rhodobryum confluens Paris, 1898  Rhodobryum domingense (Bridel) Bescherelle, 1901 – [Duarte-Bello, P. P., 1997]  Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwägrichen) Paris, 1898 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1984; Koponen, T., X.-J.  Rhodobryum pseudomarginatum (Geheeb & Hampe) Paris, 1898 – [Ochi, H., 1980, as Bryum pseudomarginatum]  Rhodobryum roseodens (C. Müller in Geheeb) Paris, 1898 – [Ochi, H., 1981b, as Bryum roseodens]  Rhodobryum roseolum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Ochi, H., 1981b, as Bryum roseolum; Ochi, H., 1982, as Bryum roseolum]  Rhodobryum roseum (Hedwig) Limpricht, 1892 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Magill, R. E., 1987; Koponen, T., X.-J. Li & M. Zang, 1982b; Ochi, H., 1981b, as Bryum roseum; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Koponen, 1972]  Rhodobryum saprophilum Paris, 1898  Rhodobryum staudtii (Brotherus) Paris, 1900 – [Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum staudtii; Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum staudtii]  Rhodobryum subverticillatum Brotherus, 1927 – 


Li & M. Zang, 1982b; Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum giganteum]  Rhodobryum grandifolium (Taylor) W. P. Schimper in Paris, 1898 – [Ochi, H., 1981b, as Bryum grandifolium]  Rhodobryum horizontale Hampe, 1875  Rhodobryum huillense (Welwitsch & Duby) Touw, 1978 – [Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum huillense; Ochi, H., 1981b, as Bryum huillense]  Rhodobryum humipetens (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhodobryum keniae (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1904 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum keniae]  Rhodobryum lato-cuspidatum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898  Rhodobryum laxelimbatum (Hampe ex Ochi) Iwatsuki & T. Koponen, 1972 – [Koponen, T., X.-J. Li & M. Zang, 1982b; Ochi, H., 1968b, as Bryum laxelimbatum]  Rhodobryum le-ratii Paris & Brotherus, 1906 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Rhodobryum leucocanthum Hampe, 1874 – [Ochi, H., 1970, as Bryum leucocanthum]  Rhodobryum longicaudatum Zang Mu & Li Xing-jiang in Li Xing-jiang et al., 1985 – [Li Xing-jiang (Editor-in-Chief)], 1985]  Rhodobryum neelgheriense (Montagne in C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979]  Rhodobryum ontariense (Kindberg) Paris in Kindberg, 1897 – [Ireland, R. R., 1982; Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Koponen, 1972; Touw, A., 1984]  Rhodobryum perspinidens (Brotherus) Pócs in Bizot & Pócs, 1979 [1980] – [Bizot, M. & T. Pócs, 1979; Churchill, S. P., 1989; Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum perspinidens; Ochi, H., 1981b, as Bryum perspinidens]  Rhodobryum platense (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhodobryum preussii (Brotherus) Paris, 1898 – [Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum preussii]  Rhodobryum procerum (W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle) Paris, 1898 – [Ochi, H., 1981b, as Bryum procerum] [Ochi, H., 1981b, as Bryum subverticillatum] Rhodobryum umbraculum (Bruch ex W. J. Hooker) W. P. Schimper ex Paris, 1898 – [Magill, R. E., 1987; Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum umbraculum]  Rhodobryum verticillatum Hampe, 1875 – [Yano, O., 1981] Rhynchostegiella (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Limpricht, 1896 {20/2/2/24/0=48} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Rhynchostegiella assamica Cardot & Dixon, 1914 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Rhynchostegiella bequaertii Thériot & Naveau, 1942 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Rhynchostegiella bourgaeana (Mitten in Godman) Brotherus, 1909 – [Dirkse, G. M. & A. C. Bouman, 1995 [1996]]  Rhynchostegiella brachypodia Fleischer, 1923 – [Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999] 

214 


Rhynchostegiella brunelii Tixier, 1989 – [Tixier, P., 1989]  Rhynchostegiella chilensis Thériot, 1935 – [He, Si, 1998]  Rhynchostegiella curviseta (Bridel) Limpricht, 1896 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Rhynchostegiella divaricatifolia (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1909 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Rhynchostegiella durieui (Montagne) Allorge & Persson, – [Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981]  Rhynchostegiella fabroniadelphus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1909  Rhynchostegiella hawaica (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1909 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Rhynchostegiella holstii (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1909 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Rhynchostegiella humillima (Mitten) Brotherus, 1909 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Rhynchostegiella japonica Dixon & Thériot, 1932  Rhynchostegiella keniae Dixon, 1918 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Rhynchostegiella laeviseta Brotherus, 1929 – [Wang You-Fang & Hu Ren-Liang, 1998]  Rhynchostegiella leiopoda Dixon & Cardot, 1927  Rhynchostegiella leptoneura Dixon & Thériot, 1932 – [Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Rhynchostegiella linderi Thériot, 1930 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Rhynchostegiella litorea (De Notaris) Limpricht, 1896 – [Dirkse, G. M. & A. C. Bouman, 1995 [1996]; Arts, T., 1998b]  Rhynchostegiella macilenta (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot, 1904 – [Dirkse, G. M. & A. C. Bouman, 1995 [1996]]  Rhynchostegiella menadensis (Sande Lacoste) E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978; Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]  Rhynchostegiella microtheca (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel &  Rhynchostegiella tenuicaulis (Spruce) Karttunen, 1990 – [Karttunen, K., 1990]  Rhynchostegiella trichophylla Dirkse & Bouman, 1995 [1996]* – [Dirkse, G. M. & A. C. Bouman, 1995 [1996]]  Rhynchostegiella vitiensis Dixon, 1930 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Rhynchostegiella vriesei (Dozy & Molkenboer) Brotherus, 1909  Rhynchostegiella zeyheri (Sprengel ex C. Müller) Brotherus, 1909 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985] Rhynchostegiopsis C. Müller, 1897 {3/1/1/1/0=6} LEUCOMIACEAE  Rhynchostegiopsis brasiliensis Brotherus, 1926 –

W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhynchostegiella mindorensis (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1909 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Rhynchostegiella muriculata (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1909 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992, as Eurhynchium muriculatum]  Rhynchostegiella novae-zealandiae Dixon, 1929  Rhynchostegiella opacifolia Dixon, 1935  Rhynchostegiella ovalifolia Dixon, 1932 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Rhynchostegiella papuensis E. B. Bartram, 1943 – [Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]  Rhynchostegiella pendula Thériot, 1930 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Rhynchostegiella pseudoteesdalei (Hampe) Brotherus, 1909 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhynchostegiella ramicola (Brotherus in Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1909 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Rhynchostegiella sachensis Dixon, 1930 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Rhynchostegiella sakuraii Takaki, 1956 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Rhynchostegiella santosii E. B. Bartram, 1958 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Rhynchostegiella scabriseta (Schwägrichen) Brotherus, 1909 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Rhynchostegiella smithii E. B. Bartram, 1950 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Rhynchostegiella sublaevipes Brotherus & Bryhn, 1911 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Rhynchostegiella sumatrana Fleischer, 1923  Rhynchostegiella tanneri Bizot ex Pócs, 1976-77 [1977] – [Pócs, T., 1976–77]  Rhynchostegiella tenella (Dickson) Limpricht, 1890 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Rhynchostegiella tenelliformis (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhynchostegiella teneriffae (Montagne in Webb & Berthelot) Dirkse & Bouman, 1995 [1996]* – [Dirkse, G. M. & A. C. Bouman, 1995 [1996]] [Yano, O., 1981] Rhynchostegiopsis carolae Crosby, 1976 [1977] – [Crosby, M. R., 1976b]  Rhynchostegiopsis complanata C. Müller, 1897 – [Crosby, M. R., 1976b]  Rhynchostegiopsis costaricensis H. Robinson & Griffin, 1975 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Robinson, H. & D. Griffin, III, 1975]  Rhynchostegiopsis flexuosa (Sullivant) C. Müller, 1897 – [Welch, W. H., 1976; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Rhynchostegiopsis tunguraguana (Mitten) Brotherus, 1909 – [Crum, H., 1994q; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Rhynchostegium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 {31/9/2/88/1=131} 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Rhynchostegium acicula (Brotherus in Levier) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Rhynchostegium alboviridum R. S. Williams, 1910 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhynchostegium alopecuroides (Bridel) A. J. E. Smith, 1981 [1982] – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Rhynchostegium lusitanicum; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Rhynchostegium lusitanicum]  Rhynchostegium ambiguum (Schwägrichen) W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Rhynchostegium aneuron Kindberg, 1890  Rhynchostegium angustifolium Renauld & Cardot, 1897 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhynchostegium apophysatum (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1878 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Rhynchostegium assumptionis Bescherelle, 1877 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Rhynchostegium bequaertii Thériot & Naveau, 1942 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Rhynchostegium brachypterum (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Rhynchostegium brachypyxis Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Rhynchostegium brachythecioides Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Rhynchostegium brevicuspis C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium brevirete Brotherus in Herzog, 1920 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhynchostegium buluense (Brotherus) Paris, 1898 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Rhynchostegium cacticola (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium calderi Vohra, 1980 [1982] – [Vohra, J. N., 1980 [1982]; Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Rhynchostegium campylocarpum (C. Müller) De Notaris, 1859 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Rhynchostegium campylocladulum C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium cataractarum Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1939  Rhynchostegium celebicum (Sande Lacoste) Jaeger, 1878 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978;  Rhynchostegium glaucovirescens (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium globipyxis (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium gracilipes Thériot, 1924 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Rhynchostegium herbaceum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Rhynchostegium homaliocaulon (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium hookeri Jaeger, 1878 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Rhynchostegium hopfferi (Welwitsch & Duby) Gepp


Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999] Rhynchostegium chrysophylloides Jaeger, 1878 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Rhynchostegium comorae (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhynchostegium complanum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Rhynchostegium compridense (C. Müller ex Brotherus) Paris, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Rhynchostegium conchophyllum (Taylor) Jaeger, 1878 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Rhynchostegium confertum (Dickson) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975, as Eurhynchium confertum; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Rhynchostegium contortulum Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966]  Rhynchostegium contractum Cardot, 1912 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Rhynchostegium dasyphyllum C. Müller in Levier, 1906 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Rhynchostegium distans Bescherelle, 1880 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhynchostegium distratum (Hampe) Jaeger, 1878 – [Hedenäs, L., 1996a; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhynchostegium drepanocladioides (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium duthiei C. Müller ex Dixon, 1937 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Rhynchostegium fauriei Cardot, 1912 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Rhynchostegium finitimum (Hampe) Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Rhynchostegium fissidens (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium fissidentellum Bescherelle, 1877 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Rhynchostegium fragilicuspis Dixon, 1929  Rhynchostegium gaudichaudii (Montagne) Jaeger, 1878 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Rhynchostegium georgianum Dixon & Grout, 1930 

in Hiern, 1901  Rhynchostegium horridum Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Rhynchostegium huttonii (Hampe ex Beckett) Paris, 1900  Rhynchostegium inaequale Dixon, 1941 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhynchostegium inclinatum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Rhynchostegium inerme (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878  Rhynchostegium irriguum Dixon in Christophersen, 1960



Rhynchostegium isopterygioides Cardot, 1911 Rhynchostegium javanicum (Bélanger) Bescherelle, 1873 – [Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]  Rhynchostegium lamasicum (Spruce ex Mitten) Bescherelle, 1877 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Yano, O., 1981]  Rhynchostegium laxatum (Mitten) Paris, 1898 – [Hedenäs, L., 1996a; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Rhynchostegium leptomitophyllum C. Müller, 1897 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Rhynchostegium leptopteridium C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium leucodictyon C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium lindmanii (Brotherus) Paris, 1905 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Rhynchostegium luteonitens (Welwitsch & Duby) Jaeger, 1878 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Rhynchostegium malmei (Brotherus) Paris, 1905 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Rhynchostegium megapolitanum (Blandow ex Weber & D. Mohr) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 – [Hedenäs, L., 1992a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Rhynchostegium microthamnioides C. Müller, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Rhynchostegium minutum C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhynchostegium murale (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Rhynchostegium nanopennatum (Brotherus) Kindberg, 1891 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhynchostegium nanothecium C. Müller ex Dixon, 1930  Rhynchostegium nigrescens Bescherelle, 1898 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Rhynchostegium oblongifolium Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Rhynchostegium obtusatum Brotherus in Sasaoka, 1921  Rhynchostegium omocrates W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Rhynchostegium ovalfolium S. Okamura, 1926 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Rhynchostegium oxyodon (Welwitsch & Duby) Gepp  Rhynchostegium ruvenzorense (Brotherus) Paris, 1898 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Rhynchostegium santaiense (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Rhynchostegium sarcoblastum Brotherus & Paris, 1900 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Rhynchostegium savatieri Paris, 1898 – []  Rhynchostegium selaginellifolium C. Müller, 1896 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Rhynchostegium sellowii (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1878 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Rhynchostegium semiscabrum (E. B. Bartram) H. 

in Hiern, 1901 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Rhynchostegium pallenticaule C. Müller, 1897 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Rhynchostegium pallidifolium (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Rhynchostegium pallidius (Hampe) Jaeger, 1878 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Rhynchostegium pampae (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium parvulum Brotherus, 1921  Rhynchostegium patulum Jaeger, 1878 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Rhynchostegium pectinatum (Mitten) Paris, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhynchostegium pellucidum Dixon, 1937 – [Excluded by Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Rhynchostegium peruviense (R. S. Williams) Ochyra in Schultze-Motel & Menzel, 1987 – [Schultze-Motel, W. & M. Menzel, 1987]  Rhynchostegium philippinense (Duby) Jaeger, 1878 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Rhynchostegium pinnicaule (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888  Rhynchostegium plagiotheciella C. Müller, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium planifolium C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Rhynchostegium planiusculum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1978]  Rhynchostegium pseudodistans Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Rhynchostegium raphidorrhynchum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Rhynchostegium revelstokense (Kindberg) Kindberg, 1897  Rhynchostegium rivale (Hampe) Jaeger, 1878 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Rhynchostegium robustum W. R. Buck, 1988 – [Buck, W. R., 1988; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Rhynchostegium rotundifolium (Scopoli ex Bridel) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991] Robinson, 1967 – [McFarland, K. D., 1994d]  Rhynchostegium semitortulum Kindberg, 1891 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium sinense (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Rhynchostegium sparsirameum (Geheeb & Hampe) Paris, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Rhynchostegium strongylense (Bottini) Buckland, William & Privitera, 1999 – [Buck, W. R. & M. Privitera, 1999]  Rhynchostegium subbrachypterum Brotherus &

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Bryhn, 1911 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979]  Rhynchostegium subconfertum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878  Rhynchostegium subenerve Jaeger, 1878  Rhynchostegium submenadense Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1917 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Rhynchostegium subperspicuum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Rhynchostegium subrectocarpum (Dixon) Vohra, 1979 [1981] – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Rhynchostegium subrotundum (Hampe) Jaeger, 1878 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Rhynchostegium subrusciforme (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [McFarland, K. D., 1994d]  Rhynchostegium subserrulatum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878  Rhynchostegium subspeciosum (C. Müller) C. Müller, 1897 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Rhynchostegium subtrachypterum Bryhn ex P. Sydow, 1912  Rhynchostegium surrectum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878  Rhynchostegium taphrophilum C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium tenuifolium (Hedwig) Reichardt, 1870 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Hedenäs, L., 1996a; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Rhynchostegium tocaremae (Hampe) Jaeger, 1878 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Rhynchostegium trachynotum (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Rhynchostegium trachypelma (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Rhynchostegium trieblingii C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Rhynchostegium tubaronense C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Rhynchostegium ulicon (Taylor) Jaeger, 1878 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Rhynchostegium vagans Jaeger, 1878  Rhynchostegium validum (Herzog) Ochyra in Schultze-Motel & Menzel, 1987 – [Schultze-Motel, W. & M. Menzel, 1987]  Rhynchostegium vitianum E. B. Bartram & Dixon, 1936 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Rhynchostegium volkensii (Brotherus) Paris, 1898 – [Kis, G., 1985] Rhytidiadelphus (Limpricht) Warnstorf, 1906 {4/0/0/1/0=5} Roellia Kindberg, 1897 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MNIACEAE  Roellia roellii (Brotherus in Röll) Andrews ex H. Crum, 1967 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Bryum sandbergii] Rosulabryum Spence, 1996 {10/0/1/0/0=11} BRYACEAE  Rosulabryum albolimbatum (Hampe) Spence, 1996 – [Syed, H., 1973, as Bryum albolimbatum]  Rosulabryum billarderi (Schwägrichen) Spence, 1996


HYLOCOMIACEAE Rhytidiadelphus japonicus (Reimers in Reimers & Sakurai) T. Koponen, 1971 – [Schofield, W. B. & S. S. Talbot, 1991; Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Rhytidiadelphus loreus (Hedwig) Warnstorf, 1906 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Rohrer, J. R., 1985]  Rhytidiadelphus printzii Kaalaas, 1919  Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus (Hedwig) Warnstorf, 1906 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Rohrer, J. R., 1985]  Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus (Hedwig) Warnstorf, 1906 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996] Rhytidiopsis Brotherus, 1908 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYLOCOMIACEAE  Rhytidiopsis robusta (W. J. Hooker) Brotherus, 1908 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Lawton, E., 1971] Rhytidium (Sullivant in A. Gray) Kindberg, 1882 {1/0/0/0/0=1} RHYTIDIACEAE  Rhytidium rugosum (Ehrhart ex Hedwig) Kindberg, 1883 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b] Rigodiadelphus Dixon, 1936 {2/0/0/0/0=2} LESKEACEAE  Rigodiadelphus arcuatus (Noguchi) Noguchi, 1973 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Rigodiadelphus robustus (Lindberg) Noguchi, 1973 – [Rohrer, J. R., 1986b; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991] Rigodium Kunze ex Schwägrichen, 1844 [1845] {7/0/0/0/0=7} RIGODIACEAE  Rigodium adpressum Zomlefer, 1992 – [Zomlefer, W. B., 1993]  Rigodium brachypodium (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Zomlefer, W. B., 1993]  Rigodium implexum Kunze ex Schwägrichen, 1845 – [Zomlefer, W. B., 1993]  Rigodium penicilliferum C. Müller, 1901 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Rigodium pseudothuidium Dusén, 1905 – [Zomlefer, W. B., 1993]  Rigodium tamarix C. Müller, 1897 – [Zomlefer, W. B., 1993]  Rigodium toxarion (Schwägrichen) Jaeger, 1878 – [Zomlefer, W. B., 1993; Buck, W. R., 1998b] 

– [Ochi, H., 1972a, as Bryum billarderi; Ochi, H., 1980, as Bryum billarderi; Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979, as Bryum billarderi; Ochi, H., 1994a, as Bryum billarderi; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988, as Bryum billarderi]  Rosulabryum campylothecium (Taylor) Spence, 1996 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988, as Bryum billarderi; Ochi, H., 1980, as Bryum campylothecium; Ochi, H., 1970, as Bryum campylothecium]  Rosulabryum capillare (Hedwig) Spence, 1996 –



[Lawton, E., 1971, as Bryum capillare; Magill, R. E., 1987, as Bryum capillare; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Bryum capillare; Syed, H., 1973, as Bryum capillare; Ochi, H., 1994a, as Bryum capillare; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988, as Bryum capillare]  Rosulabryum leptothrix (C. Müller) Spence, 1996 – [Ochi, H., 1970, as Bryum leptothrix]  Rosulabryum microrhodon (C. Müller) Spence, 1996 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979, as Bryum microrhodon]  Rosulabryum subfasciculatum (Hampe) Spence, 1996 – [Mohamed, M. A. H., 1979, as Bryum subfasciculatum]  Rosulabryum subtomentosum (Hampe) Spence, 1996 – [Spence, J. R. & H. P. Ramsay, 1996]  Rosulabryum torquescens (Bruch ex De Notaris) Spence, 1996 – [Magill, R. E., 1987, as Bryum torquescens; Syed, H., 1973, as Bryum torquescens; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Bryum torquescens]  Rosulabryum tuberosum (Mohamed & Damanhuri) Spence, 1996 – [Mohamed, H. & A. Damanhuri, 1990, as Bryum tuberosum]  Rosulabryum wightii (Mitten) Spence, 1996 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974, as Bryum wightii; Ochi, H., 1985, as Bryum wightii] Rozea Bescherelle, 1872 {5/0/0/2/0=7} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Rozea andrieuxii (C. Müller) Bescherelle, 1872 – [Buck, W. R., 1994b]  Rozea diversifolia Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Rozea fulva C. Müller ex Fleischer, 1920  Rozea kenoyeri W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1976 [1977] – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1976 [1977]]  Rozea microcarpa Brotherus, 1929 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1976 [1977]]  Rozea pterogonioides (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1976 [1977]; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Rozea subjulacea Bescherelle, 1872 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1976 [1977]; Buck, W. R., 1994b] Rutenbergia Geheeb & Hampe ex Bescherelle, 1880 {0/5/0/0/0=5} RUTENBERGIACEAE  Rutenbergia borbonica Bescherelle, 1880 – [Bizot, M., R. B. Pierrot & T. Pócs, 1974]  Rutenbergia cirrata Renauld & Cardot, 1895 – [Bizot, M., R. B. Pierrot & T. Pócs, 1974]  Rutenbergia limbata (Hampe) Bescherelle, 1880 – [Bizot, M., R. B. Pierrot & T. Pócs, 1974]  Rutenbergia madagassa Geheeb & Hampe in  Sauloma zetterstedtii (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Scabridens E. B. Bartram, 1935 {0/1/0/0/0=1} LEUCODONTACEAE  Scabridens sinensis E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996; Wu Pan-cheng, 1992] Schimperella Thériot, 1926 {2/0/0/0/0=2} BRACHYTHECIACEAE

Bescherelle, 1880 – [Bizot, M., R. B. Pierrot & T. Pócs, 1974]  Rutenbergia prionodon (Bescherelle) Renauld, 1898 – [Bizot, M., R. B. Pierrot & T. Pócs, 1974] Saelania Lindberg, 1878 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DITRICHACEAE  Saelania glaucescens (Hedwig) Brotherus in Bomansson & Brotherus, 1894 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Lawton, E., 1971; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Magill, R. E., 1981; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987] Sagenotortula Zander, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Sagenotortula quitoensis (Taylor) Zander, 1989 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1989; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Saitobryum Zander, 1997 [1998] {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Saitobryum peruvianum (R. S. Williams) Zander, 1997 [1998] – [Zander, R. H., 1993, as Saitoella peruviana] Sanionia Loeske, 1907 {3/0/0/0/0=3} CAMPYLIACEAE  Sanionia georgicouncinata (C. Müller in Neumayer) Ochyra, 1998 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a; Hedenäs, L., 1989b, as Sanionia nivalis; Hedenäs, L., 1989b, as Sanionia nivalis]  Sanionia orthothecioides (Lindberg) Loeske, 1907 – [Hedenäs, L., 1989b]  Sanionia uncinata (Hedwig) Loeske, 1907 – [Kanda, H., 1976 [1977]; Hedenäs, L., 1989b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Ochyra, R., 1998a] Sarconeurum Bryhn, 1902 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Sarconeurum glaciale (C. Müller) Cardot & Bryhn, 1907 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1993; Matteri, C. M., 1982] Sasaokaea Brotherus, 1929 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CRATONEURACEAE  Sasaokaea aomoriensis (Paris) Kanda, 1976 [1977] – [Kanda, H., 1976 [1977]] Sauloma (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1859 {1/0/0/3/0=4} PILOTRICHACEAE  Sauloma tenella (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1859 – [Matteri, C. M., 1975; Matteri, C. M., 1972; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Sauloma tenuis C. Müller, 1896  Sauloma tisserantii Potier de la Varde, 1951 

Schimperella bello-intricata (Brotherus) W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993; Buck, W. R., 1985b, as Schimperella katalensis]  Schimperella rhynchostegioides Thériot, 1926 – [Buck, W. R., 1985b] Schimperobryum Margadant, 1959 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HOOKERIACEAE  Schimperobryum splendidissimum (Montagne) Margadant, 1959 – [Matteri, C. M., 1972]

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Schistidium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1845 {35/1/9/12/0=57} GRIMMIACEAE  Schistidium alpicola (Hedwig) Limpricht, 1889 – [Bremer, B., 1980a, as Schistidium agassizii; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Grimmia agassizii]  Schistidium amblyophyllum (C. Müller) Ochyra & Hertel, 1990 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Schistidium andreaeopsis (C. Müller) Lazarenko, 1940 – [Ochyra, R. & O. M. Afonina, 1986 [1987]]  Schistidium angustissimum (Potier de la Varde) Ochyra in Ochyra & Pócs, 1982 – [Ochyra, R. & T. Pócs, 1982]  Schistidium antarctici (Cardot) Savicz-Ljubitskaya & Smirnova, 1965 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Schistidium apocarpum (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1845 – [Bremer, B., 1980b; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1986; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium celatum (Cardot) B. G. Bell, 1984 – [Bell, B. G., 1984]  Schistidium chenii (Lin Shan-hsiung) Cao Tong, Gao Chien & Zhao Jian-cheng, 1992 – [Cao Tong, Gao Chien & Zhao Jian-cheng, 1992]  Schistidium chrysoneurum (C. Müller) Ochyra in Ochyra, Vitt & D. G. Horton, 1986 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Schistidium cinclidodonteum (C. Müller in Röll) B. Bremer, 1980 – [Bremer, B., 1980b]  Schistidium confusum H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium crassipilum H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium cribrodontium (Herzog) Ochyra in Ochyra & Pócs, 1982 – [Ochyra, R. & T. Pócs, 1982]  Schistidium cryptocarpum Mogensen & H. Blom, 1989 [1990] – [Ochyra, R. & O. M. Afonina, 1995; Mogensen, G. S. & H. Blom, 1989 [1990]]  Schistidium cupulare (C. Müller) Ochyra, 1998 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Schistidium donatii (Herzog & Thériot) Ochyra & Matteri, 1996 – [Ochyra, R. & C. M. Matteri, 1996; He, Si, 1998]  Schistidium elegantulum H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium falcatum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) B. Bremer, 1980 – [Bremer, B., 1980b; Deguchi, H., 1984b; Bell, B. G., 1984; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Schistidium fallax (Dusén) Ochyra & Matteri, 1996 – [Ochyra, R. & C. M. Matteri, 1996]  Schistidium flaccidum (De Notaris) Ochyra, 1989 – [Ochyra, R., 1989a]  Schistidium scandicum H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium serratomucronatum (C. Müller) Ochyra, 1998  Schistidium steerei Ochyra, 1987 – [Ochyra, R., 1987e; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Schistidium stirlingii (C. Müller) Ochyra, 1998 –



Schistidium frigidum H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium frisvollianum H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium gracile (Röhling) Limpricht, 1889 – [Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979]; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983]  Schistidium grandirete H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium halinae Ochyra, 1998 [1999] – [Ochyra, R., 1998a; Ochyra, R., 1998 [1999]]  Schistidium heterophyllum (Kindberg in Macoun) McIntosh in L. E. Anderson, H. Crum & W. R. Buck, 1990 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Grimmia heterophylla]  Schistidium hyalinocuspidatum (C. Müller in Neumayer) B. G. Bell, 1984 – [Bell, B. G., 1984; Ochyra, R. & O. M. Afonina, 1986 [1987]]  Schistidium liliputanum (C. Müller) Deguchi, 1978 [1979] – [Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979]]  Schistidium lorentziana (C. Müller) Ochyra & Matteri, 1996 – [Ochyra, R. & C. M. Matteri, 1996]  Schistidium maritimum (Turner) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1845 – [Bremer, B., 1980a; Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979]]  Schistidium nodulosum Stirton, 1907  Schistidium obtusifolium Ireland & H. Crum, 1984 [1985] – [Ireland, R. R. & H. Crum, 1984 [1985]; Ochyra, R., 1987e, as Grimmia subanodon]  Schistidium occidentale (E. Lawton) Churchill in Funk & D. R. Brooks, 1981 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Grimmia occidentalis; Lawton, E., 1967a, as Grimmia occidentalis]  Schistidium occultum (C. Müller in Neumayer) Ochyra & Matteri, 1996 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Schistidium perichaetiale (Potier de la Varde) Ochyra in Ochyra & Pócs, 1982 – [Ochyra, R. & O. M. Afonina, 1986 [1987]]  Schistidium poeltii H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium pulchrum H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium recurvum H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium rivulare (Bridel) Podpra, 1911 – [Bremer, B., 1980a; Deguchi, H., 1987b; Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979]; Bell, B. G., 1984; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Schistidium robustum (Nees & Hornschuch) H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium scabripes (E. B. Bartram) Deguchi, 1984 – [Deguchi, H., 1984b]

[Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989, as Grimmia stirlingii]  Schistidium streptophyllum (Sullivant) Herzog, 1916 – [Bremer, B., 1980b]  Schistidium subconfertum (Brotherus) Deguchi, 1978 [1979] – [Deguchi, H., 1978 [1979]]  Schistidium subjulaceum H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H.



