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iCEER2014- McMaster Internationa ! Conference on Engineering Education and Research


McMaster University isg

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ENG IHEEtING ) v uo|

Bahan dengan r^ak


iCEER 2014-McMaster Digest

Prepared by: Mohamed Bakr i and Ahmed Eisharabasy


LMcMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

While the editors believe that the information and guidance given in this book arc correct, readers of this material must relv on their own skills and judgment when using the material in this book. The editors assume no liability to anyone for any loss or damage caused by any error or omission in this work. Any such liability is disclaimed.

ISBN 978-0-9939779 -0-9


Session Mol: Experiential Learning th

Time: Monday, August 25 , 1:30 pm-3:10 pm Room: ET8 124 Paper

Title / Authors


Mol 1

A multidisciplinary module-based biotech no log/ lab course: forging bridges between Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering experiential based learning" Felicia Vulcu, Meagan Heirwegh, Kim Jones and Rena Cornelius, Mt Master University, Canada. '

Mol 2

" Development of Traditional Skill and Technology Learning Method Using Digital Tools' Taisuke Shirafcawa, Yoshifumi Ohbuchi and Hidetoshi Sakamoto, Kumamoto University, Japan ,


Mol 3

'Teaching intearated System Design: Case of Mechatronfcs Prpject based on a Line - Following Robot " Reiner Schmidt, Tom Wanyama and IshwarSingh, McMaster University, Canada.

Mol 4

"Teaching Electromagnetics through a Combination of Blended Learning and Experiential Learning" Mohamed Bakr, McMaster University, Canada .

Mol 5

Motion Simulation in Time Domain- A Useful Tool in Flight Mechanics" Abdulhamid A, Ghmmam and Ahmed A . Makhlufi, University of Tripoli, Libya . " Aircraft

man c




Session MoZ : Novel Teaching Approaches in Engineering th

Time : Monday, August 25 , 1:30 pm -3:10 pm Room: ETB 1Z 6 Paper Number

Title / Authors

MoZ l

"Integrating Lectures, Laboratories and Course Projects" Tom Wanyama and Ishwar Singh, McMaster University, Canada

Mo2 2

Innovation and Creativity in STEM Education" Joyati Debnath, Winona State University, United States of America.

MoZ 3


'' Global Competence,

Requirements for an Electric Circuits Course in the "Modern ' World" George Gibbon, University of the Witwatersrand, South 1


Africa. MoZ 4


Formative Communications through Assessment" Kim Jones and Emily Cranston, McMaster University, Canada



MoZ 5

"Laboratory Scaled Plug-in Electric Vehicles Car Park Infrastructure Design and Implementation" Osama Mohammed and Tan Ma, Florida International University, United States of America .



Session Mo3: Trends in Engineering Education I th

Time: Monday, August 25 , 1:30 pm-3:10 pm Room: ETB 224 Paper Number Mas 1

Title / Authors "Flipping the Design of a Classroom" Paige Donnell, Kristen Murray, John O'Hora, Sean O'Neill, Benjamin FehL and Richard Devon, Penn State University, United States of America,

Ma3 Z

"Integrating RFID Technology into a Course

in Mecharronics" Heshan Fernando, Colin Lounsbury and Brian Surgenor, Queen ' s University, Canada.

Mo3 3


Researchers Beginning at Undergraduate Lever Anant Kukreti and Temesgen Aure, University of Cincinnati, United States of America .

Mo3 4

"Scholars of Excellence in Engineering and Computer Science



Program, an NSF 5 - STEIV1 Grant: Assessment and Lessons Learned First Award" Karinna Vernaza, Scott Steinbrink, Barry Brinkman and Theresa Vitolo, Gannon University, United States of America . Mo3 5


and Evaluation of a Material Balance Concept

inventory" Indumathy Jayamani and Susan Masten, Michigan State

University, United States of America .



Session Mo 4: Learning Evaluation th

Time: Monday, August 25 , 3 :30 pm - 5:10 pm Room: ETB 124 Title / Authors

Paper Number

Mo4 1


Study to Determine the Educational Effectiveness of a Tool for Teaching PLC Data Access Using Open Process Control Technology' Tom Wanyama and Ishwar Singh, McM aster 1


University, Canada. MQ 4 2

Development, Teaching, and Evaluation of an Undergraduate Foundational Course in NanoEleetronics" Syed Omar, Amit Verma and Reis Nekovei, Texas A& M University - Kingsville, United States of America.

Mo4 3


Quality of Teaching by Graduate Assistants in Undergraduate Engineering Courses" Danieta Pusca, Jacqueline Stagnerand Hoda Eilat, University of Windsor, Canada.

Mo4 4

"From 'quality assurance' to 'quality enhancement"' Vidar Gynnifd, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway,

Mc> 4 5

"Assessment of Engineering Course Outcomes; Case Study" Bilal El - Ariss and Amr Sweedan, United Arab Emirates University,

to Measure the

United Arab Emirates.



Session Mo5: Engineering Course Design th Time: Monday, August 25 , 3 :30 pm - 5:10 pm Room: ETB 126 Paper number

Mo 5 1

Title / Authors " TRANSFORMING AN ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT COURSE TO ONLINE DELIVERY" Michael W . Piczak and Nafia Al -Mutawaly, McMaster University, Canada , '



MaS 2

Assessment Strategy for Senior Undergraduate Engineering Physics Course " Minha Ha and Shinya Nagasaki, McMaster University, Canada ,

Mo5 3

"Implementation and Integration of Phasor Measurement Units in Laboratory Based Smartgrid Testbed" Osama Mohammed, Ali


Mazloomzadah and Mehmet Hazar Ciltuglu, Florida International University, United States of America. MoS 4

Evaluation Equipment of Electric Vehicle for Student Project Team" Masakazu Nishi, Yoshifumi Qhbuchi, Hidetoshi Sakamoto and Hisahiro inoue, Kumamoto University, "Development of

Japan , Mo 5 5

"Urban Mega Transit Projects In Capstone Engineering Design Course : Win-Win Educational and Professional Development

Strategy" Benjamin Colucci Rios, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico ,




Session Mo 6; Trends in Learning Approaches th

Time: Monday, August 25 , 3 :30 pm - 5:10 pm Room: ETB 224 Paper number

Mo6 1

MoG 2

Title/Authors "'Use of Peer - Assessment in Group Work in a PBL Civil Engineering Program" Terence Ryan, Thomas Cosgrove and Ross Higgins, University of Limerick, Ireland ,

"Collaborative Testing as a way to Enhance Student Learning" Kevin Dunn and Terry McCurdy, McMaster University, Canada,

MoG 3

"An approach to teach software architecture quality driven by nonfunctional requirements" Renato Andrade and Reginaldo Arakaki, Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil .


"Teaching an introductory course in soil mechanics using problem based learning: Scratching a Seven Tear Itch'' Dedan Phillips and 1

Michael Quilliganr University of Limerick, Ireland . MoG S

and Intervention -Based Instruction for Improved Student Learning" Gaganpreet Sidhu and Seshasai Srinivasan, Queen ' s University, Canada.




Session Tul: Teaching Quality and Evaluation th

Time: Tuesday, August 26 , 10:00 am -ll:40 am Room: ETB 124 Paper Number

Tul 1

Tul 2

Title / Authors 'Tuning Mechanical Engineering Higher Education in Africa toward Unified Quality and Accreditation" Samuel Mensah Sackey, Mohammad Megahed, Venkata Ramayya Ancha, Beatrice Delpouve, Charles Awono Onana, Raindandi Danwer Moses Pbinehas Mngwapa Chinyama, Shadretk Chama, Venant Kayibanda, Leonard Kabeya Mukeba, Nawaz Mahomed and Andre Muller, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana .

"Addressing Assessment and Grading in Engineering Education" Vtdar Gynnild, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.

Tul 3

"Experiences Teaching a Capstone Design Course" Susan J . Master and Syed W. Haider, Michigan State University, United States of America.

Tul 4

"University Wide Program Management for Quality Assurance of Undergraduate Research" Masahiro Inoue and Mano Kazunori, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan .

Tul S

"Additive Manufacturing in First Year Engineering Undergraduate Experiential Design" Thomas Doyle, McMaster University, Canada



Session TuZ: Teaching Approaches th Time: Tuesday, August 26 , 10:00 am -ll:40 am Room: ETB 126 Paper Number

TuZ 1

Title / Authors " Very Low Cost Thermofluid Experiments via Vacuum Formed Plastic Hardware for Active Learning in the Classroom " Robert Richards , Shamus Fanbe Meng, Franco Spadoni and Angelo Ivory, Washington State University, United States of America .

TuZ l

" An Embedded Systems Curriculum Design Based on the SoftwareHardware Co- Design Methodology" Ling Ming , Lei Wei, Tang Yongming and Shi Longxfng, Southeast University, China .

TuZ 3

" Construction of Mental Models in the Minds of Engineering Technology Students" Timber Yuen, Dan Centea , Lucian Balan and Ishwar Singh, McMaster University, Canada.

TuZ 4

"Teaching interdisciplinary Engineering and Science Educations " Lise

Busk and Marian Stachowicz , Aalborg University, Denmark. TuZ 5

"Video Games as a Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Computer Programming ' Samantha Chan and Spencer Smith, McMaster University , Canada . 1'



Session Tu3 : Technology in Engineering Education th Time: Tuesday, August 26 , 1:30 pm- 3 :10 pm Room: ETB 124 Paper Number Tu 3 1

Title / Authors "HOW STUDENTS USE MEDIA : A COMPARISON ACROSS FACULTIES" Gerd Gidion, Luiz Fernando Capretz, Ken Meadows and Michael Grosch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany ,

"PSSE - Based

Till 2

Computer Simulation of Wind Farm Dynamic Performance by Undergraduate Engineering and Technology Students" Chi Tang, Joe Darocha and Matthew Bradica, McMaster University, Canada ,

Tul 3

"Importance of Human Computer Interaction { HCI) in Critical Success Factors ( CSFs ) of e - Leaming" Asaf Varol and Naveed Ahmed, Firat University, Turkey .

Tu 3 4

"Smartphone as a Learning Platform for Sensors and Measurement Technology'' He LingSOng and Zhou Liping, Huazhong university of

science and technology, China . Tu 3 5

"Enhancing Ethical Awareness though Practical Engagement with Mobile Media" Meriel Huggard and Ciaran Me Gold rick, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland .



Session Tu 4: Engineering Education around the World tb Time: Tuesday, August 26 # 1:30 pm- 3 :10 pm Room: ETB 126 Paper number

Tu 4 1

Title / Authors "A Comparison of Quality Assurance System in Bologna Countries for Engineering Education; A Cyprus and Russia Case Study" Marios Kassinopoulos and Lyudmila Zinchenko, Cyprus University of

Technology, Cyprus. Tu 4 2

"Reforming Mechanical Engineering Higher Education in Africa for Increased Industry Relevance"' Samuel Mensah Sackey, Mohammad Megabed, Charles Awono Onana, Venkata Ramayya Ancha, Shadreck Chama, Moses Phinehas Mngwapa Chifiyama, Raindandi Danwe, Beatrice Delpouve, Leonard Kabeya Mukeba, Venant Kayibandar Nawaz Mahomed and Andre Muller, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana,

Tu 4 3

"International collaboration teaching method for Mechatronic Innovation Decision* making and Design Tools " Youmin Hu, Ling Ling, Thomas R . Kurfess, William Singhose and Bo Wu, Huazhong University Of Science and Technology, China .

Tu 4 4

"Studies of Energy Use, Green IT Practices and the Role of Entrepreneurship in Higher Engineering Education in Nigeria" Olaitan Afolabi and James Uhomoibhi, Salem University Lokoja, Nigeria.

Tu 4 5

"Technical Education: Past, Present, and Future" Yuko Hoshino and L Wayne Sanders, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Japan.



Session Tu 5 : Trends in Engineering Education II th

Time: Tuesday, August 26 , 3 :30 pm-5 :10 pm Room: ETB 124 Paper number

TuS 1

Tu 5 2

Titie / Authors 'A Remote Access Laboratory for Fluids Education in Mechanical Engineering" Robert Richards, Gwen Ellis and Ciil Richards, Washington State University, United States of America, J

"A Discussion on Some Simple but Effective Methods on Keeping


Large Group of Students Motivated to Learn any Engineering Subject" Quazi Rahman, University of Western Ontario, Canada, TuS 3

"Additive Manufacturing at a Distance: The Internet of Lab Things " Thomas F . Doyle, McMaster University, Canada .

TuS 4

Big-Data " processing tool for students " Jimin Song, Dongjoo Kim, Hanwoo Kim and Hyunik Yang, I lanyang University, Korea .

TuS 5



* II

DESCRIPTION MODELLING ( BDM) APPROACH" Nafia Al -Mutawaly and Michael W . Piczak, McMaster University, Canada.



Session Tu6: Design Education th Time: Tuesday, August 26 , 3 :30 pm-5 :10 pm Room: ETB 126 Paper Number Tu 6 1

Tu 6 2

Title / Authors "Problem & Project Based Learning: Preparing Students from developing Countries - A comparative Analysis -rt Tomas Benz and Angelta Musiimenta, Heilbronn University, Germany,

"Implementing Reflective Writing in a Problem - Based Learning Civil Engineering Programme " Thomas Cosgrove, Terence Ryan and Darina Slattery, University of Limerick, Ireland,

Tufi 3

"Design and Validation of Leadership Education integrating Simulation and Project Based Learning" Tomoko Maruyama and Masahiro Inoue, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan,

Tu 6 4

interdisciplinary "Facilitating Transformative Coflaborative Projects; The IMPACT (Interdisciplinary, Meaningful, Practice, Applied, Community, Transformative ) Project" Robert Fteisig, Lovaye Kajiura and Brenda Vrkljan, McMaster University, Canada .

Tu 6 5

"Experiential Learning Paradigm Revisited" Vojislav Hit, Yasmin Tolentino and Kimberley Vincent, University of Western Sydney, Australia .