H., 1996] Schistidium submuticum Zickendrath ex H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996]  Schistidium subpraemorsum Brotherus in Herzog, 1916  Schistidium syntrichiaceum (C. Müller in Neumayer) B. G. Bell, 1984 – [Bell, B. G., 1984]  Schistidium tenerum (J. E. Zetterstedt) Nyholm, 1969 – [Bremer, B., 1980b]  Schistidium torreyanum (Bridel) Ochyra, 1998  Schistidium trichodon (Bridel) Poelt, 1953 – [Bremer, B., 1980b; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Schistidium truncatoapocarpum (C. Müller) Ochyra, 1998 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989, as Grimmia truncatoapocarpa]  Schistidium urnulaceum (C. Müller in Neumayer) B. G. Bell, 1984 – [Bell, B. G., 1984; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Schistidium venetum H. Blom, 1996 – [Blom, H. H., 1996] Schistomitrium Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 {4/0/1/0/0=5} LEUCOBRYACEAE  Schistomitrium apiculatum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 – [Enroth, J., 1990a; Enroth, J., 1989a; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Schistomitrium brevi-apiculatum Brotherus, 1898 – [Enroth, J., 1990a]  Schistomitrium mucronifolium (A. Braun in C. Müller) Fleischer, 1904 – [Enroth, J., 1990a; Enroth, J., 1989a]  Schistomitrium robustum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1855 – [Enroth, J., 1990a; Enroth, J., 1989a]  Schistomitrium sparei Dixon ex A. Johnson, 1964 – [Johnson, A., 1964] Schistostega D. Mohr, 1803 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SCHISTOSTEGACEAE  Schistostega pennata (Hedwig) Weber & D. Mohr, 1803 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Nyholm, E., 1989] Schizomitrium W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1851 =Callicostella {0/0/0/1/0=1} PILOTRICHACEDAE  Schizomitrium cirrhosum (Hampe) W. R. Buck, 1987 Schizymenium Harvey in W. J. Hooker, 1840 {12/14/1/23/0=50} MIELICHHOFERIACEAE  Schizymenium ampullaceum (Brotherus) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Schizymenium andinum (Sullivant) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Schizymenium austrogeorgicum (C. Müller in Neumayer) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Clarke, G. C. S., 1973, as Mielichhoferia austrogeorgica; Shaw, J., 1985; Clarke, G. C. S., 1973, as Mielichhoferia  Schizymenium linearicaule (C. Müller) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium madagassum (Cardot in Grandidier) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983, as Mielichhoferia madagassa] 

austrogeorgica]  Schizymenium basilare (Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium bogotense (Hampe) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Schizymenium bolivianum (W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Schizymenium brevicaule (Hornschuch) A. J. Shaw & Churchill in Churchill, 1989 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Schizymenium bryoides Harvey in W. J. Hooker, 1840 – [Magill, R. E., 1987, as Mielichhoferia bryoides; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Mielichhoferia bryoides]  Schizymenium campylocarpum (Arnott & W. J. Hooker in W. J. Hooker) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Crum, H., 1994l]  Schizymenium clavellatum (Mitten) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Schizymenium commixtum (Thériot) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983, as Mielichhoferia commixta]  Schizymenium costaricense (A. J. Shaw & H. Crum) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Shaw, J. & H. Crum, 1982, as Synthetodontium costaricense]  Schizymenium cratericola (Brotherus in Mildbraed) Ochyra & A. J. Sharp, 1988 – [Ochyra, R. & A. J. Sharp, 1988]  Schizymenium cygnicollum (W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Schizymenium decurrens (C. Müller) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Schizymenium dolichothecum (Herzog) A. J. Shaw & Churchill in Churchill, 1989 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Schizymenium fulvonitens (Cardot & Brotherus) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [He, Si, 1998]  Schizymenium fusiferum (Mitten) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Schizymenium gracilisetum (Hampe) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Crum, H., 1994l]  Schizymenium hariotii (Thériot) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium hymenodontum (Dixon) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985b, as Mielichhoferia hymenodonta; Eddy, A., 1996]  Schizymenium hymenostomum (Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium javanicum (Brotherus ex Fleischer) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Schizymenium landii (Cardot) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Crum, H., 1994l]  Schizymenium latifolium (Herzog) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium lindigii (Hampe) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Schizymenium mildbraedii (Brotherus in Mildbraed) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Schizymenium multiflorum (E. B. Bartram) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium nanum Taylor, 1848 – [Churchill, S. P.

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Schizymenium nealiae (E. B. Bartram) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium novoguineense (E. B. Bartram) A. Eddy, 1996 – [Eddy, A., 1996; Koponen, T. & D. H. Norris, 1985b, as Mielichhoferia novoguinensis]  Schizymenium pectinatum (C. Müller) A. J. Shaw & Churchill in Churchill, 1989 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Schizymenium pleurogynum (Montagne) Matteri, 1998 – [Matteri, C. M., 1998]  Schizymenium pohlioideum (C. Müller) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium pontevedrense (Luisier) C. Casas et al., 1989 [1990] – [Sérgio, C., 1980, as Mielichhoferia pontevedrensis]  Schizymenium pseudopohlia A. J. Shaw, 1987 – [Shaw, J., 1987]  Schizymenium pulchrum (Brotherus in Felippone) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium pulvinatum (C. Müller) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium pusillum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Schizymenium ruwenzorense (Thériot & Naveau) Ochyra & A. J. Sharp, 1988 – [Ochyra, R. & A. J. Sharp, 1988]  Schizymenium schiedianum (C. Müller) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Crum, H., 1994l]  Schizymenium schimperi A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium serratum (Cardot & Herzog in Cardot) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Crum, H., 1994l]  Schizymenium skottsbergii (Cardot & Brotherus) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [He, Si, 1998]  Schizymenium subglobosum (R. S. Williams) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium submacrodontum (Brotherus in Herzog) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium subpohlioideum (Brotherus) A. J. Shaw, 1985  Schizymenium weberbaueri (Brotherus) A. J. Shaw, 1985 – [Menzel, M., 1992] Schliephackea C. Müller, 1875 {2/0/0/0/0=2} DICRANACEAE  Schliephackea meteorioides (R. S. Williams) Brotherus, 1924 – [Allen, B., 1990c; Allen, B., 1994a]  Schliephackea prostrata C. Müller, 1875 – [Allen, B., 1990c; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a] Schlotheimia Bridel, 1812 {44/0/0/77/0=121} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Schlotheimia acutifolia Renauld & Paris, 1902  Schlotheimia angulosa (Palisot de Beauvois) Dixon, 1937 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schlotheimia angustata Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S.  Schlotheimia emarginato-pilosa Herzog, 1916 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1993; Eddy, A., 1996]  Schlotheimia emergens Mitten, 1869 – [Sehnem, A.,


P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Schlotheimia appressifolia Mitten, 1869 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia appunii C. Müller, 1897  Schlotheimia araucarieti C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia argentinica Lorentz & C. Müller, 1879 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Schlotheimia asperrima Brotherus, 1918 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Schlotheimia atlantica Dixon in Dixon & Fleischer, 1937  Schlotheimia badiella Bescherelle, 1880  Schlotheimia balfourii Mitten, 1888 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Schlotheimia bequaertii Thériot & Naveau, 1927 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Schlotheimia boiviniana Bescherelle, 1880  Schlotheimia brachyphylla Renauld & Cardot, 1894  Schlotheimia brachypodia Thériot & Naveau, 1927 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schlotheimia breviseta Ångström, 1876 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia brownii Schwägrichen, 1826 – [Vitt, D. H., 1989]  Schlotheimia calomitria Brotherus, 1920 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Schlotheimia campbelliana C. Müller, 1849 – [Vitt, D. H., 1989]  Schlotheimia campylopus C. Müller in Brotherus, 1891 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia capillaris Hampe, 1875 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia capillidens C. Müller, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia chamissonis Hornschuch, 1840 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia clavata Geheeb & Hampe, 1879 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia compacta C. Müller, 1849 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia congolensis Cardot, 1909  Schlotheimia conica Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891  Schlotheimia crumii B. C. Tan in B. Thiers, 1992 – [Sehnem, A., 1978, as Schlotheimia immersa]  Schlotheimia cuspidifera Mitten, 1869 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia cyrtophylla Potier de la Varde, 1951  Schlotheimia densifolia Thériot, 1907 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Schlotheimia dichotoma C. Müller, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia elata Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981] 

1978]  Schlotheimia excorrugata C. Müller ex Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schlotheimia fasciculata Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O.,



1981] Schlotheimia ferruginea (Bruch ex W. J. Hooker & Greville) Bridel, 1826 – [Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Schlotheimia fornicata Duby, 1877  Schlotheimia foveolata Renauld & Cardot, 1895  Schlotheimia fragilifolia Thériot & Naveau, 1927 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schlotheimia fulva Ångström, 1873  Schlotheimia funiformis Taylor ex Dixon, 1948 – [Vitt, D. H., 1989]  Schlotheimia furcata Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia fuscoviridis Hornschuch, 1840 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia gauthieri Thériot, 1923  Schlotheimia glauca C. Müller, 1851 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Schlotheimia glaziovii Hampe, 1879 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia gracilescens Brotherus, 1900 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia gracilis Hornschuch, 1840 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia grammocarpa C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia grandi-areolata C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Schlotheimia grevilleana Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Koponen, T. & J. Enroth, 1992; Eddy, A., 1996]  Schlotheimia henscheniana C. Müller, 1874 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia horridula C. Müller, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia illecebra W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1880  Schlotheimia jamesonii (Arnott) Bridel, 1826 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Florschütz, P. A., 1964; Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia juliformis Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia knightii C. Müller, 1898 – [Vitt, D. H., 1989]  Schlotheimia krausei Hampe & Lorentz, 1868 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Schlotheimia laete-virens Brotherus, 1894 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schlotheimia lancifolia E. B. Bartram, 1932 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Schlotheimia lasiomitria C. Müller, 1897 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Schlotheimia lindmanii Brotherus, 1900 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Schlotheimia linearifolia (C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia longicaulis Brotherus in Herzog, 1916  Schlotheimia rufopallens C. Müller, 1899 – [Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] 

– [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Schlotheimia mac-gregorii Brotherus & Geheeb, 1898 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1993; Eddy, A., 1996]  Schlotheimia malacophylla Bescherelle, 1880 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schlotheimia microcarpa W. P. Schimper ex Geheeb, 1881  Schlotheimia microphylla Bescherelle, 1880  Schlotheimia muelleri Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia nossi-beana C. Müller in Bescherelle, 1880  Schlotheimia papuana Noguchi, 1953 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1993; Eddy, A., 1996]  Schlotheimia paraguensis Bescherelle, 1877 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Schlotheimia pauli Renauld & Cardot, 1905  Schlotheimia percuspidata C. Müller, 1899 – [Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Schlotheimia perrieri Thériot, 1926  Schlotheimia perrotii Renauld & Cardot, 1896  Schlotheimia perserrata Sehnem, 1978 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia pilomitria C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Schlotheimia pobeguinii Paris & Brotherus, 1908  Schlotheimia poecilodictyon Potier de la Varde & Thériot, 1940 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schlotheimia pseudoaffinis C. Müller, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia puiggarii (Duby) Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia pungens E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Koponen, T. & J. Enroth, 1992]  Schlotheimia pungentissima C. Müller, 1879 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Schlotheimia recurvifolia Hornschuch, 1840 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Schlotheimia regnellii Ångström, 1876 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia rhystophylla C. Müller, 1898 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Schlotheimia richardii Bescherelle, 1880  Schlotheimia rigescens Brotherus, 1894 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schlotheimia robillardii Duby, 1877 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schlotheimia robusta Thériot, 1930 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schlotheimia robusticuspis C. Müller, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia rufo-aeruginosa C. Müller, 1875 – [cited by Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992 as insufficiently known; cited by Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998 as insufficiently known]  Schlotheimia rugifolia (W. J. Hooker) Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Florschütz, P. A., 1964; 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Sehnem, A., 1978] Schlotheimia rugulosa Noguchi, 1936 – [Koponen, T. & J. Enroth, 1992]  Schlotheimia rusbyana C. Müller ex Britton, 1896 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Schlotheimia schweinfurthii C. Müller, 1875 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schlotheimia semidiaphana (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915  Schlotheimia serricalyx C. Müller, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia spinulosa Brotherus, 1906 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Schlotheimia squarrosa Bridel, 1812 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia striata Herzog, 1952 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Schlotheimia subfornicata Thériot, 1926  Schlotheimia sublaxa Hampe, 1874 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia sublevifolia C. Müller, 1897 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Schlotheimia subsinuata Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia tecta J. D. Hooker & Wilson, 1844 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia tenuiseta C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1881  Schlotheimia tomentosa Thériot, 1929 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Schlotheimia torquata (Swartz ex Hedwig) Bridel, 1812 – [Florschütz, P. A., 1964; Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia tortilis Hampe, 1872  Schlotheimia trichomitria Schwägrichen, 1826 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia trichophora Renauld & Cardot, 1893  Schlotheimia trypanoclada C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1881  Schlotheimia uncialis Geheeb & Hampe, 1881 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Schlotheimia ventrosa C. Müller, 1849 – [cited by Rooy, J. van & A. E. van Wyk, 1992 as insufficiently known; cited by Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998 as insufficiently known]  Schlotheimia wainioi Brotherus, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Schlotheimia wallisii C. Müller, 1872 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1993; Eddy, A., 1996] Schoenobryum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1848 {3/6/0/7/0=16} CRYPHAEACEAE  Schoenobryum blumenauianum (Hampe) Manuel, 1977 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Acrocryphaea blumenauiana]  Schoenobryum caripense (C. Müller) Manuel, 1977 – [cited by Manuel, M. G., 1981b as insufficiently known]  Schoenobryum concavifolium (Griffith) Gangulee, 1976 – [Enroth, J., 1990b; Manuel, M. G., 1994; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Schoenobryum evanescens (C. Müller) Manuel, 1977 


Schoenobryum henschenii (C. Müller ex Ångström) Manuel, 1977 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Acrocryphaea henschenii]  Schoenobryum kunertii (C. Müller) Manuel, 1977 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Acrocryphaea kunertii]  Schoenobryum latifolium (Brotherus & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde) Manuel, 1977 – [Bizot, M. & T. Pócs, 1982]  Schoenobryum leptopteris (C. Müller) Manuel, 1977 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Acrocryphaea leptopteris]  Schoenobryum madagassum (C. Müller in Bechenau) Manuel, 1977 – [Bizot, M. & T. Pócs, 1982]  Schoenobryum paraguense (Bescherelle) Manuel, 1977 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Schoenobryum plicatulum (Dixon & Thériot) Manuel, 1977 – [Bizot, M. & T. Pócs, 1982]  Schoenobryum robustum (Brotherus in Mildbraed) Manuel, 1977 – [Bizot, M. & T. Pócs, 1982]  Schoenobryum rubicaule (Mitten) Manuel, 1977 – [Manuel, M. G., 1994]  Schoenobryum subintegrum (Renauld & Cardot in Renauld) Manuel, 1977 – [Bizot, M. & T. Pócs, 1982]  Schoenobryum subrobustum (Brotherus & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde) Manuel, 1977 – [Bizot, M. & T. Pócs, 1982]  Schoenobryum tisserantii (Thériot & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde) Manuel, 1977 – [Bizot, M. & T. Pócs, 1982] Schroeterella Herzog, 1916 {0/0/0/1/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Schroeterella zygodonta Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976] Schwetschkea C. Müller, 1875 {1/0/0/17/0=18} LESKEACEAE  Schwetschkea applanata (Thwaites & Mitten) Brotherus, 1907  Schwetschkea arachnoidea Sakurai, 1937 – [Excluded by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Schwetschkea brevipes (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1909 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Schwetschkea capillifolia Dixon in Herzog, 1935  Schwetschkea courtoisii Brotherus & Paris, 1908 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Schwetschkea enervis Sakurai, 1935 – [Excluded by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]  Schwetschkea fabronioides (Welwitsch & Duby) Brotherus, 1907 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schwetschkea grateloupii (Montagne) C. Müller, 1875 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Schwetschkea gymnostoma Thériot, 1907 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Schwetschkea incerta Thériot, 1932 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Schwetschkea javensis Fleischer, 1923  Schwetschkea matsumurae Bescherelle, 1899 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991]



Schwetschkea peracuminata Demaret & J. Leroy, Schwetschkea pygmaea (Dozy & Molkenboer) C. Müller, 1875  Schwetschkea schweinfurthii C. Müller, 1875 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Schwetschkea sinica Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Schwetschkea sublaxa Brotherus & Paris, 1908 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Schwetschkea usambarica Brotherus, 1894 – [Kis, G., 1985] Schwetschkeopsis Brotherus, 1907 {4/0/0/0/0=4} ANOMODONTACEAE  Schwetschkeopsis elongata (Dixon & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde) W. R. Buck & H. Crum, 1978 – [Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b]  Schwetschkeopsis fabronia (Schwägrichen) Brotherus, 1907 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Buck, W. R. & H. Crum, 1978b; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Taoda, H., 1980; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Schwetschkeopsis formosana Noguchi, 1951 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Schwetschkeopsis robustula (Brotherus) Ando, 1961 – [Taoda, H., 1980] Sciaromiella Ochyra, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Sciaromiella bartlettii (H. Crum & Steere) Ochyra, 1986 – [Ochyra, R., 1986b] Sciaromiopsis Brotherus, 1924 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Sciaromiopsis sinensis (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1924 – [Ochyra, R., 1986b] Sciuroleskea Hampe ex Brotherus, 1925 {2/0/0/0/0=2} STEREOPHYLLACEAE  Sciuroleskea mittenii (Spruce ex Mitten) Fleischer, 1922 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a]  Sciuroleskea xanthophylla (Hampe & Lorentz) Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a] Sclerodontium Schwägrichen, 1824 {2/0/0/0/0=2} DICRANACEAE  Sclerodontium clavinerve (C. Müller in Brotherus) H. Crum, 1986 – [Crum, H., 1986b]  Sclerodontium pallidum (W. J. Hooker) Schwägrichen, 1823 – [Crum, H., 1986b; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Dicnemoloma pallidum] Sclerohypnum Dixon, 1931 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Sclerohypnum littorale (Hampe) B. C. Tan, 1991 – [Harrington, A. J. & H. A. Miller, 1979, as Sclerohypnum riparium] Scleropodiopsis Ignatov, 1998 {1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Scleropodiopsis laxiretis Ignatov, 1998 – [Ignatov, M. S., 1998] Scleropodium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1853 {5/0/2/2/0=9} 

1944 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993] BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Scleropodium australe Hedenäs, 1996 – [Hedenäs, L., 1996a]  Scleropodium brachyphyllum Cardot, 1912  Scleropodium californicum (Lesquereux) Kindberg, 1888 – [McFarland, K. D., 1994e; Lawton, E., 1967b]  Scleropodium cespitans (Wilson ex C. Müller) L. F. Koch, 1950 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Lawton, E., 1967b]  Scleropodium coreense Cardot, 1912 – [Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Scleropodium julaceum E. Lawton, 1967 – [Lawton, E., 1967b]  Scleropodium obtusifolium (Mitten) Kindberg in Macoun, 1892 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Lawton, E., 1967b]  Scleropodium subcaespitosum (Kindberg) Paris, 1898  Scleropodium touretii (Bridel) L. F. Koch, 1949 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Lawton, E., 1967b] Scopelophila (Mitten) Lindberg, 1872 {2/0/1/0/0=3} POTTIACEAE  Scopelophila cataractae (Mitten) Brotherus, 1902 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R., 1967; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Scopelophila infericola Hoe, 1973 – [Hoe, W. J., 1973a; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Scopelophila ligulata (Spruce) Spruce, 1881 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Zander, R., 1967; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993] Scorpidium (W. P. Schimper) Limpricht, 1899 {3/0/0/1/0=4} CAMPYLIACEAE  Scorpidium cossonii (W. P. Schimper) Hedenäs, 1989 – [Hedenäs, L., 1989a]  Scorpidium revolvens (Swartz) Rubers in Touw & Rubers, 1989 – [Hedenäs, L., 1989a]  Scorpidium scorpioides (Hedwig) Limpricht, 1899 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Hedenäs, L., 1989a]  Scorpidium turfaceum (Herzog) Herzog, 1920 – [Menzel, M., 1992] Scorpiurium W. P. Schimper, 1876 {1/1/1/2/0=5} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Scorpiurium circinatum (Bridel) Fleischer & Loeske, 1907 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Bardunov, L. V., 1969]  Scorpiurium cucullatum (Hampe) Hedenäs, 1996 – [Hedenäs, L., 1996a]  Scorpiurium deflexifolium (Solms) Fleischer & Loeske, 1907 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Scorpiurium sendtneri (W. P. Schimper) Fleischer, 1920 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Scorpiurium spelaeorum Grom, 1968 – [Grom, S., 1968] Scouleria W. J. Hooker, 1829 [1830] {3/0/0/0/0=3} SCOULERIACEAE  Scouleria aquatica W. J. Hooker in Drummond, 1828 – [Churchill, S. P., 1985; Lawton, E., 1971]


Scouleria marginata Britton, 1895 – [Churchill, S. P., 1985; Lawton, E., 1971] Sehnemobryum Lewinsky-Haapasaari & Hedenäs, 1998 [1999] {1/0/0/0/0=1} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Sehnemobryum paraguense (Bescherelle) Lewinsky-Haapasaari & Hedenäs, 1998 [1999] – [Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J. & L. Hedenäs, 1998 [1999]; Lewinsky, J., 1987, as Orthotrichum paraguense] Seligeria Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 {19/0/1/1/0=21} SELIGERIACEAE  Seligeria acutifolia Lindberg in C. J. Hartman, 1864 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Seligeria alpestris T. Schauer, 1967 [1968] – [Schauer, T., 1967]  Seligeria austriaca T. Schauer, 1967 [1968] – [Schauer, T., 1967; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Seligeria brevifolia (Lindberg) Lindberg, 1890 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b]  Seligeria calcarea (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1849 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Seligeria campylopoda Kindberg in Macoun, 1892 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b]  Seligeria cardotii R. Brown ter, 1898 – [Vitt, D. H. & J. K. Bartlett, 1983]  Seligeria careyana Vitt & W. B. Schofield, 1976 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b]  Seligeria diminuta (R. Brown ter) Dixon, 1923 – [Vitt, D. H. & J. K. Bartlett, 1983]  Seligeria diversifolia Lindberg, 1861 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Seligeria donniana (Smith) C. Müller, 1848 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Seligeria gymnostoma C. Müller, 1900  Seligeria irrigata (Paul) Ochyra & Gos, 1992 – [Ochyra, R. & L. Gos, 1992]  Seligeria oelandica C. E. O. Jensen & Medelius, 1929 – [Ochyra, R., 1991a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Vitt, D. H., 1976b]  Seligeria paucifolia (Withering) Carruthers, 1866 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Seligeria polaris Berggren, 1875 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b]  Seligeria pusilla (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Seligeria recurvata (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1846 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Seligeria subimmersa Lindberg, 1879 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b]  Seligeria trifaria (Bridel) Lindberg, 1863 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Seligeria tristichoides Kindberg, 1896 – [Vitt, D. H., 1976b]



Scouleria patagonica (Mitten) Jaeger, 1876 – [Churchill, S. P., 1985] Sematophyllum Mitten, 1864 {31/20/11/106/0=168} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Sematophyllum aberrans (Brotherus in Skottsberg) E. B. Bartram, 1957 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Sematophyllum adnatum (Michaux) Britton, 1902 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Magill, R., 1994e; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Sematophyllum affine (Hornschuch) Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sematophyllum amblystegiocarpum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum ampullulatum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum aneuron (Duby) Jaeger, 1878 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum angusticuspis Brotherus, 1899  Sematophyllum angusticybeum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum angustifolium Herzog, 1915  Sematophyllum angustirete E. B. Bartram, 1947  Sematophyllum aptychoides (Schliephacke ex C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1982 – [Sehnem, A., 1978, as Meiothecium aptychodes]  Sematophyllum auratum Renauld & Cardot, 1905  Sematophyllum aureonitens E. B. Bartram, 1962  Sematophyllum aureosulphureum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum aureoviride (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum beyrichii (Hornschuch) Brotherus, 1925 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Sematophyllum bottinii (Breidler in Fitzgerald & Bottini) Podpra, 1954  Sematophyllum brachycarpum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Sematophyllum brachycladulum (Brotherus in Skottsberg) Brotherus, 1925 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Sematophyllum brachytheciiforme (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Sematophyllum bracteatum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum brotheri Iwatsuki & B. C. Tan, 1977 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Sematophyllum calamicola (C. Müller) Yano, 1989 – [Sehnem, A., 1978, as Rhaphidorrhynchium calamicola]  Sematophyllum campicola (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Sematophyllum capilliferum Thwaites & Mitten, 1873  Sematophyllum cataractae W. R. Buck, 1983 – [Buck, W. R., 1983c]  Sematophyllum cellulosum W. R. Buck, 1993 –



[Buck, W. R., 1993] Sematophyllum chlorocormum (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, Churchill & Sastre-de Jesús in Churchill & Sastre-de Jesús, 1987 [1988] – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum chlorothecium (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Sematophyllum chrysostegum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum circinicaule (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Sematophyllum cirrhifolium (Arnott) Mitten in J. Murray, 1885 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum coppeyi (Cardot in Grandidier) Brotherus in Thériot, 1932 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum crassirete (Cardot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Sematophyllum crassiusculum (Bridel) Brotherus, 1925 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as insufficiently known; Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993; Greene, D. M., 1986; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983; Tan, B. C., W. B. Schofield & H. Ramsay], 1998]  Sematophyllum cuspidatum (Mitten in Kiaer) Kiaer, 1883  Sematophyllum cuspidiferum Mitten, 1869 – [Magill, R., 1994e; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum cyparissoides (Hornschuch) R. S. Williams, 1930 – [Buck, W. R., 1998a]  Sematophyllum danckelmannii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum decumbens Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum demissum (Wilson) Mitten, 1864 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Tan, B. C. & P. P.-h. But, 1997]  Sematophyllum dimorphum (Renauld & Cardot) F. D. Bowers, 1974 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Sematophyllum dregei (C. Müller) Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Sematophyllum dubium (Renauld) Brotherus, 1925 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum elgonense (Dixon) Brotherus, 1925 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Sematophyllum entodontoides Bescherelle, 1898 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Sematophyllum erythrocaulon (Ångström) Jaeger, 1878  Sematophyllum erythropodium Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum esmeraldicum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum euryphyllum Dixon & Thériot, 1942 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Sematophyllum fabronia (Bescherelle) W. R. Buck, 1982 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c] 

Sematophyllum ceylonense (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 Sematophyllum flaccidifolium (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Sematophyllum flagelliferum Dixon, 1922  Sematophyllum flavidum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum flavovesiculosum W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Sematophyllum fluminicola (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998a]  Sematophyllum fragilirostrum (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum francii (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Sematophyllum friesiorum Potier de la Varde, 1947 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Sematophyllum frullaniadelphus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum fulvifolium Mitten, 1879 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum galipense (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Magill, R., 1994e; Sehnem, A., 1978; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Sematophyllum gracile E. B. Bartram, 1962  Sematophyllum grandicellulosum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum harpidioides (Renauld & Cardot) F. D. Bowers, 1974 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Sematophyllum hawaiiense (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Sematophyllum helenicum Mitten in Melliss, 1875  Sematophyllum homomallum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Sematophyllum humile (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Sematophyllum humillimum Dixon & Thériot, 1942 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Sematophyllum implanum Mitten, 1869 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sematophyllum incrassetum E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Sematophyllum incurvum Mitten, 1879 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum integrifolium Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Sematophyllum kunkelii H. Robinson, 1974 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Sematophyllum laetevirens (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Sematophyllum laticuspis (Dixon) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]  Sematophyllum latifolium Brotherus in Hosseus, 1911 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Sematophyllum leucostomum (Hampe) W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998a] 


Sematophyllum lithophilum (Hornschuch) Ångström, 1876 – [Buck, W. R., 1998a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b, as Sematophyllum cochleatum;  Sematophyllum lonchophyllum (Montagne) Florschütz-de Waard, 1990 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996]  Sematophyllum longinerve (Duby) Jaeger, 1878 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum longisetum (R. S. Williams) Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Sematophyllum macrocytus (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum macrorhynchum (Hornschuch) Mitten, 1869 – [Sehnem, A., 1978, as Rhaphidorrhynchium macrorhynchum]  Sematophyllum mandobboense Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964]  Sematophyllum marylandicum (C. Müller) Britton, 1902 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Magill, R., 1994e]  Sematophyllum masafuerae (Brotherus in Skottsberg) E. B. Bartram, 1957 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Sematophyllum meiothecioides (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Sematophyllum micrangium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum microcarpoides (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum microcladiellum Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Sematophyllum microcladioides (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Sematophyllum minutum Brotherus, 1900 – [Sehnem, A., 1978, as Rhaphidorrhynchium minutum]  Sematophyllum mittenianum W. R. Buck, 1982  Sematophyllum nanocephalum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum nebulosum W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Sematophyllum nematocaulon (C. Müller) Fleischer in Thériot, 1932 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum nigro-alare Dixon, 1936 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Sematophyllum obtusifolium (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum oedophysidium W. R. Buck, 1983 – [Buck, W. R., 1983c; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum orthocarpum (Brotherus in Herzog) Brotherus, 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Sematophyllum pacimoniense (Spruce ex Mitten) Florschütz-de Waard, 1990 [1 Dec] – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1990; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum parisii Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum parvifolium E. B. Bartram, 1960 –


Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996, as Sematophyllum cochleatum] [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Sematophyllum parvulum (Brotherus) Dixon, 1932 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Sematophyllum pennellii R. S. Williams, 1925 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum perichaetiale Thériot in Felippone, 1930 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum perrevolutum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Sematophyllum phoeniceum (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Sematophyllum physaophyllos (Welwitsch & Duby) Brotherus, 1925 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Sematophyllum plagiothecioides Dixon & Thériot, 1942 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Sematophyllum pobeguinii (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum pulvinale (Hampe) W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998a]  Sematophyllum reitzii E. B. Bartram, 1952 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Sematophyllum replicatum (Hampe) Dixon, 1921  Sematophyllum rivuletorum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum robustulum (Cardot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Tan, B. C. & P. P.-h. But, 1997]  Sematophyllum roridum Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum ruvenzorense Dixon & Thériot, 1942  Sematophyllum santae Tosco & Piovano, 1956  Sematophyllum scabriusculum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum schimperi (Bescherelle in Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum scorpiurus (Montagne) Mitten, 1869 – [Seki, T., 1974 [1976], as Rhaphidorrhynchium scorpiurus]  Sematophyllum serandii (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum serifolium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum serrulatum H. Crum & Richards, 1984 – [Crum, H. & P. W. Richards, 1984]  Sematophyllum simulans (Renauld & Cardot) F. D. Bowers, 1974 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Sematophyllum sinuosulum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1925 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum socotrense W. R. Buck, Kürschner & Mies, 1995 – [Al-Gifri, A. N., H. Kürschner & B. Mies, 1995]  Sematophyllum sphaeropyxis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum stenopyxidium (C. Müller)



Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986] Sematophyllum steyermarkii E. B. Bartram, 1946 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Sematophyllum sticticola (C. Müller) Churchill,  Sematophyllum subbrachycarpum (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum subbrachytheciiforme Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Sematophyllum subcespitosum (Renauld & Cardot) F. D. Bowers, 1974 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Sematophyllum subcochleatum Dixon & Thériot, 1942 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Sematophyllum subconnivens (Brotherus) Dixon, 1932 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Sematophyllum subcylindricum (Brotherus ex Fleischer) Sainsbury, 1952 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Sematophyllum subdepressum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R., 1998a; Sehnem, A., 1978]  Sematophyllum subfulvum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R., 1998a]  Sematophyllum subhomomallum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Sematophyllum subhumile (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Tan, B. C. & P. P.-h. But, 1997; Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Sematophyllum subjulaceum (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum subpiliferum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Yano, O., 1981]  Sematophyllum subpinnatum (Bridel) Britton, 1918 – [Magill, R., 1994e; Buck, W. R., 1983c; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Sematophyllum subrugifolium Dixon, 1942 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum subscabrellum Renauld & Cardot, 1897 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Sematophyllum subscabrum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum subsecundum (Jaeger) Brotherus, 1925 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sematophyllum subsimplex (Hedwig) Mitten, 1869 – [Magill, R., 1994e; Buck, W. R., 1993; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Sematophyllum substrumulosum (Hampe in C. Müller) Britton, 1902  Sematophyllum succedaneum (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1869 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Sematophyllum swartzii (Schwägrichen) W. H. Welch & H. Crum, 1959 – [Magill, R., 1994e; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Sematophyllum temperatum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1925 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum tenerifolium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 

1989 – [cited by Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b as insufficiently known]  Sematophyllum stylites W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993] 1925 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Sematophyllum tenuicarpum R. S. Williams, 1910 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Sematophyllum tequendamense (Hampe) Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Sematophyllum tonduzii (Renauld & Cardot) F. D. Bowers, 1974 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Sematophyllum trachaelocarpum (Kindberg) Brotherus, 1925  Sematophyllum tucumanense E. B. Bartram, 1964-65 [1965] – [Bartram, E. B., 1964–1965 [1965]]  Sematophyllum turgidulum (Herzog) Churchill, 1989 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sematophyllum wageri Wright ex H. A. Wager, 1914 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Sematophyllum warmingii (Hampe) W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998a]  Sematophyllum zuluense (Sim) Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979] Semibarbula Herzog ex Hilpert, 1933 =Barbula {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Semibarbula ranuii Gangulee, 1964 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972] Serpotortella Dixon, 1942 {2/0/0/0/0=2} SERPOTORTELLACEAE  Serpotortella chenagonii (Renauld & Cardot) W. D. Reese & Zander, 1987 [1988] – [Reese, W. D. & R. H. Zander, 1987 [1988]]  Serpotortella cyrtophylla (Bescherelle) W. D. Reese & Zander, 1987 [1988] – [Reese, W. D. & R. H. Zander, 1987 [1988]] Sinocalliergon Sakurai, 1949 {0/0/0/1/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Sinocalliergon satoi Sakurai, 1949 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Sinskea W. R. Buck, 1994 {2/0/0/0/0=2} METEORIACEAE  Sinskea flammea (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Chrysocladium flammeum; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989, as Chrysocladium flammeum]  Sinskea phaea (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Chrysocladium phaeum; Gangulee, H. C., 1976, as Chrysocladium phaeum] Skottsbergia Cardot, 1905 {0/1/0/0/0=1} DITRICHACEAE  Skottsbergia paradoxa Cardot, 1905 – [Matteri, C. M., 1989b] Sorapilla Spruce & Mitten, 1869 {1/1/0/0/0=2} SORAPILLACEAE  Sorapilla papuana Brotherus & Geheeb, 1900 – [Allen, B. H., 1981; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1987]

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES  Sorapilla sprucei Mitten, 1869 – [Allen, B. H., 1981] Sphaerotheciella Fleischer, 1914 {3/0/0/0/0=3} CRYPHAEACEAE  Sphaerotheciella pachycarpa (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) Manuel, 1981 – [Manuel, M. G., 1981b;  Sphaerotheciella sphaerocarpa (W. J. Hooker) Fleischer, 1914 – [Manuel, M. G., 1977c; Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Sphaerothecium Hampe, 1865 {3/0/0/0/0=3} DICRANACEAE  Sphaerothecium phascoideum (Hampe) Hampe, 1869 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1986a; Frahm, J.-P., 1991b]  Sphaerothecium reconditum Thwaites & Mitten, 1873 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1986a]  Sphaerothecium subchlorophyllosum (C. Müller in Rabenhorst) Frahm, 1986 – [Frahm, J.-P., 1986a; Frahm, J.-P., 1985, as Campylopus subchlorophyllosus; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Campylopus subchlorophyllosus] Sphagnum Linnaeus, 1753 {119/18/95/56/0=288} SPHAGNACEAE  Sphagnum aciphyllum C. Müller, 1887 – [Crum, H., 1987e; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sphagnum acutirameum H. Crum, 1992 – [Crum, H., 1992b]  Sphagnum aequiporosum Warnstorf, 1915  Sphagnum affine Renauld & Cardot, 1885  Sphagnum africanum Welwitsch & Duby, 1872 – [Eddy, A., 1985; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Sphagnum alegrense Warnstorf, 1907 – [Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum algentryi H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995c]  Sphagnum amazonicum H. Crum & W. R. Buck, 1992 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1992; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum amoenoides H. Crum, 1997 – [Crum, H., 1997]  Sphagnum amoenum Warnstorf, 1899 – [Crum, H., 1995d]  Sphagnum andersonianum Andrus, 1980 – [Andrus, R. E., 1980; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Sphagnum angermanicum Melin, 1919 – [Crum, H., 1984a; Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum angustifolium (Warnstorf in S. M. Møller & Binstead) C. E. O. Jensen, 1896 – [Ireland, R. R., 1982; Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]  Sphagnum annulatum Warnstorf, 1898 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a]  Sphagnum antarense Wijk & Zanten in Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964; Eddy, A., 1977]  Sphagnum antioquiense H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995d]  Sphagnum aongstroemii C. Hartman, 1858 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a]  Sphagnum arcticum Flatberg & Frisvoll, 1984 – [Flatberg, K. I. & A. A. Frisvoll, 1984]



Manuel, M. G., 1994] Sphaerotheciella pinnata (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Manuel, 1977 – [Manuel, M. G., 1994; Manuel, M. G., 1981b]


Sphagnum atroligneum H. Crum, 1997 – [Crum, H., 1997]  Sphagnum austinii Sullivant in Austin, 1870  Sphagnum australe Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1859 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Ramsay, H. P., 1984; Fife, A. J., 1996b]  Sphagnum austro-americanum H. Crum, 1993 – [Crum, H., 1993c]  Sphagnum azuayense H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum balslevii H. Crum, 1994 – [Crum, H., 1994b]  Sphagnum balticum (Russow) C. E. O. Jensen, 1890 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]  Sphagnum barclayae H. Crum, 1989 – [Crum, H., 1989b]  Sphagnum bartlettianum Warnstorf, 1911 – [Crum, H., 1984a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum billbuckii H. Crum, 1997 – [Crum, H., 1997]  Sphagnum bocainense H. Crum, 1997 – [Crum, H., 1997]  Sphagnum boliviae Warnstorf, 1907 – [Crum, H., 1990c]  Sphagnum boomii H. Crum in W. R. Buck, 1990 – [Buck, W. R., 1990a]  Sphagnum bourbonense H. Crum, 1992 – [Crum, H., 1992a]  Sphagnum boyacanum H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sphagnum brachybolax C. Müller ex Warnstorf, 1891 – [Crum, H., 1995d]  Sphagnum brachycaulon C. Müller ex Warnstorf, 1891  Sphagnum brevirameum Hampe, 1875 – [Crum, H., 1989b; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum buckianum H. Crum, 1992 – [Crum, H., 1993a; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum calymmatophyllum Warnstorf & Cardot, 1907  Sphagnum capense Hornschuch, 1841 – [Eddy, A., 1985; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Sphagnum capillifolium (Ehrhart) Hedwig, 1782 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1990; Crum, H., 1984a; Yano, O., J. R. Pirani & D. P. Santos, 1985]  Sphagnum carolinianum Andrus, 1983 – [Andrus, R. E., 1983]  Sphagnum centrale C. E. O. Jensen, 1896 – [Crum, H., 1984a; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]  Sphagnum ceylonicum Mitten ex Warnstorf, 1890 – [Eddy, A., 1977; Eddy, A., 1985]



Sphagnum chevalieri Warnstorf, 1911 Sphagnum chi-chiense H. Crum, 1994 – [Crum, H., 1994b]  Sphagnum chinense Bridel, 1827  Sphagnum cleefii H. Crum, 1989 – [Crum, H., 1989a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sphagnum columniforme H. Crum, 1994 – [Crum, H., 1994b]  Sphagnum connectens Warnstorf & Cardot, 1907  Sphagnum contortulum H. Crum, 1991 – [Crum, H., 1991a]  Sphagnum contortum Schultz, 1819 [Jul] – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]  Sphagnum costae H. Crum & Pinheiro da Costa, 1994 – [Crum, H. & D. Pinheiro da Costa, 1994]  Sphagnum cribriforme H. Crum, 1993 – [Crum, H., 1993a]  Sphagnum cristatum Hampe, 1874 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Ramsay, H. P., 1984; Fife, A. J., 1996b]  Sphagnum crumii Schäfer-Verwimp, 1998 – [Schäfer-Verwimp, A., 1998]  Sphagnum cucullatum Warnstorf, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum cuculliforme H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987c; Crum, H., 1990a]  Sphagnum cundinamarcanum H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sphagnum curicuriariense H. Crum & W. R. Buck, 1992 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1992]  Sphagnum curvatulum H. Crum, 1993 – [Crum, H., 1993c; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sphagnum cuspidatulum C. Müller, 1874 – [Eddy, A., 1977; Eddy, A., 1985; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrhart ex G. F. Hoffmann, 1796 – [Eddy, A., 1985; Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Yano, O., J. R. Pirani & D. P. Santos, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a]  Sphagnum cyclocladum Warnstorf, 1899 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum cyclophyllum Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Crum, H., 1984a; Yano, O., J. R. Pirani & D. P. Santos, 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum davidii Warnstorf, 1905 – [Eddy, A., 1985]  Sphagnum delamboyense Schäfer-Verwimp, 1998 – [Schäfer-Verwimp, A., 1998]  Sphagnum denticulatum Bridel, 1826 – [Pilous, Z., 1971]  Sphagnum dicladum Warnstorf, 1907  Sphagnum dimorphophyllum H. Crum & W. R. Buck, 1992 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1992; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum dissimile Roivainen, 1937 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Sphagnum divisum H. Crum, 1992 – [Crum, H., 1992b]  Sphagnum dominii Kavina, 1916 – [Streimann, H. & 


Sphagnum compactum Lamarck & A. P. de Candolle, 1805 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Fife, A. J., 1996b]  Sphagnum condensatum Bridel, 1798  Sphagnum conflatum C. Müller ex Warnstorf, 1911 – [Yano, O., 1981]

J. Curnow, 1989]  Sphagnum dusenioides Roivainen, 1937 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Sphagnum elenkini Semenov, 1921  Sphagnum engelii H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995c]  Sphagnum ericetorum Bridel, 1806 – [Eddy, A., 1985]  Sphagnum exile H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995a]  Sphagnum exquisitum H. Crum, 1992 – [Crum, H., 1992b]  Sphagnum falcatulum Bescherelle, 1885 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Fife, A. J., 1996b]  Sphagnum fallax Klinggräff, 1881 – [Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Sphagnum fimbriatum Wilson in W. J. Hooker, 1847 – [Eddy, A., 1985; Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H., 1984a]  Sphagnum fitzgeraldii Renauld & Cardot in Lesquereux & T. P. James, 1884 – [Crum, H., 1984a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum flaccidum Bescherelle, 1877 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1988]  Sphagnum flavicomans (Cardot) Warnstorf, 1911 – [Crum, H., 1984a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Crum, H., 1990b]  Sphagnum flexuosum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1851 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]  Sphagnum fontanum C. Müller in Warnstorf, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum frahmii H. Crum, 1997 – [Crum, H., 1995a; Crum, H., 1997]  Sphagnum fraudulentum H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995a]  Sphagnum funkiae H. Crum, 1994 – [Crum, H., 1994b]  Sphagnum fuscum (W. P. Schimper) Klinggräff, 1872 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum garysmithii H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum geraisense H. Crum, 1992 – [Crum, H., 1992b]  Sphagnum girgensohnii Russow, 1865 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]


Sphagnum globicephalum C. Müller ex Warnstorf, 1911 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum gomezii H. Crum, 1984 – [Crum, H., 1984c; Crum, H., 1994a]  Sphagnum gordjogini Semenov, 1921  Sphagnum gracilescens Hampe ex C. Müller, 1862 – [Crum, H., 1990c]  Sphagnum grasslii H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995b]  Sphagnum griseum Warnstorf, 1898 – [Yano, O.,  Sphagnum henryense Warnstorf, 1900 – [Crum, H., 1984a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Karlin, E. F. & R. E. Andrus, 1995]  Sphagnum herteri H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995b]  Sphagnum homophyllum H. Crum, 1992 – [Crum, H., 1992b]  Sphagnum huilense H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995d]  Sphagnum imbricatum Hornschuch ex Russow, 1865 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Yano, O., J. R. Pirani & D. P. Santos, 1985; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]  Sphagnum imperforatum H. Crum, 1989 – [Crum, H., 1989a; Crum, H., 1990a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sphagnum incertum Warnstorf & Cardot, 1907  Sphagnum incommodum H. Crum, 1994 – [Crum, H., 1994b]  Sphagnum inretortum H. Crum, 1990 – [Crum, H., 1990d]  Sphagnum inundatum Russow, 1894 – [Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H., 1984a, as Sphagnum subsecundum var. inundatum]  Sphagnum irwinii H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum isoviitae Flatberg, 1992 – [Flatberg, K. I., 1992]  Sphagnum itabense H. Crum & W. R. Buck, 1988 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1988]  Sphagnum itatiaiae C. Müller & Warnstorf, 1897 – [Crum, H., 1990b; Crum, H., 1993a]  Sphagnum jensenii H. Lindberg, 1899 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. A., 1986c; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Sphagnum juliforme H. Crum, 1994 – [Crum, H., 1994b]  Sphagnum junghuhnianum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1854 – [Eddy, A., 1977; Crum, H., 1984a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Sphagnum krylovi Semenov, 1921  Sphagnum kushiroense H. Suzuki, 1958  Sphagnum laceratum C. Müller & Warnstorf, 1897 – [Crum, H., 1990b]  Sphagnum laegaardii H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum lankesteri H. Crum, 1984 – [Crum, H.,


1981] Sphagnum guanabarae H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum guwassanense Warnstorf, 1911  Sphagnum hamiltonii H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995d]  Sphagnum hampeanum Venturi, 1899  Sphagnum harleyi H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum helenicum Warnstorf, 1891 1984c; Crum, H., 1994a]  Sphagnum laxirameum H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995a; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sphagnum laxiramosum H. Crum, 1997 – [Crum, H., 1997]  Sphagnum laxulum H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995a]  Sphagnum lenense H. Lindberg ex Savicz-Ljubitskaya, 1936 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]  Sphagnum lescurii Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Reese, W. D., 1984]  Sphagnum lewisii H. Crum, 1993 – [Crum, H., 1993c; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sphagnum liesneri H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995c]  Sphagnum limbatum Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H., 1990b; Crum, H., 1994c; Crum, H., 1994a]  Sphagnum lindbergii W. P. Schimper in Lindberg, 1857 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum longicomosum C. Müller ex Warnstorf, 1899 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum longistolo C. Müller in Warnstorf, 1897 – [Yano, O., J. R. Pirani & D. P. Santos, 1985; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum luzonense Warnstorf, 1898 – [Eddy, A., 1977; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Sphagnum macrophyllum Bernhardi ex Bridel, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Crum, H., 1984a; Crum, H., 1994a]  Sphagnum maegdefraui H. Suzuki in Mägdefrau, 1983 – [Magdefrau, K., 1983]  Sphagnum magellanicum Bridel, 1798 – [Crum, H., 1984a; Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Eddy, A., 1977]  Sphagnum magistri H. Crum, 1994 – [Crum, H., 1994b]  Sphagnum majus (Russow) C. E. O. Jensen, 1890 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]  Sphagnum mendocinum Sullivant, 1874 – [Crum, H., 1984a]  Sphagnum meridense (Hampe) C. Müller, 1848 – [Crum, H., 1994c; Crum, H., 1990b; Crum, H., 1994a]  Sphagnum microcuspidatum H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum microporum Warnstorf ex Cardot, 1904 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] 



Sphagnum minutulum C. Müller & Warnstorf, 1897 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum mirabile C. Müller & Warnstorf, 1897 – [Crum, H., 1993a]  Sphagnum mississippiense Andrus, 1987 – [Andrus, R. E., 1987]  Sphagnum molle Sullivant, 1846 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]  Sphagnum moronum H. Crum, 1994 – [Crum, H., 1994b]  Sphagnum mosenii Warnstorf, 1906 – [Crum, H., 1995d]  Sphagnum novo-guineense Fleischer & Warnstorf, 1911 – [Eddy, A., 1977]  Sphagnum novo-zelandicum Mitten, 1859 – [Fife, A. J., 1996b]  Sphagnum obliquefibrosum H. Crum, 1992 – [Crum, H., 1992b]  Sphagnum obtusum Warnstorf, 1877 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]  Sphagnum olafii Flatberg, 1993 – [Flatberg, K. I., 1993b]  Sphagnum oligoporum Warnstorf & Cardot, 1907 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Sphagnum orientale Savicz-Ljubitskaya, 1951 – [Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968]  Sphagnum ornatum H. Crum, 1985 – [Crum, H., 1985c; Crum, H., 1993b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sphagnum ovalifolium Warnstorf, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum ovatum Hampe in C. Müller, 1874 – [Eddy, A., 1977; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Sphagnum oxyphyllum Warnstorf, 1890 – [Yano, O., J. R. Pirani & D. P. Santos, 1985; Crum, H., 1990b]  Sphagnum pacificum Flatberg, 1989 – [Flatberg, K. I., 1989]  Sphagnum pallens Warnstorf & Cardot, 1907  Sphagnum palustre Linnaeus, 1753 – [Crum, H., 1984a; Yano, O., J. R. Pirani & D. P. Santos, 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum papillosum Lindberg, 1872 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Yano, O., J. R. Pirani & D. P. Santos, 1985; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum paranense H. Crum, 1994 – [Crum, H., 1994b]  Sphagnum parcoramosum H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum pendulirameum H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum perforatum Warnstorf, 1891 – [Crum, H., 1993a]


Sphagnum multifibrosum Li Xing-jiang & Zang Mu in Li Xing-jiang, 1984 – [Li Xing-jiang, 1984; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Sphagnum multiporosum H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum negrense Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1992; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum nepalense H. Suzuki in Noguchi in H. Hara, 1966 – [Noguchi, A., 1966; Gangulee, H. C., 1969]  Sphagnum nitidulum Warnstorf, 1911  Sphagnum nitidum Warnstorf, 1895  Sphagnum novae-caledoniae Paris & Warnstorf, 1910 – [Eddy, A., 1977] 

Sphagnum perichaetiale Hampe in C. Müller, 1848 – [Eddy, A., 1977; Eddy, A., 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Magill, R. E., 1981; Crum, H., 1994c; Crum, H., 1994a; Fife, A. J., 1996b]  Sphagnum perrieri Thériot, 1922  Sphagnum personatum Roivainen, 1937 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Sphagnum planifolium C. Müller, 1887 – [Eddy, A., 1985]  Sphagnum platyphylloides Warnstorf, 1891 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Sphagnum platyphylloideum Warnstorf in Brotherus, 1891 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum platyphyllum (Lindberg) Warnstorf, 1884 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H., 1994a]  Sphagnum pluriporosum H. Crum, 1994 – [Crum, H., 1994b]  Sphagnum poasense H. Crum, 1989 – [Crum, H., 1989a; Crum, H., 1994a]  Sphagnum portoricense Hampe, 1852 – [Crum, H., 1984a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Crum, H., 1994a]  Sphagnum pseudomedium Warnstorf, 1891  Sphagnum pseudoramulinum H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum pulchrum (Lindberg in Braithwaite) Warnstorf, 1900 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum pulvinatum H. Crum, 1985 – [Crum, H., 1985c]  Sphagnum pungifolium Li Xing-jiang, 1993 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Li Xing-jiang, 1993]  Sphagnum pycnocladulum C. Müller, 1887 – [Eddy, A., 1985; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Sphagnum pylaesii Bridel, 1827 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum quinquefarium (Lindberg in Braithwaite) Warnstorf, 1886 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum ramulinum Warnstorf, 1898 – [Crum, H., 1987e]


Sphagnum reclinatum H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995a]  Sphagnum recurvum Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Crum, H., 1984a; Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1990; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Sphagnum reichardtii Hampe in Warnstorf, 1890 – [Eddy, A., 1985]  Sphagnum richardsianum H. Crum, 1978 – [Crum, H., 1978; Crum, H., 1994c]  Sphagnum rio-negrense H. Crum, 1997 – [Crum, H., 1997]  Sphagnum riparium Ångström, 1864 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja,  Sphagnum rotundifolium C. Müller & Warnstorf, 1897 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum rubellum Wilson, 1855 – [Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Crum, H., 1984a, as Sphagnum capillifolium var. tenellum]  Sphagnum rubiginosum Flatberg, 1993 – [Flatberg, K. I., 1993a]  Sphagnum rubroflexuosum Andrus, 1988 – [Andrus, R. E., 1988b]  Sphagnum rugense Warnstorf, 1913  Sphagnum russowii Warnstorf, 1886 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum rutenbergeri C. Müller in C. Müller & Geheeb, 1881 – [Eddy, A., 1985]  Sphagnum sancto-josephense H. Crum & Crosby, 1974 – [Crum, H. A. & M. R. Crosby, 1974; Crum, H., 1994a; Griffin, D., III, 1981]  Sphagnum sanguinale Warnstorf, 1898 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1992; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum santanderense H. Crum, 1993 – [Crum, H., 1993c; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Sphagnum schofieldii H. Crum, 1984 – [Crum, H., 1984a]  Sphagnum schwabeanum Paul in Herzog, 1939 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Sphagnum scorpioides (Hampe) H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995b]  Sphagnum sehnemii H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum septatoporosum H. Crum, 1994 – [Crum, H., 1994b]  Sphagnum septatum Warnstorf, 1911  Sphagnum sericeum C. Müller, 1847 – [Eddy, A., 1977; Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Sphagnum simplex Fife, 1996 – [Fife, A. J., 1996b]  Sphagnum simplicicaulis H. Crum, 1990 – [Crum, H., 1990a]  Sphagnum sipmanii H. Crum in Sipman, 1992 – [Sipman, H. J. M., 1992]  Sphagnum skyense Flatberg, 1988 – [Flatberg, K. I., 1988b; Corley, M. F. V. & A. C. Crundwell, 1991]  Sphagnum slooveri A. Eddy, 1985 – [Eddy, A., 1985]


L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum ripense H. Crum & W. R. Buck, 1992 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1992]  Sphagnum robinsonii Warnstorf, 1912 – [Eddy, A., 1977]  Sphagnum roraimense Warnstorf, 1915 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum roseum Warnstorf, 1904 – [Crum, H., 1990b]  Sphagnum rotundatum C. Müller & Warnstorf, 1897 – [Yano, O., J. R. Pirani & D. P. Santos, 1985; Crum, H., 1993a] 

Sphagnum sonsonense H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995d]  Sphagnum sordidum C. Müller ex Warnstorf, 1899 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum sparsum Hampe, 1870 – [Crum, H., 1994a; Yano, O., J. R. Pirani & D. P. Santos, 1985]  Sphagnum splendens Maass, 1967 – [Maass, W. S. G, 1967; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Crum, H., 1984a]  Sphagnum squarrifolium Warnstorf, 1894  Sphagnum squarrosum Crome in Hoppe, 1803 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Crum, H., 1994c; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Fife, A. J., 1996b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Sphagnum steerei Andrus, 1988 – [Andrus, R. E., 1988a; Andrus, R. E., 1987 [1988]]  Sphagnum strictum Sullivant, 1846 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Eddy, A., 1985; Eddy, A., 1977; Crum, H., 1994a]  Sphagnum subacutifolium W. P. Schimper in Warnstorf, 1895  Sphagnum subaequifolium Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum subbalticum Warnstorf, 1908  Sphagnum subditivum H. Crum, 1997 – [Crum, H., 1997]  Sphagnum subfalcatulum Roivainen, 1937 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Sphagnum subfulvum Sjörs, 1944 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum subhomophyllum H. Crum, 1997 – [Crum, H., 1997]  Sphagnum submedium Warnstorf, 1906 – [Crum, H., 1990a; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum subnitens Russow & Warnstorf, 1888 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Fife, A. J., 1996b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Sphagnum subobesum Warnstorf, 1900 – [Iwatsuki, Z.,



1991; Crum, H., 1984a, as Sphagnum subsecundum var. junsaiense]  Sphagnum subovalifolium C. Müller & Warnstorf, 1897 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum subrigidum Hampe & Lorentz, 1868 – [Crum, H., 1995d]  Sphagnum subrufescens Warnstorf, 1911 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum subsecundoides H. Crum & W. R. Buck, 1992 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1992; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum subsecundum Nees in Sturm, 1819 [Apr] – [Eddy, A., 1977; Yano, O., J. R. Pirani & D. P. Santos, 1985; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Crum, H., 1984a; Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1990]  Sphagnum tenerum Sullivant & Lesquereux ex Sullivant in A. Gray, 1856 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum teres (W. P. Schimper) Ångström in C. J. Hartman, 1861 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Sphagnum torreyanum Sullivant, 1849 – [Crum, H., 1984a]  Sphagnum tosaense Warnstorf, 1908  Sphagnum trinitense C. Müller, 1848 – [Crum, H., 1994a; Reese, W. D., 1984]  Sphagnum triporosum H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H., 1995b]  Sphagnum trirameum H. Crum, 1989 – [Crum, H., 1989a; Crum, H., 1994a]  Sphagnum troendelagicum Flatberg, 1988 – [Corley, M. F. V. & A. C. Crundwell, 1991; Flatberg, K. I., 1988a]  Sphagnum truncatum Hornschuch, 1841 – [Eddy, A., 1985; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Sphagnum tumidulum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Eddy, A., 1985]  Sphagnum tundrae Flatberg, 1994 – [Flatberg, K. I., 1994]  Sphagnum turgens Warnstorf, 1906 – [Crum, H., 1995d]  Sphagnum turgescens Warnstorf, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum typicum Meylan, 1905  Sphagnum uleanum C. Müller, 1887 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum umbrosum Warnstorf, 1906 – [Crum, H., 1995d]  Sphagnum veresczagini Semenov, 1929  Sphagnum versiporum Warnstorf, 1911 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Sphagnum violascens C. Müller, 1887 – [Eddy, A., 1985]  Sphagnum viride Flatberg, 1988 – [Flatberg, K. I., 1988c]  Sphagnum vitalii H. Crum, 1991 – [Crum, H., 1991a; Crum, H., 1993b]  Sphagnum wieboldtii H. Crum, 1995 – [Crum, H.,

Sphagnum subserratum Roivainen, 1937 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Sphagnum subtile (Russow) Warnstorf, 1903 – [Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Sphagnum sucrei H. Crum, 1987 – [Crum, H., 1987e]  Sphagnum sumapazense H. Crum, 1997 – [Crum, H., 1997]  Sphagnum tabuleirense Yano & H. Crum, 1992 – [Crum, H., 1993b; Yano, O. & H. Crum, 1992]  Sphagnum tenellum (Bridel) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a] 1995b] Sphagnum wilfii H. Crum, 1984 – [Crum, H., 1984a]  Sphagnum wulfianum Girgensohn, 1860 – [Daniels, R. E. & A. Eddy, 1985; Crum, H., 1984a; Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. & Z. N. Smirnova, 1968; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a] Spiridens Nees, 1823 {1/0/0/10/0=11} SPIRIDENTACEAE  Spiridens aristifolius Mitten, 1868  Spiridens armatus E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Spiridens balfourianus Greville, 1848 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Spiridens camusii Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Spiridens capilliferus Mitten, 1868 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Spiridens cheesmaniae Sherrin, 1938  Spiridens flagellosus W. P. Schimper, 1865 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Spiridens longifolius Lindau, 1865  Spiridens perichaetialis E. B. Bartram & B. Willis, 1957  Spiridens reinwardtii Nees, 1823  Spiridens vieillardii W. P. Schimper, 1865 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Spiridentopsis Brotherus, 1906 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTEROBRYACEAE  Spiridentopsis longissima (Raddi) Brotherus, 1906 – [Crum, H., 1987d; Sehnem, A., 1972] Splachnobryum C. Müller, 1869 {12/0/2/11/1=26} SPLACHNOBRYACEAE  Splachnobryum aquaticum C. Müller, 1876 – [Arts, T., 1996]  Splachnobryum arabicum Dixon, 1934 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Splachnobryum assamicum Dixon, 1937 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Splachnobryum baileyi Brotherus, 1888 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Splachnobryum bengalense Gangulee, 1974 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Splachnobryum flaccidum (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Braithwaite, 1872 – [Eddy, A., 1996; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Splachnobryum geheebii Fleischer, 1904 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Splachnobryum giganteum Brotherus, 1929 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996; Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Splachnobryum gracile Bescherelle, 1885 – [Arts, T., 1996]  Splachnobryum indicum Hampe & C. Müller, 1872 – [Eddy, A., 1996; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Splachnobryum latifolium E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [cited by Eddy, A., 1996 as insufficiently known]  Splachnobryum limbatum Norris & Zander, 1981 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Splachnobryum lorentzii C. Müller, 1882 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Splachnobryum spruceanum C. Müller, 1872 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Splachnobryum stuartii H. O. Whittier in H. A. Miller, H. O. Whittier & Bonner, 1963 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & C. E. B. Bonner, 1963]  Splachnobryum synoicum H. Robinson, 1964 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Splachnobryum valdiviae C. Müller, 1897  Splachnobryum wiemansii Fleischer, 1904 – [Excluded by Eddy, A., 1996] Splachnum Hedwig, 1801 {8/1/0/2/0=11} SPLACHNACEAE  Splachnum adolphi-friederici Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Koponen, A., 1983]  Splachnum ampullaceum Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Nyholm, E., 1989; Eddy, A., 1996; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Splachnum austriacum Bridel, 1801  Splachnum luteum Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Splachnum melanocaulon (Wahlenberg) Schwägrichen, 1823 – [Nyholm, E., 1989]  Splachnum pensylvanicum (Bridel) Grout ex H. Crum, 1966 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Splachnum resectum (Haller ex Bridel) Palisot de Beauvois, 1805  Splachnum rubrum Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Splachnum sphaericum Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Splachnum vasculosum Hedwig, 1801 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Splachnum weberbaueri Reimers, 1929 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Squamidium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906 {7/0/2/1/0=10} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Squamidium angustifolium Sehnem, 1980 – [Sehnem, A., 1980]  Squamidium brasiliense (Hornschuch) Brotherus, 1906 – [Allen, B. H. & M. R. Crosby, 1986b; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Squamidium cuspidatum Sehnem, 1980 – [Sehnem,