A multidisciplinary modulo- based biotechnology lab course: forging bridges between Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering experiential -based learning Felicia Yulcu* 1, Meagan Heirwegh ' t Kim S . Jones and Rena M . Cornelius ' ’ Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, School of Biomedical Engineering ’ Department of Chemical Engineering , McMaster University . Hamilton , Ontario , Canada nffe /tn

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adtlruis expectations of evtr< haillgiil{ academic anti Industry stakeholders. The ikieplbn id fields nudi W hitUCL' IiiujlMg Hn?s H art interlace for multidiscipJinary voilako radons between btomertkal ttlnns uttil CHI I titering. In this milieu . bath fields arc LL . IL partners [ licit shwe their ccperleoces and viewpoints towards l he emit tin m goal of creating hie medically idniaiii products^ tsiug the revised Ulnimfs blXMiOmy ttn u model tor CLirricultitu tlenliitt. Vie created u multidisciplinary laboratory course for our students T|is course encompasses three nwdulvs n hich spun the an mu I of current hiotechnnliifty - L liese modules induce mam muUan cell culturing , bi " material testing and |tn> JucliitJi uf curiimmiiilly L JCVJJII rertimhinniil p roll ins Lililijdng In- lie h 1 n p blnnat m The modules are deHlgued to reflect A Muidid curriculum exploiting various pedagogic trf engagement : hom active learning to cookbook style la bn , He pro pane I hot .t blended pedagogy can successfully InslIE practical and 1 rimsftntaMe skills to u iiiulLidiscipliiniry slutlml lardy. To Ibis end . Wfl (.Tented a cookbook based module entitled ‘‘bloroaterlols'V However* L m p h tis k LH placed mi collaborative learriiuj; oud in dun try / research techniques thal promote student in mice meat and motivation . At the other spectrum vie created LLH active learning mudnle entitled ''hioieaetais". in this module . students t'lirriruluiii tu








interdependence and eollAliorative skills as the ) develop a testable experimental procedure. W v hope lu increase critical tliinkin " , projecl ownership and engagement. Onr final module. entitled “IlSsUe culture" a blend of ies. Our hope is that all three in -qiiiry and cimldiniik peda aittrasjui m creallng an engaging environment modules will he Tor the students. Here we describe flic current module - bated course structure from the designers' iwrspwlivf . including teitnf design and sin deni assessment. We lurcher discuss the relev mice of our blended pedagogy within the course structure with onr future platks to assessski ticttl experience In Uie course. jiionp







Today s know I edge bused economy is driven liy constant { biojtechnologieal tLdvancements. tlie Cion.sequently , d i sc ip line- specific academic skills once coveted by our graduating students have been replaced by a gamut of workplace rlefined skills dictated by industry and academic '












Cfrittsc dtvtlopttuH A eyH 'en/v inquiry, muittdlscipttnan?, bioisehpphtgy, irtin.yfemtblf ? ftcffls, ( rilicul tfii/ifimg , enxaf ;eitienl; '

stakeholders | 1 ] Numerous published articles from various disciplines, have dubbed this technological change as the new 'revolution " 12 ]. or 'golden age ” [3 ]. Learning for such an unknown future [ 4 J brings forth innumerable challenges for the university and its role as a teaching - researchentrepreneurial i list Million ] 5]* One commonality within these publications is tine disco tuiecl that exists at the curriculum level between the entrepreneurial impetus and Lhe traditional compartmentalized disciplinary structures tie . separate faculties and departments! [ft ] The pedagogical field has certainly risen to tins insurmountable task by constancy evolving teaching a ad learning si vies to nteeL stakeholder demands [7 J - fhie answer m this disconnect is the concept of 'convergence in the biomedical sciences jSj. Convergence applies to muiiidiscipiinary (science and engineering ) col la ho raL inns ; Hie establishment of new oppori uni ties to btoefiL society. In this vein we created a platform for allowing free exchange of ideas he I ween iwo different student bodies lhat are regarded as equals. The new opportunity is the challenge faced by biafehnology in deliver biomedically relevant products in various fields: fttiin igmaterial design , recombirnttu proiein expression , tissue engineering, eie - £9]. Driven by the principle of convergence A was forged between die depart me ms of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences ( BBS ] and Chemical Engineering : CEl tb create a module- based laboratory course. Given the multidisciplinary nature of this course, we first recognized the diversity in learning styles between these two faeLillies [ J 0| and applied a custom - tailored pedagogy to meet our specific reeds. Tupping into the vast pedagogieal literature we chose to build upon the revised Bloom ' s taxonomy Ccognitive domain ] as we felt it fulfills our educational goals and emphasizes both retention and transfer of learned processes fl i }. Briefly the revised taxonomy is divided into 6 hierarchical cognitive process categories: remembering ( R ), understanding ( LD > applying iAp), analyzing ( Am , evaluating ( Ei and creating (C ) . The revised taxonomy also highlights our goal of meaning I LL I learning which promotes cognitive transfer of the retained material such that it can be applied to new problems 112 j. In this article, we describe the course blueprint from the perspective of the course designers. Particular emphasis is placed on module lab content and goals , assessment of dusired '


student ! turning outcomes and future conssiderations in course devdopnient-



Given our perceived notion of learning as an interexchange between both cognitive and non cognitive factors [ 13 ].. we set out to develop a laboratory course that aims to interconnect the academic content with students ' skills., attitudes, and motivations required in the field of biotechnology. The overall course design is highlighted in Figure ] „ and entails 2 bookends ( prelude and posllude) that flank the Ift week lab

Tabie JL Brief description of desired learning outcomes, assessments and classification of concepts introduced in the prelude and posElude bookends. (Remembering (R), UiukrstHndiD£ < UL Applying < ApE. An.ii I> 7inLi < An ). Evulu-ating (Ek Cnr-aling (C) ) Desired karuinj:




.•tiiiii. V [ IUCKKJUIV SLtuikils In lib [ xminr-- and pinips V Li. CIIIir iJIlLi.3 lP. iiI 1


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V Htirj iii'Li

lugure I : Description of 4 LL3

ii 111x11 iy *njyij; aril inL-nbhciLMnn skifc j


coLirse content


and aifits .

The course is further divided into 3 modules : Tissue CuItsre (TO, Bioma rials f BM ) and Bioreactorx (Bfii Thu prelude serves ihe dual purpo ^ of actively engaging students with ihe course hiyoui and facilitating collaborations between siudeins from bruli faculties (Table 11. Students ure Initially divided into 3 groiips dial ^ytle between the 3 module -* throughout tlie eourHS-. Within each group , sttidetlts arc pLiircd; usually ore BBS student with one CE siudcnt. thus fortifying the mfliti drivers of convergence theory. The opening wLU'k.nhop lusks students io work its a group and , with ftLCilitiuion from ( heir Teaching Assistant (TA > and course designers, cLmtpile a concept tiuip cncoBipassing the main Idea * from their stnrLing module. This udivity uot only



promotes toliahi.vmLive skills, hill ulso serves to ttlltfW students a more in- depth understanding of their first module . Presentations follow the workshop component in whieh a twotier system hits been implemented: each group must present their Specific module concept map , bill within each group students are tasked with breaking down and presenting the



as a pair .

.- h . . l


POSTI .UDF. critical In -liib practical

Individual duiLi jiialvsiR

i protein

assay ) iifid d;Lij analysis



4- An


1 -R 2-U 1 -R

3-Ap 4- An 3-Ap



Low in



cohesive i n. m r u M . W I L T noi presenting , each group critically reviews and asks tpLesiions Of AttOlhcb group ’ s prvs^’ rstmion . We fctl ihis. assessment style emSom asaiM not only colkbofadvc skiUs. tut also non - cognitive factors suelj as ^ial shills, verbal cum muni cat ion . emotional maturity, curiosity, opiimism, zesi grii and interpersonal skills [13]. Cotittary to ttie prcludi, the postludt assesses bjdividual learning ( TabIt: I ). This is accomplished through n twn part in-lab practical engaging individual students in time- sensitive Lipplieations of tissue Culture and protein assay Lcchuk| uc:s, This assessment is extremely useful ELS it allows u s to see the extern of knowledge transfer to the studenL in the most practical sense, ll ELISO allows us a glimpse into the development of the student ' s other skills sueh JS t i m e management , optimism , perseverance, stress management, etc . A . TVvin,H Culture Moduli' ( blended oadisiotwi cookbook utuf i r. n s l






^ /VN.-S- irirrilUdb Afls ^

- kill -- .


5ȴtUs 410 tik-s i

2-Vibdc K 14 btei


PRELUDE Group and pair: Concept mapR[ J 5 ] Prescntaliort & peer review

The p ; i l i piesenlntiur^

Bisnafcfli. irc Mtuhifc

nkinv .ilL'ciiL Irfcmcli ra




(revised Ui xoin.nti )

Individhml technical skills Jn -iah practical ( tell culture 2-U 5-E Tirrtt nuiiuigfanent, and prelcin assays) WA il Skill iK| Critical Lhinting DiiLi u.nil lysis

I ndu Mri u I upplieflliim




Individual S LF repnn

livalualinp hkirijatcriali Written onteorivH

1 R 2-U

3 Aj> 4 An

5« E

I -R I -U

3- Ap 4-An

5- E 6-C

1 -K 2-U

4- An S- EL



C. Burteactots Modttfe { inquiry-based laboratory module )

Group experiential learning is ut the core of this module intended to elicit an authentic; ic search - design experience. This is accomplished by immersing students in an investigative scenario and asking them lo develop and test un experimental plan . .Students Lire allotted tremendous latitude in their project design and proposed experiments. Additionally, students are provided w i t h a number of resources: from courseware to external company handbooks and manual* posted on Avenue 2 Learn. The BR module span* 5 weeks 18 hours/week t arid involves groups of tf - KJ student. We have already determined that chi * group size is not optimal as groups tend to fall into a number of performance pitfalls including- social loafing , the Abilene paradox and uneven distribution of labour

I IS]. Left unchecked, this may result in lower levels of

engagement and ownership of the project than would he expected from an inquiry based lab. Given that group size is a fine balance between the complexities of the task , available resources, time limitations and member involvement, future iterations will include a more optimal group size of 4 -5 119 ] . Additionally, increasing group cohesive ness and focusing on individual and personal involvement also play a major role in increasing group efficiency, productivity and overall learning ] 2Qh We assess individual involvement through weekly 3 ah participation and preparedness marks, although we plan to implement self/ peer assessment and reflection to capture the student viewpoint throughout this experience. Assessment also encompasses a group grant proposal at the beginning and an individual grant renewal at the end of the module (Table 4) The group grant proposal is formulated inlab using round table discussions and chalk talk. Students are given latitude to develop their proposal with ample input from course faciliiniors in a safe space filling for idea generation This is especially important from the perspective of convergence as it allows students with a variety of educational backgrounds to equally contribute their expertise to the problem at hand At the conclusion of the module students submit an individual report written as a grant renewal. The individual nature of this report is paramount in emphasizing the importance of the student ' s unique input IO Lhe group project . Additionally, both of ihesc written compilations serve to underscore troubleshooting and critical thinking skills with respect to project design and group collaboration. We arc very proud of this module and we look forward to enhancing group interactions and student input in the future

inspire team collaboration, project Ownership and biotechnology -driven entrepreneurship. We will publish the student viewpoint of this course in the near future.











Table 4; BaareiKHurs module: desired learning outcomes, assessments and dassitlcation of concepts, Desired: leairiing outcomes

Tcchnial knowledge and skills

Critical thinkiTig PuLa analysis nnJ I vJUtCUlion LH Urriup

r >^-'

i' ngiLjitTnL’nt



(revised Uixonomy)

DIOR FACTORS MODI LL Lah nuWbwk Lab pfaciienhpnitein assay

Individual grant renewal (





liL - ljh

jjrt ipdSjicuiHLins

| >i

| ji

4- An

5 -E

1 -R 2-U 1 -R 2-U

3- Ap 4 *M



2U -



A- An 5- Ap 4An

( -C


5 -E


lrsing tlhn model I'nr exp riepitial leanujig, bind current 1itcriuuren ^ dbveloped siror r oioduie f^unddii^ fis in iiii;, raDltidisciplinary (ipurse. Tlic impetus for such mctiiimorpbqsis



from our run] iMillion thi.Lt iht word ’stakeholder nlso eneompniises our students. Their personal Learning jourre)' must be considered in the tourne design , iSludents should be iiolively engaged not only it ] tht module content, hut nlsu in our continual adaptation of the course. As such we plan to engage our students in ltieir own learning process by conductirig a cotitprehetisive assesnimfiiit of student experience in each module tmd JI lowing students input in design of their course syllabus. I sing this student - engaged strategy, we hope '




:i model id undergraduate competence in employability stills and its irfipikatiflngi fr * stakehokUir^r Jovmtii of Education and Work . no. ahead of print, |ip. i - 2 i, 2! 11 2. ( 2 JE. LIL- Graatf ;mil A. Knlirm: In IHW JE tan ;ind ReMarch on Engineering ^ EfJuLinlKNn , in ffandhook of Ref &arrh r-TJ Educational Communications find 2.014, pp. 565- 57 1. Tcchmda y , Aipi m y mnus.: S pi i |3 ] P_ R.. Westmcwdaml, 'Oppnriuniiies and challenges fur ;i gulden age of chemkal mgineeriilg," Fmruwrs of Chemical Sclmce and Engincenn -vul. H, no, I . pp. I *- 2 , 20 J 4. | 4 | R . Barnett, I ..uMmim I nr an uni. HAT ,*, II fmiVnV HifiJurr Education Rcworch A jEtewJuprFreFj?. vol, 31 . mi I , pp 65-77,. 20 [ 2. 13]H. Elzku-wilK. ' Research groups m “ tjiuisj-rirms" ; The inwnikm ut (lie entrepfeiiewial university ," Rrxemrh PALJC V, vd . 32, no, I. pp , I 09- I 2 I , 2003. [filS .M Adams* NX Carter, C.R Hftdlock, D M Haughlon uitd G , Sfrbu, "Ptanciive id inlefJisriphnary research teams in 4i business school environment ; Strategy and rc-unlitsv * Journal of Higher Ed if cation Policy and Management vn ]. 30 no. 2, pp , 153- 164. 2U0fcf. |7 ]H. Spucfatnu -S Sloyimov , L, Uurgnyne. D. Bennell , C, Sweeney , H . DriVliskr,. K. Vanderperren, S. V;in Hlifted. J , NfeS- 'ween.ey and CL Shorten., "Convergence and tronsliUion; Altitudes to inler- pfolessionjil learning and IciLehing ol creative problem- solving among medical and engineering students and staff,” BMC medical cdacnUott , v6l 14 . no, 1, pp - 14. 2014 . | SIP. A Sharp and R Linger- Promoting convergence in bioniedicnj science *" Sriefictr , voL 333. no. 6042,. pp. 327 , 2U 11 . im Ho, R . Utuird, R L liukTii , A. Dam , -S . George, S. HediU A.O. Hero. G.