Splachnobryum novae-guineae Brotherus, 1893 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Splachnobryum obtusum (Bridel) C. Müller, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Splachnobryum oorschotii (Sande Lacoste) C. Müller, 1876 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Splachnobryum ovalifolium Fleischer, 1904 – [cited by Eddy, A., 1996 as insufficiently known]  Splachnobryum pacificum Dixon, 1928 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Splachnobryum procerrimum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1928 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Splachnobryum schofieldii Banu-Fattah & Hadiuzzaman, 1997 – [Banu-Fattah, K. & S. Hadiuzzaman, 1997]  Splachnobryum siamense Cardot & Thériot, 1911 A., 1980] Squamidium diversicoma (Hampe) Brotherus, 1906 – [Allen, B. H. & M. R. Crosby, 1986b; Spessard-Schueth, L., 1994c]  Squamidium isocladum (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1906 – [Allen, B. H. & M. R. Crosby, 1986b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Squamidium leucotrichum (Taylor) Brotherus, 1906 – [Allen, B. H. & M. R. Crosby, 1986b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Squamidium livens (Schwägrichen) Brotherus, 1925 – [Allen, B. H. & M. R. Crosby, 1986b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Squamidium macrocarpum (Spruce ex Mitten) Brotherus, 1906 – [Allen, B. H. & M. R. Crosby, 1986b]  Squamidium nigricans (W. J. Hooker in Kunth) Brotherus, 1906 – [Allen, B. H. & M. R. Crosby, 1986b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Squamidium ternstroemiae (Bridel) Brotherus, 1925 – [cited by Allen, B. H. & M. R. Crosby, 1986b as insufficiently known] Steerecleus H. Robinson, 1987 {2/2/0/0/0=4} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Steerecleus argute-serratus (E. B. Bartram) H. Robinson, 1987 – [Robinson, H., 1987]  Steerecleus beskeanus (C. Müller) H. Robinson, 1987 – [Robinson, H., 1987]  Steerecleus scariosus (Taylor) H. Robinson, 1987 – [Robinson, H., 1987; McFarland, K. D., 1994d, as Rhynchostegium scariosum]  Steerecleus serrulatus (Hedwig) H. Robinson, 1987 – [Robinson, H., 1987; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Rhynchostegium serrulatum; McFarland, K. D., 1994d, as Rhynchostegium serrulatum] Steereobryon G. L. Smith, 1971 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POLYTRICHACEAE  Steereobryon subulirostrum (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) G. L. Smith, 1971 – [Merrill, G. L. S., 1994; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Stegonia Venturi, 1883 {2/0/0/1/0=3} POTTIACEAE 

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Stegonia hyalinotrichum (Cardot & Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994y, as Phascum hyalinotrichum]  Stegonia latifolia (Schwägrichen in Schultes) Venturi ex Brotherus, 1923 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Lawton, E., 1971, as Pottia latifolia; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Stegonia mouretii (Corbière) Brotherus, 1924 Stenocarpidiopsis Fleischer ex Brotherus, 1925 {0/1/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Stenocarpidiopsis salicicola (Mitten) Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R., 1981b] Stenocarpidium C. Müller, 1897 {1/0/0/0/0=1} STEREOPHYLLACEAE  Stenocarpidium leucodon C. Müller, 1897 – [Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985]  Stenotheciopsis serrula (Mitten) Fleischer, 1923 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980] Steppomitra Vondráek & Hadac, 1965 {1/0/0/0/0=1} FUNARIACEAE  Steppomitra hadacii Vondráek, 1965 [1966] – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975] Stereodon Mitten, 1859 =Hypnum {0/0/0/5/0=5} HYPNACEAE  Stereodon aureo-nitidus Dixon, 1917  Stereodon bipinnatus Mitten, 1891  Stereodon lilliei Dixon, 1930  Stereodon subhamulosus Kindberg, 1910  Stereodon vivicola C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1926 Stereodontopsis R. S. Williams, 1914 {1/1/0/0/0=2} HYPNACEAE  Stereodontopsis excavata (Brotherus in Rechinger) Ando, 1971 – [Ando, H., 1971]  Stereodontopsis pseudorevoluta (Reimers) Ando, 1963 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994] Stereophyllum Mitten, 1859 {3/0/0/18/2=23} STEREOPHYLLACEAE  Stereophyllum andungense (Welwitsch & Duby) Gepp in Hiern, 1901 – [cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known]  Stereophyllum aptychopsis C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a as insufficiently known; cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Stereophyllum brunnthaleri Brotherus, 1913 – [cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known]  Stereophyllum cataractarum Herzog, 1927 – [cited by Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a as insufficiently known; cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known]  Stereophyllum confusum Thériot, 1916 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Stereophyllum favaroi Tosco & Piovano, 1956 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Stereophyllum fulvum (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Jaeger, 1880 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]

Stenodesmus (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 {0/0/0/1/0=1} PILOTRICHACEAE  Stenodesmus tenuicuspis (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 Stenodictyon (Mitten) Jaeger, 1877 {3/0/0/0/0=3} PILOTRICHACEAE  Stenodictyon bisodalense B. H. Allen, Crosby & Magill, 1986 – [Allen, B. H., M. R. Crosby & R. E. Magill, 1985 [1986]]  Stenodictyon pallidum H. Crum & Steere, 1956 – [Allen, B. H., M. R. Crosby & R. E. Magill, 1985 [1986]; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Stenodictyon wrightii (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Crosby, 1976 – [Allen, B. H., M. R. Crosby & R. E. Magill, 1985 [1986]] Stenotheciopsis Fleischer, 1923 {1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE 

Stereophyllum guineense Brotherus & Paris, 1903 Stereophyllum jamaicense C. Müller, 1897 – [cited by Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a as insufficiently known]  Stereophyllum laxirete Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1929 – [cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known]  Stereophyllum lepidopiloides (C. Müller) Wijk & Margadant, 1959 – [cited by Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a as insufficiently known; cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Stereophyllum leucothallum C. Müller, 1898 – [cited by Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a as insufficiently known]  Stereophyllum limnobioides Renauld, 1891 – [cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Stereophyllum macrocarpum J. Taylor & Potier de la Varde, 1954 – [cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known]  Stereophyllum moelleri Brotherus in H. A. Möller, 1919 – [cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known]  Stereophyllum neocaledonicum Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known; Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Stereophyllum omalosekos (Welwitsch & Duby) Jaeger, 1880 – [cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known]  Stereophyllum radiculosum (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994a; Ireland, R. R. & W. R. Buck, 1994d; Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Stereophyllum reclinatum Brotherus & Paris, 1905 – [cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known]  Stereophyllum rigescens Brotherus, 1894 – [cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES known]  Stereophyllum subacuminatum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930 – [Excluded by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985]  Stereophyllum vitiense Dixon, 1930 – [Excluded by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985]  Stereophyllum woodii (Sim) Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [cited by Buck, W. R. & R. R. Ireland, 1985 as insufficiently known; Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Sloover, J. L. de, 1983] Steyermarkiella H. Robinson, 1965 {0/0/1/0/0=1} DICRANACEAE  Steyermarkiella anomalodictya H. Robinson, 1965 – [Robinson, H., 1965b] Stonea Zander, 1989 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Stonea oleaginosa (Stone) Zander, 1989 – [Zander, R. Streblotrichum Palisot de Beauvois, 1804 =Barbula {0/0/1/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Streblotrichum propaguliferum Li Xing-jiang & Zhang Man-xiang, 1983 – [Li Xing-jiang & Man-xiang Zhang, 1983] Streptocalypta C. Müller, 1879 {3/1/0/0/0=4} POTTIACEAE  Streptocalypta lorentziana C. Müller, 1879 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Streptocalypta pulchriretis (Dixon) Zander, 1993 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Tortula oleaginosa; Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Weisiopsis pulchriretis]  Streptocalypta santosii (E. B. Bartram) Zander, 1982 [1983] – [Zander, R. H., 1994h; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Streptocalypta tortelloides (Cardot) Zander, 1982 [1983] – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994h] Streptopogon (Taylor) Wilson ex Mitten, 1851 {5/5/0/3/0=13} POTTIACEAE  Streptopogon calymperes C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1881 – [Sharp, A. J., 1994; Sloover, J. L. de, 1976b; Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Matteri, C. M. & M. M. Schiavone, 1998]  Streptopogon calymperoides Demaret & Potier de la Varde, 1956 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Streptopogon cavifolius Mitten, 1869 – [Sharp, A. J., 1994; Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Matteri, C. M. & M. M. Schiavone, 1998]  Streptopogon clavipes Spruce ex Mitten, 1869 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Streptopogon elimbatus Cardot in Potier de la Varde, 1940  Streptopogon erythrodontus (Taylor) Wilson, 1851 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Sloover, J. L. de, 1976b; Sharp, A. J., 1994; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Matteri, C. M. & M. M. Schiavone, 1998]  Streptopogon heterophyllus Herzog, 1916 – [Sharp,


H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1989; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Tortula oleaginosa; Zander, R. H., 1989] Stoneobryum Norris & H. Robinson, 1981 {1/0/1/0/0=2} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Stoneobryum bunyaense Norris & H. Robinson, 1981 – [Norris, D. H. & H. Robinson, 1981]  Stoneobryum mirum (Lewinsky) Norris & H. Robinson, 1981 – [Norris, D. H. & H. Robinson, 1981; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] Straminergon Hedenäs, 1993 {1/0/0/0/0=1} CAMPYLIACEAE  Straminergon stramineum (Dickson ex Bridel) Hedenäs, 1993 – [Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Kanda, H., 1976 [1977], as Calliergon stramineum; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Calliergon stramineum] A. J., 1994; Zander, R. H., 1993] Streptopogon juarezii A. J. Sharp, 1986 – [Sharp, A. J., 1986; Zander, R. H., 1993; Sharp, A. J., 1994]  Streptopogon lindigii Hampe, 1851 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Streptopogon matudianus H. Crum, 1952 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Sharp, A. J., 1994; Matteri, C. M. & M. M. Schiavone, 1998]  Streptopogon spathulatus Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Streptopogon stenophyllus Potier de la Varde & Thériot, 1940 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Streptopogon subelimbatus Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [cited by Sloover, J. L. de, 1976b as insufficiently known; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] Streptotrichum Herzog, 1916 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Streptotrichum ramicola Herzog, 1916 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Strombulidens W. R. Buck, 1981 {1/0/0/0/0=1} DITRICHACEAE  Strombulidens longirostris (Fleischer) W. R. Buck, 1981 – [Buck, W. R., 1981c] Struckia C. Müller, 1893 {2/0/0/0/0=2} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Struckia argentata (Mitten) C. Müller, 1893 – [Tan, B. C. & W. R. Buck, 1989; Tixier, P., 1977; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996]  Struckia zerovii (Lazarenko) Hedenäs, 1996 – [Hedenäs, L., 1996c; Tan, B. C., W. R. Buck & M. S. Ignatov, 1990 [1992], as Struckia argentata var. zerovii] Symblepharis Montagne, 1837 {4/1/0/7/0=12} DICRANACEAE  Symblepharis fragilis Mitten, 1869  Symblepharis gracillima C. Müller, 1900  Symblepharis guizhouensis B. C. Tan et al., 1994 – [Tan, B. C., Qi-Wei Lin, M. R. Crosby & Pan-Cheng Wu, 1994]  Symblepharis krausei (Lorentz) Ochyra & Matteri, 1996 – [Ochyra, R. & C. M. Matteri, 1996] 

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Symblepharis lindigii Hampe, 1863 – [Allen, B., 1994a]  Symblepharis marginata Dixon, 1941  Symblepharis oncophoroides Brotherus, 1929 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994]  Symblepharis reinwardtii (Dozy & Molkenboer) Mitten, 1888 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Eddy, A., 1988; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Symblepharis rhacomitrioides Dixon, 1933  Symblepharis sinensis C. Müller, 1898 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Symblepharis tenuis R. S. Williams, 1928 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Symblepharis vaginata (Wilson) Wijk & Margadant, 1959 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Allen, B., 1994a; Gangulee, H. C., 1971] Symphyodon Montagne, 1841 {14/0/1/1/1=17} SYMPHYODONTACEAE  Symphyodon oblongifolius (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1907 – [Excluded by He, Si, 1992; cited by He, Si & J. Snider, 1992 as insufficiently known]  Symphyodon orientalis (Mitten) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909 – [Excluded by He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; Excluded by He, Si, 1992]  Symphyodon perrottetii Montagne, 1841 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992]  Symphyodon pygmaeus (Brotherus) He Si & Snider, 1992 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992]  Symphyodon scaber (Tixier) He Si & Snider, 1992 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992]  Symphyodon scabrisetus Dixon, 1914 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Symphyodon weymouthioides Cardot & Thériot, 1911 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992]  Symphyodon yuennanensis Brotherus, 1929 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992] Symphysodon Dozy & Molkenboer, 1844 {3/0/3/4/0=10} PTEROBRYACEAE  Symphysodon enervis Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Symphysodon gunnii Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Symphysodon langbianensis Tixier, 1970 [1971] – [Tixier, P., 1970 [1971]]  Symphysodon longicuspis (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1906 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Symphysodon neckeroides Dozy & Molkenboer, 1844 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Symphysodon piliferus (Brotherus & Geheeb) Brotherus, 1906 – [Hyvönen, J., 1989b]  Symphysodon siamensis Tixier, 1971-72 [1972] – [Tixier, P., 1971–72 [1972]]  Symphysodon squarrosus Tixier, 1970 [1971] – [Tixier, P., 1970 [1971]]  Symphysodon symphysodontelloides Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1953  Symphysodon vitianus (Sullivant) Brotherus, 1906 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]


Symphyodon angustus (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [He, Si, 1992; He, Si & J. Snider, 1992]  Symphyodon asper (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Symphyodon complanatus Dixon, 1914 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Symphyodon copelandii Brotherus, 1926 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992]  Symphyodon echinatus (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Symphyodon erinaceus (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Symphyodon erraticus (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [He, Si & J. Snider, 1992; He, Si, 1992; Gangulee, H. C., 1977]  Symphyodon gollanioides Noguchi, 1972 – [Noguchi, A., 1972a]  Symphyodon imbricatifolius (Mitten) Churchill, 1994 – [Churchill, S. P., 1994] Symphysodontella Fleischer, 1906 {9/0/0/2/0=11} PTEROBRYACEAE  Symphysodontella attenuatula Fleischer, 1908 – [Magill, R. E., 1980]  Symphysodontella convoluta (Dozy & Molkenboer) Fleischer, 1908 – [Magill, R. E., 1980]  Symphysodontella cylindracea (Montagne) Fleischer, 1908 – [Magill, R. E., 1980]  Symphysodontella involuta (Thwaites & Mitten) Fleischer, 1923 – [Magill, R. E., 1980]  Symphysodontella laxissima E. B. Bartram & Dixon, 1936 – [cited by Magill, R. E., 1980 as insufficiently known]  Symphysodontella parvifolia E. B. Bartram, 1957 – [Magill, R. E., 1980]  Symphysodontella scaphidiophylla (Cardot) Brotherus, 1909 – [cited by Magill, R. E., 1980 as insufficiently known]  Symphysodontella siamensis Dixon, 1935 – [Magill, R. E., 1980]  Symphysodontella splendens (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Touw & Magill in Touw, 1992 – [Touw, A., 1992; Magill, R. E., 1980, as Symphysodontella obtusa]  Symphysodontella subulata Brotherus, 1909 – [Magill, R. E., 1980; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Symphysodontella tortifolia Dixon, 1937 – [Magill, R. E., 1980; Gangulee, H. C., 1976] Synodontia (Duby ex Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1901 =Dicnemon {0/0/0/1/0=1} DICNEMONACEAE  Synodontia connivens (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1901 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Synthetodontium Cardot, 1909 {1/0/0/0/0=1} MIELICHHOFERIACEAE  Synthetodontium pringlei Cardot, 1909 – [Crum, H., 1994j] Syntrichia Bridel, 1801 {45/29/1/3/0=78} POTTIACEAE  Syntrichia aculeata (Wilson) Zander, 1993 – [Zander,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES R. H., 1993] Syntrichia alpestris (Dixon in Herzog) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia ammonsiana (H. Crum & L. E. Anderson) Ochyra, 1992 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Tortula ammonsiana; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Tortula ammonsiana; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Tortula ammonsiana; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Tortula ammonsiana; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1979, as Tortula ammonsiana]  Syntrichia amphidiacea (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula amphidiacea; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Tortula caroliniana; Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Syntrichia amplexa (Lesquereux) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Tortula amplexa; Lawton, E., 1971, as Tortula amplexa]  Syntrichia anderssonii (Ångström) Zander, 1993 –  Syntrichia bogotensis (Hampe) Mitten ex Zander, 1993 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula bogotensis]  Syntrichia bolanderi (Lesquereux & T. P. James) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971, as Tortula bolanderi]  Syntrichia brachyclada (Cardot) Zander, 1993 – [Kramer, W., 1988, as Tortula brachyclada]  Syntrichia brandisii (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia brevisetacea (Hampe ex F. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Kramer, W., 1988, as Tortula brevisetacea]  Syntrichia cainii (H. Crum & L. E. Anderson) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Tortula cainii]  Syntrichia calcicola Amann, 1918 – [Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula calcicolens]  Syntrichia campestris (Dusén) Zander, 1993 – [Kramer, W., 1988, as Tortula campestris; He, Si, 1998]  Syntrichia caninervis Mitten, 1859 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula caninervis]  Syntrichia cavallii (Negri) Ochyra, 1992 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia chisosa (Magill, Delgadillo M. & Stark) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula chisosa]  Syntrichia ciliata (Brotherus) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia costesii (Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia epilosa (Brotherus ex Dusén) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia filaris (C. Müller in Neumayer) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Lightowlers, P. J., 1985a, as Tortula filaris; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Syntrichia flagellaris (W. P. Schimper) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Robinson, H., 1975, as Tortula flagellaris]  Syntrichia fontana (C. Müller in Neumayer) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Lightowlers, P. J., 1985a, 


[Zander, R. H., 1993; Lightowlers, P. J., 1985a, as Tortula anderssonii; Kramer, W., 1988, as Tortula anderssonii]  Syntrichia andicola (Montagne) Ochyra, 1992 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula andicola]  Syntrichia antarctica (Hampe in C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Kramer, W., 1988, as Tortula antarctica]  Syntrichia austro-africana (W. Kramer) Zander, 1993 – [Kramer, W., 1988, as Tortula austro-africana]  Syntrichia baileyi (Brotherus) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia bartramii (Steere in Grout) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula bartramii]  Syntrichia bipedicellata (Britton) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] as Tortula fontana] Syntrichia fragilis (Taylor) Ochyra, 1992 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula fragilis; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Syntrichia geheebiaeopsis (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia gemmascens (Chen Pan-chieh) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Desmatodon gemmascens; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988, as Desmatodon gemmascens]  Syntrichia glacialis (Kunze ex C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [He, Si, 1998]  Syntrichia gromschii (Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia handelii (Schiffner) Agnew & Vondráek, 1975 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula handelii]  Syntrichia inermis (Bridel) Bruch in Hübener, 1833 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Syntrichia intermedia Bridel, 1826 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula intermedia]  Syntrichia jaffuelii (Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia lacerifolia (R. S. Williams) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia laevipila Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Syntrichia latifolia (Bruch ex C. J. Hartman) Hübener, 1833 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971, as Tortula latifolia; Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula latifolia]  Syntrichia leucostega (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Kramer, W., 1988, as Tortula leucostega]  Syntrichia limensis (R. S. Williams) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Kramer, W., 1988, as Tortula limensis]  Syntrichia linguifolia (Herzog) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia magellanica (Montagne in C. Gay) 



Zander, 1993 – [Kramer, W., 1988, as Tortula magellanica; Lightowlers, P. J., 1985a, as Tortula princeps var. magellanica; He, Si, 1998]  Syntrichia magilliana L. E. Anderson, 1997 – [Anderson, L. E., 1997]  Syntrichia mollis (Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia norvegica Weber, 1804 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Tortula norvegica; Saito, K., 1975, as Tortula norvegica; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula norvegica; Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula norvegica]  Syntrichia obtusissima (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula obtusissima]  Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) Amann, 1918 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Tortula pagorum; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Tortula pagorum; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula pagorum; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Tortula pagorum; Saito, K., 1975, as Tortula pagorum]  Syntrichia pseudohandelii (J. Fröhlich) Agnew & Vondráek, 1975 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Syntrichia pseudorobusta (Dusén) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia pygmaea (Dusén) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia ramosissima (Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia reflexa Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia rigescens (Brotherus & Geheeb) Ochyra, 1992 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula rigescens]  Syntrichia robusta (W. J. Hooker & Greville) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Lightowlers, P. J., 1985a, as Tortula robusta]  Syntrichia rubella (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Kramer, W., 1988, as Tortula rubella]  Syntrichia rubra (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia ruralis (Hedwig) Weber & D. Mohr, 1803 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Tortula ruralis; Lawton, E., 1971, as Tortula ruralis; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Tortula ruralis; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula ruralis; Lawton, E., 1971, as Tortula ruralis; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Tortula ruralis; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Tortula ruralis; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula ruralis; Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula ruralis]  Syntrichia saxicola (Cardot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Ochyra, R., 1997a; Ochyra, R., 1997a; Lightowlers, P. J., 1985a, as Tortula saxicola; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Syntrichia scabrella (Dusén) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia scabrinervis (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 –


Syntrichia papillosa (Wilson in Spruce) Juratzka, 1882 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Tortula papillosa; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Tortula papillosa; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Tortula papillosa; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Tortula papillosa]  Syntrichia percarnosa (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Syntrichia phaea (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia princeps (De Notaris) Mitten, 1859 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Lawton, E., 1971, as Tortula princeps; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Tortula princeps; Lightowlers, P. J., 1985a, as Tortula princeps; Mishler, B. D., 1994, as Tortula princeps; Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula princeps]  Syntrichia prostrata (Montagne) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] [Zander, R. H., 1993; Robinson, H., 1975, as Tortula scabrinervis]  Syntrichia schnyderi (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia serrata (Dixon) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia serripungens (Lorentz & C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia sinensis (C. Müller) Ochyra, 1992 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988, as Tortula sinensis; Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula sinensis]  Syntrichia socialis (Dusén) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia subaristata (Bruch & W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Syntrichia submontana (Brotherus) Ochyra, 1992 – [Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula submontana]  Syntrichia subpapillosa (Cardot & Brotherus) Matteri, 1994 – [Matteri, C. M., 1994]  Syntrichia virescens (De Notaris) Ochyra, 1992 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Kramer, W., 1980, as Tortula virescens]  Syntrichia viridula (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Syringothecium Mitten, 1869 {2/0/0/0/0=2} HYPNACEAE  Syringothecium brasiliense Brotherus, 1926 – [Ireland, R. R., 1992b; Buck, W. R., 1989a, as Isopterygium brasiliense]  Syringothecium sprucei Mitten, 1869 – [Ireland, R. R., 1992b; Buck, W. R., 1989a, as Isopterygium sprucei; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Syrrhopodon Schwägrichen, 1824 {66/11/12/9/1=99} CALYMPERACEAE  Syrrhopodon africanus (Mitten) Paris, 1898 – [Reese, W. D., 1995]  Syrrhopodon albo-vaginatus Schwägrichen, 1824 –

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon annotinus W. D. Reese & Griffin, 1976 [1977] – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon aristifolius Mitten, 1868 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995]  Syrrhopodon armatispinosus Lin Pang-juan, 1979 – [Reese, W. D. & Lin Pang-Juan, 1991]  Syrrhopodon armatissimus W. D. Reese, 1991 – [Reese, W. D., 1991]  Syrrhopodon armatus Mitten, 1864 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995]  Syrrhopodon asper Mitten, 1886 – [Reese, W. D., 1991; Orbán, S. & W. D. Reese, 1986]  Syrrhopodon autotomaius W. D. Reese, 1993 – [Reese, W. D., 1994c]  Syrrhopodon bartramii H. O. Whittier in H. A. Miller, H. O. Whittier & Bonner, 1963 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & C. E. B. Bonner, 1963]  Syrrhopodon brasiliensis W. D. Reese, 1983 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon chenii W. D. Reese & Lin Pang-juan, 1989 – [Reese, W. D. & Lin Pang-Juan, 1991]  Syrrhopodon cymbifolius C. Müller, 1900 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon cyrtacanthos W. D. Reese, 1992 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995]  Syrrhopodon disciformis Dusén, 1895 – [Reese, W. D., 1995]  Syrrhopodon elatus Montagne, 1835 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon elongatus Sullivant, 1861 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon erubescens E. B. Bartram, 1951 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon fimbriatus Mitten, 1869 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon fissipapillatus H. O. Whittier, 1976 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Syrrhopodon flammeonervis C. Müller, 1874 – [Reese, W. D. & Lin Pang-Juan, 1991; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon flavifolius C. Müller, 1874  Syrrhopodon flexifolius Mitten, 1869 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon fraserianus Tixier, 1971 – [Tixier, P., 1971]  Syrrhopodon gardneri (W. J. Hooker) Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon gaudichaudii Montagne, 1834 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon graminifolius Renauld & Cardot in Renauld, 1891 – [Reese, W. D., 1991; Orbán, S. & W. D. Reese, 1986]  Syrrhopodon hainanensis W. D. Reese & Lin Pang-juan, 1991 – [Reese, W. D. & Lin Pang-Juan, 1991]  Syrrhopodon helicophyllus Mitten, 1869 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]



Syrrhopodon ciliatus (W. J. Hooker) Schwägrichen, 1823 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon circinatus (Bridel) Mitten, 1869 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon clavatus Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Excluded by Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995]  Syrrhopodon confertus Sande Lacoste, 1872 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon crenulatus (Tixier) W. D. Reese, 1995 – [Reese, W. D., 1995]  Syrrhopodon croceus Mitten, 1859 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon cryptocarpus Dozy & Molkenboer, 1854 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon cuneifolius Thériot, 1924 – [Reese, W. D., 1987; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Syrrhopodon curticancellinatus Norris, W. D. Reese & T. Koponen, 1988 – [Norris, D. H., W. D. Reese & T. Koponen, 1988] 

Syrrhopodon hispidissimus Dixon, 1928 – [Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon hongkongensis Li Zhang in Li Zhang, Corlett & Chau, 1999 – [Zhang, L., R. T. Corlett & L. Chau, 1999]  Syrrhopodon hornschuchii Martius, 1840 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon incompletus Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon involutus Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon isthmi W. D. Reese, 1982 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon japonicus (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1924 – [Reese, W. D. & Lin Pang-Juan, 1991; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Syrrhopodon kiiense Iwatsuki, 1959 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Syrrhopodon laevis (Dixon) Mohamed & W. D. Reese, 1985 [1986] – [Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Syrrhopodon lamprocarpus Mitten, 1883 – [Orbán, S. & W. D. Reese, 1986]  Syrrhopodon lanceolatus (Hampe) W. D. Reese in B. H. Allen, 1994 – [Reese, W. D., 1994c]  Syrrhopodon langbianensis (Tixier) W. D. Reese, 1993 – [Tixier, P., 1967 [1968], as Calymperopsis langbianensis; Tixier, P., 1967 [1968], as Calymperopsis langbianensis]  Syrrhopodon leprieurii Montagne, 1934 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon ligulatus Montagne, 1856 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon lisowskii Orbán, 1987 – [Orbán, S., 1987; Orbán, S. & W. D. Reese, 1986]

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Syrrhopodon loreus (Sande Lacoste) W. D. Reese, 1984 – [Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Syrrhopodon lycopodioides (Swartz ex Bridel) C. Müller, 1849 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon mahensis Bescherelle, 1880 – [Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986]  Syrrhopodon mammillosus C. Müller, 1874 – [Mohamed, H. & W. D. Reese, 1988]  Syrrhopodon mauritianus C. Müller ex Ångström, 1876 – [Reese, W. D., 1996]  Syrrhopodon meijeri W. D. Reese, 1987 [1988] – [Reese, W. D., 1987 [1988]]  Syrrhopodon muelleri (Dozy & Molkenboer) Sande Lacoste, 1870 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon obuduensis Egunyomi & Olarinmoye, 1982 – [Egunyomi, A. & S. O. Olarinmoye., 1982]  Syrrhopodon orientalis W. D. Reese & Lin Pang-juan, 1989 – [Reese, W. D. & Lin Pang-Juan, 1991]  Syrrhopodon parasiticus (Swartz ex Bridel) Paris, 1898 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon peguensis (Bescherelle) W. D. Reese, 1997 – [Ellis, L. T., 1989a, as Heliconema peguense]  Syrrhopodon rodriguezii Renauld & Cardot, 1895 – [Orbán, S. & W. D. Reese, 1986]  Syrrhopodon rupestris Mitten, 1869 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon sarawakensis (Dixon) W. D. Reese, 1988 – [Reese, W. D., 1987 [1988]; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon semicircularis C. Müller, 1889  Syrrhopodon semiliber (Mitten) Bescherelle in Paris, 1898 – [Reese, W. D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon simmondsii Steere, 1946 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon sinii Reimers, 1931 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Syrrhopodon spiculosus W. J. Hooker & Greville, 1825 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon steyermarkii H. Robinson, 1972 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Robinson, H., 1972b]  Syrrhopodon stoneae W. D. Reese, 1989 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995]  Syrrhopodon strigosus (Bridel) Mitten, 1869  Syrrhopodon stuhlmannii Brotherus, 1897 – [Orbán, S. & W. D. Reese, 1986]  Syrrhopodon subdisciformis Dusén, 1896 – [Reese, W. D., 1995; Reese, W. D., 1994b]  Syrrhopodon terebellum C. Müller, 1857 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Syrrhopodon texanus Sullivant, 1856 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon theriotii E. B. Bartram, 1928 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon tixieri W. D. Reese, 1995 – [Reese, W. D., 1995]  Syrrhopodon tjibodensis Fleischer, 1904 – [Reese, W.