Lazzi, R .C. Lee and J. Liang, "Grand Lfiollengefi in interfacing cngsne-cring with life sciences -and medicine / ' IEEE TrmsMiatned.lSnghmring* vol OT, no. 3, pp. 5 »-$!». 2013 IIDSD.A. Kolb , "Learning: styles dnd disciplinary differences," The modem American collegefpp , 232 - 255 « I'lfrl . 111 ]D.R . KiuUiwohL A re vision of bloom' s taxonomy: An overview , Ifanry into practice vol. 41 . no. 4. pp. 212- 2 IE. 2002. , "Rote versus meaningful learning, Theory imo pmefh e . vol . II 2 JR.E. Mayer ' 41» nou 4 „ pp 226- 232, 2002. 113|C.A . OIL. M. Roderick , E. Al lens-worth. J . Nagaoka, T.S. Keyes., D.W. Johnson and N . O. Bochum, Teaching; Adolescent fa Become * Learners The Rale ofNoitoognftwe Factor in Shaping School Performance— * A Criihal Life rut ure Review , ERtC, 2012. [ I 4JP. DilLcnbourg, "What do you mean by collaborative learning?” C&IIaboroiive -fcafjtfn Cognitive and compittationai approaches^ pp. 1 - 19,









Ell. FUTURE JssiGirrs

slcii jh

IIID- Jackson, Testing


] -R





1- R 2-U

.grjnc pry pi m J[ ilM- ILSSIIlHA

t rLHip

We would like to acknowledge the support of our departments and our amazing students and TAs.

| I 5|J. D- Novak, "Concept jn^ps and vise diagrams: Two melacognitive tools to facilitaie meaningful learning," instructional tcienee , vol. 19, no. I, pp. 2952, 1990. [ ICiJN. Myllcr, R . Bcdnaiik, E. Suiinen and M. Ben An , "Extendimg ihe engagement tasonomy: Software visualization and collaborative learning," A CM Tfrm .\mtf -rfian.w I IT t ' ompuling Rdnaifam iTOCE ) , vol. 9, lift. I , pp. 7 ,


2909. ll 7]B .M. Holaapfd, EC . ReiciicTi , J- ^ch4in( Z « Lv tJbuxfccfc, L Rackwitz, U. Ninh, F. Jakob, M . Roden, J - Gm|i and D- W , ( humnaeltiLT, " Ilow smart do '

bjomaierials need to he? A trailslalional Science and elmicaI poj. ni nf view,” Adv.Dm#; Otf/iivffirv., vol. 65. tis>. 4. pp. 5HI 603, 4, 2013. IISJA B. Kaye& D C- Kayes +uwJ D.A, Kolb^ "Experiential kaming in tt nisk" SwnuInUtm 4 . 20*05[I9]L K - Michael $en, A B . Knigltt and I .. DM Fink , Team hax d learning: A * iramformntiw w.v of small group * Slcrlrng, VA USA, Stylus Publishing,




LLCf 2004 POJSJ . Krriiii and K -D-



Willpams,, “Tlbe L' ffeels L > f group evasiveness on ton Ting and social cumpensalion " Group Dptamic ; Theory , Research * find Practice. vo| . | no , 2. pp - I 5h. 1997 . MK iul



Development of Traditional Skill and Technology Learning Method Using Digital Tools Taisuke S H I R A K A W A ., Yoshihumi pHBUCHF, and Hidetdshi SAKAMOTO l L Kumamoto University , Kumamoto. Japan ^ auifiBi :


l 4 JclH52 & W si.kumutlinJto ^ )

Abstract Stteees«te>n D( the triMiidon&l skill and IficfaqbjiH l >L 1 v t' -Lii in k‘1 ,uuL iipprt' HUtc . MJSIIT requires Ihv ^ stews 1 tic skill aiitl tfdmlipt, Lind learns LtinnijJ] repealing of practice for a Icuifj time, In Japan, allhea li many h’cnl sped A] traditional skills exist In many puces, it became difficult lo preserve and sunwd Ihe iraditinuul skill, because of aping of these misters and ShortagecisuooHnralii recent years. '


In Ibis study, u

lejirniiii; me thud 4)1' IrjilitiimLil skills is developed liv Using HILLI ; i based net Lin 11 Lid [ JiniiIL L Ja Nincse wooden dilp "Tisunoditma dciinia'' ship fees selected ns the subject The w ooden sliip can be made by same way on 3D CAD wilh nclual fabrication. Ihe process of shipbuilding call be preserved as history tree by function of Hl )-l! \ l). In this nay, preservation tilled succession of II LLLLILI < 11 ; 11 skill aarf lech 11 I L L L - nidi lie able hi IK achieved til IICM JIM riling method proposed here ntiv






based oil multimedia. In thin study, multimedia means document . sketch , drawing, photograph, movie, voice, sound, LLtid 3D-1/ AJB: as a new medium. Fig. I shLiwn the conceptual ding rum of this smdy. 5kllJ §fid technique



Successor s



Aging of meters Shortage of successors




nslnn 3D-CAD, Finally, m 2- scale model was made after the shipbuilding process had been understood by document '; and video modes of master 's iiDrk. I lie process of making I be scale model imi laics LLL ILIAT procedure as much as possible, Secondly, “'i' sunoshimndenmu " ship is assembled on 3[i- C .\lJ, Each pari of tlieship vvHK liudded ami assembled ill the similar Wa\ »1 the actual processes mid dimensions. Finally , we irked to make database uf leLtrnitiK nielhod with HTML formal which helps apprentice to nnderstand I be shipbuilding method and process.

I i g. 1




UCIILLLI shipbuilding deeply , and bow difficult the (iflrocess Is, and how Jong time Is




needed lu make it by making scale tnudeL Reproducd nj: of "TsLmoshima- denma " ship in the similar way with actual procedure «n 3D-CAB Is very important and effective for succession of traditional production skill. Adding of explanations Lind movie about the shipbuilding to the database as much as possible, preservation ami succession of (he traditional .skill will IH: established. and new learntJiii IIIL- lin d will lie aeHiieSed, '


Cci>PURF r>r li FS F:A ROI r

purpose of

ilii ^ research is developing n new preservation an$ learning method of i : ! hy using datum based On rmillimedia . After liuving understood of ihe shipbuilding process by existing documents tmd video movies, we Lried to make database which helps apprentice to understand ihe method and process . Ln this study. " mul ( imedia " means documenl . skeleh, photograph, movie, sound , voice . 3 D - CAD und so on. The


Acyvw-rh- fruditinnal ikill*



tools , multimedia



f :i g . 2

Succession of the skills JJIJ techniques is very important in various fields. In Japan, a lot of special traditional skills which siiould he exisl in many places. Although Lhc relationship between ihe tnasicr and apprentice is nece.Hsury for succt^ joa of skill uid techniques, howler, aging of these masters and shortage of successors hecante serious problem , Recently, successigit of the skills and lechniqucs is becoming dilTicult. There lore , it is needed lo NJ converted io datum wiih sjjjjectivity und repecducibihty f l ] , Wc propose the new preservation ditthod by usin i datum





' Tsu

nosh i ]na- dc n mah> slii]>

jLLpuriese wooden &hip '"Tsunoshima- dcnnm" ship wus selected as the subject . Fig . 2 shows "Tsunosliima - dennui " slup. This ship is used for gathering of marine product m sliallows. Although it is made hy traditional skill and technique existed in Yajnaguehi prefecture, the method of shipbuilding is becoming extinct in recent years. Front 20G2 to 20D 3, Tsunoshima- denma " ship was reproduced by LLO shipbuilder in Hohoku-town pt Yamaguchi prefecture as a town event. In the shipbuilding, ail processes '




were- carefully observed and recorded by mdoy staff for .

Uwadana l Topside .i

the lines of the original size drawing were traced as clearly seem on the software pig. 4 represents cdiiing of ihe draw mu data . Fig . 4(a) is complete edited data. The upper of the ,

photograph is the top view fcf Hie ship, and ihe lower shows I he side view of the ship. After editing. this drawing is separated for every region like Fig . 4( bi . for easy handling in ihe database. Fig. 4 th ) shows die front part of the ship, and Fig . 4fc ) is a drawing of the stem called Miyoshi Fabtviipt ion of x < o tr ihodei The purpose or making scale mode ] is to understand ihe process and method of shipbuilding , After understanding of the process nf shipbuilding hy documents and video movies. I / I 2-scale model was fabricated in the similar way with actual procedure . Table I shown the procedure of scale model . In fabrication of scats model , wc reproduce until assembling Uwadana . tJwadana is topside of the ship . The material is balsa wood , and tools used for making were cutler knife , abrasive paper and woodworking adhesive. Fig . 5 shows, slops of making of scale model . As shown here, the processes of ihe settle model imitated actual procedure as much as possible . Fig . 6 shows bending process by hot steam in actual shipbuilding . In ihe making of l / IZ -seule model , the pans were bended by dunking into boiling hoi water . Fig . 7 shows I / I 2- scalc model . R.

Table 1 : procedure nl

scale model

X I Making Kawara ( Keel ]


pending Kawara Making VI Lyns hi (Stem) Assembling Miyoshl Assembling Sangai ( Reinforcing material ) Assembling Nakadana t Bottom ) A ssembl ing Todate (Tmn som ) Assembling Uwadana (Topside )

© KB wars

Nakadana Bottom )



Sangai fte i nfqrt i ng materia Is )

Fig . 3 Name of parts

+ ) Front region

(c ) Prow

F igr 4 Fdi ling of ori g i nal si fit drawi ng

Firstly . iL is necessary to know each size of the ship . Before actual shipbuilding , original .si / e drawings were made , and those drawings still exist. Because of Loo large drawing fabout 1.3x6.3 m ) , it laker as several pieces of photographs and were connected hy using computer software , In addition ,

lb ) Making Todalc ( Transomi

Fig . 3 Making process L eti .

( .

Scale model

Right : Actual making }



fa ) SC:L|L. model


Fig . 9

b j t 'ompleted scale modeE

3f > -dAD model

E i jz . ft I lending of wood plate "

Toko fRudJer holder!





Kaii iRudder )

Scale model Osiage . Slider ) Ro ( Oar ) Piji . 10 Parts for fishery functions

Modeling && 3D- CAD

Preservation of traditional skill using digital data i.s important . Therefore, eaeli pun of the ship were modeled and assembled in the similar way of Lhe actual processes and dimensions . SolidWorkstTM ) was used in this study . The sizes of each puns Were decided by original drawing, and real ship dimensions measured by former researcher |4 ] . Fig . 8 shows an example of assembling purls . Fig . 8 ( at is llie keel called Kawura. Fig . 8 lbl and let shew assembling of other purls into Kawuru. In ordinary way using 3D-CAD, all purls are assembled after each parts modeling . But this way is not satisfy our purpose. We made 3 D model us shown in log. 8. puns modeling and assembling were simultaneously performed like real making processes.

(a ) Actual ship

rbl 3D-CAD model Fig . 13 Actual ship and 3D-CAD model


b) Fig , 8 Assembling (

(c l

Fig . 9 shows 3D-CAD model . Fig, 3 faj is the model of basic s > iip function which can float on the water us same . is scale mode! mukeing, and ( hi shows the complete model has ulI fjuris lor fishery functions, and also has oar and rudder, Fig, 10 show fishery function. These pans are assembled Lo decide position and course of the ship . Assembling these parts, LTsunoshimu -denmu’ ship hus [ he function gathering murine product in shallows. L



ipt LJL

rife. II shows the actual ^Ts o


assembled 3D^AD

jihimy -deniiiii " ship and

modol. As seen here , some differences occur between Ihe r&iil ship and the 3P -C ’AD model , especially front p;Lri of the ship These differences were


picture is history function of .M3 -C AD . It is very important in this proposed I earning process that die successor can learn shipbuilding process by using of this history tree '


caused from the fact that there was no design dm wing wiih correct dimensions . To prevent these differences, accuracy measuring of shape and dimensions of ship's parts is important

*% 10.1 4 (



Him in>


ED/77 VG £E4 ff NMG MATER# L

& CM


The learning database about ihe process and method of shipbuilding m $ expressed by using HTML format , This database, including c.niirintil si/.e drawing data, cun bdlp apprentice (successor ) to understand size and shape of the ship, Fig. I 2 is the tajp page of IK I turning maieriuk




a F*.ii *' -



&: 9:



»£ £*«*

t s



- ® ** -


r «l BH i '

prt - pri|


fe " BPW fW - C ? U


1" rtrrti

rr j.- J

Fia . 34 History ot 3 DCAD IV . CONCLUSIONS 2

We understood the actual shipbuilding deeply , by fabrication of the 1 / 12 scale model. In spile of making only a scale model, we experienced how difficult the process is. and how long Lime is needed to make JL. Since producing of real size ship needs much time and materials, making scale model is economical 'way to understand shipbuilding process . On the other hand. 3 D CAD modeling of " Tsunoshi ma de amu" ship m the similar way with actual procedure is very important. Especially using the history function of 3D CAD is much effective to unde island the processes . Now , p rving shipbuilding process on the computer ha - been altDppt achieved l- inally. the new preserving method and learning material of traditional skill and technique proposed here will he expected to be able to apply effectively to other many fields .





Pig \ 2 Top psige of HTML database





II j


V . [3r>y;imj, M . M iv.whn.b. i . I '.biu- iii , M Si/ ki and M IlirnsL* , WL .;ir;itrl'j | )fsp!iiy SysEisrn jor IhmUini' Down ' riljn;' ibk Cultural Heritage'1., Virtual umJ Mixed Reality. Part JE _ KCH 20 JI , LNCS fi774. pp- 158- 166, 20.1 L . A 11 iy Lin :L


‘" ‘


Fig. I 3 3D PDF mod


1- 1

Fig . 12 shows the database, which consist ol mu111media datum . This database includes 3 D-CAD model's data . Clicking these pictures , the detail data to understand shipbuilding process ( document, movie photograph etc . and 3 D-PDF model and 3D-CAD da La ) is shown on the display . Fig. 13 shows the 3 D- PDF model made from 3D-C.AD data . We can operate and change the ship angle on screen and car imagine the shape of the ship. In this database* Lhc history of 3D CAD model is included like lug. 14. The right side of the "



L4 ]


Htitwlcu town of Y -nmsguchi pjcfc-dure. 'Hometown cultural revival project dig< Fl version. Ytiemguctii Prefecture Hohritu Hometown rediiftc vety“ DVD, Runlca -Eikini I .id. 2003 fin Japim ** ). * iDohoko hinwinowki municspul hiilnry folk m skims nuleridl pavilion , ”Tsunushi iHu-duiniu shipbuilding report Problem of fblk LiiStoim Lcdiocplogy suftccuiaiLr 2007 ( in Japiiiitsck Y - Oifhuehi, Ff . SukjiiiiulC , I . Voshittarftt: arid M . Shimizu , “ Preservallofi and Succession of Tmdjlional Skill using Multimedia T&dwKilojy (7n Repent } - Confir malaon n-l Pn-ssitiliiy ol Skill SULCI;ssmnPrvc- 6!" JSEE Annual i k/cmirr, ppHJ2- 1 1.1, 2013 ijin * “





J aguncaej



Teaching Integrated System Design: Case of Mechatronics Project based on a Line-Following Robot Reiner Schmidt 1 , Turn Wanyama * . and Ishwar Singh ’ F McMaster University, Hamilton , Ontario , Canada rCWfrsptmding tiiith r: ma mtimaAier ^ a ^ &

Abstract — Automation

sj'stems arc jKniralh made up nf three main omipunciits. namely software, CIVLTRIMKS/ il «elileal and mechanical subsystems, The inkractioiih among these components affect the integrated system In term* nf rel lability, [|uulity , scalabitily , and cqsL Therefore ' I is imperative that the three components of automation system* are tlrsij' iu il L’Lmeurrtnf ] y llirnu h u system design paradigm generally referred lo ill Literate re as nicvliuLrunio In Lins paper we present ,i mcrhiitroniis project us«l to teach integrated design in the Industrial Controllers and Networks course, in the bachelor of Technology program at McMaster Trinfersitjri In this project . «ludents Work ill groups if three Or iuur people to design acid implement a line full owing rnbcu that is capable ol turning around when the Line terminate*. The rubrtl lm * wheel* ami main horty which make up its Ti«chanica| system , In aririUicm , it lias a power supply, niieniei in troll cr , motors, uiid line -sensors all of which are Integrated into its etectTooUa/ddctrteai subsystem , Finally, the robot lias software tliat control* it* mechanical and electron!cs/ electrieal > II bsvsietns,




fti’ fWordf .1iKtnttaliou - systems , truthin design, pt>nc ttrrcrti di iJgn ;





robot .

nie.c ( icitronif



in the media ironies project through lectures, These lectures include small group discussions* da-ss quizzes as well as take honac assignments , Thereafter student do laboratory work in which the lecture material is applied. The mechatronics project foeusL^ on microconiml 1ST programs big, interfacing of irticrocon trailer with sensors and actuators, as wdE as the imKharacal integration of system components. Moreover, the project is used to strengths students’ knowledge in dj cuit analysis and design, a topic that is covered earlier in another course in the bachelor of Tecfm Ogy program ai McMaster ! Fnivcrsity. In that project, students working in groups of 3 or 4 optimize the design, build and then test a small robot that uses inches wide, autonomous control to follow a black line drawn on while IvuckgroiimJ course , '


The rest of this paper Is arranged as follows; In Section II wc present the backgrotuid of our incchalrQnics project tuid in Section id we present a description o|' the robotic car used in the project . In Section IV we discuss the design ol the robotic ear . Finally , the conclusion and future work is covered in Section V. '



In l %9, a senior engineer of Yaskawa. a Japanese company introduced the word mechatronics to describe systeins that use dSectrcnijcs to control mechanical components 12, 3 ( Over ( lit years, the definition of mechatronics has involved, and currently, it Is used to mean the design, selection analysis and control of system that integrate mechanical elements with electronic and software components [ 3|. Ffl > is definition encompasses automated systems, making il appropriate to leach mediationies principles in the Industrial f 'ontrollers and Networks course, in the Bachelor of Technology program at McMaster University, "



It is generally agreed in literature that industry demands For new engineering graduates who have a strong multi disciplinary background |4 j . Foitunitdy, mechatronics is one of the few disciplines that are intrinsically multi -disciplinary. This makes il a good candidate lor group based learning. In fact, group projects arc an integral par! of undergraduate medtalrqhics courses [5], Through these groups, students are able to develop both practical and theoretical understanding of die course matcriat. Moreover, they develop the in lerpetsona I and communicalion skills necessary to work in the modern workplace j i t. I n our course , we iirst cover the trial trial used


Mediation ies involves concurrent design and implementation tf mechanical, electron ics/electrical and software systems of tin integrated system. Tlic concurrent design and implementation process is necessary because the interaction among the mechanical . electron ics/clectrical and software systems affect the integrated system in terms of reliability , quality, scalability . anti cost [3], A mechairome system cjin also be decomposed into hardware mid software components. Figure l shows the hardware components of a mechatronics system . while Figure 2 shows the software representation of a mechatronics system.

A. llurdmire rrhe mechanical system is the main component of a mechatronics system fsce E :igure Ik because tl is the system Lliai needs to be controlled, Such as a system may he a cutting Lool of it ( ’Nr machine, run automated scale of a packaging machine, or a vehicle cruise control system [2 ]. The controller gels information about the state of die mechanical system from sensors. Since the sensors tutd controller may have differing inpiiL' output electrical characleristics. interfaces may be nsed to interconnect them , A similar situation exists between the 1


controller ELnd the ueLiiLiUvs lhal are used to Change ( he stills of Die mechinirid system based or Die controller dpmjnaiids Note that the controller Ls the brain of a mediation tes system . It integrates user inputs and sensor fpfomiatiod to generate actuator commands based on die stored user program.

A. M &ch&nicai System The mechanical system that



Lteifl Tikui au

•.rrrfai. '


OitJ'tfc PiWsmrln




n >l


I eJ

IrterhK -

Codtoh-i Dtifdci £


Cuqwi -:




FAT^ nrr * *xi

I nr UP:

Lher bknLrmgvnd VPJI I I4 ni.n ri

Figure ] . Hardware view of mechatitnics systems ft .

Once all the mechanical mid electronics/clectrica] components have been integrated, students program the robot according to control strategy developed during tbe design optimisation process.

needs to lie controlled in Hus project is the main hody of die robotic car and its wheels, as Well as the daw ihal picks objects placed OF ) the line track , ' tile maid body of the robot has to be design ed to have mountings for die claw , mi croton ( rotter , sensors, actuators and the power source. Figure 3 shows the 3D itriuted body of the robot with


the electraiic&fclt lricaJ Components already mounted onto it hardware ). Mtweovcr, the ligure shows the robot claw , us well as die conceptual design of the robotic. Note that students can modify ( his l >ody IO accommodate any eoniponenls changes that they may make .






software point of view, the knowledge system is the main mnponenl of a mediation ies

sy stem {* !



, it

u TM


—- .



3 lH













-. .

Si Ml

§4; ».

i tn




RcprcHcntaticm I . IF left lino sensor

IF robot is


F httih line ft=itsurs IF the the Muck CUT tb mnvinu ine . THEN ihi: in thedirecEion 4ihnl K \\ I i> mnvjTlU of ihc line, n !he Jlmiicifi N ! E E 3EN keep he line huh mcHnrs


iruf sjver


LepSm.mQu&r = Whiteboard SL8L RighfStviwirt oltJr hfukS .h? r ) [F 1 Mk liiirt] totvanis he left



meanings of die current combuiaLkvns of user and sensor data derived by the knowledge representation component to issue commands to actuators that change the stale of Lite mechanical systein . The state of the system is changed in such a way as to achieve the system objective , which in this case is to follow a line and lo remove objects on die robot track . Column three of Table I shows some examples of die decisions made by our robot based on die knowledge in column two.


= =

LeftMoXfrr ON ; Rixhl &lntor OFF;

End IF;

l IF < LeJltimwrrCfripr =

BltfrfLhtf *

Rifi htS tfltr.iy?ri ~n fnr =

ItkibLJne )



I rwi


Figure 6: Robot circuit diagram C. SQfhwtfie System Just described in Section IIB, the software system of mir robrit has three main components, namely: user iripm and sensef data componenk knowledge representation component and decision making component

User input andsemor e.s directly ahove the white board and a decision i.s made Lo slow or stop Line of the motors in such as a way as to luring hoth the sen stirs onto the line. Hi is makes ( he rohot to turn in the direction of lute. If we had designed ihe robot to have two line senses mounted directly above the white board with the black line sandwiched belwcen ( hem: or if the rohot had a single line sen sort the knowledge

appropriate sensors or 3mst T/Conbroiler interface, Ihe sensor data can be type Bffllcan , This has a profound effect on memory use since Boolean data type requires one bit of storage per variable while Integer data type requires two bytes per van able. This shows the relationship between the electronics/elcctJ ical design and software design and hence the need to carry ( hem out concurrently. ,

v; CONCUR ION In (Iris paper we discuss the Heed to teach a design paradigm the supports the concurrent design of mechanical , cleetrtJQiies/eleetricul and software components of automated systems such as robots. Such a paradigm is generally referred to in literature as meehaEtonics , Moreover we describe a cneehalronies projecl Carried out in the course , Industrial Controllers and Networks in the Bachelor of Technology program at Me Mas ter University . In ihe future we would like to integrate a pick and place robot with our robotic car. We hope to have two groups collaborate in this project where ore group would locus on the pick and place robot and the other group would focus or ( he robotic ear. Thereafter the two groups would integrate the robots Eo form a single pick and place line following robot. ,


representation and 1 he decision making process would have IVCTI different

2: Our robot turns by stopping one of the motsTs. If the robot had he^n designed to make smooth turns hy slowing down the motors, or designed lo tutu fast by reversing one of ihe motors, Ihe KtOfitOT commands as well as C H y H f i -1' t.ii um '

REFERENCES It ! CIUITIL ';. v Kiui, Mini 11 ILI 11 |:U , ^ . 11r : - : LL

Is Mi , “t



iL i



on A anccd I ntel I I - ; YL . Jona neh. Fuitilam-cnlaSH of VkuhatrthnkM. Gluhul Engineering: CTi ^ istoptif Yt . SeuU. 20)3, Medial [ 3| Yt . PLi[SJL Llwjito.’ ] ntrodu (.1 ion ( o YlcdullTOEika and Mcclutrca ci In Ken l Lite” Course i ; M vlilfttat] idt- FuunAnions and Applicates,







btlp\ ftviww ] -I . ifi - Lujin . de/ knii fareniffidflas-ifi fi /cqurseii$/PqKiptfEtylJSvi3ifi nko . pdf . *CC*BI on January J 5Lh. 2CH 1 Viceha 1 R . RjdhuiaAuujra , and E . Jenlkini, “L+borfttDP, lurnjng nwduJes on CAlMTAli and robotics m eirglneeri ng edualiiJnfT Intcnmlk' jitil lountol of Innovation ia tdflfulUg nnd [nfanruilipi Central; V# J . pp dY 3-


he electronics/elecfrical system would have lieen different.


Observation 3: The color under the line .sensors can either be white: the color of the board on which ihe line is drawn , or black : the colot of the line. Therefore, with die use of


111 i .IRL: mtchirin.-nticn, LIMITS;: FJHHI N \11 .- IIILL iibliiniiil ( MMIL HT.LV 111rII n1 II I -.I IL1 McdurthAuca. pfL L CiL> =. 174 , 2003. P^ ipcr Z i


444, mm.


W. Sbyr, ^Teni.'ti i ibjj; irwcliailfLinicjc An iiLiinViiii VL- uruup fH\ jjcevha:Uid jpptoaLJi”. Wiley Periodicals E no., pp. 93 - 11 ) 2 . July 20 W . YtccJu 3


t ,I


Teaching Electromagnetics through a Combination of Blended Learning and Experiential Learning Mohamed H . Baki

McMaster University, Hamilton , Ontario . Canada

Abstract —I pnnenl in this pupcr overview nt an ex|HTEIHL'IH ( hat was carried pal at McMasrer university , Canada uii '

I eii filing Ltt' t' lrninu riLtif .h.

^ li kuded


t (unhiruili< m

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Etariiing uinl learning was v»d at an InhudiKturv DlcdnjiiiJEndk'N onm I hi - ICMIIIX show IIIJ |ir > iv rmenl in [ htway students rated both the buttmctor and the coarse as n whole iinti in the Way they unriersluod I he abject and how it relates to * uT Itiin work Lind miE life. I distuss difTirrecit recommendations for improvement

Keywords—Experiential Learning, Bit' ruttd Learning, L&cture


I. INTRODUCTION Experiential Learning ( EL) IS a great tool tor teaching engineering concepts [ !|. In this approach students leam ill rough actual experiments ihe different underlying concepts . It is different from the old class setting where a professor would teach all the concepts and sLudems Lhen ripply them to In lil .. students acquire the assignments and projects:, ,

necessary knowledge on their own with ihe irislruelor

effectively Etimed into a supervisor. The bases tor EL arc

many studies that show that know- ledge is belter learnt and retained through experiences

EleiKted Learning I B L I \ 2 ] is another learning approach that attempts to better use ihe precious classroom lime . Instead of spending the available classroom times in discussing theoretical coneepis. the instructor usually pats his material online in ihe form Of east lectures for the Students in advance . The lecture time is ( hen dedicated tor discussions, solving interesting examples, applications, cuid having quizzes about different aspects of the suhjed .

El carom ague lies 13 ] is a subject thaL would honeth greally From both approaches. It is feared by most engineering students because of highly mathematical content and its dependence on vector calculus and algchra . Students usually have difficulty envisaging the meaning of the different concepts. They also usually have a problem in linking the abstract equations they study to real life applications. The nature of the subject and llle unclear Connection to applications, especially in introductory courses is what prompted this study.



In this work, we rejKjrt on an experiment that alms at improving ihe way electro magnetics arc being taught . We

a combination of EL and BL in ibis experiineru . The results of the course evaluation which W;LS conducted in tin indupenduni way, shows significant improved cm in the way ; ho students HSprcciated the course and tlie instructor ' s effectiveness ns a teacher. We skirt in eeiiun El by describing Lite experiment and all the tools used to cany it out. W e then report on the findings finally, more and the feedback used in Section Jtl . recommendations for improvements are suggested in Section IV.


II. EXPERIMENT DB$CR EFT ION This experiment was conducted in the winter term of 2014 in the introductory electromagnetics course EE 2FH 3 The class size was 2 \ 5 students at I in one section . The course format included lectures per week and one tutorial. This course did not haw any laboratory sessions. A.

The Beginning

Students were informed ut the very first lecture that they u part of an experiment in engineering education , The format of the new course was explained to them. The difference helween ihe way the course was taught in previous years und in ( he current year was explained , Lire

Ii . Experiential Learning

Sltidcnts were informed in ihis first lecture llutt Lliev will have to curry mil it practical design problem of tin electromagnet structure usud by industry . They were gis- tn a suggested list of possible elecLromngneiic structures including microwave fillers . photonic Jitters, impedance transformers, interaction of electromagnetic waves wilh the human body, microwave amemus, nano antennas, and meui male rials. The instructor gave a brief definition of each class of structures. Students were asked to torn themselves into groups of 5H& members. Each group was then asked to pick up a pi'ojtd and make an initial YouTube presentation about ii to ihe class within one nabnth of the course sum . In ibis YouTube proposal the students were asked to include an interesting and not - so technical overview of this class of structures and Uil L wireless technologies and devices such as Amlrold smart phones, tablets and wireless sects Lug platforms, We explore how their percept ion of the Ceeh oologies they Lise evolves and how their engage me nL with ihc project enhances thejr ethical awareness of the use n| such tecttvofaeles.









^ '




Keywords Engineering Ethics, Stnbifc Madia . Pracftcal I4wrtJtwr, WfaeffsA Communications ;



ABFT | lf and other accrediting institutions place responsible, ethical innovation at the heart of die educotiunul and personal development of current and future engineers. The development of these skills, within a formal educational setting , car prove challenging; many students perceive ethics as a nuher narrow set of rules and principles that arc learnt about. and Considered , tn isolation ; rather than as an integral part of their future professional practice.


oxiL after foul years wdli a Batchelor ' s degree in Cnmpuier .Science or after five years with a Master s level qualification, subject ro the artainmuiu of an acceptable standard .

* '

The object of the assignment detailed in this paper is io provide siudents with practical experiences where eibic.ul principles form a key clement of the conceptualisation design and realisation of a real world engineering task . This assignment formed a core elemetu of a final year undergraduate Wireless Connmimentions module . ,

One of the key aims of the assignment was to bring about a change in perspectives; through engagement


in developmental tasks that involve a clear, non -negotiable ethical dimension. The sub - tasks within the assignment were specifically chosen so at) LO encourage the students LO engage m collaborative interdisciplinary dines research as pari of a ,

broader laboratory - bused assignment computing domain.




I he Wireless Communications module runs over a twelve week iertiesiei\ front September to December. with one laboratory and two timetabled leeiure hours per week . The class also have access it> any necessary laboratory infrastructure for at least six hours per week . Class size has varied from L & LO &3 suideiits in the seven years dun iliis module has been delivered. Assessment on the Wireless Communication ’, module is carried out ibrougb a com hi nation of assigned course work and a written uxami nation. Topics covered include tile fundamental principles of wireless transmission and bow- these support and underpin the

development of wireless communication networks. This forms ihe foundation for the subsequent consideration of a wide

vi .