Syrrhopodon perangustifolius (W. D. Reese) W. D. Reese in W. D. Reese & Churchill, 1998 – [Reese, W. D. & S. P. Churchill, 1998; Reese, W. D., 1977, as Syrrhopodon incompletus var. perangustifolius]  Syrrhopodon perarmatus Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon perdusenii W. D. Reese, 1994 – [Reese, W. D., 1995; Reese, W. D., 1994b]  Syrrhopodon phragmidiaceus C. Müller, 1886  Syrrhopodon pilulifer Dixon, 1937  Syrrhopodon planifolius Potier de la Varde, 1934 – [Orbán, S. & W. D. Reese, 1986]  Syrrhopodon platycerii Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995]  Syrrhopodon prolifer Schwägrichen, 1827 – [Reese, W. D., 1993; Orbán, S. & W. D. Reese, 1990; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon pulcher W. D. Reese, H. Akiyama & C. C. Townsend, 1991 – [Reese, W. R., H. Akiyama & C. C. Townsend, 1991]  Syrrhopodon rigidus W. J. Hooker & Greville, 1825 – [Reese, W. D., 1993] D., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1986; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon tortilis Hampe, 1872 – [Reese, W. D., 1993]  Syrrhopodon trachyphyllus Montagne, 1856 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon tristichus Nees ex Schwägrichen, 1842 – [Reese, W. D. & I. G. Stone, 1995; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]]  Syrrhopodon usambaricus Brotherus ex Orbán, 1978 – [Orbán, S., 1978; Reese, W. D., 1987]  Syrrhopodon viguieri Thériot, 1924 – [cited by Reese, W. D., 1995 as insufficiently known]  Syrrhopodon virgulicola W. D. Reese, 1994 – [Reese, W. D., 1995]  Syrrhopodon xanthophyllus Mitten, 1869 – [Reese, W. D., 1993] Taiwanobryum Noguchi, 1936 {1/0/0/0/0=1} LEPTODONTACEAE  Taiwanobryum speciosum Noguchi, 1936 – [Lai, M.-j. & T. Koponen, 1981; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Takakia Hattori & H. Inoue, 1958 {2/0/0/0/0=2} TAKAKIACEAE  Takakia ceratophylla (Mitten) Grolle, 1963 – [Schuster, R. M., 1967; Smith, D. K. & P. G. Davison, 1993; Higuchi, M. & Da-cheng Zhang, 1998]  Takakia lepidoziodes Hattori & H. Inoue, 1958 – [Schuster, R. M., 1967] Taxiphyllopsis Higuchi & Deguchi, 1987 {0/0/1/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Taxiphyllopsis iwatsukii Higuchi & Deguchi, 1987 – [Higuchi, M. & H. Deguchi, 1987] Taxiphyllum Fleischer, 1923 {13/4/2/12/0=31} HYPNACEAE  Taxiphyllum alternans (Cardot) Iwatsuki, 1963 –

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1969a]  Taxiphyllum angustirete (Brotherus) W. R. Buck, 1987  Taxiphyllum aomoriense (Bescherelle) Iwatsuki, 1963 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Taxiphyllum arcuatum (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) He Si, 1997 – [He, Si, 1997]  Taxiphyllum autoicum Thériot, 1932  Taxiphyllum barbieri (Cardot & Coppey in Coppey) Iwatsuki, 1982 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1982]  Taxiphyllum cuspidifolium (Cardot) Iwatsuki, 1965 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Ireland, R. R., 1986b]  Taxiphyllum densifolium (Lindberg ex Brotherus) Reimers, 1940 – [Orbán, S. & L. Vajda, 1983]  Taxiphyllum deplanatum (W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Ireland, R. R., 1994f]  Taxiphyllum eberhardtii (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxiphyllum fluitans Brotherus, 1928  Taxiphyllum gabonense Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1925 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Taxiphyllum ramivagum Brotherus, 1897  Taxiphyllum schweinfurthii (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Buck, W. R., 1987b]  Taxiphyllum splendescens (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Taxiphyllum taxirameum (Mitten) Fleischer, 1923 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1986b; Ireland, R. R., 1994f; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Taxiphyllum torrentium (Bescherelle) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Tixier, P., 1988, as Glossadelphus torrentium; Whittier, H. O., 1976, as Glossadelphus torrentium]  Taxiphyllum whittierianum H. A. Miller & D. R. Smith, 1968 [1969] – [Miller, H. A. & D. R. Smith, 1968]  Taxiphyllum wissgrillii (Garovaglio) Wijk & Margadant, 1960 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Orbán, S. & L. Vajda, 1983; Ignatov, M. S., H. Ando & E. A. Ignatova, 1996] Taxitheliella Dixon, 1935 {0/0/0/1/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Taxitheliella richardsii Dixon, 1935 Taxithelium Spruce ex Mitten, 1869 {14/1/2/91/0=108} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Taxithelium afroacuminulatum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898  Taxithelium alare Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Taxithelium andongense (Gepp in Hiern) Brotherus, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Taxithelium annandii Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Taxithelium archboldii E. B. Bartram, 1957  Taxithelium argyrophyllum Renauld & Cardot, 1895 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W.



Taxiphyllum giraldii (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Taxiphyllum inundatum Reimers, 1931 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Taxiphyllum isopterygioides (Dixon) W. R. Buck, 1987  Taxiphyllum laevifolium (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Taxiphyllum laxalare W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Taxiphyllum ligulaefolium (E. B. Bartram) W. R. Buck, 1990 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Taxiphyllum maniae (Renauld & Paris) Fleischer, 1923 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Taxiphyllum moutieri (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxiphyllum papuanum (Brotherus in Schumann & Lauterbach) Fleischer, 1923  Taxiphyllum pilosum (Brotherus & M. Yasuda) Iwatsuki, 1963 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1963]  Taxiphyllum prostratum (Dozy & Molkenboer) W. R. Buck, 1987  Taxiphyllum punctulatum Fleischer, 1923 Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Taxithelium bakeri Brotherus, 1918 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Taxithelium benguetiae Brotherus, 1913 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Taxithelium binsteadii Brotherus & Dixon, 1915 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxithelium borneense Brotherus, 1928  Taxithelium brassii E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Taxithelium capillarisetum (Dixon) Brotherus, 1925  Taxithelium capillipes (Sande Lacoste) Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxithelium chloropterum (C. Müller) Renauld & Cardot, 1901  Taxithelium clastobryoides Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxithelium compressicaule Brotherus, 1897  Taxithelium concavum (W. J. Hooker in Kunth) Spruce ex Florschütz-de Waard, 1996 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996]  Taxithelium confusum Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Taxithelium convolutum Dixon, 1935  Taxithelium deningeri Herzog, 1919  Taxithelium diaphanum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908  Taxithelium dimorphophyllum Dixon & Herzog, 1926  Taxithelium epapillosum Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxithelium falcatulum Brotherus & Paris, 1906 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Taxithelium falcifolium E. B. Bartram, 1933 –



[Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Taxithelium francii Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Taxithelium friedense Norris & T. Koponen, 1985 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985a]  Taxithelium glabratum Brotherus & Geheeb, 1896  Taxithelium glabrisetum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Taxithelium glabriusculum Brotherus, 1897  Taxithelium glaucophyllum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Taxithelium glaucovirens Cardot, 1909 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Taxithelium gottscheanum (Hampe ex C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Taxithelium guineense Brotherus & Paris, 1904  Taxithelium herpetium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Taxithelium hirtellum Paris & Renauld, 1902 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Taxithelium homalophyllum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908  Taxithelium impellucidum (C. Müller) Paris, 1898  Taxithelium inerme Tixier, 1971-72 [1972] – [Tixier, P., 1971–72 [1972]]  Taxithelium instratum (Bridel) Brotherus in Renauld  Taxithelium ludovicae Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Taxithelium magnum Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxithelium meiothecioides Brotherus, 1928  Taxithelium merrillii Brotherus, 1918 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Taxithelium microthamnioides (C. Müller) Paris, 1898 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Taxithelium mundulum (Sullivant) E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Taxithelium muscicola (Brotherus) B. C. Tan, H. P. Ramsay & W. B. Schofield, 1996 – [Tan, B. C., H. P. Ramsay & W. B. Schofield, 1996]  Taxithelium neo-caledonicum Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Taxithelium nigerianum Brotherus & Paris, 1911  Taxithelium nitidulum Brotherus & Paris, 1906 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Taxithelium nossianum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Taxithelium novae-valesiae (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Taxithelium novae-zeelandiae E. B. Bartram & Dixon, 1937  Taxithelium oblongifolium (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Iwatsuki, 1966 – [Iwatsuki, Z., 1966; Tan, B. C. & P. P.-h. But, 1997]  Taxithelium papillisetum Fleischer, 1923  Taxithelium parvulum (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1908 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi,

& Cardot, 1901 – [Tan, B. C. & P. P.-h. But, 1997]  Taxithelium isocladioides Dixon, 1924 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxithelium isocladum (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Renauld & Cardot, 1901 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxithelium juruense (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Buck, W. R., 1985a]  Taxithelium kerianum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Taxithelium kuilui (C. Müller) Renauld & Cardot, 1901  Taxithelium kuniense Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Taxithelium laeviusculum Dixon, 1937 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Taxithelium latitruncatum Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Taxithelium leptopunctatum Brotherus, 1897  Taxithelium leptosigmatum (C. Müller ex Geheeb) Paris in Renauld & Cardot, 1901  Taxithelium levieri (Brotherus & Geheeb) Brotherus, 1925  Taxithelium liukiuense Sakurai, 1932 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994] 1994; Tan, B. C. & P. P.-h. But, 1997]  Taxithelium perglabrum Brotherus & Paris, 1903  Taxithelium perminutum Brotherus, 1897  Taxithelium petrophilum R. S. Williams, 1914 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Taxithelium planissimum Brotherus, 1910  Taxithelium planulum Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Taxithelium planum (Bridel) Mitten, 1869 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Sehnem, A., 1978; Buck, W. R., 1985a; Crum, H., 1994x; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Taxithelium pluripunctatum (Renauld & Cardot) W. R. Buck, 1983 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996; Buck, W. R., 1983a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Taxithelium pobeguinii Brotherus & Paris, 1907,  Taxithelium polyandrum Dixon, 1930 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Taxithelium portoricense R. S. Williams, 1927 – [Crum, H., 1994x; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Taxithelium protensum Dixon, 1930 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Taxithelium pseudoamoenum (Bélanger) Renauld, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Taxithelium ramicola Brotherus, 1913 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Taxithelium ramivagum Brotherus, 1897  Taxithelium rhaphidostegioides (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Taxithelium rhizophoreti (C. Müller) Brotherus,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1908  Taxithelium robinsonii Brotherus, 1918 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Taxithelium rotundatulum Brotherus, 1897  Taxithelium samoanum (Mitten) Mitten, 1871  Taxithelium schmidtii Brotherus, 1901 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxithelium selenithecium (C. Müller) Paris in Brotherus, 1908 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Taxithelium spathulifolium Dixon, 1935 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxithelium spuriosubtile Brotherus, 1910 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Taxithelium stenosekos (Welwitsch & Duby) Brotherus, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Taxithelium subandinum Herzog, 1910  Taxithelium sublaevifolium Brotherus & Paris, 1900 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxithelium suboctodiceras Brotherus & Paris, 1904  Taxithelium subrotundatulum Brotherus & Paris, 1904 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Taxithelium subsimilans (Brotherus & Geheeb) Brotherus, 1909  Taxithelium sumatranum (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Taxithelium tenuisetum (Sullivant) Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Taxithelium tongense (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Tayloria braithwaitiana Tixier, 1974 – [Tixier, P., 1974b]  Tayloria callophylla (C. Müller) Mitten, 1882  Tayloria chiapensis H. Crum, 1952 – [Koponen, A., 1994]  Tayloria dubyi Brotherus, 1903 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985a]  Tayloria froelichiana (Hedwig) Mitten ex Brotherus, 1903 – [Lawton, E., 1971; LaFarge-England, C. & D. H. Vitt, 1985]  Tayloria gunnii (Wilson) J. H. Willis, 1950 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Tayloria hornschuchii (Greville & Arnott) Brotherus, 1903 – [LaFarge-England, C. & D. H. Vitt, 1985; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Tayloria indica Mitten, 1859 – [Eddy, A., 1996; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Tayloria isleana (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1903 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Tayloria jacquemontii (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Mitten, 1859 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & W. C. Steere, 1975]  Tayloria kilimandscharica Brotherus, 1897 – [Koponen, T. & W. A. Weber, 1972]  Tayloria lingulata (Dickson) Lindberg, 1879 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Tayloria longiseta E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [cited by Eddy, A., 1996 as insufficiently known]



Taxithelium trachaelocarpum (Ångström) Brotherus, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Taxithelium uematsui Brotherus ex Iishiba, 1929  Taxithelium ventrifolium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Taxithelium vernieri (Duby) Bescherelle, 1898 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Taxithelium voeltzkowii Brotherus in Voeltzkow, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Taxithelium wattsii Brotherus, 1918 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Taxithelium werneri (Herzog) Brotherus, 1925  Taxithelium wewakense E. B. Bartram, 1961 Tayloria W. J. Hooker, 1816 {24/10/3/3/0=40} SPLACHNACEAE  Tayloria acuminata Hornschuch, 1825 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Tayloria alpicola Brotherus, 1929 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & W. C. Steere, 1975]  Tayloria altorum Herzog, 1916 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Tayloria arenaria (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Koponen, A., 1982]  Tayloria borneensis Dixon, 1935 – [Eddy, A., 1996] 

Tayloria magellanica (Bridel) Mitten, 1869 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985a]  Tayloria maidenii Brotherus, 1916 – [cited by Koponen, A., 1982 as insufficiently known]  Tayloria mirabilis (Cardot) Brotherus, 1903 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985a]  Tayloria nepalensis Iwatsuki & Steere, 1977 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & W. C. Steere, 1975]  Tayloria novo-guinensis E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Tayloria octoblepharum (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1882 – [Eddy, A., 1996; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Tayloria orthodonta (Palisot de Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant, 1968 – [Magill, R. E., 1987]  Tayloria pseudoalpicola Iwatsuki & Steere, 1977 – [Iwatsuki, Z. & W. C. Steere, 1975]  Tayloria purpurascens (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1903 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Tayloria recurvimarginata Noguchi, 1945 – [Chiang, Tzen-Yuh & Chen-Meng Kuo, 1989]  Tayloria reinerii Garovaglio, 1840  Tayloria rubicaulis A. Koponen, 1990 – [Koponen, A., 1990; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Tayloria rudolphiana (Garovaglio) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1845 – [Koponen, A., 1992]  Tayloria sandwicensis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1903 – [Koponen, A., 1982]  Tayloria scabriseta (W. J. Hooker) Mitten, 1869 –



[Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b] Tayloria serrata (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1844 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a]  Tayloria solitaria (Cardot) T. Koponen & W. A. Weber, 1972 – [Koponen, T. & W. A. Weber, 1972]  Tayloria splachnoides (Schleicher ex Schwägrichen) W. J. Hooker, 1816 (Oct.) – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Koponen, A., 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Nyholm, E., 1989]  Tayloria squarrosa (W. J. Hooker) T. Koponen, 1974 – [Koponen, T. & A. Koponen, 1974]  Tayloria stenophysata (Herzog) A. Koponen, 1977 – [Matteri, C. M., 1985a]  Tayloria subglabra (Griffith) Mitten, 1859 – [Eddy, A., 1996; Gangulee, H. C., 1974]  Tayloria tasmanica (Hampe) Brotherus, 1903 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976] Teniolophora W. D. Reese, 1962 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Teniolophora fluviatile (R. S. Williams) W. D. Reese, 1962 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Tetracoscinodon R. Brown ter, 1897 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Tetracoscinodon irroratus (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Tetraphidopsis Brotherus & Dixon, 1912 {1/0/0/0/0=1} PTYCHOMNIACEAE  Tetraphidopsis pusilla (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Dixon, 1913 – [Hattaway, R. A., 1984] Tetraphis Hedwig, 1801 {2/0/0/0/0=2}  Tetraplodon urceolatus (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1844 – [Nyholm, E., 1989] Tetrapterum Hampe ex Jaeger, 1869 {2/2/0/4/0=8} POTTIACEAE  Tetrapterum brachypelma (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Tetrapterum cylindricum (Taylor) Jaeger, 1869 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tetrapterum lamprocarpum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tetrapterum lamprothecium (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tetrapterum sullivanii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tetrapterum tetragonum (W. J. Hooker) Andrews, 1945 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Tetrapterum tetrapteroides (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Tetrapterum weymouthii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Tetrastichium (Mitten) Cardot, 1908 {1/1/0/0/0=2} PILOTRICHACEAE  Tetrastichium fontanum (Mitten) Cardot, 1908 – [Dirkse, G. M, 1988 [1989]]  Tetrastichium virens (Cardot) Churchill, 1989 – [Dirkse, G. M, 1988 [1989]] Tetrodontium Schwägrichen, 1824 {2/1/0/0/0=3} TETRAPHIDACEAE 

TETRAPHIDACEAE Tetraphis geniculata Girgensohn ex Milde, 1865 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Tetraphis pellucida Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987; Smith, A. J. E., 1978] Tetraplodon Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1844 {8/0/0/1/0=9} SPLACHNACEAE  Tetraplodon angustatus (Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1844 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Nyholm, E., 1989; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Tetraplodon blyttii Frisvoll, 1978 – [Nyholm, E., 1989; Frisvoll, A. A., 1978]  Tetraplodon caulescens (Bridel) Lindberg, 1883  Tetraplodon itatiaiae C. Müller, 1898 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Tetraplodon mnioides (Swartz ex Hedwig) Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1844 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988; Nyholm, E., 1989]  Tetraplodon pallidus I. Hagen, 1894 – [Nyholm, E., 1989]  Tetraplodon paradoxus (R. Brown) I. Hagen, 1901 – [Nyholm, E., 1989]  Tetraplodon tomentosus Sehnem, 1976 – [Sehnem, A., 1976] 


Tetrodontium brownianum (Dickson) Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Tetrodontium ovatum (Funck in Hoppe) Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Allen, B., 1995]  Tetrodontium repandum (Funck in Sturm) Schwägrichen, 1824 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Murray, B. M., 1987e] Thamniopsis (Mitten) Fleischer, 1908 {11/0/0/3/0=14} PILOTRICHACEAE  Thamniopsis cheiloneura (C. Müller ex Brotherus) W. R. Buck, 1987  Thamniopsis cruegeriana (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Bowers, F. D., 1994h, as Hookeriopsis cruegeriana]  Thamniopsis diffusa (Wilson ex Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Welch, W. H., 1976, as Hookeriopsis diffusa]  Thamniopsis incurva (Hornschuch) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Matteri, C. M., 1972, as Hookeriopsis incurva]  Thamniopsis killipii (R. S. Williams) E. B. Bartram, 1928 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1986; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Thamniopsis langsdorffii (W. J. Hooker) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Sehnem, A., 1979, as Hookeriopsis langsdorffii; Buck, W. R., 1987a]  Thamniopsis pendula (W. J. Hooker) Fleischer, 1908 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1986; Welch, W. H., 1976; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Thamniopsis purpureophylla (C. Müller ex Britton) W.

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES R. Buck, 1987 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Thamniopsis sinuata (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Thamniopsis stenodictyon (Sehnem) Oliveira-e-Silva & Yano, 1998 – [Sehnem, A., 1979, as Hookeriopsis stenodictyon; Oliveira-e-Silva, M. I. M. N. & O. Yano], 1998]  Thamniopsis terrestris (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Menzel, M., 1992, as Hookeriopsis terrestris]  Thamniopsis undata (Hedwig) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Thamniopsis utacamundiana (Montagne) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998, as Hookeriopsis pappeana]  Thamniopsis versicolor (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987 Thamnium W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 =Thamnobryum {0/0/0/2/0=2} NECKERACEAE  Thamnium dolichomitrioides Noguchi, 1950  Thamnium novae-walesiae Kindberg, 1902 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] Thamnobryum Nieuwland, 1917 {23/6/1/11/0=41} NECKERACEAE  Thamnobryum alleghaniense (C. Müller) Nieuwland, 1917 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Thamnobryum alopecurum (Hedwig) Nieuwland ex Gangulee, 1976 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Thamnobryum aneitense (Mitten in Seemann)  Thamnobryum incurvum (Noguchi) Noguchi & Iwatsuki in Iwatsuki, 1972 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Thamnobryum ingae (Brotherus in Skottsberg) H. Robinson, 1974 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Thamnobryum latifolium (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Nieuwland, 1917 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Thamnobryum macrocarpum (Bridel) Gangulee, 1976 – [cited by Gangulee, H. C., 1976 as insufficiently known]  Thamnobryum maderense (Kindberg) Hedenäs, 1992 – [Hedenäs, L., 1992b]  Thamnobryum malgachum (Cardot in Grandidier) O'Shea, 1995  Thamnobryum microalopecurum (Kindberg) Nieuwland, 1917  Thamnobryum neckeroides (W. J. Hooker) E. Lawton, 1971 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Thamnobryum negrosense (E. B. Bartram) Iwatsuki & B. C. Tan, 1977 – [Enroth, J., 1989b]  Thamnobryum pandum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Stone & G. A. M. Scott, 1973 [1974] – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Thamnobryum parvulum (Mitten) R. S. Chopra, 1977  Thamnobryum pendulirameum (C. Müller) He Si, 1997 – [He, Si, 1997]


Schultze-Motel, 1973 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Thamnobryum angustifolium (Holt) Nieuwland, 1917 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Thamnobryum arbusculosum (C. Müller ex Thériot) H. A. Miller, H. O. Whittier & B. Whittier, 1978 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Thamnobryum assimile (Brotherus in Skottsberg) Sérgio, 1981 – [Sérgio, C., 1981]  Thamnobryum capense (Brotherus & Dixon in Dixon) Enroth, 1991 – [Enroth, J., 1991f]  Thamnobryum caroli (Brotherus in Skottsberg) H. Robinson, 1974 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Thamnobryum cataractarum Hodgetts & Blockeel, 1992 – [Hodgetts, N. G. & T. L. Blockeel, 1992]  Thamnobryum ceylonense (Fleischer) Enroth, 1994 – [Enroth, J., 1994a]  Thamnobryum confertum (Mitten) H. Robinson, 1974 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Thamnobryum coreanum (Cardot) Noguchi & Iwatsuki in Iwatsuki, 1972 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Thamnobryum corticola (Kindberg) Sloover, 1983 – [Sloover, J. L. de, 1983]  Thamnobryum cossyrense (Bottini) A. J. E. Smith, 1981 [1982]  Thamnobryum ellipticum (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Nieuwland, 1917 – [Enroth, J., 1989b]  Thamnobryum fruticosum (Mitten) Gangulee, 1976 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Thamnobryum grandirete (Brotherus & M. Yasuda) Noguchi & Iwatsuki in Iwatsuki, 1972  Thamnobryum planifrons (Brotherus & M. Yasuda) Noguchi & Iwatsuki in Iwatsuki, 1972 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Thamnobryum plicatulum (Sande Lacoste) Iwatsuki, 1972 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Thamnobryum proboscideum (Brotherus in Skottsberg) H. Robinson, 1974 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Thamnobryum pumilum (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) B. C. Tan in B. Thiers, 1992 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Thamnobryum rigidum (Mitten) H. Robinson, 1974 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Thamnobryum speciosum (Brotherus) Hoe, 1974 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Thamnobryum sublatifolium (Dixon) Schultze-Motel, 1973 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Thamnobryum subseriatum (Mitten ex Sande Lacoste) B. C. Tan, 1989 – [Tan, B. C., 1989b]  Thamnobryum subserratum (W. J. Hooker) Noguchi & Iwatsuki, 1972 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976, as Thamnobryum subseriatum; Tan, B. C., 1989b]  Thamnobryum tumidicaule (K. A. Wagner) F. D. Bowers, 1974 – [Smith, D. K., 1994b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Thamnobryum tumidum (Noguchi) Noguchi & Iwatsuki in Iwatsuki, 1972 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]

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Thamnobryum vorobjovii (Lazarenko) Bardunov & Czerdantseva, 1982 – [Bardunov, L. V. & V. Ja. Czerdantseva, 1982] Thelia Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 {3/0/0/0/0=3} THELIACEAE  Thelia asprella (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Thelia hirtella (Hedwig) Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Thelia lescurii Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b] Theriotia Cardot, 1904 {2/0/0/0/0=2} DIPHYSCIACEAE  Theriotia kashmirensis H. Robinson, 1965 – [Deguchi, H., 1984a; Robinson, H., 1965c]  Theriotia lorifolia Cardot, 1904 – [Deguchi, H., 1984a; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987] Thuidiopsis (Brotherus) Fleischer, 1923 {5/0/0/2/0=7} THUIDIACEAE  Thuidiopsis chilensis (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidiopsis dusenii (Brotherus in Cardot & Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidiopsis filaria (Mitten) Brotherus, 1925 – [Sehnem, A., 1976]  Thuidiopsis francii (Thériot) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Thuidiopsis furfurosa (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Fleischer, 1923 – [Sehnem, A., 1976; Touw, A. & L. Falter-van den Haak, 1989, as Thuidium furfurosum]  Thuidium crenulatum Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Thuidium cylindrella C. Müller, 1897 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium cymbifolium (Dozy & Molkenboer) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1865 – [Watanabe, R., 1972; Touw, A. & L. Falter-van den Haak, 1989; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b; Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium delicatulum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Watanabe, R., 1972; Vohra, J. N., 1983; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Thuidium djuriense (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [cited by Touw, A., 1976 as insufficiently known]  Thuidium dodabettense Fleischer, 1929  Thuidium erosifolium Zeng Shu-ying, 1990 – [Zeng Shu-ying, 1990]  Thuidium fuscatum Bescherelle, 1892 – [Watanabe, R., 1991]  Thuidium glaucinoides Brotherus, 1908 – [Watanabe, R., 1972]  Thuidium granulatum (Hampe) Jaeger, 1880 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium haplohymenium (Harvey) Jaeger, 1878 – [Watanabe, R., 1991; Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Thuidium hattorii Touw, 1993 – [Touw, A., 1993b]

Thuidiopsis neocaledonica Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Thuidiopsis sparsa (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1925 – [Touw, A. & L. Falter-van den Haak, 1989, as Thuidium sparsum] Thuidium Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 {52/2/5/14/0=73} THUIDIACEAE  Thuidium aculeoserratum Renauld & Cardot, 1894 – [Touw, A., 1976]  Thuidium allenii Austin, 1880 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Thuidium alvarezianum Cardot, 1911  Thuidium assimile (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983]  Thuidium blepharophyllum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878  Thuidium brachypyxis C. Müller, 1897 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium brasiliense Mitten, 1869 – [Gier, L. J., 1980; Sehnem, A., 1976]  Thuidium breviacuminatum Herzog, 1916 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium brevisetum E. B. Bartram, 1962 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b]  Thuidium carantae (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Gier, L. J., 1980; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Thuidium chacoanum C. Müller, 1897 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium ciliarifolium R. Watanabe, 1978 – [Watanabe, R., 1978]  Thuidium contortulum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Vohra, J. N., 1983; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b] 

Thuidium hawaiense Reichardt, 1877 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Thuidium hyalopilum Dixon ex E. B. Bartram, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Thuidium hygrophilum Gowacki, 1908  Thuidium inconspicuum Herzog, 1923 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium kanedae Sakurai, 1943 – [Watanabe, R., 1972]  Thuidium laeviusculum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Touw, A. & L. Falter-van den Haak, 1989]  Thuidium latopulvinatum Herzog, 1916 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium ligulifolium Herzog, 1916 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium loricalycinum (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891 – [cited by Touw, A., 1976 as insufficiently known]  Thuidium magnisporum R. Watanabe, 1991 – [Watanabe, R., 1991]  Thuidium matarumense Bescherelle, 1880 – [Touw, A., 1976; Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b]  Thuidium mattogrossense Brotherus, 1900 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium molkenboeri Sande Lacoste, 1866 –

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES [Watanabe, R., 1972, as Bryonoguchia molkenboeri; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1991, as Bryonoguchia molkenboeri]  Thuidium occultirete C. Müller, 1897 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium ochraceum Herzog, 1916 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium paraguense Bescherelle, 1891 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium patrum Sehnem, 1976 – [Sehnem, A., 1976; Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium perscissum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878  Thuidium peruvianum Mitten, 1869 – [Gier, L. J., 1980; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Zielman, H. R., 1996]  Thuidium philibertii Limpricht, 1895 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Thuidium pinnatulum (Hampe) Lindberg in Ångström, 1876 – [Gier, L. J., 1980; Sehnem, A., 1976]  Thuidium plicatum Mitten in Seemann, 1873 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Thuidium plumulosum (Dozy & Molkenboer) Dozy & Molkenboer, 1865 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b; Touw, A. & L. Falter-van den Haak, 1989]  Thuidium poeppigii C. Müller, 1898 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium pristocalyx (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Watanabe, R., 1991; Watanabe, R., 1972, as Thuidium glaucinum; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b, as Thuidium glaucinum; Vohra, J. N., 1983, as Thuidium glaucinum]  Thuidium pseudodelicatulum Jaeger, 1878 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Churchill,  Thuidium tamariscinum (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper in B.S.G., 1852 – [Touw, A., 1976; Watanabe, R., 1972; Sloover, J. L. de, 1977b; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Thuidium tomentosum W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1872 – [Crum, H. & W. R. Buck, 1994b; Gier, L. J., 1980; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Zielman, H. R., 1996; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Thuidium torrentium C. Müller, 1899  Thuidium urceolatum Lorentz, 1864 – [Gier, L. J., 1980; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Sehnem, A., 1976; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Thuidium watanabei Touw, 1993 – [Touw, A., 1993b]  Thuidium yungarum Herzog, 1916 – [Gier, L. J., 1980] Thyridium Mitten, 1868 =Mitthyridium {0/0/1/0/0=1} CALYMPERACEAE  Thyridium andamense Bescherelle ex Gangulee, 1972 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972] Thysanomitrion Schwägrichen, 1823 =Campylopus {0/0/0/3/0=3} DICRANACEAE  Thysanomitrion leioneuron Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1922  Thysanomitrion miserum Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]