(Juan tit alive data tvus assignment , its impact on

the students opinion of the their ethical awareness and their familiarity with Wireless devices , This i ?> illustrated in Figure 1 he tow . The survey also assessed the relationships between the assignment objectives, learning outcomes and teelhnieaJ L- im immniiiiit . Students were asked to provide qualitative feedback along with llie FINILE report On their wofk .

fathered on







Strongly Agree

Many student * enmrneiUed on the nature of the ethical chill lenses they had to consider and how ihis. made them think about ethics tn a different light; as one student commented : " Lthies are everywhere".

Some expressed frustration with the operational struct tine of iheir groups, tor example one student felt that another look control of all of the implementation work and this Jed to feelipgs of exclusion. Another common frustration was with ttie challenges of working with new technologies where not everything works as anticipated or documented ; this led some to feel the level of support and guidance given was not as high us lEiey would like it to be .

A r«



Ntutr il Dnjfiffit

Strongly Disjgrpe

VII , CONCLUSION Wireless devices have become ubiquitous and are weaving their way into all aspects of human life and endeavor . They are having an increasing impact on the way individuals live work , 3eam and play. The novel laboratory assignment seeks to provide senior undergraduate students with hands-on experience with a wide range of wireless devices whilst also increasing awareness of the ethical issues surrounding their use in the development of real - world technologies.



R m . R l. M L S



A13ET; Ci iSei ia fuf ALNzraJl i i ISL; Eagi neer i up Pn ' vt ;i m s, Fifed i ve §Vn Reviews During the 2014-20 ] 5 AcereditatLtni Cycle", available m : http:// www . ubel otjEV uploaded I iles/Acovtl itatran/Accre d ifation Sl:ep by LL'-p,* AM LlaliwiJkM;umeiils Ciijrrent/ 20i 14 20 3 4- 15 2U I 5/EUOI 2LIEAC JOCttterii 20J 13 J 4( 2).pdr ( aUK*iSfid ] 5 JuiKr 20 I 4|. J ;nsiLis H MLIUC, "Why We Nwdi FUiiiei Ethics fui Emerging Tedm^logi- iiS, Fifth '., tiivS htfortnaftiiri TrehimfogY , VnL 7, Nc>. 3, pp I ] 1 319, 3005. Brock E. El jury and J. R HerfcerL, "'EnginKring EHitea." in A. Johri and E M. Olds ( Bds t Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research ,. Cftmlirid ppv ft75*6 2, 201 4. t




Fi & i Summary of Quamitplivt ! valuation . ,


A questionnaire relutirg to ( he assignment Objectives was of students completed by the students . This showed that agreed that ' Creating a novel healthcare application that makes maximal use of the available wireless technologies was a feature uf both the assignment and its assessment criterion . Over S 1% of the students also agreed with the statement that tlie assignment Tinamraged them to think more deeply about the ethical Mamie nl : lic i Wo: k while TV.' M nf die -JudeiCs lell that ‘I-Jtiildmg ;L WOltkig prOtotypS a kc- eomfioneni of the assignment '


Analysis of the qualitative dam confirmed that the students enjoyed working on a real - world problem. They oommenBd that this made the project more meaningful tmd relevant. They were also very enthusiastic about being given a wide range of wireless technologies with winch 10 work . Some commented that ibis freedom of choice meant they were truly in charge of the design of their system , in marked contrast to other course work assign mem and projects l hey laid worked on during their undergraduate career - Many mentioned that they ex peri me rued with all of technologies available before making their final design choices.






_ _




131 |4)





Hamad, J A *; Haftmiiin , M - , Abtkllw^ heU , Mr ; Al -«mmari, R „ "Erhits HI Engineering Edutulkm: A LitmAun: Review," in Ptoue J .S Anmtcai i ortferrtre* Frontiers in Education Cvrtfrrencc IEEE. ppF 1554 1360, "




23 - 2 C Oct. 20 L 3. \ 5\ M. Hugjaitf and C. ML- GoldricL ‘'(Jftlodi.uig the Labotaiqry: autonomous wireless sensor authentkaEiun in practice, ' CaMfmx ’Ufr Information Systems , vd Ml . issue 4. pp,30S -3 l 6, 2013 101 M . iStiggnrd niufl C. Me CkstdricL ’“ Plmctkal Positioning Projects; Location BSL^CJLI Service* ill Uw Liikwulcyry \ in IYOC- JY* Annum! Cmiferrmx Frontiers in Fthtitrlinn FotTfirrencr, IF-F.F_ pp.«.S3F l, 19- 22 OcL 2005 171 M . I 3 uggard and C. Me Goldri-ck, ‘Computer Experience - Enhancing Engineering Education in Proc . international Gmfemrc e epj Eng pftwrAng Education, pp- T4t - 2 ! - T4C- 25. August 21 iflft . |K| Muhflmdfrti! Ling Shun und Luke: Seed, " A simey un liill ;i kpiujJL: hL~s , ' N UTHIL{ detoelinn Pimi. ipLH ILR LI | HNPUTIIIG . « nl EM!' pip ^ „ 152 20 3 . L 144|9 J R. Likert, ( L L ,32 j HA Technique J'or the MMffiaiMiKnl oi .Altitudcs'2 Archives of PsyckvhgSu voi . 140, pp. I -55, Iy 32












A Comparison of Quality Assurance Systems in Bologna Countries for Engineering Education A Cyprus and Russia Case Study Marios Kassinopouios *- 1 . Lyudmila Zinchenko "

' Cyprus University of Technology , Cyprus Bauman Moscow State Technical University , Moscow , Russia .

' C aultwf . riKiritfs.ittxxintijtonila < (flri -.a."



Abstradt The pupci- deals w ith the quality wnrAttpe syiilcm liuln nu cnunlries Our IIN LIS is on features nF the quail I v in mwraiKe For Engineering education in Cyprus ami Russia The quulily assurance system in lie 111 cisun tries, Cyprus Mid Hussite, has been adapted uccurrilng ID llie Standards and GuidtUiies fur Quality .\ ssuruiiee in the Furiiprun Higher Education \ re.i (ESG ) However, die Cyprus and Russia imriunal Quality Assurance agencies are util included reL in. the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Educalluu. The paper reviews the niiiln requirement* of ESQ, then it explains in detail and cum pares the quality assurance systems uperjliii" in the tw' u countrie Cyprus and Russia Finally ihe paper capinrnts on the mdliiiildu v applied fur tiie design , the nuultulilig und ( lie quality control of the I wq Elect rind engineering program* in twn imiH'Oiticn in Cyprus and Russia









Process ,




iinidi hues, Q i A s s u r a n c e ;


INTRODUCTION The Bologna Process started in 1 0 in purpose 10 strength ihe compete veress of the European Higher Education Area ( El I LA ) . No tv 47 El und non El I countries, including Cyprus und Russia, are inem pts of the Boktfjna Process \ l l Cyprus is a very small country witil a high rate of university graduates although the first universities were established only 25 years ago . Since the independence of Cyprus 55 years ago many young Cypriots pursued university studies abroad and this truth lion continues until now On lhe contrary Russia is the biggest country in the world with many high ranked universities and a very long tradition in big Iter education . The Bauman Moscow State Technical University ( BMSTU ) was founded in 3830 , The most of engineering degree holders are graduates of Russian or .Soviet L ' nion Universities. Now both







programs in

all ihree

cycles ; Bachelor , Master , and PhD , Quality A ^ UKSTICC ( QAl is otic of fundamental concern for higher educanon . The European .Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ( ENQA ) k an international organisation which CO urdiTtatcs the QA in the EHEA member states 12J.

2Q0-5 the- Standards and Guidelines lor Quality AsMiraace in Lht CUBA iilSG ) have been prepared by ENQA [3] . The quality assurance agencies thin operate according to ( he ESC] arc included in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher lid u cat ion ( EQAR ). The current list ineUsdtr; quality assurance agencies from Germany, Spain, Lithuania, France etc ,


In I he paper our Focus is on the QA systems in Cyprus and Russia. Although the two countries belong to the EHEA arid ihe QA system in boih countries JA designed according tn the ESG we may note some notable differences which will be detailed in ihe next paragraphs . These differences result from the feet thal Cyprus and Russia are two very different countries in size, population and inflatory and have also LIEFT crcnt history and tradition in highcr education. The Cyprioi QA system for the time being focuses or the accreditation of private Higher Education Institutions ( tlEt ) and it is now on ihe way to modify its system and include ihe puhlic insti tut ions Loo . The Russian QA system is denned according to national traditions in education. The internal and external , hoih state ami proftais tonal quality control provided high quality oreducation in Russian HET. '

Keywords: boiogna

C ’ oj- jjioL riiiid



Lyudmiki Zinchenko ae- knowlcd ca Lhe support of the granL for Suppoix of Leading Scientific School of Russian FcritJdtkm tjir&ni # LS-2W3.2DI 4.9).


In the paper we give initially an outline of the ESG requirements und then Lhe quality assurance systems operating in the two countries, are described ti is followed by a comparative analysis and a discussion of the two systems. Then the QA systems im. pl emented in two Electric ul I lighted mg programs in two universities in Cyprus and Russia ,

are am lined . Finally , (be over ati -conclusions are formulated. II .


In |4 ] a QA system is defined as evaluation and accreditation systems together . The QA is ore of import tint issues in Bologna process. First we w- ill give a short overview of E.SG Lind then we will discuss national QA systems features in the two countries. Cyprus and Russia. ,

A. ( h neral Remarks The ESG report on QA in Higher Education was prepared by (he ENQA in collaboration with three other organization *: ( he European University Association ( EUAj. die European 1



Association of Higher Education Institution* ( EUR ASHE) arid the European Students' Union < ESt ) . This document consist of genera ] policy statements related n > quality t Standard st and explanations regarding die implement inti on of these Standards ( Guidelines .!. The three fundamental principles arc: fl.) The interest pf students, employers and society in general for good quality in higher education b ) The importance of institutional autonomy which brings with it heavy responsihi lilies , d The need for an quality assurance process specifically designed to unsure the achievement of its objectives. h



No I

The ESC are divided m three main Units: at The L:S( i for Tnierual Quality Assurance within Higher Education Institutions, b ) Tlie ESC for External Quality Assurance of Higher Education. c ) The ESG for External Quality Assurance Agencies.

of ibis document is ihe recommendation for the creation of the EQAR which include suie and private Quality Assurance Agencies qualified for external quality assurance of higher education instilulions. The f ’Q.Aft has been launched in 2008 . In 2000 ihe bird ESG edition lias been published wi 1 h important updates and moditlcations .





EE A. The

TSie CEEA Appoints relevant (camp of experts according to ihe study program IO be evaluated. The 5 member learn of experts includes by law two experts from foreign universities . The tasks of Lhe teams of experts are the following :


A key

programs , Their application ^

tire then forwarded to the main document submitted to the CEE A is ihe Self evaluation report {Sl - Ri prepared m English.

I heir



External Expertsjasks


Study the Self evaluation report ( NER ) prepared and provided by the institutions Perform on site visits at the institutions whose programs are under evaluation . Prepare a preliminary report addressed no the Pvj iinantmi Secretary of the Ministry of Education and made known to the institutions. Study any comments that the institutions might provide on the preliminary report. Prepare and submit the final report to the CEEA ,


Thu Cyprus QA Sy.iumr Tweniy five years ago there were not universities operating m Cyprus but only some private I { EE offering sbon cycle programs of 1 . 1 or sometimes U years programs. Ai rhe same time the local government had established some stale short cycle schools iHEI ] which were operating under the responsibility ol various ministers related with the field of studies. like ihe Nursery school under the Ministry of Health the Police Academy tinder the Ministry of Justice etc . in 1992 , the first state university was founded in Cyprus . Then three private universities and two other state universities were founded as well The language of instruction in ' he Private HE 3 Is English and in the Stale IIEI is Greek . The Internal Quality Assam nee system in the private short cycle Institutions was very weak initially because there was no appropriate legislation related lo quality issues al that time . On the contrary the Stale and the Private universities which followed implemented an Internal Quality Assurance system in purpose to keep n high level quality of the education offered tp itudems. This ii was also due to the competition which was initiated tunong all the local new universities. ft .

The CEE A Council studies the final report prepared by the team of experts and if deemed necessary , consults Live. Higher Education [department of the ME and/or the Institution Finally ( he council may take one of the following decisions.. ,

No i

GEE A t ’ouncil decisions Approval of ihe application and


Conditional approval of the application and accredStation of the program . Rejection of the application.



accreditation of ihe

program . Postpone the decision for a defined period of time during which ihe institutions will try to remedy the specific deficiencies that arc identified .

The main evaluation criteria are given below . 1 . The mission and objectives of the educational Institution , including 1 ,earning Outcomes* entrance examination etc.

2 . Suililbilily 0 f Ihe currtCufnrin > f ihe prognnil Of study , 3 . Faculty end Staff , including qualifications and results of Academic stali .



As a result of a pew legislation which was established in Cyprus for Tertiary Education, an external QA evaluation process was initiated in 1987 . In the framework of this luxv the Ministry Of Education treated the Counei! of Educational Accreditation (CEEA ) which is die competent Evaluation authority for the evaluation and accreditation of ihe academic programs of the Private short cycle HEI. This council is an independent body has the responsibility only for the private

non universities I fl;| .

The met h Lido logy applied for the evaluation of the slnicturc with the one proposed by I he

programs had a similar

British QA system and also by the ESG . The whole process of evaluation consists of the following steps and actions. The private institutions submit applications to the Minister of Education for ( he educational evaluation -accreditation of

4 . Infrastructure and resources, buildings laboratories, equipment, IT facilities, library , sport facilities, em . ,

Administration and Financial resources. After ihe establishment of private Universities the local government created a new evaluation body ( he Evaluation Com milter: of Private Universities (ECPIJ ) with the responsibility to evaluate and approve die quality of the offered programs, This seven member eommiuee is formed by the council of ministers and includes at least 4 university professors from three different countries . For thu quality evaluation methodology undent! ken by [ he ECTU there are two different eases The first is the case of n new university which applies for an initial Jicen &e for operation and the second one is

ill -.-



-;i ly

v- 11 i 11 li. ! --

already i '.m i i: i | Ii LV 11 ^ and which applies for an educational re evaluation of its programs for the renewal of its license . This if; done every 5 years. in .. -



in j


H is given below die quality tvaluajdpn steps to he fallowed

for a new university applying for an initial license of operation.