S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Gier, L. J., 1980] Thuidium pseudoprotensum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Gier, L. J., 1980; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Thuidium pulvinatulum C. Müller, 1897 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium purpureum (Geheeb & Hampe) Paris, 1898  Thuidium pusillum Mitten, 1869 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium quadrifarium Mitten, 1891  Thuidium ramosissimum Dixon & E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Thuidium raphidostegum (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium recognitum (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1874 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium samoanum Mitten, 1868 – [Watanabe, R., 1991]  Thuidium serricola (C. Müller) Paris, 1900 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium subglaucinum Cardot, 1911 – [Touw, A. & L. Falter-van den Haak, 1989]  Thuidium subgranulatum (Geheeb & Hampe) Kindberg, 1891 – [Gier, L. J., 1980; Sehnem, A., 1976]  Thuidium submicropteris Cardot, 1904 – [Watanabe, R., 1972]  Thuidium subpinnatum Brotherus, 1895 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium subtamariscinum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1891 – [Gier, L. J., 1980]  Thuidium tahitense Brotherus, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Thysanomitrion wainioi Brotherus ex C. Müller, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981] Timmia Hedwig, 1801 {4/0/0/1/0=5} TIMMIACEAE  Timmia alataviensis C. Müller, 1898  Timmia austriaca Hedwig, 1801 – [Brassard, G. R., 1980]  Timmia megapolitana Hedwig, 1801 – [Brassard, G. R., 1979; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Lawton, E., 1971; Brassard, G. R., 1984]  Timmia norvegica J. E. Zetterstedt, 1862 – [Brassard, G. R., 1979]  Timmia sibirica Lindberg & H. Arnell, 1890 – [Brassard, G. R., 1979] Timmiella (De Notaris) Limpricht in Rabenhorst, 1888 {4/5/1/3/0=13} POTTIACEAE  Timmiella acaulon (C. Müller) Zander, 1993  Timmiella anomala (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) Limpricht, 1888 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1994j; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Saito, K., 1975; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Timmiella barbuloides (Bridel) Mönkemeyer, 1927 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993] 

250 


Timmiella brevidens Dixon, 1938 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Timmiella cameruniae Brotherus, 1897 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Timmiella corniculata (Wahlenberg) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Timmiella crassinervis (Hampe) L. F. Koch, 1950 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Timmiella diminuta (C. Müller) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Timmiella flexiseta (Bruch) Limpricht, 1888 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Timmiella grosseserrata Schiffner, 1908 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Timmiella pelindaba Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Timmiella subintegra Dixon, 1929 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Timmiella umbrosa (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Timotimius W. R. Buck, 1999 {0/0/1/0/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Timotimius titanotus W. R. Buck, 1999 – [Buck, W. R., 1999] Tisserantiella Potier de la Varde, 1941 {0/2/0/1/0=3} RHACHITHECIACEAE  Tisserantiella minutissima (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Goffinet, B., 1997 [1998]]  Tisserantiella pulchella (Thériot & Hilpert) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tisserantiella spathulata Potier de la Varde, 1941 – [Goffinet, B., 1997 [1998]] Toloxis W. R. Buck, 1994 {2/0/0/1/0=3}  Tortella cirrifolia (Mitten in Godman) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella contortifolia (Mitten) Brotherus in Paris, 1906 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Tortella cryptocarpa (Brotherus) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella cyrtobasis Dixon, 1935 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella dakinii J. H. Willis, 1955 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Tortella eckendorffii (Potier de la Varde) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella elkantarensis Thériot & Trabut, 1930  Tortella flavovirens (Bruch in F. A. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Eckel, P. M., 1998]  Tortella fragilis (W. J. Hooker & Wilson in Drummond) Limpricht, 1888 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Magill, R. E., 1981; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Saito, K., 1975; Eckel, P. M., 1998]  Tortella fragillima Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Tortella fristedtii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902

METEORIACEAE  Toloxis borchgrevinkii (Kiaer ex C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Kis, G., 1985, as Papillaria borchgrevinkii]  Toloxis imponderosa (Taylor) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b; Spessard-Schueth, L., 1994e, as Papillaria imponderosa]  Toloxis semitorta (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1994 – [Noguchi, A., 1976, as Papillaria semitorta; Gangulee, H. C., 1976, as Papillaria semitorta] Tomentypnum Loeske, 1911 {2/0/0/0/0=2} CAMPYLIACEAE  Tomentypnum falcifolium (Renauld ex Nichols) Tuomikoski in Ahti & Fagersten, 1967 – [Hedenäs, L., 1987; Vitt, D. H. & C. D. Hamilton, 1975; Vitt, D. H., T. Cao, M. K. Campenot & R. Gauthier, 1990]  Tomentypnum nitens (Hedwig) Loeske, 1911 – [Hedenäs, L., 1987; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Vitt, D. H. & C. D. Hamilton, 1975; Vitt, D. H., T. Cao, M. K. Campenot & R. Gauthier, 1990] Tortella (Lindberg) Limpricht in Rabenhorst, 1888 {14/13/3/18/0=48} POTTIACEAE  Tortella alpicola Dixon, 1929 – [Eckel, P. M., 1998]  Tortella aprica (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902  Tortella brotheri (Lindberg ex Brotherus) Brotherus, 1902 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Tortella bryotropica Zander in Schultze-Motel & Menzel, 1987 – [Schultze-Motel, W. & M. Menzel, 1987; Zander, R. H., 1993] 

Tortella fruchartii (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella germainii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella goniospora (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella goughii Dixon, 1938  Tortella hosseusii Herzog, 1939 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortella humilis (Hedwig) Jennings, 1913 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Lawton, E., 1971; Magill, R. E., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1994g; Eckel, P. M., 1998]  Tortella inclinata (R. A. Hedwig in Weber & D. Mohr) Limpricht, 1888 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983; Eckel, P. M., 1998]  Tortella inflexa (Bruch in F. A. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Tortella involutifolia Dixon, 1932  Tortella jugicola (Duby) Paris, 1906 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Tortella kmetiana Pilous, 1961  Tortella knightii (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980;

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Eckel, P. M., 1997] Tortella lilliputana (C. Müller ex G. Roth) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella limbata (Schiffner) Geheeb & Herzog, 1910  Tortella lindmaniana Brotherus, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Tortella linearis (Swartz ex Weber & D. Mohr) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella mooreae Sainsbury, 1949 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Tortella nitida (Lindberg) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Flowers, S., 1973b; Eckel, P. M., 1998; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Tortella novae-valesiae Brotherus, 1916 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella perrufula (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortella pilcomayica Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Tortella pseudocaespitosa (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella rigens Albertson, 1946 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Eckel, P. M., 1998]  Tortella rubripes (Mitten in J. D. Hooker) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Tortella simplex H. Robinson in H. Robinson, Holm-Nielsen & Lojtnant, 1977 – [Robinson, H., 1977; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella smithii C. C. Townsend, 1969 – [Townsend, C. C., 1969; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella somaliae (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortella subflavovirens Brotherus & Watts, 1911 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Tortella tortuosa (Hedwig) Limpricht, 1888 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993;  Tortula atrata Thériot, 1921 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula atrovirens (Smith) Lindberg, 1864 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Desmatodon convolutus; Zander, R. H., 1994w, as Desmatodon convolutus]  Tortula austroruralis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Tortula bauriana Warnstorf ex Baur, 1911 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Tortula berthoana Thériot, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula bidentata Bai Xue-liang, 1997 – [Bai Xue-liang, 1997]  Tortula bogosica (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Townsend, C. C. & H. L. K. Whitehouse, 1979; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula brevipes (Lesquereux) Brotherus, 1902 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Zander, R. H., 1993; Mishler, B. D., 1994]  Tortula breviseta Montagne, 1845 – [Greene, D. M., 


Lawton, E., 1971; Zander, R. H., 1994g; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Gangulee, H. C., 1972; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Saito, K., 1975; Eckel, P. M., 1998]  Tortella undulatifolia Dixon, 1942  Tortella vernicosa (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1902 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Tortella walkeri (Brotherus) Zander, 1993 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Hyophila walkeri]  Tortella xanthocarpa (W. P. Schimper ex C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Magill, R. E., 1981; Zander, R. H., 1993] Tortula Hedwig, 1801 {30/27/8/79/0=144} POTTIACEAE  Tortula abyssinica De Notaris, 1872 – [cited by Townsend, C. C., 1984 [1985] as insufficiently known]  Tortula acaulon (Withering) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993, as Tortula atherodes; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Phascum cuspidatum; Zander, R. H., 1994y, as Phascum cuspidatum]  Tortula aculeonervis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortula afanassievii Lazarenko, 1938  Tortula altipes (Brotherus) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula amphidiifolia (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortula ampliretis Crundwell & D. G. Long in Crundwell, During & D. G. Long, 1978 – [Crundwell, A. C., H. J. During & D. G. Long, 1978]  Tortula appressa Mitten, 1869 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortula areolata (Knight) Fife, 1995  Tortula argentinica (Brotherus) Zander, 1993  Tortula astoma Schiffner, 1908 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] 1986] Tortula brevissima Schiffner, 1913 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975]  Tortula brunnea (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Tortula buchtienii Herzog, 1910 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Tortula buyssonii (Philibert) Brotherus, 1902  Tortula calcarea Fiorini-Mazzanti, 1841 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Tortula californica E. B. Bartram, 1945 – [Mishler, B. D., 1994; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula canescens Montagne, 1833 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Tortula capillaris (Dixon ex Chen Pan-chieh) Zander, 1993 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Tortula cardotii Thériot & Naveau, 1927  Tortula cernua (Hübener) Lindberg, 1879 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Desmatodon cernuus; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as 



Desmatodon cernuus]  Tortula characodonta (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortula chrysopila (C. Müller) Paris, 1906 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula chubutensis Dusén, 1905 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortula chungtienia Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula cochlearifolia Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Tortula contorta (Hampe in C. Müller) Montagne in C. Gay, 1850 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula crawfordii (Paris) Watts in Watts & Whitelegge, 1902 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Tortula crenata Mitten, 1869  Tortula cucullifolia J. Fröhlich, 1955 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Tortula cuneifolia (Dickson) Turner, 1804 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Tortula cuspidatissima (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902  Tortula demawendica Schiffner, 1908 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Tortula densa (Velenovsky) Frahm, 1994  Tortula entosthodontacea (Cardot & Dixon) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula eucalyptrata Lindberg, 1886 – [Zander, R. H., 1993, as Tortula euryphylla]  Tortula felipponei Thériot in Felippone, 1930 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortula ferruginea E. B. Bartram, 1964-65 [1965] – [Bartram, E. B., 1964–1965 [1965]]  Tortula fragillima Herzog, 1916  Tortula grandiretis Brotherus, 1929 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula guepinii (Bruch & W. P. Schimper) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994w, as Desmatodon guepinii]  Tortula humillima Cardot & Coppey, 1911  Tortula meridionalis (Luisier) Machado Guimaraes, 1919  Tortula minima Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Tortula minor (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula minutirosula (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortula modica Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula mucronifera W. Frey, Kürschner & Ros in W. Frey et al., 1994 – [Frey, W., H. Kürschner, R. M. Ros, J. Guerra & M. J. Cano, 1994]  Tortula mucronifolia Schwägrichen, 1811 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971; Mishler, B. D., 1994]  Tortula muralis Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971; Magill, R. E., 1981; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Saito, K., 1975]  Tortula murina (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 –


Tortula israelis Bizot & F. Bilewsky, 1955 – [Guerra, J., R. M. Ros & J. S. Carrión, 1992, as Tortula baetica; Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros, 1996]  Tortula kabir-khanii (Brotherus) Zander, 1993  Tortula kneuckeri Brotherus & Geheeb, 1903  Tortula laevinervis Brotherus ex Dusén, 1907 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula lanceola Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula laureri (Schultz) Lindberg, 1864 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971, as Desmatodon laureri; Flowers, S., 1973b, as Desmatodon laureri]  Tortula lazarenkoi Savicz-Ljubitskaya, 1965  Tortula leiostomoides Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Tortula leptotheca (Brotherus) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Tortula leucochlora (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1906  Tortula leucostoma (R. Brown) W. J. Hooker & Greville, 1824 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971, as Desmatodon leucostoma; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Desmatodon leucostoma]  Tortula ligulata Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Tortula lindbergii Brotherus, 1892  Tortula lingulata Lindberg, 1880 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula litorea Cardot in Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortula madagassa Dixon, 1942 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Tortula mairei Thériot & Trabut, 1931  Tortula marginata (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Spruce, 1845 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Tortula maritima (R. Brown ter) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992, as Pottia maritima] [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Tortula napoana De Notaris, 1859  Tortula nevadensis (Cardot & Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971, as Pottia nevadensis; Lawton, E., 1971, as Pottia nevadensis]  Tortula obscuriretis Thériot, 1918 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula obtusifolia (Schwägrichen) Mathieu, 1853 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Saito, K., 1975]  Tortula pallida (Lindberg) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula parramattana Mitten, 1882 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Tortula paulsenii Brotherus, 1906 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula perarmata Brotherus, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula perpusilla (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortula planicosta Herzog, 1952 – [Greene, D. M.,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES 1986] Tortula planifolia Li Xing-jiang, 1981 – [Li Xing-jiang, 1981; Zander, R. H., 1993; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Tortula platyphylla Mitten, 1869 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula plinthobia (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Desmatodon plinthobius; Flowers, S., 1973b, as Desmatodon plinthobius]  Tortula podocarpi (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortula polycarpa Dusén, 1906 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula polylepidis Herzog, 1916 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Tortula porteri (T. P. James in Austin) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Desmatodon porteri]  Tortula propinqua (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Tortula protobryoides Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula pseudolatifolia Cardot, 1905 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula pseudoprinceps Dixon, 1930  Tortula pugionata (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902  Tortula pulvinatula Dusén, 1905 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Tortula rallieri Cardot, 1916  Tortula randii (G. G. Kennedy) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Desmatodon randii]  Tortula raucopapillosa (Li Xing-jiang) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Li Xing-jiang, 1981, as Desmatodon raucopapillosum]  Tortula recurvata W. J. Hooker, 1819 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Desmatodon recurvatus]  Tortula revolutifolia Lazarenko, 1938  Tortula revolvens (W. P. Schimper) G. Roth, 1904 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula toutonii Bizot, 1973 – [Bizot, M., 1973]  Tortula trachyphylla Brotherus, 1929 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula transcaspica Brotherus, 1888 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula truncata (Hedwig) Mitten in Godman, 1870 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Pottia truncata; Catcheside, D. G., 1980, as Pottia truncata; Saito, K., 1975, as Pottia truncata; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Tortula ucrainica (Lazarenko) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula umbrosa Dusén, 1907 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula vahliana (Schultz) Montagne in C. Gay, 1850 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Tortula vesiculosa (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989] 


Tortula rhodonia Zander, 1993 Tortula sabinae C. C. Townsend, 1984 [1985] – [Townsend, C. C., 1984 [1985]; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula sainsburyana Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula santiagensis Brotherus, 1924 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula santorinensis Schiffner, 1920  Tortula savatieri (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1902 – [Menzel, M., 1992]  Tortula sinuata E. B. Bartram, 1964-65 [1965] – [Bartram, E. B., 1964–1965 [1965]]  Tortula solmsii (W. P. Schimper) Limpricht, 1890 [1888] – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula solomensis (Brotherus) Zander, 1993  Tortula sordida Herzog, 1920 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Tortula splachnoides (Hornschuch) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Pottia splachnoides]  Tortula squarripila Thériot, 1917 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Tortula sublimbata (Mitten) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula subrufa Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Tortula subtranscaspica J. Fröhlich, 1955 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Tortula subulata Hedwig, 1801 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula systylia (W. P. Schimper) Lindberg, 1879 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Desmatodon systylius; Lawton, E., 1971, as Desmatodon systylius]  Tortula thianschanica Brotherus, 1929 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula thomsonii (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula tonkinensis (Bescherelle) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula viridipila Dixon & Sainsbury, 1933  Tortula websteri H. Robinson, 1965 – [Robinson, H., 1965c; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula wilczekii Meylan, 1936  Tortula willisiana Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula wilsonii (W. J. Hooker) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tortula xerophila Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Tortula yuennanensis Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Tortula zoddae Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Touwia Ochyra, 1986 {0/0/1/0/0=1} NECKERACEAE  Touwia laticostata Ochyra, 1986 – [Ochyra, R., 1986a] Trachybryum (Brotherus) W. B. Schofield, 1968 



{1/0/0/0/0=1} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Trachybryum megaptilum (Sullivant) W. B. Schofield, 1968 – [Lawton, E., 1971, as Homalothecium megaptilum; Hofmann, H., 1998] Trachycarpidium Brotherus, 1901 {3/2/0/0/0=5} POTTIACEAE  Trachycarpidium brisbanicum (C. Müller) Stone, 1975 – [Stone, I. G., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trachycarpidium echinatum Dixon, 1942 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Stone, I. G., 1975]  Trachycarpidium lonchophyllum (G. Roth) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trachycarpidium tisserantii Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1928 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1975]  Trachycarpidium verrucosum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1901 – [Stone, I. G., 1975] Trachycladiella (Fleischer) Menzel in Menzel & Schultze-Motel, 1994 {2/0/0/0/0=2} METEORIACEAE  Trachycladiella aurea (Mitten) Menzel in Menzel & Schultze-Motel, 1994 – [Menzel, M. & W. Schultze-Motel, 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989, as Floribundaria aurea]  Trachycladiella sparsa (Mitten) Menzel in Menzel & Schultze-Motel, 1994 – [Menzel, M. & W. Schultze-Motel, 1994; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b, as Floribundaria sparsa] Trachycystis Lindberg, 1868 {3/0/0/0/0=3} MNIACEAE  Trachycystis flagellaris (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Lindberg, 1872 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Trachycystis microphylla (Dozy & Molkenboer) Lindberg, 1868 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Trachycystis ussuriensis (Maack & Regel in Regel) T. Koponen, 1977 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Trachyloma Bridel, 1827 {5/0/0/1/1=7} TRACHYLOMATACEAE  Trachyloma concavifolium N. G. Miller & Manuel, 1982 – [Miller, N. G. & M. G. Manuel, 1982]  Trachypodopsis lancifolia Wu Pan-cheng, 1982 – [Wu Pan-cheng, 1982]  Trachypodopsis laxoalaris Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910  Trachypodopsis normandii (Brotherus & Paris) Fleischer, 1906  Trachypodopsis serrulata (Palisot de Beauvois) Fleischer, 1906 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] Trachypus Reinwardt & Hornschuch, 1829 {2/1/0/2/0=5} METEORIACEAE  Trachypus appendiculatus (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1906  Trachypus bicolor Reinwardt & Hornschuch, 1829 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b]  Trachypus humilis Lindberg, 1872 – [Noguchi, A. &

 Trachyloma dimorpha (Dixon) Magill, 1980 – [Excluded by Miller, N. G. & M. G. Manuel, 1982]  Trachyloma diversinerve Hampe in F. Müller, 1881 – [Miller, N. G. & M. G. Manuel, 1982]  Trachyloma indicum Mitten, 1859 – [Miller, N. G. & M. G. Manuel, 1982; Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Trachyloma planifolium (Hedwig) Bridel, 1827 – [Miller, N. G. & M. G. Manuel, 1982]  Trachyloma pycnoblastum C. Müller, 1898 – [cited by Miller, N. G. & M. G. Manuel, 1982 as insufficiently known]  Trachyloma wattsii Brotherus, 1915 – [Miller, N. G. & M. G. Manuel, 1982] Trachyodontium Steere, 1986 {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Trachyodontium zanderi Steere, 1986 – [Steere, W. C., 1986; Zander, R. H., 1993] Trachyphyllum Gepp in Hiern, 1901 {7/0/0/1/0=8} PTERIGYNANDRACEAE  Trachyphyllum borgenii (Renauld & Cardot in Renauld) Brotherus, 1907 – [Buck, W. R., 1979b]  Trachyphyllum carinatum Dixon, 1932 – [Buck, W. R., 1979b]  Trachyphyllum dusenii (C. Müller ex Brotherus) Brotherus, 1907 – [Buck, W. R., 1979b]  Trachyphyllum gastrodes (Welwitsch & Duby) Gepp in Hiern, 1901 – [Buck, W. R., 1979b]  Trachyphyllum inflexum (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Gepp in Hiern, 1901 – [Buck, W. R., 1979b; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990a; Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Trachyphyllum jeyporense Thériot & Dixon in Potier de la Varde, 1928 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Buck, W. R., 1979b]  Trachyphyllum machrisianum H. Crum, 1957  Trachyphyllum touwianum W. R. Buck, 1979 – [Buck, W. R., 1979b] Trachypodopsis Fleischer, 1906 {2/0/1/3/0=6} METEORIACEAE  Trachypodopsis auriculata (Mitten) Fleischer, 1906 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Trachypodopsis formosana Noguchi, 1947 Z. Iwatsuki, 1989; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985b]  Trachypus longifolius Noguchi, 1947  Trachypus perplicatus Dixon, 1943 – [Noguchi, A., 1975] Trachythecium Fleischer, 1923 {0/0/0/9/0=9} SYMPHYODONTACEAE  Trachythecium calcicola Fleischer, 1923  Trachythecium dixonii Herzog, 1926  Trachythecium hebridense (Dixon) Schultze-Motel, 1973 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trachythecium le-testui Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1926  Trachythecium mamillatum C. Müller ex Fleischer, 1923  Trachythecium micropyxis (Brotherus) E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991;

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Trachythecium submammillosulum (C. Müller in Geheeb) Fleischer, 1923  Trachythecium tuberculatum (Mitten) Fleischer, 1923  Trachythecium verrucosum (Jaeger) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] Trachyxiphium W. R. Buck, 1987 {8/2/0/1/0=11} PILOTRICHACEAE  Trachyxiphium aduncum (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Menzel, M., 1992, as Hookeriopsis adunca]  Trachyxiphium glanduliferum (Hampe) Churchill & Linares C., 1995 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Trachyxiphium guadalupense (Sprengel in Bridel) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Trachyxiphium heteroicum (Cardot) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994h, as Hookeriopsis heteroica; Bowers, F. D., 1994h, as Hookeriopsis heteroica]  Trachyxiphium hypnaceum (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Sehnem, A., 1979, as Hookeriopsis hypnacea]  Trachyxiphium pernutans (C. Müller) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Trachyxiphium steerei (Griffin) Churchill, 1991 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a; Griffin, D., 1986a, as Hookeriopsis steerei]  Trachyxiphium subfalcatum (Hampe) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Bowers, F. D., 1994h, as Hookeriopsis subfalcata]  Trachyxiphium tenue (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Trachyxiphium vagum (Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Trachyxiphium variabile (Hornschuch ex Mitten) W. R. Buck, 1987 – [Welch, W. H., 1976, as Hookeriopsis variabilis; Sehnem, A., 1979, as Hookeriopsis variabilis] Trematodon Michaux, 1803 {22/5/5/51/0=83} BRUCHIACEAE  Trematodon ambiguus (Hedwig) Hornschuch, 1819 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971;  Trematodon curvicollis Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trematodon decaryi Thériot, 1923 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trematodon dentatus Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1926  Trematodon divaricatus Bruch in Krauss, 1846 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Trematodon felipponei Thériot in Felippone, 1930 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Trematodon fendleri C. Müller, 1879  Trematodon flexipes Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1859 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Trematodon geniculatus Matteri, 1980 – [Matteri, C.


Cao Tong & Chien Gao, 1988; Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Allen, B., 1994a; Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Trematodon amoenus (C. Müller) Stone & G. A. M. Scott in G. A. M. Scott & Stone, 1976 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Trematodon angolensis Welwitsch & Duby, 1872 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Trematodon assamensis Brotherus in G. Roth, 1911 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Trematodon aureus C. Müller ex G. Roth, 1911 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trematodon baileyi Brotherus, 1891 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Trematodon boasii W. B. Schofield, 1966 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Schofield, W. B., 1966]  Trematodon bolivianus C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Trematodon borbonicus Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trematodon brachyphyllus C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Trematodon brevicalyx Dixon, 1925  Trematodon brevicarpus H. Akiyama, 1984 – [Akiyama, H., 1984]  Trematodon brevicollis Hornschuch, 1819 – [Nyholm, E., 1986 [1987]; Bardunov, L. V., 1969]  Trematodon brevifolius Brotherus ex C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trematodon brevirostris Hampe, 1866 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Trematodon brevisetus Dixon, 1915  Trematodon capillifolius C. Müller ex G. Roth, 1911 – [Kumar, S. S., 1985 [1986]]  Trematodon cheesemanii C. Müller, 1898 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trematodon conformis Mitten, 1859 – [Kumar, S. S., 1985 [1986]; Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Eddy, A., 1988]  Trematodon congolensis J. Leroy, 1947 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Trematodon crispifolius Thériot in Felippone, 1930 – [Greene, D. M., 1986] M., 1980]  Trematodon gymnostomus Lindberg ex C. Müller, 1859 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trematodon hakusanensis H. Akiyama, 1984 – [Akiyama, H., 1984]  Trematodon heterophyllus C. Müller in Brotherus, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trematodon hildebrandtii C. Müller, 1876 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trematodon hookeri C. Müller, 1864 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Trematodon humilis Mitten, 1869  Trematodon intermedius Welwitsch & Duby, 1872 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Trematodon intermixtus Cardot, 1911

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Trematodon kurzii Hampe ex Gangulee, 1971 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Banu-Fattah, K. & S. Hadiuzzaman, 1996]  Trematodon lacunosus Renauld & Cardot, 1893 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trematodon laetevirens Hakelier & Frahm, 1976 – [Hakelier, N. & J.-P. Frahm, 1976]  Trematodon latinervis C. Müller, 1896 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Trematodon lato-obtusus C. Müller, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trematodon le-testui Potier de la Varde, 1931  Trematodon longescens C. Müller, 1898 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Trematodon longicollis Michaux, 1803 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Kumar, S. S., 1985 [1986]; Magill, R. E., 1981; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Allen, B., 1994a; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Cao Tong & Chien Gao, 1988; Crum, H., 1994d; Gangulee, H. C., 1971; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Trematodon longifolius Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trematodon lozanoi Cardot, 1909 – [Crum, H., 1994d]  Trematodon ludovicae Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trematodon mackayi (R. Brown ter) Brotherus, 1901 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Trematodon mayebarae Takaki, 1962 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Trematodon mayottensis Bescherelle, 1885 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Trematodon microthecius Bescherelle, 1894 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Trematodon minutulus C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896  Trematodon mirabilis Brotherus, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trematodon montanus Belland & Brassard, 1983 – [Belland, R. J. & G. R. Brassard, 1983]  Trematodon nitidulus W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle, 1872 – [Crum, H., 1994d]  Trematodon norrisii A. J. Sharp, 1986 – [Sharp, A. J.,  Trematodon uruguensis Brotherus in Felippone, 1909 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Trematodon usambaricus Brotherus, 1913 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Trematodon vaginatus C. Müller, 1857 – [Yano, O., 1981; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Trematodon victoriae C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Trematodon viguieri Cardot, 1916 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983] Trichodon W. P. Schimper, 1856 {2/0/0/0/0=2} DITRICHACEAE  Trichodon cylindricus (Hedwig) W. P. Schimper, 1856 – [Ireland, R. R., 1978; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Matsui, T. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1990; Seppelt, R. D.,

1986; Crum, H., 1994d]  Trematodon novae-hannoverae C. Müller, 1883 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trematodon nudus C. Müller ex Dusén, 1896  Trematodon palettifolius C. Müller ex Bescherelle, 1877 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Trematodon papuensis Norris & T. Koponen, 1990 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b]  Trematodon paradoxus Hornschuch, 1841 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Trematodon pascuanus Thériot, 1937 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978; He, Si, 1998]  Trematodon pauperifolius C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trematodon perssonorum Allorge & Thériot ex Allorge, 1951  Trematodon pillansii Dixon in Sim, 1926 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Trematodon platybasis C. Müller in Renauld, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trematodon puteensis Bescherelle, 1898 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Trematodon rapaensis E. B. Bartram, 1940 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trematodon reticulatus C. Müller ex Geheeb, 1881 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trematodon schmidii C. Müller, 1853  Trematodon semitortidens Sakurai, 1933 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1987]  Trematodon setaceus Hampe ex Bescherelle, 1875  Trematodon subambiguus Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trematodon suberectus Mitten in J. D. Hooker, 1867 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Trematodon subulosus Griffith, 1842 – [Kumar, S. S., 1985 [1986]; Gangulee, H. C., 1971]  Trematodon tisserantii Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1926  Trematodon tonkinensis Bescherelle, 1890 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993] 1999]  Trichodon muricatus Herzog, 1925 – [Gao Chien (editor), 1994] Trichosteleum Mitten, 1868 {18/6/17/89/0=130} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Trichosteleum adhaerens (Bescherelle) Kindberg, 1891 – [O'Shea, B. J., 1998]  Trichosteleum albifolium Dixon, 1924  Trichosteleum altisetum Dixon, 1932  Trichosteleum angustifolium E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichosteleum angustirete Dixon ex E. B. Bartram, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichosteleum annamense Brotherus & Paris, 1911 –