1 . Sah mission of the application for registration in the Universities Registry kept by the minister of education ( ME ). 2 . Study of the application by ECPU which may the Council of Ministers to accept the application and to register the new university or reject it . At this stage even with a positive answer ( registration! the new university cannot enroll students.

recommend m

X In the tlnrd stage

latter registration ) the Temporary of the new university after the

Board of Governors accomplishment of all required tasks anti when the university is ready for operation submits a progress report wherein all necessary information is provided. After that the EiCPU suggest to the Council of Ministers tot ,


Grant an Initial License for Operation,

h ) Postpone the decision until all quality requirements are satisfied. ci



4. This fourth stage is a monitoring of the operation of the new university under the initial license . The ECPU makes periodically evaluations or llie university and submits annual reports to the Minister of Education. The evaluations are focused on the educational level of studies the research work the infrastructure, the administrahon and the student s welfare; In Case I fiat ( he expcelnliOils of the ECPU arc no! met ihc minister mav lake action for Lhe .suspension of the umvcmlv s



operation. 5. At the final stage after the expiration of the initial license for 4 years ihe ECPU may suggest to the Council of Ministers;

a i To grant a final Ikorrac. bn Suspend the initial license and terminate its activities. the initial license for a year maximum and impose to the university to comply with some specific terms .

el Extend

In the case of private universities with final licenses the QA evaluation of ihe academic programs takes place every live years. It is based on the ESG and ii is very similar wiih the one described for the private colleges. As regards the State I diversities iltere is no yet an official body for an external QA evaluation, These are accredited by law.

Is there a difference for QA for Engineering Education? In Russia no difference. Could you add some



Russia has long traditions in education The first University in Russia was established in 1724. now many Russian University are m the If IE* ofK ) Universities list,

formerly the external QA model was used in Russian Universities The Ministry of Education wa* responsible for QA. However, during recent educational reforms and Bologna process the advanced model according to ESG is exploited [$]. The first state accreditation center in Russia was established in 1995 . In 2004. a state QA agency RosobmiudzM was established . The agency is responsible for evaluation and accreditation of all Rasa an ante and private MEL In 2 DOS. the mentioned above center was reformed to the federal state ( NAA, institution National Accreditation Agency RosakkredagenstvoL Now the NAA is a branch of the Ro sobrnadsor The NAA is a full member of the ENQA ii nee 2006 The NAA is responsible for llie integrated ;itaessmenl of the HEI including Engineering, Social Science study programmes etc. This is done every five years. In addition to





ilale .ICLTL 'II il

.aiiui, . University carl apply Im professional '


accreditations from professional societies . In our case study an University can apply for accreditation by the Association for Engineering Education of Russia ( AEER ) .

about professional

system its goal is ,

a high educational level during operation . Questionnaires, feedback from students independent student tests are used in the internal QA process.


In case that the initial license for 4 years studies is provided the ani vers ity eon e nrO II stode nt s,

acc-reditaiion ui Cyprus ?


Each Russian University has internal QA

grant initial licensor reject the application .


C The Rta'. jian QA



lie to re external QA the SCR in Russian is prepared by a HBL The Rosobmadzor appoints the relevant team of experts Oite team rtemher is appointed as a rapporteur Experts review ihe SLR and then they visit tliu cor responding HEI. During onsite visits experts check the curricula, the detailed information



about the subjects, lecture schedule and education process according to the Federal State Educational Standards. They visit l.ahni’atm'ies .and library as well. Experts reviewcurriculum vitae of leaching stelT to check the required qualification and scientific achievements of teachers it should be noted thut the requirements for teaching staff for 11Sc and MSc study programs are diffttrril. Final theses ;tfe analyst! as well . Ex peris also review information from social partners, including employers . During llie on site visit experts meet with University and Faculty administration, students teaching staff. Finally, one expert prepares one evaluation repoii pci one study programme . The report includes information aboul the study process and student assessment, curriculum design, facilities a ad learning resources teaching staff, programme uiniH arid learning outcomes. Finally, conclusions about the Study programme arc formulated The report is submitted to the NAA. A rapporteur collects a) I reports and then prepares a final report about all study programs of the lllij The final report is signed by alt members of tbe evaluation team. Then the final report is submitted to the NAA . ,






It should be noted that 3S Russian Universities including Lomonosov Moscow State University, Saint Teterburg State University National Rcnearch Universities and Federal Universities, including the Immanuel Ktmt Bailie Federal University ( the successor of The University of Koenigsberg Albertina that was established in E,i44 ) can design own ,



curricula However , they ttavc to correspond to the Federal Standards for Higher Education therefore . QA guide Iinti for the mentioned above Universities are slightly different. ,

Additionally: in Russia a professional accreditation is possible by profeHiiotial societies, c . g the AEER, The AHER ,


is LI member of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEEJ and is authorised to award the EUftACEP Label to a HEE . 11 [ .


The Cyprus and Russian QA systems have many similarities . The external and internal QA System is used in both countries The state agencies that art responsible fur external QA control went established. However, some differences have to he mentioned. The evaluation and accreditation in Russia is more detailed in a comparison with the Cyprus system. In Cyprus different QA agencies arc responsible for Colleges and Private Universities . Different methodologies are used for Cyprus Colleges and Universities, while (he same methodology is used for all IIEI in Russia. We summaries tlw results of OUT compariiflrt in Table 1,


in [ fij ilte feaiures of QA m Engineering education is discussed. Qur focus is on features of QA in Electrical

Engineering Education. We Outline ihe methodology applied fur the design the monitoring and ( be qualiLy control uf the two Electrical engineering programs in the two Universities, in | Cyprus and R|tss & More specifically our focus is on the ; ( issues 1 ) The design of (he curricular and its following approval by an external committee , ( 2 ) The formulation of the program according to Bologna directives related to ECTS . employability, recognition and other mobility issue -*, ( ? ) The introduction of specialized electives in order to satisfy academic and professional recognition requirements . I 4 I Laboratory equipment provision and installation (5) litduserial Training issues, ( b) The proposed monitoring policy fur the follow up of the program. ( 7 J Quality Assurance issues related to Internal and External Quality com ml. ,

I' ahle LAC vprus a ltd Russia Case Study comparison \ iem state

institutions Durttlion



3 years

private i ns- L i r LLC no rn .

initial years




. .


In general , the QA stute and professional systems in Russia correspond to the ESG - The main weakness of ihe current state QA system is that all experts are from Russian I TE ^ I . However , an international dimension is ex peeled to be enhancing during ( he coming years . A professional QA system for engineering education in Russia is more international oriented. The representatives from the ENAEE and the Washington Aceond signatories

have heen observers during professional accreditation of engineering education programmes in Russia.


The authors would like to thank their fruitful discussions.

Process European Higher hllp://w^ w c,hcii . Tnrii. Accessed 4 June 20 II 4.

Ml “Bologna

language of the S-l ik




Area. "

in "'Hie European Association for Qualify Assurance in lli

^htr Edueulion.



^-ds.rZOIMi6 /TE-.SG_ 3edition - 2 .pdj AcceRHLbd

for LLH

study ]irogrammes


htlpi/Avww.TNFIJJ..i?u AiMSMiid l h May 20 ) 4 [ JIILLHVIS And Guidelines for Quality Assurance m lh$ F.uii. igsv aii ^ Hijdtff l-.dilLYiCiLiii Area. 3 Ediiirtfi, 2009,” llftp:V/ YvWW.HSfiqafeLi/ wp ^ ccmLerMj'uplD


I May 2014.


S . St'li'LVirz, D. WtEtcrhcjjdem, ' Afissneditalion in the ftunitwqik of evaluation activities;; A corapnialivc study' Ln the European Higher Eduction AnsT* In A. $diw:vnE £ f>. F- WesMrheijdtn iEds - h A '!IWILI L, K - Muktihj, N . ^ Mulmnriod and A. Malta . Tuning. Mechanical Engineering Higher Education in Africj toward Unified Quality and AccrediLay ' iwcepted for irCEER conference* Canadi*. 2014. 171 C. A . Guana, “Chapter 9\ Conclusions'", in Tuning and ] lnnnofiisation of ITightr BxiiaLaijmi: The African Experience, edited Hy Onanii, Charles ''


JAWKHHQCT al ., Univ. of DCUSJO, BiIboo press, pp.375- TBI . 20 ] 4. Tglvroa. 'ChujiCer ! ; The Afrtatn Higher Edite rkm Ltiftd£ Cfl|K: ^ Steltiugthe Scene ", in Tuning and Haimoiiisalion of Higher Education; The African Experience, edited by C. A _ Onana, el al.. Univ. of Dciisto. Bilbao press* pp.17 - 41, 2014 , j . Shabani, ( 2013) " tjualily Regimes in Africa: The Reality and She

I fit p.



Axpiraii^K ", Chramide vf African Higher Erf rrriiwr , May 30, 2013 hti :tflitm ] pi f?D= 22QO:4 LO- NO*:RP.4 :Pfl CONTENT J ^ D: 11 WJ4. accessed 17 November 2013. I IN ] CIA “World Fact Book" https-j'/ www eia . jEPv libfim^pubticjtipns/ the-woridUfagtbooJiJe&Q &tel^hiiHL accosted:10^ November. 20 i 3. 1 1 1 ] A. A filial,. ' Recent developments in Egyptian engineering education




Ttiiid ,'Vlri Ljn R iL>;na| CLMifeiuiiue on . jirtj Lls ^ Engineering Education ^( ARCFEi, Pr-jtuiria, South Africa, | 26 - 27


L.iiinp:lih VL:


September. 20061.2008. 112 ] G_ Mfohaniedbtiaj, ''Quality Higher Education: a Prerequisite for Africa ' s DeveEopmjcniT Presentuiipn al HannonisaLion o\ African Higher Education and Tuning WnrksAwp LUI Credits iirnJ Puri+ibility uf Quatiflcalions, BnasseJs 25- 2 March, 20 ] 4 . "




Ihs of £ p e r yuiir. Average business desktop consumes 717 ,44 kWh at 1.297 Ihs COipur kWh emitted as a result of electricity generation multiplied by 5.000 PCs. A survey earned out by Forrester research indicated tha! only 13% of organizations surveyed had an enterprise-wide power had began management program while another was not bat a n implementing program intended tor all PCs ,

I2J -

Most IT Infrastructure equipments used by


and firms in Nigeria appear to be power - hungry \ The infrastructures found in most data ceiilers include chillers, power supplies, storage devices, switches, pumps, fans, add network equipment In some cases , these equipments are already at the end of their useful lives, and as such become inefficient, ,Such data ceniers typically use 2 or 3 times the amount of power verall as used for (he IT equipment , mostly | for cooling £3], Hence, there is a need 10 explore and investigate the extent to which, maintenance engendering could be Of use,

Most countries in Africa including Nigeria 14J have

neither a well -established e - waste m ullage meiil system for re -cycling of obsolete electrical and ELECTRONLCE product . Available


suggests dial the volume of used electronics is large and growing. In a report by GAt) |5 j, some data suggest that over 100 million computers, moiutors, and televisions become obsolete each year and Thai this amount is growing . These obsolete produds in most cases are probably stored while they have die potential to he recycled or re- used. These e - wastes coma!it valuable resources such as copper gold, and aluminum dial ;ire lost if ultima]* ly abandoned or disposed in landfills. in

A cumulative effect of these practices doe ^ not only result economic short full hut also In environmental pollution of the

society as a whole.



To overcome Greening Issues by any entrepreneur, appropriute green initiatives have to be in place effectual in the design of organizational policies. We explore the concepi of energy conservation* green procurement, recycling , virtualization and optimization of the IT infrastructures as initiatives towards the practice of Green IT, Touching on the issue oT procurement , making environmentally sound purchase decisions by organizations is a major step towards solving greening issues. This is butler achieved through the procurement of I FUAT f Electronic Product Environmental Assessment TooT ) registered preducts, EEEAT is a .system which helps purchasers in the public and private sec LOTS evaluate, compare and select desktop computers, notebooks and monitors bases! on their environ mental attributes. In Nigeria . ERE AT also provides a cl CUT and oonsisicni sol of performance criteria for the design of products; and provides un opportunity for mnrtuKueturers to secure market recognition for EFFORTH lo reduee die environmental impact of Its products [6 ] , ,



Energy VirtWBii&uion Implementation of energy management strategies and technologies has the potential to greatly redact energy consumption . Desktop power management is a critical parameter of any Cireen IT computing strategy thal can he adopted by an organization. The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ( ACPI) specification is an important component of PC power management, which is used to define power management and monitoring . A.

Use of computers for the control of equipment has been observed to contribute to reduction of cosl.s in terms of managing and running resources in industries. Operating Systems such as Windows 7 leverage ACPI controls us well as

additional advanced hardware power management functionality to reduce overall power consumption . A research report released by Mi check ' s Advanced &n»rt Energy Laboratory indicated tllui the use of Windows 7

operating system cun help organizations save on energy emits . The result shows that COM savings of up to $ 40.44 f 84 , 46ft reduction an equivalence of fuSOO in Nigerian currency ) per client rer year, not including LCD consumption , can be realized by ensuring that desktop PC’s or laptops automatically enter sleep stales during working hours | 7 ] ,

Virtualization is the efficient use of com puling resources for collaboration that reduces travel lime and cost, increases organisational efficiency , and addresses cftvironnaenlal concerns. In a virtualized system two or more logical computer systems runs on one HCI of hardware . Through the practice of virtualization: organizaturns lowers power and cooling consumption, by reducing the number of machines and servers it needs.

t ’Joud computing. Intranet mailing system such as Lotus Notes . U- L .earn log, teleconferencing and video conferencing virtualization technologies can be explored to minimize thu travel costs personnel spend to atieiid meetings . On the other hand , te mologics Huch as LIIUL of the mobile ip , web and video- based can be adopted as substitutes. The use of web enabled voice and videu conferencing using meeting-ware products ty provide presentation sharing and discussion capability are additional Green IT strategics for organizations to out down expenditures.



B . Recyrlitig mui if tnjfatsiruftun? Optijwi&tti&ti Recycling of waste materials goes a long way in saving the society eeonomie shortfalls . Faces gathered by Tree Hugger reported: that: 44 ,000 trees will he saved if every household in I he United Stales replaced just one roll of virgin lib re paper 10 we Is ( 70 sheets) with 100 percent recycled ones . One ton of scrap from discorded computers contains more gold than can he produced from 17 tons of gold ore . 9 cubic yards of landfill) space can be saved by recycling one ton nf cardboard (8]. Organizations policies should he devised on how c - wastes should be managed . There are many manufacturers recycling programs dial could he adopted such as HP's Planet Partners

service J$f]t Although Nigeria being a duvelopi country considered * tilI backward m putting in place Wiisie adequate 1managernetit schemes . the services of some few available ones can still ho explored . A case study is llie MatiUciumee System Consult ajilsj copumiswied by the _ l agos Siale tnvironmenial Protection Agency nit Thursday , 21 st January, 2010 I I 0|- The objective was aimed at joining private tbe concerted efforts of ihe Lagos State hu si nesses and environmental advocates by establishing in Uigp-t State a recycling plnFii l m' fr* wastes, This project opened up a channel for the segregation 61 6- wastes From die general wastes stream and brought these potentially hazardous wastes into controlled disposal and recycling. IT cycling


Significant cost savings are realized by ensuring iliat all hardware and software components are optimized. Green IT practice involves a number of strategics Bp optimize the efficiency of data center operations in order to lower costs and to lessen the impact of computing on the environ mem. One obvious strategy for data centers operational on obsolete equipments is (o invest in new ones dial are designed to be energy efficient. PC '

Worthy of consideration is ihe efficiency of algorithms used for any given computing function operational on computing resources. Although the impact is minimal compared with other approaches, it is still an Important consideration, Algonthms can be used to route dnta - tO'data centres where electricity is Jess expensive. Researchers from MIT. Carnegie Mellon University, and Akamai have tested an energy allocation algorithm that successfully routes traffic to ihe location w i t h the cheapest energy costs . The researchers project up to a 40 percent savings mi energy costs if their

proposed algorithm were io he deployed 111 HI,


DISCUSSION I 'lie present study involved the gathering of data from engineering practitioner :* firms and enlrepreneurs in ihe sectors. Survey questionnaires were administered and interviews conducted. Some of the participating organizations ,


included computer and IT Training jfekthutessnd Technology based Businesses, Aplctib Computer Education and NUT Nigeria are the two notable entrepreneurs- of 11' education in Nigeria identified for this purpose. The re|tort is ns shown in Table I , 3 able L : S u r r e y

Questions Used in


Gather Lata from IT

Framing Institutes ApSedi Cumpuler l \di ICTII !< >i|.

NUT NigeriiA

Aviirjge lwtid iiiUrTnhur nf : ] DtnL number of oentnes





Number nf daily hourly use






fVnllum IV


t 'H 11 .i rtt IV 2l>


In our study , ihe following were dctails utilized

IO elucidate the to in configured cm of die relevant information relation computers used: The cost of one unit ( K W h ) of electricity , C , cost is HH . £M | 1 IJ . Iniel Pentium IV with the minimum peripheral devices lias an energy consumption value, E , of ^ 26QWan: 1 CJ inches Hat screen monitor has an energy consumption value, li ,Vl , of 36 Watt Power consumption by each set of computer , P |IV is 6 Watt on average : Each organisation oj he rates Tduy i. per week with a total of 2 Kdays in a mo nth ; Quant Iiy of Gold in Pentium IV CPU, is 0 ,05g [ 12J 1g of gold bar costs N559 1 44 [ 13 J ; It i s assutried ihal the cost of IT infrastructures used for the Green IT practices is seen as pari of capital investment. Tliene figures used iti the computation were those available at the time of this research .


The cost of clcetriciLy for each firm expression:


* = rF

T I* ilVW 111irt1 .


umfr Cr X N



7 ., A D „ '

calculated using the


i4, 3 )



where Npc is the total number of computers in Lhe linn Tv. is Aptch number of hours worked in a day 18.5 hours ), D ^. is the number of days worked in a week (7 days }, My is the number of months worked in a year ( 12 months ] and all the otiter symbols have their usual meaning.

Estimates of the cost for staff training which constitutes continuing professional development, whereby staff were sent to India f o r a week were calculated lor each of Lhe two firms studied , which comprised A p tech Computer Education Institute ( A ] and MIT Computer Centre { B l . Expenses incurred for stationeries used traditionally for communications such as sending memos and letters were computed and compared to expenses incurred utilizing video conferencing and the use of inter - office communication purpose . The results are shown on Tables 2 ( traditional expenses without use of I l l and Table 3 ( expenses with green IT practices emplnyedi . Oft fable 4 are the eslimated saved cost by each of the firms showing the a mount saved as a resell of introducing green IT practices in ihe process and activities of the firms including '


Virtualization , Table 2 : LISTLMATE of Costs of Resources under traditional mode of 0|?eration. Company

Survey Octfirms

7 I HU 21)


Staff JiumhLiM HL- nL triiininp 1o [adta yearly TAIMPHTI iyjnL M1 finnpij. , ipjcl CfnuputL rn replaced pcranmira




WgCjtK lAHirkim; IILVI g Total stun L jfMjipty

Electricity Cosl (N )

( firm)



4 *037,5157




training in Indiii lor anvwkCN) 2.2 MX952-I.III !47 cosl

Cost of stillionerLcs few cammunicnLiun




ii> mpuELhi :-;



Tabit Estimate of Costs of Resources under digital mode of operation incorporating C.rreen IT practice I ' lTIII

With A t PI etlibkJ Elesidijjity f. ( tr,l


Sr ;Ll I ( riiwinjc India fiir U ( tiruugh tUntertTwing



3,DB7,5 tJJ0fi 1 L , 4O0,i>44.554

Liirn iiiiLim; j[

idpj ii i'll

liMrand virliNili^iili^ii per jEimlm fM )


virtUntiifuimn jnnnn:

C«J «1 i rrter-ftflfiW iiir Willi


w- tilik





9 0,«Kk.W 2,380.000.00

2 ,210. 2.1111 1.3 W .S40.00


Tabic 4 : Amount Saved by Each Firm Firm

A iThMiv: saved rhmugli


A mcuinr

A mourn 5 avcU

Ihn>ii£ h






R ^cyclfil Lii



Ccinsffr 'i'Jifcin AJCPI villi

Of )




utMifcreocin \y



j lll.T::tlli_ r




m A

Wprlh flf

S& ucd


950 D0S.71



Gold ihreujili 1

snipped CT^i rnpuJCLT


m 6JM .44

4. i:7.S 4 TJS


] 3, 134.-6B L .87






The anil lysed data above shows clearly that there is huge saving from implementing green IT practice in firms. From the interviews, it was also clear that firms would wutil lo adopt the green ET approach to conduct of business. However dieni are few obstacles i h a i contribute EO LheEii noi being able IO do . Some of these obstacles include intermittent power supply and in some cases no power at all which makes them resolve to the use of generators. The lack of adequate means of record keeping and available information to help business sector engage in planning and understanding market operations guided by statutory policies constitute a major hurdle to jump over mo. As an emerging economy now ranked number one in Africa, it is imponarn to have a solid si rue Ui re lo assist hi consolidating most of ihe systems for marketing unci business, Entrepreneurship should be embedded in nil levels of higher education to create the awareness of opportunities and allow tile students irrespective Li f titeir subjects disciplines bug in to engage with Creativity and innovation before leaving the tertiary level of education. The fiiitlings of our study points in ihc fact ihac both firms htiivc earned considerable savings on cost through Green IT piaeliees, which they can reinvest into their respective businesses* Going green and reducing the carbon footprint minimizes high-energy consumption.. This has the potential to focilitzkte increased awareness for all , greater market activities, profit maximization for entrepreneurs, which could benefit everyone globally .

IV .


W: believe die issues naiseid anti covered in ibis paper Is applicable not only in Niigeriii Inn also in some oilier

developing countries in Africa and around die world. It js important that the le ^ el of interaction between die public, private and voluntary sectors be well supported and level of accountability be established . Entrepreneurship should he embedded in the curriculum of diverse disciplines in higher education including science , engineering and technology . Executives of firms as welt as managements in higher engineering education instil ulus should seek to enforce these policies and incorporate it into academic curriculum as a form of training for Hie future generation of lenders of the sectors. We conclude that green .skills arc increasingly vital for economy and development of society . The in sights presented help lo shed Sight OTI ifie emerging trends it ) green computing and tile need to have a commonly agieed approach to the development of policies, utilization and implementation of computing resources 10 jnaie for an efficient and cost effective way . There should lie cooperation and joined up approaches developed by ilie sectors (slututory, business and voluntary ) Ftlaiing lo greening issues embedded in engineering education anti research , which should link demand and pmCtiec with legislation lo Create conditions for development , progress and sustainubility .

REFERENCES S . F. AJhumad, P. V. RuviUikLh. "Green Compuliikg Future of Liveliness", ImtcritiJlicMiLil Journal of Computiiuorisul Engineering R warch i IJCF.R k pp 41-45, 201.2. * power nfianugemenc still not widespread in IT, I-! P. Thibodeau, '"'PC despite recession '. 2009. I 3 J R . R . Flaiiwoii, N. Auj^kli*. "Sus^injibk- IT Services: Ai&essin# the Impact of Green Computing Prarfsces"; PICMET Pmeceding, pp 1707171 . August 2009. Threats If mi! E»W;iStt"! CTijrfi | 4| S. I FIRILIL ' ;ill ilOriL"r;ilmn Jhd " Impacts , ( 2011). LSI GAO, '"'F. kLEroflii Wdstt: SLrenglheni-njZ: the Role of the Federal |1)


GoverHifiienE m EiteCHiifajjirtg RgcycliAg arid Reu^", Rtpwi le * ial ReLjuesti^ra, Noveoiher 2(H55 _ C i in}11 ] 6 ] N- N. Ha. T. A#usa, K. Rarau, N. P. C. Ta, S. Murata. K . A Bulhuk, P. PiirihasiiriilJ'-. S- . Tnkiihaslvi , A. SuhfiiinAiiidn , S. TAn+ibe. "CcntrafflinjKiiivi hy Tint Efemeois ;ti E*waste rgL-ydutg siit-’s in Bungiilorv India ", 76 , 9 15 3009, 171 J . A. Hacker. "EruiblLiig Oreen IT in OH: Enlevpritc; M;isirns / iny: Thrv wish Wirtdows 7 ' . RWic-ved Infip^et of EffiaClive ) lijni^ / wu' W .iiMiLdttr^li .L-'Orh Ffbruarji I si, 2 IJ 4 frnir! TteeHuggWi. "flow ics Go Gr&tn: . Rclrijcvcd February 4lh. 2014 from TrecHikgger hOp^/www .irf ^hMggw . vtuTi/hig /h^ w - hs- ogreen-recyclm j.himI Iy | f [ PK ’live steps lo Green C o m p u O n g I I E P Total Care, 2014. Retrieved www 2. Jih, Fdmuy 2014 from hupr//h2N426. hp.L-om^pmgriiiri /tili-v'pittk/pdt pdl I 0 J Fjicilily Miuiagctnent and bnvironnsental Engineering iixpertii. ‘ EWusie fliilttgermmL S c h m e R e t r i e v e d May 2nd, 2014 from hop: tov. m M.' s.lainiled.cdm/ iwws.hln4 . I l l ] Vanguard, "'NigerijuLlndErslandin ELceLrieity Tnrifft Paid By 3rd Jn?m RetricvKl Ccuisumeni’*. 2U 14 Mflv bUp://dlul riciA .cam/slories/20 L 4(110 WU3 34.hlntl 112] OZCoppcr, 'CPL Gold Consent " Retrieved June JDlli. 2014 from hup:/,' www .o^copper.CDm /ccunjJistCT- t-rKJ - gold - yaclds 113 ] "'Current Geld Gnim E^ir Vulues' Retrieved April 12'\ 2 114 ITTHTI httpJfwww ,£oIdg.rambon;. :om '






^ "











Technical Education: Past, Present, and Future Yuko Hoshmo* 1 and L . Wayne Sanders * ' Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences , Tokyo . Japan Rose - Hu ! man Institute of Technology Terre Haute , Indiana, USA "




* L yhoxhffi ItnvklLM £.jpi ^2 vum/rr.v ir ®


F!dui a[ i ( H! ill Japan u ^cd Lu fiii'us snlvlt on stndunlh u i l h spec [fie knowledge ot thi Way In i.> h 4 :i in pnwidinj; ic Educators did not pay CHrtigfa aMc iitlon To applications to rtd local, and world pmMfins. Ilnwivcr, rtrymaiif sociol and tli ETcrtn l t iiLtuj' tN due t » t Ecd ]it!Lxuliui ] dunuiEiJ 111 it * (JolTtnttjf







Tile purpose iir llils study Is lu examine the pros and cons of traditional education II ] and the advantage of the new approach fts. Tlu' traditional VI tiy r«) Ulr*in rdjlin ty sfujrE ticitv to transfer A large amrmnl nf knowledge, but it lacks exercises to 1 LLH. II MudcEits to iltt the kurus Judge l » nulvt real - life peubklni Wilh Mi is knowledge based method* it is difUmli For students to Find OUl » hut Ls ruLilly ncui' ^sury for their fulLPre. TILU iiil LINSILEJ* university entrance exam system enhances this problem .




I he emerging approaches presented below indudk dlHgtslotU on current atvinoiunental problems, ethical questions, aid practices LIILEI projects lo bn prove sludcnl nipOiUt, 1 Communication skills : Written and Spoken, 2 . English ns a foreign lirnguauL: for engineers, -T Ollier foreign languages , 4 - Understanding different values 1


W i t h these , students tire more an a re of real problems :md i imipelenl in practical skills. Also, they arc lliorfl aware of utiiLT call LI res and able to work wilh people w i t h diverse backgrounds. Diversity is one or the most important Ureas thoi need to he addressed . ABOfhcr area lo lie discussed is bow lu VMiile assess the apjirnach to learning p resented here assessment is an area unto ibid I , WE w i l l discuss il as it relates In hpeonu




tills subject* Though Japanese sliidnils have many Inherent historical , social, and cull Liral problems to overcome, they have LLL' EJ LL i rrd mrltiodologies to do tliLs to some extent . In addition, they can continue leaching themselves lo he more eltieienL and valuable members oF society since they know how to get tliclr Jobs done *

Miy worit

t onrpelencw '

—En^iAttriae Foreign Ijingnnger

. huhmm.^du

jrr\c '

II .



many Japanese schools;

grade schools to universities , classrooms are often ammgett as one largo table in front for a teacher and in ary smalt Lta h les and chairs lined up squarely for students . En there . Lhe teacher talks and studenls listen and taku notes . There are few interact tons such as questions and answers , comments , exchange of opinions among students, or between a teacher and students . While students may he active in grade school * a & they proceed to higher education , they will become much more quiet and receptive . The pro of ihis system is chat it can enable large mounts of knowledge to be from teachers to smdems in a shori lime , Teachers have an easier lime explaining one subject and can go on to the next without spending time on responding to question ^ . JapaEiese college entrance examination inquire students to memorize many facts and methods 10 solve questions so lhai it encourages their receptive attitude . Moreover, the examination needs to have correct answers* thus enhances students to seek one , and only one answer to a question . This deprives students of 1 hi liking , questioning . and treating , When they come lo universities, lhey believe in almost everything in textbooks , reports , and things ort the interne ) . Report ( term paper } wrilartg would he a compilation of fragments of fuels from other reports , and them are very little analysis on lhe writer* own Pelow is the summary of the pros and cutis . TEicy are like two sides of a mirror . Table I is the summary ,




TTahle I


Pros Lind emu of



Lee lure style

t uiot. easier management


K) &

Japanese educational system Cons


kiinwlcLlgir transfer

fiudwfl ,

Co riintU uieaadtt liiturciiftiintl Vndamtti tiding .

in short time

Receptive T.