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Trichosteleum apiocarpum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878  Trichosteleum aquatile Tixier, 1979 – [Tixier, P., 1979]  Trichosteleum arrectum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Pursell, R. A., 1973; Yano, O., 1981]  Trichosteleum asperifolium Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichosteleum asselii Tixier in Bizot & Tixier, 1987 – [Bizot, M. & P. Tixier, 1987]  Trichosteleum bernoullianum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908  Trichosteleum bolivarense H. Robinson, 1965 – [Robinson, H., 1965b; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996]  Trichosteleum boschii (Dozy & Molkenboer) Jaeger, 1878 – [Tan, B. C. & P. P.-h. But, 1997; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994, as Rhaphidostichum boschii; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Trichosteleum brachydictyon (Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1983a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Trichosteleum brongersmae Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964]  Trichosteleum carolinarum Dixon, 1943 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichosteleum chrysophyllum Potier de la Varde, 1931  Trichosteleum complanatulum E. B. Bartram, 1939 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Trichosteleum confertulum Jaeger, 1880  Trichosteleum consanguineum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trichosteleum constrictum (Bridel) Renauld, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichosteleum cymbiforme E. B. Bartram, 1942  Trichosteleum debettei (Bescherelle) Kindberg, 1891 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichosteleum dicranelloides Brotherus, 1890  Trichosteleum dicranoides Brotherus, 1895 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trichosteleum dimorphum Dixon, 1932  Trichosteleum elegantulum Brotherus & Watts, 1918 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Trichosteleum everettii Dixon, 1935  Trichosteleum fissum Mitten, 1868 – [Miller, H. A.,  Trichosteleum le-ratii Brotherus & Paris, 1906 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichosteleum le-testui Potier de la Varde, 1928  Trichosteleum leviusculum Renauld & Cardot, 1901 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichosteleum longisetulum Fleischer, 1923  Trichosteleum lorifolium Potier de la Varde, 1931  Trichosteleum louisiadum Schultze-Motel, 1973  Trichosteleum lutschianum (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1909 – [Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994, as


H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichosteleum flexuosa-hamatum Dixon, 1935  Trichosteleum francii Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichosteleum fruticola Tixier, 1971 – [Tixier, P., 1971]  Trichosteleum fuscescens Norris & T. Koponen, 1985 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985a]  Trichosteleum fusco-virescens Paris & Brotherus, 1904  Trichosteleum gabonense Brotherus & Potier de la Varde, 1925  Trichosteleum glaucinum (Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1983a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Trichosteleum glaziovii (Hampe) W. R. Buck, 1998 – [Buck, W. R., 1998a]  Trichosteleum grosse-papillosum Paris & Brotherus, 1905  Trichosteleum grosso-mamillosum Paris ex Dixon, 1922 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichosteleum gunnii Brotherus & Watts, 1915 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichosteleum hebridarum Schultze-Motel, 1973 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichosteleum heterophyllum Bizot & Onraedt in Onraedt, 1976 – [Onraedt, M., 1976]  Trichosteleum horridulum E. B. Bartram, 1942  Trichosteleum humbertii Potier de la Varde, 1940 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Trichosteleum inflexifolium Dixon, 1935  Trichosteleum insigne Brotherus & Paris, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichosteleum intricatum (Thériot) Florschütz-de Waard, 1990 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996]  Trichosteleum inundatum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Pursell, R. A., 1973; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Trichosteleum jaegeri Potier de la Varde, 1948  Trichosteleum janeirense Brotherus, 1926 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trichosteleum jonesii Bizot ex Pócs, 1976-77 [1977] – [Pócs, T., 1976–77]  Trichosteleum lachmanii Bizot, 1974 – [Bizot, M., 1974]  Trichosteleum laevi-hamatum Dixon, 1942 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Rhaphidostichum lutschianum] Trichosteleum mammosum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Tan, B. C., 1991]  Trichosteleum mastopomatoides Churchill & Sastre-de Jesús, 1987 [1988] – [Churchill, S. P. & I. Sastre-de Jesús, 1987 [1988]; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Trichosteleum microcalyx Renauld & Cardot, 1897 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Trichosteleum microdontum (Bescherelle) Renauld, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]


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Trichosteleum microstegium (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1983a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Trichosteleum mindanense Brotherus, 1913 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Trichosteleum minutissimum Sakurai, 1941  Trichosteleum monostictum (Thwaites & Mitten) Brotherus, 1899 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichosteleum montanum Tixier, 1970 [1971] – [Tixier, P., 1970 [1971]]  Trichosteleum neocaledonicum Thériot, 1921 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichosteleum novae-guineae E. B. Bartram, 1957  Trichosteleum orthophyllum (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Trichosteleum papillosissimum (Hampe) Brotherus, 1908 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trichosteleum papillosum (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1878 – [Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Trichosteleum patens Bescherelle, 1901 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Trichosteleum pendens Norris & T. Koponen, 1985 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985a]  Trichosteleum pendulum (Zanten) W. R. Buck & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990] – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964, as Warburgiella pendula]  Trichosteleum perchlorosum Brotherus & Bryhn, 1911 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Kis, G., 1985]  Trichosteleum perfalcatum E. B. Bartram, 1942  Trichosteleum permixtum Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichosteleum perrotii (Renauld & Cardot in Renauld) Renauld & Cardot, 1892 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichosteleum pervilleanum (C. Müller ex Geheeb) W. R. Buck, 1993 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Trichosteleum petrophilum R. S. Williams, 1914 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Trichosteleum piliferum Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichosteleum pinnatum Dixon, 1932 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Trichosteleum pobeguinii Paris & Brotherus, 1904  Trichosteleum popokvilense Tixier, 1979 – [Tixier,  Trichosteleum sublaevigatum Herzog, 1927 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trichosteleum sublongisetum Tixier, 1979 – [Tixier, P., 1979]  Trichosteleum subrhinophyllum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichosteleum subscabrisetulum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichosteleum subulatulum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]

P., 1979]  Trichosteleum procerum Dixon, 1935  Trichosteleum pseudo-acuminulatum C. Müller ex Renauld & Cardot, 1905  Trichosteleum pseudomammosum Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Trichosteleum punctipapillosum Paris ex Gangulee, 1980 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Trichosteleum pusillum (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1878 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trichosteleum pygmaeum E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichosteleum robbinsii E. B. Bartram, 1961  Trichosteleum rubrisetum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Menzel, M., 1992; Yano, O., 1981]  Trichosteleum ruficaule (Thwaites & Mitten) B. C. Tan, 1991 – [Tan, B. C., 1991]  Trichosteleum saproxylophilum (C. Müller) B. C. Tan, W. B. Schofield & H. P. Ramsay, 1998 – [Tan, B. C., W. B. Schofield & H. Ramsay], 1998; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Trichosteleum sarapiquense H. Crum & Richards, 1984 – [Crum, H. & P. W. Richards, 1984]  Trichosteleum schlimii (C. Müller) R. S. Williams, 1930 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Trichosteleum sematophylloides Dixon, 1922  Trichosteleum sentosum (Sullivant) Jaeger, 1878 – [Crum, H., 1994y; Buck, W. R., 1983a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Trichosteleum singapurense Fleischer, 1905 – [Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Trichosteleum smithii E. B. Bartram, 1936 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichosteleum staudtii Brotherus, 1897  Trichosteleum stereodontoides Brotherus ex Gangulee, 1980 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Trichosteleum stictum (Bescherelle) Kindberg, 1891 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichosteleum stigmosum Mitten, 1868 – [Tan, B. C., 1993; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Trichosteleum subcucullifolium Paris & Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Trichosteleum subinstratum (Bescherelle) Jaeger, 1878 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichosteleum sublaeve Potier de la Varde, 1939  Trichosteleum sublaevifolium Brotherus, 1928 

Trichosteleum taxithelioides Brotherus, 1928 Trichosteleum tisserantii Potier de la Varde, 1926  Trichosteleum tortipilum Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichosteleum trachyamphorum (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1891 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichosteleum trachycystis Brotherus, 1901 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Trichosteleum trachypyxis (C. Müller ex Geheeb) Renauld & Cardot, 1892 – [Crosby, M. R., U. 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichosteleum turgidulum Brotherus & Paris, 1906 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichosteleum usambaricum Brotherus, 1913 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Trichosteleum verrucosum Renauld & Cardot, 1905 – [Bowers, F. D., 1974]  Trichosteleum vieillardii Cardot, 1908 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichosteleum vietnamense Tixier, 1970 [1971] – [Tixier, P., 1970 [1971]]  Trichosteleum vincentinum (Mitten) Jaeger, 1878 – [Buck, W. R., 1983a; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Trichosteleum wattsii (Paris) B. C. Tan, W. B. Schofield & H. P. Ramsay, 1998 – [Tan, B. C., W. B. Schofield & H. Ramsay], 1998] Trichostomopsis Cardot, 1909 =Didymodon {1/0/0/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Trichostomopsis curvipes (C. Müller) H. Robinson, 1970 – [Robinson, H., 1970b] Trichostomum Hedwig, 1801 {19/35/4/57/0=115} POTTIACEAE  Trichostomum abyssinicum (Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum acutiusculum (Brotherus) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum aduncum Paris, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichostomum aequatoriale Spruce ex Dixon, 1924 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum alpinum Kindberg, 1910  Trichostomum apophysatulum Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Trichostomum arboreum (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Hyophila arborea; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Trichostomum arcticum Kaalaas, 1900 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova, 1983]  Trichostomum atrocaule (K. Saito) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Saito, K., 1975, as Weissia atrocaulis; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988, as Weissia atrocaulis]  Trichostomum austrocrispum (Beckett) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Stone, I. G., 1980b, as Weissia austrocrispa]  Trichostomum bellii E. B. Bartram, 1955  Trichostomum bombayense C. Müller, 1851 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Townsend, C. C., 1983]  Trichostomum borneense (Dixon) Zander, 1993 –  Trichostomum flavisetum A. P. de Candolle in Lamarck & A. P. de Candolle, 1815 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Trichostomum fragilifolium Dixon, 1930 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum gracillimum C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Trichostomum hattorianum B. C. Tan & Iwatsuki, 1993 – [Li Xing-jiang & Z. Iwatsuki, 1996]


[Zander, R. H., 1993] Trichostomum brachydontium Bruch in F. A. Müller, 1829 – [Robinson, H., 1975; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1994e; Magill, R. E., 1981; Saito, K., 1975]  Trichostomum brittonianum Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum calymperaceum Brotherus & Paris, 1904  Trichostomum cardotii Bizot, 1976 [10 Nov]  Trichostomum carinatum E. B. Bartram, 1957 – [cited by Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989 as insufficiently known]  Trichostomum castaneum (H. Crum & Steere) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum clavinerve (Cardot & Potier de la Varde) H. O. Whittier in H. O. Whittier & B. Whittier, 1974 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Trichostomum compactulum C. Müller, 1879 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Greene, D. M., 1986]  Trichostomum connivens (Lindberg ex Brotherus) Paris, 1898 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum contractum Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum criotum Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum crispulum Bruch in F. A. Müller, 1829 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1994e; Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum deciduaefolium (K. Saito) Zander, 1993 – [Saito, K., 1975, as Weissia deciduaefolia; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988, as Weissia deciduaefolia]  Trichostomum distans Hampe in C. Müller, 1849 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum eckelianum Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum edentulum Brotherus in Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Trichostomum elliottii Brotherus ex Dusén, 1906 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Trichostomum exulatum Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum fallaciosum W. H. Welch & H. Crum, 1960  Trichostomum fallax Herzog, 1909 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum finukamactum Zander, 1993 


Trichostomum hibernicum (Mitten) Dixon, 1896 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Oxystegus hibernicum]  Trichostomum hyalinoblastum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum imshaugii (Vitt) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Vitt, D. H., 1971a, as Barbula imshaugii]  Trichostomum incertum (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum insulare (Bescherelle) Brotherus,



1902 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trichostomum involutum Sullivant, 1861 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Trichostomum kanieriense R. Brown ter, 1903  Trichostomum knightii Hampe ex C. Müller, 1900  Trichostomum lambii E. B. Bartram, 1964-65 [1965] – [Bartram, E. B., 1964–1965 [1965]]  Trichostomum laticostatum Thériot, 1921 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum leptocylindricum C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trichostomum leptotheca C. Müller, 1868 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Trichostomum lignicola Herzog, 1924 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Oxystegus lignicola]  Trichostomum ligulaefolium (Brotherus & Paris) Zander, 1993  Trichostomum lillei Dixon, 1926  Trichostomum lindigii (Hampe) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Trichostomum lorifolium Brotherus & Paris, 1904 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Trichostomum melanostomum (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum mildeanum Juratzka, 1870 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Trichostomum minusculum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Trichostomum minutissimum Sakurai, 1943 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trichostomum mitteneanum Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum muticum Paris, 1898 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichostomum orthodontum (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Townsend, C. C., 1983]  Trichostomum ovatifolium Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum pallidens (Dixon) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Pseudosymblepharis pallidens]  Trichostomum paludicola (Brotherus in Herzog) Hilpert, 1933 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Trichostomum pennequinii Renauld & Paris, 1900 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichostomum perangustum Bescherelle, 1875  Trichostomum perannulatum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1928 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum soulae (C. Müller in Renauld & Cardot) Zander, 1993 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983, as Oxystegus soulae; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983, as Oxystegus soulae]  Trichostomum spirale Grout, 1938 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum sporaphyllum (Renauld & Cardot in Renauld) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R.,


Trichostomum perinvolutum Tixier, 1966 – [Tixier, P., 1966]  Trichostomum perligulatum (Flowers ex H. Crum) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Flowers, S., 1973b, as Weissia perligulata; Flowers, S., 1973a, as Weissia perligulata]  Trichostomum perplexum Potier de la Varde, 1939  Trichostomum perpusillum C. Müller ex Warnstorf, 1916  Trichostomum perrieri Thériot, 1922 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichostomum persicum Juratzka & Milde, 1870 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991]  Trichostomum philippinense Iwatsuki & B. C. Tan, 1979 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Trichostomum planifolium (Dixon) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994a, as Weissia planifolia; Saito, K., 1975, as Weissia planifolia; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988, as Weissia planifolia; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Trichostomum platyphyllum (Brotherus ex Iishiba) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Saito, K., 1975; Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Trichostomum plicatulum C. Müller, 1882 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum pomangium Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Trichostomum portoricense H. Crum & Steere, 1956 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum prionodon C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trichostomum pulicare (Bescherelle) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum pygmaeum E. B. Bartram, 1946  Trichostomum recurvifolium (Taylor) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Long, D. G., 1982b, as Paraleptodontium recurvifolium]  Trichostomum rhodesiae Brotherus, 1913 – [Kis, G., 1985, as Oxystegus rhodesiae]  Trichostomum ruvenzorense (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1902 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Trichostomum sarawakense Dixon, 1916 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Trichostomum siamense Brotherus in Hosseus, 1911 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Trichostomum sinaloense (E. B. Bartram) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994a, as Weissia sinaloensis]  Trichostomum sinochenii Redfearn & B. C. Tan, 1995 – [Li Xing-jiang & Z. Iwatsuki, 1996] U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichostomum stanilandsii R. Brown ter, 1903  Trichostomum stenophyllum (Mitten) Brotherus, 1902 – [Townsend, C. C., 1983; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Oxystegus stenophyllus; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Oxystegus stenophyllus]  Trichostomum subangustifolium (Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994a, as Weissia subangustifolia]


Trichostomum subcirrhatum Hampe, 1875 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trichostomum subconnivens Thériot, 1941  Trichostomum subintegrum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum sublamprothecium Paris, 1898  Trichostomum subminusculum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1946  Trichostomum sweetii (E. B. Bartram) Stark, 1996 – [Stark, L. R., 1996]  Trichostomum tenuirostre (W. J. Hooker & Taylor) Lindberg, 1864 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lisboa, R. C. L., 1993; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989, as Oxystegus tenuirostris; Zander, R. H., 1993; Lawton, E., 1971]  Trichostomum termitarum (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum tortelloides (Brotherus & Dixon) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum tucumanense E. B. Bartram, 1964-65 [1965] – [Bartram, E. B., 1964–1965 [1965]]  Trichostomum uncinifolium Dixon, 1942  Trichostomum unguiculatum (Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1974b, as Weissia unguiculata; Magill, R. E., 1981, as Phasconica tisserantii]  Trichostomum urceolare (Hampe) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum usambaricum (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1902 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Trichostomum villaumei Thériot, 1923 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Trichostomum wagneri (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Trichostomum weisioides C. Müller, 1898 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trichostomum whittonii R. Brown ter, 1903  Trichostomum williamsii Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993] Tridontium J. D. Hooker in W. J. Hooker, 1840 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SCOULERIACEAE  Tridontium tasmanicum J. D. Hooker in W. J. Hooker, 1840 – [Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1993] Trigonodictyon Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1928 {1/0/0/0/0=1} GRIMMIACEAE  Trigonodictyon indicum Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1928 – [Goffinet, B., 1998] Tripterocladium (NON CODED BASIONYM) Jaeger, 1880  Trismegistia rigida (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C., 1991]  Trismegistia rigidicaulis (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925  Trismegistia squarrosa Dixon, 1932  Trismegistia strangei (Mitten & F. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trismegistia undulata Brotherus & A. Yasuda, 1926 –


{1/0/0/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Tripterocladium leucocladulum (C. Müller) Jaeger, 1880 – [Lawton, E., 1971; Crum, H., 1987a] Triquetrella C. Müller, 1897 {2/4/0/3/0=9} POTTIACEAE  Triquetrella arapilensis Luisier, 1913 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Triquetrella californica (Lesquereux) Grout, 1934 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Triquetrella fragilis C. Müller, 1948  Triquetrella papillata (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Brotherus, 1902 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Triquetrella patagonica C. Müller, 1897 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Triquetrella richardsiae C. Müller, 1897 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Triquetrella spiculosa Thériot, 1936  Triquetrella tasmanica (Brotherus) Granzow-de la Cerda, 1989 – [Granzow de la Cerda, I., 1989; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992, as Anomodon tasmanicus]  Triquetrella tristicha (C. Müller) C. Müller, 1897 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981] Trismegistia (C. Müller) C. Müller, 1908 {2/3/0/14/0=19} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Trismegistia brachyphylla Fleischer, 1923  Trismegistia brauniana (Bosch & Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1923  Trismegistia breviflagellosa C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Trismegistia calderensis (Sullivant) Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C., 1991]  Trismegistia complanatula (C. Müller) C. Müller in Brotherus, 1908 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Trismegistia delicatula Brotherus, 1928  Trismegistia dendroides Herzog, 1916  Trismegistia deningeri Herzog, 1916  Trismegistia gracilicaulis Dixon & Herzog, 1935  Trismegistia lancifolia (Harvey in W. J. Hooker) Brotherus, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Trismegistia monodii (Potier de la Varde) Ando, 1973 [1974]  Trismegistia panduriformis (Wright in Stapf) Brotherus, 1909 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Trismegistia pedunculata (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Trismegistia pulchella Herzog, 1926

[Tan, B. C., 1991; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999] Tristichium C. Müller, 1879 {3/1/0/0/0=4} DITRICHACEAE  Tristichium apodum (Herzog) H. Crum, 1984 – [Crum, H., 1984b]  Tristichium lorentzii C. Müller, 1879 – [Crum, H., 1984b; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Tristichium mirabile (C. Müller) Herzog, 1914 –



[Crum, H., 1984b; Allen, B., 1994a; Magill, R. E., 1981; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995a]  Tristichium sinense Brotherus, 1924 – [Crum, H., 1984b; Gao Chien (editor), 1994] Trochobryum Breidler & G. R. Beck, 1885 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SELIGERIACEAE  Trochobryum carniolicum Breidler & G. R. Beck, 1885 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Seligeria carniolica] Trolliella Herzog, 1939 {1/0/0/0/0=1} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Trolliella euendostoma Herzog, 1939 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980] Tuerckheimia Brotherus, 1910 {3/1/0/0/0=4} POTTIACEAE  Tuerckheimia guatemalensis Brotherus, 1910 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1978c]  Tuerckheimia robusta (Dixon) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Tuerckheimia svihlae (E. B. Bartram) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Oxystegus svihlae; Li Xing-jiang & Z. Iwatsuki, 1996]  Tuerckheimia valeriana (E. B. Bartram) Zander, 1978 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1978c; Zander, R. H., 1994n] Ulea C. Müller, 1897 =Uleastrum {0/0/0/1/0=1} RHACHITHECIACEAE  Ulea yesensis Bescherelle ex Iishiba, 1929 Uleastrum W. R. Buck, 1985 {0/2/0/0/0=2} RHACHITHECIACEAE  Uleastrum palmicola (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Goffinet, B., 1997 [1998]]  Uleastrum paraguense (Bescherelle) W. R. Buck, 1985 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Goffinet, B., 1997 [1998]] Uleobryum Brotherus, 1906 {1/1/1/0/0=3} POTTIACEAE  Uleobryum naganoi Kiguchi, 1996 – [Kiguchi, H., I. G. Stone & Z. Iwatsuki, 1996]  Uleobryum occultum (G. Roth) Zander, 1993 – [Kiguchi, H., I. G. Stone & Z. Iwatsuki, 1996; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Uleobryum peruvianum Brotherus, 1906 – [Stone, I. G., 1984a; Zander, R. H., 1994c; Kiguchi, H., I. G. Stone & Z. Iwatsuki, 1996; Zander, R. H., 1993] Ulota D. Mohr, 1806 {21/5/2/29/0=57} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Ulota angusti-limbata E. B. Bartram, 1945 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1993]  Ulota angustissima C. Müller, 1897 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Ulota aurantiaca Dusén in Malta, 1927  Ulota bellii Malta, 1933  Ulota macrocalycina Mitten, 1859 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ulota macrocarpa Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ulota macrodontia Dixon & Malta, 1927 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ulota magellanica (Montagne) Jaeger, 1874 –

Ulota bellissima Bescherelle, 1892 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Ulota breviseta Malta, 1933  Ulota calvescens Wilson in Rabenhorst, 1862 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Ulota carinata Mitten, 1859 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ulota cervina Hoe & H. Crum, 1971 [1972] – [Hoe, W. J. & H. Crum, 1971 [1972]]  Ulota coarctata (Palisot de Beauvois) Hammar, 1852 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Ulota crispa (Hedwig) Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Ulota curvifolia (Wahlenberg) Liljeblad, 1816 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Ulota dixonii Malta, 1933 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Ulota drummondii (W. J. Hooker & Greville in Greville) Bridel, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Ulota ecklonii (Hornschuch) Jaeger, 1874 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Ulota eurystoma Noguchi, 1939 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Ulota fernandeziana Malta, 1927 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Ulota fuegiana Mitten, 1859 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ulota fulva Bridel, 1826 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Ulota germana (Montagne) Mitten, 1859 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ulota glabella Mitten, 1859 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ulota hattorii Iwatsuki, 1969 – [Iwatsuki, I., 1969]  Ulota hutchinsiae (Smith) Hammar, 1852 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Ulota japonica (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Mitten, 1891 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Ulota laticiliata Malta, 1933  Ulota lativentrosa C. Müller ex Malta, 1927 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Ulota lobbiana Mitten, 1859 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ulota lutea (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Mitten, 1859 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Ulota luteola (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Wijk & Margadant, 1961 – [Eddy, A., 1996] [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998] Ulota megalospora Venturi in Röll, 1890 – [Lawton, E., 1971]  Ulota membranata Malta, 1933 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Ulota morrisonensis Horikawa & Noguchi, 1937 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]



Ulota novae-seelandiae Sainsbury, 1955 Ulota novo-guinensis E. B. Bartram, 1959 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1993; Eddy, A., 1996]  Ulota obtusiuscula C. Müller & Kindberg in Macoun, 1892  Ulota perbreviseta Dixon & Sakurai, 1935 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Ulota perichaetialis (Sainsbury) Goffinet in Goffinet & Vitt, 1998 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992, as Bryodixonia perichaetialis; Goffinet, B. & D. H. Vitt], 1998]  Ulota phyllantha Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Ulota phyllanthoides (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1889  Ulota pusilla Malta, 1927 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ulota pycnophylla Dusén ex Malta, 1927 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Ulota pygmaeothecia (C. Müller) Kindberg, 1888 – [He, Si, 1998]  Ulota rehmannii Juratzka, 1864  Ulota reptans Mitten, 1891 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Ulota robusta Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976]  Ulota rubella E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1993]  Ulota rufula (Mitten) Jaeger, 1874 – [Robinson, H., 1975]  Ulota schmidii (C. Müller) Mitten, 1859  Ulota splendida E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Vitt, D. H., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1993]  Ulota tanganyikae Potier de la Varde, 1955 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Ulota ventricosa (C. Müller) Malta, 1927 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Ulota viridis Venturi in Brotherus, 1893 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Ulota yakushimensis Iwatsuki, 1959 – [Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989] Unclejackia Ignatov, T. Koponen & Norris, 1999 {2/0/0/0/0=2} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Unclejackia crispifolia (E. B. Bartram) Ignatov, T. Koponen & Norris, 1999 – [Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999]  Unclejackia longisetula (E. B. Bartram) Ignatov, T. Koponen & Norris, 1999 – [Ignatov, M. S., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1999] Venturiella C. Müller, 1875 {1/0/0/0/0=1} ERPODIACEAE  Venturiella sinensis (Ventenat in Rabenhorst) C. Müller, 1897 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988] Verrucidens Cardot, 1908 {1/2/0/0/0=3}  Vesicularia debilis (Bescherelle) Brotherus ex Paris, 1909  Vesicularia demangei Thériot & Potier de la Varde, 1928 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Vesicularia dubyana (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – 


SELIGERIACEAE  Verrucidens insularis (Mitten) Ochyra & Matteri, 1996 – [Ochyra, R. & C. M. Matteri, 1996]  Verrucidens tortifolius (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Reimers, 1936 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986]  Verrucidens turpis (Cardot) Cardot, 1908 – [Bartlett, J. K. & D. H. Vitt, 1986] Vesicularia (C. Müller) C. Müller, 1896 {13/3/1/99/0=116} HYPNACEAE  Vesicularia acinacifolia (Hampe in C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia albo-viridis (Renauld) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia amboinensis Brotherus, 1917  Vesicularia angustifolia Dixon, 1932 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Vesicularia anisothecia Dixon ex E. B. Bartram, 1948 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Vesicularia aperta (Sullivant) Thériot, 1922 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Vesicularia aquatilis C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Vesicularia argentinica Brotherus, 1918 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Vesicularia ayresii (W. P. Schimper ex Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia bescherellei (Renauld) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia borealis Dixon, 1933 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Vesicularia brachytheciopsis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1909  Vesicularia buruensis Dixon, 1943  Vesicularia caloblasta Brotherus & Dixon, 1915  Vesicularia calodictyon (C. Müller) C. Müller, 1896 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Vesicularia chlorotica (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Vesicularia codonopyxis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia combae (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia crassiramea (Renauld & Cardot in Renauld) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia cruegeri C. Müller, 1898 – [Menzel, M., 1992] [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Vesicularia ectropotheciopsis Norris & T. Koponen, 1985 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1985a]



Vesicularia elegantula Dixon & Herzog, 1926 Vesicularia ferriei (Cardot & Thériot) Brotherus, 1909 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Vesicularia firma Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930  Vesicularia flaccida (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Iwatsuki, 1963 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Vesicularia fonticola Potier de la Varde, 1934  Vesicularia galerulata (Duby) Brotherus, 1908 – [Magill, R. E. & E. A. Schelpe, 1979; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia glaucina (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1908 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Vesicularia glaucissima (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia glaucopinnata C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981; Churchill, S. P., 1998]  Vesicularia glaucula (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Vesicularia glazioviana C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Vesicularia golungensis (Welwitsch & Duby) Brotherus, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Vesicularia hainanensis Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Vesicularia hamata E. B. Bartram, 1945 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Vesicularia hapalyptera (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia hilliana (Hampe) B. H. Allen, 1987  Vesicularia hygrobium (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia immunda (Renauld) Cardot in Grandidier, 1915 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia immutata Dixon, 1934 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Vesicularia inflectens (Bridel) C. Müller, 1896 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Vesicularia inundata Thériot, 1909 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Vesicularia ischyropteris (Brotherus) C. Müller in Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia isopterygiiforme (Cardot & Thériot) Brotherus, 1909  Vesicularia janowskyi Fleischer, 1914  Vesicularia kurzii Brotherus, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Vesicularia latiramea Brotherus in Mildbraed, 1910 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Vesicularia lepervanchei (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia levieri Cardot in Dixon, 1921 – [Gangulee,  Vesicularia rivalis Brotherus, 1916 – [Yano, O., 1981; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Vesicularia rodriguezii (Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & 

H. C., 1980]  Vesicularia lonchocormus Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Vesicularia longo-fluitans (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia loricatifolia (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia marginata Thériot, 1909 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Vesicularia mayumbensis (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia miquelii (Sande Lacoste) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Vesicularia nanocarpa (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia nigeriana Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Vesicularia nitidula Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1924  Vesicularia ochracea Sakurai, 1938 – [cited by Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994 as insufficiently known]  Vesicularia oedicarpa C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Vesicularia orbicifolia C. Müller, 1901 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Vesicularia oreadelphus (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Vesicularia padangensis Fleischer, 1923  Vesicularia paranahybae C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Vesicularia paulensis (Geheeb & Hampe) Brotherus, 1908 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Vesicularia pelvifolia C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Vesicularia perangusta Dixon, 1943 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Vesicularia perpallida (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Vesicularia perpinnata (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Sehnem, A., 1979]  Vesicularia perreticulata Brotherus ex Dixon, 1915 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Vesicularia perviridis (Ångström) C. Müller, 1896 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Vesicularia pilifera Dixon, 1932  Vesicularia plicaefolia Fleischer, 1923  Vesicularia reimersiana Bizot & Potier de la Varde, 1952  Vesicularia reticulata (Dozy & Molkenboer) Brotherus, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Vesicularia rhynchostegiocarpa (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1908 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993] W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia rootii (Paris & Brotherus) Brotherus, 1909  Vesicularia sarcoblasta (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908


Vesicularia scaturigina (Bridel) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia sigmangia (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Vesicularia sigmatellopsis C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Vesicularia slateri (Hampe) Brotherus, 1908 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Vesicularia soyauxii (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia squamatifolia C. Müller, 1897 – [Buck, W. R., 1985c]  Vesicularia stillatitia Cardot, 1911  Vesicularia stillicidiorum Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Vesicularia stramineola (C. Müller) C. Müller, 1896  Vesicularia strephomischos (Welwitsch & Duby) Brotherus, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Vesicularia subcalodictyon Brotherus & Paris, 1911 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Vesicularia subchlorotica Brotherus, 1929 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Vesicularia subenervis (Mitten) Brotherus, 1909 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia subfuscescens (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1908 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Vesicularia subpilicuspis Cardot & Potier de la Varde, 1923  Vesicularia subsarcoblasta (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia subscaturiginosa Fleischer, 1923 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Vesicularia subsphaerica (C. Müller in Renauld & Cardot) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Vesicularia suburceolata (Hampe & Lorentz) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia succosa (Mitten) Brotherus, 1908 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Vesicularia tahitensis (Ångström) Brotherus, 1908 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Vesicularia tenaci-inserta (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia tenuatipes (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia tepida Fleischer, 1923  Vesicularia terrestris (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia thermophila Fleischer, 1923  Vesicularia thollonii (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1908  Vesicularia tjibodensis Fleischer, 1923  Vesicularia tonkinensis (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1908 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Vesicularia tophacea C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Vesicularia trullifolia C. Müller, 1901 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Vesicularia vesicularis (Schwägrichen) Brotherus, 1908 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Crum, H.,  Warburgiella leucocytus (C. Müller) B. C. Tan, W. B.


1994b; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1990; Sehnem, A., 1979; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Vesicularia vitiana Dixon, 1930 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978] Vesiculariopsis Brotherus, 1908 {0/1/0/0/0=1} PILOTRICHACEAE  Vesiculariopsis spirifolium (Dusén) Brotherus, 1908 – [Seki, T., 1974 [1976]] Viridivellus Stone, 1976 {0/0/1/0/0=1} VIRIDIVELLERACEAE  Viridivellus pulchellum Stone, 1976 – [Stone, I. G., 1976b; Stone, I. G., 1980b; Zander, R. H., 1993] Vittia Ochyra, 1987 {1/0/0/0/0=1} AMBLYSTEGIACEAE  Vittia pachyloma (Montagne) Ochyra, 1987 – [Ochyra, R., 1987c] Voitia Hornschuch, 1818 {2/0/1/0/0=3} SPLACHNACEAE  Voitia grandis D. G. Long, 1999 – [Long, D. G., 1999]  Voitia hyperborea Greville & Arnott, 1822 – [Nyholm, E., 1989]  Voitia nivalis Hornschuch, 1818 – [Lawton, E., 1971] Warburgiella C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1900 {2/4/1/20/0=27} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Warburgiella ambigua Thériot, 1921 – [Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier & B. A. Whittier, 1978]  Warburgiella bistrumosa (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Buck, W. R. & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Warburgiella breviseta (Brotherus) Brotherus, 1925 – [Tan, B. C., 1991; Buck, W. R. & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]]  Warburgiella circinata Dixon, 1941  Warburgiella concavifolia Thériot, 1910 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Warburgiella cupressinoides C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1900 – [Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Warburgiella cuspidatifolia Fleischer, 1923  Warburgiella falcatula (Brotherus in Herzog) Brotherus, 1925  Warburgiella filicuspis (Brotherus in Herzog) Brotherus, 1925  Warburgiella hygrophila (Fleischer) Fleischer, 1923  Warburgiella isopterygioides Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930  Warburgiella kjelbergii Dixon, 1934  Warburgiella leptocarpa (Schwägrichen) Fleischer, 1923 – [Buck, W. R. & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Warburgiella leptorhynchoides (Mitten) Fleischer, 1923 – [Buck, W. R. & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Warburgiella leptorrhyncha (Jaeger) Brotherus, 1925 – [O'Shea, B. J., 1998] Schofield & H. P. Ramsay, 1998 – [Tan, B. C., W. B.



Schofield & H. Ramsay], 1998] Warburgiella macrospora (Dixon & Sainsbury) B. C. Tan, W. B. Schofield & H. P. Ramsay, 1998 – [Tan, B. C., W. B. Schofield & H. Ramsay], 1998]  Warburgiella nitens Dixon, 1935  Warburgiella pallida Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964]  Warburgiella perviridis Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1927  Warburgiella philippinensis (R. S. Williams) Brotherus, 1925 – [Buck, W. R. & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Warburgiella pycnophylla (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Buck, W. R. & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991]  Warburgiella subleptorrhyncha (Brotherus & Paris) Brotherus, 1925 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982]  Warburgiella subleptorrhynchoides (Fleischer) Fleischer, 1923 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1991; Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Warburgiella subpapuana Dixon, 1943 – [Buck, W. R. & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]]  Warburgiella subpycnophylla (C. Müller) Fleischer, 1923 – [Buck, W. R. & B. C. Tan, 1989 [1990]]  Warburgiella venemae Zanten, 1964 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964] Wardia Harvey & W. J. Hooker ex W. J. Hooker, 1837 {1/0/0/0/0=1} WARDIACEAE  Wardia hygrometrica Harvey & W. J. Hooker, 1837 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998] Warnstorfia Loeske, 1907 {8/2/0/0/0=10} CAMPYLIACEAE  Warnstorfia exannulata (W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Loeske, 1907 – [Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Drepanocladus exannulatus]  Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedwig) Loeske, 1907 – [Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Drepanocladus fluitans]  Warnstorfia laculosa (C. Müller) Ochyra & Matteri, 1997 – [Ochyra, R. & C. M. Matteri, 1997; Ochyra, R., 1998a]  Warnstorfia luipichensis (R. S. Williams) Hedenäs, 1993 – [Hedenäs, L., 1993a]  Warnstorfia procera (Renauld & H. Arnell in Husnot) Tuomikoski, 1973 – [Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Drepanocladus fluitans]  Warnstorfia pseudosarmentosa (Cardot & Thériot) Tuomikoski & T. Koponen, 1979 – [Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Steere, W. C., 1978, as Drepanocladus pseudosarmentosus]  Warnstorfia pseudostraminea (C. Müller) Tuomikoski & T. Koponen, 1979 – [Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b, as Calliergidium pseudostramineum]  Warnstorfia sarmentosa (Wahlenberg) Hedenäs, 1993 – [Ochyra, R., 1998a; Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Ochyra, R., T. Koponen & D. H. Norris, 1991, as Sarmentypnum 

sarmentosum] Warnstorfia trichophylla (Warnstorf) Tuomikoski & T. Koponen, 1979 – [Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Kanda, H., 1976 [1977], as Drepanocladus trichophyllus]  Warnstorfia tundrae (Arnold) Loeske, 1907 – [Hedenäs, L., 1993a; Lawton, E., 1971, as Drepanocladus exannulatus var. tundrae] Webera Hedwig, 1801 =Pohlia {0/0/0/11/0=11} BRYACEAE  Webera carneoides Dixon & Badhwar, 1938  Webera denticostata Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1955  Webera julacea Fürnrohr, 1829  Webera leptoclada Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Webera luisieri Dixon in Luisier, 1939  Webera maderensis Dixon & Luisier, 1931  Webera merapicola Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1953  Webera pentasticha Schiffner, 1908  Webera striatidens Dixon & Badhwar, 1938  Webera synoica Dixon, 1942  Webera taylorii Thériot, 1936 Weisiopsis Brotherus, 1921 {4/1/1/1/0=7} POTTIACEAE  Weisiopsis anomala Brotherus & Paris, 1921 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994z; Saito, K., 1975; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1988]  Weisiopsis bahiensis (C. Müller) Brotherus, 1924 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Weisiopsis cucullatifolia (Gao Chien, Jia Xue-yi & Cao Tong) Zander, 1993 – [Gao Chien, Jia Xue-yi & Cao Tong, 1991, as Hyophila cucullatifolia]  Weisiopsis nigeriana (Egunyomi & Olarinmoye) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weisiopsis norrisii (Zander) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1985 [1986], as Scopelophila norrisii; Zander, R. H., 1994x, as Scopelophila norrisii]  Weisiopsis oblonga Thériot, 1933 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994z]  Weisiopsis plicata (Mitten) Brotherus, 1921 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981] Weissia Hedwig, 1801 {35/22/4/29/0=90} POTTIACEAE  Weissia abbreviata (Thwaites & Mitten) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia alianuda B. C. Tan in B. Thiers, 1992  Weissia andersoniana Zander, 1985 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994a]  Weissia argentinica C. Müller, 1879 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia artocosana Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia atra Schleicher ex A. P. de Candolle, 1815  Weissia ayresii W. P. Schimper in Bescherelle, 1880 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983, as Hymenostomum ayresii]  Weissia balansae (C. Müller) Zander, 1993 – [Stone, 

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES I. G., 1980b, as Phasconica balansae; Zander, R. H., Weissia balansaeana (Bescherelle) C. Müller, 1882 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia bizotii Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Bizot, M., 1974, as Kleioweisiopsis involuta]  Weissia brachycarpa (Nees & Hornschuch) Juratzka, 1882 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Weissia brachypelma C. Müller, 1879  Weissia brachypoma C. C. Townsend, 1981 [1982] – [Townsend, C. C., 1981 [1982]]  Weissia breutelii C. Müller, 1849 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia breviseta (Thériot) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Weissia canaliculata Hampe, 1879 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia condensa (Voit in J. W. Sturm) Lindberg, 1863 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Zander, R. H., 1994a]  Weissia contermina (C. Müller) Mitten, 1869  Weissia controversa Hedwig, 1801 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Lawton, E., 1971; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Zander, R. H., 1994a; Zander, R. H., 1993; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Robinson, H., 1975; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Weissia cucullata C. Müller, 1858 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Weissia dieterlenii Thériot, 1924 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Weissia diffidentia Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia edentula Mitten, 1859 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989; Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993; Gangulee, H. C., 1972, as Hymenostomum edentulum]  Weissia erythrogona Bridel, 1806  Weissia exserta (Brotherus) Chen Pan-chieh, 1941 – [Saito, K., 1975]  Weissia fallax Sehlmeyer, 1820 – [Agnew, S. & M. Vondráek, 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia felipponei Thériot in Felippone, 1930 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia fornicata Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Weissia ghatensis Dixon & Potier de la Varde, 1930 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia glazioui Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia groenlandica Kindberg, 1897  Weissia humicola C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E., 1981]  Weissia inoperculata (H. Crum) H. Crum, Steere & L. E. Anderson, 1964  Weissia jamaicensis (Mitten) Grout, 1938 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Zander, R. H., 1994a; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia kaikouraensis R. Brown ter, 1903  Weissia krassavinii (Lazarenko) Lazarenko ex Ochyra, 1988  Weissia kunzeana C. Müller, 1849 – [Robinson, H., 


1993] 1975]  Weissia latiuscula C. Müller, 1899 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Magill, R. E., 1981]  Weissia levieri (Limpricht) Kindberg, 1897 – [Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1972]  Weissia ligulaefolia (E. B. Bartram) Grout, 1938 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Flowers, S., 1973b]  Weissia lineaefolia C. Müller, 1875 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia longidens Cardot, 1907 – [Saito, K., 1975; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia longifolia Mitten, 1851 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1972]  Weissia lorentzii (C. Müller) Zander, 1993  Weissia ludoviciana (Sullivant in A. Gray) W. D. Reese & B. A. E. Lemmon, 1965 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Astomum ludovicianum; Breen, R. S., 1963, as Astomum ludovicianum]  Weissia macrospora Cardot & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde, 1922 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia micacea (Schlechtendal) C. Müller, 1849 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Hymenostomum micaceum]  Weissia mittenii (Bruch & W. P. Schimper in B.S.G.) Mitten, 1851 – [Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1972]  Weissia muhlenbergiana (Swartz) W. D. Reese & B. A. E. Lemmon, 1965 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a, as Astomum muhlenbergianum; Reese, W. D., 1984, as Astomum muhlenbergianum]  Weissia multicapsularis (Smith) Mitten, 1851 – [Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1972]  Weissia neocaledonica (Thériot) Zander, 1993 – [Pursell, R. A. & W. D. Reese, 1982, as Astomum neocaledonicum]  Weissia newcomeri (E. B. Bartram) K. Saito, 1975 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Saito, K., 1975]  Weissia nitida Reinwardt & Hornschuch, 1829  Weissia norkettii R. S. Chopra, 1975  Weissia novae-valisiae (Brotherus ex G. Roth) Stone, 1980 – [Stone, I. G., 1980b]  Weissia obtusata C. Müller, 1900 – [Yano, O., 1981, as Hymenostomum obtusatum]  Weissia obtusifolia C. Müller, 1845 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Weissia occidentalis (Flowers) Stoneburner, 1985 [1986] – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Flowers, S., 1973a, as Astomum occidentale; Flowers, S., 1973b, as Astomum occidentale]  Weissia occulta Wallroth, 1840  Weissia opaca (Dixon) Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia ovalis (R. S. Williams) E. B. Bartram, 1933 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia ovatifolia Kürschner, 1995 – [Kürschner, H., 1995]  Weissia papillosa Dixon & Naveau, 1927 – [Kis, G., 1985]

268 


Weissia papillosissima Lazarenko, 1967 – [Lazarenko, A. S., 1967]  Weissia patagonica Cardot & Brotherus, 1923 –  Weissia perpusilla (C. Müller) Stone, 1980 – [Stone, I. G., 1980b]  Weissia platystegia (Dixon) A. Eddy, [1990] n.d. – [Eddy, A., 1990 [n.d.]; Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1989, as Astomum platystegium; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia ricciae Bridel, 1819 [1818] – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Weissia riograndensis (Brotherus) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia rostellata (Bridel) Lindberg, 1864 – [Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1972]  Weissia rutilans (Hedwig) Lindberg, 1863 – [Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia semidiaphana (Thériot) Zander, 1985 – [Zander, R. H., 1994a; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia semiinvoluta C. Müller, 1882  Weissia semipallida C. Müller, 1898 – [Zhao Zun-tian & Cao Tong (editors), 1998]  Weissia sharpii L. E. Anderson & B. A. E. Lemmon, 1973 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981a; Anderson, L. E. & B. E. Lemmon, 1973; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia simplex Bridel, 1827  Weissia socotrana Mitten, 1888 – [Frey, W. & H. Kürschner, 1991; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983, as Hymenostomum socotranum]  Weissia splachnum Garovaglio, 1840 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Weissia squarrosa (Nees & Hornschuch) C. Müller, 1849 – [Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1972]  Weissia sterilis Nicholson, 1903 – [Crundwell, A. C. & E. Nyholm, 1972]  Weissia subacaulis Mitten, 1869 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia submicacea C. Müller, 1900 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia termitidarum C. Müller, 1875 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia triumphans (De Notaris in W. P. Schimper) M. O. Hill, 1981 [1982] – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia tyrrhena Fleischer, 1893 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia vardei Bizot in Bizot & Dury, 1978  Weissia veviridis Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993]  Weissia welwitschii W. P. Schimper, 1876 – [cited by Corley, M. F. V., A. C. Crundwell, R. Düll, M. O. Hill & A. J. E. Smith, 1981 as insufficiently known]  Weissia willisiana (Sainsbury) Catcheside, 1980 – [Stone, I. G., 1980b; Catcheside, D. G., 1980] Weissiodicranum W. D. Reese in W. D. Reese & W. R. Buck, 1991 {0/0/1/0/0=1} POTTIACEAE  Weissiodicranum insularum W. D. Reese in W. D. Reese & W. R. Buck, 1991 – [Reese, W. D. & W. R.

[Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Weissia patula (Knight) Fife, 1995 Buck, 1991; Zander, R. H., 1993] Weymouthia Brotherus, 1906 {2/0/0/0/0=2} LEMBOPHYLLACEAE  Weymouthia cochlearifolia (Schwägrichen) Dixon, 1927 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976]  Weymouthia mollis (Hedwig) Brotherus, 1906 – [Scott, G. A. M. & I. G. Stone, 1976] Wijkia H. Crum, 1971 {14/2/6/26/0=48} SEMATOPHYLLACEAE  Wijkia albescens (Thériot & Potier de la Varde) H. Crum, 1971  Wijkia alboalaris (Tixier) Manuel, 1981 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tixier, P., 1970 [1971], as Acanthocladium alboalare]  Wijkia alstonii (E. B. Bartram) Ireland, 1991  Wijkia annamensis (Brotherus ex Thériot) H. Crum, 1971 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Wijkia baculifera (Dixon) H. Crum, 1971 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Wijkia bessonii (Renauld & Cardot) H. Crum, 1971 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Wijkia carlottae (W. B. Schofield) H. Crum, 1971 – [Buck, W. R., 1986]  Wijkia ceylonensis (Brotherus & Dixon ex Dixon) H. Crum, 1971  Wijkia clarkii (Dixon) H. Crum, 1971  Wijkia clastobryoides (Tixier) Ninh, 1981 – [Ninh, T., 1981; Tixier, P., 1966, as Acanthocladium clastobryoides]  Wijkia comosa (Tixier) B. C. Tan & Iwatsuki, 1993 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tixier, P., 1970 [1971], as Acanthocladium comosum]  Wijkia concavifolia (Cardot) H. Crum, 1971 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994]  Wijkia costaricensis (E. B. Bartram & Dixon in E. B. Bartram) H. Crum, 1971 – [Crum, H., 1994v; Florschütz-de Waard, J., 1996; Buck, W. R., 1986; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Wijkia crossii (Brotherus & Geheeb) H. Crum, 1971 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Wijkia cuynetii (Bizot) Schultze-Motel, 1975 – [Bizot, M., 1973, as Acanthocladium cuynetii]  Wijkia deflexifolia (Mitten ex Renauld & Cardot) H. Crum, 1971 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Wijkia dentigera (Dixon) H. Crum, 1971  Wijkia doii (Sakurai) H. Crum, 1971  Wijkia extenuata (Bridel) H. Crum, 1971 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Wijkia filifera (Brotherus & Paris ex Tixier) B. C. Tan & Iwatsuki, 1993 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Wijkia filipendula (Dixon) H. Crum, 1971 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Wijkia flagellifera (Brotherus) H. Crum, 1971 – [Buck,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES W. R., 1986; Buck, W. R., 1998b] Wijkia flagelliformis (Tixier) B. C. Tan & Iwatsuki, 1993 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Tixier, P., 1970 [1971], as Acanthocladium flagelliforme]  Wijkia gracilis (E. B. Bartram) H. Crum, 1971  Wijkia jungneri (Brotherus) H. Crum, 1971 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Wijkia laxa (Dixon) H. Crum, 1971 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Wijkia laxitexta (Renauld & Cardot) H. Crum, 1971 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Wijkia lepida (Mitten) H. Crum, 1971 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Wijkia letestui (Thériot & Potier de la Varde) H. Crum, 1971  Wijkia macgregorii (Brotherus & Geheeb) H. Crum, 1971  Wijkia madagassa (Thériot) H. Crum, 1971 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Wijkia nivea (Herzog) H. Crum, 1971  Wijkia pendula (Zanten) H. Crum, 1971 – [Zanten, B. O. van, 1964, as Acanthocladium pendulum]  Wijkia penicillata (Mitten) H. Crum, 1971 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980]  Wijkia pinnata (Fleischer) H. Crum, 1971  Wijkia polymorpha (Dixon) H. Crum, 1971 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Wijkia protensa (Renauld & Cardot) H. Crum, 1971 – [Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Wijkia radiculosa (Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich) H. Crum, 1971  Wijkia rigidifolia (Dixon) H. Crum, 1971 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Wijkia rutenbergii (C. Müller ex Geheeb) H. Crum, 1971 – [Kis, G., 1985; Crosby, M. R., U. Schultze-Motel & W. Schultze-Motel, 1983]  Wijkia sublepida (Brotherus) H. Crum, 1971 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993; Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996]  Wijkia subnitida (Hampe) H. Crum, 1971 – [Buck, W. R., 1986; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Wijkia surcularis (Mitten) H. Crum, 1971 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Wijkia tanytricha (Montagne) H. Crum, 1971 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1980; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Wijkia trichocolea (C. Müller) H. Crum, 1971 – [Buck, W. R., 1993]  Wijkia trichocoleoides (C. Müller) H. Crum, 1971 – [Buck, W. R., 1993] Wijkiella Bizot & Lewinsky in Bizot et al., 1978 {0/0/1/0/0=1} HYPNACEAE  Wijkiella kenyae Bizot & Lewinsky in Bizot et al., 1978 – [Bizot, M., I. Friis, J. Lewinsky & T. Pócs, 1978] Wildia C. Müller & Brotherus ex Brotherus, 1891 {1/0/0/0/0=1}




Wijkia hornschuchii (Fleischer) H. Crum, 1971 – [Noguchi, A., Z. Iwatsuki & T. Yamaguchi, 1994; Tan, B. C. & Yu Jia, 1999]  Wijkia jacobsonii (Dixon) H. Crum, 1971

ERPODIACEAE Wildia solmsiellacea C. Müller & Brotherus, 1891 – [Crum, H., 1972 [1973]; Stone, I. G., 1997a, as Erpodium solmsiellaceum] Willia C. Müller in Neumayer, 1890 {2/1/0/0/0=3} POTTIACEAE  Willia austroleucophaea (Bescherelle) Brotherus, 1902 – [Bell, B. G., 1974; Zander, R. H., 1993]  Willia brachychaete (Dusén) Zander, 1993 – [Zander, R. H., 1993; Kramer, W., 1988, as Tortula brachychaete]  Willia calobolax (C. Müller) Lightowlers, 1985 – [Lightowlers, P. J., 1985b] Wilsoniella C. Müller, 1881 {3/1/0/6/0=10} DITRICHACEAE  Wilsoniella blindioides (Brotherus) Sainsbury, 1952 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992]  Wilsoniella bornensis Brotherus, 1912  Wilsoniella crispidens C. Müller ex Brotherus, 1897  Wilsoniella decipiens (Mitten) Alst. in Dixon, 1930 – [Norris, D. H. & T. Koponen, 1990b; Gao Chien (editor), 1994; Banu-Fattah, K. & S. Hadiuzzaman, 1996]  Wilsoniella flaccida (R. S. Williams) Brotherus, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Wilsoniella hampeana (C. Müller) E. S. Salmon, 1902 – [Tan, B. C. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1993]  Wilsoniella jardinii Bescherelle, 1894 – [Whittier, H. O., 1976]  Wilsoniella karsteniana C. Müller, 1881 – [Streimann, H. & J. Curnow, 1989]  Wilsoniella subvaginans H. Crum & Steere, 1956  Wilsoniella tonkinensis Bescherelle, 1890 – [Eddy, A., 1988] Zanderia Goffinet, 1997 [1998] {1/0/0/0/0=1} RHACHITHECIACEAE  Zanderia octoblepharis (Jaeger) Goffinet, 1997 [1998] – [Goffinet, B., 1997 [1998]] Zelometeorium Manuel, 1977 [1978] {5/0/0/0/0=5} BRACHYTHECIACEAE  Zelometeorium allionii Manuel, 1977 – [Manuel, M. G., 1977b]  Zelometeorium ambiguum (Hornschuch in Martius) Manuel, 1977 – [Manuel, M. G., 1977b]  Zelometeorium patens (W. J. Hooker) Manuel, 1977 – [Manuel, M. G., 1977b]  Zelometeorium patulum (Hedwig) Manuel, 1977 – [Manuel, M. G., 1977b; Buck, W. R., 1998b]  Zelometeorium recurvifolium (Hornschuch in Martius) Manuel, 1977 – [Manuel, M. G., 1977b] Zygodon W. J. Hooker & Taylor, 1818 {25/13/3/51/0=92} ORTHOTRICHACEAE  Zygodon acutifolius C. Müller, 1853  Zygodon altarensis Brotherus ex Malta, 1926 



Zygodon angustatus W. P. Schimper in C. Müller, 1849 – [cited by Vitt, D. H., 1994 as insufficiently known]  Zygodon apiculatus Redfearn, 1967 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b]  Zygodon barbuloides Brotherus ex Malta, 1926  Zygodon campylophyllus C. Müller, 1849 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Griffin, D., III, 1990a]  Zygodon cernuus C. Müller, 1899 – [cited by Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998 as insufficiently known]  Zygodon conoideus (Dickson) W. J. Hooker & Taylor, 1818 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982]  Zygodon corralensis Lorentz, 1866 – [Arts, T., 1998b]  Zygodon cylindricus W. P. Schimper in C. Müller, 1849 – [cited by Vitt, D. H., 1994 as insufficiently known]  Zygodon dentatus (Limpricht) Karttunen, 1984 – [Karttunen, K., 1984]  Zygodon dioicus Brotherus, 1901 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Zygodon dixonii Sim, 1926 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Zygodon ehrenbergii C. Müller, 1845 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994]  Zygodon erosus Mitten, 1886 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Zygodon fasciculatus Mitten, 1851 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Zygodon forsteri (Dickson ex Withering) Mitten, 1851 – [Düll, R., 1992; Smith, A. J. E., 1978]  Zygodon fragilis H. Robinson in H. Robinson, Holm-Nielsen & Lojtnant, 1977 – [Robinson, H., 1977; Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Zygodon fruticola R. S. Williams, 1903  Zygodon gracilis Wilson, 1861 – [Smith, A. J. E., 1978; Karttunen, K., 1984]  Zygodon gracillimus Brotherus ex Fleischer, 1904 – [Lewinsky, J., 1989 [1990]b; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Eddy, A., 1996]  Zygodon hirsutus Negri, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Zygodon hookeri Hampe, 1869 – [Lewinsky, J., 1989 [1990]b; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Zygodon humilis Thwaites & Mitten, 1873  Zygodon inermis Malta, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Zygodon insularum Dixon in Christophersen, 1960  Zygodon intermedius Bruch & W. P. Schimper, 1838 – [Lewinsky, J., 1989 [1990]b; Robinson, H., 1975; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998; Catcheside, D. G., 1980; Eddy, A., 1996]  Zygodon johnstonii Brotherus ex Malta, 1926 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Zygodon laxifolius Thériot, 1922  Zygodon leptobolax C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Zygodon leptocarpus Thériot, 1922  Zygodon liebmannii W. P. Schimper in C. Müller,


Zygodon bartramioides Malta, 1924 – [Griffin, D., III, 1990a]  Zygodon brevipes C. Müller, 1897 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Zygodon brevisetus Wilson ex Mitten, 1859 – [Gangulee, H. C., 1976] 1849 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994]  Zygodon longicelluaris Griffin, 1990 – [Griffin, D., III, 1990a]  Zygodon longisetus R. S. Williams, 1927  Zygodon lukasii Herzog, 1938*  Zygodon macrophyllus Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Zygodon magellanicus Dusén ex Malta, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Zygodon microgemmaceus Dixon, 1938  Zygodon microtheca Dixon ex Malta, 1924 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Zygodon minutus C. Müller & Hampe, 1856 – [Lewinsky, J., 1989 [1990]b; Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Catcheside, D. G., 1980]  Zygodon nivalis Hampe, 1865 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Zygodon novo-guinensis E. B. Bartram, 1942 – [Eddy, A., 1996]  Zygodon obovalis Mitten, 1885 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Zygodon ochraceus C. Müller, 1879 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Zygodon oeneus Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Zygodon papillatus Montagne, 1845 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Zygodon parvulus Geheeb & Hampe, 1879 – [Yano, O., 1981]  Zygodon patrum Sehnem, 1978 – [Sehnem, A., 1978]  Zygodon perichaetialis Herzog, 1909 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Zygodon perreflexus C. Müller, 1899 – [cited by Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998 as insufficiently known]  Zygodon peruvianus Sullivant, 1859 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Zygodon petrophilus R. S. Williams, 1927  Zygodon pichinchensis (Taylor) Mitten, 1851 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Griffin, D., III, 1990a]  Zygodon pilosulus C. Müller, 1879 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Pursell, R. A., 1973]  Zygodon podocarpi C. Müller ex Malta, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986]  Zygodon polyptychus Cardot in Brotherus, 1925  Zygodon porteri Thériot, 1926 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Zygodon quitensis Mitten, 1869 – [Griffin, D., III, 1990a]  Zygodon ramulosus Herzog, 1916 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976; Yano, O., 1981]  Zygodon reinwardtii (Hornschuch) A. Braun in B.S.G., 1838 – [Vitt, D. H., 1994; Whittier, H. O., 1976; Eddy,

A CHECKLIST OF THE MOSSES A., 1996; Zander, R. H. & D. H. Vitt, 1979]  Zygodon robustus Brotherus ex Malta, 1926 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Zygodon roccatii Negri, 1908 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Zygodon rubrigemmius (Hoe & H. Crum) Zander & Vitt, 1979 – [Zander, R. H. & D. H. Vitt, 1979]  Zygodon rufescens (Hampe) Brotherus in Paris, 1906 – [Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child, 1992; Lewinsky,  Zygodon schimperi Hampe ex C. Müller, 1845  Zygodon semitortus Mitten, 1863 – [Born, S., J.-P. Frahm & T. Pócs, 1993]  Zygodon seriatus Thériot & Naveau in Malta, 1926 – [Kis, G., 1985]  Zygodon setulosus Mitten, 1869 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Zygodon sibiricus Ignatov et al., 1999 – [Ignatov, M. S., E. A. Ignatova, Z. Iwatsuki & B. C. Tan, 1999]  Zygodon skujae Malta, 1926  Zygodon sordidus C. Müller, 1857 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Zygodon squarrosus (Taylor) C. Müller, 1849 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Zygodon stenocarpus Taylor, 1847 – [Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C., 1995b]  Zygodon stresemannii Herzog, 1916  Zygodon strictus Mitten, 1859 – [Vitt, D. H., 1972; Gangulee, H. C., 1976, as Drummondia stricta]  Zygodon subrecurvifolius Brotherus in Herzog, 1916


J., 1989 [1990]b] Zygodon runcinatus C. Müller, 1899 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Zygodon rupestris W. P. Schimper ex Lorentz, 1865 – [Karttunen, K., 1984; Smith, A. J. E., 1978, as Zygodon baumgartneri]  Zygodon schenckei Brotherus, 1894 – [Yano, O., 1981] – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Zygodon subsquarrosus Brotherus ex Malta, 1926  Zygodon tetragonostomus A. Braun ex B.S.G., 1838 – [Zander, R. H. & D. H. Vitt, 1979; Eddy, A., 1996]  Zygodon theriotii Herzog, 1939 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Zygodon trichomitrius W. J. Hooker & Wilson, 1846 – [Magill, R. E. & J. van Rooy, 1998]  Zygodon tristis Herzog, 1961 – [Greene, D. M., 1986; He, Si, 1998]  Zygodon venezuelensis Griffin, 1990 – [Griffin, D., III, 1990a]  Zygodon vestitus R. S. Williams, 1903 – [Hermann, H. J., 1976]  Zygodon viridissimus (Dickson) Bridel, 1826 – [Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson, 1981b; Ireland, R. R., 1982; Vitt, D. H., 1994; Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki, 1989]  Zygodon wightii Dixon & Malta, 1938  Zygodon yuennanensis Malta, 1926 – [Redfearn, P. L., Jr., B. C. Tan & S. He, 1996] 


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