Fixed contents, predictable

Jio educational system m Japan has beefi ;i eentei of debate for decades. There are urgent needs for change as our college :


seem to 111 in tiie global labor and business markets lhe criticism includes lack < jsf communication skills flexibility* leadership creativity , and so on However, when one looks at the education graduates have received it might be difficult lo blame them.

graduates do


Lack of interaction = lack of communication skills Lack of own thinking, quest killing analyzing ,

Lack of initialing

Monotonous, losing sQnJenfs interests 1


[ .ess







Entrance exams

Answering many questions in short

Tendency to seek only answers


Report writing

I i me

Leek of creativity

Compiling facts

Lack Of questioning jnd analyzing


Short presentation

presentation , realizing what is needed


various situations

Skills: WritteiHyttig Spoken There is a well ’known proverb silence is gold that indicates that eloquence is not admirable. In classes in Japan , emphasis or written language over spoken is common . Students are trained to improve writing [ or rather answering questions in writing ), hat significantly less lime is spent for speaking. Moreover, English classrooms in Japan have had a tendency to have students leurn English " which menus le ami tig the grammatical rules, vocabulary, pltoncfics, col location, and so on hul not how to use it to communicate . By the end of their compulsory English classes, students know a lot about the language but arc tumble Lo express themselves and their ideas The Test of English for International in English . Comm uniealion ( TOEICl score for Japanese speakers is one of the lowest among Asian counties in 1937 -08 and the situation has not changed verv much. |2 l The phenomenon 1ms come to the point that Rolf Heeb, president of A [ MS International a headhunting company in Germany - , commented thai Japanese workers would not be able to compete wilh Indian or Chinese workers simply because Japanese caitnoi handle English well . J 3J Hoping lo improve such situation, the authors have implemented courses that have siudems give presentations on their interests in English . Through this activity, the students are required to lliink logically , introduce the topic clearly with reasonably comprehensible English , both lit writing and speaking. Each presenter will receive peer evaluation and suggcstioTis on their clarity and performance after the presentation. By requiring careful Leaching plans before asking students to prepare their presentations , the course has been receiving very positive evaluations by the students. They are more con fide m in dealing with English communication after the course. Table 2 shows the flow of I tie course from week I to week I 5 . A.

Reviewing knowledge Of the language , practicing using it in

Grammar, vocabulary, tit , net ivi tic s. quiz




Cif / nmifitiiniion








Written exam , presentation script u riling I : structure

Checking grammar , vocabulary etc .. Leafnmg the truuture






of presents inn



Script writing 2

lIsing knowledge to communicate in writing und speLiking


Script writing 3, rehearsal

Practicing oral and visual com mti nicy lion and body language


Presentation, feedback

Learning to comiuunica

' e through

presentation 14

ditto (different students)



ditto l different students h,

ditto reflecting what was well -done and WIILLL car be improved



Week [ to week 9 mainly focuses on reviewing what the sludcWs know about English grammar, vocabulary , col locations etc. iMost of the students in Japan tire required io finish (i years of English education before coming to universuics ) Week 2 and 3 arc devoted to ihc Sound of the language, in particular . AL week 10. the students can review their knowledge of the language through a written exam . With this checking process, they can proceed to write scripts for lheir presentations in English fairly well. Week 12 hits lime to rehearse the presentations, but many students have to be pushed lo do so for they think knowing is doing , and to finish writing scripts is the goal . Teachers have in convince ihcm that pruclicing oral presentation and body language arc of utmost importance, and they arc evaluated based on these skills . This is the first experience for almost all students to present something entirely io English. Thus, it poses an extremely difficult oil allonge but is also a remind Students cval oat ions include : I enjoyed using Ebtgluih lor die first time. I didn t ibink I could give a presentation in English but I did. and I hope to continue studying English ,



Tabic 2 . Course contents, timeline , and aims. ( ’omen is Aims


( 'curse


English phonetic*


Introducing the course Pronunciation practice for communication






E ltd i v i dual pro nunciiLt i u it chock

Rinding problematic pronunciation correct if

Grammar , voeabu I ary , etc. activities, quiz

of the language


Reviewing know ledge ,

practicing using ii in various silULLtions









EtigUsh t /\ ii Foreign [ jtwgtiffge j'o> Btigineerx .Students who have chosen to leant engineering often express that they hate liberal arts subjects including English . (Juite unfortunately . English is always thu most hated subject tor many engineering students in Japan . One of Hie reasons is that

!i .



Bahan dengan bak cipta

A Remote Access Laboratory for Fluids Education in Mechanical Engineering Gwen Ellis 1 . Robert Richards ' , and Cill Richards*

' Washington State University . Pullman , WA USA - ri. •

*f nrrv-ipfHirftifg. anthnr;


, Tlie purpose of thi* research tg develop i spccilif ; ill > for disJaoca cdLiutiun thul Would

k'LiL Iiiii” inodu 11: '

jtmiglheti student imck' i- stjinclHig. of Ituu through :i venturi. An experiment with web hancd conErol nT amt duta AcqdqlUni Irani A model Ttnluri nozzle Was rivx duped And Implemented into t hr intended use v an lor JLI nini level engineering distance education Ei> both Instructors mid * tudetils al satellite Qltlplun. lurtnitfptt of lecture eoursEH ear U$e the experiment ndloiu of real devices and active learning to bring dm Assignments into L'IUSH rooms rein ale frail] lAhurnturs I jL'iJith- s , The method employed in Llie research depended on (.lie mrcpridtiins of the remote veniori nuzzle experiment im « twn closes nad asicistreet of Eeamin uuteniues via Pre and Posl Testing Olid xtndenl survey. The weh- based venturi nozzle experiment Was ilnpi emeu led first in a junior level fluid mechanic course, ys an active [ earning. exercise concerning BeriiouEli's i'C|Uiiliuh . In tliLv LIHJK the instruetor ran the w ?bhased experiment, V pre assessment qiLit was given in students After a lecture mi JteinnMill’ s e[|uLilian hnl hellin' rulining the mill nr experiment - A pus l assessment ijulz. followed the uitHe k-.oi i in if session with ohr remote kill , llie experiment WAS then ttsed In a junior level laboratory course, in which a small group nf students ran the web - bused experiment IlieEiiseives. A survey was used to assess the outcome of llie experiment by lhe pilot ” PULP . Two major eLuielusirms CAII be drawn Irons llie implementation nf Hit web-based lab„ First, the Eire and post rest indicated that students showed s jgn itleanI imp r o v e me ill in conceptual understanding Lifter exposure in Hie acb- hmteti tub in Seoimd . the stndenl snivel' I he juriior fluid mechanic cnurse, Indicated that only minor L »pe ratio mil change were needed lor students to successfully operate I he web- based lab. '






Keyword* — Rvrnuie IttbOntUiry , Venturi , Fluid Mcihtxnics:



The Mechanical Engineering prog mm at Washington State University (WSU) has grow- n substantially in the last five years. C ’lass st / e has increased markedly at the home campus in Pullman, mid in addition, iwu new satellite camp uses al Bremerton and Everett are the home to placeboand studenls who receive instruction from onsite instructors and from Pullman faculty 1I1rough distance education. One of tile major difficulties for !he satellite campuses is providing appropriate laboratory experiences for students. There are several lab classes in the junior Lind senior years which requite specialized esiuipnieni . The initial focus of delivering lab education [LI satellite camp Lises is the junior thermal fluids lab on measurement techniques .




are throe styles of laboratory experiments throughout engineering education : hands-on. simulation, and remote for virtual) Erths [ 1 6] Hunds-un experiment allow studcnl to physically manipulate components and gather data. Simulation!! use computer software to emulate the results gathered in a real laboratory setting . Simula!inns Can he successfully iisetl to explain and reinforce physical concepts, bat limit the eapahiliiy for true experimentation. Remote labs the positives t eajttires of both hands-on and simulation type lab environments. Simulation based labs cannot provide a “feel" fur real things. Students need to use real devices and execute commands on real tools to gain recessary practical stilts , Remote labs are similar to simulation techniques in the >ense ( lull they requite minimal Space unJ users can rapidly configure them over the internet. Unlike simulations remote labs provide real data in which ihc user can adjust ihe input

- .



parameters Although currently all of the experiments in ihe junior thermal fluids lab are of the hands on type, the rentete Jab approach wax judged to be the best solution for delivery of distance fsih eduction to satellite carhpasts



This paper describes ihc development imptenienflcatton, and testiitg of a remote laboratory for a thermal fluids lab on flow through a venturi and flow measurement. There arc two imended users of the Laboratory: students ai satellite campuses will operate the lab remotely as part of their laboratory course and instructors will operate the lab from their classrooms to bring demonstrations and active learning components to lecture

courses. il.


The development of the Lah involved putting together hardware for the actual flow circuit, adding automated controls for valves, unsmiling a weh based data aec|u i sit ion system and integrating a web camera with controls. ,

A. Haniwure and Plumbing

schematic of Hie lab is shown in Figure I . The nn/nl f valve permits uir Jo flow through the system. The flow srcritrul valve regulates this air flow . The air follows the piping through the filter, pressure regulator, and flow control valve ( when open ] and iitio the venturi to the orifice plate and nut ni the muffler. There are nine pressure taps along the venturi and one at the orifice plate as well as a thermocouple attached to the end of Hie muffler. All o ( These component are wired to an * Agilent 14072 A digital multi meter and power supply, The A




Tap i < Jp-Lsn to




( Pnmumaiic Valve )

I - ISJW Control { Limiting)



__ —







f ) - Re mole opera Lion

H + Thermoeuupte



I j^gend J u ! - L t'Mi tti rl’ru i tadUctf r ’ Wired l «





TresMire 'laps




Pilfer Power Supply



Pressure Regulator/ Bourdon

U-tube Manometer

Agilent Multimeter


Figure f ; V f j t i t t / i FI ' J I T


computer reedves d;ua from die multi meter in the form of voltage readings from each transducer . The orifice pi me, used to determine the volumetric flowrate of tiir through the system, has a u tube manometer attached to it. The u tubc manometer visually displays the pressure drop across the orifice , The muffler at ihe end of the flow circuit stifles the sound of compressed air through the system to a low hum while the A weh thermoeoupie records the temperature of the air. . i eruibled surveillance camera tnoi shown hi the figure was also installed to allow users to view the experiment over the internet .



fl. Web Components An Agilent ^ 4C.J 72 A data logger was used for data acquisition and control . This data Jogger can he controlled by LI web based graphical user interface. This allows students to use their personal computers to control the experiment and log The pressure transducers,, thermocouple, and power data. supplies for the venturi experiment were wired to a 20 channel multiplexer module. The solenoid valve was wined to the mu Iti function module of fee Agilent multimeter which allowed for remote control of the valve thruLcgh the web interface. The solenoid valve, tin Enfield Technologies M 2D Pncumtitic valve, was selected for its high speed switching capacity and flowrate range. It JS installed in a basic open - looped proportional concept cocftguration , A TRFNDnet Witless PTZ Network f ’ameru ( TV - IP612WN ) was installed to provide visual access to lhe experiment. This camera has I Ox optical / on in and 16 * Lligiial zoom w- iili auto focus technology. The camera pans 330 degrees left to right and 115 degrees up and do will Users control the Tan -Tilt Zoom functions remotely via a web interface. ,


C Running the Experiment Users may view the experimental set up hy accessing the camera via a provided link . From the borne screen for the camera students may zoom , pem , or lilt the camera to adjust their view . The display always has the date, time rind camera name stamped on it. After becoming familiar with the flow

circuit students may begin experimentation. Users access ihe multimeter through a website with a link provided in the lab write lip . From the home page they start hy applying a voltage to the solenoid valve which opens the valve and permits tlow through the system . Colored water rises in the marmmeiers connected lo the pressure laps Liloug the ventuft and provides a visual . The multimeter is then configured to collect the voltage reading coResponding to the pressure transducers along the venturi and across ihe orifice plate . Tile user may ilien vary the voltage to the nolefloid valve 10 change the flowrate und collect the corresponding dLita. The collected data may then he exported to an excel spreadsheet lor fan her manipulation .

ill .

RESULTS The automated experiment was timplemented in two sellings. In the first setting an instructor used the remote lab in a let lure class on Fluid Mechanics to enhance student learning of concepts associated with flow through a venturi, Bernoulli ' s equation and the energy equation In the second setting a pilot group of students enrolled in the junior lab iit Pullman were asked to ran the lab remotely and provide feedback and assessment of th* experiment .


A . Integration into a

lecture t inssroom

The remote lab was used in an active learning segment in the junior introductory fluid mechanics course , In thin activity students collaborated on a worksheet designed specifically for the experiment . Student -, took a pre and post assessment quiz used io evaluate understanding of flow through a venturi be Fore and after the exercise . The goal was to strengthen both procedural .skills and conceptual understanding . The lecture on venturi flow in the context of LSernoulli s equation was given the day before the exercise look place. Students completed an online quiz following die lecture which tested their understanding of the relationship between velocity and pressure in a venturi . '





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& Seleci 1 W T

f 'Vjj'Mft T Hotin


Safety ^ IH*



0 9) 0 1

Si fwjj VJJJJV-'.NJ I- ' re'll 1

Ln the Tot lowing class students were given the link so that they could view the experiment Jive on their laptops . The instructor controlled the experiment and projected the linage . Students could observe the chknge in pressure along the venttjtfi from the height of the colored find in the manometer tubes . They were then asked to perforin calculations based on the experiment . The work die el included ; i diagram of LEle venturi u^-d 111 the remote lab. calculation luc tiu- Eis . and conceptual questions . ^ ^ Students were given Lhe flowrate and dimensions id the venturi section at the location of each pressure tap from which they calculated the corresponding velocity . They then completed a table using the experimental pressnrc data and the calculated velocites which provided LL clear illustration: of the Tolution between cross-sectional urea , pressure and velocity of flow through a venturi . They also calculated ihe expected ptessure along the venturi based on Bernoulli ’ s Aquation and compared these pressures to the experi uenlal pressures. '

The assessment quizzes each had conceptual question* on 11 ow through a venturi and Bernoulli's Equation . Although the questions on the two tests were similar, they were not identical nor were they ordered in the same way . Ihe question* addressed the relationship between velocity and pressure . Hie points of lowest LIAD highest pressure in a venturi , the points of lowest and highest velocity in a venturi , and when the jppl icaLion of Bernoulli \ equation is valid.

Students hud fifteen minutes IO complete the pre -assessment quiz. at the beginning of I he class , After completing the

worksheet and demons! rati tut. students com pie Led ihe post assessnneat quiz. On the questions addressing characteristics of velocity with location 79$ answered correctly on the pre quiz and on the po*i quiz . On questions addressing the characteristics of pressure with local ion YI % answered correctly on the pro quiz and Hr# on the [ lost quiz . Sixty nine student .-, UKA the pre qui ,'. Lind 63 look (hit post quiz .

integration into a virtual laboratory The venturi experiment was run in die Pull man junior lab in the Spring of 2014 . The majority of campus students performed the Lab as a hands - on I ah . A small group of fi .

eighi student* were selected to Operate the lab remotely in a pilot study , Students performed ihe lab from somewhere else on campus or from home .

Stud e ills were given a task list specific to the remote I ah thut first guided them into ihe web camera user interface, and



with the pan- tilt - zoom functions of the

camera . Students then use ( he camera to explore the differenl components of the experiment. A sample of the camera screen is show n in Fig . 2 ,

Nest students accessed the Agilent multi meter through its wub interface where they were guided through gathering data beginning with how to send a voltage to the solenoid valve to adjust the air flowraLu . A window pops up where the u^r inputs a voltage belweed zero and ten votls depending on the desired valve opening .

A Discussion On Some Simple But Effective Methods On Keeping A Large Group of Students Motivated To Learn Any Engineering Subject Quazi M Rahman * University of Western Ontario. London, Canada SPTFFTDFJJSJ; liurfutr .' urghf /iiLW in


Alniftirt — llils piiper